Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Firouz

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On 1/1/2011 12:15 PM, Susan Maneck wrote:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Personally I find mainstream Baha'is offensive too. There is only one group
of Baha'is and that is simply called Baha'is. Other groups should be called

The problem Firouz, is that non-Baha'is are going to require something
more neutral. I can't use the term covenant-breaker in an academic
setting, for instance.


But this Bahai-St list is not an academic list. It is certainly a Baha'i 
list. How others can call us the main-stream Baha'is? Any individual 
could be either a Baha'i or non-Baha'i. There is nothing in between.


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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Calling Baha'is "mainstream" or "Haifan", implies that there is some
> validity to the covenant breakers claims.

I don't think mainstream implies that. I think it implies that at most
these other groups are offshoots.

> And Happy Birthday on Monday!


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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Tim Nolan
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>non-Baha'is are going to require something more neutral. I can't use the term 
>covenant-breaker in an academic setting, for instance.


Suppose there is a small group of people who called themselves chemists,
but they reject the periodic table of elements, and they deny the
laws of thermodynamics.  I think  it's legitimate to say they are not really 
And it would be misleading to say that real chemists are "mainstream" chemists,
which implies that the pseudo chemists have some validity.

It does not require any faith to see the legitimatre succession of authority
in the Baha'i Faith, it only requires reading the relevant documents:
The Kitab-i-Ahd, Kitab-i-Aqdas, Tablet of the Branch, Tablet to the
Land of Ba, Abdu'l Baha's Will and Testament, and the pertinent
writings of Shoghi Effendi.  The Baha'i Covenant is so clear,
so explicit, that any honest fair-minded person who reads
those documents -with proper context such as defining "branch" -  would see 
that the covenant breakers claims are illogical and without foundation.

Calling Baha'is "mainstream" or "Haifan", implies that there is some
validity to the covenant breakers claims.

Just my 2 cents.

And Happy Birthday on Monday!


All good art is about something deeper than it admits.
--Roger Ebert 

- Original Message 
From: Susan Maneck 
To: Baha'i Studies 
Sent: Sat, January 1, 2011 12:15:35 AM
Subject: Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Personally I find mainstream Baha'is offensive too. There is only one group
> of Baha'is and that is simply called Baha'is. Other groups should be called
> covenant-breakers.

The problem Firouz, is that non-Baha'is are going to require something
more neutral. I can't use the term covenant-breaker in an academic
setting, for instance.

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The First Question

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Baha’u’llah revealed two major letterss in answer to Manakji’s
questions. The first letter is written at the level of general
principle and Baha’u’llah articulates the universality of his own
claims. Manakji, however, was dissatisfied because he did not feel
this letter had adequately addressed his specific questions. A second
set of correspondence followed in which Manakji presented his
questions once again, this time through his secretary Mirza Abu’l-Fadl
while Baha’u’llah responded through His own amanuensis Mírzá Áqá Ján.
The letter states:
"Now, as to his questions, it was not deemed advisable to refer and
reply to each one individually, for the response would have run
counter to wisdom and been incompatible with that which is current
amongst men."

By wisdom [hikmat] Baha’u’llah is referring to the caution that should
be exercised to avoid misunderstandings and opposition on the part of
Muslims who might get a hold of this correspondence. Baha’u’llah
insists that had Manakji truly understood what He was saying Manakji
would have seen that his questions had been answered fully and
completely. Baha’u’llah states that He had avoided going into
specifics in the second letter, unlike the first, Manakji’s own
questions are repeated and a specific response is given to each one.
While on some levels Baha’u’llah initial letter is perhaps the more
profound, I wish to focus primarily on the second letter for only this
one provides a window as to the specific questions Baha’u’llah was
being asked.
Manakji’s first question is as follows.

 “The Prophets of Mahábád, together with Zoroaster, were twenty-eight
in number. Each one of them sought to exalt, rather than abrogate, the
faith and religion of the others. Each one that appeared bore witness
to the truth and veracity of the former law and religion and breathed
no word about abolishing them. Each declared: ’We are the bearers of a
revelation from God, which We deliver unto His servants.’ Some of the
Hindu Prophets, however, have declared: ’We are God Himself, and it is
incumbent upon the entire creation to bear allegiance unto Us.
Whensoever conflict and dissension appear amongst men, We arise to
quench it.’ Each one that appeared announced: ’I am the same One that
appeared in the beginning.’ The latter Prophets such as David,
Abraham, Moses and Jesus confirmed the truth of the Prophets gone
before them, but said: ’Such was the law in the past, but in this day
the law is that which I proclaim.’ The Arabian Prophet, however, hath
said: ’Through My appearance every law hath proven to be unsound and
no law holdeth but Mine.’ Which of these creeds is acceptable and
which of these leaders is to be preferred?”

Manakji  alludes to Hindu beliefs when he states: “Some of the Hindu
Prophets, however, have declared: ’We are God Himself, and it is
incumbent upon the entire creation to bear allegiance unto Us.
Whensoever conflict and dissension appear amongst men, We arise to
quench it.”This appears to be an allusion to the famous fourth chapter
of the Bhagavad-Gita,

"Though myself unborn, undying, the lord of creatures, I fashion
nature, which is mine, and I come into being through my own magic.
Whenever sacred duty decays and chaos prevails, then, I create myself,
Arjuna.  To protect men of virtue and destroy men who do evil, to set
the standard of sacred duty, I appear in age after age."

Each one claims to be an incarnation of God Himself and therefore they
are all considered one.  He then compares this with the Abrahamic
religions where each one recognizes the previous prophets but changes
their laws. So the question is which schema is better, the one Manakji
supposes to be the Zoroastrian one wherein each Messenger deems
himself a mere servant of God who reiterates the exact same message,
or the Hindu concept of Avatars wherein God is thought to incarnate
Himself, or the Abrahamic religions wherein Prophets acknowledge
themselves to be  servants of God but who change the laws.  Muhammad,
however, he appears to place in a separate category as one who both
changed the laws and outright rejected the revelations which proceeded
Baha’u’llah answers by reiterating the same principle articulated in
the Kitab-i Iqan that all the Messengers of God are basically the same
and none to be preferred over the other.  They differ in that some
reveal a new set of laws whereas others do not.  But this relates to
the exigencies of the time, not Their own station.  Baha’u’llah
challenges Manakji’s conception of Muhammad’s revelation but He
remains silent on the question of the validity so-called prophets of
Mahabad and their unchanging revelation.  He also is silent on the
question of incarnation or reincarnation in relation to Hinduism. But
He doesn’t hesitate to draw Manakji’s attention to the following
principle of Progressive Revelation which directly contradicts
Manakji’s own perennialism:

"The All-Knowing Physician hath His fing

Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Personally I find mainstream Baha'is offensive too. There is only one group
> of Baha'is and that is simply called Baha'is. Other groups should be called
> covenant-breakers.

The problem Firouz, is that non-Baha'is are going to require something
more neutral. I can't use the term covenant-breaker in an academic
setting, for instance.

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Manakji Limji Hataria

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Manakji Limji Hataria was Parsi Zoroastrian who gave up a lucrative
career as a merchant to serve as the agent for the Persian
Amelioration Society that was established by Parsis in 1854 to assist
their Zoroastrian brethren in Iran. It has been suggested that Manakji
met Baha’u’llah en route to Iran,1 but this appears unlikely. Manakji
departed from Bombay on March 31, 1854 while Baha’u’llah left Baghdad
for Kurdistan on April 10 of that year. Manakji took the sea route to
Hormuz and there is no mention of him passing through Baghdad on his
way to Iran. Manakji does mention traveling to Baghdad for an urgent
but unspecified purpose soon after October 1860. He remained there for
over a year and it is likely that he met Baha’u’llah at that time.
Baha’u’llah Himself mentions that meeting as follows:
Thy letter hath reached this captive of the world in His prison. It
brought joy, strengthened the ties of friendship, and renewed the
memory of bygone days. Praise be to the Lord of creation Who granted
us the favour of meeting in the Arabian land, wherein we visited and
held converse. It is Our hope that our encounter may never be
forgotten nor effaced from the heart by the passage of time, but
rather that, out of the seeds thus sown, the sweet herbs of friendship
may spring forth and remain forever fresh and verdant for all to
behold. 3

In 1864 Manakji returned to India for a short period where he
presented the plight of the Iranian Zoroastrians to their sister
community in Bombay. He returned in 1865 with additional funds to
establish schools for Zoroastrian children on the western model. The
first school establish by Manakji was an orphanage in Tehran which
served some forty students. Manakji and his wife initially tried to
run the school on their own with the assistance of some volunteers.
However, their knowledge of Persian proved to be inadequate to the
task and other educated Zoroastrians were not available for this
Around 1876 Mirza Abu’l-Fadl Gulpaygani was expelled from his position
as a teacher in a Muslim seminary in Tehran after it was discovered
that he was a Baha’i. Manakji heard of his predicament and of his
skill in writing Farsi-sade or Persian without any Arabic root words.
Being well-disposed towards the Baha’is, Manakji offered Mirza
Abu’l-Fadl a position teaching Persian literature in his new school
and ask him to serve as his personal secretary as well.4 Several other
Baha’is came to work for Manakji as well, among them Mirza Husayn
Hamadani who was commissioned by Manakji to compose the Tarikh-i
Jadid, an early history of the Faith.5
Manakji worked tirelessly to improve the conditions of the
Zoroastrians of Iran. Besides establishing educational institutions,
he renovated fire temples and dakhmas or towers of silence for the
disposal of the dead. He made every effort to prosecute those who
illegally harassed Zoroastrians and lobbied for the removal of all
legal disabilities. His primary goal was to abolish the jizya or
discriminatory poll tax placed on Zoroastrians in Iran, something that
was not finally accomplished until 1882, although he succeeded in
progressively lowering it much earlier.   It has been suggested that
it was Baha’u’llah’s advice which enabled Manakji to persuade the Shah
to abolish the jizya. I’ve yet to find any evidence that Baha’u’llah
ever gave him direct advice on this matter, however  Baha’u’llah’s
second letter to Manakji appears to allude to the fact that Manakji
would soon succeed in this endeavor, for speaking in the voice of Haji
Aqa Jan, this letter reads, “One day the Tongue of Glory uttered a
word in regard to the Sahib indicating that he may erelong be aided to
perform a deed that would immortalize his name.”6
The period of time in which Manakji employed Mirza Abu’l-Fadl is also
the period in which Zoroastrians began to become interested in the
Baha’i Faith and convert in sizable numbers. While this distressed the
dasturs or Zoroastrian high priests, it did not seem to bother Manakji
or the agents of the Amelioration Society which followed until around
1930. In fact, the Parsis argued that one could be both a Zoroastrian
and a Baha’i just as one could be a Zoroastrian and a theosopher or
freemason. When Manakji established lay councils (arjuman) to
administer the affairs of the Zoroastrian community, Zoroastrian
Baha’is often played prominent roles in these councils especially in

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Firouz

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On 1/1/2011 4:23 AM, Susan Maneck wrote:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
. Would it be offensive to

say "mainstream Bahais"?

That's the phrase I prefer.


Dear Susan,

Personally I find mainstream Baha'is offensive too. There is only one 
group of Baha'is and that is simply called Baha'is. Other groups should 
be called covenant-breakers. I think by using the word "mainstream" in 
front of Baha'is we are creating disunity.

Best regards,

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Manakji and the Tabernacle of Unity

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Here is the first part of my paper.

Baha’u’llah’s letters to Manakji Limji Hataria as found in the
Tabernacle of Unity1 represents a particularly significant work in the
Baha’i scriptures for a number of reasons. They represent one of the
few texts addressed to someone outside the Abrahamic religious
tradition. While addressed to a Zoroastrian, these texts deal with the
questions of religious pluralism in general. It is one of the few
places where Baha’u’llah discusses the claims of Indic religions.
Manakji’s questions were largely formulated, not against the
background of mainstream Zoroastrian beliefs, but that of a peculiar
school of Zoroastrianism founded by Azar Kaivan that was heavily
influenced by Ishraqi philosophy. This school that flourished in India
during the 16th and 17th centuries produced the Dasatir, a supposedly
ancient scripture written in the style of the Qur’an, which was said
to contain the revelations of pre-Zoroastrian Iranian prophets.
Manakji’s questions regarding the Prophets of Mahábád, as well as many
of his other theological preconceptions are based on the beliefs
promulgated in the Dasatir rather than from any authentic Zoroastrian
The propose of this paper is to examine the context of the Manakji’s
questions and Baha’u’llah’s answers against the background of Ishraqi
philosophy. It is my thesis that Baha’u’llah is not simply addressing
questions which arose out of the background of South Asian religious
pluralism, but a philosophical school which arose within the context
of medieval Islamicate culture in the Middle East.  Baha’u’llah’s
answers, then reveal not only a good deal about his approach to
non-Abrahamic religions but to the perennialist  approach to pluralism
found within Islam itself.

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> BUPC is the neal Chase's group, rigth?

The BUPC has splintered into several groups since Leland Jensen died.
I think Neal Chase's group might be the largest.

> Is the alias J.T. Lamb his?

That I don't know.

> How many members does this group?

I don't think any of the BUPC  have more than a dozen followers.

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance) (correct)

2010-12-31 Thread HUSA
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Susan,
Yes, I know that most are not organizations. My point was that the single word 
"Baha'i" is easy to identify how the group of people who recognize and obey the 
UHJ. but, well, it is a relative perception.
BUPC is the neal Chase's group, rigth? Is the alias J.T. Lamb his? How many 
members does this group?

best regards,

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread HUSA
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Susan,
Yes, I know that most organizations are not. My point was that the single word 
"Baha'i" is easy to identify how the group of people who recognize and obey the 
UHJ. but, well, it is a relative perception.
BUPC is the neal Chase's group, rigth? Is the alias J.T. Lamb his? How many 
members does this group?

--- El vie, 12/31/10, Susan Maneck  escribió:

De: Susan Maneck 
Asunto: Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)
A: "Baha'i Studies" 
Fecha: viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010, 07:02 pm

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> there are the denominations 'Unitarian Bahai', 'Bahai UPC', 'Orthodox 
> Baha'is', and even 'free Baha'i' and 'Baha'i Faith reformed'.

Dear Husayn,

Email lists do not constitute denominations and that is all the
Unitarian and Reformed Baha'i Faiths consist of. The Free Baha'is no
longer exist except as a website set up by Fred Glaysher to make it
appear as though there are more dissident groups than there are.
Certainly the OBF has been around for awhile, though they admitted in
court that they number only about 30 people in the US. The BUPC is
really a separate cult.

warmest, Susan

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Re: Perennialism

2010-12-31 Thread Adib Masumian
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>Perhaps the best way to get this list back on track would be for me to
>post the paper I wrote discussing this correspondence.

I for one would really like to read that paper.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Susan Maneck  wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> > That is the second time you mentioned the word, "perennialism." What does
> > that concept mean? I am ignorant of it.
> >
> Dear Matt,
> Perennialism shares with Progressive Revelation a belief in the
> Oneness of Religion, but whereas Progressive Revelation holds that
> humanity has been progressively obtained a fuller understanding of
> God's will over time Perenialism tends to believe that the ultimate
> truth is to be found in the original forms of religion. Schuon
> represents a European school of perennialism known Traditionalism
> which includes a number of converts to Islam. This school posits a
> "transcendent unity"  transmitted from the very origin of humanity and
> partially restored by each genuine founder of a new religion. The
> Traditionalists strongly emphasize the esoteric aspects of religion
> and oppose modernity. The best study of this school is found in the
> book *Against the Modern World.*
> There is also a much older school of perennialism found in Islam which
> is known as Ishraqi philosophy. This school providing the
> philosophical underpinnings of the Mughal Emperor Akbar's Din-il
> Ilahi. It also influenced the Parsi community in India and forms the
> background behind many of the questions which Manakji presents to
> Baha'u'llah and which are answered in the Tabernacle of Unity. For
> Manakji religion is perennial and therefore the oldest is the best
> whereas for Baha’u’llah religion is progressive and it is therefore
> necessary to respond to God’s latest Messenger, not uncover the
> esoteric secrets of the oldest one as Ishraqi philosophy sought to do.
> Perhaps the best way to get this list back on track would be for me to
> post the paper I wrote discussing this correspondence.
> warmest, Susan
> __
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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Sen & Sonja
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On 31 Dec 2010 at 16:20, Gilberto Simpson wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I don't have a problem with avoiding the phrase. It wasn't meant to be
> provocative or insulting. But as an outsider to the conflicts between
> different groups which all claim to follow Bahaullah, I'm not sure
> what is the best neutral way to describe the largest group. Would it
> be offensive to say "mainstream Bahais"?

"Mainstream" is a good term, since it recognises the fact that 99.9% 
or more of all Bahais who are committed members of any particular 
Bahai community, are members of the Bahai World Community headed by 
the Universal House of Justice. The other Bahai identities together 
add up to maybe 100 or 200 members, they can be called fringe groups 
or splinter groups or micro groups, simply on grounds of size. 


Sen McGlinn 

The influence of individual souls is and always will be beloved.  For 
the influence 
of each soul is its fruit, and a soul without influence is considered 
a tree without 
fruit in the most great realm.  Speak forth for the sake of God, and 
spread the 
cause for his sake.  Do not look at whether others accept or deny, 
but rather at 
the service you are commanded to perform by God. 

Baha'u'llah -- Tablet of the Son -- http://www-

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> there are the denominations 'Unitarian Bahai', 'Bahai UPC', 'Orthodox 
> Baha'is', and even 'free Baha'i' and 'Baha'i Faith reformed'.

Dear Husayn,

Email lists do not constitute denominations and that is all the
Unitarian and Reformed Baha'i Faiths consist of. The Free Baha'is no
longer exist except as a website set up by Fred Glaysher to make it
appear as though there are more dissident groups than there are.
Certainly the OBF has been around for awhile, though they admitted in
court that they number only about 30 people in the US. The BUPC is
really a separate cult.

warmest, Susan

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2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> That is the second time you mentioned the word, "perennialism." What does
> that concept mean? I am ignorant of it.

Dear Matt,

Perennialism shares with Progressive Revelation a belief in the
Oneness of Religion, but whereas Progressive Revelation holds that
humanity has been progressively obtained a fuller understanding of
God's will over time Perenialism tends to believe that the ultimate
truth is to be found in the original forms of religion. Schuon
represents a European school of perennialism known Traditionalism
which includes a number of converts to Islam. This school posits a
"transcendent unity"  transmitted from the very origin of humanity and
partially restored by each genuine founder of a new religion. The
Traditionalists strongly emphasize the esoteric aspects of religion
and oppose modernity. The best study of this school is found in the
book *Against the Modern World.*

There is also a much older school of perennialism found in Islam which
is known as Ishraqi philosophy. This school providing the
philosophical underpinnings of the Mughal Emperor Akbar's Din-il
Ilahi. It also influenced the Parsi community in India and forms the
background behind many of the questions which Manakji presents to
Baha'u'llah and which are answered in the Tabernacle of Unity. For
Manakji religion is perennial and therefore the oldest is the best
whereas for Baha’u’llah religion is progressive and it is therefore
necessary to respond to God’s latest Messenger, not uncover the
esoteric secrets of the oldest one as Ishraqi philosophy sought to do.

Perhaps the best way to get this list back on track would be for me to
post the paper I wrote discussing this correspondence.

warmest, Susan

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread HUSA
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
there are the denominations 'Unitarian Bahai', 'Bahai UPC', 'Orthodox Baha'is', 
and even 'free Baha'i' and 'Baha'i Faith reformed'.
such groups and individuals have created their own specific names. and kindly 
leave the way open to us simply call ourselves "Bahais" :)

--- El vie, 12/31/10, Susan Maneck  escribió:

De: Susan Maneck 
Asunto: Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)
A: "Baha'i Studies" 
Fecha: viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010, 04:23 pm

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
. Would it be offensive to
> say "mainstream Bahais"?

That's the phrase I prefer.

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Re: Bahaullah had a lot of Anti-Islamic things to say, but couldn't because of Muslim pressure

2010-12-31 Thread Matt Haase
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
That is the second time you mentioned the word, "perennialism." What does
that concept mean? I am ignorant of it.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Susan Maneck  wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Good job taking Baha'u'llah's statement out of context!
> Let's look at the question Baha'u'llah was actually being asked:
>  “Among the Manifestations of the past one hath, in His time, allowed
> the eating of beef while another hath forbidden it; one hath permitted
> the eating of pork whereas another hath proscribed it. Thus do their
> ordinances differ. I entreat the True One, exalted be His name, to
> graciously specify the appropriate religious prohibitions.”
> Baha'u'llah was reluctant to answer this question not because He was
> critical of Islam but because His answer would have involved admitting
> that the Shariah was not binding for all time. Here is the answer He
> provides later in this Tablet:
> "The answer was therefore sent down from the heaven of the Divine Will
> in an implicit manner. Indeed the statement in the first passage where
> He saith: “The All-Knowing Physician hath His finger on the pulse of
> mankind” was, and remaineth, the answer to his 36 question. He further
> saith: “Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in,
> and centre your deliberations on its exigencies and requirements.”
> That is, fix your gaze upon the commandments of God, for whatsoever He
> should ordain in this day and pronounce as lawful is indeed lawful and
> representeth the very truth. It is incumbent upon all to turn their
> gaze towards the Cause of God and to observe that which hath dawned
> above the horizon of His Will, since it is through the potency of His
> name that the banner of “He doeth what He willeth” hath been unfurled
> and the standard of “He ordaineth what He pleaseth” hath been raised
> aloft. For instance, were He to pronounce water itself to be unlawful,
> it would indeed become unlawful, and the converse holdeth equally
> true. For upon no thing hath it been inscribed “this is lawful” or
> “this is unlawful”; nay rather, whatsoever hath been or will be
> revealed is by virtue of the Word of God, exalted be His glory."
> What Baha'u'llah is rejecting here, is not Islam, nor the Prophet or
> the Qur'an. He is, however, rejecting the Perenialist  approach to
> religion favoured by the 'ulama, by Gilberto and even by Manakji with
> whom Baha'u'llah was corresponding.
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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Gilberto Simpson
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Sounds good to me.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Susan Maneck  wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> >
> >  I don't really enjoy Islam-Bahai polemics either but if someone says
> something which seems disparaging, it is hard to let it by without comment.
> Maybe if the group could agree to a clear set of guidelines for conduct (no
> personal attacks, content should be relevant to the >Bahai >faith, etc.)
> that might make things better.
> This are already list guidelines which are currently being ignored.
> Since Iskandar appears completely out of control I would hope that you
> will be the better man by ignoring these attacks. The less you two
> interact with one another for the time being, the better.
> __
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This is a Muslim not Baha'i list

2010-12-31 Thread atheistchallenge3
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
You are trying to associate bahaism with Islam in the eyes of the public. 

Islam is religion of the devil. 

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Re: picturesque atheist

2010-12-31 Thread atheistchallenge3
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Apparently you too support the term "Haifan" or "mainstream".

What I do know is that these two terms are Muslim inventions to Islamize the 
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picturesque atheist

2010-12-31 Thread HUSA
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I'm intrigued. our picturesque personage, atheist, whose posts have been a 
tremendous source of laughter for me, is bahai?

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The USGovernment

2010-12-31 Thread atheistchallenge3
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Will level all arab and Indian lands 

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread atheistchallenge3
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I smell Muslims from a distance

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread atheistchallenge3
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Covenant breaker

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
. Would it be offensive to
> say "mainstream Bahais"?

That's the phrase I prefer.

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Gilberto Simpson
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I don't have a problem with avoiding the phrase. It wasn't meant to be
provocative or insulting. But as an outsider to the conflicts between
different groups which all claim to follow Bahaullah, I'm not sure what is
the best neutral way to describe the largest group. Would it be offensive to
say "mainstream Bahais"?

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Susan Maneck  wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> > And the only thing I beg of Gilberto Simpson is that he should not
> provoke simple and hopefully pure souls like me by writing *Haifan >Baha’is*
> as in his letter of December the 21st **Naison, I don't think you got what I
> intended to say. Once you've chosen to be a Haifan Bahai, then by all means,
> make a commitment to follow all of the rules of the Aqdas and the guidance
> of the UHJ.**
> > It is provocative a bit and it is not necessary
> I very much agree with Khazeh here, although I would point out that it
> was a Baha'i on this list who first started using the phrase, not
> Gilberto.
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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Who has the authority and tools to close down this group?

It is not so much a question of who has the authority, it is who has
the tools. I was given authority over the list but no tools with which
to enforce it. Only Mark has those.

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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>  I don't really enjoy Islam-Bahai polemics either but if someone says 
> something which seems disparaging, it is hard to let it by without comment. 
> Maybe if the group could agree to a clear set of guidelines for conduct (no 
> personal attacks, content should be relevant to the >Bahai >faith, etc.) that 
> might make things better.

This are already list guidelines which are currently being ignored.
Since Iskandar appears completely out of control I would hope that you
will be the better man by ignoring these attacks. The less you two
interact with one another for the time being, the better.

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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
No one would be there over Christmas break. I have left a message on
Mark's voice mail, however.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Tim Nolan  wrote:
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Mark as usual, has been largely inaccessible.
> Susan,
>   Have you tried telephoning the sociology department of the
> college where Mark teaches?
> Tim
> All good art is about something deeper than it admits.
> --Roger Ebert
> - Original Message 
> From: Susan Maneck 
> To: Baha'i Studies 
> Sent: Wed, December 29, 2010 11:06:23 PM
> Subject: Re: Stealth Jihad
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> It may be that the college only permits list owners to have those
>> privileges, and only permits people to be list owners who are affiliated w/
>> the college.
> No, the problem has to do with the fact that when they moved the list
> over to a different server I could never figure out how to use the new
> tools and Mark as usual, has been largely inaccessible.
> __
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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I do not think the solution is to expel Gilberto, but the moderator would do 
> well not to allow litanic discussions on the relationship >between the >Faith 
> and the Islam.

Dear Husayn,

Until discussions began to disintegrate recently, the recent
discussions about the relations between Islam and the Baha'i Faith
seem to me to have been the only thing remotely involving scholarship
on this list in the last several months.

I would, however, like to ask Gilberto to stop responding to
Iskandar's attempts to bait him as it will only make things worse.

warmest, Susan

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Re: Arguments and Stuff

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I have been meditating on our heated discussions for the last couple of
> hours, and have considered my possible role in the conflict. At the moment,
> I am unsure if I should leave this list as I don't want to be a reason for
> contention among Baha'is. When Susan said that she wanted to shut this list
> down, I got very sad, and felt guilty like I was part of the problem.

Dear Matt,

Let me assure you that I do not consider you part of the problem. I am
*much* more concerned with the behaviour of Baha'is on this list than
I am with Muslims. There are a few other people who have clearly come
here to stir up trouble such as atheist and one other person who I
believe to be a spy for those who wish to do us harm. There have been
Muslims on other list who *have* been problems but
I don't see this as the case here. Iskandar and I don't see eye to eye
on this issue but he doesn't run this list.

 For the last seven
> years, I have tried my best to show Baha'is that not all Muslims have to
> hate the Baha'i Faith, or disparage them.

And I think you have done a commendable hob of that.

 I understand that some Baha'is
> have had traumatic experiences at the hands of Muslims, and this can cause
> bitterness and psychological defense mechanisms for some. I often try to
> remember that, and be forgiving because I don't think it is "them" that is
> reacting that way, but the pain screaming out.

Your magnanimous understanding is much appreciated.

 There is
> a proverb which states that a person finds whatever they are looking for in
> religion

And that is as true as of individuals as it is with religions.

Thank you for your poignant reminder of the spirit in which we
*should* be interacting with one another.

warmest, Susan

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Re: Bahaullah had a lot of Anti-Islamic things to say, but couldn't because of Muslim pressure

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Good job taking Baha'u'llah's statement out of context!

Let's look at the question Baha'u'llah was actually being asked:

 “Among the Manifestations of the past one hath, in His time, allowed
the eating of beef while another hath forbidden it; one hath permitted
the eating of pork whereas another hath proscribed it. Thus do their
ordinances differ. I entreat the True One, exalted be His name, to
graciously specify the appropriate religious prohibitions.”

Baha'u'llah was reluctant to answer this question not because He was
critical of Islam but because His answer would have involved admitting
that the Shariah was not binding for all time. Here is the answer He
provides later in this Tablet:

"The answer was therefore sent down from the heaven of the Divine Will
in an implicit manner. Indeed the statement in the first passage where
He saith: “The All-Knowing Physician hath His finger on the pulse of
mankind” was, and remaineth, the answer to his 36 question. He further
saith: “Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in,
and centre your deliberations on its exigencies and requirements.”
That is, fix your gaze upon the commandments of God, for whatsoever He
should ordain in this day and pronounce as lawful is indeed lawful and
representeth the very truth. It is incumbent upon all to turn their
gaze towards the Cause of God and to observe that which hath dawned
above the horizon of His Will, since it is through the potency of His
name that the banner of “He doeth what He willeth” hath been unfurled
and the standard of “He ordaineth what He pleaseth” hath been raised
aloft. For instance, were He to pronounce water itself to be unlawful,
it would indeed become unlawful, and the converse holdeth equally
true. For upon no thing hath it been inscribed “this is lawful” or
“this is unlawful”; nay rather, whatsoever hath been or will be
revealed is by virtue of the Word of God, exalted be His glory."

What Baha'u'llah is rejecting here, is not Islam, nor the Prophet or
the Qur'an. He is, however, rejecting the Perenialist  approach to
religion favoured by the 'ulama, by Gilberto and even by Manakji with
whom Baha'u'llah was corresponding.

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> And the only thing I beg of Gilberto Simpson is that he should not provoke 
> simple and hopefully pure souls like me by writing *Haifan >Baha’is* as in 
> his letter of December the 21st **Naison, I don't think you got what I 
> intended to say. Once you've chosen to be a Haifan Bahai, then by all means, 
> make a commitment to follow all of the rules of the Aqdas and the guidance of 
> the UHJ.**

> It is provocative a bit and it is not necessary

I very much agree with Khazeh here, although I would point out that it
was a Baha'i on this list who first started using the phrase, not

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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Tim Nolan
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Mark as usual, has been largely inaccessible.

  Have you tried telephoning the sociology department of the
college where Mark teaches?


All good art is about something deeper than it admits.
--Roger Ebert 

- Original Message 
From: Susan Maneck 
To: Baha'i Studies 
Sent: Wed, December 29, 2010 11:06:23 PM
Subject: Re: Stealth Jihad

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> It may be that the college only permits list owners to have those
> privileges, and only permits people to be list owners who are affiliated w/
> the college.

No, the problem has to do with the fact that when they moved the list
over to a different server I could never figure out how to use the new
tools and Mark as usual, has been largely inaccessible.

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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread HUSA
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Firouz,
I think that qualify spiritually to the followers of various religions in the 
world is not a good contribution to the study of our Faith
My view is that Islam and its laws and teachings, have been superseded by the 
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh. that the laws of Quran are not in line with the 
spiritual and social developments of this era. the same applies to the religion 
of Moses, Jesus, Zoroaster.
But this is nothing new, is something that we always hear Baha'is, Progressive 
Dear Susan,
Who has the authority and tools to close down this group?

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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Ahang Rabbani
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Abdu'l-Baha refers to this particular HW in one of his oral statements
quoted in Khatirat Habib, and says that it refers to the enemies of God.
The phrase "enemies of God" may include Covenant-breakers, but that's a
slippery slope (because as Firouz rightly says may then be used as a weapon
against this or that group).  I would stick with Abdu'l-Baha's broad
statement that it refers to the enemies of God and leave it at that.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Firouz  wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> On 31/12/2010 10:42 PM, Susan Maneck wrote:
>>  Can you consort with Jihadist or Shia ruling clerics of Iran
>>> with spirit of joy and spirituality?
>> None of the Muslims here fit that category and they are the ones being
>> insulted.
> I did not mean the Muslims in this Forum who are very respectable Muslims.
> My question was a general question referring to associating with all people
> in spirit of respect and joy.
> Regarding the Hidden Words quote. Baha'u'llah revealed it in Baghdad before
> His declaration in 1963. At those days there were no covenant breakers. Were
> there? If it refers to Covenant-Breakers, Muslims have broken the greater
> covenant of God. Are they considered in this verse?
> Firouz
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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Firouz

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On 31/12/2010 10:42 PM, Susan Maneck wrote:

  Can you consort with Jihadist or Shia ruling clerics of Iran

with spirit of joy and spirituality?

None of the Muslims here fit that category and they are the ones being
I did not mean the Muslims in this Forum who are very respectable 
Muslims. My question was a general question referring to associating 
with all people in spirit of respect and joy.

Regarding the Hidden Words quote. Baha'u'llah revealed it in Baghdad 
before His declaration in 1963. At those days there were no covenant 
breakers. Were there? If it refers to Covenant-Breakers, Muslims have 
broken the greater covenant of God. Are they considered in this verse?


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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
 Gilberto and Matt are just two examples, but
> Muslims are on a reconnaissance mission here, have recruited others, and are
> recruiting people here, to attack the Bahais where it hurts, from within.

If so, you are likely one of them.

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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> List purpose? Excuse me? What is the purpose of a Baha'i studies list? To
> continue to hear from Gilberto that Islam is the last religion, Quran the
> last word, and Muhammad the last prophet of God, again and again, and again?

Dear Iskandar,

I don't think it was Gilberto who raised this issue in the first
place. The list has been disintegrating for weeks and it has nothing
to do with Gilberto. In fact the exchanges between Khazeh and Gilberto
were the most scholarly thing happening on this list.

> Is that the list purpose.
> You know fully well that the list has ceased to be a Baha'i studies list for
> a long time.

At least it was dealing with the Baha'i Faith rather than attacks on Islam.

 I'm just trying to show you and to show all that the list has
> been hijacked by Gilberto and his agenda.

That's not what people are seeing. What they are seeing is a lot of
mean-spirited attacks on Islam on your part.

 As long as Gilberto stays, I seriously doubt if
> there will ever be any issues related to Baha'i studies on this list.

I don't see Gilberto sabotaging serious efforts to discuss the Baha'i Faith.

> Well, I tell you what: I will stick around. If you don't like it, *you* are
> free to leave. How do you like that?

Fine, but you can no longer use the argument that I asked Gilberto to
leave and he did not do so, because insofar as that is true, it is
true for the both of you.

> I have no paranoia towards Gilberto. All I'm saying is that there has been
> no real or serious study of the Baha'i Faith on this list since Gilberto has
> been around.

It has nothing to do with Gilberto. There are others on this list that
have made that difficult.


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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Not that I have any value for this list whatsoever, but if Iskandar is
> removed, please remove me too.

My intention is to shut down this list entirely.

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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
So you can't go on pilgrimage to Mecca. What's your point.

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Iskandar Hai, M.D.
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ فَلَا
> يَقْرَبُوا الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ بَعْدَ عَامِهِمْ هَٰذَا ۚ وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ
> عَيْلَةً فَسَوْفَ يُغْنِيكُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ إِنْ شَاءَ ۚ إِنَّ
> اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ {28}
> [Shakir 9:28] O you who believe! the idolaters are nothing but unclean, so
> they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year; and if you fear
> poverty then Allah will enrich you out of His grace if He please; surely
> Allah is Knowing Wise.
> [Pickthal 9:28] O ye who believe! The idolaters only are unclean. So let
> them not come near the Inviolable Place of Worship after this their year. If
> ye fear poverty (from the loss of their merchandise) Allah shall preserve
> you of His bounty if He will. Lo! Allah is Knower, Wise.
> [Yusufali 9:28] O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them
> not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear
> poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for
> Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
> __
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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> How about Hidden Words saying "Treasure the companionship of the righteous
> and eschew all fellowship with the ungodly". I don't think ungodly really
> means atheist here.

Dear Firouz,

I don't think so either. Abdu'-Baha applied this passage to the
Covenant breakers.

 Can you consort with Jihadist or Shia ruling clerics of Iran
> with spirit of joy and spirituality?

None of the Muslims here fit that category and they are the ones being

warmest, Susan

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Re: picturesque personage

2010-12-31 Thread Susan Maneck
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Oh, that's interesting. Someone from Atlanta steals your stuff. You can't 
> find him. You just go and steal some stuff from a person who is traveling to 
> or from Atlanta.
> The four months are regarded in a special category in Islam. Nether did 
> Muhammad abrogate the four months thing. Actually many of the pre-Islamic 
> rite and rituals are carried over right into Islam. Besides, >being deceitful 
> is not terribly ethical behaviour.


We are not talking about someone as though it was any ole person. It
was the leading merchants families as a group that decided to expel
Muslims from Mecca and expropriate their property, the same merchants
who run the caravans. You think about this as anachronistically as you
like. It does not change the fact that you are attacking the actions
of a Manifestation of God. A Baha'i should think seriously before
doing this.


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RE: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Khazeh
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Khazeh sends with spellings checked this time. Please discard the last one


On Behalf Of Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Sent: 31 December 2010 06:26

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dr Hai wrote:

I find the idea of "reconnaissance" missions, in 624, quite amusing to say the 
least. ***


khazeh fananapazir writes:

I am just a humble, lowly, insignificant reader of this list and that only from 
time to time.

I believe that the studies part of this list’s purpose has diminished 
exponentially recently. But I believe that Mr Gilberto Simpson should be kept 
as a contributor. So also should my dear Dr HAI. Gilberto knows (and I have, 
with the greatest respect, mentioned this to him ) that he should not 
re-iterate finality [khatmiyyat without engaging with all the Bahai Proofs on 
this just repeating and repeating. But of course, of course, my dear Gilberto 
is entitled to continue on his point of view re: khatmiyyat and khaatamiyyat. 
Religious views can be the most firmly held views on earth. I have friends who 
not just for ten years but for over thirty years insist on their own point of 
view re *seal-ship* and then suddenly they open themselves  lovingly to the 
Bahai Teachings, to Baha’u’llah and to appreciating this Day of God (Yawm 

In fact just last week I  met an Egyptian of great learning and erudition and I 
asked him: ** what made you go over the impassable bridge of verse 33:40 on to 
the Bahai? This so impossible bridge “a bridge to far” ** 

He replied that for over 30 years! he disputed and attacked the Bahai position 
with all the “weapons” in his “armamentarium” and then…and then…suddenly alone 
one night he wondered what was the connection what was meant to be the 
connection or relevance of the Holy Prophet’s Marriage to Zayd’s recently 
divorced wife Zaynab with finality of revelation?...because the first part of 
the verse is most clearly a reference to that person Zayd etc and the second 
part of verse 33:40 mentions (Khaatam)…


He followed his conscience on this…and studied Bahá’u’lláh’s Writings.

Further personally I (khazeh) have had a dream …I won’t mention the details of 
it but I did dream that a Holy Soul in Islam (I forget whether it was, I ask 
forgiveness of God!,  the Prophet HimSelf or one of the Imams said to me: ** 
Gilberto will come. Gilberto will see. Gilberto will appreciate the Faith. You 
have shown Gilberto love. It will not go wasted…) something like this. **


So let us all be respectful and continue genuine and in depth study.


For example and in all sincerity I ask has any one on this list read this book


Tolerance and coercion in Islam: 

interfaith relations in the Muslim tradition




 Yohanan Friedmann

  1 Review

Cambridge University Press, 2003 -  

 Religion - 233 pages

Since the beginning of its history, Islam has encountered other religious 
communities both in Arabia and in the territories conquered during its 
expansion. Muslims faced other religions from the position of a ruling power 
and were therefore able to determine the nature of that relationship in 
accordance with their world-view and beliefs. Yohanan Friedmann's original and 
erudite study examines questions of religious tolerance as they appear in the 
Quran and in the prophetic tradition, and analyses the principle that Islam is 
exalted above all religions, discussing the ways in which this principle was 
reflected in various legal pronouncements. The book also considers the various 
interpretations of the Quranic verse according to which 'No compulsion is there 
in religion', noting that, despite the apparent meaning of this verse, Islamic 
law allowed the practice of religious coercion against Manichaeans and Arab 
idolators, as well as against women and children in certain circumstances.




But the only thing I beg of Gilberto Simpson is that he should not provoke 
simple and hopefully pure souls like me by writing *Haifan Baha’is* as in his 
letter of December the 21st **Naison, I don't think you got what I intended to 
say. Once you've chosen to be a Haifan Bahai, then by all means, make a 
commitment to follow all of the rules of the Aqdas and the guidance of the 

It is provocative a bit and it is not necessary

Your loving friend in His Path khazeh

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RE: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad (support for tolerance)

2010-12-31 Thread Khazeh
The Baha'i Studies Listserv


[] On Behalf Of Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Sent: 31 December 2010 06:26
To: Baha'i Studies
Subject: Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad


The Baha'i Studies Listserv

I find the idea of "reconnaissance" missions, in 624, quite amusing to say the 

I am just a humble. Lowly, insignificant reader of this list from time to time.

I believe that the studies part of this list’s purpose has diminished 
exponentially recently. But I believe that Mr Gilberto Simpson should be kept 
as a contributor. Gilberto knows and I have with greatest respect mentioned 
this to him that he should not re-iterate finality [khatmiyyat without engaging 
with all the Bahai Proofs on this. But of course, of course, he is entitled to 
continue on his point of view re: khatmiyyat and khaatamiyyat. I have friends 
who not just for ten years but for over thirty years insist on their own point 
of view re *seal-ship* and then suddenly open us lovingly to the Bahai 
Teachings, to Baha’u’llah and this Day of God (Yawm uLlaah).

In fact just last week u met an Egyptian of great learning and erudition and I 
asked him what made you go over the impassable bridge of verse 33:40 on to the 
Bahai? He replied that for over 30 years! he disputed and attacked the Bahai 
position with all the “weapons” in his “armamentarium” and then…and 
then…suddenly alone one night he wondered what was the connection what is the 
connection of the Holy Prophet’s Marriage to Zayd’s recently divorced wife 
Zaynab got to do with finality of revelation?...because the first part of the 
verse is most clearly a reference to that person Zayd etc and the second part 
of verse 33:40 mentions (Khaatam)…


He followed his conscience on this…

Further I have had a dream …I won’t mention the details of it but I did dream 
that a Holy Soul in Islam (I forget whether it was, I ask forgiveness of God!,  
The Prophet HimSelf or one of the Imams said to me: ** Gilberto will come. 
Gilberto will see. You have shown Gilberto love. It will not go wasted…) 
something like this.**


So let us all be respectful and continue genuine in depth study.


For example and in all sincerity I ask has any one on this list read this book


Tolerance and coercion in Islam: 

interfaith relations in the Muslim tradition


 Description: Description: Front Cover


 Yohanan Friedmann

  1 Review

Cambridge University Press, 2003 -  

 Religion - 233 pages

Since the beginning of its history, Islam has encountered other religious 
communities both in Arabia and in the territories conquered during its 
expansion. Muslims faced other religions from the position of a ruling power 
and were therefore able to determine the nature of that relationship in 
accordance with their world-view and beliefs. Yohanan Friedmann's original and 
erudite study examines questions of religious tolerance as they appear in the 
Quran and in the prophetic tradition, and analyses the principle that Islam is 
exalted above all religions, discussing the ways in which this principle was 
reflected in various legal pronouncements. The book also considers the various 
interpretations of the Quranic verse according to which 'No compulsion is there 
in religion', noting that, despite the apparent meaning of this verse, Islamic 
law allowed the practice of religious coercion against Manichaeans and Arab 
idolators, as well as against women and children in certain circumstances.




And the only thing I beg of Gilberto Simpson is that he should not provoke 
simple and hopefully pure souls like me by writing *Haifan Baha’is* as in his 
letter of December the 21st **Naison, I don't think you got what I intended to 
say. Once you've chosen to be a Haifan Bahai, then by all means, make a 
commitment to follow all of the rules of the Aqdas and the guidance of the 

It is provocative a bit and it is not necessary

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Re: Arguments and Stuff

2010-12-31 Thread atheist challenge
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I for one appreciate your presence here. You demonstrate the best ecumenical
> spirit, which does not involve soft-pedalling one's own beliefs, but
> engaging in dialogue based on person to person respect.

So let me get this straight, Satan.  You state that the Muslim presence is
appreciated because they are insisting that Islam is a positive force in
society?  Maybe over the dead bodies of Jews, Baha'is, and rejectors of
blood-thirsty Allah.

Futhermore, you cannot be a Bahai and accept the premise that Islam and
Quran are today positive things in society.  Oh I forgot, you were already
removed from Bahai.

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Re: Bahaullah had a lot of Anti-Islamic things to say, but couldn't because of Muslim pressure

2010-12-31 Thread atheist challenge
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
A direct reply and detailed explanation of this matter would have
overstepped the bounds of wisdom, inasmuch as people of diverse faiths
associate with the distinguished Sáhib and a direct reply would have
contravened the laws of Islam. *The answer was therefore sent down from the
heaven of the Divine Will in an implicit manner.*

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Re: Arguments and Stuff

2010-12-31 Thread atheist challenge
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Sen is a liar, do not listen to him.  He is an anti-Bahai recruited by
Muslims to cause dissention among Bahais and to spread superstitious dogma
about the Allah of Mohamed.

Sen, you don't know Bahai writings.

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Re: Arguments and Stuff

2010-12-31 Thread Sen & Sonja
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Matt, Gilberto

I for one appreciate your presence here. You demonstrate the best 
ecumenical spirit, which does not involve soft-pedalling one's own 
beliefs, but engaging in dialogue based on person to person respect. 
Two of the Bahai members on this list have not shown that spirit, and 
this is to be regretted. I am very glad to know that you understand 
that this does not reflect anything of the Bahai teachings, but 
rather bitterness and defensiveness for which there are historical 
reasons, amplified by the enormous volume of anti-Islam material that 
is now available and which, by simple repetition, comes to appear 


On 31 Dec 2010 at 4:04, Matt Haase wrote:

> I have been meditating on our heated discussions for the last couple
> of hours, and have considered my possible role in the conflict. At the
> moment, I am unsure if I should leave this list as I don't want to be
> a reason for contention among Baha'is. When Susan said that she wanted
> to shut this list down, I got very sad, and felt guilty like I was
> part of the problem. As a Muslim, I don't want to be a cause of grief
> for Baha'is. For the last seven years, I have tried my best to show
> Baha'is that not all Muslims have to hate the Baha'i Faith, or
> disparage them. I have befriended many, and most of my best friends
> are Baha'is, not Muslim. I understand that some Baha'is have had
> traumatic experiences at the hands of Muslims, and this can cause
> bitterness and psychological defense mechanisms for some. I often try
> to remember that, and be forgiving because I don't think it is "them"
> that is reacting that way, but the pain screaming out. But sometimes I
> don't, and I get offended like a human being does, and then I get
> defensive. I usually try to be as objective and "sin-covering" as
> possible. I try not to look to the worst possible interpretation of
> something, but the best possible interpretation of something. There
> was a time when I looked through the Baha'i Writings with detective
> eyes, trying to find a quote here or there that spoke ill of Islam or
> Muslims. I found them. I found dozens. But something strange happened
> years later. After reading those same texts, I couldn't find those
> passages anymore. Surely, these are the same books, but why couldn't I
> find them? Because I wasn't looking for them. There is a proverb which
> states that a person finds whatever they are looking for in religion.
> If they are looking for hate, they find hate. If they look for love,
> they find love. If they are looking for "superstitions" that proves
> how stupid religion is, they find superstitions, etc. My path is not
> the path of justice, but mercy.
> __
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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread atheist challenge
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I can let a lot of comments slide, and I have, but sometimes it just gets
> too much (considering the Islamophobia that is current in Europe and the
> U.S.) I am sure if a Baha'i were on a Muslim list, and someone started
> saying things about the Baha'i Faith that he/she thought were inaccurate or
> disrespectful, I can almost guarantee that they would say something. It is
> human nature to do so.

I am always kicked off of Moslem lists.  you need a bit of your own

Christian and Moslem and Bahai cannot be reconciled, unless they all come to
their senses and admit that all their books are made up by their authors.
 But unfortunately for Muslims and especially Christians, its had to
determine which parts of the text, if any, actually go back to *one author,
and even the existence of Jesus and Mohamed has been questioned.*

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Bahaullah had a lot of Anti-Islamic things to say, but couldn't because of Muslim pressure

2010-12-31 Thread atheist challenge
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
"A direct reply [to the Zoroastrian Priest] and detailed explanation of this
matter would have overstepped the bounds of wisdom, inasmuch as people of
diverse faiths associate with the distinguished Sáhib and *a direct reply
would have contravened the laws of Islam*."

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Re: nakhlah raid was Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread atheist challenge
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> So basically Ibn Ishaq agrees that Nakhlah was intended as a reconnaissance
> mission.

Bahais, wake up already.  Gilberto and Matt are just two examples, but
Muslims are on a reconnaissance mission here, have recruited others, and are
recruiting people here, to attack the Bahais where it hurts, from within.

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Bahais never learn

2010-12-31 Thread atheist challenge
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Bahais are probably the weakest, back-bone-less, and naive people on earth.
 If you Bahais were children, you would be kidnapped and molested by a
predator off the street.

You don't know how to stand up for yourself against these deniers??

No wonder iranians and arabs take advantage of you.

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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread atheist challenge
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I don't really enjoy Islam-Bahai polemics either but if someone says
> something which seems disparaging, it is hard to let it by without comment.
> Maybe if the group could agree to a clear set of guidelines for conduct (no
> personal attacks, content should be relevant to the Bahai faith, etc.) that
> might make things better.

You must find the Bahai idea itself to be essentially disparaging to Islam.
 You must also find humanist views to be disparaging.  Why are you on a
Bahai list?  The Bahai idea that the Quran has been supersceded because the
quran is harmful to society is essentially disparaging.

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Re: Arguments and Stuff

2010-12-31 Thread atheistchallenge3
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> There is a proverb which states that a person finds whatever they are looking 
> for in religion. If they are looking for hate, they find hate. If they look 
> for love, they find love. If they are looking for "superstitions" that proves 
> how stupid religion is, they find superstitions, etc. My path is not the path 
> of justice, but mercy.

This proverb is contrary to bahaii teachings.  Bahaii teachings state that a 
religion is only beneficial for it's time, after it's time has expired that 
religion becomes bad for society.We have a lot in common with bahaiis : all 
religions are harmful to society. 
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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Firouz
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

No one said that it has been your fault or the fault of Muslims in 
general for what has been happening to Baha'is. You were arguing that I 
should respect all people regardless of their religious affiliations and 
you tried to say that is what my religion teaches us. As Iskandar said 
respecting people is different that respecting opinions or beliefs. I 
was born a Muslim and most my family members are Muslims. My mother is a 
Muslim and I love her dearly and have greatest respect for her, but I 
have no respect for her belief and I totally reject what she believes 
in. And I have told her that I am just a true Muslim.

Should I respect suicide bombers? I respect you and Gilberto as human 
beings. Here where I live in a Buddhist country, I fight for the rights 
of Muslims, and I have many Muslim friends. But after all I believe 
Muslims have not sincerely followed the teaching of their prophet.

On 31/12/2010 1:21 PM, Matt Haase wrote:
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> No, that is not what I am saying. That is your knee-jerk reaction to 
> what I am saying. Everything goes back to the Iranian Baha'is. I am 
> sorry for what is happening to them, but it is not my fault. I speak 
> out, I do what I can, but it is not my fault.
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:38 PM, Firouz  > wrote:
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Matt,
> Please don't misinterpret the Teaching of my religion. Are you
> saying I should respect the Iranian Islamic rulers for whatever
> they believe and for whatever they do to my fellow Iranian
> Baha'is, just because they are Muslims? Where have you found such
> interpretations. If you want to discuss certain Baha'i Teaching,
> please give a quote and then we will discuss it here. After all
> here is a Bahai-Study list. And I don't believe everything that
> Muslims believe is Islamic. Of course, out of respect, the Muslims
> have the right to believe in anything they like to believe, but I
> should not have any respect for their beliefs. Telling Muslims
> some facts about their religions is not disrespect either.
> On 31/12/2010 6:46 AM, Matt Haase wrote:
>> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Yes, you should respect all people regardless of their religious
>> affiliations. Even if you think we believe in stupid things, your
>> religion says you have to respect people of all religions. It
>> doesn't say, "respect people of all religions, only if they agree
>> with Baha'i teachings." And just fyi, I think the Baha'i Faith is
>> a beautiful religion, and I am a Muslim.
>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 3:59 AM, Firouz > > wrote:
>> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> On 30/12/2010 1:13 AM, Susan Maneck wrote:
>> My religion is Baha'i which teaches us to respect Islam.
>> Dear Susan,
>> Respecting Islam is not the same as respecting Muslims with
>> whatever they believe as Islamic. I think these days what
>> many Muslims believe is not the teaching of Islam, but mostly
>> the teaching of some clergies or false Ahadith. Should we as
>> Baha'is respect such Muslims with some distorted views of
>> their religions. By not recognizing Baha'u'llah and this Day
>> as the Day of God, Muslims have failed to be faithful to the
>> Teachings of Holy Quran and Prophet Muhamad. What many
>> Muslims believe today is some idle fancies and imagining.
>> Best regards,
>> Firouz
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...the Great Debate

2010-12-31 Thread STChamberlain
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
My contribution to the Great Debate:

"The foundation of the Kingdom of God is laid upon justice, fairness, mercy, 
sympathy and kindness to every soul. Then strive ye with heart and soul to 
practice love and kindness to the world of humanity at large, except to those 
souls who are selfish and insincere. It is not advisable to show kindness to a 
person who is a tyrant, a traitor or a thief because kindness encourages him to 
become worse and does not awaken him. The more kindness you show to a liar the 
more he is apt to lie, for he thinks that you know not, while you do know, but 
extreme kindness keeps you from revealing your knowledge." 
(Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 412)

When Susan BdR left the list several weeks ago, I was thinking perhaps I should 
do the same.  I agree that there has been "no real or serious study of the 
Baha'i Faith on this list" in a  v e r y  long time. 

Although I'd been a Baha'i for many years prior to subscribing, I was inspired 
to truly *study* the Writings, knowing I would never attain the expansive 
understanding of those fellow list members who contributed to that spiritually 
uplifting and enlightening experience.

It's as though the discussions have degenerated into a debate over who is Top 
Dog in the demonstration of knowledge pertaining to historical *facts* 
contextualized as a comparative religious debate.  He said / She said (nothing).

I'm more concerned with the *future* of humanity and how the Baha'is, 
individuals as well as institutions; might influence in a positive manner, a 
more universal approach to the interdependent circumstance of humankind.


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Re: Stealth Jihad

2010-12-31 Thread Firouz

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On 31/12/2010 12:55 PM, Gilberto Simpson wrote:

I think Baha'is are only true Muslims.

So if Bahais are "true Muslims" what should Sunnis and Shias call themselves?

They can call themselves by their sect names, i.e. Sunni or Shia. As 
they have not fully understood the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad and 
have not recognized the advent of Baha'u'llah. Remember that in Quran, 
some other prophets were called Muslims.  So considering this meaning of 
Islam, Baha'is are true Muslims. And Shias and Sunnis failed to 
surrender to Will of God.

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Arguments and Stuff

2010-12-31 Thread Matt Haase
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I have been meditating on our heated discussions for the last couple of
hours, and have considered my possible role in the conflict. At the moment,
I am unsure if I should leave this list as I don't want to be a reason for
contention among Baha'is. When Susan said that she wanted to shut this list
down, I got very sad, and felt guilty like I was part of the problem. As a
Muslim, I don't want to be a cause of grief for Baha'is. For the last seven
years, I have tried my best to show Baha'is that not all Muslims have to
hate the Baha'i Faith, or disparage them. I have befriended many, and most
of my best friends are Baha'is, not Muslim. I understand that some Baha'is
have had traumatic experiences at the hands of Muslims, and this can cause
bitterness and psychological defense mechanisms for some. I often try to
remember that, and be forgiving because I don't think it is "them" that is
reacting that way, but the pain screaming out. But sometimes I don't, and I
get offended like a human being does, and then I get defensive. I usually
try to be as objective and "sin-covering" as possible. I try not to look to
the worst possible interpretation of something, but the best possible
interpretation of something. There was a time when I looked through the
Baha'i Writings with detective eyes, trying to find a quote here or there
that spoke ill of Islam or Muslims. I found them. I found dozens. But
something strange happened years later. After reading those same texts, I
couldn't find those passages anymore. Surely, these are the same books, but
why couldn't I find them? Because I wasn't looking for them. There is
a proverb which states that a person finds whatever they are looking for in
religion. If they are looking for hate, they find hate. If they look for
love, they find love. If they are looking for "superstitions" that proves
how stupid religion is, they find superstitions, etc. My path is not the
path of justice, but mercy.

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