[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Ingegerd
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 
> on 4/5/06 11:56 AM, shempmcgurk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> 
> >> I don't know for sure what happened, but it could have been part
> > of the 
> >> power struggle, that slowly pushed everyone out, who wasn't
> > aligned 
> >> with the new administration, Bevan, and people who had come from
> >> Europe, to take over the administration. The 'old timers' on the
> > board 
> >> of directors were also pushed out, several years before then..
> > 
> > As a ship sinks, I wonder if those who are told to leave are 
> > or unhappy about it...
> Probably different people react differently. I think some are 
unhappy at
> first but increasingly happy as the get more and more distance 
from it.

Very happy!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> Don't kill the messenger! Actually it was Sri Swami Rama, a 
> student of Guru Dev's, who said it. 
There's no evidence that Swami Rama ever said that Mahesh was a
leading suspect in a murder at Jyotirmath. In fact, the rumor was
started by Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, an erstwhile desciple of

> So take it up with his ashes!
It's not mentioned in Swami Rama's book, 'Living With the Himalayan
Masters'. I could be wrong, but I'll re-read it and find out.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Willy:
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:36 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > Vaj wrote:
> > > > Surely you must be jesting, Vaj. Wilber co-
authored 'Spiritual
> > > > Choices' with Dick Anthony and you're saying that he probably
> > > > never heard the 'dirty lowdown' on Marshy?
> > > >
> > > We don't know if he did or did not.
> > >
> > If you had read the book, you would know. Wilber mentions 
the 'dirty
> > lowdown' on the Marshy in 'Spiritual Choices'. When are you 
going to
> > read it?
> I have no plans to read it, esp. as I don't particularly like 
> KW. He's much more enjoyable on video or recent audio.
> >
> > > Given that most of the lowdown on the TMO is shrouded in
> > > secrecy and often only accessible to an inner core of 
> > > I'd be surprised if he did.
> > >
> > I'd say that if Wilber, the author of dozens of books, including 
> > with Dick Anthony and one with Peter Russell, once practiced TM 
> > that if his parents currently practice TM, that probably Wilber 
> > more than you do about the TMO and the Marshy.
> I'll go based on what I have read in recent writings, lectures 
> talks.
> He may, he may not. As I'm talking to a number of his people, it 
> come up. We'll see.
> >
> > > This list is certainly an example where secret material, some
> > > negative,  filters out even to the surprise of old and close
> > > students of M.
> > >
> > Are you suggesting that Wilber hasn't read the archives of 
Usenet or
> > Yahoo! before he writes his books?
> I have no idea whether he has or not. I would doubt he would use 
> unreliable sources.
> >
> > > Unlike people like Adi Da or Rajneesh there really hasn't been
> > > an big expose on M. and the movement.
> > >
> > > Go figure.
> > >
> > I figure that Wilber knows more than you do about this subject.
> Adi Da is a friend of his, so he probably knows much more than I 

Maybe Wilbur takes the attitude that alot of still-practitioners-of-
TM, like myself, on this forum take: the practise is the practise 
and whether MMY is a mass-murderer doesn't change whether the 
practise works or not.

> >
> > > They are very good at controlling information and of course,
> > > selling it.
> > >
> > Sounds like you've got a strong bias against the Marshy, so your
> > anecdotes, stories, and comments would hardly be worth 
> I just prefer to see things as they are.
> > On
> > the other hand, Wilber seems to be a acknowledged authority. I'm 
> > that if Wilber thought something was 'low'down' about the Marshy 
> > probably be reporting it.
> Doubtful since he's not a close student of M., As Mark pointed 
> most of the inside scoop is just that: inside.
> I'm sure he'll continue to comment on what he finds valuable and 
> he is suspicious of in regards to research since it interfaces 
> what he does for living.
> > Wilber certainly doesn't hesitate to
> > describe some of the 'low down' things about the Adi Da and the 
> Yes.
> >
> > > > > It's important to admire the diamonds in this life...but 
> > > > > also important to see the shit they're embedded in...
> > > > >
> > > > So, you're saying that Wilber's parents practice TM, but 
> > > > doesn't see the 'shit they're embedded in'? Go figure.
> > > >
> > > > You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you make your 
> > >
> > > If I wanted to know what he thought, I'd read something more
> > > recent, the book you're referencing is 20 years old.
> > >
> > So you haven't read all of Wilber's books, not even the most 
> > ones. Go figure.
> Nor do I intend to read them all. There are only a few that would  
> even interest me. I'm more content listening to his on-going  
> lectures, etc. which reflect more current events and POV's.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
anon_astute_ff wrote:
> If it is not available to non-initiates how would mahesh 
> know this information?
By getting himself initiated into the tantric tradition and then
studying with his master for thirteen years?

> Does his name contain Saraswati?
Sure, it's Bal, the name given to Mahesh when he was initiated by Guru
Dev. Not to mention his given name, Mahesh, which means Shiva Yogi.
But Mahesh doesn't need any names at all really - a Maharishi dwarfs
any epithets given to most others. But I suspect that the reason
Mahesh isn't a Saraswati is that a person has to join the recluse
order founded by Shankaracharya before the surname Saraswati is used.
Mahesh didn't want to join the Order - Swamis suffer, Yogis enjoy.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:

>markmeredith wrote:
>>Most every Indian spiritual group I've investigated uses some 
>>of the bija mantras - not necessarily in an eye-closed effortless
>>meditation practice, but they seem to be very commonly known.  
>So, it's a common practice all over India - Mr. Perino was mistaken.
>>As discussed here recently, early TMers report they weren't given 
>>bij mantras, but "Ram".
>Maybe so, but I'm TM meditator #212 in the USA, according to Beaulah
>Smith, and I never got a 'Ram' bija mantra. From what I've read, the
>very first TM meditator in India, a certain Mr. Raya, recieved the
>same bija I recieved in 1965, that would be ten years after the
>founding of the SRM by Marshy. 
It is alleged that Maharishi when he was first teaching used the "Ram" 
mantra.   Bhagavan Das in his book "It's Here Now (Are You?)" claims he 
was given the Ram mantra by Maharishi when he met shortly after arriving 
in India.  Bhagavan Das was the "young American" in India that Ram Das 
wrote about in "Be Here Now."  "Ram" is considered a shanti mantra.  So 
by the time you learned the techniques may well have changed as MMY 
probably felt he needed a system for his teachers.

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[FairfieldLife] What is evil incarnate?

2006-04-05 Thread shempmcgurk
It is the Disney film "The Parent Trap".

Identical twins are separated as toddlers, brought up separately by 
each parent a continent away from each other, ignorant of the 
other's existence.

And this is a comedy?

At least in "The Producers" the play-within-a-play 
called "Springtime for Hitler" is so absurd on its face that it 
can't be anything but funny.

But here, cuteness and slapstick are supposed to bookmark a premise 
that is so mean and vulgar that it actually hurts me to watch it.

Can you imagine being an identical twin and your own parents denying 
you not only the companionship but the actual knowledge of your 
other half?  What could be more sacred than such a bond?

I don't think that "Abu Ghraib, the Musical" could be more evil.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: ASSC 10

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_astute_ff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > Of course, TM never gets much play there, eventhough half the 
> > meditation researchers use MMY's theory of enlightenment 
> > as a starting point for their own theories.
> >
> You think his theory is original? Didn't he say, "nothin new under 
the sun"?

Sure, but he coined the terms. Obviously his use of "Cosmic 
Consciousness" is not mainstream since James Joyce wrote a famous book 
by that name to refer to a lot more than simple witnessing 24/7and yet 
that is how the term CC is used by a lot of people these days.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
anon_astute_ff wrote:
> Who in the Holy Tradition would ever accept money for such?
Most all Holy Traditions in India accept money for operational
expenses. How do you think they build temples? I've seen donor's names
carved into the rock base of some temples. It's a common practice in
India to give money to your guru for instruction.
> They would go to hell.
Maybe so, but you or I don't get to make up the rules.

> What Guru would ever put such a sacred bond to paper?
Maybe not to paper, but it's all recited on a daily basis in the puja
to Guru Dev anyway. The TM puja contains an admonition to bow down
before your guru and pay homage. Bring fruit and flowers - these all
cost money. Most Indian spiritual traditions have an oath -
some are even secret oaths, such as those in the tantric tradition.
It's SOP for devotees.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Churning the Milk Ocean

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
anon_astute_ff wrote:
> Interesting how people want to assume that Soma is current 
> hallucinogens.
Hallucinogen ingestion has existed since the beginning of plant
cultivation. Apparently one of the first plants domesticated by man
was the barley plant, from which the ancients made beer. Closely
followed by hemp and then shrooms. There's no evidence that alcaloid
use is a recent practice in India. Millions of yogis, fakirs, and
saints chew betel nut and dip snuff on a daily basis in India and have
done so for thousands of years.

> McKenna probably believed is own mind while tripping.
Maybe so, but there's no evidence that McKenna ever tripped on anything.

> Baseless assumption.
We can assume that what was composed in Mandala X in the Rig Veda by
the rishis was an accurate description of a decotion called Soma. I
therefore infer from the scriptures that Amrita is the Food of the
Gods, an elixir that enabled immortality. Maybe you've got a better
theory than McKenna - if so please post it here.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Rick Archer
on 4/5/06 11:56 AM, shempmcgurk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I don't know for sure what happened, but it could have been part
> of the 
>> power struggle, that slowly pushed everyone out, who wasn't
> aligned 
>> with the new administration, Bevan, and people who had come from
>> Europe, to take over the administration. The 'old timers' on the
> board 
>> of directors were also pushed out, several years before then..
> As a ship sinks, I wonder if those who are told to leave are happy
> or unhappy about it...

Probably different people react differently. I think some are unhappy at
first but increasingly happy as the get more and more distance from it.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 12:36 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > Just a rumor?  Why, our Vaj just told us Maharishi was
> > a "leading suspect"!
> Don't kill the messenger! Actually it was Sri Swami Rama, a
> student of Guru Dev's, who said it. So take it up with his ashes!

The messenger wrote:

"It was actually from a conversation with Sw. Rama that I found out
that Mahesh was one of the leading suspects in the murder of Swami

The messenger appears to have chosen some very, shall
we say, interesting wording to convey his message.

"Found out that..." and "found out that there was a rumor
that..." carry very different connotations.

As well, "leading suspect" sounds so very much as if,
you know, law enforcement was involved, having decided
there *had* been a homicide, and having narrowed down
the suspects to Maharishi and a few others.

I mean, somebody who wasn't aware of the rumor and
what its origin was might actually think, from the way
the messenger phrased it, that it was established fact
that Guru Dev had been murdered and that MMY was an
official suspect in the crime.

But perhaps that's the way Swami Rama phrased it, and
perhaps the messenger was so uninformed that he took
it that way, seeing no need to qualify it.

Or perhaps not.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Shankara's native language?

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > The first and original Shankara is Lord Shiva - the Adi 
> > Shankara. Shankara in his lifetime was referred to as 
> > Acharya Shree.
> >
anon_astute_ff wrote:
> Pardon... but how do you know this for sure?
One of my teachers, Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a direct desciple of
Guru Dev, told me so. He's a pundit and a bhakta - very learned.

> Are you suggesting it is incorrect to refer to Shankara as 
> Adi Shankara?
No, not if you're a scholar or an author, but if you're a devotee,
you'd refer to the master as Acharya Shree or Guru Dev, and reserve
the Adi for Lord Shiva, the original Shankara. Most likely, devotees
during Shankaracharya's lifetime would have addressed him as 'Shree'
using their native language, probably a dialect of Malayam.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't know if this is a binding contract or not, but it certainly 
> implies that one agrees to not teach TM outside the guidelines set 
> by the TM organization, incluidng any future requirements of 
> recertification, wearing crowns, barking at the moon, etc.

"...we are satisfied" pretty much amends anything here, I would say.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > Said I'd post this if I found it. If you haven't signed yours 
> > please send it in soon :-)
> > 
> > Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> > 
> > (to be signed by the teacher of TM)
> > 
> > It is my privilege Maharishi, to promise to teach the Principles 
> and  
> > Practice of Transcendental Meditation only as a teacher-employee 
> of  
> >  which accepts me as such, that I will always hold the 
> teaching  
> > in trust for you, dear Maharishi, and that I will never use the  
> > teaching except as teacher in  or other organizations 
> by  
> > you for the purpose of carrying on our work of spreading  
> > Transcendental Meditation for the good of mankind; that as a 
> teacher  
> > in  I shall receive such compensation as shall be agreed 
> between  
> >  and myself in writing and except as agreed in writing I 
> expect  
> > to receive no monetary compensation but am fully compensated by 
> the  
> > love and joy I receive from the work by the alleviation of 
> suffering  
> > that I may accomplish and by the wisdom I obtain, expulsate and  
> > cherish. In furtherance of this pledge I acknowledge that prior 
> > receiving the training I had no prior knowledge of such system 
> > Teaching; that there is no other available source where the 
> knowledge  
> > of such training may be obtained; that such teaching has been  
> > imparted to me in trust and confidence; that such training is 
> secret  
> > and unique. I further recognize as a Meditation Guide and 
> I  
> > am a link in the chain of organizations that you have founded, 
> > that to retain the purity of the teaching and movement you have 
> laid  
> > down the wise rule that, should I ever cease to teach in  
> > other organizations founded by you, for the purpose of teaching  
> > Transcendental Meditation, I may be restrained by appropriate 
> process  
> > from using this secret teaching and Transcendental Meditation  
> > imparted to me.
> > 
> > It is my fortune Guru Dev that I am being accepted to serve the 
> Holy  
> > Tradition and spread the light of God to all those who need it. 
> is  
> > my joy to undertake the responsibility of representing the Holy  
> > Tradition in all its purity as it has been given to me by 
> Maharishi  
> > and I promise on your alter Guru Dev that with all my heart and 
> mind  
> > I will always work within the framework of the Organizations 
> founded  
> > by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, I promise that as a 
> Meditation  
> > Guide I will be faithful in all ways to the trust that you have  
> > placed in me.
> > 
> >

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Willy
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 8:15 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > Vaj wrote:
> >
> > > What is unfortunate is that Ken really has probably never heard
> > > the 'dirty lowdown' on 'Marshy' and his movement.
> > >
> > Surely you must be jesting, Vaj. Wilber co-authored 'Spiritual
> > Choices' with Dick Anthony and you're saying that he probably 
> > heard the 'dirty lowdown' on Marshy? Next you'll be telling us 
> > Wilber never heard about the 'dirty lowdown' on the Adi Da 
> > Get real!
> We don't know if he did or did not. Given that most of the lowdown 
> the TMO is shrouded in secrecy and often only accessible to an 
> core of followers,

Isn't it all pretty much on this forum and its archives, available 
to all and any with a computer and an internet link?

> I'd be surprised if he did. This list is certainly  
> an example where secret material, some negative,  filters out even 
> the surprise of old and close students of M. Unlike people like 
> Da or Rajneesh there really hasn't been an big expose on M. and 
> movement. They are very good at controlling information and of  
> course, selling it.
> Go figure.
> >
> > > It's important to admire the diamonds in this life...but it's
> > > also important to see the shit they're embedded in...
> > >
> > So, you're saying that Wilber's parents practice TM, but Wilber
> > doesn't see the 'shit they're embedded in'? Go figure.
> >
> > You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you make your comments.
> If I wanted to know what he thought, I'd read something more 
> the book you're referencing is 20 years old.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer  
> wrote:
> >
> > on 4/4/06 10:27 PM, bmorry2000 at bmorry2000@ wrote:
> > 
> > > Insiders know they were told to leave.  Aging parents provided 
> > > public excuse for the OJs.
> > 
> > So why were they told to leave? (OJ's and Goldmans)
> I don't know for sure what happened, but it could have been part 
of the 
> power struggle, that slowly pushed everyone out, who wasn't 
> with the new administration, Bevan, and people who had come from 
> Europe, to take over the administration. The 'old timers' on the 
> of directors were also pushed out, several years before then..
> >

As a ship sinks, I wonder if those who are told to leave are happy 
or unhappy about it...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 11:29 AM, sparaig wrote:

> > It was a shock at the time.
> >
> You're easily shocked since succession issues have been all the rage
> in religious and spiritual traditions since the dawn of history.

It was the first time I had heard of a Shankaracharya student  
poisoning his teacher. You also need to understand that no one I had  
spoken to had heard of this poisoning scenario at the time--this was  
c. 1980. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chlorophyll, Lymph and Milk

2006-04-05 Thread Dharma Mitra

And you're a wetnurse too, oh jnani on the spot, Flanegin?
Do share, please.
Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity. 
Anything less is a menace to society. 
On 4/5/06, jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Personally I am a omnivore, and no intellectual. On the other hand,my mind is clear and sharp, and I eat fresh food as often as
possible. It seems that intent has more to do with our success andcommittment to spiritual practices than diet does.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > The mantra you mentioned, 'ram',
> >
cardemaister wrote:
> AFAIK, that's "raama", not "ram".
You are mistaken - 'raam' isn't a bija mantra in the tantric tradition
- it's the name of a deified hero of Ayodha. The word 'ram' is used as
a mantra by courtesy only. According to Swami Bhaktivedanta, the
'mantra' 'ram' is to be repeated on a daily basis, based on the
teachings of Chaitanya. Bija mantras are not found in standard
Sanskrit lexicons. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 12:36 PM, authfriend wrote:

> Just a rumor?  Why, our Vaj just told us Maharishi was
> a "leading suspect"!

Don't kill the messenger! Actually it was Sri Swami Rama, a student  
of Guru Dev's, who said it. So take it up with his ashes!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread Rick Archer
on 4/5/06 11:20 AM, Richard J. Williams at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Vaj wrote: 
>> I was thinking of more recent material and comment like
>> seen here over the last several years.
> The information here sucks, big time. If all you've got is a few
> emails from ex-Marshy skin boys, then you've really got nothing. Skin
> boys don't know Jack. If insiders like Rick and Mark, who have spent
> years inside the TMO, don't have the dirty lowdown, then probably
> nobody has it. That is, unless Rick and Mark were never really inside
> the TMO in the first place. In order to be inside the TMO you'd have
> to be inside the big house at Vlodrop inside the Marshy's bedroom.

Like Jennifer, Judith, Linda, Angie, etc., etc.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Vaj wrote: 
> > > > It was a shock at the time.
> > > >
> > sparaig wrote: 
> > > You're easily shocked since succession issues have been all 
> > > the rage in religious and spiritual traditions since the dawn 
> > > of history.
> > >
> > Vaj seems not to be aware of the fact that the controversy 
> concerning
> > the succession at Jyotirmath was ongoing for over 150 years (some 
> say
> > 250 years). For all we know, the real Shankaracharya of 
> is
> > the Rawal at the Badrinath Temple. What's shocking is that Vaj 
> would
> > still be posting rumors about a murder at Jyotirmath in order to 
> prove
> > his point. There's no evidence that a murder ever took place at
> > Jyotirmath in a conspiracy between the Marshy and the Ashram Cook.
> > That's just absurd and rediculous on it's face.
> >
> Agreed. It is a poisonous and rediculous rumor. Gossip at its 
> Guru Dev was definitely not murdered.

Just a rumor?  Why, our Vaj just told us Maharishi was
a "leading suspect"!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > There's no evidence that a murder ever took place at
> > Jyotirmath in a conspiracy between the Marshy and the 
> > Ashram Cook. That's just absurd and rediculous on it's 
> > face.
> >
jim_flanegin wrote:
> Agreed. It is a poisonous and rediculous rumor. Gossip at its 
> worst. Guru Dev was definitely not murdered.
That's right Jim - according to what I've read, Guru Dev died of
natural causes at Calcutta, not at Jyotirmath, and Guru Dev didn't
even have a cook; he prepared all his own meals. Swamis of the
Dasanami Order aren't supposed to be playing with fire or eating the
cooked food of others.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread anon_astute_ff
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 8:44 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > Vaj wrote:
> > > Which matha are you particularly referring to?
> > >
> > The matha at Sringeri, the headquarters of the Saraswati sampradaya,
> > the Dasanami sect founded by the Shakaracharya. Sringeri was the
> > headquarters matha of Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, whose teacher was
> > Swami Krishnanand Saraswati of Sringeri.
> > Because the Sri Vidya is a secret tantric sect - it's not available to
> > non-initiates. Only insiders like Marshy know much about the bija
> > mantras they use at Sringeri - Marshy was taught them by his master,
> > Swami Brahmanand Saraswati over the course of thirteen years in the
> > Himalayas. This has all been confirmed by Swami Rama - don't you read
> > books?

If it is not available to non-initiates how would mahesh know this information?
Does his name contain Saraswati?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > So, you're saying that many other temples in India, not just
> > Brahmanand's headquarters matha at Sringeri, practice a 
> > meditation similar to TM and that the use of some TM bija 
> > mantras is widespread.
> >
Vaj wrote:
> We've discussed your misconceptions on these subjects many 
> times Willie. 
There's no 'Willie', but if it makes you feel superior, call me by my
email address.

> If you haven't gotten it by now, I suspect you don't want to.
The only thing I've been able to get out of you is that you think
you've got the dirty low-down on the Marshy and the Swami Rama. But
you've admitted that techniques similar to TM and the use of the same
bijas are in widespread use all over India. That leads me to conclude
that TM is probably the most popular meditation practice in all of
India. When you put that together with the popularity of the
Deepackage and the Sri Sri, Marshy is like a household word over
there. There must be millions of people in India doing program based
on the teachings of Marshy.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-05 Thread anon_astute_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Said I'd post this if I found it. If you haven't signed yours yet,  
> please send it in soon :-)
> Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> (to be signed by the teacher of TM)
> It is my privilege Maharishi, to promise to teach the Principles and  
> Practice of Transcendental Meditation only as a teacher-employee of  
>  which accepts me as such, that I will always hold the teaching  
> in trust for you, dear Maharishi, and that I will never use the  
> teaching except as teacher in  or other organizations founded by  
> you for the purpose of carrying on our work of spreading  
> Transcendental Meditation for the good of mankind; that as a teacher  
> in  I shall receive such compensation as shall be agreed between  
>  and myself in writing and except as agreed in writing I expect  
> to receive no monetary compensation but am fully compensated by the  
> love and joy I receive from the work by the alleviation of suffering  
> that I may accomplish and by the wisdom I obtain, expulsate and  
> cherish. In furtherance of this pledge I acknowledge that prior to  
> receiving the training I had no prior knowledge of such system of  
> Teaching; that there is no other available source where the knowledge  
> of such training may be obtained; that such teaching has been  
> imparted to me in trust and confidence; that such training is secret  
> and unique. I further recognize as a Meditation Guide and Initiator I  
> am a link in the chain of organizations that you have founded, and  
> that to retain the purity of the teaching and movement you have laid  
> down the wise rule that, should I ever cease to teach in  or  
> other organizations founded by you, for the purpose of teaching  
> Transcendental Meditation, I may be restrained by appropriate process  
> from using this secret teaching and Transcendental Meditation  
> imparted to me.
> It is my fortune Guru Dev that I am being accepted to serve the Holy  
> Tradition and spread the light of God to all those who need it. It is  
> my joy to undertake the responsibility of representing the Holy  
> Tradition in all its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi  
> and I promise on your alter Guru Dev that with all my heart and mind  
> I will always work within the framework of the Organizations founded  
> by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, I promise that as a Meditation  
> Guide I will be faithful in all ways to the trust that you have  
> placed in me.

Who in the Holy Tradition would ever accept money for such?
They would go to hell.
What Guru would ever put such a sacred bond to paper?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 12:01 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> Vaj seems not to be aware of the fact that the controversy concerning
> the succession at Jyotirmath was ongoing for over 150 years (some say
> 250 years).

Actually Willie, I was aware of all this.

> For all we know, the real Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath is
> the Rawal at the Badrinath Temple. What's shocking is that Vaj would
> still be posting rumors about a murder at Jyotirmath in order to prove
> his point.

  I was responding to your remarks implying I was not familiar with  
Sw. R's connection to SBS. Don't ask so many questions if you don't  
want to hear an answer!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: ASSC 10

2006-04-05 Thread anon_astute_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course, TM never gets much play there, eventhough half the 
> meditation researchers use MMY's theory of enlightenment progression 
> as a starting point for their own theories.
You think his theory is original? Didn't he say, "nothin new under the sun"?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote: 
> I was thinking of more recent material and comment like 
> seen here over the last several years.
The information here sucks, big time. If all you've got is a few
emails from ex-Marshy skin boys, then you've really got nothing. Skin
boys don't know Jack. If insiders like Rick and Mark, who have spent
years inside the TMO, don't have the dirty lowdown, then probably
nobody has it. That is, unless Rick and Mark were never really inside
the TMO in the first place. In order to be inside the TMO you'd have
to be inside the big house at Vlodrop inside the Marshy's bedroom.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Churning the Milk Ocean

2006-04-05 Thread anon_astute_ff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> The most popular version of the Indian myth 'Churning the Milk Ocean'
> is found in the Eighth Canto of the Bhagavata Purana. In Buddhist
> mythology, Amrita is the drink of the gods, which grants them
> immortality. The Ninth Mandala of the Rigveda is known as the Soma
> Mandala.
> According to Terrence McKenna in his book "The Food Of Gods", the
> psilocybin-containing Stropharia cubensis mushroom is a likely Soma
> candidate. Psilocybin, the active psychoactive component in Stropharia
> Cubensis has a strong hallucinogenic nature.
> Soma (Sanskrit), or Haoma (Avestan) was a ritual drink of importance
> among the early Indo-Iranians, and the later Vedic and Iranian
> cultures. It is frequently mentioned in the Rigveda, which contains
> many hymns praising its energizing or intoxicating qualities.

Interesting how people want to assume that Soma is current hallucinogens.
McKenna probably believed is own mind while tripping.
Baseless assumption.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> Vaj wrote: 
> > > It was a shock at the time.
> > >
> sparaig wrote: 
> > You're easily shocked since succession issues have been all 
> > the rage in religious and spiritual traditions since the dawn 
> > of history.
> >
> Vaj seems not to be aware of the fact that the controversy 
> the succession at Jyotirmath was ongoing for over 150 years (some 
> 250 years). For all we know, the real Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath 
> the Rawal at the Badrinath Temple. What's shocking is that Vaj 
> still be posting rumors about a murder at Jyotirmath in order to 
> his point. There's no evidence that a murder ever took place at
> Jyotirmath in a conspiracy between the Marshy and the Ashram Cook.
> That's just absurd and rediculous on it's face.
Agreed. It is a poisonous and rediculous rumor. Gossip at its worst. 
Guru Dev was definitely not murdered.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Shankara's native language?

2006-04-05 Thread anon_astute_ff
"Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> The first and original Shankara is Lord Shiva - the Adi Shankara.
> Shankara in his lifetime was referred to as Acharya Shree.
Pardon... but how do you know this for sure?
Are you suggesting it is incorrect to refer to Shankara as Adi Shankara?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
sparaig wrote:
> They don't maintain the websites any more that I can tell.
Trancenet has been down for a couple of years - Minit Org (Meditation
Information Network) hasn't been updated since at least 1994. However,
Mike Doughney and John Knapp drop in every once in a while on Usenet
to try and start another forum riot or flame war.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote: 
> > It was a shock at the time.
> >
sparaig wrote: 
> You're easily shocked since succession issues have been all 
> the rage in religious and spiritual traditions since the dawn 
> of history.
Vaj seems not to be aware of the fact that the controversy concerning
the succession at Jyotirmath was ongoing for over 150 years (some say
250 years). For all we know, the real Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath is
the Rawal at the Badrinath Temple. What's shocking is that Vaj would
still be posting rumors about a murder at Jyotirmath in order to prove
his point. There's no evidence that a murder ever took place at
Jyotirmath in a conspiracy between the Marshy and the Ashram Cook.
That's just absurd and rediculous on it's face.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
sparaig wrote:
> Swami Rama claims he learned a specific meditation technique 
> involving his own prayer beads (or whatever they are called) 
> from Gurudev.
Not just a meditation technique for counting prayer beads - Swami Rama
was apparently intiated into the secret Sri Vidya cult by Swami
Brahmanand Saraswati.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
sparaig wrote: 
> And what have they been?
The only specific reference to the Marshy, low-down or otherwise, or
to TM research by Ken Wilber that I can find in any of Wilber's books
or tapes is contained in his introduction to 'Spiritual Choices' -
it's in most public libraries. However, I would have expected a lot
more discussion by Wilber concerning the research on TM and the
mechanics of conciousness. Maybe he just doesn't have the expertise to
make any comments on it. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Chlorophyll, Lymph and Milk

2006-04-05 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Dharma Mitra" 
> Yogis have remarked that chlorophyll greatly improves the function 
of the
> brain and positively facilitates intellectual/psychic abilities.  
They also
> mention that it facilitates milk production, something many women 
are still
> desirous of after pregnancy and may require the assistance of 
either a
> wetnurse or may choose to feed their newborn 'formula' instead.
> My questions to you are at what stage in her growth is the most 
> time for this chlorophyll to have its positive influence to 
facilitate milk
> production:  before pregnancy, after pregnancy, during pregnancy,
> pubescence, pre-pubesence?  In your work in developing countries, 
or in any
> basic necessities programs you know of in developing countries, are
> chlorophyll-rich foods emphasized as curative, remedial or milk 
> for young families?
> Here are some notes on chlorophyll and its effect on milk 
production and
> other magnificent influences upon human evolution:
> Yoga gives great credence to chlorophyll and its influence upon 
the pineal
> gland, producer of serotonin and many other subtle mind chemicals 
> facilitate our evolution as humans.  Take the opportunity to spend 
> weeks drinking freshly juiced vegetables throughout your day, 
especially the
> yellow, green and blue ones, broad leafies such as collard 
greens,  bundles
> of joy such as broccoli and squash.  You can and will experience 
> difference chlorophyll will make.
> Vegetarians produce more lymph because they get chlorophyll from 
grass and
> other green vegetation, and that is why their brains are more 
developed than
> those of non-vegetarians. Those who consume animal protein 
[neglecting green
> vegetation] suffer from want of lymph because animal protein 
contains very
> little chlorophyll. Tigers and cats are carnivores, which is why 
> produce less milk. Cows and buffaloes produce much more milk 
because they
> take chlorophyll from green grass and green vegetation.
> Maximum lymph is produced from food which contains a lot of 
> such as green vegetables and especially the tips of the stems of 
> Granivorous animals produce much milk, while carnivorous animals, 
such as
> dogs, give very little milk.
> Lymph is produced from animal protein also, but because animal 
> produces a lot of heat in the human body, the lymph is quickly 
> into semen. Monkeys and deer produce much lymph, but it is not 
> into semen because it is utilised in running and jumping.
> Although carnivores may be more clever or cunning than granivores, 
they are
> generally less intellectual. It will be very difficult for a 
tiger, a cat or
> a dog to perform spiritual practices. A monkey or a cow may perform
> spiritual practices because they get much chlorophyll from grass 
and other
> green vegetation. Granivorous animals produce more lymph than 
> and that is why their brains are more developed.
> Your insights and experience are greatly welcomed.
> Flourishingly,
> Dharma Mitra
> http://PROUT-Ananlysis-Synthesis.latest-info.com
> *Human society is at a vital new juncture,
> the decrepit skeleton of things tried and
> proven false is rapidly being rent asunder.
> Today we are on the precipice of a glorious
> new dawn in human evolution. Embrace this
> crimson dawn of the glorious new day.*
> **
> **
> **
Personally I am a omnivore, and no intellectual. On the other hand, 
my mind is clear and sharp, and I eat fresh food as often as 
possible. It seems that intent has more to do with our success and 
committment to spiritual practices than diet does.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 11:16 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > But Wilber hasn't made any comments lately about the Marshy - so why
> > are you opening your big pie hole and making claims that Wilber has
> > the 'low down' on the Marshy?
> Actually I said the opposite of what you're claiming:
> "What is unfortunate is that Ken really has probably never heard the
> 'dirty lowdown' on 'Marshy' and his movement."
> And really, the context of this overall discussion was his comments  
> on TM research.

And what have they been?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 11:16 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> But Wilber hasn't made any comments lately about the Marshy - so why
> are you opening your big pie hole and making claims that Wilber has
> the 'low down' on the Marshy?

Actually I said the opposite of what you're claiming:

"What is unfortunate is that Ken really has probably never heard the
'dirty lowdown' on 'Marshy' and his movement."

And really, the context of this overall discussion was his comments  
on TM research.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > It was actually from a conversation with Sw. Rama that I found out  
> > that Mahesh was one of the leading suspects in the murder of Swami  
> > Brahmananda. Sw. Rama's teaching on meditation probably most 
> > resembles Swami Brahmananda's own practice, not TM.
> Careful, Vaj.  You're showing a bit too much of your stripes.

Swami Rama claimshe learned a specific meditation technique involving 
his own prayer beads (or whatever they are called) from Gurudev.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 10:01 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > > It was actually from a conversation with Sw. Rama that I found 
> > > that Mahesh was one of the leading suspects in the murder of 
> > > Brahmananda. Sw. Rama's teaching on meditation probably most
> > closely
> > > resembles Swami Brahmananda's own practice, not TM.
> > >
> >
> >
> > M, so you're saying that the fact that MMY produced a
> > controvesial will didn't make the connection for you?
> This was long before I knew about the will controversy. Actually 
> was back when I actually believed M. was some sort of chosen  
> descendent of SBS.

What makes you think he is not?

> It was a shock at the time.

You're easily shocked since succession issues have been all the rage 
in religious and spiritual traditions since the dawn of history.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 10:02 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > As I said, the TM-ex stuff doesn't cover any of this?
> Some.
> I was thinking of more recent material and comment like seen here  
> over the last several years.
> I had the impression that the TM-ex material had changed little in  
> years. Am I incorrect in my impression?

They don't maintain the websites any more that I can tell.

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[FairfieldLife] Chlorophyll, Lymph and Milk

2006-04-05 Thread Dharma Mitra

Yogis have remarked that chlorophyll greatly improves the function of the brain and positively facilitates intellectual/psychic abilities.  They also mention that it facilitates milk production, something many women are still desirous of after pregnancy and may require the assistance of either a wetnurse or may choose to feed their newborn 'formula' instead.

My questions to you are at what stage in her growth is the most opportune time for this chlorophyll to have its positive influence to facilitate milk production:  before pregnancy, after pregnancy, during pregnancy, pubescence, pre-pubesence?  In your work in developing countries, or in any basic necessities programs you know of in developing countries, are chlorophyll-rich foods emphasized as curative, remedial or milk enhancing for young families?

Here are some notes on chlorophyll and its effect on milk production and other magnificent influences upon human evolution:
Yoga gives great credence to chlorophyll and its influence upon the pineal gland, producer of serotonin and many other subtle mind chemicals that facilitate our evolution as humans.  Take the opportunity to spend days, weeks drinking freshly juiced vegetables throughout your day, especially the yellow, green and blue ones, broad leafies such as collard greens,  bundles of joy such as broccoli and squash.  You can and will experience the difference 
chlorophyll will make.

Vegetarians produce more lymph because they get chlorophyll from grass and other green vegetation, and that is why their brains are more developed than those of non-vegetarians. Those who consume animal protein [neglecting green vegetation] suffer from want of lymph because animal protein contains very little 
chlorophyll. Tigers and cats are carnivores, which is why they produce less milk. Cows and buffaloes produce much more milk because they take chlorophyll from green grass and green vegetation.
Maximum lymph is produced from food which contains a lot of chlorophyll, such as green vegetables and especially the tips of the stems of creepers. Granivorous animals produce much milk, while carnivorous animals, such as dogs, give very little milk. 

Lymph is produced from animal protein also, but because animal protein produces a lot of heat in the human body, the lymph is quickly converted into semen. Monkeys and deer produce much lymph, but it is not converted into semen because it is utilised in running and jumping. 

Although carnivores may be more clever or cunning than granivores, they are generally less intellectual. It will be very difficult for a tiger, a cat or a dog to perform spiritual practices. A monkey or a cow may perform spiritual practices because they get much

 chlorophyll from grass and other green vegetation. Granivorous animals produce more lymph than carnivores, and that is why their brains are more developed.
Your insights and experience are greatly welcomed.
Flourishingly,Dharma Mitrahttp://PROUT-Ananlysis-Synthesis.latest-info.com
Human society is at a vital new juncture,the decrepit skeleton of things tried andproven false is rapidly being rent asunder.Today we are on the precipice of a glorious new dawn in human evolution. Embrace this
crimson dawn of the glorious new day.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> markmeredith wrote:
> > Most every Indian spiritual group I've investigated uses some 
> > of the bija mantras - not necessarily in an eye-closed effortless
> > meditation practice, but they seem to be very commonly known.  
> > 
> So, it's a common practice all over India - Mr. Perino was mistaken.
> > As discussed here recently, early TMers report they weren't given 
> > bij mantras, but "Ram".
> > 
> Maybe so, but I'm TM meditator #212 in the USA, according to Beaulah
> Smith, and I never got a 'Ram' bija mantra. From what I've read, the
> very first TM meditator in India, a certain Mr. Raya, recieved the
> same bija I recieved in 1965, that would be ten years after the
> founding of the SRM by Marshy. 
> > Speaking of Nandkisore, I'd always heard the story about how
> > surprised he was when MMY taught him TM - there was nothing 
> > like it taught within their ashram.
> >
> If true, then Nandkisore obviously didn't get around very much - a
> technique similar to TM was taught at Jyotirmath for years and as 
> and Vaj have confiremd, the technique and the bija mantras are
> ubiquitous all over India. Go figure.
> The mantra you mentioned, 'ram',

AFAIK, that's "raama", not "ram".

rAma mf(%{A4})n. (prob. `" causing rest "' , and in most meanings fr. 
%{ram}) dark , dark-coloured , black (cf. %{rAtri}) AV. TA1r. (%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a black bird , crow Ka1t2hGr2. Vishn2.) ; white (?) 
L. ; pleasing , pleasant , charming , lovely , beautiful MBh. Ka1v. 
&c. ; m. a kind of deer Car. ; a horse L. ; a lover VarBr2S. ; 
pleasure , joy , delight BhP. ; N. of Varun2a. L. ; N. of various 
mythical personages (in Veda two Ra1mas are mentioned with the patr. 
Ma1rgaveya and Aupatasvini ; another RñRa1mas with the patr. 
Ja1madagnya [cf. below] is the supposed author of RV. x , 110 ; in 
later times three RñRa1mas are celebrated , viz. 1. Paras3u-ra1ma 
[q.v.] , who forms the 6th Avata1ra of Vishn2u and is sometimes 
called Ja1madagnya , as son of the sage Jamad-agni by Ren2uka1 , and 
sometimes Bha1rgava , as descended from Bhr2igu ; 2. Ra1ma-candra 
[see below] ; 3. Bala-ra1ma [q.v.] , `" the strong Ra1ma "' , also 
called Hala7yudha and regarded as elder brother of Kr2ishn2a [RTL. 
112] accord. to Jainas a Ra1ma is enumerated among the 9 white 
Balas ; and in VP. a RñRa1mas is mentioned among the 7 R2ishis of the 
8th Manv-antara) RV. &c &c. N. of a king of Malla-pura Cat. ; of a 
king of S3r2in3ga-vera and patron of Na1ge7s3a ib. ; of various 
authors and teachers (also with %{AcArya} , %{upA7dhyAya} , %{kavi} , 
%{cakra-vartin} , %{jyotir-vid} , %{jyau-} %{tiSaka} , %{tarka-vAg-
Iza} , %{dIkSita} , %{daiva-jJa} , %{paNDita} , %{bhaTTa} , %
{bhaTTA7cArya} , %{vAjapeyin} , %{zarman} , %{zAstrin} , %
{saMyamin} , %{sUri} &c.) Cat. ;  
ram el. 1.A1. (Dha1tup. xx , 23) %{ramate} (Ved. also P. %{ra4mati} 
or %{ramNAti} pf. %{rarAma} MBh. ; %{reme} Br. &c. ; aor. 3. pl. %
{ranta} RV. ; %{araMsIt} Ka1v. ; %{araMsta} RV. ; %{raMsiSam} SV. ; 
fut. %{rantA} Gr. ; %{raMsyati} Br. ; %{-te} ib. &c. ; inf. %
{ramitum} MBh. ; %{rantum} ib. &c. ; %{rantos} Br. ; ind. p. %
{ratvA4} ib. ; %{rantvA} Ka1v. ; %{-ramya} or %{-ratya} Pa1n2. 6-4 , 
38) , to stop , stay , make fast , calm , set at rest (P. ; esp. 
pres. %{ramNAti}) RV. VS. ; (P.A1.)to delight , make happy , enjoy 
carnally MBh. Hariv. S3ukas. ; (A1.) to stand still , rest , abide , 
like to stay with (loc. or dat.) RV. &c. &c. ; (A1. ; P. only m. c.) 
to be glad or pleased , rejoice at , delight in , be fond of (loc. 
instr. or inf.) RV. &c. &c. ; to play or sport , dally , have sexual 
intercourse with (instr. with or without %{samam} , %{saha} , %
{sAkam} or %{sA7rdham}) , ChUP. MBh. &c. ; to couple (said of deer) 
Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 , Va1tt. 8 Pat. (cf. Caus.) ; to play with i.e. put 
to stake (instr.) Bhat2t2.: Caus. %{rama4yati} or %{rAma4yati} (aor. %
{a4rIramat}) , to cause to stay , stop , set at rest RV. TS. 
Pan5cavBr. Ka1tyS3r. ; (%{ramayati} , m.c. also %{-te}) to gladden , 
delight , please , caress , enjoy carnally MBh. Ka1v. &c. (3. sg. %
{ramayati-tarAm} , Ratna7v. iii , 9) ; to enjoy one's self , be 
pleased or delighted MBh. Hariv. ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] , he tells that 
the deer are coupling Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 Va1rtt. 8 Pat.: Desid. in %
{riraMsA} , %{-su} q.v.: Desid. of Caus. in %{riramayiSu} q.v.: 
Intesis. %{raMramyate} or %{raMramIti} Pa1n2. 7-4 , 85. [Cf. Zd. 
ram , Gk. $ , &262829[867 ,2] $ , $ ; Lith. {rimti} ; Goth. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> I have no plans to read it, esp. as I don't particularly 
> like reading KW.

Well, you read it here - Wilber hasn't made any comments on the 'low
down' on the Marshy, except in his book 'Spiritual Choices'.

> He's much more enjoyable on video or recent audio.
Better in person.

> > I'd say that if Wilber, the author of dozens of books, 
> > including one with Dick Anthony and one with Peter Russell, 
> > once practiced TM and that if his parents currently practice 
> > TM, that probably Wilber knows more than you do about the TMO 
> > and the Marshy.
> >
> I'll go based on what I have read in recent writings, lectures and  
> talks.
Peter Russell is the author of 'The TM Boook'. Ken Wilber wrote the
forward to Russell's recent book 'The Consciousness Revolution'.
Wilber didn't say anything about the 'low down' on the Marshy.  

'The Consciousness Revolution'
by Ervin Laszlo, Stanislav Grof, Peter Russell 
Elf Rock, 2003
> > Are you suggesting that Wilber hasn't read the archives of 
> > Usenet or Yahoo! before he writes his books?
> I have no idea whether he has or not.
It's obvious that you haven't.

> I would doubt he would use such unreliable sources.
But you get almost all your TMO information from the Internet.

> > I figure that Wilber knows more than you do about this subject.
> >
> Adi Da is a friend of his, so he probably knows much more than I do.
It hasn't been established that you know much about the Adi Da or the
> > Sounds like you've got a strong bias against the Marshy, so 
> > your anecdotes, stories, and comments would hardly be worth
> > considering.
> I just prefer to see things as they are.
So you do have a strong bias against the Marshy.

> > On the other hand, Wilber seems to be a acknowledged 
> > authority. I'm sure that if Wilber thought something was
> > 'low'down' about the Marshy he'd probably be reporting it.
> >
> Doubtful since he's not a close student of M., As Mark pointed out,  
> most of the inside scoop is just that: inside.
But niether you nor Mark are any longer 'inside' the TMO, but I am,
and I say you both full of it. Chances are, that if either of you two
were ever inside, you got kicked out, hence the strong bias against
the Marshy.

> I'm sure he'll continue to comment on what he finds valuable 
> and what he is suspicious of in regards to research since it 
> interfaces with what he does for living.
So, Wilber hasn't found out or commented on any 'low down' about the
Marshy, although he does that for a living.

> > So you haven't read all of Wilber's books, not even the most
> > important ones. 
> Nor do I intend to read them all. There are only a few that 
> would even interest me.
But not the one that gives the 'low down' on the Marshy. Go figure.

> I'm more content listening to his on-going lectures, etc. which
> reflect more current events and POV's.
But Wilber hasn't made any comments lately about the Marshy - so why
are you opening your big pie hole and making claims that Wilber has
the 'low down' on the Marshy? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It was actually from a conversation with Sw. Rama that I found out  
> that Mahesh was one of the leading suspects in the murder of Swami  
> Brahmananda. Sw. Rama's teaching on meditation probably most closely  
> resembles Swami Brahmananda's own practice, not TM.

Careful, Vaj.  You're showing a bit too much of your stripes.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> Not I'm not saying that, but thanks for reminding me.
Trancenet is no longer available on the Internet.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
markmeredith wrote:
> Most every Indian spiritual group I've investigated uses some 
> of the bija mantras - not necessarily in an eye-closed effortless
> meditation practice, but they seem to be very commonly known.  
So, it's a common practice all over India - Mr. Perino was mistaken.

> As discussed here recently, early TMers report they weren't given 
> bij mantras, but "Ram".
Maybe so, but I'm TM meditator #212 in the USA, according to Beaulah
Smith, and I never got a 'Ram' bija mantra. From what I've read, the
very first TM meditator in India, a certain Mr. Raya, recieved the
same bija I recieved in 1965, that would be ten years after the
founding of the SRM by Marshy. 

> Speaking of Nandkisore, I'd always heard the story about how
> surprised he was when MMY taught him TM - there was nothing 
> like it taught within their ashram.
If true, then Nandkisore obviously didn't get around very much - a
technique similar to TM was taught at Jyotirmath for years and as you
and Vaj have confiremd, the technique and the bija mantras are
ubiquitous all over India. Go figure.

The mantra you mentioned, 'ram', which isn't even a bija mantra but
the name of a deified hero, wasn't listed on Trancenet by John Knapp
nor was it mentioned by Mike Doughney on Minit Org's Website. The
mantra 'ram' isn't mentioned by Robert Kropinsky either, in his report
concerning his visit to the Shankaracharya: "Further, I spoke aloud
the sixteen mantras...", (see citation below).

You may be mistaken on this - apparently 'ram' has never been used by
Marshy as a bija mantra for program. I could be wrong though.

From: John Manning
Date: Mon, Oct 22 2001 12:00 pm
Groups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Subject: To BillyG

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 10:01 AM, sparaig wrote:

> > It was actually from a conversation with Sw. Rama that I found out
> > that Mahesh was one of the leading suspects in the murder of Swami
> > Brahmananda. Sw. Rama's teaching on meditation probably most
> closely
> > resembles Swami Brahmananda's own practice, not TM.
> >
> M, so you're saying that the fact that MMY produced a
> controvesial will didn't make the connection for you?

This was long before I knew about the will controversy. Actually this  
was back when I actually believed M. was some sort of chosen  
descendent of SBS.

It was a shock at the time.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 10:04 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> Vaj wrote:
> > It's very ubiquitous.
> >
> So, you're saying that many other temples in India, not just
> Brahmanand's headquarters matha at Sringeri, practice a meditation
> similar to TM and that the use of some TM bija mantras is  
> widespread. 

We've discussed your misconceptions on these subjects many times  
Willie. If you haven't gotten it by now, I suspect you don't want to.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
sparaig wrote: 
> ...so you're saying that the fact that MMY produced a 
> controvesial will didn't make the connection for you?
It's not a fact that MMY 'produced' any controversial will. In fact,
Brahmanand's will was found in a locked vault at the offices of the
Jyotirmath Foundation Trust, and was produced by their barristers, not
by MMY. And besides, it would have been MMY's job to produce the will,
since MMY was Brahmanand's secretary and the administrator of
Brahmanand's estate. At any rate, the will of Brahmanand was never
contested in a court of law in India. The current Shankaracharya,
Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati, is the sole owner of all the Jyotirmath
land, the buildings, and all it's accoutrements.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread markmeredith2002
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> >
> > wayback71 wrote:
> > > Richard, what is your point and could you just say it clearly? 
> > >
> > wayback71 - The Marshy doesn't need anymore people to sign up for TM
> > training - he just needs to have the current teams of meditators sit
> > in large groups to achieve the Maharishi effect, like we do at in the
> > Superradience Dome at Radience. He doesn't need the apostates who went
> > over to the Rama Lentz, the Sri Sri, the Prakash, or that older woman
> > named Ma. So Marshy said to Girish Varma, his uncle, "Who needs them?"
> > Nandikishore told me this because I've been an insider since
> > 
> > According to Steve Perino, not a single temple in all India uses bija
> > mantras, like the ones used in TM, in their spiritual practice. Perino
> > also stated that Shankaracharya didn't teach adwaita, but that's
> > another thread. However, several years ago I discovered that in fact,
> > the headquarters math of Guru Dev was at Sringeri, which is a noted
> > seat of the Sri Vidya sect which practices a meditation similar to TM
> > and that uses thirteen bija mantras contained in the Saundaryalahari,
> > composed by the Shankaracharaya, which contains at least three TM bija
> > mantras.
> >
> Thank you.

Most every Indian spiritual group I've investigated uses some of the
bija mantras - not necessarily in an eye-closed effortless meditation
practice, but they seem to be very commonly known.  

As discussed here recently, early TMers report they weren't given bij
mantras, but "Ram".

Speaking of Nandkisore, I'd always heard the story about how surprised
he was when MMY taught him TM - there was nothing like it taught
within their ashram.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 10:02 AM, sparaig wrote:

> As I said, the TM-ex stuff doesn't cover any of this?


I was thinking of more recent material and comment like seen here  
over the last several years.

I had the impression that the TM-ex material had changed little in  
years. Am I incorrect in my impression?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:59 AM, sparaig wrote:

> Hmmm, so you're saying that the TM-ex groups, among others, haven't
> maintained webpages for years on thte "inner secret dirty laundry" of
> TM and MMY and that the Wikipedia article on TM doesn't link to them?

Not I'm not saying that, but thanks for reminding me.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
sparaig wrote:
> As I said, the TM-ex stuff doesn't cover any of this?
Apparently not. I've read all of the TM-ex stuff posted on Usenet by
Lon P. Stacks, Steve Perino, John Manning, Robert Kropinsky, John
Knapp, Don Krieger, and Mike Doughney, several times, and there's no
'low down' information in there. It's all been thouroughly discredited.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread wayback71
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wayback71 wrote:
> > Richard, what is your point and could you just say it clearly? 
> >
> wayback71 - The Marshy doesn't need anymore people to sign up for TM
> training - he just needs to have the current teams of meditators sit
> in large groups to achieve the Maharishi effect, like we do at in the
> Superradience Dome at Radience. He doesn't need the apostates who went
> over to the Rama Lentz, the Sri Sri, the Prakash, or that older woman
> named Ma. So Marshy said to Girish Varma, his uncle, "Who needs them?"
> Nandikishore told me this because I've been an insider since wayback65.
> According to Steve Perino, not a single temple in all India uses bija
> mantras, like the ones used in TM, in their spiritual practice. Perino
> also stated that Shankaracharya didn't teach adwaita, but that's
> another thread. However, several years ago I discovered that in fact,
> the headquarters math of Guru Dev was at Sringeri, which is a noted
> seat of the Sri Vidya sect which practices a meditation similar to TM
> and that uses thirteen bija mantras contained in the Saundaryalahari,
> composed by the Shankaracharaya, which contains at least three TM bija
> mantras.
Thank you.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> It's very ubiquitous.
So, you're saying that many other temples in India, not just
Brahmanand's headquarters matha at Sringeri, practice a meditation
similar to TM and that the use of some TM bija mantras is widespread.

> Sri Vidya is not the only source of bija mantras.
So, you don't agree with Mr. Perino that there are no temples in all
of India that practice a meditation technique similar to TM and use TM
bija mantras. Mr. Perino, who is obviously not a pundit, seems to be
unaware of the fact that Shankaracharya practiced a meditation
technique similar to TM and used TM bija mantras in his sadhana and
cited them when he composed the Saundaryalari.

> > Because the Sri Vidya is a secret tantric sect - it's not
> > available to non-initiates. Only insiders like Marshy know 
> > much about the bija mantras they use at Sringeri - Marshy 
> > was taught them by his master, Swami Brahmanand Saraswati 
> > over the course of thirteen years in the Himalayas. This 
> > has all been confirmed by Swami Rama - don't you read books?
> >
> It was actually from a conversation with Sw. Rama that I found out  
> that Mahesh was one of the leading suspects in the murder of Swami  
> Brahmananda.
It's common knowledge all over India that the Swami Rama was a big
liar - he was never appointed to be a Shankaracharya. And Mahesh has
never been a suspect in any murder case in India - if he was, we could
all read about it in the Indian press, could we not? Newspapers over
there don't seem to be averse to publishing the 'low down' about such
incidents. In fact, it hasn't even been established that anyone was
murdered, if you are referring to Swami Brahmanand, who died of
natural causes.

> Sw. Rama's teaching on meditation probably most closely  
> resembles Swami Brahmananda's own practice, not TM.
Swami Rama's meditation teaching IS the TM technique, just like
Yogananda, Muktananda, and countless other meditation teachers in the
dhyana yoga tradition. There's only one transcendental absolute, Vaj.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:09 AM, markmeredith2002 wrote:
> > I think you 2 guys mean something completely different by "lowdown".
> > I practiced TM for decades, did most every course possible, lived in
> > ffld for decades and did some independent poking around as the kool
> > aid wore off, but still knew only a fraction of the lowdown until I
> > was put in touch with some ex personal secretaries of MMY, skin 
> > Even they only know bits and pieces of what really goes on based on
> > what their job was.  The lowdown on the TMO is much more secret than
> > most movts.  Wilber may know some things about the practice, but
> > practically nothing about the movt I'd wager.
> Precisely what I was trying to convey, thanks for sharing your own  
> experience.

As I said, the TM-ex stuff doesn't cover any of this?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj
Hi Willy:

On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:36 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> Vaj wrote:
> > > Surely you must be jesting, Vaj. Wilber co-authored 'Spiritual
> > > Choices' with Dick Anthony and you're saying that he probably
> > > never heard the 'dirty lowdown' on Marshy?
> > >
> > We don't know if he did or did not.
> >
> If you had read the book, you would know. Wilber mentions the 'dirty
> lowdown' on the Marshy in 'Spiritual Choices'. When are you going to
> read it?

I have no plans to read it, esp. as I don't particularly like reading  
KW. He's much more enjoyable on video or recent audio.

> > Given that most of the lowdown on the TMO is shrouded in
> > secrecy and often only accessible to an inner core of followers,
> > I'd be surprised if he did.
> >
> I'd say that if Wilber, the author of dozens of books, including one
> with Dick Anthony and one with Peter Russell, once practiced TM and
> that if his parents currently practice TM, that probably Wilber knows
> more than you do about the TMO and the Marshy.

I'll go based on what I have read in recent writings, lectures and  

He may, he may not. As I'm talking to a number of his people, it may  
come up. We'll see.

> > This list is certainly an example where secret material, some
> > negative,  filters out even to the surprise of old and close
> > students of M.
> >
> Are you suggesting that Wilber hasn't read the archives of Usenet or
> Yahoo! before he writes his books?

I have no idea whether he has or not. I would doubt he would use such  
unreliable sources.

> > Unlike people like Adi Da or Rajneesh there really hasn't been
> > an big expose on M. and the movement.
> >
> > Go figure.
> >
> I figure that Wilber knows more than you do about this subject.

Adi Da is a friend of his, so he probably knows much more than I do.

> > They are very good at controlling information and of course,
> > selling it.
> >
> Sounds like you've got a strong bias against the Marshy, so your
> anecdotes, stories, and comments would hardly be worth considering.

I just prefer to see things as they are.

> On
> the other hand, Wilber seems to be a acknowledged authority. I'm sure
> that if Wilber thought something was 'low'down' about the Marshy he'd
> probably be reporting it.

Doubtful since he's not a close student of M., As Mark pointed out,  
most of the inside scoop is just that: inside.

I'm sure he'll continue to comment on what he finds valuable and what  
he is suspicious of in regards to research since it interfaces with  
what he does for living.

> Wilber certainly doesn't hesitate to
> describe some of the 'low down' things about the Adi Da and the Osho.


> > > > It's important to admire the diamonds in this life...but it's
> > > > also important to see the shit they're embedded in...
> > > >
> > > So, you're saying that Wilber's parents practice TM, but Wilber
> > > doesn't see the 'shit they're embedded in'? Go figure.
> > >
> > > You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you make your comments.
> >
> > If I wanted to know what he thought, I'd read something more
> > recent, the book you're referencing is 20 years old.
> >
> So you haven't read all of Wilber's books, not even the most important
> ones. Go figure.

Nor do I intend to read them all. There are only a few that would  
even interest me. I'm more content listening to his on-going  
lectures, etc. which reflect more current events and POV's.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Willy
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 8:15 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > Vaj wrote:
> >
> > > What is unfortunate is that Ken really has probably never heard
> > > the 'dirty lowdown' on 'Marshy' and his movement.
> > >
> > Surely you must be jesting, Vaj. Wilber co-authored 'Spiritual
> > Choices' with Dick Anthony and you're saying that he probably 
> > heard the 'dirty lowdown' on Marshy? Next you'll be telling us 
> > Wilber never heard about the 'dirty lowdown' on the Adi Da Samraj.
> > Get real!
> We don't know if he did or did not. Given that most of the lowdown 
> the TMO is shrouded in secrecy and often only accessible to an 
> core of followers, I'd be surprised if he did.

Hmmm, so you're saying that the TM-ex groups, among others, haven't 
maintained webpages for years on thte "inner secret dirty laundry" of 
TM and MMY and that the Wikipedia article on TM doesn't link to them?

 This list is certainly  
> an example where secret material, some negative,  filters out even 
> the surprise of old and close students of M. Unlike people like 
> Da or Rajneesh there really hasn't been an big expose on M. and 
> movement. They are very good at controlling information and of  
> course, selling it.
> Go figure.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 8:44 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > Vaj wrote:
> > > Which matha are you particularly referring to?
> > >
> > The matha at Sringeri, the headquarters of the Saraswati 
> > the Dasanami sect founded by the Shakaracharya. Sringeri was the
> > headquarters matha of Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, whose teacher 
> > Swami Krishnanand Saraswati of Sringeri.
> >
> > > The mantrayana is not simply located at a particular monastery
> > > or math, in fact it is much more widespread.
> > >
> > So, you're saying that many other temples in India, not just
> > Brahmanand's headqurter matha at Sringeri, practice a meditation
> > similar to TM and that the use of some TM bija mantras is 
> It's very ubiquitous. Sri Vidya is not the only source of bija 
> >
> > > If they are real practitioners of the mantrayana why would
> > > they be worried about any temple other than that of their
> > > own bodies and those they loved?
> > >
> > Because the Sri Vidya is a secret tantric sect - it's not 
available to
> > non-initiates. Only insiders like Marshy know much about the bija
> > mantras they use at Sringeri - Marshy was taught them by his 
> > Swami Brahmanand Saraswati over the course of thirteen years in 
> > Himalayas. This has all been confirmed by Swami Rama - don't you 
> > books?
> It was actually from a conversation with Sw. Rama that I found out  
> that Mahesh was one of the leading suspects in the murder of Swami  
> Brahmananda. Sw. Rama's teaching on meditation probably most 
> resembles Swami Brahmananda's own practice, not TM.

M, so you're saying that the fact that MMY produced a 
controvesial will didn't make the connection for you?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: ASSC 10

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> sparaig wrote:
> > There's always TucsonConsciousness 2006 April 4-8:
> > 
> > http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu/tucson2006.htm
> >
> So, I take it you don't plan to attend ASSC 10. Thanks for the
> information about TucsonConsciousness - maybe I'll see you there. 
> Will you be wearing a name badge?

That's a professional convention that costs several hundred dollars 
to attend and so I won't be attended Tucson Consciousness 2006 either.

> > Of course, TM never gets much play there, even though half 
> > the meditation researchers use MMY's theory of enlightenment
> > progression as a starting point for their own theories.
> >
> Can you cite any links to independent research describing MMY's 
> of enlightenment progression? 

Not off-hand. 

There must be hundreds of scientific
> reports by now, either confirming the thory or rejecting it. 

There's a handful of studies that have come out of MUM on people with 
long-term 24/7 witnessing. Just listened to Fred travis give a brief 
presentation on one or two such studies last night.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
Don't know if this is a binding contract or not, but it certainly 
implies that one agrees to not teach TM outside the guidelines set up 
by the TM organization, incluidng any future requirements of 
recertification, wearing crowns, barking at the moon, etc.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Said I'd post this if I found it. If you haven't signed yours yet,  
> please send it in soon :-)
> Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> (to be signed by the teacher of TM)
> It is my privilege Maharishi, to promise to teach the Principles 
> Practice of Transcendental Meditation only as a teacher-employee 
>  which accepts me as such, that I will always hold the 
> in trust for you, dear Maharishi, and that I will never use the  
> teaching except as teacher in  or other organizations founded 
> you for the purpose of carrying on our work of spreading  
> Transcendental Meditation for the good of mankind; that as a 
> in  I shall receive such compensation as shall be agreed 
>  and myself in writing and except as agreed in writing I 
> to receive no monetary compensation but am fully compensated by 
> love and joy I receive from the work by the alleviation of 
> that I may accomplish and by the wisdom I obtain, expulsate and  
> cherish. In furtherance of this pledge I acknowledge that prior to  
> receiving the training I had no prior knowledge of such system of  
> Teaching; that there is no other available source where the 
> of such training may be obtained; that such teaching has been  
> imparted to me in trust and confidence; that such training is 
> and unique. I further recognize as a Meditation Guide and Initiator 
> am a link in the chain of organizations that you have founded, and  
> that to retain the purity of the teaching and movement you have 
> down the wise rule that, should I ever cease to teach in  or  
> other organizations founded by you, for the purpose of teaching  
> Transcendental Meditation, I may be restrained by appropriate 
> from using this secret teaching and Transcendental Meditation  
> imparted to me.
> It is my fortune Guru Dev that I am being accepted to serve the 
> Tradition and spread the light of God to all those who need it. It 
> my joy to undertake the responsibility of representing the Holy  
> Tradition in all its purity as it has been given to me by 
> and I promise on your alter Guru Dev that with all my heart and 
> I will always work within the framework of the Organizations 
> by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, I promise that as a 
> Guide I will be faithful in all ways to the trust that you have  
> placed in me.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> Precisely what I was trying to convey, thanks for sharing your 
> own experience.
Mark just admitted that after decades of poking around, he still
hardly knows anything, and he lived in Fairfield for years, a town you
apparently never even visited. From what I've read, you haven't been
within a thousand miles of a Maharishi Golden Dome in years. Correct
me if I'm wrong about this.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
markmeredith2002 wrote:  
> I think you 2 guys mean something completely different by 
> "lowdown". I practiced TM for decades, did most every course 
> possible, lived in ffld for decades and did some independent 
> poking around as the kool aid wore off, 
So, Mark, you spent almost your entire life inside a cult drinking
koolaid and NOW you want us to believe what you have to say. If you
lied about the Marshy for all those years, who's to say you're not
lying now?

> but still knew only a fraction of the lowdown until I was put
> in touch with some ex personal secretaries of MMY, skin boys.
Marshy's 'skin boys' probably know less that anyone about the 'low
down' on the Marshy. I've known Ned Wynn since 1963 and the guy still
doesn't have a clue what's going on. Tom Anderson was Marshy's
secretary at Lan Antilla, and he's the insider that posted dozens of
purported 'low down' anecdotes on Usenet - all of them nothing but
misinformation and all of them totally discredited.

> Even they only know bits and pieces of what really goes on 
> based on what their job was. 
To carry the Marshy's skin?

> The lowdown on the TMO is much more secret than most movts.
> Wilber may know some things about the practice, but practically
> nothing about the movt I'd wager.
How much would you be willing to wager?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> > Surely you must be jesting, Vaj. Wilber co-authored 'Spiritual
> > Choices' with Dick Anthony and you're saying that he probably
> > never heard the 'dirty lowdown' on Marshy? 
> >
> We don't know if he did or did not.
If you had read the book, you would know. Wilber mentions the 'dirty
lowdown' on the Marshy in 'Spiritual Choices'. When are you going to
read it?

> Given that most of the lowdown on the TMO is shrouded in 
> secrecy and often only accessible to an inner core of followers, 
> I'd be surprised if he did.
I'd say that if Wilber, the author of dozens of books, including one
with Dick Anthony and one with Peter Russell, once practiced TM and
that if his parents currently practice TM, that probably Wilber knows
more than you do about the TMO and the Marshy. 

> This list is certainly an example where secret material, some
> negative,  filters out even to the surprise of old and close
> students of M. 
Are you suggesting that Wilber hasn't read the archives of Usenet or
Yahoo! before he writes his books?

> Unlike people like Adi Da or Rajneesh there really hasn't been 
> an big expose on M. and the movement. 
> Go figure.
I figure that Wilber knows more than you do about this subject. 

> They are very good at controlling information and of course, 
> selling it.
Sounds like you've got a strong bias against the Marshy, so your
anecdotes, stories, and comments would hardly be worth considering. On
the other hand, Wilber seems to be a acknowledged authority. I'm sure
that if Wilber thought something was 'low'down' about the Marshy he'd
probably be reporting it. Wilber certainly doesn't hesitate to
describe some of the 'low down' things about the Adi Da and the Osho.

> > > It's important to admire the diamonds in this life...but it's
> > > also important to see the shit they're embedded in...
> > >
> > So, you're saying that Wilber's parents practice TM, but Wilber
> > doesn't see the 'shit they're embedded in'? Go figure.
> >
> > You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you make your comments.
> If I wanted to know what he thought, I'd read something more 
> recent, the book you're referencing is 20 years old.
So you haven't read all of Wilber's books, not even the most important
ones. Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:09 AM, markmeredith2002 wrote:

> I think you 2 guys mean something completely different by "lowdown".
> I practiced TM for decades, did most every course possible, lived in
> ffld for decades and did some independent poking around as the kool
> aid wore off, but still knew only a fraction of the lowdown until I
> was put in touch with some ex personal secretaries of MMY, skin boys.
> Even they only know bits and pieces of what really goes on based on
> what their job was.  The lowdown on the TMO is much more secret than
> most movts.  Wilber may know some things about the practice, but
> practically nothing about the movt I'd wager.

Precisely what I was trying to convey, thanks for sharing your own  

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

On Apr 5, 2006, at 8:44 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> Vaj wrote:
> > Which matha are you particularly referring to?
> >
> The matha at Sringeri, the headquarters of the Saraswati sampradaya,
> the Dasanami sect founded by the Shakaracharya. Sringeri was the
> headquarters matha of Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, whose teacher was
> Swami Krishnanand Saraswati of Sringeri.
> > The mantrayana is not simply located at a particular monastery
> > or math, in fact it is much more widespread.
> >
> So, you're saying that many other temples in India, not just
> Brahmanand's headqurter matha at Sringeri, practice a meditation
> similar to TM and that the use of some TM bija mantras is widespread.

It's very ubiquitous. Sri Vidya is not the only source of bija mantras.

> > If they are real practitioners of the mantrayana why would
> > they be worried about any temple other than that of their
> > own bodies and those they loved?
> >
> Because the Sri Vidya is a secret tantric sect - it's not available to
> non-initiates. Only insiders like Marshy know much about the bija
> mantras they use at Sringeri - Marshy was taught them by his master,
> Swami Brahmanand Saraswati over the course of thirteen years in the
> Himalayas. This has all been confirmed by Swami Rama - don't you read
> books?

It was actually from a conversation with Sw. Rama that I found out  
that Mahesh was one of the leading suspects in the murder of Swami  
Brahmananda. Sw. Rama's teaching on meditation probably most closely  
resembles Swami Brahmananda's own practice, not TM.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM - lowdown

2006-04-05 Thread markmeredith2002
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Willy
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 8:15 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> > Vaj wrote:
> >
> > > What is unfortunate is that Ken really has probably never heard
> > > the 'dirty lowdown' on 'Marshy' and his movement.
> > >
> > Surely you must be jesting, Vaj. Wilber co-authored 'Spiritual
> > Choices' with Dick Anthony and you're saying that he probably never
> > heard the 'dirty lowdown' on Marshy? Next you'll be telling us that
> > Wilber never heard about the 'dirty lowdown' on the Adi Da Samraj.
> > Get real!
> We don't know if he did or did not. Given that most of the lowdown on  
> the TMO is shrouded in secrecy and often only accessible to an inner  
> core of followers, I'd be surprised if he did. This list is certainly  
> an example where secret material, some negative,  filters out even to  
> the surprise of old and close students of M. Unlike people like Adi  
> Da or Rajneesh there really hasn't been an big expose on M. and the  
> movement. They are very good at controlling information and of  
> course, selling it.
> Go figure.
> >
> > > It's important to admire the diamonds in this life...but it's
> > > also important to see the shit they're embedded in...
> > >
> > So, you're saying that Wilber's parents practice TM, but Wilber
> > doesn't see the 'shit they're embedded in'? Go figure.
> >
> > You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you make your comments.
> If I wanted to know what he thought, I'd read something more recent,  
> the book you're referencing is 20 years old.

I think you 2 guys mean something completely different by "lowdown". 
I practiced TM for decades, did most every course possible, lived in
ffld for decades and did some independent poking around as the kool
aid wore off, but still knew only a fraction of the lowdown until I
was put in touch with some ex personal secretaries of MMY, skin boys.
 Even they only know bits and pieces of what really goes on based on
what their job was.  The lowdown on the TMO is much more secret than
most movts.  Wilber may know some things about the practice, but
practically nothing about the movt I'd wager.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> Which matha are you particularly referring to?
The matha at Sringeri, the headquarters of the Saraswati sampradaya,
the Dasanami sect founded by the Shakaracharya. Sringeri was the
headquarters matha of Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, whose teacher was
Swami Krishnanand Saraswati of Sringeri.

> The mantrayana is not simply located at a particular monastery 
> or math, in fact it is much more widespread.
So, you're saying that many other temples in India, not just
Brahmanand's headqurter matha at Sringeri, practice a meditation
similar to TM and that the use of some TM bija mantras is widespread. 

> If they are real practitioners of the mantrayana why would 
> they be worried about any temple other than that of their 
> own bodies and those they loved?
Because the Sri Vidya is a secret tantric sect - it's not available to
non-initiates. Only insiders like Marshy know much about the bija
mantras they use at Sringeri - Marshy was taught them by his master,
Swami Brahmanand Saraswati over the course of thirteen years in the
Himalayas. This has all been confirmed by Swami Rama - don't you read

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Insider's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
wayback71 wrote:
> Richard, what is your point and could you just say it clearly? 
wayback71 - The Marshy doesn't need anymore people to sign up for TM
training - he just needs to have the current teams of meditators sit
in large groups to achieve the Maharishi effect, like we do at in the
Superradience Dome at Radience. He doesn't need the apostates who went
over to the Rama Lentz, the Sri Sri, the Prakash, or that older woman
named Ma. So Marshy said to Girish Varma, his uncle, "Who needs them?"
Nandikishore told me this because I've been an insider since wayback65.

According to Steve Perino, not a single temple in all India uses bija
mantras, like the ones used in TM, in their spiritual practice. Perino
also stated that Shankaracharya didn't teach adwaita, but that's
another thread. However, several years ago I discovered that in fact,
the headquarters math of Guru Dev was at Sringeri, which is a noted
seat of the Sri Vidya sect which practices a meditation similar to TM
and that uses thirteen bija mantras contained in the Saundaryalahari,
composed by the Shankaracharaya, which contains at least three TM bija

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj
Hi Willy

On Apr 5, 2006, at 8:15 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> Vaj wrote:
> > What is unfortunate is that Ken really has probably never heard
> > the 'dirty lowdown' on 'Marshy' and his movement.
> >
> Surely you must be jesting, Vaj. Wilber co-authored 'Spiritual
> Choices' with Dick Anthony and you're saying that he probably never
> heard the 'dirty lowdown' on Marshy? Next you'll be telling us that
> Wilber never heard about the 'dirty lowdown' on the Adi Da Samraj.
> Get real!

We don't know if he did or did not. Given that most of the lowdown on  
the TMO is shrouded in secrecy and often only accessible to an inner  
core of followers, I'd be surprised if he did. This list is certainly  
an example where secret material, some negative,  filters out even to  
the surprise of old and close students of M. Unlike people like Adi  
Da or Rajneesh there really hasn't been an big expose on M. and the  
movement. They are very good at controlling information and of  
course, selling it.

Go figure.

> > It's important to admire the diamonds in this life...but it's
> > also important to see the shit they're embedded in...
> >
> So, you're saying that Wilber's parents practice TM, but Wilber
> doesn't see the 'shit they're embedded in'? Go figure.
> You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you make your comments.

If I wanted to know what he thought, I'd read something more recent,  
the book you're referencing is 20 years old.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> What is unfortunate is that Ken really has probably never heard 
> the 'dirty lowdown' on 'Marshy' and his movement.
Surely you must be jesting, Vaj. Wilber co-authored 'Spiritual
Choices' with Dick Anthony and you're saying that he probably never
heard the 'dirty lowdown' on Marshy? Next you'll be telling us that
Wilber never heard about the 'dirty lowdown' on the Adi Da Samraj. 
Get real!

> It's important to admire the diamonds in this life...but it's 
> also important to see the shit they're embedded in...
So, you're saying that Wilber's parents practice TM, but Wilber
doesn't see the 'shit they're embedded in'? Go figure.

You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you make your comments.

> > 'Spiritual Choices: The Problems of Recognizing Authentic Paths to
> > Inner Transformation'
> > by Dick Anthony, Bruce Ecker, and Ken Wilber
> > Paragon House, 1986

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[FairfieldLife] Re: ASSC 10

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
sparaig wrote:
> There's always TucsonConsciousness 2006 April 4-8:
> http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu/tucson2006.htm
So, I take it you don't plan to attend ASSC 10. Thanks for the
information about TucsonConsciousness - maybe I'll see you there. 
Will you be wearing a name badge?
> Of course, TM never gets much play there, even though half 
> the meditation researchers use MMY's theory of enlightenment
> progression as a starting point for their own theories.
Can you cite any links to independent research describing MMY's theory
of enlightenment progression? There must be hundreds of scientific
reports by now, either confirming the thory or rejecting it. 

The single most important report I've read was authored by Hari
Sharma, Brihaspati Dev Triguna and Deepak Chopra that appeared in
'JAMA', which is cited on the TM Org's Website. Apparently this report
is the single most important report ever published about MMY's theory
of enlightenment progression, right behind Benson and Wallace's report
in 'Science' magazine.

Can you post a link to the report or provide a summary of it here?
I'll submit it to the ASSC 10 Administrator. 

'Letter From New Delhi: Maharishi Ayur-Veda: Modern Insights Into
Ancient Medicine'
by Hari Sharma, Brihaspati Dev Triguna, and Deepak Chopra
JAMA, 265, 2633-2637, 1991 

According to Maharishi, "...over 600 scientific studies at more than
200 independent research institutions in 35 countries during the past
40 years confirm that the technique works-and brings remarkable
benefits to people around the world. Research on the Transcendental
Meditation program has been published in more than 100 leading
scientific journals, including Scientific American, Business and
Health, Science, and the Journal of the American Medical Association."


'The Transcendental Meditation Program'

> > The tenth annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific
> > Study of Consciousness will be held from June 23rd to June 26th,
> > 2006, at St. Anne's College, Oxford. Hope to see you there!
> > 
> > Read more:
> > 
> > 'ASSC 10'
> > http://www.assc10.org.uk/
> > 
> > The Mind Science Foundation is a private operating foundation
> > established by visionary philanthropist Thomas Baker Slick in 
> > 1958 to study the unexplored potential of the human mind.
> > 
> > Read more:
> > 
> > 'Mind Science Foundation'
> > http://www.mindscience.org/index.cfm

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Shankara's commentary on II 45

2006-04-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
cardemaister wrote:
> We've tried to transliterate the original
> text as accurately as possible. There
> are some strange features in that text,
> like ignored sandhis, and stuff.
So, you're a Sanskrit transliterator.

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[FairfieldLife] Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-05 Thread Vaj

Said I'd post this if I found it. If you haven't signed yours yet, please send it in soon :-) Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi(to be signed by the teacher of TM)It is my privilege Maharishi, to promise to teach the Principles and Practice of Transcendental Meditation only as a teacher-employee of  which accepts me as such, that I will always hold the teaching in trust for you, dear Maharishi, and that I will never use the teaching except as teacher in  or other organizations founded by you for the purpose of carrying on our work of spreading Transcendental Meditation for the good of mankind; that as a teacher in  I shall receive such compensation as shall be agreed between  and myself in writing and except as agreed in writing I expect to receive no monetary compensation but am fully compensated by the love and joy I receive from the work by the alleviation of suffering that I may accomplish and by the wisdom I obtain, expulsate and cherish. In furtherance of this pledge I acknowledge that prior to receiving the training I had no prior knowledge of such system of Teaching; that there is no other available source where the knowledge of such training may be obtained; that such teaching has been imparted to me in trust and confidence; that such training is secret and unique. I further recognize as a Meditation Guide and Initiator I am a link in the chain of organizations that you have founded, and that to retain the purity of the teaching and movement you have laid down the wise rule that, should I ever cease to teach in  or other organizations founded by you, for the purpose of teaching Transcendental Meditation, I may be restrained by appropriate process from using this secret teaching and Transcendental Meditation imparted to me.It is my fortune Guru Dev that I am being accepted to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the light of God to all those who need it. It is my joy to undertake the responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition in all its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi and I promise on your alter Guru Dev that with all my heart and mind I will always work within the framework of the Organizations founded by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, I promise that as a Meditation Guide I will be faithful in all ways to the trust that you have placed in me.JAI GURU DEV

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Shankara's commentary on II 45

2006-04-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> traiguNyaviSayaaH traiguNyaM saMsaaro 
> viSayaH prakaashayitavyaH yeSaaM te 
> vedaaH traiguNyaviSayaaH | 
> tvaM tu nistraiguNyo bhava arjuna,
> niSkaamo bhava ityarthaH | nirdvandvaH
> sukhaduHkhahetuu pratipakSau padaarthau
> dvandvashabdavaacyau, tataH nirgataH 
> nirdvandvo bhava | nityasattvasthaH 
> sadaa sattvaguNaashrito bhava |
> tathaa niryogakSemaH anupaattasya
> upaadaanaM yogaH, upaattasya rakSaNam
> kSemaH, yogakSemapradhaanasya
> shreyasi pravRttir duSkaraa ityataH
> niryogakSemo bhava | aatmavaan 
> apramattash ca bhava | Sa(??) tava
> upadeshaH svadharman anutiSThtaH ||
> sarveSu vedokteSu karmasu 
> yaanyuktaanyanantaani phalaani taani
> naapekSyante cet, kimarthaM taani
> iishvaraayetyanuSThiyante ityucyate; shRNu
> 2.45 To those who are thus devoid of discriminating wisdom, who
> indulge in pleasure, [Here Ast. adds 'yat phalam tad aha, what 
> accrues, that the Lord states:'-Tr.] O Arjuna, vedah, the Vedas;
> traigunya-visayah, have the three qualities as their object, have 
> three
> gunas, [Traigunya means the collection of the three qualities, viz 
> sattva
> (purity), rajas (energy) and tamas (darkness); i.e. the collection 
> virtuous, vicious and mixed activities, as also their results. In 
> derivative sense traigunya means the worldly life.] i.e. the 
> life, as
> the object to be revealed. But you bhava, become; nistraigunyah, 
> from the three qualities, i.e. be free from desires. [There is a 
> seeming
> conflict between the advices to be free from the three qualities 
> to be
> ever-poised in the quality of sattva. Hence, the Commentator takes 
> phrase nistraigunya to mean niskama, free from desires.] (Be)
> nirdvandvah, free from the pairs of duality -- by the word dvandva,
> duality, are meant the conflicting pairs [Of heat and cold, etc.] 
> which are
> the causes of happiness and sorrow; you become free from them. [From
> heat, cold, etc. That is, forbear them.] You become nitya-
> ever-poised in the quality of sattva; (and) so also niryoga-ksemah,
> without (desire for) acquisition and protection. Yoga means 
> acquisition of
> what one has not, and ksema means the protection of what one has. 
> one who as 'acquisition and protection' foremost in his mind, it is 
> difficult
> to seek Liberation. Hence, you be free from acquisition and 
> protection.
> And also be atmavan, self-collected, vigilant. This is the advice 
> given to
> you while you are engaged in your own duty. [And not from the point 
> view of seeking Liberation.]
> We've tried to transliterate the original
> text as accurately as possible. There
> are some strange features in that text,
> like ignored sandhis, and stuff.
> (For instance, normally "tataH + nirgataH
> + nirdvandvaH" would result to "tato
> nirgato nirdvandvaH". There's no way we
> can tell whether that "de-sandhied" forms
> belong to the original text of Shankara.)
> traiguNyaviSayaaH traiguNyaM saMsaaro 
> viSayaH prakaashayitavyaH yeSaaM te 
> vedaaH traiguNyaviSayaaH | 
> tvaM tu nistraiguNyo bhava arjuna,
> niSkaamo bhava ityarthaH | nirdvandvaH
> sukhaduHkhahetuu pratipakSau padaarthau
> dvandvashabdavaacyau, tataH nirgataH 
> nirdvandvo bhava | nityasattvasthaH 
> sadaa sattvaguNaashrito bhava |
> tathaa niryogakSemaH anupaattasya
> upaadaanaM yogaH, upaattasya rakSaNam
> kSemaH, yogakSemapradhaanasya
> shreyasi pravRttir duSkaraa ityataH
> niryogakSemo bhava | aatmavaan 
> apramattash ca bhava | Sa(??) tava
> upadeshaH svadharman anutiSThtaH ||
> sarveSu vedokteSu karmasu 
> yaanyuktaanyanantaani phalaani taani
> naapekSyante cet, kimarthaM taani
> iishvaraayetyanuSThiyante ityucyate; shRNu
> 2.45 To those who are thus devoid of discriminating wisdom, who
> indulge in pleasure, [Here Ast. adds 'yat phalam tad aha, what 
> accrues, that the Lord states:'-Tr.] O Arjuna, vedah, the Vedas;
> traigunya-visayah, have the three qualities as their object, have 
> three
> gunas, [Traigunya means the collection of the three qualities, viz 
> sattva
> (purity), rajas (energy) and tamas (darkness); i.e. the collection 
> virtuous, vicious and mixed activities, as also their results. In 
> derivative sense traigunya means the worldly life.] i.e. the 
> life, as
> the object to be revealed. But you bhava, become; nistraigunyah, 
> from the three qualities, i.e. be free from desires. [There is a 
> seeming
> conflict between the advices to be free from the three qualities 
> to be
> ever-poised in the quality of sattva. Hence, the Commentator takes 
> phrase nistraigunya to mean niskama, free from desires.] (Be)
> nirdvandvah, free from the pairs of duality -- by the word dvandva,
> duality, are meant the conflicting pairs [Of heat and cold, etc.] 
> which are
> the causes of happiness and sorrow; you become free from them. [From
> he

[FairfieldLife] Shankara's commentary on II 45

2006-04-05 Thread cardemaister

traiguNyaviSayaaH traiguNyaM saMsaaro 
viSayaH prakaashayitavyaH yeSaaM te 
vedaaH traiguNyaviSayaaH | 
tvaM tu nistraiguNyo bhava arjuna,
niSkaamo bhava ityarthaH | nirdvandvaH
sukhaduHkhahetuu pratipakSau padaarthau
dvandvashabdavaacyau, tataH nirgataH 
nirdvandvo bhava | nityasattvasthaH 
sadaa sattvaguNaashrito bhava |
tathaa niryogakSemaH anupaattasya
upaadaanaM yogaH, upaattasya rakSaNam
kSemaH, yogakSemapradhaanasya
shreyasi pravRttir duSkaraa ityataH
niryogakSemo bhava | aatmavaan 
apramattash ca bhava | Sa(??) tava
upadeshaH svadharman anutiSThtaH ||
sarveSu vedokteSu karmasu 
yaanyuktaanyanantaani phalaani taani
naapekSyante cet, kimarthaM taani
iishvaraayetyanuSThiyante ityucyate; shRNu

2.45 To those who are thus devoid of discriminating wisdom, who
indulge in pleasure, [Here Ast. adds 'yat phalam tad aha, what result
accrues, that the Lord states:'-Tr.] O Arjuna, vedah, the Vedas;
traigunya-visayah, have the three qualities as their object, have the 
gunas, [Traigunya means the collection of the three qualities, viz 
(purity), rajas (energy) and tamas (darkness); i.e. the collection of
virtuous, vicious and mixed activities, as also their results. In this
derivative sense traigunya means the worldly life.] i.e. the worldly 
life, as
the object to be revealed. But you bhava, become; nistraigunyah, free
from the three qualities, i.e. be free from desires. [There is a 
conflict between the advices to be free from the three qualities and 
to be
ever-poised in the quality of sattva. Hence, the Commentator takes the
phrase nistraigunya to mean niskama, free from desires.] (Be)
nirdvandvah, free from the pairs of duality -- by the word dvandva,
duality, are meant the conflicting pairs [Of heat and cold, etc.] 
which are
the causes of happiness and sorrow; you become free from them. [From
heat, cold, etc. That is, forbear them.] You become nitya-sattvasthah,
ever-poised in the quality of sattva; (and) so also niryoga-ksemah,
without (desire for) acquisition and protection. Yoga means 
acquisition of
what one has not, and ksema means the protection of what one has. For
one who as 'acquisition and protection' foremost in his mind, it is 
to seek Liberation. Hence, you be free from acquisition and 
And also be atmavan, self-collected, vigilant. This is the advice 
given to
you while you are engaged in your own duty. [And not from the point of
view of seeking Liberation.]

We've tried to transliterate the original
text as accurately as possible. There
are some strange features in that text,
like ignored sandhis, and stuff.
(For instance, normally "tataH + nirgataH
+ nirdvandvaH" would result to "tato
nirgato nirdvandvaH". There's no way we
can tell whether that "de-sandhied" forms
belong to the original text of Shankara.)

traiguNyaviSayaaH traiguNyaM saMsaaro 
viSayaH prakaashayitavyaH yeSaaM te 
vedaaH traiguNyaviSayaaH | 
tvaM tu nistraiguNyo bhava arjuna,
niSkaamo bhava ityarthaH | nirdvandvaH
sukhaduHkhahetuu pratipakSau padaarthau
dvandvashabdavaacyau, tataH nirgataH 
nirdvandvo bhava | nityasattvasthaH 
sadaa sattvaguNaashrito bhava |
tathaa niryogakSemaH anupaattasya
upaadaanaM yogaH, upaattasya rakSaNam
kSemaH, yogakSemapradhaanasya
shreyasi pravRttir duSkaraa ityataH
niryogakSemo bhava | aatmavaan 
apramattash ca bhava | Sa(??) tava
upadeshaH svadharman anutiSThtaH ||
sarveSu vedokteSu karmasu 
yaanyuktaanyanantaani phalaani taani
naapekSyante cet, kimarthaM taani
iishvaraayetyanuSThiyante ityucyate; shRNu

2.45 To those who are thus devoid of discriminating wisdom, who
indulge in pleasure, [Here Ast. adds 'yat phalam tad aha, what result
accrues, that the Lord states:'-Tr.] O Arjuna, vedah, the Vedas;
traigunya-visayah, have the three qualities as their object, have the 
gunas, [Traigunya means the collection of the three qualities, viz 
(purity), rajas (energy) and tamas (darkness); i.e. the collection of
virtuous, vicious and mixed activities, as also their results. In this
derivative sense traigunya means the worldly life.] i.e. the worldly 
life, as
the object to be revealed. But you bhava, become; nistraigunyah, free
from the three qualities, i.e. be free from desires. [There is a 
conflict between the advices to be free from the three qualities and 
to be
ever-poised in the quality of sattva. Hence, the Commentator takes the
phrase nistraigunya to mean niskama, free from desires.] (Be)
nirdvandvah, free from the pairs of duality -- by the word dvandva,
duality, are meant the conflicting pairs [Of heat and cold, etc.] 
which are
the causes of happiness and sorrow; you become free from them. [From
heat, cold, etc. That is, forbear them.] You become nitya-sattvasthah,
ever-poised in the quality of sattva; (and) so also niryoga-ksemah,
without (desire for) acquisition and protection. Yoga means 
acquisition of
what one has not, and ksema means the protection of what one has. For
one who as 'acquisition and protection' foremos

[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread Robert Gimbel
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> on 4/4/06 10:27 PM, bmorry2000 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Insiders know they were told to leave.  Aging parents provided a
> > public excuse for the OJs.
> So why were they told to leave? (OJ's and Goldmans)

I don't know for sure what happened, but it could have been part of the 
power struggle, that slowly pushed everyone out, who wasn't aligned 
with the new administration, Bevan, and people who had come from 
Europe, to take over the administration. The 'old timers' on the board 
of directors were also pushed out, several years before then..


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[FairfieldLife] Re: learn the truth about TM

2006-04-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  
> > wrote:

> > > I always thought the TMO should publish ALL TM research -- both 
> > > negative and positive -- and never, ever reinterpret or reword 
> any 
> > > scientific research. Doing that would have given them the 
> greatest 
> > > credibility.
> > >
> > 
> > SO... you're saying that the teams TMing and non-TMingresearchers 
> are 
> > so controlled by the TMers that the research is completely 
> > untrustworthy?
> >
> No.

SO,... In the long run, it doesn't matter. Whatever fudging of data that has or 
has not been 
done in the early physiological studies really isn't relevant to what the 
researchers are 
finding now.

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