[collections] binary search removeAll/retainAll + other convenience methods

2006-08-20 Thread matthew.hawthorne


I have written a few methods in recent months that may fit with 
[collections].  I'll do a copy/paste of the signatures + javadoc 
descriptions.  Let me know what you think.

(Apologies if any of this functionality already exists in [collections]. 
 I took a quick look but didn't see any duplication.)

1) void removeAllUsingBinarySearch(List list1, List list2)

2) void retainAllUsingBinarySearch(List list1, List list2)

Functionally the same as List.removeAll(Collection) and 
List.retainAll(Collection), but uses a binary search in order to find 
the matches (as opposed to the linear search in Sun's default 

(I was working with collections around 50,000 in size, and this made a 
very significant performance difference.)

3) List splitByMaximum(List items, int maxSize)

Splits a list into sublists.  Note that this method makes use of
java.util.List.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex), so the result lists 
are backed by the original -- changes to the result lists affect the 
original list.

(I was in a situation where I had a large number of operations to 
perform, but due to memory constraints I had to limit the number of 
operations per transaction.  This did the trick.)

4) Map subMap(Map map, List keys)

Creates a subset of a map, containing only the specified keys.

5) List getMapValues(Map map, List keys)

Using the provided map, gets the values for the specified keys.


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Re: [lang] initial crack at DateRange class

2006-03-01 Thread matthew.hawthorne

Stephen Colebourne wrote:
The question with DateRange is whether this is a direction that [lang] 
should go in. Joda-Time has demonstrated that there are many weird and 
strange things to consider when dealing with dates.

Understood.  Well, in the meanwhile, it's in Bugzilla until a final 
yes/no decision is appropriate.  I had a need for the class, but if 
[lang] isn't a good fit, then that's obviously fine too.

There were some edge cases that may constitute the weirdness that you 
mentioned, like whether or not the range is inclusive (currently yes), 
or whether a 0-length range is valid (currently yes).  The desire for a 
multitude of behaviors by users may be a good reason not to include it, 
to avoid having to create a hierarchy like InclusiveDateRange, 
NonZeroDateRange, etc.

Thanks for the feedback.

matthew.hawthorne wrote:
I mentioned many moons ago that I had created a DateRange class for 
some  vicious date mangling that I had to do.  I have now modified it 
to fit into lang.time, and attached the class + unit test to a bug:


I've been away from the commons scene for awhile, so I may have missed 
some protocol-related details.  It'd be great if someone could take a 
look at what I've done.

Below is a quick API description of what is there.  I think that 
subtract is a little iffy (although I did have a need for it), but the 
rest seems to be fairly simple.

Assuming that my commit rights are still in effect, I could add this 
to the codebase myself -- but I wanted to get some feedback to make 
sure we were all on the same page.


DateRange(Date startDate, Date endDate)

equals, compareTo, toString
-- basic stuff

long getTime()
-- endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()

boolean contains(Date)
boolean contains(DateRange)
-- true if this range contains the specified Date or DateRange

boolean intersects(DateRange)
-- true if this range intersects with the specified DateRange

DateRange intersection(DateRange)
-- returns a DateRange representing the intersection between this and 
the specified range.

List subtract(DateRange)
-- returns one or more DateRanges representing the difference between 
the two ranges.  If the specified range is larger than this, than the 
list is empty (representing a null range).  If this contains the 
specified range, then the result will have two parts, a range from the 
start of this to the start of the specified range, and a range from 
the end of the specified range to the end of this.

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Re: [email] ant dist fails / dependencies not found

2006-02-28 Thread matthew.hawthorne

C. Grobmeier wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dion Gillard wrote:

If you define a property (in build.properties)
the build.xml will notice this and copy it into ./lib

this doesn't work as expected. Cause the build-file works with get, i get:

java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol:

when i use slashes, backslashes, double-backslashes, C:, c: and so on.

You may want to try the 'file' protocol, like this:


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[lang] initial crack at DateRange class

2006-02-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
I mentioned many moons ago that I had created a DateRange class for some 
 vicious date mangling that I had to do.  I have now modified it to fit 
into lang.time, and attached the class + unit test to a bug:


I've been away from the commons scene for awhile, so I may have missed 
some protocol-related details.  It'd be great if someone could take a 
look at what I've done.

Below is a quick API description of what is there.  I think that 
subtract is a little iffy (although I did have a need for it), but the 
rest seems to be fairly simple.

Assuming that my commit rights are still in effect, I could add this to 
the codebase myself -- but I wanted to get some feedback to make sure we 
were all on the same page.


DateRange(Date startDate, Date endDate)

equals, compareTo, toString
-- basic stuff

long getTime()
-- endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()

boolean contains(Date)
boolean contains(DateRange)
-- true if this range contains the specified Date or DateRange

boolean intersects(DateRange)
-- true if this range intersects with the specified DateRange

DateRange intersection(DateRange)
-- returns a DateRange representing the intersection between this and 
the specified range.

List subtract(DateRange)
-- returns one or more DateRanges representing the difference between 
the two ranges.  If the specified range is larger than this, than the 
list is empty (representing a null range).  If this contains the 
specified range, then the result will have two parts, a range from the 
start of this to the start of the specified range, and a range from the 
end of the specified range to the end of this.

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Re: [lang]Action Items

2005-05-09 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Travis Zimmerman wrote:
 DateRange/Duration class.

I have a DateRange class that just need to be cleaned up a bit.  I've
been struggling to find the time to do this for at least a month or so.
Hopefully I can get it in soon after the 2.1 release.

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Re: [io][patch] skip() support for CountingInputStream

2005-04-05 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Rob Oxspring wrote:
 I recently replaced the use of my own CountingInputStream with the
 commons-io and got burnt because io's CountingInputStream doesn't count
 skipped bytes.  I have a patch with fix and patch if people are
 interested... or I could just commit it...

I am not familiar with this class, but as a general rule, I would
suggest that you either submit the class as an enhancement in Bugzilla,
or add yourself to the committers list and commit it.

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Re: [collections] PATCH: Add CollectionContainsPredicate...

2005-03-10 Thread matthew.hawthorne
James Carman wrote:
Has there been any thought to creating an optional Commons Collections
Contrib project?  If users want to use it, they can.  If not, they can
stick to the core collections classes (which we could keep small).  Sorry if
this has already been addressed, but I have not been monitoring this list
for a while.  
I think this is a good idea.
Also, it may be a way to offload some of the stuff from [collections], 
if deemed necessary...

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Re: [collections] PATCH: Add CollectionContainsPredicate...

2005-03-09 Thread matthew.hawthorne
James Carman wrote:
Is nobody monitoring the collections project?  
I'd consider adding your patch to Bugzilla as an enhancement.
Nobody has responded to your message for 2 days -- but that definitely 
doesn't mean that nobody is monitoring [collections].  It just means 
that nobody has had the time to respond.

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Re: [logging] parent-first classloaders

2005-03-09 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Simon Kitching wrote:
 You mentioned in your page on JCL
 Jake also keeps reminding us on the log4j-dev mailing list that the
 child-parent delegation model is not the only model out there and that
 parent-first delegation model is alive and well.
 Are you able to provide the names of some frameworks that use
 parent-first classloading? I'm curious to find out whether these are
 large + well-used frameworks or whether these are experimental and/or
 obsolete systems.

You probably already know this, but I think most containers give the
option to use parent-first, if so desired.

I don't know much about classloaders, but I was working with the
WebSphere administration console today and I noticed a drop down for
choosing parent-first or child-first classloaders.

So, there may be a situation where a developer is forced to work with a
parent-first configuration, whether it's considered a good thing or not.

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Re: [lang]/[servlet] Doing some tickling

2005-03-08 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Sorry to jump in mid-conversation, but I have recently written a
DateRange class of my own.

I think it would be much simpler to make the class only operate on Date
objects, both in the constructor:
DateRange(Date d1, Date d2)

and in the methods to check if dates fall within the range:

I find this easier than dealing with numerous ints for startHour,
startMinutes, endHour, endMinutes.

But again, I'm not 100% sure of the requirements.

If what I've described sounds good, perhaps I could upload it into
Bugzilla.  Let me know.

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
 On Mon, March 7, 2005 2:21 am, Henri Yandell said:
Largely trying to avoid throwing it straight in as after many moons of
failing, I'm making a push to get 2.1 out :)
 I can certainly appreciate that :)
On the larger ideas (DateRange class), I'd imagine an API of:

// DateRange might not extend the math.Range, but would mimic the API
DateRange range = new DateRange(date1, date2, Calendar.HOUR);
if(range.contains(new Date())) { .. }

Unsure. Maybe it'd be simpler with TimeRange being another range that
provides the kind of feature you want, ie) only based on the time of
day. That way the rather dodgy Calendar.HOUR bit can be thrown out.
 To me, the part about mimicing the API makes some sense (so long as there
 is an overload version that accepts a Calendar so that my use case is
 handled too!).  The part about extending math.Range (which I realize you
 say you aren't sure about) I wouldn't like.  It doesn't feel like it
 really applies properly, a bit of a square peg in a round hole if you
 will.  I think the API is the part that really matters though.
 I'm not entirely clear on why there are three parameters when constucting
 the DateRange though... Seems like a range by definition should only
 require two items, no? :)
Given the criteria above, at least an API of:

DateUtils.inRange(Date time, int startHours, int startMinutes, int
endHours, int endMinutes)

It's the 2,358 number I dislike :)
 I can live with that :)
We tend to make the target the first parameter btw, but that's no
biggy. I also switched it to be a Date.
 Also not a problem for me.  However, I would think it would be better to
 create another overloaded version to accept a Date rather than replacing
 it.  I still think there are cases where the base int-only version will
 come in handy, and I'd hate to see if removed.  I think all overloaded
 versions callind on the int-only version is the most flexible model
 anyway... I can't imagine an overloaded version I'd rally against :)
Another approach would be if we added a Time class to represent a time
value independent of the day. I'm not sure if Stephen did this in
JODA, but I suspect that it would be a simple enough addition. Maybe
we could extend java.util.Date so that it could still be used easily
in DateFormat/JDBC etc. Some issues with that, but might be usable
enough with them.
 Not a bad thought, but I would make an argument that as an application
 developer, I'm not sure I'd be thrilled with having to use something other
 than JDK standard classes (even though, to me anyway, its a bit bizarre in
 the first place to have to use a Date or Calendar when I'm just dealing
 with times).  I suppose as long as it was easy to get a Time instance
 based off of any of these, i.e., Time t = new Time(calendar); Time t = new
 Time(date); ... and so on... then I'd be happy with that.  I could see
 using that myself.
The String variants have the p/pm hardcoded, which will be a bit
limiting. It'd make things slower, but I presume you could use a
SimpleDateFormat here.
 That's a good thought, I didn't think of doing it that way.  Certainly, if
 I could let the standard JDK classes handle the conversion, then cool. 
 Plus, it should be able to handle just about any format one throws at it,
 so that's certainly worth doing.  In any case, I can't imagine it would
 effect performance any more than the current implementation probably does

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Re: [lang]/[servlet] Doing some tickling

2005-03-08 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
My feeling is that this would lead to confusion... The code I proposed is
specifically for checking TIME ranges, but looking at your suggestion, I
can't tell if it would work in determing if an hour fell within a given
range.  It might, but I can't tell from what you've posted here.  It also,
in my particular use case, has to work when the range start time is on a
Monday and the range end time is on a Tuesday.
I'm fairly sure that it would.
My 'contains' method looks something like this:
public boolean contains(Date d) {
  return this.startDate.before(d)  this.endDate.after(d);
with 'startDate' and 'endDate' being the 2 dates that are passed into 
the DateRange(Date, Date) constructor.

I think the object to ints that you and also Henri I think talked about is
valid, but note that you only supply a single int for range start and end,
you don't specify hours and minutes separately.  It is this way because
that's exactly what you get if you do Calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY;. 
Henri already talked about adding a version to accept a Date, which I
think makes sense, as long as its an overloaded version, I certainly have
no objection.
I can't claim that I completely follow you here -- but I think I get the 
 fundamental point.

I can appreciate your desire to only provide hours and minutes, if that 
is all that you care about.  Part of the problem is that Java only deals 
with dates in the full context: year, month, day, hour, seconds, etc. 
So, stripping some of that information away may make the calculations a 
bit trickier.

I like the idea of the 'TimeRange' object that was mentioned earlier.
I think that may make the simple hour  second calculations easier to 
deal with.

However, I think this would suffice only if the comparison takes place 
within a single day.  Once the calculation spreads across multiple days, 
I think it would be better assisted with Date objects, to give it the 
additional context.

If the difference in 2 Dates is required, then it may also be nice to 
create a simple class that can convert milliseconds (from 
Date.getTime()) into more useful units, like seconds, hours, days, etc. 
 I understand that this is simple math, but it can also be repetitive, 
so it may be worth thinking about.

Again, this depends on the requirements.  I may be going off on some 
weird tangents here.

Now, all that being said, I for one say post your class if something like
it doesn't already exist.  Being able to determine if a date falls within
a given range is also a valuable function for sure. :)
OK, sounds good.  I'll try to clean it up and post it to Bugzilla when I 
get a chance.

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Re: [PATCH] jakarta-commons/mail/Email.java (with patch)

2004-12-29 Thread matthew.hawthorne
I'd suggest that you create a Bugzilla ticket explaining the reason for 
the change, and then attach the patch to it.

It will make it easier for the change to be noticed and committed.
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Re: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?

2004-12-09 Thread matthew.hawthorne
I think it may be better to post the requirements and code on the wiki 
(so they don't get lost in the shuffle), and then let the discussion 
commence here.

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Re: [io] Exact meaning of getPath, esp. on UNIX?

2004-11-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
getPath is currently coded so that:
  /a/b/c.txt  -- /a/b
this is of course correct.
However, it is also coded to do:
  /a/b/c  -- /a/b
which seems a little odd (for me with a windows background). ie. the method
treats 'c' as a file not a folder.
This method seems to behave the same as the 'dirname' command in Unix. 
It returns the directory containing the item, whether the item is a file 
or a folder.

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Re: [collections] Java5.0 - Runtime exceptions or assertion errors. What's your preference?

2004-11-04 Thread matthew.hawthorne
David Graham wrote:
The main reason not to use assertions is that they can be disabled at
runtime, rendering them fairly useless IMO.
I think this was a fundamental goal of assertions.  I imagine that the 
idea is to enable assertions during heavy development time, and disable 
them once the code reaches a certain degree of stability.

The enable/disable concept is appealing to some for performance reasons. 
 I think Sun claims that an assertion will have no performance cost if 
they are disabled.  I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make.

Personally, I would remove the null parameter checking entirely and let 
 the code throw a NPE.  The caller will see their offending method in 
the stack trace.

I share your philosophy on this.  In my opinion, the redundant parameter 
checking everywhere (especially for null) does more harm than good.

I like assertions, except in cases of input checking for a client 
external to the application (like a web service client, for example).

I don't see the enable/disable as much of an issue.  The 
RuntimeException cases are supposed to be caught during development anyway.

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Re: [feedparser] Getting Brad Neuberg CVS commit

2004-10-21 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Kevin A. Burton wrote:
Listen... I'm sorry if we're trying to move too fast. We're a startup 
and on a very aggressive schedule. We're trying to get FeedParser to 1.0 
ASAP because its a critical portion of Rojo. Brad is a lead developer 
and its becoming difficult to synchronize our work without CVS commits. 
We're constantly having to coordinate our commits due to CVS 
limitations. If we were using a more anarchic revision control system 
like bitkeeper or arch this wouldn't be as much of a problem.

I apologize in advance if I'm out of line, but has anyone considered if 
the jakarta-commons-sandbox is truly the best place for [feedparser]?

Based on recent emails, it doesn't seem to be a good fit.
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Re: Cache

2004-10-20 Thread matthew.hawthorne
John Lucky wrote:
Have any of you used Cache from Commons Sendbox? The API documentation
built from JavaDocs is not very helpful.  I'd love to get some
guidance how to use the Cache propertly.

I've never used it, but from what I've seen on the list, it isn't very 
actively used or developed.

You may want to consider using something like ehcache instead:
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Re: [Betwixt] Absolute file names again (was Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons/betwixt build.xml)

2004-10-14 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On 13 Oct 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Re-generated ant build (so that latest dependencies are reflected)
  project default=jar name=commons-betwixt basedir=.
 -  property name=defaulttargetdir value=target
 +  property name=defaulttargetdir
 +  value=/Volumes/gSpecials/library/jakarta/jakarta-commons/betwixt/target
 +  /property

I thought this is supposed to work with the latest Ant plugin?  Are
you using an older version, Robert?
Anyway, could anybody with karma for betwixt please fix it (I don't to
do it manually and I don't run Maven myself).

I just fixed this.  Hopefully things will work now.
Will this absolute path issue ever go away?  Perhaps I should look into 
it and try submitting a patch to Maven...

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Re: [lang] Each Mutable Number class declares Serializable

2004-10-07 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Gary Gregory wrote:
I see that java.lang.Number declares java.io.Serializable. Number
subclasses in java.lang do not but each of our Mutable number classes
does. This does not seem necessary. Am I missing something? Can we
remove these extra declarations?
I guess it depends on how likely we think it is that a user would want 
to serialize a Mutable Number.  Does serialization create maintenance 
issues that we'd rather avoid?  I'm not sure, and don't feel strongly 
about either choice.

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Re: [lang] Mutable type casts and MutableNumber

2004-09-30 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Gary Gregory wrote:
1st minor: there are a bunch of unnecessary type-casts, I'd like to
remove those if no one objects. For example, in MutableInteger, this
cast to long is superfluous:
public long longValue() {
return (long) value;
That sounds right, perhaps these casts were just an oversight.

2nd: There is no MutableNumber class. It seems to me that the mutable
number classes are paralle to java.lang.Number classes and should
therefore also be subclasssed from a MutableNumber.
Originally, there was such a class, but after some analysis and 
refactoring, it wasn't really doing anything and was nominated for 
removal.  However, I understand your point.  If MutableNumber were to be 
resurrected, it would serve only as a marker interface.  I'm fine with that.

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Re: CSV submission for jakarta-commons

2004-09-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
- your test-cases should be in a separate directory and named
If this requirement is necessary to match the existing [codec] test 
classes, then that's obviously the way to go.

But I don't think that this is an Apache-wide standard, nor do I think 
it should be.

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Re: [general] Do we need to support Ant based builds?

2004-09-22 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Should we start a new discussion thread on getting commons projects
built nightly via Gump @brutus.apache.org?
I think this is the ideal solution.
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Re: [VOTE][betwixt] Release Betwixt 0.6

2004-09-21 Thread matthew.hawthorne
[ x ] +1 Unreservedly support Betwixt 0.6 Release
[ ] +0 Support (with reservations)
[ ] -0 Cannot support this release
[ ] -1 Betwixt 0.6 should not be released

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Re: [lang] Interpolation

2004-08-28 Thread matthew.hawthorne
David Graham wrote:
--- Stephen Colebourne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Potentially, we could use the digester version to start from. (In new
commons style, there would be copy-paste with reference to original, not

 If we start doing this in commons it will be more ridiculed,
 and rightfully so, than it already is.
I see your point, but keep in mind that this was done to make the lives 
of the users easier.  Forcing a user to include a huge [collections] jar
for a project that only uses 1 or 2 classes from it doesn't seem 
practical to me.

Sometimes, in one of my projects, I'll have 2 components that need
a certain thing.  I don't always have the ability to make them
depend on each other, nor the ability to create a third component that 
they can both share.  So, I'll write a class/method and put it in both
components -- but I keep my eye on it, because if it grows, and lives
with other classes/methods that are copy/pasted, then I have a good 
reason to make a new component.

I think that [beanutils] (for example) just copy/pasting in a class
from collections is a good idea, if it's just a few.  But, if the
number grew, then I'd say just go ahead and include [collections] as a

IMO, copy-paste reuse is the worst offense that a programmer can commit.  
I agree that it's bad news.
But, I think the worst offense is this:
try {
  // ...
} catch (Exception e) {
  return null;
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[io] Re: ProcessUtils and support classes offer

2004-08-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Cris Perdue wrote:
The purpose of the main ProcessUtils class is to make it simpler to call 
external programs and receive the results back.  It was inspired 
especially by the TCL exec function and also resembles the Perl backtick 
operator.  A simple call to df using the simplest form of call could 
look something like:

String filestats = ProcessUtils.exec(new String[] {df});
The package handles program output to standard error and nonzero exit 

This may be a good fit for commons-io 
(http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/io/).   A class like ProcessUtils 
seems interesting, but it would definitely need some extensive testing 
on different platforms to make sure it's OK.

Consider submitting your stuff as a Bugzilla enhancement, so that  the 
commons-io developers can take a look when they
get a chance.

I believe the javadocs state that ProcessUtils throws an exception if 
anything is written to stderr.  I would like it if this were 
customizable, since a lot of programs write warnings and such to stderr, 
but still keep on running.  Perhaps it could become
some type of callback mechanism.

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Re: [general] logging

2004-08-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Craig McClanahan wrote:
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 13:03:43 -0400, Alex Karasulu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
However I think this issue is one we can resolve if we generalize the
problem using monitors and event notification.  Logging is just a
specific application for a monitor. Paul Hammant described this in the
NoLogging wiki here:
The problem I have with this general approach is that it trades a
dependency on a logging adapter for a requirement to create code that
responds to the individual event handling interface for every single
library I'm using.  
This is only a requirement if you have a need to get details about what
the library is doing.  In most cases, I don't -- but I obviously can't 
speak for
everyone else.

Logging (via commons-logging) has become pretty much a standard part
of development for me.  But for those for which this is not the case,
I don't see implementing a simple monitor interface to handle events
as much harder than putting log4j into the classpath, setting up
the config file to log for the desired class, etc.  Either way requires 
some extra work.

The primary benefit of having all the libraries
conform to a common logging API (whatever it is) is *precisely* the
fact that I, as an application developer, don't have to go through
that kind of pain -- I just configure the logging levels and
destinations, using my favorite logging implementation (using a single
log for everything, separate logs for functional areas, requesting the
appropriate amount of detail on a global or local level, or whatever
else I want), and it just works.
I guess I always saw the primary benefit and purpose of commons-logging 
to be
a bit simpler than this.  I thought it was to allow libraries to log, 
while allowing the user
to choose which logging library is used -- nothing more.

However, what you've said may indeed be true -- the issue is whether 
what works best
for you works best for everyone else.  I'm fine with everything using 
but that's because I use it in pretty much every project I'm on anyway. 
 For others,
it may cause more of an inconvenience, although I'm not quite sure how. 
 Too many jars, maybe.

My concern can be dealt with by implementing a commone event monitor
API that all the libraries use, so that I can still implement a
generic event listening framework ... but isn't that, in spirit
(although not in the proposed implementation manner), exactly what
commons-logging already does?
Very true -- but I don't think this is what anyone was proposing.
If this was the idea, then, just as you've said, I think commons-logging 
does the job fine.

No need for commons-monitor or anything weird like that...
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Re: [resources] An interesting problem

2004-08-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
James Mitchell wrote:
I want my test classes to reuse this same test code, but I don't know what
the best approach is.  I don't want to copy/paste the existing code because
I don't care to maintain the same code in 2 places.  However, I can't simply
reference the jar.because there is no jar, they are just test classes. 

What would you do?

Create a jar containing the test classes.  If other projects depend on 
these tests, then
they are a valid artifact produced by the project and no longer just 
test classes.

I run into this situation frequently when I have one component which 
defines a set of
interfaces, and also tests for these interfaces.  Then, I have another 
component which implements
the interfaces, and the tests need to reference the interface tests.

So, I'm in the habit of producing test jars along side the normal ones. 
 [collections] does something
similar to this.

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Re: [resources] An interesting problem

2004-08-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
James Mitchell wrote:
Currently the project.xml produces commons-resources-1.0-dev.jar
Can you help me with how I need to tell maven to create a 2nd artifact?
Something like commons-resources-tests-1.0-dev.jar
The cleanest way is to split the project into 2 subprojects.
Make the 2nd project depend on the 1st.  You could do maven 
in the commons-resources directory to build them both.

However, a lot of people find this undesirable.  You could do some maven.xml
magic to make this happen instead, and keep everything in one source tree.
Here's an example of how I did this, before I switched to the 
multiproject format.

!-- Builds and deploys test jar --
postGoal name=jar:jar
ant:jar destfile=${maven.build.dir}/${testjar.name}
fileset dir=${maven.build.dir}/test-classes/
define the property 'testjar.name' as whatever you want.
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Re: [all] Math needs a user email list.

2004-08-13 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Believe me, I've worked IT support for university professors, sometimes 
I'm very surprised they even know what an email account is...let alone 

That's funny.  But, if they don't know what filtering is... what are the 
chances that they
know what a mailing list is?

I don't want a bunch of uninteresting messages in my mailbox either, so 
I just use gmane.
Maybe this would be a good suggestion for these professor types?

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Re: Commons Configuration

2004-08-01 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Wilson, Allen wrote:
I am trying to create a java class that will send HTML mail. I have the
class created and compile but it errors out specifying that the
org.apache.commons.configurtion.Configuration class cannot be found.
Does anyone know where I can locate the jar files for the Commons
Configuration. I look on the Apache Jakarta site and found the Commons
Configuration area but no link to the files could be found.

This question seems better suited for the users list.
It doesn't seem that commons-configuration has been released, so you'll 
want to grab a nightly build from:

That should solve your immediate problem.  But I didn't really 
understand your description of the scenario.  It seems that you are 
using another Jakarta library (like commons-email) that requires 
commons-configuration... but you didn't mention such a thing.

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Re: [lang] ArrayUtils monster file

2004-07-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Gary Gregory wrote:
  ArrayUtils is currently a 3800+ line monster file. I am working on
adding add and addAll methods for 2.1 and am wondering what folks
would think of a separate class for these ops: ArrayAddUtils?
Sounds like a good idea, depending on how many methods you're adding.
That's an incredibly large class, but all of the methods seem somewhat 
so I could see arguments for keeping it together vs. breaking things apart.

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Re: [any] NoClassDefFoundError trying to build with Maven 1.0

2004-07-25 Thread matthew.hawthorne
This strange error was in the log you provided.  I'm not sure if it's 
occurring due to ibiblio being overloaded, or what.  But perhaps it's 
the cause of your problems?

Getting URL: http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/velocity/jars/velocity-1.4-dev.jar
Received status code: 200
last-modified = Fri, 30 Jan 2004 00:50:23 GMT (1075423823000)
Error retrieving artifact from 
ity-1.4-dev.jar]: java.net.SocketException: No buffer space available 
(maximum c
onnections reached?): recv failed
Error details
java.net.SocketException: No buffer space available (maximum connections 
?): recv failed
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:111)
at java.io.PushbackInputStream.read(PushbackInputStream.java:161)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:111)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:111)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:90)
at org.apache.maven.util.HttpUtils.process(HttpUtils.java:572)
at org.apache.maven.util.HttpUtils.getFile(HttpUtils.java:381)
at org.apache.maven.util.HttpUtils.getFile(HttpUtils.java:287)
at org.apache.maven.util.HttpUtils.getFile(HttpUtils.java:181)
at org.apache.maven.MavenSession.attainGoals(MavenSession.java:266)
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.doMain(App.java:486)
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.main(App.java:1215)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.run(Forehead.java:551)
at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.main(Forehead.java:581)
Artifact /velocity/jars/velocity-1.4-dev.jar doesn't exists in remote 
, but it exists locally

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Re: [any] NoClassDefFoundError trying to build with Maven 1.0

2004-07-25 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Martin Cooper wrote:
Anyway, since it exists locally (it was part of the Maven download,
after all!), this shouldn't be an issue, right? Maven does keep going
after that.

I'm not sure that Maven reporting that the file exists locally is 
correct.  I may have created the file locally, started downloading it, 
then failed to finish the download.

Can you examine:
C:\Documents and Settings\mcooper\.maven\repository\
and confirm that it looks ok?
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Re: [any] NoClassDefFoundError trying to build with Maven 1.0

2004-07-25 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Martin Cooper wrote:
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 11:37:37 -0700, matthew.hawthorne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Martin Cooper wrote:
Anyway, since it exists locally (it was part of the Maven download,
after all!), this shouldn't be an issue, right? Maven does keep going
after that.

I'm not sure that Maven reporting that the file exists locally is
correct.  I may have created the file locally, started downloading it,
then failed to finish the download.
Can you examine:
C:\Documents and Settings\mcooper\.maven\repository\
and confirm that it looks ok?

Aha! You're right, it wasn't OK, it was truncated. It appears that all
of the ones that caused exceptions are in the same state.
Obviously, I can download all of these manually, but that kinda
defeats the purpose of Maven, so it would be nice to know why this is
happening, and fix my machine so that it doesn't...
BTW, I have no problem connecting and downloading these manually, so
there must be some odd thing in my setup that's causing Maven to fail.
Any ideas much appreciated!

I suspect that it has nothing to do with your setup.  Perhaps ibiblio 
was temporarily overloaded, or something.

Try this -- delete the directory
C:\Documents and Settings\mcooper\.maven\repository\velocity
And attempt to run it again.
Maybe Maven doesn't use the md5 files to ensure that jars that are found 
locally are valid.

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Re: [VOTE] Release vote for JXPath 1.2

2004-07-25 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Dmitri Plotnikov wrote:
I'd like to call for a release vote on JXPath 1.2.  It has been stable 
 for a long time, and there are no outstanding bugs against it.  It 
 about 1.5 years of bug fixes and other improvements.
The release candidate build can be found at

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Re: [chain] Deploying new website

2004-07-02 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I moved the chain cvs from sandbox to commons proper (long story) and
updated the build and doc files such that the website builds and is
for deployment.  I have not modified the site source for the jakarta
website pending deployment of the new chain site.
Should I manually deploy the website and if so, what does this involve?
I don't know of any other way than manual.  I just log into cvs.apache.org
and navigate to /www/jakarta.apache.org/commons/chain (not sure if that's
exactly the right path), tar up the existing site, untar the new site into
that directory and you're done.  If anything goes wrong I just untar the
old version.  The site is built with 'maven clean site'.

maven clean site
check the website
maven site:sshdeploy
The last line should install the new website on the server.

Or, you could ssh into Apache first, then build the site and just do 
I prefer this way, to save bandwidth and speed things up a bit, but
it probably doesn't make much of a difference.

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Re: [net] Javadoc question

2004-06-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Steve Cohen wrote:
What is the right way to express such links in javadoc?  Relative paths?  is 
there some sort of root notation that would correctly resolve intra-project 
javadoc links such as these?  Finally, can maven, which generates these page 
from source help somehow in setting these up?

You should use @link tags for intra-project links.
For example [EMAIL PROTECTED] org.apache.commons.net.FTPParser}
(I'm not sure if that's a real class...)
If it's in a @see tag, you can just put the classname without the @link 
notation.  Recent versions of Eclipse will actually tell you if the 
Javadoc is referring to a class that doesn't work.

As far as I know, there's nothing special Maven does with regard to 
intra-project Javadocs.  But for external Javadoc links, you can set the 
maven.javadoc.links property to a comma separated list of Javadoc URLs
(such as http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/collections/apidocs)

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Re: Small patch for unusual situation.

2004-06-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Adam Jenkins wrote:
Sorry, just realized there is 'System.out' code which will need to be 
removed...email me if you want me to rip it out.  (didn't use a logger due to 
classloading isolation testing requirements :) ).

You should submit this as an enhancement in Bugzilla, so it doesn't get 

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Re: [collections] JDK1.5

2004-06-23 Thread matthew.hawthorne
It seems that the vendors are (indirectly) controlling this situation in 
commons now anyway.  I believe that Websphere still only runs on 1.3, so 
that's the limiting factor as far as JDK versions go -- or else people 
who use Websphere can't use [collections].

I tried JBoss 3.2.4 the other day and it runs on 1.5 (3.2.3 didn't.)  As 
far as I know, the latest version of Jonas doesn't run on 1.5.
I'm not sure about the other servers.

I think a branch, or as you suggested, a completely separate project may 
be the best way to go here.  This may be a good thing to
discuss for commons as a whole, because it's a complicated situation and 
no solution seems apparent, other than not using 1.5 features at all. 
There are  wide-spreading new syntax features other than generics 
(varargs, autoboxing, enums) in 1.5 that seem very nice.

But I don't really have the time or the energy for such a thing right 
now anyway, and I want to spend some time learning how to use the new 
features before I start abusing them.

Stephen Colebourne wrote:
While release 3.1 is being tidied up (still time to vote ;-), I thought I'd
just put out a note about JDK1.5.
One of the key enhancements in JDK1.5 is generics which allows typed classes
using the angle bracket notation. The biggest area this impacts is
collections. Clearly questions have to be raised as to how this affects
So far, I have done no work to see if [collections] will compile under
JDK1.5. My expectation is that it will, but there are no guarantees.
To take full advantage of generics will involve a considerable rewrite of
[collections]. It will affect every class, and produce a version that only
compiles on JDK1.5. I have no doubt that Sun spent many mandays changing the
JDK classes to achieve this update.
Personally, I have no plans to update [collections] to JDK1.5 (no itch, too
much effort). If anyone else does, feel free to come in and either change
[collections], or (more likely) create a new [collections15] project.
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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons/math build.xml

2004-06-23 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Phil Steitz wrote:
Ouch!  Once again, maven is generating local path references.  Does 
anyone know how to stop this???

I had hand-edited the previous version to correct this.

I had heard it was fixed back around rc1, but was never able to confirm 
it.  I think it's the ${basedir} references that screw it up, and I'm 
never quite sure if I need ${basedir} in there, especially if I'm doing
multiproject builds.

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Re: [VOTE][collections] Release 3.1

2004-06-22 Thread matthew.hawthorne
 [ x ] +1   Go ahead and release 3.1
 [ ] +0
 [ ] -0
 [ ] -1   Don't release 3.1, because...
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Re: [vfs][all][poll][RESULT] regular expression library or jdk1.4 as minimum requirement

2004-06-15 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Gary Gregory wrote:
I am personally against this kind of super fine slicing and dicing. :-(
Our build already has to copy around, put on classpaths for unit tests,
distribute, etc, ten (10) apache jars, now you're telling me that one of
these is going to blow up into SEVEN?! This is not progress for us.

Not progress for you, but maybe progress for others.   I think I read that
ORO is still going to build an all jar which includes everything, so it
shouldn't make a difference.
For every person who wants a library to involve one and only one jar, there
is another who wants to be able to pick and choose from smaller jars to
decrease the overall size of their applicable bundle.
I'm not sure which side I'm on, but I've heard people from both sides 
pretty loudly, so I think the best thing is to try and satisfy both, 
which is what
seems to be happening here.

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Re: [lang] mutables

2004-06-13 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Henri Yandell wrote:
The constructor for MutableNumber is odd.
a) Empty, so possible to have a MutableNumber without a value yet.
b) package-scoped, so only we can extend it.
I'm not sure if there are good uses for a), but b) seems like something we
don't need to do.
I guess I didn't think that anyone would want to create a MutableNumber,
they would opt for the more specific MutableInteger, MutableFloat, etc.
But if that's not the case, then the package scoping is too restrictive and
should be changed to public.  The default (empty) constructor doesn't
make sense to me either, maybe it was just an oversight.
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Re: [lang] mutables

2004-06-12 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Henri Yandell wrote:
First thought when looking at the code is that we could simplify things
with a protected Number in MutableNumber, and move the intValue etc
methods up into MutableNumber.
The getValue/ setValue(Object) can go up too, and all that would be left
in the mutable subclass is the primitive override and the constructor.
Pro: Less code in the subclasses.
Con: A protected rather than private variable. More memory is taken up
 with the mutable part being an Object and not a primitive.
Just a thought.

I think the pro of simpler code may be bigger than the con of memory loss.
Those involved in hardcore performance tweaking may disagree.  For me,
the mutable classes were more about the added functionality than the savings
in memory, so I'm in agreement with you here.
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Re: [jxpath][VOTE] Release plan for JXPath 1.2

2004-06-11 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Dmitri Plotnikov wrote:
We have received repeated requests to make a new release of JXPath.  Even though there have 
been no major functional changes or additions since 1.1, the number of bug fixes and other 
 improvements warrants a new release.
This is a vote to approve the 1.2 release plan (http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/JXPathRelease1_2e2) 
 and myself as release manager for this release.
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Re: [Resources] - quick question

2004-06-11 Thread matthew.hawthorne
James Mitchell wrote:
Sorry for the RTFM question, how should I go about getting the iBatis jars
published on ibiblio.org so that our maven script can find them?
I have finished the iBatis Database impl for Resources (with tests) but I
want to make sure I don't break the build since the above mentioned jars are
not available.
And while waiting for the upload request to happen, you may want to just
check in the jars and use Maven's jar override feature to locate them.
Something like:
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[lang] mutables

2004-06-10 Thread matthew.hawthorne
I just made a checkin of some initial code for mutables.  I haven't used 
CVS in
a few months now (switched to subversion) so let's hope I didn't screw 
anything up.

I have to admit that I haven't looked at this code for a good time, 
since around
August maybe.  So all are welcome to take a look and make improvements.
I don't really have a solid use case for these classes anymore, so I'd 
that others will have a better insight in that regard.

The test coverage is pretty good, I think in the 70% range.  I remember 
some weird things about the way Java handles primitive number 
conversions, as
I was trying to get the tests to pass.  If something looks bizarre give 
a yell and
I'll investigate.

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Re: [Resources] - Moved database impls down from contrib - NIGHTLY BUILD CHANGES REQUIRED

2004-06-10 Thread matthew.hawthorne
James Mitchell wrote:
* Configuration Issue:  Hibernate requires jta.jar and the license (I think)
does not allow Ibiblio to make that jar available so whoever runs the
nightlies (??Craig??) will need to set that up.  There is a note in
project.xml with a link to a resource that explains it in detail.

Here's something cool I noticed with regard to unpublishable jars --
Geronimo includes J2EE spec jars on ibiblio.
I think this is what you need:
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Re: [testutils] Is there any commons area for generic test code?

2004-06-09 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Alex Karasulu wrote:
Is there a place where we can collect and localize utility methods and
classes used for unit testing?  I have not found anything yet.
Is it even worth doing this?
The problem with a project like this is that the scope would be hard to 
define.  The only
common  thing that I use in my tests are:

-  java.util.Random to generate test data
- extentions of junit.extensions.TestDecorator or 
junit.textui.ResultPrinter in order to
do some debugging, such as printing when a test starts

So I think it would be hard to get a nice group of test utils that feel 
like they
truly belong together.

If you have commit access, as far as I know there is nothing stopping 
you from
creating a new sandbox project and committing some of your ideas.  If 
you've got
some cool things then I'm sure others would get interested.

Also perhaps things like the commons collections testing framework could
be kept here as well.  Don't if this is the right thing to do but just a
thought.  It might not be a good idea since it is so specific to
collections but this can be discussed over time.
I think the [collections] testing framework belongs in [collections].  I 
don't think that
the test framework is [collections]-specific, but I do think that it 
falls better under the
scope of [collections] than it would a separate testing project.

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Re: [VOTE] [collections] Release 3.1 RC1

2004-06-09 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
This vote is to approve the public release of commons collections 3.1-RC1.
This will be a publicly announced RC to enable full feedback pre final
release (about two weeks if all is well).

 [ x ] +1   Go ahead and release 3.1-RC1
 [ ] +0
 [ ] -0
 [ ] -1   Don't release 3.1-RC1, because...
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Re: [Wiki SPAM]

2004-06-05 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Or perhaps we should have a
committers should subscribe too. Its simple
and keeps these messages out of the archives.

that would be really cool. and CVS-SPAM too...

See, when someone starts talking about CVS commit notices as SPAM, I know
that there is the wrong attitude.  No one who is developing Jakarta Commons,
as opposed to developing WITH Jakarta Commons, should be considering commit
notices as SPAM.  Perhaps there are people on this list who should be on the
user list, instead.

+1, well put.
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Re: [Collections] MultiMap status?

2004-06-04 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Paul Gear wrote:
No takers on my question about spaces rather than tabs?

I think it's because tabs are interpreted, and thus represented
in different ways in different editors, on different platforms.  If this
isn't true, then I have no idea.
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Re: [vfs][all]maven generated build file and conditional compilation

2004-06-04 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Mario Ivankovits wrote:
If i use maven ant to regenerate the build file for vfs the following 
chunk will be removed from the current build.xml.
The indention is to allow to compile only these pieces which are relly 
needet. This might only be significat if a user build its own vfs and do 
not want to download all dependencies.

Now i would like to know:
Is it really needet to use maven ant to regenearate the build.xml?
If yes, is it possible to describe this conditional compilation 
behaviour? I tried sourceModifications but this do not find its way 
into the ant build file.

Maybe you could do this in a maven.xml preGoal to java:compile?
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Re: [lang] MutableXxx Was: [Jakarta Commons Wiki] New: MutableNumbers

2004-06-04 Thread matthew.hawthorne
So, should I commit what I have into lang.mutable, and we can go from 
I have all of the Number types complete, with some decent tests.

This way, anyone who's interested can take a look and make improvements.

Stephen Colebourne wrote:
From: Henri Yandell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1 lang.mutable gets my vote.

2 MutableXxx gets my vote as a naming scheme.

3 I'm in favour of MutableXxx having instance links to XxxUtils to make
them more powerful [and delegating calls to all Xxx methods]. This does
make it a large lump of work though.
-0 for v2.1, +0 after

4 Do we need MutableInteger, MutableFloat etc, or can we just normalize on
the main ones?
I think we need them all, as casting the get() is a pain otherwise.

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Re: [lang] 2.1 TODO

2004-06-02 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Henri Yandell wrote:
Matthew, any idea what the state of Mutables was? There seem to have been
many threads off and on for the last year or more.
I submitted a bug report with an attached set of classes back at the end 
of August.  I made
a few minor changes based on other's suggestions since then.

I think we need to reassess if these classes are appropriate for [lang]. 
 If so, I'd be happy to
update the bug report, or commit something and let others take a look.

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Re: [lang] Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons/lang/src/java/org/apache/commons/lang Validate.java

2004-06-01 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Gary Gregory wrote:
Sorry for the flame but this is a 'shake-my-head-in-disbelief' moment
that I find discouraging. 
I pretty much agree, but from my POV [lang] stopped moving forward a 
while ago anyway.  Most new requests
or ideas are rejected as out of scope (which is usually valid), and 
the project has shifted into
maintenance mode.  Along with this came a certain identity crisis, and 
that's why the cut-and-paste
philosophy came along.

As another example, I've never even liked the public constructor in 
*Utils classes, even though I understand why it's
done.  Helping and supporting users is important, but I think there is a 
certain line that has to be drawn.
I think that developers should have the freedom to make classes and 
methods final where appropriate,
and make other design decisions that may limit the possible uses of the 
library.  In losing that ability, I believe that
the quality of the code suffers.  And for someone like me, it makes me 
less motivated to become involved or share ideas.

I may be dead wrong, these are just some feelings that I have.
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Re: [VOTE] Release Commons Collections 2.1.1

2004-05-26 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
Commons Collections 2.1.1 is a patch release to 2.1 to allow binary
compatability with CVS head and the upcoming 3.1 release.

[ x ] +1   Yes, release the patch
[ ] +0
[ ] -0
[ ] -1  No, because
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Re: [collections][lang] generic min/max functions

2004-05-25 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
Hello, I was looking for a min/max function working with dates and 
thought such a trivial feature would be already in [lang], but 
surprisingly it isn't. I expected a min/max(Date, Date) function in 
DateUtils, then I looked for a min/max(Comparable, Comparable) and I 
eventually found the ComparatorUtils.min/max(Object, Object, Comparator) 
functions in [collections]. Wouldn't it make sense to move or copy these 
functions to [lang] ? Maybe just adding a ComparableUtils class to 
[lang] would be enough, what do you think ? I can contribute a patch.
Can't you just use java.util.Collections min(Collection) and 

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Re: [collections][lang] generic min/max functions

2004-05-25 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
Yes it's an alternative, but at the cost of additional lines to create a 

Date date = ComparableUtils.min(date1, date2)
Collection dates = new ArrayList();
Date date = (Date)Collections.min(dates);

I see your point now.  But, in the meanwhile, you could always do it 
this way:

Date date = Collections.min(Arrays.asList(new Date[] {date1, date2}))
I'd imagine that this may be a bit wasteful (object-creation wise), but 
it's a one liner nonetheless.

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Re: [sql] [patch] sql server improvments, fix for prior patch

2004-05-24 Thread matthew.hawthorne
John M wrote:
I had previously submitted a patch for the sql
project, and it was finally accepted, sort of. It
seems only part of the patch was merged. I have
included the other parts that didn't make it before,
as well as some fixes for SQL Server DDL generation
that I discovered while working on a new project with
it. Alas, some of the changes in the patch are mere
whitespace changes, but I didn't feel like trying to
undo all of those.

Please submit your patches to bugzilla.
If I remember the patches you submitted before correctly, there were
reasons that I left pieces out.  There were some tests that connected
to a local mysql database, which just won't work on everyone's machine.
There also was some maven.xml magic that I didn't view as necessary.
I'll try to take another look at those parts, to make sure I didn't
misunderstand something.
Unfortunately, I think I'm the only person who is involved with [sql] these
days, and I've been struggling to find time to get it moved over to the
db-commons.  This is something that I've been wanting to do since
the fall.  So, bear with me -- I'm not sure when I'll get to commit these.
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Re: [collections] new snapshot to ibiblio

2004-05-13 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Dain Sundstrom wrote:
On May 13, 2004, at 2:23 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

I am opposed to adding snapshots to ibiblio, as I have seen it create 
IMHO ibiblio should be released/stable code only.
Can you be more clear?  I think ibiblio snapshots are great and would 
hate to see them go away.  Think of all the projects out there that are 
using apache snapshots that would have to add the apache repo to their 
project.  Not only is this a lot of traffic to apache, I think it also 
sets a bad precedent for other projects.  Think of a project using a lot 
of snapshots and they have to add every small project's repo to the repo 
list (which may also add to the apache traffic as maven has no idea 
which repo may have the snapshot, so it tries them all in order)  Anyway 
I'm rambling now  I am curious about the issues this creates.

Part of the problem was a bottleneck in getting new and updated Apache 
onto ibiblio.  There also is a certain degree of snapshot clutter on 

Especially since ibiblio is only accessible to certain people, I think 
it makes sense
for it only to contain releases, and to have the snapshots at Apache. 
The traffic
issues could probably be handled by the mirrors, if it isn't already.

I also don't see adding the Apache repo to a properties file as a big 
deal -- especially
when compared with the chaotic and sluggish nature of the Apache-ibiblio 
which seems to have been improved greatly with this new system.

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Re: [logging] eliminate dependencies on commons-logging [was[beanutils] PROPOSAL: eliminate core dependency on collections

2004-05-11 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Tomasz Pik wrote:
Also, o.a.c.l is probably the biggest success of Jakarta Commons team
and I don't think that such solution is the best in the 'marketing'
terms ('whole world using it so we're going not to use it...').
The fact that many servers already include commons-logging isn't the point.
I typically have at least 10 commons jars in my classpath at all times, but
it isn't fair to assume that everyone else does the same.
Also, I don't think any decision has been made to stop using 

All that is occurring is a conversion of the commons-logging dependency
from mandatory to optional.
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Re: [beanutils] remove dependency on commons-logging

2004-05-11 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Alex Karasulu wrote:
Sorry to step in late but has anyone considered the use of a generic 
event callback interface for use in monitoring.  Beanutil classes can 
expose a BeanutilsMonitor interface with methods that are called by 
the executing code to monitor notable events such as failures and 
successful operations.

This sounds interesting, and for lower-level libraries I think it actually
makes more sense -- giving more power to the user.
For example, I think that beanutils is justified in defining the types of
events that occur, but not necessarily in assigning logging levels
to these events.
For example, sometimes when things aren't working with betwixt, I'll enable
debug logging for org.apache.* (forgetting the huge mistake that I'm 
and then I'll be assaulted by millions of statements from betwixt, 
beanutils, etc.  Perhaps this is a bad example, but my point is it would
be nice to allow deeper customization of logging, without getting too fancy.

However, I'm not sure that everyone will like this sort of thing -- some may
think it's a bit too complicated.
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Re: [beanutils] remove dependency on commons-logging

2004-05-11 Thread matthew.hawthorne
David Graham wrote:
I was reluctantly in favor of copying certain Collections classes as a
temporary solution to removing that dependency but I don't see why we want
to permanently copy Logging classes to other projects.  Commons Logging is
an abstraction for Log4j and java.util.logging; now we're going to add yet
another abstraction above Commons Logging?  That doesn't make any sense to

I'm not a BeanUtils committer but as a user and Commons committer here's
my -1.
I don't see it so much as an abstraction, but instead as the conversion 
of a dependency
from mandatory to optional.

If a [beanutils] user doesn't care about logging, they shouldn't have to 
worry about
including commons-logging in the classpath.   The solution to this 
problem may seem a bit
strange to some, but I think that it's worth the trouble.


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Re: [logging] eliminate dependencies on commons-logging [was[bean utils] PROPOSAL: eliminate core dependency on collections

2004-05-10 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Inger, Matthew wrote:
Why not a service locator pattern for hooking into the logging
Make a commons-logging-api.jar  which has all the core pieces.
Then, say a commons-logging-log4j.jar which has strictly the
log4j classes, a description file, which the LogFactory searches
for at runtime to find implementation classes.
I'd be happy to code this up.
But this solution seems like it would still require a logging jar for 
beanutils, even if a beanutils
user didn't care about logging.  The point of this discussion seems to 
be how to make
commons-logging a truly optional dependency.

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Re: [all] BinaryCompatability tester

2004-05-02 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
Does anyone know of a tool to test whether a new version of a jar file is
binary compatible with the old version?

Could you do a checkout of the unit tests for the last release, and run 
them against the new jar?

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Re: [general] Local repository for Maven builds

2004-04-28 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Eric Pugh wrote:
For [configuration] I am doing testing using a jar that hasn't been deployed
on ibiblio or any other Maven enabled repository.  Has anyone thought about
hosting a repository on commons?  Maybe
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/repository?  It would be nice to have a
spot where we can put non Apache/non hosted jars that are needed in various
projects without going through the hassle of trying to get it uploaded onto
the main Maven repository.

http://apache.org/dist/java-repository/ is the Apache repository.  It's 
fairly new.

As far as non-Apache jars, I don't think they are allowed to be hosted 
on ASF hardware.

I'm not a politician, so hopefully someone else can step in to 
officially confirm or deny this.

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Re: [PATCH] betwixt support for derived interfaces

2004-04-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Wu, Chien-Hsing wrote:
Can someone tell me how would I know if this patch is rejected or accepted?
Your best bet would be to create a new Bugzilla item and attach your 
patch to it.  Otherwise, as you've experienced, it is easy for patches 
to be missed.

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Re: [collections] Size and scope issues

2004-04-19 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
Sometime, I think this is what many people looking at collections don't
appreciate. Implementing the collection interfaces, especially the maps, can
be really hard.
You can say that again -- I think my head is still spinning from working 
on a BidiMap implementation during the pre-3.0 days.  I find that type 
of low-level programming to be incredibly difficult.

Because of keySet and entrySet, Maps can require you to implement 2 or 3 
anonymous inner Iterators just to create a single implementation!  And 
then to figure out what to do when someone invokes Iterator.remove()... 

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Re: [collections] MultiKeyMap

2004-04-12 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Michael Heuer wrote:
Might you also be able to use an unmutable MultiKey for storage in the
hashed map and a mutable MultiKey for lookups, with matching equals and
hashCode implementations?
  void put(Obj a, Obj b, ...) {
map.put(new MultiKey(a, b, ..));
  private MutableMultiKey lookupKey = new MutableMultiKey();

  Object get(Obj a, Obj b, ...) {
lookupKey.setKeys(a, b, ..));
return map.get(lookupKey);
I have something that works this way lying around somewhere.
I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think this is thread safe, since multiple
threads may be calling the get method at the same time and thus
modifying the lookupKey instance var.
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Re: [all] Shared build causes issues in releases

2004-04-07 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
The problem we face is that we must deliver a project's project.xml with the
release because it contains the list of committers, contributers, and also
the dependencies. If someone downloads a commons project and sees that
project xml, then they might well expect to be able to use maven.
This is not about releasing using maven. Its about users using maven.

The simplest solution is to add a comment to the top of the project.xml that
says - Maven not supported, please build using ant. Not nice, but better
than nothing.

What about including the commons-build directory with source releases? 
Maybe somebody has already suggested this... I forget.

I just think that saying Maven not supported sounds a little harsh, 
when it's very easy to get the builds going.  All they need is another 

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Re: [all] Shared build causes issues in releases

2004-04-07 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Michael Davey wrote:
Could something clever be done - perhaps if the project.xml file 
contained a default maven target that tested to see if commons-build 
 is where project.xml expects and goes and fetches it if not?  If the
fetch fails (perhaps the user is not online), then print a useful user message?

It's an interesting idea, but for all of the magic involved in this 
scenario I think it would be easier just to write a plugin.

If the user is not online, the Maven or Ant builds aren't going to work 
anyway, unless all of the dependencies are already downloaded.

It seems that the issue here can be interpreted as a simple dependency 
problem.  All commons projects now depend on commons-build, and we all 
have ideas about how to manage this.

I know that Mark has said before that he didn't want to make it a 
plugin, but due to the current complications, it may be worth another 

Why invent a solution to use with Maven, or abandon Maven for source 
distros, instead of using one of the things that Maven does best, 
dependency handling?  It could eliminate some work.

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Re: [digester] @author and @version

2004-04-07 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Simon Kitching wrote:
What benefit is there in having this info in the source?
I can't currently see any:
 * Developers can just use cvs status.
 * End users just care that the file came from version 2.1.
 * Maybe it is useful info when working with source snapshots, 
   but that isn't very common.

What am I missing?
I think it's a convenience to be able to see when the last change was 
made, and who made it, in the source file -- instead of doing  'cvs 
status'.  But that's about it.

However, with the recent craze over @author tags, maybe we shouldn't 
even be using $Id$ anymore, since it contains the committer's username.

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Re: [all] Shared build causes issues in releases

2004-04-06 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
Our maven scripts now depend on commons-build, however
this is of course not included in the release zips.
This is a problem and means that maven cannot be used
in releases.
How is this any different that before, when the Maven scripts depended 
on jakarta-commons/project.xml?

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Re: [collections] Serializable decorators

2004-04-06 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
1) Make all decorators implement serializable, but some will fail at runtime
if you decorate a non-serializable instance.
2) Implement serializable subclasses of each decorator, and use the factory
method to create either the serializable or non-serializable subclass as
#1 is easy, #2 will take much longer. Any views? #1 is the default choice.

I like #1 also.  It just seems easier.

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Re: [VOTE] Matthew Inger as Commons committer

2004-04-04 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
This vote is still outstanding. Any souls willing to +1 ;-)

[ x ] +1  Let him commit
[  ] +0  Not bothered
[  ] -1  Perhaps not, because
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Re: [Jelly] current and future status?

2004-04-01 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Corey Jewett wrote:
Jelly is foundational to maven (maven.apache.org). Maven seems to be 
rapidly replacing ant as the build tool of choice. So I think it's fair 
to assume that Jelly has a long life ahead of it.
I've seen some indications that Maven will be moving away from Jelly as 
the plugin language.  There have been some talks about using Beanshell 

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Re: [Vote][all] migrate top level commons site to mavenized version.

2004-03-31 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Mark R. Diggory wrote:

We'd like to have a vote to verify everyone is in agreement to push the
commons-mavenized site over to replace the existing commons top level
Please look over the mavenized site and vote appropriately. (Note: many
of the links do return to the main site, these will map to the
appropriate mavenized content once the move is accomplished and the
URI's match up.)

[x] +1 yes, and I'll help
[ ] +0 yes, go for it, but I'll just watch.
[ ] -1 no way, you've got more work before you can do this.
Looks good.

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Re: [digester] @author tag tidyup

2004-03-30 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Gary Gregory wrote:
I'd actually prefer to just get rid of the @author line entirely.  If
we're going to keep it, though, the link should really point at
something useful, like perhaps the home page of the Digester website.
For projects that choose to follow the Board recommendation of not using
personal @author tags, it would be nice to have a consistent format
across Jakarta.

For codec, we now use:

* @author Apache Software Foundation

I am not sure why this string and not something project specific with an

If the @author tag doesn't refer to an individual, I think the easiest 
bet would be to just remove them.

@author Apache Software Foundation -- this is restating the obvious. 
Unless incubator projects would refer to the original author, and not 
Apache?  In that case, it may make sense.

(example) @author Jakarta Commons Codec Team -- also very redundant. 
Who else would have written it?

Anyone who commits or submits patches to the project already knows who 
the official author is, and also the individuals who actually wrote 
the code behind the scenes.  So, the target audience for these new 
@author tags seems to be people who are unfamiliar with Jakarta Commons.

Now, seeing as though these people will probably be viewing the JavaDoc at:
Isn't it redundant to include an href to:
in each file?
I say let's get rid of the @author tags and save ourselves some work.
I may be misunderstanding some political issues here, maybe?
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Re: [digester] runtime version info

2004-03-29 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
This class implements the upcoming standard of having
org.apache.project-name.Version.getVersion() be a standard way to get
version information.
That's news to me.  I suspect it is news to most.  As far as I know, it may
be someone's strawman and/or wishful thinking, but this is the first I have
heard about it.

Isn't this sort of thing supposed to be handled by manifest files?  I 
might be oversimplifying.

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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons/validator/src/javascript/org/apache/commons/validator/javascript validateUtilities.js validateByte.js validateCreditCard.js validateDate.js validateEmail.js validateFloat.js validateFloatRange.js validateIntRange.js validateInteger.js validateMask.js validateMaxLength.js validateMinLength.js validateRequired.js validateShort.js

2004-03-26 Thread matthew.hawthorne
I realized that after making this patch that there is a DOM
javascript call called getAttribute()  that will probably
work better than what I created. What I have will be succeptable
to attribute hiding by an html element named 'attributes' which
I am sure exists in somebody's ActionForm.

I don't think getAttribute works in IE though.  From what I've seen, it 
works in Mozilla, but in IE you have to use the element.attribute format.

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thoughts on subversion (was - Re: xdocs/ missing?)

2004-03-23 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
What are our thoughts on migrating to subversion? I've not even had time
to try it out myself. Though I have it on my list.
I've been using it at work for about 6 months and I like it a lot. 
Being able to easily move and rename directories and files is very cool.
They seemed to focus on fixing CVS' weaknesses and it looks like they 
did a good job.  It took about a day to get used to, and from then on it 
felt natural.

I recently switched my home server over to Subversion and had some 
problems getting the integration with Apache2 working, but it didn't 
really matter since I prefer the svn+ssh method anyway.

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Re: [VFS] test server

2004-03-19 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Mario Ivankovits wrote:
  Nice idea, fore sure.
But the protocols arent that simple. You could not simply present some 
captured protocol snipplets. And even if you manage to do so, the test 
should simulate the real life and therefore it should run against the 
real server.
E.g. if there is a new webdav module for apache, we would like to simply 
replace it and run the tests again to see if everyting works fine.
Even if VFS itself could not made be responsible if such a test fail, it 
could help the other projects to debug such situation.

Maybe we could use well-known download servers to test HTTP and FTP 
stuff, such as ibiblio or freshrpms.net?
The tests could download something like README.txt from a linux distro 
folder or something.

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Re: [VFS] test server

2004-03-19 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Beside this: my base question was where is the maintainer of VFS?

i have a couple of patches added to bugzilla which needs discussion
too - and hopefully get committed sometimes.
The maintainer is this Community.  I haven't been paying too much
attention, but it seems that there is continued interest in VFS lately.
Several of the folks participating in the discussion are Committers.
Hopefully, some of the Committers have interest in at least reviewing and
applying your patches.
Let's see if we can find some Committers to review and apply your patches,
and let you work into Committer status.  If not, we'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.

I'd be more than willing to commit patches -- but the same problem 
remains that Gary stated originally.  The test environment is difficult 
to set up, and we need an easier way.

Mario -- perhaps you could write a small doc that explains what is 
needed to set up the test environment.  If it isn't too complicated, I 
can attempt to set it up on my home machine (SuSe 9), then test and 
apply your patches.

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Re: [VFS] test server

2004-03-18 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Michael Davey wrote:
I fiddle with it once in a while as we'd like to use it in our product.
Understand that testing VFS properly is a pain as one needs to set up a
WWW server, FTP server, etc.
Perhaps we could investigate the possibility of having a VFS test server 
set up
permanently - that way users could run the tests using their own builds 
the test server.

I guess it wouldn't have to be a powerful server.  If the entire disk 
image was
no more than 600MB, we could even burn a backup to CD and get the system
to rebuild itself periodically to address security concerns.

Even an internal server that committers could test against would be a 
good start, if the security issues made it impossible to host a public 
server.  Publicly exposing something like that for testing might be too 
large of a task anyway.  There are probably quite a few projects 
(fileupload, net) that would benefit from it.

The problem with these types of things is the variations in OS, FTP 
servers, HTTP servers, etc.  It's impossible to test all of them and 
that's where the users are incredibly valuable.  But, even if we could 
say we're going to test with Apache 2.0 and some version of say, 
wu-ftpd, we could at least have a simple setup to ensure that things work.

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Re: [VOTE] Jeremias Maerki as Commons committer

2004-03-12 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Henri Yandell wrote:
Screwup of mine in asking for a vote to promote Commons-IO was that I
should have asked for a vote to add Jeremias to the Commons repository as
he has done a large share of the work on IO.
Jeremias is a committer from xml-fop and xml-commons.

[ x ] +1
[ ] -1

Jeremias applied my patches to [io] before I had commit rights, so I'm a 
bit biased here ;)

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Re: Error when using commons ReflectionToStringBuilder

2004-03-12 Thread matthew.hawthorne
White, Joshua A (HTSC, CASD) wrote:
   I receive the following error:
 at donotcall.TestObject.toString(TestObject.java:17)
 at donotcall.TestIt.main(TestIt.java:20)
Exception in thread main Process terminated with exit code 1
Am I calling this correctly?

This is definitely a question for the user list, not the dev list.

Are you sure that you have only 1 version of [lang] in your classpath? 
This looks like a versioning issue maybe?

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Re: [lang] CharUtils.isAscii methods and CharSet, two issues

2004-03-11 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Todd V. Jonker wrote:
As is stands, isAsciiAlphaUpper follows
DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork but (perhaps) breaks
Still, I think the existing code is better.  Such things tend to be
called inside tight inner loops, and as such every bytecode counts.  Your
suggested rewrite adds no functional improvement while increasing the
execution time manyfold.  I strongly suggest leaving it as-is.

I think that running some performance tests would provide the best 
insight into possible effects on execution time.  Gary, maybe you could 
write a small test to see if this change truly would cause a performance 

There are lots of good changes that don't add any functional improvement 
at the machine level, but a more OO solution may very well improve 
things at the maintenance and class heirarchy level.

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Re: [lang] CharUtils.isAscii methods and CharSet, two issues

2004-03-11 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stephen Colebourne wrote:
There is a second task that [lang] had which has been lost over time by
various changes that people have made. That is that [lang] should be a
repository of code that people can cut and paste to their own code.
This may scare some, but it is actually quite sensible. Not eveyone wants to
pull in the entire [lang] library when they only want a couple of functions.
(I fully understand there are many ramifications of cut and paste, but it
was IMHO part of the intent of [lang]).

I've done the cut-and-paste quite a few times actually.  Using Maven 
makes including new libraries easy, but when I'm on a project that is 
strictly Ant I'll cut and paste maybe 5 or so methods before including 
the jar.

I also believe [lang] is simple enough that, even if there are quite a 
few intra-class dependencies, it wouldn't make the cutting and pasting 
that much harder.  When I've had to include extra classes I just make 
them package private.

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Re: Proposal for the Commons Sandbox

2004-03-08 Thread matthew.hawthorne
David Gilliland wrote:
I have recently started a project in the Java Foundry on Sourceforge called Jestr, 
and it seems like it might be a natural fit for the Jakarta Commons project.  You can read about it here:


The project uses many Jakarta Commons components and is released under the Apache Software License.  
 Jestr is still Beta software and I would not recommend it for 
promotion to the Commons proper at this
 point (besides, it depends on the Functor component which is 
currently sandboxed), but I'd like to offer it
 for inclusion in the Commons Sandbox.
I just wanted to gauge whether there was any interest in accepting it here.  If so, I would of course rename 
 the root package from jestr to org.apache.commons.jestr, or 
perhaps org.apache.commons.stringify.
 Other than that there would be little to change, since Jestr uses the 
standard Jakarta Commons build and
 directory structure (I cannibalized the Functor component's build.xml).

At a glance, this looks interesting.

I sometimes wish that there was a way to define and register things at 
runtime like toString()s, comparators,
equals(), and converters without having to modify the actual class.  So 
that instead of having to make an explicit call
to your special toString(), it would just magically happen.  But, I 
guess this is what AOP is for.

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Re: [SANDBOX] policy question (was Re: [VFS][PATCH] make it compile)

2004-03-02 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Stefan Bodewig wrote:
since I have karma for the sandbox, I could easily apply the patch
myself.  On the other hand I do not plan to get involved with VFS
beyond making it compile right now, so it feel wrong to add myself to
the status file and commit away.
Should I commit it without adding myself to the status file or should
I simply wait until the patch gets applied by one of the people listed

I say go ahead and commit.  Since this is a unique situation, adding
yourself to the status file is probably still good practice, but not a 

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Re: [All] License change

2004-02-27 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Henri Yandell wrote:
Will start doing so tonight. I estimate more than 5 minutes :)

new licence.txt
new notice.txt
include notice in jar
build each component
cvs ci

Can someone post the script used to change the licenses in source files? 
 I think Stephen
posted it originally.  Better yet, could somebody just place it in their 
~/public_html dir so it's
easy for anyone to access?

Also, is there a list somewhere of which commons components have been 
re-licensed?  Maybe
we could make a small HTML page somewhere.


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Re: [poll][all] A very brief poll on your usage of javascript.

2004-02-20 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Mark R. Diggory wrote:
To satisfy our interest on an issue being discussed in [commons-build] 
please answer this question.


Do you disable javascript in your favorite browser?

[ x ]No
[ ]Yes

But I do agree with David here.

I'm usually able to avoid using javascript for this sort of thing by 
using XSLT to build sites.
Things are dynamic in real-time, but each time you build they can 
include navigation or
things from other files.

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[repo] is sync from java-repository to ibiblio working?

2004-02-20 Thread matthew.hawthorne
I build a new version of commons-discovery the other day, and put it in 
apache.org/dist/java-repository, but I don't see it on ibiblio yet.

I thought that there was an rsync every 4 hours... am I wrong?

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Re: [discovery] tests fail under maven build

2004-02-18 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Henri Yandell wrote:
Building under Maven on OS X gives me 1 Failure:

Testcase: testFindResources took 0.019 sec
located 0 resources, failed to locate all 3 resources: testResource
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: located 0 resources, failed to
locate all 3 resources: testResource

I thought I fixed this today... I'll take another look.

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Re: [discovery] tests fail under maven build

2004-02-18 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Henri Yandell wrote:

Building under Maven on OS X gives me 1 Failure:

Testcase: testFindResources took 0.019 sec
located 0 resources, failed to locate all 3 resources: testResource
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: located 0 resources, failed to
locate all 3 resources: testResource

I thought I fixed this today... I'll take another look.

Can you confirm that you're using the current CVS HEAD?

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[all] enum keyword in Java 1.5

2004-02-18 Thread matthew.hawthorne
If you haven't heard, the word 'enum' is a keyword in Java 1.5.  This 
causes some errors here and there.
Now that the 1.5 beta is out, should we be making an effort to remove 
this word from our sources?

You can sedate the errors and only get warnings if you set:
But this may not be a good long term solution.  Thoughts?


[echo] Compiling to 
[javac] Compiling 40 source files to 
as of release 1.5, 'enum' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
Enumeration enum = 
JDKHooks.getJDKHooks().getResources(loader, resourceName);
as of release 1.5, 'enum' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
if (enum != null  enum.hasMoreElements()) {
as of release 1.5, 'enum' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
if (enum != null  enum.hasMoreElements()) {
as of release 1.5, 'enum' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
return enum;
4 errors


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Re: [lang] [proposal] NotImplementedException with a Throwable cause

2004-02-14 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Alban Peignier wrote:
I used before a private NotYetImplementedException. I'm refactoring my 
code to use the lang.NotImplementedException. One of my previous use 
cases is no longer possible :

 try {
 } catch (... e) {
throw new NotImplentedException(... case description ..., e);
Does this usage seem useful for most of people ?

While I can't say that I would use it in the same way, I can see your 
point here -- the
exception is thrown to indicate a portion of code that hasn't been 
written yet.  I find myself
stubbing things out in a similar way very frequently.

Any [lang] folks have a problem with this being added?

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Re: new HashedSet + WeakHashedSet classes

2004-02-13 Thread matthew.hawthorne
Henry Story wrote:
I have now finished the two new classes HashedSet and WeakHashedSet. I 
have added some tests for them, though I should add a lot more.

To make this work I needed to make a few changes to AbstractHashedMap. 
These changes had a few repercussions on other classes. But they now run 
all the tests successfully.

They classes with UML diagrams and some explanations are available on my 
web site at:

You don't need to cross post.  Since your talking about new classes and 
submitting patches, this discussion probably belongs on the developer 
list, not the user list.  And Stephen is subscribed to the list, so you 
shouldn't need to email him directly.

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