Re: [mythtv-users] Record this timeslot every week - dumb question

2005-08-16 Thread Michael Carland

On Aug 16, 2005, at 7:24 PM, David Bennett wrote:

Having a little problem with my otherwise fabulous mythtv setup.

I would like to record a program that airs weekly. However, in the
guidelisting (xml) the name of the program changes to each week to
reflect the topic for that show. I am looking for a Record this
timeslot every week, but seem to be limited to "Record this program in
this timeslot every week" which leaves me with no choice but to do a
manual recording every week.

Probably a simple question and it is just something I am overlooking,
but any ideas?

Schedule Recordings -> Manual Schedule

Set that screen up, with date of first airing ( to set the day of the 
week). Go to "Set Recording Options" and change "Do not record this 
program" to "Record in this timeslot every week", and any other 
options. The list of upcoming shows will be empty, but once you save 
it, it will appear in the "Set Priorities" under the name you gave it, 
and that list of upcoming shows should be correct.

Hope that's what you're looking for.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] NO DATA between 9:30PM and midnight?

2005-08-16 Thread Michael Carland

On Aug 14, 2005, at 1:53 PM, Mercury Morris wrote:

On 8/14/05, Anatoly Ivasyuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have MythTV 0.18.1 from atrpms installed on FC3 according to Jarod's
guide, and I'm using Zap2It DataDirect for guide data.  Normally it 

about 13 or 14 days of complete data, but starting a couple weeks ago
I've noticed that data on weekdays between 9:30PM and 12:00AM is 

NO DATA except for shows that began before 9:30PM.

Fortunately it updates the current recording day and one day ahead 
mythfilldatabase runs overnight, so the data fills in and the 

schedule updates, but this problem does mean that I can't see part of
the evening schedule for much of the current and next week so I can't
schedule ahead.  Is anyone else having this problem, and is there any
way to fix it?

Anyone else?  Yes, I noticed  the same thing within the last two weeks.
What drew my attention to it was when I checked on upcoming recordings
and found quite a few shows missing.  (Letterman, Leno, Conan, and 

Search the archives for a post by me. I posted changes I made to 
mythfilldatabase and haven't had the problem since.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cornucopia of the Commons

2005-08-10 Thread Michael Carland
They don't need our information, they already it. At least in the U.S. 
It's called Neilson. Why must they cancel everything I love?

On Aug 10, 2005, at 6:45 PM, David Maher wrote:

I would be worried about information about our viewing habits being 
exploited by unscrupulous advertisers and by tv stations to target 
advetising at particular groups and possibly to further reduce the 
diversity of tv programming, by programming more of the "most watched" 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] is this possible (multiple tuners and sources)

2005-08-10 Thread Michael Carland

On Aug 10, 2005, at 9:58 AM, Howard Cokl wrote:

Dylan Keon wrote:

I have a working MythTV system (FC3, ATRPMS) with two PVR-250s.  I 
added a PVR-150 tonight, upgraded to the latest kernel and ivtv 
0.3.6w, and I can get video via the PVR-150 (no sound, though).  My 
goal is to have the two PVR-250s record analog cable (already 
working), and the PVR-150 record OTA broadcast signals via my rooftop 
antenna since the reception of local channels stinks on our analog 

I set up a new video source called "antenna" and configured a new 
"local broadcast" channel listing for my area at zap2it.  However, 
it's not clear to me how this will get handled in the EPG.  For 
example, channel 7 on analog cable is Discovery, while channel 7 on 
broadcast is PBS. After running mythfilldatabase these both appear in 
the EPG, but where channels are the same (i.e., channel 9 is the same 
station on both cable and OTA), there is only one entry in the EPG.

What you need to do is go into the Channel Editor (either in 
mythtv-setup or mythweb) and change the channel number.  In my case I 
have channel 7 (pvr250 connected to directv), channel 7-1 (wintv-go 
OTA NTSC) and 7HD (pchdtv 3K).

Instead of creating additional channel 7s, couldn't you just leave the 
single channel 7, since they are the same source, and just increase the 
priority of the PVR-150? I would assume this would use the 150 first 
for channels that are available on it, and still use the 250s if there 
was a conflict.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Automatic startup

2005-07-27 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 27, 2005, at 7:39 PM, Bruce Pennypacker wrote:

Hi all,

I have a FC3 box running myth 0.81 on KDE.  I'm now trying to get it 
to start up automatically on bootup but I'm only having partial luck.  
I used the init scripts from contrib to start up mythbackend during 
bootup and that works fine.  I've tried following the directions on 
Jarod Wilsons site to get FC3 to automatically log in as mythtv and 
run mythfrontend but that's where I'm having trouble.  I ran gdmsetup 
and specified that it should automatically log in as mythtv but that 
didn't work.  Rebooting still leaves me at the login screen. Running 
gdmsetup a second time shows that it did remember my settings.  I've 
also tried going into the KDE control center and setting both the 
option to log in automatically and the option to log in as a specific 
user after a specified period of time has passed but neither of them 
work either. Has anybody gotten this successfully working on FC3 with 

If you don't really want to run KDE (if your only using your frontend 
for Myth, you don't need it), there is a solution posted a couple of 
places that has worked very well for me. You edit your /etc/inittab 
file to spawn startx. It even restarts it when X exits. I use the 
following line:

2:345:respawn:/usr/bin/openvt -fwc 2 -- /bin/su - mythtv -c 

The options to openvt are a little different than what were posted, I 
had to mess around with them since the options seem to have changed 
between openvt versions. This replaces the old line in inittab for 
tty2. It basically opens a virtual terminal on tty2, and as the mythtv 
user, calls startx. My mythtv user has a .xinitrc file that starts a 
window manager in the background, and then starts mythfrontend. When 
myth exits (or dies), X stops, the init process notices, and starts it 
up again. If I don't want mythfrontend to run, I can switch to runlevel 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] UPS's and 24x7 MythBoxen...

2005-07-27 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 27, 2005, at 11:18 AM, Andrew Close wrote:

i currently have one MythBox up and running in our home production
environment. :)  now that the new season of SG-1, Atlantis &
Battlestar Galactica has started i freak out whenever there is a blip
in the power at our house.  in the past week our neighborhood has lost
power at least four times  damn you Com-Ed 
and i've had to go downstairs and restart the MythBox and check the
partitions.  so far this hasn't happened in the middle of a recording
or caused a loss of data or any type of corruption.

I see you have already had some good responses from the UPS side, so 
I'll just add my nod to the APC products on that front.

My suggestion to you would be in addition to adding UPS, clean up your 
system so it does not require user intervention when it is restarted. I 
had been having spontaneous reboots on my myth backend, which was a 
huge bummer, but it only took the machine about a minute to fully 
reboot, and when myth restarted, it continued recording.

I am using ext3 on my system disks, and JFS on my video storage disks, 
and they have so far (knock on wood) always managed to straighten 
themselves out on their own very quickly after an unclean reboot.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EPIA M10k: TV picture adjustments - how ?

2005-07-26 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 26, 2005, at 4:28 PM, John Pullan wrote:

On 26/07/05, James Stembridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/26/05, Warpme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For example: height/width of the picture does not take up the whole
height/width of the TV - so on my 29' TV picture has size approx. 
27' :-(

Is there some way for adjusting this (like nvtv in nVidia world) ?

Use an appropriate video mode. For PAL land that would be
720x576Noscale, or for NTSC 720x480Noscale. This modes have a
reasonable amount of overscan and have the added benefit of better
image quality. For more information see:

I tried following this, but I still end up with a black border around
the picture.

Check your X log file, and make certain the noscale mode is being used. 
You may have a mistake in your conf file, or the version of your driver 
may not have that mode. The log file should give a clue.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Fixing my "no data" problem in EPG

2005-07-23 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 23, 2005, at 7:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The obvious solution is to tell mythfilldatabase to limit itself to 10
or 11 days of listings so that there is always data available for the
short-schedule channels on the first attempt.

Other solutions would be to find a way to adjust the threshold
percentage at which a day's schedule is considered complete, or to find
a way to make a certain range of future dates mandatory updates (so
that the percentage of filled time slots is not considered beyond day
10, for example, meaning that days 2, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are all
downloaded every night).  Those probably require hacking the sources.

This is what I have had to recently do. mythfilldatabase was checking 
that there where at least 4 times as many programs starting after 6pm 
for a given source as there are channels. This is in 
programs/mythfilldatabase/filldata.cpp .  After changing the code to 
require only twice as many programs starting after 10pm as there are 
channels, my problem was fixed. (My data was only missing for cable 
channels after 10pm).

If you search for "d 18" in that file, that is the sql line that gets 
the number of programs starting after 6pm (18:00), and about twelve 
lines down is a line that ends in "chancnt * 4", that decides if there 
are enough programs for that source. I ran the query manually against 
filled schedules, and broken schedules, to come up with the timespan 
and multiplier that fixed my issue.

I can't remember if someone already mentioned this, but the reason you 
always have two good days of data is that mythfilldatabase always 
refreshes the data for tomorrow, even if it is full, in case there had 
been scheduling changes.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can't get S/PDIF sound working

2005-07-22 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 22, 2005, at 9:06 AM, Phill Edwards wrote:

I've just bought a S/PDIF header for my Gigabyte mobo and am having
trouble getting any sound out of it.

If I put the old analogue connection back in from the sound card to
the receiver then I can get sound again, but I want to get this
working so I can get Dolby from MythDVD.

Does anyone know where I'm going wrong here?

I can't help with the .asoundrc file, I play with that when I feel like 
getting frustrated.

One thing to check is that your receiver is looking for SPDIF on the 
port you are using. Do you have another SPDIF device you could test 
with? Turns out my receiver had menus I had never seen before, that 
would set the input for a given source to (ANALOG/DIGITAL/AUTO-SELECT), 
and I had spent quite a bit of time trying to get it to play from SPDIF 
when it was in ANALOG mode, before I found that menu. I was even using 
a coax to toslink adapter, giving me one more thing to wrongly suspect 
of breakage.

Probably not your problem, but maybe worth mentioning...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Missing data from DataDirect

2005-07-18 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 17, 2005, at 9:07 AM, Kyle Kelly wrote:

Michael Carland wrote:


I'm having a problem with program data missing for after 9PM. It seems
identical to what was happening in this thread
(, but that  

15.1 and I'm using 18. The guide data for the major networks is there,
but most of the cable channels are missing their data. I haven't  

anyone else mentioning this problem recently.

The strange thing is that the data is there for the weekend.  

I am missing 7/19-7/22 and 7/25-7/28.

I've rebuilt mythfilldatabase with two changes. I enabled the
--dd-grab-all option, which I just used (7/16 12:34AM local time), and
the missing data was filled in out to 7/26, but I still have partial
listings for 7/27-7/28. I also added an option --maxday, that  
that variable in the code, so that I can try bumping it down (looks  

10 would be the correct value).

Searching in gossamer, I didn't find anyone else having this type of
problem since 2004. Is anyone else seeing this? Did zap2it change the
number of days of data that they carry?




mythtv-users mailing list

I'm the guy that was having the problem, so here's the fix I'm using

edit the mythtv source for  

For me it's line 2875, but I'm not using a current cvs version.  Do a
search for "%d 18" (minus quotes) and replace the 18 with 21.
Unfortunately I have to do this for every cvs update I make, but once
done I no longer have problems.

Sure some newly added days to the schedule have NO DATA after 9pm, but
it updates it when there is data, so it never gets to the point that I
have NO DATA on the current day.

Thanks, I'll give that a try.

If this works out for me, I'll see if something like this is in the  
current svn code. If it isn't, I'll make a patch that lets the 18 value  
be overridden with a command line argument and see if it gets accepted.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Missing data from DataDirect

2005-07-16 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 16, 2005, at 5:51 AM, aaron wrote:

On 7/16/05, Michael Carland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Searching in gossamer, I didn't find anyone else having this type of
problem since 2004. Is anyone else seeing this? Did zap2it change the
number of days of data that they carry?

If you have data for some channels then, no, zap2it has not changed
the number of days they carry. The likely explanation is that the
channels with missing data have not provided zap2it (or the people
they get it from) with the data.

That makes sense.

I get missing and even incorrect data for some channels, often the
independent ones, if I look towards the end of the available range.
For me, I just don't look that far into the future, and by the time
those days get refreshed the info has been updated/corrected.

The problem is that 90% of the channels are missing. It's pretty much 
divided by local affiliates have data, the common cable channels do 
not. Once mythfilldatabase gets *some* data for a day, it does not 
update it again until the day before, and most of the shows I record 
play between 8pm and midnight, so this doesn't give the scheduler too 
many options when there are conflicts, since it only has two days of 
data (today and tomorrow) to look at.

I'll see if my '--maxday 10'  trick helps. I guess I find it odd that 
if I'm not getting all of the 14th day of Comedy Central, no one else 
is seeing this either. It had been working, so I'm assuming it is not 
my configuration.

Another possibility I suppose is the time that mythfilldatabase runs? I 
have it run between 2-3AM. I'm wondering if I pull it back before 
midnight, the furthest out day will not get borked. But that would just 
be the equivalent of pulling one fewer days.

Thanks for the suggestions.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Missing data from DataDirect

2005-07-15 Thread Michael Carland


I'm having a problem with program data missing for after 9PM. It seems 
identical to what was happening in this thread 
(, but that 
was 15.1 and I'm using 18. The guide data for the major networks is 
there, but most of the cable channels are missing their data. I haven't 
noticed anyone else mentioning this problem recently.

The strange thing is that the data is there for the weekend. Currently, 
I am missing 7/19-7/22 and 7/25-7/28.

I've rebuilt mythfilldatabase with two changes. I enabled the 
--dd-grab-all option, which I just used (7/16 12:34AM local time), and 
the missing data was filled in out to 7/26, but I still have partial 
listings for 7/27-7/28. I also added an option --maxday, that overrides 
that variable in the code, so that I can try bumping it down (looks 
like 10 would be the correct value).

Searching in gossamer, I didn't find anyone else having this type of 
problem since 2004. Is anyone else seeing this? Did zap2it change the 
number of days of data that they carry?



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Slight OT: NASA TV streams in Linux

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 11, 2005, at 11:41 PM, Matt White wrote:

You could do it a bit more generally...make a shell script called


url=`/bin/cat $fn`
mplayer {whatever mplayer args} -playlist $i

Next, go to mythvideo setup and set the play line for .ram files to

Now, for each realaudio stream you want to use, create a file 

the .ram URLfor instance, for NASA:

File NASA.ram:

Note that your mplayer must be compiled with Live and network support
for this to work...

I didn't even do the shell script. I saved the .ram to the video 
directory, and added a command for .ram with 'mplayer . -playlist 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: kernel disabling IRQ#7 (Sound Stops working)

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 11, 2005, at 8:35 AM, Noel Murphy wrote:

I have a weird issue where when I don't use the machine for awhile 
(say the whole weekend because I'm gone to the cottage) when I return, 
I have a Knotify message up on the screen telling me that the kernel 
has disabled IRQ #7 (Which I believe is the interrupt for the sound 
card). Then, when I try to watch any recordings or live tv, I get no 

A reboot always fixes the problem (until the following weekend when I 
go away again).

Anyone know why this is happening

Is it possible your machine is going into a sleep state, and there is a 
problem with the wake up code? I'd check your bios settings for power 
save settings, and if they are on, try turning them off for one 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] IMDB Screen Scrap... legal?

2005-07-08 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 8, 2005, at 4:36 PM, Aaron Stewart wrote:

Getting back to my original point.. How many people want to volunteer
for writing up reviews using a remote control and selecting letters
individually? ;)

A remote interface that uses morse code could be written. Apologies to 
those that do not read /.

Seriously though, even if you don't have a keyboard on your front end, 
I doubt there are many people who run myth on a frontend without a 
keyboard that do not have another machine without a keyboard. You could 
run the frontend on your desktop to write reviews with your keyboard, 
or it could be a mythweb module, and you could use the keyboard on your 
regular browser.

As for the real point, the reviews would have to be much better than, 
for example, the product reviews on Amazon. While there are benefits to 
everyone having a voice, the spam factor also comes into play.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Known good surround sound cards?

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 2, 2005, at 7:52 PM, Patrick Vaughan wrote:

It's a Chaintech SKT600's onboard sound.  Another poster said that 
he's seen onboard audio that uses the other stereo ports to support 
surround sound.  I had thought that the "external codec" was probably 
dependant on Windows drivers.  I downloaded the manual and it says 
"With external high quality 5.1-channel AC’97 Codec", "Complete 
software driver supports for Windows® OS" and "Optional S/PDIF out 
function".  And that's ALL it says about it.

Either way, I've never liked onboard sound.  I've always noticed noise 
from the bus (clicks or static when video, com ports, or hard drives 
are being used).  Someone else suggested the TurtleBeach Riviera, and 
I think I'm going to go with one of those.

Sorry, I missed the original post, so you may have already given some
of this info.

What kind of board is it? If it doesn't have spdif output on the 

is there a header for it that you could buy a bracket for? Some
soundcards do this, put the spdif on a header and sell a connector, 
it would seem odd that they say they support "external codec" and 

really have a way to support it.


I found a descriptions of that board at

The feature list says what you posted, plus the following:

Audio Subsystem
• With external high quality 5.1-Channel AC'97 Codec
• Complete software driver supports for Windows OS
• Optional SPDIF out function

On board connector for external device
• Optional 3x2 pin SPDIF connector for additional SPDIF-out adaptor

If your board has that header, you would only need the connector, and 
you wouldn't be using the (analog portion) on board audio.

You'd just need to determine if the linux driver supports pass through 
with that audio chip, and what the adapter costs compared to a 
replacement audio card.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Known good surround sound cards?

2005-07-02 Thread Michael Carland

On Jul 2, 2005, at 9:53 AM, Michael Farrell wrote:

On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 09:17 -0400, Patrick Vaughan wrote:

The onboard audio says it'll support 6 channel audio, via an "external

I think that means there is a mixer setting that switches between using
the Microphone and Line In ports for Center and Rear channels
respectively.  That's how it seems to work on most of the cards I've
come across.

I thought an external codec meant it would do passthrough to an 
external decoder, like Dolby or something. I don't think all digital 
spdif outputs support passthrough, I would guess that is what "external 
codec" implies.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Remote to use w/ EPIA M10000

2005-06-30 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 30, 2005, at 8:54 PM, Pane, Chris wrote:

What are people with EPIA m1 doing for remotes.

I built a serial LIRC receiver, and plugged it into the header on the 
M1 board. I replaced the power button/disk light/power light board 
with a custom board, and lined the IR receiver up with the hole for the 
disk drive, since my frontend is diskless.

If I was to do it over again, I'd buy an lirc supported usb receiver 
(or wireless keyboard), and save some time and grey hair. I actually 
struggled most with mounting it in the case, the building of the 
circuit wasn't too bad.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Another commercial MythTV box

2005-06-30 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 30, 2005, at 6:01 PM, Gabe Rubin wrote:

There are plenty of lawyers doing things that hurt this project, I'd
think this would the time one could be used to help the project, and 

after those that are violating the terms of the agreement.

I think zap2it is fully capable of enforcing their own rights.
Nevertheless, no one here would have standing to sue on behalf on

Sorry, wasn't clear. I wasn't implying that someone other than zap2it's 
legal department should handle it, but that unlike most of the other 
instances of legal intervention that we hear about, this one could work 
in out favor. Better that someone taking advantage of the current 
situation gets paperwork than the rest of us losing out.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Another commercial MythTV box

2005-06-30 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 30, 2005, at 4:23 PM, Justin Mason wrote:

BTW, have you considered embedding some kind of build-identifying info 
the User-Agent string of the wget command used to update those, using 

e.g. something like build dates, svn revision, etc.

That way zap2it would be able to use a mod_rewrite rule (or similar) to
blacklist offending *builds* of MythTV, such as specific commercial
releases, rather than all labs-feed users in general.

Ugh. So they get their User-Agent shut down, so they push a software 
update to use the User-Agent the legal people are using, getting that 
one shut down, and we all get shoved into an upgrade race. Yicka.

There are plenty of lawyers doing things that hurt this project, I'd 
think this would the time one could be used to help the project, and go 
after those that are violating the terms of the agreement.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [US] Help stop the broadcast flag, again

2005-06-22 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 22, 2005, at 1:25 PM, Geoff Scott wrote:

On 6/22/05, Lane Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Did this just die? 


If it was *just* published on /. it probably *just* happened days ago.  

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How does the diskless setup work?

2005-06-07 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 7, 2005, at 7:44 PM, Justin Mason wrote:

Michael Carland writes:

On Jun 7, 2005, at 3:22 PM, A JM wrote:

So, what kind of cases are you guy's using? if it's diskless and
fanless as in the VIA EPIA ME6000 or SP8000E (I'm not sure what this
is HD Commell LV-667) you'll need video card height in order to use
decoding on a card correct? So, are they mostly beastly ugly PC's or
something more attractive?

sweet, a chance to show off my geek-chic case ;) -- it's an old Sun
Exabyte 8500 tape drive! pic:

That's excellent! And reminds me, I have a pair of 3/50's collecting 
dust in the garage. Hrm I don't think the 3/50's 
larger-than-pizza-box would fit in my AV cabinet though.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How does the diskless setup work?

2005-06-07 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 7, 2005, at 3:22 PM, A JM wrote:

So, what kind of cases are you guy's using? if it's diskless and
fanless as in the VIA EPIA ME6000 or SP8000E (I'm not sure what this
is HD Commell LV-667) you'll need video card height in order to use
decoding on a card correct? So, are they mostly beastly ugly PC's or
something more attractive?

My backend is running an XP3200 with 512meg and a couple of 200gig
drives in a LVM so I'm assuming it could handle the front end?

I'm currently finishing off an XBOX front end and although it's not
unattractive I'd like something attractive and quite.

Thanks for all the great information and feedback.

I'm using a Casetronic C-158-60W. It has a small fan, and my M10K has a 
small fan. It makes a very small amount of noise, but not noticeable at 
all over the pump in my aquarium.  When I had the aquarium off today to 
clean it, I didn't hear the front end at all though.

It comes with a riser card, but I'm not using it. I replaced the power 
switch/hdd+power led in the front of the case with a circuit board I 
made, replacing the hdd led with an IR receiver and support parts, 
plugging into the COM2 header on the motherboard. It didn't work so 
well with such a small hole (I hoped the little plastic through-lens 
would work both ways, but you had to aim straight at it), so I drilled 
it out to be the same size as the power button, and put a thin red 
sheet of plastic behind the hole. Had I not wanted to put an RF 
transmitter on the same LIRC port, I would have been much better off 
buying an IR receiver.

In the end, I'm pretty happy with it, the box looks nice, and came with 
all the connectors and screws that it should have. My only complaint is 
that the blue power led in the front is *way* too bright. Had I thought 
about it, when I rebuilt the circuit board, I would have added a 
resistor to dim it. Instead, I just have a piece of paper in front of 
it inside the case to take it down a brightness notch.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How does the diskless setup work?

2005-06-07 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 7, 2005, at 3:30 PM, Egeekial wrote:

I realized that was somewhat redundant. I forgot to throw in putting 
the whole OS on the CF card read-only instead of booting off the 

Egeekial wrote:

Has anyone tried using a compactflash card for a drive? They make 
IDE->Compactflash converters. This wouldn't exactly be "diskless", 
but it would be "hard drive-less".

On 6/7/05, Michael T. Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michael Carland wrote:

One idea if PXE doesn't work, or you don't have PXE, and you still
want a silent machine, would be to boot from flash (or even 
floppy). I
have a CompactFlash to IDE adapter, that can be used to load a 
and the rest could be loaded from network. If the motherboard 
booting from a USB drive, this would do the same thing. You could 

load the kernel from a floppy, although when I used to do this the
same floppy sitting in the same drive for months on end would need 
be replaced once or twice a year. Not exactly diskless in that 

but other than 30 seconds at boot, there is no drive noise.

If the compact flash is large enough, you have a few options.

1) As already mentioned, just put the kernel on the CF. Once kernel is 
loaded, all disk is NFS.
2) Put the kernel and an initrd image on the flash. The kernel would 
load the image into a ramdisk, and the flash would not be used after 
that. What was not in flash would be mounted from NFS, if anything.
3) Same as 2, except there is an additional filesystem on the flash, 
that is mounted from the flash. So / , /dev , /var would be in  the ram 
disk, and /usr and such would be mounted from the CF. An advantage to 
this would be that would would save RAM by not loading all of /usr into 
memory. You don't want to mount directories such as /var on the CF, CF 
can only handle a certain number or writes (10s of thousands?) before 
it fails, and the constant writing of logs and such can quickly wear 
out the flash. It's not relevant for /usr, since it would be mounted 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How does the diskless setup work?

2005-06-07 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 7, 2005, at 7:32 AM, Mark J. Small wrote:
I ran a diskless frontend until recently.  It is really nice if when 
you get
it working.  Unfortunately, when I upgraded the motherboard on the 
PXE just stopped working altogether.  Now I have a small hard drive 
that I
boot from using syslinux.  I still have my root drive on nfs, and I 
spin down

the rather loud local drive during boot.

Running diskless really is a great way to cut down the noise, and 
there is

plenty of documentation out there on how to do it.

One idea if PXE doesn't work, or you don't have PXE, and you still want 
a silent machine, would be to boot from flash (or even floppy). I have 
a CompactFlash to IDE adapter, that can be used to load a kernel, and 
the rest could be loaded from network. If the motherboard supports 
booting from a USB drive, this would do the same thing. You could even 
load the kernel from a floppy, although when I used to do this the same 
floppy sitting in the same drive for months on end would need to be 
replaced once or twice a year. Not exactly diskless in that case, but 
other than 30 seconds at boot, there is no drive noise.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] black border issue Knoppmyth and EPIA (HushPC) -can't get rid of it...

2005-06-04 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 4, 2005, at 12:15 PM, Paul Fielding wrote:

Yup, I tried adding a DisplaySize line (there wasn't one in my 
XF86Config-4 file previously), as per:

All that happened was that the Fonts on the screen became much much 
larger. Border didn't change



- Original Message - From: "John Hannan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion about mythtv" 
Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] black border issue Knoppmyth and EPIA 
(HushPC) -can't get rid of it...

have you tried changing your DisplaySize parameter under the Monitor
section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf? (on FC).

fine tuning this paramater and working with the nvidia overscan
setting fixed similar problem for me.


On 6/4/05, Paul Fielding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok, Next problem.

Now that I've got the TV out working on my HushPC, things look great.
Except that that TV output is framed with a black border.   No 
Overscan, GUi

adjustments, or other settings I've messed with have fixed it.

Anyone got any ideas?



You say this is an EPIA, are you using the Unichrome driver?

If so, only the modelines built into the driver will work, and you must 
match those names.

It sounds like you are not using a modeline that has overscan. The 
driver should have a mode "720x480" with no overscan, which is what it 
sounds like you are using, and "720x480Over" that has "normal" 
overscan. If you are using a newer version of the driver, it will also 
have "720x480Noscale", which I use, that has only a little overscan, 
and turns the scaler off. There are also "640x480" and "640x480Over"

If you have the Unichrome source, the list of mode names are in 

Hope that helps.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] universal remote for pvr-250

2005-06-03 Thread Michael Carland

On Jun 2, 2005, at 9:53 PM, Ashu Desai wrote:

Hello all,
I lost my remote control for PVR-250 and was wondering if I can use
either of the following:

Sony RM-Y168 (my TV remote)
Sony RMT-D128A (my DVD remote)
Sony RM-V8A (universal remote)
JVC LP20303-009

for my PVR-250 card...

If so, I would appreciate a step-by-step guidance. I am a Unix rookie
and can't figure out much on my own.


IIRC the PVR can only detect RC5 remotes. There is a file on the home 
page of lirc ( remotes.tar.bz2 that has the codes 
of all the currently known remotes.

Unpacking that file and looking in the Sony directory, I do not see any 
of your Sony remotes, but grepping them for RC5 only returns one match, 
so I would suspect Sony does not use RC5 protocol.

Grepping in the jvc directory for RC5 returns no matches.

I think Philips came up with RC5, there are many matches for it in the 
philips directory.

You could get a pretty cheap universal remote from Radio Shack, and 
program it to imitate a Philips remote, or Hauppauge have a replacement 
remote on their site for $14.95 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [Solved] Key modifiers in lircrc

2005-05-31 Thread Michael Carland

On May 26, 2005, at 2:21 PM, Michael Carland wrote:

I have used mythweb to add a jump point to mythweather of Ctrl+W. 
Hitting Ctrl-W on the keyboard works, so I am that far.

However, I am unable to get it to work from the remote. lirc 
documentation says to send a control key with a backslash and capital 
letter, which doesn't work. I have tried all of the following in my 

Ctrl W
Control W

Some of these caused a message similar to:
LircClient warning: attempt to convert '' to a key sequence failed. 
Fix your key mappings.

to be printed, with the lirc config value in the quotes. Some of the 
keys silently failed.

It turns out that the state of the control key was being lost as the 
event was passed around in myth. I posted a patch to the dev list that 
retains the status of any modifiers specified on the config line. When 
using native LIRC in myth, the patch lets you use a config line like 
"Ctrl+W" to pass a control W.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Key modifiers in lircrc

2005-05-27 Thread Michael Carland

On May 27, 2005, at 11:19 AM, Michael T. Dean wrote:

Ben Giddings wrote:

Then you could probably have a variety of "program" names for MythTV: 
'mythmusic' would have one set of commands, 'mythweather' would have 
another set, 'mythgui' another set, 'mythplayback' another set...

You could also have some generic commands that worked for any myth 
mode, like "delete", or "menu", or "seek +10".  They might not always 
apply (like seek +10 wouldn't be of much use in the GUI) but whenever 
the mode permitted that command, that command would work.

Wow.  52 buttons on my remote times 5 or 10 program names (plus xine, 
MPlayer, and xmms) = one very big LIRC config file. :)

True, the config file could get huge, but it least it would be clear 
what you were intending. I really like Ben's idea. Much better than the 
current remote key overload.

In regard to my original question, I have added debugging output to 
some of the code, and Ctrl+W is the correct thing to put in the lircrc 
file. The Qt library parses it, but it's just not being handled 
properly when the event is dispatched. I just might get tired enough of 
adding debug output and recompiling to actually learn gdb again. 
Haven't used it in many, many years. Like, before C++ was in common 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Key modifiers in lircrc

2005-05-26 Thread Michael Carland

On May 26, 2005, at 8:21 PM, jack makrl wrote:

What got me started on the Ctrl key thing in the first place was the
note in the keybindings page of mythweb that explicitly suggests to 
modifiers for jump points, to avoid overriding regular functions. 

I'll see if I can fix the Myth lirc code to handle Ctrl keys.
Eventually I'll find something to fix that's at my skill level, this
may be it!

I think the way to handle the control key in lirc is to add the
modifier line in your .lircrc. For example:

prog = mythtv
button =
config =
modifier = control

also see:

Where did you find that there is a 'modifier' keyword in the lircrc 
file? I've looked at that URL in trying to figure this out (was 
actually looking at it when I received your email), and I do not see 
that listed as a possible keyword. I'll give it a try.

I am looking at the code, and added some logging. When "config = \W", 
the Qt key event that is generated has an ascii value of ctrl-W, but 
the "modifiers" field does not have CTRL set. When "config = Ctrl+W", 
as I found should be correct for the Qt function used to parse the 
string being passed in, the resulting Qt event has the ascii value of 
W, and the modifiers has the CTRL value set.

So I think I just need to keep digging in the code, and see why the key 
events injected from the LIRC code are treated differently than the 
native key codes.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Key modifiers in lircrc

2005-05-26 Thread Michael Carland

On May 26, 2005, at 5:52 PM, Ben Giddings wrote:

Yeah, I think the correct way of doing lirc stuff is that you put the
*commands* in the lircrc file, not the keys.  That's how mplayer and 

seem to work.  For example, mplayer's "fast forward" command is:

prog = mplayer
button = Forward
config = seek +10

In other words, activate the 'seek' command with a '+10' parameter (go
forward 10 seconds).

In MythTV it's:

prog = mythtv
button = Forward
config = >

Where you have to then define '>' somewhere else.

I don't know why it was done the way it was in MythTV, maybe it's the 
way, but I'd love it if someone would change the MythTV lirc stuff to 

more like mplayer, etc.


The problem I see with this in Myth is that there are many "modes" in 
Myth, where you may want the same remote key to perform a different 
function in different modes. This would be problematic if the function 
name was in the config line.

Not that I have a better solution.

What I would like is more fine grained keys. I have my remotes "play" 
key mapped to space, and I like that in menus it will select the menu 
item, but when video is paused, I would like it to unpause, and when 
video is playing, I would like it to display info like the I key does 
now. If the play button was mapped to a function name this wouldn't 
work. As it is now, I would just have to add more fine grained key 

This thought just came to me. Maybe there could be separate mappings to 
myth functions for keyboards and remotes. You could still map keys like 
now, but you could have lirc pass in the name of the buttons, and in 
Myth you could map full button names to functions.

Dunno. Just rambling.

What got me started on the Ctrl key thing in the first place was the 
note in the keybindings page of mythweb that explicitly suggests to use 
modifiers for jump points, to avoid overriding regular functions. Maybe 
I'll see if I can fix the Myth lirc code to handle Ctrl keys. 
Eventually I'll find something to fix that's at my skill level, this 
may be it!


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Key modifiers in lircrc

2005-05-26 Thread Michael Carland
Sorry if this is answered somewhere, searching in gossamer for using 
the control key as a modifier for lircrc returns almost every message 
regarding remotes, due to "remote control" being in most of them.

I have used mythweb to add a jump point to mythweather of Ctrl+W. 
Hitting Ctrl-W on the keyboard works, so I am that far.

However, I am unable to get it to work from the remote. lirc 
documentation says to send a control key with a backslash and capital 
letter, which doesn't work. I have tried all of the following in my 

Ctrl W
Control W

Some of these caused a message similar to:
LircClient warning: attempt to convert '' to a key sequence failed. Fix 
your key mappings.

to be printed, with the lirc config value in the quotes. Some of the 
keys silently failed.

I eventually gave up and used F2, which works.

For future reference, anyone know how to make this work?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] stuttering playback with MythTV EPIA-M/networked

2005-05-20 Thread Michael Carland
On May 20, 2005, at 2:49 PM, Thomas Aeby wrote:
Where do you get your mythtv debian binaries from? Well, I give
home-brewing another chance if there is no "there" yell ...
I built my system from sarge debs, until I got to X. I started with 
XFree, but wanted to try Xorg, so I built it from source so I could 
mess around with the Unichrome driver. Once I did that, my Debian chops 
where not up to fooling the package system that I had X installed, and 
I ended up building everything that depends on X from scratch, 
including Qt and Myth. I'm sure if I spent the time to figure out how 
to get the package system to know about my custom built X, I would have 
saved time in the end, and there may have been a way to build the 
Unichrome driver without building an entire X tree from source. But I 
was lazy. And impatient,

I started out with my M10K doing a net boot, and then threw in an old 
laptop drive in my quest to get rid of stuttering. So now that I have 
things working, it should be easier for me to test different setups 
using new NFS roots. I'd like to rebuild my setup using more debs and 
less custom compiling.

Good luck!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] stuttering playback with MythTV EPIA-M/networked

2005-05-20 Thread Michael Carland
On May 20, 2005, at 7:29 AM, Thomas Aeby wrote:
I am trying to use MythTV in a configuration where the backend is
running on a central "media server" and playback goes via network on
mythfrontend running on an VIA EPIA based box.
Unfortunately playback on the VIA based box is stuttering, thus it 
well for half a second or so, then stops for 1/3 second (video and
sound), then plays for another half a second, stutters again ...
I am using an M10K. I have had a series of video stuttering problems, 
which I have mostly worked through. The one you describe is the like 
first one that I had.

In my case, I was still setting up, and experimenting, and had not yet 
set up the audio out yet. I had installed for ALSA, but my settings 
where still for /dev/dsp, which I got a warning about every time I 
started playing something. The video would pause just as you described, 
until I went in and changed my audio options to use ALSA, at which time 
both the audio worked, and that type of video stuttering stopped.

Also, what type of tuner are you using? Another source of stuttering 
was the ivtv driver, which doesn't quite support VBI yet (sounds like 
it is getting very close, but definitely didn't when I was having the 
problem). When I ran the mythtv setup, and turned VBI to NONE for my 
ivtv cards, all but the slightest stuttering was gone.

The only stuttering I have left happens for about 15 seconds every half 
hour or so. The CPU is normally 80% idle during playback, but during 
this time it is only 10% idle. It lasts for such a short time, and the 
the stuttering is so light, I haven't taken the time to really dig into 
the problem.

Hope that's what you're running into, it's an easy fix.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Occasional problem starting mplayer from MythVideo

2005-05-16 Thread Michael Carland
I should probably post this over on an mplayer list, but since it is 
happening under Myth, I thought maybe someone here has seen this.

mplayer (1.0pre6-3.3.5) usually works when MythVideo starts an mpeg2, 
but when it doesn't, it tries to display an untitled window. Once the 
window is placed it immediately dissapears, so I do not know what it 
says. If I place it with clicking the mouse, the window dissapears, and 
I can try and select the video again. If I add "RandomPlacement" to my 
.twmrc so I don't have to get up and hit the mouse, I am not asked to 
place the untitled window, but Myth appears to be hung without some of 
the video selection screen redrawn.

When it is working, the "Trying to re-lock decoder" message is printed 
thousands of times, so when mplayer does not work the error would seem 
to be "X11 error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)". 
Nothing odd appears in my Xorg.0.log.

I would say calling mplayer works about 9 times out of 10. My player 
settings for mplayer are "mplayer -fs -zoom -quiet -vo xvmc:deint-bob 
-vc ffmpeg212mc %s"

If someone knows how to get mplayer to fail without either requiring 
the untitled window be places, or locking up Myth, I'd be happy with 
that. If there is a way to get mplayer to not fail, that would be 
ideal. Any tips on getting the thousands of "re-lock decoder" errors 
from appearing in the logs would be appreciated as well. XvMC is 
otherwise working.

If this doesn't look familiar to anyone, I'll try the Unichrome or 
mplayer lists.

VDec: vo config request - 480 x 480 (preferred csp: MPEG1/2 Motion 
Compensation and VLD)
VDec: using MPEG1/2 Motion Compensation and VLD as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [xvmc] 480x480 => 640x480 MPEG1/2 Motion Compensation and VLD  [fs] 
ViaXvMC: ERROR: Trying to re-lock decoder.
X11 error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
vo_xvmc: Port 64 grabed
vo_xvmc: Found matching surface with id=32315659 on 64 port at 0 adapter
vo_xvmc: Allocated Direct Context
vo_xvmc: Motion Compensation context allocated - 8 surfaces
vo_xvmc: idct=0 unsigned_intra=0
vo_xvmc: looking for OSD support
Subpicture id 0x34344149
vo_xvmc: OSD support by beckend rendering (fast)
vo_xvmc: Pleace send feedback to configrm that it work,otherwise send 

MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: vo_check_events
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.
  It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your
  gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read
  DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We 
can't and
  won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a 
possible bug.
alsa-uninit: pcm closed
X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes)
  Resource id in failed request:  0x8b
  Serial number of failed request:  120
  Current serial number in output stream:  126

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] dvb-tv: recording looks good but live tv looks bad

2005-05-14 Thread Michael Carland
On May 14, 2005, at 9:13 PM, Frank Visser wrote:
Hi all,
MythTV is almost perfect for me now, but I am running in a small
wierdness. Sometimes the channel is bad quality when watching live tv,
but when I record it using the 's' key and switch over to look at the
recording the quality is good!
Can anyone explain why this is happening? Freeview sends a MPEG stream
over, so it shouldn't matter if I watch live or at the recording. Any
suggestions about settings I can play with the get better quality when
watching live?
The easiest answer would be if you have different settings for 
'Default' and 'Live TV' in your recording profiles.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] XvMC in preview?

2005-05-14 Thread Michael Carland
On May 14, 2005, at 7:57 PM, Howard Cokl wrote:
--- Michael Carland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I may be misunderstanding what you are suggesting,
but I think you are
referring to MythVideo video playback, which is
working fine for me. I
am talking about the small preview window of the
recorded programs.
Even here, the actual playback is fine, it is only
the preview that
chews through cpu and looks poor. Media
Library->Watch Recordings.
Turning on "CPU friendly preview of recordings"
helps, as it then only
uses 60% cpu. But since all other display of video
only uses 20%, and
this is the only display that has tearing and uses
95% (or 60%) cpu,
I'm thinking the preview is not using XvMC like the
I'm not one of the dev guys, just a (l)user but it
seems to me that what you are describing is perfectly
natural.  The main screen is displaying the recorded
OSD and generating a preview which it has to scale
down to fit in a small size, the CPU load is more
because it is doing more things at the same time.
I would have thought the same thing, except that the live TV in the EPG 
is scaled and inserted into an OSD, and that uses the same 20% cpu for 
me. So I would assume that displaying an mpeg2 preview on an OSD would 
be no different. But looking at the code, I got lost, and realized that 
it would take me a lot of studying to get up to speed. So if I was 
doing something stupid causing it not to work, or if it can't work for 
some technical reason, I'd find some simpler thing to try and tweak 
first, that had a lower learning curve.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] XvMC in preview?

2005-05-14 Thread Michael Carland
On May 14, 2005, at 7:22 PM, Örn Einar Hansen wrote:
Þann Sunnudagur 15 maí 2005 01:24 skrifaði Michael Carland:
I'm running .18 with XvMC (EPIA), mpeg2 all the way through. When I
watch live TV, cpu usage is about 15-20%, and all is well. Live TV in
the EPG and prerecorded TV is the same.
But when I am seeing a video preview under Watch Recordings, cpu is
about 95%, and the preview is very skittery. I assume this is because
the preview video is not using XvMC?
Is this true? Is there another solution? If it is true, is there a
technical reason the preview doesn't use XvMC, or has it just not been
done yet, and is something I could look into fixing?
  Did you remember to modify the "mplayer" playback command, to 
include '-vo
xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc" ?
I may be misunderstanding what you are suggesting, but I think you are 
referring to MythVideo video playback, which is working fine for me. I 
am talking about the small preview window of the recorded programs. 
Even here, the actual playback is fine, it is only the preview that 
chews through cpu and looks poor. Media Library->Watch Recordings.

Turning on "CPU friendly preview of recordings" helps, as it then only 
uses 60% cpu. But since all other display of video only uses 20%, and 
this is the only display that has tearing and uses 95% (or 60%) cpu, 
I'm thinking the preview is not using XvMC like the others.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] M10K XvMC video stuttering

2005-05-14 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 18, 2005, at 8:48 PM, Michael Carland wrote:
On Apr 16, 2005, at 3:50 PM, Michael Carland wrote:
With both XvMC’s enabled (or just the VIA one), and deinterlace Bob 
(2x framerate), the picture looks great, but there are bursts of 
“prebuffering pause”s and “WriteAudio: buffer underrun” messages that 
go along with stuttering video.

With both XvMC’s disabled, no deinterlace, there are no pauses, no 
bad log messages, but there is video tearing.

With both XvMC’s disabled, and bob deinterlace, video is shown twice, 
split screen, with same picture squished on the top and the bottom, 
colors are funny (lots of purples and blues), and the whole screen 
flickers solid green. It’s a little noticable.
I'm still having no luck with this, although I may be wrong that it 
works fine when it is not live tv, it just works much better.

I have put a "-v all" log (it's about 1MB) at of startup 
and watching live tv for a short time. From the log, it appears XV and 
XvMC are being used. I've also done an strace, and see it opening the 
XvMC library, since the log complains about not finding the nVidia 
XvMC library.  I count 1 buffer underrun and 32 prebuffering pauses in 
a 28 second period.

I've bumped down the bitrate to 3500, and that didn't seem to help.
I've tried two different backends, with the same results, and is the 
same in .17 and .18. I did a copy over NFS from the backend to the 
frontend, and saw acceptable throughput. I can't remember exactly how 
fast it was, but it was better than 4MB/sec over a 100Mb link.

Any suggestions on how to narrow this down further?
For the record, this is solved. I am using the ivtv driver, and VBI 
support is still being worked on. I knew this, but thought since I 
wasn't turning on CC, it wouldn't affect me. Wrong.

Turning off VBI in myth setup resolved all but the most minor bits of 
video stuttering.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] XvMC in preview?

2005-05-14 Thread Michael Carland
I'm running .18 with XvMC (EPIA), mpeg2 all the way through. When I 
watch live TV, cpu usage is about 15-20%, and all is well. Live TV in 
the EPG and prerecorded TV is the same.

But when I am seeing a video preview under Watch Recordings, cpu is 
about 95%, and the preview is very skittery. I assume this is because 
the preview video is not using XvMC?

Is this true? Is there another solution? If it is true, is there a 
technical reason the preview doesn't use XvMC, or has it just not been 
done yet, and is something I could look into fixing?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Edges of picture getting cut off on tv out

2005-04-25 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 24, 2005, at 11:04 PM, Brian Wallen wrote:
I'm using the S-Video out on my epia 1 motherboard to my tv.  The 
problem is that when I'm trying to change settings on screen, the 
picture is cut off on all 4 edges, making it near impossible to see 
some of the options.  How can I change this? I'll post my xorg.conf.
I'm using the Unichrome driver with the 720x480Noscale mode, which has 
very little overscan. On my TV, for the GUI to be fully visible, I 
change the "Appearance" screen settings to 694 width, 445 height, 13 x 
offset, 15 y offset.

If you are using a different mode, or your tv is slightly different, 
you'll need different numbers.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Request info from working M10K frontend.

2005-04-20 Thread Michael Carland
Thanks to everyone for the replies.
I'm going to try installing knoppmyth, and upgrading it to .18, since 
that is what the backend is now, and I had the same problem with .17. 
Since Jon has it working, and his interrupts look the same as mine, I 
can stop going down that path.

I did try a pci nic, and it had a different interrupt than the video, 
but that did not solve the problem. Bummer.

I sat squinting at the "-v all" logs into the wee hours last night, and 
came up with this puzzling thought:

I assume the capture card has to capture at the rate the video source 
is clocked at, and in my case, the audio is sampled at 48kHz. On the 
front end, the video is written in sync with vertical retrace, and I 
assume the audio is written in sync with the video according to timing 
info in the stream.

My question is, what happens if the video source rate is slightly 
slower, or the because of my video modeline, the output is slightly 
faster, than the standard. Or forget the standard, what if the source 
is slightly slower than the sink. I know the standard sets the display 
rate, but no two clocks are identical. In the case of live tv, would 
the ringbuffer slowly be drained, causing the pauses when it runs out? 
Or is myth able to compensate somehow? How about the audio, what 
happens if the frontends clock is slightly faster than the backend, is 
myth able to adjust the audio output rate, or does the audio buffer 
drain, causing pauses?

What I see in the logs is a REQUEST_BLOCK _RI immediately after every 
Read(). At first the time of the Read() after the request is very 
short, but then bumps up to a slightly larger number. At this point, 
the audio buffer is slowing falling behind, until it runs out and 
pauses. When it restarts, there is a brief period of fast responses 
from the backend, but it then falls back to the old rate, the audio 
buffer again falling behind.

I'm going to try and graph the response times, the audio buffer size, 
and the pauses, and see if I still see that pattern, now that I've had 
some sleep.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Request info from working M10K frontend.

2005-04-19 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 19, 2005, at 6:11 PM, Cecil Watson wrote:
Michael Carland wrote:
** Questions
Could someone with a working M10K using built in video and ethernet, 
with a separate backend, provide me with the following info?

What interrupts are your ethernet and video on? (cat /proc/interrupts)
 15:1856705  XT-PIC  uhci_hcd, eth0, [EMAIL PROTECTED]::01:00.0
 0: 185254  XT-PIC  timer
 1: 10  XT-PIC  i8042
 2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
 5:120  XT-PIC  uhci_hcd, uhci_hcd, yenta, VIA8233, 
 6:  16802  XT-PIC  uhci_hcd, ohci1394, yenta, ivtv0
 7:285  XT-PIC  parport0
 8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
 9:  0  XT-PIC  acpi
12:110  XT-PIC  i8042
14:   4790  XT-PIC  ide0
15: 12  XT-PIC  ide1

Interesting. I'm not able to get anything to use int 5, and you have 
eth0 there, which is what I would really like to try. I just tried 
turning on PNP and clearing the config in the BIOS, and trying ACPI. 
From the boot log, it looks like it will only route to interrupts 10, 
11, and 15. Maybe I'll hop over the the viaarena forum, and see if they 
have any ideas.

I notice you have yenta loaded, google tells me that's pcmcia related. 
Are you using an MII? Is your eth0 on pcmcia, or are you using built 

Also, you have ivtv loaded, not too many ethernet interrupts, and quite 
a few ide0 interrupts. Is your system just a frontend, or is it both 
frontend and backend? I ask because when the nuv files are local, I 
don't see the problem.

I too am seeing some stuttering with 0.18 on the Epia.  First it was 
due to DRM.  Once I got that resolved, it would stutter when starting 
up.  When I first included support for the Epia (Unichrome) in 
KnoppMyth, CPU usage was 50% when using the CD as a frontend, now it 
is 92%.  Doing an install to hard drive uses the same amount.  If I 
compile on the Epia or use my i686 debs, CPU usage is about 50%.  
Before, it was about 13%.  So something is amiss, I just cannot put my 
hands on it...
With XvMC and .18 on the frontend only Epia, I am seeing roughly 20% 
cpu usage, which makes this problem even stranger. About 3% cpu on 
hardware interrupts, 3% on software interrupts, and 0% wait. That's 
what's making me think network latency now, and checking out the shared 
video/ethernet interrupts situation.

Now that I have a disk in there, and no longer need net boot, I'm going 
to try a nic in the pci, and see if I can get it on a different 
interrupt that way, just for giggles.

Thanks for the info.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Request info from working M10K frontend.

2005-04-19 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 19, 2005, at 4:50 PM, Michael Carland wrote:
** Questions
Could someone with a working M10K using built in video and ethernet, 
with a separate backend, provide me with the following info?
One more question I forgot. What nfs options are you using to mount the 
shared drive? From the documentation I am using:
stern:/myth /myth   nfs 
rsize=8192,wsize=8192,hard,intr,nfsvers=3   0 0

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Request info from working M10K frontend.

2005-04-19 Thread Michael Carland
** Background
I've posted a few times about stuttering video on my M10K setup using 
XvMC. Since I didn't have the problem without XvMC, just video tearing, 
I assumed XvMC was the culprit, and have been spending evenings trying 
different versions of DRM/XvMC/VIA.

Well, today I went nuts (that's what this has been driving me to) and 
tried a few different tacks.

First off, this is an EPIA M10K diskless frontend running .18.
First, in case my hub had issues, I put the frontend and backend on a 
different 5 port hub. Made no difference.

Second, I noticed that video and ethernet used the same interrupt. I 
used setpci to change the video one, and it would show that it was 
changed, but when I started X, it attached to the same old interrupt. 
No go there.

Third, I thought maybe being diskless was causing problems. I took an 
old laptop drive, copied the otherwise working root image onto it, 
tweaked /etc/fstab and the root boot option, and fired it up. Booting 
from disk worked fine, but playing video still had stuttering.

Next, I copied *one* nuv file from the backend to the drive in the 
frontend, stopped the front end, moved some directories around so myth 
would think that file was from the backend, and started it up. Worked 
*flawlessly*. Well, there was one pause immediately when starting up, 
and two in the last 8 seconds. I'm not at all worried about that.

So I guess I can stop messing with video drivers.
** Questions
Could someone with a working M10K using built in video and ethernet, 
with a separate backend, provide me with the following info?

What interrupts are your ethernet and video on? (cat /proc/interrupts)
 15:1856705  XT-PIC  uhci_hcd, eth0, [EMAIL PROTECTED]::01:00.0
What kernel version are you using? (I'm at 2.6.10)
Are you using the "VIA Rhine" ethernet driver? The "Use MMIO instead of 
PIO" option? (I'm going to try turning off MMIO now)

Any other suggestions?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] M10K XvMC video stuttering

2005-04-18 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 16, 2005, at 3:50 PM, Michael Carland wrote:
With both XvMC’s enabled (or just the VIA one), and deinterlace Bob 
(2x framerate), the picture looks great, but there are bursts of 
“prebuffering pause”s and “WriteAudio: buffer underrun” messages that 
go along with stuttering video.

With both XvMC’s disabled, no deinterlace, there are no pauses, no bad 
log messages, but there is video tearing.

With both XvMC’s disabled, and bob deinterlace, video is shown twice, 
split screen, with same picture squished on the top and the bottom, 
colors are funny (lots of purples and blues), and the whole screen 
flickers solid green. It’s a little noticable.
I'm still having no luck with this, although I may be wrong that it 
works fine when it is not live tv, it just works much better.

I have put a "-v all" log (it's about 1MB) at of startup and 
watching live tv for a short time. From the log, it appears XV and XvMC 
are being used. I've also done an strace, and see it opening the XvMC 
library, since the log complains about not finding the nVidia XvMC 
library.  I count 1 buffer underrun and 32 prebuffering pauses in a 28 
second period.

I've bumped down the bitrate to 3500, and that didn't seem to help.
I've tried two different backends, with the same results, and is the 
same in .17 and .18. I did a copy over NFS from the backend to the 
frontend, and saw acceptable throughput. I can't remember exactly how 
fast it was, but it was better than 4MB/sec over a 100Mb link.

Any suggestions on how to narrow this down further?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] M10K XvMC video stuttering

2005-04-16 Thread Michael Carland
Sorry to beat a seriously illin’ horse, and for the long post.
I was having this problem with .17, and waiting to see if it went away 
in .18, because I hadn’t been keeping up with patches.

I know turning off XvMC solves problems for many people, and that XvMC 
support is improving.

But I also thought that XvMC is working well for people with EPIA M10K 

I’m having a problem with stuttering video/sound on live tv playback. 
Playback from recorded content plays fine.

With both XvMC’s enabled (or just the VIA one), and deinterlace Bob (2x 
framerate), the picture looks great, but there are bursts of 
“prebuffering pause”s and “WriteAudio: buffer underrun” messages that 
go along with stuttering video.

With both XvMC’s disabled, no deinterlace, there are no pauses, no bad 
log messages, but there is video tearing.

With both XvMC’s disabled, and bob deinterlace, video is shown twice, 
split screen, with same picture squished on the top and the bottom, 
colors are funny (lots of purples and blues), and the whole screen 
flickers solid green. It’s a little noticable.

I’ve just built a new backend with a different MB/CPU, so I don’t think 
it is backend hardware related.

I’m using the following
Debian testing 6.8.2
Unichrome VIA driver from CVS, checked out 2005-03-15. DRM driver from CVS checked out 2005-02-10.
MythTV 0.17 (now .18)
I tried more recent checkouts of the VIA driver and DRM, but still had 
the same problem, along with some new ones, so I rolled back.

Other than the pause and underrun messages, there are no errors in the 
frontend log. The log does mention XV and VLD are being used:

2005-04-16 14:00:42.913 Using protocol version 15
2005-04-16 14:00:45.099 Opening audio device 'default'.
Using XvMC version: 1.0
XvMC found and using VLD surface
2005-04-16 14:00:45.131 Using XV port 64
2005-04-16 14:00:45.788 Using realtime priority.
2005-04-16 14:00:45.810 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-04-16 14:00:45.816 Video timing method: DRM
2005-04-16 14:00:46.084 prebuffering pause
vmstat doesn't show anything odd, compared to when it is playing 
smoothly. No swapping at all. top shows no IO waiting, plenty of idle 
CPU (60-70%). There is about 3% hi and 3% si in top, which I can't find 
a description for, I don't know if that is a problem. The stuttering is 
very bad when I first go to live TV, or when I change channels, but 
then smoothes out after a minute or two. It never goes completey away, 
it can come back in bursts, but isn't nearly as noticeable after a 
while. If I pause so I'm 15 seconds behind, it doesn't seem to help, 
but if I pause about 1 minute or more, it seems to rarely pause once I 
start again.

I didn’t think the 3D parts of OpenGL were used, but I figured if I 
could get a good glxgears value, it might indicate I had the drivers 
set up properly. Before doing this, glxgears was around 50fps, and 
after going through the motions, it is now around 530fps, so I think I 
have OpenGL set up properly.

Playing prerecorded content works smoothly.
Two smaller problems, they are not a big deal, but if there are any 
ideas it would be nice to cross them off the list.

1) When watching video, overscan hides the VBI dots at the top, but 
they are visible in the program guide, and the preview of recordings. I 
know the crop filter doesn’t work with XvMC, but I gave it a try just 
in case XvMC wasn’t used in either of those two modes. crop=1:0:0:0 had 
no effect.

2) When entering and exiting the program guide, the video jumps down 
and left slightly between the time the guide is selected, and actually 
appears. Not a huge deal, but it is pretty noticable, since this causes 
the VBI to be visible.

Any suggestions?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] gave up on the Epia

2005-04-13 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 13, 2005, at 11:15 AM, James Stembridge wrote:
On 4/13/05, Michael Carland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The issue was that I compile for epia with -march=c3, and the 
package built a utility for itself, and then failed running it since 
the desktop
didn't have the c3 magic.
Does using -march-c3 make any noticable performance difference?
Dunno, I've never done it any other way. I just figured since I was 
compiling from source anyways, I would set the appropriate arch.

I just use standard debian packages (which afaik will work on an
i386), even my kernel is just a standard i686 version.
I started with Debian sarge. Trying to work through my tv out problems, 
I switched to a self compiled Xorg, and not being a deb wizard, I then 
had to compile everything that depended on X. I'm sure if I took the 
time, I could have found a deb for Xorg 6.8.2, and learned how to use 
deb sources so I could do the unichrome patches. Or even just found 
unichrome debs. But even though it has been frustrating, sometimes I 
like to build the stuff myself so I know more about how it works.

Regarding giving up on epia, I don't have any of the DMA problems, or
even FF/REW problems (although the machine is diskless, so I suppose
there are fewer DMA contentions),
I have a disk and haven't see any issues. How might they manifest 

The only stability problem I've had was lockups caused by the longhaul
cpufreq module, since I've stopped using that it seems pretty solid.
I never installed longhaul, and I've never had DMA issues. I'm just 
referring to the constant stream of via dma complaints, system lockups 
I believe. I imagine you could be right, that longhaul has a large part 
in it. Also, I know the ivtv people recently discovered they had been 
letting a bad default value exist for dma timeouts, and this somehow 
affected via more than other chipsets (via chipsets had a different 
default dma timeout value?).

But, since I don't seem to have any dma issues, I'm just worrying about 
the problems I do have. I'm thinking .18 will fix my XvMC VLD, and then 
I need to find a job, so I can pay someone to come and tune up my TV!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] gave up on the Epia

2005-04-13 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 13, 2005, at 5:49 AM, Matthew Phillips wrote:
On 13/04/2005, at 12:35 AM, James Stembridge wrote:
On Apr 12, 2005 11:58 AM, Matthew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
so although TV worked out of the box it was pegging the CPU until I 
a recompile (takes 2.5 hours :/).
Why compile on the epia? I just compile deb's on my desktop, transfer
them over to the mythtv box and install. Much quicker :)
It certainly would be a good idea to do that - if I had another x86 
box to compile on ;) My home PC is a PowerBook and I'm not brave 
enough to attempt a cross-compilation setup with gcc (if that's even 
I can't remember what package it was, but I've had trouble compiling 
things for my epia on my desktop machine. The issue was that I compile 
for epia with -march=c3, and the offending package built a utility for 
itself, and then failed running it since the desktop didn't have the c3 

I'm sure there's a better way around this, assuming the offending 
package supports cross compiling, but being the lazy person I am, I 
just build everything for my frontend on my frontend. Sort of computer 
assisted procrastination.

Regarding giving up on epia, I don't have any of the DMA problems, or 
even FF/REW problems (although the machine is diskless, so I suppose 
there are fewer DMA contentions), but I have had more than my fair 
share of video problems. Part of the problem is possibly caused by a 
problem with my TV (some picture distortion), but also video stuttering 
problems with live tv, which seem to be XvMC related. I haven't applied 
all the patches to .17, but I think I read there are XvMC VLD changes 
in CVS I don't have that are related, so I'm crossing my fingers and 
waiting for .18.

I'm not giving up on my M10K yet, but if I knew then what I know now, 
it's not the way I would have started.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Live and recorded TV shifted right

2005-04-12 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 12, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Larry Symms wrote:
>I've figured this out. Turns out to be my fault, suprise, suprise.
  >I was looking at the correct settings in the wrong place. While 
digging  >through all the settings in the past, I had selected 
"(Create new profile
>group)" to see what was in there, a new profile was created, and I
   >couldn't figure out how to delete it. At least not with my remote. 
 >Anyways, I didn't realize the new profile was "active", 
since I hadn't   >selected it anywhere.
   >Long story short (I know, too late), when I 
changed the resolution of that
>new profile to 720x480 and set the aspect ratio to square, as I had 
>in the default profile, all is well.  
Are you using PAL or NTSC?
I think that used to be the text of my message...
I'm in NTSC land. I have since read a recent post about deleting custom 
recording profiles (Type M in the list of profiles, menu appears with 
delete on it) and removed my "accidental profile". Fixed up the default 
profiles, and still humming along.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EPIA M10000 FIR connector?

2005-04-06 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 6, 2005, at 8:03 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,
Does anyone have fast infrared working with the FIR connector on an 
M1 mobo ? I can't find anything on this (like what kernel module, 
lirc.conf file).

Anyone have this working ?
I couldn't follow if FIR worked in LIRC or not, so I built a homebrew 
serial receiver, and plugging it into the COM2 header on the M10K 

It by itself works very well, but I'm trying to use it through the 
unused hard drive activity indicator hole, which really cuts down the 
angles that it works at.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] QT 3.3.4 and highlighted buttons

2005-04-05 Thread Michael Carland
On Apr 5, 2005, at 4:34 PM, Jarod Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 05 April 2005 14:14, Dan Littlejohn wrote:
Maybe a third list should get created - mythtv-newbie
Then folks would not be afraid to ask "I have no idea how to do this /
off topic questions" without shame.  This would help the community by
helping newbies learn how to fix their boxes and people could be
directed off this list there that ask those questions.  I know I
myself would use it.  There are other lists, but people know stuff
here and that is gold.
The big problem with a -newbie list is this: who's going to answer the
questions? Its kinda like the blind leading the blind. I think Isaac 
is on
the money: people need to read before posting. I don't suggest reading 
your Myth email before posting (because there's a lot), but everyone, 
search the mailing list archive before posting! That should head off 
like 100 different Qt-highlighted-button threads.
I know I have a hard time keeping up on this list. I also have a hard 
time doing the google thang with some topics about Myth, probably 
because there is so much content, you really have to know *exactly* 
what you are searching for to get any relevant info.

For example, I was trying to get MythWeather animation working. My 
first attemps at google found many posts about people doing it, but 
little detail. Even when I new I needed to have a WeatherWantAnimated" 
setting somewhere, my first search for mythweather and 
weatherwantanimated had no hits on where to stuff that setting. I had 
to really tweak my search to find the sql I was looking for. I then 
added an entry to the FAQ list with the info.

Before I read this part of this thread, I was thinking of adding one 
topic per day to the FAQ, as my time allows, with the most repeated 
question on the list lately. Well, the most common question that I 
understand the answer enough to write up. Today I did the MythWeather and animated radar question. Not that it is posted that 
much, but because I just did it.

I hope the FAQ info on is still being integrated into the 
real FAQ. I also think the current FAQ is more like an install guide 
than an FAQ, with the main topic being mostly installation steps, and 
all the "problems" listed in no particular order in the 
"Troubleshooting" section.

Would it be worth my time to reorganize the FAQ, is this already being 
worked on, or is there a more current source of info that is being 
updated that I am not aware of?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users]Tips for fixing prebuffering pause and WriteAudio: buffer underrun

2005-03-31 Thread Michael Carland
On Mar 31, 2005, at 8:12 PM, Tj wrote:
Michael Carland wrote:
Still on my list of things to try is use OSS instead of ALSA. Others 
have suggested ALSA may be the culprit, and

Sorry couldn't be much help. :) FWIW, I have no problems with ALSA (I 
am using 1.0.8)..
Had high hopes there for a moment! Thought I was on ALSA 1.0.6, but I 
really have 1.0.8. Been reading too many posts tonight I guess.

Thanks again.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users]Tips for fixing prebuffering pause and WriteAudio: buffer underrun

2005-03-31 Thread Michael Carland
On Mar 31, 2005, at 8:04 AM, Tj NG wrote:
>I seem to have all of my install mistakes corrected, except for one.
>When I play recorded content all is well. But when I play live TV, I 
>many "*prebuffering* *pause*" messages, and an occasional 
"WriteAudio: buffer
>underrun". The video stutters during the *prebuffering* messages.
Did u compile with opengl-vsync on? Once that disabled, playback is 
fine on my machine...

Sadly, no. Always looking for the easy fix.
I turned on full logging on the backend and the frontend, but I'll need 
to do some homework before I can total sense of it. It does look like 
the audio buffer is constantly low, but until I look into what code is 
writing what messages, I won't be able to decode what is happening.

Thinking about this, I came up with what would be a cool debugging 
tool. It would be slick if there were dummy sources/sinks, that could 
be plugged into myth, and could be used to stress test the various 
parts of the system. So there would be a module that acted like a 
frontend, and tried to stream data from the backend at a rate that was 
stepped up until the backend couldn't keep up, and then printed 
statistics. Or a simplified backend that was capable of sending a 
simple stream (something like gears) at a high rate and logged stats 
about the requests from the frontend.

Maybe this functionality exists, dunno. I do know if I was smarter, I 
would write it. I don't know if my problem right now is a slow backend, 
frontend, or network. I assume it is not the network, I'm using 100Mbps 
with a switch, and I tried copying files over NFS from the backend to 
the frontends /dev/null (frontend is diskless, nowhere else to write it 
that wouldn't interfere with the network), and noted a fairly decent 

Still on my list of things to try is use OSS instead of ALSA. Others 
have suggested ALSA may be the culprit, and they may be right, but I 
have a feeling it isn't. The problem is usually worse when entering 
live tv mode, and then smooths out, and then occasionally appears now 
and then. To me it seems like a borderline bandwidth issue somewhere. I 
think I'll try bumping down my bitrate.

I did order parts from Monarch to build a new backend. I'm hoping to 
use these parts to try and troubleshoot this. If they ever ship.

But thanks for the suggestion.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Tips for fixing prebuffering pause and WriteAudio: buffer underrun

2005-03-28 Thread Michael Carland

--- SpikeyGG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From: Michael Carland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >I seem to have all of my install mistakes corrected, except for one.
> >
> >When I play recorded content all is well. But when I play live TV, I
> get
> >many  "prebuffering pause" messages, and an occasional "WriteAudio:
> buffer
> >underrun". The video stutters during the prebuffering messages.
> >
> >I done some googling, and tried a few things, but have not been able to
> >get around this. I am looking for tips on how to find the source of the
> >problem.
> >
> >I have tried vmstat on both the frontend and the backend, and don't see
> >anything that stands out. No swapping, plenty of memory, at least 20%
> idle
> >cpu on both ends.
> >
> >I have the "Extra audio buffering" checked. I tried the "Aggresive
> >Soundcard Buffering", but it didn't help, so I turned it back off.
> >
> >I am using ALSA on the frontend, and other than the stutters, it sounds
> >fine.
> >
> I have a similar problem:
> I've found that when I use ALSA without the "Extra audio buffering" it
> gives 
> me lots of this:
> 2005-03-28 11:54:27.415 WriteAudio: buffer underrun
> 2005-03-28 11:54:28.202 WriteAudio: buffer underrun
> 2005-03-28 11:54:34.626 WriteAudio: buffer underrun
> 2005-03-28 11:54:34.924 WriteAudio: buffer underrun
> 2005-03-28 11:54:37.762 WriteAudio: buffer underrun
> The audio on certian channels is crackly and the video is jumpy.  You
> can 
> see from the timestamps that these babys fill up the logfile very
> quickly.
> And if I enable the "Extra audio buffering" with ALSA it gives me lots
> of 
> this:
> 2005-03-28 11:56:04.449 prebuffering pause
> 2005-03-28 11:56:06.250 prebuffering pause
> 2005-03-28 11:56:07.685 prebuffering pause
> 2005-03-28 11:56:08.621 prebuffering pause
> 2005-03-28 11:56:09.637 prebuffering pause
> The audio skips ever so slightly and so does the video but it's better
> than 
> the buffer undderrun.  The prebuffering pause messages come once a
> second... 
> much slower than the underruns.
> I haven't figured out how to fix either of these problems.  I'm running 
> MythTV from CVS, with a pcHDTV HD-3000 card.  Most of the time I just
> use 
> /dev/dsp but I've been wanting to use the ALSA because when I get a new 
> reciever I'll be using the ALSA digital option to send it out the
> optical 
> port.  Plus, I'd like to use a mixed audio driver so I never get caught
> with 
> the "audio device is in use" message.  My hardware is nForce3 built-in
> sound 
> on my motherboard.
> Thanks,
> -Greg 

One thing I have noticed in the logs that are different between live tv
and playing recorded content. Live tv has:

2005-03-28 20:24:28.249 Using protocol version 14
2005-03-28 20:24:28.303 Using protocol version 14

in the logs, but recorded content does not. I perused the list archive
while I was waiting for my hardware to arrive, and remember reading
something about playing from NFS works better than playing over the Myth
protocol. I do have an NFS share/mount between the backend/frontend. Might
those protocol version 14 messages imply that live tv is using the
protocol for video transfer instead of NFS, and that is why live tv
doesn't work as well as playing prerecorded video?


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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Live TV stops after a few hours.

2005-03-28 Thread Michael Carland
--- Ken Mink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
>   This problem doesn't appear to be very common. A couple of us have
> been trying to track down the cause. Could you post some info about
> your rig; distro, versions, hardware, etc?
> Thanks,
> Ken

Certainly. Anything to help. I just set this up, and am still relying on
my TiVo for recordings I care about, so if there is anything code wise you
would like me to try, it wouldn't be a problem. Besides the fact that my
laptops hard drive is singing it's death song.

Also, I have ordered hardware for a new backend with a litle more oomph,
so if that ever ships, I can see if the problem goes away with the

AMD K6-3 768MB ram, IWill XA100+ MB
Debian sarge, 2.6.10 kernel, gcc 3.3.5.
1xPVR-500MCE, IVTV 0.3.2-p
Encoder firmware 0x02040011
66GB media partition using JFS
Myth 0.17

Via EPIA M10K, 512MB ram
Debian sarge, 2.6.10 kernel, gcc 3.3.5 6.8.2 with Unichrome via video and DRI driver, checked out and built
a few weeks ago.
Using the XvMC hardware option, Deinterlace w/Bob
Diskless, system mounted NFS from a 3rd machine.
Myth 0.17 with an ALSA patch (fixes uninitialized var)
LIRC 0.7.0 with a few minor modifications.


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Re: [mythtv-users] Live TV stops after a few hours.

2005-03-28 Thread Michael Carland
--- Will Dormann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Votour wrote:
> > However, I do hope that it is fixed, as LiveTV is an
> > important feature (and really, the whole reason I'm
> > using Myth - otherwise, I might as well just have a
> > VCR).
> Now that's funny.   :)
I was going to say, those sound like fightin' words!

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Re: [mythtv-users] Live TV stops after a few hours.

2005-03-28 Thread Michael Carland
--- Ken Mink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Welcome to the group. This is a known, yet not wide spread, problem
> where the backend crashes when the live buffer gets full. A bug was
> filed in bugzilla on it and it has been posted to the dev list a
> number of times. Currently the only work around that I've seen is to
> set your live buffer to be very large and remember to change channels
> every once in a while. My problem is that I forget to pop out to the
> menu before going to bed or leaving for the day.
> Good luck,
> Ken


I feel like I'm drinking from a fire hose, reading this list. And while
I'm usually good at finding stuff in Google, for some reason my searches
on Myth are not fruitful. It's good to know so much is going on though.

I think I have a 3 hour live buffer, so that should be an easy workaround.
I had just left live tv running overnight to see if it was stable. I don't
think this will normally bite my, I'll just have to be careful with the
kids watching SpongeBob marathons.


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Re: [mythtv-users] Tips for fixing prebuffering pause and WriteAudio: buffer underrun

2005-03-28 Thread Michael Carland
--- Matthew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 28/03/2005, at 9:15 AM, Michael Carland wrote:
> > I seem to have all of my install mistakes corrected, except for one.
> >
> > When I play recorded content all is well. But when I play live TV, I 
> > get
> > many  "prebuffering pause" messages, and an occasional "WriteAudio: 
> > buffer
> > underrun". The video stutters during the prebuffering messages.
> Hi Michael,
> I had a very similar problem which cropped up after switching to ALSA 
> output. After a long saga of list-trawling, it turned out to be an 
> error with an uninitialised variable in Myth's ALSA audio module (I so 
> wish C++ would regard this sort of thing as an error). After grabbing a 
> patch from CVS and rebuilding, all is fixed.
> The patch against 0.17 is attached. Since we have the same frontend hw, 
> I could look into making the (RPM) binaries available if there's 
> somewhere to drop them.
> Matthew.

Thanks for the patch.

At first, I thought it worked. When I started live tv, 4 pauses and one
underrun where logged, but then it was looking good. That lasted about a
minute, and then it was back to the stuttering.

It's a little confusing, it does not happen recording a program, and it
does not happen when playing a recording, so it's not easy to pin on the
frontend or backend.

May I ask what kind of tuner card you are using?


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[mythtv-users] Live TV stops after a few hours.

2005-03-27 Thread Michael Carland

I'm running 0.17, and after a few hours, live tv just stops.

I get prebuffering pauses sprinkled here and their when it is working, and
then the backend logs:
2005-03-27 17:45:35.038 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
ERROR: file I/O problem in 'safe_read()': Invalid argument
ERROR: file I/O problem in 'safe_read()': Invalid argument
ERROR: file I/O problem in 'safe_read()': Invalid argument

while the frontend logs:

2005-03-27 19:05:00.495 prebuffering pause
Errm, event socket just closed.
2005-03-27 20:03:18.933 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 20:03:20.755 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-03-27 20:03:22.756 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-03-27 20:03:24.758 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-03-27 20:03:26.760 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-03-27 20:03:28.761 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-03-27 20:03:30.763 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-03-27 20:03:32.765 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-03-27 20:03:34.766 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-03-27 20:03:34.767 Waited 14 seconds for data to become available,
Freed 5898240 (pool 2)
Freed 6428192 (pool 2)
Freed 6958144 (pool 2)
Freed 7488096 (pool 2)
Freed 8018048 (pool 2)
Freed 8548000 (pool 2)
Freed 9077952 (pool 2)
Freed 9607904 (pool 2)
Freed 10137856 (pool 2)
2005-03-27 20:03:38.921 ReadStringList timeout (quick).
2005-03-27 20:03:38.921 RemoteFile::Read(): No response from control
2005-03-27 20:03:38.921 RemoteFile::Read() failed in
2005-03-27 20:03:38.922 RemoteFile::Read() failed in
2005-03-27 20:03:38.922 RemoteFile::Read() failed in
2005-03-27 20:03:38.922 RemoteFile::Read() failed in
2005-03-27 20:03:38.922 RemoteFile::Read() failed in
2005-03-27 20:03:38.923 RemoteFile::Read() failed in

backend then dies with a segfault.

Any ideas?



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[mythtv-users] Tips for fixing prebuffering pause and WriteAudio: buffer underrun

2005-03-27 Thread Michael Carland
I seem to have all of my install mistakes corrected, except for one.

When I play recorded content all is well. But when I play live TV, I get
many  "prebuffering pause" messages, and an occasional "WriteAudio: buffer
underrun". The video stutters during the prebuffering messages.

I done some googling, and tried a few things, but have not been able to
get around this. I am looking for tips on how to find the source of the

I have tried vmstat on both the frontend and the backend, and don't see
anything that stands out. No swapping, plenty of memory, at least 20% idle
cpu on both ends.

I have the "Extra audio buffering" checked. I tried the "Aggresive
Soundcard Buffering", but it didn't help, so I turned it back off.

I am using ALSA on the frontend, and other than the stutters, it sounds

Myth 0.17
The backend is a 400MHz K6-3, 2.6.10 kernel, PVR-500MCE, ivtv 0.3.2p.
The frontend is an Epia M10K, 2.6.10 kernel, 6.8.2 with XvMC enabled
(and appears to be working from the logs).

Output of frontend during live tv:
2005-03-27 17:17:34.691 Using protocol version 14
2005-03-27 17:17:37.867 Opening audio device 'default'.
Using XvMC version: 1.0
XvMC found and using VLD surface
2005-03-27 17:17:37.958 Using XV port 64
Fulfilled via DRI at 5898240
Fulfilled via DRI at 6428192
Fulfilled via DRI at 6958144
Fulfilled via DRI at 7488096
Fulfilled via DRI at 8018048
Fulfilled via DRI at 8548000
Fulfilled via DRI at 9077952
Fulfilled via DRI at 9607904
Fulfilled via DRI at 10137856
2005-03-27 17:17:38.629 Using realtime priority.
2005-03-27 17:17:38.647 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-03-27 17:17:38.657 Video timing method: DRM
Freed 0 (pool 0)
Freed 10491168 (pool 2)
Fulfilled via DRI at 10491168
2005-03-27 17:17:47.315 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:17:57.877 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:17:58.256 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:17:58.573 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:17:58.889 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:17:59.305 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:17:59.622 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:17:59.938 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:18:00.255 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:18:00.571 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:18:00.887 prebuffering pause
2005-03-27 17:18:00.888 WriteAudio: buffer underrun

Nothing special in the backend log:

2005-03-27 17:17:33.213 adding: myth as a client (events: 0)
2005-03-27 17:17:33.221 adding: myth as a remote ringbuffer
2005-03-27 17:17:33.236 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-03-27 17:21:48.355 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None

vmstat on backend during live tv (ok, bo 0 may be odd, but I didn't see
that before):
procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us sy
id wa
 1  0  0 556680  15192 12833600 0   604 4490  4210  4 38
58  0
 0  0  0 556104  15192 12886000 0   544 4443  4541  5 33
62  0
 0  0  0 28  15192 12948000 0   640 4113  4917  3 28
69  0
 0  0  0 554952  15192 13005200 0   620 4106  4838  3 28
69  0
 0  0  0 554312  15192 13070000 0 0 4002  5313  2 26
72  0
 0  0  0 553608  15192 13146000 0   668 3937  5112  2 26
72  0
 0  0  0 552840  15192 13218800 0   828 4068  4532  4 34
62  0

And vmstat on frontend:
procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us sy
id wa
 1  0  0 164028  0 16814400 0 0 1754  2035 23 21
56  0
 2  0  0 164028  0 16814400 0 0 2406  2590 24 23
54  0
 0  0  0 163900  0 16814400 0 0 2553  1628 40 49
11  0
 0  0  0 163900  0 16814400 0 0 2342  1973 33 45
22  0
 1  0  0 163900  0 16814400 0 0 3748  2761 39 46
14  0
 0  0  0 163900  0 16814400 0 0 4291  3595 32 42
26  0

Any tips for further figuring this out? One thing I read was to turn off
XvMC, but will that work on an cle266 without the deinterlacing (Bob)?



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Re: [mythtv-users] Live and recorded TV shifted right.

2005-03-27 Thread Michael Carland
--- Michael Carland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> fine. But in Myth, there is a large black area on the left, and the
> right
> side of the video is missing. I would guess the video is shifted right
> about 20%.

I've figured this out. Turns out to be my fault, suprise, suprise.

I was looking at the correct settings in the wrong place. While digging
through all the settings in the past, I had selected "(Create new profile
group)" to see what was in there, a new profile was created, and I
couldn't figure out how to delete it. At least not with my remote.

Anyways, I didn't realize the new profile was "active", since I hadn't
selected it anywhere.

Long story short (I know, too late), when I changed the resolution of that
new profile to 720x480 and set the aspect ratio to square, as I had tried
in the default profile, all is well.


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Re: [mythtv-users] [Slightly OT] Via EPIA, Unichrome, TV-out: Interlacing?

2005-03-26 Thread Michael Carland
I just asked this the other day, and Simeon Walker provided the answer:

>Go into
>'Setup - TV Settings - Playback' and check 'Deinterlace playback' then
>select 'Bob (2x framerate)' from the dropdown menu.

Worked great for me.


--- Jon Whitear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a Via EPIA M10K front end with Unichrome drivers, using xvmc VLD.
> In live TV, fast horizontal pans (e.g. Simpsons opening sequence) are a
> blur, which I take to mean that some form of de-interlacing is taking
> place.
> I don't have any interlacing configured in mythfrontend.
> Is this expected with this combination? Is there anything I can do about
> it?
> I'm not sure if this is a Myth issue, or a Unichrome issue, hence my
> initial
> post here.
> Unichrome is from CVS as of February, and Myth is from CVS as of
> yesterday.
> Cheers,
> Jon
> > ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

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[mythtv-users] Live and recorded TV shifted right.

2005-03-26 Thread Michael Carland
I've created a new setup running .17, with a PVR-500MCE in the backend,
and an EPIA M10K frontend.

The Default and LiveTV record settings are set to 720x480, and I've tried
4:3, square, and 2.21:1 aspect ratios.

The frontend is using a Noscale mode at 720x480, that has reduced overscan
(Unichrome driver). The screen settings in Myth are 690x445+0+15, and I
have tweaked them so that the menu displays are exactly the size of the
visible portion of the TV. "Use GUI size for TV playback" is not checked.
I am using "Deinterlace playback" with the Bob algorithm, and both "Use
hardware XvMC MPEG decoding" and "Use HW XvMC VLD Decoding (Via Only)". I
do see messages in the log like "Fulfilled via DRI at 5898240", I assume
that is the hardware XvMC working. All four values in the "Overscan"
settings are zero.

If I "cat /dev/video0 > testvideo.mpg" and play it in VLC, the video looks
fine. But in Myth, there is a large black area on the left, and the right
side of the video is missing. I would guess the video is shifted right
about 20%.

If I use one of the 4:3 zoom of Fill modes, way too much is cropped off
the display. I was assuming that by using both 720x480 on the capture, and
in the X display, everything should line up, and I would only be losing
what is outside the 690x445 that the menuing displays in.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Is it a problem that 720x480 is
3:2, and that is not one of the aspect ratios for the MPEG2 decoders in
the recording profiles?



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