Re: signtool.exe

2006-11-09 Thread Nelson B
John Smith wrote:
 When I execute signtool.exe I got this error:
 using certificate directory: C:\Documents and 

That's your firefox profile.
You're not running signtool while FireFox is running, right?

 signtool: function failed: An I/O error occurred during security 

security authorization means getting your password.
That's what this error code was originally about.

Unfortunately, in more recent NSS releases, that error code has become
overloaded with another meaning, the failure of a PKCS#11 module to
perform any operation.  IMO, NSS really needs a new separate error code,
something like PKCS#11 module failed, to disambiguate this in the future.

Bob, do you concur?

 I belived my keystore was corrupted, so I deleted key3.db, secmod.db and 
 cert8.db and when I restarted my FF 2.0 it recreated them. Then I reimported 
 my certs (my code signing cert  its issuer) and tried signing again.

reimported from a pkcs12 file? (or pfx file) ?
or from some other kind of file?
Only a PKCS12 file (.p12 or .pfx) can restore your private key.

 Still the same error message. :(
 What should I do? 

Does your key3.db file now contain the private key for your cert?
Is your cert an object signing cert?   Or merely code signing?

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Forcing the SSL handshake

2006-11-03 Thread Nelson B
Rob Crittenden wrote:
 Nelson B wrote:
 Rob Crittenden wrote:
 In an SSL client I want to force the SSL handshake to take place instead 
 of passively waiting for it to happen during the first write.

 Here are a few (?) questions and comments:

 1. Is this a blocking socket, or non-blocking?
 non-blocking, not my choice.
 2. If non-blocking, are you certain that the connection has completed?
That is, are you certain that the TCP's three phase connect is
completely done?  This is tricky for non-blocking sockets, and trivial
for blocking sockets.
 I'm not sure it has completed, hence the simplistic loop and my plea for 
 assistance. Despite empirical evidence that it worked in my 3 test 
 cases this code is obviously bogus.
 3. Is this the first handshake on the socket after the connect? or
Is it a subsequent (e.g. second) handshake on the socket?
 First connection only.
 4. Is this a server speaks first application protocol? or
is this a client speaks first protocol?
 Client speaks first, HTTPS.

OK, well, I would not have (and obviously did not) guess that from the code
you initially presented.  That changes my answer, and makes me glad I asked
all those questions.

You're trying to do fairly typical non-blocking client behavior, with the
added wrinkle that you want to do the handshake before doing the first
write, for some reason I can't yet fathom.  Since the socket is non-blocking,
the client already must know how to handle PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR.
As long as the client does that correctly, it shouldn't need to force the
handshake before the first write.  The initial write attempts will simply
return PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR until the handshake is completed.

Still, that's all very easy to do.  There are 3 steps that need to be done,
in order, each step completed before the next one is begun.  They are
a) initiate and complete the TCP connection
b) do the handshake
c) write the initial http request

Notice that there's no need to do ANY recv calls in there, anywhere.
The receive calls are completely unnecessary and actually complicate
matters because of the timeouts.  Just don't do 'em.

NSS's test client program, tstclnt, already does everything you want to do
except forcing the handshake before the first write.  I'm going to point
you to tstclnt and let you follow that example.  It will show you how to
initiate a non-blocking connection, and wait for it to complete and KNOW
when it is completed.  Look at lines 751-797 of

The only additional piece you need to know is how to force the handshake,
AFTER the TCP connection is completely established.

 I guess at least the loop should be:
  ret = PR_Recv (ssl, handshake, 1, PR_MSG_PEEK, 100);
  err = PR_GetError();
 while (ret  0  err == PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR  handshake_done == 0);
 On slow connections I've seen the loop fire as many as 20 times. I can 
 increase the timeout, that is purely a goof. But again, I don't want a 
 noticable pause. On connections to a local machine even with an interval 
 of 1 sometimes the handshake completes in one run through the loop (and 
 who said SSL is slow?)

 7. Why are you using such a short timeout on PR_Recv?
 So it doesn't cause a noticable pause in the connection. There will 
 never be any data to peek at so I am guaranteed to wait a certain 
 number of PRIntervals until PR_Recv returns. A larger value will almost 
 certainly negate the need for the icky loop but even if the handshake is 
 done, it'll hang around waiting for the timeout to end.

Now I understand that you're using PR_Recv as a substitute for PR_Poll.
Use PR_Poll instead.  As far as noticeable pause, you have to wait for
the handshake to complete, however long that takes.  You don't want to
introduce any extra wait time, so don't use PR_Recv.  Use PR_Poll.

 What trick are you trying to do?
 Force a handshake to complete on a non-blocking socket without doing I/O 
 with PR_Send/Write or PR_Read/Recv (in non-peek).

To do that, you need SSL_ForceHandshake and PR_Poll.  PR_Recv is actually
the problem in this code.

Given that you're the client doing the first handshake on a client-speaks-
first application protocol, you don't need to worry about receiving any
application data from the server before the handshake completes.  That
simplifies things a lot,  AFTER you're sure the connection is completed
(that is, fully established), you can simply do a loop, calling
SSL_ForceHandshake, and if it returns PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR, then calling
PR_Poll on the socket until it is readable again.  Repeat this until
you get any other error or the handshake is completed, or too much time
has elapsed.

Don't make timeouts occur.  You have to wait until the handshake is done
anyway.  You should only use timeout to detect that too much total time
has elapsed.  Set the socket's timeout to the upper bound of that time limit

Re: Forcing the SSL handshake

2006-11-03 Thread Nelson B
Kyle Hamilton wrote:
 On 11/2/06, Rob Crittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It would be a whole lot simpler if I didn't want to force the handshake.
 Indeed, that is how I initially wrote it, but then I changed my mind and
 wrenched the code until it worked the way I wanted.
 The problem being, at a baser level, that there doesn't appear to be a
 way to send a client_hello message without receiving a server_hello

I'm sure that's not the problem, since the SSL protocol doesn't allow
the server to send the server hello until after it has received the
client hello.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Forcing the SSL handshake

2006-11-02 Thread Nelson B
Rob Crittenden wrote:
 In an SSL client I want to force the SSL handshake to take place instead 
 of passively waiting for it to happen during the first write.
 Right after I connect to the server I'm currently doing this:
SSL_ResetHandshake(ssl, /* asServer */ PR_FALSE);
do {
  PR_Recv (ssl, handshake, 1, PR_MSG_PEEK, 100);
  err = PR_GetError();
} while (err != PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR  handshake_done == 0);

This code may also run into bug 273861.
Be sure there's no unread data on the sslsocket before calling ForceHandshake.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: html include syntax for signed scripts

2006-10-26 Thread Nelson B
Frank wrote:
 I find the whole jar pathing quite unwieldy.
 I am in my current url for TagInfo.html:

Frank, these are really browser questions, not crypto questions.
I don't think the crypto folks can answer them.
Let me suggest you ask in

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Getting SSL server cert from within a plugin

2006-10-25 Thread Nelson B
Chris Masone wrote:
 Ok, I've explored further.  It's not so much a null problem.  It seems 
 that, when I get the SSL cert using the code below, for the FIRST 
 REQUEST AND RESPONSE I get the cert from the previous site.  If there 
 was no cert, I get nothing.
 This leads me to believe that this is _not_ the right way to be getting 
 the ssl cert for the server to which the browser is connecting.  It 
 likely works for most cases, but there HAS to be a better way.  
 Any help?

Chris, you're asking questions about the JavaScript interface to NSS.
Unfortunately, this news group is not regularly read by the folks
familiar with the JavaScript code you're using.
You might try another of the newsgroups, but I don't
know which one (if any) will give you better results.  Sorry.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Help on building NSPR, NSS on Windows

2006-10-25 Thread Nelson B
Frank Lee wrote:
 Found Cl to be from Microsoft Visual Studio 8 

Right.  It's Microsoft's version of cc, the c compiler.

 cl -Fonow.obj -c  -W3 -nologo -GF -Gy -MD -O2  -UDEBUG -U_DEBUG -UWINNT  
 make[2]: *** [now.obj] Error 53

 is this a problem with the cl.exe file?  

No, it's a problem with your cygwin installation, and/or environment.
Microsoft's cl program doesn't know about cygwin's expletive /cygdrive
hack.  You need to configure cygwin to NOT use /cygdrive but instead use
windows compatible path names.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Import PKCS#12 cert into FF

2006-10-20 Thread Nelson B
John Smith wrote:
 How can I set password, so FF (and its plugins) would ask me for permission 
 (password) each time FF or some plugin uses my cert's private key? Is that 

Look for the section entitled: Firefox master password options

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Firefox https return error code -8101

2006-10-09 Thread Nelson B
Alex wrote:
 Hi all.
 I configurated an Apache server using mod_ssl. Everything is ok when I use 
 IE access my website by HTTPS. But using firfox,I got an 'certificate 
 invalid or corrupt' message with an error code of -8101.
 I have imported the ca certificate file to firefox and checked all three 
 boxes when importing my ca certificate,but still can't connect.

According to

-8101   Certificate type not approved for application.

Most likely, your certificate has one or more extensions that specifically
disallow its use for SSL server authentication or for key encryption.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: ports and ipv6 brackets in certificate subjects

2006-10-06 Thread Nelson B
Rich Megginson wrote:
 Nelson B wrote:

 Below, you seem to be asking how they are stored in certificates.

 I'll answer the questions about what appear in certs.

 1) Are appended ports actually allowed in the subjectAltName or CN?  
 How about the return value from SSL_RevealURL( fd ) ?  Will that contain 
 anything except a hostname?

SSL_RevealURL and SSL_SetURL are a pair.  SSL_SetURL makes a copy of the
string it is passed and stores that copy in the SSL socket.  SSL_RevealURL
makes yet another copy of that string in the SSL socket and returns it to
the caller.

The string can contain anything, a host name, a URL, a favorite recipe.

NSS's SSL library uses the string in the SSL socket in just one place.
When the SSL protocol engine receives a certificate chain from the peer
system, it calls an application-supplied callback function to process that
received cert (chain).  The application may supply its own function for
that purpose, or it may choose to use libSSL's own built-in function
SSL_AuthCertificate as that callback function.  If the application does
not supply its own function, libSSL will call SSL_AuthCertificate by
default for that purpose.  So the use of SSL_AuthCertificate is optional.

The application that uses libSSL is free to provide its own function for
the purpose of validating the received cert chain, and if it does so,
it is free to interpret the SSL socket's url string any way it chooses,
and/or not use that string at all.

SSL_AuthCertificate uses the url string stored in the SSL socket as the
source of the host name (or IP address string) that it compares to the
contents of the cert.  It passes that string to CERT_VerifyCertName.
In CERT_VerifyCertName, if a SAN is present, the SAN contents are compared
to the string as described below.  Otherwise, the string is used to compare
to the Subject Common Name (if any).

While comparing the string to the SubjectAltName, the string is passed to
PR_StringToNetAddr which attempts to see if it is an IPv4 or IPv6 address
(NOT a DNS name) and if so, attempts to convert it to a binary IP address.
Then, if the SAN contains dNSNAmes, they are compared to the string, and
if the SAN contains iPAddresses, they are compared to the IP address
returned by PR_StringToNetAddr.

AFAIK, PR_StringToNetAddr does not ever expect an IPv6 IP address to
contain brackets.

 2) When an IPv6 literal address is in the CN or the subjectAltName, and 
 if the answer to question 1 is that ports are not allowed, then are the 
 square brackets that may surround IPv6 addresses still allowed?

 RFC 2818 only allows IP addresses in SubjectAltNames (SANs), not in
 Subject name CommonName attributes.

 As defined in RFC 3280, IP addresses in SANs are stored in binary form as
 octet strings, that is, as 4-byte IPv4 or 16-byte IPv6 binary addresses,
 not as strings of decimal ASCII characters separated by dots, nor
 hexadecimal ASCII characters separated by colons.  So, you won't see
 brackets around IP addresses in certificates, because they aren't stored
 as printable strings in certificates.
 Does that mean we need to convert them to their string representation 
 before we call CERT_VerifyCertName(cert, hostname)?

Short answer: Converting a binary IP address to a string representation,
and passing that string to CERT_VerifyCertName is generally NOT advisable.

Generally, the host name or IP address that the user (or application)
provided (generally in string form) is the authoritative definition of the
server that you're trying to reach, and that's what you want to pass to

The danger of taking an IP address in binary form and converting it to a
string form, and passing that to CERT_VerifyCertName, is that the binary
form may have come from a DNS lookup (or NIS lookup) and therefore may
already be falsified result.  That is, a poisoned DNS or NIS server may
have already given you the wrong IP address, the address of an attacker's
system.  You don't want to verify that the server's cert matches the
attacker-supplied IP address, because the attacker's server's cert will
undoubtedly match the attacker-supplied IP address.  You want to verify
that the server's cert matches the authoritative name (host name or IP
address) of the intended server, supplied by the user.  That acts as a
double-check that the DNS/NIS lookup did not send you to a attacker's server.

 But even though the RFCs define how IP addresses are represented in
 certificates, I think you'll not find any real CAs that issue certs with
 IP addresses in them.  There are a lot of reasons for that.  

And now I've stated some of those reasons.  There are still others.

 And it's
 not safe to use DNS lookups or reverse DNS lookups as part of the server
 identity verification process.  So, IMO, your best bet is to compare
 the host names with the host names in the certs, and leave IP addresses
 out of the server identity verification picture.

Nelson B

Re: question about gathering data in SSL

2006-09-28 Thread Nelson B
) an SSL3/TLS record, and the caller should
switch from the SSL2 record gathering engine to the SSL3/TLS record
gathering engine.

In other contexts within libSSL, SECWouldBlock means that the progress on
the SSL socket is stopped because of something that is NOT related to the
underlying socket.  It indicates that the caller should NOT use a poll/select
type function to determine when further progress can be made on the socket.

libSSL defines interfaces for calling application-supplied callback
functions for several purposes, some of which are:
a) validating a received cert chain,
b) the bad cert callback, which allows the application to choose to
override an error in the received cert chain, and
c) the client authentication certificate selection callback, which asks
the client application to choose a client auth certificate to send to
the server.

The callbacks listed above may initiate other activity that must finish
before further progress can be made in the SSL handshake.  For example,
an OCSP request may be sent, or the callback may choose to ask the user
(through a dialog)how to proceed (e.g. to choose a cert from among several).

While the application is waiting for response from the user (or OCSP
responder), the application may not wish to stop the entire thread waiting
for that result.  So, the callback may return SECWouldBlock to libSSL,
telling it that the answer for which the callback was called is not yet
known.  LibSSL responds to that value by taking a path of execution that
suspends the progress of the SSL state machine at that point, and returns
to the caller (e.g. to the caller of PR_Read).  When that happens, libSSL
returns PR_FAILURE with PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR.  That is, libSSL effectively
turns SECWouldBlock into PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR.

This means that upon return of PR_Read, the calling application cannot
distinguish between the cases where the SSL socket is blocked waiting
for more data to arrive on the SSL socket itself, and the case where the
socket if effectively blocked waiting on local user UI action or OCSP
response, based solely on the error code.  But since the callback function
that returns SECWouldBlock to libSSL comes from the same application that
called PR_Read, presumably the application can arrange to communicate that
knowledge to itself.

See also

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: RFC2511 or PKCS10 and SPKAC

2006-09-28 Thread Nelson B
Richard Levenberg wrote:
 Neither RFC2511 or PKCS10 (Certificate Request specifications) mention 
 the use of SPKAC. I'm pretty sure that SPKAC doesn't fit within PKCS10 
 but I've only cursorily looked at RFC2511 so I'm not positive that a 
 SPKAC couldn't be hammered in there somewhere. I know that many toolkits 
 handle the SPKAC but I was wondering if any specification included it a 
 a component of Certificate Requests.


I didn't recognize the term SPKAC and didn't find it anywhere in mozilla
sources or documentation.  So I did some digging and found this.

The term SPKAC seems to be a term from OpenSSL documentation, a name
for the format and content of the DER-encoded data sent by a Netscape
or mozilla browser in response to a KEYGEN tag.

NSS seems to call it a PKAC, which is short for Public Key And Challenge.
NSS has a structure named CERTPublicKeyAndChallenge for this.

I found only one function in NSS that knows anything about that.
It is SECKEY_ConvertAndDecodePublicKeyAndChallenge.  It parses an
input DER-encoded PKAC, and it is not called from any NSS libraries
or QA test programs.  NSS has no code to create a PKAC, but PSM does.
Therefore I consider NSS's PKAC code to be a misplaced part of PSM.

PSM encodes PKACs, apparently for KEYGEN tags.  See

Now, to your question, which I gather is essentially What standard (if any)
defines the PKAC that mozilla sends in response to KEYGEN tags?

I think the short answers are:
a) I don't know yet, and
b) probably none!

I'll ask our PSM guru to look at this.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: nickname and FIPS mode password length restrictions

2006-09-27 Thread Nelson B
Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
 Nelson Bolyard wrote:

 I tried the above command when the module was not in FIPS mode, and the
 above command also failed.
 ERROR: Token NSS FIPS 140-2 Certificate DB not found.
 Try the token name NSS Certificate DB in non-FIPS mode.

I am trying to reproduce the behavior David reported, using the command that
he reportedly used.  We should be able to reproduce what he experienced.

He reported that the command
  modutil -changepw NSS FIPS 140-2 Certificate DB  -dbdir .
succeeded, even though he entered password as the new password.

I was testing the hypothesis that perhaps the softoken module was not
actually in FIPS mode, but the command succeeded anyway, despite
having the FIPS mode token name string in it, rather than the non-FIPS
token name.  My test concluded that if his module was in non-FIPS mode,
the above command would fail due to the slot name mismatch.

I considered the possibility that the modutil command failed silently,
appearing to have succeeded.  But in that case, the new password should
not have taken, and should not have worked thereafter, and David reports
that it DID work thereafter.  So, I conclude that the command must have

I considered that there are somehow two sets of DBs involved (at least two
secmod.db's) and that the secmod.db on which modutil was working is not
the secmod.db being used by his other application.  I thought perhaps
modutil runs the softoken module in FIPS mode, and his application is
running the module in non-FIPS mode, with the same cert/key DB pair.
Or something like that.  But that doesn't help explain how modutil
could change the password to password while it has loaded the module
in FIPS mode.

So, at this point, the only remaining untested hypothesis I have is that
this is a difference between 3.11.2 and 3.11.3.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Mozilla's use of AIA caIssuers URIs

2006-09-27 Thread Nelson B
Anders Rundgren wrote:

 NSS (and therefor mozilla products) do not do automatic fetching of
 certificates at this point in time.
 Currently all protocols have a way of transmitting the necessary
 intermediate certificates, and mozilla products depends on these protocols.

 In theory yes, in practice no. If you use TLS client-auth as an example, FF
 would require that every sub-CA was known in advance by the relying party
 (server) in order to provide the proper DNs for certificate filtering 

No.  In TLS client auth, the server sends out a list of names of CAs that
it trusts as issuers of client auth certs.  The client is required to send
a cert in that is issued directly (or indirectly) by one of the CAs named
by the server.  That is, the client's cert must be issued by a named CA,
or have a cert chain that chains up to a named CA.

The client it obligated by the TLS RFC to send as much of its cert chain
as is necessary to establish that its cert was issued by one of the CAs
named by the server.  So the server doesn't need to keep any intermediate
CAs below the ones it trusts; that is, between its own named points of
trust and the client's EE certs.

It is thought that, in bridge CA environments, that the server will send
names of bridge CAs that have been cross certified by its own trust anchor(s).
The the server will keep any certs between its bridge CAs and its trust
anchors, and the clients will keep any certs between their EE cert(s) and
the respective issuing bridge CA(s).  This seems quite efficient.

 I believe the AIA caIssuers extension was introduced to reduce the need
 for static configurations.

And at some point the various standard protocols may be modified to no
longer require the cert chains they presently require.

 Automatic fetching is a PKIX feature, and is targeted for NSS 3.12.

But the SSL and TLS protocols will not immediately cease to require the
sending of the cert chains as previously explained when libPKIX becomes

 Kai wrote:
 Both your root.cert and cacert.cert seem to have same serial number and
 issuer. That is forbidden.
 AFAIK each CA has its own serial number space.  This should make it OK
 to reuse a serial number even within a CA hierachy.  I would be an error if
 I let the root sign another CA and used serial = 1 for that one as well.

CRLs identify revoked certificates by two things:
issuer name,
serial number.

The implication is that certificates must be uniquely identified by that
combination.  Even RFC 3280 requires this.

Each CA has its own serial number space, and its own unique issuer name.
For two different certs to have the same issuer name and same serial numbers
means that one or more CAs goofed.


Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: AES in CFB128 mode?

2006-09-25 Thread Nelson B

 Why would you like to use the CFB mode?
 Because that's what the current (non-NSS) code does. I'd rather just
 port, not change, the code.
 Is the CFB mode used in your implementation of some standard?
 Just curious.
 No, it is not a standard.
 But it is used by SNMP

Well, that's close enough to standard for our purposes.
NSS doesn't implement SNMP, but if an SNMP implementation wants to use
NSS's softoken, perhaps NSS's softoken ought to implement it.
It would mean implementing a new set of PKCS#11 mechanisms, IINM.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: handshake, next handshake, security handshake

2006-09-25 Thread Nelson B
Peter Djalaliev wrote:
 I have a question about something I don't understand in the SSL
 implementation of NSS.
 When ssl_Do1stHandshake is called, it checks three handshake function
 pointers in the sslSocket struct: handshake, nextHandshake and
 securityHandshake.  What is the difference between the three?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets LAYER.  the Layer originally included
other protocols besides the protocol that became known as the SSL protocol.
It also included SOCKS.  The SOCKS code and the original SSL2 code were
implemented as nested state machines.  These variables held the state
values of the various nested machines.

The SOCKS implementation is NSS was abandoned long ago.  It was superseded
by a separate pushable NSPR module, which allows its implementation to be
completely decoupled from the implementation of the SSL protocol.

The SSL2 protocol implementations in NSS still uses two separate state
machines, one to parse SSL2 records and another to handle the succession
of records which is the SSL2 protocol.

 I can see that the ss-handshake pointer is set in the beginning of the SSL
 handshake by either ssl_SecureConnect or by SSL_ResetHandshake (if the
 socket is already connected) to either ssl_BeginClientHandshake or
 ssl_BeginServerHandshake.  ssl_BeginClientHandshake, in turn, sets that
 pointer to ssl_GatherRecord1stHandshake, which wil receive the server_hello
 record from the server.
 Is the ss-nextHandshake used only for the SSL v2 implementaion?  

Yes, I think so.

 What is the ss-securityHandshake used for?

I think it may now be unused.  I think it was part of the old SOCKS
implementation that was abandoned.


Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: export web sites certificate

2006-09-25 Thread Nelson B
Kaspar Brand wrote:

 Would it make sense to create a separate bug entry for the getPKCS7()
 patch, since this is actually a backend-only thing?

Kaspar, let me suggest that you write to Kai and ask him directly how
to proceed.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: export web sites certificate

2006-09-22 Thread Nelson B
Kaspar Brand wrote:
 what i am trying to do, is export the web sites certificates that are
 listed in the Certificate Manager of Firefox and store them into an
 other file. I have tried the certutil command in the command prompt
 but i get the message that it is not a recognizable command. Any
 ideas what should i do to export the web site certificates?
 [Shameless plug:] try the Cert Viewer Plus extension, this should help
 you get it done:

I like what I see in

 While I have the attention of the list - and hopefully of some of the
 NSS/PSM developers: what do you think about the getPKCS7() patch I
 proposed for Bug 315871

 ( This would
 add support for exporting a cert in PKCS#7 format from Cert Viewer. 

Do you have previews for the UI changes that patch makes?
Does that patch put the features of your extension info FireFox?

You might attach a preview to that bug, or add a comment with a URL
for the preview to it.

 Any feedback welcome!

I can't speak for any other NSS or PSM developers, but I welcome any
help with NSS or PSM.


Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: about s/mime

2006-09-22 Thread Nelson B
sh wrote:
 Thanks. I'm saw a bit of documentation and study cmsutil sources. But 
 it's not enough. I've a task where I receive a raw cms from mime parser 
 сhunk by chunk. And I need decode it when I can. And I need to know what 
 certificate I can use for decoding. Where I can look such code? 
 Thunderbird use s/mime library in the same way? May be I need look at 
 Thunderbird sources?

Yes, but I suspect that's going to be a lot more difficult to understand
than the MUCH simpler program cmsutil, which already does most of what
you want to do, and doesn't have all the complexity of the browser in it.


Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: nickname and FIPS mode password length restrictions

2006-09-20 Thread Nelson B
glen beasley wrote:
 Nelson B wrote:
 David Stutzman wrote:

 What is the min/max password length when the module is operating in FIPS 
 140-2 mode?
 Wan-Teh will have to answer that.  I think it has changed recently.
 It seems that the requirements have changed since the last time NSS was
 FIPS 140 evaluated, or at least our new test lab interprets them very
 In FIPS mode, the NSS cryptographic module imposes the following 
 requirements on the password.
 * The password must be at least seven characters long.
 * The password must consist of characters from three or more 
 character classes. We define five character classes: digits (0-9), ASCII 
 lowercase letters, ASCII uppercase letters, ASCII non-alphanumeric 
 characters (such as space and punctuation marks), and non-ASCII 
 characters. If an ASCII uppercase letter is the first character of the 
 password, the uppercase letter is not counted toward its character 
 class. Similarly, if a digit is the last character of the password, the 
 digit is not counted toward its character class.

That's what we used to do.  But IINM, Wan-Teh decided to abandon that
because of a new interpretation of the rules from our test lab.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: TLS-client-auth FIPS201

2006-09-14 Thread Nelson B
Anders Rundgren wrote:
 Reading the FIPS201-1 specification, I find no support for hosting any CA
 certificates associated with the user certificates.
 This makes me wonder how you can use TLS-client-authentication if the relying
 party (server) only has the root and not immediate CA certificates at hand.

TLS (like SSL 3.0 before it) requires that the server send out a list of
names (DNs) of the issuer CA(s) that it trusts to issue client auth certs.
These can be roots or intermediates.  Could be a bridge.  That's up to the
server.  An empty list is not permitted by the TLS RFC nor the SSL3 ID.

The client must be able to construct a chain from its own EE cert to one
of the CAs named by the server, in order to prove (to itself) that its
cert was actually issued by one of the server's named client auth CAs.

The client sends that cert chain in to the server along with its signature.
The server then has enough of the chain to prove to itself that the client's
cert was issued by one of the CAs that the server named in its cert request.

 Just to verify that these things can be a cause of trouble I removed an
 immediate CA certificate from my local trust store and I could not longer
 login using my TPM-hosted certificate.

Unclear if that was on the client or the server system (or both).

 The solution seems to be that the relying party has access to all immediate
 CAs for the roots it trusts?  This appears to be a bit impractical for
 scheme CAs supporting a lot of independent sub-ordinate CAs.
 Any comments?

Solution involves client keeping the cert chain(s) for its EE cert(s),
at least to the level of the CA named by the server.


Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Concurrent usage of NSS DB (one writer, multiple readers)

2006-09-11 Thread Nelson B
Nate wrote:
 I'm working on certificate management in GNOME, and 'no concurrent
 access to NSS for a given configdir' has brought the efforts to a
 standstill for now. I see that a sharable DB is on the roadmap for NSS
 3.13. Awesome.
 In the meantime I'm wondering if having one writer and multiple readers
 to the NSS DB is a safe method of sharing a cert database between processes.

No, it is not.  Sorry.

 Specifically, only one process would initialize with NSS_InitReadWrite()
 and all others would initialize with NSS_Init()

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: OCSP/CRL handling in Firefox

2006-09-02 Thread Nelson B
GaryK wrote:
 .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)
 Injection-Info:; posting-host=;

What's all that stuff?

 I am a technical director at VeriSign and was asked a question that
 Gerv recommended that I post to this mailist.
 As you know, VeriSign has spent a fair of time, money and effort to
 roll out our OCSP service which is currently supported as an option in
 FF.  Having said that we're also continuing to publish CRLs/CSRs (which
 is also expensive), and we put both AIA and CDP extensions in most of
 the certs we issue. The reason why we do this is that in RFC2560 (the
 one describing OCSP), Section 5 Security Considerations, says:
 For this service to be effective, certificate using systems must
 connect to the certificate status service provider. In the event such a
 connection cannot be obtained, certificate-using systems could
 implement CRL processing logic as a fall-back position.
 I'm curious to know what FF does in this regard.  Does it fall-back to
 CRLs when it cannot connect to our OCSP server?  If not are there any
 plans to implement something like this in the future?

I'm having a deja-vu experience here.

You sent this exact message before on 2006-08-07

and there was quite a thread of responses at that time, including one of mine,

to which you replied

Is there something different about this latest inquiry that I'm missing?

 Since we have both of this to the standard we want to make sure that
 clients are taking full advantage of both and if not why not?
 Thanks for the help.

I'm guessing that your request somehow got resent accidentally.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: why NSS can't build in windowsxp?

2006-08-31 Thread Nelson B
lihb wrote:
 When i compile PKCS#11 Test Suite, there's a error that can't find
 function SECMOD_init(char *dbname) in pk11test.c, i used the latest
 version 3.11. So i download all version NSS, from 3.3 - 3.11 and i
 found from 3.4, i can't find the SECMOD_init(char *dbname).  i hope
 find some messages from the nss-3.4-release-notes, but i don't find
 any message. Is this function dead or Pk11 test Suite disrepair?

Yes, the PKCS 11 test suite was essentially abandoned some years ago,
at about the time of NSS 3.1 or 3.2, if I'm not mistaken.  It is not
currently supported, and is not currently built as part of NSS releases.

It has not kept up with changes to the main NSS shared libraries.
In fact, IIRC, it predates the time when NSS was converted to be a set
of shared libraries.

It's open source.  If you want to work on it to bring it back to life,
such a contribution would be welcome, I think.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: problems with NSS and NSPR binaries

2006-08-30 Thread Nelson B
Michiel van Meersbergen wrote:
 Ok, I'm no using the ErrorText routines anymore. They were hardly
 necessary anyway. (Nelson: the solution you suggest requires the use of
 'private' headers: I'd like to conform to the released version of
 NSS/NSPR and not use anything that is marked as private.)

That's understandable ... sort of.
The code in the nss/cmd/... directories is supposed to be sample code.
It's not supposed to be code that you take and use directly, but code
that gives you ideas about how to solve certain problems yourself in your

I do want to make those 3 headers public.  I hope to make that happen in
NSS 3.12.

 I do have (yet) another question about the binaries though. For NSS, I
 can choose (for Windows) from two sets of binaries: WINNT4.0 and

Where do you have those two choices?  Does some server offer both WinNT4
and WinNT5 flavors of the same version of NSS (e.g. 3.11.0) ?

 I beleive I read somewhere that the WINNT4.0 version was
 supposed to be the misnamed WIN95 / WIN32 version, and that this
 version was recommended for use in currently being developed

Wherever you read that, it was wrong.  (Even if *I* wrote it. :)

Like NSPR, NSS has both Win95 and WinNT flavors.  When the WinNT
flavor is built on a real NT 4.0 OS, the directory comes out named
WINNT4.0.  When the WinNT flavor is built on WinXP (or Win2k, I think)
it comes out named WinNT5.0.  Either way, it's the WinNT flavor, and it
must use the WinNT flavor of NSPR.  The Win95 flavor of NSS must use
the Win95 flavor of NSPR.

 Now, NSPR also has two flavors: WIN95 and WINNT. The WIN95 variant is
 recommended, as I can read in the README file there. 

mozilla client products always use the Win95 flavor on Win9x,ME,NT,2k,2003
and XP.  NSS-based server products that run on WinNT,2K,2003 and/or XP
generally use the WinNT flavor of NSS and NSPR, because it's compatible
with Fibers (light weight threading commonly used in Windows servers).

 My problem is this: the NSS binaries in BOTH the WINNT4.0 and WINNT5.0
 releases are dependent on some files (lib*4.dll) only found in the NSPR WINNT

Yes, both of them are WinNT flavors of NSS.  Both depend on the WinNT
flavor of NSPR.

 In fact, it looks to me like there is only a WINNT release
 for NSS (I can't even figure out the difference in the 4.0 and 5.0
 version, they are 99% binary equal). Can anyone shed some light on

I'm not aware of any single release that is available in both of those
WinNT forms.  Sometime in the last year, the contributor of the WinNTx.0
builds switched from building on NT 4.0 to Win2003 (IIRC), so builds
made before some date should be WinNT4.0 and after that date WinNT5.0.
I'd be a little surprised if both sets of builds existed for the same
exact version of NSS.  (But I've been surprised before. :)

 Is the WIN95 release for NSS missing?


I think we need contributed builds of Win95 flavor NSS and NSPR.
The current contributor of the WinNT flavor builds is not interested
in also offering Win95 flavor builds.

 Michiel van Meersbergen

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: vague error message from certutil attempting keygen

2006-08-30 Thread Nelson B
David Stutzman wrote:
 I created a new security database with modutil, added a root module to 
 it and then attempted to generate a key using certutil and received an 
 I/O error:
 # certutil -G -k rsa -g 1024 -d .
 certutil: unable to generate key(s)
 : An I/O error occurred during security authorization.

That error is SEC_ERROR_IO.  It originally meant that NSS received an error
on the file it tried to read to get your password (e.g /dev/tty).
That's what that error message quoted above is trying to say.
It meant I can't read your password, not your password was bad.

Then it grew to mean that NSS had a problem reading any file while trying
to do its job. It meant that the problem was with file I/O, not with
security computations per se'.

Then in NSS 4.5, it grew into NSS had an error for which no NSS error
code seems appropriate (that is, it became a catch-all error code).
Today, IMO, way too many errors report SEC_ERROR_IO when they should
report another error code.  It's not difficult to invent new error codes.

On the other hand, it is difficult to get mozilla clients to put new
error strings for new error codes into their products, which is why so
many error codes are reported in dialogs with decimal error code numbers
rather than with meaningful error strings.

 I took a guess at the problem and set a password for the db using:
 # modutil -changepw NSS Certificate DB -dbdir .
 and then it worked fine.

Right.  It is intentional (IINM) that you cannot generate keys in the
DB slot until it is initialized, including a password.

 Is this something that's fine the way it is or would you prefer (is it 
 possible) to have it actually say the password is the problem?

Being unable to generate keys when the slot is uninitialized is intentional.
Putting out a bad error message in that case is not.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: signing javascript

2006-08-29 Thread Nelson B
Christian, I see you're not the first person to have had troubles with this.

and .

Based on your description (which I'll not quote here), I think your
intermediate CA cert does not have the extension that makes it eligible
to issue object signing certs.

There are two similar PKI schemes for signing of files containing code
(scripts, executables, whatever).  They are known as object signing
and code signing.  Object signing cert chains have  special extension
in every cert in the chain (except the root) that makes them eligible
to be used for object signing.  Code signing has a special extension
in the End Entity cert, but not in the CA certs.

It sounds like you have a code signing cert chain.  But mozilla wants an
object signing cert chain.  And IIRC, signtool wants an object signing
cert chain also.

When you mark the intermediate CA cert as trusted for object signing,
that tells NSS to behave as if the cert did have that extension, which
is why signtool then works.  But when you remove the cert from the certdb,
it loses that trust marking (which is an override for the missing extension)
and so when you download it from the server, once again the cert lacks the
object signing extension, and so that cert chain validation fails.

I can see a few ways out of this:
a) get an object signing cert from a different CA, or

b) get Certum to create an intermediate CA with the object signing extension
and then reissue your cert subordinate to that new intermediate, or

c) get mozilla to change their XPI security checking code, to require
code signing instead of object signing, or to require either one, or

d) get the NSS team to change NSS to accept code signing cert chains
whenever it is told by the appliation to require object signing cert chains.

Any of the last 3 require getting some entrenched group to budge.  I'll do
what I can for the last two.  You can tackle the first two.


dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: signing javascript

2006-08-27 Thread Nelson B
from the browser should work, AS LONG AS the browser is not running when
the other tools are running.

You should be able to see your cert in the browser's cert manager, and
should be able to verify that its chain is complete, no missing certs.
If the chain is incomplete, you should import the missing certs into
your cert DB before doing the signing (using either the browser itself
or using certutil).  Remember to have only one program using the DBs at
a time.  The browser should not be running when you're using certutil or
signtool on your browser's cert and key DB files.

 Once I generated my signed jar, I removed all added certs from mozilla
 and opened the javascript in the jar. Result was that the cert was not

 certum root CA - certum level I - mycert and certum level I is not a
 cert that is delivered with mozilla. HOwever, certum root CA is...

 Once I import certum level I, it works fine, however that is of no use
 to the users on the net as I cant ask them to import some cert. I
 wonder, however, whether it is possilbe to deliver the missing cert as
 part of the signed jar file?

When you sign the jar file, signtool will put as much of the cert chain
into the JAR file as it can find.  If signtool can't find the complete
chain, it will put an incomplete chain into the JAR.   If your JAR file
doesn't have the complete chain, then signtool couldn't find the complete
chain in the cert DB and nssckbi.dll files to which it had access.
The implication is that the Certum 1 intermediate CA cert was not in the
browser's cert8.db file when you used it to run signtool.

 Any pointers on whether this is possible and how to do so?

Make sure that the complete chain is available to signtool, then try
signing again.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Simple guide for using certs and crypt on a smart card

2006-08-26 Thread Nelson B
Sideswipe wrote:
 Can some point me to some docs on how to import certs and and keys from
 a smart card in firefox and thunderbird?

Not exactly.  With FireFox and ThunderBird (FF/TB) you don't import certs
and keys from smart cards.  Instead, you make FF/TB aware of them on the
smart card, and it uses them right on the smart card when it needs them.

This is quite different from the MSIE approach, which imports the cert
from the smart card to the system's cert store (registry) where it may
stay, even after you remove the card.

So, for FF/TB, the objective is to make sure that FF/TB can see the cert
on the card, and can use the key on the card.  To do that you need to

a) ensure the PKSC#11 module for the smart card is installed into FF/TB
and then
b) ensure that FF/TB can see the cert on the card, so that you can select
it for use in signing and/or encryption of email, and/or web authenticating.

 Admittedly I am new to this so I need some step-by-step instructions.

When you installed your smart card hardware and/or software, it should
have installed a software module (a PKCS#11 module, in the jargon) into
FF/TB for you.  You should be able to see it in FF's list of known
crypto modules.  Go to
  Tools - Options - Advanced (tab) - Security Devices (button)

There you should see a list of Security Modules and Devices.
That list should include:
- NSS INternal PKS #11 Module
- Builtin Roots Module
and a third module, which is for your smart card.
If it does, then you're read for step b (listed above).

Otherwise, you must Load the module for your smart card in this dialog.
To do that, click the Load button.  Then type in a name for your module
(e.g. NAME smart card module where NAME is your product's name), and the
name of a PKCS#11 module file, e.g. mycoolpkcs11module.dll.  You'll have
to get the name of the .dll file from your smart card maker or smart card
reader maker (if it has a separate reader).  You only need to register
that module once, not every time you use it.

Once your smart card module is loaded, and you can see it in that list of
Security Modules and Devices, You will want to Log in to it using the
login button in that same Security Modules and Devices dialog.  Then
you're ready for the second step.

The second step is to look at the certificates in the smart card using
FF's Certificate Manger.  When you're logged into your smart card,
then you should be able to see your smart card's certificate(s) (if any)
by going to the Certificate manager.  Steps are:
  Tools - Options - Advanced (tab) - View Certificates (button)

Then your smart card certificates shuold show up in Your Certificates,
but they might show up in Other Peoples'  certificates if FF cannot
find the private key on the smart card.

If you see your cert there, you should be able to highlight it and click
on the View button to see all the gory (er, Wonderful ;-) details.

Let's get that far before going on to the next step, getting this to work
in TBird.

 Hope someone has some info for me
 Christian Bongiorno

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: problems with NSS and NSPR binaries

2006-08-26 Thread Nelson B
Michiel van Meersbergen wrote:

 I'm running into some troubles using the original binaries from the NSS
 releases directory. Whether I use the debug or the optimized binaries
 for NSS 3.11 (from WINNT5.0_OPT.OBJ/) with the NSPR 4.6 binaries (also
 from WINNT5.0_OPT.OBJ/), I always get 'error 126' as the corresponding
 error text to an NSPR error code, 

At the present time, it is best (IMO) to not expect to get error strings
from the official NSS shared libraries or other binaries.  I hope to
fix that in NSS 3.12.  In the mean time, use these 3 header files:

Sample code to do that is seen at

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: New method for linking smart cards to web browsers

2006-08-19 Thread Nelson B
Anders Rundgren wrote:
 This paper says that we can soon forget about P11 and such
 and rely on AJAX-like access to crypto.

We wouldn't have to worry about vendor-independent crypto device
interface standards if everyone in the world would agree to
adopt one vendor's proprietary standards!

Why, of course!  Why didn't we think of that?

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: NSS Cache question

2006-08-19 Thread Nelson B
 modules should NOT be loaded when a process
forks.  Each child process must initialize its PKCS#11 modules for itself.

So, for multi-process shared-memory servers, the parent should create the
server session cache and create the listen socket(s), THEN spawn the
children, which will inherit the shared cache and shared listen sockets,
and then finally it (and each of the children) should initialize the
PKCS#11 module for itself.  Or, if the parent will not also act as a server,
but only the children will accept connections on sockets, the parent can
skip initializating the PKCS#11 module alltogther.

This means that initializing the NSS/SSL server session cache takes place
BEFORE calling NSS_Init (or any of its variants).  Many find this surprising.

The selfserv demo server app does all this correctly, IINM.

 Assuming that is ok, is it bad to call 
 SSL_ShutdownServerSessionIDCache() if the cache hasn't been initialized? 

No, that should be harmless, as long as you don't have multiple threads
trying to do this simultaneously. Of course, it would be a programming
error to try to do this in multiple threads simultaneously.

 I briefly looked at the code and it seems ok to me but I don't want to 
 make assumptions.

It is intended to be safe to close the global server cache instance even
if it has not been initialized.  If it should prove not to be safe, that
would be an NSS bug.


Hope this helps.
I have a feeling I've just made the problem seem bigger :)


Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: How to compile nss3.10 on FreeBSD?

2006-08-16 Thread Nelson B
Alex wrote:
 i have compiled nss3.10 successful on Windows platform(cygwin), but i ftp 
 the same version nss to a FreeBSD platform, it can't compile? please help 
 me, thanks.
 bash-2.05b# make nss_build_all
 ../coreconf/, line 44: Need an operator
 ../coreconf/, line 56: Missing dependency operator
 ../coreconf/, line 58: Need an operator
 ../coreconf/, line 60: Need an operator
 ../coreconf/, line 69: Missing dependency operator
 ../coreconf/, line 71: Need an operator
 ../coreconf/, line 73: Need an operator
 Error expanding embedded variable.

Here's a thought: Try the build with gmake instead of make.
On some platforms make is gmake.  On others, gmake is separate.
NSS makefiles are gmake makefiles.  Try using gmake explicitly.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Get only personal certificates

2006-08-16 Thread Nelson B
Primo It wrote:
 Is possible to get only de Personal Certificates?
 the getPermCerts brings all certificates and getCACerts brigns all CA
 Is there some method that get just de Personal Certificates?

Primo,  Apparently your questions concern the Java JSS CryptoManager class,
which has methods by those names.  I hope one of our JSS experts will
answer that question soon.

You also asked:

 How can i get de installed tokens devices driver

Which either means:
a) how can I enumerate the tokens for a PKCS#11 module? or
b) how can I enumerate the installed PKCS#11 modules?

I'm not sure which of those questions you're asking.

 How can i set a new token device programacticali

I think you're asking how to install a new PKCS#11 module, but I'm not sure.

Please expect most questions to be answered after 1-2 business days.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Forcing specific CA for domain

2006-08-15 Thread Nelson B
Bob Relyea wrote:

 In general, this cannot be done.  It is possible to put name constraints
 on CAs that are subordinate to a root CA, but not generally on root CAs.
 I was afraid of getting an answer like this but thanks for replying anyway. 
 This is the general problem PKIX and cross certificates are supposed to 
 In the PKIX model you would create a new intermediate with the same 
 subject and keys as the root cert you want to trust. You would then add 
 constraint extenstions to the intermediate to limit what name spaces it 
 can use (and what policies it can issue). That allows you to extend 
 limitted trust to other certificate domains.

This is consistent with what I said.  Distrust all roots CAs but your own.
Issue intermediate CA certs with name constraints that effectively replace
all the distrusted root certs.

 PKIX is currently planned for NSS 3.12, so won't be available in any 
 mozilla based products this year.

He needn't wait for PKIX to do the above.  PKIX is only needed if he's going
to involve policy-based chain building.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: pkcs#7 envelopeddata decoding

2006-08-14 Thread Nelson B
Michiel van Meersbergen wrote:

 Another 'oddity' I should mention, is that the PKCS#11 DLL which provides
 access to the appropriate certificates and keys will ask for the proper
 authentication itself - in other words, when a private-key function like
 'decrypt', 'sign' or 'unwrap' is called, it checks if authentication is
 needed, and asks for a password (via a message box). So I never need to
 provide any password-callbacks, do I?

If your PKS#11 module does its own user authentication, it should tell
the appliations that use it that it does so, by setting the
CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH flag in the token info flags.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Forcing specific CA for domain

2006-08-14 Thread Nelson B
Balint Balogh wrote:
 Suppose Example Ltd. runs its own local CA that issues certificates to servers
 and email addresses at and its subdomains. The certificate of this
 CA is installed as a trusted CA certificate into every browser (Firefox) and
 email client (Thunderbird) of employees.
 Example Ltd. wants to make sure that only their own CA may sign certificates
 claiming to belong to or any of its subdomains. That is, if a user
 tries to connect to any * server whose SSL/TLS certificate has not
 been signed by the CA of Example Ltd., the user should see a security warning
 about an invalid server certificate (likewise for email if using S/MIME).

In general, this cannot be done.  It is possible to put name constraints
on CAs that are subordinate to a root CA, but not generally on root CAs.

 Without this security measure, any CA that has its certificates in client
 software has the power to thwart SSL/TLS security by issuing fake certificates
 claiming to belong to * servers or email addresses.

The user has control over which CAs he trusts.  If there are CAs in the
browser's list that the user believes to be untrustworthy, then the user
can tell his browser to actively distrust them.

 Is there a way around this problem, without disabling or removing all other
 certificates? Certificates signed by other, widely recognized CAs, whose
 certificates are included by default in Mozilla products should still be
 considered valid except for * domains.

If you really don't trust any CAs except your own to be truthful to you,
then you should mark all other CAs but your own as distrusted.

 Thanks for any help.
 Balint Balogh

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: My shy certificate

2006-08-09 Thread Nelson B

One thing that isn't clear to me: how (with what program, by what exact steps)
did you originally generate your pair of keys and get your certificate?

I'm thinking now that perhaps you did it with some tool that did not use
your TPM, and consequently, the private key was never in the TPM.
Perhaps you did it with your mozilla-family product, or perhaps with Windows
own certificate manager or cert enrollment software, and that software used
its own native key generation and key storage, rather than the TPM.

In that case, the private key you have now is not in your TPM, and getting
it into the TPM may yet be a problem.  Some TPM devices will only work with
private keys that they generate themselves.  That is, they will not let you
import a private key into them.

Now you have a cert and private key, working in mozilla (FF/TB/SM), but
I think we have not yet established that the private key is in the TPM.
You may find it difficult to import the private key into the TPM.

So, assuming that you're the first of many future HP TPM users, please help
us to understand exactly how you got that private key in the first place.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: CERT_VerifyCertificate question

2006-08-08 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
David Stutzman wrote:

 Here's some certutil -L output for the cert I am playing with here:
  Signed Extensions:
  Name: Certificate Key Usage
  Critical: True
  Usages: Digital Signature
  Name: Certificate Type
  Critical: True
  Data: SSL Client,SSL Server

That says the cert is valid for SSL, but not S/MIME or object signing.

It sounds like you're inventing a new network appliation/protocol for
this, so perhaps none of those categories directly applies to you.
It's up to your application to ask for the usage that is relevant it it.

 I tested the certificate with the usages above passing in both 
 certificateUsageEmailSigner and certificateUsageObjectSigner to 
 CERT_VerifyCertificate and got a -8101 (SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_CERT_TYPE) 
 both times.

That's exactly as predicted, given the Certificate Type extension above.

 Is it ok to ignore cert usage and just look at the raw key usages myself 
 and require that digital signature and non-repudiation be present or am 
 I just beating the dead horse with the stick here and really should be 
 using either an email signing cert or an object signing cert?  

You're not likely to get CAs to issue a cert for a new type of usage that
you propose.  So IMO your best bet is to decide which of the above usages
most closely matches what you're doing, and then ask CERT_VerifyCert* to
verify for that usage.  For your personal testing and development purposes,
you could easily just test for SSL client usage, since that's what you have.

Personally, I'd say that what you're doing sounds more like email usage
than SSL, because you're generating durable signatures, which email does
and SSL does not.  But for your immediate test purposes, SSL certs should
be adequate.

 Again, I 
 just need to sign an arbitrary blob of input data that is passed in and 
 pass it back to the caller and it's not being used for email.

Think of these usages more abstractly.  Email usage generates signatures
that are attached to the data, and that (may) last as long as the data to
which they are attached.  SSL generates signatures that are used at the
beginning of an SSL connection and are then immediately discarded.  The
data that passes through the authenticated channel is not itself signed,
and when the channel is over and done, there remains no durable signature.

Which of those applications sounds more like yours?
Figure that out, and then Pick a cert of that type.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: My shy certificate

2006-08-08 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
Dave Pinn wrote:
 Nelson B wrote:
 Best bet is to get a formatted listing of the certificate itself,
 showing all the extensions and their criticality.
 OK, here goes:
 Non-critical X.509 version 3 extensions:
 * CRL Distribution Points
 * Authority Key Identifier
 * Subject Key Identifier
 * Authority Information Access
 * Subject Alternative Name
 * Netscape Cert Type
 * Certificate Policies
 Critical X.509 version 3 extensions (values shown below keys):
 * Basic Constraints
- Subject Type=End Entity, Path Length Constraint=None
 * Key Usage
- Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation (c0)
 I don't have a clue what it all means. Is it all good?

Yes.  Looks perfect.  No unknown critical extensions there.
All these extensions are known to mozilla products, except for the
Policies extension which is not critical.

In short, I see no reason among those extensions why the cert should not
appear in the cert list of FF or TB.

Out of curiosity, what tool(s) did you use to get that data?

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: My shy certificate

2006-08-08 Thread Nelson B
Dave Pinn wrote:

 or try wiht the token name
 certutil -L -h Embedded Security Chip
 X:\ThunderbirdProfilecertutil -L -h Embedded Security Chip -d .
 Enter Password or Pin for Embedded Security Chip:
 That cannot be good, and Yes, I'm sure that I got the password right.

OK.  The fact that it prompted you for a password indicates that you did
talk to the PKCS#11 module.  It suggests that
a) the PKCS#11 module is not making the certificate available, or
b) the certificate cannot be parsed by NSS for some reason, or
c) some other problem with the PKCS#11 module.

There are more tools, including one that will go right down into the
PKSC#11 module and examine the actual bits of its responses.  But this
is a debugging tool, designed to help the writers of PKCS#11 modules
debug their modules.  Even if you found something this way, you couldn't
fix it (unless you're a developer of that PKCS#11 module or have source
code for it).

I think this is the point at which it is reasonable for you to ask your
laptop maker to support their product.  Ask 'em if they tested with any
mozilla browser or email products.

If you can get the complete binary certificate out of the thing, and
can send me the certificate, I can examine that.  That's about all that
we haven't done that's reasonable to do, at this point, IMO.

I wonder if they put the certificate into (say) windows certificate store
rather than into the TPM.  Perhaps all they put into the TPM is the private

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Duplicate messages in this group/list

2006-07-29 Thread Nelson B
Lately there have been a number of duplicated postings in this group/list.
This seems to occur when members of the mailing list reply to a message,
and send their reply to both the mailing list and the newsgroup.

So, let me suggest to mailing list members that when you reply to a message
be sure your reply goes to the mailing list, or the newsgroup, but not both.
Then the readers will get just one copy.

Nelson B  (moderator: dev-tech-crypto mailing list)
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Windows Zip Util for XPI's?

2006-07-08 Thread Nelson B
Paul suckerformimi wrote:
 I've seen this asked many times, but I haven't seen any solutions
 What zip utility can I use under windows to create a signed XPI? 
 I can't find any that let me control the order of the files.

Don't look for a special zip tool.  Look for a JAR signing tool, and
an ordinary zip tool.  Any command line zip tool will let you control
the order in which the files are added to the zip archive.  It might
require you to run the zip tool once for each file to be added.

If you get a signed XPI file whose contents are not in the right order,
you can merely unzip its contents into a tree of files, and then rezip
those files into a new zip file in the right order.

Any signed XPI file is actually a signed JAR file.  The important thing
about both types of files is *NOT* that they're zip files.  There's
nothing special about the zip format itself in XPI files or JAR files.
This is somewhat explained in

The important thing is that the files that make up the contents of the
zip must conform to the specification of a signed JAR (Java ARchive).

To make either a signed XPI or signed JAR file takes two steps:
1. set the hierarchy of files according to the signed JAR specification,
   using any of the spec-conformant JAR signing tools, then
2. zip them up.

In the case of XPI files, the files have to be zipped up in a certain
order.  But that's a mere detail of how they're zipped up, after the
full signed JAR contents have been created.  Creating the files that
go into the JAR (zip) is the hard part.

I am aware of two tools for creating signed JARs.
1. Sun's jar and jarsigner tools (which make a JAR, and then sign it)
2. NSS's signtool

The JAR specification does not impose any order on the files within the
zipped JAR.  The files may appear in any order in the zipped JAR.
It permits multiple signatures (signature block files) to exist in the
JAR, with different subsets of files signed with each signature block.

The XPI specification allows only one signature block file (that is,
.rsa or .dsa) per JAR, and requires that it be the first file in the
zipped JAR.

NSS's signtool utility has some command line options that will also zip up
the results.  The -Z option does this.  When used together, the -Z and -X
options cause the zigbert.[rd]sa file to come first in the zipped output.
Whether -Z is used or not, signtool leaves the hierarchy of files intact
so that any ordinary zip tool may be used to do the final zip step.  This
gives the zip creator maximum flexibility over the type of compression
used with each file, among other things.

 Also, what's the easiest way to tell whether my XPI is properly signed?
 Is there an NSS utility that does this?

Signtool will tell you if your file is a valid JAR file, but will not
check that it is also a valid XPI file.  Ultimately, FireFox or SeaMonkey
themselves are the best test tools for XPI files.

 Thanks in advance,

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Go Daddy 6-in1 certs and NSS?

2006-07-06 Thread Nelson B
Frank Hecker wrote:
 Someone brought to my attention today that Go Daddy is now offering a 
 6-in-1 SSL certificate where they allow you to associate multiple 
 domain names from different TLDs with a single certificate:
 (For example, you might have an SSL certificate specifying the domain 
 names as,,, and so on, up to six total.)
 Based on my reading of RFC 2818 (in particular section 3.1) and what I 
 think is the relevant source code (in the NSS function 
 cert_VerifySubjectAltName) it appears that such certificates should work 
 fine in Firefox and other Mozilla-based products, assuming that the 
 names are stored in the certificate using SubjectAltName as opposed to 
 CN. Am I correct in this supposition?

Yes.  It should.
I'd like to see an actual example of their 6-in-1 or wildcard certs
in use on the internet.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Firefox password changer

2006-06-21 Thread Nelson B
Charles Majola wrote:

 Can anyone tell me how I can go about changing firefox's saved proxy
 password from an external program. I'm trying to use libnss but I can't
 seem to figure out how it stores/retrieve the password.

There's a sample program that shows how to decrypt those passwords.
See it at

The difficult part is done by PK11SDR_Decrypt().
There's also a corresponding PK11SDR_Encrypt().
These are parts of the Secret Decoder Ring API.  See the prototypes at

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Sign/Verify text in FireFox

2006-06-16 Thread Nelson B
Pablo Andrade wrote:

 I would like to ask you, if is there a solution out there so you can verifiy 
 a signature on the server, or it has to be developed from scratch?

Pablo,  Your original inquire was about a way to Verify in FireFox.
That's the subject of the message to which I'm replying.
But you're asking about ways to verify on a server, which presumably is
not running FireFox.

 We have a e-goverment solution, who signs/verify plain text documents at 
 client side using CAPICOM. Now we are trying to use Firefox/Linux as an 
 alternative to IE/Windows. We think Crypto.SignText from Mozilla could be a 
 start, but we still have the verify problem.

The signatures produced by crypto.signtext in FireFox are CMS (a.k.a. PKCS#7)
signatures.  NSS has several stand-alone scriptable command line tools that
do this job.  The cmsutil program would be my recommendation for this.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: certutil not able to retrieve the subject dn of a certificate

2006-06-16 Thread Nelson B
udaybhaskar wrote:
 Dear all,
 I was trying to retrieve the subject dn of the enclosed certificate with 


This mailing list does not permit binary attachments.  I suggest you make
a base64 encoded (a.k.a. PEM or ASCII Armored) version of the cert
and send that in the body of your email.

 NSS API, in vain. (I am retrieving the subjectName field of CERTCertificate
 structure) I tried the same thing with certutil binary included in nss-3.9.
 Even that is not giving the subject dn. I was able to retrieve the derSubject
 field. But no success ,when I try to encode this item. I was able to get the
 individual fields of subject distinguished name such as common name, email,
 organization etc. using the NSS API
 (CERT_GetOrgUnitName etc.)
 Please tell me if there is anything wrong with the subject DN field of 
 this certificate.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Building NSS 3.11.1 as static libraries on Windows?

2006-06-12 Thread Nelson B
Jim Spring wrote:

 At least when browsing:
 It looks like it should be possible to use the static
 libraries built on windows by linking against nss.lib,
 ssl.lib, and libnspr4_s.lib.  However, this does not
 appear to be working properly -- when linking I am getting
 a whole lot of unresolved symbol messages.  (I am using NSS
 in an external application...)
 I guess the basic question is, does NSS actually support
 building and using static libraries?  Is there any voodoo
 necessary to get it to work?

Jim Spring!  Long time, no see!

Actually, quite a few of the NSS command line tools link with NSS static
libs.  See a list of them with this URL:

I suggest you build one of them and look at its link command and follow
that example.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: crlutil: stuck in infinite loop when creating a new crl

2006-06-01 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
Paul Neyman wrote:
 I've been trying to create a new CRL using crlutil, and it gets stuck in
 an infinite loop. I've traced it down to SECU_FindCrlIssuer function.
 Here's the excerpt from the code:

 So, if the certificate is not trusted, and the call to CheckCertUsage
 does not return a success, the loop will restart from the head, because
 there's no advancement over the list.
 Am I missing something here?


This sounds like
which was fixed over a month ago.  Is it really the very same bug??

Please tell us the CVS version number of the source file that contained
this error, and where and how you got it.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Importing CRL using NSS API

2006-05-30 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
Paul Neyman wrote:

 Thanks for the quick reply. Let me clear up myself. Here's what's

 The crlutil code, however, uses method SECU_ReadDERFromFile, which is
 not exported as public, and I get a failure during linking stage trying
 to use sectool.lib.
 Um, it's not?
 It was listed in the header under /private, so I assumed it's not.
 Thanks for clearing this up.

I don't think it's cleared up yet.
There are many different meanings for the terms public and private.

The linker uses public to mean available in this library to resolve
symbolic references from other binaries that are linked with this library.
In that sense, all the symbols in sectool are public.

Another use of public and private involves the intentions of the
software developers. In that sense, public means the software developers
intended for other people (other software) to use this symbol and
private means the software developers intended for this symbol to be
only used by NSS itself, internally, and did NOT intend for this symbol
to be used by any code outside of NSS itself.

Any time you see comments in a header file about a function being private,
or you see a symbol defined in a header file in a directory named private,
it refers to the latter meaning, the intentions and permissions of the
NSS software developers.

When the NSS developers declare a symbol to be private, they are saying
that at any time, in any future release, they may remove or redefine that
symbol, without warning or advanced notice.  Any problem that you have
when they do so is not their problem.  So, it's best not to use symbols
that the developers have declared private.

Some symbols are public in the linker's sense of that word, but are
private in the sense of the developers intentions.  All the symbols
in sectool are that way, IIRC.

You said that you were having linking troubles.  That sounds like you are
saying that the linker believed the symbols were not public in the
linker's definition of that word.  That would be very surprising indeed,
because, as I wrote before, sectool is not a shared library, and consequently
there is no way for any of its internal symbols to be made private (in the
linker's sense of that term).  All its symbols are publicly linkable
(as far as the linker is concerned, having nothing to do with developers'

 What problem are you having linking with sectool.lib?
 What error do you get?
 If I link sectool and nss3 (for other calls my application does) during
 linking stage, I get a bunch of errors about method redefinitions
 (already defined in nss3) and I get an error about MSVCRT conflicting
 with use of other libs.
 secutil.lib(secoid.obj) : error LNK2005: _SECOID_FindOID already defined
 in nss3.lib(nss3.dll)

Wait.  that error message doesn't mention sectool.  It mentions secutil.lib.
You shouldn't be linking in secutil.lib.  secutil.lib is part of nss3.dll.

 secutil.lib(secasn1d.obj) : warning LNK4006: _SEC_ASN1DecodeItem already
 defined in nss3.lib(nss3.dll); second definition ignored

Yeah, you definitely should not be linking in any of the .lib files that
are components of nss3.dll into your code.  You should be linking nss3.lib
(for the purpose of using nss3.dll).

Now, what do these secutil issues have to do with sectool.lib?

 LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other
 libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library

Sounds to me like you're trying to link in a LOT more than sectool and nss3.
Take a look at how the command tools in nss/cmd/* are linked.
Trying building some of them, and follow the examples of the link commands
they use.  That's my suggestion.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Importing CRL using NSS API

2006-05-30 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
 The code in mozilla/security/nss/cmd/lib is
 intended for use by the NSS command-line tools
 only.  This is why the header file secutil.h,
 which declares those SECU_ funcitons, is marked
 private, and the static library libsectool.a
 (sectool.lib) is not part of the NSS binary

That's true.  On the other hand, our documentation also says in many
places that the source code in nss/cmd is sample code, implying that
it is somehow exemplary.

We reserve the right to change or delete any private code without warning.
That leads people to ask me if it's OK for them to make copies of (some of)
the functions in the nss/cmd/lib sources.  Clearly there's a problem if
we have sample code that people cannot rely upon and cannot copy.  We need
to figure out some solution for this.  Everyone shouldn't have to reinvent
the wheel for functions in nss/cmd/lib just so that we have the right to
change them at will.  But I don't know the answer.  I wonder if we need a
slightly different license than the MPL for that code.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Firefox custom SSL (crypto) provider

2006-05-29 Thread Nelson B
Dan M wrote:
 Re-read my initial post, and I asked the wrong question.  It was written in 
 haste, my apologies.  Let me clarify...
 We're actually not looking to replace the SSL engine in Firefox, but just 
 use a different crypto provider (I was thinking OpenSSL crypto engine when 
 I wrote the message).  We're developing a hardware device similar to a 
 crypto accelerator and, when it is installed on the local machine, we would 
 like all SSL-related crypto routines in Firefox to be redirected to our 

By all SSL-related crypto routines, do you mean to include all the
signature verification functions, such as those done to verify cert chains
received from remote servers?

 My hardware developers tell me this could be quite cumbersome if we're not 
 implementing the full PKCS#11 interface.  I'm just looking to find out 
 whether it can be done without implementing all the authentication features 
 of PKCS#11.

What are their concerns exactly?

LOTS of people, companies and projects have implemented enough of PCKS#11
for their purposes, to do SSL with their crypto providers.  That includes
everything from high end network attached crypto accelerators to low end
USB crypto fobs (dongles).

NSS provides an open source framework for implementing a PKCS#11 module.
NSS's own soft token PKCS#11 module is pretty complete (enough for NSS's
own purposes) and is open source, so it provides major implementation clues
for others doing their own implementations.

Finally, I wonder what you mean by all the authentication features.
Clearly a PKCS#11 module that will do private key operations without
authentication of any sort is an oracle, just waiting to be used by
bad guys.  (Who needs to have your private key when they can just get
your module to use if for them whenever they like?)

In any case, I do think PKCS#11 is your best bet.  It's well supported
and LOTS of others have trod that path before you.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Importing CRL using NSS API

2006-05-27 Thread Nelson B

 I'm trying to import a CRL (in DER format) using NSS API. Since 3.4 API
 does not have an import function available, 

You're using NSS 3.4?
The current NSS is 3.11 .
I think 3.4 is no longer supported.

 I took the source code from
 the crlutil and massaged it to fit into our application.

That sounds resourceful, but I'd be surprised if you can achieve what
you want with NSS 3.4.

 The crlutil code, however, uses method SECU_ReadDERFromFile, which is
 not exported as public, and I get a failure during linking stage trying
 to use sectool.lib.

Um, it's not?
ALL the non-static functions in sectool.lib are public (in the linker's
sense of that word).
Since sectool is not a DLL, no .def file is relevant, and no function
names are hidden.

sectool is not a shared library, not a dll.  sectool.lib is not a set of
stub functions for accessing a DLL, that is, it is not an export lib
(as would be the case if sectool was a DLL).  The command
  dumpbin /EXPORTS sectool.lib
doesn't show any symbols, because there aren't any DLL exports in it.

sectool.lib contains the actual code for the library's functions.
The command
   dumpbin /symbols sectool.lib
shows the names of all the functions in sectool.
The command
dumpbin /SYMBOLS sectool.lib | fgrep SECU_Read
101 0EC9 SECT6  notype ()External | _SECU_ReadDERFromFile

 What's the easiest way to make this function publicly available? 

It already is.  it's in sectool.lib, not nss.lib.

 I tried modifying nss.def in nss/lib/nss, 

That .def file is for producing nss.lib, the export library file for
nss3.dll.  But the function you want is not part of nss3.dll, so
nss.def has no relevance to this issue.

 but I'm not sure how to link sectool during nss.lib build; 

Are you trying to alter some code in nss3.dll so that it calls
SECU_ReadDERFromFile, and then link SECU_ReadDERFromFile into nss3.dll?
If so, I'd suggest calling SECU_ReadDERFromFile from your application
instead, and linking your application (not nss3.dll) with sectool.lib.

 it seems to be built separately at a later stage.

Yes.  The code in sectool.lib is NOT for use in any NSS shared lib.

 I'd appreciate any hints.

What problem are you having linking with sectool.lib?
What error do you get?
Is this a function name mangling issue?
Are you calling SECU_ReadDERFromFile from c++ code?
If so, then this is likely a problem with the declaration of
SECU_ReadDERFromFile in the header file.


Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Firefox custom SSL provider

2006-05-27 Thread Nelson B
Dan M wrote:
 We've developed a custom SSL provider engine and would like to be able to 
 use it as the default Firefox engine.  We don't want to use it for other 
 cryptographic operations because it doesn't fully implement the non-SSL 
 related features of PKCS#11.  Can this be done easily?

No, it can't be done easily.

Why would it be a good idea for users to be able to replace such a
crucial security component easily?

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Signing with Firefox Built-in db

2006-05-20 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
I want to try to bring some closure to this thread.

suckerformimi did ultimately have success, and was finally able to
sign his code with signtool.  He was very resourceful.  Along the way,
he solved MANY issues, with just a little help from folks on this alias.
I want to report on his journey.  I don't think I'll give away any
confidential information.

He started with a pair of files containing a code signing cert and the
corresponding private key, with file names ending in .spc and .pvk.
The spc file was apparently an ordinary DER encoded cert (e.g. .cer file).
The pvk file was (is) apparently an old Microsoft proprietary file format.
The cert imported with Windows' cert manager in the usual way, but the
pvk file was an unknown.

He found a tool to import that pvk into his Windows private key store at

Once his cert and private key were imported into Windows, he was able to
create a PKCS#12 file (.pfx) using Windows' cert manager cert export wizard.

pk12util -l (list) was able to list the content of that pfx file without
trouble.  (That's a new feature of pk12util in NSS 3.11).  So far, so good.

But pk12util -i (import) always complained that the file had an
improperly formatted DER-encoded message (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER).  He had
the right password, and the file had friendly names for the certs and
private keys. (Missing or wrong passwords and missing friendly names
are the two known causes for failures of pfx file imports with NSS.)

Finally, he got the idea to try importing the pfx file into NSS cert and
key DBs using FireFox instead of pk12util, and that worked (!), which is
mysterious.  You see, FireFox and pk12util use the same code in the same
shared library to decode and import PKCS12 files.  So I'm a bit mystified
why FireFox worked where pk12util failed.  That's the subject of bug

Once he successfully imported the pfx file into NSS DBs, all he had to do
was discover the friendly name (a.k.a. nickname) on his cert in the
cert DB (something FireFox doesn't show, but certutil does).  Then he was
able to sign his code with signtool, using his FireFox NSS DBs.

So, the issue is resolved for suckerformimi, but is just beginning for
the NSS development team.  I think we're not likely to solve that mystery
of SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER until we get a pfx file with which we can readily
reproduce that problem.  I won't ask suckerformimi for his pfx file,
since that would obviously compromise his code signing cert.

If you have a pfx file that pk12util can't import, but FireFox can,
and you're willing to let the NSS team have that pfx file (and its
password) for debugging purposes, please contact me.

Nelson B

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: NSS Apache module - mod_nss

2006-05-18 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
Rob Crittenden wrote:
 A fair bit of work has been done to mod_nss, an SSL module for Apache
 that uses NSS instead of OpenSSL, since it was released last September.
 Changes since then include use the NSS OCSP client, addition of a FIPS
 mode (similar to modutil -fips true -dbdir /path/to/database), options
 to seed the NSS Random Number Generator, support for Apache 2.2 as well
 as a number of important bug fixes.

Rob,  You da MAN!

Seriously, I really appreciate the work you (and others?) have done on this!

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Certificate Import Question

2006-05-11 Thread Nelson B
suckerformimi wrote:
 I was right-clicking the cert Windows Explorer (file manager) and
 opening the cert with MS Crypto Shell Extensions. 

OK, so any information you saw there was of no relevance to mozilla
products, including the names of the certs (e.g. SignShot) displayed there.

 But I was importing and attempting to sign code with the NSS tools.

Ok, to do that, you need to import all the following into NSS:
a) the private key that corresponds to the public key in your cert
b) your public key cert
c) Any CA certs between your cert and the root issuing CA, if any.

Now, I'm guessing that you enrolled to get your cert using Windows
software.  So, your private key is in one of Windows' key stores.
You need to export all the stuff I listed above into a PKCS12 file
(a file with a .p12 or .pfx suffix).  Windows' cert manager will happily
let you do that.  Before doing that, you need to ensure that that the
cert you're going to export has a friendly name, using Windows cert
manager.  When you export it to a pfx file, you need to give the pfx file
a password.  (Windows Cert manager will let you export it without a password
but NSS won't let you import a pfx file without a password).

 I've imported the certificate into a db in the current folder using NSS
certutil -A -n SingShot Object Signing -t TCu,TCu,TCu -d . -i
 When I do
certutil -L -d .
 I get:
SingShot Object Signing CT,C,C

The u character means that NSS has the private key that goes with that
cert.  You can try to set that u flag yourself, (as you did in the above
example), but it will have no effect.  If you have the private key, then
the u will appear, and if you don't, it won't.

 Should there be a 'u' in the 3rd column for the 'SingShot Object
 Signing' cert if it's valid for signing code? I suppose that might be
 the difference between my Thawte and temporary certs.

You have to have the private key in order to sign anything, and apparently
you don't.  So you've imported the cert, but not the private key,
You need to import both.  Your cert shouldn't need any special trust flags.
The argument -t ,, should work just fine, if you've got your issuer CA
cert in your cert DB (or in the builtin list of CAs.

 How can I tell whether my certificate will even work for signing code
 using NSS tools?

Well, once you have the cert AND private key imported, it should work.

You're doing a good job of figuring out most of this stuff by yourself,
which is commendable.  So, keep going and I think soon you'll have it

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Problems importing a certificate

2006-05-10 Thread Nelson B
Paul Santapau wrote:
 Nelson B escribió:

All the error codes for TBird's crypto are negative numbers, in the
range -6000 .. -12288  and the number 1028 isn't in that range.

 Ok, good guess ;-). But the number that appears is really 1028
 between parenthesis. I can send u an snapshoot if wanted,
 the only thing is that it is in spanish.

Then that number must be a peculiarity of the Spanish localization
of Thunderbird.  Probably should be reported as a bug.

NSS (TBird's crypto code) doesn't presently accept critical Policies

 Ok, and just in case some application wants to handle that critical
 extension, How can the application do it?  What kind of check is

In this case, the application using NSS is Thunderbird.
However, NSS's cert validation is not presently application-extensible.
Handling of critical policy extensions is planned for NSS 3.12, which
should be released (much) later this year.

Policy Name: OID.
Policy Qualifier Name: PKIX User Notice Qualifier
Display Text: .C.e.r.t.i.f.i.c.a.d.o. .p.a.r.a. .a.p

 How did you get the Display Text? Did you used any nss tool?, I have try it
 with some tools but i cannot get that text, just a stream of unicoded bytes
 to decode.

I used NSS's pretty printing tool, pp.
Peter Gutmann's dumpasn1 tool would also do it.  (google for it)

 Thank you very much for solving my issue Nelson.

See if your CA will reissue the cert with a non-critical policy extension.
If so, that will solve your problem most quickly.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Certificate Import Question

2006-05-10 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
Paul wrote:
 Is it possible that the leaf didn't make it into the db? When I do
signtool -d . -k SingShot Media -p mypwd signed/

Yes, except that you have offered one piece of relatively strong evidence
to the contrary, namely, that cert chain in your original post.
If that cert chain was displayed by mozilla software (e.g. FireFox) then
I'd say the cert must be in your cert DB (or else mozilla couldn't have
displayed it).  If that cert chain was displayed by some other software,
e.g. Windows' own cert manager) then yes, it's possible that the cert is
not in your cert DB.

 I get :
   signtool: the cert SingShot Media does not exist in the database.

Did your cert have an email address in it?
If so, try substituting that email address for SingShot Media in the
signtool command above.

 Also, how can I check to see whether the cert contains any extensions?

You apparently have certutil and signtool, two of NSS's numerous tools.
What others do you have?  And from what version of NSS do they come?

If you have pp and if your SingShot cert is in a binary file, you can try
pp -t certificate -i yourfile

or if your cert is stored in a base64 encoded ascii file, you can try
pp -t certificate -a -i yourfile

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Problems importing a certificate

2006-05-09 Thread Nelson B
Paul Santapau Nebot wrote:

 I receive the mail on Thunderbird, It says that the message 
 includes a digital signature but there is an unknowed problem 
 giving me at the end the number (1028).

Are you sure about that number?
All the error codes for TBird's crypto are negative numbers, in the
range -6000 .. -12288  and the number 1028 isn't in that range.

 Is this possible a bug when working with TeletexString and the character @?

Not likely.

 May be another reason?
 Can, please, anyone take a look to the attached certificate?

 I have noticed the list filters attachments, the certificate can be
 found here

I think the problem is here:

 Name: Certificate Policies
 Critical: True

NSS (TBird's crypto code) doesn't presently accept critical Policies

 Policy Name: OID.
 Policy Qualifier Name: PKIX User Notice Qualifier
 Display Text: .C.e.r.t.i.f.i.c.a.d.o. .p.a.r.a. .a.p

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: ftps

2006-05-09 Thread Nelson B
 Any plans to support ftp/ssl in Firefox?
I think the answer is likely: no-one who frequents this newsgroup/list
is planning to do so, but you should check in

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Certificate Import Question

2006-05-09 Thread Nelson B
suckerformimi wrote:
 I can't tell if my certficate imported properly. When I open the
 certificate it shows me the following certification chain:
 SingShot Media
 Thawte Code Signing CA
 Thawte Premium Server CA

Out of curiosity, which tool shows the hierarchy like that, with
the root at the bottom and the leaf at the top?

 When I list the contents of my certificate DB I get
 Thawte Code Signing CA c,c,C

I gather that's the output of certutil -L .  Yes?

 Should I be seeing only the one certificate in the DB, or all three?
 Shouldn't I at least be seeing our SingShot Media certificate?

Ordinarily, certutil doesn't list the contents of the built in root
cert module.  To include the listing of built-ins, add -h all to your
certutil -L command.  I think that explains why you didn't see the root
in the list.

As for why you didn't see the leaf, I'd guess that the cert in question
contains one or more critical extensions that are unknown to NSS.
It used to be that NSS would not import a cert with unknown critical
extensions.  Now NSS will import it, but certutil will not display it. :-/

Could also be a consequence of this bug:

 Also, I've searched all over looking for some documentation on certutil
 and signtool. Is there any around?

Start looking here:


Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Wanted: public https servers that request client auth

2006-04-18 Thread Nelson B
Do you know of an https server, directly reachable on the Internet,
that requests (and/or requires) SSL/TLS client authentication?

That is, one that requests that the client send a certificate to the
server identifying the client, during the SSL/TLS handshake?

If so, please send me (of this list) the URL of one or more.
I'd like ot amass a list of them.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: PKCS #7

2006-04-15 Thread Nelson B
Bruno Boutteau wrote:
 Nelson B wrote:
 Bruno Boutteau wrote:

 How can we import a PKCS #7 certificate or .cer in Firefox? It is easy
 with IE just click on it and accept the next OKs up to FINISH!!!
 Thanks in advance (Certificate was delivered on crypto smart card)

 Thanks for first answer Nelson.
 In certificate manager U can import your PKCS#12 certificate.
 In IE Import is able to import X509(.cer,.crt) certificate.

Bruno, here's some background information you should know.

When you use a certificate that identifies someone else (not you), you
only need the certificate.  When you use a certificate that identifies
you, yourself, you need a certificate AND (most importantly) a PRIVATE KEY.
The Private Key is the thing that you (your browser, your email program)
uses to prove (to someone else) that you really are the rightful holder
of your own certificate.  You cannot effectively use your own personal
certificate (that identifies you) without also having the private key for
it.  If you're trying to move your own personal certificate into your
browser, you also need to move your private key with it, because your
browser cannot do anything effective with your cert unless it also has
your private key.  You never want to send your private key to anyone else.
It's private for you alone.

A .der or .cer file contains a single certificate and nothing else.
It cannot also contains a private key.  It's useful for holding someone
else's certificate.  It's also useful for sending your certificate
(without your private key) to someone else.  It's useful for importing
someone else's certificate into your browser.

A PKCS#7 file is quite different from a .der or .cer file.  It can contain
any number of certificates, and a few other things, but like a .cer or .der
file, it cannot contain any private keys.  It is useful for transporting or
importing more that one certificate at a time, but (again) you cannot
import your private key from it.  So, if you're looking to transport your
own cert and private key, a PKCS#7 file is not what you want.

A PKCS#12 file contains one or more certificates AND (most importantly)
a private key.  It's the way to transport your own personal cert and your
own private key.  It also can transport certs related to your cert, such
as the cert belonging to the issuer (or authority) who issued your cert.

When you go into the certificate manager dialog, there are various tabs
shown there for certs belonging to different types of folks.  There's a
tab for your own personal certs.  There's a tag for other people's email
certs.  There's a tab for SSL server certs, etc.  Each tab has an import
button that attempts to import a cert for that type of entity.

When you attempt to import YOUR PERSONAL cert, certificate manager tries
to open a PKCS#12 file (also called a pfx file) to get your cert AND
your private key.  In that tag, cert manager will only be satisfied with
a PKCS#12 file.

When you attempt to import someone else's cert, certificate manager
does not attempt to open a PKCS#12 file.  It attempts to open a file
of any of the other types (IIRC), including PKCS7, .cer, .der, etc.

Now here are some questions for you to answer.  Please answer all these

1. If you have recceived a smart card with your personal certificate and
private key on it, why do you want or need to import that cert into your
browser?  importing a cert is done when your browser has no other way
to access your cert.  Your browser should quite happily access your cert
from your smart card, right where it is, without needing to import it.

2. If this is your own personal cert, why are you trying to import it
without also importing the private key.

 I just want to declare one certificate of my cryto smart card to Firefox

Why?  When you have a certificate and private key in a smart card, you
don't need to declare them or import them at all.

FireFox is able to find your certs on your smart card (if it sees the
smart card at all, which depends on having the proper software installed)
and doesn't need any separate importing to use certs on a smart card.

By the way, this is also true for IE.  If your smart card software is
working properly, and all the necessary software is installed, you don't
need to import any certificate files for IE to work, either.

 (Thunderbird too) but Firefox offers only PKCS#12 format for import and
 I have the certificate declaration in .cer and with Active Card manager
 I can make extraction of public information in PKCS#7 or .cer formats,
 Those formats than Firefox cant read! if I am right.

Extracting your certificate (without your private key) into a .der, .cer
or PKCS7 file (none of which contain your private key) is (or may be) a
useful way to send a copy of your certificate, alone, to someone else.
It is not a useful way for you to get your cert and private key into your
browser and email programs , because they also need your private key.

I suspect your situation

Re: certificate requirements for crypto.signText

2006-04-10 Thread Nelson B
Mikolaj Habryn wrote:
 On Sun, 2006-04-09 at 22:08 -0700, Nelson B wrote:
These other functions
do not, as a rule, require that the user cert have a chain that verifiably
was issued by a locally trusted root.  Verifying that the chain leads to
a locally trusted root is a function for a relying party, not for a signer.
 The call chain looks something like nsCrypto::SignText -
 SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData - sec_pkcs7_add_signer - CERT_VerifyCert. Is
 that last call then a bug in all cases? (Presuming of course that
 _add_signer is only called in signing operations)

OK, well there's a pretty major problem right there:
   nsCrypto::SignText - SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData

PKCS#7 is another name for Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) version 1.0.
The current IETF standard version of CMS is version 3.0.  NSS has two
separate implementations of CMS.  One, libpkcs7, is about 10 years old,
implements CMS 1.0, and has function names beginning with SEC_PKCS7.
The other, libsmime, is about 5 years old, with function names starting
with NSS_CMS.

Libpkcs7 is known to have many problems.  In the year 2000, the NSS team
decided to rewrite libpkcs7, rather than attempt to fix all the problems
with libpkcs7.  That is how libsmime came to be written.
(libsmime is misnamed, since it implements only CMS, not full SMIME).
Libpkcs7 is now completely deprecated.  Since the completion of libsmime
in year 2001, applications should be using libsmime, rather than waiting
for libpkcs7 bugs to be fixed.

Sadly, when nsCrypto::SignText was implemented in 2004, the implementor
chose to use the older deprecated SEC_PKCS7 API rather than the newer
NSS_CMS one.  Now, nsCrypto::SignText is demonstrating one of the many
known problems with libPKCS7, one that IMO is likely to remain unfixed,
given the existence of libSMIME. :-(

(d) A local user cert that is not obviously unsuitable on its face (e.g.
not expired, not bearing extended key usage extension that prohibits use
for signing, etc.)
 Is there an existing function I should mention in the bug report that
 does all the above as an alternative to VerifyCert?

CERT_FindUserCertsByUsage is one that I had in mind.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: certificate requirements for crypto.signText

2006-04-09 Thread Nelson B
Mikolaj Habryn wrote:

 Should I take it upon myself to raise this in bugzilla? 

Yes.  File a bug in  It may get resolved differently
than you hope, but that is the right way to push this to resolution.

 I'm not entirely
 clear on what the right solution is or even what constraints to
 describe; crypto.signText at some point calls a very generic
 CERT_VerifyCertificate, which will fail under the described conditions
 (no chain back to a root). I presume a good many other certificate
 operations take the same path, some of which presumably mandate the
 current behaviour.

CERT_VerifyCertificate is a function that is intended for use by the
application when it is acting as a relying party, that is, when it is
using a certificate from someone else, a certificate for which it does
not have the corresponding private key, and it needs to determine the
validity of that cert prior to use, such as when verifying a signature.

crypto.signtext is not such a case.  It is not acting as a relying party.
It is performing an act (signing) that presumably will preceed some other
party relying on the certificates used to verify that signature.
(I wonder if there is a term of art for such parties, those who initiate
actions that cause others to become relying parties.  For the present,
I will merely call them signers.)  While using crypto.signtext, the
application is acting as a signer, not a relying party.

Signers need certs for which the application possesses (or has access to)
the user's private key.  In NSS nomenclature, such certs are called
user certs.  Signers need access to user certs.

Historically CERT_VerifyCert{ificate} is for use by relying parties, not
by signers.  Signers need to find user certs.  NSS has a separate set
of functions that exist to find user certs (separate from the set of
functions to Validate certs as a relying party).  These other functions
do not, as a rule, require that the user cert have a chain that verifiably
was issued by a locally trusted root.  Verifying that the chain leads to
a locally trusted root is a function for a relying party, not for a signer.

I think the bug here simply boils down to crypto.signtext using a
function that is for relying parties, not signers, for selecting a cert
to use for the signing act.  That's probably not a big problem to fix.

 Which identities should crypto.signText be able to use?
 (a) Those for which a CA certificate has been loaded but not trusted?
 (b) Any client certificate, regardless of whether or not the signing CA
 is known?
 (c) Something more exotic, such as (a) above except where the call to
 crypto.signText supplies an unknown CA's DN in the ancillary arguments,
 in which case any certificates signed by that particular CA are also (or
 perhaps exclusively) permitted?

(d) A local user cert that is not obviously unsuitable on its face (e.g.
not expired, not bearing extended key usage extension that prohibits use
for signing, etc.)

Meanwhile what you should be able to do is to mark the CA only as 
trusted for email which limits the risks.
 Thanks for confirming that.

Odd that crypto.signtext should check for an email cert when it is not
performing email signing or encryption.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: How to add custom badCertHandler

2006-04-09 Thread Nelson B
Kate X wrote:
 Hi, Now I am kind of stuck at this:
 We are building application using xpcom components. I am trying to add SSL 
 support for our client, and I am using nsIHttpChannel interface to request a 
 HTTP/HTTPS page. For HTTP works fine, when trying to open HTTPS page, first 
 it will initializeNSS, then try to create secure socket to do transfer, but 
 in handshake stage, certificate didn't get authorized, so it comes to get 
 the badCertHandler, which I don't know how to add my own handler from the 
 very top level(HttpChannel), then it goes to the default dialog UI ask for 
 confirmUnknownIssuer(which I don't want to, this would add too much to our 
 Would anybody give me a hint of how to add my custom badCertHandler, or 
 anyother solution for this problem?

Using a bad cert handler in that case is almost certainly the wrong thing
to do.  Defeating the cert chain validation will render your application
completely vulnerable to various attacks, the very ones from which SSL
(HTTPS) is intended to protect you.

Why not use a valid cert from a known issuer?

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Where's mozilla's official CA cert list?

2006-04-08 Thread Nelson B
David E. Ross wrote:

 The policy at
 also needs to be moved to a or Web page.  If
 this is indeed an official policy of the Mozilla Foundation or Mozilla
 Corporation, it should no longer be on someone's personal Web site.

 Bug #333272 addresses the original request, a list of official Mozilla
 CA certificates.

 Bug #332517 addresses my request for an official publication of the
 certificate policy.

Thanks, David!

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Adding Ciphers

2006-04-06 Thread Nelson B
Jay Potter wrote:
 We are planning on using a USB device that has keys for various vendors
 in a private area.  The USB device can generate a session key based
 upon that secret vendor key.  The Server can autogenerate that same
 session key.  The session key does not have to be passed.
 The external module communicates with the USB device.  If the device is
 removed, communication cannot take place.  When the module communicates
 with the USB device, it authenticates that the device belongs to the
 client, and then and only then will generate the session key for the
 There is no authentication requried across the network only to the local
 USB device, something the client can take with him from machine to machine.
 Currently I'm thinking of an extenstion to firefox that would be called
 by the browser when the session key is needed.  That extension would
 provide the interface to the USB device.

Jay, you don't need a browser extension.  You need a PKCS#11 module.

 Nothing would be transmitted across the network that can be used to
 generate the session key.  The session key changes without human
 intervention.  The uses only authenticates to the device that he carries
 with him.   He doesn't leave any certificates behind that can be used by
 anyone else.  This seems to be a very secure system that would be very
 hard to comprimise, as the keys are never on a client machine to
 intercept, and nothing can be intercepted that can be used to generate
 or guess at the key.
 The USB token is already developed.  It holds hundreds of unique vendor
 keys, handles AES-256, generates true random numbers and handles the
 secure communication required.  We are working on the external module,
 now what we need is the PKS-TLS-AES Cipher.

Perfect match for a PKCS#11 module.

Plus, given that PKCS#11 is a truly standard API, not specific to any
one application (such as a mozilla browser), it will (potentially) work
with LOTS of applications.

Go check out PKCS#11 (and other PKCS standards) at

 We are thinking that this shouldn't be to hard to impliment, as the RFC
 4279 clienthello and ServerHello are pretty much the same as standard
 TLS.  After that it just passes and identity string back and forth.
 Then the module would provide the PSK to set up the communication and
 then it should be on autopilot.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: SSL/TLS upgrades - RFC2817

2006-04-01 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
Rich Megginson wrote:
 Nelson B. Bolyard wrote:

 One more thing: http upgrade is EVIL.  :-/
 Why?  And does that apply to LDAP upgrade as well?  Because the
 recommended way to use TLS with LDAP is to use the startTLS extended
 operation on the unsecure port to upgrade the connection to TLS.

Two issues:

1. RFC 2817 defines two forms of upgrade, optional and mandatory.
The optional form never encrypts the request, only the response.
So, if the request contains sensitive info, it's been sent in the clear.

RFC 2817 provides no guidance (that I saw) as to when an http client
should use one or the other.

Further, as Julien as made clear, RFC 2817 provides no means by which
a URL can tell the browser that for this URL, you MUST do a mandatory
upgrade, and if that fails, you must STOP and not continue without

So, RFC 2817 is useful only in applications that KNOW that they MUST
upgrade or die.  I submit that these are special purpose applications,
not general purpose browsers.

Some might say that RFC 2817 is also useful for opportunistic encryption
but I consider that to be useless and a waste of time and CPU cycles.
If my application (e.g. online banking) needs protection then it NEEDS
protection.  An encryption-based protection scheme that provides encryption
or not, out of the control of the client, and out of control of the writer
of web pages that have the URL/links in them, is a scheme that the user
cannot RELY upon to protect him.  Ergo, the user should only use it for
data that he really doesn't care if it is encrypted or not.  Then one asks,
why waste precious shared resources (server CPU cycles) on such trivial

2. mandatory http upgrade and startTLS both seem to have similar
properties WRT MITM vulnerability.  An MITM need only intervene in a few
initial messages - to prevent the server from learning that the client
wishes to upgrade/startTLS, and to prevent the client from learning that
the server is capable of ugprade/startTLS - to defeat it.

Again, if an application, such as an ldaps client or an IMAPS client has
been configured to upgrade/startTLS or die, and NEVER fall back to
unencrypted communications, then the worst an MITM can do is a DOS attack.
And of course we know that no crypto protocol can prevent a DOS attack.

So, I see no problem with startTLS in applications like LDAP clients and
IMAP clients, which are likely to be (able to be) configured to require
that the upgrade/start succeed, or else stop.

But for general purpose browsers, clearly one would not want to mandate
successful upgrade on every http link, and no other means is defined to
tell the browser this is a URL on which successful upgrade is mandatory.

3. A certain popular web server product has the property that the http and
https parts of it share a common doc root.  By default, if you merely
turn on https support on one of their servers, your pages get served
equally well with http or https, with or without SSL.  Admins of those
servers FREQUENTLY forget to take the extra actions to ensure that part of
their doc root is accessible ONLY via https.

A certain popular browser didn't warn about transitions from https to http.
The web page authors tested only with that browser, and no never noticed
that some of their links effectively disabled SSL, and after navigating
one of those links, the browser would not then return to https.
So the web site's web pages got sloppy, and unwittingly included http links
in pages that should bear only https links.  The web page authors never
detected their error because their non-mozilla browsers never alerted them
to it.

Their users would start out with an https link, and begin to navigate the
(bank) web site, and then after navigating it for a while, the user would
discover to his horror that somehow his browser had silently stopped using
SSL to talk to this server, and his last N pages from that server have had
no protection.

One of the most common questions we used to get from web site authors who
used that particular brand of server was: why do our users who navigate
our web site with Netscape/mozilla browsers get warnings about leaving
encrypted pages while navigating, but users of other browsers do not?
Some of them got pretty irate about these warnings, denying that they
had done anything to disable encryption in their web sites.

I would explain to those authors that in fact they WERE effectively
disabling encryption for their users by going to http links to their pages.
I pointed out that mozilla was protecting its users, and the other browser
was not protecting its users.  In every case, I got a thankful reply from
a red-faced web site developer who appreciated being informed that his
pages actually were disabling user security.  (Search google groups for
many occurrences of such interfaces between [EMAIL PROTECTED] and others.)

Now, I submit that http upgrade will only make that old problem worse by
orders of magnitude.  Web site authors

Re: assertion failure in ssl3_config_match_init() when invoking ForceHandshake()

2006-03-30 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
Peter Djalaliev wrote:
 I am trying to upgrade a normal HTTP connection to SSL in the Apache
 mod_nss module.

So, You're the source of all those questions I've been getting! ;-)

 When the mod_nss module is initialized, it calls:
  - PR_Init
  - PK11_ConfigurePKCS11
  - NSS_Initialize
  - NSS_SetDomesticPolicy.
 Also, I can see that 8 ciphers are being set with SSL_CipherPrefSet()
 Here are the NSS-related function calls that I make:
  - PR_CreateIOLayerStub return a file descriptor ssl

That's a little unusual, but only a little.

  - SSLImportFD(NULL, ssl)
  - SSL_HandshakeCallback(...)
  - SSL_ResetHandshake(ssl, PR_TRUE)

Your list of 8 NSS/NSPR functions down to this point doesn't include
ANY functions for the configuration of an SSL socket.  Well, you did
mention SSL_CipherPrefSet(). Perhaps you did not list all the NSS
functions called by mod_nss ?

 and then a loop invoking SSL_ForceHandshake(ssl) that terminates when
 the SSL handshake callback function has been called.
 However, when I call SSL_ForceHandshake, I get this assertion failure:
 in ssl3_config_match_init() in ssl3con.c

 Assertion failure: numPresent  0 || numEnabled == 0

 Does anybody have an idea why this assertion fails?

libssl uses replaceable locally configured PKCS#11 modules to do all
the crypto.  The capabilities of those modules may vary.  A user might
enable a cipher suite that requires a cryptogrpahic algorithm that is
not available (or more precisely, a set of cryptographic algorithms that
are not available on the same token).

libssl also needs to be correctly configured with certs and private keys.

So, in the course of actually setting up all the data to do the work,
libssl goes down the list of cipher suits enabled by the application,
and checks to see how many of them have all the necessary cryptographic
support from the underlying PKCS#11 modules, including certificates, and
public and private keys.

If it concludes that NONE of the enabled cipher suites has all the crypto
support that it needs, then this assertion triggers. That's what happened
to you.

Given that your list of called NSS functions above didn't include the
functions to configure the SSL socket with certs and keys, I'd guess you
didn't do that, and so ssl3_config_match_init found no certs and keys
for any cipher suites.

One more thing: http upgrade is EVIL.  :-/

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: RNG Seeding + Interesting Crash in NSS startup

2006-03-22 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
Nelson B. Bolyard wrote:

 Among the system files, the best sources of entropy probably come from
 the files in Temporary Internet Files and the temp directories.

I just noticed that I had been reading the code for WinCE, which is rather
different from the general Windows code (Win95-WinXP).

I'll change the bug I filed to be against NSS for WinCE, and open a new
RFE for the rest of windows.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: RNG Seeding + Interesting Crash in NSS startup

2006-03-22 Thread Nelson B. Bolyard
RFE for this is now

Contributions welcome in that RFE.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Where's mozilla's official CA cert list?

2006-03-22 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
says it's an unofficial working document.

So, where's the official list of CA certs in mozilla?
And where is the official list of certs not in mozilla (with reasons why)?

Google showed lots of stuff about policies, and lots of irrelevant stuff,
but no official list.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: list replies? (was Re: Fwd:

2006-02-16 Thread Nelson B
Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 Kyle Hamilton wrote:
(I /hate/ that I have to click 'reply all' to reply to the original
poster /and/ the list.)
 What would you propose instead?
 Having a Reply-To: header in each message that replies to the alias?
 or ?

The particular MailMan list management software we're using gives me
rather few choices in the way of message header munging.  I can

1. Insert a prefix in the subject line, e.g.
   Subject: [dev-tech-crypto] Re: list replies?
^ inserted

2. Replace the email address(es) in From: Sender: and Reply-To: headers
   with the address of the list itself, anonymizing the messages.
   (seems undesirable).

3. Make these other Reply-To header choices:
   a) leave it alone (as the poster created it)  [now configured this way.]
   b) strip it out completely
   c) replace its contents with a constant string, e.g. with name of list.

If there is consensus that a change to these setting is desired, I'm willing.
Please discuss it in this list, not in private email to me.  Thanks.

Nelson B  (list owner  moderator)
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Mozillas 1.5+ (NSS 3.10?) select wrong certificate for authentication

2006-02-13 Thread Nelson B
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 So I think it would be best if the browser detected that there is
 a better-suited certificate (one which doesn't need explicit user
 interaction); the browser should then also invoke explicit approval
 if the NR certificate is used even though select automatically
 was configured (explaining that this specific certificate is a
 formal signature).

That's an interesting idea.  Please file an Enhancement request bug
in  But I wouldn't expect it to be implemented in
the next 6 months, because there's no much work scheduled ahead of it.
So in the meantime, get an EKU extension if you can.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: How to build the NSS cmds on Mac OS X?

2006-02-10 Thread Nelson B
ben wrote:

 Can someone tell me how I can build NSS lib and its utility cmds on Mac
 OS X?

 I have downloaded the Mozilla source code and successfully built it on OS X, 
 but checked with the output obj dir, I didn't find the Security/nss was 
 created and built. How I can include the NSS into my build?

Have a look at
There you will find some text about configuring with --enable-crypto
I think that does the trick.

Note: followups directed to
Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: pkcs11 default provider

2006-02-09 Thread Nelson B
robert dugal wrote:
 I want to configure Firefox 1.5 to use my own PKCS11 provider as the
 default for all algorithms supported by my provider.  I cannot appear to
 do this from the Device Manager dialog as that dialog has no way to
 set specify which algorithms should default to my library. The NSS
 utility modutil has the ability to install the p11 provider and
 configure which algorithms are default. Unfortunately modutil is not
 distributed with Firefox. When I got the v1.5 source tarball modutil
 source is there but I cannot get it to build. I tried several different
 binary releases NSS (3.9, 3.10,3.11) but in all cases modutil only
 allows specifying some algorithms as the default mechanisms. AES is not
 one of these so the internal NSS provider always ends up being the default.

You found a bug!  AES wasn't added to modutil when it was added to
everything else in NSS.  Please file a bug about this in, product NSS, component tools.  And CC me in the
bug report.  (Remove NO and SPAM from my email  address to get the real one)

 Is there any other way to configure my provider as the default?

Are you sure that's really what you want to do?
Does your module implement all the SSL-related PKCS#11 mechanisms?
If not, it may be necessary to move keys from one module to another,
which is typically quite costly (in terms of performance).

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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