Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-13 Thread Jason Ringas
Reid Smith wrote:
>I learned something about that a little while back. Don't guzzle the
> water, sip it all day long and I also take 2 asperins 3-4 times a day.
> I don't know exactly what the difference is but sipping water works
> better for me than drinking a glass full every so often.

I've heard that when you guzzle the water, it just flushes the kidneys.
When you sip the water, it trickles into the liver, where it can then be
delivered to the rest of the body.



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Look who I found!

1998-07-13 Thread Marsha Hallett
Dear Nancy, Hi, gal!
 Look at this letter! I sent her the FAQ and told her to join the list and
talk to you. Cool, huh??
Her email is
Love, Marsha

Marsha- would love the info you have on C. silver!
I am a pediatric BSN (registered nurse)
I bought colloidal silver a few yrs ago for his often red/conjuctival
It was too much of a struggle to use it on him (3 yo then)so I started using
the drops in my own eyes- it works nicely. End up using it ~1x a month...
We all have Lyme in our household- Figured out that I had it when I read
it for my husband.  He had the bull's eye ( a lucky man) four years ago, was
treated with 3 weeks doxy orally--- lousy ever since---we are all recently
seeing LYME specialists
I am sure I originally gave it to Sam (now 5yo) but he has had 7 tick bites
all together
(over 3 yrs...)  Bella hasn't had any tick bites, and for that matter hadn't
had a mosquito bite either...

Really irks me that women are screened for syphilis so many times- but not
even a thought given to one test for Lyme- even with a hx of 4 tick bites...

Have heard some "toxicity" problems with C silver - so we are using abx
mainly- but I do take St J wort, have a bottle of Kava now...Got my mom off
Premarin and onto Promensil.>>>
Would love your info...
Thanks for writing.
Ginny in CT

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Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-13 Thread Philip Collins
Hello, Charles.

I am not an expert in Herx reactions.  Hope you get other, more expert
answers.  Longest I have had was two days.


>It seemed SO severe, and I tried continuing, until I just couldn't.
>a "Herx" reaction would let up with a little time right?
>Brain fog is certainly an awful symptom.  But I wonder if the brain fog you
>mention is a kind of Herx?  Any thoughts?
>Whitney Collins
>>GSE, Grapefruit seed extract, also called "standardized extract of
>>grapefruit", is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is effective against
>>yeast and protazoans. However MANY people who take it get severe brain
>>fog such as myself.

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Re: An observation...

1998-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Chuck! Thanks for contributing. And thank you so much for sharing 
Marsha with us! 

On 13 Jul 98 at 11:21, you wrote:

> The primary purpose of the bulb is to limit current in the event the
> electrodes touch each other (short circuit).
> The bulb serves no purpose in the silver generation process, it is
> only there for the reasons stated, and you can make a perfectly
> functioning generator without the bulb, by connecting the silver
> electrodes directly to the batteries.  

In a few situations the bulb can influence the process. Specifically,
for those who use salt or baking soda electrolyte to speed things up,
or running the no-salt process a really long time trying to make high
ppm. Enough current flows that the bulb begins to glow dimly. There
is enough voltage drop across the bulb for the electrode voltage to
drop considerably, towards 15 volts in my old setup as an example. 
We're talking currents about 20ma, which is pretty darn high.

So it can serve as a really crude process current limiter for some 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: Colloidal or Ionic -- or Dissolved ?

1998-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
On 13 Jul 98 at 16:02, Bill wrote:

>  Is it possible to dissolve pure silver in distilled water ?

I suspect that the *solubility* of silver in plain water is extremely
low, akin to that of other metals. For practical purposes, I think
silver would be classified as *IN*soluble. You just won't see a lot
of silver atoms floating off into the water without some help.

However, silver ions could be driven off by electrolytic action,
leaving individual Ag+ ions floating around. Pushing enough current
through that you produce so many Ag+ ions all at once that they
clump together, or are driven off as charged clumps, and you're
describing our process for making CS pretty closely. 

Just my opinion.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Bob Beck's CS info

1998-07-13 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 Also see this web site for Bob Beck's 'blood electrifier'
 and 'magnetic pulse generator' healing device plans.
 Home page:


 Currently Preferred Silver Colloid Making Apparatus, Means and Method

 For information and educational purposes only, not medical advice.
 Copyright 1993 Robert C. Beck, D.Sc.  Revision 28 February 1997

 To easily and rapidly make unlimited quantities of good quality
 silver colloid concentrate for ~1 cents per gallon (plus water
 costs) you'll need three 9 volt type MN1604 regular alkaline
 transistor radio batteries, three battery snap-on lead connectors,
 2 insulated alligator clips, 1 "grain-of-wheat" 24 volt 40 mA sub
 miniature incandescent bulb, a foot of 3/32" heat-shrink insulation
 tubing, 10" pure silver wire, and a foot of 2-conductor stranded
 insulated wire for clip-leads. This should cost under $20 maximum
 for everything and take about 35 minutes to assemble from scratch.
 This design is "idiot proof" and simple to use. It makes an
 odorless, tasteless, colorless fast and powerful antiseptic and one
 of the most remarkable healing agents known. The entire colloid
 making process takes about three minutes per 8 OZ batch for ~3 ppm
 laboratory tested concentration at room temperature.

 Use three snap-on connector clips for the batteries. Solder them
 in series (red to black) to provide 27 volts. Connect a 24 volt
 incandescent lamp in series with either (positive or negative)
 output lead. Solder a red insulated alligator clip to the positive
 (anode) and a black insulated clip to the negative (cathode)
 2-conductor lead wires. Insulation is shrunk over soldered
 connections using a heat gun or match. Use ONLY pure silver (.999
 fine) electrodes. #14 gauge (AWG) is the preferred size. Pure silver
 is sometimes available at electroplating supply companies,
 foundries, precious metals dealers, etc. Do NOT use "Sterling"
 silver (.9275 or other) since Sterling contains copper and nickel.
 Nickel can be toxic. WARNING Sterling is sometimes passed off for
 electrodes with commercial colloid makers through ignorance or by
 entrepreneurs who are trying to cut corners and save money. Discard
 them as hazardous. Use only triple distilled or de-ionized water for
 injectable colloid. Single distilled water makes the best
 transparent colloids BUT its higher resistance takes up to half an
 hour to make a 5 ppm concentration. Tap water is O.K. for most other
 uses but contains chlorine which may produce some AgCl which is
 harmless but gives a mirky appearance as will any salt (NaCl) which
 should be avoided.

 Bend top ends of silver electrode wires to clip over rim of plastic
 or glass container. Leave about 4 inches of bare electrodes
 submergible in the working solution (water). Spacing between
 electrodes is not critical. There is no on-off switch, so process
 starts immediately when alligator clips are both attached to
 submerged wires, however most commercial colloid makers do have
 switches which must be on when using. Process stops when either or
 both clips are disconnected. If bulb glows visibly, proceed and let
 current flow for about three minutes then remove clips, stir, and
 you are done. If bulb doesn't light or you see only a faint reddish
 glow, proceed longer. Do not add any salt. You may observe
 smoke-like plumes of pure white ultra fine grain silver against a
 dark background as colloid electrolytically sinters off the anode
 (positive polarity side of battery; red lead) and drifts into
 solution. Stir thoroughly before using or storing and shake each
 time before using. Three minutes activation of ~8 OZ of properly
 conductive water at ~72F gives ~3 ppm (parts per million) strength.
 Each additional 10 degrees F, will double ppm for a given time.
 Yield also depends on water conductivity, surface area of
 electrodes, amount of current, and time. ~3 minutes makes a stock
 solution which can be safely used full strength for anything. But
 its best to charge water by itself and add this to other foods or
 liquids as desired or drink it directly. Overdosing with any amount
 is considered unlikely for metallic Colloid, but silver PROTEINS can
 be harmful, toxic, and stain skin (Argyria).

 The 24 volt, 40 mA miniature bulb acts as an ideal ballast, current
 drain indicator, current limiter, and battery condition check for
 the apparatus. I found aircraft "grain-of-wheat" lamps (Precision
 Lamp, Inc. part #10238) in surplus for $0.50 each. You can
 momentarily short-circuit clip-leads together without harm; the bulb
 will simply light brightly. Also the visual brightness while
 operating gives an accurate indication of tap water conductivity.
 With distilled or de-ionized (high resistance) water, you will see
 no glow. Make and store colloids only in electrically non-conductive
 containers such

Re: An observation...

1998-07-13 Thread Bill Kingsbury


Thanks for clarifying the purposes of the bulb.  The basic 
question, however, is still looking for an answer:

>> Does anyone know how to design a 5 mA current regulator ?
>> (Any references or ideas appreciated.)

As Mike wrote:

>> makes sense to try current limiting at something below
>> that at which the descending cloud of darker particles is seen.
>> That's what I would try.
>> I've long thought that current limiting schemes of various sort
>> would emerge as the best strategy once we start to really study
>> the process.

Any clues ?


At 11:21 AM 7-13-98 -0700, Chuck wrote:
>This is Marsha's husband replying.  My name is Chuck Hallett and my
>profession is Electrical Engineering.  I am writing to hopefully describe
>the purpose of the light bulb in the silver generator circuit.
>The primary purpose of the bulb is to limit current in the event the
>electrodes touch each other (short circuit).
>When the wires touch, or your alligator clips touch, the current in the
>batteries and the wires is limited only by the internal resistance of the
>batteries and the connecting wires.  Electrical Current generates heat.
>Lots of current generates lots of heat.  Try this, take a single
nine volt
>battery (a used but not totally dead one) and connect a spare
alligator clip
>lead to each terminal.  You should notice the wire getting anything from
>warm to hot enough to melt the insulation.
>The bulb limits the current to 40 milliamps which is a reasonable
amount of
>current for the battery circuit, and far below what the colloidal silver
>process will use.
>If the leads short together, at best, your batteries ($4.95 retail each)
>will quickly discharge and you'll be out buying new ones.  At worst
the heat
>generated could cause the wires to melt, and at an extreme, cause a fire.
>Why a 28 volt 40 milliamp lamp?  Answer: Economies of supply.
>28 volts because we don't want the bult to burn out if we short the wires
>together. When this happens all you've done is closed the switch on
what is
>now the equivalent of a flashlight.  If  a smaller voltage bulb
were used,
>it would glow very brightly for a short period of time and burn
out.  Then
>it would act like a blown fuse, i.e. no silver generation until replaced
>with a new bulb.
>40 milliamps because it is a reasonable limiting value for the
circuit and
>more importantly it is a commonly available bulb (at Radio Shack anyway).
>Just like the light bulbs you put in your lamps, these small lamps
come in
>standard sizes.  You can get different sizes which would work, but
they are
>harder to get and much more expensive.
>Lastly the bulb serves as a battery condition indicator.
>The bulb serves no purpose in the silver generation process, it is only
>there for the reasons stated, and you can make a perfectly functioning
>generator without the bulb, by connecting the silver electrodes
directly to
>the batteries.  You just run the risk of running your batteries down
>quickly.  If you are worried about a fire, either make sure nothing
>combustible is near the batteries & wire, or don't do it.
>I hope this sheds some light (pun intended) on the situation.  Direct all
>flames to me at

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Kingsbury 
>Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 9:27 AM
>Subject: Re: An observation...
>>I read that the 40 mA bulb was used to limit the current to
>>40 mA maximum -- and lower currents would be desirable, (if
>>smaller bulbs were available) to minimize colloidal particle size.
>>George's current is no where near 40 mA, and the results seem
>>to be compromised or questionable, already (at 36 vdc).
>>Does anyone know how to design a 5 mA current regulator ?
>>(Any references or ideas appreciated.)
>>Or, could one use 6 vdc, and keep a batch running 24 hours a day
>>(in a dark place) ?
>>At 10:10 AM 7-13-98 -5, Mike D. wrote:
>>>On 13 Jul 98 at 22:15, George Martin wrote:
 When the current read 8.0 - 10.0 ma
 I noticed something different occur.  In addition to the CS
 'floating' around in the vicinity of the electrodes there was
 also a rather thick 'stream' of CS that was sinking to the
 bottom of the container.
>>>Hello George,
>>>Excellent set of observations. Your setup is very similar to mine.
>>>I see the same effect at about the same current.
>>>I wonder if those are larger particles. A long time ago Rose used a
>>>microscope at work to look at some CS I made that was run for a long
>>>time (different apparatus and recipe than I'm using now). She saw
>>>much larger particles mixed with the almost invisible smaller ones.
>>>Above a certain current, some people have talked about "burning" the
>>>silver particles. I doubt that's a proper description, but it conveys
>>>the notion that the particles made are different.
>>>So it makes sense to try current limiting at something below t

Colloidal or Ionic -- or Dissolved ?

1998-07-13 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 Peter Lindemann's info (see below) clears up the question
 "Colloidal or Ionic?" -- but how do we know if there is
 dissolved silver (DS) in CS ?

 Is it possible to dissolve pure silver in distilled water ?

 Is there always some DS in properly made CS ?

 Is consuming too much dissolved silver unhealthy ?

 Is dissolved silver present in CS only, or primarily,
 when made using certain methods ?

 Do certain CS production methods produce excessively
 high levels of dissolved silver ?

 Does the level of DS increase over time, as CS ages ?

 Does the 'rate of conversion' to DS accelerate when CS is
 exposed to certain types of electric or magnetic fields,
 or heat, etc. ?

 When testing CS, is there a simple method to determine if
 dissolved silver is present ?

 When testing CS, is there a simple method to accurately
 quantify dissolved silver levels ?


 from:  A Closer Look At Colloidal Silver
By Peter A. Lindemann

 >> Colloidal or Ionic?

 Another big controversy surrounds the question of whether this
 method produces "colloidal" silver or "ionic" silver. Most people
 have been told that colloidal silver is "good" and ionic silver is
 "bad." Once again, the truth might be unpopular. The word
 "colloidal" refers to a condition where, in this case, a solid
 particle is SUSPENDED in a liquid (silver in water). The solid
 particles are too large to be considered DISSOLVED, but are too
 small to be filtered out. This colloidal condition is most easily
 detected by what is called the "Tyndall effect", where a narrow
 beam of light is shined through the liquid to produce a cone shaped
 dispersion of the light. The particles so illuminated also exhibit
 a random, zig-zag activity called "Brownian motion" when observed
 under a microscope. When something is completely dissolved, both
 the Brownian and Tyndall effects disappear.

 The word "ionic" refers to a condition where a particle has an
 electric charge. In the case of "electro-colloidal" silver, this
 electric charge is ALWAYS positive. Silver will not form a
 negatively charged ion. So, the truth is that electro-colloidal
 silver is BOTH colloidal and ionic. It is considered colloidal
 because of the particle SIZE and it is considered ionic because of
 the particle CHARGE. In fact, most of the biological studies
 suggest it is colloidal silver's ionic characteristics that make it
 such a good germicide. It is also interesting to note that the old
 chemistry books make no distinction between the colloidal and ionic
 states of the electro-colloidal metals.


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Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-13 Thread GREEN/SHULMAN

The email address given below-for Brian McInturf- for info on liver flushes
is incorrect.

> From: Philip Collins 
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes
> Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 12:14 AM
> Hello Frank Matzka.
>  For a full description of a traditional liver flush, see
>  You will find
> all sorts of valuable alternative treatments and procedures on that site,
> which is the webpage of Brian McInturf.
> Whitney Collins
> -Original Message-
> From: Frank Matzka 
> To: 
> Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 8:00 PM
> Subject: Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes
> >Can you describe this liver flush procedure for me?
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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1998-07-13 Thread Nancy B.
I think I've mentioned the Motherlode (about $400); haven't
gotten one yet; it's on my list of expensive "toys" to get
within the next 6 mo.

It can process up to a gallon of CS, pretty high ppm if
desired; doesn't require "wiping wires or filtering" or dark
glass bottles, and processes fairly quickly according to
literature I have on it.

A teenage girl I know used this CS (her mother made it for
her).  She had severe headaches with Lyme disease and is now

I'm sorry that you lost another friend; thanks for letting
us know.  I hope you can find a better doctor, too.


A web address for it is:

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, July 12, 1998 2:49 PM

>Hello Listers,
>Would the person(s) who posted that they were using the
expensive AC
>GENERATOR (I think around $600) during that AC/DC debate
some months
>back please stand up? Also, anyone else who has knowledge
in this area
>or knows of similar generators.
>I would like to ask some questions.
>Thank you -
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: TDS-1 What it actually does!

1998-07-13 Thread Nancy B.
This sounds more like an  answer to my original question a
week or so ago.  I thought it would only measure ionic
silver and not include non-ionic silver.

Thanks for clarifying.

Nancy B.

-Original Message-
From: Bruce K. Stenulson 
Cc: George Martin ; 
Date: Sunday, July 12, 1998 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: TDS-1 What it actually does!

>bjs1779 wrote:
>> It should be noted that the TDS can not identify ionic
particles. Bob
>> reported as much with his conversation with the
manufactures of the
>> TDS meters. At least that is my memorey of what he said.
>> bjs
>It might be mor accurate to state that the TDS1 does not
>between ionic and non-ionic particles; it does a
conductivity test to
>calculate total disolved solids. (All particles in the
fluid being
>Bruce Stenulson
>Applied Technology

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1998-07-13 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
With no apology, I launch into the personal here.  If you don't
want to share grief, please feel free to delete this very personal
message to you who in such a short while have shared so much with me.
Wil Cavanaugh

She was one of our best friends.  The people with whom she lived
until 1993 called her Buddha-- the enlightened one.  They were
going to put her to sleep, because they suspected she had killed
one of their ducks.  Chuck loved her, and would not allow that,
so he brought her home where she has been the kindest, happiest,
most wonderful spirit around.  She frequently had a rooster
who walked beside her.  She knew the peafowl well, while we
had those birds.  We had many waterfowl who trusted and loved
her. She was a snake-killer, and she hunted with Merlin in
her prime.

Living in a Baptist enclave has its disadvantages.  Chuck
did not want to change Boo's name at her advanced age, but
he did not want the locals to think ill of her, so he suggested
a compromise.  Why not change her name to "Bootiful?"  And
so we did.

She knew her name, and she knew she was loved.  We have many
memories, many pictures.  She was our friend.  We think there
was more wrong with her poor body at the end than just the 
heart failure, for which we were taking her to the vet.  She
would swell so big, and we'd have to have her drained.  But she
lost nearly all her fine musculature.  Both Chuck and I knew
last night that she had reached the end.  Chuck sat in front of
her on the floor in the dining room, in the full knowledge that
she needed to leave.  I will always believe that she was staying
until Chuck was ready to release her.  Gently, with tears coursing
down his cheeks, he told her goodby.  He told her that she was
free to go when she was ready.  Then we picked her up and put her
on Chuck's pillow on the floor next to his side of the bed.

Chuck lay awake most of the night, and he was with her when she
passed over at 4:12 this morning.  He got up and tended to her
dishes and leftover food.  I am grateful that he got to be with
her.  She loved me, but he was her special friend-- beloved above

As you may imagine, we are in deep mourning.  I knew she was not
well. . . desperately ill, in fact;  but we miss her so deeply
it is beyond words.

She is now at the heart of God, I know.  She can talk, she can
think as she never thought before, and she KNOWS she was loved--
still is.  We will always be grateful to have spent 5 years with
this wonderful person-- our friend.  And if I might be so bold
as to say:  Our loss is Heaven's gain.  They're going to have
some fun up there, now that our Bootiful is there to liven
the place up.

I've often heard:  If it's not beautiful, you're not dead.
I believe that.  It's the only thing that makes losing Bootiful
bearable.  I hope you will forgive us for sharing our pain--
that was not my intent.  I simply did not want the passing of 
this most wonderful person to go by without remark.  She deserves
better than that.

Chuck & Wil

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Re: To stir or not to stir...

1998-07-13 Thread Paul Andree
Hi All,

Concerning stirring, I use a straw and blow bubbles under the silver rods.
As the bubbles rise, they agitate the water above them.
Variations of placement will also work.

Paul Andree


Reid Smith wrote:

> >> The answer is yes it should be stirred and should prevent larger
> >> particals. The water becomes more conductive in that cloud area.
> >Tom, Reid, your observations are right on. This is one of those
> >subtle variables that are going to make it hard to standardize a
> >recipe.
> >One of the most elegant solutions I have thought of is a glass tube
> >attached to an aquarium air pump through a control valve, so a gentle
> >stream of bubbles could keep things stirred up, even when operating
> >at room temperature.

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Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-13 Thread Reid Smith
>  I said last week that I connected worsened brain fog/die off(herx). One thing
>that connects with what Reid said as to thick blood, last summer I had memory
>problems so bad and equilibrium problems and symptoms of stroke and I take meds
>for blood pressure that is an adrenal inhibitor as this is only what works for
>me so far and now I have such horrific dehydration and I read on the web that
>LOW BLOOD pressure causes dehydration. I can sit here and guzzle water all day
>and not restore my hydration. Anyone have any theories on that one?  Sorry off
>topic:)  Deb

   I learned something about that a little while back. Don't guzzle the
water, sip it all day long and I also take 2 asperins 3-4 times a day.
I don't know exactly what the difference is but sipping water works
better for me than drinking a glass full every so often. 

Take Care 


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Re: Is there Colloidal Gold?

1998-07-13 Thread Joyce Inouye
I tried Colloidal Gold but the results weren't that great. I found that a
GOOD herb-vegetable-grain-fruit powder mix gives so much better results
than a single mineral (gold). There are hundreds of HEALING NUTRIENTS in a
good powder mixture which will help your body heal FASTER than just Gold
Mineral Water.  

Regards, Joyce

On Sun, 12 Jul 1998, chc wrote:
> Here's what waterOZ says about,  Gold Mineral Water
> Gold Mineral Water is non-toxic and promotes a general euphoric
> feeling of well being, stimulates the body's restorative functions,
> enhances the body's natural defenses against illness, and promotes
> vitality and longevity. Gold Mineral Water is believed to be helpful
> with: brain function, depression, despair, fear, circulatory problems,
> drug/alcohol addictions, digestive disorders, gland functions, puncture
> wounds, seasonal attitude disorder, arthritis, burns, chills,
> frustration, obesity, anguish, melancholy, sorrow, heat flashes, and
> night sweats.
> Hope this helps.
> chc
> --
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Re: Doctors

1998-07-13 Thread bjs1779
Douglas McMurtrie wrote:

> Be careful with such a radically level and evenhanded position, we
> wouldn't want people to start thinking that there might actually be two
> sides to every coin now would we? Let me suggest the technique of
> "tarring them all with the same brush". This is especially helpful when
> it comes to saving the energy we would otherwise have to spend in
> thinking about and dealing with different individuals and circumstances.
> A well developed set of preconceived notions combined with a fixated
> inflexible dogmatism never hurt either. Hope this will be of some
> assistance in getting you over your nicely balanced viewpoint. Some
> things even CS can't cure. ;-) (Sorry all, just for fun, couldn't
> resist)
> Kindest regards,
> Doug.
I am unbalanced, unevenhanded, a tarr brusher, a saver on energy,
fixated, inflexable, dogmatic, and CS doesn't cure this. I take full
for all others lap of sensiblle thought. Now, could that end it for


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Re: An observation...

1998-07-13 Thread Marsha Hallett
This is Marsha's husband replying.  My name is Chuck Hallett and my
profession is Electrical Engineering.  I am writing to hopefully describe
the purpose of the light bulb in the silver generator circuit.

The primary purpose of the bulb is to limit current in the event the
electrodes touch each other (short circuit).

When the wires touch, or your alligator clips touch, the current in the
batteries and the wires is limited only by the internal resistance of the
batteries and the connecting wires.  Electrical Current generates heat.
Lots of current generates lots of heat.  Try this, take a single nine volt
battery (a used but not totally dead one) and connect a spare alligator clip
lead to each terminal.  You should notice the wire getting anything from
warm to hot enough to melt the insulation.

The bulb limits the current to 40 milliamps which is a reasonable amount of
current for the battery circuit, and far below what the colloidal silver
process will use.

If the leads short together, at best, your batteries ($4.95 retail each)
will quickly discharge and you'll be out buying new ones.  At worst the heat
generated could cause the wires to melt, and at an extreme, cause a fire.

Why a 28 volt 40 milliamp lamp?  Answer: Economies of supply.

28 volts because we don't want the bult to burn out if we short the wires
together. When this happens all you've done is closed the switch on what is
now the equivalent of a flashlight.  If  a smaller voltage bulb were used,
it would glow very brightly for a short period of time and burn out.  Then
it would act like a blown fuse, i.e. no silver generation until replaced
with a new bulb.

40 milliamps because it is a reasonable limiting value for the circuit and
more importantly it is a commonly available bulb (at Radio Shack anyway).
Just like the light bulbs you put in your lamps, these small lamps come in
standard sizes.  You can get different sizes which would work, but they are
harder to get and much more expensive.

Lastly the bulb serves as a battery condition indicator.

The bulb serves no purpose in the silver generation process, it is only
there for the reasons stated, and you can make a perfectly functioning
generator without the bulb, by connecting the silver electrodes directly to
the batteries.  You just run the risk of running your batteries down
quickly.  If you are worried about a fire, either make sure nothing
combustible is near the batteries & wire, or don't do it.

I hope this sheds some light (pun intended) on the situation.  Direct all
flames to me at
-Original Message-
From: Bill Kingsbury 
Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: An observation...

>I read that the 40 mA bulb was used to limit the current to
>40 mA maximum -- and lower currents would be desirable, (if
>smaller bulbs were available) to minimize colloidal particle size.
>George's current is no where near 40 mA, and the results seem
>to be compromised or questionable, already (at 36 vdc).
>Does anyone know how to design a 5 mA current regulator ?
>(Any references or ideas appreciated.)
>Or, could one use 6 vdc, and keep a batch running 24 hours a day
>(in a dark place) ?
>At 10:10 AM 7-13-98 -5, Mike D. wrote:
>>On 13 Jul 98 at 22:15, George Martin wrote:
>>> When the current read 8.0 - 10.0 ma
>>> I noticed something different occur.  In addition to the CS
>>> 'floating' around in the vicinity of the electrodes there was
>>> also a rather thick 'stream' of CS that was sinking to the
>>> bottom of the container.
>>Hello George,
>>Excellent set of observations. Your setup is very similar to mine.
>>I see the same effect at about the same current.
>>I wonder if those are larger particles. A long time ago Rose used a
>>microscope at work to look at some CS I made that was run for a long
>>time (different apparatus and recipe than I'm using now). She saw
>>much larger particles mixed with the almost invisible smaller ones.
>>Above a certain current, some people have talked about "burning" the
>>silver particles. I doubt that's a proper description, but it conveys
>>the notion that the particles made are different.
>>So it makes sense to try current limiting at something below that at
>>which the descending cloud of darker particles is seen. That's what I
>>would try.
>>I've long thought that current limiting schemes of various sort would
>>emerge as the best strategy once we start to really study the
>>process. I've also wondered if there is a calculable property that
>>would let you predict that threshold level, such as current density
>>(current flow vs. surface area of electrodes). You're welcome to try
>>the experiments.
>>Be well,
>>Mike D.
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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Re: An observation...

1998-07-13 Thread Bruce K. Stenulson
George Martin wrote:
> Recently I had occasion to produce numerous batches
> of CS in a short period of time.  Since I had several going at
> once I had to pay a bit more attention to the process then normal.
> What I noticed and would like to share with the list follows.

> Regards,
> George Martin

George, I read with interestyour email. I also have worked with less
than the 28-36 volts commonly recommended, and commonly run at 15 volts
with no current limiting, so thatr I can monitor the increasing current
to determine the cutoff.

I also use a pulsed DC, rather than a constat current. My theory is that
by disrupting the current flow frequently (20KHz) that the tendancy for
silver ions to be produced in larger'clumps' is less likely. Since I
don't have access to a microscope to verify this, and financial
resources need to be directed elswhere for now, this is still in the
unproven "theory" stage.

I use 8mA at 15 volts (meter averaged reading) as my cutoff, in hot
distilled water, using 1/4 of a previous batch as a 'starter'. (Cuyrrent
is directly related to electrode geometry, and is therefore relative to
my setup: 3-1/4" wetted length, 14ga, 1/2" apart in an 8 oz container. I
don't have occasion to use more than ~6 ounces per week to 10 days, so I
don't make larger batches, preferring instead to make a new batch as I
get down to the 1/4 level - using it to "start" my next batch.

Even at the 120mW power level (8mA at 15 volts) I am just below where
the product produced may begin to get a bit "cloudy" - seems that up to
that current level, the resulting product is a very clear, deep golden
yellow. At above 10 mA, however, a slight silvery hazyness begins to be

Since the TDS1 reads 20PPM consistantly when the generating process is
stopped at the 8mA reading at 15 volts, I have found it unnecessary to
run beyond this point.

While the silver "sludge" builds up on the negatively charged electrode
(cathode), if the distilled water tests 000 or 001 on the TDS1 before
starting, no precipitation is observed.

Producing a pulsed DC CS generator supply is quite simple; a basic 555
timer astable circuit will produce more power than needed. Parts can be
less than $25.00, including either a battery holder, or an AC plug in
power supply; all available at Radio Shack. The 555 timer chip will
tolerate up to 18 volts, which was a guideline in my early

If there's enough interest, I'll post a circuit diagram on my website
for a 12 to 18 volt powered pulsed DC CS generator. If there's enough
interest, I'll produce a PC board, parts list, and instructions for
around $12.00. With enough interest, a full kit could be made available
fairly reasonably. Generating your own quality CS doesn't have to be

Let me know if anyone's interested; times are busy, but we can make it
happen if there's an expressed interest. Otherwise, the circuit will sit
on the 'back burner' for a while longer...

Be Well!

Bruce K. Stenulson
Applied Technology
The Alternate Health Approaches Forum

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Re: An observation...

1998-07-13 Thread Bill Kingsbury

I read that the 40 mA bulb was used to limit the current to 
40 mA maximum -- and lower currents would be desirable, (if 
smaller bulbs were available) to minimize colloidal particle size.

George's current is no where near 40 mA, and the results seem 
to be compromised or questionable, already (at 36 vdc).

Does anyone know how to design a 5 mA current regulator ?
(Any references or ideas appreciated.)

Or, could one use 6 vdc, and keep a batch running 24 hours a day 
(in a dark place) ?


At 10:10 AM 7-13-98 -5, Mike D. wrote:
>On 13 Jul 98 at 22:15, George Martin wrote:
>> When the current read 8.0 - 10.0 ma
>> I noticed something different occur.  In addition to the CS
>> 'floating' around in the vicinity of the electrodes there was
>> also a rather thick 'stream' of CS that was sinking to the
>> bottom of the container. 
>Hello George,
>Excellent set of observations. Your setup is very similar to mine.
>I see the same effect at about the same current.
>I wonder if those are larger particles. A long time ago Rose used a
>microscope at work to look at some CS I made that was run for a long
>time (different apparatus and recipe than I'm using now). She saw
>much larger particles mixed with the almost invisible smaller ones. 
>Above a certain current, some people have talked about "burning" the
>silver particles. I doubt that's a proper description, but it conveys
>the notion that the particles made are different. 
>So it makes sense to try current limiting at something below that at 
>which the descending cloud of darker particles is seen. That's what I 
>would try.
>I've long thought that current limiting schemes of various sort would 
>emerge as the best strategy once we start to really study the 
>process. I've also wondered if there is a calculable property that 
>would let you predict that threshold level, such as current density 
>(current flow vs. surface area of electrodes). You're welcome to try 
>the experiments.
>Be well,
>Mike D.

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Re: 28 vdc power supply

1998-07-13 Thread Bill Kingsbury

I'll see if I can find a low-cost, waterproof, 
non-conductive housing and circuit breaker...

Everyone is already using ground-fault circuit breakers
on all their outlets in the kitchen (and bath), right ?


7-12-98, Mike D. wrote:
>12 Jul 98, Bill wrote:
>>  Here's a source for a Power-One brand linear power supply
>>  (part no. HB2B-1-A). 
>>  Can anyone see a problem using this particular
>>  power supply to run a 'plug-in' CS generator ?
>Only the matter of wiring and packaging, assuming it is an open 
>frame supply, or there are screw terminals that have to be wired to 
>house current. One nice thing about batteries is you can't 
>electrocute somebody with 'em.
>If we are explicit, complete, and include pictures with our
>instructions we ought to be able to guide just about anyone through
>the project safely. It could, as you say, be useful for testing our 
>standard recipe.
>Be well,
>Mike D.

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Re: Doctors

1998-07-13 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
Philip Collins wrote:
> Mike, your thoughts are reasonable, sound, diplomatic, productive,
> constructive.
> Perhaps some of the exasperation so many feel about MD's grows out of the
> fact that the medical establishment has indeed achieved such important,
> life-saving discoveries and treatments, that *they*and*we* somehow have
> gotten the misconception that they are supposed to know everything and help
> everyone every time.  If *we*and*they* could remember that they are just
> humans like the rest of us, doing their best and sometimes succeeding,
> sometimes failing, we could drop the resentment and get on with the business
> of helping people be healthy.
> Whitney Collins


Be careful with such a radically level and evenhanded position, we
wouldn't want people to start thinking that there might actually be two
sides to every coin now would we? Let me suggest the technique of
"tarring them all with the same brush". This is especially helpful when
it comes to saving the energy we would otherwise have to spend in
thinking about and dealing with different individuals and circumstances.
A well developed set of preconceived notions combined with a fixated
inflexible dogmatism never hurt either. Hope this will be of some
assistance in getting you over your nicely balanced viewpoint. Some
things even CS can't cure. ;-) (Sorry all, just for fun, couldn't

Kindest regards,


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Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-13 Thread Debbie McDonald
Clark says, comfortingly, that if you dont' sleep
> through the night, "you may have the worst night of your life"  well, I have
> not slept through a night in the last decade.  And no amount of ornithine is
> going to fool my body into thinking eight hours equals four.  
I used Clarkes parasite program and the ornithine worked for me like a charm
and I have had insomnia as a symptom for over a decade also. (those wonderful
docs gave me halcyon, thank heaven I had the sense not to try that) If I woke
up, I took another one and fell back to sleep in a much shorter time. So many
factors to this scenario but do you use any nutrasweet, that is what started my
horror story? The year it came out is the year of my decline. Anyone know any
bad things about ornithine supplementation?  
  I said last week that I connected worsened brain fog/die off(herx). One thing
that connects with what Reid said as to thick blood, last summer I had memory
problems so bad and equilibrium problems and symptoms of stroke and I take meds
for blood pressure that is an adrenal inhibitor as this is only what works for
me so far and now I have such horrific dehydration and I read on the web that
LOW BLOOD pressure causes dehydration. I can sit here and guzzle water all day
and not restore my hydration. Anyone have any theories on that one?  Sorry off
topic:)  Deb

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: To stir or not to stir...

1998-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
On 12 Jul 98 at 23:10, wrote: My concern about
the magnets comes from the common caution of various "authorities"
out there on the CS web sites who tell you to avoid strong magnetic
fields in the vicinity of CS that you are trying to store.

The electrostatic field of the charged colloid particles and the
magnetic field would certainly interact. It would tend to push the
silver particles around, possibly causing them to collide with
things in the neighborhood and give up their charge? That's been my 
assumption, anyway.

> Yes, Reid, but the E field that is producing the colloid is right
> against the wire, right??  I still don't see how a magnet of that
> level could disrupt. . .
> Nonetheless, I don't much like magnets.  So, I'll change horses
> (maybe even Mike's famous dead one) midstream and vote (like
> that'll change anything) for the bubbles.  Maybe even the ozone
> bubbles. hahahaha Wil C. 

Tee hee. I guess my hyperbole is catching up to me. 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: An observation...

1998-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
On 13 Jul 98 at 22:15, George Martin wrote:

> When the current read 8.0 - 10.0
> ma I noticed something different occur.  In addition to the CS
> 'floating' around in the vicinity of the electrodes there was also a
> rather thick 'stream' of CS that was sinking to the bottom of the
> container. 

Hello George,

Excellent set of observations. Your setup is very similar to mine. I 
see the same effect at about the same current.

I wonder if those are larger particles. A long time ago Rose used a
microscope at work to look at some CS I made that was run for a long
time (different apparatus and recipe than I'm using now). She saw
much larger particles mixed with the almost invisible smaller ones. 

Above a certain current, some people have talked about "burning" the
silver particles. I doubt that's a proper description, but it conveys
the notion that the particles made are different. 

So it makes sense to try current limiting at something below that at 
which the descending cloud of darker particles is seen. That's what I 
would try.

I've long thought that current limiting schemes of various sort would 
emerge as the best strategy once we start to really study the 
process. I've also wondered if there is a calculable property that 
would let you predict that threshold level, such as current density 
(current flow vs. surface area of electrodes). You're welcome to try 
the experiments.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

MCT Fund Update

1998-07-13 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
Closing in on the mark folks! Just absolutely wonderful. Lets bring it
on home.

The tentative target is $400.00 based on Bob Well's original contact.
This number will get more specific as we get test specs and pricing from
the labs.   

For now the fund stands as follows:

 Whitney - $20.00
 D. K.   - $10.00
 Fidget  - $10.00
 Robert Wells - $50.00
 George N. $20.00
 W. D.   - $10.00
 Debbie  - $10.00
 Marsha Hallett - $20.00
 Dameon  - $20.00
 Dean Woodward   - $20.00 
 George $20.00
 George Martin $50.00
 Douglas McMurtrie   - $50.00

  Total to Date $ 310.00

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Microbial Challenge Test Fund

1998-07-13 Thread Robert L. Wells
>Joyce wrote:
>I once used a silver which had an natural, active
ingredient added to it
>(electron-giver) that enhanced the action of the silver in
>pathogens--it was the fastest germ killer tested at a

Which university?  Can we get them to do some testing for us
at no charge?  Maybe a grad student has a need for a good

>Joyce also wrote:
>Please choose a testing facility that is honest (not
infiltrated by NewWorldOrder who often sabotages health

I'm one of those who does not yet believe in the conspiracy
theories attributed to the NewWorldOrder and the
Illuminati.  Nevertheless, as there are clearly different
opinions on the subject, I do not wish to offend.  I have no
idea which laboratories you might find acceptable.  Perhaps
you have some suggestions?

While we debate how best to approach the testing of CS to
our own satisfaction, I'm still interested in finding
reputable ways to get the job done for free.  That's one
reason I'm not anxious to collect any money until we have a
consensus on our approach.  Any suggestions?

Bob Wells


1998-07-13 Thread brains
thanks list ...Problem solved...

Peace and Health to you  and may the White Light protect you

 Barbara and Brian in OZ


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Comfrey Off the Topic

1998-07-13 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
Comfrey is just comfrey.  The pepsin must be from something else.
I'll be glad to mail you some of the root for growing your own plant
if you'll send me your snailmail address.  I do not know how many of
you will want this, but I will send as much as I can.
Wil Cavanaugh

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Lotus files

1998-07-13 Thread Robert L. Wells
My apologies to some of you.  I use Lotus Notes most of the
time for sending mail.  I do so because all of my mail is
received through Lotus Notes at my corporate address.  I
tend to read my mail at work more than at home so I just
quit using my home address.  However, a few people over time
have informed me that they can't read my messages when they
are sent via Lotus Notes.  In those cases, I find that if I
use Netscape, my messages escape the corporate environment
without any problem.

I think one of the problems is that Lotus sends e-mail in a
MIME compliant fashion, but not everyone has software or
networks which accept these files.  If anyone has
suggestions about how to deal with this issue, I'm very open
to changes.  Nevertheless, I'm informed that before too
long, we are downgrading from Lotus Notes to Lotus CC Mail.
I don't know what difference, if any, that will make to the
problem some of you may be having in receiving my messages.
If you have comments, please respond to me directly so as to
avoid copying everyone on the LIST, most of whom don't care
about my e-mail technical issues.

For now, I will try to send e-mail to the LIST via
Netscape.  I believe that will solve the problem for most of

Bob Wells

rockerr (Vern) wrote:

Hey Robert,
What format are you posting your messages to the silver list
in?  All I get
is an attachment to each message from you that is called
Lotus.  I have
tried several ways to open the attachments, all without
success.  What
program are you using to post and maybe that will help me

An observation...

1998-07-13 Thread George Martin
Recently I had occasion to produce numerous batches 
of CS in a short period of time.  Since I had several going at 
once I had to pay a bit more attention to the process then normal.  
What I noticed and would like to share with the list follows.

My procedure is pretty much what I term 'list standard'.  
I start with 28 oz of distilled water (I use  mason jars that I just 
happened to have sitting around).  This is heated using a coffee 
cup warmer to approx 120 F. or so. The electrodes are two 5" 
lengths of .999 16 ga wire.  Since I can't get Hanna Instruments to 
respond to my inquiries I usually process the CS until it turns a 
gentle amber color...about an hour after the first indications of CS 
production appear.  I guess that this is probably in the range of 
10-15 ppm based on list discussions.

I am an electronics tech by trade and am curious about the 
goings on in my little circuit.  So I have two digital multi-meters 
connected to analyze the process.  One is in series with the voltage 
source to measure current and the other is connected across the 
electrodes to measure voltage. I have run this set up two ways; 
with three 9-volt batteries in series to give 27 VDC and with an old 
linear power supply I had on my work bench that supplies a fixed 
36 VDC.  The process didn't vary considerably when I used the 
higher voltage so that is what I usually do.  Seems my wife always 
has a need for 9 volt batteries...

At the beginning of the process the  readings were on 
average 36 VDC at a current of  .15 - .40 ma depending on the 
quality of the distilled water.  Over the space of 20 to 30 minutes 
the voltage would drop a volt or so and the current would slowly 
increase.  When the current reached approx. 3.0 ma the wispy 
discharge would become apparent.  From this point on the current 
would increase at a quicker rate due of course to the increased 
conductivity of the CS solution.  When the current read 8.0 - 10.0 ma 
I noticed something different occur.  In addition to the CS 'floating' 
around in the vicinity of the electrodes there was also a rather thick 
'stream' of CS that was sinking to the bottom of the container.  
This was in spite of the convection currents caused by the heating 
device.  The 'stream' was eventually dispersed by the convection 
as it sank lower but this made me curious.  

I then ran a batch using the same setup as above with 
preheated water but no active heating device.  This was to hopefully 
minimize the convection currents.  I also let the process continue 
for about 2 hours.  What I noticed was that the 'stream' of CS that 
sank seemed to pool in the bottom of the jar.  There was a distinctly 
darker appearance to this and it was about 1/4" or so thick.  After 
I terminated the process I let it set overnight in a dark cabinet  and 
observed it the next day and noticed no change.  I then gave it a stir 
and mixed everything up.  I let it sit for an additional three days and 
didn't notice any settling with the exception of some of the sludge 
that had dropped off of the electrode during the proccessing.  It 
looked like a regular (darker than usual due to the extra time 
cooking) jar of CS.  

This got me to thinking...  I know that CS is produced at all 
times during the process.  That is why the conductivity of the 
water slowly changes.  I also had observed that at certain current 
levels different effects were seen.

Next I modified my little circuit by adding some variable resistance.

I then started another batch using essentially the same setup as 
before only this time the voltage  was lowered to 9 VDC.  No 
particular reason why I chose that value but it seemed appropriate 
since the standard is three 9-volt batteries...

The initial current read .14 ma.  (I think that this may be due 
to the failure of my particular meter to accurately indicate very low 
current values). and very slowly began to climb.   I won't try to make 
a table of readings or anything but suffice to say that nothing really 
note worthy was happening for several hours with the exception 
of the currently slowly increasing and the negative electrode 

After five hours I observed a very faint tint to the water and 
a distinct Tyndal (sp) effect.  The current had reached 2.45 ma 
and the negative electrode was also becoming fouled.  I stopped 
the process and cleaned both electrodes.  When I began again, 
the current had decreased to 2.16 ma.  From this point on I cleaned 
the electrodes approximately every 45 minutes.  I was trying to 
minimize the amount of "foreign" matter in the solution.  I also began 
to adjust the voltage after every cleaning to keep the current in the 
vicinity of 2.0 - 2.5ma.  I continued in this manner until 8 hours had 
passed and the CS was a very nice clear golden color.  The voltage 
was 5.46 VDC.

At no time during the entire eight hour process did I l


1998-07-13 Thread brains
G'day list ...a question .. I asked some one in the states to get a
TDS1 for me ...where is the best place to get it . Hanna does not
show them on their web site ...

Peace and Health to you  and may the White Light protect you

 Barbara and Brian in OZ


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: To stir or not to stir...

1998-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
On 12 Jul 98 at 23:11, Reid wrote:

>One of the things that I considered doing was to put a small slow
> motor over the glass with the silver wire bent into a U shape
> sticking into the water. That would be connected to one side of the
> current and the other would be connected to a few silver wires
> around the inside of the glass.

In other words, use the positive electrode as it's own stirring rod. 

> Also take your wires and touch them to the side or let them
> touch the bottom of the glass and watch the amp metter. 

I'll try that on my next run, but what do you expect me to observe?


Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: Doctors

1998-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
On 12 Jul 98 at 23:28, Whitney wrote:

> Mike, your thoughts are reasonable, sound, diplomatic, productive,
> constructive.

Thank you, Whitney.

> Perhaps some of the exasperation so many feel about MD's grows out
> of the fact that the medical establishment has indeed achieved such
> important, life-saving discoveries and treatments, that
> *they*and*we* somehow have gotten the misconception that they are
> supposed to know everything and help everyone every time.  If
> *we*and*they* could remember that they are just humans like the rest
> of us, doing their best and sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing,
> we could drop the resentment and get on with the business of helping
> people be healthy.

We can't control *them*, only ourselves. Doctors, administrators,
bureaucrats, and politicians will continue to be arrogant,
insensitive, controlling, and sometimes evil -- if the individual
chooses to be. The system will continue to encourage those
behaviors. Changing all of that is beyond the scope of this list,
and probably beyond the abilities of all of us devoting our entire 
lives to such a cause.

We *can* make being out here with the individualists and thinking,
rational beings a more attractive prospect than slaving away within
the confines of the "mainstream". Maybe we'll win a few to our ranks,
or to our way of thinking, and seed a few more agents of change
inside the beast. 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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1998-07-13 Thread likowski
Yes, it's back in health food stores.

Years ago comfrey-pepsin was a wonderful GI (Gastrointestinal )healing
agent. We used it to heal ulcers, to sooth the GI tract and it worked
great. Who says you need antibitics to heal h.pylori?? Anyway, someone
got a hairbrained idea to shove 1000 x the usual does into lab rats and
i believe it caused cancer. (Duuuhhh, no kidding) So in all of their
wisdom the FDA took it off the market. I do not know if it ever came
back. Now we use "Okra Pepsin", which seems to work good too.

So, Joyce if you have comfrey pepsin in your yard, do find out what,
how, when and why, because it is valuable. BTW don't forget to e-mail me
your address, off the net!

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Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-13 Thread Reid Smith
>Hello, Charles.
>Brain fog is certainly an awful symptom.  But I wonder if the brain fog you
>mention is a kind of Herx?  Any thoughts?
>Whitney Collins

   I believe the brain fog is partially caused by two things. Not enough 
sleep and thick blood. Atleast that's what causes mine. 
Take Care 


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1998-07-13 Thread likowski
"W. D. Cavanaugh" :

"My point is:  almost nobody I know has any knowledge of comfrey..."


One of the best weapons in herbal medicine; miraculous in it's ability
to rapidly mend and heal broken bones and torn flesh. The Indians called
it BONEMENDER and was wrapped around limbs with broken bones and other
injuries to promote healing. Even the Egyptians knew of it's power. They
would place the wet leaves over tumor areas. It grows all around the
world in some form - even Siberia - like Nature's general medicine. One
plant will quickly spread and they're very durable little buggers. The
leaves are good, but the roots are also used for their magical active
ingredient "allantoin". We have a huge patch growing in the middle of
our garden every year and I've drank gallons of fresh comfrey tea. This
year I'll be juicing the fresh leaves. For a long time my dad has been
making a special comfrey liquid that he gives to people with arthritis
and other problems; they rub it on the painful area and soon it's like
new again. His aunt taught him how to make it; the roots and/or leaves
have to soak in alcohol for months before it's ready. He preaches
comfrey like "born agains" preach the Bible. Great stuff, that comfrey.


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Re: Comfrey Off the Topic

1998-07-13 Thread ramakrishna Kothalanka


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Re: Comfrey Off the Topic

1998-07-13 Thread jeinert
> Date:  Sun, 12 Jul 1998 17:57:36 +
> From:  chc 
> Reply-to:
> Organization:  Creative Health Center
> To:"" 
> Subject:   Comfrey Off the Topic

> Years ago comfrey-pepsin was a wonderful GI (Gastrointestinal )healing
> agent. We used it to heal ulcers, to sooth the GI tract and it worked
> great. Who says you need antibitics to heal h.pylori?? Anyway, someone
> got a hairbrained idea to shove 1000 x the usual does into lab rats and
> i believe it caused cancer. (Duuuhhh, no kidding) So in all of their
> wisdom the FDA took it off the market. I do not know if it ever came
> back. Now we use "Okra Pepsin", which seems to work good too.
> So, Joyce if you have comfrey pepsin in your yard, do find out what,
> how, when and why, because it is valuable. BTW don't forget to e-mail me
> your address, off the net!
> chc

Nature's Sunshine makes a marshmallow pepsin product that will do 
about the same thing.
Dr. Kelley used this in his cancer treatment to clean the villi of 
the small intestine of mucus so the body would get its nutritients.
Jim Einert, N.D.

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RE: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-13 Thread Charles L. Church
It seemed SO severe, and I tried continuing, until I just couldn't.  Usually
a "Herx" reaction would let up with a little time right?


-Original Message-
From:   Philip Collins []
Sent:   Sunday, July 12, 1998 9:45 PM
Subject:Re: Provocative thoughts

Hello, Charles.

Brain fog is certainly an awful symptom.  But I wonder if the brain fog you
mention is a kind of Herx?  Any thoughts?

Whitney Collins

-Original Message-
From: Charles L. Church 
Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: Provocative thoughts

>GSE, Grapefruit seed extract, also called "standardized extract of
>grapefruit", is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is effective against
>yeast and protazoans. However MANY people who take it get severe brain
>fog such as myself.

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Re: Microbial Challenge Test Fund

1998-07-13 Thread Philip Collins
Can't remember whether I sent my pledge to Doug or the list, but it was $20.
My fax is 609-466-2285, and I'd love to get any hard info on effects of CS.

Whitney Collins

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, July 10, 1998 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Microbial Challenge Test Fund

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Re: What the ennemy is doing....

1998-07-13 Thread jeinert
> Date:  Sun, 12 Jul 1998 21:46:34 -0400
> From:  ryb 
> Subject:   What the ennemy is doing

> I suggest that all those that still believe in some openness of
> "scientific medecine" go to this site:
> you will learn that
> acupuncture,herbs,vitamins all al "unscientifically incorrect.Also same
> for HS-Hydrazine Sulfate (they only cite as references biased sutdies
> and do NOT mention that in those 'damaging studies' vs HS that on some
> mices and later patients-no mention was made NOT to give them
> morphine,alcolhol,etc...Their  magazine "Scientific review of
> alternative Medecine"-only the name of it is REAL science"...
>  But look at this sit like the dictionary, etc it gives good description
> of certain alternative treatments,etc..
> Yours,ryb
The one thing I found most interesting here was the definition of a 
Here it is:

Quack - health schemes and remedies known to be false, unsafe or 
unproven, being promoted for financial gain. 

Now if that doesn't sound like your neighborhood M.D., what does!!!
So now you know who the real quacks are!
Be healthy, stay away from quacks.
Jim Einert, N.D.

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Re: Microbial Challenge Test Fund

1998-07-13 Thread Philip Collins

-Original Message-
From: Douglas McMurtrie 
Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 9:32 AM
Subject: Microbial Challenge Test Fund

Doug, you wrote: < We'll keep a running list of pledges

Here's another $20.

Whitney Collins

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Re: To stir or not to stir...

1998-07-13 Thread Reid Smith
>Joyce must be right about the magnet not affecting anything.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a magnet only affect
>ferrous metals?
>Wil C.

   A magnet also has a E-field which is a electron field and electrons
is what is being used to make the silver.

Take Care 


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Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-13 Thread Tom Young
Don't be too concerned --- I can tell you that the only part that I didn't like
was drinking the epsom salts.  But even then, after a while I learned that if I
made it with very cold water and "chugged it" real quick, the taste wasn't so
bad.  I had no trouble sleeping, no discomfort whatsoever.  Also, I never felt
the stones go rumbling through my bile ducts like Clark suggests, although I
pushed out many of them (some as big as marbles).

One thing I can stress is *don't eat any foods containing fats* the day you do
it, or you won't build up enough bile pressure to push the stones out later.
I've had good results eating oatmeal for breakfast and a salad (with no-fat
dressing) for lunch on the day of the cleanse.
Also highly recommended --- zap for a week (or take parasite herbs for three
weeks) before the cleanse.  Good luck!


Philip Collins wrote:

>  I also have all kinds of symptoms including "fog" and fatigue, and I think
> I must to a "liver flush" or several.  Trouble is, I dread it like death
> itself.  Please write and tell me it wasn't so bad.  Particularly, how did
> you manage to sleep through the night, or didn't you?  If you did not sleep,
> what happened to you?

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Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-13 Thread Philip Collins
Hello Frank Matzka.

 For a full description of a traditional liver flush, see  You will find
all sorts of valuable alternative treatments and procedures on that site,
which is the webpage of Brian McInturf.

Whitney Collins

-Original Message-
From: Frank Matzka 
Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes

>Can you describe this liver flush procedure for me?

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Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-13 Thread Fidget
That is an excellent question Whitney, certainly one I'd like to know
the answer as well.  I have fibromyalgia and candida.  I've been taking
only one capsule a day (in the AM) for the last two weeks now,
specifically using it to try and clear up the candida.  I also have the
liquid GsE (glycerine based) which I occasionally use to gargle with
(very infrequently and I don't swallow it). I've been thinking about all
this "brain fog" talk here and I'm wondering if that is what is causing
me to walk around like a veggie. No joke either.  I just can't seem to
think straight lately and my fibro symptoms have seemed to magnify
itself.  I've even developed swollen legs/feet that took a week to
subside.  Pretty painful getting around.

Is it a herx?  I wonder since this GsE kills off so much bacteria, etc.
that it just might be.  You think it may be a good idea to stop using it
for awhile to see if my symptoms clear up?  Also, I seem to be
off-balance, meaning that I frequently stumble or lose my balance.

If this stuff is not the culprit, I really wonder what's causing it.
I take a lot of different herbs as well as CS.  Maybe I'm overdosing or
detoxing from too many things?  I wonder and yet I've been too tired and
foggy to figure it all out.


Philip Collins wrote:
> Hello, Charles.
> Brain fog is certainly an awful symptom.  But I wonder if the brain fog you
> mention is a kind of Herx?  Any thoughts?
> Whitney Collins
> -Original Message-
> From: Charles L. Church 
> To: 
> Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 11:39 PM
> Subject: Re: Provocative thoughts
> >GSE, Grapefruit seed extract, also called "standardized extract of
> >grapefruit", is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is effective against
> >yeast and protazoans. However MANY people who take it get severe brain
> >fog such as myself.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: To stir or not to stir...

1998-07-13 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
Yes, Reid, but the E field that is producing the colloid is right
against the wire, right??  I still don't see how a magnet of that
level could disrupt. . .

Nonetheless, I don't much like magnets.  So, I'll change horses
(maybe even Mike's famous dead one) midstream and vote (like that'll
change anything) for the bubbles.  Maybe even the ozone bubbles.
Wil C.

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Re: To stir or not to stir...

1998-07-13 Thread Reid Smith
>> The answer is yes it should be stirred and should prevent larger
>> particals. The water becomes more conductive in that cloud area.
>Tom, Reid, your observations are right on. This is one of those 
>subtle variables that are going to make it hard to standardize a 

>One of the most elegant solutions I have thought of is a glass tube 
>attached to an aquarium air pump through a control valve, so a gentle 
>stream of bubbles could keep things stirred up, even when operating 
>at room temperature.

   One of the things that I considered doing was to put a small
slow motor over the glass with the silver wire bent into a U
shape sticking into the water. That would be connected to one
side of the current and the other would be connected to a few
silver wires around the inside of the glass.

Also take your wires and touch them to the side or let them
touch the bottom of the glass and watch the amp metter. 

Take Care 


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