Re: [discuss] Make Wrtite a little better

2010-11-17 Thread Graham Lauder
On Wednesday 17 Nov 2010 13:25:29 Sabiazoth wrote:
 Well, with that said, you said a mouthful.  You can't really complain what
 is free, can you, David?  You sure put a lid on my mouth.  Thank you for
 pointing out the importance of free software.  I must say, I probably won't
 complain any longer.  It is true that with Microsoft Office you can do more
 stuff than what you can do with Open Office; but unlike Open Office,
 Microsoft Office tends to empty out your pockets.

Actually OOo will do quite a bit more than MSO,

Handle multiple nonnative file formats 
Run on Multiple platforms, MacIntel, Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows and others 
too many to list 
Is available in over a hundred languages
one click export to PDF
Edit PDFs
Create PDF forms

Doesn't matter that it's free, I'd still pay for it, more in fact, than I'd be 
willing to pay for MSO that's for certain


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Make Wrtite a little better

2010-11-17 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 18 Nov 2010 04:02:52 David B Teague wrote:
 On 11/17/2010 7:12 AM, Graham Lauder wrote:
  Actually OOo will do quite a bit more than MSO,
  Edit PDFs
 I would like to know more about editing a PDF file with OOo.
 I know there is an add-on that enable pdf import into Draw.
 Incidentally, this also enables hybrid pdf-odt export. While
 Writer is wonderfully easy for me, Draw is yet opaque. Can
 you say a few words about what you do and how you do it,
 with a PDF file in OO.o?
 Please, if you provide details, respond OFF LIST.
 An on list RTFM and the usual chiding for not looking it
 myself will be much better IF you include a link to the Draw
 beginner's Fine Manual.

Hi David, 
it's actually quite simple if you get familiar with Draw, it simply treats 
blocks of text in the PDF as a section or a text box.  

If you have the PDFimport extension installed just open OOo and go 
fileopenfoo.pdf.  Use the standard Draw tools from there. 

 Click on a line of text reveals the text box, double clicking puts your 
cursor in the text box and ready to edit.

Intro to Draw Wiki stuff here:

Getting started PDF is here

Full manual in PDF form here



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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
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Re: [discuss] Suggestions

2010-11-12 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 12 Nov 2010 09:43:42 Wm Stewart wrote:
 On 11/10/2010 5:09 PM, Graham Lauder wrote:
  OOo has around 20% market share in Europe and growing fast globally.
 This would be very good news, and a statistic I can use to great effect.
 Can you provide a reference for this?

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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

Re: [discuss] Re: Suggestions

2010-11-12 Thread Graham Lauder
On Saturday 13 Nov 2010 11:32:05 Robert Derman wrote:

  Really? Tell that to all those on dial-up connections.
 Statistically very few people are on dial up any more.  Also if the
 manual is provided as an ODF file it really wouldn't have to be very
 large.  thats one of the virtues of ODF, it make for very compact
 document storage.

About 40% in NZ, including me.  even many of those with broadband are stuck 
on 128k, that's reflected in rural communities everywhere, your statement 
shows little grasp of the facts.  It may be so in your small part of the 
world, but not reflected worldwide.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Suggestions

2010-11-10 Thread Graham Lauder
On Wednesday 10 Nov 2010 23:42:29 Joshua Zambrano wrote:
 Hello, I just wanted to drop off some recommendations for OpenOffice, as a
 user of office suites.
- Merge Cells.  No capability to merge cells that I can see, a very
valuable feature.

Format  Merge Cells, been there since day one

- Turn Off Auto Complete.  Keeps turning everything it can into date
format, very annoying.  Should be able to turn this off, but option not
visible that I can see.

Tools Cell Contents ..uncheck autoinput

- Remove Hyperlinks.  Hyperlinks shown can't be easily deleted.  Going
 to the hyperlink window does not show an address there.  Should be able to
 hit backspace to remove hyperlink like with MS Excel, but does not work. 
 This forces you to delete hyperlinks and type in the whole link text over
 again, also time-consuming.

Um, not sure what you're doing here but it all works as expected in my 
version.  Highlight cell, content appears in the formula bar, edit as 

- Mass Format Change.  Highlighting many cells and trying to change the
format (number/date/text/currency) does not work, you must change each
individually, a time-consuming issue.

Um select all the cells you want, right click on the selected area, choose 
format cells.  Works every time on mine 

- Optimize Rows/Columns: Going to optimize row heights or column widths
does not work.  It does not set them to ideal settings, merely makes
 them even wider.  Let alone the shortcut of clicking upper left cell and
 then a row/column boundary to instantly optimize size like in MS Excel.

Um again, what are you doing?  FormatRow(or Column) optimal height(width) 
the dialog opens and allows you to pad the cell to your requirements or use 
the default. 

- Can't Open MS Word 2010 .doc Files.  Crashes just trying to open them.

That's an MS problem with their file format, however the latest version of OOo 
handles docx without problems

I will add that OOo is not a free version of MS office and if that's the way 
you think of it, then you are missing out on a lot of features in OOo that MSO 
doesn't have.  Don't expect OOo to work exactly the same as MSO, it's not 
designed that way.

These sort of posts often draw a RTFM (Read The F**king Manual) response, 
because you don't come in asking for some assistance, you come in demanding 
that the software do things your way when it already does those things but 
using a slightly different method.  Take some time to do some discovery.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Suggestions

2010-11-10 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 11 Nov 2010 09:47:40 Robert Derman wrote:

 The real problem here is that there is no manual to read!  I think that
 its about time that the download package came with a good users manual
 that explains where all the features and controls are, tells about all
 the great features that it has that MS Office lacks, and has a section
 that mentions things that people do with MS Office, and then tells you
 how to do them with OOo.
 MS even though they are the best known software vendor is often sorely
 lacking in the area of user support particularly manuals, I remember
 when MS-DOS came with a nice 1/2 inch thick manual, as did Win-95, today
 Win-7 comes with at best a leaflet.  One way for OOo to distinguish
 itself would be to come with a good manual, especially a version
 formatted for 8.5x11 so it could be printed out without the horrible
 paper waste that comes with manuals formatted 5x7.

There are Manuals at and yea there could be an 
easier way to get to them.  Perhaps at install a prompt Would you like to 
download 'Getting started with OOo'?  during the install process or something 
similar.  Perhaps having the Getting Started manual as part of the download 
that extracts next to the installer.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
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Re: [discuss] Re: How to make OO the standard

2010-10-19 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 19 Oct 2010 02:28:36 Wm Stewart wrote:

 Thanks for your thoughtful response.  I don't think we need round-tripping
 to achieve the goal.  My point is that getting the world to convert to ODF
 when the majority software is Office is not working.  And the world is not
 converting to OO when it cannot handle the majority format in use now.
 However, if we break the problem down into two manageable pieces - one of
 the oldest techniques in the software book - the problem becomes solvable:
 1. If OO could handle the last issues with MS formats (which it gets
 closer to with every release) then the main barrier would be removed, and
 people would switch for all the usual advantages - cost and openness.
 2. Once the majority of users use OO, it would be a much easier step to
 move to ODF for all the usual reasons - long term access and openness.
 I don't see the second step happening without the first step.  If Oracle
 can focus development resources on the first step, the second will follow.

The two most common issues I find with incompatibility between OOo and MSO 
tend to rotate around Fonts and tables especially in mixed platform 
environments.  The fonts issue is reasonably easily fixed but it has to be 
done at the user end because MSO uses it's own proprietary fonts and OOo can't 
ship with them. 
Tables are still an issue but in an environment where round tripping is not a 
requirement then PDF export is the best solution.  ODF support will come from 
the MSO end and OOo will get better with OOXML.  Unfortunately I don't have 
any clients right now that work in a MSO07/10 - OOo mixed environment to say 
how that's going.  ODF still has limitations, especially with spreadsheets and 
OOXML is a massive gludge of conflicting requirements and is not really 
supported that well in MSO in any case.

The issue is that not one individual application development team, either MS 
or OOo can solve the problem on their own, or at least not without huge 
investment.  It will take a substantial collaborative effort between the main 
parties, probably under the umbrella of OASIS, to solve it.  But right now the 
cost benefit ratio does not add up.  

Our market share is rising at a substantial rate, part of that is due to a 
reasonable compatibility with legacy document types, for most use cases it 
is good enough and for OOo developers therefore we can say good enough is OK 
so we can focus on other functionality that gives us the best points of 

Would I like 100% roundtripping capability?  You bet, but not at the expense 
of all other areas of development, which is pretty much what it would require.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Re: How to make OO the standard

2010-10-18 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 18 Oct 2010 23:42:28 Wm Stewart wrote:
 On 10/17/2010 9:27 PM, Michael Adams wrote:
  They change every time a new version of Microsoft Office is released.
 This common perception is not true.  The reality is that there have only
 been four Word formats in the last 20 years:
 - Word 6
 - Word 95
 - Word 97/2000/XP
 - Docx

You forgot 2003 XML

 As mentioned, user dissatisfaction with the last change will greatly impede
 any further changes.  OO has *almost* perfect compatibility with all of the
 above now, evidence on the ground that compatibility can be achieved,
 making all of the theoretical arguments that it cannot be done irrelevant.
   If we go the last 2%, OO will be the standard very quickly, and the ODF
 format will then follow since the path will be greatly eased.

In fact the last 2% is not really the problem, the real problem is round-
tripping and unfortunately we don't control that. I'm pretty sure that most 
realise that the 2% could be done, with sufficient developer time and at a 
cost that far outweighs the benefit, but it would still be stymied by the 
round tripping requirement.  A solution to this would require a concerted 
effort in collaboration with the MSO folks, but that's not going to happen any 
time soon.  

The Novell guys who produce the version have a nice Technology 
Sharing deal with MS with a supposedly high  focus on compatibility and even 
theirs doesn't round trip.   

  Existing users could make more use of the software than many do now, and
  they could spread the good news widely and with confidence new users
  would have a good experience.
  True unvarnished evangelism. All hail the word processor ;) The good
  news is a version of the Bible isn't it?
 I've noticed a pattern in the responses of those that don't want OO to be
 compatible with the de facto existing standard.  Emotion.  As a middle aged
 developer that took some time to learn this lesson, I pass on to you some
 invaluable advice - this kind of emotion is a distortion field that
 prevents your rational mind from accepting new information.  When having to
 change your mind becomes an emotionally painful event, you will
 increasingly become an ideologue - completely sure of your comfortable
 position, and unable to grow.  Fwiw.

I must admit to being in the don't need it camp.I have used OOo and it's SO 
predecessor from 5.0 since about 1998 IIRC in all my businesses and I've had 
no issues that couldn't be easily solved, although it's possible that all of 
my customers were just reasonable people when I asked them to slightly change 
the way they sent me documents.  But then I wasn't trying to find problems 
with the software I was looking for solutions.

  I train people in corporates how to deal with the small niggles that these 
sorts of issues cause in a mixed platform environment. In that we do the same 
thing, find a solution.  Often we find solutions that not only solve 
incompatibility problems with MSO -OOo, but also MSO to other programmes. 
Problems are always easy to cry about but solutions work better and are 
actually much more satisfying.

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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[discuss] Re: LibreOffice

2010-10-05 Thread Graham P Davis
On Thursday 30 Sep 2010 16:37, Marius Popa scribbled:

 What is LibreOffice? Is it the successor of or what?

Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks.  E-mail: newsman, not newsboy.
It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out. - Carl 

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Re: [discuss] Re: Re: Impress - start macro on 'new slide'

2010-09-13 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 13 Sep 2010 20:06:11 Harold Fuchs wrote:
 Mike Scott wrote in message
  On 12/09/2010 18:33, NoOp wrote:
  On 09/12/2010 12:29 AM, Mike Scott wrote:
  Meanwhile, I did find in the help file mention of specifying a macro
  to run
  when a given image is loaded, which promised a workaround of sorts
  for me.
  But the help file is highly misleading, I'm afraid - it tells me to
  Insert/Format - Picture - Macro tab which is nowhere to be found in
  -- although it /is/ there in Writer (but not Draw or Calc)!!! It's
  Not that it works. Does anyone know exactly what run macro 'on graphics
  load successful' might mean? It's clearly not what I thought/hoped, ie
  'when image appears'.
  Just a thought... Once you get that figured out, you might need to
  reduce macro security: Tools|Options|OOo...|Security to get it to run.
  These may (or may not) be of help also:
  Thanks for the reply.
  I've got macro security set to 'ask me', so that's not an issue. I've had
  the same macro set for various events for a graphic - mouse over, mouse
  leaving, on-click all seem to work as expected. None of the graphics load
  events (ok, failed, etc) seems to do anything at all. Nor can I find any
  documentation as to what they are supposed to do.
  I've seen the macro page above, thank, but it's rather general. I did
  search the wiki a while ago for more specific help, but no luck :-{
  Meanwhile (and in the hope a developer is listening!!)
 You might want to send your question to
 where it seems to me to be more likeley that a developer will be

Probably better in fact to send to if you want to 
get the ear of a dev who's involved with impress and the graphics side of OOo.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

Ambassador for OpenSUSE Linux on your Desktop 

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Re: [discuss] Banner problem

2010-08-17 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 17 Aug 2010 13:33:34 Clancy C Arnold wrote:
 In reply,
 I got the automatic notification of the update and downloaded it.
 I call it a Banner as it is a big wide stripe over an inch tall across
 the top of my computer desk top screen that blocks out any thing up there
 that says 3.2 (en-US) Installation.

Hi Clancy

That sounds like it might be an icon gone out of control.

What happens when you right click on it and select properties?


 Ordinarily, we
  either download when we're ready to go to a new version, or get an
  automatic notification of an update and follow through from there --
  in neither case is there any banner involved.
 On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 20:06:07 -0500 Barbara Duprey writes:
  Clancy C Arnold wrote:
   I could not find any way to contact so I went into
   documentation that came with OO 3.2 that showed some connection to
   so I called their help line.  The second supervisor gave me the
   address I used.  I did not receive an e-mail about the upgrade.
  It  was
   a pop up like Microsoft uses when they have an update for you to
   P.S.  The banner is still there on my desktop!!!
  {Clancy ( is not subscribed to the list and
  probably will not see any responses unless copied directly.]
  Where did you get OOo? This is not at all standard behavior, so the
  users here are going to have a hard time helping you. Ordinarily, we
  either download when we're ready to go to a new version, or get an
  automatic notification of an update and follow through from there --
  in neither case is there any banner involved.

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

Ambassador for OpenSUSE Linux on your Desktop 

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Words of thanks and thoughts for the future WAS Re: [dev] Changes to Site/Product Elements due to Oracle Acquisition

2010-01-30 Thread Graham Lauder
 Hi Cor,
 Thanks for your kind words and especially for your years of support for 
 Let's keep on doing good things and talking about them.

I'd like to also echo Cors comments and add a few of my own.  There has never 
been a 
time when I haven't been proud to be part of the OOo community and proud of our 
corporate partner.  No matter the ill informed and parochial slings and arrows 
in Suns direction they are the example of how a corporate partner can work with 
community.  That is not to say it's perfect, it will probably never be because 
the obvious tensions between an open community and the necessities of corporate 
governance but what has been obvious to me since the early days of the project, 
been the constant improvement in the connection between Sun and the community 
the obvious desire to see that improvement continue.

It is good to see Larry talking about Hiring Sun into Profit.  Let's hope we 
some of the development load spread about in OOo/SO. I see a bright future.  

Good luck to all our team in Hamburg under the new regime.


 On 01/28/10 13:53, Cor Nouws wrote:
  Hi Stefan, all,
  Stefan Taxhet wrote (28-01-10 12:50)
  With the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle now being closed
  we'll see some immediate changes to our site and product. This reflects
  the fact that Oracle replaces Sun in its role as part of the project.
  Let me take this opportunity to express some thoughts and feelings to 
  the Sun team working on And I hope and trust that, in 
  doing so, I reflect the opinion of the vast majority of the members of 
  our community.
  Some words of thanks are in its place, in my opinion, although 
  essentially we continue to work with the same people.
  In the first place for all the good work done on the product and the 
  project in the past nearly ten years. In moments of joy and excitement 
  and also in times of problems and sadness.
  Further, I feel thankful for you all continuing the work in the long 
  period of uncertainty that has just been closed. I know many of us were 
  hopeful and confident, but still, one first has to see it really. I'm 
  glad that now this period is closed, finished.
  People knowing me, will recognize that I'm not shy to raise my voice 
  when (IMO) something is wrong, sub-optimal, and has room for 
  improvement. Either be it in the software, either in how we work 
  together. And I hope that I may be able to continue cooperating in this 
  spirit for a long time to come. Enjoying the so often positive attitude 
  of the team, and well meant steps to an even brighter future.
  I am really exited about being part of Oracle and trust 
  that this new situation will give the project great opportunities.
  That all in the project may enjoy.
  Best wishes to all,
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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

Ambassador for OpenSUSE Linux on your Desktop 

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
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Re: [discuss] Openoffice Security Issue

2009-10-30 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 29 October 2009 14:32:52 Ahamed Fasudeen wrote:
 Hi Team,

 I'm newly use openoffice...I have some query realted for password security.

 Currently i'm using MSoffice2003. In that i have protect the sheet 

 And i have protect the cell A2:C22(attached sheet) with password range,in
 msoffice2003 once i click
 the A2:C22(cell) it will pop-up password box once i give the password it
 will allow to enter
 the data. And in D2:D22 with out range password user will edit without

 When i use to open the msoffice speared  sheet to openoffice... entire
 restriction was removed by calc(openoffice)

 i don't why it was happenwith less security in open office.

 Could you please provide me the fix for this issue

Why is this an OOo security issue that OOo has to fix.  If the Excel password
is so easily ignored, then it's an Excel security problem, because Excel 
purports to password protect that cell. 
This is obviously not the case, if OOo can simply ignore it.  That's an Excel 
problem, not OOo's.  
Get Microsoft to fix the Excel security bug that allows security to be easily 

Of course some people have found this particular thing quite useful when they 
forget the passwords they put in their Excel spreadsheets.  :)

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

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Re: [discuss] Search function for the special character menu

2009-10-19 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 20 October 2009 07:44:48 Hab einen wrote:
 I must work very often with special characters because i use openoffice in
 the school in technical subjects. Long searches are horrible; so i got a
 idea to reduce the searchtime. Why there is no search function for the
 special characters menu in spelling pronunciation?

 For Example,
 i enter pi in the search, i got the π .
 i enter and in the search, i got the .

 Is a plugin available or can you include this nice feature? ;)

Ooh, one of my favorite extensions!  :)

Called AltSearch

Never have an OOo install without it.

 Kindly Regards


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

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Re: [discuss] Hosting Open Office

2009-10-18 Thread Graham Lauder
On Sunday 18 October 2009 08:15:25 Jaime Hernandez wrote:
 I am interested in hosting for free your software on my company's
 website. I feel that Open Office is an exceptional product and would like
 to extend my assistance. How would I go about this? Thank you so much!
 Jaime Hernandez
 President of The
 Cyber Fusion and Foto-Synthesis Design

 Tel: 908-526-1382
 Cell: 443-812-6020

Hi Jaime,

You need the distribution project;


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

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Re: [discuss] major problem

2009-10-14 Thread Graham Lauder
 the original poster is not subscribed to the list. He will most possibly 
 not be able to read any of these answers.

I mailed him off list

 Joost Andrae wrote:
  MS Office users can use
  Jean-Paul Ginestier schrieb:
  The major problem with Open Office is that it is not compatible both ways
  with MS Office; in other words, an Open Office document cannot be read by
  MSO, so there is no  point in sending people such a document unless 
  you know
  they have Open Office. If it WERE compatible both ways, it would 
  surely kill
  off MSO in no time ...
  Kind regards, Joost
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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

Ambassador for OpenSUSE Linux on your Desktop 

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Work Presentation

2009-04-01 Thread Graham Lauder
On Wednesday 01 April 2009 17:00:25 Michael Adams wrote:
 I have prepared a presentation for work and would like people to look
 over it for me. It is available to view as flash or download as an ODP.
 More here:

 Comment either on the blog or here. I think it is an appropriate topic

Hi Michael,

A couple of comments.

Brevity is a consummation d'voutly to be wish'd. 

Keep the info on the slides to a minimum.  If you have reports you want refer 
to, have them as printouts so they can refer to them later, trying to read 
data on a slide isn't easy and certainly not a way to get across information.

The presentation I use for introducing people to OOo is available from

Feel free to use.  Notes with the slides are in the Notes View

If you would like me to come down to assist in any way, I'm available.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] Why does OpenOffice keep converting things to dates in tables?

2009-01-13 Thread Graham Lauder
On Wednesday 14 January 2009 13:05:22 Grant Edwards wrote:
 I'm trying to create a table, and for some god-forsaken reason,
 oowriter seems to think it's supposed to convert everyting I
 type into dates if at all possible. I type 1-60, and it insists
 on converting that to 01/01/60. I type 0-8, and that's left
 alone (as it should be).

 How to I tell oowriter to stop messing with what I type?

 If I'd wanted 01/01/60, I'd have damn well _typed_ 01/01/60.

 God, how I hate programs that think they know better than I
 what I'm trying to do...

Select tablenumber format  
scroll to the bottom of the list and select text

The Best Things in life are 3

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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Fw:

2009-01-10 Thread Graham Lauder
On Sunday 11 January 2009 00:43:09 Lloyd Lecuona wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 LOVE OpenOffice BUT and its a HUGE but!! You are going to have to work a
 plan to allow Microsoft Word to open the ODT documents automatically.

That is not an problem, that is a weakness MS Office.  This 
will be solved when Office 14 comes out with ODF support.  I suggest you call 
Microsoft and complain to them.

 I sent out 200 emails to employees with OpenOffice attachments and only 3
 could open the file! 

OOo does however provide the ability for the user to save in a format that MSO 
users can read, it always has.  Do Save as and select the appropriate file 
format.  OOo saves to many different formats. 

You will not grow unless you are able to chomp into
 the leader in the industry and to do that we the users have to be able to
 do it without hassles or large plug ins.

If you're not sure what your enduser has in terms of software then simply use 
the Export to PDF option.  It's one click of the pdf icon in your tool bar.  
Most computers have acrobat reader on them

 Kind regards

It always pays to read the Manual first, it's amazing what you will find.  :)
If  you expect it to operate as a free version of word, you're doing yourself 
a disservice, OOo does so much more, some of it, as you can see,  to make up 
for the deficiencies of MSO file handling abilities. 


The Best Things in life are 3

ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Make it possible to download only parts of open office

2008-10-16 Thread Graham lauder
On Thu, 2008-10-16 at 18:23 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am only interested in the calc application by open office but yet I had to 
 download the entire package. 

Hi Phil,
That's correct. You have to think of OOo a little differently to other
competitor's suites. is a single application with
different user interfaces, rather than a bunch of non-related individual
applications bundled together as a suite.  Calc is one of those
interfaces, not a separate application. This is most easily demonstrated
by the fact that you can open any of those interfaces from the file menu
rather than having to launch a different application.

This has a number of advantages, one of which is a relatively small
download size in relation to the breadth of functionality.

If however, a standalone Open Source spreadsheet package is an absolute
necessity to you, then there is always Gnumeric (



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

Open Opportunities ltd.
Open Technologies Training and Migration Consultants

OOoGear: For the Well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] Re: Open Office to open WPS files

2008-05-09 Thread Graham Lauder
On Saturday 10 May 2008 02:29:53 Andrew Ziem wrote:
 Tim Hobson wrote:
  Hi Open Office
  Would it be possible for you to have a feature to open up WPS files since
  in Open Office 3.0 you have installed a converter so you can read office
  2007 files.


 I wrote a basic WPS import filter[1] and submitted it over a year ago
 [2], but it was not included in the vanilla version for various reasons.
   Unless someone steps in, I don't expect the situation to change soon.
   Until then, you can find it in editions [3] based on
 ooo-build. Also, you could add two votes for issue 8938 [2].

would it be possible to do this as an extension it seems like a prime 
candidate to the uneducated... (Me in other words.  :))

 Alternatively, there are various workarounds.



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] Good idea for New update OpenOffice 2.4

2008-04-02 Thread Graham Lauder
On Wednesday 02 April 2008 20:47:53 Suzette Davis wrote:
 OpenOffice 2.4

 - Original Message -
 From: Suzette Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [discuss] Good idea for New update OpenOffice 2.4

  What version of Java is safe to install the newest version of OpenOfice

Full list of System requirements are here


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] OpenOffice stability and document repair

2008-03-24 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 25 March 2008 07:28:31 Jens Lehmann wrote:

 for a larger project involving a few partners from different countries,
 we started to use OpenOffice Writer instead of Microsoft Word.
 Unfortunately, we regret this move now - mostly due to stability
 problems e.g. moving images freezes OpenOffice Writer. Several partners
 (using the latest OO-version) have serious problems updating the
 document due to these problems. This is a significant problem, because
 time is rare and we have to face deadlines. It is not a small document
 with 80 pages, including several images and tables. The initial version
 of the document is a Word file, which was converted to OpenDocument (by
 simply saving as such in OpenOffice). Could this be a source of
 problems? It is an internal document, so I cannot circulate it in the

 In case the stability problems are not a problem of OpenOffice in
 general, but caused by the document itself: Is there a way to clean
 the document, i.e. a tool to remove any possibly superfluous,
 deprecated, or otherwise problematic stuff in the odt file (or better:
 the XML files contained in it)? I'd be willing to lose some markup if it
 helps to overcome the problems.

 Do you have any other suggestions (waiting for the next release is not
 an option)?

 Kind regards,


Hi Jens,

You may find this extension useful


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] Attention

2008-03-09 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 10 March 2008 07:42:48 Datatude wrote:
 On 2008-03-09 2:12 PM, Tomas Lanczos wrote:\

  Really strange, I downloaded many versions of OOo, many times,
  never-ever experienced that. I used Opera or Firefox on WinXP or
  Ubuntu, what browser did You use?

 Firefox. I might add to my previous comments that the link on the
 download bounce page to Download Central takes one back to the very
 page on which one has just clicked Download IOW, brings
 one in a futile circle, unless one considers oneself adventurous
 enough to visit a page on which the is no guarantee that any of the
 listed versions is available.

 And, again, were this my first visit to my reaction would
 have been, what an unprofessional group! Just being candid here. I
 love the project, but I have to agree with Gary the OP on this thread,
 that the web site is NOT optimal to attract (and retain!!) new users who
 are non-technical, non-programming, end users.


The website team is in the process of working on these issues.  The new OOo 
main page and the download page are getting a major revamp.  Some technical 
issues with the CMS has made it somewhat more of a challenge than at first 
anticipated but it should go live with a matter of days.

Watch this space


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] Re: Re: .doc compatibility

2008-02-25 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 25 February 2008 21:37:53 M. Fioretti wrote:
 On Mon, February 25, 2008 7:51 am, jonathon wrote:
  On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 11:14 PM, M. Fioretti  wrote:
   - being sent to MS Office users who edit it as they please
  If the users did use styles with MSO, those styles would be available
  in ODF, albeit with a different name.
  If they did not use styles

 that the creators of those MSO files did not used styles was very likely
 since the beginning of this thread and seems almost certain now.

  then expecting OOo to recognize non-existing styles, is akin to
  expecting polar bears to give birth to tigers.

 my point was that in these conditions, or in any other real world
 giving suggestions to use styles or expecting that such suggestions have
 any relevance or usefulness is more or less the same thing.

What I was saying was that people need training in using stylist, then they 
will understand why there are issues and can fix those issues easily.

 Of course, the suggestion to use styles is an excellent one, regardless of
 whether MSO or OOo are used: but it is fully applicable only by users who
 start from scratch and must never exchange/co-edit their new files with
 third parties who couldn't care less of styles, which is not the case of
 this thread. This is what I meant. This story is an excellent _example_ of
 why everybody should always use styles in MSO and / or OOo, but little
 or nothing
 of the suggestions given so far is actually practicable by the OP.

The obvious problem was that the Migration process and planning was half 
baked.  It was little to do with the End Users in the Office or OOo's 
incompatibility, both of which took a measure of the blame.  The OP 
however was studiously avoiding the real root of the problem.

I find this quite commonly and often get pulled into a migration process after 
the whole thing has come unstuck exactly as he described.  Invariably it 
comes down to training and usually because training is done by people who 
have no ability or training as instructors.

If I can offer two concrete suggestions that are based in experience they 
would be

Plan the Migration
Hire a Trainer

For the OP's situation,  the prognosis is bad. Any future migration will be 
tainted by this failure   



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] Re: Re: .doc compatibility

2008-02-24 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 25 February 2008 07:29:22 andreas moroder wrote:
 M. Fioretti wrote:
  On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 17:49:42 PM +, jonathon wrote:
  (four times)
  Styles are not being correctly used.
  since this, even outside of this thread, is one of the most frequent
  issues, then maybe OOo/ODF styles are very poorly advertised and
  documented, but this is a side topic.
  The OP clearly said that this is a problem of interoperability with MS
  Office users and/or documents. So maybe this is not really a case
  where OOo/ODF styles aren't correctly used: this is a case where such
  styles have never been used, because they didn't exist where those
  documents were created; and maybe a case where such styles simply
  _cannot_ be used, because such information is lost every time a file
  goes in .doc format back and forth between OOo and MS Office
  users. Are we sure this isn't the case here?

 That's right. The old documents were .doc and they have to remain .doc
 because of interoperability with other entities.

No politics in this case, simply a office with to much power.
  It is an office that does not know how to use their tools correctly.
  Maybe OOo is not _their_ chosen tool: from the initial message it is
  not to be excluded that IT tried to switch users without them asking
  for it or even knowing when the switch would happen. There are cases
  where migration was indeed done this way, nobody noticed or complained
  and a few people where even really happy that the last version of MS
  Office finally doesn't crash and runs quite faster!

 They did know, they even got short courses but they did not really
 understand that there are incompatibilities.

They obviously didn't know otherwise they would have understood, therefore the 
training was inadequate

It sounds like the Change Management strategy came up short. 
A good change Management  would have noted the inconsistencies beforehand and 
strategies put in place to deal with that and the people brought along with 

It is imperative that the End User be given a reason to change so that the 
positives outnumber any negatives that may areise.  Focussing on the 
negatives as ended up happening here will doom a migration from the start. 
(bitter experience speaking)  If the enduser does not have a solid reason 
(and cost savings is almost never a reason for change) then even the most 
minor issues will suddenly become huge barriers.  

You have to give people a real reason to change

If the Migration had been planned then everyone would have been expecting the 
inconsistencies and the change management team would have come up with work 
arounds or fixes before the Migration went live.

  But of course, it all depends on how complex the existing MS Office
  files are and on how much the users have to interact, editing files
  together, with external MS Office users.

 They are not that complex. There are even very simple documents that look
 different on ooo.

If they were simple documents, then the fixes should have been simple and 
should have been anticipated and strategies put in place to deal with that.

As Jonathon noted,  training in the use of Stylist would probably have sorted 
the issue.  Stylist is after all possibly the greatest point of difference 

The only way that there would have been 100% fidelity is if the company had 
migrated to the exact same software.  Even a migration to a different version 
of MSO would have generated inconsistencies.

Sometimes our own enthusiasm for OOo gets in the way of creating a smooth 
migration process.  No matter how small the migration, the process has to be 

The reasons for a failed migration almost invariably lie with a bad change 
management strategy but as is often the case, the blame gets laid at OOo's 
feet and this example is no different it seems.



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] .doc compatibility

2008-02-22 Thread Graham Lauder
On Saturday 23 February 2008 06:38:22 Andreas wrote:

 now that microsoft has partially opened the documentation of the .doc
 format, is there a chance that better doc compatibility will become a
 primary objective  ?


 A frustrated IT director that got the order to reinstall word 2000
 because of not so good .doc compatibility

Hi Andreas,

Could you enumerate the compatibility issues for us.

Having dealt with a number of migrations the Compatibility reason has been 
brought up on a number of occasions.  When investigated it was simply found 
to be issues caused by lack of understanding and training during the 
migration process.  

The common one is file formats.  Many Simple End Users don't understand the 
concept of file formats.  After all, unless you tell it otherwise Windows 
will hide all common file extensions.  The document is saved as a document, 
doesn't matter if it's .doc or .odt or .wpt, it's still a document.

When OOo prompts the Simple End User about losing formatting if saving as .doc 
they will take the path offered that seems best: which is Save in Native file 
format, which of course can't be opened by MS Office.  

As far as the SEU is concerned it's still a document.  

Hence when someone tries to open that Doc in MSO,  you suddenly have 
a Compatibility Problem  and it's always the new boys fault.

The answer is careful planning of Migration, training, consultation and backup 
for the user.

Migration can rarely be done just by switching default word processor in file 
associations (and yes that has been tried! )

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] File Sizes; sWrite

2008-01-15 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 15 January 2008 08:24:28 Twayne wrote:

 XP Pro, 512 RAM, 2.7 GHz P4, reasonably sure free of virus/malware.

 Relatively new to OO.o 2.3.1 as of about a week and a half ago.
 I'm having quite a few problems with some large files in Writer.  I see
 many references to the issue in old posts but not anything that seems
 actually relevant.  Perhaps some clarification may be possible?

 Consistant Styles, only about 7 different styles used throughout.

 --  Is there a max recommended .odt file size that should be opened?
 Anything beyond 10 Meg seems to become pretty slow to open/save (.doc to
 .odt or already .odt)

 --  Anything in the 100 Meg area takes many moons to open, even if it's
 already a .odt.  I've had the occasional Save failure too along the
 lines of hte next item:

 --  The 200 Meg and up area often results inLoad failure:  file never
 opens, cpu use drops to near 0%, gray screen.

 Only have one file so large it makes OOo drop to its kness, and I'm in
 the process of breaking that up with Word, so things are workable, but
 ... I thought I'd ask to see if there are known size breakpoints to
 watch out for in general and whether such things are recognized by the
 authors.  Or, is there a better way to do what I'm tryhing to do?

 In this particular application it's a book of separately written
 chapters equating to about 400 pages when it's assembled into Master
 Document in Word.  Goal is to OO's Master Document mode to do the same
 thing as I used Word's MDoc for; TOC, chapter/page numbering, titling,

 I am wide open to suggestions if there are better methods to use here.



Hi Twayne,

I'm trying to figure your problem because I rarely have an issue with this .  
My assumption is that you created the document in MSWord and then opened the 
resulting doc with Writer.  Does your document have a lot of graphics.  I'm 
just asking because 100 megs for a 400 page document seem a bit on the high 

If I'm going to edit a document in Writer that has been created in Word I open 
it with OOo, copy all the text and then paste specialunformatted text into a 
new document.  This gets rid of all of the garbage that word puts into the 
background of the document and that includes styles then I reformat using 
Stylist.  If I'm in a hurry I'll sometimes use paste specialformatted 

Word users tend to format on the fly and that means that each bit of 
formatting is a separate piece of code which tends to make them a little on 
the heavy side.  Everytime a word document is closed, saved then reopened 
more garbage is added.

Take for instance this document

The download size on my comp is 4.2 MB 

After copypaste specialformatted text the file is now 90.6kb.  A couple of 
graphics were dumped and I had to create a landscape style to get some tables 
to display properly, but nothing major.(try it yourself you'll see what I 

Now, I add the caveat that I'm using SuSELinux rather than windows but I doubt 
that there would be a great difference.

Document interchange between Word and Writer is a black art at the best of 
times because MS won't release details of their file formats.  It is pretty 
close to perfect, which says something amazing about OOo Developer's back 
engineering abilities,  but sometimes there is a cost when working at 
extremes, in this case file size.   

Normally I work on an ODT file being about 25% of the size of the same file 
saved as a doc.  That's a simple open in OOo and save as *.odt.

Get rid of all the garbage however by doing paste special and you can do a lot 
better and OOo will deal with it very quickly.  


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] About OO.o Math and in general

2007-11-23 Thread Graham Lauder
On Saturday 24 November 2007 13:52:59 The Directory wrote:

 Another thing I want to ask is the forms feature.  In MS Office, there are
 ways to make checkboxes, fill-boxes, radio buttons, etc.  How do you do
 that in OO.o?  And, given an MS Word-formatted and -edited document that
 has these objects, is there a way to enable OO.o to be able to edit them? 
 When I open my MS Word-written document that has checkboxes and such, OO.o
 says that those macros are disabled from editing.

 Plz Reply

View- toolbars - Form Controls  Form design
Insert controls and fields as required
Export as PDF
Fields are editable in Acrobat Reader

You won't come across this functionality in MS Word because it can't do it.

Please note that OOo is not an MS Office clone.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] IMPORTANT

2007-10-11 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 12 October 2007 06:29, Ismail Barton wrote:
 I don't know if you guys are selling your softeware now or if someone else
 is. Please check out this website.

Hi Ismail,
Yes we know about these guys and they've been doing this for a while.
They are quite OK in terms of the LPGL.  Most of what they sell is to do with 
the support package surrounding it in any case.  


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] feature suggestion

2007-10-05 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 05 October 2007 20:58, Dave Barton wrote:
  Original Message 
 From: Chris Monahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri 05 Oct 2007 18:16:51 EST

  On 05/10/2007, Dave Barton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  -  Original Message 
  From: Sean Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Fri 05 Oct 2007 07:03:26 EST
  I'm working on a business plan with multiple sections and it
  would be more logically organized if I could add multiple
  sheets to the same document, instead of just adding pages in
  a linear format. e.g. It would be a boon to have a tab
  sheet for my appendixes instead of trying to put it at the
  back of the document or opening yet another window for
  I love this software. Thank you so much!
  Submitting a proposal to this general discussion mailing list
  is not going to get it considered by the developers. The
  correct place to submit a RFE (Request For Enhancement) is to
  the issue tracker. Details can be found at:
  As it happens there has been a long outstanding (2003) issue
  for this feature. If you would like to add your vote, register
  for the qa project and go to
  Considering the number of years this issue has been
  outstanding and the limited number of votes (48) it has been
  awarded, it seems unlikely that the developers will be working
  on this in the foreseeable future.
  Please reply to only
  I don't really think that a tabbed interface is what the OP is
  referring too. It appears he is reffering to the ability to
  have several streams of pages (sheets) in one documents, a
  master document is analagous, but i've never found the master
  document implementation entirely satisfactory.

 No, I think the clue is in the Sean's statement: It would be a
 boon to have a tab sheet for my appendixes instead of trying to
 put it at the back of the document or opening yet another window
 for Writer.

 Maybe Sean would be kind enough to post back to the list and give
 us a little more clarification.

 Regardless of what the OP actually intended, why didn't you reply
 to the (non-subscribed) OP, instead of sitting on the sidelines
 criticizing others who were trying to contribute something?


 Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] only

Actually Sean is talking about something entirely different than and 
separate from the whole tabbed interface/MDI thing.  I agree with 
him and have thought about this quite a lot for over a year.  It is 
a function that is lacking in most document producing applications.

This is the way I believe it should be implemented and the whys 

Producing a document at a desk with a pen and paper is not a linear 
activity, however doing the same thing on a computer forces you to 
become linear.  

What I think Sean is talking about is analogous to a note pad and a 
deskpad that you can scribble on while you are producing a 
document.  Programmers tend to be linear thinkers, it comes with 
the territory.  However a script writer for instance  has a myriad 
of things to think about while writing a screenplay.  Lighting 
notes, costume stuff, continuity notes, properties, direction 
detail, characterisation, character histories.  Some of this will 
make it into the main document.  Some will become a separate bunch 
of notes, some will become appendices.  None of it lends itself to 
a linear document production.

So a document interface could have a group of tab-like labels down 
the side of the page.  Analogous to those little page markers that 
I and I dare say many others use to mark pages or passages in a 
book for use during a lecture.  

The function would be able to be toggled on and off like Stylist and 
have  probably two default labels.  Say Notes and Bibliography 
with the ability to add more as required.

Part of the functionality would enable the user to define where if 
anywhere these pages would be placed within a printed document.  
Linking to notes from the main document should also be there.

The only name I could think of for this functionality is Deskpad

I've cc'd this to the User Experience list 
([EMAIL PROTECTED])  (forgive the cross post) because this 
is right up their alley.  If people think is a reasonable 
suggestion I'll do an RFE. 

I couldn't find anything like this anywhere in issue tracker... That 
doesn't mean to say it's not there.

But it would be a brilliant piece of functionality.  It would 
certainly save me having to have notebooks all over my desk and my 
deskpads would survive longer.  :)


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades

Re: [discuss] Request: Focus on Custom Animation in impress.

2007-09-30 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 01 October 2007 03:41, Mark wrote:
 (Currently Using: Open Office Version 2.3.0)


Hi Mark,

 I've been using Open Office (abb. OO from now on) for a while now
 (I'ts my main Office software) and I'd like to congratulate you
 on just how good its become. Its a replacement for MS office in
 many ways, but one area where is still lacks is Impress. I've
 been eagarly waiting for every new version of OO, but no mention
 of the ideas below...

 Impress as publishing software
 As OO doesn't have a direct equivalent of Publisher, Impress
 works really well as a substitute. Perhaps it would be an idea to
 market it as such, though I would add something into the start-up
 wizard to auto-setup the page to A4-portrait if users want a
 poster and another option (screen, landscape) for presentations.
 This would be a nice time saving feature.

We don't really want an equivalent of Publisher and I hope that it 
will never happen.  MS Publisher as a DTP application is seriously 
limited.  It sounds as though you want to use Draw.  Draw has all 
of the Graphical tools that Impress has and is designed for print 
media.  Create an A4 landscape template for draw and use that as 
your default template 

 Impress as a presentation creator. (My main annoyance in OO)
 The one area where this is program is lacking is in animation.
 While most of the useful animations from PowerPoint are there,
 the actual interface is very out-dated (equivalent PowerPoint 97
 and earlier). This area needs focusing on to catch up with MS as
 the best presentation software.

 A major advantage of PowerPoint is that you can open an advanced
 timeline and drag animations start and finish times around in a
 GUI form rather than having to tediuosly and time consumingly
 input every single value into a new window. PowerPoint also
 allows users to change the speed of a group of selected
 animations in one click from the top, OO does not allow this.

 Finally animations should be able to be copy/pasted to make an
 object do something more than once.

 If you could try to bring this area into line with PP2007 it
 would really make OOImpress the best presentation creator!

Firstly OOo is not a MSO clone, so we don't add things simply
because MS does.
Secondly I personally would object strongly to using developer time 
on this because it simply leads to bad practice in creating 

 Animations are one of the main advantages to presentations as
 opposed to overhead transparencies. Please could you do something
 about the current outdated and very user-unfriendly interface for
 animations at the moment. These ideas are PowerPoint standard and
 I believe they should be in OpenOffice too.

In fact animations are nothing more than a toy.  Reduce them as much 
as possible.  Slide transitions should be the same right through  a 
presentation so that your audience doesn't have to adjust to every 
different reveal.  Your message is the important thing, anything 
that distracts from that is waste.   I use nothing more than 
reveal for text within a slide and maybe wipe for transitions, 
anything more that is a distraction. 

 Has anyone requested these features before? Can you give me an
 idea on the likelihood of them being implemented?

Have a search on issue tracker, I would suspect there probably is.   
Unfortunately the likliehood is probably quite high. 


 The next generation of MSN Hotmail has arrived - Windows Live

ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [discuss] Converting legacy MS Office documents

2007-09-04 Thread Graham Lauder
On Wednesday 05 September 2007 06:24, Glen Lancaster wrote:

Hi Glen,

 Do you know of any free software that will convert batches of MS Office
 documents to the Open Document Format?

 I suggest that anyone thinking of adopting this new format will require
 such software, and it would be a great addition if you offered it as part
 of the Open Office Suite.


 Glen Lancaster

OOo does it on it's own

fileWizardsDocument Converter



ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [discuss] Accessing the Wiki was AA dumps Open Office, buys Microsof?

2007-07-20 Thread Graham
On Friday 20 July 2007 04:35, Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

Hey Kay

This discussion needs to be had on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.
as well so I've cc'ed it to that list

 Hi Yo,

 Graham wrote:
  Jonathon may be overstating it a little but not by much.  Finding stuff
  on the Wiki is a mission, possibly it was designed by the same ones who
  designed issuezilla!  ;)

 So, lets go on to improve it :-)

  We do need a rethink of the way everything is mapped on the site.  I
  don't however know how much (if any) we are restricted by the Collabnet

 I somehow have a feeling, but anyway, first we should know what we want
 to achieve, technical issues can be tackled later on ...

  There is an Art wiki for instance but no link or explanation about it on
  the Art frontpage.

 You mean ? Never have
 seen that before ... couldn't find the Art wiki though.

Not busy, not surprising 

  The Sitemap doesn't mention the
  wiki at all

 Yeah, seems that we want to keep some things secret ;-)

And seemingly doing a good job at doing that!  :)  

  There is a marketing wiki but again no mention or link to it on the front

 Some links are pointing into the wiki, but please see below.

  We need to define what people come to the site for:
  The three largest headers would be off the top of my head:

 I for myself basically differentiate between
 - users, using Writer or Calc etc.,
 - developers, using the API in one or the other way e.g. from Java or
 C++, and
 - implementors, wanting to contribute to OOos code base.

 Different people have different needs, though I am not a friend of
 artificially separating these groups, but may be to just provide
 different views to the site.

Agreed, don't separate these groups then.  We use headers according to what  
people want to achieve by visiting the site rather than title

So the three things that one should be able to achieve here are:

Obtain the software or the source code or documentation or Art - Hence 

Find out how to Use it, Build it, Market it, where to get it and so on - Hence 

Upon rethinking I will change the last one to Participate rather than 
contribute. So direct to mailing lists, Project Home Pages, NLC etc.   

  It seems to me that the Wiki has been an addon which we haven't figured
  out how to deal with in terms of promotion and so forth.

 The wiki is actually just a workaround for Collab not being able or
 willing to provide wiki functionality for the main site, IMHO we _do_
 _not_ want to have more than one site, but just want to use simple
 editing capabilities wikis do provide.

I am a fan of Wikis as long as they are accessible to all 



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ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

Promotional Gear for the discerning OOo Advocate

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
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Re: [discuss] AA dumps Open Office, buys Microsof?

2007-07-19 Thread Graham
On Thursday 19 July 2007 19:23, Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:
 Hi Jonathan,

 jonathon wrote:
  Whilst this is blatant propaganda by Microsoft, it is worth
  pointing out that the OOo website does an excellent job of
  hiding information from people that want/need to use it.
  The OOo wiki simply serves to hide it better from all and
  Both the website and the wiki need to be totally redesigned,
  so that people can find important things like the current
  roadmap for OOo 3.0, and OOo 4.0.

 I wouldn't say that sites (wiki and main site) need a total redesign,
 but I agree that they could be improved substantially. So, lets not just
 talk but do something ... do you have some ideas where information is
 lacking, what the requirements for the sites are etc.?

Jonathon may be overstating it a little but not by much.  Finding stuff on the 
Wiki is a mission, possibly it was designed by the same ones who designed 
issuezilla!  ;)

We do need a rethink of the way everything is mapped on the site.  I don't 
however know how much (if any) we are restricted by the Collabnet framework.

There is an Art wiki for instance but no link or explanation about it on the 
Art frontpage.

The Sitemap doesn't mention the wiki at 

There is a marketing wiki but again no mention or link to it on the front 

We need to define what people come to the site for:

The three largest headers would be off the top of my head:

It seems to me that the Wiki has been an addon which we haven't figured out 
how to deal with in terms of promotion and so forth.  





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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

Promotional Gear for the discerning OOo Advocate

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
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Re: [discuss] AA dumps Open Office, buys Microsoft for ‘compatibility’

2007-07-18 Thread Graham
On Thursday 19 July 2007 02:52, Robin Laing wrote:
 I read this article this morning and it doesn't fit my experiences but
 that it not the point.  What is important are the comments that OOo
 isn't compatible and no future plans.  I guess OOo isn't spending
 millions of dollars to sell the software.

 I would like to know the compatibility issues in more details.  This
 looks more like an advertisement than a true statement.

The Gentleman responsible for this; AA CIO Doug Wilson, is an ex MS employee 
and has substantial history with them.  The decision was less about the 
reasons stated and more about personal preference guided by MS people in his  


 There are also kickbacks in the form of free software for the employees.

 --- quote---
 “The first, with Open Office, is compatibility — sharing information
 with Microsoft products, both within the organisation and with external
 parties. A dual world is complicated and, whether people like it or not,
 Microsoft is a standard.

 “Second, you have no idea where open-source products are going, whereas
 vendors like Microsoft provide a roadmap for the future.

 “It’s about futures, planning and integration.”
 ---End quote---

ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

Promotional Gear for the discerning OOo Advocate

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Re: Publisher equivalent?

2007-01-21 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 23 January 2007 03:12, Adrian Try wrote:
  Actually I've used scribus, however I found 1000 times easier to do the
  same in Draw. I have used scribus for posters and things like that but
  magazine-like layouts I preffered Draw. I do miss a feature that write
  has and thats' the link between frames.  I wish Draw had that too.

 I wish draw was able to flow text from one frame to another too. I think
 that's one of the only things it's lacking as a desktop publishing program.

 Since that functionality is already in Writer, it shouldn't be too hard
 for it to be implemented in Draw as well.

 Is there an issue for that somewhere?


Yep,  goes back to 1.1

Obviously needs some votes


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [discuss] Referendum on changing length of CC service

2006-10-31 Thread Graham
On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 01:00 -0500, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
 You need to vote on this...
 The current length of service for Community Council office holders is  
 not working out. We have found that the stipulated terms are just not  
 long enough for us to get things done.


 Right now it is 12 months for project/native- 
 lang leads and 6 months for the CCR. The change would double that, to  
 24 months for leads and 12 months for the CCR.



ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

Get Dressed - Get OOoGear
Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [discuss] Student seeks participants for thesis survey about Open Source

2006-10-28 Thread Graham
On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 11:06 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
  The survey is confused. It mixes OO with FOSS indiscriminately and has
  missing response possibilities. 
 have you mailed that to Tobias as well?

I agree with Will the survey is muddled and the questionairre shows
limited understanding of Open Source and in general.
This shows that his prior research could have been better.  I would mail
Tobias but I have no address 


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

Get Dressed - Get OOoGear
Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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[discuss] Vote request for Issue 4854: Stylist Menu behaviour

2006-09-21 Thread Graham
One of the best features of OOo is Stylist. If a longtime OOo user is
forced to use MSO, if they're anything like me, the thing you miss the
most is stylist.

However it's not with out it's issues and one of the reasons that people
often don't use stylist is because of one particular UI behaviour. At
the bottom of the stylist window is a dropdown that defines which group
of styles the Stylist menu shows. It lists Custom Styles Applied
Styles Automatic and a few others. At present this always defaults to
Automatic upon opening a new Writer instance.

A number of people have requested that this behaviour be changed to at
least remember the last condition or a condition defined in a template.
This issue was opened in May 2002. We would like to encourage as many
people as possible to vote for this issue on issue tracker so we can perhaps
have it acted on for 2.1

 Also taking time to add an intelligent comment would be good.

Cheers and Thanks in advance

ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] An idea for menu entry File/Recent Documents

2006-08-29 Thread Graham
Al Weiss wrote:
 Terry wrote:

 On the original point, I believe it would enhance the software if the
 user had options regarding recent files.  I see no harm in permitting
 a user to elect to have only recent documents pertaining to the
 particular application displayed.  Why must it be one way or the other?

 YES! If I have been working on a spread sheet and then have to handle
 a number of text documents, when I go back to Calc I would like to
 recall the spreadsheets I was working on, not the documents. Maybe the
 menu could say-

 Recent Documents  This App 
  All Apps 

I'd have to disagree with this.  That just adds another click.  However
a Next 20 most recent in the dropdown would be cool, even if a little
memory hungry.

ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Bullets and numbering

2006-08-24 Thread Graham
Mart wrote:

 Its only a small thing. the way bullets and numbering work at the
 moment is...
 I type a line... set the bullet graphic and press enter this then
 creates another bullet underneath, which if i dont want  i can tap
 delete and i can carry on writing a standard line.

 But if i have a bullet, then create another bullet underneath this


 if i now press return after bullet line 2 it will create another
 bullet line 2 like this

 BULLET LINE 2 extra

 the trouble is, if i dont want another bullet line 2 underneath i
 cannot delete it because if i do it takes me back to writing a
 standard line. i have tried everything, what i would love to see is
 the delete key takes you back 1 bullet at a time, so i can be 4
 bullets lines in and each time i press delete it will take me back one
 this stops me having to just write all of them out as heading and then
 press tab on each one after i have finished.

Just as tab indents to next level, shift+tab will do the reverse and
take you up a level


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [discuss] Missing Product

2006-08-14 Thread Graham
 There is something missing that will complete the office suite.
 A Frontpage/Dreamweaver equivalent.  Improvements to
 Draw to allow web site graphics creation, like photoshop/fireworks.
 What brought my attention to it was my neighbours son was given
 a project to do over the summer holidays.
 He was told to use Frontpage, his mother looked to see how much
 it was and it cost 150GBP.  I eventually located an Academic
 package for 65GBP.  The problem is, a lot of parents can't afford
 the price tag, and a cheek for one off home coursework project.
Try NVU.  Downloadable from


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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[discuss] Calc: Copy paste problem

2006-06-27 Thread Graham Davis
When I copy a row (or rows) in a Calc sheet and then try paste special I
get a panel saying Source: unknown source and Selection: Unformatted
text. I've tried ctrl-shift-V and get the same result. A simple paste
works but when you're trying to move rows around that's not a lot of help.

I'm using OOo 2.0.2, SUSE 10.1, KDE 3.5.1 level a.


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[discuss] Re: Calc: Copy paste problem

2006-06-27 Thread Graham Davis
Graham Davis wrote:

 When I copy a row (or rows) in a Calc sheet and then try paste special I
 get a panel saying Source: unknown source and Selection: Unformatted
 text. I've tried ctrl-shift-V and get the same result. A simple paste
 works but when you're trying to move rows around that's not a lot of help.
 I'm using OOo 2.0.2, SUSE 10.1, KDE 3.5.1 level a.

Please ignore this. I've found the problem is Klipper. Deactivating this
removes the problem. 


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[discuss] Autorecovery saves nothing.

2006-05-19 Thread Graham Davis
I have Autorecovery set to store information every 15 minutes. Today, I had
a power failure. When I opened one of the documents I'd been editing and
Autorecovery kicked in and performed successfully - or so it said - I found
I'd lost five days data. Autorecovery has saved nothing since I last booted
the system.

I'm running OOo 2.0.2 on SUSE Linux 10.1 but this problem has been around
for various flavours of these products.


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Re: [discuss] note pad

2006-01-08 Thread Graham

Mark Cunningham wrote:

Firstly, I'm not talking about the archaic M$ product.

I've just been writing my dissertation on NeoOffice (the Mac port of 
Open Office) and realized there were some things I defiantly wanted to 
put into the document, but didn't yet know where to put them.

I need a place just to dump ideas while I'm working, where I won't 
forget about them. I've tried putting them in a second document, but 
that means they're not in my immediate focus range.

Currently my best solution is a piece of paperI think it would be 
lovely to be able to have a floating note pad, which sits to the side 
of my page instead. Don't know what I mean? I've done an edited 
screenshot to try to describe it;

Hope this is use full and thanks to everyone for the stonkingly great 
product OOO already is


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Hi Mark,
This should be put up on issuezilla as an RFE (request for enhancement)
login and go to and 
follow the instructions.

I like this idea as I do the same thing. My normal system is to have a 
text editor (Kate in my case) window open across the top with notes in 
and a Writer window open below, but a pane for putting notes in, docked 
below stylist for instance, or as a tab in navigator, would be an 
excellent idea.


Graham Lauder Marcon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Gold Assessor Trainer

Member Opendocument Fellowship

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Re: [discuss] Re: a more complete office suite

2005-11-18 Thread Robbie Graham
On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:51:25 -0600
Shawn K. Quinn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 22:31 -0500, mark wrote:
  Then, of course, there's the LARGE number of us who DESPISE HTML
  mail (aka virus-spreader email), and who REALLY DO NOT WANT to HAVE
  to open a goddamned dog-slow word processor to read our email. (We
  won't even *begin* to talk about idiots who send out .pdf email)
 Viruses in e-mail are a problem specific to Windows. In fact, I don't
 know why they aren't simply called Windows viruses, as that is the
 only operating system left for which viruses are seen in the wild on a
 regular basis.

Viruses and span could be slowed down or done away with if everyone
learn what Digital Signing is all about such as gnu-pg or pgp is and
sign all there email. If banks and other Company's started Digital
Signing there email's we could tell who emails are coming from and could
filter and delete them. Email and Digital Signing into as part of an
Office Suite would make a more complete office suite which is good for

 But you're right, usually HTML mail is just plain unnecessary.

Re: [discuss] Re: a more complete office suite

2005-11-08 Thread Robbie Darrell Graham
John Thompson wrote:
 On 2005-11-07, Robbie Darrell Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes, I also use Thunderbird. But I would like to use something that was
integrated into open office like Outlook is in Microsoft Office.
 I've never used Outlook to any great extent. What sort of integration are 
 you missing in OOo? Doesn't File...Send Document as email work? Or are 
 you looking for something else, like using OOo-Writer as your email 
Yes I would like to use OOo Writer as my email editor, Maybe there is a
way to use parts of OOo in other project or bring other projects into
the OOo family of projects.

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[discuss] a more complete office suite

2005-11-06 Thread Robbie Darrell Graham
Let me first said I love what is happen in Open It about
time  some one took on Microsoft the right way. But there needs to be
some more work done. I think for some one who works in an office you
need complete office suite with out have the following. Word Processing,
Spreadsheets,Drawing,Database,Sideshows,Address book,Email,Scheduling
all these program and data need to be easy to go between them.

Robbie Graham

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Re: [discuss] a more complete office suite

2005-11-06 Thread Robbie Darrell Graham
Daniel Kasak wrote:
 Robbie Darrell Graham wrote:
 Let me first said I love what is happen in Open It about
 time  some one took on Microsoft the right way. But there needs to be
 some more work done. I think for some one who works in an office you
 need complete office suite with out have the following. Word Processing,
 Spreadsheets,Drawing,Database,Sideshows,Address book,Email,Scheduling
 all these program and data need to be easy to go between them.

 All these applications already exist. I am posting this message from
 Thunderbird - an open-source email client.
 If you know about Thunderbird but choose not to use it, how about
 helping out write an email client for OpenOffice? There are a lot of
 people like yourself who keep asking for it - get all of them together
 and it should be child's play :)
Yes, I also use Thunderbird. But I would like to use something that was
integrated into open office like Outlook is in Microsoft Office.

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Re: [discuss] Bullets [EMAIL PROTECTED]!!!

2005-10-14 Thread Graham Lauder
On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 18:35 +1300, Morgan Read wrote:
 All I want to do is set the default bullet style (or numbering style for
 that matter) to something other than what occupies the top-left pane in
 Format - Bullets and Numbering... under the Bullets tab.  Not much, ha?
 In particular I'd like to set the default to the chunky dot next to the
 (default) pointy dot.  So that, when I hit Shift+F12 or the Bullet button on
 the Format bar I get a nice chunky dot rather than an horrid pointy one:)
 The only way I seem to be able use any other of the six bullet options (and
 btw, how do I change those six?) is to go through the Format - Bullets and
 Numbering... - Bullets tab dialogue, which is a right royal pita.
 I've been using OOo for a few years now (since .625, I'm on OOo1.9.125 now)
 and I'm sure I've solved this once, twice, how ever many times..., but it
 seems to be a reoccurring problem.  Can someone tell me what to set to fix
 this once and for all!
 Thanks all,

Hi Morgan,

First it's a good idea to work through the stylist for doing this sort
of thing.  So these instructions assume that you're doing that.

In stylist click on the list styles tab.  This gives you the standard 8
or so bullet and numbered list styles. 

Right click in the body of stylist and click new 
Give your style a name.  I usually create my personal styles with a
hyphen as the first character such as: -mystyle. This puts my own styles
at the top of the list.  
Set up your bullets however you want in the dialog window.

Now save the blank document as an OTT, say

Go to the file menutemplatesorganise
 In the Template Management window's left hand column, click
template then from the command dropdown menu click import

Navigate to wherever you save, select and click open will now appear under template in the lefthand column.
Highlight and in the commands menu click Set as
default template

Close the document.

Now when you open a new Writer instance it will launch your template as
the default and in the stylist panel you will see -mystyle listed.

Start a list- Double click -mystyle in the stylist window and there are
your bullets.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ 

mob: 027 494 4315

Opendocument fellowship 

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies) 


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Re: [discuss] Post the true version number, please!

2005-10-05 Thread Graham Lauder

Eric Peltzer wrote:

Why on earth does the OO.o site not post, up front right in the 
heading, the full actual version number of the software being offered 
for download? Without this number, it is pretty much impossible tell 
if one already has the most current version or not. To find this 
number, one pretty much has to download the current version and 
install it, or at least unpack it.

For instance, six weeks ago I downloaded what was called only 2.0 Beta 2. What was actually installed on my machine 
had the version number 1.9.125. Well actually, the heading above this 
says quite clearly ' 2.0.'  Nowhere in my actual 
installed version is it actually called Beta 2.

That's correct.  All the pre  RC versions are numbered right up 
to 1.9.130, for developers purposes it was kept that way.   Beta1 was 
1.9.113 or 118 or somewhere about there if  I remember correctly then 
there were several snapshots before  deciding that the next version was 
stable enough for Beta2 or 125 as you point out.  That was followed by 
more snapshots up to 130.  Not an unusual procedure but necessary, when 
the developers pump out new snapshots every two weeks or so, so that we 
can keep track of things.  Remember that these are alpha and beta 
versions not the full production version and so at this point the needs 
of the developers have a higher priority. 

Today, I noticed on the site that OO 2.0 Release Candidate is now 
available for download. No actual version number. So I downloaded 
this, thinking it was an updated version. Trying to install it, the 
install program informed me that I already had a LATER version of the 
program installed. Well that was a waste of a 75mb download. I still 
don't know what the actual version number of OO 2.0 this RC1 might be.

The problem you have is a windows installer problem and nothing to do 
with OOo.  It has issues with the long version numbers that OOo uses.  
Uninstall your 1.9.125 version  and reinstall 2.0RC1

Finally, why is this office software called rather than 
simply OpenOffice? Isn't 'dot org' connoting a website rather than an 

The dot org is the trademarked name of the suite, but it describes more 
than just that.  The name as it is, encompasses all of the parts of OOo. 
The Software, the website and the community.  That's why we like it just 
as it is. :)


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Re: [discuss] Make whole document page nonwhite

2005-08-20 Thread Graham Lauder

duwane huffaker wrote:

Last night I downloaded then installed your 1.9+ beta version.  I 
really like the writer program.  I do have a question.  Can I turn the 
entire electronic paper sheet from white to another color, such as 
black.  I would like the entire electronic paper sheet black so I 
can use green letters for typing.  After a couple of hours of typing I 
experience eyestrain when the electronic paper sheet is the normal 
white.  It would be OK to manually change back to normal white with 
black typing for printing purposes.

I am asking this question because when I tried to change the 
background color it went line by line and did not change the entire 

Thank you for your time and consideration.  A response would be 
greatly appreciated.

Easily done Duane:

Tools options appearance

Then select a colour from the Dropdown next to Document Background

Other than that, I intend to tell others about this wonderful software.

Many thanks, we think it's pretty special.  :)


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [discuss] Suggestions

2005-08-13 Thread Graham Lauder


If there is any way, could you please incorporate Power Point  
Access functionality? Thank You.---Bill

Hey Bill,
Unfortunately Powerpoint and Access are Microsoft brands so we can't put 
them in, they get tetchy about IP...which is ironic in itself.  :)

We do, however already have  a presentation programme : Impress and a  
Database: Base. 

The Advantage of this is; you don't get a copy of MS Office, you get which is far better... without even  considering value 
for money.  :) 

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [discuss] Next IRC talk.

2005-07-29 Thread Graham Lauder

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Greetings all,

The next IRC talk will be tomorrow at 09:00 UTC. This should be a 
suitable time for Asia and Australia. Hope you can make it.

Aiet Kolkhi from the Georgian NL project will be talking about 
software piracy and how it affects open source and in particular As you know, rampant piracy is a major issue in many 
countries, and it makes it harder to sell open source software.

Aiet will talk about his perspective on the issue, and possible ways 
to deal with the problem. During the discussion session we'll try to 
brainstorm some ideas for dealing with software piracy.

The talk title is: The influence of software piracy on open source

Talk time:
London   Sat 10:00 AM
Berlin   Sat 11:00 AM
Ljubljana  Sat 11:00 AM
Riga   Sat  Noon
Moscow   Sat  1:00 PM
Bangkok   Sat  4:00 PM
Beijin   Sat  5:00 PM
Perth   Sat  5:00 PM
Tokyo   Sat  6:00 PM
Sydney   Sat  7:00 PM


Woohoo, an IRC talk that I can get to and actually be awake.


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Re: [discuss] Adobe hosting Open Source / ISV discussion Webinar

2005-07-22 Thread Graham Lauder

Mike Jennings wrote:

This may be of interest to people on the list. If interested, please
contact Patrice Lagrange ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Challenges and solutions for ISVs to port applications to Linux. A
Webinar hosted by Adobe with the help of the Open Source Community.
Featured presentations from Adobe, KDE, GNOME, LSB and OSDL

Organized By: Patrice Lagrange ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


YES!  I don't know how many years I've been hanging out for this.

Adobe porting to Linux is to my mind, arguably the most significant 
tipping point in broad acceptance of linux on the desktop.

More power to them, I will be at that Webinar with bells on.


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Re: [discuss] Trouble with My Open Office .

2005-07-18 Thread Graham Lauder

Pam Drake wrote:

I have a computer, about 1 year old, running Windows XP. The store I bought it from had 
your Open Office (1.1.0)already installed on it when I purchased the system 
(NEW System, not a Used one)
For quite sometime, it worked fine for documents.  However, about 4 months ago, 
something happened when I had a document opened.
Now...every time I open a SAVED document, or try to open a NEW one, the screen comes up with a VERY LARGE  tool bar at the top showing 
3D Effects..Donuts...

(along with other selections like Backgrounds, Bullets, all in color)
I have to go to View Full Screen to make any changes on the document, or see 
what is written on the page below the LARGE tool bar.
How Can I make this GO AWAY...I prefer to open the document, and see the 
format, layout that I need to work with.
I went to the computer store, finally, this weekend..they said to contact you 
at your web site.

Please tell me if there is some button or toggle to reset, so it works like it 
use to.I don't like having this come up on my documents, covering the full 
Thank you,
Pam D


Hi Pam,
The fix is relatively simple.  OOo remembers the last view you had 
when you used  it last  so if you have Gallery open when you close the 
document then it will  open it when you relaunch the program.  The 
toggle  button that you so rightly assume is there is in the top tool 
bar on the right.  It looks like a little picture frame.  Mouse over it 
and the Gallery text box will popup.  Click that and it will go away.  
If it's not visible, right click on the blank area of the toolbar  and 
then click visible buttons in the dropdown menu.  The gallery button 
is right near the bottom of that menu.  Clicking it will toggle the 
gallery button on or off  your toolbar .



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Re: [discuss] 1.1.5 Release Candidate Is Here

2005-07-15 Thread Graham Lauder

Chris BONDE wrote:


Alex Janssen wrote:
[snipped 1.1.5rc announcement]

Hello Alex

1.1.5 is considered necessary as a bridge for 1.1.x users to attend to
a planned migration to 2.0 (uses the new OpenDocument format) when it
becomes available.

1.1.5 follows the 1.1.x codeline, and an important item that I did
miss from the message is that it includes the security patch that is
required for 1.1.4.



Jacqueline McNally
Lead, Marketing Project

You say that 1.15 is considered necessary as a bridge.  Does that mean I have to 
download and install 1.1.5  or can I stay with 1.1.3 until 2 is ready then go go go.



Basically over to you Chris.  1.1.5rc has the security patch of a couple 
of months ago in it. 
It also reads OpenDocument format documents that have been created in 
the M680 series.  Originally 1.1.5 was going to be released at the same 
as 2.0 to ease the migration path for enterprise users, but things have 
got just a little out synch is all.


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Re: [discuss] Text Color Changing in Writer

2005-07-11 Thread Graham Lauder

Zachary Barnett wrote:

Is there a way to change text color that does not involve highlighting 
already-typed text?  If this feature is not already available, it 
might be something that could make typing multi-colored text in 
documents easier.  Microsoft Word has a feature like this that enables 
one to instantly change the color of all text typed from the cursor 
from that point on by simply clicking the color one wants.  You don't 
have to highlight text to change color, although it is an option.  I 
apologize if this feature is already present (if so, please inform me 
on how to use it), but I have noticed that when I have to type 
documents quickly (taking notes at a lecture, for example), I simply 
don't have time to change text color by highlighting it, then choosing 
the color.  But it is not a problem to simply mouse over to the color 
panel, click the color I want, then keep typing in the new color.

Hi Zachary,
What you're asking for is a workaround not a feature.  :)  

OOo is not word and never will be thank heavens

What you have to remember is that OOo is designed to do large documents 
so formatting on the fly as you're suggesting is a recipe for disaster.  
So what OOo does is uses Stylist.  The problem with this of course is 
two fold. 
First, if you used to using word then stylist is a mystery. 
and second  it requires a little forward planning.

So before you need it. Open a new text document, Open stylist if you 
haven't already (F11 is the normal keyboard shortcut) dock it to 
whichever side suits you best (I usually make it a little narrower 
because I have it open all the time )  open the character stylist  (The  
page icon with the  A on it) right click on default and  click 
new on the dropdown that appears.  In the character style window  
give you new style a name . 
(I usually name according to the main style feature I'm using in this 
style: so for instance if I wanted red text I would call it something 
like _text red.  I put the underscore there because it puts it at the 
top of the list. Just makes it easier to find quickly later.)  
Click on the font effects tab and change the colour to whatever suits: 
say light red in our example.  You  can change font and bold and italic 
etc to while you're at it.
Of course you can do this as many times as you like so you can have 
different styles for different notes.

Save the blank document as a  writer template.

Now when you attend lectures simply open  that template and when you 
want to change the style of what you're typing simply double click the 
appropriate style in stylist.  You'll suddenly find it's actually faster 
and much  more versatile than word because you can have multiple 
dramatically different styles all available with a simple double click 
of your mouse.


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Re: [discuss] Re: EU says no to software patents

2005-07-07 Thread Graham Lauder

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Manolis Christodoulou wrote:

It's a wonderful day for all of us. But in this war, when I read/hear 
the word victory, I remember master Yoda's words: Victory you said? 
The dark side clouds everything...

Indeed... we've won a major victory, but the war is not over. Although 
this is a time of celebration, it is not yet time to take down the no 
software patents banners on your sites:

But still, this is a time to celebrate. I will. :-)


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While it is a small victory, in fact the politicos simply got shot of it 
so they didn't have to deal with the amendments that would have made it 
so they couldn't grant a patent for software.  All that happens now is 
that the status quo holds and the buck is returned to the member nations 
who can still patent software.

However on the upside the fact that they could see themselves being 
seriously unpopular if they had passed the  legislation means that the 
voice of FLOSS is being heard and people are taking notice


Graham Lauder MarCon New Zealand

INGOTs Certification Assessor Trainer 

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Re: [discuss] Lingua Latina

2005-06-20 Thread Graham Lauder

Jonathon Blake wrote:

Stardock wrote:


create an easier way to put macrons over vowels?

Easier than what?

I can type them directly from my keyboard.



Cool, perhaps you could explain how, for Stardocks benefit.

Graham Lauder MarCon New Zealand

INGOTs Certification Assessor Trainer 

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Re: [discuss] Project manager for OOo

2005-06-17 Thread Graham Lauder

Alex Janssen wrote:

I was thinking a method of saving the current state OOo, that is, 
saving the status of all of the currently open OOo application windows 
would be a handy feature.  Quite often I'll have 2 or 3 spreadsheets 
open along with 2 or 3 writer files.  I'll get interrupted and have to 
close them all.  It would be nice to reopen all of them to their 
previous state with one click.

I did not find anything like this in the issues.

I use a text editor called Vedit that has a feature they call 
Projects.  It uses the multi-document interface and the projects 
feature saves the current state of all of its open files.   MS, I 
think had a feature for Excel called a work book.

Really this would be just a list of the currently open files allowing 
you to reopen this group in the future.  It would be nice if the 
window sizes and locations would be saved as well.


An excellent idea.  Put it up on the issuezilla as an RFE.  Probably too 
late for 2.0, but for later.   I'd vote for that.


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[discuss] Another MS XML patent

2005-05-30 Thread Graham Lauder

Approved!  Unbelievable!,39024650,39190121,00.htm


Graham Lauder MarCon New Zealand

INGOTs Certification Assessor Trainer 

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Re: [discuss] Another MS XML patent

2005-05-30 Thread Graham Lauder

Graham Lauder wrote:

Approved!  Unbelievable!,39024650,39190121,00.htm


The original article in ZDNet,39020384,39200380,00.htm

Graham Lauder MarCon New Zealand

INGOTs Certification Assessor Trainer 

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Re: [discuss] Microsoft XML patent

2005-05-09 Thread Graham
Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
Graham wrote:
NZ Patent app no 525484.  Word processing document stored in a single
 xml file
The NZ Open Source Society has produced an objection to the above
pile of bovine excrement. A draft has been uploaded to

This URL works better with underscores, rather than spaces between MS,
Patent and Opposition. I assume a typo.
Peter HB
Works better with underscores as well.  ;)
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[discuss] Microsoft XML patent

2005-05-08 Thread Graham
NZ Patent app no 525484.  Word processing document stored in a single xml file
The NZ Open Source Society has produced an objection to the above pile of bovine excrement. 

A draft has been uploaded to Patent 
It would be appreciated if any sharp legal minds on the list would read and 
list address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [discuss] QuickStart in 1.9.79

2005-05-05 Thread Graham
Caleb Marcus wrote:
Hmm, 1.9.79 seems to be the latest beta, and I don't see it. Maybe 
it's because they haven't gotten the latest beta for bittorrent yet.

In truth, the latest beta is 1.9.100 but I think the latest torrent is 
1.9.87 and '95 coming shortly


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Re: [discuss] OO.o1.9.91 window docking issue?

2005-04-08 Thread Graham
Cor Nouws wrote:
Hi Jamie,
Jamie Borg wrote:
I've freshly downloaded the new beta from and am having 
difficulties to dock the Navigator and Stylist using any of the CTL, 
ALT or Shift keys and moving the mouse into any of the sides or corners.

Anyone else having this problem? The help doesn't mention how to 
activate docking other than double clicking. which doesn't work 
for me either.

System = Windows XP SP2

same problem over here...
I'm not sure if the behaviour is the same in Windows but in 1.9.91 on 
SuSE you don't have to hold any keys. Just click hold and drag to 
whichever side. In fact if you hold any keys down it won't dock.

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Re: [discuss] Novell and OOo for slick new Novell desktop

2005-04-07 Thread Graham
Carl William Spitzer IV wrote:
On Fri, 2005-04-01 at 04:44, Sam Hiser wrote:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux, though, comes out soundly on top as being the 
most full borne and professional desktop system of any (bar none), even 
Windows.  It's sold only in units of 10 at $2,500 per.  Now $250 seems 
like a lot to an individual student or hacker, but RHDT is a BUNDLED 
deal--with support, deployment, RH Network, etc-- so you can't compare 
it blindly across a distro pricing matrix.  Trust me, it's by far the 
best value and most complete; although out of the reach of mere mortals ;-)


I use Suse and can't envision what Redhat could have that Suse does not
except more books.  OTOH I can still buy boxed sets of Suse but not DR
who kicked the home user to the curb.  I use the Pro edition not
enterprise.  Looking foward to 9.3 and a new set of books.

I have at one time or another used all of the major Distro's,  MDK, RH,  
Xandros, Deb, Slack etc etc.  At present I have four machines running 
here: Ubuntu Warty Warthog, Mandrake 10.1, Xandros 2.5 and SuSE 9.2

And I have to agree that SuSE is the one that will remain my prime OS.  
I'm looking forward to getting NLD which will be 9.3 by any other name.
IMHO Novell will become MS's biggest threat in the desktop market.

Its my hope that when IBM buys Novell, a 3 year old rumor, it will
immediately rewrite the books and start publishing better manuals.  

Heh ain't that the truth, however IBM and Novell are so buddy buddy 
these days that it's hard to tell the difference.  So the question is : 
When IBM Workplace  turns from vapour to reality will it turn up in 
SuSE 10 or whatever comes next?  And then when that happens will it be 
suddenly discovered how much code that Novell developers have been 
feeding into Workplace rather than into OOo. 

Just my conspiracy theory for this week!  ;)
know we nixer's are all supposed to be hackers but I still prefer people
speak to geek when I want to solve a problem in a hurry.  RH is also
able to attract good third party writers and Suse could use some.

Heh, they should just employ OOoAuthors.  I've been reading the recently 
published stuff, I doubt Novell could do better anywhere.

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[discuss] Re: Novell planning big splash around OOo 2.0

2005-03-12 Thread Graham P Davis
Christian Einfeldt wrote:
It looks as if Novell is planning a big splash around OOo 2.0 with 
their next SuSE Linux release:,1759,1775214,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03129TX1K616
So next time that we get frustrated with each other let's remember 
our successes, too.  Of course, we can always do better, and of 
course we want to be as flexible as possible, but this is some good 
I don't see the point of Novell making a big splash of including 2.0 
beta. I hope they also have 1.1.4 in the package so that potential OOo 
users don't get the wrong impression of the software.

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Re: [discuss] Suggestion for the presentations tool

2005-03-11 Thread Graham Lauder
Nick Ward wrote:
It would be useful if one could insert JPEG files (e.g. corporate
logo).  OpenOffice complained when I tried to do this.  Works in
Powerpoint with the same JPEG file.

Works for me in 1.1.4 and 1.9.79 on Win2K and Mandrake 10
What version and OS are you having the problem with.
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Re: [discuss] Open Remember Cursor Position...

2005-02-19 Thread Graham Lauder
Peter Kupfer wrote:
Sorry to the Authors group for the cross post.
I do not know what the over all feeling on this issue is amongst the 
OOo community, but I am very sad about the lack of the OOo 2.0 to 
remember my cursor position when I open.

This is the new expected behavior. :(
There has been a long line of debate and discussion here about this 
topic, and right now I am not here to debate its merits or is 
pitfalls. I am just trying to advertise that those people, and there 
were many, that would like to see the old behavior back, have a place 
to voice that opinion and vote.

The rational for the change explained here 

I have been working with this issue for some time now, and I know 
there are many who support this feature that exists in 1.1.x and some 
that want it removed just because OOo has too many features (not my 

After some discussion with some people I have file issue #43146. If you would 
like to see this behavior returned to Writer sometime in the near 
future (I am told this is IMPOSSIBLE for v2) please vote and comment 
for it.

I know as editors of documents this feature is probably very useful 
for most of us. I know I appreciate it without even knowing it is there.

Some of you may say, Well in Word it doesn't remember, but if I press 
a shortcut it jumps to where I was last time.

This would be an acceptable solution, I suppose, but it was not 
implemented in 2.0 (at least not yet) even though the spec says it 

Please see issue # 39486

This has been requested.
Thank you for your time.
You have my vote on this one. 
I'd get on my soapbox over stupid features designed to copy Word... but 
I won't I'll just vote and encourage as many people as I can to do the same.

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Re: [discuss] Break it up

2005-01-28 Thread Graham Lauder
Tim Fairchild wrote:
On Friday 28 Jan 2005 12:50, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:

I'm on dialup and am not going to wait 7 hours for it to download.
Could you break it up into smaller zip files that I could down load
over a period of days?

Two immediate options, besides using a download manager (see

I just downloaded OOo 1.9 over dialup and my dialup is 21600 at best. With 
dialup anything over 5meg is a big download and needs a download manager IMO. 
I used wget (since I'm linux based) and downloaded OOo over a few sessions in 
two days...


I use Getright on win2K and set it going before I go to bed.
I am happy to say that the Telco guy has been up the road in the last 
couple of days and I've been getting 33K connection and 3.6k download 
since.  a vast improvement   My cup runneth over!  ;)

Getright terminates the connection  when the download is completed.  

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