Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-19 Thread Jackson Fox
Dave  Andrei,

I completely agree that our ability to produce interactive prototypes
has increased significantly. Better libraries, better tools, and
better platforms (web standards FTW) have made it easier than ever to
produce models of interaction. 

I think I may have misunderstood Dave's point about not needing GUI
developers -- I was approaching it from the point of view of
production engineering, and I see now that he was talking about
prototype development. 

I was trying to make the point that front-end *production* is getting
more complex. Look at the work that Douglas Crockford and others have
done in bringing sane development patterns to Javascript. They make
JS more powerful, but at the expense of requiring a much deeper
knowledge of the language and OO design patterns. 

-- jackson

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-18 Thread Jackson Fox
Dave, I admire your ability to generate interesting conversation!

The economies of scale require that there is a UI Designer. ONE
person. The age of having an IxD, a Visual Design, and a GUI coder as
3 separate roles is fading.

The counter-trend is that a lot of front-end development is getting
harder, not easier. Front-end web development is increasingly
embracing advanced programming patterns, making it harder for
designers to contribute meaningfully. Our tools are trying to catch
up, but soon designers are going to have to start reading about OO
patterns instead of design patterns.

Now, I strongly believe a CS minor should be a requirement for anyone
designing software, but no one seems to be listening :)

[an appearance model] is an exactly looking  behaving model. It is
that chance for everyone to see exactly what the team/client will be
getting when it goes out the door to production.

It's always struck me that one of the great leaps forward in working
in software, and more so on the web, is the fact that our production
processes are adaptable. So, why not make the most of this advantage
and embrace parallelism? Build that pixel perfect prototype, but why
make it a pre-condition of production?

-- jackson

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-18 Thread Robert Reimann
I agree with Andrei in principle and practice. I think depending on the
organization one is in, the exact skillset required does vary (frog for
example defines separate IxD, VisD, and Design Technologist roles). But
baseline skills across these areas is certainly advantageous.

I've been posting an exhaustive list of IXD - related skills every couple of
years... maybe it bears posting again now. It might be hard to acquire all
these skills with any level of proficiency, but ALL are useful in the work
we do.


Core Skills
  Research techniques(qualitative, quantitative,
when/why/how to use each)
  Ethnography and discovery  (user goals, motivations, work
  User modeling  (persona and scenario creation;
  Product design (product-level
interactionprinciples and concepts)
  Interaction design (function-level
interactionprinciples and concepts)
  Interface design(component-level
interactionprinciples and concepts)
  Information architecture/design(content structure/presentation

Business Skills
  Project management
  Time management
  Stakeholder/client management
  Basic business writing (letters, email, meeting notes, summaries)

Communications Skills
  Rhetoric/persuasive writing
  Expository writing and composition
  Technical writing
  Public speaking/presenting
  Visual communication

Interpersonal Skills
  Mediation  facilitation
  Active listening

Usability Skills
  Knowledge of usability testing methods and principles
  Knowledge of cognitive psychology principles

Media Skills
  Handling bit-depth, pixel density, and resolution issues
  Managing color palettes
  Icon (pixel-level) design
  GUI/screen layout and composition
  Page layout and composition
  Sound design
  Prototyping (Paper, Visual Basic, HTML, Director, Flash, etc.)
  Knowledge of file formats and tradeoffs

Technical Skills
  Understanding of basic computer/programming principles, tools,
  GUI development principles, tools, technologies
  Database principles, tools, technologies
  Understanding of software/hw development processes (specs, coding,
  Knowledge of existing/new technologies and constraints
  Knowledge of mechanical engineering and manufacturing (for HW devices)

Tools Skills
  Visio / Omnigraffle
  Photoshop / Fireworks
  Word, Excel, etc.
  Dreamweaver, etc (for web-based applications)

Personal Skills
  Analytical thinking
  Ability to synthesize information  (identify salient points)
  Ability to visualize solutions (before they are built)

Robert Reimann
IxDA Seattle

Associate Creative Director
frog design
Seattle, WA

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:

 On Mar 10, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Russell Wilson wrote:

  Why is that surprising???  We (us, the industry, etc.) have to agree
 on a name for our role.


 This contains two pieces:

 1) A formal name, which has been beaten to death (by me of course). But too
 many people still think is a non-issue when it's obviously been one for at
 least two decades. I still claim interface designer is far more
 appropriate for the *software* medium, which will also include pretty much
 everything that requires code and a screen as its end product. I'm not
 concerned with IxD as it pertains to industrial design or general product
 design or systems design. However, if interaction designer is going to be
 the term and that term is going to be pushed onto the software world and
 shared by other industries, it has to stick. The HR people need something to
 stick, and we do too.

 2) What the role does. This is actually more important.

 I got derided at IxDA for making the claim that interaction designers
 need to learn how to draw. I still found that reaction to be the most
 telling moment of the conference and where this community stands in the year
 2009. (Which is, still not far along as some think is or wish it was) Some
 agree with me, many vehemently seem to oppose the notion for reasons I have
 yet to get.

 Well, it's 2009. Saffer said it as well, Time to wake up.

 If the title in the software world is going to be called interaction
 design then that person needs to know these hard skills:

 * Understand type, color and layout composition/grid and can execute on
 those design fundamentals with their own two hands
 * Know the fundamentals of I/O and behavior with hardware (like a mouse and
 keyboard, and now with multi-touch displays)
 * Understand how algorithms, code, frameworks, databases and other software
 engineering aspects of the product work under the hood
 * Draw and sketch with real pen, 

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-18 Thread David Malouf
HI Jackson,

On your 2 pts.

re: trends
No doubt the UI is getting more complex and the need for amazing
programmers to work on them is important. But I think tools like
Blend and Catalyst are stepping in and putting in a new layer that
previously wasn't there and enabling designers to more forward. (see

re: the malleability of software and parallelism
yea, done that, been there. Seriously. This is a pipe dream. Design
control is the only way to get designer intention out of production
engineering. Phased approaches that separate pre-production 
production will always produce more accurate results of the
designer's intentions.

BTW, this problem is not only ours. IDs have this problem in studios
where they don't take on the engineering schematics of all surfaces.
In those cases, where it stops with mere models that are not in the
engineering databases (sorry for too much ID speak; maybe you all
should learn some) the ODMs often come in and change the outcome at
points that can't be re-done. Oh Well!

Yup, this happens everyday in software too. So unless you have an
appearance model that is fully signed off on with staged approaches
of production checks that design reviews throughout with other
stakeholders, you'll end up with skewed execution from the

BTW, designs are not done w/o engineering collaboration. At least not
where design is done well. That's a given. Also, often there are tons
of parallel things to be done in the architecture and platform of
systems (the stack) way below the GUI layer. So there ARE
parallelisms for sure. Just not at the usable form layer of
presentation and behavior.

- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-18 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On Mar 18, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Jackson Fox wrote:

The counter-trend is that a lot of front-end development is getting
harder, not easier. Front-end web development is increasingly
embracing advanced programming patterns, making it harder for
designers to contribute meaningfully. Our tools are trying to catch
up, but soon designers are going to have to start reading about OO
patterns instead of design patterns.

Front-end development is not getting harder. It's actually getting  
easier, especially for designers to contribute meaningfully. I  
remember teaching myself enough coding back in the early 90s on the  
Mac to draw windows, menus and dialogs on my Mac SE/30. That was a  
pain in the ass compared to the stuff I did with Hypercard then.

These days, doing HTML+CSS+JS or MXML+FlashCSS+AS is an order of  
magnitude easier. And *what* you can do with the technologies these  
days with the larger screen sizes, far more robust animation and  
compositing engines, richer APIs, etc., is far more advanced. Toss in  
things like Dave mentioned, Blend or Catalyst and there really is no  
excuse now for a designer to not learn enough scripting to get a  
prototype -- or appearance model, using Dave's new religion of ID  
terminology -- built.

It's only hard if you haven't been keeping up with the trends which  
are quickly reaching a critical mass of standards and flattening  
technology. The good news is this: Learning HTML and the DOM, learning  
CSS, and learning JS or AS is not rocket science. In fact, if you know  
professional creative software inside and out (Photoshop, Fireworks,  
Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Framemaker, CorelDraw, Quark XPress,  
etc.) then you are more than a third of the way there as the concepts  
in traditional creative software permeates the technologies I listed.  
That can lead to other things like Ruby, Pearl, PHP, etc.

Not actively learning those things and claiming that you design  
interfaces will soon be like claiming to be a furniture designer but  
having no idea how a lathe works or how various types of wood handle  
stress and weight.

If you follow the parallels with high-tech products and the history of  
automobiles, you'll start to see that the high-tech is quickly coming  
upon what was known in the auto industry as the golden age of  
design. The golden age of design was made possible once technology  
reached a critical mass while also standardizing enough to allow  
designers more freedom to spread their wings with the overall design  
of the car, which became increasingly more important in how car  
manufacturers differentiated themselves in the market. When that age  
hits the tech industry, those that don't know the skills or craft with  
their own two hands will quickly be weeded out. There's still time to  
catch up however.

To close, I got a demo of Shaun Inman's new Fever feed reader while at  
SXSW. ( Simply put, it's amazing. Shaun  
designed and coded the whole thing himself, and he did it in a year's  
worth of time rebuilding the entire product three times over. The  
Shaun Inman's of the world are the future in this field with regard to  
skills, craft and aesthetic.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Chief Design Officer, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-17 Thread timoni grone
My primary objections with Spolsky's article are pretty simple:  I don't
want to *be* a program manager, nor do I want to be mistaken for one, nor do
I want to have to do things that program managers do. Having different
titles for different jobs is, y'know, useful. If someone does happen to do
both jobs, they can easily bill themselves as a  program manager/ux
designer. There's nothing wrong with being a slashie, or with being

timoni grone

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-17 Thread Patrick Neeman
I give it 5-10 years and I predict a major shift in interaction design
practice  education away from majors and masters and into support
tracks and electives for already existing degrees in interactive,
industrial, and architecture.


Agreed. At least to educate those that need enough to get by.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-16 Thread j. eric townsend

Russell Wilson wrote:

Admittedly maybe a few for programming:
Software Engineer
Software Programmer

At my past three software engineering jobs, I was a Member of Technical 
Staff on paper, as was pretty much everyone who did anything remotely 
technical, from QE to circuit board design.   On the very senior 
technical people had titles, then it was Architect or Principle 
Engineer, no matter what they actually did.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-16 Thread j. eric townsend

Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:
If the title in the software world is going to be called interaction 
design then that person needs to know these hard skills:

Interesting list.  I can think of a number of graduating seniors here 
who can handle 2/3 of your list pretty well and who are catching up on 
the rest of the list.

The one exception:
* Understand how algorithms, code, frameworks, databases and other 
software engineering aspects of the product work under the hood

I think this is a set of knowledge that rarely gets distributed outside 
of the computer science classroom.  CMU teaches an intro-to-programming 
class (15-100) in Java and has recently added a section taught in 
Processing by Golan Levin.   I've talked to a couple of seriously 
non-technical/artsy types who took it and came out with a vague 
understanding of how computers actually work and, more importantly, the 
desire to learn more about what they can do using code as a tool.

But it's certainly not a required class for ixd and it's a risky class 
to take as an elective as it can fuck up you GPA.

J. Eric jet Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-16 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On Mar 16, 2009, at 10:01 AM, j. eric townsend wrote:

But it's certainly not a required class for ixd and it's a risky  
class to take as an elective as it can fuck up you GPA.

All the more reason to take it! It's a great way to learn how to walk  
the tightrope.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Chief Design Officer, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-16 Thread Patrick Neeman
Patrick, I think what Chris, Andrei and I are saying is that hiring
tomorrow will not be like hiring from today.


I disagree. While some of the new grads may have all of the skills
listed, that list is fairly daunting for the majority of the IX/UX

This is an issue that I've seen in the past where they had to
separate my role into two roles because they couldn't find anyone
who had the skills that I had from a technical standpoint, and this
was actually something that my manager said to me, that it was almost
too hard to set up a team that was oriented this way: to hire people
that had all of those skills, because they were too expensive, or too
hard to find.

Again, it's how large of an agency you decide the build, and the
culture. Most of the agencies I've walked into or worked with could
never go with the model of hiring ONLY people with ALL those skills,
because they would soon be out of business because they couldn't
scale. A business decision vs. a resource decision.


Personally, if you are hiring, I'd look to hire new grads more than
experienced folks, IMHO depending on the size of your team and your
current league of managers. 


This is hard. If you're working for an agency, The clients expect to
have great talent, thus making it hard to bring someone in to train.
If you're working for a company, most companies don't have UX teams
large enough to support this.


I can fly through Visio, Omnigraffle, InDesign. The trouble with most
of the interactive applications like Flash is that they are becoming
more and not less complex (Actionscript 3). I don't want or think I
should need to learn object oriented programming to communicate an
idea. I'm not against using a Fireworks (will take a look at it),
but for the purposes of communicating an idea, it doesn't have to be
perfect, just enough to get the programmers moving. 

Our work is about communication and making decisions on the
appropriate tools, not generating pixel perfect designs.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-16 Thread David Malouf
Yes, Patrick there is a lot of it depends and YMMV to the reality
of all this.

But if ActionScript and pixel perfect design is beyond you.
Please move to strategy and management. Please! 

The economies of scale require that there is a UI Designer. ONE
person. The age of having an IxD, a Visual Design, and a GUI coder as
3 separate roles is fading. If anything one might say that it was a
nice experiment by the IA/UX community to create the false need for
such an experiment.

The one split that has always made sense to me is that of research 
evaluation. BUT! that is the one hanger-on that I hear many IxDs,
IAs, etc. want to keep. I'm not saying don't be a part of the
process. Hell, we all know that the more stakeholders involved in
research the better. What I'm saying is don't own it.

But back to the more important issue. When I hear Patrick say that
actionscript (really? actionscript) or pixel-perfect design is beyond
him. I at the same time concur and get scared. For myself really. I'm
very much like Patrick. BUT! my access to these amazing students have
me feeling OLD. Their energy and easy at which they accumulate
knowledge and skills is so inspiring and intimidating. I had 1
student this past quarter learn drag  drop in actionscript for a 1
week prototype in a day or two having never used Flash before this

When it comes to pixels, script, batteries, screens, snap domes,
plastics, databases, frameworks, OSes, etc. it is about material. It
is like an ID who has to understand material science to some degree
to even be in conversation with mechanical engineers. You have to
know the material that people are going to be interacting with, how
to forge it to what you need it to be AND to your point about
communication, you need to be able to create your own apearance
models. NOT b/c you have to do them in the real world, but having the
craft mastered is a process of well mastering the craft of your
medium, so when you communicate within it, or to others who have to
understand it, you do so with unparalleled command.

In the IxDA panel that Jared Spool led. Jared asked where the next 5k
(or was it 10k?) IxDs were going to come from. I say they are mostly
already here. They are industrial designers who are already so used
to dealing in human situated solutions around eco-systems of
activity. They don't know Norman per se, but reading a few books is
the easy part. They already know how to think within multiple
dimensions (all 4 of them) and they know how to do it as a means of
completing a narrative. Of course, there are many that don't get it.
But there are many more that do.

I give it 5-10 years and I predict a major shift in interaction
design practice  education away from majors and masters and into
support tracks and electives for already existing degrees in
interactive, industrial, and architecture.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-13 Thread Adrian Howard

On 11 Mar 2009, at 20:37, dave malouf wrote:

I think doing deliverables and documentation is much less
important than being able to communicate final design that
encompasses ALL aspects of the interface implementation short of
production engineering.

People talk about agile and UX. Well, for me this is much more
important and more real AND more agile. Don't go to code first, go
to prototype first and let the designer DO it and let the coder sit
on the sidelines (or fix the bugs they created in the previous rev).


That _is_ how I see some agile/ux folk working. There were several  
folk who mentioned developer/designer pairing in some of the UX stage  
proposals. And certainly something I think's a jolly good idea.


-- - -

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-12 Thread Brian Crowder
Lots of good conversation in this thread. 

I find it kind of interesting that some on the thread rate the
knowledge of and ability to write HTML, Javascript, and CSS to be of
higher value than the user research skillsets. 

As for me, I believe that user research skills are much more valuable
for an interface designer than the ability to write HTML,
Javascript, and CSS. Two quick reasons why are:

* Knowlege of your user will allow you to make much more precise
design decisions. 
* Not every interface will utilize those technologies, but every user
interface will have users that utilize them.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-12 Thread Joshua Porter
FYI Dave, Fireworks is becoming a very popular *wireframing* tool... the broader point about wireframing...are you suggesting
that a designer go right to prototype first, and have that be their
ideation/brainstorming phase? Or are you merely suggesting that it's
not a deliverable given over to the client? 

I personally could not cut wireframing out of my workflow. I have to
get something low-fidelity out there so I know where my idea stands.
Skipping this step would be, for me, putting the cart before the

Also, clients like's an easy way to iterate quickly
about the broad interaction design issues, like what actually goes on
the screen, and what priority each element has. If I had to write HTML
for each of these iterations, it would slow things down considerably.
(its possible that tools will improve to the point where creating
HTML prototypes is as fast as wireframing, but until then...)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-12 Thread mark schraad
Sometimes wireframes are the only thing we produce. If your CSS is  
properly developed...

On Mar 11, 2009, at 8:37 PM, dave malouf wrote:

If I never see wireframe as a deliverable again, I will be a
happy man. The age of visio, omniograffle, axure, iRise, etc. I hope
come crashing down (now offense to all the coders who worked hard on
these tools), in favor of Fireworks, Catalyst, Flash, Blend and
Illustrator, Coda, etc

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread Patrick Neeman

 I don't see it being that much better, visually, than Bugzilla,
Mantis, or Trac.



Todd Zaki Warfel 


...have you used it in a project?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread Kate Vander Ploeg

Henceforth, a program manager would:
   2. Write functional specs
   3. Coordinate teams
   4. Serve as the customer advocate, and
   5. Wear Banana Republic chinos

@Andrew Joel's description sure sounds to me like he was discounting
the UI Designer. Otherwisewouldn't he have mentioned us
somewhere? And if the Program Manager and Developer are peers, than I
imagine (if there is a UI Designer somewhere) it is beneath
them...which I don't much fancy.

On the one hand I take Joel's article as completely ridiculous. on
the other, if I cross out Program Manager and add UI Designer
it suddenly looks alot better, and I find myself identifying with the
role for the most part and even taking notes...

Some of the important points in the upcoming article How to be a UI
Designer are:

- 1 to 4 ratio of UI Designers to Developers 
- Work together a (IxD and Developers) and as peers
- Imperative need for UI Designers to have knowledge of some coding
- Making sure IxD isn't left out of the planning process and merely
pulled in to gussy up the mess.
- Importance of not designing in a box: going to meetings, email
communication, and research to find out the needed info to make
informed designs.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread J. Ambrose Little
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Todd Zaki Warfel li...@toddwarfel.comwrote:

 On Mar 10, 2009, at 10:40 PM, J. Ambrose Little wrote:

 What I'd really like to see is with every discounting of software that
 other people have built (which happens a lot here, it seems), an offering of
 an example in the same space (e.g., in this case, bug
 tracking software) that exemplifies what you think is great (or at
 least better)

 I don't see it being that much better, visually, than Bugzilla, Mantis, or


Thanks, Todd.  So you're judging on visual design style, correct?  (I guess
I didn't mention it but it begs the question that if you think something's
better, to point out what. :) )

Anyways, Fogbugz has been around for a long time.  It had some innovations
that were, at least back then, pretty spot on in terms of better usability
(e.g., simplifying/minimizing # of fields in general and that are required,
one-owner workflow, which was controversial but really good, IMO, and being
able to just email to log a bug, to name a few).  Most software in this
space was (is?) so bloated and tentacular that it becomes impossible for a
mere mortal to use without training and regular head-bludgeoning.

But I suppose this is a bit of a digression.  My particular point here is
maybe to get us to be more constructive in criticism and help each other
learn from what we and others have *done*.  Let's put some meat on the bones
and maybe even some skin in the game.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread dave malouf
I want to jump in here again and support Andrei.

I have not even graduated from college peeps who can do most if not
everything that Andrei suggests and IxD should be able to do AND!!!
they can do a lot that Andrei doesn't suggest:
* Fabricate appearance models
* Do sketch models: 3D foam models
* Conduct Research: generative  evaluative
(i.e. be industrial designers as well)

Across the street from me is the Interactive  Game Design department
here. One of the top 5 in the country by some accounts and well, I
would say that they too can DO everything Andrei listed AND they have
the breadth of HCI/Usability/IA that is implicit in our requirements
as practitioners as well.

So I think an implicit part of Andrei's point is watch your back
b/c the people who are coming up the hill behind you, ARE going to be
able to do the multi-facetted work that some of you are claiming
isn't possible.

This is that point in our career building where we might be feeling
age trickle in on us. Some get around it by moving up the food
chain away from production into management or strategic value, but I
worry about the bulk of us who aren't taking Andrei seriously.

As for the people who can't find the employees. Please email me
offline and I'll send some 10 graduating seniors your way who all
can kick my ass as a production interaction designer and even teach
me a few things about design theory and research methods as well. 

There is nothing as exciting as a motivated and passionate youthful
energized designer to knock your socks off. I've been humbled by my
students in so many ways.

Yes, they have a lot of to learn, but they know enough to know what
it is it means to go out and teach themselves.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread Chris Bernard
I've had the opportunity to talk to a lot of new designers lately and have to 
echo strongly what Dave is saying. Design education is, for the first time in 
awhile, finally moving back to its roots a bit in making folks multifaceted and 
companies, for the first time in awhile, are starting to realize that hiring 
multifaceted folks makes a lot of sense. Apologies to all the early movers on 
this list that have been operating like this for awhile.

Chris Bernard
User Experience Evangelist
630.530.4208 Office
312.925.4095 Mobile

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of dave malouf
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does 
UI design... 

I want to jump in here again and support Andrei.

I have not even graduated from college peeps who can do most if not
everything that Andrei suggests and IxD should be able to do AND!!!
they can do a lot that Andrei doesn't suggest:
* Fabricate appearance models
* Do sketch models: 3D foam models
* Conduct Research: generative  evaluative
(i.e. be industrial designers as well)

Across the street from me is the Interactive  Game Design department
here. One of the top 5 in the country by some accounts and well, I
would say that they too can DO everything Andrei listed AND they have
the breadth of HCI/Usability/IA that is implicit in our requirements
as practitioners as well.

So I think an implicit part of Andrei's point is watch your back
b/c the people who are coming up the hill behind you, ARE going to be
able to do the multi-facetted work that some of you are claiming
isn't possible.

This is that point in our career building where we might be feeling
age trickle in on us. Some get around it by moving up the food
chain away from production into management or strategic value, but I
worry about the bulk of us who aren't taking Andrei seriously.

As for the people who can't find the employees. Please email me
offline and I'll send some 10 graduating seniors your way who all
can kick my ass as a production interaction designer and even teach
me a few things about design theory and research methods as well. 

There is nothing as exciting as a motivated and passionate youthful
energized designer to knock your socks off. I've been humbled by my
students in so many ways.

Yes, they have a lot of to learn, but they know enough to know what
it is it means to go out and teach themselves.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread Milan Guenther


Designers (all of them, not only those working on digital products) have
to been savvy in business, technology, and human factors/psychology
thinking. The more broad the better. The separation between industrial
and communication design for example, was not there when the discipline
emerged at the Bauhaus in the 20s. 

On the other side, there will always be need for specialists, such as 

* 3D Designers
* Motion Designers

for IxD, that would mean

* Social Interaction Designers
* Workflow/Business IxDs
* Service IxDs

But design is an art of linking, bridging and connecting,
and thus not comparable to classic knowledge disciplines. 

A deep knowledge in those other disciplines involved, be 
it technical, user or business related, helps a lot!
And for IxD, technology is something essential.

milan guenther * interaction design
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+33 6 67 11 13 83 *

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread mark schraad
I need designers to be familiar with:
business and revenue models
project and product management
action script
scalable front end development
back end development
database structures
site metrics
market research
usability studies

By familiar... I mean they have enough knowledge to work along side, have
indepth conversations and understand at a fairly deep level what these folks
are doing. In a pinch, they may need to lean over and help. I don't need
them to be experts in these area because I have folks that do this 50 and 60
hours a week... and do it very very well. Why would I have a designer do
this instead? It makes no sense.

Maybe that is the difference between working at a larger company with the
resources and expertise and a small design shop. I realize with smaller
staff you need folks to wear multiple hats.


On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Milan Guenther wrote:



 Designers (all of them, not only those working on digital products) have
 to been savvy in business, technology, and human factors/psychology
 thinking. The more broad the better. The separation between industrial
 and communication design for example, was not there when the discipline
 emerged at the Bauhaus in the 20s.

 On the other side, there will always be need for specialists, such as

 * 3D Designers
 * Motion Designers

 for IxD, that would mean

 * Social Interaction Designers
 * Workflow/Business IxDs
 * Service IxDs

 But design is an art of linking, bridging and connecting,
 and thus not comparable to classic knowledge disciplines.

 A deep knowledge in those other disciplines involved, be
 it technical, user or business related, helps a lot!
 And for IxD, technology is something essential.

 milan guenther * interaction design
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 +33 6 67 11 13 83 *

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread Patrick Neeman
I'm not saying broading the skills is a bad idea (still a good idea).
And I get frustrated when dealing with a UX type that says, well, they
do only user researching. Most companies demand more jack of all


Going for this and hiring a UX team are completely different issues.
The question I would ask is, how large is your agency? The larger
you get, the harder it is to fill some of those roles with rockstars
who have skillz.

You can have your HR person list all the skills listed, and then you
scare away people that have maybe 80 percent of the skills you need.
Hiring is hard, and not everyone fits in a box (for example, I've
hired more content types, because I felt they could do better work
than visual designers).

I think the world needs more generalists. I just wouldn't expect
them to be a total expert on every skill, though.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel

On Mar 11, 2009, at 10:57 AM, J. Ambrose Little wrote:

Thanks, Todd.  So you're judging on visual design style, correct?   
(I guess I didn't mention it but it begs the question that if you  
think something's better, to point out what. :) )

Design to me encompasses both visual aesthetics and interaction. The  
applications I cited are both visually more appealing than FogBugz and  
equal if not better from an interaction perspective. I think the  
interaction of FogBugz is better than Bugzilla and Mantis, but visual  
aesthetics are essentially the same.


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-11 Thread dave malouf
Pattrick, I think what Chris, Andrei and I are saying is that hiring
tomorrow will not be like hiring from today.

Personally, if you are hiring, I'd look to hire new grads more than
experienced folks, IMHO depending on the size of your team and your
current league of managers. But if you got good managers and leads
already in place and are hiring in the middle, I'd go cheaper and go
younger and you'd probably get much more bang for the buck AND
they'd teach you a few things.

This isn't about jack of all trades vs. interaction expert.
This is about redefining what is important for Interaction
Experts really do.

I think doing deliverables and documentation is much less
important than being able to communicate final design that
encompasses ALL aspects of the interface implementation short of
production engineering.

People talk about agile and UX. Well, for me this is much more
important and more real AND more agile. Don't go to code first, go
to prototype first and let the designer DO it and let the coder sit
on the sidelines (or fix the bugs they created in the previous rev). 

If I never see wireframe as a deliverable again, I will be a
happy man. The age of visio, omniograffle, axure, iRise, etc. I hope
come crashing down (now offense to all the coders who worked hard on
these tools), in favor of Fireworks, Catalyst, Flash, Blend and
Illustrator, Coda, etc. 

But that's just my crystal ball.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Andrew Boyd
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Russell Wilson wrote:
 Lacking a program manager, your garden-variety super-smart programmer is
 going to come up with a completely baffling user interface that makes
 perfect sense IF YOU'RE A VULCAN (cf. git). The best programmers are
 notoriously brilliant, and have some trouble imagining what it must be like
 not to be able to memorize 16 one-letter command line arguments. These
 programmers then have a tendency to get attached to their first ideas,
 especially when they've already written the code.

Hi Russell,

I think that there's some circular logic at work in the interpretation here.

Lacking a program manager means without a program manager (to me, at least)
your ... programmer is going to come up with a completely baffling
user interface means what it says, i.e. that Spolsky is saying that
the coder will screw up the UI. While this isn't always the case, it
happens often enough that there is some truth to it.

My interpretation is this - in the absence of a program manager, the
UI will be left to the coder, who may screw it up. And I agree with
this. Anyone not with me so far?

I am not sure that this infers in any way, shape, or form that the
program manager will be designing the UI. What it does mean, and
logicians feel free to shoot me down here, is that in the presence of
a program manager, someone other than the coder will design the UI. It
does not specifically state that this will not be an IxD, UxD, IA, or

The absence of a thing does not denote the presence of its opposite.

Best regards, Andrew

Andrew Boyd -- UX Australia Conference Canberra 2009 -- connect, read, discuss -- the government user experience forum Resilient Nation Australia

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Christopher Rider
I believe it's important, particularly in the current über-cost-conscious
climate, to think of IxD as a discipline, rather than a job description.

Depending on the mix of talents, personalities and experience in a software
organization, it may or may not be necessary to have a full-time interaction
designer. A lot of very worthwhile software projects are designed, built and
managed by a single person. That person is doing interaction design
whether they know it or not. This has its most obvious reflection in the
progress the Agile movement has made in the last few years. Agile makes a
lot of sense to the bean-counters, because it allows small teams to deliver
(more-or-less) functional software really quickly.

The challenge for people like us will lie in finding ways to insert
ourselves into these processes. Not only to keep putting bread on the table,
but to make sure that we don't see another generation of really awful
software. For a lot of us, that's going to mean we have to either get our
hands dirty and start coding, or else ease up on the reigns and let the
developers think they're running things. Because, let's face it. Without an
interaction designer, you end up with bad software. Without a developer, you
end up with no software at all!

There.  I think I used my one-exclamation-point-per-message pretty well,
don't you?

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Russell Wilson russ.wil...@gmail.comwrote:

 That's what I understood his point to be

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 9, 2009, at 6:47 PM, mark schraad wrote:

  So the theory is to cloak the designer as a program manager? Or did I
 twist that a bit?

 On Mar 9, 2009, at 3:42 PM, Russell Wilson wrote:

  Lacking a program manager, your garden-variety super-smart programmer is
 going to come up with a completely baffling user interface that makes
 perfect sense IF YOU'RE A VULCAN (cf. git). The best programmers are
 notoriously brilliant, and have some trouble imagining what it must be
 not to be able to memorize 16 one-letter command line arguments. These
 programmers then have a tendency to get attached to their first ideas,
 especially when they've already written the code.

  How to be a program manager

 What Geoffrey Moore, Donald Norman, Paul Graham, Heidi Roizen, Jennifer
 Aaker, Michael Lopp, and Ryan Carson all have in common?

 Joel Spolsky
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Eirik Midttun
Does Joel know about IxD? Because a year ago, I didn't. I did a
Google search: interaction design
The hits on the first 2 pages are from the discussion pages, and
there was one on jobs. If Patrick writes him we could hope for an
article soon.

I personally don't see any problem design done by a someone with the
job title Program Manager. So in many ways I agree with Joel. My
worry is that it depends a lot on the individual. With the wrong PM
the UX is neglected, done improperly, and without adaquate knowledge
or training.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Patrick Neeman
Already wrote him.

Wrote a post:

Look, not all software organizations can support an IA, a UX
designer, whatever. That takes a larger software project, and for the
vast majority of UX people, they would just be happy working with a
SECOND UX person in the same organization.

Most of the work out there is in agencies or in contract, so anywhere
we can get extra positions (mostly UX with some project management) is
good. While it's not a job title, it is a discipline, and our good
that we can educate and get better software produced.

From THIS website:

...the IxDA network actively focuses on interaction design issues
for the practitioner, no matter his or her level of experience.

Doesn't that include anyone that wants to learn?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Andy Polaine
I think the principle is sound, the practice as he describes it sounds
a bit political. 

Years ago I used to call myself an Interactive Director in order to
make the distinction that I was there managing the interactive
experience as the third pillar of Creative/Art Director and Technical
Director. The title never caught on, but the discipline did.

My main beef with Joel's piece is that he's talking about a role
that interaction and user experience design covers and pinning an
outdated title on it to... well, I don't really know why. To write a
blog post? To try and sell a new idea? To sell himself?

He's not really saying anything new. The reason projects don't have
a Program Manager is because they're called something else these

For what it's worth, I think Excel has and continues to have an
awful UI and FogBugz looks like Word.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the 'Program Manager' role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Milan Guenther

This post and the reactions on the list demonstrate very clearly the need
for intense communication to related communities. I am working mostly in
enterprise environments in Europe, and there it is still quite normal that
UX work is been done by business analysts and developers without naming it
UX or anything similar. More than 50% of my work consists of educating
clients and partners about my profession and its value to an IT project.

Some ideas from posters before point in the right direction, such as
- giving an appropriate response to articles like this
- less IxD/IA title and competency wars (noone out there understands the
difference anyway)
- approaching publications such as CIO and magazines related to software
developments development

What else can be done to raise awareness and to simplify/communicate the

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milan guenther * interaction design
p +49 173 2856689 *

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Nurit Peres
I generally agree with Patrick.
I think the title can work for us. I do believe that when you design
you are actually responsible, more than others for the product
success, so the program manager title is better than interaction
designer or user experience, etc. I like the full responsibility it
gives us. It also brings us closer to the business plate
(Andrew!) which means more influence (and usually more money).

On the other hand, his view regarding user interface design is
outdated and..mmm... well not serious. The job description is quite
cool but IxD as a discipline description is very poor. 

We should try to turn this to our advantage, I think it is possible.
Maybe write on Joel%u2019s discussion board? (Hopefully someone more
articulate than me...)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel
And how is a Program Manager not going to screw up the UI? Unless they  
have some design training or skills, they're no less likely to screw  
it up than a programmer, who at least understands the technology.

On Mar 10, 2009, at 2:22 AM, Andrew Boyd wrote:

My interpretation is this - in the absence of a program manager, the
UI will be left to the coder, who may screw it up. And I agree with
this. Anyone not with me so far?


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Will Evans
Unless they have started teaching design, hci, interaction design,  
information architecture and/or usability analysis in Project/Program  
management undergrad and grad schools these days, I am completely  

Oh - wait

There are no schools in Program Management, just certificate programs  
and industry continuing education.

Oh - and wait - there are no classes in any of the above mentioned  
disciplines in the curricula of those continuing ed/certificate  

Seems like a great idea - let's take a role that necessarily has had  
no need for or training in the most applicable disciplines necessary  
for the successful experience design or interaction design and empower  
them to make all those design decisions. Sounds fantastic to me!

~ will

Where you innovate, how you innovate,
and what you innovate are design problems

Will Evans | User Experience Architect
tel: +1.617.281.1281 |
aim: semanticwill
gtalk: semanticwill
twitter: semanticwill

On Mar 10, 2009, at 8:40 AM, Todd Zaki Warfel wrote:

And how is a Program Manager not going to screw up the UI? Unless  
they have some design training or skills, they're no less likely to  
screw it up than a programmer, who at least understands the  

On Mar 10, 2009, at 2:22 AM, Andrew Boyd wrote:

My interpretation is this - in the absence of a program manager, the
UI will be left to the coder, who may screw it up. And I agree with
this. Anyone not with me so far?


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel
What happens when Program Managers design the UI? Well, it doesn't  
appear to work or look much different than a good programmer designing  


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Susan
I personally respect the PMs I work with way too much to think they
have time to create an elegant UI in addition to budgeting,
scheduling, coordinating, project tracking, client/ mgmt appeasing,
troops gathering, and all the assorted logistics. And do I want to do
that stuff?? I sometimes do project management on UX-only projects.
But for the larger, more complex stuff that I'm guessing most of us
work on here, when it includes managing a team of developers? No way.
(Especially when it involves using Excel  ;)  )

There is some overlap between our disciplines, yes--but then there is
overlap in EVERY discipline with ours.

I bristle when I read blanket statements such as the vulcan 
comment about programmers' lack of ability to come up with good UX
ideas. Like everyone, they vary in their abilities.. so this kind of
generalization is not only untrue, but can only hurt the perception
of anyone in a UX role in its condescending tone, I believe. A good
UX designer accepts input from the entire team--PMs, programmers,
visual designers, writers, marketing, management, etc, etc.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Jackson Fox
@Will First, Program Managers and Project Managers are different
beasts (usually).

@Patrick Amen.

I don't care what Joel calls the job, though I'd prefer he
recognize that design is something that requires training as much as
programming does. He comes from MS, and MS has Program Managers.
They've got designers now too, but I suspect there were a lot fewer
when Joel in the Excel 5.0 days. So, Joel writes about Program
Managers. The way he describes the job sounds very familiar to what
I've done in much of my career.

It surprises me that this discussion has focused so much on *what* he
calls the job, then the relationship he describes between designers
and developers. 

Of course, when programmers are peers of the program managers, the
programmers tend to have the upper hand. Here%u2019s something that
has happened several times: a programmer asks me to intervene in some
debate he is having with a program manager.

%u201CWho is going to write the code?%u201D I asked.

%u201CI am%u2026%u201D

%u201COK, who checks things into source control?%u201D

%u201CMe, I guess, %u2026%u201D

%u201CSo what%u2019s the problem, exactly?%u201D I asked. %u201CYou
have absolute control over the state of each and every bit in the
final product. What else do you need? A tiara?%u201D

And yes, Fog Bugz is ugly and kind of hard to use. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Nurit Peres
Well... of course without the right education / training in UX / IxD,
the job can't be done, whatever the title is...

But with adequate knowledge and experience this is actually a good
title. I also like the idea that this person should not report to the
CTO, I see it in many companies and I think it is wrong.
The issue of title and hierarchy may seem insignificant when you are
a consultant but it does affect your ability to do your job when you
are part of the team.

This is not in any way a comment about IxD content, means or
training, which are of course very important, and Joel list miss that
totally. But a few of the ideas there are good and may help some of us
in our own backyard.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Jackson Fox
Yuck. Here's the quote again:

(From the article)

Of course, when programmers are peers of the program managers, the
programmers tend to have the upper hand. Here%u2019s something that
has happened several times: a programmer asks me to intervene in some
debate he is having with a program manager.

Who is going to write the code? I asked.

I am...

OK, who checks things into source control?

Me, I guess, ...

So what%u2019s the problem, exactly? I asked. You have absolute
control over the state of each and every bit in the final product.
What else do you need? A tiara?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Russell Wilson
I really wish I had the time to read the responses in detail (way too
busy today!)... but from snippets:

1) Program Manager as a title is both outdated and nebulous.  I
don't know any two people who would agree on what a program manager
does.  If you want to move more into the business side, go with
Product Manager.

2) The implication that anyone can design (and I may be
misinterpreting... please tell me I'm misinterpreting) - that a
program manager (or developer or product manager or janitor...) can
learn UI design and perform that function in addition to their
other responsibilities/skills GROSSLY devalues the knowledge,
experience, and training required to perform good design (notice
the term good).  No offense to Steve Krug, he is a friend, but
reading his book does not make you a designer... just like picking up
a copy of A Pattern Language doesn't make me an architect.

3) I consider myself a design evangelist.  I created my role (VP of
Product Design) at my current company and have done so at other
companies as well.  I encounter skepticism, confusion, and
misunderstanding regarding the value, role, and skills associated
with good design all the time... but what's shocking is to see
these same things on this very list, what I consider my safe
place... what does this say about user interface / interaction
design?  Am I fighting a losing battle?  We can't even make up our
own minds?  To see people say things like let's just call
ourselves program managers, ready to jump ship after one article,
is maybe a sign of frustration, uncertainty, ?? 

Crud... must run...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Russell Wilson
It surprises me that this discussion has focused so much on what he
calls the job, then the relationship he describes between designers
and developers.

Why is that surprising???  We (us, the industry, etc.) have to agree
on a name for our role.  Without it we lack credibility and it makes
it very difficult for the simple things like job hunting, etc.  You
know what an architect does.  You know what a dentist does.  When I
hire people my HR dept (and we're a 300  company) can't decide what
their payscale should be because they have no good data or
understanding about what usability / user interface designers do!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Patrick Neeman
- Regarding the look and feel of FogBugz (or say what you want to say
about it...)

- It's profitable
- It's a great product ... I've used it
- It hits its target audience very well

I don't know about you, but that's successful UX to me.

- Regarding programmers as gatekeepers

He's exactly right. Programmers, because of where they sit in the
development process, are gatekeepers and have quite a bit of control
over the product. And if they tune out the program manager and build
something that, well, sucks, it's going to show.

Smart programmers will realize this and work as a team, because
flipping the bozo doesn't legitimize their answer of, well, I
decided to write it my way. Smart company management will say,
sure are fire them, because that affects the bottom line.

Does this happen alot? No. But I've seen it happen in good

- Regarding the program management job title

Okay, let's change the job title to ice cream specialist. 

Joel's looking for someone for the job title for ice cream
specialist, and this ice cream specialist has to have five years of
user experience, uh, experience. They are going to be managing the
process of developing software product. They call people who do user
experience design ice cream specialists. And they have to be able to
build wireframes and functional requirements in some form.

Sounds like IX/UX to me.

If it pertains to your experience, and you're getting paid to do the
work you live, does it matter what the job title is? 

The reason Joel calls them that is because of the culture he's
worked in. Microsoft had program managers as part of the process, and
it worked because they were able to find people to play the role.
Sure, some of their products sucked (BOB), but for Joel, a program
manager was the perfect role because they were able to build cool
Excel macros which the target audience was able to use.
Or...effective UX.

We get so frustrated with how UX/IX is not respected, and think there
should be UX/IX titles in there, yet we never seek to understand the
politics and/or structure of the company to figure who's doing the
UX/IX, regardless of title or department.

The reality is, IAs do the work, BAs do the work, Web Designers (god
forbid, sometimes with their lack of understanding of taxonomies) do
the work. The important thing is SOMEONE is doing UX/IX work, and
they are doing it with SOME kind of process that represents a UX/IX
process. That means doing personas (or not), wireframes (or not),
ethnographic studies (or not).

Personally, I could really care less what the job title is in the

What I do care about is SOMEWHERE in the job description, there's a
like that says, requires 5 to 10 years of information architecture
experience. If it says that, we've done our job.


I saw one of the recaps of IXDA. One of the speakers had a great
point: if we can't agree on a job title in front of HR, people will
do it FOR us. This is just one example. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Hienadz Drahun
I think that Joel is touching a much more important problem. 

The problem is: who is responsible for conceptual design of a

On my experience about 60% of design decisions are done when we have
not defined UI at all. 

There is a need for a mixed BA/UX type person, what ever we call it:
'Program Manager', 'Product Manager' or 'Project Leader'... The
one who owns the holistic view on the product. This person can either
have BA roots (which is more common) or UX roots.

Such people do not necessary substitute UX or BA professionals. They
are working together being responsible for more conceptual things
leaving details to the specialists.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel
It's not targeted at you directly, but rather a real question, which  
is how is a program manager any less likely to screw up the UI?

On Mar 10, 2009, at 12:40 PM, Andrew Boyd wrote:

Read the rest of my original response. At no time do I advocate that  
the program manager should have anything to do with the design.

This thread started with an incomplete quote, and this tradition  
seems to be continuing :)


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
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Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On Mar 10, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Russell Wilson wrote:

Why is that surprising???  We (us, the industry, etc.) have to agree
on a name for our role.


This contains two pieces:

1) A formal name, which has been beaten to death (by me of course).  
But too many people still think is a non-issue when it's obviously  
been one for at least two decades. I still claim interface designer  
is far more appropriate for the *software* medium, which will also  
include pretty much everything that requires code and a screen as its  
end product. I'm not concerned with IxD as it pertains to industrial  
design or general product design or systems design. However, if  
interaction designer is going to be the term and that term is going  
to be pushed onto the software world and shared by other industries,  
it has to stick. The HR people need something to stick, and we do too.

2) What the role does. This is actually more important.

I got derided at IxDA for making the claim that interaction  
designers need to learn how to draw. I still found that reaction to be  
the most telling moment of the conference and where this community  
stands in the year 2009. (Which is, still not far along as some think  
is or wish it was) Some agree with me, many vehemently seem to oppose  
the notion for reasons I have yet to get.

Well, it's 2009. Saffer said it as well, Time to wake up.

If the title in the software world is going to be called interaction  
design then that person needs to know these hard skills:

* Understand type, color and layout composition/grid and can execute  
on those design fundamentals with their own two hands
* Know the fundamentals of I/O and behavior with hardware (like a  
mouse and keyboard, and now with multi-touch displays)
* Understand how algorithms, code, frameworks, databases and other  
software engineering aspects of the product work under the hood

* Draw and sketch with real pen, pencil and paper
* Use professional software tools to make design and process  
deliverables (specs, mockups, wireframes, posters, etc)
* Use professional creative software tools to make production ready,  
final assets that ship in the release build
* Write code at the HTML, CSS and JavaScript/ActionScript level to  
build prototypes; more is always better
* Create an interface architecture and strategy that can be coded and  
built within schedule constraints

* Write specs and documentation

There are a variety of softer skills needed as well:

* Communicate product vision
* Conduct or lead research team with customers
* Be the customer/use advocate and expert
* Communicate with managers, directors and executives about the state  
of the project

* [Insert a few of your own here]

Without these skills, the Joel Spolsky's of the world will continue to  
do what they do and claim someone else does your job, because in the  
end the person they are looking for to help them design their software  
is what I listed above. And they are right to do so quite frankly.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Chief Design Officer, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Eirik Midttun
Hmm, on second view at the sight there is a lot of user interface
stuff under Software Designer. Even IxD stuff.

In that respect it looks more like the Ix designer role is split
between PM and SD, rather than PM replaces IxD, in Joel's world.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel

On Mar 10, 2009, at 1:11 PM, Alan Wexelblat wrote:

I just don't know (m)any programmers who have those things as their  
primary responsibilities; do you?

I do believe that an emphasis on those things is statistically more  
likely to produce better design, and I'm betting you believe the  
same thing, no?

I read the article.

These activities are things that any designer, developer, or manager  
can do.

I do believe they increase the likelihood for success.

Most program managers I know aren't trained in design, which is where  
the real difference comes in for making better designs.


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread dave malouf
i'm with Andrei here.

If we are talking about our practice and in the realm of software, I
think you should call yourself a software designer or an
interface designer. The more I dive into ID the more I realize
that the designer's job is to make a final appearance model. if you
aren't doing that, then you are just a middle man, and middlemen are
just too expendable.

Now!!! I want to add that this is completely different than the
discipline of Interaction Design. The discipline has a very
discreet identity from UI and ID and Architecture, etc. It works with
all of these and between them. It is a collection of theories and
methods that can be applied horizontally across

BUT! if we are talking about software, then heck, you are a UI
Designer or a Software Designer. Ya know about 15 years ago or so
there was a group called the Software Design Alliance or some such
with peeps like Cooper  Kapor deeply involved. it didn't go
anywhere at the time, but I think it was just bad timing on their
part. IxDA is basically that Org, IMHO re-born in a new generation.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Patrick Neeman
Andrei's requirements:

I can perform most of those tasks to about a 90 percent level (don't
even ask me to do high level actionscript though). But, as a person
who has hired for UX positions, the requirements described there are
impossible to hit in any one person, except for the lucky few (a few
on this list). 

In fact, in my time of building a team of 25, I would have found
exactly one person that could have fulfilled those requirements, and
that would have been me.

We need to have realistic expectations for who fills the roles and
what they can do, otherwise we fail in front of our software
development peers. For example, we wouldn't expect a software
developer to be an expert DBA and an expert in system administration
while being a rockstar coder. They exist, but not in the levels
needed to support what was just mentioned. And, to the benefit of
software developers everywhere, team managers divide up the roles
logically because they have figured out how to make the divisions.

And that's the crux of this argument and probably why we struggle
with the role. While some of us can do many of the different tasks
and roles, expecting the whole IX/UX community to be able is not
achievable. We don't like to be put into a box, but we have to so we
fit within team structures.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On Mar 10, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Patrick Neeman wrote:

We need to have realistic expectations for who fills the roles and
what they can do, otherwise we fail in front of our software
development peers.

I disagree at a tactical level. We need to have *unrealistic*  
expectations and understand that as a profession, we aren't doing  
enough to train and get ourselves to a baseline so the Spolsky's of  
the world stop redefining our jobs for us. We haven't done enough for  
our peers and those coming through the education system to the level  
required. If we continue to make excuses or lower our expectations for  
why we don't have people to do the things I've listed, we simply won't  
get there.

And yes, these things take time. But to the next generation, most of  
it will be second nature since it will be expected fro the get go. And  
yes it means you won't find people with all of the skills but you also  
have to tell people when you hire them they will be expected to learn  
more and learn more fast if they want to keep the job later on.

And that's the crux of this argument and probably why we struggle
with the role. While some of us can do many of the different tasks
and roles, expecting the whole IX/UX community to be able is not
achievable. We don't like to be put into a box, but we have to so we
fit within team structures.

It is achievable. In fact, more of the younger designers out there are  
far on their way with the hard skills I've listed, especially with  
regard to scripting HTML, CSS and JS/AS.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Chief Design Officer, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread mark schraad
In my life I have met handful of people who could be a candidate for  
such a role. As a hiring manager or owner I could spend all of my  
time looking - and frankly, there many other tasks worthy of this  
time. To put this sort requirement out there as a standard would be  
irresponsible. It is also an aspiration that I can only think is  
rooted in the struggle to think through the required tasks of an  
assignment and assemble the appropriate team to match.

Obviously quality of the work is not addressed in this list... but to  
have these skills at a high level... is very tough. And frankly,  
there is not enough time in the work week to keep this many skill set  
sharp. I'll take a balanced crew of professionals that have 3/5s of  
these skill, but greater ability in in just a few places any time.


On Mar 10, 2009, at 1:40 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:

* Understand type, color and layout composition/grid and can  
execute on those design fundamentals with their own two hands
* Know the fundamentals of I/O and behavior with hardware (like a  
mouse and keyboard, and now with multi-touch displays)
* Understand how algorithms, code, frameworks, databases and other  
software engineering aspects of the product work under the hood

* Draw and sketch with real pen, pencil and paper
* Use professional software tools to make design and process  
deliverables (specs, mockups, wireframes, posters, etc)
* Use professional creative software tools to make production  
ready, final assets that ship in the release build
* Write code at the HTML, CSS and JavaScript/ActionScript level to  
build prototypes; more is always better
* Create an interface architecture and strategy that can be coded  
and built within schedule constraints

* Write specs and documentation

There are a variety of softer skills needed as well:

* Communicate product vision
* Conduct or lead research team with customers
* Be the customer/use advocate and expert
* Communicate with managers, directors and executives about the  
state of the project

* [Insert a few of your own here]

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread J. Ambrose Little
There's a ton of talk about good design on this list (and in articles and
books and...).  What I'd really like to see is with every discounting of
software that other people have built (which happens a lot here, it seems),
an offering of an example in the same space (e.g., in this case, bug
tracking software) that exemplifies what you think is great (or at least
better)--and is preferably something you (the person doing the criticizing)
have had a hand in.
Fogbugz.  Yes, not the most elegant solution; however, it is so much better
than many (if not all--I haven't looked lately) others in that space.  And
it does, as Patrick said, resonate with the target audience.

Program manager (a.k.a., product manager outside of MS circles) is not the
same as a project manager.  I would actually recommend product/program
manager as a role to UX folks.  Why?  Because the PM essentially owns the
product (or piece of product) and specifies what does and doesn't get built
and, if he/she doesn't have a dedicated designer, can also spec how it
works.  If you do have designers, you still have a lot of say there.  So
you're more empowered to ensure that the end product is good.

Finally, I think Joel probably is not trying to denigrate the value of
design but just has his own understanding and perspective on it based on his
experience.  He writes from his experience/opinion, not from research.  If
he were exposed to good designers doing good work and saw the value, I'm
pretty sure he'd write about it.  What I imagine, though, is he wouldn't
take well to a lot of feather fluffing in the design community (as would
most software dev types).

In any case, I see what he wrote as a baby step forward--helping devs to
recognize that they're not best equipped to do UI design.. and even just
helping them realize that it is an important aspect that requires special
attention (which many devs discount or just don't get).  Baby steps..

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-10 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel

On Mar 10, 2009, at 10:40 PM, J. Ambrose Little wrote:

What I'd really like to see is with every discounting of software  
that other people have built (which happens a lot here, it seems),  
an offering of an example in the same space (e.g., in this case, bug
tracking software) that exemplifies what you think is great (or at  
least better)

I don't see it being that much better, visually, than Bugzilla,  
Mantis, or Trac.



Todd Zaki Warfel
President, Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread dave malouf
Russell, Joel was trained in teh land of Redmond. In Redmond this was
totally true. the Program Manager was the UI designer, like in NYC
the Producer often has the role of UI Design or at least IA. I don't
think you should or can interpret Joel's words as saying that the PM
replaces the IxD or more traditional UI Designer role in the least.
Though I can see how today it can be seen like that.

- -dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Jackson Fox
First, I agree with Dave that you have to take Joel's lingo with a
pinch of MS salt from the 90s.

However, I have to say his comment that PMs (read designers) must
keep the developers happy lest they go off and do WTF they feel like
made me shudder. I've spent a lot of my career trying to help devs
and designers get along (I admit, having a CS degree helps), and part
of that effort was in helping each side recognize that both had
something to add to the conversation, and that both could be wrong.

Now here's Joel telling us that those gods in mortal flesh,
programmers, must be appeased, lest the design be cast aside. And
he's saying this is the RIGHT WAY for things to be. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread mark schraad
So the theory is to cloak the designer as a program manager? Or did I  
twist that a bit?

On Mar 9, 2009, at 3:42 PM, Russell Wilson wrote:

Lacking a program manager, your garden-variety super-smart  
programmer is

going to come up with a completely baffling user interface that makes
perfect sense IF YOU'RE A VULCAN (cf. git). The best programmers are
notoriously brilliant, and have some trouble imagining what it must  
be like

not to be able to memorize 16 one-letter command line arguments. These
programmers then have a tendency to get attached to their first ideas,
especially when they've already written the code.

  How to be a program manager

What Geoffrey Moore, Donald Norman, Paul Graham, Heidi Roizen,  

Aaker, Michael Lopp, and Ryan Carson all have in common?

Joel Spolsky

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Susan
Perhaps Don Norman will set him straight?

I see Spolsky is based in NYC. It's an attitude I've run into here
more than once during my cultural transition of moving from the
silicon valley 1.5 years ago. Yet our discipline is somehow still
hot here and there are never enough qualified senior people.
Believe me, it's had me stumped. Have been thinking of going into
process consulting/ teaching just to educate the community here.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Patrick Neeman
I've been a program manager.

Why do you see this as a threat? I see this as another opportunity.

And UX people should know a bit about programming, so they know what
they're designing into.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Russell Wilson

That's what I understood his point to be

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 9, 2009, at 6:47 PM, mark schraad wrote:

So the theory is to cloak the designer as a program manager? Or did  
I twist that a bit?

On Mar 9, 2009, at 3:42 PM, Russell Wilson wrote:

Lacking a program manager, your garden-variety super-smart  
programmer is

going to come up with a completely baffling user interface that makes
perfect sense IF YOU'RE A VULCAN (cf. git). The best programmers are
notoriously brilliant, and have some trouble imagining what it must  
be like
not to be able to memorize 16 one-letter command line arguments.  
programmers then have a tendency to get attached to their first  

especially when they've already written the code.

 How to be a program manager

What Geoffrey Moore, Donald Norman, Paul Graham, Heidi Roizen,  

Aaker, Michael Lopp, and Ryan Carson all have in common?

Joel Spolsky

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel
Well, if you've seen the UI for FogBugz, then I guess that shows you  
what kind of a UI a Program Manager can design.


Todd Zaki Warfel
President, Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Patrick Neeman
Well, if you've seen the UI for FogBugz, then I guess that shows
you what kind of a UI a Program Manager can design. 

You mean a profitable product?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Russell Wilson
@Dan - I completely agree.  Very frustrating for someone who spends a
lot of time evangelizing the value of good design.

@Patrick - I'm not threatened at all, and I started out as a
programmer (BS and MS) - and still code when I can - just wrote some
javascript as a matter of fact.  But what Joel says is like saying
just have the building contractor or structural engineer due the
architectural renderings... It's complete BS and undermines the
value and need for skilled designers.  And unfortunately his voice is
widely heard.  Btw - how do you see this as an opportunity?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Patrick Neeman
Since you asked, this is how I see it as an opportunity (pretty much
the best once since the invention of sliced bread):

While we're all trying to figure out what our titles are (and
that's our damn fault, politics and posturing in our community be
damned), Joel defined an ADDITIONAL position for us that includes all
the most important goals of what we're supposed to do anyways, and
it's literally 60 percent of the job (the other 20 percent being a
pure fashion choice). 

So he defined 75 PERCENT of the job relating to UX, the rest to
communication, is what we're supposed to be good at anyways. And
that job, with manager in it's title, pays very well (more than a
typical IA position), and relates directly to ROI of the product,
even more so than a product manager position. I've had THAT EXACT
JOB TITLE, and it rocks. I did it totally from a UX standpoint.

(Raise your hands if you can say the same.)

But wait, THERE'S MORE.

Not only did he do that, but he defined the ratio of program managers
to developers, which is very important, because, well, most of the
projects we work on have like one IA to 80 developers. He placed it
close to that magical 25 percent UX, 50 percent development, 25
percent QA ratio, and let me tell you, in an agile environment, that
ratio is MAGICAL. 


He defined functional requirements IN SOME FORM as important. They
could be wireframes. They could be use cases. They could be written
on butcher paper. But he defined them as HAVING VALUE IN THE SOFTWARE
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. (Can you say the same about XP or Scrum?)

- He didn't say that an MBA should have that responsibility.
- He didn't say that a programmer should have that responsibility.
- He said, quote an advocate for the users should have that

He also said...

The number one mistake most companies make is having the manager of
the programmers writing the specs and designing the product. This is a
mistake because the design does not get a fair trial, and is not born
out of conflict and debate, so it%u2019s not as good as it could be.


...both sides, but especially the program manager, need to be
emotionally detached from the debate and willing to consider new
evidence and change their opinions when the facts merit it.


Functional specifications are so important one of the few hard and
fast rules at Fog Creek is %u201CNo Code Without Spec.%u201D

He said he even learned from his own mistakes at his own company, and
restructured the role so it would be more effective.

I do disagree that anyone out of college can do the UX part; and
it's up to us to convince him otherwise than complaining about it
here (and I'm going to write to him personally). And there's the
opportunity -- letting him know the value.

On the other hand, we have to respect his opinion. 

He runs a very profitable company, larger than most of the people on
the group, has the respect of his peers (I can't tell you how many
times the developers suggested FogBugz over TFS because of it's ease
of use for simplified bug tracking), has a great product line, and
sold more books than anyone else on this list, I would guess.

He also has a farther reach into the software community than all of
us put together. 

It would be better for us to reach out to him and state our case and
build bridges, right?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Joel Spolsky claims the Program Manager role does UI design... ????

2009-03-09 Thread Audrey
I thought his comment about specs was heartening in a world where I'm
seeing more developers perceiving design and planning as anti-agile:

Functional specifications are so important one of the few hard and
fast rules at Fog Creek is %u201CNo Code Without Spec.%u201D

If spec=design, as it seems to with his reference to storyboards and
functional descriptions, it's good to have a heavy-hitter like Joel
in your corner when you're having one of those conversations with

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