strawberries and cow horns

2003-07-15 Thread SBruno75
Point one:   here on eastern Long Island we have the only commercial 
bd/organic strawberry patch.  I have just learned that we were the only farm to even 
have strawberries locally.  The chemical guys never had any fruit.  So you can 
take your voodoo to the bank...

point two:  it was always my impression that the horn wored on the silica or 
the manure the same way it wored on the cow.  The refined digestive process of 
the cows four stomachs is further enhanced by the chewing of cud and during 
that process the earthiness is rayed back in by the horn structure[which arises 
from skin, the most sensitive and largest organ on any creature].  It is via 
the horn that we get this wonderful manure from the cow and in bd we have 
capitalized on this effect for 500/501...sstorch
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Re: Re:501+clay against rust

2003-06-28 Thread SBruno75
To hurt the rust this would be a morning spray, tending toward noon to dry it 
up.  Sing however you please...sstorch
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread SBruno75
Mr. Lovel, what radionic instrument do you recommend???  I will have time to 
work with it this season...sstorch
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Re: NZ GE - Humans / chimeras

2003-06-23 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 6/18/03 5:06:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 embryo splitting and embryo selection, and the creation of human/animal 
hybrids for research purposes. 

that was the lat straw on Atlantis, build an ark...sstorch
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Re: Aphid control

2003-06-23 Thread SBruno75
aphids, we have severl beneficials that eat them.  try a milk and honey/ bc / 
501 spray to attract beneficial insects...sstorch
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2003-06-23 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 6/20/03 3:53:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Also, has anyone on the list made an anaerobic tea from equisetum? I 
think it w.b.nice to have 50gals of fermented equisetum sitting 
around, but would this be of prep quality? 

equisetum:  make the tea and remove the leaves, that helps depress the 
intense anaerobic situation.  I drop an airstone in and bubble it up with a small 
aquarium air pump.  sstorch
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Re: Can error be turned to advantage?

2003-06-18 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 6/16/03 8:51:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In my experience the energy of a place can be changed in a number of 
ways, sometimes simply, sometimes esoterically. Simplistically, I 
suppose I could say that whenever a plant is put in the ground it has 
the potential to change the energy, or change the manner in which 
inherent energy works, one way or another.

For now I'll keep it simple. A few days ago I referred to the double 
spiral (vortex) in your 'Spiral Astrology' on your website. Think about 
that image for a moment. Walk anywhere there are trees and I guarantee 
you will find one or more that have twisted bark or branches that splay 
out in an unnatural circular manner. I'm sure you know the sort of thing 
I mean.  Usually the cause is a pure energy vortex (in many cases a 
double vortex) which has positive polarity. That means the energy swirls 
clockwise and goes down into the ground. The energy itself is cooled and 
is being 'pulled' into the vortex from distances that depend on its 
size, and in the process that twists trees and shrubs (harming or 
killing them over long periods of time) and anything else which happens 
to be in the way, and is generally harmful for the soil making things 
harder to grow. 

I was under the impresson that the twisting had to do with the trees 
orientation to its etheric body or the group soul of the tree.  That is interesting 
that you are saying it is an energy vortex.  I'll have to give this some 
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Re: Preps 500 and 501 Effects as they relate to Sequential Spraying

2003-06-06 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 6/5/03 4:05:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What am I doing when I do a sequential spray sequence?  Can someone
explain it to me the way Hugh Lovell is explaining in his post on 500
and 501, but in not quite so difficult a conceptual framewor 

Hi Merla, spray the 501 in the sequence as Courtney reccommends.  It would be 
fine to add the horn clay remedy to the mix, I would get some and add to 500, 
bc, and 501.  You do not need to separate.  It is fine to spray in the woods 
or on the edge. What you are doing with a sequential spray is to organize the 
energy of earth and atmosphere to moderate forces involved with weather 
formation and the formation of due.  This works strongly through the realm of the 
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Re: small farm needed

2003-06-06 Thread SBruno75
Look in Tennessee...sstorch
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Re: Introduction

2003-05-31 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 5/30/03 6:38:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steve = I got all that. Let's hear about Arjen's experiences, ok? 
Sounds like he's working with some people who are onto something.  

ok, I'll shut up and lurk for a
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Re: Introduction

2003-05-31 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 5/31/03 3:46:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In Holland lots of BDfarmers have been using preparations over a long 
period of time, without ever seeing any results. Some subsequently quit 
using them (until recently, use of preparations was not obligotary 
according to Dutch Demeter Standards) at all, and others continued using 
them without much enthousiasm. Since a lot of these farmers have learnt how 
to access the etheric realm in different ways, and actually experienced 
results from these actions, they work much more enthousiastically with the 
etheric forces on their lands. One can ask oneself if that 'is BD'; it is 
not BD in the rigid sense strictly according to what Steiner delivered in 
the AgC; in my opinion it is BD because it aims for the same objectives 
('develop' the etheric realm, cultivating on an etheric level) and should 
be seen as new, free developments of the biodynamic approach of agriculture. 

How were these bd preps used???  What is a typical spray regime???  I find it 
hard to believe that these things don't work if properly applied.  My sense 
for this region is that silica is the dominant preparation needed.  I would 
base my whole spray regime on 501.  I imagine that 508, equisetum should also be 
a premier spray.  In European biodynamic practice they got into using these 
dry compost preps and the biology was too altered and the results were not 
there.  Biodynamics is about utilizing all the forces / energies not just the 
etheric.  If it were just etheric we would have everything plump and round and too 
mushy.  We need the astrality and also is the idea of bringing ego to the farm 
individuality and the soil, somewhat liberating soil and plant from the 
cosmic events that plants are so dependent on.

Here is a Dutch spray regime I recommend:
start in the Fall:
1.  bc  2.  500/508  3.  501  4.  bc/508  5.  501/508
if time permits repeat before Christmas in readiness for Three King's prep
6Jan:  Spray Three King's preparation.
late winter:  1.  501  2.  bc  3.  500/508/bc  4.  501/508
spring :  repeat
late spring:  repeat.   Milk'n'Honey/501/508/bc spray [attracts beneficial 
early summer:  1.  501  2.  508  3.  bc/500/508  4.  501/508
midsummer:  repeat
late summer:  repeat
early fall:  1.  500/bc/508  2.  501  3.  bc/508  4.  501/508
late fall:  repeat cycle
If you need one, I have stirring machines or you can plug in a UAI  
fieldbroadcaster and sit in your easy-chair...sstorch 

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Re: Introduction

2003-05-30 Thread SBruno75

Welcome Arjen Huese, sounds like you can add some great energy to the list.  
I too have been working with orgone, bd remedies and the ideas of Schauberger. 
 We will have to share some experiences of the soil...stephen storch
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Re: Introduction

2003-05-30 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 5/29/03 10:15:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hey, what do you use to accumulate orgone for a field or farm?

The farmer is the best orgone accumulator, next a chembuster device as 
discussed a few months ago, see yer archives...sstorch
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2003-04-03 Thread SBruno75
Well I like machine stirring.  The big question today is how many folks that 
started a greg willis program are still on it, granted that a stirring 
machine can sit unused too but it tends to get used more than hand stirring 
for 100acres or more...sstorch
In a message dated 4/2/03 9:10:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hugh Lovel said he likes human-powered BD prep stirring
that is done with a tripod stirrer over a barrell, the kind made
by Greg Willis, that they made a real nice vortex.  These were
in use at Topolos Vineyard in Sonoma County.

Slide #3 and #4 in the RealSlideShow on my farm home
web page shows the tripod stirring device and the vortex,
from the Biodynamic Viticulture Field Day at Topolos
Vineyard a few years back when Hugh was teaching with
Peter Proctor over at Steiner College.

Re: Buddy, Can you paradigm?

2003-04-03 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 4/2/03 8:24:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

you think that kelp is natural, but I'll tell you, there's nothing 
natural at all about beef eating seaweed. 

Tell the farmer that New England farmers would often bring their cows down to 
the beach to snack on seaweed, not so far out...sstorch

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-03 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 4/1/03 6:15:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  OK Steve (and any others that would like to comment) - I'll try this - a
couple of questions though -
1. will this stirred water hold the energy pattern long enough to use it in
a vial in the broadcaster (weeks or months) - that doesn't work with stirred
preps ? Otherwise I need to make your 'stirred water 'card.  

answer:  It may hold the energy for a considerable time, you should 
experiment with it though, dowse it, and see how it goes, make a card anyway.

2. three of us are putting down some horns (of 500) this weekend and I'd
like to include some clay, you have some different ideas on clay - any
suggestions ?
these are some options
:: bentonite - its easy but I'd rather use local paddock reared clay
:: I have a nice maroon clay from our subsoil layer - sticky and extremely
dense, mostly magnesium it comes from about 6 to 18 inches deep in the
:: a yellowish sticky but highly dispersive, high sodium clay from our deep
:: black pond muck - you talked about this stuff a while back  - its a black
silty clay that settles in the bottom of our farm water storage dams -
powerful stuff - very nutrient rich - has some humic material included from
organic wash in
answer:  I woud go with the maroon clay and the pond muck, stay away from 
high sodium. Do you have trouble with salts in this clime?  I make a tree 
past type substance and put that through the horn process.
3. we will be doing this in a new pit - any suggestions to pre treat the pit
for a better result - I'd thought to spray it out with stirred 500 before
putting the horns in ? Line the bottom with good compost maybe? What else
answer:  Some bd compost finely screened is good but so is a bc bath to the 
pit and just good old soil.
Thanks for any suggestions 

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-02 Thread SBruno75
I do recommend your pipe.  Phil Wheeler installed one at a consultation I did 
the day after I left.  I endorsed it and will work within the parameters of 
these farmers wishes.  They need to cover 2500 acres and they want good 
results.  They have been 25 years no till and want to see more improvements.  
I have been asking you for some years to make a hand stirred 
reagent/malcom-rae card/fb reagent.  Has that been done???  I even gave you 
some of my bc with 500-508, any report or use of it?  I highly respect what 
you are doing and will take up radionics and field broadcasting in the near 
future when I feel I have my current ducks in a row.  I ask you to make this 
stirred water reagent because you have the experience to see the difference, 
I would need to start from scratch, we don't have the luxury of that kind of 
And as for stirring time I think the hour number was tossed out there by 
Rudy.  With the stirring machine you can observe the patterns in the water 
more readily than with hand stirring.  I have prepared 500 and 501 in about 
10-15 minutes.  I have done this on properties that have never had an 
application with a one hour stir and have achieved obvious results.  I have 
done this with water that has never been heated, cold out of the ground and 
you get results.  There have been many impedences placed by dogmatic/armchair 
anthropop farmers to prevent folks from stirring the easy way.  
The making of the bd preps is an elevation of matter.  The harvest of the 
sheathe material, the plant material, the marriage of the two, the human 
interaction, imagine a bd raised cow with proper feed and care and love and 
bd plants, then making them into these preparations, wow.  Spirit and matter, 
that is what the man was talking about.
Someone out there using radionics and field broadcasters please try making a 
stirred water preparation for these instruments, it would be ashame to wait 
for me to do it.
Keep up the great work...  SStorch 

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-02 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 4/2/03 1:16:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I know soil conservation used to recommend bentonite
for repairing leaky dams and I thought I had heard of a calcium bentonite is
there such a thing ? Maybe my ears were ringing at the time. 

Calcium bentonite is what Greg Willis uses for horn clay.  I use it for clay 
preps and tree paste...  sstorch

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-02 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 4/1/03 9:36:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jeez, Storch! Why not put your clay in a horn? What's the problem? Afraid
it will get some cosmic forces? 

I use clay/manure or clay silica, I use clay caps in 500 and 501,  I am ot 
really sold on horn clay.  Is the horn really the right sheathe???  The Herbe 
clay prep goes inthe bovine esophagus...  sstorch

Fwd: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-02 Thread SBruno75
At 5:28 AM -0500 1/4/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey, I am glad to here that you will get around to actually doing some realm
of the living spraying.  When you make your cards are the preps right out
of the ground or are they stirred?  How can you introduce the stirring
process to radionics and field broadcasting?  Is there a stirred water
card???  Keep on... SStorch

Good on you Steve.  (I would have sent this to BDNow but am blocked 
from posting there these days).
All the preps Steiner gave us to work with were real physical 
substances. (not all living as such, e.g. silica, etc.) but material 
substances.  He could have given us voodoo, magic, prayer, but he 
didn't.  We are working in the physical world, our job is to bring 
the spiritual into the physical.

No spirit without matter
No matter without spirit...

Graeme Gerrard
At 5:28 AM -0500 1/4/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey, I am glad to here that you will get around to actually doing some realm
of the living spraying.  When you make your cards are the preps right out
of the ground or are they stirred?  How can you introduce the stirring
process to radionics and field broadcasting?  Is there a stirred water
card???  Keep on... SStorch

Good on you Steve.  (I would have sent this to BDNow but am blocked 
from posting there these days).
All the preps Steiner gave us to work with were real physical 
substances. (not all living as such, e.g. silica, etc.) but material 
substances.  He could have given us voodoo, magic, prayer, but he 
didn't.  We are working in the physical world, our job is to bring 
the spiritual into the physical.

No spirit without matter
No matter without spirit...
Graeme Gerrard
---End Message---

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-02 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 4/2/03 4:42:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dear Steve,
 I don't know if I have missed something, but what would you perceive as the

essential difference between broadcasting from an egg filled with compost

teas and preps etc, compared to a Hugh Lovel field broadcaster or using a

radionic instrument such as a Bruce Copen, Don Mattioda, Rae or Kelly?

James, according to Schauberger the egg shaped vessel exchanges energies with 
the earth and emits energies from what is within.  The shape by itself 
promotes life, the womb is egg shaped, eggs are egg shaped, they contain 
life.  During this soujourn in the egg in the earth the liquid in the vessel 
is imbued with the fructigenic energies of the earth and the egg shape 
further enhances.  This is most likely similar to the energies that create 
the goodness in cow manure.  If it is stirred for two to three consecutive 
evenings [by electric motor, emf's neutralized by the earth] and then sprayed 
out on the land this enhaces the soil energetically and therefore 
biologically.  Possibly there is no difference between all of these 
contravances, it is simply my choice at this time.  When I have things in 
order, I will take up radionics.


The great advantage of radionic instruments is in the realm of analysis.

There is no comparable method for making comparisons between different

strategies before you use them. Many times I have found that the use of a

particular BD preparation would actually decrease soil vitality. How do you

work out whether homoeopathically potentised sea water will be a better

ionising agent to induce cleaning up of the ether than BD preps.?

When a problem or situation arises in the field I can make a judgement by 
asking myself a question as to how to solve it.  At this point I can whip out 
the pendulum and consciously take a step back and remove myself from the 
decision making process and see what the pendulum says, or I may feel for the 
answer intuitively and instinctively and go with it. 


It is obvious that you see merit in being able to broadcast without actually

having to cover the ground. So at least we are all on common ground with

that one.  The next question is how to measure the effectiveness of the 
broadcast. the

only reliable and cheap method is to use the most sensitive of all

instruments, the human body. This sensitivity of the human body is the basis

of Radionics and Dowsing.

You are obviously using the sensitivity of your antennae system to be able

to declare unequivocally that the range of your broadcast mechanism is

exactly 12000 feet. Is this an arbitrary estimation or do you have an

internal measurement system that is able to measure exactly 12000 ft?

When I set out to define the edge of a broadcast field it is only possible

for me to roughly guess what the distance is, or to use my pendulum to find

the distance.
I do not feel the necessity to measure and catalogue everything.  I know it 
is important.  I am looking at things like soil structure, earthworm 
activity, weeds.  I have dowsed the broadcast distance as well as feeling the 
influence on the farm and seeig the way things respond when sprayed with 
preps with and without the egg filled.


The most common question which beginners will ask about BD is 'how do I know

if it is working'. How do I know what preps to use and when without having

to rely on a cook book solution from whoever is in as the Guru of the day.

Radionics and Dowsing can tell you this. They are tools which can enable a

person to find what is happening in the natural realm of subtle energies,

and it is in the realm of subtle energies that we must delve to be able to

judge radionics.
Observation is the key to learning how these things are working, learninng to 
trust your eyes and instincts first, then I would see what the meter has to 
say. I would not start out in biodyn first with a meter.  You will have your 
eyes all the time on the meter and not on Nature, the soil, the plant.  
Comprehend and copy Nature [Schauberger]

Man does not make the energies that are used in radionics, as he does not

make the energies that he detects or utilises with his antennae system. They

are already there and mankind uses them or focuses them towards what he

desires. You do not create the mechanism for electro magnetic wave

propagation which is being used to broadcast the energies from your amphora,

you are only using the phenomena to be able to focus energy and transmit it

where needed.

I perceive from previous posts a difficulty in reconciling your world view

of substances as being either alive, or not alive. My world view is that

everything is alive therefore I can't see such a dynamic system as

homoeopathy as producing dead substance.
answer:  Yes everything is alive.  There are positive and negative energies 
for each situation.  You need to see what is right for 

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread SBruno75
Hey, I am glad to here that you will get around to actually doing some realm 
of the living spraying.  When you make your cards are the preps right out 
of the ground or are they stirred?  How can you introduce the stirring 
process to radionics and field broadcasting?  Is there a stirred water 
card???  Keep on... SStorch

In a message dated 3/31/03 11:02:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 long term.
Heck I'm not trying to convert you guys to radionics you have no need of
it - just see our side of the story - and try to appreciate why we (or some
of us) are so interested in these other ways of doing things. 

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/31/03 11:21:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Are you meaning cow pat pit or horn clay as the BCR?  


Due to some bs government eyebrow raising on interstate shipments we stopped 
all reference to barrel compost or cow pat manure and call it biodynamic 
compound preparation.  I make mine with a special arrangement of 500-508 with 
clay, not orn clay just clay, I am not sold on horn clay, will make the Hugo 
Herbe clay prep this fall...SStorch 

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/31/03 11:02:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Heck I'm not trying to convert you guys to radionics you have no need of
it - just see our side of the story - and try to appreciate why we (or some
of us) are so interested in these other ways of doing things.
Lloyd Charles 

What about an egg shaped urn buried in the earth, the one I have has a 12,000 
foot influence on the farm and surrounding area.  I fill it with teas of 500, 
bc, 501 508, nettles, etc...sstorch

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-04-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 4/1/03 8:53:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 broadcaster coils and blending with the patterns of the preps held in the
well replicates the role of stirring. cosmic energies coming in through
vortex and chaos to blend with the patterns of the preps. 

I have to dis agree.  If it is not done by the human hand where does the farm 
individuality arise from.  Take ten minutes, stir the water and make the 
reagent,, you owe it to yourself...sstorch

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-03-31 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/30/03 7:08:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 how it can be measured and how it can be

changed using Albrecht/Rheams. 

How can we enhance the vitality using the biodynamic remedies???  By doing 
sequential sprays of 500, 501, and biodynamic compound remedy [bcr] with 
502-508, and 508, 500/508, 501/508 and bcr that is how.  Is this a radionics 
or a biodynamic discussion group???  In the agriculture lectures Steiner 
refers several times to keeping the work on the farm in the realm of the 
living.  Ergo, sheathe material from domestic and wild animals, plants, and 
As  far as I am concerned I do not care for any of these scientific 
evaluations until the preparations have been used for two years...sstorch

spring farm

2003-03-26 Thread SBruno75
Spirit wakes me at 430am.  I haul out to do the chores.  As I walk across the 
farm only a light coat is needed as Winter has finally lost its stinging 
cold.  The earth worms push up through the frost free soil everywhere in the 
driveways and fields.  In the east a verticle beam of sunlight reaches up to 
the heavens while the whispy clouds stretch horizontally across the horizen.  
A rebel cloud takes the opposite direction and looks like someone let the 
genie out of the bottle, twisted into a beautiful vortex.  As I approach the 
cow pasture the bull, Cosmos, is still laying down and chewing his cud 
contentedly.  The cow, Ruby awaits her meal anxiously.  She will calf in 
April or May, she is always hungry and ready for a meal.  Ginger the heiffer 
stretches and digs into her hay with casual abandon.  Get home, put on the 
coffee and prepare the Agnihotra pot.  Light the fire, pick out the unbroken 
kernals of rice, recite mantra and do the Qi Gong exercises.  Is there really 
a war being waged with my money???  I send the energy of the morning to Iraq 
and the White House, those poor bastards...sstorch

Re: Chembusters/Organite

2003-03-25 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/25/03 12:48:14 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Nonetheless this could be more than mere paranoia, and I invite people to
think for themselves. I also caution the naive that just because they don't
know anyone who would set up a mind control system and use it to round up
dissidents for execution and control the population does NOT mean such
people do not exist. It does not take many giving the orders. A few will
do, and a few such folks among us is NOT so hard to imagine. 

If you read the Pfeiffer Compendium, there is a lecture which Ehrenfried gave 
where he spoke about how he went to the Rockerfeller Foundation in NYC.  He 
asked them if they were interested in his sensitive crystallization and 
chromatography techniques, the reply was can it be used for mind control.  As 
you can imagine Pfeiffer was disgusted by this and left.  Television soon 
became popular and now this.  What will the assholes think of next???  SStorch

Re: Horn Clay

2003-03-21 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/20/03 3:43:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 After much calling around, I finally located a source for bentonite - a

local well driller supply house - so we are about to make some horn clay for

the farm. Greg Willis' instructions (below) don't say if the clay should be

wet or dry when filling the cow horns. Bentonite expands considerably with

water, so if wet, how wet? Also, I've heard about using clay plugs when

making 500. Is that a good thing to use bentonite for as well 

wet the clay to a muddy consistancy and let it sit for a day, dip ends of 
horns filled with manure to cap,use this clay when stirring 500 too...sstorch

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-19 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/17/03 9:58:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Glad you gentlemen got a giggle! Sooner than not you gents will be 
passing the torch along to people in my age group (early 30's) and we 
will have to deal with this GARBAGE more than you.  

We are not that old dude, we are getting a chuckle cause it beats crying all 
the time.
Now get out there and get to work...  sstorch

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-19 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/17/03 2:57:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Believe it or not but there is a general ground swell 
of support  against Monsanto because they rightly so have taken the 
blame for the embargo.


They have the US wheat farmers about in the bag on this, last I heard they 
were about convinced...sstorch

Re: Help

2003-03-19 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/18/03 8:51:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Tony Robinson (Rambler Flowers) will probably remember digging up his horn
clay when I gave a workshop at his place in August of 2000. It was one of
the best examples of fungal (mycorrhyzal) development I've seen in horn
clay. But, of course, I haven't seen as much horn clay as all that because
it isn't so widely made as yet, having not been specifically recommended in
the Agriculture Course. Nonetheless, I have slides of Tony's horn clay and
you can see the rich fungal development. This is what you want on your
plant roots. Mycorrhyzal colonization of plant roots can increase the
mineral uptake of a plant by a factor of 10 or more. 

We have observed extensive mycorrhizal development in the soil of the 501 
pits at jpi, a heavy clay soil...sstorch

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-17 Thread SBruno75
Thirty Meteres???  Tell them that window cleaners on Manhattan skyscrapers 
were pelted with a substance up on there scaffolding.  When collected and 
analyzed turned out to be wheat chaff...sstorch

Re: orgone and stirring

2003-03-15 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/14/03 11:08:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Are you sure it is an orgone accumulator that you are going to build and not 
a cloudbuster. Reich's accumulator is very powerful, and dangerous. It 
accumulates positive and negative energy; the operator cannot be around the 
machine for more than short periods of time and if contacted can cause 
serious physical harm.

A cloudbuster is an orgone generator, keeps the energy moving. It is said to 
cause headaches in some people though my partner and I have never experienced 
them. They woud be safe to use, and in my experience attract moisture if it 
is in the area. I do not know if there is any way to measure output other 
than dowsing. We may not have ours located in the optimum spot, just handy.

Working with subtle and not so subtle energies, err on the side of caution.

Dwayne, can you see the orgone???  I observe it as a first measure of the 
health of a farm or place.  Viewed through the atmosphere of a place treated 
with the bd remedies it is very organized and has a consistant pattern 
[energy].  Viewed from a place treated with chemicals it is less visable  and 
disorganized.  James DeMeo walks around with a small orgone accumulator 
blanket, this is what I am going to make to wrap around the stirring machine. 
 I would like to build a cloudbuster next.  The chemtrails are very common 
here, National Air Guard commeercial and passenger flights constantly in the 
air.  In the Summer thunderstorm weather for weeks and no rain is produced, 
constipated skies, yuo can feel it.  Maybe the stirring machine with the 
accumulator and the bd remedies will be enough to produce consistant rain, 
otherwise I will build a cloud buster...  sstorch, Yankee Agricultural 
Institute, Water Mill, NY 

Re: orgone and stirring

2003-03-15 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/14/03 10:48:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Your idea of orgone accumulation around your stirring vessel isn't bad in
and of itself, but directing it with a cloudbuster array may have merit,
especially on days when the ether is mostly unhealthy and there's plenty of
DOR. The orgone accumulater, which is non-directional, would simply pick up
the DOR, while with the cloudbuster array you might be able to aim it
overhead at some relatively healthy point and draw a stream of healthy
The stirring machine actually does organize and accumulate orgone.  I have 
also observed {if my eyes don't deceive me] the opening of energy portals, 
mainly from the northeasterly/ northern direction.  Maybe I cannot see the 
others due to the position of the Sun.  I have not seen a cloudbuster in 
person, only from a picture.  The weather is so disturbed here that the bd's 
by themselves sometimes do not cause rain.  I thought this type of design may 
help more than either alone, but I would love to trya cloudbuster.  DeMeo 
wants me to take some classes with him though first.  It could be that I am 
getting closer to taking the help of a fb.
Do you think that the positive energy of the stirring with the bd's would 
eliminate the dor?  Steiner after all said not to worry too much about 
contamination, it may be good for the process and it is present 

Re: Violets as Soil Indicators

2003-03-14 Thread SBruno75
Sounds like some bound up nutrients, apply bc, 500, equisetum on snow and let 
melt in...sstorch

Re: Help

2003-03-14 Thread SBruno75
spray more silica/ bd501...  sstorch

Re: Help

2003-03-14 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/14/03 8:29:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What sort of experiences have you (anyone) had with using 501 in a 
greenhouse? I think that Grotzke advised that it is too strong for 
use in a greenhouse. (?) For this reason, I have held off using it. 
First outbreak of aphids makes me think of using it. I think heinz 
mentioned a residual and a generalized effect that henceforth makes 
the house uncomfortable for seedlings. 

I don't know how Heinz brought the climate of Germany to his New Hampshire 
greenhouse but I do not doubt that he did.  If using the 501 to repel / make 
uncomfortable for aphids and not used to increase light, you may want to 
spray late in the afternoon, soaking the critters well;  you may also try a 
nettles tea and ask the ants and lady bugs to come and eat...sstorch 

Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-03-14 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/14/03 12:51:04 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sorry but I left stirring machines out in discussing manual and radionic
methods and the enthusiasm of practitioners.

Nothin' to be sorry about.  My caution / hesitation / criticism about these 
type of methods is the absence of the real vitality created by actually 
physically stirring and spraying these remedies.  Any and all use of a field 
broadcaster or radionic device would be greatly enhanced by the physical 
application.  I have put out there to actually stir water with the preps in 
it and make a card or reagent for the broadcast.  Have you all doe your 
homework??? ... sstorch :-{ 

orgone and stirring

2003-03-14 Thread SBruno75
What would you think about an orgone accumulator built around my stirring 
machine. I have just recieved the materials and am going to try it...???  

 From this and your other post it looks like I'd be interested in your
cloudbuster's design. Reich's original cloudbuster was intended
specifically to suck up DOR and channel it into running water, as were
Reich's medical DORbusters, which were smaller versions of the same sort.

Though I am not currently working with cloudbusters I've spent roughly 18
years investigating the subject via such folks as James De Meo, Joel
Carlinsky, and a fellow from out in Ojai, California whose name escapes me
at the moment, all of whom attest to the kind of care that should go into
operating such equipment. Not Trevor Constable, though I've encountered a
good bit of material about him, as well as another Californian by the name
of Bob Nelson and an Idahoan by the name of Jerome Eden.

I've also seen several designs, some much more effective, and thus
potentially more dangerous, than others. It's quite possible yours is a
relatively safe design. Many years back a fellow Georgian, Galen Hieronymus
built and sold some cloudbusters that were virtually harmless, and I've
built a couple pretty harmless ones myself back when I didn't understand
their design potentials nearly as well as I do today. So it might be
interesting to see what your design is like and discuss what might be done
to more closely approach Reich's design which he wrote about using in his
last book CONTACT WITH SPACE, a bootleg copy of which I once read courtesy
of someone who knew the fellow who stole a copy from the Reich archives at
Organon in Maine (administered by Mary Higgins who never permitted anyone
any access to Reich's papers, including Christopher Bird, a friend, author
and researcher who otherwise did extensive research towards writing a book
about Reich's orgone research 

Re: water as information

2003-03-13 Thread SBruno75
The smallest entity evokes the greatest change.  Adding a small amount of bd 
remedy to water and stirring.  Think of the gathering of the plant material, 
the sheath material, all the focus and intent, the intensity of the wll 
forces to carry this out.  Adding this substance to the water, stirring for 
the allocated time and applied to the farm, How does it evoke such great 
change in the physical properties of the soil.  It is through the memory of 
water and it malleability...sstorch


2003-03-13 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/13/03 8:04:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have not heard of anyone being injured with a cloudbuster, maybe you are 
confusing them with Reich's orgone accumulator which were dangerous. The 
worst I have heard of in relation to cloudbusters is a possible headache if 
touched, and even that we do not experience with the two I have built. 
Cloudbusters are orgone generators, keeps the energy flowing 

It was my impression that cloudbusters are also orgone accumulators.  I just 
recieved my material from Demeo for buikding an accumulator.  I have material 
for three.  I intend to build a jacket for the stirring machine... can't wait 
to see the results... 
It is my undersanding that there is much to do with biodynamics and orgone as 
well as ormus or monotomic elements.  Microscopic observation of the bd 
remedies shows the bluish bions that Riech observed in his experiments, also 
in the compost teas that are brewed via the preps... more work needs to be 
done in this area

Re: Suma Rock Powder

2003-03-10 Thread SBruno75
I pay about $450-500 per ton, we usually split up a trailer

Re: Suma Rock Powder

2003-03-10 Thread SBruno75
We can deliver a trailer, 22 tons, to you for about $8000...  sstorch

Re: On topic: physical and ehteric bodies of plants

2003-03-09 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/8/03 2:06:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  So, the

astral body that hovers around it does that belong to the plant? 

That I believe is under the jurisdiction on the plant devas, a sort of 
group soul for the plants.  If you look at Garuda's site he has great 
pictures showing that for mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms of 

late winter farm

2003-03-09 Thread SBruno75
Sorry to say that I missed the big blizzard that crippled the northeast for a 
few days.  The family trip included a drive from NY to FLA, some 1400 miles 
one way.  We rode down south in front of the storm, leaving rain and snow in 
our wake.  We boarded the SS Norway[exIle de France] and cruised east 
northeast by east for two and one half days and moored off of St. Maartin 
leaving Winter far behind.  We left the care of the homestead and the cows to 
some friends from North Carolina who wanted to see some of NY.  They arrived 
Sunday night to wake up to the umpending blizzard.  It is about 2000 feet 
from our house to the cow pen, a tough trip in a blinding blizzard especially 
for some southern crackers.  I do not know what the southern rebels would 
have done if they won the civil war.   
The green house is filling up with flats of newly seeded trays.  This week I 
will go in and spray with a bc tea laced with trace minerals.  This afternoon 
I will spray the thousand yards of leaves delivered to the farm by the town 
with equisetum, bc, and 500.  The fields are messy so I will do some other 
sprays from the driveways and headlands of the farm.  The tea brewers are 
will get fired up this week too.  I sprayed two sites in Southampton Village 
yesterday on top of the snow and I sprayed a tree with the mix that is set up 
as a prep broadcaster.  Hopeful that Winter has given us its best and is 
retreating to the north, surrendering to the inevitable spring, I sometimes  
wonder when the Earth Mother is going to say enough and not deliver Spring to 
us so readily.  So here on the Green Thumb Farm we show her that there are 
those who care and love her and her bounty and work in service of the Earth.  
You all do the same, and don't forget who is the boss...  sstorch

Re: late winter farm

2003-03-09 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/9/03 5:20:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Steve - great post - great holiday too I bet!
 The green house is filling up with flats of newly seeded trays.  This week
 will go in and spray with a bc tea laced with trace minerals.
Can you tell us exactly how you make the trace element fortified BC - lack
of attention to trace element nutrition is one of the major problems
suffered by BD.
In a batch of five five gallon buckets I use about five shovels of trace 
minerals, sometimes I mix differnt types, three pounds of ground oyster or 
egg shell. 

What do you use as source of traces? 
Summa Minerals [basalt] CA, paramagnetic basalt 8000 cfm Ontario
What special measures do you take to maintain the microbial integrity of your 
BC? . This would be valuable information for many on the list.
I store some bc in the wet peat boxes outside or in the root cellar, some bc 
stays in the pits in the earth where it is made and I make a new pit and 
reuse other when empty.

This afternoonI will spray the thousand yards of leaves delivered to the 
farm by the
   town with equisetum, bc, and 500.
Our local town council gathers fallen leaves over autumn, I am investigating
the cost of getting them delivered, almost exclusively london plane trees is
this worthwhile? 
The town delivers to us for free.  Some trucks are sent from the recycling 
center, some direct from clean-up.  Those are fine leaves, get 'em.  

Re: introduction

2003-03-08 Thread SBruno75
There is Seven Stars Dairy in Kimberton and the Camp Hill Village, both near 
Valley forge, a few hours from Wayne, but they may know of some closer bd 

Re: On topic: physical and ehteric bodies of plants

2003-03-08 Thread SBruno75
To really address and understand this problem of plant pathology and the use 
of the bd remedies it is very helpful to read Glen Atkinson's lectures about 
the withdrawl of the astral/ etheric body from the plant and the resultant 
dis-ease; or the too heavy an astral / etheric body of the plant and the 
resultant dis-ease.  Glen describes the effect of the bd remedies and how 
they effect these outer bodies...sstorch

Re: world update

2003-03-02 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/28/03 9:43:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Michael - When did Saddam stop working for the US government?


I think he still is, he gets a two per cent bonus from the military 
industrial complex for staging his evil regime and taking the fall for 
starting the war... he's a business man

Re: powerful statement/levity

2003-03-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/25/03 9:41:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 JANE: Besides all the doomstuff, can you find ANY uplifting 
articles to report? 
a good one for you Allan...
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.  The animal cried piteosly 
for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do . Finally he decided 
the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just 
wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.  He invited all of his neighbors to 
come over and help him.  They each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt 
into the well.  At first the donkey realiized what was happening and cried 
horribly.  Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down.  A few shovel 
loads later, the farmer looked down the well and was astonished at what he 
saw.  As every shovel of dirt hit his back, the donkey did something amazing. 
 He would shake it off and take a step up.  As the farmer's neighbors 
continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take 
a step up.  Pretty soon, everyone was amazed.  The donkey stepped up and over 
the edge of the well and trotted off.  The Moral:...Life is going to shovel 
dirt on you ,all kinds of dirt.  The trick to getting out of the well is to 
shake it off and take a step up.  Each of our troubles is a stepping stone.  
We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up.  
Shake it off and take a step up!  Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 
1. Free your heart from hatred.  2. free your mind from worries.  3. Live 
simply.  4. Give more.  5. Expect less

O.K.  That's enough B.S.  The donkey later came back and kicked the shit out 
of the farmer.  Then he went over to each of his neighbors' farms and kicked 
the shit out of them too for helping...The REAL Moral:  When you try to cover 
your ass, it always comes back to get you   
sstorch, forwarded from rockittdude...

Re: FW: [globalnews] Dying Vietnam Vet Restores Health by Restoring Local Creek, Watershed

2003-02-25 Thread SBruno75
this is great, the Christ impulse in action...sstorch

Re: for the Future of the Preparations workshop...

2003-02-25 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/13/03 10:27:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sorry, champ, what's 'ciocc'?


A jack ass, in Italian...sstorch

for the Future of the Preparations workshop...

2003-02-13 Thread SBruno75
Unable to attend the Future of the Preparations workshop I am  sending this 
along as a contribution to the meeting in Copake  NY as to the biodynamic 
remedy making in Eastern Long Island...sstorch

Eastern Long Island Biodynamic Develpement Group
Stephen Storch, Johanna Halsy, Florence Rewinski, Laura Ricardi
P.O. box 467, Water Mill, NY 11976, 631 726-6783

I have come to realize the role that the biodynamic remedies play in our 
lives and existence.  Before elements or substance may manifest in a physical 
expression they must first be realized in a spiritual plane. Only after this 
realization occurs may it begin to fulfill its potential.  In this spiritual 
plane exists the blueprint for substance, the possibility for base elements 
to be raised up into highly organized matter.  The biodynamic remedies 
provide a refined substance and the pattern energy for the spirit to work 
with within the physical and spiritual realms. [inspired by sharon ingersoll, 
em working group]  
Human participation in the raising of livestock and the eventual harvest 
and gathering of the sheath material from this livestock raises the substance 
to a higher spiritual and physical plane, a higher vibrational energy.  Human 
cultivation of the preparation plants treated with the biodynamic remedies 
compounds this synergy, again raising physical substance to a higher 
vibrational realm.  The removal of the stag’s bladder reminds me of Arthur’s 
extraction of the sword from the stone making us not king’s; but 
farmer-priests in service of the Earth Mother.  When we stir the water and 
create the vortex, the eternally creative intelligence of the Universe is 
imprinted into the ever malleable substance of water along with all of our 
love, divinity and human striving.  The suctional energy of the vortex 
pulling in, pulling down the information of the moment streaming in from the 
universe, the home of the Logos.  And the biodynamic remedies, becoming one 
with the water and the cosmic information coming down into the earthly realm. 
 So the biodynamic remedies call forth this spiritual information from the 
cosmos and bring down to earth a new substance expressed in the form of grass 
or our foodstuffs and livestock.  Eventually this reaches into earth’s 
humanity, for those who consciously choose to participate and live in this 
Over the thirteen years I have studied and worked with the biodynamic 
methods I have come to understand that it is a multifaceted discipline.  
There are things other great minds have said that ring true and help bring me 
to a deeper understanding of the potential that we call biodynamics.  Wilhelm 
Reich, a researcher whose work describes orgone energy, bions and how humans 
and earth are effected by this pattern energy.  My investigations under the 
microscope show an incredible expression of the bion energy in the biodynamic 
remedies and compost teas made with them.  Bluish, vibrating bacterium in the 
teas exhibit the phenomenon.  Blue particles of silica in earthworm castings 
bring it forth in another realm.
Incorporatiing the theories of Viktor Schauberger into making earth 
healing fructigenic fertilizers with biodynamic remedies have brought 
astounding and dramatic results.  For two years I have made horn manure and 
put the horns into an egg shaped urn buried in the earth to its rim back 
filled with barrel compost.  The resulting humus substance is just like 
bd500, but used at the rate of one teaspoon per acre.  Last year I had the 
opportunity to initiate the healing of twenty five acres of land in 
Southampton on Head of Pond Road just west of the intersection on Scuttlehole 
Road.  It was chemically farmed since the war years without rest and what we 
would call care.  It was not properly limed, rested or subsoiled because it 
was rented land and the potato farmer did not care.  A horse barn was raised 
and a pasture planted.  Late in the Spring of 2002 I did one spray of this 
“new” horn manure with equisetum, barrel compost and Agnihotra Ash.  The 
pasture grew beautifully all summer with no irrigation and no rain.  The 
roots quickened in the earth as if under bd care for three to five years.  
The urn acts as an amplifier and increases the effectiveness of the cowhorn 
vessel.  The visual and physical evidence cannot be denied.  This method 
merits further attention.  Horn silica was also made this way.  Similarly 
astounding results were noted on brassicas, strawberries and raspberries.
We are also making yarrow, chamomile, nettles, and dandelion 
preparations.  We will be creating an artificial “creek” for making oak bark 
and  have several valerian plants to grow and propigate this spring.  The vi
neyard where I consult in Mattituck, Long Island keeps a herd of Texas 
Longhorn cattle.  Here we harvest sheathe material several times a year, 
really more than we can use.  Last summer the dandelion was collected dried 
and made into a beautiful 

Re: horns

2003-02-13 Thread SBruno75
They are proably fine to use...sstorch

Re: In light of the Heightened Security State here in the Homeland, read this:

2003-02-09 Thread SBruno75
yeah, I believe that...wanna by a bridge???  sstorch

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-09 Thread SBruno75
Also stated by York is that even bd is not an answer in and of itself for a 
system as complex as a monoculture as an overhybridized vineyard.  Premium 
viticulture and great farming practices are part and parcel.  The tea is 
poo-pooed by Brinton because he did not raise it to the level it has 
attained.  The science is young, but think of the diversity you can bring to 
the soil in a monoculture situation with these teas in  a cheap fashion.  
diversity is the key here...sstorch

Re: In light of the Heightened Security State here in the Homeland, read this:

2003-02-09 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/9/03 12:27:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Actually, I think that Steve meant the Brooklyn Bridge.  For eons, it has 
represented gullability (I have this bridge for sale at just the right 

Bingo, that means you're right...sstorch

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-09 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/9/03 9:50:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What about you, Steve? Have you gotten much follow up?


I offered Marc Chien to do a practical work day rigging and inoculating a 
brewer with stirring and applying some bd remedies.  Your November conf 
should include that.
There is a big interest from Eric Morgan at Organic Approach...sstorch

Re: BD501 as a Weed Control

2003-02-08 Thread SBruno75
2003 experiment:
 for weed control I will try spraying 501 on the soil during tillage on on 
small block.  I will split the block into two parts, one application in the 
am , one in the pm.  
if you look at things burning what can we learn from them?  Oak burns hot and 
slow as it releases the stored heat of the summer sun.  Weeds burn hot and 
fast and leave almost no ash.  They are usually highly silicious in nature, 
spikes or fuzz.  Weeds are symptomatic of a soil deficiency, one of the 
deficiencies I see is the light energy generated by soil and earth mother.  
The Tibetan monks feel that light and heat are generated by the combined 
energy of earth and sun facing eachother.  As you move away from the earth's 
surface and closer to the sun [as on a mountain or in a plane] it gets colder 
not warmer.  Light and heat is provided by the synergy of the two planetary 
bodies.  The horn silica should increase this effect of the generation of 
light and heat and we will experiment with it to heal the pattern energies 
that create light and heat, possibly decreasing weeds ...sstorch

Re: spraying

2003-02-08 Thread SBruno75
snow is an incredible expression of water, an intricate energy mat that will 
melt in to the soil.  Farmers of old would spread their manure on snow to get 
extra Nitrogen, why not bc or 500???...sstorch


2003-02-07 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/14/03 6:32:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steve, Do you spray with snow on the ground?  Merla

Yes we spray with snow if the soil is frozen underneath...sstorch

Re: Lungworm problem

2003-02-07 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/20/03 3:15:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I wonder if you or other members of the BD Forum have had other experiences


dustings with diatomaceous earth.

Thanks a lot,

Luis R. Calzadilla


I use DE as an occaisional fod additive and a dusting on the backs of the 
bovines.  They have very healthy manure, no worms or skin problems.  I make 
my own mineral/salt licks with bc, silica, 500 and kosher salt...sstorch

Re: endophytes was Re: Indigenous Microorganisms + Korean Natural Farming Association

2003-02-07 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/20/03 3:16:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It would be so fine to find out that  this sort of fungi can be 
'overcome' through the use of CT, but I find it doubtful.

Please, anyone who has any info on this, please share it. 

The beneficials in the CT would probably out compete the pathogens in a 

Re: Earnest Questions: tree paste in the 'Spring'

2003-02-07 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/7/03 12:07:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 omeone remind me: where does 'water glass,' or whatever it was, fit 
into this recipe? (Instead of sand?? instead of equisetum) AND, is 
'water glass' a liquid? 

I would not use it, stay away from the sodium.  Use sand, equisetum tea and 
horn silica...sstorch

Re: Kaolin or Surround? Sprayed Tree 'Paste' Did you use it? (Dave??)

2003-02-07 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/7/03 11:41:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Anyone make use of SURROUND on their fruit trees this past season?
Hugh Williams uses it as part of his program with great success...
Anyone use any similar products?

Anyone experiment with SPRAYED tree paste in the 2001/2002 season?
 Not this season but we tried this in the past for the vineyard.  Out of that 
frustration I made some tree paste and stuffed it in horns.  I stir this as 
500 and spray the soil and vines...

Re: compost tea

2003-02-06 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/4/03 12:43:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Compost tea has been used 
by BD farmers for a long time and no one bothered to get all technical 
about feeding the culture. Allan's explanation was very good; we just don't 
yet know if brewed compost tea is needed. 

There are several fertilizer companies that will pay you a small dividend if 
you let them clean the muck out of you pond every few years.  What they are 
accumulating is an incredible quantity of microbes that live in this muck.  
As it turns of many of the same organisms that live in the soil also live in 
this pond environment.  The extra attention given to aerobically brewed tea 
gives several orders of magnitude higher of these beneficial organisms in 
aerobic tea than anaerobic.  Always, when cleaning out the brewer the muck 
smells wonderful and reminiscent of a big healthy lake.  This muck goes back 
into the compost pile.  Likewise the tea organisms can be reproduced through 
judicious use of the biodynamic remedies.  With the tea what is not needed id 
spending thousans on  a brewer when you can easily make one with the biggest 
investment being a tank and a great compressor...sstorch

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread SBruno75
The bd remedies took up the numbers 500-508 because the medecal remedies 
ended at 499.  If you arrange them in the compost heap energetically:

#  according to the research from Joe Stevens and his careful look at the 
original German and other notes from Rudy, it really sez to add the valerian 
when the compost is finished.   I have done several batches this way, as 
reported to bdnow, and have increasingly dramatic results from past 
experiences.  Try it.

I have been working with different clay remedies, not horn clay.  I feel 
there is definite need for clay, Hugo Erbe has described a clay remedy with 
wheat groats and clay in a bovine esophagus.  We will be making some at JPI 
this year.  The compost remedies themselves take on a clay like property.  
Are we not the clay in the bd remedies ourselves???

I prepare all my composts with this arrangement of remdies.  Notice how the 
last digits add up to nine, that i how the preps energetically compliment 
eachother.  I have been adding the 500 and 501 for over a year and like the 
results.  The 508 adds great fungal activity to the compost. 

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/31/03 8:20:51 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Steve - Do you place 500 and 501 in the pile as you would any of the 
(non-liquid) preps in the pile otherwise? -Allan 

Yes.  That diagram represents the way the remedies go in the pile!!!  sstorch

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/31/03 8:33:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Steve
Do you (or would you) use this same pattern and the main
preps too (500,501,508) when you make barrel compost, and BD fish and kelp
Lloyd Charles 

Yes, all compost and bc, and tea...sstorch

not to change the subject...

2003-01-30 Thread SBruno75
Just home from Harrisburg, PA where the Cornell Extension hosted their first 
Organic / biodynamic viticulture conference.  Speakers on biodynamics 
included Gunther Hauk from the Pfeiffer Center, Alan York of Hopland 
California.  Alan has extensive vineyard experience and has acheived Demeter 
Certification for Ceago and Benziger Vineyards in California.  I brought my 
stirring machine and tea brewer and some preparations.  Lots of interest and 
I will offer a hands on workshop in the Spring at a Vineyard in PA.  This was 
attended by about two hundred vineyard owners and managers.  Some of my 
neighbors on the south fork of LI attended.  Another indication that BD is 
alive and well and growing, imagine that Cornell agents said the word 

Re: Lungworm problem

2003-01-18 Thread SBruno75
Try a generous dusting with diatomaceous earth, also add to feed...sstorch

compost tea

2003-01-16 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/15/03 7:38:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does this mean anything to you? This is not static work. It is not 
only work that is being refined but it is also work in which, 
perhaps, problems have been detected and corrections offered. 
(e-coli) this is an evolving work. How does one know how to evaluate 
a piece of archival data if they are operating in a vacuum. (Reading 
the archive without working with the BD Now! group)

Why avoid the living organization? I really don't understand.

The tea is really a facinating thing.  In my preliminary studies of it last 
year we looked under a Nikon Phase Contrast microscope capable of 
flourescence, dark phase, phase contrast and compound microscopy.  The first 
day took me four hours to look over 1/4 inch of a microscope slide.  A few 
weeks later  I went back and the sample with the same exact inoculants and 
brew time, and brewer were identical.  The samples were completely different. 
 Totally different biology, I was baffled.  In speaking with a brewer in 
California who was having the folks at UC Davis analyze samples, said that 
they gave up because each sample brought hundreds of previously unidentified 
species to the plate.  They could not afford the time to analyze the dataand 
biology.  It is my hope that through working with my Alma Mater, Southampton 
College, we can use some Marine Biological methods to analyze the teas.  One 
such test will be the diurnal sampling.  Here a sample is drawn and tested 
every hour four 24 hours.  I would like to modify it to extend for 36-48 
hours to get a good picture of vitality and decline in the teas.  It was 
alluded to in another conversation that populations shift on a 28 day lunar 
cycle, affected by cosmic events...sstorch

Re: GREG WILLIS: FWD Fixing Steiner Agriculture: a footnote

2003-01-13 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/12/03 10:57:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 We are now entering the wintertime crystallization period which 
extends from January 15 to February 15.  Steiner discusses this on 
page 30.

Neophytes and experienced Steinerites alike should know that Steiner, 
when giving a lecture, often referred to only one part of a vaster 
subject so as not to get sidetracked or confuse his audience.  So it 
is with the concept of crystallization.

The crystallization period is that time when the cosmic forces work 
to keep the earth atoms in existence.  

bla, bla, bla... Here on the Green Thumb Farm the spray season never ends.  
The Fall gets heavy applications of 500, bc, and equisetum and 501.  This is 
done as sequential sprays leading up to the Three King's Remedy, [6Jan].  
This is done over our 100 acres.  It is now mid Winter, and yes the 
crystallization forces are at their peak.  This week, during the mid Winter 
full moon, [which is waxing] we shall start a series of 500 sprays over the 
whole farm.  By the Spring the soil will be bursting with Mycorrhizal fungi, 
visible to the unaided eye.  The earthworms will be rarin' to go...spray on, 

Re: Greg Willis: Fwd: Fixing Steiner Agriculture #2 The Power Of Myth

2003-01-13 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/12/03 10:58:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


refuse to recognize it or use it.  Astonishing! 

in reference to clay  that is wrong...sstorch

Re: Trees as broadcasters

2003-01-08 Thread SBruno75
This impulse was originally given to me by Hugh Courtney at the Josephine 
Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics.
The Tree as Cosmic Pipe
If we observe the physiology of the tree and apply the words of Steiner, 
that the tree trunk proper is simply a more enlivened form of soil; 
Schauberger, explaining that the growth rings from winter to summer create a 
dielectric and are capable of absorbing and generating energy [please also 
refer to the work of Wilhelm Reich {orgone energy and the orgone 
accumulator}].  It becomes obvious that a tree is more than it appears.  I, 
among others believe that trees belong to another kingdom of Nature, [Ents] 
set aside from plants like vegetables, perennials, or annuals.  If we want to 
use the tree for this purpose you can do several things.  If you dowse, use a 
pendulum, you would first ask permission, and then ask What is the proper 
orientation of this tree in the earth?, the pendulum will respond.  Next you 
would ask, What is the current orientation of this tree in the earth?, the 
pendulum will respond.  Chances are that if the seed landed or if planted by 
an unconscious human the tree is not properly oriented.  It is not oriented 
to the group soul of the trees, the physical and etheric bodies are out of 
syncronisty with the astral body of the group soul and ego or overlighting 
Devas of the species of tree.  This may be observed through corkscrewing of 
the trunk, or an obvious imbalance of the branches of the tree.  If you do 
not dowse you may go right to this aspect.  You would next say,  In 
accordance with God's will and the Christ Jesus let this tree have it's best 
possible orientation for its best possible future growth {and for the 
reception and roadcast of the biodynamic earth healing remedies}.  I added 
the part in parenthesis.  I encourage each person to personalize the prayer 
of intent.
What is done next is that the biodynamic remedies are placed within the 
energy field of the tree.  They are loosely packed in small vials, about the 
size that tinctures come in, lids down  tight to keep water out. The horn 
manure is place about three to ten feet from the trunk on the north side of 
the tree [depending on size, use your intuition], barrel compost on the south 
side, equisetum tea on the east side [2/3 full in case it freezes].  Depth 
should bd from 6-18 inches deep, a core soil sampler works good for this.  
The horn silica gets hung in the branches above the ground on the west side 
of the tree.  If using a pendulum you can ask what the broadcast radius of 
the tree is, let each swing be ten or one hundred miles.  

Fwd: Trees as broadcasters

2003-01-08 Thread SBruno75

This impulse was originally given to me by Hugh Courtney at the Josephine 
Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics.

The Tree as Cosmic Pipe
If we observe the physiology of the tree and apply the words of Steiner, 
that the tree trunk proper is simply a more enlivened form of soil; 
Schauberger, explaining that the growth rings from winter to summer create a 
dielectric and are capable of absorbing and generating energy [please also 
refer to the work of Wilhelm Reich {orgone energy and the orgone 
accumulator}].  It becomes obvious that a tree is more than it appears.  I, 
among others believe that trees belong to another kingdom of Nature, [Ents] 
set aside from plants like vegetables, perennials, or annuals.  If we want to 
use the tree for this purpose you can do several things.  If you dowse, use a 
pendulum, you would first ask permission, and then ask What is the proper 
orientation of this tree in the earth?, the pendulum will respond.  Next you 
would ask, What is the current orientation of this tree in the earth?, the 
pendulum will respond.  Chances are that if the seed landed or if planted by 
an unconscious human the tree is not properly oriented.  It is not oriented 
to the group soul of the trees, the physical and etheric bodies are out of 
syncronisty with the astral body of the group soul and ego or overlighting 
Devas of the species of tree.  This may be observed through corkscrewing of 
the trunk, or an obvious imbalance of the branches of the tree.  If you do 
not dowse you may go right to this aspect.  You would next say,  In 
accordance with God's will and the Christ Jesus let this tree have it's 
proper orientation in the earth for its best possible future growth {and for 
the reception and broadcast of the biodynamic earth healing remedies}.  I 
added the part in parenthesis.  I encourage each person to personalize the 
prayer of intent.
What is done next is that the biodynamic remedies are placed within the 
energy field of the tree.  They are loosely packed in small vials, about the 
size that tinctures come in, wide mouths are preferable, lids down  tight to 
keep water out. The horn manure is place about three to ten feet from the 
trunk on the north side of the tree [depending on size, use your intuition], 
barrel compost on the south side, equisetum tea on the east side [2/3 full in 
case it freezes].  Depth should bd from 6-18 inches deep, a core soil sampler 
works good for this.  The horn silica gets hung in the branches above the 
ground on the west side of the tree.  Evidence of te living energy field is 
that the vials dug up years later are still fresh and vibrant, possibly more  
potent than when they went in.  If using a pendulum you can ask what the 
broadcast radius of the tree is, let each swing be ten or one hundred miles.  
I have many trees thus rigged.  The Crypotomeria has a world wide broadcast, 
there are some 300-400 year old copper beeches that go 1200-1500 miles.  If 
you dowse or intuit, think about the cryptomeria, and ask the broadcast 
potency.  I like to aid all sights where the trees are with actual spraying 
bd remedies.

This impulse was originally given to me by Hugh Courtney at the Josephine 
Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics.
The Tree as Cosmic Pipe
If we observe the physiology of the tree and apply the words of Steiner, 
that the tree trunk proper is simply a more enlivened form of soil; 
Schauberger, explaining that the growth rings from winter to summer create a 
dielectric and are capable of absorbing and generating energy [please also 
refer to the work of Wilhelm Reich {orgone energy and the orgone 
accumulator}].  It becomes obvious that a tree is more than it appears.  I, 
among others believe that trees belong to another kingdom of Nature, [Ents] 
set aside from plants like vegetables, perennials, or annuals.  If we want to 
use the tree for this purpose you can do several things.  If you dowse, use a 
pendulum, you would first ask permission, and then ask What is the proper 
orientation of this tree in the earth?, the pendulum will respond.  Next you 
would ask, What is the current orientation of this tree in the earth?, the 
pendulum will respond.  Chances are that if the seed landed or if planted by 
an unconscious human the tree is not properly oriented.  It is not oriented 
to the group soul of the trees, the physical and etheric bodies are out of 
syncronisty with the astral body of the group soul and ego or overlighting 
Devas of the species of tree.  This may be observed through corkscrewing of 
the trunk, or an obvious imbalance of the branches of the tree.  If you do 
not dowse you may go right to this aspect.  You would next say,  In 
accordance with God's will and the Christ Jesus let this tree have it's best 
possible orientation for its best possible future growth {and for the 
reception and roadcast of the biodynamic earth healing remedies}.  I added 
the part in 

Re: Monsanto submitted its petition for comm. of GE Wheat

2003-01-07 Thread SBruno75
Hugh, what do you think about beginning some trials with eradicain these 
super weeds with peppers???  sstorch

Re: Copper sulfate

2003-01-03 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/2/03 12:08:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What are you trying to do? What is the desired influence? What is your source?

Copper sulfate is a potent algaecide  

I do not mean Cu SO4, but elemental copper and zinc, from the metals.  The 
hammering charges' it and the stirring, well that imprints the pattern 
energy of it in the water, like the bd remedies.  That brings a cumultive 
influence to the soil if used regularly...sstorch

Re: Copper Sulfate

2003-01-01 Thread SBruno75
hey, an unrequieted answer, going through old mails...  Get some copper dust 
and zinc dust, the metal filings, place on a large log, end grain, and beat 
with a hammer, early morning is best.  Place filings in your stirring barrel 
when stiring bc, 500, 501 or 508, this will bring in the desired influence in 
the proper way...sstorch

Re: Copper Sulfate

2003-01-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/1/03 11:57:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Steve - sorry to be dim, but do you mean place the log end into the stirring 
barrel (maybe actually stir with the log) or add similar filings themselves 
- in which case, what exactly do you do with the log ?  Tony NS.

place the filings on top of the log and beat them with a hammer to align 
their charge as with a magnet.  Scoop up the filings and put them in the 
stirring vessel and stir... leave the log where it is, maybe you should st on 
it while stirring...sstorch

Re: spraying of remedies

2002-12-29 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 12/28/02 1:28:19 PM, Maskillman2 writes:

 Hi Steve,

I am on the BDNOW! list and I also went to the conference in Lovettsville . . 

I know that you went to the prep making classes at JPI.  I am receiving the 
Three Kings Prep from Hugh Courtney and will make it on New Years Eve and 
dispense it on the 6th of January as directed.

I also know that I need to get barrel compost out before that time . . .  I 
have used barrel compost and the preps on my house plants but not outside 
around the perimeter of the grounds which has many diverse plants.  I live 3 
blocks from the White House so I really wanted to do this.

This is my question:  do I need to spray The Three Kings Prep or can it be 
sprinkled by my hands?  I know that I can not use any metal container and I 
want to be as low profile as possible as people get arrested easily where I 
am - I do not want to draw attention as I am doing it if possible so I can 
cover as much ground as I can.

I have to be careful spraying anything because of the anthrax stuff, etc. 
etc.  Maybe it will be dark by 4PM anyway on the 6th.

Any suggestions?

Mary Ann Skillman

Re: Perfect Orchard -soil test

2002-12-26 Thread SBruno75
Per, if you are going to start using the biodynamic remedies or compost teas 
it is my recommendation to not place too much emphasis on a soil test.  The 
increase in biological activity will unlock bound nutrients and minerals.  
This will manifest in an increase in natural ground cover diversity; 
different native grasses and clovers will spring up and grow where none have 
been before.  This is something I have observed time and again in vineyards, 
pastureland, turfgrass, and farms.   The use of hardwood chips, [ramial 
chipped wood, put that in search engine] is a great promoter of highly fungal 
soils mimicking ancient forest soil that has a long term storage of nutrients 
for grapevines.  Just start spraying teas and bd remedies, keep this up 
through the winter so long as it is not frozen, muddy or too nasty, you can't 
go wrong... sstorch

Fwd: OFF RE: Droughts and Rainmaking

2002-12-10 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 12/3/02 11:25:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steve, I have been trying to get back on the list with no luck or I would 
have sent this to the list. 


There is more on this subject in the book The Awesome Life Force by Joseph 

Baron Carl Von Reichenbach was able to see the subtle emenations coming off 
the ends of magnets. He did some extraordinary research (early 1800s) into 
this energy which he called the Odic Force. And we all know about Wilhelm 
Reich's orgone energy. Now comes Joseph Cater who sees the Odic Force and 
orgone energy as two different aspects of the same force. In his book, Cater 
combines his own research with the research of Von Reichenbach and Wilhelm 
Reich into a fascinating treatise on what he calls soft particles or soft 
electrons. Soft particles can capture hard electons and release them when 
they disintigrate. Soft electrons make chemical changes possible. Cater goes 
on to say that any living organism can survive and thrive without water if it 
is continuously bombarded with the right type and right concentration of soft 
electrons. There is a simple device described in the book that will break 
photons down into their constituent soft particles. He has another book out 
that I haven't

read yet. Very cool stuff.



Chris T



If you stare at the sky you can see these dots and squiggles.   This is the 

orgone energy as discovered by Wilhelm Riech.   He must have really knew his 

stuff, he was murdered in a US prison days before his sentence was up [for 

doin his scientific research].  At any rate the distribution of the orgone 

energy is what helps create rain and our weather patterns.  Strip mines, 

nuclear power plants, and other energy disturbing and polluting activities by 

man disrupt the orgone and reek havoc on the weather, we are all experiencing 


I have looked at this research and the orgone energy is generated by the 

biodynamic remedies.  You can tell via microscopic examination of 500 or 

barrel compost by the blue coloration of the chips of silica in the 

materials.  Compost tea made from the bd remedies have billions of these blue 

vibrating bacterium present.  More research is needed here.  Oh, by the way 

mention Riech's name around old school anthropops and you'll be ostrecized, 

maybe not a bad thing, mmm.  

At any rate this fall I could see the symptoms of disturbed orgone energy.  

This manifests in these puffy small dirty grey clouds floating in a blue sky. 

As I stared into the blue you could see large patches devoid of the orgone.  

I pondered this and tried an experiment.  I stood [by the cows] and imagined 

the orgone all nice and organized, solid no holes.  It came to pass.  That 

night it clouded up and we had nice rain.  This was mid september and we have 

had weekly rain since.  I don't know if that was coinkidink or what but we 

are caught up on water.  I had to put some silica back in som e trees to try 

and dry it of a wee bit.  I would appreciate it if someone down under would 

give that a wack.

Put a snag on the bobbie and think about it, good on ya,...sstorch



Steve,I have been trying to get back 
on the list with no luck or I would have sent this to the list. 

Thereis more on this subject in the book "The Awesome Life Force" by Joseph 
Baron Carl Von Reichenbachwas 
able to see the subtle emenations coming off the ends of magnets. He did some 
extraordinary research(early 1800s) 
into thisenergy which he 
called the "Odic Force".And we all know 
about Wilhelm Reich's orgone energy. Now 
comes Joseph Caterwho sees the Odic Forceand orgone energy 
as two different aspects of the same force. In his book, Cater 
combineshis own research with the 
research of Von Reichenbach andWilhelm Reich into a fascinating treatise 
on what he calls soft particles or soft electrons. Soft particles can capture 
hard electons and release them when they disintigrate. Soft electrons make 
chemical changes possible. Cater goes on to say that any living organism can 
survive and thrive without water if it is continuously bombarded with the right 
type and right concentration of soft electrons.There is a simple device described in the book that 
will break photons down into their constituent soft particles. He has another 
book out that I haven't read yet. Very cool stuff.


If you stare at the sky you can see these dots and squiggles. 
This is the orgone energy as discovered by Wilhelm Riech. He 
must have really knew his stuff, he was murdered in a US prison days before 
his sentence was up [for doin his scientific research]. At any rate 
the distribution of the orgone energy is what helps create rain and our 
weather patterns. Strip mines, nuclear power plants, and other energy 
disturbing and polluting activities by man disrupt the orgone and reek havoc 
on the weather, we are all experiencing it. I have looked at this 

Re: Applied Biodynamics On-line

2002-12-09 Thread SBruno75
Allan, I will be answering questions for the JPI site.  I thought it would be 
up by now, do not know what the hold up is.  Posting the old issues of 
Applied Biodynamics is a great idea, will work on it.  
ps:  if you have some decent trace minerals, add hot water to a muddy 
consistancy and paste yer foot...sstorch  

Re: WENDELL BERRY: The Agrarian Standard

2002-12-08 Thread SBruno75
It was Goethe who said that the problems or weaknesses of an age exist only 
for the faint-hearted.  Today we stand on a threshold.  People like Wendell 
Berry, Steiner, Rodale, Pfeiffer, Albrecht, Balliett have provided humanity 
with incredible inspiration.  To hear a swansong from Berry is sad.  It is 
the media that oppresses the good work that is going on.  Yes, the media 
owned by corporate scum, having their way yet again.  There exists a huge 
movement of people caring for the Earth Mother, putting back more than they 
take.  Somebody please tell Wendell all is as it should be.  In the end the 
people will win.  The corporate military industrial complex is dying, almost 
dead.  The Earth will go on in a new paradigm, it will become a star in the 
cosmos and a model for the cosmic environment.  Social-Economic- Cultural 
economy is waiting in the wings with the kind of ethics that will make 
Wendells heart swell in his chest.  We will go on, the corporate economy is 
on its death bed...sstorch

Re: 2002 500

2002-12-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/30/02 8:57:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You said urn.  Do you mean an amphora 

It is an egg shaped vessel, urn amphora; terms are interchangable.  I get 
them at garden centers, on sale of course.  They range from 3-50 gallons in 
size.  I cover the tops with wood or a terra cotta dish.  I am not sure which 
clay they are made from but porous is of course best.  You are a potter, make 
some.  What is the largest size you can fire?  SStorch

Re: 2002 500

2002-11-30 Thread SBruno75
Hey Gil, I am thinking that what this is, is a womb.  The egg shape houses 
life in Nature.  The Romans and Egyptians went through a lot of hassle to 
store their foods, wine, and water in urns, egg shaped vessels.  They filled 
the bowels of ships with these fragile containers for commerce and food 
supplies.  In pyramids archeologists have found seeds of wheat thousands of  
years old still viable while our modern seed companies store seeds in square 
envelopes in square boxes and they are dead in one or two years.  Sometimes 
we must look back to see forwards.  The idea came from reading some work 
about Schauberger.  This will be the third year of making 500 in this 

Re: After Buy Nothing Day / Amazon Associates Program

2002-11-30 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/29/02 8:31:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 maybe I'll get my deadened ass into gear and implement this 

Great idea, bravo...sstorch

2002 500

2002-11-29 Thread SBruno75
I have been making 500 by placing the packed horns in a large terra cotta urn 
that is buried in the earth and filled with dried screened barrel compost.  
The horns are also stored in the urn between uses  [501].  They maintain 
their mottled pink coloration, the blood stain in the horn, some of these 
horns are now five years old.  There has been no dimishing of the quality of 
the 500.  I use the finished  substance that has undergone this double 
energizing process at a teaspoon per acre as opposed to a quarter cup.  This 
past season I had the oppurtunity to use it on a few pieces of land never 
before having the bd remedies and it does work at that rate...sstorch

Re: What is Willard Water?

2002-11-25 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/25/02 2:22:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A gallon would go a long way since you add just a small amount to regular 
water to use. A number of on-line alternative herb/ag stores carry it.

save your money and drink 501...sstorch

Re: Droughts and rainmaking

2002-11-23 Thread SBruno75
If you stare at the sky you can see these dots and squiggles.   This is the 
orgone energy as discovered by Wilhelm Riech.   He must have really knew his 
stuff, he was murdered in a US prison days before his sentence was up [for 
doin his scientific research].  At any rate the distribution of the orgone 
energy is what helps create rain and our weather patterns.  Strip mines, 
nuclear power plants, and other energy disturbing and polluting activities by 
man disrupt the orgone and reek havoc on the weather, we are all experiencing 
I have looked at this research and the orgone energy is generated by the 
biodynamic remedies.  You can tell via microscopic examination of 500 or 
barrel compost by the blue coloration of the chips of silica in the 
materials.  Compost tea made from the bd remedies have billions of these blue 
vibrating bacterium present.  More research is needed here.  Oh, by the way 
mention Riech's name around old school anthropops and you'll be ostrecized, 
maybe not a bad thing, mmm.  
At any rate this fall I could see the symptoms of disturbed orgone energy.  
This manifests in these puffy small dirty grey clouds floating in a blue sky. 
 As I stared into the blue you could see large patches devoid of the orgone.  
I pondered this and tried an experiment.  I stood [by the cows] and imagined 
the orgone all nice and organized, solid no holes.  It came to pass.  That 
night it clouded up and we had nice rain.  This was mid september and we have 
had weekly rain since.  I don't know if that was coinkidink or what but we 
are caught up on water.  I had to put some silica back in som e trees to try 
and dry it of a wee bit.  I would appreciate it if someone down under would 
give that a wack.
Put a snag on the bobbie and think about it, good on ya,...sstorch

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-22 Thread SBruno75
We should request that the agencies involved take a closer look at the use of 
chemicals at the same time they are examing the tea issue.  Have them look at 
residuals and food quality as well as the effects on groundwater...sstorch
In a message dated 11/13/02 9:54:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 David, I brought this up to our National Organic/Biodynamic Production

Standards committee (Australia)and they have spoken with the CSIRO re

research into this issue. David Matthews is an Ex Vet and knows all about

this stuff, and has mates in the right places.  Now we have to look at

research funding, especially trying to get the Organic levies outof the

non-organic sphere. But fear not, it is being taken seriously and wheels are

in motion.

I really appreciate the discussion happening on BDNow to help this issue


Cheryl Kemp

Education and Workshop Coordinator

Biodynamic AgriCulture Australia

Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322

Home: 02 6657 5306



- Original Message -

From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 5:50 PM

Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

 Hugh: I think that Frank has a valid point. Obviously poorly made compost

 tea can contain E.coli, the question is how do we stop it happening?

 Perceptions are everything, if it can be traced that someone got ill from

 compost tea then there are legions of highly paid people who will push the

 perception, right or wrong, that all compost tea is bad. No amount of

 huffing and puffing will change the perception once instigated, rumour and

 innuendo is the way that chemical companies fight and there's plenty of

 suckers out there willing to listen to them.

 Ideas anyone? 

Re: Macari Vineyard (?)

2002-11-22 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/22/02 9:43:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Looks like you've done a lot of good, hard work, Steve.

I'm not sure what you were saying about not having enough help for 
spraying. Do you mean, aside from CT applications, spraying chemicals 
for pests?
I mean about good, competent, take control  [not just a paycheck] kind of 
help.   A licensed, vineyard manager with  an applicators license.  The tea 
is handled, we do that with some kids who learned to drive the tractors.

I'm very curious about the measureable results of your efforts. For 
example, what do your soil tests look like? Where's your organic 
matter at?  
Organic matter has been slightly altered by compost applications.   A great 
visual is colloids showing up when we hill up for weed control.  We are also 
seeing earthworm activity in  a sandy loam soil where there was none before.

How is it that you're getting away from herbicide useage?
We use hilling equipment and a Clements to knock the hills down with the 
The hoe is also a great tool with a good [wo]man attached to it.

Have you experimented with peppers there for pest control? To what success?
Have not done much work with peppers, have had moderate success with the milk 
and honey spray. 

Thanks. I'm asking these questions for others who are interested in 
dedicating some start up vineyard acreage to bd practice. 
Am I coming down to talk about compost teas etc for this??? Are you coming to 
Lancaster the 28-29 January for the viticulture workshop???
cheers, sstorch

Fwd: Mars in its current cycle

2002-11-21 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/21/02 1:41:23 AM, Prkrjake writes:


The Correspondence


The cycle of the planet Mars, traditionally associated with war and conflict, 
is a two-year rhythm, starting at conjunction with the Sun and culminating 
two years later at the next Sun-Mars conjunction. At the present time Mars is 
moving away from a conjunction with the Sun in Leo this past August toward 
its opposition with the Sun from Pisces in August 2003.  Mars will conclude 
its current cycle in September 2004 when it again meets the Sun, this time in 
the sign Virgo. If it is true what Rudolf Steiner says, that it is a 
provision of the spiritual world that every real spiritual fact appears in 
the script of the starry heavens, then what can we make of this current 
movement of Mars?


From the research of Sergei Prokofieff, we find that the cosmic being of the 
Sophia can be found in the heavens from the constellations Virgo through 
Pisces.[i] Steiner suggests that this Sophia is the new Isis, who, like her 
brother Osiris, was slain by Typhon-Ahriman. Unlike Osiris, however, who was 
slain by Typhon-Ahriman and laid into the grave of the Earth,  Isis-Sophia 
was slain by Lucifer and laid into the grave of the cosmos, where a 
mechanized approach to understanding the cosmos keeps her silent and 
still[ii].  It is the task of our current culture to lift the veil of Isis, 
to find the Divine Sophia, by seeing through the events of the world toward 
their spiritual origins and their relationship to the movement of the heavens.


In three lectures given in 1917 entitled Wrong and Right Uses of Esoteric 
Knowledge, Rudolf Steiner distinguishes between the forces streaming toward 
us from the axis of Pisces to Virgo, and those forces streaming in from the 
axis of Gemini to Sagittarius. From the axis of Pisces to Virgo we find the 
impulses of dawn and dusk, where the activity at the threshold allows the 
human being to engage in freedom with the spiritual world.  From the axis of 
Gemini to Sagittarius we find the forces of midday and midnight, wherefrom 
stream forces feeding the duality (or 'double') in the human being, fettering 
him to his animalistic nature and subjecting him, thereby, to an increasing 
mechanism in his rhythms, for example through the effects of modern 


When we look to the events of September 11, 2001 we see that during that time 
until May of 2002, the planet Saturn moved through Gemini and came to 
opposition with Pluto in Sagittarius three times. Saturn can represent all 
that is inherent in the natural development of the human being, while Pluto 
was brought into our realm of experience only recently-- in 1930-with the aid 
of modern technology.  It must be saved for another time to elaborate how 
Pluto can be seen in relation to what the human being creates out of 
unconscious activity, and how, when it opposed Saturn in 2001, we found all 
that was inherent in the human being having to rally forth to meet all that 
can result as a consequence of unconscious activity.  


With Mars' movement through the heavens during the next two years we are 
afforded an opportunity to find a new way of responding to these events by 
aligning ourselves to the Pisces-Virgo axis of the zodiac, the abode of the 
Divine Sophia, the realm of the threshold.  We are challenged, we could say, 
to guide the Mars forces of war and conflict along the way of healing and 
compassion. This transformation of the Mars impulse requires the effort of 
the human being, for this transformation of planetary impulses must happen 
within the human being.  We are helped to understanding our role in this by 
the following words of Rudolf Steiner: 


Stars once spoke to humanity

It is world destiny they are silent now.

To be aware of this silence

Can be pain for earthly humanity

But in this silence

There grows and ripens

What humanity speaks to the stars

To be aware of this speaking 

Can be strength for Spirit Man.[iii]


It is appropriate to consider Mars specifically in this context, for we know 
that Mars, in addition to being the planet of war and aggression, is also the 
planet of speech.  As war and talk of war rages around us, we might ask: what 
is it we would speak to the stars at this time, how do we do this, and how is 
this individual activity transformative for society at large? When we try to 
answer these questions, we actually engage with the Sophia, the divine 
feminine, for it is the activity of the Sophia that allows us to see through 
world events and find the solution to begin with, not in outer activity, but 
by inner vision. Sophia is the wisdom that sees through the world and enables 
man to comprehend the world.[iv] 


In this we must bear in mind that the first phase of Earth evolution was 
marked by greater consciousness in the physical world and was guided by Mars. 
 The task of our time, however, entails the conquest of the spiritual world 

Re: Macari Vineyard (?)

2002-11-21 Thread SBruno75
We started spraying 500 there in 1998.  This coincided with establishing 
nettles patches, habitat diversity within the vineyard [by tearing out vines 
and planting honey suckle and other trees within the vineyard], and 
establishing barrel compost pits.  We have a heard of about twenty cows, 
mainly Texas Longhorns that we use for 500 and bc and tree paste remedies.  
We bury about two hundred and fifty horns and have about thirty bc pits.  We 
currently have about fifteen to twenty thousand units of barrel compost that 
is used for conventional bd practice and as a compost tea inoculant.  I have 
built three stirring machines for the vineyard and we have three dedicated 
Cima air blast sprayers.  Due to the difficulty in keeping quality help in 
the vineyard management department, it has been hard to keep a quality 
regemin for spray practices in the chemical realm.  It is a very minimalist 
spray program.  We spray according to scouting and not prophylactically like 
may other vineyards do.  There is no nitrogen used and no herbicide for about 
ten years.  The preparations are really starting to show there effects, 
especially in the compost yard.  They compost on about five acres and we 
spray heavily with bc, 500, Pfieffer and compost tea.  The compost, after 
three years of this and worm inoculations from my farm, is laced with read 
wigglers, a testimony to the habitat created by the bd remedies[ie: worm 
candy].  What else can I say??? Try some wine and let me know what you 
think... Hey, if you come to the Associative Economics Conference in Water 
Mill [stay tuned for more info] I'll get a few cases to pour out... ...SStorch

Re: like to get to know you, well ?

2002-11-16 Thread SBruno75
Born in 1958 in Brooklyn NY at Kings County Hospital, 4:30 am.  Lived off 
Church avenue then moved to Sheepshead Bay.  The only thing I ever knew about 
farms was that old MacDonald had one, eieio.  I remember some old Italian 
gardeners talking about how there were all farms where my house and friends 
houses were in Brooklyn.  That did not mean much to me then.  I moved to Sea 
Gate at the very western tip of Long Island, Coney Island was adjacent.  It 
looked out over the lower NY harbor.  On this water way we swam, fished and 
learned about scuba diving.  This was the old stomping ground of Woody 
Guthrie, the American folk song writer.  His words and music was agreat 
influence on me and my attitude toward the negligent behaviour of man.  I was 
a great fan of the undersea explorer, Jacques Cousteau.  I went to John Dewey 
High School and started to study Marine Biology there.  We did many things 
including preventing developers from buiulding on some of the last remaining 
swamps in Brooklyn.  I went on to study Marine Science at Southampton College 
and attained a BS in Marine Science, Biology.  I commercial fished for the 
years of high school and college and learned that fisherman do not want to 
listen to any advice outside of a guarantee loan officer.
By the time graduation rolled around I knew there was something terribly 
wrong with our scientific paradigm and I worked in landscaping, tree surgery, 
had a window cleaning business, and a real estate license I never used.  I 
married a farmer's daughter in 1986 and began to realize the shortcomings of 
our agricultural methods, food distribution, and the general maltreatment of 
farmers by the business sector.  I came to biodynamics in 1987-88 when I saw 
High Williams and Larry Halsey buryung cow horns in wat was to be our cow 
pasture.  I was mixing compost piles and went to see what they were doing.  
It did not strike me as strange but instead peaked my curiosty.  The neatness 
of the whole in the beautiful soil [that had been treated with Pfieffer in 
the 70's], the wonderful arrangement of the horns in the earth and the solemn 
attitude of the workers.  I asked some questions, filed the answers, and went 
back to making compost.  
That Winter I started to ttend the BD conferences in Kimberton, PA.  I heard 
Hugh Courtney speak, Will Brinton, met Hugh Lovel, and many other wonderful 
folks and farmers.  It was Courtney that most inspired me to work directly 
with the preparations and to stick with it and persevere.  I had to learn 
about soils, cropping, planting, soil preparation and all of the intracacies 
of farming.  It was great because my wife's family is twelfth generation on 
the land where we live and farm.  There is incredible energy and knowledge 
After trying to stir and spray 100 acres by hand and backpack sprayer I built 
a stirring machine with the finest hydraulic components.  I have built eight 
prototypes and now have what I consider to be state of the art.  I would only 
like to develope a more refined barrel.  I have customized a sprayer and have 
a golf bag array of spray nozzles and can get from 2-15 gallons per acre 
applications without fuss.  The machine stirs enough water for 25 acres, the 
double barrel enough for fifty.  I have been combining the work of Steiner, 
Pfieffer, and Schauberger with my own ideas and have developed five or more 
new earth healing remedies thus far.  I plan on continuing this work and 
somehow breaking in to the mainstream agricultural, horticultural, and 
municipal composting markets...that's all fffloks...sstorch

Re: Fw: Hidden Agendas? was Re: [compost_tea] Re: Testing NOP Decision {LONG}

2002-11-14 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/13/02 2:51:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steve - I keep getting conflicting reports: do you have a wife and 
kids or are you a bachelor? -Allan 

wife and kids, is this bdnow discussion or 

Re: farm induced thoughts

2002-11-14 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/14/02 4:55:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 always enjoy your posts, but particularly this one.

When does the book come out? 

I feel one brewing.  Thr construction of the house is ending, I feel 
mountains of time arising...sstorch

Re: VIDEO/DISCUSSION Groups was Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-13 Thread SBruno75
I would love to duplicate the program here, can I $$$ to copy the videos???  

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