Re: Axis2/C 1.2 breaks my webservice

2008-02-28 Thread Subra A Narayanan

 You mean 1.1?
 Sorry for the confusion. Yes I meant Axis2 1.1

 This is a thread issues as per your description. Hence I wonder if gdb
 trace would lead to the exact problem, but it will lead to some clues as
 to where it is hanging etc.

 The following information would help:
1. What are the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS you used when compiling the
 service? In other words what are the compiler options and -l (linker)
 options? Have you linked your external library to the service so in
 compiling? Is the external library on LD_LIBRARY_PATH or in a locatable

Here are my CFLAGS and LD_FLAGS value. Here 'myclient' is the external
library I have been telling you about.
CFLAGS = -fPIC -static-libgcc -shared -z initfirst
LD_FLAGS = -L /deps/axis2c/lib -L /mylib/ -l axutil -l axis2_engine -l dl -l
pthread -l myclient

Yes the library is in a locatable path. It works just fine with Axis2 1.1.
It gives me problem only with Axis2 1.2

Also I make couple of different calls to myclient library. Looks like only
when I call a function that uses multiple threads does my code hand.

2. What CFLAGS and LDFLAGS you used when compiling 1.1 and 1.2
 source trees

I used the file that came with the distribution for compiling axis.
Since there was no file in the axis1.2 source tar, I copied the one
from axis1.1

3. Are you trying to run 1.1 and 1.2 with same httpd versions or
 different httpd versions? If different, have those httpd instances been
 compiled using different configure options?

I am running both axis1.1 and 1.2 on the same version of httpd. i have a
vmware image that i use for my testing. so the run env is exactly the same.



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Re: newbie confusion

2008-02-28 Thread Amila Suriarachchi
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:19 AM, Inman, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm new to AXIS2, and I have to develop a web service which someone else
 has supplied the WSDL, We also have to host a couple of operations as well
 as make calls to them.

 I have used WSDL2Java to generate the client code and service skeleton and
 I have also deployed a service and put some debugging code in the skeleton
 to verify that the methods can be called. SO far, all seems to work ok.

 With one particular operation, I have to validate the incoming SOAP
 message against the schema using XMLBeand and either return a
 CERSErrorDocument or a SOAPFaultException with details of the exception in
 it. This is where my confusion starts.

 I thought I would build a module (handler) and validate the SOAP message
 here. This works fine and seems quite a tidy way of doing things.

 The problem I'm having is – how do exceptions get out of the handler and
 back to the client? Do I just throw them out of the handler?

you can throw AxisFaults from handlers. set the AxisFault details element
correctly. this will added to the soap fault details element.

 Also – if the SOAP message is valid, I return an acknowledge document, if
 it's invalid I return a SOAPFaultException – do I return those out of the
 handler too?

No you can do this at the Skelton and send the throw an Exception. Here set
the exception message element correctly.

 Where is the best place to handle this kind of thing? The module(handler)
 seems quite tidy, but I'm obviously missing the bit of information which
 tells me how exceptions are handled from modules.

 Or – should I modify the class and put the
 validation and logic in that.

 Any advice would be appreciated.



Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

Re: Reformatting code too invasive in wsdl2java

2008-02-28 Thread Amila Suriarachchi
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Ognjen Blagojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all,

 It seems to me that axis2's 1.3 tool wsdl2java is reformating all the
 code in the src/ folder, not only the files that it generated.

 Command line I use is:

 %AXIS2_HOME%\bin\wsdl2java -uri wsdl-copy/service.wsdl -p
 my.package.generated -d adb -s -u

 And classes that existed before generation, e.g. my.package.MyClass will
 be reformatted. And that is, I think, wrong.

Please have a look at with a SNAPSHOT. I fixed this issue.


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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

Re: [Axis2] JAXB integration status

2008-02-28 Thread Amila Suriarachchi
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 5:45 PM, andreas netter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 is the JAXB-RI data binding support in the next Axis2 Version(s) intended
 to use in production environments?

 Starting with Axis 1.1.1 early 2007, we evaluated for a project all data
 binding frameworks, that were supported by Axis2. We decided to use JAXB,
 although it had an experimental status for 1.1.1, because it is most
 suitable for our demands.

 Currently we use JAXB-RI with Axis2 1.3 in our test environment, but we
 plan to go live in june 2008.

 So, if JAXB-RI support still remains experimental for the next Axis2
 version(s) we have to change the data binding framework.

Please have a look at with the a nightly build. Now it is in a production


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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

Re: wsdl2code problem

2008-02-28 Thread Amila Suriarachchi
On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Begun, Yana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

 In my wsdl I use genericResponse complex type as a base type to all
 responses. Everything is fine, but response I receive from the SOAP server
 is not valid. Type attribute is added to the response.

 What's wrong and how to change?



 xs:element name=addResponse



 xs:extension base=genericResponseType/




 xs:complexType name=genericResponseType


 xs:element name=error type=ErrorMessageType minOccurs=0/




 soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=


 ns1:addResponse xmlns:ns1=; xmlns:xsi=; xsi:type=ns1:addResponse

is this the problem you are talking about? This is correct.  in xml it is
possible to indicate the correct type with a xsi:type attribute.


 RequestId=2 RequestTimeStamp=2001-12-17T09:30:47.000Z



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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

Re: Quick start problem generate wsdl

2008-02-28 Thread Charitha Kankanamge

Hi Salam,
It should be 'Generated'. What I meant to was the class file which 
generated after running ant build.
Please copy 'samples' directory (NOT pojo directory) to Axis2_home/bin 
and try again.

root wrote:

Thanks charitha.first question, can you please explain what do you mean
by generaed StockquoteService directory. I don't have such a
I have somehting like this(directory hierarchy)
then in pojo directory I have StockQuoteService.class.

For the moment, I copied pojo directory to the Axis2_home/bin directory,
executed the command you recommended, I got the same error


On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 07:10 +0600, Charitha Kankanamge wrote:

Hi Salam,
Can you please copy StockQuoteService class directory to Axis2_home/bin 
and try the following steps.

- Copy the generaed StockquoteService directory to AXIS2_HOME/bin 

- Issue java2wsdl from AXIS2_HOME/bin as follows
java2wsdl -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService -cp . 
-of StockQuoteService.wsdl


root wrote:


I am new to Axis2 and trying to follow the quick start (POJO) tutorial.
I have setup everything correctly as I can browse
http://mymachine:8080/axis2/services and validate.

When I try to generate the wsdl using the following command

ant generate.wsdl, I get the following error :


I have the following parameters in my env 


I decided to build and compile the java class StockQuoteService, when I
javac, I get a warning telling me to run javac

with  -Xlint:unchecked option. When I d so, I get the following
warning : warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to
put(K,V) as a member of the raw type java.util.HashMap
  map.put(symbol, new Double(price));
1 warning

But I find StockQuoteService.class in my directory. Following the
istructions in the quick start to generate manually the wsdl, I run -cp . -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService
-of StockQuoteService.wsdl

I get a differnet error as follows

An error occured while generating codejava.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Thanks for your help

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when WSDL is not static ..

2008-02-28 Thread Kanchana Welagedara
Hi All

I got use case where i don\t have a static wsdl but want a DII client
invocation.I\m planing to use Axis2 .Earlier i used for static wsdl using
proxy generators .But this time I can\t use proxies.In further I get a WSDL
file that defines message based SOAP calls. The payload message is defined
in XML Schema. It can contain any number of complex types.The Schema should
be  displayed in the Creater(Creater where we make the xml definition for
particular web flow ) and the user should be able to link variables/items in
Spikeflow( to elements/attributes in the schema. Then in
running our runtime should be able to create correct SOAP requests to send
and be able to parse SOAP responses.

Normally we would do this by generating java objects with JAXB that

maps to the Schema. But we can't do the JAXB and compilation step,

since the WSDL and Schema changes.

Really appreciate if any one can shoot any ideas on this

Thanks a lot

SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.

2008-02-28 Thread sh_santosh


I have created a web-service using axis 1.2 and deployed it on a server.
When I make test calls to this web-service using java code, I get proper

Following is the java code that I use to call the web-service:

   String endpoint =;; 
   Service  service = new Service();
   Call call = (Call)service.createCall();

   call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new );
   call.setOperationName(new QName(urn:TestUrn ,
TestSearchMethod ));
   String sResultantXML = (String)call.invoke( new Object[] {
sRequestXML } ); 

But, when the same web-service is being called using wfetch it returns the
following error message

soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=;
SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in
something it was trying to deserialize./faultstringdetailns1:hostname

The soap request used in wfetch is as follows:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?\r\n
soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=;

I think that the problem is because of the \r\n occurances in the Soap
Request xml.

I have searched on the net regarding this issue but have not come across a
valid solution for this.

I will be thankful if anyone can help.


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Re: when WSDL is not static ..

2008-02-28 Thread Afkham Azeez
A WSDL is a contract, and changing this often is not the correct thing to
do. Changing the service contract often goes against the fundamentals of the
SOA paradigm.

Someone may be able to suggest a better solution if you could explain the
problem you are trying to solve (not the way you intend to solve it)


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Kanchana Welagedara [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi All

 I got use case where i don\t have a static wsdl but want a DII client
 invocation.I\m planing to use Axis2 .Earlier i used for static wsdl using
 proxy generators .But this time I can\t use proxies.In further I get a
 WSDL file that defines message based SOAP calls. The payload message is
 defined in XML Schema. It can contain any number of complex types.TheSchema 
 should be  displayed in the Creater(Creater where we make the xml
 definition for particular web flow ) and the user should be able to link
 variables/items in Spikeflow( to elements/attributes in
 the schema. Then in running our runtime should be able to create correct
 SOAP requests to send and be able to parse SOAP responses.

 Normally we would do this by generating java objects with JAXB that

 maps to the Schema. But we can't do the JAXB and compilation step,

 since the WSDL and Schema changes.

 Really appreciate if any one can shoot any ideas on this

 Thanks a lot

Afkham Azeez
GPG Fingerprint: 643F C2AF EB78 F886 40C9  B2A2 4AE2 C887 665E 0760

Re: when WSDL is not static ..

2008-02-28 Thread Paul Fremantle

I think what is trying to be acheived here is what we do in WSAS with
our dynamically generated Javascript test clients.

Obviously its possible to do this - you need code that navigates the
schema and helps you create XML from that. There is code like this in
Eclipse and SOAPUI. The real problem Kanchana is going to have is how
to set the parameters into this code. In WSAS we do this with a human
:) In other words we dynamically generate a web page, and its up to
the human to look at the web page and decide what data goes in which


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Afkham Azeez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A WSDL is a contract, and changing this often is not the correct thing to
 do. Changing the service contract often goes against the fundamentals of the
 SOA paradigm.

 Someone may be able to suggest a better solution if you could explain the
 problem you are trying to solve (not the way you intend to solve it)


 On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Kanchana Welagedara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi All
  I got use case where i don\t have a static wsdl but want a DII client
 invocation.I\m planing to use Axis2 .Earlier i used for static wsdl using
 proxy generators .But this time I can\t use proxies.In further I get a WSDL
 file that defines message based SOAP calls. The payload message is defined
 in XML Schema. It can contain any number of complex types.The Schema should
 be  displayed in the Creater(Creater where we make the xml definition for
 particular web flow ) and the user should be able to link variables/items in
 Spikeflow( to elements/attributes in the schema. Then in
 running our runtime should be able to create correct SOAP requests to send
 and be able to parse SOAP responses.
  Normally we would do this by generating java objects with JAXB that
  maps to the Schema. But we can't do the JAXB and compilation step,
  since the WSDL and Schema changes.
  Really appreciate if any one can shoot any ideas on this
  Thanks a lot

 Afkham Azeez
 GPG Fingerprint: 643F C2AF EB78 F886 40C9  B2A2 4AE2 C887 665E 0760

Paul Fremantle
Co-Founder and VP of Technical Sales, WSO2


Oxygenating the Web Service Platform,

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Re: when WSDL is not static ..

2008-02-28 Thread Afkham Azeez
I thought Kanchana was talking about a WSDL/Schema, which keeps on changing.
So in fact, Kanchana is talking about generating clients for different WSDLs
(not a changing WSDL)?


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Paul Fremantle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I think what is trying to be acheived here is what we do in WSAS with
 our dynamically generated Javascript test clients.

 Obviously its possible to do this - you need code that navigates the
 schema and helps you create XML from that. There is code like this in
 Eclipse and SOAPUI. The real problem Kanchana is going to have is how
 to set the parameters into this code. In WSAS we do this with a human
 :) In other words we dynamically generate a web page, and its up to
 the human to look at the web page and decide what data goes in which


 On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Afkham Azeez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A WSDL is a contract, and changing this often is not the correct thing
  do. Changing the service contract often goes against the fundamentals of
  SOA paradigm.
  Someone may be able to suggest a better solution if you could explain
  problem you are trying to solve (not the way you intend to solve it)
  On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Kanchana Welagedara 
   Hi All
   I got use case where i don\t have a static wsdl but want a DII client
  invocation.I\m planing to use Axis2 .Earlier i used for static wsdl
  proxy generators .But this time I can\t use proxies.In further I get a
  file that defines message based SOAP calls. The payload message is
  in XML Schema. It can contain any number of complex types.The Schema
  be  displayed in the Creater(Creater where we make the xml definition
  particular web flow ) and the user should be able to link
 variables/items in
  Spikeflow( to elements/attributes in the schema. Then in
  running our runtime should be able to create correct SOAP requests to
  and be able to parse SOAP responses.
   Normally we would do this by generating java objects with JAXB that
   maps to the Schema. But we can't do the JAXB and compilation step,
   since the WSDL and Schema changes.
   Really appreciate if any one can shoot any ideas on this
   Thanks a lot
  Afkham Azeez
  GPG Fingerprint: 643F C2AF EB78 F886 40C9  B2A2 4AE2 C887 665E 0760

 Paul Fremantle
 Co-Founder and VP of Technical Sales, WSO2
 OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair


 Oxygenating the Web Service Platform,

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Afkham Azeez
GPG Fingerprint: 643F C2AF EB78 F886 40C9  B2A2 4AE2 C887 665E 0760

Problem with webservice response in Axis2 v 1.3

2008-02-28 Thread Simon Nunn

 I am making a request to a webservice, and the response seems to be missing
some soap pieces.  In the past(axis2 v 1.1), when I made a request to my
webservice, it responded with the envelope/header/body.  With Axis2 v 1.3 it
seems to no longer wrap the response..all I get back is my response object.
Is there a way to force axis to write out the soapenv, header, body?



Axis2 v 1.1 what was returned:

soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=;

 soapenv:Header / 





Axis2 v 1.3 what is now returned..








Re: WSDL element restrictions

2008-02-28 Thread Amila Suriarachchi
if you generated classes with ADB these restrictions are forced within the
you can see these codes from the generated classes.


On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 11:21 AM, David Bunzli 


 Where does Axis2 enforce WSDL element restrictions? For example, if you
 wish a string element to have a minLength of 1 and maxLength of 3, are
 requests rejected by Schema validation if they don't conform? Or are these
 restrictions in the generated classes from Wsdl2Java?



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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

Re: MTOM defintition in wsdl

2008-02-28 Thread Thilina Gunarathne
Hi Cathal,
I'm not sure whether jaxbri data binding supports MTOM.. Is the JMS
use case you are talking about is a different one.. For a fact I know
that there are systems like Apache Synapse which uses JMS with MTOM.
But again I don't know how whether it'll couple with DataBinding..

Sorry for not being able to provide any useful feedback.. I think its
better to send two mails with different subjects like MTOM with
JaxBRI?? and MTOM with JMS. I'm sure people with experience in
those areas will step in to give you some help..


On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 2:30 AM, callagc4 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Thilina,

  Thanks for your reply. Just to give you some more details on what binding i
  am using etc. I am using jaxbri data-binding. Testing has shown that when
  sending a message with binary information (denoted in my wsdl as
  xsd:base64Binary) via the http protocol, the message contains the correct
  xop headers but the binary data is stored by value inside the soap envolope.

  Also when sending a message via the jms protocol, which is our primary
  interest, i found that after i had explicitly set the following on the
  msgContext before the JMSSender creates the JMSMessage that the message is
  send with the corrrect Mime boundary but the soap message again contains the
  binary information by value inside the envolope.


  Can you advise on what may be the cause of this issue, and what potential
  workaround could be tried. Have the data binding guys come up with any
  possible causes for this given the wsdl and xsd i posted prievously?

  Thanks for your help,

  Thilina Gunarathne wrote:
Is this an issue with the generator? Why does it not add the qname of my
binary element to the opNameArray?
   Sounds like it should work.. I'll let our data binding guys to give
   the an answer... If nothing works out, report a JIRA with your WSDL
   and if possible with a test case..
2) the second approach outlined in the documentation states:
Going a little further, you can use the xmime schema
( to describe the binary content more
   Save the xmlmime.xsd file locally in your system and add the
   following to your XSD..
   xsd:import namespace=;
 schemaLocation=xmlmime.xsd /
However this requires import the
which fails inside our firewall with the following exception:
Retrieving schema at '', relative to
Exception in thread main
org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException: Error parsing
   at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Code.main(
   at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java.main(
Caused by: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException (at
An error occurred trying to resolve schema referenced at
'', relative to
 'file:/E:/Sandboxes/ProductServices-220208/src/com/fineos/frontoffice/documentproduction/DocumentProductionOperationsXSD/DocumentProductionOperations.xsd'.: No route to host: connect
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   ... 2 more
Caused by: No route to host: connect
   at Method)

Dynamic update of policy

2008-02-28 Thread Stefan Vladov
Hi guys,

I am trying to figure out, is it possible to dynamically update policies
that are to be applied to a service, without having to redeploy the service?
I am not familiar with axis2 well enough (obviously) so I guess I could be
missing sth. I saw the PolicyInclude object that seems to hold all the
policies of let's say an AxisService, I guess it could be updated, but I
couldn't figure out how to ensure synchronization with already invoked
services. Since the policy element could be used anywhere in the axis2
execution chain (accessible through the message context) I have to make sure
the service, that is to be updated, is not used at the time of the policy
update (for example deactivate/block future service calls - wait for all
currently running invocations to terminate - update the service - activate
the service, however I also need not to loose any service invocation that
were requested during the time the service was inactive...). Is there a way
to check if/when is a web service invoked? I found some ContextListener but
it seems it only applies to the ConfigurationContext and not to the
MessageContext... Additionally if a service is requested in a transaction I
guess I should wait for the transaction to finish before updating the

Besides that I'm curious if the wsdl accessible through a ?wsdl get
request to the AxisServlet will have its policy definition updated
automatically, especially in the case of a user supplied wsdl.

Any ideas are welcome. I've been browsing the code base / mail archives for
hours now and I feel lost and desperate...

Best wishes!

Re: Problem with xs:base64Binary

2008-02-28 Thread Thilina Gunarathne
 2) The code examples that I found for DataHandler generally involve things
 like files, etc.
Yep... It can even be a byte[]..  base64Binary data type stands for
base64 encoded binary data.. Hence everything that involves
Datahandlers work in binary(byte) level..
 For example:
 (Note: It seems that the lines of code with OMText aren't complete).
ouch... Please use the newest version.. It seems to be complete..

 3) In my case, my data is much simpler.  For example, if I could populate
 the field with a string (e.g. 0 23 532 12), that would be sufficient.
What's your exact use case.. What are you trying to send in that
field.. Do you already have a base64 encoded string with you??

 My quick solution is to just change this field's type to xs:string.  The
 reason I'd like to keep it xs:base64binary is because it's someone else's
 schema, so I wanted to stay faithful to their data types.
Please find out what kind of data (semantics) is he expecting, whether
it's image or a signature etc... It's ok to change it to string.. But
you would need to make sure to set the content to a base64 encoded
string of the expected type..



 Matt Fadoul

 My3D, LLC

Thilina Gunarathne  -

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RFC in wiki entry

2008-02-28 Thread Rodrigo Ru’iz

Hi all,

I have recently added a new entry to the Axis Wiki:

I was asked to solve a problem with a thread not responding to a 
Thread.interrupt() call some time ago. To my surprise, I found out that 
it was the expected behaviour from the JVM, and that there was no 
obvious workaround for it.

Well, I managed to fix the problem, and decided to share my findings 
with everybody. The Wiki entry describes a strategy for interrupting a 
thread blocked in an Axis 1.4 remote call.

I would like to invite everybody to take a look at the article, and 
give me feedback. Any comments, suggestions, corrections or criticisms 
will be more than welcome.

Thanks in advance,

GRID SYSTEMS, S.A. Rodrigo Ruiz
Parc Bit - Edificio 17 Research Coordinator
07121 Palma de Mallorca
Baleares - Spain   Tel: +34 971 435 085 +34 971 435 082

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RE: newbie confusion

2008-02-28 Thread Inman, Peter
Thanks very much for your help, which makes perfect sense.


In the WSDL I'm working with, I have soap faults defined like


wsdl:fault name=CERSErrorErr

   soap:fault name=CERSErrorErr



When I create and return one of those objects, it gets turned into the
correct exception and works beautifully. I do that by a throw
CERSErrorErr statement in my skeleton code and I don't have to do
anything else apart from set the properties. The 


If I try and move the validation into the handler which is the best
place for it, I'm not able to do a throw CERSErrorErr as the handler
will only throw AxisFaults and the CERSErrorErr class extends


I realise I'm missing something pretty obvious - but can anyone suggest
what I need to do look at, to be able to throw my correct exceptions.









From: Amila Suriarachchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 February 2008 11:35
Subject: Re: newbie confusion



On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:19 AM, Inman, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm new to AXIS2, and I have to develop a web service which someone else
has supplied the WSDL, We also have to host a couple of operations as
well as make calls to them.


I have used WSDL2Java to generate the client code and service skeleton
and I have also deployed a service and put some debugging code in the
skeleton to verify that the methods can be called. SO far, all seems to
work ok.


With one particular operation, I have to validate the incoming SOAP
message against the schema using XMLBeand and either return a
CERSErrorDocument or a SOAPFaultException with details of the
exception in it. This is where my confusion starts.


I thought I would build a module (handler) and validate the SOAP message
here. This works fine and seems quite a tidy way of doing things.


The problem I'm having is - how do exceptions get out of the handler and
back to the client? Do I just throw them out of the handler?

you can throw AxisFaults from handlers. set the AxisFault details
element correctly. this will added to the soap fault details element. 


Also - if the SOAP message is valid, I return an acknowledge
document, if it's invalid I return a SOAPFaultException - do I return
those out of the handler too?

No you can do this at the Skelton and send the throw an Exception. Here
set the exception message element correctly.


Where is the best place to handle this kind of thing? The
module(handler) seems quite tidy, but I'm obviously missing the bit of
information which tells me how exceptions are handled from modules.


Or - should I modify the class and put
the validation and logic in that.


Any advice would be appreciated.






Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc. 

Re: loading resources from service archive?

2008-02-28 Thread SGruverman

Thanks for your suggestion - still not working for me.

Here's what I tried - perhaps you can spot something newbie I'm doing:

public class MyService implements MyServiceInterface{

  // Session startup handler.
  public void init( ServiceContext ctx ) {

ClassLoader cl = MyService.class.getClassLoader();
ClassLoader clp = MyService.class.getClassLoader().getParent();

InputStream input = cl.getResourceAsStream( log4j.xml);
InputStream input2 = cl.getResourceAsStream( log4j.xml);

JarFile jar;
ZipEntry ze;
try {
  jar = new JarFile(
  ze = jar.getEntry( log4j.xml);

} catch (IOException e) {

  // ... service operations implementations

   At the moment I'm doing this in Eclipse - that does tend to complicate
   MyServiceInterface is the renamed skeleton interface generate by
   Both class loaders return (different) non-null references.
   Both input streams return null.
   The aar file and the contained xml file that I'm trying to load as a
   resource are both found.

Any further suggestion are most appreciated!

- Steve

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Axis2: setting useragent attribute of http header

2008-02-28 Thread Simon Steinacker


Is it possible to set the user-agent http header attribute to something 
else than Axis2, when sending WebService calls?


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need some help, plz

2008-02-28 Thread Noé Amorim
Hello all.
I've trying to get the message content before the call is sent, like this:

ServicesBindingStub sservice = new ServicesBindingStub(new, new org.apache.axis.client.Service());


org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = sservice._createCall();
javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage _message = _call.getMessageContext().getMessage();


but i can't get nothing print, i can print the response BODY although.

Another thing, i'm trying read more about securing webservices, i
started by read this,
but it seems a bit outdated allready, any other articles i could watch
out ?


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Axis2 client and security help

2008-02-28 Thread john.ranaudo
I am trying to access a service with a security policy but cannot find
much documentation on

Configuring axis2 for security on the client side. I know about the
Rampart module but the documentation

Seems somewhat limited.


Can someone point me in the right direction?



John-Paul Ranaudo

Re: need some help, plz

2008-02-28 Thread Simon Steinacker

I would say you should use the Handler / Module construct of Axis / Axis2.


Noé Amorim wrote:

Hello all.
I've trying to get the message content before the call is sent, like this:

ServicesBindingStub sservice = new ServicesBindingStub(new, new org.apache.axis.client.Service());


org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = sservice._createCall();
javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage _message = _call.getMessageContext().getMessage();


but i can't get nothing print, i can print the response BODY although.

Another thing, i'm trying read more about securing webservices, i
started by read this,
but it seems a bit outdated allready, any other articles i could watch
out ?


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Re: need some help, plz

2008-02-28 Thread Noé Amorim
could you be more specific.
is this what you mean: javax.xml.rpc.handler ?


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Simon Steinacker
 I would say you should use the Handler / Module construct of Axis / Axis2.


  Noé Amorim wrote:
   Hello all.
   I've trying to get the message content before the call is sent, like this:
   ServicesBindingStub sservice = new ServicesBindingStub(new, new org.apache.axis.client.Service());
   org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = sservice._createCall();
   javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage _message = 
   but i can't get nothing print, i can print the response BODY although.
   Another thing, i'm trying read more about securing webservices, i
   started by read this,
   but it seems a bit outdated allready, any other articles i could watch
   out ?
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Re: Axis2 client and security help

2008-02-28 Thread Paul Fremantle
The best documentation on Rampart is the samples - especially the policy ones.


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:46 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to access a service with a security policy but cannot find much
 documentation on

 Configuring axis2 for security on the client side. I know about the Rampart
 module but the documentation

 Seems somewhat limited.

 Can someone point me in the right direction?


 John-Paul Ranaudo

Paul Fremantle
Co-Founder and VP of Technical Sales, WSO2


Oxygenating the Web Service Platform,

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RE: need some help, plz

2008-02-28 Thread Samy Mechiri
You may be interested in the soap monitor if you are wanting to see the 
messages being sent/received. 

-Original Message-
From: Noé Amorim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: jeudi 28 février 2008 16:59
Subject: Re: need some help, plz

could you be more specific.
is this what you mean: javax.xml.rpc.handler ?


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Simon Steinacker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would say you should use the Handler / Module construct of Axis / Axis2.


  Noé Amorim wrote:
   Hello all.
   I've trying to get the message content before the call is sent, like this:
   ServicesBindingStub sservice = new ServicesBindingStub(new, new org.apache.axis.client.Service());
   org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = sservice._createCall();   
 javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage _message = 
   but i can't get nothing print, i can print the response BODY although.
   Another thing, i'm trying read more about securing webservices, i  
  started by read this
 ,   but it seems a bit outdated allready, any other articles i could 
 watch   out ?
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Re: Axis2 client and security help

2008-02-28 Thread SGruverman

I am finding this to be helpful - with Axis2 in general and with using
Rampart for security:

If you're using Eclipse, it's even better.

Hope this helps,

Steven Gruverman
IntelliCare, Inc.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/28/2008 10:46:57 AM:

 I am trying to access a service with a security policy but cannot
 find much documentation on
 Configuring axis2 for security on the client side. I know about the
 Rampart module but the documentation
 Seems somewhat limited.

 Can someone point me in the right direction?

 John-Paul Ranaudo

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RE: need some help, plz

2008-02-28 Thread Samy Mechiri
As I understood it SOAPMonitor only is an interceptor.
I think you may use it even if you did not use Axis in your project (php client 
However I'm not sure I tested it.

-Original Message-
From: Noé Amorim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: jeudi 28 février 2008 17:36
Subject: Re: need some help, plz

The server is php, i only use Axis as client, i don't think the SOAPMonitor is 
helpfull here.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Simon Steinacker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I meant Axis Handler construct, enabling the developer to intercept 
 soap  messages before and after being received / sent by the axis engine.
  Through that construct you have access to the plain xml produced by 
 axis  and received by axis.
  For that see the web page, especially:

  If you are familiar with Servlets, this construct is comparable to Filters.

  I hope that helped,

  Noé Amorim wrote:
   could you be more specific.
   is this what you mean: javax.xml.rpc.handler ?
   On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Simon Steinacker   
   I would say you should use the Handler / Module construct of Axis / Axis2.
Noé Amorim wrote:
 Hello all.
 I've trying to get the message content before the call is sent, like 

 ServicesBindingStub sservice = new ServicesBindingStub(new, new org.apache.axis.client.Service());

 org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = sservice._createCall(); 
 javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage _message = 


 but i can't get nothing print, i can print the response BODY although.

 Another thing, i'm trying read more about securing webservices, 
 i started by read this
 , but it seems a bit outdated allready, any other articles i 
 could watch out ?


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[Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the stalled 1.4 Release

2008-02-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Hash: SHA1


I was looking at the JIRA a bit. There are 4 blockers as of right now.

Can folks please review JIRA issues and let everyone know if there are bugs 
that *have* to be fixed for getting 1.4 out
the door?

Are there other items on the table or features to implement before we can get 
1.4 out?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)


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Re: [Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the stalled 1.4 Release

2008-02-28 Thread Michele Mazzucco

On 28 Feb 2008, at 17:07, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

I was looking at the JIRA a bit. There are 4 blockers as of right now.

What about the ones marked as 'critical'?


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Re: [Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the stalled 1.4 Release

2008-02-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Hash: SHA1

Critical - Need to be fixed if time permits, release can go on even if this 
bug is not fixed.

- -- dims

Michele Mazzucco wrote:
| On 28 Feb 2008, at 17:07, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
| I was looking at the JIRA a bit. There are 4 blockers as of right now.
| What about the ones marked as 'critical'?
| Michele
| -
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Re: [Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the stalled 1.4 Release

2008-02-28 Thread Michele Mazzucco

On 28 Feb 2008, at 18:06, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Critical - Need to be fixed if time permits, release can go on  
even if this bug is not fixed.

OK. Then I'd like to see many of the bugs marked as critical fixed,  
especially the ones related to transports (NIO in particular... and  
don't tell me they are from Synapse ;)).


- -- dims

Michele Mazzucco wrote:
| On 28 Feb 2008, at 17:07, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
| I was looking at the JIRA a bit. There are 4 blockers as of  
right now.

| What about the ones marked as 'critical'?
| Michele

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Re: [Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the stalled 1.4 Release

2008-02-28 Thread Nicholas L Gallardo

I've gone through and marked a few of the JAX-WS one that looked for sure
like 1.4 issues.

Lahiru, have you had any luck getting the JAX-WS 2.1 TCK up and running
with our build?



 Davanum Srinivas  
 m To
 02/28/2008 11:07 
 AM cc
 Please respond to [Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] stalled 1.4 Release   

Hash: SHA1


I was looking at the JIRA a bit. There are 4 blockers as of right now.

Can folks please review JIRA issues and let everyone know if there are bugs
that *have* to be fixed for getting 1.4 out
the door?

Are there other items on the table or features to implement before we can
get 1.4 out?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)


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inline: graycol.gifinline: pic23115.gifinline: ecblank.gif

Re: Problem with webservice response in Axis2 v 1.3

2008-02-28 Thread Jinyuan Zhou
I am gussing your request message does not contain an envelop either.
1.3supports the http binding.
I am not 100% sure though.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 6:11 AM, Simon Nunn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I am making a request to a webservice, and the response seems to be
 missing some soap pieces.  In the past(axis2 v 1.1), when I made a request
 to my webservice, it responded with the envelope/header/body.  With Axis2 v
 1.3 it seems to no longer wrap the response….all I get back is my response
 object.  Is there a way to force axis to write out the soapenv, header,

 Axis2 v 1.1 what was returned:

 soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=

  soapenv:Header /




 Axis2 v 1.3 what is now returned….





Some people lived like they will never die
and died like they have never lived

Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this work?

2008-02-28 Thread Kraus, David
I have defined a POJO service which has a method which returns an object
which contains fields that are nested non-simple objects.


So given the Pojo class which implements ReturnInfoObject, the InfoObj
object being returned contains a field nest which is defined by the
NestedObj object.


public class Pojo


   public InfoObj ReturnInfoObject()







public class InfoObj


private java.lang.String val;

private NestedObj nest;



public class NestedObj


   private java.lang.String nestedVal;



When my client calls the deployed Pojo service, the val field of InfoObj
shows up in the soap trace, but the nest field is empty, even when it
has been correctly allocated on the service side.


It appears that the service side does not know how to serialize the
nested object. In the past, I have used nested objects like this fine,
when defining non-POJO services, by using wsdl2java to generate the
service-side serialization code. It was my understanding that I wouldn't
have to generate this service-side serialization code, when using the
POJO approach. Was my assumption incorrect? Am I missing something?


My POJO approach was basically to compile the Pojo class and all its
supporting classes, build an aar file and place it in the Axis2 services
directory. This seems to work, except the return object's nested fields
are not being serialized by the service.


Thanks, Dave


RE: Problem with webservice response in Axis2 v 1.3

2008-02-28 Thread Simon Nunn
I found the problem.  The inbound message did contain the appropriate
envelope, and the outbound message was correct when viewed in the
RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver class.  The problem was that there was a
messageFormatter defined in the Axis2.xml that was removing the
envelope/header/body.  The ApplicationXMLFormatter was causing the problem
based on how it picked out which OMElement to stream back from the message
context.  I simply removed message formatter and the response is now




From: Jinyuan Zhou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with webservice response in Axis2 v 1.3


I am gussing your request message does not contain an envelop either. 1.3
supports the http binding.
I am not 100% sure though.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 6:11 AM, Simon Nunn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am making a request to a webservice, and the response seems to be missing
some soap pieces.  In the past(axis2 v 1.1), when I made a request to my
webservice, it responded with the envelope/header/body.  With Axis2 v 1.3 it
seems to no longer wrap the response..all I get back is my response object.
Is there a way to force axis to write out the soapenv, header, body?



Axis2 v 1.1 what was returned:

soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=;

 soapenv:Header / 





Axis2 v 1.3 what is now returned..









Some people lived like they will never die
and died like they have never lived 

Error when deploying Axis2 webapp - again

2008-02-28 Thread SGruverman
I'm having a problem that was briefly discussed on this list back in
November, reported as Eclipse bug #206967

As suggested in the old thread, I updated my Eclipse WTP/WST (they're the
same thing, no?).
My About Eclipse Platform Features dialog reports my WST version as
2.0.2.v20080215... which seems to be more recent than the bug fix.
(But then again, if I ask for plugin details for that feature it reports

My apologies if I'm confused about Eclipse architecture or if I'm missing
something about this bug.

Thanks for any suggestions on how I can get the
The mex-1.3.mar module, which is not valid, caused
etc error to go away.

- Steve

Steven Gruverman
IntelliCare, Inc.

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Re: Quick start problem generate wsdl

2008-02-28 Thread root
So many thanks, yes now it worked without errors and a wsdl file created
inside the bin directory. I will continue the tutorial.
Can you please very shortly explain why we need to copy the whole bunch
of directories and not the .class file.

Thanks again
On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 17:15 +0600, Charitha Kankanamge wrote:
 Hi Salam,
 It should be 'Generated'. What I meant to was the class file which 
 generated after running ant build.
 Please copy 'samples' directory (NOT pojo directory) to Axis2_home/bin 
 and try again.
 root wrote:
 Thanks charitha.first question, can you please explain what do you mean
 by generaed StockquoteService directory. I don't have such a
 I have somehting like this(directory hierarchy)
  then in pojo directory I have StockQuoteService.class.
 For the moment, I copied pojo directory to the Axis2_home/bin directory,
 executed the command you recommended, I got the same error
 On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 07:10 +0600, Charitha Kankanamge wrote:
 Hi Salam,
 Can you please copy StockQuoteService class directory to Axis2_home/bin 
 and try the following steps.
 - Copy the generaed StockquoteService directory to AXIS2_HOME/bin 
 - Issue java2wsdl from AXIS2_HOME/bin as follows
 java2wsdl -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService -cp . 
 -of StockQuoteService.wsdl
 root wrote:
 I am new to Axis2 and trying to follow the quick start (POJO) tutorial.
 I have setup everything correctly as I can browse
 http://mymachine:8080/axis2/services and validate.
 When I try to generate the wsdl using the following command
 ant generate.wsdl, I get the following error :
 I have the following parameters in my env 
 I decided to build and compile the java class StockQuoteService, when I
 javac, I get a warning telling me to run javac
 with  -Xlint:unchecked option. When I d so, I get the following
 warning : warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to
 put(K,V) as a member of the raw type java.util.HashMap
map.put(symbol, new Double(price));
 1 warning
 But I find StockQuoteService.class in my directory. Following the
 istructions in the quick start to generate manually the wsdl, I run -cp . -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService
 -of StockQuoteService.wsdl
 I get a differnet error as follows
 An error occured while generating codejava.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
 Thanks for your help
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Re: Dynamic update of policy

2008-02-28 Thread Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
Hi Stefan,.

 Any ideas are welcome. I've been browsing the code base / mail archives for
 hours now and I feel lost and desperate...

 In WSO2 WSAS [1] which is built on top of Axis 2, policies of
the services are updated dynamically ( via a management console )
using a web service call to an admin service. I think looking at how
they does it will help you to get an idea. Take a look at the
configureScenario method of SecurityScenarioConfigAdmin [2] and
setPolicy method of the ServiceAdmin [3].


[1] -
[2] -
[3] -

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Re: How to grab Axis faultString?

2008-02-28 Thread Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
   are you using Axis 2 ? Can you please clarify your scenario bit more ?

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 1:05 PM, dunnohow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I defined two log handlers


  Axis fault will be generated in the handler if there are soap exception.
  My problem is how can i possibly pass back this fault string to my web


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Re: SAML with Axis2

2008-02-28 Thread Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
Hi Nuria,

 I've some questions about the ConfigurationContext
 We have to create ConfigurationContext when we use WS-Security (Rampart) or
 WS-Addressing because in these cases we need to use modules (rampart and

Yes, IFAIK when you are using Rampart you need to have a client
repository which has Rampart module and you have to create a
configuration context using that repository so that the Rampart module
will be available to be engaged.

 Could I manage soap header when I use the addressing module?

What do you mean by managing the SOAP header ?


 2008/2/19, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Hi Nuria,
   A client accessing a WebService, and a SAML Authority (STS):
   1) Have the client and the web Service to access to the same SAML
   (I have read anywhere that the SAML Authority only can be of STS type).
  Client needs access to the STS as it requires to get tokens from the STS.
  Client --- STS and
  STS--- Web
  must trust each other. Sometimes service don't need to access the STS
  to validate the SAML token. In the examples of Rampart, service itself
  validates the SAML token and it doesn't access the STS. But there is a
  pre configured trust between the STS and the service.
   2) Covers RAHAS all the scenarios of SAML interaction between these
   or there are any limitations currently?
  RAMPART/RAHAS can use SAML token as a supporting token and as a
  protection token. So those two scenarios are pretty covered.
  WS Trust specification defines four bindings. Namely Issue , Validate,
  Renew, Cancel bindings. At the moment, Rampart only facilitate Issue
  and Cancel bindings. But we may be able to get the other two bindings
  working before the next release of Apache Rampart.
   2008/2/14, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Hi Jens,
  Not at the moment. But we will include a one before next release.
On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Jens Goldhammer

  Hello Nunny,

  is there any sample available where the SAML token can be used as a
  protection token for signing and encrypting messages?


  Nunny wrote:
   Hi Nuria,
   I've some doubts about SAML with axis2. I need to know if the
   covers all the the SAML cases.
   No, it covers only one scenario. For example, this uses SAML
 token as
   supporting token. There is another scenarios where SAML token can
   used as a protection token where it will be used to sign and
   We first receive the SAML token response then we indicate, in
   the responseToken id
   I don't know where we are sending to the server the SAML
   in the
   When the id is set, Rampart message builders add the assertion to
   header according to the security policy. If you monitor the
   through TCPMon, then you can actually see the SAML assertion in
   header of the SOAP request to the service.
   Another thing is to know what are the requestSecurityToken
   In the client, we set these parameters using RST template.
   private static OMElement getRSTTemplate() throws Exception {
 OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
 OMElement elem =
   elem, 256);
 return elem;
   These parameters are defined in the WS Trust specification [1].
   [1] -

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Re: [Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the stalled 1.4 Release

2008-02-28 Thread Andreas Veithen

On 28 Feb 2008, at 18:07, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

I was looking at the JIRA a bit. There are 4 blockers as of right now.

Can folks please review JIRA issues and let everyone know if there  
are bugs that *have* to be fixed for getting 1.4 out

the door?

Are there other items on the table or features to implement before  
we can get 1.4 out?

I updated AXIS2-3427 and set the target release to 1.4. This issue is  
easy to fix but breaks a major functionality (the SOAPMonitorApplet).



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service initialization

2008-02-28 Thread SGruverman
I only need request scope for my service but I would like to set up some
service-specific logging and only do this once for as long as the service
is running.

One possible way to do this:
The first time init() is called on the service class, set up the logging
and set a ConfigurationContext property to indicate this (or even save a
reference to a Logger).
Every time init() is called, check to see if this property is set and if it
is, skip the setup.

- This seems a bit of a hack; is there a better way to do this? (For
instance, somewhere in the lifecycle of the Axis2 instance where this
should be done).
- Does this even make sense - perhaps the overhead of loading a log4j
config is less than getting the ConfigurationContext and checking a

Thanks for your help,

Steven Gruverman
IntelliCare, Inc.

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RE: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this work?

2008-02-28 Thread Kraus, David
So the question is:


In order to support a complex nested object as a return type, using the
POJO mechanism, is it necessary to also generate the server-side
serialization code (adb databinding)?


From: Kraus, David 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:18 AM
To: ''
Subject: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't
this work?


I have defined a POJO service which has a method which returns an object
which contains fields that are nested non-simple objects.


So given the Pojo class which implements ReturnInfoObject, the InfoObj
object being returned contains a field nest which is defined by the
NestedObj object.


public class Pojo


   public InfoObj ReturnInfoObject()







public class InfoObj


private java.lang.String val;

private NestedObj nest;



public class NestedObj


   private java.lang.String nestedVal;



When my client calls the deployed Pojo service, the val field of InfoObj
shows up in the soap trace, but the nest field is empty, even when it
has been correctly allocated on the service side.


It appears that the service side does not know how to serialize the
nested object. In the past, I have used nested objects like this fine,
when defining non-POJO services, by using wsdl2java to generate the
service-side serialization code. It was my understanding that I wouldn't
have to generate this service-side serialization code, when using the
POJO approach. Was my assumption incorrect? Am I missing something?


My POJO approach was basically to compile the Pojo class and all its
supporting classes, build an aar file and place it in the Axis2 services
directory. This seems to work, except the return object's nested fields
are not being serialized by the service.


Thanks, Dave


Re: Quick start problem generate wsdl

2008-02-28 Thread Martin Gainty
you found a bug!
public void update(String symbol, double price)
map.put(symbol, new Double(price));
pls check price for 0
and symbol for NullPointerException  before using in map.put

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: Quick start problem generate wsdl

 So many thanks, yes now it worked without errors and a wsdl file created
 inside the bin directory. I will continue the tutorial.
 Can you please very shortly explain why we need to copy the whole bunch
 of directories and not the .class file.

 Thanks again
 On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 17:15 +0600, Charitha Kankanamge wrote:
  Hi Salam,
  It should be 'Generated'. What I meant to was the class file which
  generated after running ant build.
  Please copy 'samples' directory (NOT pojo directory) to Axis2_home/bin
  and try again.
  root wrote:
  Thanks charitha.first question, can you please explain what do you mean
  by generaed StockquoteService directory. I don't have such a
  I have somehting like this(directory hierarchy)
   then in pojo directory I have StockQuoteService.class.
  For the moment, I copied pojo directory to the Axis2_home/bin
  executed the command you recommended, I got the same error
  On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 07:10 +0600, Charitha Kankanamge wrote:
  Hi Salam,
  Can you please copy StockQuoteService class directory to
  and try the following steps.
  - Copy the generaed StockquoteService directory to AXIS2_HOME/bin
  - Issue java2wsdl from AXIS2_HOME/bin as follows
  java2wsdl -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService -cp .
  -of StockQuoteService.wsdl
  root wrote:
  I am new to Axis2 and trying to follow the quick start (POJO)
  I have setup everything correctly as I can browse
  http://mymachine:8080/axis2/services and validate.
  When I try to generate the wsdl using the following command
  ant generate.wsdl, I get the following error :
  I have the following parameters in my env
  I decided to build and compile the java class StockQuoteService, when
  javac, I get a warning telling me to run
  with  -Xlint:unchecked option. When I d so, I get the following
  warning : warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to
  put(K,V) as a member of the raw type java.util.HashMap
 map.put(symbol, new Double(price));
  1 warning
  But I find StockQuoteService.class in my directory. Following the
  istructions in the quick start to generate manually the wsdl, I run -cp . -cn
  -of StockQuoteService.wsdl
  I get a differnet error as follows
  An error occured while generating
  Thanks for your help
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Re: [Axis2] Moving Axis2 code base into JDK 1.5

2008-02-28 Thread Andreas Veithen

On 27 Feb 2008, at 05:15, Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:

So if we move to JDK 1.5 we can get better support , and I do not  
think any advantage of staying in 1.4 . If some user want to use  
Axis2 in JDK 1.4 they can happily use Axis2 1.3 , which is very  
stable version and working fine in 1.4 and 1.5.

If any user or developers have any concern on moving to JDK 1.5  
please come forward and reply to this mail that will be very helpful  
for all of us.


Moving to Java 1.5 doesn't necessarily mean to abandon support for  
Java 1.4. I am currently working on a project for a company that still  
uses Java 1.4 (and I think there are lots of them). We needed a  
library to generate MS Project files, but the only one we could find  
was from an Open Source project that migrated to Java 1.5 a few  
releases ago. The code in this library makes use of generics and has a  
dependency on JAXB 2. What we did was to use retrotranslator ( 
) to translate the library as well as its dependencies (including JAXB  
2) back to Java 1.4. The tool operates at bytecode level and supports  
all Java 5 constructs (generics, enums, annotations, etc.). It also  
emulates the most important parts of the Java API. We were able to use  
the library to generate MS Project XML files on a Java 1.4 VM without  
any problems, meaning that retrotranslator successfully backported the  
JAXB 2 RI to Java 1.4! There is also a plugin (retrotranslator-maven- 
plugin) that allows to generate Java 1.4 artifacts during Maven  
builds. Maybe this could be an option for Axis2?



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Re: [Axis2] Moving Axis2 code base into JDK 1.5

2008-02-28 Thread samir shaikh
+1 for Axis2 to java 1.5

--- Andreas Veithen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 27 Feb 2008, at 05:15, Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:
  So if we move to JDK 1.5 we can get better support
 , and I do not  
  think any advantage of staying in 1.4 . If some
 user want to use  
  Axis2 in JDK 1.4 they can happily use Axis2 1.3 ,
 which is very  
  stable version and working fine in 1.4 and 1.5.
  If any user or developers have any concern on
 moving to JDK 1.5  
  please come forward and reply to this mail that
 will be very helpful  
  for all of us.
 Moving to Java 1.5 doesn't necessarily mean to
 abandon support for  
 Java 1.4. I am currently working on a project for a
 company that still  
 uses Java 1.4 (and I think there are lots of them).
 We needed a  
 library to generate MS Project files, but the only
 one we could find  
 was from an Open Source project that migrated to
 Java 1.5 a few  
 releases ago. The code in this library makes use of
 generics and has a  
 dependency on JAXB 2. What we did was to use
 ) to translate the library as well as its
 dependencies (including JAXB  
 2) back to Java 1.4. The tool operates at bytecode
 level and supports  
 all Java 5 constructs (generics, enums, annotations,
 etc.). It also  
 emulates the most important parts of the Java API.
 We were able to use  
 the library to generate MS Project XML files on a
 Java 1.4 VM without  
 any problems, meaning that retrotranslator
 successfully backported the  
 JAXB 2 RI to Java 1.4! There is also a plugin
 plugin) that allows to generate Java 1.4 artifacts
 during Maven  
 builds. Maybe this could be an option for Axis2?

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Re: [Axis2] Moving Axis2 code base into JDK 1.5

2008-02-28 Thread Dennis Sosnoski

Andreas Veithen wrote:


Moving to Java 1.5 doesn't necessarily mean to abandon support for 
Java 1.4. I am currently working on a project for a company that still 
uses Java 1.4 (and I think there are lots of them). We needed a 
library to generate MS Project files, but the only one we could find 
was from an Open Source project that migrated to Java 1.5 a few 
releases ago. The code in this library makes use of generics and has a 
dependency on JAXB 2. What we did was to use retrotranslator 
( to translate the library as 
well as its dependencies (including JAXB 2) back to Java 1.4. The tool 
operates at bytecode level and supports all Java 5 constructs 
(generics, enums, annotations, etc.). It also emulates the most 
important parts of the Java API. We were able to use the library to 
generate MS Project XML files on a Java 1.4 VM without any problems, 
meaning that retrotranslator successfully backported the JAXB 2 RI to 
Java 1.4! There is also a plugin (retrotranslator-maven-plugin) that 
allows to generate Java 1.4 artifacts during Maven builds. Maybe this 
could be an option for Axis2?

Sounds like a great idea to me, Andreas. If Retrotranslator can handle 
JAXB 2 RI it should be able to deal with everything used by Axis2 and 
related projects. The features which are not supported should be easily 

 - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Axis2 Training and Consulting -
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

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axis ant issue

2008-02-28 Thread chitgoks
has anyone encountered this error in an ant script
Problem: failed to create task or type axis-java2wsdl
Cause: The name is undefined

Java Casino Games:
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Re: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this work?

2008-02-28 Thread Wesley Mesquita
I am having the same problem here, I tried to follow the documentation at
axis2 site but I didn´t help me. Is there any old thread in this list
discussing this problem? Or some other examples that show how to do this?


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Kraus, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  So the question is:

 In order to support a complex nested object as a return type, using the
 POJO mechanism, is it necessary to also generate the server-side
 serialization code (adb databinding)?


 *From:* Kraus, David
 *Sent:* Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:18 AM
 *To:* ''
 *Subject:* Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't
 this work?

 I have defined a POJO service which has a method which returns an object
 which contains fields that are nested non-simple objects.

 So given the *Pojo* class which implements *ReturnInfoObject*, the *
 InfoObj* object being returned contains a field *nest* which is defined by
 the *NestedObj* object.

 *public class Pojo*


 *   public InfoObj ReturnInfoObject()*

 *   {*

 *  …*

 *   }*


 * *

 * *

 *public class InfoObj*


 *private java.lang.String val;*

 *private NestedObj nest;*


 * *

 *public class NestedObj*


 *   private java.lang.String nestedVal;*


 When my client calls the deployed *Pojo* service, the *val* field of *
 InfoObj* shows up in the soap trace, but the *nest* field is empty, even
 when it has been correctly allocated on the service side.

 It appears that the service side does not know how to serialize the nested
 object. In the past, I have used nested objects like this fine, when
 defining non-POJO services, by using wsdl2java to generate the service-side
 serialization code. It was my understanding that I wouldn't have to generate
 this service-side serialization code, when using the POJO approach. Was my
 assumption incorrect? Am I missing something?

 My POJO approach was basically to compile the Pojo class and all its
 supporting classes, build an aar file and place it in the Axis2 services
 directory. This seems to work, except the return object's nested fields are
 not being serialized by the service.

 Thanks, Dave

Wesley Mesquita
[skype: wesley.mesquita]

Re: [Axis2] Moving Axis2 code base into JDK 1.5

2008-02-28 Thread Ajith Ranabahu
As far as the vote goes I would say 0-

From the suggestions we have the ones I can agree is to release 1.4
(the next one) with JDK 1.4 and focus on setting the new JDK version
for the next release (I have posted the XmlSchema release candidate
which complies to JDK 1.4 a few hours ago and had to expilicitly
remove some of the 1.5 features that leaked in :)) I.m definitely +1
for JDK 1.5 (and quite frankly believe it is time for us to move on)

AFAICS what it means to move to JDK 1.5 is not merely to compile the
source in JDK 1.5. Rather it involves use of generics and changing of
backward compatibility libraries (annogen, threadpooling) and may be a
redesign of the API's to take advantage of the Java 5 features. All
this leads to bugs :) - bugs that may not exist in the code right now.
So in my mind properly moving to JDK 1.5 is not a trivial task and
need to be taken seriously.

One other trivial thing I can think of is the coinciding of release
numbers with JDK versions (1.4 - 1.4 , 1.5 - 1.5 ) :))


Ajith Ranabahu

Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its
creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain
too little falls into lazy habits of thinking - Albert Einstein

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Re: How to grab Axis faultString?

2008-02-28 Thread dunnohow

I am using axis 1.4

Basically i am throwing an axis fault when invoking the web service call in

how do i pass this fault string back to my main application?

can i keep on throwing the exception?
so that my main application which is the strutaction will then catch it?

Nunny wrote:
are you using Axis 2 ? Can you please clarify your scenario bit more ?
 On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 1:05 PM, dunnohow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I defined two log handlers


  Axis fault will be generated in the handler if there are soap exception.
  My problem is how can i possibly pass back this fault string to my web

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SAML token insertion using ServiceClient class.

2008-02-28 Thread Hardev Sian
  Is it possible to insert a saml token which has been acquired from a third 
party into the soap request using ServiceClient class.

Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.

RE: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this work?

2008-02-28 Thread Kraus, David
I haven't found any documentation that definitively says that the POJO approach 
doesn't handle nested complex types, but I am getting the impression that the 
POJO approach is really designed for simple services, and that nested complex 
types need to be handled with the databinding provided by automatically 
generated service-side serialization code.


I generated a client that uses ADB and complex nested types sent successfully 
as SOAP to the POJO service were dropped. Also, any complex nested type that is 
returned from a POJO webservice API call results in an empty element in the 
SOAP body, so it is clear that the absence of service-side serialization is the 


I am not sure if there is a way to get around this behavior when using POJOs, 
but for now, I am going back to my original method of always generating 
service-side serialization code, and avoiding the POJO approach.




From: Wesley Mesquita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this 


I am having the same problem here, I tried to follow the documentation at axis2 
site but I didn´t help me. Is there any old thread in this list discussing this 
problem? Or some other examples that show how to do this?


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Kraus, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So the question is:


In order to support a complex nested object as a return type, using the POJO 
mechanism, is it necessary to also generate the server-side serialization code 
(adb databinding)?


From: Kraus, David 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:18 AM
To: ''
Subject: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this work?


I have defined a POJO service which has a method which returns an object which 
contains fields that are nested non-simple objects.


So given the Pojo class which implements ReturnInfoObject, the InfoObj object 
being returned contains a field nest which is defined by the NestedObj object.


public class Pojo


   public InfoObj ReturnInfoObject()







public class InfoObj


private java.lang.String val;

private NestedObj nest;



public class NestedObj


   private java.lang.String nestedVal;



When my client calls the deployed Pojo service, the val field of InfoObj shows 
up in the soap trace, but the nest field is empty, even when it has been 
correctly allocated on the service side.


It appears that the service side does not know how to serialize the nested 
object. In the past, I have used nested objects like this fine, when defining 
non-POJO services, by using wsdl2java to generate the service-side 
serialization code. It was my understanding that I wouldn't have to generate 
this service-side serialization code, when using the POJO approach. Was my 
assumption incorrect? Am I missing something?


My POJO approach was basically to compile the Pojo class and all its supporting 
classes, build an aar file and place it in the Axis2 services directory. This 
seems to work, except the return object's nested fields are not being 
serialized by the service.


Thanks, Dave


Wesley Mesquita
[skype: wesley.mesquita] 

Re: Quick start problem generate wsdl

2008-02-28 Thread Charitha Kankanamge

root wrote:

So many thanks, yes now it worked without errors and a wsdl file created
inside the bin directory. I will continue the tutorial.
Can you please very shortly explain why we need to copy the whole bunch
of directories and not the .class file.

StockQuoteService.class is included in samples.quickstart.service.pojo 
package. Therefore you need to have the complete directory path.

Thanks again
On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 17:15 +0600, Charitha Kankanamge wrote:

Hi Salam,
It should be 'Generated'. What I meant to was the class file which 
generated after running ant build.
Please copy 'samples' directory (NOT pojo directory) to Axis2_home/bin 
and try again.

root wrote:


Thanks charitha.first question, can you please explain what do you mean
by generaed StockquoteService directory. I don't have such a
I have somehting like this(directory hierarchy)
then in pojo directory I have StockQuoteService.class.

For the moment, I copied pojo directory to the Axis2_home/bin directory,
executed the command you recommended, I got the same error


On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 07:10 +0600, Charitha Kankanamge wrote:


Hi Salam,
Can you please copy StockQuoteService class directory to Axis2_home/bin 
and try the following steps.

- Copy the generaed StockquoteService directory to AXIS2_HOME/bin 

- Issue java2wsdl from AXIS2_HOME/bin as follows
java2wsdl -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService -cp . 
-of StockQuoteService.wsdl


root wrote:



I am new to Axis2 and trying to follow the quick start (POJO) tutorial.
I have setup everything correctly as I can browse
http://mymachine:8080/axis2/services and validate.

When I try to generate the wsdl using the following command

ant generate.wsdl, I get the following error :


I have the following parameters in my env 


I decided to build and compile the java class StockQuoteService, when I
javac, I get a warning telling me to run javac

with  -Xlint:unchecked option. When I d so, I get the following
warning : warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to
put(K,V) as a member of the raw type java.util.HashMap
 map.put(symbol, new Double(price));
1 warning

But I find StockQuoteService.class in my directory. Following the
istructions in the quick start to generate manually the wsdl, I run -cp . -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService
-of StockQuoteService.wsdl

I get a differnet error as follows

An error occured while generating codejava.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Thanks for your help

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Re: How to grab Axis faultString?

2008-02-28 Thread Martin Gainty

AxisFault extends RemoteException
RemoteException has 3 methods which may be of interest
getMessage() returns a descriptive message of the Exception
getCause() returns the wrapped remote exception..this is the object which
your AxisFault class can be *re*-thrown

- Original Message -
From: dunnohow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: How to grab Axis faultString?

 I am using axis 1.4

 Basically i am throwing an axis fault when invoking the web service call

 how do i pass this fault string back to my main application?

 can i keep on throwing the exception?
 so that my main application which is the strutaction will then catch it?

 Nunny wrote:
 are you using Axis 2 ? Can you please clarify your scenario bit more
  On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 1:05 PM, dunnohow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all,
   I defined two log handlers
   Axis fault will be generated in the handler if there are soap
   My problem is how can i possibly pass back this fault string to my web
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Re: [Axis2] Moving Axis2 code base into JDK 1.5

2008-02-28 Thread Sanjiva Weerawarana
I agree moving 1.5 is not merely a change of JDK but a change of APIs. 
However, realistically, I imagine that'll be an incremental process- i.e., 
no one will sit and go thru and introduce generics wherever possible .. 
rather we'll start using 1.5 features without restriction when the need 
arises. So I'm not convinced the JDK 1.5 switch requires any major 
signalling ... like calling it Axis2 2.0.

Given that we're close to the wire on 1.4, we'll have to leave that alone 
for now.

Can we agree that that'll be the last native 1.4 release? We can of 
course use retotranslator for future releases.


Ajith Ranabahu wrote:

As far as the vote goes I would say 0-

From the suggestions we have the ones I can agree is to release 1.4

(the next one) with JDK 1.4 and focus on setting the new JDK version
for the next release (I have posted the XmlSchema release candidate
which complies to JDK 1.4 a few hours ago and had to expilicitly
remove some of the 1.5 features that leaked in :)) I.m definitely +1
for JDK 1.5 (and quite frankly believe it is time for us to move on)

AFAICS what it means to move to JDK 1.5 is not merely to compile the
source in JDK 1.5. Rather it involves use of generics and changing of
backward compatibility libraries (annogen, threadpooling) and may be a
redesign of the API's to take advantage of the Java 5 features. All
this leads to bugs :) - bugs that may not exist in the code right now.
So in my mind properly moving to JDK 1.5 is not a trivial task and
need to be taken seriously.

One other trivial thing I can think of is the coinciding of release
numbers with JDK versions (1.4 - 1.4 , 1.5 - 1.5 ) :))


Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder  Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
Founder, Chairman  CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
Member; Apache Software Foundation;
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa;

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Axis2 and OSGi

2008-02-28 Thread Demetris G

Hi all,

   has anyone tried to execute Axis2 in the OSGi containers? I know
Axis1.x was imported as a bundle in OSGi but no idea about Axis2.
I am wondering if it can be deployed in a similar manner as in Tomcat
although I think it may still need an Activator to control the rest of its


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Re: [Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the stalled 1.4 Release

2008-02-28 Thread Lahiru Sandakith
Hi Nick, Dims

As form dims proposals I went to get the TCK sun services running against
the axis2 tomcat deployment. Will post a separate mails on steps and results

Lahiru Sandakith

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:32 AM, Nicholas L Gallardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've gone through and marked a few of the JAX-WS one that looked for sure
 like 1.4 issues.

 Lahiru, have you had any luck getting the JAX-WS 2.1 TCK up and running
 with our build?



 [image: Inactive hide details for Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED]]Davanum

 *Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED]*

 02/28/2008 11:07 AM
 Please respond to




 [Axis2] Get the ball rolling on the stalled 1.4 Release
 Hash: SHA1


 I was looking at the JIRA a bit. There are 4 blockers as of right now.

 Can folks please review JIRA issues and let everyone know if there are
 bugs that *have* to be fixed for getting 1.4 out
 the door?

 Are there other items on the table or features to implement before we can
 get 1.4 out?

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Lahiru Sandakith
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Re: Axis2 and OSGi

2008-02-28 Thread Lawrence Mandel
Hi Demetris,

Dims has kicked off an effort to create an Axis2 OSGi bundle. He posted to 
the axis-dev list last week [1].



02/28/2008 11:02 PM
Please respond to


Axis2 and OSGi

Hi all,

has anyone tried to execute Axis2 in the OSGi containers? I know
Axis1.x was imported as a bundle in OSGi but no idea about Axis2.
I am wondering if it can be deployed in a similar manner as in Tomcat
although I think it may still need an Activator to control the rest of its


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Re: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this work?

2008-02-28 Thread Deepal Jayasinghe

I have defined a POJO service which has a method which returns an 
object which contains fields that are nested non-simple objects.


So given the *Pojo* class which implements *ReturnInfoObject*, the 
*InfoObj* object being returned contains a field *nest* which is 
defined by the *NestedObj* object.


*public class Pojo*


*   public InfoObj ReturnInfoObject()*

*   {*

*  …*

*   }*


* *

* *

*public class InfoObj*


***private** java.lang.String val;*

*private NestedObj nest;*


* *

*public class NestedObj*


*   private** java.lang.String nestedVal;*



When my client calls the deployed *Pojo* service, the *val* field of 
*InfoObj* shows up in the soap trace, but the *nest* field is empty, 
even when it has been correctly allocated on the service side.

Nope this can not be happen , however you need to remember that you 
class should be JavaBean (need to have getters and settes). I have 
tested this and working fine , in addition to that following link will 
be helpful for you to understand about Axis2 POJO.

Thank you

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RE: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this work?

2008-02-28 Thread Kraus, David
Yes, I didn't show it, but my classes did have getters/setters, default public 
constructor, and basically obeyed the rules of a JavaBean.

From: Deepal Jayasinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 2/29/2008 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this 

 I have defined a POJO service which has a method which returns an
 object which contains fields that are nested non-simple objects.


 So given the *Pojo* class which implements *ReturnInfoObject*, the
 *InfoObj* object being returned contains a field *nest* which is
 defined by the *NestedObj* object.


 *public class Pojo*


 *   public InfoObj ReturnInfoObject()*

 *   {*

 *  ...*

 *   }*


 * *

 * *

 *public class InfoObj*


 ***private** java.lang.String val;*

 *private NestedObj nest;*


 * *

 *public class NestedObj*


 *   private** java.lang.String nestedVal;*



 When my client calls the deployed *Pojo* service, the *val* field of
 *InfoObj* shows up in the soap trace, but the *nest* field is empty,
 even when it has been correctly allocated on the service side.

Nope this can not be happen , however you need to remember that you
class should be JavaBean (need to have getters and settes). I have
tested this and working fine , in addition to that following link will
be helpful for you to understand about Axis2 POJO.

Thank you

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Re: Axis2 and OSGi

2008-02-28 Thread Demetris G

Awesome - thanks Lawrence. I haven't checked the dev-list in a while due
to the volume of postings there. I will check this out.

Lawrence Mandel wrote:

Hi Demetris,

Dims has kicked off an effort to create an Axis2 OSGi bundle. He posted to 
the axis-dev list last week [1].



02/28/2008 11:02 PM

Please respond to


Axis2 and OSGi

Hi all,

has anyone tried to execute Axis2 in the OSGi containers? I know
Axis1.x was imported as a bundle in OSGi but no idea about Axis2.
I am wondering if it can be deployed in a similar manner as in Tomcat
although I think it may still need an Activator to control the rest of its



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RE: Problem with xs:base64Binary

2008-02-28 Thread Matthew Fadoul
Thanks for the help, Thilina.  

Here's a little clarification of my situation:

* I'm creating both the client and server side functionality from my WSDL,
so I don't really have to worry about someone else reading or writing to the

* My use case is basically to use the xs:base64Binary field to pass a long
string that holds space-delimited integers (0 23 532 12).  The field is
contained in some of my WSDL messages.  Inside my server-side code, I'm
trying to create sample datasets which include the xs:base64Binary  object.
Unfortunately, I'm not quite able to figure out how to use the DataHandler
class and DataSource interface.

So, the simplest code fragment to show what I'd like to do is:

public DataHandler convertStringToBase64Binary (String myString) {
// Example myString value = 0 23 532 12;

DataHandler myBase64BinaryField;

// Constructor for DataHandler...

// Insert miracle here, where myString data is sent
// to the dataHandler object and turned into 
// base64 data.

return myBase64BinaryField;

It would be interesting to see the other direction (i.e. DataHandler to
String) as well.

* As I mentioned in my previous message, the easy solution is to just send
the data as an xs:string, which works for me since I'm creating both the
client- and the server-sides of the web service.  That said, I am still
interested in understanding the mechanics of DataHandler.

Thanks again,

Matt Fadoul

-Original Message-
From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: Problem with xs:base64Binary

 2) The code examples that I found for DataHandler generally involve things
 like files, etc.
Yep... It can even be a byte[]..  base64Binary data type stands for
base64 encoded binary data.. Hence everything that involves
Datahandlers work in binary(byte) level..
 For example:
 (Note: It seems that the lines of code with OMText aren't complete).
ouch... Please use the newest version.. It seems to be complete..

 3) In my case, my data is much simpler.  For example, if I could populate
 the field with a string (e.g. 0 23 532 12), that would be sufficient.
What's your exact use case.. What are you trying to send in that
field.. Do you already have a base64 encoded string with you??

 My quick solution is to just change this field's type to xs:string.  The
 reason I'd like to keep it xs:base64binary is because it's someone else's
 schema, so I wanted to stay faithful to their data types.
Please find out what kind of data (semantics) is he expecting, whether
it's image or a signature etc... It's ok to change it to string.. But
you would need to make sure to set the content to a base64 encoded
string of the expected type..



 Matt Fadoul

 My3D, LLC

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