Re: [Emc-users] Parallel port card that just works?

2011-08-18 Thread Kirk Wallace
On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 19:48 -0700, doug metzler wrote:
 Ok, I'm getting back to this and here are the steps I've gone through.
 My lspci -v shows the following addresses for the parallel ports on the card:
  I/O ports at a400 [disabled] [size=8]
  I/O ports at a000 [disabled] [size=8]
  I/O ports at 9800 [disabled] [size=8]
  I/O ports at 9400 [disabled] [size=8]
 I did some initial messing around with trying to get the pendant to
 work, but then I decided to go back to basics, so I commented out
 everything about the MPG and simply changed the default parallel port
 that EMC talks to to each of the above addresses in turn.
 So the default was # loadrt hal_parport cfg=0x378 out  which worked great
 I attached the parallel cable (turning the machine off each time) to
 the upper port (interesting note, when attaching the MPG to the upper
 port the LED on the MPG lit up, but on the lower port it did not)
 and went through each iteration of
 # loadrt hal_parport cfg=0xa400 out 
 # loadrt hal_parport cfg=0xa000 out 
 # loadrt hal_parport cfg=0x9800 out 
 # loadrt hal_parport cfg=0x9400 out 
 Each time firing up EMC and trying a manual move via the keyboard.

Did you also add the hal_parport functions to a thread? (I forget this
quite often) If not, to review, when you loadrt something, it loads
the something module and makes it available for use, or actually makes
the functions within the module available. A function can be run by
assigning it to a thread.  The command addf does this. The hal_parport
has two functions, one to read inputs which usually should be early in
the addf list, and the second writes the parport outputs, so should be
close to the end of the list. Typically the input status is used to
create a solution for the outputs, so the read command line needs to
come before the write. One tricky bit is, if needed, the addf command
can be appended with a 1 or -1. 1 overrides the normal as written
command line order and puts the command at the end of the assigned
thread, -1 puts the command at the front. I believe (and I could easily
be wrong) if there is more than one line with 1 or -1, they get stacked
at the end or beginning (nest) in the order that EMC2 sees them as
the .ini and .hal files are loaded and parsed. So, if you see a
sample .hal file with addf ... -1 you'll know what it means.

Once the read and write functions are running in the proper threads, the
HAL pins can be connected. Remember that the hal_parport ID starts with
0 and not 1.

I think you could loadrt all of the addresses (0x0378, 0xA400,
0xA000...) and set up the five addf's and leave the pins unassigned or
leave them in the default configuration. Actually, I seem to recall that
EMC2 won't load if an address isn't a real base port register, so you my
need to remove two addresses. My guess is that 0xA000 and 0x9400 are the
the base registers, the other two are extended registers. Then use
HALmeter or HALscope to monitor, let's say, the input pin that is
connected to the encoder phase A. For example, if the pin is pin 10,
open a HALmeter for each port on pin 10. When you turn the encoder, one
of the HALmeters should wiggle with 0 and 1.

 no luck.  I then turned off the machine and plugged the parallel cable
 into the lower port and went through the same iterations as above,
 with the same results.
 When I first started this adventure I was following the instructions here:
 and I issued these commands
 $ sudo modprobe parport_pc io=0xa400

I believe parport_pc is a generic Linux driver that sets up a standard
configuration for parallel drivers, such as for printers, tape drives,
and such. I think newer EMC2 versions can use this module and allows you
to loadrt using lpt0 or lpt1 instead of 0x0378 and such. Earlier EMC2
versions needed to have parport_pc unloaded.

 $ sudo modprobe lp

This is another generic Linux module for running printers. If you don't
have a printer on your PC, don't load it because it will or may assign
one or more parallel ports to printers and make them unavailable to
EMC2. You shouldn't need to modprobe anything to get EMC2 to use
parallel ports using hex register addresses.
 $ sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

CUPS is a frame work for running printers after parport_pc and lp have
sorted out the lower level stuff and has nothing to do with EMC2.

 so thinking that may have made the parallel port unobtainable I went into
 $ sudo nano /etc/modules
 and commented out the two lines that had been added.
 I then restarted the machine and went through the above iteration of
 port addresses a second time.
 All to no avail.
... snip

If the addf's are missing, the above should get you closer to a fix. I
would start with a copy of the generic stepper configuration when
prompted at EMC2's startup, along with the MPG connected to one of the
add-on ports. EMC2 will copy the example files to a new directory which
is configured to connect some 

Re: [Emc-users] OT ? Kalman Filter

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 03:07, Eric Keller wrote:

 You can get bogged down for years in this subject.  When I want to do
 something quick and dirty, I use a least squares filter.

Is this the same as the approach that I (re?)invented for deriving
velocity from noisy data:

1) Fit a least-squares polynomial to the data
raw_data - a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3...
2) Take the explicit differential of this polynomial
gradient = b + 2cx + 3dx^2...
3) Solve for the required X (potentially in the future, with caveats)

I have (almost undocumented, and forgotten) code somewhere that does
the same thing in up to 7 linear dimensions, if it is any use to

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Re: [Emc-users] On the status of BLDC component and Hostmot2

2011-08-18 Thread John Prentice
Andy, Peter W-  greetings

Thank you for info on the firmware naming.

Andy: What is the best place to find the mapping between the configuration 
tags for bldc and the personality word whose bits are used in the pin 
definitions to define the existence of some pins?

Best wishes

John Prentice

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Re: [Emc-users] On the status of BLDC component and Hostmot2

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 11:43, John Prentice wrote:

 Andy: What is the best place to find the mapping between the configuration
 tags for bldc and the personality word

Ignore personality, it's a side effect of the way that comp works
and the auto-generated documentation.

You will get the pins you need for the input and output modes you specify.

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Re: [Emc-users] Parallel port card that just works?

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 03:48, doug metzler wrote:

 When I first started this adventure I was following the instructions here:

 and I issued these commands
 $ sudo modprobe parport_pc io=0xa400
 $ sudo modprobe lp

 $ sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

That all sounds a bit counterproductive, I am afraid

I have found that it can be helpful to load the bare minimum when
investigating what works.

I would open two terminal windows (which are indicated below by T1 and T2)

T1 sudo dmesg -c
T1 {password}
That clears the dmesg buffer so that you can see through the cruft.
T2 halrun

T2 loadrt hal_parport cfg=0,1,2
T2 show funct
Hopefully you should see 6 functions,,, parport.0.write...
If not: T1 dmesg and read what it says.

Assuming it has all worked so far:
T2 loadrt threads
T2 addf thread1
T2 addf thread1
T2 addf thread1
T2 addf parport.0.write thread1
T2 addf parport.1.write thread1
T2 addf parport.2.write thread1
T2 start
(that last bit is rather important)
T1 dmesg

Now, in theory, you have your three auto-located parports linked to
HAL and running in a realtime thread. So, to see if the pins are
changing as hoped with the pendant attached:

T1 loadusr halmeter

This is the long-winded, manual way to set up HAL, but you do get to
see at what point it is failing.

The example above attempts to use parport_pc to locate the parports,
if that isn't loaded or isn't working, you can try the explicit
addresses in the loadrt hal_parport line instead of the indexes.

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread John Thornton
Scott, it does sound like you have exact same 1100M package as me. I was 
lucky when I purchased mine and a friend from Florida had the phone 
number for the Anilam Service Tech when I had a tuning problem. He spent 
45 minutes on the phone with me tuning the amps mostly with a voltmeter 
and a screwdriver. I'm going to the other shop today (where the Anilam 
is located) and I'll bring my notes back that I tried to take while 
talking on the phone and tuning the amps. There might be some useful 
info on the amps in there.

I've not looked as close at mine as you have but the encoder is shared 
by both the drive and the controller?

I'll take some photos of my cabinets and put them on the forum later.


On 8/17/2011 2:48 PM, Scott Hasse wrote:
 John: Thanks, I'm hoping the documentation will turn out to be useful.
   We got the mill second or third hand, so we don't have the conversion
 information.  Do you know if you can see the tuning parameters in the
 Anilam control software?  Even with the following error at 1 inch it
 eventually hits following error.

 This Anliam mill has the velocity feedback going directly to the servo amps,
 both for EMC2 and Anilam control (I did not change that wiring).  I have
 rotary encoders only.

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 03:53, Scott Hasse wrote:

 However, when the
 directions are aligned such pressing - in the pncconf open loop test
 actually moves it in a X+ direction,

Which it are you talking about?
Conventionally X+ moves the table left or tool right, as coordinates
are tool relative to work.

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread Scott Hasse
Jon: That indeed does sound like a good plan.  I should have some time to
try that tonight.  I believe my hal configuration does have all that set
properly, but I will double check.

Peter: Agreed, I will check the feedback direction

Andy: I should have clarified this better.  When things are correct, X+ does
indeed move the table left.  I guess the it I was referring to was the fixed
tool head relative to the table :-S.

John: The encoder does not go to the servo amp, only EMC2/Anilam depending
on what is hooked up.  Photos would be great, and I'll try to get some up as
well some point soon.

One hopefully quick question I have is with respect to the PID P parameter.
Everything I've seen seems to indicate this should be a positive number in
the EMC2 configuration.  Is that correct?



On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 6:28 AM, John Thornton wrote:

 Scott, it does sound like you have exact same 1100M package as me. I was
 lucky when I purchased mine and a friend from Florida had the phone
 number for the Anilam Service Tech when I had a tuning problem. He spent
 45 minutes on the phone with me tuning the amps mostly with a voltmeter
 and a screwdriver. I'm going to the other shop today (where the Anilam
 is located) and I'll bring my notes back that I tried to take while
 talking on the phone and tuning the amps. There might be some useful
 info on the amps in there.

 I've not looked as close at mine as you have but the encoder is shared
 by both the drive and the controller?

 I'll take some photos of my cabinets and put them on the forum later.


 On 8/17/2011 2:48 PM, Scott Hasse wrote:
  John: Thanks, I'm hoping the documentation will turn out to be useful.
We got the mill second or third hand, so we don't have the conversion
  information.  Do you know if you can see the tuning parameters in the
  Anilam control software?  Even with the following error at 1 inch it
  eventually hits following error.
  This Anliam mill has the velocity feedback going directly to the servo
  both for EMC2 and Anilam control (I did not change that wiring).  I have
  rotary encoders only.

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[Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread
While I am still a long ways from completing my lathe project I have come to a 
crossroads with my drive system.  I would like use the existing Fanuc DC 
brushed drives.  But am having a hard time deciding what I should go with.  
They are Fanuc models 10m and 5m.  
  What drives are people using to drive their Brushed beasts with?


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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 13:10, Scott Hasse wrote:

 One hopefully quick question I have is with respect to the PID P parameter.
 Everything I've seen seems to indicate this should be a positive number in
 the EMC2 configuration.  Is that correct?

It should be what works. if it needs to be negative, so be it.

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Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread Igor Chudov
I am using SEM motors that came with the mill, they work great. I have three
Electro-Craft motors for sale also and one SEM motor.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:03 AM, wrote:

 While I am still a long ways from completing my lathe project I have come
 to a crossroads with my drive system.  I would like use the existing Fanuc
 DC brushed drives.  But am having a hard time deciding what I should go
 with.  They are Fanuc models 10m and 5m.
  What drives are people using to drive their Brushed beasts with?


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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread Peter C. Wallace
On Thu, 18 Aug 2011, Scott Hasse wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 07:10:03 -0500
 From: Scott Hasse
 Reply-To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

 One hopefully quick question I have is with respect to the PID P parameter.
 Everything I've seen seems to indicate this should be a positive number in
 the EMC2 configuration.  Is that correct?

Yes, the PID component MUST have positive tuning coeficients. If you need to 
reverse the feedback, change the sign of the output scale.

The reason I emphasize this is that the PID compnent has a bug with negative 
tuning parameters that can lead to runaway on an otherwise properly setup 
control loop that saturates.



Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
()_() signature to help him gain world domination.

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Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 14:03, wrote:
 While I am still a long ways from completing my lathe project I have come to 
 a crossroads with my drive system.  I would like use the existing Fanuc DC 
 brushed drives.  But am having a hard time deciding what I should go with.  
 They are Fanuc models 10m and 5m.
  What drives are people using to drive their Brushed beasts with?

I am not sure I understand the question. Is it just the Fanuc motors
you intend to retain, or the motor-drives (amps) too?

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 14:48, andy pugh wrote:

 It should be what works. if it needs to be negative, so be it.

Ignore this, Pete has pointed out a reason that this isn't true in the
specific EMC2 case.

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Re: [Emc-users] OT ? Kalman Filter

2011-08-18 Thread Dan Christian
I sounds like you really only need a state estimator.  A kalman filter
handles things like variable uncertainty (which is essential for
things like GPS).  It takes quite a lot of computing power (you have
to invert a matrix, with is N^3) and is complicated to get right (some
corner cases can be unstable).

If your system error is constant, then a state estimator is all you
need.  You just need a model of the system (probably just a second
order physics model), and an estimate of the noise (probably hand
tuned).  Any controls book on state space controls should cover state


On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:34 PM, Dave wrote:

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread Karl Cunningham

You might check whether pncconf is producing the proper polarity in the 
INI file for INPUT_SCALE (for the encoder) and OUTPUT_SCALE (for the PWM 

I believe there was a bug in an earlier version of pncconf. I ran into 
that and had to edit the INI file by hand to make both values negative, 
which was required for my setup.


On 08/17/2011 07:53 PM, Scott Hasse wrote:
 OK, so this has turned into a more interesting problem than I initially
 thought it would be.  I've used halmeter to verify that, for instance,
 pin pid.x.enable is indeed getting enabled when the machine gets to the on
 state.  Additionally, the pid.x.output becomes non-zero after the machine is
 turned to the on state, so I believe EMC2 for some reason thinks the motor
 needs to move.

 One odd thing is that I have triple verified in the pncconf open loop test
 that pressing + moves the table in the X+ direction and the encoders reflect
 positive movement.  Negative moves the table in the X- direction and the
 encoders reflect negative movement.  My encoders might not be absolutely
 scaled correctly, but they are in the ballpark.  This correct
 configuration requires me to have the motor directions reversed.  Under that
 configuration the mill wants to run away fairly rapidly.  However, when the
 directions are aligned such pressing - in the pncconf open loop test
 actually moves it in a X+ direction, it reaches a following limit but not
 nearly as rapidly.

 With the servo amp input signal grounded, the axes do indeed move a tiny
 amount, but my understanding is that is OK and the the EMC2 PID feedback
 loop should correct that.

 I've put the full pncconf, hal and ini configuration files under revision
 control here:

 The configs are 100% generated via pncconf, no hand-editing.

 This one for now has me stumped, so I'll have to sleep on it.  Again, thanks
 all for the great advice.  I still suspect I have a simple problem, but I
 cannot figure out what.


 On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 4:03 PM, James Louis


 You got a lot of replies on a topic with a lot of fog surrounding it, but I
 need to chime in here so you don't repeat my mistake: I broke a motor
 coupling about a year ago during servo tuning.  The sound almost scared the
 coolant out of me!
 I am no controls expert, but I now know why it happened.  It was because I
 didn't model my own system before blindly tinkering with the ini file.
 Before doing anything I would advise knowing your Anilam servo amps.  For
 example, my Yaskawa servo amps close a current loop internally, then have a
 velocity loop outside of that with adjustable P and I (via autotuning).
 EMC2 then closes the outermost position loop using only P and FF1.  This is
 known as a P/PI Cascade Loop with Velocity Feed Forward.  The I and D terms
 in my ini file remain at zero!
 It took a lot of reading outside of EMC2 documentation to cut through the
 fog, but it is now clear to me.  There are several possible ways of nesting
 loops and combining control terms beside PID, so don't fall for the add a
 little of this and then a little of that approach.

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Hasse []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 2:32 PM
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

   I'm in the shop working on this right now and am wondering how to verify
 PID loop is providing feedback to each axis.  I've been using pncconf to
 generate the configuration, and assumed since it allows you to set PID that
 it would configure it to feedback automatically.  However, since I've been
 using pncconf as a crutch, I'm not sure off-hand how to config PID feedback
 is working.  I see P, I, D values in the ini file for each axis, but I am
 still seeing small amounts of servo instability.

 I see the instability even with the servo signal grounded.

 I have followed this page:

 and verified that the output voltages are correct, but get stumped at the:

 Set up PID loop add the loop and interconnect step.

 Thanks in advance for any advice,


 On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 7:55 AM, John  wrote:

 The 1100M came both ways with glass scales (earlier model) then with
 encoder feedback. Mine is the encoder variety of 1100M.


 On 8/17/2011 7:28 AM, andy pugh wrote:
 On 17 August 2011 04:15, Scott   wrote:

 To the point, though, I am having one not-so-minor problem.  When I
 the servos, they are not completely stable, and I'll get following
 almost immediately after enabling them.  They don't run away, but the
 encoders show them moving ever so slightly, and physically the motors
 actually are 

[Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread John Thornton
I have a BP Discovery 308 with Simodrive 611 drives for the axis and 
spindle. There seems to be a broader range of drive/motor guys that 
follow the mailing list... so I'm posting the question here.

My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to 2400 rpm 
in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when 
running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up 
will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000 
RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

I've opened up the power supply section and replaced all the caps 
recently and that did not have any effect on the symptom.

Would there be any reason to dig into the spindle and try and check the 


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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread John Thornton

I found my sketchy notes on tuning the drives...

Pin 1-2 should be 0.0mV Balance is RV5

Signal Gain start at 20.0 then run lag test (Anilam) I assume that to be 
a following error test that can be done with Halscope.

I have the Anilam Installation Guide in pdf that pertains to the 
physical installation (comes in handy when fixing something) as well as 
a few other things that might be of use to you if you contact me 
directly I can e-mail them to you.


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Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread

Sorry about any confusion.  I am going to retain the motors.  I am planning on 
upgrading the resolver/ tac gen setup with encoders.  I was actually have built 
some of the UHU HP boards but recent testing has been given poor results @ 
operating voltages (160v).  They  showed promise @ 100v but when setup to 160v 
some of the traces on the boards fried.  I would prefer an off the shelf 
component that is dependable and more reliable for this installation.  So I am 
curious what other peoples suggestions are.

- Reply message -
From: andy pugh
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives
Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 6:58 am

On 18 August 2011 14:03, wrote:
 While I am still a long ways from completing my lathe project I have come to 
 a crossroads with my drive system.  I would like use the existing Fanuc DC 
 brushed drives.  But am having a hard time deciding what I should go with.  
 They are Fanuc models 10m and 5m.
  What drives are people using to drive their Brushed beasts with?

I am not sure I understand the question. Is it just the Fanuc motors
you intend to retain, or the motor-drives (amps) too?

Torque wrenches are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men

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Get a FREE DOWNLOAD! and learn more about uberSVN rich system, 
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the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
tools developers use with it.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread Peter C. Wallace
On Thu, 18 Aug 2011, John Thornton wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 10:29:11 -0500
 From: John Thornton
 Reply-To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 To: EMC Mailing List
 Subject: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611
 I have a BP Discovery 308 with Simodrive 611 drives for the axis and
 spindle. There seems to be a broader range of drive/motor guys that
 follow the mailing list... so I'm posting the question here.

 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to 2400 rpm
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

 I've opened up the power supply section and replaced all the caps
 recently and that did not have any effect on the symptom.

 Would there be any reason to dig into the spindle and try and check the


Does the Z axis move the motor? maybe its an intermittant electrical 
connection. (I guess loose brushes might qualify as an intermittant electrical 
connection as well)

Is it possibly just a dip in you line voltage tripping the error?

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Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
()_() signature to help him gain world domination.

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user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take 
the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread Dave
Sounds like you have a common DC bus between your spindle drive and your 
Z axis drive?

If the DC bus dips too far, the drive will shutdown.

You may want to put a meter on the DC bus and run the drives and see if 
the bus isn't dipping just prior to the shutdown.   Make sure you use a 
good meter - a 400 volt AC input power supply will have about 600 volts 
of DC bus voltage.

All drive systems have their limits.  Perhaps they slightly undersized 
the DC power supply section on that drive system?

On my lathe I have a 611 spindle drive and I was tripping the drive out 
frequently, I ended up pulling out the spindle motor and I replaced all 
of the brushes which were obviously shot, and I polished up the 
commutator and it now runs
perfectly.   I just did that a few months ago.


On 8/18/2011 11:29 AM, John Thornton wrote:
 I have a BP Discovery 308 with Simodrive 611 drives for the axis and
 spindle. There seems to be a broader range of drive/motor guys that
 follow the mailing list... so I'm posting the question here.

 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to2400 rpm
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

 I've opened up the power supply section and replaced all the caps
 recently and that did not have any effect on the symptom.

 Would there be any reason to dig into the spindle and try and check the


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Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread Jarrett Johnson
Check out Granite Devices, great boards and good support. I use a set 
of them on my machine and they are rated for the higher voltages. 


J. Johnson

On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:32:31 -0700, wrote:

 Sorry about any confusion. I am going to retain the motors. I am 
 planning on upgrading the resolver/ tac gen setup with encoders. I 
 was actually have built some of the UHU HP boards but recent testing 
 has been given poor results @ operating voltages (160v). They showed 
 promise @ 100v but when setup to 160v some of the traces on the 
 boards fried. I would prefer an off the shelf component that is 
 dependable and more reliable for this installation. So I am curious 
 what other peoples suggestions are. 

 - Reply message -
 From: andy pugh
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Subject: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives
 Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 6:58 am

 On 18 August 2011 14:03, wrote:
  While I am still a long ways from completing my lathe project I 
 have come to a crossroads with my drive system.  I would like use 
 the existing Fanuc DC brushed drives.  But am having a hard time 
 deciding what I should go with.  They are Fanuc models 10m and 5m. 
   What drives are people using to drive their Brushed beasts with?

 I am not sure I understand the question. Is it just the Fanuc motors
 you intend to retain, or the motor-drives (amps) too?

 -- atp
 Torque wrenches are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men

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 administration capabilities and model configuration. Take the hassle 
 out of deploying and managing Subversion and the tools developers use 
 with it.
 Emc-users mailing list
 Get a FREE DOWNLOAD! and learn more about uberSVN rich system, user 
 administration capabilities and model configuration. Take the hassle 
 out of deploying and managing Subversion and the tools developers use 
 with it.
 Emc-users mailing list

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user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take 
the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
tools developers use with it.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread samco
I thought granite devices are step/dir.  (well - I guess I don't know what the 
OP was thinking.)  If I was going that route - I would get one of the servo 
interface solutons for emc (pico systems, mesa are probably the biggest - I use 
mesa) and some analog drives.  (or mesa and pico have drive solutions iirc)

I would seriously look at running true closed loop (not step/dir drives)  It 
take a little more work to setup - but having encoder feedback directly to emc 
has so many benifits.  

On my conversion - I am using mesa interface hardware and analog AMC servo 
drives (ebay purchases).  Very happy with it.


On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 10:23:55 -0600
 Jarrett Johnson wrote:
 Check out Granite Devices, great boards and good support. I use a set 
 of them on my machine and they are rated for the higher voltages. 
 J. Johnson
 On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:32:31 -0700, wrote:
  Sorry about any confusion. I am going to retain the motors. I am 
  planning on upgrading the resolver/ tac gen setup with encoders. I 
  was actually have built some of the UHU HP boards but recent testing 
  has been given poor results @ operating voltages (160v). They showed 
  promise @ 100v but when setup to 160v some of the traces on the 
  boards fried. I would prefer an off the shelf component that is 
  dependable and more reliable for this installation. So I am curious 
  what other peoples suggestions are. 
  - Reply message -
  From: andy pugh
  To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
  Subject: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives
  Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 6:58 am
  On 18 August 2011 14:03, wrote:
   While I am still a long ways from completing my lathe project I 
  have come to a crossroads with my drive system.  I would like use 
  the existing Fanuc DC brushed drives.  But am having a hard time 
  deciding what I should go with.  They are Fanuc models 10m and 5m. 
    What drives are people using to drive their Brushed beasts with?
  I am not sure I understand the question. Is it just the Fanuc motors
  you intend to retain, or the motor-drives (amps) too?
  -- atp
  Torque wrenches are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise 
  Get a FREE DOWNLOAD! and learn more about uberSVN rich system, user 
  administration capabilities and model configuration. Take the hassle 
  out of deploying and managing Subversion and the tools developers use 
  with it.
  Emc-users mailing list
  Get a FREE DOWNLOAD! and learn more about uberSVN rich system, user 
  administration capabilities and model configuration. Take the hassle 
  out of deploying and managing Subversion and the tools developers use 
  with it.
  Emc-users mailing list
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 user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take 
 the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
 tools developers use with it.
 Emc-users mailing list

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user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take 
the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
tools developers use with it.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread John Thornton
Yes, the spindle motor moves with the Z. The spindle speed symptom is 
repeatable so I assume intermittent connections would be ruled out...

Thanks for the ideas

On 8/18/2011 11:01 AM, Peter C. Wallace wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Aug 2011, John Thornton wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 10:29:11 -0500
 From: John
 Reply-To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 To: EMC Mailing
 Subject: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

 I have a BP Discovery 308 with Simodrive 611 drives for the axis and
 spindle. There seems to be a broader range of drive/motor guys that
 follow the mailing list... so I'm posting the question here.

 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to2400 rpm
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

 I've opened up the power supply section and replaced all the caps
 recently and that did not have any effect on the symptom.

 Would there be any reason to dig into the spindle and try and check the

 Does the Z axis move the motor? maybe its an intermittant electrical
 connection. (I guess loose brushes might qualify as an intermittant electrical
 connection as well)

 Is it possibly just a dip in you line voltage tripping the error?

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 Peter Wallace
 Mesa Electronics

 (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
 ()_() signature to help him gain world domination.

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 user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take
 the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the
 tools developers use with it.
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user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take 
the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
tools developers use with it.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread John Thornton
Yes it is a common DC drive for the spindle and all the axis. I've had a 
good meter on the DC buss and can not see any voltage fluctuation of any 
magnitude when starting up the spindle. And yes it is a 600VDC buss.

I'll go for the brushes next break in the action I have... I see a bit 
of time to do that in about a month. Are the brushes special? Or where 
did you get them?

Thanks for the ideas

On 8/18/2011 11:18 AM, Dave wrote:
 Sounds like you have a common DC bus between your spindle drive and your
 Z axis drive?

 If the DC bus dips too far, the drive will shutdown.

 You may want to put a meter on the DC bus and run the drives and see if
 the bus isn't dipping just prior to the shutdown.   Make sure you use a
 good meter - a 400 volt AC input power supply will have about 600 volts
 of DC bus voltage.

 All drive systems have their limits.  Perhaps they slightly undersized
 the DC power supply section on that drive system?

 On my lathe I have a 611 spindle drive and I was tripping the drive out
 frequently, I ended up pulling out the spindle motor and I replaced all
 of the brushes which were obviously shot, and I polished up the
 commutator and it now runs
 perfectly.   I just did that a few months ago.


 On 8/18/2011 11:29 AM, John Thornton wrote:
 I have a BP Discovery 308 with Simodrive 611 drives for the axis and
 spindle. There seems to be a broader range of drive/motor guys that
 follow the mailing list... so I'm posting the question here.

 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to2400 rpm
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

 I've opened up the power supply section and replaced all the caps
 recently and that did not have any effect on the symptom.

 Would there be any reason to dig into the spindle and try and check the


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 user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take
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 tools developers use with it.
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the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
tools developers use with it.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread Kirk Wallace
On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 08:32 -0700, wrote:
 Sorry about any confusion.  I am going to retain the motors.  I am
 planning on upgrading the resolver/ tac gen setup with encoders.  I
 was actually have built some of the UHU HP boards but recent testing
 has been given poor results @ operating voltages (160v).  They  showed
 promise @ 100v but when setup to 160v some of the traces on the boards
 fried.  I would prefer an off the shelf component that is dependable
 and more reliable for this installation.  So I am curious what other
 peoples suggestions are.
... snip

I replaced my HNC resolvers and tachs with encoders: 

and used Jon's amps: 

I'm running at 100 Volts, but the amps are rated for 160 Volts.

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread Dave
I think you will probably have to order the brushes via a motor shop or 
directly from Siemens if they are Siemens motors.The Siemens office 
in Elk Grove Village, IL  would probably take a credit card order over 
the phone if you want to buy them direct.

I don't know how big your spindle motor is but I think there was 24 
brushes in my spindle motor.They were in 4 gangs around the 
commutator.They were perhaps 5/8 x 1/4 in section and probably just 
over an inch long.

I had to pull the motor from the machine so I could get to them all.

They came shrinkwrapped to a piece of cardboard, but they were sourced 
from the UK and I don't think they were Siemens OEM equipment.They 
were spares that came with the lathe.

I have no idea how much they cost.   If you come up short on sources I 
am sure that I know of a couple here in Indiana that will sell to you.   
I also have the source from the UK also if you need that.


On 8/18/2011 12:59 PM, John Thornton wrote:
 Yes it is a common DC drive for the spindle and all the axis. I've had a
 good meter on the DC buss and can not see any voltage fluctuation of any
 magnitude when starting up the spindle. And yes it is a 600VDC buss.

 I'll go for the brushes next break in the action I have... I see a bit
 of time to do that in about a month. Are the brushes special? Or where
 did you get them?

 Thanks for the ideas

 On 8/18/2011 11:18 AM, Dave wrote:

 Sounds like you have a common DC bus between your spindle drive and your
 Z axis drive?

 If the DC bus dips too far, the drive will shutdown.

 You may want to put a meter on the DC bus and run the drives and see if
 the bus isn't dipping just prior to the shutdown.   Make sure you use a
 good meter - a 400 volt AC input power supply will have about 600 volts
 of DC bus voltage.

 All drive systems have their limits.  Perhaps they slightly undersized
 the DC power supply section on that drive system?

 On my lathe I have a 611 spindle drive and I was tripping the drive out
 frequently, I ended up pulling out the spindle motor and I replaced all
 of the brushes which were obviously shot, and I polished up the
 commutator and it now runs
 perfectly.   I just did that a few months ago.


 On 8/18/2011 11:29 AM, John Thornton wrote:
 I have a BP Discovery 308 with Simodrive 611 drives for the axis and
 spindle. There seems to be a broader range of drive/motor guys that
 follow the mailing list... so I'm posting the question here.

 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to2400 rpm
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

 I've opened up the power supply section and replaced all the caps
 recently and that did not have any effect on the symptom.

 Would there be any reason to dig into the spindle and try and check the


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tools developers use with it.

[Emc-users] driver timing settings

2011-08-18 Thread For Sale Sticker
The electronics is new to me so please excuse the simpleness of my question.

Here is the timing info I have for my drivers:

Now I need to get the right figures to use for Step Time, Step Space, Direction 
Hold, and Direction Setup.

What should I use for the value of step Time?
I have guessed at the others ??

Step Time:
Step Space: 3000
Direction Hold: 5500
Direction Setup: 2000

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Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread Jon Elson
John Thornton wrote:
 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to 2400 rpm 
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when 
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up 
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000 
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.
What you need to do is insert a filter between the spindle speed command 
and the DAC that sends
the speed command to the drive.  I have used the hal lowpass component 
for this, but apparently
the limit component can also be used to limit the rate of change of the 

See :
for how I have spindle speed filtered on my Bridgeport.

As for the Z movement giving a fault, I can imagine a couple possible 
things.  One is if all the power
supplies are common, the rapid Z move might cause the DC bus voltage to 
dip.  Another possible
thing is the spindle spline is binding and causing the bearings to drag.


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Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread John Thornton
Sorry, I should have stated up front that this machine is not running 

The fix needs to be on the hardware side as it should work as is. I use 
a programming workaround now to get to 6000 RPM with a slight G4 pause 
between speed increases.

The Z does not have a spline on the spindle it is a VMC so the whole 
spindle and motor is moved by the Z servo.

Thanks for the link I'll save that for when I change my BP Series 1 with 
Anilam control to EMC2.

Thanks for the ideas


On 8/18/2011 1:29 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
 John Thornton wrote:
 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to2400 rpm
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

 What you need to do is insert a filter between the spindle speed command
 and the DAC that sends
 the speed command to the drive.  I have used the hal lowpass component
 for this, but apparently
 the limit component can also be used to limit the rate of change of the

 See :
 for how I have spindle speed filtered on my Bridgeport.

 As for the Z movement giving a fault, I can imagine a couple possible
 things.  One is if all the power
 supplies are common, the rapid Z move might cause the DC bus voltage to
 dip.  Another possible
 thing is the spindle spline is binding and causing the bearings to drag.


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tools developers use with it.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread Clint Washburn
I have looked at both thanks for the feedback.  I am trying to weigh my
options.  I have a MESA 5I20 that I am currently using mostly for general
I/O for the toolchanger but also planned to use it for the AXIS control.  I
am looking for the best bang for the buck.  I am not finding very many
companys that offer big enough drives for the size motors I am using...  I
actually hope to do closed loop when all said and done

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 9:38 AM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

I thought granite devices are step/dir.  (well - I guess I don't know what
the OP was thinking.)  If I was going that route - I would get one of the
servo interface solutons for emc (pico systems, mesa are probably the
biggest - I use mesa) and some analog drives.  (or mesa and pico have drive
solutions iirc)

I would seriously look at running true closed loop (not step/dir drives)  It
take a little more work to setup - but having encoder feedback directly to
emc has so many benifits.  

On my conversion - I am using mesa interface hardware and analog AMC servo
drives (ebay purchases).  Very happy with it.


On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 10:23:55 -0600
 Jarrett Johnson wrote:
 Check out Granite Devices, great boards and good support. I use a set 
 of them on my machine and they are rated for the higher voltages. 
 J. Johnson
 On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:32:31 -0700, wrote:
  Sorry about any confusion. I am going to retain the motors. I am 
  planning on upgrading the resolver/ tac gen setup with encoders. I 
  was actually have built some of the UHU HP boards but recent testing 
  has been given poor results @ operating voltages (160v). They showed 
  promise @ 100v but when setup to 160v some of the traces on the 
  boards fried. I would prefer an off the shelf component that is 
  dependable and more reliable for this installation. So I am curious 
  what other peoples suggestions are. 
  - Reply message -
  From: andy pugh
  To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
  Subject: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives
  Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 6:58 am
  On 18 August 2011 14:03, wrote:
   While I am still a long ways from completing my lathe project I 
  have come to a crossroads with my drive system.  I would like use 
  the existing Fanuc DC brushed drives.  But am having a hard time 
  deciding what I should go with.  They are Fanuc models 10m and 5m. 
    What drives are people using to drive their Brushed beasts with?
  I am not sure I understand the question. Is it just the Fanuc motors
  you intend to retain, or the motor-drives (amps) too?
  -- atp
  Torque wrenches are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise

  Get a FREE DOWNLOAD! and learn more about uberSVN rich system, user 
  administration capabilities and model configuration. Take the hassle 
  out of deploying and managing Subversion and the tools developers use 
  with it.
  Emc-users mailing list

  Get a FREE DOWNLOAD! and learn more about uberSVN rich system, user 
  administration capabilities and model configuration. Take the hassle 
  out of deploying and managing Subversion and the tools developers use 
  with it.
  Emc-users mailing list

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 user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take 
 the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
 tools developers use with it.
 Emc-users mailing list

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user administration capabilities and model configuration. Take 
the hassle out of deploying and managing Subversion and the 
tools developers use with it.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread samco
I am using amc BE40a40ac.  I am sure they are very spendy new.  They are 40a 
peak (20cont) peak 400v max.  I am using some old inland servos.  early 80's I 
would say.

160v is about what we are running for a max of 1200rpm with these servos

They are about 1 amp/ft-lb - so with these amps I get 20ft-lbs cont.  
(calculates out to about 4tons of force at the axis)  


On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 12:52:06 -0700
 Clint Washburn wrote:
 I have looked at both thanks for the feedback.  I am trying to weigh my
 options.  I have a MESA 5I20 that I am currently using mostly for general
 I/O for the toolchanger but also planned to use it for the AXIS control.  I
 am looking for the best bang for the buck.  I am not finding very many
 companys that offer big enough drives for the size motors I am using...  I
 actually hope to do closed loop when all said and done
 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 9:38 AM
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives
 I thought granite devices are step/dir.  (well - I guess I don't know what
 the OP was thinking.)  If I was going that route - I would get one of the
 servo interface solutons for emc (pico systems, mesa are probably the
 biggest - I use mesa) and some analog drives.  (or mesa and pico have drive
 solutions iirc)
 I would seriously look at running true closed loop (not step/dir drives)  It
 take a little more work to setup - but having encoder feedback directly to
 emc has so many benifits.  
 On my conversion - I am using mesa interface hardware and analog AMC servo
 drives (ebay purchases).  Very happy with it.
 On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 10:23:55 -0600
  Jarrett Johnson wrote:
  Check out Granite Devices, great boards and good support. I use a set 
  of them on my machine and they are rated for the higher voltages. 
  J. Johnson
  On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:32:31 -0700, wrote:
   Sorry about any confusion. I am going to retain the motors. I am 
   planning on upgrading the resolver/ tac gen setup with encoders. I 
   was actually have built some of the UHU HP boards but recent testing 
   has been given poor results @ operating voltages (160v). They showed 
   promise @ 100v but when setup to 160v some of the traces on the 
   boards fried. I would prefer an off the shelf component that is 
   dependable and more reliable for this installation. So I am curious 
   what other peoples suggestions are. 
   - Reply message -
   From: andy pugh
   To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
   Subject: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives
   Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 6:58 am
   On 18 August 2011 14:03, wrote:
While I am still a long ways from completing my lathe project I 
   have come to a crossroads with my drive system.  I would like use 
   the existing Fanuc DC brushed drives.  But am having a hard time 
   deciding what I should go with.  They are Fanuc models 10m and 5m. 
 What drives are people using to drive their Brushed beasts with?
   I am not sure I understand the question. Is it just the Fanuc motors
   you intend to retain, or the motor-drives (amps) too?
   -- atp
   Torque wrenches are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise
   Get a FREE DOWNLOAD! and learn more about uberSVN rich system, user 
   administration capabilities and model configuration. Take the hassle 
   out of deploying and managing Subversion and the tools developers use 
   with it.
   Emc-users mailing list
   Get a FREE DOWNLOAD! and learn more about uberSVN rich system, user 
   administration capabilities and model configuration. Take the hassle 
   out of deploying and managing Subversion and the tools developers use 
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[Emc-users] [OT] Inventor of the robotic arm dead at 99

2011-08-18 Thread Kent A. Reed
This may not mean anything to some, but today's Washington Post contains 
a well-written obituary of George C. Devol, the self-taught inventor of 
the robotic arm that came to be known as the Ultimate. He died August 11 
at his home in Connecticut.

The obit contains a quote from him that reminds me of us sometimes. On 
subject of his lack of formal education, he said I always went into 
areas of industry where nobody else knew anything either. There was 
nowhere to go to get information, so I generated it.


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Re: [Emc-users] [OT] Inventor of the robotic arm dead at 99 --- correction

2011-08-18 Thread Kent A. Reed
On 8/18/2011 5:23 PM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
  the robotic arm that came to be known as the Ultimate.

Sorry. Of course it was the Unimate.


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Re: [Emc-users] [OT] Inventor of the robotic arm dead at 99

2011-08-18 Thread gene heskett
On Thursday, August 18, 2011 05:27:01 PM Kent A. Reed did opine:
[...Devol death]
 The obit contains a quote from him that reminds me of us sometimes. On
 subject of his lack of formal education, he said I always went into
 areas of industry where nobody else knew anything either. There was
 nowhere to go to get information, so I generated it.

For the group as a whole, +1000, Kent.

Cheers, gene
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Linux: the choice of a GNU generation
-- put this on Tshirts in '93

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Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread John Thornton
The spindle is AFAIK 7.5hp. In some places of the drawings it says 7.5hp 
AC but it is clearly run by the Simodrive... I'll get up there and check 
the belt and look to see if I see any place where brushes might be.


On 8/18/2011 12:22 PM, Dave wrote:
 I think you will probably have to order the brushes via a motor shop or
 directly from Siemens if they are Siemens motors.The Siemens office
 in Elk Grove Village, IL  would probably take a credit card order over
 the phone if you want to buy them direct.

 I don't know how big your spindle motor is but I think there was 24
 brushes in my spindle motor.They were in 4 gangs around the
 commutator.They were perhaps 5/8 x 1/4 in section and probably just
 over an inch long.

 I had to pull the motor from the machine so I could get to them all.

 They came shrinkwrapped to a piece of cardboard, but they were sourced
 from the UK and I don't think they were Siemens OEM equipment.They
 were spares that came with the lathe.

 I have no idea how much they cost.   If you come up short on sources I
 am sure that I know of a couple here in Indiana that will sell to you.
 I also have the source from the UK also if you need that.


 On 8/18/2011 12:59 PM, John Thornton wrote:
 Yes it is a common DC drive for the spindle and all the axis. I've had a
 good meter on the DC buss and can not see any voltage fluctuation of any
 magnitude when starting up the spindle. And yes it is a 600VDC buss.

 I'll go for the brushes next break in the action I have... I see a bit
 of time to do that in about a month. Are the brushes special? Or where
 did you get them?

 Thanks for the ideas

 On 8/18/2011 11:18 AM, Dave wrote:

 Sounds like you have a common DC bus between your spindle drive and your
 Z axis drive?

 If the DC bus dips too far, the drive will shutdown.

 You may want to put a meter on the DC bus and run the drives and see if
 the bus isn't dipping just prior to the shutdown.   Make sure you use a
 good meter - a 400 volt AC input power supply will have about 600 volts
 of DC bus voltage.

 All drive systems have their limits.  Perhaps they slightly undersized
 the DC power supply section on that drive system?

 On my lathe I have a 611 spindle drive and I was tripping the drive out
 frequently, I ended up pulling out the spindle motor and I replaced all
 of the brushes which were obviously shot, and I polished up the
 commutator and it now runs
 perfectly.   I just did that a few months ago.


 On 8/18/2011 11:29 AM, John Thornton wrote:

 I have a BP Discovery 308 with Simodrive 611 drives for the axis and
 spindle. There seems to be a broader range of drive/motor guys that
 follow the mailing list... so I'm posting the question here.

 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to2400 rpm
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

 I've opened up the power supply section and replaced all the caps
 recently and that did not have any effect on the symptom.

 Would there be any reason to dig into the spindle and try and check the


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Re: [Emc-users] On the status of BLDC component and Hostmot2

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 20:27, John Prentice wrote:

 I suspect there could be a coding problem in 3pwmgen. The documentation and
 the loaded component have fault as an output pin. All the description of
 it suggests it should be an input (e.g. it disables the generator, the
 invert pin alters it being active high/low etc.)

It's been a while since I looked, but I think it was correct. There is
a physical pin that the 7i39 uses to indicate that it has faulted, and
a HAL pin to echo that status, IIRC. The physical pin is an input to
the FPGA 3pwmgen, the fault HAL bit is an output.

 Finally, just a clarification; I presume one nets the 5i20 GPIO pins defined
 in the 7i39 manual to the hall inputs of the bldc component.

Yes, indeed. They are just input pins, so don't get given a special
status by the driver. (In fact, you could use them for something else
if you had a different form of motor feedback, and simply use the 7i39
for signal conditioning)

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Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread dave
On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 13:22 -0400, Dave wrote:
 I think you will probably have to order the brushes via a motor shop or 
 directly from Siemens if they are Siemens motors.The Siemens office 
 in Elk Grove Village, IL  would probably take a credit card order over 
 the phone if you want to buy them direct.

Let's hope they are not as bad as Mazak. One set for almost $500.
I got three sets from a custom  manufacturer for less than 200. 
I took a quick look for a name but didn't come up with anything. 
All I can remember is german name worldwide company. Possibly in WI. 


The older I get the better I used to be. ;-)

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Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread Kirk Wallace
On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 15:11 -0700, dave wrote:
 On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 13:22 -0400, Dave wrote:
  I think you will probably have to order the brushes via a motor shop or 
  directly from Siemens if they are Siemens motors.The Siemens office 
  in Elk Grove Village, IL  would probably take a credit card order over 
  the phone if you want to buy them direct.
 Let's hope they are not as bad as Mazak. One set for almost $500.
 I got three sets from a custom  manufacturer for less than 200. 
 I took a quick look for a name but didn't come up with anything. 
 All I can remember is german name worldwide company. Possibly in WI. 
 The older I get the better I used to be. ;-)


Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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Re: [Emc-users] On the status of BLDC component and Hostmot2

2011-08-18 Thread Peter C. Wallace
On Thu, 18 Aug 2011, andy pugh wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 23:09:55 +0100
 From: andy pugh
 Reply-To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] On the status of BLDC component and Hostmot2
 On 18 August 2011 20:27, John Prentice wrote:

 I suspect there could be a coding problem in 3pwmgen. The documentation and
 the loaded component have fault as an output pin. All the description of
 it suggests it should be an input (e.g. it disables the generator, the
 invert pin alters it being active high/low etc.)

 It's been a while since I looked, but I think it was correct. There is
 a physical pin that the 7i39 uses to indicate that it has faulted, and
 a HAL pin to echo that status, IIRC. The physical pin is an input to
 the FPGA 3pwmgen, the fault HAL bit is an output.

The 7I39 doesnt use the pin but its fed through one of the sense pins I 

The external fault input is for things like IGBT modules that have a 
overcurrent/overtemp fault output pin. Its a latched input (with a ~100 ns 
glitch filter)  that turns off all PWM outputs and requires the host (EMC in 
this case) to react to the fault HAL pin and  re-enable the outputs

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
()_() signature to help him gain world domination.

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Re: [Emc-users] driver timing settings

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 18:52, For Sale Sticker wrote:

 What should I use for the value of step Time?

They are using step clock to mean the same thing, so 3000nS.

However, the max pulse frequency appears to be 40kHz so the step-space
is theoretically 22000nS. I don't think there is any point making it
so high, though. There _is_ an advantage in setting the step-time as
short as possible, as the driver spends less time twiddling its thumbs
during the reset function.

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 7i43 fpga internal input pull ups - could sb synthesise another firmware for the 7i43 with pull downs for GPIO pins please ?

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 19:07, Maximilian H wrote:

 What is the procedure for synthesising my own firmware for the 7i43 ?

There are some details here:;a=blob;f=README;h=fb7a6d4beb756cb4c21b866c7a87d88cf7b4124a;hb=71bf0a427b77376291f4ddf638f1ce4ca83cd7a7

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Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread andy pugh
On 18 August 2011 20:52, Clint Washburn wrote:
 I have looked at both thanks for the feedback.  I am trying to weigh my
 options.  I have a MESA 5I20 that I am currently using mostly for general
 I/O for the toolchanger but also planned to use it for the AXIS control.  I
 am looking for the best bang for the buck.  I am not finding very many
 companys that offer big enough drives for the size motors I am using.

How big do you need? As you have the 5i20 I would think that a Mesa
drive would integrate most neatly.

The Mesa 7i29 has two 2kW / 175V  channels ($299, $150 per motor) and
you can connect two of them (ie 4 axes) to a single 5i20 header.

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread Chris Morley

 You might check whether pncconf is producing the proper polarity in the 
 INI file for INPUT_SCALE (for the encoder) and OUTPUT_SCALE (for the PWM 
 I believe there was a bug in an earlier version of pncconf. I ran into 
 that and had to edit the INI file by hand to make both values negative, 
 which was required for my setup.

There indeed was a bug in PNCconf that would not negate the encoder
scale. That was fixed in 2.4.5
There also was a bug that would create a following error if one inverted
the motor direction as it would negate the max output setting too.
also fixed in 2.4.5

I asked earlier but I'm not sure you answered Scott. What version of
EMC are you using?

Chris M
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Re: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives

2011-08-18 Thread
I have looked at the mesa's.  I have not been exposed to them.  How tenable are 
they?  What kind of power supply do they use?  Do you have an example?

- Reply message -
From: andy pugh
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: [Emc-users] DC Brush servo drives
Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 4:05 pm

On 18 August 2011 20:52, Clint Washburn wrote:
 I have looked at both thanks for the feedback.  I am trying to weigh my
 options.  I have a MESA 5I20 that I am currently using mostly for general
 I/O for the toolchanger but also planned to use it for the AXIS control.  I
 am looking for the best bang for the buck.  I am not finding very many
 companys that offer big enough drives for the size motors I am using.

How big do you need? As you have the 5i20 I would think that a Mesa
drive would integrate most neatly.

The Mesa 7i29 has two 2kW / 175V  channels ($299, $150 per motor) and
you can connect two of them (ie 4 axes) to a single 5i20 header.

Torque wrenches are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread Scott Hasse
That was absolutely the bug I was hitting.  After manually changing the I'm
now moving forward with the PID tuning!

Thanks all!


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Scott Hasse wrote:

 I'm running 2.4.3 per the live CD.  I'll try manually making the max output
 positive again manually.


 On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Chris Morley 

  You might check whether pncconf is producing the proper polarity in the
  INI file for INPUT_SCALE (for the encoder) and OUTPUT_SCALE (for the PWM
  I believe there was a bug in an earlier version of pncconf. I ran into
  that and had to edit the INI file by hand to make both values negative,
  which was required for my setup.

 There indeed was a bug in PNCconf that would not negate the encoder
 scale. That was fixed in 2.4.5
 There also was a bug that would create a following error if one inverted
 the motor direction as it would negate the max output setting too.
 also fixed in 2.4.5

 I asked earlier but I'm not sure you answered Scott. What version of
 EMC are you using?

 Chris M

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Re: [Emc-users] Parallel port card that just works?

2011-08-18 Thread doug metzler
Kirk, I do have the addf parport commands in there, but I'm adding
them all to the base-thread.  Is this correct?

I'm using a slightly modified .hal as generated by the wizard.  The
only mods I did were to some signal directions.

addf base-thread
addf stepgen.make-pulses base-thread
addf parport.0.write base-thread

addf base-thread
addf parport.1.write base-thread

Andy, I followed your instructions and after a few false starts I did
get everything accepted (no commas in the loadrt hal_parport string,

halcmd: loadrt hal_parport cfg=0x378 0xa400 0xa9800

I got the following output:

[  123.048865] config string '0,1,2'
[  123.051023] PARPORT: ERROR: request_region(0x) failed
[  141.272757] config string '0'
[  141.274912] PARPORT: ERROR: linux parport 0 not found
[  251.300431] config string '0x378, 0xa400, 0x9800'
[  251.302588] PARPORT: ERROR: request_region(0x) failed
[  280.524631] config string '0x378'
[  369.520401] config string '0xa400'
[  502.900583] config string '0x9800'
[  520.164495] config string '0x378,0xa400'
[  520.16] PARPORT: ERROR: request_region(0x) failed
[  541.600434] config string '0x378,0x9800'
[  541.602619] PARPORT: ERROR: request_region(0x) failed
[  759.040708] config string '0x378, 0x9800'
[  759.042869] PARPORT: ERROR: request_region(0x) failed
[  767.392528] config string '0x378, 0xa400'
[  767.394679] PARPORT: ERROR: request_region(0x) failed
[ 1118.600630] config string '0'
[ 1118.602793] PARPORT: ERROR: linux parport 0 not found
[ 1190.564454] config string '0xa000'
[ 1210.965000] config string '0x378, 0xa000'
[ 1210.967136] PARPORT: ERROR: request_region(0x) failed
[ 1215.168714] config string '0x378 0xa000'
[ 1402.156566] config string '0x378 0xa400 0xa9800'

If I did put the commas in the string I got a Device or Resource Busy error

halcmd: loadrt hal_parport cfg=0x378,0xa400
insmod: error inserting
'/usr/realtime-2.6.32-122-rtai/modules/emc2/hal_parport.ko': -1 Device
or resource busy
stdin:17: exit value: 1
stdin:17: insmod failed, returned -1

Thank you!  You guys are running significant beer credits :-)


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 4:09 AM, andy pugh wrote:
 On 18 August 2011 03:48, doug metzler wrote:

 When I first started this adventure I was following the instructions here:

 and I issued these commands
 $ sudo modprobe parport_pc io=0xa400
 $ sudo modprobe lp

 $ sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

 That all sounds a bit counterproductive, I am afraid

 I have found that it can be helpful to load the bare minimum when
 investigating what works.

 I would open two terminal windows (which are indicated below by T1 and T2)

 T1 sudo dmesg -c
 T1 {password}
 That clears the dmesg buffer so that you can see through the cruft.
 T2 halrun

 T2 loadrt hal_parport cfg=0,1,2
 T2 show funct
 Hopefully you should see 6 functions,,, parport.0.write...
 If not: T1 dmesg and read what it says.

 Assuming it has all worked so far:
 T2 loadrt threads
 T2 addf thread1
 T2 addf thread1
 T2 addf thread1
 T2 addf parport.0.write thread1
 T2 addf parport.1.write thread1
 T2 addf parport.2.write thread1
 T2 start
 (that last bit is rather important)
 T1 dmesg

 Now, in theory, you have your three auto-located parports linked to
 HAL and running in a realtime thread. So, to see if the pins are
 changing as hoped with the pendant attached:

 T1 loadusr halmeter

 This is the long-winded, manual way to set up HAL, but you do get to
 see at what point it is failing.

 The example above attempts to use parport_pc to locate the parports,
 if that isn't loaded or isn't working, you can try the explicit
 addresses in the loadrt hal_parport line instead of the indexes.

 Torque wrenches are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men

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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread Scott Hasse
Sorry, for the record I'll try to be as clear as possible.  I have confirmed
the fix.  When using pncconf with version 2.4.3, I needed to invert the
motor signal as determined in the open loop pncconf test.  This was also
causing the MAX_OUTPUT parameter to be set to negative for that axis.
Manually changing the ini file to have a positive MAX_OUTPUT resolved the

Thanks to all who helped resolve this.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Scott Hasse wrote:

 That was absolutely the bug I was hitting.  After manually changing the I'm
 now moving forward with the PID tuning!

 Thanks all!


 On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Scott Hasse scott.ha...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm running 2.4.3 per the live CD.  I'll try manually making the max
 output positive again manually.


 On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Chris Morley

  You might check whether pncconf is producing the proper polarity in the
  INI file for INPUT_SCALE (for the encoder) and OUTPUT_SCALE (for the
  I believe there was a bug in an earlier version of pncconf. I ran into
  that and had to edit the INI file by hand to make both values negative,
  which was required for my setup.

 There indeed was a bug in PNCconf that would not negate the encoder
 scale. That was fixed in 2.4.5
 There also was a bug that would create a following error if one inverted
 the motor direction as it would negate the max output setting too.
 also fixed in 2.4.5

 I asked earlier but I'm not sure you answered Scott. What version of
 EMC are you using?

 Chris M

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Re: [Emc-users] [OT] Inventor of the robotic arm dead at 99

2011-08-18 Thread Dave
I remember seeing Unimates that they pulled out of a GM Assembly plant 
in the mid to late 1970's.  They were large robots.

I remember being told that they had a lot of problems with them, however 
I think the biggest problem was that they were way over the ability of 
the maintenance department to
both understand and repair them.   The plant engineer was very resistant 
to trying new things as it might risk production numbers.


On 8/18/2011 5:23 PM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
 This may not mean anything to some, but today's Washington Post contains
 a well-written obituary of George C. Devol, the self-taught inventor of
 the robotic arm that came to be known as the Ultimate. He died August 11
 at his home in Connecticut.

 The obit contains a quote from him that reminds me of us sometimes. On
 subject of his lack of formal education, he said I always went into
 areas of industry where nobody else knew anything either. There was
 nowhere to go to get information, so I generated it.


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Re: [Emc-users] Simodrive 611

2011-08-18 Thread Dave
If the motor is constructed similar to my spindle motor, there are two 
covers at the rear of the motor on each side.I think there are four 
screws holding each one on.
Beneath those covers you can see the brush holders and brushes.


On 8/18/2011 5:31 PM, John Thornton wrote:
 The spindle is AFAIK 7.5hp. In some places of the drawings it says 7.5hp
 AC but it is clearly run by the Simodrive... I'll get up there and check
 the belt and look to see if I see any place where brushes might be.


 On 8/18/2011 12:22 PM, Dave wrote:

 I think you will probably have to order the brushes via a motor shop or
 directly from Siemens if they are Siemens motors.The Siemens office
 in Elk Grove Village, IL  would probably take a credit card order over
 the phone if you want to buy them direct.

 I don't know how big your spindle motor is but I think there was 24
 brushes in my spindle motor.They were in 4 gangs around the
 commutator.They were perhaps 5/8 x 1/4 in section and probably just
 over an inch long.

 I had to pull the motor from the machine so I could get to them all.

 They came shrinkwrapped to a piece of cardboard, but they were sourced
 from the UK and I don't think they were Siemens OEM equipment.They
 were spares that came with the lathe.

 I have no idea how much they cost.   If you come up short on sources I
 am sure that I know of a couple here in Indiana that will sell to you.
 I also have the source from the UK also if you need that.


 On 8/18/2011 12:59 PM, John Thornton wrote:
 Yes it is a common DC drive for the spindle and all the axis. I've had a
 good meter on the DC buss and can not see any voltage fluctuation of any
 magnitude when starting up the spindle. And yes it is a 600VDC buss.

 I'll go for the brushes next break in the action I have... I see a bit
 of time to do that in about a month. Are the brushes special? Or where
 did you get them?

 Thanks for the ideas

 On 8/18/2011 11:18 AM, Dave wrote:

 Sounds like you have a common DC bus between your spindle drive and your
 Z axis drive?

 If the DC bus dips too far, the drive will shutdown.

 You may want to put a meter on the DC bus and run the drives and see if
 the bus isn't dipping just prior to the shutdown.   Make sure you use a
 good meter - a 400 volt AC input power supply will have about 600 volts
 of DC bus voltage.

 All drive systems have their limits.  Perhaps they slightly undersized
 the DC power supply section on that drive system?

 On my lathe I have a 611 spindle drive and I was tripping the drive out
 frequently, I ended up pulling out the spindle motor and I replaced all
 of the brushes which were obviously shot, and I polished up the
 commutator and it now runs
 perfectly.   I just did that a few months ago.


 On 8/18/2011 11:29 AM, John Thornton wrote:

 I have a BP Discovery 308 with Simodrive 611 drives for the axis and
 spindle. There seems to be a broader range of drive/motor guys that
 follow the mailing list... so I'm posting the question here.

 My symptom is when I try and accellerate the spindle from 0 to2400 rpm
 in one step the drive faults out with a generic fault. Sometimes when
 running the mill at 6000 RPM for a while (so good and warm) a Rapid Z up
 will give the same fault. I can ramp up to 6000 RPM by starting at 2000
 RPM using 100 RPM increments with a G4 of 0.1 between.

 I've opened up the power supply section and replaced all the caps
 recently and that did not have any effect on the symptom.

 Would there be any reason to dig into the spindle and try and check the


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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question

2011-08-18 Thread Chris Morley

 Sorry, for the record I'll try to be as clear as possible.  I have confirmed
 the fix.  When using pncconf with version 2.4.3, I needed to invert the
 motor signal as determined in the open loop pncconf test.  This was also
 causing the MAX_OUTPUT parameter to be set to negative for that axis.
 Manually changing the ini file to have a positive MAX_OUTPUT resolved the
 Thanks to all who helped resolve this.

Glad you got it Scott and sorry PNCconf sent you down the river without a 
paddle - though you are using a pretty old version.

one pretty painless way to use a more current version is to use the buildbot.

There you can get the latest bug fixes for your current version (2.4.7 actually 
released yet) or you could checkout the soon to be released 2.5 version.

Chris M
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