Re: [cia-drugs] Russian General's Comments Need to be Taken With Healthy Dose of Skepticism

2006-02-11 Thread Arlene Johnson

What an article! I love the way he exposes The Illuminati in this. The only aspect he omits,
is their process of moving extremely slowly which prevents people's realizing that anything
is wrong until it's too late to do anything about it.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 11, 2006 1:31 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Russian General's Comments Need to be Taken With Healthy Dose of Skepticism 

Russian General's Comments Need to be Taken With Healthy Dose of Skepticism
Paul Joseph Watson | January 25 2006
General Leonid Ivashov, Russia's armed forces Chief of Staff when 9/11 occurred, recently went public with astounding comments concerning the destruction of the World Trade Center and the war on terrorism.
Ivashov made clear his conviction that the entire war is a manufactured ruse and that 9/11 was an inside job carried out by the new world elite, who he calls 'the Atlantists', designed to light the touch paper for a global government and the elimination of sovereign borders.
On the face of it this is another highly credible whistleblower and one who would be in a position to know exactly what he’s talking about.
Ivashov goes in depth about the modern face of terrorism and its symbiosis with how the media report it. This is key because an act only becomes terrorism if it's defined as that by the media. If we can define killing innocent people in the pursuit of a political agenda as terrorism then what do you call slaughtering innocent people in their own homes in recent US government orchestrated bombing raids in Pakistan and Iraq?
Ivashov elaborates on the fact that the secret service and intelligence elements of any major power always control the high echelons of any extremist movement.
From Operation Gladio, to the Neo-Nazis in Germany, to the London bombing mastermind Aswat being an MI6 asset, to Israel’s creation of Hamas. This pattern has been consistently proven.
However, Ivashov's solutions to the problem of worldwide engineered chaos are ambiguous and their wording should raise alarm bells for those who understand the long term agenda of the Illuminati.
As his solution to global dictatorship, Ivashov encourages the creation of a pseudo-world government, run under UN auspices.
In essence he is offering a Hobson's choice, a left-wing world government to counter the advance of the right-wing world government. The end result is the same, a world government which is unelected and not representative of the people of any sovereign nation.
Then the General states his desire to, "associate (under the United Nations) the scientific elites in the design and promotion of the philosophical concepts of the Human Being of the 21st Century."

That reads like secular humanism and it wouldn't be out of place in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. So without the luxury of the general going into any further depth on this, at face value what he is proposing appears to be something quite distasteful.
Ivashov then outlines his wish to, "organize the interaction of all religious denominations in the world, on behalf of the stability of humanity's development, security and mutual support."
Again, this is too ambiguous not to rule out the possibility that he’s advocating a global religion as the savior of mankind, which again is another mechanism whereby power could be centralized under a world government that is completely unelected and not representative of the people.
Does he just mean religious figureheads getting together and talking? We know that when powerful people have get togethers, they set policy. They don’t waste each other’s time by partaking in talking shops.
In the absence of further clarification, a certain healthy dose of skepticism needs to be afforded to the General's comments. If Ivashov's solutions are just a mirror image of the problems he clarifies, then with how much credibility should he be bestowed?

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Re: [cia-drugs] Evidence Suggests Muslim Riots Are Staged Psyop

2006-02-11 Thread Arlene Johnson

This is perfect. Thank you Norgeson. This tends to confirm what a supporter said
to me the other day regarding that the Vatican created Islam.
When I asked him for the article that pertains to this bombshell information, he told me that he
didn't have it, that it was said in passing by a writer. When I asked him who the writer
was, he said that he couldn't remember. 
If any of you know who wrote that the Vatican created Islam, a topic that I know is true
simply because of what I know, please let me know. You will have my sincerest appreciation
as I can't just put out that the Vatican did this to Islamic people without documentation. They'll
never believe me and be angry with me as well. The truth hurts, but it also sets us free if we
pay attention to it.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 11, 2006 1:48 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Evidence Suggests Muslim Riots Are Staged Psyop 

New Evidence Suggests Muslim Riots Are Staged Psyop
As news breaks of four more demonstrators being shot dead in Kabul, fresh evidence has surfaced lending credibility to the assertion that the Muslim riots are a staged psyop or at the very least based on false pretenses.
Yesterday leading Russian MP Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that the riots were a manufactured psychological operation on the part of the US in an attempt to enlist hardened EU support for a military strike against Iran.
As first highlighted by this website and others, more evidence has come to light that confirms fake and misleading caricatures were bundled in with the more tame cartoons that were printed in Danish newspapers. Muslims were misled into believing that all the images were printed in newspapers when they were not.
World Net Daily reports,
"One of three especially inflammatory but undocumented Muhammad images distributed by a Danish imam as an example of an "anti-Muslim environment" in the European country turns out to be a poorly reproduced copy of an Associated Press photo taken at a French pig-squealing contest."

"The weblog NeanderNews pointed out the image used by Imam Ahmad Abu Laban was a faxed copy of AP's Aug. 15 photo of Jacques Barrot competing at the annual French Pig-Squealing Championships in Trie-sur-Baise." 
Another two images which were erroneously added to the caricatures that were actually carried by the newspapers depict Muhammad as a pedophile demon and a dog raping a praying Muslim.

Were the misleading images intended to add fuel to the fire? Many have pointed out that depictions of Muhammad appear universally throughout the world. A stone sculpture in the US depicting Muhammad has been in place since the 1930's. An Australian newspaper piece lists depictions of Muhammad, both flattering and insulting that appear regularly in the West and beyond.
"From Ottoman religious icons to market stalls in Iran, from the US Supreme Court building to the South Park cartoon, Mohammed has been frequently portrayed in flattering and unflattering lights."
Many painters, including William Blake, Gustave Dore, Auguste Rodin and Salvador Dali, have depicted Mohammed in illustrations of Dante's Inferno, where the Muslim prophet ends up in hell with his entrails hanging out."
Why the outrage now? And why were more degrading images that were not even printed thrown into the mix?
The US government is no stranger to using falsely attributed paraphernalia to fan the flames of racial tension. During the Vietnam era civil rights struggle, the FBI mass mailed coloring books that were attributed to the Black Panthers. The books portrayed white people as pigs and encouraged blacks to violently attack and kill them. Primarily mailed to white neighborhoods, the books had the effect of turning middle class sentiment against the black rights movement and leading to support of enhanced authoritarian crackdown.

The feasibility of demonstrators in Gaza having immediate access to a plethora of pristine Danish flags as soon as the furore began has also been put under scrutiny.
A CNN International news anchor reported that the United Nations had foreknowledge that protests in Beirut were going to erupt on Sunday.
"ANTHONY MILLS, CNN INTERNATIONAL: My understanding is, as well, that UN sources were reporting this morning that this was going to be a chaotic day, if you will... Or, certainly they were reporting --they were suggesting -- their workers shouldn't go to work today."
So, indications in advance, I think, probably that something was going to happen here, that some form or sort of violent protest might erupt."
As we reported on Monday, images of Muslims with signs that read "freedom go to hell" and "Europe, take some lessons from from 9/11" are playing right into

Re: [cia-drugs] Enron revisited

2006-02-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

Why don't you state that Ken Lay is a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, Jim?
It's been on my Web site for years, certainly in 2002 since the first edition of my work appeared in
March 2001.
Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Author
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.
-Original Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 8, 2006 11:09 PM To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Enron revisited 

(As the fraud trial of former Enron head, Ken Lay, unfolds it is clear that the prosecutor and the media are not going to tell the full story.,but will shield as much as possible  the large investment banks, government officials and the Congress who played a large role in one of the largest ever scams.
I am reissuing an article I wrote in February of 2002 to remind what the media "missed" the first time around and continues to ignore.)

What at first was thought to be just the outrageous illegal excesses of one company (Enron) is now found to be an outbreak threatening to become an epidemic. In the Enron case, over $80 billion in value has disappeared from investment portfolios including pension funds, private 401K’s, IRA’s and other institutional and private investors. And that’s just the stock effect. Still to come are disclosures of the impact of loans from investment banks and bonds issued by Enron subsidiaries and "partnerships" which will be in the billions of dollars.Before tracing the contagion of the "Enron Syndrome" we should try to clarify just exactly what Enron was doing. About the only consistent explanation in most of the media is that the company was hiding its true debt on the balance sheets of the partnerships. It was doing much more than that. Enron set up more than 3,000 private "partnerships" with the aid of investment bankers who rounded up the investors to give the appearance of independent companies. With the connivance of the bankers, bond rating services and Wall Street analysts, bonds were then issued by the partnerships. The bonds were backed, not by the (non-existent) assets of the partnerships, but by Enron stock. Enron stock at that time was the darling of Wall Street trading in $60-$80 dollar range. Given investment grade ratings by the ratings services and buy recommendations from Wall Street analysts, the bankers had no problem touting the investments to unsuspecting investors. Of course Enron is now a penny stock and the bonds have virtually no backing. This stratagem worked so well the bankers began to recommend the structure to other clients. Chief among the investment houses were CitiGroup, Credit Suisse First Boston and Deutche Bank Alex Brown according to a 2/14/02 New York Times article. The practice became so lucrative that some of the banks began buying the bonds themselves and then peddled them to investors. Two of the companies named in the Times article as adopting the Enron model are the Williams Companies and the El Paso Corporation. Both are also big players in the energy (oil and gas) markets. The major selling point of the model was that it would shield the bond liabilities from. investors’ view by keeping them on the partnerships’ balance sheets. J.P Morgan Chase also had a "arrangement" with Enron where large sums of money were prepaid to Enron supposedly for future delivery of oil and gas commodities. These transactions were run through one of the partnerships and an entity called Mahonia Ltd., a subsidiary of Morgan Chase set up in Jersey in the (English) Channel Islands. No commodities were never delivered and the prepayment was returned to Morgan Chase plus about 3.4% of the contract. The transactions are being investigated, as they appear to be nothing but private loans to Enron outside of normal reporting requirements.Morgan Chase required Enron to obtain performance bonds from insurance companies for the transactions with themselves as the beneficiary. Since the bankrupt Enron now cannot make good on the repayments, Morgan Chase has claimed payment from the insurance companies. The insurance companies are refusing to pay saying the transactions were misrepresented as commodity trades. Morgan Chase has sued and, according to Standard & Poors, stands to lose over $5 billion if unsuccessful. One of the companies involved is Travelers Insurance, a subsidiary of CitiGroup. Ironically, and perhaps even poetically, this has the effect of the Rockerfellers suing themselves since they control both Morgan Chase and CitiGroup.Are all these goings on legal? Where were the accountants and lawyers while this was happening? There is some confusion as to whether the partnership scheme was the brainchild of Enron management or of the consulting arm of Enron’s auditors, Arthur Anderson. It may be irrelevant since both embraced the concept wholeheartedly. Arthur Anderson is said to have passed the model o


2006-02-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

This man is under the influence of The Illuminati since "The Illuminati
have controlled Europe for hundreds of years." I read that somewhere
fairly recently and this proves that what I read is true.
He needs to read the documented truth, which is what I publish. Then, 
he'll understand since the German press is one of the best presses in the 
world, even better than the English press, that he will finally figure out 
who is controlling  whom.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access previous years editions.-Original Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 8, 2006 1:28 AM To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] EUROPE - THY NAME IS COWARDICE


Dapfner, Chief Executive of the huge German publisher Axel Springer AG, has written a blistering attack in Germany's largest daily paper.  This is a must read for all Americans!EUROPE - THY NAME IS COWARDICE (Commentary by Mathias Dapfner, CEO, Axel Springer AG) A few days ago Henry Broder wrote in Welt am Sonntag, "Europe - your family name is appeasement." It's a phrase you can't get out of your head because it's so terribly true. Appeasement cost millions of Jews and non-Jews their lives as England and France, allies at the time, negotiated and hesitated too long before they noticed that Hitler had to be fought, not bound to toothless agreements. Appeasement legitimized and stabilized Communism in the Soviet Union, then East Germany, then all the rest of Eastern Europe where for decades, inhuman suppressive, murderous governments were glorified as the ideologically correct alternative to all other possibilities. Appeasement crippled Europe when genocide ran rampant in Kosovo, and even though we had absolute proof of ongoing mass-murder, we Europeans debated and debated and debated, and were still debating when finally the Americans had to come from halfway around the world, into Europe yet again, and do our work for us. Rather than protecting democracy in the Middle East, European appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy word "equidistance" now countenances suicide bombings in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians. Appeasement generates a mentality that allows Europe to ignore nearly 500,000 victims of Saddam's torture and murder machinery and, motivated by the self-righteousness of the peace-movement, has the gall to issue bad grades to George Bush... Even as it is uncovered that the loudest critics of the American action in Iraq made illicit billions, no, TENS of billions, in the corrupt U.N. Oil-for-Food program. And now we are faced with a particularly grotesque form of appeasement. How is Germany reacting to the escalating violence by Islamic fundamentalists in Holland and elsewhere? By suggesting that we really should have a "Muslim Holiday" in Germany? I wish I were joking, but I am not. A substantial fraction of our (German) Government, and if the polls are to be believed, the German people, actually believe that creating an Official State "Muslim Holiday" will somehow spare us from the wrath of the fanatical Islamists. One cannot help but recall Britain's Neville Chamberlain waving the laughable treaty signed by Adolph Hitler, and declaring European "Peace in our time". What else has to happen before the European public and its political leadership get it? There is a sort of crusade underway, an especially perfidious crusade consisting of systematic attacks by fanatic Muslims, focused on civilians, directed against our free, open Western societies, and intent upon Western Civilization's utter destruction. It is a conflict that will most likely last longer than any of the great military conflicts of the last century - a conflict conducted by an enemy that cannot be tamed by "tolerance" and "accommodation" but is actually spurred on by such gestures, which have proven to be, and will always be taken by the Islamists for signs of weakness. Only two recent American Presidents had the courage needed for anti-appeasement: Reagan and Bush. His American critics may quibble over the details, but we Europeans know the truth. We saw it first hand: Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, freeing half of the German people from nearly 50 years of terror and virtual slavery. And Bush, supported only by the Social Democrat Blair, acting on moral conviction, recognized the danger in the Islamic War against democracy. His place in history will have to be evaluated after a number of years have passed. In the meantime, Europe sits back with charismatic self-confidence in the multicultural corner, instead of defending liberal society's values and being an

Re: [cia-drugs] Steve Kubby info at Medi-pot patient.

2006-02-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

It's too bad people didn't listen to me when I announced
my editions because if they had, they would have seen 
the demand to legalize medical marijuana  with an international
boycott of the U.S. to force it.
I have a friend here in London who takes marijuana for arthritis.
It is perfectly legal here in England for medical purposes. I should
be in the U.S. too. Woe is me.
Arlene Johnson
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for the 17th - 20th editions: UN
No password is needed to access the first 16.-Original Message- From: Eco Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 4, 2006 4:53 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Steve Kubby info at Medi-pot patient. has latest Steve Kubby info. Medi-pot patient in 
Placer County jail in Auburn, California.
One can use this site search shortcut to pull up many articles: 
Here are the articles below that are currently pulled up by the search shortcut. See first the article with the latest jail interview transcripts. It also has many other compilation links. Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2006 jail reports from Steve Kubby:
The compilation links are also at the end of this message. 
Please forward. site search results begin--

There's a chance Steve Kubby could be released within a matter of days! via ASA list 2006-02-04 12:34 AMThis news video reports Steve Kubby could be out of jail within a matter of days (text/plain + 1 comment)
Steve Kubby reports from jail. Feb 1-2. Jan. 31, 2006. Medi-pot patient. via list. 2006-02-02 11:24 PMMedi-pot patient Steve Kubby reports to Pat McCartney, the former city editor of the Auburn Journal. From the Placer County, California jail in Auburn, California. (text/plain + 2 comments)
1/3: Steven Kubby's Preliminary Hearing and Interfaith Prayer/Meditation via list 2006-02-02 5:49 PMWhat: Steven Wynn Kubby's Preliminary Hearing and Interfaith Prayer/Meditation Circle of Healing When: Friday, February 3, 2006 8 AM [Interfaith Prayer/Meditation Circle of Healing 7:30 AM] (text/plain)
Keep Incarceration from Becoming a Death Sentence Americans for Safe Access 2006-02-02 5:46 PMJoin the efforts to release or properly care for Steve Kubby and other medical marijuana patients who suffer from negligent medical treatment in prison. (text/plain)
Steve Kubby appears in court cannabiscanuck 2006-02-02 9:42 AMupdate on Steve Kubby (text/plain)
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/31/06) 911 Hoax 2006-01-31 6:38 PMAnti-abortion legislators on the move in five states. (image/gif)
Kubby Hearing @ the Placer County Courthouse freeman 2006-01-31 6:33 PMKubby Hearing @ the Placer County Courthouse (text/plain + 6 comments)
Steve Kubby still incarcerated & not allowed medical marijuana in jail for cancer Cris Ericson 2006-01-31 5:23 PMSteve Kubby still incarcerated and not allowed medical marijuana in jail for his disease of cancer. (text/plain)
Steve Kubby January 31, 2006 evening update: STILL IN CUSTODY IN JAIL! Cris Ericson 2006-01-31 4:30 PMSteve Kubby January 31, 2006 evening update: STILL IN CUSTODY IN JAIL! Will Steve Kubby be allowed to watch President George W. Bush's State of the Union Speech in Jail in Placer County, California? If not, why? (image/jpeg + 2 comments)
Steve Kubby jail interviews. Medi-pot patient in danger. Placer County, California. eco man 2006-01-31 12:10 AMSteve Kubby details the medical neglect and the many medical dangers he is experiencing in the Placer County jail in Auburn, California. (text/plain + 1 comment)
1/31:Press conference, rally at the Placer Co. Superior Court in support of Steve Kubby via list/HempEvolution 2006-01-29 11:21 PMWhen: Tuesday, January 31st, 2006; 12 Noon Where: Department 13, Placer Co. Superior Court; 11532 B Avenue; Auburn, California link to Mapquest (text/plain + 1 comment)

Steve Kubby in Solitary Confin

Re: [cia-drugs] Danish cartoon conspiracy

2006-02-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

In my humble, but educated, opinion, part of this is true,
but part of it is what we, in sociology, call plausible denial.
The real reason why this cartoon was published was to be
able to identify Muslims. One of my supporters told me that
every Muslim is to be killed. I can try to retrieve the Email
in which he told me that if anyone wants to read it.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 9, 2006 2:32 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Putin's Camgirl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Danish cartoon conspiracy

Monday, February 06, 2006
Danish cartoon conspiracy

We’re starting to see the details of the conspiracy behind the Danish cartoon scandal.  The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which started the problem by actually commissioning cartoons that would make Muslims furious as an experiment to see if political correctness would prevent the cartoons from being published – you can’t make this stuff up! - supports the anti-immigration Danish governing coalition, and has historic ties going back to the 1920s and 1930s to European fascism.  The editor in question, Flemming Rose, apparently has ties to Daniel Pipes (as if we couldn’t see that coming!).  The point was clearly to incite Muslim riots to enforce the idea that the ‘clash of civilizations’ means that immigration to Europe - particularly Muslim immigration - must be stopped, and to lead credence to the idea that Muslims are all irrational and violent, and can’t be dealt with except through violence.  Although they deny it, the conspiracy clearly flows through a whole series of like-minded European editors, all of whom should be given a blood test to check for Zionism.  The BBC actually had the audacity to carry the cartoons “to give audiences an understanding of the strong feelings evoked by the story”.  As we dig further, I am sure we’ll find that all the people involved in this story have strong connections to either or both of Zionism and far-right European fascism.  The people of Denmark, in particular, ought to be thinking about sending a bill to Jyllands-Posten for the damage done to the embassies, not to mention the fact that Danish firms will never again be able to do business in the Middle East or any place where there is a substantial Muslim population.  Denmark just lost a billion customers.
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Re: [cia-drugs] View of a Military Expert: Why the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed

2006-02-07 Thread Arlene Johnson

Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 7, 2006 1:34 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Putin's Camgirl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] View of a Military Expert: Why the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed

View of a Military Expert: Why the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed
The airplanes did not a have true effect on the destruction of towers; they were needed to give an excuse for odd Orwellian wars at the same time when the USA is turned into a police nation, like the German Third Reich, to some extent. The towers took the impacts of crushing Boeing 767's. The towers were originally built to take impacts of Boeing 707's, which are approximately of the same size and was widely used in the 1970's. 
Fires that kindled from the fuel in the planes were too shortlasting and weak to be able to severely damage the structure of the skyscrapers. Even in the extreme situation, the heat from a kerosene fire cannot threat the durability of a steel trunk. With the temperature of carbohydrate fires that reaches only 825 °C (approx. 1517 °F) steel weakens at 800 °C (approx. 1470 °F) and melts at 1585 °C (approx. 2890 °F). In the skyscrapers of the WTC the surroundings were not at all ideal as there were far too many steel columns and they led heat away from the burning area. WTC 1 burned for 102 minutes and WTC 2 for 56 minutes only. A fire burning much longer, from 10 to 20 hours, could slowly increase the burning temperature down to perhaps 1100 °C (approx. 2010 °F). Provided there is more substance to burn, such a fire will damage concrete and irons, but not severely heavy steel constructions. 

In mid-February in Madrid, the Windsor Tower (see above) burned for over 20 hours, which led to a fire stronger and hotter than that in the WTC, but even the collapses of the Windsor Tower caused by the very strong and long-enduring fire were minimal and limited to the upper floors. If either of the WTC tower had started to collapse because of fires the collapse would have been limited to only a few of the floors and then stopped. 
The impossibility of a gravitational collapse is closer seen in other documents. A collapse would produce large pieces, and does not explain reports of fine dust from concrete, huge amounts of dust and pieces of steel ejected outwards.
Destruction of the towers by explosions is clear according to the photographs and reports of the eye witnesses. In the picture below, a range of cutting charges have just exploded in the down left sector and a typical white cloud is formed outwards from the wall. Down right, explosions are seen as well. Even a flame is seen. 

In video tapes taken of the so-called collapses of the WTC, more explosions of these cutting charges can be seen. The explosions advance quickly, with a gap of a couple of floors, cutting the strong steel pillars in the outer wall. The explosions are timed so that it appears that the tower collapses occur in the same timing as in a gravitational collapse. The explosions are not completely synchronized in timing, probably a few charges are triggered by radio, and other charges explode out of the impulses of one of these charges (infrared, pressure wave). 

More challenging problems to the demolition men, however, were the central cores of the buildings and the 47 steel pillars more robust than the ones on the outer rounds. The pillars of the central cores were made of steel even 100 + 100 mm thick, thicker than the side armours of a battle tank. Cutting those, even with explosives, is extremely difficult. One would need to surround the whole pillars, every single pillar on every floor intended to get blasted, with powerful cutting charges. These charges would have needed to be placed in such a way that the users of the skyscrapers could not notice these preparations. 

As seen in the following pictures, the cores of the towers were not distracted by thousands of powerful cutting charges but by a modern thermonuclear explosive, a small hydrogen bomb. In the picture below, a hydrogen bomb explosion, the bomb having been placed in the cellar and directed to the core, has reached the roof of the tower and the upper parts of the outer walls. On its way up the waves of fire pressure partially penetrated about 100 floors of concrete and steel. Over ten million degrees of heat caused by a hydrogen bomb sublimised all water within the concrete in a moment. Water exploded extremely quickly into 24-fold volume and totally pulverized the concrete. Even people and computers that were in the buildings disappeared turning into heat and light. That is why almost 

Re: [cia-drugs] The Trouble with Fascists

2006-02-07 Thread Arlene Johnson

Boy, are they in for a shock! See
and e-mail the owner, Tom Demeter, with any questions you may have.
There is a way to overrule these evils, and Tom has it.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 7, 2006 11:29 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] The Trouble with Fascists 

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Trouble with Fascists 

"We Fascists are the only true anarchists. Once we've become masters of the state, true anarchy is that of power." - Pasolini, Salo
Fascists have, let's call them, boundary issues. The boundaries of states, and I mean both federations and conditions, and the boundaries on the roadmaps of the soul. They transgress.Now of course, transgression can be a good thing, providing it's your own boundaries you are crossing. In fact, in almost every religious culture, transgression is allowed to be a holy thing. Think of fools of God like Saint Simeon Salus, a sixth century hermit who would perform such antics as blowing out the candles of a church just as the service was beginning, eating sausages on Good Friday and defecating in the marketplace. Yet as George Hansen tells in The Trickster and the Paranormal Simeon was also known to perform miracles, including the multiplication of food, telepathy and predicting the future. Nityananda, who last century violated many orthodox Hindu laws and would embarass his devotees by his nakedness and such happenings as smearing excrement over his body and sitting "with large piles of it, offering some to passers-by as a sweet." (The inversion of food/excrement and mouth/anus is a recurring and powerful transgression. The Aztecs had a copraphagic deity named Tlazolteotl, "Divine Excrement," also known as Tlaelquani, the "Eater of Ordure." See also "The Eye of Horus".) But Nityananda is remembered for his "miraculous healings, prophetic powers and even weather control." Joseph of Copertino mortified his flesh with chains and metal plates that pressed into his sores, and wore broken crockery around his neck to increase his humiliation. Joseph is also arguably the best-documented levitator in history. He also displayed telepathy, clairvoyance, healing powers and more. Sri Ramakrishna, one of India's greatest saints, often dressed as a woman and would eat the food left as temple offerings for gods.So, what was that about fascism, and what am I going on about now? I'm going on about Pasolini's final film, the one he may have died for: Salo."You must be stupid to think that death would be so easy. Don't you know we intend to kill you a thousand times?"It's a hard film to see, and not just because it's hard to sit through. Its graphic sexual sadism has prompted its banning around the world. (I first tried to catch it at a Toronto Forbidden Films festival in the mid-80s, but the Ontario Film Board forbade the screening.) Given how there are many works in the past 30 years that have out-grossed it, I suspect it's still problematic not so much for its generalized sexual sadism as for its pointed depiction of fascist sexual sadism.The film is an adaptation of the Marquis De Sade's 120 Days of Sodom, which Pasolini set in Mussolini's "Republic of Salo," the Nazi puppet state of northern Italy that he nominally administered during the final years of the war.If you haven't seen it, you've seen and heard of something like it. Forced nudity on collared and leashed prisoners with covered heads, paedophilic rape, coprophilia, humiliation and torture, ritual abuse and murder. Is it fascism? Is it Salo, or someplace else?(And I should say, the death of a thousand times includes such insufferable yet mundane things as the Killing Jokes of deadpan irony. The Cheney/Bush gang are masters of timing. It's Republican prostitute Jeff Gannon getting back his press pass, this time for "Pajama Media." It's Rumsfeld comparing Chavez to Hitler. Doesn't he know what he's saying, and doesn't he know what he sounds like? Yes, and yes: of course he does. And it must give him tremendous pleasure.)"Our guide restored the divine character of monstrosity thanks to reiterated actions. That is to say: rites."It's been a topic before here how the psycho-sexual atrocities of Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, and most certainly the unnamed secret prisons in the "War on Terror's" encircling gulag, did not arise in a vacuum and without the stage direction of senior officials. They also enact ritual, and are more than reminiscent, to both students and survivors, of the methods of covert mind control. Survivor Kathleen Sullivan has says that "many survivors...are experiencing an additi

Re: [cia-drugs] Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent

2006-02-04 Thread Arlene Johnson

Seems to me that I have read this before, or certainly something parallel to it,
but what people need to understand is that ever since the founding of our
country, the Illuminati (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Dupont, others) have been
determined to destroy our country, and now under the auspices of George W.
Bush, they are succeeding. He is not the only one, however as this has been a
slow process so people wouldn't realize what was going on.
Once they succeed with our country, they will destroy every other one too.
I'm fighting to save the United States. Want to join me?
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine that publishes top secret history AND the future.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access others.-Original Message- From: nobeastsforme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 24, 2006 1:18 AM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent --- Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:>> > Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent > > > In its attempt to establish a world empire> dominating every nation on the planet, the U.S. has> exhausted its ability to finance the expansion and> the country now faces imminent financial collapse.> From all indications, it looks like 2006 will spell> the end for America. > Consider these five important points: > > Point #1 The U.S., Great Britain and Israel are> preparing to attack Iran. As it appears the main> reason for invading Iraq was to stop it from selling> oil in Euros, likewise Iran has plans to dump the> dollar come March 2006. > > Point #2 U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow issued a> warning recently that the U.S. Government is on the> verge of collapse - as the statutory debt limit> imposed by Congress of $8.184 trillion dollars would> be reached in mid-February - the government would> then be unable to continue its normal operations.> Considering the current total U.S. debt stands at> $8.162 trillion dollars, once the official debt> ceiling ($8.184 trillion) is reached, the U.S.> government's credit abroad (its borrowing power) is> gone. Those countries (mainly China) who presently> keep America afloat by holding U.S. Treasury Notes,> will most likely no longer continue doing so. > > Point #3 Bank Of America and Compass Bank managers> (probably all other U.S. banks too) have been> instructing their employees in the last few weeks on> how to respond to customer demands in the event of a> collapse of the U.S. economy - specifically telling> the employees that only agents from the Department> Of Homeland Security will have authority to decide> what belongings customers may have from their safe> deposit boxes - and that precious metals and other> valuables will not be released to U.S. citizens. The> bank employees have been strictly prohibited from> revealing the banks' new "guidelines" to anyone.> (however, employees have been talking to friends and> family) > > The next time you visit your bank, ask them about it> - then ask yourself, why is this information being> kept secret from customers and the public - what's> really going on? > > Point #4 FEMA has activated and is currently> staffing its vast network of empty internment camps> with armed military personnel - unknown to most> Americans, these large federal facilities are> strategically positioned across the U.S. landscape> to "manage" the population in the event of a> "terrorist" attack, a civilian uprising, large-scale> dissent ,or an insurrection against the government.> Some of these razor-wired facilities have the> capacity of detaining a million people. > > Point #5 The Patriot Act and the US Senate's vote to> ban habeas corpus (Nov 14th) - along with George W.> Bush having signed executive orders giving him sole> authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas> corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act, have> together pretty much destroyed any notions of> freedom and justice for Americans. > > Summary: The U.S. economy is broken, the United> States is bankrupt - the unchecked spending by this> administration, the illegally waged wars against> Afghanistan and Iraq, the cost of unprecedented> weapons and military build-up - have all contributed> to an irreversible emergency which is threatening> our nation's existence and our very lives. > > Hospitals are closing, major corporations are> declaring bankruptcy and/or moving their companies> overseas, the monopolized news media spews nothing> but lies, and our fearless leaders have turned out> to be o

Re: [cia-drugs] David Irving

2006-02-01 Thread Arlene Johnson

If you were reading my work as I thought you were,
you'd know the answer to that question.
The Hate Laws refer to anyone who denies the Holocaust.
They were created to imprison people such as David Irving
and Ernst Zundel who deny that 6 million Jews were gassed
to death during WW II.
The Illuminati are so determined to maintain that lie that they
saw to it that these laws were instituted in as many countries
in Europe as possible. The U.K. doesn't have laws on its 
books to prosecute people such as David Irving, Ernst Zundel,
and myself, but even it could change since Lord Rothschild is
extremely powerful here, but countries such as France, Germany,
Austria, where David Irving now sits in prison, Switzerland, Sweden,
Belgium, Holland, Lithuania, Denmark do have these ridiculous laws
on their books. 
I have proved that 6 million didn't die by gassing because there weren't 
even 6 million Jews in Europe at that time. So many had emigrated to 
the US, Canada, and South America that
they weren't even in Europe. David Ben-Gurion tripped himself up
when he wrote the book entitled "A Personal History" and I caught
him in it. Read my 18th edition for more. It's my favorite.
Arlene Johnson
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.Password for 17th - 20th editions: UN-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 31, 2006 1:49 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] David Irving 
who was he speaking hatefully of?

- Original Message - 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] David Irving

It is ironic that makes available David Irving's books. is a Rockefeller
company; it is Rockefeller who is one of those who is directly responsible for David Irving to
be in prison now since it is the Rockefeller family which is one of the 13 Illuminati families that caused
the Hate Laws to be instituted in the first place. For all the names of The Illuminati, click on
I suggest that we BOYCOTT and order David's books from our local bookstore to support him.
Arlene Johnson

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Re: [cia-drugs] David Irving

2006-02-01 Thread Arlene Johnson

Good heads up Duncan. Someone with whom I just spoke recently
here in London did say that about Brits and David Icke, and said, too,
that Americans love Mr. Icke.
I know that I sure do. His article entitled "Is Hitler a Rothschild?" is in 
my 6th edition because it's the truth. David proved to me that Hitler IS
a Rothschild in that article.
Arlene Johnson
Click on Magazine icon to access the e-zine.-Original Message- From: "Duncan M. Roads" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 31, 2006 11:42 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] David Irving Coincidence? but David Icke made news in Scottish newspapers over the weekend.  It seems that people in the UK are never going to forget that public figure David Icke proclaimed himself the son of God on national TV back in 1991,


On 31/01/2006, at 11:49 PM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:
who was he speaking hatefully of?

- Original Message -
From: Arlene Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] David Irving

It is ironic that makes available David Irving's books. is a Rockefeller
company; it is Rockefeller who is one of those who is directly responsible for David Irving to
be in prison now since it is the Rockefeller family which is one of the 13 Illuminati families that caused
the Hate Laws to be instituted in the first place. For all the names of The Illuminati, click on
I suggest that we BOYCOTT and order David's books from our local bookstore to support him.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis Sent: Jan 31, 2006 12:26 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] David Irving 
a selection:
Hitler's War and the War Path (Hardcover)by David Irving
Nuremberg: The Last Battle [UNABRIDGED] (Hardcover)by David Irving
Churchill's War (Paperback)by David Irving
Churchill's War Volume II: Triumph in Adversity (Hardcover)by David Irving
Hitler's War (Paperback)by David Irving
The War Between the Generals: Inside the Allied High Command (Hardcover)by David Irving
Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich (Hardcover)by David Irving
Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden (Hardcover)by David Irving, David John Cawdell Irving
Goring: A Biography (Paperback)by David Irving
Hess: the Missing Years (Paperback)by David Irving
The War Path: Hitler's Germany 1933-1939 (Paperback)by David Irving
The Trail of the Fox (Paperback)by David Irving
The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe (Paperback)by David Irving
Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] David Irving

2006-01-31 Thread Arlene Johnson

It is ironic that makes available David Irving's books. is a Rockefeller
company; it is Rockefeller who is one of those who is directly responsible for David Irving to
be in prison now since it is the Rockefeller family which is one of the 13 Illuminati families that caused
the Hate Laws to be instituted in the first place. For all the names of The Illuminati, click on
I suggest that we BOYCOTT and order David's books from our local bookstore to support him.
Arlene Johnson

a selection:
Hitler's War and the War Path (Hardcover)by David Irving
Nuremberg: The Last Battle [UNABRIDGED] (Hardcover)by David Irving
Churchill's War (Paperback)by David Irving
Churchill's War Volume II: Triumph in Adversity (Hardcover)by David Irving
Hitler's War (Paperback)by David Irving
The War Between the Generals: Inside the Allied High Command (Hardcover)by David Irving
Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich (Hardcover)by David Irving
Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden (Hardcover)by David Irving, David John Cawdell Irving
Goring: A Biography (Paperback)by David Irving
Hess: the Missing Years (Paperback)by David Irving
The War Path: Hitler's Germany 1933-1939 (Paperback)by David Irving
The Trail of the Fox (Paperback)by David Irving
The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe (Paperback)by David Irving 
Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Reviews: Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar

2006-01-28 Thread Arlene Johnson

The powers-that-be, i.e. The Illuminati, are using Iran to instigate WW III. It's as simple
as that. Someone on this listserv stated that there were to be three wars. He was right.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 28, 2006 6:27 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], lousene2 Hoppe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Reviews: Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar

Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar
Reviews (more from this section)
If you want to enter this year with a better understanding of the large geopolitical forces shaping such events, you could do much worse than reading this book.
By Ryan McGrealJan. 27, 2006
Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar 
After a winter of overheated rhetorical sparring with Iran, the International Atomic Energy Agency, under duress from the United States, refers Iran to the UN Security Council. America pushes hard for a resolution to order Iran to abandon its nuclear program, but China resists and Russia sits smugly on the sidelines. 
US President Bush warns that Iran's actions threaten the security of the United States and its allies, and that Iran's refusal to abandon its nuclear energy program presents a grave and gathering danger. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denounces American hypocrisy and expresses again his desire to wipe Israel off the map.
America threatens a military offensive. In protest, Iran shuts off all oil exports to the west. Oil spikes over $100 a barrel, and Israel launches a missile strike against Iran's uranium conversion facility in Isfahan.
While sitting in line to buy gas at $2.50 a litre, you're scratching your head, wondering what the hell's going on and terrified over what will happen next.
Granted, this is just one scenario among countless possibilities, admittedly chosen for provocation. However, it's as plausible as any, and more than some. So what's really going on?
The common refrain in the news is that Iran seeks nuclear weapons to threaten America and its allies, but some viewers will notice the sharp difference between how America regards Iran and, say, Pakistan or India, two US allies that possess nuclear weapons and refuse to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Other warning bells go off, like former Secretary of State Colin Powell's warning that Iran is going down the same path as Iraq. TV viewers are sleepy, but they're not entirely comatose, and many will notice they've heard it all before.
Some older readers who recall the Cold War will wonder why the threat of mutually assured destruction (MAD) no longer obtains. Certainly President Ahmadinejad is presented as a madman on network television, but we were always told the Soviet leaders were madmen as well. 
If you want to enter this year with a better understanding of the large geopolitical forces shaping such events, you could do much worse than reading William R. Clark's book Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar (New Society Publishers, 2005). 
Iran's plan to launch an energy trading exchange supports its desire to establish a geopolitical bloc with a Eurasian epicentre, anchored by Iran, China, Russia, and Europe, preferably including India (which is why America is bribing India with nuclear technology).
That threatens the US government's efforts to maintain a unipolar global political economy driven by American consumption and dependent on the centrality of the US dollar. 
Clark's thesis is that America's military and diplomatic activities over the past five years are best understood as means of preserving what Clark calls "petrodollar hegemony," or the global system whereby countries must buy oil with US dollars, negotiated with OPEC in the 1970s.
He builds his case carefully, starting with the postwar economic order defined by the Bretton Woods agreement, its unraveling in 1971 when President Nixon reneged on America's promise to redeem US dollars for gold and found a new mechanism in oil pricing to maintain global demand for the dollar.
Clark builds on American power politics with a close examination of the looming peak oil phenomenon and the latest round of powerbrokering to secure access to diminishing hydrocarbon reserves. Then he examines the various ways that America has used its military to protect its geostrategic interests, giving special interest to the manoeuvring that neutralized the UN and made the Iraq invasion inevitable.
But his central premise is that the military actions serve the larger goal 

Re: [cia-drugs] Kubby sick without treatment. Redwood City jail. Medi-pot patient.

2006-01-27 Thread Arlene Johnson

This is heartbreaking. I have a demand in one of my earliest editions
to make medical marijuana legal, but too few have listened to me, so
now this man must suffer.
In the most recent edition, the 20th, I published what a retired Chemistry professor
taught me regarding long term marijuana use does, but that doesn't affect
Mr. Kubby at all. I really feel sorry for him.
Arlene Johnson
Click on Magazine icon to access the e-zine.





Reged: Nov 29 2000 

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Loc: Amerika, land of the Free? Ha! 2.3 million "free" inmates. 25% of world's prisoners! 

 Kubby sick without treatment. Redwood City jail.       #1203672 - Fri Jan 27 2006 02:15 AM 


Several articles below. More are found with this Google News search shortcut: Put quotes around "steve kubby" to narrow the results. There is an article just out from Pravda in Russia too: Failed pot refugee comes back from Canada to face United States bonds. - article begins- web page Jailed medical marijuana advocate said sick without treatment in Redwood City jail. January 26, 2005, 11:45 p.m. Bay City News contributed to this report REDWOOD CITY - A medical marijuana advocate arrested as he disembarked a Canadian flight at San Francisco International Airport tonight became ill in a Redwood City jail due to lack of medication, according to a spokesman for NORML. Steve Kubby, a cancer patient, began coming ill two hours after his 8:10 p.m. arrest following police refusal to provide Marinol, NORML spokesman D. Gieringer reported. San Francisco Police Officer George Swartz said Steve Kubby was taken into custody around 8:10 p.m. by San Francisco police. Swartz said Kubby, who had been deported from Canada, was arrested on a no-bail warrant and was booked into San Mateo County jail. "I'm really sick already," Kubby told Gieringer by telephone said from jail. "I'm gonna start puking my brains out." "He says his guards laughed at him when he requested Marinol. Kubby says he hasn't had marijuana for half a day and has begun to experience all of the symptoms of his life-threatening disease -- nausea, headaches, swollen kidneys. He has chills and has not been able to get a blanket from the guards," Gieringer stated. San Francisco airport police said that they had arrested him at the request of Placer County authorities. They said Kubby will be arraigned in court tomorrow morning, though it wasn't clear where -- in Redwood City, where he is being detained, or in Placer County. -end -- San Francisco Chronicle article begins web page Pot advocate arrested at SFO after arriving from Canada Chronicle Staff Report Thursday, January 26, 2006 Marijuana advocate and former gubernatorial candidate Steve Kubby, a fugitive for several years, was arrested at San Francisco International Airport on Thursday night on a plane that arrived from Canada, San Francisco police said. Kubby co-authored "Why Marijuana Should Be Legal" with marijuana advocate Ed Rosenthal and in 1998 was the Libertarian Party candidate for governor. According to the New York Times, Kubby fled California in 2001 after police found 265 marijuana plants in his Squaw Valley home. He was sentenced to four months of house arrest and probation -- and fearing it would lead to an eventual prison term in which he would be unable to use medical marijuana to treat adrenal cancer, he fled to Canada. San Francisco police said he was arrested on a no bail warrant for fleeing the U.S. He was arrested at 8:10 p.m. at SFO following his deportation from Canada. -end- -- -Bay City News article begins web page MEDICAL MARIJUANA ADVOCATE ARRESTED AT SFO January 26, 2006, 11:00 p.m. SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (BCN) - A medical marijuana advocate was arrested tonight at San

Re: [cia-drugs] Reaction to Hama election win

2006-01-27 Thread Arlene Johnson

When a relatively new supporter of my work read (in my first edition) that
Hamas was created by the CIA, she sent me an Email in which she stated
that Hamas was created by Mossad so Israel would never have to sit down
to negotiate peace with the Palestinian people.
And I know that what she said is true because it makes logical sense. What 
I had published prior to that time didn't have any logic to it. I only published
it because my dear friend, Ali, taught it to me, and he taught me so much that
IS accurate that I took it that the Hamas information was accurate too.
Palestinian may be the name for the Philistines. I'm not sure about that, but
if you log onto and read what 
another Jew said therein, you will see what he says about the Jews. I believe 
that what he said is true.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 27, 2006 5:09 AM To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Reaction to Hama election win I received this from a friend who is a true patriot and defender of the Constitution and yes, a Jew.JR>> - Original Message - >> From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>>> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:42 PM>> Subject: Jan. 26, 06>>>> > Greetings>> > The news that the Arabs have elected terrorist gangsters>> > as their government is not good for anyone, especially Israel.>> > It is long past time for the Jews to realize that they must>> > change their ways if they would not suffer another Hitler.  There>> > are several things the Jews must do NOW.>> > 1. The Jews must take back their true name given them by>> > the Romans.   The Jews of Israel are the real Palestinians.  The>> > Romans renamed the Jewish land area in order to denigrate the>> > real owners of the land.   Every conqueror in history has done the>> > same thing.   This is exactly what Arafat did.   He gave the name>> > Palestinian to the Arabs living in Israel because they had no name>> > of their own.   None of their Arab brothers wanted anything to do>> > with them except Jordan or to take a piece of land like Egypt and>> > Jordan did when they had a chance.>> > By reclaiming the name "Palestinian" the Jews will put the>> > lie to the Arab claim that the Jews are the "occupiers" of the>> > Jewish homeland.   It is the damn Liberal media which has applied>> > the Palestinian label to the Arabs.   The proper biblical name for>> the>> > non-Jewish residents of Israel is "Philistines".   Israelis must>> > immediately to refer to the Non-Jewish resident population as>> > Philistines, not Palestinians.   This is something the Jews can>> > do without firing a shot and none can stop them and the best>> > thing is it is True and in accord with history.>> > Just as there was no chance of peace with the Philistines>> > there so no chance of peace with the militant Arabs who now>> > claim the Jewish homeland as their own.   The Hamas terrorists>> > will not sit on their hand for long when with the little terrorism>> > they have shown this far they have gained so much.  Wait,>> > worse  is to come unless the Jews stand up for themselves.>> > Bernie Ben Yekheal>> >>> >>>>>>>>> Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

2006-01-24 Thread Arlene Johnson

Arlene Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 23, 2006 2:09 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move 
well apparently the iraqi secret police are iranians and the iranians gained power in the elections.

- Original Message - 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

Vig-would you like to enlarge on that?
Arlene Johnson-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 21, 2006 6:55 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move 
the US has also installed the iranians in iraq.

- Original Message - 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

The Mullahs are really playing into The Illuminati's hands. Please allow me to explain.
All the Continental western European presses published that the CIA deposed the shah
of Iran; so did the Canadian press. The U.S. press published that the Iranian people deposed
him. That is hogwash for the Illuminati didn't like what the shah was doing, so they wanted him
out. But they just neglected to allow all the presses of the world to make this fact known to 
people, so they kept it out of the presses, including the one in the U.K.
I learned that after I arrived in London; people told me who live here that they didn't know
that the CIA deposed the shah.
The CIA installed Khomeini into power, and the ones who came after he died, and they maintain
them in power now. This is why these leaders are now setting up WW III, which is the last war
that the Illuminati want before the NWO begins in earnest.
If you want to prevent this war, log onto my site and read at the Magazine icon. Check the other icons
too especially the one that says Testimonials. The life you save will be your own.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author -Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 20, 2006 11:27 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move
Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

By ALI AKBAR DAREINIAssociated Press Writer
Iran is moving its foreign currency reserves out of European banks as a pre-emptive measure against any possible U.N. sanctions over its nuclear program, the Central Bank Governor said Friday. 
Ebrahim Sheibani told reporters that Iran has started transferring the foreign currency reserves from European banks to an undisclosed location, the semiofficial Iranian Students News Agency reported. 
"We transfer the foreign exchange reserves to wherever we deem fit," Sheibani was quoted by ISNA as saying. "We have begun transferring. We are doing that." 
Sheibani would not say how much money was involved and it was not immediately clear whether Iran's investments in Europe would be affected by the move. 
The decision caused few ripples in currency trading Friday, with most traders saying the news had already been factored into the market because the possibility of such a move had been raised earlier. 
Iran is facing possible referral to the U.N. Security Council for its refusal to give up its uranium enrichment program. The council has the power to impose economic and political sanctions. 
Gary Samore, an expert on Iran and vice president for international programs at the McArthur Foundation in Chicago, said the move reflected concern by Tehran that the Europeans might take unilateral measures amid the crisis over its nuclear program. 
Iran's decision to pull out some assets "makes sense in terms of preparing for the possibility that Europe might take some measure to impose some financial sanctions," Samore said. 
"I don't know that it changes the diplomatic formula _ the key issue is still the question of whether or not the Western group can engineer a formal referral to the Security Council," he added. 
European powers have drafted a resolution that calls for referring Iran to the 15-nation council but stops short of asking for punitive measures against Iran. The International Atomic Energy, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, will meet Feb. 2 to discuss the draft. 
Iran's assets in the United States were frozen shortly after the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the pro-Western Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and installed a clerical regime. 
The move suggests Iran has taken the issue of possible U.N. sanctions seriously. However, it has insisted that it won't give up its right under the 

Re: [cia-drugs] Fire the whole top-level CIA

2006-01-24 Thread Arlene Johnson

We had a president who gave his life because he wanted to disband the CIA,
so this is ludicrous. The CIA is part of the Shadow government. Some of us
have proved that (see my 3rd edition which is the URL of a most brilliant man).
Why didn't you mention this Jim?
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History
Click on Magazine icon.
Password for the 17th - 20th editions: UN
Other editions don't need a password to access.-Original Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 24, 2006 5:52 AM To: SCOTT BALLARD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sam Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paula Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Patricia Natchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Nancy B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, JQ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Stoker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Enrique José Coll-Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Lawrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bethany Mwgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bernie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andy Erlam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, lu haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Fire the whole top-level CIA
An excellent article but space limitations must have precluded detailing other outrageous cover-ups like Bojinka and the traitorous falsification of intelligence in the translation activity as outlined by Sibel Edmonds. Sibel and other whistleblowers have been silenced (muzzled)if they talk about it even to Congress in response to a subpoena. They face prosecution and jail.
The worst part is that most of the traitors identified by the whistleblowers are still in place.
Fire the whole top-level CIA bureaucracy
Wes VernonWes VernonJanuary 22, 2006President Bush sent Porter Goss to be CIA Director so he could clean up the mess there. We knew it would take time. You can't do that overnight. But in wartime, the question arises: How long can we afford to wait? Put another way: How many Americans need to die before we get an intelligence network whose leaders' competence is such that success in the war on terror takes precedence over bureaucratic prerogatives, petty infighting and (most of all) the anti-Bush agenda of the turf protectors who have seen mere presidents come and go.Firing the careerist bureaucrats in the upper echelons of the Central Intelligence Agency is neither a new or unheard of idea. They should be dismissed before they do any more damage.Note this passage from the book, Countdown to Terror by Congressman Curt Weldon, Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee:"The gross incompetence in the intelligence community over the last decade, combined with the current rebellion of intelligence community leaders, especially at the CIA, justifies a dismissal of present leaders in all agencies and across the entire intelligence community."When he's talking about "all agencies," Congressman Weldon, a Republican from Pennsylvania, is referring not only to the CIA, but the National Security Agency (NSA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and all lesser-known intelligence units. Weldon appears to have a valid point in taking on the upper reaches of all the intelligence agencies. He has done a mountain of homework. In recent months, this column has been focused on the CIA like a laser beam, and that is what I am prepared to deal with as of now. The senior officers of that particular agency should indeed be given the boot. Porter Goss needs to give them the pink slip forthwith.Weldon is frustrated because of our "stovepipe" intelligence operations whereby the various intelligence agencies have not shared vital information that would have saved lives if action on it had been coordinated throughout the entire intelligence establishment. This might have prevented 9/11. this is no idle supposition. See below & stay with us here .Incompetence is not the only issue. As stated previously in this space, there is a more serious problem of insubordination. The CIA bureaucracy is using its spying and undercover skills — meant for use in weakening foreign governments that pose a threat to America — to bring down an American president that the CIA high-level careerists do not like.When a country's own intelligence agency turns on the commander-in-chief in wartime, does that rise to the level of the T word? Let the lawyers argue whether that amounts to outright treason. The relevant point is that when our own supposedly American intelligence establishment works against the commander-in-chief — whose responsibility is to "preserve and protect" this republic — consideration of drastic action is not out of order. If treason is too strong a word, one struggles in vain to find an appropriate alternative. Insurr

Re: [cia-drugs] Iran's leader challenges Europe to take back Jews in Israel

2006-01-23 Thread Arlene Johnson

If memory serves me correctly, it was this URL that addressed this: It's by a former Jew. Check 
it out.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 21, 2006 9:12 PM To: Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED],, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Iran's leader challenges Europe to take back Jews in Israel 

this is getting comical.  -vmann

Iran's leader challenges Europe to take back Jews in Israel

By The Associated Press

DAMASCUS - In a new attack on the existence of Israel, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has challenged Europe to take back the Jews who emigrated to Israel, adding that no Jews would remain in Israel if Europe were to open its doors.Ahmadinejad delivered the challenge after arriving in Syria for a two-day visit on Thursday. Addressing Europe, he asked: "Would you open the doors of your own countries to these (Jewish) immigrants so that they could travel to any part of Europe they chose?""Would you offer the necessary guarantees that you would provide for their security when they came to your countries and not allow another anti-Semitic wave in Europe?" he added in an apparent reference to recent attacks on Jewish cemeteries and properties in European states.

Ahmadinejad provoked an international outcries last year when he said Israel should be "wiped out" and that the Nazi Holocaust against Jews in World War II was a "myth."In his comments in the Syrian capital, which Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency reported Friday, Ahmadinejad forecast that the West would not answer the questions he had posed but would instead accuse him of "talking against global peace."He said Europe should welcome Jewish people to prove its sincerity in supporting people's freedoms.He added he was confident that no Jews would remain in Israel if European countries allowed them to immigrate.Ahmadinejad left Syria late Friday to return to Iran. 
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Re: [cia-drugs] Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent

2006-01-23 Thread Arlene Johnson

This is a very good article, maybe even excellent. So the war against Iraq
wasn't to provide oil to Israel? Or was that one of the reasons for that war
with the other reason due to what was said in this article?
The powers-that-be don't care at all for any of us. They only love money,
and they want all of it for themselves.
Personally, I don't think that the Chinese government cares two hoots in
you know where for their citizens, only for itself.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 22, 2006 1:41 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED],, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent
Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent 

In its attempt to establish a world empire dominating every nation on the planet, the U.S. has exhausted its ability to finance the expansion and the country now faces imminent financial collapse. From all indications, it looks like 2006 will spell the end for America. 
Consider these five important points: 
Point #1 The U.S., Great Britain and Israel are preparing to attack Iran. As it appears the main reason for invading Iraq was to stop it from selling oil in Euros, likewise Iran has plans to dump the dollar come March 2006. 
Point #2 U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow issued a warning recently that the U.S. Government is on the verge of collapse - as the statutory debt limit imposed by Congress of $8.184 trillion dollars would be reached in mid-February - the government would then be unable to continue its normal operations. Considering the current total U.S. debt stands at $8.162 trillion dollars, once the official debt ceiling ($8.184 trillion) is reached, the U.S. government’s credit abroad (its borrowing power) is gone. Those countries (mainly China) who presently keep America afloat by holding U.S. Treasury Notes, will most likely no longer continue doing so. 
Point #3 Bank Of America and Compass Bank managers (probably all other U.S. banks too) have been instructing their employees in the last few weeks on how to respond to customer demands in the event of a collapse of the U.S. economy - specifically telling the employees that only agents from the Department Of Homeland Security will have authority to decide what belongings customers may have from their safe deposit boxes - and that precious metals and other valuables will not be released to U.S. citizens. The bank employees have been strictly prohibited from revealing the banks’ new "guidelines" to anyone. (however, employees have been talking to friends and family) 
The next time you visit your bank, ask them about it - then ask yourself, why is this information being kept secret from customers and the public - what’s really going on? 
Point #4 FEMA has activated and is currently staffing its vast network of empty internment camps with armed military personnel - unknown to most Americans, these large federal facilities are strategically positioned across the U.S. landscape to "manage" the population in the event of a "terrorist" attack, a civilian uprising, large-scale dissent ,or an insurrection against the government. Some of these razor-wired facilities have the capacity of detaining a million people. 
Point #5 The Patriot Act and the US Senate’s vote to ban habeas corpus (Nov 14th) - along with George W. Bush having signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act, have together pretty much destroyed any notions of freedom and justice for Americans. 
Summary: The U.S. economy is broken, the United States is bankrupt - the unchecked spending by this administration, the illegally waged wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, the cost of unprecedented weapons and military build-up - have all contributed to an irreversible emergency which is threatening our nation’s existence and our very lives. 
Hospitals are closing, major corporations are declaring bankruptcy and/or moving their companies overseas, the monopolized news media spews nothing but lies, and our fearless leaders have turned out to be only ruthless criminals hell-bent on destabilizing our country and robbing us all. 
Be aware - we stand at the threshold of total ruin - the international bankers and war profiteers care little for our lives and families - these demons worship money and all things vile and evil - they have very much to gain from war, misery, disease, famine, chaos and death (our deaths). 
We are right on the edge - the Treasury is already overextended - the U.S. government cannot (and will not) care for its own citizens’ n

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: [planehuggers] Proof That NO 767-Sized Plane Struck WTC1, And Holmgren's Excellent Argument

2006-01-23 Thread Arlene Johnson
Way back when I sent out an Email that said that Bush saw the first plane
hit the WTC and that this couldn't have happened, one of my NYC supporters
told me that she DID see the first plane hit the WTC, but that isn't the point.

Bombs were installed into the WTC on the previous Friday, so they are what
brought the WTC down in a controlled implosion. Moreover, people heard bombs
exploding as they were racing away from those towers that morning.

So what I have published is true blue. I highly recommend that you begin
reading with the 4th edition as that is true.

If anyone can prove that what I have published is not accurate and convince me,
 then I will change what I have published as I don't want to publish 


Arlene Johnson
Click on Magazine icon to access all editions.

-Original Message-
>From: The Webfairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 22, 2006 5:45 PM
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: [planehuggers] Proof That NO 767-Sized Plane Struck 
>WTC1, And Holmgren's Excellent Argument
>Bilk STILL doesn't get it about Perspective.
>He seems to live in a flat world where anything can be any size it feels 
>like, like a pre-renissance painting.
>A "plane" cannot be big and small at the same time, no matter how many 
>twisty twirls Bilk's "logic" takes.
>It can't be fuzzy and clear,close and far, simultaneously.
>That is slither, not logic.
>The little dive bombing object is not large enough to create the plane 
>shape hole.
>Whatever the little divebombing object(s) is, offers a perspective view 
>of something much smaller than any plane.
>At it's closest approach to the building, it is about the same size as 
>the thingie on the corner.
>which appears to be about the size of a car.
>The object(s) do an excellent job of showing perspective for small 
>objects, actually appearing larger when they are closer to the camera 
>just as they ought.
>But there is no object that appears larger than the plane shape hole.
>EVERY object, always and without exception, will look larger when it is 
>On any scale, through lenses, in mirrors, to the eye, 
>always,always,always an object will look bigger when it is closer.
>There are no exceptions.
>This is a fundamental constant of the universe.
>The Plane Shape Hole is the SMALLEST the plane would have appeared, cos 
>that's when it was farthest away, if there had been a plane to make the 
>No bigger than the plane shape hole object is seen in the first hit footage.
>If it were there, it would have dominated the scene like the first hit 
>Today people are pretty much unaware of the :aw of Perspective because 
>it was exiled, along with geometric quanternions, to Art, where today 
>conic geometry is used for developing complex perspectives to make video 
>games look real.
>Perspective is still out there tho, making close things look bigger than 
>small things at the precicely defined ratio that makes surveyor 
>equipment work.
>ron_winn wrote:
>> Mark, you have fallen into a simple trap. You go for the "distorting 
>> agencies" which is one of the two options. If you have a distorted 
>> picture of an animal taken of a pride of lions who are laying down 
>> then you can argue convincingly that that animal is a lion. If you 
>> have a distorted picture of a plane and it cannot be reverse 
>> engineered and it is not on the ground at an airport with other 
>> passenger planes then you can't argue it is a large passenger jet.   
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Mark S Bilk <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ;
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ;
>> <> ;
>> *Sent:* Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:08 AM
>> *Subject:* [planehuggers] Proof That A 767-Sized Plane Struck
>> WTC1, And Holmgren's Bogus Argument
>> The argument quoted about 110 lines below, posted by Gerard

Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

2006-01-23 Thread Arlene Johnson

Vig-would you like to enlarge on that?
Arlene Johnson-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 21, 2006 6:55 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move 
the US has also installed the iranians in iraq.

- Original Message - 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

The Mullahs are really playing into The Illuminati's hands. Please allow me to explain.
All the Continental western European presses published that the CIA deposed the shah
of Iran; so did the Canadian press. The U.S. press published that the Iranian people deposed
him. That is hogwash for the Illuminati didn't like what the shah was doing, so they wanted him
out. But they just neglected to allow all the presses of the world to make this fact known to 
people, so they kept it out of the presses, including the one in the U.K.
I learned that after I arrived in London; people told me who live here that they didn't know
that the CIA deposed the shah.
The CIA installed Khomeini into power, and the ones who came after he died, and they maintain
them in power now. This is why these leaders are now setting up WW III, which is the last war
that the Illuminati want before the NWO begins in earnest.
If you want to prevent this war, log onto my site and read at the Magazine icon. Check the other icons
too especially the one that says Testimonials. The life you save will be your own.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author -Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 20, 2006 11:27 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move
Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

By ALI AKBAR DAREINIAssociated Press Writer
Iran is moving its foreign currency reserves out of European banks as a pre-emptive measure against any possible U.N. sanctions over its nuclear program, the Central Bank Governor said Friday. 
Ebrahim Sheibani told reporters that Iran has started transferring the foreign currency reserves from European banks to an undisclosed location, the semiofficial Iranian Students News Agency reported. 
"We transfer the foreign exchange reserves to wherever we deem fit," Sheibani was quoted by ISNA as saying. "We have begun transferring. We are doing that." 
Sheibani would not say how much money was involved and it was not immediately clear whether Iran's investments in Europe would be affected by the move. 
The decision caused few ripples in currency trading Friday, with most traders saying the news had already been factored into the market because the possibility of such a move had been raised earlier. 
Iran is facing possible referral to the U.N. Security Council for its refusal to give up its uranium enrichment program. The council has the power to impose economic and political sanctions. 
Gary Samore, an expert on Iran and vice president for international programs at the McArthur Foundation in Chicago, said the move reflected concern by Tehran that the Europeans might take unilateral measures amid the crisis over its nuclear program. 
Iran's decision to pull out some assets "makes sense in terms of preparing for the possibility that Europe might take some measure to impose some financial sanctions," Samore said. 
"I don't know that it changes the diplomatic formula _ the key issue is still the question of whether or not the Western group can engineer a formal referral to the Security Council," he added. 
European powers have drafted a resolution that calls for referring Iran to the 15-nation council but stops short of asking for punitive measures against Iran. The International Atomic Energy, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, will meet Feb. 2 to discuss the draft. 
Iran's assets in the United States were frozen shortly after the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the pro-Western Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and installed a clerical regime. 
The move suggests Iran has taken the issue of possible U.N. sanctions seriously. However, it has insisted that it won't give up its right under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to enrich uranium and produce nuclear fuel. 
Iran removed some U.N. seals from its main uranium enrichment facility in Natanz, central Iran, on Jan. 10 and resumed research on nuclear fuel _ including small-scale enrichment _ after a 2 1/2-year freeze. 
The shift alarmed Western nations that suspect Iran may be trying to produce nuclear weapons. 
Uranium enriched to low levels is used to produce nuclear fuel for use in reactors producing electricity but further enrichment makes it suitable for use in buil

Re: [cia-drugs] 'Osama's People' Smuggled Into U.S.?

2006-01-23 Thread Arlene Johnson

History repeats if it's not learned. The U.S. government brought
in the Nazis too after WW II, didn't it?
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 22, 2006 9:34 PM To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] 'Osama's People' Smuggled Into U.S.?

Reprinted from
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2006 2:03 p.m. EST 
'Osama's People' Smuggled Into U.S.? 

Court documents in a Brownsville, Texas drug-smuggling case cite a wiretapped telephone conversation by one of the smugglers who said that "Osama's people" are ready to be transported across the Mexican border into the U.S. 
The Brownsville Herald reported earlier this week: 
"[Paperwork in the case] contains details of a December 2004 incident in which [one smuggler] tried to secure transportation for 20 Middle Eastern 'terrorists' waiting to enter the United States from Monterrey, Chiapas and Puebla in Mexico. 
"Recorded telephone conversations authorized under the U.S. Patriot Act and a court order captured the [suspect] referring to the 20 men as 'gente de Osama.'” 
According to these same court documents - the phrase translates into "Osama’s people.” 
The court documents cited by the Herald also revealed: 
"During a Jan. 5, 2005, telephone conversation, [the smuggling suspect] described the men as 'Iraqis,' ages 25 to 33, who were willing to pay $8,000 for transportation past Border Patrol checkpoints in South Texas and into the U.S. interior. 
"[The suspect] mentioned that eight of the men were coming to Progreso, northwest of Brownsville. He said they were 'dangerous' and 'really bad people.' They carried guns and made the smuggler that was helping them 'afraid.'" 
FBI officials declined to comment further on the case. But one federal law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity told the paper that the men labeled "terrorists” turned out to be illegal aliens from a "nation of concern.” 
The FBI declined to say whether "Osama's people" made it across the border or if authorities had apprehended them. 

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Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush Began Illegal Domestic Spying --for POLITICAL Reasons-- BEFORE 9-11

2006-01-21 Thread Arlene Johnson

This was so good that I put it on my Blog, but I got a kick
out of some of the respondents who don't know the difference
between Bush, Carter, and Clinton. I laughed because they
are all the same-liars, etc. who are puppets for the elite.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Jan 20, 2006 7:43 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush Began Illegal Domestic Spying --for POLITICAL Reasons-- BEFORE 9-11 Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

2006-01-21 Thread Arlene Johnson

The Mullahs are really playing into The Illuminati's hands. Please allow me to explain.
All the Continental western European presses published that the CIA deposed the shah
of Iran; so did the Canadian press. The U.S. press published that the Iranian people deposed
him. That is hogwash for the Illuminati didn't like what the shah was doing, so they wanted him
out. But they just neglected to allow all the presses of the world to make this fact known to 
people, so they kept it out of the presses, including the one in the U.K.
I learned that after I arrived in London; people told me who live here that they didn't know
that the CIA deposed the shah.
The CIA installed Khomeini into power, and the ones who came after he died, and they maintain
them in power now. This is why these leaders are now setting up WW III, which is the last war
that the Illuminati want before the NWO begins in earnest.
If you want to prevent this war, log onto my site and read at the Magazine icon. Check the other icons
too especially the one that says Testimonials. The life you save will be your own.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author -Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 20, 2006 11:27 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: [cia-drugs] Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move
Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move

By ALI AKBAR DAREINIAssociated Press Writer
Iran is moving its foreign currency reserves out of European banks as a pre-emptive measure against any possible U.N. sanctions over its nuclear program, the Central Bank Governor said Friday. 
Ebrahim Sheibani told reporters that Iran has started transferring the foreign currency reserves from European banks to an undisclosed location, the semiofficial Iranian Students News Agency reported. 
"We transfer the foreign exchange reserves to wherever we deem fit," Sheibani was quoted by ISNA as saying. "We have begun transferring. We are doing that." 
Sheibani would not say how much money was involved and it was not immediately clear whether Iran's investments in Europe would be affected by the move. 
The decision caused few ripples in currency trading Friday, with most traders saying the news had already been factored into the market because the possibility of such a move had been raised earlier. 
Iran is facing possible referral to the U.N. Security Council for its refusal to give up its uranium enrichment program. The council has the power to impose economic and political sanctions. 
Gary Samore, an expert on Iran and vice president for international programs at the McArthur Foundation in Chicago, said the move reflected concern by Tehran that the Europeans might take unilateral measures amid the crisis over its nuclear program. 
Iran's decision to pull out some assets "makes sense in terms of preparing for the possibility that Europe might take some measure to impose some financial sanctions," Samore said. 
"I don't know that it changes the diplomatic formula _ the key issue is still the question of whether or not the Western group can engineer a formal referral to the Security Council," he added. 
European powers have drafted a resolution that calls for referring Iran to the 15-nation council but stops short of asking for punitive measures against Iran. The International Atomic Energy, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, will meet Feb. 2 to discuss the draft. 
Iran's assets in the United States were frozen shortly after the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the pro-Western Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and installed a clerical regime. 
The move suggests Iran has taken the issue of possible U.N. sanctions seriously. However, it has insisted that it won't give up its right under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to enrich uranium and produce nuclear fuel. 
Iran removed some U.N. seals from its main uranium enrichment facility in Natanz, central Iran, on Jan. 10 and resumed research on nuclear fuel _ including small-scale enrichment _ after a 2 1/2-year freeze. 
The shift alarmed Western nations that suspect Iran may be trying to produce nuclear weapons. 
Uranium enriched to low levels is used to produce nuclear fuel for use in reactors producing electricity but further enrichment makes it suitable for use in building nuclear bomb. 
Iran has rejected U.S. accusations that it was seeking to develop atomic bomb, saying its nuclear program is geared merely toward generating electricity. 
Iranian experts say Iran's accounts are protected by the Vienna Convention governing diplomatic relations, arguing that any seizure of the Iranian assets would be against international regulations. 
Iran has previously complained that Britain blocked raw uranium it bought before the 1979 Islamic revolution; Germany refus

Re: [cia-drugs] Will 'Helicopter Ben' Spike Gold Prices Further?

2006-01-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

What's this got to do with the Fed? These dollars are printed up by the international
bankers who own the Fed at next to nothing. The writer is correct about diluting the
value of the dollar, but what we need to do is make the international bankers powerless.
That's what my work is all about now. Join us to achieve that and save our country.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History
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Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 19, 2006 2:40 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Subject: [cia-drugs] Will 'Helicopter Ben' Spike Gold Prices Further? 

It may not cost the government much, but cranking up the money machine costs Americans plenty, as it dilutes the dollar.

Will 'Helicopter Ben' Spike Gold Prices Further?

NEW YORK, January 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Ben Bernanke (a.k.a. "Helicopter Ben") - who takes over from Greenspan in less than two weeks' time - earned his nickname when he suggested dropping money onto household lawns from helicopters. In his own words: 
"The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press, which allows it to produce as many dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost." 
Not so. 
It may not cost the government much, but cranking up the money machine costs Americans plenty, as it dilutes the dollar. 
This, in turn, continues to impact gold prices. In fact, since Bernanke's nomination as our next Fed Chairman, gold has gained 15.9% and recently hit a 25-year high. 
"We believe that now is a good time to buy gold. The fundamentals spell a strong bull market for gold, and Bernanke is certainly doing his part to fan those fires with his weapon of choice - the printing press," says Rich Checkan, advisory panelist for Investment U, a free, educational, financial e-letter with more than 275,000 subscribers. 
What's behind Bernanke's willingness to ramp up the money supply? 
His problem is that he's facing government deficits in excess of US$8 trillion. That's about US$27,000 for every man, woman and child living in the United States. And it's growing. ... Secretary John Snow has just asked Congress to raise the national debt ceiling, which 14 months ago was set at US$8.1 trillion. 
So what does a Fed Chairman do to get control of the largest debt in all of history? Simple: devalue the currency and you devalue the debt. 
As the Fed starts flooding the market with new dollars, the price of gold will continue its march upward. 
How high can we expect gold to be driven by this unending supply of new money? 
We could see gold reach more than US$3,000 an ounce. If that sounds outrageous, just consider that gold's all-time high was US$850 in 1980. Adjusted for inflation, that's US$2,159 an ounce. Advisory Panelists for Investment U agree: The likelihood of gold surpassing its all-time high is not only likely, but a highly conservative estimate ... 
For more on "Precious Metals - The Bull Market Confirmed," click below: 
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Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Pentagon Compiling a Database on 30 Million American Kids

2006-01-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

Good heads up. I put this on my Blog at
Arlene Johnson
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Re: [cia-drugs] Col. Ted Westhusing was murdered ?

2006-01-17 Thread Arlene Johnson

This sure is murder. No doubt about it. Thanks. I put this on my Blog
which is at
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 17, 2006 1:29 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Col. Ted Westhusing was murdered ? 

Col. Ted Westhusing was murdered
According to Wayne Madsen of the Wayne Madsen Report where this report was posted on January 14, 2006:

Serious questions remain concerning Col. Westhusing's "suicide" in Iraq. Army's chief ethics expert was murdered, according to Carlyle Group insider.
According an informed source within The Carlyle Group business consortium, Col. Ted Westhusing, the Army's top military ethicist and professor at West Point, did not commit suicide in a Baghdad trailer in June 2005 as was widely reported in the mainstream media five months later. At the time of his death, Westhusing was investigating contract violations and human rights abuses by US Investigations Services (USIS), formerly a federal agency, the Office of Federal Investigations (OFI), which operated under the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). 
WMR can report that based on information obtained from Carlyle insiders, Col. Westhusing's death was not caused by suicide. The fact that Westhusing was investigating one of the most politically and financially powerful firms in the world resulted in higher-ups wanting him out of the way. According to the Los Angeles Times, all of the witnesses who claimed Westhusing shot himself were USIS employees. In addition, a USIS manager interfered with the crime scene, including handling Westhusing's service revolver. The USIS manager was not tested for gunpowder residue on his hands.
Westhusing's investigation threatened to unearth a network of fraudsters looting the US Treasury that included the Bush family and some of their closest financial partners. After Westhusing's murder, USIS management sent a vaguely-worded memo to employees about how to respond to derogatory information in the media or rumors about USIS. Management's attention, described as "psychotic" in nature, was on USIS's upcoming IPO (initial public offering), according to a well-placed source.
USIS also owns Total Information Services of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a commercial personal data mining operation. 
Other reports include:The Huffington Post posted by RJ Eskow on Nov. 29, 2005:An American Death: Col. Ted Westhusing 
The apparent suicide of Col. Ted Westhusing, as reported in the Los Angeles Times, resonates with loss, tragedy, and meaning. He was a professional ethicist, specializing in the concept of a soldier's honor, who was assigned to supervise a civilian military contractor in Iraq. Col. Westhusing saw everything he believed in trashed by civilian leadership that understood neither ethics nor honor, under a Republican government that disrespects and mistreats its military. 

Sound like a facile interpretation? Then listen to the facts.
Westhusing, reports the Times, "was one of the Army's leading scholars of military ethics ... His dissertation (for a Ph.D. in philosophy) was an extended meditation on the meaning of honor." Once in Iraq, Westhusing received an anonymous complaint that the contractor he oversaw, USIS, had been cheating the government - and that it concealed gross human rights violations to protect its contracts. 
Col. Westhusing's devotion to the military and its mission seemingly had no place in the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld Pentagon. In fact, a military psychologist made his ethical stature and devotion to honor sound like a mental disorder. "Despite his intelligence, his ability to grasp the idea that profit is an important goal for people in the private sector was surprisingly limited," wrote Lt. Col. Lisa Breitenbach, reducing a lifetime of integrity to a clinical dysfunction. Shades of the USSR ?
And yet ... no wonder Lt. Col. Breitenbach saw Col. Westhusing's values as a medical condition. His commitment to completing the mission - to serving the country over making a profit -shows a notable detachment from the reality that is today's Pentagon. Sen. Patrick Leahy's attempts to pass a law preventing excess corporate war profiteering and fraud has been blocked by Republicans for several years now - with the aid and support of Sen. McCain and the other "mavericks" in the GOP. 
No More Apples has posted several blogs about this tragic death, including:COL. WESTHUSING'S DEATH A MICROCOSM OF THE IRAQ WAR 
Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., a retired USAF lieutenant colonel, had a very interesting take:Wishful Thinking Promoted, Truth Jailed
The thing that disturbs me is that when you look at the *facts*, it?s obvious that he did not commit suicide. Consider:
* A contractor found Ted, saw

Re: [cia-drugs] Iran and the New World Order

2006-01-10 Thread Arlene Johnson

Fidel Castro wanted a relationship with the U.S., but Eisenhower said "No."
So Castro turned to the Soviet Union; what else could he do being the leader
of a very little nation? This fact was in the book entitled "Listen Yankee" by
famous sociologist C. Wright Mills. Check it out or believe me since I read
that book in 1983.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jan 8, 2006 11:55 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Putin's Camgirl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Iran and the New World Order

Iran and the New World Order

01/05/2006 16:09

Pariah or victim?
The New World Order we see today is based more and more upon a belligerent and bullying Anglo-Saxon Alliance forged between the axis Canberra-London-Washington and its foundations stand upon one simple precept: to have an "us" you need a "them."
If you go looking for problems they are easy to find. For example, an easy "them" would have been constituted by the Albanian KLA terrorists destabilising Kosovo and against whom Slobodan Milosevic's troops were fighting, but it was understood in the US Congress that the KLA belonged to the "us" side, for dubious reasons.
While it is true that not all those chosen to belong to "us" remain so forever (for instance, the funding of the Madrassah and the Mujaheddin movement in Afghanistan - one of whose leaders was Osama bin Laden - to destabilise the progressive government of Dr. Najibullah by the USA). It is easy to choose and then maintain a "them" identity primarily among those who follow a different religious banner or a socialist ideal.
Hence the pariahs of today are Cuba (just because Fidel Castro had the substance to stand up to the USA and make socialism work), along with Chavez (Venezuela) and now almost certainly Morales (Bolivia) because Washington likes to think its capitalist model is perfect. However, the truth could not be more different.
The countries which adopted a socialist model proved that their system could work and provide true social welfare programmes, while the capitalist-monetarist model is so flawed from the outset that it has to be sustained by subsidies and tariffs, perpetuating and perpetrating a form of economic imperialism. In plain, simple English, it does not work.
Another easy "them" to pinpoint is any Moslem country with the audacity not to obey Washington's orders, such as Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Iran - now even easier to mark down as "them" because of President Ahmadinejad's habit of not mincing his words.
Lies and the truth
But as was the case in Iraq, this New World Order is based upon lies. Nothing was said of the Albanian women running from west to east, away from the KLA into the hands of the Serbs because they did not want to be taken to Italy where they would be sold into prostitution. Nothing was done about the UNMOVIC inspection teams in Iraq which never found any WMD. Nothing was made of the lies iterated by Bush and Rumsfeld and Cheney and Powell about the WMD which never existed.
Nothing has been done about taking Bush and friends to a war crimes court for their illegal act of butchery in Iraq. They broke the UN Charter, they broke international law, they broke the Geneva Conventions. Civilians have been murdered, people have been tortured and there is no casus belli in any court of law or under any legal code.
Nothing was done about US military aircraft strafing Iraqi cereal fields along the Euphrates between the First and Second Gulf Wars, nothing is said about the USA purposefully targeting civilian infra-structures in the latest "war".
Much was said about Saddam Hussein trying to obtain yellowcake uranium from Niger but nothing was said about the fact that the "proof" was constituted by forged documents.
Today we have the Guardian newspaper claiming that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. The source: an unnamed European intelligence agency. Wow! Could this be the same "magnificent intelligence" as that used by Colin Powell when he lied through his teeth in the UNSC? 
Were such stories not so dangerous, they would be risible, belonging to the same sort of story as "Six-breasted female alien gang-rapes twenty males in toilets of underground gay club". The source? An unnamed sewer-rat.
However this is not a laughing matter and it would be understandable if the Iranian Foreign Ministry demanded an explanation before prosecuting the newspaper. The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hamid-Reza Asefi has declared that "

[cia-drugs] CIA gave blueprints to Iran to build the bomb.

2006-01-05 Thread Arlene Johnson
In the Guardian newspaper today, January 5, 2006, an article entitled
"Did the CIA give Iran the bomb" was published.

It is an excerpt from James Risen's book copyrighted 2006 entitled
State of War and published by The Free Press in which it partially says
"George Bush insists that Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear 
weapons. So why, six years ago, did the CIA give the Iranians blueprints 
to build a bomb?"

Further on the first page of this extract, it states "In an extract from his 
explosive new book, New York times reporter James Risen reveals the 
bungles and miscalculations that led to a spectacular intelligence fiasco."

At the end of this excerpt, ordering information is provided as follows:
To order a copy for £17.99 with free UK p&p (rrp £18.99), call 0870 836 
0875 or go to

Hopefully, you can access the excerpt in its entirety by logging on to the 
Web site which is probably

This was not an intelligence failure. It was planned. It had to have been 
since everything the CIA does is planned.


Arlene Johnson

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Re: [cia-drugs] 'The Next Attack

2006-01-05 Thread Arlene Johnson

It was on this very listserv that it was stated that the United States
was designated to be the government that would carry out the NWO
once WW II ended, so its foreign policy was mandated by the Illuminati
When people get this information into their heads, then they will understand
that the foreign policy of the United States of America is not domestic,
but controlled by the Illuminati exclusively.
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine that publishes documented 
top secret history, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access the previous editions.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: JSvj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Dec 25, 2005 4:17 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] 'The Next Attack I think this typical think tank lies and omissions. It's all W's  fault. Bad George. The next attack have this geniuses ever, ever  considered that US foreign policy might have something to do with it?  You think? "Getting it right". LOL Lemme guess, "Israel" is never  mentioned.On Dec 25, 2005, at 6:54, Jim Rarey wrote:> > pagewanted=print>>>> December 25, 2005> 'The Next Attack,' by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon> Bringing 'Em On> Review by THOMAS POWERS> In the real world - and the United States exists in the real world,  > despite a national weakness for wishful thinking - failure has  > consequences. The prospects for American success in Iraq, which do  > not look promising, are the consequence of a cascading series of  > previous, all-too-familiar failures - the failure to heed  > intelligence warnings before 9/11, the failure to press the hunt  > for Osama bin Laden until he was caught, the failure to think twice  > before invading Iraq, the failure to send enough troops to  > establish security once the Iraqi Army quit fighting, the failure  > to recognize the growing insurgency until it was too big to crush,  > the failure to begin building an Iraqi Army and police services in  > a timely manner, the failure to foresee that a war in Iraq would  > draw jihadists from every corner of the Islamic world. . . .>> These failures are all the doing of President Bush and his  > remarkably small group of intimate advisers. Confident at every  > turn they knew what to do, impatient of contrary views,  > strengthened by Republican control of both houses of Congress and  > deliberating in the kind of secrecy the old Soviet Politburo might  > have envied, Bush and his team have probably pursued their chosen  > course with a freer rein and less resistance than any other  > administration in American history. Naturally they do not concede  > failure. The White House argues that the story isn't over yet, that  > success in the whole project is still possible if we don't cut and  > run. Who does not hope the administration is right? Or worry that  > the tidal pull of events is all in a different direction - toward  > civil war and spreading violence?>> Making sense of this slow spiral of deepening trouble is bound to  > occupy analysts and historians for a generation to come. Weaving  > through it, they will doubtless find some mix of the national  > attributes that allowed a previous president and his confident  > advisers to march the country wide-eyed into Vietnam. The challenge  > in both cases was to create a friendly regime strong enough to let  > Americans leave, as two recent magazine articles remind us. "Iraq:  > Learning the Lessons of Vietnam" in Foreign Affairs, by Melvin  > Laird, President Nixon's secretary of defense, argues that the  > White House had the circle squared until Congress cut off funding  > for South Vietnam; "Why Iraq Has No Army," in The Atlantic Monthly,  > by James Fallows, worries that the administration is whistling  > Dixie while American popular support for the war drains away and  > efforts to build Iraqi security forces are allowed to slide.  > Fallows quotes a Marine lieutenant colonel who thinks the  > difference between failure in Vietnam and failure now would be a  > continuing threat from a Sunni remnant of Iraq with a burning  > jihadist hate for the United States. "In Vietnam we just lost," he  > told Fallows. "This would be losing with consequences.">> The consequence predicted by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon,  > experts on terrorism and former members of the National Security  > Council under President Clinton, is implicit in the title of their  > new book, "The Next Attack: The Failure of t

[cia-drugs] Happy New Year!

2005-12-31 Thread Arlene Johnson
Happy New Year everyone. May 2006 be a landmark year for us!

I have been reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. Langdon
didn't think that the Illuminati still existed in the beginning, but does
now. All of us know that the Illuminati is generational, so never ends.

The good thing with reading this book is that it draws people's attention
to my work since my work exposed these "people" who pray to Lucifer
way back in 2002 thanks to some brilliant poster who put it on CIA-Drugs

If there are any of you who don't know what the Illuminati are, they are
the source of ALL our problems no matter how affluent we are, and they
control all aspects of our lives all over the world.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History
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Re: [cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Chile

2005-12-26 Thread Arlene Johnson

Thanks for clarifying the two. I have always wondered about the difference.
Having said that, however, communism was established by the Illuminati. I
read it again from a Christian who does know the Bible extremely well.
His name is Tom Demeter, and he has a Web site too. It's
Maybe I should forward what he just sent to me today or yesterday in which it is stated
again, and why he supports my work so much.
Interestingly, a woman who began a boycott of a couple of Israeli universities stated to 
me that she calls herself a socialist because of the bad image that communism has. Seems
to me that she is the one who is confused, doncha think?
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vanessa Di Domenico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Dec 22, 2005 3:32 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Chile --- Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Just today, I was reading Myron Fagan's article to a> friend in which> Myron stated definitively that communism, i.e.> socialism was established> to provide the fascists an enemy to fight.Arlene,I'm afraid you've got a little confusion here-Communism is a form of ECONOMY. Socialism is a form ofPOLITICS. They were put together once, but are notdependent on each other NOR are they related inorigin.As for establishing communism, remember that it isestablished in the Bible, Acts 2:44- where the FIRSTtrue communism appears, in its economics version. IFBush wants to pass himself off as a Christian, hebetter stop warfare and start communism.Socialism is more of a word play, I think, which meansyou live in a Society and cannot be totallyindependent of it.IN any case, decent people can live just fine underany system, and don't need 'law and order'- that wasset up for the perverted and corrupt.AS FOR MYSELF, I believe that chaos theory rules (itis the most advanced mathematics, and you can NEVERlose in a casino if you can handle it)- and that onlyGod can set up order. Humans are ruled by a bunch ofchemicals, not by written laws. THAT is how I keepmyself safe from ANY criminal- I never wear perfume,so that my natural non-fear pheromones can tell theirbrains to stay away. Don't think that chaos, or anarchy, are bad- in fact,when your brain and mine seem to be firing wildly andchaotic messages, we work fine. When my brain becomestotally orderly, and neurons march like disciplinedsoldiers, THAT is called a grand-mal seizure- and itcan kill me. And this epilepsy, the most chaoticillness, also produces the great geniuses and most whohave changed the world had some form of it.Vanessa Di Domenico  __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM

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2005-12-22 Thread Arlene Johnson
This is shocking. In my work, I have two features. One is called America's 
Concerns, and
the other one is called The World's Concerns.
Where are you located Dr. Ahmed? Depending on what country or state you are 
will determine what feature I publish this news. Japan can't continue to do 
this action, but
since they are a trilateral country, this is most likely why they do.
Afterall, the African woman received the Nobel prize for peace because she 
planted 30,000
trees in Africa. Yet, they wouldn't have been there if

-Original Message- 
From: "Dr.Syed.S. Ahmed" 
Sent: Nov 23, 2005 2:10 PM 


May God bless all of you!

Japan is the top importer of tropical hardwood in the world.  It
imports nearly five times the value of timber of its closest rival,
South Korea.  China, Taiwan and Italy round out the top five. 
Japan has imported hardwood from southeast Asia and other timber
from the temperate zones of the United States and Canada for
decades.  The wood has been used for many products including
chopsticks, plywood for concrete forms and chips for making paper. 
Because of the ease with which substitutes for these products can
be found, this is a waste of a precious resource.

Nearly all the countries of Southeast Asia are well-endowed with
large tracts of rainforests.  Heavy exporting in recent years has
ruined large portions of the Philippines and Thailand.  Soil
erosion has occurred which has washed away the topsoil that made
the land valuable for farming.  Malaysia also suffers from this. 
It exports huge amounts of wood to its number one customer, Japan. 
In the early 1980s, the government favored Japan, particularly to
support its industrialization efforts and to secure external
financing.  It comes as no surprise that Malaysia exports large
amounts of its forests to Japan.

Japan is finding just how costly it is to be green.  It has been a
big contributor to projects of reforestation and to other
environmental organizations including Friends of the Earth and the
World Wildlife Fund.  Swinbanks claims that as proof of its
environmental sensitivity "Japan was the first to step forward with
a handsome contribution of $2 million to finance projects of
reafforestation, sustainable management, and economic/market
information gathering."  Swinbanks rails against the United States
and other nations for delaying these projects because of late dues

Japan desires to use hardwoods for disposable chopsticks, concrete
forms, chips (to make pulp) and other specialized items such as
furniture.  It must import wood for these products from
forest-abundant nations.  The point of contention in this case is
that the products for which Japan is using the wood for are
questionable uses for the wood.  Surely there are substitutable
resources that Japan could use to make chopsticks and concrete
forms instead of using the almost irreplaceable trees.  There
exists no import ban on the wood, moreover there is an added
element in that many jobs in Southeast Asia and western North
America depend on the timber trade.  Whole communities pit their
survival on the world's demand for the dwindling timber supply.   

Since the 1980s, Japan has been experiencing a housing boom which
has contributed its usage of tropical hardwoods.  Much of the wood
is used for products such as forms for concrete pours, high quality
paper and even cardboard.  This is gross wastage of a valuable
resource.  Johnstone states that "Japan is currently the largest
consumer of tropical timber in the world.  Most is imported as logs
which are turned into plywood, often for use in the building

Though Japan is 80% mountainous, much of which is covered with
various types of trees, it has decided not to use its own natural
resources.  Japan has determined that other countriesþ resources
can be purchased and used without it incurring substantial
long-term harm.  Japan has targeted countries endowed with large
tracts of forest whose economies in localized areas are dependent
on exporting timber.


Japan gobbles up nearly half the world's tropical timber
trade, much of the imports being wasted on disposable chopsticks
(11,000 million pairs a year) and paneling for concrete."  The
consensus is that Japan is not making good use of the timber that
it is importing.  How can Japan justify using timber, to make
chopsticks which it disposes by the millions everyday?  Some of the
chopsticks Japan uses are actually made in the United States which

Re: [cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Chile

2005-12-22 Thread Arlene Johnson
Just today, I was reading Myron Fagan's article to a friend in which
Myron stated definitively that communism, i.e. socialism was established
to provide the fascists an enemy to fight.

Maybe you don't really read my work Vig, huh? The article in question from
which I was reading, is in the 6th edition, the edition that was the first one
in which I exposed those who are the root of all our problems around the 


Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine that publishes the true history of various countries, 
click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 17th - 20th editions: UN
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Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad 
you did.

-Original Message-
>From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Dec 22, 2005 2:20 PM
>Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Chile
>lol, keep giving your perspective vanessa, thats GOLD!
>(of course, nazis ARE socialists!)
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Vanessa Di Domenico" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:10 AM
>Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Chile
>> From a Chilena raised in Venezuela, and even my
>> squalid (anti-Chavez) mother agrees:
>> In Chile, a SOCIALIST is what would be considered a
>> right-winger in most other places... except England,
>> of which Chile is a messy copy, and Nazis, who moved
>> hidden to Chile, and created a horrible place- I call
>> it "The Shame of Chile". And I have been crying quite
>> a bit over my memories of such a beautiful place. But
>> even the most relaxed Chileno feels to a Maracucho
>> like they have a log stuck up their ass... even the
>> poorest are a bunch of snobs!
>> The other day, Lagos and Vicente Fox had a meeting,
>> shortly after Lagos came to suck up to Chavez so Chile
>> would get the presidency of the OAS- they both sounded
>> like a couple of clown nazis trying to pass themselves
>> off as 'socialists.'
>> What I have said is the BIG difference between Chile
>> and Venezuela, that gave a Sept 11 victory to the USA
>> in 1973, but got their ass kicked here- and the coup
>> has world record for the shortest ever in history,
>> because we all took tothe streets, and we'll step over
>> anything. Chilenos would be too worried that their
>> shoes might get dirty.
>> Vanessa
>> --- Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > Intelligence Brief: Chile 
>> > Drafted By: Dr. Michael A. Weinstein 
>> >
>> > 
>> > On December 11, Chile held presidential and
>> > parliamentary elections. As expected by analysts and
>> > predicted by pre-election opinion polls, Michelle
>> > Bachelet, the Socialist candidate of the
>> > Concertacion coalition 
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Re: [cia-drugs] Europe's two Queens

2005-12-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

There are two real Queens who control Europe, plus one king.
They are named Elizabeth II, Beatrix (of Holland), and Juan Carlos
of Spain.
This is why British troops are in Iraq and Afghanistan and why Spanish
ones were too before the terrorist attacks prevailed and a new PM
was elected who stated that he would not support Spanish troops in
Iraq, etc.
Here in London where I am, Poles are coming in. Turns out that the
Polish economy is horrible, and Poles don't have jobs there.
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005: UNNo password is needed to access previous editions.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.
-Original Message- From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Dec 21, 2005 3:44 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Europe's two Queens 

Europe's 2 queens
Two women in charge of the Franco-German axis that has long directed the European project would represent a striking change. 
Walker's World: Europe's two Queens
By Martin WalkerUPI Editor

Published December 19, 2005
Koenigin Angela may be getting another female rival in Europe's corridors of power. No sooner was Germany's new Chancellor Angela Merkel dubbed the new Queen of Europe after her calmly decisive role in settling the European Union's budget battle over the weekend than a new royal rival emerged.  Royal indeed, for that is the surname of Segolene Royal, just tipped for the top after a new French poll showed her strongly in the lead as the favored Presidential candidate for France's Socialist party. The poll showed her as the top choice of 48 percent of French Socialist Party members, followed by former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin with 39 percent.  Royal, the live-in partner of the party's secretary-general Francois Hollande, is a former minister for family affairs, and her swift rise to political stardom has provoked some waspish remarks from Socialist rivals.  Another former Prime Minister, Laurent Fabius, sniffed that if she became the party's Presidential candidate, "Who would stay home to take care of the children?" Jack Lang, former Culture Minister, noted dryly that the party's selection process "should not be a beauty contest."  Royal currently lags behind the front-runner in the Presidential stakes, current Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. The latest CFE-Sofres poll, published in the daily Le Monde, gives Sarkozy 26 percent and Segolene Royal 13 percent, by far the highest of any Socialist candidate and a remarkable performance for someone of relatively modest high-level government experience.  If and when she becomes the Socialist candidate, the resulting publicity for France's first serious female candidate for head of state since the ill-fated Marie-Antoinette is likely to give her a strong boost in the polls, and French commentators are already salivating over the prospect of what they called the "Sarko-Sego" contest, made all the more interesting by the prospect of her ruling alongside Germany's Queen Angela.  Two women in charge of the Franco-German axis that has long directed the European project would represent a striking change, the more dramatic since Britain, whose pioneering Margaret Thatcher demonstrated just how decisive a woman could be at the helm, has no similar rising female political star.  Whoever succeeds the lame duck Jacques Chirac in the French Presidency, Sarkozy, Royal or the current Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, will face four dramatic challenges, and each of them will only be resolved in the broader context of the European Union and relations with Germany, Europe's biggest economy.  The first challenge will be to tackle the problem of France's vast and restive immigrant minority, close to 10 percent of the population, mainly Muslim, and with unemployment levels two and three times higher than the national average. The dramatic riots that swept France's cities in November pointed to the urgency of reforming both the immigration rules, which are now to be set as the EU level, and fixing the French economy, which is the second great problem.  With double digit unemployment and over 21 percent of the labor force employed by the French state, France remains relatively little touched by the worldwide wave of free trade and free market reforms. Pushing those reforms in France, Germany and elsewhere in the EU has been, at least in theory, a top EU concern since the Lisbon summit five years ago set an ambitious agenda of economic and labor market reform. But there has been little concrete progress, and promoting labor market (and thus labor union) reform will be a major concern and a serious he

[cia-drugs] Fw: Two days to Filibuster the Patriot Act

2005-12-15 Thread Arlene Johnson

Dear Marsha,
MoveOn is on this too, but with Email.
I can't afford to call as I am in Europe and don't have
money for this sort of call. So I appreciated this effort.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author<[EMAIL PROTECTED]><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>-Forwarded Message- From: PRT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Dec 14, 2005 6:23 PM To: PRT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fw: Two days to Filibuster the Patriot Act 

- Original Message - 
From: Eli Pariser, Political Action 
To: pearlis Timm 
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:28 AM
Subject: Two days to Filibuster the Patriot Act

Now is the time to take a stand on the Patriot Act. Senators from both parties have vowed to fight reauthorization—by filibuster if necessary—until it includes needed reforms. Can you help us reach our goal of 250,000 signatures to show support for filibustering the Patriot Act?
Stop the Patriot Act
Dear MoveOn member, 
Last night we learned that the Defense Department has been secretly collecting intelligence on small peace groups, like one gathering at a Quaker Meeting House in Lake Worth, Florida.1 It's a jarring reminder of the ongoing erosion of our civil liberties. This Friday, the Senate is expected to vote on a new and even more dangerous version of the Patriot Act.2
A bipartisan group of senators have agreed to fight the Patriot Act—by filibuster if necessary. The law currently goes too far in curtailing our freedoms and they're fighting back. This is the time to act.
This is a huge moment. Senators from both parties are standing together to protect privacy and liberty in a time of war—and they're ready to go all the way. It's important to support them and to show those who are still on the fence how important this issue is to you. Will you help us reach 250,000 signatures on our petition so we can hand deliver them in time for the vote?
If this filibuster holds, Congress could vote to temporarily extend the Patriot Act as it stands—allowing time to craft a new, better version that addresses the big problems in the law. This would be a huge victory for those of us who believe that liberty is non-negotiable.
In 2001, only one senator voted against the Patriot Act. Since then, people from all across the political spectrum have come to realize that the Patriot Act strikes a blow to the fundamental rights, liberties, and privacy of all Americans. Protecting freedom is something that all of us—progressives and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans—can agree on.
That's why a bipartisan group of senators, including Republicans Larry Craig, John Sununu, Lisa Murkowski and Democrats Russ Feingold, Dick Durbin and Ken Salazar, have been working to fix the Patriot Act. They have vowed to fight the most egregious provisions and filibuster reauthorization if necessary. We need to show them that we have their backs.
The Patriot Act that the president wants them to pass now goes too far and doesn't protect the privacy of innocent Americans. It doesn't address some of the biggest problems in the law. For example:3

The government can obtain your private records, like medical, library, school, and other records—without showing any connection between your activities and a suspected foreign terrorist. 
Some 30,000 National Security Letters ("NSLs") are issued each year to obtain private records,4 and the recipients of those NSLs are under a gag order that is almost impossible to overturn. But the Patriot Act does nothing to address these abusive powers. 
The government is allowed to get "sneak and peek" search warrants to search a home or business and doesn't have to tell the owner of the premises for a month. This power can be used in cases that don't have anything to do with terrorism. 
Right now, the Patriot Act is just bad law about to get worse—and leaders in the Washington are actually willing to try to block it. We can't let our only chance to fix it slip away without a fight.
Hundreds of thousands of signatures on a petition like this will show the Senate how serious Americans are about protecting their constitutional freedoms. Will you sign the petition and show your support for filibustering a Patriot Act that doesn't include privacy protections?
Together, we can make sure we're safe—and our freedom is safe, too.
Thanks for all you do,
–Eli, Nita, Ben, Jennifer and the Political Action Team  Wednesday, December 14th, 2005
Sources:1. "Is the Pentagon Spying on Americans?" MSNBC, December 13, 2005
2. ACLU: Reform the Patriot Act 

[cia-drugs] Fw: New furor over 9/11 EPA blasted for nixing cleanup

2005-12-05 Thread Arlene Johnson

Am doing what I'm told.
Love to everyone there,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Ilene PRoctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Dec 5, 2005 12:51 AM To: 'Jimmy Walter' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: New furor over 9/11 EPA blasted for nixing cleanup 


Please pass this to everyone you know in the NYC area.  The people of Brooklyn simply must NOT sit quietly on this.  


Due to the extremely close proximity of Brooklyn to Ground Zero, to say that Brooklyn is being let out of this important testing is an outrage the magnitude of which I can not even possibly fathom.  And this issue is made all the more crucial by the widely held belief that explosives were used in three of the WTC buildings.


New Yorkers simply must NOT let Uncle Sam get away with this very "dirty" deed.



New furor over 9/11 EPA blasted for nixing cleanup 




Despite the smoke and debris that blanketed Brooklyn after the Sept. 11 attacks, a high-ranking federal official said "it wasn't apparent" Kings County got enough toxic dust to warrant a cleanup. 


The Environmental Protection Agency ditched plans last week to include Brooklyn in a test-and-cleanup program for contaminants from the smoldering World Trade Center site. 


"We're going to go back to only those areas with clear visual or probable evidence that there was dust," said EPA official Timothy Oppelt, interim chairman of an expert panel charged with overseeing the cleanup. 


After elected officials protested, a 30-building Brooklyn survey had been included in May as part of the plan - but the EPA withdrew after it couldn't agree with experts on a way to distinguish World Trade Center toxins from regular pollution. 


"It's not saying there couldn't have been light amounts of dust in other areas," Oppelt told the Daily News, "but our view is we need to focus on areas where there is a lot of dust." 


But other members of the expert panel - which the EPA is disbanding after this month - disagreed. 


"Scientifically, it would be absolutely appropriate to test parts of Brooklyn," said David Newman, an industrial hygienist and panel member. 


"They just want to close the books," Newman said. "Unfortunately, we're looking at a scaled-back role for government in disaster response." 


"I was in Brooklyn on Sept. 11," said Catherine Hughes, the panel's community representative. "It snowed debris ... and fumes from the fire blew for several months to Brooklyn." 


Hughes added she and other panel members were "distressed" at the final version of the cleanup - which mirrors an earlier sweep in which only Manhattan buildings below Canal St. were eligible for testing. 


Inspectors in the $7 million EPA cleanup will look for asbestos, lead, man-made vitreous fibers and hydrocarbons for residents and businesses that didn't participate in the first cleanup. It could be finished by August, Oppelt said. 


Elected officials who had forced the EPA to form the expert panel in 2003 to examine the World Trade Center attack's health effects were livid. 


"This is an outrage," said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan). "How can the EPA get away with pretending that toxins can't cross water?" 


Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) vowed to press the agency to improve the program, a spokeswoman said. 


Joel Shufro, executive director of the New York Committee for Occupational Health and Safety, said he held out hope that Clinton and others could force the EPA to do better. 


"We're certainly hopeful political intervention will result in a plan that will meet the needs of Brooklyn," Shufro said. Originally published on December 4, 2005


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Re: [cia-drugs] Empire In Descent: The Deliberate Destruction Of America

2005-12-03 Thread Arlene Johnson

Some brilliant mind posted here if memory serves me, that when WW II concluded, the Illuminatidesignated the USA to be the government that would carry out the NWO. This is what causes
this hatred while the Illuminati go merrily on their way worshiping Lucifer and controlling everything.
Mark my words, the Illuminati have wanted to destroy the US ever since it founding, and now they have
nearly succeeded. The UN (see my 17th edition) is the instrument that will achieve the NWO unless WE
prevent it.
Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for 17th - 20th editions: UN-Original Message- From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Dec 2, 2005 8:24 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Empire In Descent: The Deliberate Destruction Of America 

Empire In Descent: The Deliberate Destruction Of AmericaWorldwide despise of the United States an intentional pre-cursor for world government takeover
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | December 2 2005
There is a deliberate agenda at hand to reflect an image of America to the world as a corrupt, evil, deceiving, hypocritical and brutal power. The Bush administration is being played like a fiddle and as each horror story scandal emerges, America sinks further into the waiting jaws of its 'savior' - the dark stalker of global government.
America was once the model of world freedom. Even as recently as the late 1980's, the United States was perceived as a benchmark of how free societies should operate, this despite a slow erosion of respect which began in the Vietnam era.
However, that was a drop in the ocean compared to now. America is universally hated by the population of almost every country on the planet.
Even in my homeland of Britain, America's supposed biggest ally, hatred of all things American, including the American people themselves, is at an all time high. The British hate Americans even more than they do the French or the Germans. In many cases the scope of the resentment is because individuals have difficulty separating the actions of an incumbent government from the real history of a country and its people.

Ceaseless warmongering, a worldwide torture policy and scandal after scandal have left America with a soiled global reputation.
America is the new evil empire, the new Soviet Union. Playing the role of the good guys is the EU/UN global government watchdog. This is the landscape of the manufactured multi-polar world. In reality, both entities are working towards the establishment of a unipolar world dictatorship and for that to happen, America has to be brought down from within.
Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, the lies that justified Iraq, indictments of high level Bush administration officials, brazen war profiteering, and the fallen cartoon character image of George W. Bush, all these issues were meant to come out and they were meant to contribute to the world's decaying tolerance of America as a superpower.
The European Union/United Nations global power bloc is waiting in the wings for when nationwide chaos engulfs America and they have to send in their 'peacekeeping' troops to restore order. Far from just being the plot of X Box video games, Republican Congressman Ron Paul recently warned of this outcome.

In a sense, every time we report on the latest embarrassment to inflict America's geopolitical standing, we are helping the Globalists further their ultimate end game. Should we be silent on such issues? Obviously not. But we should go to great lengths to stress that these events are designed to make America look bad and they are designed to prop up the world government fake left-wing alternative of the EU and the UN.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Both Republicans and Democrats are reading off a script. On the very same day people like Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Joe Lieberman will come out in support of the war while Bush repeats tiresome cliches of staying the course. This is meant to make Americans turn away from the now obvious one party system and look to the international stage for relief.
The fact that a President who has to ask permission to use the bathroom and loses a battle of wits with a door is supposedly in charge of the biggest superpower on earth is again designed to make America look foolish in comparison to the austere, enlightened and rational image of the global government model.

The gigantic mess in Iraq fits in this same picture. When American troops finally do pull out they will be replaced by NATO forces. Even though, as is the case in Afghanistan, the turmoil will continue just the same, the media will rarely report on it and so the wider world will be hoodwinked into thinking that global government saved the day and cleaned up another filthy American quagmire.
Smaller scale terror attacks, as debated in the recent GOP &#

Re: [cia-drugs] Mexico's President Fox and Free Trade (FTAA) ... What makes him keep going?

2005-12-03 Thread Arlene Johnson

What Diana's saying is true. I published the same information in my 15th edition.
Have you read it yet and participated in the international boycott to end Mexican
farmers migrating to the US because they can't earn a living at home? If not, why?
Not too late to do so now.
Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access the e-zine.
-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Dec 2, 2005 8:09 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], vera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Mexico's President Fox and Free Trade (FTAA) ... What makes him keep going?

Published: Tuesday, November 22, 2005Bylined to: Diana Barahona 

Mexico's President Fox and Free Trade (FTAA) ... What makes him keep going? guest commentarist Diana Barahona writes: In the wake of the Summit of the Americas in Argentina on November 4-5, relations between Mexico and Venezuela have deteriorated to the point where both countries have withdrawn their ambassadors.
Mexican President Vicente Fox is clearly worried; he has less than a year before elections on July 2, 2006, to decide whether the country will continue along the path of economic integration with the US begun by the PRI and continued by his pro-business National Action Party ... or whether it will try to change course and adopt more nationalist and populist policies under the leadership of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, PRD.
Hugo Chavez is hoping the latter will happen. 
Mexican pundits are commenting that Fox went to the summit looking for a fight with Chavez as a way of indirectly attacking his nemesis, PRD presidential frontrunner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. In the same way, Chavez' insults are directed at both the former Coca Cola executive and Washington, calling him a "puppy of the empire," and indirectly endorsing Lopez Obrador's candidacy. 
On Saturday, November 19, Chavez called a march to support him and the Mexican people, going so far as to don a wide-brimmed hat and sing with a mariachi group. In Korea, Fox tried to imply that it was not only him but the people of Mexico who were being insulted, saying through his spokesman, "Mexico will defend at all times the dignity of the people and the government." But the duel is not personal but political, and it is over far-reaching economic issues. 
Fox set off the dispute in Mar del Plata when he insisted that discussion of the FTAA be added to the agenda, which put the summit's host, President Kirchner, in a bind. All involved are aware that the issue goes beyond a mere trade agreement. Like a Trojan horse, US-contrived free trade agreements (FTAs) are secretly loaded up with provisions enshrining the rights of corporations over national sovereignty, such as "investor-to-state" dispute resolution, which allows corporations to sue countries over profits lost to safety or environmental regulations. FTAs also prohibit countries from favoring national businesses in the procurement of goods and some services, forcing them to open bidding to U.S. companies and possibly paving the way for the privatization of services. 

The agreements ignore workers' rights, environmental degradation and social and cultural issues. For example, in addition to imports from the US, Mexico is importing a lot of cheap manufactured goods from China, which has put Mexican factories and artisans out of business. This has lead to the absurdity of "Mexican" handicrafts being sold in Mexico which have "Made in China" stamped on the bottom. 
Another fundamental flaw with FTAs is that they don't address asymmetries, which means that they make the powerful and the powerless compete by the same rules. In Mexico under the PRI and the PAN there has been no assistance given to sectors negatively affected by NAFTA, and this has had two consequences. First, the divide between the rich and the poor in Mexico has widened; second, NAFTA has left the Mexican countryside in ruins. 
The Mexican daily, La Jornada, published investigative articles on Jan. 3 this year which painted a bleak picture of the state of the agricultural sector. It is estimated that around 50,000 farmers are forced off their lands every year. In the past decade 3.7 million commercial farms disappeared, leaving only 300,000. At the same time, between 1982 and 2001 the price of corn dropped 56.2%; wheat, 46%; beans, 37%; and soy, 62.4 percent. 
Mexican farmers not only have had to face subsidized US commodities flooding the country and lowering prices, but policies by the PRI government that put them at a greater disadvantage. Between 1982 and 1988, reports La Jornada,

Re: [cia-drugs] Is the U.S. Training Iraqi Death Squads to Fight the Insurgency?

2005-12-03 Thread Arlene Johnson

Doesn't this seem reminiscent of the war in Vietnam? Also, is not Bush a pathological liar?
In terms of troops coming home to honor, I'm wondering if the troops would be home very 
long, afterwhich they would be sent to Iran.
War sucks. We need peace. That's what JFK wanted.That's one of the reasons why he is dead.
Arlene Johnson
http://www.truedemocracy.netClick on Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for 2005: UNNo password needed to access previous editions.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Dec 3, 2005 1:41 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], vera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Is the U.S. Training Iraqi Death Squads to Fight the Insurgency?
Is the U.S. Training Iraqi Death Squads to Fight the Insurgency?Democracy Now!Photo: The body of Abu Akeel, a Sunni Arab, lies in a Baghdad morgue in thisundated photo. His relatives, who provided the photograph, said he waskidnapped, tortured and killed by Shi'ite militiamen linked to thegovernment.December 1, 2005In what the White House billed as a major policy address, President Bushoutlined the administration's Iraq war strategy. Bush again linked awithdrawal of U.S. troops to improvements in the capability of Iraqisecurity forces. We speak with independent journalist Arun Gupta about thepresence Iraqi death squads and the U.S. training of Iraqi security forces.---President Bush sought to overcome mounting criticism of the Iraq warWednesday in what the White House billed as a major address outlining theadministration's strategy.In a 45-minute speech before the US Naval Academy, Bush again rejected atimetable for the withdrawal of US troops and recounted improvements made byIraqi security forces. The speech was the first of a series of four Bushplans to give before the December 15th parliamentary elections. Thepresident yesterday reiterated that Iraqi troops will eventually take overfrom US forces in fighting the insurgency.President Bush, November 30"Our goals are to train enough Iraqi forces so they can carry the fight andthis will take time and patience and it is worth the time and it is worththe effort because Iraqis and Americans share a common enemy and when thatenemy is defeated in Iraq, Americans will be safer here at home. And asIraqi security forces stand up then coalition forces can stand down and whenour mission of defeating the terrorist is complete our troops can come hometo a proud nation."Bush has repeatedly linked a U.S. withdrawal to improvements in thecapability of Iraqi forces. But the mainstream media has recently detailedthe existence of death squads within the largely Shiite police and specialcommandos.Operating through or with the Iraqi security forces, these militias haveabducted, tortured and executed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Sunnis. TheNew York Times reported Tuesday "Some Sunni males have been found dead inditches and fields, with bullet holes in their temples, acid burns on theirskin, and holes in their bodies apparently made by electric drills. Manyhave simply vanished."At a Pentagon press conference on Tuesday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeldwas questioned about the death squads.Pentagon press conference, November 29Q: Mr. Secretary, are you concerned over -- and in fact, is the UnitedStates looking into growing reports of uniformed death squads in Iraqperhaps assassinating and torturing hundreds of Sunnis? And if that's true,what would that say about stability in Iraq?SEC. RUMSFELD: I'm not going to comment on hypothetical questions. I've notseen reports that hundreds are being killed by roving death squads at all.We know for a fact that it's a violent country. We know for a fact thatthere have been various militias. We know that there have been some militiasthat have been Iran-oriented. We also know there's been some militias in thenorth that have been very helpful. The Peshmerga have been very constructivein what they've done. But I'm not going to get into speculation like that.Q: But, sir, that's not a hypothetical, I don't believe. The Sunnisthemselves are charging that hundreds have been assassinated, people shot inthe head, found in alleys.SEC. RUMSFELD: What you're talking about are unverified -- to my knowledge,at least -- unverified comments. I just don't have any data from the fieldthat I could comment on in a specific way.While the story only recently made front-page news, it actually firstappeared in the press over six months ago. Investigative journalist ArunGupta was one of the first to re

Re: [cia-drugs] OT Censorship

2005-11-25 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, I just checked it again, and it is correct.
This is from the URL that my Webbie sent 
me to proofread.
This "01.html"  is my thesis. There are about 7-8 articles
that are incommunicado too, not just the thesis.
I have hit a nerve with this edition on our health
because the powers that be don't want us to be
able to reverse what they achieved this summer
in Rome.
Can you see now that what I publish is rocking
the boat, and that people all over the world would
benefit by what I do?
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Account One <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 23, 2005 5:22 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] OT Censorship Arlene -I am in the states and cannot access the link either.  Are you sure the entire link is correct?Thanks!WendyAt 04:20 PM 11/22/2005, you wrote:
Dear Arlene, I was not able to access this site. Yours, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark 

- Original Message - 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 4:55 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] OT Censorship
See if you can access this URL:
If you're in western Europe, you most likely won't be able to. 
If you're in the US or Canada, you may or may not. I don't know
since I am in western Europe.
I have hit a nerve in my upcoming edition that the powers that be
don't like, and so they have seen fit to prevent you from reading
this which is my thesis. 
Let me know if you can or cannot access this. This is just one of
about 8-9 articles that can't be accessed in this upcoming edition
because they are honest with regard to your health.
Arlene Johnson
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Re: [cia-drugs] The Enduring JFK Mystery

2005-11-23 Thread Arlene Johnson

Am I slow or something? It will have been 5 years on March 2, 2006 since I published
the first of the reasons why Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Why don't people read
what I travelled half way around the world to bring back to all of you?
It's free on my Web site. Then, one month to the day after I launched that first edition
to international acclaim, I received a call from a man who made me aware of other reasons
why Kennedy was assassinated because he had researched it for 34 years, so I then
published that in the 2nd and 3rd editions, then more in the 14th edition.
Arlene Message- From: Robert Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 22, 2005 4:25 PM To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Subject: [cia-drugs] The Enduring JFK Mystery 

The Enduring JFK Mystery
By Lisa PeaseNovember 22, 2005
Editor?s Note: The assassination of John F. Kennedy was one of the darkest moments in modern American history. But one of its most pernicious legacies has been the notion that average Americans must be shielded from what really happens on matters of national security, even something as important as the murder of a president.
Since the Warren Commission probe of the JFK assassination, other investigations of serious government wrongdoing, one after another, have been truncated ? CIA abuses, Iran-Contra, Contra drug trafficking, Iraq-gate, misuse of Iraq War intelligence, Abu Ghraib ? supposedly because the full stories would undermine morale or otherwise not be ?good for the country.?
Ultimately, of course, this loss of a true history is corrosive to the concept of a democratic republic, and it has been one of our goals as a publication to flesh out the facts of those failed investigations. In that light, we are publishing a report from JFK assassination expert Lisa Pease on a recent historical conference in Washington:
Forty-two years ago, on Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas, Texas. In Bethesda, Maryland, this past weekend, a group of distinguished journalists, historians, scientists and others gathered to discuss and debate the evidence of conspiracy in the JFK case.
While the research community has often slammed the mainstream media for not covering the facts of the case, the blame must go both ways. The conference organizers offered no handouts, no summaries of what is new in the case this year, or any hook upon which a journalist might hang a story.
As one of the reporters said in a panel discussion, this is a story without an ending, and how satisfying is that?
But that is a tragedy, in light of the Downing Street Memo and other evidence that the Bush administration?s case for war in Iraq was built on a false platform. The common thread throughout the weekend was that secrecy and democracy cannot safely coexist, that the more we have of the former, the less we have of the latter.
The credentials of the speakers this year was more impressive than in previous conferences. Featured speakers included former presidential candidate Gary Hart, author James Bamford, journalists Jeff Morley and Salon founder David Talbot, and historians David Wrone and John Newman (who was a military intelligence analyst), and the former head of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, G. Robert Blakey.
Former Sen. Hart, a Colorado Democrat, recounted his experiences on the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, more popularly known as the ?Church Committee? after its leader, Sen. Frank Church.
Hart began with a disclaimer saying he didn?t read the assassination books, hadn?t reviewed his Church Committee files, and warned that everything he said should be prefaced with, ?as I recall.?
Little Interest
According to Hart, there was little interest among Committee members in seriously investigating the intelligence community. There had been little oversight of the CIA since its creation 28 years earlier. Reviewing the CIA?s operations seemed both a gargantuan and ultimately unnecessary task. The Vietnam War was in its last days, and there was the sense that poking around in Agency business might undermine morale.
The Committee members also realized that if there was even one leak, their work would be over. That?s one of the reasons there was so little oversight in the years up to that point. Simply put, the CIA did not trust Congress to keep its secrets. So they implemented strict security.
One day, CIA Director William Colby asked for even more security than ever before. He wanted the room swept for bugs before they began. Colby also insisted only members, not their staff, attended.
At that session, Colby presented Committee members with the 600-page Inspector General report on Agency abuses, a document popularly known as the ?family jewels.? Included in that document were tales of drug experiments on both witting and unwitting

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: FUND TRANSFER

2005-11-23 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, this occurred to me too.
Arlene-Original Message- From: David Guyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 22, 2005 6:17 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: FUND TRANSFER 

A spin on the classic Nigerian scam -- get you bank details and begin impersonating you, and/or ask for an up-front payment to kick start the transaction.  In either case, stand well clear.

- Original Message - 
From: RoadsEnd 
To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 4:36 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: FUND TRANSFER

Begin forwarded message:

From: "gaspar matoum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 22, 2005 5:16:12 AM PST




ADDRESS: Behind Baghdad Conference Palace Mansour, Baghdad PO Box (retained)



Permit me to use this medium to propose to you or your establishment a
discrete transfer of $ 9.5 million United States Dollars.

I am an American citizen presently working in Iraq with the above named
security group and while in one of our missions in the field I was notified
of the discovery in a bunker funds  in USD currencies in barrels with piles
of weapons and ammunitions at a location formally unoccupied.
I am seeking your assistance to evacuate the above mentioned sum to your
country or your establishment or any other safe country, in as much as you
can give me a guarantee that the funds will be safe in your care until I am
able to travel and meet with you for disbursement after I complete my
service here. 
This is not stolen funds, and there are no dangers or any risk involved
since the funds are already in private hands which I have control over.

I honestly want this transaction concluded as soon as it is possible for
obvious reasons.
Please contact me for more discussion and complementary information.



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NEU: GMX Phone_Flat 
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Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality

2005-11-23 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, they have a right to their views, but not at the expense of
other people's lives.
Arlene-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 22, 2005 6:31 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality 
well, in fairness, they do have a right to their views.

- Original Message ----- 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality

Jews who believe in the Talmud consider the rest of us to be cattle. That's what goyim means.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 21, 2005 8:38 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality 

whys that?  is the talmud secretly evil?

- Original Message - 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality

If she practices the Talmud, they have every right to be pissed off.
Arlene Johnson Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 20, 2005 6:01 AM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality i think these guys are pissed off at alex jones because his wife is jewish.- Original Message - From: "Arlene Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:41 AMSubject: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress MentalityIf nobody else posted this, I thought I would.Peace,Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Author Message-From: "Michael A. Hoffman II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 19, 2005 10:20 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: The Fortress MentalityTHE HOFFMAN WIREDedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and RevisionistHistorySubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor, 19, 2005THE FORTRESS MENTALITY"One monumental defect of the Right wing is the belief that fighting forone's perceived truths and values is a luxury, to be pursued after one'smaterial comfort and security have been ensured. One monumentaladvantage of Judaism, is the belief that fighting for one's perceivedtruths and values is a necessity, without which there can be no genuinecomfort or security."by Michael A. Hoffman IICopyright©2005 All Rights ReservedTo: Mr. Alex Jones  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Dear Mr. JonesGiven that your area of focus is the rise of the police state, onewonders how it's possible that the arrests of Ernst Zundel, GermarRudolf, and David Irving for thought crimes have gone unmentioned byyou.Perhaps you're neither the expert on the police state or courageousdefender of freedom that you would have us believe after all. Or perhapsyour silence is an indication that you approve of what's taking place.Sincerely,Brendan F.New YorkThe same question Brendan asked Jones, may also be asked of PatrickJ.Buchanan, Alexander Cockburn and all of the other gurus Right and Leftwho oversee well-funded empires that dare not vigorously examine thegreat heresy of our time, scientific skepticism toward the notion ofhomicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, and the fate of those skeptics whoincreasingly are being jailed throughout "democratic" Europe and Canada,with the assistance of the U.S. government (see: an author of David Irving's international repute can be arrested andimprisoned without significant protest and publicity, then any dissidentwho questions any Establishment dogma, from the official account of the9/11 terror attacks on down, is in grave peril.Part of the difficulty is not just timidity on the part of Jones or theothers. It also emanates from the "Fortress mentality" alchemical stagein which the Establishment has our people ensnared  through its currentscarcity paradigm, not unlike the staged Y2K paralysis of 1998-1999. Onemonumental defect of the Right wing is the belief that fighting forone's perceived truths and values is a luxury, to be pursued after one'smaterial comfort and security have been ensured. One monumentaladvantage of Judaism, is the belief that fighting for one's perceivedtruths and values is a necessity, without which there can be no genuinecomfort or security.When Adin Steinsaltz, the "Prince of Israel," the head of the newlyreconstituted Israeli Sanhedrin,  came to  Pennsylvania this past week,fresh from his sojourn in the Vatican, there were no CockburnCounterpunchers present or any of the Buchanan Brigades or Jones' InfoWar(riors). No, the only one to drive his rickety old car to thePittsburgh synagogue and confront t

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: FUND TRANSFER

2005-11-23 Thread Arlene Johnson

If this man were an American citizen, unless he was naturalized, he wouldn't use the plural
of the word "ammunition." Ammunition is both singular as well as plural. Therefore, imho,
he's a con artist and I don't believe that this is true.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 22, 2005 4:36 PM To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: FUND TRANSFER 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "gaspar matoum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 22, 2005 5:16:12 AM PST




ADDRESS: Behind Baghdad Conference Palace Mansour, Baghdad PO Box (retained)



Permit me to use this medium to propose to you or your establishment a
discrete transfer of $ 9.5 million United States Dollars.

I am an American citizen presently working in Iraq with the above named
security group and while in one of our missions in the field I was notified
of the discovery in a bunker funds  in USD currencies in barrels with piles
of weapons and ammunitions at a location formally unoccupied.
I am seeking your assistance to evacuate the above mentioned sum to your
country or your establishment or any other safe country, in as much as you
can give me a guarantee that the funds will be safe in your care until I am
able to travel and meet with you for disbursement after I complete my
service here. 
This is not stolen funds, and there are no dangers or any risk involved
since the funds are already in private hands which I have control over.

I honestly want this transaction concluded as soon as it is possible for
obvious reasons.
Please contact me for more discussion and complementary information.



Telefonieren Sie schon oder sparen Sie noch?
NEU: GMX Phone_Flat
Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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[cia-drugs] OT Censorship

2005-11-22 Thread Arlene Johnson
See if you can access this URL:

If you're in western Europe, you most likely won't be able to. 
If you're in the US or Canada, you may or may not. I don't know
since I am in western Europe.

I have hit a nerve in my upcoming edition that the powers that be
don't like, and so they have seen fit to prevent you from reading
this which is my thesis. 

Let me know if you can or cannot access this. This is just one of
about 8-9 articles that can't be accessed in this upcoming edition
because they are honest with regard to your health.


Arlene Johnson

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Re: [cia-drugs] Europeans, Conspiracy Theorists Lead M3 Mourners: Caroline Baum

2005-11-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

This is just another example of censorship. The Fed doesn't want people to become aware of its activities.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 22, 2005 2:12 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Europeans, Conspiracy Theorists Lead M3 Mourners: Caroline Baum
Europeans, Conspiracy Theorists Lead M3 Mourners: Caroline Baum 
Nov. 22 (Bloomberg) -- A chill wind swept across Western Europe, rattling the remains of long-dead Germans who carried memories of wheelbarrows full of worthless deutsche marks to their graves. 
Stateside, the conspiracy theorists seized on the new information as further proof of deceit and manipulation. And ordinary folks, who never had the slightest interest in the Ms, wondered why the Federal Reserve was discontinuing the weekly publication of its broadest monetary aggregate, M3, on March 23. 
The announcement, posted quietly on the Fed's Web site on Nov. 10 as part of the weekly report on money stock measures, said simply that the Fed would cease to publish M3 data and the following components: large-denomination time deposits, which are captured in another weekly report on bank balance sheets; repurchase agreements; and Eurodollars. 
Institutional money market funds will still be included in the weekly monetary aggregates report. Most of the information from M3 is captured in the Fed's quarterly flow of funds report or in depository institutions' call reports filed with supervisory agencies. 
When queried about the decision, a Fed spokesperson said that because M3 doesn't appear to contain any more relevant economic information than M2 and has a diminished role in the policy process (when did it ever have a role?), the costs of collecting and publishing the data outweigh the benefits. 
Good 'Til Canceled 
That may all be true, but why no advance warning or comment period? 
``It doesn't seem they reached out very far to get user feedback on the discontinuation of the series,'' said Maurine Haver, president of Haver Analytics and chairwoman of the National Association of Business Economics statistics committee. 
In that latter capacity, Haver meets quarterly with directors and deputy directors of the U.S. statistical agencies, including the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Census Department, Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Internal Revenue Service and the Fed. The committee is ``consulted regularly whenever a series is being discontinued or changed,'' she said. 
Who knew so many people cared about M3? Are the folks carping about its termination the same ones who regularly rag on money as having lost its relevance to the economy? 
More surprising than the Fed's announcement was the level of misinformation emanating from Europe, where the memory of 1920s hyperinflation never dies. The European Central Bank has made monetary analysis one of its ``two pillars'' and M3 its preferred stone. 
``As he is on the verge of being confirmed by the Senate, Dr. Bernanke's first act as Fed Chairman has been to cease publication of M3,'' wrote Gabriel Stein, director of Lombard Street Research in London. 
Bernanke has yet to be confirmed by the full Senate. (He was approved by voice vote of the Senate Banking Committee on Nov. 16, one day following his appearance before the committee.) He is still President George W. Bush's chief economic adviser. If confirmed, he will move from fiscal policy to monetary policy on Feb. 1, 2006. At that point, he would be in a position to have input on monetary matters. 
And even then, the lifespan of M3 or any other data series might not rest entirely with him. That's because all government statistical reports come up for review every three years, on a staggered basis, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Office of Management and Budget requires agencies to submit a report justifying the continuation of data series. 
Review Process 
This applies to the Fed as well, which has to submit all the reports it produces to a periodic cost/benefit analysis. The Board identifies the cost to the institutions collecting the data, the cost to the Fed of processing the data and the users. 
``It's tough to argue that tax money should be spent collecting data that no one looks at,'' said Dick Anderson, an economist at the St. Louis Fed. 
It was for that reason the deposit turnover survey and demand deposit ownership survey were summarily killed nine and 15 years ago, respectively. A measure of liquid assets, ``L,'' met its maker in 1998, while debt was discontinued in 2002. 
In the M3 review, the board staff determined the elimination would save roughly $500,0

Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality

2005-11-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

Jews who believe in the Talmud consider the rest of us to be cattle. That's what goyim means.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 21, 2005 8:38 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality 

whys that?  is the talmud secretly evil?

- Original Message ----- 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality

If she practices the Talmud, they have every right to be pissed off.
Arlene Johnson Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 20, 2005 6:01 AM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality i think these guys are pissed off at alex jones because his wife is jewish.- Original Message ----- From: "Arlene Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:41 AMSubject: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress MentalityIf nobody else posted this, I thought I would.Peace,Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Author Message-From: "Michael A. Hoffman II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 19, 2005 10:20 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: The Fortress MentalityTHE HOFFMAN WIREDedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and RevisionistHistorySubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor, 19, 2005THE FORTRESS MENTALITY"One monumental defect of the Right wing is the belief that fighting forone's perceived truths and values is a luxury, to be pursued after one'smaterial comfort and security have been ensured. One monumentaladvantage of Judaism, is the belief that fighting for one's perceivedtruths and values is a necessity, without which there can be no genuinecomfort or security."by Michael A. Hoffman IICopyright©2005 All Rights ReservedTo: Mr. Alex Jones  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Dear Mr. JonesGiven that your area of focus is the rise of the police state, onewonders how it's possible that the arrests of Ernst Zundel, GermarRudolf, and David Irving for thought crimes have gone unmentioned byyou.Perhaps you're neither the expert on the police state or courageousdefender of freedom that you would have us believe after all. Or perhapsyour silence is an indication that you approve of what's taking place.Sincerely,Brendan F.New YorkThe same question Brendan asked Jones, may also be asked of PatrickJ.Buchanan, Alexander Cockburn and all of the other gurus Right and Leftwho oversee well-funded empires that dare not vigorously examine thegreat heresy of our time, scientific skepticism toward the notion ofhomicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, and the fate of those skeptics whoincreasingly are being jailed throughout "democratic" Europe and Canada,with the assistance of the U.S. government (see: an author of David Irving's international repute can be arrested andimprisoned without significant protest and publicity, then any dissidentwho questions any Establishment dogma, from the official account of the9/11 terror attacks on down, is in grave peril.Part of the difficulty is not just timidity on the part of Jones or theothers. It also emanates from the "Fortress mentality" alchemical stagein which the Establishment has our people ensnared  through its currentscarcity paradigm, not unlike the staged Y2K paralysis of 1998-1999. Onemonumental defect of the Right wing is the belief that fighting forone's perceived truths and values is a luxury, to be pursued after one'smaterial comfort and security have been ensured. One monumentaladvantage of Judaism, is the belief that fighting for one's perceivedtruths and values is a necessity, without which there can be no genuinecomfort or security.When Adin Steinsaltz, the "Prince of Israel," the head of the newlyreconstituted Israeli Sanhedrin,  came to  Pennsylvania this past week,fresh from his sojourn in the Vatican, there were no CockburnCounterpunchers present or any of the Buchanan Brigades or Jones' InfoWar(riors). No, the only one to drive his rickety old car to thePittsburgh synagogue and confront the man who is arguably the prophesiedSatanic King of this World, was a reader of the humble, alwaysunderfunded Hoffman Wire and who alone, among a crowd of Judaics,courageously stood up and asked about the anti-gentile racism inSteinsaltz's "Tanya" opus.It's a strange world, and it is strangest of all in the ranks of thosewho fancy themselves resistance fighters and who shovel money at--notthe most effective or insightful activists and scholars--but at theslickest and glossiest and noisiest, 

Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality

2005-11-21 Thread Arlene Johnson

If she practices the Talmud, they have every right to be pissed off.
Arlene Johnson Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 20, 2005 6:01 AM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality i think these guys are pissed off at alex jones because his wife is jewish.- Original Message - From: "Arlene Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:41 AMSubject: [cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress MentalityIf nobody else posted this, I thought I would.Peace,Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Author Message-From: "Michael A. Hoffman II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 19, 2005 10:20 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: The Fortress MentalityTHE HOFFMAN WIREDedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and RevisionistHistorySubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor, 19, 2005THE FORTRESS MENTALITY"One monumental defect of the Right wing is the belief that fighting forone's perceived truths and values is a luxury, to be pursued after one'smaterial comfort and security have been ensured. One monumentaladvantage of Judaism, is the belief that fighting for one's perceivedtruths and values is a necessity, without which there can be no genuinecomfort or security."by Michael A. Hoffman IICopyright©2005 All Rights ReservedTo: Mr. Alex Jones  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Dear Mr. JonesGiven that your area of focus is the rise of the police state, onewonders how it's possible that the arrests of Ernst Zundel, GermarRudolf, and David Irving for thought crimes have gone unmentioned byyou.Perhaps you're neither the expert on the police state or courageousdefender of freedom that you would have us believe after all. Or perhapsyour silence is an indication that you approve of what's taking place.Sincerely,Brendan F.New YorkThe same question Brendan asked Jones, may also be asked of PatrickJ.Buchanan, Alexander Cockburn and all of the other gurus Right and Leftwho oversee well-funded empires that dare not vigorously examine thegreat heresy of our time, scientific skepticism toward the notion ofhomicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, and the fate of those skeptics whoincreasingly are being jailed throughout "democratic" Europe and Canada,with the assistance of the U.S. government (see: an author of David Irving's international repute can be arrested andimprisoned without significant protest and publicity, then any dissidentwho questions any Establishment dogma, from the official account of the9/11 terror attacks on down, is in grave peril.Part of the difficulty is not just timidity on the part of Jones or theothers. It also emanates from the "Fortress mentality" alchemical stagein which the Establishment has our people ensnared  through its currentscarcity paradigm, not unlike the staged Y2K paralysis of 1998-1999. Onemonumental defect of the Right wing is the belief that fighting forone's perceived truths and values is a luxury, to be pursued after one'smaterial comfort and security have been ensured. One monumentaladvantage of Judaism, is the belief that fighting for one's perceivedtruths and values is a necessity, without which there can be no genuinecomfort or security.When Adin Steinsaltz, the "Prince of Israel," the head of the newlyreconstituted Israeli Sanhedrin,  came to  Pennsylvania this past week,fresh from his sojourn in the Vatican, there were no CockburnCounterpunchers present or any of the Buchanan Brigades or Jones' InfoWar(riors). No, the only one to drive his rickety old car to thePittsburgh synagogue and confront the man who is arguably the prophesiedSatanic King of this World, was a reader of the humble, alwaysunderfunded Hoffman Wire and who alone, among a crowd of Judaics,courageously stood up and asked about the anti-gentile racism inSteinsaltz's "Tanya" opus.It's a strange world, and it is strangest of all in the ranks of thosewho fancy themselves resistance fighters and who shovel money at--notthe most effective or insightful activists and scholars--but at theslickest and glossiest and noisiest, the ones full of sound and fury.In spite of all this, we soldier on and we'll try to be there again, thenext time Steinsaltz shows up in another city, shadowing and questioninghim the way swarms of Judaics would be buzzing around any true, radicalspiritual leader of ours who was on tour.If we had a real resistance movement, instead of a joke, the US tour bythe head of the Sanehdrin would be common knowledge in our ranks andHoffman readers would be joined in this mission by the readers of Jonesand Cockburn and many others, and together we would make history.Michael A. Hoffman IIPO 

[cia-drugs] Fw: The Fortress Mentality

2005-11-19 Thread Arlene Johnson
If nobody else posted this, I thought I would.


Arlene Johnson

-Forwarded Message-
From: "Michael A. Hoffman II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Nov 19, 2005 10:20 AM
Subject: The Fortress Mentality

Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist 


Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

November, 19, 2005


"One monumental defect of the Right wing is the belief that fighting for 
one's perceived truths and values is a luxury, to be pursued after one's 
material comfort and security have been ensured. One monumental 
advantage of Judaism, is the belief that fighting for one's perceived 
truths and values is a necessity, without which there can be no genuine 
comfort or security." 

by Michael A. Hoffman II
Copyright©2005 All Rights Reserved

To: Mr. Alex Jones  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Mr. Jones

Given that your area of focus is the rise of the police state, one 
wonders how it's possible that the arrests of Ernst Zundel, Germar 
Rudolf, and David Irving for thought crimes have gone unmentioned by 

Perhaps you're neither the expert on the police state or courageous 
defender of freedom that you would have us believe after all. Or perhaps 
your silence is an indication that you approve of what's taking place.

Brendan F.
New York

The same question Brendan asked Jones, may also be asked of Patrick 
J.Buchanan, Alexander Cockburn and all of the other gurus Right and Left 
who oversee well-funded empires that dare not vigorously examine the 
great heresy of our time, scientific skepticism toward the notion of 
homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, and the fate of those skeptics who 
increasingly are being jailed throughout "democratic" Europe and Canada, 
with the assistance of the U.S. government (see:

If an author of David Irving's international repute can be arrested and 
imprisoned without significant protest and publicity, then any dissident 
who questions any Establishment dogma, from the official account of the 
9/11 terror attacks on down, is in grave peril. 

Part of the difficulty is not just timidity on the part of Jones or the 
others. It also emanates from the "Fortress mentality" alchemical stage 
in which the Establishment has our people ensnared  through its current 
scarcity paradigm, not unlike the staged Y2K paralysis of 1998-1999. One 
monumental defect of the Right wing is the belief that fighting for 
one's perceived truths and values is a luxury, to be pursued after one's 
material comfort and security have been ensured. One monumental 
advantage of Judaism, is the belief that fighting for one's perceived 
truths and values is a necessity, without which there can be no genuine 
comfort or security. 

When Adin Steinsaltz, the "Prince of Israel," the head of the newly 
reconstituted Israeli Sanhedrin,  came to  Pennsylvania this past week, 
fresh from his sojourn in the Vatican, there were no Cockburn 
Counterpunchers present or any of the Buchanan Brigades or Jones' Info 
War(riors). No, the only one to drive his rickety old car to the 
Pittsburgh synagogue and confront the man who is arguably the prophesied 
Satanic King of this World, was a reader of the humble, always 
underfunded Hoffman Wire and who alone, among a crowd of Judaics, 
courageously stood up and asked about the anti-gentile racism in 
Steinsaltz's "Tanya" opus.

It's a strange world, and it is strangest of all in the ranks of those 
who fancy themselves resistance fighters and who shovel money at--not 
the most effective or insightful activists and scholars--but at the 
slickest and glossiest and noisiest, the ones full of sound and fury.

In spite of all this, we soldier on and we'll try to be there again, the 
next time Steinsaltz shows up in another city, shadowing and questioning 
him the way swarms of Judaics would be buzzing around any true, radical 
spiritual leader of ours who was on tour.

If we had a real resistance movement, instead of a joke, the US tour by 
the head of the Sanehdrin would be common knowledge in our ranks and 
Hoffman readers would be joined in this mission by the readers of Jones 
and Cockburn and many others, and together we would make history.

Michael A. Hoffman II
PO Box 849
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 


The HOFFMAN WIRE is a public service of Independent History and Research, Box 
849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA 

24 Hour Revisionist News Bureau:


Disclaimer: The Hoffman Wire is a controversial and politically incorrect 

Re: [cia-drugs] Another one bites the dust ...

2005-11-11 Thread Arlene Johnson

It seems to me that he has overcome his brainwashing instead of biting the dust.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Robert Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 10, 2005 6:17 PM To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Subject: [cia-drugs] Another one bites the dust ...
Important DisclaimerDale Allen Pfeiffer is no longer associated with Michael C. Ruppert or F ations. He wishes to make it known that he does not agree with the views of Michael Ruppert or his publication.

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Re: [cia-drugs] Another one bites the dust ...

2005-11-11 Thread Arlene Johnson

It seems to me that he has overcome his brainwashing instead of biting the dust.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Robert Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 10, 2005 6:17 PM To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Subject: [cia-drugs] Another one bites the dust ...
Important DisclaimerDale Allen Pfeiffer is no longer associated with Michael C. Ruppert or F ations. He wishes to make it known that he does not agree with the views of Michael Ruppert or his publication.

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Re: [cia-drugs] Israelis evacuated from Amman hotel hours before bombings

2005-11-10 Thread Arlene Johnson

If my sources are correct, the Talmud teaches that Jews are better than we "goyim" are.
Goyim stands for cattle. I don't consider myself a cow, and I'll bet you don't either.
We use our brain to think, but the Talmud teaches otherwise. This is why many (not all)
Jews consider themselves better than the rest of us.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 10, 2005 4:28 AM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Israelis evacuated from Amman hotel hours before bombings odigo alerts two hours before 911netanyahu alerted before 711 bombs in londonand now this. Jim, please note that I am citing Haaretz, which, as far as I can tell, is not some conspiratorial rag.Is it just me or does something stink to high heaven? update - 05:00 10/11/2005    Israelis evacuated from Amman hotel hours before bombings By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent A number of Israelis staying on Wednesday at the Radisson hotel were evacuated before the bombing by Jordanian security forces, apparently due to a specific security alert. They were escorted back to Israel by security personnel. The Foreign Ministry stated Wednesday that no Israeli tourists are known to have been injured in the blasts. Representatives of Israel's embassy in Amman were in contact with local authorities to examine any report of injured Israelis, but none were received. There are often a number of Israeli businessman and tourists in Amman, including in the hotels hit Wednesday.Israel's counter-terror headquarters on Wednesday recommended Israeli citizens not travel in Jordan. Travel warnings regarding Jordan were tightened a few months ago, but many Israelis still visit the country. Many also visit other regions such as the Jordanian Arava and the ancient city of Petra.Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Iranian Co. to develop oil in Gulf of Venezuela

2005-11-10 Thread Arlene Johnson

Let's hope that Iran accomplishes this feat the way the Russians do with deep drilling.
See the 19th edition for proof that oil is not a fossil fuel and not finite which was provided to me
by none other than Vig on this listserv. That is the only way to preserve the precious
substance for eternity.
Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for 17th - 20th editions: UN-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 10, 2005 12:15 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cc: BICER Veronica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Iranian Co. to develop oil in Gulf of Venezuela Co. to develop oil in Gulf of VenezuelaWednesday, November 09, 2005 - ©2005 IranMania.comLONDON, November 9 (IranMania) - Iran?s Petropars will participate in the development project of an oil field in the Gulf of Venezuela once the related contract is finalized, noted Asghar Ebrahimi-Asl, an official at Iran?s South Pars Oil Co.The agreement to carry out activities in the seventh block of Venezuela?s giant oilfield will be signed during the Iranian minister of industries and mines upcoming visit to Venezuela, informed the official who is the project manager of the South Pars oil field development phases 4, 5, and 12, the Persian service of the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) reported.The official had earlier told the news agency that the block being 540 square meters contained up to 18 bln barrels of in-situ heavy oil. He had also noted that, the contract for the oilfield had been officially given to the Petropars Co. at a session attended by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan oil minister and the managing directors of Venezuela?s major oil companies as well as the Iranian oil delegate dispatched by Petropars. In his comments then, the oil official had explained that the Iranian delegation had been provided with the required information and a contract valued at 2 bln dollars at the minimum, would be soon signed. Petropars and Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) had in the early 2005, signed a pre-contract on an oil project in the Gulf of Venezuela, the offshore gas field of Mariscal and another oilfield with four blocks in the region. Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Joe Wilson's threat

2005-11-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

Consider this. The CIA is part of the Shadow government AND Kennedy wanted to disband it.
So why isn't that paramount on everyone's minds?
I'm trying to do as Kennedy wanted. Get rid of the CIA and all the other 3 letter agencies. They're
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine that will do all this and more IF enough people listen, click on to the icon that says
Magazine.-Original Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 9, 2005 10:13 AM To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Joe Wilson's threat 


This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit 
Wednesday, November 9, 2005


Joe Wilson's threat against me

Posted: November 9, 20051:00 a.m. Eastern

By Joseph Farah

© 2000>© 2005 

I haven't commented much on what has come to called "the CIA leak case." 
I haven't commented on it for two reasons: 

Until I. Lewis Libby was indicted on charges in the case that could theoretically put him behind bars for 30 years, I'd considered it a tempest in a teapot. 

As a newsman, I was bored with what I considered an overblown story – much ado about nothing. 

Then, last weekend, I, along with my news organization, were thrust into the center of this story. 
On Saturday, WorldNetDaily published a story based on an interview with Maj. General Paul Vallely, a distinguished career military man and Fox News analyst, who said Ambassador Joseph Wilson, the man at the center of the CIA leak case, had told him in casual conversations in the Fox News studios that his wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA employee – more than a year before this was first disclosed publicly in a column written by journalist Robert Novak. 
The 18-month investigation by Independent Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald focused on who leaked this information about Plame. 
This disclosure by Gen. Vallely prompted a demand for retraction by Wilson's attorney and a threat of a defamation case against my news organization for publishing it. 

Go figure. One public figure gives an interview about another public figure and I am threatened with a lawsuit for publishing it. Is that what the First Amendment has come to mean in America in the 21st century? 
Interestingly, in making the demand by e-mail, Wilson's lawyer passed along to multiple staffers at WND an earlier e-mail written to him by Wilson. When I offered to Wilson and his attorney in a return e-mail the opportunity to set the record straight and present their viewpoint in a follow-up interview, they declined – instead reiterating their bullying legal threat. 
Again, interestingly, in his e-mail to the attorney, Wilson did not seem to be disputing that he told Gen. Vallely that his wife was with the CIA. He does not seem to be disputing that he told him this information a year or so before it was publicly revealed in a column written by Bob Novak. What he does seem to be disputing is the precise month he conveyed the information. 
Why do you suppose that time frame is so critical to Joe Wilson? 
I strongly suspect it is because if Gen. Vallely is right, Wilson himself might be subject to prosecution for "outing" his wife – something with which even Scooter Libby has not been charged. 
Now that I have been dragged into this story, let me give you my opinion about Wilson. 
I went back and read dozens of news articles about this man during the time he first came to the attention of the American people – back in 1990 when he was charge d' affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad in the run-up to the first war with Iraq. If your memory is good, you might recall it was Joe Wilson who became the highest ranking U.S. government employee in Iraq when his boss, the hapless Ambassador April Glaspie, went on vacation the very week Iraq invaded Kuwait. It was Glaspie who stood accused of misleading Saddam Hussein into believing the United States wasn't concerned about the sovereignty of Kuwait. 

When Saddam took foreigners hostage and threatened to hang them in the event of a U.S. invasion, Joe Wilson called a press conference with a noose around his neck telling Saddam, "If you want to hang someone, hang me." It may have been his proudest moment. But it was the first indication that he was a personality defined by flamboyance – a man who craved the center of attention. 
Another famous line uttered by Wilson during that period was: "No one will be able to blame Joe Wilson for losing Iraq." 
And that turned out to be a very prophetic statement, I think, in light of his actions during this second war with Iraq. 
Wilson doesn't have a case against me or my news organization, 

[cia-drugs] Fw: Show Trial of Zundel Begins Today

2005-11-08 Thread Arlene Johnson
There are a couple pieces of information in this that are worth noting.
One is about the Dalai Lama. Someone on this listserv posted something
about him some time back which clearly was truthful. This confirms it.

For those of you who want to help Ernst Zundel, log onto my site
and go to the 18th edition where, in the Demand for the Government
page, which is directed to Israel, you'll see the demand to free Ernst Zundel.
He is a German patriot, and should not have to endure any trial.


Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password: UN

-Forwarded Message-
From: "Michael A. Hoffman II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Nov 8, 2005 1:14 PM
Subject: Show Trial of Zundel Begins Today

Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist 


Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

November 8, 2005


Like a figure in a Kafka novel, Ernst Zundel is the man who is 
perpetually on trial (since 1983, when his right to send mail in Canada 
was voided), by a Euro-Canadian-American System that is the enforcement 
arm of the religion of Judaism. The latest manifestation, on the eve of 
the  anniversaries of the Fall of the Belrin Wall in 1989 and 
Kristallnacht in 1938, is a blasphemy trial in Mannheim,  Germany,  a 
nation now controlled by the Zionists, for the "crime" of blaspheming 
the "Shoah" (holohoax). 

Today in Europe and Canada one may say any derogatory thing one desires 
about Jesus. His Resurrection and virgin birth may be denied, scorned 
and scientifically doubted. But skepticism or satire toward homicidal 
gas chambers in Auschwitz is a criminal offense. It is not difficult to 
see what the last, truly believed religion in the West is these days. It 
is Judaism. Auschwitz has replaced Calvary as the central ontological 
event of western history and this would not have been possible without 
the assistance of the Protestant television "evangelists" and the 
post-Vatican II popes of Rome.

The Zionist media cannot tell the truth about the latest show trial of 
Zundel. The medieval rabbinic nature of the prosecution would be too 
patent. If they report it at all they will do so in terms of race hate: 
"Zundel is a racist who hates the Chosen People and hence invents lies 
about Auschwitz." Of course, the fact that countless Judaics, such as 
the influential Harvard academic Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, and Nobel 
laureate Elie Wiesel (soon to be honored by the Dalai Lama of Tibet), 
hate Germans and write lies about them, is not an issue. No one may 
interdict Judaic lies about Germans on the basis that they forment hate 
for Germany. Such a privilege is the sole province of Judaism.

It is a crime in Germany to write these words and I am told that there 
is an arrest warrant --based on my earlier books and columns--awaiting 
this writer should I ever set foot on the soil of my ancestors.  Kafka 
himself could not do justice to this surrealism. --Michael A. Hoffman II

Press Release: Zündel goes on Trial (excerpt)
Sixth Criminal Court

In case against Ernst Z [Zündel] born April 1939.
Defense counsel: Jürgen Rieger, Hamburg lawyer Sylvia Stolz.

Trial opening: Tuesday November 8, 2005, 9 a.m. Continuations on 9th, 
15th, 16th and 24th November, 9 a.m. each day.

THE accused is charged, together with his wife Dr Ingrid R [Rimland] who 
is being prosecuted [verfolgt: persecuted] separately with having as the 
most active, i.e. the leading, so-called "revisionist" from Toronto, 
Canada and Pigeon Forge, USA, spread Nazi and anti-Semitic propaganda 
most recently in February 2003, via the Internet Homepage [sic] 
Zündelsite for which he is responsible and in written publications, in 
particular in the Germanic Circulars written and mailed by him, 
worldwide, and in Germany too.

He is alleged to have intended to relieve National Socialism of the 
stigma of the murder of the Jews, in his messages and writings, in 
pseudo-scientific manner, frequently also via hyperlinks in the 
Internet, as well as denying the fate of the extermination of the Jews 
that was planned by the National Socialist potentates and to have argued 
to this end that the mass destruction in Auschwitz, Treblinka, etc., is 
an invention of the Jews and serves to oppress and blackmail the German 

Over about twenty pages of the indictment are reproduced individual 
passages from the "Zündelsite" from 2003, from the accused's manuscript, 
"His Struggle for Germany," published in 1999, and from the "Germania 
Circulars" from 2000 to 2003, which among others read as follows:

º "Nobody denies the existence of the concentration camps. They were 
detention centers with not nearly as many inmates as is generally 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: How to Judge Alito

2005-11-05 Thread Arlene Johnson

The Illuminati (13 extremely rich families who pray to Lucifer) bet on both sides.
This is why they always win and we always lose. I'm tired of losing and I'll bet
you are too.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: linminor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 3, 2005 11:44 AM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: How to Judge Alito What I find fascinating about the comparison between Alito andClarence Thomas is the infighting that goes on during the confirmationprocess.  For example, almost nothing has been reported about the factthat Scooter Libby is married to a lawyer (fka Harriet Grant) whoworked for Democratic Senator Biden staff of Judiciary Committeeduring Thomas' hearings.  Grant was in contact with Anita Hill andhelped in bringing her to testify.Linda--- In, "Jim Rarey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>>> > How to Judge Alito***> None of this, of course, will favorably impress the liberalcrats,whose rancorous ranting has already begun to emanate from the usualsuspects - with Reid, Kennedy, and Schumer in the lead. They and theirhandmaidens in the media and pressure groups will scrutinize JudgeAlito's many opinions - majority, concurring, and dissenting, as wellas those in which he did not write but merely joined - looking forsomething, anything, to prove that he is not the reincarnation of thepolicy-making Sandra Day O'Connor.Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Argentina Readies for Regional Summit

2005-11-05 Thread Arlene Johnson

Just to let everyone know who hasn't read my site, the Trilateral Commission expanded to several  new
nations in 2002. Argentina was one of them.
When I was there in 2000, my friend who helped me with articles on the Kennedy assassination took
me (and my under cover informant husband) around on the Saturday of that week. She explained
that unemployment was terrible. Fortunately, for her, she has a good job (as a librarian) so isn't suffering, but many people are suffering there.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 4, 2005 6:42 PM To: Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], BICER Veronica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,,, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], vera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Argentina Readies for Regional Summit Readies for Regional Summit
Buenos Aires, Oct 26 (Prensa Latina) Argentina is putting final details on next week's fourth Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata, with the signing of the Final Declaration and Action Plan slated for November 4-5.
Subsidized agriculture in rich countries, the US sponsored Free Trade Area for the Americas, and current international financial policies, are the main obstacles for consensus.
These have become the most controversial issues among the 34 participant countries, given Washington's refusal to compromise on either subsidies or the FTAA.
Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Latin American Policy, Leonardo Franco, called the FTAA the "hottest item" on the agenda because its implementation this year was prevented by differences between the US and MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.)
Franco added that national coordinators will try to reach consensus at a meeting of the Summit Revision and Implementation Group next Friday in Buenos Aires.
The undersecretary noted Argentina's official stand is that economic growth is a key condition, although insufficient to generate dignified jobs to be in line with the Summit slogan "Create jobs to face poverty and strengthen democratic governability."
Franco recalled the failed neoliberal model implemented in the 90s, which is challenged by President Nestor Kirchner and other countries in the region because, in addition to private investment and economic growth, generating new jobs demands state policies.
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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: How to Judge Alito

2005-11-02 Thread Arlene Johnson

Good heads up Mark. Is this one of the vaccines which is supposed
to kill those who get it? 
Arlene Johnson Message- From: mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 2, 2005 11:30 AM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: How to Judge Alito Still fiddlin' while Rome burns, eh Jim?Mice with bubonic plague; leaky borders; Hillary's 2008 run at the oval office; and now this! My God! Did you know the Rummy owns a damn fat share of the company that patented the Tamiflu vaccine?--- In, "Jim Rarey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>>> > How to Judge Alito> By Henry Mark Holzer> | November 1, 2005> > > Much will be said in days to come about Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito: his academic background at Princeton and Yale; his distinguished career as a government prosecutor and appellate lawyer; his experience in representing the United States twelve times before the Supreme Court of the United States; his hundreds of opinions during fifteen years as a member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. > > The esteem in which he is held by colleagues, on and off the bench, will be emphasized, as will be the unanimous Senate vote he enjoyed in 1990, when President George H. W. Bush nominated Judge Alito for the Third Circuit.> >  > > None of this, of course, will favorably impress the liberalcrats, whose rancorous ranting has already begun to emanate from the usual suspects - with Reid, Kennedy, and Schumer in the lead. They and their handmaidens in the media and pressure groups will scrutinize Judge Alito's many opinions - majority, concurring, and dissenting, as well as those in which he did not write but merely joined - looking for something, anything, to prove that he is not the reincarnation of the policy-making Sandra Day O'Connor.> >  > > While the liberalcrats are going down that road - which, for them, is a dead end - some conservatives may need a yardstick by which to measure Judge Alito's judicial credentials. > >  > > That yardstick can be found in the opinions of a Supreme Court justice whom > > Judge Alito will doubtless soon join: Justice Clarence Thomas. > >  > > I have just finished writing a book entitled Keeper of the Flame: The Supreme Court Jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas. To write the book, I analyzed every one of Justice Thomas' 327 opinions, written during his fourteen terms on the Court. > >  > > To the extent Justice Thomas' jurisprudence is reflected in Judge Alito's Third Circuit opinions, and as well in his Senate testimony, conservatives can rejoice. For Justice Thomas understands the appropriate role of a Supreme Court justice, the proper methodology for decision-making, and the answers to fundamental constitutional questions - among them, federalism, separation of powers, judicial review, and such Bill of Rights issues as abortion, affirmative action, the death penalty, and the alleged rights of prisoners. Does Judge Alito?> >  > > Conservatives can begin to answer this question by looking more specifically at Thomas' mode of constitutional interpretation, which is based on the premise that the document is not a hunk of clay to be molded by justices in the shape of their own personal values. Thomas begins with the words of the Constitution itself, and, if necessary, looks to how they were understood by the Framers. Does Judge Alito?> >  > > Thomas believes that the doctrine of Separation of Powers means that federal courts should not legislate, or usurp the powers of the executive. Does Judge Alito?> >  > > Justice Thomas has written time and again that an aspect of separation of powers is the "vertical" relationship of the federal government to the states, and that the Constitution's Tenth Amendment must be read to keep the federal government out of what is peculiarly state business - and that the Commerce Clause must be read to limit the power of the federal government. Does Judge Alito?> >  > > Unlike virtually every one of his current colleagues, and certainly those who have preceeded him as justices of the Supreme Court, Thomas refuses to censor political speech in the name of "protecting the electoral process." He also refuses to consider so-called "commercial speech" as a lesser form of what the First Amendment is supposed to protect. Does Judge Alito?> >  > > His Eighth Amendment jurisprudence is unique, because he holds that the "Cruel and Unusual Punishments" Clause, as originally intended and written, does not create a vast cornucopia of so-called "prisoners' rights." Does Judge Alito?> >  >

Re: [cia-drugs] Air America

2005-11-02 Thread Arlene Johnson

Excellent. What are we going to do about it? Try reading
my e-zine. It's got the way.
BTW, I placed this on my Blog. The address of it is on the
main page of my site.
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to accesss the previous editions.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: skews_me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Nov 2, 2005 12:11 AM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Air America Here are a few links to information on Air America, the CIA's secret airline, from my CIA Tradecraft group. Feel free to add your own at: > Air America---"On the Take: From Petty Crooks to Presidents" -- by William J Chambliss From the early days of colonialism in Indochina, the French depended on profits from opium to finance the colonial government. In 1946 when the Vietnamese rebelled against the French, France's dependence on profits from the opium traffic increased. The cost to the French of sustaining colonialism increased but more importantly, the French needed the military support of the warlords of the Golden Triangle who maintained their control of the hill tribes by serving as a conduit for the opium produced in the hills. France also depended on the support of the hill tribe warlords because of their proximity to the Chinese border and France's fear that China would enter the war on the side of the insurgents. That support, in turn, required that France cooperate with the production and distribution of opium. When the United States entered the Vietnam War after France's ignominious defeat at Dien Bien Phu, the U.S. inherited the dependence on opium. The U.S. Military and particularly the CIA set about organizing opium smuggling out of Southeast Asia to an unprecedented degree. The Central Intelligence Agency arranged to pick up and distribute the opium to the major cities of Southeast Asia where laboratories sprang up that converted the opium into morphine and heroin. For this purpose, the CIA established an airline called Air America. ---Air America official web site ---Air America: The CIA's Secret Airline History Channel Undercover ---C.I.A. Expanding Terror Battle Under Guise of Charter Flights While posing as a private charter outfit - "aircraft rental with pilot" is the listing in Dun and Bradstreet - Aero Contractors is in fact a major domestic hub of the Central Intelligence Agency's secret air service. The company was founded in 1979 by a legendary C.I.A. officer and chief pilot for Air America, the agency's Vietnam-era air company, and it appears to be controlled by the agency, according to former employees. Behind a surprisingly thin cover of rural hideaways, front companies and shell corporations that share officers who appear to exist only on paper, the C.I.A. has rapidly expanded its air operations since 2001 as it has pursued and questioned terrorism suspects around the world. ---Military intelligence soldiers charged with drug smuggling Four U.S. Army military intelligence soldiers accused of running a smuggling operation that used military aircraft to bring more than 200 pounds of cocaine into the country over a two-year period for distribution in Texas and Louisiana will face general courts-martial at Fort Bliss, military officials said [29 July 2005]. According to military court documents, the soldiers bought cocaine in Colombia; transported it on military aircraft from the Apiay air base, east of Bogota, Colombia, to Biggs Army Airfield in El Paso; and then distributed it in the Texas cities of El Paso, San Antonio, Beaumont, Sonora and Sierra Blanca, as well as Lake Charles, La. The alleged smuggling occurred between April 2003 and March 2005. The soldiers have been charged with conspiracy; making false official statements; wrongful use, possession, distribution or importation of cocaine; and damaging the good order and discipline of the armed forces. ---Opium: The C.I.A. And Heroin Transcript of the video, "A NATION BETRAYED". It documents alleged CIA involvement in covert drug running activities. -  -Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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2005-10-31 Thread Arlene Johnson

Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: leslie o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 31, 2005 9:19 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: REMOTE CONTROL "CONTROLS" HUMANS
Remote Control Device 'Controls' HumansOct 27 9:08 PM US/Eastern Email this story 
By YURI KAGEYAMAAP Business Writer
We wield remote controls to turn things on and off, make them advance, make them halt. Ground-bound pilots use remotes to fly drone airplanes, soldiers to maneuver battlefield robots. 
But manipulating humans? 
Prepare to be remotely controlled. I was. 
Just imagine being rendered the rough equivalent of a radio-controlled toy car. 
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp., Japans top telephone company, says it is developing the technology to perhaps make video games more realistic. But more sinister applications also come to mind. 
I can envision it being added to militaries' arsenals of so-called "non-lethal" weapons. 
A special headset was placed on my cranium by my hosts during a recent demonstration at an NTT research center. It sent a very low voltage electric current from the back of my ears through my head _ either from left to right or right to left, depending on which way the joystick on a remote-control was moved. 
I found the experience unnerving and exhausting: I sought to step straight ahead but kept careening from side to side. Those alternating currents literally threw me off. 
The technology is called galvanic vestibular stimulation _ essentially, electricity messes with the delicate nerves inside the ear that help maintain balance. 
I felt a mysterious, irresistible urge to start walking to the right whenever the researcher turned the switch to the right. I was convinced _ mistakenly _ that this was the only way to maintain my balance. 
The phenomenon is painless but dramatic. Your feet start to move before you know it. I could even remote-control myself by taking the switch into my own hands. 
There's no proven-beyond-a-doubt explanation yet as to why people start veering when electricity hits their ear. But NTT researchers say they were able to make a person walk along a route in the shape of a giant pretzel using this technique. 
It's a mesmerizing sensation similar to being drunk or melting into sleep under the influence of anesthesia. But it's more definitive, as though an invisible hand were reaching inside your brain. 
NTT says the feature may be used in video games and amusement park rides, although there are no plans so far for a commercial product. 
Some people really enjoy the experience, researchers said while acknowledging that others feel uncomfortable. 
I watched a simple racing-car game demonstration on a large screen while wearing a device programmed to synchronize the curves with galvanic vestibular stimulation. It accentuated the swaying as an imaginary racing car zipped through a virtual course, making me wobbly. 
Another program had the electric current timed to music. My head was pulsating against my will, getting jerked around on my neck. I became so dizzy I could barely stand. I had to turn it off. 
NTT researchers suggested this may be a reflection of my lack of musical abilities. People in tune with freely expressing themselves love the sensation, they said. 
"We call this a virtual dance experience although some people have mentioned it's more like a virtual drug experience," said Taro Maeda, senior research scientist at NTT. "I'm really hopeful Apple Computer will be interested in this technology to offer it in their iPod." 
Research on using electricity to affect human balance has been going on around the world for some time. 
James Collins, professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University, has studied using the technology to prevent the elderly from falling and to help people with an impaired sense of balance. But he also believes the effect is suited for games and other entertainment. 
"I suspect they'll probably get a kick out of the illusions that can be created to give them a more total immersion experience as part of virtual reality," Collins said. 
The very low level of electricity required for the effect is unlikely to cause any health damage, Collins said. Still, NTT required me to sign a consent form, saying I was trying the device at my own risk. 
And risk definitely comes to mind when playing around with this technology. 
Timothy Hullar, assistant professor at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo., believes finding the right way to deliver an electromagnetic field to the ear at a distance could turn the technology into a weapon for situations where "killing isn't the best solution." 
"This would be the most logical situation for a nonlethal weapon that presumably would make you

Re: [cia-drugs] Off topic Stalin

2005-10-27 Thread Arlene Johnson

Thank you for your answer. I finally had a chance to read it.
In terms of democracy in western nations, it doesn't exist. It has
never existed in the U.S. Our country (I'm an American by birth)
was created as a Republic. There is a large difference. Indeed, now
the U.S. is a corporation. See proof in my e-zine. Can't recall in which
edition I published that.
In terms of your thinking that the SU was good, you need to become
familiar with the Illuminati. I first read about them on this listserv; later
I joined TheIlluminati listserv, which is a listserv too.
The Illuminati created communism, thus the SU. Stalin in fact was a
Zionist Jew, who was used by the Illuminati to achieve their goals.
I highly recommend that you log onto my site and read the top secret
history that I have published going on 5 years now. It's mainly of the
U.S., but is also of Britain and Israel.  Don't allow it to overwhelm
you. There's a lot there.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History
To access the e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access the previous editions.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: "Terry T. Pascher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 25, 2005 12:59 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Off topic Stalin At 05:46 AM 10/25/2005, you wrote:
Do any of you know how many people Stalin killed? Ithink it is more than 20 million, but am not sure.Peace,Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Author

In defense of the SU OrHow the world has been duped into thinking that 'the Cold War was won by the good guys'By Simon Jones[EMAIL PROTECTED] I 20th c revisionismThere is a classic Lenin joke: Q: What is the greatest tragedy that Russia experienced?A: The birth of Lenin.Q: What is the 2nd greatest tragedy?A: The death of Lenin.This goes for the Soviet Union (SU) and the left (or the world, for that matter). While the birth of socialism may have been premature (doomed?), the death of the first and most vital attempt to create an alternative social system has had devastating fallout for us all.Sure, the horrors of Stalinism, more than any CIA plot, split and weakened the left around the world. But the Left largely fell for the Right’s anti-communism time after time. While trying to maintain an independent critical standpoint, most ended up going along with the CW response of Churchill and Truman and the implication that the SU should be destroyed to make the world a better place. This, not the SU, was the real evil (just as Bush’s desire to destroy Iraq is today (whatever you might think of Saddam Hussein (SH)). McCarthyism was just the visible extreme of a policy of herding us all into one camp, with its catch phrases such as freedom and democracy, terms which have been pre-packaged to mean their very opposite today. Stray at your peril, and you were ostracized, ridiculed. To speak out about the folly of the Cold War (CW) meant professional death, political irrelevance, at least in North America. Any attempt to criticize the terrible legacy of British and other imperialism, let alone the growing US imperialism, brought the accusation of aiding the aggressive Soviet ogre, ready to invade the West in a flash and herd us all into gulags, denying us our precious freedoms (note the 1st world ‘our'). Freedoms which we now see could be torn up in a flash, supposedly in order to protect them.How thoughtless of the SU to just disappear so unexpectedly, so suddenly. The CIA itself was caught napping (not for the first or last time it seems). Strange, looking back, how half-hearted were the celebrations in the West. (The German economy has never recovered.) Where was the US to turn to now for such a powerful bogeyman to keep the masses in line? The masses, long duped into believing the Evil Empire rhetoric in its many metamorphoses, swallowed the ruse that this supposed ‘enemy’ was ‘conquered’ by the ‘forces of freedom,’ that world capitalism was the ‘winner’ in the social systems sweepstakes. Not surprisingly, they now expected a peace dividend. A massive disarmament. But this would mean a massive East/West Marshall Plan. In fact, an ambitious planned restructuring of the world economy, presumably to provide a development process which would guarantee an equitable, stable ‘one world’. No. this wouldn’t do. The whole military industrial complex could come tumbling down. And what’s this about planning? The winner was Capitalism, after all. Let the market continue to reward us with its magical bounty. The political paralysis and drift of the 90s merely allowed western corporate leaders to fill their pockets, as resentment in the East and 3rd w

[cia-drugs] Off topic Stalin

2005-10-25 Thread Arlene Johnson
Do any of you know how many people Stalin killed? I
think it is more than 20 million, but am not sure.


Arlene Johnson

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Re: [cia-drugs] Nigeria: Whale blamed for plane rumours

2005-10-25 Thread Arlene Johnson

The US loves to blame everyone but itself.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 25, 2005 3:18 AM To: Cc:, BICER Veronica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Nigeria: Whale blamed for plane rumours whats this shit? Original Message Subject:   [osint] Nigeria: Whale blamed for plane rumoursDate:   Mon, 24 Oct 2005 21:15:41 -0400From:   Bruce Tefft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To:   osint@yahoogroups.comTo:   Bruce Tefft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Nigerian rationality has not increased in the last 20 years.Bruce<,,2-11-1447_1821744,00.html>,,2-11-1447_1821744,00.html  Whale blamed for plane rumours23/10/2005 12:02  - (SA)   Cotonou - A sperm whale trapped in fishermen's nets made such a noise as itstruggled that it sparked reports Sunday that the sound was that of aNigerian jet crashing into the sea. In fact, Nigerian officials said, the plane crashed on dry land 400km northof the coast just after dark on Saturday after taking off from Lagos. Earlier, before the plane's wreckage had been found, fishermen from theneighbouring city of Cotonou had reported a mysterious large object droppinginto the sea. "We were heading out to sea at around nightfall, when I saw a large massfall into the water," fisherman Pierre Ahouansou told AFP on his return tothe port of Cotonou in Benin. "It was a great big thing. It shook the surface of the water," he said. Ahouansou's apprentice, Pamphele Folly, confirmed the sighting. Both spoketo a reporter before hearing reports of the missing airliner. It was intially thought that the sound might have been that of the missingjet, but Chinese trawlerman Li Wong later cleared up the confusion. "In fact, we caught a sperm whale last night and it made a lot of noise aswe hauled it in," he told AFP in Cotonou harbour. Nigerian officials said that a Boeing 737 airliner with 114 people on boarddisappeared a matter of minutes after taking off from Lagos at 19:50 (20:50GMT) on Saturday. <,,2-11-1447_1821826,00.html> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]--Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, [EMAIL PROTECTED]--Brooks Isoldi, editor[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Post message:  Subscribe:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Unsubscribe:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]*** FAIR USE NOTICE. This message contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. OSINT, as a part of The Intelligence Network, is making it available without profit to OSINT YahooGroups members who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information in their efforts to advance the understanding of intelligence and law enforcement organizations, their activities, methods, techniques, human rights, civil liberties, social justice and other intelligence related issues, for non-profit research and educational purposes only. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.For more information go to: Yahoo! Groups LinksComplete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Nigeria: Coverup? TV station banned over accurate crash reporting

2005-10-25 Thread Arlene Johnson

Can't say about the plane crash, though I am suspicious,
but what I learned in September from a refugee I met in
Norway, is that Nigeria is not a democracy as we have
been led to believe. If it was, the Nigerian would not have 
had to flee.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 25, 2005 3:19 AM To: Cc:, BICER Veronica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Nigeria: Coverup? TV station banned over accurate crash reporting ok, the significance of nigeria as i understand it is they have easily accessible oil, which we are in the process of extracting.  whats up with this plane crash?  anyone we know? Original Message  

[osint] Nigeria: Coverup? TV station banned over accurate crash reporting

Mon, 24 Oct 2005 21:11:35 -0400



Bruce Tefft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,,2-11-1447_1822444,00.html

TV station banned over crash 
24/10/2005 13:41  - (SA)   

Abuja - Nigerian authorities have banned the private television station
whose reporters were the first to find the site where an airliner crashed
killing all 117 on board, the national broadcasting commission announced on

Reporters from Lagos-based African Independent Television (AIT) were the
first to reveal on Sunday that the Bellview Airlines Boeing 737 had come
down a short distance outside Lagos in the village of Lissa, a cocoa growing
area near President Olusegun Obasanjo's farm in Otta. 

Earlier, several Nigerian officials had incorrectly told journalists that
the crash site was in Kishi, a remote rural area 400km further north. AIT's
report allowed many reporters travelling to the scene to alter course and
head for the true location. 

Reports 'confusing' 

Despite this, a statement from the national broadcasting commission accused
Nigerian outlets in general of causing "confusion" in the international
media through their reporting. 

The statement also said AIT in particular had been guilty of a breach in
reporting standards in its depiction of dismembered bodies at the crash site
in a filmed report and in confirming that no-one had survived before
receiving an official statement to that effect. 

"The commission is constrained to order the temporary shut down of the
operations of Daar Communications Ltd, operators of AIT National and
International and Raypower FM stations, pending further professional
assessment of the status of their licences," the statement said. 

AIT television was off air on Monday, as was Daar's popular FM radio

A Daar executive said the station stood by its report and would be appealing
the ban, but would abide by the commission's decision until the dispute was

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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2005-10-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, Don, I do, and I did instantly when I became aware of what was going on that morning.
But, still there are people who are in the dark. This is why I enjoy being on this listserv. People
use their brain to think with.
I will say that yesterday, someone to whom I was speaking told me that he had read that
those planes that hit the WTC were something other than passenger planes, but still we know that
bombs were planted in the WTC, and that's what brought them down that morning.
Arlene Johnson
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for 2005: UNNo password is needed to access the previous editions.-Original Message- From: Dstacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 22, 2005 1:00 AM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] ABLE DANGER: REP. CURT WELDON: DIA LIES, DESTROYS REPUTATIONS 

Who believes that "hijackers" struck the Pentagon? And the three towers at the WTC collapsed when intentionally demolished. So this is the classic "limited hangout" designed to throw the public off the trail. Don't we all realize at this point that 911 was an inside job?
        Weldon stated that the FBI Director has now "publicly said if he would have had that information, the FBI could have used it to perhaps prevent the hijackings that struck the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the plane that landed in Pennsylvania and perhaps saved 3000 lives and changed the course of world history."
Be sure to read Dr. Griffin's comments on the towers:


Case For WTC Tower Demolition Sealed By GriffinTheologian Says Controlled Demolition is Now a Fact, Not a TheoryFrom Kevin BarrettCoordinator MUJCA-NETMuslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance For 91110-21-5


In two speeches to overflow crowds in New York last weekend, notable theologian David Ray Griffin argued that recently revealed evidence seals the case that the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed by controlled demolition with explosives. Despite the many enduring mysteries of the 9/11 attacks, Dr. Griffin concluded, "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government." 

On Oct. 15th and 16th, New Yorkers filled two venues to hear the prominent theologian and author of two books on 9/11 give a presentation entitled "The Destruction of the Trade Towers: A Christian Theologian Speaks Out." Dr. Griffin has continued to blaze a trail of courage, leading where most media and elected officials have feared to tread. His presentation went straight to the core of one of the most powerful indictments of the official story, the collapse of the towers and WTC 7. 

Dr. Griffin included excerpts from the firemen's tapes which were recently released as a result of a prolonged court battle led by victim's families represented by attorney Norman Siegel and reported in the NY Times. He also included statements by many witnesses. These sources gave ample testimony giving evidence of explosions going off in the buildings. A 12 minute film was shown for the audiences, who saw for themselves the undeniable evidence for controlled demolition. 

Dr. Griffin listed ten characteristics of the collapses which all indicate that the buildings did not fall due to being struck by planes or the ensuing fires. He explained the buildings fell suddenly without any indication of collapse. They fell straight into their own footprint at free-fall speed, meeting virtually no resistance as they fell--a physical impossibility unless all vertical support was being progressively removed by explosives severing the core columns. 

The towers were built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 and 160 mile per hour winds, and nothing about the plane crashes or ensuing fires gave any indication of causing the kind of damage that would be necessary to trigger even a partial or progressive collapse, much less the shredding of the buildings into dust and fragments that could drop at free-fall speed. 

The massive core columns--the most significant structural feature of the buildings, whose very existence is denied in the official 9/11 Commission Report--were severed into uniform 30 foot sections, just right for the 30-foot trucks used to remove them quickly before a real investigation could transpire. 

There was a volcanic-like dust cloud from the concrete being pulverized, and no physical mechanism other than explosives can begin to explain how so much of the buildings' concrete was rendered into extremely fine dust. The debris was ejected horizontally several hundred feet in huge fan shaped plumes stretching in all directions, with telltale "squibs" following the path of the explosives downward. 

These are all facts that have been avoided by mainstream and even most of the alt

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: wingnutter tv's latest attack? wim pitt

2005-10-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

Be careful if you march in the streets. You might get arrested.
Here in London where I am right now, while I wait to go online
I have been reading The Independent. You should see the articles
they are publishing. One today said that it will be the coldest winter
for many years and many people will die because there is a shortage
of oil. Baloney.
If people would only read my current edition, the 19th, they'd know that oil is
not a fossil fuel and it is not finite. Vig posted the web site of all this
several months ago. 
I also was able to obtain two articles from other sources which are
true too.
Check it out and take control. Don't waste your time reading the mainstream
press. None of them prints the truth now that we are coming to a head ever
since 9/11 occurred. It's free on my Web site under the icon that says Magazine.
I'm so broke, but still I give the password. See it in my signature.
Arlene Johnson
Password: UN-Original Message- From: mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 22, 2005 12:41 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: wingnutter tv's latest attack? wim pitt While I harbor no great love for Wing TV, I can point blank say that Ruppert is a big oil shill who should be back to dumpster diving at 7/11s in the near future. Peak Oil my ass!I hear Ruppert had a falling out with Dale Allen Phieffer (sp?).Maybe Mike can rehabilitate himself by picking up the Delmart Vreeland cudgels and limping into the knife fight that is about to start over the Plame affair.I believe something is seriously wrong and we may have a constitutional crisis over the fact that the very people who are about to be indicted are in charge of all three branches of the government - hence, nothing may happen. I am ready to march in the streets if the indictments are quashed.Meanwhile, some posters here are willing to carry water for the administrarion while making all kinds of noises about wanting to get rid of Bush. Ha!--- In, Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> > didnt ruppert just expose these two as having 'alot of influence' in the > FBI?> > > >  Original Message > Subject:   [Chaconstitutionalist] William Rivers "Money" Pitt: The Words > of an Intellectual Coward> Date:   Fri, 21 Oct 2005 17:01:01 -> From:   Lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Reply-To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > Connecting the Dots>>     > > William Rivers "Money" Pitt:> The Words of an Intellectual Coward> by Lisa Guliani>   >     > > "The time has come, bluntly, to get over September 11, to move beyond> it, to extract ourselves from this bunker mentality which blinds us> while placing us in mortal peril. It happened, and it will never be> forgotten, but we have reached a place where fear and obeisance can no> longer be tolerated."> > "Will the final chapter of your story be one of fear, one where you> staggered along behind grandiose incompetence because you were too> afraid to do anything else?"> > ~ William Rivers Pitt ~ excerpted from his article, "Nine Eleven"> > Today yet another example of Internet puke made its way into my inbox,> as well as into various political Internet discussion forums, and> although I've kept my mouth shut for the most part on this subject up> until now, I've finally had enough of this crap.> > The e-mail excerpted below was authored by a woman named Marsha, who> belongs to many political groups on Yahoo. The text was in response to> William Rivers Pitt's latest attempt to psychologically and> emotionally mug his readers for a hand-out. Before commenting on this> woman's message, though, I'd like to illustrate just how persistent> William Rivers Pitt is in his requests for money. Unlike other sites> that put the tin cup out once or twice a year, Pitt begs for money on> a weekly basis via mass-circulated spam e-mails that hound, cajole,> and strong-arm his readers for funds. He also uses heavy doses of> guilt, which is curious because considering the anemic state of our> economy with high gasoline and fuel oil prices, and how the Christmas> season is rapidly approaching, Pitt's greediness for your money is> appalling.> > Anyway, Marsha is one of the suckers who was bamboozled by Pitt's> ploy, for her e-mail was a plea to help financially support Pitt and> his Truthout website for all the good "services" they provide. Get a> load of this (in its unedited form):> > Subj: Re: Imagine a Properly Funded Truthout> Date: 10/20/2005 6:45

[cia-drugs] Saddam Hussein

2005-10-20 Thread Arlene Johnson
If you're in the U.K., take a look at the front page of The
Guardian newspaper today. That is NOT a picture of
Saddam Hussein. It's a picture of who they want you to
believe is Saddam Hussein. For others, try

The real Saddam Hussein was flown out of Iraq many months
ago. I don't know where he is, but know that he's a friend of
the Bush family, so they know where he is.

The point of all this is to state that ever since 9/11 occurred,
even the presses which have been forthcoming have stopped
being forthcoming. This includes the western European press,
the Canadian press, the Australian press, and probably the
Argentinian press.

It's all coming to a head now. 9/11 was the event that set it up.

If you want the truth, my work will give it to you. AND, it will 
provide you with power and control as well because of the
international boycott that I initiated against the United States
for tourism and products beginning in March 2001.

The mainstream presses of the aforementioned countries were
good prior to 9/11, but they weren't as good as what I publish
since it has come from a variety of presses around the world.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History (La verdad 
sobre la democracia)
To access the e-zine that publishes the documented truth, click on the icon 
that says Magazine.
Password for 2005: UN
No password is needed for the previous editions.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad 
you did.

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Re: [cia-drugs] Charles Schlund Seeks Restraining Order Against Bush

2005-10-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

This is what the U.S. government is doing to Chuck Schlund. With me, it is preventing my
Emails from being delivered when I ask for financial help. 
In September, when I asked two of my best supporters for help to pay for my flight to depart
Norway, the NSA didn't allow the Email to reach those supporters who live in VA and MI.
I know because I called the supporter in VA, who, when I asked if she received that Email,
asked me what Email it was. I said that the word "desperate" was in the subject line.
She said that she had not received that Email. Proof.
If any of you want to help to keep my Web site alive, the one which has 4 centuries of top
secret US history on it, go to your local branch of Bank of America, give them my name,
bank account number which is 75844993, and the fact that the account is in WA state.
You'll be doing a good deed as I'm into saving lives, YOUR lives and those of your children
and grandchildren.
Thank you. Let's hope that the government doesn't block this Email since I can tell if it is received,
and know that Kris won't block it.
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005: UNNo password is needed to access the previous editions.-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Oct 19, 2005 12:57 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: [cia-drugs] Charles Schlund Seeks Restraining Order Against Bush 

Charles August Schlund, III8520 North 54th DriveGlendale, Arizona  85302Phone 602-670-2017Plaintiff In Pro Per
Case No: CV-03-1590 PHX VAM
Charles August Schlund, III ("Plaintiff Schlund") hereby moves the court:
1. For a Emergency Temporary Restraining Order or Preliminary Injunction because of the death threats, Torture and attempts to assassinate Plaintiff by the government to stop this lawsuit or limit its effects;
a. electronically or otherwise harassing, persecuting, or/and TORTURING Plaintiff Schlund, who is a political witness against Defendants.  An order is requested to stop Defendant(s) from using electronic wireless telemetry of an integrated nature used with electronic associated products, to physically and psychologically trespass, influence, interfere, shock, and TORTURE Plaintiff Schlund in, on, and upon his body, constituting an illegal trespass or intrusion, invasion of privacy, deprivation of freedom of speech, interference with his voting rights, and the cover-up of Defendant Bush, an individual, in the fixing of the presidential elections of the United States of America, allowing him to become President.  Also, to stop Defendants' influencing and interfering with Plaintiff Schlund's freedom of speech, ability to write books, trespassing on his property with the use of electronic telemetry force, influencing and interfering with his right of freedom of association and intentional violation of every known privacy and/or privilege, including but not limited to, all privileges set forth under Federal Rules of Evidence, Rule 501 (i.e. Attorney-Client, Altering medical records such as CAT scans, x-rays, MRI scans, Physician-Patient, bathroom privacy, etc.).  Plaintiff Schlund is in the protected status as a "political witness" or/and "whistle blower" while assisting the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") on issues related to the illegal and unethical conduct of Defendants as set forth in Plaintiff's First Amended Verified Complaint For Deprivation of Civil Rights Through Racketeering Activities filed with the Court and served on Defendants on September 15, 2005, hereinafter ("Complaint"); 
b. from utilizing wireless telemetry electronic force in a manner and degree resulting in sexually harassing and discriminating against Plaintiff Schlund through the use of the integrated wireless telemetry electronic force in, on, and upon Plaintiff's physical body and influencing and injuring him physiological and psychologically, causing him irreparable harm and injury.  This injury and harm is a direct effect of Defendants' intentional harassment, persecution, invasion of his privacy through the use of electronic transfer of sound and other forms of TORTURE through electronic medium(s) and associated electronic product(s), having t

Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: In need of help!

2005-10-17 Thread Arlene Johnson

I wish I could afford a few dollars. Unfortunately, I'm hanging on by
a string, and whenever I ask one of my supporters for help, she doesn't
receive that Email.
The under cover informant for the FBI failed in his quest to destroy me
financially. Now, the government is setting about to do it itself.
Good luck Kris. Maybe God will provide you a benefactor as it did
for me to enable me to leave Norway for London by giving me 5,848 
kroner to pay for the airline ticket with its connecting flight to the US
which I never used.
I'm in London instead of the US thanks to that young girl who I had
never laid eyes on before the day she made the decision to grace me with
that money.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 17, 2005 4:49 AM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Fw: In need of help! 

>From Terry Melanson, of Conspiracy Archive:Many of you know of Kris Millegan and hisfantastic books he publishes on the Skull and Bones. His independentpublishing company has a growing catalogue of authors on varioussubjects that never, ever see the light of day if it were left to theestablishment to get their stories on the market. Moreover, he has agreat relationship with a major distributor that guarantees his bookshit the shelves in every major bookstore in North America.A few months ago I myself got offered a deal to write an authoritativehistory of the Illuminati. I am in the process of writing themanuscript now and it is scheduled for release in 2006. This may verywell change. My book and many other great authors might not get thechance to have their works published if much needed funds aren't foundto fight a lawsuit (backed by the Special Forces Association) againstKris, his company and author Lt. Colonel Marvin."72 Year-Old Lt. Col. 'Dangerous Dan' Daniel Marvin and TrineDay, anOregon publishing house, are defending themselves in a costly legalbattle to excercise their first admendment rights in Federal DistrictCourt beginning this October 31, 2005 in Charleston, South Carolina."If you (or anyone you know) can spare a few dollars and contribute tothe fund it would be much appreciated. They need $10,000 by the 31stand only have $3,000 so far. Here is the link: spread far and wide!Sincerely,Terry
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Re: [cia-drugs] 1918 Flu Or Vaccine Plague

2005-10-13 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, this is correct. I read something yesterday that is old in which it stated
that those who were not vaccinated did not get the flu.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 13, 2005 1:16 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] 1918 Flu Or Vaccine Plague My mother's family did not receive vaccinations beforethe 1918 flu, and half of her family did not get the fludespite sharing a home with those who did. No onedied from the flu itself, but one contracted pneumoniafrom pneumonia bacteria which are always presentin the body and can multiply by feeding on dead cellshacked up by a virally induced cough reflex. He died,but from pneumonia, not the flu.About ten years ago I contracted pneumonia forthree months after a virus caused a cough reflex.Any such virus could have indirectly caused mygrandfather's death by opening him up topneumonia. A lot of people used to die frompneumonia. It took me three months to shake itoff without antibiotics and with a downedimmune system, which alerted me it was timeto strengthen up my immunity. Since then Igot rid of fungal pneumonia in a few days by takingoregano (Oregacillin), and olive leaf extract worked,too. Hospitals are good at treating pneumonia butsometimes people contract a form of pneumoniaat hospitals, including a form that grows in lowtemperature zones of a hot water system andthen becomes dispersed by people taking hotshowers.-Bob Flu Exposeby Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D., c1977 SPANISH INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC OF 1918 WAS CAUSED BY VACCINATIONS 
As has been stated before, all medical and non-medical authorities on vaccination agree that vaccines are designed to cause a mild case of the diseases they are supposed to prevent. But they also know and admit that there is no way whatsoever to predict whether the case will be mild or severe - even deadly. With this much uncertainty in dealing with the very lives of people, it is very unscientific and extremely dangerous to use such a questionable procedure as vaccination.
Many vaccines also cause other diseases besides the one for which they are given. For instance, smallpox vaccine often causes syphilis, paralysis, leprosy, and cancer. (See the chapters on smallpox and plagues.) Polio shots, diphtheria toxin-antitoxin, typhoid vaccine, as well as measles, tetanus and all other shots often cause various other stages of disease such as post-vaccinal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain,) paralysis, spinal meningitis, blindness, cancer (sometimes within two years,) tuberculosis, (two to twenty years after the shot,) arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease (heart failure sometimes within minutes after the shot and sometimes several hours later.) Nerve damage and many other serious conditions also follow the injections.
When several shots are given (different vaccines) within a few days or a few weeks apart, they often trigger intensified cases of all the diseases at once, because the body cannot handle such a large amount of deadly poison being injected directly into the bloodstream. The doctors call it a new disease and proceed to suppress the symptoms.
When poison is taken by the mouth, the internal defense system has a chance to quickly eject some of it by vomiting, but when the poisons are shot directly into the body, bypassing all the natural safeguards, these dangerous poisons circulate immediately throughout the entire body in a matter of seconds and keep on circulating until all the cells are poisoned.
I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for verification. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The report not only verified the report of the seven who dropped dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war. That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the soldiers. We can imagine the damage that all these shots did to the men. (See the chapter on What Vaccinations Did to Our Soldiers.)
The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are) in business for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must have all the shots on the market.
The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They didn’t know it

Re: [cia-drugs] Bush's Pro-U.N. Foreign Policy

2005-10-12 Thread Arlene Johnson

Bush is going up against the UN. This is why the Illuminati want him out.
The UN is the organization which was created at the end of WW II to
achieve the NWO.
Bush's PNAC scheme bucks that. The Illuminati don't like that. John Kerry
would have adhered to the Illuminati's scheme perfectly. That's why Queen
Elizabeth II wanted him to be elected according to Henry Makow, Ph.D.'s
article. But Bush stole another election, so he got back into the White House
Frankly, neither man would have been any good for us, and not just because
they are both Skull and Bones. Because they are evil. IMHO, Bush
pulled off 9/11 in partial compliance to the NWO bunch, but he has deviated
with the UN and Iran, and the Illuminati don't like that. Thus, impeachment.
Well, I want Bush to be impeached too, but I don't want any leader who
is beholding to the Illuminati because they pray to Lucifer, and that is 
wrong too.
If you feel as I do, log on to my site and read the literature that's at the icon that
says Magazine.
Arlene Johnson
Password for 2005 editions: UN-Original Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 11, 2005 7:46 PM To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Bush's Pro-U.N. Foreign Policy 


Bush's Pro-U.N. Foreign Policy By Cliff Kincaid  |  October 10, 2005 
We were led to believe by news accounts that Bolton, though on the job for just a few weeks, was demanding all kinds of changes in the World Summit document.  
By any reasonable standard, the Bush policy on the U.N. should be more controversial than the Harriet Miers nomination to the Supreme Court. The President, who is depicted by the media as a unilateralist in foreign policy, is presiding over an unprecedented expansion of U.N. power on the world stage. Despite U.N. scandals and corruption, his administration spends more money on international organizations year after year. And global taxes for the U.N. may be on the horizon. One might think that a President who went to war in Iraq without U.N. approval and appointed the tenacious John Bolton as U.N. Ambassador would have a strong anti-U.N. foreign policy. But the truth is something else entirely. In fact, in violation of a Bush campaign promise, the Bush administration is assigning U.S. troops to perform on U.N. missions under foreign command.With the President's campaign promise on judges under scrutiny, it's worth remembering that Bush also promised when he ran for office that he would "never" place U.S. troops under U.N. command. He made that declaration during a November 19, 1999, speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.The promise was prompted, in part, by the controversy over President Clinton's secret Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 25, forcing U.S. soldiers to wear U.N. uniforms and report to foreign U.N. commanders. This policy resulted in the court-martial and discharge of Army soldier Michael New, who refused to follow this illegal and unconstitutional order. New said he had signed up for the green team, not the blue team. His "crime" was patriotism.The 2000 Republican Party platform declared, "The United Nations was not designed to summon or lead armies in the field and, as a matter of U.S. sovereignty, American troops must never serve under United Nations command."But the Clinton PDD remains in effect and has never been repealed. In addition, U.S. troops have remained under U.N. command and control every year of the Bush administration. The latest figures show that the U.S. has 26 American troops or military observers deployed in five U.N. missions run or commanded by foreigners. Typically, U.S. soldiers in these missions wear U.N. blue berets and U.N. shoulder patches.These include UNMIL, the U.N. Mission in Liberia, whose force commander is from Nigeria; MINUSTAH, the U.N. Stabilization Mission in Haiti, whose force commander is from Brazil; UNMEE, the U.N. Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea, whose force commander is from India; UNOMIG, the U.N. Observer Mission in Georgia, whose chief military observer is from Pakistan,: and UNTSO, the U.N. Truce Supervision Organization, whose chief of staff is from New Zealand. U.N. commanders take an oath to the U.N.Michael New's case is still on appeal in the courts. You can read about it at But the Bush administration, like the Clinton administration, is lined up against him.While Bush ultimately bypassed the U.N. on Iraq, the President also opposed the U.N.'s global warming treaty and fought for legislation to undermine the International Criminal Court. These were all positions consistent with his campaign promises and statements.Yet the administration endorsed a radical document that came out of the September World Summi

[cia-drugs] Financial Times reports We have peaked in oil

2005-09-28 Thread Arlene Johnson
Yesterday, a man I met stated that the Financial Times reported that
we have peaked in oil.

I reported to him that this is untrue, as oil is not only not finite, but
is not a fossil fuel either. I added that the Illuminati is even lying
about oil, that it wants to charge high prices to make lots of profit,
and how oil is formed and that it is not from fossils.

If there is anyone on this listserv who believes oil is finite and/or
a fossil fuel, read my 19th edition which proves from three sources
that we have been deceived by those who wish to gouge us for petroleum.
It's free on my Web site under the icon that says Magazine using the 
password that's in my signature.

Send the Demands for the Government page, which is the last page,
to the Speaker of the House in the snail mail and get the United States 
back on track to never run out of oil. The proof is in that edition.


Arlene Johnson
Password for the 17th - 20th editions: UN

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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: F.A.A. Alerted on Qaeda in '98, 9/11 Panel Said

2005-09-15 Thread Arlene Johnson

If you believe this article, you are despirately in need of reading the truth. That's what I publish, and it's documented so much that the U.S. government can't sue me for libel.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access the editions dated 2001 - 2004.-Original Message- From: mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Sep 15, 2005 1:44 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: F.A.A. Alerted on Qaeda in '98, 9/11 Panel Said A little background on Bojinka is in order. This is a WAashington Post Article on Bojinka by none other than Zbig's nephewLBust and Boom Six years before the September 11 attacks, Philippine police took down an al Qaeda cell that had been plotting, among other things, to fly explosives-laden planes into the Pentagon  In 1995, Aida Fariscal, a senior inspector for the Philippine police, took down an al Qaeda cell that had been plotting to fly explosives-laden planes into the Pentagon -- and possibly some skyscrapers. (Photo Illustration by Amy Guip) By Matthew BrzezinskiSunday, December 30, 2001; Page W09 It was already evening, here on the other side of the international date line, when the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Aida Fariscal had gone to bed early on September 11, only to be awakened by a frantic colleague. "Quick," he instructed, "turn on your television."The footage of the hijacked airliner bursting into flame made Fariscal bolt upright. "Oh my God," she gasped. "Bojinka."For the retired Philippine policewoman, that word and the nightmare scenario it evoked had receded into distant memory these past six years. Sometimes weeks went by without her even thinking about the terrorist plot she had foiled so long ago. But there it was, after all this time, unfolding live on her small-screen television. "I thought, at first," she tells me, "that I was having a bad dream, or that I was watching a movie." But as the burning towers came crashing down under their own weight, disbelief turned to anger. "I still don't understand," she says over a club sandwich, "how it could have been allowed to happen."We are having lunch at a chicken rotisserie in a busy Manila shopping center, not far from the Dona Josefa Apartments, where it all started, where she -- and the CIA and the FBI -- first heard the words "Operation Bojinka." Fariscal has insisted on a corner table, so she can keep an eye on the other patrons and the shoppers beyond the restaurant's greasy glass partition. Old habits, she explains, die hard, and, after a life of fighting crime, she always takes security precautions, especially now that she is off the force, a widowed grandmother living off a police pension in a small one-bedroom apartment. Her brother, in fact, is supposed to swing by the rotisserie -- just to make sure I am who I say I am.As we speak, she seems bitter, and surprisingly fragile in her hoop earrings and bright pink lipstick. She is bitter that the generals in the Philippine high command hogged all the credit for Bojinka, while all she received was $700 and a free trip to Taiwan. She is bitter that the Americans apparently didn't take the foiled plot seriously enough. But most of all, she is angry that, in the end, her hunch didn't save thousands of lives after all. "I can't get those images," she says of the World Trade Center wreckage, "out of my mind."The call came in shortly after 11 on a Friday night back in January 1995: a routine fire alarm, some smoke spotted on the top floor of a six-story building just down the street from Manila Police Station No. 9. Fariscal, the watch commander, peered out of the precinct house window, but couldn't see any sign of a blaze on Quirino Avenue. Still, she dispatched Patrolman Ariel Fernandez to check it out. "Nothing to worry about," he reported when he returned a few minutes later. "Just some Pakistanis playing with firecrackers."Fariscal wasn't so sure. She hadn't earned her senior inspector stripes by sitting down on the job, and had risen in the male-dominated ranks of the Manila police force by trusting her "female intuition." And her instinct that night told her something was wrong."The pope was coming to the Philippines, we were worried about security, and on top of that we had just had a big typhoon," she recalls. The senior inspector decided to walk the 500 yards to the Dona Josefa Apartments to see for herself. She barely had time to change out of her civilian clothes, a flower-patterned dress and sandals, and she didn't think she needed her gun. But just in case, she ordered Patrolman Fernandez and another officer

[cia-drugs] 19th edition is ready. About oil

2005-09-05 Thread Arlene Johnson
The powers-that-be are even deceiving us about oil. If you have read
my editions, you may recall that the Club of Rome said that oil was
finite, and that the State of Israel said it was too. Then, we have Michael
Ruppert who publishes From The Wilderness who says it too. It's nonsense. 
The proof is in this edition. There's more proof than what Vig posted, so you
might just want to take a look.

We all know that the Israeli government lies with a straight face,
so when someone posted articles on the CIA-drugs listserv that contradicted
what the Israeli government said, I believed him. This is why I pursued this
information so you, too, would know that oil is not finite, AND it is NOT a
fossil fuel either.

Now, I did this even though I am homeless. My wonderful boy friend has been
having terrible financial problems, so we have not been able to get an apartment
together. I have lived with a total of 10 friends here, one of whom turned out 
be an enemy. 

He stole my cell phone and then assaulted me which broke my left 
arm. Just this  morning, I got a cast because the Ace bandage that the other 
doctor placed on my arm didn't seem to be doing what we had hoped.

I have had to put out a lot of money for all this, so ask you to please dig deep
in your pocket. I haven't even been able to pay my Web site developer for this 
the last edition. I realize that gas prices are horrid all over, but this 
may turn that around especially if you forward it to everyone you know.

One other time I asked the Americans in my Address Book to donate $1.00, but
only one person did. He donated $5.00 in fact.

In the last three months here are the countries and states represented who have
helped me with either cash, PayPal, or merchandise:

New Jersey

Please don't rely on others. It's no fun to be homeless with a broken arm. 
to rely on others for shelter when trying to save every country's sovereignty 
is not easy.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History (La verdad 
sobre la democracia)
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No password is needed to click on the editions dated 2001 - 2004.
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[cia-drugs] OFF TOPIC Fw: Which Organization Gets Most Funds to Victims Quickest?

2005-09-02 Thread Arlene Johnson

Any comments about the Salvation Army from any one of you who may know more than I do would be appreciated.Peace,
Arlene Johnson-Forwarded Message- From: PRT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Sep 2, 2005 5:45 AM To: PRT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Which Organization Gets Most Funds to Victims Quickest? 
Donate to the Salvation Army.  
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Elk Hollow© - IdahoSent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 5:15 PMSubject: [Freedom_of_Information] Which Organization Gets Most Funds to Victims Quickest?
How You Can Help Hurricane Katrina VictimsLast Christmas, a tsunami pummeled Southeast Asia, killing some 140,000 people and leaving millions homeless. The death toll after Sunday's arrival of Hurricane Katrina just east of New Orleans, so far, isn't nearly as great but the physical destruction along the Gulf Coast may be just as devastating and mind-boggling.Even worse, just as residents of New Orleans thought they had been spared the full brunt of the category 4 hurricane, two levees built to protect to Crescent City from flooding broke yesterday, submerging some 80 percent of the city -- some areas up to 20 feet deep.If you've been keeping up with the news reports as I have, no one has a clue how long it will take for Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi residents to reclaim their lives and rebuild their homes. Until that time comes, you can do your part by donating your time and dollars to relief efforts to keep your fellow Americans safe, fed and as comfortable as possible.Because time is of the essence and the need is great, you're no doubt wondering which organization can do the most good with your money. After doing some investigating of my own (prompted by the World Trade Center disaster), I've found the Salvation Army to be the most effective charitable organization in this country.Regarded the "General Electric" of charities, the Salvation Army provides some $2.5 billion annually, with an impressive 84 cents out of every dollar funding program services.If you want to ensure every penny you donate counts, I urge you to visit their home page, and click on the link under Financial Donations to make your donation online.Please do it today!USA Today August 31, 2005~~We in America have come to believe that merely resisting being oppressed and divided by the very racist policies of America's ruling class is, in itself, racism.  In America today, standing up for the right to be white is called being racist.  In other words, unless we participate in our own racial genocide, we are racists.  I, not so respectfully, disagree.It is not yet get-out-or-die time in America, but that can be seen down the road when Blacks, Mestizos and other assorted third-world trash become the majority, just as now is occurring in southern California, New Mexico and Texas, where they are beginning to demand that we get out.Why?  Why on earth do we allow this to America and, in fact, in all Western countries?    ~~~ Edgar J. Steele ~Please Join us at the Capitol Steps of Michigan on October 24th, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, for the 12th Annual Anti-United Nations Day Rally 2005.  Speakers are Welcome. To join Freedom_of_Information: 


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Re: [cia-drugs] Catastrophic Success

2005-09-02 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, 100,000 have died according to one of my other sources. He also says that this is just the beginning of the catastrophies. If you know Revelations, you will understand that we're in the sixth seal. If you don't, log onto
If my work doesn't succeed, you'll need this above mentioned Web site. It's one or the other for life.
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access the editions dated 2001 - 2004.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support. You'll be glad you did.|-Original Message- From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 31, 2005 4:55 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Catastrophic Success 

Catastrophic Success 

I'm going down the river, down to New Orleans.They tell me everything is gonna be all right,But I don't know what "all right" even means. - Bob DylanI'd like to write about something else, but I can barely think of anything else.Where does Hurricane Katrina's official death count stand now? Has it broken 100 yet? Let's not kid ourselves: counting those now dead and those surely soon to die, there are likely to be thousands, even tens of thousands of fatalities.There's a Tuesday night conversation with a paramedic in Gulf Port, Mississippi reported on Free Republic. He described scenes of bodies hanging in trees and entire families found drowned in their homes. When told the official number of dead, "he got very quiet," then said "dude, we are picking up 30 at a time...thousands are dead. Why aren't they saying...? I guess I better shut up then - don't give my name."Perhaps they'll be counted like the dead of Iraq, and we'll never know the truth, only believe it.The magnitude of the devastation, and the rapidly deteriorating situation in New Orleans, seems finally to be dawning on the corporate media. Still, the lead story too often is "looting," like it too often isn't when the looters are CEOs stealing the necessities of someone else's life. We ought to remember Donald Rumsfeld's analysis of the tearing of another city's social fabric: "The images you are seeing on television you are seeing over and over and over, and it's the same picture of some person walking out of some building with a vase, and you see it 20 times and you think, 'My goodness, were there that many vases?'"New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is "very upset" an attempt to plug the breach in the levee was called off, and doesn't know by whom: "He said the sandbags were ready and all the helicopter had to do was 'show up' He was assured that officials had a plan and a timeline to drop the sandbags on the levee breach." He is still not sure who gave the order to cancel it. At another Press Conference, Nagin complained about being unable to reach the White House, as the White House said they were in constant communication, and FEMA representatives claimed everything were under control.Since 2003, Washington has been diverting funds intended for the repair of the New Orleans' levee system and pouring them into the breach of Iraq. Nearly half of Louisiana's National Guard are also in Iraq, I suppose to fight the hurricane over there so we don't have to fight it over here. Instead of the protection of the Guard, the Gulf Coast is falling under the authority of Northern Command ("Defending the Homeland is Job #1") which, since it's creation in 2002, has been a violation of the spirit and the law of the Posse Comitatus Act. But nevermind that now, since martial law has made land in New Orleans.There is something unnatural about this. I don't mean to suggest that the hurricane was driven by HAARP or scalar waves, though I could. Because as I've said before, we are entering a period of human history - the final period, if we don't watch ourselves - in which our speaking of the natural world means little more than a nostalgic conceit. That which used to be expressly "Acts of God" are being folded into the mission of the US military. Hurricanes are steered by winds in the upper atmosphere, and HAARP gives the Pentagon "strategic control over the upper atmosphere." Are we crazy for suggesting it's possible, or are they crazy for making it possible?What I mean here by unnatural is both the half-measured response of federal authorities and the bizarre and inappropriate response of Bush.Consider a President with an approval rating edging into the mid-30s. What has he been doing this week? Playing golf. Speaking before another military audience about the "War on Terror," suggesting a specious link between 9/11 and Ira

Re: [cia-drugs] Hey! Did anybody notice this?

2005-09-01 Thread Arlene Johnson

My understanding of PanAm103 over Lockerbie, Scotland is that the CIA remained off that plane because they knew what would happen. Of course, that may not have been all the CIA operatives,
so these whistleblowers may have been the exception. 
The real reason, however, why Pan Am 103 blew up over Scotland is in the following URL:
Just in case you doubt me, Pierre Salinger also wrote about Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.I allude to that article in my article so you can get the magazine which published his article from mine.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Sep 1, 2005 4:59 AM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Hey! Did anybody notice this? mark urban wrote:> Apparently, the Chief constable in Lockerbie, Scotland at the time of> the PanAM 103 crash has just spilled the beans on the CIA.>> According to his recent testimony, the CIA planted electronic parts> traceable to Libya at the> scene of the crash. Therefore, the alleged "terrorists" who were> prosecuted and jailed in connection with PanAm 103 are innocent.>> According to Ralph Schoenman's WBAI show on Tuesday August 30, 2005> at 5 pm NY time, the reason Panam 103 was bombed was because six deep> cover operatives were on that flight who were "coming out of the> cold" and were slated to testify about CIA drug smuggling operations.>> You might ask, then, why did Gaddafi pay the reparations and make> nice with England if he was innocent? Well, in the world of> realpolitik it is sometimes better to do what you have to in order to> get economic sanctions rolled back. Libya officially admitted guilt> while itwinked and said "No way" in unofficial circles.Those particular swiss timer parts exoneratedKadafi and Libya.Kadafi paid the extortionists only after that andother proofs of CIA downing Gannon and McKeeand the plane that DEA agent Michael Hurleyput them on.Unless you read the names Monzer Al Kasser,Robert Booth Nichols, Michael Hurley, andabout Gannon and McKee, and about whyLes Coleman was locked up without legalbasis just so long as he might have been awitness at the Lockerbie proceedings, thenyou are being played again.Unless you read what Les Coleman has tosay about this latest spin, forget it, saveyourself from Mighty Wurlitzer.-BobComplete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: SEPT 10, 2001

2005-08-30 Thread Arlene Johnson

Here is something else that occurred on September 10, 2001. I posted the announcement of the 3rd edition, the edition that was all about the 'Shadow government, which was taken from (and embellished upon) a Web site that had been posted on this very listserv earlier that year.
This 3rd edition was late in being announced because my now ex-husband's friend, Colleen Edwards,
had not done a single thing to get it ready. This caused me to return to my webbie who had come through for me the other two times of top secret American history that I published. So ten days after I would have sent this edition to him, I sent it to him. This is why this particular edition was ten days late in being announced to my supporters.
Then, I departed for SeaTac airport for a 12 midnight flight to be with my grandson who would be 6 on the 13th of September. I recall that that flight was 3 hours late due to fog in NY where it had departed from en route to Seattle, WA. So we departed at 3:15 am instead bound for JFK airport.
We landed in Buffalo, NY instead because of 9/11. Instantly, when I saw the second tower hit, I knew
with no doubt in my mind that it was OUR government that carried out that heinous crime. Why?
It was OUR government that assassinated OUR leader and it was OUR government that has FIVE branches, NOT three as we are taught in school. The schools are all controlled by the Rockefeller Foundation. Rockefeller is one of the 13 Illuminati families, something that has also been posted on THIS
Lastly, when militant Islamic organizations carry out a retaliation, they claim responsibility for it. Bin Laden
said that he didn't do it.
When I arrived in Oslo, Norway en route to where I live today, and struck up a conversation with a Norwegian lady, she said "Oh, we knew it [911] was in inside job" when we got on that topic, I said with
much enthusiam "Yes" because I, too, knew that it was in inside job.
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine that publishes the documented truth about nations, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access the editions dated 2001 - 2004.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 29, 2005 8:32 PM To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: SEPT 10,2001 

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 28, 2005 4:41:59 AM PDT
Subject: SEPT 10,2001

Timmerman reveals in his book (pages 7-9). On July 26, 2001, an Iranian
intelligence agent walked into the American embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan,
and asked to see the CIA chief. He finally talks to two CIA
functionaries: "Joan", who assesses his story and decides it needs
further review, and "George", a CIA case handler who laughs Zakeri out
of the embassy. The story? 
There's going to be a big attack on America on the twentieth of
Shahrivar, Zakeri insisted. That's the date my boss told us to be ready.
Six people who have been trained as pilots have just left Iran. 
George consulted a calendar that gave the corresponding Western dates.
So we're talking about September 10, right? I'll mark my date book, he
added sarcastically. He paid Zakeri a few hundred dollars for his time
and sent him away.
July 26 came just two weeks after Mohammed Atta met with Ramzi
Binalshibh in Madrid to finalize the date for the 9/11 attacks. At that
meeting, Binalshibh pressed Atta to pick a date, as Osama bin Laden
needed to send the information through the network in time for everyone
to prepare for the operation. Atta said he needed five or six weeks
before he could coordinate well enough for a particular date, and only
promised a week's notice -- or so Binalshibh told the FBI (Commission
report, page 244):
Binalshibh says he told Atta that Bin Ladin wanted the attacks carried
out as soon as possible. Bin Ladin, Binalshibh conveyed, was worried
about having so many
Timmerman reveals in his book (pages 7-9). On July 26, 2001, an Iranian
intelligence agent walked into the American embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan,
and asked to see the CIA chief. He finally talks to two CIA
functionaries: "Joan", who assesses his story and decides it needs
further review, and "George", a CIA case handler who laughs Zakeri out
of the embassy. The story? 
There's going to be a big attack on America on the twentieth of
Shahrivar, Zakeri insisted. That's the date my boss told us to be ready.
Six people who have been trained as pilots have just left Iran. 
George consulted a calendar that gave the corresponding Western dates.
So we're talking about September 10, right? I'll mark my date book, he
added sarcastically. He paid Zakeri a few hundred dollars for his time

[cia-drugs] NWO On My Blog

2005-08-22 Thread Arlene Johnson
There is a lady whose first name is Rose who wrote a very informative
article which is so good that it is on my Blog. It's about the NWO.

If there is anyone who doesn't think that I am on top of issues, better
reconsider because I am.

Check out and read the
first article dated today. Consider reading all the articles on my Blog unless
you are one of those who have been reading my work. The first article I
placed on my Blog is in the first edition of my work, the article by Per 
on the Bilderbergers and World Trade Organization protest in Seattle in 1999.


Arlene Johnson

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Re: [cia-drugs] The Truth will set "US" free and it was on the O'Lielly show last night

2005-08-20 Thread Arlene Johnson

Watch Geraldo's career go down the drain now.
Arlene Johnson -Original Message- From: Marsha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 19, 2005 8:46 AM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] The Truth will set "US" free and it was on the O'Lielly show last night The Truth will set "US" free and it was on the O'Lielly show last nightgeraldo rivera exposed and confirmed the main reason for the illegal war in Iraq...I had to keep rewinding and playing it back to let sink in what happened to be sure...It was too good to be trueAll of a sudden heraldo went off on a rant...He said in heated seemingly compassion>>>"Bring our troops home?...We need to double them and their pay...We can't leave the crazies in charge of the biggest oil reserve in the world"O'Lielly was stupefied...He went limp and froze...He allowed his eyes to drift quickly to whoever was lording over him but quickly brought them back to geraldo...Too late...ha ha ha...It's was doneThese evil liars can't keep it up as truth always comesImagine that...Truth revealed by one of their own cohorts in crime...Live...and it was on the O'Lielly show last nightMarshaComplete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Fintan

2005-08-20 Thread Arlene Johnson

You are so right Mark with regard to the brainwashed. How can I expect them to participate in
my boycott if hardly anyone on this list does. You are all the cream of the crop in terms of knowledge,
regular people aren't.They accept the lies as truth.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History (La verdad sobre la democracia)
To access the e-zine that publishes documented truth, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access the editions dated 2001 - 2004.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did. And your children will thank you too.-Original Message- From: mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 19, 2005 9:40 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Fintan The thing that saddens me most is how the bastards have completely compromised the election process in America. Computerized voting without a papertrail is so easy to manipulate that the creeps cannot resist doing it.I used to think that an informed public could overcome the elite deviants; however, I doubt it will ever happen. There is some serious gnashing of the teeth kind of trouble in the offing where putting food in one's mouth and finding a warm place to sleep will eclipse truth seeking and the pursuit of justice.I am cynical because my kids are inheriting a world that is much worse than the one I inherited.-- In, "LeaNder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> --- In, "mark urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > Hopsicker lays out numerous facts. He believes that Atta's drug > > involvement changed his personality from meticulous control freak to > > vengeful psychopath. Remember the dismembered kittens story?  In > > other words, cocaine induced psychosis explains Atta's personality > > change.> > > >thanks Mark,> > concerning cabbage I am an absolute fan of savoy cabbage and I never> noticed it stinks. Maybe a bit?!?... if it is reheated -  my father> insists with broad grin and satisfied face: That's when it tastes best!> > AND we do love "Munster" cheese from Alsace too. Many people have> problems with it's "odeur" even a mile off. Lovely, I tell you!> > It's a pleasure to see you are still around. And thanks for devoting> your time!> > private note: The pope is over Makom Cologne. He just visited the> synagogue around the corner. The demand from the Jewish side is that > the archives concerning 1933-1945 are opened. What strings are pulled> in Argentine during the last decades that we should not really want to> find out more about their special deals or about alternatively as US> and Israel intel thinks a Iraq connections in bombing, entangled via> it's authoritative columns and it's respective representatives> (police, jurisdiction)?> > A friend over here - later artist - went to the police instead to> military. He secretly kept a "secret" (verboten!)diary. He published> it anonymous: "Ach we gut dass niemand weiss, dass ich Rumpelstilzchen> heiß!" Rumpelstiltken (spelling?!). One of his colleagues areally> funny guy - ?hmmm - lived a little keg in the machinery of street> trade layers. The funny cop kept telling him, when he had to stay out> of the scene. That was in Hamburg, end of the seventies early> eighties. Whatever happened to him?> > But reading the anonymous training manual, sounded frightening, and> you perfectly understood that it wasn't wanted or expected to be read> ever!> > Were else was the germane police mind set indoctrinated? > > You sound much more cynical lately, who has stolen your sense of humor?> > hoping I did not steal too much of your time! > > How about releasing a copy of Death Alliance?>> > ne'multes> > KRAUT de CologneComplete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: I think Fintan is wrapped just a bit too tight

2005-08-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, my dear CIA-drugs poster, you are naive. Time to wake up before you are placed in one of more than 800 concentration camps in the U.S. or some other drastic measure designed to kill you.
The moment that I became aware that planes slammed into the WTC that morning, I knew that it was our government that carried it out. And I didn't even know the engineering ramifications at that point.
Any government that would assasssinate its own leader and be a part of the Shadow government would carry out 9/11. There was no doubt in my mind. Thereafter, when I arrived back home, I set about to prove it.
Do yourself a favor. Read beginning from the 1st edition of my e-zine, which is free on my Web site and save your life and the lives of those you love and care about before this government takes my Web site away. It's under the icon that says Magazine, and it is free for you and the entire world.
In the 16th edition, which also doesn't need a password to be accessed, there's an article that says that the writer is tired of people who claim that 9/11 was "allowed" to happen. It was an inside job pure and simple. Savvy people all over realize this. I met one such person in Oslo, Norway.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 18, 2005 8:16 AM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: I think Fintan is wrapped just a bit too tight ---In, "mark urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Fintan's third installment on 911 fakes attempts to crap all over > Hopsicker's work re: Atta's ex-girlfriend Amanda Keller. > > Hopsicker had to track her down. He found her as a result of > following leads from people in and around Huffman Aviation. Dunne > wants us to believe she was a plant waiting for Hopsicker to come > along so she could disinform him. However, for Fintan's assertions > to be true, you would need many more disinformers than Keller. You > would need to have all the bar owners, rental car companyemployees, > aviation types, cab drivers and many other regular folks whom > Hopsicker interviewed to be in on the scam also. Mark,a couple of thoughts, without having time to take a closer look at thecontext.Initially we had rumors floating around the net about doubles?Personally I am more in favor of the "let it happen" theory or arather arrogant position "something like that will never happen in theUS, so let's better cover our failures to respond adequately on 9-11".I seem to be unable to accept the Machiavellian dimensions of the involvement or "US services as part of the planning process. Yes,I am politically naive. But I can see what dots would lead me to at least think along the lines. And one is the coup that got Bush into power and the surfacing of Florida in both stories.But the Armanda Keller story is so far off the portraits of the Hamburg Atta that I am wondering indeed. I have always had my reservations to Der Spiegel, who was the main media over here in painting the Attapicture.Can you imagine a secret service asset and fortune hunter with multiplepassports in the big money dope game AND on a martyr trip? Have you ever seen interviews with Atta's father? Am I to believe thesewere planted? the guy seemed rather fanatical. ...> > If Fintan is saying it is all in Hopsicker's mind, then I know heis > full of it; however, for Dunne to think that the Florida end of 911 > was a complete fictitious legend waiting for the likes of Daniel > Hopsicker to stumble upon it, then I am afraid that fintan has been > cooking too much corned beef and cabbage with the windows closed.Could you possibly translate the last sentence for a stranger's eyes?Basically the "involvement theory" would suggest things like this.Leave leads to distract people. At least theoretically? No?How many photos did we have of Atta? Are there any of Amanda's Atta?People can look pretty different on photos unfortunately? And Atta'sfeature do not appear completely unique to me.> > Fintan does not do any investigating on his own. He collects > information that others have researched. How the hell is he in a > position to pass judgement on Hopsicker's work? Why does he think > his flaccid instincts are better than those of a seasoned > investigator?I do not know Hopsicker's work below the surface. Compared withRuppert, I thing he is the far better writer. And definitely I thusseem to favor him as a person, if I had to decide between the two. But why would the powers that be use Atta in the drug market fieldtoo? If there was involvement at all, the attacks must have had highpriority. Would you really take the chances that one of your mainassets surfaces in an alternative sc


2005-08-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

See for history which conflicts with the Illuminati and the Masonic Temple conspiring together as Tim posts. The Illuminati used the Masonic Temple to conceal themselves. This would tend  not to implicate the Masonic Temple in the deviance of the Illuminati as it was a cover for the Illuminati.
While it is true that the Constitution wasn't written to adhere to the Declaration of Independence, other work in my e-zine, tells why the Constitution doesn't adhere to the Articles of Confederation. Moreover, George Washington, himself, was assassinated by Illuminati Masonic doctors because President Washington was aware of Illuminati plans for his country.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History-Original Message- From: Tim White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 18, 2005 9:55 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: THE MASONIC FOUNDING OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA --- Patricia Johnson-Holm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:> Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 12:38:26 -0700 (PDT)> From: Patgricia Johnson-Holm<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: Re: THE MASONIC FOUNDING OF THE UNITED> OF AMERICA> To: Tim cWhite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,>> > There is no doubt about the founding of the> Washington et al, goes back to the Masonic take over> of our country. And here is the next part about> that, that you need to know.>  > First, the original Constitution was replaced as of> July 9th 1789 by Washington etc. Look back to the> original foundation papers. >  > See for yourself the concepts expressed by the> Declaration of Independence do not match what was> put into the 1789 constitution.>  > Next, look up the actual leaders of our country> going back to before 1776. Why are they not> acknowledged for their contribution? They are not> acknowledged because what they contributed was not> what the so called 'masonic' group wanted to agree> with.>  > Then think about why the name Liberty came about.> The Liberty Bell(s), the Statue of Liberty go back> to the naming of the this country. Why is it being> written out of history?>  > Also don't forget the importance of the Jesuits> being disbanded in 1775, then reinstituted right> after the money for the Louisana Purchase was paid> out.>  > All of this adds together to form a pattern of what> was really transpiring, not just what the current> top masons want you to believe. Anytime secracy is> mandatory to stay in 'power' this indicates> something is very WRONG. The first goal of the> masons goes way back to the Stuarts. These goals are> what the general public are told is supposed to be> true about all of the 'masonic order.' Of course it> is becoming common knowledge that the old goals are> by no means the same as the current top masonic> (jesuit) goals.>  > Of course the everyday person did not want> Revolutionary War with England. It was only with the> 5% of the population mostly the ones fighting> England in other ways, such as the Battle of Caledon> (1746 Bonnie Prince Charlie and so on) that the> Independence from England was demanded.>  > With England so strung out trying to take over every> area that the House of Stuart had established as> mutual economic benefit. This made it possible for> the new country Liberty, to 'win.'>  > Supposedly, the French paid for the Revolution. But> think of it this way, IF that were true why do we> NOT speak FRENCH right now? Of course the answer is> that the funds did NOT come from the good graces of> King Louis.>  > Why was the year 1789 chosen to take over Liberty?> Was it because 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' Charles> Edward Stuart ended up dead in 1788? Why was the> French Rovolution in 1789? It looks to be for much> the same reason. Are you aware that the House of> Stuart was Royalty over France and several other> countries? Yes, it is this connection that starts to> make sense out of why things happened as they> actually did. Not just according to the version some> of the history books try to tell you. See for> yourself the little details (and sometimes not so> little details) reveal the TRUTH.>  > So now you see why the evil side knew that the Date> July 9th was very important not only in 1789, but> also the response to it in 1947.>  > Of course there is much more, but it is best to> research these points for yourself.>  > Patricia Johnson-Holm> >  >  > Tim White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> The Masonic Founding of The United States of America> > > Written by Administrator > Friday, 19 November 2004 > by Alexander S. Holub> > The next time you hear

Re: [cia-drugs] Coca-Cola Protesters Attacked By Police; Four Hospitalized

2005-08-18 Thread Arlene Johnson

Not only is Coca-Cola detrimental to people's health, it also has supported the
Zionist government since 1966.
I have contemplated placing signs by Coke machines which would say "If you hate
Bush, boycott Coke" but never have. (Most people here in Norway do hate Bush.)
I just keep telling people, who don't want to listen that they should boycott Coke. 
I also tell them that it has cocaine in it in western Europe.
There would be no factories to shut down if people boycotted Coca-Cola
as there would be no reason to produce it.
Thank you for reading my rant, and observing the boycott of Coca-Cola!
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History
To access the e-zine that publishes the documented truth, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access the editions dated 2001 - 2004.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: E Bryant Holman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 16, 2005 9:35 PM To: Aspartame Support Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stephen Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Robb Chavez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,, Ojinaga List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1zapatista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [cia-drugs] Coca-Cola Protesters Attacked By Police; Four Hospitalized 

Note: Probably the biggest source of aspartame that is consumed worldwide is found in that well-known product of the Coca-Cola, Diet Coke (or Diet Croak, as we like to call it).
No one could doubt that, #1, Coca-Cola Corporation is not aware that aspartame is the cause of huge amounts of ongoing and past health problems suffered by millions of people since they first put this product on the market, and that #2, if aspartame were openly acknowledged to be harmful and the length to which Coca-Cola has gone to cover up the harmfulness of this substance, that this company could be sued for amounts of money that would make the tobacco lawsuits look like small change.
But this is not the only sort of crime against humanity that this dark and malevolent company has performed. In fact, they are constantly generating vile, cynical,  and spiteful actions against communities and populations around the world, as this, one of the latest of their reported antisocial activities demonstrates:

Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fitsent by India Resource Centerhttp://www.IndiaResource.orgCoca-Cola Protesters Attacked By Police; Four HospitalizedFor Immediate Release - August 16, 2005Contacts:R. Ajayan, Plachimada Solidarity Committee (India) T: +91 98471 42513Amit Srivastava, India Resource Center (India) E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] T: +91 98103 46161August 16, 2005 (Plachimada, India): Close to 100 activists from Yuvajana Vedi, youth wing of the CPI(ML), and their allies marched to Coca-Cola's factory gates in Plachimada in Kerala in southern India, demanding that the bottling plant shut down permanently.The protesters were stopped about 100 meters from the factory gates, and the heavy police force resorted to a violent lathi charge (baton charge), severely injuring four activists who had to be hospitalized with severe head injuries. Another 43 activists were held in custody, including a 16 year old girl who has been transferred to juvenile home.The march was held on August 15, 2005, India's 58th anniversary of independence from British rule.The march started in Kannimari and culminated in Plachimada, was led by Yuvajana Vedi state president, Mr. Provit and inaugurated by CPI(ML) State secretary K.C. Sivaraman.Representatives from the local community, including Vilayodi Venugopal of the Anti-Coca-Cola Struggle Committee, also addressed the rally."We condemn the violence used by the police," said Vilayodi Venugopal. "We are committed to ensuring that this plant never opens again."Mr. R. Ajayan, convener of the Plachimada Solidarity Committee, has called for a demonstration at district headquarters on August 17 to protest the police action.The Coca-Cola bottling plant in Plachimada, one of the company's largest in India, has been shut down since March 2004 because of local community pressure. The community is experiencing severe water shortages as well as a polluted groundwater resource and soil- directly as a result of Coca-Cola's operations.The state government of Kerala has announced that it will challenge Coca-Cola's right to extract groundwater in the area, and the panchayat (village council), which initially refused to renew Coca-Cola's license, has now offered a 3 month temporary license with 13 conditions.In a related development, the Kuttiady panchayat (village council) in Kerala declared its area to be a Coke-free zone, and received the supp

Re: [cia-drugs] I think Fintan is wrapped just a bit too tight

2005-08-18 Thread Arlene Johnson

I refuse to judge Hopsicker even though he doesn't support my effort, but what I will
say is that within a day or two after I arrived home from visiting my grandson for his 6th
birthday, I had the news from both Fintan and Carol Valentine on 9/11. This was on or
about September 20th. Therefore, it strikes me as odd how he could have written the 
article that he posted on this listerv at that time by having to read other's work as it was 
all so new and fresh just days after the crime. That article concerned the fact that there 
were bombs placed in the WTC, a fact which has been repeatedly confirmed by other sources
at various times since Fintan produced his article. See that article at
Then, go back to the Table of Contents to get to Carol A. Valentine's article and now murdered
Joe Vialls' article on the fact that there were no pilots on those planes, and you'll get some idea
how thrilling it is to be an editor-in-chief of top secret American history.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 17, 2005 7:42 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] I think Fintan is wrapped just a bit too tight Fintan's third installment on 911 fakes attempts to crap all over Hopsicker's work re: Atta's ex-girlfriend Amanda Keller. Hopsicker had to track her down. He found her as a result of following leads from people in and around Huffman Aviation. Dunne wants us to believe she was a plant waiting for Hopsicker to come along so she could disinform him. However, for Fintan's assertions to be true, you would need many more disinformers than Keller. You would need to have all the bar owners, rental car company employees, aviation types, cab drivers and many other regular folks whom Hopsicker interviewed to be in on the scam also. If Fintan is saying it is all in Hopsicker's mind, then I know he is full of it; however, for Dunne to think that the Florida end of 911 was a complete fictitious legend waiting for the likes of Daniel Hopsicker to stumble upon it, then I am afraid that fintan has been cooking too much corned beef and cabbage with the windows closed.Fintan does not do any investigating on his own. He collects information that others have researched. How the hell is he in a position to pass judgement on Hopsicker's work? Why does he think his flaccid instincts are better than those of a seasoned investigator? Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Message to bush administration and dishonest media whores...New media email addy

2005-08-16 Thread Arlene Johnson

It may sound pompous Marsha, but my "committee" is the world. Whomever wants to establish a boycott of O'Reilly's advertisers, you can be sure that I will include it under the icon on my site that says Boycotts We Support just as soon as my Webbie places it there.
In virtually every Email signature I send, I include the sentence which says "Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support, too. You'll be glad you did." This is due to the fact that nearly every day I add new supporters to my e-zine, and by the time they had waded through the first three editions of the zine to get to the edition in which that feature began, so much time would have elapsed in gaining their support for these boycotts that I made the decision to add the icon so people could check out the boycotts much sooner than they otherwise would have.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Marsha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 15, 2005 6:37 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Message to bush administration and dishonest media whores...New media email addy Yep, Arlene...we can do that too...Let's set up the commitee ASAPSeeing this message...decided to send this already informed group>>>Subj:  About fox FORUM_FOR_DISCLOSURES-[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Date:  8/15/2005 11:17:51 AM Eastern Standard Time  From:  Mofmars3  To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], -[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]  CC:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Alan Dicey"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Dear Marsha,> I do not have the opportunity to catch the O'Reilly program so Ineed your> help.>> Who are the program's sponsors?>> I would like to start a serious Boycott of them.>> Sure, that is the way to get the guy off the air, simply haveeveryone write> the sponsors and tell them we will not purchase or use theirservices until> they get the jerk off the air.>> A Boycott is a great tool.>> One great boycott that we all know about happened in Boston Harborwhen a> group of patriots stormed upon a docked ship and threw boxes ofEnglish tea> overboard to protest the "taxation without representation".>> Yes, let us start a Boycott, but I need a list of sponsors thatfinance the> O'Reilly program.> Can you or someone else provide it to us.>> Best Regards,> Alan Dicey> Miami, Florida> "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;> when the government fears the people, there is liberty."> - Thomas Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party>        From: "Marsha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Mon Aug 15, 2005  11:12 am Subject: Re: Dear Marsha, Important message to special Spiritual and Patriot groups mofmars3 Offline Send Email     Hello Alan and everyone...I don't know who fox's sponsors are but wecan find out...I try to watch but I will be having another surgeryvery soon...I consult later today so I won't be much help for alittle while, I'm afraidMaybe others could reports back to you bout who their sponsorsare?...You may want to ask [EMAIL PROTECTED] watch fox, sowe don't have to...actually I'll send a copy of this to them andmaybe they'll answer "US"...and I'll put The Newshounds info here tooThey may know who their sponsors are...a serious boycott? Thatwould be great...I'm sure the Newshounds will help as I'm sure that'sone of the purposes behind all the great work they do...Maybe youcould send them copies of your progress in the boycott?...I try toremember to send them copies of what I do in that areaOur WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED And all theactivist groups will help pyramid out the boycott all overeverywhere...WTP_U is the sign up post for "The We The People UnitedGlobal Movement"...We need more of those like you Alan so please see the invitation atthe end here so you can learn a little about "US" and decide if youwant to join...We need you all...Group owners especially...We alreadyhave your group owner The Wonderful and Amazing Jack Topal standingwith "US"...He's one of the many busy group owners who stands in nameonly because he already has his own important agenda...By theway...where is Jack?...He hasn't been posting to the forum for awhile now...Is he okay?...I hopeStanding with "US" is plenty...We gain strength in numbers and a loudvoice that won't be ignored...We have many patriot sister groups nowstanding with "US" and are on the move, big timeHugs and Blessings,MarshaSign up with The News Hounds>>>News Hounds Media Digest # 448/7/05 to 8/14/051. NewsHounds: &qu

Re: [cia-drugs] Message to bush administration and dishonest media whores...New media email addy

2005-08-15 Thread Arlene Johnson

If everyone boycotted the mainstream press in the United States, then sooner or later they'd get the hint. If you really want to read these newspapers, then read them in the public library. Why provide them money to lie to you? They publish very little that's true.
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine that publishes the documented truth, click on the ico that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access the editions dated 2001 - 2004.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: Marsha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 13, 2005 7:47 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Message to bush administration and dishonest media whores...New media email addy Message to bush administration and dishonest media whores...New media email addys for you to use to speak your mind for your cause...please forwardSubj:  Message to bush administration and dishonest media whores  Date:  8/13/2005 1:06:42 PM Eastern Standard Time  From:  Mofmars3  CC:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], imc-[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]  BCC:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Hear Cindy Sheehan's message to the pResident...It's awesome, truthful, sincere and powerful...It's short and to the pointKnow the fear the culprits and perpetrators must be drowning in as the bush administration crumbles...Finally and Thank God the war mongers and media whores jig is upChoose sides carefully...The moral and correct side...If not for your own sake then for the sake of the children and their future...Their very survival is at stakeIgnorance is bliss but deadly for many and "We The People" won't ever give up or go away now that we know truth...There can be no going back...All we can do is grow in the "We The people United Global Movement"...So please...Please...Grow with "US" and be a true American Patriot and one of our many Heroes who will help save "US"Thank God there are still those with integrity in high places that have the people's best interest at heart...We commend them and will now help them make all needed change...All our differing issues and dilemmas are related...The common bond that ties "US" is the corruption and conspiracy in high places...We have joined Patriots, issues and efforts together to strike at the responsible root together...Please join "US" if you haven't alreadyGod Bless America & All People Everywhere,Marsha McClellandCuyahoga Falls, OhioClick here: The Raw Story | Video: Mother of fallen soldier asks questions of President Bush archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] my son has been imprisoned ... was ... my life is in danger

2005-08-15 Thread Arlene Johnson

Dear Laura,
You and I lead somewhat parallel lives, though I have never been mind controlled and my parents never
said that I was mentally ill. We both are extremely knowledgeable.
I'm going to forward your Email to one of my lessor used Email addresses until I can download it on my Mac for permanent use because you are in my thoughts and I want to keep in touch with you.
On the Kennedy assassination, read what I travelled half way around the world to obtain. It's in the first edition of my e-zine and free. I think you'll be pleased as it's two of the reasons why he was murdered in Dallas that fateful day. It's at the icon that says Magazine, and no password is needed to access it.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Laura Landsberg Hanning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 14, 2005 7:28 PM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] my son has been imprisoned ... was ... my life is in danger Hello:  I made it safely through the divorce trial.  I was awarded two years of maintenance for an 18-year marriage with no consideration of future pension/401K.  Richard Hanning, Jr. is probably a covert drug-runner out of Shawnee, KS.  Probably quite rich.  My son and I are targets because I moved to divorce Richard, Jr. last January and then again last May.  I am amind control/ritual abuse survivor.  I have been barfing up classified information for about three years now and the government is determined to destroy and/or discredit me and my son.  He is a fine boy who became a target when he was 17.  He was injured to injure me.  His legal father wasa psychic warrior with the government.  (Please see David Morehouse's book, "Psychic Warrior.")  It is legal for me to reveal classified information because I do it as a daughter and otherwise relative andnot as a person with 'access to classified information.'  One of us is going down -- me or the government.  If you will, please read and save as much of the information on this page as possible.  They don't want this info out but they keep fucking with me and I have no other way of fighting back.Thanks,Laura Landsberg (formerly Hanning)305 Linden St. Apt. BFond du Lac, WI 54935(920) 922-2599From July 31, 2005:My life is in danger.I’m facing a divorce hearing tomorrow at 10:30 A.M.  I am not represented by counselas my attorney severed our professional relationship on December 3, 2004, over adisagreement over a bankruptcy 7.He had taken approximately $4000.00 in fees from me before severing the relationship.I did not want to file a joint bankruptcy 7 with Richard Hanning, Jr., as I am accustomedto being set-up and suspected he would find a way to injure me financially afterthe divorce, making my maintenance income meaningless.  (I would be responsible for any debts for 7-10 years after a bankruptcy 7.)From the Wisconsin Circuit Court database I learned that Richard has an alias –Henning.  I brought this to the attention of my attorney but he didn’t respondto explain.  (I didn’t know the divorce was contested until I checked the database.)I found a “Richard Hanning Trucking” in Shawnee, KS.  It is possible Richardruns drugs for the government and that his work as a manager for cable companiesis a cover.I have a brother who lives near Shawnee, KS – he owns a PR firm – “BottomlineCommunications.”  I learned years ago that Joplin, MO, is the geographical centerof the country, and the central point for trucking.  (Nazi prisoners were taken there after the war  – I found that connection interesting.)My parents were/are covert operators.  They attempted to discredit me as being mentallyill in 1981 and again in 1985.  I have done research over the years to learn moreabout them.I found a connection to the Kennedy assassination, to the UFO phenomenon, and tothe Sam Sheppard murder case.  Please see:“Harry E. Landsberg, Jr. – resemblance to man in photo with Specter”“Landsbergs and Maddens – Mirror” re the Jacque Booth UFO case of 1974“Lake Rd.” re the Sheppard murder case  I believe my marriage was a set-up.  My son and I have been sick and in dangersince I told Richard I wanted a divorce.  I believe I am the “mind control survivoron the loose”  -- the one with evidence.    The marriage was a stress op.  They had to use other means than direct abuse tokeep me sick.  I was isolated and stressed by multiple moves over a very few years.My husband claimed to be climbing the career ladder.  I suspect t

Re: [cia-drugs] Cindy Sheehan did not appear on O'Reilly last night because she said Bill lies

2005-08-11 Thread Arlene Johnson

This is too good to pass up. I'm going to send e-mail to Bill and cc you Marsha.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Marsha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 11, 2005 11:41 AM To: Subject: [cia-drugs] Cindy Sheehan did not appear on O'Reilly last night because she said Bill lies Cindy Sheehan did not appear on O'Reilly last night because she said Bill liesThere was another Mother of a fallen soldier on instead that did very well...Bill tried to intimidate her and she seemed very frustrated but had her say anyway...She told it how it is...Bill did keep his cool, somehowBill argued Cindy's son did die for a noble cause...Bill was sickening as usual...I'm emailing him to set him straight on the "Noble cause"...Hope you do too>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]Poll on Iraq>>> Click here: Bill's Official Home On The Web poll results...  Q: Do you think the American media is fair when covering terrorism?    Answer  Percent    No    91%    Yes    9%      Total Votes: 55924*  Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM


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Re: [cia-drugs] USA seeks life in prison for Marc Emery! Vancouver Sun. Images.

2005-08-02 Thread Arlene Johnson
See my Blog at for information on marijuana, which is really hemp. Type in arlenejohnson
for access.


Arlene Johnson
On söndag, jul 31, 2005, at 01:07 Europe/Oslo, Eco Man wrote:
Click images to enlarge.
U.S. seeking life sentence for selling seeds.


--article begins---
Vancouver Sun. (British Columbia, Canada). July 30, 2005.
Uncle Sam orchestrates Vancouver pot busts
'Prince of Pot' Marc Emery Nabbed in Halifax: Seed shipping business shut down by police

Saturday, July 30, 2005


Pot advocate Marc Emery was arrested Friday in Halifax after his marijuana-seed shipping business on Hastings Street was shut down by police as part of a sweeping investigation instigated by U.S. authorities.

Vancouver police raided Emery's multi-million-dollar business on a request from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), while angry protesters gathered outside chanting "Go home USA."

Emery, 47, referred to as "The Prince of Pot" on the search warrant, was arrested by the RCMP and police in Halifax.

He is charged in the U.S. with several drug-related charges, including conspiring to distribute marijuana seeds and launder money.

Gregory Keith Williams, 50, and Michelle Rainey-Fenkarek, 34, both alleged to be involved in the long-established business, were also arrested in Vancouver on similar charges.

Tempers flared in Vancouver Friday when four protesters were arrested after attempting to block a police van loaded with seized goods from Emery's company, Mark Emery Direct, which is located in a storefront at 307 West Hastings.

The store also houses the office of the B.C. Marijuana Party and Pot-TV.

Chris Bennett, manager of Pot-TV, said he was working in Emery's Vancouver office Friday morning when two undercover Vancouver police officers approached him.

"I was on the phone and these guys walked in -- they looked like hippies or something -- and they told me to hang the phone up," Bennett said.

"I said, 'What's this all about?' and they said they were the VPD."

Bennett was told to leave the premises while police began their search and seizure.

"They just sent me out," he said. "They didn't even search my body."

The search warrant included all records pertaining to the Marc Emery Direct seed-selling business, including client lists, invoices and employee records from as a far back as September 1995.

Police took down storefront signs and covered the windows with paper, while about 25 chanting protesters banged on makeshift drums outside.

Two American flags were hung upside-down on a nearby fence.

"This is a place where people could pull out a joint and not have to fear being reported to the police, and that was okay with Canadians," said David Malmo-Levine, who was one of the four protesters later arrested.

"It's really an attack on our sovereignty."

The search was requested by the U.S. government through the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act, a federal law administered by the Department of Justice.

The warrant was authorized Thursday in B.C.'s Supreme Court, based on an affidavit provided by a Vancouver police officer.

U.S. authorities say the warrant was the result of an 18-month investigation of Emery's international seed-selling business.

The investigation involved about 38 DEA offices across the U.S. and allegedly linked marijuana seeds sold by Emery to indoor grow operations in several states, including New Jersey, Michigan and Florida.

Jeff Sullivan, assistant U.S. attorney, alleged Friday during a news conference that more than 75 per cent of the seeds sold by Emery were sold to people in the U.S., and Emery was making about $3 million a year selling seeds and marijuana-growing equipment.

"He is a drug dealer," Sullivan said of Emery, who has been in business since 1994.

"The fact is, marijuana is a very dangerous drug. People don't say that, but right now in America, there are more kids in treatment for addiction to marijuana than every other illegal drug combined."

Sullivan said Emery is facing a maximum sentence of life in prison.

U.S. authorities have requested that Emery remain in custody until extradition proceedings are concluded, but Sullivan conceded it could be many months before Emery actually arrives in the U.S. to face the charges.

"We anticipate that it could be anywher

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Fw: Arlene, how are you?

2005-07-29 Thread Arlene Johnson
> Here is an example of people who understand my work. This lady is in 
> the San Diego area.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History
To access the e-zine that publishes documented history, click on the 
icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2005 editions: UN
No password is needed to access the editions for 2001 - 2004.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support. You'll be 
glad you did.

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: mån jul 11, 2005  12:01:58 Europe/Oslo
>> Subject: Fw: Arlene, how are you?
>> Reply-To: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Save
>> -Forwarded Message-
>> From: tena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Jul 10, 2005 9:48 PM
>> Subject: Arlene, how are you?
>> Arlene, long time no see! You don't post much on the cia-drug list
>> anymore..they won't let me post anymore either.
>> I love your information and the way you step on the toes of those who
>> crush the masses..your site is excellent, IMHO.
>> I am writing to tell you about another major scandal that may be 
>> coming
>> up soon, the dept. of energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in
>> Tennessee, their hushed up nuclear accidents, their poisoning of the
>> region and peoples who live there with their emissions of hydrogen
>> fluoride, the ways that HF work to make us more violent, foggy in
>> thinking, oversexed, diseased, and short-lived, and the god curves 
>> which
>> show the truth about HF poisoning as related to life and death.
>> The owner of this site, Jim Phelps, is a scientist who has worked to
>> make this information available to us all, claiming that we have
>> deposited in our bone marrow the HF from our polluted air, water, soil
>> and foods, the HF which destroys 3 special enzymes whose jobs it is to
>> rid the body of toxic metals and keep us well, and the HF that makes 
>> us
>> ill with CFS, AIDS, ALZHEIMER'S, CANCER, and many many other
>> illnesses..and how we can eliminate the HF in our bodies, and maybe 
>> even
>> regain longer life and higher intuitive abilities through the Pineal 
>> and
>> Pituitary glands.
>> I hope you will consider looking at this site and exposing this info 
>> to
>> the world, because it is so important..The pollutions are not just in
>> Amerika, but all over the planet. The people are subject to martial 
>> laws
>> and many extraneous and superfluous laws at the whims of some of the
>> biggest (if not THE BIGGEST) criminals upon this earth..
>> At least you got outta Amerika!
>> Here's the link:
>> tena

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2005-07-28 Thread Arlene Johnson

Good heads up Vig. One of my other supporters sent me this. Devvy is right on, but says she's too busy to read my work.
Read my work everyone. Participate in my international boycott. I'm doing this to save you. You need to meet me half way.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine
Password for 2005 editions: UN
No password is needed to access the editions dated 2001 - 2004.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jul 25, 2005 6:35 PM To: new patriots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: cia drugs , a political debate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, global humanity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, rm counsel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, evolving thought <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, jl rona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, vera in bucaresti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, cia tradecraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] AMERICANS ARE GOING TO BE ROUNDED UP!

By: Devvy
July 25, 2005
The other day I received an e-mail from a sincere man who is just getting the message about what's happening to our constitutional republic. (America is not a democracy!) Poor Leon said, "Americans are going to be rounded up!" I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but apparently Leon hasn't gotten the memo: Americans have already been rounded up. 
"Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws." Baron M.A. Rothschild. "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is master of all its legislation and commerce." President James Garfield. If you don't know about the unconstitutional "Federal Reserve," please obtain a free copy of my booklet, Why A Bankrupt America, because starting in 1913, the banking cartel took over this country with the worst yet to come. The Federal Reserve has played the greatest role in the deliberate destruction of family owned farms in this country. See my column on this here. 
Since 1913, the American people and this republic have been under assault by the international banking cartel and all their tentacles, i.e., the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and treasonous Trilateral Commission. 1913 was one of the most destructive years in the history of this republic as far as Congress is concerned. They passed the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Secretary of State, Philander Chase Knox, declared the non ratified Sixteenth Amendment ratified to make the American people believe there would now be a personal income tax. He committed fraud. And, the the same year, the final blow came with the announcement that the Seventeenth Amendment was ratified when it clearly was not. 
Once the banking cartel took control of our monetary system and created a feeding artery (IRS), they then made sure the mobs (democracy) would control the Senate, wiping out states rights. By having the mobs control the senate, those all important treaties would be ratified by senators who serve their foreign masters instead of we the people. 
As time went by and Americans were drawn into one war after another to enrich the coffers of the banking cartel, the agenda went into hyper drive beginning in 1994 with passage of the unconstitutional NAFTA and GATT. NAFTA has shut down over 6,000 factories, leaving once thriving communities little more than ghost towns. If we ever had to gear up for war on our own soil, we would be left naked because those all important factories are nothing but rusting buildings. By buying cheap foreign goods by the boat load, Americans have been part and parcel to destroying the job sectors in this country that made American the greatest and most prosperous nation on this earth. 
GATT has destroyed millions of jobs that are now held by people in Communist China, Communist Hong Kong, Communist Viet Nam, Communist Russia, India and our enemy, Mexico. It has undermined our sovereignty to such a degree that were Andy Jackson alive, he would live up to his famous words, "Tell them (the South Carolinians who wanted to nullify the Tariff Act of 1832) that I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find." 
"Outsourcing" continues to destroy careers and force college educated Americans into retail jobs at minimum wage. Americans who don't seem to care about their fellow countrymen, continue to load up their homes with cheap garbage made in foreign countries to save a buck, putting millions of Americans out of work and further promoting the agenda of reducing America to third world levels, stifling wages and creating more despair. You can buy Made In America and I hope you will make the effort to sup

Re: [cia-drugs] Illuminati101 yahoo group gone?

2005-07-25 Thread Arlene Johnson

I don't know, but there is still TheIlluminati at
It is fantastic imho.
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Skews Me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jul 25, 2005 6:25 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Illuminati101 yahoo group gone? 
Does anyone know more on the Illuminati101 yahoo group disappearance?
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Re: [cia-drugs] OT? Four blasts shake London in chilling replay - New York to start random searches

2005-07-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

You don't realize how much dirt I have on our government. Plus, I have an international boycott of the US, UK, and Israel for products and tourism.
Arlene-Original Message- From: E Bryant Holman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jul 22, 2005 3:52 PM To: Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] OT? Four blasts shake London in chilling replay - New York to start random searches 

<<To prevent this, log onto my site and read to your heart's content.>>
Wait a minute! You are saying that by reading stuff on your website to our heart's content we are going to prevent the NWO from attaining its goals? That sort of assertion in itself would seem to be reason to take whatever is written there with a grain of salt...

----- Original Message - 
From: Arlene Johnson 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] OT? Four blasts shake London in chilling replay - New York to start random searches
Right on Madd Maxx. They're doing this to rattle the people sothey can impliment more NWO goals.To prevent this, log onto my site and read to your heart's content.In peace and solidarity,Arlene Johnson
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Re: [cia-drugs] OT? Four blasts shake London in chilling replay - New York to start random searches

2005-07-22 Thread Arlene Johnson
Right on Madd Maxx. They're doing this to rattle the people so
they can impliment more NWO goals.

To prevent this, log onto my site and read to your heart's content.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History (La verdad 
sobre la democracia)
Click on the icon that says Magazine.
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-Original Message-
From: Max Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jul 21, 2005 9:41 PM
To: "[Cia-Drugs]" 
Cc: "[DrugWar]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cia-drugs] OT? Four blasts shake London in chilling replay - New York 
to start random searches

"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said police will begin conducting 
random searches of packages and backpacks carried by people entering the 
city?s subway,"

Gotta start getting the public used to random searches somewhere huh?

Madd Maxx-

Four blasts shake London in chilling replay
*3 subway stations and bus hit; just one injury reported this time*

MSNBC News Services
Updated: 3:14 p.m. ET July 21, 2005

LONDON - Explosions struck the London Underground and a bus at midday 
Thursday in a chilling but far less bloody replay of the suicide 
bombings that killed 56 people two weeks ago.

Only one person was reported injured in the nearly simultaneous 
lunch-hour blasts, which shocked and disrupted the capital and were 
hauntingly similar to the July 7 bombings by four attackers.

Police that forensic evidence collected from the crime scenes could 
provide a ?significant break? in the latest attacks.

?Clearly, the intention must have been to kill,? Metropolitan Police 
Commissioner Ian Blair told a news conference. ?You don?t do this with 
any other intention.?

The BBC reported that two people had been arrested, but Blair said those 
arrests were not connected to Thursday's attacks.

He also said it was not clear if the two sets of attacks were connected.

Panicked and screaming commuters fled the three affected Underground 
stations, sometimes leaving behind their shoes. Firefighters and police 
with bomb-sniffing dogs sealed off nearby city blocks and evacuated rows 
of restaurants, pubs and offices.

*Blair appeals for calm
*Prime Minister Tony Blair appealed for calm.

?We can?t minimize incidents such as this,? he said at a joint news 
conference with the Australian prime minister at No. 10 Downing St. 
?They?re done to scare people, to frighten them and make them worried.?

He held an emergency Cabinet meeting but said no policy decisions were made.

Police Chief Blair called the blasts ?a very serious incident.?

?We know that we have four explosions or attempts of explosions, and it 
is still pretty unclear as to what has happened,? he said outside 
Scotland Yard.

?At the moment the casualty numbers appear to be very low ... the bombs 
appear to be smaller? than those detonated July 7, he said. He added 
later that not all the bombs went off.


New York to start random searches
*President Bush was briefed on the explosions and said the terrorists 
?understand when they kill in cold blood it ends up on our TV screens 
and they?re trying to shake our will. And they?re trying to create 
vacuums in which their ideology can move.?

U.S. mass transit systems remain on code orange, or high alert, since 
the London bombings two weeks ago, but the rest of the country is at 
yellow, signifying an elevated risk.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said police will begin conducting 
random searches of packages and backpacks carried by people entering the 
city?s subway, which carries about 4.5 million passengers on the average 
weekday. Officials would not immediately say how frequently the checks 
would occur.

London Transport spokesman Steve Taylor told The Associated Press that 
it would be impractical to check bags, or to install airport-style metal 
detectors and X-ray machines in a subway network that carries 3 million 
passengers a day, or a bus system that carries some 6 million daily.

*Pieces of the puzzle
*An armed police unit entered University College hospital shortly after 
an injured person was carried in, Britain?s Press Association reported.

Sky News TV reported that police were searching for a man with a blue 
shirt with wires protruding. Officers asked employees to look for a 
black or Asian male about 6-foot-2.

The attacks, which targeted trains near the Warren Street, Oval and 
Shepherd?s Bush stations, did not shut down the subway system, only 
three of its lines. The double-decker bus had its windows blown out on 
Hackney Road in east London.

Witnesses told The Associated Press they did not hear a bang but smelled 
something similar to an electrical fire at the Warren Street station.

Police in chemical protection suits w

[cia-drugs] Fw: Emailing: Nuclear_attacks_on_america

2005-07-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

It was Mossad which killed Gary Webb. There's a link to it in this message. Worth the find
because it's lock tight in its expose.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author Message- From: Godsmystery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jul 21, 2005 4:52 AM To: Jonathan Demeter* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Emailing: Nuclear_attacks_on_america 

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[cia-drugs] Cathy O'Brien

2005-07-21 Thread Arlene Johnson
Can any of you brilliant minds provide me with Cathy O'Brien's Email address or 
a Web site? One of my supporters who has an online radio show wants to contact
Cathy. Her name is Dr. Gianni Hayes.


Arlene Johnson

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2005-07-16 Thread Arlene Johnson

When I first learned two of the reasons why President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, I didn't know why western Europe wasn't informed, only Argentina was allowed to published this history. But I know now why western Europe couldn't publish this history. It's because the Illuminati didn't want the people in western Europe to know.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
See at the icon that says Arlene's Books on my Web site.-Forwarded Message- From: "Hallock, Mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jul 13, 2005 5:49 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: "Vanderhelm, Violet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: BOOK REVIEW: AMERICAN HISTORY:VOLUME I 
Mary Hallock PUBLISHERS HOMEPAGES R.R. Bowker, LLC 630 Central Avenue North Bldg-2nd Floor New Providence, NJ 07974 888-269-5372 ext. 0073 Fax: 908-219-0180 

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[cia-drugs] Fw: Re: Heard about explosions

2005-07-12 Thread Arlene Johnson
Dear friends,
Here is the inside story of the so called bombs that the 
UK was supposed to have experienced from a supporter
of my work who lives in Birmingham, England.


Arlene Johnson

-Forwarded Message-
From: SA Blackwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jul 11, 2005 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Heard about explosions

HI Arlene,

> We heard about the explosions in Birmingham on the news here
> yesterday. What can you tell me?

It was a false alarm.  The police claimed to have had "reliable
intelligence" - which of course they have not shared with anyone -
that there was a threat of some kind. So they evacuated 20,000
people from the City centre on a Saturday night!  Great for the
local economy I don't think.  They found 4 unattended packages and
blew them up.  All of them turned out to be innocent.

One thing was puzzling - the police said although they thought 
there was a genuine threat, it was NOT connected to the London
bombings.  We don't have a clue what they are talking about.

> Did you feel terrified as the news broadcaster said???

Nonsense, we Brits are made of sterner stuff than that!!

It was just a nuisance.  As it happened I was not in the city
centre but at a church just off one of the ring roads, attending
a performance by a Palestinian dance group from Gaza.  Excellent.
Our journey home involved a detour - but it was a minor
inconvenience really.  The Pal dance group (Al-Asria) had been
intending to visit London on Thursday, their day off, and see all
the tourist sights.  Of course their coach got turned back because
of the bombs.  Very sad.  They go back to Gaza today.  I hope they
can come back to the UK another time and have their trip to London.

all for now,

Sue Blackwell
Department of English,
The University of Birmingham,

Phone:  +44 - 0121-414-3219
Fax:+44 - 0121-414-5668


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