Re: [Flightgear-devel] x++ The World's First XML-Based ProgrammingLanguage

2002-07-09 Thread Andy Ross

Jonathan Polley wrote:
> Jon Berndt wrote:
> > Just because something *can* be done doesn't mean it *should* be!
> Actually, I was going to say that it was another solution in search of
> a problem.

I honestly thought it was a joke, but the website looks serious enough
to believe.  Good grief.

But it's not the first -- XSLT is a full XML-based programming
language, thankfully tailored to a much smaller problem area.  And
XSLT is still a horrific monster, IMHO.

I still remain dumbfounded at the number of otherwise bright people in
this world that believe that needlessly gluing together two useful
technologies results in improvement.  What happened to encapsulation?
It's not just for programs anymore. :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] How to draw lines?

2002-07-09 Thread Andy Ross

Martin Dressler wrote:
> I wan to draw lines in instruments layer. I made a new subclass of
> FGInstrumentLayer and in draw method I do
>  glDisable ( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
>  glBegin(GL_LINES);
> glVertex2f(-100,0);
> glVertex2f(100,0);
>  glEnd();
> but it doesn't draw anything. But when I draw something with GL_POLYGON it
> draw fine.
> What I should to change, please?

Is this on the 3D panel or 2D?  In 3D, the texture layers are drawn
with GL_POLYGON_OFFSET, which by default does not apply to lines.  For
reasons having to do with a metaphor collision (lines are "thick" in
screenspace, while polygons aren't) lines don't work well with
glPolygonOffset() -- you have to play with the factor argument.  Try
using glVertex3f() and specifying a Z coordinate of about 0.01 or so;
that might work.

But are you actually sure you want to be drawing lines?  Lines are not
the natural medium for 3D hardware -- they don't antialias well (if at
all), don't have an easy way to associate their "size" with the world
around them, and don't behave nicely under changes of perspective.
Almost always, you'll get better results by using a 1D texture to draw
your lines.  Picture a 4x1 GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA texture that looks like

   0 0 0 255 255 0 0 0

Set your line color with glColor, and draw the line in world-space
coordinates as a "thicker" (4x as wide as the intended line) quad
modulated by the texture.  Now, the line will be nicely antialiased,
will look correct when viewed at funny angles, and will be less likely
to excercise slow paths and funny behavior in the OpenGL driver.
You'll send about twice as many vertices to the driver, but that's not
likely to be significant when compared with the terrain complexity.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] see-through instrument panel

2002-07-09 Thread Andy Ross

Alex Romosan wrote:
> just took a look at the outside view with the cessna and i noticed you
> can see the instrument panel through the fuselage. this is on linux
> with a geforce card. picture at:

What size depth buffer are you using?  The default is to use the same
depth as the color bits, so if you're in 16 bit color mode, you're
probably using a shallow depth buffer.  You could try a depth of 24 in
your XF86Config-4 file, and see if that fixes it -- I don't see this
behavior under XFree with either a GeForce 2MX or GeForce 3.

Right now, there's a very large offset placed between layers of the
panel, which can bleed through on shallow depth buffers.  When the
jitterbug (which causes the panel layers to jitter "through" each
other) is fixed, this can hopefully be reduced to a point where it is
invisible on most hardware.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] GS needle sensitivity.

2002-07-09 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> I had someone recently comment that they thought the glide slope
> needle was too sensitive in FG.  Can anyone comment on this?

I think the glideslope needle is too sensitive in FG. :)

I don't have any harder evidence either, but I'll throw in my 2¢
anyway.  I've been practicing constant AoA landings in the A-4 over
the last week or so (getting really good at them now, gonna have to
code up arrestor wires pretty soon...), and using the ILS receiver to
train my eyes to recognize the right glideslope.  It's definitely very
touchy, even 2-3 miles out.  My sense is that maximum deflection of
our instrument is only a small fraction of a degree, when it should*
be something more like 1° or so.


* Where "should" means "what other simulators seem to do" and not
  "what real equipment does".

Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] A-4 "manual"

2002-07-09 Thread Andy Ross

I've been doing really well recently with my A-4 landings, so I wrote
up a putative "Flight Operations Manual" to record the stuff I've

Obviously, I've never actually trained with the Navy, so lots of this
is guesswork based on data points I've picked up from research and/or
experience with the flight model.  So it's not necessarily something
you'd want to hand to a real pilot, but it should help to get
FlightGear geeks up to speed on this stuff.

If folks like it, it would be nice to put it up on the
site.  A set of operational manuals for all of our core models would
be a really good thing to have.  I need to write up something similar
for the Harrier, which is even harder to land. :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [OT] concave mirrors

2002-07-11 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> My initial speculation is that the position of my eye is an important
> factor that isn't addressed by the simple theory, but from the simple
> theory, I don't see how that could be possible.

One nit is that the simple theory only works for small mirrors (large
curvature radius to diameter ratio) and for reflections that are close
to the axis of the mirror.  Large mirrors really need to be
paraboloids and not spheres, and off-axis images will experience
distortion (the focal "plane" is only flat in its middle).  But these
aren't issues here, and wouldn't explain what you saw.

> If I move my eye point away from the mirror and watch myself, I seem
> to hit the singularity at 40" which is the center of curvature, not
> the focal point.  Yes, I've verified that the radius is indeed 40"
> and is most definitely not 80".

This sounds right.  At 40", your eye is in the center of the mirror.
It is seeing its own reflection in every direction, which looks like a
singularity.  You should also see a singularity at 20", but that's a
little different: At the focal point, your eye's reflection should be
discernable, but everything else in the world will appear to be coming
from all directions.  If you didn't see one at 20" at all, then I'm
confused too. :)

Remember that your eye and the background are separate objects at
separate distances.  Objects at different distances have different
focal planes (especially when those distances are already on the order
of the focal length).  Only objects that are infinitely far away will
converge exactly at the focal point of the mirror.  The mirror is not
a pinhole camera.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] MP what data to send

2002-07-12 Thread Andy Ross

Christian Mayer wrote:
> I don't know if zipped packages help much for the kind of data you are
> sending. You can only compress redundant information

Amen.  He speaks the truth.

But note that there is lots of opportunity for compression here; it's
just that dumb general-purpose algorithms like "zip" are unable to
find them for a single packet.  A few ideas that occur to me:

+ Position needn't send three full 64 bit doubles, since the position
  will always be "near" the last one.  Sending deltas will work (if
  you are careful to handle potential bugs like successive round-off
  errors), as will (reliably!) transmitting a "zone" coordinate every
  so often and sending packets as deltas from that.  If the updates
  are always within ~100m of the last position, you can get each
  position coordinate down to 15 bits or so and still achieve
  millimeter precision.

+ Orientation can be very crude -- the eye has trouble telling degree
  differences less than 5 degrees or so.  That means that the whole
  orientation can fit in something like 11 bits with creative packing
  (consider quantizing a 4D "sphere" of 2048 quaternion points and
  picking an 11 bit encoding for them). With a little extra work, you
  can transmit a "zone" as above, to get constant orientations
  (approach AoA's, for example, that the eye could tell are wrong if
  it looked carefully) exactly right.

+ Likewise, velocity needn't be terribly accurate so long as it is
  retransmitted regularly.  No more than +/- 5 knots or so is fine for
  updating the position display.  If you need more accuracy for ATC
  purposes or whatnot, that can be done with a different packet much
  less often.

+ Rotation rate, linear acceleration and rotational acceleration can
  be skipped entirely.  These values are useful only to an FDM, or
  perhaps to a cockpit interface.  Simply display them using a
  time-interpolation of the values you already have.  The eye won't be
  able to see the errors unless the update rate is very slow.

+ If you really want to be macho, you could investigate fixed huffman
  encodings for the different values.  Position changes are more
  likely to be horizontal than vertical.  Typical velocities are very
  likely to be near the nominal cruise speed of the aircraft.  Upright
  orientations are more common than inverted ones, etc...  This could
  probably get you another few bits per value, on average.  But
  usually this isn't worth it.  It optimizes the common case, but
  often makes the "interesting" cases (say, a dogfight) perform worse.
  Most users are going to want better performance in the interesting

Most of this probably isn't worth it.  But it's kinda fun stuff to
think about if you really need to pack those bits in.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Anyone using a Saitek Cyborg Gold USB Sticksuccessfully with FG ?

2002-07-15 Thread Andy Ross

Victoria Welch wrote:
> No jstest or jscal here and I have yet to track them down for
> something other than SuSE or Debian (or a tarball that has be be
> compiled into the kernel...)

These are userspace test programs, not the kernel driver.  They really
should have been installed with your distribution.  On my Red Hat
7.[23] boxes, they are in the "joystick" package.

Definitely get these and try them first -- this is the best way to
tell whether the problem lies in the hardware, driver, or


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Anyone using a Saitek Cyborg Gold USB Sticksuccessfully with FG ?

2002-07-15 Thread Andy Ross

Jim Wilson wrote:
> Was in sound card hell myself a few nights ago, so I can relate.
> Finally decided my time was worth something and went out to buy an
> sblive

You weren't by any chance trying to make the built-in sound on a KT333
motherboard work, were you?  I got bit by exactly this problem.  The
answer turns out to be that the VIA 8233A south bridge dropped a
feature from the 8233 used by the kernel driver (but, because it looks
like a newer/compatible version, Red Hat detects and installs the
original driver anyway).  The newest ALSA pre-release drivers have
support.  I just installed them in OSS-compatibility mode, and things
worked great.  The sound quality is surprisingly high for an
on-motherboard card.

Also, if you do have one of these motherboards, definitely install a
2.4.19-rc1 kernel.  The stock 2.4.18 code doesn't recognize the IDE
DMA hardware (not VIA's fault this time -- the Linux IDE driver is
just conservative about what hardware it *knows* is bug-free) and
falls back to PIO mode for disk access.  My machine would lock up for
significant fractions of a second while doing big disk transfers.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New textures

2002-07-15 Thread Andy Ross

Erik Hofman wrote:
> Today I've sent some new textures to David (which he hopefully will
> commit somewhere in the next weeks). But the result is such that I
> want to let you know about it:

Wow! This is magnificent.  I've always hated the city texture (too
yellow, too nondescript, maybe the scale was wrong?), but was too shy
to criticise it for lack of ability to make a better one. :) I looked
really hard, and couldn't find the texture seams.  How did you manage
to get this to tile so well?  Where is the photo from, btw?

Amazing, truly.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] dc3.xml questions and suggestions

2002-07-15 Thread Andy Ross

Dave Perry wrote:
> I have continued to work with the dc3.xml for yasim and some of the
> numbers in the original file seem inconsistent with the 3D model.
> Here are my questions:

The model and YASim description don't agree exactly.  The biggest
difference is (I think) the location of the origin.  YASim puts it at
the tip of the nose, whereas the model uses a nominal c.g. instead.
This can be fixed by adding offsets to all the YASim coordinates.  I
did this for a copy of the A-4 (that, er, I haven't checked in), and
it made the model animations much better.

What I did for the A-4 was pull it up in ac3d, find the coordinates of
the nose (note that the axis conventions are different), and subtract
those values from all the coordinates in the YASim file with a perl

> 1.  Shouldn't the z value for the wing be -0.95 as the z for the wing
> is for the root mid cord.  This is a low wing.  This matches the tank
> and the engines better also.  This looks like a typo.

Uh, yup.  That looks pretty wrong.  I'll fix this tonight; I think I
still have the sheet of paper with all of my original 3-view
measurements. :)

> 2.  The z value for the tail wheel, z=-1.5, seems to leave the tail
> off the ground at rest in the 3D model with compression="0.2".  I have
> tried increasing the compression to 0.3 to 0.5 or increasing z to
> -1.0.

I don't think the tail wheel compressed very much at all -- just the
compression of the tires.  My original 20cm value was almost certainly
too high already (I made it so for numerics reasons -- very short
compressions lead to correspondingly high spring constants, which
increase the likelihood of the tail "bouncing" unphysically due to
aliasing interactions with the 120 Hz integration interval.  I figured
that no one would notice an extra 20cm of "squish" in the tail on hard

The best thing to tune is almost certainly the tail position.  But
only do this once the coordinate origins match.

> Then the over-the-nose visibility is terrible.  In a real dc3 it was
> not so great until the tail came up in the takeoff roll.

Visibility issues really need to be addressed using a 3D panel, which
the DC-3 doesn't have yet.  Right now, the panel lives at the same
place on the screen regardless of what the resting orientation of the
aircraft is.  The Right Thing is to figure out a position for the
panel inside the aircraft's coordinate frame, and fix the panel there.
This then begs for a 3D-modeled cockpit environment, though, to avoid
the "panel floating in space" effect. :)

> 3.  Is there a way to add damping or make the stiffness of the
> compression for the main gear?  It is very easy to get an oscillation
> the feels like a pre-bounce while accellerating on the mains or while
> rolling out from a wheel landing.

Um, no, although there's no good reason for this.  The spring constant
is currently computed automatically as sufficient to support a landing
at 3x the vertical velocity of a normal 3 degree approach.  The
damping is sufficient to critically damp a normal landing.  This works
surprisingly well for most aircraft, so I never added the ability to
tune these parameters.  You're the first one to really worry about
ground handling in such detail.

How would "spring" and "damp" attributes on the  tag sound?
These would be unitless numbers, so spring="2" would indicate a spring
constant twice as high as the normally computed one, etc...

> 4.  Does yasim report an actual Center of Gravity?  I know that it
> checks to see if the approach config can be achieve  with trim.  This
> would tell me if I was going overboard with the ballast.

There's a C.G. line at the bottom of the solution report.  I believe
it's for the approach configuration.

Thanks for all your work.  I'll try to get you an origin-consistent
model ready tonight, with support for the gear spring tuning.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] MP what data to send

2002-07-15 Thread Andy Ross

Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> And what happens with deltas and positions when you will lose UDP
> packets ? How will you restore the correct position or orientation ?
> Perhaps, from time to time, it will be good to send absolute positions
> to resynch.

Yes, this is a requirement.  Sending unreliable deltas requires that
there be a reliable transport for the value that the deltas are
computed from.  That was the idea behind the "zone" suggestion I made.
The "zone coordinate change" packet would be sent rarely, and would
require and ACK from the client and retransmition on failure.  Blindly
relying on the packets to arrive correctly and in-order is not an


* Except on a local network.  On a single physical network, the
  ethernet standards handle retransmission on collision for you, so
  packet loss at the IP level can be ignored.  I'm not sure if this is
  true for ethernet derivatives like WiFi, though.

Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: a new dimension to FlightGear

2002-07-17 Thread Andy Ross

Gouthas, Themie wrote:
> I dont think the alpha sorting code was ever comitted, so currently
> I dont beleive PLIB will alpha sort.

I'm not sure this is a great idea in any case.  There are a *lot* of
these objects, and doing an NlogN sort of them (with attendant
geometry processing to get the distances, not to mention the cache
effects of doing an extra sweep over all of them) every frame is
likely to be awfully slow.

Hacking around the issue by diddling the rendering order (and maybe
double-rendering problem objects like nearby clouds) sounds like the
best idea to me.  We could also investigate the use of destination
alpha, which is available and fast on high end hardware these days.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Dynamic scenery notes

2002-07-18 Thread Andy Ross

I got a chance to try the dynamic scenery last night (in lieu of
implementing the gear bounce/damp tuning for Dave Perry -- sorry).
Wow.  Simply stunning.  :)

Abject praise out of the way, here are the nits:

The cowbox is too small.  At only 1m high, it's really a more
appropiate size for a sheepcase.  Cows (at least the big north
american ones that match the texture) are 1.5-2m tall at the shoulder,
and often 3m long.  I doubled the size to 2x4, and found the results
more satifactory.  The slightly-too-large size is hidden by the
sparseness of the scenery.

At the other extreme the 8 story building, while scaled correctly, is
too large.  Buildings this large are very rare, and occur in large
numbers only in downtown areas that are better handled by "real"
static scenery.  I'd suggest replacing the "urban" scenery object with
something like a 2-3 story building, or perhaps a cluster of small
buildings.  Right now, you can look accross the bay from San Francisco
and see a huge urban skyline stretching from Oakland to Fremont which
isn't even close to what's there in real life.

My reading of the code is that there is a separate ssgTransform node
in front of every one of the objects.  That's likely to be a
performance bottleneck, if the OpenGL matrix state has to change every
four vertices (most GPUs want to flush the stream when the matrix

Instead, why not "pre-compile" the scenery objects for each tile into
a single vertex buffer at load time.  This is really easy -- step
through each object and add the appropriate offset to each model
vertex as you copy it into the vertex array(s).  Then you could draw
them all at once with no state changes whatsoever (and even get fancy
in the future with stuff like compiled vertex arrays,
NV_vertex_array_range and whatnot if you like).

Even better, you could get a very cheap "continuous LOD" by drawing a
distance-dependent prefix of this vertex buffer.  That is, draw only
the first N objects based on your distance from the tile centroid.
Writing a new ssgLeaf node type really isn't so hard -- take a look at
the fgPanelNode implementation for a minimalist example.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Randomly-placed objects, take 2

2002-07-18 Thread Andy Ross

David Megginson wrote:
> Norman Vine wrote:
> > Win2k PIII 733 256meg Geforce2 GTS 32 meg Latest certified WQL GFX
> > drivers from NVIDIA at default startup location no HUD no Panel
> >
> > Latest changes~17fps
> > your original code~32 fps
> > no dynamic objects  ~75fps
> Here's what I get sitting still at the default location, no panel or
> hud, with a GeForce2Go, 32MB, 800x600x32, with the latest Linux
> drivers (I'm using the latest plib CVS, but I assume you are as
> well):
>  no dynamic objects: ~40fps
>  dynamic objects (latest code): ~34fps
>  dynamic objects (old code): ~32fps

I actually see numbers that are more in line with Norman's (Athlon
1800XP, Geforce 3 Ti200, 1280x1024 32bpp, current code as of last
night): the ~70 fps I see without dynamic scenery at startup at SFO
drops to 40 or so when I turn the dynamic object on.

This effect isn't severe, but it's enough to be worrisom.  Certainly
the dynamic scenery is taking up a significant chunk of the current
render time, which makes it a good candidate for optimization.

This is something that I think we need to look at more generally:
right now, FlightGear is making rather poor use of the graphics
hardware on fast cards.  There was a thread on plib recently that
showed that the current tile renderer is rendering lots of tiny
ssgLeafs instead of a single large buffer.  This tickles a bad code
path through ssg, which wants to render each ~10 vertex leaf from a
separate vertex array (drivers don't optimize this case well -- the
"fix" being discussed was to use plain old glVertex (!) calls, which
turn out to be faster for such small objects).

Almost everything we render (other than the cockpit and model
animations) is static geometry.  In principle, we should be able to
ship this off to the card in a big chunk.  In practice, though, we end
up no better than 1990-era code, which sent each vertex across the bus
in a separate transaction.  As we start adding geometric complexity to
the scene, we really should look hard about how it's done.  I see some
support in plib for using display lists, although it looks like it's
#ifdef'd out.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FW: [Plib-devel] ssg vertex tables tuning

2002-07-18 Thread Andy Ross

David Megginson wrote:
> Norman Vine writes:
> > I got a considerable boost in the frame rate from the following
> > patch to PLib. < ~25% at default startup location >
> >
> > I am trying to determine if this also true for 'most' systems
> > before advocating it's inclusion into PLib
> I saw a pretty-nice boost as well, for what it's worth.  GeForce2Go
> 32MB, Linux drivers, 1600x1200x32 LCD.  I don't remember what it was,
> because I've been using the patched plib now for over a week, but it
> was at least 15-20%.

I tried it too, and likewise saw a similar increase in framerate.

Nonetheless, I think this is the Wrong Solution.  What this patch does
is test at render time whether or not the vertex array is "small" or
not.  If it is small, it renders the leaf with glVertex3f() calls
instead of using the vertex arrays.  Gack.

Now, for plib as a library, this is a fine optimization that's
probably worth including.  I have no objections there.  But for
FlightGear as an application, the *real* performance bug is that we're
generating really tiny ssgLeaf objects.  Each tile is a single piece
of static geometry.  There's no reason that it couldn't live in just
one vertex array (or maybe one per texture).  Or be stored in a single
display list, etc...  But clearly the optimal performance solution
we're looking for is not iterated glVertex() calls. :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FW: [Plib-devel] ssg vertex tables tuning

2002-07-18 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> I'm not claiming we are currently optimal, but you also need to
> consider that by grouping your low level structures into larger
> chunks, you reduce the ability of the scene graph to do an early cull
> of non-visible stuff.  Making larger chunks needs to be balanced
> against the benefits of scene graph culling that smaller chunks bring.

The majority (I'm guessing 70%) of tiles are either rendered in their
entirety or culled in their entirety.  The tile would seem, to me, to
be just about the right granularity for doing culling.  Certainly
culling on tiny 10 vertex objects is too fine-grained, no?  You can
DMA a *lot* of vertices across the AGP bus in the time that it takes
to do that cull.

If my 70% guess is correct, then doing culling at a tile level will
send 15% (the remaining 30% of tiles are on average half-invisible)
too many vertices to the card for each frame.  Rendering out of large
vertex arrays instead of doing glVertex() calls has to be worth at
*least* 15%.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Night lighting revisited

2002-07-22 Thread Andy Ross

Norman Vine wrote:
> For example the a4 behaves differently then the c172 in this
> respect.  Discover what is different and the lighting problem should
> be 'illuminated'.

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> People who understand the opengl lighting model better than I do
> might notice that I haven't mentioned the specular lighting
> compenent, which opengl supports as a way to emulate 'reflective'
> surfaces.  If we are seeing some strange lighting effects perhaps
> the models have some kind of specular component that isn't getting
> turned off properly at night?

Good catch, both of you.  All of the materials in the file
have a 50% specular coefficient, the c172 file has 0.  While some
specular probably isn't wrong for the A-4 (the Blue Angel's used
glossy paint, of course), 50% is certainly way to high.

It's also used for stuff like the cockpit panel, which is clearly not
specular.  I think perhaps the original author misunderstood what
specular means -- even the lights (which are, by definition, 100%
emissive) are listed at 100% specular.  I changed all the specular
components to zero, and things look much saner in my copy.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] another dc3.xml edit

2002-07-22 Thread Andy Ross

Dave Perry wrote:
> I have continued to tweak the yasim dc3.xml.  Attached is what I have
> settled on.

Sorry, I didn't get a chance to get to this over the weekend (wedding
plans...).  If anyone else has flown it and feels comfortable, feel
free to check it in.  I promise to get to it tonight, really I do. :)

> The CG is at x=-8 meters (still 1 meter aft of the center of the root
> cord) via negative ballast in the tail.  I could not get to this CG
> w/o increasing the length of the hstab to 3.5 meters, as the trim for
> approach solution always failed.

I got the lengths off of a 3-view diagram that may or may not have
been correct.  This sounds fine to me.

> The hstab effectiveness="4.2" with a flap effectiveness="0.5".

That sounds kinda high, but then we should expect to have a more
effective surface in the absence of prop wash.  If it doesn't cause
any other weird effects, it should be fine.

> I notice I am holding a little right aleron all the time.  It may be
> my imagination, but when I use the external view from the rear, it
> looks to me like the right aleron is ever-so-slightly drooping and
> the left aleron is slightly up when my yoke is neutral.  And when I
> add the right aleron to keep the wings level, this goes away.  Has
> anyone else seen this in yasim?

Check the value of /controls/aileron-trim.  In the past, I've seen
this set at startup to a non-zero value (0.055, if I remember
correctly).  I believe this is a magic tuning value that was added to
the JSBSim 172 at one point, but I was never able to track down where
it is coming from.  Setting it to zero at runtime, on the command
line, or in the dc3-yasim-set.xml file should fix this.  Anyone else
have an idea of where this value comes from?


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: lighting

2002-07-22 Thread Andy Ross

Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> ... and given that Andy posted this on the 28th, the suspicious
> changes could be these:
> | Log Message: 3D panel support from Andy Ross

Could be.  These changes moved the panel rendering into the main scene
graph.  If the panel code changes any OpenGL lighting state without
setting it back, then this could cause symptoms like this.  We just
need to find out what's wrong and where it's being set.

I'm fuzzy on what the exact problem is, though.  Could you post a


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: lighting

2002-07-22 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> When you say moved panel rendering into the main scene graph, do you
> mean [...] or do you mean the panel rendering code get's executed as
> a call back from some ssg node [...] ?

I mean that one. :)

There's a tiny "FGPanelNode" ssgLeaf class that wraps an FGPanel
object.  It sets up the matrix stack appropriately and then calls the
panel renderer as normal.

Does anyone know off the top of their heads if the panel code changes
the OpenGL lighting or material state?  If it does, then this will be
a really simple fix.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [PATCH] tdfx & fog

2002-07-23 Thread Andy Ross

Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> 1 would fix my problem. BUT: 40 only breaks the fog in the scenery,
> while it works well for the instruments. So I suggest to let
> POFF_UNITS be 40 but to reset the PolygonOffset to -1 or zero after
> having drawn the instruments.  This should also work for all other
> cards. (Please verify and apply!)

Is this not done already?  I'm pretty sure that I reset the offset at
the end of panel rendering.  If I didn't, then this is quite obviously
a bug.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] defaults

2002-09-24 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> The preferences.xml file specifies the c172 as the default.  It
> appears that even if you request a different aircraft as the default,
> the c172 config files get loaded first anyway, then the alternate
> config file is loaded with the correct aircraft.


Dave Perry posted a few days back ("Pulling to the left trim?") that
he was seeing a out-of-roll-trim condition on all the YASim aircraft
that didn't have an explicit setting for /controls/aileron-trim.  I've
looked at this in the past, and noticed that this property is always
set to (I think) 0.055 on startup.

I was never able to track it down; but that's it, clear as day. :)

[I'm back, by the way.  Give me a few days to sort out the
post-wedding clean up and write thank-you notes (and read the 1000
messages in my flightgear folder), and I'll be able to start working
on things again.  The top of the list currently is the jitterbug and
translating mouse clicks onto the existing "hybrid" 2D/3D virtual


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help: Current Ground Elevation

2002-10-01 Thread Andy Ross

Norman Vine wrote:
> FWIW - I really don't understand why the FDM folks haven't been using
> this as I wrote it several years ago so that one could get an
> elevation per wheel

Landing gear struts compress, so there isn't a single point of
intersection.  Worse, they don't always point down.  Even worse, the
ground isn't always flat, so a plumb bob won't always tell you the
right point even for a vertical landing gear strut.

Elevation is the wrong metaphor for this problem.  As is being
discussed on the plib list, what is really needed is a generic vector
intersection test.  That would clobber both the mouse click picking
problem and the gear strut test in a single blow.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Internationalizing FlightGear.

2002-10-01 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson:
> Well the difference is if you have one menu.xml for each languange,
> then when someone adds a new option to the default menu.xml and
> forgets to add it to all the other languange's menu.xml files you have
> a problem and you are headed towards a big mess.

This is true, but it's handlable.  The way the Gnome i18n stuff works,
the program is guaranteed to have american English text for
everything.  These strings are often hardcoded, and are used as the
hash keys for translation lookups.  So, in the worst case situation, a
user of an internationalized program with incomplete translation sees
the correct English text for the missing items.  Since, sadly, this
happens all the time with translated programs anyway, it's not a huge
bug. :)

Even better, since the translation tables are stored by themselves in
(reasonably) non-threatening text files, non-technical users can go in
there on their own, find the broken translation and fix it.

The other big advantage to storing all the translations together
per-language is that it better optimizes the work done.  Typically,
one person will do the translation for a single language, as Marcio
has done for Portuguese.  If you make them sift through all the
translations for the the whole UI structure (which is probably split
across many files), their task is more difficult and technical.

Or stated another way: if you store the translations per-language in a
single text file, the maintainer need only know English and the
translation language and be able to edit an XML file.  If you store it
in the UI description too, then they need to understand the FlightGear
UI structure as well.  This shrinks the number of translators
available, since they now have to be developers too.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Accelerations and Rates

2002-10-01 Thread Andy Ross

David Megginson wrote:
> In flight.hxx, some of the *dot* values are referred to as 'rates',
> and some are referred to as 'accelerations' (i.e. rate of change in
> rate of change).  So, here are some specific questions:

Strictly, the dot notataion refers to time derivative.  So, if you
have a variable X, "X dot" (written, unsurprisingly, as an X with a
dot over it) is the same as dX/dt.  "X dot dot" (two dots) is
d^2X/dt^2, etc.

If X refers to a position in meters, then X dot is the velocity in
m/s, and X dot dot is the acceration in m/s^2, etc...  This is
presuming that the second is the canonical time unit (which it is).

> 1. For those that represent angles (lat/lon/alpha/beta/phi/theta/psi),
>what are the units?  radians/sec (rate of change), radians/sec/sec
>(acceleration), or something else?
> 2. For those that represent velecities (v-dot-local, v-dot-body), what
>are the units?  feet/sec, feet/sec/sec, or something else?
> 3. Wouldn't radius-dot just be a straight-velocity (i.e. rate of
>change in the geocentric radius)?  What's the unit in that case?

Presumably the units are unchanged from the original.  If lat/lon are
in degrees, lat-dot will be in degrees per second.

It's worth pointing out that there is a *lot* of duplication in the
variables in flight.hxx.  IMHO, the FDM's shouldn't be responsible for
producing output in every coordinate system imaginable.  We should
just pick one and do the translations using a SimGear accessor

For reference, YASim does all of its internal mechanics in a
geocentric cartesian coordinate system.  It never usees anglular
measures except at the interface level.  In these coordinates, the
aircraft state is pleasingly simple:

 position: 3 doubles
 orientation: 9 floats (I use a matrix for simplicity; a quat would be
 velocity: 3 floats
 rotational velocity: 3 floats
 acceleration: 3 floats
 rotational acceleration: 3 floats

All of the other flight.hxx output variables can be computed from
these as needed.  The only extra piece of information I can think of
being necessary is the location of the cockpit, for the "pilot
acceleration" values.  But a good case could be made that the location
of the cockpit is part of the 3D model, and not the FDM data anyway.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Internal compiler error

2002-10-02 Thread Andy Ross

Richard Bytheway wrote:a
> As mentioned in the Sig11 FAQ (link above), ensure that all the
> hardware in the PC is the correct spec, and that nothing is
> overclocked. Try underclocking as a possible workaround. If your RAM
> is on more than one stick, try removing different parts of it.

Oddly, that FAQ fails to mention the single best tool for detecting
these problems:

Get this and run it.  It's a boot image, so if you don't have a Linux
installation (LILO and GRUB can run it just like a kernel) or a
floppy, you may have to do some gymnastics.

Leave it running overnight and see what you find.  You'd be amazed at
the number of "working" machines in the world have slightly bad RAM.
One of my boxes, which seems perfectly stable, gets about 1 error
every 10 hours.  If you see any more than that, consider replacing
your memory or motherboard.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Internationalization

2002-10-03 Thread Andy Ross

Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> I made a french translation but unfortunately, accented characters ( e
> acute or a grave for instance ) are not present in the current font. I
> think the problem will show up for several languages.  Should we have
> to provide a specific accented font for languages like nordic or
> french ?

The current font is ASCII-only.  Doing an ISO 8859-1 (or -15) version
would be pretty simple, although visual quality might suffer if we
have to stay at 256x256.  The font file format works fine at bigger
sizes, but Voodoo cards don't support textures larger than this.

There is a fundamental 8 bit limitation in the file format (and I
think in plib too), however.  Doing unicode stuff will need surgery in
plib to support a fancier font description.

What is needed is a list of Postscript "glyph names" for the high 128
characters of the font (because ps fonts don't have a fixed encoding
-- the only unique way to specify a desired character is as a symbolic
glyph name).  I'm sure this could be looked up somewhere...


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] STL and vectors

2002-10-07 Thread Andy Ross

David Megginson wrote:
> Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> > I think your are making the too rapid assumption that
> > an iterator is a pointer to an element.
> Don't iterators override the '+' operator if they're not just
> pointers?

Indeed.  That's the whole genius (madness, whatever) behind the idea.
Many useful algorithms work on pointers into arrays, so if you
abstract that notion syntactically, then the algorithm writer can just
write his quick sort as if it took pointers and the compiler will
inline everything correctly at compile time.  It's really very

Of course, the cost of that elegance is a library that almost no one
understands.  Witness the length of the "how do I delete an element
from a vector" discussion.  I respect the STL, really.  But in this
case respect involves a healthy dose of fear. :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] STL and vectors

2002-10-07 Thread Andy Ross

Bernie Bright wrote:
> Only random access iterators support the '+' operator.  Fortunately
> std::vector and std::deque provide just such iterators.

I thought there was a variant that supported incrementation but not
decrementation.  You don't need the full-on random access variant in
this case.  That's defined as supporting the '[]' operator; '+' is
useful without random access (walking a linked list, for example).

More fuel to the STL flames, I guess.  :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VASI

2002-10-09 Thread Andy Ross

Jim Wilson wrote:
> How do they work in real life?  It seems that animation shouldn't be
> necessary.

I got to see a 2-light PAPI up close at Fishers Island*, NY once.
It's an astonishingly simple device.  Basically, it's a box with a
bright white interior.  At one end is a lens.  At the other (on the
focal plane of the lens) is a white card painted red on the top and
white on the bottom.  Along the sides of the box are flourescent light

   #   |  | Lens
   ~   |  |
   +--  +

So when you look through the lens, you see a singularity image
(i.e. infinite magnification) of whatever you're looking at on the
back card.  If you're below the centerline, you see the red side.  If
you're above, you see the white.

The box is mounted on a pair of sturdy concrete poles, and is tilted
up at the glideslope angle.

Basically, Curt's approach seems exactly right.  The image of the
thing depends entirely on direction to the viewer.  There are no
moving parts at all.


* A really cute airport for anyone in the northeast.  Fishers Island
  is a tiny spot off the tip of Long Island, just south of New London,
  CT.  The demographic is similar to Martha's Vinyard or Nantucket --
  a small contingent of locals and a larger group of very wealthy
  vacation home owners.  My sister-in-law's parents were in the former
  group.  I got there on a ferry, not an airplane. :)

Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airport Database Model

2002-10-10 Thread Andy Ross

David Megginson wrote:
> Alex Perry writes:
> > Why can't we stick it into the scenery directories, but one directory
> > up from the tiles, so we have one file per 10degx10deg of planet.
> > That should ensure that FGFS doesn't need to load all that many files,
> > and just having the one file in the base package will allow initial use.
> It's not a bad idea, except that FlightGear needs to be able to search
> all the airports at once to find the one the user wants to jump to.

It seems to me like the airport database is only searched on two keys:
location and ID.  Storing an "index" on location is trivial, as Alex
points out -- store it with the location-specific data structure that
is already indexed.

So all we need is an index on name.  Not to be too glib, but the OS
already provides a rather nice index on named objects -- the
filesystem.  So in Scenery/w130n30/airports.xml you will find a simple
list of airport ID's:


And look up the airport data itself under Airports/KSFO.xml:

  San Francisco Intl.

The astute will point out that not all filesystems actually store
indices on filenames (ext2 and FAT among them, sadly -- NTFS and
reiserfs do have indices).  With only a few thousand files, this isn't
likely to be a real performance problem.  Nonetheless, storing them
sorted into directories is possible.  Use Airports/K/KSFO.xml, for
example, or even Airports/K/S/F/O.xml if you really want. :)

This strikes me as easy to implement and much easier to maintain than
the current metakit stuff.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airport Database Model

2002-10-10 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Just a couple thoughts to consider.  We are looking at 16-20,000
> airports so we couldn't stuff them all in a single directory.  Even
> splitting them into subdirectories by first letter probably isn't
> enough.

There are 17073 airports in the current database.  Splitting on first
letter only, the largest is (no surprise) 'K', with 2161 airports.  On
a lark, I created such a directory containing all the US airports.
The creation process was relatively slow -- 20 seconds or so.  But
once the files are there, access to them is very fast (a few tenths of
a second).  This was true even after I was careful to flush the buffer
cache by cat'ing a different disk to /dev/null, if the stuff is in the
cache, of course, access is milliseconds at most.  If you think about
it, 2000 is about the same number as the number of device files in
/dev, and no is complaining about performance issues there.

And remember, we can split on the first two bytes ("K/S/KSFO.xml")
without any more difficulty (one extra line of code) and the whole
problem goes away.

> Also, consider that with zillions of tiny files, much space
> is wasted on the file system which hits people in the windows land the
> hardest it seems because they often have a very large minimum file
> size.

This is a good point, actually.  Almost all the Linux filesystems use
a 4k block as the minimum allocation unit*, and I presume NTFS is
similar.  Still, though, 4k per airport is still a tiny fraction of
the size of the scenery.  Remember that with a file per airport, there
is no need to have the whole airport database in the base package.
You can download the airports along with the scenery.  Airports aren't
very useful without scenery, anyway.

[* Geeky aside: reiserfs doesn't.  It has a unique "tail folding"
   feature where the last sub-block of files gets folded into a single
   block with the tails of other files, so small files take space
   proportional to their actual size.  Very cool, although apparently
   not used much.]

The windows issue is, I think, true only on very old FAT32 variants.
I'm pretty sure the block size limitation went away at the same time
the 2G limit did, no?  Everything from Win98SE on should be fine, I
believe.  Any windows users want to comment?  Certainly anyone running
XP won't have this problem.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airport Database Model

2002-10-10 Thread Andy Ross

Norman wrote:
> [ ... indexing scheme involving spacial partitions and trees ... ]
> With such a scheme we should be able to access any airport and
> determine which airports are within some sane distance in much
> less then a few tenths of a second < order of manitude less at least

True, but performance really isn't the goal here.  The existing
metakit stuff performs great.  It's problem is that it's essentially
unmaintainable without regenerating a megabyte of data*.  Replacing
one complicated binary data structure with another really doesn't
address that need.

My point was that a really simple one-file-per-airport scheme (you
basically can't get any more maintainable than that) would work with
adequate performance for typical usage.  The airports in the current
tile set could be kept in memory easily; arbitrary airports could be
looked up quickly (under the UI definition of "quick") by their ID;
and the set of all airports would still be trivially searchable in a
linear walk (looking for a match by name, for example) for cases where
that capability was needed.


* Well, and that it involves a 3rd party C++ library that insists on
  installing itself as a shared library.  My guess is that metakit
  version skew is the single biggest FAQable problem with new
  developers.  It's a very real, very significant barrier to people
  who want to run the cool new stuff in CVS.  This is my peeve,

Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] multiplayer / AI property tree - questions

2002-10-10 Thread Andy Ross

David Megginson wrote:
 > I cannot say.  One thing we're not modelling yet is nosewheel
 > shimmy:

Does this really have to be modeled, per se?  Until we get support for
force-feedback rudder pedals and seat cushions, the only thing we can
reasonably do is play a sound.  That can be done already with some
fancy thresholding (gating with /gear[0]/wow and groundspeed) using
the existing sound mechanism.

I have limited experience here, but the nosewheel shimmy I noticed in
a friend's PA-180 was only a rumble.  It didn't seem to effect the
orientation or handling of the aircraft.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Some little bugs report from an enthusiastnew user...

2002-10-15 Thread Andy Ross

Jim Wilson wrote:
> The problem with the 2D panel mapped to the cockpit had been there
> since Andy added that capability...but now I don't see it anymore.
> I'm sure it was there fairly recently, within the last month anyway.
> Are you seeing it with current code David?

It's related to depth buffer precision.  On my Geforce cards (2MX and
3), it never happens with the 24 bit depth buffer you get by default
at 32bpp.  At 16bpp, it picks a slimmer depth buffer (probably 16 bit)
and the texture layers bleed through.

The code is using a pretty big argument to glPolygonOffset, and I've
never investigated how small it can be.  If someone has a little time
the next time they see this issue, try changing the value of
POFF_UNITS at the top of Cockpit/panel.cxx.  Decrease it until the
textures *just* start to interfere with each other, and post the value
that works for you.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Licensing issues

2002-10-15 Thread Andy Ross

Alex Perry wrote:
> I don't see a real benefit of changing FGFS from GPL to LGPL ...
> * The people who don't like GPL probably aren't much happier about LGPL
> * They (or we) can add a shared-memory tunnel in SimGear for properties
> * Most proprietary extensions can simply coexist as separate programs

I'm inclined to agree.  The only real purpose behind the LGPL is to
special case the situation of GNU versions of "system" libraries.
Applying the GPL strictly to libraries like libc or libstdc++ means
that proprietary software can't be run on free operating systems,
since the act of linkage makes them a "derived work" according to the
license.  That's silly, so there's a special-purpose variant of the
license that allows linkage (but *only* linkage) of proprietary code.

The LGPL has since become popular for library projects that are
designed to become standards, or at least widely shared.  Projects
like plib and SDL use it for that reason -- to keep development open
while encouraging use of the library by anyone.

FlightGear doesn't really fall into either category, since it's a
one-of-a-kind codebase that is used only by other GPLed software.  It
strikes me that putting, say, the scenery engine under the LGPL isn't
likely to encourage anyone to use it as the "standard" scenery engine
for anything.  Users who want the code are likely going to want to
hack at it for their own purposes, which the LGPL forbids.

Is there a use case here, or a particular proprietary application you
have in mind?  It might be simpler to do a custom release to that
vendor under a separate license, rather than play with the license for
the whole project.  The LGPL is a little problematic for most
proprietary users.  They aren't, contrary to common belief, allowed to
use the library any way they want.  They have to link expressly
against the library as shipped (no cutting and pasting of code), and
have to ensure that future users can relink against newer versions of
the library if they want (no static linkage, essentially).


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TC ball

2002-10-16 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> it seems to be more than a simple coordinate system difference,
> unless JSBSim/YASim swap X/Y axes or something strange like that.

Could be a bug, too.  What exactly is the behavior you're seeing?  The
way the code in steam works is to look at the Y and Z "pilot
acceleration" vectors and compute a "down" direction.  Is it the
direction that's wrong?

* Not the same as coordinate acceleration, for the reasons discussed
  before. And it shouldn't use X, which is the longitudinal axis.  The
  ball is constrained by its housing to the YZ plane.

The steam.cxx code is the only place that uses these numbers, so a bug
could easily have gone unnoticed.  I haven't looked at the ball in a
while, honestly, but I don't remember being surprised by anything
looking wrong.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Licensing issues

2002-10-16 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Question: for a particular source file, if a person contributed a
> minor patch or tweak to compile on a new platform, does that person
> now have a "full" say in the future of that source, or are they giving
> their changes to the author of that file to be placed under the
> license terms chosen by the primary author.

It goes by change, not by file.  They contributed a patch under an
existing license, not a new one.  So you can't legally change their
license without removing the patch; nothing gives you the right to
their work.

In practice, what this means is that you need to get "most" of the
developers on board.  If someone doesn't agree, you need to be
prepared to remove their code and reimplement it.  You don't
necessarily need to remove every 2-line patch submitted on the
assumption that the author doesn't agree.  It's enough to announce the
license change in the appropriate forum for FlightGear development
(here, of course) and expect that people interested will notice and
tell you about problems.

IANAL, of course.  But this is the way it's worked in other projects
(Wine, especially) that have gone through license changes.

But under no circumstances can you relicense someone else's code over
their objections.  If someone makes a stink, you have to snip it out.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Licensing issues

2002-10-16 Thread Andy Ross

Alex Perry wrote:
> There is a subtle distinction, which essentially means that, since
> you do still have the copyright, people who retrieve the code also
> have the right to sue you.

It's even more subtle: the right to sue you doesn't go with the
copyright.  The copyright is a right that *you* have to restrict
distribution.  The right to sue for damages is someone else's, and is
inherent (with lots of legislative exceptions).

Basically, regardless of what you do with your copyright: if you wrote
the code, it's your "fault".  This is why the GPL has its warranty
clause, and why commercial licenses always have the limitation of
liability clause.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TC ball

2002-10-16 Thread Andy Ross

Tony Peden wrote:
> Well, I tried to compare the two, but got this for the yasim c172:

Are you sure you have current code and base package?  I haven't looked
at the 172 in a good while, and not much has changed.  Do the other
YASim aircraft work for you?


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TC ball

2002-10-16 Thread Andy Ross

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> The JSBSim drives the ball in a reasonable way, as does this other FDM
> I'm playing with.  However, the scaling is about an order of magnitude
> different between the two, even though they supposedly report the
> accels in the same units and are modeling the same aircraft.  YASim
> seems to drive the ball yet another order of magnitude further.

Hrm... yup, that sounds awfully wrong.  Especially since units
shouldn't matter.  What the steam.cxx code is doing is taking the
sideways acceleration and dividing it by the vertical acceleration to
get a "down" direction.  The units should drop out.  I could be
reporting accelerations in mph per year and it should still work.

Could you stick some printfs in and get a feel for the numbers that
are coming out?  I mean, just print Ay and Az for each sim under
broadly similar conditions and see if anything is obviously wrong.
Unless you're doing aerobatics, Z should be very close to 32 and
Y should be near zero.

If this is happening in the air, it might not be the acceleration code
at all, but the side-force-per-slip-angle behavior that is different.  Try
testing while doing constant rate turns on the ground to see if they
behave the same there.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG plane data in cartesian coordinates

2004-09-28 Thread Andy Ross
David Garcia Moreno wrote:
> I´m trying to communicate the Flight Gear with a 2D-map display,
> which works with cartesian coordinates instead of geodetics as the
> Flight Gear works.  What i was able to get only was the position in
> cartesians (absolute_view_pos).

The only true cartesian coordinate system in FlightGear is the
"global" coordinates, which is probably not what you want.  This
system is geocentric, with the X axis pointing out the equator at 0
longitude, the Y axis out +90 longitude, and the Z axis out the north

If you want to get 2D coordinates for a map display, you're going to
need to do a map projection of some form, which is a complicated
field.  Can you be more specific about your needs?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [BUG][RFC] YASim + Bo105 + Rotation aroud origin (rather than CG)

2004-10-07 Thread Andy Ross
Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> As you can see, Integrator::l2gVector() does not access its parameter
> orient, but the object variable _s.orient!
> Andy says that the code is correct.

Andy was wrong. :) I misinterpreted the diff you posted in chat to
indicate that the original code should use the parameter.  Clearly
that's the case.  This looks to have been a cut-n-paste typo, where
the line originally got snipped out of code that passed the object

I'm still alive, by the way.  Just too busy with real life to actually
participate.  I'll come back soon.

Can someone else verify and commit this?  It's a pretty trivial


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [BUG][RFC] YASim + Bo105 + Rotation aroud

2004-10-07 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > Can someone else verify and commit this?  It's a pretty trivial
> > change.
> Does this mean the past "the PA-28 rotates around its nose" irritations
> have come to a final solution ?

Honestly, I don't know because I haven't had time to actually test it.
But the bug fix is clearly correct; the code as written doesn't make
any sense.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] AI carrier

2004-10-28 Thread Andy Ross
Matthias Froelich wrote:
> This case kind of works for the arrester wires. The braking force is
> just hacked into the gear code. But this is just to be able to test.

What would probably be a better idea (at least for YASim) would be to
model the braking force as a *distance* over which the aircraft will
be stopped.  In the real world, they have to calibrate the wires for
the exact aircraft configuration that is going to be landing.

You would figure out what constant acceleration would stop the
aircraft in the distance available, and simply apply that force "at"
the tailhook and "towards" the center of the arrestor wire.

The catshot is actually harder: in real life, the force is at the
bottom of the nosegear.  But if you apply that to the dynamics model
the aircraft will want to tilt backwards as it accelerates.  Real
aircraft don't do this because the nosegear is artificially compressed
and held that way during the shot.  Maybe the easiest way to simulate
this would be to apply the force at the nose, or some other point
forward of the c.g. and above the gear.

I'm honestly looking for something to get me back into FlightGear
development.  I can do the YASim integration if you guys have an
interface ready for the "ground velocity" and "arrestor wire position"


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] When can we have roads like this

2004-11-16 Thread Andy Ross
Lee Elliott wrote:
> Just a thought...  An alternative approach might be to make the
> textures dynamic so that the roads could be overdrawn on them before
> they're rendered.

Way back in the day (maybe 3-4 years ago, when I was at NextBus) I
wrote a parser for the TIGER database format, an intermediate binary
format, and an interactive Java renderer.  The idea was to have an
interactive street map, not a photorealistic rendering.  But the
parser and intermediate format generator (in perl) might be useful to
someone wanting to work on this.

I put the applet binaries up at but
unfortunately modern Java plugins seem to have trouble with the older
applet.  You can still download the files (TestMap.jar and 06-075.nbm
-- San Francisco County, CA) from that URL and run it off the command
line with something like:

java -cp TestMap.jar TestMap 06-075.nbm

Use "z" to zoom in, "Z" to zoom out, and click the mouse on the map to

NextBus never used this code, and I doubt they'd mind if I distributed
it.  Let me know if someone wants to look at it and I'll ask.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] nasal?

2004-11-16 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Is there any documentation that explains how the nasal scripting
> system is integrated into FlightGear?  I looked a bit, and can't
> find anything.


This should probably move to the FlightGear site, I suppose.

> If I decide I want to call a nasal script from someplace in the
> code, how do I go about doing that?  Do I create an entirely new
> parser and call it?  Is the global parser good enough, can I just
> pass a script to it?  What about the existing scripts, how are they
> found and launched?  I'm not seeing how it all goes together.

This is pretty much covered on that page.  The files in the Nasal
directory of the base package are read and executed at the end of
boot.  Stuff in fg-command bindings is parsed and executed when the
binding fires.  Properties under /nasal are read during initialization
and can contain either literal code or point to files to load.  And
there are C++ APIs from which you can turn a string into a
"FGNasalScript" object with a call() method which can be invoked at


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGNetFDM etc.

2004-12-03 Thread Andy Ross
Gerhard Wesp wrote:
> 1. GNU C++ structure layout may _differ_ between different compiler
> _minor_ versions.  E.g., one sizeof() was 504 bytes on Linux with
> g++ 3.3.3 and 520 bytes on Cygwin with g++ 3.3.1.  Both on x86.

Are you sure?  Starting with the 3.2.x releases, g++ is supposed to
have standardized on a single C++ ABI.  Are you sure the two builds
didn't have differing flags?  The Cygwin headers, I know, have a
bunch of win32-compatibility hacks that tend to muck with standards

That said, basing a protocol on the idea of spitting raw structures
onto the network is kind of a silly idea, for exactly the reasons you


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Solaris/GPU recommendations sought!

2004-12-03 Thread Andy Ross
Gerhard Wesp wrote:
> I thought about Solaris.  Seems to be absolutely straightforward to
> install.  But I don't know anything about OpenGL and GPU support.
> Linux: X11 installation (especially GPU drivers) were a pain last time
> I checked (requires kernel compile!).  Has this changed in the
> meantime.  Other options?  FreeBSD perhaps?

I'm not sure what trouble you had, but the NVidia drivers are almost
idiot-proof these days.  Install your Linux distribution (I use FC3
and can recommend it; others will work great too), then download the
driver package and run it.  One of the third party RPM distributors
( maybe?) used to have it packaged automatically so you could
just do something like "yum update nvidia" to download and install it

The ATI drivers are not so pleasant, however (the last I checked, the
still lacked support for the 2.6 kernel).  Although the built-in DRI
drivers for the ATI 8x00 and 9200 cards run flightgear very well and
come standard with your X server.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] New nasal features coming

2004-12-07 Thread Andy Ross
Some people may notice that I just announced a new Nasal version on today.  This release includes support for the
oft-requested "recursive contexts" feature.  It uses it internally to
implement call() (a functional programming gadget that most people
don't care about) and eval() (evaluates a string; might be useful to
someone here).

Eventually, it will also make possible recursive nasal invocations in
FlightGear (i.e. scripts that fire command bindings that are
themselves scripts) and will be used to implement a sleep() function
that can be called from within a script.  I still need to do the
FlightGear integration for this release, so give me a few days. :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New nasal features coming

2004-12-07 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Finally, I get to realize my dream of re-implimenting all FG
> algorithms using recursion.

Not to ruin the joke, but you could do that already.  Nasal has always
been a fully functional language, with recursion, lexical closures and
anonymous lambda expressions. :)

This feature allows for calling Nasal scripts (not functions)
recursively.  That is, have a command binding that is a Nasal script,
that then calls another FGCommand object that is implemented in
Nasal.  Before, this wasn't possible because there was only one
execution context for the scripting engine.  Now you can have lots.

So you can, for example, stash one away on a timer while another one
runs.  This allows for pseudo-multithreading of many scripts at once,
which run forever in loops like:

  while(1) {
 if(NeedToUpdate()) { DoSomethingUseful(); }

This kind of programming can be simpler than running from a timer.
Although the context is fairly heavy-weight compared with a timer
entry, so we don't want thousands of them sitting around.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Parametric Tool

2004-12-09 Thread Andy Ross
Ed Baker wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is a parametric plane generator for FlightGear.
> I'd like to be able to play out "what if" simulations with a tool
> like this.

The YASim solver is a parametric plane generator, but probably not in
the sense you want.

You seem to want a tool where you can change design parameters and see
how they affect the performance numbers.  YASim takes performance
number *as* parameters and generates an aircraft configuration to
match them.

Maybe the "aeromatic" generator for JSBSim aircraft could be evolved
to do what you want?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] includes in brackets ?

2004-12-29 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
> While I'm digging through the sources in the hope to find the cause
> for some mislead header includes I wondered about notation of
> several include statements. To my knowledge system includes should
> be bordered by brackets:

It's not really well specified.  Usually: using angle brackets means
to search the system standard directories, followed by directories
specified on the compiler command line; using quotes means to search
the directory containing the source file, followed by command line

There are two source code conventions I've seen:

1.) Use quotes for all "project-local" files, even those not in the
same directory as the C files including them.  Use angle brackets
*only* for stuff expected to be installed globally on the system.
This has the problem that a common name like config.h might exist
in multiple directories and there's no easy way to say "I want the
one in my own directory please".  It makes it difficult to have a
local namespace for your own headers in a big project.

2.) Use quotes *only* for things on the local directory, and angle
brackets for everything else.  I like this one, but I have seen
build systems that complain about missing include files because
they are specified with angle brackets but not in the "system"


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-users] Speaking of always turning...

2005-01-10 Thread Andy Ross
[bouncing replies to flightgear-devel]

David Megginson wrote:
> I don't know if we're modelling this or not, but with full power you
> often need a lot of rudder to keep a plane straight during the
> takeoff roll even when there is no crosswind.  During the landing
> roll, with no power, it is a lot easier.

YASim is definitely not doing this right.  This is because in a real
plane the wheel casters a little, which has the effect of twisting the
nosewheel away from the wind.  On planes with a direct linkage between
the nosewheel and the rudder, this is essentially the same as applying
a control force.  YASim doesn't model this kind of "castering torque"
on the nosewheel.

I know Curt was complaining to me once about an aircraft that would
yaw violently in crosswinds once the nose came up -- I think this was
the reason.  When the nosewheel is on the ground, it isn't trying to
"steer into the wind" like a real plane would be; so on rotation the
pilot hasn't applied the right amount of correcting rudder.

Modelling this would involve some complicated per-airplane
configuration, I think.  I guess we could start by defining a
"castering distance" (distance from the wheel contact point to the
rotation axis) and interpolate the force as linear across the full
rudder travel to get a effecting "rudder trim" setting.  Other planes
(I know the 152, probably other Cessnas) have a spring connecting the
nosewheel to the rudder cables, so they will see a similar but smaller

Then again, some planes have fully castering nosewheels with no rudder
linkage and steer with braking.  These get modelled correctly as-is.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] May I help with scenery?

2005-01-11 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
> Does anyone have experiences with portable GPS recievers ? Do they
> tend to increase the precision of their coordinate output if you
> remain at a location for several minutes ?

My wife have gotten into geocachine ( over the last
two years, so we've played with these things quite a bit.

Yes, almost all consumer devices will do averaging, although none of
them tell you the algorithm they use.  Given enough time, they will
converge down to a value that is accurate to within the accuracy of
the system (a few meters).

I doubt a few minutes would be enough, I would give it several hours
to ensure that a large number of satellites triplets get used in the
solution.  Averaging over a few minutes is only going to reduce
sampling error, it probably won't be switching between its satellite
signals, so systematic error of one satellites signal (due to
ionosphere refraction, etc...) won't be caught.

Honestly, there's a lot of voodoo in consumer GPS hardware.  Sometimes
the sky looks great, you see really strong signal from 8 satellites,
and still get a fix that is off by 40m or more and need to reboot the
unit to get it to see straight.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Is this usefull for flightgear/jsbsim?

2005-01-13 Thread Andy Ross
Wolfram Kuss wrote:
> However, CFD programs need a "watertight" geometry. I would
> guess that far in excess of 90% of models are not. For example,
> each edge needs to have two neighbour faces.

It's even worse than that.  Real world aircraft performance is
sensitive to all sorts of details that are simply unattainable for an
amateur 3D model.  Things like exact wing section shapes aren't
available unless you have the original design plans and/or an actual
aircraft to digitize.  And I don't even want to think about the
polygon counts involved in an accurate model. :)

And remember that the aero modelling is still only part of the
problem.  You still need to get the mass distribution from
somewhere, because it doesn't appear in the photographs.

I'm not saying this stuff is impossible; people have been designing
aircraft using CFD models for almost 20 years, and CPU cycles have
never been cheaper.  But it's a lot more work than just feeding into a program and getting a working FDM configuration out the
other side.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Google adwords?

2005-01-13 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Dumb question: do we want to investigate the possibility of adding
> google adds to the FlightGear site?

FWIW, it's fine with me.  If the worst thing FlightGear does in this
world is make Curt rich, I suspect I'll still be able to sleep at
night. :)

Seriously, having some extra cash available for FlightGear-specific
stuff (hardware purchases, maybe, or conference travel/demo stuff)
can't be a bad thing.  I don't see any ethical problems here.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Is this usefull for flightgear/jsbsim?

2005-01-14 Thread Andy Ross
Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ..well, all good jokes can't come up with a potential like the
>; your average recent GPU chews code 6 times
> faster than your average CPU.  So, we can use part of the GPU
> to show pretty pictures, and the remainder, say "half", to say,
> triple FG framerates?   ;-)

Well... it's not quite that great.  If GPUs were better CPUs than
CPUs, guess what we'd all be running for our performance-critical
operations?  Specifically, find me an implementation of string search
(the fundamental operation in gene sequencing) that works on a GPU.
Or index building (database stuff); or a big if()-tree based on
complicated state (server-side business apps)...

GPUs have dedicated hardware for the purpose of 3D rendering.  Most
importantly this includes:

+ Parallel, pipelined, single-precision 4D vector operations.  A
  typical CPU has 2 or 3 floating point pipelines.  A high end GPU can
  have dozens.

+ 1- 2- and 3D lookup tables (i.e. textures), with built-in
  interpolation/extrapolation (i.e. mipmapping & filtering).  The
  memory bandwidth they can bring to bear on this stuff just crushes
  what a CPU can do.

It also includes less generically useful stuff, like
perspective-correct interpolation of vertex constants across a
polygon.  And it lacks a lot of stuff that CPU users take for granted:

+ High clock speeds.  A CPU can dispatch single instructions 10x
  faster than the fastest GPU.  This means that anything requiring
  quick decision making or iteration belong on the CPU.

+ Registers and cache.  CPUs get special bonuses for iterating on the
  same data they were just using.  GPUs get almost nothing (there's a
  little bit of caching that goes on within a single polygon's texture
  mapping, and a vertex cache of recently transformed vertices), and
  have to fetch it from main memory every single time it's used.

+ Turing completeness.  Other than recent NVidia hardware, GPUs simply
  can't decide a lot of problems without CPU intervention anyway.

+ Double precision floating point math.  Sometimes, single just ain't

And lots of others.  Basically, this is all just a long winded way of
saying "use the right tool for the job".


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] plib-1.8.4_RC

2005-01-14 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
> I wonder how you ever managed to make them accept patches of obvious
> necessity. If I were you I'd already have lost my countenance 

They're a little slow sometimes, but things get done eventually.  I
checked to see that my set of GUI rendering fixes from last May made
it into the release.  They did.  In August.  With no traffic on the
mailing list to indicate it.  But they did apply them. :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] C++ question

2005-01-15 Thread Andy Ross
Christian Mayer wrote:
> But I only want class A to be an interface that tells everybody what to
> expect from it's derivated classes. And one of these things is, that
> every child must have a member that is called "foo" and has one
> parameter of the type of the child itself.
> How do I achieve that?

With a template.  But IMHO you really don't want to go there. :)

Basically, you make a class template with a function parametrized
on the type of the class.  The problem is that this kind of
template wizardry is confusing and hard.  You had to ask how to
do it, which means that most people who see it are going to have
to look it up before understanding it.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Antonov AN-225.

2005-01-17 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson  wrote:
> Bear in mind that one thing that is commonly done on many
> aircraft is to pop up a spoiler on the wing that should drop.
> This can be a lot more effective than just deflecting airflow
> with the aileron.  To my knowledge, YAsim doesn't model this
> directly [...]

Actually, it does.

There is a "SPOILER" control that you can map on wing/hstab/vstab
objects.  I don't think anything has used it yet for roll
control, but it ought to work.  Remember to set split="1" to make
it asymmetric.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] B1900D

2005-01-19 Thread Andy Ross
Dave Martin wrote:
> Something I noticed early on is that the mass needed distributing for things
> like Engine+Gearbox sets and Maingear etc as Yasim just evenly places the dry
> mass otherwise.

Yeah.  Evenly placing the mass is a great way to get the overall mass
distribution (the inertia tensor, for those who like the jargon)
correct.  But it's basically *never* going to produce an acceptable
result if that's all you use.  Most of the aircraft I did would tip
backwards on their gear with the default masses.

The idea is to place point masses at locations where you know the
heavy stuff is (engines & payload), and then let the solver come up
with something plausible for wing & fuselage masses.  I believe it
weights them according to their surface area.

And, of course, there is always a final tuning stage where you move
ballast around madly trying to get the aircraft to sit stably on its
gear and still be able to lift the nose for takeoff. :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear 0.9.8, Mac OS X build

2005-01-20 Thread Andy Ross
Lee Elliott wrote:
> I don't think it quite reaches it's altitude performance yet (I've
> been thinking about a PR version sometime).  However, I once got the
> YF-23 > 200,000 ft (and still climbing at a fair lick).

YASim's atmosphere model table stops at FL620.  It doesn't try to
extrapolate and just clamps the air density outside that range, so you
were cheating badly by getting to that altitude. :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear 0.9.8, Mac OS X build

2005-01-20 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Let's not be too quick to stamp out people's ability to express
> their faith.  The tides of societal whimsy shift very quickly, and
> if we tolerate stamping out opposing view points, all too soon you
> could find yourself on the loosing end of that battle.

Let's also be mindful of the sin of using other people's work to
express a faith they don't hold.

Now, I'm not one to get worked up over religious debates.  As a
garden-variety modern atheist, I'm generally happy to let other folks
think whatever they want to.  I don't argue against religion.  I don't
fear it or reject it.  I don't mind attending weddings at churches,
and even bow my head during prayer out of politeness.  Many of my best
friends and big chunks of my family are christians, and they're all
great people.

That said, knowing that someone downloading FlightGear gets this
document dropped next to it gives me the willies.  I'm fine if Arthur
wants to spread The Word himself.  I'm very much *not* fine with him
stapling the pamphlet to a copy of YASim and Nasal.

FlightGear belongs to all of us.  It shouldn't be a vehicle for views
that aren't shared by the community as a whole.  While the GPL allows
Arthur to distribute FlightGear any way he wants, including this file
is neither polite nor appropriate.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-24 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> Here is my local config for the p51d yasim propeller.  Most of these
> values are pretty much on target according to actual specifications.
> The problem is that it "appears" to not produce sufficient thrust.

I did actually get started on this at one point. :)

The first problem I ran into is that getting a manual pitch propeller
tuned is REALLY hard.  Because of the way the numbers work (pitch in
YASim isn't an angle, it's a multiplier) it is very easy to move the
propeller into a pitch range where the efficiency drops near zero.

What I ultimately did was set the prop to have a standard variable
pitch governor and hack a printf() into the YASim loop to tell me what
settings the prop was actually using.

Then, a few days later, my copy of the F-51D Mustang POH arrived.  It
turns out that this model (which I assume was identical to the wartime
P-51D -- they were surplus items, not new construction) in fact had a
standard RPM governor for its prop speed lever -- not a manual pitch
system at all.

What is the source for defining the Mustang's prop control as
manual-pitch?  If it's not needed, I can all but guarantee that solver
tuning will be much easier without it.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-24 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> So, let's assume you got a good manual.  How does this RPM governor
> control work?  And how can I implement that in YASim?

Just set min-rpm and max-rpm properties to the RPMs in the handbook,
basically.  The propeller will automatically modify its pitch to seek
to those values.  There are examples of this in other YASim aircraft.

I'll look again at the POH tonight and see if I can get you numbers.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-24 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> If you look at that manual the diagram in Section I that shows
> the control box, indicates at #12 "Prop Control" (I've only got
> about 6 pages from that manual). That's the blue knob with the
> P on it in the model.  The control box indicates "Max RPM" with
> the blue knob all the way forward.
> What does the manual say about that control?

Here's the relevant section:


The airplane is equipped with an 11-foot 2-inch diameter,
four-bladed, constant-speed, Hamilton Standard Hydroatic
propeller of the nonfeathering type.  A propeller governor
mechanically controleld from teh cockpit admits engine oil to the
propeller dome for pitch changes necessary to maintain a constant
engine sped.  Engine oil pressure is used to aid th ecentrifugal
twisting moment of the blades toward low pitch (increase rpm), an
dboosted engine oil pressure through the governor moves the
blades toward high pitch (decrease rpm).

Propeller Control.

A propeller control (12, figure 1-4) located on teh throttle
quadrant, is mechanically linked to the governor.  The control
setting determines the engine rpm, which is maintained constant
by the propeller governor.  The propeller control may be
positioned at INCREASE or DECREASE or to any intermediate

The range of RPM settings I see in the performance tables is
1600-3000, so those are probably reasonable numbers to use for
the min/max range.  I'm sure real planes would vary due to
calibration issues anyway.

The manual itself is one of those annoying secure PDFs from, and all I have handy is a printed copy.
I think I need to get another key for it, as I've since
reinstalled the windows machine I put it on originally.  I played
for a little while trying to figure out how to get it extracted,
but eventually gave up.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-25 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> The min/max range,  does that refer to engine RPM or propellor?

Propeller.  It's a setting for the governor.  With the newer syntax,
the engine and propeller are separate XML tags, so hopefully it should
be clearer which is which.  If an attribute on the propeller tag takes
engine RPM, then that would be a bug. :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] How to convert from WGS84 coordinates?

2005-01-25 Thread Andy Ross
> You're right, the picture shows a Projection field too. Complete infos are:
> Datum: WGS84
> Projection: NUTM33
> Coordinate top left
> x: 353620.2 y: 4225543.6
> Coordinate bottom right
> x: 354212.2 y: 4225976.1

Those are odd looking numbers.  The WGS84 standard specifies a
"datum", which is a mapping of lat/lon/altitude coordinates to a 3D
cartisian coordinate system.  Specifically, it calls the zero-altitude
surface ("sea level", sorta, although it doesn't always coincide with
actual MSL in all areas) a slightly flattened ellipsoid with an
exactly specified equation.

That said, WGS84 numbers are still plain looking latitude and
longitude values, usually written in degrees.  They aren't ever called
"x" or "y" (which for obvious reasons is really confusing).  My guess
is that those numbers are arbitrary 2D coordinates used by the
satellite photo software.  Or maybe they're well-specified 2D
coordinates in the NUTM33 projection* about which I know nothing.

* A projection is not the same thing as a datum.  It is a mapping of
  2D (!) lat/lon values to a 2D cartesian surface.  Becuase this
  transformation is lossy, projections get really, really complicated.
  Many are specified with giant lookup tables and/or curve fitting.

I'd hunt around in the documentation you have for the photo to try to
figure out what it's talking about.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-25 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> But those numbers you gave me seem to be engine RPM numbers.  Sorry
> for the confusion.  The gear ratio is 0.479 and the merlin max rpm
> is 3000 rpm.

Ah, I get it.  Sorry for the confusion. :)

I guess the gauge in the cockpit shows engine speed, but the YASim
file wants propeller RPMs in the propeller tag, so the proper range
would be ~766-1437 or so.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-25 Thread Andy Ross
Vivian Meazza wrote:
> Yes - perhaps Andy will recall our long discussion of a year ago?

Only vaguely, and I currently lack the time to crawl through the
archives.  You keep hinting that you want something done.  Can you be
more specific?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-25 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> Now I'm finding that we're seeking the engine rpm instead of the
> prop-rpm.

Andy Ross wrote:
> If an attribute on the propeller tag takes engine RPM, then that
> would be a bug.

See?  I was exactly right. :)

Can you try the following fix to PropEngine.cpp?  That should fix it,
but I can't test right now.


RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/source/src/FDM/YASim/PropEngine.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 PropEngine.cpp
--- PropEngine.cpp  13 Dec 2004 23:48:43 -  1.13
+++ PropEngine.cpp  26 Jan 2005 00:58:52 -
@@ -216,7 +216,8 @@
 // _current_ RPM.  Seek to that.  This is sort of a continuous
 // Newton-Raphson, basically.
 if(_variable) {
-   float targetOmega = _minOmega + _advance*(_maxOmega-_minOmega);
+   float targetPropSpd = _minOmega + _advance*(_maxOmega-_minOmega);
+float targetOmega = targetPropSpd / _gearRatio; // -> "engine omega"
float ratio2 = (_omega*_omega)/(targetOmega*targetOmega);
float targetTorque = engTorque * ratio2;

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-26 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> Speaking of which, in the prop config, what exactly do the "cruise"
> numbers do?  If I'm not getting enough thrust still out of the prop,
> what should I mess with first?

This is the black magic part, and could really use a redesign.  The
"cruise" pitch (the RPM and an airspeed) defines the point of maximum
propeller efficiency.  Anything faster or slower will be less
power-efficient according to a curve I reverse-engineered out of a
textbook.  The cruise-power then defines the engine power needed at
that speed.

But that's for a fixed-pitch prop.  For a variable one, it's only for
the "one" point of the pitch multipler (which is allowed to go from
0.25 - 4.0).  Which is basically useless, because the second the
governor starts it pulls the multiplier off of the default value.  The
end result is that it's pretty much impossible to predict which part
of the efficiency curve a variable pitch propeller will be operating
under in practice.  That's not a huge issue, I don't think, as the
efficiency curve is pretty flat.  But it does make the solution very
sensitive to input values.

The idea of using an efficiency curve to define the prop (instead of,
say, a pitch value and takeoff thrust/power) has some merit, but it
ended up being difficult to tune -- David M. has had trouble with
getting the windmilling speed to be correct, for example, because that
number (which is basically the same thing as pitch) is a derived
value, not a core tunable.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] can 'dynamic' textures be disabled ???

2005-01-26 Thread Andy Ross
D Wysong wrote:
> I'm using a custom texture that I created using OpenGL directly
> (instead of via plib) and I'm getting HOSED when FG decides to go
> load new textures

Are you sure you aren't picking texture names that collide with the
SSG loader?  If you use glGenTextures(), you should be safe.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim prop thrust

2005-01-26 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> What should I look for then when mucking with the cruise numbers from
> the prop definition?  Or is there some way to just remove them?

One thing to try would be to remove the variable pitch settings
entirely and nail the prop down at your specified cruise setting
(which should generally be low rpm, long range values).  Verify that
you get the desired performance in that configuration, then add the
min/max settings back in to check that they don't break anything.
Doing it this way, the variable pitch tuning shouldn't be far off from
1.0 in your cruise configuration.

> I've tried to get a little more thrust of this prop and haven't had
> much luck.  One thing that just occurred to me, does this formula make
> any assumption about the number of blades?  The P51D prop has four
> blades and I'm not clear on how that is accounted for.

Doesn't matter.  The big advantage to doing the modelling with an
efficiency curve is that you don't worry about details like this.  The
engine provides input power, divide by current speed to get output
thrust.  Plausibly perfect performance in all conditions.  But hard to

What thrust are you looking for, btw?  You can get an actual value in
pounds out of the property tree.  With some unit conversions, you can
multiply this by the true airspeed and divide by the engine power
output to work backwards manually to an efficiency value (maybe a
Nasal script would be good for this).  If you are seeing something in
the range of 75-85%, then your problem is more likely engine power
than prop thrust.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..Groklawyers warns GPL developers against Sun's

2005-01-27 Thread Andy Ross
Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ..riiight, we all can agree on that, now try keeep in mind _none_ of
> us are IBM, and The SCO Group is still running its 2 yr old Â419
> scam in the 9'th Circuit Court before Judge Kimball in SLC, Utah.

Relax.  Under no circumstances will we be any more exposed than if we
ported to *commercial* Solaris, where we have no rights to any Sun IP
at all.

This is a non-issue.  The complaint is that the Sun patent grant is
unfair and incompatible with the GPL, so free software developers
should not attempt to use the Sun patents.  We aren't, so we don't


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Runway lighting - What happened to the new terrain engine?

2005-01-28 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> If he has all these things, then that's wonderful, he has done an
> impressive piece of work.  I'm not trying to be critical here, I'm
> just pointing out that this is *very* difficult stuff.  It's one
> thing to do a nice little demo, it's something else entirely to
> tackle all the issues of doing this in a full sim where you are
> trying to model the world seamlessly.

Let me just chime in to agree with Curt.  Some of the long-timers here
will remember that one of the first things I wanted to do when I
discovered FlightGear was write a "modern" terrain engine to replace
the tile system we're currently using.  Since then, I've contributed
an FDM and an extension language.  No terrain.

I spent the spring of 2003 working on my own project full time and
produce a ton of working code.  Until I got to the terrain engine,
which I got partially working, then burned out.  No terrain.

It's hard, really.  It's not impossibly hard, but the distance between
something that works well as a demo and something that ships well as a
product is very long.

As with everything, really, the key here is integration.  Make it work
with FlightGear so we can test.  Saying "here is code, can we use it?"
just isn't enough.  It needs to be "here is a patch, try it and tell
me what breaks".  Until we get that far, there really isn't much to
argue about.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Runway lighting - What happened to the new terrain engine?

2005-01-29 Thread Andy Ross
Christian Mayer wrote:
> Manual Massing wrote:
> > Yes, textures and geometry are paged and decompressed
> > asynchronously in the background (seperate thread). The engine
> > supports image compression to save IO (and possibly bus)
> > bandwith, e.g. JPEG and S3TC compression. The first maybe quite
> > taxing on the CPU, so we usually only use JPEG for the finest
> > detail level textures, which account for most of the data, and
> > S3TC for the lower detail levels.
> Do you know:

Honestly, Steve is just wrong on this one.  Lossy compression
works just fine in moderation.  The S3TC format itself is a lossy
algorithm that is inferior in quality to JPEG in basically every
conceivable way, and it's supported navtively by the texture
hardware for goodness sake.

Yes, using JPEG as an intermediate format during content creation
is a dumb idea due to progressive data loss.  Refusing to use it
for final/shipping textures based on this advice is just dumb.
Real-world 3D applications and games ship their images compressed
with lossy algorithms.

Has anyone actually looked at how much of the base package is
taken up by SGI+ format image files?  (Which have absolutely
abysmal compression ratios, but that's a different argument.) I
wrote a quick script at one point to recursively convert all
these to default-quality JPEGs, and the savings was staggering.
Something like a 75% reduction.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Runway lighting - What happened to the new terrain engine?

2005-01-29 Thread Andy Ross
Frederic Bourvier wrote:
> It is still true that JPEG have no alpha channel, so not all
> textures could be converted.

Yes.  Although the loader could play tricks like storing the
alpha channel in a separate grayscale image.  And I believe the
already-mentioned jpeg2000 format does support 4-channel images.
Many of the alpha images are actually poor choices for jpeg
anyway, as the cutouts often have fine detail / high frequency

But the point wasn't that jpeg was perfect for everything, just
that refusing to use it where appropriate was silly.  Especially
for the terrain textures, it works really, really well.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Runway lighting - What happened to the new terrain engine?

2005-01-29 Thread Andy Ross
Christian Mayer wrote:
> For our case that compressor must not rely on special optical
> tricks (because these get destroyed when they are used as an
> texture).

All lossy compressors rely on special optical tricks, that's the
point.  If all the data was equally important, you
couldn't "lose" any of it without damaging the image.  This is
where Steve is overgeneralizing.  Simply using an image as a
texture (which is just a picture intended for viewing) does *not*
destroy anything important.  Yes, jpeg has artifacts that you
need to be aware of.  No, 3D texturing doesn't do anything
magical to them other than stretch/shrink and downsample them.

This is painfully simple to test.  Take the terrain textures,
convert them to jpeg, re-convert them to sgi+, fire up fgfs and
take a screenshot.  If you can see a difference, post a
screenshot pair pointing out how awful jpeg is.  I give 100:1
odds that no one can come up with such a situation. :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] how to find remaining fuel

2005-02-02 Thread Andy Ross
Innis Cunningham wrote:
> I dont think there is a total fuel onboard or fuel remaining
> property.  I asked about this a couple of weeks back and got no
> reply(I think).

Each tank has its own value, under /consumables/fuel/tank[n] you will
find "level-gal_us" and "level-lbs" properties.

I don't think there is a standard fuel consumption rate output
property across the FDMs right now.  But if there were, you would fine
it under /engines/engine[n]/...


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] how to find remaining fuel

2005-02-03 Thread Andy Ross
Jon S. Berndt wrote:
> I haven't been following this thread very closely. Can someone
> concisely recap what is wanted, here? It's most likely a very simple
> addition for us if it's something we don't now model.

Actually, YASim uses a Nasal-based fuel system that was designed to be
FDM-independent.  It doesn't handle the stuff internally at all.

Instead, each engine sets an /engine/engines[n]/fuel-consumed-lbs
property.  Each iteration, it adds its newly consumed fuel (that is,
just flow rate * timestep) to this property. The Nasal script then
comes around in a polling loop, sucks this stuff out and subtracts it
from the tanks according to the fuel selector properties.

YASim then just uses each tanks level-lbs property as a pure input
property to set weights on the tank objects.

There are some comments at the top of fuel.nas that try to explain

The big advantage here is that you get to use the fancy fuel dialog
(which works entirely in the property system) to twiddle fuel tank
amounts and selection states at runtime.  You can bounce an aircraft
up and down on its gear by filling and emptying its tanks.  It's kinda
cool, but then I'm biased because I wrote it. :)

FWIW, another cool thing this dialog gets you is automatic weight
management.  You can assign "named" weight objects in your -set.xml
file and use sliders to control their sizes at runtime.  Not many of
the YASim aircraft are doing this yet (I did the pa28-161 and a4, I
know).  It's a much cleaner interface than having separate FDM
configurations for each aircraft loadout.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] how to find remaining fuel

2005-02-04 Thread Andy Ross
Jon S. Berndt wrote:
> This is good for YASim. However, the Nasal approach won't apply for
> other applications which use JSBSim, and JSBSim also needs its own
> fuel management for batch runs (standalone operation) outside of
> FlightGear.

Well, it's certainly fgfs-specific, although there's really not much
YASim-ness in there.  Basically, we want things like fuel state to be
settable by the "user" using the property system.  That's really not
an escapable requirement if we want the users to configure this
subsystem at runtime.

IMHO, the easiest way to implement that is to "disengage" the FDM's
internal fuel management code (I actually deleted YASim's) and simply
make it take the property stuff as input.

The weights work the same way: the YASim configuration simply
associates a property name (e.g. /sim/weight[0]/weight-lb) with a
specific location on the airframe.  Then the GUI code reads the
metadata under /sim/weight[n] to pop up a dialog with sliders for each
named weight.

With JSBSim, you could write a "property interface manager" for these
guys that replaces the "internal" internal fuel/weight managers you
have right now.  If you wanted, you could actually write property
listeners to override the current property nodes and wire their
get/set operations directly into your internal get/set calls.  But
that seems like more work, IMHO.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] how to find remaining fuel

2005-02-04 Thread Andy Ross
I found time this afternoon to refresh my memory about how the fuel
stuff works.

The FDM reads these properties to determine the amount of fuel in each
tank.  YASim uses this only for computing the inertia tensor and total
aircraft mass, it doesn't care about "fuel" per se.


The FDM reads the following boolean property to determine whether to
kill an engine:


The FDM *adds* to this property to contain a running total of fuel
consumed for each engine.  If it currently has a value of 7, and this
timestep 4.2 lbs of fuel were consumed by this engine, then it should
be set to 11.2.


And that's it.  Everything else related to fuel, including
user-configurability of tank selection and/or filling, is handled by
the nasal script/gui for you.  IMHO, it's really about as simple for
the FDM as is possible.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Curiosity about antialiasing

2005-02-10 Thread Andy Ross
Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
> At the moment, is antialiasing applied to textures themselves?

Sort of.  This is the purpose behind mipmapping and filtering --
avoiding aliasing effects in texture ("texel") space.

> If so, what will happen if antialiasing is applied to the final
> render/output instead?

Nothing.  The FSAA mechanisms on modern cards work in screen (pixel)
space, for scene elements (triangle edges) that cannot be helped by
the mipmapping mechanisms.  Different tricks for slightly different
purposes.  Inside of a polygon, the FSAA tricks are mostly a noop and
mipmapping is what you want.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] normal maps for flightgear

2005-02-18 Thread Andy Ross
Erik Hofman wrote:
> Frederic once wrote a plib patch to add multitexturing by someone
> thought it was an ancient technology and everything should be done by
> shaders in the future. First I don't think we ;live in the future end
> secondly I don't think shaders will be fast enough to do _everything_
> using shaders.

There's no inherent magic to shaders.  Normal maps on terrain can be
lit at load time (or once every minute or so -- the sun doesn't move
that fast) and applied as a second stage multitexture or even as a
second pass to the terrain rendering.

The more interesting question is how we generate the normal maps.  It
could be done with a high frequency noice perturbation of the polygon
normals, or even generated from the original high resolution input
terrain data.

But I agree with Erik: we want to avoid specifying features as
"shader" stuff.  Shaders are the mechanism you use to render it.  As
always, the hard part is getting the data representation right.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Instrument headaches

2005-02-22 Thread Andy Ross
Giles Robertson wrote:
> Working out gravitational and kinetic energy is trivial; accounting
> for energy in the fuel not hard - but I don't think you'll be able
> to account for elastic energy stored in the airframe.

It's a pilot's tool, not a design thing.  It's designed for glider
pilots to show them rate of climb/descent information corrected for
dynamic conditions like a zoom climb or accelerating dive.

The airframe energy is essentially miniscule compared to this.
Gliders, last I checked, were decidedly incapable of flapping their
way to a safe landing. :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] how to find remaining fuel

2005-02-28 Thread Andy Ross
Seamus Thomas Carroll wrote:
> The fuel levels seem to retrieve correctly.
> I then added the following code to set the fuel levels for when the
c172 aircraft starts:
> fgSetDouble( "/consumables/fuel/tank[0]/level-gal_us", tank1 );
> fgSetDouble( "/consumables/fuel/tank[1]/level-gal_us", tank2 );

The 172 is a JSBSim aircraft, so Jon or one of the JSB crew will have
to provide specifics about this particular situation.

But for YASim aircraft (really: users of the Nasal fuel system), this
will not work.  You can set the current fuel only using the level-lbs
properties.  The -gal_us and -norm are output-only convenience
properties that may be useful to panel code.  Setting them is a noop;
their values will be clobbered by the FDM.

If I remember correctly, JSBSim does not currently support setting
fuel state through the property system.  Instead, since you are in
C++, you should be able to find an interface there.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Placing an aircraft model in FlightGear

2005-03-02 Thread Andy Ross
Don Oliver wrote:
> fgfs --prop:/sim/model/path=Models/my-cessna.wrl"
> There are no .wrl files in my FlightGear installation, so where do I
> find this information?

FlightGear's model loader (part of plib) supports many different file
formats.  The best supported is currently AC3D (.ac) format, which is
native to that shareware modeller ( and well-supported in
Blender by a Python export script.

This particular extension, .wrl, indicates a VRML file.  Maybe we
should fix the docs to use .ac instead.

> Next, there are detailled instructions for how to animate rudder,
> throttle, etc., but how does the program know what part of my model is
> the rudder, throttle, etc., and what makes the part move?

Almost all 3D modelling programs allow you to associate "names" with
object sub-parts.  These names then appear in the XML content that
describes the animation.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Making FlightGear more deterministic

2005-03-04 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> > There is the property /sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz that could be
> > used to limit the framerate but the source should be modified
> > to call a system sleep method ( with a fine resolution, for
> > example pthread_cond_timedwait ) instead of looping wildly.
> I know this is hard to do with standard system level calls.  For
> instance setitimer() in unix allows you to specify a very fine
> resolution sleep/wakeup time.  However, the OS only checks the
> thread during a kernel interrupt which happens at 100hz.  So you
> can only get divisers of 100hz resolution with this approach.

Indeed.  For what it's worth, almost all full screen 3D apps end
up spinning on the CPU, for exactly this reason.  Trying to sleep
for tiny amounts of time really isn't doable in a portable way.
Under linux, the real time clock device can be programmed to
provide an I/O wakeup to a process at fine intervale (and because
it is I/O bound, it is at high priority and generally gets the
CPU immediately).  But that's not even portable to other Unix
kernels, much less windows.

Really, the best thing you can do is to turn on sync-to-vblank in
the OpenGL driver.  This will throttle the process* to the
monitor refresh rate, at least.


* Hopefully in a CPU-friendly way.  I know that older versions of
  the NVidia drivers did this by spinning in a polling loop
  inside the driver.  I'm not sure if this has been fixed or not.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Making FlightGear more deterministic

2005-03-04 Thread Andy Ross
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> Quoting Andy Ross:
> > * Hopefully in a CPU-friendly way.  I know that older versions of
> >   the NVidia drivers did this by spinning in a polling loop
> >   inside the driver.  I'm not sure if this has been fixed or not.
> From my experience, the latest non-beta Windows NVidia driver seems to
> eat CPU even with sync to vblank enabled. The CPU usage is always
> 100%.

This made me curious, so I checked.  In fact this bug *has* been fixed
in the current NVidia linux drivers.  Running a plain "glxgears"
causes the CPU load to jump immediately to 100% and stay there as it
reports 1500 fps on my laptop.  Running it with __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK
set to 1 causes it to report 55 Hz, and CPU usage just barely gets
above zero.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] calctile.nas

2005-03-08 Thread Andy Ross
Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> Some of the digits after the comma may be stripped. Nasal doesn't
> seem to support that.

Indeed, there is no formatted text mechanism in Nasal right now.
Everything is printed to the precision of a full double.

Doing this the "right way" (say, a printf-like format string) is
really hard, short term hacks (like format(fldwid, precision, num))
are really ugly, and the price of doing it wrong (inserting formatting
operators into the output stream!?!?) is pretty high.

I'm willing to listen to suggestions, though.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: calctile.nas

2005-03-08 Thread Andy Ross
Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> Unfortunately, I can't avoid the silly double-0. No idea why.

As you pointed out on the IRC channel (which more folks should be on,
it's kinda fun sometimes), this is a Nasal bug.  Or two, actually.

The simple bug is that the string "-" converts to a numerical zero due
to the way the number parser works.  That should be easy to fix.

But it exposes a nastier issue in the code generator.  Nasal's binary
format uses a table of scalar constants ("foo", 1.234, etc...) that
appear in each code block.  To save space, it uses a hash table to
eliminate duplicated constants.  But to a Nasal hash table, all
"equal" constants look alike.  So in fact if you write a source with
something like:

   a = "0"; b = "0.0"; c = 0; d = "-";

... then these four constants (three strings and one number) will all
turn into exactly the *same* *thing* in the generated code (which one
in particular gets chosen depends on which one the code generator
spits out first).  Most of the time, that's benign and invisible,
except where string conversions are an issue.

Anyway, I need to fix this to use a true identity test instead of a
standard nasal hash table in the code generator.  Gimme a while to
play with it.  Fun bug, though.

For now, the workaround is what you already discovered: don't use a
constant in the code with a numerical value of zero.  Use something
like "a-" instead, and strip off the leading "a" at runtime.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS: FlightGear/src/Main main.cxx,1.193,1.194

2005-03-09 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Maybe we need separate options, such as
> --cpu-friendly-inaccurate-throttle-with-sleep-hz= and
> --frame-rate-accurate-throttle=
> Thoughts?  I think we need to tread a bit more carefully on this one,
> especially since I have a side project that employs this option (well,
> used to employ this option) :-( to achieve accurate frame rate timing
> and smooth animation.

What was the original bug report?  Currently, FlightGear will look
CPU-limited to the OS, which means that short running or I/O bound
processes will get priority anyway.  What is the application that
needs extra CPU, and are we sure that it's not being performance
limited in some other way?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS: FlightGear/src/Main main.cxx,1.193,1.194

2005-03-09 Thread Andy Ross
I asked:
> What is the application that needs extra CPU, and are we sure that
> it's not being performance limited in some other way?


Drew wrote:
> In Windows, adding this code did absolutely nothing to the
> processing remains at 99% usage whether I throttle back to
> 60, 30, or 1 Hz.  [...] Once iit was compiled in 'debug' mode, the
> throttle_frame_rate actually yielded some processing ttime for other
> processes.  It runs better, but still not ideal.

Wait, that's not a bug report about processing time available for
other proceses at all.  That's a bug report about the total CPU usage
being at 99%, which is irrelevant.  If the CPU is available, then of
course FlightGear should use it all; you can't save up cycles --
either use them now or let them go to waste.

Which app are you running that is going too slow, and how much CPU do
you think it needs?  Those are the important questions.  Your OS (yes,
even windows) has an elaborate scheduler which is designed to make
sure that all processes get the CPU they need to do their job.
Sometimes you need to tweak things, but those circumstances are rare.

I strongly suspect we're chasing a ghost on this one.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS: FlightGear/src/Main main.cxx,1.193,1.194

2005-03-09 Thread Andy Ross
Drew wrote:
> The program runs great, it's just that FlightGear gets interrupted
> easily by other programs, and is jumpy in my particular application.
> If you open and close a window, you can see how FlightGear freezes
> momentarily.

I don't wonder, though, if that isn't due to locking inside GDI (or VM
swap -- how much memory do you have?) and not CPU usage.  Applications
doing 3D rendering don't coexist well with things that need to draw to
the screen.

Can you try something "purely" CPU intensive (like a perl script that
counts to a few million) and see if you can notice the same behavior?
My guess is that tuning FlightGear's CPU usage isn't going to get us

Conversely, can you compare FlightGear to other "spin on the cpu" 3D
applications like games?  Do they exhibit the same issues?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS: FlightGear/src/Main main.cxx,1.193,1.194

2005-03-09 Thread Andy Ross
Drew wrote:
> I'm not really interested in how other 3D apps, including games,
> work...I have a specific application, and I want to optimize the
> code for this purpose, regardless of what the status quo is.

And the proper way to do that optimization is to figure out what the
actual symptom is.  Which requires testing a hypothesis ("is it due to
CPU usage?") by changing one parameter ("open a window" vs. "run a
looping perl script") at a time in order to isolate the symptom
("complicated window system interaction" vs. "pure CPU usage").

It seems to me that you have gone backwards: you picked a favorite
"fix" before knowing what the problem is.  The bottom line is that
performance analysis is really complicated.  You can't cook it down to
a single number like CPU usage (or "load" -- a equally flawed Unix
favorite) if you really want to fix a problem.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with B-29

2005-03-14 Thread Andy Ross
Josh Babcock wrote:
> My problem is that I apparently am genetically incapable of
> getting a YASim config to converge.

XML file?  Output?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airspeed (indicated vs. calibrated) question.

2005-03-15 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> 1. FlightGear has a property called /velocities/airspeed-kt; does anyone
> know if this was originally intended to be VCAS, VIAS, VTAS, or what?
> 2. The pitot system uses /velocities/airspeed-kt as it's input (and
> seems to assume this value is VIAS.)

This value looks like IAS to me.  It's set from YASim via the
FGInterface::_set_V_calibrated_kts() function.  Note that the
difference between IAS and CAS are due solely to gauge/pitot system
issues.  As far as the FDMs are concerned, they mean exactly the same

There is also an "equivalent airspeed" value that comes out, which is
CAS without the mach corrections.  I have no idea if this ever makes
it to the property system, but FGInterface has a slot for it.

A true TAS value* comes out via _set_V_rel_wind(), but I'm not sure
where this ends up in properties.

* Er... sorta.  This is total airspeed velocity magnitude, whereas the
  pitot would really only measure velocity along its axis...

If your suggestion is that we chuck all of this stuff and just pick
some standard output props for the FDMs to fill out, then I agree. :)


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