[amsat-bb] W1AW/7 on satellites starting Wednesday (UTC time)

2014-08-22 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Following the schedule for W1AW/x portable activity during 2014, next 
week will start the second of the two weeks W1AW/7 will air from 
Arizona. The first W1AW/7 Arizona satellite activity in March was 
successful (thanks, John K8YSE, for making good use of the K8YSE/7 
station in Arizona that week), and I'm hoping for another successful week
starting at  UTC Wednesday, 27 August (2000 EDT/1700 PDT on 
Tuesday, 26 August).

I will be operating as W1AW/7 on weeknights, and plan on more activity 
during the Labor Day weekend (30 August-1 September) that falls within 
this one-week period. I am working on having additional operators for the 
weekday passes, when I won't be able to get on the radio myself. As with 
any of the W1AW/x activities, ARRL will handle the QSLing. ARRL will 
upload all W1AW/7 logs to Logbook of the World, in addition to the paper 
QSL cards that will be available later.

If you also work other bands and want to work W1AW/7 from Arizona 
next week, the W1AW/7 Arizona activity coordinator, Ned Stearns AA7A, 
has a schedule showing when the other stations operating as W1AW/7 will 
be on - and on what band/mode combinations. This schedule is still being 
assembled, so more slots will be filled in as we get closer to next week.  
You can see that schedule at:


Satellite operating times will not appear on Ned's schedule, as I am 
coordinating that part of the W1AW/7 effort.  I'll use the AMSAT-BB list
and my Twitter @WD9EWK feed (http://twitter.com/WD9EWK ) to send
out updates for the W1AW/7 satellite activity. 

Good luck, and 73!


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Re: [amsat-bb] Wouxun KG-UV8D

2014-07-31 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Hi Craig!

As N8HM mentioned, I have tried the KG-UV8D on SO-50. It will not work
for cross-band, full-duplex operation on this satellite.  Using a group
of memory channels, its receiver is OK for hearing the downlink when
working SO-50 half-duplex, or as a receiver when transmitting with a
second HT (even one of the cheaper Baofeng HTs!). There has been a long
discussion thread about this radio on QRZ.com's satellite forum at:


Like with many Kenwood and Yaesu HTs, you can program a group of memory
channels to work SO-50 half-duplex. Make sure to set up the memories
where the receive/output frequency steps down in 2.5 kHz steps. Otherwise,
there are times, around the point you would change receive frequencies,
where you won't be able to hear the satellite on either frequency when
tuning in 5 kHz steps (i.e., from 436.800 to 436.795 MHz).  All versions
of this radio with firmware at V1.02 or greater tune in 2.5 kHz steps,
so this means you'll end up with twice as many memories for working
SO-50 than with other radios incapable of tuning in steps smaller than
5 kHz.  (To view the firmware version in a KG-UV8D, press and hold the
3 key while turning on the radio)

Beyond SO-50, the KG-UV8D will work OK for V/U cross-band full-duplex
operation, if the 70cm signal you're trying to hear is a lot stronger
than the SO-50 downlink. The receiver is certainly better than the
Alinco DJ-G7T 2m/70cm/23cm HT - another one that was promoted for
cross-band, full-duplex operation a few years ago.  I find myself
grabbing the KG-UV8D more often when I want to have an HT with me,
unless I'm looking to do APRS using a TH-D72A instead.

While at the ARRL Centennial Convention in Hartford a couple of weeks
ago, I did a test with my KG-UV8D and the Fox-1 prototype on display
at the AMSAT booth. The Fox-1 series of satellites (remember 3 have
launches - go AMSAT!) are U/V satellites, the reverse of SO-50.  You
will transmit on 70cm, and receive on 2m.  In this configuration,
and making allowances in an attempt to better simulate working a
Fox-1 satellite in orbit, I was able to work the Fox-1 protoype
full-duplex walking around the main hall and just outside the hall.
I varied my transmit power between high and low, and moved my antenna
around, trying to change how the received signals sounded as I
transmitted.  The Fox-1 prototype used a dummy load as an antenna.
I was able to hear myself without any noticeable desense at either
transmit power level, even when the Fox-1 prototype's downlink
started to sound as weak as SO-50 typically does.  I received good
signal reports from Burns W2BFJ, a member of the Fox software team
at the AMSAT booth who listened to some of my tests.  This gives me
hope that the KG-UV8D - and other radios like the newer versions of
the IC-W32A - might work for cross-band, full-duplex operation with
U/V satellites like the upcoming Fox-1 series, when they don't do
the same for V/U satellites like SO-50.

If you want to discuss this further, and the posts on that QRZ
forum thread didn't answer any other questions you might have about
the radio, please feel free to contact me directly.

Good luck, and 73!


Has anyone tried one of these for portable use ? It has cross band repeater
> and also functions in Full Duplex.
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[amsat-bb] XE3DX trip through central Mexico, this week on SO-50

2014-07-29 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Omar XE1AO sent me a brief message, saying that David XE3DX
will be on a family trip through central Mexico, and plans to work 
SO-50 passes from several grids during the trip this week. The 
tentative list of grids David plans to visit are:

EL00 DL90 DL80 DL91 DL92 DL81 DL82 DL83 DK99 DK89

Omar did not have a schedule showing when David would be on 
from those grids.  As this is a family trip, David may not be able to
work all possible SO-50 passes during this time.  Omar just worked
David earlier this morning from grid EK27, so he hasn't reached 
the area of those grids listed above yet. 

Good luck, and 73!


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[amsat-bb] ARRL Convention - follow-up

2014-07-29 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Even though we were not permitted to record our presentations during
the ARRL Centennial Convention just over a week ago, I was able to 
record the satellite demonstrations done outside the convention center
over those three days.  I had attempted to work SO-50 on Friday (18
July) and Saturday (19 July) afternoon from outside the convention, 
but could not get through during those passes.  AO-7, on the other 
hand, saw more success.  

This video is a combination of the audio from the AO-7 downlink with
photos from the demonstration and AMSAT's presence at the ARRL 
convention.  This pass was on Thursday, 17 July, at 2026 UTC - as
our day-long training seminar wrapped up:


On Saturday (19 July) morning, I was able to have a short contact
with astronaut (and US Navy Commander) Reid Wiseman.  Again, I
did not have a video, but took the audio from the contact and added
a photo slideshow:


The ISS was passing to the southwest of Hartford, in the direction 
where I had the easiest time hearing it.  An earlier pass that went 
across the northern sky was harder, dealing with the tall buildings 
in that direction.  

The last video is an actual video of an AO-7 demonstration later in the
day on Saturday.  The convention had officially closed about 20 minutes
before the start of this video, and there was a nice crowd that stopped 
by to take in the demonstration:


This video shows an example of AO-7's recent behavior, where it will 
switch from mode B to mode A during a pass.  Unfortunately, this switch
took place around the time AO-7 was directly over Hartford.  

All 3 demonstrations, along with the unsuccessful SO-50 demonstrations,
took place on the plaza in front of the Connecticut Convention Center, in
grid FN31ps.  From this location, there was good visibility to the south and
west, and not so much toward the east (looking at the convention center
and its parking garage).  The two AO-7 passes had very high elevation 
as the satellite passed from south to north, and the ISS pass was a high 
pass across the southwestern sky.  

If you want to see what was being presented during the day-long training
seminar, and talked about during the rest of the convention, please visit:


The slideshows from those presentations are available in PowerPoint and
PDF formats.  



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[amsat-bb] some videos from Hartford trip

2014-07-24 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

After being home for a couple of days, I am starting to go through the 
hundreds of photos, some video clips, and audio recordings I 
accumulated from my trip to the ARRL Centennial Convention in Hartford
(and post-convention road trip to Maine) last weekend. We have no videos
or audio recordings from AMSAT's training seminar last Thursday (17
July) or the forums on Friday (18 July) afternoon, due to a Connecticut
state law forbidding the audio or video recording of those events. ARRL
officials read a statement at the start of each forum when introducing 
the forum and presenter, with the reference to that state law. You are 
welcome to download the slideshows used during Thursday's training
seminar (in PDF or PowerPoint formats) from:


I have posted one video of a demonstration from the plaza outside the 
Connecticut Convention Center in downtown Hartford - AO-7 at 2021 
UTC last Saturday (19 July):


During this short video, WD9EWK completed QSOs with 3 stations - 
PV8DX in Brazil, AA1UE in Massachusetts (he also worked me on 
the other AO-7 demo last Thursday, and visited the convention on 
Friday 18 July), and N5JF in Louisiana just before the satellite either
switched off or switched to mode A.  Thanks to Peter Portanova W2JV
for working the camera during this demonstration, which occurred 
just after the end of the convention. 

I have three other videos from the trip.  These are not showing satellite
operating, but are from either takeoffs or landings at airports.  The 
aviation authorities in the USA now permit the use of small electronic 
devices that are in "airplane mode" throughout the flight, and the airline
I flew on (Southwest Airlines) also permits the use of these devices, so 
I used my iPod Touch to make these videos. First, landing at Bradley 
International Airport (BDL) north of Hartford last Wednesday (16 July):


Next, taking off from McCarran International Airport (LAS) in Las Vegas 
last Monday (21 July) afternoon, and looking across the Las Vegas area
as the plane turned toward Phoenix:


Finally, for now, my flight from Las Vegas approaching the Phoenix area, 
touching down at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) about an
hour after leaving Las Vegas, and taxiing to the terminal:


This video shows parts of the north, east, and south sides of the Phoenix 
metropolitan area as the plane approached the airport.  

Other videos will be coming in the next few days - slideshows with audio 
from the other AO-7 demonstration at the convention on 17 July, our ISS 
QSO on 19 July, and some of the passes I worked from grids FN56 and 
FN66 in Maine on 20 July.  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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Re: [amsat-bb] Re; Inclusion

2014-07-22 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Hi Gus!

You would have been happy with how AMSAT presented satellite
operating at the ARRL Centennial Convention that just concluded
in Hartford over the weekend.  We had a day-long training seminar
last Thursday (17 July), and we touched on the extremes for stations
capable of satellite operating.  We actually talked about the home
station first, complete with an IC-820 sitting in front of the
presenters' podium along with a laptop running SatPC32.  We also had
a TS-790 in the room, copying the signals from the OSCAR I model that
ARRL allowed us to use for the weekend.  Later on, we talked about
the minimimalist extreme for satellite operating, for both FM and SSB.
Unfortunately, we do not have audio or video recordings of the seminar,
as ARRL advised at the start of each presentation that Connecticut state
law forbade the audio or video recording of the presentations.

Outside the convention center, I had demonstrations of both FM and SSB
operating.  The SSB demonstrations, using AO-7, went off very well.  The
first demonstration came at the end of the day-long training seminar on
Thursday afternoon, and we were able to work stations from coast to
(almost) coast.  The second SSB demonstration, on Saturday also using AO-7,
was working out to just as successful, until the satellite switched off at
mid-pass.  The FM demonstration we attempted on Saturday with SO-50 was not
as successful.  We could hear the satellite, but with only 5 watts we were
not successful in hearing ourselves or making any QSOs. I have audio
from the two AO-7 passes, and plan on making slideshow videos with photos
other information from the convention weekend to go along with the
audio.  These demonstrations illustrated the minimalist approach to working
satellites, which also made the point that even working the (almost)
old AO-7 didn't require a huge expenditure for equipment (I used two FT-817s
with my Elk log periodic antenna).  Many hams still envision a station that
could work the previous HEO satellites as the minimum required today, even
with lots of presentations given by satellite operators and the YouTube and
other videos showing that it doesn't take a lot to do this.

An unexpected treat happened on Saturday morning.  I had planned on being
outside the convention center for ISS passes, prepared to show off the ISS
digipeater, and - if a voice was heard on 145.800 MHz -
talk to an ISS
crewmember.  The first of the three workable passes from Hartford came a
little while before the convention officially opened for the day at 0835
local/1235 UTC.  The ISS was passing across the northern sky, with maximum
elevation of 25 degrees. I heard only packet on 145.825 MHz, and was able
to bounce a few packets through the ISS digipeater using a TH-D72A and Elk
dual-band log periodic antenna.

The next pass, around 
1010 local/1410 UTC, was the best of the passes for
the morning - going across the southwestern sky with maximum elevation of

59 degrees.  I had a radio listening to both 145.800 and
145.825 MHz.  I
heard nothing on 145.825 MHz, but thought I heard something on
145.800 MHz. 

I started calling for NA1SS using my TH-D72A/Elk combination, and Reid
(the same astronaut who was on for Field Day last month) answered my call.
audience went crazy, and I was happy to make contact and have a nice 3- to
minute chat.
  I asked Reid if he might be on the microphone for the next pass
over the eastern USA around 1200 local/1600 UTC.  He said he would try, and
we were outside for that as well. 

Once we told people in the hall of the successful contact, the ARRL
made sure
there was a larger crowd outside for this pass.  Several
minutes before AOS,
I was out there again, this time answering lots of questions from different
people.  After AOS, I started calling for NA1SS, but never heard anything
145.800 MHz during the shallow (maximum elevation 6 degrees) pass.

I'm sure more will be written about the convention, especially the AMSAT
there.  Based on feedback from those attending the day-long seminar, and
feedback throughout the convention, AMSAT did a great job showing off this
of amateur radio.  The Thursday seminar and Friday afternoon forums (one
by AMSAT President Barry Baines WD4ASW discussing the current state of
followed by a "how-to" session for working the FM satellites led by Peter
Portanova W2JV) were full, and all 3 sessions had audiences that were
and asking questions. 

Now back to the different discussions about the extremes for stations to
satellites, and FM vs. digital (and anything else) via satellite, already
progress... :-)



> As far as doing demos for the uneducated, broomstick waving is an
> excellent introduction, highlighting the equipment simplicity and low cost.
>  I do personally think that the shack-potato option might also appeal to
> /some/ of the audien

[amsat-bb] WD9EWK from FN56 starting @ 1727 UTC today...

2014-07-20 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I plan on working several passes from grid FN56 in Maine, starting with the 
AO-7 pass at 1727 UTC. After a couple of hours up there, I will head back 
towards southern Maine or New Hampshire for the night. Hope to work lots of 
stations, including some in Europe.

Time permitting, and depending on the local scenery, I might park on the 
FN56/FN66 boundary. Otherwise, I will be firmly in FN56. 


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Bangor, Maine

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[amsat-bb] AO7 demo @ 2025 UTC today

2014-07-17 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Depending on weather, QRM/QRN, and AO-7, I hope to be on the AO-7 pass around 
2025 UTC this afternoon from outside the ARRL Centennial Convention in Hartford 
(grid FN31ps). I will use my two FT-817NDs and Elk log periodic antenna, and 
should have a nice audience listening to wrap up AMSAT's training seminar 
today. This is an 81-degree pass for Hartford, which should be good for us to 
deal with the buildings around the convention site.

I have been sending out photos and other comments from today's training 
seminar via Twitter. You can see them on my @WD9EWK Twitter feed, or visit 
http://twitter.com/WD9EWK using a web browser if you don't use Twitter.  

We are hoping for more demonstrations during Friday and Saturday. Due to the 
buildings here in the center of Hartford, we will look to try for higher passes 
instead of trying to work shallow passes. I will try to post advance notice of 
other demonstrations here, as well as my Twitter feed I mentioned above. 


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Hartford, Connecticut

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Re: [amsat-bb] LO-78 FM Transponder

2014-07-11 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

The same message was posted on Twitter a few hours ago:


Maybe it needs to be switched on, when it is in range of
Lithuania.  Hopefully it will be on for the weekend...
and possibly next weekend. :-)



On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> A couple of hours ago, this was posted on the LituanicaSAT-1 Facebook page:
> "LituanicaSAT-1 decays in a couple of weeks. Transponder always-on and
> no more other experiments?" (https://www.facebook.com/Lituanicasat1)
> I'm not sure if that means that the transponder has already been
> turned on or will soon be turned on for the remaining life of the
> satellite, but it's worth it to check it out.
> Current decay prediction is July 24th: http://www.dk3wn.info/p/?cat=157
> Remember to use fresh keps, preferably from CelesTrak as they are updated
> daily.
> 73,
> Paul, N8HM
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[amsat-bb] second call for NA1SS audio from last weekend

2014-07-04 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

First of all, thanks to everyone who has already sent me audio from
ISS passes during Field Day last weekend.  I am still looking to 
compile more audio, especially from stations in the center of the US.
I have some audio from stations on both coasts, but would like to 
plug in the gap in the middle of the country, to be able to make a 
recording covering the complete transit of the ISS across North 
America.  I'm also missing much of the second ISS pass Saturday
afternoon, after the station moved away from the west coast. 

K6LCS - you posted an audio clip where you recreated your NA1SS
QSO. Did you record the NA1SS audio?  If not, where did you get 
your audio?  Your posts and web site don't indicate where you got 
the NA1SS audio from.  That source could be helpful in my efforts.  

Thanks again, and 73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] Any other audio from NA1SS passes on Saturday?

2014-07-01 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Did anyone in the central or eastern parts of the USA record the NA1SS
passes on Saturday afternoon?  I have my recordings which I used for 
my slideshow videos I posted on YouTube, but they do not cover the 
other contacts that took place as the ISS moved away from me during 
each pass.  I am interested in trying to piece together a longer recording,
possibly covering the time the ISS was passing over North America 
during each pass.  I did this many years ago for an ISS pass over North 
America, piecing together a couple of recordings covering a pass down 
the Pacific coastline of the USA and Mexico, and would like to try to do 
that again for the Field Day passes. 

If you have any recordings, please e-mail them directly to me.  If the 
recordings are too large for e-mail, please contact me so we can make 
arrangements to transfer the files in some other manner. 

Thanks in advance, and 73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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Re: [amsat-bb] WD9EWK Working the ISS

2014-06-30 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Seeing that I did not send a message out with that
subject line (without the "Re:", of course), I was
amused to see that it was pretty much another report
of your ISS contact on Saturday, and didn't really
match up with the subject line.  :-)  But since you
put it there, I'll elaborate on it...

I suppose there are many of us who could have made
the ISS QSO with two watts (or possibly less), if we
had the same combination of that ISS pass and your
location relative to that pass.  You know this already.
Here in Arizona, I figured I would have had a chance
if I was able to get in early, before the footprint
covered much of North America. When I ran SatPC32
yesterday to wind the clock back to Saturday morning,
I was shocked to see that the ISS footprint was all
the way out to the Mississippi River around the time
of my brief QSO. The elevation was up to 48 degrees
toward the northwest, around the time the ISS was
approaching northwestern Arizona, when I got through -
probably the best chance for me to make the QSO. I put
a screenshot from SatPC32 in my slideshow video from
the first ISS pass showing this, about midway through
the video. Location, location, location...

I had a couple of radios I could have used for more
than 5 watts transmit power on 2m (the IC-2820H will go
up to 50W, and I could have transmitted at up to 20W on
the internal batteries of my FT-897D), if I wanted to
do that.  I stick with QRP power when I do my own Field
Day efforts - something I have done in most years since
I bought my first FT-817 in 2001 - for the challenge,
even when trying to crack the pileup for NA1SS.  I have
made 3 of my previous 6 ISS QSOs with only 5 watts, and
one of those using a long telescoping whip on an HT
instead of a directional antenna, so I know anything is

I e-mailed Christy KB6LTY, who lives near Victorville,
to see if she was part of that group that you said may
have made the QSO before you.  She's involved with Scouts
there, and is occasionally on the satellites, so it would
have been a real treat if that was the case.  I heard
something around 1814-1815 UTC, but the audio was not
readable at my station.

Congratulations to ALL who were successful in making a QSO
with the ISS during Field Day.  73!


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 1:02 AM, Clint Bradford 

> WD9EWK>> ... used my IC-2820H, Elk log periodic, with the
> power cranked down to 5W ...
> What? FIVE WATTS?!?! You power hog ... (grin)
> I believe a Boy Scout from Victorville got in there at the beginning,
> too ... THEN the pile-up began! What a marvelous achievement -
> courtesy of ARISS and NASA.
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[amsat-bb] WD9EWK - 2014 Field Day

2014-06-30 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Even though I only worked the radios for a few hours on Saturday, 
the 2014 Field Day was another fun time to be on the radio.  I had
two objectives for this weekend - try to make a QSO with NA1SS,
and try a new radio on HF - which I was able to do.  I was on some
satellite passes, making a couple of QSOs, which I'll submit to 
both ARRL and AMSAT. 

Knowing that the ISS would be passing by within minutes of the 
start of Field Day, I was set up in my back yard for that.  I used my
normal FM satellite setup (IC-2820H, Elk log periodic), with the 
power cranked down to 5W to fall in the 1B QRP classification I 
normally operate for Field Day, and was ready to go. About 5 
minutes into the pass, and after hearing other stations' calls from 
NA1SS, I heard my call coming from there.  Within seconds, I was 
getting e-mails, SMS messages, and tweets from friends who also 
heard that.  A nice way to start Field Day!  I listened to the rest of 
the pass, and recorded it.  I was on the next ISS pass at 1952 UTC, 
hoping to hear anything from the ISS on 70cm (around 437.550 
MHz) while recording the 145.800 MHz downlink.  Lots of activity 
on 2m just like the earlier pass, but nothing up on 70cm.   Did 
anyone hear anything from the ISS on 70cm during Field Day?

A few hours later, with more shade in the back yard, I broke out the
HF setup.  An FT-897D with autotuner and its internal battery packs,
set to 5W transmit power, and a Buddipole portable dipole with its 
mast and tripod.  Before I started on the satellites in late 2005, I 
used to do a lot of portable HF operating, so it took no time to get 
the antenna up and the radio ready to go.  Although I heard Field 
Day activity on most HF bands (10m was surprisingly quiet in the 
late afternoon), I ended up working 15m and 6m SSB to get a few 

I tried to work FO-29 during a western pass around sunset, but could
not get through with my normal SSB satellite setup - two FT-817NDs,
Elk log periodic.  Lots of activity, with some who sounded like they 
may have been overpowering the transponder a bit.  Around 0400 UTC,
9pm for me in Arizona, there was a western SO-50 pass where I was
able to break through with my IC-2820H at 5W and Elk log periodic.  
Lots of twisting the antenna around, trying to keep up with the satellite
and hear myself on the downlink. I made two QSOs there - one that 
counted for QSO points and the satellite QSO bonus with VA7VW, and
the other was to respond to W6KA calling me.  I did not score the 
second QSO.  I heard two other stations calling me, but could not get 
back to them and complete those QSOs with so many stations trying 
to get through.  Some were not using PL tones on the SO-50 uplink,
which only made the situation worse.  

I also wanted to make an SSB satellite QSO, so I tried AO-73 about
an hour later, at 0500 UTC.  A high pass for me, I was able to make a 
QSO with W5MSQ before another strong station overpowered the 
transponder.  I was using my two FT-817NDs and Elk log periodic for
the SSB pass, staying with my normal SSB satellite configuration 
instead of getting the FT-897D set up for SSB operation.  This was the
last QSO in my Field Day log. 

I have already sent off my QSL request for the NA1SS QSO.  Since I
recorded the audio from those two passes, I made slideshow videos of
them.  The first pass, or the 1815-1822 UTC portion I could hear, is on
YouTube at:


I removed the first couple of minutes of my recording, since it only
had my calls to NA1SS, and one unreadable response from NA1SS.
By the way, did anyone else record this ISS pass?  Especially if you
are on the west coast?  If so, please e-mail me directly. 

My slideshow video of the later ISS pass (1953-1957 UTC) is at:


This was a shallow pass here, with maximum elevation of only 8 
degrees, so this was a bit shorter than the earlier recording and 
slideshow video. 

I had the audio recorder sitting near the IC-2820H for the first pass, 
so it could pick up the speaker audio and my voice.  For the later 
pass, I had a patch cable running between the speaker jack on the
TH-D72A HT and the mic jack on the recorder, since I was not 
planning to work the later pass on 2m.  I had my Elk log periodic 
antenna routed through a diplexer, so the 2m side was going to the
HT and the 70cm side to the IC-2820H, in the hopes of working 
NA1SS on 70cm and recording the audio on 145.800 MHz. 

Another summary of my Field Day activity, including some photos, 
can be seen at:


I'm hoping to get out of town for next year's Field Day, which is 
what I normally do.  It is fun to work with a portable setup, but it 
would be better if the outside temperature was not as hot as it 
was in Phoenix on Saturday afternoon (108F/42C at one point,
in the shade of my back yard!).  Until next time...



Re: [amsat-bb] Fw: Field Day 2014

2014-06-28 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I forgot to reply to this earlier.  I'm working Field Day
as WD9EWK, 1B (1 op/battery) Arizona.



> I'm hoping to be writing an article about FD and the activity on the
> Amateur Satellites.   It would be helpful, to the story, if  the stations
> operating provided me with the call sign you will be using along with your
> operating class and ARRL section.
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Re: [amsat-bb] Just Spoke to the ISS

2014-06-28 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I heard NA1SS answering you after I worked him.  I also
heard a "WIA", possibly KB5WIA in northern California,
before I got through.  He was having a better time with
the stations calling him before the ISS moved away from
the west coast.

Good luck on 70cm, and 73!


On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Greg Dolkas  wrote:

> I was a few minutes after you (18:19utc). Really good signals from the ISS
> on my home system. Taking care of a sick wife, so participating from home...
> I also heard the 2 DX designation, so will try the 70cm side on the next
> pass.
> Greg. KO6TH
> On June 28, 2014 11:36:15 AM PDT, "Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)" <
> amsat...@wd9ewk.net> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> About 2 minutes after you, I also had a quick QSO!  Five watts
>> from my back yard, for my first Field Day QSO.  Other regulars
>> were getting through before the ISS footprint covered more of
>> the continental USA.  Then my phone started blowing up, with
>> tweets and SMS messages from those who heard NA1SS respond to
>> me.  My Field Day could be complete with this QSO, but I'm
>> going to work portable HF from the yard later, and some western
>> satellite passes tonight for my satellite QSO bonus.
>> Did anyone try 70cm for a QSO?  NA1SS was saying "2A DX", so a
>> second transmitter could have been on.
>> 73!
>> Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK
>> http://www.wd9ewk.net/
>> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 6:25 PM, Clint Bradford 
>> wrote:
>>  Two Watts ... handheld radio ... tape measure Yagi ... Just spoke to the ISS
>>>  11:16AM PDT!
>> --
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Re: [amsat-bb] Just Spoke to the ISS

2014-06-28 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

About 2 minutes after you, I also had a quick QSO!  Five watts
from my back yard, for my first Field Day QSO.  Other regulars
were getting through before the ISS footprint covered more of
the continental USA.  Then my phone started blowing up, with
tweets and SMS messages from those who heard NA1SS respond to
me.  My Field Day could be complete with this QSO, but I'm
going to work portable HF from the yard later, and some western
satellite passes tonight for my satellite QSO bonus.

Did anyone try 70cm for a QSO?  NA1SS was saying "2A DX", so a
second transmitter could have been on.



On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 6:25 PM, Clint Bradford 

> Two Watts ... handheld radio ... tape measure Yagi ... Just spoke to the ISS
> 11:16AM PDT!
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Re: [amsat-bb] CN70

2014-06-11 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Hi Glenn!

Not only has NU6O been on from CN70, Kai N6ZZO is also
working SO-50 from CN70.  Between these two guys, a good
way to get this grid onto your grids-worked (or grids-
confirmed) list for your satellite log.



On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 2:51 AM, Glenn Miller - AA5PK 

> I worked Joe/NU6O in Eureka, CA, (CN70) on the 0250Z FO-29 pass.  Fairly
> rare, mostly water grid.
> 73
> Glenn AA5PK
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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Re: [amsat-bb] LO-78 added to LoTW

2014-06-09 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks for the update.  The LOTW site has been down for the past
30-60 minutes, so I have not been able to get in and grab the new
configuration file.  When I can, I will upload my LituanicaSAT-1
(LO-78) QSOs to that system from last week in my back yard and
Saturday afternoon/evening from DM54/DM55, and see if any of those
become QSLs.



On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> Just got a message from W3IZ stating that a new TQSL configuration
> file has been released adding LituanicaSAT-1 (LO-78) to the satellite
> tables.
> Here are the instructions for updating your configuration files:
> "TQSL 2.0 user have nothing to do.  When opening TQSL for the first
> time of the day the TQSL program will detect the update and ask you to
> confirm installation.
> TQSL 2.0 users can manually check for updates under the help button in
> the TQSL toolbar.
> See < www.arrl.org/instructions > More TQSL > Checking for updates.
> Users of older versions of TQSL will have to download the file from
> their user account under the tab "Your Account" then select "Your
> Certificate" then select "Download Current TQSL Configuration File."
> The file can be saved to a folder on your computer then loaded in TQSL
> using the TQSL CERT - Load File utility."
> 73,
> Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Show Low AZ hamfest & DM54/DM55 activity on Saturday

2014-06-08 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Saturday was a busy day. Starting with the White Mountain Hamfest 
in Show Low, Arizona, just after 0500 local time (1200 UTC), to working
several passes from along I-40 and old US-66 at the DM54/DM55 grid 
boundary in the afternoon, to the driving up to the hamfest Friday 
evening and back home Saturday evening, it was another fun trip. 

The Kachina Amateur Radio Club has held its White Mountain Hamfest
for many years in early June in Show Low, and this club has graciously 
provided AMSAT space at the hamfest.  I had my table, complete with 
AMSAT banner and merchandise, ready for the official start of the hamfest 
at 0700 local time. I also had my station ready to go for an FO-29 pass 
an hour earlier, which was a demonstration for a few people who were 
already wandering around the hamfest site (parking lot for Show Low 
City Hall).  I worked passes on FO-29, VO-52, AO-73, and SO-50 
during the morning from here, and many thanks to the operators across
North America for calling WD9EWK and being a part of the on-air
demonstrations.  It didn't hurt that the hamfest is in a grid locator not
heard often on the satellites, DM44.  

The hamfest was wrapping up by noon, and I took advantage of that to
get lunch before making an hour-long drive northeast from Show Low to
a point along old US-66 and the I-40 freeway that straddles 35 degrees
North latitude - the line between grids DM54 and DM55, two more grid 
locators rarely heard on the satellites.  This spot is about 50 miles/80km
west of the New Mexico state line, not far from the town of Holbrook
and the Petrified Forest National Park.  I have been to this spot in the past,
a parking lot for a (now) former souvenir shop east of a freeway exit. 
After setting up my gear and taking the obligatory (for VUCC purposes)
photos of my station with a GPS receiver, I also took pictures of some
wandering visitors - cattle - around the property.  Then it was off to working 
passes on AO-7, FO-29, VO-52, and LO-78 (it was still LituanicaSAT-1 
when I was up there). I also took advantage of an ISS pass to use my 
TH-D72A HT to show my location via APRS - something I did as part of 
the demonstrations at Dayton a few weeks ago.  Even on the high 
desert at almost 5300 feet/1615m elevation, it was still warm in the 
afternoon (around 96F/36C at one point).  

Once I wrapped up the DM54/DM55 operating, I packed my gear, drove 
west on I-40 to find some dinner, and make the 4-hour drive from up there 
back home. Not much to see at night driving through a couple of national 
forests, other than some elk near the road - and one crossing in front of 
me.  Almost 500 miles/800km in about 29 hours, and going from the 96F
heat at DM54/DM55 to around 50F/10C in the forest on the drive home.  

For anyone who worked WD9EWK on Saturday and would like to receive 
a QSL card, please e-mail me directly with the QSO details.  If you are in
the log, I will gladly send you a card.  No SASE needed.  Other than the 
QSOs on LO-78/LituanicaSAT-1, I have uploaded yesterday's QSOs to 
Logbook of the World.  The LO-78 QSOs should be uploaded shortly, 
now that ARRL can enable this satellite in LOTW using LO-78 instead 
of LituanicaSAT-1. 



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Re: [amsat-bb] Lithuaniasat-1 0120Z

2014-06-05 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Glad to work you on that pass.  I heard nobody else.
I almost didn't hear you come back, as the satellite was
just over the mountains to my east at that point.  On the
next pass at 0247 UTC, I worked AA5PK in Texas for my only

This is a fun satellite.  I hope it is available for our use
on more passes, before it reenters.



On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:32 AM, Andrew Glasbrenner <
glasbren...@mindspring.com> wrote:

> Thanks to WD9EWK, KC9TTR, and WB3JVD for my first QSOs on this satellite!
> It was a max 9 degree pass, with decent signals. I will say, if you are
> going to try this one, use the Celestrak or Spacetrack  keps, since they
> are updated more frequently.
> 73, Drew KO4MA
> Sent from my iPhone
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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Re: [amsat-bb] LituanicaSAT-1 FM Transponder Report 04-Jun-2014 UTC

2014-06-03 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Hi again!

I was on the last LituanicaSAT-1 pass starting around
0337 UTC.  I heard three other stations during the pass -
Nestor K6JTT in San Diego, Dave W0DHB in Colorado, and
Glenn AA5PK in west Texas.  We all worked each other.
This was a higher pass for me here in DM43bn, with
maximum elevation of 29 degrees.  Late in this pass, I
heard the CW ID and recorded voice.

I will send a separate report to LY5H including MP3 files
with the audio from both passes I worked tonight.  I hope
the FM transponder can be activated again, while the
satellite is still in orbit.  This was fun!



On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> Good evening,
> I was on two passes of LituanicaSAT-1 over North America this evening.
> Signals sounded good, though I noted that the uplink sensitivity makes
> it difficult to work with just five watts of power output to a
> handheld antenna, except at higher elevations. My signal was in and
> out except at the middle of both passes. I neglected to make fine
> tuning adjustments on the uplink for Doppler as I had on previous
> passes. That might have made a difference had I done that.
> On the first pass, around 0031 UTC, KC9ELU in Indiana was the only
> station heard and worked.
> On the second pass, around 0207 UTC, KC9ELU was worked again as was
> KB1PVH in Massachusetts. Also heard were W0DHB in Colorado and KK4VAU
> in Tennessee.
> 73,
> Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
> Washington, DC (FM18lv)
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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Re: [amsat-bb] LituanicaSAT-1 FM Transponder Report 04-Jun-2014 UTC

2014-06-03 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Hi Paul!

I was on the pass that started out here at 0202 UTC, and
worked W0DHB in Colorado followed by N5ZNL in Mississippi
before the satellite went behind the mountains to the east
of the Phoenix area.  I was in my back yard, using an Icom
IC-2820H at 15W into an Elk log periodic, using narrow FM
on the uplink.  I did not hear you or KK4VAU come on the
transponder.  This was a pass from the south to the east,
with maximum elevation for my location (DM43bn) of 13

This satellite seems like a cross between SO-67 and what
the ISS cross-band repeater was like, the few times it
was in a V/U configuration instead of the more common
U/V configuration.  I had to wait for the repeater's
squelch tail to drop before I could hear myself through
the transponder, and - with the lower orbit - adjusting
for Doppler is very important.  Narrow FM is a must, and
I was able to deal with the 5 kHz tuning steps on the
IC-2820H when trying to talk through the transponder.

I plan on trying the next pass, which should start around
0336-0337 UTC.  This will come up from my west and wrap
around to the north, going up to a maximum elevation of
29 degrees.  Meanwhile, time to make a request (or make
another request) of the ARRL to add this satellite to the
LOTW system.



On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> Good evening,
> I was on two passes of LituanicaSAT-1 over North America this evening.
> Signals sounded good, though I noted that the uplink sensitivity makes
> it difficult to work with just five watts of power output to a
> handheld antenna, except at higher elevations. My signal was in and
> out except at the middle of both passes. I neglected to make fine
> tuning adjustments on the uplink for Doppler as I had on previous
> passes. That might have made a difference had I done that.
> On the first pass, around 0031 UTC, KC9ELU in Indiana was the only
> station heard and worked.
> On the second pass, around 0207 UTC, KC9ELU was worked again as was
> KB1PVH in Massachusetts. Also heard were W0DHB in Colorado and KK4VAU
> in Tennessee.
> 73,
> Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
> Washington, DC (FM18lv)
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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[amsat-bb] WD9EWK & VA7EWK/3 QSOs from Hamvention weekend

2014-05-20 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I just finished updating my satellite log for my operating over the past 
few days in Ohio and other locations.  I operated from the following 
locations during my trip (dates are using UTC time):

Tilbury, Ontario (grid EN82sg), 15 May 
Indiana/Ohio state line (grid EM79ot), 17 and 19 May
Englewood, Ohio (grid EM79uu), 17 May
Trotwood, Ohio (Hamvention - grid EM79ut) - 18 May
New Richmond, Ohio (grid EM78ux) - 18 May
Hamersville, Ohio (grids EM78xw and EM88aw) - 18 and 19 May
Miamisburg, Ohio (grid EM79vp) - 19 May

I operated as WD9EWK for all locations except my first stop in Ontario,
where I operated as VA7EWK/3.  All of these QSOs are now in Logbook
of the World, and I would be happy to send QSL cards for any QSOs 
made with WD9EWK or VA7EWK/3.  Please e-mail me the QSO details,
and - if you're in the log - I will send out the card(s).  No need to first 
send me QSL cards or SASEs to get my card(s). 

If you use Logbook of the World and want to see QSLs for both sides of 
the Indiana/Ohio state line, please upload two QSO records to represent
that QSO on each side of the state line.  Put the same information in each
record, except make the time different in each QSO record by at least one
minute. Without this adjustment, one of the QSO records will replace the 
other, when LOTW sees two QSO records for the same date and time with
the same station.  LOTW can handle up to 4 grid locators in a single QSO 
record, but is not capable of handling multiple states (or provinces, counties, 
and countries) in a single QSO record.  

I have uploaded two QSO records to LOTW for each QSO I made at the 
state line, ensuring the QSO time in the record for each side of the state 
line differs by one minute.  Some have also already uploaded two QSO 
records for each QSO completed with WD9EWK at the state line, and have 
received credit for QSOs with both Wayne County in Indiana and Preble 
County in Ohio (the two counties that come together at that point on the 
state line, near the I-70/US-40 interchange at Richmond IN).  Please e-mail
me directly if you worked me at this location, and need further assistance in
seeing confirmations for both sides of the state line. 


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] some videos from 2014 Dayton Hamvention weekend

2014-05-20 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I just went through and uploaded the videos I made from last weekend's
Dayton Hamvention.  First, Paul N8HM working SO-50 on Friday (16 May)
morning at 1431 UTC:


Michael KD8QBA, part of the MO-76 ($50Sat, Eagle-2) team, was around
the AMSAT demonstration station during several passes from his group's
satellite.  This video was one of those passes, Friday afternoon at 1638


Back to Paul N8HM on the microphone, working AO-7 Friday afternoon 
at 2013 UTC:


Yes, it was raining hard Friday afternoon, which wiped out the audience 
watching this pass.  This was a difficult pass to work, but Paul (and the 
rest of us braving the rain) stuck it out.  

My final video has Paul N8HM working AO-73 on Sunday (18 May 2014)
afternoon at 1602 UTC:


The weather was much better on Sunday than earlier in the weekend.  

I know there are other videos on YouTube from the AMSAT station, including
one where I'm working SO-50 during the 1345 UTC pass Sunday morning 
(thanks N8HM):


I have just uploaded my QSOs from this pass, and the other passes I worked
on Sunday and Monday (19 May) at the Hamvention and other locations, to the
Logbook of the World.  The QSOs I made on Thursday (15 May) through 
Saturday have already been uploaded to LOTW. 

Paul N8HM uploaded a video of his Kenwood TH-D7 HT, showing the APRS
traffic on 144.390 MHz on the Thursday (15 May) night in the Dayton area 
before the start of the Hamvention:


This video is a perfect example of how the 144.390 MHz frequency was, 
during the entire weekend.  Day or night, signals were being transmitted on 
that frequency non-stop.  

Edward Raybould N8OIF posted a couple of videos as well.  First, a video 
where Keith W5IU is at the radio during an HO-68 pass to demonstrate the 
Doppler effect:


Keith W5IU is working AO-73 on Saturday (17 May 2014):


There may be others up there now, and more coming soon - including (I 
hope) videos from the AMSAT Forum on Saturday.  :-) 



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[amsat-bb] WD9EWK @ IN/OH border starting @ 1053 UTC today

2014-05-19 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Working my way back to Indianapolis for my flight home, I have stopped at the 
Indiana/Ohio state line to work a few passes. I will start with SO50 @ 1053 
UTC, and may work through the FO-29 pass at 1307 UTC pass before resuming my 
drive. This location is in grid EM79ot, just east of the I-70/US-40 interchange 
at Richmond, Indiana. My location should be visible at http://aprs.fi/WD9EWK-9 


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[amsat-bb] WD9EWK on AO7 @ 0814 UTC today

2014-05-17 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will be on AO7 at 0814 UTC, followed by other passes before going to the 
Hamvention. Hope to hear European stations on that pass. 



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[amsat-bb] VA7EWK/3 on from EN82sg

2014-05-15 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I have been on a couple of passes as VA7EWK/3 so far  from grid EN82sg east of 
Detroit and Windsor, and should be here for the next hour or so, weather 
permitting. Thanks to W4VAS and N8HM for QSOs during the 1015 UTC AO-7 pass. 


Patrick VA7EWK/WD9EWK - Tilbury, Ontario

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[amsat-bb] VA7EWK/3 this morning from EN82

2014-05-14 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

A quick detour on my way to Dayton... OK, a huge detour on my way to Dayton, 
about 300 miles/500km driving after flying from Phoenix to Indianapolis 
Wednesday afternoon. I will work several passes this morning from somewhere in 
EN82, starting with an eastern AO-7 pass around 0820 UTC. I will operate as 
VA7EWK/3, for my first time on satellites from Ontario (and this grid). I will 
be in Dayton late Thursday afternoon, in time to make the traditional 
pre-Hamvention Thursday evening AMSAT gathering at Tickets Pub, and hoping for 
no huge delays going back to the States (no line for the bridge from Detroit, 
but the border formalities entering Canada tonight took 90 minutes!).

Even though I am currently in Canada, I am still using WD9EWK-9 as my APRS 
call. I put both of my calls in a text field which goes out with every 
transmission, to have a legal ID on both sides of the border. My track should 
be visible at http://aprs.fi/WD9EWK-9

I have already obtained a new Logbook of the World certificate for VA7EWK/3, so 
I can upload QSOs to that system. If you want a QSL card for a QSO with 
VA7EWK/3, please e-mail me with the QSO details. As always, I'm happy to send 
cards out for my trips, without first receiving a card and/or SASE. Please do 
NOT send a VA7EWK/3 QSL request to a Canadian address. I have a station address 
in British Columbia on file with the Canadian licensing authority, Industry 
Canada, but cards mailed to BC will take a while to be forwarded to me. If you 
want to mail me a card, please send it to the address in Arizona for WD9EWK.

Also read my @WD9EWK Twitter feed - or go to http://twitter.com/WD9EWK if you 
don't do Twitter - for updates. And maybe some photos with the tweets from here.


Patrick VA7EWK/WD9EWK - Windsor, Ontario

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[amsat-bb] Re: Fieldday planned May 17th

2014-05-14 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Any chance you guys could try AO-7 a little earlier on Saturday?
There is a pass around 0814-0830 UTC over here that could work
for a QSO between your grid JO32 and EM79 where I will be this
weekend. That is early over here, but I can sleep after the weekend
on the flight home. :-) Looks like the distance would be around
6700km between us. You could have a nice shot of working others
in the eastern USA and Canada on that pass as well.


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - 38000 feet over Kansas, going to Hamvention

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014, Björn Pasteuning  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Due the good forcast for upcoming weekend.
> I want to announce that me PD5DJ and Frank PA1FP will be active portable
> on May the 17th.
> We are located somewhere in JO32DW, JO32EW, JO32DV or JO32EV..
> Active from 9:00 UTC till 16:00 UTC.
> We will be active on all active satellites at that time.
> 73
> Bjorn de PD5DJ
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Off to Dayton...

2014-05-13 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I'm flying out of Phoenix tomorrow morning to Indianapolis, and will be in 
Dayton Thursday evening before the start of the Hamvention for the AMSAT
gathering at Tickets Pub.  Along with some time working the AMSAT 
demonstration station outside the arena, I plan on working other passes 
outside of the Hamvention between Thursday (15 May) morning and midday 
Monday (19 May) from wherever I happen to be at that time - including some
AO-7 (and possibly FO-29) passes where Europe is in the footprint with me.
Even if I'm waking up at 0-dark-30 to get outside for those passes.  I'm already
planning a very early Thursday morning for an AO-7 pass around 0820 UTC 
+/- to start my operating out there.  

If you are in Europe and have Dayton in the footprint on a particular pass, 
please e-mail me directly.  I would enjoy the chance to work you, and will 
be happy to provide contact information to help line up a potential QSO.  I 
did this in 2010, working OZ1MY and 2E1EUB on the same AO-7 pass in
SSB from outside Dayton on the EN70/EN80 grid boundary, so I know it is
possible with my portable station. 

I'll try to post updates here on the -BB for my operating, whether at the 
Hamvention or somewhere else.  My @WD9EWK Twitter feed - you can read
it at http://twitter.com/WD9EWK if you don't do Twitter yourself - will probably
be a great way to see the latest updates, since I know I can send SMS 
messages to Twitter without an Internet connection from almost anywhere I'll
go.  I'll have my TH-D72A with me, and run APRS as WD9EWK-9 as I drive. 
I should start showing up on APRS tomorrow afternoon, which will be visible 
at http://aprs.fi/WD9EWK-9 if my APRS packets find their way to an Internet 
gateway (and be the best way to see where I end up on Wednesday evening,
before that early AO-7 pass Thursday morning). 

I will try to upload my QSOs to Logbook of the World daily, and each QSO 
will have the proper information for my QTH at that time.  I have QSL card
designs ready to print after I return home next week, and for some locations
I've already printed QSL cards.  If you work me in the next few days and then
see me at Dayton, I'll be happy to write out a QSL card on the spot - or 
e-mail me the QSO details, and I'll send you a card after I'm back home.  If
we don't work on a satellite pass in the next few days, I'll be happy to meet 
you at Dayton. :-) 



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[amsat-bb] WD9EWK from New Mexico, now

2014-05-03 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will be on the upcoming VO52 and FO29 passes in the next hour or so from 
Lordsburg NM, grid DM52pi. Then back on I-10 to Arizona and home.


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[amsat-bb] KG-UV8D FCC ID

2014-05-03 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I just saw a new Wouxun KG-UV8D HT here at the hamfest in Sierra Vista AZ.
Its FCC ID number is WVTWOUXUN07. I looked that up on the FCC certification


That database had photos of another Wouxun HT, not the UV8D. Wouxun could
have tweaked the older radio to make it capable of full-duplex operation,
but doesn't that mean the new radio should have gone through the FCC
certification process?  I didn't have a chance to poke around on that radio
to see if it could do full-duplex operation for SO-50.


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Wouxun UV8D possible full duplex HT ?

2014-05-03 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

It would be nice if the new Wouxun could work SO50 full-duplex. Some have
reported that the FCC ID number on the new UV8D is the same as the UV6D. If
so, that could imply the insides are the same as the UV6D - which is not
capable of full-duplex operation.

Then again, two Baofeng UV-5R HTs cost less than the MSRP of that new
Wouxun HT, and would get you a workable full-duplex FM satellite station.



On Saturday, May 3, 2014, Mike Miller  wrote:

> The review says it can receive two frequencies at once and can
> do  cross band repeat.
> Mike kc9doa
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org . Opinions expressed are those
> of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: LituanicaSat-1 OSCAR

2014-05-02 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

An updated version is available at:




On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 10:56 PM, Gus  wrote:

> Not exactly critical, but now AMSAT-NA has moved, this page needs
> updating...
> On 05/02/2014 01:31 AM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
>> It's entirely up to the owners. It certainly meets the criteria. If they
>> want one, they can request one:
>> http://www.amsat.org/amsat/amsat-na/oscar.html
>> 73,
>> Paul, N8HM
>> On 5/2/2014 1:25 AM, Mike Rupprecht wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> wouldn't it be fair to assign an OSCAR number to LituanicaSat-1?
>>> 73 Mike
>>> DK3WN
>>> ___
>>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
>>> program!
>>> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
>> ___
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> --
> Gus 8P6SM
> The Easternmost Isle
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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[amsat-bb] Re: Sierra Vista AZ hamfest on 3 May

2014-04-22 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Hi Rich!

As I mentioned in my posting, I will have on-air demos
using whatever satellites are available.  I work FM and
SSB satellites.  I tend to start working passes at these
Saturday morning hamfests around 0600 local time (1300
UTC) until the hamfest wraps up (most end around 1800
or 1900 UTC).  For the SSB birds, I like to start out
10 to 15 kHz above the center of the transponder, but
may move lower if I'm not working stations at that spot.
Then I will start my 200- to 400-mile drive home,
depending on where I go after the hamfest, working from
some other rarely-heard spot(s) in Arizona or New

I did forget to mention... I'll have my TH-D72A HT on
APRS while on the road, squawking as WD9EWK-9:


and updates posted here if I have Internet access, and/or
via my @WD9EWK Twitter feed if I can at least send SMS
messages wherever I happen to be:


Hope to hear you on the 3rd.  73!


On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Rich/wa4bue wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
> K4AMG MARC is sponsoring SATCOMS in your own back yard at a local library
> on May 3rd.  We will be on the air starting at 1200 or 1300 UTC - about
> 2100 UTC, and have a forum for STEM students and families.  We are
> borrowing a CUBE SAT for the forum.
> Will you have any on the air operations.  Tomorrow I will try to grab
> orbit data for May 3rd.
> Hope you get a lot of hams interested in AMSAT.
> God Bless
> R
> K4AMG Club
> - Original Message - From: "Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)" <
> amsat...@wd9ewk.net>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 1:56 PM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Sierra Vista AZ hamfest on 3 May
>  Hi!
>> I will have an AMSAT table at the Cochise Amateur Radio Association's
>> hamfest in Sierra Vista, Arizona, on Saturday, 3 May 2014.  This is
>> another
>> half-day hamfest, which starts around 0600 local time (1300 UTC), running
>> until some time around noon.  More information about the hamfest can be
>> found at:
>> http://www.k7rdg.org/Hamfest%20Flyer%20-%202014.pdf
>> and a map to find the hamfest site:
>> http://www.k7rdg.org/hamfestmap.pdf
>> During the morning, I will have demonstrations working whatever satellites
>> are available.  Please call WD9EWK if you hear us on any of those passes,
>> and be part of the demonstrations.  The
>> hamfest site is in grid DM41.
>> 73!
>> Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK
>> http://www.wd9ewk.net/
>> ___
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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[amsat-bb] quick post-hamfest road trip on 3 May 2014

2014-04-22 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

After the hamfest in Sierra Vista AZ on 3 May 2014, I plan on taking a
longer route back home.  Similar to the last hamfest I attended in late
March in Tucson, I can either retrace my route back to the DM51/DM52
grid boundary, go up to the DM52/DM53 grid boundary or somewhere in
grid DM53, or even head into New Mexico if anyone needs a satellite 
QSO with that state.  Any preferences?   I don't mind the drive to any of
these spots, even if I end up back where I just was a few weeks ago at
the DM51/DM52 grid boundary.  I'll add at least 100 to 200 more miles
to my trip, going to any of these places.  

Please e-mail me directly if you have a preference for any of these 
options.  I still need to look at the available passes on that date, but 
should be able to work at least FO-29 and VO-52 in the late afternoon
and early evening timeframe.  If AO-7 is in mode B, that would also be
a satellite I could work from out there.  SO-50 might be available in the
afternoon, which would certainly help those not set up to work SSB on
the satellites. 

Thanks in advance, and 73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Sierra Vista AZ hamfest on 3 May

2014-04-22 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the Cochise Amateur Radio Association's
hamfest in Sierra Vista, Arizona, on Saturday, 3 May 2014.  This is another
half-day hamfest, which starts around 0600 local time (1300 UTC), running
until some time around noon.  More information about the hamfest can be
found at:


and a map to find the hamfest site:


During the morning, I will have demonstrations working whatever satellites 
are available.  Please call WD9EWK if you hear us on any of those passes, 
and be part of the demonstrations.  Thehamfest site is in grid DM41. 


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] CO6CBF news...

2014-04-04 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Hector CO6CBF is traveling around western Cuba, and called to advise of his 
plans for tonight and tomorrow. He will be on the upcoming FO29 pass around 
0149 UTC from EL72/EL82 - he has already worked some passes from this area. For 
Saturday morning around 1200 UTC, he plans to be on from EL81. 

Good luck, and 73!


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Re: Fwd: AmSat Tony AA2TX FunCube

2014-03-29 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Go to http://warehouse.funcube.org.uk and click on
Fitter Messages. A very nice tribute to Tony.



On Saturday, March 29, 2014, Jeffrey Koehler  wrote:

> I think the BB ripped off the attachment. Do you have a link?
> 73,
> Jeff WB2SYK
>  From: Bryce Salmi >
> To: Amsat BB >
> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 11:00 AM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Fwd: AmSat Tony AA2TX FunCube
> My dad sent me this screenshot with the request to forward it. He caught a
> recent FUNCube-1 pass and our friends over at AMSAT-UK have a nice message
> regarding Tony Monteiro in the Fitter message.
> Bryce
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: *John Salmi* >
> Date: Friday, March 28, 2014
> Subject: AmSat Tony AA2TX FunCube
> To: Brent Salmi >, Bryce <
> bstguitar...@gmail.com >
> Can you sent this attached file from FunCube to the folks at Amsat ?
> They may like seeing it.
> Dad
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org . Opinions expressed are those
> of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org . Opinions expressed are those
> of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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[amsat-bb] update on tomorrow's post-hamfest road trip

2014-03-28 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

After receiving some responses to my e-mail earlier this week regarding
my post-hamfest road trip to southeastern Arizona (thank you to all who
sent me their comments!), I plan on making the drive to the DM51/DM52
grid boundary for the late-afternoon FO-29 and VO-52 passes starting just
after  UTC (8pm Eastern time).  There should be sufficient daylight 
for me to work passes up to 0200 UTC in that area, and I may stick it out
through the SO-50 pass around 0223 UTC if things are calm in that area.  
Between not wanting to stay out there well into the night, and a drive home
that will be at least 3 hours, I won't be able to work the SO-50 pass around
0400 UTC or the AO-73 passes later in the evening.  

I will try to post updates here on the AMSAT-BB, depending on if I can
access Internet out in that area.  I should be able to post updates on my
@WD9EWK Twitter feed via SMS messages, which can be viewed at
http://twitter.com/WD9EWK if you do not use Twitter.  APRS usually 
has good coverage in southeastern Arizona, so I should show up on
web pages like http://aprs.fi/WD9EWK-9 if you want to see where I 
will be.  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] after-hamfest day trip to SE Arizona...

2014-03-26 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

After the hamfest wraps up in Tucson AZ around midday on Saturday,
I plan on heading east on I-10 toward the rarely heard grids DM51, 
DM52, and DM53.  I will also be near New Mexico.  For those who 
are interested in grids, I can stop and work from two of the 3 grids
I listed.  DM52 will certainly be one grid I can work from out there, 
and I can get to grid boundaries where I could also be in DM51 or 
DM53.  Is there any preference on which of the other two grids I 
should go to?  Or a QSO with New Mexico, which would still be 
DM52 but a little further east on I-10?  

I've worked from this area on many post-hamfest road trips over 
the past few years, so I know the spots where I can park my car 
to be on those grid boundaries.  Unfortunately, my car won't survive 
the dirt track to park on the Arizona/New Mexico state line, and I
won't stop on the side of the freeway to be on the state line, so a
New Mexico QSO will be from a freeway exit about 5 miles/8km
east of the state line.  

It looks like I will have one SO-50 pass I can work at the hamfest
Saturday morning.  The evening passes appear to be too late for 
me.  I should be able to work VO-52 and FO-29 passes from 
wherever I end up out there.  For those who can only work FM 
satellites (read "SO-50", for the time being), sorry.  I will be back 
in this area in early May, and SO-50 might have better pass times
for an afternoon/early evening swing through this area.  

As with the satellite demonstrations at the Tucson hamfest, I will 
upload my post-hamfest log to Logbook of the World.  I will also 
print QSL cards, and be happy to send one your way if you are in 
my log.  Please e-mail me the QSO details, as there's no need to 
send me a card or SASE to get my card.  

Thanks, and 73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] AMSAT table at Tucson AZ hamfest, Saturday (29 March)

2014-03-26 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the Radio Society of Tucson's 2014 Hamfest
in Tucson, Arizona, this Saturday (29 March 2014).  The hamfest is at a 
restaurant east of downtown Tucson.  This is a half-day event, and you can
read more about it in the PDF file at:


I plan on having demonstrations of satellite operating throughout the morning,
probably starting around 6am (1300 UTC).  If you hear WD9EWK on the 
satellites Saturday morning, please call and be part of the demonstrations.  
The hamfest site is in grid DM42.   As usual, I will upload my log to Logbook 
of the World sometime after the hamfest, and will be happy to send QSL cards
out to those who work me during the hamfest.  Just send me the QSO details,
and I will drop a card in the mail.  No need to first send me a card or SASE.  

In addition to satellites, the Arizona Near Space Research group will launch
its ANSR-81 balloon around 9am (1600 UTC) Saturday morning from a site
between Tucson and Phoenix in central Arizona.  Among the payloads that 
will be carried aloft, there will be a cross-band repeater that requires a PL 
tone - basically SO-50, but with more downlink power and no Doppler 
adjustments needed.  I may be on there between satellite passes, for 
anyone in Arizona or surrounding states that would like to work me at the 
hamfest.  More information about the balloon flight is available at:

http://www.ansr.org/ (click on Announcements)

You can see coverage maps based on the balloon being over central Arizona
at different altitudes at:



Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: W1AW/7 Arizona satellite activity - 273 QSOs!

2014-03-19 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

You could give us a run, if you had that week off.  Isn't July in
Washington a good time of year to be away from the office?  ;-)
You'd have chances to work Europeans and even South Americans as
W1AW/3.  Geography is in your favor to get those DX stations,
compared to being here in Arizona.

It was mentioned in a private e-mail that Tennessee and New Mexico
are active on HF as W1AW/4 and W1AW/5, respectively, today.  My
comment earlier today related to *satellite* activity from those
states, and I apologize for not being more specific.  I'm hoping
that maybe there will be some W1AW/4 activity from Tennessee this
week, given the number of satellite operators in that state -
especially a certain grid in the southwest part of that state. :-)

Thanks again for working me as W1AW/7 and WD9EWK in the past week.
I now have worked one station on the satellites in DC from my home
grid, after over 8 years of never hearing one.



On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 5:07 AM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> Great job Patrick and John! You really showed everyone how it's done
> from Arizona - It will be pretty tough for me to beat that number as
> W1AW/3 from the District of Columbia in early July!
> I look forward to chasing future W1AW portable operations on the
> satellites. Hopefully as many states as possible get on the air.
> Doesn't look like there's anyone scheduled to operate from New Mexico
> or Tennessee this week. It's not too late to contact your
> coordinators!
> 73,
> Paul, N8HM
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: W1AW/7 Arizona satellite activity - 273 QSOs!

2014-03-19 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Paul (and Rick),

Thanks for the compliments on our W1AW/7 activity.  Working
the passes is fun, but there is a bit of commitment to get on
so many passes to have W1AW/7 on the satellites from here, so
others have good chances to work it.

As for this week's states/territories, I would have thought
there could be W1AW/4 activity from Tennessee.  I have not
heard much from New Mexico in recent times, although I heard
a station from DM65 in the past week.  Maybe that will change
for the other W1AW/5 New Mexico activation in September, or
maybe someone can do a grid expedition to some of these
places and use the W1AW/x calls.  You are not obligated to
work from your home station when using the W1AW/x call.  I
was on from a hamfest last Saturday.  You just have to be on
from within the state/territory for that week.  Now, who's
going to Delaware to work satellites as W1AW/3 in late
November?  ;-)



On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 5:07 AM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> Great job Patrick and John! You really showed everyone how it's done
> from Arizona - It will be pretty tough for me to beat that number as
> W1AW/3 from the District of Columbia in early July!
> I look forward to chasing future W1AW portable operations on the
> satellites. Hopefully as many states as possible get on the air.
> Doesn't look like there's anyone scheduled to operate from New Mexico
> or Tennessee this week. It's not too late to contact your
> coordinators!
> 73,
> Paul, N8HM
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] W1AW/7 Arizona satellite activity - 273 QSOs!

2014-03-18 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

After receiving John K8YSE's file from his activity as W1AW/7, 
I generated two log files for my QSOs (from home most of the 
week, plus the Scottsdale AZ hamfest last Saturday morning),
I have sent all 3 log files to the W1AW/7 Arizona coordinator.
John logged 164 QSOs as W1AW/7, and I logged 109 QSOs
(80 from home, 29 more from the hamfest), for a total of 273 
satellite QSOs as W1AW/7 from Arizona in the past week. 
All QSOs were completed from DM43.  I think this exceeds 
the satellite QSO counts for any other W1AW/x state activity 
so far in 2014.  John and I worked SO-50 and all 4 SSB 
satellites (AO-7, AO-73, FO-29, and VO-52) as W1AW/7.

Along with our satellite activity, there were almost 80 other 
operators putting W1AW/7 on the other bands from locations
all over Arizona.  One of the coordinators posted a schedule
to help the operators keep track of when to operate, which 
also helped others looking for chances to work W1AW/7 in 
different band/mode combinations.  I hope you were able to
work W1AW/7 on HF, if you work those bands along with
the satellites. 

Since ARRL is handling the QSL chores including uploading 
the logs to LOTW for the W1AW/7 activity, please be patient 
if you are waiting for the LOTW confirmation or want a QSL 
card for a W1AW/7 QSO.  I don't know when our logs will get
to ARRL, and I don't know when ARRL will upload them into
LOTW or start processing QSL requests.  

Thanks to John for being able to work his K8YSE/7 station as 
W1AW/7 on so many passes in the past week.  Having John
working passes during weekdays in particular helped greatly.
We coordinated our operating to ensure we covered most 
passes that weren't in the middle of the night - and didn't try to
work the same passes as W1AW/7.  I had fun getting on each 
evening, including the AO-73 passes in the late evenings, along
with much of Saturday and Sunday to help our effort.  

I hope that we were able to work anyone trying for a W1AW/7 
satellite QSO.  Arizona will have the W1AW/7 call once again 
in late August and early September, including the Labor Day 
weekend, if you missed working W1AW/7 in the past week.



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[amsat-bb] W1AW/7 Arizona activity tonight

2014-03-17 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I just worked an FO-29 pass as W1AW/7, and plan on working at
least 3 more passes.  First up, an AO-73 pass around 0416 UTC
that will cover the continental USA.  As that pass wraps up, there 
is a very shallow western FO-29 pass I plan to try.  I should be 
able to barely hear the downlink around 0426-0431 UTC, in case 
anyone is on from Hawaii or near the US west coast.  Then a 
shallow SO-50 pass at 0520 UTC.  I might stay up for the western
AO-73 pass at 0552 UTC, if anyone on the west coast will be up 
around that time (please e-mail me directly or send a tweet to 
@WD9EWK to let me know if you want to try for a QSO on that 
pass).  I will not be able to work the later SO-50 passes, but 
almost nobody has been on any of those passes that approach 
0700 UTC or after.  

John K8YSE/7 should be on passes during the day Tuesday, to 
wrap up the W1AW/7 Arizona activity for this week.  Arizona gets
the W1AW/7 call again in late August, going through the Labor 
Day weekend into early September, and I plan on requesting the
use of the call for satellite activity.  

Thanks again for all the contacts as W1AW/7 this week.  Again,
this has been a fun week, even if we are working on some passes
to make even one QSO in 10-20 minutes.  It's been good to make 
sure that W1AW/7 has been on lots of passes, giving satellite 
operators a chance to log this special call. 


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] W1AW/7 (Arizona) on satellites, as of 0400 UTC 17 March

2014-03-16 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

It has been fun working satellites with the W1AW/7 call over
the past few days.  Especially this weekend, between the 
Scottsdale AZ hamfest yesterday and getting up early this 
morning to start on the satellites at 6am (1300 UTC).  Add in
other passes John K8YSE worked from his Arizona station, 
and I think W1AW/7 was on most passes workable from 
Arizona starting very early this morning into this evening.  
If I didn't need to get some more sleep tonight before going 
back to work, I would have tried for one or two more passes 
tonight before calling it a night.  

I logged 36 QSOs as W1AW/7 today, working 12 different 
passes between 1300 and 0400 UTC.  As of now, I have 
logged 102 satellite QSOs as W1AW/7.  John K8YSE told 
me yesterday afternoon how many QSOs he had logged as 
W1AW/7 at that point; I forget the exact number, but it was 
already over 100 at that time.  With almost two days left 
before the W1AW/x calls move to two other states, the 
W1AW/7 Arizona effort has at least 200 satellite QSOs
in the log.  Thanks to everyone who has called John and me
on so many passes over the past 5 days.  I will come back
and post an update with some statistics from our logs in a 
few days, once we have completed our week as W1AW/7. 

For Monday, John and I will go back to what we did before 
the weekend.  K8YSE/7 will try to work passes during the 
daytime as W1AW/7, then I will work as W1AW/7 into the 
evening.  I will plan on being on AO-73 at 0416 & 0552 UTC, 
as this will be the last evening we will have the W1AW/7 call.
Then K8YSE/7 will be on during the daytime Tuesday as 
W1AW/7 until 2359 UTC.  Even if you have already worked 
us, please feel free to give us a call if you hear us on a pass.  

All of the W1AW/x activity may be an ARRL event, but it is nice 
to see the interest in having those calls show up on the satellites
along with the HF and other bands.  If your state does not have a
plan for satellite operating during its week with a W1AW/x call, 
please contact the coordinator for your state in the listing at:


Chances are good that you will be allowed to use the W1AW/x 
call for your state.  If you're not careful, you may be asked (or
drafted) to coordinate satellite activity for your state's week with
the W1AW/x call. :-)



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[amsat-bb] W1AW/7 through Saturday (15 March) evening

2014-03-15 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks for all the QSOs with W1AW/7 at the Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club's
"Springfest" hamfest in Scottsdale AZ this morning.  I logged 29 QSOs on FO-29,
SO-50, and VO-52 throughout the morning.  This evening was not as productive 
for the W1AW/7 log, with only one QSO on FO-29 (thanks AC0RA!), not being
able to complete a QSO at the end of an AO-73 pass, and logging XF1T on a 
late-evening SO-50 pass to wrap up the day.  I have logged 66 QSOs as W1AW/7
so far, and I think I remember John telling me this afternoon his W1AW/7 QSO 
count is over 100.  

Between K8YSE/7 and me, we will try to have W1AW/7 on many passes on Sunday.
Again, please give us a call and get in the W1AW/7 log.  We are on pace to have
the largest number of satellite QSOs for any of the W1AW/x activity so far in 
Thanks, John, for working so many passes during the week, while I was at work.  
Arizona still has the W1AW/7 call through 2359 UTC on Tuesday, and we plan on 
working passes on Monday and through Tuesday afternoon.  

Along with our two-man W1AW/7 satellite effort from Arizona, there are dozens 
of stations throughout the state working different HF bands and modes using the 
special call.  If you want to try logging any of those before Tuesday 
afternoon, a 
schedule is available at http://www.n7cw.com/Schedule.html 

I am trying to post updates on my Twitter feed @WD9EWK (or visit 
http://twitter.com/WD9EWK to view my feed on a web page) for up-to-the-minute 
information on my W1AW/7 satellite activity.  

Time for bed... I am planning to work VO-52 just after 1300 UTC Sunday morning,
and that's not too far away.  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] Re: fo-29

2014-03-14 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

As N8HM said, some aren't hearing that you are already on
that frequency.  For others, the software controlling the
radio(s) put them on the center of the transponder, and
the operator doesn't bother to tune around and change that

If you start out 10 or 15 kHz above the center frequency
when working SSB, or a similar distance below the center
frequency if you are working CW, you'll avoid the hassle
of fighting all the stations trying to occupy the center
of the transponder simultaneously.  Other than the 20 kHz
transponder on AO-73 at night, there's more than enough
room to move off the center frequency and help spread out
the activity.

And if you are on over the next few days and hear W1AW/7
on, please give us a call.  Either John K8YSE/7 or I will
be on the mic.  Glad to see you're getting back on FO-29...



On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Jeff KB2M  wrote:

> Just tried a FO-29 pass for the first time in months. I don't get down here
> to operate at my main station much anymore. I put myself right around
> 435.850, a clear freq and proceeded to try and  make a few contacts. Well,
> after one contact all of a sudden there were 3 or 4 stations calling CQ on
> 850, right on top of the station I was trying to work. I don't get it,
> there
> is plenty of bandwidth why do people call right in the middle of someone
> trying to make a contact.  I gave up, unbelievable...
> 73 Jeff kb2m
> ___
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[amsat-bb] W1AW/7 from Arizona on satellites, after 2 days...

2014-03-13 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

After just over 2 days, John K8YSE/7 and I have been busy 
putting W1AW/7 on lots of satellite passes.  It's been fun!  I 
just worked a couple of passes this evening on FO-29 and 
AO-73, bringing my QSO count to 23 over 7 different passes 
on 3 satellites (AO-73, FO-29, VO-52).  John has been on 
during the daytime, working more passes and stations.  I did 
not get an update from him today, but hope to get something 
from him tomorrow that I can pass along (if he doesn't post an
update himself). 

On the AO-73 pass I just worked tonight, there was a Canadian
station who was trying to call me in CW near the end of the pass.
I'm sorry I could not copy enough of your call to make a cross-
mode contact, as your CW was a bit faster than what I can copy
outside of some HF contests.  I have the keyer in my FT-817NDs
set at 17wpm, a speed fast enough to be comfortable sending 
and copying without having to scribble anything down (my audio
recorder comes in handy on CW just as it does for SSB and FM
QSOs).  I have been asked to make CW QSOs as W1AW/7, but 
I'm not very comfortable doing a lot of CW via satellite.  Throw in 
Doppler on top of trying to concentrate on my sending and pointing 
the antenna - a lot to do.   

Despite my poor effort trying to decode that call, I was able to work
CO6CBF early in tonight's AO-73 pass.  Hector has been doing great
things with his gear on the satellites lately, including operating portable - 
something he had difficulties doing in the past.  Maybe we can get him 
to work SSB and FM satellites during Cuban grid expeditions, as he 
has done previously on SO-50.  :-)  

I may not stay up too late tomorrow (Friday) night working the
satellites, so I can be up early and at the hamfest in Scottsdale
AZ early Saturday morning.  I might be able to work a couple of
passes, ending with an FO-29 pass around 0335 UTC, so I can
pack my gear and get up to the hamfest early.  I am shooting 
for the VO-52 pass around 1251 UTC and the FO-29 pass after
that at 1305 UTC for good chances to work all across North 
America from the hamfest as W1AW/7.  

A reminder... I'm posting updates on my plans to work as W1AW/7
on my Twitter feed @WD9EWK (http://twitter.com/WD9EWK for 
those not using Twitter), and will continue to do that Saturday 
morning at the hamfest.  I should be able to tweet some photos 
during the hamfest, and - assuming the mobile phone data network
is 3G or 4G at the hamfest - I should be able to submit data from
AO-73 to the FUNcube data warehouse from the hamfest site.  

Thanks for all the QSOs with John and me as W1AW/7 so far this
week.  We'll keep working passes through Tuesday afternoon, when
this week of fun comes to an end for us using W1AW/7 in Arizona.
Please call us when you hear us on, even if you've already worked
us this week.  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-73 Deaf again ????

2014-03-13 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I had replied directly to Peter earlier today, and we have had a nice
exchange discussing what he reported and what I saw on passes last
night.  I can expand on what I saw last night on two AO-73 passes...

The pass you referenced was a 58-degree western pass around 0535 UTC.
Unfortunately, I was the only one on the transponder (as W1AW/7), so
I did more tests with my transmitter power.  I was able to cut my power
down from 5W to 500mW and still hear myself loudly and clearly through
the transponder.  And it was nice outside (around 68F/20C at 10.35pm
local time).  The 145.935 MHz telemetry downlink sounded loud, but I
did not copy it with the software (my laptop was not out with me).

At 0401 UTC, an eastern pass with maximum elevation of 11 degrees
where I lose the first 3 or 4 degrees in that direction due to mountains,
I had a hard time getting through in the first couple of minutes.  I
heard a QSO on the transponder, and one station was very loud.  I was
able to finally hear myself at the center of the transponder, and make
one QSO (as W1AW/7) with CO6CBF.  I didn't move around to find the other
station, so my only QSO on that pass was with Hector.

For both passes, I used a pair of FT-817NDs, transmitting at 5W to my
Elk handheld 2m/70cm log periodic (except for part of the western pass
where I cut my power to 500mW).

The suggestion of trying VO-52 in particular is a good one.  If the
setup works for VO-52, it should do fine with AO-73.  I'll be on at
least one AO-73 pass this evening as W1AW/7 (0423 UTC, maximum
elevation 19 degrees), and - if anyone will be up for the later pass -
I will stick around for the 0559 UTC pass (maximum elevation 33
degrees).  Or maybe I will swap antennas on the later pass, going with
something other than the log periodic...



On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> Peter,
> Not any evidence from Europe, but WD9EWK reported good downlink
> signals from AO-73 on a westerly pass from his QTH in Arizona while
> running just 500 mW to an Elk antenna last night.
> The AAR29 AO-73 log page also reports several QSOs from Europe today:
> http://aar29.free.fr/sat/ao73/ao73log.php
> Have you checked VO-52 and AO-7 Mode B passes to rule out a problem on
> your end?
> 73,
> Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
> Washington, DC
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[amsat-bb] Re: W1AW/7 satellite activity from Arizona has started!

2014-03-12 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks for the compliment.  I, along with John working from
his K8YSE/7 station here in central Arizona, are trying to
keep W1AW/7 on lots of passes over the next few days.  I
hope we can work you at some point over the next few days,
and possibly work you a few times.  I'll be on again later
tonight, including a couple of AO-73 passes for those
staying up late.



On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 6:20 AM, damon runion  wrote:

> Patrick
>  Its good to see that there is someone on this BB that still works the
> birds. I have worn the paint off my delete button with the 400 cub sats and
> all the worthless junk that has been taking the place of real satellite
> operator activity.
> Damon
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[amsat-bb] W1AW/7 satellite activity from Arizona has started!

2014-03-11 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Between John K8YSE/7 and me, we have logged 27 satellite QSOs
as W1AW/7 on the satellites from here in Arizona this evening.  John 
worked a VO-52 pass to start the activity, logging 8 QSOs, followed 
by 9 more QSOs on the FO-29 pass around 0104 UTC.  I logged 7 
QSOs on the later FO-29 pass at 0248 UTC, and 3 more QSOs for
the night owls on AO-73 at 0514 UTC.  Not a bad start, in the first 
few hours of Arizona's week with W1AW/7. 

K8YSE/7 plans to put W1AW/7 on satellites during the daytime
tomorrow (Wednesday), including SO-50 for those wanting an FM 
QSO with W1AW/7.  I plan on working some passes in the evening.  
Both of us will be giving out the official exchange - 59 Arizona - along 
with our grid locators to comply with the instructions for operating 
as W1AW/7 this week. 

We hope to work lots of different stations during this week, in the hopes
of making a respectable showing for the satellite community while Arizona
has the W1AW/7 call sign.  I'll use W1AW/7 for my on-air demonstrations
Saturday morning from the Scottsdale AZ "Springfest" hamfest, which 
should provide many across North America a good shot of logging this
call (including SO-50 QSOs, as that satellite passes by the hamfest during
Saturday morning). 

Time for bed...  73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] AMSAT @ Scottsdale AZ Springfest hamfest on 15 March

2014-03-10 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club's
annual Springfest hamfest on Saturday, 15 March 2014.  The hamfest
will be at the Mountain Valley Church, on Perimeter Drive north of 
Princess Drive and west of the AZ-101 freeway in Scottsdale.  This 
was the location of the hamfest in 2012.  A map of the location is 
available at:


The hamfest is scheduled to run from 0600 (1300 UTC) to 1200 (1900
UTC).  More information about the hamfest is available at:


During the hamfest, I will have some on-air demonstrations working
different satellites.  For this hamfest, I will not work the passes as 
WD9EWK, but as W1AW/7 as part of the ARRL centennial 
commemoration.  These QSOs will be uploaded to LOTW by ARRL,
and ARRL will handle the QSLing.  I will also copy telemetry from 
AO-73 (FUNcube-1) and upload it in real time to the FUNcube data 
warehouse server, using my FUNcube Dongle Pro+ and Elk 2m/70cm
log periodic as that satellite passes overhead.  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] W1AW/7 from Arizona, starting Wednesday 0000 UTC

2014-03-10 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Starting tomorrow (Wednesday  UTC, or 8pm Eastern time 
Tuesday evening), W1AW/7 will be on the air from Arizona.  If
you want to work this call on the HF bands and in different modes
on those bands, there is a nice schedule posted at: 


Satellite activity is not listed on that page, as I am managing 
the satellite activity on behalf of the coordinators of the Arizona
W1AW/7 activity (Ned AA7A and Bud N7CW).  John K8YSE, 
operating his K8YSE/7 station from DM43 in the Phoenix area, 
and I will be on the satellites as W1AW/7 during the upcoming
week.  Please give us a call, and get in the log.  As with the other 
W1AW/x activity, ARRL will be handling the QSLing as listed on 
their web site, and QSOs will also be uploaded to LOTW.  

Among other times, I will use W1AW/7 for demonstrations at the 
Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club's Springfest hamfest on Saturday (15
March) morning instead of my own call.  I will try to get on the birds
in the weeknights, and at other times on the weekend in addition to 
the hamfest.  K8YSE will be on other passes as W1AW/7 using his
Arizona station, based on his availability.  If there are other satellite 
operators who can operate from Arizona and want to help with this 
state's W1AW/7 effort on the satellites, please contact me directly.

Thanks, and 73!


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[amsat-bb] Re: Vienna Wireless Winterfest - Demonstration Report

2014-02-26 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks for the nice report on your activity at the hamfest on Sunday.
I was happy to get up a little early to work you on that FO-29 pass,
and you sounded good through the satellite.  And a thanks to Steve
for leading the forum.  Sounds like you two had a great day!



On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> The demonstrations at the Vienna Wireless Winterfest were quite a success.
> We made two QSOs on the 1230Z pass of VO-52 and an outstanding 11 QSOs on
> the 1347Z pass of FO-29.

> Following the demonstration, Steve, KS1G, presented a great introduction to
> AMSAT and satellite operating in a classroom forum with about 20 hams in
> attendance.
> After the forum, we went back outside to capture some telemetry from
> FUNcube-1 as it passed over at about 1530Z and captured 25 frames with
> Steve's FUNcube Dongle, Elk antenna, and a Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet. Only 25
> frames were captured because it was the first time I had used the FUNcube
> Dongle and the Dashboard is not quite designed for touchscreen input! We
> were able to show the realtime and whole orbit data collected and read
> several fitter messages.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Satellite demos - Sunday morning at the Vienna Wireless Winterfest

2014-02-23 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks for the QSO on FO-29 during that demonstration
earlier this morning.  I hope things went well for you
and Steve KS1G at the hamfest today.  Thanks to you two
for being there!



On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Paul Stoetzer  wrote:

> Good morning,
> KS1G and I will conduct satellite demonstrations at the Vienna
> Wireless Winterfest in Annandale, Virginia on Sunday morning.
> We will be on the following two passes:
> VO-52 - 1228Z - 1240Z
> FO-29 - 1347Z - 1404Z
> I will be calling CQ about 5 kHz +/- above center. Please give us a
> call if you hear us!
> We will also be conducting an AMSAT forum immediately following the
> FO-29 pass. After the forum, we will demonstrate decoding telemetry
> from FUNcube-1.
> More information regarding the hamfest can be found here:
> http://www.viennawireless.org/winterfest.php
> 73,
> Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
> ___
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[amsat-bb] Videos from last weekend's Yuma Hamfest

2014-02-18 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I have posted some videos from last weekend's Yuma Hamfest of some
demonstrations, along with a non-ham-related video that might be of interest.  
The demonstration videos were all done on Saturday, 15 February.  First,
an SO-50 pass at 1444 UTC:


followed by FO-29 about an hour later, at 1556 UTC:


Just after noon (1900 UTC), there was an AO-73 pass where I was outside
copying the telemetry with my FUNcube Dongle Pro+, Elk log periodic, 
Dashboard software, and laptop:


Thanks to Frank N7ZEV (AMSAT Area Coordinator from Las Vegas NV) and 
Israel AD7ND (AMSAT member from the Phoenix area) who were around 
during the AO-73 pass.  Alex XE2BSS/N2IX from Calexico CA (west of Yuma)
ran the camera for these three videos, and did a little bit of commentary in 

On Friday (14 February) morning before the official start of the hamfest, I was
outside watching the activity at the airfield across from the hamfest site. That
airfield is a joint-use airfield, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma for the 
and Yuma International Airport for the civilians.  As it was a weekday, there 
were Marine planes taking off for training.  I saw AV-8B Harriers, F-5s (these
are "aggressors", simulating the "enemy" for training Marine pilots), and even
the new F-35 Lightning II which is going to eventually replace the Harriers in
Marine service.  I was not able to get a video of the F-35s, but caught a 
as it was landing.  Even at a normal airfield, Harriers land vertically.  This 
shows a Harrier descending to its landing pad:


The radio traffic heard in this video was from the 119.300 MHz AM frequency 
used by the Yuma airport control tower.  I was holding a receiver near my 
camera, and the camera picked up the radio chatter as I recorded the video. 


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Yuma Hamfest - day 2

2014-02-15 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

The 2014 Yuma Hamfest has wrapped up, and day two was a good day
out here in southwestern Arizona.  A full day of activity, followed by a 
barbecue in the evening.  Just like yesterday afternoon, there were lots
of people visiting the hamfest, and activity at the AMSAT booth in the 
main hall as well as outside the hall during demonstrations.  

Visitors... Larry WA6DIR and Endaf KG6FIY, two satellite operators from
southern California, stopped by the hamfest and visited the booth.  I posted
a picture of Larry on my Twitter feed @WD9EWK (http://twitter.com/WD9EWK
for those not on Twitter), and Endaf posted a photo of him and me to his 
Twitter feed @endaf_99 (http://twitter.com/endaf_99 ).  Others that stopped
by included Alex XE2BSS/N2IX, Larry KI6YAA, and Neil W6FOG - with his
parrot.  Other people would stop by and ask questions about satellites and 
AMSAT, along with questions on all sorts of topics.  

Satellites... thanks to the 8 stations across the continental USA and 
Mexico that worked WD9EWK during the SO-50 pass around 1444 UTC
this morning.  This was just before the official start of the hamfest at 
1500 UTC, but there was a crowd milling around the main hall entrance
where I was set up.  A nice demonstration.  That was followed by an 
FO-29 pass just over an hour later.  Although I only talked with two 
stations (thanks to AC0RA and N5UXT for the calls!), Wyatt AC0RA 
was kind enough to chat with me for several minutes during the pass. 
That helped pass the time during the pass, instead of the crowd hearing
several minutes of CQ calls until Angelo called me late in the pass. 
Alex XE2BSS/N2IX recorded videos of me working these two passes,
and those should be up on YouTube in a few days, after I get back 

Along with these two passes, I made use of an AO-73 pass just after
noon (1900 UTC) to copy some telemetry and feed it to the FUNcube
data warehouse server from outside the main hall where I had done my
earlier demonstrations.  Using a FUNcube Dongle Pro+, Elk Antennas
2m/70cm log periodic, and the FUNcube Dashboard software on my
laptop, I was able to successfully copy and upload 47 data frames 
during this pass.  There were 45 other frames that I didn't copy 
completely, which I attribute to not pointing my antenna at the satellite 
well enough during parts of the pass.  Alex XE2BSS/N2IX was back 
outside again with the camera recording another video, and Frank 
N7ZEV - he helped me with the AO-7 demonstration yesterday - was 
outside helping answer questions as the data was being received.  It 
was nice to show the crowd the FUNcube data warehouse web page 
during the pass, where they could see WD9EWK-DM22 pop up on the
web page along with the other stations feeding data to that server.  I 
defined a new configuration for my Dashboard program just for the 
hamfest with its latitude and longitude, as opposed to WD9EWK-DM43
I normally use in the program at home.  

Thanks, once again, to the Yuma Amateur Radio Hamfest Organization
for providing AMSAT a booth and allowing us to be a part of another 
successful weekend.  This was the 6th consecutive year AMSAT has
been a part of the Yuma Hamfest.  Thanks to all of those who helped
with the demonstrations, along with Ron W6ZQ and the other ARRL 
card checkers, as well as Francisco N6CRX (a ham from nearby 
Calexico CA), for keeping an eye on the AMSAT booth while we were 
outside with the demonstrations.  And thanks to everyone who called
and worked WD9EWK during the satellite demonstrations.  

Time for bed, then the drive home tomorrow (plus a stop somewhere 
in grid DM32 for some passes in the morning).  73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Yuma Hamfest - day 1

2014-02-14 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

The first day of the two-day Yuma Hamfest in southwestern Arizona
was a great day.  A huge crowd showed up as the hamfest opened 
at midday, there was steady traffic through the main hall where my 
AMSAT booth was located, and I had a nice crowd watch and listen 
to a demonstration on AO-7 in the afternoon.  The hamfest continues 
tomorrow, with a full day of activities wrapping up with a barbecue in 
the evening.  

Thanks to AC0RA, W5PFG, AA5PK, and N8HM for the contacts on
the AO-7 pass around 2240 UTC.  This was the only demonstration I
gave today.  This pass showed how well this 39-year-old satellite is
still working, and these stations - in Iowa, two different parts of Texas,
and Washington DC - illustrated the coverage of this satellite.  I had 
some help for this demonstration.  Frank N7ZEV, a satellite ham and 
AMSAT Area Coordinator from Las Vegas, was outside for this pass 
with his TH-F6A HT and the 2m part of his Arrow Yagi listening in as 
I worked the pass.  Keeping an eye on my booth in the hamfest's 
main hall during this demonstration was a group of ARRL card 
checkers, including long-time satellite ham Ron W6ZQ.  

The hamfest continues at 8am (1500 UTC) tomorrow morning, and I 
am planning to get on passes during the day.  I am going to try to 
work SO-50 as it passes by at 1441-1453 UTC, just before the official
starting time of the hamfest, and other passes later.  Please call me
if you hear WD9EWK on any of these passes.  I'm also planning on 
going outside the hall to copy AO-73 telemetry on at least one of the
two passes later in the morning. 


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] DM32 activity around Yuma Hamfest later this week

2014-02-11 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I don't know when I will drive out to Yuma on Thursday in advance
of the hamfest.  I will keep a printout of upcoming passes in the 
car, so I can try to work from grid DM32 as I drive out there.  I plan
on driving home on Sunday morning, and I should be able to work 
passes for a couple of hours from somewhere in grid DM32.  Since 
there isn't much in grid DM32, and almost nothing between the I-8 
freeway and the Mexican border except for an Air Force bombing 
range, I won't plan on setting up out there before sunrise.  I might 
try to work from the DM22/DM32 boundary on the north side of I-8, 
a place I have worked from many times in the past, about 25 
miles/40km east of Yuma.  

Depending on APRS coverage east of Yuma along the freeway, you
may be able to see my location on http://aprs.fi/WD9EWK-9 as I
drive out there.  I'll also post updates on my Twitter feed @WD9EWK
which can also be seen at http://twitter.com/WD9EWK if you don't
use Twitter.  

Just like with QSOs I make at hamfests, including at the upcoming
Yuma hamfest, I will upload my log to Logbook of the World.  Anyone 
wanting a QSL card for working me can just e-mail me the QSO 
details.  I'll be happy to send you a card if you're in the log.  No SASE


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Yuma (Arizona) Hamfest, 14-15 February 2014

2014-02-11 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT booth at the Yuma (Arizona) Hamfest later
this week, on Friday and Saturday (14-15 February 2014).  This
will be the 6th year I have made the trip to Yuma to host an 
AMSAT booth.  The AMSAT booth will be in the main hall at the
hamfest site, the Yuma County Fairgrounds - south of the I-8
freeway, across the street from Yuma International Airport and
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma.  More information about the 
hamfest is available at:


During the hamfest, Friday afternoon and all day Saturday, 
WD9EWK will be on various satellite passes from outside the 
main hall.  Yuma is in grid DM22, for those interested in grids 
via satellite.  Please call me if you hear WD9EWK on the passes, 
and be a part of the satellite demonstrations.  Not knowing if I 
can get outside for every possible pass during the hamfest, I will
try to post updates to this mailing list of when I will be on the air.
I should not have a problem with weather out there, as it could 
reach 91F/33C on Saturday afternoon.  In mid-February!  Also 
keep an eye on my Twitter feed @WD9EWK - or use 
http://twitter.com/WD9EWK if you aren't on Twitter - as I can 
quickly post updates that way from my mobile phone.  

I will upload all QSOs made from the Yuma Hamfest to Logbook
of the World.  Please e-mail me directly with QSO details if you 
would like to receive a WD9EWK QSL for our QSO.  No need to 
send me a card or SASE.  The printer at home is ready to print
some QSL cards.  :-) 

Thanks, and 73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

P.S.: This hamfest, along with other hamfests and events with an 
AMSAT presence, are listed at: http://ww2.amsat.org/?page_id=218 
on the AMSAT web site. 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Listening on USB when operating CW

2014-02-07 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Lately, as I have been listening a lot more with my FUNcube Dongle
> Pro+, I have observed many CW stations drifting across the satellites'
> passband.  I realize this is not a new phenomenon.  I would assume
> these drifting stations are NOT using any type of computer Doppler
> correction.  If they were using computer control, I would assume their
> CW would stay on the same place in the transponder's passband.  It is
> visually apparent when the stations manually make larger frequency
> movements because of the curve displayed on my SDR application's
> waterfall display.
You're basically correct.

Stations using full computer control like what you get in SatPC32 will
be able to keep their frequencies steady at the satellite, but there
would still be some drift in what you observe on your SDR software's
waterfall display.  I also see this when I'm working those stations
with my portable two-radio setup, where I'm having to make minor
adjustments on both my uplink and downlink frequencies to keep up with
the other station.  For the mode B satellites where the operators are
only adjusting the higher of the two frequencies (uplink), it might be
easier to keep the downlink frequency at your receiver from drifting
so much.  There would be some drift at the satellite, but not so much
on your waterfall display.

> My question is, does it make sense for people using CW on the
> satellites to have their receiver set to USB?  Do some operators do
> this?  If listening on a VFO with USB and had your transmit VFO set to
> CW, would this help make it easier for CW ops to know when they have
> drifted into an existing voice QSO?

For the few times I have worked CW via satellite, I always set my
receiver to USB.  Without computer control, I would have to be
adjusting my receive VFO all the time to keep the CW signal in my
receiver's CW passband if it drifted.  My ear can do an OK job of
dealing with the drifting signal (changing pitch of the CW) when
the receiver is in USB.  When I use USB, I also avoid using any
narrow receive filtering.

For the FUNcube Dongle Pro+ and HDSDR, I only use USB on these
satellites.  I may widen the audio passband HDSDR has for USB,
but I don't bother putting it into CW when copying CW signals.


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Colorado AMSAT net returns...

2014-02-07 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Last weekend, I saw a tweet that from Jeff K0JSC that AMSAT retweeted, 
saying that there would be a new AMSAT net starting up on Thursdays at
1900 local time (currently 0200 UTC Friday).  I e-mailed Jeff for more 
information about the net, so I could update AMSAT's list of nets at:


I was also hoping to be able to connect into the net.  Jeff explained that 
the net was available on the Rocky Mountain Radio League's 146.940 
MHz repeater near Denver, as well as on his system of repeaters in 
Colorado.  After some back-and-forth e-mails, I was able to find a way
to connect into the Allstar Link system and get to Jeff's repeater system
as the net was starting up last night.  The web site for Jeff's repeater 
system http://www.k0jsc.com/ provides an audio feed from the repeater 
system, for those wanting to listen in on the activity.  

The net control last night was Skyler KD0WHB, a 15-year-old ham.  If
I didn't hear it mentioned on the net, I wouldn't have realized this was 
the first time he had been a net control.  Skyler read satellite-related 
news bulletins, took check-ins, and asked everyone who checked in if
they had ever worked satellites.  There were 10 check-ins to the net, 9
from around Colorado plus me.  

Congratulations to KD0WHB for running a great net, K0JSC and the 
Rocky Mountain Radio League for allowing those repeaters to be used
for the net, and everyone who checked in.  It was great to hear the 
discussion related to satellites. 


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: status

2014-01-26 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks for the quick and calm response.

Well I don't know but it seems like to me that same
 handheld antenna mounted on a tripod  and  using small
 DC motors to track the satellite in both the azimuth
 and elevation planes ( something like Mark Spencers
 latest creation) along with full blown doppler correction
 being provided along with it from some type of  "black
 box" transceiver and/or interface which was assembled
 from a reasonably inexpensive kit and is being run by an
 iphone , droid or tablet  with an app or possibly by a
 laptop and the whole shebang being powered from a
 reasonable sized cluster of li poly batteries is much
 more impressive than a guy with an HT pointing an antenna
 in the air with his hand.

That may be the case, but that - like beauty - is in the
eye of the beholder.

I was expecting to see a response with something that
hadn't already been proposed, but this is something
more than just saying that we need to do something
different without finishing that thought.

Mark Spencer, a long-time satellite operator, has done
a lot for this corner of our hobby.  He's also an all-
around good guy.  :-) 

 IMO that also would not seem unattainable and  monetarily
 out of reach to the average joe ham  who has somewhat
 bothered to keep up with the technology available to him
 or her today.  I know I would love such a system.  You
 could also have a demonstration of the simpler hand held
 station going and let people make up their own mind which
 had more appeal and "cool" factor.  My idea isn't so
 complex that it overwhelms but is not so simple that it
 totally takes away the "wow" factor either.

Agreed.  Mark Spencer's idea (using his WRAPS rotator) is
cool.  When it becomes available, I will probably buy one
and incorporate that as part of my hamfest demonstration
station - which will also be motivation to finally use
SatPC32 to control my FT-817NDs.  I may not use the rotator
when I go out to unusual locations to put them on the air,
but it will be interesting to see those rotators in action.
I saw one at the AMSAT Symposium where he gave a presentation
about it (a video of that is on my YouTube channel), and
I like it.

What others perceive as "cool" depends on what they are
looking for.  Some like the hi-tech setups, others like the
simpler setups, and some like both.  
I think John K8YSE has
written an article about his remote-controlled satellite
stations that will appear in an upcoming AMSAT Journal, as
an example that might closer approach what you're looking
for.  John may not be using SDR radios as is your preference,
but he now has two complete satellite stations he can operate
when sitting in front of the radios, or from anywhere he has
Internet access.  Then there are hams like me who are pushing
the limits with a simpler and very portable station - yet
have opportunities to experiment by trying different station
components (different antennas, radios, etc.) without
breaking the bank.

Living in a rental house in an HOA-controlled area, I can't
put up antennas on the house or property.  I can stay active
using my portable gear and have a fully-functional station
for satellite operating, even if it is at the opposite end
of the spectrum from what you are interested in.  And I'm
having fun doing this.  Maybe I need to go to a support
group...  "Hi, my name is Patrick, and I enjoy working
satellites and doing demonstrations at hamfests with a
simple station."  Or am I in one right here?  :-)


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: status

2014-01-26 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

> If you will bother to read the rest of the post , you will
 see where I apologized for the comment.  It was a poor
 choice of words but I was trying to express my UTTER
 FRUSTRATION with this approach to trying to "sell" the
 concept of hamsats.

Thanks for the apology for the "idiot" comment.

> You really think the average person
 who can whip out their I-phone  or Droid and preform what
 would have been considered technological marvels a few

short year ago is impressed with your HT and a handheld
 antenna working a sat to exchange  a cryptic bit of
 information such as a callsign and a grid square? It may
 have been impressive ten years ago on even five years ago
 but it's old hat now.

As for your question about crowds being impressed with what
we can do with an HT and Yagi (or some other radio and
antenna) via satellite, the answer is still "YES".  There is
still something to being able to talk across the country via
satellite, not using the Internet or telephone network, with
a small radio (or radios).  At the hamfests where I represent
AMSAT, I get larger crowds for the SSB satellite demonstrations
than for the FM satellite demonstrations, but crowds show up
for both.  

> I suggest a fresher more technologically savvy approach.
> I'm truly and sincerely sorry though if I hurt the feelings
> of outdoor portable sat ops enthusiast or the AMSAT
> volunteers who do such demos.

We're listening... what do you suggest?

Sophisticated home stations like what you described in an
earlier post don't work well for those of us at hamfests or
other events, even if we have videos that can show that off.
The sophisticated home station may even scare off some, who
fear that it would take a lot of time - and more $$$ - to
get on the satellites.

One thing I've advocated is to do demonstrations that use more
than FM satellites - or, right now, FM satellite (SO-50).  For
the past few years, I do a lot of SSB satellite demonstrations
at the hamfests I attend.  Sometimes, this is out of necessity
(FM satellites are not passing by during the hamfest, or aren't
available for some other reason).  Two weeks ago at a hamfest
here in Phoenix, all of my demonstrations were done on the SSB
satellites (AO-7, FO-29, VO-52), because SO-50 didn't pass by
during that morning.  I also used my FUNcube dongle and laptop
with the FUNcube dashboard software to show off and talk about
AO-73 during its two passes at the hamfest.

The portable setup like I use (and is well documented in my
videos at http://www.youtube.com/va7ewk if you want to take
a look), which you apparently don't like, is compatible with
places that have antenna restrictions.  I explain that the
same gear I use at the hamfest can be the basis for a home
station.  More, and better, coax is needed for a longer run
at home than at the hamfest demo.  A rotator of some sort is
needed for a directional antenna.  Preamps and/or power
amplifiers may also be needed.  Replacing one FT-817ND with
a radio like an FT-857 or IC-7000 may take care of the need
for more transmit power.  But my two FT-817NDs and Elk log
periodic can still be the basis of a home station.  When I
add in the FUNcube dongle as the receiver instead of one
FT-817ND, I'm expanding the capability of my station -
whether at home, at a hamfest, or operating somewhere else.
This is certainly cheaper than the last fully-SDR satellite-
ready transceiver I remember seeing on the market (Flex-5000
with VHF/UHF module).

We all would like an HEO satellite.  I fear Phase-3E will
continue to ride the shelf at its German laboratory, absent
a large infusion of funds to cover the gap between however
much $$$ AMSAT-DL has raised and the US$ 10 million or US$ 15
million needed to pay for a launch.  Until then, I'm enjoying
the different challenges of working the satellites we have,
and doing this using different combinations of radios and
antennas, working from different locations, and periodically
showing this off at hamfests and other events.


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Finding yourself on the linear transponders

2014-01-08 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Hi Roger!

I'm one of those who has a key (paddles) to send dits.  I've made
a few CW QSOs via satellite, but most of the time the paddles are
my tool to line myself up on transponders so I can work them in
SSB.  I've been doing this for several years, normally with two
FT-817NDs and no computer.  Lining up a CW signal through the
transponder has been a lot easier for me than talking while trying
to find myself.  It also helps to compensate for Doppler when
starting out.  For example, if I'm trying to get started at 145.910
MHz on VO-52's downlink early in a pass, I do not start transmitting
right on 435.240 MHz.  I move my transmit frequency down a few kHz,
so I am not having to transmit across 7 to 10 kHz to line myself up.
I used to keep a note card with the TX and RX frequencies I should
use for each of the SSB satellites, so I could set my radios up
with a minimum of transmissions to get lined up.  Less time used
to get lined up should mean more time to make QSOs.

As was mentioned by KB2M and W5PFG, I don't normally start a pass
at the center of the transponder.  There is usually more than
enough activity in the few kHz above and below that spot, where
I might not hear my 5-watt signals coming through the transponder
there.  I also know that, without using a computer, I should go off
and find a quiet spot away from the center to get lined up.  I don't
interfere with others that way, and they aren't getting in my way
when I'm trying to get lined up.  I look to go 10 to 15 kHz above
the center frequency to get started, then work from there.  I may
move down toward the center later in the pass, if I am not working
anyone where I started out higher in the transponder. If you try to
find me this Saturday morning on those satellites while I am doing
demonstrations from a Phoenix hamfest, look for me around that area
early in the pass instead of at the center of the transponder.

W5PFG is also right about those who use too much power through the
transponders.  Normally I have no problems working the transponders
with 5W signals, and sometimes will cut back to as little as 500mW
around the middle of a pass. There have been times where I am not
able to hear myself, even when the satellite is up 30 to 40 degrees
from the horizon - where I should be able to hear myself clearly
through the satellite.  I can usually find a very strong signal
on the downlink when that happens, one that probably could use less
power and still be clearly heard.



On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:53 PM, Roger Kolakowski  wrote:

> Honestly...I wonder how many of the operators have keys to send those
> dits...
> Roger
> On 1/7/2014 7:59 PM, Ronald G. Parsons wrote:
>> Perhaps it’s just me, but it seems like an increasing number of operators
>> are trying to find their downlink by speaking into their mic while tuning
>> up and down the band, often plus or minus 20-30 kHz. Not only is this
>> disruptive to existing QSOs, it is not the most effective way to do it. My
>> receiver has a panadapter with a 40 KHz bandwidth, and I can see these SSB
>> signals swishing up and down, over and over.
>> If you don’t have computer control of your frequency, set up a switch by
>> which you can send a SHORT series of dits. Then don’t swish. Adjust your
>> transmitter is steps of about 3 kHz. Send a burst of dits at low power and
>> listen. If you don’t hear yourself, tune up or down. This way you will have
>> an effective way to find yourself and you won’t interrupt other QSOs
>> repeatedly.
>> Once you find yourself, make sure you are not interfering with an
>> existing QSO. Then refine your tuning until your frequency is nearly right.
>> If you are operating CW, your done. If you are operating SSB, try holding a
>> tone generator near your mic and adjust your transmitter or receiver until
>> the tone on the downlink matches the tone generator.
>> There is probably a free tone generator available for your smart phone.
>> Better yet, try computer control of your transmitter and receiver. You
>> can easily find an Elmer on the air if you need help.
>> But, PLEASE. don’t swish!
>> Ron W5RKN
>> ___
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>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Any interest in DM31?

2013-12-26 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

In 2009 and 2010, I made the trip to southern Arizona and worked
different satellites from grid DM31 within sight of the USA/Mexico 
border fence in Lukeville AZ (look up that town, or grid DM31ov, to
get an idea of the geography in that area).  I worked many of the 
active operators who were on at those times on several satellites
in SSB and FM.  Some of those guys are still active, but newer 
satellite operators (or those who were inactive in 2009 or 2010) 
may have missed my previous DM31 trips.  Since I've been asked 
by a couple of satellite operators about those trips, and the 
possibility of another DM31 trip, I'll pose the question here: 

Is there any interest in a trip to activate DM31 in early 2014 on the
satellites?  Or possibly multiple trips, before the summertime heat

I would attempt to pick a day for this trip where SO-50 had 
passes in the daytime - to allow more stations to have a shot at
working this rarely-heard grid, and also to avoid being down there
at night due to security concerns with the international border.  
This means I would not be able to work AO-73 down there, but 
would try to pick a Saturday with SO-50 and the other satellites
with SSB/CW transponders all being available - including AO-7 in
mode B.  And another opportunity to have friendly conversations
with the law-enforcement officers and agents in that area.  :-)  
(They are great to talk with, some take an interest in my equipment,
and all will keep an eye on me to ensure I remain safe while in the

I can't commit to any specific dates yet, but a Saturday is probably 
the best day of the week for a trip down there.  I might even throw
in a weekday trip, if time permits, in addition to a Saturday trip.  I 
would be able to leave early so I arrive in the area in daylight, and
stay until around sunset so I am on the highway north from the 
border before darkness falls across that desert area.  I am probably
not going to camp down there, even at the campground in the
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument that surrounds the Lukeville
border crossing.  I like camping, but prefer to do that in other places
where I'm not as concerned about the local security situation.  I
would prepare QSL cards as I do for my other trips to confirm QSOs
for DM31, and upload those QSOs to Logbook of the World after a
trip down there.  

Please feel free to e-mail me directly if you would be interested in 
working me during a road trip to DM31 in early 2014.  I will post 
more when I decide on a date (or dates) for a trip down there.  I
am not looking for any contributions to cover expenses to go there,
since it is only a 3-hour drive from Phoenix to get there.  Fuel 
costs are manageable, and I don't need to drive off paved roads to 
get to good locations to set up and still be safe (a good thing, now
that I don't drive a truck). 

Thanks in advance, and 73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: WRAPS - Portable Rotator System

2013-12-11 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

You can also see a video of Mark WA8SME talking about the
WRAPS rotator at the 2013 AMSAT Symposium a few weeks ago
in Houston:




On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Clint Bradford

> Nice article by Mark Spencer WA8SME in the January, 2014 issue of QST
> on building a portable az-el rotator system for tracking the birds.
> Available to ARRL members online at ...
> http://www.arrl.org
> Clint K6LCS
> --
> Clint Bradford, K6LCS
> http://www.clintbradford.com
> ___
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[amsat-bb] Superstition Hamfest, tomorrow (7 December)

2013-12-06 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the Superstition Amateur Radio
Club's Superstition Superfest hamfest in Queen Creek AZ. 
This hamfest is at Schnepf Farms in Queen Creek, a town
southeast of Phoenix - a new location. More information
about the hamfest is available at:


WD9EWK will be on satellite passes from the hamfest, for
on-air demonstrations. Please call WD9EWK and say "hi" to
the crowd if you hear me. The hamfest is in grid DM43.  If
you work WD9EWK during the hamfest and want a QSL card,
please e-mail me with the QSO details. If you are in the log, I 
will send a card.  QSOs will also be uploaded to LOTW after 
the hamfest. 

AMSAT's web site now has a list of upcoming events where 
AMSAT will be represented.  Go to http://www.amsat.org/ 
and click on Events for pages with information on AMSAT
activities at events like the Dayton Hamvention or Orlando
Hamcation - events with a significant AMSAT presence.  Other
events, like this hamfest, are on a list reachable by clicking on
Events followed by clicking on Other Events from the drop-
down menu. This list of other AMSAT events is directly 
accessible at:




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[amsat-bb] Re: Panadapter for the FT-817

2013-12-02 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Thanks for the explanation on using the FUNcube Dongle
with an FT-817 (or other radio).  That makes sense, and
will be something to think about.  First, I want to use
the dongle as is, to see how well it works on its own.
Then I might consider the mod to the 817 and using it
with the dongle.



On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Mike Seguin wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
> I think there are several advantages to adding the Panadapter interface.
> 1.) It uses the common IF of the FT-817, so it works with whatever
> band/mode you tune with the FT-817 - 160M through 432. The Funcube stays on
> 68.33 MHz.
> 2.) It's fully integrated with the FT-817, so no need to worry about
> accidentally transmitting in to your FunCube. (this was a big one for me!)
> 3.) It has band pass filtering on the 68.33 MHz common IF feed.
> Sensitivity is very good.
> I use it primarily with HDSDR. Using OmniRig within HDSDR linked to the
> FunCube creates a very powerful system. You lock the Funcube setting to
> 68.33 MHz (I actually use 68.32 to get away from the center channel spike).
> In HDSDR, the display is the actual FT-817 frequency. You now can tune
> either the FT-817 or HDSDR and they both track - The Funcube stays on 68.32
> MHz so you always see ± 48 kHz of your center tuning (I use the original
> Funcube, so 96 kHz). HDSDR has DDE as well.
> I'm sure there is more and there are specific benefits for satellite work.
> Once you start working with a Panadapter on satellite, I don't think you'll
> ever want to go back to the old way. Seeing the whole transponder at once
> or the ability to record the full I&Q bandwidth for post processing later
> is very powerful. (no more "audio recorder" to log qso's)
> The choice is really whether to use the FunCube standalone or integrated
> via the interface. Both of my FT-817's have the Interface!
> Mike
> On 12/1/2013 9:32 PM, Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) wrote:
> >
> > To those who suggested I modify one of my FT-817NDs to
> > have a panadapter interface and then use both the 817
> > and dongle on the downlink, what advantages would I
> > have in doing that, instead of just using the dongle
> > as the downlink receiver?  I apologize if this is a
> > silly question, but I'm wanting to learn more about
> > what I can do with this dongle, by itself or alongside
> > my existing gear.  I'm looking forward to seeing N1JEZ's
> > article in an upcoming AMSAT Journal, and will look at
> > the link Mike suggested to learn more about this option.--
> 73,
> Mike, N1JEZ
> "A closed mouth gathers no feet"
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-73/FUNcube-1 videos, observations

2013-12-01 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
Hi Mark!

Thanks for your e-mail.  Since I do lots of satellite
demonstrations and get the questions about what it
takes to work satellites like the new AO-73, I figured
I'd put together some information in those videos and
my -BB posts.  I'll use your message as the one I reply
to, but acknowledge the others who replied to my late-
night post on the -BB and in direct e-mails today.  No
radio tonight, since I have to be in the office early
tomorrow, but I will probably be outside tomorrow night
for at least one of the AO-73 passes.

AC0RA mentioned last night on the western AO-73 pass
that he could receive the transponder and use the
dashboard to receive telemetry at the same time.  Wyatt
didn't go into detail on what he had to do on the laptop
on the air, but he mentioned he used HDSDR with the
dashboard software.  I may follow Hector's (CO6CBF)
suggestion of working the transponder and recording
everything during a pass, then run that through the
dashboard using whatever configuration I need so that
the playback can be piped into the dashboard and decoded.
I may be able to work SSB/CW satellites without a computer
from almost anywhere I go, but the SDR stuff is something
I am trying to (quickly) learn.  Especially when the
dongle's namesake is now in orbit and operational.  :-)

Since I will be at a hamfest on Saturday morning, I may
work on just using the dashboard by itself to copy the
telemetry, to have something else to show off at the
hamfest on AO-73's morning passes (if the transponder is
not turned on), then "worry" about trying to hear the
transponder and receive telemetry with the dashboard

You mentioned that I could work the transponder and
receive telemetry at the same time if I transmit at
500mW.  This would be possible on higher passes based
on my tests in the past week, but is there a reason
why 5W would be too much with the Pro+ dongle and its
filtering along with a diplexer between the radios
and the Elk antenna?  I'm not looking to run more power
than 5W, since I'm not planning to add an amplifier or
replace one of my FT-817NDs with something like an
FT-857 at this point.

To those who suggested I modify one of my FT-817NDs to
have a panadapter interface and then use both the 817
and dongle on the downlink, what advantages would I
have in doing that, instead of just using the dongle
as the downlink receiver?  I apologize if this is a
silly question, but I'm wanting to learn more about
what I can do with this dongle, by itself or alongside
my existing gear.  I'm looking forward to seeing N1JEZ's
article in an upcoming AMSAT Journal, and will look at
the link Mike suggested to learn more about this option.

I haven't even started thinking about getting SatPC32
mixed in with all of this SDR stuff, but know that I
could do that.  I still need to get it working my two
FT-817NDs, something that remains on my satellite "to
do" list.



On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Mark L. Hammond wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
> Great sharing of your experiences---thanks!  Nice to have AO-73 operations
> futher characterized.
> Regarding the Funcube Dongle Pro Plus (FCDP+)---you should enjoy the
> experience of learning how to use it!  It's such a neat receiver.
> Some quick thoughts/pointers/questions:
> Are you planning to capture telemetry and work the transponder
> simultaneously during evening passes?  It might work, depending on your
> antenna system, especially if you can get buy with only 500mW uplink.  I'll
> be interested in your experiences with this...
> There is one thing to remember--you'll need two audio streams decoding at
> the same time.  SDR-Radio V2.1 will do this, with "VFO A" and "VFO B".
> They each have separate audio out selections, so you can pipe the telemetry
> to something like VB Audio Virtual Cable into the Dashboard, and the other
> VFO and audio stream to your laptop speakers or headphone jack.  SDR-Radio
> V2.1 also has built in satellite tracking for doppler correction, and you
> can record the pass at the same time!
> On the other handif you don't want to try to do telemetry and the
> transponder simultaneously, you have some more options...
> SatPC32 has great DDE support, and you can use that with either HDSDR or
> SDRSharp to tune your FCDP+ as a separate receiver.  It works great, and
> it's pretty easy to do, if you want your receiver following the
> Doppler/frequency from SatPC32.
> Now, if you want to use your FCDP+ as a receiver AND be able to click on a
> frequency and have the transmit match it---that's another trickier setup
> involving HDSDR, SatPC32, and virtual comports.  It works and is slick, but
> it's not for the faint of heart.  You can read about that setup here:
> http://www.tomdoyle.org/FUNcube-SatPC32/FUNcube-SatPC32.html
> I did similar to that writeup by Tom, but found I could do 56k serial port
> speeds just fine.
> Have fun!
> 73,
> So, lots of options..

[amsat-bb] AO-73/FUNcube-1 videos, observations

2013-12-01 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Over the past few nights, I've been working the new AO-73 
satellite from my back yard.  Most of the time, I have been
using my normal portable all-mode satellite station - two 
Yaesu FT-817NDs, Elk handheld 2m/70cm log periodic 
antenna. Last night, I replaced one of the FT-817NDs with
a Kenwood TH-F6A - using its all-mode receiver to copy the
downlink.  Tonight, I used an Icom IC-R20 receiver for the 
downlink.  I have used these radios in the past on other 
satellites, and for some hamfest demonstrations on VO-52
I have used the FT-817ND/TH-F6A combination.  I have 
made a series of videos (satellite audio combined with 
slideshows) from several AO-73 passes I've worked this 
week, and those are available at:


One of the AO-73 videos I recorded contains audio from two
passes, and is about twice as long as the others which have
audio from a single pass.  

After working these passes, I am convinced that this new 
satellite performs as well as VO-52, for both its uplink and 
downlink.  This is a very good thing!  AO-73 hears very well, 
as long as I'm careful to match the polarization of the satellite's
antennas.  The downlink is strong enough to allow me to use
any of these radios as the receiver on higher passes.  For 
lower passes, I would probably use my second FT-817ND for 
the downlink receiver.  It is good to know that, at least on the 
higher passes, there are lots of options for a downlink receiver.
On the same higher passes, I know that I can cut my power
down from 5W to 1W and even 500mW.  High power is not 
necessary to be heard through the transponder.  

Next project for me with this satellite: using a FUNcube Dongle
Pro+ that I have had for a few months as the downlink receiver,
for both the transponder and telemetry, while working the 
transponder with an FT-817ND as my transmit radio.  I reinstalled 
HDSDR and its ExtIO DLL for the Pro+ dongle on my 64-bit 
Windows 7 laptop, and it is working well.  I have downloaded the 
FUNcube-1 dashboard software, and need to get that installed.  
I also have an old netbook with Linux on it, and am curious to 
see how the dongle works with that operating system.  I am 
hoping to be able to use the dongle and a laptop as the downlink
receiver, without being wiped out by the 5W signals from an 

If this is successful, I may have a new combination for my all-
mode satellite station I can use for upcoming demonstrations.
Using the dongle and dashboard software during daytime AO-73
passes at hamfests would be something different, and a great
thing to show off to the hamfest crowds.  

Thanks, again, to all who worked on getting this satellite built
and launched.  Even with the transponder on only for the nighttime
passes, it has been fun to be on a new satellite so soon after
its launch.  Time for bed...  73!


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[amsat-bb] AO73 pass @ 0632 UTC tonight

2013-11-28 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will be on the next AO-73 pass at 0632 UTC tonight.
Hope to hear anyone else out west that might still
be up and around the radio at that hour.

The last pass around 0455 UTC was the best pass to
the east that I've worked on this satellite so far. I made
only 2 QSOs, but could hear my 5W signals through
the transponder from 2 minutes after AOS almost 
until LOS, up around .965 to .967. That was fun!



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[amsat-bb] Anyone for AO-73 @ 0610 UTC tonight?

2013-11-27 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

If anyone out west will be up in an hour or so, I will be outside
looking to work the AO-73 pass that will be going by around 
0610 UTC.  With tomorrow being a holiday, and with no need  
for an alarm clock (other than my four-legged alarm clock, 
who has her own schedule), I'll be on there trying to make 
some QSOs and trying things out with my radios from the 
back yard.  

I have uploaded a pair of videos with satellite audio and photos
from a couple of AO-73 passes I have worked over the past 
two nights. This is from a pass I worked on Monday evening 
(Tuesday, UTC):


and here is one from Tuesday evening (Wednesday, UTC):


The second link in particular is a good one for those not on
the US west coast to hear the activity out here. That was a
very good, orderly pass for those of us who stayed up to 
play radio.  



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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-73

2013-11-26 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I may be up then, but won't hear the satellite
from home (Phoenix, DM43bn) with hills in
the way. It's also only a 1-degree pass for
me. I will keep an eye out for western passes
with slightly better elevation to catch you on.
Or we can work sometime on FO-29 or AO-7
(mode B). It would be nice to add another
Hawaiian station to my satellite log. :-)



On Wednesday, November 27, 2013, Tom Worthington wrote:

> I will be on the 0722z pass tonight.  Is anyone awake on the West coast?
> 73, Tom NH6Y, BL10ts
> ___
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> of the author.
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[amsat-bb] lots of activity on 0411 UTC AO-73 pass

2013-11-26 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I just tried the AO-73 pass at 0411 UTC.  Lots of stations across 
the transponder, some in CW, but mostly in SSB.  This was a 
low pass for me here in Arizona, up to a maximum elevation of 
11 degrees, with the first few degrees covered up by mountains 
toward my east and northeast.  Despite all of that, my two 
FT-817NDs and Elk log periodic were able to work two stations 
in SSB - Wyatt AC0RA in Iowa, and Doug KD8CAO in Michigan.
Thanks for the QSOs!  

I will attempt the next pass to the west coast, around 0545 UTC 
(going from memory - my iPod with tracking app is with the radios
out in the yard), hoping to hear more than my own voice on the 
transponder.  :-)   I will probably try to use my TH-F6A HT as the
downlink receiver in place of one of my FT-817NDs, to see how it
performs with this downlink.  I may also adjust my transmit power
from 5W down to 2.5W or even 1W, to see how that sounds.  



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[amsat-bb] AO-73 QSOs on 0523 UTC pass tonight!

2013-11-25 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I was able to be in the yard for an AO-73 pass at 0523 UTC this evening. 
Following advice on which element set to use (2013-066B) and to go up
10 kHz higher than the originally published uplink, I was able to quickly
find myself and work a couple of stations from my yard in DM43bn. 
Angelo N5UXT in New Orleans (EM40) was my first QSO on this bird, then
Jack KC7MG south of me in DM42 called for his first QSO on the bird.
This was a high pass, maximum elevation of 72 degrees, covering much
of the continental USA at this late hour. There was some CW sweeping the
transponder, but I was able to stay around 145.965 MHz on the downlink
with nothing more than adjustments on my uplink frequency. High power 
is definitely not needed for this satellite.

My station was my usual portable all-mode setup - two FT-817NDs, Elk
handheld dual-band log periodic antenna. Transmitting at 5W, I could
hear myself early in the pass. I need to do better twisting the antenna at
both ends of the pass to have an easier time copying the downlink. At 
the midpoint of the pass, I cut my power down to 500mW. I could barely
hear myself, weak but readable. I will try the other two power levels the 
FT-817ND has on other passes, to get a better idea on how sensitive the 
satellite's uplink receiver is. I should also be able to hear the transponder
on my TH-F6A HT, my backup radio for satellite work.

I hope to publish a little video in the next day or so with the audio I 
recorded and photos I took. No rain tonight, but the temperature was 
around 50F/10C when I was on the radio.  My dog didn't want to stay
in the house while I was playing radio, so she ran around the yard.  I
will put a photo or two of her in the video.

Thanks to AMSAT-UK, AMSAT-NL, and everyone who worked to get 
FUNcube-1 (AO-73) in orbit and operational. Good night, and 73!


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[amsat-bb] Re: Activating DM16 27 - 28 Nov

2013-11-25 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Hope to hear you on Thursday 28th from there. Safe travels, and 73!


On Monday, November 25, 2013, Mike Herr wrote:

> I'll be in Death Valley, DM16, 27 and 28 of November. Will be on AO-07,
> FO-29, VO-52 and maybe AO-73
> --
> Mike Herr
> DM-15dp
> Home of The QRP Ranch
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org . Opinions expressed are those
> of the author.
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[amsat-bb] heard FUNcube-1/AO-73 from soggy patio tonight

2013-11-23 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Here in central Arizona, I'm supposed to have over 300 days of
clear and sunny weather every year.  Today was not one of those 
days, and it has been wet into the evening.  I did not get all of my
gear out to work the FUNcube pass that just went over the 
continental USA around 0440 UTC, but I had no problems copying
it with an FT-817ND hanging around my neck and holding my Elk 
antenna sticking out from the patio to the satellite.  I heard K9QHO
in CW and a few others in SSB (K4FEG, KD8CAO, W5PFG, and 
one or two others whose calls I did not remember in the walk from
the patio to my computer). I didn't think to bring my audio recorder
out; my mistake.  I wasn't using a preamp, and had a 10-foot coax
run between the antenna and radio.  

I hope the FUNcube crew keeps this mode going, as I am hoping
to get a chance to work it myself in a couple of nights.  This should
be fun, even with the limited availability for amateur use at present. 
Congratulations to everyone connected with this project!


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

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[amsat-bb] Re: update VUCC

2013-11-18 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Congratulations on the new VUCC mark!  I can see that total
for you in the current satellite VUCC standings at:




On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 1:43 AM,  wrote:

>  I received confirmation sometime during the last two weeks that I was out
> of town that I am now up to 558 grids on LoTW and paper qsls for the
> hamsats.
> 73
> George
> EM30
> ___
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[amsat-bb] Re: D STAR

2013-11-10 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

It appears that stations attempting to work D-Star via
satellite would need to use two radios.  This was the
case a few years ago, when AA4RC and N3UC were able to
make a brief QSO on AO-27.  You can read about what gear
the used, along with some useful tips for trying D-Star
via satellite, at:


The 5 kHz tuning steps for D-Star radios would make
satellite operating difficult as you mentioned.  AO-27
was the ideal satellite for this sort of experiment,
since its uplink receiver was intended for use with
data, and doesn't filter the lower end of the audio
range that it hears.  Plus the control operators of
AO-27 have stated clearly that they support and
encourage D-Star on AO-27, something not seen for any
of our other satellites.

>From a quick read of the IC-9100 instruction manual, it
is clear that D-Star was not intended to be used in this
radio for satellite operating or for anything other than
the "normal" D-Star operations (RX and TX in the same
band, simplex or repeater).  You could use the IC-9100 as
one of the two radios for D-Star satellite operation as
those guys did for AO-27 a few years ago, but you would
not have access to the IC-9100 satellite functionality.



On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Stefan Wagener  wrote:

> D Star satellite?
> That sounds like a need idea. Would be nice to do some tests on existing
> satellites.
> With SO-50 it will not work unless someone has figured out how to have D
> Star (DV) active on any D-Star radio with the required tone enabled. Won't
> work with the IC-9100. Tried it. Another problem is the 5KHz spacing since
> you pretty much have to be right on the frequency on the TX and RX. Also,
> on the IC-9100 it seems to be not possible to set D-Star (DV) on the RX and
> TX in satellite mode. Anyone else tried it? Also, SatP32 has at the moment
> no DV functionality for the IC-9100. I guess we have a long way to go :-)
> Stefan
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[amsat-bb] DM32/DM42 on 0027 UTC VO52 pass today

2013-11-09 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

On my way home from the Tucson Hamfest this
afternoon, I will stop on the DM32/DM42 grid 
boundary south of Phoenix for the VO52 pass 
at 0027 UTC. This will be the only pass I work 
today from there, as I don't want to be out 
there past sunset. 



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[amsat-bb] Re: Special Event Tonight from EL-29

2013-11-04 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

You guys sounded like you were having a great time.
I wanted to be out for the FO29 pass around 0340
UTC, but the rain and lightning that popped up here
ended my rare Monday night radio time. Thanks for
sticking around for a bunch of passes today/tonight,
and letting Hector have fun on the radio!



On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 11:52 PM, Clayton Coleman wrote:

> Welcome a newly licensed ham, KF5YXV tonight on a number of passes starting
> Nov 5 at 01:44 UTC on FO-29.  Hector will operate from Galveston island.
> 73
> Clayton
> ___
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Re: WD9EWK @ Kingman AZ Hamfest on Saturday (12 October 2013)

2013-10-08 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Hope to hear from you on Saturday.  I should be on around 1300-1330 UTC,
before the 1400 UTC start of the hamfest.  Look west, and we should be
able to hook up.  I will work any available SO-50 passes plus the SSB



On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 4:32 AM, Rich/wa4bue wrote:

> Hope to Q with you.  K4AMG / W4FOS will be operating OSCAR from the the
> Great Bridge Lock Park at the Chesapeake, VA 50 celebration Waterway
> Festival.
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[amsat-bb] WD9EWK @ Kingman AZ Hamfest on Saturday (12 October 2013)

2013-10-07 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the Mohave Amateur Radio Club's annual hamfest
in Kingman, Arizona, this Saturday (12 October 2013).  The hamfest will be at
Centennial Park, on  Harrison Street in Kingman.  This park is along the 
north side of the I-40 freeway, between exits 51 (Stockton Hill Road) and 53
(Andy Devine Avenue/AZ-66).  The hamfest is scheduled to run from 7am to 3pm
(1400-2200 UTC).  More information about the hamfest is available from:


I plan to have WD9EWK on as many satellite passes as possible during the 
hamfest for on-air demonstrations of satellite operating.  The hamfest site 
is in grid DM25xf, in Mohave County AZ.  Please call WD9EWK if you hear me on
a pass during the hamfest, and join in the demonstrations.  

Since Kingman is near a couple of grid boundaries, I plan on driving to one 
of those boundaries after the hamfest for some passes on Saturday afternoon 
and early evening (early Sunday, 13 October, UTC time) before driving home -
if there are suitable passes at that time. The DM25/DM35 grid boundary is not
too far from the hamfest site, running through the east side of Kingman.  The
DM24/DM25 grid boundary is about 20 miles/32km south of Kingman along I-40 
heading toward California.  I operated from both of these grid boundaries the
last time I attended this hamfest in 2010, so I know these locations.  I will
have APRS running in my car, and should show up on the various APRS web sites
as WD9EWK-9 as I am traveling around northwestern Arizona.

As with the other hamfests I attend, I will upload all QSOs to Logbook of the
World.  If you would like to receive a QSL card for a QSO with WD9EWK on 
Saturday, please e-mail me with the QSO details. If you are in the log, you 
will get a card.  No need to first send me a card or SASE/postage to receive
my card.  



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] WD9EWK @ Kingman AZ hamfest on Saturday (12 October)

2013-10-07 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)
(Apologies in advance for a duplicate posting - my ISP is having e-mail
now, not sure if my original e-mail will make it here)


I will have an AMSAT table at the Mohave Amateur Radio Club's annual hamfest
in Kingman, Arizona, this Saturday (12 October 2013).  The hamfest will be
Centennial Park, on  Harrison Street in Kingman.  This park is along
north side of the I-40 freeway, between exits 51 (Stockton Hill Road) and 53
(Andy Devine Avenue/AZ-66).  The hamfest is scheduled to run from 7am to 3pm
(1400-2200 UTC).  More information about the hamfest is available from:


I plan to have WD9EWK on as many satellite passes as possible during the
hamfest for on-air demonstrations of satellite operating.  The hamfest site
is in grid DM25xf, in Mohave County AZ.  Please call WD9EWK if you hear me
a pass during the hamfest, and join in the demonstrations.

Since Kingman is near a couple of grid boundaries, I plan on driving to one
of those boundaries after the hamfest for some passes on Saturday afternoon
and early evening (early Sunday, 13 October, UTC time) before driving home -
if there are suitable passes at that time. The DM25/DM35 grid boundary is
too far from the hamfest site, running through the east side of Kingman.
DM24/DM25 grid boundary is about 20 miles/32km south of Kingman along I-40
heading toward California.  I operated from both of these grid boundaries
last time I attended this hamfest in 2010, so I know these locations.  I
have APRS running in my car, and should show up on the various APRS web
as WD9EWK-9 as I am traveling around northwestern Arizona.

As with the other hamfests I attend, I will upload all QSOs to Logbook of
World.  If you would like to receive a QSL card for a QSO with WD9EWK on
Saturday, please e-mail me with the QSO details. If you are in the log, you
will get a card.  No need to first send me a card or SASE/postage to receive
my card.


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: The USA Lower 48 Worked all 488 Grids non-Award

2013-08-23 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Congratulations on working all 488 grids!  I'm glad I was able to be
a part of that total.



On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 11:08 PM, John Papay  wrote:

> Some of the active grid chasers on the birds are aware
> that KA6SIP just gave me my last USA grid when he operated
> from CN72 in Oregon.  And I thought it might be interesting
> to look at the stats and how one manages to work and confirm
> all 488 USA lower 48 States grids.
> Satellite operators come and go and grids come and go with them.
> A grid might have a very active operator in it and then it is
> off the air when that person goes away for whatever reason.
> Interestingly, about half of the 488 grids that were worked were
> from those operating portable, not in the sense of using a radio
> with batteries, but in the traditional sense of operating away from
> their home station location.  Once you have experienced being on the
> other end of a small pileup, you will want to do it again.  Just ask
> W7LRD who tried it recently and is planning another trip.  Here is
> a list of operators who exited the comfort of their home station and
> put a grid on the air.  The callsign is followed by the number of new
> grids they gave me towards the goal of working all 488.  Others may have
> been worked but these totals represent the first time a new grid was
> confirmed.
> ND9M 54
> WD9EWK 27
> WC7V 19
> KD4ZGW 16
> KB0RZD 10
> KC0YBM 9
> AA5CK 8
> KA6SIP 8
> KD8COQ 8
> N5ZNL 7
> W6GMT 7
> N0JE 6
> N2SPI 6
> WA4NVM 5
> KB5WIA 4
> KB9BIT 4
> KC0ZHF 4
> KK0SD 4
> AA5PK 3
> K7CWQ 3
> UT1FG 3
> W6ZKH 3
> WA6ARA 3
> WA7HQD 3
> WA8SME 3
> AC0ZA 2
> AJ9K 2
> K0BAM 2
> K7DRA 2
> K7TRK 2
> KA0RID 2
> KC2LRC 2
> KE7DOV 2
> N3TL 2
> N5AFV 2
> Jim, ND9M, is a seasoned grid expeditioner.  Along with working
> satellites he is also active on the county hunters nets.  Most of
> his activity was between 2009 and 2011.  He was also active from a
> cargo ship and gave out the very rare DM02.  Jim would travel for
> months at a time and worked from a few hundred grids.  Most of that
> operating was done on FM birds rather than linear ones.  It was
> great to have many daily fm passes when AO-27 and AO-51 were active.
> HO-68 and SO-67 were in the mix for a while too.  54 new grids came
> from Jim and he tops the list.
> Most everyone knows Patrick WD9EWK.  He has done a lot of traveling
> both in the US and Canada and he gave me 27 new grids.  He was very
> active on the birds until recently.  He was an alternate on the AMSAT
> Board of Directors and was recently appointed to oversee the AMSAT
> Area Coordinator program.  He virtually has no home station and most
> all local contacts were made from a park near his apartment in Phoenix.
> He knows how to do it and he is a meticulous planner.
> Next on the list is Kerry WC7V.  He lives in sparsely populated Montana
> and travels around by car and in his light aircraft.  He went to many
> grids at my request and made a lot of us very happy by operating from
> many rare locations.  He is in slot number 3 with 19 grids.
> Next on the list is Rob KD4ZGW/m.  Rob drove an 18 wheeler and we all
> heard him on a satellite one day.  He didn't know his grid square but
> he knew his milepost on the interstate.  From there we had the grid
> square.  Rob went on to improve his mobile station and activated over
> 100 grid squares.  He is no longer driving on long hauls and has not
> been active for some time.  He is fourth on the list with 16 grids.
> The next three are very special because they all became new operators
> during the quest to work all 488.  Gail KB0RZD is very active today,
> usually operating with a handie-talkie.  He went to 10 grids around him
> and sent some photo qsl cards that were just outstanding.  KC0YBM operated
> from his home location for a long time before I realized he was very
> close to other grids.  Chris didn't have portable equipment so I suggested
> he look into an AC inverter for the car.  He did just that and soon he
> was operating portable from some new grids.  This speaks to the ham radio
> culture that you find a way to operate with what you have.  Chris continues
> to be active and hands out grids in the US and Canada.  And then there
> is Ted, AA5CK. He has operated in grids around his home qth as well as
> some rare ones in New Mexico.  He lives in EM04, not far from EM05 where
> I made my first grid expedition contact with KD8CAO from EM05 in front of
> the White Dog Ranch on old Route 66.  I remember Ted's first sat contact.
> There are a few very special operators that can't be left out.  My son,
> KD8CAO, provided 8 new grids for his dad.  He knows how to operate
> portable and gives out the grids when he travels.  Then there was
> Richard N2SPI.  I asked him about some grids in Maine that hadn't been
> on and he took the challenge and drove to all of them, getting back to
> his dad's place during the first snow of the s

[amsat-bb] XE2HWB from DL43 - this weekend (27-28 July)

2013-07-25 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I received an e-mail from Bernardo XE2HWB, a long-time VHF/UHF operator
based in La Paz in southern Baja California who has also worked satellites. 
Bernardo is leaving tomorrow to go out to the Sierra de la Laguna in grid 
DL43.  He plans on working SO-50, FO-29, and VO-52 passes on Saturday
(27 July) and Sunday (28 July), although he did not specify which passes 
he would try to be on over those two days.  Along with his satellite work, 
XE2HWB will also be on 6m. 

It's been a while since XE2HWB has activated rarely-heard grids on the Baja
California peninsula, and in the past he would confine his satellite activity 
the FM satellites.  It is nice to see his plan to try working FO-29 and VO-52
along with our remaining FM satellite.  

Good luck, and 73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: CQ-VHF Spring Edition CO6CBF Article

2013-07-16 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Unfortunately, that PDF is not the complete article from CQ VHF.  I don't
have that issue with me at the office, but there is at least one more page
(and maybe two more pages) to the article missing from the PDF.  But it
gives you some idea of what Hector went through to assemble a working
station for the satellites.

You can see more about what Hector has done to get on the satellites in
the YouTube video of his presentation at last year's AMSAT Symposium
in Orlando:




CQ-VHF Magazine has elected to allow a free preview of the current issue
> (Spring 2013) highlighting an article by Hector, CO6CBF on operating
> satellites using a homebrew setup from Cuba. You can
> view the entire article at:
> http://www.cq-vhf.com/vhf_**highlights/2013_vhf/2013_**
> spring_vhf/2013_spring_vhf_**working_satellites.pdf
> Congratulations to Hector, who is an inspiration to all of us. And if
> you're not a CQ-VHF subscriber, you really should be. It's a great
> magazine, and very supportive of satellite operators.
> --
> --
> 73,
> Les Rayburn, N1LF
> 121 Mayfair Park
> Maylene, AL 35114
> EM63nf
> 6M VUCC #1712
> AMSAT #38965
> Grid Bandits #222
> Southeastern VHF Society
> Central States VHF Society Life Member
> Six Club #2484
> Active on 6 Meters thru 1296, 10GHz & Light
> __**_
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: 
> http://amsat.org/mailman/**listinfo/amsat-bb
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[amsat-bb] Wilse WX7P SK

2013-06-14 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I saw this on the ARRL web site this afternoon: 


I worked Wilse many times between 2006 and 2011 on the satellites
(my last QSO with him was logged in late April 2011), and he was 
the only station I ever worked from his home grid DN08.  I saw him 
at Dayton a couple of times in that period working at the AMSAT 

The Spokane DX Association has an article about his passing on its
home page:


and a separate page specifically about him:



Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: Timing on VUCC Upgrade Processing

2013-06-10 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

That sure seems like a long time. And then, to have an error occur withthe
> processing and no sticker and no credit card paperwork. Not very
> goodattention to detail.
> It sure makes using LoTW a much better way to go. It's a whole lot
> faster(often a day or two for credit) and less human intervention and
> possibilityfor errors.
> Unfortunately, the percentage of operators using LoTW is not as high
> aswhat fellow users would like. Overall, the ARRL figures show only
> about14% of QSO records have been QSL'd. Wish there was better
> participation.

I have only used LoTW for my satellite VUCC applications.  It took almost
4 months to get the initial certificate back in 2011.  After that,
filed through LoTW later in 2011 and in 2012 were processed quickly, but I
never received the proper endorsement stickers until I went back to ARRL
via e-mail and asked for them.  For the 125-grid sticker, I received a 125-
grid 6m VUCC sticker.  An e-mail to ARRL, and the 125-grd satellite VUCC
sticker was in my mailbox in a few days.  I didn't get anything for the 150-
grid level, until I e-mailed ARRL to ask for it.  Guess they don't see many
satellite VUCC applications and endorsements via LoTW.

I am now starting to go through my QSL cards to make a large endorsement
application for my satellite VUCC.  This will add at least 300 more grids
to my
count, and will take a while to get everything in order.  This was why I
out just using LoTW for my satellite VUCC.  But, as N5AFV mentioned
we satellite operators should file for this award.  Even if all it does is
show ARRL
that we're out here.


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] AMSAT table @ Show Low AZ hamfest on Saturday (1 June)

2013-05-28 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the annual White Mountain Hamfest in 
Show Low, Arizona, this Saturday 1 June 2013.  The hamfest will be 
at the Show Low City Hall, and is scheduled to run from 8am until 
12 noon (1500-1900 UTC).  More information about the hamfest is 
available at:


WD9EWK will be on the air during the morning, working whatever
satellites are available from approximately 1300 UTC until the 
hamfest wraps up for on-air demonstrations.  If you hear WD9EWK 
on a pass, please feel free to call and be a part of the 
demonstration.  The hamfest site is in grid DM44.  All QSOs will
be uploaded to Logbook of the World after the hamfest, and QSL
cards will be available (just e-mail me QSO details, and I'll 
send you a card).  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] AMSAT table at Cochise ARA hamfest (Sierra Vista AZ) on Saturday morning

2013-05-01 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the Cochise Amateur Radio Association's
Larry Warren Hamfest in Sierra Vista AZ this Saturday (4 May).  The
hamfest starts at 0700 local time (1400 UTC), running until the prize
drawing at noon (1900 UTC).  The hamfest is at the club's Green Acres
Field, east of Sierra Vista and the Fort Huachuca base on Moson Road, 
south of AZ-90 in grid DM41.  More information about the hamfest is 
available at:


During the hamfest, WD9EWK will be on various satellite passes for
demonstrations to the hamfest crowd.  Please call if you hear WD9EWK
on the pass.  For the SSB satellites, I tend to start out about 10 
kHz above the center of the transponder.  All QSOs will be uploaded 
to the Logbook of the World after the hamfest.  If you would like to 
receive a WD9EWK QSL card, please e-mail me directly with the QSO 
details.  No card or SASE is required. 

After the hamfest, I will drive to some of the rarely-heard grids
near the Arizona/New Mexico border.  If traffic and weather cooperate,
I hope to operate from the DM51/DM52 and/or the DM52/DM53 boundaries.
A good way to see where I am located is APRS, looking for WD9EWK-9:


In addition to APRS, I will try to post updates to my Twitter feed
(@WD9EWK) during Saturday from the hamfest and wherever else I 
operate from.  For those not on Twitter, this is also available at:




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[amsat-bb] Re: Half-duplex on the Kenwood TH-F6A

2013-04-16 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

> My experiences though are with the FM easysats (including AO-51 of happy
> memory). Has anyone had any luck with this radio's SSB receivers for the
> linear birds?
I have a TH-F6A, and have used it as the downlink receiver when working
SSB via satellite.  I use an FT-817ND as my uplink transmitter, and will
occasionally use the TH-F6A as the downlink receiver in place of another
FT-817ND.  The all-mode receiver in the TH-F6A is not as sensitive nor
as selective as the receiver in the FT-817ND for SSB and CW, but it can
work.  I don't work the lowest passes on VO-52 with the TH-F6A as my
receiver, and only look at the higher passes for FO-29 - but it can work
this way.

I have recently purchased the 2m/70cm broadband preamp from AMSAT,
but have not had a chance to try it out.  As long as I don't swamp the
front end of the TH-F6A's receiver, that HT with the preamp may be my
ticket to a better receive setup with the HT.  Even without the preamp, I
have done demonstrations using an FT-817ND with a TH-F6A, making
for a very small and portable all-mode satellite station.


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[amsat-bb] Re: TH-F6A capable of full-duplex satellite operation?

2013-04-15 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

> I hope I have not been missing something major on my Kenwood TH-F6 HT, but
> I don't think it does full duplex.  You can receive two channels
> simultaneously, yes.  But I don't believe you can transmit on one while
> simultaneously listening on the other.  That's the capability that you need
> to confirm you can "hear yourself" and confirm that you are reaching the
> satellite and the sat is sending your voice back to you.
> If I'm wrong about the TH-F6a that would be a bummer!  I'm looking for an
> excuse to replace it with a TH-D72a
You now have your excuse to get the TH-D72A.  :-)  The TH-F6A has two VFOs,
but it is not capable of cross-band full-duplex operation for the

You might want to hold onto the TH-F6A, even if you get a TH-D72A.  The
has an all-mode receiver, which could be paired up with something like an
to make a small station capable of all-mode, full-duplex satellite
operation.   The
TH-F6A's non-FM receiver is not as sensitive nor as selective as other
radios like
an FT-817, but the FT-817/TH-F6A combination makes for a nice station to
off at demonstrations.


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] AMSAT @ Scottsdale (AZ) Hamfest - Saturday, 9 March

2013-03-07 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

Weather permitting, I will have an AMSAT table at the Scottsdale
Amateur Radio Club's hamfest on Saturday morning, 9 March 2003. 
This hamfest is at a new location, the PERA club on Continental
Drive (Roosevelt Street), west of Scottsdale Road in Tempe.  More
information, including a map of the hamfest location, is available
from the club's web site:


If it isn't raining, WD9EWK will be on various satellite passes during
the morning.  Please call if you hear me on, and be a part of the 
on-air demonstrations.  After the hamfest, QSOs will be uploaded to the
Logbook of the World.  If you work WD9EWK during the hamfest and would
like a QSL card, please e-mail me with the QSO details.  No need to first
send me a card or SASE.  

Thanks in advance, and 73!

Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: Received Symposium DVD Mailed to Members

2013-02-16 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

> Thank you AMSAT-NA for the very nice DVD mailed to members regarding the
> Proceedings of the 30th Annual AMSAT-NA Space Symposium plus other
> My DVD arrived today.

I stopped at my PO box on my way home from Yuma AZ,
and that DVD was waiting for me. Very nice, and I
will look at it tomorrow.


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] WD9EWK @ Yuma AZ Hamfest, 15-16 February

2013-02-13 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the Yuma Hamfest in southwestern 
Arizona on Friday and Saturday, 15-16 February 2013.  The hamfest
is located at the Yuma County Fairgrounds, south of the I-8 freeway
and across the street from the Yuma International Airport and Marine
Corps Air Station Yuma.  The hamfest starts on Friday afternoon, and
runs through Saturday afternoon.  More information about the hamfest 
is available at:


During the hamfest, WD9EWK will be on various satellite passes from
outside the main hall at the hamfest.  There may not be many chances
to work passes on Friday, but I plan on working more passes on 
Saturday.  The hamfest is located in grid DM22qq.  I will be happy
to send QSL cards to anyone working WD9EWK during the hamfest.  No
QSL or SASE is required, just drop me an e-mail with QSO details,
and I'll send out a card.  QSOs will also be uploaded to LOTW. 



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] WD9EWK @ Superstition Hamfest (Mesa AZ) on Saturday morning

2013-02-07 Thread Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)

I will have an AMSAT table at the Superstition Amateur Radio
Club's annual hamfest in Mesa, Arizona, on Saturday (9 
February 2013) morning.  This hamfest was supposed to take 
place in early December, but was postponed due to scheduling
conflicts.  The hamfest will be at the usual location, in 
the southwest parking lot at Mesa Community College - along 
the east side of Dobson Road between Southern Avenue and the 
US-60 freeway (exit 177).  More information about the hamfest 
is available at:


WD9EWK will be on various satellite passes during the morning.
Please call if you hear my call on those passes, and be part of
the demonstrations.  If you work WD9EWK and want a QSL card, 
please e-mail me after the hamfest with the QSO details.  No 
need to first send me a card.  QSOs will also be uploaded to 
the Logbook of the World.  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   >