[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread wayback71

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> My take on Vajradoodoo is that he was exposed regularly and unceasingly to a 
> particular religion early in life in a religious family, much like the son of 
> a Baptist preacher, and it has been his cross to bear his entire life. The 
> poor bastard never had a chance to find his own spiritual path. Nonetheless 
> he is a tireless missionary for his completely confused brand of 
> spirituality, but has built quite the following outside of FFL around his 
> stories of all things "eastern". Some seekers will disengage their 
> discriminative abilities whenever something sounds exotic enough. 
> Vajradoodoo desperately longs for the recognition and status of the teachers 
> he has been exposed to, so much so that he has adopted the attitude of what 
> he imagines such teachers act like. This is also why he never backs up any of 
> the mishmash of spiritual snippets he tosses out - he cannot - he doesn't 
> have the experience or consciousness to clarify in his own mind the knowledge 
> he has been hearing. He tries very hard to emulate a Master, though given his 
> lockdown in waking state, can never achieve such a thing beyond his own 
> imagination.
> Unfortunately his religion like all the others (imo) is nearly worthless in 
> terms of direct experience and so all he has left is his grand 
> pronouncements, ego tripping and imagination. He has never done TM that I can 
> see, and feels quite pissed at MMY both for taking momentum away from the 
> religion he pushes here constantly, and causing such cognitive dissonance 
> within him. 
> I feel sorry for the guy, since he just comes across to me as an arrogant 
> religious nut. Very much the waking state victim, knowing next to nothing 
> about authentic spiritual pursuits - all hat and no cattle as the expression 
> goes. 
> In order for Vajradoodoo to see his predicament clearly would mean a major 
> reassessment of all the BS he has ingested, and given that some outside FFL 
> still hold him up on a pedestal,

Really, Vaj has a following? Where?

 there is a very small likelihood of that ever happening. Maybe next lifetime 
he gets a clue. 
> (49)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > thx, Vaj. IOW, you're saying MMY didn't reach CC or Unity; but you've not 
> > provided any evidence as to this. In the face of the vast amount of 
> > evidence that he has, it's up to you to disprove the assertion.
> > Also, it might help if you quoted somebody else, say Norbu Rinpoche or 
> > HHDL. Find out what they say.
> > ...
> > You seem to be a sole voice crying out in the wilderness with no audience; 
> > except perhaps the creepers, snails, and trees. Maybe the birds will listen.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > On Mar 29, 2011, at 6:38 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > > 
> > > > You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned argument 
> > > > ... nothing but polemic.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > I'm sorry I can't waste my time or such "reasoned" eye-brow knitten 
> > > emails. It's just not where I'm at.
> > > 
> > > You either "get" what I'm talking about, or you don't. I'm really not 
> > > going to waste my time on which.
> > > 
> > > Mahesh's assumedly experiential description is your fave as a criteria 
> > > for CC (as it is in many pro-TM cheerleaders). I'm stating emphatically 
> > > and on my own experience that that's not CC, but merely the classical 
> > > experience of turiya (the transcendent) as it normally occurs during it's 
> > > infusion into the waking state constructs.
> > > 
> > > I realize that this is not an airy-fairy description to many's liking, 
> > > but really -- I could care less.
> > > 
> > > The important thing is that I've not described, anywhere, the further 
> > > description (after the infusion of turiya into waking states), of CC 
> > > (turiyatita).
> > > 
> > > Not one person has countermanded that lack, nor have they described the 
> > > actual transition to CC, as it's classically experienced.
> > > 
> > > Hint: the reason I haven't mentioned it is to see if anyone can.
> > > 
> > > And to just wait.
> > > 
> > > I'm a patient kinda guy. I'm actually much happier to simply wait. 
> > > 
> > > I've already been sitting here, many years, and no one's even bothered to 
> > > offer me so much as a drink.
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported 
> > > > personal opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one 
> > > > interpretation of Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display - 
> > > > just forms of "me". You probably consider this to be advaya but in the 
> > > > Western tradition we call this solipsism.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Sheesh, I'm not sure what to say. I never gave it that much thunk.
> > > 
> > > > You must have never read Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus or Proclus or 
> > > > their poin

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear tartbrain,
This is an excellent articulation of the mechanics of thoughts. Jim has
used the term ego maintenance to explain his take and I have a different
of putting the same thing. I tell some of my close friends I have
thoughts, the same thoughts as before but I can't creating any pain or
suffering anymore and I have tried several times to see if any pain
arises and it doesn't. So I concluded that's its not the thoughts but
the so called "emotional" component of the thoughts, the thoughts of me
and mine, the emotional drama that follows every thought that has been
torn asunder.
However I disagree with your example of Ramana to demonstrate how to
judge others. Sure the outer reflects the inner but the outer cannot be
used to judge the inner. My friend who visited Kerala remarked on how
everyone looked so calm, serene like walking yogis - it surely doesn't
mean they were all awakened. The peace and calmness that you project
onto Ramana is not coming from him, if you reflect upon it, it is
clearly coming from within you, that pure trust and faith creates that
feeling in you, you unfortunately are just projecting on to Ramana. If I
didn't know the life story of Ramana, I would think he was like any
other typical deprived, malnourished, masochistic, life abnegating yogi.
Or if you would take a psychologist along with you he would surely
classify him with some personality disorder such as avoidant personality
disorder and/or bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic and prescribe him a
cocktail of meds.
Love - Ravi Yogi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> Maybe we (you and others) are saying a similar thing, maybe not.
> My use of the term "thoughtless" might be misinterpreted from the
state I am referring to. I thought "thoughtless" was a bit of a
delicious and ironic term -- with the second or third nunanced
background wave of meaning reflecting the humorous image of the realized
being "thoughtless" as in not considerate of others. And those of a more
bound nature as being thoughtful (considerate), and writing thoughtful
posts (well considered, reasoned, digested, even wise).
> My sense of humor and irony aside, the state is not a permanent
thoughtless state. Ebill said something like if thoughtless state was
the thing, then lots of dull sort of folks are realized. And I will add
pot smokers. Or those partaking a bit to much irish whiskey. Or simply
deep sleep. All such can produce a thoughtless state, the  first and
last from dullness, the others by temporarily restructuring the pathways
of awareness. These are not the state I am referring to.
> What I am referring to is the ability and nature of the mind to sit in
its own nest, a collapsed wave, no choppy waters.  Along with the
characteristic of a full powerful well shaped wave arising when an
external need arises (a work project, a question, etc.) A core state
utterly still waters, then rising into large waves, fluctuations when
called upon. But no internal need or impetus for the generation of
thoughts. A clear waters type state of mind, like a stil, glassy lake
when there is no breeze.  No thought for an hour might be the norm, then
a single clear fluxuation to meed a need. Like a store keeper. Silent
behind the counter for some time. then sprining to life when needed to
serve and help a customer. No need to be pacing around, tapping fingers,
and all. Just stillness, sitting behind the counter.
> This is in contrast to everyday minds that rarely settle down, and
have constant choppy waters, the internal vasanatic breeze constantly
causing ripples and turblulence. Mind chatter. Frequently judging this
or that. Contrasting self to others, evaluating any foibles it can find.
Having the need to be right, to be esteemed. That mind can also rise up
high and powerful when needed. But often, having less of a silent
platform, the full expansion of thoughts that lead to fulfilling 
purposeful thoughts, are diffused, cluttered and churned up with the
background turbulence -- such tends to break up the waves of purposeful
> That mind, also can constantly and repeatedly be glombing on to hopes
about the future. Being jackhammered by the fears and regrets of the
past. Not being able to simple drop things, but rather a compulsion to
make the universe aware of its important and crucial (as it appears to
that mind) fluctuations.
> Signal to noise ratio is a helpful analogy to me. In the naturally
quiet and still mind, its core state is like a glassy still lake, there
is little self generated "noise". Purposeful thoughts are not distorted
and churned up by any background turbulence. Signal to noise is very
high. The mind with a turbulent core state has lower signal to noise
ratios -- the noise sometimes predominating and the signal gets pretty
> People's writings, conversations, even photos, seem to have a signal
to noise signature. Look at Ramana's picture and one sees awareness that
is not cluttered or turbulent,

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Q&A session on "David Wants to Fly" on YouTube

2011-03-29 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> Thus the burden falls on each new person to process it on their own.
> No one's going to go thru your denial for you or process your anger
> for you, and no one's going to lead you to resignation unless you're
> looking for a therapist or anger coach.
Okay,  fair enough.  But what I find more objectionable is that Bob
states that one reason that he won't reveal the author of the statement
is that "I" meaning me, " am not interested in the truth" so what is the
use in revealing the source of this accusation.  So, now I am the one
having to defend myself, and prove that I am "worthy" of his divulging
his source.  And what's more, B0b has a history of making
unsubstantiated statements, which, at least in my opinion, makes him
less than a credible source.

Sometimes if you turn up the pressure on something,  cracks appear.  I
just wanted to see where the cracks would appear.  The appeared.

[FairfieldLife] In memoriam: Jim Bennetti

2011-03-29 Thread Bill Coop
 JAMES BENETTI James C. "Jim" Benetti, 67, a resident of Henderson for 19
years, passed away March 3, 2011, at Nathan Adelson Hospice in Las Vegas. He
was born in Detroit, and grew up on a beautiful little farm in rural
Michigan. He pursued math and physics, earning his undergraduate degree from
Univ. of Michigan and his master's degree from Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.
In his work life, he employed his sharp analytical skills and intuitive
talents at the State of Wisconsin and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. He was deeply interested in spiritual development - his own and
others' - and being of service to others. He was a teacher of the Art of
Living programs and Transcendental Meditation (TM). He was a friend of Bill
W's for more than 42 years and loved his Monday night "brothers" very
dearly. His survivors include wife, Joy; son, Tony; daughter-in-law,
Miranda; soon-to-arrive grandchild; brother, Toby; brother-in-law, Jay;
nieces; and nephews. We will miss him very much but draw strength from his
acceptance of and surrender to God's will. A memorial service will be held
at the Benetti residence 2-5 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Cremation arrangements
handled by Neptune Society. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the
Art of Living Foundation, www.artofliving.org, Nathan Adelson Hospice
www.nah.org or a charity of your choice.

[FairfieldLife] Re: In the Mind of

2011-03-29 Thread seventhray1

Dick, this is so profound.  This is most profound thing I have read
since Hugh Prather's "Notes to Myself" when I was in high school. 
Really you should compile these thoughts into a book.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr"  wrote:
> In the Mind of
> I have often thought it to be more pragmatic to come to know the deep
> mysteries of our own Mind and Consciousness, and our emanation, before
> worrying too much as to what the Mind of another is like and what is
> going on in there. And of course the Relationship between our own Mind
> and that of ALL things, or The ALL. Perhaps that is why some folks
> to say Know Thy SELF. We certainly run Deep and Silent. And in that
> Silence so much can be learned.
> What do you think? What have you found?
> Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr"  wrote:
> (x) The Encircled Saltire Cross symbolises this. NOT that it needs
> symbolising. But it is a quick sign. And as is found on the ancient
> Culbone Stone. They knew what they were on about too.

Dick, you are awesome. And too awesome I suppose to speak plain english.
I can just picture you on a rock outcropping, white hair blowing in the
wind, a far off look in your eyes, wearing some kind of white robe,
which is also blowing the breeze.

Am I wrong on this.?  Can I get an amen?

[FairfieldLife] Nuclear situation

2011-03-29 Thread obbajeeba
Does Dr. John Hagelin have any advice or a direction to take with this massive 
nuclear situation occurring in Japan? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Vegans Charged in Baby's Death'

2011-03-29 Thread m 13
.but rice is vegan, and an easily digestible food...wonder why some things 
of their food were not blended up and fed in addition to mother's milk? I don't 
know the whole story. Very interesting. Sad.-M


[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread emptybill

If you are trying to assert the so-called seven types of turya from
Abhinavagupta's Trika then it still gets no sikara – especially
a kuban one. It's still a different tradition and a different way to
slice the pie. It's like saying that Buddhist bhumi-s show a deeper
degree of "enlightenment" since there are ten of them and only
seven in Patanjali or Vedanta.

It's an illegitimate mode of criticism.

If you mean the two versions of the Sapta-jñana-bhumi of the
Yogavaasishta or of the Jiivanmuktiviveka of Vidyaranya then you are
merely using the classification typology of one interpretation to
devalue another.

Still illegitimate.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Mar 29, 2011, at 6:38 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned
argument ... nothing but polemic.
> >
> >
> I'm sorry I can't waste my time or such "reasoned" eye-brow knitten
emails. It's just not where I'm at.
> You either "get" what I'm talking about, or you don't. I'm really not
going to waste my time on which.
> Mahesh's assumedly experiential description is your fave as a criteria
for CC (as it is in many pro-TM cheerleaders). I'm stating emphatically
and on my own experience that that's not CC, but merely the classical
experience of turiya (the transcendent) as it normally occurs during
it's infusion into the waking state constructs.
> I realize that this is not an airy-fairy description to many's liking,
but really -- I could care less.
> The important thing is that I've not described, anywhere, the further
description (after the infusion of turiya into waking states), of CC
> Not one person has countermanded that lack, nor have they described
the actual transition to CC, as it's classically experienced.
> Hint: the reason I haven't mentioned it is to see if anyone can.
> And to just wait.
> I'm a patient kinda guy. I'm actually much happier to simply wait.
> I've already been sitting here, many years, and no one's even bothered
to offer me so much as a drink.
> >
> > There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported
personal opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one
interpretation of Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display
- just forms of "me". You probably consider this to be advaya but in the
Western tradition we call this solipsism.
> >
> >
> Sheesh, I'm not sure what to say. I never gave it that much thunk.
> > You must have never read Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus or Proclus or
their point about doxa. Same for Gaudapada, Shankara, Madhusuudhana. Oh,
but I forget. You are originally enlightened. Unlike willy,  you don't
need  no wiki.
> >
> I was initiated into Gaudapada's practices when I was a kid. Honestly,
I found the yogis of Tibet much better, more nuanced and more
experientially relevant (for me). They had the goods in just who they
were...and they could teach that to me.
> > You must love the neo-advaitin, Svamit Vivekananda.
> >
> I'm not a fan, although I did read him with great interest, many years
ago, right before I lost my interest in Protestant post-colonial
> > He followed Vidyaaranya too. I hope you somehow achieve mano-nasa to
put an end to your mind. It must be a burden. Hopefully it won't be just
> >
> >
> LOL. Thanks for the wish.
> Good luck your self.
> -V.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread emptybill

This is disrespectful. And inaccurate anyway. The name is not
vajradoodoo but Vajra-voodoo or, if you like, vajra-vudun (only
hyphenated for clarity).

Clarity is everything at a time like this.
More importantly, it's an extra-special, secret nama-mantra, which I
just told 'cause I can. That's secret muntra for you.

At least I'm not disrespectful.

May your flag wave even without the wind.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" 
> My take on Vajradoodoo is that he was exposed regularly and
unceasingly to a particular religion early in life in a religious
family, much like the son of a Baptist preacher, and it has been his
cross to bear his entire life. The poor bastard never had a chance to
find his own spiritual path. Nonetheless he is a tireless missionary for
his completely confused brand of spirituality, but has built quite the
following outside of FFL around his stories of all things "eastern".
Some seekers will disengage their discriminative abilities whenever
something sounds exotic enough.
> Vajradoodoo desperately longs for the recognition and status of the
teachers he has been exposed to, so much so that he has adopted the
attitude of what he imagines such teachers act like. This is also why he
never backs up any of the mishmash of spiritual snippets he tosses out -
he cannot - he doesn't have the experience or consciousness to clarify
in his own mind the knowledge he has been hearing. He tries very hard to
emulate a Master, though given his lockdown in waking state, can never
achieve such a thing beyond his own imagination.
> Unfortunately his religion like all the others (imo) is nearly
worthless in terms of direct experience and so all he has left is his
grand pronouncements, ego tripping and imagination. He has never done TM
that I can see, and feels quite pissed at MMY both for taking momentum
away from the religion he pushes here constantly, and causing such
cognitive dissonance within him.
> I feel sorry for the guy, since he just comes across to me as an
arrogant religious nut. Very much the waking state victim, knowing next
to nothing about authentic spiritual pursuits - all hat and no cattle as
the expression goes.
> In order for Vajradoodoo to see his predicament clearly would mean a
major reassessment of all the BS he has ingested, and given that some
outside FFL still hold him up on a pedestal, there is a very small
likelihood of that ever happening. Maybe next lifetime he gets a clue.
> (49)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" yifuxero@ wrote:
> >
> > thx, Vaj. IOW, you're saying MMY didn't reach CC or Unity; but
you've not provided any evidence as to this. In the face of the vast
amount of evidence that he has, it's up to you to disprove the
> > Also, it might help if you quoted somebody else, say Norbu Rinpoche
or HHDL. Find out what they say.
> > ...
> > You seem to be a sole voice crying out in the wilderness with no
audience; except perhaps the creepers, snails, and trees. Maybe the
birds will listen.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Mar 29, 2011, at 6:38 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > >
> > > > You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned
argument ... nothing but polemic.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > I'm sorry I can't waste my time or such "reasoned" eye-brow
knitten emails. It's just not where I'm at.
> > >
> > > You either "get" what I'm talking about, or you don't. I'm really
not going to waste my time on which.
> > >
> > > Mahesh's assumedly experiential description is your fave as a
criteria for CC (as it is in many pro-TM cheerleaders). I'm stating
emphatically and on my own experience that that's not CC, but merely the
classical experience of turiya (the transcendent) as it normally occurs
during it's infusion into the waking state constructs.
> > >
> > > I realize that this is not an airy-fairy description to many's
liking, but really -- I could care less.
> > >
> > > The important thing is that I've not described, anywhere, the
further description (after the infusion of turiya into waking states),
of CC (turiyatita).
> > >
> > > Not one person has countermanded that lack, nor have they
described the actual transition to CC, as it's classically experienced.
> > >
> > > Hint: the reason I haven't mentioned it is to see if anyone can.
> > >
> > > And to just wait.
> > >
> > > I'm a patient kinda guy. I'm actually much happier to simply wait.
> > >
> > > I've already been sitting here, many years, and no one's even
bothered to offer me so much as a drink.
> > >
> > > >
> > > > There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported
personal opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one
interpretation of Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display
- just forms of "me". You probably consider this to be advaya but in the
Western tradition we call this solipsism.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > S

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread turquoiseb
The purpose of the fag hag is to protect her gay followers.
The purpose of the followers is to do whatever the fag hag wants.
It's good to know one's purpose in life.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> >
> > On Mar 28, 2011, at 3:15 PM, Ravi Yogi wrote:
> > > And Vaj you should let go of the fascination with your
> > > whore(intellect), then you can stop dreaming the dream
> > > of thought constructs.
> >
> > You don't seem to understand the experiential differences
> > Rave. You're merely parroting Maheshisms tailored to an
> > imagined experience.
> Ravi, of course, isn't a TMer. But even if Vaj had
> somehow had missed that fact, it's VERY strange that
> he thinks MMY would ever have referred to the
> intellect as a "whore." (Not only would he not have
> used that term, he never, at least to my knowledge,
> disparaged the intellect.)

[FairfieldLife] Are these the best pictures taken on a mobile ever?

2011-03-29 Thread cardemaister


For those of us whose holiday pictures are typified by blurry images or heads 
cut off, these images will come as something of a shock.
Photographer Jason Hawkes has not only captured stunning shots of some of 
Britain's beauty spots while flying across Britain, he has done it on a camera 
Swapping his 'pretty huge, and really heavy' camera bag for the Nokia N8, the 
aerial specialist took to the skies in a helicopter to take snaps across the

[FairfieldLife] An iPhone app made especially for the Three Goons

2011-03-29 Thread turquoiseb
Feeling a little chagrined that you got caught making 90 "Gotta get the
TM critics" posts in the first 30 hours of the FFL posting week? Wish
you could "roll them back" and pretend that you (depending on gender)
weren't so fag hag-whipped or such a compulsive fag hag? Worry no more.
The Apple App Store says, "There's an app for that."
'Last Night Never Happened' Helps You Undo Social Media Wrongs 
Go out, get drunk, post on your ex-boyfriend's wall with typo-ridden 
declarations of love, then tweet humiliating picture of self making the 
OK sign while dancing topless on a bar.
If any of this evokes some remembered dread of social networking gone
embarrassingly inebriated, you might need Last Night Never Happened
 , an iPhone app that helps you delete
incriminating digital evidence from an unfortunate evening.

What it is:  Last Night Never Happened links to your  Twitter and
Facebook accounts so that you can delete your selected  photos, posts,
and tweets for a chosen number of hours from the evening  before.

How it works: LNNH lets you log into your Facebook  and Twitter
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which point the app will display just how many things you  posted during
that period.

That includes Facebook photos and wall posts, as well as tweets and 
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"Should you choose to use Last Night Never Happened to delete your 
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The app doesn't store user information, and makes you confirm deletion
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  or ruined relationships.

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late, it's probably better than never.

How to get it: Visit the website   or go to
the iTunes store
 , where it is available for the "hangover special" of $0.99.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Raja Emmanuel

2011-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Joe  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >   Maharishi's Global Family Chat  Summary
> > March 23, 2011  Raja Emanuel birthday Extraordinary signs of rising
> > invincibility in  Germany were reported by Raja Emanuel on the occasion of
> > his  birthday today. He began by thanking all the Governors, Sidhas, and
> >  meditators for their efforts towards invincibility and then  enumerated
> > some beautiful changes:
> >
> > * A letter from the Minister of Defence of the  German Government
> > was received this morning, on Raja Emanuel's  birthday. In complete contrast
> > to decades-long government policy,  the minister writes that he appreciates
> > the contribution and  impulse for peace shown by the Movement and is very
> > happy about  it.
> > *
> >   After many years Germany has been admitted to  the UN Security
> > Council, yet the first act of the Foreign Minister  was to abstain from
> > voting for military action in Libya.
> > *
> >   German Chancellor Merkel has quickly changed  policy on nuclear
> > power generators, already closing 7, and there  is cooperative action by
> > major political parties to shut down all  the remaining 15 generators.
> > *
> >   Road fatalities in Germany have dropped by  about 75% in the past
> > few years.
> > *
> >   More favourable laws for the establishment of  tertiary education
> > institutions have been passed, and the Movement  has immediately instituted
> > proceedings to accredit Maharishi  Invincible University for Germany, which
> > will allow groups of  Yogic Flyers to create harmony in the collective
> > consciousness and  invincibility for the nation.
> > *
> >   A leading German university has enquired  about using TM
> > meditators for research to test sophisticated new  machinery which gauges
> > the flexibility or rigidity of blood  vessels. Dr Swan commented in his
> > summary that German researchers  are famous for their precision, and they
> > therefore choose only the  most reliable, predictable, and thoroughly proven
> > technology to  test their new machines, which is why they have chosen the
> >  Transcendental Meditation Technique.
> > *
> >   The national TV came the Hannover Peace  Palace to make a
> > programme on the search for wisdom. *When asked  what was the greatest
> > achievement of TM, Raja Emanuel said it was  the cessation of enmity between
> > the superpowers. The astonishment  of the journalists gave the opportunity
> > for a complete explanation  of coherence in collective consciousness. When
> > Raja Emanuel was  then asked if he was wise, he explained that he is in the
> >  fortunate possession of the key to wisdom for everyone.*
> >
> >* Raja Emanuel's birthday wish is for all the  Rajas to experience the
> > bliss of using the Raam Global Development  currency which has been accepted
> > by the city government at the  Brahmasthan of Germany, and which will enable
> > all the big projects  for the invincibility of every nation to be realized
> > without delay. *  NEW
> > SERVICE now available for Maharishi Channel 3 on  the iPad and iPhone.
> > Subscribe  here  . See  the Maharishi Global
> > Family Chat summaries online <
> > http://www.maharishichannel.in/econtact/signup_form2.php>  Visit  the
> > Maharishi's Global Family Chat Archives <
> > http://www.maharishichannel.in/archives/archive.html>  Contribute to  the
> > Maharishi Channel 
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> *Deutschland über Alles, Poland in 14 days..  Hitler almost had it right,
> didn't he Maharishi?*

What a perveted statement. 

[FairfieldLife] Film stuff: The Scott Connection

2011-03-29 Thread turquoiseb
Sunday just felt like a "movie day," so I took advantage
of it to watch two recent acquisitions. The first was a
film I'd "liked the look of" when I saw the trailer, and
thus decided to look for, called "London Boulevard." I
put it on my "Look For" list purely because of the cast:
Colin Farrell, Keira Knightley, Anna Friel, Ray Winstone,
David Thewlis, Ben Chaplin, etc. 

And I wound up liking it. It's a well-done noir thriller
with a well-worn plot -- guy gets out of prison and tries
to go straight but his former gangster buddies want him
back in -- but done as if it *weren't* a well-worn plot.
The old story of the con who falls in love while trying
to stay out of his old life became something a little new.

So that got me paying attention to the first-time director, 
William Monahan, enough to watch the credits as they 
scrolled by and learn that he was the writer/director, 
and that one of the people he credits in his "Thanks" 
section is Ridley Scott.

That reminded me that one of the other films I acquired 
recently was an extended Director's Cut of "Kindom Of
Heaven." I looked it up and found that, synchronistically,
William Monahan was the writer of that film. The Scott
Connection. I decided to watch it, and learned an impor-
tant thing about Ridley Scott that I pass along to other
film fans: If you like Ridley Scott, and you're the type
of moviegoer who only sees a film once, don't bother
going to see the theatrical version of a Ridley Scott
film. Wait for the Director's Cut.

I've now seen both the theatrical cut and the Director's
Cut of Scott's "Robin Hood" and "Kingdom Of Heaven," 
and I've come away from the experience thinking that
the man is brilliant, but has no sense of restraint. 
He overscripts and overshoots, *knowing* that the studio
is never going to allow him to release the film he made.
They'll force him to cut out an hour or more from his
version, so they can have a "marketable" version. The
problem is that the marketable theatrical release of
both of these films sucked. It wasn't until I saw the
real versions of them -- with over an hour of footage
restored to both -- that I realized that they were
pretty good films. 

Anyway, I'd recommend them both -- "London Boulevard"
for fans of noir, and the extended Director's Cut of 
"Kingdom Of Heaven" for fans of history, especially
the history of the Middle East and why Arabs might
still be a little pissed off. When Scott was making
the latter, the King Of Morocco (a personal friend)
insisted on assigning him 24/7 security, because he'd
seen the script, and knew that any film that presented
a balanced view of the final siege of Jerusalem would
make its director a target of fanatics.

[FairfieldLife] Film review: "Lie With Me"

2011-03-29 Thread turquoiseb
This review comes entirely from a WTF moment experienced
while watching a made-for-the-Internet film called "Girl
Walks Into A Bar." In one scene of that film I caught a
glimpse of a woman playing what can be genuinely considered
a bit part, but the sight of her for some reason made me
go WTF. I knew I'd seen her before, but didn't know where.

So I looked her up on the IMDB, discovered that her name
was Lauren Lee Smith, and that I'd seen (and noticed)
her both in "The L Word" and on a scifi series called
"Mutant X." I also found a reference to a little-known
Canadian film (she's from Vancouver) called "Lie With Me," 
found some interesting stills from it, and downloaded it 
forthwith. And damned if it isn't one of the most inter-
estingly erotic films I've ever seen, and damned if Lauren 
Lee Smith isn't even more interesting as an actress than 
I thought she might be. 

But first, a warning. If you're one of those TM prudes,
this film is not for you. When I say "erotic," I mean
"Not Rated" in the US (to avoid an NC-17 or X rating)
and banned in Malaysia. If you look it up on the IMDB,
you'll find the user reviews consistently calling it
"smokin' hot." The fascinating thing is that most of
these user reviews are from women. It's *tastefully*
smokin' hot.

The movie was supposedly made from a popular novel about
a sexually-aggressive young woman trying to figure out
where love fits into her casual-sex lifestyle. And as
such it's interesting, but it's Lauren Lee Smith's
performance that makes the film *really* interesting.
As one professional Canadian critic put it, "Smith 
gives not just the best performance by a Vancouver
actress this year, but the best performance by a 
Canadian actress. No, scratch that. She gives the
best performance by an actress I've seen *period*
this year." This was written in 2005, a year that
saw Annette Benning, Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett,
Laura Linney, Hilary Swank, and Natalie Portman 
nominated for Best Actress/Supporting Actress honors.

I kinda agree with the guy. It's a knockout perform-
ance. But it's in a film that many are incapable of
ever appreciating or even watching, because it deals 
with a casual-sex lifestyle they find unattractive 
or immoral. I don't think the film ever even got a 
US theatrical release, because the filmmakers knew 
that description fit the majority of American movie-
goers. Too bad. They missed out on as fine a perform-
ance by an actress as I've ever seen.

Smokin' hot. But not for everyone.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Q&A session on "David Wants to Fly" on YouTube

2011-03-29 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> > Would it make any difference to you, if I could quote someone, who
> used to teach the 'ATR' , back in the day?
> > There is a person I could name that essentially says the same thing,
> so what difference would it make if I posted her name here?
> Because Bob, you won't post it, and that is the difference.  You are all
> bluster.  Talk is cheap, and you strike me as a cheap person.  As the
> saying goes, "put up or shut up".
I'm not sure if she would want her name posted here... 
I'll have to ask her before I would do that...
The point is, that she told me the inner workings of how things went iin the 
movement and how it became more of a money making maching, and how Maharishi 
became obssessed with money...
And if I posted her name, you would come up with another objection to tehtruth, 
because you're not interested in the truth...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2011, at 9:49 PM, emptybill wrote:

You are superimposing the language of Trika upon a yogic-vedanta  
question. Shifting to another tradition is a way to not focus upon  
the issue.

It is not a way of shifting anything, except to point out your  
confusion of the different experiences of turiya in waking, dreaming  
and deep sleep as compared to turiyatita, beyond turiya. You are  
confusing the experience of turiya in waking state with turiyatita.

I'm clearly focusing on the issue of your confusion. It's common in  

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Q&A session on "David Wants to Fly" on YouTube

2011-03-29 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> I'm not sure if she would want her name posted here...
> I'll have to ask her before I would do that...
> The point is, that she told me the inner workings of how things went
iin the movement and how it became more of a money making maching, and
how Maharishi became obssessed with money...
> And if I posted her name, you would come up with another objection to
tehtruth, because you're not interested in the truth...

Bob, you are just too predictable.  Her story may or may not be true. 
For all I know it is.   But what a weak basis on which to make an
acccusation.  And of course you are following the script.  Throw out an
accusation and then disavow all knowledge or hide under the cover of
"national security" type thing.

[FairfieldLife] Clueless (was Re: not much for unsolicited private messages)

2011-03-29 Thread turquoiseb
I'll take this one on, because it relates to why I'm
doing the "Three Goons" number lately. I am trying to
make the point that there is a concerted "team" effort
going on on Fairfield Life to try to marginalize TM
critics or call their credibility into question. It's
the *same* tactic used by Bobby Roth in his recent Q&A,
and it's the *same* tactic used by TMO mouthpieces and
by Maharishi himself for decades. 

I think it's lazy, unintelligent, and that it sucks. 
And I'm tired of those who do this consistently -- day
after day, week after week, month after month, and year
after year -- denying that they're doing it. I had some 
fun with the "Enlightenment Makes You Gay" post and
its followups NOT to intimate that Ravi and Jim are
gay; I think we all suspect that they are not. I did
it to make the point that they ARE a "team," one that
I deemed the Three Goons, and that their behavior is
1) totally predictable, and 2) inspired and choreo-
graphed by the group's "fag hag," Judy Stein. She has
been running this "Gotta get the TM critics" number
for *over 16 years*. Jim and Ravi are just the latest
to cozy up to her and make her their fag hag and
throw their support behind this tired old tactic.

That said, and the thing that is most shocking about
Jim's post below, is that he *still doesn't get it*
about first declaring yourself enlightened, and then
acting like a total asshole. After I wrote my "Enlight-
enment Makes You Gay" riff, his first response was to
play the Pity Card and say that his own brother was
gay and died of AIDS. If that is so, and he's sensi-
tive about things gay, why was *he* the first in 
these exchanges to throw out a "gay slur" (as he does 
below) in yet another attempt to "get" two people who 
have done nothing more to him than be vocal about 
their doubts about the TM movement?

In his earlier incarnations on this forum, several
of us tried repeatedly to get Jim to address the 
*inconsistencies* in on the one hand claiming to be
enlightened and on the other hand displaying anger
and, yes, downright meanness towards anyone who didn't
buy that act. He never got it. He never even saw the
issue. He still doesn't, below. 

My feeling is that the same affliction is shared by
each of the members of the Three Goons. None of them
ever became TM teachers, none of them ever taught 
anyone, and none of them ever *put themselves on the
front lines* of spiritual teaching. (Hell, one of them
never even learned TM, much less taught it.) They are
all IMO "wannabee authorities." They want to just say
shit and have everyone believe it as if they were an
authority, without ever having paid the dues necessary
to BE an authority. 

Worse, never having put themselves in the position of
actually *being* a representative of the spiritual 
path they tout, they are unaware that *their behavior*
is *always* going to be viewed as representative of
the thing they're trying to sell or defend. Having 
claimed that they were enlightened, both Ravi and Jim 
are *always* going to be viewed as "examples of what 
enlightenment is," whether they are "official" examples 
of it or not, and *whether they want to be or not*. 
Their personal behavior is *fair game* when assessing 
their claims of enlightenment, and what enlightenment
itself means. 

So is Judy's, *whether she likes it or not*. She ring-
leads this group of Three Goons, whether she denies
it or not. She goes out of her way to defend them if
someone criticizes them, and she goes out of her way
to praise them when they "do the right thing," which
from her point of view is to say disparaging things 
about me, Vaj, Sal, Joe, Curtis, or any of the others
Judy has deemed "TM critics" or "anti-TMers" and
placed on her Enemies List. *Her* behavior, whether
she likes it or not, can and *should be* seen as
representative of the organization she so consistently

And the thing is, her behavior IS representative of
the TMO. That's what this whole discussion about Bobby
Roth has been all about. *He* "did a Judy." Judy "does
a Bobby." The behavior being pointed out in both of
them is NOT an isolated instance; it is a pattern. 
It's a fuckin' way of life. 

I, for one, think that this way of life sucks. I have
no problem with anyone who takes criticisms levied 
against the TMO and meets them head-on and tries to
address them, *without at the same time trying to
demonize the critic*. I have no problem with the 
folks like Dick Mays and merlin who "stay out of the
mud" and just present propaganda about the things they
consider positive about TM and the TMO Judy can't do 
either. Neither can Ravi or Jim. Most of the time the 
latter two don't even *try* to address the criticisms; 
ALL that they do is try to demonize the critics. 

In this rant and the ones leading up to it, I'm not
trying to declare my point of view on all of this
the only point of view, or the "right" POV. I'm just
describing what I see as trends, and as predictable
patterns. Whenever the TMO or on

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Raja Emmanuel

2011-03-29 Thread wayback71
thank you!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:
> Let me finish that for you.
> shit.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71"  wrote:
> >
> > Oh.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:
> > >
> > >  Maharishi's Global Family Chat  SummaryMarch 23, 2011
> > > Raja Emanuel birthday Extraordinary signs of rising invincibility in 
> > > Germany were reported by Raja Emanuel on the occasion of his  birthday
> > > today. He began by thanking all the Governors, Sidhas, and  meditators
> > > for their efforts towards invincibility and then  enumerated some
> > > beautiful changes:
> > >  * A letter from the Minister of Defence of the  German
> > > Government was received this morning, on Raja Emanuel's  birthday. In
> > > complete contrast to decades-long government policy,  the minister
> > > writes that he appreciates the contribution and  impulse for peace shown
> > > by the Movement and is very happy about  it.  *  After
> > > many years Germany has been admitted to  the UN Security Council, yet
> > > the first act of the Foreign Minister  was to abstain from voting for
> > > military action in Libya.  *  German Chancellor Merkel
> > > has quickly changed  policy on nuclear power generators, already closing
> > > 7, and there  is cooperative action by major political parties to shut
> > > down all  the remaining 15 generators.  *  Road
> > > fatalities in Germany have dropped by  about 75% in the past few years.
> > > *  More favourable laws for the establishment of  tertiary
> > > education institutions have been passed, and the Movement  has
> > > immediately instituted proceedings to accredit Maharishi  Invincible
> > > University for Germany, which will allow groups of  Yogic Flyers to
> > > create harmony in the collective consciousness and  invincibility for
> > > the nation.  *  A leading German university has enquired
> > > about using TM meditators for research to test sophisticated new 
> > > machinery which gauges the flexibility or rigidity of blood  vessels. Dr
> > > Swan commented in his summary that German researchers  are famous for
> > > their precision, and they therefore choose only the  most reliable,
> > > predictable, and thoroughly proven technology to  test their new
> > > machines, which is why they have chosen the  Transcendental Meditation
> > > Technique.  *  The national TV came the Hannover Peace 
> > > Palace to make a programme on the search for wisdom. When asked  what
> > > was the greatest achievement of TM, Raja Emanuel said it was  the
> > > cessation of enmity between the superpowers. The astonishment  of the
> > > journalists gave the opportunity for a complete explanation  of
> > > coherence in collective consciousness. When Raja Emanuel was  then asked
> > > if he was wise, he explained that he is in the  fortunate possession of
> > > the key to wisdom for everyone.
> > >  Raja Emanuel's birthday wish is for all the  Rajas to experience the
> > > bliss of using the Raam Global Development  currency which has been
> > > accepted by the city government at the  Brahmasthan of Germany, and
> > > which will enable all the big projects  for the invincibility of every
> > > nation to be realized without delay.
> > >   NEW SERVICE now available
> > > for Maharishi Channel 3 on  the iPad and iPhone. Subscribe  here
> > >  . See  the Maharishi Global Family Chat
> > > summaries online
> > >   Visit  the
> > > Maharishi's Global Family Chat Archives
> > >   Contribute to 
> > > the Maharishi Channel 
> > > 
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Clueless (was Re: not much for unsolicited private messages)

2011-03-29 Thread whynotnow7
You sound unhinged dude.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> I'll take this one on, because it relates to why I'm
> doing the "Three Goons" number lately. I am trying to
> make the point that there is a concerted "team" effort
> going on on Fairfield Life to try to marginalize TM
> critics or call their credibility into question. It's
> the *same* tactic used by Bobby Roth in his recent Q&A,
> and it's the *same* tactic used by TMO mouthpieces and
> by Maharishi himself for decades. 
> I think it's lazy, unintelligent, and that it sucks. 
> And I'm tired of those who do this consistently -- day
> after day, week after week, month after month, and year
> after year -- denying that they're doing it. I had some 
> fun with the "Enlightenment Makes You Gay" post and
> its followups NOT to intimate that Ravi and Jim are
> gay; I think we all suspect that they are not. I did
> it to make the point that they ARE a "team," one that
> I deemed the Three Goons, and that their behavior is
> 1) totally predictable, and 2) inspired and choreo-
> graphed by the group's "fag hag," Judy Stein. She has
> been running this "Gotta get the TM critics" number
> for *over 16 years*. Jim and Ravi are just the latest
> to cozy up to her and make her their fag hag and
> throw their support behind this tired old tactic.
> That said, and the thing that is most shocking about
> Jim's post below, is that he *still doesn't get it*
> about first declaring yourself enlightened, and then
> acting like a total asshole. After I wrote my "Enlight-
> enment Makes You Gay" riff, his first response was to
> play the Pity Card and say that his own brother was
> gay and died of AIDS. If that is so, and he's sensi-
> tive about things gay, why was *he* the first in 
> these exchanges to throw out a "gay slur" (as he does 
> below) in yet another attempt to "get" two people who 
> have done nothing more to him than be vocal about 
> their doubts about the TM movement?
> In his earlier incarnations on this forum, several
> of us tried repeatedly to get Jim to address the 
> *inconsistencies* in on the one hand claiming to be
> enlightened and on the other hand displaying anger
> and, yes, downright meanness towards anyone who didn't
> buy that act. He never got it. He never even saw the
> issue. He still doesn't, below. 
> My feeling is that the same affliction is shared by
> each of the members of the Three Goons. None of them
> ever became TM teachers, none of them ever taught 
> anyone, and none of them ever *put themselves on the
> front lines* of spiritual teaching. (Hell, one of them
> never even learned TM, much less taught it.) They are
> all IMO "wannabee authorities." They want to just say
> shit and have everyone believe it as if they were an
> authority, without ever having paid the dues necessary
> to BE an authority. 
> Worse, never having put themselves in the position of
> actually *being* a representative of the spiritual 
> path they tout, they are unaware that *their behavior*
> is *always* going to be viewed as representative of
> the thing they're trying to sell or defend. Having 
> claimed that they were enlightened, both Ravi and Jim 
> are *always* going to be viewed as "examples of what 
> enlightenment is," whether they are "official" examples 
> of it or not, and *whether they want to be or not*. 
> Their personal behavior is *fair game* when assessing 
> their claims of enlightenment, and what enlightenment
> itself means. 
> So is Judy's, *whether she likes it or not*. She ring-
> leads this group of Three Goons, whether she denies
> it or not. She goes out of her way to defend them if
> someone criticizes them, and she goes out of her way
> to praise them when they "do the right thing," which
> from her point of view is to say disparaging things 
> about me, Vaj, Sal, Joe, Curtis, or any of the others
> Judy has deemed "TM critics" or "anti-TMers" and
> placed on her Enemies List. *Her* behavior, whether
> she likes it or not, can and *should be* seen as
> representative of the organization she so consistently
> "defends." 
> And the thing is, her behavior IS representative of
> the TMO. That's what this whole discussion about Bobby
> Roth has been all about. *He* "did a Judy." Judy "does
> a Bobby." The behavior being pointed out in both of
> them is NOT an isolated instance; it is a pattern. 
> It's a fuckin' way of life. 
> I, for one, think that this way of life sucks. I have
> no problem with anyone who takes criticisms levied 
> against the TMO and meets them head-on and tries to
> address them, *without at the same time trying to
> demonize the critic*. I have no problem with the 
> folks like Dick Mays and merlin who "stay out of the
> mud" and just present propaganda about the things they
> consider positive about TM and the TMO Judy can't do 
> either. Neither can Ravi or Jim. Most of the time the 
> latter two don't even *try* to address the criticisms; 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Q&A session on "David Wants to Fly" on YouTube

2011-03-29 Thread seventhray1

Oh, one other thing, and I don't know if  you can comprehend this Bob,
but the burden of proof is on you, not me.  You are the one making an
accusation, not me.  So, perhaps you don't realize that you are doing
what you seem to rail against so often-trying to make the person asking
for substantiation the one who has the deficiency.  Why don't you try
"walking the talk" for change instead of just "talking the talk".

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" babajii_99@ wrote:
> > I'm not sure if she would want her name posted here...
> > I'll have to ask her before I would do that...
> > The point is, that she told me the inner workings of how things went
> iin the movement and how it became more of a money making maching, and
> how Maharishi became obssessed with money...
> > And if I posted her name, you would come up with another objection
> tehtruth, because you're not interested in the truth...
> Bob, you are just too predictable. Her story may or may not be true.
> For all I know it is. But what a weak basis on which to make an
> acccusation. And of course you are following the script. Throw out an
> accusation and then disavow all knowledge or hide under the cover of
> "national security" type thing.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Q&A session on "David Wants to Fly" on YouTube

2011-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:17 AM, seventhray1 wrote:

Bob, you are just too predictable.  Her story may or may not be  
true.  For all I know it is.   But what a weak basis on which to  
make an acccusation.  And of course you are following the script.   
Throw out an accusation and then disavow all knowledge or hide  
under the cover of "national security" type thing.

Many people have been aware of Mahesh's duplicity for a long, long  
time. While I know it's important for some to protect their teacher,  
it seems very likely, given that numerous people have pointed out the  
exact same behavior, that this is true. Denial's a natural response,  
just like the "it's not possible that HH the Marshy screwed my  
girlfriend and her best friend!" revelations had a high denial  
factor. It's often difficult to accept that our cherished figureheads  
aren't what they appear to be -- or worse.

Is this really, honestly news to you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clueless (was Re: not much for unsolicited private messages)

2011-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:29 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

 She has
been running this "Gotta get the TM critics" number
for *over 16 years*.

It's really an interesting Sociological phenomenon. I remember in  
Sociology studying the behavior of "end of the world" fanatics and  
how, even after the world didn't end on the date they claimed it  
would, they'd just continue as if nothing ever happened. In this  
case, even after their guru was exposed in a film and numerous books  
as not being who he claimed to be, they continue on, just like their  
end of the world counterparts.

Same with the "unenlightened enlightened" crowd. Similar phenom.

Once the ego stakes it's territory, they'll keep protecting that ego- 
territory like rabid soul-clinging prairie dogs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Clueless (was Re: not much for unsolicited private messages)

2011-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:29 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

In his earlier incarnations on this forum, several
of us tried repeatedly to get Jim to address the
*inconsistencies* in on the one hand claiming to be
enlightened and on the other hand displaying anger
and, yes, downright meanness towards anyone who didn't
buy that act. He never got it. He never even saw the
issue. He still doesn't, below.

He claimed "his world ended", but even after it was way apparent it  
had not, he still went on as if nothing had changed. Just like the  
'end of the world' moon-bats.

Really, there's a remarkable similarity between unenlightened  
enlighteners and end of the world crazies. Often there's a little bit  
of charismatic Christian-style holy rolling (bhava-samadhi) type  
emotional conviction and in-front-of-the-whole-congregation type  
displays. The Hindu bhava-samadhi phenomenon and the Christian  
talking-in-tongues / bliss / divine laughter trips are really just  
different cultural expressions of the same thing.

At least they're not handling snakes. Yet.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Q&A session on "David Wants to Fly" on YouTube

2011-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:43 AM, seventhray1 wrote:

Oh, one other thing, and I don't know if  you can comprehend this  
Bob, but the burden of proof is on you, not me.

Not if Bob (or whoever) has already answered these questions to his  
or her satisfaction.

Once they've gone through the denial and anger, the "juice" and the  
electrical potential is out of it for them. The details they had  
previously sought fade into the background as they get on with their  
lives. So in such cases it's silly to expect them to remember  
something they've gone thru and are done with. By and large, they've  
forgotten about and moved on. "It's behind them."

Thus the burden falls on each new person to process it on their own.  
No one's going to go thru your denial for you or process your anger  
for you, and no one's going to lead you to resignation unless you're  
looking for a therapist or anger coach.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread tartbrain
Maybe we (you and others) are saying a similar thing, maybe not. 

My use of the term "thoughtless" might be misinterpreted from the state I am 
referring to. I thought "thoughtless" was a bit of a delicious and ironic term 
-- with the second or third nunanced background wave of meaning reflecting the 
humorous image of the realized being "thoughtless" as in not considerate of 
others. And those of a more bound nature as being thoughtful (considerate), and 
writing thoughtful posts (well considered, reasoned, digested, even wise).

My sense of humor and irony aside, the state is not a permanent thoughtless 
state. Ebill said something like if thoughtless state was the thing, then lots 
of dull sort of folks are realized. And I will add pot smokers. Or those 
partaking a bit to much irish whiskey. Or simply deep sleep. All such can 
produce a thoughtless state, the  first and last from dullness, the others by 
temporarily restructuring the pathways of awareness. These are not the state I 
am referring to.

What I am referring to is the ability and nature of the mind to sit in its own 
nest, a collapsed wave, no choppy waters.  Along with the characteristic of a 
full powerful well shaped wave arising when an external need arises (a work 
project, a question, etc.) A core state utterly still waters, then rising into 
large waves, fluctuations when called upon. But no internal need or impetus for 
the generation of thoughts. A clear waters type state of mind, like a stil, 
glassy lake when there is no breeze.  No thought for an hour might be the norm, 
then a single clear fluxuation to meed a need. Like a store keeper. Silent 
behind the counter for some time. then sprining to life when needed to serve 
and help a customer. No need to be pacing around, tapping fingers, and all. 
Just stillness, sitting behind the counter. 

This is in contrast to everyday minds that rarely settle down, and have 
constant choppy waters, the internal vasanatic breeze constantly causing 
ripples and turblulence. Mind chatter. Frequently judging this or that. 
Contrasting self to others, evaluating any foibles it can find. Having the need 
to be right, to be esteemed. That mind can also rise up high and powerful when 
needed. But often, having less of a silent platform, the full expansion of 
thoughts that lead to fulfilling  purposeful thoughts, are diffused, cluttered 
and churned up with the background turbulence -- such tends to break up the 
waves of purposeful thoughts.

That mind, also can constantly and repeatedly be glombing on to hopes about the 
future. Being jackhammered by the fears and regrets of the past. Not being able 
to simple drop things, but rather a compulsion to make the universe aware of 
its important and crucial (as it appears to that mind) fluctuations.

Signal to noise ratio is a helpful analogy to me. In the naturally quiet and 
still mind, its core state is like a glassy still lake, there is little self 
generated "noise". Purposeful thoughts are not distorted and churned up by any 
background turbulence. Signal to noise is very high. The mind with a turbulent 
core state has lower signal to noise ratios -- the noise sometimes 
predominating and the signal gets pretty distorted.

People's writings, conversations, even photos, seem to have a signal to noise 
signature. Look at Ramana's picture and one sees awareness that is not 
cluttered or turbulent, just silence, resting in its core state, until a 
question or need arises elsewhere. Even then you can feel the gentleness of his 
response. Conversations are telling. People who need to keep grabbing the 
conversation, interupting  to make there  oh so important point, almost as a 
compulsion, appear to be riding big turbulent inner choppy waves. As is 
reflected also in writing to a degree. Its an interesting energy to observe.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> Right on. Nothing wrong with thoughts, except by those plagued by their own, 
> seeking an artificial relief and stillness. Even the accomplishment of that 
> stillness is only half the battle won. Liberation as you so astutely say is 
> complete when the mind is the servant of the Self vs. the isolated ego. And 
> addiction to anything goes away with self liberation.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:
> >
> > There is a definite reduction in thoughts but that's merely a consequence 
> > of losing the identification of me and mine. Mind is a great utility like 
> > the body. Like I usually say mind should be under the payroll of Self and 
> > not the ego. But I don't currently believe in a thoughtless enlightened 
> > state, it just seems to fantasy projected by people like Vaj, the 
> > vakrabuddhi(twisted or crooked intellect), fascinated with and tormented by 
> > their thoughts. You can be the master of the thoughts but the notion of a 
> > thoughtless state shows how much the person is bounded by it.
> > 
> > --- In 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The lives of TM critics - a research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi.

2011-03-29 Thread WillyTex

Alex Stanley:
> I don't know because I don't really grok determinism... 
Turq and Vaj seem to be confused. In their zeal to discredit 
Judy, they seem to have taken the idealist position and 
opposed the scientific reasoning. Wasn't it just a few 
months ago that Turq made fun of his own brother's idealism? 

Go figure!

Determinism means that events happen for a reason - there 
are no chance events. Anything that happens is determined 
by prior events - cause and effect. Determinism has nothing 
to do with God or self-determinism of human actions, 
decisions, or desires.

Free will in contrast is a metaphysical notion which 
postulates that an agent can make religious and ethical 
choices. Ethics has to do with coexistence with an omnipotent 
diety that one can be held morally responsible for their 
own actions.

[FairfieldLife] Homa to Cricket

2011-03-29 Thread Buck
To change the course of events, sports fans do vedic homa for victory:

  [Fans in Jammu attend a special prayer ceremony for the victory of the
Indian cricket team ahead of the ICC Cricket World Cup semi-final match
between India and Pakistan.  ]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> My use of the term "thoughtless" might be misinterpreted from the
state I
> am referring to. I thought "thoughtless" was a bit of a delicious and
> term -- with the second or third nunanced background wave of meaning
> reflecting the humorous image of the realized being "thoughtless" as
in not
> considerate of others. And those of a more bound nature as being
> (considerate), and writing thoughtful posts (well considered,
> digested, even wise).


Buddhist Road Sign



[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > My use of the term "thoughtless" might be misinterpreted from the
> state I
> > am referring to. I thought "thoughtless" was a bit of a delicious
> ironic
> > term -- with the second or third nunanced background wave of meaning
> > reflecting the humorous image of the realized being "thoughtless" as
> in not
> > considerate of others. And those of a more bound nature as being
> thoughtful
> > (considerate), and writing thoughtful posts (well considered,
> reasoned,
> > digested, even wise).
> Buddhist Road Sign
> LU/s400/buddhist+comic.jpg]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread tartbrain

Those are great. Thanks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> >
> > My use of the term "thoughtless" might be misinterpreted from the
> state I
> > am referring to. I thought "thoughtless" was a bit of a delicious and
> ironic
> > term -- with the second or third nunanced background wave of meaning
> > reflecting the humorous image of the realized being "thoughtless" as
> in not
> > considerate of others. And those of a more bound nature as being
> thoughtful
> > (considerate), and writing thoughtful posts (well considered,
> reasoned,
> > digested, even wise).
> [http://www.toonpool.com/user/1688/files/buddhist_compliment_321115.jpg]
> Buddhist Road Sign
>   [http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2009/10/05/science/06mind-190.jpg]
> [http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lirx3mxDNGE/SYXyVayepTI/Azk/tsp9omaod\
> LU/s400/buddhist+comic.jpg]

[FairfieldLife] Re: The lives of TM critics - a research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi.

2011-03-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

> > Can you say more about your realization that choices and
> > their outcome are always exactly what they should be? I
> > mean, what did it feel like to have that realization?
> > Can you describe the experience? Was it a gradual process,
> > or a sudden light bulb going on? Did Waking Down have
> > anything to do with it?
> That introspection and realization occurred during a six
> month floaty/witnessy phase I went through before crashing
> into the dark night of the soul that preceded the Waking
> Down Brand Second Birth Awakening. The realization was
> mental whiplash because for a couple days I was totally
> fixated in my gratitude on how the story had actually
> unfolded. The sudden thought, out of the blue, that being
> sick or dead from HIV could be equally perfect was a mind
> blowing contrast.

Boy, if you can see *that* as perfect, you should be
able to see all lesser negative consequences of choices
as perfect too.

By "should," I don't mean "ought to." I just mean, it
doesn't get much starker than that. 

> At that point, though, it was strictly an intellectual
> realization. It was only after the awakening that I started
> to live that free-fall in the perfection of now. And, even
> now, I still have episodes of egoically glomming onto a
> polarity and making myself suffer in the process.

Which would also be perfect, no? Can you incorporate the
glomming and making-yourself-suffer as such?

> As for Waking Down, I'm pretty sure it had everything to do
> with everything that unfolded during that time.

[FairfieldLife] Snake on the town

2011-03-29 Thread authfriend
Some of you may have read or heard about the cobra
that has escaped from the Bronx Zoo in NYC:



What you may not yet know is that the cobra has 
opened a Twitter account and is giving regular 
updates on his exploration of the city:


Hashtag is #snakeonthetown.

Cobra's a pretty witty dude. Samples:

Holding very still in the snake exhibit at the 
Museum of Natural History. This is gonna be 
Just FYI, I've had it with Samuel L. Jackson too.
Dear @CharlieSheen, know what's better than tiger's 
blood? Cobra venom. #winning #snakeonthetown Also 
I'm 20 inches long. Just sayin'.
Gonna listen to some Jazz tonight. You know I love 
some great flute work. Do they provide it or is it 
bring your own basket? #snakeonthetown
[Bergdorfs and dkny are high-end NYC clothing 
stores; each has a Twitter account, and both
tweeted the cobra inviting him to stop in. This
is his response.--JS]

If I recognize a single belt... RT @Bergdorfs @dkny 
@BronxZoosCobra it's a good time to visit you know. 
Our resident mongoose is on holiday

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread tartbrain
A characteristic of the Thoughtless Mind is being more nested in the present. 
Though "Now" is a bit of a cliche, there is a fundamental truth about it. And 
its not an imperative like "Be here now". One can't, or it is hard to, will to 
be here now. Its not a practice so much, but a condition one finds themselves 
in. (Though as practice, coming back to Now when one becomes aware they are 
stuck in thoughts of a more fulfilling future or past I find helpful.) 

In the Pure Present, there is no expectations, no need for any particular 
outcome, no need to change things or people, an appreciation of things as they 
are (coupled with a quick readiness to help when called upon by outside 
circumstances), no hankering for a better future or fear and distaste of the 
past, nor a clinging to the past as an anchor of how good things were before. 

Its a state of being open to any outcome, any possibility. And of looking at 
each moment from fresh, almost pristine eyes. Past is past and does not color 
or flavor ones view of the same thing today. Like a wave waking up from its 
pristine still state. "All is good, ah let me look at this thing without any 
filters of past evaluations." Not resisting change. Not being anchored to one 
way of viewing things vs another. Sort of the innocent exploratory nature of 
kids is rekindled.

In that Pure Presence, internal thoughts, thoughts that ultimately, though they 
take many forms, about finding a more fulfilling state, don't come anymore. 
What is found in present circumstances, in present awareness is all that is 
needed. In that state, that glassy still quiet lake thing occurs. Ready to 
spring forth when necessary, but no compulsion or need to do so from internal 

MMY did not dwell on this characteristic. Touched on it  some in Gita, had 
analogies consistent with it, but it was never a clear marker in the sense of 
how Awareness during sleep, support of nature, sidhis, ritam and all were 
discussed at length in the context of markers. Not surprisingly (or quite 
surprisingly), TMer's don't speak much about Quiet Mind, Thoughtlessness as a 
core quality of their lives. It may be there, but its not part of the TM 
catachism. My view is that MMY presented things from a particular angle: 
simplicity and a positive set of characteristics from the practice that people 
could easily relate to: clearer mind, better health, more loving and caring 
relations with others, gaining wealth, 200% of life, etc. That is not to say 
that he dismissed the Quiet Mind, but was not his angle of teaching.   


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> Maybe we (you and others) are saying a similar thing, maybe not. 
> My use of the term "thoughtless" might be misinterpreted from the state I am 
> referring to. I thought "thoughtless" was a bit of a delicious and ironic 
> term -- with the second or third nunanced background wave of meaning 
> reflecting the humorous image of the realized being "thoughtless" as in not 
> considerate of others. And those of a more bound nature as being thoughtful 
> (considerate), and writing thoughtful posts (well considered, reasoned, 
> digested, even wise).
> My sense of humor and irony aside, the state is not a permanent thoughtless 
> state. Ebill said something like if thoughtless state was the thing, then 
> lots of dull sort of folks are realized. And I will add pot smokers. Or those 
> partaking a bit to much irish whiskey. Or simply deep sleep. All such can 
> produce a thoughtless state, the  first and last from dullness, the others by 
> temporarily restructuring the pathways of awareness. These are not the state 
> I am referring to.
> What I am referring to is the ability and nature of the mind to sit in its 
> own nest, a collapsed wave, no choppy waters.  Along with the characteristic 
> of a full powerful well shaped wave arising when an external need arises (a 
> work project, a question, etc.) A core state utterly still waters, then 
> rising into large waves, fluctuations when called upon. But no internal need 
> or impetus for the generation of thoughts. A clear waters type state of mind, 
> like a stil, glassy lake when there is no breeze.  No thought for an hour 
> might be the norm, then a single clear fluxuation to meed a need. Like a 
> store keeper. Silent behind the counter for some time. then sprining to life 
> when needed to serve and help a customer. No need to be pacing around, 
> tapping fingers, and all. Just stillness, sitting behind the counter. 
> This is in contrast to everyday minds that rarely settle down, and have 
> constant choppy waters, the internal vasanatic breeze constantly causing 
> ripples and turblulence. Mind chatter. Frequently judging this or that. 
> Contrasting self to others, evaluating any foibles it can find. Having the 
> need to be right, to be esteemed. That mind can also rise up high and 
> powerful when needed. But often, having less of a sil

[FairfieldLife] Re: Look Who's Meditating Now

2011-03-29 Thread pranamoocher
Please yellow highlight your comments since they can't easily be seen.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ditzyklanmail  wrote:
> Thanks for posting this.
> I was not aware of that article.
> I wish everyone who has flaws could still be able to represent that
which brings
> peace to mind. Russell talks about his past drug habits, etc. Susan
says she
> meditates once a day...those flaws are accepted, if you have the
> I agree with the bottom of page 2 of the  NYTIMES article, with the
> it helps with publicity, the Hollywood community’s embrace of
the technique
> could in theory cheapen TM’s message, in light of that
particular group’s
> capricious spiritual tastes â€" Madonnaand the kabbalah or Tom
> Scientology."
> My opinion is not important, but I think the PR for the movement could
use some
> advice from others who maybe do not have the donation pocket in their
> Every other word in marketing being a rock star or Hollywood name does
not make
> me wish...wish to hear those words.  lol
> Rock stars and Hollywood, give names of idol thoughts in my head. I
can't help
> but imagining a hundred years from now, a rock stars name in
association with TM
> will become defined as one of the "founders," then a new religion
would be
> born.   I am not dissing the idea of meditation, nor am I knocking the
> Movement.  The marketing seems to be taking a flaky turn?   We need
> in this world. Kids that want to grow up and find solutions to make
> better.
> From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sun, 20 March, 2011 5:09:49 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Look Who's Meditating Now
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" do.rflex@ wrote:
> >
> > Transcendental Meditation has New Devotees
> >
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/20/fashion/20TM.html?_r=1
> Two photos are worth twenty thousand words.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] no charges in Fairfield "hate crime" case

2011-03-29 Thread feste37
March 29, 2011
County rejects hate crime charges
Jefferson Co. Attorney says no hate crime took place

MATT MILNER Courier Staff Writer The Ottumwa Courier Tue Mar 29, 2011, 04:38 AM 

FAIRFIELD — The Jefferson County Attorney decided an alleged hate crime earlier 
this month wasn't a crime and has rejected calls for charges against all 

Usama Alshaibi told authorities he was attacked by four men in the early 
morning hours of March 6 in Fairfield. Fairfield Police Chief Julie Harvey 
initially called the report credible based on Alshaibi's injuries, but also 
said the investigation was ongoing.

The finger-pointing was immediate. Some called for charges against the people 
who allegedly struck Alshaibi the night of March 5-6. Others said Alshaibi 
should face charges of trespassing for going to a home uninvited.

Tim Dille, the county attorney, rejected both arguments and released the 
results of his investigation Monday. Dille said Alshaibi reported events as he 
remembered them and that the people in the home did not use unreasonable force.

Alshaibi spent much of the evening of March 5 at Vivo's, a restaurant and bar 
in Fairfield, according to Dille's report. He and a friend began drinking in 
the bar area between 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. Alshaibi was confrontational later in 
the evening, shouting obscenities at another patron.

Alshaibi left Vivo's at approximately midnight. He told police he parted from 
the friend with whom he spent the evening and heard music coming from a house 
as he walked home. He said he encountered a young woman who told him about a 
party upstairs in a home.

Alshaibi entered the Bishop home on South Fifth Street. Gabe Bishop was 
upstairs with four friends, Samantha Fischer, Brian Jennings, Heath Nevins and 
Blaze Strickland.

When the people in Bishop's room heard footsteps outside the room, they assumed 
it was his father. Bishop opened the bedroom door, saw Alshaibi and told him to 
leave, then closed the bedroom door.

A short time later the group went downstairs and found Alshaibi standing in the 
living room. He approached Fischer and asked what she was doing later. When 
Alshaibi did not leave, Jennings grabbed him and forced him out the front door.

The home's occupants followed Alshaibi out the door and there was a verbal 
exchange; precisely what was said remains unclear. Alshaibi fell face first 
when he was thrown out and fell at least one more time as he walked away.

Dille concluded the force was intended to remove Alshaibi from the house rather 
than to cause injury, and that the injuries were "just as likely [caused] by 
the multiple falls outside of the home."

The absence of a crime in removing Alshaibi from the home removes the 
possibility of a hate crime, Dille concluded, as does the fact Jennings was 
motivated by the desire to remove Alshaibi from the home rather than race or 

Dille also rejected calls for charges against Alshaibi, concluding he lacked 
intent to commit a crime. Dille concluded too little time elapsed between 
Alshaibi being told to leave the house and his forcible ejection to conclude he 
ignored the instruction to leave.

"He just as likely was unable to find the door in the dark and was only able to 
get out when he was shoved out," Dille wrote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Look Who's Meditating Now

2011-03-29 Thread ditzyklanmail
Hahaha. Sorry. Had the blueblockers on. : )

From: pranamoocher 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 29 March, 2011 11:42:15 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Look Who's Meditating Now

Please yellow highlight your comments since they can't easily be seen.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ditzyklanmail  wrote:
> Thanks for posting this. 
> I was not aware of that article. 
> I wish everyone who has flaws could still be able to represent that which 
> peace to mind. Russell talks about his past drug habits, etc. Susan says she 
> meditates once a day...those flaws are accepted, if you have the wallet??
> I agree with the bottom of page 2 of the  NYTIMES article, with the 
> it helps with publicity, the Hollywood community’s embrace of the technique 
> could in theory cheapen TM’s message, in light of that particular group’s 
> capricious spiritual tastes â€" Madonnaand the kabbalah or Tom Cruiseand 
> Scientology."
> My opinion is not important, but I think the PR for the movement could use 
> some 
> advice from others who maybe do not have the donation pocket in their 
> control. 

> Every other word in marketing being a rock star or Hollywood name does not 
> make 
> me wish...wish to hear those words.  lol 
> Rock stars and Hollywood, give names of idol thoughts in my head. I can't 
> help 

> but imagining a hundred years from now, a rock stars name in association with 
> will become defined as one of the "founders," then a new religion would be 
> born.   I am not dissing the idea of meditation, nor am I knocking the TM 
> Movement.  The marketing seems to be taking a flaky turn?   We need 
> scientists 

> in this world. Kids that want to grow up and find solutions to make things 
> better. 
> From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sun, 20 March, 2011 5:09:49 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Look Who's Meditating Now
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" do.rflex@ wrote:
> >
> > Transcendental Meditation has New Devotees
> > 
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/20/fashion/20TM.html?_r=1 
> Two photos are worth twenty thousand words.  :-)


[FairfieldLife] In the Mind of

2011-03-29 Thread rwr

In the Mind of

I have often thought it to be more pragmatic to come to know the deep
mysteries of our own Mind and Consciousness,  and our emanation, before
worrying too much as to what the Mind of another is like and what is
going on in there. And of course the Relationship between our own Mind
and that of ALL things, or The ALL. Perhaps that is why some folks used
to say Know Thy SELF. We certainly run Deep and Silent. And in that
Silence so much can be learned.

What do you think? What have you found?

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2011-03-29 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife 

  File: /Members'  Writings and Suggestions/The SELF and the self.pdf 
  Uploaded by : dick.richard...@ymail.com  
  Description : The SELF and the self 

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:


[FairfieldLife] The Tree of Life

2011-03-29 Thread Rick Archer
One of the most anticipated movies of the Summer.



[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience - for
those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and Vision,
yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the domain
of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of course think
when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think about :-
) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however.  I don't either, and
never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964. THAT
was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then Synthesise
it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it comes.
Dick Richardson.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The lives of TM critics - a research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi.

2011-03-29 Thread WillyTex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > Can you say more about your realization that choices and
> > > their outcome are always exactly what they should be? I
> > > mean, what did it feel like to have that realization?
> > > Can you describe the experience? Was it a gradual process,
> > > or a sudden light bulb going on? Did Waking Down have
> > > anything to do with it?
> > 
> > That introspection and realization occurred during a six
> > month floaty/witnessy phase I went through before crashing
> > into the dark night of the soul that preceded the Waking
> > Down Brand Second Birth Awakening. The realization was
> > mental whiplash because for a couple days I was totally
> > fixated in my gratitude on how the story had actually
> > unfolded. The sudden thought, out of the blue, that being
> > sick or dead from HIV could be equally perfect was a mind
> > blowing contrast.
> Boy, if you can see *that* as perfect, you should be
> able to see all lesser negative consequences of choices
> as perfect too.
Somebody is very confused about 'Determinism'!

"Determinism should not be confused with self-determination 
of human actions by reasons, motives, and desires, nor with
predestination, which specifically factors the possible 
existence of God into its tenets..."


[FairfieldLife] The Leaf on the Tree.

2011-03-29 Thread rwr

The Leaf on the Tree.

(Original date of writing this is now forgotten in the mists of time)

Given that science believes, and teaches their belief to the young as
facts, that we are an accidental epiphenomenon of an unexpected outcrop
of chaotic creation; and given that the spiritually inclined do not know
quite what to believe, then I offer the following, and for both aspects
of the community to give some thought to; if they wish to think on more.

To rip something down without putting anything in its place, leaves a
vacuum. But to merely fill a vacuum with yet another unsubstantiated
story would be no better, indeed even worse, than the vacuum itself. For
at least in a vacuum of knowledge and understanding one would thence
seek for a truth until found, and irrespective of what that truth turned
out to be. But where does one look for truth? And to where does one look
for the truth of this or that thing?  Well, that which I offer here and
for now, and only in symbolic form here, is proved to us to be true by
life itself. So I offer here a mere analogy, and one which both science
and many religions like to use themselves – the tree of life.

Imagine then that you were a leaf on a tree. Observation initially
suggests that you grew on the branch: an end product of a long series of
mysterious forces which results in you, the leaf, perilously attached by
a thread to the tree of life for your short term sustenance for
existence thereon.  One day the wind will blow and your connection to
the tree of life will end; and you will revert back to the oblivion from
whence you came.  You, the conscious leaf, can see many other such
leaves on that tree, and see also the body of the tree itself. But where
is it all going to: what is it all for; is there any point or meaning to
the tree and all the little leafs on it?  The leafs come, and the leafs
fall and go, to rot on the ground. Indeed, why does even the tree of
life exist?  Is it simply to bring forth little bits of foliage that
make a colourful show for a short while and then pass into the void of
nothing?  Thus it is that the leaf sits firmly attached to the tree for
a season and simply blows around in the random actions of the wind; and
sometimes wondering as to why it has to be made conscious to fulfil this
silly cosmological function at all.

But one day something very strange and different happens. A different
kind of wind blows; and the little leaf is very disorientated for a
while. For instead of the leaf looking outward its perception is turned
inward. It sees not the tree and all the other foliage, nor the sky nor
anything of the outer world; but only that of an inner well of blackness
and void.  But vision is suddenly restored, taken over by some other
eye, an eye unknown to the leaf hitherto, and one which begins to move
inward and downward through `nothing'.  Down and down, onward and onward
down into an abyss of blackness, but which is interspersed with some
visions along the way, light and colours in visions not understood by
the leaf at that time.

That which the leaf  `was' travels into the leaf, down into the branch
of the tree; down the inside of the trunk of the tree, down, down
through the roots of the tree itself – and thence beyond the tree
and into the ground itself; the very ground from which the tree itself
grew from.

And the leaf knew that it was home; the realm from whence it came and
has its origin and eternal existence.  And the leaf realised that it was
not a leaf at all, but rather the very sap which gives it existence; and
which pays no resemblance to the leaf at all; for the leaf was always
nothing more than a dead thing, a vehicle, a shell for the sap to view
the finished product of the tree itself.

So too is it with consciousness.  Consciousness is not a man or a woman,
or an animal or bird, it is a primordial cosmic energy, and the very
first emanation from the point of no duration or extension; time cannot
whither it nor custom stale its delight.  Before the tree ever was, the
sap existed; before time ever emanated into existence, the mind was. 
That which they call spirit, is consciousness. That which they call the
soul is the tree trunk, the universe of time and space. That which they
call the personality is but a seasonal outcrop of the sap of eternal

And when the sap returned back up through the tree and back into the
leaf from whence it had been, then it smiled at its neighbouring
colleagues who were oh so worried about being blown off the tree of
time…. "Not to worry, for you are not from this universe at all;
know thy self;  for you are the first thing ever brought forth from no
created thing, and long before the tree ever existed".  And the sap of
the leaf also knew as to why it existed, for it had been home and
remembered what it was for and from whence it came and why.  But all the
other little bits of foliage creased themselves laughing – until
just prior to their leaf being blown off the tree and the sap wi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread whynotnow7
I get it - thanks for writing more about it. No more what I call ego 
maintenance thoughts. I see the distinction as one of non-attachment, to 
anything. This state of mind can't be consciously cultivated, but occurs 
naturally as a result of sadhana. If non-attachment is here, then as you say, 
life is appreciated moment by moment in a fresh way. 

Many folks in waking state try to approximate this freshness by moving around 
constantly or exposing themselves to new objective and subjective material 
experiences (why travel and roller coasters and drugs, for example, are so 
popular). Once it settles in though, non-attachment becomes almost funny in 
that the thoughts and experiences turn to teflon vs. glue. Day to day 
experience brings a newness and freshness to it ongoing that gross material 
changes cannot come close to. Simply we become truly ourselves and begin 
consistently enjoying the hell out of life.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> Maybe we (you and others) are saying a similar thing, maybe not. 
> My use of the term "thoughtless" might be misinterpreted from the state I am 
> referring to. I thought "thoughtless" was a bit of a delicious and ironic 
> term -- with the second or third nunanced background wave of meaning 
> reflecting the humorous image of the realized being "thoughtless" as in not 
> considerate of others. And those of a more bound nature as being thoughtful 
> (considerate), and writing thoughtful posts (well considered, reasoned, 
> digested, even wise).
> My sense of humor and irony aside, the state is not a permanent thoughtless 
> state. Ebill said something like if thoughtless state was the thing, then 
> lots of dull sort of folks are realized. And I will add pot smokers. Or those 
> partaking a bit to much irish whiskey. Or simply deep sleep. All such can 
> produce a thoughtless state, the  first and last from dullness, the others by 
> temporarily restructuring the pathways of awareness. These are not the state 
> I am referring to.
> What I am referring to is the ability and nature of the mind to sit in its 
> own nest, a collapsed wave, no choppy waters.  Along with the characteristic 
> of a full powerful well shaped wave arising when an external need arises (a 
> work project, a question, etc.) A core state utterly still waters, then 
> rising into large waves, fluctuations when called upon. But no internal need 
> or impetus for the generation of thoughts. A clear waters type state of mind, 
> like a stil, glassy lake when there is no breeze.  No thought for an hour 
> might be the norm, then a single clear fluxuation to meed a need. Like a 
> store keeper. Silent behind the counter for some time. then sprining to life 
> when needed to serve and help a customer. No need to be pacing around, 
> tapping fingers, and all. Just stillness, sitting behind the counter. 
> This is in contrast to everyday minds that rarely settle down, and have 
> constant choppy waters, the internal vasanatic breeze constantly causing 
> ripples and turblulence. Mind chatter. Frequently judging this or that. 
> Contrasting self to others, evaluating any foibles it can find. Having the 
> need to be right, to be esteemed. That mind can also rise up high and 
> powerful when needed. But often, having less of a silent platform, the full 
> expansion of thoughts that lead to fulfilling  purposeful thoughts, are 
> diffused, cluttered and churned up with the background turbulence -- such 
> tends to break up the waves of purposeful thoughts.
> That mind, also can constantly and repeatedly be glombing on to hopes about 
> the future. Being jackhammered by the fears and regrets of the past. Not 
> being able to simple drop things, but rather a compulsion to make the 
> universe aware of its important and crucial (as it appears to that mind) 
> fluctuations.
> Signal to noise ratio is a helpful analogy to me. In the naturally quiet and 
> still mind, its core state is like a glassy still lake, there is little self 
> generated "noise". Purposeful thoughts are not distorted and churned up by 
> any background turbulence. Signal to noise is very high. The mind with a 
> turbulent core state has lower signal to noise ratios -- the noise sometimes 
> predominating and the signal gets pretty distorted.
> People's writings, conversations, even photos, seem to have a signal to noise 
> signature. Look at Ramana's picture and one sees awareness that is not 
> cluttered or turbulent, just silence, resting in its core state, until a 
> question or need arises elsewhere. Even then you can feel the gentleness of 
> his response. Conversations are telling. People who need to keep grabbing the 
> conversation, interupting  to make there  oh so important point, almost as a 
> compulsion, appear to be riding big turbulent inner choppy waves. As is 
> reflected also in writing to a degree. Its an interesting energy to observe.  
> --- In 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The lives of TM critics - a research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi.

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
no. Free will hypothesis states that new chains of causation can be initiated 
not having absolutely determined causes. However, this is not to say that 
through will/volution, the new chains of causation are not influenced by prior 

Richard, I would be hesitant to say that any hypothesis is "absolutely" air 
tight and inflexible; as opposed to (say) a mix of outcomes and probabilities. 
That is, in the context of relativity, which choices fall into. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Alex Stanley:
> > I don't know because I don't really grok determinism... 
> >
> Turq and Vaj seem to be confused. In their zeal to discredit 
> Judy, they seem to have taken the idealist position and 
> opposed the scientific reasoning. Wasn't it just a few 
> months ago that Turq made fun of his own brother's idealism? 
> Go figure!
> Determinism means that events happen for a reason - there 
> are no chance events. Anything that happens is determined 
> by prior events - cause and effect. Determinism has nothing 
> to do with God or self-determinism of human actions, 
> decisions, or desires.
> Free will in contrast is a metaphysical notion which 
> postulates that an agent can make religious and ethical 
> choices. Ethics has to do with coexistence with an omnipotent 
> diety that one can be held morally responsible for their 
> own actions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's dogma is "infinite 
possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr"  wrote:
> Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience - for
> those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and Vision,
> yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the domain
> of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of course think
> when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think about :-
> ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however.  I don't either, and
> never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964. THAT
> was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then Synthesise
> it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it comes.
> Dick Richardson.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread rwr



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's dogma is
"infinite possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience -
> > those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and
> > yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the
> > of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of course
> > when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think
about :-
> > ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however. I don't either, and
> > never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964.
> > was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then
> > it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it
> > Dick Richardson.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Links

2011-03-29 Thread rwr


Not many of you I doubt, but if anyone here is interested in small
groups which stick more to the point and with far less email traffic
then feel free to join these

Take part, lurk, whatever…







[FairfieldLife] Kucinich: Obama believes war is an executive privilege

2011-03-29 Thread Bhairitu
Kucinich on Barack's bid to join the list of infamous presidents:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Looking ahead in movies: "Thor" and "Sucker Punch"

2011-03-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 03/27/2011 08:23 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> The other one I'm curious about is Zack Snyder's
> "Sucker Punch." It's being touted as a bimbo action
> fest that is like what would happen if Quentin
> Tarantino, Christopher Nolan ("Memento," "Inception")
> and Snyder ("300," "Watchmen") got together, dropped
> a lot of acid, and decided to make a movie.  :-)
> The tagline is, "Reality is a prison. Your mind can
> set you free."
> Trailer 1:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G68fHZig9nA
> Trailer 2:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrIiYSdEe4E

Not looking ahead as "Sucker Punch" is in theaters this week in the US.  
Wait for the BD as Snyder had to cut 20 minutes for it to have a PG-13 
rating.  Capitalism ruins art as it is ruining everything else.

And I have to say my Netflix experiment worked because I didn't return 
the last disc until Saturday and they sent out "Fair Game" for tonight.  
Around here the Netflix centers are 1 day mail away such as San 
Francisco or San Jose.  And of course corporate headquarters are local 
in Los Gatos.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
what happens...no thoughts? That's only temporary. But it's likely rocks have 
no thoughts.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr"  wrote:
> rwr
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's dogma is
> "infinite possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience -
> for
> > > those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and
> Vision,
> > > yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the
> domain
> > > of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of course
> think
> > > when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think
> about :-
> > > ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however. I don't either, and
> > > never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964.
> > > was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then
> Synthesise
> > > it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it
> comes.
> > > Dick Richardson.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Looking ahead in movies: "Thor" and "Sucker Punch"

2011-03-29 Thread jpgillam
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain wrote:
> > The tagline is, "Reality is a prison. Your mind can
> > set you free."
> "Mind is the prison, accepting reality can set you free." 

Where's the "Like" button?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
No doubt. But it is also unlikely that rocks can KNOW and UNDERSTAND
their Primordial and Arcane existence,  and also unlikely that they love
like the I AM part of me in Eternity loves. It is also unlikely that
rocks can see. I AM can see.  And it is also unlikely that rocks have
that Perennial BASE Wisdom which we all have in that Ground of Being.
Best not judge it or scoff until you have known it. You CANNOT stay here
for ever, your time is limited here. Wait and see what comes.
Knowledge and understanding is NOT dependent on thinking. But thinking
can think about finding it and the go on the quest of finding it -
BEFORE curtain fall. Found it IS.

Know Thy SELF. Do not confuse it with the self.

Dick Richardson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> what happens...no thoughts? That's only temporary. But it's likely
rocks have no thoughts.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > rwr
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > >
> > > contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's dogma
> > "infinite possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> > > >
> > > > Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience
> > for
> > > > those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and
> > Vision,
> > > > yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the
> > domain
> > > > of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of
> > think
> > > > when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think
> > about :-
> > > > ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however. I don't either,
> > > > never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964.
> > THAT
> > > > was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then
> > Synthesise
> > > > it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it
> > comes.
> > > > Dick Richardson.
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
thx, interesting and inspirational!
Too many unanswered questions. For example, if somebody becomes Self-Realized 
then drops the body. According to Jerry Jarvis and others, that being the case, 
one's primary goal of existence has been fulfilled and no subtle bodies would 
be needed after physical death. (then, no existence).
  Others say that Enlightened "people"...Buddhas, whatever; maintain subtle 
bodies for the purpose of helping humanity for an indefinite period of time.
iow, Jerry says "poof", no more relative existence (no subtle bodies).
What's your take on this? Thx. How would "non-existence" be superior to being a 
rock? Since rocks are equally the Self compared to humans, then what's the 
purpose of evolution if the goal is non-existence in the relative sense?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr"  wrote:
> No doubt. But it is also unlikely that rocks can KNOW and UNDERSTAND
> their Primordial and Arcane existence,  and also unlikely that they love
> like the I AM part of me in Eternity loves. It is also unlikely that
> rocks can see. I AM can see.  And it is also unlikely that rocks have
> that Perennial BASE Wisdom which we all have in that Ground of Being.
> Best not judge it or scoff until you have known it. You CANNOT stay here
> for ever, your time is limited here. Wait and see what comes.
> Knowledge and understanding is NOT dependent on thinking. But thinking
> can think about finding it and the go on the quest of finding it -
> BEFORE curtain fall. Found it IS.
> Know Thy SELF. Do not confuse it with the self.
> Dick Richardson
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > what happens...no thoughts? That's only temporary. But it's likely
> rocks have no thoughts.
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > rwr
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's dogma
> is
> > > "infinite possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience
> -
> > > for
> > > > > those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and
> > > Vision,
> > > > > yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the
> > > domain
> > > > > of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of
> course
> > > think
> > > > > when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think
> > > about :-
> > > > > ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however. I don't either,
> and
> > > > > never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964.
> > > THAT
> > > > > was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then
> > > Synthesise
> > > > > it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it
> > > comes.
> > > > > Dick Richardson.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The lives of TM critics - a research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi.

2011-03-29 Thread WillyTex

> Free will hypothesis states that new chains of causation 
> can be initiated not having absolutely determined causes. 
"Determinism should not be confused with self-determination 
of human actions by reasons, motives, and desires, nor with
predestination, which specifically factors the possible 
existence of God into its tenets..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: The lives of TM critics - a research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi.

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
excellent, well done. For once we agree on something.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Yifu:
> > Free will hypothesis states that new chains of causation 
> > can be initiated not having absolutely determined causes. 
> >
> "Determinism should not be confused with self-determination 
> of human actions by reasons, motives, and desires, nor with
> predestination, which specifically factors the possible 
> existence of God into its tenets..."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinism

[FairfieldLife] Re: The lives of TM critics - a research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi.

2011-03-29 Thread WillyTex

> excellent, well done. For once we agree on something.
Apparently Turq thought that 'Determinism' was the same
thing as 'Predestination'. In so doing, Turq went over
to defend the Idealist view, which only months before, 
he made fun of! 

Maybe the Turq wants to make some moral choices with his 
Free Will, not realizing that moral choices are determined 
by an Intelligent Agent, not a First Cause, LoL!

It is very difficult to argue against cause and effect -
that everything happens for a reason - and that humans 
cannot enter into history and cause change at will. 

If that were possible, Turq could levitate and hover 
using his own mind-control, but we all know that he 
cannot fly up into the air like Simon Magus!

> > > Free will hypothesis states that new chains of causation 
> > > can be initiated not having absolutely determined causes. 
> > >
> > "Determinism should not be confused with self-determination 
> > of human actions by reasons, motives, and desires, nor with
> > predestination, which specifically factors the possible 
> > existence of God into its tenets..."
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinism
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
If you have any questions of me than feel free to ask away. But I am not
going to speak via other people or for them - only myself and my
experience of it. I am not a teacher or a guru I just write about what I
found over the last seventy years. They can all do the same. I have
nothing to sell.  I have no beliefs, no religion, only experience of
having existed for seventy three years (that I know of). IT WORKS. And
it was good.
A great Wonder is Man, the meeting ground of inner and outer dimensions;
and ever tied to cross of Time and Eternity.
(x) The Encircled Saltire Cross symbolises this. NOT that it needs
symbolising. But it is a quick sign. And as is found on the ancient
Culbone Stone. They knew what they were on about too.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> thx, interesting and inspirational!
> Too many unanswered questions. For example, if somebody becomes
Self-Realized then drops the body. According to Jerry Jarvis and others,
that being the case, one's primary goal of existence has been fulfilled
and no subtle bodies would be needed after physical death. (then, no
>   Others say that Enlightened "people"...Buddhas, whatever; maintain
subtle bodies for the purpose of helping humanity for an indefinite
period of time.
> ...
> iow, Jerry says "poof", no more relative existence (no subtle bodies).
> What's your take on this? Thx. How would "non-existence" be superior
to being a rock? Since rocks are equally the Self compared to humans,
then what's the purpose of evolution if the goal is non-existence in the
relative sense?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > No doubt. But it is also unlikely that rocks can KNOW and UNDERSTAND
> > their Primordial and Arcane existence,  and also unlikely that they
> > like the I AM part of me in Eternity loves. It is also unlikely that
> > rocks can see. I AM can see.  And it is also unlikely that rocks
> > that Perennial BASE Wisdom which we all have in that Ground of
> > Best not judge it or scoff until you have known it. You CANNOT stay
> > for ever, your time is limited here. Wait and see what comes.
> > Knowledge and understanding is NOT dependent on thinking. But
> > can think about finding it and the go on the quest of finding it -
> > BEFORE curtain fall. Found it IS.
> >
> > Know Thy SELF. Do not confuse it with the self.
> >
> > Dick Richardson
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > >
> > > what happens...no thoughts? That's only temporary. But it's likely
> > rocks have no thoughts.
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > IT HAPPENS. QED.
> > > >
> > > > rwr
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's
> > is
> > > > "infinite possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of
> > -
> > > > for
> > > > > > those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding,
> > > > Vision,
> > > > > > yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in
> > > > domain
> > > > > > of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of
> > course
> > > > think
> > > > > > when one comes back here again - and one then has more to
> > > > about :-
> > > > > > ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however. I don't
> > and
> > > > > > never have since I found it one evening for three hours in
> > > > THAT
> > > > > > was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then
> > > > Synthesise
> > > > > > it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But
> > > > comes.
> > > > > > Dick Richardson.
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Determined Destiny or Not

2011-03-29 Thread rwr

Determined Destiny or Not

Lord Phoenix

The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your description of
it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE.  However,
there is far more to all the things which you say there than just that
isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are experiencing
there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other being,
just other facets and potentials of your self in your own BECOMING and
unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.

However, the really big question which you are raising here is as to
Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a knotty
old problem isn't it.

Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal consciousness.
IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to my hand
going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea. But I
did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in fire. 
True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids to keep
away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT :- )

So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of getting in
the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire and have
no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and effect.
And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build cities
on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood plains,
don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this nature DOES
NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.

However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The Totally
Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?

How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal paradisiacal
condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one just
bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see that
stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see ones self,
or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF :- )  But
in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT (me, I AM)
does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert that
there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.

I know well enough how I got there (the little me here), for I went
there and RE-UNITED with my SELF. I can also describe the journey to it
just fine. However, how did I AM get there?  I DON'T KNOW. It just
always is and was – according to the experience. There is no time
and change there. If there is no time and change there then how could IT
pop up there?  Before existing there there is no BEFORE or AFTER. The I
AM KNOWS what it knows, and no more. It knows what it knows by way of
cognitively existing.

Is the existence of I AM pre-determined? Huh ! I would say that it is
the effect of what that STUFF does. But the only consciousness in that
mode of being and that realm, IS ME.  I AM. There is no other KNOWN. But
what about unconscious STUFF?  The place is full of it. What is it? It
is not MADE, it is not brought forth by some other causation. So, all I
can say is that it is the POTENTIAL. The primordial STUFF. However, and
all this is really rather piffling to what one finds later.

In this world there is so much unconscious stuff isn't there, lava,
rocks, stones and pebbles, and so much more. Yet, what I found in the
Consummatum Incarnate is also found in ALL that stuff. Chew the bones
out of that one :- )

So, what the frigging hell is it?  It is NO THING MADE.  And yet it is
what makes life worth living – it is the THOU of the I – THOU
equation. The OBSERVED of the OBSERVER. The dancing partner.  Without
THOU what the hell is existing worth? NOTHING!

In the Paradesium of Eternity it is exactly THE SAME as it is here. The
I (I AM) and that which it IS NOT. It is a oneness in and of a dualistic
dance. The I AM is NOT in love with itself – for that is not love.
Love is ALWAYS – I and Thou.  What is the I AM in love with?  Not
easy to answer that one. But it is not really IN love with anything, IT
IS LOVE. It loves BEING. It is not in love with its environment, the
place and the stuff there, even though that is all wonderful. But I AM

So, how the hell did all this get there?  I don't know :- )  I am a
pragmatist. IT IS THERE. That I KNOW.  How it got there I DON'T know. I
could say who the hell cares, I don't. And there is NO way of finding
out. Hence there will ALWAYS be mystery.

However, none of all this even mentions the MIDDLE part. That, to me, is
the biggest MYSTERY of all this stuff. The bit that joins Eternity to
Earth; or Eternity to Time and Changing events. But I am not going into
any of that here.

So, cause and effect, what is determined and what isn't. Some effects
are plainly determined by way of what stuff IS and what it does and the
potentials which it has.  But

[FairfieldLife] Re: The lives of TM critics - a research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi.

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
Again, you're confusing will with what's possible.  The former does not imply 
the latter. Obviously, many things are willed but don't come to fruition soon, 
or ever..
Example: Newton "willed" to engage in experiments designed to turn base metals 
into gold. It was his will to perform the experiments with a desired goal. The 
desire relates to gold, the will to initiate a chain of causation.  A kid can 
say "I'm going to fly to the moon like superman".  That's a will, but not 
possible without a vehicle, at this time; although astral projection is 
If you're still claiming that all chains of causation are absolutely caused by 
previous chains; and that no new chains of causation can be willed into action; 
I would would disagree with that.
Of course, all such talk is speculative, and grist for the mill of countless 
philosophers mulling over these questions since the Greeks.
I doubt that people on this forum will fully resolve such issues. 
In any event, from my pov, MMY willed to engage in sex with various females 
(from the evidence); and I disagree that some agents such as the Gunas, or even 
a prior chain of causation absolutely forced him into those acts. He inagurated 
a new chain of causation through free will. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Yifu:
> > excellent, well done. For once we agree on something.
> > 
> Apparently Turq thought that 'Determinism' was the same
> thing as 'Predestination'. In so doing, Turq went over
> to defend the Idealist view, which only months before, 
> he made fun of! 
> Maybe the Turq wants to make some moral choices with his 
> Free Will, not realizing that moral choices are determined 
> by an Intelligent Agent, not a First Cause, LoL!
> It is very difficult to argue against cause and effect -
> that everything happens for a reason - and that humans 
> cannot enter into history and cause change at will. 
> If that were possible, Turq could levitate and hover 
> using his own mind-control, but we all know that he 
> cannot fly up into the air like Simon Magus!
> > > > Free will hypothesis states that new chains of causation 
> > > > can be initiated not having absolutely determined causes. 
> > > >
> > > "Determinism should not be confused with self-determination 
> > > of human actions by reasons, motives, and desires, nor with
> > > predestination, which specifically factors the possible 
> > > existence of God into its tenets..."
> > > 
> > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinism
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Determined Destiny or Not

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
interesting! ...but doesn't resolve questions pertaining to suffering. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr"  wrote:
> Determined Destiny or Not
> Lord Phoenix
> The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your description of
> it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE.  However,
> there is far more to all the things which you say there than just that
> isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are experiencing
> there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other being,
> just other facets and potentials of your self in your own BECOMING and
> unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
> understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.
> However, the really big question which you are raising here is as to
> Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a knotty
> old problem isn't it.
> Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal consciousness.
> IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
> consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to my hand
> going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea. But I
> did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in fire. 
> True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids to keep
> away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT :- )
> So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of getting in
> the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire and have
> no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and effect.
> And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build cities
> on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood plains,
> don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this nature DOES
> NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.
> However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The Totally
> Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?
> How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal paradisiacal
> condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one just
> bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see that
> stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see ones self,
> or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF :- )  But
> in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT (me, I AM)
> does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert that
> there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.
> I know well enough how I got there (the little me here), for I went
> there and RE-UNITED with my SELF. I can also describe the journey to it
> just fine. However, how did I AM get there?  I DON'T KNOW. It just
> always is and was – according to the experience. There is no time
> and change there. If there is no time and change there then how could IT
> pop up there?  Before existing there there is no BEFORE or AFTER. The I
> AM KNOWS what it knows, and no more. It knows what it knows by way of
> cognitively existing.
> Is the existence of I AM pre-determined? Huh ! I would say that it is
> the effect of what that STUFF does. But the only consciousness in that
> mode of being and that realm, IS ME.  I AM. There is no other KNOWN. But
> what about unconscious STUFF?  The place is full of it. What is it? It
> is not MADE, it is not brought forth by some other causation. So, all I
> can say is that it is the POTENTIAL. The primordial STUFF. However, and
> all this is really rather piffling to what one finds later.
> In this world there is so much unconscious stuff isn't there, lava,
> rocks, stones and pebbles, and so much more. Yet, what I found in the
> Consummatum Incarnate is also found in ALL that stuff. Chew the bones
> out of that one :- )
> So, what the frigging hell is it?  It is NO THING MADE.  And yet it is
> what makes life worth living – it is the THOU of the I – THOU
> equation. The OBSERVED of the OBSERVER. The dancing partner.  Without
> THOU what the hell is existing worth? NOTHING!
> In the Paradesium of Eternity it is exactly THE SAME as it is here. The
> I (I AM) and that which it IS NOT. It is a oneness in and of a dualistic
> dance. The I AM is NOT in love with itself – for that is not love.
> Love is ALWAYS – I and Thou.  What is the I AM in love with?  Not
> easy to answer that one. But it is not really IN love with anything, IT
> IS LOVE. It loves BEING. It is not in love with its environment, the
> place and the stuff there, even though that is all wonderful. But I AM
> – LOVE.
> So, how the hell did all this get there?  I don't know :- )  I am a
> pragmatist. IT IS THERE. That I KNOW.  How it got there I DON'T know. I
> could say who the hell cares, I don't. And there is NO way of finding
> out. Hence there will ALWAYS be mystery.
> However, none of all this even mentions the MIDDLE part. That, to me, is
> the biggest MYSTERY of all 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Determined Destiny or Not

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
Suffering?  How can one exist in a physical form without a little
suffering and pain at times. But it is not there all the time is it. And
all the time, with learning and technology, we get a little better each
decade at helping to ease pain and the associated suffering it can
bring. But most people put up with a little pain at times. What is the
problem?  Anyway, human beings cause more suffering and tears than
natural forces do.  Also, we all have the option to commit suicide if it
gets too bad. So no problem. But surely there is far less pain,
suffering and tears now than there was five hundred years ago.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> interesting! ...but doesn't resolve questions pertaining to suffering.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Determined Destiny or Not
> >
> > Lord Phoenix
> >
> > The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your
description of
> > it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE.  However,
> > there is far more to all the things which you say there than just
> > isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are experiencing
> > there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other being,
> > just other facets and potentials of your self in your own BECOMING
> > unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
> > understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.
> >
> > However, the really big question which you are raising here is as to
> > Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a
> > old problem isn't it.
> >
> > Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal
> > IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
> > consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to my
> > going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea. But
> > did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in
> > True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids to
> > away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT :- )
> >
> > So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of
getting in
> > the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire and
> > no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and
> > And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build
> > on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood
> > don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this nature
> > NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.
> >
> > However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The
> > Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?
> >
> > How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal paradisiacal
> > condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one just
> > bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see that
> > stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see ones
> > or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF :- ) 
> > in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT (me, I
> > does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert
> > there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.
> >
> > I know well enough how I got there (the little me here), for I went
> > there and RE-UNITED with my SELF. I can also describe the journey to
> > just fine. However, how did I AM get there?  I DON'T KNOW. It just
> > always is and was – according to the experience. There is no
> > and change there. If there is no time and change there then how
could IT
> > pop up there?  Before existing there there is no BEFORE or AFTER.
The I
> > AM KNOWS what it knows, and no more. It knows what it knows by way
> > cognitively existing.
> >
> > Is the existence of I AM pre-determined? Huh ! I would say that it
> > the effect of what that STUFF does. But the only consciousness in
> > mode of being and that realm, IS ME.  I AM. There is no other KNOWN.
> > what about unconscious STUFF?  The place is full of it. What is it?
> > is not MADE, it is not brought forth by some other causation. So,
all I
> > can say is that it is the POTENTIAL. The primordial STUFF. However,
> > all this is really rather piffling to what one finds later.
> >
> > In this world there is so much unconscious stuff isn't there, lava,
> > rocks, stones and pebbles, and so much more. Yet, what I found in
> > Consummatum Incarnate is also found in ALL that stuff. Chew the
> > out of that one :- )
> >
> > So, what the frigging hell is it?  It is NO THING MADE.  And yet it
> > what makes life worth living – it is the THOU of the I –
> > equation. The OBSERVED of the OBSERVER. The dancing partner. 
> > THOU what the hell is existing worth? NOTHING!
> >
> > In the Paradesium of Eternity it is exactly T

[FairfieldLife] Re: Determined Destiny or Not

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
So, you're saying learning and technology are the solutions to suffering. What 
does the "I AM" have to do with it...the question of suffering? Thx.
And how about intermediate non-physical agents, and the possible role of 
Shakti, pointing to traditional Yagyas. Do or can such agents alleviate 
You don't seem to be too familiar with the teachings of MMY. Haven't you heard 
of his expression "Heaven on Earth"? 
How about bad karma. If somebody has a storehouse of bad karma, can it be 
whittled down further? If so, how.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr"  wrote:
> Suffering?  How can one exist in a physical form without a little
> suffering and pain at times. But it is not there all the time is it. And
> all the time, with learning and technology, we get a little better each
> decade at helping to ease pain and the associated suffering it can
> bring. But most people put up with a little pain at times. What is the
> problem?  Anyway, human beings cause more suffering and tears than
> natural forces do.  Also, we all have the option to commit suicide if it
> gets too bad. So no problem. But surely there is far less pain,
> suffering and tears now than there was five hundred years ago.
> Dick
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > interesting! ...but doesn't resolve questions pertaining to suffering.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Determined Destiny or Not
> > >
> > > Lord Phoenix
> > >
> > > The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your
> description of
> > > it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE.  However,
> > > there is far more to all the things which you say there than just
> that
> > > isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are experiencing
> > > there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other being,
> > > just other facets and potentials of your self in your own BECOMING
> and
> > > unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
> > > understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.
> > >
> > > However, the really big question which you are raising here is as to
> > > Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a
> knotty
> > > old problem isn't it.
> > >
> > > Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal
> consciousness.
> > > IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
> > > consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to my
> hand
> > > going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea. But
> I
> > > did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in
> fire.
> > > True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids to
> keep
> > > away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT :- )
> > >
> > > So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of
> getting in
> > > the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire and
> have
> > > no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and
> effect.
> > > And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build
> cities
> > > on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood
> plains,
> > > don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this nature
> > > NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.
> > >
> > > However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The
> Totally
> > > Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?
> > >
> > > How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal paradisiacal
> > > condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one just
> > > bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see that
> > > stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see ones
> self,
> > > or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF :- ) 
> But
> > > in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT (me, I
> AM)
> > > does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert
> that
> > > there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.
> > >
> > > I know well enough how I got there (the little me here), for I went
> > > there and RE-UNITED with my SELF. I can also describe the journey to
> it
> > > just fine. However, how did I AM get there?  I DON'T KNOW. It just
> > > always is and was – according to the experience. There is no
> time
> > > and change there. If there is no time and change there then how
> could IT
> > > pop up there?  Before existing there there is no BEFORE or AFTER.
> The I
> > > AM KNOWS what it knows, and no more. It knows what it knows by way
> of
> > > cognitively existing.
> > >
> > > Is the existence of I AM pre-determined? Huh ! I would say that it
> is
> > > the effect of what that STUFF does. But the only consciousness in
> that
> > > mode of being and that realm, IS ME.  I AM. There is no other KNOWN.
> But
> > > what about unconscious STUFF?  The place is full of it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread emptybill

You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned argument
... nothing but polemic.

There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported personal
opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one interpretation
of Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display - just forms
of "me". You probably consider this to be advaya but in the
Western tradition we call this solipsism.

You must have never read Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus or Proclus or their
point about doxa. Same for Gaudapada, Shankara, Madhusuudhana. Oh, but I
forget. You are originally enlightened. Unlike willy,  you don't
need  no wiki.

You must love the neo-advaitin, Svamit Vivekananda. He followed
Vidyaaranya too. I hope you somehow achieve mano-nasa to put an end to
your mind. It must be a burden. Hopefully it won't be just


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2011, at 9:49 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > You are superimposing the language of Trika upon a yogic-vedanta
> > question. Shifting to another tradition is a way to not focus upon
> > the issue.
> It is not a way of shifting anything, except to point out your
> confusion of the different experiences of turiya in waking, dreaming
> and deep sleep as compared to turiyatita, beyond turiya. You are
> confusing the experience of turiya in waking state with turiyatita.
> I'm clearly focusing on the issue of your confusion. It's common in
> TMers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Determined Destiny or Not

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
Learning has assisted in helping suffering - not eliminating it
altogether. It can go a long way yet. What has suffering got to to with
I AM ?  NOTHING. It was you who brought the suffering bit up. What has
this got to do with MMY teaching?  I am interested in what life teaches
us by living it and what it reveals to us - not some set piece of
rhetoric off  the supermarket shelf by some so called guru.  LIFE
TEACHES US.  It is the ONLY teacher.  Go with the flow. IF the guru was
correct then where the hell did her or she get it from if not life? 
Come on, let us keep it real. Dick.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> So, you're saying learning and technology are the solutions to
suffering. What does the "I AM" have to do with it...the question of
suffering? Thx.
> And how about intermediate non-physical agents, and the possible role
of Shakti, pointing to traditional Yagyas. Do or can such agents
alleviate suffering?
> You don't seem to be too familiar with the teachings of MMY. Haven't
you heard of his expression "Heaven on Earth"?
> How about bad karma. If somebody has a storehouse of bad karma, can it
be whittled down further? If so, how.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > Suffering?  How can one exist in a physical form without a little
> > suffering and pain at times. But it is not there all the time is it.
> > all the time, with learning and technology, we get a little better
> > decade at helping to ease pain and the associated suffering it can
> > bring. But most people put up with a little pain at times. What is
> > problem?  Anyway, human beings cause more suffering and tears than
> > natural forces do.  Also, we all have the option to commit suicide
if it
> > gets too bad. So no problem. But surely there is far less pain,
> > suffering and tears now than there was five hundred years ago.
> > Dick
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > >
> > > interesting! ...but doesn't resolve questions pertaining to
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Determined Destiny or Not
> > > >
> > > > Lord Phoenix
> > > >
> > > > The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your
> > description of
> > > > it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE. 
> > > > there is far more to all the things which you say there than
> > that
> > > > isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are
> > > > there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other
> > > > just other facets and potentials of your self in your own
> > and
> > > > unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
> > > > understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.
> > > >
> > > > However, the really big question which you are raising here is
as to
> > > > Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a
> > knotty
> > > > old problem isn't it.
> > > >
> > > > Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal
> > consciousness.
> > > > IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
> > > > consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to
> > hand
> > > > going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea.
> > I
> > > > did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in
> > fire.
> > > > True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids
> > keep
> > > > away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT
:- )
> > > >
> > > > So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of
> > getting in
> > > > the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire
> > have
> > > > no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and
> > effect.
> > > > And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build
> > cities
> > > > on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood
> > plains,
> > > > don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this
> > DOES
> > > > NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.
> > > >
> > > > However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The
> > Totally
> > > > Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?
> > > >
> > > > How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal
> > > > condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one
> > > > bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see
> > > > stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see
> > self,
> > > > or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF
:- )
> > But
> > > > in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT
(me, I
> > AM)
> > > > does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert
> > that
> > > > there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.
> > > >
> > > > I know well enough how I got t

[FairfieldLife] SERENDIPITY

2011-03-29 Thread rwr

(Dedicated to William A. Taylor-Fraser)

When the insubstantial pageant fades

and leaves not a rack behind

of things that come and go in time,

other than my mind;

then maybe it can come to pass

that I'll return to see

such quintessential essence in form

as the river Badgworthy.

And like the slopes that rise and fall

along the Quantock ridge;

the mists that ring the Exmoor combes

and the Barle at Landacre bridge.

The misty paths that garland the feet

of Dunkery at dawn,

the solitude of Anstey plain,

like Paradise redrawn.

Where best to be, I think at times,

in Paradise or here,

among the finished products fields

where purpose is made clear ?

Such choice is one so hard to make;

and glad that it's not mine;

but would be nice, me thinks, again

to come here one more time.

 Be then in no hurry
to return from whence you came!

so much there is to do on Earth

which sets the heart aflame.

The mystic path of life entails

  such wonders thus to see;

  and all the things that come our way!

such...  Serendipity !!!

*   *   *


[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Ravi Yogi
Vaj certainly chews a lot of parroted stuff but hasn't learnt how to digest it, 
so he frequently chokes on his parroted vomit. He doesn't need any citations, 
he is the proponent of Parama Vakra Gita, which has been critically acclaimed 
by experts on polemic shastras.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:
> You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned argument
> ... nothing but polemic.
> There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported personal
> opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one interpretation
> of Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display - just forms
> of "me". You probably consider this to be advaya but in the
> Western tradition we call this solipsism.
> You must have never read Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus or Proclus or their
> point about doxa. Same for Gaudapada, Shankara, Madhusuudhana. Oh, but I
> forget. You are originally enlightened. Unlike willy,  you don't
> need  no wiki.
> You must love the neo-advaitin, Svamit Vivekananda. He followed
> Vidyaaranya too. I hope you somehow achieve mano-nasa to put an end to
> your mind. It must be a burden. Hopefully it won't be just
> temporary.
> *
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Mar 28, 2011, at 9:49 PM, emptybill wrote:
> >
> > > You are superimposing the language of Trika upon a yogic-vedanta
> > > question. Shifting to another tradition is a way to not focus upon
> > > the issue.
> >
> >
> > It is not a way of shifting anything, except to point out your
> > confusion of the different experiences of turiya in waking, dreaming
> > and deep sleep as compared to turiyatita, beyond turiya. You are
> > confusing the experience of turiya in waking state with turiyatita.
> >
> > I'm clearly focusing on the issue of your confusion. It's common in
> > TMers.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2011, at 6:38 PM, emptybill wrote:

> You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned argument ... 
> nothing but polemic.

I'm sorry I can't waste my time or such "reasoned" eye-brow knitten emails. 
It's just not where I'm at.

You either "get" what I'm talking about, or you don't. I'm really not going to 
waste my time on which.

Mahesh's assumedly experiential description is your fave as a criteria for CC 
(as it is in many pro-TM cheerleaders). I'm stating emphatically and on my own 
experience that that's not CC, but merely the classical experience of turiya 
(the transcendent) as it normally occurs during it's infusion into the waking 
state constructs.

I realize that this is not an airy-fairy description to many's liking, but 
really -- I could care less.

The important thing is that I've not described, anywhere, the further 
description (after the infusion of turiya into waking states), of CC 

Not one person has countermanded that lack, nor have they described the actual 
transition to CC, as it's classically experienced.

Hint: the reason I haven't mentioned it is to see if anyone can.

And to just wait.

I'm a patient kinda guy. I'm actually much happier to simply wait. 

I've already been sitting here, many years, and no one's even bothered to offer 
me so much as a drink.

> There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported personal 
> opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one interpretation of 
> Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display - just forms of "me". You 
> probably consider this to be advaya but in the Western tradition we call this 
> solipsism.

Sheesh, I'm not sure what to say. I never gave it that much thunk.

> You must have never read Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus or Proclus or their 
> point about doxa. Same for Gaudapada, Shankara, Madhusuudhana. Oh, but I 
> forget. You are originally enlightened. Unlike willy,  you don't need  no 
> wiki.
I was initiated into Gaudapada's practices when I was a kid. Honestly, I found 
the yogis of Tibet much better, more nuanced and more experientially relevant 
(for me). They had the goods in just who they were...and they could teach that 
to me.

> You must love the neo-advaitin, Svamit Vivekananda.

I'm not a fan, although I did read him with great interest, many years ago, 
right before I lost my interest in Protestant post-colonial Hinduism.
> He followed Vidyaaranya too. I hope you somehow achieve mano-nasa to put an 
> end to your mind. It must be a burden. Hopefully it won't be just temporary.

LOL. Thanks for the wish.

Good luck your self.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Grace of God

2011-03-29 Thread Buck
The Unified Field. Yep, this is interesting.  Looks like Maharishi was an old 
Baptist.  Different from modern Southern Baptist doctrine this is what the 
Primitive Baptists think.1964, that's fabulous.   

That 'Free Grace', it's there.  Everyone is saved already, it is only a matter 
of knowing that.  It's like SCI provides, come to meditation and you'd know.  

There's an elder at a Primitive Baptist church over by the Des Moines River 
that preaches just like Maharishi is here in this quote.  It's his experience 
too.  He's very Christian in denomination but the guy did also learned TM very 
early on, years ago.  Like me he was a Quaker before he learned TM meditation 
at a time long ago.  He's an Iowa backwoods preacher out there in a church.  
Open hearted, he's an old soul.  

In Free Grace
Jai Guru Dev,
-Buck in FF

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> The Grace of God.
> image.jpeg
> The Grace of God
> 29 December 1964, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi speaking to a course at Bad
> Mergentheim, Germany
> Question: How do we make the grace of God come to us? 
> Maharishi:
> Grace of God is all-pervading.  It's always present.  It's not that it
> comes; it is that we begin to make use of it. . . .  There is nothing new
> that is to come; it has already come.  It has not started with us as long as
> we have not started with it.  The grace of God, the blessing of God, help
> from God, doesn't come from anywhere.  It is already there. Just like the
> air, it's already there.  Now it is up to us to breathe it or not to breathe
> it.  If we don't breathe, we begin to suffer.  If we breathe, we begin to be
> normal.
> Like the air, the grace of God is available to us.  It's permeating every
> fiber of our being and the being of the entire universe. . . . Only, that
> which is the all-pervading grace of God is never isolated as an individual
> entity.  It is just there.  That which is to be all-pervading is not
> isolated, not bound, and that which is not bound is finer than the finest
> existence in creation.  When we take our attention to that Being, finer than
> the finest, then we establish ourselves on the level of God's grace.
> Immediately we just enjoy.  If we don't take ourselves to the level of God's
> grace, to that level of the finer than the finest, then remaining in the
> gross we don't have it.
> That is the story of the grace of God.  He is said to be all-merciful . . .
> all-mercifully He has spread His grace much before we could want it.  Much
> before the need could arise, it is there available for us.
> Through diving during meditation, we bring our attention, our conscious
> mind, to that level of grace, and we get filled with it completely. . . . We
> associate ourselves fully with that grace and then enjoy.  That is why this
> is the merciful nature of the Almighty.  Very compassionately, very
> lovingly, He has spread His grace for us.  Any time we can take our
> attention to that level, and we begin to own it.  It's a matter of own- ing
> the grace of God.  From His side He is available.  From our side, as long as
> we hesitate to accept it, we hesitate to accept it.  We get ourselves to
> that level, and it's already there.
> The Grace of God is like a full lake, a big lake full of water.  Now, the
> water is there.  Any farmer can take the water to his field.  If the
> pipeline is not connected up to the level of water, the water remains. Water
> is just full, ready to flow.  But it will not flow of its own accord.  If
> the connection is made, it will naturally flow.  If the connection is not
> made, it won't flow . . . and any man is free to make the connection from
> his field to the level of water.  But if one doesn't make the connection,
> the water remains full.
> Just like the fullness of water in a lake or ocean, the grace of God is
> full.  Those who make a connection, who draw the pipeline through
> Transcendental Meditation, to them it flows.  And if we don't, it remains
> full.  Of itself it cannot flow.
> How many of you are feeling that life is becoming better and more graceful
> ever since you started meditation?  And one thing more let me ask. How many
> of you find that it's very easy to maintain? Now, this is the merciful
> nature of God.  He has created us so that we don't have to do much . . .
> very easily we enjoy His grace.
> Out of our experience we see that it is easy to make life bertter; it is
> easy to put an end to suffering and sorrows that used to cling to our mind
> and body before; and it is easy to be freer, better in life, by devoting a
> few minutes to draw the pipeline from the gross to the transcendent.  Just
> during meditation, we take our attention from the gross to the transcendent
> - just drawing pipeline from the outer gross through the subtle to the
> transcendental state of Being, which is the hidden level of the grace of
> God
> Grace of the Almight

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-03-29 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Mar 26 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Apr 02 00:00:00 2011
495 messages as of (UTC) Wed Mar 30 00:07:45 2011

48 whynotnow7 
46 Ravi Yogi 
45 authfriend 
34 Vaj 
31 seventhray1 
30 turquoiseb 
27 Yifu 
27 Joe 
21 curtisdeltablues 
19 tartbrain 
19 WillyTex 
19 Sal Sunshine 
19 Rick Archer 
17 Buck 
11 wayback71 
11 rwr 
11 Bhairitu 
 7 Mike Doughney 
 6 Alex Stanley 
 5 Robert 
 4 Tom Pall 
 4 Peter 
 4 PaliGap 
 3 emptybill 
 3 ditzyklanmail 
 3 "do.rflex" 
 2 merudanda 
 2 merlin 
 2 feste37 
 2 cardemaister 
 2 Yifu Xero 
 1 pranamoocher 
 1 nablusoss1008 
 1 metoostill 
 1 jpgillam 
 1 hermandan0 
 1 dharmacentral 
 1 babajii_99 
 1 John 
 1 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 Duveyoung 
 1 Dick Mays 

Posters: 42
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Yifu
thx, Vaj. IOW, you're saying MMY didn't reach CC or Unity; but you've not 
provided any evidence as to this. In the face of the vast amount of evidence 
that he has, it's up to you to disprove the assertion.
Also, it might help if you quoted somebody else, say Norbu Rinpoche or HHDL. 
Find out what they say.
You seem to be a sole voice crying out in the wilderness with no audience; 
except perhaps the creepers, snails, and trees. Maybe the birds will listen.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Mar 29, 2011, at 6:38 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned argument ... 
> > nothing but polemic.
> > 
> > 
> I'm sorry I can't waste my time or such "reasoned" eye-brow knitten emails. 
> It's just not where I'm at.
> You either "get" what I'm talking about, or you don't. I'm really not going 
> to waste my time on which.
> Mahesh's assumedly experiential description is your fave as a criteria for CC 
> (as it is in many pro-TM cheerleaders). I'm stating emphatically and on my 
> own experience that that's not CC, but merely the classical experience of 
> turiya (the transcendent) as it normally occurs during it's infusion into the 
> waking state constructs.
> I realize that this is not an airy-fairy description to many's liking, but 
> really -- I could care less.
> The important thing is that I've not described, anywhere, the further 
> description (after the infusion of turiya into waking states), of CC 
> (turiyatita).
> Not one person has countermanded that lack, nor have they described the 
> actual transition to CC, as it's classically experienced.
> Hint: the reason I haven't mentioned it is to see if anyone can.
> And to just wait.
> I'm a patient kinda guy. I'm actually much happier to simply wait. 
> I've already been sitting here, many years, and no one's even bothered to 
> offer me so much as a drink.
> > 
> > There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported personal 
> > opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one interpretation of 
> > Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display - just forms of "me". 
> > You probably consider this to be advaya but in the Western tradition we 
> > call this solipsism.
> > 
> > 
> Sheesh, I'm not sure what to say. I never gave it that much thunk.
> > You must have never read Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus or Proclus or their 
> > point about doxa. Same for Gaudapada, Shankara, Madhusuudhana. Oh, but I 
> > forget. You are originally enlightened. Unlike willy,  you don't need  no 
> > wiki.
> > 
> I was initiated into Gaudapada's practices when I was a kid. Honestly, I 
> found the yogis of Tibet much better, more nuanced and more experientially 
> relevant (for me). They had the goods in just who they were...and they could 
> teach that to me.
> > You must love the neo-advaitin, Svamit Vivekananda.
> > 
> I'm not a fan, although I did read him with great interest, many years ago, 
> right before I lost my interest in Protestant post-colonial Hinduism.
> > He followed Vidyaaranya too. I hope you somehow achieve mano-nasa to put an 
> > end to your mind. It must be a burden. Hopefully it won't be just temporary.
> > 
> > 
> LOL. Thanks for the wish.
> Good luck your self.
> -V.

Re: [FairfieldLife] no charges in Fairfield "hate crime" case

2011-03-29 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Mar 29, 2011, at 11:45 AM, feste37 wrote:

> "He just as likely was unable to find the door in the dark and was only able 
> to get out when he was shoved out," Dille wrote.

This guy is definitely a candidate for the Darwin Awards.


[FairfieldLife] 'Vegans Charged in Baby's Death'

2011-03-29 Thread Robert


Two vegans who fed their 11-month-old daughter only mother's milk went on trial 
in northern France on Tuesday charged with neglect after their baby died 
suffering from vitamin deficiency. 
Sergine and Joel Le Moaligou, whose vegan diet forbids consuming any animal 
product including eggs and cow's milk, called the emergency services in March 
2008 after becoming worried about their baby Louise's listlessness. 
When the ambulance arrived at their home in Saint-Maulvis, a small village 150 
kilometres (90 miles) north of Paris, the baby was already dead. 
The ambulance workers called the police because the child was pale and thin, 
weighing 5.7 kilos (12.5 pounds) compared to an average eight kilos for her 
The baby had only been fed on the milk of her mother, who was aged 37 at the 
An autopsy showed that Louise was suffering from a vitamin A and B12 deficiency 
which experts say increases a child's sensitivity to infection and can be due 
to an unbalanced diet. 
"The problem of vitamin B12 deficiency could be linked to the mother's diet," 
said Anne-Laure Sandretto, deputy prosecutor in the city of Amiens where the 
trial is taking place. 
The couple has been charged with "neglect or food deprivation followed by 
death" and face up to 30 years in prison if convicted. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Q&A session on "David Wants to Fly" on YouTube

2011-03-29 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> > I'm not sure if she would want her name posted here...
> > I'll have to ask her before I would do that...
> > The point is, that she told me the inner workings of how things went
> iin the movement and how it became more of a money making maching, and
> how Maharishi became obssessed with money...
> > And if I posted her name, you would come up with another objection to
> tehtruth, because you're not interested in the truth...
> Bob, you are just too predictable.  Her story may or may not be true. 
> For all I know it is.   But what a weak basis on which to make an
> acccusation.  And of course you are following the script.  Throw out an
> accusation and then disavow all knowledge or hide under the cover of
> "national security" type thing.
What she said, just verified the feelings I've had...that's all...
Basically the movement worships three idols, besides Maharishi...

Power, Sex and Money

Lot's of power is preached...
Lot's of control of normal sexual desire, and the expression of love in a 
Lot's of money...more money and of course more money...

These are my observations...
What are your's ???


[FairfieldLife] How's everyone? Great Yoga Video

2011-03-29 Thread s2ness

Just checking in.  See most of the regulars are still at it.  I thought of this 
group when I saw this yoga video. The state of the current cultural yoga meme.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:52 PM, Yifu wrote:

> thx, Vaj. IOW, you're saying MMY didn't reach CC or Unity; but you've not 
> provided any evidence as to this.

No, that was not the topic of any recent post, let alone the one you're 
supposedly responding to.

> In the face of the vast amount of evidence that he has, it's up to you to 
> disprove the assertion.

Since it's not an assertion I'm making, in the email you're responding to, it's 
kinda a moot point, no?

Do you personally have issues in this area, and could that be why you're 
asking? Could it stem from your own disillusionment surrounding a 
Mahesh-promoter named Jerry Jarvis or theosophist Charlie Lutes?

> Also, it might help if you quoted somebody else, say Norbu Rinpoche or HHDL. 
> Find out what they say.
> ...

Different drsti (dRSTi) or ways-of-seeing, so not honestly that relevant (not 
to mention: lost on most here).

> You seem to be a sole voice crying out in the wilderness with no audience; 
> except perhaps the creepers, snails, and trees. Maybe the birds will listen.

Well I'd hope so. I've always loved signs. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] no charges in Fairfield "hate crime" case

2011-03-29 Thread Sal Sunshine
Here is the final report from the county attorney:

March 28, 2011
Final Report Regarding the Assault reported During the Early Morning Hours of 
March 6, 2011
During the weekend of March 5 and 6, 2011 Fairfield resident, Usama Alshaibi, 
sustained some injury
following a night out with a friend. Shortly thereafter he posted a blog online 
that discussed his ordeal and
described it as a hate crime. This report will detail the investigation and its 
findings. It will also discuss the
conclusions reached by this office based on that information.
The Fairfield Police Department, with the help of the Iowa Department of 
Criminal Investigations,
conducted a thorough investigation that began at 12:19 a.m. on March 6, 2011. 
The investigation involved the
interviews and discussions with dozens of people. This office has reviewed over 
20 written statements and
watched a dozen recorded interviews. We have also reviewed photographs and 
medical records and have had
countless discussions with the primary investigators. Based on all of this we 
can piece together the following
timeline of events:
On Saturday, March 5, 2011, Usama Alshaibi and his friend Manuel Tsingaris went 
out to a restaurant
and bar called Vivo’s. They arrived between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. and sat in the 
bar area. They consumed some
alcoholic beverages and enjoyed themselves. Mr. Alshaibi was quite forthcoming 
about how much he had to
drink and that it definitely had an effect on him. Sometime between 11:00 and 
11:30 p.m. a different group of
people, including Canaan Rice and Jason Byers, entered the bar and sat down. 
Shortly thereafter Mr. Byers
observed another friend enter the bar and he called out to him. Mr. Alshaibi 
looked at Mr. Byers and shouted
obscenities at him. Although nothing else occurred at the bar the patrons said 
that Mr. Alshaibi appeared
impaired and was acting in a way that could be problematic.
At approximately midnight Mr. Alshaibi and Mr. Tsingaris left Vivo’s and began 
walking home. They
walked west on West Broadway on a sidewalk across an abandoned railroad spur to 
either 8th or 9th Street.
They turned north and at either Broadway or Briggs they separated. Mr. Alshaibi 
lives at 1104 West Briggs so
he was only a few blocks from home. Mr. Tsingaris continued walking north 
towards his home and assumed
his friend was walking the remaining few blocks home.
Mr. Alshaibi claims to have heard music as he was walking towards his house. As 
he approached this
music he claims to have met a young woman who told him that the party was 
upstairs. Although the officers
were unable to canvas this area immediately they did check the neighborhood 
within the hour after the assault
report was received. The police were unable to locate any noticeable music in 
that area. Throughout the
investigation the police were unable to verify or identify the young woman. As 
a result we cannot say with any
certainty whether there was any music or whether there was any young woman.
FAIRFIELD, IOWA 52556‐3217
PHONE (641) 472‐9201
FAX (641) 472‐9202
email address: jeffcoa...@lisco.com
Direct email address: t...@lisco.com
Direct email address: p...@lisco.com
What is clear is that Mr. Alshaibi actually got himself turned around and wound 
up walking in the
opposite direction of his home. Sometime around 12:15 a.m. he entered a home 
located at 50 South 5th Street.
This home is a block and half east of Vivo’s and would have required Mr. 
Alshaibi to backtrack past Vivo’s to
get there within the timeline. This house is the residence of Joshua Bishop and 
his teenage son Gabe.
Joshua Bishop was asleep on the couch in the living room while Gabe was 
upstairs in his room with four
other friends. The others were Samantha Fischer, Brian Jennings, Heath Nevins, 
and Blaze Strickland. Nevins
is 20 years old and all the others were under 18. They report that they had 
just finished watching a movie when
they heard footsteps on the stairs. They assumed that they had awakened Joshua 
and they were going to be in
trouble. However, the footsteps stopped just outside of the closed door. The 
kids reported seeing a shadow
under the door and they knew someone was standing outside of the door. 
Investigators confirmed that the
lighting in the hall would allow a shadow to be seen under the door.
The door was opened a crack, either by Gabe or by Mr. Alshaibi. It is clear 
that there was a brief
exchange between Mr. Alshaibi and Gabe where they said hi to each other and Mr. 
Alshaibi indicated that he
had returned to the area from Chicago. The door was opened a little further and 
Mr. Alshaibi was able to look
into the room and the other kids were able to see him. Gabe finally told him 
goodbye in an attempt to get him
to leave. Mr. Alshaibi backed out of the room and Gabe shut the door.
Ms. Fischer has a graduated drive

[FairfieldLife] Re: Newer Theory: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread whynotnow7
My take on Vajradoodoo is that he was exposed regularly and unceasingly to a 
particular religion early in life in a religious family, much like the son of a 
Baptist preacher, and it has been his cross to bear his entire life. The poor 
bastard never had a chance to find his own spiritual path. Nonetheless he is a 
tireless missionary for his completely confused brand of spirituality, but has 
built quite the following outside of FFL around his stories of all things 
"eastern". Some seekers will disengage their discriminative abilities whenever 
something sounds exotic enough. 

Vajradoodoo desperately longs for the recognition and status of the teachers he 
has been exposed to, so much so that he has adopted the attitude of what he 
imagines such teachers act like. This is also why he never backs up any of the 
mishmash of spiritual snippets he tosses out - he cannot - he doesn't have the 
experience or consciousness to clarify in his own mind the knowledge he has 
been hearing. He tries very hard to emulate a Master, though given his lockdown 
in waking state, can never achieve such a thing beyond his own imagination.

Unfortunately his religion like all the others (imo) is nearly worthless in 
terms of direct experience and so all he has left is his grand pronouncements, 
ego tripping and imagination. He has never done TM that I can see, and feels 
quite pissed at MMY both for taking momentum away from the religion he pushes 
here constantly, and causing such cognitive dissonance within him. 

I feel sorry for the guy, since he just comes across to me as an arrogant 
religious nut. Very much the waking state victim, knowing next to nothing about 
authentic spiritual pursuits - all hat and no cattle as the expression goes. 

In order for Vajradoodoo to see his predicament clearly would mean a major 
reassessment of all the BS he has ingested, and given that some outside FFL 
still hold him up on a pedestal, there is a very small likelihood of that ever 
happening. Maybe next lifetime he gets a clue. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> thx, Vaj. IOW, you're saying MMY didn't reach CC or Unity; but you've not 
> provided any evidence as to this. In the face of the vast amount of evidence 
> that he has, it's up to you to disprove the assertion.
> Also, it might help if you quoted somebody else, say Norbu Rinpoche or HHDL. 
> Find out what they say.
> ...
> You seem to be a sole voice crying out in the wilderness with no audience; 
> except perhaps the creepers, snails, and trees. Maybe the birds will listen.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Mar 29, 2011, at 6:38 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > 
> > > You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned argument 
> > > ... nothing but polemic.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > I'm sorry I can't waste my time or such "reasoned" eye-brow knitten emails. 
> > It's just not where I'm at.
> > 
> > You either "get" what I'm talking about, or you don't. I'm really not going 
> > to waste my time on which.
> > 
> > Mahesh's assumedly experiential description is your fave as a criteria for 
> > CC (as it is in many pro-TM cheerleaders). I'm stating emphatically and on 
> > my own experience that that's not CC, but merely the classical experience 
> > of turiya (the transcendent) as it normally occurs during it's infusion 
> > into the waking state constructs.
> > 
> > I realize that this is not an airy-fairy description to many's liking, but 
> > really -- I could care less.
> > 
> > The important thing is that I've not described, anywhere, the further 
> > description (after the infusion of turiya into waking states), of CC 
> > (turiyatita).
> > 
> > Not one person has countermanded that lack, nor have they described the 
> > actual transition to CC, as it's classically experienced.
> > 
> > Hint: the reason I haven't mentioned it is to see if anyone can.
> > 
> > And to just wait.
> > 
> > I'm a patient kinda guy. I'm actually much happier to simply wait. 
> > 
> > I've already been sitting here, many years, and no one's even bothered to 
> > offer me so much as a drink.
> > 
> > > 
> > > There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported personal 
> > > opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one interpretation 
> > > of Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display - just forms of 
> > > "me". You probably consider this to be advaya but in the Western 
> > > tradition we call this solipsism.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > Sheesh, I'm not sure what to say. I never gave it that much thunk.
> > 
> > > You must have never read Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus or Proclus or their 
> > > point about doxa. Same for Gaudapada, Shankara, Madhusuudhana. Oh, but I 
> > > forget. You are originally enlightened. Unlike willy,  you don't need  no 
> > > wiki.
> > > 
> > I was initiated into Gaudapada's practices when I was a kid. Honestly, I 
> > found the yogis of Tibet much better, more nuanced an