Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Duet And Transporter Sound Comparison

2009-01-18 Thread harmonic

I thourgt that the sb3 sounded more relaxed  then the transporter out
the analog outs  .
What you prefere is personal .

The digital output of the transporter havvever clearly sounded  better
into my former tact  amp IMO.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audible vs inaudible

2008-12-20 Thread harmonic

Hearing and  tasting is two intirely different things therefor the test
is of no use in this case.

Hearing is like seeing  , its ALWASY  a combination with   the state of
mind (basic psykology).

Tasting is different , its not influenced by  the mind.

And thats also why the hearing sence and music is probverly  the worst
instruments for reliably determing enything.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter compared with Linn Sneaky DS

2008-11-04 Thread harmonic

I whent from transporter to sneaky ds after a dirct comparison at my

Im sorry to say but the transporter is not in the same league IMO .

The userbility havever is miles better then the linn.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter compared with Linn Sneaky DS

2008-11-04 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;356559 Wrote: 
 I compared the Linn to my Transporter in my system.
 I preferred the Transporter.
 There are a lot of Linn flat earthers that can't comprehend that
 something else can sound just as good or better.

I dont beleive you one bit.

The fact is that the dealer  has the Sneaky ds  and Transporter  set up
so you can compare for yourself  , and all the customers had chosen the
sneaky as the  best sounding unit , but som chose  the transport for
its userbility.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter compared with Linn Sneaky DS

2008-11-04 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;356669 Wrote: 
 The last refuge of the intellectually deficient is to call someone a
 Thank you for revealing your lack of character, harmonic.
 We have a Linn dealer here and BTW I have a full blown Linn table. So I
 am not anti Linn per se.
 Linn demos are dominated by  gullible Linn devotees so it doesn't
 surprise me that crowd would prefer any Linn product.
 The simple truth is that DAC technology has improved so much that there
 are many reasonably priced high end contenders out there. There is no
 need to limit oneself to the Linn line and ideology to get great
 I'll take a Lavry, benchmark , Transporter or Ayre over a Linn.

The simpel truth is that you did not bring home a DS .

That makes you both hypocritc and a liar , just like when you first
explained in your usual arrogant way  have you absolutly  dont relay on
enything you read in a review just to make you sound clever, but then
later on you defend the transporters sonics by refereing to the
stereophile review.

Oh  one littel thing you are not nessarely a gullible Linn devoter
because you compare  a linn source to a transporter  and greatly
prefere the first.
It  only really says somthing about you  amd your owen ignorence


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezebox upgrades

2008-10-28 Thread harmonic

Run while you can


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hypersonic effect: high frequency spectrum listening experience

2008-10-24 Thread harmonic

This is one word war i dont want to get into.

Haveever reason studies in have the brain reacts in various abx test
senarios have proved that the hearing sence is  very very  tricky 
compared to tast , smell and so on.

In short the brain is almost incapeble of  remembering  sound.
The brain is alomst primitiv in the way it only rembers what the  music
was and felt like hearing , (and ofcause  if there where was eny gross
focus on surthen frequnces)

The irony is that  the brain dos not analyse music the same way as it
dos with food for and example , the thory is that humans have evolved
in such a way that we are better at things that are dangerous then
things  that are not and food is just more dangerous then music .
Music  inspires emotions in humans ,  that is have it has  been for
since the dawn of time and thats have oure brain insists  it to be.
The brain is a fantatsik machine  but its also very primitiv in surthen
ways  and was never designed to analyse music.

Some few musicians havever are abel to tune there guitars  to the
correct pitch  by using there ears, but it takes skill and lots of
experince and it s more luck than skill  if the get it 100 right.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. Numerik

2008-10-22 Thread harmonic


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. Numerik

2008-10-21 Thread harmonic

The surthen musical sound that is very smooth yet complex you describe
is a trade mark  linn sound ither you like it or you dont understand it
and it sounds that you do the first.

I would look for one of the latest versions of the numerik, because
over its 9 year life spand  there have been numorious of  upgrades
along the way and  the lates versions have  the swichmode ps  that
really  cleaned up the bass respons.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 320kbps Mp3's on a hi-fi system....

2008-08-23 Thread harmonic

darrenyeats;331714 Wrote: 
 As it happens we have already one person saying they can ABX 320 mp3 and
 FLAC so this supports your conclusion. Personally the conclusion is
 irrelevant to me (as explained in previous posts). If it turns out
 you're right then great. :)
 It is your logic that's foxing me, though. Knowing that A and B are
 different on a technical level doesn't mean the difference must be
 And if A and B cannot be distinguished by ABX that doesn't mean ABX is
 broken. It means the difference between A and B isn't audible, no
 matter how technically different they are. 'A' could be someone singing
 into a paper cup with string and 'B' could be an SACD player. It doesn't
 matter because the ABX isn't intended to reveal the technical determines only whether a human can really hear the
 difference between A and B.

No the problem is  ABX testing  dont work with sound,  your brain  cant
reliable remember sound .
Music is also a very bad measurment tool because it evolves around


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 320kbps Mp3's on a hi-fi system....

2008-08-23 Thread harmonic

opaqueice;331720 Wrote: 
 How do you account for all the positive results people get with it,
 Have you ever even tried a blind test?
 This isn't about music.  If it was, everyone would be perfectly happy
 with 192 kbps MP3 (and the vast majority of people are, by the way).

Well I really  dont want to get into somkind of pointless internet
argument .

But Yes i  have  atended  abx tests several times .
Im studing  A level psychology at the moment and one of the  my studys
is the brains ability regading abx tests.

Well  you do use  music when you preform a abx test .
Having  been around music makeing both active as well as studying it i
think its pretty safe to say that music is basicly emotions with
The better a componet is the better it is at comunicating  thise
emotions out.
In a  ABX test this goes right out the window when you hear it over and
over again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 320kbps Mp3's on a hi-fi system....

2008-08-23 Thread harmonic

opaqueice;331740 Wrote: 
 Translation:  I can't defend my nonsense, so I'll just hit and run.
 Why do you keep repeating something that's obviously false?  No matter
 how many times you say it, it's not going to change the facts.  If ABX
 testing didn't work it wouldn't ever consistently reveal differences in
 sound - but it does.
 If you approach your studies with that kind of total absence of logic
 you're not going to do very well...

It would be quit interresting doing a psychological evaluation on you.

Enyway i stated my point  do with it whatever you want im done.

All the best


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-08-20 Thread harmonic

seanadams;330752 Wrote: 
 Would you prefer one that measures poorly? Or do you believe that my own
 subjective preferences are aligned with yours?

Have do you measure musicality ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-08-18 Thread harmonic

I never really liked the sound from the transporter, then i bourgt a
moddified one and the difference  diddent give me enymore musical
plasure , so  sold that one .
The i went to sb3 and tried several dacs  with it  including benchmarkt
dac-1  stello mk1 mk2 and some other i cant remember the name of   , the
benchmark i liked the best in my system but to be honest   in musical
terms  the sb3 was just as good so i continued my search.
Then i got the new Linn  Snekay DSand was completly baffeld have
much better it made my system sound.
All the  various combinations of streamers i had in the past  had one
thing in commen  and thats lack of bass extension and difinition and
The sneaky brought back all of this and in the same time gave me more
clearity and fidility then the transporter ever produced IMO.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-08-18 Thread harmonic

ModelCitizen;330257 Wrote: 
 That's three things.

You most really have a borring life.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-08-18 Thread harmonic

Anne;330316 Wrote: 
 I have to agree with you, in a roundabout sort of way.
 Playing my SB3 with analog out I think its very average sounding, no
 deep bass, 2-dimensional sound, flat, no perspective, you name it. When
 using digital out to my Bryston dac everything changes, suddenly I got
 height, depth, wide soundstage, and deep punchy bass. The difference is
 quite significant.
 There is something very weird in that you dont like Stello, its been
 given a lot of praise. I have seen people sell their Benchmark DAC1
 because they thought a cheap Beresford sounded better, or because they
 couldnt hear the difference from their Philips dvd playerso
 something is very amiss sometimes with dacs, what is it? Just personal

Regardings the two stellos,   the  demo was in my room with a friend
and only for that day  , the both made the sb3 sound better  in some
ways,havever when using  linn tundem to determen  what sounded 
most musical   the sb3  sounds just as good.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter and bryston bda-1

2008-08-18 Thread harmonic

sfraser;330333 Wrote: 
 I was looking at the Bryston DAC a few weeks ago. Do they not use the
 same DAC chip as the the Transporter?

Rememberthe DAC chip is only one littel piece of the puzzel that
makes a digital source.
A digital source consist 
of literally  hundreds of different components, and those components
can come from various differet manufactors.
Its have you  string all thise variabels together that will determen
have if will sound .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to eek out a little more detail...

2008-06-14 Thread harmonic

Ever since people read that  the sb3 and transporter are Bit perfect,
and that the transporter has the MIRACLE dac and a sound that will
supass even the most excotic cd player a mob of slim fanatics was born.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Would you upgrade ?

2008-06-10 Thread harmonic

mr_bill;310414 Wrote: 
 How can the bottle neck be the Transporter dac - AKM miracle dac?  That
 seems ludicrous to me.

Wow seriously ? a real  miracle  dac  then the transporter must be

A local dealer has the  transporter and a linn sneaky ds player hooked
up to the same system .
I have zero clue  what dac the sneaky uses  but i do know it sounds
considerably  more neutral and correct along side a natural musicalty 
that makes the transporter sounds rather  uninspireing  .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Would you upgrade ?

2008-06-10 Thread harmonic

Phil Leigh;310492 Wrote: 
 Without wanting to start a war, how do you know it is more neutral and
 correct?... what exactly is your benchmark here?

Good questian 

More neutral because  voices, instruments, drums,  sounds  more like
the  real deal.

More correct because it was much better infact at seperating the
instruments  in the soundstage, and you could folllow the individuel
instruments more clearly.

The most aparent difference between the transporter and the sneaky was
in the way it starts  and stops and  puts the weight to the music in
the exact right places.

The trasnporter in this regard sounded  pretty close to dead.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Would you upgrade ?

2008-06-10 Thread harmonic

I would stay a way from modding , there are all kinds of things that can
go wrong , been there done that.
Besides that if you dont like the sound  dont mod it  find somthing
that sounds better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audio insanity

2008-04-30 Thread harmonic

I think that  there is a significal difference  betwen  the two systems
presended here.

The one opp showed seemed like somone that just had to much money and
whent out and bourgt all the most expensiv hifi he could find and stuff
it all in one room.

I know a couple of guys in the tact comunity  that have visited jean
yeves system in france ,  the say that with fast  rock pop music it
sounds strange ,  but put on some classic stuff and you will piss your
The system dosnet have enything to do with just enjoying listning to
music , its goal is to come as close to the real thing as possible and
in yeans case that is  a classiv music concert.

Jean yves system is different, jean yves he has been building  and
optimzing  this system for many years,
Its a  continuasly evolution  and everytime there is somthing that
could be done better being  amps, speakre drivers  it gets replaced,
infact he replaced  his former14 cary triod tube amps with modded tcat
2150 amps.
He is now the importer of  tact audio  , shunyata, and goto, for france
He have several of people working on his system , all the tact amps are
higly moddified, and have wordclock inputs.
He uses two  higely moddified tact 2.2 xps  as  digital crossovers for
the goto drivers, and ale horn system
And it demands serious skills setting it up.

If you read in the inteviewhe explains that the next thing in his
sytem will be a computer based fronend instead of the  esoteric/dcs he
had before, thats was in 2003,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audio insanity

2008-04-30 Thread harmonic

I think that  there is a significal difference  betwen  the two systems
presended here.

The one opp showed seemed like somone that just had to much money and
whent out and bourgt all the most expensiv hifi he could find and stuff
it all in one room.

Jean yves system is different, jean yves he has been building  and
optimzing  this system for many years,
Its a  continuasly evolution  and everytime there is somthing that
could be done better being  amps, speakre drivers  it gets replaced,
infact he replaced  his former14 cary triod tube amps with modded tcat
2150 amps.
He is now the importer of  tact audio  , shunyata, and goto, for france
He have several of people working on his system , all the tact amps are
higly moddified, and have wordclock inputs.
He uses two  higely moddified tact 2.2 xps  as  digital crossovers for
the goto drivers, and ale horn system
And it demands serious skills setting it up.

I know a couple of guys in the tact comunity  that have actualy heard
jean yeves system,  the say that with fast  rock pop music it sounds
strange ,  but put on some classic stuff and you will piss your pants.
The system dosnet have enything to do with just enjoying listning to
music , its goal is to come as close to the real thing as possible and
in yeans case that is  a classiv music concert.

If you read in the inteviewhe explains that the next thing in his
sytem will be a computer based fronend instead of the  esoteric/dcs he
had before, thats was in 2003,


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn sneaky ds

2008-04-27 Thread harmonic


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audio insanity

2008-04-14 Thread harmonic

Have a look  at jean yves system


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-11 Thread harmonic

Paradigm;290254 Wrote: 
 The Linn cinema preamp was realy state of the art at 1997. No cd-player
 we have tested before, has been sounding better than the internal DAcs
 used in 5103, with the exeption of the Linn Ikemi, in my friends Linn
 rigg ( Majik 140, 5125, 5103 ).
 It is very interesting that sound quality has been developing so much
 at resent times- the same sound can be had for much less money,

Digital sources have become better and better since the early 90`s  but
i believe that using  hardisk playback technology is the key  that made 
digital mature.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-11 Thread harmonic

To be fair the ikemi  is a discountinued product (since 2002 i beleive 
)   a more fair comparioson would be  one of the  unidisk  players.

The preamp with the  dac you used is  from 1997  no wonder the 2008
duet`s analog out sounds better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-11 Thread harmonic

haraldo;290250 Wrote: 
 Seriously.. Since when did OLD mean poor performing =:-O

Not in all aspekts of life  or hifi is old worse and new bettert  ; ) 
havever In the digital source domain  i would  say   newer is better  
; )  a bit like computers  no point on argiuing what is better a
comodor 64 or a mac g5.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-11 Thread harmonic

haraldo;290257 Wrote: 
 That probably means the Linn CD12 is very bad, because it's old

I think you are misunderstandig somthing on purpose.
I never said that  the very best  past source would be bettered then
eny cheap source as long as its newer.

If you build a new sondek cd 12 every 2 years  and  the between time
continued trying to   improve it with better parts and design
techniques it will become  better and betterget it ; ).

If you take a 90`s  formular  f1 car it will still go faster then a
todays  family car.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-11 Thread harmonic

Kris;290270 Wrote: 
 Linn Akurate DS is in with some new Kimber Kable Select KS-3033. Still
 need to setup the room/speakers properly as they aren't sounding too
 crash hot yet :(
 Here are some photos:
 Ill post a detailed review later..

You got PM


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter of SB3

2008-04-08 Thread harmonic

To whom it may concern.

A fanatic is someone who can’t change his mind and won’t change the

(Quot Winston Churchill)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-06 Thread harmonic

New  linn ds player


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-06 Thread harmonic

A long way down the road i actually  have the same oppinion that opp.

I dont hear major difference between  different  transports  and to
some degree alos  well designed sources.

Havever   there issent a rule without and exception and the exception
is Linn sources.

Blind or not blind  linn sources are kinda special,  the are extremly
tunefull and musical above all.
Blind the are easy picked out   because the play the tune  so its  easy
to folow  wich make the sonics standout compared to other sources.

I did the dbt level matched test with a unidisk sc against the sb3 and
then main thing   i wrote down was that it was extremly  easy to follow
the diferent tunes in the music  with the linn unidisk.
Also the unidisk had so much more bass deepth and bass articulation
that i had to move the speakers 20 cm father from the back walls.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-06 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;288021 Wrote: 
 That's quite a feat moving speakers blind. Hope you didn't stub your

After the test  i moved the speakers  ; )


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-05 Thread harmonic

If enyone in the Uk want to a/b test  the Linn DS against  the
slimdevices products vist this dealer.

A swidish Linn dealer  did the same thing  and based apone user
comments comparing the sb3 vs akurate ds made the sb3unbareble to
listen to.

Owning a sb3   i find that hard to beleive,  but that was several of
peoples findings.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-08 Thread harmonic

ope   in the klimax ds thread   you wrote this to me   

Sounds like you've pretty much talked yourself into spending $20,000 on
a squeezebox in a nice case.

Have fun with that!

Its pretty obvious  that it wassent a joke thats why i cant understand
what you are doing in thise kinds of forums.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-08 Thread harmonic

I thourgt so.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter owner...

2008-03-08 Thread harmonic

My experince is  exactly same.

It did get better after a couple of weeks but it was still overly
analytical and thin.

I did get it modded  ,   that diddent do much  , but the mod  greatly
improved the digital out wich was the mod designers main goal .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-08 Thread harmonic

opaqueice;276958 Wrote: 
 Cables all sound the same (given the mild caveats discussed above).  But
 a cable is just a piece of metal wire surrounded by an insulator. 
 Contrary to all that audio voodoo they are very simple to understand,
 at least at the level important for audio.
 DACs are much more complicated, and so it's a lot harder to make a
 general statement about them.  Nonetheless it's still true that the
 differences, if any, are generally barely audible under normal
 circumstances.  I suspect that most DACs are indistinguishable from
 each other under normal listening circumstances, and those that are not
 are just badly designed.
 Yeah, so?  You can't get any clearer than transparent.
 herer we go again  have fun .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-08 Thread harmonic

opaqueice;276958 Wrote: 
 Cables all sound the same (given the mild caveats discussed above).  But
 a cable is just a piece of metal wire surrounded by an insulator. 
 Contrary to all that audio voodoo they are very simple to understand,
 at least at the level important for audio.
 DACs are much more complicated, and so it's a lot harder to make a
 general statement about them.  Nonetheless it's still true that the
 differences, if any, are generally barely audible under normal
 circumstances.  I suspect that most DACs are indistinguishable from
 each other under normal listening circumstances, and those that are not
 are just badly designed.
 Yeah, so?  You can't get any clearer than transparent.
 It's not a question of probability or of sounding better while playing
 normal music.  My SB3 has a buzz coming from its left channel, which
 changes both in tone and level depending on the brightness of the
 display and is audible when it's idle or when you're close to the left
 tweeters.  In my particular system and environment (which is atypical)
 noise floor is an important issue.

Its your own oppinion  not facts  ; ) .

I completly  disagree with 95 % of it .

Have fun


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-08 Thread harmonic

Listener;277008 Wrote: 
 I've followed this thread with amusement at first.  The coathanger
 comparison was absurd and just funny.  No need to take it as an attack
 on anyone's world view. I'm not amused at the continuing personal
 attacks on O.
 GuyDebord, you continue to make personal attacks.  You seem unable to
 tolerate anyone's having an opinion that doesn't agree with yours.  You
 may want this forum to be a playpen for subjectivists undisturbed by
 even one cold eyed objectivist. Get over it!
 Harmonic, don't invent things, attribute them to other people and then
 attack them on that basis. (The klimax have a much smaller display so
 it must sound a just littel bit better (according to you))

Well when a person  in  the hifi comunity comes out and tells   his
personal oppinions like the where  facts  anthen he are  bound to
get a strong reactions.
Espicialy proclaming that all sources regardles of design sound
pretty much the same.

Its completly pointless arguing with somone like opp , his has his
oppinion .

I find the sources to have a huge  influence to have musical a system
sounds, The linn Tune dem listning method  is a great way of
demonstrating this.

I dont care much for hifi forums enymore people have all kind of wild
ideas about have it all works.
I preferre making my owen oppinions and experinces   instead  of
buying  into the one that have the best argument.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-07 Thread harmonic

opaqueice;276261 Wrote: 
 I already did.  I'm not going to repeat myself if you can't be bothered
 to read my posts.
 There are always an infinite number of conditional clauses to every
 statement.  Adult human beings know how to communicate anyway (except
 sometimes when they don't want to listen).
 That's what I said.
 They are, and I can prove it.  Or rather, I could prove it, but I'm not
 going to waste my time, because others already did so long ago.
 I never said any such thing.  That would be a ridiculous thing to say.
 I have no idea what I'm supposed to be answering yes to, but in any
 case, why should I do that?
 No, not all of it.  Much, and perhaps most, yes, but not all.  Some of
 them are honest and admit it's all about style:
 No.  They are facts, backed up by more than a century of scientific
 theory and experiment.  That a tiny subset of the human race cannot
 accept that doesn't change anything about the real world.

Bla bla bla

Would you be so kind  answeringone simple questian   , was this a
joke or are you dead serious when you wrote this.?

Sounds like you've pretty much talked yourself into spending $20,000 on
a squeezebox in a nice case.

Have fun with that!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-07 Thread harmonic

Well to some  this hoppy is about building the hifi equlant to a
formular one car so the can listen to ther favorit music   as
uncompromized as possible.

I beleive that therer are alot of crap hifi gear out there that are
horrorbly overpriced that  dont give me   eny more amazement or joy
over a favorit piece music then through a mobil phone.
Some actually makes it worse

Haveever   building a system with carefully  selected high kval
components that have  a  synagi  that works to enhacne the aspekts you
love about your  music Is to me what its all about.

For  me  its fare from the truth beliving  that hifi   its not about
sound kval but aperanece and convince.
To me at least.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III VS Benchmark DAC1

2008-02-16 Thread harmonic

ChiefVoodooMan;270096 Wrote: 
 Oh my dear friends where is the science (let alone the romance of the
 music) in any of this. I would be willing to bet the farm that given a
 chance to a/b/c test the SB3 with No DAC = A, SB3 with DACx = B,
 SB3 with DACy = C that no  person in a test group of normal human
 subjects ( not Hallucinating Crypto-Schizophrenic self proclaimed
 golden ear audiophiles) would ever to be able make a statistically
 significant choice between the 3 options.
 The industry is putting you on a path to endless dissatisfaction,  a
 never ending wheel of upgrade hell, and financial ruin. The
 computerization / digitalization of  music is something we must learn
 to live with and accept. But do not let the perfectly affordable and to
 a large extent stunningly satisfying SB3  be your gateway drug into the
 world of hardcore audio addiction. Sit back relax enjoy the wonder of
 the music and stop counting bits. Lets be honest with ourselves and
 admit there  will never be a substitute for a live musical performance.
 So try to get out once and awhile and enjoy a real musical experience,
 in a real place with real ambiance, with a real sound  stage,  with
 real living breathing people sharing that same wondrous experience.
 Then go home and enjoy the always to be imperfect reproduction of your
 music replay system - but please listen to the music not the gear.
 If you have some neurotic need to spend thousands of dollars trying to
 recreate the unattainable then perhaps you should reevaluate your life
 - think about the good that could be accomplished with that money -
 give to your favourite charity or community organization - open your
 ears, eyes,  and more importantly open your hearts!!!

The only reason why i fell in love with  this crazed  hoppy of building
a perfect hifi system and useing  countless of houres and money in the
persuit,  is because there really is no limit   for have good somthing
it can sound.

I truly beleive that you can better the real thing.
Unless ofcause you listen purly to live recordings .
Yes thats right  the system i have right now  sounds better then have
the same artist sound live.

I love live music but my system sounds better , i was reasonly at a 
Cure concert   and yes it was a great  experince  but i get even more
goosspots  when i hear Just Like Heaven  on my owen system and thast
what its all about  ( for me at least)
only a live violin concert sounds better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-02-01 Thread harmonic

Andrew B.;264589 Wrote: 
 You apparently fail to understand that the two greatest influences on a
 hifi system with a competent digital source that costs anything more
 than a few hundred pounds are: (1) the speakers and (2) the room.
 It's pointless to make a comparison like this unless those elements of
 the test system are at least fairly close to your home setup. This is
 why I almost always upgrade my hifi by buying equipment (second hand or
 at keen new prices), using it in my home for a few weeks alongside the
 old kit and then selling the item that I rate as worse.
 It's also pointless to spend DS kind of money on a digital source until
 you have at least spent $20k on speakers and some time and effort in
 sorting out your room acoustics. You will get a far bigger bang for
 your buck at that end of the system. THIS is why my speakers cost 6
 times as much as my digital source (Squeezebox and Benchmark DAC1).

Hi andrew  i completly agree with you  i may have missed making it
clear that my comments was only  my oppinon of it in that system.
However the also compared it to the akurate cd and the difference where
very clear.

I have the full Linn klimax systems with klimax solo amps and klimax
kontrol, thast 40 k alone.
My source is still the sb3 with a linare ps

i have spend huge amounth of time demoing speakeers using  my own amps 
and when i heard the Sonus faber cremonas   i simply couldent resist
the sound.
I liked them better then the amati and the stradivari.
The cremona is under 10.000 usd  but are priced way to low for what it
It  uses all mundorf supreme crossover components and scanspeak
revelator speakers drivers  that are at least  as good as the
stradivari units if not better ,
franco serblin (the sonus faber designer) dont have  a clue have to
make money he uses the best components that are avileble at the given
time and spens as much time as it takes making the speakers really sing
with the cremona  it was 3 years.
but the sonus faber marketing people  intetded to put it  in there
midrange priced sonus faber line  thats why i was given a cheaper

I love em and the are keepers regardless of what the cost the  sound
better to me then enything elase i have heard .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-02-01 Thread harmonic

alekz;264618 Wrote: 
 I thought you had a Maui-modded Transporter
 This is not the rule. Do you think that those who bought a Transporter
 must have $12K speakers? What about my Martin Logan Ascents? Do they
 not qualify?
 Even ML Prodigies cost $6K! 
 This brings us back to the same old question. What sounds better:
 lesser speakers with a greater source or greater speakers with a lesser
 IMHO, crap in - crap out.

I sold it not that i diddent like it but personaly prefere   linn

Regading speakers  this is one area  where higer cost dont alwasy equal
better sound.

As stated above to my ears the SF Cremona was a more complete speaker
then both the 26 k amatiand the 40 k stradivari.
And im not the only one that thinks so.

Look at the wilson watt puppy  ,  the cremona  has more expensiv
drivers crossover parts and  much better kvality and finished  wood

And regarding sound  the cremona was just  better  then the wp   to my
ears .
the cremona also absolutly godsmacked the linn speakers i heard it
was only the active akurates that would give them trouble  but the
cremonas where smoother and alot more comunicating.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-02-01 Thread harmonic

Its actually  a good learning lesson  if you try putting your systems
out in the open  a sunny day  and here what  it  can do.
Never  did it with my current system   but tryed it 6 years ago with a
more modest system when we where having a garden partyand it
sounded spectacular.

That would be in the extrem  akustik treatment category


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 VS the Transporter

2008-02-01 Thread harmonic

Phil Leigh;264791 Wrote: 
 Could you expand further?

Just somebody who actually compared  2 squeesboxes one modded and one
stock  head to head.

I beleive the bolder squeesbox was rewarded  the anaual year award by
the same magasin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 VS the Transporter

2008-02-01 Thread harmonic

Looks like somone  have a different oppinion


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-02-01 Thread harmonic

haraldo;264875 Wrote: 
 Interesting that you mention the Zanden test in Stereophile, any $100 CD
 player measures way way better than the Zanden, but the Zanden sounds
 well doesn't it? or is it only within Stereophile boundaries that it
 sounds well?
 I don't know hat's wrong or wright, but I definitely wouldn't trust any
 reviewers thoughts about a $40.000 player that measures worse than my
 $50 Toshiba DVD player...

I generaly thing that people are to caugt up in measurments,   zanden
is a higely regarded company  with well designed products .

The irony is that  there seems to be no absolut link between
measurments and what sound best to the human ear.

Why is that ?

I think that its because   the human ear and brain  are  much more
complicated tool then  what some jitter and noise  specs  will show.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

I atended  a  klimax demo yestoday and alot of the questians asked here
was  answerd.

First of  the klimax DS is ment like the Sondek LP12 player was back
when it was launced.
Its hardware and software is 100% upgradeble and will be upgraded as
time goes .
The linn people where very clear about this, and expressed strongly
that if you buy one it will never be dated.
unlike the squessbox 1,2,3 

The klimax casing really needes to be seen to be apriciated  in my
oppinion its impossible to improve apone.

unlike the squessbox 1,2,3


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

I atended  a  klimax demo yestoday and alot of the questians asked here
was  answerd.

First of  the klimax DS is ment like the Sondek LP12 player was back
when it was launced.
Its hardware and software is 100% upgradeble and will be upgraded as
time goes .
The linn people where very clear about this, and expressed strongly
that if you buy one it will never be dated.
unlike the squessbox 1,2,3 

The klimax casing really needes to be seen (and felt)to be apriciated 
, in my oppinion its impossible to improve apone.

The system was unfamiliare to me so its hard to describe have it really
But the sound had that special kvality the sondek lp12 SE with the
current full specs have,  where it seems to pull out so much more
detajls in the lower bass regions then what im used to herer from other
Bass lines starts stops goes up goes down , wherer other playes just
playes .
The sound was also completly free of grain noise and and colour.
I know it sounds old but it truly sounded like real music,
All music  also sounded completly different  , and extremly musical.
The studiomater files sounded amazing also but im not into irish  music
so i will not comment on that.

When i got home and tried to listen  to the same recordings  whole
notes seems to be missing in the bass regioons.

The klimax DS is a Wow player  and somthing that causes me to forever
to spind around its axis.

I think linn wanted to make the ultimat no bs digital source with this
No digital output, no digital in ,no word clock  no big neon sigend
display , no nothing 
Only2 analog outputs.
A bit like a race car .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

Robin Bowes;264249 Wrote: 
 harmonic wrote:
 [the usual I'm a Linn fan-boy stuff]

Yes  absolutly and il  say  proudly;  )


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

Muggy;264243 Wrote: 
 ..or just buy the latest squeezebox each year for over 60 years and
 still spend less!

That would make sence if it wasssent for the fact that the squeesbox is
a cheap plastik gadged   that happen to sound okay.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

Muggy;264273 Wrote: 
 You made the initial comparison.  Justifying a $2 piece of kit
 because it is upgradeable against a $300 lower-end competitor is

What  ? i did no such thing ,   you did.

Why would you buy a Mclaren mercedes  when you can get from a/b in a
fiat punto?

sure you can buy 65 sb3`s for the price of the klimax ds  but to me it 
dossent sound as good .
Then ad there is the design and overall kvality to the design.

The only thing that matters i think  is  ,are the  extra amounth of
money the  klimax ds cost compared to the sb3worth the extra  price
Most will say no including me.
But that dossent change the fact  that  it sounded completly mesamizing
and i would love to owen it.

Enyway I was  pointing out that IF you buy  a linn Klimax ds  it will
forever be upgradeble just like the sondek wich was released in 1973 .
The sondek  have  gone through massive upgrades since then  and all the
upgrades have been aveileble to the linn customers. 

The klimax DS is the same in this regard

For  me this is a Huge  benefit,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

Pat Farrell;264306 Wrote: 
 harmonic wrote:
  I atended  a  klimax demo yestoday and alot of the questians asked
  Its hardware and software is 100% upgradeble and will be upgraded as
  time goes .
 I've got a PC that I use as a firewall. Its front says Never obsolete,
 upgrade forever. Its a P2-433 with maybe 256mb of ram. It stopped
 upgradable when the Pentium 3 line came out. Its disks drives are 7 
 years old and you can't buy any that small, and very few modern (cheap 
 reliable) drives use those connectors.
 My Rabco ST8 turntable was upgrade able to newer cartridges, but it was
 not upgradable to play CDs.
 My Dynaco ST120 amp was upgraded to a Sony receiver. The Sony receiver 
 was upgraded to a Classe integrated amp.
 Plus, I got new faceplates that matched the decore.
 IMHO, audiophile gear 'upgrades' are pure snake oil.
 Pat Farrell

To understand this rightyou say that the orginal   1973 sondek 
lp12  will sound exactly the same as  the current full specs sondek
lp12  Se ?

The klimax chasing is the only thing that will not change.
Upgrades will be factory upgrades and will only acure when a 
significaly  improvment have been made.
The linn  klimax solos amplifires are unchanged since 1999.
The linn klimax twin was upgraded  in 2005 with a new amplifire designe
the called  chakra.

But please express why you beleive that ALL audio upgrades are snake
oil ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

Robin Bowes;264297 Wrote: 
 harmonic wrote:
  Enyway I was  pointing out that IF you buy  a linn Klimax ds  it
  forever be upgradeble just like the sondek wich was released in 1973
  The sondek  have  gone through massive upgrades since then  and all
  upgrades have been aveileble to the linn customers. 
  The klimax DS is the same in this regard
  For  me this is a Huge  benefit,
 So, are these upgrades free? If not, then what's the difference between
 upgrading and buying again (either a later version of the same
 from the same manufacturer, or a different product from the same or 
 different manufacturer) ??
 BTW, your car analogy sucked.

No the are not free 

But the are priced muh lower then if you where to sell it and buy a new
unit, in that light i still think that it is a more customer friendly
way of doing it.
You can also trade in your old units when somthing completly new comes
like the new Ds sources , and you get a pertty good price on the new
unit, and in many cases more then what its worth secondhand.
But again in the klimax series case the upgrades a much much more
cheaper way then buying and selling every second year.

I had a tact millinium wich where a mk3 version then  the made a mk4
version but the upgrade where no more  aveileble  for the ones that had
paid 12 k for the org one.
That made the prices  of the org  millinium plummit  and i lost alot of
good money and never bourgt enything from them again.

All in all i think linns way of doing it have made them alot of happy
customers , so it must work since there are so many happy  linn


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

Pat Farrell;264327 Wrote: 
 harmonic wrote:
  Pat Farrell;264306 Wrote: 
  IMHO, audiophile gear 'upgrades' are pure snake oil.
  To understand this rightyou say that the orginal   1973 sondek 
  lp12  will sound exactly the same as  the current full specs sondek
  lp12  Se ?
 No, I was not talking about turntables. I was talking about
 I would expect that a new, timewarp 1973 turntable would sound better 
 than a 1973 turntable in 2007, since mechanical things get worse over
 Meridian sells upgrade modules to their controllers.
 Its hard to tell how much the upgrade ability adds to the cost, even if
 you never use it.
  The klimax chasing is the only thing that will not change.
  Upgrades will be factory upgrades and will only acure when a 
  significaly  improvment have been made.
  The linn  klimax solos amplifires are unchanged since 1999.
  The linn klimax twin was upgraded  in 2005 with a new amplifire
  the called  chakra.
 We used to talk about upgrading cars that way. Some cars you could 
 improve easily. Others you needed to 'jack up the radiator cap' and 
 replace everything underneath.
 If you took my 1999  vintage firewall and replaced the motherboard, CPU
 and disk drives, is that an upgrade? or just an expensive and labor 
 intensive way to get a new modern machine?
 Pat Farrell

I dont understand your old computer  metafor,  your are completly
overlooking the key contence of my posts.

As stated many times by now , its ONLY the klimax chasing that will

Have long do you thing a solid aluminium chasing like the klimax ds
will need before it   deriates , 100.000.000 years ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

Oh no pleace dont hurt me :  )


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

opaqueice;264354 Wrote: 
 Sounds like you've pretty much talked yourself into spending $20,000 on
 a squeezebox in a nice case.
 Have fun with that!

Hell no its to expensiv ; ) 

But the akurate DS  maybe


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread harmonic

haraldo;264411 Wrote: 
 The DS is obviously so nice and flexible and future proof
 And of course, as previously stated, the DS may be used with anything
 in the world..
 How do you go on utilizing it if you've got a Basic Lyngdorf TDAI 2000
 or a Tact Millennium, that only got digital inputs?
 Any reasonable player in the world above $200 has got provisions for
 such a connection. (Or at least should have)

Well issent that quit obvious.

Why on earth would you pay  20 k for a analog source and then use only
the transport mecanisem wich can be bourgt  for 50  usd?

I know many people use better dacs with the cheap squeesbox in persuit
of better sound   but as i see it thats the wrong way.
Better have it all in one box where all the data and analog conversions
are syncronised.

The  klimax ds is ment as a uncompromised  product where cost and 
development time was unlimited.

You can not better that with outside componets that then have to
syncroniced  with the DS making the system more sensitiv to jitter ,
noise and timing distorsions  .
to better the units sound is what i  stated about the future upgrades  
,improve the design itself inside the unit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There's More There There!

2008-01-14 Thread harmonic

Enyone that spends there time posting and reading on  hifi forums  are
more or less infected with audiophila.

Some beleive in cables,mods,tweaks,or Linn   and  some only beleive in
adam slim and that enything else is a wast of time.

But  all  still audiophils none the less.

The irony is many on this forum uses the word audiophil as a bad thing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Doh! Now we need 24-bit/176.4kHz on the Transporter!

2008-01-06 Thread harmonic

alekz;254927 Wrote: 
 Have they produced anything worth listening apart from the Burn-In
 The recording quality is good but what is recorded is awful. The funny
 thing is the Stereophile article is featuring Rachmaninoff's Symphonic
 Dances played by Eiji Oue. Easily the most disgusting  interpretation
 I've even heard... 

I 100%  totally agree.

Somthing i have  never understood is the whole concept of buying music
just because the sound is great.

Just about the most musicaly depressing thing ever is  the demos  where
the play only the usaly riduculasly audiophil recordings.
That is the kind of stuff that Really give audiophils a bad

As a musician it makes me sick.

But i ges to each his owen

Havever the day when all my favorit music becomes aveileble as high
resolution data direct from the master il be the first one to buy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-05 Thread harmonic

seanadams;254316 Wrote: 
 well, that's jolly good for you.
 The point is, it is objective, falsifiable information, and its the
 same suite of tests that are done to similar products. Tell us again
 how its biased?
 You are correct that thy don't do wholly negative reviews. That's
 because there are not a lot of people who are interested in reading
 them. They just pass on those products.
 But I suppose you prefer the kind of reviews that tell you which
 speaker wires are the most danceable?

Never heard big diffenreces  with cables, wich i have pointed out  many
I use the cheap black linn cables.
I find cable reviews to be just about the most stupendios thing in this
Some reviewers like ken kessler  refuses to review cables.

Infact  if you had taken the time reading all i wrote you will find
your answers and what my beleivs are.

But il say it again  I dont reley on reading reviews, the never
make sence.

Halcro amps  also have fantastic measurements  but i find the extremly
thin and  borrring sounding.

Should i by them only becaues the had great measurments ?

Sterophil is one of the very few magazins that use measurments in there
reviews  yes.
Most magazins dont because  there are so many things we simply dont
undersatnd  have to measure.
Sonus faber spekaers measures horrible   but the some of the best
sounding speakers ever created  many beleive including me   AND the

Do you think that  the review is the measurment , with some comments ? 
Stereophil have it as a xtra  and its clear that   its not the most
impornat aspekt of the review.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-05 Thread harmonic

Kurt;254335 Wrote: 
 Is it possible you forgot to do the minimum 23 year break-in period for
 the cables?

Naa  the had been in a audiocharm cable cooker for a weeks time  before
i got them.
The where suppose to be the cream of the  crop bla bla better then
nordost walhallas.

The where vertex aq cables wich my lyngdorf dealer recordmented

But i prefered the sound of my cheap homemade cobber cables and
some poor fool bourgt all the expensiv  ones long ago.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-05 Thread harmonic

riffer;254327 Wrote: 
 So you are criticizing a magazine that provides OBJECTIVE measurements
 because you where foolish enough to rely on SUBJECTIVE reviews and
 bought into some snake oil? (no pun intended :)

Shunyata also has amazing measurments  and the tact/lyngdorf amps  are
even better , the have noise specs lower the most amps out there  that
was one of the key things i loved about there reviews.

Just like the transporter   amazing measurmeents , decent sound
that seems boost better sells , then amazing sound bad measurments.
Typical american  marketing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-04 Thread harmonic

riffer;254139 Wrote: 
 Also, here are the Squeezebox Measurements:
 Considering its low price and the fact that it uses a minuscule
 wall-wart power supply, the Squeezebox measures very well. Its noise
 floor is higher than that of good CD players, but the excellent jitter
 rejection came as a welcome surprise

Manufactors and review magazins like stereophil always work together
dont ever beleive that the reviewers are purly none biased ,  its the
old if you scratch my back i scratch yours  thing.

Some independet internet sites review things with a open mind and
somthims its not very pretty.
Herer in demark the sb3 was review  , the said it wassent better then a
similar prices dvd player.
Not that i beleive them  but the point is dont beleive in what you read
use ,  your ears .

Have many bad reviews have sterophil ever done ?
Or  the stereotimes reviewers that strangly always   end up with 
having the component  the review in there system.

On of the most expensiv learnings in this crazed hoppy was that  never
ever buy somthing based  apone the review.

Somtime back i sold on of my Lyngdorf amps to a person that explained
to me that  he ones read the stereotimes review of the the same amp, 
and  decided back then  that based apone   he  fell in love with the
review  he would  someday try owening one.
Its was clear that he   was buying the dream and review not the amp
becaue he had never heard it nor was interresting very much in have it

The reviews  have huge impact  on the marked, what would happen  if
sterophil had said   the transporte is a horrible analytical unbareble
sounding,  neon sign ameerican piece  of worthless junk ?
Slim would have  sold 80 % less  or  worse closed down.
Not that its what the think,  but the alwasy try finding what the
product have going for it and yes slim product measure very good by
some standard  i personaly couldent care less about.
But  many people will actually enjoy there system more and be more
entusiastik  about it if the  can justifi it with somthing like it had
amazing measurments in stereophil.
The all sounds the same its all in your mind skeptics considder this a
shortsigted  victory.

Thats also proberly why it pisses people of in  a slim forum where most
people allready are mass hypnoticed byt the Bit perfect, great review
in stereophil  cursewhen it got  a bad review  or somone says it
sounds to analytical.

When i started out i did the exact same thing i analysed the marked and
placed my money where the reviews sounded best.
What i ended up with was 4 shunyata anaconda cables, costing 2k each, a
shunyata hyndra 8 costing 2500, usd  2 lyngdorf 2200 amps one with
roomperfect  a lyngsord cd.1,  pair  w210 corner subs  gamut l3
speakers and 10.000 worth of cables.
What i ended up with  was a horrible analytical bright sound  i
couldent stand listing to.
I ironicly  what started this hoppy was sonus faber speakers with a
linn amp and linn source, stupendiously i dident buy that , i bougt
what had a review i loved most.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-04 Thread harmonic

bigfool1956;254203 Wrote: 
 Was that my review of the Shunyatas then?
 If you're thinking of selling them, I could do with adding an extra
 Hydra and upgrading to Anacondas.
 Oh, and yes I do have the Shunyatas I reviewed, and they cost me

Maybe   , i was not pleased with the sound of my tact/lyngdorf rig  and
based apone what read  the shunyata gear would  cure this.

But it did not 
,maybe a littel more sizzel  whn using the hydra only one the source
but it wassent night and day.
But  the dynamics suffered greatly whan using anacondas on the amps.

First lesson learnd .

In denmark  we simply  have much higer standards of the powergrid  then
what i have seen in usa  and  we really dont need powerconditioning.
And now that i have linn gear , that all use swicmode power  and is
completly imune to grid noise  so its is pointless. 

I sold it all 3 years ago .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-04 Thread harmonic

And besides all of that... they were talking about MEASUREMENTS. You can verify 
them yourself![/QUOTE Wrote: 
 As I  have stated before  , i personaly couldent care  less others may.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-04 Thread harmonic

seanadams;254206 Wrote: 
 Hmm, well, right off the top of my head, they gave our competitor very
 poor marks for sound quality:
 Is that a relevant example?
 Also, Roku had advertised in Stereophile, whereas we never had ,and
 never did for a long time... not until after we were acquired by
 Can you explain that?
 And besides all of that... they were talking about MEASUREMENTS. You
 can verify them yourself!

Thansk for pointing it out to us   this is exacty what i mean   , its
still not a bad review .
The still tie it together so the people will buy it.

The Roku SoundBridge M1001's low price ($199.99), large display, and
ability to play DRM-protected files are all positive factors for an
inexpensive network music player. It is less expensive than the Sonos
ZP80 system ($999), and betters Slim Devices' Squeezebox in that it can
play DRM-wrapped files downloaded from Napster. Roku's manual and
website discourage telephone support, so the user must rely on a
frustrating web-based fill-in sheet to get tech support, which responds
within 24 hours.

However, I was left with some nagging concerns about this otherwise
promising network music player. First, while I strongly preferred the
SoundBridge's digital output fed to an external DAC over its analog
outputs, which improved the dynamics and soundstage depth for orchestra
music, I felt that the omnipresent low-level noise lent subtle
colorations to vocal recordings. Second, running the SoundBridge with
Windows Media Connect 2.0 required too much maintenance from me. Not
only did I have to kick-start the music server by moving all of my
music files out of, and then back into, my music subdirectory, but WMC
2.0 intermittently slowed and stopped until after I'd shut down all
other software running in the background on my laptop. Finally, I
couldn't persuade the Windows XP firewall to make an exception for the
SoundBridge, so the firewall had to be shut down as well before I could
listen to music.

Roku's SoundBridge M1001 will appeal to those who buy most of their
recordings from online music stores#8212;such as Napster and
Rhapsody#8212;that wrap their files in Microsoft DRM protection. With
some caveats, I recommend the Roku SoundBridge M1001, using its digital
outputs, as a cost-effective network music player for casual listening.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

)p(;253703 Wrote: 
 Don't put the opinions like a fact. For example to my ears the
 Tact/Lyngdorf amps are the most accurate AND musical amps I ever heard.

Well this is and intirely different discusion , and remember i still
owen the millennium mk3 in full moddified version wich is a  kind a of 
special amp sounding very tube like.

Some do not like musical sound or know what  the word musical exactly
means or feels.

I have owened 3 different  lyngdorf amps one with roomperfect  i ones
beleived the where musical  becaue i thourgt the sounded pretty good ,
but ones i started listning to other amps i realized have much the
distord the essence of the music , its like the music is  being sliced
and  dized through a digital filter of some sort, lacking bandtwidth ,
imaged deepth and having very littel dynamic headroom, some music
actually sounded distorded.

And beleive me i have played around with them  for years .

2 weeks ago I and a  friend of mine was demoing the flagship speakers
from zingali  , he had his tact millennium mk3 with him wich he  liked
the sound of,  he is very thick headed  with this amp , and do not
beleive in mods  or that there are eny better amps ou there.
But   the sound that came out of the zingali spekakers where bright ,
thin and having almost zero PRAT or bass dynamics .
The sound where so analytical and digital sounding every one agreed 
and my friend where chocked.
Then we heard the same  speakers with a unison research  integrated amp
costing 3 times less  ,and  the millennium simply got godsmacked in
every way, and my friend 
have now the tact amp up for sale and  are buying the unison.

The tact amps do have a kind of transperant sound wich i liked,  
The linn amps are just way more   transperant but amazingly ,have so
much more boogie  to them , dynamics ,PRAT , and slam at the same time
, and also have amazing imaged deepth.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

NewBuyer;253665 Wrote: 
 harmonic I'm just wondering please, why are you posting this kind of
 stuff here?

Well   tom has a bug up his arese with me and he seems to follow me
around using every kind of trick he can to atack or destroy what im
trying to say.

I think he gets a kick out of seeing have i react  ; )


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

morris_minor;253759 Wrote: 
 I think trouble with hi-fi is that it's inanimate objects trying to
 achieve the impossible: the recreation of live music. If you accept
 this - then every piece of kit ultimately fails. We just have different
 tolerances to the manner of these failures, and accept limitations based
 on our own perceptions (and budgets).
 There is no holy grail in audio, but the paths aiming for it just go
 different ways. And that's what makes it interesting IMO!

I do not beleive in that live music is the ultimat goal.

Live music  many times dont sound that good,  if you studi it.

Also  most people do not listen to live music all the time the listen
to studio recordings .

I beleive that with carefull setup and a well matched system you can
have a  more intense emotianl experince with a piece of music then you
can with it  live, its becaue of this i continue to beleive in hifi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

)p(;253783 Wrote: 
 I knew you had Tact amps and although I disagree with you I respect your
 opinion about them. What I am just trying to say is they way your put
 your opinions as facts can put other people off. That's all.

I undertand you fully , one thing i have learn above all is dont trust
enyone about sound trust only your own ears.

It was not intended sounding like i had the all mighty truth.

The are so many factors in play here ,   system synagi , sound
preferences, the room , the mood and so on.

I was expressing my findings , and i personaly know audio buddies that
have droped the tact gear long ago and reasonly becaue of the same
things as i did.

Tact/lyngdorf is a danish company and many people here in denmark have
had it at one time.
The red line is that  some find it horrible analytical and grey
Som do not herer it that way the here sound that sounds very real , im
inbetween those to.
The sound dos sound very real and after the mod it is scary real
haveever   , the still dont boogie or throw the deep soundstage i

But thats just me.

And again i also know people that love there sound.

Nothing is really right or wrong.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

morris_minor;253772 Wrote: 
 Perhaps it's the way you say it? I'm guessing English may not be your
 first language . . . ?

No im danish.

I understand that langurad can be the barrier, its hard somtimes
understand irony  in a different languard.

If  some of my comment come out sounding to arrognat  ,it was not


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;253885 Wrote: 
 Try going to the symphony in a good hall and solo classical concerts and
 chamber music.
 No system can come even close to that.

I agree  so why try and duplicate it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;253885 Wrote: 
 Try going to the symphony in a good hall and solo classical concerts and
 chamber music.
 No system can come even close to that.

I agree  so why try and duplicate it.

If we really want to recreate the event we would have  to have as many
speakers as instruments and having oure living room in a concert hall
filled with pwople.

The best systems  can recreate the emotion you feel at the a concert ,
and if we dont see the playback as limited to have it would sound live
i truly beleive  that we can better it.

Sonus faber speakers are designed exactly with that in mind, the are
not the most transperant nor do the recreate the soundstage as good as
many other  havever  the are the most emotinal satisfing speakers i
have heard and love them for it.
The real magic  comes when you use somthing like the linn Klimax gear
with them,that made me a beleiver.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

slimkid;253882 Wrote: 
 Right on the money. Besides the term 'musical', I also don't understand
 the exact meaning of 'PRAT' and 'dynamic' when used in an audiophile
 context. So, would you, please, care to elaborate? May I suggest using
 well known musical examples to demonstrate, rather than using one word
 to describe other.
 And, just in case that the language barrier gets in the way, this is
 not meant to be cynical question, but very sincere one. People use
 those words in this forum, and I'd like to know what they exactly mean
 by them.

Hi slimkid

Thanks for the  honesty.

PRAT is short for pace.rythme and timeing .

PRAT is what playing music is all about , those who play music knows
exactly what im talking about. the better you do this the more musical
it simply is.

Linn and naim are  the 2 companys that takes this most seriously and
getting this  right  is  there  Primary goal above all.
Linns lp12  is the goodfarther of prat .

Naim`s   house sound are offen described as Happy tune.
Many times when people ask what is PRAT  the are cofronted  with the
statment try listend to a naim system and yo will know.

Linn its  tunefull, or tunedem

And example   , mark knofler´s  done with bonaparte through my linn
unidisk  its just impossible not tapping your foot , it boggies, and is
just so well tunefull.

With the sb3  you still here it but its much less pronounced,
the transporter  are much better in this regard.

I also owen linn amps  and beleive me the are really somthing to it.
The are so transperant , but iroinicly   there are a sence of joyness
to the sound no matter have bad the recording is.

Dynamics are have asystem can handel variations of level  in the music.

Live music  is offen   very dynamic.

Linn klimax amps  wich i have are known to have HUGE dynamic
headroom,but also extremly fast do to there digita  powersupplys  what
that means is that  the big moments in the music are rendered with
enormous  impact and drive.
But if the amps are not also fast many times the music will sound heavy
or overpowered if you will.

In my system getting this powerfull klimax amps have resulted in live
music like dynamics.
What i means in every day music listning is that when you put new music
on you never know what is around the corner in the music.

The opposit could be your car stereo  , where every thing sound pretty
much the same.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

Kurt;253931 Wrote: 
 Apparently the Transporter is too accurate.  Time to crank out the Pop,
 Click, and Hiss Generator I built when I got my first CD player in '83.

Naa  nothing wrong with being akurate  .

I dont thing that its so simple that what mesasures good sounds bad or
what sounds good must measure akurate.

If you line up all the different digital hifi sources on the marked to
day it would be  pretty damm long line.
besides that , you will see that all manufactores new and old  take a
different path to the analog outputs.
The big boys in digital sources  DCS. Esoteric, Wadia, krell,linn and
the hundreds others each use different teknologi.
We are not just talking diffrent dacs, or powers suplys  , transport
systems  but intirely different output stages,and desigens.
all  companys  beleive that there way of doing it is the best or good
Surly there must be more to the equation then what measures best equals
best sound.

What would you rather do  buy what sound sbest or what you can tell
others and youself by some kind of standard measures best ?

In this buisness  i have lost count have many times i have been over
fused with tech talk  by  some wild hair greasy glasses type  have this
patucular  excotic piece of audio is the best simply there is simply
becaue of have it measured.
Problem offen where that that where pretty much the only thing that was
apealing about the product.

The slim products  are ground braking  not becaue the are the absolot
best sounding in the world but  becaue of have nice the are  as a  tool
for music playback.
It really is almost to good to be true , no matter have great somthing
sounds  having it all at your finger tips is actually more important to
most people i think.

What i love about the linn  filosofi  is if it sounds better its better
if not its not better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-03 Thread harmonic

NewBuyer;254009 Wrote: 
 I can honestly say that I can find no flaws in the Transporter sound. It
 has all the best qualities so eloquently described here, already. It is
 accurate, dynamic, clean, not edgy, it has a beautiful fluid
 presentation that reveals, separates, and integrates all the musical
 details without overpresenting any particular part over the others. To
 me it sounds, in a word, FANTASTIC. I can't imagine how anyone could
 feel otherwise. It easily outperforms all other transport/dac etc
 pieces I've auditioned, and is also of course light years better in
 terms of functionality.
 There are a couple of annoying (but minor) technical issues I've
 noticed, but they are small and apparently being worked on for fixes.
 This Transporter produces some seriously fine sound.

Absolutly its amazing machine espicialy for the money.

Rmember im comparing it to  more then twice as much dollar components  
that basicly have been refinent for decads by the Gods of sources(linn)

And besides the prat and tunedem thing  the tp through the xlrs  its up
there with the best.

This is just my oppinions and findings ,  please dont take them as more
then that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-02 Thread harmonic

The transporter  was reviewed in a norwigen  magazin a couple of months
back, and the compared it to the rega saturn.

Basicly   the where pretty close  but the saturn was simply more
envolving and there for the liked it best.

I have had the transporter while its very good it where also very
analytical and  found myself getting having hard time connecting to the

I would personaly  go with the sb3 and a good dac  '

the Transporters is slims very first atempt on a  higend player ,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-02 Thread harmonic

seanadams;253534 Wrote: 
 What exactly does it mean for something to sound analytical? 
 What would you like Transporter do that would make it sound less
 analytical to you?

Analytical  sound means that  the sound fouses on the detaljs so it
becomes harder to focus on the music itself.

Try listen to a linn source and you will  know better what i mean.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-02 Thread harmonic

seanadams;253534 Wrote: 
 What exactly does it mean for something to sound analytical? 
 What would you like Transporter do that would make it sound less
 analytical to you?

Analytical  sound means that  the sound is fouses in the detaljs so it
becomes harder to focus on the music itself.

Try listen to a linn source and you will  know better what i mean.

The fenomonen is very commen in hifi  and to some desireble ,  its
mostly  commen in speaker designs ,  but  amps like the digital
tact/lyngdorf amps suffer from the same thing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter or SB question

2008-01-02 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;253589 Wrote: 
 That kind of rudeness is uncalled for, harmonic, and doesn't reflect
 well on you.
 Please try to be civil.

No offense  , i never seem to understand the way some comnuicate in
here  and pick right up on it.
but one advice if you scream loundly into the woods it will shout back.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-27 Thread harmonic

NewBuyer;251721 Wrote: 
 What is the retail price of that Linn Unidisk?
 How did you rip your music files (what program, etc), and what format?

The unidisk sc is a   cd multi player   , and preamp,  i think it cost
around 5000  usd.
Its not like the transporter  it still uses its cd drive as transport

The trick is to use the sb3 as transport into the digital input  here
it sounds almost as good as with cds, thats what im doing at the

Linn have just launched a akurate DS  player wich also is a memory
player but  it dossnet have the same functions as the transporter and
its twice as much.
I have no idea have it sounds only that its much much better then the
unidisk sc.

Soon more cheaper sources will come from linn that streams music from
the hardisk.

Linn is adapting this tech throuh out therer product lines, and there
studios and recordt company will also.
Infact  linn started this hardisk based  audio several years ago long 
before the sbin there kivor system , through the years the have
perfeccted and refinent it.
And now we get the fruits


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-27 Thread harmonic

NewBuyer;251721 Wrote: 
 What is the retail price of that Linn Unidisk?
 How did you rip your music files (what program, etc), and what format?

For the test  we used waw files,we also compared appel looslees 
aiff  and heard no audioble difference between the formats.

We used a appel powermac  and ethernet connection and ripped with appel
itunes (not the same as pc itunes).

Every thing was setup perfectly 
The unidisk sc is a   cd multi player   , and preamp,  i think it cost
around 5000  usd.
Its not like the transporter  it still uses its cd drive as transport ,
both the unidisk can play all cds, movies and can also work as a suround

The trick is to use the sb3 as transport into the digital input  here
it sounds almost as good as with cds, thats what im doing at the

Linn have just launched a akurate DS  player wich also is a memory
player but  it dossnet have the same functions as the transporter and
its twice as much.
I have no idea have it sounds only that its much much better then the
unidisk sc.

Soon more cheaper sources will come from linn that streams music from
the hardisk.

Linn is adapting this tech throuh out therer product lines, and there
studios and recordt company will also.
Infact  linn started this hardisk based  audio several years ago long 
before the sbin there kivor system , through the years the have
perfeccted and refinent it.
And now we get the fruits


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-26 Thread harmonic

darrenyeats;251617 Wrote: 
 I have one foot firmly in the blind testing camp and one in the
 open-minded camp.
 I think sources can sound different. However, I believe the better
 sources sound rather similar and to make unbiased judgements on the
 subtle differences between them (are they just different to me, or do
 I prefer one to another and if so which one, or was I just imagining
 the difference) requires blind listening. This is because the real
 differences are so subtle they can be trodden on easily by suggestion
 or expectation.

And you have comapared legions of top level digital sources in the same
system ?

With all do respekt dont think you know it all just becaue you find
your sb3 sounding great, or base your knowledge on what some skepticks
rave about in here.

I have had varous fine  digital sources and the differences are not
subbel , not even in dbt  that seems to comfuse many peoples mind.

What i have found to be the best way to evaluate a surthen component or
a complete system is to use well knowen cds then  skip to you find where
the spicial moment in the music comes  , and its exactly herer i find
BIG differences between sources.
An those big differences are basicly make or beake.
Some pieces of music will sound very close to idendical  .

I have for a long time found the transporters analog outs  not
satisfing , some special music diddent sound right or  just a littel

So me and a frind did a tes with his unidisk sc through a linn klimax
kontrol preamp.
An example  Didos melankolic track  stoned from the album life for rent
in a blind test  with   level match , between the Linn unidisk sc and
Transporter , it starts out sounding almost idendical i have to really
listen hard to here a  variation,  but then the chorus comes , wich is
a very dynamic and moving piece that  have a amazing synth in the back
ground ,on the  transporter this sound very  borring  lacking
imaged deepth impact it was  actually  very disapointing  and have
botheredme ever since i got te transporter , because the music really 
builds up to this peak but then nothing really happens.
Schifting over to the unidisk is like listning to a completly nother
piece of music  the unidisk sound VERY dynamic emotive and spreads out
a very deep soundstage where the beautiful synth is very clear and

Now if i diddnt had used the chorus as reference point i would be
saying the both sound pretty much the same.

I ges if you are the usaly hifi type that basicly only uses music to
test the gear you will not know what im talking about but if you
listens to music because it makes you feel a surthen way i strongly
recorment using my method.

Or use the linn tune dem method , dont just put some music on and flip
the swich a couple of times .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-25 Thread harmonic

mofuv;251477 Wrote: 
 The most important difference between the squeeze box and the
 transporter is that the transporter has a world clock input. So if you
 are using a high-end dac with an world clock output as master you have
 very low jitter. You can also connect both and maybe a separate
 upsampler to a sepate world clock and you will hear the best high end
 sound which is currently available, even better than with the best
 CD-transport if you have saved the CD's bit correct to HDD e.g with
 I am using the transporter with a scarlatti world clock as master,  
 then a purcell updampler to DSD and a scarlatti dac connected to a
 Accuphase A-60. The sound is exceeds by far the one if I am playing
 CD's on my Linn Accurate CD player.

Thats a very  impressiv digital playback system you have there  that
system must   must cost  4 times as much as the linn akurate cd player.
No wonder it sounds better , but the real interresting thing   is what
is better to you  ? more soundstage  , more detajl?   but what about
musicality , what about PRAT .

But i totally agree with you that the transporter as a adigital  only 
transport is a aboslute higend  component and even better then most
other cd  transports.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-23 Thread harmonic

darrenyeats;250989 Wrote: 
 Personally I like the sound of accuracy. Low distortion and a flat
 frequency response sound good to me, although I admit many listeners
 find these create a flat, sterile sound. It appears you tend toward the
 latter opinion. All these impressions are equally valid because they're
 personal. Everyone has their own tastes.
 Harmonic, I'm happy to read your opinions about equipment, but I do so
 knowing our tastes differ.

We all have different tasts   ,  hifi is like cigars and woman there 
really is no right or wrong.

My linn amps do sound very  accurate ,  the cremonas do not however
with the to  together  i get that magic  that makes all my lunatic
efforts  pay of.

I beleive that system synagi is the most improtant aspekt in have to
buil a system that really sing, many times more expensiv dont equal
better sound, infact my cremonas where much more to my likeing then
some of the more expensiv models from sf.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-22 Thread harmonic

Oh well  then here it goes  with the tune dem method the linn ikemi beat
then transporter  handely.
(tune dem is basicly a method for mesasuring a system  , what you   do
is simply listen for have well you can follow individuel notes in the
playback the better you can do this the more musical it sounds.

The transporter was more analytical and darker sounding to  and much
less PRAT.

The ikemi is the entry level cd player from linn then there are the all
the  3 different level unidisk`s  the  SC , the  2.1 , and on top the
1.1   then the is the new akurate DS  (the sam as the klimax only much
cheaper)and on top the Klimax ds.

Go figure 

It do cost  9 times a s much as the transporter  and the ikemi is also
a littel more expensiv and dosssent have preamp and all the other great
functions that the TP has.

So all in all  the transporter is still a god bargin  but the real
winner is still the sb3  because ironicly  it sounds very close to the
transporter IF you use it with a good linare PS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-22 Thread harmonic

haunyack;250819 Wrote: 
 Is this the stock TP or the super tube job?

Stock transporter.

I have no experince with the modwright one you are refering to.

I did have a modded one and  it dos sound somwhat better but the tune
dem tyhing is the same ,   but the real shortfall of the transporter is
its  analog design  , dont think you can get past this no matter have
much you mod it.

I somtimes i  wonder if the transporter was designd   above all 
measure good !, sounding good is a  nother thing.

I remember the sony top of the linn Sony cd players  , the had specs no
one could compete with but the where also som of the most steril and
analytical players you could buy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-22 Thread harmonic

I full hartly agree.

I was at a hifi show in copenghagen last month,  when i walked into the
Gamut Audio room  my grilfriend that was with me out of no where said
that sound horrible .

The sound came from the new top of the lin gamut L9 speakers that weigh
in at 115.000 usd.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-22 Thread harmonic

haunyack;250828 Wrote: 
 Do you believe there's correlation between the two according to your
 subjective response?

Yes i do, the both measure very good and both sound very analytical


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-21 Thread harmonic

redil;250559 Wrote: 
  harmonic;250468 Wrote: 
SoftwireEngineer;250466 Wrote: 
   Do you have an idea how the Klimax DS compared to the transport/SB3
   stuff ?
  I have a friend that have have had both the transporter and sb3 in
  his linn system.
  He sold the transporter because his  linn ikemi had  better PRAT
  and where more musical.
  He keept the sb3 and used its digital  outs into a unidisk sc wich
  is has excelent dacs and pre amp build in.
  The ikemi is  under the unidisk sc  wich is under the unidisk 2.1
  and then  is the akurate at the top.
  The last two are pure analog sources with no preamp.
  The new linn akurate DS harddisk player sounds ALOT better the the
  akurate  but every one that have heard the klimax DS vs the akurate
  DS says that the klimax vs akurate   is the biggest step up.
  Go figure
  I sold my transporter because the sb3 with a  linare ps sounded
  almost the same as the transporter , but when i heard the unidisk
  sc with the sb3 feeding the  data i realized  that the analog
  section in the transporter  sounds HIghly analytical and thin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Transporter via external DAC

2007-12-20 Thread harmonic

SoftwireEngineer;250466 Wrote: 
  Phil Leigh;250135 Wrote: 
sgmlaw;249843 Wrote: 

   At the end of the day, we're all listening to the modulation of a chain
   of power supplies.
   I agree about the sub-par equipment in the recording part of the chain.
   But the issue is the overall effect is a multiplication of all elements
   each represented by a factor less than 1. So if there is sub-par
   equipment in the playback, it is going to matter too. I am saying this
   because I am trying to reduce jitter in my playback (I guess you are
   using an Altmann for this) and thinking about this made feel that the
   actual digital values in the CD itself may have jitter (i.e. samples
   are not evenly spaced per 1/44.1khz of a second). Maybe if we know what
   equipment it was and created a jitter opposite to that in the recording
   chain we will have perfect playback. Probably the analog addicts might
   really have a point. Jitter there is not of such frequency (variation
   in the speed of the LP cutter or turntable) that it does not change the
   character of the sound so much. In digital, we get a very fine
   veil/haze, which seems tougher and tougher to remove as it gets smaller
   and smaller.
   (Hmm..that gives me an idea..if the jitter of a playback device can be
   determined, say a soundcard, then  maybe the card itself might be
   driven with opposite jitter - like equalization for freq. response. Is
   anybody ready to work on a patent with me ?  :-))
  I think linn`s way of doing it by using the orginal master track 
  data  directly into the playback is  the way ahead.
  I where at a local demo where the compared the Linn klimax DS
  digital source with other sources , the klimax ds was amazing.
  However when the played studio master files over the DS  i heard
  somthing i had never heard before or thourgt possible with digital.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] crackles and pops between tracks

2007-11-14 Thread harmonic

Im all ears   i have the same problem here and i use  appel loosless

The pops and cracles  happens both when playing or when stoped, and
even when the transporter is in standby mod.

I thourgt it was becaue i also have power issues in my house.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My TP system sounds so lifeless :(

2007-11-11 Thread harmonic

Remember there is actually  such a thing as a system that dossnet sound
dead and lifeless.

There have been numorus of reports ouside this forum where people find
then transporter sounding analytical, and steril.
The transporter measure really good , sounding good is a nother

BW speakers many times also fall in to the thin and analytical side of

This forum seems have created a red line of thourgt that goes somthing 
like this, if you dont  like it  its only in your mind ,
case sclosed.

To the guy that said that he finds his system dead and life less , try
borrowing a linn unidisk sc or a moddified   sb3 and see what happens.
And those Bw speakers is diffently not heping also.

THis is my oppinion on the subject  , pleas respect it


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-07 Thread harmonic

opaqueice;240792 Wrote: 
 As I'm sure you're fully aware, your product is in more or less direct
 competition with the Transporter, and involves a modification to the SB
 which voids the warranty.  Discussing it on these forums could raise a
 number of red flags.
 If I were you I'd be grateful it's allowed to continue.

Why dont you make your own threads  where you can preach  your 
fundamentalistisk  views on  the irelevance of the source,  instead of
jumping out like a trool out of a box every time a thread have  just 
the tinyest think to do with progress and  improvment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-05 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;240232 Wrote: 
 Some people might be unteachable.

First you in a most arrogant way say that one is  a fool , and then
when  that person  gets upset you say we just dont have a sence of

Being arrogant and provocative is not humor thats being  arrogant and
provocative and that is what you are.

Arrogant people make hell on earth.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-03 Thread harmonic

Vic;239871 Wrote: 
 Sorry, I simply don't understand the point of your three posts.
 Maybe you are trying to say that the SB3, Transporter and SB+ sound the
 same, or should sound the same on theoretical ground.
 Have you tried those product? Could you give any background on your

Forget him .


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