Re: (313) As I'm sure most of you heard: Real Scenes: Detroit RA

2011-08-10 Thread Thor Teague
In reference to the ruin porn:,20973/

little daily chuckle for ya... ya gotta laugh... :)

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Joe Marougi wrote:

 Does anyone have a number/email for Brendan that they can pm me on?  Haven't 
 been in touch with him since his Record Time days ;-).   Thanks in advance!

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Aug 10, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Alexandres Lugo wrote:

  Yeah, he's been looking like that for a few years now.
  Sent from my iPhone
  On Aug 10, 2011, at 3:18 PM, kent williams wrote:
  BMG is starting to look like a Deadhead!
  On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 1:50 PM, DJ Shiva wrote:
  At least the ruin porn is well shot.  ;)
  Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet
  day, I can hear her breathing. - Arundhati Roy
  On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:44 PM, kent williams 
  Pretty OK, except for the cliche of ruin porn.
  But check out Derek Plaslaiko dancing like a madman about 11:32

Re: (313) OK Kent, I see your point

2011-07-06 Thread Thor Teague
Music is its own meaning... there is no need for it to be this or be
that, if you choose to let it simply be. Nobody dances to a
destination. The point of the dance is the dance.

I don't think you can understand the SOCIO-POLITICS behind it without
at least living there for a few years, if not being from there.

But that only has as much meaning as you choose to attach to it.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Diego Simak wrote:

 What do you guys think about this?
 Is possible for a person that had born outside Detroit and US, correctly
 understand the real meaning of Detroit Techno?

Re: (313) New Red Planet / Ron Trent Record Store

2011-07-06 Thread Thor Teague
The list is not at all dead. I get linked to more music than I can
listen to every week, with more monthly recommendations than I could
possibly buy in a month.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:14 PM, David Powers wrote:
 1. Just in case you all have forgotten... It may not seem that way cus
 the list is dead, but right now there is AMAZING Detroit music of all

Re: (313) 313

2011-04-27 Thread Thor Teague
Not that the decision isn't perfectly reasonable and justified, and
I'm sure he'll fix it as soon as he has the time, but part of me can't
help but feel it's a sad day when Shake gets blocked from the 313
list just on principle.

On 4/27/11, Odeluga, Ken wrote:
 Yeah I get that as well sometimes, when responding to the list from my other
 e-mail address.

 It looks like the name of a real German 'Public Bank' [the rough meaning of

 Sparkasse Kehl

 Perhaps I might open an account.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Dust []
 Sent: 27 April 2011 17:17
 To: Odeluga, Ken
 Subject: Re: (313) 313

 On 27 Apr 2011, at 16:38, Odeluga, Ken wrote:

 Time that address was bloked.

 Getting that person's spam is just boring 

 Who's this as well:

 Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-Mail.

 Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Wir werden Ihr Anliegen so schnell wie
 möglich innerhalb unserer Geschäftszeiten bearbeiten.

 Der Austausch von Nachrichten mit der Sparkasse Hanauerland via E-Mail dient
 ausschließlich Informationszwecken. Rechtsgeschäftliche Erklärungen werden
 über dieses Medium nicht angenommen. Bitte nutzen Sie zur Erteilung
 rechtsgeschäftlich verbindlicher Aufträge oder Weisungen (z. B.
 Überweisungen, Wertpapieraufträge, Einwendungen gegen Rechnungsabschlüsse,
 Belastungsbuchungen aus Lastschriften etc.) das durch unser Institut
 angebotene Online-Banking-Verfahren oder wenden Sie sich an Ihren Berater.

 Sparkasse Hanauerland, Hauptstraße 88, 77694 Kehl, Telefon (0 78 51) 8 60-0,
 Telefax (0 78 51) 8 60-4000, Sitz Kehl, Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts,
 Handelsregister Freiburg HRA 370665



Re: (313) 313

2011-04-27 Thread Thor Teague
Hm, I don't think I said it exactly the way I meant it. As email is won't to do.

I wasn't getting down on Shake in any way. It just aggravates me that
some spamtard hijacked his e-mail account, just on principle. I feel
his participation in 313 is valuable and important.

I'll leave it at that... hopefully I haven't put my foot any further
into my mouth. :-)

On 4/27/11, jwan allen wrote:
 hopefully a kind soul can do this over the memorial day weekend!

 On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 12:53 PM, kent williams
 Shake is aware of this problem.  The problem -- I suspect -- is that
 his e-mail machine is infected with a virus of some sort.

 Tony is a brilliant musician, not a computer technician.  It would be
 great if someone who actually lives in the Detroit area and is
 acquainted with him would volunteer to check his machine and get
 things fixed up.

 The reason I haven't yet blocked his address is that it would mean he
 doesn't see 313 list e-mail, and I know he's interested in it.  The
 occasional spam message from his address is a price I'm willing to

 I'll e-mail sebastien and tell him to find a non-work e-mail address
 to use for the list. If he doesn't respond I'll just unsub him.  Cut
 him some slack, though -- I bet this auto-responder stuff happens
 outside his control.

 Technoir Audio
 dealing with your imperfect world

Re: (313) Aarron Carl has passed

2010-09-30 Thread Thor Teague
Don't have anything to add to the discussion except rest in peace... I
did not have the pleasure of knowing him personally, but I always
enjoyed listening to AC.

Re: (313) The Techno Beat!

2010-09-18 Thread Thor Teague
That's hot... make with the tracks... :-)

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 11:16 PM, gj wrote:

 I believe ours is the more advanced MKII model, you can tell buy the red on
 blue color scheme instead of blue on red...

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 4:31 PM
 Subject: RE: (313) The Techno Beat!

 I'll post up a pic later tonight regarding this...


 -Original Message-
 Date: Friday, September 17, 2010 3:59:00 pm
 To: list 313
 From: kent williams
 Subject: (313) The Techno Beat!

 At the Goodwill today:

 I would have bought it but it had no audio out or provision for AC
 power...and I have a dozen random toy keyboards around the house already.

(313) Dear Friend

2010-07-15 Thread Thor Teague
Dear Friend
  Welcome to our web
We can provide brand clothing, brand handbags, Sunglasses, underwear .
Find 2010 New Style Now.
  We accept paypal, Ship Free.

  We can arrive to your destination.
I hope we have a good opportunity for cooperation, thank you.

Re: (313) thanks re: (313) [More] free music -- G-Stone Records anniversary comp

2010-04-22 Thread Thor Teague
Thanks Kent!

313: Download this if you haven't already!

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Andrew Duke Cognition Audioworks new
email address wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:09 PM, kent williams 
 Kruder and Dorfmeister, Tosca, Stereotyp, Peace Orchestra, et al

 Thanks much for the heads-up on this, Kent.
 Take care. Andrew

(313) food for thought -- new blood?

2010-03-02 Thread Thor Teague
 -- heck, Mojo is still alive,

This statement strikes me as ironic.

Does Detroit need new blood? Who is producing/DJ'ing that is under the
age of 25?

How fertile are the grounds right now for any up and comers to break
through in Detroit anyway?

What happens when the newcomers run out?

Food for discussion/thought.

Re: (313) Been speaking...talking about the future (of fbk that is:)

2010-02-26 Thread Thor Teague
One more thought and I'll go back to my regularly scheduled lurking

Choice of gear has never ever made a bad track good.

It can however make a good track bad.

Believe what your ears are telling you. The ears are the audio
artist's #1 tool, just like the eyes are the visual artist's #1 tool.

On 2/25/10, wrote:
 Now that's a good response.

 It's all in the mix down.

Re: (313) Been speaking...talking about the future (of fbk that is:)

2010-02-25 Thread Thor Teague
I think this whole discussion is a)tired and b)a fat load of horseshxt.

But I will say, perhaps tongue-in-cheekly, that I just can't get
around a hardware mixdown. Other than that I'm fine with whatever, but
putting it through a Mackie seems to make all the difference. A close
second to that mixer would be hardware compression.

I mixed one of my tracks a couple years ago then re-edited it
digitally and bounced it. The mix just drops dead. It's really
telling. I can play those two examples for anybody and they have only
to listen with their own two earballs to hear the difference.

On 2/25/10, kent williams wrote:
 All hardware is The Detroit Way(tm), and one can't argue with results.
  Virtually ('Virtually'?) every track that defines Detroit Techno and
 House music was made with hardware synths and mixed down outside the
 computer.  As it happens, prior to roughly 1998, a computer was of
 limited utility for anything other than MIDI sequencing.

 The sound of Detroit techno arose at least in part from the way
 working with the hardware influences the aesthetic choices made.  The
 one measure drum loop is a limitation of Roland Drum Machines* so
 Techno mostly involves one measure rhythm loops. Within that
 limitation, producers soon used the tools available to them (volume
 controls for individual sounds, sound parameters, write-mode real-time
 step programming) to make something static come alive.

 I use a mix of hardware and software, and end up doing the mix in the
 computer.  That's just what I've evolved into using over the years. I
 still have nearly every synth  drum machine I've ever bought, and got
 my latest analog synth in 2008.

 That being said, I think it is very possible to make good music
 without the hardware, and in fact many people who make tracks simply
 can't afford a full-on hardware studio.  Software synths are free  to
 cheap; a proper modern analog synth costs a minimum of $300-400, a
 TR909 -- if you can find one -- is $1000 or more.  A usable laptop is
 $600, and sufficient software is free to cheap (or stolen).

 If you don't like how all-computer productions sound, you can spend
 the multiple thousands of dollars to equip yourself with 'real' gear**
 or you could learn to get the sound you want out of the computer. The
 production techniques required for working in the computer are
 different than working with outboard hardware.

 In the end it's always what your'e able to do with the gear more than
 the gear itself.  Whatever inspires you or feels comfortable should
 your guide, not what anyone thinks that you 'should' be using.

 *You can use drum loops longer than one measure on Roland drum
 machines, but it isn't the easiest or most natural way to work.

 **My rule of thumb about buying external gear -- if it's just a
 computer on the inside, I'd rather save my money and use my computer.
 A lot of external synths -- e.g. Nord, Elektron Machine Drum, Alesis
 Micron -- are just computers in a fancy box.  They may be useful for
 many reasons, but they don't do anything your computer can't, at least
 insofar as sound is concerned.

 On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 6:28 AM, Kevin Kennedy wrote:

 As a side note, I have gone back to using hardware, and there will be
 results to post for everyone soon...

(313) OT - curious about performance software

2009-07-23 Thread Thor Teague
I've been toying around with edits in Ableton lately and was dismayed
to see it crashing constantly on my mac (never had this problem on my
PC). Read a few forums, followed a dozen or so suggestions, none of
which worked--the usual technical issue BS. Just wondering who uses
what for their PA sets, assuming a computer is involved.

Re: (313) MIDI Routing Question for Gear Heads

2009-06-22 Thread Thor Teague
I have my doubts.

If it's cheaper to try and you want to save a buck, maybe give it a
whirl but just be ready for it to possibly not work. I know that both
macs and PC's have only a finite amount of that sort of thing that
they can deal with.

My opinion would be to go straight to the rack mount if you have the
budget, I'm more confident about that solution personally.

On 6/21/09, Richard Hester wrote:
 Sooner or later, I'll be putting my music computer setup back together. It's
 woefully out of date, and I'll need some sort of midi router to replace my 4
 X 4 ISA card (ISA? What's that...). Anyway, one option would be to get an 8X
 rack mount router with USB interface, though these seem to be a bit thin on
 the ground as of late.What I have noticed is a lot of MIDI-to-USB dongles
 cropping up. Would a bunch of these operating into a USB hub be a proper
 substitute, given the proper software (if it exists)?

(313) When posting a mix...

2009-04-07 Thread Thor Teague

I'm just going to get on a soapbox for half a second, won't make a
thing out of it.

Please enter the metadata into the mp3--preferably all of it but at
least put your name in the Artist field. Finding DJ 313kiddo's
HotCheeseJamz mix is a little difficult in even a modestly sized
library of 3,500 mp3's since the filename was called

Please do not encode at anything lower than 256k.

I'm more tolerant of this with 313'ers but still, I'm losing my
tolerance for this type of stuff overall.

Plus it's just my opinion. Nothing to get worked up about.


And now back to my regularly scheduled lurking.

Re: (313) When posting a mix...

2009-04-07 Thread Thor Teague
RIGHT, I meant to mention that and forgot. Thanks Anton. TRACKLIST

Definitely off my soapbox now. For reals. :)

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 9:02 PM, wrote:

 For mixes, I've found it convenient to enter the tracklist into the lyrics
 field so it displays while the audio is playing- at least it does with Media

Re: (313) Record packaging [was: Re: (313) mysticism in electronic music (and where has it gone)]

2009-03-18 Thread Thor Teague
A physical thing I think you are forced to have a relationship with.

When I owned one, I found myself browsing my collection on my iPod
almost more than doing actual listening.

I don't do that with my vinyl records because they present physical
limitations that 1's and 0's do not. I usually listen more than
browsing. Others like the art and just physical ownership too and I
don't disagree with that either. On top of all that, 1's and 0's are
fundamentally different than a record groove, and digital sounds


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Jussi Lehtonen wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, Tristan Watkins wrote:

 Is it that the package itself is 100% essential?

 In my opinion the physical package sometimes delivers additional value. But
 similar kind of thing can be accomplished with the digital releases as well.
 One option is to create easter eggs in the files - or to the web page
 distributing them (some people might mistake them as viruses, but I think
 it's nowadays called viral marketing... :) UR's Codebreaker contained a kind
 of easter egg, but I haven't heard or seen anything of the kind since.

 Any thoughts?

 Jussi Lehtonen

  Metaprogram yourself.

(313) Gear questions, more OT, sorry :)

2009-03-16 Thread Thor Teague
Hey List,

I'm looking at a Juno 60 and a Juno 106 right now. Opinions between
the two are welcome--but mainly I'm interested in:

1. what is a reasonable price to have a broken key replaced on a juno?
2. what is a reasonable price to have the pots tuned up/oiled etc.?
3. what does a roland md-8 typically run for and where should I get
one? (assuming craigslist/ebay etc.)

Thank you, hit me offlist, sorry again to be OT but I don't subscribe
to gearwhore networks. :D

Re: (313) OT: Stanton SMX-301 DJ mixer zapped?! Final verdict

2009-03-16 Thread Thor Teague
Not sure a new PSU's gonna do me any good, but maybe it wouldn't hurt
to give it a whirl:

You must some serious carpet in your place! I would start off by
checking the power supply of the unit I believe that the problem could
be coming from there. I would suggest buying a new one to see if it
works otherwise the cost of repair will exceed the cost of the mixer.

Thanks Robert Strachan aka Dj jungle boy

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Thor Teague wrote:
 MEK, yeah looks that way! :) It was bright when this happened... I
 think if it was dark it would have been almost as bright as a camera
 flash. (No bad little kids doing bad little things though).

 Kent, I tested everything, albeit less than maniacally. Let's assume
 yes right now. I could literally pull it out and check every
 connection, but I consider it 95%+ certain that the problem is the

 Maybe the building isn't grounded properly. I live in a super old
 building, probably earlier 20th century build, like first quarter ish.
 Just a guess, though, I have nothing to back that up.

 Kent wrote:
 That's messed up. First off, is the mixer the problem?  I.e. can you
 run an IPod, CD Player, etc into your amp and hear sound? Do your
 turntables still produce sound (maybe hard to do without a phono
 preamp or mixer, but worth checking).

 If so, the mixer is kinda shot.  You can try getting it replaced under
 warranty from Stanton.  It's weird that you could build up enough
 static charge to fry it -- for one thing the chassis is grounded, so
 any electrical charge should have gone straight to ground.  For
 another, all static-sensitive components (and there really shouldn't
 be many) should not be vulnernerable because the path of least
 resistance is through chassis ground.

Re: (313) New Mix from Mani Miglani

2009-03-16 Thread Thor Teague
Yeah, to be brutally honest and/or play devil's advocate, I'm somewhat
in agreement with Michael. I don't utterly dislike it, mind you. Just
saying once there was money involved, it got really homogenized. This
is true of the live scene too. I'm in no way blaming or faulting Mani,
he's delivering what the people want and there's nothing wrong with
that IMO.

In Detroit, no one ever made any money (not literally, I engage in
hyperbole, but you take my drift.)

I'll go to smart bar once in a great while, esp. if I know who's
playing or have a friend who wants some company. But that, a Moonshine
event that my friend used to run, Mamby, and other Chicago based clubs
just have this undeniable sameness to them nowadays. I say that with
all due respect and like I said most of the time dont _DISLIKE_ the

My 2c.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:46 AM, kent williams wrote:
 Gosh Michael, tell us how you really feel!  I kind of liked the mix
 from the standpoint that it was different than I usually hear, the
 difference being accessibility.  But I can certainly see this not
 being to everyone's taste.

 That Deadmau5 + Kaskade I Remember track is my new guilty pleasure.

 Oh well, Mani's on the list again after many years absence, I'm sure
 he'll take your feedback in the spirit that was intended -- of
 constructive criticism ;-)

 On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Michael Elliot-Knight wrote:

 Wow - is that the Chicago take on techno? Sounds like Chicago has lost it's
 distinctive sound.   I didn't really hear anything that was Chicago RB at
 all - it sounded more like the crap that passes as progressive house.
  That Beyonce remix is crap.  Or maybe it's just how it's mixed in.  There's
 no emotional build-up to it so the heights that the Beyonce track hits just
 come out of nowhere.  Doesn't anybody know how to build emotional mixes and
 tell stories with vocals anymore?  I think there's a whole generation of DJs
 that this skill is utterly lost on.  Energy and high bpms DO NOT equate
 emotion.  I think that Keri Hilson track Energy sums up this mix for me
 with the line: it's taking all my Energy.

 sorry Kent - some minimal paint-by-numbers blippy bloppy grabage and hands
 in the air prog-house just don't pass my litmus test for good music

 Is this what's happening in Chi-town now?  It's awful.


Re: (313) Demf 2009?

2009-03-16 Thread Thor Teague
Don't overlook Amtrak, too. I prefer train over bus. But whatever works.

The Amtrak is $22 from Chicago to Lansing. 'bout $40 to Detroit. (1 way)

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 3:12 PM, David Smith wrote:
 Greyhound tickets to Detroit can be obtained cheaply--perhaps not last
 minute but now one way from NYC = 55$ with on-line promo.  From a
 smaller town you would have to pay more.

 On Mon, 16 Feb
 2009 23:00:48 -0500 darnistle wrote:

 I'm hoping to go this year. I haven't been since I moved away a few
 years ago and I really miss it a lot.

 I'm need to start saving my pennies.


 Michael Kuszynski wrote:
  Tough times for all, and some dimensions of demf in the last two
  years have been less than stellar.
  I am, however, deeply thankful for any chance to experience a music
  gathering in detroit.
  What are your overall thoughts on memorial day weekend 2009?

Re: (313) New Mix from Mani Miglani

2009-03-16 Thread Thor Teague
Yeah which is pretty much what is played at (in my experience) 90% or
so of Chicago shows.

Either I am astronomically unlucky or Placid  Mr. Glazer don't really
do much Chicago clubbing. Well, I don't really do much either, but
enough to get the point.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Placid wrote:

 Can't really disagree with this    not sure how deadmau5 fits into
 chicago's take on techno. Run of the mill super compressed boom tish techno
 by numbers for the Willalobo massive.

 very much not for me.

 ymmv tho


(313) Innovative youtube sampling work

2009-03-15 Thread Thor Teague
Take a look at this, it's really incredible!

Re: (313) Innovative youtube sampling work

2009-03-15 Thread Thor Teague
Righto, thanks. He's got a whole album, everything on the site there
is on youtube too, but it's more convenient.

Regardless, sick!!

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 9:12 PM, /0 wrote:

 From: Thor Teague
 Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 8:19 PM
 Subject: (313) Innovative youtube sampling work

 Take a look at this, it's really incredible!

(313) OT: Stanton SMX-301 DJ mixer zapped?!

2009-03-12 Thread Thor Teague
Hello 313,

Pardon the OT, but I know someone will have insight if they could hit
me back offlist.

I recently was cleaning my apartment, and this arc of static
electricity the likes of which I've never seen jumped off my hand and
into my mixer. The audio POPPED loudly and went dead. After that, it
would power/light up and bump the speakers but it does not accept any
input whatsoever. No bouncing levels, no audio (obviously), no
headphone cueing, no booth output.

Is this something that could be feasably fixed or should I get a new
mixer? The SMX-301 is not a particularly expensive model, but if it's
fixable maybe it makes sense to do so. Otherwise, might be time for a
new mixer!

E-mail me offlist with any insight, sorry bout the spam.

Re: (313) OT: Stanton SMX-301 DJ mixer zapped?!

2009-03-12 Thread Thor Teague
MEK, yeah looks that way! :) It was bright when this happened... I
think if it was dark it would have been almost as bright as a camera
flash. (No bad little kids doing bad little things though).

Kent, I tested everything, albeit less than maniacally. Let's assume
yes right now. I could literally pull it out and check every
connection, but I consider it 95%+ certain that the problem is the

Maybe the building isn't grounded properly. I live in a super old
building, probably earlier 20th century build, like first quarter ish.
Just a guess, though, I have nothing to back that up.

Kent wrote:
That's messed up. First off, is the mixer the problem?  I.e. can you
run an IPod, CD Player, etc into your amp and hear sound? Do your
turntables still produce sound (maybe hard to do without a phono
preamp or mixer, but worth checking).

If so, the mixer is kinda shot.  You can try getting it replaced under
warranty from Stanton.  It's weird that you could build up enough
static charge to fry it -- for one thing the chassis is grounded, so
any electrical charge should have gone straight to ground.  For
another, all static-sensitive components (and there really shouldn't
be many) should not be vulnernerable because the path of least
resistance is through chassis ground.

Re: (313) RE: Track ID

2008-10-01 Thread Thor Teague
It's ethnik sped up or a remix.

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Joel Gajewski

 kicking myself for not being able to name this... it's totally on the
 tip of my tongue



 -Isn't this a Plastikman track from Muzik or Artifakts BC?  Ethnik?

 ***waits to be flamed for starting a Richie related thread.

Re: (313) Morgan Geist interview

2008-09-29 Thread Thor Teague
Yeah I think refraining from selling your wares would not be
reasonable but I think you could take the opportunity to say your
piece about stealing music. Even making a PSA might be frustrating

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 7:27 AM, kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you ever take this as a 'teaching moment' and tell them why that is
 a horrible way to view things?

 Of course, this just goes to show what everyone's probably noticed:
 99% of DJs are complete wankers.

 Present company excepted off course.

Re: (313) The MP3 VS Uncompressed Audio test.

2008-09-27 Thread Thor Teague
I can't personally tell the difference between 320kbps mp3 and 44.1khz
wav, but I do believe I can tell the difference between analogue/vinyl
and 44.1khz CD music generally speaking. That probably isn't terribly
pertinent to the discussion though. ;)

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Michael Pujos
 OK that was just a test. Try this link: test.wav

Re: (313) Vive La Difference! (Re: (313) The MP3 VS Uncompressed Audio test.)

2008-09-27 Thread Thor Teague
So hypothetically if your calculations are correct that should be
exactly what 320kbps artifacts sound like.

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:43 PM, kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK I did a second thing that might be of some interest. I took the two
 samples, edited the starting point very carefully to get them exactly
 in phase, and then subtracted one from the other.  In other words, I
 made a new sample that was just what was different between the two
 versions. This produced a very low level signal, which I then
 normalized so it would be audible:

 This is actually a pretty cool sample and I plan on chopping it up to
 use in tracks.

Re: (313) in Chicago

2008-09-24 Thread Thor Teague
Yeah, that'll be nice. Any 313/312'ers that wanna hang, I'm down.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 8:38 AM, John Sokolowski

 This was just announced last week:

 At SmartBar: 10/16 - Convextion (live), Dave Siska, Chris Widman, Jeff 
 Pietro, Merrick Brown

 Talk about a can't miss event!

 Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 23:19:36 -0800
 Subject: (313) in Chicago

 Hi all, lightning kind of struck and I landed a job late last
 week doing data work for the Obama campaign. Just
 arrived in Chicago and will be here for the duration through
 the election.

 Anyone with ideas for events, record stores (I know Gramophone,
 of course), or where i can get Cubs-White Sox World Series
 tickets :) please drop me a note privately.



 Stay up to date on your PC, the Web, and your mobile phone with Windows Live.

Re: (313) The Black Dog - One Hour With Robert Hood DJ Mix

2008-09-17 Thread Thor Teague
Every day is going to be the new weekend in a minute.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 4:44 PM, 1-11 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fantastic.  Helped me build blocks on a Wednesday evening - which,
 incidently, is the new weekend.  You heard it here first.

Re: (313) a man with some sense

2008-09-16 Thread Thor Teague
Us Michiganders have always been such trendsetters!

We were poor way before it was cool!

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 11:30 AM, Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Too late Francis. I'm inconsolable now. Sniffle!

 More to the point, when things are economically bad around the world,
 just think of the added negative impact for deprived places in the
 world, including downtown Detroit 

Re: (313) Re-Edits?

2008-09-10 Thread Thor Teague
Good analogy. It sounds to me though, that this is another discussion
that's really simply about whether the music is good or if it's bad,
disguised in this case as a format/medium discussion. (See previous
technical issue discussion).

If I really analyze my motivation for liking music, honestly and
critically, I come up bust. I find that discussions such as this are
merely me rationalizing the innately irrational.

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 12:38 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Easy to mix - and only really interesting to the DJ for any extended period
 of time.
 Then you get a real DJ in and people don't quite know what to do or make of
 The audience's ears gets dumb-down, like giving kids McDonald's burgers all
 their life. Then have them taste a real burger they might not like it as
 much because it's got the full range of taste - not just sweet and salt.

Re: (313) Ughh poor Stooges

2008-08-05 Thread Thor Teague
That's terrible. That's a lot of freaking gear. Best wishes to those

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 7:18 PM, fm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sadly 313 related:


(313) Yes, I'm 8 years late to board this boat.

2008-07-17 Thread Thor Teague
I have recently discovered iTunes has radio stations in there, in a
section buried 4 selections down from your library there is a little
tab cryptically marked radio. Who knew?!

I really have been enjoying the Paxahau and Iceberg ambient stations,
as well as disco one, though Paxahau doesn't display tracks which
irritates me. Last night they played this ambient piece that blew me
away. It had some dark piano plunking with heavy dramatic atmosphere,
and this voice that kept saying, What is life? It is a firefly in the
darkness. Or something to that effect.

Any suggestions for good detroit listening?


Re: (313) WTF

2008-06-18 Thread Thor Teague
Not to be with that other Cube.

One causes untold suffering, and even death... and the other is from
Canada. badump-tsst

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 1:51 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wouldn't worry about it... I think most of us fell asleep *to* it


 Kowalsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/18/2008 01:35:32 PM:

 I'm sorry folks. I slept on this one big time.

 On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Matt Kane's Brain
  Old news :)
  On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:15 PM, Kowalsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  is this?
  matt kane's brain
  techno radio at:
  capoeira in boston
  aim - mkbatwerk

Re: (313) cults and christianity in techno

2008-06-06 Thread Thor Teague
Firstly... if someone believes something as deeply as scientologists
believe in their thetans, and christians in christ, and so forth, it
is their right to include it in their artwork, and may God (should you
choose to believe in the existence of God) help this country if that
changes. (Also may he give me the means to beat cheeks to canada.) In
many cases, for these artistic choices are speculative until you hear
it from the artist themselves--depending on how obvious the artist
wishes to make it, if they are engaging in advocacy, or just
observing, etc.

Secondly... if it bothers you, in most cases it is not forced on you.
I'll concede that arguably it is being psuedoforced in a club/DJ
situation. But if I'm not mistaken you're talking about a record that
you may or may not choose to buy, in fact correct me if I'm wrong, is
this one track on the record? You could choose to not play it.

Thirdly... are you absolutely certain that Green Velvet's Preacher Man
track is not mocking? I'm kind of shocked, I was certain it was. It's
just so wacky.

Just depends on how things are done. I am not bothered by people
choosing to touch on/discuss/sing/rap about their
spiritual/metaphysical beliefs in and of itself, not even necessarily

Is it a good track or not?

My 2c.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Frank Glazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am shocked and amazed at the number of people who are completely
 willing to brush aside the possibility that a techno producer could be
 involved in some mass-marketed new age cult nonsense akin to
 scientology.  Those of you who have tried to push it under the rug or
 dismiss it as an attempt at comedy puzzle me to no end.  And those of
 you who are trying to stifle discussion of it - why?  Why is it so
 terrible to discuss the meaning behind some lyrics, regardless of
 whether they're ironic or serious?

 Also, it's no secret that Curtis of Green Velvet/Cajmere fame is a
 born again christian, so whoever said that the preacher track isn't
 serious is mistaken.



 dj mix archive:

Re: (313) juan and kraftwerk (was Re: (313) 313 - T)

2008-06-02 Thread Thor Teague
To play devil's advocate, that doesn't prove that if Kraftwerk had
never existed, Detroit techno would not have existed.

I am not interested in the debate a great deal, as the fantasy
scenario What if xyz...? debates don't seem productive IMO. I find
it moot. They did, and the belleville trio heard them, and the rest is
history. But, just saying.

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Frank Glazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 remember that argument we were all having recently about whether
 techno would have happened without kraftwerk?  the comment that
 sparked it was Juan and Kevin and Derrick might have had had some
 difficulty without the Germans (this was in the context of who
 belongs on a techno mount rushmore alongside the belleville three)

 well, i was just reading an article from the march 1999 issue of (now
 defunct) muzik magazine.  it was an ongoing feature in which they'd
 have a techno personality come up with a list of favorite songs for a
 hypothetical mixtape.  juan atkins was featured in this particular do
 us a tape and he said this:

 track 9: kraftwerk - numbers - warner brothers:  I froze in my tracks
 when I heard this.  It was on the radio one night and I was like 'what
 is this?' **I was making music already, doing totally electronic
 recordings and the similarities freaked me out.** I used to go to the
 music store and just play around with the synthesiser.  I think it had
 the same impact on music as the electric guitar did when that was
 introduced.  You could do anything with it - your imagination was the

Re: (313) Movement has competition...

2008-05-29 Thread Thor Teague
No in fact I think you're hitting the nail on the head.

I heard once, entertainment for the current generation is often a
threat to the previous generation.

I wonder how young the youngest list member is. Particularly from
Detroit. I'd be floored if there were any teenagers on 313. Maybe,

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Or, alternative interpretation: many of us are simply getting old and this 
 *is* the new consensus for what's considered progressive in dance music in 
 2008. The fact that we don't like it merely reinforces the notion that we are 
 behaving like every other generation of older people who think that it was 
 'never this bad' in their day ...

 [I could be wrong and I hope I am].

 I do take heart that even the design of the flyers is so low-brow, it's not 
 even ironic!

Re: (313) New Sonic Sunset Mix

2008-05-23 Thread Thor Teague
So sayeth

Sonic Sunset

What:Weekly radio musique non stop since 1998

Where: 89.3 FM WNUR Chicago

When: Fridays 9:30pm - midnight. Also web streamed during showtime at or download archives below.

And, the mix is from:

21 May 2008 - Lighter Path

So... is the show back on the air?

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Arturo Lopez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 New Sonic Sunset Mix on their website, apparently they will be putting
 out several in the next few weeks to make up for all the lag time, in
 addition a new web site as well.

 I've been having problems with the DL, but perhaps that's just me.
 Sweet remix of Midas Touch starts it off though. You can still pick
 up the original pressing though for about $2 at plenty of shops and
 it's a steal :)


(313) Have a good time @ the fest

2008-05-22 Thread Thor Teague
Wish I could be there, but yet again I am trapped in the twisted
pipeline of corporate Chicago this weekend. I will try to make it next
year. Someone have a beer for me and rock out to Phylypstrack. :)

Re: (313) New Jay Denham album

2008-04-28 Thread Thor Teague
The first record I ever bought was Player Hater. Nifty. :)

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:45 AM, Davor Ostojic
 Cool...the first techno set I ever heard in my life was a recording of
  Jay Denham playing Aquarius club in Zagreb late 1996. even in these
  days of music abundance i really like to get back to that recording
  ..looking forward to checking out his album ..thanks

Re: (313) Plain text please, G-Mailers

2008-04-14 Thread Thor Teague
You just gotta watch it, gmail SEEMS to me to randomly turn on rich
formatting. It's the first button above typing in the message body. If
it says Rich formatting , you have it where you want it. If it says
 Plain Text and has some text formatting options, click the plain
text button. And keep your eye on it because like I said it seems to
randomly turn it on.

Or I'm on crack again... somethin

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 1:55 PM, kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I thought it was clear, but it apparently bears repeating, especially
  for people subbed to 313 with GMAIL:  The 313 list only accepts plain
  text messages.

Re: (313) Plain text please, G-Mailers

2008-04-14 Thread Thor Teague
The thing that's weird is I could swear I've replied to messages that
came through the list and it turned on rich formatting on its own.

I've had a number of messages rejected for rich text, and I never
turned it on, just missed the switcheroo.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 2:39 PM, kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think it's actually random -- it has something to do with
  stuff it finds in the mail header -- if someone sends you an
  HTML-format email the reply will be 'Rich formatting' because it will
  try to preserve the formatting in the quoted message.  But if you're
  reading a plain text message and reply to it, it will use whatever
  formatting was in effect the last time you sent a message.

Re: (313) Plain text please, G-Mailers

2008-04-14 Thread Thor Teague
Well, it's free, and reading 313 in gmail thread format is superior by
far to both digest and individual messages. I don't know if gmail's
still going by invite, but I have 99 if anyone wants one. I am a big
advocate of reading 313 in gmail, personally.

Just keep a close watch on the formatting tab above the message body.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:52 PM, kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's a mystery in so many ways.  I tried figuring it out by looking
  at the message source but I couldn't tell what was triggering GMail
  into acting nutty. Unless Placid wants to change mail clients, we're
  stuck with it. As much as I like GMail, sending a question to their
  support team has never gotten me a reply, and they make it really hard
  to figure out how to even ask them a question.

Re: (313) Recording DJ sets

2008-04-11 Thread Thor Teague
There is no possible way that running a DJ set into your notebook's
line in isn't going to sound like infected monkey a$$. Sry. :(

If you want some suggestions for hardware, I would consider a presonus firepod.

Then you can worry about software.

Right now you might as well record your set to a cassette. Not joking,
it will sound better.

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 9:47 AM, Jeffrey Richards
 I have a shiny new Dell laptop (err...notebook) just
  sitting around my house.  I want to try and record
  some of my ramblings on the wheels of steel, and was
  wondering exactly what it is I need to do it?  So here
  is a list of questions...

  Do I need any special software?  Is there any decent
  software that is free?

  Do I hook it up to the mic in (there is no line in) or
  do I need to get a RCA to USB connector, or any
  special equipment?

  Should I hook up to line out or booth out?

  Anything else I should be asking about?? Tell me what
  it is...



  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: (313) Recording DJ sets

2008-04-11 Thread Thor Teague
This is actually some of the better onboard sound (for PC's that is,
Mac's are usually halfway decent) that I've heard. A presonus or E-mu
would sound better but this doesn't sound bad. There actually is
some subtle tinniness in this that, if you have $300 to spare I would
still advocate getting a firewire sound interface and using something
other than a 1/8 line input. But it is not deal-killingly awful
fidelity by any measure.

I lost my tolerance for onboard sound eventually, after getting fed up
with hearing my computer think audibly every time I clicked the mouse,
for instance. Onboard sound is just like onboard video... as a rule,
it is subpar. I don't know why, that's just the rule. I may be more
puritanical about this than most... I'm fine with that.

But no there's nothing awful about this sound.

The mix isn't half bad either. :)

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Frank Glazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 well here's my latest mix:

  and the rest can be found via the mixes link in the main menu on

  i don't know anything about sound engineering, so if people are
  listening to these mixes and saying oh gawd they sound awful! i need
  to know.  i could totally be missing something completely obvious
  because i'm so close to the work, ya know?

  On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   what's the link?
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Frank Glazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   There is no possible way that running a DJ set into your notebook's
line in isn't going to sound like infected monkey a$$. Sry. :(

  weird.  i recorded all the sets on my website via my laptop's line in.

  do they sound like infected monkey a$$?

  i ask honestly because if i'm missing something i need to know.



  dj mix archive:





  dj mix archive:

Re: (313) Recording DJ sets

2008-04-11 Thread Thor Teague
Tread lightly on this subject... the technical stuff matters. (don't
get me wrong you're not doing badly.)

I have been engineering audio for several years now and every year I
get less tolerant of mediocre sound fidelity. I've long since deleted
all my mp3's that are 128kbps (192 sounds simply terrible to me) and
avoid downloading anything lower than c.256 unless there's a specific
reason to (something a friend did, something I need for work or
whatever, etc.)

Any mp3's I encode now are at 320. I now regret recording my record
collection at 192 early on, because I did a lot of records at 192 and
now I want to go back and redo them at 320.

I don't know. Poor fidelity just bothers me--it's almost worse when
it's something I should be enjoying but it's ruined by poor
engineering, or excessive compression (file or level, as the case may
be), etc. Like if the art itself was crappy it would just be like,
oh, whatever... move on.

The creative aspects take a backseat as far as some people (like
myself) are concerned when the artist blows it technically.

Anyway, your mileage may vary on all these views but this is how I
feel about audio (same basic thing is true of video) these days. Poor
fidelity really detracts something from the intended experience, and
if it could have been special that's frustrating as hell for me.

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Frank Glazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The mix isn't half bad either. :)

  which, imho, is the more important part.  they're just promotional
  mixes, after all.  if i ever get to the point where i am releasing an
  album, or something, sure, i'd love to have the luxury of much better
  sound.  for now, for dj promos that are dubiously legal to begin with,
  i think i can live with the imperfections.

Re: (313) Demf Beatport Stage

2008-04-08 Thread Thor Teague
As in, the actor? The mac guy? Or is that just a coincidence?

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Martin Dust [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  4:30 pm Justin Long

Re: (313) techno vs technique

2008-04-07 Thread Thor Teague
Well, it _is_ SUPER RARE, you gotta give 'em that... :)

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 2:45 PM, Frank Glazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 AND/OR the crap gets dug up and sold for DOLLAZ as SUPER RARE CHICAGO
  ACID HOUSE TEST PRE on Discogs/Ebay/Gemm

Re: (313) techno vs technique

2008-04-07 Thread Thor Teague
But the previous iteration to which you refer was in turn much easier
than the wave before it, when you actually had to get 3-6 (or more)
people to agree on a tune and play in relatively perfectly
synchronization, get into a studio, record it and mix it analogously,
and promote and distribute it. And play shows, virtually living
together for years on end--assuming they hit.

And that in turn was much easier than symphony music... and so on down
the line... in short, have a point.

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 12:03 PM, rg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But it's a lot easier to put ones random software noodlings up as a
  download, ostensibly as releasable quality, than it is, or was, to get it
  pressed on vinyl and then sold from a location.

Re: (313) new mix

2008-03-28 Thread Thor Teague
What is the bitrate?

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Jernej Marusic
 I recorded a new mix yesterday of more dancefloor friendly records that
  I've bough recently, and some classics thrown in between. Starts out
  more techno and than at the end moves into more housy stuff.
  Tracklist includes: Carl Craig, Equalized, Surgeon, Sleeparchive, Moritz
  von Oswald, Theo Parrish, KDJ, Sleeparchive, Kassem Moses, Soundhack,
  Andy Stott, Emptyset...


Re: (313) Book This Guy For Demf

2008-03-28 Thread Thor Teague
Where's Ashton? You can come out from behind the curtain.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 6:06 AM, /0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 who cares

Re: (313) new mix

2008-03-28 Thread Thor Teague
Viddy nice. Thank you!

Next time, may I suggest you throw a tracklist into the lyrics tab?


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Jernej Marusic
 It's 192kbps VBR.

Re: (313) The Wire

2008-03-27 Thread Thor Teague
You want to shoot it in Dallas and pretend it's Detroit?

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:54 PM, Martin Dust [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  wouldn't it be great if someone did a similar series set in Detroit??

  I had this idea with robot cops and evil corps Gets coat


Re: (313) re: Kwame OT

2008-03-26 Thread Thor Teague
Reading this I realize it's been quite a while since I've heard anyone
speak hopefully about the future and simultaneously realistically
about the present, which is refreshing and has significantly more to
do with Detroit Techno and all motown music than any other discussion
currently in progress on the 313 list.

  It's not the same as Clinton's impeachment because of a whole string
  of reasons.  Starting with 2 girls are dead, policemen were fired
  because they were trying to investigate the deaths, and then Kwame
  pushed the city into a lawsuit that cost the city more than $8mil
  during a trial where he was lying about the facts even before it even
  went to trial.  I mean, if he really cared about the city, then he
  wouldn't have forced the city to pay $8mil+ for something that he was
  knowingly committing perjury for.

  Whatever the case, NPR and a number of other media stations are
  utilizing this Detroit political fight as a reference to the national
  US political mess we are experiencing in the presidential office.  If
  you listened to NPR the day the Detroit news was announced, they spent
  the morning talking about Kwame, and they spent the afternoon taking
  callers who wanted to remember their loved ones who died in the Iraq
  war.  People were making comments about how after Suddham was hanged,
  it should have been Bush and Chaney in the electric chair for the
  wrongdoings they've done.  This went on for a few hours, with people
  talking about how the President and VP need to be impeached and tried
  for their war crimes.

  Symbolic.  Detroit has a powerful effect on the globe.  This trial
  with Kwame just may lead into the trial of the nations biggest
  criminals, Bush and Chaney.  I think the world will be watching
  closely on this one.  I hope this Detroit mess fuels the nations
  ability to get a trial together against Bush and Chaney, who have cost
  the nation billions in a war that was started from their lies.

  My 2 cents...

Re: (313) Placid - Another Late night (in HD) well 320kbps

2008-03-18 Thread Thor Teague
That is true in all instances, not just this one.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 10:59 AM, kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Suffice to say I think it is well worth the extra mb's to get it in 320kbps.

(313) This appears to be completely revolutionary unless I'm missing

2008-03-17 Thread Thor Teague
Unless this is a gimmick or a fake,

Re: (313) This appears to be completely revolutionary unless I'm missing

2008-03-17 Thread Thor Teague
Also, again unless I am totally missing something, or this is a fake
or a gimmick, this means we're officially on a countdown to the time
when you can simply unbounce a rendered track


On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unless this is a gimmick or a fake,

Re: (313) Kraftwerk bootleg?

2008-03-03 Thread Thor Teague
Thank you so much for the info. And please pardon my ignorance, but
I'm still a little fuzzy on what I bought. I'm not sure I understand
how a bootleg (which I always thought denoted piracy) could be
official or authorized. Could you please clarify basically these
two questions for me:

Did Kraftwerk make money off of the record I bought? Is the blue 
yellow version pirated?

How is the sound quality in comparison to the original (if you happen
to be privvy) ?

I am against buying bootlegged (which in my mind means pirated) vinyl.
I get really angry when I learn I accidentally did.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 4:19 AM, Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What should have happened [as we all know, discogs is far from perfect]
  is that a note should be added making it clear that the item is  - still
  a rip off - but an 'authorised repress' [aka bootleg] of a real release
  rather than an out and out un-released set of tracks by the artist
  [another type of bootleg].

  I might make a submission myself for that ammendment to be made for the
  entry, if no one else has by this evening.

Re: (313) Kraftwerk bootleg?

2008-03-03 Thread Thor Teague
All heads are engineers right? I always assumed... ;)

All jesting aside, I'm listening to the bootleg side-by-side with the
legit CD and it sounds like my lady's cat was thrown into a
woodchipper, comparatively speaking--and she's none too happy about

Live and learn I guess. :/

Thanks for the education.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 7:04 AM, Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oops - I meant to write *un*authorized actually Thor.


  I actually have not heard the boot, but 9. times out of
  10 the sound quality in these things is inferior to the original, even
  if not appalling (which it sometimes is, I do have a few bootlegs I

  If you didn't know that it was a fake, no blame I suppose.

  Just get the real one when you can,  you won't regret it, and chalk the
  mistake up to experience.


(313) Kraftwerk bootleg?

2008-03-02 Thread Thor Teague
Did I buy a Kraftwerk bootleg and not realize it?

I have the yellow and blue vinyl. I had no idea this was a bootleg?
Did I miss a thread again?

Re: (313) Jay Denham New Album

2008-02-28 Thread Thor Teague
I think I missed a couple steps in Denham's evolution or something

  Nice! Looking forward to getting this on wax. Jay is highly
  underrated, even amongst.the heads, in my opinion.

Re: (313) UR - World's toughest tribe

2008-02-24 Thread Thor Teague
Maybe it's stock.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Martin Dust [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ivan Tomasevic wrote:

(313) Mixable lectures...

2008-02-22 Thread Thor Teague
Open itunes  your browser, load up Aphex Twin SAW 2, any track but
especially Curtains and Windowsill.

mix with:

This is not advocacy of the subject matter--I'm just noticing how dang
mixable this guy is. Just commenting on the aesthetic. He's got a
bunch of lectures and they're all pretty interchangable with many
electronic tracks. Pretty amusing.

Re: (313) moichandising! moichandising!

2008-02-19 Thread Thor Teague
Doesn't submerge sell some swag? It's not something I typically look
into, but I could swear they have some.

 I am so annoyed by the fact that I could, if I wanted to, which I
 don't, purchase both DJ Tiesto and Tiesto Sucks t-shirts in my
 size online, but I can't get one for Sound Signature (not to mention
 their website is completely down?) nor Planet E nor Underground
 Resistance, nor Moods N Grooves, nor  a number of others I went
 looking for.  I want to represent labels that I stand behind, but
 they're not helping me out!  Does anybody know of any good label sites
 that carry merchandise too?



 dj mix archive:

(313) Did anybody catch this?

2008-02-19 Thread Thor Teague

Was this discussed and I just glazed over it? If this is not a repost,
how the hell did we miss this??? Has anyone seen it?

Re: (313) Did anybody catch this?

2008-02-19 Thread Thor Teague
I just figured out what's going on, it was released when I was not
subscribed to 313, I was between e-mail addresses/ISP's, and situating
myself to a new city (Chicago.)

Sorry for reducing the signal to noise ratio.

On Feb 19, 2008 3:44 PM, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess so! Wow! hah!

 On Feb 19, 2008 3:43 PM, Frank Glazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  you sure must be comfortable under that rock considering how long you've
  been there! ;)
  On Feb 19, 2008 4:40 PM, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Was this discussed and I just glazed over it? If this is not a repost,
   how the hell did we miss this??? Has anyone seen it?
  dj mix archive:

(313) Rest in peace

2008-01-14 Thread Thor Teague
Sounds like God needed help cutting his records... so he calls Ron
Trent, of course.

Rest in Peace...

Re: (313) Rest in peace

2008-01-14 Thread Thor Teague
Wow, talking about feeling like a grade A jackass.

Boy is my face red.

Ron Murphy, rest in peace. And do not take my stupidity as disrespect. Carry on.

On Jan 14, 2008 4:41 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ron Murphy not Ron Trent

 --Original Message--
 From: Thor Teague
 To: list 313
 Sent: Jan 14, 2008 5:36 PM
 Subject: (313) Rest in peace

 Sounds like God needed help cutting his records... so he calls Ron
 Trent, of course.

 Rest in Peace...

 Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Re: (313) detroit party flyers

2008-01-11 Thread Thor Teague
Ah, you beat me to it.

What creatives get paid in the US doesn't balance with what's asked of
them. Supposedly this is different in other countries. The result of
undervaluing creative and visual work is pretty obvious. The designers
get demoralized and stop caring, and just mechanically shove jobs
through the pipelines. You get a lot of work that is functional and
not much else. This... APPEARS to be almost universally true. Some
exceptions to the rule would include Apple Inc and whoever is
doing the motion graphics and animation on Flight of the Conchords.

It's not a lack of capability. American artists didn't suddenly start
sucking. The US has a major leadership problem. Not just in politics
but in the professional world as well.

My 2c.

On Jan 11, 2008 11:00 AM, Stoddard, Kamal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone across the pond wouldn't see an iota of the real talent in the us
 design community. The reason for that is exceedingly simple.

 The best don't get paid by companies/media that get shxt over there.

Re: (313) detroit party flyers

2008-01-11 Thread Thor Teague
Also, in a professional creative context.

Even regardless of the employer/employee relationship, clients are
notorious for refusing to dislodge their dicks from your well thought
out idea. Alot of the American design in question might have had
vastly superior concepts behind it than what was actually executed,
but unchecked egos diluted the product.

Seen it a million times. You stop bothering to think up cool stuff at
some point.

On Jan 11, 2008 11:08 AM, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ah, you beat me to it.

 What creatives get paid in the US doesn't balance with what's asked of
 them. Supposedly this is different in other countries. The result of
 undervaluing creative and visual work is pretty obvious. The designers
 get demoralized and stop caring, and just mechanically shove jobs
 through the pipelines. You get a lot of work that is functional and
 not much else. This... APPEARS to be almost universally true. Some
 exceptions to the rule would include Apple Inc and whoever is
 doing the motion graphics and animation on Flight of the Conchords.

 It's not a lack of capability. American artists didn't suddenly start
 sucking. The US has a major leadership problem. Not just in politics
 but in the professional world as well.

 My 2c.

 On Jan 11, 2008 11:00 AM, Stoddard, Kamal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyone across the pond wouldn't see an iota of the real talent in the us
  design community. The reason for that is exceedingly simple.
  The best don't get paid by companies/media that get shxt over there.

Re: (313) Digital Djing - Organization

2008-01-04 Thread Thor Teague
Yeah. I learned that the hard way. Exacerbating the problem, in my
case, was the fact that iTunes eats long filenames when it imports an
mp3 into the library. So I had 50 files named Host - The
Mechanica[1-50].mp3... or something. Trying to figure out airdates of
10+ year old radio shows is not an easy task.

However, iTune's organization functions are preferable to doing it by
hand. If you have vinyl rips, just do them in bite size-chunks, make a
playlist to hold stuff that you import, and get everything named 
whatnot. I keep discogs open in a seperate window and pull album art
over too, nowadays.

If the new Winamp has a similar built-in Organization function, I may
ditch iTunes, though, since I don't have an iPod anymore. I've always
considered Winamp's sound fidelity to be superior.

If you're on a mac or own an iPod, disregard that last statement.

On Jan 4, 2008 10:22 AM, kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 IF (and only IF) your MP3s are all properly tagged by artist and
 album, ITunes will do a good job of 1) finding them all over your
 computer and 2) building a directory tree with all the files sorted by

 Of course, what really happens is that you end up with 300 hours of
 music by 'unknown artist' that you have to go back and do forensic
 re-tagging to get things into a semblance of order ;-)

 On Jan 4, 2008 10:12 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've got a pretty small record collection that I sort by vibe but way too 
  mp3s strewn all over the place in different folders due to often restoring 
  my pc
  from a backup image. I'm curious as to how you guys are organizing all your
  digital music?

Re: (313) Murder Capital ... ?

2008-01-03 Thread Thor Teague
You don't understand, if not some of the ins  outs of the
relationship between socio-economic conditions and the highest per
capita violent crime in the country, at least that it's related to the
music that comes out of Detroit?

That's a funny joke and the punchline is next, right? You were going
for funny hee-hee, perhaps? ;)

On Jan 3, 2008 4:23 PM, /0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 whats this all have to do with music?

 - Original Message -
 From: Benoît Pueyo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: list 313
 Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 11:22 AM
 Subject: Re: (313) Murder Capital ... ?

Re: (313) kinda secret [or not], our studio holiday party in NYC on 18 Dec + upcoming dates

2007-12-08 Thread Thor Teague
Could we maybe just have our genres back  call everything else trendcore? ;)

On Dec 8, 2007 10:00 AM, Michael Kuszynski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good comment.

 I meant mnml.

 On Dec 8, 2007 2:29 AM, Frank Glazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i don't get it.  when i think minimal i think dan bell and todd sines.

  On Dec 8, 2007 2:16 AM, Michael Kuszynski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That's great!!!
   Another possibility of a fine event in such a drastically minimal town.
   On Dec 7, 2007 8:53 PM, Todd Sines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
hi everyone.
If you happen to be in NYC, Russia, or Ohio in the next few weeks,
you might want to check some of this out:
Tuesday, 18 December 2007 at 9 pm
music by
Daniel Bell {Accelerate, Logistic, 7th City, Tresor}
Manthraxx {Olivier Spencer - DFA Records}
Titonton {Amalgama, Frankie, Planet E, Residual}
Archetyp {21/22, Ongaku, Raw Fusion, PTR}
Todd Sines {+ SCALE, Frankie, Planet E, YORE}
Club 205  / 205 Chrystie St., NY, NY
Dec 13 2007 / Shanti /  Moscow, Russia -
Dec 14 2007 / Moscow / LIVE PA
Dec 15 2007 / St. Petersburg
Dec 18 2007 / + SCALE holiday party - 205 club / New York, New York
Daniel Bell, Manthraxx, Titonton, Archetyp + Todd Sines upstairs
Jacques Renault + Marco downstairs
Dec 19 2007 / SHAME - 205 Club  / New York, New York
Dec 21 2007 / BOMA - Columbus / Columbus, Ohio
BODY RELEASE REUNION -- featuring Titonton, Archetyp, Todd Sines +
Txtbeak LIVE + DJ tag team set
[this will probably never happen like this again]
Dec 23 2007 / Anatomy Ultralounge [cloud 9] / Cleveland, Ohio
Dec 28 2007 / Bunker - Galapagos / Brooklyn, New York
Todd Sines Live PA
Titonton Duvante DJ set
   Michael Kuszynski
   New York, NY
  dj mix archive:


 Michael Kuszynski
 New York, NY

(313) New edict from RIAA

2007-10-31 Thread Thor Teague
Just when you thought they couldn't get any more outrageous.

Re: (313) New edict from RIAA

2007-10-31 Thread Thor Teague
What makes it not reasonable is that the RIAA has never really been
forthcoming that their product is a license, and you are paying for
rights. The physical merchandise is almost an aside.

Following this train of thought, further pursuit of [likely
outlandish] lawsuits for, for instance, recording something off the
radio or TV, selling secondhand DVD's  CD's, trading mixes, and so
on, also becomes reasonable. You could even take it into the realm of
home videos, photography, drawings and paintings, pursuing lawsuits
that an unlicensed representation of copyrighted material (such as
product labels, home movies with the TV or radio running, signage,
etc.) constitutes copyright infringement.

I feel that if the RIAA were more forthcoming about their intentions
and that these scenarios suddenly become both reasonable and plausible
when following the train of thought upon which they model their
business, and well you think the consumers are rebelling now...

I feel pretty confident in saying the copyright-mongers are headed
down a slippery slope, and should have stuck to pursuing the
litigation that IS justified--namely the unauthorized duplication and
sale of other people's work. They may realize this and correct their
behavior, or they may make themselves irrelevant and drop dead.
(Financially speaking.)

That's what copyright law is for. Not for suing 12 year olds and
single mothers for twenty times their net worth because they
downloaded a god damn brittany spears song.

Yeah, sorry bro. It's not reasonable.

On 10/31/07, Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Seems to be quite reasonable to me.

 Widespread use without permission, doesn't establish a precedent -
 unless a court decides this - one hasn't yet. On the other hand,
 'routinely granted' is the key phrase innit?

 Then to quote from the link:

 'If I understand what the RIAA is saying, perfectly lawful means
 lawful until we change our mind. '

 Well, I think you'd have to x Bush by about 29.7 before you reached the
 political climate in which some authorities thought they could
 sucessfully go after people ripping CDs for their own use.

 It's possible, but unlikely I feel.


Re: (313) A chilled/ambient tech mix

2007-08-09 Thread Thor Teague
This mix is fantastic. Totally feeling it.

On 8/8/07, /0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 great idea, P.  cant wait to listen.

 - Original Message -
 To: 313
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 9:26 AM
 Subject: (313) A chilled/ambient tech mix

  On an ambient/chilled tip
  Get your mix
  Sam McQueen - Sephoria EP
  Ebi - Phat Shrimp
  Aural Float - Zwei G
  Aphex Twin - Ageispolis
  T Power - Postcards from Pluto
  Aqua Bassino - Na na's Waltz
  Air Liquide - If there was no Gravity
  Off and Gone - Uncle Mikes Beard
  The Shamen - Re evolution
  Sven Vath - L'esperanza
  Spacetime Continuum - Floatilla
  The Detroit Escalator Co. - Twilight Finding
  Balil - Flux
  In Sync - Warm
  David Morley - The First Floor
  Ultramarine - Saratoga
  Critical Rhythm - Fall into a Trance
  Spacetime Continuum - Drift
  Model 500 - Starlight remix

Re: (313) track identifier future gadget machine

2007-07-19 Thread Thor Teague

There was a copyright protection tool developed by this guy in
California recently that uses pixel identification to troll through
internet sites like youtube and myspace and finds copyrighted
films--its identification is sophisticated enough that it can find
copyright films ripped from DVD (OBVIOUSLY) but it can also find cam
rips, even with a shaky camera, even with people walking in front of
the screen. I hear it does well regardless of compression and pixel
size/aspect ratio.

I don't know how related they are, but on the level of 1's and 0's it
almost seems like it could be reverse engineered. You could feed a
snippet into a search engine (discogs) which it uses to search its
library and find a match. If it were engineered well enough, maybe it
could handle input files that were pristine or recorded with a
handheld device like a microcassette or a cell phone. So if you had a
recording off the radio or some other waveform source, and there were
a database with this engine and a lot of waveform data to attempt to
match it up to, you could theoretically get anything ID'd, limited
only by how comprehensive the database is.

That's a Goliath-size order of a 'ware, but who knows. Just
daydreaming here... ;)


Afternoon (well it is here) all.  I've been quiet as I'm moving PCs at the mo.  
Got mail on one and everything else on another and
unable to finish off (long story).
Anyway want I want to know is does anyone know of a site on the Discogs tip but 
where you can search by the names of tracks - even
those that weren't a release in their own right but are just album tracks?  A 
lot to ask I know and maybe the huge amount of data
concerned (imagine searching on a title like I Love You!) means it hasn't 
come along yet (though I guess it will, maybe Discogs II
is just around the corner).  Be bl00dy useful though.

(313) Psuedo-OT: Musical Tesla coil

2007-06-25 Thread Thor Teague

I think it's officially electrifyin'... :)

Re: (313) Friday Mashup mix

2007-06-17 Thread Thor Teague

Any opinions on the mashups?

(313) Friday Mashup mix

2007-06-17 Thread Thor Teague

Any opinions on the mashups?

(313) Getting a lot of bounces--looking for opinions on my mashups--sorry to be so pesky

2007-06-17 Thread Thor Teague

Yo 313,

Sorry for the repeated postings. I'm not entirely sure what went
through and what bounced. Kent  I have been going back  forth
offlist about how to keep html tags out of your messages when using
gmail... this should work. (Rich formatting is definitely OFF.)

I was looking for some opinions on these mashups. Last time all I did
was play records and the only people who said anything loved it. This
time I actually put effort into it. heh.

george clinton vs. martin circus - atomic disco dog
sister sledge vs. matthew dear - the greatest dog days
eddy grant vs. queen - another one bites electric avenue
hex80 vs. michael jackson - don't stop 'til you get x1[120bpm]
mike dixon vs. kool  the gang - hollywood house of mouths
brooks vs. young mc - pick up the gold
agent k vs. the martian - rideaway stardancer
heath brunner vs. kraftwerk - translucent robots
the cars vs. grandmaster flash - the message in stereo

It's 57 minutes @ 320kbps, so it's got some size to it.

(313) Friday Mashup mix

2007-06-15 Thread Thor Teague

Happy Friday 313 from 312.

I sent this once and 313 ate it, so I'm trying tinyurl. I am not sure
if you right click and save as or what, I've never sent it this way
before. There's an mp3 at the end of this link though.

Re: (313) Friday Mashup mix

2007-06-15 Thread Thor Teague

Right click, download linked file appears to work in Safari at least.

On 6/15/07, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Happy Friday 313 from 312.

I sent this once and 313 ate it, so I'm trying tinyurl. I am not sure
if you right click and save as or what, I've never sent it this way
before. There's an mp3 at the end of this link though.

Re: (313) Friday Mashup mix

2007-06-15 Thread Thor Teague

Crumbs... dunno how that extra tag got in there. I'm sending from
gmail which is plain text by default. Thanks for getting it posted!


On 6/15/07, kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Or click on this link:

On 6/15/07, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right click, download linked file appears to work in Safari at least.

 On 6/15/07, Thor Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Happy Friday 313 from 312.
  I sent this once and 313 ate it, so I'm trying tinyurl. I am not sure
  if you right click and save as or what, I've never sent it this way
  before. There's an mp3 at the end of this link though.

Re: (313) Chicago happenings?

2007-06-13 Thread Thor Teague

Where specifically?

On 6/13/07, atomly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not sure about what's going on since I don't live there, but I know I'll
be playing there July 3rd with Derek Plaslaiko and DJ Funk.

[Richard Cranston [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I'm in Chicago for a couple of weeks from Thursday. Can any locals
 recommend any parties? How about record shopping - I'll definitely be
 going to Gramaphone and Mr Peabodys - anywhere else I should be
 checking out?


:: atomly ::

[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) OT: Audio cleanup

2007-05-25 Thread Thor Teague


Apologies for the OT, but I'm getting pretty frustrated and would like
some help; I've never had much success on this subject and I'd really
like to figure it out. I need to know a good tool to remove (as best
as possible) background noise from some crappy field audio. I've used
about 6 or so that I'm not impressed with: SoundSoap, Waves X-Noise,
Sony Noise Reduction, and Final Cut Pro's Soundtrack features.

They all basically have a threshold and an amount slider (with
varying ways to name them). I can basically lighten up the sound
slightly, but I can't really take it out without the voice getting all

I think I need something that allows you to choose different
thresholds and amounts for different frequencies. I think. Let me know
offlist what you've had success with, or any guideance/advice you
might have.


Re: (313) OT Second Life (Was) RIP Cybernetic Broadcasting System.

2007-05-03 Thread Thor Teague

Eh, I'm afraid I'm seriously underwhelmed with second life. And I
understand that it's an awesome concept, but the bandwidth just
doesn't exist yet to make it worthwhile.

Call me when I can buy Metaverse property on The Street. ;)

On 5/3/07, Rebelbass/bookings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey list!

Get yourself an avator and download second life!

Latest news: CBS continues on Second Life!
We received a offical statement from Robot DJX aka ferenc.

It is the same like 3 years ago, when he announced the end, and a few weeks
later started again...

Flashback! :-)


Re: (313) another new mix by me

2007-04-30 Thread Thor Teague



very much enjoying this - definitely a sunny mix

thanks Kent for hosting Tom's backyard hootenanny!


Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/30/2007 12:29:42

 i wanted to make a more dancefloor mix, so this one is for when youre
 having a BBQ, a pool party, etc this summer and you want people to get
 down. lots of vocals and summer vibes on this one...

 David Joseph You Can't Hide (Your Love From Me) [Larry Levan Mix] Mango
 Amp Fiddler Ridin' (Carl Craig 12 Edit) Genuine 12
 G.Q. Disco Nights (Rock-Freak) Arista 12
 Project Love Rescue P.B.I. 12
 Spandau Ballet Chant No.1 (I Don't Need This Pressure On) Chrysalis 12
 Recloose Dust Peacefrog 12
 Weeks  Co. If You're Looking For Fun (Master Dub Version) Salsoul 12
 Escort A Bright New Life Escort 12
 K.I.D. Hupendi Muziki Wangu?! SAM 12
 The Nick Straker Band A Little Bit of Jazz Prelude 12
 Omar-S The Maker Fxhe 2xLP
 Plastic Mode Baya Imperial Discomagic 12
 Suzy Q I Can't Give You More Atlantic/RFC 12
 Galaxy 2 Galaxy Hi Tech Jazz (Live Version) Underground Resistance 12
 Alicia Myers I Want To Thank You MCA 12

 thanks yet again to kent for the hosting. youre the man.


(313) Ho'd :-(

2007-04-28 Thread Thor Teague

Just got my cell phone stolen in a Chicago diner. The new phone will
take up too much of this month's pay for me to attend DEMF 2007.
Everyone be sure to post pix, mixes, and video.

See ya's next year.

Did anyone ever pursue that 313 t-shirt idea?


(313) friday mornin' mix

2007-04-27 Thread Thor Teague

happy friday to 313 from the ol' 312.

Right click, save as, add to itunes, have a scotch. Might be a good
idea to have broadband or a healthy, healthy dose of patience.

Re: (313) No UFO's

2007-04-09 Thread Thor Teague

Not a bad thing, IMO. I wish it were true of all the vinyl I were
looking for. ;)

On 4/7/07, Jeffrey Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

the thing is constantly being pressed.  I bought a new
copy 8 years ago, and can still get one.  Have fun

Re: (313) could change laptop performances

2007-03-27 Thread Thor Teague

If your argument is that gear doesn't make you creative or not
creative, how can the next thing out of your mouth (or fingers, as it
were,) be So you limit yourself to xyz technology ?

Does gear matter or does creativity matter?

Re: (313) Your favorite CD only compilations/mixes

2007-03-09 Thread Thor Teague

Of course! I can't believe we neglected to mention Depth Charge!!!

Maybe it just seemed so obvious, or for whatever reason it slipped our
collective minds. But damn... totally 115% essential. Good call.

On 3/9/07, Nik Stoltzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am surprised no one has mentioned the excellent 'Depth Charge' series on 
Submerge. Sure, you can
get the tracks on vinyl, but they are still great compilations.

Re: (313) Your favorite CD only compilations/mixes

2007-03-07 Thread Thor Teague

Funk Drops

Re: (313) Underground Resistance - Hi-Tech Dreams

2007-02-21 Thread Thor Teague

That's a really nice piece. Kudos, UR!
Is it out right now?

Detroit Techno Militia wrote:

 Sonic samples are up.

 On 2/20/07, JSS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: (313) Prince @ Super Bowl

2007-02-05 Thread Thor Teague

I actually thought it was pretty cool that the marching band got to play along.

Also, the rain had to have been throwing just as big a monkey in
Prince's wrench as it was the Bears' wrench. I think he did pretty

(313) Satellite Records

2007-01-31 Thread Thor Teague

Apologies if this topic has been covered.

Anyone know what the deal is with lately?

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