RE: Uplink fast and Port fast [7:26236]

2001-11-14 Thread Hartnell, George

Trip over the same rock fantastic

Spanning Tree Protocol is where you want to go.  Here's a typical symptom:

Install new workstation on high end switch to troubleshoot multimedia
through firewall.  Connection fails. Link light fine. Realize all other cu
ports are static address servers.  Further realize DHCP uses broadcast for
address.  Static address on workstation connects.  Hu.

STP is the culprit.  Why it comes up as a default for simple non-redundant
route switched systems I'll leave up to the conjecturests. (Yes, I do know
the advertised reason.)  If you look at a STP packet through a sniffer, most
of the settings will become clear.  The most important is the time it takes
to become what's known as in a 'forwarding' state.  Typically this adds up
to 50 seconds.  Blocking--listening --learning and finally forwarding.

By the time most of a minute has passed, Microsoft devices needing an
address have given up.  They have no address and so, have no network

I've tripped over this rock in my early days of Cisco switching.

I'm tempted to entirely disable STP, in my environment; point to point,
non-redundant, no ring.  There have been discussions on this in previous
threads.  I believe the answer was similar to my feelings --- why not, if
you don't need it?  Not sure of the C(isco)ompany line, though.

Port fast, simply enough, enables a quick STP forwarding state.  Uplink fast
is similar, but over trunked connections, I believe.  Other vendors have
other cutesy names for similar functions.

And, by the way, while STP is a basic, and comparatively simple, those, like
me, who have not much switching stick time, have found it confounding in
that 'real world' we frequent.  That world sometimes has some serious time
limitations.  I tend to learn more quickly by knowing what I looking for.

Very best, G.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: Uplink fast and Port fast [7:26236]

Nothing wrong with questions but for these real basic things a simple
search will work and you will learn more by looking around and reading:


William wrote:
 Dear all,
 Any one know what is uplink fast and port fast?
 Thanks a lot!!
David Madland
Sr. Network Engineer
CCIE# 2016
Qwest Communications Int. Inc.

Emotion should reflect reason not guide it

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RE: Latency on the local access circuit [7:26263]

2001-11-14 Thread Alex Lei


I have a feeling that you might have tried the below, but just for a

Is the ping time always high, or does it vary depending on the time of the
day? If it's the latter, it might be a congestion problem, and you can check
for the presence of FECN's on the frame switch. This happened to me once,
and it turned out to be an incorrect CIR on the PVC.


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All you veterans... [7:26301]

2001-11-14 Thread Jeff D

Check it out for reimbursement:

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RE: One subnet presents bad performance. How can I see [7:26302]

2001-11-14 Thread Mark Odette II

1st thing I would do is a Tracert from a Windows box, or Traceroute from a
Unix box on the 2nd subnet to the target server/host and see where the
buck stops.  This will tell you if it is a Routing issue, which is what I
would first think of... but none-the-less, traceroute is your number one
test tool for walking up the troubleshooting chain.

Once you've verified cross-subnet communications (which will be proving both
physical and logical connections, the end result will define your next step
on how to rectify the problem.  You might even have a simple Subnet Mask

For looking at bad juju on the CAT5K, do a  to reset all the
counters for all ports, and then within a 5 to 10 minute period, do a  from
the CLI and look for high levels of packet errors.

Hope this helps.

Mark Odette II
StellarConnection Services

-Original Message-
Brown, M
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:48 PM
Subject: One subnet presents bad performance. How can I see troubleshoot

In one particular subnet, this morning users got timed out trying to ftp to
a certain server or Telnet to that server.
If I perform the operation from another subnet, that's work fine and no time
out or delays occur.

I used Netmon to analyze the telnet process both on the subnet 1 - the
subnet that is working  and subnet 2, which has presented problems.

I couldn't see any new protocol or broadcast that could cause the delay on
the network.
What's the command to see statistics or look for errors in the Catalyst 5000
series switch ?
How would be the steps to troublshoot this ?

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Re: Dazed and Confused [7:6705]

2001-11-14 Thread C. Kolp

If you can memorize the stuff in the Cisco ICND book, you'll do fine.

On Wednesday, November 14, 2001, at 03:50 PM, Thomas Richardson wrote:

 I have failed the CCNA test 6 times and am confused as to why. I feel I 
 passed but I keep getting scores in the 829 - 839 range. I have taken 
 a 5
 week course in a private school and studied out of the Sybex, Steve Mc
 Querry and Wendell Odom books and I have the Sybex Virtual Lab and 
 from Troytech study guide. Two girls in my class with absolutely no tech
 background or experience passed the exam on the first try.  What 
 gives?  It
 is very frustrating not knowing what I am missing. Can anyone give me 
 on if I should continue CISCO or move on to something different.

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2 questions (nat tcp 3-way handshake) [7:26305]

2001-11-14 Thread Mirza, Timur

*   if u r doing nat outside to inside, is it normal behavior to get two
different nat addresses for the same source (in this case, i
know its going to 2 different destinations but shouldn't the source get the
same address?

ohdblndxnet-drsh ip nat tr ve

Pro Inside global Inside local  Outside local
Outside global
create 03:07:37, use 00:00:24, left 00:59:35, flags: outside
create 01:25:59, use 00:31:07, left 00:28:52, flags: outside

*   is there a debugging tool that will allow me to view the tcp 3-way
handshake? i know u can create an acl  debug it to view packets but can u
see the syn, syn ack  ack packets?

Timur Mirza
Principal Network Engineer
Network Transition Group
Irvine, California
Verizon Wireless
949.286.6623 (o)
949.697.7964 (c)

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Re: RFC 768 UDP ? [7:26283]

2001-11-14 Thread Patricia Leeb-Hart

Oh, my.  One's head reels!

 Phil Barker  11/14/2001 12:55:16 PM 
Just been reading the above RFC. To quote 

Checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's
complement sum of a pseudo header of information from
the IP header, the UDP header, and the data, padded
with zero octets at the end (if necessary) to make a
multiple of two octets.

The pseudo header conceptually prefixed to the UDP
header contains the source address, the destination
address, the protocol, and the UDP length. This
information gives protection against misrouted
datagrams. This checksum procedure is the same as is
used in TCP.

This business about a pseudo header is bothering me.
If the IP header has already had a checksum that runs
across the source and destination address then why
does UDP do this again ? It also creates an obvious
dependancy of UDP on IP also.

Another question about padding making a multiple of
two octets. I seem to remember Novell IPX requiring
even numbered packets (2.X) maybe. Is this something
to do with 16 bit processors working more efficiently
with an even packet sizes i.e reading two bytes at a
time was less expensive processor-wise than reading an
odd byte ?


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RE: Dazed and Confused [7:6705]

2001-11-14 Thread Dennis Laganiere

Here's my advice...

Since you seem to have done everything else... Download all three bosons
(  They have excellent practice exams and should get you over
the hump.

My normal study routine for any Cisco exam is... 
* Read the Exam Cram, Cisco press and anything else associated with the
target exam...  
* Practice the things I can do on my pod (insert joke here)... 
* Do the Bosons until I'm hitting %100... 

I took anywere from a week to a month to prepare for each exam, and I passed
them all first time using this technique.  Trust me, I'm no smarter then
anybody else on the list; if I can do it, you can do it.

In the interest of full disclosure, I've done some writting for them in the
past; but not for the CCNA track - so I'm pure on this one...

Thanks and good luck...

-=- Dennis

-Original Message-
From: C. Kolp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: Dazed and Confused [7:6705]

If you can memorize the stuff in the Cisco ICND book, you'll do fine.

On Wednesday, November 14, 2001, at 03:50 PM, Thomas Richardson wrote:

 I have failed the CCNA test 6 times and am confused as to why. I feel I 
 passed but I keep getting scores in the 829 - 839 range. I have taken 
 a 5
 week course in a private school and studied out of the Sybex, Steve Mc
 Querry and Wendell Odom books and I have the Sybex Virtual Lab and 
 from Troytech study guide. Two girls in my class with absolutely no tech
 background or experience passed the exam on the first try.  What 
 gives?  It
 is very frustrating not knowing what I am missing. Can anyone give me 
 on if I should continue CISCO or move on to something different.

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GOOD STUFF [7:26308]

2001-11-14 Thread RCL

That is some good stuff you   )
got there, got any more? (
~~~ )
  Jonathan Hays  wrote: RCL wrote:

 Executive Summary
 Design Requirements
 Design Solutions
 A couple of words on each would be cool as ice.
 Hopefully someone will get back to me in time for me to read your brief.


 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 Please send replys to:

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals.
Sorry to get on my soapbox, but this post bugs me.
So please send replys to means what?
Maybe this (I paraphrase Bob Niland below):

- I'm a lurker in this group.
- I've never contributed anything here , and don't ever expect to.
- I want the rest of you to spend time addressing my issue.
- My time is more valuable than yours.
- I don't want you to share the answer with anyone else here, even if
the question is of general interest.
- I only want isolated answers, with no one else correcting any
misinformation or completing any missing information.
- I can't be bothered subscribing to this news group long enough
to read responses.
- I won't even check groupstudy to read responses there.
- Bye.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Please send replys to:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Do You Yahoo!?
Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals.

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CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

2001-11-14 Thread Nigel Taylor

Well as it would turn out it's my turn to write that awesome email...  I just
got back from RTP today where after checking my email, I was awarded
CCIE#8387. What a journey/process this has been and I must say that I'm
relieved that it's now over.  After countless hours of study and practicing
the rack the reward was most definitely worth the sacrifice.

I didn't sleep a any last night as I awaited the results of my lab score
I was unable to check until 12 noon today. So on that note I'm off to catch
on the sleep that escaped me last night.

More to follow once I get rested up..

Nigel Taylor
CCIE#8387 and all that other stuff.. :-

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RE: Salary Expectations/CCNP's!!!!!!!!! [7:25805]

2001-11-14 Thread Hartnell, George

A very distant shout from the lives of some of those we owe...

Thomas Hobbs, Charles Babbage, Albert Smee, Alan Turing.  It never ceases to
amaze me that 'success', in modern America, equals money.  It used to equate
with knowledge and the gaining thereof.  Though some of the early digital
pioneers died poor and alone, I doubt the names of many contemporary CEOs
will last as long in history.  Nor do I feel their contribution(s) have been
of equal value.  The soul of this new machine deserves far better than greed
as the primary motivator.

Best, G.
Vice-president (honorary), Old Geezers Club

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ospf config [7:26311]

2001-11-14 Thread Mr. Richard L. Pickard

11/14/2001   7:22pm  Wednesday

The router name is area zero but it actually has six serial interfaces that
are in six different areas.
Each serial interface in connected to a 2501.

I am trying to run all six areas on the 2600.
I am most of the way there.  I think I need to add OSPF point-to-point 
neighbor commands
All six 2500s are connected on the ethernet side to a catalyst that is set up
as area zero.
That half on the config works.



AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf database

OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 100)

Router Link States (Area 1)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 2)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 4)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 5)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 6)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0
AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf ?
 Process ID number
  border-routers   Border and Boundary Router Information
  database Database summary
  flood-list   Link state flood list
  interfaceInterface information
  mpls MPLS related information
  neighbor Neighbor list
  request-list Link state request list
  retransmission-list  Link state retransmission list
  summary-address  Summary-address redistribution Information
  virtual-linksVirtual link information
  |Output modifiers

AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf 100
 Routing Process ospf 100 with ID and Domain ID
 Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
 Supports opaque LSA
 SPF schedule delay 5 secs, Hold time between two SPFs 10 secs
 Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1 secs
 Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
 Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
 Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
 Number of areas in this router is 6. 6 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
 External flood list length 0
Area 1
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0
Area 2
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0
Area 3
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0
Area 4
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0
Area 5
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0
Area 6
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
Number of opaque link LSA 0. 

Re: Dazed and Confused [7:6705]

2001-11-14 Thread nettable_walker

11/14/2001   7:33pm  Wednesday

After six attempts I would think you would have most of the questions
written down.
Use that as a study guide.
There are people who take tests for a living.
They just memorize as much as they can  write a book on what's on the test.
When I am about to teach a CCNA class I take the test again just so my class
is on the same page with the test.



C. Kolp  wrote in message
 If you can memorize the stuff in the Cisco ICND book, you'll do fine.

 On Wednesday, November 14, 2001, at 03:50 PM, Thomas Richardson wrote:

  I have failed the CCNA test 6 times and am confused as to why. I feel I
  passed but I keep getting scores in the 829 - 839 range. I have taken
  a 5
  week course in a private school and studied out of the Sybex, Steve Mc
  Querry and Wendell Odom books and I have the Sybex Virtual Lab and
  from Troytech study guide. Two girls in my class with absolutely no tech
  background or experience passed the exam on the first try.  What
  gives?  It
  is very frustrating not knowing what I am missing. Can anyone give me
  on if I should continue CISCO or move on to something different.

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RE: Salary Expectations/CCNP's!!!!!!!!! [7:25805]

2001-11-14 Thread Priscilla Oppenheimer

May I please add Claude Shannon to your list. He's my hero.

And don't forget what Bilbo Baggins said about Aragorn, son of Arathorn:

All that's gold doesn't glitter.

I think this would apply to the discussion about Paul (the moderator for 
this group). He's gold in my book even if he doesn't glitter! ;-) Also, I 
would like to mention that John Chambers is a humble man, not motivated by 
greed or money. I think he's motivated mostly by the conquest.

In case you're wondering, the more famous quote All that glitters isn't 
gold comes from Merchant of Venice, although Shakespeare was not the first 
person to say it. Aristotle and Chaucer also said it. It's been a common 
proverb since Aristotle's time. It seems to be something that every 
generation has to learn.

Back to work now ;-)


At 07:58 PM 11/14/01, Hartnell, George wrote:
A very distant shout from the lives of some of those we owe...

Thomas Hobbs, Charles Babbage, Albert Smee, Alan Turing.  It never ceases to
amaze me that 'success', in modern America, equals money.  It used to equate
with knowledge and the gaining thereof.  Though some of the early digital
pioneers died poor and alone, I doubt the names of many contemporary CEOs
will last as long in history.  Nor do I feel their contribution(s) have been
of equal value.  The soul of this new machine deserves far better than greed
as the primary motivator.

Best, G.
Vice-president (honorary), Old Geezers Club

Priscilla Oppenheimer

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Re: All you veterans... [7:26301]

2001-11-14 Thread Sal DiStefano

Funny the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America is on the list
but not Cisco.

I called and they said to send it in and they may pay for it anyway.

- Original Message -
From: Jeff D 
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 5:32 PM
Subject: All you veterans... [7:26301]

 Check it out for reimbursement:

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anyone in Vancouver,Canada ? [7:26315]

2001-11-14 Thread Li Hou

If you live in Vancouver, Canada, and study towards CCNP/CCIE or
recertificate, I'm happy to share experience with you.


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RE: Latency on the local access circuit [7:26263]

2001-11-14 Thread Paul Jin

Hi Alex,

This site has another router connection back to the hub so this PVC is not
being used at this moment except for testing.

I have no fecn/becns.  I have the CIR set at 128K on the network portion.

No discards within the cloud.  in fact, within the network, it is
around 70 ms between stratacom to stratacom.  But between the router
to router ping, it is very abnormally high.  

The hub site has other PVCs exiting to other routers and they all
work ok.  Just this particular one.

It seems that something locally must be changed.  Bad thing is I have to
rely on many intermediaries to get answers and get things done.


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2 sets of Gigabit Ethernet Channels. [7:26317]

2001-11-14 Thread Washington Rico

As always I appreciate your input on anything you cisco people can give me.


If you have 3 cat6500's...

Cat 1 and 2 are already channeled by Gigabit ethernet.  Can I channel Cat 3 
to Cat2 by Gigabit as well?  This will obligate Cat 2 to have 2 sets of 
channels all are this possible??

Subject: Re: Gigabit Ethernet Channels. [7:26077]
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 13:45:56 -0500

I wouldn't create 2 etherchannels between the switches, as this creates a
loop, and with STP enabled, one of the channels would be disabled.  Use 
4 ports, or 2 of the ports; one from each supervisor engine.  The commands
to accomplish this would be as follows:

set port chan 1/1,2/1 on (2 port etherchannel, one from each supervisor
set port chan 1/1-2/2 on (4-port etherchannel)


- Original Message -
From: Washington Rico 
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 1:28 AM
Subject: Gigabit Ethernet Channels. [7:26077]

  As always I appreciate your input on anything you cisco people can give
  I am trying to create a Gigabit ethernet channel from two Cat 6500s.  
  Gigabit pors 1/1-2 and 2/1-2.  Cat B Gigabit ports 1/1-2 and 2/1-2.  
Can I
  create a channel were Cat A ports 1/1,2/1 are on the same channel or am 
  forced to use contiguous ports as 1/1-2 as one channel group?
  Cat software 5.5.7
$B$+$o(B  $B;H$($k%V%i%%6$G!%$%s%?!%M%C%H@83h$b$C$H3Z$7$/$J$k!*(B

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Re: RFC 768 UDP ? [7:26283]

2001-11-14 Thread nrf

Comments inline
Patricia Leeb-Hart  wrote in message
 Oh, my.  One's head reels!

  Phil Barker  11/14/2001 12:55:16 PM 
 Just been reading the above RFC. To quote

 Checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's
 complement sum of a pseudo header of information from
 the IP header, the UDP header, and the data, padded
 with zero octets at the end (if necessary) to make a
 multiple of two octets.

 The pseudo header conceptually prefixed to the UDP
 header contains the source address, the destination
 address, the protocol, and the UDP length. This
 information gives protection against misrouted
 datagrams. This checksum procedure is the same as is
 used in TCP.

 This business about a pseudo header is bothering me.
 If the IP header has already had a checksum that runs
 across the source and destination address then why
 does UDP do this again ? It also creates an obvious
 dependancy of UDP on IP also.

You're correct, it  isn't necessary, and this has been acknowledged by the
standards writers.  Some TCP/IP implementations ignore the UDP checksum (
they will not reject a packet that does not have a UDP checksum, as long as
the IP header checksum is OK).

 Another question about padding making a multiple of
 two octets. I seem to remember Novell IPX requiring
 even numbered packets (2.X) maybe. Is this something
 to do with 16 bit processors working more efficiently
 with an even packet sizes i.e reading two bytes at a
 time was less expensive processor-wise than reading an
 odd byte ?


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Re: Best sniffer [7:26030]

2001-11-14 Thread Wojtek Zlobicki

Ethereal does the trick (

Ali Mesdaq  wrote in message
 whats the best sniffer? i want one thats intuitive and powerful. something
 that can unwrap packets to the data content and if possbile let you view
 communications between machines by orginizing the packets for you. if its
 free that would be good too

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ospf config [7:26311]

2001-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What are you trying to achieve?
You say I am trying to run all six areas on the 2600.  Judging by the
show ip ospf 100, you are succeeding in that aim.  However your six areas
on the 2600 won't talk to each other directly, because inter-area traffic
must go via area zero, so I assume all your inter-area traffic is going via
the catalyst.

In the words of HCB, what problem are you trying to solve?
I really hope this is a lab, and not a production setup...


- Forwarded by Jenny Mcleod/NSO/CSDA on 15/11/2001 01:58 pm -
Mr. Richard
Pickard   To:
 Subject: ospf config
15/11/2001 12:22
Please respond
Mr. Richard

11/14/2001   7:22pm  Wednesday

The router name is area zero but it actually has six serial interfaces that
are in six different areas.
Each serial interface in connected to a 2501.

I am trying to run all six areas on the 2600.
I am most of the way there.  I think I need to add OSPF point-to-point 
neighbor commands
All six 2500s are connected on the ethernet side to a catalyst that is set
as area zero.
That half on the config works.



AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf database

OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 100)

Router Link States (Area 1)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 2)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 4)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 5)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0

Router Link States (Area 6)

Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0
AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf ?
 Process ID number
  border-routers   Border and Boundary Router Information
  database Database summary
  flood-list   Link state flood list
  interfaceInterface information
  mpls MPLS related information
  neighbor Neighbor list
  request-list Link state request list
  retransmission-list  Link state retransmission list
  summary-address  Summary-address redistribution Information
  virtual-linksVirtual link information
  |Output modifiers

AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf 100
 Routing Process ospf 100 with ID and Domain ID
 Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
 Supports opaque LSA
 SPF schedule delay 5 secs, Hold time between two SPFs 10 secs
 Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1 secs
 Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
 Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
 Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
 Number of areas in this router is 6. 6 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
 External flood list length 0
Area 1
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0
Area 2
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0

Re: Passport 8006 and Cisco's switch [7:26227]

2001-11-14 Thread Erick B.

This one is tough. The Passport 8600 is better then
the 6500 in some ways and the 6500 is better in other
ways and both are solid boxes. 

The question is, what are you trying to do?

Replacing Bay/Nortel with Cisco isn't a valid answer
:) (Why replace a perfectly good box?)


--- VoIP Guy  wrote:
 Passport 8100 is L2 like Cisco 6000
 and 8600 is L3 like Cisco 6500
 The 81's and 86's are cool becaue they support
 DiffServ by default and the
 Cat's need a PFC.
 Abu Salmaan Sheikh  wrote in message
  Catalyst 6500 series.
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
   Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:50 AM
   Subject: Passport 8006 and Cisco's switch
   Dear all,
   Do anyone know which Cisco's switch can be well
   to Passport 8006
   Thanks a lot!!!

Do You Yahoo!?
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Lab equipment for sale [7:26323]

2001-11-14 Thread Terry Hartman

A friend of mine used this equipment to study for the CCIE now wants to

1 - Cisco 2501
1 - Cisco 2502
1 - Cisco 2514
1 - Cisco 2521
1 - Catalyst 5000 with the following modules WS-X5009, WS-X5010 and dual
power supplies. 3 V.35 DTE cables 3 V.35 DCE cables 2 SMC MAU 3 Ethernet

Only serious inquiries please. Contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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ipx in 6500 [7:26326]

2001-11-14 Thread cage

I want to play DF3 lan/ipx in my company over more than one vlan, i have
built the vlan for ipx, but the DF3 did not work, no server was discovied in
the 6500. i don't know if the DF3 lan/ipx server can provide the sap
what can i do?

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RE: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

2001-11-14 Thread Rik Guyler

Dude, you are SOOO the man!  Congrats!


-Original Message-
From: Nigel Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 7:55 PM
Subject: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

Well as it would turn out it's my turn to write that awesome email...  I
just got back from RTP today where after checking my email, I was awarded
CCIE#8387. What a journey/process this has been and I must say that I'm
relieved that it's now over.  After countless hours of study and practicing
on the rack the reward was most definitely worth the sacrifice.

I didn't sleep a any last night as I awaited the results of my lab score
which I was unable to check until 12 noon today. So on that note I'm off to
catch up on the sleep that escaped me last night.

More to follow once I get rested up..

Nigel Taylor
CCIE#8387 and all that other stuff.. :-

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RE: 2 sets of Gigabit Ethernet Channels. [7:26317]

2001-11-14 Thread Rik Guyler

Sure it's possible.  No problemo.  This is no different than connecting the
Cats together via single Gig links.


-Original Message-
From: Washington Rico [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 9:30 PM
Subject: 2 sets of Gigabit Ethernet Channels. [7:26317]

As always I appreciate your input on anything you cisco people can give me.


If you have 3 cat6500's...

Cat 1 and 2 are already channeled by Gigabit ethernet.  Can I channel Cat 3 
to Cat2 by Gigabit as well?  This will obligate Cat 2 to have 2 sets of 
channels all are this possible??

Subject: Re: Gigabit Ethernet Channels. [7:26077]
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 13:45:56 -0500

I wouldn't create 2 etherchannels between the switches, as this creates 
a loop, and with STP enabled, one of the channels would be disabled.  
4 ports, or 2 of the ports; one from each supervisor engine.  The 
commands to accomplish this would be as follows:

set port chan 1/1,2/1 on (2 port etherchannel, one from each supervisor
set port chan 1/1-2/2 on (4-port etherchannel)


- Original Message -
From: Washington Rico
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 1:28 AM
Subject: Gigabit Ethernet Channels. [7:26077]

  As always I appreciate your input on anything you cisco people can 
  I am trying to create a Gigabit ethernet channel from two Cat 6500s.
  Gigabit pors 1/1-2 and 2/1-2.  Cat B Gigabit ports 1/1-2 and 2/1-2.
Can I
  create a channel were Cat A ports 1/1,2/1 are on the same channel or 
  forced to use contiguous ports as 1/1-2 as one channel group?
  Cat software 5.5.7

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Re: books question [7:26294]

2001-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/14/01 5:00:28 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Subj: books question [7:26294]
 Date:  11/14/01 5:00:28 PM Central Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stull, Cory)
 Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stull, Cory)
 Can someone recommend good books on Cisco Call Manager / Unity / VOIP / QOS
 I've checked out the internet but you can only get so much out of the
 descriptions and reviews online.
Integrated Voice and Data Networks by Scott Keagy is an excellent reference. 
Published by Cisco Press.
Rob H. NP, DP, blah,blah,blah...

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Re: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

2001-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/14/01 7:15:46 PM Central Standard Time, 

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Re: RFC 768 UDP ? [7:26283]

2001-11-14 Thread Priscilla Oppenheimer

At 09:37 PM 11/14/01, nrf wrote:
   Phil Barker  11/14/2001 12:55:16 PM 
  Just been reading the above RFC. To quote
  Checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's
  complement sum of a pseudo header of information from
  the IP header, the UDP header, and the data, padded
  with zero octets at the end (if necessary) to make a
  multiple of two octets.
  The pseudo header conceptually prefixed to the UDP
  header contains the source address, the destination
  address, the protocol, and the UDP length. This
  information gives protection against misrouted
  datagrams. This checksum procedure is the same as is
  used in TCP.
  This business about a pseudo header is bothering me.
  If the IP header has already had a checksum that runs
  across the source and destination address then why
  does UDP do this again ? It also creates an obvious
  dependancy of UDP on IP also.

You're correct, it  isn't necessary, and this has been acknowledged by the
standards writers.  Some TCP/IP implementations ignore the UDP checksum (
they will not reject a packet that does not have a UDP checksum, as long as
the IP header checksum is OK).

True, but TCP does the same thing (i.e. uses a checksum based on a pseudo 
header) and TCP's checksum is required. So the question still remains, why? 
The only clue is that the RFC says this gives protection against misrouted 
packets. It's hard to fathom what they were getting at, but what are some 
situations where the IP addresses inserted by the sender might be different 
from those that are in the packet that arrives at the recipient? I can 
think of one major case that has become very popular in modern 
networks.. (It supposedly handles the issue by recalculating the 
checksum, but it could be buggy).

  Another question about padding making a multiple of
  two octets. I seem to remember Novell IPX requiring
  even numbered packets (2.X) maybe. Is this something
  to do with 16 bit processors working more efficiently
  with an even packet sizes i.e reading two bytes at a
  time was less expensive processor-wise than reading an
  odd byte ?

Sounds like a good guess.

  Do You Yahoo!?
  Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email
  Music Charts

Priscilla Oppenheimer

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Re: ospf config [7:26311]

2001-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/14/01 7:42:42 PM Central Standard Time, 

 Subj: ospf config [7:26311]
 Date:  11/14/01 7:42:42 PM Central Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr. Richard L. Pickard)
 Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr. Richard L. Pickard)
 11/14/2001   7:22pm  Wednesday

Try the area (X) range A.B.C.D.  command to connect all your areas to the 
backbone (area 0)
Rob H.

 The router name is area zero but it actually has six serial interfaces that
 are in six different areas.
 Each serial interface in connected to a 2501.
 I am trying to run all six areas on the 2600.
 I am most of the way there.  I think I need to add OSPF point-to-point 
 neighbor commands
 All six 2500s are connected on the ethernet side to a catalyst that is set
 as area zero.
 That half on the config works.
 AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf database
 OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 100)
 Router Link States (Area 1)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 2)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 3)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 4)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 5)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 6)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#   Checksum Link count 0x1E1A   0
 AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf ?
  Process ID number
   border-routers   Border and Boundary Router Information
   database Database summary
   flood-list   Link state flood list
   interfaceInterface information
   mpls MPLS related information
   neighbor Neighbor list
   request-list Link state request list
   retransmission-list  Link state retransmission list
   summary-address  Summary-address redistribution Information
   virtual-linksVirtual link information
   |Output modifiers
 AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf 100
  Routing Process ospf 100 with ID and Domain ID
  Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
  Supports opaque LSA
  SPF schedule delay 5 secs, Hold time between two SPFs 10 secs
  Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1 secs
  Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
  Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
  Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
  Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
  Number of areas in this router is 6. 6 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
  External flood list length 0
 Area 1
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
 Number of DCbitless LSA 0
 Number of indication LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
 Flood list length 0
 Area 2
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
 Number of DCbitless LSA 0
 Number of indication LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
 Flood list length 0
 Area 3
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
 Number of DCbitless LSA 0
 Number of indication LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
 Flood list length 0
 Area 4
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
 Number of DCbitless LSA 0
 Number of indication LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
 Flood list length 0
 Area 5
 Number of interfaces in 

Re: ospf config [7:26311]

2001-11-14 Thread Erick B.


Your config looks fine for this side, and as long as
each 2501 is configured with the correct IP subnet for
serial interface and OSPF network statements are
correct you should form six neighbors for OSPF.

HTH, Erick

--- Mr. Richard L. Pickard
 11/14/2001   7:22pm  Wednesday
 The router name is area zero but it actually has six
 serial interfaces that
 are in six different areas.
 Each serial interface in connected to a 2501.
 I am trying to run all six areas on the 2600.
 I am most of the way there.  I think I need to add
 OSPF point-to-point 
 neighbor commands
 All six 2500s are connected on the ethernet side to
 a catalyst that is set up
 as area zero.
 That half on the config works.
 AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf database
 OSPF Router with ID (
 (Process ID 100)
 Router Link States (Area 1)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#
   Checksum Link count   
 0x8002 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 2)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#
   Checksum Link count   
 0x8002 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 3)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#
   Checksum Link count   
 0x8002 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 4)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#
   Checksum Link count   
 0x8002 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 5)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#
   Checksum Link count   
 0x8002 0x1E1A   0
 Router Link States (Area 6)
 Link ID ADV Router  Age Seq#
   Checksum Link count   
 0x8002 0x1E1A   0
 AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf ?
  Process ID number
   border-routers   Border and Boundary Router
   database Database summary
   flood-list   Link state flood list
   interfaceInterface information
   mpls MPLS related information
   neighbor Neighbor list
   request-list Link state request list
   retransmission-list  Link state retransmission
   summary-address  Summary-address
 redistribution Information
   virtual-linksVirtual link information
   |Output modifiers
 AREA_ZERO#sho ip ospf 100
  Routing Process ospf 100 with ID and
 Domain ID
  Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
  Supports opaque LSA
  SPF schedule delay 5 secs, Hold time between two
 SPFs 10 secs
  Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1
  Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
  Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
  Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
  Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
  Number of areas in this router is 6. 6 normal 0
 stub 0 nssa
  External flood list length 0
 Area 1
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum
 Number of DCbitless LSA 0
 Number of indication LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
 Flood list length 0
 Area 2
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum
 Number of DCbitless LSA 0
 Number of indication LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
 Flood list length 0
 Area 3
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum
 Number of DCbitless LSA 0
 Number of indication LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
 Flood list length 0
 Area 4
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B
 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum
 Number of DCbitless LSA 0
 Number of indication LSA 0
 Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
 Flood list length 0
 Area 5
 Number of interfaces in this area is 1
 Area has no authentication
 SPF algorithm executed 2 times
 Area ranges are
 Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x1C1B

RE: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

2001-11-14 Thread Ole Drews Jensen

Congratulations Nigel,

I'm sure you feel a little taller now :)


 Ole Drews Jensen
 Systems Network Manager
 RWR Enterprises, Inc.


-Original Message-
From: Nigel Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:55 PM
Subject: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

Well as it would turn out it's my turn to write that awesome email...  I
got back from RTP today where after checking my email, I was awarded
CCIE#8387. What a journey/process this has been and I must say that I'm
relieved that it's now over.  After countless hours of study and practicing
the rack the reward was most definitely worth the sacrifice.

I didn't sleep a any last night as I awaited the results of my lab score
I was unable to check until 12 noon today. So on that note I'm off to catch
on the sleep that escaped me last night.

More to follow once I get rested up..

Nigel Taylor
CCIE#8387 and all that other stuff.. :-

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Re: where exactly is the equipment replicated ? [7:26243]

2001-11-14 Thread Wojtek Zlobicki

Priscilla Oppenheimer  wrote in message
 At 12:15 PM 11/14/01, John Green wrote:
 and what would this mean ??
 where exactly is the equipment replicated ? is it one
 at customer
 access point and the other at the carrier provider's
 end? is this what
 is duplication and what is the context for
 Multiple networks ?

 You'll have to tell us the context. Where did you get the wording below
 what is it in reference too? It sounds like a bunch of hand waving that
 might make more sense with some context, but might not. Very few companies
 would implement multiple, parallel networks to meet availability goals,
 some might.

 The sentence at the end doesn't fit. Did it come from somewhere else? Or
 maybe it fits if you read this as advertising material from a service
 provider. Are they trying to justify why a customer should use them for
 redundancy or something? It's impossible to tell.

 And I have a question for you. What does 42 mean? Thanks.


 Multiple networks, however, are extremely expensive
 to build and
 maintain. Capital expenditure is high because
 equipment is replicated,
 and operation and maintenance costs are high because
 of the
 duplication of personnel and practices for each
 separate network. At
 the same time, competitive pressures in the
 communication industry are
 forcing providers to shift their business models from
 simply providing
 bandwidth to delivering revenue-generating,
 value-added services
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals

 Priscilla Oppenheimer

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Re: where exactly is the equipment replicated ? [7:26243]

2001-11-14 Thread Wojtek Zlobicki

Lets try that again , being a little trigger happy  :)

 And I have a question for you. What does 42 mean? Thanks.

Hitchhikers Guide memories being a little fuzzy , isn't 42 the answer :P

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RE: CCIE LAB SETUP [7:26281]

2001-11-14 Thread Wright, Jeremy

check out ...i purchased all of my pod from them. 

-Original Message-
From: Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: CCIE LAB SETUP [7:26281]

Hey guys and gals, quick question... sorta...

We have some end-of-year-money (govt) and I need a quick list of a minimum
and the extras list of hardware for a good CCIE lab. Something that's
identical to the actual equipment used in the lab or that's pretty damn

In other words, if you had a shitload of $ for a lab, what would you buy

I do already have the following:
Cat5k w/RSm
7206 w/4port 10BaseT, 4port Fast-Serial
several 1900/2900's
2-804w/NT1 isdn routers
isdn simulator
2-2600 w/WIC1


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RE: Salary Expectations/CCNP's!!!!!!!!! [7:25805]

2001-11-14 Thread Ole Drews Jensen

We are touching several subjects that every now and then are discussed on
this and other lists.

There are many things to consider:

When getting a job and you have a CCNP cert, I would assume that most
companies will expect you to live up to that cert, and fire you if you're
just all paper - no brains.

Many applicants put so much stuff on their resume that has no real life
truth in it.

I remember when I was interviewing for an assistant, and wanted someone (at
that time) with Novell experience and preferable a CNA or better, and this
guy came in and said that he had paid and attended all CNE courses (5 I
believe) which would have costed him more than $10K - but when he found out
that he had to pay for the exams themself, he had refused to take them. Yeah
right! Who's gonna pay $10K+ for training but not an additional $500.- to
pass and get the cert???

After that interview, I made a paper with 10 simple questions from making a
CAT5 cable, to backing up the Novell NetWare 3.1x bindery, to creating setup
diskettes for NT 4.0 installation. Most of the applicants only got about
half of them right, and one guy did not get any of them right, but was
sitting with a BIG smile throughout the whole interview.

Next, salary surveys.

I often wonder what happens with salary and certs. - When people stay in the
same job and achieve a new cert, will they get a raise automatically, by
request, or not a chance? - When people apply for a new job, will the salary
match their certs or only the ones the position need them to have?

Also, some people have lost their lust of educating themselves and/or
providing service they can be proud of. Someone can have been in a job for
20 years, but does not have any pride in doing a good job, so they are
standing still so to speak.

Personally, I like to be proud of putting my name on what I have achived, so
people can look at the job I've done and say that guy did a good job here.
That is probably why my company have given me three extremly good raises and
a very good bonus in the less than two years I've been working for them.

So, salary surveys... - Well, I like to read them to get a feel for what a
guy like me with 14 years of professional programming, system  network
administration, and web development/administration gets, and then compare it
to where I am salary wise. One thing everyone should remember is that salary
is not the only thing to consider. You can get a high salary, but be
travelling 70% of the time, working 90 hours a week, and be in an
environment with a populated department below the amount of tasks, forcing
you to eat antacid tablets like candy.

Anyway, this was just my 0010 cents.

Have fun out there...


 Ole Drews Jensen
 Systems Network Manager
 RWR Enterprises, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Odette II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 9:55 AM
Subject: RE: Salary Expectations/CCNP's! [7:25805]

I just get tired of people claiming
 to be networkers and they don't even know how to use the ultimate
 of networkers... the internet... they just post questions here without
 ANY research on their own...

So do I interpret this correctly to say that the ONLY way you can be a
Networker is that you HAVE to either PAY for a BS Salary Survey (because
we all know the Free ones are nothing but teasers to get you to buy the
real deal) or find some other STATIC content that is not necessarily

I thought the term Networking in a social context was to interact with
many others to find out any answer to a question you may have It's not
like my Video Display or Printer can say, Yo Mark, check out what I
found... Google says the word on Salaries for your kind of job of interest
is roughly BLAH BLAH BLAH annually!.

Some people need to just take a chill pill just because someone asks Hey,
you guys and gals know what the avg. pay seems to be going for with
such-n-such job these days I'd really like to get some real-time fellow
colleague info on this, rather than depending on a silly survey that was
generated 9+ months ago.

Get the Point! :)

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Salary Expectations/CCNP's! [7:25805]

You are indeed correct.  Posting questions here is a way of finding
information on the internet.  It's the lazy persons way!  Why take an hour
or two to look something up on your own when you can post a question here in
one minute and have someone else provide the answer?

The ability to research a problem and identify possible solultions on ones
own is 

OT: File needed - CPA3640 upgrade file [7:26253]

2001-11-14 Thread Brad Ellis

Does anyone have the CPA3640 upgrade file?  I've got the other CPA upgrade
files, but Im missing that one.  Email me offlist if you do.

-Brad Ellis
CCIE#5796 (RS / Security)
Network Learning Inc

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RE: Salary Expectations/CCNP's!!!!!!!!! [7:25805]

2001-11-14 Thread Mark Odette II

Ole- Now that's more like what I was thinking!

BTW... I loved your binary signature :-)

Mark Odette II
StellarConnection Services

-Original Message-
From: Ole Drews Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 2:03 PM
To: 'Mark Odette II'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Salary Expectations/CCNP's! [7:25805]

We are touching several subjects that every now and then are discussed on
this and other lists.

There are many things to consider:

When getting a job and you have a CCNP cert, I would assume that most
companies will expect you to live up to that cert, and fire you if you're
just all paper - no brains.

Many applicants put so much stuff on their resume that has no real life
truth in it.

I remember when I was interviewing for an assistant, and wanted someone (at
that time) with Novell experience and preferable a CNA or better, and this
guy came in and said that he had paid and attended all CNE courses (5 I
believe) which would have costed him more than $10K - but when he found out
that he had to pay for the exams themself, he had refused to take them. Yeah
right! Who's gonna pay $10K+ for training but not an additional $500.- to
pass and get the cert???

After that interview, I made a paper with 10 simple questions from making a
CAT5 cable, to backing up the Novell NetWare 3.1x bindery, to creating setup
diskettes for NT 4.0 installation. Most of the applicants only got about
half of them right, and one guy did not get any of them right, but was
sitting with a BIG smile throughout the whole interview.

Next, salary surveys.

I often wonder what happens with salary and certs. - When people stay in the
same job and achieve a new cert, will they get a raise automatically, by
request, or not a chance? - When people apply for a new job, will the salary
match their certs or only the ones the position need them to have?

Also, some people have lost their lust of educating themselves and/or
providing service they can be proud of. Someone can have been in a job for
20 years, but does not have any pride in doing a good job, so they are
standing still so to speak.

Personally, I like to be proud of putting my name on what I have achived, so
people can look at the job I've done and say that guy did a good job here.
That is probably why my company have given me three extremly good raises and
a very good bonus in the less than two years I've been working for them.

So, salary surveys... - Well, I like to read them to get a feel for what a
guy like me with 14 years of professional programming, system  network
administration, and web development/administration gets, and then compare it
to where I am salary wise. One thing everyone should remember is that salary
is not the only thing to consider. You can get a high salary, but be
travelling 70% of the time, working 90 hours a week, and be in an
environment with a populated department below the amount of tasks, forcing
you to eat antacid tablets like candy.

Anyway, this was just my 0010 cents.

Have fun out there...


 Ole Drews Jensen
 Systems Network Manager
 RWR Enterprises, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Odette II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 9:55 AM
Subject: RE: Salary Expectations/CCNP's! [7:25805]

I just get tired of people claiming
 to be networkers and they don't even know how to use the ultimate
 of networkers... the internet... they just post questions here without
 ANY research on their own...

So do I interpret this correctly to say that the ONLY way you can be a
Networker is that you HAVE to either PAY for a BS Salary Survey (because
we all know the Free ones are nothing but teasers to get you to buy the
real deal) or find some other STATIC content that is not necessarily

I thought the term Networking in a social context was to interact with
many others to find out any answer to a question you may have It's not
like my Video Display or Printer can say, Yo Mark, check out what I
found... Google says the word on Salaries for your kind of job of interest
is roughly BLAH BLAH BLAH annually!.

Some people need to just take a chill pill just because someone asks Hey,
you guys and gals know what the avg. pay seems to be going for with
such-n-such job these days I'd really like to get some real-time fellow
colleague info on this, rather than depending on a silly survey that was
generated 9+ months ago.

Get the Point! :)

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Salary Expectations/CCNP's! [7:25805]

Re: CCIE Lab Preparation Workbook [7:24920]

2001-11-14 Thread Jeremy Wright

You've been selling your labs since July and no one
has passed using them? I'd say they are a complete
waste of money if that's the case.  I've met the guys
from ccbootcamp and I guarantee they run a first class
operation. I think the smartest move is to use what
has a proven track record in the CCIE process. 

 From: Michael Cinquanti 
 Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 6:12 PM
 Subject: Re: CCIE Lab Preparation Workbook [7:24920]
  I too am completely biased (since I'm the
 Publisher of CertificationZone
  and we sell the IPexpert Lab Workbook), but the
 fact that Mr. Ellis knows
  150 CCIEs who have used his service does not
 support the idea that
  one Lab reference is the *best choice*. Since the
 ZONE has only been
  selling the IPexpert Lab Workbook since July, Brad
 knows that we do not
  have 150 customers who have used our book and
 passed the Lab Exam. But
  based on the way our book is flying off the shelf
 and based on the fact
  that qualified reviewers have told us that our
 reference is an excellent
  tool, I suspect that it won't be too long before
 we do have that many
  CCIEs and more.
  As for constant updating, in the past three
 months, the IPexpert Workbook
  has been updated two times and already includes a
 sample lab in the new
  one-day format. Yet another Update is being
 prepared now and will be
  distributed, free-of-charge, to anyone who owns a
 previous version.
  We have also had people who've passed the lab and
 people who've failed the
  lab review our book from cover-to-cover. The
 results are unanimous. They
  think the IPexpert Book is a great preparation
 resource for the Lab Exam
  and worth every penny it costs. We've published
 one such review (from a
  who's currently preparing for his second Lab Exam
 attempt) at the ZONE
  website. We should have a second review (from a
 guy who's already earned
  his CCIE) posted at the site sometime this month.
  But I can't answer Pieter-Jan's original question
 -- and neither can Brad
  Ellis. Postings on Newsgroups and Mailing Lists
 can be helpful, but don't
  depend completely on what you read there. I urge
 all CCIE lab candidates
  looking for appropriate references to examine all
 the alternatives
  carefully. Visit the websites, use e-mail and
 those toll free phone
  numbers, examine the qualifications of the
 authors, ask for references,
  contact those references directly. If you find two
 you like and can afford
  to do so, buy them both. Good luck with the Lab
  I am completely biased (since I am one of the
 owner's of NLI), but I do
  of over 150 CCIE's that have used the ccbootcamp
 labs to get their
  havent heard of one CCIE yet that has used the
 other labs to get their #.
  Also, the bootcamp labs are constantly being
 updated and added on to.  In
  fact, we are in the process of modifying all of
 our old labs by removing
  obsolete technology and changing them to a 1-day
 format (which means we
  you pre-config files with IP addresses, not a
 real big deal there).
  -Brad Ellis
  Network Learning Inc
  Pieter-Jan Bakhuyzen  wrote in message
I'm looking to buy a CCIE Lab Workbook to
 prepare for my CCIE Lab in
I've found the following two on the net:
- Certificationzone - IPexpert Lab Preparation
 Workbook 2.0
- CCBootcamp - CCIE LAB Package Subscription
Has anybody used these and which one is
 considered the best choice?
Pieter-Jan Bakhuyzen
  Mike Cinquanti
  Genium Publishing Corporation

Do You Yahoo!?
Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals

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2001-11-14 Thread Alexandre Carvalho

Hi Everyone,
Just to let you know about my auctions on Ebay for my routers and switches .
I still have some that I will post later.
For those who are interested contact me off line to set the deal.

Cat 1200 - $250,00
Router 2511 - $870,00
Router AS2511RJ - $800,00

I can make a good deal if you buy a set of them..


Alex Carvalho

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RE: Best sniffer [7:26030]

2001-11-14 Thread Dennie Turner

Personally I prefer Sniffer Pro By Network Associates. Etherpeek is
supposed to be good too, but not as powerful as Sniffer pro. Both are
not free.


-Original Message-
Ali Mesdaq
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 6:20 PM
Subject: Best sniffer [7:26030]

whats the best sniffer? i want one thats intuitive and powerful.
that can unwrap packets to the data content and if possbile let you view
communications between machines by orginizing the packets for you. if
free that would be good too

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Re: Latency on the local access circuit [7:26263]

2001-11-14 Thread VoIP Guy

If traffic shaping, do both sides match?Are you doing any FRF.12
fragmentation?   Are you sure the traffic shaping paramaters are OK?  I have
a feeling this is it.  Make sure both sides match.

Paul Jin  wrote in message
 Hi Alex,

 This site has another router connection back to the hub so this PVC is not
 being used at this moment except for testing.

 I have no fecn/becns.  I have the CIR set at 128K on the network portion.

 No discards within the cloud.  in fact, within the network, it is
 around 70 ms between stratacom to stratacom.  But between the router
 to router ping, it is very abnormally high.

 The hub site has other PVCs exiting to other routers and they all
 work ok.  Just this particular one.

 It seems that something locally must be changed.  Bad thing is I have to
 rely on many intermediaries to get answers and get things done.


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RE: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

2001-11-14 Thread Chuck Larrieu

Normally I reserve my hearty congratulations for private e-mails. However,
this is one where I want to make an exception. Over the past couple of years
Nigel Taylor has been a good participant on this list and the CCIE Lab list.
Furthermore, he has been an excellent partner in several over-the-net labs.
I have spent long hours on the phone, trading configs, trading information
on what was seen and done in various setups. Nigel has excellent study
habits, excellent powers of observation, and has really dug into this stuff.
I have sure learned a lot during the course of our e-mails and our phone
conversations, not to mention our virtual networks, linked by gre tunnels
and ebgp-multihop. I hope Nigel will post a little bit of something he said
to me last time we spoke. About analyzing things based on the result, and
having several alternatives to attain that result, be they route tagging,
route-maps, policy routing, or other means.

This one was well earned, and well done.


Now go have some fun!


-Original Message-
Nigel Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:55 PM
Subject: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

Well as it would turn out it's my turn to write that awesome email...  I
got back from RTP today where after checking my email, I was awarded
CCIE#8387. What a journey/process this has been and I must say that I'm
relieved that it's now over.  After countless hours of study and practicing
the rack the reward was most definitely worth the sacrifice.

I didn't sleep a any last night as I awaited the results of my lab score
I was unable to check until 12 noon today. So on that note I'm off to catch
on the sleep that escaped me last night.

More to follow once I get rested up..

Nigel Taylor
CCIE#8387 and all that other stuff.. :-

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RE: where exactly is the equipment replicated ? [7:26243]

2001-11-14 Thread Chuck Larrieu

-Original Message-
Wojtek Zlobicki
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: where exactly is the equipment replicated ? [7:26243]

Lets try that again , being a little trigger happy  :)

 And I have a question for you. What does 42 mean? Thanks.

Hitchhikers Guide memories being a little fuzzy , isn't 42 the answer :P

CL: ah, but what is the question? Wasn't that the ultimate point of the
Hitch Hiker's Guide?

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RE: CCIE Lab Preparation Workbook [7:24920]

2001-11-14 Thread Chuck Larrieu

In all fairness, there are far more of us who have failed the Lab than
passed, no matter what or whose study materials we've used. And there are
plenty of CCIE's who earned theirs before any of these training aids were

Bootcamp materials are an excellent source of ideas and inspiration. They
are by no means the only source.

A former boss of mine, a CCIE herself, told me several times that everything
she needed to pass is available for free on CCO.

It's all a matter of determination and effort.

Best wishes


-Original Message-
Jeremy Wright
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: CCIE Lab Preparation Workbook [7:24920]

You've been selling your labs since July and no one
has passed using them? I'd say they are a complete
waste of money if that's the case.  I've met the guys
from ccbootcamp and I guarantee they run a first class
operation. I think the smartest move is to use what
has a proven track record in the CCIE process.

 From: Michael Cinquanti
 Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 6:12 PM
 Subject: Re: CCIE Lab Preparation Workbook [7:24920]

  I too am completely biased (since I'm the
 Publisher of CertificationZone
  and we sell the IPexpert Lab Workbook), but the
 fact that Mr. Ellis knows
  150 CCIEs who have used his service does not
 support the idea that
  one Lab reference is the *best choice*. Since the
 ZONE has only been
  selling the IPexpert Lab Workbook since July, Brad
 knows that we do not
  have 150 customers who have used our book and
 passed the Lab Exam. But
  based on the way our book is flying off the shelf
 and based on the fact
  that qualified reviewers have told us that our
 reference is an excellent
  tool, I suspect that it won't be too long before
 we do have that many
  CCIEs and more.
  As for constant updating, in the past three
 months, the IPexpert Workbook
  has been updated two times and already includes a
 sample lab in the new
  one-day format. Yet another Update is being
 prepared now and will be
  distributed, free-of-charge, to anyone who owns a
 previous version.
  We have also had people who've passed the lab and
 people who've failed the
  lab review our book from cover-to-cover. The
 results are unanimous. They
  think the IPexpert Book is a great preparation
 resource for the Lab Exam
  and worth every penny it costs. We've published
 one such review (from a
  who's currently preparing for his second Lab Exam
 attempt) at the ZONE
  website. We should have a second review (from a
 guy who's already earned
  his CCIE) posted at the site sometime this month.
  But I can't answer Pieter-Jan's original question
 -- and neither can Brad
  Ellis. Postings on Newsgroups and Mailing Lists
 can be helpful, but don't
  depend completely on what you read there. I urge
 all CCIE lab candidates
  looking for appropriate references to examine all
 the alternatives
  carefully. Visit the websites, use e-mail and
 those toll free phone
  numbers, examine the qualifications of the
 authors, ask for references,
  contact those references directly. If you find two
 you like and can afford
  to do so, buy them both. Good luck with the Lab
  I am completely biased (since I am one of the
 owner's of NLI), but I do
  of over 150 CCIE's that have used the ccbootcamp
 labs to get their
  havent heard of one CCIE yet that has used the
 other labs to get their #.
  Also, the bootcamp labs are constantly being
 updated and added on to.  In
  fact, we are in the process of modifying all of
 our old labs by removing
  obsolete technology and changing them to a 1-day
 format (which means we
  you pre-config files with IP addresses, not a
 real big deal there).
  -Brad Ellis
  Network Learning Inc
  Pieter-Jan Bakhuyzen  wrote in message
I'm looking to buy a CCIE Lab Workbook to
 prepare for my CCIE Lab in
I've found the following two on the net:
- Certificationzone - IPexpert Lab Preparation
 Workbook 2.0
- CCBootcamp - CCIE LAB Package Subscription
Has anybody used these and which one is
 considered the best choice?
Pieter-Jan Bakhuyzen
  Mike Cinquanti
  Genium Publishing Corporation

Do You Yahoo!?
Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals

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Re: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

2001-11-14 Thread Kevin Wigle

hearty congrats!

It is always great to hear about someone reaching the top.

Can't wait for your follow on tale of triumph.

Kevin Wigle

- Original Message -
From: Nigel Taylor 
Sent: Wednesday, 14 November, 2001 19:55
Subject: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

 Well as it would turn out it's my turn to write that awesome email...  I
 got back from RTP today where after checking my email, I was awarded
 CCIE#8387. What a journey/process this has been and I must say that I'm
 relieved that it's now over.  After countless hours of study and
 the rack the reward was most definitely worth the sacrifice.

 I didn't sleep a any last night as I awaited the results of my lab score
 I was unable to check until 12 noon today. So on that note I'm off to
 on the sleep that escaped me last night.

 More to follow once I get rested up..

 Nigel Taylor
 CCIE#8387 and all that other stuff.. :-

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RE: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

2001-11-14 Thread Sergio Silva (ZA)

Well Done Nigel, Bet you sleep like a baby tonight!

-Original Message-
From: Nigel Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:55 AM
Subject: CCIE#8387 [7:26309]

Well as it would turn out it's my turn to write that awesome email...  I
got back from RTP today where after checking my email, I was awarded
CCIE#8387. What a journey/process this has been and I must say that I'm
relieved that it's now over.  After countless hours of study and practicing
the rack the reward was most definitely worth the sacrifice.

I didn't sleep a any last night as I awaited the results of my lab score
I was unable to check until 12 noon today. So on that note I'm off to catch
on the sleep that escaped me last night.

More to follow once I get rested up..

Nigel Taylor
CCIE#8387 and all that other stuff.. :-
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Re: Subject: RE: Salary Expectations/CCNP's!!!!!!!!! [7:25805]

2001-11-14 Thread Paul Werner

And not even an honorable mention on Hedy Lamarr?  It seems 
that Hedy's invention in 1942 has more to do with the future of 
networking today, then any other technology I have seen of 
late.  Besides the fact that she was honored as the most 
beautiful woman of the world and graced the cover of nearly 
every Corel product sold for the last 10 years, she was a 
forward thinker and patriot in the fight against the Nazis.

She was the coinventor of today's modern wireless network 
technologies, namely frequency hopping spread spectrum.  She 
also gave up all patent rights to the invention to the US 
government (who quickly classified her work and patent, since 
the technology did not yet exist to make it work).  Once Dr. 
William Shockley invented the transistor in 1948, the 
technology could come alive.  It was first used for radio 
communications in the early 1960s on American warships during 
the Cuban missile crisis .  The technology of FHSS was not 
available to US consumers until the  early 1980s, when it was 
declassified in a limited fashion by both DoD and NSA (output 
power had to be less than 1W total radiated power).  Still, 
this technology is delivering high speed wireless at very 
extended distances.


Paul Werner

p.s., There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold

 -Led Z, Stairway to Heaven

 May I please add Claude Shannon to your list. He's my hero.
 And don't forget what Bilbo Baggins said about Aragorn, son 
of Arathorn:
 All that's gold doesn't glitter.
 I think this would apply to the discussion about Paul (the 
moderator for
 this group). He's gold in my book even if he doesn't 
glitter! ;-) Also,
 would like to mention that John Chambers is a humble man, not 
 greed or money. I think he's motivated mostly by the 
 In case you're wondering, the more famous quote All that 
glitters isn't
 gold comes from Merchant of Venice, although Shakespeare was 
not the
 person to say it. Aristotle and Chaucer also said it. It's 
been a common
 proverb since Aristotle's time. It seems to be something that 
 generation has to learn.
 Back to work now ;-)

Get your own 800 number
Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more

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Ip Telephony question [7:26344]

2001-11-14 Thread Cisco Breaker

Hi All,

I will take the IP Telephony 9E0-569 CIPT tomorrow, so any last minute
advice for me. If anyone taken this exam before what is the mostly questions
based on? I did not understand very well the last 3 chapters which are
CallManager Architecture, Call Preservation and Media Resources, WAN Design
Considerations. What is the percentage of these 3 chapters in the exam?

Any help will be appreciated?

Best regards,

Cisco Breaker

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