Re: Slow response time

2005-10-21 Thread Michael A Nachbaur


Lo all,

I have a page that is generated from data in a db. The users are 
complaining that it takes from 30s to 60s to load the page.
Now I have put logging into apache and from the start of the request 
to the end (of my code) takes about 14s. Which means the 
bottleneck is either in AxKit or a net one. How can I log the start and 
finish time of the AxKit pipeline? I have come up with turning the 
trace on and looking at the timestamps on the intermediate files, but 
that isn't ideal. I'd rather it went to the apache log. There is only the 
one transform the xml goes through. 

I would say that the most likely culprits would be either your XSL 
stylesheet processing taking up an inordinate amount of time or a slow 
net connection.

Slow stylesheets could be due to a number of factors, such as issuing 
lots of document() calls which may be waiting on external resources, 
downloading of remote DTDs, or even simply just a big source XML or XSL 
stylesheet to process.

If you want more details about AxKit's processing, you can set or 
increase your AxDebugLevel (see the AxKit manpage for more information 
on this) to gain visibility into what AxKit is doing when it's 
processing your request.  This data will be sent to your error_log.

Good luck.

Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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ANNOUNCE: Introducing Apache::AxKit::Language::SpellCheck 0.01

2005-01-19 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hey everyone,
I've had a bad day, and decided to whip up something interesting and 
totally unnecessary in my day job, but nonetheless fun to build.  So, I 
thought it would be appropriate to combine Text::Aspell with AxKit. 
Thus has Apache::AxKit::Language::SpellCheck version 0.01 come into being.

This language module doesn't actually use a stylesheet, but rather 
consumes an XML DOM object (either from a Content provider, or from a 
previous language pipeline stage) and spell checks its text() nodes.  If 
there are any spelling errors, it will replace the offending word with 
an XML snippet similar to the following:";>

The namespace URI is *definitely* going to change, as soon as we can 
settle on one.  In fact, I was going to point it at, but 
forgot to change it over.

If anyone has suggestions, shout 'em out.
The uploaded file
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  size: 2961 bytes
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Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: multiple select with AxKit::XSP::Param

2004-12-20 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Any ideas on how to get multiple select data (where a user selects more
than one value) from AxKit::XSP::Param or is it even possible?
$cgi-param(q| foo |); will return only the first element when called in
scalar context, but I don't know how to get my taglibhelper-based taglib
to call it in array context.  Any ideas?
You might want to look into AxKit::XSP::QueryParam.  Its a bit more 
verbose than A::X::Param, but it allows you to do more with query 

In particular, you might want to look at  and 
.  They allow you to, respectively, get a query parameter 
with a supplied index number, and get the number of parameters with a 
given name.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: Which Linux for a newbie?

2004-12-14 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Randall Marbach wrote:
I am new to linux and AxKit but I want to set up a
simple linux based Axkit server for learning purposes.
I would like to choose a linux distribution that has a
tried and true track record with perl, apache, modperl
and AxKit. What which linux distro would satisfy my
requirement? Would I have to install perl from source?
At the risk of starting a holy war, all I can do is recommend what I use.
I know other developers here use Debian, Gentoo and so forth.  I 
personally use Mandrake (on both my desktops and my servers).  Their 
apache/mod_perl/perl installs are current enough, and built friendly 
enough, that I don't have to build anything from scratch to get it 
working with AxKit.

If you do a Mandrake install, make sure you install libxslt1-devel and 
all its dependancies (it should automatically detect the dependancies 
for you).  Or, once your OS is running, you can type "urpmi 
libxslt1-devel" as root, and it'll install what it needs.

Beyond that, installing AxKit is pretty straight forward.
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: AxKit and Voice XML?

2004-12-10 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Nathan Schroeder wrote:

At the risk of sounding like a record-skipping fanboy, SAWA would make 
a great framework for creating providers in.  If you don't like the 
complexity of such a framework, then plain providers would still be 
quite an improvement.

Wow, seems like a lot of anti-taglib sentiment out there...  :)  I think 
I agree, but I honestly haven't ever messed with providers in AxKit -- 
the main project I'm using AxKit for was already well underway when I 
inherited it, and pretty entrenched with the taglib scheme.  In coming 
up to speed on AxKit I was intrigued by providers and the simplicity / 
power they seemed to offer, but I never had a chance to build anything 
with them.
Well, I don't think its anti-taglib sentiment as much as it is 
pro-provider cheering.  Taglibs definitely have their place, and IMHO 
can be a much more powerful mechanism for developing web applications 
than conventional PHP or ASP code can.  However, Providers are just so 
much more powerful than Taglibs that I shudder at the thought that I 
might one day have to go back to using PHP.

I feel that XSP+Taglibs allow you to leap into building a web 
application faster than providers, especially if you don't quite grok 
AxKit in the first place.  But, in my experience, using providers lets 
you go much farther with your web application without bitrot seeping in.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: AxKit and Voice XML?

2004-12-10 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Robin Berjon wrote:
Nathan Schroeder wrote:
Anyone out there using AxKit with a VXML gateway or anything?  We're 
looking at some options for an IVR solution, and it seems like we 
might be able to quickly write some taglibs for VXML output and be 
halfway there.

Or even if no one's doing it, anyone have any input on the idea?  
Seems like a natural partnership for the technologies...

It does seem like a natural partnership, though I don't think of anyone 
who's done it yet. I'd be interested in hearing about how it went if you 
do it that way. Also, you mention taglibs but depending on what you're 
trying to do there may be better options (eg providers). The AxKit book 
has a discussion of the pros and cons IIRC, though people here might 
chime in with their views.
At the risk of sounding like a record-skipping fanboy, SAWA would make a 
great framework for creating providers in.  If you don't like the 
complexity of such a framework, then plain providers would still be 
quite an improvement.

The idea of using AxKit and VXML has been bandied about but neither I 
nor the people I've spoken with have had the time to do anything 
substantive with it.

Please keep us informed of your exploits with this, because I think this 
is something we'd all have an interest in, if only for the "Oh, cool!" 

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: [RFC] Need A Name: Yet Another Shopping Cart

2004-12-09 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Christopher H. Laco wrote:
That is the east part. :-) The hard part is coming up with a 
name/namepsace. Since it's main focus is AxKit, I figured I'd try here 
first for ideas.
Well, I know Kjetil Kjernsmo and Nik Clayton use the AxKit::App 
namespace for their applications.  I'm working on one at the moment that 
is also within that same namespace, though I might change it as the 

If its simple, then AxKit::App::SimpleCart or something of that sort may 
work for you.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: Is the list down?

2004-11-22 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On November 22, 2004 11:09 am, Christopher H. Laco wrote:
> Is it just me, or is the email list down?
> I haven't gotten anything all weekend.

I don't believe so.  For my part, my lack of mailing list chatter was due in 
part to my trying to have a life this weekend.  I failed, but that's life, 
isn't it? :-)

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: ANN: AxKit::XSP::BasicSession 0.20

2004-09-17 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On September 17, 2004 10:13 am, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> I haven't really got a complete overview of the codebase, so questions
> should probably be addressed in this forum.

And, I'm not going anywhere.  I just felt that, since very little of what I do 
these days has anything to do with XSP, I wasn't doing the module any justice 
just letting it collect dust.

> Thanks to Mike for everything he has done so far, and to Mark for
> contributing the BasicAuth code.

And thanks to you Kjetil for picking this module up.  If anyone wants 
AxKit::XSP::QueryParam ... *wink*wink*

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: Calling an XSP from a stylesheet doesn't get session information

2004-09-16 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
I apologize for the _astoundingly_ late reply.  We already talked about 
this in IRC, so I'll just reply for the benefit of mailing list archives.

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
I have an XSP that generates a menu, and the idea is to include this 
menu on every page by calling it within a document() in the 
transformation to XHTML. 

When loading an XSP page's results from a browser, the cookie is dumped 
onto the user's browser.  When loading an XSP page from within an XSLT 
document() function call, the server itself is the client for that HTTP 
transaction, so any cookies that have been set in the browser will not 
be seen by the server.

But since I'm using a completely new http request, I really don't 
understand why the session information isn't available to the 
menu.xsp... Any suggestions...?

I ran into this exact same situation myself, and so I've created an 
extension to AxKit::XSP::BasicSession that allows you to specify a URI 
query argument to load the session-ID from.

PerlSetVar BasicSessionURIToken SID
Therefore, any sub-requests you load can be supplied with the session ID 
on the URI in the document() function.  Thanks to the patch you made 
(which I hope to release today) you'll be able to get the session ID 
from an AddXSLParams varible.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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2004-09-05 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On September 5, 2004 12:38 pm, Freeloader Groups wrote:
> Hi All,
> IÂm tying to clean up my HTML, first step add the proper DOCTYPE
> declaration!
> Problem is I canÂt see to get AxKit to output the proper directive. I
> currently have an xml:output within my top level style sheet that looks
> something like;
>   doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>  doctype-system=""/>

I have the following in one of my stylesheets:"/>

And it outputs the DOCTYPE properly in its output:";>

The important thing, however, is this is the last stylesheet in the pipeline.  
That may be what your problem is.  Other than that, it should work.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Tips on using session information in AxKit and outside of AxKit

2004-08-11 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On August 11, 2004 03:53 am, David J Craigon wrote:
> Using Apache::AxKit::Plugin::BasicSession. This is great, except I
> haven't been able so far to access the data outside of AxKit.

I haven't tried it myself, but instead of using 
Apache::AxKit::Plugin::BasicSession as an AxKit plugin, you can try setting 
it up in one of the mod_perl handler phases, just as long as it happens 
before the content phase.  This would cause it to fire on all requests, not 
just AxKit requests, and would set up the session object in the pnotes table.

Then, you should be able to use the methods provided in 
AxKit::XSP::BasicSession (e.g. 
AxKit::XSP::BasicSession::get_attribute("foo")).  I have a version of that 
module somewhere (I just checked CPAN, and it doesn't seem to be there) that 
allows you to construct a BasicSession object, enabling you to use it outside 
of AxKit.

Another possibility is to simply create your own Apache::Session handler, and 
store the session in $r->pnotes() (just look at the existing Plugin code to 
see how this is done).  However, done this way, you wouldn't get all the 
nifty options that the BasicSession plugin gives you (like last_modified 
time, etc).

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: custom handler for xml content?

2004-08-10 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On August 10, 2004 08:38 pm, Mark Hedges wrote:
> Hi, xpathscript is awesome but I think XSP/ESQL is a little
> clunky for what I want to do on the content side

Yes, XSP/ESQL can get you started quickly, but in the long-haul it tends to 
get you bogged down.  I know, I maintain two separate projects that consist 
of *LOTS* of XSP and ESQL, and it is not a fun place to be.

> I would really like to supplant the XML content file with a
> reference to my own custom perl handler module, so I can
> interface directly with my object models, do some more
> complicated perl, and return my own XML output to be marked up
> by the xpathscript file.

Generating XML dynamically from your own handlers is a great way to go.  I 
highly recommend for 
learning more about AxKit.  It has a great chapter on generating Dynamic XML, 
and talks about the different methods for doing it.

As you'll see if you get the book, it shows how easy it is.

> Is this possible?  It would be a lot easier.  I have tried
> things like proxying through an 'xml' location, or trying
> 'AddHandler' but those don't work.

At the risk of sounding rude, I think a well-intended RTFM will go a long way 
here.  The AxKit man page mentions the AxContentProvider option, which is 
discussed in more detail in Apache::AxKit::Provider.  Though, I must say that 
the book mentioned above does a much better job.

> There isn't really any reference I can find on ESQL, either.
> How would I do a recursive query to follow a chain of database
> entries and build XML nodes on the fly?

The example in the AxKit::XSP::ESQL manpage should get you started.  You'll 
want to keep an eye out for the "ancestor" attribute on the  

Regarding ESQL reference, I'm not sure of anything other than the ESQL 
manpage, and  I 
wrote that article quite a while ago, and I haven't touched it since, it 
still shows some practical examples of ESQL code, for what its worth.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Caching Foreign Feeds

2004-08-03 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On August 1, 2004 05:37 am, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Connection: close
> Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 12:33:16 GMT
> Accept-Ranges: bytes
> ETag: "1ae259-7b5-410cde4f"
> Server: Apache/1.3.29 (Unix) mod_gzip/ mod_perl/1.29
> Content-Length: 1973
> Content-Type: text/xml
> Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 12:13:03 GMT
> Client-Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 12:34:15 GMT
> Client-Peer:
> Client-Response-Num: 1
> X-Bender: An upgrade? I thought we all agreed I was perfect.
> X-Powered-By: Slash 2.003000
> (uhm, what's Bender doing there, and what is he trying to tell
> us...? :-) )
> Is /. brain-damaged, or is the brain-damage in my end?

Its just a custom header that spits out random Futurama quotes.  If you HEAD 
slashdot multiple times, it'll give X-Fry, X-Bender, X-Leela, etc.  Quite 
funny, if somewhat pointless.

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Provider->get_strref()

2004-07-24 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Tom Schindl wrote:
I've written a custom file provider which uses Text::VimColor to 
transform code portion in the XML file into XML markup. Everything is 
working perfectly but while developing I came learned that the 
get_strref and get_fh methods are called on every request. Although 
the XML and XSL-Files have not changed and everything is delivered 
from cache. I'm afraid that on a heavy loaded site I'm running into 
performance problem. Could someone explain to my why this is done, 
isn't it enough to simply look onto the timestamps of the files used?

Well, this probably won't solve your problem, but you may want to take a 
look at:
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Re: Announce: O'Reilly's XML Publishing with AxKit

2004-07-22 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On July 21, 2004 09:48 am, Robin Berjon wrote:
> Kip Hampton wrote:
> > _XML Publishing with AxKit_ has been published and is now available at
> > bookseller near you! For more information, please see the Table of
> > Contents below and visit:
> >
> >
> I've read that book, and I have to say it's probably one of the finest
> to come from O'Reilly (and no, I don't get royalties for saying this ;).
> I've known AxKit very well for years, yet that book still managed to add
> some coherence to that knowledge -- I'm sure reading it will be
> beneficial to any AxKit user (and likely, to any Cocoon user).

I'd have to agree with this.  Using the section on producing dynamic XML is 
what helped push me over the edge from XSP to building my own custom 
providers.  Kip's been harping on me for some time that Providers are a way 
easier development paridigm, but I just hadn't grok'd the concept until I 
read his book.

Way to go Kip!

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: mod_rewrite wants to serve me application/x-xsp

2004-07-16 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On July 16, 2004 10:39 am, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> When I go to http://localhost/news/submit it correctly finds submit.xsp,
> but the problem is that it doesn't hand the XSP to
> Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP like it should, it serves me the page as
> application/x-xsp directly...
> I've tried different variations of this theme, like moving things
> around, so that the rule is before or after the AxAddStyleMap, adding
> [T=application/x-xsp], and now finally, I tried simply adding an Alias,
> not using mod_rewrite at all. All with the same results.

Hmm, how are you telling Apache to use AxKit for your xsp files?  Do you have 
something like:

or the like?

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: ANN: Apache::AxKit::Provider::File::Syntax

2004-07-16 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On July 16, 2004 01:22 am, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On 14 Jul 2004, at 13:36, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > This has been kicking around in my personal CVS repository for a
> > little over 4
> > months, and I just finally got around to checking it into CPAN.  It
> > uses the
> > Text::VimColor module to generate XML content based on the syntax of a
> > source
> > file.  For an example of how this looks (when applied to a stylesheet)
> > take a
> > look at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > While the first two files are XML on disk, you'll notice that the
> > third is a
> > JavaScript file.  Good luck, and let me know if you have any feedback.
> Now *that* is cool. Do I smell the start of an AxKit front end to some
> sort of revision control system?

Well, I'm not a big fan of viewcvs.cgi, but I don't have the time (or 
inclination) to replace it.  Mainly this is just a way for me to prettify the 
code samples on my Mozilla Application Object Model reference.

Though it does allow AxKit do some really wild things. :-)  I'm thinking 
something along the lines of an intelligent error.xsl that can show you a 
snippet of the offending source XML might be neat.

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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ANN: Apache::AxKit::Provider::File::Syntax

2004-07-14 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hello AxKittens. Here's another CPAN module for those of you out there who are 

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  size: 2511 bytes
   md5: 2cec26de6258d21cd8e7d9b3d229fdf0

This has been kicking around in my personal CVS repository for a little over 4 
months, and I just finally got around to checking it into CPAN.  It uses the 
Text::VimColor module to generate XML content based on the syntax of a source 
file.  For an example of how this looks (when applied to a stylesheet) take a 
look at:

While the first two files are XML on disk, you'll notice that the third is a 
JavaScript file.  Good luck, and let me know if you have any feedback.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: PassiveTex & FOP

2004-07-09 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On July 8, 2004 01:54 pm, John Russell wrote:
> Is there a reason for the choice of PassiveTex over FOP for
> rendering FO in AxKit?

I wondered this myself, but after I had a hard time getting PassiveTex to do 
what I wanted, the reason became less important than "how do I get my 
document to render properly?"

Consequently, I blatantly ripped off the PassiveTex Apache module and made 
AxKit::Language::Language::FOP.  If anyone else would like it, I could 
release it as a CPAN module.  For the time being however, you can get it at

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: XSLT-accessed query params and testing existance

2004-07-08 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On July 8, 2004 09:01 am, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> On torsdag 8. juli 2004, 16:59, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > > Is that line really necessary?
> >
> > Not really.  It mainly can be used to supply a default, non-empty,
> > value.  So, if you say:
> >
> > 
> >
> > and then later say
> >
> > you could probably use the eval() function to create 
an XPath expression and evaluate it, to perform your test.

At this point however, I think it might be worth taking a step back and trying 
to determine what you're getting done, and perhaps refactor what you're 
doing, instead of trying to force the XSL params functionality into place.  
Perl-space would be a good spot to look for that.

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: XSLT-accessed query params and testing existance

2004-07-08 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On July 8, 2004 03:53 am, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> On onsdag 7. juli 2004, 18:41, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > > But then, I need to test whether a parameter exists... In XSP
> > > that's straightforward, thanks to the many good taglibs, but I
> > > haven't found anything on checking the parameters in XSLT, is it
> > > doable?
> >
> > Well, the most common method I know of doing that is:
> >
> > 
> Is that line really necessary?

Not really.  It mainly can be used to supply a default, non-empty, value.  So, 
if you say:

and then later say
> Uhm, you didn't get the new key right, but I'll take that in a private
> e-mail. :-)

Blast it!  *sigh*  :-)

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: XSLT-accessed query params and testing existance

2004-07-07 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On July 7, 2004 07:56 am, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> But this is of little use, because I'd like to have a single template
> replacing all the possible parameters, so instead of $title, I should
> use the
> @name
> (i.e. the name attribute of the val:insert element), to identify the
> parameter. That's a pure XSLT/XQuery question I guess, but I might as
> well ask: Any ideas on how to do that?
> But then, I need to test whether a parameter exists... In XSP that's
> straightforward, thanks to the many good taglibs, but I haven't found
> anything on checking the parameters in XSLT, is it doable?

Well, the most common method I know of doing that is:



You can probably clean this up a bit by using named templates.

> Is there more documentation on the parameters AxKit pass to XSLT
> somewhere now? I remembered an old thread about them and found it in
> the archives, but that was about all.

IIRC, by default it adds the query string parameters supplied to the URL, and 
any additional parameters added by any AxKit plugins that are supplied.  For 
instance, you can use one of the Apache::AxKit::Plugin::AddXSLParams::* 
modules to put in additional parameters as needed.

Kip wrote a module to parse out the HTTP Request object and supply detailed 
parameters for them (::Request) and I have a module that can take values 
stored in your BasicSession and supply them to your stylesheet.

> Kip, anything about that in your new book? It's in the mail on its way
> here... :-)

Good choice!  Its a really great book.  I've been an AxKit regular for a while 
now, and I've learned quite a few things in there.

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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ANN: AxKit::XSP::BasicSession 0.18

2004-07-06 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
This is just a minor, stupid bugfix release.  If you've upgraded to 0.17 and 
found that, surprise, it doesn't work anymore, try 0.18 out.

It was just uploaded to CPAN, so it may take a few hours for it to be 

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Content Management for AxKit/Apache

2004-07-01 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On July 1, 2004 09:55 am, Robin Berjon wrote:
> Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > My goal is, when I eventually get back to Callisto, to make any text
> > generated from your source XML - whether its the main body content, or
> > the titles of other pages listed in a side- or nav-bar - could be edited
> > without having to hop around your site.  This is because the client could
> > submit content updates to various target URLs asyncronously, as long as
> > it knew what URL / XML ID a given DOM node in the browser was associated
> > with.
> Just a drive-by comment: it really sounds like you want XForms :)

I haven't investigated XForms much, but it seems...err...complicated.  What I 
really want is to be able to transparently edit server-side XML content 
(keeping the semantic structure of the XML itself) while interacting with the 
result of an XSL transformation.  Things could be potentially simplified by 
performing the XSL transform within Mozilla, but then there wouldn't be a 
guarentee that the content would render the same in AxKit.


- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Content Management for AxKit/Apache

2004-07-01 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hash: SHA1

On July 1, 2004 08:11 am, Michael Kröll wrote:
> Tom Howe wrote:
> | this could be integrated into something like XIMS to offer this XML
> | style content creation?
> Joachim Kargl, here at the Univ.Innsbruck is currently involved in a
> project that includes integrating the web-based XML Editor BitFlux
> ( into XIMS. That is scheduled to be finished
> by September, in theory it sounds really good.
> What also sounds interesting would be something like a Mozile based XUL
> editor (e.g., but
> ~  that's not yet on our short-term TODO list.

I have, in my development area, a proof-of-concept merging the features of 
Mozile with Callisto, e.g. the result of your site's XSLT transformation can 
be edited in-situ.  It shows a lot of promise, in that the client can become 
an active party to the editing process, rather than the server throwing gobs 
of HTML forms to the browser, and recieving gobs of updates in batch. 
Instead, the browser could send small packets of updates to the server, 
either as RDF (since Mozilla's RDF APIs rock) or as XML or HTTP POST updates.

> Michael Nachbaur, author of CallistoCMS, did a lot of work with XUL
> based interfaces, maybe he can give an update there?

So far my XUL work has focused around client/server administration GUIs, since 
my projects at work have drifted away from Callisto for the time 
being. :-(  I do have plans to get back to Callisto, but I don't have any 
time in the forseeable future to get to it.

My goal is, when I eventually get back to Callisto, to make any text generated 
from your source XML - whether its the main body content, or the titles of 
other pages listed in a side- or nav-bar - could be edited without having to 
hop around your site.  This is because the client could submit content 
updates to various target URLs asyncronously, as long as it knew what URL / 
XML ID a given DOM node in the browser was associated with.

- -- 
Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: axkit survives a slashdotting

2004-05-09 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
S.Woodside wrote:

Hi my site just got slashdotted but survived just 
fine. The load average is at 1.00, caching is on, it's all XSLT (no 
XSP though) serving up the weblog feed on the main page and 
everything. No problemo.

Congratulations!  Can you give a bit more information about the hardware 
and the pipeline layout?  I've performed benchmark tests with "ab" 
numerous times on my AxKit websites, but there's nothing that can equal 
a Slashdotting for testing the true merit of your application's performance.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: Outage

2004-05-05 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On May 5, 2004 12:24 pm, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> We just had a minor outage of the server due to what seems
> like a corrupt disk partition. This seems to have recovered itself
> after an fsck, however I'm a little nervous about how fragile it might
> be now, so will be purchasing a new disk probably tomorrow, and try and
> build a new server, so you might want to expect some more outage in the
> near future, but hopefully I will be able to give advanced notice next
> time.

Well, my company has offered to provide hosting for for free.  You 
have your choice of putting it on the company's server, or mine (dual xeon, 
2.5GB ram, RAID-0 SCSI).  If you want, I can set you up with a shell account 
and you can move the site over before you do your server maintenance.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: ESQL Woes

2004-04-23 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On April 23, 2004 09:48 am, Tim Hibbard wrote:
> I'm having a problem debugging an ESQL app.  I am a newbie to AxKit and
> found this particulary hard to decode.  Any help is very much apprecitaed. 
> I look forward to getting my brain injected with XML.

Yes, debugging programatically-generated Perl code resulting from an XSP file 
can be a chore.

> Here is my xsp page:
> xmlns:xsp="";
>   xmlns:esql="";
> Oracle
> valid-user
> valid-password
>   select * from LEO_DATA.INFOED_PROPOSAL

My first reaction to this is that you don't have a parent tag around your 
.  When the XSP code is run, it will generate XML to be 
outputted to the next stage in the pipeline, and if your SQL statement 
returns more than one row, there will be multiple sibling XML nodes in the 
output.  Since an XML parser will bark at you if you try to add more than one 
root node, it would thrown an exception.

Other than that, everything up above looks fine, though I don't have 
first-hand experience connecting to an Oracle database via ESQL.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: PerForm 1.83

2004-04-01 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
I ran into something similar a while back due to a PerForm update.  I 
cannot remember what the version numbers are, so its possible this isn't 
your problem, buuuttt...

When I updated PerForm, I didn't take the updated XSL stylesheet for 
rendering the PerForm elements.  Some of the code changes relied on 
changes in the form field names (for instance, __submitted or something 
like that became __submitted_).  So, when you submit, the XSP 
taglib didn't know what form you were submitting, and subsequently 
didn't do anything.

Try that out and see if it solves anything for you.

Colin Goodier wrote:


We recently upgraded to PerForm 1.83 in an attempt to get rid of the bug
in the 1.7 version whereby the drop-down menus are not re-populated when
the form is re-submitted when there is an error in the original
However, we found that the upgrade caused more problems, in that the
form appeared not to be submitted at all! So, as the lesser of two evils
we reverted to the older version, which at least works.
Has anybody else had any problems with the latest version of PerForm?

I was wondering if I could get round it by using JavaScript to validate
the form, but I see that the 'onSubmit' (or onClick') call is a feature
of the later versions only, so may be a no-no for us too :-(
Colin Goodier

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Re: XSLT design strategy

2004-03-14 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

Dear all,

There is an abundance of XSLT resources on the net and in books that 
discuss the details of XSLT, but yet, I feel I'm struggling to get 
things right... 

We've all been there before.  XSLT turns conventional procedural 
programming on its head, and it can often be difficult to relinquish 
control to the XSLT transformation engine, and trust it to just do "The 
Right Thing(tm)".

I'm by no means an expert (any experts here?) but I find my method works 
well for what I use it for.  Keep in mind that I only ever develop sites 
in English, so for information on multi-lingual sites, you may want to 
dig a bit deeper.

Usually, I design content to be rendered to multiple output types (e.g. 
pretty XHTML, printable XHTML, PDF, raw source, etc).  I utilize 
 to merge common functionality, rather than the AxKit 
pipeline, except in situations where my source XML needs to be scrubbed 
prior to display processing (e.g. to merge multiple XML files, pre-sort 
data, etc).

Here is some sample code from the site I'm working on now.  I've trimmed 
it down for brevity.

   AxAddRootProcessor text/xsl /stylesheets/object-xhtml.xsl object

   AxAddRootProcessor text/xsl /stylesheets/object-print.xsl object

Here I have two stylesheets that match for the same root element, in 
different AxStyleNames.  In the "object-xhtml.xsl" file, I have:";>

"common.xsl" defines common EXSLT functions, templates, etc.  
"object.xsl" processes the actual document data, and finally the 
"design-xhtml.xsl" stylesheet overrides any other templates for 
rendering with the site's pretty XHTML look & feel.  The only difference 
between this file and "object-print.xsl" is the last import statement 
loads "design-print.xsl".  This file also gives you the opportunity to 
override any templates within your standard "object.xsl" file, so as to 
customize how something will look within a given output style.

Each of the design-*.xsl stylesheets outputs XHTML that includes either 
design-xhtml.css or design-print.css for the page's cascading 
stylesheets.  Each of them includes as the first line:

@import url("common.css");

so I can have common site styles, with each AxStyleName possessing it's 
own custom style rules for each output type.

Finally, I define a style name for outputting the source XML verbatim, 
with the exception of a little scrubbing:

   AxAddProcessor text/xsl /stylesheets/raw.xsl

this way, if I need to, I can do an  if I need to merge data from 
other data sources.  For instance, I have a glossary.xml file that 
defines words so, within any document, I can wrap a given piece of text 
with  to, if present in the glossary.xml file, 
create a tool-tip definition for that word.  (Note: There's probably a 
better way of handling this; anyone?)

If you want to see this in action check out 
(its in CVS at if you 
want to take a look at how I build the source, but be warned: its still 
in active development).

I have data flowing from several different sources: The same document 
fragment may come from a Provider, or from some XSP. Also, my basic 
idea is that many things should be included by XSLT. For example, I 
have had the idea that stuff that are common for for the entire site, 
such as headers, menus and the like, should be imported by an XSLT by 
for example an axkit: URI. Also, since my own language is spoken by 
only 4 millon people, I'm going multi-lingual from the start, and I 
figured I want a separate page with phrases, so that languages can be 
added by simply have someone translate a single file. 

How you architect your stylesheets really depends on how the data is 
structured, how the page will be structured, etc.  For instance, I find 
the above design pattern works well for the sorts of sites I build, but 
there are instances where I use the AxKit pipeline instead to output to 
plain-and-ugly XHTML, and then further style it with additional stylesheets.

So, how do you folks designing this stuff, and do you know some good 
resources that deals with things like this rather than the details?

I too would be interested to see how other people design their sites.  
There's always something you can learn from someone else's design 
patterns.  My method more-or-less congealed, and I'm sure there are some 
sticking points that I've run across that could be mitigated if I just 
found out another way to do it.

Perhaps the [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be a better place to 
discuss this, but I feel that people here are always so nice and 
helpful, and besides, it is in connection with AxKit that I'm 

I'm sorry I haven't replied earlier than this, but between work and the 
aforementioned site, I've been stuck on my little hamster-wheel.  :-)


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Re: Need a wiki janitor [x-adr]

2004-02-11 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Wednesday 11 February 2004 01:00 pm, Robert Ferney wrote:
> One of the solutions is to implement a simple rollback so that the users
> can revert to the pre-graffiti version easily. This would include IP
> tracking for the changes, so the reversion would back up, or atleast
> have the possibility of backing up prior to all the changes made by that
> IP address.
> It is not nearly as attractive to the graffiti kiddies if their spam can
> be easily removed.
> Another possibility would be to have accounts as a method of signing the
> changes. This does have the controversial effect of excluding anyone who
> does not wish to make an account, or those that would prefer to remain
> anonymous. This has both pros and cons.

One further suggestion would be to allow changes to be made from anonymous 
users, but require that those changes be ratified by a validated user.  So, 
even if some spam kiddie were to deface a wiki page, it would require a 
person with a user account to say "Yup, allow these changes to go through".

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"One's never alone with a rubber duck. "

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Re: Need a wiki janitor

2004-02-11 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Tuesday 10 February 2004 03:20 pm, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> I'm currently facing a bit of a constant battle with wiki abusers -
> either porn peddlers trying to add links (see the history for the Links
> page), or just people randomly clearing page content and clicking
> submit. This is getting rather tedious and time consuming.
> Would anyone be willing to volunteer to watch the axkit-dev list and
> revert to an earlier version of a page when someone breaks a wiki page?
> All the diffs are mailed to the axkit-dev list, so it becomes really
> easy to spot.

I'm just now trying to recover the QuickStart that was recently wiped, and the 
wiki seems to be ill.  It submits to /edit/, and after a protracted pause, 
gives me the feared 404 error.  Any ideas?

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Another world, another day, another dawn. "

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Re: Need a wiki janitor

2004-02-10 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Tuesday 10 February 2004 03:20 pm, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> I'm currently facing a bit of a constant battle with wiki abusers -
> either porn peddlers trying to add links (see the history for the Links
> page), or just people randomly clearing page content and clicking
> submit. This is getting rather tedious and time consuming.
> Would anyone be willing to volunteer to watch the axkit-dev list and
> revert to an earlier version of a page when someone breaks a wiki page?
> All the diffs are mailed to the axkit-dev list, so it becomes really
> easy to spot.

I can help out with this (and have frequently gone to correct a wiki update 
only to find that you'd already fixed it), but I can't guarantee that I'll 
get to it right away.  Perhaps we can have several people who will monitor / 
update the wiki as bad changes are put in?

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"A thought seemed to strike the woman. It struck her very slowly. You could 
watch it coming in like a long wave on a sandy beach."

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ANN: AxKit::XSP::BasicSession 0.17 released

2004-02-06 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/N/NA/NACHBAUR/AxKit-XSP-BasicSession-0.17.tar.gz
  size: 9436 bytes
   md5: e45eba3b717155670b941369d488ef46

This release of BasicSession is primarily a feature release.  It adds the same 
if/unless logic tags available in QueryParam, but for querying Session keys.  
I plan another update soon to overhaul the BasicAuth code, but that will have 
to wait until next week.  For now, here is the relevant entry from the change 

- Added control logic (if/unless, etc)
- Added more documentation and comments
- Fixed an annoying bug that makes session names "_"

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You're very sure of your facts, " he said at last, "I 
couldn't trust the thinking of a man who takes the Universe 
- if there is one - for granted. "

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Re: PerForn design question

2004-02-02 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Sunday 01 February 2004 01:15 pm, Adam C. Migus wrote:
> All,
> I've been playing with PerForm and have a design issue that I haven't
> been able to find much about in the archives.
> My particular application of PerForm at this point is an account request
> form though I think generally speaking this query can apply to a fairly
> broad set of forms related design.
> In my current revision I request the pertinent information, do the
> necessary checks via validation and commit on submit however I'd like to
> design my forms in a "wizard like" fashion.

I have actually just completed a wizard-like PerForm interface allowing users 
to create and edit their email accounts.  It gives them a step-by-step 
interface for entering in information, and manages the "Next', "Back" and 
"Cancel" submit actions for traversing various pages.

Trans-Page state is maintained in an AxKit::XSP::BasicSession datastore, and 
even information about what the next page will be is stored in a session key.

This works out quite well.  If you want more information, I can send you the 
XSP I use for the interface.  The key thing about it's structure is it has a 
 wrapper around multiple  blocks, and the XSL stylesheet, 
based on the "CurrentPage" session key, displays and processes only one form 
block at a time.

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Does it worry you that you don't talk any kind of sense? "

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ANN: AxKit::XSP::QueryParam uploaded to CPAN

2004-01-27 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/N/NA/NACHBAUR/AxKit-XSP-QueryParam-0.02.tar.gz
  size: 3480 bytes
   md5: 7e5020f4b8291fb2d1a8bcd9e06d3842

This is a minor feature release, mainly to accomodate the recent suggestions / 
requests from Kjetil Kjernsmo.  In case you didn't follow that thread, here's 
the entry from the Changes file:

- Added 
- Made  understand indexes
- Made  optionally limit it's output to just
  one parameter name

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"There was a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the 
chronicler's mind." 

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Re: Multiple equal-named parameters in XSP

2004-01-27 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Tuesday 27 January 2004 02:30 am, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> But it doesn't do all I wanted, at least not straightforwardly. I want them
> all! :-) That is, a list of all parameters for a name. With the two
> additions, I guess you could do that with a loop, but then, I have this
> something against mixing in Perl... In the interest of backwards
> compatability and maintaining relative simplicity, I guess it is best to
> keep that element like it is... :-)

Hmm...okay.  So, you wanna take perl completely out of the picture.

> May I suggest an element, something like
> that if given the query ?foo=bar&foo=baz
> will return
> bar
> baz

So I gather you're going to be post-processing this?

> Possibly, the name of the element (instead of 'value') could be an
> attribute too, and perhaps an optional element around these...

Actually, I added an optional "name" attribute to "enumerate", so you could 

> > =head2 C<>
> >
> > Returns the number of parameters provided on the request.  If a name is
> > provided, the number of parameters supplied for the given name is
> > returned. If the name is left out, then the total number of parameters is
> > returned.
> Hm, this returned 1 on me if I used multiple parameters with the same name.
> With different parameters, and no name attribute, it was correct. I'll try
> to look more about what could be the matter with that later (gotta run now
> (quite literally)).

Okay, this should be fixed.  The latest version is in CVS.  Try it, test it, 
and let me know how it worked out.

> > This code is *completely* untested, since my development server has been
> > taken by my SysAdmin for some emergency server replacement work,
> Uhm, that's life... :-) I don't even have a separate development server (so
> I do most work on my workstation, and upload when I want others to have a
> look).

One of the nice things about using AxKit as a central part of your company's 
business is that you get good servers to develop on.  One of the downsides of 
the same, is that now everyone relies on it, which means you can no longer do 
ad-hoc code changes, or you'll *instantly* hear everyone groan "SCAMP's 
down!"  *sigh*

You know, it occurs to me that this would be well-suited to the axkit-devel 
mailing list.  Oh well.

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President 
should on no account be allowed to do the job." 

-- Some wisdom from The Book. 

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Re: Multiple equal-named parameters in XSP

2004-01-26 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Monday 26 January 2004 02:29 pm, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> Mike's new QueryParam has an enumerate element that I suppose could list
> all the elements, and it fooled me for a moment (ha, I bet you did that on
> purpose, Mike! ;-) ), but I think it would be overkill for my purpose. I
> want just a list of these parameters, not all the others...

Great idea!  I never thought about that before.  After a few moments of happy 
hacking, I've pieced together two changes to A:X:QueryParam:

=head2 C<>

Get a value from the given parameter.  The "name" attribute can be passed
as a child element for programattic access to parameter values.  If the index
attribute is supplied, and if multiple parameters are supplied for the
same "name", then the appropriate parameter is returned.  If multiple values
for the same parameter are given, but no index is supplied, the first value is
returned. Now, if you can understand that convoluted set of instructions, then
you're smarter than me!

=head2 C<>

Returns the number of parameters provided on the request.  If a name is 
provided, the number of parameters supplied for the given name is returned.
If the name is left out, then the total number of parameters is returned.

This code is *completely* untested, since my development server has been taken 
by my SysAdmin for some emergency server replacement work, so if anyone wants 
to grab the latest copy out of CVS and try it out, go for it.  If you do try 
it out, let me know if it works / fails, so I can release it to CPAN or fix 
the bugs, respectively:*checkout*/AxKit-XSP-QueryParam/lib/AxKit/XSP/

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

`This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer, `I 
never could get the hang of Thursdays.'

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Re: XSP page inheritance

2004-01-19 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Monday 19 January 2004 12:43 pm, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On 19 Jan 2004, at 19:44, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > On Wednesday 14 January 2004 12:02 pm, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> >> On 14 Jan 2004, at 17:20, Nathan Schroeder wrote:
> >>> ...but I keep getting "Can't locate object method "cache_params" via
> >>> package . . . " errors when I hit the page.  The page itself is
> >>> equally simple, and works fine if I take out the base-class line in
> >>> xsp:page.
> >>
> >> Ah yes - this is fixed in CVS, sorry.
> >
> > Hmm, apparently it isn't, because I just checked out from CVS (on
> >
> > and got the same thing.  I checked the AxKit module on,
> > but
> > that seems to be pretty old.
> Very odd indeed. What is the Id number of your file?

I chatting with medwards on #axkit-dahut, I've discovered that I somehow got a 
version from August 2003...odd, that.  I'm currently in the process of 
rectifying that.

Okay, I just checked out / installed, and I got
# $Id:,v 1.52 2003/10/31 17:04:46 jwalt Exp $

The line number it's complaining about has changed (196), but it's still this 
my $xsp_cache = Apache::AxKit::Cache->new($r, $package, 
$package->cache_params($r, $cgi));

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

`I am so amazingly cool you could keep a side of meat in me for a month. I am 
so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.'

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Re: XSP page inheritance

2004-01-19 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Wednesday 14 January 2004 12:02 pm, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On 14 Jan 2004, at 17:20, Nathan Schroeder wrote:
> > ...but I keep getting "Can't locate object method "cache_params" via
> > package . . . " errors when I hit the page.  The page itself is
> > equally simple, and works fine if I take out the base-class line in
> > xsp:page.
> Ah yes - this is fixed in CVS, sorry.

Hmm, apparently it isn't, because I just checked out from CVS (on 
and got the same thing.  I checked the AxKit module on, but 
that seems to be pretty old.

Any word on this?

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"`If there's anything more important than my ego around, I 
want it caught and shot now.'" 

-- Zaphod. 

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Re: Another session library

2004-01-06 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Tuesday 06 January 2004 08:29 am, Martin Oldfield wrote:
> In part this was because I found both A::X::Session and
> A::X::BasicSession hard to either make work or understand, but also
> because I wanted a library I could use from both Perl and XSP (the
> latter being a thin SimpleTaglib layer thrown round the former).

I don't have the time to do your code justice (I'll look at it this evening) 
but I just wanted to toss in my $0.02 CAD for what it's worth (which is about 
$0.0155 USD).

A::X::BasicSession can actually be used from both XSP and Perl.  
A::X::Plugin::BasicSession creates and manages the actual session object 
itself, and dumps the tied session in the pnotes() table.  A::X::BasicSession 
is simply a convenient wrapper around the pnotes() tied object, and uses 
TaglibHelper to expose that to XSP.

So, for instance, I do the following all the time:

foreach my $field (keys %{$ctxt->{Form}}) {
next if ($field =~ /__/);
next if ($field =~ /\./);
next if ($field eq 'apply');
if ($field eq 'preference-search_results_pagesize') {
AxKit::XSP::BasicSession::set_attribute($field, $ctxt->{Form}->{$field});

Now, there may be an easier way to access that, for instance by making a 
constructor.  So, you could do:

my $obj = new AxKit::XSP::BasicSession;

Would anyone find that useful?  I don't mean to suggest that one person's 
implementation is better than another, but I'd like to prevent any further 
confusion with sessions in AxKit.  Two (or three?) session taglibs is already 
pretty confusing as it is.

Either that, or I'd find having a "Best Of Breed" approach useful, deprecating 
an older taglib in favor of an easier to install and use taglib that takes 
pieces of different taglibs and has a fresh new lemon scent. ;-)

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Rome wasn't burned in a day. "

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[Announce] CallistoCMS 1.0 released

2003-12-29 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
After an interminable duration of time, during which Callisto 
development languished, I've finally bitten the bullet and released 1.0 
of Callisto.  I was tired of sticking around with release candidates 
that were, for all intents and purposes, official releases, so I decided 
to call a spade a spade and release 1.0.

This release fixes a few show-stopper bugs that were fixed in CVS, 
improves the installation process significantly, and adds FTP-only 
deployment (which in itself simplifies installation).  There are still 
many changes yet to come in the deployment area, but those are primarily 
in the realm of intelligent-agent deployment across a parallel server 
farm.  If you only need to deploy to a single server with FTP, what is 
in there now should suffice perfectly.

Other notable changes to this release is the addition of image support 
in documents.  You can insert an image just like you would a paragraph 
or a list.  There are some neat properties of this feature, most notably 
being the automatic thumbnail preview when choosing an image.  This is 
another area that will be seeing some improvements over the next few 
weeks, with the addition of file-browsing for inserting images and links 
and uploading of files (images, PDFs, etc) coming soon.

Though this is a 1.0, I have plenty planned and I hope to follow the 
Open Source philosophy of "Release Early, Release Often".

If you'd like to try the online demo of Callisto, go to and try both the Editing and 
Production views, to see how the same site is presented in both 
environments.  You can download the latest version of Callisto at

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Development re-started on Callisto

2003-12-20 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
  If anyone wants to add 
features, please let me know and I'll stay in touch (or join the 
callistocms-users or -devel mailing list).

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President 
should on no account be allowed to do the job."

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Re: Phat/Rich Clients, AxKit, and the Web's Future

2003-11-24 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
John Edstrom wrote:

Case in point: XUL has been around for years (both in development and
release), yet it is not widely adopted as a platform for software

I think this has largely to do with the fact that Mozilla for teh past few 
years has been such a bloody slow beast that no one wanted to write 
applications for it.  I myself had a hard time, until Firebird became stable.  
Now it's a joy to write for, even though the learning curve is pretty steep.

I don't have any first hand experience with XUL, but I'm skeptical.
I've noticed that with mozilla and even firebird, it seems every minor
browser version breaks one or more skins.  Some of the old skins can
crash the new browser.  At least from my perspective as a user it
looks pretty brittle and fragile.

This, AFAIK, is due to changes in the underlying XUL.  XUL describes the 
layout of the application, and the CSS describes what it will look 
like.  CSS is usually bound to elements in the XUL code based on ID, and 
if changes in the underlying XUL occur, then the CSS must change as well.

Mozilla and Firebird are extremely complicated applications, and while 
the skinning functionality is a very flexible feature, it is as much a 
part of the application development process as the XUL+JavaScript 
itself.  If you were developing an XSP web app, your XSL stylesheet 
would be an integral part of that application, and a fundamental change 
in one would require a change in the other.  That is what's going on here.

So, this skinning method may seem brittle to end users, but gives the 
developers a very extensible development environment.

I see what you mean though.  I for one wish the Orbit theme worked on 
the latest nightly build.  Oh well, you can't have everything.

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Re: Phat/Rich Clients, AxKit, and the Web's Future

2003-11-24 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
S Woodside wrote:

On Wednesday, November 19, 2003, at 07:22  PM, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:

So, anyway, to answer the question, I would like to see better 
support for
outputting RDF in AxKit.  Perhaps I had better spit the RDF out as a 
of an XSL transform, but somehow that never occurred to me before.

Right .. I was just going to say, what makes RDF so special that you 
can't use the normal XMLish tools to generate it?

The main issues I was fighting with was my inexperience with RDF, and 
the self-referential nature of RDF.  It would have been much easier to 
use a taglib, or some XSL transformer to take my already nicely 
heirarchial structure and format it appropriately in RDF.

*shrug*  /me thinks some RDF research is in order

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Re: Phat/Rich Clients, AxKit, and the Web's Future

2003-11-24 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Robin Berjon wrote:

Michael A Nachbaur wrote:

On Wednesday 19 November 2003 12:47 am, Robin Berjon wrote:

Do you have specific technical ideas that we should work on to
facilitate this?

In my (short) experience building Mozilla+XUL applications, the thing 
I noticed the need for most was RDF input.

I'm confused :) You say RDF input here, but then later all you talk 
about is RDF output. Or is it RDF output from AxKit that's input to 

AxKit -> RDF -> Mozilla

It is true that RDF input (to AxKit) is hard, because of the 
flexibility of RDF's expression in XML. The same statement can be said 
in many ways, and that requires a specialised RDF parser. We don't 
currently have that in AxKit, and it would be really nice to have it 
available as aProvider (possible one providing a canonical view of 
RDF so that it'd fit better into the whole pipeline, which easier XSLT 
processing and so on).

If your problem is outputting RDF/XML from AxKit, then it really 
shouldn't be that hard (as you note later). Honestly, if you're 
talking about 4000 statements, that doesn't seem like much at all. 
True, with XSLT you have to output it all at once, but it's *really* 
fast, and the IO may actually be simpler (ie faster). If your current 
stuff is slow, you should give LibXSLT a try, it still surprises me 
sometimes :) 

Yeah, I'm using LibXSLT, but I was still seeing some pretty odd delays.  
The main issue was not in the actual load time, the three seconds it was 
taking being quite acceptable.  It was the percieved load delay, since 
several RDF data sources were being loaded simultaneously and delaying 
the rendering of the "Intro" screen, so to speak.  This is really just 
an implementation detail, but the thing that chafed on me was the 
tedious nature of outputting RDF with it's heirarchial ID tags, and so 

This application was a "Wowzer!" prototype application, the sort you 
show to your boss to try and dazzle him with bullsh*t so he'll give you 
the budget to write the application you want (and make it OSS in the 
end).  The percieved load time was a big thing that won me the project, 
even though in production it probably wouldn't be done that way anyway.

So, anyway, to answer the question, I would like to see better 
support for outputting RDF in AxKit.  Perhaps I had better spit the 
RDF out as a result of an XSL transform, but somehow that never 
occurred to me before.

If you have specific needs going from an RDF model to its XML 
expression, then AxKit is lacking, but if it's just generating XML 
then you should have all the tools :) If the former, you might want to 
look at which is a 
nice package despite the fact that it uses TT2. 

:-)  I would actually like to round-trip RDF.  I have three main paths I 
could take for building my app: a) have a Mozilla interface act as a 
web-service client, b) have the interface just scrape values from raw 
XML outputted from AxKit, or c) round-trip RDF to-and-from Mozilla, 
feeding RDF to the client interface that describes form values, and then 
taking the resulting RDF and updating the necessary database values as 
they're changed.

I still don't know what the "Best" way of doing this would be, as 
several fires have broken out and I've had to resort to my more baser 
abilities (, but I would like to 
investigate the possibility of either an RDF scrubber like you describe 
above, or a Web Service provider of some sort.

Right now, the only way I can forsee really leveraging AxKit's abilities 
for interacting with the Mozilla client is to do option (b), scraping 
raw XML, which isn't actually that difficult, AFAICT.

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Re: Phat/Rich Clients, AxKit, and the Web's Future

2003-11-21 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
This thread is getting quite sociable.  :-)

On Friday 21 November 2003 12:58 pm, Adam Turoff wrote:
> The "phat" clients you describe are something of a holy grail for
> technologists.  Technically, they're better solutions than rewriting
> everything in Java, relying on Qt or Wx for cross-platform products,
> working within the contraints of [X]HTML/HTTP, porting to C# (and hoping
> Rotor/Mono work out if you need cross-platform support) or cracking open
> that copy of Petzold's Win32 programming that's sitting under your monitor.
> These are the kind of toolkits toolsmiths want to write, but do they
> provide the kind of environment workaday hackers want to use?  So far,
> the answer is a resounding "no".

I believe the answer to this question is left up to the developers themselves.  
Like the saying "If you build it, they will come", if a killer tool is 
available, people will use it if it (a) meets the needs of the moment, (b) is 
easier to do than the equivilant task using current tools, or (c) the 
resulting application would be otherwise impossible or impractical to 
implement any other way.

I for one am implementing two applications in Mozilla XUL at the moment; an 
intranet application that is already a successful, and horribly slow, web 
app, and a refactored interface to my CMS that already functions through 
standard HTML.

The reason for this is simple; stock HTML just doesn't cut it for me.  I could 
probably limit myself to one browser and leverage all the fancy JavaScript 
capabilities it provides, but this assumes those capabilities are standard 
across all versions and platforms of that application.  I'm dropping support 
for IE and Konqueror, simply because I cannot support the differences in 
JavaScript and DOM implementations across three browsers.  If I'm going to 
focus on one browser (Mozilla, since there is a requirement that the 
applications are accessible from both Windows and Mac, and I develop under 
Linux) I might as well take advantage of all it has to offer, and use all the 
bells and whistles that it provides me.  That means XUL, and that means the 
burdon of developing menus, toolbars, treeview and the like are now handled 
by native widgets and I can get on with the job of making the thing work.

> The reason why webapps made it big is because they solved many of the
> nasty problems of client-server software created, and solved those
> problems by breaking all the rules.  There's a *huge* class of
> applications that shouldn't be done with fat clients, and the web solves
> that problem 9 times out of 10 -- with CGI, PHP, J2EE or mod_perl and
> AxKit.

This is true, but to follow the C adage "C makes easy things hard, and hard 
things possible."  Writing XUL apps is not meant to be the norm for web 
application developers, just as writing a simple home page for your 
grandmother's cookie recipe need not be written in AxKit/XSLT.  The fact that 
the XUL and phat client developer community isn't as large as the 
HTML/PHP/CGI community is comparing apples to oranges.  I think a closer 
analogy would be to match the XUL community with intranet Oracle Reports 
applications, or SAP and all it's ilk.

> Case in point: XUL has been around for years (both in development and
> release), yet it is not widely adopted as a platform for software
> development.

I think this has largely to do with the fact that Mozilla for teh past few 
years has been such a bloody slow beast that no one wanted to write 
applications for it.  I myself had a hard time, until Firebird became stable.  
Now it's a joy to write for, even though the learning curve is pretty steep.

> (I'm waiting for someone to create a desktop app called AmazonShopper
> or something that de-clutters the shopping experience at Amazon.  Or
> not, depending on what their license permits.)

Check out It's a Mozilla app for searching / browsing 
Amazon's product catalog.  ;-)

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Trin Tragula - for that was his name - was a dreamer, a thinker, speculative 
philosopher or, as his wife would have it, an idiot.

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Re: Phat/Rich Clients, AxKit, and the Web's Future

2003-11-21 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Friday 21 November 2003 09:10 am, Tod Harter wrote:
> Well, I wasn't even THAT sophisticated... I simply created my page just
> like I usually do and at the point where content normally lives, a  I
> just identified that td with id='x'. Somewhere in my page is a wad of
> javascript placed there by an XSLT template match to some tag in my
> original source XML. That javascript finds the , uses XMLHttpRequest()
> to request whatever component is supposed to go there, optionally gets an
> XSLT transform and applies it, and attaches the result to the DOM tree at
> the specified location. In addition to HTML this can also contain the
> javascript for event handlers etc.
> The only reason for even going through javascript is just that my concept
> was to build fairly large chunks of GUI and include them as needed. The
> nice thing in that case is that your DATA can be already in the page and
> remain local while you do whatever you want with the user interface. The
> same basic kinds of techniques can be used with smaller widgets though, and
> of course the XSLT can happen on either server or client, as is convenient.
> Something like XUL could be generated just as easily as HTML, and the
> syntax for specifying the components in the first place could be quite
> varied as well, XForms, etc.

Odd, I've been doing web development for eons now, and I've never even thought 
of doing that.  I try to stay away from the client-side rendering 
capabilities of browsers since I have an urge to stay Lynx-compatible. :-)

I was working on CallistoCMS ( and was running into the 
problem of having server-side XML, needing to render it as HTML/Forms with 
XSLT, but not wanting to reload from the server with every update.  (the 
website is currently partially broken, unfortunately)

This technique would really improve things for my interface, and seeing as 
I've been planning on making this 100% Mozilla-based, so I can use advanced 
widgets like tree-views and so forth, so I wouldn't have to worry about 
cross-browser incompatibilities.

> I built a little site map editor this way. In my case I built a javascript
> class that could load the sitemap, display it, save it, etc. Its nice
> because you can save the sitemap and still keep editing it without it
> needing to be reloaded as with conventional forms based systems, plus my
> editor is far nicer than any form The complete package consists of the
> data, a javascript .js file that defines the class, and an XSLT transform
> that turns the data into the HTML interface and 'glue' javascript to
> propagate events to my class. The whole thing is still fairly clunky, but I
> can send you some files. Currently it only works in Mozilla, but I could
> make it work in IE in theory.

I'd love to see your samples, if you can provide them.  I have been working on 
a prototype XUL application, which queries RDF sources, so if you want to 
share code, I can send some files your way as well.

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You're very sure of your facts, " he said at last, "I 
couldn't trust the thinking of a man who takes the Universe 
- if there is one - for granted. "

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Re: Phat/Rich Clients, AxKit, and the Web's Future

2003-11-20 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Thursday 20 November 2003 07:43 am, Tod Harter wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 November 2003 7:22 pm, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > So, anyway, to answer the question, I would like to see better support
> > for outputting RDF in AxKit.  Perhaps I had better spit the RDF out as a
> > result of an XSL transform, but somehow that never occurred to me before.
> Interesting. I am trying a different tack. My client-side application is
> built by loading an initial page, which contains javascript logic which
> goes back to the server via XMLHttpRequest(), gets whatever data is
> required for the particular operation being performed (served back as raw
> XML by the server side), applies XSLT to it, and attaches the resulting UI
> to the DOM tree in whatever is designated as the content area for whatever
> enclosing UI element is holding this 'panel' or whatnot. XUL could
> certainly be incorporated in there, but basically what I have is a
> component and a corresponding XSLT to instantiate it. You can go back and
> forth to the server all day and there are no 'pages' being loaded. In fact
> the application becomes entirely a normal event-driven GUI, albeit with
> some javascript glue logic.

Intriguing.  Do you perhaps have any samples you would be able to show that 
illustrates this concept?  Does the client-side application provide the 
"Controller" part of the framework?  What is the result of the XSLT 
transform, a conventional web page rendered in a  element, or 
plugged straight into a standard container element like a  or 

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Trin Tragula - for that was his name - was a dreamer, a thinker, speculative 
philosopher or, as his wife would have it, an idiot.

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Re: Phat/Rich Clients, AxKit, and the Web's Future

2003-11-20 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Michael Kröll wrote:

Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
| So, anyway, to answer the question, I would like to see better support
| outputting RDF in AxKit.  Perhaps I had better spit the RDF out as a
| of an XSL transform, but somehow that never occurred to me before.
Why is that? Even if it is not the nicest thing to look at, it does work
perfectly well. (Depending on the libxml+XML::LibXML combination you are
using, of course) 
I guess the response to that could be either (both?) of a) I didn't 
think of it at the time, and b) I was outputting 4000+ RDF entries in a 
single file (building a Mozilla tree widget) and I wanted Mozilla to 
load it while it was downloading, rather than waiting for the entire 
thing to be built first.  I originally had it written as an AxKit XSP, 
but the percieved load time was awful.  The eventual load time was just 
as bad with a mod_perl handler, but no one notices...

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Re: Phat/Rich Clients, AxKit, and the Web's Future

2003-11-19 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Wednesday 19 November 2003 12:47 am, Robin Berjon wrote:
> Do you have specific technical ideas that we should work on to
> facilitate this?

In my (short) experience building Mozilla+XUL applications, the thing I 
noticed the need for most was RDF input.

I've been developing a really sweet intranet application for a little over a 
year.  It's built in AxKit and is full of sexy graphs and little buttons and 
icons, and is very neat.  But, it is also horrifically slow due to the sheer 
number of forms and elements that must be processed on every screen refresh.

I've started transitioning my application to use a Mozilla XUL client 
application, installed using a download from the intranet website, that 
presents the user with a fat client interface to the same server-side 
intranet application.

Mozilla has made a really big commitment to RDF for all manner of aspects of 
it's basic operations; tree views, templated XUL sections (for repeatable 
clusters of display elements), menus and so on can all be programmatically 
built using RDF as a datasource.

The bummer about all this is I find it pretty hard to generate RDF using 
AxKit.  I ended up dropping down into a plain'ol mod_perl handler, and 
printed out the RDF tags manually.  My XUL application is still just a 
prototype, but I'd like to see this functionality merged into AxKit more 
before going whole-hog into it.

So, anyway, to answer the question, I would like to see better support for 
outputting RDF in AxKit.  Perhaps I had better spit the RDF out as a result 
of an XSL transform, but somehow that never occurred to me before.

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President 
should on no account be allowed to do the job." 

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[ANNOUNCE] AxKit::XSP::QueryParam 0.01

2003-09-09 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/N/NA/NACHBAUR/AxKit-XSP-QueryParam-0.01.tar.gz
  size: 2979 bytes
   md5: 00124ab6358621880e4d989902628791


I love writing quick snippets in XSP, but find evaluation logic to be a pain 
in the butt.  For instance:

if ( =~ /joe/) {

The  taglib is great, but is IMHO pretty limited.  Therefore, 
QueryParam is supposed to be a rather verbose replacement for it.  It allows 
you to set, get, remove, enumerate through, and do if / unless matches 
(including regular expression matches) on URI arguments.

I actually wrote this a long time ago, but totally forgot to wrap it up into a 
CPAN module.  So, here it is! 

Questions, comments, threats, bribes, are all welcome.

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

...[Arthur] leapt to his feet like an author hearing the phone ring...

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[ANNOUNCE] AxKit::XSP::BasicSession 0.16

2003-09-09 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/N/NA/NACHBAUR/AxKit-XSP-BasicSession-0.16.tar.gz
  size: 10096 bytes
   md5: 244c25d7d05f8fd019a0530dfb082d79


BasicSession is an AxKit taglib / plugin that provides simple session support 
to AxKit XSP pages.  Thanks to a contribution by Mark Hershberger, it now has 
basic Authentication support as well.

My QA server is currently on blocks, so I can't test to make sure everything 
works, but it should (/me knocks on wood).

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Zaphod grinned two manic grins, sauntered over to the bar 
and bought most of it." 

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Re: AxKit sessions

2003-09-08 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
I use (and wrote) AxKit::XSP::BasicSession which is just a plain-vanilla 
interface to Apache::Session.  It's IMHO easy to install and to use, but 
doesn't offer much in the way of bells & whistles; if you want integrated 
authorization / authentication, support for URI- or cookie-based session 
tokens, etc, then try getting AxKit::XSP::Session working instead.

Jörg Walter's Apache::XSP::Session module is IMHO way better than my 
AxKit::XSP::BasicSession, but is a little difficult to get installed and 

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Monday 08 September 2003 10:51 am, Vaclav Barta wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been evaluating AxKit for a toy web app, and found surprisingly little
> about session management. There's Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Session, but its
> Wiki page (
> states that "if using v0.93, I you'll need to patch and"
> according to some CPAN URL which doesn't make a lot of sense
> to me... I can confirm that version 0.93 (which is what's in CPAN) indeed
> does not install cleanly; I could try to debug it, but isn't there
> something that works out of the box? Doesn't anybody use persistent state
> with AxKit-generated pages?
>   Bye
>   Vasek
> -
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Re: Building applications with AxKit and XSP, in a reusable extensible way...

2003-07-23 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Wednesday 23 July 2003 05:04 am, Adam Griffiths wrote:

> Pg
> dbname=axkit
> postgres
> password

One suggestion to make your ESQL code less redundant is to put your connection 
information in environment variables.  For instance, here's a (slightly 
altered to protect the innocent) snippet from my httpd.conf:

  PerlSetEnv PGDATABASE "dbname"
  PerlSetEnv PGHOST  "hostname"
  PerlSetEnv PGUSER  "username"
  PerlSetEnv DBI_DSN  "dbi:Pg:dbname=dbname;host=hostname"

Now all I have to do to make calls to my database is to do something like the 




/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"He expanded his chest to make it totally clear that here 
was the sort of man you only dared to cross if you had a 
team of Sherpas with you. "

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Deferring XSL transformation to the browser

2003-07-04 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hello all,

Another thought/question.  Many versions of modern browsers support 
client-side XSL transformation, but as we all know no two XSL engines are 
created equal (especially when dealing with bloody IE ... but I digress).

Anyway, I know that with the HTTP compression Apache modules that it has a 
list of browsers that incorrectly advertise gzip support.  Is there a module 
/ code snippet that'll allow me to determine if the client has "real" support 
for client-side XSLT, allowing me to just spit out XML?

If not, I feel an itch that I might have to go and scratch.

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"The dew," he observed, "has clearly fallen with a particularly sickening thud 
this morning."

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Inline-XSP and Taglibs

2003-07-04 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
I'm asking this here because, since I've been out of touch with AxKit's 
internals for far too many months, I don't have enough data to answer my own 

Basically, I would like to embed XSP code inline in XHTML files. So, I for 
instance would only like regions of a file to be processed by XSP, and have 
it's SAX events injected into the XHTML event stream.  For instance:


  print 2 + 5


The main reason is that I don't want all XHTML files to be processed through 
the XSP engine (which, last time I checked, was significantly slower than 

The above also could translate to taglibs.  For instance:



The key benefits I could see are: (a) The entire page is not cached in memory 
as a perl handler, (b) in my example, very little of the page would be 
dynamic code, (c) (far-fetched) identical snippets of code from different 
pages could just be cached as one handler in memory.

I'm refactoring my content management system, and I'd really rather not have 
the overhead of XSP in every single page if I want just one or two pages in 
an entire site to have a dynamic snippet.

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Another world, another day, another dawn. "

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PerForm and drop-down boxes

2003-06-24 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
I don't mean to sound like a whining newbie, but I'm about to throw this chunk 
of code away in a few weeks anyway, so I'm not willing to do much in the way 
of debugging.

I have a PerForm/ESQL interface (that's being rewritten into an 
object-oriented interface, with a PerForm front-end) that has a select box, a 
few text boxes, that sort of thing.  When I bring the form up the first time, 
the select box shows the correct default value, as well as all the additional 
 tags.  However, if when the form is submitted one of the validation 
routines dies with an error, the select box is unpopulated when the form 
comes back up.

Is this fixed in 1.8.1?  I'm reluctant to upgrade since this web interface is 
a critical app for my company (has anyone had any major issues with backwards 

Anyway, thanks a bunch in advance.

Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: hello!

2003-05-29 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Wednesday 28 May 2003 09:05 am, Mauro Sciaccaluga wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 May 2003 18:00, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > 
> > Well, it depends on where your data comes from, how much you have, etc. 
> > If you are using a GUI XML editor or a content editing system that
> > exports XML, you may be restricted to the dialect of XML the GUI
> > produces.  It may include a DTD for the XML for it's own internal
> > validation checks.  In that instance, since the document already conforms
> > to the DTD there's no harm in using that to associate documents with a
> > stylesheet.
> >
> > In other instances you may have a large amount of data, and you don't
> > want to change hundreds or thousands of XML files every time the name of
> > a stylesheet changes.  In either case (and many others) it may be simpler
> > to create these document -> stylesheet associations in your httpd.conf
> > (or .htaccess file) and just let the XML content creators worry about
> > content, and the display creators can worry about the content display.
> > 
> Yes its what i want to do!! but it seems not to work!! Have you read all my
> messages? I have added the directive to process all the documents with my
> guide.xsl but it doesnt work. please help me :-)

Could you perhaps send the Apache directives you're using so we can help debug 
your problem?  You might also want to turn AxKit debugging on; maybe the 
error messages could lead you in the right direction.

Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: hello!

2003-05-29 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Well, it depends on where your data comes from, how much you have, etc.  If 
you are using a GUI XML editor or a content editing system that exports XML, 
you may be restricted to the dialect of XML the GUI produces.  It may include 
a DTD for the XML for it's own internal validation checks.  In that instance, 
since the document already conforms to the DTD there's no harm in using that 
to associate documents with a stylesheet.

In other instances you may have a large amount of data, and you don't want to 
change hundreds or thousands of XML files every time the name of a stylesheet 
changes.  In either case (and many others) it may be simpler to create these 
document -> stylesheet associations in your httpd.conf (or .htaccess file) 
and just let the XML content creators worry about content, and the display 
creators can worry about the content display.

On Tuesday 27 May 2003 04:36 pm, S Woodside wrote:
> Really? When would you suggest using this feature?
> Simon
> On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 06:37  PM, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > Well, if your document has a DTD reference in it, you can use that to
> > associate your XML documents with the appropriate stylesheet by using
> > the
> > AxAdd*Processor directives.  Look at the AxKit manual page for more
> > information.  Suffice to say, using your sample configuration, you
> > could do:
> >
> > PerlModule AxKit
> > AddHandler axkit .xml
> > AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::LibXSLT
> > AxAddDTDProcessor text/xsl /guide.xsl /guide.dtd
> >
> > This tells AxKit to use the "guide.xsl" stylesheet (with the text/xsl
> > stylesheet processor) whenever the DTD "/guide.dtd" is used in an XML
> > file.
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> >
> > On Tuesday 27 May 2003 02:19 pm, Mauro Sciaccaluga wrote:
> >> Hello everybody,
> >>
> >> I am a new user to axkit. I like it!! It works great!!! I need just
> >> your
> >> assistance for a thing i cannot handle very well.
> >>
> >> Please let me tell you what it happens.
> >>
> >> I have some .xml file that I want to parse automatically by apache
> >> (thanks
> >> to axkit naturally) I succeeded to do this. but I have had to
> >> change
> >> (to add) a thing in these files to get them work:
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >> Before there was just:
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >> I have both these files: guide.dtd and guide.xsl
> >>
> >> If I put the stylesheet tag axkit parse this file correctly. How can
> >> I tell
> >> axkit to use by default the guide.xsl for my xml with just the
> >> tag??
> >>
> >> These are my apache.conf (httpd.conf):
> >>
> >> ..
> >> ..
> >> ..
> >> PerlModule AxKit
> >> AddHandler axkit .xml
> >> #AddHandler axkit .xsp
> >> #AddHandler axkit .dkb
> >> AxDebugLevel 10
> >> PerlSetVar AxXPSInterpolate 1
> >> AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::LibXSLT
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Definitely... I don't know much about .dtd files.. please someone
> >> helps
> >> me!!
> >>
> >> :-) thanks a lot!!
> >>
> >> buh bye
> >>
> >>
> >> ---------
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > --
> > Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
>   anti-spam: do not post this address publicly
> -- 99% Devil, 1% Angel
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: hello!

2003-05-29 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 04:36 pm, S Woodside wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 05:19  PM, Mauro Sciaccaluga wrote:
> > 
> >
> > Before there was just:
> >
> > 
> >
> > I have both these files: guide.dtd and guide.xsl
> A !DOCTYPE tag is not normal XML I don't think. It's a hold-over from
> SGML I think. As far as defining an XSLT transformation on the file,
> it's useless. DTD don't transform documents they just specify and/or
> validate them. There are some AxKit directives for apache that will
> specify a transformation, that are documented on the man page and in
> the docs wiki on However Why not just use the
>  processor include? It's just as good.

Actually,  is a valid XML tag.  See the W3C XML specification[1].  
As far as associating XSL stylesheets with an XML file, there are plenty of 
ways one could do it.  A given stylesheet (or pipeline of stylesheets) could 
be associated based on the root element name[2], a DTD[3], as well as a bunch 
of others.  I usually associate my documents based on their root element, but 

Regarding using the  directive, not everyone can change 
their XML content for page rendering.  In some instances where I have to 
process XML, the data cannot be dictated, either because there are simply too 
many files (1,000s of them), or the XML files are not created by me, but 
rather generated by a 3rd party.


Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: hello!

2003-05-27 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Well, if your document has a DTD reference in it, you can use that to 
associate your XML documents with the appropriate stylesheet by using the 
AxAdd*Processor directives.  Look at the AxKit manual page for more 
information.  Suffice to say, using your sample configuration, you could do:

PerlModule AxKit
AddHandler axkit .xml
AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::LibXSLT
AxAddDTDProcessor text/xsl /guide.xsl /guide.dtd

This tells AxKit to use the "guide.xsl" stylesheet (with the text/xsl 
stylesheet processor) whenever the DTD "/guide.dtd" is used in an XML file.

Hope this helps.

On Tuesday 27 May 2003 02:19 pm, Mauro Sciaccaluga wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am a new user to axkit. I like it!! It works great!!! I need just your
> assistance for a thing i cannot handle very well.
> Please let me tell you what it happens.
> I have some .xml file that I want to parse automatically by apache (thanks
> to axkit naturally) I succeeded to do this. but I have had to change
> (to add) a thing in these files to get them work:
> Before there was just:
> I have both these files: guide.dtd and guide.xsl
> If I put the stylesheet tag axkit parse this file correctly. How can I tell
> axkit to use by default the guide.xsl for my xml with just the !DOCTYPE
> tag??
> These are my apache.conf (httpd.conf):
> ..
> ..
> ..
> PerlModule AxKit
> AddHandler axkit .xml
> #AddHandler axkit .xsp
> #AddHandler axkit .dkb
> AxDebugLevel 10
> PerlSetVar AxXPSInterpolate 1
> AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::LibXSLT
> --
> Definitely... I don't know much about .dtd files.. please someone helps
> me!!
> :-) thanks a lot!!
> buh bye
> ---------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: RFC: AxKit::XSP::Graph

2003-04-02 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Unfortunately, the Real World© has struck yet again.  The system administrator 
here has left for medical reasons, and so I'm having to dust off my old 
sysadmin hat and take over for him.  Since that's a full-time job, my XSP 
work has essentially halted.  Since I already have a semi-useful graphing 
solution (using Apache::GDGraph), the creation of an XSP-based graphing 
solution is way low on my priority list.

Has anyone else come up with anything useful?

On April 2, 2003 03:52 pm, Schuetz, David wrote:
> Has any progress been made on this?  I'm now at a point where the last part
> of my prototype I have to convert from php/jpgraph is the graphing/charting
> part.
> At the very least, for an interim solution, can anyone show me an easy way
> to do all the GD::Graph stuff in XSP and then send the binary output
> directly to the browser?
> I'm able to do a very simple bar-graph in XSP, but when I get to the final
> output stage (like "print $graph->gd->png();"), the data comes through all
> verschimmeled (specifically, 0xC2's seem to get added at random in the
> stream).
> I've tried modifying my A:X:L:FOP (itself a poorly-modified PassiveTeX),
> but I can't figure out how to get the binary data to it.  If I try to
> finish up my XSP with something like print
> $graph->gd->png() (notice the subtle jEdit twitch), then I get errors
> about invalid UTF-8 / XML encoding (because, of course, the output of the
> XSP is no longer XML but is instead PNG data).
> Is there a way that I can "return" raw PNG data and have an output module
> grab it and send it to the browser?  Can I do this w/out having to take an
> intermediate temp file step (which I'd really rather avoid)?  If so, then
> why do I even need the extra A:X:L (or whatever) step?  (for this interim
> solution, I'd ultimately prefer a simple, in-the-XSP method to send the
> data back).
> And, of course, the longer-term solution is what was discussed last month
> (XCL or whatever it's called this week :) ).  I figure there are three
> stages to this:
> * Raw GD::Graph code in XSP, somehow returning image data directly to the
> browser
> * a GD::Graph taglib abstracting GD::Graph functions in XML, and it does
> the returning magic
> * a new language that can be serialized to svg or png or whatver
> Michael Nachbaur -- if you've got any work done on this, I'd love a copy
> that I can muck about with.
> Thanks!
> david.
> -
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Re: [Fwd: Re: Module stats]

2003-01-03 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Robin Berjon wrote:

I thought you guys would be interested in this. Ok, that's only circa 
0.02% of the sites running Apache (and going offline 
knocked around 120 sites off that list), but hey 769 seems rather good 
to me.

That also doesn't include all the sites running from behind a reverse 
proxy, like mine do.

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[Business] Anyone need AxKit Hosting?

2002-12-05 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
AxKittens, I'm sorry for spamming the AxKit community for something like 
this, but it's honestly not because I'm a money grubbing capitalist that 
wants to prey off his community.  :)

I'm a sysadmin at an ISP, and I'm rebuilding my main webserver machine 
(it's been config-tweaked to death, and is becoming difficult to 
manage).  As a result I'm spec'ing out a new machine to use for web 
hosting.  So far, I'm going to run PHP and ASP/FrontPage (*shudder*) on it.

I would like to ask you guys if you think it would be a good idea for me 
to host AxKit sites as well.  I run my own servers to host my personal 
AxKit sites, and I know of many others here who do the same.  So, would 
I be serving the community (as well as myself :) by providing AxKit 
hosting, or is there no demand for it?  I don't want to waste my time 
(of which there is very little available) supporting a service that 
won't be used, but at the same time I'd hate to see AxKit newbies move 
on to PHP just because there was nowhere they could host it.

If you think this isn't appropriate for the list, just mail me directly; 
I'll accept flames, as long as they're intelligently written. ;)


Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

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Re: named stylesheets

2002-11-30 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Eric Stockbridge wrote:

and as long as I am asking, what are the pro's con's of choosing


AFAIK many search engines don't index pages that have a query string 
(with the notable exception of Google).  As well, though I've never done 
this myself, it should be possible to use PathInfo in your stylesheets 
to create links to alternate styles by using relative links.  For example:

  printable version

Printable isn't an actual file, but the browser should just tack that on 
the end of your URI.  If you use the 
Apache::AxKit::Plugin::AddXSLParams::Request AxKit plugin this then 
becomes unnecessary, because you can then access your URI parameters 
through XSL parameters; I personally prefer this method.

This is pure opinion on my part, but I feel that the path to your 
content should not include formatting options. (e.g. 
/articles/networking/firewalls.xml)  Any formatting changes to your URI 
 should IMHO go in query parameters, so as to not alter the path to 
your content (since, really, the content hasn't changed, you're just 
displaying it in some different way).  This is why I use the QueryString 


Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

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Re: named stylesheets

2002-11-30 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Eric Stockbridge wrote:

how can I name stylesheets for use with
Apache::AxKit::StyleChooser::PathInfo ?

This is a bit of an RTFM question, but I'll answer it anyway.

There are essentially two ways you can approach this.  If you are using 
httpd.conf or .htaccess files to associate stylesheets with your XML 
(using the AxAdd*Processor directives), then the following will apply 
(taken straight from the AxKit documentation):

 AxAddProcessor text/xsl /styles/webpage_screen.xsl
 AxAddProcessor text/xsl /styles/webpage_printable.xsl

This example assumes that all your files in a given directory will be 
processed by the same stylesheet.  If you need to selectively associate 
a particular type of XML file with their own stylesheet, then you can 
use the other AxAdd*Processor directives.  For instance:

 AxAddRootProcessor text/xsl /styles/webpage_screen.xsl page
 AxAddRootProcessor text/xsl /styles/book_screen.xsl book
 AxAddRootProcessor text/xsl /styles/webpage_printable.xsl page
 AxAddRootProcessor text/xsl /styles/book_printable.xsl book

Assuming you have two different types of XML content in your site, one 
whose root element is , while the other's root element is . 
 This will automagically assign a different XSL stylesheet with your 
XML depending on the name of that root element.  See the documentation 
for more Apache directives like those above.

Now, if you're using PIs in your XML files to associate stylesheets, 
there is a similar process you must go through.

Here is a snippet from an actual XSP page of mine that has three views - 
the default HTML view, a printable version of the HTML and a 
"pretty-printed" XML representation (redraws the raw XML color-coded for 


type="text/xsl" title="print" alternate="yes"?>

type="text/xsl" title="prettyxml" alternate="yes"?>

The first stylesheet just associates this XML file with the XSP 
processor.  The next three  PIs all have the added 
"title" attribute.  The "default" title (and I'm assuming the absense of 
the alternate attribute) means this is - you guessed it - the default. 
The others, since they're defined as alternates, can be accessed by 
their titles.

I find the first method (using .htaccess files) much more flexible, but 
more cumbersome when you have a bunch of XSP pages that all need custom 


Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

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Draft ESQL article

2002-11-14 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hello AxKittens!  I've been pretty well immersed in ESQL/XSP for the 
past few weeks, and have picked up quite a few tricks along the way.  I 
spent a little while the other day jotting these down into an article, 
and have placed it on the web.  It's still very much a work-in-progress, 
but I thought you would like to see it to comment on.  If you have any 
changes, suggestions or corrections to make, please let me know.  I may 
be stating the obvious in this article, but I think it might help 
quasi-newbies to get a firm footing.

This was written using OpenOffice, so if anyone would like to make 
changes, I can get you the original file.



Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

PGP Public Key at
PGP Key fingerprint = 83DC 7C3A 3084 6A21 9A3F  801E D974 AFB4 BFD7 2B6F

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Announce: AxKit::XSP::BasicSession 0.15

2002-11-14 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/N/NA/NACHBAUR/AxKit-XSP-BasicSession-0.15.tar.gz
  size: 8024 bytes
   md5: 075b6c552ca042f51b3366c864e6a32a

From the Changes file:

0.15  Thu Nov 14 11:03:48 PST 2001
- Fixed cookie handling when dealing with multiple cookies bearing
  the same name

0.14  Wed Nov 13 13:58:52 PST 2001
- Added cookie customization parameters to A:A:P:BasicSession
- Changed Apache parameter names to use "BasicSession" to prevent
  stomping on other session management libraries

0.13  Tue Nov 12 12:45:07 PST 2001
- Added Apache::AxKit::Plugin::AddXSLParams::BasicSession


Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

PGP Public Key at
PGP Key fingerprint = 83DC 7C3A 3084 6A21 9A3F  801E D974 AFB4 BFD7 2B6F

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Announce: AxKit::XSP::BasicSession 0.13

2002-11-12 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hello all.  This is a feature addition release.  None of the existing 
functionality has changed, though I have added the plugin 
Apach::AxKit::Plugin::AddXSLParams::Session, using Kip Hampton's 
A:A:P:A:Request as a template.  Now you can access your session keys 
from inside XSL stylesheets.  (Woot!)

I'm going to release it to CPAN sometime today (hopefully), but for 
those of you who can't wait, you can get it at my website.


Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

PGP Public Key at
PGP Key fingerprint = 83DC 7C3A 3084 6A21 9A3F  801E D974 AFB4 BFD7 2B6F

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Re: A:X:PerForm single-select with

2002-11-02 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Matt Sergeant wrote:

On Friday, Nov 1, 2002, at 22:33 Europe/London, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:

I simply love the  and  additions to PerForm; 
this solves many of the reasons why I had been reluctant to use 
PerForm.  I simply love PerForm now, especially since I realized I can 
use ESQL inside my PerForm callbacks to do validation and updates.

I don't think I've seen these additions. Is there a patch floating 
around somewhere or am I suffering from goldfish-brain syndrome again?

Well, it's supported in A:X:PF 1.6, so I don't know if it's a special 
patch or anything, but, here's a snippet.  If you want a better example 
(showing AxKit::XSP::Session, AxKit::XSP::ESQL and AxKit::XSP::PerForm 
all playing nice with eachother), lemme know.


  SELECT * FROM Account







Some of PerForm was never finished, and never tested. You may be in 
unchartered territories. So please, patch away and send in your results! 
Thanks ;-)

:-)  Patch made and sent to axkit-devel.


Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

PGP Public Key at
PGP Key fingerprint = 83DC 7C3A 3084 6A21 9A3F  801E D974 AFB4 BFD7 2B6F

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A:X:PerForm single-select with

2002-11-01 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
I simply love the  and  additions to PerForm; this 
solves many of the reasons why I had been reluctant to use PerForm.  I 
simply love PerForm now, especially since I realized I can use ESQL 
inside my PerForm callbacks to do validation and updates.

I'm working on an administrative interface to manage a bandwidth 
accounting system, and need to provide a drop-down select box on a list 
of records.  I was flying along at top-speed slamming out this XSP page 
when I put  inside my  element, only to 
realize that single-select doesn't support it.  Aaack!  On further 
reflection, it also seems to not support  as well.

Is there any way to work around this?  Is there a profound reason why 
single-select wasn't updated, or was it just forgotten?

Thanks.  I'm willing to jump in and patch PerForm if necessary, but I'd 
like to have a heads-up before I blunder along a path others may have 
already tread before.


Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

PGP Public Key at
PGP Key fingerprint = 83DC 7C3A 3084 6A21 9A3F  801E D974 AFB4 BFD7 2B6F

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ANN: AxKit::XSP::BasicSession 0.12

2002-10-28 Thread Michael A Nachbaur
Hello all,

It's almost a full year since I released AxKit::XSP::Session, and have 
learned a great deal about making XSP taglibs since then.  I was working 
on a project that, due to some technical issues beyond my control, no 
longer needed sessions, and therefore I didn't have the time to maintain 
my codebase.

This weekend, I took it upon myself to finally fix my ailing code 
(mainly because I needed to use sessions for a new project ;-)

I tried using Jörg's session taglib, but couldn't get it to work for my 
project.  His taglib module seemed a bit overkill for what I wanted to 
do, so I threw my broken XSP taglib out the window and rewrote it using 
TaglibHelper.  As far as my testing has gone, I believe to have ironed 
out the big bugs.

Another thing I set out to fix was the namespace conflict between Jörg's 
and my module, both of them trying to use the same package name and URI. 
 I therefore renamed AxKit::XSP::Session to AxKit::XSP::BasicSession, 
since it does very little compared to the new A:X:Session package.  The 
URI has also changed to, 
since I'm not 100% compliant with the Cocoon2 specification.

You can download the new module at :

If some of you would be willing to try it out and give me some feedback, 
before I submit this to CPAN, I'd appreciate it.  Particularly, I'd like 
comments on my changes to the namespace and package names.



Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

PGP Public Key at
PGP Key fingerprint = 83DC 7C3A 3084 6A21 9A3F  801E D974 AFB4 BFD7 2B6F

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Re: Yet Another AxKit Badge

2002-10-13 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Christopher H. Laco wrote:
> Fresh from the why-don't-you-stop-complaining-and-contribute department...
> I've made a powered by badge similiar to the ones at
> They still need some compression tweaking. In both GIF and PNG versions.
> P.S. Could someone mirror these for a spell. The servers aren't going to
> be 24/7 until next weekend?


Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

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PGP Key fingerprint = 83DC 7C3A 3084 6A21 9A3F  801E D974 AFB4 BFD7 2B6F

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Re: Callisto CMS

2002-09-19 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Alex McLintock wrote:
> Someone recently mentioned Callisto CMS as a CMS which worked with AxKit.
> Since I am looking for more AxKit examples I thought I would check it out.
> Buit the online demo is down, and I can't find any kind of support email 
> address.

There is a support mailing list for callisto at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (go to to 
subscribe), as well as my personal email address.  There's also a link 
to the sourceforge page for Callisto under the "Getting CallistoCMS" 
section of the website.

Also, AFAIK the demo is running (it works for me at least).

> Anyone have more info on Callisto?

The version of Callisto running in the online demo is actually pretty 
old - I'm going to install the newer version today or tomorrow.  If you 
have installation problems, there is an installation guide (that isn't 
finished) included with the distribution, as well as the mailing list 
archive which may help.

If you have anymore questions, send an email to the Callisto mailing 
list, so that we don't spam all the AxKittens. :)

Michael A Nachbaur

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Re: ANNOUNCE: Callisto CMS 1.0 RC2 released

2002-07-04 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

*sigh* I forgot to point you to the files.

Here's the Sourceforge project page for Callisto:

If you're one of the unfortunate out there who are being blocked from
Sourceforge by SmartFilter, I've placed the tarball on the Callisto
website as well:


OpenSource: Every now and then, you get what you don't pay for.

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ANNOUNCE: Callisto CMS 1.0 RC2 released

2002-07-03 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Callisto CMS 1.0 RC2 adds a bunch of new features to the previous release.
The two biggies are improved performance and directory navigation.

The entire way configuration files are being managed has been gutted and
refactored, so now all configuration data is being read on server startup,
rather than per-request.  This means if any changes are made to Callisto's
configuration files, you need to restart Apache, but that's IMHO a small price
to pay for the speed boost.

Directory navigation has been added.  Instead of only seeing your site from
the user's perspective, you can now browse files as if you were using
Nautilus or Explorer.  You can add/delete/rename files and directories,
you have a sidebar tree of your filesystem, and I'm currently working on
multiple views (e.g. list, icon, details, etc).

There are some other smaller changes in there, but that's the jist of it.

Version 1.0-rc2 -- Wednesday, July 03 2002
  - Major performance enhancements (removed URIHandler, and
moved configuration logic to Apache  sections)
  - Added a sidebar filesystem tree
  - Added a directory listing for filesystem browsing, file
and directory creation, deletion and renaming
  - Performance enhancements to the SitemapTitle code
  - Made some minor changes to the sample site
  - Turned off debugging to FilesystemPie and SitemapTitle

OpenSource: Every now and then, you get what you don't pay for.

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XML::XPath usage (was Re: Using XML::LibXML in an XSP page)

2002-05-16 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

> yuck indeed. For id() to work you need the attribute defined as an ID
> type in the local subset:

I actually tracked the problem down.  It was working, but as I use
XML::XPath to modify, then save the document, the XML prolog and DOCTYPE
definitions were getting lost.  That was wreaking all sorts of havoc,
with not having the DTD associated with the document, and with character
set problems.

Is there any better way to output XML from an XPath object, other than


This only returns XML from the root-element down, and I lose my PIs,
DOCTYPE and Prolog.  I could string-munge the original document, and
just prepend that to the XML returned from as_string(), but that sounds
very crufty.

> > Thanks everyone, and sorry for the spam.
> Spam? So it's *you* sending it all eh? I hope that Nigerian Scam is
> making you a lot of money, because it's driving me nuts.

Ha!  I would never presume to be that evil...only a little evil (e.g. I
run Windows2k in a VMWare window.  *shudder* Photoshop is still nice and
fast though)


Michael A Nachbaur

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Using XML::LibXML in an XSP page

2002-05-16 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Hello all.  I'm having a bit of difficulty with XML::LibXML.

I need to be able to open and manipulate a DOM tree from within an XSP
page, preferably with XPath.  I would prefer to use XML::LibXML, but in
reading the documentation, it said quite plainly that libxml2's options
are global.  So, since I'm using XML::LibXML in AxKit, if I try to use
that module to parse a separate document in an XSP page, AxKit's
callback subroutines are called instead.

Is there any way to work around that limitation to do what I want?  All
I need to do is load an XML file, make a few changes, then spit it back
out to a file.

I've been using XML::XPath for this, and although its a tad slow, it's
been working fine for me.  But now I'm processing 150k+ XML documents,
and XML::XPath takes *forever* to do some of the simplest operations.

Right now I'm taking a sledge-hammer approach.  I'm trying to find an
element by an ID.  I haven't been able to get the id() XPath function
and getElementById subroutine to work, so I'm doing a

a) Does anyone have any idea on how I can get XML::LibXML to work along
side AxKit? b) Anyone know of an alternative XML parser that has
reasonably good support for XPath? c) Anyone know what I'm doing wrong
with the id() and/or getElementById functions? I've defined a DTD for
the document, but XML::XPath doesn't seem to ever generate it's array of

Thanks everyone, and sorry for the spam.


Michael A Nachbaur

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Re: Regarding the differences between AxKit and Cocoon

2002-05-16 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

On Wed, 15 May 2002, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Wed, 15 May 2002, Truong, Nghia Huu wrote:
> > On the behalf of my company I have tried to do some research on
> > different types of content management tools on the Internet and I
> > have found a lot of them. During this research
> > I came across AxKit and Cocoon, and they both seemed to be great
> > frameworks. Since this is the mailinglist for AxKit, I would like
> > know if anyone of you may enlight me with
> > the main differences between AxKit and Cocoon.
> AxKit is written in C and Perl. Cocoon is written in Java.

I'd add to this that since AxKit is written in C and Perl, it is a lot
more free-form than Java.  Not to say that it's ad-hoc; quite the
contrary.  But, following the Perl motto TIMTOWTDI, you can control and
use AxKit in various ways, depending on how you need to use it.

And, I find it to be way faster, but I haven't done any official
benchmarks, so don't take this comment as official.


Michael A Nachbaur

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Re: httpd.conf

2002-03-28 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

This threw me at first too.  Mandrake Linux comes default with Apache
configured using the proxied mod_perl method that is recommended in the
mod_perl Guide.  So, any perl requests are proxied to a separate apache
process running on port 8200.

commonhttpd.conf is common to both processes. httpd.conf is the Apache
process running on port 80, and httpd-perl.conf is the one running on 

I'm not sure exactly how to make it proxy AxKit requests, since I only
use Mandrake as my development/desktop machine (I go straight to port

Hope this helps.

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 08:20, Ray Carlino wrote:
> when using the new conf files
> commonhttpd.conf
> httpd-perl.conf
> httpd.conf
> Which one do you put the perlmodule lines
> PerlModule AxKit
> AddHandler axkit .xml
> AddHandler axkit .xsp
> AddHandler axkit .dkb
> AxDebugLevel 10
> PerlSetVar AxXPSInterpolate 1
> Ray
> -
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Michael A Nachbaur

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[ANNOUNCE] Old Session plugin deprecated

2002-03-28 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

With Jörg's new session plugin announcement, I'm declaring my session
plugin officially deprecated.  The main project I've been working on for
the past 5 months makes heavy use of frames, which basically toasts any
attempt to use Apache::Session (and all derivitives), so I haven't had
any time to improve or fix my session module.

If anyone submits patches to me, I'll try to keep it current, but I'd
recommend JW's plugin, unless you have a compelling reason to use mine.


Michael A Nachbaur

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[OT] VIM syntax file for XSP

2002-03-14 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Sorry for the OT post, but does anyone have a VIM syntax file for
XSP/Perl?  I tried building one myself, but those config files are
voodoo to me.

I know the HTML::Mason syntax file uses a combination of the HTML and
Perl syntax files, and just groups them together.  Perhaps the same
could be (has been) done for XSP?


Michael A Nachbaur

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Re: HTTP_USER_AGENT as a parameter?

2002-03-11 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

> Now that i think about it... are the request/server/environment vars
> something that folks will want, in general, to be available to their
> stylesheets? If so, and I get enough "+1"s here, I'd be willing to ram
> out and CPAN a Plugin that does all that stuff...


I don't know how many times I've had to do cheap hacks to gain access to
this sort of information.


Michael A Nachbaur

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Re: AxKit Sessions taglib

2002-03-03 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

On Sun, 2002-03-03 at 10:38, Tod Harter wrote:
> On Sunday 03 March 2002 06:36, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 12:27:09PM +0100, J?rg Walter wrote:
> > > > I am looking for a sessions hqndling taglib that would handle cookies
> > > > too. Anybody know where to find one? Thanks a lot,
> > >
> > > On my harddisk, and it's a good one, too. Does Automatic fallback to URL
> > > tracking if cookies are not available. If I put it on CPAN tomorrow,
> > > would that be OK? Otherwise i'd send you a preview.
> >
> > oh, yes please. can you put on CPAN and also on a web site
> > for the impatient amongst us?
> The existing Session taglib also includes an AxKit plugin that does uses 
> cookies to set Apache::Session objects. Sounds like JW has a better 
> implementation, but if you have AxKit::XSP::Session you can already do what 
> you want.

Yes, this taglib was written before JW's, and was intened just as a
quick substitute while his (IMHO) better taglib was written.  JW and I
have discussed and coordinated our development, and have both decided
that once his session module is finished, mine is to become deprecated.


Michael A Nachbaur

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[OT] XML::XPath usage

2002-02-28 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

This isn't an AxKit question, but I don't know where else to ask.

I'm using XML::XPath to modify an XML document.  I'm loading the
document, tweaking elements, and saving it back out to a file.  (If
anyone has better ideas for this, I'd like to know).

I can edit elements just fine, but now I'm trying to move elements
around (e.g., moving an element up or down one, or deleting elements). 
I can't figure out how to do this with XML::XPath.  Any help would be


Michael A Nachbaur

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Re: New AxKit Guide

2002-02-27 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 02:07, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> I've now gotten permission from O'Reilly to publish the AxKit Guide that I
> wrote as an appendix to one of their upcoming books. It needed a bit of
> fixup for AxKit publishing (as the original is in POD, ugh!), so there may
> be some buggettes here and there (like the fact that footnotes aren't
> linked up yet), but it should be fairly useful to new users.
> Please let me know what you think - if all is good I'll add a link from
> the sidebar.

Good job!  I think this is perfect for the sidebar.  Do you forsee this
growing into something like the mod_perl Guide?  


Michael A Nachbaur

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Re: search engine indexing

2002-02-15 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Well, as long as the generated HTML complies with the search engine
indexing rules, you should be fine.  Try to avoid using the query string
(at least for the important aspects of your site), and make liberal use
of the  tags.  If you do need to pass information to your XSP
pages, you can always use the Path_Info field (e.g. /foo.xsp/argument). 
For instance, I have "Printable" versions of every page, so on those
pages I set the following tag in the header:

Setting your "Keywords" and "Description" meta tags wouldn't hurt

Just my USD$0.02.

Michael A Nachbaur

On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 21:03, Ray wrote:
> I am creating an xml based dynamic web site using axkit and need to know
> how the major search engines handle indexing dynamic xml pages? I know
> they have problems with asp because of the ? characters.
> Thanks for your help
> Ray

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[OT] XML::LibXML "Can't call method _fix_extra"

2002-02-06 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Sorry for the OT message, but I couldn't figure where else I'd find a large
group of people who use XML::LibXML (and I didn't want to email Matt

I have a series of Apache handlers (Perl{Trans,Access,Authen}Handler) that
all use XML::LibXML to load external configuration files to determine things
like authentication, authorization, etc.  I've run into a strange problem
that I haven't found documented anywhere.

My code runs fine the first request.  However, On the second request I get
the following message in my error_log:

[error] Can't call method "_fix_extra" on an undefined value at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/XML/ line 202.

I have libxml2 2.4.13 and XML::LibXML 1.31.  These handlers are defined at
the  level, while I have AxKit defined at a  level
under that.  The only handler I'm getting this error in is the
PerlTransHandler, but as its the first handler called, none of the other
handlers are called.  Any6way, the TransHandler I've defined creates one
XML::LibXML parser, and loads two XML documents (e.g. I load one XML file,
undef it's document handle, then load a second under a different variable,
then undef it as well).  It sounds like a garbage collection problem to me,
but I can't seem to track it down.  I only have a basic understanding of XS,
and the rest is voodoo to me.

Any help would be appreciated.

Michael A Nachbaur

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Re: returning a y:tag from x: taglib (fwd)

2002-01-12 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

> > I would think this is the kind of application where you would want
> > pipelines... In other words you could have 2 levels of XSP processing,
> > first level can deal with taglib x, and the 2nd can deal with taglib y.
> > many cases you can simply use 2 namespaces and combined functionality of
> > several taglibs, but there are cases like PerForm where that may not be
> > good solution, so hence deeper pipelines, maybe even something like
XSP ->
> > XSLT -> more XSP -> more XSLT...
> Ugh, SAX based is faster and cleaner. IMHO, of course. SAX based taglib
> combining is done in parallel, compiled, and just plain works. The code is
> simple. Really simple.

I disagree.  I think this is another example of procedural vs. functional
programming.  XSLT is a functional langauge, Perl is procedural.  I would
much rather componentize my work in small, re-usable chunks, and to hell
with performance.  My time is more valuable than an extra server or two.

So, I would like to have an XSP page describe, for instance, the structure
of a form.  Then, have an XSL stylesheet process that form to do the grunt
work of setting up the validation rules, database accesses, etc.  The XSL
stylesheet could then output another XSP page which handles the actual form
(which is displayed by a final XSL stylesheet).  Want to have repeatable
elements in your input form?  Its just an extra parameter to the XSL
stylesheet and a @repeatable="true" in your first XSP page, and it adds more
validation code for that field.  It would save me quite a bit of time, and
is still clean (XSLT is a lot easier than

Therefore, I think this way of doing things is still valid.  Is there any
way of implementing this?  (I don't see why not, except the Perl code from
the second XSP page couldn't be cached).


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Re: session taglib

2002-01-11 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

> I am not sure how to load a session, instead of creating a new one.
> Suppose I use the cookie taglib to save the session ID,  and everything
> about the user in the session -- how would I get all the data about
> the user, once I receive his ID from the cookie ?

Well, the session taglib actually comes in two parts:
a) the taglib, which gives you access to an already-loaded session, and
b) the plugin that loads/creates the session.

The taglib doesn't currently support sessions creates inside your XSP page
(so, using the cookie taglib to set the session ID won't do anything).
Apache::AxKit::Plugins::Session will load any existing session data, if you
configure it to point to the appropriate data store, and your cookie ID
matches the one used by the Session plugin (I think it uses SESSION_ID).
Look at the POD documentation for Apache::AxKit::Plugins::Session for
information on how to configure it.

The idea behind this taglib, was to make session access transparent to the
XSP developer; no special code needs to be added to an XSP page to enable

Does this answer your question?  If not, feel free to ask again.


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Re: Site-search tools friendly with AxKit?

2002-01-08 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

> I did succeed in getting htdig to work for me, exactly as you suggest.
> Step one is calling htsearch from a simple Apache::Registry file (just a
> pipe).
> Step two is writing templates in XML instead of HTML.
> Step three is some search and replace because htdig inserts HTML form
> tags in HTML syntax.
> Step four is using the Apache::Filter stuff.

Any chance you can post the htdig output templates that you used?  I'm
thinking of outputting either RDF or RSS (can't remember off the top of my
head which is more applicable for search results), but having a starting
place would be helpful.


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Site-search tools friendly with AxKit?

2002-01-06 Thread Michael A Nachbaur

Is anyone familiar with any search/indexing programs that are
AxKit-friendly?  I'm looking at ht://Dig, but there's no way I'll be able to
integrate it with AxKit without some serious hacks.

Are there any good indexing / searching programs available that I could plug
in with AxKit?  For instance, something callable from an XSP page, or some
mod_perl handler that I can use Apache::Filter?

What I'm looking for is something that, when it performs a search and comes
up with results, that I can pass through an XSL stylesheet to display search
results using my look&feel.

Thanks in advance.

Michael A Nachbaur

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