Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Pre-purchase questions

2011-01-09 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Pascal Hibon;601068 Wrote: 
> If the Radio isn’t able to stream your radio station it will play a
> local backup sound.
Well, the problem regarding this theory is that there are cases where
the alarm is not played at all or for such a short time that it's
indeed not audible, especially if the fade in works for a change.

In 99.999% of these cases, there is nothing to be found in the router
logs that would explain this behavior and usually the Radio can play
the stream instantly and without further chokes if it was started

Besides, the typical failure in my case is that the Radio starts to
fade in several minutes before the programmed alarm for a few seconds
and then stops again. With a probability of like 40%, it will then
continue with the programmed stream (without fade in), with 55%
likelihood it will then play the fallback alarm at full volume and in
the remaining 5% it stays silent.

There were some cases where the Radio didn't react to anything or
claimed it was not connected to MYSB or had no WLAN although it still
could be partially controlled via the MYSB remote control. But the
usual case is that the Radio can immediately play any stream if I press
a preset button.

Now sorry, you can shift the blame for this to my rock stable internet
connection or whatever, but to me it's obvious that the Radio is buggy
to its core.

Maybe the different behavior (if there really is one) can be explained
by tolerances e.g. regarding the accuracy of the time base for the 2nd
CPU (I wouldn't call it a realtime clock). Anyway, if Logitech builds
hardware with such tolerances, they should feel the need to implement a
design that can handle them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Pre-purchase questions

2011-01-09 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Yeah, let's just not assume the obvious if anything else works like a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Questions Regarding Alarm

2011-01-09 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Simon300;600896 Wrote: 
> Ironic when you'd have thought a bedside radio was a key target market
> (though it is a bit pricey for just that).

It's even more ironic if you take into account that Logitech still
praises the SB as "an ideal bedside companion" on their website,
explicitly mentioning its  "auto-dimming display and alarm" features.
No question - it WAS designed as internet radio clock and they just
don't care that it's not really usable for that.

Simon300;600896 Wrote: 
> It's a real shame that Logitech haven't put the effort in - some of the
> bugs would probably only take a junior developer to fix.
There are indeed lots of smaller issues that should be fixable within
hours if not minutes which leaves the question why this didn't happen
yet. Even if there was only one underpaid Chinese developer working on
this, as this is the case for the typical media player, it's kinda
unexplainable that really close to nothing was improved in more than
one year.
The again, I'm still convinced that the whole alarm design is so
completely ill designed from the core that there is no easy fix
anymore. I guess too much money was invested in the MYSB server
infrastructure instead of putting a little thought in a sensible system
design. And now it's probably too late for the responsibles to admit
their failure.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Pre-purchase questions

2011-01-09 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Maybe "working" is also a matter of definition. Some people claim the
alarm is fine if the backup alarm wakes them up.
If you expect the alarm to fade softly in exactly at the defined time,
play the programmed internet station for the programmed time, then the
reliability is like 5% or less.
Most of the time the alarm starts to early, doesn't fade in, stops
after a random time (which can be less than a seconds) or the backup
sound is played at full volume either instantly or after a random
The again, complete failure (in the sense nothing is played at all) is
rather seldom currently. There were times though where this happened
with a 50% chance just because Logitech messed with the MYSB servers
The alarm might be a bit better with a local server, but the issues
seem to exist there as well, which is kinda logical as they are caused
by the broken system design.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Questions Regarding Alarm

2011-01-07 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Honestly, I'm pretty much 100% convinced, that at least some people at
Logitech are fully aware of how crappy the whole alarm design and
implementation is and chose to ignore it for whatever reason. As they
chose to ignore all the other flaws and bugs. Heck, it's not like there
weren't hundreds of bug reports in the bug tracker and they were all
closed or declared duplicates without fixing them.

Indeed one reason for this behavior most probably is that there are not
too many comparable devices and most of them are even more expensive
than the SB Radio. Also there is obviously a certain customer base
which is either willing to live with all the flaws or has a local
server installed which hides at least the most blatant bugs to some

We'll see if this is enough to keep the brand alive for the next years.
Most certainly the current level of software quality and support will
stand no chance against any other serious competitors if they decide to
enter this segment.

BTW: the Chumby 8 is looking pretty cool. And I'm pretty sure some of
the upcoming Android tables can be misued as pretty cool internet radio
clock when you connect some decent active speakers. 

So sooner or later, Logitech will have to reconsider their attitude
towards their customers or they will go down in flames. Well ok, the
Squeezebox brand will. And that's a shame.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Questions Regarding Alarm

2011-01-04 Thread 0xdeadbeef

While I don't like Apple at all, I fail to imagine they will be
incapable of fixing this bug in more than a year. 
Of course, if the iPhone was built by Logitech, they (and the fanboys)
would claim that the alarm clock was not important anyway, as it's a
phone after all. Also you could stick a cheap LCD alarm clock to its
back with some duct tape.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Questions Regarding Alarm

2010-12-20 Thread 0xdeadbeef

If you want a working alarm, better buy something else.

The alarm is the most broken functionality on the Radio and it totally
depends on the MYSB servers (or a local server running 24/7). 
If the MYSB server is down (which happens every now and then) or
doesn't work correctly (which usually takes Logitech several months to
figure out), the alarm is not working at all or at least heavily

Add a bunch of bugs in the Radio's alarm implementation, a really bad
interface design for the alarm (e.g. nearly unreadable time when the
alarm is active etc.) and a non-existent SW development for bugfixes
and improvement and you get something that might be useful as mono
streaming device, but definitely not as alarm clock.

And don't expect the situation to improve. The SW is as buggy and the
alarm functionality as broken as it was in October 2009 when I bought
the Radio. It's just that half a year ago, they broke the alarm
completely and only after several months, they managed to get it at
least back to the "works correctly in 3 of 5 cases" scenario.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio station stream for alarm

2010-12-16 Thread 0xdeadbeef

If the even the oldest Squeezeboxes were able to display a realtime
spectrum or the levels of both stereo channels, you would think the
Radio should be more than capable to monitor the level of the audio
Then again, I don't even think that this would be necessary if the
whole streaming implementation was solid. Indeed this would only help
in the rare case of a silent radio stream, which will probably never
really happen.
So a monitoring of the stream should really suffice - if it was
correctly implemented. As is isn't and they were not able to get it
straight in more than a year, it's kinda optimistic to assume that the
very same people will be able to implement a solid level monitoring.
Heck, not even switching off the damn thing really works and you
wouldn't think you could mess something as basic as this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-12-04 Thread 0xdeadbeef

erland;592607 Wrote: 
> However, complaining here doesn't help because the right people within
> Logitech aren't reading these forums. So I would strongly advice any
> user that have the problem and want a solution to contact Logitech
> support.

It is simply impossible that the responsibles at Logitech are not aware
of these issues with the Radio and MYSB. If they really wouldn't be,
than they were the most ignorant bunch of people on this planet. So
either they decided to ignore the problems for some reason of they
don't care for other reasons. Anyway, they have chosen their way of
treating this issue and IMHO there is no way whatsoever to change their
attitude. So no matter if you contact the support or enter a bug report
or just complain in this forum or the other: if they didn't care or
manage to fix at least the most blatant bugs in more than one year,
they never will.

So complaining in this forum is as good (and as useless) as any other
form of reaction to this attitude of Logitech towards their customers.
Then again, at least by complaining in this forum, there's a certain
chance to warn potential customers how bad the software and how lousy
Logitech's customer care really is. Every potential customer who's
scared away hurts Logitech ten times more than any bug report or
support call. And oh yeah, they should be hurt for treating their
customers this way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-26 Thread 0xdeadbeef

And as predicted, they couldn't resist.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-25 Thread 0xdeadbeef

erland;585017 Wrote: 
> I suggest we let the people that want complain to continue to use this
> thread, there is no point arguing any more.
I wish I could believe this, but I don't. There are a few people who
just can't accept a thread that simply discusses the weaknesses of the
Radio. It is impossible for them to stop themselves from posting the
same old boring and not at all helpful sermon of "the Radio is great
... run a server ... sell it if you don't like it". Again and again and
again and again. And they don't even notice how completely futile this
is. And maybe they really think that this is arguing.
And yeah, I know exactly, what responses this posting will get, as
these guys are so predictable, that I could write my own Fanboy-Eliza.
So yeah, I shouldn't probably waste my breath. Then again, I just don't
like how these folks scare away the unhappy newbies by talking them in
believing that there are no problems and that the unhappy users are a
minority. Both is not true.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-24 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Well, it's always nice to see the fanboys happy. Maybe you really
believe this "there are only a few unappy customers" rubbish after all.
Hard to believe, but yeah well.

But if you should ever experience a lucid moment of seldom insight, you
should ask yourself how your "everything is great if we just deny the
truth" attitude contributed to this thread. Did it make the software
better, did it make the problems go away, did it make any sense? Nope?
Yeah, so why don't you just let it be the next time?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-24 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Ok, some people here just don't seem know what a sensible discussion
would look like. Some hints:
1) If you're not able to argue against a valid point, that just don't
try to discuss. 
2) Insulting people or telling them that they should shut off or that
they are whining or that they should just ignore the problem is NOT a
valid point in a discussion. You would assume that grown ups would know
this, but yeah well.
3) Uttering an opinion is NOT a plea for help. If you think you need to
help everybody with a different opinion, then maybe something's wrong
with you, not him.
4) A discussion forum is a place to state your opinion. Is is not
necessarily a place to state only YOUR opinion.

So yeah, the Radio's software is crap and it renders it nearly
unusable. Even if I kicked my Radio out of the window, this simple
truth would not change. And even if I'd accept all its weaknesses and
work around them by running a server 24/7, shutting it down every day
and doing magical rituals to lower the chance of complete failure, the
software would still be crap simply because it forces me as a user to
do things to make it work instead of simply working.

And yeah, I don't care if the programmers are incapable, underpaid or
if their workload was/is too high. What counts for me as a customer is
the result. And the result is crap. Taking into account the estimated
complexity of an internet radio clock and the fact that every Chinese
company with one underpaid programmer is able to implement at least
this basic functionality in a few months, it is simply inexcusable that
the basic functionality is still not working one whole year after the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-23 Thread 0xdeadbeef



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-23 Thread 0xdeadbeef

erland;584645 Wrote: 
> Before you start insulting the developers, I suggest that you prove that
> you know better yourself
I don't need to prove you anything. If the software I designed and
developed in the last 12 years to earn my living was only nearly as
crappy as that of my Radio, people would have died and I'd be in jail
by now. So I figure I'm more than qualified to call a software crap
when it is crap. If you don't think so, I couldn't care less.  

erland;584645 Wrote: 
> If you feel that it's not your responsibility to fix it (which it
> isn't), then I suggest that you contact Logitech support and ask them
> to fix it if you haven't done so already.
Obviously it is not my responsibility to fix a product that I bought.
Why would you even think it is? Besides: the past year shows that even
if somebody analyzes one module and tells the developers how to improve
its robustness, they don't really get it and mess it up again.
Anyway, I think it's clear that the problems are also on the server
side and in the system design. So even with a perfectly implemented
software, the problems couldn't be completely fixed without changing
the system design and fixing the server side.
And I really dunno what the support should do about it. There's nothing
to do for the support, it's the bleeding management that should finally
get things straight by hiring the right people to finally fix this

> If you have contacted Logitech support and they couldn't fix your
> problem, then I suggest that you keep complaining on the official
> support forum or just get rid of the Radio and replace it with
> something else.
Neither would improve the product. Both "suggestions" were uttered so
many times, that it should slowly get boring. Anyway, Logitech and the
SB developers ignore people here and there. And if you didn't care to
follow my points about the 2nd "suggestion", why would I bother to
comment on it?

> It's pretty obvious that you aren't happy with the Radio and from what
> you describe it sounds like you think it's crap and completely useless.
> In this case there has to be some other product out there that works
> better for you, so why don't you just get some other product ?
It is crap and it is close to useless. However, this whole reply just
shows, that you didn't even bother to fully read my posting before you
felt the urge to reply with standard phrases.

> It should be pretty obvious to you by now that complaining on this
> community forum won't solve your problems. It wouldn't surprise me if
> Logitech was even willing to give you your money back if you like to
> return your Radio.
Honestly I think that nothing will solve the problems and the brand
will be dead in two years. I guess the chance that there will be
Squeezeboxes in a few years is as low as the chance that Logitech will
refund me. 

> We all know the problem exists and we all know it's not just a few
> people.
So why doesn't Logitech? It seems impossible that none of the people
there ever tried their own product. And if they did, it's kinda
impossible that they overlooked all the blatant issues. 
The only explanation really seems to be that they just don't care. They
don't care to frustrate their customers, they don't care to lose their
customers, they don't care to ruin the brand.

> If you don't understand this, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to
> help.
Why would you think I asked for your help? For sure, I didn't.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-23 Thread 0xdeadbeef

No surprise here, the very same people feel the urge to contradict
without a single valid point. 
Anyway, the Radio's software IS badly designed: that it works it some
local (!) environments for people with lowered expectations doesn't
mean that it meets the typical industry standard (which is pretty low
anyway). A properly designed system/software is robust enough to work
under real-life conditions. For a network application this includes
considering loss of packets, loss of connections etc. The radio's
software is definitely not design in that way. Heck, the darn thing is
not even able to reliably shut itself down. The whole design is the
opposite of robustness and reliability. Several issues indicate that
the developers don't even know the slightest thing about thread safety,
debouncing etc.
It is beyond me how anybody on this planet can really believe that the
software is even acceptable. It's not. If I was in any way involved in
this design and implementation disaster, I couldn't sleep at night.
And about that "this just happens for a few people myth": read the
comments on Amazon. This is NOT the problem of a few people just
because you want to be it that way. And this is not a problem of local
network setup just because you don't see the existing issues.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-23 Thread 0xdeadbeef

So as there is no substantial point against my claims, I take that as:
the two of you agree that the Radio is a piece of crap and nobody
should expect it to work and buy something else instead.

Of course that "buy something" else idea is not as easy as it sounds as
most simple internet radios are cheaply build and have these terrible
blueish LCD displays that I despise and the Sony Dash is still not on
sale in Europe. So while it would be pretty easy to buy a working
internet radio, it will be actually pretty hard to find one that would
meet the expectations that I had as I bought the SB Radio. And
replacing the King of crap with a Baron of crap doesn't sound like such
a good deal to me. 

Besides, just to make this clear: in my humble opinion it's beneath
contempt to call justified criticism "whining" and everybody who does
so is not really worth arguing with.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-22 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Either you replied to something else or you didn't get a single word I
wrote. Anyway, another completely pointless contribution.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-22 Thread 0xdeadbeef

fuzzyT;584461 Wrote: 
> Mr. Deadbeef, just quit trying to use it as an alarm clock.  It stinks 
> at that.  Great table radio though.
Yeah, I bought it as bedside radio clock. Is is so strange to expect
that a device that was advertised as bedside radio, that features a
dedicated alarm button and that was praised to have an improved wakeup
mechanism (featuring a 2nd low power CPU that serves as real time clock
and wakes up the radio before an alarm) actually has a working alarm?

Besides: it's not only the alarm. The whole software concept is crap.
It was obviously designed and implemented by people who don't have the
slightest knowledge about robustness and realtime systems. Or at least
some common sense. Indeed, it's hard to imagine that any experienced
developer worked on this. How is it possible that a device doesn't even
react correctly to the simplest of commands and there was not the
slightest improvement in whole year after the original release?

Every single morning the alarm fails this way or the other. When the
alarm stopped for no reason and I press the OFF button, it starts
again. Sometimes the doorstopper switches itself on and every single
time I try to shut it down, it restarts instead. Sometimes it freezes
completely, sometimes menu items are missing, sometimes it claims there
is no WLAN until I reboot it, sometimes it claims it can't connect to
MYSB until I reboot it. Let's say: it really keeps my busy, but it
never just simply works.

Now really, I own quite a lot of cheap Chinese crap product, but the
greatest disappointment and biggest cause of daily pain in my crap
gadget collection is by far that dreaded Radio. How can a large company
like Logitech fail so miserably to develop something so simple? How is
it possible that they didn't realize months ago how broken the Radio is
and that they really need to work out an emergency plan to get the
software to a level that is at least acceptable before they ruin the
reputation of the whole product line?

This is really completely beyond my imagination.

As a side note: one year ago, I really wanted to update my SB3 to a
Touch. I wanted to buy a Touch as present for my sister and at least
two of my colleagues were interested in the Touch because I praised my
SB3 so much and the Touch seemed to be better in every possible way.
Thank God it was delayed...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech don't care about us ! Class Action

2010-10-22 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Well, the SB Radio is by far the hitec gadget with the crappiest
software that I ever owned. I could name a second gadget I bought in
the last few years which was so badly designed (from a SW design
perspective) and poorly supported. And I really bought a lot of stuff
with a lot of flaws. However, all these devices had some or or less
severe quirks, but at least the basic functionality worked. Not a
single one had a software design that was so completely broken and
flawed to the core. It's a shame and I would be surprised if the brand
survived another two years.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] MySQueezebox down AGAIN!

2010-10-20 Thread 0xdeadbeef

They weren't, they won't and they don't seem to care.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm is awful.

2010-10-18 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Indeed I don't count the times when the alarm failed partly or
completely any more. It's much simpler to count the times when it
worked more or less ok. It's not like I need more than the fingers on
one hand to count that in the last month(s). Honestly I can't remember
when it worked completely flawlessly the last time. Must have been back
in February or so.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Next update released when?

2010-10-15 Thread 0xdeadbeef

There are so many blatant bugs that weren't fixed for one year and
probably will never get fixed in the lifetime of the Radio and/or the
SB brand, so why do you assume, the next update will fix anything?

Indeed, all that was really improved a bit since October 2009 ist the
dimming. Everything else is still more or less as crappy as it was with
the initial release. A bit of improvement in one release is followed by
a more or less severe regression in the next one. It's not like there
was any kind of solid improvement in all this time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Next update released when?

2010-10-15 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Well, they were not able to fix it in one year, so why do you think the
next update will fix it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Switched on, on first time... error

2010-09-29 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Or buy something that actually works.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] So when does the next firmware update come out?

2010-09-15 Thread 0xdeadbeef

This reply was so completely pointless that it hurts. What is working
for you? Getting Logitech to fix the bugs (which would be the only
sensible reply to my posting)? If so: why weren't they fixed then since
last October? Why do some people feel the urge to reply to postings when
they have nothing sensible to utter?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] So when does the next firmware update come out?

2010-09-15 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Sorry, but the "official" forum is a joke. As it the support or the
handling of bug reports in the bugtracker. Let's face it: the folks at
Logitech either don't care that the Radio's software is crap or they
are not willing or able to fix it. It's simply impossible that they
don't know about all the issues.
Besides: if this is just a user forum that Logitech doesn't care about,
why does the "Logitech Squeezebox Software Program Manager" place all
these euphemistic sticky postings?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Disappointed

2010-09-15 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Yeah, yeah, user's fault. Sure.
I have a rock solid 25MBit/s internet connection that has no issues
streaming HD-IPTV video streams. All of my other devices WLAN or not,
work flawlessly, just the radio is not able to work reliably. So yeah,
it must be my setup. For sure my 100% stable internet connection is to
blame that the Radio is so buggy that even switching it off doesn't
work. Very plausible.
And no, there weren't dozens, if not hundreds of bug reports regarding
alarm reliability, all merged or claimed to be either duplicates of
unrelated issues or set to resolved without being fixed. Guess this
great reliability is also the reason for all the overwhelming reviews
on Amazon.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Disappointed

2010-09-15 Thread 0xdeadbeef

The radio also stops randomly without backup alarm. Even the euphemistic
release note of the last software update said that the random stopping
was just "reduced", not fixed. Indeed this doesn't say much anyway, as
before the last update, the alarm didn't work at all in 9 of 10 cases.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] So when does the next firmware update come out?

2010-09-15 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Soulkeeper;576589 Wrote: 
> Or "That it still may please most people in most use cases doesn't mean
> that it's the user's fault if it doesn't work adequately in some other
> cases."
> No, a failing network isn't necessarily the user's fault. I can't see
> that anybody has said that.
The post I quoted names "router, the network, WIFI interference, hard
drive, computer running SbS, or music tags" as reasons for problems
with the Radio. Indeed none of the major flaws is in any way related to
any of these points. Besides, neither a crappy server side
implementation (MYSB) nor a broken client side implementation is a
"failing network". 

Soulkeeper;576589 Wrote: 
> Because...?
Should be obvious. If a car's engine is broken, it doesn't make sense
to blame the road that it doesn't drive.

Soulkeeper;576589 Wrote: 
> I hear that 'Sonos'
> ( users are
> generally pretty happy with their systems. You may want to check it
> out. Good luck to you.
Also a futile reply, as Sonos doesn't even have a standalone bedside
internet radio clock in its product range.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] So when does the next firmware update come out?

2010-09-14 Thread 0xdeadbeef

garym;576557 Wrote: 
> If only it was that easy. Given that my very non-scientific survey of
> the problems reported on this forum indicates that at least 75% of the
> problems are actually problems with the router, the network, WIFI
> interference, hard drive, computer running SbS, or music tags, adding a
> sheevaplug to the mix would be really overwhelming for a lot of users. 
> ;-)
There is no need to shift the blame to the users. The software design
-is- stupid and the implementation -is- ragged. That it still may
please some people in some use cases doesn't mean that it's the users'
fault if it doesn't work adequately in most other cases.
Before the most basic flaws are fixed, it's completely futile to claim
that any percentage of complaints is -not- based on the crappy
Then again, taking into account the immense amount of time since the
release in which the Logitech folks were not able or willing to fix
this mess makes it quite unlikely that the Radio will everwork as
advertised or as any normal customer would expect.
So I guess it's time to abandon all hope and think of an alternative.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] So when does the next firmware update come out?

2010-09-11 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Well, there are enough bug reports for all of the issues, but the most
basic issues are of course the completely broken alarm functionality
and the fact, that even switching the crooked thing off doesn't work in
4 of 5 cases.
There are dozens of less important design flaws and bugs, bad interface
design, nearly no option to customize the GUI without writing your own
plugin in a buggy script language, too small fonts etc. For a beta
test, this would be acceptable, but not nearly one year after the
And yeah, with a server running 24/7 it would be a little less broken,
but as a standalone internet Radio, let alone a internet Radio clock,
it's just a bad joke.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] So when does the next firmware update come out?

2010-09-10 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Guess their is really no reason to believe that the next update will fix
any of the blatant bugs and design disasters. They nearly had one year
now since the release of the Radio and still the most basic stuff is
not nearly working and neither the developers nor their management seem
to even realize how broken the software and design really is. 
I really gave up hope some months ago that the Radio will ever become
useful let alone a pleasure to own. It just the lack of alternatives
that makes me keep this piece of crap, but I'm annoyed about its quirks
every single day of my life.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] r9009 alarm problems continue...

2010-08-17 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Quality of connection is not the issue, quality of software is.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] "Reduced random pausing of Internet radio streams"

2010-08-15 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Well, indeed I develop realtime software in the automobile business for
more than 11 years now and if I'd deliver software quality like this,
I'd be either fired or in jail by now. So I figure a job at Logitech
would be kinda relaxing compared to the quality standards I'm used to.
Unfortunately, I guess it would be also underpaid.
Anyway, there's no need to get emotional. It's a plain fact that the
state of the software is a shame. While this might not be the fault of
single developers, it's for sure the fault of the management that is
not able or willing to get the needed amount of people able to do the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] "Reduced random pausing of Internet radio streams"

2010-08-14 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Honestly I think the complete software design is broken to the core.
They seem to try to fix this by adding patches and workarounds instead
of fixing the underlying issues. Maybe they are not able to find them
or simply know too little about real time systems and robustness, maybe
they figured they would need to redesign the system from scratch and
decided that they will have to live with it until the next SB 
Anyway, it's a shame that a big company like Logitech is not able to
hire the people needed to fix this and instead let the once so great SB
brand go down in flames.
A Chumby One for half the price has a (much bigger) touch screeen,
nicer apps and simply works. Yeah, it's not perfect either, but heck,
at least the basic functions work as expected. How embarrassing for
Logitech to be still not able to deliver a working product after all
that time and so many software updates.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] "Reduced random pausing of Internet radio streams"

2010-08-12 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Ok, 4th day, same old problems. Correct stream started, stopped after 5
seconds, then the backup alarm faded in (although the internet
connection was ok all the time), then I started the stream manually via
preset button, but it stopped after a few minutes and then only

-> maybe a little better than the completely broken state of the last
weeks, but that's not so difficult anyway. 
As I already assumed, they have either not found the root cause yet or
were not able to fix it, e.g. since the whole system design is way too
screwed up.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] "Reduced random pausing of Internet radio streams"

2010-08-11 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Yeah, ok, the alarm worked three times in a row now, so it seems to be
back on a way to be trusted again. However, not one of these 3 alarms
was completely flawless. All of them started, stopped and started again
(including the fade in). That is better than the behavior it showed
before, but it is still broken to a degree.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] "Reduced random pausing of Internet radio streams"

2010-08-09 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Nice euphemism for saying: we still couldn't really fix it nearly 10
months after the release of the Radio. Solid software design ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm broken - Downgrade firmware?

2010-08-02 Thread 0xdeadbeef

The Radio's software is simply broken. It was broken when it came out
last October, it got a little better in February and then Logitech
decided to make it completely unusable. Taking into account the
progress (or let's better say regression) in the last 8 moths or so, it
seems highly questionable that the Radio will ever work to a degree a
normal user could find acceptable.

If you need an internet radio that can be used as alarm clock and
expect the most basic things to work, you should return the Radio as
long as you can and get a device that was developed by people who
actually know a little bit about software design and who care about
their customers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm funtionality broken. Why did I buy this?

2010-07-17 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Yawn. Doesn't it get boring?
Every time someone complains about the Radio not working with MYSB an
the very same few people claim it's working with a local server. So
what? Who cares? How would this matter to those who expect the thing to
work without wasting money and energy in a local server?
Besides, several of the design flaws also exist with a local server,
but it's simply pointless to discuss them if not even the most basic
functions work without a local server and the people responsible for
this are not capable of even understanding how broken the whole
client/server architecture of the new SB devices is.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm funtionality broken. Why did I buy this?

2010-07-16 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Well, the alarm functionality IS broken. It has been for the last 8
months and I'm beginning to think that it will never be fixed. Besides,
there are loads of other inexcusable design and implementation flaws.
With so little progress and even regression in all this time, I guess
it's time to abandon all hope and get a working device. The only
question is if there's one which is MUCH better. Maybe the Dash could
be an alternative - but it's not released yet in Europe.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Basic ON/OFF broken. Will this work soon?

2010-07-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

The Radio's software was crappy as it came out in October 2009 and close
to nothing changed since then. Indeed some things even became worse.
Don't expect basic features to work. Logitech is either not willing or
able to fix this mess for more than 8 months now, so it would be kinda
surprising if this would change in the next 8 months.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My 7.5.1 experience so far.....

2010-06-25 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Indeed some things have changed from 7.5.0 to 7.5.1. E.g. the Radio
doesn't lose its default screensaver/background settings any more all
the time. Also with 7.5.0, in like 6 of 10 cases, the backup alarm came
up either at once or after a few seconds. Since 7.5.1, there are less
backup alarms and much more cases where no alarm is started at all.

Now really, this is ridiculous. In the 8 months that I own the Radio,
not one of the main issues has been fixed by Logitech. Instead things
are getting rather worse than any better. 
If I was somehow involved in the design or development process of this
piece of crap software, I'd start to think of a different career. In a
-professional- company, this time would be sufficient to develop a
large software project from scratch and they don't even manage to get
an alarm clock to work. There is simply no word for how pathetic this


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-20 Thread 0xdeadbeef

The problem is not the constructiveness (or lack thereof) of posts which
deal with problems of the Radio, but the fact that the same few
"seniors" hijack every such thread and destroy it by uttering the same
non-helpful stuff. And every time they are told how pointless it is to
put the blame on the customers or tell someone who wants to use MYSB to
use a server instead, they claim that this was not a valid wish and you
should go somewhere else if you don't think that their futile "help"
was no helpful at all. 
Now how constructive is this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-20 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Might be a surprise, but this forum's intention is not primarily to make
-you- happy. It is a place for the community. And if the community gets
upset since Logitech completely messed the software and is unwilling
and/or unable to fix it in 8 months, then it is no surprise that this
becomes a less happy place - as a reflection of the bitter reality. 

If you look for a happy place, there might be better alternatives. It
is however kinda upsetting to demand that the unhappy customers should
keep quiet and stay away just to keep the small fraction of happy
owners happy.

It is even more upsetting that some of the people who demand that we
should keep quiet in the Radio forum don't even own a Radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-20 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Well, there are senior members and senior members. Indeed it's only a
small club of senior members who try to scare away people with a a
non-euphemistic opinion on SB products. Then again, if this soothes
you, even a senior member is not welcome to utter the truth about the
Radio here.
Each and every thread that tries to discuss the blatant bugs of the
Radio is destroyed by the very same people who try to put the blame for
each and every design flaw on the user.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New firmware update today

2010-06-17 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Indeed, in fact it's exactly the other way round: every time someone
utters his/her frustration about the blatant software bugs, the very
same few people jump in and post the same old sermon that everything is
fine with a local server and/or this is not the correct place to
complain, since they obviously think this is only a forum for the
satisfied fraction of the customers.
Now keep on applauding each other if this is good for your self esteem,
but maybe -you- should find a separate place for this as it's not
helpful at all and more offtopic than any justified complaint could
ever be.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New firmware update today

2010-06-17 Thread 0xdeadbeef

So in a nutshell you want all unhappy customers to shut up and pretend
that everything is ok, so potential customers are not scared away when
they learn about the lousy quality of the software?
Sounds pretty much like acting in the interest of the company to me.
And why would I want to do this? As far as I know, this is a a forum
for users, not one to soft-soap Logitech. If lots of users are unhappy,
this becomes an unhappy place. But don't blame this on the users, blame
it on Logitech instead.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New firmware update today

2010-06-16 Thread 0xdeadbeef

erland;555281 Wrote: 
> Does it show all these behaviors also when used normally for playing
> music via ?
> Or does the problem only occur when the alarm mechanism is about to
> trigger or just have triggered ?
Honestly: I use the Radio so rarely to listen to music during the
daytime that I can't really say much about its reliability in this use
case. Indeed yesterday I used it to listen to music in my bedroom for
the first time in months and then it worked.
However, considering all the known quirks (resetting screensaver
settings etc.) that happen independently of the messed alarm
functionality, I would be surprised if playing a stream really worked
flawlessly for a longer period (>1h).

@Nojelc: switching off at first try never really worked for me. Usually
I pull the plug if I want to be sure that it stays off. Ad while this is
ridiculous of course, there are so many other things that are much more
annoying that I kinda stopped bothering.
About the bugtracker: Sorry, I lost my faith in it years ago. None of
my bug reports or improvement suggestions of the last years ever
survived. Instead they were merged with unrelated or less precise
reports and then set to resolved some months or years later without
being resolved.
A bug tracker is a neat idea, but it simply doesn't work. Especially if
there are hundreds of people writing reports and only two or three who
have to manage them and thus tend to "resolve" them one way or the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New firmware update today

2010-06-16 Thread 0xdeadbeef

steve0564;555178 Wrote: 
> Have you tested it?
> Because it should be fixed:
Why would I say they failed to fix it if it wasn't so? Of course I
"tested" it. 2nd morning after the update and I had the backup alarm
again. Indeed it was the usual crap: the correct channel was played for
a few seconds, then the backup alarm, then it stopped, then it played
the backup alarm again. Then I tried to start the station manually, but
again, the Radio played the backup alarm and stopped a few seconds
later. Then I lost patience, cursed all Logitech managers and
Squeezebox developers and turned it off. After I got back to my bedroom
several hours later, it showed the weather screensaver though. So not
even turning off works at last.

I guess even if there was a theoretical maximum of faults one could
make in a single function, the Logitech developers would easily
overcome this limit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New firmware update today

2010-06-16 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Yeah, again Logitech failed to fix the main issues with the Alarm/MYSB
connection etc.
Wow - even -I- would have thought that 8 (!) months after the release
should be sufficient for a one man team to finally get the basics to
work. Shame on you, Logitech. There is really no excuse for this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] The alarm does not work

2010-06-14 Thread 0xdeadbeef

adamslim;554556 Wrote: 
> What nonsense.
> [Blah blah blah]
> my SB Radio works - including the alarm
> [Blah blah blah]
Then you're either lucky, easy to satisfy or don't really use the alarm
every day. Still doesn't change a thing. The Radio's software is crappy
design implemented by laymen. In the last 8 months, the only thing that
was really improved was the minimum dimming level. Come on, 8 months and
still the most basic things don't work or a done in the dumbest possible


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] The alarm does not work

2010-06-11 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Come on people, please face it: the Radio is an annoying brick without a
local server. Bugging everybody who states this fact with the same old
"everything is fine with a local server" sermon is really more than

There is no hint and no trick to get the Radio to work as promised
without a local server. Only the folks at Logitech could fix this and
they didn't care to do so in the last 8 months or so. Maybe they'll fix
it one day by chance or because they finally realize how broken the
whole system design is, but I wouldn't bet on it.

The only sensible answer is: return it if you still can and maybe look
at it again in a year or so (if the brand still exists then). Write a
negative review on Amazon. Never buy an alpha software product again
even if the brand was once a great one.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] alarm does not work as aspected

2010-06-01 Thread 0xdeadbeef

The alarm (and probably the whole system(software design) is simply
broken and there's no need for experiments on your side to fix it since
you can't. Indeed the alarm was broken from the very beginning. It only
kinda worked with 7.4.2 in parts of February/March. With version before
7.4.2 and even with 7.4.2 before the server fix, the alarm didn't work
So there were already dozens if not hundreds of bug reports regarding
the alarm and still it was not fixed in all these months. So good luck
voting on this one, but I kinda lost hope that the folks at Logitech
are able or willing to really fix this mess.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Video of SBRadio Bugs and Glitches

2010-05-30 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Maybe it would make more sense to enumerate the things that actually
work without a local server. It's kinda futile to name everything that
doesn't work since more or less nothing works correctly since the 7.5
disaster update. Not that it was -much- better before, but at least
-some- things worked with 7.4.2.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I am getting totally fed up!

2010-05-25 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Hell, this is so annoying. Why can't certain Squeezebox fans stop to
spam every thread that names the blatant bugs with their "we know
better what you want" attitude?

And heck, if Logitech ignores all the unhappy users and doesn't show
any interest in fixing the issues for such a long time, it's not very
surprising that customers use the forum to utter their frustration.
Telling them that they don't have a problem or that they should shut up
is not a very sensible approach. Finally fixing the issues after all
these months would effectively stop people from complaining though.

You would think that the Logitech  management finally realizes that the
number of complaints in the forum and in Amazon reviews simply reflects
the situation. And honestly, demanding to move all these threads to a
faraway "complaints" forum that can be easily ignored is a slap in the
face of everybody who bought a SB Radio because he believed in
Logitech's promises.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Word from Logitech regarding the last firmaware update:

2010-05-25 Thread 0xdeadbeef

I consider all of this to be related. Radio and MYSB get in some error
state were they can't communicate properly or only think they can't and
then the stream stops without any of the sides taking a counteraction or
one of the other faulty events happens. E.g. to me an alarm stopping
after five seconds and an alarm changing to backup alarm after 5
seconds have the same root cause and only the result is slightly
different due to chaotic software design (lack of thread/event
synchronization etc.).
Besides, the last time they fixed the server side in February, this
cured all of these issues to a usable degree, not only the stopping of
streams. So either they introduced more bugs than they think or they
didn't properly fix the one they introduced in 7.5.0.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I am getting totally fed up!

2010-05-25 Thread 0xdeadbeef

It's so frustrating to always hear that "just keep you PC running 24h a
day" nonsense when you insist that the Radio simply doesn't work with
It's like telling someone with a wheelchair who insists to get a ramp
to reach the mall to simply buy his stuff somewhere else.
Now really: how can someone possible think that this same pointless
response is worth to be posted over and over and over and over again?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Word from Logitech regarding the last firmaware update:

2010-05-25 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Nope, nothing fixed at all. This morning there was the backup alarm
again and neither yesterday nor today the Radio was willing to remember
the background setting for the clock and always returned to the shades
of gray after a few minutes. So it's still like it always was after
that damned 7.5.0 came out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I am getting totally fed up!

2010-05-24 Thread 0xdeadbeef

brucegrr;550230 Wrote: 
> Based on your experience do you think the problem is mostly If
> issues were fixed would that make your radio usable and make
> you relatively happy? 
>From a customer's perspective it's hard to tell which parts of the
current issues are caused by bad system design, bad software
implementation on the radio and bad server setup. Probably an unhealthy
mixture of all three points. Then again, as a customer I don't have to
care: the Radio is advertised to work without a local server and in the
6 or 7 months I owned it, it hardly ever did.

brucegrr;550230 Wrote: 
> I guess what  I am trying to figure out is this a matter of a lot of
> different issues or one main culprit ( causing the majority of
> the problems radio users are having. 
The problem we're having is one of bad management, too few people with
too little experience working on too many different projects and
failing completely. It's not like the issues started with the 7.5.0
update. Most of the issues exist since the release of the Radio and
they were already reported back then. In 6 months, it should be
possible to hire some people who are actually capable of fixing the
design/implementation/setup issues. Instead they decided to tinker with
them alongside the Touch development. Bad decision.

brucegrr;550230 Wrote: 
> Filing bug reports would be crucial at this point. (that is is the user
> is not so fed up to return the radio or bash it with a hammer)
Filing bug reports is a complete waste of time. Been there, did this.
In all the years that I filed bug reports, I hardly ever saw a positive
outcome. Usually bugs are defined as solved without solving them or they
are made duplicates of (more or less) unrelated bugs and then closed
etc. Every now and then I still get some automatic feedback on some
bugs I filed years ago for the SB classic, but since my original report
was merged/marked as duplicate, it's usually hard to tell what the heck
this message has to do with my original report. Usually nothing.
All the reports I filed last year for the Radio were
closed/merged/ignored as well, so why do you think that filing new bug
reports over and over again would change the minds of the Logitech
folks who obviously decided to simply ignore all the known and obvious
issues with the Radio?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I am getting totally fed up!

2010-05-24 Thread 0xdeadbeef

There's no lack of such reports (in this forum as well as on Amazon
etc.) as every user who uses the Radio via MYSB has the same issues.
Stations stop playing after a random time, the background changes to
the default one if the radio is in standby, it's impossible to switch
the Radio off without rebooting it or pulling the plug. And of course
the alarm is not working (fallback alarms, random stopping, no alarm at
all etc.). It's really not so hard to reproduce all of this. Simply try
to use the Radio for a few days without a local server.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Does anyone recommend the SB Radio?

2010-05-24 Thread 0xdeadbeef

How could tech support resolve issues that are caused by buggy firmware
and server setup? Tech support can help people who are not able to
setup their network or whatever, but it's obviously pointless to call
tech support if the product simply doesn't work because of bad design
and/or implementation.
Yeah, you can utter your frustration, but they ignored their customer's
frustration for >6 months now and tech support folks are usually well
trained to deny any other cause than the customer's, so why bother?
Returning the product (if still possible) or giving bad ratings on
Amazon etc. seems to be a better way to tell Logitech how badly they
handle this situation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Radio is out of control

2010-05-18 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Well, my Radio reboots with a probability of like 99% percent when I try
to power it down by pressing the Off button for three seconds. If I
leave for more than a day, I pull the plug in the one or two seconds
when the screen just became black but it didn't start to reboot yet.
How could I trust a device to not power on and make nonsense if it's
not even able to power down or keep the setting for its background


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Fed up with my SBRadio...

2010-05-18 Thread 0xdeadbeef

I sure hope they finally realized now how completely broken the current
software design and implementation is. Then again, this is at least 6
months too late. And looking at the current rate of improvement, it
might take them another year or so to come up with a somewhat decent
implementation. If at all.
I'm tired and frustrated. My colleagues brag of their Chumbies and I
can only claim that my alarm works correctly two or three times in a
month. This is devastating.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Does anyone recommend the SB Radio?

2010-05-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Let's face it: the Radio is currently nearly completely useless as
bedside radio if you don't intend to run a local server around the
clock. In the 6 months that I owned it, it worked only for a few weeks
with a reasonable reliability. Currently, it's worse than ever and if
I'd see a real alternative, I'd throw it out of the window with a smile
on my face.
The software design is crap, the implementation is buggy and the server
setup obviously done by laymen. Every time I come to my bedroom and see
that it displays the default background even if I rebooted it 5 minutes
ago, I feel like taking a hammer and smashing it to smithereens.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] The alarm worked this morning!

2010-05-12 Thread 0xdeadbeef

It's sad and frustrating, but a working alarm really has become such a
seldom event that I kinda psyched when it works once in a lifetime.
I really don't tend to insult software developers as I'm one myself and
know about everything there is to know about messing things up with the
best intention.
Yet really, how is it possible that a big company like Logitech is not
able to hire a few people with at least mediocre design and development
skills to finally fix this totally messed up amateurish design disaster.

I waited for more than 6 months now for them to fix the thing to simply
play the correct station at the correct time. Instead it changes the
background every five minutes, wakes me up with the backup alarm at
full volume or stops after a few seconds in the rare cases when it is
willing or able to start the correct station.
Please Logitech, don't ruin this brand like this. Please finally hire
some people who actually have some development skills and experience to
fix this mess.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio is quite buggy

2010-04-17 Thread 0xdeadbeef

I'd say it's a euphemism to call the Radio's software buggy - it's
currently more or less completely -broken-, at least if you intend to
use it as standalone bedside radio without a local server. 

Currently, it's senseless to count the times the Radio fails in the
morning since this is the typical case now. E.g. this morning it
started with the backup alarm in maximum volume, then stopped, then
played the backup alarm in a lower volume, then stopped completely.
When I pressed a preset button to play internet radio, it began
streaming immediately (which goes to show that the connection and
station where both up), only to stop 10 minutes later. Another few
minutes later, there was a short sound and then I decided to finally
switch it off and get up.

No need to tell that my router didn't log a single event that could
have caused this apart from a broken software in the Radio. No reboot,
no connection drop, no whatever.

Now really, I started to rely on the Radio after the 7.4.2 release and
(more importantly) the server fixes in February, but 7.5.0 made
everything much worse than it ever was before.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Why not?

2010-04-12 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Tony T;533483 Wrote: 
> Sure, you're incorrect that the b/u alarm will not sound if  your
> internet connection goes down as this was fixed w/ 7.4.2
Well, you ability to read and/or understand what you read seems to need
some improvement then. What I wrote was:
> Then again, it stops after a random time or switches to the backup alarm
> after a random time or starts with the backup alarm.
Claiming that somebody said something that he didn't just to tell him
this was wrong is kinda, well ... dumb.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Why not?

2010-04-11 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Tony T;533284 Wrote: 
> Then there is something else wrong with your radio.  If I shut down my
> internet connection (power-down my wireless/router), thereby severing
> connection, a back-up alarm will sound.  (this was a
> problem that was fixed with 7.4.2)
Re-read my post.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Why not?

2010-04-11 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Hans_NL;533126 Wrote: 
> [...] unless the alarm depends on a  connection, but
> that would be silly.
It does and and it is.

That being said, to be fair, here (Germany, same server) the alarm
usually starts every day. Then again, it stops after a random time or
switches to the backup alarm after a random time or starts with the
backup alarm. However, I use only once alarm per day and
check/reconnect the Radio to MYSB every day before I go to bed. Since
the Radio seems to store only the very next alarm internally, it's
pretty possible that it would miss an alarm stored on the server

In most or probably all of the named error cases the problem is the
connection to MYSB. There are a few cases where my router rebooted
during the night or my ISP forced a reconnect while the alarm is
playing and though the Radio should handle this correctly, too, I could
live with that. Then again, in 99% of the error cases, I can't find a
trace of a reboot or reconnect in my router's system log. So clearly
either the MYSB server is instable again or the Radio's crappy software
is trapped in some fault scenario.

Anyway, I think it's safe to say that the connection to MYSB was never
as instable as it is right now. Whether this is due to bugs on the
server or client side is hard to tell. Most probably an unhealthy
combination of both. The server configuration changes in February
improved the situation a lot for 7.4.2, but obviously changes in 7.5
screwed this up again.

Hell, Logitech, you really want to sink this ship, don't you?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Why not?

2010-04-10 Thread 0xdeadbeef

The lack of alarm reliability after 6 months is of course the main issue
of the Radio. Yet there are several more issues like the lack of
customization and messed up layout of all default applets (wakeup,
alarm, screensaver). Heck, not even switching the Radio off works

What is most frustrating is the fact that the MYSB connectivity is
currently worse than it ever was before. It kinda worked like 95% with
7.4.2 and the server fixes introduced in February, but currently this
is really a complete disaster. While with 7.4.1 there were at least
tricks to fix the MYSB connection without rebooting after either the
server or the bug ridden Radio software screwed up again, now even
rebooting doesn't help most of the times. In the last day, I had to
power down the Radio completely (switch off, pull power plug from
outlet, wait, plug it in, switch on) at least every second day to fix
the MYSB connection. Also not a single alarm in the last week worked
completely correctly. Either the backup alarm started right from the
beginning or it kicked in after some time. Of course in heart-attack

Yes, the alarm reliability sucked from the beginning, but it was never
as bad as it is now. They should sell this thing as Tamagotchi for
technophile masochists. It is currently a bad joke to promote it as
bedside radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] dropping connection after firmware update

2010-04-09 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Even after all the frustration of the last 6 months caused by buggy and
unreliable Radio software, I must admit that I'm surprised how much the
guys at Logitech screwed up the 7.5 release. It seemed impossible that
everything could get even worse and yet they managed to do it somehow.
Quite anaccomplishment in a way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-11 Thread 0xdeadbeef

The situation improved a lot, but mainly due to the server changes two
weeks or so before the 7.4.2 update. Unfortunately, there are still some
issues with the alarm. E.g. as discussed before, there's a very high
chance that it stops without backup if the router reconnects during the
Also my Radio still looses the MYSB connection sporadically (blue WLAN
symbol) although the internet connection and WLAN is perfectly valid. In
this state, there is no way to reconnect to MYSB but to reboot. This
happened at least twice since the 7.4.2 update.
So there's still lots to do to make the Radio as reliable as any cheap
alarm clock.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-03 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Reliability of the alarm got a little better, but mainly due to the
server fixes some weeks ago. The new firmware doesn't really fix all
possible alarm issues. E.g. if my modem reconnects while the alarm is
playing, there is a 50% chance that the (extremely loud) backup alarm is
played at connection drop, but in the other 50%, the alarm just stops.
It never happened though that the stream is continued after reconnect
although the reconnect usually needs only a second or two.

Also disappointing that the screwed up interface was not changed at all
in 7.4.2. Still no way to see the clock during an alarm without pressing
a button. Still no readable clock in the now playing screen. Yeah, I
could use Erlands clock applet, but even this got worse for some reason
compared to the one I used in 7.4.1. Also still it doesn't respect the
language settings.

Maybe in another year or so the Radio might live up to my expectations,
but with all the nice new devices coming up (Sony Dash etc.), I'm not
sure if I want to wait that much longer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-22 Thread 0xdeadbeef

There -are- severe issues with the radio. The alarm was completely
unreliable until a few weeks ago or so when the most serious server bugs
were finally fixed after ignoring and denying them for the last 4
months. Still, even now, the radio stops playing after a random time now
and then without any error message.

And it's really upsetting to be told we could have used 7.4.2 the last
months when this is simply not true for those who relied on the promise
that the radio would work without a local server.

My anger about this whole service disaster is only overtopped by the
fear that this and the catastrophic delay of the Touch will put a
disgraceful end to the whole product line.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Radio; No Server=No Alarm Function?

2010-02-04 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Would be great if it was that way, but with 7.4.1, it isn't and without
a local server, you're damned to live with 7.4.1.
Personally, if I would be in the same position again, I'd wait if 7.4.2
really fixes the basic functionality to a degree where the alarm is at
least like 99% reliable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now it stopped working altogether (German data center of MYSB is done for?)

2010-02-02 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Ok, sounds better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now it stopped working altogether (German data center of MYSB is done for?)

2010-02-02 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Chunkywizard;512937 Wrote: 
> 7.4.2 has been promised very soon.
Last time there was a semi-official statement 7.4.2 was said to be
canceled for 7.5.

Chunkywizard;512937 Wrote: 
> If you want a release candidate now, you can just download the lastest
> nightly and this will have most of the fixes in.
This so -not- helpful. Have you even ever tried to use the Radio
without a local server? No? Surprise!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now it stopped working altogether (German data center of MYSB is done for?)

2010-02-02 Thread 0xdeadbeef

I kinda gave up reporting each time the radio shows the blue icon and
needs a reboot to find MYSB again. Hard to tell if this is only caused
by the totally buggy radio software or if the server still has issues.
Probably both. I'm SO tired of this and the other issues.

I beginning to wonder if this brand will survive this disaster for
another few months. The classic SB is canceled, the release date for the
Touch is completely uncertain and with it the release of a new software
is delayed again and again. Anyway, the Radio is still exactly as buggy
as in October 2009 when I bought it. If somebody told me at this time
that I would have to mess with the same alpha software in February, for
sure I would have considered other options.

Now really, if the Touch shifts into April or even summer, they should
at least release a 7.4.2 software to fix the worst Radio bugs ASAP.
There are so many internet radios on the market in the meantime and
while they might suck in other aspects, at least the basic functionality
is working.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now it stopped working altogether (German data center of MYSB is done for?)

2009-12-31 Thread 0xdeadbeef

McShovlin;500809 Wrote: 
> Well it's a good job I checked this forum as I was about to pack my SBR
> up and send it back.
Don't give up that idea so easily. The issues with MYSB are known to
Logitech from at least one month (the last complete breakdown of MYSB in
Europe was the last weekend in November). They gave a statement two
weeks later which was more or less marketing blah-blah but promised the
problem was fixed now. Which of course it wasn't.
Indeed I'm pretty sure they either lied about the root source of the
problem ("too much success") or haven't really found it yet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Safe to use as an alarm clock?

2009-12-31 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Really hard to believe that everything works so great for you when
people all over Europe complain about MYSB not working at all during
large parts of the day lately. Then again: it's fine for you if -you-
have no problems, but it doesn't make the design flaws and server issues
any better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now it stopped working altogether (German data center of MYSB is done for?)

2009-12-31 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Yeah, MYSB in Europe is pretty much broken again. It usually works in
the early morning and late evening, but during the day Radios and other
SqueezeOs devices can't connect any more.
Shame on Logitech for such an amateurish service. It's really
unbelievable how such a big company can screw up a server setup so
severely and isn't able to fix it in two months.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Safe to use as an alarm clock?

2009-12-30 Thread 0xdeadbeef

l.pinguin;500299 Wrote: 
> Well, I live in Europe (the Netherlands) and I use it daily for months
> now, and it has _never_ failed to wake me up, even with a power down
> while it was running on batteries. It is working perfectly stable.
Then you either have a (semi-)static IP (e.g. due to a cable ISP) or
you use the Radio in a way to work around the design flaws.

It is not questionable though that any kind of reconnect with changed
IP leaves the Radio in a erratic state where the alarm function is not

Indeed in the last weeks I established a workaround as well by forcing
the reconnect in the (very late) morning and setting back the Radio to a
normal state before I go to bed. Then again, even if this raises the
reliability in the 90% range, it is still not near 100% as my ISP
sometimes decides to do maintenance at night, the European MYSB server
freaks out again or my router decides to reboot for some reason.

So again: the alarm is only reliable under perfect conditions and any
kind of reconnection during the night has obviously not been considered
by the software designers at all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Safe to use as an alarm clock?

2009-12-29 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Coume;499952 Wrote: 
> Is the alarm clock reliable on it?
Not really.

Coume;499952 Wrote: 
> Anyone currently using the squeezebox radio on a daily basis as it's
> alarm clock?
Indeed I used it for about two months now and it only failed a few
times completely. There were about a dozen semi-fails though where the
alarm only played for a few minutes or even a few seconds when it should
play 45 minutes. For really important alarms, I use the alarm function
in my mobile phone which never fails.

In a nutshell: the design of the software is severely spoiled and
chances are low that this well change in the next two months or so.
Therefore it only works reliable under perfect conditions. If you live
in the USA, have a static IP address (or at least no forced reconnects
by the ISP) or want to use a local Squeezebox server  which runs
24h/days a week, you might be happy with the alarm function. If you live
in Europe and want to use the Radio via MYSB, you won't.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio In Hotel?

2009-12-29 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Sorry for intervening, but did someone actually try that with the Radio?
Over Xmas, I was at away from home and took a netbook and my Radio with
me since I assumed I could connect the Radio to the netbook via an
ad-hoc network. Unfortunately, this failed miserably. 

Even when the Radio detected the netbook (with maximum signal
strength), it simply wouldn't connect. Due to the problem that Windows
lets you enter an ASCII WEP key while the Radio only lets you enter a
hexadecimal WEP key, I only tried the uncrypted/open share. Yet with no
success whatsoever.

At home, with a router and WPA, there's no problem with WLAN.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Internet connection drop

2009-12-27 Thread 0xdeadbeef

What I meant is that e.g. several menu functions aren't working either
after a reconnection. E.g. setting the alarm time via the according
button doesn't work. So most obviously the whole design is spoiled, not
only the alarm applet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Internet connection drop

2009-12-26 Thread 0xdeadbeef

While I deeply appreciate the effort you put in this, I somewhat doubt
that fixing the alarm applet alone will help much. As I already pointed
out before, the whole software of the Radio behaves erratically after a
reconnection. Chances are the alarm applet is not even started. At least
that is what happens for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Internet connection drop

2009-12-24 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Yep, there's a heap of issues with alarm reliability and the handling of
the MYSB connection. Unfortunately none of them was fixed in the last
two months and chances are low that they will be fixed soon. Next
software release (7.5) is probably mid/end of January when the Touch is
finally released.

Unfortunately, I don't expect that the situation of the Radio will
improve much with this software as currently (and the last two months)
all resources were focused on the Touch and indeed changes for the Touch
seem to have introduced new issues with the Radio.

Then again: if you're optimistic, you could hope that the situation
might improve a little with the 7.5 release in a few weeks. Maybe at
least the backup alarm works most of the time then.

I'm pretty pessimistic though that the major problems with the MYSB
connection will be solved until then, since currently these issues are
ignored and/or denied by Logitech and obviously no work whatsoever was
done to fix the major design flaws.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Imminent Return -- How to Fix Alarms? Search? Tone Controls?

2009-12-16 Thread 0xdeadbeef

bluegaspode;496258 Wrote: 
> The alarm doesn't work reliable if the server it is connected to isn't
> reliable. 
There are most certainly also issues with the software inside the
Radio. If it is able to wake up at the correct time and connect to the
correct stream, it should not freeze due to (self-inflicted) issues with

bluegaspode;496258 Wrote: 
> (b) currently isn't reliable. In europe their servers didn't scale with
> the units sold. They claim that the problem is solved now.
I don't believe either is true. The server was offline only for a short
time and very soon the website was up again and every Classic SB and
Boom in Europe could connect again, only the SqueezeOS devices couldn't
for two days or so. Funny thing is that you could even remote control
your Radio from, just the Radio said it couldn't
connect. All this suggests that the "problems because of too much
success"-story is marketing nonsense. Most probably the server crashed
and they used a backup with a pre-SqueezeOs setup.
Whatever they "solved" there (apart from restoring the configuration
for SqueezeOS devices two days later), it didn't fix the daily Radio
freezing due to the MYSB semi-connection-loss problems.

bluegaspode;496258 Wrote: 
> Furthermore there still is rumour, that when your provider changes your
> internet IPs overnight, connections get lost.
This is more than a rumor. If the Router reconnects at night, there is
a 90% chance that the Radio will misbehave afterwards. It is obviously
not the changed IP, but the reconnect process, which can take 2 minutes
or so. Afterwards both sides -think- they are still connected, but the
Radio behaves erratically and needs help to get back in a normal
function state.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Option for double height/larger clock during playback

2009-12-14 Thread 0xdeadbeef

I might throw in this again:

Yet we all know this is not going to happen in the next months if at
all and messing around with a buggy API and lua interpreter doesn't seem
very inviting. Not to speak of the open license questions.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-14 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Tony T;495563 Wrote: 
> Looks like European customers are not being ignored by the developers
> after all :)
Though I can imagine your "polite" reply: unfortunately this really
doesn't seem to be related to the daily failure of the MYSB connection
due to flawed software. 

This is just a pretty weak and much delayed explanation for the total
MYSB disaster in Europe two weeks ago. E.g. it doesn't explain why
classic Squeezeboxes could still connect to MYSB while all SqueezeOS
based devices were not able to connect. Indeed the explanation even
denies this fact and talks of a general problem, not one related to
SqueezeOS devices.

Well at least they did comment after two long weeks of ignoring this.
Even if the comment is misleading and much too late.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

kesey;495367 Wrote: 
> Oxdeadbeef, I have had no problem at all connecting to
> for the last week or more. I'm from Ireland, so I
> would expect that I connect to a European server. My wife, a total
> technophobe, is getting to know how to handle our radios etc., and to
> switch from to Squeezebox Server and back again. This
> is happening without difficulty.
You can easily check the server you're connected to under
Settings->Extended->Information (or something like that).
So you're saying you're using a Radio which is always in standby and
you're using the alarm feature via MYSB and you never have issues? If
so: are you using an internet connection via cable with a fixed IP by


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Tony T;495349 Wrote: 
> I'm located in the US (East Coast) and connect to the logitech server in
> Sunnyvale CA.
So much about reading other people's posts...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Tony T;495319 Wrote: 
> You clearly are not reading my posts in this thread.   
Yes I did. Where did you say you're from Europe? Are you? If not: did
you read -my- posts?

Tony T;495319 Wrote: 
> Not sure what your agenda is.
I could ask you the same question. Mine is simply to get at least the
most basic functions fixed as soon as possible.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

kphinney;495268 Wrote: 
> Ouch.  0xdeadbeef excluded, does this happen to you others?  Myself,
> running two or three streams simultaneously, nearly every day, on two
> SB3s and one Transporter I have yet to be - ever- disconnected, hung up,
> or missed an alarm in greater than a year.
Until now the only people who are satisfied with the alarm either live
in the USA or use a local SB server. I've yet to find a single user in
Europe with a dynamic IP who is happy with the alarm reliablity over

kphinney;495268 Wrote: 
> oxdeadbeef, have you done any troubleshooting on your own network?
Why would I? My local network and my internet connection are perfectly
valid. No problem to play a stream, just the connection to MYSB is not
stable and the Radio's fault handling is either flawed or non-existent.

Besides, since the Radio's software is flawed, I'm pretty sure that
this happens to American customers, too. Yet, since it seems to be
related to the forced (DSL) reconnect, it probably happens too seldom to
cause a stir.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

kphinney;495215 Wrote: 
> Are you saying the speed of the 802.11g wireless is not adequate for
> streaming?  I don't have any issues with 1411 kbps FLAC files on my SB3
> or Transporter.  Yes, I'd like to see an upgrade to 802.11n, but that's
> only so my entire wireless isn't stepped down when the SBs connect.
Not at all. I'm saying that the Radio is buggy and the MYSB connection
is completely unreliable.

kphinney;495215 Wrote: 
> I've been using the mysqueezebox network for ver 4 years now and haven't
> experienced any issues that I'd say would be a deal breaker. didn't exist before the release of 7.4.0. So it's
impossible you used it for 4 years. Its predecessor was
"", but this was a slightly different type of beast.

kphinney;495215 Wrote: 
> Are you intoning that the SB Radio itself is buggy and does not connect
> to MySB very well?
It's hard to tell whether the MYSB connection problems are caused by
the Radio or by the server. Most probably both are flawed. However, the
main problem is the Radio, which doesn't seem to notice the loss of
connection and/or obviously has no fault handling implemented at all. It
simply does nothing in such a scenario - which happens at least once a
day. E.g. you press the "Alarm" button and it plays a button sound, but
nothing happens. It doesn't even try to fix the MYSB connection and
doesn't output a error message either. It just sits there and does
nothing. And indeed it's not so easy to get it out of that state. Did I
mention that this happens at least once a day?

kphinney;495215 Wrote: 
> I would have thought they were using the tried and true heart of the
> same software they've been building on side SlimDevices released it.
Not at all. The software for Controller, Radio and Touch is a
completely new design (based on a scripting language called Lua). E.g.
nearly all the configuration options of the SB Classic are missing. You
can't even change a font size and have to live with a "now playing"
screen with an unreadable clock.
Also two weeks ago, the European MYSB server went down and as it was up
again, no Controller or Radio in whole Europe could connect to MYSB
while the "classic" devices could still connect. So also the server side
seems to be different.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

Tony T;495175 Wrote: 
> Only 18 comments on  11 are 4 or 5 stars
True, although pretty meaningless. Firstly too few ratings, secondly
all positive ratings done a few days after purchase and from people who
use it in the office or kitchen. Still surprising to see a five star
rating at all taking into account how miserably the Radio works with
MYSB in Europe.
Then again, just wait a few weeks and see the ratings go down.

Tony T;495147 Wrote: 
> Well, technically you're correct that a manual is not included, but
> there is a very detailed manual on the web:
Only in English though. Pretty amazing that Logitech dares to release
the Radio without a proper manual - not even on CD. Indeed this is
clearly a violation of German law and probably also of European law. Not
that I ever actually read a manual, but e.g. for my parents only the
printed word counts.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

erland;495100 Wrote: 
> [...]I have it always connected to my local Squeezebox Server.
> Are all the issues for people which use the Radio connected to
> or what's the problems people are talking about ?
Most of the real annoying issues are related to MYSB. Obviously the
pre-release testing (I don't call it beta testing since IMHO the
software hasn't entered a beta maturity yet) completely excluded MYSB. 

Although the American MYSB server seems to be a little more reliable
and/or better configured than its European counterpart, there are
reports about almost the same issues with the American server.

Anyway, the mentioned Mom is supposed to use the Radio only via MYSB.
So good luck to explain her why buttons stops to respond, connection to
MYSB is lost all the time and the menu item to reconnect doesn't work
etc. At least she is not supposed to use it as bedside radio. Then
disinherison would be inevitable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Good Christmas gift for Mom?

2009-12-13 Thread 0xdeadbeef

With all the current issues and the speed (or the lack thereof) they're
being worked on, I'd never recommend a SB Radio as Xmas present for
people that you don't ferociously hate. Not even for a technical savvy

Let's face it: currently it's a buggy geek device and it comes without
any kind of manual. It's ok for people who like playing around with new
toys, have a high frustration tolerance and are happy to work around
bugs every 2nd time they use it.


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