[CTRL] Will China save face?

1999-08-18 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

World watchers agree: Countries seeking to undermine the will of U.S.
foreign policy often make blustery, albeit empty, statements that they "are
determined to do XYZ" if the United States does "XYZ" first. It happened all
the time during the Cold War, when the U.S. and USSR maneuvered for
influence in several parts of the world, often simultaneously.
But the predictable nature of those days is over, and the new U.S.
nemesis -- China -- is a horse of a different color, no pun intended.

Since Taiwan's government unilaterally declared that Taipei and Beijing
should be considered by other world leaders as "two different states," the
latter has been making loud grumbling noises and suggesting that force may
have to be used in order to "bring Taiwan to its senses." According to the
most recent analyses of the situation that I've read, I believe the
confidence the U.S. is exuding in its belief that Beijing will not directly
attack Taiwan in some manner is false bravado.

China may have no choice. After all, China's leaders thrive on the
perception that they are ultimately in control of China's destiny. If that
notion is ever destroyed, it's lights out for the communist regime.

Having said that, I do agree that mounting a full-fledged, D-Day-like
invasion of Taiwan by naval elements of the People's Liberation Army (PLA)
is, by all estimates, beyond China's technical capabilities. Everybody knows
that -- the U.S., China and Taiwan. But there clearly are a number of other
options left to the Chinese that can be used; the question remains, will
China choose to use them and if so, will the U.S. be forced into a
confrontation with China?

It is ominous that China has already begun mobilizing a huge force of some
500,000 soldiers -- mostly reservists and former soldiers -- in their Fujian
province, the province closest to Taiwan. Land, air and sea exercises have
begun, and the PLA has even deployed elements of their "Delta Force" -- the
Flying Tigers -- to the province as well. And China has the ability to
shower Taiwan with ballistic missiles in numbers no one is sure about.

Considering the trouble China has internally with Tibet and Muslims in its
Xinjiang province; considering China's faltering economic situation;
considering China's belief that the Taiwan "declaration" and ensuing U.S.
show of force in the region with a pledge to defend Taiwan; and considering
China's perception that the U.S. is bent on pulling another Kosovo at
Beijing's expense, the PLA indeed may have to be used in order to prove to
Chinese citizens that the old men are still in charge and mean what they

Most Chinese already agree, regardless of other factors, that the best
legacy left by Mao Zedong was the fact that he drove all foreigners out of
China (except the British and they left Hong Kong per a treaty agreement),
allowing the world's most populous nation the sovereignty it always sought.
Any move seen to disrupt this solidarity is, in essence, an affront on all
Chinese, regardless of whether or not it is true.

Under this auspice, I believe, lies the heart of a coming conflict with
China over, among other things, Taiwan.

But wait, you say -- isn't President Bill Clinton China's "boy?" Isn't he
beholden first to Beijing, then to Washington? Perhaps he is, or, rather,
was, when he needed their cash to stay in the White House. But those days
are over and besides, who's to say China didn't use Clinton (for access to
vital U.S. technology) more than Clinton used China? Clinton's hand may very
well be forced to order the defense of Taiwan anyway because, as one U.S.
official recently put it, America is on "autopilot" regarding its pledge to
defend Taipei.

Whether China merely assaults a couple of islands controlled by Taiwan, as
it has suggested, or tries to block some Taiwanese shipping or lobs missiles
at over 200 military targets Beijing has identified on the island over the
past several weeks, I believe it is a mistake to think the Chinese
government has no vested interest in attacking Taiwan. They have to save
face with an increasingly anxious population that cannot be allowed to see
any sign of weakness in the leadership.

What Beijing's leaders don't know -- and can't know until after the fact --
is what our response will be. Neither country, however, can afford a long,
protracted and bloody conflict because there are too many variables -- North
Korea, the Middle East, and our own domestic computer problems -- that are
more pressing. Even Russia, for what it's worth, is a variable here since
they have mutual cooperation agreements with China.

For all our intelligence agencies know, China may be counting on/waiting for
any one of these other situations to manifest before they make their move.
But as sure as you're reading this, I believe they will make that move
eventually. Do you agree?

I also believe it would be a mistake because in the end, U.S. forces would
clean their 

[CTRL] Australians 'hired Nazi scientists after war.

1999-08-18 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Links on this url. This is very interesting German scientists going to US,
UK Aust and Russia. Didn't they go to Uruguay too? What about the ones in
Antarctica. They must have divided loyalties? This could get interesting. I
thought they were also colonising the moon and Mars.That reminds me I have
the notes of Leslie Watkins talk (Alternative 3) Will post.

Australians 'hired Nazi scientists after war.
By Barbie Dutter in Sydney

  NAZI scientists, including members of Hitler's SS, were secretly brought
to Australia after the Second World War to work on government defence
projects, according to a report published yesterday.
Their arrival was part of a move by Britain and America to recruit German
scientists to prevent Russia gaining a military advantage, said the Sydney
Morning Herald. The newspaper quoted previously classified Australian

The report says that at least 127 scientists were brought to Australia at a
time when Germans were barred from entering the country. Of these, 31 had
been Nazi Party members and 12 had belonged to other Nazi groups. Six had
been in the SS or storm troopers. The revelations contradict a 1986 report
commissioned by Canberra, which said that scientists recruited under the
scheme were "rejected if they were considered unacceptable due to their
association with the Nazi Party".

A 1946 official memo from the Australian Scientific and Technical Mission in
London, quoted by the newspaper, said Russia had started recruiting German
scientists "irrespective of their political history". It said: "The US and
UK are planning to prevent this moving of German scientists and technicians
eastwards since it would increase the war potential of Russia."

Two of the scientists brought to Australia worked on guided-missile tests at
Woomera in the Fifties, 10 worked in defence laboratories, and others
assisted a leading science organisation.

21 August 1997: Australia 'dumping ground for Nazis'

 Australians 'hired Nazi scientists after war'
By Barbie Dutter in Sydney

 Revealed: Australia's welcome to Hitler scientists [16 Aug '99] - Sydney
Morning Herald

 Australia's Nazi imports [16 Aug '99] - Sydney Morning Herald

 Cover-up suspicion on Nazi scientists [17 Aug '99] - The Age

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Iraq Is Firing New Version of Soviet Missile ... (fwd)

1999-08-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Iraq Is Firing New Version of Soviet Missile at
U.S. Fliers, Pentagon Says

   Source: Bloomberg
   Published: 8/17/99
   Author: By Tony Capaccio

Washington, Aug. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Iraq is firing a new, extended
range version of its standard SA-2 anti-aircraft missile at U.S.
and U.K. aircraft patrolling the southern ``no-fly'' zone, the
U.S. Defense Department said today.

Some SA-2 batteries appear to be firing missiles with slightly
longer ranges than the Iraqi guidance radars can cover, Pentagon
spokesman Ken Bacon said today.

``It's something we saw recently,'' Bacon said. ``But it has not
been a significant capability to increasing the threat to
aircraft.'' The range increase isn't huge, he said.

U.S. fliers have countered and destroyed the old Soviet-era
missiles consistently since North Vietnam used them three decades
ago. Iraq's use of the new variant comes as President Saddam
Hussein seeks to bolster his system of air defense missiles and
antiaircraft guns against U.S. and U.K. enforcement of ``no-fly''
zones designed to protect Iraq's Shiite and Kurdish minorities.

Iraqi air defenses in the southern no-fly zone have lost as much
as 25 percent of their capability since the U.S. and U.K. carried
out four days of air strikes against Iraq in December and scores
of ``no-fly'' zone attacks since January.

Iraq fires antiaircraft guns and occasional missiles at U.S.
planes, but with Iraqi guidance radars turned off for fear of
being hit by anti-radar missiles, Bacon said.

``Clearly, we have scared him to the point where he does not want
to turn on his radars,'' Bacon said.

U.S. planes are launching Raytheon Co. Harm radar-killing
missiles against Iraqi guidance radars.

``Our response to his attacks are slowly, measurably degrading
his air defense system and have forced him to keep his head down
and adopt what we can only describe as extremely low- risk
opposition to patrols in the no-fly zones,'' Bacon said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] High-Tech Radar will NOT track N. Korea Missile (fwd)

1999-08-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

High-Tech Radar will NOT track N. Korea Missile

   Source: The Washington Time
   Published: August 17, 1999

By Bill Gertz

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has turned down a U.S.
commander's request to use a new missile-defense radar to monitor
North Korea's upcoming Taepo Dong missile launch, Pentagon
officials said.

Gen. Henry H. Shelton, the chairman, decided on Friday to reject
an appeal from the commander of the U.S. Space Command in
Colorado because of costs and because using the radar now might
slow its development.

The radar system is known as the Theater High Altitude Area
Defense, or THAAD.

A senior defense official, speaking on the condition that he not
be identified by name, said Gen. Shelton's decision was based on
his view that the $3 million to $5 million cost of sending the
radar to Japan outweighed the benefits.

"By and large, you don't get enough benefit to justify the
costs," the defense official said.

But some military officials said monitoring the Taepo Dong with
the powerful THAAD radar, which can track missiles over long
distances, would have been an important test against a "real
world threat."

The monitoring also could have tested the radar's capability of
providing early warning of a missile launch against the United
States and provided valuable field training for the Army units
that will eventually be deployed with the completed THAAD system,
the officials said.

Critics said the Pentagon bowed to pressure from Clinton
administration arms-control officials who opposed sending the
radar because it might upset the Russians. A new round of
strategic arms talks is set to begin today in Moscow.

Separately, a confidant of reclusive North Korean leader Kim
Jong-il told CNN yesterday in an interview that his country was
prepared to respond in kind to U.S. and South Korean efforts to
halt a new missile test.

"If the visitor comes and offers us a cake, we'll respond with a
cake," said Kim Yong-sun, secretary of North Korea's Workers
Party, in a rare interview.

"But if somebody comes with a sword or a knife, we'll respond
with a knife," he added.

Earlier, the senior official said arms-control issues were a
factor in deciding whether to send the THAAD radar to Japan for
tests against North Korea's second test of a long-range missile.

U.S. intelligence agencies are closely monitoring a missile site
on North Korea's east coast where the test is anticipated. Ships,
spy satellites and aircraft are monitoring the test area,
officials said.

The senior official said in an interview that possible violations
of U.S.-Russian arms accords were not taken into account by Gen.
Shelton, even though a special treaty "compliance review group"
discussed the matter during a meeting at the Pentagon Friday.

Other officials said the decision not to test the radar against a
real-world missile threat is a sign of the Clinton
administration's bias against missile defenses.

Gen. Richard Myers, commander of the U.S. Space Command, made the
initial request to send one of the two THAAD radars currently
based in the United States to Japan to monitor the test.

The request was backed by the Pentagon's Ballistic Missile
Defense Organization, the U.S. Pacific Command and the Army's
Space and Missile Defense Command.

The defense official said the compliance-review group "never made
a decision" on whether sending the radar was allowed under
U.S.-Russian treaties. The cost and other factors were the
critical considerations for Gen. Shelton, he said.

Other officials said it was unusual for Gen. Shelton to reject
the commander's request and was based more on political
sensitivities toward Russia than on costs or operational worries.

"It is pathetic that Gen. Shelton's first impulse is to wring his
hands over some convoluted -- and unfounded -- arms-control
concern, instead of embracing this innovative proposal that can
do nothing but enhance the nation's security," said one official
angered by the decision.

"This administration has enough political hacks willing to
sacrifice national security to their political concerns," this
official said. "Someone needs to be an advocate for our security
interests. It's clear that Gen. Shelton is not up to that task."

U.S. and Russian arms specialists will hold their first round of
meetings today in Moscow to discuss new strategic arms reductions
and changes to the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty.

President Clinton signed legislation in July that says it is U.S.
policy to deploy a national missile defense as soon as
"technologically possible." The president said in a statement
that the law does not bind him to deploy a system unless
arms-control considerations are first taken into account.

Mr. Clinton has said the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty is "the
cornerstone" of strategic relations with Russia. The treaty
prohibits deployment of nationwide missile defenses and limits
signatories to a single site. Russia has 

Re: [CTRL] Green Groans

1999-08-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-08-18 01:12:24 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   For us, any questioning of
 the system arose only for a short period, then it became clear,
 we are for the system, although we recognise its faults and want
 to put them right."

The anti-Greens' infiltration of the real Greens --mirroring the corporate
co-optation of environmentalism-- has apparently succeeded, at least in

As we used to say in the Sixties, "If you're not part of the solution, you're
part of the problem" -- so the German Greens are now just another branch of
"the enemy."  As we used to say also, "You can't work WITHIN the System; the
System IS the problem,"
so the Greens, by embracing the System, are merely the latest poseurs to $ell

The meretricious far-right feudalists must've found them a useful FRONT for
preserving The Same Old Shit under the guise of a "third party" for us tired
of The Same Old Shit.

"This way to the Egress," said PT Barnum -- only, now his sign points to the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: ATT/Hughes/CIA/China

1999-08-18 Thread Das GOAT

The 8-17-99 article in Salon by Mark Gimein may represent the weakest
reasoning yet for the patently absurd arguments in defense of ATT, as it
attempt to remove competitors in the cable modem business.

Mr. Gimein argues that if local regulators are allowed to restrict ATT's
demand to have an monopoly, it will supposedly open the door for local
regulations to restrict other things.  The examples he then gives are a
prosecutor in Tennessee seeking to sanction a pornographer in California, the
U.S. government blocking the Web site of a casino in Antigua and China trying
to shut down a pro-Taiwan Web site in New York.  The comparison has no
legitimacy whatsoever.  A Tennessee prosecutor attacking a California
pornographer, the US blocking an Antigua casino and China battling a New York
website are all cases in which jurisdiction is the defining issue.  In all
three cases listed, the governmental body does not have its opponent within
its domain, so its power to regulate simply doesn't exist.  ATT, having
obtained an exclusive contract with the local government agencies (such as
Portland) trying to regulate ATT's never agreed upon usage of cable lines,
is most certainly under the jurisdiction of these local governments.

Mr. Gimein then tries to bring up the boogeyman of content suppression,
indicating that allowing local governments the right to regulate business
contracts opens up the door to restricting certain web pages through its
service.  This again is a frivolous argument.  Restricting web pages is an
issue of Constitutional First Amendment rights, issues not even remotely
involved with in the ATT battle, despite the company's whine.  Once again,
ATT has contracted to provide services to local governments, and so this is
an issue involving contractual rights, not Constitutional rights.  Last time
I checked, ATT did not have a Constitutional freedom to screw customers on a
whim via sweetheart business deals.

In fact, Mr. Gimein misses the reverse dangers of giving ATT a free reign
over Internet access: that they may regulate access to the net for its own
benefit.  It is quite possible that ATT may restrict the access of web pages
critical to its business dealings or those high up in its corporate
structure.  Should local governments allow them to do this blindly?

This is not a frivolous issue.  The current CEO of ATT is C. Michael
Armstrong.  Previously, Mr. Armstrong was the head of Hughes Electronics, and
during his tenure there, he became so involved with trade issues involving
China, the lax security of Hughes, and the backing of Clinton's presidential
campaign that there are many who believe he is legally complicit in the
Chinese spy scandal, and some who argue that he is guilty of treason.  This
certainly can be debated, but when the same individual controls cable
internet access to 60% of the country, such debate can be effectively

All this leads to a better explanation for the FCC's blind defense of ATT
than anything Mr. Gimein presented in the article.  Armstrong, having
financed Clinton's presidential ambitions and being a serious partner in one
of his worst scandals, is owed a big favor by the Commander-In-Chief.  The
chips are being called in, so the FCC is backing ATT's absurd defense as

Of course, Salon, being a generally glib and lightweight news service, may
smirk at such talk as conspiracy theory, as part of its general style to
replace thoughtful analysis with smarmy fluff.  And perhaps such  an
explanation is a false conspiracy theory.  However, even if this is the case,
at least it has some remote chance of being legitimate, rather than the
poorly reasoned arguments Mr. Gimein has put out in defense for ATT.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Local regulators and the Net
ATT's battle against open access to its cable system is about Internet
infrastructure. What if it were about Internet content?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Mark Gimein

August 17, 1999 | If you have been following the debate over open access
 to ATT's recently acquired cable systems, you'll know that some
district courts have sided with cities like Portland, Ore., which has
demanded that ATT allow competing Internet access providers to use its
cable system. On Monday the Federal Communications Commission filed a
"friend of the court" brief opposing the Oregon ruling. On Tuesday,
Excite@Home, the high-speed Net service provider, will follow suit with
a brief of its own, asking the court to overturn its decision. "Allowing
30,000 local governments to impose a raft of new, burdensome rules will
 significantly delay the development and deployment of high-speed
Internet services," says an Excite@Home news release about its brief.

When federal bureaucrats and big business lobbyists are on the same
side, my natural tendency is to look for a fly in the ointment. In this
case, however, the feds and big business have a point. Consumer
advocates tend to portray open 


1999-08-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

COMMENTARY Voice of the people (letter)


Irving Louis Horowitz, Hannah Arendt Distinguished Professor of
Sociology  Political Science, Rutgers University

08/17/1999 Chicago Tribune

Page 12

The constant theme struck by President Clinton is the danger to
Americans of guns. But this theme disguises a far more serious
issue: the continuing existence of Nazi theory and practice in
the form of the American Aryan Nations.

Clinton washes out the ideological core of Nazism by speaking of
the shooting of two Jewish women and three small Jewish children
in a Los Angeles-area Jewish community center as "another
senseless act." He claims simply that "our nation has been shaken
and our hearts torn by an act of gun violence." Granada Hills is
not Columbine High School, where such sentiments may have been
well placed. This is the work of a known American Nazi, with a
history of violence. Buford Furrow's attempted mass murders were,
in his own words, aimed as a "wake-up call to America to kill
Jews." This is not the act of a stock day trader frustrated with
fiscal losses, or a high school student embarrassed and
humiliated by fellow students. This is the act of a dedicated,
determined genocidist for whom the attempted murder of children
and older women is the fulfillment of a Hitlerian dream to purge
America and the world of Jewish people.

To shift the burden of this hideous concrete political act into
an abstract pathological act is to deprive the new pattern of
violence against Jewish people and its religious-cultural
institutions of just such specificity, and hence of its meaning.
Indeed Nazis in America are hardly limited in their capacity to
access weapons of destruction. Should the forces of law and
public order fail to protect the innocent and punish the guilty,
Jews would be within their rights to take up arms in their own
self-defense. It may only be the deeply held Jewish faith in the
inviolability of law and public order that inhibits them from
taking such measures.

This trained myopia within our political establishment to speak
frankly about the scourge of anti-Semitism has its roots in the
belief that government will uniformly behave within the legal
framework of power. But the Holocaust is an example of the state
as itself the essential source of illegality.

Before we join the chorus supporting Clinton in extending gun
control, we would be well-advised to insist that some recognition
be taken of the Nazi ideology and nativist roots of Jew hatred.
Until then, the right to bear arms should not be easily
denigrated or, for that matter, arbitrarily denied. For Jews,
such a right may turn out to be a power correlate of the
post-Nazi moral imperative: never again.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The thing about wars ... (fwd)

1999-08-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Not for Commercial Use

Charley Reese : The thing about wars is that they
always leave such a mess

   Published: 08/16/1999 Author: Charley Reese

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization stated that it dropped
1,500 cluster bombs on Kosovo. It has belatedly admitted it used
depleted uranium shells. And, between the Serbs and the
Albanians, there are left lying around some 500,000 mines.

The cluster bomb releases 150 to 200 bomblets. People on the
ground, according to the New York Times, say about 30 percent
failed to detonate and now represent an additional hazard to
civilians and to the people who have to clean them up.

The World Health Organization said that, between June 13 and July
12, 130 to 170 people have been wounded or killed by leftover
bomblets and mines. By now, more probably have been killed or
injured, and certainly more people will be in the future.

Wars, even small ones, always leave such a mess: dead people,
embittered people, maimed people, impoverished people, toxic
contaminants and unexploded ordnance. But, on the other hand,
some people can make money, provided that the war stays

Contracts -- contracts to do cleanups, contracts to do
construction projects, contracts to supply this or that -- get
handed out. And, naturally, all of the used ordnance has to be

It's funny how the more I've learned about the old world, the
less enthusiastic I've become for any war. It seems to me the
only really just war is a purely defensive one, and even just
wars are bad experiences.

Most of the wars are about territory and power. It seems most of
them are real scams, too, because a small elite gets the economic
and political benefits while the poor and middle-income folks do
the fighting and suffering and dying.

If I weren't Celtic and ill-tempered, I'd probably be a pacifist.

You might think that it's a contradiction to be for a strong
military and against war, but the best way to avoid a war is to
be so strong that all your potential opponents will decide that
discretion is the better part of valor.

Of course, once you have a strong military, then you need to make
sure you have wise and moral civilians in control of it.
Otherwise, the civilians will abuse it by using it for
nondefensive reasons, as our current leader is doing.

It's too bad international conflicts can't be resolved by cutting
for high card or by at least having the heads of state decide the
matter in a duel. It has been a long, long time since any head of
state actually did any fighting.

Still, it's fun to think of Saddam Hussein and Bill Clinton
locked in a dark room with only one sharp knife on a table in the
middle of it.

Please don't think me a cynic. I prefer to call my low
expectations for the human race and new millennium "realism."
Seems to me humans are remarkably unchanged for the past several
millennia, once you discount the gadgets.

Worse for me, who has always been a staunch Jeffersonian, I'm
beginning to think that Alexander Hamilton was right. He thought
people were not competent to govern themselves. Hamilton's error,
of course, was not to realize that the elitists were not
competent to govern either.

That's the best argument for laissez faire -- the smallest,
weakest government possible. Start with the proposition that even
the smallest, weakest government will be badly run, and then you
see the folly of giving bad managers even more power. An increase
in power is an increase in the power to do evil as well as to do
good. Given the nature of human beings, evil is the safer bet.

Most Americans, though, seem to believe that they are living in
the best of all possible worlds. Well, it's certainly better than
Yugoslavia and Iraq, both of which our best of all possible
leaders have turned into toxic wastelands.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please 

Re: [CTRL] More Disinformation Re: atomic bomb ... fluoride ?!

1999-08-18 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

The correct amount of fluoride for a human to consume is obviously ZERO.
Fluoride is an active ingredient of rat poison, and has been shown to cause
neurological damage in humans. Federal EPA (Environmental Pollution Agency)
is well aware of this.
Promoting the use of fluoride on humans and concealing this information is
therefore criminal.
What is the legal term for someone who can be presumed to have knowledge of
such criminal activity (by a public chain of email correspondence which
FIRMLY shows expert testimony to the poisonous and health-damaging nature of
fluoride) and who  promotes such criminal activity?
Accessory?  Accomplice?

I think that we should make effort to bring a class-action suit against
targeted municipalities, and the ADA, then perhaps extend the action to any
other agency which can be shown to be criminally negligent (if not worse) in
placing this poison in municipal drinking water supplies.

This should make the tobacco lawsuit look like a minor incident.

Documentation on "Central Nervous System Damage from Fluorides" by EPA
recognized expert, Phyllis J. Mullenix, Ph.D. is located here:

"Research Links Low Levels of Fluoride and Aluminum to Alzheimer's and
Kidney Damage"

Wisconson's U.S. Representative Calvert asks EPA's Browner to Justify Policy
to Promote Fluoride:


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: More "Disinformation" Re: atomic bomb  ... fluoride ?!

For correct information on the amount of fluoride to be place in drinking
water it is suggested that anyone concerned should contact the US Public
Health Service or the National Institutes of Health in order to obtain well
verified data.


 On 08/16/99 at 08:06 PM, "Dave" [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoted Joyal
 Taylor, DDS's, saying:

 -No laboratory study has ever shown that the amount of fluoride
 -recommended for drinking water (1 part per million) is effective
 -in reducing tooth decay. In fact the U.S. is one of the most fluoridated
-countries but has one of the highest tooth decay rates in the world.

 I thought it bore repeating. g

 (I find this particular fact rolls right off the top of the mind;
 apparently our belief to the contrary is very deeply entrenched, a "big
 lie" that sank in, big time.)

  -- Jeff --http://www.wellnow.com

  Well Now Health Information Service
  Box 15524 Atlanta Georgia [30333]
  "There's nothing left in the world to prove. All that's worth doing is
   to love one another, using any means available to that purpose."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Conflicts Hindering WTO Efforts

1999-08-18 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj:   Conflicts Hindering WTO Efforts
Date:   8/17/99 11:09:34 PM Central Daylight Time
From:   AOL News

Conflicts Hindering WTO Efforts

.c The Associated Press


GENEVA (AP) - Trade negotiators are preparing to launch new efforts to steer
the global economy into the new millennium.

But as the countdown to the launch begins, they can't even agree on a name
for the talks, let alone what they should cover.

The 134-nation World Trade Organization has spent the past year discussing
the agenda for a ministerial meeting in Seattle beginning Nov. 30. The
meeting should kickstart negotiations aimed at rolling back barriers to
exports and thus - in theory - boosting international prosperity.

But so far there have been few results. And when WTO diplomats return from
their leisurely summer break, the tough task of whittling down more than 80
proposals into a feasible work schedule will begin in earnest.

Mike Moore, New Zealand's former premier who takes up his post as WTO
director-general Sept. 1, is under no illusions about the enormity of the

``This is the 1990s and there are new issues which have exploded which we
have never thought of,'' he said.

In the previous round of trade talks, nobody knew about electronic commerce,
``but now business in the Internet is doubling every hundred days,'' he said.

``Six months ago none of us really thought about genetically modified foods.
These are the major issues,'' added Moore.

Several thousand people are expected in Seattle for the conference, the WTO's
third since it was set up in 1995. The four-day session is shaping up as a
showdown between competing regional and economic interests.

The joke that the negotiators will be ``sleepless in Seattle'' has been told
hundreds of times already.

Under the agreements reached in the last trade talks, known as the Uruguay
Round, the WTO is committed to making a new effort in the year 2000 to open
trade in services and agriculture. But there is nothing to stop the Seattle
conference from taking on other areas as well.

Developing countries including Pakistan and Mexico are insisting that the
meeting should focus on compliance with the Uruguay Round accords rather than
tackling new areas. In particular, they accuse industrialized countries of
violating promises to import more textiles and clothing.

The European Union, on the other hand, wants to see talks across the full
spectrum of international trade. Critics say this is merely a ruse to deflect
attention from agriculture, where the EU's protectionist policies are
expected to come under threat.

The United States wants to discuss labor standards.

``As President Clinton has stated, the development of the trading system must
come together with efforts to ensure respect for these standards, and its
results must include benefits for working people in all nations,'' U.S.
Deputy Trade Representative Susan Esserman told a recent meeting of the WTO
general council.

That is anathema to the developing nations, who do not believe labor
standards should be part of international trade agreements. They feel it is a
form of protectionism, aimed at making poorer countries less competitive.

The United States is also resisting any suggestion that antidumping
regulations should be included. Washington has used its regulations, which
allow higher tariffs for U.S. industries threatened by imports, to provide
relief for domestic steelmakers in the wake of the Asian currency crisis,
provoking angry opposition from countries such as Japan.

In addition to the looming rows between governments, the WTO also has to come
to grips with other pressures. Nongovernmental organizations are pressing
their case for a bigger say in the organization's policymaking, and thousands
of anti-WTO campaigners are also planning to descend on Seattle.

And if that's not enough, negotiators will have to face the tricky problem of
what to call the new trade round.

There have been vague suggestions that it should be the ``Clinton Round,''
but these aren't taken too seriously. There is more acceptance of the idea of
a ``Millennium Round.''

This has alarmed the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle, which has
launched a campaign to make sure the official name is the ``Seattle Round.''

AP-NY-08-18-99 0008EDT

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[CTRL] Reaganbush Redivivus -- George Jr's NWO Brain Trust

1999-08-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Bush's policy team, now numbering more than 100 conservative thinkers,
can trace its creation to a small April 1998 gathering at the Palo Alto,
Calif., home of former Secretary of State [and Bohemian Grove notable] George
 "Shultz assembled fellows from Stanford University's Hoover Institution
...Bush is leaning heavily on the Hoover think tank. Shultz, a Hoover
distinguished fellow, was on Bush's presidential exploratory committee ...
Hoover fellow Condoleeza Rice, national security adviser to President Bush,
heads a foreign policy and defense team that includes Dick Cheney, a former
White House chief of staff and defense secretary, and Paul Wolfowitz,
President Bush's undersecretary of defense for policy.
 "Leading the economic team is Lawrence Lindsey, a former Federal Reserve
governor and American Enterprise Institute scholar ..."

Bush Circle of Advisers Diverse

.c The Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - When Republican presidential front-runner George W. Bush
needs advice these days, he turns to a circle of political professionals,
policy wonks and fellow politicians.

Some have been with him from the start. Others have come aboard within the
past year.

Mixing public, private and academic experience, they generally are more
conservative than the team assembled by Bush's father, analysts say. But
being the son of a former president certainly helps recruiting.

``For Bush, it's not difficult to pull together a group because, of course,
he's been around Republican and conservative intellectual circles for a long
time,'' said Norman Ornstein, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise

``I think he wants to make a statement that his presidency will be a little
bit more like Ronald Reagan's than George Bush's - that he's more
conservative,'' Ornstein said.

The Pros

Closest to Bush are a trio of advisers who have worked together since Bush's
first gubernatorial campaign in 1994: strategist Karl Rove, spokeswoman Karen
Hughes and campaign manager Joe Allbaugh.

Rove, a friend of George Bush's 1988 campaign manager, Lee Atwater, is a
longtime political consultant and a major reason the GOP dominates Texas
elections right now.

After going for more than 100 years without electing a Texas governor,
Republicans today hold all 29 statewide elected offices. Many of the
campaigns were masterminded by Rove.

He orchestrated the highly visible pilgrimages that national Republican
figures made to Austin this year, as Bush was staying home to consider
running for president.

When Bush asked him to sell the consulting company he founded two decades ago
to concentrate on helping him win the White House, Rove did. ``He's been my
friend for 25 years,'' Rove explained. ``I'd want to be able to put my heart
and soul into it.''

Ms. Hughes is another member of the so-called Iron Triangle, although she
says she's in the dark about the origin of the nickname the news media hung
on Bush's closest advisers.

A former Fort Worth television reporter, Ms. Hughes moved from covering
politics to playing the game. Texas press coordinator for Reagan-Bush in
1984, she later became executive director of the Texas GOP and joined Bush in
the early months of the 1994 race. She's spoken for him ever since.

Allbaugh is a big presence in the campaign's day-to-day workings. An Oklahoma
native and campaign veteran, Allbaugh quickly earned a reputation among
staffers in Bush's first campaign as the guy who said ``no'' to spending
requests. He served as Bush's executive assistant - with an office only steps
away from the governor's - until the Texas Legislature ended its 1999

The three helped Bush oust popular Democratic Gov. Ann Richards in 1994 and
get nearly 70 percent of the vote in his 1998 re-election.

``The good campaign teams are the ones that emerge in the heat of battle.
They did that in 1994. I have a lot of respect for them,'' said Chuck
McDonald, spokesman for Richards' last campaign. ``They are very good at
getting on their message and staying on their message.''

The Policy Wonks

In many ways Bush's policy team, now numbering more than 100 conservative
thinkers, can trace its creation to a small April 1998 gathering at the Palo
Alto, Calif., home of former Secretary of State George Shultz.

Shultz assembled fellows from Stanford University's Hoover Institution to
meet with Bush. Those who attended say they came away impressed.

``We covered the landscape, from foreign policy and national security to tax
policy and Social Security reform,'' says Bush adviser John Cogan, an
economist and senior fellow at the institution. ``What amazed me and
surprised me was how often the governor would ask a series of follow-up
questions, probing into your idea.''

Bush is leaning heavily on the Hoover think tank. Shultz, a Hoover
distinguished fellow, was on Bush's presidential exploratory committee. Cogan
and Hoover fellows Martin Anderson and Michael 

[CTRL] Rev Moon / S.Korea-Japan / George Bush

1999-08-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The potential World War III now brewing in the Pacific couldn't be
happening more opportunely for a Bush presidency in 2000.
 The Bush "Octopus" has many longtime friends in Asia -- the KCIA, the
Yakuza, and right-wing imperialist industrialists who long for a
nuclear-armed, militarized Japan.
 Pentagon paranoia about a newly expansionist Red China --aided and
abetted by Democrat Bill Clinton-- obviously coveting Taiwan and covertly
supporting North Korea, is another serendipitous development.
  George Sr made big bucks while "saving the world" in the Persian Gulf
  George Jr may have HIS chance --somehow made to order?-- in East Asia

 from The Consortium, 1997:

The Dark Side of Rev. Moon: Hooking George Bush

by Robert Parry

 Last fall, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's latest foray into the
high-priced world of media and politics was in trouble.  South
American journalists were writing scathingly about Moon's plan to
open a regional newspaper that the 77-year-old founder of the
Korean-based Unification Church hoped would give him the same
influence in Latin America that the ultra-conservative
Washington Times had in the United States.
 As opening day ticked closer for Moon's Tiempos del Mundo,
leading South American newspapers were busy recounting unsavory
chapters of Moon's history, including his links with South
Korea's feared intelligence service and with violent
anti-communist organizations that some commentaries said bordered
on neo-fascist.
 Indeed, in the early 1980s, amid widespread human rights
abuses, Moon had used friendships with the military dictators in
Argentina and Uruguay to invest in those two countries.  Moon was
such a pal of the Argentine generals that he garnered an honorary
award for siding with Argentina's junta in the Falklands War.
[UPI, Nov. 16, 1984]
 More recently, Moon has been buying large tracts of
agricultural lands in Paraguay.  La Nacion reported that Moon had
discussed these business ventures with Paraguay's ex-dictator
Alfredo Stroessner. [Nov.  19, 1996]
 Moon's disciples fumed about the critical stories and
accused the Argentine news media of trying to sabotage the
newspaper's inaugural gala in Buenos Aires on Nov. 23.  "The
local press was trying to undermine the event," complained the
church's internal newsletter, Unification News.  [December 1996]
 Given the controversy, Argentina's elected president, Carlos
Menem, decided to reject Moon's invitation.  But Moon had a trump
card to play in his bid for South American respectability: the
endorsement of an ex-president of the United States -- George
 Agreeing to speak at the newspaper's launch, Bush flew
aboard a private plane, arriving in Buenos Aires on Nov. 22.
Bush stayed at Menem's official residence, the Olivos.  But Bush
failed to change the Argentine president's mind.
 Still, Moon's followers gushed that Bush had saved the day,
as he stepped before about 900 Moon guests at the Sheraton Hotel.
"Mr. Bush's presence as keynote speaker gave the event invaluable
prestige," wrote the Unification News.  "Father [Moon] and Mother
[Mrs. Moon] sat with several of the True Children [Moon's
offspring] just a few feet from the podium."
 Bush lavished praise on Moon and his journalistic
enterprises.  "I want to salute Reverend Moon, who is the founder
of The Washington Times and also of Tiempos del Mundo," Bush
declared.  "A lot of my friends in South America don't know about
The Washington Times, but it is an independent voice.  The
editors of The Washington Times tell me that never once has the
man with the vision interfered with the running of the paper, a
paper that in my view brings sanity to Washington, D.C.  I am
convinced that Tiempos del Mundo is going to do the same thing"
in Latin America.
 Bush then held up the colorful new newspaper and
complimented several articles, including one flattering piece
about Barbara Bush.  Bush's speech was so effusive that it
surprised even Moon's followers.
 "Once again, heaven turned a disappointment into a victory,"
the Unification News exulted.  "Everyone was delighted to hear
his compliments.  We knew he would give an appropriate and 'nice'
speech, but praise in Father's presence was more than we
expected.  ... It was vindication.  We could just hear a sigh of
relief from Heaven."
 Bush's endorsement of The Washington Times' editorial
independence also was not truthful.  Almost since it opened in
1982, a string of senior editors and correspondents have
resigned, citing the manipulation of the news by Moon and his
subordinates.  The first editor, James Whelan, resigned in 1984,
confessing that he had "blood on his hands" for helping the
church achieve greater legitimacy.

Money Talks

 But Bush's boosterism was just what Moon needed in South
America.  "The day after," the Unification News  observed, "the
press did a 180-degree about-turn once they realized 

[CTRL] Starr Fades Out (fwd)

1999-08-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Starr Fades Out: One Year After Clinton’s
Testimony, Starr Prepares to End Inquiry

Source: ABCNEWS.com
Published: 8/17/99 Author: By J. Jennings Moss and Brian Ross

Aug. 17 — ABCNEWS has learned that Kenneth Starr has told the
three-judge panel that appointed him he is ready to leave the
Office of the Independent Counsel, though a great deal of work
remains unfinished, including a decision on whether to prosecute
the Clintons.

But Starr, who wants to leave in the next few months, has
determined it is not feasible to hand the work to the Justice
Department and is recommending that the OIC continue its work.

Sources also said Starr has forwarded the resumes of three of his
deputies — including Michael Emmick, who led the sting operation
against Monica Lewinsky — to the judges as recommended
replacements who then would file a final report closing out the
five-year investigation into President Clinton.

Starr has yet, however, to file an official notice of his
resignation with the judges. Winding Down

Already there were signs that Starr’s probe was winding down.

At its peak in September 1998, Starr’s OIC had 28 attorneys and
32 staff members. As of this month, the office has 18 attorneys
and 32 employees on staff, said Starr spokeswoman Elizabeth Ray.
The investigation has cost at least $40 million.

“Right now, we’re beginning to draft it,” Ray said of the final
report. “It’s not a ‘blistering report’ as some people have
reported it to be. We have no guidelines of how a final report
should be written so we’re taking it step by step but we have
started writing.”

The final report is expected to encompass much of the scope of
Starr’s investigation, only part of which dealt with his office’s
historic questioning of Clinton about the president’s affair with
Lewinksy, a former White House intern.

Starr’s probe has delved into the complicated Arkansas real
estate venture known as Whitewater, the law firm business
practices of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the firings of White House
travel office employees early in the Clinton administration, the
suicide of a Clinton friend and other matters.

The timing of that report is important because it might raise
questions about the actions of Mrs. Clinton, who is expected to
seek a Senate seat from New York.

”We are trying to move forward very, very rapidly in that
respect,” Starr told reporters earlier this month at an American
Bar Association convention.

Starr refused to discuss whether he had closed out the
possibility of seeking an indictment against either the president
or the first lady, although there are suggestions he will do
neither. “It would be inappropriate for me to be commenting at
all about the future of the investigation,” Starr said.

What a Difference a Year Can Make

Today’s news comes exactly a year after Starr made history by
getting a sitting president before a grand jury.

For four hours in a windowless room at the White House, Starr’s
prosecutors grilled President Clinton about his relationship with
Lewinsky while a grand jury watched the interrogation blocks away
over a closed-circuit line.

While Starr, a former federal appellate court judge who held
positions in the Reagan and Bush administrations, is cautious
about talking about the Clintons, others who have come up against
Starr are not so hesitant to offer their opinion.

”It was kind of a lesson in prosecutorial misconduct for the
whole country to see,” says Mark J. Geragos, the attorney for
Susan McDougal, one of the targets in the Whitewater probe who
preferred to spend time in jail rather than cooperate with Starr
in his investigation.

“This is what happens when you give unfettered rights and
discretion and budget to a federal prosecutor.”

Nancy Luque, the lawyer for Julie Hiatt Steele, agreed. Starr
prosecuted Steele because he believed she made false statements
that hindered his investigation into whether Clinton made an
unwelcome sexual advance on Kathleen E. Willey, a onetime White
House volunteer. A jury deadlocked on four obstruction of justice
charges May 7 and Starr decided against a retrial.

”Starr’s problem is that he was arrogant enough to think he could
do this job when he didn’t have the experience or the judgment,”
Luque said.

“It’s the most important prosecution in the history of our
country. Just like I wouldn’t go pole vault at the Olympics, he
shouldn’t have taken it on.”

But while Starr has detractors, he also has a sizable number of
supporters who argue that the independent counsel was following
his philosophy of judging illegal activity and misconduct in an
unambiguous way. It is a view without a gray area. Someone tells
the truth or lies, someone stays within the law or breaks it.

Supporters Praise Starr’s Integrity

”Early on in the process, Judge Starr knew that his service would
be a thankless one,” said Todd Gaziano, a former presidential
legal adviser to presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton.

“I think Judge Starr knew that this would 

[CTRL] Turkey Quake

1999-08-18 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

Anyone know why the U.S. Secretary of Energy AND the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff just both happened to in Turkey when the quake hit?

I heard this on the Today Show yesterday, where they had the Secretary on
the phone discussing what he'd seen/experiencedI waited to see if any
of the lists I'm on mentioned this, but I haven't seen it mentioned

Just seems strange, and more than a little 'coincidental'...

June ;-)


So many things you want to see
And as you ask I'll set you free
But as you fly
You'll touch the sky
And touch the heart
Within me

  Fly away.

-- Bob Childs
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Turkey Quake

1999-08-18 Thread C Davis

 -Caveat Lector-

That's what I want to know...why were they there?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] monsanto litigation-perry schmeiser files countersuit against monsanto !

1999-08-18 Thread K
 -Caveat Lector-
...posted on SANET

Saskatchewan Farmer Battles Monsanto, Sues Them Back

Vancouver Sun, Page B01, Saturday, August 14, 1999 --
battles agro-chemical giant: Percy Schmeiser is being sued for
patented canola seeds growing on his land. He says he's done
and is fighting back, by Dave Margoshes

Regina -- Percy Schmeiser was mad as hell, and decided he
wasn't going
take it.   Schmeiser has been growing canola -- the yellow-
oilseed that used to be known as rapeseed -- for 40 years, and he
stuff. He's been experimenting, developing his own varieties, using
seed and generally prospering with canola, reaping the benefits
from growing an increasingly popular crop. So when Monsanto, the
multinational agro-chemical company that is at the forefront of
genetically modified foods, accused him of patent infringement and
restitution for its seeds, his pride was hurt. He chose to fight rather
than roll over and take it.  This week, following a failed mediation
and fed up with Monsanto's "high-handed and arrogant actions,"
had his lawyer launch a $10-million plus countersuit against the
claiming defamation of character, trespass and ecological havoc.
Schmeiser's not convinced the seed in his fields last year was
and argues that, if it was, it got there through courtesy of wind or
cross-pollination, forces of nature farmers know lots about but, he
complains, Monsanto seems to have forgotten.  No way, says
Monsanto, and
has filed an affidavit from an independent agricultural expert to back
its claim that Schmeiser was in unlawful possession of its seeds.
evans, Monsanto canada's general manager for biotechnology and
defended the company's actions this week, saying, "what it boils
down to
is, can farmers protect their investment? If one farmer's getting a
significant break over others -- no matter how he comes by it -- well,
can imagine how that makes the others feel."   Evans said
Monsanto is
convinced Schmeiser is not an innocent victim. "if we thought that,
wouldn't have taken this as far as we have." The david and goliath
which surfaced a year ago, was set to go to court last fall, but
blinked and, instead, Schmeiser and Monsanto attended a one-day
court-appointed mediation session earlier this week. Neither side
exactly what happened, but the case is headed back to court and,
any further blinking, will be before a judge sometime next spring --
probably around the time Schmeiser is seeding his fields with
farms about 570 hectares at bruno, about 90 kilometres east of
with about two thirds of it planted to canola -- and also runs a farm
implement business. He planted canola again this year -- but from
seed, and definitely not Monsanto's. Schmeiser, a 68-year-old
and councillor of the local rural municipality, and a liberal mla in the
government of ross thatcher in the late '60s, is a respected
member of
community, not the sort of fellow one would expect to steal
seeds -- especially when he's had so much success with his own.
exactly what Monsanto has accused him of.  Monsanto,
headquartered in
Louis, makes the popular herbicide roundup. Farmers all over the
- -- Schmeiser among them -- spray it on their fields, whereupon it
everything growing there. Then they plant. Using the controversial
of genetic engineering, which has alarmed environmentalists and
Monsanto has developed a canola seed completely immune to
roundup. That
means a farmer can spray the herbicide over a planted field, kill all
weeds growing there, but not hurt the crop -- as long as it comes
Monsanto's seed.  The company sells the seed -- about half the
planted in Saskatchewan this year comes from it -- but keeps the
the dna itself. It means that, rather than save seeds from last year's
to use this year, as many do -- and as Schmeiser traditionally
does --
farmers have to buy new seed from Monsanto every year.   In order
protect its investment, Monsanto has been vigilant in rooting out
farmers who might be cheating and saving seed, or  borrowing a bit
from neighbours.  Farmers buying Monsanto's seed must sign a
promising to buy fresh seed every year. And they must let
their fields. The company also employs snitch lines and encourages
who are loyal customers to rat on their neighbours who might be
which, apparently, is how Schmeiser came to its attention.  If this
heavy-handed, or overly big brotherish, lend an ear to Monsanto
randy christenson.  "we've put years, years and years of research
into developing this technology," says christenson, a former
director for Monsanto in western canada. "so for us 

[CTRL] After promising accountability, Speaker Newt Gingrich took care of his own

1999-08-18 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

Congress: America's Criminal Class - Part II
After promising accountability, Speaker Newt Gingrich took care of
his own
Part I -- Rep. Corrine Brown: A trail of lies  deceit
Part II -- Rep. Jim Moran: Virginia's bombastic Congressman
By the staff
of Capitol Hill Blue
In March of 1998, a casual observer might have thought California
Republican Congressman Jay Kim's career was over.
Kim had admitted to committing the largest amount of campaign
violations ever by a member of Congress. More than one-third of
the contributions to his 1992 primary campaign, which he won by
only 889 votes, were illegal.
"Jay Kim probably stole a congressional election in 1992 by this
fraudulent campaign financing scheme. If the House is serious
about the meaning of elections and democracy, they'll expel him,
and soon," said Gary Ruskin, who directs the Congressional
Accountability Project. "In my view, Jay Kim's presence cheapens
the moral authority of every other member there."
After pleading guilty to accepting more than $250,000 in illegal
corporate and foreign campaign contributions, Kim was sentenced
to two months of "house arrest," restricted to his suburban Virginia
home and the halls of Congress.
But he kept his job, and all the perks that went with it. The
following month, House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) appointed
Kim to the House-Senate group negotiating the budget-busting
highway bill.
"He's a very active member," said House Transportation Committee
Chairman Bud Shuster.
"His plight has not diminished his effectiveness here in Congress,"
said fellow California Republican David Drier.
Kim's estranged wife, June, was less charitable.
"It's really frustrating that our law is not tough enough to get him
out right away," she said. "He's humiliated us enough."
Despite her wishes, and the demands of others, the law did not
require Kim to quit and Congressional leaders, as a rule, usually
find a way to accommodate, not punish, fellow members who break
the law.
Other House members have kept their seats even while serving in
prison: Rep. Thomas Lane (D-Mass.) went to jail from May 7 to
Sept. 7, 1956, for tax evasion and Rep. Matthew Lyon (R-Vt.) was
imprisoned for violating the Sedition Act in 1798 but returned to
Congress after a mob broke him out of jail.
Kim announced immediately after his conviction and sentencing
that he would run for re-election to a fourth term.
"His plan is to win the primary, win the general election and move
ahead," spokesman P.J. O'Neil said at the time.
California Republicans rallied to Kim's defense. Rep. Jerry Lewis,
predicted Kim would defy the predictions of his political demise.
"Jay, I expect, will be with us for a long time," Lewis said.
He wasn't. Kim was creamed in the California congressional
primary just two months later.
Gingrich told fellow Republicans he saw no reason to punish Kim
or exclude him from Congressional business.
"He's been punished by the court," Gingrich said. "That's enough."
Kim "punishment" was two months home detention and a $5,000
fine. He could have been sent to prison for three years and fined
more than $100,000. His problems came right when committees in
both the House and Senate were getting ready to probe illegal
campaign contributions to the President's 1996 re-election
When it comes to members who break the law, leaders of both the
House and Senate usually rally around those in their own party and
call for the heads of those on the other side of the aisle.
When punishment is demanded, the motivation is almost always
political revenge, not justice.
At the time Gingrich showed such leniency to Kim, he was himself
making payments on a $300,000 fine by the ethics committee, the
worst ever levied against a member of Congress. The fine grew out
of charges filed by Michigan Democrat David Bonior, who openly
admitted he was getting even with Gingrich for the Georgia
Republican's role in bringing down former Democratic Speaker Jim
Wright of Texas.
"It's called payback," Bonior told reporters.
"Our political system doesn't act out of a sense of justice," says
former Southern Illinois University political scientist George
Harleigh. "What you have is political expediency, driven by revenge
and gain. So the reaction of those in power is to protect their own.
Members of Congress operate on a different plane where right and
wrong don't exist - only winning and losing."
It's been that way for years in Congress within both parties. When
the Republicans took control of the House and Senate in the 1994
elections, new Speaker of the House Gingrich promised to put an
end to such practices.
Yet during his four years as Speaker, Gingrich often looked the
other way when members of his own party crossed the legal line.
As both the House and Senate prepared to investigate illegal
foreign contributions to the Democratic National Committee and the
1996 Clinton presidential campaign, a number of Republicans
urged Gingrich not to allow Government Reform 

Re: [CTRL] Is Your PC Y2K Ready? (make it SO in 7 easy steps)

1999-08-18 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 -Caveat Lector-

I would suggest people actually LEARN something about computers before
disseminating such garbage

GRAGAGE!@!@!  I _BEG_ your pardon!

What I said there, WORKS...i.e., I did it!

It works because it's a non-issue...as I said, how the date DISPLAYS has
nothing to do with whether the PC's OPERATING SYSTEM is date compliant or

If the operating system IS compliant, then it will interpret 01/01/00
correctly as January 1, 2000...setting the date to display a 4-digit year
won't change it; if the operating system is NOT compliant, then setting the
date to display a 4-digit year still matters not a whit, since it will
display January 1, 1900, or perhaps roll back to the original BIOS date,
some of which are a late 1970s date, some of which are an early 1980s


A statement adequately displaying your ignorance...


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  frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
  gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
  be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial
  nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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   *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests 

Re: [CTRL] American, As Language

1999-08-18 Thread Tsadowq

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/17/1999 3:01:27 PM Mountain
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If our Kindly Shepherds can get the word out in little
fragments that convey a mood but never come up to the
level of an idea, wouldn't that be good? Then we could go
about our business, subject only to detailed and constant
oversight by legions of Bolshevized lawyers and bureaucrats,
and leave unpleasant topics like foreign policy and killing-

What an excellent article; it's many statements like this one
above, might remind us of Denis Miller's brand of insightful and
sardonic humor: We would laugh, or at least chuckle, if we could
only get past the sting of how ridiculously true the comment is.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Internet Battle Article

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

The 8-17-99 article in Salon by Mark Gimein may represent the weakest
reasoning yet for the patently absurd arguments in defense of ATT, as it
attempt to remove competitors in the cable modem business.

Mr. Gimein argues that if local regulators are allowed to restrict ATT's
demand to have an monopoly, it will supposedly open the door for local
regulations to restrict other things.  The examples he then gives are a
prosecutor in Tennessee seeking to sanction a pornographer in California, the
U.S. government blocking the Web site of a casino in Antigua and China trying
to shut down a pro-Taiwan Web site in New York.  The comparison has no
legitimacy whatsoever.  A Tennessee prosecutor attacking a California
pornographer, the US blocking an Antigua casino and China battling a New York
website are all cases in which jurisdiction is the defining issue.  In all
three cases listed, the governmental body does not have its opponent within
its domain, so its power to regulate simply doesn't exist.  ATT, having
obtained an exclusive contract with the local government agencies (such as
Portland) trying to regulate ATT's never agreed upon usage of cable lines,
is most certainly under the jurisdiction of these local governments.

Mr. Gimein then tries to bring up the boogeyman of content suppression,
indicating that allowing local governments the right to regulate business
contracts opens up the door to restricting certain web pages through its
service.  This again is a frivolous argument.  Restricting web pages is an
issue of Constitutional First Amendment rights, issues not even remotely
involved with in the ATT battle, despite the company's whine.  Once again,
ATT has contracted to provide services to local governments, and so this is
an issue involving contractual rights, not Constitutional rights.  Last time
I checked, ATT did not have a Constitutional freedom to screw customers on a
whim via sweetheart business deals.

In fact, Mr. Gimein misses the reverse dangers of giving ATT a free reign
over Internet access: that they may regulate access to the net for its own
benefit.  It is quite possible that ATT may restrict the access of web pages
critical to its business dealings or those high up in its corporate
structure.  Should local governments allow them to do this blindly?

This is not a frivolous issue.  The current CEO of ATT is C. Michael
Armstrong.  Previously, Mr. Armstrong was the head of Hughes Electronics, and
during his tenure there, he became so involved with trade issues involving
China, the lax security of Hughes, and the backing of Clinton's presidential
campaign that there are many who believe he is legally complicit in the
Chinese spy scandal, and some who argue that he is guilty of treason.  This
certainly can be debated, but when the same individual controls cable
internet access to 60% of the country, such debate can be effectively

All this leads to a better explanation for the FCC's blind defense of ATT
than anything Mr. Gimein presented in the article.  Armstrong, having
financed Clinton's presidential ambitions and being a serious partner in one
of his worst scandals, is owed a big favor by the Commander-In-Chief.  The
chips are being called in, so the FCC is backing ATT's absurd defense as

Of course, Salon, being a generally glib and lightweight news service, may
smirk at such talk as conspiracy theory, as part of its general style to
replace thoughtful analysis with smarmy fluff.  And perhaps such  an
explanation is a false conspiracy theory.  However, even if this is the case,
at least it has some remote chance of being legitimate, rather than the
poorly reasoned arguments Mr. Gimein has put out in defense for ATT.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Local regulators and the Net
ATT's battle against open access to its cable system is about Internet
infrastructure. What if it were about Internet content?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Mark Gimein

August 17, 1999 | If you have been following the debate over open access
 to ATT's recently acquired cable systems, you'll know that some
district courts have sided with cities like Portland, Ore., which has
demanded that ATT allow competing Internet access providers to use its
cable system. On Monday the Federal Communications Commission filed a
"friend of the court" brief opposing the Oregon ruling. On Tuesday,
Excite@Home, the high-speed Net service provider, will follow suit with
a brief of its own, asking the court to overturn its decision. "Allowing
30,000 local governments to impose a raft of new, burdensome rules will
 significantly delay the development and deployment of high-speed
Internet services," says an Excite@Home news release about its brief.

When federal bureaucrats and big business lobbyists are on the same
side, my natural tendency is to look for a fly in the ointment. In this
case, however, the feds and big business have a point. Consumer
advocates tend to portray open 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: THE EXPLOSIVE STORY: A second opinion on the Kennedy crash

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sunday, August 15, 1999

A second opinion on the Kennedy crash

by Anthony J. Hilder:

Victor Pribanic often goes to Martha's Vineyard to fish for those big striped
bass which lay in abundance off the south end of the island.
The remnants of the old boardwalk is still there, along with some of the
steel poles stuck where the old-timers came from one of the fishing clubs
that drew crowds there in the late 1800's.
Those places are all closed now.
But those who know "the right spot" off Squidnocket Point still take the trip
to fish at night in hopes they'll bag some big bass.
Vic Pribanic was there fishing the night that JFK Jr.'s airplane was on its
approach to the island's overlit airport when the murdered president's only
son radioed the control tower at 9:39 p.m. that he was about 10 miles off the
island and would drop off his sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette and then take
off again between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. for the Hyannis Airport.
United Press International, ABC News and WCVB-TV fully confirmed this story.
All was well and the sky was moderately clear.
There was just a little haze when Kennedy got his first view of the lights
beaming up from the bright street lamps that the locals there have complained
so much about in both the Martha's Vineyard Gazette and Martha's Vineyard
For JFK Jr., his wife and her sister, the lights were welcome sight, knowing
that their flight was just about over.
The airplane, a Piper Saratoga and its world-renowned pilot and passengers,
had been identified from JFK Jr.'s call, and their exact location was noted
on the radar screen.  THEY HAD A FIX ON HIM.
And then it all happened.  BAM !!

 As sudden as a lightining bolt, Pribanic turned abruptly towards the
explosion:  "I heard a loud impact like a bomb", said Pribanic, a skilled
trial lawyer from White Oak, Pennsylvania.
At first he thought it could have been the military, exploding one of their
bombs off of No-Man's Island, a small island off the shore.
But that couldn't be.  It was at night.   And they stopped that years ago.
Nonetheless, the explosion sounded nearly identical and came seemingly from
the sky out over the ocean.
Victor Pribanic, an innocent small-town Pennsylvania lawyer, was to bag a
35-pound striper "that night" as well as a story that will change the course
of the country for all time!!
What we have here is a very reputable "ear-witness" to JFK Jr.'s Piper
Saratoga being blown out of the sky  - at the exact time and location the
plane went down.
Others that evening witnessed seeing a "bright flash" in the night sky.
A finely-tuned, well-kept first-class airplane doesn't just drop out of the
sky and head straight down into the ocean unless it's blown out of the sky or
the pilot deliberately sends it into a dive to kill himself and his
If the latter happened, it would imply that JFK Jr. was either an idiot or
Neither of which was true.
The "managed media" report that he was flying in "bad weather" is an absolute
lie and we can prove it with both witnesses and photographs, so that the
story will no longer fly.
What does this mean?   Does it mean:

1) that JFK Jr., his wife and sister-in-law were murdered as soon as the
killers ID'd his plane on its approach for a landing?   Yes!  It means
exactly that.

2) that those who "control" the MEDIA SPIN and those who own the "managed
media" who tell their editors and reporters what to write, what to print and
what to show, COVERED UP THIS CRIME?Exactly!   Before your very eyes!

3) that those in the executive branch of government who control the FBI, the
NSA, the CIA, the ISA, the NTSB and all investigative agencies related to the
crime are "involved" in this act of murder?Yes!   That's this reporter's

What about Victor Pribanic?
Is he credible?

Yes!   I found him to be one of the clearest and most concerned witnesses
I've ever come across, as evidenced by his actions after the explosion
shattered the calm of his night and changed his life forever.

The next day when Pribanic heard the news of the Kennedy crash, he called
local aviation officials to tell his story and then eventually wound up
talking to Hank Myer of the West Tisbury Police Dept. to tell his story.
They went out to the site he fished the night before and he pointed to where
the explosion had rocked the night sky.
It was in the exact direction where they discovered the plane submerged on
the ocean floor many days later.
Why didn't the authorities consult with this top witness, ignoring him and
spending the better part of the week spending hundreds of thousands of
dollars sweeping hundreds of empty square miles for the missing plane?
Where Victor Pribanic had pointed as the location of the explosion is 

[CTRL] Fwd: [net-alert] Net-Alert Volume 2, Issue 3

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Mark Neely [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18 August 1999

If you have any questions, comments or other feedback concerning
Net-Alert articles, contact the Editor at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Previous editions of Net-Alert are available at

Subscription and unsubscription details are available at the end of this


## Minor hiatus for Net-Alert
## Auction's Achilles heel?
## "Cybercrime" on the rise - but few prosecutions
## Microsoft publicity stunt backfires
## Sensible advice for online shoppers
## Custom encryption cracking PC has developers worried
## How real is credit card fraud online?
## More tales of the obvious
## The dot.com multiplier effect
## Reach out and write someone
## How fresh is the Web content?
## An email heads-up

Minor hiatus for Net-Alert

I will working interstate for a few weeks starting next week, so
Net-Alert will go into a hiatus of sorts.  I will still be
contactable via email if you have any questions or articles to

To make up for this, I've prepared a bumper issue! See you all

Auction's Achilles heel?

Web auctions are proving a boon for consumers in search of hard
to buy items or bottom-dollar prices. But they have their

Net-Alert has previously noted the potential for fraud when the
parties to a transaction deal with each other at a distance. Does
the vendor ship the goods and then hope to get paid, or does the
buyer part with money and hope the goods turn up?

These issues can be overcome through the use of escrow agents (an
independent 3rd party that collects the payment from the
purchaser and only pays the vendor when the goods are delivered
intact to the purchaser). But escrow agents are not a complete

There have been reports of "bid shielding", which works something
like this: A bidder places a deliberately low bid for an item. An
associate then places an outrageously high bid for the same item.
The high bid serves to ward off other potential bidders. At the
last moment, the associate revokes the bid, leaving the lower bid
to win.

Something to keep an eye out for if you frequently use auctions
to sell items.

"Cybercrime" on the rise - but few prosecutions

David Banisar, high-profile privacy advocate and lawyer, recently
published an article in Criminal Justice Weekly noting that there
has been a spike in the number of computer crimes referred by US
investigators (including the FBI) for prosecution.

However, a majority of the cases were being rejected by
government lawyers.

According to the article, 419 computer crime cases were referred
to government prosecutors in 1998, but charges were filed in only
83 cases.

A key reason given for the low prosecution rate was the
difficulties involved in proving computer crime. Most of the
cases were rejected due to a lack of admissible evidence.

Microsoft publicity stunt backfires

In an attempt to draw attention to the security of its new
Windows 2000 operating system, Microsoft Corp. issued a challenge
to all comers to circumvent the security of an Internet host
configured with a beta version of Windows 2000.

The result of the challenge is unclear, which is not surprising -
the target host crashed several times before wannabe hackers
could try their tricks. Conflicting explanations were given by
Microsoft, including router troubles and electrical storms.

Sensible advice for online shoppers

Choice Australia, a consumer advocacy and education group, has
released a new report titled: Online Shopping - what you need to

Key recommendations are:

  - buy only from secure servers
  - shop around for information and the best price before buying
  - familiarise yourself with the vendor's privacy policy
  - ensure that there is a clear and unambiguous policy dealing
with the return of goods
  - make sure you know what you're buying and what you're paying


Choice Australia report

Custom encryption cracking PC has developers worried

A new computer, nicknamed "Twinkle" and designed by Adi Shamir,
one of the original developers of the RSA encryption technology,
has security experts and privacy advocates worried.

If built - and at a cost of around US$2 million it is well within
certain budgets - it could theoretically crack most encrypted
files in a matter of days, not the months or years (or, in some
cases, decades) most existing encryption-cracking technology

While sensitive military, financial and government data are
protected by superior encryption algorithms using longer key
lengths, most individuals and companies must make do with less
secure encryption technology, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] I personally think a Kevin Ives and Don Henry Concert is much...

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

From: terrie viken [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reply to Mike Rupert from Jim Viken:
Mike, thanks for your video and cassettes.  Very well done.  You are a great
American Hero!  You have served us all well.  Now your reply below where you
doubt the euro superiority ploy I expect.  I have info from one of the top
experts of euro families and political structures (a prominant MN attorney who
handles civil rights cases).  He speaks of these matters in pivate, not wanting
any publicity.  He is a scholar. Based on corroboration from his research, I
continue to believe that ghwb and tribe along with all other covert operators
will be "cut-off at the knees suddenly."   I  have had a very high level contact
into a certain part of the navy  oni.  Have you heard of the greybeards?
Do you know how much power they have had?  Ask someone in the know--you will be
suprised at the truth about them.  Are you aware of the battle between klinton
and the sub commanders (klinton wanted to take the weapons systems dual keys away
from the sub commanders and some flat out refused.  I was told from a reliable
source that in certain cases the covert operators based in the potomac basin want
individuals such as yourself to keep speaking out against them and if you weren't
there they would raise someone else up to replace you.  WHY such a seemingly
divided strategy?  You can be used as a penetration test to judge the cultural
resistance base they have spun over the years and to test their current mis 
disinformation sections; you can be used as a lightning rod to classify certain
dissident element, labelled as dangerous free thinkers;  they also have a
"knights of malta, P2, masonic" belief which is very bizarre but common to their
elite members (they believe that they are the chosen and that in order to show
the olympiad proportions of the  power of their god lucifer, they need to fund
their oppositon to create a fair power test in order to speed up the "world
transformation" they expect);   individuals such as yourself are periodically
beat on and stressed enough to create enough commitment and zeal in you to
adequately test their ower ranks and bureacracies; and lastly, individuals such
as yourself can be used as the operation exit nexus, that is, your exposure can
help discredit the existing gov't and help the string-pullers disempower and
derail the cutouts they have empowered. I personally think you were picked for
such use because they knew you were honest and had enough character to stand firm
and hassle them effectively.  Can I prove this is so?  No, but I believe it.  Do
I think the big power lies in Europe among the old black nobility and will they
destroy us and our covert operator leaders?  Yes that is what I think. I hope and
pray that I am wrong.
I personally think our nation will be destroyed by nuclear bombs and bio within
the next 5-6 years or less and have been told so by someone with exceptional sci
"Q37" credentials.  Keep up the good work.  And ask someone in the know about
"the suitcase" treatments for wayward covert ops or post-mission removal of
trauma for task forces or mjtf actions.  Mike, you are one of the few that can't
be bought or seduced by power--you have proved this to be true with your life.
It is a testimony of truth in the darkness.  Keep it up.

Mike Ruppert wrote:

 From: "Mike Ruppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Jim Viekn:

 Were you writing to me or Mic Levy or some other Mike? Mic levy responded to
 your last, not I.

 While I cannot say that I firmly believe that some big master plan is
 ticking like a Swiss Watch here, according to the well oiled plans of one
 evil group with a board room and a corporate office, I see much merit in
 your analysis. There is also some really deep thinking there which is very

 The world economy, for those who control it, is more hooked on drug money
 than on drugs. I, however, remain unconvinced that the ultimate description
 here is a European plan to destroy American sovereignty. It goes much deeper
 than that and I see it rooted in individual souls.

 Do you know what the oldest archeological relic on Wall Street is? It is a
 graveyard of slave skeletons from the 1600s. Wall Street is literally built
 upon dead slaves.  CIA, as an easily established servant of Wall Street,
 keeps the slaves in production the same way the British did in China more
 than three hundred years ago.

 Mike Ruppert

 -Original Message-
 From:   terrie viken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent:   Sunday, August 15, 1999 9:48 PM
 Subject:Re: [CIA-DRUGS] I personally think a Kevin Ives and Don Henry
 Concert is much...

 From: terrie viken [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Mike, thanks for the reply.  I  studied the origins of our popular/current
 mass society and mass culture since 1970 and believe that I pretty much have
 the whole story down.  In trying to adequately understand the origins of
 popular/current mass 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Garth Brooks and the New World Order

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Garth Brooks and the New World Order
by Jaye C. Beldo ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Ever wonder how someone as terminally mediocre as Garth Brooks could sell out
nine consecutive shows at the Target Center in Minneapolis?  Or how such a
hack twanger managed to draw the largest crowd ever to attend a live concert
in New York's Central Park with an additional 14.7 million television viewers
gawking at the spectacle?  Ever wonder why Garth is  now the biggest selling
solo artist in U.S. music history with well over 70 million dollars generated
in sales alone?  Does it disturb you that he has vowed to sell 100 Million
albums and will probably achieve that goal long before his life is over?  And
when his life is over, just try to imagine the post-mortem profits in store
for his record company.  No human being yet has achieved the level of stardom
that Garth has.  Even the Beatles don't come close to the profits and fame
he's amassed.

The responsibility for Garth's astonishing success, which leaves Michael
Jackson, Prince and others back in the Billboard dust, does not lie solely
with the sheer stupidity of the unwashed masses who consume his stuff. In any
reasonable world view, there would be something occult and sinister working
for Brooks behind the scenes that  spellbinds his fans, then coerces them
into total submission to his paltry vision.  Perhaps, for instance, a Country
Western New World Order complete with centralized government and world army
of the sort NATO currently foreshadows.

At the risk of being branded a conspiracy crank and card carrying member of
the Art Bell fan club, I suggest that Garth is the nefarious, quasi-human
progeny of a vast mind control operation behind the Country Western music
industry itself. He was a petri dish baby exposed in sanitized labs to Merle
Haggard and Johnny Paycheck and later baptized by a fourth dimensional,
reptilian Pope with Jack Daniels and Marlboro cigarette smoke.

Before you scoff any further, take a good look at Garth's wireless eyes the
next chance you get.  They're a dead mind control give away.  They have the
same  sleazy gleam to them like the poached and glazed eyes of Marshall
Applewhite, the CEO of Heaven's Gate (whose members allegedly committed
suicide to hitch a ride in a UFO trailing the Hale-Bopp comet back in '96).
No telling when Garth will  pull the levers of the Country Music combine that
will gobble up his fans and turn them into bales of human hay for the
reptiles hiding in the fourth dimension.

I had these unsettling intuitions strangely confirmed recently when I came
across Cathy O' Brian's book Trance Formation of America. She points out that
 the country music industry's home base is no longer centered in Nashville,
but rather in Branson, Missouri where millions flock during tourist season in
their RVs to take in such abhorrently vile acts such as the Dixie Chicks,
George Strait and Eddie Rabbit.  Branson, she says, is near a known CIA mind
control and drug running depot in the town of Lampe, Missouri.  Conspiracy
author David Icke quotes her at length in his recent best selling book, The
Biggest Secret:  "Country music, she discovered, was used by the
Brotherhood's U.S. agencies to distribute massive amounts of drugs into
American society and as a cover for its mind control projects.  It was these
agencies, she says, which paid for the promotion and hype that turned a
singer called Boxcar Willie into a country music star."

Since Boxcar Willie died recently  (Or so we are told . . . might he be
playing Poker with his drinking buddy William Casey?) it seems that the
agency has now turned to the Garth-bot to promote its insidious agenda of
total and complete control of the world (unless their maps still aren't up to
date and they can't find the city he's playing in). There's a lot more in
those G major chords and  maudlin steel guitar twanging than we are told. His
seemingly down home songs and lyrics  contain both subliminal and
supraliminal messages directed to embed commands into the subconscious minds
of the unsuspecting listeners, much like  beer commercials do.

So the next time you are tempted to enjoy a Garth tune, imagine Milosevic,
Hussein and Clinton toe tapping to the Garth hit  "Fit for a King" and that's
pretty much the future we can expect if we don't take some positive action
now.  So meditate, and then send vibes of love and light Garth's way.  Direct
the vibes to his corny pineal gland if possible for maximum beneficial

Take heed, cast your skepticism aside and be careful what y'all listen to.

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit http://www.eGroups.com/list/konformist/ and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a 

[CTRL] Fwd: Nonjudgmentalism

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Nonjudgmentalism--Another Sign of the End!
(Mama:) After hearing the following magazine article, we asked the Lord if He 
had anything, to say about it‹which of course He did! This article and the Lord's 
reply confirms the bad fruits of teaching "there are no absolutes," which has been the 
trend in American education for decades now. Here's the article, followed by the 
Lord's reply.
By John Leo, US News and World Report
Overdosing on nonjudgmentalism is a growing problem in the schools. Two 
disturbing articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education say that some students are 
unwilling to oppose large moral horrors, including human sacrifice, ethnic cleansing, 
and slavery, because they think that no one has the right to criticise the moral views 
of another group or culture.  
   Kay Haugaard, who teaches creative writing at Pasadena City College in 
California writes that her students have a lot of trouble expressing any moral 
reservations or objections about human sacrifice. The subject came up when she taught 
her class Shirley Jackson's The Lottery, a short story about a small American farm 
town where one person is killed each year to make the crops grow.
One male said the ritual killing in The Lottery "almost seems a need." Asked 
if she believed in human sacrifice, a woman said, "I really don't know. If it was a 
religion of long standing" Haugaard writes: "I was stunned. This was the woman who 
wrote so passionately of saving the whales, of her rescue and tender care of a stray 
Christina Hoff Sommers, professor of philosophy at Clark University in 
Massachusetts, points to a general problem of so many students coming to college 
"dogmatically committed to a moral relativism that offers them no grounds to think" 
about cheating, stealing, and other moral issues. Simon calls this 
"absolutophobia"‹the unwillingness to say that some behaviour is just plain wrong. The 
trend among some campus thinkers is to deny the existence of any objective truth: All 
we can have are clashing perspectives, not true moral knowledge. Values emerge as 
personal preferences, as unsuited for criticism or argument as personal decisions on 
pop music or clothes.
(Jesus speaking:) As I have said, as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be 
in the days of My second coming. Therefore lift up your eyes and see, for these are 
the days of which I spoke. The days are come, and even now are, as in the times of 
old, when the people of the Earth did not retain Me in their thoughts. These are the 
days, My children, when iniquity doth abound. Behold these days of abounding, of evil 
waxing worse and worse as the love of many grows cold. Think it not strange when you 
see the signs of the times come to pass, but know that yet a little while and I will 
come for My Own. These are the days of choosing sides, and Satan's own are taking 
their stand. They're coming out, becoming more and more bold, revealing what has been 
in the making in their hearts for a long time. These who declare plainly and openly 
that they have no morals, no absolutes‹these have been defiled. They're as pawns in 
the hands of the Wicked One, blind leaders of the blind and false teachers among the 
people, who walk about deceiving and being deceived.
These who are without feeling, who have no absolutes, who are taking on the 
position of "neutralism," do choose to walk in darkness. For there are no neutrals, 
and those who choose this stance of nonjudgmentalism leave themselves open to receive 
strong delusion that they might believe the lie.
These who would appear to be non-judgmental are in fact passing judgment on 
the truth. In their unwillingness to take a stand for what is morally right, they're 
promoting what is morally wrong. When men turn a blind eye, evil flourishes. By 
accepting the way of no rules, no morals, and no values, one accepts the road to no 
faith, no conviction, no freedom, no rhyme, no reason, no order, and no truth.
These are the days of destruction, for by destroying faith in the truth, the 
Enemy is conditioning the masses. He's lining up his forces‹those who will speak out 
on his behalf, those who will spread his propaganda of no morals, no values, no regard 
for human life, no absolutes. Through advancing his doctrine of "there are no morals 
and anything goes," Satan's own‹those who are darkened in understanding and who 
receive not the love of the truth‹will be persuaded to persecute the righteous for by 
their own evil conscience they will justify their actions. Through their own hardness 
of heart and cold, frigid spirits, they will not be moved with compassion, but will 
shrug in indifference as they justify their actions in their minds and hearts. With no 
regard for human life, they will follow the Son of Perdition in all his ways.
Today they take their stand, tomorrow they will put their words 

[CTRL] Fw: [workbike] Report: Pedicabbing at the Iowa Straw Poll (long)

1999-08-18 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: jim gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: workbike list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 11:59 PM
Subject: [workbike] Report: Pedicabbing at the Iowa Straw Poll (long)

Last Saturday I worked the Iowa Straw Poll using my
homebuilt pedicab   Since this was the first time I had
seriously carried people for profit, I thought I'd share my
experiences for the benefit of other novices, and hopefully
gain some advice from other pedicab operators who have more
experience than I do.

For those of you unfamiliar with this event, the Iowa Straw
Poll polls members of the Iowa Republican Party to determine
who will be the likely winner in the  Iowa
Republican presidential caucus next February.  This is event
has national significance because Iowa is the first state in
the U.S. with a presidential election.  It often winnows the
field of presidential candidates, since candidates who do
not do well in the poll frequently drop out of the race.
The poll is closely followed by the national media.

The event was held at Hilton Colliseum, which is located
about five blocks from my house.  Hilton is located on the
north end of a huge, level parking lot.  Immediately around
and to the south of the Colliseum, nine of the presidential
aspirants had each set up a large tent to attract
supporters.  To the south of these tents was an area
reserved for bus parking (most candidates had chartered
buses to bring supporters from all over the state--in fact,
_all_ of the available chartered buses in this state and
surrounding regions were chartered for this event) about 2-3
blocks from the Colliseum.  To the south of the bus parking
area was an area set aside for automobile parking for voters
who drove to the event.  This meant that anyone who drove to
the event (and there were many!) had to walk at least four
blocks over a large asphalt parking lot to vote and/or find
their candidate's tent.  Some 10,000 people were expected to
attend, but this estimate turned out to be far too low.
Some 25,000 people voted, and 35,000 people were estimated
to have attended the event.

My pedicab is based loosely on the Penang cabs described in
Tony Wheeler's book, "Chasing Rickshaws".  It has a tadpole
wheel configuration (2 front wheels, 1 rear wheel) with the
passengers sitting between and over the two front wheels.
The cab has three speeds and a rear coaster brake.  I'll
post a picture and more information on it shortly at

I was a little apprehensive about working at this event.  I
hadn't insured my pedicab yet (I had just completed it the
day before), nor had I received the permission of the
Republican Party or Iowa State University (who owns Hilton
Colliseum) to operate during the Poll.  I didn't know if I
would be allowed on the grounds, or if I would be thrown off
the grounds once I started to operate.

I arrived at the Colliseum parking lot around 11 AM.  By
that time, a sizeable crowd had already arrived, but many
more were still coming.  Most of the buses had not arrived
yet.  My fears of not being able to work at the event turned
out to be unjustified; the event was more chaotic than I had
expected, and no one was really in charge.
I first made a loop around the area, making a note of where
people were most people were walking from and where each
candidate's tent was located.  This information later proved
to be invaluable, since most people, once they arrived, had
no idea where their candidate's tent was located, and I was
able to take them to where they were going quickly.  I
strongly recommend anyone who plans to operate a pedicab for
a similar event to first locate all the important
destinations (including restrooms and refreshment stands)
before beginning.

The largest flow of people was from the automobile parking
area to the north toward the tents and Colliseum to the
south.  So, my plan was to ride north toward the parking
area, look for passengers, then ferry them toward the tents.
Being inexperienced at getting passengers, I felt a little
awkward at first.  It didn't seem appropriate to ask "Do you
want a ride?" to everyone I met on the path toward the
parking lot.  Nor did I want to just sit still and wait for
passengers to come to me, since I thought I'd have a better
chance at finding prospects if I kept moving.  I finally
settled on the strategy of simply riding slowly and watching
the people walking by in the opposite direction.  If I saw
someone smile at my cab or make a favorable comment, I'd
offer "Would you like a ride?"  This method wasn't always
successful, but every second or third person I asked would
usually accept.

Based on the advice of other pedicab operators on this list,
I did not set a standard rate, and worked only for tips.
When people asked how much I charged, I replied "Whatever
you want to pay" or "Whatever you feel is appropriate".
Most people paid between $2 and $5.  Not unexpectedly, I

[CTRL] Fwd: Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center 
Air Force DEEPLY Involved in Mind Control Projects--
According to Eric Harris's AF Programmer AND Harris Himself

© 1999 John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
(Rights of UNALTERED reproduction/distribution waived.)

The Air Force--THAT is, those divisions of what USED to be the U.S. Air
Force now under control of New World Order global governance masters,
seems to have trouble keeping itself out of NewsHawk's press releases lately.

We just issued a heads-up to our readers yesterday concerning the fact
that KC-135s and other aircraft KNOWN to belong (at LEAST on paper!) to
OUR U.S. Air Force are currently engaged in an extremely widespread
campaign of continual, all-out, virtually round-the-clock bombardment of
the people of North America (not ONLY U.S. residents) with chemical and
biological materials known to be injurious to human health--and almost
certainly to the health of most indigenous life forms on our planet
(cloned reptoid-zomboid-android-Nazoid test-tube vermin such as those
overrunning our entire governmental structure are obviously not affected
by this most unwelcome crud being showered down on us daily.)

We have also made note of the extremely interesting fact that
mind-controlled "Manchurian Candidate" perpetrators of at LEAST four of
the recent mass shooting nightmares in our country had/have SIGNIFICANT
and HARD ties to the Air Force. 

In just the past two days, these articles of ours have stimulated
additional responses from others with knowledge and/or direct experience
which further confirms the high degree of involvement on the part of
covert Air Force intelligence operatives at specific Air Force bases in
the "engineering", programming, indoctrination and training of those
unfortunate subjects; picked to become mind-controlled mass killers.

A wide variety of tactics and techniques are used in these utterly
abusive and demonic programs, which are almost completely derived from
the infamous MK-Ultra project, the Montauk Project and related
intelligence agency mind-control projects. The "genealogy" of all these
evil, grotesque activities leads DIRECTLY back to the death and torture
slave camps of the Third Reich by way of the Nazi-infested CIA, NSA, DIA
and other U.S. intelligence groups. This is absolute, unqualified FACT.
Check the records. These agencies funneled HORDES of high-level Nazi
Party members, intelligence and military officers, "scientists" (yea
right!) and vast quantities of Nazi technology information databases
into the most fundamental levels of OUR United States government: after,

Two of these recent communications to NewsHawk in fact pinpoint a
particular Air Force base which has ALREADY been heavily "outed" by us
in our articles ("The Rocky Mountain Horror Show" and "Putting the
Columbine Puzzle Together") on the Columbine High School massacre on
April 20. This corroborates information from other widely divergent
sources regarding bizarre covert activities at this location. 

The location we refer to is PLATTSBURGH AIR FORCE BASE in northeastern
New York State, roughly 80 miles south of the Canadian border. Beneath
the Plattsburgh base is a VAST, 18-level deep subterranean facility.

Eric Harris, whose father has been linked to covert AF intelligence
projects going back nearly 20 years, lived with his family at
Plattsburgh AFB for over 4 years right before moving to Littleton.

We have previously received confirmation on the Plattsburgh base as
(being) a location for severe, horrendous, outrageous and scientifically
very advanced mind/consciousness-manipulation technologies and projects
from a wide variety of sources: from other victims and from those who
were in the employ of project operators.

Plattsburgh AFB was by some reports linked in the 1960s the horrendous
known Nazi-lover Ewen Cameron, president of the American Psychiatric
Association, The Canadian Psychiatric Association AND the World
Psychiatric Association, and Cameron's massive abuses in the
CIA-contracted MK-Ultra (drug and neuro-electrically-based) mind-control
project just over the border in Montreal. Firsthand accounts indicate
that this legacy continued at Plattsburgh through the 1970s and beyond
to present times with electromagnetic/radio-frequency  and drug-based
mind control activities tied to some of the experimentation at Montauk.

As noted in earlier reports this Air force installation SUPPOSEDLY
"officially" closed in 1994.

However, thoroughly credible testimony from many sources provides
clear proof the base remains quite active years after it’s "official"
closure. Local residents and other firsthand eyewitnesses report that
the base, though somewhat deserted, is currently in some level of
operation even on the "surface," and EM/RF signal detection equipment
verified that top-secret operations currently ongoing in the documented
18-level underground complex BENEATH the base. Aside from mind control

Re: [CTRL] Turkey Quake

1999-08-18 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 That's what I want to know...why were they there?

Why were DoE Sec. Richardson and JCS Chair Gen. Shelton in Turkey?
To oversee the quake, of course.  We're still getting the bugs out
of our tectonic-event-generating [TEG] technology.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Garth Brooks and the New World Order

1999-08-18 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 At the risk of being branded a conspiracy crank and card carrying
 member of the Art Bell fan club, I suggest that Garth is the nefar-
 ious, quasi-human progeny of a vast mind control operation behind
 the Country Western music industry itself.

Note that Brooks' college major was Marketing, not Music.  He's an
expert at selling himself.  He may have allied himself with the
CMNWO in the process, but as a manipulator, not a stooge.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] REUTERS Yugoslavia Faces Ecological Disaster, Group Warns

1999-08-18 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

 -Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
  Yugoslavia Faces Ecological Disaster, Group Warns
  01:42 a.m. Aug 15, 1999 Eastern
  BELGRADE (Reuters) - Yugoslavia faces ecological disaster from 11
weeks of
  NATO bombing unless urgent measures are taken in the worst affected
  an international humanitarian group was quoted Saturday as saying.
  The Beta news agency said a team of Russian, Austrian, Greek and
  experts from the Focus organization visited Yugoslavia last month and

  carried out chemical and radiological analysis in towns that had
  most damage.
  ``The most dangerous ecological consequences arose from the bombing
of the
  industrial complex in Pancevo, the oil refinery in Novi Sad, the fuel

  depots in Smederevo and Pristina and the transformer stations in Nis
  Bor,'' the team said in its preliminary report.
  ``Based on the analysis results, the expert team concluded that the
  release of extremely toxic and carcinogenic substances poses an
  ecological threat in the FRY (Yugoslavia),'' it said.
  The report said that some eight tons of mercury had seeped out of a
  bomb-damaged electrolysis plant in Pancevo, near Belgrade, ``which
poses a
  danger to human health and the environment in the central regions of
  FRY and the Danube basin.''
  ``The release of petroleum, oil, diesel and artificial fertilizers
  the soil and water reservoirs has resulted in the contamination of
  facilities, towns, villages, water and mud in channels and rivers,
  including the Danube. This could result in changes in the ecological
  balance in the region and irreversible mutation in plants and
  the report said.
  The team called for international organizations to resume their
  in Yugoslavia as soon as possible in order to prevent ``a possible
  ecological collapse.''
  They also recommended that urgent measures be taken to seal off the
  polluted areas and prevent the transfer of toxic substances to
  and the flow of polluted sewage water into the Danube.
  It was the second such international team to visit Yugoslavia since
  end of the NATO air war. A United Nations team that arrived last
  said there was no evidence the bombing had caused an ecological
  catastrophe but called for urgent action to deal with some of the
  The U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) said Thursday it was
  possible damage to human health caused by NATO's use of shells tipped
  depleted uranium during the Kosovo conflict.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-18 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


A green elite of environmentalists, politicians and bureaucrats
is pushing for global regulation and world government to solve
exaggerated environmental problems, such as climate change and
ozone depletion, claims a new publication from the Institute of
Economic Affairs.

A number of international treaties reflect this global green
agenda, say authors Jeremy Rabkin and James Sheehan.

   o   The Biodiversity Convention, under the pretext of species
   protection, authorizes increased government control of
   private land use, and plans already exist to extend its
   restrictions to biotechnology innovation via a Biosafety

   o   The Basle Convention controls trade in waste, scrap and
   recyclable materials by defining various metals as
   hazardous, and Greenpeace wants it used to exclude
   developing countries from global scrap metal markets.

   o   The Convention to Combat Desertification aims to prevent
   land degradation by giving $30 billion to African
   governments for anti-desertification efforts; but such aid
   has perpetuated land mismanagement by promoting centrally
   planned irrigation projects, subsidized farming and inept
   agro-forestry policies.

   o   The Persistent Organic Pollutants Treaty being negotiated
   by governments of more than 150 countries may ban many
   pesticides, including those crucial to the eradication of
   disease-carrying mosquitoes in developing countries, such
   as DDT.

The efforts of this green elite are self-reinforcing.  Government
officials in developed countries, U.N. bureaucrats and their
pressure group allies lobby for increased appropriations for
agencies such as the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility
and national bilateral development agencies.  In return for their
support, environmental organizations receive subsidies and
recognized status at international meetings.  Thus, for instance,
at the 1997 Kyoto climate meeting there were 3,500
representatives from (predominantly European) pressure groups and
only 1,500 delegates from member governments.

Source: Jeremy Rabkin and James Sheehan (Competitive Enterprise
Institute), "Global Greens, Global Governance," Environment
Working Paper No. 4, 1999, Institute of Economic Affairs, 2 Lord
North Street, London SW1P 3LB, (0171) 799 3745.

For IEA text http://www.iea.org.uk/

For more on the Environment go to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wizard of Oz books and film used to program Monarch Slaves?

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:546001"Wizard of Oz books and film
used to program Monarch Slaves?/A
Subject: Wizard of Oz books and film used to program Monarch Slaves?
Date: Sat, 14 August 1999 02:30 AM EDT

The Wizard of OZ! Did you know there were 13 or 14 books in this
series? Most people have only seen one (from which the film was made),
but there are all available online (free) from Project Gutenberg.

Not so long ago, word had it that Baum wrote his OZ books as some kind
of Populist Propaganda, poking fun at the Gold Standard. Could be, but
those who run the Theosophists (and the Illuminatti) are hardly
Poplulist. Are they?

Recently, Steve Van Natten, editor of "Ballam's Ass Speaks Journal"
announced that the Frank Baum had been a Theosophist (Satanista), and
his book/s are full of occult symbolism.

But it may be even worse.
The page below makes a pretty good case that Baum wrote the OZ series
of books for use as Programming Aids in the creation of Mind Slaves --
something the occultists have been doing for thousands of years. You
see, the books and the pictures in them work as code keys to trigger
various programs and "split personalities" (of which there may be
thousands in each body). No space here to go into it all, but do have
a look at Van Natten's page as well as the link below.

BTW it is unfortunate that C.S. Lewis may not be so "clean" either.
"Narnia" books (and maybe the rest of his work) contain much occult
(particularly masonic) lore, although anyone who has read the
Prelandria Trilogy (especially "That Hideous Strenght") will wonder
(as do I) how Lewis could have been a Satanista. Perhaps he wrote the
adult books to win the hearts of adults -- who would then read his
TRUE WORKS (Narnia) to their children, and fill the little tykes full
of Satanic New Age Poison! Balaam's Ass Speaks Journal has an
uncomplementary page on Lewis somewhere, though I don't have the
bookmark handy. Comments?



Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-



  Crime/Corruption Opinion (Published)
  Source: The New York City Tribune
  Published: June 6, 1990 Author: Arne Steinberg
  Posted on 07/12/1999 17:17:59 PDT by Bluegoose

 With the continuing skewed and non-newsmaking articles out there in
 today's media boring us all into oblivion like scattered seeds in
 the wind, more reflections on what the media used to publish. Read
 carefully, it still has the germ of the truth it had then, and
 rather than taking us back-- inches us forward in our maddening
 search for what's going on today. The date this was published:
 June 6, 1990:



 By Arne Steinberg, Special to the New York City Tribune

 In April 1987, Panama's Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega was awarded the
 International Police Organization's (Interpol's) highest honor, a
 bronze medal, for "diligence" in fighting drug trafficking.

 Less than a year later, Noriega was indicted by the U.S. Justice
 Department for drug trafficking.

 In fact, Noriega once served as chairman of Interpol's Drug
 Committee, giving him well over 10 years of access to highly
 sensitive information developed by foreign police agencies,
 including planned operations against international drug traffickers.

 The question of how an organization devoted to policing
 international crime could deal with a known drug trafficker such as
 Noriega and even honor him is a difficult one, according to some
 law enforcement officials.

 "Interpol is something of a legal curiosity," explains the 1988
 supplement to the U.S. Department of Justice Manual.

 It conducts intergovernmental activities, but it is not based on an
 international treaty, convention or similar legal document.

 "It is founded on a constitution written by a group of police
 officers who did not submit it for diplomatic signatures, nor have
 they ever submitted it for ratification by governments," the report

 The problem, some critics say, is that individual Interpol
 representatives are appointed by the various national governments
 without consultation with or the approval of other members.

 As a result, they say, governments under the influence of drug
 traffickers or other criminal elements can choose whomever they
 like to serve as delegate to Interpol.

 Each country appoints its own Interpol representative, and we
 cannot influence that," according to Beverly Sweatman of the U.S.
 Justice Department's National Central Bureau (NCB), which exists
 wholly and only to exchange information with Interpol.

 The issue deserves some attention, the critics say, because the
 organization, has shown an interest in expanding.

 The Soviet Union recently accepted Interpol's invitation to join,
 which must be voted on by other Interpol members at the next
 General Assembly meeting in Ottawa, this September.

 A private organization with a world-wide communications network,
 Interpol's officials do not always act as lawmen, according to

 For example, Lt. Col. Nivaldo Madrinan, once Panama's Interpol
 chief, reportedly met with Medillin cartel leaders Pablo Escobar
 and Gonzalez Rodriguez Gacha at Panama's Tocumen air base, offering
 them sanctuary after they had been driven out of Colombia.

 But just 3 months later, in November, 1989, Madrinan attended
 Interpol's annual General Assembly in Lyon, France, where he sat in
 on confidential meetings of Interpol's Drug Committee.

 Madrinan hid with Noriega in the Papal Nunciature in Panama after
 the U.S. invasion in December, and was one of the 9 refugees left
 inside when Noriega surrendered.

 He has since been indicted in Panama on murder charges.

 Unfortunately, Panama, is not the only country whose Interpol
 representatives' actions seem unbefitting a law officer.

 Gen. Guillermo Medina Sanchez, one-time chief of Colombia's 80,000
 man Federal Police and head of the country's Interpol office, was
 asked to step down by Columbian President Virgilio Barco in
 February, 1989 after an investigation revealed he was collaborating
 with the Medelliln cartel.

 He is currently facing criminal charges in Colombia.

 One of the best-known cases of a corrupt Interpol official is that
 of Mexican Miguel Aldana Ibarra, who was indicted by a grand jury
 in Los Angeles on January 31 for participating in the 1985
 torture-murder of U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agent Enrique
 "Kiki" Camarena.

 DEA investigators said they discovered that 5 days before Camarena
 was murdered, he saw an informant who talked about Ibarra.

 The Mexican Federal Justice police and Ibarra had reportedly been
 protecting massive marijuana-growing operations in Northern Mexico,
 apparently with the help of Interpol's international communications
 system and 

Re: [CTRL] Japan Tested A-Bomb in WWII (fwd)

1999-08-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Robert Tatman wrote:
  In the last days of the European war, the Germans apparently
  shipped their remaining stocks of enriched uranium to Japan
  via submarine -- a highly dangerous operation

 Atomic Bombs Dropped On Japan By U.S. Used Components
 Bartered From Nazi Germany, Researcher Says
"The agreement appears to have been made in exchange
for allowing these fugitives to escape from Europe and
receive United States protection while they lived in
semi-seclusion for decades after the war," he stated.
Hydrick displayed several documents from the United
States National Archives and elsewhere to support his
historical revision, as well as drawing from previously
enigmatic events in the traditional history he contends
have long been misunderstood, to show that Nazi Germany
was an important source of nuclear bomb components used
in the attacks on Japan. ...

"If the boat was following the course its captain and
traditional history said it took headed for Japan..."


 Critical Mass

 For Immediate Release

 Atomic Bombs Dropped On Japan By U.S. Used Components
 Bartered From Nazi Germany, Researcher Says
 Components Were Originally Shipping For
 Germany's Ally Japan

 Houston, (DATE) -- A researcher has announced findings
 that the American atomic bomb program credited with
 developing the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
 Japan to end World War Two, and which resulted in the
 United States emerging from the war as the most powerful
 nation on earth, used components developed by Nazi
 Germany, including enriched uranium, to fabricate the
 bombs. The revelation counters important aspects of the
 traditional history of the American bomb project, known
 as the Manhattan Project. The commonly accepted version
 of atomic bomb history states the bombs were created
 entirely by the United States, at a cost of $2 billion
 and five years of work by a battalion of top scientists,
 with assistance from Great Britain. While the new
 evidence does not refute American success initially
 enriching uranium -- the key component of one of the
 bombs -- strong documentary evidence indicates time
 pressures, technological delays, and a surprise
 opportunity to obtain from Germany the needed components
 that were in short supply in America, allowed the
 Manhattan Project to complete its bombs in time for the
 mid-August 1945 delivery deadline.

 "What I suspect will shock people the most is it appears
 the possession of the enriched uranium and other
 components fell into our hands not by capture, but as
 part of what may have been clandestine negotiations
 between top Nazis and key United States military and
 governmental leaders," said Carter Hydrick, the
 researcher who has spent eight years investigating the
 events. "The agreement appears to have been made in
 exchange for allowing these fugitives to escape from
 Europe and receive United States protection while they
 lived in semi-seclusion for decades after the war," he
 stated. Hydrick displayed several documents from the
 United States National Archives and elsewhere to support
 his historical revision, as well as drawing from
 previously enigmatic events in the traditional history
 he contends have long been misunderstood, to show that
 Nazi Germany was an important source of nuclear bomb
 components used in the attacks on Japan.

 Among the documents are captured Navy cargo manifests
 from German submarine U-234 that lists 580 kilograms, or
 1120 pounds, of uranium oxide, as well as most of the
 Nazis' latest, and most secret, war-making technologies;
 including, two fully disassembled Messerschmidt 262 jet
 fighters, the first jet aircraft used in combat and the
 only such planes employed in World WarTwo; the newest
 silent electric torpedoes; and plans and material to
 build Germany's feared V-2 rockets. The existence of
 U-234 and its cargo have long been known, and have been
 the subject of discussions over whether the uranium or
 any other components found on the vessel were used in
 the war against Japan, but, until now, no connection has
 ever been proved.

 "The first big break was finding a secret dispatch from
 the Commander of Naval Operations in Washington
 indicating the uranium was stored for the journey in
 cylinders lined with gold," explained Mr. Hydrick.
 "Further research showed that gold, which is a very
 stable substance, was only used to handle uranium that
 had already been enriched in order to protect it from
 contamination by corrosion." Only enriched uranium is
 fissile enough to make a uranium bomb. Hydrick explained
 that, at $100,000 per ounce in 1945 dollars, the
 enriched uranium was well worth the investment in gold
 to protect it. According to Hydrick's sources, gold
 would not have been used to ship 

[CTRL] POKEMON - Sacrifice a white creature

1999-08-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 The Dangers of Role-Playing Games

How Pokemon and Magic Cards
  Affect the Minds and Values of Children

  by Berit Kjos www.crossroad.to

 "Who are the strange little creatures from Japan that have
 suddenly become global super-stars?  Most kids know the answer
 well:  They are called Pokemon (short for POCKEt MONster and
 pronounced Pokeymon), and they have stirred up some mixed

 "We just sent a letter home today saying Pokemon cards are no
 longer allowed on campus," said Paula Williams, a second-grade
 teacher in Danville, California.  "The kids know they're supposed
 to be put away when they come in from recess, but they're often
 in the middle of a trade, so they don't come in on time.  In the
 more extreme cases, the older kids are getting little kids to
 trade away valuable cards  It drives a teacher crazy." 1

 It concerns parents even more.  "Recently, my children were given
 a set of Pokemon cards," said DiAnna Brannan, a Seattle mom.
 "They are very popular with the children at our church and
 elsewhere.  I was instantly suspicious but couldn't discern the
 problem.  We have since been told that they are stepping stones
 to the 'Magic cards' that have been popular for the last few
 years, which we do not allow."

 She is right.  For instance, any child exploring the most popular
 Pokemon websites 2 will be linked to a selection of occult games
 such as Sailor Moon, Star Wars, and others more overtly evil.
 A click on the ad for "Magic:  the Gathering" brings Pokemon fans
 to a site offering promotions such as this:

  "A global games phenomenon, Magic:  The Gathering is to
  the 1990s what Dungeons and Dragons was to the 1980s,
  but with the added dimension of collectibility.  Here is
  the official reference to the biggest new teen/young
  adult fantasy game of the decade, complete with
  full-color reproductions of every existing Magic card."


 The above websites gives us glimpse of the mysterious little
 creatures called Pokemon.  Ponder the suggestions in this

  "Welcome to the world of Pokemon, a special place where
  people just like you train to become the number-one
  Pokemon Master in the World!"

  "But what is a Pokemon, you ask.  'Pokemon are
  incredible creatures that share the world with humans,'
  says Professor Oak, the leading authority on these
  monster.  'There are currently 150 documented species of
  Pokemon  Each Pokemon has its own special fighting
  abilities  Some grow, or evolve, into even more
  powerful creatures  Carry your pokemon with you, and
  you're ready for anything!  You've got the power in your
  hands, so use it!'" 3

  What if children try to follow this advice?  What if
  they carry their favorite monsters like magical charms
  or fetishes in their pockets, trusting them to bring
  power in times of need?

 Many do.  It makes sense to those who watch the television show.
 In a recent episode, Ash, the boy hero, had just captured his
 fifth little Pokemon.  But that wasn't good enough, said his
 mentor.  He must catch lots more if he wants to be a Pokemon
 master.  And the more he catches and trains, the more power he
 will have for future battles.

 So Ash sets out again in search for more of the reclusive,
 power-filled, little Pokemon.  His first step is to find the
 "psychic Pokemon" called Kadabra and snatch it from its
 telepathic, pink-eyed trainer, Sabrina.  With the ghost Haunter
 on his side, it should be a cinch!

 But Ash had underestimated the power of his opponent.  When he
 and Sabrina meet for the battle, both hurl their chosen Pokemon
 into the air, but only Kadabra evolves into a super-monster with
 a magic flash.  Haunter hides.  "Looks like your ghost Pokemon
 got spooked," taunts Sabrina.

 Obviously, Ash didn't understand the supernatural powers he had
 confronted.  Neither do most young Pokeman fans today -- they
 cannot understand the forces that have captivated children
 around the world.  And if parents underestimate the psychological
 strategies behind its seductive mass marketing ploys, they are
 likely to dismiss the Pokemon craze as harmless fun and innocent
 fantasy.  In reality, the problem is far more complex.


 The Pokemon mania supports a financial conglomerate that knows
 how to feed the frenzy.  The television series is free, but it
 drives the multi-billion dollar business.  It also inspires the
 obsessive new games that disrupt schools and families by giving
 the children --

* a seductive vision:  to become Pokemon masters
* a tempting promise:  supernatural power


1999-08-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 by Fritz Springmeier


 1890 -- A rabbit embryo was successfully transplanted to a foster
 mother rabbit's uterus.

 1944 -- A human ova was fertilized in vitro, that is in layman's
 terms an egg was artificially inseminated in a test tube.

 1952 -- Briggs  King in Indiana University clone a frog.

 1970s -- Rand Corporation predicts that "para-humans" will be
 genetically created to do menial tasks in the future. In a totally
 different affair, Lord Rothschild, who is a physiologist who has
 studied genetics, warned that self-centered fanatics might set up
 cloning shops privately. Lord Rothschild suggested to genetic
 scientists that a clone controlling organization with world wide
 jurisdiction to license cloning be set up to protect the world from
 evil men who might want to clone people for evil purposes. He
 called his suggestion `Commission for Genetical Control."

 1977 -- Announcement of the first successful cloning of a person,
 which was done for someone very wealthy. This whole affair came
 under strong attack by the establishment. The book giving the
 shrouded details came out in 1978. The author went into hiding, and
 our Congress had a parade of establishment research doctors testify
 at a hearing to debunk the book and to reassure the public that
 medical researchers were too concerned about ethics to clone
 people. The author was convinced of the veracity of the cloning
 event, although the media/establishment doctors claimed the author
 wrote the book merely as fiction.

 1980 -- Twinning (bisection of an embryo), which is a form of
 cloning was successfully done with horse foals, sheep and cattle
 had already been cloned in this fashion in the previous years.

 1981 -- Mice are cloned. And embryo transfer for cattle becomes a
 thriving business.

 1983 -- A water buffalo embryo was successfully transplanted to a
 foster mother buffalo.

 1984 -- A human embryo was successfully transplanted and born with
 a human foster mother.

 1997 -- A successful human clone is publicly announced.

 Scientists working in secret got serious about cloning in the early
 1960's. Abortions began to be performed wholesale at this time to
 provide fetal tissue for their cloning work. The young generation
 of Americans are asking, `When will cloning of people take place?"
 The answer is that it already has long ago. An article recently
 written by Andrew Kimbrell that was placed in many leading daily
 papers across the U.S. is quite revealing. He comes right up to
 almost telling people what has been going on. The article was
 entitle, "Science is about to Deliver." (June 22, 1993) "...most
 Americans are unaware of the real-life exploits of current genetic
 engineers, science facts which in many cases are as chilling as any
 science fiction Pigs have been genetically designed to contain
 human-growth genes in the hopes of creating "super pigs" that would
 have more meat. "...U.S. government and private researchers have
 expended billions of taxpayer dollars in the creation of tens of
 thousands of genetically engineered animals never before seen
 One prominent scientist predicts that we may soon see "five-ton
 cows and pigs 12 feet long and 5 feet tall. "Genetic engineers...
 have cloned higher mammals, including cattle One writer notes
 that "genetic engineering has the potential to create a vast army
 of identical clones, each produced to some preset specification.
 Canon fodder, scientists, opera singers, all could be manufactured
 to order..." "The New York Times has editorialized, `Life is
 special, and humans even more so, but biological machines are still
 machines that now can be altered, cloned, and patented.'"

 TALKING ABOUT BIONIC ROBOTOIDS -- the robots that are now being
 created to take the place of people in high places. And the
 chilling idea that human-like machines will be produced that will
 not be treated as anything but machines -- that is a chilling idea

 In this author's September, 1993 newsletter there were two article
 by this author on cloning, one entitled "Clones, Synthetics,
 Organic Robotoids, and Doubles" and the other article "Dulce
 Genetic Research/Cloning Facility." In the month following my
 September `93 newsletter's release, the establishment came out with
 stories about humans being cloned. [I felt that this was
 confirmation that God's had directed me to publish the information
 I had on cloning 1/2 months before the secular media came out with
 their stories about the "first" laboratory duplication of a human
 embryo.] This `93 cloning was the first publicly revealed 
 publicly accepted human cloning, but the truth is that it had
 already been done for about 30 years secretly. In December, 1993's
 newsletter I had a followup 


1999-08-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Newt Gingrich and the Illuminati's
  "Third Wave" Revolution

by Fritz Springmeier

  For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest;
  neither any thing hid, that shall not be made known.
  -- Luke 8:17

  As Edgar Allen Poe explained in his short story, "The Imp of
  the Perverse," criminals have an uncanny urge to confess their
  crime. Political criminals -- Socialists, Communists, Nazis,
  Republicans, Demacrats -- have an uncanny urge to confess
  their crimes in advance. There's a silver lining to this
  cloud. This self-revelatory compulsion helps us to forecast...
  -- Franklin Sanders The Moneychanger

  I have an enormaus personal ambition. I want to shift the
  entire planet. And I'm doing it.
  -- Newt Gingrich, Washington Post

 Like serial killers, the most cunning and diabolical of tyrants
 always have a plan. Coldly, shrewdly, and methodically, they set
 goals and objectives. Tyrants relentlessly pursue their agenda,
 they reward allies and punish opponents, stage dramatic propaganda
 events, and mandate new regulations and laws -- all in accordance
 with "The Plan." The Illuminati, as a collective association of
 tyrants, has been engaged in this process of working The Plan for
 many decades -- even centuries. After all, their secret master is
 Lucifer, a dark and powerful schemer who first conspired with other
 angelic beings against God untold millennia ago. Through the ages
 he has inspired innumerable tyrants and caesars to attempt a New
 World Order. Each, in his turn, failed to bring about global
 dominion, but The Plan lived on. Now, this shadowy Plan is coming
 into greater focus with the revolutionary efforts of Newt Gingrich
 and other elitist insiders. Their scheme is for a "Third Wave"
 revolution. Believe me, it's anything but conservative and is
 designed to radically change America into a fascist "paradise" with
 citizens stripped of constitutional guarantees. What is promised,
 in fact, is nothing less than a high tech prison and plantation of
 global dimensions, superintended by the "masters."Scripture tells
 us that, up to now, God has prevented Lucifer's conspiratorial
 Illuminati agenda from ultimate fulfillment. The final stages of
 The Plan have long been delayed though God has allowed many dress
 rehearsals to occur. The French revolution, World War I, the
 Communist revolution, the Nazi era -- Lucifer's illuminati intended
 that all these dramatic periods of bloodshed and rebellion would
 culminate in the end of human history and the ascendance to the
 throne of world power of their Antichrist. But, it was not to be.
 The latter phases of the devil's hoary Plan must wait for
 fulfillment until God gives the word:

  "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in
  his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only
  he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall
  consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with
  the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after
  the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying
  wonders." (II Thessalonians 2:6-9)

 Moreover, Bible prophecy (II Thessalonians 2; Matthew 24;
 Revelation, Daniel) reveals the key signs which are to herald the
 coming of the end. Those signs convincingly point to this
 generation as that fateful era When human history is to be
 eclipsed. Therefore, it is imperative that true Christians
 understand the final increments of Satan's foul agenda. His "Third
 Wave" Plan, for so long barred by God from implementation, is now
 about to see its culmination.

 The Illuminati Herald Their Criminality in Advance

 Do we have evidence -- in their own words -- that the Illuminati
 indeed do have a Plan for achieving their corrupt goal of planetary
 domination and mass murder? In a recent issue of his excellent
 publication, The Moneychanger, Franklin Sanders points out that
 criminals -- and we can certainly include Illuminati conspirators
 in this impious category -- seem unable to contain a deeply felt
 compulsion to announce their crimes in advance:

 As Edgar Allen Poe explained in his short story, "The Imp of the
 Perverse," criminals have an uncanny urge to confess their crimes.
 Political criminals -- Socialists, Communists, Nazis, Republicans,
 Democrats -- have an uncanny urge to confess their crimes in
 advance. There's a silver lining to this cloud. This
 self-revelatory compulsion helps us forecast ...'

 House Speaker Newt Gingrich is also seemingly possessed of this
 "uncanny urge" to confess one's crimes in advance. His endorsement
 of the New Age philosophy of the "Third Wave," detailed in books by

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Garth Brooks and the New World Order

1999-08-18 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

take in such abhorrently vile acts such as the DixieChicks, George
Strait and Eddie Rabbit.

Last I heard Eddie Rabbit died about 2 years ago. Has he risen from the
dead? Is he now an immortal reptilloid?
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] 26 Appropriate Responses.]

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Ric Carter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  1. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique
 point of view.
  2. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an
  3. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to
  4. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely
  5. I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't care.
  6. I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
  7. What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
  8. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
  9. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
 10. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about
 11. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn
 12. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely
 13. No, my powers can only be used for good.
 14. How about never? Is never good for you?
 15. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to
 worship me.
 16. You sound reasonable...Time to up my medication.
 17. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
 18. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...
 19. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
 20. Who me? I just wander from room to room.
 21. My toys! My toys! I can't do this job without my toys!
 22. It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular
 level I'm really quite busy.
 23. At least I have a positive attitude about my destructive
 24. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
 25. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate
 yourself in public.
 26. Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change
 the subject.

Add: 27. That would not have occurred to me.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] New York, New York (Mortuary)]

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

jabr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 Some entity I am convinced now is usurping body parts probably from every
newly dead
 corpse for consumption.  I have no evidence, so pardon my inate bluntness
 this.  My father made the point as we visited the mortician making up my
 in 1989 that these people he hated.  And the guy we dealt with was very very
 feeling indeed.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least...not that it matters to *me* what happens
to my body parts after I no longer need them, but there is a little matter of
professional ethics, among other things. There's a very recent case in Philly
where a woman's husband had to sue the hospital where she died to get her
heart back so he could bury it with her; and some years ago, the Philadelphia
medical examiner (coroner) was caught selling corpses and body parts to
medical schools--one of the packages he sent by UPS leaked...

Plus most morticians are Italian that I have ever known.

Not in the black community, where undertakers are major gatekeepers and
funerals are major, even primary, social events. I'll find and post some info
on the effect of corporate mergers and takeovers in the funeral business on
local black and other undertakers (followup on material I posted yesterday).

 Something ELSE is going on the body parts business now -- this I believe,
very very
 sincerely.  Let's please open this up before any of us dies -- this is not
 credible situation.   Perhaps covens, particular crime syndicates LIVE on
body parts
 and blood.  We MUST know who is running these horrendous satanic groups in
this and
 why.   Soon.   Judith

Something is definitely very, very strange in the business of dying.


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Green Groans]

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-08-18 01:12:24 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

For us, any questioning of
  the system arose only for a short period, then it became clear,
  we are for the system, although we recognise its faults and want
  to put them right."

 The anti-Greens' infiltration of the real Greens --mirroring the corporate
 co-optation of environmentalism-- has apparently succeeded, at least in

 As we used to say in the Sixties, "If you're not part of the solution,
 part of the problem" -- so the German Greens are now just another branch of
 "the enemy."  As we used to say also, "You can't work WITHIN the System;
 System IS the problem,"
 so the Greens, by embracing the System, are merely the latest poseurs to

 The meretricious far-right feudalists must've found them a useful FRONT for
 preserving The Same Old Shit under the guise of a "third party" for us
 of The Same Old Shit.

 "This way to the Egress," said PT Barnum -- only, now his sign points to

Or, to quote the late Eric Sevareid (a/k/a "God"), "There are no solutions.
There are only new problems." And IIRC, Tim Leary, late of the CIA etc., once
said that in a hundred years, the followers of today's prophet will be
persecuting the followers of the next prophet. What goes around...

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Clinton, Simpson, and McVeigh (fwd)]

1999-08-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/17/1999 4:30:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Now, whatever sexual impropriety Bill Clinton may be guilty of, it couldn't
 "sodomy" if all you're talking about is oral sex. "Sodomy" historically has
 meant ANAL intercourse, as well as "Greek-style" interfemoral intercourse
 ("pederasty"). When our tight-assed Puritan ancestors (OK, *my* tight-assed
 Puritan ancestors!) put their particular sexual biases into law, they
 sodomy to include oral intercourse, which previously wasn't even considered
 except as a form of "Onanism." THAT is, biblically speaking, "coitus
 interruptus" or "coitus reservatus", in which the man does not ejaculate into
 the woman's vagina; however, it came to mean the same thing as masturbation,
 which the Bible doesn't deal with at all, as far as I know! In fact, if
 accusing Clinton of sodomy, he is clearly innocent, because he was VERY
 welcoming to Monica and treated her as if she was a member of the harem, er,
 family... But that's another story. 

An interesting and informative posting.  I only looked it up in Webster,
because of what the old preacher said.  It would certainly be interesting to
get a glimpse of all those definitions the lawyers used at the Jones thing.
Most of the time, it's hard to figure out what anyone is talking about.
About a hundred years ago, if one said a woman was "gay," it meant she was a
prostitute.  I remember that when I was in Utah, one school board nixed the
Junior Great Books series because the wolfe in Red Riding Hood had a "screw"
of snuff.  God alone knows what they thought that meant, but it was bad
enough to get both the wolfe and Red expelled.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1]

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"ric carter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   "Why do nuts women always have cats? Why not dogs, dogs who are just as
excited to see you after you drive up to the corner to get milk as they
were when they first met you, instead of cats, who, as Pat always said,
regarded people as warm-blooded furniture? To keep her eyes to herself,
Beth stared down at Loreta's ample thigh in its armor of polyester, a
blue that did not exist in nature. Why did nuts women aged about sixty-
five who kept cats also wear stretch pants? With flowered blouses that
looked chosen carefully for their potential to make the wearer look like
ten miles of bad road under a tablecloth? Because something like these
clothes had looked good on them when they were young? Because everything
else looked worse? As she let her glance slide upward to Loretta's
ly furled perm, like a head of late-spring buds, she heard the woman ask
Candy, "So, do you want me to do a trance? Or just give you some impres-
sions?" --Jacquelyn Mitchard * http://www.bulwer-lytton.com/sticks.htm#5

That's not *bad* writing, that's damned *good* writing! There are times when
the only way to get a point across is with purple prose, and by the Fifty-Four
Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty-Three Names of Ghu, this is good purple prose!

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] THAT'S WHAT CHRISTIANS DO NOW - By Donald E. Wildmon· AFA President

1999-08-18 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

check out the potential for the decline of the
male portion of the human race.
Males are being
set up for musical marriages, ect.  Think of those
that protest unwed mothers - how many males will
there be?  How many males have already had several
marriages?  Will anyone notice?  We are supporting
propaganda that is slated for a lesbian population.
If you do not support welfare children who will have
the statistics on the children?  Dead beat dads?
But it is the fault of the woman?
home schoolers hearing propaganda that
you are suppose to be married and religious to
home school - so anyone that they know that
does not follow that theme is in the front of their minds.
Children that are having problems with education
go down to the first set of links on this page
but the whole page is applicable.
I like my males organic (original equipment and not plastic)
and I do not think we should have to clone them.
Ah Well -
Think of the future
Cloned males
{hard to have a population or ethnic if you can not
breed them - no males unless allowed}
Children taught (programmed) by a virtual reality helmet
Who will need shrinks to hand out the medication
programmed to not need
*To educate you will need minds and they
are being poisoned - there goes the future of the
towns and states
*To own land you will need to be organic
so their goes farmers and town incomes
*To be a drug dealer you will need a degree soon
so the smugglers that have supported some towns
will soon not be able to.

all done by computer from a central point through
their implanted ID chip.
Surplus gone, monopoly created, no public uprising.
why should this not happen?
Creation is diversity
Life is diversity
ALL life - do not stop at human wars
even during humans wars didn't creation of life
forms continue?
Humans and mammals are not the majority life for on
Majority rules
Survival, food, replication are the basic needs
So who has the majority on Earth, will ensure
their survival, the pollination of plants by a form
the will multiply at the same rate that we use
chemicals that cut out their predators?  Ants
for one and there may be more.
Think of it plants can live without us
so if you had a high survival index what
life form would you support - to survive?

Bill wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 This is a joke right?

  MAG wrote:
  Subj: Commentary: "That's What Christians Do Now"
  Date: 8/10/99 6:40:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Buddy Smith)
  American Family Association  AFA ACTION ALERT
  Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President
  Tim Wildmon, Vice President
  P.O. Drawer 2440
  Tupelo, Mississippi 38803
  Telephone 601/844-5036
  URL's http://www.afa.net
  Visit our Website - www.afa.net - read about the protest
  at a Disney
  "Hometown Parade" over the weekend in Pocatello, Idaho.
  View the online version:
  In 1973 The Supreme Court said it was ok to kill unborn
  babies. Since then,
  we have killed more than the entire population of Canada.
  And it continues.
  A woman's choice? Half of those who have died in their
  mothers' wombs have
  been women. They didn't have a choice. It is called
  Me? I go to church, the minister preaches, I go home.
  That's what Christians
  do now.
  First, it was in dingy, dirty theaters. Then, convenience
  stores. Then,
  grocery stores. Then on television. Now it is in the homes
  of millions via
  the Internet. It is called pornography.
  Me, I go to church, the minister preaches, I go home.
  That's what Christians
  do now.
  They call it no-fault. Why should we blame anyone when
  something so tragic
  happens. Haven't they already suffered enough? Half of the
  marriages in
  America end this way. The children suffered. The family
  broke down. It is
  called divorce.
  Me, I go to church, the minister preaches, I go home.
  That's what Christians
  do now.
  At one time it was a perversion. We kept it secret. We
  secured help and hope
  for those who practiced it. Now it is praised. We have
  parades celebrating
  it, and elected officials give it their blessing. Now it
  is endowed with
  special privileges and protected by special laws. Even
  some Christian
  leaders and denominations praise it. It is called
  Me? I go to church, the minister preaches, I go home.
  That's what Christians
  do now.
  It used to be an embarrassment. A shame. Now a third of
  all births 

[CTRL] NewCiv(ilization) and New-nited nations

1999-08-18 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Flemming -

Important thing is that awareness is spread of facts as in your statement:
"Sure, the U.N. is a container of choice for some people who would like to
dominate the old civ(ilization)"

and maybe ...
"Which, incidentally, makes it all the more worthwhile
to turn it into something else."
If you or anyone wants to try some jiu jitsu on the U.N., more power to you.

I just don't want to see the U.N. promoted (as it currently exists and as
the planning for it has been made- lo these many years) and sold to the more
moonbeams n' starshine oriented as a huggy feelie groovy disney "it's a
small world after all" cutesy global village solution to the world's
problems. This is what the Madison Avenue type of "opinion shaping" is
attempting to place in the consciousness of the TOOB addict, and I see
attempts at spreading it on the net amongst the not-grounded nor
pragmatically thoughtful of our "new age" brethren.

U.N. is up to it's neck in some totally severe fascist "social programs,"
and my secret fantasy is that IT WILL die just cuz some negative information
about it comes to light if enough people were aware of the NWO world
dominion activities there'd be an end in sight - no question about it! Only
problem is circumventing the controls on free flow of such information,
which includes countering their operatives here.

I don't see it as acceptable to lend any support or credence to NWO efforts
in any direction- if NewCiv is to be associated with U.N., it should be with
the clear cut understanding that you and SOME others seem to possess- though
I would rather that there be a less fatalistic attitude about (or izzat more
fatal ?) U.N.'s continued existance... g

U.S. has IDEALLY- an Individually "representative" federal republic
/confederation of States form of government- which IDEALLY is all one could
in one's most generous imaginations hope for in a completely turned-around
"People's U.N."  ... and look where this is getting us today !  - even so, I
strongly believe that support for U.S. national sovereignty and "patriotic"
efforts to return the U.S. government to Constitutionally mandated limits is
to be *HIGHLY* preferred over NWO efforts to weaken U.S. sovereignty and to
treasonously proliferate weapons technology to the Chinese as the current
administration has done- and covering the tracks of the NWO by making it
look like it was only done out of a lust for political cash contributions on
Clinton's part.

My vision of NewCiv and of "trimtab" ala buckmeister do not include becoming
part of the elite planning for which area the weather control mechanisms
should be used to cause killing droughts or where the next plague should
visit ...  though I DO like Daniel's idea of pre-empting  NWO's unhealthful
preoccupation (or should I say supplanting it) with population reduction
planning of a NewCiv nature.

Economic control and population control are the fundamental issues of NWO
effort; from there they filter out into every aspect of human life.

If we want to be "trimtab" we need to consider these things, and plot our
course accordingly- we need take perhaps a holistic viewpoint of history and
humanity and effectively support Individual awareness and Sovereignty as
Spiritual being- this will remove the "space" for control freaks. (and
they'll obligingly wink out of existance g )

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Flemming Funch  http://www.worldtrans.org/   http://www.newciv.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: Ed's statement of intent

At 06:48 PM 8/17/99 -0400, Dave wrote:
A one-world government created by fascists with or without a "People's
Assembly" is something that I will spare no effort to contravene.

U.N. is the "container of choice" for the current OLDCIV world dominance to
concentrate into as the final step in the "NWO" effort.

Please reconsider acting subversively in regard to NewCiv.
The U.N. deserves a quick and painless death.

We must all do everything possible to ensure this.

I'm skeptical of most "we must all" statements. Whether it is "We must all
support the U.N" or "We must all kill the U.N", it can never be anything
but untrue.

Things just aren't that simple in the real world.

Sure, the U.N. is a container of choice for some people who would like to
dominate the old civ. Which, incidentally, makes it all the more worthwhile
to turn it into something else.

Open resistance against a superior force isn't always the best strategy.

I'm afraid the U.N. isn't going to die any time soon just because you write
negatively about it.

- Flemming

o  o
   / \-- Flemming A. Funch ---/ \
  / * \  New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks   / * \
 / * * \[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / * * \

[CTRL] Secondhand smoke linked to stroke risk

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 18, 1999

Secondhand smoke linked to stroke risk
A New Zealand study found that so-called passive smokers were much more likely
to suffer strokes.

By Emma Ross

LONDON - Breathing in other people's cigarette smoke makes nonsmokers 82
percent more likely to suffer a stroke, a new study suggested yesterday -
indicating that the dangers of so-called passive smoking are much worse than
originally believed.

The study by researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand is the
largest and most rigorous to date, and gives more ammunition to those
campaigning to have smoking banned in all workplaces and public areas.

Current estimates of how smoking increases the risk of various diseases are
dramatically underestimated because the ill effects of secondhand smoke are
not taken into account, say the researchers, whose work is published in the
British medical journal Tobacco Control.

That means research into the hazards of tobacco smoke has artificially
narrowed the true gap between smokers and people whose bodies really are
tobacco-free, said Rodney Jackson, a professor of epidemiology at the
University of Auckland and one of the authors of the study.

"We've never really had the right comparison group because everybody has been
slightly poisoned," Jackson said.

Because New Zealand's anti-passive-smoking legislation is among the toughest
in the world, it was easier to single out people who have been exposed to
secondhand smoke, he said.

Two previous studies have linked strokes with secondhand smoke. Studies also
show that passive smoking increases the risk of heart disease, heart attack,
lung and breast cancer, and breathing-related diseases.

The suggestion that studies of the dangers of smoking underestimate the real
risk is "an important point that has not been well-appreciated," said Stanton
A. Glantz, a secondhand-smoke expert at the University of California-San
Francisco who was not connected with the study.

The study examined 521 stroke patients in Auckland and compared them with
1,851 randomly selected healthy people matched by sex and age to see the
effect of smoking and secondhand smoke on the chances of suffering a stroke.
None of the subjects was older than 74.

"Half the people who have strokes are 75 or older, so these are premature
strokes that should not be happening," said Ruth Bonita, the lead author of
the study, who now runs the non-communicable-disease section at the World
Health Organization.

Anyone who smoked at least one cigarette a day was termed a smoker. Those who
had never smoked or had not smoked for at least a decade were considered
nonsmokers. Other former smokers were divided according to how long it had
been since they stopped.

People were classified as having been exposed to secondhand smoke if they
lived with or worked in the same room as someone who regularly smoked in front
of them for more than one year during the last 10.

The fewer cigarettes people smoked each day, and the longer ex-smokers had
abstained, the better off they were, but the difference between them and
nonsmokers was not as dramatic once secondhand smoke was taken into account.

Overall, smokers were four times more likely to suffer a stroke than
nonsmokers. But when the nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke were excluded
from the equation, smokers were six times more likely to have a stroke. That
is a difference of about 50 percent.

Also in the basic investigation, people who had quit smoking more than two
years before were no more likely to suffer a stroke than those who had never
smoked. But once the passive-smoking factor was removed, those people still
had nearly double the chance of suffering a stroke.

Lifetime nonsmokers and those who had quit smoking more than a decade earlier
were 82 percent more likely to have a stroke if they were breathing secondhand

Men fared worse, with a doubling of their stroke risk, compared with a 1.5
times increased chance for women.

© 1999 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright


1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Federal Judge Williams has issued an order for Softwar and the
Dept. of Commerce to appear before him on Sept. 9, 1999 at 9:25
am for "pre-trial" hearings.  SOFTWAR has accused the Dept. of
Commerce of withholding documents dealing with the Computer
Systems Policy Project (CSPP), a lobby group that obtained
secret briefings from the Clinton administration.  Documents
obtained so far show that CSPP members SUN, Silicon Graphics,
Tandem, Digital and IBM all exported super-computers directly to
Russian and Chinese weapons labs.

In 1998 the Energy Dept. invited People's Liberation Army (PLA)
nuclear weaponeers into Sandia, Los Alamos under the "China
Lab-To-Lab" exchange program.  According to documents found at
the Dept. of Commerce, the Chinese nuclear weapon engineers were
from the PLA unit COSTIND.

Despite frantic efforts to continue the program, Secretary
Richardson was finally forced to suspend further exchanges.

"Our China lab-to-lab program was put on hold," stated Energy
Secretary Bill Richardson.  "We are reviewing it."

Sea Snake is in the final hunt for the SSST.  Allied Signal
sources have been told through Tim Roemers office the Assistant
Secretary of the Navy has said the contract will be awarded end
of August, first of September time frame.

However, the Navy has informed AlliedSignal Target Systems that
the "Marauder" proposal for the SSST Target missile has not made
the final cut due to the cost of the Marauder target.

The Navy has asked AlliedSignal Target Systems to come to NAWC
(Navy Air Weapons Center) at Point Muga, CA next week to answer
questions regarding the Sea Snake proposal.

Iridium, the failed space cellular phone system, is in total
bankruptcy.  ICO Global, another space phone "joint" venture,
failed to raise $600 million estimated to complete their ring of

Meanwhile, Globalstar, the Loral space based venture with the
Chinese Telecommunications Ministry, is about to kick off.  Most
investors feel that Globalstar will succeed where Iridium
failed.  The Loral space phone systems has a larger capacity and
uses more advanced CDMA technology over former rival Iridium,
thus they can charge lower rates for services.

However, behind the scenes, two space communications ventures in
the pacific are turning red hot due to demand.  APT Satellite
and Asia-Sat, both joint ventures sponsored by the Chinese Army,
will post double digit earnings and positive cash flows.  Both
APT and Asia-Sat have big contracts to provide communications
for Chinese Army units and Chinese Army owned defense firms
operating in the far east.

Chinese billionaire, Li Ka-Shing, is in negotiations with both
APT and Asia-Sat for satellite internet/broadband services.  Li
Ka-Shing, a former partner with the PLA in the of Hughes
satellite for Asia-Sat, is said to be willing to put as much as
a billion dollars into the effort through his Pacific Century

The German BND and a German Federal prosecutor are investigating
LFK, a Daimler Chrysler Aerospace firm, for possible missile
espionage.  A LFK engineer is reported to have attempted the
sale of advanced anti-tank missile systems to a middle-east
connection.  German officials would not specify which foreign
country was involved in the espionage.

North Korea has acquired 30 almost new MiG-21 super-sonic
fighters bought from Kazakhstan in a three way exchange.  The
Kazaks have upgraded their fighter fleet with new batchs of
MiG-29, Su-27 and Su-25 jets from Russia in exchange for 40
Tu-95MS heavy bombers.  The fighter/bomber swap feast has left
North Korea with 160 MiG-21s in a force of nearly 600 combat


1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
SOFTWAR http://www.softwar.net  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:

***  to unsubscribe reply with "unsubscribe" as subject***


1999-08-18 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

BK sent:
After all, their (masons) secret master is
 Lucifer, a dark and powerful schemer who first conspired
with other
 angelic beings against God untold millennia ago

This is Malarkey...Lucifer is directly derived from the word
luxefaire, which is of druid origin, a kind of bastardized
druidity, but whatever, not much druidism  made it this far
except for some language, and the bells on the catholic
altar, and the human sacrifice on the Christian altars, and
a few other things called Christian which ARE NOT. Luxe is
light and faire is bringer or angel or more literally fairy,
connoting the super normalLucifer is a version of
Haphaestus, Vulcan, Prometheus, all fire bringers supposedly
stolen from "God" all punished for it...blah blah blah ad
nauseuma bunch of monkey business is all it is...if
these monsters of control believe in this stupid bullshit
they should be fairly easy to overcome simply by ignoring
their overturesduhI think language and archaeology
are the true keys to our oh so simian past, not nursery
rhymes and just-so storiesall the hoo ha around religion
today just clouds the real issues and preys on fear...there
is a lot to be fearful about in this brutally beautiful
universe, our problem is our prioritys, we continually fear
the Wrong things, and we have been so messed up for so long
we are retarded for it, all of uswatch TV for 5 minutes,
you'll see.Bill Gallagher

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] If I were the Devil

1999-08-18 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Paul Harveys getting up there.  None of them understand,
that whole generation refuses to realize, that the reason we
have been allowed to breed like rats is because ever since
the new deal, and before even, individual people have become
assetts of the banks who own America.  They own America by
having bankrupted America with a paper money swindle,
starting back in the time of Lincoln.  Andrew Jackson was
have been the banks boys since then,  in one way or another,
sucking up and submitting to the paper money liars and
thieves.  So Paul might want to quit while he is ahead.  He
and his have defecated grandly at the expense of their
children AND DON'T EVEN KNOW IT.  Paul is the Devil in a big
way and is too ignorant and childlike to face it.  Boo.

PS I am Not Hollering I don't have italics hereb

Bill Richer wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Monday, August 16, 1999

   If I were the Devil

  By Paul Harvey

 I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the

 I would delude their minds into thinking that they had come
 from man's effort, instead of God's blessings;

 I would promote an attitude of loving things and using
 people, instead of the other way around;

 I would dupe entire states into relying on gambling for
 their state revenue;

 I would convince people that character is not an
 issue when it comes to leadership;

 I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies;

 I would make it socially acceptable to take one's
 own life, and invent machines to make it convenient;

 I would cheapen human life as much as possible so
 that the life of animals are valued more than human beings;

 I would take God out of the schools, where even the
 mention of His name was grounds for a lawsuit;

 I would come up with drugs that sedate the mind
 and target the young, and I would get sports heroes
 to advertise them;

 I would get control of the media, so that every night I
 could pollute the mind of every family member for my

 I would attack the family, the backbone of any nation.

 I would make divorce acceptable and easy, even
 fashionable. If the family crumbles, so does the nation;

 I would compel people to express their most
 depraved fantasies on canvas and movie screens,
 and I would call it art;

 I would convince the world that people are born
 homosexuals, and that their lifestyles should be
 accepted and marveled;

 I would convince the people that right and wrong
 are determined by a few who call themselves
 authorities and refer to their agenda as politically

 I would persuade people that the church is
 irrelevant and out of date, and the Bible is for
 the naive;

 I would dull the minds of Christians, and make
 them believe that prayer is not important, and
 that faithfulness and obedience are optional;

 I guess I would leave things pretty much the way they are.
 Paul Harvey is the dean of U.S. radio commentators.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] [Fwd: Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center]

1999-08-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 05:49:29 +
From: Bob Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Bob Anderson

Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center
Air Force DEEPLY Involved in Mind Control Projects--
According to Eric Harris's AF Programmer AND Harris Himself

© 1999 John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
(Rights of UNALTERED reproduction/distribution waived.)

The Air Force--THAT is, those divisions of what USED to be the U.S. Air
Force now under control of New World Order global governance masters,
seems to have trouble keeping itself out of NewsHawk's press releases

We just issued a heads-up to our readers yesterday concerning the fact
that KC-135s and other aircraft KNOWN to belong (at LEAST on paper!) to
OUR U.S. Air Force are currently engaged in an extremely widespread
campaign of continual, all-out, virtually round-the-clock bombardment of
the people of North America (not ONLY U.S. residents) with chemical and
biological materials known to be injurious to human health--and almost
certainly to the health of most indigenous life forms on our planet
(cloned reptoid-zomboid-android-Nazoid test-tube vermin such as those
overrunning our entire governmental structure are obviously not affected
by this most unwelcome crud being showered down on us daily.)

We have also made note of the extremely interesting fact that
mind-controlled "Manchurian Candidate" perpetrators of at LEAST four of
the recent mass shooting nightmares in our country had/have SIGNIFICANT
and HARD ties to the Air Force.

In just the past two days, these articles of ours have stimulated
additional responses from others with knowledge and/or direct experience
which further confirms the high degree of involvement on the part of
covert Air Force intelligence operatives at specific Air Force bases in
the "engineering", programming, indoctrination and training of those
unfortunate subjects; picked to become mind-controlled mass killers.

A wide variety of tactics and techniques are used in these utterly
abusive and demonic programs, which are almost completely derived from
the infamous MK-Ultra project, the Montauk Project and related
intelligence agency mind-control projects. The "genealogy" of all these
evil, grotesque activities leads DIRECTLY back to the death and torture
slave camps of the Third Reich by way of the Nazi-infested CIA, NSA, DIA
and other U.S. intelligence groups. This is absolute, unqualified FACT.
Check the records. These agencies funneled HORDES of high-level Nazi
Party members, intelligence and military officers, "scientists" (yea
right!) and vast quantities of Nazi technology information databases
into the most fundamental levels of OUR United States government: after,

Two of these recent communications to NewsHawk in fact pinpoint a
particular Air Force base which has ALREADY been heavily "outed" by us
in our articles ("The Rocky Mountain Horror Show" and "Putting the
Columbine Puzzle Together") on the Columbine High School massacre on
April 20. This corroborates information from other widely divergent
sources regarding bizarre covert activities at this location.

The location we refer to is PLATTSBURGH AIR FORCE BASE in northeastern
New York State, roughly 80 miles south of the Canadian border. Beneath
the Plattsburgh base is a VAST, 18-level deep subterranean facility.

Eric Harris, whose father has been linked to covert AF intelligence
projects going back nearly 20 years, lived with his family at
Plattsburgh AFB for over 4 years right before moving to Littleton.

We have previously received confirmation on the Plattsburgh base as
(being) a location for severe, horrendous, outrageous and scientifically
very advanced mind/consciousness-manipulation technologies and projects
from a wide variety of sources: from other victims and from those who
were in the employ of project operators.

Plattsburgh AFB was by some reports linked in the 1960s the horrendous
known Nazi-lover Ewen Cameron, president of the American Psychiatric
Association, The Canadian Psychiatric Association AND the World
Psychiatric Association, and Cameron's massive abuses in the
CIA-contracted MK-Ultra (drug and neuro-electrically-based) mind-control
project just over the border in Montreal. Firsthand accounts indicate
that this legacy continued at Plattsburgh through the 1970s and beyond
to present times with electromagnetic/radio-frequency  and drug-based
mind control activities tied to some of the experimentation at Montauk.

As noted in earlier reports this Air force installation SUPPOSEDLY
"officially" closed in 1994.

However, thoroughly credible testimony from many sources provides
clear proof the base remains quite active years after it’s "official"
closure. Local residents and other firsthand eyewitnesses report that
the base, though somewhat 

[CTRL] IUFO: Icke interview, Pt. 4

1999-08-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Ashley Rye wrote:
  -  IUFO  Mailing List
 What I'm beginning to more and more understand is that this
 lower fourth-dimensional level that this group operates from,
 this "Illuminati consciousness"-we'll put it like that-is the
 frequency range that vibrates to the emotions of fear and the
 off-shoots of fear, like guilt, resentment, aggression, all
 these things. And, therefore, the more that events can be
 created on the Earth which generate-my goodness me, they do
 by the minute-the emotions of fear, guilt, resentment, etc.,
 within the human form, we are actually turned into generators
 of energy for that lower fourth-dimensional frequency range,
 if you follow me. Because every time we feel emotion, the
 emotion of fear, our thought-emotional patterns are
 resonating energy around us and within us to that frequency
 of fear, which appears to relate very strongly to this lower
 fourth-dimensional level.
 Now, where experiments have been done-I think the Institute
 of HeartMath in America has done a lot of this; it's got an
 Internet site, it's very interesting-they've done experiments
 measuring the frequency of various emotions, and they've
 shown that the frequency of fear is very low, slow. And when
 we're feeling fear, it is actually reasonating our energy
 very slowly. When we feel the emotion of what we call love,
 in it's truest sense, that is a very fast frequency which
 actually reasonates our energy very quickly. It's like waves
 going through and resonating the energy, which is just
 neutral. I mean, thought reasonates the energy. Do you want
 it fast? Do you want it slow? What were you thinking? What
 were you feeling?
 So the more-this is vital to understanding this on a higher
 level, I would suggest-the more that humanity lives it's life
 in fear and the off-shoot emotions that come from fear, the
 slower the vibrational reasonance of consciousness working
 directly through the physical form. If the highest expression
 of ourselves, beyond this lower fourth-dimensional "cess-pit"
 vibration, as I call it, is operating at a higher wavelength
 than fear, and ultimately at the wavelength of love, what I
 would suggest is the highest wavelength of all-just like
 Radio America cannot sync with Radio Philadelphia because
 they are on different wavelengths-the wavelength of fear
 cannot sync with the higher wavelengths of love and other
 states of being.
 So, in essence, as long as humanity can-in physical
 embodiment, that level of our consciousness-be kept and
 immersed in the emotion of fear, we actually vibrationally
 disconnect and can do nothing else, can do nothing other than
 disconnect from the highest expressions of who we are. We
 can't do anything other than that.
 So, coming to the question, Rick, and it's a very important
 one, "How do we get out of here?" and "Where are the good
 guys?"-I keep hearing, "Where are the people coming to help
 Well, those of an emotional-mental state of being that wish
 to set-not in embodiment, I mean other-dimensional beings-who
 are of an intent to set the planet free, they are of a level
 of vibrational reasonance, as a result of that state of
 being, in which they cannot connect with consciousness that
 is in a state of fear. It simply cannot happen because there
 is a vibrational gap between the two. This is the vital point
 I would suggest, anyway.
 It's not that those of higher-dimensional consciousness who
 wish to set us free have to connect with us; it's that we, in
 fear, have need to connect with them. And the only way of
 doing that is through breaking out of fear; it's breaking out
 of the three-dimensional illusion, the movie screen, the
 holographic kind of virtual reality game that we're looking
 at when we open our eyes, and getting into the wavelength of
 love, in it's true sense.
 Because when we start to vibrate as a result of that state of
 being, to the energy of love, and our intent is freedom for
 all, not just ourselves, freedom in its true sense-freedom
 for you to say what I don't agree with, freedom for you to
 live your life-style in a way that I wouldn't live mine-that
 level of true freedom, that I will stand for your freedom to
 say something that I disagree with as much as I'll stand for
 mine to say what I think-when you hit that level, then your
 state of being 

[CTRL] IUFO: Icke interview, Pt. 5

1999-08-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Ashley Rye wrote:
  -  IUFO  Mailing List
 We're going to see Stage Two. I would say to people: watch
 the Chinese hierarchy very carefully because people who I
 trust, indeed, people who have been working on the inside for
 many years, tell me again and again, there's a China card
 waiting to be played as part of the process of creating a
 conflict big enough to turn, in one conflict, NATO into a
 world army to stop any more conflicts of this kind.
 When you have the millennium mentality building up of "Come
 on, we've come to the end of a millennium. Look at the
 horrors of this millennium; let's start again", you have a
 global mentality that is very open to change, and there's
 nothing wrong with that except that if you control the forces
 of communication to the global mass-mind, you can control and
 manipulate what is perceived to be positive change, when
 actually it is only change that relates to the agenda that
 you want to introduce.
 I actually wrote in The Biggest Secret about keeping an eye
 on China and the China card, and the next thing I know
 they've bombed the Chinese Embassy. Not only that, I think it
 was Time magazine, about three weeks ago or so, did a virtual
 whole edition demonizing China as the new monster and danger
 to the world. So I think we're going to see something like
 that unfold, and it will all be part of this recurring daily
 technique which happens in the local area, in the states, in
 the country, and in the world, of creating problems and
 offering the solutions to the problems.
 It is the key technique. If people would only get street-wise
 to this, they would start to see presidential announcements
 and terrorist bombs and wars in a very, very different light.
 I would just end the answer by saying this: The key question
 to ask in this situation, I would suggest, is: Who benefits?
 Who benefits from this Oklahoma City bombing? Who benefits
 from the wars? And who benefits from me believing the version
 of these events that I'm being asked to accept? And, again
 and again, when you ask that question of who benefits, the
 answer is, invariably, anyone who wants to further central
 Martin: What is "The Agenda" that you refer to in your new
 Icke: When you're getting into the lower fourth dimension and
 this level of it, I'm still trying to understand more and
 more clearly what the overall agenda is. It seems that,
 somehow, this lower fourth-dimensional consciousness,
 entities, whatever you want to call them, have actually
 caught themselves in a prison. They're in the lower fourth
 dimension because they are resonating to that frequency
 because of their state of being. They're into control,
 they're into manipulation of fear, and anyone who manipulates
 fear is, themselves, entrapped in fear. And as a result of
 that, they cannot get out of that frequency range by going
 upwards, because you can only do that by changing your mental
 and emotional state which leads to your vibrational frequency
 increasing, which allows you to gravitate to higher levels.
 It could well be-and I'm certainly being led in this
 direction at the moment-that they are trying to get out of
 that lower fourth dimension, or expand out of it, by coming
 into the third dimension and working and controlling three
 dimensionally. Certainly, even if you only take a
 three-dimensional level, the agenda is for these bloodlines,
 which compared-this is the point, Rick-compared with the
 global population, are not large in number. They've expanded
 out of the Near and Middle East, particularly, but other
 places, too. And by this manipulation of always being at the
 top of the pyramids-the pyramids of banking, the pyramids of
 politics, the pyramids of business, the pyramids of medicine,
 and all this stuff-they have created a situation in which
 they sit atop these compartmentalized pyramids and get the
 vast majority of humanity to advance their agenda without
 most of them even realizing there is an agenda being
 This is the only way it could be done. This is why divide and
 rule is vital.
 This is why the human herd, which, unfortunately, we've
 allowed ourselves to become, actually polices itself by
 making it a crime to be different. Anyone who expresses a
 different view, anyone who expresses a different lifestyle,

[CTRL] Icke interview, Pt. 6

1999-08-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Ashley Rye wrote:
  -  IUFO  Mailing List
 And individualism, while they talk about the necessity for
 it, the desire for it, is constantly crushed by the belief
 system of the group. It's interesting, you know, when I talk
 about this in my talks, everywhere I go in the world I get
 applause from the audience. Because I think people are
 starting to get sick of the New-Age movement, which is
 actually so often diverting us from and suppressing us from
 the real truth of metaphysics. And the real truth is that WE,
 as individuals, are in control of our destiny, and not
 external forces being in control.
 And so, I think it's very important, in the years that we are
 in now, that we start to take our individual sovereignty back
 and start to realize that we have the right to decide our
 truth and live our truth, and not have another truth imposed
 upon us, whether it's the New-Age movement, Christianity,
 Hinduism, Atheism, or whatever it is, because the whole basis
 of the control is getting individuality subordinated to the
 group, getting individuality suppressed by the majority,
 suppressed by the herd mentality.
 There are two ways of solving the problem. We can find the
 solution to it, which is actually not the best way, because
 for me the best way of solving a problem is removing the
 cause of it and then it goes away. The cause of the few
 controlling the planet is people giving their power away and
 not thinking for themselves and just following the one in
 front without question. And, insisting-and this is the key
 thing, stage two-insisting that others do the same, because
 once that happens, you create a situation in which whoever
 sets the norms in the world, whether considered sane or
 insane, possible or impossible, moral or immoral, whoever
 sets those norms runs the world.
 This happens because of the overwhelming, vast majority of
 humanity who have given their power away and given their
 thinking processes and individuality away, and will live
 their lives in accordance with those dictated norms because
 they're not thinking or questioning them.
 Now, that's fine, that's a choice-I don't have a problem with
 that. The key thing, as I say, the people who succumb to
 those norms, they insist that those who don't want to do so
 should also succumb to those norms. And, at that point, when
 you have the herd policing itself, and making life unpleasant
 for those who wish to detach from it, at that point you have
 the basis, and only at that point, you have the basis on
 which the few who set the norms can run the world, because
 you get humanity becoming not just the sheep, but also the
 sheep-dog, not just the prisoner, but also the prison guards.
 And only in that way, through thousands of years to the
 present minute, has it been possible for a few to control the
 So, for me, three things would change this and would
 dramatically transform the world we live in for the better,
 because of all that would come from this. Those are:
 One: as individuals, we step out of the fear of what other
 people think of us because that is the prison that most
 people live in. And once you're in the fear of what someone
 else thinks, you are not living YOUR life in YOUR truth; you
 are living someone else's version of what they think you
 should be. In other words, you're in the herd now. If we step
 out of the fear of what other people think, as individuals,
 and say, to use the title of one of my books, I Am Me, I Am
 Free, and if you don't like it, that's fine-you have a right
 not to like it-but this is me! At that point we cease to be a
 sheep. And if enough of us do it, we cease to be a herd of
 Second: we allow everyone else to express their uniqueness,
 even though it differs from ours. You know, "What a crime;
 call the police; my goodness me, this person thinks different
 than me!" Once we do that, we cease to be a sheep dog for the
 rest of the herd. Just those two things alone, and this whole
 edifice of imposed power starts to crumble because the very
 basis of it is crumbling.
 And third: the balance point, no one seeks to impose what
 they believe on anyone else, so all are respecting everyone's
 free will, so that my belief is not imposed on anyone else.
 That's the reason why whatever anyone says about me or says
 about what I write or 

[CTRL] Racists Scent East German Poll Success (Retuers)

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Racists Scent East German Poll Success

COTTBUS, Germany (Reuters) - It took just seconds for the German neo-Nazis
boarding a tram in the depressed eastern town of Cottbus to find the object of
their wrath.

"Niggers out!" roared the 30-strong mob as they bolted toward a group of 11
African refugees. They punched and kicked the foreigners and hit them with
rocks and bottles for 20 minutes before fleeing. Other passengers looked away
or laughed. Cries for help were ignored.

"It was the most frightening moment of my life," said John Omondi, a Kenyan
refugee. "I thought we were going to die. They told us to get out of Germany.
They kicked us again and again. The tram kept going. No one helped us. They
just laughed."

Ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, racism in eastern Germany is on
the rise and it is becoming political.

Cottbus, a fading industrial town 95 miles south of Berlin, has become
notorious for attacks on foreigners. Many say they are afraid to leave the
hostels set up by hospitable federal authorities to house refugees and

The political climate in Brandenburg, one of Germany's poorest states, has
given far-right parties hope of victory in the former Communist east after
failures in the rich west.

In a state election Sept. 5, the far-right German Peoples Union (DVU) hopes to
win at least 5 percent of the vote to claim seats in the state parliament.
Pollsters say support for the DVU has doubled to about 4 percent in the last
two months and could climb further.


Western Germans, who spent the decades after World War II in profound
self-examination of their common guilt for Nazi racism, have had tolerance
instilled in them from the cradle. But their eastern cousins' Communist
leaders cast the blame for Nazi atrocities on a minority of right-wing
fanatics, a factor many see as contributing to today's greater acceptance
among the public at large of racist attitudes in the east.

The humiliating collapse of their own state, fueling confused feelings of
inferiority and anger, are also factors behind the rise of a violent neo-Nazi
fringe in the east.

"Cottbus is not a civilized place," said a 28-year-old asylum-seeker from
Togo. "They don't like foreigners. I am called a 'nigger' here everyday."

A man of about 75 recently accosted him with "Go home nigger," he said. Even
frail racists, it seems, have little to fear in Cottbus, a town whose
population is in decline as the unemployment rate soars to 24 percent.

"The foreigners get preferential treatment," said Kerstin, a 28-year-old
Cottbus resident, as she ate lunch at a restaurant in the center of Cottbus.
"You see the slit-eyes shopping everywhere. They take our jobs away and get
our money. And blacks often cause trouble in discos. They all frighten me.
They're always breaking into apartments or stealing cars."

Cottbus authorities admit they have a problem but say their town is no worse
than other parts of eastern Germany, where extremists sometimes boast of
creating "foreigner-free zones" through crude intimidation.

"Cottbus has been given a bad reputation," Mayor Waldemar Kleinschmidt said in
an interview. "We don't want to sweep the problems under the carpet. We have
to do a better job with prevention. But these things happen all over Germany."


Xenophobic attacks in the formerly Communist east have become so commonplace
in recent years that they only rarely attract media attention. Assaults are
far less common in the more populous west, where nearly 10 percent of the
population is foreign compared to 2 percent in the east.

In the Cottbus suburb of Guben, a 28-year-old Algerian was hounded to his
death in February, crashing through a glass door and severing an artery as he
tried to escape a racist crowd. In the Brandenburg village of Gollwitz, civic
leaders refused to let a group of 60 Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union
move into a publicly owned building.

The far-right DVU, which won 13 percent of the vote in neighboring
Saxony-Anhalt last year, hopes to tap into that. It is spending more than a $1
million on its Brandenburg campaign and posters urging "Expel Foreign
Criminals" and "German Money for German Jobs" are everywhere in Cottbus.

"It's possible that the DVU will pull off another surprise in Brandenburg,"
said Juergen Hoffmann of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, a conservative
think-tank. "The potential is there. The far-right problem was long overlooked
in the east."

The Brandenburg interior ministry saysCottbus ranks among the worst towns in
the state for right-wing violence. There were five reported acts of violence
in 1998 but experts estimate the true number was five times higher.

"The color of the foreigners' skin has effectively worked as a magnet for the
far-right extremists," police chief Juergen Lueth said in an interview.
"During the Communist East German era, foreigners were hardly ever 

[CTRL] FW: Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center

1999-08-18 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center
Air Force DEEPLY Involved in Mind Control Projects--
According to Eric Harris's AF Programmer AND Harris Himself

© 1999 John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
(Rights of UNALTERED reproduction/distribution waived.)

The Air Force--THAT is, those divisions of what USED to be the U.S. Air
Force now under control of New World Order global governance masters,
seems to have trouble keeping itself out of NewsHawk's press releases

We just issued a heads-up to our readers yesterday concerning the fact
that KC-135s and other aircraft KNOWN to belong (at LEAST on paper!) to
OUR U.S. Air Force are currently engaged in an extremely widespread
campaign of continual, all-out, virtually round-the-clock bombardment of
the people of North America (not ONLY U.S. residents) with chemical and
biological materials known to be injurious to human health--and almost
certainly to the health of most indigenous life forms on our planet
(cloned reptoid-zomboid-android-Nazoid test-tube vermin such as those
overrunning our entire governmental structure are obviously not affected
by this most unwelcome crud being showered down on us daily.)

We have also made note of the extremely interesting fact that
mind-controlled "Manchurian Candidate" perpetrators of at LEAST four of
the recent mass shooting nightmares in our country had/have SIGNIFICANT
and HARD ties to the Air Force.

In just the past two days, these articles of ours have stimulated
additional responses from others with knowledge and/or direct experience
which further confirms the high degree of involvement on the part of
covert Air Force intelligence operatives at specific Air Force bases in
the "engineering", programming, indoctrination and training of those
unfortunate subjects; picked to become mind-controlled mass killers.

A wide variety of tactics and techniques are used in these utterly
abusive and demonic programs, which are almost completely derived from
the infamous MK-Ultra project, the Montauk Project and related
intelligence agency mind-control projects. The "genealogy" of all these
evil, grotesque activities leads DIRECTLY back to the death and torture
slave camps of the Third Reich by way of the Nazi-infested CIA, NSA, DIA
and other U.S. intelligence groups. This is absolute, unqualified FACT.
Check the records. These agencies funneled HORDES of high-level Nazi
Party members, intelligence and military officers, "scientists" (yea
right!) and vast quantities of Nazi technology information databases
into the most fundamental levels of OUR United States government: after,

Two of these recent communications to NewsHawk in fact pinpoint a
particular Air Force base which has ALREADY been heavily "outed" by us
in our articles ("The Rocky Mountain Horror Show" and "Putting the
Columbine Puzzle Together") on the Columbine High School massacre on
April 20. This corroborates information from other widely divergent
sources regarding bizarre covert activities at this location.

The location we refer to is PLATTSBURGH AIR FORCE BASE in northeastern
New York State, roughly 80 miles south of the Canadian border. Beneath
the Plattsburgh base is a VAST, 18-level deep subterranean facility.

Eric Harris, whose father has been linked to covert AF intelligence
projects going back nearly 20 years, lived with his family at
Plattsburgh AFB for over 4 years right before moving to Littleton.

We have previously received confirmation on the Plattsburgh base as
(being) a location for severe, horrendous, outrageous and scientifically
very advanced mind/consciousness-manipulation technologies and projects
from a wide variety of sources: from other victims and from those who
were in the employ of project operators.

Plattsburgh AFB was by some reports linked in the 1960s the horrendous
known Nazi-lover Ewen Cameron, president of the American Psychiatric
Association, The Canadian Psychiatric Association AND the World
Psychiatric Association, and Cameron's massive abuses in the
CIA-contracted MK-Ultra (drug and neuro-electrically-based) mind-control
project just over the border in Montreal. Firsthand accounts indicate
that this legacy continued at Plattsburgh through the 1970s and beyond
to present times with electromagnetic/radio-frequency  and drug-based
mind control activities tied to some of the experimentation at Montauk.

As noted in earlier reports this Air force installation SUPPOSEDLY
"officially" closed in 1994.

However, thoroughly credible testimony from many sources provides
clear proof the base remains quite active years after it’s "official"
closure. Local residents and other firsthand eyewitnesses report that
the base, though somewhat deserted, is currently in some level of
operation even on the "surface," and EM/RF signal detection equipment
verified that top-secret operations 

[CTRL] Implementation ....

1999-08-18 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

 -Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Belgrade, 16 August 1999

Implementation of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) and the Military
Technical Agreement, the current situation and positions of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia

The Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, recalling its communications to the Security Council and the
United Nations Secretary-General, as well as to the Heads of UNMIK and KFOR
and in particular, the positions expressed in its Memorandum of 27 July
1999 relating to the current situation in the Serbian province of Kosovo
and Metohija (hereinafter: the Province), has the honour to draw attention
to the following facts and views:
1. Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) has unequivocally reaffirmed the
territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
and, accordingly, defined the mandates and the terms of reference of UNMIK
and KFOR.
By accepting the Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin paper and by its consistent
implementation of UNSC resolution 1244 (1999) and the Military Technical
Agreement (MTA), the FR of Yugoslavia has confirmed its commitment to a
peaceful solution for the Province, on the basis of an autonomy
guaranteeing full equality of citizens and national communities within the
framework of the constitutional and legal systems of the Republic of Serbia
and the FR of Yugoslavia.
 2. Proceeding from the guarantees of the sovereignty and territorial unity
of the FR of Yugoslavia, as well as security guarantees for all citizens in
the Province, proceeding also from the inadmissibility of a security gap,
from guarantees of the security and inviolability of international borders
and an understanding regarding the return of a contingent of the Yugoslav
Army and of police forces to the Province - the FR of Yugoslavia has
expected that KFOR will in practice fulfil all its obligations, and
particularly that it will guarantee the physical safety of citizens and
their property, public order and peace.
3. The FR of Yugoslavia is deeply dissatisfied with, and seriously
concerned over, many facts unambiguously showing that KFOR and UNMIK have
not complied with their fundamental obligations as established by SCR 1244
(1999) and by the MTA. The following facts bear witness to it: In the two
months of KFOR and UNMIK taking responsibility for the safety of citizens
and their property, by a systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing, more than
200,000 Serbs, Montenegrins and other non-Albanians have been expelled from
the Province. In these two months, the terrorists have killed over 200 and
wounded more than 400 civilians, women, children and elderly people, mostly
Serbs and other non-Albanian residents. About 40,000 private homes and
dwellings have been looted, demolished or burned, while 40 Serbian churches
and medieval monasteries, many of which have been declared as part of
European cultural heritage have been burned down or demolished. As many as
80,000 Serbs and other non-Albanian citizens have been intimidated and
forced to leave their jobs. Responsibility for that lies with both KFOR=s
and UNMIK=s evidently tolerant attitude towards the terrorist so-called
AKLA@ and criminal gangs, being allowed to cross over illegally into the
The obligation by the so-called AKLA@ and other armed Albanian gangs and
individuals to disarm has not been carried out, nor does the past attitude
by KFOR regarding this vitally important obligation for the implementation
of SCR 1244 (1999) give confidence that it will be strictly and effectively
abided by.
 Statements made by senior KFOR and UNMIK officials on alleged success in
the demilitarization of the so-called AKLA@ have been merely used as a
cover for continuing the process of stock-piling and concealing huge
quantities of weapons, from and via the territory of Albania and partly
from the territory of Macedonia as well. Ever since KFOR became responsible
for the safety of citizens and their property, the Province has turned into
a region of the largest build-up of uncontrolled, illegal weapons,
terrorists, the drug mafia and criminal gangs in general, in contradiction
with the main intent and basic goals of Security Council resolution 1244
(1999) and the MTA, thus posing a wider threat.
4. The assertions by KFOR, made in the monthly report back to the Security
Council (S/1999/868, 10 August 1999), that the Serb exodus has slowed down
as a result of KFOR efforts to ensure a safe environment, as well as the
statements by KFOR and UNMIK officials to that effect, do not correspond to
facts on the ground and divert attention from the heart of the matter.
Indeed, the truth is that during the two months that KFOR and UNMIK have
been deployed, nearly 200,000 Serbs and Montenegrins have been forcibly
expelled from the Province in the face of 

Re: [CTRL] SPOTLIGHT Debunks U.N. Police Force In Texas Rumor.

1999-08-18 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/17/99 9:43:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

 If I were you I'd do a little research on how many
 prison officials,  allow same sex rapes to happen in prison knowingly, 

No thanks, not really an interest of mine THOUGH I HAVE heard that the
"victims" are often "asking for it"...


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] At the VFW

1999-08-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

 August 18, 1999


 The President's reputation as a champion liar is certainly
 well-earned and well-known. But this time he has really outdone
 himself. Here is a man who has recklessly indulged in more
 overseas military adventures than the past three Presidents
 combined, with the gall to tell the Veterans of Foreign Wars, in
 a recent speech to their 100th anniversary meeting, that "the
 costliest peace is far cheaper than the cheapest war." This, from
 the most warlike chief executive in modern times.


 Celebrating the American Century as the era of "Roosevelt
 [Franklin Delano], Eisenhower, [Gen. George C.] Marshall," the
 Wright Brothers, Martin Luther King, Dr. Jonas Salk, and Eleanor
 Roosevelt – deftly touching virtually all his
 ethno-gender-interest group bases – the President offers "a few
 reflections of what these 100 years mean for you and for the
 United States." While ritually genuflecting in the direction of
 science, and hailing Dr. Salk, our President insists that war,
 and not science or commerce, is the defining achievement of
 American civilization: "But if you ask who has been most
 responsible for making this the American century, one answer
 would be at the top of anyone's list after two World Wars and a
 long Cold War. That answer would be America's servicemen and
 women." No one doubts the bravery and nobility of those who have
 served their country honorably in war, conscripts and volunteers
 alike. But to elevate the armed forces to such a central place in
 our hierarchy of national values is dangerous and profoundly
 un-American: is the soldier really the one "most responsible for
 making this the American century," more so than the scientist,
 the entrepreneur, the great thinkers and inventors? The Founders
 would have been horrified by such an alien idea: they who
 (rightly) feared the dangers of a standing army. Like Sparta, or
 imperial Athens, post-republican America exalts the military
 virtues above all else, mythologizes the fallen, and worships at
 the altar of the war god, whose temple is the Clinton White
 House. It is, in a way, overcompensation on the part of a
 President whose relations with the military have been rocky, to
 say the least. But Clinton really means it especially when he
 lies, as in the following:


 "Today, as we celebrate your centennial anniversary, we must
 never forget that tens, even hundreds of millions of people, in
 the United States and all around the world sleep in peace because
 hundreds of thousands of Americans rest in peace in graves marked
 and unmarked, all across the world – fallen veterans of foreign


 As Mary McCarthy once said of Lillian Hellman, every word he
 utters is a lie, "including 'that,' 'this,' and 'the.'" The
 world's millions have never slept so fitfully, and certainly all
 those untold millions who died to "make the world safe for
 democracy" must be rolling over in their graves. Far from
 ushering in an era of peace, their sacrifices have resulted in a
 world in which the threat of war has never been greater. From the
 Balkans to Central Asia to the Straits of Taiwan, the flashpoints
 of global conflict have multiplied since the supposed "end" of
 the Cold War. In South America. Africa, and the Indian
 subcontinent, the explosive mix of ethnic, religious, and class
 warfare could erupt at a moment's notice. If this is what it
 means to rest in peace – in Clinton-ese – then peace, like war,
 is hell.


 It is almost unbelievable what whoppers Clinton can utter with a
 completely straight face. Whether he is getting pointers in the
 Method from his Hollywood friends, or else is just a natural
 actor, is not yet known. What is known, however, is that he
 uttered the following without twitching or even biting his lip:


 "We will begin a new century with a truly historic achievement,
 for in the last few years, for the first time in all of human
 history, more than half the world's people live under free
 governments freely elected."


 What world is Bill Clinton living in? No doubt he includes Bosnia
 and perhaps even Kosovo in this paradisiacal "more than half" the
 world. Even allowing that such sham "democracies" as Turkey (run
 by a military dictatorship), Mexico (run by drug lords), and
 Weimar Russia (run by gangsters), are "free governments freely
 elected" – a very generous concession – it is clear that our
 President is geographically and perhaps even mathematically
 challenged. The population of China and Southeast Asia, combined
 with that of Africa's teeming millions, the Arab world, and the
 totalitarian Central Asian "republics," far surpasses that of the
 ostensibly "free" world. Clinton's dictum of democracy triumphant
 is sheer bunk.


 Is a "free" government one that is elected? The people, being
 free, can vote 

[CTRL] Fwd: Echelon ... Controversy Continues

1999-08-18 Thread William Shannon

This from "Bill of Rights."  Pass it on.

As you read this, you will note that they collect electronic transmissions
that contain "key" words they are looking for.  This means that they have
to "flag" the communication for subsequent review by a human being.

If you are an activist (and many of you are) then you can spend a few
moments/minutes of each communication and deliberately use words such as
Uni-Bomber, fertilizer, Oklahoma City World Trade Center, IRS, FBI ...  you
get the message.  This action will force them to use more resources to
store and review your communication.  Another technique used to drive them
crazy, is to use these words in a voice communication to attract their
attention and then switch to a phony nonexistent language and talk
gibberish for a while.  They will try to determine what the language is and
then get a translator for it.  Of course, you guys from the south already
do this naturallyg.

BOR OVERETO, Italy--It felt like there was a new Cold War developing at a
conference here last week on computers, networks and international
security, only this time the adversaries are the United States and Europe
and the field of conflict is cyberspace.  The revelation last year about
the collaborative electronic eavesdropping system developed by the
U.S.  National Security Agency and British intelligence agencies, a system
known as Echelon, has become a huge topic of discussion in Europe.  The
Echelon system can and does intercept "all e-mail, telephone and fax
communications" in Europe, according to a report delivered last year to the
European Parliament, and further investigations revealed that this
capability also covers Australia, New Zealand and other countries.  The
report's author, Steve Wright, director of Omega Foundation, a British
human rights group, was here last week and summarized his investigation
into Echelon.  "The Echelon system forms part of the U.K.-U.S.A.  system
but unlike many of the electronic spy systems developed during the Cold
War, Echelon is designed for primarily nonmilitary targets: governments,
organizations and businesses in virtually every country," states Wright's
report, "An Appraisal of Technologies of Political Control," (available on
the Web at http://cryptome.org/stoa-atpc.htm).  The report was prepared for
the European Parliament's Scientific and Technological Options Assessment
(STOA) group.  Its release in early 1998 shocked European government leaders.

* * *
The chief piece of news that angered European politicians and business
executives was the allegation that Echelon data intercepts are used for
economic intelligence, and that the U.S.  and British governments pass on
this information to private companies for competitive advantage in trade
talks, financial deals or contract negotiations, Simon Davies, head of
Privacy International in London and another participant in the conference,
wrote in an Aug.  4 commentary piece in The Times.  This is a particularly
sensitive and explosive allegation, as Britain is a member of the European
Union and therefore must abide by EU laws and treaties, one of which, the
Maastricht Treaty, is specifically aimed at leveling the playing field in
EU commerce.  Also worrisome is that the "special relationship" between the
U.S. and British governments could allow each country's intelligence agency
to rely on the other to circumvent national privacy laws, according to Marc
Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center
in Washington.  When the National Security Agency is prohibited from
certain kinds of domestic surveillance, it may get the information from its
British counterparts, and vice versa. The STOA report produced a firestorm
of controversy in Europe, but got very little attention in the United
States, something Wright attributes to the fact that throughout 1998 the
U.S.  news media was saturated with the scandal in the White House.  The
European Parliament took the unprecedented step of holding hearings on
Echelon in September of last year, just about the time our impeachment
hearings were getting underway.

* * *
A common response among many people confronted with the news about Echelon
is incredulity--how on earth could any organization intercept all the
telephone calls, e-mail and faxes of several hundred million people?  How
could that volume of information be processed or analyzed?

Immense banks of intelligence agency supercomputers search for keywords
that are part of electronic "dictionaries," according to reports on
Echelon.  These dictionaries include words or phrases that are of interest
to intelligence analysts, and are used to filter the Niagara-like flow of
data into the system.  Of particular concern to civil liberties and privacy
activists is that these digital dictionaries reportedly contain the names
of organizations such as Amnesty International and Greenpeace.  A great
deal about Echelon and electronic surveillance in Europe is unknown,
because the 

[CTRL] FBI-Evidence Of Bomb On JFK.Jr. Plane.

1999-08-18 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-


By Jim Keith

Although the mainstream media has attempted to discourage speculation that
John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn, and her sister Lauren Bessette might
have been murdered, persistent questions arise. For one thing, immediately
prior to his death, JFK Jr. may have strayed into highly dangerous territory
when he chose to research the questionable circumstances surrounding the 1995
assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin.

Kennedy's George Magazine had already run a 13-page article on the
possibility of a conspiracy in the death of Rabin, and his interest in the
case did not stop there.

According to Catherine Crier of Fox TV's The Crier Report, at the time of his
death JFK Jr. was planning to meet with high-ranking members of the Israeli
Mossad intelligence agency to discuss information about the Rabin murder. It
has been reported that Kennedy was also planning to interview other members
of the Israeli intelligence community in a quest to find out who the real
perpetrators were.

Israeli journalist Barry Chamish, the author of Who Killed Yitzchak Rabin, is
another person who has noted that Kennedy was treading on dangerous ground
before his death: "The day it happened I wrote that JFK Jr. was doing more
than any other American media figure to get to the bottom of the Rabin
assassination truth." Chamish also points out in an unpublished article a
potentially salient point: that JFK Jr.'s chauffeur was an Israeli, and would
have been able to place a bomb in the group's luggage prior to takeoff.

This would all be just a conspiracy theory if on-site accounts at the time
didn't convincingly disprove the accepted version of the crash. That version
says Kennedy's plane plummeted to its destruction because of his inexperience
as a pilot, or poor visibility.

At least three persons on Martha's Vineyard reported seeing or hearing an
explosion in the sky in the area where the aircraft was at the time. One
witness, a reporter for the Martha's Vineyard Gazette, described seeing a
"big white flash in the sky." Oddly, or perhaps not, this information of an
explosion has been ignored by the major media flagships.

More compelling evidence that a bomb destroyed the plane is the classified
"Federal Bureau of Investigation Preliminary Report on the Recovery of Piper
Saratoga Aircraft of John F. Kennedy, Jr.", leaked to investigator Sherman
Skolnick. Among statements in the document:

"The recovered aircraft shows evidence of an explosive device having been
glued or affixed within the tail luggage compartment."

"Device was apparently activated by a barometric trigger. Radio signals not
ruled out."

"Satellite images supplied by the National Reconnaissance Office record an
outbursting flash from the aircraft just prior to it going into perpendicular

And: "Preliminary examination of the aircraft shows residue of an explosive
device the Laboratory identifies as being the type used by certain foreign
intelligence agencies."

Although the major media would like us to think so, the death of John F.
Kennedy Jr., like the death of his illustrious father, is far from a 'case

Share your thoughts with other readers

Send us feedback by fax at (313) 557-4189 or through e-mail.

Jim Keith, a Nitro News Feature Columnist, is one of America's best known
conspiracy writers, having penned over ten published books. His works include
Okbomb, a revealing account of the Oklahoma City bombing, and the acclaimed
Casebook On The Men In Black. Keith has appeared on multiple television and
radio programs, including Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell (listen). His
column is published exclusively on the Nitro News website each week, but does
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor and staff.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] News You Can Use and Much More

1999-08-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-


Interested in tracking stories on presidential politics and other
interesting articles? Psst, have you heard the latest about local, state
and/or federal issues?

Get the latest scoop and subscribe to the Campaigns and Elections List
at http://campaigns.listbot.com



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] George W. Bush's Cocaine Problem

1999-08-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/17/1999 10:02:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 What is the problem with George W. Bush and cocaine? I think there are
 several problems and they go deep. Before I go into W.'s coded admission,
 let's look at Bill Clinton and the issue of cocaine. 

I want to go into everybody's cocaine habits.  I want to know everything
about everybody's sex life.  I have become convinced that these things are of
utmost importance to me.  Before I vote for anyone for president, I want to
know everything there is to know about his or her personal life.  I also
think we should know a bit about George Bush's wife.  She seems to stay
pretty far back in all this mess.  I'm beginning to think that the reason he
hasn't slept around is that he doesn't need that element at all.  No matter.
I want to know every little thing.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/17/1999 10:02:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 (There IS a God  ;-) 

Yes, but you know what the D in FDA stands for.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: The Operetta Clinton]

1999-08-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

This libreto was sent to the UK journo's Fleetstreet list.
I'm forwarding it here because I know there are music lovers among SPJ-L

Frank Nowikowski
Buenos Aires


(Program notes translated by Rodgers Wood)

Cast of Characters
Bill Clinton, tenor - philandering President of the United States
Hilary Rodham Clinton, soprano - his long-suffering wife
Monica Lewinsky, soprano - a conniving little White House intern
Ken Starr, basso - puritanical special prosecutor
Henry Hyde, basso - a true believer congressman
Linda Tripp, contralto - double-crossing friend of Monica's
Paula Jones, contralto - a wild woman from Arkansas
Sam Donaldson, baritone - a television news reporter

The Basso Cabal
Richard Mellon Scaife - radical right-wing newspaper publisher
Newt Gingrich - a foot-in-mouth specialist
Pat Robertson - fundamentalist minister

Bill McCollum - another true believer congressman
Tom DeLay - a third true believer Congressman
Trent Lott - Senate Majority leader

The Media Chorus
The Chorus of Lawyers

Act I

Bill Clinton has been elected President of the United States by an
overwhelming margin. The Republicans are angry and are trying to
regain power.

As the curtain rises, the Basso Cabal is meeting with Ken Starr with
the object of finding a way to  remove Bill Clinton from the

The opening chorale "We Must Find a Way" (Creato Grandissimo
Flooza Scandala)  is sung as a sextet. In an impressive recitative,
Scaife sings "Where  Will We Find a Helper?" (Dredgi Uppa Un
Grande Bimbo).
The six exit.

Paula Jones enters stage right, holding a mirror, and begins singing
the plaintive, "Why Can't I Find a Man?" (Mi Schnozze Es Humongo).

Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich enter from stage left. They see Paula
and sing the duet, "Why Not Her?" (La Flooza Perfecto). They meet
and invite Paula to a small cafe where they hatch their plot in hushed

Paula tells them of her meeting with Clinton in a hotel years earlier
and how her fortunes have collapsed since then. Delay and Gingrich
offer to help. They sing the aria "Your Luck Has Changed" (Nose
Jobbo e Molto Rewardo).

Act II

The Cabal reconvenes with the news of Paula's revelations. They sing
in jubilation, "We Must Tell the World" (Phono E Tabloido). The rear
curtain raises to reveal the Chorus of Media who sing the chorale,
"Tell Us More, But Only the Truth" (Sexua Scandala Hypo Per

Gingrich enters with Pat Robertson. They sing the duet "He Must Go"
(Hypocritti Pious Crappola). Robertson offers to donate time on his
television program to expose the charges. At the Cabal's suggestion,
Paula initiates a lawsuit.

The Jones scandal becomes the topic of conversation throughout the

The Chorus of Lawyers enters from the right to sing the jubilant
grand chorale, "We Must Do Our Duty" (Multi, Multi Grande Moola).
Ken Starr meets with the Basso Cabal to plan the next steps. They
sing the aria, "We Will Save the Country" (Sleazi Connivo). Starr
promises to convene a  grand jury which will send charges to the
Congress. He sings "The Truth Will Be Known" (Whitewater Non
Starto, Probo La Flooza Epidemico). The Chorus of Lawyers sings a
reprise of "We Must Do Our Duty" as the act  ends.


Linda Tripp enters the stage arm in arm with Ken Starr. She is
wearing a headset. She is singing "Monica Is My Dearest Friend" (Mi
Es La WickedoWitchini Occidenta). She tells Starr about the secret
tapes that she has made of conversations with Monica Lewinsky.

Starr takes them from  her and sings, "We've Got Him Now"
(Presidente Droppo Pantalone).

Starr hurries off to the Grand Jury to call Monica as a witness.
Monica enters the grand jury room where the Chorus of Lawyers
ask her questions. They sing the recitative, "How did it happen?"
(Panti Thongo, La Flasha?). Monica replies in the long passionate
aria, "We Were Meant For Each Other" (Non Smoko El Producto, Phalli

In the third scene, Hilary and Bill are sitting in the Lincoln Bedroom
discussing the revelations about Monica. Hilary sings, "I Will Stand
By You" (Su Jerchino Estupido, Mi Removo Su Equipmento).  Bill
replies with "She Was the Only One" (Non Counti Gennifer, Paula,
Plusi Multi Bimbo Forgetto). They embrace.

Act IV

Sam Donaldson is interviewing Henry Hyde in the Capitol Building. The
Chorus of Lawyers hum in the background. Hyde sings the aria, "We
Believe in Something" (Impeacho Hippi Bastardo). Donaldson sings a
recitative in answer, "We Only Want the Truth" (Toupee Eslippo).

The great trial begins in the Senate. Trent Lott reacts to public
opinion polls showing that the president has 76% approval ratings. He
sings the poignant aria, "What is Right is Not Popular" (Parta
Republico Committi Suicidio). The Chorus of Lawyers sings the
chorale, "Principles Come First" (Mi Adulteri Non Counto). With great
flourish, Henry Hyde, Bill McCollum and Tom Delay stand before the
Senate to present their case. They 

Re: [CTRL] If I were the Devil

1999-08-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/17/1999 11:23:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 If I were the devil I'd allow Paul Harvey to spew his misinformed opinions
 and insipid commentary on a syndicated radio show daily and without

Hear, hear!  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush Stuff, Plus a Liddy and BuKKKanan.

1999-08-18 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-


Bush Doesn't Deserve Credit for Drop in Texas Crime
More Questions Raised about Bush's Role in 'Funeralgate'
Bush's Seriousness Questioned – Again
Dole Attacks on Clinton Administration Drug Policies Are Not Accurate
Republicans Fear Buchanan Defection Will Cost Them Election

New York Times: Bush Doesn't Deserve Credit for Drop in Crime; Bush's
Policies Reflect NRA's Priorities:
"Just as his father, George Bush, benefitted from televised images of the
furloughed murderer-rapist Willie Horton to attack Michael S. Dukakis in the
1988 race for President, Bush ran for governor of Texas in 1994 with a series
of grainy black-and-white commercials depicting a man abducting a woman at
gun point in a parking garage and, a moment later, a police officer draping a
blanket over the woman's body. Asserting that his Democratic opponent, Gov.
Ann Richards, was soft on crime, Bush promised to get tougher with criminals.
That stand helped him win, and an examination of his record over the five
years he has been Governor shows he has been consistent in pressing a
law-and-order agenda. Bush has presided over the nation's largest
prison-building program and a record number of executions.

"At the same time, breaking ranks with many law-enforcement officials, Bush
has signed laws expanding the right of Texans to carry guns and has opposed
gun-control legislation. 'For Governor Bush, gun control is not yet part of
crime control,' said Bruce Elfant, the Travis County constable, one of the
officials who have come to see gun control as important as fighting drugs and
gangs in the battle against crime

"How Governor Bush's record on criminal justice, particularly gun control,
will appeal to voters in other regions remains to be tested as he campaigns
for the Republican nomination for President. In Texas, experts on criminal
justice are studying another question: whether his policies are responsible
for the state's drop in crime [A]ccording to the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice, crime had already fallen 25 percent under [Democratic]
Governor [Ann] Richards, from 1991 to 1994, as she began the state's
multibillion-dollar prison-building program Since Bush took office in
1995, crime rates have also fallen as much, or more, in most other states as
they have in Texas. This has led governors and mayors across the country to
take credit, even as many experts point out that the widespread decline in
crime rates makes it less likely that any one policy can be credited

"By nature, friends here say, Bush prefers to avoid taking stands on
difficult issues. He is neither an ideologue nor confrontational, they say.
But perhaps more than on any other issue, events in Texas have pushed him
into defining his position on guns. The first step came in his race against
Governor Richards, when he pledged to support the concealed-weapons bill.
When, as Governor, he signed the bill into law in 1995, he declared, 'This is
a bill to make Texas a safer place.' The bill had been championed by the
National Rifle Association, but was opposed by the police chiefs of Texas's
largest cities, who were concerned that the law would lead to more violent
confrontations between individuals armed with guns and a greater risk to
police officers A study by the Violence Policy Center, a gun-control
advocacy group, found that since the Texas law took effect, 15 people with
concealed gun permits had been charged with murder or attempted murder and
103 with assault or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon

"This spring Bush was pushed into further defining his position on guns when
the National Rifle Association, in response to the filing of lawsuits against
the gun industry by a number cities and counties, began urging state
legislatures to pass laws barring such suits. No Texas city suggested it was
considering such a lawsuit, but the Legislature passed a law barring cities
in the state from suing the gun industry and Bush signed it Bush went
against the police chiefs of the state's seven largest cities this spring by
opposing a bill to require background checks on all prospective firearms
buyers at gun shows. According to the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms, gun shows are the leading source of guns for criminals and
juveniles in Texas. The bill requiring background checks died in committee on
April 20, a few hours after the killings in Littleton, which were carried out
with guns bought at gun shows

"This month the [Karla Faye] Tucker execution again became an issue because
of a profile in Talk magazine that quoted him as mocking Ms. Tucker's plea
for her life. Campaign officials have denied the profile's characterization
of the Governor, saying his comments were misread. Bush did halt the
execution of Henry Lee Lucas, who had received several life sentences in a
series of killings, but who, 

[CTRL] Gore Blows 5K on Air Conditioning...First It's Millions Gallons of Water, Now More Tax $$ Wasted.....

1999-08-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

** Candidates are to get bill for expenses state incurs, Shaheen says
State House Bureau
  CONCORD — Gov. Jeanne Shaheen has ordered state agencies to charge
political campaigns for expenses from the use of state facilities.
  Shaheen issued the order Friday, after The Union Leader reported that
New Hampshire Community Technical College in Stratham spent $4,848 on
conditioning during a visit by Vice President Al Gore last month.
  "When it came to our attention that someone in control of a state
building had made a unilateral decision to incur a state expense, we
thought it
was appropriate to remind people what was appropriate in terms of
campaigns," Shaheen press secretary Brian Murphy said yesterday.
  "Allowing Presidential candidates to use our public buildings to meet
with New Hampshire voters is an appropriate way to promote citizen
involvement in the Presidential primary," Shaheen wrote.
  "There is no question, though, that Al Gore is the vice president,
and that left us in a gray area," Westover said. "It would be a
decision today, as he has emerged more clearly as a candidate."
  "Obviously Gov. Shaheen agrees with the Republican Party and believes
the New Hampshire Community Technical College expenses on behalf of the
Gore campaign were inappropriate and should never have happened," state
executive director Jayne Marcucci said yesterday.
  "Certainly I hope this means Gov. Shaheen will pursue full
reimbursement from the Gore campaign," Marcucci said.
  The Gore campaign has declined to comment on the issue.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: FC: AOL removes link to Junta Homepage]

1999-08-18 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

Here is an items that might be interesting for the Politech list-- it
raises issues of de facto censorship of information (and certainly in this
case, much of it lies, disinformation and propaganda) from an established

AOL removes link to Junta Homepage

Free Burma Coalitionwww.freeburmacoalition.org

Contact: Dr. Zarni, Free Burma Coalition, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 202-777-6009

For Immediate Release:

America Online Chooses, Then Deletes Burma Junta Web Page

Dulles, Virginia -- August 18, 1999 -- America Online, the leading
internet Service provider in the United States, has made an abrupt

On Friday August 13th, AOL chose the site www.myanmar.com to be linked to
AOL's Asia Forum.  The problem?  The site is operated by the ruling
military junta of Burma (also known as Myanmar), identified by Reporters
Sans Frontieres as one of the world's "real enemies" of the internet.

The Burmese junta jails citizens for "unauthorized" use of fax,
photocopiers and computers with modems.  Internet service, including AOL,
is unavailable to all of Burma's 46 million citizens, save a few
"authorized" friends of the regime.

Ironically, an email message from Burma's Office of Strategic Services
(the secret police) alerted exiled Burmese democrats to AOL's gaffe.  The
message copied AOL's announcement, which gushed "We think you'll notice
dramatically increased usage because of this exposure."

Though an international pariah, the junta makes extensive use of the
internet to distribute its propaganda.  The website in question,
www.myanmar.com, is mostly used to lure hard-currency-carrying tourists.
But elsewhere the page compiles vituperative articles from the
junta-controlled press. Burmese democracy leader and Nobel Peace Laureate
Aung San Suu Kyi comes in for particular scorn, often called a "sorceress"
or a "lackey of colonialists."  The more than 100,000 Burmese refugees
huddled in Thailand are labelled "terrorists," though groups such as
Amnesty International say they are vicitms of rape, torture, forced labor
and murder.

"We informed AOL of the fact that the junta operates this page, and gave
them some information about pervasive human rights violations in Burma,"
says Dr. Zarni, Burmese founder of the Free Burma Coalition. "It looked
bad for an 'information technology' company to be leading its users to the
propaganda page of a regime that has closed the universities and
restricted all kinds of information, including the internet.  To their
credit, AOL reacted quickly," he adds.

AOL informed the Free Burma Coalition on Tuesday, August 17 that "we have
removed the website in question from the International Country Pages."


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1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

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[CTRL] Open Secrets: An Insider's Introduction to Allende's Chilie

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.webdelsol.com/AGNI/ag2-cw.htm"Agni Essay, Carolyne
Essay fom Agni, Web Issue 2


Open Secrets: An Insider's Introduction to Allende's Chilie

I owe my first introduction to Chilean life to Alan Jacobs, a former
Fulbright grantee of a few years before. He had stayed on in Chile,
teaching high-school history and social studies at Nido de Águilas, the
English-medium American school where U. S. Embassy personnel and other
foreign diplomats sent their children. By the time I knew him, Alan had
already achieved the goal which, soon after arriving in Chile, I found
to be my own as well. He had entered as fully into Chilean society--on
its own terms--as any norteamericano I had ever met. And he had been (as
far I could tell) accepted on those terms. For me he became a bridge to
the new culture; and like many a bridge, he was destined to be burned.
  I met Alan at one of those parties given by high-level Embassy
attachés, at villas in the barrio alto--the middle and upper-class
suburbs--parties which began late in the afternoon over pisco sours and
hors d'oeuvres, and ended at 4 a.m. amidst incoherent arguments about
NFL football scores, Sino-Soviet trade agreements, and the shrinking
value of the dollar. The occasional slurred reference to long-haired,
drugged and dissident hippy youth gave the only clue that it was 1971,
the height of the Vietnam War. But why would anyone think of such things
here? Santiago was a full hemisphere away from the theatre of war, a
city in which peace prevailed, at least for the moment.
  At all such gatherings, there was the same assortment of
florid-faced Embassy officials, graying senior Fulbright professors,
mid-thirties Peace Corps management types posted in Santiago. (The
actual volunteers were all out in the countryside, living in shacks and
eating roast maize and sopa de taillarines with the peasants). There
were also spouses of all these, and a few select Chilean businessmen and
landowners, golfing buddies of the Ambassador. The conversations were
all in English, except among the Chilean wives, who sat together in one
corner of the sunken living room in their cocktail dresses and stiletto
heels, gossiping in Spanish.
  In a letter home, I commented with unusual vehemence on the
"terrible Embassy party. All those drunken Americans and a lot of phony
arty pretensions in the wealthy Chileans, and I couldn't leave until
Mrs. Korry went out the door." About Mrs. Korry, I and my fellow
Fulbrighters Barbara and Marilyn had been coached by our unofficial
mentor, an American journalist named Gina who was conducting a study of
the Chilean news media through the University of Chile. Gina told us
that diplomatic protocol dictated that other American women had to
remain at the party until the highest-ranking woman, the Ambassador's
wife, departed.
  I never again went to these parties, but it was fortunate that I
was held up at this one. As I wandered between chatting groups of
dignitaries, I noticed a slight, bespectacled fellow in blue jeans and
tweed jacket, lingering by the chip-dip table. He had dark curly hair
and olive skin; he looked like a Chilean graduate student. I must have
appeared as out of place to him as he did to me, because he caught my
eye and said, in American English, "It's not easy to find the real Chile
here, is it?"
  He shifted his glass of beer to his other hand to shake mine and
introduce himself--Alan Jacobs--before continuing the discourse he had
been carrying on in his head. He said he had been reading recent issues
of Ercilla, the Chilean version of Time magazine, about the production
slowdowns at Chuquicamata, the open-pit copper mine up north, the
largest in the world. In one of his first acts as president, Allende had
expropriated this and other mines at El Teniente, and elsewhere, from
the American-owned Anaconda and Kennecott companies. Alan hadn't been up
North for two years, when Eduardo Frei was president and the mines were
in full operation, and he wanted to see the difference. "The only
problem is," he said, flashing a crooked smile at me, "I don't want to
go by myself."
  Alan refilled my wine glass. I asked him what made him decide to
stay in Chile.
  "It's just started to get interesting here," he said. Furthermore,
he had no desire to go home to Phoenix, where his father, he said, was a
prominent lawyer. He didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps to
Stanford Law and then some cushy private practice. After finishing a
degree in history and political science at Pomona College, Alan had come
to Chile to study its party system. He renewed his grant for a second
year to stay close to the action during the presidential campaigns of
1969-70. Just before Allende was elected on September 4, 1970, Alan
started teaching at Nido de 

[CTRL] Un-Uniformity

1999-08-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

 Parents across the South battle mandatory school dress codes

 By David Hudson
 First Amendment Center


 • What do you think? Have your say in The Forum.


 While many parents of public school students across the country
 object to mandatory school dress codes, Southern parents are
 banding together to voice their opposition to the policies.

 Several parents have formed groups to raise public awareness
 about the dress codes, which they say violate their and their
 children's First Amendment rights and are antithetical to
 individual freedom.

 Tim Tillman, father of four public school children in Polk
 County, Fla., has formed the Parental Action Committee to
 challenge the school district's adoption of a mandatory uniform

 On its Web site, the group says that its "emphasis will be on
 countering the continuing attempts of the school board to deny
 parents their rights to opt out of the uniform policy."

 "This mandatory school uniform policy is un-American and is
 fundamentally wrong," Tillman told free! "The children in this
 community are being denied their freedom of political and
 religious expression."

 He says that he and many other parents have hired an attorney and
 will soon file a lawsuit challenging the school uniform policy.

 Another group of parents in Wilson County, Tenn., is hoping to
 raise public awareness of the controversial dress code policy at
 area schools.

 Last July the Wilson County School Board adopted a mandatory
 school dress code policy, which requires navy, khaki, hunter
 green or black bottoms and "solid white navy blue or hunter green
 [collared] shirts."

 The Wilson County Parents Coalition, on its Web site, quotes
 Henry David Thoreau, saying "Beware all enterprises that require
 new clothes."

 Shortly after the school board approved the new dress code
 policy, Shirley Cox and Therese Harmon formed Parents Against
 Mandatory Uniforms to object to the dress code policy and the way
 it was passed. Cox and Harmon now call their group the Wilson
 County Parents Coalition.

 "They are taking away our children's right to freedom of
 expression," Cox told free!

 Earlier this week, Cox's oldest daughter, ninth-grader Lenai
 Brady, was given in-school suspension for wearing a University of
 Tennessee T-shirt. Cox said her three younger children and other
 students also were punished this week, either given in-school
 detention or sent home — for violating the dress code.

 Cox says she and the other members of the Wilson County Parents
 Coalition are hoping to file a lawsuit. "We need to file a class
 action lawsuit to defend our rights and to make the public aware
 of what is actually happening here," she said.

 "When children are pulled out of school and searched simply
 because they are out of uniform, that is a violation of their
 constitutional rights," Cox said.

 "This is a violation of our parental rights because I believe
 that part of my God-given rights is to raise my children," Cox
 said. "It is my job as their mother to instill their moral and
 religious values. I do not want the school system telling them
 what is appropriate to wear.

 "Under the First Amendment, as long as you do anything that is
 not affecting or infringing on someone else's right, you should
 be able to do that," she said. "My child wearing a UT shirt is
 not infringing on anyone else's rights.

 "I am willing to go to jail to protect my child's rights and I am
 not alone," Cox said.

 Other groups of parents have taken legal action to protect what
 they view as infringements on their First Amendment rights. More
 than 20 parents have joined together to challenge a mandatory
 school uniform policy in Jackson County, Miss.

 In Brody v. The Jackson County School Board, the parents claim
 that "requiring students to wear particular clothing interferes
 with students' right of freedom of expression and personal
 liberty." On Aug. 10, the parents filed more papers with a
 federal court supporting their motion for a preliminary
 injunction to halt enforcement of the dress code.

 Many of the parents believe that schools are not helping kids by
 making them all dress alike. In legal papers, Carol Brody, the
 lead plaintiff in the Mississippi lawsuit, states: "I want my
 children to experience and learn how to accept and live with the
 diversity of our society so they will be prepared for it when
 they are adults."

 Her husband, Phil Brody, says that "the institution of a
 mandatory uniform policy within a public school symbolizes a
 deprivation of freedom."

 Another group of parents has challenged a similar school uniform
 policy in Bossier City, La. In Canady v. Bossier Parish School
 Board, the parents claimed that the school policy violated the
 "First Amendment right to free speech, free and open expression
 and religious freedom because it denies freedom of expression in
 personal appearance and amounts to forced speech and appearance


1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.fas.org/irp/world/chile/allende.htm"Salvador Allende's
Leftist Regime, 1970-73 - Ch /A
FAS | Intelligence | World Agencies | Chile | Index | Search | Join

Allende's Leftist Regime

"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist
due to the irresponsibility of its people."
Henry Kissinger

By the end of the 1960s, the polarization of Chilean politics had
overwhelmed the traditional civility of Chile's vaunted democratic
institutions. The centrist agreements of the past, which had enabled
presidents to navigate a difficult course of compromise and
conciliation, became more difficult to attain. The American Central
Intelligence Agency had influenced elections in Chile dating back to
1958, but in 1970 the socialist candidate, a physician named Salvador
Allende, was elected president. In a reflection of Chile's increased
ideological polarization, Allende was elected president with 36.2
percent of the vote in 1970. Unable or unwilling to form coalitions, the
left, center, and right had all nominated their own candidates in the
mistaken hope of obtaining a majority.

President Nixon directed CIA to prevent Allende's inauguration through a
military coup. One of the opponents of a coup, Army Chief of Staff
General Rene Schneider was assassinated, but Allende took office as
The Allende experiment enjoyed a triumphant first year, followed by two
disastrous final years. According to the Popular Unity [ Unidad Popular
- UP] coalition , Chile was being exploited by parasitic foreign and
domestic capitalists. The government therefore moved quickly to
socialize the economy, taking over the copper mines, other foreign
firms, oligopolistic industries, banks, and large estates. By a
unanimous vote of Congress in 1971, the government totally nationalized
the foreign copper firms, which were mainly owned by two United States
companies, Kennecott and Anaconda. The nationalization measure was one
of the few bills Allende ever got through the opposition- controlled
legislature, where the Christian Democrats constituted the largest
single party.

Socialization of the means of production spread rapidly and widely. The
government took over virtually all the great estates. It turned the
lands over to the resident workers, who benefited far more than the
owners of tiny plots or the numerous migrant laborers. By 1972 food
production had fallen and food imports had risen. Also during 1971-72,
the government dusted off emergency legislation from the 1932 Socialist
Republic to allow it to expropriate industries without congressional
approval. It turned many factories over to management by the workers and
the state.

In his first year, Allende also employed Keynesian measures to hike
salaries and wages, thus pumping up the purchasing power of the middle
and working classes. This "consumer revolution" benefited 95 percent of
the population in the short run because prices were held down and
employment went up. Producers responded to rising demand by employing
previously underused capacity.

Politically, Allende faced problems holding his Popular Unity coalition
together, pacifying the more leftist elements inside and outside Popular
Unity and, above all, coping with the increasingly implacable
opposition. Within Popular Unity, the largest party was the Socialist
Party. Although composed of multiple factions, the Socialist Party
mainly pressed Allende to accelerate the transition toward socialism.
The second most important element was the PCCh, which favored a more
gradual, legalistic approach. Outside the Popular Unity, the most
significant left-wing organization was the MIR, a tiny but provocative
group that admired the Cuban Revolution and encouraged peasants and
workers to take property and the revolutionary process into their own
hands, much faster than Allende preferred.

The most important opposition party was the PDC. As it and the middle
sectors gradually shifted to the right, they came to form an
anti-Allende bloc in combination with the Natinal Party and the
propertied class. Even farther to the right were minuscule, pa
ramilitary, quasi-fascist groups like Fatherland and Liberty (Patria y
Libertad), determined to sabotage Popular Unity.

The Popular Unity government tried to maintain cordial relations with
the United States, even while staking out an independent position as a
champion of developing nations and socialist causes. It opened
diplomatic relations with Cuba, China, the Democratic People's Republic
of Korea (North Korea), the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North
Vietnam), and Albania. It befriended the Soviet Union, which sent aid to
the Allende administration, although far less than Cuba received or than
Popular Unity had hoped for.

Meanwhile, the United States pursued a two-track policy toward Allende's
Chile. At the overt level, Washington was frosty, especially after the

[CTRL] The end of Allende

1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.reconcile-chile.co.uk/more_information_7.html"The end of
The official line. No mention of CIA at all.
The end of Allende
15 September 1973
The Economist Editorial.

The temporary death of democracy in Chile will be regrettable, but the
blame lies clearly with Dr. Allende and those of his followers who
persistently overrode the constitution.

President Allende did not become a martyr, even if it is true that he
took his own life on Tuesday. The bombing and storming of his
presidential palace and the seizure of power by the commanders of
Chile's armed forces put a bitter end to the first freely-elected
marxist government in the west.

And the fighting may have barely begun. With most of Chile's links with
the outside world still severed, it was difficult to take the full
measure of the apparently continuing violence. But if a bloody civil war
does ensue, or if the generals who have now seized power decide not to
hold new elections, there must be no confusion about where the
responsibility for Chile's tragedy lies. It lies with Dr. Allende and
those in the marxist parties who pursued a strategy for the seizure of
total power to the point at which the opposition despaired of being able
to restrain them by constitutional means.

What happened in Santiago is not an everyday Latin American coup. The
armed forces had tolerated Dr. Allende for nearly three years. In that
time, he managed to plunge the country into the worst social and
economic crisis in its modern history. The confiscation of private farms
and factories caused an alarming slump in production, and the losses in
state-run industries were officially admitted to have exceeded $1
billion last year. Inflation rose to 350 per cent over the past twelve
months. Small businessmen were bankrupted; civil servants and skilled
workers saw their salaries whittled away by inflation; housewives had to
queue endlessly for basic foods, when they were available at all. The
mounting desperation caused the major strike movement that the truck-d
rivers started six weeks ago.

But the Allende government did more than wreck the economy. It violated
both the letter and the spirit of the constitution. The way it rode
roughshod over congress and the courts eroded faith in the country's
democratic institutions.

A resolution passed by the opposition majority in congress last month
declared that "the government is not merely responsible for isolated
violations of the law and the constitution; it has made them into a
permanent system of conduct." The feeling that parliament had been made
irrelevant was increased by violence in the streets (almost on a Belfast
scale) and by the way the government tolerated the growth of armed
groups on the far left that were openly preparing for civil war.

The armed forces moved only when it had long been clear that there was a
popular mandate for military intervention. They had to move in the end
because all constitutional means had failed to restrain a government
that was behaving unconstitutionally.

The trigger for the coup was provided by the efforts of left-wing
extremists to promote subversion within the armed forces. Two leaders of
Dr. Allende's Popular Unity coalition, Sir Carlos Altamirano, the former
Socialist party secretary-general, and Sir Oscar Garreton of the
Movement of United Popular Action, were named by the navy as the
"intellectual authors" of plans for mutiny among the sailors at
Valparaiso. The Valparaiso naval commanders were the first to move this
week. But the rapid success of the coup and the participation in it of
all the armed forces (including the paramilitary carabineros) suggest
that the plans for it had been carefully laid. It remains to be seen
whether the armed forces are now solid in their opposition to the ousted
government. The disappearance of two commanders, Admiral Raul Montero
and General Sepulveda, the carabineros' chief, who were replaced by
their anti-marxist subordinates on the day of the coup, shows that not
all senior officers were in favor of it.

The real danger of bloodshed will come if the armed forces split, or if
there are serious mutinies among the lower ranks. That could produce a
messy civil war. Strong resistance can be expected from the workers'
committees and paramilitary brigades that the Socialist party and the
movement of the Revolutionary Left are running in Santiago and from
guerilla groups in the south. But if they fail to get significant
military backing, they can probably be contained.

Whatever government emerges from the coup cannot expect an easy time.
There will also be a temptation now for those who have suffered from the
Allende government to settle their accounts with the defeated side. Few
people believe that Chile can now return to its old way of doing things.

The work of reconstruction will involve considerable sacrifice, just as
it did in 

Re: [CTRL] George W. Bush's Cocaine Problem

1999-08-18 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

I want to go into everybody's cocaine habits.

If they want my vote to put them into the office of the President, then I
damn well expect them to come clear on whether they use mind-altering
substances...after all, they have their finger on the button, so to

And I want to know if the mind-altering substance is ILLEGAL, since that
goes to the core of whether they are HONEST are not...and raises the
question as to who really 'owns' them (since they had to obtain their
illegal substance via illegal means)...



So many things you want to see
And as you ask I'll set you free
But as you fly
You'll touch the sky
And touch the heart
Within me

  Fly away.

-- Bob Childs
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] THAT'S WHAT CHRISTIANS DO NOW - By Donald E. Wildmon·AFAPresident

1999-08-18 Thread jabr

 -Caveat Lector-

At the risk of sounding anti-male, I wanna say that with the current crime
syndicates support of men, believe me men are not lacking for protection as far as
survival goes.  And this point rubs me.  Because, and please realize I don't blame
most men, but men probably staged the mind control assaults and implants on me --
thereby causing my lucrative career to shatter (falsely) -- and I am certain in my
own mind, but without proof, that men played a very important role in the poisonings
of the 4 fetuses I carried and lost to "unknown reasons" (1991 - 1993).  Thus, I
feel that at least some targeted mc victim-women may have very legitimate gripes and
hostility towards men.  I realize now that a great many men have at their
beck-and-call some very vicious satanic-psycho-torture elements.  Now, probably most
men wouldn't assault a woman who for various reasons shunned them or
personality-wise didn't like em, or was highly successful and they were jealous at
the job about it.  Not as if all men would actually get involved in violent satanic
(psycho-abuse) situations against a woman and pay freemason-psychopathic-curmudgeon
crime syndicates to do so.  But some definitely WOULD.  This I absolutely believe.
So -- it isn't as if men aren't acting out, some of them, horrors upon people who
they feel jealous towards -- etc.  More needs to be said about how this system of
"jealousy and envy" and longing for certain woman or to own certain women's power,
operates.  Cause it may be very very calculated, very well honed now.  And very easy
for men to maintain their positions of power in society by targeting various women
in this scene.  Judith

piper wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 check out the potential for the decline of the
 male portion of the human race.
 Males are being
 set up for musical marriages, ect.  Think of those
 that protest unwed mothers - how many males will
 there be?  How many males have already had several
 marriages?  Will anyone notice?  We are supporting
 propaganda that is slated for a lesbian population.
 If you do not support welfare children who will have
 the statistics on the children?  Dead beat dads?
 But it is the fault of the woman?
 home schoolers hearing propaganda that
 you are suppose to be married and religious to
 home school - so anyone that they know that
 does not follow that theme is in the front of their minds.
 Children that are having problems with education
 go down to the first set of links on this page
 but the whole page is applicable.
 I like my males organic (original equipment and not plastic)
 and I do not think we should have to clone them.
 Ah Well -
 Think of the future
 Cloned males
 {hard to have a population or ethnic if you can not
 breed them - no males unless allowed}
 Children taught (programmed) by a virtual reality helmet
 Who will need shrinks to hand out the medication
 programmed to not need
 *To educate you will need minds and they
 are being poisoned - there goes the future of the
 towns and states
 *To own land you will need to be organic
 so their goes farmers and town incomes
 *To be a drug dealer you will need a degree soon
 so the smugglers that have supported some towns
 will soon not be able to.

 all done by computer from a central point through
 their implanted ID chip.
 Surplus gone, monopoly created, no public uprising.
 why should this not happen?
 Creation is diversity
 Life is diversity
 ALL life - do not stop at human wars
 even during humans wars didn't creation of life
 forms continue?
 Humans and mammals are not the majority life for on
 Majority rules
 Survival, food, replication are the basic needs
 So who has the majority on Earth, will ensure
 their survival, the pollination of plants by a form
 the will multiply at the same rate that we use
 chemicals that cut out their predators?  Ants
 for one and there may be more.
 Think of it plants can live without us
 so if you had a high survival index what
 life form would you support - to survive?

 Bill wrote:

   -Caveat Lector-
  This is a joke right?
   MAG wrote:
   Subj: Commentary: "That's What Christians Do Now"
   Date: 8/10/99 6:40:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Buddy Smith)
   American Family Association  AFA ACTION ALERT
   Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President
   Tim Wildmon, Vice President
   P.O. Drawer 2440
   Tupelo, Mississippi 38803
   Telephone 601/844-5036
   URL's http://www.afa.net
   Visit our Website - www.afa.net - read about the protest
   at a Disney
   "Hometown Parade" over the weekend in Pocatello, Idaho.

Re: [CTRL] George W. Bush's Cocaine Problem

1999-08-18 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/18/99 6:38:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

 And I want to know if the mind-altering substance is ILLEGAL, since that
 goes to the core of whether they are HONEST are not...and raises the
 question as to who really 'owns' them (since they had to obtain their
 illegal substance via illegal means)... 

===And cocaine use is a felony so if W. was/is a blow-fiend he is
  far worse than Clinton. Pot is one thing, blow another...though I
must qualify myself by stating that I am for legalizing (and taxing) all
drugs ASAP


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Hate crimes not big problem in racerelations, ...]

1999-08-18 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

The greatest mind control objective being realized today is
going on for 50 years strong and it has retarded usit is
no secret that this division sowing is extremely profitable
for the elite even if it is just as a distractive force to
keep us from paying attention to what properly concerns
us...kill your TV.

jabr wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 At the risk of sounding squishy and unreal, bent upon the paranormal -- perhaps,
 just perhaps, hate crimes are none of the normal things.  Supposing that a mind
 control force, synthetic telepathy and all, is staging the hate crimes?  Suppose
 that one person assaulting the other is really one person's silent force
 interpreting the other person's force as intimidation?  What I mean to suggest,
 wholly as a theory, that there is a third-party in this thing.  Which may be as of
 yet undefined.  And which may be exacting change from one person to the next.
 Without control of this third force, or acknowledgement of it, on the surface,
 things appear to be happening as a hate crimes.  Although this example doesn't
 exactly fit my whole concept, imagine that one person is being mind controlled by
 a govt or outside entity of some sort.  And that person perceives non-lethal
 weapons are being used on them by the neighbor.  The victim, unable to prove the
 weaponry use, lashes out screaming at the neighbor.  The victim is being used in
 psycho-ops mental torture assaults.  The victim's behavior against whomever he
 perceives as an enemy has a third-party in it.  And without that known the whole
 thing can be looked at simplistically as simply a hate crime.  There is at least
 one, possibly two or three, layers of info I am believing more and more, exist in
 all these events.  IF we could stop the mind control assaults on people, we truely
 might not have any crime.  We might not have any hatred.  We might not have
 misunderstandings as to who is doing what to whom.  The real question may be far
 greater to answer here -- that is who is doing the mind control stuff -- and what
 are their ultimate goals with humanity or societies -- what are their needs?  I am
 buying into the notion more and more that we really do have an outside, unusual
 entity or force, "handling" all of humanity.  Getting this thing in public is
 awfully important.  And I also am believing more that what this is is better known
 these days than people want to say publicly, is my current take.  The solving of
 these problems is probably not going to happen the usual ways, is my guess.  And
 people are joining cults for protection more and more.  It appears to be costing
 them more and more too.  Judith

 Robert Tatman wrote:

   -Caveat Lector-
-Caveat Lector-
   Bob wrote:
   This is, quite literally, blaming the victim. The kinds of crime the New
   Century people are talking about are generally motivated by greed, poverty,
   drug addiction, or some combination thereof. Hate crimes are motivated by
   and power...or perhaps fear of losing power. Being robbed at gunpoint may
   frightening, but "it's only money," and you can always make more of that.
   black man who was dragged to death in Texas because he was black can hardly
   get his life back. It doesn't surprise me that the Washington Times should
   publish this tripe; it fits their agenda very neatly.
   Bestowing victim status and justifying criminal acts in the same breath is
   not a good plan. When the criminal (your victim) is apprehended he simply
   yells "RACIST!" and here we are. Your opinion that I should not mind being
   robbed at gunpoint is not comforting. I worked for that money and I don't
   understand why you are allowed to decide whether the person stealing it
   should be punished. Perhaps you are volunteering to compensate the victims
  First, I'm not justifying criminal acts. I HAVE been robbed at gunpoint; I was
  paraphrasing the robber. What he actually said was, "Look at it this way, I've
  got the money [all of $25.00] and you've got your life." I'm not saying that
  he shouldn't be punished...I resented losing that money, and I do believe that
  crime victims should be compensated, by the perpetrators or society or both.
  (The question of why such crimes are committed in the first place, and why
  certain groups, such as black males, are more likely to be crime victims,
  needs to be threshed out, perhaps in another thread.)
  YOU and the Washington Times are the ones who are equating property crime and
  hate crime. Property CAN be replaced...life cannot. Crimes motivated by hate
  must be classed as more serious than those motivated by greed. Granted, the
  effect may be the same, but the motive and *mens rea*, the state of mind, must
  be considered aggravating factors, making the hate crime 

Re: [CTRL] Gothic culture

1999-08-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-


Last summer I was enrolled in a course dealing with English Gothic
fiction.  While doing research, I discovered that there is a very lively
"Goth" scene in both the US and Europe (especially in the UK).  Every
year, there is a Gothic celebration in Whitby, England, the site where
Bram Stoker's Dracula first landed in England in Stoker's celebrated

The Goth kids like to dress up in black clothes and socialize all of
it is
pretty harmless stuff, but there is a small group of these young people
who consider themselves to be 'vampires.'  And they're very serious about
their interest in the consumption of blood.

Through the internet, I came into contact with some of these
individuals--they're very creative people, counter-culture types who do
not pose a threat to others (at least, they claim that their 'donors'
consent to the arrangement).  But there is no question of the sincerity
of their belief in "the power of the blood."

If all of this sounds bizarre to some, I would only point out that
Christianity is a religion that places special emphasis on the saving
power of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.  Many Christians believe
that the body (bread) and (wine) are literally transmuted through the
power of faith into a living Presence.  My point is that blood imagery is
central to the dominant faith.

That certain unscrupulous mortuary businesses might be
allowing their places of business to cater to cultists would not be that

Certainly, those of us who research some of the more arcane and occult
aspects of conspiracy theory are very aware of how blood and
bloodlines seem to play a major role in the thinking of the illuminist

Anyone who has studied Nazism (and their offshoot here in the
US, namely, the Christian Identity movement) cannot help but be aware of
the centrality of the issue of blood.  It has any number of different
mystical and horrific associations, from the Horst Wessel song (...Jewish
blood will flow...) to Wagner's Parsifal (..search for the Grail)--not to
mention "the Spear of Destiny."

Of course, the REAL belief system of the Third Reich was kept from the
American public both during and after World War Two.  It was argued then
that if the American people
really knew some of the psychological and spiritual dynamics of Nazism
they would become mentally unbalanced; so, for our own good, much of the
occult activities of the Third Reich were never made public.

But as David Icke and a host of other researchers argue, the dark forces
that gave rise to Nazism didn't disappear.  They're still with us today.
And if that is true, then it makes perfect sense for us not to be lulled
into an attitude of complacency about what appears to be a resurgence
of a dark, atavistic force within the collective American consciousness.

Of course, the Goth kids are just having fun dressing up in black and
cavorting with cemeteries, and most of them claim that they have nothing
to do whatsoever to do with Satanism.  Certainly, the Goth phenomenon
is a part of the counterculture.   In a certain sense, it represents a
critique of what the kids rightly see as a civilization that is truly
on a death trip of sorts.  Still, in all of the spooky
fun, the kids are definitely tuning into a wave length that is definitely
THERE... at some inner level of knowing, perhaps on a subconscious
level, the kids are articulating on a symbolic level what they sense to be
true about our system.  We're on a death trip and our "leaders" do not
have our best interests at heart.

Images of death, the tomb, skull and bones--all of these things
express truths about our social, political, even spiritual existence that
we probably prefer to push out of our consciousness.  And I have no doubt
that if we were to delve into the labryinth of the inner selves of our
leaders, we would find realities that are very "dark" indeed.

That's why in order to save ourselves and our children, we need to
practice what my Native American Cherokee ancestors called "good medicine"
in order to reverse the perverse "spells" of the Illuminists.  What is
that good medicine? Just simple timeless stuff that has always served our
ancestors well: faith, hope, love, charity and brotherhood.

Or as we used to say back in the days of my generation, the sixties,
we need to let the sunshine in!

Peace, Love, Shalom, Shanti,


  "Love and politics are the two extremes of human relations, the
   public and the intimate, the plaza and the alcove, the group
   and the couple.

   Because of this, the multiplication of forced labor camps and
   the threat of atomic extermination are inseparable from the
   crisis of love in the twentieth century.  They are symptoms
   of the same illness.  If our world is to recover its health,
   the cure should be dual: Political regeneration includes the
   resurrection of love."
   Octavio Paz

On Wed, 18 Aug 

Re: [CTRL] HORRORS The Protocols

1999-08-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/18/99 1:00:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  An amazingly complex and unsupervised econonic system COULD be controlling
  mankind.  It may even control his every thought-deed-and damn it, his
  and piss.  Big bro is well on the way to the next stage.  But, this new
  (20-30 year olds) has nothing I know to recommend it -- NO LEADERS -- no
 verve --
  no ARTISTS -- no muscicians -- young people now are compliant, totally
  in terms of revolution.

Well, there is the apathy that is running rampant in the new generation.  It
is something for which a terrible price will be paid in the future.  The
apathy will lead to more of the same only more openly and with less

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Re: [CTRL] Secondhand smoke linked to stroke risk

1999-08-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/18/99 3:26:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Secondhand smoke linked to stroke risk
  A New Zealand study found that so-called passive smokers were much more
  to suffer strokes.

While I don't discount this as a distinct possibility, I, nonetheless, must
state that I find this whole research area to be a little less than perfect.
It seems to me that no matter how much they screen people for common factors
that they will miss some when doing a study of this type.  They are trying to
determine if the second hand smoke is the factor that leads to greater
strokes, but it is obvious that they can't rule out all other factors, many
of which may be a common link.  I also would think that they routinely don't
even ask questions or investigate the use of "approved" substances, like
fluoride, and aspartame, to name two, which could very well be a source of
some or all of the increased risk of stroke.  Seems a little shady to me.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] SPOTLIGHT Debunks U.N. Police Force In Texas Rumor.

1999-08-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/18/99 6:40:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  If I were you I'd do a little research on how many
   prison officials,  allow same sex rapes to happen in prison knowingly, 

  No thanks, not really an interest of mine THOUGH I HAVE heard that the
  "victims" are often "asking for it"...


Snappy reparte there Bill.

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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] George W. Bush's Cocaine Problem

1999-08-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/18/99 7:43:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What is the problem with George W. Bush and cocaine? I think there are
   several problems and they go deep. Before I go into W.'s coded admission,
   let's look at Bill Clinton and the issue of cocaine. 

  I want to go into everybody's cocaine habits.  I want to know everything
  about everybody's sex life.  I have become convinced that these things are
  utmost importance to me.  Before I vote for anyone for president, I want to
  know everything there is to know about his or her personal life.  I also
  think we should know a bit about George Bush's wife.  She seems to stay
  pretty far back in all this mess.  I'm beginning to think that the reason
  hasn't slept around is that he doesn't need that element at all.  No
  I want to know every little thing.


Again, and exactly like the sex issue with Clinton this "cocaine" business is
being USED to throw the scent off of the real issues.  Clinton got away with
murder while everyone was looking at the whole Monicagate business.  Now Bush
will do the same.  It is a shame that people won't wake up and smell the

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Re: [CTRL] Gothic culture

1999-08-18 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

I actually had an encounter with some "goth" youth today at the photo
finishing shop. A 21ish girl, dressed in black with black nails and lipstick
was picking up her photos (black and white actually) and was a bit rude upon
learning that not all her film had been developed, she unleashed a torrent of
profanity on the poor clerk.
Her pictures, from what I saw looking over her shoulder, were mostly of her
Marilyn Manson wannabe guy friends and her Elvira-like girlfriends posed in
the woods and in and around various urban locales.
In my experience these people are rebelling like we all did though in 90's
Not clear about the blood-drinking or how widespread it is, though I suspect
it's a rarity that's been hyped up by Xtian groups looking for donations.
These are the hippies of our times...and most are just confused kids.


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] George W. Bush's Cocaine Problem

1999-08-18 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

legal schmegal its all a paper game perpertrated to enslave
us.thats all...nothing honorable about it or good, it
ain't nothing but a show, nothing but a show...for profit of

This is what the last "y2k" event (The 1929
stockmarket-crash) gave us.

All the State Codes are exactly what their titles indicate
them to be:
codes. They are written by and for those of the ruling
system, in the system's language, with loaded meanings, for
self-serving and
fraudulent purposes. All federal and state courts are
private commercial
bankruptcy tribunals collecting from the citizens (assets)
to pay on the Chapter 11 reorganization brought about by
bankrupting the US through the paper-money banking-swindle.
Codes are the private "law" used in the bankruptcy
tribunals. As codes, they must be deciphered, which is the
function of special decoders called "attorneys." who write
the codes (all of which, in the US, are copyrighted
private law owned by foreign corporations, mostly British,
such as Lord
Thompson of the Thompson Group, Montreal) and are the only
persons authorized to cross the bar and "practice" the
private commercial maze of deliberate deceit falsely called
"law." ...

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:
 I want to go into everybody's cocaine habits.

 If they want my vote to put them into the office of the President, then I
 damn well expect them to come clear on whether they use mind-altering
 substances...after all, they have their finger on the button, so to

 And I want to know if the mind-altering substance is ILLEGAL, since that
 goes to the core of whether they are HONEST are not...and raises the
 question as to who really 'owns' them (since they had to obtain their
 illegal substance via illegal means)...



 So many things you want to see
 And as you ask I'll set you free
 But as you fly
 You'll touch the sky
 And touch the heart
 Within me

   Fly away.

 -- Bob Childs
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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] LA Times- War On Drugs Cover For Military Ops?

1999-08-18 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-


William Shannon wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

  Tuesday, August 17, 1999
 Concerns Grow About U.S. Military Aid to Colombia
  Controversy: American officials insist the aim is to fight drugs. Critics
 fear agenda includes battling rebels.

OGOTA, Colombia--Back in 1982, when U.S. leaders feared communism more
 than cocaine, then-Vice President George Bush attended the inauguration here
 of President Belisario Betancur and offered to build him a U.S. military base
 to keep an eye on his country's leftist insurgents, according to a Colombian
 official of that era.
  Wary of such a high-profile U.S. presence, Betancur demurred, but he did
 agree to let the Americans install radar stations for surveillance. By 1990,
 relations were cordial enough that a group of U.S. military advisors reviewed
 Colombia's military intelligence organizations and recommended changes.
  Hundreds more soldiers, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, and CIA and Drug
 Enforcement Administration agents have since followed them to Colombia.
  Today, Americans assist in operating five radar stations to monitor
 Colombia, fly drug-eradicating crop dusters and are helping redesign the
 Colombian army into a more effective drug-fighting force. They even pilot spy
 planes like the one that crashed into a Colombian mountain last month,
 killing all seven crew members, including five U.S. Army aviators.
  The crash of that plane has raised questions about what exactly 200 or
 more Department of Defense employees--both civilian and military--are doing
 in Colombia. And that's not counting the unknown number of CIA and DEA
  Are they here to combat drugs, or are they harbingers of another U.S.
 venture into an intractable war with Marxist guerrillas? And what happens to
 the information gleaned by U.S. spies?
  The standard answer from U.S. military officials is that most of these
 Americans are involved in training missions and that none are involved in
 combating the Marxist guerrillas who have been fighting the Colombian
 government for more than three decades. The number is unusually high now--283
 on Aug. 10--because of investigations into last month's crash of the De
 Havilland RC-7, said Lt. Col. Bill Darley, a Pentagon spokesman. On top of
 that, 1,000 U.S. Marines arrived Thursday for a previously scheduled training
 exercise on the Pacific Coast.
  "We do have Americans in the field, probably out fighting, but those
 guys are not with the Department of Defense," he said. "They are DEA" agents,
 he said, and refused to comment further.
  "Two hundred people scattered over a country . . . is not that much,"
 Darley said. He contrasted that number with the 5,000 U.S. soldiers sent to
 Central America to help with disaster relief after Hurricane Mitch struck in
  In a press briefing in Washington on his return Monday from a trip to
 Colombia, Undersecretary of State Thomas R. Pickering dismissed the
 possibility that more U.S. troops will be deployed to this country.
  "That is not our policy," he said. "It is a crazy idea."
  In fact, he added, until Colombia makes significant new progress in
 fighting the drug threat, the United States is unlikely to increase its
 counter-narcotics aid.

  Analysts Recall Denials Regarding El Salvador
  But those answers do not satisfy many political and human rights
 analysts, who recall that until 1996, the Pentagon also denied that the U.S.
 military advisors in El Salvador--officially never more than 55 at a
 time--were involved in combat against the country's leftist guerrillas during
 the 1980s.
  Such concerns have been heightened as U.S. officials point to the strong
 ties between rebels and drug traffickers to justify the growth in U.S.
 anti-narcotics assistance to Colombia.
  Colombia's insurgents get an estimated $600 million a year in "taxes" on
 opium poppies and coca--the raw material for cocaine--grown in territory
 under their control. Colombia supplies about three-fourths of the cocaine and
 a growing share of the heroin consumed in the United States.
  To curb that supply, the United States has budgeted $289 million in
 anti-narcotics aid for Colombia this year, with the restriction that the
 money is not to be used to fight Colombian rebels. U.S. officials insist that
 careful logs are kept to enforce that rule, but the logs are not made public.
  About 90% of U.S. aid is given to the Colombian national police, because
 the army's poor human rights record makes most of its units ineligible for
  Increased U.S. involvement in Colombia, said Teofilo Vasquez, a
 researcher at the Center for Research and Popular Education, a group here in
 the Colombian capital that studies human rights issues, "is simply adding
 another factor to the violence so that the war in this country will 


1999-08-18 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


George W. Bush gives in and answers a drug question.

Gov. Bush tells Thursday's DALLAS MORNING NEWS that he has not used drugs in
the last seven years.

According to publishing sources, Bush's statement came in response to a
question from the paper about whether, as president, he would insist that
his appointees answer drug-use questions contained in the standard FBI
background check.

"As I understand it, the current form asks the question, 'Did somebody use
drugs within the last seven years?' and I will be glad to answer that
question, and the answer is 'No,'" Bush told the NEWS in a report set for

Bush would not go back further than 7 years but he told the paper that it is
important the White House is a drug-free zone.

"It's important that the president be assured that people are not using
drugs on the White House staff," Bush explained. "It's a legitimate question
to ask to make sure there are no drug users on the White House staff."


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Gothic culture

1999-08-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

Absolutely right, Bill.

Most of the kids are not involved in repugnant stuff..  The movement is
kind of a fad... but of course there is always the danger that they could
be recruited into something far more sinister.

The 'vampirism,' though, is one of the less attractive aspects of the
movement.  (hell...I'm a vegetarian and the idea
of consuming blood is revolting to me!)  Some of the kids who see
themselves as vampires will actually bleed one another...and consume the
blood.  According to my young correspondent, she claims that she becomes
physically ill unless she has her little snack of the red stuff.  Ugh!


On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, William Shannon wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 I actually had an encounter with some "goth" youth today at the photo
 finishing shop. A 21ish girl, dressed in black with black nails and lipstick
 was picking up her photos (black and white actually) and was a bit rude upon
 learning that not all her film had been developed, she unleashed a torrent of
 profanity on the poor clerk.
 Her pictures, from what I saw looking over her shoulder, were mostly of her
 Marilyn Manson wannabe guy friends and her Elvira-like girlfriends posed in
 the woods and in and around various urban locales.
 In my experience these people are rebelling like we all did though in 90's
 Not clear about the blood-drinking or how widespread it is, though I suspect
 it's a rarity that's been hyped up by Xtian groups looking for donations.
 These are the hippies of our times...and most are just confused kids.


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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1999-08-18 Thread sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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1999-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

X DRUDGE REPORT X WED, AUGUST 18, 1999 20:58:09 ET X


George W. Bush gives in and answers a drug question.

Gov. Bush tells Thursday's DALLAS MORNING NEWS that he has not used drugs
in the last seven years.

According to publishing sources, Bush's statement came in response to a
question from the paper about whether, as president, he would insist that
his appointees answer drug-use questions contained in the standard FBI
background check.

"As I understand it, the current form asks the question, 'Did somebody use
drugs within the last seven years?' and I will be glad to answer that
question, and the answer is 'No,'" Bush told the NEWS in a report set for

Bush would go back further than 7 years but he told the paper that it is
important the White House is a drug-free zone.

"It's important that the president be assured that people are not using
drugs on the White House staff," Bush explained.  "It's a legitimate
question to ask to make sure there are no drug users on the White House



Here we go again.

Now that Bush has answered a 'drug' question, the next wave of George W.
Bush rumors will involve: abortion.

From senior White House staffers, to editors in Tabloid Valley, Florida,
stories have been swirling in recent weeks about Republican presidential
candidate George W. Bush --  and a possible abortion.

"A question should be asked of George W. Bush and these candidates, 'Have
you ever caused an abortion to happen,'" NEW YORK OBSERVER's Joe Conason
declared on MSNBC Wednesday evening.

Conason has been talking to White House friends who have been telling
tabloid reporters who -- surprise -- have already been put on the 'abortion
hunt' by their editors.

Conason's outburst on Wednesday should be viewed like a coming attraction
preview for the next Hollywood hype project.

"Somebody floats a rumor and causes you to ask a question, and that's the
game in American politics. I refuse to play it," an obviously irritated
Bush said.  "That is a game. And you just fell for the trap. I refuse to
play it."

Bush also accused unidentified political opponents of planting drug questions.

"I know they're being planted," he said, refusing to elaborate. "They're
ridiculous and absurd and the people of America are sick and tired of this
kind of politics... and reporters asking these types of questions."

But sharks respond to kicking.

And the press is ready for new feeding.



Ken Starr will be quitting as early as October, the NEW YORK TIMES is
reporting Thursday editions.

On the day that the three judge panel voted 2 to 1 to continue the five
year old investigation, Starr associates told TIMES scribes Neil Lewis and
David Johnston that Starr will clean out his office and head back to the
private sector as soon as he puts "his personal stamp on a final report"
summarizing the findings of his inquiries.

But Thursday's WASHINGTON POST reports that there is more than just a
"final report" -- left to complete.

Starr informed the judges that "considerable work remains" to be done in
his investigation of Clinton administration scandals, the WASHINGTON POST
is reporting in Thursday runs, including "decisions on whether to proceed
with possible indictments on matters so closely related to the White House
that the inquiries could not be turned over to the Justice Department
without raising a clear conflict of interest."

Starr has told associates he expects to return to his job as a partner at
the Washington office of Kirkland  Ellis.




China on Wednesday warned against U.S. involvement in any future conflict
with Taiwan, saying its troops are not afraid to wage a 'horrendous war'
and that Beijing would never back down in the face of intervention from

"Military experts say that history is a witness to the fact that China
would never retreat because of U.S. intervention," said the CHINA BUSINESS
TIMES, an official newspaper.

In 1995, People's Liberation Army Gen. Xiong Guangkai told a US official:
"You won't intervene because you care more about Los Angeles than Taipei."



D.C. authorities are warning residents of an increase in the number of bat
sightings because of the drought. Some of the winged mammals are rabid, the
WASHINGTON TIMES reported on Wednesday.

The city health department says there have been 49 bats captured in homes
and apartments in the city this year. Five have tested positive for rabies.

Screens should be used for all open windows and other openings should be

A bat bite sometimes is not visible to the naked eye, so precautions should
be taken if anyone has had an encounter 

[CTRL] Beijing: Taiwan's Mr. Lee is a 'deformed test-tube baby.'

1999-08-18 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


ISSUE 1546 Thursday 19 August 1999
Taiwan looks for protection under US missile shield
By David Rennie in Beijing

  PRESIDENT LEE TENG-HUI of Taiwan said yesterday that his island needed the
protection of a proposed US-Japanese "Star Wars"-style anti-missile shield.
His backing for the programme, the Theatre Missile Defence system, will
further enrage Beijing, which is already furious at Mr Lee's recent call for
Taiwan to be treated as an equal by the Chinese mainland. Beijing, which
regards the island as a rebel province, has denounced the TMD project as an
American-led plot to dominate Asia.

In the face of heightened military threats from the mainland, Mr Lee said
yesterday: "Setting up a TMD system would cope with the current situation
and be in the nation's interest. Every effort [for the system] deserves

On Monday, US and Japanese officials signed an agreement to research the
satellite-linked TMD project amid fears that North Korea is preparing to
test a new long-range missile. The ship-based system could easily be
extended to cover the island.

America is sworn to defend Taiwan in the event of an attack. But Mr Lee's
public enthusiasm for TMD puts President Clinton in a tricky position.
Washington has, to date, failed to back Taipei in its latest row with
Beijing, choosing to maintain the diplomatic formula that there is only "one

Meanwhile, the mainland's official Liberation Army Daily warned its readers
yesterday that Taiwan was armed to the teeth with the latest Western

Analysts saw the warning as an attempt, in part, to play down feverish
domestic expectations that Beijing might be poised to take military action
against Taiwan. The state media have been filled for weeks with pictures of
troops storming beaches and denunciations of Mr Lee as a "historic criminal"
and deformed "test-tube baby".

Mr Lee is seen to be pushing the debate with Beijing as far as he can before
he retires after elections next March. The mainland media have concentrated
their attacks on him in person, rather than on the Taipei authorities, in
the hope that the sabre-rattling will cause other politicians to abandon

Although heavily armed, both Beijing's and Taipei's military suffer from
poor training. A Taiwanese pilot ejected safely as his US-made F-16 fighter
crashed yesterday - the fourth such accident in 17 months. The latest
incident led to the grounding of Taiwan's F-16 fleet, pending

China's air force is equally disaster-prone, while its navy has had to ask
Moscow for "advisers" to help crew four advanced Russian-built submarines.

America, Mark Twain once said, is a nation without a distinct criminal class
"with the possible exception of Congress."


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] On the Veracity and Variability of Traumatic Memory

1999-08-18 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find an article dealing with traumatic memory.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Excerpts from : http://rdz.stjohns.edu/trauma/art3v2i2.html

On the Veracity and Variability of Traumatic Memory

   Jacobs, W. J., Laurance, H. E., Thomas, K. G. F., Luzcak, S. E. 
   Nadel, L. (1996). University of Southern California, Seeley G. Mudd
   Building, #501, Department of Psychology, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1061.
   Traumatology, [On-Line] 2,2. Available:

Thomas, Laurance, Jacobs, and Nadel (1995) summarized a
 neurobiologically based model of memory that 1) predicts temporary
   functional amnesia under traumatically stressful conditions; 2)
   predicts recovery of emotional memories laid down during functional
   amnesia; and 3) predicts that the accuracy of recovered traumatic
   memories varies in a systematic manner (see also Jacobs  Metcalfe, in
   review; Jacobs  Nadel, 1985, in press, in review; Nadel  Jacobs, in
   press). The model, which is based on findings from modern cognitive
   neuroscience, also provides a neurobiologically sound alternative to
   the psychodynamic concept of repression.

The model focuses on two neuroanatomically separable memory systems,
   each with its own properties and developmental profile: a "hot" memory
   system with the amygdala as its centerpiece, and a "cool" memory
   system with the hippocampus as its centerpiece. The amygdala-based
   system is critical for the conditioning and retention of emotion
   itself; the hippocampus-based system is critical for the conditioning
   and retention of spatiotemporal context (Jacobs  Metcalfe, in review;
   see also Davis, 1992; Davis, Rainnie,  Cassell, 1994; Kim  Fanselow,
   1992; LeDoux, 1992, 1994; Nadel  O'Keefe, 1974; O'Keefe  Nadel,
   1978; Phillips  LeDoux, 1992). The model assumes that psychopathology
   develops when there are dissociations between these (and other) memory
   systems (Nadel  Jacobs, in press).

   At a physiological level, dissociation may occur because of increases
   in concentrations of glucocorticoids released during stress.
   Glucocorticoids differentially affect the physiology of the amygdala
   and hippocampus. Activity in the amygdala increases as glucocorticoid
   concentrations increase (LeDoux, 1993; McGaugh, 1992; McGaugh et al.,
   1993; Swanson  Simmons, 1989). In contrast, activity in the
   hippocampus initially increases but then dramatically diminishes as
   glucocorticoid concentrations increase (de Kloet, Oitzl,  Jo=89ls,

   By the model, activity in the relevant structures is one determinant
   of memory encoding (including consolidation). Thus, increasing stress
   enhances coding of emotional memory but disrupts coding of
   spatiotemporal context. Under traumatic stress, emotional memories are
   laid down without a significant contribution from the hippocampal
   system. This produces a pool of stimulus-bound emotional memories that
   have been encoded without a coherent event-specific spatiotemporal
   frame to organize them. This pool is, essentially, a population of
   traumatic memory fragments. Upon retrieval, traumatic memories cannot
   be experienced as a memorial event with a beginning, end, and internal
   spatiotemporal structure. Instead, each emotional memory is
   experienced as fragmented, disorganized, and intrusive (Thomas et al.,

... all true traumatic memoriesare recovered in the sense of being
reconstructed from memory   fragments. In some cases, the person will
construct a narrative
   immediately; in others, there will be a time lag between the traumatic
   experience(s) and narrative construction. The model anticipates no
   differences in the base characteristics of immediate or "recovered"
   traumatic memories.

   A pool of emotional memories might consist of many similar fragments
   (little variability), many different fragments (wide variability), and
   may be normally distributed, skewed, or multimodal. Because emotional
   memories are laid down and retrieved as fragments, we might think of
   the retrieved material as equivalent to a limited random draw from a
   pool of numbers. Once drawn, we assume they will be integrated within
   an ongoing spatiotemporal frame of reference and stabilized, partly
   through narrative construction

What have we observed in the clinic
   and naturalistically? First, there are many reported cases of
   trauma-induced amnesia (e.g., Kaszniak, Nussbaum, Berren,  Santiago,
   1988; Williams, 1994, 1995). Second, there are reported cases of
   recovered memory of events that occurred during trauma-induced amnesia
   (e.g., Grinker  Spiegel, 1945; Kaszniak et al., 1988; Williams, 1994,
   1995). Third, there are cases in which the veracity of such memory has
   been determined (e.g., Williams, 1994). Fourth, there are reported
   cases of recovered memory that are completely (but innocently)

[CTRL] CNN Gun Poll (fwd)

1999-08-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Should gun manufactueres be held responsible for gun violence?

Go vote.


So far:

"Should gun manufacturers be held liable for gun violence?"

Total Votes: 85880

Yes10%  9160 votes

No86%  82186 votes

Sometimes5%  4534 votes

Any bets as to whether the results of this poll ever get to CNN's
newscrew's desk?


Should computer manufacturers be held responsible for hacking?

Should car manufactures be held responsible for road rage?

Should boot manufacturers be held responsible for missing teeth?

Should Mr. Bobbit, O.J. Simpson, et al., be able to sue knife

For that matter, how 'bout cigarette manufacturers...

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] DOD Security Pardon for Terrorists Skipped; GMA's Gibson Dozed Off (fwd)

1999-08-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


Media Research Center CyberAlert***
Wednesday August 18, 1999 (Vol. Four; No. 144)

DOD Security  Pardon for Terrorists Skipped; GMA's Gibson Dozed Off

1) Tuesday's CBS Evening News picked up on a Washington Post
story, relaying how a former DOE official insisted "there's not a
‘shred of evidence' that [Wen Ho] Lee passed secrets to China and
that race was ‘a major factor' in naming Lee the prime suspect."

2) "In a stinging draft report," USA Today revealed Monday, the
GAO disclosed that "the Defense Department has ‘created risks to
national security' by failing to conduct thorough security
background investigations." But only FNC found it worth a story.

3) A federal judge ordered the government to pay a $625,000 fine
because the Clinton administration failed to comply with his
order to produce documents, but ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC ignored

4) Not a syllable yet on network television about Clinton's
decision last week to pardon 16 Puerto Rican terrorists.

5) "America Under the Gun" announced Newsweek's cover for an
issue crusading against guns and featuring a rare editorial

6) Charlie Gibson appeared to nod off during Tuesday's Good
Morning America, but ABC denied he did. Judge for yourself.

 New England readers can hear MRC Chairman L. Brent Bozell
today, Wednesday August 18, at 4:30pm on 680-AM WRKO's Howie Carr
Show in Boston which is simulcast on WNNZ 640-AM in Springfield
as well as on stations in Worcester, Mass., and Providence, RI.

 1) Tuesday night all the networks led with multiple stories
on the earthquake in Turkey and of the broadcast networks only
the CBS Evening News picked up on an August 17 Washington Post
story on how the former chief of counter-intelligence at Los
Alamos doesn't think Wen Ho Lee is guilty and attributed Lee's
plight to racism. CBS's news judgment is no surprise since the
Post story matched the claims Lee made in a 60 Minutes profile
last month.

CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson explained: "New doubts are
being cast on the government's case against Wen Ho Lee, the only
person accused in the spy scandal at the nation's nuclear weapons
labs. A former top investigator in the case claims there's no
proof Lee gave away nuclear secrets while working as a scientist
at Los Alamos. Robert Vrooman, who headed counter-intelligence at
the lab, told the Washington Post there's not a ‘shred of
evidence' that Lee passed secrets to China and that race was ‘a
major factor' in naming Lee the prime suspect. In an exclusive
interview with 60 Minutes' Mike Wallace, Lee also claimed
investigators unfairly targeted him because of his heritage."

After a clip of Lee, Attkisson showcased Henry Tang of the
Committee of 100 who characterized the investigation as a "racist
witch hunt."

 2) An upcoming General Accounting Office (GAO) report will
document how Clinton administration indifference to security
issues extends beyond the Energy Department to the Defense
Department, USA Today disclosed on Monday, but the networks
weren't interested. ABC's Good Morning America gave the
revelation a few seconds in a Monday morning news brief and, MRC
analyst Brad Wilmouth informed me, it got a full story from James
Rosen on FNC's Fox Report Monday night. But not a word on the
other evening or morning shows, not even CNN's Inside Politics.

Here's an excerpt of the August 16 story on the front page of
USA Today by Edward T. Pound headlined, "Report: 92% of security
probes lax: Pentagon 'created risks,' congressional agency says."

In a stinging draft report, a congressional agency says the
Defense Department has "created risks to national security" by
failing to conduct thorough security background investigations on
personnel requiring access to classified information.

Nine out of every 10 security investigations reviewed by the
General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress,
were found to have been incomplete, according to government
officials familiar with the preliminary report.

The officials say the GAO reviewed 531 background investigations
and found that 488, or 92%, did not fully meet federal
investigative standards. In 59 cases, or 12%, the Defense
Department failed to follow leads on potentially serious issues
involving criminal histories, alcohol and drug use, and financial
problems, the GAO reported.

The figures could change. The GAO will issue its final report in
October, and officials declined to comment, except to say their
analysis is continuing.

Background checks are made by the Defense Security Service and
are essential to keeping the nation's secrets out of the wrong
hands. The service conducts 120,000 inquiries each year on people
needing top-secret and secret clearances. They include military
and civilian personnel in the Defense Department and defense
contractor employees

The officials say the GAO blames many problems on poor
management during the past three years. The 


1999-08-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

For Immediate Release   Contact: Tom Fitton
August 18, 1999 (202) 646-5172


California Democrat Alleged to Have Obstructed Chinagate
Investigations and Conspired With Clinton White House In
Treasonous Activity

 Waxman Also May Be Behind IRS Audits of Clinton Critics

(Washington, August 18, 1999) -- Today, Judicial Watch will file
a complaint before the House Ethics Committee, alleging, based on
information disclosed by Johnny Chung, and expanded upon by The
Washington Times, that Democrats, led by Congressman Henry Waxman
of California, have obstructed Congressional investigations into

Based on recent reports, Congressman Waxman also may be linked to
a scheme to use the Internal Revenue Service to audit, harass and
harm critics of the Clinton Adminisration. Judicial Watch will
also ask the House Ethics Committee to look into this as well.

Judicial Watch takes a particular interest in Congressman Waxman
because of its California office in San Marino. If Judicial Watch
is to represent the interests of Californians and Westerners, as
well as all Americans, it cannot turn a blind eye to the conduct
of Congressman Waxman and his friends.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-18 Thread F. Michael Zimmerman

 -Caveat Lector-

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© 1999 NewsHawk Inc.

Using the Lycos 'WHO/WHERE" search system for "BUFORD FURROW" we turned
up the following response, which reveals some VERY interesting
information about Buford Furrow, SUPPOSEDLY the mass shooter responsible
for maiming 5 at the Granada Hills, Cal. Jewish Center and killing a

He is tied to the MILITARY, AND the National Security Council!

This is definitely MOST extraordinary information. This confirms
Furrow's total links to federal intelligence operations!

Apparently the Nazi social manipulators in the intelligence agencies

Furrow's email address is a TOTAL GIVEAWAY! It goes to a National
Security Council group operating at McChord Air Force Base near Seattle,


Check it out for yourself at:

Here is the contact email address for Furrow!


Here are two street addresses and two phone numbers for Furrow as well.
Buford O Furrow
Phone : 360-491-9791
638 Old Pacific Hwy Se,
Olympia WA 98513-9505

Buford Furrow
Phone : 425-745-4698
Lynnwood WA 98037

= = = = = = = =
NewsHawk Inc.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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