[Geany-Devel] Github Comment Mails

2015-08-18 Thread Matthew Brush


Is it possible to make an archived mailing list which can contain 
threads of comments posted to Github (maybe using Github API)? We have 
sometimes when squash commits it deletes Github comments, but I thought 
maybe we could have some stable backup + URL to link to (ex. in commit 
messages, on the mailing list, etc) which could be searchable and 
googlable and not be deleted by rebase.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Github Comment Mails

2015-08-18 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-08-18 08:43 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:

On 19 August 2015 at 13:37, Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca wrote:


Is it possible to make an archived mailing list which can contain threads of
comments posted to Github (maybe using Github API)? We have sometimes when
squash commits it deletes Github comments, but I thought maybe we could have
some stable backup + URL to link to (ex. in commit messages, on the mailing
list, etc) which could be searchable and googlable and not be deleted by

Or by the remote deleting the branch

Yeah, it would be archived and not affected by force pushes, delete 
branches or editing of comments.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] CDK Plugin

2015-07-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-07-29 08:46 AM, Pavel Roschin wrote:

Is GTK3 really unavoidable dependency?

I could spend effort trying to make stuff compatible with both GTK2 and 
3 but since GTK+ 2 is obsolete and even Geany will be depending on GTK+ 
3 by default soon, it seems pointless to write code that is deprecated 
before it's even complete.

At a quick look it doesn't use scintilla's autocompletion window - what
is the reason?

Currently it uses Scintilla's. Eventually it will probably provide own 
popup window that has better items, some extra widgetry and performance 
improvements over Scintilla's.

That would be a great feature. Did you also look at CodeIntel?
It could improve support for many languages, not only C/C++.

I did not. To the best of my knowledge libclang provides the best and 
most accurate open source library available for IDEs to hook into the 
C/C++ compiler and in my experience, besides a having a user-unfriendly 
API (verbose, inconsistent, undocumented, etc), it offers lots of useful 
features out of the box.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] CDK Plugin

2015-07-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-07-28 11:10 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 29. Juli 2015 06:45:34 MESZ, schrieb Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca:

Hi All,

I started working on a plugin that uses features of libclang for C/C++
projects (CDK = C/C++ Development Kit). The code is at:


If anyone is interested to help out in this early stage, especially
the user interface and experience. I have some interesting features
working already but the way humans interact with the plugin really

If anyone is a C/GObject/Glade wizard and wants to help develop the
human interface to this plugin, please respond here or send me an email


Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Great work and very interesting!

Can you give a quick overview of what it adds to geany's c support, whether 
planned or already integrated? Does it also improve some of geany's existing 

There's an overview in the README.md file with some current and planned 

 From what I understood, libclang is superior to any other tag parser, so to me 
the question is also if we could use it in the core? But I guess other language 
support would suffer.

I think it's too big and language-specific to go into core. IMO a better 
approach would be to improve the core to facilitate plugins to 
override/extend Geany's features with language-specific smarts. This 
would make it easier to write such plugins and would avoid the core 
havig all kinds of big dependencies like LibPython, LibVala, LibRuby, or 

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] pull request on GitHub, to add GeanyHighlightSelectedWords, into Geany Plugins

2015-07-08 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-08 07:28 PM, Steve wrote:

On Jul 8, 2015 7:18 PM, Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca wrote:

On 2015-07-08 10:57 AM, Steven Blatnick wrote:

So I've finally got a chance to look at my non-API calls.  I was able to
code around most of them, but there are two that would be much easier if
we could make them APIs.  (I haven't pushed any of these changes to my
git repo yet.)  Could we consider making these API?

* keybindings_load_keyfile - I dynamically add/remove a variable
  number of plugin keybindings based on the plugin settings, so this
  allows me to refresh the results easily.  This allows my
  external-tools plugin to have any number of tools with each their
  own keybinding.  Otherwise, most plugins have a set number of bindings.

This sounds dubious.

I assume you're talking about `external-tools` plugin? Maybe I don't
understand the code enough, but it looks to me like it's just leaking
GeanyKeyGroups in `reload_tools()` and then calling
`keybindings_load_keyfile()` happens to reload the key group it newly

I completely agree there needs to be a way to dynamically add/remove
keybindings, but I'm not sure we should promote this way if I understand
it correctly. IMO, it would be much better to fix Geany.

I agree.  Maybe a reload_plugin type function?  I saw a similar problem in 
gedit plugins, where you have to restart the editor for some things to take 
effect.  And you're right, if i remember correctly, I just want to be able to 
reload my own shortcuts, and the existing call does them all, which is overkill 
to say the least.

GeanyPy, which also has sub-tools (still called plugins, but in Python 
scripts) has the same problem. I'll bet GeanyLua and GeanyMiniScript 
suffer of the same.

* keybindings_lookup_item - I know keybindings_get_item is available
  already, but I am attempting to look up a core group keybinding and
  not plugin's own keybindings.

This sounds reasonable, though I think it would be better if made public
to rename it to something like `keybindings_get_builtin_item()` or
something. Also I think we should change the signature to use the
correct types (those enums we already expose).

Alternatively, is there an event i can tie in to?  Basically the issue here is 
in focusing on the side panel or bottom panel, the focus lands in the wrong 
place to then capture ctrl+pg_up/down to switch notebook tabs.  For example, 
when focusing my panel in external-tools, I need the focus to update to the 
read-only text field instead of the notebook tab label.  I know I can use tab, 
but I'm trying to make the usage fluid.

You could probably dig-out the appropriate widgets from the 
Glade/GtkBuilder UI and connect to GtkWidget events such as focus-in 
and such, but I have the feeling the way you're doing it is better, 
without having actually looked at this part of the code.

* keybindings_dialog_show_prefs_scroll - I remember someone saying the
  Configure Plugins window would have a button to this already in a
  later version, but I still don't see it.  I only need this API if
  the button isn't added.

Could probably make such a button/link use the same code as the
Keybindings button in the Plugin Manager dialog, since it does just
that. It might be a bit awkward UI-wise though.

I'm not sure why that would be awkward?  I'm away from the code right now, but 
I think this call is the same as that button, it just needs to be made an API.

I probably would have to see it. I just mean I can't envision a way to 
add a Keybindings to that Configure Plugin dialog that would be 
global to all plugin tabs.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] pull request on GitHub, to add GeanyHighlightSelectedWords, into Geany Plugins

2015-07-08 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-08 10:57 AM, Steven Blatnick wrote:

Let me know if this is possible or how I should proceed.  I use geany
with my plugins daily, and can't upgrade my code base until my plugins
are working.

I forgot to mention, if you made your plugin part of the Geany-Plugins 
project (I'm assuming it's FOSS, I couldn't find license), usually core 
Geany developers will test API changes against GP project to see what 
breaks and you might even find sometimes patches to your plugin waiting 
in your inbox, to fix this kind of stuff for you :)

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [RFC]: No force push policy on Github PRs

2015-07-08 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-08 01:03 PM, Jiří Techet wrote:

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 5:47 AM, Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca
So personally I wouldn't carve any rules in stone and would decide case
to case. For bigger patches with many review comments it's probably best
to ask the reviewer which way he prefers to have the fixes committed.

Yeah, of course. I didn't mean, despite how the subject might sound, 
that we could/should _never_ re-write a PR, just that we shouldn't do so 
casually/by default, and that if rebasing is desired, that it should be 
held off until the end when whoever's going to merge it is ready and 
asks the contributor to do it or does it themselves.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] pull request on GitHub, to add GeanyHighlightSelectedWords, into Geany Plugins

2015-07-08 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-08 10:57 AM, Steven Blatnick wrote:

So I've finally got a chance to look at my non-API calls.  I was able to
code around most of them, but there are two that would be much easier if
we could make them APIs.  (I haven't pushed any of these changes to my
git repo yet.)  Could we consider making these API?

  * keybindings_load_keyfile - I dynamically add/remove a variable
number of plugin keybindings based on the plugin settings, so this
allows me to refresh the results easily.  This allows my
external-tools plugin to have any number of tools with each their
own keybinding.  Otherwise, most plugins have a set number of bindings.

This sounds dubious.

I assume you're talking about `external-tools` plugin? Maybe I don't 
understand the code enough, but it looks to me like it's just leaking 
GeanyKeyGroups in `reload_tools()` and then calling 
`keybindings_load_keyfile()` happens to reload the key group it newly 

I completely agree there needs to be a way to dynamically add/remove 
keybindings, but I'm not sure we should promote this way if I understand 
it correctly. IMO, it would be much better to fix Geany.

  * keybindings_lookup_item - I know keybindings_get_item is available
already, but I am attempting to look up a core group keybinding and
not plugin's own keybindings.

This sounds reasonable, though I think it would be better if made public 
to rename it to something like `keybindings_get_builtin_item()` or 
something. Also I think we should change the signature to use the 
correct types (those enums we already expose).

  * keybindings_dialog_show_prefs_scroll - I remember someone saying the
Configure Plugins window would have a button to this already in a
later version, but I still don't see it.  I only need this API if
the button isn't added.

Could probably make such a button/link use the same code as the 
Keybindings button in the Plugin Manager dialog, since it does just 
that. It might be a bit awkward UI-wise though.

Let me know if this is possible or how I should proceed.  I use geany
with my plugins daily, and can't upgrade my code base until my plugins
are working.

Best is to make a PR with the changes you want. Second best is to raise 
an Issue and hope somebody else wants them enough to do it.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [RFC]: No force push policy on Github PRs

2015-07-07 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-06 11:41 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:


first of all, I think github should fix this problem, instead of
enforcing a suboptimal workflow on us.
I reported this problem to github, let's see if they respond.

I think I reported it before already. IIRC they said something to the 
effect of ya we know it's a problem, we'll add it to our list of things 
to think about fixing (paraphrasing).

Am 07.07.2015 um 02:13 schrieb Matthew Brush:

Hi All,

As anyone trying to follow Pull Requests on Github has probably
noticed, when you force push to your PR branch, Github deletes various
comments related to the PR, depending on what got clobbered (it seems).

Not always. I haven't found a consistent pattern, but it seems worse
when commits are removed.

This makes it extremely difficult to keep track of and finally merge
PRs because issues that may have been raised are gone and it leaves
holes in the comments which are a useful way to make sure any issues,
notes, ideas, etc. have been dealt with before merging.

In addition to the dropped comments, it makes it harder to follow the
changes made since it clobbers the Git history too, so you have to
basically review the entire changset by looking at the whole diff of
all files affected by the PR at once.

Well, assuming an updated PR only changes stuff which has  been
commented on before or are otherwise explicitely noted in a new comment,
you do not have to review the entire diff again. And you have to review
those parts of the diff you commented on again, other parts should be
fine since they received no comment at the first review, right?

IMO, it's easier to review a small list of commits rather than a mega 
commit, even if there's a few little nuisance commits in it. In all 
cases if you merge something you have to review it completely, it's just 
easier, IMO, when you can kind of follow the comments interspersed with 
the commits in the order they were added. Also, if something you tested 
yesterday worked, you know that when the contributor added commits 
today, it didn't invalidate everything you had previously 
reviewed/tested, and have to now start all over.

Added to that, re-writing the history makes it a PITA for more than one 
person to contribute changes to a PR at once. IMO, we should be 
promoting that kind of thing, not making it harder.

So it boils down to lost comments are the main problem.

Well it's not the only one, but definitively the one that incited this 
email about changing our (never really discussed IIRC) policy about 
re-writing history mid-PR.

Another reason to avoid is because it makes it harder to test a PR if
the repos history keeps getting munged, it breaks your previous pulls.

I propose that we disallow force pushing, rebasing, squashing, etc. on
any PR until it is fully ready for final merging. We could probably
use a label or milestone or something to signify that a PR has been
fully reviewed and is ready for merging. At that point it _might_ make
sense to fudge history and get rid of some noisy fixup commits[0].

The more fixup commits the less likely that the post-review cleanup is
actually going to happen. The largeish linkage-cleanup branch was almost
merged as is, and I'm sure bisection of in the middle of those commits
is harder or even impossible.

IIRC it actually showed the real history of how the changes evolved and 
I assume each commit was at least moderately tested. I'd have to look 
closer to see if there were many noisy commits.

Thoughts, opinions?

I prefer rebasing and rewriting commits, because that makes my life
easier too. I can handle my stuff better if it has a clean history, and
it helps me in making design decisions because I try to logically
separate stuff in the commits.

You could still do that locally as you hack away on stuff, it's only the 
stuff you pushed to your PR branch that people are pulling from where 
you wouldn't re-write the history from underneath them (and Github).

And merging master into my PR when the PR
should eventually be merged into master is not acceptable for, therefore
I rebase.

Why? IMO there's no big deal merging master into your work branch if 
it's long-lived enough to warrant it.

Continuously rewriting history is common in the patch distribution via
mailing lists so it's successfully performed elsewhere. It's really just
github being bad at maintaining comments and that should be fixed on
their side.

Mostly, but also it makes certain stuff easier for everyone. One of the 
hassles of patches is because you have to keep creating branches to 
apply them on or keep backing the changes out and applying new patches, 
etc (basically the same thing as when someone force pushes to their PR 

PS: Lost comments should still be in your mailbox as a last resort,
since github sends notifications for each.

The problem is it doesn't send you copies of your own messages :(

Matthew Brush

Re: [Geany-Devel] [RFC]: No force push policy on Github PRs

2015-07-07 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-07 06:07 AM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 07/07/2015 02:13, Matthew Brush a écrit :


In addition to the dropped comments, it makes it harder to follow
the changes made since it clobbers the Git history too, so you have
to basically review the entire changset by looking at the whole diff
of all files affected by the PR at once.

Also true.  For that part they could provide a diff between the previous
and current state, so at least we could see what changed.  But well,
it's not (yet) the case.

It kind of makes sense that `git push +fackyou` does what it says 
(regardless if you prefer the -f/--fack-you syntax or not), it still 
says Dear Git, break this sh1t.

Another reason to avoid is because it makes it harder to test a PR
if the repos history keeps getting munged, it breaks your previous

Well, true but you can also just create versioned local branches -- so
you can even diff them.  I generally do that with largish stuff, like:


etc.  Of course it requires manual intervention, but it's not very hard.

It's a good workaround to be sure, but still a workaround.

I propose that we disallow force pushing, rebasing, squashing, etc.
on any PR until it is fully ready for final merging. […] ready for
merging. At that point it _might_ make sense to fudge history and get
rid of some noisy fixup commits[0].

Agreed, this should be the default behavior.  We should at least try and
see how life gets easier.

Thomas, since you're one of the most frequent contributors, are you OK 
if we try this? I think you often rebase when you think it's expected 
and to just get the damn changes finally merged ... so if we lower the 
expectation, will it hamper your Geany-Fu a lot?

Thoughts, opinions?

Everyone else? (Silence = don't care)

If it sounds like a good idea, I could probably try and update any
relevant documentation (HACKING comes to mind) to make a note of

Cheers, Matthew Brush

[0]: I personally don't think it's a big deal leaving the history to
match real life, but I can see how Fix some typo type of commits
aren't very useful to keep around.

Well, IMO it doesn't make sense to keep endless fixup commits in the
final marge.  Not only it clobbers history, but it also makes it a lot
harder to bisect.

Yeah, I can understand this point. The main advantage I see is that when 
a PR is merged, it has the same set of commits that were proven (via our 
ad-hoc testing and review procedures) to be OK, as opposed to insert 
undefined stuff that happened during fixing of merge/rebase conflicts 
and adjustments of history.

Of course, this applies to *fixups*, not incremental development.  If
changes were made incrementally in the PR it probably makes sense (or
may not, depending on the case) to keep the incremental history too.

I think we all agree here, just a bit differing on the spectrum of 
incremental vs oh shyte, oops! commits (both being expected in a PR, 

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

[Geany-Devel] [RFC]: No force push policy on Github PRs

2015-07-06 Thread Matthew Brush

Hi All,

As anyone trying to follow Pull Requests on Github has probably noticed, 
when you force push to your PR branch, Github deletes various comments 
related to the PR, depending on what got clobbered (it seems).

This makes it extremely difficult to keep track of and finally merge PRs 
because issues that may have been raised are gone and it leaves holes in 
the comments which are a useful way to make sure any issues, notes, 
ideas, etc. have been dealt with before merging.

In addition to the dropped comments, it makes it harder to follow the 
changes made since it clobbers the Git history too, so you have to 
basically review the entire changset by looking at the whole diff of all 
files affected by the PR at once.

Another reason to avoid is because it makes it harder to test a PR if 
the repos history keeps getting munged, it breaks your previous pulls.

I propose that we disallow force pushing, rebasing, squashing, etc. on 
any PR until it is fully ready for final merging. We could probably use 
a label or milestone or something to signify that a PR has been fully 
reviewed and is ready for merging. At that point it _might_ make sense 
to fudge history and get rid of some noisy fixup commits[0].

Thoughts, opinions?

If it sounds like a good idea, I could probably try and update any 
relevant documentation (HACKING comes to mind) to make a note of this[1].

Matthew Brush

[0]: I personally don't think it's a big deal leaving the history to 
match real life, but I can see how Fix some typo type of commits 
aren't very useful to keep around.

[1]: Although force pushing is generally considered bad-practice on 
public branches, so I doubt too many people would do it without being asked.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows installer snapshots with GTK 2.24

2015-07-02 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-02 01:36 PM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 02/07/15 01:17, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 2015-07-01 02:45 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 2015-07-01 12:33 PM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 27/06/15 20:53, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 27.06.2015 um 01:09 schrieb Enrico Tröger:


I've built new Windows installers from current GIT master.

Downloads can be found here:

Please note that these are test builds from the current development
version, don't expect release quality.
You have been warned :).

After you installed the snapshots, you can also use the nightly
builds again on Windows (i.e. copy the archive contents over the

Any feedback is welcome.

Nice! I'll try to spin GTK3-based installers soon. Though it needs tiny
patches to Geany (PR will follow).

Thomas, could you do me a favor and check against which libraries your
geany.dll is linked?
Basically performing a 'ldd' on Windows.

Attached is a short command session to dump object information from the
DLL and then grep for DLL Name which lists linked libraries. This is
somewhat similar to 'ldd' on Linux.
You probably need to adjust the paths to the 'objdump' tool and the
geany.dll (objdump.exe should be part of the Mingw installation and
reside next to gcc.exe).

Background: Frank made me aware that on a clean Windows system, the
provided installer won't start because it requires libwinpthread-1.dll
which is not distributed by the installer but is part of the Mingw
environment. I never noticed this because on my Windows system, the
Mingw installation is in $PATH and so this library is always available.

I'm curious whether this happens also with your Mingw setup. I guess it
will as it seems this is a change in newer gcc versions on Windows. But
I want to get sure instead of just guessing :).

Right now, I'm playing with static linking options, already tried
-static -lpthread but so far without success.

If it is just a requirement, we can probably distribute this library as
well but if we can avoid it, even better.

For cross-compiling it's sometimes useful to add `-static-libstdc++` and
`-static-libgcc` compiler/linker options, if not already there. Maybe
they would compile that library into Geany.exe statically along with the
std stuff.

Those are already used

Another alternative might be `-static -lwinpthread-1` with or without
the `-1`.

Thanks. I already tried static -lpthread and now also your variants but
all without success :(.
The geany.dll on my system is always linked against libwinpthread-1.dll,
even after updating my Mingw environment.

I'll keep testing and trying...

I remember having this problem before, though I forget how I solved it :(

This looks kind of promising:

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows installer snapshots with GTK 2.24

2015-07-01 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-01 12:33 PM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 27/06/15 20:53, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 27.06.2015 um 01:09 schrieb Enrico Tröger:


I've built new Windows installers from current GIT master.

Downloads can be found here:

Please note that these are test builds from the current development
version, don't expect release quality.
You have been warned :).

After you installed the snapshots, you can also use the nightly
builds again on Windows (i.e. copy the archive contents over the

Any feedback is welcome.

Nice! I'll try to spin GTK3-based installers soon. Though it needs tiny
patches to Geany (PR will follow).

Thomas, could you do me a favor and check against which libraries your
geany.dll is linked?
Basically performing a 'ldd' on Windows.

Attached is a short command session to dump object information from the
DLL and then grep for DLL Name which lists linked libraries. This is
somewhat similar to 'ldd' on Linux.
You probably need to adjust the paths to the 'objdump' tool and the
geany.dll (objdump.exe should be part of the Mingw installation and
reside next to gcc.exe).

Background: Frank made me aware that on a clean Windows system, the
provided installer won't start because it requires libwinpthread-1.dll
which is not distributed by the installer but is part of the Mingw
environment. I never noticed this because on my Windows system, the
Mingw installation is in $PATH and so this library is always available.

I'm curious whether this happens also with your Mingw setup. I guess it
will as it seems this is a change in newer gcc versions on Windows. But
I want to get sure instead of just guessing :).

Right now, I'm playing with static linking options, already tried
-static -lpthread but so far without success.

If it is just a requirement, we can probably distribute this library as
well but if we can avoid it, even better.

For cross-compiling it's sometimes useful to add `-static-libstdc++` and 
`-static-libgcc` compiler/linker options, if not already there. Maybe 
they would compile that library into Geany.exe statically along with the 
std stuff.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows installer snapshots with GTK 2.24

2015-07-01 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-07-01 02:45 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 2015-07-01 12:33 PM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 27/06/15 20:53, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 27.06.2015 um 01:09 schrieb Enrico Tröger:


I've built new Windows installers from current GIT master.

Downloads can be found here:

Please note that these are test builds from the current development
version, don't expect release quality.
You have been warned :).

After you installed the snapshots, you can also use the nightly
builds again on Windows (i.e. copy the archive contents over the

Any feedback is welcome.

Nice! I'll try to spin GTK3-based installers soon. Though it needs tiny
patches to Geany (PR will follow).

Thomas, could you do me a favor and check against which libraries your
geany.dll is linked?
Basically performing a 'ldd' on Windows.

Attached is a short command session to dump object information from the
DLL and then grep for DLL Name which lists linked libraries. This is
somewhat similar to 'ldd' on Linux.
You probably need to adjust the paths to the 'objdump' tool and the
geany.dll (objdump.exe should be part of the Mingw installation and
reside next to gcc.exe).

Background: Frank made me aware that on a clean Windows system, the
provided installer won't start because it requires libwinpthread-1.dll
which is not distributed by the installer but is part of the Mingw
environment. I never noticed this because on my Windows system, the
Mingw installation is in $PATH and so this library is always available.

I'm curious whether this happens also with your Mingw setup. I guess it
will as it seems this is a change in newer gcc versions on Windows. But
I want to get sure instead of just guessing :).

Right now, I'm playing with static linking options, already tried
-static -lpthread but so far without success.

If it is just a requirement, we can probably distribute this library as
well but if we can avoid it, even better.

For cross-compiling it's sometimes useful to add `-static-libstdc++` and
`-static-libgcc` compiler/linker options, if not already there. Maybe
they would compile that library into Geany.exe statically along with the
std stuff.

Another alternative might be `-static -lwinpthread-1` with or without 
the `-1`.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] f403e7e (PR#188) - Maintain edit history on document reload

2015-06-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-29 02:24 AM, Lex Trotman wrote:

On 29 June 2015 at 18:24, Thomas Martitz ku...@rockbox.org wrote:

Am 29.06.2015 um 00:32 schrieb Lex Trotman:

On 29 June 2015 at 07:41, Colomban Wendling lists@herbesfolles.org

Le 26/06/2015 07:22, Thomas Martitz a écrit :


However, as we entered string freeze, I don't suppose a new dialog like
this is acceptable at this point?

It would be really better not to indeed?

What else can we do for *this* release?

Hum.  If this is an important enough issue, I can see these solutions:

- Default to not keep history (hence prompt);

- Add an extra hidden setting don't show this message again-like for a
*future* dialog/infobar, so it still always asks unless the user
manually changes this hidden setting.

Both are suboptimal for this feature, but if it's a problem we can
probably delay default enabling to the next cycle.

Or just put a BIG notice in the release notes Reload is now undoable
so it doesn't prompt any more

That helps only existing users, and only that fraction that actually reads
release notes (I would think the bulk of them doesn't).

Well, yes, thats true, but it is something that can be done anyway,
since it has no impact on code or strings or anything else :)

Perhaps it would be indeed best to not toggle the default for this release

PS: I do love this feature now that I'm aware of the undo'ability, it's not
like I want to act against it. I just fear it creates user confusion for
both new and existing users alike.

Certainly it gave you a fright, and its admirable that you try to save
others from it, but personally I think you are too worried.

Not only it gave him fright, it lost him work because the change in 
behaviour is not common/obvious and lacks the visual queues needed to 
make one realize what has happened.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Spawn module API

2015-06-27 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-27 12:46 PM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:


An updated list of the API-s asked to remain public:


We should only export what you have concrete plans to use during the 
next cycle. If Lex wants update plugins during the next cycle to use 
other parts of the API, we can expose them at the time that the PR is 
made. No point to speculatively expose API that nobody has immediate 
plans to use.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Student looking for professional experience

2015-06-26 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-26 02:01 PM, Minh Bui wrote:

Hello, my name is Minh and I'm currently a sophomore in college, looking
for open source project to strengthen my coding skill. I know Java and C
and have a little exposure to C++. I have previously used Geany a lot
for doing my school assignments and recently I stumbled across the
development section. I'm still very new in contributing to a large scale
project like this. I look forward to work along with the team.


Feel free to ask on this list if you have any questions.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Spawn module API

2015-06-25 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-20 08:12 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:

Hi All,

I just noticed that the new spawn code exposes almost every single bit
of API possible. Do we really want to do that, or should we limit it
only to what is currently needed by any plugins? A quick survey of
Geany-Plugins shows no usage of any of this yet.

IMO, we shouldn't expose anything which is not needed by plugins,
especially if it's not related to the plugin API.

One further thought before we get locked into the exposed API.

Shouldn't all the spawn stuff be in the utils_* namespace? From the 
plugin developer perspective it's just some more utility functions like 
the ones it improves upon already in the utils_ namespace and that seems 
to be the place where we dump all the general purpose convenience 
functions and stuff that makes up for GLib short-comings, and that's 
effectively what this is.

If we wanted to keep the file-wise isolation of the spawn code, we could 
just tweak the Doxygen comments a bit to put the functions under that 
section of the API docs, rather than giving a handful of helper 
functions their own whole module (API-wise, ex. namespace and docs).

Any opinions?

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] f403e7e (PR#188) - Maintain edit history on document reload

2015-06-24 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-24 09:30 AM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 24/06/2015 17:04, Thomas Martitz a écrit :


I have just noticed that current git, by default, doesn't prompt anymore
when reloading documents, even when they are changed.

I traced it back to the $SUBJECT commit. IMO it's fine to keep the undo
history on reload and not prompt, but it's not fine if the file is
currently modified (unsaved) and reloading throws all unsaved changes
away, without warning.

This is especially problematic because the new pref is on by default so
users will probably be surprised by the new, changed behavior and lose
some hours of work (happend to me...).

How does it loose work?  you can undo the reload and you get your stuff
back, don't you?

It's not super obvious you can undo because it seems like the document's 
dirty state is cleared, so the tab label isn't red, etc. I didn't 
realize this feature, even though I vaguely remember when it was 
committed. It seems fine, but I wouldn't have realized I could just 
undo. I usually associate file-related actions to clearing the undo 
buffer, but it might just be what I'm used to.

I'm asking for restoring the prompt (by default), at the very least if
the file is unsaved.

Would be fine with me, as I don't think reload is something done so
often that a confirmation would be much pain.  We could restore the
previous confirmation behavior.

I reload a lot :)

I think the only weird behaviour besides the clearing the dirty state, 
is that if you are editing a file, then edit it externally, then come 
back to Geany, it rightly warns you using a nice document message, 
giving the choice to reload, overwrite or do nothing. If you press the 
toolbar reload button, it dismisses the document infobar. That's not in 
itself necessarily a bad thing, because you're basically saying yes, i 
want to reload, go away. However, if you clicked the toolbar save 
button instead of reload, it asks Yet Again, this time with a modal 
dialog, what the document infobar is already asking, to save/overwrite 
the file. It's kind of subtle but seems a bit inconsistent, IMO.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] f403e7e (PR#188) - Maintain edit history on document reload

2015-06-24 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-24 05:47 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:


I wonder if there's a more simple way to reduce confusion and increase 
visibility other than an annoying dialog or document message. Maybe as a 
separate action with a different name in the edit menu?

Menu, what menu? I use the toolbar button.  Changing the name won't help here.

Then maybe just having it keep the tab label red and asterisk in the 
window title is enough. I think those would've been enough of a clue for 
me to figure out I could undo.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Spawn module API

2015-06-23 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-23 09:04 AM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

On 23.6.2015 г. 02:25, Matthew Brush wrote:


One thing I forgot: the plugin API currently exports
utils_spawn_[a]sync, and a few plugins use utils_spawn_sync. These
functions were (partially correct) wrappers around the old glib/win32
spawn, and are now wrappers around spawn_[a]sync. Someday, in the
distant future, they should be obsoleted...


  I get what you're saying but I also
  feel uneasy about blanket exporting of APIs with no current users of it,
  so we don't know exactly what really needs to be exported.

Well, with nothing from spawn exported, we can be pretty sure that all
plugins _will_ be using utils_spawn and g_spawn instead. :)

I think the general policy is to export stuff on demand as plugins need 
it. Seeing as you wrote the API in question, I'm assuming you know best 
the stuff you will need, so I don't personally see much problem 
preemptively exposing that stuff[0].

From you're previous email you mentioned the stuff checked with [x] below:

[ ] spawn_get_program_name()
[ ] spawn_check_command()
[x] spawn_kill_process()
[ ] spawn_async_with_pipes()
[ ] spawn_async()
[x] spawn_with_callbacks()
[x] spawn_write_data()
[ ] spawn_get_exit_status()
[ ] spawn_sync()

[x] SpawnFlags
[x] SpawnReadFunc
[x] SpawnWriteData

Is that sufficient, or is there other stuff? I will remove the /** from 
anything that is not expected to be needed, if nobody objects.

About the WIF* macros, those (at present) are not officially part of 
the plugin API as they have no Doxygen comments, though they will still 
be visible to plugins since they're macros and bypass the linker trick 
we use to hide functions. I think it would be best to add documentation 
to those (and possible define them into the GEANY_ 'namespace'?), at 
the very least to ensure nobody accidentally moves or hides them. Just 
the other day I tried to move them into spawn.c thinking they were there 
on accident, but then I left them because another .c file uses them so 
they need to be in a (not necessarily public) header.

  We should make Colomban decide :)

The leading developers should decide - including you.

Well you know my opinion :) I think everyone pretty much agrees we 
shouldn't expose stuff unrelated to the plugin API, and I think we all 
also agree it's stupid for plugins to have to copypaste code that 
exists already or else use an inferior version. I also think everyone 
agrees that a separate utility library would be a good idea. The problem 
I have is that once this API makes it into the next release, it's 
forever stuck inside Geany and we'll have to keep it indefinitely, 
regardless if something possibly better[1] like GProcess comes available 
to us, and we don't even use it internally anymore.

Matthew Brush

[0]: At least until we establish a policy around what belongs in the 
plugin API or not.

[1]: I have no idea if it's better, just an example.
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Spawn module API

2015-06-23 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-23 01:40 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:

On 24 June 2015 at 02:04, Dimitar Zhekov dimitar.zhe...@gmail.com wrote:

On 23.6.2015 г. 02:25, Matthew Brush wrote:


One thing I forgot: the plugin API currently exports utils_spawn_[a]sync,
and a few plugins use utils_spawn_sync. These functions were (partially
correct) wrappers around the old glib/win32 spawn, and are now wrappers
around spawn_[a]sync. Someday, in the distant future, they should be

I get what you're saying but I also
feel uneasy about blanket exporting of APIs with no current users of it,
so we don't know exactly what really needs to be exported.

In a previous post Dimitar has listed the API he requests for his
plugin, so that (at least) should be made available in 1.25.  It is
spurious to make him and therefore any potential windows users wait
for another release cycle.

He listed some of the API that is exposed. There's nothing spurious 
about being cautious about mass-exporting API that nobody even asks for, 

Well, with nothing from spawn exported, we can be pretty sure that all
plugins _will_ be using utils_spawn and g_spawn instead. :)

Yes, the argument that nothing uses it is also spurious given the API
only just came into existence.

Nobody made any argument that nobody uses, I just mentioned that nobody 
is using it YET (since they could've, as it's all exported for plugins 
ATM in Git master), so we could therefore unexpose it without causing 
anybody grief. There's nothing spurious going on here.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Spawn module API

2015-06-21 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-20 08:12 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:

Hi All,

I just noticed that the new spawn code exposes almost every single bit
of API possible. Do we really want to do that, or should we limit it
only to what is currently needed by any plugins? A quick survey of
Geany-Plugins shows no usage of any of this yet.

IMO, we shouldn't expose anything which is not needed by plugins,
especially if it's not related to the plugin API.

See: https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/523

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

[Geany-Devel] Spawn module API

2015-06-20 Thread Matthew Brush

Hi All,

I just noticed that the new spawn code exposes almost every single bit 
of API possible. Do we really want to do that, or should we limit it 
only to what is currently needed by any plugins? A quick survey of 
Geany-Plugins shows no usage of any of this yet.

IMO, we shouldn't expose anything which is not needed by plugins, 
especially if it's not related to the plugin API.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] pull request on GitHub, to add GeanyHighlightSelectedWords, into Geany Plugins

2015-06-14 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-05-27 05:25 AM, marius buzea wrote:


I would like to add GeanyHighlightSelectedWords, to Geany Plugins.

See https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/513

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Autotools and Waf options (Was: Re: Msys2 to compile on win32)

2015-06-06 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-06-06 05:57 AM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 06/06/2015 13:07, Dimitar Zhekov a écrit :


I'm using waf under Linux as well, since it keeps the source tree clean,

You can do the same with Autotools, though it admittedly doesn't enforce
it.  Just run configure from the directory you want the build files in, e.g:

$ mkdir _build
$ cd _build
$ ../configure [options]

That's only partially true, at least when using a Git clone. autogen.sh 
script puts quite a few files in the source directory, and then make 
will put even more, if building any of the Vala plugin.

It is true for the release tarball though, if you don't mind using Vala 
compiler of the person making the tarball.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Open Source Work At Geany

2015-06-02 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-05-31 05:23 PM, Atal Akbari wrote:

Hi, my name Is Atal Akbari, I am a 3rd year Computer Science student
at Ryerson University, currently looking for open source work in
order to test my developing skills at a professional level. I choose
Geany as my first open source project because I have previously used
Geany and came across the development section while surfing through
the website. In addition to this the C/C++ programming language is my
strong suit and I am very interested in strengthening my C/C++ skill
set. Thank you for the opportunity  looking forward to working with
the team! , Atal Akbari


If you have any questions concerning the code - which, for what it's 
worth, isn't C/C++, it's just plain olde C :) - or to discuss something 
you'd like to work on, feel free to send message on this mailing list or 
go on the #geany IRC channel on FreeNode, where some of the Geany 
community and developers hang out.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] pull request on GitHub, to add GeanyHighlightSelectedWords, into Geany Plugins

2015-05-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-05-29 02:03 PM, Jiří Techet wrote:

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 1:25 AM, Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca wrote:

Ideally you could improve the underlying implementation of an existing one
if your way is better[0] and they perform the same function. It's really
confusing for users to figure out what is the right plugin when there's
too many doing the same thing. The same thing happens with GeanyGDB,
Debugger, and Scope right now.

That being said, showing occurrences of the word is such a common and
fairly useful feature for an IDE, I'd personally rather see the 3-4
existing plugins obsoleted by a good implementation in core Geany[1].

Matthew Brush

+1 on having it directly in Geany.

And IMO, the simplest possible implementation should be used - i.e. using
just strstr() for finding the names and highlighting the whole editor and
not just the visible part and redoing this when scrolling.

KMP is quite an overkill in this case - it would be useful only if

1. The text to locate would be long (which isn't the case because
function/variable names are quite short)
2. The searched text would contain many prefixes from the text to locate
(again not the case - variables/functions can have common prefix but
typically there will be at most one per line and not like every second
character). Most of the time strstr() will find different characters at the
first position and advance to the next character.

If you consider what we are doing when the document changes - i.e. parsing
the document twice, once by scintilla lexer, once by ctags parser - and
this happens on the main thread and nobody notices it, then the search part
in the highlighting will be almost for free.

I might try and improve this feature this weekend if I get some time.

One thing I think would make it much better would be if it was based on 
semantics (ex. the variable i would only be highlighted in the current 
loop, since that's where it is scoped), but I think that's not really 
possible at present.

I was thinking something like this for implementation:

- Have a preference to enable the feature (since it would now be 
automatic). Have the preference turned off by default. Put the 
preference in Preferences-Editor-Display as a checkbox called 
Highlight current word or similar. Or would it be better under 

- Use a different indicator number than the current Mark All feature, 
so it won't clash with the one used for the Search dialog and can have 
different styling.

- Remove the Mark All keybinding. Also make these new indicator types 
not cleared by the Document-Remove Markers menu item.

- Upon Scintilla notification of position changed, check if there's a 
current word at the cursor.

- If not, clear the indicators used for this feature (but not the Mark 
All ones activated from the Search Dialog).

- If there is a current word but it's the same as last time, do nothing.

- If there is a current word and it's different from the last one, clear 
the indicators and then have Scintilla close its gap buffer by getting 
the character pointer to it.

- Use strstr() starting at the character pointer to the buffer start, 
comparing the bytes with the bytes of the current word, working its way 
through the whole document.

- For each non-NULL return of strstr(), set an indicator at position 
`foundPtr - docStartPtr` with the indicator length as the number of 
bytes in the current word, and then use strstr() again starting at 
`foundPtr + currentWordLength`, repeat to end.

Does that sound fairly reasonable?

The only thing I'm not 100% sure about is handling of multi-byte 
characters in the UTF-8 of the wordchars or the buffer, but it seems 
like it should just work since it's just comparing raw bytes, and at 
worst, setting a indicator position in Scintilla that is between two 
bytes of the same multi-byte char (but not moving the caret there, so no 
weird editing bugs).

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] pull request on GitHub, to add GeanyHighlightSelectedWords, into Geany Plugins

2015-05-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 2015-05-29 04:45 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:


I was thinking something like this for implementation:

- Upon Scintilla notification of position changed, check if there's a
current word at the cursor.

Question: Is it important to make it mark the selection if there is one, 
otherwise the current word? I've never seen or used that in other 
editors where I've seen this feature (though I don't doubt it exists) 
but I think it was mentioned in another message in this thread (and is 
how the current manual Mark All feature works, apparently).

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [geany/geany] f03206: Windows: Compile geany_private.rc into Geany.exe for version data and icon

2015-04-18 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-04-18 03:51 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 18/04/15 11:47, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 17/04/15 21:32, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 12/04/2015 22:54, Enrico Tröger a écrit :

Branch:  refs/heads/master
Author:  Enrico Tröger enrico.troe...@uvena.de
Committer:   Enrico Tröger enrico.troe...@uvena.de
Date:Sun, 12 Apr 2015 20:54:16 UTC
Commit:  f03206744361baac1c811db97f5d2816409d7787

Log Message:
Windows: Compile geany_private.rc into Geany.exe for version data and icon

Should we integrate geany_private.rc in the library too?  This isn't
done with Autotools, but could be added.

It's not really necessary. For Waf, I just added it to the binary where
it is necessary and kept it for the library.
The rc file serves two main purposes:
- add the icon to the binary
- add versioning information to the binary (e.g. in the file properties
dialog in the Details tab)

While especially the icon is important for the binary, I guess the rc
file is just nice to have for the library but not necessary.
But I agree we should do the same for Waf and autotools, either link it
or don't link it.
I don't mind which way to go.

After thinking a bit more about this, I think we should not link the rc
file against the library. We also don't link it against the plugin

The rc file contains settings that the resulting binary is an executable
and it includes also the geany.exe.manifest. Both do not apply to the
library. So it is actually wrong to use that rc file for the library.

If there are no objections, I will remove linking the rc file against
the library in Waf.

None here.

I think the way it might make sense is if it contained artwork, UIs, 
translations and stuff like they often do for Win32 API projects, and 
that were actually used in libgeany.dll, but since we just use it for 
the .exe icon, meta-info, styles, etc. I tend to agree it makes more 
sense linked to the .exe.

We might still want an .rc file for the library though, if it's 
important to show the correct meta-info in Windows explorer for the .dll 
file (I dunno if it is?).

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [geany/geany-plugins] 73ae49: waf: Fix the checks for openpty() on FreeBSD

2015-04-16 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-04-16 02:20 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 16/04/2015 23:14, Thomas Martitz a écrit :

Am 16.04.2015 um 21:47 schrieb Enrico Tröger:

On 16/04/15 18:47, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

On 16.4.2015 г. 12:37, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 15.04.2015 um 19:15 schrieb Dimitar Zhekov:


In my splitwindow2 patches I underline the text label in active tab. So
that the user can tell which of the 2 notebooks is active currently
tabs alone don't show that).

Would that be a worthy fix to your problem?

Yes. The ability to have the current tab underlined, italic or bold
seems like a good thing to have, irrespective of my problems with 2.24 +
Win~1. It probably should be done programmatically?

I sort of like the idea. And would agree that it might be not just
useful on Windows.
Thomas, can this be done in code so it could be enabled/disabled by a

Sure, but why would you disable it?

Because it's damn ugly :)  (and serves absolutely no purpose -- for me)

+1, and it's also something that should be controlled by user/system 
themes, not the app, IMO.

Is a pref necessary?


+1. If people really want it, I'd appreciate to be able to disable it.

And at least
with my splitwindow2 patch set something like this is needed to
determine the focused document (each notebook can have an active doc,
but only one of them can be focused at any time).

Only if the splitwindow is actually used.  And even, underlying the tab
might not be the best visual indicator ever, though I can't suggest
something easy that would actually work (I'd think a better one would be
some kind of slightly deactivated editor, but while doable it's a bit
annoying with Scintilla).

Or maybe just a special border around the focused scintilla or nothing 
at all (except the correct window title, and blinking cursor).

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [geany/geany-plugins] 73ae49: waf: Fix the checks for openpty() on FreeBSD

2015-04-15 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-04-15 10:15 AM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

On 14.4.2015 г. 22:37, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 13/04/15 19:33, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

In 2.24, the horizontal tabs under Win~1 have this flat or modern or
whatever look, and you can only distinguish the current tab via a slight
3D effect. And unlike 3.x, where you can easily set the active tab

I don't get it.
For me it looks like as in the attached screenshot. I don't have a GTK
2.16 build at hand for a direct comparison but the notebook tabs look OK
to me in the GTK 2.24 build.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. The white horizontal line, which
normally gives nice outline [vertical_tabs], but is almost lost due to
the white editor background, combined with the identical unchangeable
background for the tabs. Not completely indistinguishable, but much
worse than 2.22, and hard on many tabs.

We could re-parent the Scintilla widget into a frame (or whichever is 
the proper widget) and set its border shadow to in or etched in, 
which would probably look more appropriate on Windows[0][1][2], and 
likely still look fine on most non-Windows themes.

Alternatively, we could probably tweak the default windows theme 
(engine) to make it look more native.

Matthew Brush

[0]: http://www.testech-elect.com/ontime/vstudio.gif
[1]: http://cache.filehippo.com/img/ex/626__notepad1.png
[2]: http://scitedebug.luaforge.net/scite-debug.png
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [geany/geany-plugins] 73ae49: waf: Fix the checks for openpty() on FreeBSD

2015-04-12 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-04-12 10:20 AM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:


While on configuring, the README file still lists gtk+ 2.16 as a minimum
requirement for Geany - but it's actually 2.18 with GtkInfoBar now,
right? I can cut an entire module (gtk216.[ch]) from Scope if 2.18 is
the minimum required version...

I just merged PR #245[0], so 2.24 should be good version to use.

Matthew Brush

[0]: https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/245

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] New plugin loader mechanisms

2015-03-25 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-03-25 04:22 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 18.03.2015 um 22:55 schrieb Matthew Brush:

On 15-03-18 09:42 AM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

tl;dr -
Key functions

gboolean geany_load_module(GeanyPlugin *, GModule *)

What is the GModule* for? Is it a .dll that Geany opened on behalf of
the plugin based on selection in Plugin Manager?

That's the function exported by native (C/C++) plugins that want to
register as plugins with Geany. With my proposal that's the only
function of a plugin that Geany gets through g_module_open(). Since this
only applies to native shared libraries, the corresponding GModule is

This function is similar to libpeas' peas_register_types().

Is it where resident plugins should register their GTypes similar to Peas?

The main reason I asked about it is because it seems to have the same 
call time, argument and similar return semantics as the existing GModule 
hook `g_module_check_init()`. I get that it passes the plugin struct 
too, and has a more useful name, mostly I was just curious about when to 
use which one.

What is the expected use of the GModule parameter? I'm curious if it's 
useful at all, or just exposing the loader's externals, and maybe 
whether if it's only for special use-case, that it might be better to 
just use `g_module_open(NULL)` in those place(s).

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] New plugin loader mechanisms

2015-03-25 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-03-25 04:22 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 18.03.2015 um 22:55 schrieb Matthew Brush:


static Plugin my_plugin = {
  .name= Foo,
  .version = 0.1,
  .author  = Me,
  .description = Foo plugin,
  .api_min = 200,
  .abi_ver = GEANY_ABI_VERSION,
  .init= my_plugin_init,
  .configure   = my_plugin_configure,
  .help= my_plugin_help,
  .deinit  = my_plugin_cleanup,


Thanks for your suggestion to make the plugin_set_info() obsolete and
move filing the info fields before geany_plugin_register(). I will
incoperate that into my v2 of my proposal.

If you squint your eyes just right, it looks like you could re-write the 
PLUGIN_SET_INFO() in a way to be source-compatible (but obviously not 
binary-compatible) with the old way, since nobody used plugin_set_info() 
directly, and the hook functions you moved/proposed only add an argument 
(which Geany could read, or not, based on the ABI version).

Just a passing thought.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] debug output on win32

2015-03-23 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-03-22 04:30 PM, the Adib wrote:

Hello all,

I have installed a buildenvironment on my Win32 virtualbox.
I want to investigate in the source code and have some debug output from
the running application.

I tried printf as well as geany_debug. I also set G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all.

However starting the application from the commandshell cmd:
- returns immediatel to the promt, without waiting the application to close,
- does not output any debug hint on the console.

Could you guide me how to have some informative output from the running

Since you did not say so, I have to ask, did you run it with verbose 
messages like `geany -v`?

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] New plugin loader mechanisms

2015-03-18 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-03-18 03:05 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 18.03.2015 um 22:15 schrieb Matthew Brush:

void (*init) (GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);

Please make this gboolean. A plugin may have the correct API and ABI,
but be unable to startup / initialize for some reason. For example,
Scope requires scope.glade in the plugin data directory).

+1, I've always wanted a way to signal Geany don't bother, it's just
going to crash you if you keep going. The only way I can see to
handle critical failures without a status return from there is to keep
a global variable and guard each function so it can't execute its
normal code, which is a bit of a pain and weird for users if the
plugin loads but doesn't do anything.

Another useful thing might be to provide a way to return a reason
message as well, then when Geany gets the failure return it can open
an error dialog and show the user a message that the plugin couldn't
be loaded, and show the reason string and maybe some bug-reporting
info or something.

Thinking about it, if the plugin can't run because it's missing resource
files required for its operation, then I think it should be treaded like
incompatible plugins. This has the benefit that they will be attempted
to be loaded on the next startup if the user had previously selected it.

For resource files like say a GtkBuilder UI file, I'd agree, but there 
may be some other cases, for example if a plugin dynamically loaded some 
particular library (or variant of a library) based on user 
configuration, it'd be useful to report to the user that the library is 
wrong, or no longer available, or whatever.

Incompatible plugins simply return false in geany_load_module() [I've
implemented a safety guard geany_load_modules() even though the abi/api
version check failed]. The plugin can also print the reason to
stdout/msgwin/error dialog from within that function, although IMO a
dialog is too intrusive.

I generally hate dialogs, but I think a plugin failing to load is a fine 
use for one since it doesn't happen with high frequency, and just 
dumping g_critical() or equivalent on the console is useless/confusing 
if the user hasn't launched from a terminal (and doesn't realize about 
Help-Debug Messages).

I'm thinking if the plugin loaded successfully, then it should be
operational too. Meaning that init() should not fail, but simply
activate the plugin. As outlined above, my proposal already covers the
case compatible but not operational due to missing runtime
dependencies you described.

For cases like GeanyPy which loads arbitrary Python scripts (which are 
even fully executed on import), and in a language where Exceptions are 
common (especially during development), it would probably be useful to 
signal that the plugin script couldn't be loaded and maybe even be able 
to provide a formatted traceback of the Python exception or such.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] New plugin loader mechanisms

2015-03-18 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-03-18 03:55 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 18.03.2015 um 23:21 schrieb Matthew Brush:

On 15-03-18 03:05 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 18.03.2015 um 22:15 schrieb Matthew Brush:

void (*init) (GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);

Please make this gboolean. A plugin may have the correct API and ABI,
but be unable to startup / initialize for some reason. For example,
Scope requires scope.glade in the plugin data directory).

Thinking about it, if the plugin can't run because it's missing resource
files required for its operation, then I think it should be treaded like
incompatible plugins. This has the benefit that they will be attempted
to be loaded on the next startup if the user had previously selected it.

For resource files like say a GtkBuilder UI file, I'd agree, but there
may be some other cases, for example if a plugin dynamically loaded
some particular library (or variant of a library) based on user
configuration, it'd be useful to report to the user that the library
is wrong, or no longer available, or whatever.

Based on user configuration implies that it's a decision that is made
after the plugin's init(). If it allows the user to configure it without
this dependency then the plugin is considered operational, and init()
should not fail. Remember that a init() == FALSE would imply that the
plugin cannot be activated, and therefore not configured (i.e. you
cannot configure back so that it doesn't need the missing dependency).

Such custom requirements  errors are better placed in the plugin code

I'm thinking if the plugin loaded successfully, then it should be
operational too. Meaning that init() should not fail, but simply
activate the plugin. As outlined above, my proposal already covers the
case compatible but not operational due to missing runtime
dependencies you described.

For cases like GeanyPy which loads arbitrary Python scripts (which are
even fully executed on import), and in a language where Exceptions are
common (especially during development), it would probably be useful to
signal that the plugin script couldn't be loaded and maybe even be
able to provide a formatted traceback of the Python exception or such.

In my roadmap geanypy does not load scripts in its init(), but through a
separate API (so that the scripts integrate into the main plugin
manager). Anyway, geanypy init() isn't the right place because geanypy
can load multiple scripts, and which scripts can change afterwards after
init has run. And finally, all those scripts do not change the fact that
geanypy itself is operational, and this is what we're talking about.

I think I misunderstood the purpose of your `init()` function. I thought 
it was a hook to allow the plugin manager/geany to be able to initialize 
multiple plugins from the same .dll/module (ex. sub-plugins, etc). If 
that's not the case, isn't the `init()` pointer in the struct basically 
redundant as plugins could do their initialization in the roughly 
equivalent `geany_load_module()` that is also called once per .dll?

For that matter, why not just leave the hooks all as loose functions (as 
opposed to set into a structure), and just fix the prototypes to pass 
around GeanyPlugin* and/or user_data, or whatever improvements? AFAIK 
there's no issue with symbols/collisions if Geany just uses RTLD_LOCAL 
when dlopen-ing the plugin module.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] New plugin loader mechanisms

2015-03-18 Thread Matthew Brush
  bool  (*deinit) (Plugin*); // could signal unloading problem

Then the register function could be like:

bool plugin_register (GeanyPlugin *module, // geany's plugin context
  Plugin  *plugin); // real/sub-plugin ctx

Inside a normal plugin it could do:

static Plugin my_plugin = {
  .name= Foo,
  .version = 0.1,
  .author  = Me,
  .description = Foo plugin,
  .api_min = 200,
  .abi_ver = GEANY_ABI_VERSION,
  .init= my_plugin_init,
  .configure   = my_plugin_configure,
  .help= my_plugin_help,
  .deinit  = my_plugin_cleanup,

bool plugin_load_module (GeanyPlugin *module_plugin)
  return plugin_register (module_plugin, my_plugin);

Or for a proxying-type plugin (ex. GeanyPy/GeanyLua):

bool plugin_load_module (GeanyPlugin *module_plugin)
  Plugin *plug = g_new0 (Plugin, 1);
  *plug = my_plugin;
  plug-name = Joe's plugin;
  plug-version = etc...
  plug-plugin_data = PyObject_New(...); // or lua_new() or whatever
  return plugin_register (module_plugin, plug);

Just some ideas based on yours and mine previous work around this. 
There's many ways to skin this cat :)

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] New plugin loader mechanisms

2015-03-18 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-03-18 01:23 PM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

On 18.3.2015 г. 18:42, Thomas Martitz wrote:

- Global symbols. Plugins binaries have to export a number of global
symbols (geany_{functions,data,plugin}, plugin_{init,...,cleanup}). This
kind of sucks, because they pollute the global namespace (in theory).
Luckily on unix or win32 systems this is not a problem because they can
restrict the symbol visibility of shared libraries. It's still bad
practice. Ideally plugins should have zero global symbols, everything
being static or hidden to the plugin binary.

Scope contains 20 source files and 22 headers. Using static is not an
option, and marking everything global as hidden will be cumbersome,
ugly, and easy to miss (inexperienced plugin developers are sure to miss

Why does it need so many globals? Shouldn't the only globals really be 
the stuff Geany requires? I'm wondering because one day it would be cool 
to able to do stuff like having multiple instances in-process and to 
allow a plugin per in-process instance or some stuff like this. With 
the additional userdata pointer, in theory one could make a big huge 
structure containing all their global (instance) state and have that 
passed around, and then there's less issue with symbols and multiple 
instances and such.

(I get that it's _not_ like that for Scope, but in theory it could've 
been and for new plugins it could be recommended).

void (*init) (GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);

Please make this gboolean. A plugin may have the correct API and ABI,
but be unable to startup / initialize for some reason. For example,
Scope requires scope.glade in the plugin data directory).

+1, I've always wanted a way to signal Geany don't bother, it's just 
going to crash you if you keep going. The only way I can see to handle 
critical failures without a status return from there is to keep a global 
variable and guard each function so it can't execute its normal code, 
which is a bit of a pain and weird for users if the plugin loads but 
doesn't do anything.

Another useful thing might be to provide a way to return a reason 
message as well, then when Geany gets the failure return it can open an 
error dialog and show the user a message that the plugin couldn't be 
loaded, and show the reason string and maybe some bug-reporting info or 

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Wish for Wishlist and bug in Homepage

2015-03-10 Thread Matthew Brush

On 13-11-12 12:26 AM, theUser BL wrote:

I want to say, that it would be nice, if a DocumentMap/MiniMap would be added 
to Geany. Please add it to the Wishlist on your side.

I wrote a plugin lately to do this, it lives here for now:


Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] using Coverity to audit the code base

2015-03-07 Thread Matthew Brush

On 15-03-07 12:59 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 7:18 PM, Colomban Wendling
lists@herbesfolles.org wrote:


Le 12/02/2015 22:21, Liviu Andronic a écrit :

Dear all,
Recently I've discovered Coverity, a code checking tool, and went
ahead and submitted the Geany code for static analysis by this

Quoting Coverity's Scan User Agreement:

You will not publish any findings regarding or resulting from use of
the Service or the Software;

IANAL, but this looks like we couldn't discuss an issue it found on e.g.
this mailing list.  And your report about what it did find in Geany's
code is already a violation of that agreement.

More, just for the fun:

“Confidential Information” means: […] (d) any results of operation from
use of the Software or the Service;

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, You agree that You
will not post […] the results of the Service […] on any network that is
accessible by anyone.

And this is the Scan User Agreement, I couldn't even find the Scan Terms
of Use (at least not without trying to actually register myself).

So… really?


PS: Of course one will tell me that in practice they won't come after
us for discussing a fix, but if it really is against the UA I'd rather
not try and see what happens.

I haven't gotten any reply to my request for clarification. But I've
also discussed this issue with LyX devels.

The opinion there is that it's common sense to simply ignore the
overly restrictive aspects of Coverity's User Agreement. It's highly
unlikely that they'll come chasing for discussing a bug on the ML, and
if they do, this shall be incredibly negative PR for them given all
the efforts that they make to attract the open-source community. Given
that very big projects use Coverity regularly, like LibreOffice or the
Linux Kernel, perhaps it's not worth stressing too much about this.

Of course Geany maintainers are free to choose their stance on this
issue. And if you're unhappy with the current situation, I could as
well try to ask them to remove Geany from their service. Another way
would be, for instance, to set up a dedicated, private ML (e.g.
geany-dev-coverity) to which only members with access to Coverity can
post/read. This should avoid most of the nagging related to their UA.


It's unclear what advantage Coverity has over just running Clang Static 
Analyzer and their various sanitizers. Is it just for the web UI or 

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] suggestion: Renaming GProject to ProjectTree

2014-12-13 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-12-11 12:32 PM, Jiří Techet wrote:


I've just pushed quite a few changes to my GProject plugin
(unfortunately in a single commit because I was making these changes
while working on the tag manager and it was too painful to rebase
multiple commits every time I changed the Geany API). If there are
some problems, please let me know.

Before announcing the changes on the users mailing list, there's one
more change I'd like to make - make the plugin name a little more
descriptive so it's easier to find by users who are looking for a
plugin which displays a file tree in the sidebar. For this reason I'd
like to rename the plugin to ProjectTree.

Please let me know if you have a better idea for the plugin name or if
you think renaming the plugin isn't a good idea.

ProjectTree only covers one part of the plugin. What about 
FilteredFileListAndAutoTagger? Or something like that, but shorter :)

P.S. I found a bug in GProject where it keeps adding more and more tabs 
to the project dialog. If the GitHub Issues gets turned on for 
Geany-Plugins I'll open a bug report, if it's not fixed yet.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Linkage-Cleanup Build System Breakage

2014-10-28 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-10-26 04:16 PM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 26/10/14 18:25, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-10-26 07:14 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


If the Win32 Nightlies break it will most likely be trivial changes to
the Makefile.ams. I don't have an environment like it uses to test.

The Win32 nightlies are built using Waf, so fixing Waf will fix it all

I thought the nightlies were using Mingw because there's all those
duplicate code paths in the Makefile.ams for Mingw. Who uses those?

We added those years ago to support cross-compilation. IIRC this was
before Waf.
Yeah, we really should consolidate the available build systems and clean
up the rest :).
I don't use autotools based cross-compilation.

I had a try at this for a while and after a number of changes it's 
almost working. I got past the build system, compiler, and linker 
problems, but now it's giving grief because of the non-standard (with 
respect to Autotools) directory layout and the special cases we have 
about using a data directory instead of putting in share/geany.

Is there any possibility we could use the same Unixey directory layout 
for Win32 builds too?

My dream is in some distant future to have the Autotools build system 
able to build natively and cross-compiled and adding rules needed to 
make the Windows installer and everything. This would also be great for 
continuous integration and/or nightly builds in the future too, as we 
would mostly have the exact same build system with the same 
compiler/linker options and only minor differences to satisfy the 
differences between platforms.

Just think of how much easier it would be if at release time all you had 
to do was:

make dist-win32

And just upload the resulting installer .exe[0] :)

Matthew Brush

[0]: Which would be the exact same installer .exe everyone's been 
testing with from the CI/nightlies all along.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Linkage-Cleanup Build System Breakage

2014-10-26 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-10-26 07:14 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


I don't really know enough about Waf to fix it. Since it needs Python
anyway, we could just use one of its XML libraries to grab the names
from the GtkBuilder file, and do the replacements using its
text-handling functions. It wouldn't require sed/sort utils. I
originally had a Python script[3] doing this, but I'm just not sure how
to integrate that code into Waf.

I' work on the Waf part but this will take at least two weeks as I'm
almost not on the PC during the next two weeks.


If the Win32 Nightlies break it will most likely be trivial changes to
the Makefile.ams. I don't have an environment like it uses to test.

The Win32 nightlies are built using Waf, so fixing Waf will fix it all :).

I thought the nightlies were using Mingw because there's all those 
duplicate code paths in the Makefile.ams for Mingw. Who uses those?

Geany-Plugins Autotools should be fine since it will pickup the new

I checked out codebrainz/wip/linkage-cleanup but got build errors with

tm_source_file.c:31:60: fatal error: ../src/pluginexport.h: No such file
or directory
  #include ../src/pluginexport.h /* for GEANY_API_SYMBOL */
compilation terminated.
Makefile:490: recipe for target 'tm_source_file.lo' failed

src/pluginexport.h seems missing?

Oops, I had this file ignored locally for some reason. I squashed it 
into the correct commit and force pushed it. It should be OK now.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Linkage-Cleanup Build System Breakage

2014-10-26 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-10-26 04:16 PM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 26/10/14 18:25, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-10-26 07:14 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


I don't really know enough about Waf to fix it. Since it needs Python
anyway, we could just use one of its XML libraries to grab the names
from the GtkBuilder file, and do the replacements using its
text-handling functions. It wouldn't require sed/sort utils. I
originally had a Python script[3] doing this, but I'm just not sure how
to integrate that code into Waf.

I' work on the Waf part but this will take at least two weeks as I'm
almost not on the PC during the next two weeks.


I got a very basic working version, see attachment.
However, I almost didn't test it and things like library versioning are

In Autotools libtool versions is not used yet anyway. It's just set to 
0:0:0 same as the defaults. I just added that for future use.

As said, the rest will take some time.


If the Win32 Nightlies break it will most likely be trivial changes to
the Makefile.ams. I don't have an environment like it uses to test.

The Win32 nightlies are built using Waf, so fixing Waf will fix it all

I thought the nightlies were using Mingw because there's all those
duplicate code paths in the Makefile.ams for Mingw. Who uses those?

We added those years ago to support cross-compilation. IIRC this was
before Waf.
Yeah, we really should consolidate the available build systems and clean
up the rest :).
I don't use autotools based cross-compilation.

This is good news. I have done work on Win32/MSYS Autotools but I didn't 
want to break this special path which is same/similar I needed. Some day 
I will push some changes to consolidate both branches in Makefile.ams 
and having a working Win32/MSYS Autotools :)

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

[Geany-Devel] Linkage-Cleanup Build System Breakage

2014-10-25 Thread Matthew Brush

Hi All, and especially build system maintainers :)

I have made a pull request[0] to cleanup the symbol exports of Geany. 
The PR description pretty much covers the details. If I merge this, it's 
going to break the makefile.win32 files, Waf and possibly the Win32 
Nightly builds.

I can probably fix-up the makefile.win32 files if nobody else will as 
it's just plain GNU make and should be similar changes as the Autotools. 
It will require a couple more *nix utilities, namely `sed`, `sort`, and 
`uniq` (or a `sort` that supports the `-u` option). A quick search finds 
sed[1] and coreutils[2] which contains `sort` (probably with -u option) 
and `uniq`. I assume MSYS also includes these common utils.

I don't really know enough about Waf to fix it. Since it needs Python 
anyway, we could just use one of its XML libraries to grab the names 
from the GtkBuilder file, and do the replacements using its 
text-handling functions. It wouldn't require sed/sort utils. I 
originally had a Python script[3] doing this, but I'm just not sure how 
to integrate that code into Waf.

If the Win32 Nightlies break it will most likely be trivial changes to 
the Makefile.ams. I don't have an environment like it uses to test.

Geany-Plugins Autotools should be fine since it will pickup the new 
library from the pkg-config flags. There's a couple bugs in some (of my) 
plugins where it misses the needed linker flags which are trivial to 
fix. I don't know if Waf uses pkg-config or what, but if not, it will 
need to add the equivalent of something like `-L/geanys/lib/dir -lgeany` 
to be able to find and link to the new library.

Is everyone OK if this PR was merged to master and we had to fix up some 
build system stuff? Alternatively, I could also add anyone for push 
rights on my geany fork or push it to a branch on main geany repo if we 
wanted to sort-out the integration issues before merging to the main 
master branch.

Matthew Brush

[0]: https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/358
[1]: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/sed.htm
[2]: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/coreutils.htm

Devel mailing list

[Geany-Devel] Infobar file deleted/renamed behaviour

2014-10-22 Thread Matthew Brush

Hi All,

Since there's some discussion about infobar behaviour, I thought I'd 
mention a couple things I've noticed using it in my day-to-day workflow.

When you delete a file from disk, and then assuming the infobar kicked 
in (see below), it pops up the infobar as expected. The problem is that 
there's no quick way to say Ya, ya, I deleted that on purpose, just 
close the file. IMO, there should be a Close button on the infobar 
that allows you to bypass the redundant dialog that pops up when trying 
to close a document that you've been notified about, for example:

File foo.txt was not found on disk[Resave][Dismiss][Close]
Some different message here

Clicking the proposed [Close] button would have the same effect as what 
currently requires two steps; clicking the tab close button or Close 
menu item and then clicking the Don't Save button in the dialog that 
pops up.

Does that sound reasonable?

The other thing I wondered is, should we not do a disk check on a file 
that hasn't been switched to when it's being closed? I mean we do the 
check and show the infobar on tab-switch (due to lacking proper/usable 
inotify support), but if the user doesn't actually switch to the tab, 
then we just close the file without any warning that the buffer in that 
document has no disk file anymore and closing it will lose those 
contents forever.


Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Infobar file deleted/renamed behaviour

2014-10-22 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-10-22 06:53 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:

On 23 October 2014 11:53, Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca wrote:

Hi All,

Since there's some discussion about infobar behaviour, I thought I'd mention
a couple things I've noticed using it in my day-to-day workflow.

When you delete a file from disk, and then assuming the infobar kicked in
(see below), it pops up the infobar as expected. The problem is that there's
no quick way to say Ya, ya, I deleted that on purpose, just close the
file. IMO, there should be a Close button on the infobar that allows you
to bypass the redundant dialog that pops up when trying to close a document
that you've been notified about, for example:

File foo.txt was not found on disk[Resave][Dismiss][Close]
Some different message here

Clicking the proposed [Close] button would have the same effect as what
currently requires two steps; clicking the tab close button or Close menu
item and then clicking the Don't Save button in the dialog that pops up.

Does that sound reasonable?

Yes, would just ask for some space between dismiss and close for those
with bad aim (like me :)
BTW which is default (if any)?

The other thing I wondered is, should we not do a disk check on a file
that hasn't been switched to when it's being closed? I mean we do the check
and show the infobar on tab-switch (due to lacking proper/usable inotify
support), but if the user doesn't actually switch to the tab, then we just
close the file without any warning that the buffer in that document has no
disk file anymore and closing it will lose those contents forever.

Sounds like a sensible safe default behaviour, but with a various pref
to turn it off for those whose workflow makes it *really* annoying.

And/or a way to dismiss many together for bulk operations like Close 
All and Close Others (and obviously when exiting). Sometimes you see 
those dialogs like:

|-  Unsaved Changes!  -X-|
| The following files are not saved: |
| == |
|   [ ] Resignation_Letter.txt   |
|   [ ] Wedding_Vows_WIP.md  |
|   [ ] Baby_Pictures.xpm|
|   [ ] ...  |
| == |
| Do you want to save them?  |
| -- |
| [ No, Just Exit] [ Yes Please ] [ Cancel ] |

We could do something like that.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-10-01 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-09-30 06:40 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


Attached is the trivial diff of my changes to your confdir.c.

So, if my modifications work also on your Windows XP, I'd say go ahead
and commit your changes and I will start to build the installer.

Will test soon, but just looking they should be fine.


Or, if you are busy but agree, I could commit the changes myself.

If you don't mind to commit them yourself, that would go faster :)

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Switched to Win~1

2014-09-23 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-09-23 09:23 AM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

On 22.9.2014 г. 14:12, Nick Treleaven wrote:

Now, Geany under Win~1 has some deficiencies, due to gtk+, so I'll

Such as?

Compared to a regular programmers editor for Win~1:

+++ It's an IDE, not simply an editor, and is still light.
++ I have experience with it.
+ Nice plugins.
+ Real code page convertor, not Interpret as code page foo only.

- Non-native interface. Pretty much a norm these days, and can be fixed
to some extend.

It's worse with GTK3 too, it only makes any attempt to look native 
when you have themes activated in Windows, so if you are using the 
classic Windows theme, it falls back to the builtin GTK+ theme, which 
looks nothing like anything on any desktop.

- With gtk+2, randomly starts to eat several % of CPU time. Not a real
problem, except for laptops. With gtk+ 3.8, see Geany with gtk+ 3.6.4
under Windows.
- Does not work with all monospaced TrueType fonts.

Maybe same issue as this, for me it also cuts off the last pixel or two 
(horizontally) of each character. Still usable like that but fonts look 
weird and it's distracting.

- Find in Files for locale texts is broken (passing locale file names to
tools is almost surely broken too, but the locale file names support in
glib is terrible anyway). [1]

It's not usable out-of-the box either, unless someone happens to have 
grep utility in their %PATH%.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] SourceFarce

2014-09-22 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-09-22 04:44 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:

On 01/09/2014 03:27, Matthew Brush wrote:

I deleted my Source Forge account after like 20 times of losing my
comments. This final time it was a detailed C++ explanation on
Scintilla's bug tracker that took a lot of thought and effort to write,
which as usual I lost

I've not used it much, but last week I experienced this. Submitting a
comment when I'm apparently logged-in then made me login again, where I
am greeted by the same page without my comment. Hitting back failed to
allow me to recover my 'unsubmitted' comment (that sometimes works on
other sites). Perhaps there's some kind of login timeout, but either way
the situation sucks.

That's exactly it. I think it must be an issue between SourceForge's 
user/login system and the (somehow independent-ish) Allura software 
we're (trying) to use for our bug tracker. I asked on #allura freenode 
channel a few times with no response, and of course to submit a bug 
report requires to use SourceForge :)

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Switched to Win~1

2014-09-22 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-09-22 08:48 AM, Steven Blatnick wrote:

Responses below:

On 09/22/2014 09:23 AM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

After 15 years of using Linux desktop, 3 of which as maintainer of a
source-based distribution? :)

I'm glad (if you want to call it that) to hear that it sounds like only
a recent trend to abandon the users.  I hope they figure things out,
because it's been a painful few years because of the recent trends.  I'm
surprised at how much grief some of these projects have caused to linux
users as a whole, but it's like they are ignoring their constituents.
Linux.  I fight for the users ;-) (tron reference)

But you are right that systemd is not the only reason. KDE 4, GNOME 3,
FF[1], the list goes on, and recently even gtk+ 2.24.23+ (IIRC the
revision) is slightly broken. Guess I finally lost faith in the Linux
as desktop. I hope, for all of you, that Xfce 5 will be just fine.

I'm also happy to hear someone reiterate my disgruntlement with GNOME
3.  One small glimmer of hope is that Ubuntu Mate
https://ubuntu-mate.org/ is emerging to fill that nostalgic gap.
Unfortunately, I don't know if they are doing anything with systemd, as
it will still be based on Ubuntu, but at least I get my sane interfaces
back without having to switch to Xfce :-/  They are even packaging
compiz, which much of linux practically abandoning it has been another
sore spot for me, although that could be blamed on GNOME 3 partly as
well for going to Mutter.  Now if only I could convince them to package
Emerald window decorator.  I miss 2007 linux ;-)

I especially like these points in Ubuntu Mate's mission:

  * *Restore the halcyon days of Ubuntu* before Unity
https://unity.ubuntu.com/ (I would add GNOME 3 here) was introduced.
  * Provide a *refuge* for Linux users who prefer a traditional desktop

It's weird you (and others) seem to dismiss XFCE while citing this as a 
goal. I've been using Xubuntu for nearly as long as I've been using 
Linux and it's been a great distro+DE configuration; familiar, painless, 
configurable, minimal, few bugs, each distro upgrade goes super smooth, 
and otherwise the whole thing stays out of the way.

P.S. I have my fingers crossed Ubuntu will shield me from this systemd 
brouhaha I keep hearing about :)

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Switched to Win~1

2014-09-22 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-09-22 08:23 AM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

On 22.9.2014 г. 08:46, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Seriously, I can understand that systemd is controversial, but not to
the extend to abandon *Unix* altogether. There are many many ways to
avoid systemd without going Windows, for example using a distro that
doesn't use systemd (Gentoo, Slackware, etc) or one of the BSDs.

I could not care less for being controversial - it's *broken* for me.

If I'm going to distro-hop, why not Windows? A working desktop, if
nothing else.

In no particular order, off the top of my head...

- Sandboxing
- Windows Store
- .NET
- Boxes
- Inaccessible source code
- Blue screens
- Terrible console and CLI tools
- Malware, spamware, bloatware, viruses
- Windows Updates, Genuine Advantage, phone home, etc.
- Price and the Microsoft Tax
- Inferior development tools
- Terrible platform APIs (Win32 API, DDK, COM, etc)
- Inferior performance
- Broken and annoying security model
- No special files (pty,lo,etc)
- No unified file system hierarchy
- No package management
- Little to no POSIX or other standards support
- etc...

That being said, if you cram enough FOSS onto Windows it can be made 
nearly usable, and also Linux usually runs great in a virtual machine :)

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-31 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-31 08:49 AM, Frank Lanitz wrote:

Am 24.08.2014 um 21:08 schrieb Matthew Brush:

On 14-08-24 08:42 AM, Frank Lanitz wrote:

Am 24.08.2014 um 17:24 schrieb Matthew Brush:

And looking at the code, could never work as is, but the main point is
using our own wrapper function to get user config dir, it would need to
be written properly :)

And having in mind they will add some more magic with later versions of
Windows I'm sure this is a bad idea.

What magic in what versions? And what's different if the Win32 API call
is in GLib vs Geany?

I was referring to the layout changes in past and wanted to they, that
I'm there will be some changes with further versions. Maybe wasn't very
clear about that ;)

Using the Win32 API ensures that whenever the layouts change it won't 
break as Windows will redirect them to the correct location or the Win32 
API will internally deal with it. Using GLib functions won't give that 
level of compatibility (see $subject).

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-31 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-31 07:38 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 30/08/14 03:04, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-08-29 07:24 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


I'd implement this way first, based on your patch, and if we want, we
can change to .../Local later anyway if desired.

I think it's probably the easiest solution, with the least code, and
most compatibility. If you don't feel like coding it yourself, let me
know and I can whip up a (real/working) function to do it. I've been
doing a fair bit of Win32 API coding lately so it's fresh on my mind, I

I don't mind, if you like to do it, I'd be happy to test the result :).

Attached is a function that works standalone, it could drop into the
previous patch where the untested/working function was. I have only
tested on WinXP. If you don't feel like putting it together manually, I
can eventually commit it all together properly once I figure out my
build system issues.

Tested on Windows 7:

I had to change the function to its multibyte variant:


That's the wide character variant, the ASCII one is the A function. You 
should be able to just use the non-char-specific one as long as we're 
telling the Win32 API we're using the wide API (I assumed we were since 
I saw other code in win32.c using wide characters). You need to #define 
UNICODE or _UNICODE (I always forget) before including windows.h to 
make it work normally/automagically.

Attached is the header I always use to wrap up the Win32 API 
include/defining weirdness that seems to just work with Unicode 
without any fuss.

Otherwise it spat out compiler warnings and the resulting config
directory was:



Additionally, I had to add the flag CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE so that the
...\Roaming\geany folder is created initially if it doesn't exist yet.
Without that flag, SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW() would fail if the folder
doesn't exist.

That should be fine I would think. I just assumed other Geany code dealt 
with creating it.

Alternatively we could maybe use the flag CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY since
we create the folder in Geany at a later point anyway. Though I didn't
test this flag because I guess it's better if Windows creates this
special folder.

Not sure, I suppose it's fine either way.

Attached is the trivial diff of my changes to your confdir.c.

So, if my modifications work also on your Windows XP, I'd say go ahead
and commit your changes and I will start to build the installer.

Will test soon, but just looking they should be fine.

Matthew Brush

#ifndef __WIN32API_H__
#define __WIN32API_H__

#undef UNICODE
#undef _UNICODE
#undef _WIN32_WINNT

#define UNICODE 1
#define _UNICODE 1
#define VC_EXTRALEAN 1
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501

#include windows.h
#include commctrl.h
#include shellapi.h
#include wchar.h

#endif // __WIN32API_H__
Devel mailing list

[Geany-Devel] SourceFarce

2014-08-31 Thread Matthew Brush


Just wanted to let everyone know, I deleted my Source Forge account 
after like 20 times of losing my comments. This final time it was a 
detailed C++ explanation on Scintilla's bug tracker that took a lot of 
thought and effort to write, which as usual I lost due to forgetting how 
crappy Source Forge login and bug tracking software is.

I'm sure nobody really cares, but if there's some Geany 
bug/feature/patch posted there that anyone thinks I should look at, 
you'll have to forward me the details. I won't ever use SF.net again 
(actually blocked whole domain in my /etc/hosts), and won't be 
contributing anything to any project's bug trackers there.

In the meantime, Geany's Github bug tracker is active since a while 
(though not for Geany-Plugins), so I'll be sure to continue monitoring 
and contributing to that tracker, and of course the mailing lists.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-30 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-29 04:19 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-08-29 07:24 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 28/08/14 01:49, Matthew Brush wrote:


just can't get Waf working with my new setup because Geany's git tree is
not on the C: drive anymore (it's on a mapped/shared drive), which makes
Waf choke with errors about no init function (have you ever
experienced this error?).

I remember on a prevous Windows VM I had Geany and library includes and
libs on a C: drive while the system itself (Windows, Python, ...) was
installed on a E: drive. That worked well though both were local drives,
nothing mapped.

How do you start waf?
On my current setup, I added c:\python27 to $PATH, so in the Geany git
clone I just type:

python waf configure
python waf build
python waf install

and everything works fine.

For me, with Python33 in path, it goes like this:

X:\python waf configure
No function init defined in X:\wscript

X: is a geany source directory directory on my host machine shared to
guest and mapped to X:

I asked about it on Waf's IRC channel and gave some details and it 
turned out to be a bug in Waf with path joining and Windows drive 
letters. Fix was pushed within an hour :)


Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-30 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-30 05:04 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 30/08/14 06:47, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-08-29 07:24 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 28/08/14 01:49, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-08-27 10:54 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

Am 24.08.2014 um 17:18 schrieb Matthew Brush:

On 14-08-22 11:23 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


lately, I started building a new Windows installer which includes a
recent GTK 2.24 runtime for Windows which need for future releases.

While most things went fine I noticed one problem:

GTK, in detail Glib, changed the way g_get_user_data_dir() works on
in older releases, something GLib 2.28 or 2.26 and older,
g_get_user_data_dir() returned
c:\users\username\AppData\Roaming, in
newer GLib versions it returns c:\users\username\AppData\Local.

This affects users who already have a config directory located in
...\Roaming and Geany would look in ...\Local now.

This is the change I'm talking about:

How do we want to handle this?

- continue using the ...\Roaming directory (and so not using
g_get_user_data_dir() anymore)

If we went this route we could use something like the attached
Maybe it's what the linked commit is referring to about proper Windows
programs probably not using those GLib functions?

- leave the code as it is, resulting in a new complete config for

- add some code to check if a config in ...\Roaming exists and
if so,
move it to ...\Local

I was thinking about it a bit and it might be good to keep using the
Roaming one (ie. whatever Win32 API gives as correct dir) since IIUC
it allows users on a domain to sync their config between machines on
login/logout. As mentioned in the linked commit, the function we use
(g_get_user_config_dir()) only changed to match g_get_user_data_dir(),
not because it's the actually a better or more appropriate directory.

Hmm, ok.
We could do it this way either. I have no clue about this roaming
just thought it might be good to follow GLib to be consistent with
config dir location. But I don't mind much.

I'd implement this way first, based on your patch, and if we want, we
can change to .../Local later anyway if desired.

I think it's probably the easiest solution, with the least code, and
most compatibility. If you don't feel like coding it yourself, let me
know and I can whip up a (real/working) function to do it. I've been
doing a fair bit of Win32 API coding lately so it's fresh on my mind, I

I don't mind, if you like to do it, I'd be happy to test the result :).

just can't get Waf working with my new setup because Geany's git tree is
not on the C: drive anymore (it's on a mapped/shared drive), which makes
Waf choke with errors about no init function (have you ever
experienced this error?).

I remember on a prevous Windows VM I had Geany and library includes and
libs on a C: drive while the system itself (Windows, Python, ...) was
installed on a E: drive. That worked well though both were local drives,
nothing mapped.

How do you start waf?
On my current setup, I added c:\python27 to $PATH, so in the Geany git
clone I just type:

python waf configure
python waf build
python waf install

and everything works fine.

By trial and error (for lack of Waf documentation), I was able to get it
working again. Based on observations alone, it seems that if wscript is
in the root directory of a drive (ie. `X:\wscript`), it requires init
and shutdown functions to be present in the wscript. All I could find
online was some waf source code that provides default implementations
for these functions, but for whatever reason that doesn't happen when
the wscript is in root dir.

See attached patch for what got it going.

Should we commit this?

I wouldn't, I just wanted to show how I had got it working.

IIUC, this is a workaround for the drive letter bug in Waf? And so these
two functions are not needed anymore once the mentioned fix in Waf is

Correct. And yeah, probably better just to stick a new Waf binary (or 
whatever that file is) in the source tree. I can use my patch locally 
until then.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-29 07:24 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 28/08/14 01:49, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-08-27 10:54 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

Am 24.08.2014 um 17:18 schrieb Matthew Brush:

On 14-08-22 11:23 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


lately, I started building a new Windows installer which includes a
recent GTK 2.24 runtime for Windows which need for future releases.

While most things went fine I noticed one problem:

GTK, in detail Glib, changed the way g_get_user_data_dir() works on
in older releases, something GLib 2.28 or 2.26 and older,
g_get_user_data_dir() returned c:\users\username\AppData\Roaming, in
newer GLib versions it returns c:\users\username\AppData\Local.

This affects users who already have a config directory located in
...\Roaming and Geany would look in ...\Local now.

This is the change I'm talking about:

How do we want to handle this?

- continue using the ...\Roaming directory (and so not using
g_get_user_data_dir() anymore)

If we went this route we could use something like the attached patch[0].
Maybe it's what the linked commit is referring to about proper Windows
programs probably not using those GLib functions?

- leave the code as it is, resulting in a new complete config for users

- add some code to check if a config in ...\Roaming exists and if so,
move it to ...\Local

I was thinking about it a bit and it might be good to keep using the
Roaming one (ie. whatever Win32 API gives as correct dir) since IIUC
it allows users on a domain to sync their config between machines on
login/logout. As mentioned in the linked commit, the function we use
(g_get_user_config_dir()) only changed to match g_get_user_data_dir(),
not because it's the actually a better or more appropriate directory.

Hmm, ok.
We could do it this way either. I have no clue about this roaming stuff,
just thought it might be good to follow GLib to be consistent with
config dir location. But I don't mind much.

I'd implement this way first, based on your patch, and if we want, we
can change to .../Local later anyway if desired.

I think it's probably the easiest solution, with the least code, and
most compatibility. If you don't feel like coding it yourself, let me
know and I can whip up a (real/working) function to do it. I've been
doing a fair bit of Win32 API coding lately so it's fresh on my mind, I

I don't mind, if you like to do it, I'd be happy to test the result :).

I'll try to write it this weekend.

just can't get Waf working with my new setup because Geany's git tree is
not on the C: drive anymore (it's on a mapped/shared drive), which makes
Waf choke with errors about no init function (have you ever
experienced this error?).

I remember on a prevous Windows VM I had Geany and library includes and
libs on a C: drive while the system itself (Windows, Python, ...) was
installed on a E: drive. That worked well though both were local drives,
nothing mapped.

How do you start waf?
On my current setup, I added c:\python27 to $PATH, so in the Geany git
clone I just type:

python waf configure
python waf build
python waf install

and everything works fine.

For me, with Python33 in path, it goes like this:

X:\python waf configure
No function init defined in X:\wscript

X: is a geany source directory directory on my host machine shared to 
guest and mapped to X:

I don't remember if I already mentioned that I started to document the
Windows build stuff (as promised months ago :D):


While not yet complete, the basic stuff should be covered.

Neat, I'll have a read on it this weekend.

BTW, for the 2.24 bump, if you want to update PR# 245[0] as you go, I 
put some fancy checkboxes to track progress :) Probably I missed some 
stuff that needs to be done/tested.

Matthew Brush

[0]: https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/245

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-29 07:24 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


I'd implement this way first, based on your patch, and if we want, we
can change to .../Local later anyway if desired.

I think it's probably the easiest solution, with the least code, and
most compatibility. If you don't feel like coding it yourself, let me
know and I can whip up a (real/working) function to do it. I've been
doing a fair bit of Win32 API coding lately so it's fresh on my mind, I

I don't mind, if you like to do it, I'd be happy to test the result :).

Attached is a function that works standalone, it could drop into the 
previous patch where the untested/working function was. I have only 
tested on WinXP. If you don't feel like putting it together manually, I 
can eventually commit it all together properly once I figure out my 
build system issues.

Matthew Brush

gchar *win32_get_user_config_dir(void)
	wchar_t path[MAX_PATH];

	hr = SHGetFolderPathAndSubDir(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, Lgeany, path);
	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		// GLib always uses UTF-8 for filename encoding on Windows
		int u8_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if (u8_size  0)
			gchar *u8_path = g_malloc0(u8_size + 1);
			if (u8_path != NULL 
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, u8_path, u8_size, NULL, NULL))
return u8_path;

	// glib fallback
	g_warning(Failed to retrieve Windows config dir, falling back to default);
	return g_build_filename(g_get_user_config_dir(), geany, NULL);
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-29 07:24 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

On 28/08/14 01:49, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-08-27 10:54 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

Am 24.08.2014 um 17:18 schrieb Matthew Brush:

On 14-08-22 11:23 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


lately, I started building a new Windows installer which includes a
recent GTK 2.24 runtime for Windows which need for future releases.

While most things went fine I noticed one problem:

GTK, in detail Glib, changed the way g_get_user_data_dir() works on
in older releases, something GLib 2.28 or 2.26 and older,
g_get_user_data_dir() returned c:\users\username\AppData\Roaming, in
newer GLib versions it returns c:\users\username\AppData\Local.

This affects users who already have a config directory located in
...\Roaming and Geany would look in ...\Local now.

This is the change I'm talking about:

How do we want to handle this?

- continue using the ...\Roaming directory (and so not using
g_get_user_data_dir() anymore)

If we went this route we could use something like the attached patch[0].
Maybe it's what the linked commit is referring to about proper Windows
programs probably not using those GLib functions?

- leave the code as it is, resulting in a new complete config for users

- add some code to check if a config in ...\Roaming exists and if so,
move it to ...\Local

I was thinking about it a bit and it might be good to keep using the
Roaming one (ie. whatever Win32 API gives as correct dir) since IIUC
it allows users on a domain to sync their config between machines on
login/logout. As mentioned in the linked commit, the function we use
(g_get_user_config_dir()) only changed to match g_get_user_data_dir(),
not because it's the actually a better or more appropriate directory.

Hmm, ok.
We could do it this way either. I have no clue about this roaming stuff,
just thought it might be good to follow GLib to be consistent with
config dir location. But I don't mind much.

I'd implement this way first, based on your patch, and if we want, we
can change to .../Local later anyway if desired.

I think it's probably the easiest solution, with the least code, and
most compatibility. If you don't feel like coding it yourself, let me
know and I can whip up a (real/working) function to do it. I've been
doing a fair bit of Win32 API coding lately so it's fresh on my mind, I

I don't mind, if you like to do it, I'd be happy to test the result :).

just can't get Waf working with my new setup because Geany's git tree is
not on the C: drive anymore (it's on a mapped/shared drive), which makes
Waf choke with errors about no init function (have you ever
experienced this error?).

I remember on a prevous Windows VM I had Geany and library includes and
libs on a C: drive while the system itself (Windows, Python, ...) was
installed on a E: drive. That worked well though both were local drives,
nothing mapped.

How do you start waf?
On my current setup, I added c:\python27 to $PATH, so in the Geany git
clone I just type:

python waf configure
python waf build
python waf install

and everything works fine.

By trial and error (for lack of Waf documentation), I was able to get it 
working again. Based on observations alone, it seems that if wscript is 
in the root directory of a drive (ie. `X:\wscript`), it requires init 
and shutdown functions to be present in the wscript. All I could find 
online was some waf source code that provides default implementations 
for these functions, but for whatever reason that doesn't happen when 
the wscript is in root dir.

See attached patch for what got it going.

Matthew Brush

diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index 22f347f..c214095 100644
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ MINIMUM_GLIB_VERSION = '2.20.0'
 top = '.'
 out = '_build_'
+def init(x):
+	pass
+def shutdown(x):
+	pass
 mio_sources = set(['tagmanager/mio/mio.c'])
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-27 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-27 10:54 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:

Am 24.08.2014 um 17:18 schrieb Matthew Brush:

On 14-08-22 11:23 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


lately, I started building a new Windows installer which includes a
recent GTK 2.24 runtime for Windows which need for future releases.

While most things went fine I noticed one problem:

GTK, in detail Glib, changed the way g_get_user_data_dir() works on
in older releases, something GLib 2.28 or 2.26 and older,
g_get_user_data_dir() returned c:\users\username\AppData\Roaming, in
newer GLib versions it returns c:\users\username\AppData\Local.

This affects users who already have a config directory located in
...\Roaming and Geany would look in ...\Local now.

This is the change I'm talking about:

How do we want to handle this?

- continue using the ...\Roaming directory (and so not using
g_get_user_data_dir() anymore)

If we went this route we could use something like the attached patch[0].
Maybe it's what the linked commit is referring to about proper Windows
programs probably not using those GLib functions?

- leave the code as it is, resulting in a new complete config for users

- add some code to check if a config in ...\Roaming exists and if so,
move it to ...\Local

I was thinking about it a bit and it might be good to keep using the
Roaming one (ie. whatever Win32 API gives as correct dir) since IIUC
it allows users on a domain to sync their config between machines on
login/logout. As mentioned in the linked commit, the function we use
(g_get_user_config_dir()) only changed to match g_get_user_data_dir(),
not because it's the actually a better or more appropriate directory.

Hmm, ok.
We could do it this way either. I have no clue about this roaming stuff,
just thought it might be good to follow GLib to be consistent with
config dir location. But I don't mind much.

I'd implement this way first, based on your patch, and if we want, we
can change to .../Local later anyway if desired.

I think it's probably the easiest solution, with the least code, and 
most compatibility. If you don't feel like coding it yourself, let me 
know and I can whip up a (real/working) function to do it. I've been 
doing a fair bit of Win32 API coding lately so it's fresh on my mind, I 
just can't get Waf working with my new setup because Geany's git tree is 
not on the C: drive anymore (it's on a mapped/shared drive), which makes 
Waf choke with errors about no init function (have you ever 
experienced this error?).

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-24 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-22 11:23 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


lately, I started building a new Windows installer which includes a
recent GTK 2.24 runtime for Windows which need for future releases.

While most things went fine I noticed one problem:

GTK, in detail Glib, changed the way g_get_user_data_dir() works on Windows:
in older releases, something GLib 2.28 or 2.26 and older,
g_get_user_data_dir() returned c:\users\username\AppData\Roaming, in
newer GLib versions it returns c:\users\username\AppData\Local.

This affects users who already have a config directory located in
...\Roaming and Geany would look in ...\Local now.

This is the change I'm talking about:

How do we want to handle this?

- continue using the ...\Roaming directory (and so not using
g_get_user_data_dir() anymore)

If we went this route we could use something like the attached patch[0]. 
Maybe it's what the linked commit is referring to about proper Windows 
programs probably not using those GLib functions?

- leave the code as it is, resulting in a new complete config for users

- add some code to check if a config in ...\Roaming exists and if so,
move it to ...\Local

I was thinking about it a bit and it might be good to keep using the 
Roaming one (ie. whatever Win32 API gives as correct dir) since IIUC 
it allows users on a domain to sync their config between machines on 
login/logout. As mentioned in the linked commit, the function we use 
(g_get_user_config_dir()) only changed to match g_get_user_data_dir(), 
not because it's the actually a better or more appropriate directory.

Anyway, I don't actually care much either way since I rarely use 
Windows, so any fix is fine to me :)

Matthew Brush

[0]: Untested since my win32 geany build environment is once again 
broken, it might need tweaking win32 version macros before including 
windows.h or using SHGetFolderPath depending on which versions of 
Windows we are supporting. Also, the encoding stuff could probably be 
handled nicer, without going through UTF-8 step.
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index 279ecdf..cc92906 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ static void parse_command_line_options(gint *argc, gchar ***argv)
-		app-configdir = g_build_filename(g_get_user_config_dir(), geany, NULL);
+		app-configdir = utils_get_user_config_dir();
 	if (generate_tags)
diff --git a/src/utils.c b/src/utils.c
index e4c5448..574ca8b 100644
--- a/src/utils.c
+++ b/src/utils.c
@@ -2078,3 +2078,13 @@ gchar *utils_parse_and_format_build_date(const gchar *input)
 	return g_strdup(input);
+gchar *utils_get_user_config_dir(void)
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+	return win32_get_user_config_dir();
+	return g_build_filename(g_get_user_data_dir(), geany, NULL);
diff --git a/src/utils.h b/src/utils.h
index c4df0bd..7e14099 100644
--- a/src/utils.h
+++ b/src/utils.h
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ GDate *utils_parse_date(const gchar *input);
 gchar *utils_parse_and_format_build_date(const gchar *input);
+gchar *utils_get_user_config_dir(void);
 #endif /* GEANY_UTILS_H */
diff --git a/src/win32.c b/src/win32.c
index eaf5afb..3fe44e6 100644
--- a/src/win32.c
+++ b/src/win32.c
@@ -1497,4 +1497,34 @@ gchar *win32_get_installation_dir(void)
+gchar *win32_get_user_config_dir(void)
+	wchar_t wdata_dir[MAX_PATH] = {0};
+	if (SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, TRUE))
+	{
+		/* FIXME: should probably pre-flight the WideCharToMultiByte() call
+		 * to get the proper length since this UTF-8 encoded bytes which will
+		 * probably be more than when encoded as UTF-16/wchar */
+		gchar u8data_dir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
+		if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wdata_dir, -1, u8data_dir, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL))
+		{
+			gchar *locale_data_dir;
+			locale_data_dir = g_win32_locale_filename_from_utf8(u8data_dir);
+			if (locale_data_dir)
+			{
+gchar *full_path;
+full_path = g_build_filename(locale_data_dir, geany, NULL);
+return full_path;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return g_build_filename(g_get_user_config_dir(), geany, NULL);
diff --git a/src/win32.h b/src/win32.h
index 72de162c..ad1af90 100644
--- a/src/win32.h
+++ b/src/win32.h
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ gchar *win32_get_installation_dir(void);
 gchar *win32_expand_environment_variables(const gchar *str);
+gchar *win32_get_user_config_dir(void);
 #endif /* G_OS_WIN32 */
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-24 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-24 08:42 AM, Frank Lanitz wrote:

Am 24.08.2014 um 17:24 schrieb Matthew Brush:

And looking at the code, could never work as is, but the main point is
using our own wrapper function to get user config dir, it would need to
be written properly :)

And having in mind they will add some more magic with later versions of
Windows I'm sure this is a bad idea.

What magic in what versions? And what's different if the Win32 API call 
is in GLib vs Geany?

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Windows GTK Runtime 2.24 and config directory

2014-08-22 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-22 11:23 AM, Enrico Tröger wrote:


lately, I started building a new Windows installer which includes a
recent GTK 2.24 runtime for Windows which need for future releases.


- add some code to check if a config in ...\Roaming exists and if so,
move it to ...\Local

I'd implement the last choice if there are no objections. This is not
nice because we implement again some magic config directory move code
but at least the user won't notice that GLib change.

Sounds fine to me, even just a one-time dialog telling the user about 
the change would be useful. Either way the code be put inside win32.c 
and guarded with an #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 so it doesn't mess up unrelated 
source files.

FWIW, I don't think this is the first time the config directory moved. 
Even between WinXP and Windows7 the actual directory used had changed, 
causing a little confusion (for me at least).

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Possible documentation issue - building docs

2014-08-17 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-16 10:42 PM, James Lownie wrote:

Hi everyone,

I was building the docs and I found the documented procedures
http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#id234 don't work for
me.  The doco says to do make docs to generate the docs, but I found
that there is no target for docs and I just had to go to the docs
directory and do make.

I was writing up a patch to change the doco when it occurred to me that
this might be a platform issue.  I'm using Fedora 20 with GNU Make
3.82.  Can anyone shed some light on this?

Colomban wrote:

Subject: Re: [Geany-Devel] Introduction and patch for documentation

Hi James, and welcome here!

As my first contribution I added some clarification to the section
about Projects.

Thanks, applied.

Just one thing, we try to keep the lines at a maximum of around 72
characters for easier readability of the plain text form. That's no big
deal though, I fixed this before committing.

I generated a patch file as per the instructions in the doco, and
attached it to this email. I hope this is the normal procedure.

This is just fine, yes.

There is mention of using a pull request, so do people also push
their commits to the server?

No, for pull requests we use the GitHub repository and their pull
request feature (you have your own fork of the repository and push to
it, and then ask us to merge something from your repository).


His mail server was down so I sent this message for him.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Introduction and patch for documentation

2014-08-17 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-16 10:42 PM, James Lownie wrote:

Hi everyone,

To introduce myself, my name is James, I use Geany as a developer and
I'm getting involved in the documentation.  I've never been involved as
a contributor to any open source project before, and I apologise if I
break any established protocols :)

As my first contribution I added some clarification to the section about
Projects.  I generated a patch file as per the instructions in the doco,
and attached it to this email.  I hope this is the normal procedure.
There is mention of using a pull request, so do people also push their
commits to the server?



On 14-08-16 10:42 PM, James Lownie wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I was building the docs and I found the documented procedures
 http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#id234 don't work for
 me.  The doco says to do make docs to generate the docs, but I found
 that there is no target for docs and I just had to go to the docs
 directory and do make.

 I was writing up a patch to change the doco when it occurred to me that
 this might be a platform issue.  I'm using Fedora 20 with GNU Make
 3.82.  Can anyone shed some light on this?

Colomban wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Geany-Devel] Introduction and patch for documentation

 Hi James, and welcome here!

 As my first contribution I added some clarification to the section
 about Projects.

 Thanks, applied.

 Just one thing, we try to keep the lines at a maximum of around 72
 characters for easier readability of the plain text form. That's no big
 deal though, I fixed this before committing.

 I generated a patch file as per the instructions in the doco, and
 attached it to this email. I hope this is the normal procedure.

 This is just fine, yes.

 There is mention of using a pull request, so do people also push
 their commits to the server?

 No, for pull requests we use the GitHub repository and their pull
 request feature (you have your own fork of the repository and push to
 it, and then ask us to merge something from your repository).


His mail server was down so I sent this message for him. This time to 
correct thread.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] build.c missing win32.h include

2014-08-07 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-07 02:58 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 07/08/2014 23:38, Enrico Tröger a écrit :

On 07/08/14 18:41, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 07/08/2014 18:24, Enrico Tröger a écrit :

[...] I'd like to make the nightly
builds a bit stricter especially if it helps to spoil out such problems.

Any idea how to make such warnings error without using -Werror? I'm
afraid -Werror is too hard for cross-compiling.


I use the following when building Geany, and although it shows a few
warnings (one in Scintilla that is fixed upstream, a few harmless const
promotions, and a few non-literals passed as printf-like formats) it's
pretty neat, maybe we'd like to be able to look at these in the logs.
Not sure it's so important though.

-Wall -Wextra -g -O2 -Wunused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wunreachable-code
-Wformat=2 -Wundef -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings
-Waggregate-return -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes
-Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-noreturn -Wmissing-format-attribute
-Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Werror-implicit-function-declaration

I applied these to the Windows nightly builds and also printed the used
CFLAGS into the logfile (for reference).


Hum, this is weird.  There are many more warnings that I saw locally,
and the compiled code looks outdated -- when I go to e.g.
src/symbols.c:579: warning: will never be executed, I see... an
accolade starting the function body.

s/accolade/brace/ ... maybe the hook/timer that updates from Git stopped 
working or something?

Also, the headers used seem to generate a lot of shadowing warnings, so
maybe we should disable this one.  Though, some are really weird, like
having a math.h having a global y0 symbol!?

Looking in my MinGW math.h, it seems you need to define _NO_OLDNAMES to 
get rid of those non-ANSII names. It might also be useful to define 
__STRICT_ANSI__ to get rid of more non-std/non-prefixed names.

Anyway, as-is it's not really useful, so maybe we should either fix the
warnings or remove the flags triggering them when not important.

It would be a lot more useful if there's a way to hide errors that 
originate in system headers (ie. not any of ours).

@Enrico, is there anyway to make the nightlies rebuild on a Git hook 
instead of only once per day? Like maybe giving 10 minutes buffer time 
to allow merging massive branches without re-compiling a bunch of times. 
It would be more immediate feedback on how badly one has broken Windows 
build :)

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] build.c missing win32.h include

2014-08-01 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-08-01 09:34 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:

On 01/08/2014 12:23, Lex Trotman wrote:

Maybe magic somewhere, the windows nightlys are passing:)

I appears that the magic is that the compile options are not strict
enough, there are lots of implicit prototype warnings, but they are
not errors.

OK then.

Thanks, you completed two of my TODOs at the end of commit message :)


Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Geany Contribution

2014-07-28 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-07-28 12:37 PM, Devyn Collier Johnson wrote:

I would like to contribute to Geany by submitting additional license
headers and some more file templates like what would be found under
/usr/share/geany/templates. I have already made some license headers and
file templates. Would the Geany developers be interested in them? If so,
then where would be the best place to send them? Would the destination
like them as a zip, tarball, etc? Does this mailing list use bottom
posting or top posting?

I'm pretty sure the licenses are hard-coded, so would require code 
changes as well.

P.S. I have a really out-of-date branch (from 2012) that adds LGPL, BSD, 
MIT, Apache2, and WTFPL. If you really want I can try and update on the 
latest Git master, although it might be tricky from 2 years ago.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Geany with gtk+ 3.6.4 under Windows

2014-06-17 Thread Matthew Brush
 to be things we did slightly 
weird in GTK2 that is no longer needed or doesn't work exactly the same 
with GTK3. If we hold off switching to bundled version to GTK3, nobody 
will use it and it won't get tested or fixed.

IMO it would be great to put beta releases/installers for Windows on 
the website for download so that more people can be testing with GTK3 
bundle without having to compile from scratch (far too painful for most 
users to do), and then we won't end up deciding at some later release 
date to just switch it and hope for the best.

BTW, which Windows version and which GTK+ architecture bundle (32/64) 
are you using, in case I get a chance to try and reproduce?

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Keybindings rewrite

2014-06-07 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-06-07 03:35 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 06/06/2014 16:17, Thomas Martitz a écrit :


based up on Matthew's fine GtkActions branch [1]

We probably should not define the actions in the Glade file but rather
in the code, they aren't really a UI thing but should reflect what the
app can do basically.  Basically it's rather a replacement for our
send_command() rather than simply keybindings.

IMO it's much better to use something declarative for this than to write 
it in code. Even though XML is kind of ugly, it's still more 
maintainable/easier/etc than C, especially since Glade supports 
creating/editing/assigning the actions through it's user interface.

Originally I was going to create a whole separate GtkBuilder file (ex. 
actions.xml or such) for actions, but then you loose the possibility to 
select the actions for the various widgets using Glade's user interface 
(unless I missed how to make it understand two files at once).

I don't really think it's a big deal having them in the main GtkBuilder 
file, I mean they are *UI* actions used to control the appearance and 
proxy the behaviour of *UI* widgets already in the same file with other 
stuff like list models for the UI, etc.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Keybindings rewrite

2014-06-06 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-06-06 01:35 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 06.06.2014 16:24, schrieb Yosef Or Boczko:

I think it better to port to GAction instead of GtkAction (GtkAction
has been deprecated since version 3.10 and will be removed in GTK+ 4),
so it will be ease to port geany to GTK+ 4 in the future.

We have elaborated GAction. The problem is that it is only recent in
Glib/Gtk versions. Geany is committed to support at least the last gtk2
release for some time to come.

Also, unless I missed it in the docs, GAction/GSimpleAction do not 
appear to support associating labels, tooltips, icons, etc with the 
action so would require duplicating these all over the place (similar to 
the current way we do it).

I think the transition from GtkAction to GAction isn't actually that
terrible (mostly search  replace) so we can do it at some point in the

As GtkAction is so useful and what it does is quite simple, IMO we could 
also create our own replacement class for it in the future, or just take 
the relevant source files from the GTK+ tree.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Keybindings rewrite

2014-06-06 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-06-06 07:17 AM, Thomas Martitz wrote:


based up on Matthew's fine GtkActions branch [1] I think we could
realistically rewrite keybindings.c use GtkAction/accelerators properly.

Currently it re-implements lots of gtk stuff, such as the actual looping
through the known keybindings for the callback when a keybinding
pressed. When this would be rewritten keybindings.c could probably be
half as large (in LOC terms).

The advantage of doing so would be that plugins could register
keybindings simply by providing a GtkAction instance (and optionally a
GtkMenuItem) instead of a plain callback. This would enable to handle
keybindings in a more natural (from a glib/gtk POV) form through
signals. This is especially interesting for non-C plugins because it
easier to support/implement a gobject-based API then a
function-pointer-based one. This is the major reason I'm interested in

We could alternatively add a GtkActionGroup to each GeanyPlugin(Private) 
structure so plugins could just add in their own actions and not have 
the core even care much. I can imagine something like this:

void plugin_init(GeanyData *unused)
  GtkAction *action = gtk_action_new(foo, Foo, Does foo, NULL);
plugin_get_action_group(geany_plugin), action);
  GtkMenuItem *item = gtk_action_create_menu_item(action);
GTK_MENU_SHELL(geany_data.main_widgets.tools_menu), item);
  // etc...

The keybindings editor GUI would then be able to know which actions the 
plugin wants managed/edited without requiring any special API functions.

I think it is possible to do this without breaking the API or at least
without actual damage because plugins don't use the fields of
GeanyKeyGroup and GeanyKeyBinding so we can change these structs.

Is such a rewrite desirable, and would it have a realistic chance of
getting merged? I'm asking because I don't want to spend time on this
and never get it merged. Otherwise I would volunteer to do this.

Calling it a re-write will mostly likely not help :)

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [RFC]: Public API comments in headers

2014-05-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-29 05:56 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:

On 26/05/2014 01:23, Lex Trotman wrote:

If we moved to having public headers that just included actual public
symbols, I think it would be advantageous to have those headers totally
commented/documented rather than requiring the user to download Geany's
source code and cross-reference functions in it to access the
or getting hold of the generated Doxygen API documentation.

Its neater to have them in the public .h file sure, but I suggest that
they are going to be less likely to be kept up to date that way.  Most
of the editing happens in the .c files (I don't even open the .h much
of the time) so the doxygen comments in headers become out of sight,
out of mind.

Agree, that's an important reason. Another benefit is less rebuilding
due to header file changes.

It's unclear if you're actually against $topic or just pointing out more 
reason for keeping the public API comments private.

FWIW, the first point will/would be somewhat offset by the fact that 
public functions could/would have G_MODULE_EXPORT (or we could make some 
macro like GEANY_API_EXPORT or such for readability) to remind that a 
public function is being edited and there's sure to be a comment to edit 
as well. What's more, it's actually not that hard to always in all cases 
open a single header file and check if you broke the public API/docs, 
compared to all the other stuff required to making changes.

The extra rebuilding would be offset by having the private and public 
stuff split into separate files, some files wouldn't even need to 
include the public headers anymore and so wouldn't trigger rebuilding as 
many files. In addition, if we were really worried about build 
times/include dependencies, we could use forward declaration in quite a 
few headers that just use an opaque pointer to a public type instead of 
including the whole header. I think overall we could actually reduce the 
amount of re-building required in addition to making the API comments 
accessible to the public API users who they're meant for.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [RFC]: Public API comments in headers

2014-05-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-29 08:01 AM, Lex Trotman wrote:

On 30 May 2014 00:46, Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca wrote:

On 14-05-29 05:56 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:

On 26/05/2014 01:23, Lex Trotman wrote:

If we moved to having public headers that just included actual public
symbols, I think it would be advantageous to have those headers totally
commented/documented rather than requiring the user to download Geany's
source code and cross-reference functions in it to access the


or getting hold of the generated Doxygen API documentation.

Its neater to have them in the public .h file sure, but I suggest that
they are going to be less likely to be kept up to date that way.  Most
of the editing happens in the .c files (I don't even open the .h much
of the time) so the doxygen comments in headers become out of sight,
out of mind.

Agree, that's an important reason. Another benefit is less rebuilding
due to header file changes.

It's unclear if you're actually against $topic or just pointing out more
reason for keeping the public API comments private.

FWIW, the first point will/would be somewhat offset by the fact that public
functions could/would have G_MODULE_EXPORT (or we could make some macro like
GEANY_API_EXPORT or such for readability) to remind that a public function
is being edited and there's sure to be a comment to edit as well. What's
more, it's actually not that hard to always in all cases open a single
header file and check if you broke the public API/docs, compared to all the
other stuff required to making changes.

It just needs a comment on the implementation of the API functions.

The need for an API specific macro is a separate technical thing, in
this case the purpose is to provide information to those pesky
livewares so a comment is fine. :)

Just define a snippet with the comment /* API function */ or similar
and paste it just before cutting the doxygen comment for

Yeah, either way, I just meant since with the related changes we would 
need to put the G_MODULE_EXPORT on the public API functions anyway, we 
could do something like:


to provide the same meaning as the comment, provide the needed export, 
and also to minimize confusion between GtkBuilder exported callbacks and 
actual public API functions (same as a little comment would).

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [RFC]: Public API comments in headers

2014-05-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-29 11:58 AM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 26.05.2014 01:50, schrieb Matthew Brush:


As part of working on cleaning up the exposed API to plugins I got to
thinking about where our comments are located. While it's nice to keep
the API-documentation-comments right at the definitions of the
functions in their respective .c source files, since we only install
the headers as a public reference (not even the plugin API docs IIUC),
should we not move the API-documentation-comments, that we already
diligently ensure exist and are fairly complete, into the headers
where they are accessible to plugin developers?

If we moved to having public headers that just included actual public
symbols, I think it would be advantageous to have those headers
totally commented/documented rather than requiring the user to
download Geany's source code and cross-reference functions in it to
access the comments/docs, or getting hold of the generated Doxygen API

Does anyone feel really strongly about this?


I can't say I feel overly strong but my experience is that when
implementation and comments are split that they begin to drift apart
sooner or later. I suggest keeping things as they are unless there is a
compelling technical advantage. We do a half decent job at documentation
(which is better than 90% of other FOSS projects) and we should not risk

I agree somewhat, but it's actually not very hard to open the related 
header and check when changing the code, especially since often changing 
the API documentation means adding a new function, or changing the 
semantics/signatures of a function, or adding/changing a structure/type, 
which all requires editing the header anyway, so it's actually not 
really much extra work.

As far as technical advantage, it causes less misleading comments in the 
source (eg. documenting `@file foo.h` in the foo.c source file), avoids 
users having to get a copy of the Doxygen docs for the correct version, 
and finally to keep all the public API comments in the same public 
header file, instead of the current way where types (structs, typedefs, 
etc.) are necessarily documented in the header, but functions are 
documented in the internal non-installed source files.

The reference documentation is the doxygen generated html/pdf/etc. It is
in many ways superior to headers+comments. The API is available online,
and we could also install it on make install, so that plugin authors are
not required to download anything.

Not everything is actually documented in Doxygen though, so one often 
needs to reference the headers anyway, plus the online docs are for the 
latest release and not the development version of Geany (AFAIK), and 
additionally, installing the docs on make install (unconditionally) 
would mean we require the user to have at least Doxygen (plus Qt and all 
the stuff it requires) installed. But I agree we should (also) make the 
API docs installable and maybe for packagers to make them part of the 
-dev package for Geany if they wanted to.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [RFC]: Public API comments in headers

2014-05-29 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-29 04:37 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:


Ok, not super technical, but more compelling than I'm too lazy to open the
header file/update the documentation if it's not directly above one place I
edit (instead of the other place I most likely have to edit) :)

Different people have different workflows, some open everything, some
only open the minimum.

Yeah, I guess I just see the public headers as the official interface 
description of the API, so it follows that (IMO) all relevant in-source 
documentation/comments that describe what's in the API headers should be 
available in them, instead of scattered into various places. If you have 
the headers, you can use/understand the interface kind of idea.

Everything the plugin writer needs should be in the doxygen API docs.
If its not fix that, don't make the plugin writer read the source.

After looking at the discussions I have changed my mind and think the
comments should *NOT* be moved to the header.

OK, so that's one +1 for only some of the doc-comments being in the 
public headers (structs, enums, etc.), some being in the 
private/not-installed source files (functions), and some being in 
separate private/non-installed, non-code files (signals), and then 
requiring the user to have an Internet connection, Doxygen, or a 
combination of the not-installed source files and the installed API 
headers to be able to access the docs (ie status quo).

Does anyone else feel strongly either way?

FWIW, I don't really feel super strongly, it's just an idea that I had 
to help make the public headers more useful for the only people they're 
intended for (ie. plugin developers), along with the other stuff I want 
to work on like not exposing private stuff, ensuring all public stuff is 
properly documented, etc. None if this other stuff really hinges on 
moving the comments to the headers, it's just a parallel idea.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Plugin API design question/change proposal

2014-05-25 Thread Matthew Brush


If nobody's opposed to this, then I'll start working on it shortly. At 
worst we'll end up with some new `*private.h` files in the `src` 
directory and maybe find some buggy plugins and/or 
unintentionally-public API.

I'll try to keep the private headers changes separate from the removal 
of the `geanyfunctions.h`/function pointer macros stuff, since in theory 
they are independent of each other.

Matthew Brush

On 14-05-20 02:29 AM, Matthew Brush wrote:


Does anyone know why the plugin API was designed to use a bunch of
structures containing function pointers, hidden behind macros in
geanyfunctions.h? I found the commit where this stuff was added
initially (ie. plugin ABI 2-3) but it doesn't mention why it was done
like this and I tried to search the mailing list archives but Gmane
won't let me search and the other mailing list archive doesn't go back
that far.

Somebody mentioned it might be because Windows doesn't export symbols by
default, but it still doesn't explain why this way chosen over
explicitly exporting the symbols using
__declspec(dllexport)/G_MODULE_EXPORT which, IIUC, does just this.

As mentioned in the Proxy Plugins thread I'm looking into making the
headers scanned by GObject-introspection to automate binding the plugin
API to non-C plugins, but with all of the private stuff and public stuff
mixed together in public headers, it will be hard to do this.

Assuming there isn't actually much of a reason for the chosen existing
function pointer/structure/macro mechanism, is anybody opposed to just
making the API available in the normal C way where the public functions
goes in one header that plugins (and core) can use, and one header where
the private stuff goes, that doesn't get installed?

Just to see the work involved, I tried to do this with the build,
document and editor functions. It makes the public/private more
explicit, removes lots of extra code, makes only one place to update
when adding new functions to the API, doesn't force plugins to import a
bunch of private stuff indirectly by #including geanyplugin.h, still
makes the symbols available/exported on Windows, and does it without
breaking the official (ie. doxygen-commented) parts of the API (but it
would need an ABI bump). The experimental changes to build, document,
and editor functions are here in my header-cleanup-private branch, based
ontop of my header-cleanup branch that I have an open PR for:




What we could do for commonly used existing private stuff:

(Sorry, I just linked the relevant commits instead of the branch so
people don't have to figure out which specific ones I'm talking about
amidst all the other unrelated ones. It's mostly just to give an idea of
what I'm talking about.)

I think this would be a fairly big improvement overall and it would
finally allow us to sort out what's really private and what's really
public, which will make bindings generated by scanning the headers much

Some common stuff that wasn't public before (ie. doxygen-commented) but
that is still used in plugins could be added as deprecated to the
public header or if useful could be properly added with a doxygen
comment. This will avoid excessive breakage where plugins were using
private stuff.

Any opinions, suggestions, reasons about the original design welcome.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

[Geany-Devel] [RFC]: Public API comments in headers

2014-05-25 Thread Matthew Brush


As part of working on cleaning up the exposed API to plugins I got to 
thinking about where our comments are located. While it's nice to keep 
the API-documentation-comments right at the definitions of the functions 
in their respective .c source files, since we only install the headers 
as a public reference (not even the plugin API docs IIUC), should we not 
move the API-documentation-comments, that we already diligently ensure 
exist and are fairly complete, into the headers where they are 
accessible to plugin developers?

If we moved to having public headers that just included actual public 
symbols, I think it would be advantageous to have those headers totally 
commented/documented rather than requiring the user to download Geany's 
source code and cross-reference functions in it to access the 
comments/docs, or getting hold of the generated Doxygen API documentation.

Does anyone feel really strongly about this?

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Another set of Plugin API questions

2014-05-25 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-25 04:38 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:

And my final question: do we support individual includes of Geany's
headers that were available? For example, if someone, for some crazy
reason wanted to move `struct GeanyDocument` to `document-blah.h` (fake
example), is it a plugin bug if they directly included document.h
where this type was previously, or is it an API bug because we moved the
type to another file, even though we added an and include for the new
header inside the central include file `geanyplugin.h`?

For a real life example of this, consider this comment from the recent 
`header-cleanup` merge:


And the likewise patch/PR for the plugin in GP:


In this case I moved `GeanyApp` which was in `geany.h` (which was 
exposed to plugins via `geanyplugin.h`) to `app.h` of its own, but it 
broke GeanyLua that included all the stuff that `geanyplugin.h` would've 
provided it, individually.

Is this a plugin bug or a public API break/bug?

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] [RFC]: Public API comments in headers

2014-05-25 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-25 05:23 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:

On 26 May 2014 09:50, Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca wrote:


If we moved to having public headers that just included actual public
symbols, I think it would be advantageous to have those headers totally
commented/documented rather than requiring the user to download Geany's
source code and cross-reference functions in it to access the comments/docs,
or getting hold of the generated Doxygen API documentation.

Its neater to have them in the public .h file sure, but I suggest that
they are going to be less likely to be kept up to date that way.  Most
of the editing happens in the .c files (I don't even open the .h much
of the time) so the doxygen comments in headers become out of sight,
out of mind.

If, in future changes, we used the `G_MODULE_EXPORT` stuff, and kept it 
at the site of the definition (in the C file), it might provide a queue 
for anyone changing it that it has related boilerplate, being an 
exported/public function. It might help a bit here at least.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Another set of Plugin API questions

2014-05-25 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-25 05:16 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:

On 26 May 2014 09:38, Matthew Brush mbr...@codebrainz.ca wrote:


Another example is `filetype_id` which is the enum type in `filetypes.h`
that holds the various filetype IDs (ex. GEANY_FILETYPES_C,
GEANY_FILETYPES_HTML, etc.). It's completely undocumented, but is used (as
gint type) in functions such as `filetypes_index()`. Is it fair to say this
whole enum is private, or should it rather be considered public since it was
exposed to plugins via the include of `filetypes.h` in `geanyplugin.h`?

Again sounds like its a mistake, since the example for
`filetypes_index()` uses `GEANY_FILETYPES_C`.  At least the enum
should be documented.  A lazy person like me would say the enum
members are part of the API, even though they are not individually
documented since their use is obvious in that documentation.

IMO, we could just stick some empty/dummy `/**! */` comments after the 
enumerators if they are indeed public and their meaning is obvious (or 
whatever trick to get Doxygen to recognize them).

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-21 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-21 06:45 AM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 19/05/2014 14:17, Thomas Martitz a écrit :


Sorry if I sound negative towards libpeas. I'm not fundamentally against
it. I try to objectively evaluate it, and it doesn't appear to be the
holy grail either, especially with our strong focus on maintaining the
plugin ABI/API and exposing the current API via bindings.

Amen to that.  I'm not saying using Peas is not a good idea, I'm just
saying we should step a little back and see things in perspective, and
for what they really are.  If then Peas still seems to be the most
sensible, then great.

What makes you think (some of us) haven't done that? It's not my fault 
people had fantasies about all the wonderment it could provide and are 
let down to find out that it only saves us rolling one large piece of 
the non-C language plugin puzzle :)

But I agree, it would be fantastic if everyone was on the same page with 
regards to what libpeas provides and how much of it we'll have to 
re-write ourselves into the existing loader if we don't use it, and what 
the dependencies Geany would have afterwards, and how we'd have to 
manually write language bridges to those hook into those languages (ex. 
geanypy), etc.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Plugin API design question/change proposal

2014-05-21 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-21 04:24 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:

On 20/05/2014 10:29, Matthew Brush wrote:

Does anyone know why the plugin API was designed to use a bunch of
structures containing function pointers, hidden behind macros in
geanyfunctions.h? I found the commit where this stuff was added
initially (ie. plugin ABI 2-3) but it doesn't mention why it was done
like this and I tried to search the mailing list archives but Gmane
won't let me search and the other mailing list archive doesn't go back
that far.

Somebody mentioned it might be because Windows doesn't export symbols by
default, but it still doesn't explain why this way chosen over
explicitly exporting the symbols using
__declspec(dllexport)/G_MODULE_EXPORT which, IIUC, does just this.

The idea was to avoid exporting private symbols, and also to avoid
having to build the binary with any dynamic link flags. Since the Glade
3 change, the binary has dynamic link flags anyway, so the reason for
this is gone.

Thanks for the info!

Note: It's a bit annoying that all binary symbols are exported (on some
platforms), ideally only symbols marked with some kind of export
attribute would be.

Yeah, this might not be too tough, using a symbol listing file or 
`-fvisibility=hidden` or such.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

[Geany-Devel] Plugin API design question/change proposal

2014-05-20 Thread Matthew Brush


Does anyone know why the plugin API was designed to use a bunch of 
structures containing function pointers, hidden behind macros in 
geanyfunctions.h? I found the commit where this stuff was added 
initially (ie. plugin ABI 2-3) but it doesn't mention why it was done 
like this and I tried to search the mailing list archives but Gmane 
won't let me search and the other mailing list archive doesn't go back 
that far.

Somebody mentioned it might be because Windows doesn't export symbols by 
default, but it still doesn't explain why this way chosen over 
explicitly exporting the symbols using 
__declspec(dllexport)/G_MODULE_EXPORT which, IIUC, does just this.

As mentioned in the Proxy Plugins thread I'm looking into making the 
headers scanned by GObject-introspection to automate binding the plugin 
API to non-C plugins, but with all of the private stuff and public stuff 
mixed together in public headers, it will be hard to do this.

Assuming there isn't actually much of a reason for the chosen existing 
function pointer/structure/macro mechanism, is anybody opposed to just 
making the API available in the normal C way where the public functions 
goes in one header that plugins (and core) can use, and one header where 
the private stuff goes, that doesn't get installed?

Just to see the work involved, I tried to do this with the build, 
document and editor functions. It makes the public/private more 
explicit, removes lots of extra code, makes only one place to update 
when adding new functions to the API, doesn't force plugins to import a 
bunch of private stuff indirectly by #including geanyplugin.h, still 
makes the symbols available/exported on Windows, and does it without 
breaking the official (ie. doxygen-commented) parts of the API (but it 
would need an ABI bump). The experimental changes to build, document, 
and editor functions are here in my header-cleanup-private branch, based 
ontop of my header-cleanup branch that I have an open PR for:




What we could do for commonly used existing private stuff:

(Sorry, I just linked the relevant commits instead of the branch so 
people don't have to figure out which specific ones I'm talking about 
amidst all the other unrelated ones. It's mostly just to give an idea of 
what I'm talking about.)

I think this would be a fairly big improvement overall and it would 
finally allow us to sort out what's really private and what's really 
public, which will make bindings generated by scanning the headers much 

Some common stuff that wasn't public before (ie. doxygen-commented) but 
that is still used in plugins could be added as deprecated to the 
public header or if useful could be properly added with a doxygen 
comment. This will avoid excessive breakage where plugins were using 
private stuff.

Any opinions, suggestions, reasons about the original design welcome.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Plugin API design question/change proposal

2014-05-20 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-20 03:38 AM, Lex Trotman wrote:

I know it might be a bit hard to restrict some symbols, like enums
that C spits gaily into the global namespace, but if functions and
structs are limited to those intended to be available, then that will
be a big leap forward.

It should be ok if the enums are declared in private header (unless they 
need to be public), then the plugins are never faced with this namespace 

None of this actually *prevents* a plugin writer using the Geany
headers to access everything, but in doing so they are alerted to the
fact that what they are using may break, or change in subtle and
incompatible ways.

It doesn't technically prevent them using private functions (on *nix), 
since they can add a forward declaration if they lookup the function's 
signature, but for all other uses they couldn't since the the (private) 
headers would not even be installed on their systems, and for functions 
it's obviously wrong to be forward-declaring private functions and 
calling them anyway :)


I'm not sure what percentage of the API this is, but if it has only
taken a looong boooring day or two to do it, then its not too bad :)

It's one small header (build.h) and two of the biggest ones (document.h 
and editor.h) and it only took a couple hours, including building 
geany-plugins a bunch of times to see if they broke.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-19 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-18 10:10 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:

2. the effort to incorporate it into the existing PM.

I don't think this will be very difficult, even from me who loathes 
GtkTreeView :)

IIUC Thomas' proposal would use the existing methods so it doesn't
require any changes in these areas.

But it requires writing own libpeas (ie. scanners, loaders+runtimes, 
+gobject-introspection-bindings, etc).

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-18 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-18 03:07 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 17.05.2014 03:43, schrieb Matthew Brush:

On 14-05-16 03:03 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

I think we want to maintain the ability to add loaders on our own,

With Peas you can, in fact it's designed with this purpose in mind,
unlike the existing C-only loader.

If it's designed for that, why doesn't it expose that to its users?
peas-plugin-loader.h is neither documented nor actually shipped, which
makes me think they want to keep their plugin architecture private
(subject to change). Given the GNOME community reputation that really
worries me because we totally want to add loaders to libpeas.

Because I guess they assume that if you're going to write another 
language loader you're going to contribute it back to them. It would be 
like adding a Scintilla lexer into Geany's source tree without 
submitting it back upstream.

without depending on a 3rd party project. Especially for potentially

Meh, we depend on lots of 3rd party projects, several directly and
many indirectly (see `ldd geany`).

Yes, but these generally don't affect the plugin API. When we make
promises about the stability of the plugin API but depend on a 3rd party
to fullfill that promise it's not an ideal situation. Especially when
depending on the GNOME community as with libpeas.

This doesn't affect the plugin *API*. The only part that depends on how 
peas does it is in the .plugin ini files stuff. Nothing in the plugin's 
code even really has to know about Peas except maybe calling some type 
registration function, it's just GObject interfaces after that.

Peas seems to be quite popular in the community around our
framework/UI toolkit and is used by several (if not dozens) of popular
applications, which also means it's readily available in many popular
distros' package repositories.

Even if Peas becomes unmaintained/unsupported, we could roll it into
our own source tree and maintain it like we do ctags and tagmanager
and we still wouldn't have had to write it ourselves :)

Yes I think that would be an acceptable solution once problems arise.
libpeas is pretty tiny isnt it?

I appears to be after some brief looking at the source code.

creating a compat-loader for our existing plugins. It doesn't seem

After experimenting with this a bit, I believe it doesn't make much
sense to make a compatibility layer because a) you still need
basically the same code as the existing loader code, b) you would have
to change/refactor/re-write lots of it c) you would still have two
distinct ways to implement plugin interfaces, d) increases chances of
breaking the existing loader/plugins and e) intertwining the two
loaders would probably make it harder in the distant future to just
drop one of them.

The problem is that libpeas demands a different method of making plugins
available (.ini vs known symbols in the .so file). We definitely want
only one method, even if it means transitioning the symbol method to the
.ini file.

Yeah, this is actually a bonus for both C and non-C plugins. For one, it 
means Geany doesn't have to actually load the .so files for C plugins to 
read the plugin info, and additionally for not-C languages, it means the 
engine can get metadata about the plugin without involving the loaders 
(ie. no need to PyInitialize() the interpreter just to get metadata of 
unloaded plugin in Plugin Manager GUI).

That being said, if we make existing plugin loader use .INI stuff it 
will break all plugins, so maybe we could make some opt-in way that 

I don't think b) is true, and for e) it would make it actually simpler
if the one loader is just a plugin of the other one.

For b) I mean mostly just shuffling around/re-factoring code. You're 
right about e), re-factoring it this way probably would improve its 

libpeas readily supports this. Unless I'm missing something.

The loaders (except for C) are plugins, and the build-in ones are
installed in /usr/lib/libpeas-version/loaders/ as .so libraries.
For example, peas-plugin-loader-python.c contains:

peas_register_types (PeasObjectModule *module) -- as a regular plugin
   peas_object_module_register_extension_type (module,

I found that too. But this is not public and not documented. It's also
not installed to /usr/include/libpeas-1.0.

Yikes! Free Software not properly documented! :)

It's not just  a case of bad docs here. In this case it means it's not
documented because it's private to libpeas, i.e. an implementation
detail. For the same reason the peas-plugin-loader.h is not

While it has a plugin architecture for loaders it doesn't seem designed
to allow for 3rd party loaders.

As above, I presume the idea is that new loaders should be contributed 
back upstream.

Since we want plugin authors to be able to create loaders we need

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-16 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-13 01:43 AM, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-05-13 12:54 AM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 11.05.2014 20:31, schrieb Dimitar Zhekov:

On Sat, 10 May 2014 21:56:30 +0200
Thomas Martitz ku...@rockbox.org wrote:

So why adapt peas when it requires a lot of changes *too* but also
severely breaks plugin API?

I must be missing something, but it essence it appears to me that
adapting peas requires no less effort than what I propose...

GeanyPy proxy = ~150 KB.
5 language proxies = ~750 KB, code that will have to be written and
maintained. For comparision, geany/src/* = 1.9 MB.

peas loader = ~15 KB, language support is in the core, and doesn't
change with the new Geany versions, so you don't have to worry about
any language(s) becoming unsupported/unmaintained.

We must have Geany API (structures and functions) introspected for all
new languages somehow. We can do that with large, manual, bug-prone
per-language introspection, or with one GLib introspection.

Don't be ridiculous. This calculation is severely flawed and you know

Well it is true we need this either way for non-C languages to interact
with the API. In the case of GeanyLua, GeanyPy and most-likely your new
proxy plugins it's all whole lot of C code which would probably be too
much maintenance burden to be in core. This way is probably the worst

GObject-introspection would probably be the best approach, but for the
existing exposed API functions/structs, would probably at the very least
require changing doc-comments from Doxygen to GTK-DOC (plus adding some
annotations), writing some override files to patch it up, and getting
rid of the macros hiding function pointers that are members of
structures stuff. This still wouldn't produce a good API for non-C
languages (or C even), but it would at least make it not completely manual.

FWIW, I've been doing some experiments with libpeas as the loader in 
Geany (in my peas* branches on Github) and for the Python demo plugin 
(code not pushed to GH yet) I managed to get GObject-Introspection to 
scan Geany's source code/headers. Most of the work involved just 
including what you use and/or using defined names like `struct 
GeanyDocument` instead of `GeanyDocument` because the latter is defined 
off in some unrelated header. Once GI can grok one header at a time (ie. 
without pre-processing all the source together like C compiler does), it 
seems to pickup lots of the API (can't vouch for if or how well the 
bindings actually works yet).

Needs more experimentation/tweaking to be usable still though.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-16 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-16 03:03 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 16.05.2014 19:32, schrieb Dimitar Zhekov:

On Fri, 16 May 2014 16:59:17 +0200
Thomas Martitz ku...@rockbox.org wrote:

I have a question regarding libpeas. There doesn't seem to be a public
(nor documented) API to add loaders. From what I can see the current
language support of libpeas is quite poor (only python and seed (that's
JS isnt it?)). Also, they don't seem to very committed to maintaining
their loaders[1].

It doesn't seem to make much sense to support two JavaScript 
implementations, although I don't know the specifics of this.

I think we want to maintain the ability to add loaders on our own,

With Peas you can, in fact it's designed with this purpose in mind, 
unlike the existing C-only loader.

without depending on a 3rd party project. Especially for potentially

Meh, we depend on lots of 3rd party projects, several directly and many 
indirectly (see `ldd geany`).

Peas seems to be quite popular in the community around our framework/UI 
toolkit and is used by several (if not dozens) of popular applications, 
which also means it's readily available in many popular distros' package 

Even if Peas becomes unmaintained/unsupported, we could roll it into our 
own source tree and maintain it like we do ctags and tagmanager and we 
still wouldn't have had to write it ourselves :)

creating a compat-loader for our existing plugins. It doesn't seem

After experimenting with this a bit, I believe it doesn't make much 
sense to make a compatibility layer because a) you still need basically 
the same code as the existing loader code, b) you would have to 
change/refactor/re-write lots of it c) you would still have two distinct 
ways to implement plugin interfaces, d) increases chances of breaking 
the existing loader/plugins and e) intertwining the two loaders would 
probably make it harder in the distant future to just drop one of them.

libpeas readily supports this. Unless I'm missing something.

The loaders (except for C) are plugins, and the build-in ones are
installed in /usr/lib/libpeas-version/loaders/ as .so libraries.
For example, peas-plugin-loader-python.c contains:

peas_register_types (PeasObjectModule *module) -- as a regular plugin
   peas_object_module_register_extension_type (module,

I found that too. But this is not public and not documented. It's also
not installed to /usr/include/libpeas-1.0.

Yikes! Free Software not properly documented! :)

Since we want plugin authors to be able to create loaders we need
something that's stable and documented.

Then why do you want to write our own libpeas into the existing C plugin 
loader? It will (at least for some time) be buggier, and less widely 
tested/used/maintained (ie. only by us), take lots of extra effort, not 
automate the bridge between core and the plugins' language, probably be 
less well-documented, and after all, the end result would most-likely 
provide an inferior experience for non-C plugin authors.

Best regards.

And for the next probable question, there is no search for .py files,
instead the plugin .ini file (foo.plugin) specifies which loader should
be used (C if missing).

I think this could be a problem too. Unless we maintain two loaders
(that would be better avoided) we need to find a way to have libpeas

We wouldn't have to maintain libpeas, it's a separate project with other 
developers maintaining it for us. Eventually in the long distant future 
(eg. Geany 2.0), we could drop the old loader and maintain zero loaders :)

find (and load) current plugins. Perhaps we could create a small helper
function that creates a suitable .ini (if it doesn't exist) out of the
current plugin_set_info() before running libpeas scan, for compatibility

As mentioned above, this doesn't seem worth the trouble and I don't 
think it would be as easy/useful as it seems on the surface. We could 
just leave the existing loader without breaking anything, it's quite 
stable and works pretty well for plain C plugins that don't want to use 
GObject-ish stuff. We could document the Peas loader and related work as 
provisional while we get it all integrated and working well with the GI 
bindings and still leaving the existing stable C loader in-tact during 
this time and for the foreseeable future.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-16 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-16 06:43 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:


As mentioned above, this doesn't seem worth the trouble and I don't
think it would be as easy/useful as it seems on the surface. We could
just leave the existing loader without breaking anything, it's quite
stable and works pretty well for plain C plugins that don't want to use
GObject-ish stuff. We could document the Peas loader and related work as
provisional while we get it all integrated and working well with the GI
bindings and still leaving the existing stable C loader in-tact during
this time and for the foreseeable future.

Just to be clear, I don't mean to imply that we shouldn't make any 
effort towards providing a simple way to adapt existing plugins to use 
the new loader with minimal changes, just that I don't think that this 
mechanism or some compatibility layer for the loader needs to be a 
blocker/priority towards providing an alternative parallel loader that 
eases working in other languages and paves the way for more specific and 
powerful extension points with more idiomatic interfaces and APIs in 
multiple languages.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-10 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-10 12:56 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 10.05.2014 21:06, schrieb Dimitar Zhekov:

After that I'd say that LibPeas is perhaps something to be considered
for new application but not for our existing codebase. I think we want
something that enables proxy plugins while maintaining API and ABI

peas does does you describe, and provides build-in loaders for Python
2/3 and JavaScript, i.e. standard languages. Please don't throw it away
before even trying to adapt it.

As you have mentioned, even for C plugins it's a major change, and it
requires a lot of changes to Geany (doesn't it?).

So why adapt peas when it requires a lot of changes *too* but also
severely breaks plugin API?

I must be missing something, but it essence it appears to me that
adapting peas requires no less effort than what I propose (it's not
actually that much new code, just a lot of refactoring) but also implies
a major plugin API breakage (while my proposal can be implemented
without API breakage).

I don't think it has to break the existing plugin loader interface, we 
could make a parallel loader that integrates into the current Plugin 
Manager UI and such. Just leave the existing C hooks in place (ie. 
plugins.[c], pluginutils.[c], plugindata.h stuff) and maybe recommend 
people not to use for new plugins. Most of the public API functions 
could still be shared between core, old-style plugins and new-style 
plugins (via some manner of bindings for the non-C ones).

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-10 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-10 12:06 PM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

For python, maybe we can include geanypy/src/*.c in Geany or in
a .so library. But if we don't want to end up with more 150+ KB proxies
like geanypy, we'd better use introspection. I really admire Matthew
and Lex for writing this thing, but that's hardly the best approach,
and I don't expect many people to repeat it and maintain such proxy.

You can say it, it's actually the worst approach :)

It's works OK though, doesn't require additional tools (eg. 
SWIG/Cython/etc) and is probably more efficient/smaller than using FFI 
stuff from ctypes module, although it probably doesn't really matter here.

+1 for some form of introspection/code generation.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Unable to manage mailing list subscription

2014-05-10 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-10 02:59 PM, Development wrote:

  I'm attempting to manage my mailing list subscription on the
Geany mailing list, via the web-interface. But when going to
I'm greeted with a warning, regarding the certificate:

This Connection is Untrusted

Technical Details
lists.geany.org uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided.
(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

Thank you for all your time, and consideration.


Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] RFC: Proxy plugins

2014-05-09 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-05-09 01:18 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

Am 08.05.2014 02:33, schrieb Matthew Brush:

Hi Thomas,

If the goal is really to enable loading plugins written in other
languages, we should take a really extensive look at LibPeas before
ruling it out and duplicating it ourselves. It seems especially
appropriate since you want to eventually get multi-language support
into core, and it provides a small library we can have a hard
dependency on that (IIUC) itself has soft-dependencies on all the
stuff we don't want to require for Geany (language runtimes,
interpreters, etc.).

Disclaimer: I'm not a LibPeas expert or even user but from what I've
read about it (the docs, tutorials) it sounds like pretty much exactly
the end-goal we want for Geany plugins.

My $0.02.

Matthew Brush

Right, LibPeas was repeatedly suggested already. However, the first
reply was always uhm it would probably require a massive rewrite which
is kind of showstopper given how hard it is to get changes into the core.

Anyway, I have still looked into it and came to the conclusion that it's
not a good fit either way, for several reasons. Please correct me if I'm

a) All API entry points have to be gir-introspectable, .i.e.
gobjectified. This is probably the massive rewrite that was suggested.
This also implies massive plugin API/ABI breakage

I think just the extension points need to be GObjects, for example, 
say we had a code completion provider API where plugins would be able 
to provide better completions for a particular language, we would have a 
completion provider extension point (IIUC). Other examples that we 
keep talking about being useful in Geany which would each require 
tweaking the existing code in the ways you propose specifically for 
proxy plugins include:

* Completion providers
* Syntax highlighters
* Filetype plugins
* I had 2 or 3 more that escape me right now

b) It would breaks the plugin API in more ways. For example, plugin
metadata shall be supplied via an .ini-style file.

It wouldn't have to severely break the API functions (eg. the stuff in 
geanyfunctions.h) but it would most certainly not be compatible with the 
part of the API used for loading/convenience like all the `plugin_*` 

c) Plugins need to implement and expose a new gobject in order to be
even recognized as plugins (PeasEngine recognizes plugins/extensions by
their GType)

This is not only fairly trivial in C but many times more trivial in 
other languages (well at least in Python it's very simple, not sure 
about other languages).

After that I'd say that LibPeas is perhaps something to be considered
for new application but not for our existing codebase. I think we want
something that enables proxy plugins while maintaining API and ABI

IMO, it wouldn't be a big deal as a parallel plugin system/mechanism, 
while just leaving the old one in place for some years as a legacy C 
plugins API (most of the API functions are just plain internal Geany 
functions, not so much work to maintain).

Anyway, I don't really care, but I just think we should consider all the 
problems with the current plugin API and when implementing something as 
you're proposing, not just hack on something for the one use-case but 
maybe think about something more extensible/useful in other contexts.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] multiterm should be disabled if no valac is found

2014-05-02 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-04-30 05:40 AM, Quentin Glidic wrote:

On 2014-04-27 22:41, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-04-27 01:08 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 27/04/2014 21:24, Matthew Brush a écrit :

Yeah I guess AM_PROG_VALAC() just issues those warnings instead
of failing as I'd have expected.

In a perfect world, the generated *.[ch] files would be
distributed and when compiling (from tarball at least) no Vala
compiler would be required.

GNOME folks just say that distributing generated files was a bad design

I can understand this, however not requiring an extra build-time 
dependency where not strictly necessary might improve chances of getting 
distributed (especially ex. on windows, not that multiterm counts :)

That's the very reason why the absence of valac doesn't trigger a
failure (hence disabling the plugin): because tarballs include the
C sources, and then valac isn't required unless you want to change
the Vala source.

I'm not sure what we can do here…  maybe magically detect it's not
a tarball and then require valac?  Not sure.

One not great option would be to check-in the generated source.

Just require this little dependency that Vala is for everyone.

I'm not strictly opposed, but if it saves someone that is using the 
tarball/dist from having to install a bunch of Vala stuff even if they 
have no intention of modifying the original Vala sources, and Valac 
conveniently outputs nice portable C code, then I'm not sure.

Or consider that Git = non-tarball and do:

if test -d .git -a -z $VALAC; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([valac is required to build from Git])

I like this concept best... if you forced on Multiterm/etc/Vala, and 
you're building from Git, then you need Valac, else soft-fail and just 
use generated C sources from dist, unless explicitly disabled.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Broken download link for c++'s tags

2014-04-30 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-04-30 05:17 PM, Frodox wrote:

There is a broken link on [tags-page] page:

- Download all C++ tag files. It leads to [tags-cpp-dl]
but the script says Unknown language 'cpp' specified, please use one of:.., c++, 

If you try to load http://wiki.geany.org/get_tags?language=c++
the answer will be unexpected ( Unknown language 'c ' specified ), because
plus sign in URI has special meaning.

I just edited the page to change the `++` to `%2B%2B`, seems to work 
fine now.

- Also, there is a big list of known languages, like
cmake, po, pascal, lisp and so on, on [tags-cpp-dl] page,
which are not mention on [tags-page], but tags which can be successfully 
(except c# language, due to special meaning of '#').
Is it a bug or a feature... or a Easter egg? :)

The script that does the downloads packaging stuff supports all those 
filetypes (IIRC just the list of Geany ones at the time), so if someone 
adds new tags to the tags page using correct name in URL they can 
benefit from the tarball builder script too.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

Re: [Geany-Devel] Broken download link for c++'s tags

2014-04-30 Thread Matthew Brush

On 14-04-30 07:16 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:

On 14-04-30 05:17 PM, Frodox wrote:

There is a broken link on [tags-page] page:

- Download all C++ tag files. It leads to [tags-cpp-dl]
but the script says Unknown language 'cpp' specified, please use one
of:.., c++, ...

If you try to load http://wiki.geany.org/get_tags?language=c++
the answer will be unexpected ( Unknown language 'c ' specified ),
plus sign in URI has special meaning.

I just edited the page to change the `++` to `%2B%2B`, seems to work
fine now.

Well the tarball is empty, so not fine. I'll try to get around to change 
the script to use `cpp` everywhere. In the meantime, there's only 4 C++ 
tag files to download individually :)

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

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