[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-05 Thread Sharon G. Boone

I'd love to! Some of the nicest people live there! I beleive that 
there are 3 New Jerseys. The so-called industrial North, central, 
which is us, although my Northern friends call Asbury South Jersey, 
and South Jersey, that calls Asbury, North Jersey! Jerseyjohn and 
others, I'm no longer going to post about racism, racist attitudes, 
etc., Why? You have a poster who either has his/her head in the sand 
and nothing you or I say will convince him/her, otherwise. IT EXISTS! 
Just look at who runs the government to who runs the prisons. Oh 
yeah, we've made progress. I can walk into a restaurant and hopefully 
be served. What happened to all the dime stores like Woolworths, 
Newberrys, Kress, McCrory's, etc.? They ALL went out of business! 
Why? They didn't change with the times! Sure lunch counters were 
integrated in the 60's but who would eat from these greasy spoons? 
Also, if you do business with the government, you HAVE to hire 
minorities, as in Blacks. Why? We pay federal tax, too! We pay ncome 
tax, too! Just as the revolutionaries argued against paying tax to 
King george without representation, why should any black person pay 
taxes? We're not represented fairly. Matter of fact, we should be 
exempt, until reparations are paid to us for 450 years of free labor, 
okay Blue Bishop? How'd you go to law school? What did your parents 
do for a living? Did you have a maid? Butler? Mexican gardener? Au 
pair? You sound like you've been under a rock, don't read the papers, 
never heard of police brutality, Abner Louima, Emmett Till, or the T-
shirts, NYC cops wore during the Giuilani Administration, We Own The 
Night! NO? Italians, Irish, German, ALL have been discriminated from 
the moment they touched these shores! You need a lesson in History!
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, jerseyjohn99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 next time I go to my parents, you wanna come down to a farm? You
 wanna see how chickens go from an egg to your grocery store? Wanna 
 see sausage made? Did you ever wonder why it's called scrapple? 
 you know WHY butchers wear white aprons?
 You're probably too busy in your quests to take a drive down to 
 Cumberland County for an afternoon, so how can you expect some 
 basketball star to take a month out of his too brief career to see
 how his shoes are made? 
 Me, I personally know too many good Americans who are out of work 
 worry about some Malayindopolynesian who is working. 
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Similarly, we have been asking Nike endorsed athletes to come 
 us to  
  Indonesia for quite a while, so that they can meet personally the 
 people who  
  make their clothes and shoes, and who are working in sweatshops.  
 But most  
  athletes don't want to go to Indonesia or Mexico or Thailand to
  workers firsthand b/c then they might feel guilty and they can't  
 continue to be 
  conveniently uninformed  - the whole if I don't  see it, it

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-05 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  It's no need in wasting your breath with blue bishop. He is 
  indeed an arrogant, unsophisticated,know nothing individual. He is behind 
  the times,and has no real awareness of other peoples plight. A person like 
  him is dangerous. So you can only feel sorry for the poor misguided man, 
  if that's what he is. We know the plight of the people, and not just ours. 
  Racism flows in both ways. What need to be done is the education of our 
  people, i mean the real facts about our people, not just from the slavery 
  aspect.Our children need to know their true history and worth. We were 
  KINGS  QUEENS on this earth, while a few were still in caves(no 
  offence). Racism is the ignorance of the nature of a people, and fear that 
  these people will rise back to the position that they held before.It all 
  has to go back to where it came from, just like fashion.They know it, and 
  that's whysome struggle so hard to keep us back.Whenever there is 
  period where the people start educating themselves, they push another drug 
  on the market so as to rock you back to sleep for another 10 or 20 yrs. 
  It's ben proven. Now we are at the point where a lot of the youth think 
  their only way out is selling drugs or taking drugs. It's a sad situation, 
  but nonetheless, straight out genocide. mental genocide with physical 
  impressions.We have to teach our own, and teach them true history, and not 
  have us worshipping the forefathers who never gave a damn about us as 
  black people. The education system is still playing games with our youth. 
  They make us think mcdonalds is a good job, they work there to, but in a 
  few months, they are managers, then owners. Education is the key.We 
  definitely need to teach our own history. The curicullum in schools now 
  are passe.That's why the children don't care about going, nothing to spark 
  their interest. I took a business management course ,and during the 
  history part of it, this teacher had the audacity to tell the class, no 
  black people were here before columbus. Terrible hunh? But these are the 
  conditions we subject our children to.All that negative rap, it's absurd. 
  They know how to keep up with those nasty words better than they know 
  their abc's. So a lot of it is our fault to. But the part that belongs to 
  the others, we definitely have to fight.We can't let them or ourselves 
  keep us at the bottom of the rung.
  p.s. And those racist who call us ns, they have to understand 
  that there are ns in all races. And theirs are a damn sight worse than 



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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-05 Thread bluebishop82
ATALAC48 and Sharon Boone:

If you want to continually paint Black people as being nothing more 
than trampled upon victims, oppressed by racism and unable to help 
themselves, then I suggest it is you that is hurting them, not 
anyone else.  My view of American Blacks is quite different.

Since you inquired about my past, and wondered about my butlers, 
maids, etc., I will fill you in correctly.

I was raised on Asbury's west side.  I was about 9 when the riots 
occurred, and stayed right here while it occurred (where were you 
two?). Considering where I was and the time frame, you are a tad off 
about the butlers and maids. 

For many years, I was the only white kid in my class. My view of 
Black people today is shaped by my interactions back then.  As I 
recall, the smartest kid in the class was black.  The nicest kid in 
the class was black.  The kid with the wealthiest parents in the 
class was black.  The best looking kid was black. The best-dressed 
kid was black.  The most talented athlete was black.  The most 
talented musician was black.  My view of American Blacks is, by 
experience, very positive.  They were the dominant and admired 
people in my neighborhood when I was growing up.

What I don't recall was any of these successful black people crying 
about racism and claiming to be held down and oppressed.  They 
excelled. They loved the American dream and worked it.

Asbury's 3 days of riots was not performed by a majority of Asbury 
Park's black people.  It was a handful of lawbreakers, and most of 
Asbury Park's black people wanted nothing to do with it.

My best recollection of that time was our black neighbors and 
friends coming to our house during the riots.  Staying with us, 
eating with us, sitting on our porch. Making sure we weren't the 
target of lawbreakers just because we were white. It was a real show 
of black/white solidarity against those few lawbreakers that were 
wrecking the City. A positive story of Black civility that you won't 
read in the AP Press.

The Asbury Park Press will only tell stories where black people look 
like thugs out committing crimes.  My recollection of Asbury Park 
black people is much nicer, and far more accurate.

If you want to join the Press in portraying Black people as wild 
animals, or as you protray them - some poor lot consumed by racism 
who don't have the guts to help themselves, be my guest. Lump 
everyone together as if they don't have their own minds. 

But I ask you - who among us is actually the racist?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's no need in wasting your breath with blue bishop. He is  
indeed an 
 arrogant, unsophisticated,know nothing individual. He is behind  
the times,and has 
 no real awareness of other peoples plight. A person like  him is 
dangerous. So 
 you can only feel sorry for the poor misguided man,  if that's 
what he is. We 
 know the plight of the people, and not just ours.  Racism flows in 
both ways. 
 What need to be done is the education of our  people, i mean the 
real facts 
 about our people, not just from the slavery  aspect.Our children 
need to know 
 their true history and worth. We were  KINGS  QUEENS on this 
earth, while a 
 few were still in caves(no  offence). Racism is the ignorance of 
the nature of a 
 people, and fear that  these people will rise back to the position 
that they 
 held before.It all  has to go back to where it came from, just 
 fashion.They know it, and  that's why some struggle so hard to 
keep us back.Whenever 
 there is  period where the people start educating themselves, they 
push another 
 drug  on the market so as to rock you back to sleep for another 10 
or 20 yrs.  
 It's ben proven. Now we are at the point where a lot of the youth 
think  their 
 only way out is selling drugs or taking drugs. It's a sad 
situation,  but 
 nonetheless, straight out genocide. mental genocide with physical  
 have to teach our own, and teach them true history, and not  have 
 worshipping the forefathers who never gave a damn about us as  
black people. The 
 education system is still playing games with our youth.  They make 
us think 
 mcdonalds is a good job, they work there to, but in a  few months, 
they are managers, 
 then owners. Education is the key.We  definitely need to teach our 
 history. The curicullum in schools now  are passe.That's why the 
children don't care 
 about going, nothing to spark  their interest. I took a business 
 course ,and during the  history part of it, this teacher had the 
audacity to 
 tell the class, no  black people were here before columbus. 
Terrible hunh? But 
 these are the  conditions we subject our children to.All that 
negative rap, 
 it's absurd.  They know how to keep up with those nasty words 
better than they 
 know  their abc's. So a lot of it is our fault to. But the part 
that belongs to  
 the others, we definitely have to fight.We can't 

[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-03 Thread oakdorf
half of these guys with these endorsement deals couldn't find the 
country on a map - then again, I'm sure many of us couldn't either.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  Like i said , some people are just too blind to see it, or are in 



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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82
See, you are describing incidents and individuals outside of AP.  I 
stand by my point that AP is the least racist place any of us have 
been to.

Also, asserting the vague victimology scenarios below as something 
that could happen, without actual complaints of them really 
happening, is racist against white people. That stuff isn't 
happening here.

Facts are important.  Anyone have any?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The question to be asked is What is racism?  If you define 
racism as  overt 
 incidences of discrimination by white people against black people 
such as  
 hate crimes, name calling, etc... which might be found pre-1964 in 
the South,  
 then yes, one would say there is no racism in Asbury Park or in 
 County.  There are no lynchings and no white only entrances to  
 But if you define racism on a broader scale, then one might see it 
 frequently. Examples of individual and institutional racism are 
black or other  
 people of color:
 - having a more difficult time securing bank loans, 
 - having a more difficult time securing employment
 - receiving a poorer quality public education than white or 
 - being followed or shadowed in a store as if they intend to 
steal  something
 - being pulled over by police as if they have stolen the car they 
are in or  
 are doing something wrong 
 - watching white people instinctively clutch their wallet / purse 
 seeing a black person walking down the street.
 These types of incidences add to the accumulated experiences of  
racism that 
 are alive in the minds and memories of black people.  I am  white, 
but I know 
 this from continuous, extended conversations with black people  
about racism.
 For the record, during the run up to the AP Council election, I 
had three  
 separate conversations with people from Asbury Park - two with 
straight  white 
 men and one with a gay white man - where they ultimately said that 
poor  black 
 people in the Southwest quadrant of Asbury Park should just move 
to  Neptune 
 so that we in Asbury don't have to deal with their problems  
 I have had two separate conversations in the past 3 months with 
white  people 
 outside of Asbury Park who - without hesitating or showing signs 
of  maybe I 
 shouldn't say this out loud - said that Asbury Park won't come  
back until 
 they get all of the blacks out.  
 And just last year, my husband Jim watched Bradley Beach police 
follow two  
 black boys from Asbury Park who were simply riding their bikes.  
The two  
 bicycle cops called for back up, and a police car came screaching 
down the  street 
 and hit one of the boys, knocking him off of his bike and breaking 
the  pedal. 
  Jim called the police out on their excessive force, and after  
Jim wrote 
 down their license plate numbers, they arrested him as well.  
 There is so much more to talk about, particularly how race and 
class are  
 tied together.  Suffice it to say that racism in 2005 is more than 
simply  the N 
 word and segregated beaches.  I would argue strongly that it 
exists  in 
 Asbury Park, but certainly no more (and actually a little less) 
than it  exists in 
 other places in the US where I have visited and lived.  I hope  
 Educating for Justice, once we are finished our feature-length 
film on  sweatshops, 
 can become more involved in Asbury on these issues.
 Leslie Kretzu

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread JWKeady

In a message dated 8/2/2005 12:28:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
  folks but AP is not a racist place. 


On this point, you are delusional. I would like to invite you for a 
summer evening walk around AP to explore this issue in the trenches. 

Peace, Jim Keady 



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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82
Are you suggesting that by taking a casual walk around AP we will 
witness or experience acts of racism committed by fellow Asbury 

I hope you aren't suggesting that.  That wouldn't exactly make you a 
poster-boy for Asbury Park tourism, shopping, night-life, etc, 

I will walk about Asbury, as I do everyday, with you or anyone else 
who would like to attend.

See you in our wonderful, serene little pleasantville!

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 8/2/2005 12:28:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,  
 Sorry  folks but AP is not a racist place. 
 On this point, you are delusional.  I would like to invite you for 
a  summer 
 evening walk around AP to explore this issue in the trenches.   
 Peace, Jim Keady

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread JWKeady

In a message dated 8/2/2005 2:54:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Are you 
  suggesting that by taking a casual walk around AP we will witness or 
  experience acts of racism committed by fellow Asbury 

No Tom. We will walk around AP and talk to people about their 
experiences. We will not be "attending" one of your walks, we will be 
making a deliberate effort to meet with people who may have a very different 
take on racism in Asbury Park than you do. 

As for being "a poster-boy" for Asbury Park... I didn't run, nor was I 
elected, to be a poster boy. I ran to serve the people of this community 
and to promote social justice in this city. 

Peace, Jim Keady 


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread lekretzu

In a message dated 8/2/2005 2:14:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

See, you are describing incidents and individuals outside 
of AP.

No, I said three Asbury Park citizens I spoke with prior to the election 
said poor black people should just move to Neptune so we don't have to deal with 
their problems.

 vague "victimology" scenarios below as something that could 
happen, without actual complaints of them really happening, is racist against 
white people. That stuff isn't happening here. 

I am not saying these things ONLY happen in Asbury Park. I'm 
acknowledging that these types of incidents happen around the country, and 
Asbury Park is not an exception.

For example, you have said yourself that Asbury Park High School is a de 
facto segregated school where students get a poorer quality education than most 
other schools in Monmouth County.I agree.

It's very difficult to talk with you, Tommy, when you feel that any 
critique of Asbury Park - however minor - is a personal slap in the face.


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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82

 As for being a poster-boy for Asbury Park... I didn't run, nor 
was I elected, to be a poster boy.

I, on the other hand, will gladly assume the role as poster boy for 
AP, and I'm quite proud of it.

 No Tom.  We will walk around AP and talk to people about their  
experiences.  We will not be attending one of your walks, we will 
be making a deliberate effort to meet with people who may have a 
very different take on racism in Asbury Park than you do.  

If we are going to listen to more people claim there is racism, or 
that the've heard of it, without actually experiencing it like those 
hypothesizing on this board, what's the point?

I say again Councilman, this isn't a racist city.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread JWKeady

In a message dated 8/2/2005 3:29:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
If we 
  are going to listen to more people claim there is racism, or that the've 
  heard of it, without actually experiencing it like those hypothesizing on 
  this board, what's the point?

No. We're going to meet them face to face and listen to their 
firsthand experiences. Feel free to let me know when you would like to 

Peace, JWK 



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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82
Double teamed by Keady and Kretzu! Unfair!

 No, I said three Asbury Park citizens I spoke with prior to the 
election said poor black people should just move to Neptune so we 
don't have to deal with their problems.

This is a paraphrase I am assuming. It isn't clear if this is 
classism referring to poor as opposed to racism - two very 
different things. 

So, these guys apparantly are the voice, heart and soul of AP?  A 
description of them is who we are?  I don't think so.
  vague victimology scenarios below as something that could  
 without actual complaints of them really happening, is racist 
against  white 
 people. That stuff isn't 
 happening here. 
 I am not saying these things ONLY happen in Asbury Park.  I'm  
acknowledging that these types of incidents happen around the 
country, and Asbury Park is not an exception.

Yes Asbury Park is an exception!!! Why must you assume bad things 
about AP because you are so sure they are happening elsewhere?  
That's as wrong as if I calculated:  There are some bad people 
elsewhere, Leslie is a person, therefore Leslie is a bad person.  
See the unfairness of assuming a fact against someone because they 
belong to a larger class?  What's the word for that? Oh yea! 
 For example, you have said yourself that Asbury Park High School 
is a de facto segregated school where students get a poorer quality 
education than most other schools in Monmouth County. I agree.

The outside world created that.  It supports my point that the 
racists are elsewhere, not here.

 It's very difficult to talk with you, Tommy, when you feel that 
any  critique of Asbury Park - however minor - is a personal slap 
in the face.

You will understand when you fully transition into a full Asbury 
Parker.  If I made a negative, sweeping gerneralization about the 
Kretzu family, as a member of the family, you would take it as 
a personal slap.  Not hard to understand. If you make a negative 
sweeping generalization about Asbury Park, yes, those of us that 
have a familial association with the City take it as a personal slap 
in the face. Can't help it -it just happens. Not hard to understand.

It is my hope that someday, as a community leader in AP, you too 
will have such a persoanl closeness with this City that you also 
take it as a personal criticism when you hear a criticism of AP in 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread JWKeady

In a message dated 8/2/2005 3:48:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
It is my 
  hope that someday, as a community leader in AP, you too will have such a 
  persoanl closeness with this City that you also take it as a personal 
  criticism when you hear a criticism of AP in general. 


Although this comment was directed to Leslie, I did want to address 

Looking at today's headlines,if one were to point out that Major 
Leaguer, Rafael Palmeiro, tested positive for steriods, that is a fact. If 
someone states this fact, should all the players in the league feel they are 
being personally criticized because this fact is being pointed out? Of 
course not. Might all the players feel betrayed, angry, etc.? Sure, 
but this does not change the fact. 

On a more personal level, if my grandmother were an alcoholic and someone 
pointed it out publicly, would that make me upset and possibly embarassed? 
Sure. But would it negate the fact if it were true? No. 

Thetruth is, racism exists in Asbury Park. The fact that you do 
not want to accept it and deal with it honestly is immature. 

And to be clear, so that you do not twist my words, yes Tom, I am saying 
that you are being immature and along with it, intellectually dishonest 
regarding the issue of racism in Asbury Park. 

Peace, Jim Keady 


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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82
Jim you say of me:

 And to be clear, so that you do not twist my words, yes Tom, I am 
saying that you are being immature and along with it, 
intellectually dishonest regarding the issue of racism in Asbury 

So now you change the subject from racism to attacks about my use of 
intellect. And you come to this conclusion about me still without 
citing any reference to actual incidents of racism in AP.  I'm on 
the floor laughing that you portray racism in epidemic proportions 
in AP without being able to cite a single instance of it. I'm 
intellectually dishonest? 

As usual for liberals, when you are confronted with the baselessness 
of your alarming claims, instead of conceding the point, you resort 
to name calling. You don't support your conclusion with facts.  You 
try to support your conclusion with: Anyone disagreeing with me is 
not employing my level of intellectualism.  Rather elitist, don't 
you think? 

Happy to have learned my debating skills at APHS not CBA, 

I remain,


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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread oakdorf
 For example, you have said yourself that Asbury Park High School
is a de facto segregated school where students get a poorer quality
education than most other schools in Monmouth County. I agree.

So who's to blame? 

1. Is it the lack of control in a classroom.
2. Blame the teachers for failing to teach
3. The non-parent factor
4. The stability of a household
5. The lack of recreational activities
6. Drugs and Crime in the home surroundings

Definitely not the lack of money dumped in.and not from Asbury PArk 
tax payers. Money dumped in by the truckload from other communities.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread JWKeady

In a message dated 8/2/2005 4:35:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
1. Is it 
  the lack of control in a classroom.2. Blame the teachers for failing to 
  teach3. The "non-parent" factor4. The stability of a household5. 
  The lack of recreational activities6. Drugs and Crime in the home 

All of the above. Now we take it to another level and do the analysis 
on why each of these is occuring. Once we have the deep and clear 
analysis, then we can honestly start to treat the roots of the problems. 
No band-aid solutions are going to work. 

Peace, JWK 



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  Number 5 lack of recreational activities:
  I feel these kids know how to play enough. They need venues 
  that will prepare them to make money besides selling drugs. Teach them and 
  expand their horizons. Open up training and create jobs that will be 
  something for them to look up to, instead of mcdonalds, kfc,taco bells. 
  Teach them business skills, mechanic skills, etc. Lord forbid that they 
  should be taught more games, and giving them basketball courts. That's 
  just something to slow them down. It doesn't take intelligence to play 


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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Skip Bernstein
`If I made a negative, sweeping gerneralization about the Kretzu
family, as a member of the family, you would take it as a personal
slap.  …those of us that have a familial association with the City
take it as a personal slap in the face. Can't help it -it just
happens. …someday, as a community leader in AP, you too will have such
a persoanl closeness …that you also take it as a personal criticism
when you hear a criticism of AP in general.'

Poor Tommy; one day when all the dragons are slain he'll invent more
so that he can again mount his gallant steed.  Seems Asbury's bad old
days, pre-signing of the great Fish-hope the redevelopment agreement,
racial tensions were high, crime was common, business and the schools
suffered, and the middle class, including the DeSeno clan, fled to
safer ground.  Then an amazing thing happened, The Fishman discovered
a new land, full of promise, where councilman were only too happy to
give away the keys to the city, all manner of lawyers were delighted
to do his bidding, where property taxes by way of abatement were
virtually nonexistent and very soon the streets would be paved with
gold; all could be had by anyone willing to sell their soul.

Then when all looked oakey dokey a few rabble rousers, undoubtedly
liberals, began making outrageous claims; the streets were not of gold
simply gone, the historic buildings ought not be left to fall into the
sea, racial tensions had not declined, residents on the west side were
not sharing in the rebirth, The Fishman warned not to bring your
children and the promised redevelopment jobs were not to be.

Then Tommy had a flash of genius; he took to the ramparts (the 3
village news) and announced to one and all Mission Accomplished. 
The rest is history.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jim you say of me:
  And to be clear, so that you do not twist my words, yes Tom, I am 
 saying that you are being immature and along with it, 
 intellectually dishonest regarding the issue of racism in Asbury 
 So now you change the subject from racism to attacks about my use of 
 intellect. And you come to this conclusion about me still without 
 citing any reference to actual incidents of racism in AP.  I'm on 
 the floor laughing that you portray racism in epidemic proportions 
 in AP without being able to cite a single instance of it. I'm 
 intellectually dishonest? 
 As usual for liberals, when you are confronted with the baselessness 
 of your alarming claims, instead of conceding the point, you resort 
 to name calling. You don't support your conclusion with facts.  You 
 try to support your conclusion with: Anyone disagreeing with me is 
 not employing my level of intellectualism.  Rather elitist, don't 
 you think? 
 Happy to have learned my debating skills at APHS not CBA, 
 I remain,

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  like i said some folk are in deep 



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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82

And by all of that below are you joining the discussion of whether 
AP is or isn't a racist place? I don't think I see you taking a 
postion on the subject.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Skip Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 `If I made a negative, sweeping gerneralization about the Kretzu
 family, as a member of the family, you would take it as a personal
 slap.  …those of us that have a familial association with the City
 take it as a personal slap in the face. Can't help it -it just
 happens. …someday, as a community leader in AP, you too will have 
 a persoanl closeness …that you also take it as a personal criticism
 when you hear a criticism of AP in general.'
 Poor Tommy; one day when all the dragons are slain he'll invent 
 so that he can again mount his gallant steed.  Seems Asbury's bad 
 days, pre-signing of the great Fish-hope the redevelopment 
 racial tensions were high, crime was common, business and the 
 suffered, and the middle class, including the DeSeno clan, fled to
 safer ground.  Then an amazing thing happened, The Fishman 
 a new land, full of promise, where councilman were only too happy 
 give away the keys to the city, all manner of lawyers were 
 to do his bidding, where property taxes by way of abatement were
 virtually nonexistent and very soon the streets would be paved with
 gold; all could be had by anyone willing to sell their soul.
 Then when all looked oakey dokey a few rabble rousers, undoubtedly
 liberals, began making outrageous claims; the streets were not of 
 simply gone, the historic buildings ought not be left to fall into 
 sea, racial tensions had not declined, residents on the west side 
 not sharing in the rebirth, The Fishman warned not to bring your
 children and the promised redevelopment jobs were not to be.
 Then Tommy had a flash of genius; he took to the ramparts (the 3
 village news) and announced to one and all Mission Accomplished. 
 The rest is history.
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
  Jim you say of me:
   And to be clear, so that you do not twist my words, yes Tom, I 
  saying that you are being immature and along with it, 
  intellectually dishonest regarding the issue of racism in 
  So now you change the subject from racism to attacks about my 
use of 
  intellect. And you come to this conclusion about me still 
  citing any reference to actual incidents of racism in AP.  I'm 
  the floor laughing that you portray racism in epidemic 
  in AP without being able to cite a single instance of it. I'm 
  intellectually dishonest? 
  As usual for liberals, when you are confronted with the 
  of your alarming claims, instead of conceding the point, you 
  to name calling. You don't support your conclusion with facts.  
  try to support your conclusion with: Anyone disagreeing with me 
  not employing my level of intellectualism.  Rather elitist, 
  you think? 
  Happy to have learned my debating skills at APHS not CBA, 
  I remain,

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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82

Still waiting for you to list actual incidents, not generalities, of 
racism in AP.  Or, does just repeating over and over people are in 
denial somehow prove your point that racism exists?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 like i said some folk are in deep  denial

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  i gave you an example the other day. Did you read it or did you just 
  delete it? I know it's here and don't have to rewrite the racism i 
  describe. If you failed to read it or fail to see it, it's on you. I have 
  no reason to lie. Others are telling you about the racism they've 
  encountered and you are still too blind to see it. So it's worthless and 
  useless continuing to repeat the same thing over and over to the 



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread JWKeady

In a message dated 8/2/2005 4:48:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  forbid that they should be taught more games, and giving them basketball 
  courts. That's just something to slow them down. It doesn't take intelligence 
  to play games.

As a former pro athlete and coach, I might disagree with you that it does 
not take intelligence to play games. In fact, there is a quite a bit of 
research out there in the education field that talks about athletic or 
"Bodily-kinesthetic" intelligence. 

However... I agree with you 100% that we need to be providing a whole range 
of opportunities for our kids. I recently had a very productive meeting 
with the director of the Boys and Girls Club and we discussed creating three 
advisory boards for their organization to improve and expand their level of 
services - facilities board, recreation board, early childhood education 
board. Would you be willing to serve on one of these to help us deal with 
the issues you raised in your email?

Peace, JWK 



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  You know what? I might actually like 


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread JWKeady

In a message dated 8/2/2005 4:56:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  waiting for you to list actual incidents, not generalities, of racism in 


I am still waiting for you to commit to a "walk and meet" with me regarding 
the race issue.

Peace, JWK 


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  I think tom is a debater and that's about it.You can hit him in the 
  face with a pie and he'll tell you it was 


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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism You bet!

2005-08-02 Thread Skip Bernstein
And by all of that below are you joining the discussion of whether AP
is or isn't a racist place? I don't think I see you taking a postion
on the subject.

Tommy, we live in a racist nation; it was so with our forefathers, it
was so for Blacks, Native Indians, Chinese, Irish, Italians, Polish,
Jews, Muslims, you name it.  Saying it ain't so won't make it so. 
This country has always found it convenient to ignore structural
problems and spin whimsical tales of self aggrandizement, be they as
the land of the free, home of capitalism or center of democratic
ideals, tradition and government.  That each of these foundation
stones of the great American myth are cut of holey cloth has never
gotten in the way of spreading the message.  Is Asbury racist?  You bet!

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 And by all of that below are you joining the discussion of whether 
 AP is or isn't a racist place? I don't think I see you taking a 
 postion on the subject.
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Skip Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  `If I made a negative, sweeping gerneralization about the Kretzu
  family, as a member of the family, you would take it as a personal
  slap.  …those of us that have a familial association with the City
  take it as a personal slap in the face. Can't help it -it just
  happens. …someday, as a community leader in AP, you too will have 
  a persoanl closeness …that you also take it as a personal criticism
  when you hear a criticism of AP in general.'
  Poor Tommy; one day when all the dragons are slain he'll invent 
  so that he can again mount his gallant steed.  Seems Asbury's bad 
  days, pre-signing of the great Fish-hope the redevelopment 
  racial tensions were high, crime was common, business and the 
  suffered, and the middle class, including the DeSeno clan, fled to
  safer ground.  Then an amazing thing happened, The Fishman 
  a new land, full of promise, where councilman were only too happy 
  give away the keys to the city, all manner of lawyers were 
  to do his bidding, where property taxes by way of abatement were
  virtually nonexistent and very soon the streets would be paved with
  gold; all could be had by anyone willing to sell their soul.
  Then when all looked oakey dokey a few rabble rousers, undoubtedly
  liberals, began making outrageous claims; the streets were not of 
  simply gone, the historic buildings ought not be left to fall into 
  sea, racial tensions had not declined, residents on the west side 
  not sharing in the rebirth, The Fishman warned not to bring your
  children and the promised redevelopment jobs were not to be.
  Then Tommy had a flash of genius; he took to the ramparts (the 3
  village news) and announced to one and all Mission Accomplished. 
  The rest is history.
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
   Jim you say of me:
And to be clear, so that you do not twist my words, yes Tom, I 
   saying that you are being immature and along with it, 
   intellectually dishonest regarding the issue of racism in 
   So now you change the subject from racism to attacks about my 
 use of 
   intellect. And you come to this conclusion about me still 
   citing any reference to actual incidents of racism in AP.  I'm 
   the floor laughing that you portray racism in epidemic 
   in AP without being able to cite a single instance of it. I'm 
   intellectually dishonest? 
   As usual for liberals, when you are confronted with the 
   of your alarming claims, instead of conceding the point, you 
   to name calling. You don't support your conclusion with facts.  
   try to support your conclusion with: Anyone disagreeing with me 
   not employing my level of intellectualism.  Rather elitist, 
   you think? 
   Happy to have learned my debating skills at APHS not CBA, 
   I remain,

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread JWKeady

In a message dated 8/2/2005 5:02:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
I'm on 
  the floor laughing that you portray racism in epidemic proportions in 
  AP without being able to cite a single instance of it. I'm intellectually 


Three people during my campaigning commented to me that the best thing for 
AP would be to move the blacks out of town. These were/are racist comments 
and these were registered voters in Asbury Park. So at least on three 
occaisions in the very recent past, racism existed in Asbury Park. I also 
met just two weeks ago with a woman who detailed how she was "red-lined" for a 
bank loan to purchase a home in AP. This was another instance of an Asbury 
Parker dealing with racism. 

Stop your nonsense Tom. This isn't a game or a high school 

Peace, JWK 



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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism You bet!

2005-08-02 Thread Skip Bernstein
Speak for yourself. Asbury is not racist.  Neither is America.

Perhaps you're younger than I thought (or you look).  

Even republicans have parents; ask your parents whether they've ever
heard tales of Italians being discriminated against.  

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Speak for yourself. Asbury is not racist.  Neither is America.
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Skip Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  And by all of that below are you joining the discussion of 
 whether AP
  is or isn't a racist place? I don't think I see you taking a 
  on the subject.
  Tommy, we live in a racist nation; it was so with our forefathers, 
  was so for Blacks, Native Indians, Chinese, Irish, Italians, 
  Jews, Muslims, you name it.  Saying it ain't so won't make it so. 
  This country has always found it convenient to ignore structural
  problems and spin whimsical tales of self aggrandizement, be they 
  the land of the free, home of capitalism or center of democratic
  ideals, tradition and government.  That each of these foundation
  stones of the great American myth are cut of holey cloth has never
  gotten in the way of spreading the message.  Is Asbury racist?  
 You bet!
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
   And by all of that below are you joining the discussion of 
   AP is or isn't a racist place? I don't think I see you taking a 
   postion on the subject.
   --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Skip Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
`If I made a negative, sweeping gerneralization about the 
family, as a member of the family, you would take it as 
 a personal
slap.  …those of us that have a familial association with the 
take it as a personal slap in the face. Can't help it -it just
happens. …someday, as a community leader in AP, you too will 
a persoanl closeness …that you also take it as a personal 
when you hear a criticism of AP in general.'

Poor Tommy; one day when all the dragons are slain he'll 
so that he can again mount his gallant steed.  Seems Asbury's 
days, pre-signing of the great Fish-hope the redevelopment 
racial tensions were high, crime was common, business and the 
suffered, and the middle class, including the DeSeno clan, 
 fled to
safer ground.  Then an amazing thing happened, The Fishman 
a new land, full of promise, where councilman were only too 
give away the keys to the city, all manner of lawyers were 
to do his bidding, where property taxes by way of abatement 
virtually nonexistent and very soon the streets would be paved 
gold; all could be had by anyone willing to sell their soul.

Then when all looked oakey dokey a few rabble rousers, 
liberals, began making outrageous claims; the streets were not 
simply gone, the historic buildings ought not be left to fall 
sea, racial tensions had not declined, residents on the west 
not sharing in the rebirth, The Fishman warned not to bring 
children and the promised redevelopment jobs were not to be.

Then Tommy had a flash of genius; he took to the ramparts (the 
village news) and announced to one and all Mission 
The rest is history.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
 Jim you say of me:
  And to be clear, so that you do not twist my words, yes 
 Tom, I 
 saying that you are being immature and along with it, 
 intellectually dishonest regarding the issue of racism in 
 So now you change the subject from racism to attacks about 
   use of 
 intellect. And you come to this conclusion about me still 
 citing any reference to actual incidents of racism in AP.  
 the floor laughing that you portray racism in epidemic 
 in AP without being able to cite a single instance of it. 
 intellectually dishonest? 
 As usual for liberals, when you are confronted with the 
 of your alarming claims, instead of conceding the point, you 
 to name calling. You don't support your conclusion with 
 try to support your conclusion with: Anyone disagreeing 
 with me 
 not employing my level of intellectualism.  Rather elitist, 
 you think? 
 Happy to have learned my debating skills at APHS not CBA, 
 I remain,

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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82
That bank isn't AP.  That's an outsider. You just keep proving my 

Look Jim, you keep ending your posts with attacks about me 
personally (like below: Nonsence, gameplaying). I'm very serious 
about this.

I haven't pointed out that your career depends upon the existance 
racism, so if you deny it exists your business becomes obsolete.  
That would be unfair as not relevant to what we are talking about, 
so that's why I haven't called attention to it.

If that previous paragraph was out of line, then you know how I feel 
when you keep attacking me. Can you discuss this without ending your 
posts with an attack on me?  Right now I doubt it, but I'm willing 
to give you another chance.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 8/2/2005 5:02:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
 I'm on  
 the floor laughing that you portray racism in epidemic proportions 
 in  AP without being able to cite a single instance of it. I'm 
 intellectually  dishonest? 
 Three people during my campaigning commented to me that the best 
thing for  
 AP would be to move the blacks out of town.  These were/are racist 
 and these were registered voters in Asbury Park.  So at least on 
 occaisions in the very recent past, racism existed in Asbury 
Park.  I also  met just 
 two weeks ago with a woman who detailed how she was red-lined 
for a  bank 
 loan to purchase a home in AP.  This was another instance of an 
Asbury  Parker 
 dealing with racism.  
 Stop your nonsense Tom.  This isn't a game or a high school  
 Peace, JWK

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread lekretzu

In a message dated 8/2/2005 5:26:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  haven't pointed out that your career depends upon the existance racism, so 
  if you deny it exists your business becomes obsolete. 

So I guess then, that people like us, who have formed nonprofit 
organizations to deal with social injustices - like sweatshop labor, genocide, 
hunger, violence against women and things of that nature - really and truly WANT 
injustice to continue because if say sweatshops were eliminated, it would be 
difficult for us to make ends meet?



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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Skip Bernstein
Tommy, you don't have the guts to tell me the insidious word that
caused your apoplexy when you last left this board; however, your
petty arguments and denial of simple fact are so unrelentingly tedious
that I've decided it's time to unleash once again THAT word, which you
so fear.  

You're a silly ass.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 That bank isn't AP.  That's an outsider. You just keep proving my 
 Look Jim, you keep ending your posts with attacks about me 
 personally (like below: Nonsence, gameplaying). I'm very serious 
 about this.
 I haven't pointed out that your career depends upon the existance 
 racism, so if you deny it exists your business becomes obsolete.  
 That would be unfair as not relevant to what we are talking about, 
 so that's why I haven't called attention to it.
 If that previous paragraph was out of line, then you know how I feel 
 when you keep attacking me. Can you discuss this without ending your 
 posts with an attack on me?  Right now I doubt it, but I'm willing 
 to give you another chance.
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 8/2/2005 5:02:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
  I'm on  
  the floor laughing that you portray racism in epidemic proportions 
  in  AP without being able to cite a single instance of it. I'm 
  intellectually  dishonest? 
  Three people during my campaigning commented to me that the best 
 thing for  
  AP would be to move the blacks out of town.  These were/are racist 
  and these were registered voters in Asbury Park.  So at least on 
  occaisions in the very recent past, racism existed in Asbury 
 Park.  I also  met just 
  two weeks ago with a woman who detailed how she was red-lined 
 for a  bank 
  loan to purchase a home in AP.  This was another instance of an 
 Asbury  Parker 
  dealing with racism.  
  Stop your nonsense Tom.  This isn't a game or a high school  
  Peace, JWK

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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82
Leslie I believe I am considering the views of those who disagree 
with me right now. Are you? 

Apparantly if I disagree you, it absolutely can't be because I'm 
right.  I must be because I'm not open.  

It takes a presumptuous person to claim the default postion of the 
world is they are right and others aren't open minded.

Who is the close minded one here, Leslie?  Does no one on this board 
give any credit to scientific analysis: Those who are complaining of 
racism aren't giving examples, therefore they are not supporting 
thier argument that racism exits.

I simply won't let any of you get away with an insistance of rampant 
racism in AP based on your assumptions with no empirical evidence.

I'd love to have this discussion in front of any scientific 
community and watch them marvel at your insistance of conclusions 
with no data.  

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 8/2/2005 5:12:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
 Had  anyone on this board cited instances of racism, I might go.  
 then, I won't go with you in search of racists in Asbury Park, for 
 same reason I won't go with you in search of mermaids, unicorns, 
 aliens or intellegent liberals.
 He didn't ask you to go out finding racists, even though you 
 heard it that way.  He asked you to go and meet some of the people 
that he  knows 
 would give you a different perspective than the one you have.
 Similarly, we have been asking Nike endorsed athletes to come with 
us to  
 Indonesia for quite a while, so that they can meet personally the 
people who  
 make their clothes and shoes, and who are working in sweatshops.  
But most  
 athletes don't want to go to Indonesia or Mexico or Thailand to 
meet sweatshop  
 workers firsthand b/c then they might feel guilty and they can't  
continue to be 
 conveniently uninformed  - the whole if I don't  see it, it 
doesn't exist 
 You are doing the same - why not sit down with people who may give 
 information that challenges your beliefs rather than listening to 
 folks who just reinforces your existing beliefs.  Are you open to  
 your beliefs?

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread lekretzu

In a message dated 8/2/2005 5:38:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
I'd love 
  to have this discussion in front of any scientific community and watch 
  them marvel at your insistance of conclusions with no data. 

Would you love to have this discussion at the West Side Community 
Center? I'm sure we can arrange it. Just let me know : 


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread lekretzu

In a message dated 8/2/2005 5:38:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Leslie I 
  believe I am considering the views of those who disagree with me right 
  now. Are you? 

I always consider those with firsthand experience to be the primary source 
of knowledge. People working in Nike sweatshops, for example, know more 
about sweatshop conditionsthan Phil Knight and other executives working in 
a comfortable office in Oregon. So if I want to learn if racism is or is 
not present in Asbury Park, am I just going to talk to white people about 
it? No, I'm going to go to various people of color (African American, 
Haitian, Latino)living in Asbury Park and ask them what their experiences, 
comments, thoughts,wisdom, etc.. are on this topic. 

I'm considering your view, and I wholeheartedly disagree. You 
disagree with me. So, why notgo directly to those with the firsthand 


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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism open to challenging your beliefs

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As far as blue bishop, who or what gives him the right to demand  

I LOVE THIS SENTENCE!  Pretty much sums up the side of all of 
you, doesn't it.

Yea, you're right. Who am I to demand evidence?  How dare I ask you 
to show me you are right.  What's wrong with me?  I'm supposed to 
accept what you say, because as everyone is supposed to know, you 
guys are right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong.  
Dissenters aren't supposed to ask questions!  The nerve of me to ask 
you to prove what you say and not simply accept it because you say 
so.  What am I thinking?  How are we ever going to have a free and 
open society if I don't agree with you? I'm really mucking up this 
whole diversity thing by not agreeing with you, aren't I?

Well this brings us to the end of the arguemmet I guess.  Asbury 
Park is a racist City not for any evidence, but because you folks 
say so, with such certainty that no one is allowed to question you.

Good Grief.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread bluebishop82
Your missing my point Leslie.  Isn't experiencig no racism first hand 
experience and therefore proof that wieghs on the side of Asbury Park 
not being a racist City?  Or do you just count one side of the ledger?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 8/2/2005 6:03:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
 Your  assumption then is only Black people have first hand 
 experience, and white  people don't.  What's that called?
 You are ignoring the offer:  why not go directly to those with  
 experience of racism?  I'm not as worried about white  people who 
 reverse racism from black people.  There is a lot of  righteous anger 
out there.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism open to challenging your beliefs

2005-08-02 Thread lekretzu

In a message dated 8/2/2005 6:14:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  much sums up the side of all of you, doesn't it.

Oh, conservatives never make sweeping generalizations...thank God we 
cleared that up.


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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread jerseyjohn99
did you go to China before buying the computer you're typing on? Go 
in person to the Tech Support Desk in India?

I don't know you Leslie, but it's not too great an expectation to  
think that someone making thousands of dollars communicating on a 
computer would want to know how that money is generated, 
particularly when there is no void of information out there saying 
that the money is made in unethical ways. 

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 8/2/2005 6:11:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
 so how  can you expect some 
 basketball star to take a month out of his too brief  career to see
 how his shoes are made? 
 I don't know you Jersey John, but it's not too great an 
expectation to  think 
 that someone making millions of dollars in an endorsement deal 
would want  to 
 know how that money is generated, particularly when there is no 
void of  
 information out there saying that the money is made in unethical  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread lekretzu

In a message dated 8/2/2005 6:17:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  missing my point Leslie. Isn't experiencig no racism "first hand 
  experience" and therefore proof that wieghs on the side of Asbury Park 
  not being a racist City? Or do you just count one side of the 

You know what Tommy, you're right. I don't know what your last e-mail 
means, butI don't have time to debate anymore. You win.Racism 
doesn't exist anywhere in the world, and certainly not in Asbury Park. 
Racism was over the second the Civil Rights Act was passed, because 
miraculously, when the law changed, people's hearts changed too.And even 
if some black people in Asbury Park say that racism still exists, well at least 
a few white people in Asbury Park say it doesn't and that's what matters.

May I have some Victory Gin now please?



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-02 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  It does matter. only the ignorant don't see it. they are still 
  lynching blacks down south.Just got an article, claims he hung himself. 
  racism is alive and well, ask your skinhead friends, and your klansmen. It 
  hasn't stopped. these are the worst terrorist in history, and they are 
  still around and rapidly 



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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-01 Thread Jim
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK Gary - 
 Please tell us of the acts of racism you suffered or witnessed in AP.
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Lighty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It surprises me that there are people who think Asbury Park doesn¹t 
 have any
  race problems anymore ­ just a small city with everyone living 
  each other.  Well, they should follow this Yahoo group for a while.  
  past few weeks have been virtually all race related posts.
  Maybe it¹s a bigger problem than people think.

I seen Veterans treated unfair because of there skin color.These Veterans who 
have treated this past member badly have past away but they did treat him 
unfair because of his skin color this was about 7 years ago.This Veteran that 
was treated unfair has moved down South.To Kentuckey I believe.

   ~Wisdom of Einstein~
{{The only remedies againest race  prejudice are enlightenment  
education.This is a slow  painstaking process}}

James Grabe
Veterans Alliance
Asbury Park N.J.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-01 Thread bluebishop82
Jim you know I dig you but I'm not willing to label AP are racist 
place based on a vague treated him unfairly reference from 7 years 

Someone is going to have to do better than that to convince me.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
  OK Gary - 
  Please tell us of the acts of racism you suffered or witnessed 
in AP.
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Lighty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It surprises me that there are people who think Asbury Park 
  have any
   race problems anymore ­ just a small city with everyone living 
   each other.  Well, they should follow this Yahoo group for a 
   past few weeks have been virtually all race related posts.
   Maybe it¹s a bigger problem than people think.
 I seen Veterans treated unfair because of there skin color.These 
Veterans who have treated this past member badly have past away but 
they did treat him unfair because of his skin color this was about 7 
years ago.This Veteran that was treated unfair has moved down 
South.To Kentuckey I believe.
~Wisdom of Einstein~
 {{The only remedies againest race  prejudice are enlightenment  
education.This is a slow  painstaking process}}
 James Grabe
 Veterans Alliance
 Asbury Park N.J.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-01 Thread Jim
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim you know I dig you but I'm not willing to label AP are racist 
 place based on a vague treated him unfairly reference from 7 years 
 Someone is going to have to do better than that to convince me.

I am not saying it is sorry if it was misunderstood.
But every town has it people that are prejudice.I had a Past Commander  State 
Commander Joe Scott from Scott's T.V. Store Asbury Park he was great treated 
every Veteran equal.When he past away things got a little out of Hand.Joe Scott 
was great for Asbury Park got involve in theschools  everything.Asbury Park 
has alot of people black  white that will work together I believe that was 
proven on March 11, 2005 it didn't matter the color of your skin.What you 
believe should happen in Asbury Park with the Redevelopment that night.If you 
believe in the War or was againest we all United that night for one reason for 
a young man that was wounded in Combat that was rasie in this great City.Lou 
Jordan  Gilbert Reed came that night.All the stuff he got while he was in 
Walter Reed Hospital the 1st time more than any solider in Walter Reed Army 
Hospital Washington D.C. there are some people that know about a town called 
Asbury Park in Washington because how everyone united for a young man.Stone 
Pony gave me 3 shopping bags of shirts  hats for the soliders at Walter 
Reed.When Kate Mellina went on Channel 12 news asking for donations.He got more 
than any other solider in Walter Reed the nurse told me.Not only do I think 
there should be a flag flying on our waterway 24/7 for the soldier 
officer,fireman there also the person in the city that donates there time in 
specail ways to make it better.The VFW donated a fountain for sunset lake it 
breaks does the city fix {no}  Werner takes the time  does.Ben plants flowers 
in Bradley Park.Skip takes pictures of March 11,2005 that help SSG Craft alot 
when he had to back to the Hospital 2nd time to look at those pictures.Maureen 
donates alot of time with her show.Everyone on March 11 that donated time for 
the event.Alot of these people go unnotice there what that Flag is all about 
also  should Fly 24/7 on one of the greatest Waterways in the U.S.

James Grabe
Veterans Alliance
Asbury Park N.J.

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
   OK Gary - 
   Please tell us of the acts of racism you suffered or witnessed 
 in AP.
   --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Lighty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It surprises me that there are people who think Asbury Park 
   have any
race problems anymore ­ just a small city with everyone living 
each other.  Well, they should follow this Yahoo group for a 
past few weeks have been virtually all race related posts.

Maybe it¹s a bigger problem than people think.
  I seen Veterans treated unfair because of there skin color.These 
 Veterans who have treated this past member badly have past away but 
 they did treat him unfair because of his skin color this was about 7 
 years ago.This Veteran that was treated unfair has moved down 
 South.To Kentuckey I believe.
 ~Wisdom of Einstein~
  {{The only remedies againest race  prejudice are enlightenment  
 education.This is a slow  painstaking process}}
  James Grabe
  Veterans Alliance
  Asbury Park N.J

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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-01 Thread Jim
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim you know I dig you but I'm not willing to label AP are racist 
 place based on a vague treated him unfairly reference from 7 years 
 Someone is going to have to do better than that to convince me.

I am not saying it is sorry if it was misunderstood.
But every town has it people that are prejudice.I had a Past Commander  State 
Commander Joe Scott from Scott's T.V. Store Asbury Park he was great treated 
every Veteran equal.When he past away things got a little out of Hand.Joe Scott 
was great for Asbury Park got involve in theschools  everything.Asbury Park 
has alot of people black  white that will work together I believe that was 
proven on March 11, 2005 it didn't matter the color of your skin.What you 
believe should happen in Asbury Park with the Redevelopment that night.If you 
believe in the War or was againest we all United that night for one reason for 
a young man that was wounded in Combat that was rasie in this great City.Lou 
Jordan  Gilbert Reed came that night.All the stuff he got while he was in 
Walter Reed Hospital the 1st time more than any solider in Walter Reed Army 
Hospital Washington D.C. there are some people that know about a town called 
Asbury Park in Washington because how everyone united for a young man.Stone 
Pony gave me 3 shopping bags of shirts  hats for the soliders at Walter 
Reed.When Kate Mellina went on Channel 12 news asking for donations.He got more 
than any other solider in Walter Reed the nurse told me.Not only do I think 
there should be a flag flying on our waterway 24/7 for the soldier 
officer,fireman there also the person in the city that donates there time in 
specail ways to make it better.The VFW donated a fountain for sunset lake it 
breaks does the city fix {no}  Werner takes the time  does.Ben plants flowers 
in Bradley Park.Skip takes pictures of March 11,2005 that help SSG Craft alot 
when he had to back to the Hospital 2nd time to look at those pictures.Maureen 
donates alot of time with her show.Everyone on March 11 that donated time for 
the event.Alot of these people go unnotice there what that Flag is all about 
also  should Fly 24/7 on one of the greatest Waterways in the U.S.

James Grabe
Veterans Alliance
Asbury Park N.J.

 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
   OK Gary - 
   Please tell us of the acts of racism you suffered or witnessed 
 in AP.
   --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Lighty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It surprises me that there are people who think Asbury Park 
   have any
race problems anymore ­ just a small city with everyone living 
each other.  Well, they should follow this Yahoo group for a 
past few weeks have been virtually all race related posts.

Maybe it¹s a bigger problem than people think.
  I seen Veterans treated unfair because of there skin color.These 
 Veterans who have treated this past member badly have past away but 
 they did treat him unfair because of his skin color this was about 7 
 years ago.This Veteran that was treated unfair has moved down 
 South.To Kentuckey I believe.
 ~Wisdom of Einstein~
  {{The only remedies againest race  prejudice are enlightenment  
 education.This is a slow  painstaking process}}
  James Grabe
  Veterans Alliance
  Asbury Park N.J

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-01 Thread Lighty
On 8/2/05 12:27 AM, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You don't think the discussions on this board in the past few weeks
 signify a pretty tightly wound up group?
 The question pending Gary is whether AP is a racist place.  My answer
 is no.

The question I was posing was based on the recent posts.  I could go back
and find over 100 posts in the past two weeks that mentioned racist
arguments.  Are you telling me you didn't see those posts?  My God, it was
like somebody turned on a light switch.  EVERY post in the past 3 days
mentioned racism.  It was like a different newsgroup.

All I'm saying is that maybe this came from somewhere.  Not the Asbury Park
Press but somewhere else.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Racism

2005-08-01 Thread bluebishop82
I understand what you are saying Gary, but the 2 people recently 
leaving posts about racism arn't giving any examples of it either.  
Simply over using the word proves nothing.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Lighty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll take back what I said about experiencing racism head on.  
What happened
 to me was probably more of a gang issue and might have happened 
whether I
 was white or black.  Let's just say I went down the wrong street 
and my car
 didn't come out in the same shape as before.  Not much damage, but 
 And I'll be honest in saying that it was a pretty scary moment.
 However, I don't see how you can pass by the overwhelming amount 
of posts
 that mentioned racist ideas in the past few weeks.  It's rather 
 considering the past few years didn't have anywhere near the same 

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