Re: [abcusers] Re: Bryan Creer (?)

2004-12-01 Thread John Chambers
Toby Rider wrote:
| > Apart from that, I've spent the last year studying for an MSc in
| > Computing in Archaeology which has kept me fairly busy.  For an idea
| > of what I've been up to have a look at -
| >
| You're an academic Bryan? And to think that I respected you up until
| this point! :-)

Hmmm ...  I see conflicting evidence here.  If he's an  academic,  he
should be completely at home with no-holds-barred discussions. Things
like misattribution of quotes, quoting out of  context,  and  blatant
misrepresentation  of  others' ideas are the order of the day in most
of academia, and especially in fields such as archaeology.

So why would Bryan be bothered when relative  amateurs  as  musicians
and software geeks do the same sort of thing? You'd think he wouldn't
even notice such things, familiar as he must be with  them  from  his
academic life.

After getting some Math and  Comp  Sci  degrees,  I  hung  around  in
academia  for  a  decade working on a couple of interesting projects.
Then I decided to join the Real World. It took several years to learn
how  to  deal with the easily-bruised egos in that you find there.  I
still tend to think of business folks as utter wimps compared to  the
folks in academia. I've come to appreciate this as one of the reasons
that we have such crappy commercial software. It was all developed in
an  environment  where  even  the most carefully-phrased criticism or
warning causes panic and a desire to  quiet  the  complainer,  rather
than arguing back.  They'd never survive a week in academia.  ;-)

Then there's the way that musicians normally treat each other ...

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Re: [abcusers] Bryan Creer (?)

2004-11-30 Thread John Chambers
Phil Taylor writes:
| On 30 Nov 2004, at 06:52, Don Whitener wrote:
| > I have been out of touch lately, so I offer my sincere apologies
| > should I blunder onto any toes.  So far as I can tell, Bryan Creer has
| > not posted to this group since early August 2003... Has he dropped out
| > for a while?
| He does rather tend to drop out for long periods of time, then return
| to start a mighty argument.
| You may find him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maybe we should invite him  back.   I've  always  sorta  enjoyed  the
discussions that he started.  And it's been quiet around here lately,
too quiet ...


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Re: [abcusers] [ABCp] Decoration J

2004-10-23 Thread John Chambers
Remo D. asks:
| I still have to fix parts and continuations with the latest suggestion
| but there's something else that I can do very quickly: can anyone tell
| me what the decoration "J" is?

In abc2ps, it produces the short diagonal line to the lower left
of a note head that means a slide up to the note.

It could be useful to have a way to get the other slide symbols.

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Re: [abcusers] down?

2004-10-13 Thread John Chambers
Yeah; there have been some problems on trillian.  It's not  fully  up
yet, and lots of things are broken. Actually, I've temporarily turned
off most of the CGI scripts there, and put a notice at the  top  that
points to my home machine.

I have seen lists of Things That Go Wrong that include the rule  that
"failover"  to  a backup machine will invariably find that the backup
has failed, too.

I've also been wondering whether I should be looking for a mirror for
my  stuff  that's on another continent.  (My home machine is about 11
miles from trillian, so a single  well-aimed  asteroid  could  easily
take out both of them.  ;-)

One of the weirdnesses here is that ssh is in  its  funny  mode  that
loses  the  connection a lot, sometimes after only a few minutes.  So
connecting and reading email is sometimes slow, and replying  can  be
even slower.

Meanwhile, at home we have a new  ISP  (  that  doesn't
block any ports.  The old one ( blocked ports 25 and 80, so I
couldn't do email or a standard web server at home. I may have both a
"live"  and  a  "test"  web  server at home soon.  Of course, another
problem has popped up: For the first time  ever,  the  latest  apache
doesn't  just  compile  and  run.  And, of course, the error it gives
(Error 139) isn't documented anywhere that I can find.

Toby Rider wrote:
| He had a mirror on one of my servers, but of course the drive on that
| machine where is home directory was located died, and I've not had the
| time to replace the drive yet. :-(

I noticed that there are a number of users with $HOME on that  drive.
How many people are anxiously wondering when it'll be fixed?  ;-)

| John McChesney-Young wrote:
| > Henrik Norbeck wrote:
| >
| >> I can't seem to reach JC's tune finder (or anything else for that
| >> part) at Any idean when it will be up again?
| >
| >
| > Although I can't answer your question and have been wondering about poor
| > Trillian myself, I can provide the URL for the mirror on John Chambers'
| > home development machine:
| >
| >
| >
| > Best,
| >
| > John
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Re: [abcusers] Question about copyright checking

2004-09-24 Thread John Chambers
Geoffrey Loker writes:
| Can anyone here tell me how to go about checking to see if a song or a
| tune is under copyright protection?

You have a lot of work ahead ... ;-)

Quite a lot of people have looked into this, and  concluded  that  in
general it's not doable. If you know who owns the copyright, it's not
too difficult, but of course that assumes you know the answer  before
you  go  looking for it.  If you have a tune of unknown ownership, it
seems that the best you can do is to go to a repository such  as  the
US  Library  of  Congress and do a manual search through all of their
musical publications.  This is a full-time job that will last several
years on the average.

One of the funnier examples of the difficulty: I've had a  few  email
exchanges  with  people at a couple of publishers, which I started by
asking how I would check to see if a  particular  tune  was  one  for
which they owned the copyright. Their answer (written with a straight
face as far as I can tell)  was  that  I  should  buy  all  of  their
publications  and  search them for the tune.  I'd specifically ask if
this was really their suggestion, and they said  that  yes,  it  was.
I've only tried this with a few publishers, but I suspect that all of
them view it this way.

As far as can be determined, the only fast way to determine who  owns
a tune is to publish, record or perform it, and see if anyone files a
lawsuit.  But even this has a problem: If nobody sues you, you  still
don't  know whether the tune has a copyright.  Maybe the owner didn't
notice what you did.  Or maybe they're waiting to see if you make any
money from the tune before suing you.

Anyone know a faster way?

(You can also ask on a list like this one, FWIW. ;-)

I've also been involved in another sort of discussion of how we might
set  up  a  searchable  online archive of ABC versions of copyrighted
songs, and use it as a sort of "sting" to entice lawsuits.  The  idea
would  be  to  get the courts to decide that the current situation is
illegal, since it requires that  musicians  know  something  that  is
being  intentionally hidden from them by copyright owners.  But doing
this would require some pretty  deep  pockets  to  handle  the  legal
battle, so the discussions don't get anywhere.

| I am in the midst of compiling a collection of old-ish songs (using
| ABC to enter the tunes for printing, storage, etc. [there - I've made
| the post relevant to the list]), and I need to know how to check on
| the copyright status for songs *and* for tunes (since a number of the
| songs are parodies of other songs, or share tunes).  I am primarily
| interested in how to check the copyright status of songs in Canada,
| although knowing how to do it in the United States and the United
| Kingdom would be interesting and potentially helpful too.

You really have a lot of work ahead ... ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] ABCp output data structure

2004-09-11 Thread John Chambers

Paul Rosen writes:
| UNICODE Advantage: Any character in any language can be displayed.
| UNICODE Disadvantage: Everyone using the structure needs to be UNICODE
| aware. Are there systems and computer languages that can't handle it?

There is one semi-exception: The UTF-8 encoding has the property that
7-bit  ASCII  is  unchanged.   So  a  dumb  program  that thinks it's
producing 7-bit ASCII is also producing valid UTF-8 text, and doesn't
actually need any enhancement.  If a file is 7-bit ASCII, you can add
a "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"  (or  the  equivalent  in
whatever markup you're using), and it'll be correct.

| That's why I was wondering if there should be some type of switch passed to
| the parser about whether to output UNICODE.

Good idea.  And it would be useful if the first line of an  ABC  file
(or  tune)  gave  both the version of ABC used and the character set.
Assuming UTF-8 by default might be a good idea.  Allowing the  syntax
"charset=XYZ" would be a good idea.

An ongoing problem, of course, is that when programmers  try  reading
up  on  unicode,  most of the things they read cause them to throw up
their hands and decide to wait a few  more  years  until  it  becomes
something  that a merely-human programmer can actually understand and
maybe even use sanely.

I don't think this was the intent of the unicode crowd, and  I  don't
think  that  unicode  is actually all that complicated.  But a lot of
people can take a simple idea and describe it  in  a  way  that  it's
wonderfully complex and incomprehensible.

(My favorite musical example is to  inject  the  phrase  "transposing
instrument"  into a discussion, and watch gleefully as the discussion
breaks down into a hopeless muddle of people talking past each  other
in terms that nobody can quite understand.  ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] Indexing tunes

2004-09-06 Thread John Chambers
| I tried the instructions below (still looking for an index of
| incipits--how are you doing Phil ;) ? ).  abc2mtex does indeed give a
| listing of Title plus the first bit of the tune in ABC.  BUT, it takes
| things out of the ABC syntax, so the music can not be readily turned
| into notation.  Perhaps there is an index format that would keep the
| syntax, but I couldn't muddle it out of the index.tex file .. at least
| at first reading.

FWIW, I wrote a simple perl script to generate  incipits  a
few years ago.  I tweak it now and then, depending on how I
want it to behave by default. Anyway, if you have perl (and
most  unixoid  systems  have it these days, including linux
and OSX), you could grab my script:

It's a standard unix "filter", taking a list of file names,
or  reading  from  stdin  if there are no file names on the
command line. It does want an extra first arg, which is the
title  to  use  in the output.  If you make any significant
improvements, let me know.

I'd expect that a few other people have done something like
this, too.  Maybe we should make a collection of them. It's
not what you'd call a huge job, but it's useful.

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Re: [abcusers] ABCp proof of concept

2004-09-06 Thread John Chambers
| well if my 2p are worth at least 2p to you, do it in ansi C if you want
| anyone to use it. The advantages of portability and general
| comprehensability outweigh some fun features that nonstandard extensions
| may have. I like SNOBOL but I would avoid inflicting it on other people.

I'd prefer ansi C, mostly because it's the "least common denominator"
language that can be most easily included in the other C dialects and
the extensible languages like tcl, perl and python.

Snobol's a fun language. It's too bad that it's so unknown outside of
academia.   I  did a few projects with it back in the 70's, and since
then, it's always been a real pain trying  to  use  what  passes  for
pattern  matching  in  other  languages.  Even perl is so awkward and
primitive in comparison.  I mean, you can't even  write  a  recursive
pattern.   But I suppose we'd never be able to get away with anything
as useful as snobol for our implementation language here.  ;-)

I've tried to pick up icon a couple of times, but  I  was  never  too
successful in getting it to run.  Maybe I should look again.

(I was also corrupted mentally by learning prolog.  Now it seems that
in  every  other  project, there's some multi-month task where I keep
thinking "This would be 10 minutes' work if  I  could  just  get  the
damned language to resolve a few expressions.  ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] spam

2004-08-29 Thread John Chambers
John Walsh writes:
|   Am I the only one getting lots of spam (apparently) coming thru the
| abcusers list?  I haven't heard any other complaints yet, but the score this
| morning when I opened my email was two genuine emails, one spam directly sent to
| me, and four with headers mentioning abcusers, like this:
| >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Aug 29 11:12:22 2004
| Received: from ([])
| by (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id i7TICKvE016641
| for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sun, 29 Aug 2004 11:12:21 -0700 (PDT)
| Received: by (Postfix)
| id C4BD4683; Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:35:44 -0700 (PDT)
| Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Received: from (unknown [])
| by (Postfix) with SMTP id 9091D627
| for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:35:40
| -0700 (PDT
| )
| From: =?gb2312?q?_=C1=D6_=BA=A3__ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
| Subject: =?gb2312?q?=B9=E3=D6=DD=CA=D0=C8=D9=CC=A9=C3=B3=D2=D7=B9=AB=CB=BE?=
| Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 02:11:56 +0800
| MIME-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="f5496535-61e0-4d36-8958-791751c82382"
| Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Content-Length: 1281

There's evidence that this message didn't come from the list.  One of
the bits of evidence is that messages to the list have the line:


The above message has a Reply-To line giving another  address,  which
is  probably  a machine that will deal with your reply (and list your
address as a known-good address ;-).

This message  probably  came  from  someone  who  has  both  you  and
abcusers-list  in their address book.  Their machine is infected with
one of the Outlook viruses or such that is turning their machine into
a  spam  relay.  Most of them cover the tracks, so you can't trace it
back to the original spam sender.

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Re: [abcusers] K:none

2004-08-19 Thread John Chambers
Steven Bennett wrote:

| I believe I decided that T: was a valid title field as well -- some pieces
| simply don't have a title.

Yes; I have a number of examples where I don't want a title.   Mostly
they're musical fragments, or things like a blank manuscript page.

OTOH, one thing my Tune Finder has run across is ABC files that  lack
a  title  because  they  are incorporated in some fashion inside HTML
files, and the title is in the HTML.  This  is  frustrating,  because
it's nearly impossible for software to discover the title.  These are
mostly songs, it turns out, and they aren't in my index.

One example is  the  collection  at,  where  the
latest run of my search bot says all the titles just disappeared. I'd
known this was a problem with that site, which has hundreds  of  trad
Portuguese  songs  in ABC.  My index showed 72 tunes in 43 files, but
only 32 had titles.  This time, the file and tune counts  dropped  by
one,  but  the title count dropped to zero.  I checked, and the tunes
are still there, but the T lines are all just "T:".  If you  look  at
the  site,  you'll see the tunes as GIF images and ABC, but the title
is in a different font because it's in the HTML only. I've considered
writing  special  code  to  deal with several sites like this, but it
wouldn't be easy.

I don't care if my blank manuscript  pages  aren't  indexed,  because
there's no music there. Of course, if someone is specifically looking
for ABC files that give blank manuscript pages, they  won't  find  it
from my Tune Finder.  But so far I don't consider that a problem.

| Maybe we should add a few comments in the ABC 2.0 spec that discusses what
| the behavior of a blank field line should be.  That way we don't get a
| zillion different behaviors.

Yes, this is useful. I do a fair amount of programming in perl, which
is  often  very sketchy because most of the language has defaults and
can be omitted for the most common case.  This works pretty well  for
perl.   Part  of  the  reason  is  that the defaults have been fairly
thoroughly discussed in the comp.lang.perl newsgroup,  and  the  user
population generally agrees on what the default should be. Whether we
could get this sort of agreement from musicians isn't as  clear.   In
conventional  staff  notation, a lot of things are often omitted, but
what is omitted differs for different musical styles.  I can think of
a  number  of examples where the best default for omitted notation is
different in different styles.

| > This does remind me that I've got a few funny questions about  why  I
| > sometimes  do  things  like  putting "K:G" at the start of a tune and
| > then "K:Em" or "K:Ador" before a later phrase.
| > to be very convincing.
| Until recently, I would have found such fields confusing as well.  But
| having recently absorbed a lot of chord theory, it becomes almost necessary
| to have such fields where the key actually does change, because the chord
| progressions for "K:G" and "K:Em" are different, even though the key
| notation looks the same on the staff.
| That's also why I now prefer to display the key as a text string above the
| staff in addition to the on-the-staff notation.

Yeah, and you see that sometimes in classical music,  though  usually
they  let  you  figure  out the key change yourself.  It's especially
useful in computerized notation, because it lets  the  computer  help
you  by  doing searches for keys, suggesting chords as a few abc apps
do, and so on.  Of course, its usefulness is limited,  as  you  don't
want to bother notating key changes that are only for a few measures.

An interesting case where I don't indicate key changes much is in  my
klezmer collection. You might think that it would be useful, in light
of all the different scales and frequent key changes.   But  frequent
key  changes  is  the  reason  it's  not useful.  Klezmer music often
changes rapidly among a number  of  closely-related  keys,  and  once
you're familiar with this, the changes are pretty obvious.  But a key
change every 2 or 3 measures rapidly gets obnoxious.  So I just  pick
most common (or initial or final) key, and use that.

Irish/Scottish music is different.   Some  tunes  do  have  transient
changes  to  another  key.   But more common is to have the different
sections of a tune in different keys.  I prefer to notate this,  even
if it's the same signature.  That way, if I'm looking for an Em tune,
I also get the tunes in G/Em (or maybe D/Edor).  Sometimes  I  decide
that one of those tunes will work in the set I'm putting together.

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Re: [abcusers] K:none

2004-08-19 Thread John Chambers
Steven Bennett writes:
| "K:none" is already defined in the ABC 2.0 draft spec, although there's a
| slight ambiguity in that spec, since "none" is also shorthand for
| "clef=none".  When I implemented that section of my parser, I resolved that
| in favor of the key, and required the full "clef=none" if you want no clef.

Sounds reasonable.  K:none should mean that  you  don't  want  a  key
signature;  clef=none should mean that that you don't want a clef.  I
use both in a few abc files I  have  that  generate  pages  of  blank
manuscript paper. I also made sure that "T:" alone works for a title,
since I don't want those on such pages, either.  And all of these are
useful for producing musical fragments, as examples in a document.

| "K:" by itself is not documented in ANY version of the ABC spec as a valid
| sequence, and cannot be assumed to work in any program.  In my own parser,
| again, that would cause an error on the field, which would cause the field
| to be ignored (in an attempt to recover), which would then cause all kinds
| of havoc.  Stick with "K:none" instead.

What I think I've seen is a few comments to the effect that C is  the
default  key.   Since  most  abc software requires a K line, the only
thing this could be talking about is a  bare  "K:"  without  any  key
information.   Of course, I'd prefer to say that "K:" means "K:none",
not "K:C" (or K:Am" or  "K:Ddor",  for  the  benefit  of  anyone  who
understands the difference.  ;-).

I do have a few abc template files that contain a list  of  the  most
common  headers,  with nothing after the colons.  This saves me a few
keystrokes at times.  But it's easy to forget to fill them  in.   I'd
prefer  software  that  accepts  this,  perhaps  with  a  warning, to
software that chokes on it.

This does remind me that I've got a few funny questions about  why  I
sometimes  do  things  like  putting "K:G" at the start of a tune and
then "K:Em" or "K:Ador" before a later phrase.  They usually say that
the  second  K line doesn't change anything.  It does, of course, but
how do you  explain  that  simply  to  someone  who  doesn't  already
understand  it?   I'll usually say something like "Well, the key does
change, and I thought it would  be  useful  to  document  this,  even
though  it  doesn't effect the printed output." But this doesn't seem
to be very convincing.

Maybe this just labels me as overly pedantic?

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Re: [abcusers] K:none

2004-08-18 Thread John Chambers
Atte asked:
| Some tunes are not in any specific key, but it seems abc doesn't have
| any way to notate this. If I use K:C the song is shown correctly, but
| this opviously is corrupted when transposing it.
| Is there a solution withinn the current abc definition that I overlooked
| or should we consider extending the K: to allow K:none?

Some abc programs have supported this for several years already. I've
used  it  occasionally,  though not very often.  It's most useful for
notating  fragments  of  music,  for  example  in  documentation  and
tutorial docs.

Implementing it is usually trivial, as it maps internally to the same
thing  as  K:C.  The only real advantage of K:none is that it doesn't
match when you search for K:C (or K:Am or K:Ddor).  Of  course,  just
"K:"  alone  also works for this.  Most software should support that,
too, by mapping it to the same thing as K:C internally.

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Re: [abcusers] On parsers again - Outlook & PHP

2004-08-15 Thread John Chambers
Christian M. Cepel writes:
| John Chambers wrote:
| >Since ABC is widely used to send tunes via email, ABC ends  up  being
| >embedded inside messages in lots of other formats. It's fairly common
| >for this to garble the ABC,  as  the  encoding  software  is  usually
| >debugged  only  with  ordinary  (English)  text.
| Ran into this nonsense mailing a gal a php proggie I had written for her
| to convert medline source references into CSV txt file...
| She (unfortunately everyone on campus who doesn't know any better) is
| using exchange.  Finally had to send her a zip.
| <?php
| and so on and so forth.

Yeah; in this list we notice how email software damages ABC, but it's
a well-known problem in most programming languages. Back before 1990,
when most email software was written by programmers for  programmers,
it  was  less common (though it did happen).  But then the commercial
folks jumped onto this new Internet thing, and they decided to  scrap
all that techie stuff and write "user-friendly" software. The results
were generally programmer-hostile.

It effects everyone who tries to use email to send anything  that  is
formatted differently from English. In ABC, a string like A2B4c2 will
be treated as six tokens by most "intelligent"  email  software,  and
newlines may be inserted anywhere. When one is inserted before one of
the numbers, the result usually doesn't work  correctly,  since  most
ABC  software doesn't know what to do with a number at the start of a

But this has been at least a minor headache for programmers since  we
first  had  email  back  in the 70's.  Despite attempts to make email
standards that prevent such damage, the problem is probably worse now
than ever.

What's funny is all the software that wraps lines at 80 or 72  chars.
This is referred to in the literature as the symptom of a "punch card
mind".  How many computer users nowadays have ever  seen  or  used  a
punch  card?   I  have  a  couple  in a box as souvenirs.  That 72 is
especially bizarre.  How many people these days could even  tell  you
where that strange number comes from?  But lots of software does it.

I guess you could call it a tradition ...

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Re: [abcusers] On parsers again

2004-08-14 Thread John Chambers
Christian M. Cepel writes:
| I would prefer that it have optional modes... Strict, not-so-strict,
| loose/forgiving, recover ABC from any textfile, etc... something.

The really fun case is recovering ABC from HTML files. ;-)

My Tune Finder tries to do this, with varying degrees of success. The
problem  can  perhaps be illustrated by the following fragment, which
some people think should be a good way to do it:

   | ag |

The contents of a ... section are, of course,  also  HTML,
and  HTML  tags are honored.  So this measure of music contains a 
tag with  an  "a"  attribute  which  is  ignored  (because  it's  not
defined). In a browser windows, the b and a notes don't appear in the
output, giving the measuure | ag |, and  the  rest  of  the  tune  is
rendered in a bold font.  This is the most common sort of HTML tag to
appear in ABC tunes, but  others  also  occur,  sometimes  with  very
strange effect.

Of course, you will occasionally see the above measure encoded as HTML

   | ag |

This is correct HTML,  but  causes  the  opposite  problem  that  ABC
software  that's  not HTML-aware will not undo the encoding, and will
attempt to interpret it all as ABC.  Depending on whether or not  the
'&'  ABC  operator is implemented, this will produce various kinds of
incorrect output.  In the best case, it will produce a  few  warnings
and the measure | ab ag |, which at least has the right notes.

Then there are the sites that send *.abc files as text/html, although
they  are  actually text/plain.  There are a number of these, and the
people who have the misfortune to put their abc files on line on such
sites usually get quite frustrated trying to get the site's admins to
correct the bad type.  (And setting the type to text/ is often
far beyond the admins' capabilities. ;-)

Since ABC is widely used to send tunes via email, ABC ends  up  being
embedded inside messages in lots of other formats. It's fairly common
for this to garble the ABC,  as  the  encoding  software  is  usually
debugged  only  with  ordinary  (English)  text.   Decoding is fairly
haphazard, and it will be  common  for  your  software  to  encounter
partly-decoded email messages that contain partly-decoded tunes.

The sensible thing might be to just throw up your hands and refuse to
deal  with  it.   But you have a lot of companies working on a lot of
email software doing their best to make life difficult for you.

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Re: [abcusers] On parsers again

Remo D. asked:
| A question for the ABC tools programmers around here.
| Did you hand-code your ABC parser or did you use some standard tool =
| (Lex, re2c, ...)?

Most of the tools that I've written have been in  perl,  and  parsing
abc  in that languages is so much easier than using such tools that I
don't even consider them.  And yes, I've used things like lex,  yacc,
etc.  on a number of projects. The syntax of abc isn't really complex
enough to deserve a separate parse pass like that.  The output  would
be  at  least  as  complex  as  abc itself, so you'd just replace one
parsing problem with a different but equally complex parsing problem.

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Re: [abcusers] Exchange of songs

David Webber writes:
| From: "Ulf Bro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > The way things
| > are at the moment there is no way to exchange jazz standards or rock songs or
| > any contemporary pop music.
| You have just defined copyright law in a nutshell.Composers of
| music like to be paid when people use their work.

A couple years ago, my abc tune finder indexed  a  site  that  had  a
collection of jazz standards. Then one day the site's owner said he'd
like to remove it from my index.  He was too worried about  copyright
problems,  and  was making it a hidden site, available only to people
he trusted.  His site is probably still online, but you can only  get
it if he sends you the URL.  I removed it from my records, of course,
so I can't tell you where it is.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC parser output data structure.

| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >I hope you've found the FreeTTS project.
| Yes. Although we haven't tested it yet for various reasons.

And, to make it relevant to  this  group,  you'll  have  to  start  a
sub-project  to control the length and pitch of each syllable, so you
can write a program that takes abc files with words and sings them in
any of the available voices.

(For those who wonder what I'm talking about, FreeTTS is  an  project
that's  producing  an open-source text-to-speech package, all written
in java.)

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Re: [abcusers] ABC parser output data structure.

Stephen Kellett writes:
| Yes. I'm involved with a Java project. The language was chosen by the
| person that pays the bills. He chose Java for cross-platform. Laudable.
| Except that in 1996/97 we wanted a speech synth and could only get one
| on Windows and we had to write a JNI wrapper for it. Only in the last
| year or so has it become feasible to even consider dumping the existing
| implementation and going for a new Java based speech synth, and then
| there are lots of implementation specific things about speech engines
| that make a real mess of things.

I hope you've found the FreeTTS project.

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Re: [abcusers] Copyright Issues ... One More Kick At The Can

Chuck Boody writes:
| On Monday, July 26, 2004, at 09:35  PM, Paul Rosen wrote:
| >> Therein lies the crux of the matter.  The only one ever
| >> benefiting (at least with the exception of "maybe" 10% or
| >> so) is ASCAP or RIAA or whoever owns the rights to the work.
| >
| > That is the weird thing about making the Girl Scouts pay a lump sum.  Who
| > gets the money? Let's say a troop in Kansas played a song I wrote. How would
| > I get my pennies?
| That is the truly interesting thing.  My community band pays ASCAP and
| BMI licenses to allow us to perform the works we use without problem.
| But, we are not asked for any repertoire lists.  Clearly the split of
| money is a complex issue.  Why is it that I keep thinking the licensing
| agencies get more than their share?  Or that the "big guys" get more
| than their share?  Just cynical I guess.

I've read a  number  of  discussions  of  this,  in  which  the  only
conclusions  seemed  to be that nobody could find anyone who had ever
received any money from these license fees.  Most musicians  know  at
least a few people who have written music, and you probably know many
who have made recordings.  Try asking them about it, and see  if  you
can find anyone who has received any such royalties.

Presumably some of the big commercial recording stars receive some of
this  money.  But when asked, they seem to also say that their income
from this source is trivial.

Most likely, performance license fees primarily go to supporting  the
agencies that collect the money.

Has anyone here ever made any money from these license fees?  If  so,
could you give us some idea of how much?

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Re: [abcusers] Copyright Issues ... Socks and America Bashing

Kevin Lawton writes:
| John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| | Kevin Lawton wrote:
| || Phil Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| |||
| ||| But if you want to have a bash at Tony Blair, the Church of England
| ||| or
| ||| the Performing Rights Society please feel free.  I may or may not
| ||| take
| ||| issue with you.  Either way it won't ruffle my patriotic feathers.
| ||
| || Please do !  Please, please do have at bash at Tony Blair.
| || As regards The Church of England - I don't think we should bring
| || religion
| || into a group discussion.
| |
| | In fact, if someone wanted to post ABC versions  of  a  few  Anglican
| | hymns,  I  doubt that anyone would find it off topic.  There are some
| | good melodies in that hymnal.  And I'd bet you would stumble across a
| | few "How do I write that in ABC?" questions while transcribing them.
| Sounds like a good project for somebody so inclined.
| Quite a few of those Anglican Hymns are older folk melodies with newer words
| attached. It might be amusing to hear people singing the original words
| instead.  :-)   Several other hymns have tunes 'pinched' from the classical
| repertoire. I guess someone could just take the easy way out and go straight
| to the original.

Or you could play the game of switching  the  lyrics  among  melodies
with the same phrasing.

One of my favorites is the observation that you can swap the melodies
for  Amazing Grace and House of the Rising Sun.  I've heard people do
both of these to very good effect.

Of course, cleaning up those  horrible  folk  songs  by  substituting
good,  religious  words is a long tradition.  And vice versa.  Not to
mention lamenting the corruption in both cases.

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Re: [abcusers] Copyright Issues ... Socks and America Bashing

Kevin Lawton wrote:
| Phil Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| |
| | But if you want to have a bash at Tony Blair, the Church of England or
| | the Performing Rights Society please feel free.  I may or may not take
| | issue with you.  Either way it won't ruffle my patriotic feathers.
| Please do !  Please, please do have at bash at Tony Blair.
| As regards The Church of England - I don't think we should bring religion
| into a group discussion.

In fact, if someone wanted to post ABC versions  of  a  few  Anglican
hymns,  I  doubt that anyone would find it off topic.  There are some
good melodies in that hymnal.  And I'd bet you would stumble across a
few "How do I write that in ABC?" questions while transcribing them.

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Re: [abcusers] Copyright Issues ... Socks and America Bashing

Christian M. Cepel wrote:
| I wonder if this is indicative only of the music industry, or if any
| parallels exist.I wonder if... say... the movie industry would
| object if, someone purchased a movie (CD) and watched (listened) to it
| over and over and wrote down (notated) the dialog (tune/song)  into a
| script (score/tab/abc/etc), and then used it to put on a small not for
| profit or for profit performance (performance/session/etc), or just used
| it for personal uses (practicing).
| I've never heard of such a thing being objected to (if someone would
| wish to do it).  It seems that the only forms of intellectual property
| that anyone is fascist over is music.
| Written text, movies, music, software, etc... they object only if you
| duplicate the original and then distribute it.I'm not making much
| sense here...

The publishing industry is in fact working on this.  There was a good
case  in  the US only a few years ago, when a new author called Alice
Randall published "The Wind Done Gone", a retelling of Gone With  the
Wind  from the perspective of the slaves.  The publisher of Gone With
the Wind filed suit to block the publication.  They actually  won  in
the  first  few  levels  of  the  court, although it should have been
summarily dismissed as an obvious instance of parody.  The  book  has
been  published  to  good  reviews (check with amazon), but the final
court decision in its favor is  sufficiently  shaky  that  publishers
have  been  encouraged.   They  see  the  possibility  of  the  right
combination of judges that would finally shut down parody and  satire
under the copyright laws.

The movie industry in the US and many other countries  has  had  many
battles  over this sort of thing.  If you want to make a movie in the
same setting as a previous movie, you had better have  a  good  legal
fund prepared, or you'll find yourself bankrupt by the lawsuits.

The music recording industry is just the most publicised  case  right
now.   And  much  of  this  is  because  it's an industry where a few
corporations developed a stranglehold that gave them all the  profits
and  only  a  pittance  to a small minority of the artists.  But that
stranglehold has been broken by the advent of the  Internet.   So  we
have  a  battle  on  our  hands as the former oligopoly tries to grab
control over this new means of  distribution  and  prevent  musicians
from  using  it on their own.  One of their primary ploys has been to
extend the concept of copyright  in  ways  it  has  never  been  used
before, to eliminate the public domain in music and require licensing
from a few industry agencies for all music.

Misinterpreting this as "bashing America" is an extreme disservice to
all  involved.  The problem isn't limited to America; this thread got
started by mention of attempts to make European copyright  laws  like
the  American  laws.   As  many  people are pointing out, the current
American  laws  are  actually  violations  of  the  US  Constitution.
Copyright is now mostly used to interfere with creativity.  Such laws
only exist because of the power of large corporations in Congress.

This is quite on-topic in a list devoted to music in any  form.   The
growing  copyright  extensions are a serious threat to all individual
musicians, both professional and amateur.  I'll predict that we  will
hear a lot more about this issue here in the future, and in all other
music-related mailing lists.

(It is interesting that the  abc  user  community  has  seen  so  few
copyright problems so far.)

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Re: [abcusers] Copyright Issues addressed (fwd)

Michael Ellis wrote:
| Looks like ASCAP got shamed into backing off.  BTW, this is a rather old
| story...
| Cheers,
| Mike Ellis
| Copyright 1996 The Washington Post
| ASCAP Changes Its Tune; Never Intended to Collect Fees for Scouts'
| Campfire Songs, Group Says

Meanwhile, there are a number of reports from 1997 to the effect that
the  American  Camping  Association, of which the Girl Scouts and Boy
Scouts are members, made a deal with ASCAP  that  they  would  pay  a
nominal  license  fee  that  covered  all their members' camps.  As I
recall, the license fee was a token amount, around $2000 or $2500 per
year, which was only about $1 per camp.  But this means that ASCAP in
fact didn't back off. They got an out-of-court settlement. This saved
face for everyone, and left the actual legal situation indeterminate.

This only happened after a lot of publicity, of course.  And  ASCAP's
public  policy is that everyone has to pay the license fees.  They're
just being incredibly nice guys to let the Scouts off cheap.

The other great copyright story, of course, is the  one  about  Happy
Birthday.  Google will find you lots of good reading on that one. The
brief summary is that the copyright holders  have  given  everyone  a
license  to  sing the song privately for non-profit purposes.  But if
you're running a commercial establishment (such as those  restaurants
that  send  a gaggle of staff around to sing at your table), then you
had better get a license.

It's actually a pretty funny story, so look it up.

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Re: [abcusers] Copyright Issues addressed (fwd)

Stephen Kellett komments:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >(A lot of the readers here probably already know this story.  Note  that  the
| >Girl  Scouts caved on this one; they are paying an annual license fee so that
| >the girls can sing songs around a campfire.)
| My reaction to that is "For fucks sake". That is just plain ridiculous.
| I didn't know about that story. I'm sure if these things were publicized
| with more coordination there would exemptions for things like this, or
| better still, better law.

That's partly why I mentioned it.  This is an excellent case to bring
up  in  discussions  of  the  topic.   And  wherever  you  are,  your
politicians should be made aware of this case.  Hit them with the "We
don't want it to happen here" approach, and maybe they'll listen.  Or
maybe they won't, and it'll be illegal  for  your  children  to  sing
songs  they've heard unless they (or the adults around them) are duly
licensed to sing those songs.  It *has* happened in the US.

| Mind you, its the exact same mindset that Dan Plews was pushing on
| unless I misunderstand him.

So can you enlighten us on that story?

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Re: [abcusers] Copyright Issues addressed (fwd)

Stephen Kellett writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Geoffrey Loker
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >> >If left up to Sonny Bono and the RIAA there would be no
| >> >public domain.
| ...and of course you have to remember that this comes from the "Land of
| the free".

Yeah,  but  the  rest  of  the  world   should   consider   that   the   Bush
administration's policies have been fairly clearly stated:

1.  American law is the only significant law; all the rest is "irrelevant".

2. American citizens (especially US government employees) are exempt from the
law  outside  US territory.  This especially applies to such quaint relics as
the Geneva Conventions.

Not that this approach is at all unusual for a "superpower". I seem to recall
reading in some history books about a few other governments that have had the
same policies at various times in the past.

Also, recall that one of George Bush's campaign slogans was that he wanted to
be  "America's  CEO".   He thinks the US government (and therefore the entire
world) should be run as a business.  This means, of course,  that  it  exists
solely  for  the  financial  benefit  of its officers and shareholders, where
"shareholder" is another term for "campaign contributor".  The rest of us are
at best employees; if not, we're irrelevant.

One of the goals of the big entertainment corporations such as the  RIAA  and
MPAA  is  that  everything  will  be covered by copyright, and of course most
copyrights will be held by the big corporations. This includes all that silly
"folk"  stuff, too, at least all of it that has ever been published anywhere.
So if any of us want to play any folk music, we must first get a license from
the  appropriate  publisher(s).   If  you  haven't  paid  your  license fees,
possession of a fiddle or banjo will be primae-facie evidence  of  intent  to
commit a crime.  (And God help anyone caught in possession of an accordion or
bagpipe.  ;-)

To understand what is really intended, google for the terms:
   "Girl Scouts" copyright ASCAP

(A lot of the readers here probably already know this story.  Note  that  the
Girl  Scouts caved on this one; they are paying an annual license fee so that
the girls can sing songs around a campfire.)

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Re: [abcusers] Anyone up for writing a little script?

| From: "Jon Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Most scarey of all to me was I was on an HNC (buisness IT) where they
| encouraged such practices. We were asked to design a "web site" for an
| assignment. Mine was folk related. I got slammed for not using tools like
| Dream Weaver, no frames, no effects, etc. It was not a case of I could not
| have done it - I could have produced a "web site" unusable to anyone without
| IE, that needed plugins downloaded, etc and got a distinction for the crap
| I'd produced...

I have a number of books on design on my shelves, by several authors.
One  thing  I've notice is that when they say that something probably
won an award, that's their highest form of insult.

Really good design rarely wins awards,  because  nobody  notices  the
design.   People  just  use  it,  and  usually aren't aware that such
usability might be worth noticing.

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Re: [abcusers] Anyone up for writing a little script?

Guy Gascoigne - Piggford writes:
| I hate to tell you this, but lots of users switch off javascript. Unlike
| ActiveX and Java the code that can get executed on the client machine
| can't be signed and so it much harder to authenticate.
| It stops sites grabbing registry information on the fly (say my email
| address), as well as making sure that unexpected code doesn't get
| executed on my machine.
| As it happens I tend to leave javascript enabled, but there are quite a
| few people who switch it off (even ones in the UK).

Yup.  I normally leave JS turned off, unless I want to look at a site
that  uses it and I don't expect them to abuse it.  Some time back, I
worked up a little demo of one reason you might want to do this:

| Dafydd Monks wrote:
| >I've never heard anything about turning scripting off? Is everyone insane?
| >No one in the UK has scripting off.

Not necessarily insane; just ignorant of the dangers.  There's a  bit
of a fuss right now over IE, which is the worst case. It seems the US
Dept.  of Homeland Security has noticed the problems and published  a
report  advising  not  only turning off all scripting tools, but also
switching to a browser other than IE.  In the last day or  so,  there
has been a huge spike of downloads over at

For those with Macs, the IE warnings don't apply.  Macs have a  thing
called  "Internet  Explorer", but it was reimplemented by Apple using
the Microsoft specs. It supposedly shares little if any code with the
MS program, and doesn't have the egregious security holes.

Still, JavaScript is what it is.  If my little demo worries you,  you
should  turn  it  off.   This  is  an  example of something that is a
feature, not a bug, and won't be "fixed".

Also, if any of the browser windows on your screen have ads that  are
changing,  chances  are  that  they  use  JS or ActiveX or some other
scripting tools.  This means that they soak up  cpu  time  even  when
they're idle.  If your machine seems bogged down, this may be part of
the explanation.  You can get back a lot of your cpu by  turning  off
everything  like  this  that produces changing images.  Many browsers
also have a control that turns off changing GIF and JPEG  files,  and
this  also  saves a lot of cpu time.  I usually change the setting to
"run images once".

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Re: [abcusers] Anyone up for writing a little script?

Dafydd Monks writes:
| You can use JavaScript to get the users resolution, maybe you could use CGI
| or PHP to grab this information in POST protocol.
| Just a thought.

Yeah, but sensible users run with JavaScript and all other  scripting
turned  off,  so  you'd  only  get  the info from clients with little
sense.  ;-)

The recent warnings from the Dept of Homeland Security about  IE  are
just  the  latest in a long series of warning about what could happen
if you browsed with scripting enabled.

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Re: [abcusers] Anyone up for writing a little script?

Atte writes:
| Dafydd Monks wrote:
| > I was thinking of a GIF/MIDI parser really - andone that dose not need the
| > backed of abc(m)2ps.
| Ok, I see. Would be very cool indeed.

Recently I got my ands on a BlackBerry 7280 (cool geek toy  ;-),  and
of  course  I had to see if I could make it work with my Tune Finder.
The browser worked OK. It can display images, so I started converting
tunes  to GIF and PNG.  If they're too big, they get converted to the
screen size (240x160 pixels).  The result invariably was that some of
the horizontal and vertical lines came out a fuzzy smudge.  Most were
quite unreadable.

No problem, you might think; just tell the ps2gif  and  ps2png  image
converters to create a 240x160 image.  Nope. The only converters that
I've been able to find refuse to deal in pixels, as does PS. The best
converter that I've found is the one that comes with ghostscript, and
it has a "resulution" arg that is a number without  unit.   A  simple
test  shows  that  it is definitely not a pixel count.  Resolution is
usually measured in pixels/unit-of-lenght, of course, so I calculated
the  nnumbers  for  the  screen,  using  inches,  mm  and  cm  as the
unit-of-length.  All were wildly wrong.

I eventually found, after hours of experimenting, that  a  horizontal
resolution of 32 and a vertical resolution of 36 produces GIF and PNG
images with solid vertical and horizontal lines.  The image is a  few
pixels narrower than the screen, but close enough. The numbers 32 and
36 don't seem to be  close  to  any  nuumber  that  could  be  called
"resolution" on this screen.

Meanwhile, my wife got a Palm Tungsten, which comes with wifi  and  a
real  browser.  I tried the Tune Finder on it, downloaded a GIF - and
it came out about 2.5 times as wide as the screen.   Working  a  tiny
little  scrollbar while trying to read a line of music isn't the most
practical thing in the world.  So I'll probably spend some more  time
writing  code to detect that client and discovering the magic numbers
that makes the image come out readable on that (320x320) screen. I'll
guess  that  the  numbers  won't resemble any relating to the 320x320
size of the screen.

Now, GIF and PNG are scan-line formats, and deal basically in pixels.
What  I'm  tempted  to try is digging into my abc2ps clone and adding
some new output formats.  Actually, unix systems come with this  huge
library  that converts images to/from the "ppm" format, so that might
be the best to use.

Writing copies of the PS output routines that draw in a 2D  array  of
pixels  shouldn't be all that difficult; not much worse than what the
PS routines are doing.

Maybe the next time I'm unemployed I'll tackle this.

Meanwhile, I wonder if there's any  usable  scheme  to  discover  the
screen size of a web client.

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Re: [abcusers] is there an ABC bluegrass archive?

Richard Walker writes:
| Learn the 1, 4 and 5 chords for the keys of D, G and A.
| Practice them.  ... and just guess along where to put what.

Also, Bluegrass musicians think that the chord on the flat 7th  is  a
regular  harmony,  so  you  should know where those are, too.  It's a
symptom  of  the  style's  Appalachian  roots,  which  are  basically
Scottish  with  a  few centuries of independent evolution.  If you're
familiar with trad Scottish music (and I've heard  rumors  that  Jack
just might be ;-), Bluegrass won't be much of a stretch.

| Play relatively softly (you really have no worries - an
| autoharp in with banjos, guitars, fiddles, etc.?)
| HAVE FUN.  It's a hoot.
| If they ask you want you want to play, say something like,
| "Um, let me see, 'Will the Circle Be Unbroken.'"

Yeah, just hang out, listen to the songs, and  play  along  when  you
think you've got the pattern.  Act modest. They probably won't ask an
autoharpist to lead an instrumental unless you let it be  known  that
you'd  like to take a lead.  It's a bit unusual to hear solo autoharp
in Bluegrass circles (though it's not unknown).  Life is harder for a
novice  Bluegrass  guitarist,  since  that's considered a solo melody
instrument (to make up for the way that the  mandolinists  take  over
the usual guitar job of playing chords ;-).

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Re: [abcusers] Alternate endings?

Neil Jennings wrote:
| Prog
| John Chambers wrote:
| ...
| >Geoff Loker wrote:
| >...


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Re: [abcusers] Alternate endings?

Geoff Loker wrote:
| I have a song that has one ending to it for the first two verses, and a
| different
| ending for the last two verses.  What I would like to do is something
| akin to
| this:
| [1,2 D>E D4 C2 ||[3,4 D>E F2 z2 z2 ||
| in a similar fashion to the first and second repeat notation, but with
| the first
| ending being labeled "1,2" to indicate that it is used the first two
| times through,
| and the second ending being labeled "3,4".  Unfortunately, this doesn't
| appear to
| be kosher ABC.  Any suggestions as to how to do this?

Actually, this was decreed kosher by  popular  demand  several  years
ago,  and  it  has been implemented by a number of abc tools (but not
all of them).  You can use hyphens, too, to write something like

| ... [1-3 D>E D4 C2 :|[4 D>E F2 z2 z2 ||

Maybe we could get a poll of which abc tools implement this?

My abc2ps clone (jcabc2ps) implements it.  I also implemented general
text for endings, but to avoid ambiguity, quotes are required:

| ... [1-3 D>E D4 C2 :|["last time" D>E F2 z2 z2 |]

There wasn't as general agreement on this, but I've found  it  useful
in a few cases. The parse code that I wrote allows the quotes and the
[ to be omitted if the repeat text consists solely of digits,  commas
and hyphens.

It is common for printers to put periods after  the  number  in  this
repeat  text,  but  I  found  that  that produced a difficult parsing
ambiguity with the dot commonly used for staccatto, so  I  didn't  do
that.   (You can use the full ["..." notation if you really want that
final dot.)

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Re: [abcusers] ANN: new version of Five Line Skink

Wil Macaulay writes:
| A new version of Five Line Skink is available from
| Skink is an abc editor, viewer and player that is written in Java and
| runs on any platform that has
| at least Java 1.3.  No new features, but bugfixes to rendering
| (especially layout and beaming),
| playing (especially repeats) and parsing (especially broken rhythms).
| I've also improved support
| for pipe music layout (horizontal beams, stems down and gracenots triple
| beamed.)

Recently I got my hands on a  new  BlackBerry  7280,  the  java-based
PDAphone.   I  wonder  if Skink would run on it.  I don't seem to see
anything saying which version of java it uses; the  config  stuff  is
rather  noncommittal.   There's  also the general question of how one
would go about loading it.

Working with a 240x160 screen could be a challenge ...

(I do remember reading back around 1990 that  one  of  the  marvelous
things  about  java was that it ran on tiny machines connected to the
Net, and would automatically download routines the  first  time  they
were  called.   Funny that this doesn't seem to work with the current
flock of tiny devices  -  or  does  it  and  I  just  can't  find  it
documented anywhere?)

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Re: [abcusers] What software will translate this correctly?

Stephen Kellett writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Freeman
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >I had one for a while but took it down after some abc from somewhere caused
| >abcm2ps to loop and I had my ISP phoning me up asking what abcm2ps was and
| >telling me that it had been using something like 90% of the processing power
| >for a good hour or more. I'm not prepared to take the chance on the shared
| >server again.
| Write a monitor process that monitors your abcm2ps processes. Any
| process that has been at a high CPU for more than X time, kill it. Or
| modify abcm2ps to include a monitor thread to do the same task (better
| as it'll know how long each tune processing has taken).

A monitoring process or thread is radical  overkill  for  this  task.
We're  talking about a C program.  The standard C library handles the
job almost trivially (as the term is understood by C programmers ;-).
Here's  a  demo program that should run anywhere you have a minimally
POSIX-compliant C library:

* Demo of using the signal/alarm routines to interrupt a program that
* runs for too long.

int timeout = 5;/* Kill the program after this many seconds */

sig_t alrm() {  /* Alarm handler */
exit(0);/* Exit normally */

main(ac,av) char **av;
{   int n = 0;
signal(SIGALRM,(sig_t)alrm);/* Declare our alarm handler */
alarm(timeout); /* Set alarm timer */
while (++n) {
printf("%d ...\n",n);
printf("Can't get here.\n");
exit(1);/* Paranoia */

Supposedly even Windows has a POSIX-compliant C library,  though  I'd
guess  you'll  find that this needs a bit of tweaking there.  Anyway,
this takes no extra process or thread. You should be able to copy the
alrm()  routine  and  the  signal()  and alarm() calls to any other C
program to kill the program after some interval.

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Re: [abcusers] What software will translate this correctly?

Steve Wyrick wrote:
| John Chambers wrote:
| > I tried it with the original abc2ps,  Jef  Moine's  abcm2ps,  and  my
| > jcabc2ps.   They  all  handled it.  The original abc2ps had two minor
| > problems: It doesn't accept V: lines in  the  header  section,  so  I
| > moved  them  to after the K: line.  And it can't handle the spaces in
| > the "name = " term, so I removed them.  ...
| >
| > This worked without problems in all three abc2ps clones.  There  were
| > some  warnings about the unrecognized "transpose" term, but that's to
| > be expected from a program  that  doesn't  produce  pitches,  and  it
| > didn't  effect  the output at all.  All three programs produced pages
| > that look identical.
| >
| > Actually, the original abc2ps doesn't implement the middle= term, and
| > it gave a warning about that.  But it assumes middle=d for bass clef,
| > so it worked. Jef and I have both implemented it. Tunes that expect a
| > different  mapping  than  middle=d for bass come out strange with the
| > original abc2ps.  Lots and lots of leger lines ...
| Thanks John, I like the way that looks on abc2ps; unfortunately BarFly
| doesn't like the voice headers in that position and returns a score that's
| blank except for title & composer!

Yeah; there is disagreement among programs as to where the V:  "voice
declaration"  lines  belong.  The only way to successfully handle the
abc that's out there is to just say that a declaration  has  to  come
before  the  first  use of a voice in the music.  Also, I came across
another bug in the original abc2ps: If a voice isn't declared at  all
before  its  first  use,  strange things go wrong.  I handled this by
adding a test for a voice being defined,  and  if  not,  generated  a
default declaration.  It only took a few lines of code.

| As you mentioned, abc2ps doesn't need the middle=d term.  BarFly doesn't
| really need it either but I specified it for 2 reasons: to (hopefully) let
| me write code that was readable by both programs, and to save me typing so
| many commas in the bass line (e.g., without that term, C is written as C,,)!

I'd say that abc2ps "doesn't accept the middle= term".  This is a bit
of  a  defect,  because without it, there's no way to correct for abc
that uses a different mapping.  I added it as a way to handle some of
the abc that I was seeing.

Some time back, we had a bit of a discussion about the proper mapping
of abc notes to staff lines for non-treble clefs. There were at least
two factions.  Those who type abc thought it  was  obvious  that  you
always want abc notes to map onto the staff, since this minimizes the
awkward typing of all those silly commas in bass lines. But there are
a lot of users who never type abc directly and always use a GUI tool,
and they don't much care.  Among  them  are  people  working  on  abc
players,  and to them it's obvious that abc notes should have a fixed
pitch.  This simplifies writing software that deals with sound.

The discussion showed that there was no way to compromise between the
two  approaches,  and furthermore, both had been implemented.  How to
solve this impass?  The solution was the middle= term,  which  states
explicitly the abc note to staff position mapping (and the transpose=
term to give the actual pitch relative to the  treble-clef  default).
This  lets  people  write the music in any octave they like, and by a
simple change to a voice's clef=, middle=  and  transpose=  terms,  a
voice can be retargeted for an instrument with a different range.

This is a bit more complicated, but it makes abc  more  powerful  and
versatile.   It's a little extra work for implementers, since it adds
one more term to the expression to calculate a note's staff  position
or pitch.  But from some users' viewpoint, it's very useful. So users
should probably be happy that  abc  implementers  couldn't  agree  on
these mappings.

One illustration of its use that I've come across:  The  recorder  is
one  of  my  instruments,  and I have a couple of very nice Dolmetsch
altos in my collection. Alto recorder players have to get used to the
fact  that  music  for  the  instrument  is  routinely written in two
octaves. The range is F to g', and you can see that no matter how you
map  this to the treble clef, half the range is on the staff and half
is either above or below.  Historically, music  printers  have  never
agreed which range to use on paper.

Most music printed nowadays for alto recorder  is  written  with  the
upper half of the range above the staff.  But recorders have a strong
affinity for human voices, and vocal music is conventionally  written
an  octave lower.  So alto recorder players learn to read vocal lines
with the "lower" mapping. There's nothing to be

Re: [abcusers] What software will translate this correctly?

Neil Jennings writes:
|  My program HARMONY does a reasonable job, although the transpose -24
| isn't  reflected in the score display, and it therefore automatically
| adjusts the clef to Treble! It also looks a bit odd where the tune
| crosses from treble to bass clef  (using Open score mode)

Actually, the "clef=bass middle=d" should suffice to  get  the  notes
positioned  on the staff correctly.  The "transpose=-24" is mostly of
interest when generating a sound file, saying that the notes  are  to
sound  two  octaves below the default pitch.  It can be handy to have
these note-to-staff and note-to-pitch mappings independent. People do
write music for instruments with several different ranges on the same
part of the staff.

| I am not quite sure what (T  signifies, I will have to look it up. The
| program has taken it as a slur

It usually means a trill, the "TR"  ligature  above  the  note.   But
there's a scheme to (re)define ornaments now.  I wonder how widely it
has been implemented?

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Re: [abcusers] What software will translate this correctly?

| I just completed a transcription of Robert Petrie's 1st tunebook (Scottish,
| 1790), which has parts for violin and cello.  I wrote the code using Phil
| Taylor's BarFly, on which this reads and plays correctly, but it appears
| that a lot of other abc software can't handle the multiple voices.  Below is
| a sample tune; I'd be interested to know what other readers and midi players
| can handle this code, especially any PC software (for reference, the 2nd
| note in the 3rd staff bass line is middle C).  Thanks for any help, or
| suggestions for improving the portability of this code! -Steve

I tried it with the original abc2ps,  Jef  Moine's  abcm2ps,  and  my
jcabc2ps.   They  all  handled it.  The original abc2ps had two minor
problems: It doesn't accept V: lines in  the  header  section,  so  I
moved  them  to after the K: line.  And it can't handle the spaces in
the "name = " term, so I removed them.  The result looked like:

T:Mrs. Farquharson's Jigg or Quick Step
C:Robert Petrie
S:Petrie's Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c., 1790
Z:Steve Wyrick , 3/20/04
N:Petrie's First Collection, page 2
V:1 name="violin"
V:2 name="bass" clef=bass middle=d transpose=-24
[V:1] G|(Tc=Bc) GEC|(Tc=Bc) edc|(Tc=Bc) G=A_B| FGE DCB, |
[V:2] z|C3  E3 |  F3G3 | c3 e3   | d2f b2B  |

This worked without problems in all three abc2ps clones.  There  were
some  warnings about the unrecognized "transpose" term, but that's to
be expected from a program  that  doesn't  produce  pitches,  and  it
didn't  effect  the output at all.  All three programs produced pages
that look identical.

Actually, the original abc2ps doesn't implement the middle= term, and
it gave a warning about that.  But it assumes middle=d for bass clef,
so it worked. Jef and I have both implemented it. Tunes that expect a
different  mapping  than  middle=d for bass come out strange with the
original abc2ps.  Lots and lots of leger lines ...

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Re: [abcusers] Variant rhythmic notation

Jack Campin writes:
| That's similar to what Curwen sol-fa does, ...

Damn!  You beat me to it.  I had the same reaction.

| (I'm sure somebody somewhere has invented an ASCII representation for
| solfa ...

When solfa first came up on this list, I did  a  bit  of  investigation,  and
found a number of sites that do solfa in ASCII. Unfortunately, no two of them
do it the same way.  I couldn't find any references to  software  that  dealt
explicitly with solfa; it's just printed as text.

This is quite similar to Chris Walshaw's story of how he  started  ABC  as  a
handwritten  notation.  Many people have mentioned using their own improvised
notation that is very similar.  ABC has  become  widely  used  because  Chris
started  storing  his  handwritten notes in his computer, and then decided to
try his hand at a program (abc2mtex) that converted  it  to  staff  notation.
Then  he  made the mistake of showing it to a few friends.  (And now he's the
leader of a cult ...  ;-)

This doesn't seem to have happened yet with solfa.  It works  ok  as  just  a
plain-text notation. Its various user groups don't interact much, and there's
no software that parses it, so the variants in the notation aren't a  serious
problem.   But  suppose  someone were to do something like Chris did.  Pick a
solfa variant and write some useful software for it.  There's a  good  chance
that it would spread among singers like ABC has among instrumentalists.

Anyone want to take on the mantle of leader in this?

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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

Jack Campin comments:
| X:0
| T:Dalnahassaig
| Z:Jack Campin  version 1.0 September 2001
| C:Pipe Major George S. McLennan
| S:Gordon Highlanders Pipe Music Collection volume I
| B:NLS Mus.D.s.19
| R:Strathspey
| M:C
| K:Hp
| % No tune body - index entry
| which, under John's proposal, would get an entry "TZCSBRMK*" in the
| Tune Finder.
| If John's software can identify bodiless tunes without any special
| signalling, maybe no ABC notation is needed for it; but it still
| seems to me that it would be a good idea to signal which tunes are
| *meant* to be that way, to distinguish bibliographies or works in
| progress from the results of communication/conversion foulups. A
| single barline, as Phil suggests, is something that couldn't easily
| comprise a complete tune body by accident, so it could be used for
| such a convention if everybody agreed on it.

I'd agree, except that I don't think the single bar line idea is  the
best. The reason is that it's already useful for a different purpose.
I've used this to get abc2ps to output a blank staff or three.  Thus,
I could write the above tune as:

Z:Jack Campin  version 1.0 September 2001
C:Pipe Major George S. McLennan
S:Gordon Highlanders Pipe Music Collection volume I
B:NLS Mus.D.s.19

This would give me a  printout  that  has  four  blank  staves.   The
original  abc2ps  has  a  minor  bug that makes the last one slightly
short, but that doesn't matter for my purpose.   The  purpose  is  to
produce  a  sheet of paper that I can write on.  I also use this same
trick occasionally to add blank staves to a tune.  Sometimes  I  make
every other staff blank, sometimes I put them all at the bottom.

I'd suggest that the above "% No tune body - index entry" line  is  a
better  model for this sort of info.  But I'd make it "%% No tune", a
fixed string that software could look for. The rest of the line would
be treated as comment, of course, so you could include an explanation
as in this example.

I  have  one  tune  that  has  no  notes,  but  has an N: header line
explaining that the copyright holder told me I didn't have permission
to  put  it  online.   If  we agree on the "%% No Tune" idea, I could
easily add the line:

%% No tune - copyright holder denied permission.

I'd be tempted to have the Tune Finder recognize this and  append  it
(in  parens) to the title.  It'd be easy enough to do.  But I'd still
predict that only a few conscientious users (like Jack ;-) would ever
use it.

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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

Phil Taylor writes:
| On 7 Jun 2004, at 08:46, Paulo Eleut=E9rio Tib=FArcio wrote:
| > Em Qua 02 Jun 2004 12:47, John Chambers escreveu:
| >> Jack Campin writes:
| > [snip]
| >> | > The  problem  is how best to say this.
| >> | > There  is a list of headers that could contain a code for "no
| >> | > notes". This field already uses a double quote to indicate that
| >> | > accompaniment chords are present. I wonder if there's a good
| >> | > single char that could stand for "notes", or maybe for "no
| >> | > notes"?  Perhaps  '*'  (asterisk) could be used for this, as it
| >> | > doesn't seem to have any other use, and it is conventionally
| >> | > used to indicate an explanatory  footnote.
| >> |
| >> | That sounds pretty good.
| >>
| >> Maybe I'll try implementing it.
| >>
| > I don't think that would be a good idea.  IMHO any characters that
| > might still be available should be reserved to signal new, more
| > productive contexts.  ...

This was a total misunderstanding of what I  was  talking  about.   I
wasn't suggesting any new ABC syntax.  The question was how to get my
Tune Finder to indicate to a user that  an  ABC  "tune"  contains  no
notes.  The problem there is that the Tune Finder's output is getting
to be rather wide, making for problems using it on  a  small  screen.
Adding a wordy comment would make this problem worse.

| Why not just use a "tune" which consists of a single barline?  That is
| actually a minimal legal tune.  BarFly will display an empty staff, with
| title, composer clef and metre.  (Otherwise you get an error message
| which says "No tune".)  Not sure what other parsers will do.

One  problem  I  can  see  is  getting  people  to  follow  any  such
suggestion.  The canonical example is the fact that we can't even get
people to include an "X:" line at the start of tunes, although  ABC's
syntax  has  required it from the early days.  Getting people to type
some code to indicate that there aren't any  notes  would  be  rather
hopeless, I'd guess.  Most people would consider it as silly as those
"This page intentionally left blank" notices.  ("But  it's  obviously
not blank." ;-)

I do often include a few lines containing just a bar line  for  tunes
that  I  don't  have  the notes for.  With abc2ps, this gets me a few
staff lines when I try printing it, which is convenient  for  writing
in notes. But this is just my own occasional practice. I'd think what
we'd want software to do is flag noteless tunes with a  warning,  but
process them anyway. Tune info without notes can be useful, as we can
see by the popularity of Andrew Kuntz's Fiddler's Companion site. And
having this info in the form of ABC headers can be useful, especially
if you're the sort that likes to write little  scripts  that  combine
files in interesting ways.

I also have a few "tunes" that contain "W:" lines but no notes.  With
abc2ps,  this  gets  you  the  usual  sort of output that has titles,
notes, history, etc, plus the lyrics.  In fact, I have a little  perl
script  that  strips  out  the  notes from a tune, leaving behind the
headers and lyrics.  I don't use it much, but when I want that  done,
it's nice to have software that does it right.

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Re: [abcusers] The ABC homepage

Christian M. Cepel writes:
| Noticed that the address changed from
| to
| When did that happen?
| Btw... If Chris ever wants webspace hosted at or
|, he's welcome to it for free.  I'm trying to get
| as well, but haven't had much luck as of yet.

While we're at it, we oughta persuade Chris to put more abc
tunes online. He's gotta have more than the two dozen or so
on his old web site.  And he probably has a lot of  bagpipe
versions.  I wonder where they are?

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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

Jack Campin comments:
| Where you *are* going to get a problem is if the input file uses a
| mixture of linebreak characters and HTML tags to indicate ABC line
| ends.  Could anybody really be that stupid?... er, well...

In fact, I've seen ABC embedded in HTML by using  the  ...
tags,  and  then putting  at the end of each line.  The  tag
means to preserve whitespace (including CR  and  LF)  exactly,  while
processing  tags  in the data.  The  tag means to generate a line
separator.  So such text is explicitly double spaced.  The writer may
not have understood this, but software on the receiving end can't yet
read the sender's mind.

| > An emerging requirement for HTML is that ALL tags be paired win
| > an  .
| Really?  I thought  was deprecated?

Heh.  This is a case of the  old  quip  that  the  nice  thing  about
standards  is  that we have so many to choose from.  You'll find some
very confusing comments on this in the W3C HTML standards,  depending
on  just which you happen to read.  And some commercial vendors (most
notably Microsoft, but they're not the only culprits)  show  a  great
deal  of contempt for the official standards.  In any case, if you're
writing a search program, you have to deal with what's out there, not
what the standards may say.

A contrary pressure is coming from the growing tendency to  use  XML,
and  that  standard  makes an unambiguous statement that closing tags
are always required. There is the shorthand that combines them, as in
, but that doesn't really effect much.

The new Fiddler's Companion is an interesting case.  If you  look  at,  for example, you'll not
only see some HTML loaded down with style information (some of  which
is off in other files), but you'll also see several  ...  
sections. So there are at least three different markup schemes in use
here. The header says it was generated by Microsoft Word 10, so lotsa
luck finding any  software  except  Microsoft's  that  can  correctly
decode  it.   The  fact  that different browsers display the ABC with
different spacing is not at all surprising.

Actually, this reminds me of a discussion  that  I've  seen  in  some
other  fora:  Microsoft has received a US patent on some of their XML
encodings generated by Word. This may not matter much yet outside the
US,  though  Europe is probably going to enable similar laws shortly.
In the  US,  decoding  such  files  with  software  not  licensed  by
Microsoft  is  not  only  a  patent  infringement;  it is also a DMCA
violation.  As such, it is a federal felony, and can get you a 5-year
jail  sentence and a $500,000 fine.  Since the above file was encoded
with authorized software, Andrew is probably safe  from  prosecution.
But  anyone  who  reads  it inside the US with non-Microsoft software
could well be committing a felony.  It's only been a few months since
MS  got  the patent, and they haven't yet prosecuted anyone.  But you
might wonder why they applied for the patent if they don't intend  to
enforce it.

There has been a suggestion that non-MS  software  add  a  check  for
MS-Word docs.  What they'd probably do is pop up a little window with
a warning, and ask you if you  want  to  accept  the  legal  risk  of
reading the contents. If you click Yes, that would probably exonerate
the authors of the software, since it would then be your decision  to
violate the MS patent.

I'm considering adding a check for such headers to my search bot, and
simply abort the processing of any such file, to keep myself out of a
federal prison.

Isn't "Intellectual Property" a fun topic?

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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

| From: "Jon Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > I've just had another thought. Every tune starts X: A further replace of
| X:
| > for CR/LF X: might do the trick as I don't suppose you care how many blank
| > lines end up between tunes.
| >
| > Still, whatever you did, I'm sure you are right that there will be cases
| > that fail and a simple approach like this would never deal with something
| > like the example you gave.
| And yet another thought. I can't claim to understand it but I gather you
| work with Perl. How about something like this

Yeah; that's one of several HTML parsers that I've  looked  at.   The
problem  with all of them is that after they do a parse, you get back
an "object" that is the parsed version of the HTML.  Getting the data
out  of  it  is  MUCH more difficult than just attacking the original
text.  It's a fully tree-structured version of the document, and  the
data  you're looking for will be at a different place in the tree for
every document.  You can't just look for some giveaway char  strings;
your code has to understand the structure of the document. And no two
are ever the same.

I've played around with a number of these parsers.  I've always given
up,  and  written  my  own  semi-parser in less time than I'd already
wasted trying to understand the parser's output.  After all, if  what
you're  after  is  just the plain text that's hidden in the HTML, the
problem isn't all that difficult.  Most tags you just  discard.   You
look for a few that are line terminators and replace them with one or
more newlines.  You reduce strings of white space to a single  space.
The result is usually readable.

The main problem with ABC that has been HTMLized is that the newlines
often come out wrong.  You get runtogether lines, or the text ends up
double spaced. Sometimes both.  (There's one goofy site where you get
the  X:  and  T: lines single spaced, and the rest of the tune double
spaced.  ;-)

And this brings us back to the original question of what you do about
ABC  that  is double spaced.  The best I've found so far is to send a
note to the site's owner describing the problem, and if they fix  it,
fine.   If  not, then their tunes will require human editing when you
want to feed them to any software.

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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

Jon Freeman writes:
| From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > I've seen a couple of sites that have ABC-in-HTML with  at the end
| > of each line. This is purposely double spaced, so there's probably no
| > good fix for it.
| If you are talking about filtering the HTML, perhaps this would work for
| dealing with line endings:
| 1. remove all CR and LF characters.
| 2 remove all 
| 3 change all  to CR/LF
| 4 change all  to CR/LF
| I've probably missed something but it's a thought...

That would work for some files, and fail for others. The main problem
is  that  a  lot of ABC-in-HTML tunes use  to terminate lines and
 to terminate the tune.  This is probably the best way to  do  it.
This means that  should expand to two newlines. But that makes the
above example double spaced.  I've also seen  tunes  surrounded  with
  ...tags, with  added to the lines.  Either alone
works, but both together produces double-spaced text.

Unfortunately, it takes a fair degree of human-level pattern matching
to  figure out what to do in each case.  No two sites seem to use the
same scheme for embedding ABC inside HTML.  And a scheme  that  works
for one site will mess up some others.

I've basically treated it as hopeless.  My Tune Finder code has  some
simple  heuristics  to  try  to extract ABC from HTML.  But I haven't
found anything that works in all  cases.   The  fact  that  different
browsers  produce different spacing in some cases implies that even a
full  HTML+CSS  parse  can't  be  guaranteed  to  handle   the   task
successfully.  I conclude that it's not worth worrying about.  I just
warn people that ABC inside HTML is not a good idea. If you insist on
doing it, you should expect messages from people who can't figure out
how to use your site's tunes.

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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

Jack Campin writes:
| > I've had a  number  of  email  queries  about
| > apparent  failures  that  were  due to "tunes" that lacked any notes.
| > Sometimes this was intentional, sometimes it was because the file was
| > double spaced.  It would be useful to have an indication of this.
| >
| > The  problem  is how best to say this.
| > There  is a list of headers that could contain a code for "no notes".
| > This field already uses a double quote to indicate that accompaniment
| > chords are present. I wonder if there's a good single char that could
| > stand for "notes", or maybe for "no notes"?  Perhaps  '*'  (asterisk)
| > could be used for this, as it doesn't seem to have any other use, and
| > it is conventionally used to indicate an explanatory  footnote.
| That sounds pretty good.

Maybe I'll try implementing it.

| The double-spaced ones are a nightmare.  Have you figured out what
| sequence of events creates them?

The cases I've looked at have been ABC-in-HTML,  which  is  rarely  a
very  good  idea because of the difficulty of doing it right.  I just
looked at one of the new F/C files:

This has several ABC tunes, but my search bot only finds one of  them
(Abbots  Bromley).  I tested the page with several browsers, and some
of them displayed the other tunes  as  double  spaced,  while  others
showed  them  as single spaced.  Unfortunately, lynx was one that saw
them as double spaced, except for the Abbots Bromley tune.  I've been
thinking  of  filtering  HTML  pages through lynx as a way of getting
them into a plain-text form.  But this wouldn't work for this file.

I've seen a couple of sites that have ABC-in-HTML with  at the end
of each line. This is purposely double spaced, so there's probably no
good fix for it.

Some ABC is just too nonstandard to deal with.

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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

Jack Campin comments:
| > Well, for staff notation, my Tune Finder shouldn't have  any  probem.
| > It  will  produce  the the title, composer, etc, and no staff. [...]
| > As for sound files, I use abc2midi, which  produces  a  really  short
| > file if there's no tune body.  That's about all it can do, I suppose.
| > But it doesn't fail.
| These aren't the most helpful behaviours.  The user is left guessing
| as to why they got an empty staff or silent MIDI file.  An explicit
| notation to say the body was meant to be empty, passed onwards through
| the pipeline, would reassure them that nothing had gone wrong and give
| them a better idea of what to do next - i.e. read the ABC source.
| One place this information might be displayed is in the Tune Finder
| index itself, in the field that lists the fields present in the tune.

You're right.  In fact, I've had a  number  of  email  queries  about
apparent  failures  that  were  due to "tunes" that lacked any notes.
Sometimes this was intentional, sometimes it was because the file was
double spaced.  It would be useful to have an indication of this.

The  problem  is how best to say this.  The Tune Finder's results are
already getting rather wide, and don't work  well  on  small  devices
such as handhelds.  This could make the outputt even wider.

There  is a list of headers that could contain a code for "no notes".
This field already uses a double quote to indicate that accompaniment
chords are present. I wonder if there's a good single char that could
stand for "notes", or maybe for "no notes"?  Perhaps  '*'  (asterisk)
could be used for this, as it doesn't seem to have any other use, and
it is conventionally used to indicate an explanatory  footnote.   The
program could actually include a footnote that looks like:
  * Headers only, no notes present

This would be somewhat subtle, but could get across the idea that the
"tune" has a problem.

Anyone have a good suggestion of other compact ways to say "This tune
contains no actual music"?

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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

Jack Campin comments:
| I have some ABC files where I use the notation as a tunographic
| database - there is no body, either because I haven't got round
| to typing it in or don't intend to.  The GS MacLennan tune file
| on my website is an example: I've included bodies for the tunes
| I can reproduce with no problem, but for the copyrighted ones
| I've simply included a header to describe the tune and say where
| to find it.
| I can imagine this might cause problems for some ABC software,
| indexes like JC's Tune Finder in particular.  Having a reference
| to a print or audio source for a tune is an advance on having no
| information about it at all, so these null-body tunes should be
| indexed, but processing pipelines intended to create sound files
| or staff notation will need to throw an exception.
| Would it be easier if there were an explicit keyword to declare
| there was no body for the tune?  If so, what?

Well, for staff notation, my Tune Finder shouldn't have  any  probem.
It  will  produce  the the title, composer, etc, and no staff.  I use
several abc2ps clones routinely, and none of  them  are  bothered  by
this.   I'd think that any abc software should accept it, for exactly
the reasons that Jack mentions.

As for sound files, I use abc2midi, which  produces  a  really  short
file if there's no tune body.  That's about all it can do, I suppose.
But it doesn't fail.

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Re: [abcusers] AlphabetSoup output data structures

Bernard Hill writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >Bernard Hill writes:
| >| That's a standard rule of music. You can't put black and white notes on
| >| the same stem for instance.
| >
| >Actually, this isn't a rule at all.   Music  printers  routinely  put
| >white and black note heads on the same stem. They also put dots after
| >some of the note heads and not others.  You see this all the time  in
| >keyboard  and guitar music, where damping individual notes in a chord
| >is fairly easy.  You also see it in choral music, where one voice can
| >continue after others stop.
| You are mistaken. I quote Gardner Read "Music Notation" page 69
| "Intervals (involving two note heads) or chords (three or more note
| heads) may use a single stem to join all the notes as a unit provided
| they are of equal value".

Actually, Gardner Read is the one who's mistaken here.  ;-) Musicians
can  and do play chords on several instruments with notes terminating
at different times. Publishers can and do print music with note heads
of different lengths on the same stem.  Mr. Read can't prevent either
of these practices.  It's not contrary to law in any country  that  I
know  of, and there's no way to prosecute a musician or publisher who
commits such acts of musical disobedience.

| Just how would you indicate a crotchet (quarter) note starting at the
| same time as a quaver (8th) on the same stem?

You can't.  That's why I said that there were "defect in the physical
representation"  in  traditional  staff  notation.  But you can put a
white and black note head on the same stem,  and  you  can  put  dots
after  some  but  not  all of the note heads.  In keyboard and guitar
music, this isn't at all unusual.  I'd agree that there is usually  a
better  way  to  write  it,  but this doesn't have much effect on the
publisher of the page in front of me.

| If you require different note lengths to be started simultaneously then
| you cannot use one stem, and normal practice is to have one with stems
| up and one with stems down. If there are 3 such then 3 stems are
| required, the 3rd being offset a small distance from the other two.

This is another solution to the notational  problems.   Sometimes  it
works  well,  though it's easy to construct cases where the result is
quite unreadable.  Many guitarists could demo such cases with  a  few
seconds  thought.   I'd say that this is usually the better solution,
but again that isn't going to convince  a  publisher  who  has  never
heard of me.

| I have a number of books which indicate that it's a rule. I merely chose
| the most popular to quote from.

Yeah, well, you can print anything in a book.  What that really  says
is what the author(s) though was acceptable musical practice. But I'd
bet that few music publishers would enforce such "rules".   It  makes
little  sense  to  tell  authors  or  customers  that you won't print
representations of some music because you think that  such  music  is
illegal.  They'll just give you a funny look.

| >It's also fairly  common  to  have  a  (dotted)  whole  note  aligned
| >vertically  with  notes  on  a  stem,  though  there are some obvious
| >limitations on where you can do this.
| Since it doesn't have a stem the question doesn't arise. But if it were
| in the middle of a chord of say quarter notes then it would be offset
| slightly to give a gap between the whole note and the others.

Indeed.  Then you run into the problems of getting the printing  done
accurately  enough  that what was intended is clear.  The guys who do
the engraving have a way of "correcting" such obvious "errors" as not
attaching  a note head to the stem.  Printing artifacts can also have
interesting effects on what comes out on the page.

| >Also, it's fairly common to have some (but not  necessarily  all)  of
| >the notes on a stem have ties to a continuation note.
| True. I have no problem with that.

Indeed, that's  often  a  better  solution  than  attempting  to  put
different  note  heads  on  the  same  stem.  Successive chords, each
missing one of the notes in the previous chords, and ties  connecting
the  held  notes.  It looks more cluttered, but it's probably clearer
and more readable.

| >ABC has a somewhat more general representation of a "chord" of notes,
| >since  each note can have an arbitrary length.  But it has some other
| >limitations that aren't present in staff notation.  For  example,  in
| >guitar  (and  some  keyboard) music, you'll see notes with "dangling"
| >ties that don't lead to another note. This means "let it ring", which
| >can be done on those instruments.
| Again, I'

Re: [abcusers] AlphabetSoup output data structures

Bernard Hill writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Neil
| Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >Or, perhaps, by having a note object contain a list of (zero or
| >more) pitch objects rather than just one pitch value. A noteobject
| >with a duration and no pitch objects would, of course, be a rest.
| >
| >The problem with this is that the duration would be the same for all
| >notes within the object
| That's a standard rule of music. You can't put black and white notes on
| the same stem for instance.

Actually, this isn't a rule at all.   Music  printers  routinely  put
white and black note heads on the same stem. They also put dots after
some of the note heads and not others.  You see this all the time  in
keyboard  and guitar music, where damping individual notes in a chord
is fairly easy.  You also see it in choral music, where one voice can
continue after others stop.

The  problem  is  that  standard  staff  notation  has  some  serious
limitations  on  what  note lengths can be combined on a single stem.
They all have to have the same number of flags,  for  instance.   But
this  isn't  really  a  "rule";  it's  just  a defect in the physical

It's also fairly  common  to  have  a  (dotted)  whole  note  aligned
vertically  with  notes  on  a  stem,  though  there are some obvious
limitations on where you can do this.

Also, it's fairly common to have some (but not  necessarily  all)  of
the notes on a stem have ties to a continuation note.

ABC has a somewhat more general representation of a "chord" of notes,
since  each note can have an arbitrary length.  But it has some other
limitations that aren't present in staff notation.  For  example,  in
guitar  (and  some  keyboard) music, you'll see notes with "dangling"
ties that don't lead to another note. This means "let it ring", which
can be done on those instruments.

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Re: [abcusers] File names

Neil Jennings writes:
| The abc 2.0 draft has the following
| %%abc-charset iso-8859-1  (or other iso code)

Well, yes, but that doesn't seem to have a well-defined scope.   Does
it apply to the whole file? If I have a text that's mixed Russian and
Yiddish (not a hypothetic case), how do I indicate which parts are in
which character set?

Also, there's a potentially very serious gotcha  with  this  sort  of
charset  indicator:  What  if  I  copy  the  file  to another machine
(perhaps via a browser, or maybe with a file-copy  program),  and  it
decides  to  rewrite the file to a native charset on the new machine.
It will, of course, translate the above %% line to the  new  charset,
but  it  will still claim that the text is iso-8859-1, and that's now

It's sorta like the old logic-class  question  of  how  to  correctly
translate  a  sentence  like "This sentence is in English" into, say,
French.  If you translate it as "Cette phrase est  en  anglais",  you
have  the interesting problem that the original sentence was true but
the translation is false.  One could argue that  a  translation  that
doesn't preserve truth value is not really a correct translation.  Or
is it?  This is an inherent problem with self-referential statements,
as is the above %% line.

This apparently applies to the problems I've seen with  OSX.   I  use
rsync to keep a number of directories, including my web site, in sync
on a number of different machines.  This works quite  well  with  the
linux  and  *BSD  machines,  but screws up rather badly on OSX due to
some of the changes in the file system.  A later use  of  rsync  then
propagates  the  screwups back to the linux and *BSD machines.  I can
imagine a system that converts all incoming "text" files to UTF-8  or
UTF-16.   You  couldn't  very  well expect a file-transfer program to
understand all such comments in all kinds of files and translate them
properly.  It's unlikely that the programmers will have ever heard of
abc.  So on such a system, the above  %%  line  would  end  up  being
incorrect and misleading.

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Re: [abcusers] Nastiness. [Was Unicode]

Richard Robinson writes:
| On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 06:49:43PM +, John Chambers wrote:
| That's an intriguing thought. How does Arabic song-transcription work ?
| is the music written right-to-left ?

Yes.  There's a traditional notation  that's  not  at  all  like  the
European staff notation, but I don't know how it works.  You also see
staff notation that's the mirror imagee of how Europeans print it, so
that  lyrics will look normal underneath the notes.  You see the same
thing in Yiddish song books  from  eastern  Europe,  and  the  Hebrew
liturgy is often written this way.  It scares people at first, but it
really only takes a few minutes to get used to it. Arab musicians can
generally read music equally easily in either direction (if they read
music at all). It's no big deal. Reading your language backwards is a
real pain, so it's easier to reverse the music.

| And then ... is it a Mongolian alphabet, that goes down one line and
| then up the next ?

No, it goes top-down, with the first line (column) at the left.  It's
actually  a rotated version of an Arabic-like script, derived from an
old Syriac form of that sort of writing back around the 12th  century
during  the  Mongol  expansion.   It's  a true phonemic alphabet with
symbols for both consonants and vowels.  I can't read it at all.  The
Soviets  also  devised  a Cyrillic form of Mongolian (but that is now
deprecated ;-).

One sort of zig-zag writing you may have read about was used  by  the
ancient Greeks.  It's interesting to see inscriptions written in that
script.  You can really see the connection between the older  Semitic
scripts  and  the  modern European scripts.  But it's probably a good
thing that they gave up on it before printing was invented. I've seen
people write English this way, just as a prank.  I've seen my wife do
this; she can write mirror English nearly as fast as normal  English,
without messing up the mirror-image letters like 'b' and 'd'.

I once took a linguistics class in which one assignment was to devise
a  good writing system for English, based on any other writing system
of your choice.  Some people in the class came up with some very good
English scripts based on other alphabets.

In the past couple of decades, the  Mayan  writing  has  been  mostly
decoded.   It  might be fun to try to make this work for English.  It
wouldn't be easy, though, because Mayan writing was a syllabary,  and
English isn't a good language for syllabary writing. And, as far as I
know, the Mayans didn't have a music notation.  The scholars  haven't
reported anything that looks like music, to my knowledge, though they
have reportedly identified poetry in some of the inscriptions.

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Re: [abcusers] File names

Jack Campin writes:
| One problem: what if you want to mix character sets in a tune? -
| e.g. to have a Chinese song documented in English? (T: and w:
| fields in Chinese, N: and D: fields in English).

What  I'd  more  likely  want  to  do  is:  three  T: fields (Chinese
characters,  pinyin,  and  English),  one  C:  line  (characters  and
pinyin), and two or three w: lines.

Even more fun is the trad Yiddish/Hebrew/Arabic music, where you want
the  original (left-right), a transliteration (right-left), and maybe
an English set of words at times.  This is easy  inside  a  computer,
where  all alphabets have the same order (byte 0, 1, 2, ...) but it's
not always easy to find a really good layout on screen or paper.

There's a semi-standard way to do left-right music  with  the  lyrics
underneath  with  each  syllable in right-left form.  It's painful to
read, but you get used to it.  Of course, all of these languages have
been  printed  with the music in mirror-image form for centuries, but
that doesn't help when you want the lyrics in two different alphabets
that go in different directions.

It's probably good that the  Greeks  dropped  their  zig-zag  writing
scheme before modern music notation was developed ...

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Re: [abcusers] Nastiness. [Was Unicode]

Christian M. Cepel writes:
| You know, about 3 years ago while in a SoftEng class, I started
| Thistledowne, and voiced my intentions to make it unicode16 native.  I
| was SUPER rudely kicked in the nuts by some on this list and then thrown
| in the doghouse while a major flamewar resulted.. well not a flamewar
| exactly.  I was the target, and was bombed without mercy.   I was told
| "Hey stupid, ABC is strictly 7bit ascii, and there's damn good reasons
| why it's that way, so wanting to use Unicode is stupid and you should
| kill yourself for even thinking of it."
| God people were mean and rude and nasty, along with the typical
| "Oh...Yet another abc project...  And you're excited... Tell me what's
| gonna make your project shine over the hundreds of projects done by
| people who are probably better than you.  Go jump in a lake. " response.
| Oh I continued my project, and got an A, and scrapped it and will used
| what I learned there for my new project.   Boy, I learned never to tell
| people on the list I had a project going.   Sure a few were encouraging,
| but who could hear their voice over the nastiness.

Hey, I sorta remember that!  Welcome back ...

One thing that is probably pretty important here is  that  we're  all
musicians, and we're playing a lot of different kinds of music. Music
notation has never been very  consistent,  because  different  styles
have  different notational needs.  And most musicians will see little
if any need for notation that isn't used in the music they play.

This has been part of the reason for the different dialects  of  abc.
Implementers  write  code that handles the things they need for their
music, and things they don't need aren't worth wasting time on.

One of the funnier examples: The original  abc  had  only  first  and
second  endings to phrases.  Well, the 1.6 "standard" didn't actually
forbid other endings, but it only documented [1 and ]2  in  a  single
example.   Most  abc  software  implements only these.  The reason is
simple.  If you look at the current body of online abc, you'll see  a
very strong representation of folk music from northwestern Europe and
closely-related American styles, but not much of anything else.   And
if  you pick up a copy of, say, O'Neill's or the Ryan/Cole books, you
won't find any third or fourth endings anywhere.  Actually,  you  may
have to look at several pages to find any alternate endings at all.

Now, I play a lot of kinds of music where 3rd  and  4th  endings  are
common,  as well as phrases to be played 3 times or more (but without
different endings). A few years ago, none of the abc software allowed
this. So after Michael Methfessel "retired" from supporting abc2ps, I
forked a branch that has support for more than  two  phrase  endings.
The  staff notation for this is fairly standardized, and representing
it in abc is straightforward.   This  has  really  cut  down  on  the
misreading of the repeats in groups that I play with.

I'm not saying that everyone needs this.  It's obvious that  lots  of
people  don't need it at all.  When I'm dealing with Irish or English
folk music, I don't need it, either.  (I have used it occasionally to
scrunch  in  more  tunes  on  a  page,  but this is rare and hardly a
necessity in that music.) But when you have a phrase done three times
with  the  first  ending,  and  then  a  fourth time with a different
ending, how do you represent it so that it's easy to read?

I got a few not-too-nice comments about this. Most people didn't make
many comments at all, since it was irrelevant to them. I do get a few
email questions about how to handle my abc  that  has  notation  like
|1,3 and :|2,4 or |:: ... ::| that their abc tools choke on. I'm very
sympathetic, but I don't think I'll stop  using  such  notation  just
because other musician-programmers haven't seen fit to implement it.

Recently,  someone  else  contributed  code  to  do  half-sharp   and
half-flat  accidentals  to my "jcabc2ps" clone.  I'd thought of doing
this, but someone else did it first.  I also have  code  to  add  the
various  markings  used  in eastern-European Latin alphabets, and I'm
using that a lot now.  Needless to say, this got a few "Who the  hell
needs  that?"  comments  when  mentioned  on  this list.  When you're
trancribing old English folk songs, you don't much need this.

I'll predict that this sort of thing  will  be  a  problem  with  any
attempt  to  produce  a single "portable" parser.  Unless that parser
handles all of the extentions that various groups of musicians  think
they  need, it will remain just one more limited-dialect tool that is
ignored by users like me who play other kinds of music.  If you  only
implement  some  "standard"  set of features, you'll find many people
just shrugging and using their old tools  until  you  catch  up  with
their needs.

But I wouldn't worry about people flaming you.  It's inevitable  when
you're  dealing  with  musicians.   Just take it as a sign that

[abcusers] File names [was: reusable parser]

Martin Tarenskeen writes:
| On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Stephen Kellett wrote:
| > John Chambers wrote:
| > >OSX presents an interesting portability challenge: The  default  file
| > >system  has "caseless" file names.  If you look around, you might not
| > >notice this, because mixed-case names abound. But the case of letters
| > >isn't significant when opening files.
| >
| > You have the same problem on Windows. Windows supports both upper and
| > lower case letters in filenames, however filename matching is case
| > insensitive.
| >
| > Try creating textfile.txt and Textfile.txt in the same directory. Can't
| > do it.
| >
| I have an Atari Falcon030 computer running the FreeMiNT operating system.
| (Never heard of ? Never mind :-) It is a sort of hybrid OS a little bit
| like OSX. It is a mix of the TOS operating system that is in the ROM of
| classic Atari computers, combined with a Unix-like multitasking OS. I have
| several partitions on my harddisk with different filesystems. On one
| partition I have a ext2 system that is really case sensitive. On drive
| C:\ I need a FAT filesystem with the old fashion 8+3 case-insensitive DOS
| file names. On another drive I have VFAT: long filenames, with upper- and
| lowercase, but not really case-sensitive.

Hey; you seem to have the worst situation of all. ;-)

One of the lessons about software engineering that I  remember  as  a
strong  point  in  several  classes  was  the  general idea that such
"policy" decisions don't properly belong in the lower levels  of  the
OS; they belong up in the "application" or "library" level.

The unix kernel's approach was often used as an example of the  right
way  to  do  it:  The  kernel  itself  treats  a  file name as just a
character string, and the only special characters are the '/' and the
final  NULL  char.   The  rest are "just chars" with no meaning.  The
kernel just implements file-access mechanisms; "policy" decisions are
the responsibility of the application level.

The advantage of this is that it's easy to implement a  name-matching
policy in a library file-open routine.  Suppose you want to implement
caseless matching.  First decide on your alphabet (7-bit  ASCII  that
ignores  the 8th bit; Latin-1; ISO-8859-7, whatever) so you know what
are upper- and lower-case letters. Then your open routine first calls
the system open() routine.  If that succeeds, fine.  If not, you pass
the name to your filenamematch() routine.  It splits the name into  a
directory  part  and  a  filename  part,  does  a  readdir()  on  the
directory, runs through the list of filenames, and  applies  whatever
test  you  want  on  each  one.  When it gets a match, it returns the
matched filename to the caller, which opens that file.

I've done this on a number of projects, and it really is  that  easy.
Well,  sometimes  you  want  to  apply  the matching to the directory
portion, too, but that's a simple recursive call.

The best example of why this is the right approach is in the  growing
problem  of  "internationalization".  We have any number of competing
character sets these days.  What's an upper- or lower-case letter  is
different in different character sets. Some alphabets don't even have
a case distinction. Some (such as German) even have letters that only
come  in  one case.  Others (Hebrew, Arabic) have don't have case but
have letters that have several forms, and you  might  want  to  treat
variants on a letter as equal.

If your OS does this, then it *will* get it wrong  for  most  of  the
possible alphabets, and there's nothing you can do to fix it.  If the
OS just says "a character is a chunk of bits  without  meaning",  and
the  meaning  is up in the runtime libraries, then it's easy to fix a
problem.  You just change the library that you're using.

Lest you think this is way off topic, I might mention that I've  been
involved  in  attempts to use non-ASCII char sets in my ABC tunes.  I
have a lot of "international folk  dance"  tunes,  and  it  would  be
really nice to be able to spell the titles right. Also, I like to use
single-tune files as my  primary  data  (with  little  programs  that
combine them for pages of tunes). It's really handy if the tune title
can be used in the file name.  I've done this on my linux box, and at
least Latin-1 names work there.  But when I rsync a directory over to
my Mac Powerbook, it goes berserk on the files with non-ASCII letters
in the names.

This tells me that OSX "isn't ready for prime  time"  in  the  coming
international world. If it can't even handle a simple 'ä' or 'ö' in a
file name, how is it ever going to handle Chinese  or  Japanese  file
names?  It can't even handle a Finnish or Arabic file name. You c

Re: [abcusers]mice

Jon Freeman writes:
| From: "Jack Campin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > The first mouse - actually bitpad puck - I used had four buttons.
| > I don't miss the other three, and anybody who puts an asymmetric
| > two-button mice on a public computer with no instructions on how
| > to remap the buttons needs to have one hand superglued to their bum
| > till they get the message.  (Quick, how *do* you remap the mouse
| > buttons to use a mouse left-handed for the duration of a catalog
| > search session on a Windows-based library computer where you have
| > no admin privileges?)
| Can't say I've ever thought about it but I am quite used to being a left
| hander in a right handed world (and play right handed). The first PCs I used
| were shared and I got fed up with moving the mouse over to the other side of
| the keyboard. In time, I found operating it right handed works to my
| advantage - I can point and click as needed quite easily with my right hand
| while keeping my left free for more difficult tasks such as taking notes
| with a pen.

Since we're most musicians on this list, I'd  guess  that  a  lot  of
people  here  wonder  what the fuss is about right/left handedness in
mice.  I remember when computers with mice first became common, and I
somehow impressed people by the fact that I would casually switch the
mouse between my right and left hands, whichever was most  convenient
at the time.  I finally figured out that most people really can't use
one equally easily with both hands.  But I've been playing  keyboards
for most of my life, and that might have something to do with it.

I have occasionally seen the problems  faced  by  beginning  keyboard
players. One of the interesting barriers to a lot of people is making
their  two  hands  work  independently.Doing   the   same   thing
symmetrically with both hands is fairly easy. But a major problem for
many people is doing things like parallel scales.  And the first real
two-hand  exercises usually involve a simple melody on one hand while
the other hand plays a single note on a downbeat.  The reason this is
difficult is that most people can't simultaneously press a single key
with each hand unless they use the same finger on each hand.  This is
probably  comparable  to  the common need to reverse a mouse's button
functions when you switch hands.

I suppose it might be somewhat different with different  instruments.
But  I'd  expect  that  most musicians wouldn't find it a big deal to
switch hands with a mouse.  Even with string instruments,  where  the
hands  are doing very different things, you still need to learn a lot
of fine control with both hands.  A  mouse  is  a  very  coarse  tool
compared to even the simplest musical instrument.

On occasion, I have switched a mouse to my left hand because I wanted
to  write  something while using the mouse to control a window on the
screen.  I've never practiced left-handed writing enough to  be  very
comfortable at it, so the obvious thing to do is put the mouse on the

My wife likes to show off by doing upside-down  mirror  writing  with
either  hand.  That impresses people.  But she thinks that anyone who
plays an instrument should be able to learn this in a few hours.  She
learned it during some boring hours in school when she was little.

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Re: [abcusers] reusable parser

Stephen Kellett writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >OSX presents an interesting portability challenge: The  default  file
| >system  has "caseless" file names.  If you look around, you might not
| >notice this, because mixed-case names abound. But the case of letters
| >isn't significant when opening files.
| You have the same problem on Windows. Windows supports both upper and
| lower case letters in filenames, however filename matching is case
| insensitive.
| Try creating textfile.txt and Textfile.txt in the same directory. Can't
| do it.

Yeah, but you could argue  that  it's  not  as  big  a  problem  with
Windows, because Windows (and MSDOS) is a separate OS that is its own
"standard" and has never been  even  minimally  compatible  with  any
other system.  People expect that porting software to Windows will be
a big deal, and will require a lot of rewriting.

OSX is, however, a variant of unix.  Much unix software  runs  on  it
without  problems.  They even seem to have fixed most of the problems
with the aberrant CR line  terminators,  and  switched  over  to  the
standard  LF  terminators.  And OSX is pushed as a member of the unix
family of systems.  So you start using  it,  and  discover  this  one
really nasty little gotcha ...

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Re: [abcusers] thinking in the large

Stephen Kellett writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >Actually, doing that would be not just feasible; it  would  be  easy,
| >except  for that one little elephant hiding over there in the corner:
| >Copyright.
| OK, so how do Google get away with storing all those cached web pages
| (just about all of which are copyright someone else) on their search
| farm?

Well, the basic answer to this is that  they  grew  to  be  Big  Guys
before anyone in authority realized what they're doing. And there's a
sub-answer: They don't in fact cache everything.  They routinely back
down  and remove things when a copyright owner complains.  The copies
of google in different countries suppress different things, depending
on local law.

Google is big enough and successful enough to  pay  staff  to  handle
this sort of thing.  Also, google could probably afford an occasional
$100,000 fine for a violation.  For that matter, Microsoft  is  being
fined  $600,000,000  (or  is  that  Euros?),  and  to them it's small
change, much less than the profits from the business  practices  that
they're being fined for.  If you've got enough money, it's legal.

Actually, an interesting sort of "compliance" on  google's  part  has
lately  come to light.  Several web sites sent them letters demanding
that they remove links under the terms of the DMCA. Google's response
was  to  replace  the  links with links to their copy of the lawyers'
letters.  Those letters, of course, all state  explicitly  what  URLs
google  is required to not link to.  The URLSs are there in the text,
just not as hyperlinks.  People who see this are getting a good laugh
out of it. And the laws seem to be on google's side, because the laws
seem to agree that a letter belongs to the recipient, not the sender.

| I don't know the answer, its not a trick question - but surely the
| answer to that question must be useful to your problem as well. At the
| end of the day theirs is a text search engine and yours is a tune search
| engine. Must be some parallels surely?

The parallels are pretty obvious. But they might not be relevant.  If
you  have the money, you can get away with things that the rest of us

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Re: [abcusers] reusable parser

Jeff Szuhay writes:
| On Tuesday, April 27, 2004, at 10:25 am, Exu Yangi wrote:
| > That is an even stronger restriction than stated. It means that you
| > must be able to compile the same source code on Windows, Linux, and
| > Macs. Doing it Windows and Linux is possible in a number of languages.
| > However, throwing the Mac into the mix is another story because of the
| > non-standard (indeed , ruinous IMHO) way the mac os's have been
| > implemented.
| I think you are talking about a version of the Macintosh (OS 9 or
| "Classic") that is no longer supported by Apple. Mac OS X has Unix at
| its core; FreeBSD 4.4 last time I checked (underneath that is Mach).

OSX presents an interesting portability challenge: The  default  file
system  has "caseless" file names.  If you look around, you might not
notice this, because mixed-case names abound. But the case of letters
isn't significant when opening files.

This has had several unfortunate effects in my abc  collection.   One
thing  I  did  in a numer of directories was, when I have versions of
tunes in several keys, I've appended the key to the name.  I've  used
the  common  classical  notation  in which upper case means major and
lower case means minor. There are a few cases of tunes played in both
major  and  minor.   One  you  might  like  to  try: Our klezmer gang
discovered that Redwing works really well in minor, and  sounds  very
Russian. Now the local contra crowd is playing it that way. So I have
two files:

No problem at all on my linux box, or on this FreeBSD machine, or  on
Solaris, or any other Unixoid system. For half a year or so I've also
had a Mac PowerBook. When I copied the above directory to it, I ended
up with the worst possible mess: There was just a polka/
file, and it contained the *minor* version of the tune.   The  second
copy  found  that  the file name was already in use (with a different
capitalization), so instead of creating the polka/ file,
it just put the new data into the polka/ file.

Now, this sort of collision didn't happen often.   But  on  my  older
linux  box,  I  have about 170,000 files, and there were at least 600
such case "collisions".  Not many, but a real headache  to  find  and
fix. Tune files were a minor part of the problem. When they're inside
some package that you've downloaded, fixing the filename problems can
be nearly impossible.

It's interesting how vendors can make tiny changes to  standards  and
produce  a  real  headache  for people trying to make their computers
behave sanely and sensibly.  There are a lot of good  ideas  in  OSX.
But,  as with Apple's old nonstandard CR as line separator idea, this
little thing of caseless filename matching turns out to  be  a  major
monkey wrench tossed into the unix machinery.

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Re: [abcusers] reusable parser

Steven Bennett writes:
| Actually, this is sort of close to what my parser is doing, but you're
| missing one *very* important thing -- the file fields.  At the beginning of
| the file (prior to the first X: or T:) and in-between tunes (ie. After the
| first blank line in a tune, which ends the tune, and before the next X: or
| T:) there may be a variety of settings which can affect the remaining tunes
| in the file.  In the ABC spec, these are the fields marked "Yes" for "File".
| Their existence complicates the job considerably.
| Note that while ABC 1.6 and 1.7.6 explicitly allow these fields in-between
| tunes, ABC 2.0 draft states they can only be at the beginning of a file.
| (There really ought to be a note about this in the Deprecated Syntax
| section...  Or the restriction should be lifted.)

Well, that pretty much eliminates the idea  of  combining  abc  files
through  any  simple mechanism! It used to be you could just catenate
the files, and optionally renumber the X: lines.  But  if  two  files
both  have  such global fields at the start, the resulting file won't
be in a legal syntax.

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Re: [abcusers] !Current specification!

Steven Bennett writes:
| You know, it's amazing that people still have this silly impression that
| just because Apple only ships a mouse with one button, that the OS can only
| use one button, something which hasn't been true for many years.   I've been
| using multi-button mice on Macs since the late 80s.  My main mouse (actually
| a trackball) has 4 buttons plus a scroll wheel.  *All* of them are useful
| out of the box with the OS.  With the driver software installed, they're
| even more useful.

My wife likes to tell people about the 16-button mice she  used  back
when she was still doing Civil Engineering work.  Those mice also had
a small reticle on the front, for  help  in  digitizing  maps.   They
worked  fine on both Apple and Microsoft systems.  Of course, most of
the software didn't have anything bound to most of the buttons.   But
any CAD software knows how to use them.  It can be really handy to be
able to map an arbitrary command to a button.

It is a bit odd that Apple still prefers one-button mice. You'd think
that 3 would be a minimum, considering the nature of the human hand.

Of course, as musicians, it would also be handy if we could  plug  in
keyboards  designed to mimic our favorite instruments.  There are USB
piano-style keyboards, of course, but I haven't  yet  seen  one  that
looks and acts like a fiddle fingerboard.

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Re: [abcusers] thinking in the large

Jack Campin writes:
| So operations on large-scale ABC databases are likely to become more
| important - things like:
| - storing the tunes in a database, parsing and indexing them at entry
|   time
| - distributed versioning, so that an ABC creator could get forwarding
|   pointers or editing commands inserted into superseded copies of tunes
| - plagiarism search (assume the entire Harry Fox Agency database)
| - mending corrupt tunes by finding better versions of garbled parts
| - collating information from all copies of a tune, so you could unify
|   the discography from one copy with the detailed formatting code from
|   another
| - indexing the corpus of tunes by harmonic progression, as calculated
|   by something like ABCMus's auto-harmonizer, and allowing fuzzy
|   search
| All of that would be easier if persistent parse trees were available.
| It's a pity the Tune Finder doesn't yet have options to download
| everything it knows about or synchronize your own mirror with it.
| In the long run this might be *less* resource-intensive than what
| it's presently doing, as complete downloads could be offloaded onto
| mirror sites and intelligent synchronization of updates doesn't need
| to be any more expensive than search.

Actually, doing that would be not just feasible; it  would  be  easy,
except  for that one little elephant hiding over there in the corner:

My search bot obviously does download every file that it  scans.   It
normally throws them away. But it has a flag saying to cache any file
that contains a tune.  I use that occasionally when I'm  testing  new
ideas,  so that I don't have to repeatedly hit some poor unsuspecting
server for a file.  It really speeds up testing to have  a  few  good
test  files  on  the  local  disk.  It's set up so that all my search
program has to do to use the cached version of a file is  to  replace
a URL's "://" with "/", and the result is the cached file.

However, I've never told people where to find the cache.  Most of the
time it's empty, and you won't find anything there. This is because I
don't have permission to "mirror" everyone's files.  I have the space
available,  but  I'm not at all sure I'd even want to try negotiating
permissions with the 280 sites that the search bot knows about.

A scan just finished early this morning, and the cache is full at the
moment.  So if the above is sufficient clue, interested parties could
find it.  It'll probably even stay around for a few days, since  I've
been doing some experimenting with some ideas. But it could vanish at
any time.

It is somewhat a pity that the current copyright laws do so effective
a  job  of  blocking useful and innovative ideas like those in Jack's
list.  Maybe everyone should be getting together lists of such  ideas
and  hitting  their  politicians for changes in the laws to encourage
development.  A country that legalizes such innovation  could  likely
become a center of development.

If I could be assured that I wouldn't be prosecuted  or  banned  from
using  the  Internet  for  doing  so,  I could easily make my cache a
permanent part of my collection. I'd just not delete it. Then I could
try  writing  a web page that lets you combine them, or extract tunes
from some of them into a new file, or whatever.  But the  way  things
are  going  these  days,  attempting something like this could easily
produce some rather huge fines.

(I've recently been wondering if it might be time to  start  learning
Mandarin.   And  there's  some  wonderful music from that part of the
world. ;-)

(And there's the ongoing problem of the variety of  what  passes  for
ABC on the Net. I really wish we could get people to stop burying ABC
inside HTML.  That's a real nightmare for a  programmer.   It's  much
worse  than the minor differences in ABC dialects.  I'd probably just
have to ban such tunes from any software that tries to combine things
from  different sources.  Or maybe I'll find the time to write a good
DeHTMLizer ...)

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

Bert Van Vreckem writes:
| John Chambers wrote:
| > [...]  One of the ongoing challenges with my Tune Finder has
| > been handling ABC embedded inside HTML.  This is not a good idea,  of
| > course, but you can't stop people from doing it.  One of the frequent
| > ways that people do this includes indenting all the ABC to match  the
| > indentation  of  the HTML tags.  It looks fine on the screen, because
| > HTML renderers ignore such white space.  I've found one site that has
| > all its ABC done this way.  (I won't name them, to protect the guilty
| > - and clueless.  ;-)
| Don't protect them. Educate them! ;)

Well, yes and no.  When people ask for advice on how to  make  things
work better with tools like mine, I'll make some suggestions. But one
of the useful things about the web is that you are free to  put  your
site  together  however  you  like, without regard for any stranger's
advice on how to do it right.  This makes for a bit of a mess, but it
also  allows  people  to invent interesting things that wouldn't have
ever appeared if we all had to follow someone else's rules.

And some people don't want their site indexed by a  site  like  mine.
There  is  even  a  conventional  method (in the robots.txt file) for
telling web searchers to stay away, which my search  program  honors.
There's  an  intermediate  level  of  people  who  want  their  sites
accessible via browser but not other kinds of web software. I may not
like  it  when  people  do  this, but I have to admit that it's their
right to do so.

I've seen the this attitude from a number of site owners.   A  common
reaction to suggestions like "The ABC tunes inside your web pages are
difficult for software to extract" is to say "All you have to  do  is
cut and paste to your ABC app's window". There's not much you can say
in response to this, because it's usually true.  And  this  makes  it
clear  that the person really does want you to do extract the tune by
hand, not by using a tool that automates the task.

There are also a number of sites  whose  owners  don't  want  you  to
download  just one tune.  This is basically what my Tune Finder does,
of course, and I know of a couple of sites that have taken  steps  to
explicitly interfere with this. Again, it's their right to do so. (In
a couple of cases, I've given them advice on how to do it.  ;-)

OTOH, when you put something on the web, it's well within the  rights
of  people like me to attempt to read it and do something useful with
it.  So sites that do things like putting ABC inside HTML (and  maybe
indenting it) can be taken as an interesting technical challenge.

The growing need to include HTML parsers in every program  does  make
life  difficult for software developers, though.  Especially when you
consider all the bad HTML out there from some of the  commercial  web
site  development  packages.   Your  parser  has  to  not just handle
standard HTML, but also Microsoft HTML.

(Gotta get in the traditional anti-MS bash, y'know. ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

Phil Taylor writes:
| On 6 Apr 2004, at 21:10, Jack Campin wrote:
| >> Regarding lining up barlines...  I had thought that spaces in
| >> position 0
| >> on a line were illegal.
| >> IE, the # here
| >>
| >> fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
| >> ###d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
| >
| > No, they're fine by all standards since 1.5 at least - nor, as far as
| > I know, has any ABC software ever had a problem with them in practice.
| Provided, that is that the line doesn't start with a field letter.  A
| space before a non-inline field is illegal.

Funny thing is that I've been lately working  on  handling  ABC  that
does just this. One of the ongoing challenges with my Tune Finder has
been handling ABC embedded inside HTML.  This is not a good idea,  of
course, but you can't stop people from doing it.  One of the frequent
ways that people do this includes indenting all the ABC to match  the
indentation  of  the HTML tags.  It looks fine on the screen, because
HTML renderers ignore such white space.  I've found one site that has
all its ABC done this way.  (I won't name them, to protect the guilty
- and clueless.  ;-)

My situation right now is that there are  some  such  tunes  that  my
search  bot  can  recognize, but they aren't always recognized by the
code that the Finder uses to extract a tune from a page.  So you  can
see  a tune listed, and then when you try to get it, you're told that
it's not there.

This web stuff isn't always easy.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

Christian M. Cepel writes:
| What?  No xhtml compliance?

Nah; HTML 0.9.  ;-)

| John Chambers wrote:
| >
| >   Neil Jennings writes:
| >   
| >  MusicXML is plain text, just as all the markup languages are, but that
| >  doesn't mean you don't have to decode it.
| >  Can you decode even simple HTML by just reading it?.
| >  MusicXML needs to be read along with the DTD.
| >   
| >
| >   Well, yes, that's technically true.   HTML  was  intended  to  be  a
| >   simple, unobtrusive markup that wouldn't interfere with readability.
| >   I like to illustrate this by adding HTML to my message,  which  I'll
| >   do now .
| >
| >   But  most  of the HTML you see in email is utterly unreadable by the
| >   typical human.  We can expect that most  MusicXML  will  be  similar
| >   computer gibberish.  Neither could be remotely called "plain" text.
| >
| >   Of course, it's easy to find ABC that's nearly as unreadable.
| >
| >   (Maybe  we  should  refer  ABC newbies to Jack Campin for lessons in
| >   making readable ABC.  ;-)
| >
| >   I hope the list server doesn't strip out this HTML ...
| >
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

   Neil Jennings writes:
  MusicXML is plain text, just as all the markup languages are, but that
  doesn't mean you don't have to decode it.
  Can you decode even simple HTML by just reading it?.
  MusicXML needs to be read along with the DTD.

   Well, yes, that's technically true.   HTML  was  intended  to  be  a
   simple, unobtrusive markup that wouldn't interfere with readability.
   I like to illustrate this by adding HTML to my message,  which  I'll
   do now .

   But  most  of the HTML you see in email is utterly unreadable by the
   typical human.  We can expect that most  MusicXML  will  be  similar
   computer gibberish.  Neither could be remotely called "plain" text.

   Of course, it's easy to find ABC that's nearly as unreadable.

   (Maybe  we  should  refer  ABC newbies to Jack Campin for lessons in
   making readable ABC.  ;-)

   I hope the list server doesn't strip out this HTML ...

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

P J Headford comments:
| Just a reminder ...
| ABC is not just a computer thing.
| I know quite a few musicians who can play you the tune from the ABC
| notation.

This is worth repeating periodically as a reminder of  one  of  ABC's
main  features.  One example from last year: I got email from someone
saying that their daughter wanted to  learn  a  tune  for  a  musical
contest,  and  it was available online, but they were having problems
getting software to convert it to readable music.  I recommended that
she  learn  to read the ABC directly, and sent a brief description of
how ABC works.  A day or so later, I got another message saying  that
she had learned the tune from the ABC and was busy practicing.

One of the benefits of any plain-text data format is that  you  don't
necessarily  need  any  fancy tools to read it.  Plain text does work
against the fancy formatting, fonts, etc.  that you can get with more
complex  tools.  But if you just want the information, plain text can
be a lot better than the fancier formats.

Of course, there's a lot of ABC that's poorly formatted and difficult
to read, justasreadingruntogetherEnglishtextwouldbe. But that's not a
problem with ABC itself.

| Also, when I'm in a session and someone plays a tune I'd like to remember,
| I can simply note down the first few bars in ABC more quickly (and more
| legibly) in ABC than stave notation.

If you look up Chris Walshaw's story on how he invented  ABC,  you'll
see that this was exactly where he started.  He was familiar with TeX
and MusicTeX, and it occurred to him that a simple  translator  could
turn  his  alphabetic  notation  into music notation.  The result was
abc2mtex.  But the original form of ABC was handwritten music.

| >From what is being said on the list, I gather MusicXML would not have this
| interface to the real world.

MusicXML is intended as a computer-friendly music notation.  It's not
at  all  a replacement or competitor for ABC.  The advent of powerful
"word  processor"  software  hasn't  eliminated  the  usefulness   of
plain-text  documents,  and  it's likely that ABC will continue to be
used despite all the powerful music software that's being developed.

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Re: [abcusers] Re: ABC 1.x continuations

Steven Bennett writes:
| It was an outrageous example on purpose.  It's *definitely* not legal ABC
| 2.0, but the definition I was hearing implied that it would be legal ABC
| 1.*.  Which I didn't think it *ought* to be.  Which is why I offered my own
| definition of what the actual 1.* behavior ought to be.
| That said, the following is perfectly legal in ABC 2.0, by the definition
| currently in the August draft spec:
| X:1
| T:some made up tune
| M:4/4
| K:Dminor
| abcd|efga|[K:\
| G][M:3/4]def|gab|
| It's just not legal in ABC 1.*.  IMHO.

Well, I'd agree that it's legal ABC 2.0, but I'd also claim  that  it
should  work under the earlier standards.  I don't see any reasonable
way that a parser would classify the last line as anything other than
"music",  which  is  the same type as the continued line.  It's not a
"header" line, because it doesn't have a ':' in column 2.  It doesn't
start with '%'.  What else could it be except music?

I really liked the perverse example with the w: lines that were to be
continued  on  the *second* subsequent w: lines.  That one would make
just about any programmer run screaming from the room.

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Re: [abcusers] Optional breath mark?

I. Oppenheim writes:
| On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
| > but is it possible to create an optional breath mark? (') ... paren's
| > around it?
| Unfortunately, this seems not to be possible with
| standard ABC. Either you could write some Postscript to
| define your own special symbol, or you could use a
| different symbol instead, like +plus+ to designate
| optional breaths.

Well, what I've done in the few cases that I want this is to  "abuse"
the  chord  notation.   Here's  a  somewhat  weird  test "tune" in my
abc-test collection, that uses both chord and ! notation, and  should
maybe be upgraded to use the + notation:

X: 1
T: TEST: Breath mark
N: Done by "abusing" the chord notation.
%%staffwidth 300
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: C
[| CDE "(,)"yFGA ","yBc2 | "//"ycBA "(')"yGFE "'"yDC2 |]
[| CDE !(,)!yFGA !,!yBc2 | !//!ycBA !(')!yGFE !'!yDC2 |]

I've tested this with the original abc2ps and  my  (jcabc2ps)  clone,
and the first staff produces exactly what I'd expect. The abc2ps that
I have doesn't understand the ! notation.

The real problem with abusing the chord notation like  this  is  that
you  can't  do  that  and also use chords.  But for a breath mark, it
probably doesn't matter, because with breath marks you  usually  want
the  small  space  that  the  y  pseudo-rest  gives, and this doesn't
interfere with attaching a chord to the following note.  And I  think
that  I  should  replace y with y/ throughout, because the space is a
bit wider than it needs to be.

(I wonder how many abc tools understand the x and y "rests"?)

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Re: [abcusers] smaller notes among others

Kristian Nørgaard asked:
| Is it possible to write a part of the melody with smaller notes than
| then rest.
| This is often used when you want to show a short melodyline, which isn't
| part of the main melodi.
| It should show up in the same staff as the rest.

I think this has  been  asked  before,  but  it  hasn't  led  to  any
discussions  that  I  know  of.   Current abc doesn't have any way to
express this.  Sorry.

I did get into a short and inconclusive discussion of this with a few
people  some  time ago.  It actually started from a complain that the
grace note notation (as in {cde}F) doesn't allow  for  note  lengths.
Some kinds of music do allow such ornaments to have lengths.  Look at
modern editions of Baroque music for lots of examples.

What I suggested was an approach to this and the need others  (mostly
those  Baroque  musicians  again  ;-) for note heads of more than two
sizes.  My suggestion was to allow a digit to follow the opening { in
ornaments that give the note size. There is probably no need for this
size to be more than one digit. In fact, restricting it to a range of
1-3 is probably more than sufficient.  Maybe we could also allow 0 to
mean the current lengthless grace notes.  This digit isn't  legal  in
current abc syntax, so it shouldn't break anything.

The idea was that you could then write {1C2DE F3G}AB and the C2DE F3G
notes  would  follow the rules for ordinary notes, but would be drawn
with very small notes.  To get the Baroque-style measured  ornaments,
you  could  write something like |{2d3c}c6 d2|, for example.  The d3c
notes would be drawn larger than grace  notes,  and  would  have  the
correct  lengths,  though  of  course they would take away from the 6
counts of the "real" c6 note.

And, of course, one of the reactions of most other musicians would be
that  this is idiotic notation which nobody in their right mind would
ever even want to use.  But the Baroque crowd would be happy.

(Actually, I've played a lot of Baroque music,  and  I'm  comfortable
with this notation. On the other hand, I do somewhat doubt the sanity
of the people who invented. But who am I to say whether it's right or
wrong or to judge people like Bach or Vivaldi?  ;-)

In any case, I've seen little evidence that this is a  burning  issue
in the abc user community.  But it would be really useful for writing
out cue notes.  Those can be very helpful in orchestral parts. I'd be
interested in other suggestions for notation.

(And I'm well aware of the horrors that have resulted from the 
tag in HTML.  Maybe it would be better to just look the other way and
pretend we didn't hear anyone mention such things ...)

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[abcusers] Continuation rule [Was: ABC 2.0 draft]

Manuel Reiter writes;
| Maybe someone could state shortly why distinguishing between 'music'
| and 'other' lines for continuation is a bad idea?

Basically, it because we've seen something that has  been  discovered
by  users  of  numerous  programming languages where the same sort of
"continued on next line of same type"  scheme  was  attempted.   It's
quite  difficult,  if  not  impossible, to define "same type" so that
programmers will all implement it the same. This approach can work if
you permit only a single implementation. But abc is like other public
standards, in that we are trying to encourage development of a lot of
software  by  a  lot  of  people.  In such cases, you end up with the
situation we have in abc now: Different programmers  interpret  "same
type"  differently,  and taken singly, all their interpretations turn
out to look very reasonable.  The result is that your code (or tunes)
don't work right with a lot of the software.

In such cases, the history of programming languages shows that there
is only one continuation scheme that will be implemented the same by
all programmers, and that is the "continued on next line" rule. This
is sufficiently clear that it can actually work.

Interestingly, even a rule like "A backslash at the  end  of  a  line
means  ``continued  on next line'' is still ambiguous and can lead to
incompatible   implementations.Other   equallysimple-sounding
statements turn out to be just as ambiguous. If you don't immediately
see the ambiguity, you might try thinking about it.  There was a nice
(and funny) illustration here a day or so back.  I'll let others post
the own favorite examples.

This is, of course, a bit of a disappointment.   "Continued  on  next
line  of  the  same  type"  sounds  like a really neat idea.  But our
experience so far with abc, as with programming  languages,  is  that
this rule mostly just makes any use of continuations nonportable.  If
you want your music usable only with one or  two  software  packages,
you  can do some nice things with such a rule.  But if you want to be
able to email your tunes to other people, or download  others'  music
from the Net, such a rule leads to a lot of confusion.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and Jazz notation

Giovanni Ferro Luzzi writes:
| I am quite a new user of ABC, and would like to ask if it is
| possible to use jazz notation for chords symbols (with no notes),
| as follows:
| A7 Edim7 G-7   D alt.
| __
| __
| __
| __
| __
| so that the chords appear in boldface above the staff (or in the
| middle of it), but nothing else in the staff.

Chords have to be attached to notes or rests, but a lot  of
abc  software  has  long  accepted 'x' as a rest ('z') that
isn't drawn.  This is  useful  for  producing  uncluttered,
blank staff space. It also works with some abc software for
what you want.  I tried the following "tune"  with  abc2ps,
and it worked fine:

X: 1
T: TEST: Chords Only
K: C
| "Dm"x2 "Gm"x2 | "A7"x2 "Dm"x2 |

This gave me a staff with the chords  evenly  spaced  above
the  staff,  but  nothing on the staff except the three bar

I don't know how many other abc programs will accept this.

Many programs, including abc2ps and its  clones,  also  use
'y'  for  an invisible spacer that is like a rest but isn't
played.  That is, to a music formatter like abc2ps, x and y
are synonyms. They give a horizontal space in the music but
don't draw anything. But to a music player like abc2midi, x
would  produce  a gap in the music while y would be totally
ignored.  I tried y's in the above example,  too,  and  the
output was identical.

I should run a test like this through abc2midi, and see  if
I get an accompaniment track out of it.

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Re: [abcusers] quarter tones (non-12 tone music)

Jeff Senn sez:
| On Jan 21, 2004, at 6:16 PM, Phil Taylor wrote:
| > Not that I think that a particularly useful approach, since as
| > Jack says, musicians who use these pitches don't think of them
| > as fractional;  we really should not adopt something which is
| > totally at odds with existing musical practice.
| I'm not sure how it is at odds with practice -- since no one
| traditionally practices playing music by looking at the ABC notation
| :-)
| D-Bayati (has a slightly lower E-half-flat and a B-flat)
| K:C _6/10E _B
| True. Not pretty, but someone must define the tone if it will ever
| be rendered to MIDI.

True.  And it's probably worthwhile to point out again that
there  is  a  big  difference here between music formatters
that only need to produce readable music on the  screen  or
paper,  and  music players that need to produce MIDI or WAV
or MP3 or some other sound file for listening.   Formatters
don't need to understand intonation; players do.

It is interesting that Middle-Eastern musicians, with their
tonally  complex  music,  have  been  able to adopt Western
music notation fairly successfully.  But  this  is  because
information about the scale can be encoded in a word at the
top ("bayati", "hijaz", etc.) that tells the musicians  the
scale being used.

As Jack hinted, this is partly because the scales  have  at
most  7 distinct notes in an octave, with the qualification
that there are a lot of scales like the Western minor  that
have ascending and descending forms. So you can state a key
signature at the start, name a scale to get fine tuning  of
the  notes, and use accidentals to get the other variant of
the scale if there is one.  Western notation is even a  bit
overly precise, since it has three accidentals, and any one
note rarely needs more than two in a given piece of music.

But this only works for reading the music notation, and has
the  requirement that the reader understand the fine points
of the scales. Aside from naming the scale, the fine tuning
isn't represented at all.

This makes life very easy if you're writing readable  music
notation.   If  you're trying to produce a sound file, life
isn't easy at all. What you really need is for the software
to  recognize that scale name at the top, and fine-tune the
notes appropriately.  This is going to take some work.

Probably the most practical approach here is to talk  about
using  the  scale  name the same way that a musician would.
That "bayati" could be looked up in  a  library  of  scales
that  gives  the  intonation  of  the notes relative to the
tonic. The key-sig stuff would then be only for drawing the
music  on screen or paper; an abc player would use the name

One problem that I see with the above example is that the K
line gives C as the tonic.  It really should be K:D...  The
notation has been suggested:

K:D_E_B "bayati"

This would mean a tonic of D, a key signature of _E_B,  and
the  "bayati" intonation or scale.  A music formatter would
draw the _E_B signature and ignore the scale name, while  a
music player would ignore the _E_B keysig stuff and look up
the scale name to tune each note.  This is similar to  how,
if  you  tell  a  musician  "D  major",  you don't list the
accidentals, because that will be obvious.

How to deal with other accidentals within such a  scale,  I
don't know. Again, a formatter only has to draw them. But a
music player has to somehow figure out the intonation.

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Re: [abcusers] quarter tones (non-12 tone music)

| Jeff Senn wrote:
| >
| > I'm a newcomer here.  Has the issue of non-12 tone music come up here
| > before?
| > I recently snagged a copy of John Chambers's jcabc2ps so I could print
| > some
| > tunes and modified it for my purposes.  The 'quick hack' I used was to
| > use "^/" and "_/" to represent half-sharps and flats -- thinking that
| > later
| > a real fraction can be used to do more-than-24 tone music.  e.g. "^3/48"

Hi, Jeff.  I just checked the jcabc2ps with your hacks into
the  sourceforge CVS repository.  I added a few simple test
files in  the  jcabc2ps/abc  directory  to  exercise  these
accidentals, and it all seems to work fine.

I also googled around a bit for the  notation  that  people
use  for  quarter-tone accidentals.  I did find a number of
other symbols.  The symbols now in jcabc2ps do seem  to  be
the most common, according to google, but that doesn't mean

I have wondered about another hack to allow for reading  in
a PS routine for an accidental.  The PS routines are really
just boilerplate, hard-coded into the C (syms.c)  now.   It
doesn't  seem like it would be too difficult to add a table
of the modifiable symbols, document their names, and add an
option  to read them in from a file.  This would let people
use  different  forms  of  at  least  some  symbols.The
definition  would  probably  need to include the height and
width of an ornament, so the code would know how much space
to give it.

But I haven't tried it yet.  It does seem like it would mean
a bit of surgery on the output routines.

Pieter writes:
| I was considering exactly the same: Just hack the half-sharps and half-flats
| in there. At the moment I'm trying to compile LilyPond, which has all the
| microtonal stuff already in there. but I'm glad all the ABC-programs
| are so easy to compile :-)...
| Think I like your syntax: using a forward slash to divide the sharps and flats.

This does  seem  like  a  possibly  desirable  use  of  the
substitution-type  "macro".   I've  seen microtone notation
that uses an assortment of symbols.  If we allowed notation
like  ^3/24, people might not always want to type all that.
If you could define, say, P to be ^3/24, then you could use
P  for  that  sharp.   But  I'm  not  sure if current macro
expanders will allow for redefining accidentals this way.

I'd thought I understood how the term "macro" was  used  in
the  computing  biz.  But past discussions of the term here
have rapidly left me totally baffled. So I haven't tried to
implement  anything.   I know that the term is used in some
recent (Microsoft?) software in  some  sense  that's  quite
other  than  how  programmers use it, and that might be the
source of the confusion.

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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps questions

Bernard Hill writes:
| Much music in the UK is printed on B4 paper, or close to it...
| I don't think there should be any standard for paper size - you should
| be allowed to specify your own.

Good idea in general.  For example, I've  been  contacted  by  a  few
people  involved  in  such things as marching bands and other similar
music.  These typically use  a  small  music-holder  "lyre"  on  many
instrument. There is a bit of variability in the paper size, but it's
much smaller than the usual A4 and letter pages, for obvious reasons.
I  don't  have  any  on  hand,  but  I think in the US it's about 6x4
inches, which would be 15x10 cm. And, since the music is fairly close
to the face, it can be smaller than for most other printed music. The
ability to specify both page size and  scaling  (as  abc2ps  and  its
clones do) is quite valuable for such uses.

Here in New England there are a number of groups who do Revolutionary
War reenactment groups who use this music format.  Further south, you
see the same thing at Civil War reenactments.  My  wife  and  I  have
played for both on various occasions.  She likes to tell people about
ancestors who fought in both wars and on on both sides. (They weren't
the same ancestors in both wars, of course.)

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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps questions

Jon Freeman writes:
| From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Actually, if you look at music  published  in  the  US,  you'll  have
| > trouble  finding any that is printed on the 8.5x11-inch "letter" size
| > paper. Music is usually printed on larger pages. The most common size
| > is  9x12  inches, but there are many other sizes.  It's impossible to
| > make a shelf of printed music look neat  and  orderly.   There  is  a
| > common  conspiracy  theory  that  this  done to make it difficult for
| > people to copy the music.  But these sizes long predate the advent of
| > copiers, so that theory doesn't really explain the mess.
| OK, so I've not long back changed folkinfo to at least enable those who
| premit cookies to select a preference between letter and A4 for printing pdf
| files from the site. Should I also consider allowing 9 x 12 as a paper size
| or is that pretty much reserved for publications?  I only know the UK
| situation where you would expect everyone to have A4 for thier printer.

Here in the US, most people have only "letter" 8.5x11-inch  paper  at
home,  because  that's  mostly  what  is sold in retail office-supply
stores.  All the small copiers that I've ever seen will accept larger
paper, but you have to special-order 9x12 paper.

The most practical approach for software would be to  give  people  a
choice  of  at  least A4 and "US letter" pages, and have some way for
the software to remember this.  Even better would be  to  let  people
give the actual size of the paper in both cm and inches, with the two
common sizes selectable by a button or an "A4/letter" option of  some

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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps questions

Chris Myers comments:
| Ah, so this is what it has come down to now:  US Bashing.
| OK, I can take it, but I did caveat my previous posting with the following 
| "(I do realize that many of "us" are not in the US, so this may be pure ignorance 
here as well)."
| > So, Guido - why are you compiling with A4 instead of US letter?
| > Don't most people print sheet music using standard 8 1/2 x 11 inch
| Typically an American question 
| I'm glad I'm not "most people" ;-)

Actually, if you look at music  published  in  the  US,  you'll  have
trouble  finding any that is printed on the 8.5x11-inch "letter" size
paper. Music is usually printed on larger pages. The most common size
is  9x12  inches, but there are many other sizes.  It's impossible to
make a shelf of printed music look neat  and  orderly.   There  is  a
common  conspiracy  theory  that  this  done to make it difficult for
people to copy the music.  But these sizes long predate the advent of
copiers, so that theory doesn't really explain the mess.

It's really just part of a general contempt in the US  for  standards
of any sort.  It's not just American industry. The general population
considers the topic of less than zero interest, while the  government
produces  so  many "standards" that they can't keep track of them.  I
read a funny article a few years ago  about  US  government  document
standards.   The writer described finding over 180 different official
standard paper sizes for different kinds of documents.  And this  was
just  the  federal government; each state has its own set of standard
paper sizes.

Most Americans couldn't give you a coherent definition  of  the  term
"standard",  although it does have fairly precise legal meaning.  The
"letter" paper size is called "standard" mostly  because  the  office
supply  retailers  setled on it as the main size that they sell.  But
this wasn't done under the auspices of any sort of standards  agency;
it  was  more  of a mob action that finally settled on a direction by
milling about without a leader for a century or so.

One of my favorite examples is the fact that the Internet is based on
standards  that  were  developed  mostly  by Americans.  What are the
published Internet standards called?  They are  called  "RFC",  which
stands  for  "Request  For  Comment".   In  American circles, this is
considered a reasonable title for a legal standards document.

There was a cute rant floating around a  couple  of  years  back,  in
response  to  the  idea that the Sept 11 attack was led by a bunch of
crazies. The gist of it was "You think you're crazy?  Let me tell you
what crazy is ...", followed by a list of things considered normal by
most Americans.  It included such things as  "We  sell  hot  dogs  in
packages  of  10  and hot dog buns in packages of 8." And the eternal
favorite "We drive  our  cars  on  parkways  and  park  our  cars  on
driveways."  The  conclusion was that when it comes to crazy, no mere
terrorist can come close to the way that  normal  Americans  organize
the things around them.

When talking about standards, nobody should ever allow an American to
say a word.  ;-)

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[no subject]

Subject: Re: [abcusers] Looking for a Tune

Randall J Elzinga writes:
| I'm looking for an abc version of the accordion "classic", "Beer Barrel Polka".
| Can anybody help me out?

Here's a version:

X: 3
T: Beer Barrel Polka
M: C|
Z: Transcribed to abc by Mary Lou Knack
K: Bb
F=E| "Bb"F2 D4 F=E| F2 D4 F=E| F2B2 c3B| "F7"B2 A4 A_A| \
 A2B2 c2B2| B2 A4 AB| A2 G4 GA| "Bb"G2 F4 F=E|
 "Bb"F2 D4 F=E| F2 D4 F=E| F2B2 c2B2| "F7"B2 A6| \
 c3c c3B| B2 A4 G2| F2_G2 =G2A2| "Bb"B2=E2 F2_G2|]
"F7"G4 _G2=G2| G2E2 D2C2| G8-| G2D2 E2=E2| \
"Bb"F4 =E2F2-| F2D2 C2B,2| F8-| F2B2 c2B2|
"F7"A6 c2| G6 F2| A8-| A2B2 c2B2| \
A4 c4 |1 G4 ^F4| "Bb"F8-| F2=E2 F2_G2 :|2 "F7"G4 A4| "Bb"B8-| B2B2 c2d2|]
"Eb"e4 c4|B4 G4| E4 C4| B,4 G,4| B8| B6 =A2| B2 c6-| c8|
"Eb"B2 c4 B2| c2 B4 =A2| "Bb7"A8-| A8| c8| c6 =B2| c2 d6-| d8|
"Bb7"c2 d4 c2| d2 c4 =B2| "Eb"B8-| B2G2 A2=A2| B8| B6 =A2| B2 c6-| c8|
"Eb7"B2 c4 B2| c2 B4 E2| "Ab"c8-| "C7"c8| \
"Gm"F2G2 A2B2| "Bb7"d6 c2| "Eb"c2 B6-| B4 =A2B2|\
"F7"c8| "Bb7"d8| "Eb"e3c B2G2| E2 z4|]

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[no subject]

Subject: Re: [abcusers] [CEG]4
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean-Francois Moine wrote:
| On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 11:04:22 +0100, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Atte_Andr=E9_Jensen?=
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >I discovered that abcm2ps accepts both "[CEG]4", "[C4E4G4]" and "[C4EG]"
| >and in each case does exactly what I would expect. But now I'm wondering
| >how standard these variations are? Both in terms of the Real ABC
| >Standard and in terms of how many programs handles this...
| In the proposed ABC standard version 2.0
| you may find:
|Some packages allow chords with notes of different lengths.
| ...
|When both inside and outside the chord length modifiers are used, they
|should be multiplied. I.e. [C2E2G2]3 has the same meaning as [CEG]6.
| I don't know which programs handle this.

I decided to check to see whether my abc2ps clone (jcabc2ps)  handles
all  the  cases,  and found a couple of bugs.  I've fixed them, and a
test case can be seen at:

If anyone wants the source, it's at:

I've gotta take another look at merging my stuff with  abcm2ps.   But
all  too  often,  playing tunes is higher priority.  And there's that
silly job that they're paying me money to do.

Gotta get back to work now ...

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Re: [abcusers] Bar Lengths

Richard Robinson writes:
| On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 09:26:40PM -, Phil Headford wrote:
| > I may have missed this from an earlier discussion; apologies if so.
| > Real, working musicians in bands need to be able to choose (often in a matter of 
seconds) a tune to go with the next dance.
| > With a repertoire of hundreds (or a thousand or two) of tunes, the characteristics 
of each tune or set are not always easy to bring to mind.
| > So, many of us have little 5 or 6 page lists, which give some of our favourite 
tunes aranged by the following criteria:
| >
| > Tune type (polka, jig, reel, etc)
| > Key (and modulations)
| > Bar length
| >
| > So which field in ABC do I use for bar structure? I have been putting this info 
into a J: header field - eg 32=8*2+8+8 for Galopede, 40=8*2+12*2 for Herbert Smith's 
| > 40=8*2+8+8*2 for Waterloo Dance. Some might think this academic, but for practical 
musicians, it's the second thing you want to know about a tune.
| It's a good question. I've wished, several times, that I'd done such a
| thing from the start. And maybe one day I'll get round to it, but in the
| meantime I've occasionally cheated, with things like "R:32-bar Jig";
| which is better than nothing, but not the Right Way.

I've often thought of this, too. It does seem like these two could be
combined in a form like:
  R: Jig 32=8*2+8+8
This  would  have  the  advantage  that programs looking only for the
basic rhythm's name would find it where they expect it, and  programs
wanting  more details could look at the rest and try to make sense of

OTOH, the modifier first makes more sense in English and  many  other
languages.  Thus, I have a number of tunes with rhythms like:
  R: Boda-polska

I like to include the hyphen to separate the modifier  off  from  the
basic rhythm, though Swedes would of course not use the hyphen.

In any case, I'd also have the criticism that I often  want  to  know
more  about the internal rhythm of measures, so I can find tunes that
truly match.  Thus, single and double  jigs  often  don't  work  well
together,  for the same reason that marches and reels don't work well
together.  I have a "strathspey" directory that includes  tunes  used
under  that  name  at  Scottish dances, but it's a jumbled mixture of
true strathspeys with shottishes and airs.  They come from a  lot  of
sources,  and the borderlines are fuzzy, making it difficult to label
them so that you can select just one kind of tune.

I'd imagine that most rhythmic terms in most musical styles have  the
same sort of problem.  I don't know how to handle it well.

 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] Keyboard layout

Jack Campin writes:
| > Meanwhile, for most tunes I can type abc nearly as fast  as
| > I can play it. It's seems unlikely that any clever keyboard
| > mapping could do much better.  Having the notes all on  the
| > left hand is probably much of this.
| I'd never thought about that.  For me that makes it more difficult -
| while I'm right-handed, I use the mouse left-handed, as many people
| do who started using mice before the IBM PC versions came along.
| My first was the bitpad on the ICL/Three Rivers Perq; all of us in
| the project had our bitpads on the left except for the left-hander,
| and nobody wanted to borrow his machine.  And the early publicity
| material for the Mac always showed the mouse being used left-handed.

It has always seemed to me that musicians should react  the
other  way.   After  all,  right-handers  who play stringed
instruments always seem to want to use their left hand  for
the fingerboard. And if you're a keyboard player, I'd think
you would of necessity be fairly ambidextrous.

I usually put a mouse on whichever side is most convenient.
I find that switching sides with the mouse doesn't take any
thought; I just do it.  This seems to  surprise  a  lot  of
people  when they notice it.  But I'd think that a keyboard
player would just react by asking "What sort  of  keyboards
do you play?"

| What would help for me would be mapping the numeric keypad (at the
| right) to note letters.  I never use the keypad otherwise, and it
| would free up my left hand to stay on the mouse.

That sounds like a good idea.  In fact, a clever abc editor
might have an option to keep track of the tonic from the K:
lines, and map 1-7 to notes in the obvious way. You'd use 0
for  a  rest.   Maybe you could use the + and - keys on the
keypad to do octave shifts.  Actually,  you  want  lengths,
too. So maybe you could use the shift key to select between
1-7 meaning notes and lengths.  Then,  with  the  left-hand
shift  key, you could enter notes and lengths entirely with
the right hand.  You'd still need to move your hand for bar
lines, I suppose.

It might be worth experimenting with.

 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] Multivoice in ABC 2.0

Jack Campin writes:
| > There's nowhere in the tune body where you can place a single
| > field and have it apply to all voices.
| There is nowhere in any ABC spec that explicitly allows that yet,
| but it is common for medleys to be made up of tunes by different
| composers or from different sources, so the informational fields
| should be permitted within a tune body as applying to all voices.
| (Having different voices by different composers is possible, as
| in some mediaeval music, but much less common).

Hmmm ...  I have a fair number  of  examples  of  this  in  my  music
binders.   It's especially common in my trad Scandinavian collection.
This style has a lot of harmonies, but there seems to be an idea that
harmony lines are supposed to be improvised. Writing down the tune is
desirable; you want tunes to be fairly stable so that people can play
a  tune  together.   But  writing  down  a  harmony  line seems to be
something that is mostly for the benefit of newcomers to  the  music,
to help them learn how to do harmonies.

Anyway, it's not unusual to see  pages  with  a  melody  line  and  a
harmony  line,  each  with someone's name attached.  We don't seem to
have a way for abc to express this cleanly.

(I've also seen a few  with  multiple  harmony  lines,  each  with  a
different "composer" name. One problem this can cause is that newbies
often think it's music for N voices.  So they play all the  harmonies
together, and wonder why it sounds so bizarre.  ;-)

I'd think that the most obvious way would be for a C:  line inside  a
part  to  apply  to  only  that  part.  We already have a distinction
between P: lines in the header and P:  lines in the music; this would
just add the same distinction to C:  (and maybe O:) lines.

This wouldn't really qualify as an extension of the abc syntax;  it's
more of a semantic point.

We could make a similar point with lyrics,  since  it's  not  at  all
unusual for different verses to come from different sources.

In general, abc's scoping rules are a bit vague.  But then,  this  is
also true for staff notation.

 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] Keyboard layout

Norman Schmidt writes:
| You certainly are not the only person who enters abc textwise!
| After some experience with an excellent music program (Lime) that maps
| the keyboard somewhat like you mention, I switched back to text entry
| because it's faster for me.  All the notes are under my left hand
| leaving the
| right hand free to manipulate the partition or mouse.

I was wondering if someone else would make a  comment  like
this. I've played around a bit with a tcl/tk tool to handle
abc, and one of the thing that I experimented  with  a  bit
was  alternate  keyboard mappings.  I eventually decided it
wasn't worth the bother, for pretty much the same reasons.

One funny disappointment here: I play a chromatic accorion.
You'd  think  it  would  map  very easily to the typewriter
keyboard. But it didn't.  The problem was that the angle of
the  diagonals are wrong.  I couldn't find any position for
my hand relative to the keyboard that actually worked.  The
angle of the diagonals are just wrong for this use.

Combined with the difficulty of figuring out  how  to  deal
with  the  non-note  parts (bar lines, slurs, chords, ...),
this was enough to give  it  up  as  an  idea  waiting  for
someone  with  some  brilliantly  innovative idea that will
magically make  it  work.   But  I'm  apparently  not  that

One side thought I had was that  the  "universal"  keyboard
just  might work.  This would really only need two rows for
the notes, and you could use the top and bottom  rows  with
their conventional mapping. Maybe some day, when I have the
spare time, I'll experiment with this.

Meanwhile, for most tunes I can type abc nearly as fast  as
I can play it. It's seems unlikely that any clever keyboard
mapping could do much better.  Having the notes all on  the
left hand is probably much of this. But this is really true
only for plain, monophonic tunes, so maybe something clever
is possible in other cases.

 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] mup

Neil Jennings writes:
| Problem is that the 'independent format' needs to accommodate all
| functionality required from all formats.
| I don't think MusicXML fits the bill yet. It doesn't seem to support some of
| the constructs that I need (unless I have missed something).
| Agree that when we have a 'Universal Music format' then this would be the
| preferred approach.

This is one of the standard problems with "universal"  data  formats.
The  people who design such formats usually seem to miss a lot of the
information that is in other formats, or decide that such information
isn't needed.

The graphics world has  some  good  examples.   Thus,  you  can  find
programs that convert formats like PS, PDF, HTML, and other annotated
formats into GIF or JPEG. The result may look the same on the screen.
But  when you try to do the reverse conversion, you discover that GIF
and  JPEG  really  just  represent  pixels,  and  lack  aany  of  the
structural  information  about  the  picture's  components  (letters,
words, paragraphs, etc.).  So JPEG -> PDF really can't be done at all

We've seen the same sort of thing with music, when people attempt  to
use MIDI as a "universal" format.  But MIDI doesn't need to represent
things like bar lines or meter, because these aren't needed  to  play
the music correctly. So a conversion of MIDI to other notations needs
to guess at where the bar lines go.

One of the problems that I think I've seen in my occasional looks  at
MusicXML  is that it permits the representation of music as a pile of
isolated notes, with no clues as to their structure. If you have this
sort  of  MusicXML, there's no way you can extract things like voices
from it.  This  is  a  traditional  problems  with  a  lot  of  piano
"reductions"  of  music,  of  course, and it would prevent generating
usable abc from the XML.  You could only convert to abc when the  XML
contains the key, meter, and voice information that abc needs. And if
the XML came from MIDI, you might have the voice lines, but you would
probably not have the key, meter and bar-line info.

It's possible that MusicXML could be  used  as  an  intermediary  for
other  music notations.  But the users of those other notations would
have to work out a standard way of converting  to  MusicXML  so  that
none  of  the  original information (key/time signatures, voices, bar
lines, etc.) would be lost.  This is probably a non-trivial task,  as
it  would  take  cooperation of the people developing all other music
packages.  In some cases, it couldn't ever work,  because  the  input
language simply lacks something that the output language requires.

 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] mup

Dave Holland writes:
| On Mon, Oct 13, 2003 at 01:03:23PM +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
| > Would be nice to start working on a commandline tool that can take many
| > types of music notation formats as input and produces any other of these
| > formats as output.
| I think it would be more use to have a program for each format that
| would convert files of that format to and from an independent format
| such as MusicXML. That way, when a new notation program is released
| (with its own new format!) you just have to produce an appropriate
| MusicXML converter and all the existing files become available.
| Cheers,
| Dave
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 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] Clarification wanted on abc draft standard 2.0 (fwd)

Richard Robinson writes:
| On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 03:11:33PM +, John Chambers wrote:
| >
| > In general, it seems that rests should almost always  be  treated  as
| > notes.   The only way they're different is that a rest doesn't have a
| > pitch.
| And is tricky to play staccato ?

Well, you could make the rest very short,  and  immediately
play  another note.  Or, if you're a John Cage fan, you can
play a shole string  of  staccatto  rests,  but  slur  them
together into one long rest.


(Sorry it took so long to reply.  I've been on the road for
a week. Now I'm in Mammoth Lakes, California, where there's
one of the few motels that actually has the Internet access
that  they advertise.  Who knows when I'll be able to reply
to a reply to this reply ...)

 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] Clarification wanted on abc draft standard 2.0 (fwd)

Stephen Kellett comments:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Phil Taylor
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >>a) Symbols can be on notes, rests and bar lines
| >
| >Bad Idea.  This breaks all existing programs which support aligned words,
| >and any existing files which include aligned words and rests.
| Forgive my ignorance, why is this a bad idea? Have I misunderstood the
| spec? I'm writing my parser/player/display program. I've already
| implemented the above and it was not hard to achieve (I can make the
| symbols attach to anything in the markup, pretty much).

I did a quick check through the couple hundred tunes with  lyrics  in
my  collection,  to find cases where matching lyrics with rests would
break the alignment.  I couldn't find any.

I think the reason is that, as is  done  in  most  "fake-book"  style
songbooks,  my files rarely contain any rests within a phrase.  There
are rests at the ends of phrases, but I generally use bar lines there
to  handle the usual problem of tied notes etc.  So the next phrase's
first word is forced to be after a bar line, and any ties  and  rests
before the bar line are skipped.

I'd guess that this is fairly common. It's likely that some abc tools
that handle w:  lines now do align syllables with rests,  but  nobody
has ever noticed.

If  this is true, then making this the official behavior would hardly
break anything. And those songs would already be semi-broken, because
there  hasn't  been an official standard for this and different tools
probably do handle it differently right now.

 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] Clarification wanted on abc draft standard 2.0 (fwd)

Barry Say says:
| > Under what circumstances would you want a word or symbol in the lyrics
| > to align with a rest?
| >
| I have seen this in the case where words are spoken are shouted or
| indications such as (clap) (stamp). Sophisticates  may well use
| percussion notation rather than rests in the melody line, but I have
| seen both. It seems more flexible to allow this rather than forbid. I
| think the question is why should it be forbidden?

Yeah; I have a Finnish/Swedish tune in my collection where there is a
rest and you're supposed to shout "Hej!". I get it on the page now by
"abusing" the chord notation.  It would make more sense to use  a  w:
line, of course. But it would only work if the word could be attached
to a rest.  In this case, the only word in the tune is on a rest.

In general, it seems that rests should almost always  be  treated  as
notes.   The only way they're different is that a rest doesn't have a

 <:#/> John Chambers
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Re: [abcusers] ps viewer on windows?

I. Oppenheim writes:
| On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Jon Freeman wrote:
| > There is a user interface called gsview available for
| > Windows but it just makes life easier.
| GSview is indeed the "official" name of the Ghostview
| package for windows, but in the real world everybody
| still calls it ghostview.

Actually, if you look at,
you'll see that it lists:

   * GSview previewer for Windows, OS/2 & Linux.

So "GSview" is the name they're using for the GUI now
on all three of these platforms.  There is a separate
"MacGSView" for MacOS.

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Re: [abcusers] Uppity typesetting (was: gchordfont and alternate repeats)

Richard Robinson writes:
| On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 06:05:48PM -0400, Ewan A. Macpherson wrote:
| >
| > What I'm getting at is that I don't think an abc typesetting program
| > should be making "corrections" like this. There is a fairly direct
| > correspondance between the notational symbols in the abc file and what
| > shows up on the rendered page. If a user *wants* a double bar they can
| > write it in the abc file, and if they want something else they can
| > specify that, and the typesetter should typeset it as specified.
| This seems to make sense. Well, to me, anyway ... couldn't these symbols
| just be treated literally. ie print dots where you see a ":", a normal
| barline where you see "|" and a thick bar line where you see "]", in any
| combination ? Would this cause any issues. maybe for player programs, if
| people started writing free-form combinations of these ?

This strikes me as a very useful approach.  The original abc2ps did a
bit  of reduction of complex bar lines, but one of its "features" was
that it mostly just drew the symbols that correspond to what's in the
abc, even if it's "wrong".  I've always considered this an advantage.
As an implementer, I've very well aware that my  knowledge  of  music
notation is somewhat limited, and others might want or need something
that's beyond what I've seen. And I was impressed by the fact that it
casually  accepted things like M:21/16 and measures with inconsistent
total lengths, things that a lot of musicians would consider "wrong".
Since  it  didn't  complain, but just drew the music, it could handle
music that  other  software  couldn't.   The  more  literal  a  music
formatter can be, the more powerful it is for its users.

One sort of suggestion I've always liked is that the double bar lines
be drawn a lot more literally. We do sometimes see abc that ends with
things like :|| and :|] rather than the  :|  that  the  1.6  standard
mentions.   I think it would be an improvement if software would draw
these quite literally, with two thin lines for :|| and  a  thin-thick
ending for :|].

Something I did with my jcabc2ps clone was to make it draw  sequences
like |]| and |][| literally. This makes it possible to produce highly
visible phrase boundaries.  Such things may  not  have  much  musical
meaning, but they are really useful if you are dealing with musicians
trying to read the music.

The ::  symbol is somewhat of a special case, since it  really  is  a
sort of abbreviation.

A bare :  is also an interesting case.  I've seen a lot of music that
uses  this,  usually  with  four  dots  between  the staff lines, for
several purposes.  Some older books use just this at the start  of  a
staff  as  a begin-repeat indicator.  (O'Neill and CRE both do this.)
The same symbol is used as a "weak" bar line with no repeat  meaning,
to  split  up long bars and make them more readable.  You see this in
some editions of Renaissance and Baroque music,  where  the  original
had  very long bars, and the editor wanted to split each bar into two
or more.  Such weak bar lines are used to  indicate  bar  lines  that
weren't  in  the original.  Again, it has little musical meaning, but
adds to readability.

We've had the suggestion of .| for this usage, which  is  probably  a
better idea. But just a bare : would match conventional usage closely
(including the ambiguity of whether  it  has  something  to  do  with
repeating something ;-).

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Re: [abcusers] Abcm2Ps Measure Number Font

Don Whitener writes:
| I believe that we may be addressing two different things.  I am referring
| the font for the bar numbers that are set with [%%measurenb], not the
| numbers that are included in the repeated endings.  But that is a good idea
| also...

The original abc2ps has a "barnumberfont" setting, and also a
"barlabelfont".  Try those and see how they work.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC 2.0 avoiding line breaks

John Walsh writes:
| > X:3
| > T:TTLS
| > M:4/4
| > L:1/4
| > K:G
| >GG   dd |\
| > w:Twin-kle twin-kle
| >eed2|\
| > w:lit-tle   star
| > ...
| > and John Chambers replies:
| >
| > X:3
| > T:TTLS
| > M:4/4
| > L:1/4
| > K:G
| >GG   dd |
| > w:Twin-kle twin-kle \
| >eed2|
| > w:lit-tle   star \
| > ...
| Sure, whatever.

Actually, it has occurred to me that there might be a simple solution
that would allow both of these.

The real problem we're facing is:  A lot of people  really  want  the
final  backslash  to  mean  "continue  with the next line of the same
type".  But this discription is sufficiently ambiguous that we end up
with  different  implementers having different understandings of what
such a description means, and implementing it differently.

This problem is fundamentally hopeless, because  musical  terminology
and  understanding  is so varied.  Unless we can come up with a truly
unambiguous definition of "same type" lines, we don't stand a  chance
of making this work consistently. And given the wide differences here
in how people understand musical terms, we just aren't  going  to  do
anything like that.

So if we really want continued lines to skip lines like the above, we
need  a way of saying "continued" not in musical terms, but in purely
lexical terms.  Since we are dealing with whole lines,  we  could  in
fact use a solution like:

   GG   dd |\1
w:Twin-kle twin-kle
w:lit-tle   star

The number at the end is quite simply the number of lines to skip  to
find the continuation. If omitted, the nnumber is zero, meaning don't
skip any lines, continue with the next line.

Actually, there's an obvious error in the above.  It should be:

   GG   dd |\1
w:Twin-kle twin-kle \1
w:lit-tle   star

If you don't continue the first w:  line, the result will be  to  put
two lines of words under the first measure of music. But this is just
a detail.

This would give us a simple solution to the example that started this

% 1 - 4
[V: 1] |:z4  |z4  |f2ec |_ddcc| \4
[V: 2] |:c2BG|AAGc|(F/G/A/B/)c=A|B2AA | \4
[V: 3] |:z4  |f2ec|_ddcf|(B/c/_d/e/)ff| \4
% 5 - 9
[V: 1] cAB2 |cAAA |c3B|G2!fermata!Gz ::e4| \4
[V: 2] AAG2 |AFFF |A3F|=E2!fermata!Ez::c4| \4
[V: 3] (ag/f/e2)|A_ddd|A3B|c2!fermata!cz ::A4| \4
% 10 - 15
[V: 1] f_dec |B2c2|zAGF  |=EFG2  |1F2z2:|2F8|]
[V: 2] ABGA  |G2AA|GF=EF |(GF3/2=E//D//E)|1F2z2:|2F8|]
[V: 3] _dBc>d|e2AF|=EFc_d|c4 |1F2z2:|2F8|]

This is exactly the example proposed, with the addition of \4 to  the
lines that are to be joined with later lines.  We might note that the
[V:...] lines in the continuations are redundant, but they help  make
the abc more readable, so they are a good idea.

What do people think of this modest proposal? It would make this sort
of  disconnected continuation possible, and would enable readable abc
like the above.  The only problem is that implementers are likely  to
let  out  a  big  groan.  But it's probably no worse than the current
kinds of disconnected continuations that have been implemented;  it's
just  less  prone  to  misimplementation.   In any case, disconnected
continuations like this require that  the  software  buffer  all  the
intermingled lines until the entire set is complete.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC 2.0 avoiding line breaks

John Walsh writes:
|   For another example, consider
| X:3
| M:4/4
| L:1/4
| K:G
|GG   dd |\
| W:Twin-kle twin-kle
| W:lit-tle   star

Well, I dunno; I think it would make a lot more sense if you wrote it

   GG   dd |
w:Twin-kle twin-kle \
w:lit-tle   star \

After all, the line of music and the  line  of  notes  really  do  go
together,  so  it's  the  pair that you are continuing.  The \ really
should go at the end of the thing that's being continued, not in  the

Of course, what would really happen is that some  implementers  would
do  it  one way; others would do it the other, and still others would
find a third way that makes more sense to them.  That's  the  way  we
musicians do things, y'know.

(And I corrected the W: to w: since that's obviously what was meant.)

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[abcusers] Where's Chris Walshaw's page? seems to have vanished.

For that matter, doesn't
seem to exist, though does.

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Re: [abcusers] ties over alternate endings

Christopher Myers comments:
| I posted this before, but it looks like it got lost, and I was reminded of it by 
recent posts.
| It looks as if there is a bug in (at least) abcm2ps regarding ties across alternate 
ending repeats.
| Given the following abc:
| X:1
| T:test
| M:2/4
| L:1/8
| K:C
| C-|CDEF|GABc-|cBAG|[1 CDEC-:|[2 CDEC|]
| The ps output created by abcm2ps ties the C at the end of the first ending to the C 
in the beginning of the second ending, which we know is incorrect.  The tie should end 
abruptly (a half-tie?) just beneath the repeat sign.
| Comments?

I tried this with  the  original  abc2ps  and  my  jcabc2ps
clone,   and  both  draw  the  dangling  tie  from  that  C
correctly.  So it's a bug in abcm2ps.

This is easy to understand.  This is the sort of subtle bit
of code that's often broken when you change something else.

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Re: [abcusers] Page break formatting

Richard Robinson writes:
| I really _wish_ the layout/typesetting command could have been marked,
| with, eg "%%abc2ps newpage", in the same way as the original midi ones
| were. It might have at least made issues like this easier to think
| about.

There was the suggestion that all these should be marked as
formatting  things  by  using "%%FMT ...".  This would be a
good  hint  that  other  programs   interested   in   music
formatting might want to implement them. This would also go
along with the abc2ps gimmick of reading global  formatting
info from a *.fmt file.

I wonder if anyone has implemented this?

Some of the abc2ps %% commands don't  properly  fall  under
the "formatting" classification. One is "slurgraces", which
says whether grace notes are  slurred  to  the  next  note.
Another  is "writehistory", which says whether the H header
lines should be shown in the output (but doesn't say how to
show such lines).  But most of abc2ps's %% commands are for
control of formatting.

It would be easy to add this to an abc2ps clone, so that it
accepts the older form without the "FMT". Maybe I should do
it, and convert a lot of my files.  Not that I use %% much;
I  usually use a *.fmt file.  But we could probably do this
very easily to all the clones.  Then, after a few years, we
could  decree  the  FMT-less notation deprecated and try to
discourage its use.

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Re: [abcusers] empty music paper

Martin Tarenskeen writes:
| Despite the computer age and all those wonderfull abc tools, I still use a
| lot of old-fashioned music paper. Today I used abcm2ps to make printable
| empty music paper. With %%scale I can even make big size staves (for my
| very young piano pupils).
| X:1
| M:none
| K:C clef=none
| x
| x
| x
| x
| % and so on. As much as fit on one page
| Of course abcm2ps is giving a lot of "underfull" messages... :-)

I started doing this a few years  ago,  after  too  much  frustration
finding  manuscript  paper with lines black enough to copy.  For some
reason, a lot of printers use grey lines.  Also, it's pretty easy  to
make a set of pages with staves of different sizes and spacing.

What you probably want is lines like:

x8 x8 x8 x8 x8 x8

Use however many it takes to satisfy abcm2ps.  It'll take more  at  a
smaller  scale.  I use this sort of thing occasionally, to fill out a
page with blank staves.  This comes in handy when you're producing an
"edit" copy of some music that you're working on.

| When I have studied the docs about Postscript that some of you recommended
| to me, I will probably not need abc anymore to create empty musicpaper. It
| will probably take very few lines of simple PS code to do this.

Here's one that someone posted a while ago:

%! Adobe Postscript 1.0
/d exch def
/w exch def
exch def
/x exch def
0 1 4
d mul y add x exch moveto w 0
rlineto stroke
} for
} def

100 70 730
/yy exch def
50 yy 495
6 stave
} for

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Re: [abcusers] Re:abcm2ps and 'extras'

Martin Tarenskeen writes:
| It seems that with a little knowledge of Postscript language some nice
| tricks can be done with a program like abcm2ps.
| Can anyone recommend some literature, or online documentation, about the
| Postscript language. A basic introduction or a complete syntax
| description, or something in between ?

The standard teaching textbook is:

Title: PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook
Publisher: Adobe Systems 1985
ISBN: 0-201-10179-3

It's still in print. lists it for $20.99 (US).

You might also check with to see what other
related things they might have.

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Re: [abcusers] Page break formatting

Richard Robinson writes:
| Umm. Somebody's already mentioned the TuneFinder here, haven't they ?
| And it's a point - An app that picks selections of tunes out of an abc
| file would treat the 2 cases differently, no ?
| %%newpage
| X:1
| T:What ?
| K:C
| aaa aaa|]
| and the parser kicks in at the X: and the tune is extracted starting
| with the X:, the %%newpage isn't part of the tune. But
| X:1
| T:What ?
| K:C
| aaa aaa|]
| %%newpage
| and the parser stops on the blank line, the %%newpage is extracted as part
| of the tune. I'm not sure this is desirable behaviour ?

Very good point.  And the Tune Finder does exactly what you
suspect:   It  will  omit the first %%newpage (because it's
outside the tune) and will include the second (becaust it's
inside  the  tune).  A better way to write the second would

T:What ?
aaa aaa|]


However, there's not a lot that can be done to enforce such
suggestions  on other people's web sites.  So a better idea
would be for programs to have options  that  override  such
things.  The abc2ps clones will all recognize and act on %%
lines whether  they're  inside  tunes  or  not.   But  this
particular  %% line will cause grief if it's part of a tune
in a file that has been pasted together from single  tunes.
So you either need a way of ignoring %%newpage, or you must
edit the file before formatting it for printing.

There are so many problems like this that I always edit any
downloaded files before printing them. I just know that the
result isn't going to be something that I like.

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Re: [abcusers] bass clef and transposition

Buddha Buck writes:
| How would you interpret:
| V:1 clef=bass middle=c

Go talk to some of the Early Music crowd.  A few  centuries
ago,  it  was  common to draw the clef symbols at different
positions on the staff.  I don't know  if  that  particular
usage was ever common, but there's no question about how to
draw it.  The bass clef is a (highly-stylized) "F", and the
little  curl  in the center is drawn on the F line.  To get
the above, you'd put that curl slightly lower, so  it's  in
the space.  Then the middle line would represent c (or C).

| or (perversely)
| K:Cmaj clef=bass middle=^c

I love it!

What I'd expect good software to do is give a warning  "The
key of Cmaj doesn't contain ^c; ^ ignored."

If the key does have ^c, then this is merely redundant, and
should be accepted as if there were nothing funny about it.

Maybe we could officially ban accidentals  in  the  middle=
clause.   But  I  wouldnt' bother; it would outlaw harmless
humor like this.

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Re: [abcusers] man

Phil Taylor writes:
| More's the point, how could I have discovered the existence
| of col for myself?  The biggest problem with getting things
| done in Unix seems to be that you keep hitting these barriers
| where you can't figure out the solution and you just have to
| go and ask someone who knows.

This is a long-standing problem in the computer field.   If
you  know  the  name  of something you can usually find out
about it. This means you can easily answer questions of the
form  "I  sure  would like to use the FOO command; I wonder
what it does?"

But if you're like most people,  you  never  find  yourself
asking questions like this.  Mostly, you have a description
of what you'd like to do, in words that make sense to  you,
but  you  don't find anything with the same keywords in any

So you start asking around, until someone  tells  you  "Oh,
you  need the FOO command; it does just what you want." You
never would have guessed that, but you look it up,  and  in
the  middle  of  the  doc you find something that describes
what you want (though in very different words from yours).

You can see this sort of language problem all the  time  in
our  abc  discussions.   Every  musical  style uses its own
jargon,  a  mixture  of  "standard"  musical  terms   (with
slightly   different  meanings  in  different  groups)  and
idiosyncratic terms that musicians in the next  group  over
won't understand.  Figuring out how any particular chunk of
software deals with your  musical  concepts  is  difficult,
because  the software's author(s) used different terms than
you do.

There has been some study of this sort of problem with  the
advent of computer GUIs. Any study quickly proves that most
of the  users  use  only  a  tiny  fraction  of  the  GUI's
capabilities.  The reason is that they don't know about the
other semi-magical things that they could do.   They  don't
suspect  that most of the capabilities even exist, and they
don't know how to ask or what to ask for.  Watching someone
else  doesn't help much, because you usually can't see what
they did with the keyboard or mouse, and you don't see  any
pattern in what changes on the screen. And most of it isn't
documented anywhere.  What documentation exists  is  mostly
incomprehensible to users.

If anyone comes up with a good solution to this problem, it
will be a major advance in documentation.

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