Re: Preparing the Atom Format Profile Draft

2006-01-25 Thread Graham Parks

On 24 Jan 2006, at 10:55 pm, James M Snell wrote:


It's either not going to be used or will be abused when it is. I  
can't see it ending well.


Re: atom:content's src and server-driven content negotiation

2006-01-19 Thread Graham Parks

On 18 Jan 2006, at 12:05 pm, Andreas Sewe wrote:

Note, however, that a type attribute on the content element cannot  
be used since /img is a negotiated resource -- this violates the  
SHOULD in 'If the src attribute is present, the type  
attribute SHOULD be provided [...].'

Note the next sentence:

The value is advisory

So it doesn't have to exactly describe the resource at the other end  
of the URL. The point is to give the consuming application a useful  
hint as to what kind of data is there.

Which of the above entries is preferable?

The correct thing to do is to pick the one provided by default by the  
server when no content negotiation occurs. eg:

 content type=image/png href=; /


Re: atom:content's src and server-driven content negotiation

2006-01-19 Thread Graham Parks

On 19 Jan 2006, at 11:53 am, David Powell wrote:

Possibly, but that solution isn't perfect. There is a tradeoff between
supplying an inaccurate type, and supplying no type at all. This TAG
finding [1] discusses the issue quite thoroughly.


The risk in providing an inaccurate mime-type in the content or link
elements, is that a user-agent such as a mobile device, might not
attempt to fetch the content at all if they don't support the advisory
MIME type, even though if they had requested the type, and conneg had
taken place, they could have been served a different type that they
could have handled.

If you read the W3C finding carefully, it doesn't actually cover this  
exact problem. It comes close in scenario 2 in section 2, section 4.1  
and section 5, but doesn't quite get there - all only cover when the  
advisory type is wrong outright, rather than misleading because of  

The recommendation at the end of section 4.1 seems appropriate  
though. If the advisory type attribute is incompatible, the client  
should query the resource to double check, or at least offer the user  
the option of double checking and/or loading the resource anyway.


Re: partial xml in atom:content ?

2006-01-17 Thread Graham Parks

On 18 Jan 2006, at 3:06 am, James Holderness wrote:

The problem it that proving something is quite likely to work  
says nothing about whether it would be valid and/or safe, even  
in the limited context of XHTML.

True, but sometimes people have to make decisions based on the  
limited information available to them. Knowing that something is  
quite likely to work is better than not knowing anything at all.

No it isn't.

As for validity, as far as I'm concerned that isn't even in  
question. I ran the feed through the feedvalidator and it said it  
was valid. Granted the feedvalidator isn't always right, but my  
reading of the spec reached the same conclusion. If you think the  
feedvalidator is wrong, I'd suggest you file a bug report or post  
to the feedvalidator mailing list.

Oh for fuck sake. The feed validator can only check whether something  
is syntactically correct. It cannot check whether it's semantically  
correct (ie means what you think it means). I'm sure you know this  
and are just being an asshat.


Re: partial xml in atom:content ?

2006-01-16 Thread Graham Parks

On 16 Jan 2006, at 4:59 pm, James Holderness wrote:

In theory, yes. In practice, no. Bare in mind that the 0.3 Atom  
spec had type=application/xhtml+xml with basically the same  
functionality as the current type=xhtml. Now since Atom 0.3 is  
still a whole lot more widely used than Atom 1.0, you can be fairly  
sure than anyone that bothers to handle XML content at all will be  
capable of handling type=application/xhtml+xml containing xhtml  

Speak for yourself. It's crappy assumptions like this that made RSS  
hellish to work with. Atom is unambiguous. application/xhtml+xml  
means the page content is a full standalone web page.


Re: partial xml in atom:content ?

2006-01-15 Thread Graham Parks

On 16 Jan 2006, at 3:09 am, James Holderness wrote:

The one time I'd think it might be safe is with XHTML (as I  
mentioned in a previous message) since Atom processors are already  
required to handle XHTML fragments in the content element. Anything  
else would be highly risky unless it was a proprietary feed  
communicating between two known applications.

Except no one bothered to tell the aggregator writers they'd have to  
implement this, so no it's not safe.


Re: partial xml in atom:content ?

2006-01-15 Thread Graham Parks

On 16 Jan 2006, at 6:50 am, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

okay, another thrust, taking into account the things you said in
your reply to the first thrust: is anything wrong with this?

!-- ... --
content type=application/xml
category .../

This is valid Atom.

Two options:
1) Valid but completely meaningless, since category Atom documents  
aren't defined anywhere.

2) Invalid, since category Atom documents aren't defined anywhere.


Re: Category URI's

2006-01-09 Thread Graham Parks

On 9 Jan 2006, at 9:33 pm, A. Pagaltzis wrote:




Re: Signifying a Complete Feed

2005-10-13 Thread Graham

On 13 Oct 2005, at 8:02 pm, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

If you want to ship a complete representation, you ship an
atom:entry, and if the resource is empty, then that atom:content
is empty.

If the atom:entry has no atom:content, then that always means
that it is a partial representation only.

Point to any text in the spec that backs this up.


Re: [feedvalidator] amp;apos; is not HTML

2005-09-19 Thread Graham

On 19 Sep 2005, at 11:20 am, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

I assume it was added to sniff for 'HTML like constructs' only this  
time the
subject really was apos; and it was not used to double escape  
for HTML.

Besides that, apos; is not even a valid entity for HTML 4.

That's why it says Warning instead of Error.
On the other hand, neither of the sentences following it are  
acceptable to me:

This feed is valid, but may cause problems for some users. We  
recommend fixing these problems.

It would be better if the validator admitted it's fallibility and  
said straight up that it doesn't know if these are problems or not.


Re: The benefits of Lists are Entries rather than Lists are Feeds

2005-08-31 Thread Graham

On 31 Aug 2005, at 6:22 pm, Roger B. wrote:

(1) If the lists are embedded as (X)HTML, then only aggregators that
display markup will be able to do anything with them, and
headline-only aggregators will be useless.

And damn those unthinking bloggers who embed their paragraphs as (X) 
HTML, because headline-only aggregators are useless for reading them.

(2) If the lists are embedded in a new extension of some sort,
developers have to buy in to get even minimal functionality. Not so if
the entries are list items... even a non-list-aware aggregator will be
able to display *something*.

Who is advocating this?

(3) If the lists are embedded as (X)HTML, my options for re-sorting
the list are somewhere between minimal and non-existent.

Fair point.

In fact, the only benefit I can see (as a user) to
lists-within-entries is the ability to easily archive the state of the
list. But that's probably better left to aggregator developers to
implement as a feature.

Another feature is the list can be formatted properly XHTML,  
considerably improving legibly over a bunch of floating entries.


Re: Top 10 and other lists should be entries, not feeds.

2005-08-30 Thread Graham

How would this apply to the most problematic example of a list feed,  
the BBC news headline page:

Which has the top stories first (amongst other structure) and is a  
hell of a lot more usable in news readers that preserve order.


Re: Top 10 and other lists should be entries, not feeds.

2005-08-30 Thread Graham

On 30 Aug 2005, at 9:01 pm, Mark Nottingham wrote:

It sounds like you've got use cases for Atom that other use cases  
(e.g., lists) make difficult to work with. Banning those other use  
cases makes things easier for you, but I don't think it's good for  
Atom overall.

But conceptually Bob is absolutely correct. An ordered list is just  
an entry that gets updated regularly. There's absolutely no reason  
for Netflix to create an individual entry for each DVD. It's a hack  
that makes it look better in most aggregators. Nothing more.

It would be good if Atom were flexible enough to cope where there  
isn't a 1:1 mapping between publications and items of information, by  
subdividing entries into chapters or something, but as Mark Pilgrim  
said somewhere, Atom deals with none of the interesting problems with  
syndication (Atom = RSS3).


Re: Don't Aggregrate Me

2005-08-26 Thread Graham

On 26 Aug 2005, at 7:46 pm, Mark Pilgrim wrote:

2. If a user gives a feed URL to a program *and then the program finds
all the URLs in that feed and requests them too*, the program needs to
support robots.txt exclusions for all the URLs other than the original
URL it was given.


(And before you say but my aggregator is nothing but a podcast
client, and the feeds are nothing but links to enclosures, so it's
obvious that the publisher wanted me to download them -- WRONG!  The
publisher might want that, or they might not ...

So you're saying browsers should check robots.txt before downloading  


Re: If you want Fat Pings just use Atom!

2005-08-23 Thread Graham

On 23 Aug 2005, at 2:57 pm, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

No.  See,, under fatal
error. -Tim

Yes, exactly what I wrote...

the XML processor must report the error to the application and that the
processor is not required by the XML specification to continue
processing; doing so is however an optional feature and further
processing would be implementation-defined


Once a fatal error is detected, however, the processor must not  
continue normal processing (i.e., it must not continue to pass  
character data and information about the document's logical structure  
to the application in the normal way).


Re: If you want Fat Pings just use Atom!

2005-08-22 Thread Graham

Just out of interest, how well does any of this work with caches and  


atom:id spec bug

2005-08-13 Thread Graham

Simon brown raises a valid point on the Spec explanations for  
Pebble? thread:

  That same paragraph starts, When an Atom Document is relocated,  
  syndicated, republished, exported or imported, the content of its  
  element MUST NOT change.. For me, this paragraph talks about the  
  Document* moving, rather than the content that it represents (i.e.  
a blog).

Perhaps we could add or its associated resource after Atom Document?


Re: Spec explanations for Pebble?

2005-08-12 Thread Graham Parks

On 12 Aug 2005, at 9:16 am, Carey Evans wrote:

First, where does the spec actually say that the atom:id shouldn't
change if the blog moves to a different domain?  I think that if the
URL of the blog changes, it means that the Atom Feed Document has been
relocated so the ID should stay the same, but Simon doesn't see this
in the spec.

Section 4.2.6, paragraph 3:

  an atom:id element pertains to all instantiations of a particular
   Atom entry or feed; revisions retain the same content in their
   atom:id elements. It is suggested that the atom:id element be
   stored along with the associated resource.

If an Atom document is a feed of the same blog, then even if the blog  
has moved, the id should stay the same. What makes you think otherwise?

Second, what sort of values should be used for the scheme attribute on
the category?  Looking at as
an authoritative example, it seems that the scheme should be the same
for all categories, but Pebble uses the URL of the individual category
page.  The spec doesn't say, so does it matter?


   The scheme attribute is an IRI that identifies a  
categorization scheme.

categorization scheme means the system used to categorize entries.  
Presumably each blog has its own system for doing so, so the scheme  
attribute should be the same for all posts from the same blog, and  
unique to the blog.


Re: spec bug: can we fix for draft-11?

2005-08-04 Thread Graham

On 4 Aug 2005, at 11:25 am, Paul Hoffman wrote:

That works for me. Another idea is Atom Processors MAY ignore  
leading and/or trailing whitespace in elements whose content does  
not allow leading and/or trailing whitespace, such as IRIs and  

This doesn't describe an interoperable model. Either all processors  
must remove whitespace, or whitespace is not allowed at all (Note the  
latter still allows processors to remove whitespace anyway).


Re: spec bug: can we fix for draft-11?

2005-08-03 Thread Graham

On 3 Aug 2005, at 2:04 pm, Sam Ruby wrote:

A note that Atom processors may consider leading and trailing space as
significant in attribute and element values would be enough to alert
people to the interoperability issues.



Re: Oversights? (Re: Introduction to The Atom Syndication Format)

2005-08-02 Thread Graham

On 2 Aug 2005, at 5:41 am, James Cerra wrote:



Those are different ids (Processors MUST compare atom:id elements on  
a character-by-character basis), and the first is just plain  
invalid. Why on earth would you think otherwise?

(oh, apparently because the feed validator is broken)


Re: spec bug: can we fix for draft-11?

2005-08-02 Thread Graham

On 2 Aug 2005, at 10:07 am, Bill de hÓra wrote:

The design intent of character-by-character cmp as I understood was  
the URI contained by the element. I think confusing the element  

with the URI is a spec bug.

From atompub-format-10, 4.2.6: Its content MUST be an IRI

That to me is demonstrates a very clear intention of the working  
group that the content must be exactly equal to the IRI. Changing  
this to allow whitespace would represent a major technical change to  
the format. I will figuratively lie down in the road if anyone  
suggests whitespace should be allowed around any machine-read content  
(uris, @type, @rel, etc).


Re: spec bug: can we fix for draft-11?

2005-08-02 Thread Graham

On 2 Aug 2005, at 12:50 pm, Ian Davis wrote:

The two examples that Bill gave WILL happen in the wild and Atom  
consumers will just deal with it by stripping the whitespace anyway  
despite what the spec says now. I think this should be endorsed in  
the spec for interoperability.

I (and probably others) have already put code out into the wild in  
the assumption there is no whitespace. As I said before, it's too  
late for a solution that changes the meaning of the spec.


Re: spec bug: can we fix for draft-11?

2005-08-02 Thread Graham

On 2 Aug 2005, at 5:46 pm, Sam Ruby wrote:

As it stands now, the spec does NOT clearly outlaw leading and  

whitespace from ids

I've been trying to argue with this but I can't find a normative  
reference that explains what the content of an element is. This is  
perhaps a bigger problem.


Re: spec bug: can we fix for draft-11?

2005-08-02 Thread Graham

On 2 Aug 2005, at 9:07 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:

For me, the most disturbing aspect of this debate is that any
resolution will provide very, very little interoperability gain.

Agreed. All we need to do is decide one way or the other what the  
spec should say.

That said, I certainly wouldn't object to any text warning
people not to do it, or explicitly mentioning that you have to call
the equivalent of String.trim().

Recommending the former would draw attention to the issue and perhaps  
encourage the latter. (Or make both explicit, with SHOULD and MAY).


Re: Atom namespace, qname-uri-qname roundtripping

2005-07-31 Thread Graham

On 31 Jul 2005, at 1:53 pm, Benjamin Nowack wrote:

as the atom namespace is declared as;
(i.e. without a trailing separator such as / or #), term URIs
from atom documents are expanded by xml parsers to

Exactly which part of the XML namespaces spec backs up this behaviour?


Re: Atom namespace, qname-uri-qname roundtripping

2005-07-31 Thread Graham

On 31 Jul 2005, at 4:01 pm, James Cerra wrote:

That's apparently what libxml does.  As you can see, with Atom's  
namespace it
is a mess.  It is also a mess with XHTML's namespace, XSLT's  
namespace, and

most document-oriented namespaces.

Were the RDF folks not smart enough to think of this problem and come  
up with a better system or a workaround?

is simply appended to the beginning of the no-colon name:

I'm off to start the Atomf working group which will produce a  
standard specification for eed documents.


Re: Proposed changes for format-11

2005-07-31 Thread Graham

On 1 Aug 2005, at 1:07 am, Sam Ruby wrote:

   If neither the type attribute nor the source attribute is provided,
Atom Processors MUST behave as though it were present with a value
of text.

And what is this mysterious source attribute? I presume you mean  
src, but it is not expanded to source anywhere else in the document.


Re: Comments Draft

2005-07-30 Thread Graham

On 30 Jul 2005, at 1:38 am, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-07-30 01:40]:

It's really just a hint as to where original entries MIGHT be




Re: Media type treatment in the processing model

2005-07-28 Thread Graham

We have simple rules so that for any media type there is only a  
single possible encoding method that everyone agrees upon. This means  
clients can know exactly any type of content they come across was  
encoded. If there are media types that don't fit the normal pattern  
of naming, they may end up using an illogical encoding method.

I don't necessarily support this arrangement, but it's definitely far  
superior to what we had before where the publisher could choose any  
method which made decoding at the client tremendously complicated.


Atom error pages

2005-07-25 Thread Graham

It's far too late for this, but how should Atom servers produce/ 
clients deal with error pages? Feedster regularly changes its search  
results feed to a single entry Search results temporarily offline  
feed document (RSS guid;), and I think  
served with HTTP status 200. This seems the wrong behavior for so  
many reasons. What should they be doing in Atom?


Re: Atom error pages

2005-07-25 Thread Graham

I might see where Graham is coming from. Graham are you talking a case
where the feed/entries are being elided with not-available messages?

I think so. The problem with using HTTP error codes is that in many  
clients the result is far less pretty. For example, in Shrook you get  
a warning sign next to the feed name, which when clicked produces a  
generic error message for the HTTP code.

The thing is, publishers want errors to be prettier and better  
explained. Returning a 200 and a feed document containing an error  
message entry produces predictable results in all clients, with the  
side effect of polluting the feed history.

The results of doing both (an HTTP error code and a custom Atom error  
document) need to be predictable. Whereas most web browsers will  
display a custom HTML error page (IE excepted), most Atom clients  
won't do anything with the body of a non-200 response (I think).


Re: Atom error pages

2005-07-25 Thread Graham

On 25 Jul 2005, at 9:26 pm, James M Snell wrote:

Returning an atom entry document would likely work fine when one is  
requesting an Atom feed document, but it could lead to confusion if  
the expected non-error result is itself an atom entry document.   
How does one differentiate the expected non-error result from the  
error result.

The HTTP code?


Re: Notes on the latest draft.

2005-07-21 Thread Graham

On 21 Jul 2005, at 4:43 am, James Cerra wrote:

In an XSLT-based Atom-to-XHTML processor, that is a large cost when  
includes many many many entities.  At least, I think so and have  
ignored the

problem because I can't think of a good way to solve it.

Yes, but your proposed solution just requires people at the other end  
of the chain to do the hard work. A common theme in the design of  
Atom is minimizing the amount of work that must be done by publishers  
(of which there are many) vs the amount of work done by processing  
tools (of which there are few, and which are easier to turn into  
common libraries).


Re: Notes on the latest draft.

2005-07-21 Thread Graham

On 21 Jul 2005, at 7:29 pm, James Cerra wrote:


Yes, but your proposed solution just requires people at the other end
of the chain to do the hard work. A common theme in the design of
Atom is minimizing the amount of work that must be done by publishers
(of which there are many) vs the amount of work done by processing
tools (of which there are few, and which are easier to turn into
common libraries).

You are probably correct.  However...

Aren't HTML's character references harder for publishing software  
to produce
compared with HTML numeric references?  After all, producing  
numeric references
requires a simple fast algorithm and no lookup table.  Thus,  
depreciating HTML

character references makes it _easier_ to publish Atom code as well.

Not if the HTML in the publishers database already contains named  
references, and/or users are regularly submitting HTML that contains  
named references.

The only feed producer software that probably likes HTML character  
above all else are human hands.  And if humans are writing their  
feeds by hand,


Feeds a generally a small facet of a much larger publishing system or  
process, that yes, includes humans.


Re: Notes on the latest draft.

2005-07-20 Thread Graham

On 20 Jul 2005, at 6:08 am, James Cerra wrote:

I feel that HTML entities other than numeric references, amp;gt;,  

amp;amp;, amp;apos;, and amp;quote; should be depreciated in HTML

Disagree. All it needs is a simple look-up table in the HTML parser.

Atom should explicitly endorse XHTML over HTML as perferred form of
content.  HTML is just really hard to process compared with XML.

If you say so.

There is no reason *not* to change this to atom:id.  It is lazy and
dangerous to have an element lie about the type of its content.   
the whole point of atom:uri is the same as atom:id - to identify  
the thing
they refer to (author or entry) - and their content is likewise  

There is no reason to think that it is either unique to an author or  
will be the same for every reference to a particular author. It's a  
useless identifier.

OTOH, is there a reason that atom:uri (which should be  
atom:indentifier) and

atom:email are not attributes of a person construct?

To allow easier, consistent extension.


Re: FormatTests

2005-07-17 Thread Graham

On 16 Jul 2005, at 11:27 am, Graham wrote:

Solution: Use the canonical form, given in the warning message.

It now says:
All newly issued ids should be in canonical form. Use the canonical  
form given in the warning message for guidance.


While an improvement, it needs to say that old ids cannot be  
corrected and the old thing you can is prevent it happening in  
future. It might therefore be simpler to not flag this problem at all.

Now do you see why canonical ids are stupid and irrelevant?


Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-17 Thread Graham

On 17 Jul 2005, at 4:20 pm, Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Where did you read that same-document references only apply when  
there is no embedded base URI?

Scroll down to the algorithm in 5.2.2, and it backs up Tim and Sam,  
in particular this:

if (R.path == ) then
   T.path = Base.path;

It seems pretty clear to me that whoever wrote the same-document  
references section simply wasn't thinking about embedded base URIs,  
and thus it can be safely ignored. Your interpretation would  
contradict not just the algorithm but practically the whole of the  
rest of the document.


Re: FormatTests

2005-07-16 Thread Graham

On 15 Jul 2005, at 11:20 pm, Sam Ruby wrote:

Can you be more specific?

If I plug my new Atom 1.0 feed into the validator:

Last night, it said the feed wasn't valid, but today it's saying:
Warning: This feed is valid, but may cause problems for some users.  
We recommend fixing these problems.

I'm not sure about this wording, but providing a warning is fine.

Solution: Use the canonical form, given in the warning message.

Are you advocating changing permanent identifiers? Bad Sam.

ID canonicalization was a bloody stupid idea.


Re: The Atomic age

2005-07-15 Thread Graham

On 15 Jul 2005, at 4:56 pm, Walter Underwood wrote:

Do we have a list of who is implementing it? That could be used in
the Deployment section of

My blog has one here:

I think it's valid, though it's hard to tell without a validator or  
even a parser. I'm currently rewriting the engine of Shrook to be  
compatible too.

(You may also notice I'm doing my little bit to make sure atom:id is  
implemented properly)

Graham Parks

Re: Question on Use Case: Choosing atom:content's type when ArchivingMailing Lists

2005-06-18 Thread Graham

On 17 Jun 2005, at 6:14 pm, Tim Bray wrote:

Uh, has Mark spotted a dumb bug here that we should fix?  Do we  
care if *remote* content is of a composite MIME type?  My feeling  
was that we ruled out composite types in *local* content, for  
fairly obvious reasons.  The fix is obvious, in

I don't think it's a dumb bug. A composite type is more than a single  
piece of content. Using atom:content this way is wrong, since  
conceptually it produces this:

  atom:titleMessage Subjectatom:title
  atom:authoratom:nameAn author/atom:name/atom:author
!-- Translating the email headers to Atom --
atom:titleMessage Subjectatom:title
atom:authoratom:nameAn author/atom:name/atom:author
atom:contentMessage body/atom:content

The better way to do this is to use atom:link rel=alternate to  
reference the messages.

-1 to the proposal, at least for this use case.


Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-atompub-format-09.txt

2005-06-10 Thread Graham

On 8 Jun 2005, at 9:59 pm, Antone Roundy wrote:

  atom:content MAY have a src attribute, whose value MUST be an IRI
   reference [RFC3987].  If the src attribute is present,  

   MUST be empty.  Atom Processors MAY use the IRI to retrieve the
   content, and MAY NOT process or present remote content in the same
   manner as local content.

It took me a second to realize that MAY NOT means don't have to  
rather than aren't allowed to.  The technical meaning of the  
terms is perfectly clear, but it's quite different from the usual  
meaning of those words, and may be misunderstood.  It might be  
better to say Atom Processors MAY use the IRI to retrieve the  
content, and MAY process or present remote content in a different  
manner from local content.


and MAY process or present remote content in a different manner to  
local content


Re: The atom:uri element

2005-05-25 Thread Graham

-1 to atom:link unless they are proper link elements. I'm fairly  
happy with the current situation.


Re: The atom:uri element

2005-05-25 Thread Graham

On 25 May 2005, at 2:25 pm, Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:

What about atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED], then?

No, I want multiple uris. I've just checked the spec and noticed it  
doesn't allow them. Why? Shouldn't I be able to have an http: uri and  
an aim: uri? And couldn't email be a mailto: uri?

+1 to replacing atom:email and atom:uri with multiple real atom:link  
elements (to allow titles).

(I don't care about the rel value)


Re: Consensus snapshot, 2005/05/25

2005-05-25 Thread Graham

On 25 May 2005, at 7:35 pm, Antone Roundy wrote:

If multiple atom:entry elements originating in the same Atom feed  
have the same atom:id value, whether they exist simultaneously in  
one document or in different instances of the feed document, they  
describe the same entry.

I'm going to write a Pace right now, in case that will make any  
difference.  Comments?

What about when they don't? I don't see any value here. A line saying  
that when two matching entry ids found in different feeds is fine,  
but (apparently) saying it's completely meaningless goes way, way too  

(Also, do we have a definition for Atom feed that exists beyond a  
single instance of a feed document?)


Re: PaceAtomIdDos posted (was Re: Consensus snapshot, 2005/05/25)

2005-05-25 Thread Graham

On 25 May 2005, at 9:01 pm, Antone Roundy wrote:

8.5 Denial of Service Attacks

Atom Processors should be aware of the potential for denial of  
service attacks where the attacker publishes an atom:entry with the  
atom:id value of an entry from another feed, and perhaps with a  
falsified atom:source element duplicating the atom:id of the other  
feed. Atom Processors which, for example, suppress display of  
duplicate entries by displaying only one entry with a particular  
atom:id value or combination of atom:id and atom:updated values,  
might also take steps to determine whether the entries originated  
from the same publisher before considering them to be duplicates.

How is this a Denial of service attack? Isn't it just ordinary  

Apart from that, +1.


Re: PaceAtomIdDos posted (was Re: Consensus snapshot, 2005/05/25)

2005-05-25 Thread Graham

On 25 May 2005, at 10:05 pm, Antone Roundy wrote:

But is it not potentially a DOS?  The Good Guy publishes an entry.   
The Bad Guy copies the atom:id of that entry into an entry with  
different content, gives it a later atom:updated, and publishes  
it.  The aggregator stops publishing/displaying the Good Guy's  
entry and instead publishes/displays the Bad Guy's entry.  Thus,  
the subscriber doesn't see the Good Guy's entry (unless they saw it  
before it was replaced).

Technically, yes, it is denial of service. But the term Denial of  
Service refers specifically to attacks where the main objective is  
to prevent a service being accessible. Replacing content does deny  
service, yes, but it's also a lot more than that.


Re: atom:type, xsl:output

2005-05-24 Thread Graham

On 24 May 2005, at 5:06 am, James Cerra wrote:

First off: it is an error to lie about your
media-type, so I would change SHOULD be suitable for
handling as the indicated media type to MUST be
suitable for handling as the indicated media type.


Secondly, XML may be entity (or CDATA) encoded like
@type=html or plain xml like @type=xhtml.  This is
becuase of the content of atom:content MAY include
child elements phrase.  There is no guarantee if an
entity escaped passage is xml or a text node example
of an xml document (i.e. an example of an xml
document), for example.

If I follow you right, you misunderstand. Atom documents are  
unambiguous. XML has to be inserted literally, with no entity  
escaping (except for entities that are part of text nodes) allowed.

atom:content type=application/xml
lt;?xml version=1.0?
lt;tag //atom:content

This is invalid, since it has no root element. It represents the  
standalone XML document:

?xml version=1.0
lt;?xml version=1.0?
lt;tag /

This is correct:

atom:content type=application/xmltag //atom:content


Re: atom:source

2005-05-24 Thread Graham

On 24 May 2005, at 2:23 am, Robert Sayre wrote:

Disagree, the MAY is  about  putting atom:source in at all (yes, it's
possible to copy entries without using atom:source). The text implies
that the source must be an atom:feed element, and those have required
elements. The RNC also requires atom:title and atom:updated, etc. I
guess we could add All required feed metadata elements MUST be
present. OK?

I think the thing it's missing is All elements MUST be copied when  
creating an atom:source from an atom:feed


Re: some small comments on 08

2005-05-24 Thread Graham

On 24 May 2005, at 9:40 am, Henri Sivonen wrote:

On May 23, 2005, at 12:31, Julian Reschke wrote:

For the record: I am +1 on 

-1, and additionally I don't think the Pace is even complete or  
reliably implementable.


Re: extension elements inside link elements?

2005-05-24 Thread Graham

On 24 May 2005, at 4:07 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:

4.2.9 (editorial):  The atom:link element is explicitly described as
empty, which violates the rules in 6 for foreign element extension.
Remove is an empty element that.

That's not an editorial change, that's newly allowing extension  
elements in a place most people (such as Paul and myself) assumed  
they weren't.


Re: atom:type, xsl:output

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 9:14 am, Danny Ayers wrote:

* When @type=html then the content of the element is a xsd:string
[1] of an HTML DIV element plus optional insignificant whitespace
around it.  Which version of HTML is defined?  How do you
differentiate between HTML 4.01, HTML 3.2, the upcoming HTML 5, or
nonstandard HTML (like with marquee elements)?

I believe the answer would be street HTML, not any specific version.

* When @type=mime/type [2], ONLY for atom:content, then the content
(or src document) is that type of document.  Why not allow other
elements to use this?

Because the other elements are for purely textual content.

XML 1.1

Not supported.


Don't know.


It is compatible, as a string, though certain obsolete characters are  


Should be base64 encoded.

What should one do when encountering these situations?

See section  Processing Model

Does that mean that if you use application/xhtml+xml, you can do
(rest of feed omitted for brevity):

Yes. This is why we have a special XHTML mode for fragments.


PaceClarifyAuthorContributor posted

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

== Abstract ==

Allow multiple authors. Clarify relationship between atom:author and  

== Status ==


== Rationale ==

The current draft only allows one atom:author per entry, meaning either:
- All authors of a document have to be shoehorned into that  
atom:author element

- One author has to be chosen as primary and the rest are contributors

Secondly, no explicit relationship is given between author and  
contributor atom:contributor. The most intuitive approach, and that  
outlined in this pace, is that each person involved should only  
appear in one role (as an author, or as a contributor). Also, for the  
sake of making processing at the display end easier, each person  
should only be mentioned once.

== Notes ==

Neither bylines nor inheritance are dealt with by this Pace.

== Proposal ==

In 4.1.1, replace:
   o  atom:feed elements MUST contain exactly one atom:author element,
  UNLESS all of the atom:feed element's child atom:entry elements
  contain an atom:author element.

   o  atom:feed elements MUST contain one or more atom:author elements,
  UNLESS all of the atom:feed element's child atom:entry elements
  contain at least one atom:author element.
   o  atom:feed elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:author

In 4.1.2, replace:
   o  atom:entry elements MUST contain exactly one atom:author element,
  unless the atom:entry contains an atom:source element which
  contains an atom:author element, or, in an Atom Feed Document,  

  atom:feed element contains an atom:author element itself.


   o  atom:entry elements MUST contain one or more atom:author  

  unless the atom:entry contains an atom:source element which
  contains an atom:author element, or, in an Atom Feed Document,  

  atom:feed element contains an atom:author element itself.

   o  atom:entry elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:author

   o  Within the atom:author and atom:contributor elements an  
atom:entry contains,

   any single Person SHOULD NOT be mentioned more than once.

== Impacts ==

Listing several people in a single atom:author element and then  
crediting them individually as atom:contributors is consciously  
barred by this pace, in anticipation that a separate byline element  
may be introduced if the functionality is required.


Re: PaceClarifyAuthorContributor posted

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 12:15 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:

-1 to this part. Why would you bar it? There is no right answer, so
just let it be looser.

Because we have to have this line:

Within the atom:author and atom:contributor elements an atom:entry  
contains,  any single Person SHOULD NOT be mentioned more than once.

Anything looser makes it very hard to interpret the intended meaning  
of a set of atom:author and atom:contributor elements  
programmatically. Please describe a suitable algorithm if you wish to  
remove this constraint.


Re: PaceClarifyAuthorContributor posted

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 12:28 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:

What is the interop problem you are trying to avoid? You don't just
throw in a SHOULD NOT and say otherwise it would be hard.

With the line in place, generating a basic byline is as simple as:

print by '
foreach (atom:author) print;
if (count(atom:contributor)) {
print with contributions from ;
foreach (atom:contributor) print;

Without that line, the code has to do duplicate detection (including  
looking for a name in a list of names, that may be formatted  
differently). It is impossible to do this with 100% reliably. Hence  


Re: PaceClarifyAuthorContributor posted

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 1:09 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:

Fully disagree. Try a record album by the Rolling Stones or
Grandmaster Flash and The Furious 5. OK to list the band members as
contributors? Definitely.

Maybe there's a minor bug in the wording here, but the restriction is  
not intended to block that (mentioning the band and then the member  
would not count as mentioning someone twice), and the pseudocode I  
proposed would produce more-or-less sensible results.

In any case, the alternative you propose is no model at all, and  
anything created under would not be decodeable programatically,  
unless you can provide psuedocode that proves otherwise.


Re: PaceClarifyAuthorContributor posted

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 3:45 pm, James Aylett wrote:

Why can't we just have the semantics that if you have two Person
constructs, you'll get the effects of having two Person constructs?
That way it's up to the producer of the feed - if they want the
semantics that they'll have identical names listed twice in author
lists, indexes or whatever, they can do that.

That's the intention of the spec, and the restriction. If you can  
come up with better wording, then we can go with that.

The other intention is that one person shouldn't (and doesn't need to  
be) listed as both an author and a contributor (ie a author is by  
definition a contributor). Does anyone object to that?


Re: PaceClarifyAuthorContributor posted

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 2:55 pm, James Aylett wrote:

  atom:personatom:nameAnne Rice/atom:name/atom:person
  atom:personatom:nameHoward Allen O'Brien/atom:name/ 


then I've hacked around your restriction. That's still the same person
listed twice. As I understand your wording, it's violating the spec -
but it's undetectable. No way on earth any Atom processor that isn't a
human being is going to notice, so how can we reasonably put that as a
restriction in the spec?

That's exactly why there's a restriction, because the processor can't  
tell for itself what's going on, so it needs the publisher to provide  
correct data about what's what. With the restriction, the processor  
can safely treat them as separate people and tell the end user This  
entry was written by Anne Rice and Howard Allen O'Brien. Without the  
restriction, all it can conclude is The names Anne Rice and Howard  
Allen O'Brien are in some way related to the authorship of this entry


Re: PaceClarifyAuthorContributor posted

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 4:58 pm, Tim Bray wrote:

Uh, Graham, I thought your Pace did a good job of capturing the  
consensus that seems to be emerging, and then slipped in just a  
little extra with the name-duplication rules.  I'm with Rob, that  
stuff is past the 80/20 point, I'd suggest you pare down the Pace  
as a friendly amendment. -Tim

Pared down.


Re: PaceClarifyAuthorContributor posted

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 4:52 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:

Exactly. It's extremely easy to think of cases that don't fit the
model proposed. Consider the Huffington Post, where the feed might
list Arianna Huffington as the author, and everybody else as a
contributor. But, it would make sense to list her as a contributor as

Why? She's already credited as the author. If you can explain why  
that isn't completely redundant and confusing to software, a gold  
star to you.


Re: posted PaceAuthorContributor

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 6:20 pm, Tim Bray wrote:

 this feels like trying to legislate morality. --Tim

If I want to give someone full credit for an entry, do I:
a) Just credit them as an author?
b) Or do I need to credit them as an author and a contributor?

If (a) is enough, what happens when someone does (b)? Or if the  
answer is (b), does someone else doing (a) imply that that author  
contributed nothing? Implementers need to know this stuff.


Re: posted PaceAuthorContributor

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 6:52 pm, Tim Bray wrote:

I suspect most people would guess right, and a culture of doing the  
right thing would develop.

Dave, impersonating Tim like this is not on.


Re: posted PaceAuthorContributor

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 23 May 2005, at 7:44 pm, Dan Brickley wrote:

What we have today is
An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the
resource. (Examples of a Creator include a person, an  
organisation, or

a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate
the entity.)

The WG consensus in supporting multiple atom:authors seems to be  
against having a singular creator, so -1 on this change.


Re: inheritance issues (was: Author and contributor)

2005-05-23 Thread Graham

On 24 May 2005, at 12:31 am, Eric Scheid wrote:

Second area of concern with writing the spec text - the atom:source  
needs to be mentioned in the text about inheritance. My  
understanding is

that inheritance draws first from atom:source (if it exists), and then

I'd say it draws from atom:source OR atom:feed. atom:feed should not  
be used if atom:source exists, even if it doesn't contain an  
atom:author, which it SHOULD.

(unrelated question: what's with this plus sign   atomLink+ in the  
atom:source production?)


Re: Fetch me an author. Now, fetch me another author.

2005-05-22 Thread Graham

On 22 May 2005, at 1:09 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:

No longer sure? I suggest you never will be, since the meanings of the
elements are right there in the draft, as is the cardinality. It seems
reasonable to conclude you people can't read.

No, we just read it a different way to what you do, the obvious way.  
The idea that atom:autho and atom:contributor are independent is just  
about a valid reading but completely counter-intuitive. There is a  
problem here.


Re: Fetch me an author. Now, fetch me another author.

2005-05-21 Thread Graham

On 21 May 2005, at 1:59 am, Tim Bray wrote:

Let me speak as a victim of a few years in the publishing-software  
trenches: The semantics of author and contributor are a tangled  
mess, a real swamp, and I don't think that Atom is going to do a  
very good job of solving them.  In particular, I don't think we're  
going to a better job than Dublin Core.

Why are we using author instead of creator then? The current  
setup is a rushed kludge that came about before we started thinking  
things through, not a conscious decision to echo Dublin Core.

That is to say, if we were to do as some suggest (nuke  
atom:contributor and make atom:author repeatable) I'm quite certain  
that we could come up with all sorts of corner cases and problems,  
probably about as many as with the current setup.

You can say that about anything. A flat list of people associated  
with an entry is infinitely better than the weird one author/multiple  
contributors model that doesn't offer a clear way to cope with the  
common model of multiple co-authors.


Re: Accidental and intentional atom:id collisions

2005-05-21 Thread Graham

The appropiate answer to this is to say comparing an id from a  
document retrieved from one URI to an id retrieved from a second URI  
is not reliable. This makes feed:ids largely useless. The primary  
use, of comparing with a previous version of a document retrieved  
from the same URI, is fine.


Re: Refresher on Updated/Modified

2005-05-21 Thread Graham

On 21 May 2005, at 2:41 am, Robert Sayre wrote:

OK. The chairs' latest text reads:

 If multiple atom:entry elements with the same atom:id value appear
in an Atom Feed document, they describe the same entry and Atom
Processors MUST treat them as such.

Where does the bad behavior come in, and what can we do to  
discourage it?

This line:
Their atom:updated timestamps SHOULD be different

What are the allowable exceptions here? If I wanted to store two  
versions with the same id and updated (say from two different  
sources, or which non-siginificanr differences, is that allowable.  
What should a client that implements the typical behavior ... to  
display only the entry with the latest atom:updated timestamp do?


Re: Accidental and intentional atom:id collisions

2005-05-21 Thread Graham

On 21 May 2005, at 1:51 pm, Henry Story wrote:

That makes sense. But then it only gives one a very limited ability  
to move an entry from one place
to another. If the entry has to be located in the same feed, then  
presumably that means that it

would be difficult to move the entry from one domain to another.

The feed becomes a redirect and the aggregator can reliably compare  
ids across the old and new addresses. Not hard.


Re: Fetch me an author. Now, fetch me another author.

2005-05-21 Thread Graham

On 21 May 2005, at 3:30 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 5/21/05, Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The appropriate way to decode this is Written by Graham with
contributions from Friend 1 and Friend 2

Lets decode your sample in the same way: Written by Yuri Fialko,
David Sandwell, Mark Simons  Paul Rosen with contributions from Yuri
Fialko, David Sandwell, Mark Simons and Paul Rosen

Which makes no sense. The two usages are incompatible, and the spec
needs to say which is correct.

What makes you think 'authorship' is arrived at by composing
atom:author and atom:contributor elements.

It's the impression I've had for nearly 2 years. If I'm wrong, then  
fine, but there's nothing in the spec that says anything either way.


Re: multiple atom:author elements?

2005-05-20 Thread Graham

On 20 May 2005, at 4:41 am, Eric Scheid wrote:
I have Library clients who want to make their indexing efforts  
available in XML form - currently I can recommend RSS
1.0, but I would like to be able to recommend Atom 1.0 when it becomes
available. With a one-author-per-article restriction this would be
The one author restriction isn't really necessary. My only problem is  
with our order is not significant rule since there's a strong  
likelihood that authors will be displayed in the the order they  
appear in the XML, and that publishers will expect it.


Re: multiple atom:author elements?

2005-05-20 Thread Graham
On 20 May 2005, at 4:12 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:
Well, the two examples we've been shown want to control presentation
when multiple authors are grouped.
Raggett, D, Hors, A, and I Jacobs
Yuri Fialko, David Sandwell, Mark Simons amp; Paul Rosen
The logical answer would then be a new element for that label when  
multiple atom:authors are present.

Does anyone remember the reason we have atom:contributor? I say drop it.

Re: PROCESS QUESTION: are we done yet?

2005-05-20 Thread Graham
On 20 May 2005, at 8:02 pm, Paul Hoffman wrote:
Does the WG want to be able to open up new topics, or re-open old  
topics with a twist? If so, do we all agree to the delay in  
publication that comes with that? Also, how long should this  
opening and re-opening last? Are there any limits on which parts of  
the spec we are willing to change?
I think the last deadline was premature and totally out of sync with  
the WG, and if anything is responsible for the delay, because of the  
temporary cessation of new Paces. There probably needs to be one more  
round of discussion on recent changes like duplicate IDs, but  
everything else seems finished. I think there will be a natural  
ending soon enough.


Re: Refresher on Updated/Modified

2005-05-20 Thread Graham
Tim, can I ask about your thinking regarding the use of atom:updated  
in PaceDuplicateIDs. What if someone (either the publisher or someone  
downstream) wants to store a history of every revision in an archive  
feed? atom:updates forces one to choose only one version per  
significant change. The mechanism it affords (being able to  
automatically display the newest version) is vital, but it doesn't  
seem like the best way to do it.


Re: Refresher on Updated/Modified

2005-05-20 Thread Graham
On 21 May 2005, at 2:15 am, Robert Sayre wrote:
On 5/20/05, Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Say I'm aggregating feeds into a search results feed, and I get the
same entry twice (with the same atom:id and atom:updated), from
different sources. Would it be acceptable to me to adjust the
atom:updated by one second and put both in the results, to show the
end user the entry was available from two places?
I think you are conflating timestamps and version identifiers.
Just to be clear then, my example was meant to be of the sort of bad  
behavior PaceDuplicateIds encourages, not of something I'd want to  
do. It's the Pace that'd doing the conflating.


Re: Compulsory feed ID?

2005-05-19 Thread Graham
On 19 May 2005, at 9:38 pm, Sam Ruby wrote:
What should we do?  One way to solve this is to require id *and*  
update Graham's original proposal accordingly, *and* incorporate it  
into the next (and presumably final draft).
The original proposal actually relied on ids:
Just to be clear, the idea wasn't that an entry would have a  
concatenated entry:id-source:id as its identifier. The entry:id would  
still be primary, its just multiple versions received from different  
sources could be represented.

  If multiple atom:entry elements with the same atom:id value  
appear in
  an Atom Feed document, they represent the same entry.

It seems to me that this does not solve the problem that Bob  
described.  More specifically, if pubsub were to republish data  
from TheServerSide, Artima, or other places, then the erasure  
that Bob fears would come to pass.
I don't really believe this to be so. An aggregator can treat them as  
the same entry without having one overwrite the other. It can easily  
present to the user Here's the version from Site A and Here's the  
version from Site B. That was kind of the idea of  
PaceDuplicateIDWithSource. Of course, the atom:source element is as  
fakeable as the entry's id. The only reliable origin is the URI it  
was directly fetched from.

Oh, and compulsory feed:ids are fine with me. Certainly better than  
the hybrid proposals.


Re: Non-empty elements

2005-05-19 Thread Graham
On 19 May 2005, at 2:07 pm, Tim Bray wrote:
Some applications (one example is full-text indexers) require a  
minimum amount of text or (X)HTML to function reliably and  
predictably.  For that reason, it is advisable that each atom:entry  
element contain a non-empty atom:title element, a non-empty  
atom:summary element when the entry contains no atom:content  
element, and a non-empty atom:content element when that element is  
I find the conflation of presence and emptiness a little opaque. I'd  
rather the text said that, in general, when any of these elements are  
present they shouldn't be empty. The other part of this text, that  
summary be present when content isn't, can then be separated out for  
the sake of clarity.

Otherwise, it's fine.

Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIdsWithModified

2005-05-18 Thread Graham
On 18 May 2005, at 6:01 am, Eric Scheid wrote:
Not so very long ago you suggested that aggregators look at the  
content to
determine if it's changed. If it's good enough for aggregators,  
it's good
enough for publishers (actually better than good enough since the  
would be able to do the test before other transformations occur, thus
eliminating some false positives).
But if the publisher does that, atom:modified is going to end up  
being the date the atom-generating program is run rather than the  
date the modification happened. You may argue that functionally this  
doesn't matter, and you'd be right. You'd also be admitting that the  
absolute date is not important, as long as the dates are in the right  
order - aka atom:version.

Some are content changes, or metadata changes.
I see no discussion of this distinction in the atom:modified proposal.
an automated date stamp of last modification
a user selectable date stamp of last significant update
atom:updated does not have to be user selectable. It's perfectly  
valid to leave it as the first publishing date, or to use a last  
modification date.

(Not that either of these are useful - I think atom:updated should be  
optional, but Tim doesn't listen)


Re: Consensus call on last raft of issues

2005-05-18 Thread Graham
On 18 May 2005, at 9:36 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:
atom:entry elements are advised to contain ... a non-empty  
atom:summary element when the entry
contains no atom:content element
I'd like us to advise including an atom:summary when atom:content is  
binary (or for that matter, any non-text/html/xhtml type)

The atom:summary element can be omitted if the Atom entry is generated
for an application with known requirements that make the inclusion of
an atom:summary element impractical (such as limited bandwidth).
However, when some general-purpose applications encounter such
entries, those entries might be ignored.
I like this.
Regardless of how an associated application will handle entries with
no atom:summary element, all Atom Processors MUST NOT fail to process
Atom entries simply because they contain no atom:summary or
atom:content element.
Do we have a definition of process (and/or fail)?

Re: PaceOtherVocabularies

2005-05-17 Thread Graham

On 17 May 2005, at 2:45 pm, Henri Sivonen wrote:
Markup from other vocabularies (foreign markup) can be used in  
an Atom document,
but MUST be namespace-qualified and in a namespace other than Atom's.
Surely attributes on extension elements don't need to be ns-qualified?
Yes, although extension attributes on Atom elements do need to be.

Re: Change Control (was: extensions -- Atom NS and unprefixed attributes)

2005-05-17 Thread Graham
On 17 May 2005, at 3:47 pm, Antone Roundy wrote:
XML namespaces create a middle road between the two--anyone can add  
elements to an XML document without fear of naming collisions  
because XML has a built-in coordination method.  What possible  
advantage would there be to allowing just anyone to add elements to  
Atom's namespace, or any other namespace, for that matter?  I can't  
think of any.  In my opinion, alteration of a namespace by anyone  
other than the entity that created it, or someone authorized by its  
creator, would completely violate the nature of namespaces.  I  
wouldn't think it would be necessary to spell that out explicitly,  
but since obviously not everyone agrees, we may as well do so.

So I'd say we have an IETF-administered registry.
Put me in the Only those elements defined in IETF RFCs may use the  
Atom namespace column.


Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIdsWithModified

2005-05-17 Thread Graham

On 18 May 2005, at 1:03 am, David Powell wrote:
Can you explain some? I don't see atom:version would be more feasible.
atom:version doesn't support some cases that atom:modified does, and
it doesn't really seem easier to explain in the spec or implement.
The first problem is that not all systems track a modified date. If  
you're obtaining entries using an API on a closed system, and the  
system doesn't supply a modified date for whatever data you're  
syndicating, you're screwed.

The second problem is that modification is an incredibly hard thing  
to pin down, eg:
- I modify my atom-generating script to change which optional  
elements are included. Does the modification date change?
- I modify my atom-generating script to change the order elements  
appear in. Does the modification date change?
- I change the location of my entries, and therefore the atom:link  
element values. Does the modification date change?
- I change the location of my entries, and therefore the xml:base  
attribute on a parent element. Does the modification date change?
- I change the email address of an entry's author, but not the entry  
itself. Does the modification date change?
etc etc

Don't bother answering yes or no to any of these here. The point is  
that even if you do pin down exactly which count as modifications,  
you have to demonstrate it can easily be implemented and tracked  
exactly that way on the average CMS (Note adding new columns to the  
database may not be possible).


Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIdsWithModified

2005-05-16 Thread Graham
On 16 May 2005, at 2:02 pm, Eric Scheid wrote:
what about comparing that entry against other entries? how do you  
sort a set
of entries into chrono order?
We have atom:updated and atom:published for that.
The value does not need to correspond to any particular event in an
entries life-cycle. Suitable values include date of last
modification, or the date the atom:entry is generated by an Atom
does this mean that a dynamic system could cause the same entry to  
have a
new modification date on every retrieval?
i) It's not a modification date
ii) Yes. The point of atom:modified and atom:version is to  
differentiate 2 different versions. Dynamic dates do that perfectly  


Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIdsWithModified

2005-05-16 Thread Graham
On 16 May 2005, at 5:16 pm, Eric Scheid wrote:
if you want to sort by updated or published, but not for most recently
changed (even if not 'significantly')
Well yes. So? I consider atom:modified to be unfeasible anyway for  
all sorts of reasons, so we're not losing any capability here.

What if the Archivist is not the Publisher? They will then see many  
instances, all with different 'versions' ... are they to assume  
they are
different versions/editions, and put each and every dynamic  
instance into
the archive?
You'd be keying off a semantic atom:version doesn't have, which is a  
daft thing to do. If you want to determine which versions to store,  
wait for the content itself to change.


Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIdsWithModified

2005-05-16 Thread Graham
On 16 May 2005, at 6:06 pm, Eric Scheid wrote:
I'm saying that atom:version is an inferior proposition as compared to
atom:modified. Your original premise of there being only two  
we're interested in is faulty.
With respect to allowing duplicate ids, it isn't.

Re: extensions -- Atom NS and unprefixed attributes

2005-05-16 Thread Graham

On 16 May 2005, at 5:59 pm, Tim Bray wrote:
Don't you think the Feed Validator should flag my example as invalid?
I actually thought that what we meant was what the spec said, and  
that this was the (very reasonable) outcome of our discussion on  
MustUnderstand.  That means that if the IETF wants to extend Atom,  
we can do it as long as the extensions can be safely ignored.  If  
you want to put something new in that can't be safely ignored, the  
whole document namespace has to be changed.  I thought that the WG  
had converged on a reasonable and in fact enlightened position and  
I really would prefer not to go back and repeat the discussion. -Tim
Extensions being safely ignored is not the same thing as random crap  
in the Atom namespace. Robert's example was bogus in this regard,  
since there's no such thing as an evil extension. On the other  
hand, I can't see any reason to allow third parties to create  
extensions in the atom namespace, other than to create problems for  
ourself when it come to v1.1.


Editorial: Language-sensitive

2005-05-15 Thread Graham
Can we put capital letters on language-sensitive (ie Language  
Sensitive) the way we do Text Construct, to make it clear it refers  
to a specific thing and is not a generic term that is meant to be  
understood on its own?

If not, the term is missing its hyphen in section, which  
needs fixing.


Re: PaceContentAndSummaryDistinct

2005-05-15 Thread Graham
On 15 May 2005, at 10:16 pm, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
An atom:entry MUST NOT have both an atom:content and an
atom:summary element with identical content.
It might solve this exact problem, but in the general case it makes  
no sense. Let's say I put the first sentence of each post in  
atom:summary. What happens when I post a one sentence entry?


Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIdsWithModified

2005-05-15 Thread Graham
On 15 May 2005, at 11:12 pm, David Powell wrote:
But mostly symbolically, because I don't think the atom:modified will  
fly, and I don't like it much. But it's still better and more  
complete than the original duplicate ids pace.


Re: PaceOptionalXhtmlDiv

2005-05-14 Thread Graham
Misunderstands what the div is for (ie a very elegant solution to a  
difficult problem, with a maximum cost of 11 bytes to those that  
solve the problem in other ways).


Re: PaceContentAndSummaryDistinct

2005-05-14 Thread Graham
On 14 May 2005, at 5:36 pm, Kevin Marks wrote:
After seeing 'in the wild' what I consider badly-formed Atom feeds,  
where both the atom:summary and atom:content contain identical  
abbreviated entry text, I realised that the spec does not make this  
As this is a key advantage of Atom, I thought it best to make this  
explicit, hence:
I support the sentiment, but the way it's written is awful. We could  
just change:

  The atom:content element either contains or links to the content  
of the entry

  The atom:content element either contains or links to the full  
content of the entry

(or complete, or the adjective of your choice)

Re: Last Call: required summary or content?

2005-05-11 Thread Graham
On 11 May 2005, at 10:58 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:
I don't know what your goal is, so I'm just throwing things out there
to see if they're what you want. Please explain your problems with
each option, and I will try to work with you. Please note that the
interests of other implementors and users may not line up with yours.
The Implementor's Guide may or may not ever exist and may or may  
not be read by anyone, so that isn't an option. Myself and Sam, and  
(I think) Tim and Antone, would all like the actual spec to make an  
actual recommendation that entries without enclosed content include a  
textual summary, if at all possible. Note no one wants to ban title- 
only feeds if they come from title-only resources. What language  
would you find acceptable that covers these bases?


Re: Last Call: required summary or content?

2005-05-11 Thread Graham
I'm trying to include you in this discussion and you're not  
cooperating. You are the only person in the WG who has said there  
shouldn't be any recommendation in the specification. You are vastly  
outnumbered by people who've stated they'd be OK with it. The only  
question now is the wording.


Re: Last Call: required summary or content?

2005-05-11 Thread Graham
On 12 May 2005, at 1:51 am, Bill de hÓra wrote:
The WG has tended to punt assuming on a Fabled Implementors Guide.  
Why is that punt not acceptable now?
I know putting things in the IG has been mentioned before, but I  
can't think of any actual cases where that was the outcome of the  
debate - things have either been put in the spec, or rejected  
outright. This needs to go in the spec. It's just as much of an  
techical/interop issue as Logos must have a 2:1 aspect ratio.

Bray voiced concerns about SHOULD; I suggested MAY. No further
discussion occurred. What might be wrong with a MAY requirement in  
MAY is fine as the actual RFC term, but needs to be embellished, eg:
atom:summary MAY be included, but software is encouraged to do so  
when atom:content is not present

As I've said before, I don't know what the exact wording needs to be.  
Is there an RFC-compatible way to get the intention of this sentence  
across? This question is put mainly to the chairs and the AD, btw.


Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 10 May 2005, at 2:12 am, Antone Roundy wrote:
Why not?
a) It's not possible to compare an atom:id with a rel=self link. It's  
perfectly possible for the URI in atom:id to be the same as the  
rel=self in a different feed (unlikely, but possible). It's also  
possible for the same feed to switch from having an atom:id with one  
value, to having a rel=self with the a different value.
b) rel=self can change
c) rel=self offers no guarantee of uniqueness

Unless you can explain how multiple different feeds can be obtained  
via one URI
As I explained on a thread last week, rel=self doesn't necessarily  
correspond with the address the feed is being served from. Stop  
making this mistake.


Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
Let's forget about Paces for a minute. Does anyone disagree with the  
principal of recommending publishers include summaries if they have  
them available, and aren't supplying atom:content?

Don't worry about how it might be worded for now, just the principal.

Re: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 8 May 2005, at 4:30 am, Walter Underwood wrote:
White space is not particularly meaningful in some of these languages,
so we cannot expect them to suddenly pay attention to that just so
they can use Atom. There will be plenty of content from other formats
with this linguistically meaningless white space.
So the idea is that whitespace should not appear at all in certain  
texts, and you'd like it to be stripped out at the consumer? There  
are only three possible ways for this to happen:

1) The consumer removes all whitespace, even in western texts
2) The consumer recognizes these languages and removes the whitespace  
3) The consumer is told what to do by an attribute

(1) is obviously not plausible, but included for completeness. (2) is  
impractical. (3) is plausible, but may or may not end up being  
implemented in all consumers, making it kind of useless.

I don't see how there's a better solution than texts that shouldn't  
be shown with whitespace not containing whitespace in the first  
place, which is what we have.


Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 10 May 2005, at 2:42 pm, Antone Roundy wrote:
Both the proposed text and the text that made it in say that the  
URI (or IRI) identifies or SHOULD identify the feed.  The proposal  
says that the feed SHOULD be available from that xRI.
OK, fair enough. But the other reasons I gave are far more important.
Was not self added largely/primarily to enable feed readers that  
didn't get the information about the IRI from which a feed was  
retrieved to subscribe to it?  Did we not discuss standard behavior  
when obtaining a feed from a different IRI being automatically  
switching to the self value when accessing it in the future?  See for example.
The model was that the browser downloaded the file, and the OS sent a  
system event to the feed reader asking it to open the file. If I  
received such a system event, I'd look for the rel=self in the file  
and subscribe to that address.

This all works without looking at self in feeds that are already  
subscribed to, which would be entirely separate functionality and  
(apart from that message) hasn't been discussed on the list, as far  
as I remember.


Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 10 May 2005, at 3:38 am, Nikolas Coukouma wrote:
I also don't want to implement it.
I mainly don't see the point of changing it. Also, while alternate  
expressly says the feed corresponds in some way to the content of the  
current page, feed simply says here is a feed of some kind, and  
isn't a relationship at all.


Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 10 May 2005, at 9:27 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:
Walter, that's a good point. How about:
Marketing: Atom
Technical: Atom (RFC)
Around Dave Winer: RFC
The only real problem with dropping the version number is making it  
clear there've been major changes since 0.3.


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