Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 9/11 Boatlift

2011-09-12 Thread Denise Evans
Also thank you Judy...I hadn't seen this or the History docu...very moving and 

--- On Sun, 9/11/11, raunchydog wrote:

From: raunchydog
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 9/11 Boatlift
Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011, 8:45 PM



  Thanks for posting this, Judy. Truly, a spectacular rescue. We have heard 
so many stories of 9/11 heroism over the years and each one brings a tear, but 
I have never heard of Boatlift. I wonder if whoever ordered the bridges and 
tunnels closed weighed the consequences of trapping 500,000 people in lower 
Manhattan without an evacuation plan. 

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 If you don't watch another minute of the 10th anniversary

 coverage, you gotta watch this. It's a beautifully done 

 12-minute documentary about the volunteer evacuation of

 lower Manhattan by boat--ferries, tugboats, pleasure craft,

 fishing boats, Coast Guard cutters,just about anything that

 floated. More than 500,000 people in nine hours, 13 times

 as many as at Dunkirk.


 This has a bit of the background:


 It's a feel-good story in the best sense of the term.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Movie review: The Guard

2011-09-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 Just watched it -- you should have warned me not to eat our 
 traditional moon cake today watching this film... [:D]

My bad. You should not eat or drink anything 
while watching The Guard that you do not want
spewed all over the room as you get caught in
an unexpected spasm of laughter. 

 I'm Irish. Racism is part of my
 A Drop Of The Hard Stuff'
 seen that?

Vedy British humor.

 In Bruges

One of my all-time faves, easily on my Top Ten 
list, one of the gold standard films in terms
of what constitutes a good script, acting, and

 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  As often happens for me with small treasure movies, I found my way
  this one by following an obscure lead. I've been an unabashed fan of
  Brendan Gleeson since Six Shooter and In Bruges, and put this film
  on my Look For list some time ago after following a link on the IMDB.
  All I knew about it was that Brendan Gleeson was in it, and that was
  It remained enough for about the first ten minutes of the movie, and
  then I had a suspicion, occasioned by the quality of the writing. I
  the movie on pause and looked it up on the IMDB, suspecting it might
  have been by Martin McDonagh, writer-director of In Bruges. Close.
  It's written and directed by his brother, John Michael McDonagh.
  clearly runs in the family.
  This is a really funny movie, in the way that only Irish films can be
  funny. That is, black humor that is occasionally so dark that you are
  almost ashamed to be laughing at it, but you just can't help yourself.
  Also, the humor is quirky, and plays with conventions. For example,
  is essentially a buddy cop movie, with Gleeson playing back-country
  Irish cop Gerry Boyle, and Don Cheadle playing uptight American FBI
  agent Wendell Everett. Shown photos of the drug smugglers Everett is
  after, Boyle's first comment on seeing four white faces is, I thought
  only black lads were drug dealers. Or Mexican. Informed by his
  superiors and by Everett that his 'tude is racist, Boyle says, I'm
  Irish. Racism is part of my culture. So, however, is being honest,
  which makes Boyle the only cop not on the take in the Galway area, and
  that leads to him and Everett teaming up to take out the bad guys.
  This is a good movie, and I recommend it without reservation. Brendan
  Gleeson just walks away with this movie. I'm sure it's destined to
  become a cult favorite in the buddy cop genre. It's like a Quentin
  Tarantino movie, but with better dialogue. Ponder that.

[FairfieldLife] Pull it! Fire has *never* destroyed a steel building?

2011-09-12 Thread cardemaister

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread turquoiseb
More good meat to bounce off of,'re on a roll.

--- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 As far as I can see, Barry conserves his energy for what 
 he likes to do. If he does not engage in an argument, 
 perhaps he knows this, perhaps not, but he is saving 
 himself a lot of work by not engaging. It is really 
 amazing how much energy is required to maintain the 
 world of our thought intact against an outer world 
 that does not quite ever seem to fit in with them.

And wouldn't give a shit if we managed TO maintain
the world of our thought. NOTHING in the universe
cares if our self wins an argument but that self.

 ...I think you spend a much greater amount of energy 
 maintaining your world view than Barry does, and 
 whatever else he may be or does, in regard to the 
 forum, he has the advantage of conserving his energy 
 because he doesn't care. He seems to be able to take 
 and leave a point of view. 


 You seem to care, and that means you have to maintain 
 a point of view. 

One of the things that Xeno didn't really touch on 
but that I will, springboarding off of his foundation,
is not just the amount of energy that the compulsive
defender of a world view requires to defend her POV,
but the amount of energy she expects the people she
is arguing with to expend. 

It's downright RUDE to be constantly trying to lure 
people into tarbaby arguments that you then don't allow
them to leave. The two worst offenders on this forum are
classic examples of this. Someone says something in 20 
words that offends them because it runs counter to their 
world view, and they feel compelled to reply in 200 words, 
sometimes more, taunting the original poster into getting 
into it with them, and defending his or her offending 
statement. If the original poster is foolish enough TO 
get into it with either of these motormouths, that's 
just the start of it; both of these compulsive arguers
will try to keep the argument going for as long as 
humanly possible, and will go so far as to insult the 
victim if he or she tries to escape. Classic tarbaby 
scenario; Uncle Remus would be proud.

OK, it's obvious that this behavior indicates that the
people who provoke such arguments have no clue about
how much energy it takes for *them* to do it. My point
is that they don't even for a moment consider the amount
of energy it requires of their *victims* to participate 
in it. Their whole world view seems to be, OF COURSE 
it's worth your time and energy to argue with me; I'm 
worth it, because...uh...because I'm ME! It's totally 
ego-based, with no care whatsoever for whether the 
other person considers the point being argued about 
important or considers the person trying to lure them 
into an argument important. The only important thing 
for these two compulsive motormouths -- as far as I 
can tell, from my POV -- is that people focus on them, 
read every word they write, and are willing to be 
sucked into long arguments about the things they write.

Bzzzt. Can you say NOT WORTH MY TIME? I think 
you can. Think of the energy saved by just realizing
what these people are up to, what their game is, and
then refusing to play. I never have to expend any of
my energy even reading the stuff they write, much
less arguing about it. 

I can instead spend whatever energy I wish to devote
to this forum bouncing off of ideas like the ones you
brought up in this series of posts and having fun with
them. As you say, I don't have to argue about my 
having fun posts, or defend anything I say in them,
I can just write them for fun. Thanks for writing --
and acting -- in such a way as to make that possible,
Xeno. It's the polar opposite of what both Judy and
Robin do.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra
Jim, Judy and now, it appears, Robin,
can't get Barry to engage in their
childishness, so instead they have
to go at him indirectly, insulting
him amongst themselves. Mean-spirited
and desperate. Sad, really.



You refer  to my childishness, my insulting him amongst themselves, and 
that this is mean-spirited and desperate. That it is sad, really.

Although I have enjoyed a somewhat cheerful exchange of posts in the past with 
you, I am going to hold you accountable for the absurdity of every one of these 
charges and characterizations of my posts regarding your friend.

First of all, there is not one word you have used to describe what I did that 
comes from your experience. In order to make believable such a judgment as you 
have made, you have to demonstrate that you have made contact with an 
experience out of which these words arise. You haven't done this. You have 
instead, decided to construe my posts within a point of view which is 
predetermined and non-interactive with the reality of what those posts are.

I challenge you to tell demonstrate anything in what I wrote about your friend 
which in any way whatsoever warrants any of the words you have applied to my 
posts (about him).

This is a serious moral and existential failure on your part to do justice to 
the spirit within which I wrote those posts about your friend.

I deny categorically that anything you say here is true, and if there is the 
slightest truth in what you say, then you should experience, in reading this 
post, the false relationship that exists between my implicit justification of 
those posts (the honourability of my intention, as well as the substance of 
what I wrote) and those posts as they registered inside of you when you read 
them. Just because you object to what someone has said about someone you like, 
before you go to attack that person, you still must enter into an innocent and 
objective context of experience—which can then inspire you in your defence of 
your friend . Else what you end up saying tends to vindicate the critic, 
because your criticism of that critic bears zero relationship to what was 
actually said, and therefore goes towards proving that critic right, and your 
defence of your friend, an act of arbitrary and reflexive loyalty having 
nothing to do with the actual facts.

Because who knows? maybe you're dead right and I *am* mean-spirited, desperate, 
childish, and insulting. That would be sad, really, because as far as I know no 
one in my entire life has accused me of being this—I have my faults but I pride 
myself on at least avoiding all the ones which you direct my way in this post 
of yours.

In order to be credible, and for me to respect your judgment of me, Sal, you 
have to let me have access to the experience out of which you have formed this 
assessment of me. How to do that?It is very simple: read your friend's comments 
about me (e.g. what he said about my critique of Adyashanti); then read my 
posts about your friend (yes, even in my conversation with Judy). Also you will 
want to hold fast to your settled opinion of your friend that you bring to this 
exercise (and this is quite permissible in this exercise; however you must not 
let that opinion preclude you from at least contemplating opinions that may 
contradict your own opinion—or test them).

Let all these things play and interact inside your experience; if, after having 
done this, you still reach the same conclusion as expressed in this post, then 
fine: I will accept this as your sincere and thoughtful judgment of me. Why? 
Because then you will have revealed the experience out of which you formed this 
judgment; it will be there inside the context within which you write. The post 
above misses the target so badly that I feel sympathy for you. It *is* possible 
to say the the same thing, but if you want to be believable you must carry with 
you the experience which compelled you to say what you said.

And that experience is just not there. I am not mean-spirited; I am not 
childish; I am not desperate; and I never insult people.

However, all of what you say about me, ironically enough, could be 
said—although you are not consciously culpable in this—about your post, Sal.

Hey, Sal: let's get right down to it. If there is *any* truth in your post, 
then this post of mine simply becomes the very data that I can claim is not 
there in anything I said about your friend. Because if you are right—in the 
very least—in what you say about me, then, obviously, I have, consciously or 
unconsciously, condemned myself a second time, only in this instance you have 
more direct proof. Because always the justification for doing what is wrong 
always carries with it a greater stench of falseness than the actual deed 

So, Sal, I am prepared for it: Take me down. And, if you can, please perform 
this necessary act of humiliation of me with a little more moxie than your 
friend has brought to this exercise (see my most 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra
Barry, did your mother ever spank you without telling you why?

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 More good meat to bounce off of,'re on a roll.
 --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  As far as I can see, Barry conserves his energy for what 
  he likes to do. If he does not engage in an argument, 
  perhaps he knows this, perhaps not, but he is saving 
  himself a lot of work by not engaging. It is really 
  amazing how much energy is required to maintain the 
  world of our thought intact against an outer world 
  that does not quite ever seem to fit in with them.
 And wouldn't give a shit if we managed TO maintain
 the world of our thought. NOTHING in the universe
 cares if our self wins an argument but that self.
  ...I think you spend a much greater amount of energy 
  maintaining your world view than Barry does, and 
  whatever else he may be or does, in regard to the 
  forum, he has the advantage of conserving his energy 
  because he doesn't care. He seems to be able to take 
  and leave a point of view. 
  You seem to care, and that means you have to maintain 
  a point of view. 
 One of the things that Xeno didn't really touch on 
 but that I will, springboarding off of his foundation,
 is not just the amount of energy that the compulsive
 defender of a world view requires to defend her POV,
 but the amount of energy she expects the people she
 is arguing with to expend. 
 It's downright RUDE to be constantly trying to lure 
 people into tarbaby arguments that you then don't allow
 them to leave. The two worst offenders on this forum are
 classic examples of this. Someone says something in 20 
 words that offends them because it runs counter to their 
 world view, and they feel compelled to reply in 200 words, 
 sometimes more, taunting the original poster into getting 
 into it with them, and defending his or her offending 
 statement. If the original poster is foolish enough TO 
 get into it with either of these motormouths, that's 
 just the start of it; both of these compulsive arguers
 will try to keep the argument going for as long as 
 humanly possible, and will go so far as to insult the 
 victim if he or she tries to escape. Classic tarbaby 
 scenario; Uncle Remus would be proud.
 OK, it's obvious that this behavior indicates that the
 people who provoke such arguments have no clue about
 how much energy it takes for *them* to do it. My point
 is that they don't even for a moment consider the amount
 of energy it requires of their *victims* to participate 
 in it. Their whole world view seems to be, OF COURSE 
 it's worth your time and energy to argue with me; I'm 
 worth it, because...uh...because I'm ME! It's totally 
 ego-based, with no care whatsoever for whether the 
 other person considers the point being argued about 
 important or considers the person trying to lure them 
 into an argument important. The only important thing 
 for these two compulsive motormouths -- as far as I 
 can tell, from my POV -- is that people focus on them, 
 read every word they write, and are willing to be 
 sucked into long arguments about the things they write.
 Bzzzt. Can you say NOT WORTH MY TIME? I think 
 you can. Think of the energy saved by just realizing
 what these people are up to, what their game is, and
 then refusing to play. I never have to expend any of
 my energy even reading the stuff they write, much
 less arguing about it. 
 I can instead spend whatever energy I wish to devote
 to this forum bouncing off of ideas like the ones you
 brought up in this series of posts and having fun with
 them. As you say, I don't have to argue about my 
 having fun posts, or defend anything I say in them,
 I can just write them for fun. Thanks for writing --
 and acting -- in such a way as to make that possible,
 Xeno. It's the polar opposite of what both Judy and
 Robin do.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pull it! Fire has *never* destroyed a steel building?

2011-09-12 Thread cardemaister

--- In, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

The explosions are very clearly visible here:

[FairfieldLife] The 9/11 Anniversary As A Metaphor For Attachment

2011-09-12 Thread turquoiseb
While I understand the strong emotions involved in wanting to replay
all of the events of 9/11, I think it's important for at least one voice
on this forum to point out that in spiritual terms what we're talking
about is classic attachment to a set of afflictive emotions, and a
conscious attempt to *stay* attached.

9/11 inspired for Americans a very real and palpable sense of several
afflictive emotions -- fear, anger, outrage, and the desire for revenge.
ALL of these emotions have basically defined the national character of
the United States Of America in the ten years since the event. Indulging
in these afflictive emotions has cost the country its stature, its
credibility, its civil liberties, trillions of dollars, thousands of
lost lives, the bankruptcy of its economy, and more.

So what does the country -- aided by the same media that supported its
unconscionable post-9/11 wars and loss of its own liberties -- DO when
confronted by the ten-year anniversary of 9/11? They stage an
over-the-top media frenzy, the very *idea* of which is to get viewers to
wallow in the afflictive emotions of the original event as much as
humanly possible, to bring them to the top of everyone's emotional
processing stack, and activate them again.

Starting to feel as if there is more to life than fear, anger, outrage,
and the desire for revenge? That's UnAmerican. Watch these videos, and
you'll be politically correct again, wallowing in the same afflictive
emotions you've been wallowing in for the last ten years. GOTTA
perpetuate the fear. GOTTA perpetuate the anger. GOTTA perpetuate the
outrage. GOTTA perpetuate the desire for revenge. Just GOTTA. It's the
American way.

The Spanish got over having one of their bullet trains bombed by
terrorists in a month, without descending into the maelstrom of hate and
lashing out that America did. The British public did mostly the same
thing w.r.t. the bombings in the London Underground (mostly...its
government went the other direction, and tried to emulate the American
way of indulgence in these afflictive emotions). Americans? They just
seem to want more of the same.

I would suspect that this media indulgence in the past probably got the
highest ratings of any TV shows in years. And I also suspect that as a
result many in yesterday's audience are as established in wallowing in
the same afflictive emotions today as they were on 9/12/2001. THAT, in
my opinion, was the whole point.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread turquoiseb
Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote that
allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page and do
a word count on it, without having to read it.

Sal's post:  33 words

MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words

My original comment, posted 10 minutes before MZ's:

 The two worst offenders on this forum are classic examples
 of this. Someone says something in 20 words that offends
 them because it runs counter to their world view, and they
 feel compelled to reply in 200 words, sometimes more,
 taunting the original poster into getting into it with them,
 and defending his or her offending statement.

What I love about total narcissists is that they are so self-absorbed
that they don't realize that their own egoscreeds *demonstrate*
the very things their critics have said about them.

--- In, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 Jim, Judy and now, it appears, Robin,
 can't get Barry to engage in their
 childishness, so instead they have
 to go at him indirectly, insulting
 him amongst themselves. Mean-spirited
 and desperate. Sad, really.



 You refer  to my childishness, my insulting him amongst
themselves, and that this is mean-spirited and desperate. That it is
sad, really.

 Although I have enjoyed a somewhat cheerful exchange of posts in the
past with you, I am going to hold you accountable for the absurdity of
every one of these charges and characterizations of my posts regarding
your friend.

 First of all, there is not one word you have used to describe what I
did that comes from your experience. In order to make believable such a
judgment as you have made, you have to demonstrate that you have made
contact with an experience out of which these words arise. You haven't
done this. You have instead, decided to construe my posts within a point
of view which is predetermined and non-interactive with the reality of
what those posts are.

 I challenge you to tell demonstrate anything in what I wrote about
your friend which in any way whatsoever warrants any of the words you
have applied to my posts (about him).

 This is a serious moral and existential failure on your part to do
justice to the spirit within which I wrote those posts about your

 I deny categorically that anything you say here is true, and if there
is the slightest truth in what you say, then you should experience, in
reading this post, the false relationship that exists between my
implicit justification of those posts (the honourability of my
intention, as well as the substance of what I wrote) and those posts as
they registered inside of you when you read them. Just because you
object to what someone has said about someone you like, before you go to
attack that person, you still must enter into an innocent and objective
context of experience—which can then inspire you in your defence of
your friend . Else what you end up saying tends to vindicate the critic,
because your criticism of that critic bears zero relationship to what
was actually said, and therefore goes towards proving that critic right,
and your defence of your friend, an act of arbitrary and reflexive
loyalty having nothing to do with the actual facts.

 Because who knows? maybe you're dead right and I *am* mean-spirited,
desperate, childish, and insulting. That would be sad, really, because
as far as I know no one in my entire life has accused me of being
this—I have my faults but I pride myself on at least avoiding all
the ones which you direct my way in this post of yours.

 In order to be credible, and for me to respect your judgment of me,
Sal, you have to let me have access to the experience out of which you
have formed this assessment of me. How to do that?It is very simple:
read your friend's comments about me (e.g. what he said about my
critique of Adyashanti); then read my posts about your friend (yes, even
in my conversation with Judy). Also you will want to hold fast to your
settled opinion of your friend that you bring to this exercise (and this
is quite permissible in this exercise; however you must not let that
opinion preclude you from at least contemplating opinions that may
contradict your own opinion—or test them).

 Let all these things play and interact inside your experience; if,
after having done this, you still reach the same conclusion as expressed
in this post, then fine: I will accept this as your sincere and
thoughtful judgment of me. Why? Because then you will have revealed the
experience out of which you formed this judgment; it will be there
inside the context within which you write. The post above misses the
target so badly that I feel sympathy for you. It *is* possible to say
the the same thing, but if you want to be believable you must carry with
you the experience which compelled you to say what you said.

 And that experience is just not there. I am not mean-spirited; I am
not childish; I am not desperate; and I never insult people.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tat Wale Baba/Discourse on Self-Realization

2011-09-12 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Can this be condensed to Madame, I am London

What has Madam's in London to do with Tat Wala Babas last inspiration:

  Having gained this beautiful, perfect human nervous system, if we
  known that element of the Self, then we have really used this
  diamond-like gift, this diamond-like nervous system which is capable
  giving that eternal bliss. If it is not experienced, then we have
  that gift of diamond. We have taken upon ourselves this human nervous
  system, not for the sake of petty enjoyment of changing nature in this
  relative field of change, but to live and be that infinite bliss. And,
  will have to attain that thing whether we attain it in this life, or
 in the
  next, or in the next. We just can't forego that. Therefore, with the
  assistance of the guru and the scriptures, better to attain it
 quickly. Why

 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  What is the aim of all the beings? It is the attainment of infinite
  happiness. A life free from suffering, and the attainment of eternal
  happiness is what we want. Now, we should discriminate and analyze if
  is anything in the world which can give us permanent, eternal
  From the ant up to the giant of the Creator, all are in the field of
  that is, relative values. Infinite happiness can only come from
  which could be immortal, non-changing, eternal. This which is the goal
  everything, this infinite, is our own Self. And in order to experience
  Self which is the basis of all, we don't have to seek, we don't have
  search, we don't have to make efforts. It's there, present everywhere.
  Wherever you are, in whatever reign of time or place, that Self is
 there -
  wherever we are in whatever time. Only, we have to take our awareness
  that level and that is it. Having forgotten that level of life, we are
  seeking for that
  eternal happiness. That Self is. It is being and it is blissful.
  forgotten that, we now are seeking for it. We have forgotten what we
  ourselves are and we're trying to find that in the world. As long as
  don't enter into that area which is infinite happiness, free from
  so long we will not be free from suffering and we will not get into
  eternal happiness. There is no happiness of significant nature in the
  the child is gone, and the youth is gone, and the man is old, and even
  he is not fulfilled in the world. When he gets established in the
 Self, then
  automatically freedom from suffering and attainment of bliss will be
  That which is omnipresent doesn't have to be sought. It's there
  Start to be. That which is omnipresent is not to be sought; only our
  awareness has to be brought to that level and that bliss is there. You
  have to seek it. Understand? Unless we get into that omnipresent
  satisfaction is not going to come. If it were to come, it would have
 come by
  now through so many avenues in the world. But, it has not. Therefore,
  which is the Self is your own being. You don't have to look in the
  And, it is irrespective of any religious faiths or beliefs; Christians
  Muslims or Hindus. That being is the knowledge itself. Only, you have
  know. All these various manifestations of happiness that we experience
  the world, they also are the manifestations of the same eternal being
  is our own Self. If we are aware of the Self, if we know it, fine.
  Otherwise, we have to be. And, therefore, it is necessary to bring our
  deep within ourselves. As deeply as we can bring our awareness to the
  so intensely we can inherit that which is omnipresent in our day to
  life. Having known that Self we will be eternally contented; remaining
  the world we will live contentment. And, it's not a matter of
  ourselves from the world. Only, we have to know It, and having known
  then, all different manifestations in the world will be experienced as
  manifestations of That. We don't have to detach ourselves. It is just
  matter of bringing the awareness to that area, and be, and live It.
  Having gained this beautiful, perfect human nervous system, if we
  known that element of the Self, then we have really used this
  diamond-like gift, this diamond-like nervous system which is capable
  giving that eternal bliss. If it is not experienced, then we have
  that gift of diamond. We have taken upon ourselves this human nervous
  system, not for the sake of petty enjoyment of changing nature in this
  relative field of change, but to live and be that infinite bliss. And,
  will have to attain that thing whether we attain it in this life, or
 in the
  next, or in the next. We just can't forego that. 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote that
 allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page and do
 a word count on it, without having to read it.
 Sal's post:  33 words
 MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words

Another boring day in the life of the Turqo; counting words. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread Marcelo rosa
which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand anything

2011/9/12 RoryGoff


 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:
  *but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**

 * * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some of Us ever
 resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever resonate with
 the sonava beej.

 Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava remains
 somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and Italian
 sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: why MMY not use kleem beeja mantra? (kleem or Kleeng ?)

2011-09-12 Thread Marcelo rosa
*REPORT meditate on mantra kleem in TM

I meditated for 7 days twice daily with mantra kleem, I did not feelwell,

I felt bad headache, I did not feel natural, so I'm meditating

  today with the official tM beej mantra, and recommended in the list of

*MMY gave the teachers of TM **...
*kleem on TM technique is no good to me .. :) *
2011/9/9 shukra69


 by associated in mean if UL falls in leo then it is Sunday , in Capricorn
 or Aquarius the Saturday etc

 --- In, shukra69 shukra69@... wrote:
  also if you want more love in your life try to do some kind of fast on
 the weekday associated with the planet of your Upapada Lagna. Download
 Jagannatha Hora (free) and look for the sign where UL appears in your
 birth chart.
  Kleem kaamadevaya vidmahe
  pushpabanaya dhimahi
  tanno nangah prachodyat.
  --- In, shukra69 shukra69@ wrote:
   I think Maharishi would say it beautiful, its very very beautiful
 this idea of using silently this mantra. You want to give up developing some
 knowledge or wealth or power quality for just love, worldly or divine? it is
 a great idea. you might need to give a two-syllable feel to Maharishiize
 that mantra, (which would not necesarily work for english speakers)but
 you are already on the advanced techniques so thats not such a concern
 necessarily. This is unfortunately not necessarily a good place to ask such
 a question. You already know the answer in your heart.
   Trailokya Sanmohan Tantra: Na catra satrava dosha narnasvadi
 vicharana, Rksha rasi vicharo va na kartavyo manau priye
   --- In, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
is not a joke, I'm serious about meditation and mantras, TM mantras
 etc. .. kleem is different from kreem, kreem is kali mantra ,,, and kleem
 mantra for lord krishna, Cupid, indra ... I've looked at some sites on the
 net say 'Kamadeva is one of the names of Krishna 
--- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@

 On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:22 PM, Marcelo rosa wrote:

  i think no
  kreem is no variant of kleem , no , no

 Brill Cream, by any chance?
 Does anyone else get the feeling Marcelo
 is playing a joke? This is just too
 silly to be anything else.



[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Help Save Lamson Woods

2011-09-12 Thread Dick Mays

Forward From: Diane Rosenberg

Dear Friends,

I am all for a dog park in Fairfield, but I am also for protecting 
one of our community's most beautiful treasures - Lamson Woods. The 
following letter by Fonziba Koster explains the conflict of use issue 
really well if you are not aware, or only somewhat aware, of the 

The City Council is voting THIS Monday night, September 12, whether 
or not to locate the dog park in Lamson Woods or OB Nelson Park, a 
much more suitable location in my opinion. Please consider calling 
every City Council member if you want to protect Lamson Woods - and 
give dog owners an alternative great place for their dogs. This is 
their final vote.

The City Council list is at the end of this letter. Remember, your 
calls DO make a difference! Four votes will protect Lamson Woods.

Thank you very much,

Dear Friends,

Some of you may be aware that there is a group of Fairfield citizens 
who are trying to create a Dog Park in Fairfield. They have been 
working on this project for 3 years and during that time have raised 
$10,000 ($5,000 of which came from a grant.) to build a Dog Park. The 
Fairfield Park and Rec department gave the Dog Park Committee 15 
options for a location for the park which were denied by the Dog Park 

One option that they considered was OB Nelson park which is the large 
park near the outdoor pool off Filmore St. It seemed like this 
location was ideal in terms of parking availability and room to 
expand in the future. There was only one problem - there needs to be 
a drainage system put on the parcel they would use which would cost 
an additional $15,000. Because of this extra expense, the Dog Park 
Committee and the Fairfield Park and Rec dept. settled on putting the 
Dog Park in the grassy area at the entrance to Lamson Woods.

Most of the neighbors of Lamson Woods were unaware of this project 
and only found out about it recently when the building of the 
chain-link fence was about to start. Many of them were quite upset 
about this because this grassy area is a very pristine spot where a 
lot of wildlife comes. It also serves as a beautiful entrance to 
Lamson Woods which is a Nature Preserve donated by the Lamson family. 
They felt the dog park with it's very high chain link fence would 
ruin the natural beauty of the place, plus the dogs would scare away 
the abundant wildlife that many walkers and bikers enjoy. Also, this 
spot is used for picnicking, sunbathing, Frisbee games etc. - all of 
which would no longer be possible if the Dog Park were put there.

In response, these neighbors formed the Friends of Lamson Woods to 
help prevent this spot from being ruined. They collected about 700 
signatures on a petition which brought no response from the Fairfield 
Park and Rec Dept. . They then brought the issue up to the Fairfield 
Town Council who voted that unless the Friends of Lamson Woods 
could raise the $15,000 needed to put the Dog Park at OB Nelson, the 
Dog Park would be installed at Lamson Woods. Unfortunately, they only 
gave them 3 weeks to raise these funds - which seems a little unfair 
when you consider that the Dog Park Committee took 3 years to raise 
$5,000 (plus the $5,000 grant).

The Friends of Lamson Woods are asking for our help to either email 
or call the Town Council members - see numbers and emails below - 
and/or to help contribute funds towards relocating the park to OB 
Nelson. So far, the Friends of Lamson Woods have been able to raise 
$2,500 which is pretty good in only a few weeks time. The Town 
Council will make their final vote on this matter this Monday, the 
12th. If any of you would feel moved to write or call them and ask 
them to reconsider their stance, this would be great. Even if they 
could just vote to give the Friends of Lamson Woods more time to 
raise the funds would be very helpful. Otherwise, construction will 

If you can donate, please do so before Monday - Please email Anne 
Marie Schwamm and let her know how much you 
wish to donate so she knows before the Town Council meeting.

Make Checks to: Fairfield Park  Rec - Dog Park

Send Checks to: Friends of Lamson Woods, PO Box 2481, Fairfield, IA, 52556

Donated funds will be held by the Friends of Lamson Woods and will 
only be used to relocate the park. If for some reason they are not 
able to accomplish this, your money will be refunded.

If you email the members of the Town Council, it has been suggested 
to put No to Lamson Woods on the subject line.

Below are the numbers and emails for the Town Council, plus some 
talking points for you to consider using.

Thanks so much for any help you can give!

-Fonziba Koster

City Council Members:

1st Ward - Ron Adam - (641)472-4011

2nd Ward- John Revolinski - (641)472-3939

3rd Ward - Ray Mottett - (641)472-9010 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd:

2011-09-12 Thread Dick Mays
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 14:53:54 -0500 (CDT)
X-MagicMail-UUID: ac41fedc-dcb3-11e0-af6d-00065bf16b23

In an effort to reduce the risk of accidents, provide neat and orderly
parking, and maximize the number of cars we can accommodate, Facilities
Management will be painting the lines in several of our University parking
Precedence: bulk

We appreciate everyone's cooperation in avoiding the following areas on the
specified dates:

South Dreier parking lot will be closed on
Monday, September 12, 2011 from Noon to the rest of the day.

Argiro parking lot will be closed on
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please park in the
lower north parking lot.

Women's Dome: On Monday, September 12, 2011
we will be roping off the North portion from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. From
Noon to 4:00 p.m. the Women's South parking lot will be roped off so that
the parking lines can be painted.
Please carpool or park at alternate parking on this date.

Men's Dome: On Tuesday, September 13, 2011 we will be roping off the parking
lot from 12:00 Noon to 6:00 p.m.Please carpool or park at alternate parking
on this date.

Please forward this email to any persons you feel this will affect or post
in places so all can be aware of this project.

Thank You for your Cooperation.

Charles Besick
Facilities Maintenance


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[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 Someone says something in 20 words that offends
 them because it runs counter to their world view, 
 and they feel compelled...

So, you feel offended. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff
Thank You, Steve, but the sobriety you seek is entirely in your own mind's eye. 

While perhaps appearing from time to time as sober as a Judge -- say, Clarence 
(Anita Drink) Thomas -- in reality I'm always weaving across all eight lanes 
of this veepish super-highway -- but is it eight, or is it sixteen? 

In all fairness, though I know not whether I come or go, in my defense the 
gentle rain keeps washing all dividing lines away. (And someone left the 
yellowcake in the rain, so there goes the nuclear family values, but I will 
return as you -- and you -- and you -- and you were there. But you couldn't 
have been, could you? It wasn't just a dream, or a binding resolution anyway, 
noway, nohow, nowhere, nobody.)

In truth, I am Absolutly drunk as Ravi, as Robin, as you -- and you -- and you 
-- and you -- and every One of Us when I belly up to the Phat Phuc bar to 
inhale this day my daily Red with oodles of buddha-noodles, and this is my 
brain on Love is my body and Love is my blood.

--- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Damn Rory, when you choose to stay in one lane, or should I say one
 plane, you can make a darn funny post.  Fun stuff.
 --- In, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
  Very laudable indeed, Sir! Your most economical choice of only three
 nails, albeit almost certainly less comfortable, would represent a
 savings of XXV per centum to the Empire. Since you so clearly uphold the
 greater good, you could not possibly be the selfish, narcissistic
 insurrectionist your detractors have claimed you to be. Enough
 Pontificating -- I wash my hands of the entire affair, and declare you
 now and forever a Free Man.
  --- In, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
   Three works, and right side up please!
   --- In, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
* * Don't mind if I do, Jim!
Which would you prefer -- three nails or four? :-)
--- In, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@

 Damn Rory - Nail me to a cross! :-)

 --- In, RoryGoff rorygoff@
  --- In, Denise Evans
 dmevans365@ wrote:
   Ravi, not to worryI am well-aware that I do not have the
 IQ or creative skill-set needed to maintain a heady riff with the
 experts on this site..I disassociate when necessary.
   This should be fairly evident by now. Â I jump in here
 and there when my neurons connect in a moment of spontaneous thought -
 not original thought, just spontaneous.Â
   Mostly, the posts on this forum (those that I actually
 fathom on any level) entertain and inform me greatly - and for this I am
 grateful, as I see myself as a bit of an energy vampire at this moment
 in my life, and I know that I really don't belong here amongst the
 shining stars of enlightened diction.
  * * Well said, Denise; being without the three gunas, we
 really don't belong anywhere. The foxes have holes, and the birds of
 the sky have nests, but the [Daughter] of [Wo]Man has no place to lay
 [Her] head.
  For the heartbreaking beauty of it all is this: when the rug
 is yanked out from beneath our feet once and for all, we hang in
 freefall forever here and now, suspended alone, all-one, forever amidst
 the ever-singing stars.
  And so in apparently belonging nowhere, we really belong now
 here, and now here belongs heartfully to us, for we are not of them, but
 they are of us.
  And those galaxies of ever-murmuring shining stars are nothing
 but our childish thoughts, who nourished by our soma-milk, feed
 vampire-like upon our love, and hang a-tremble on our softest breath --
 the beauty of our body and our blood.


[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra
Since the human soul cannot be produced by the transmutation of matter, it 
cannot but be produced immediately by God.

Reason in man is rather like God in the world.

He who desires a good seeks to have it as it really is in nature, not as it is 
in his consciousness.

The desire for good is more corrupted than is the knowledge of truth.

Gratitude tries to return more than has been received.

The lover is not content with superficial knowledge of the beloved, but strives 
for intimate discovery and entrance.

Holding steady in danger is more important than taking the offensive.

Magnificence consorts with liberality in its material, with courage in its mode.

The prayer of which we speak here is an act of intelligence, not of will.

Distinctions drawn by the mind are not necessarily equivalent to distinctions 
in reality.

In meditating on the universal truth of beings, primary philosophy must also 
scrutinize the general setting of truth.

Because philosophy arises from awe a philosopher is bound in his way to be a 
lover of myths and poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in being big 
with wonder.

All mutables bring us back to a first immutable.

The desire for goodness, beauty, peace, does not end up with different things.

A contingent event escapes certitude because it is future, not because it is 

Mercy is supremely God's—effectively rather than affectively.

Jo Calderone

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote that

 allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page and do
 a word count on it, without having to read it.
 Sal's post:  33 words
 MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
 My original comment, posted 10 minutes before MZ's:
  The two worst offenders on this forum are classic examples
  of this. Someone says something in 20 words that offends
  them because it runs counter to their world view, and they
  feel compelled to reply in 200 words, sometimes more,
  taunting the original poster into getting into it with them,
  and defending his or her offending statement.
 What I love about total narcissists is that they are so self-absorbed
 that they don't realize that their own egoscreeds *demonstrate*
 the very things their critics have said about them.
 --- In, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  Jim, Judy and now, it appears, Robin,
  can't get Barry to engage in their
  childishness, so instead they have
  to go at him indirectly, insulting
  him amongst themselves. Mean-spirited
  and desperate. Sad, really.
  You refer  to my childishness, my insulting him amongst
 themselves, and that this is mean-spirited and desperate. That it is
 sad, really.
  Although I have enjoyed a somewhat cheerful exchange of posts in the
 past with you, I am going to hold you accountable for the absurdity of
 every one of these charges and characterizations of my posts regarding
 your friend.
  First of all, there is not one word you have used to describe what I
 did that comes from your experience. In order to make believable such a
 judgment as you have made, you have to demonstrate that you have made
 contact with an experience out of which these words arise. You haven't
 done this. You have instead, decided to construe my posts within a point
 of view which is predetermined and non-interactive with the reality of
 what those posts are.
  I challenge you to tell demonstrate anything in what I wrote about
 your friend which in any way whatsoever warrants any of the words you
 have applied to my posts (about him).
  This is a serious moral and existential failure on your part to do
 justice to the spirit within which I wrote those posts about your
  I deny categorically that anything you say here is true, and if there
 is the slightest truth in what you say, then you should experience, in
 reading this post, the false relationship that exists between my
 implicit justification of those posts (the honourability of my
 intention, as well as the substance of what I wrote) and those posts as
 they registered inside of you when you read them. Just because you
 object to what someone has said about someone you like, before you go to
 attack that person, you still must enter into an innocent and objective
 context of experience—which can then inspire you in your defence of
 your friend . Else what you end up saying tends to vindicate the critic,
 because your criticism of that critic bears zero relationship to what
 was actually said, and therefore goes towards proving that critic right,
 and your defence of your friend, an act of arbitrary and reflexive
 loyalty having nothing to do with the actual facts.
  Because who knows? maybe you're dead right and I *am* mean-spirited,
 desperate, childish, and insulting. That would be sad, really, because
 as far as I know no one in my entire life 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread obbajeeba
chalk one up for nabby. : )  lol

--- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote that
  allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page and do
  a word count on it, without having to read it.
  Sal's post:  33 words
  MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
 Another boring day in the life of the Turqo; counting words. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The 9/11 Anniversary As A Metaphor For Attachment

2011-09-12 Thread obbajeeba
and non attachments.  : )

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 While I understand the strong emotions involved in wanting to replay
 all of the events of 9/11, I think it's important for at least one voice
 on this forum to point out that in spiritual terms what we're talking
 about is classic attachment to a set of afflictive emotions, and a
 conscious attempt to *stay* attached.
 9/11 inspired for Americans a very real and palpable sense of several
 afflictive emotions -- fear, anger, outrage, and the desire for revenge.
 ALL of these emotions have basically defined the national character of
 the United States Of America in the ten years since the event. Indulging
 in these afflictive emotions has cost the country its stature, its
 credibility, its civil liberties, trillions of dollars, thousands of
 lost lives, the bankruptcy of its economy, and more.
 So what does the country -- aided by the same media that supported its
 unconscionable post-9/11 wars and loss of its own liberties -- DO when
 confronted by the ten-year anniversary of 9/11? They stage an
 over-the-top media frenzy, the very *idea* of which is to get viewers to
 wallow in the afflictive emotions of the original event as much as
 humanly possible, to bring them to the top of everyone's emotional
 processing stack, and activate them again.
 Starting to feel as if there is more to life than fear, anger, outrage,
 and the desire for revenge? That's UnAmerican. Watch these videos, and
 you'll be politically correct again, wallowing in the same afflictive
 emotions you've been wallowing in for the last ten years. GOTTA
 perpetuate the fear. GOTTA perpetuate the anger. GOTTA perpetuate the
 outrage. GOTTA perpetuate the desire for revenge. Just GOTTA. It's the
 American way.
 The Spanish got over having one of their bullet trains bombed by
 terrorists in a month, without descending into the maelstrom of hate and
 lashing out that America did. The British public did mostly the same
 thing w.r.t. the bombings in the London Underground (mostly...its
 government went the other direction, and tried to emulate the American
 way of indulgence in these afflictive emotions). Americans? They just
 seem to want more of the same.
 I would suspect that this media indulgence in the past probably got the
 highest ratings of any TV shows in years. And I also suspect that as a
 result many in yesterday's audience are as established in wallowing in
 the same afflictive emotions today as they were on 9/12/2001. THAT, in
 my opinion, was the whole point.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tat Wale Baba/Discourse on Self-Realization

2011-09-12 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 4:53 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tat Wale Baba/Discourse on Self-Realization



--- In , seventhray1 steve.sundur@...

 Can this be condensed to Madame, I am London

What has Madam's in London to do with Tat Wala Babas last inspiration:

When Tat Wale Baba visited the Rishikesh TTC, a woman proclaimed that he
should visit London. Madame, I am London was his response.

  Having gained this beautiful, perfect human nervous system, if we
  known that element of the Self, then we have really used this
  diamond-like gift, this diamond-like nervous system which is capable
  giving that eternal bliss. If it is not experienced, then we have
  that gift of diamond. We have taken upon ourselves this human nervous
  system, not for the sake of petty enjoyment of changing nature in this
  relative field of change, but to live and be that infinite bliss. And,
  will have to attain that thing whether we attain it in this life, or
 in the
  next, or in the next. We just can't forego that. Therefore, with the
  assistance of the guru and the scriptures, better to attain it
 quickly. Why

 --- In , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  What is the aim of all the beings? It is the attainment of infinite
  happiness. A life free from suffering, and the attainment of eternal
  happiness is what we want. Now, we should discriminate and analyze if
  is anything in the world which can give us permanent, eternal
  From the ant up to the giant of the Creator, all are in the field of
  that is, relative values. Infinite happiness can only come from
  which could be immortal, non-changing, eternal. This which is the goal
  everything, this infinite, is our own Self. And in order to experience
  Self which is the basis of all, we don't have to seek, we don't have
  search, we don't have to make efforts. It's there, present everywhere.
  Wherever you are, in whatever reign of time or place, that Self is
 there -
  wherever we are in whatever time. Only, we have to take our awareness
  that level and that is it. Having forgotten that level of life, we are
  seeking for that
  eternal happiness. That Self is. It is being and it is blissful.
  forgotten that, we now are seeking for it. We have forgotten what we
  ourselves are and we're trying to find that in the world. As long as
  don't enter into that area which is infinite happiness, free from
  so long we will not be free from suffering and we will not get into
  eternal happiness. There is no happiness of significant nature in the
  the child is gone, and the youth is gone, and the man is old, and even
  he is not fulfilled in the world. When he gets established in the
 Self, then
  automatically freedom from suffering and attainment of bliss will be
  That which is omnipresent doesn't have to be sought. It's there
  Start to be. That which is omnipresent is not to be sought; only our
  awareness has to be brought to that level and that bliss is there. You
  have to seek it. Understand? Unless we get into that omnipresent
  satisfaction is not going to come. If it were to come, it would have
 come by
  now through so many avenues in the world. But, it has not. Therefore,
  which is the Self is your own being. You don't have to look in the
  And, it is irrespective of any religious faiths or beliefs; Christians
  Muslims or Hindus. That being is the knowledge itself. Only, you have
  know. All these various manifestations of happiness that we experience
  the world, they also are the manifestations of the same eternal being
  is our own Self. If we are aware of the Self, if we know it, fine.
  Otherwise, we have to be. And, therefore, it is necessary to bring our
  deep within ourselves. As deeply as we can bring our awareness to the
  so intensely we can inherit that which is omnipresent in our day to
  life. Having known that Self we will be eternally contented; remaining
  the world we will live contentment. And, it's not a matter of
  ourselves from the world. Only, we have to know It, and having known
  then, all different manifestations in the world will be experienced as
  manifestations of That. We don't have to detach ourselves. It is just
  matter of bringing the awareness to that area, and be, and live It.
  Having gained this beautiful, perfect human nervous system, if we
  known that element of the Self, then we have really used this
  diamond-like gift, this diamond-like 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Bob Price

Thank you for your post, I found it both resonant and refreshing. Comments 

In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
 anartaxius@ wrote: 


...They are not empathetic, they are not sympathetic, they do not care about a
person's individuality, because that individuality is a false perception they
are trying to root out. They do not care about a person's beliefs, or what is
good or bad, because that is all part of the illusion. But they do have a
purpose, to trick us into seeing through our own illusions one way or another.
Any aspect of life can function like this if you let it. Even Barry can be a
surrogate for a master if one lets the experience in as a lesson, can function
like a master even if he is not a 'master' in any sense like the ones adored on
this forum. This is because every moment, every situation is a part of the
whole of life, and it is that whole that beckons us to see it in its 

***In the case of a Buddha, Christ or Krishna isn't
empathy---I agree with everything else you mention---with the suffering of
humanity and creation what motivates them to manifest? Even with Maharishi,
Krishnamurti and OSHO I sensed a capacity for empathy although I agree they
were without sentimentality. 

Although I agree with a previous comment I thought you
made---(sorry if I'm paraphrasing) that what is communicated on FFL is a voice 
and can hardly be used to
measure the whole communicator---one of the issues I have with the declarations
of enlightenment, on this forum, is that the practitioners, or at least their
voices, seem so emotionally unenlightened, while having so much of the verbiage

For my money, the voices on this forum that sound closest to
the original western use of the word enlightenment (as in the renaissance) are
yours and Curtis's. The rest, including mine, are something entirely different.
But then some of us have other interests---holes to dig, nests to raid and 
a place to lay our heads. 

From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 7:44:44 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 

[Comments in text]

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  Ravi, I was just questioning how deeply we can know someone's
  internal state by external cues. I do not know what Barry's 
  internal state is. I for one cannot figure him out, but I am
  not convinced that projecting my hypotheses as an explanation
  of his behaviour is really to any point. 
  Judy has a very keen intellect, but I do think she also
  projects her own emotional states onto others. I *think* that,
  but it is an hypothesis, because I do not *know* that. I also
  *think* she does not think that she projects her internal
  states onto the world. But that thought might not have any 
  substance to it. There is always ambiguity because what people
  feel and think is not necessarily what they say, nor does their
  behaviour always indicate what is really going on in there.
 I find it fascinating that you focus on my purported
 emotional projections onto Barry, while completely
 ignoring Barry's own tendency to project.

I was posting via a post you had written, and to give what I wanted to say some 
kind of point of view, that seemed to me to be the point of view to take. Barry 
obviously does mention others in his posts and makes comments about them. Don't 
feel like you have been picked out for persecution. If 10 vehicles are going 75 
in a 50 miles per hour zone and one gets ticketed out of the group for speeding 
and the other get off free, it might just be the fall of the dice.

I did try to make sure I said when I suggested you were projecting, that in 
fact that was also what I was doing when I suggested it. I try to make a habit 
of not projecting, of being neutral, but do not always succeed, but in the past 
when I have brought up the subject, you have always retorted that that was a 
diversion from the argument at hand.

So, do you feel you project your inner feelings and musings and ideas onto 
others as you discuss them, or do you feel you do not do this? 

I think this concept is one of the important linchpins of the enlightenment 
game. As Maharishi said, unity is real, diversity is conceptual. Zen masters 
exhort their disciples to give up opinions. Adyashanti mentioned in an 
interview that as a child he came to the conclusion that adults were insane 
because they believed what they thought. This idea can also be appreciated in 
say, the Bible, 'God said let there be light, and there was light.' That is, 
there is a connexion between word and form. You can see this in the Gospel 
attributed to John, 'In the beginning was the word 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Bob Price
Motoring with a motormouth.

I'm sure we've all had the pleasure of motoring with a motormouth. I'm 
wondering what techniques my fellow posters on FFL might employ to defend their 
sincerity in this situation. Hope the top 10 format works for everyone:

10. Run over a pedestrian.

From: turquoiseb
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 12:21:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 

More good meat to bounce off of,'re on a roll.

--- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 As far as I can see, Barry conserves his energy for what 
 he likes to do. If he does not engage in an argument, 
 perhaps he knows this, perhaps not, but he is saving 
 himself a lot of work by not engaging. It is really 
 amazing how much energy is required to maintain the 
 world of our thought intact against an outer world 
 that does not quite ever seem to fit in with them.

And wouldn't give a shit if we managed TO maintain
the world of our thought. NOTHING in the universe
cares if our self wins an argument but that self.

 ...I think you spend a much greater amount of energy 
 maintaining your world view than Barry does, and 
 whatever else he may be or does, in regard to the 
 forum, he has the advantage of conserving his energy 
 because he doesn't care. He seems to be able to take 
 and leave a point of view. 


 You seem to care, and that means you have to maintain 
 a point of view. 

One of the things that Xeno didn't really touch on 
but that I will, springboarding off of his foundation,
is not just the amount of energy that the compulsive
defender of a world view requires to defend her POV,
but the amount of energy she expects the people she
is arguing with to expend. 

It's downright RUDE to be constantly trying to lure 
people into tarbaby arguments that you then don't allow
them to leave. The two worst offenders on this forum are
classic examples of this. Someone says something in 20 
words that offends them because it runs counter to their 
world view, and they feel compelled to reply in 200 words, 
sometimes more, taunting the original poster into getting 
into it with them, and defending his or her offending 
statement. If the original poster is foolish enough TO 
get into it with either of these motormouths, that's 
just the start of it; both of these compulsive arguers
will try to keep the argument going for as long as 
humanly possible, and will go so far as to insult the 
victim if he or she tries to escape. Classic tarbaby 
scenario; Uncle Remus would be proud.

OK, it's obvious that this behavior indicates that the
people who provoke such arguments have no clue about
how much energy it takes for *them* to do it. My point
is that they don't even for a moment consider the amount
of energy it requires of their *victims* to participate 
in it. Their whole world view seems to be, OF COURSE 
it's worth your time and energy to argue with me; I'm 
worth it, because...uh...because I'm ME! It's totally 
ego-based, with no care whatsoever for whether the 
other person considers the point being argued about 
important or considers the person trying to lure them 
into an argument important. The only important thing 
for these two compulsive motormouths -- as far as I 
can tell, from my POV -- is that people focus on them, 
read every word they write, and are willing to be 
sucked into long arguments about the things they write.

Bzzzt. Can you say NOT WORTH MY TIME? I think 
you can. Think of the energy saved by just realizing
what these people are up to, what their game is, and
then refusing to play. I never have to expend any of
my energy even reading the stuff they write, much
less arguing about it. 

I can instead spend whatever energy I wish to devote
to this forum bouncing off of ideas like the ones you
brought up in this series of posts and having fun with
them. As you say, I don't have to argue about my 
having fun posts, or defend anything I say in them,
I can just write them for fun. Thanks for writing --
and acting -- in such a way as to make that possible,
Xeno. It's the polar opposite of what both Judy and
Robin do.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tat Wale Baba/Discourse on Self-Realization

2011-09-12 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 When Tat Wale Baba visited the Rishikesh TTC, a woman proclaimed
 that he should visit London. Madame, I am London was his

That must be the origin of Tom T's I am the dome.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A little treat for Curtis

2011-09-12 Thread curtisdeltablues
Loved it, thanks.  Backacha!

Jesus and Vishnu on Christmas eve.

--- In, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Motoring With A Motormouth

2011-09-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Motoring with a motormouth.
 I'm sure we've all had the pleasure of motoring with a 
 motormouth. I'm wondering what techniques my fellow 
 posters on FFL might employ to defend their sincerity 
 in this situation. Hope the top 10 format works for 
 10. Run over a pedestrian.

9. Take the mountain road over the Pyrenees instead
of the tunnel, and then claim that the altitude change
has plugged up your ears and you can't hear.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
Barry, just how much energy does it take to craft and
maintain elaborate fantasies like the one you describe

If you're so concerned about saving energy, wouldn't
it require a lot less to simply deal with reality as it
is instead of making stuff up and going on and on and
on about it?

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 One of the things that Xeno didn't really touch on 
 but that I will, springboarding off of his foundation,
 is not just the amount of energy that the compulsive
 defender of a world view requires to defend her POV,
 but the amount of energy she expects the people she
 is arguing with to expend. 
 It's downright RUDE to be constantly trying to lure 
 people into tarbaby arguments that you then don't allow
 them to leave. The two worst offenders on this forum are
 classic examples of this. Someone says something in 20 
 words that offends them because it runs counter to their 
 world view, and they feel compelled to reply in 200 words, 
 sometimes more, taunting the original poster into getting 
 into it with them, and defending his or her offending 
 statement. If the original poster is foolish enough TO 
 get into it with either of these motormouths, that's 
 just the start of it; both of these compulsive arguers
 will try to keep the argument going for as long as 
 humanly possible, and will go so far as to insult the 
 victim if he or she tries to escape. Classic tarbaby 
 scenario; Uncle Remus would be proud.
 OK, it's obvious that this behavior indicates that the
 people who provoke such arguments have no clue about
 how much energy it takes for *them* to do it. My point
 is that they don't even for a moment consider the amount
 of energy it requires of their *victims* to participate 
 in it. Their whole world view seems to be, OF COURSE 
 it's worth your time and energy to argue with me; I'm 
 worth it, because...uh...because I'm ME! It's totally 
 ego-based, with no care whatsoever for whether the 
 other person considers the point being argued about 
 important or considers the person trying to lure them 
 into an argument important. The only important thing 
 for these two compulsive motormouths -- as far as I 
 can tell, from my POV -- is that people focus on them, 
 read every word they write, and are willing to be 
 sucked into long arguments about the things they write.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 [Comments in text]
 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  I find it fascinating that you focus on my purported
  emotional projections onto Barry, while completely
  ignoring Barry's own tendency to project.
 I was posting via a post you had written, and to give what
 I wanted to say some kind of point of view, that seemed to
 me to be the point of view to take. Barry obviously does
 mention others in his posts and makes comments about them.
 Don't feel like you have been picked out for persecution.
 If 10 vehicles are going 75 in a 50 miles per hour zone
 and one gets ticketed out of the group for speeding and
 the other get off free, it might just be the fall of the

Ah, I see, you claim to be a cop qualified to discern
who is guilty of infractions and hand out tickets. But
you seem to be carrying around a loaded pair of dice,
because this is hardly the only time you've singled me

Look, Xeno, I could not possibly be less interested in
taking enlightenment lessons from you. If you want to
engage me in the realm of duality, you will (a) come 
down from the mountain; (b) observe duality's rules of
fair play; and (c) not retreat back up the mountain to
avoid dealing with the issues you've raised. Otherwise,
I don't recognize your authority to hand out tickets.

Have I made myself perfectly clear?

 So, do you feel you project your inner feelings and musings
 and ideas onto others as you discuss them, or do you feel
 you do not do this?

Not anywhere near as much as you imagine.

I might point out that some of us here have had much
longer experience with Barry than you have. He can be
very impressive at first blush because of his skill
with words, but ultimately that skill fails to hide a
barrenness and lack of authenticity, as well as a
profoundly malicious hostility toward most other people.

Some folks realize what a malignant presence he is on
this forum more quickly than others.

 As far as I can see, Barry conserves his energy for what
 he likes to do.

Which is, mostly, putting down other people.

 If he does not engage in an argument, perhaps he knows
 this, perhaps not, but he is saving himself a lot of work
 by not engaging.

And some of us see this as lazy and/or fearful. Again,
if one is going to hand out tickets, one has to be
prepared to defend them in court.

But that excuse for not engaging doesn't hold water in
any case, because he has enormous amounts of energy
invested in fantasizing about his critics--not just
about their inner lives but about factual elements of
their behavior and what they've said.

One of his comments on MZ's posts, for example, was
that MZ has been attempting to convince people to
accept Jesus. Anybody who's actually read what MZ
has written knows that's flat-out factually false.

And then his post this morning in response to yours,
which was a compendium of ludicrously false assertions
about MZ and me trying to lure people into tarbaby
arguments that [we] then don't allow them to leave.

Those are just two of the very recent examples. His
history of making stuff up about his critics is very,
very long and very, very extensive (and very, very
well documented). This is, in fact, one of the main
reasons he no longer responds to criticism of his
posts, because he's found trying to defend his
falsehoods ends up doing him far more harm than good.

Whether he *believes* what he says is always a
question. It's never been clear whether he's a chronic
liar or simply desperately self-deluded, but either
way, it's a tremendous amount of mental and emotional
labor to construct and maintain those demonstrably
false views in the face of reality (not Reality, but
on-the-record, ordinary factual reality). It does seem
to be the only way he knows to preserve his self-image.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff

--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Motoring with a motormouth.
 I'm sure we've all had the pleasure of motoring with a motormouth. I'm 
 wondering what techniques my fellow posters on FFL might employ to defend 
 their sincerity in this situation. Hope the top 10 format works for everyone:
 10. Run over a pedestrian.

 9. Put my hands over my ears and sing La La La I can't HEAR you!

 8. Put my hands over my eyes and drive up my own backside, Uroborically 

 7. Tell everyone who I think is worth listening to and who isn't, who I think 
is enlightened and who isn't, and who I think is right and who isn't.

 6. Yell, I'm NOT a poopy-pants! YOU are!

 5. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all bozos on this bus.

 4. Remind everyone over and over again that we are all motormouths on this bus.

 3. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all already Awake on this 

 2. Remind everyone over and over again that there is no we, there is no Awake, 
and there is no bus.

 1. Remind myself over and over again that reminding myself over and over again 
that we have always and ever been an ordinary lying slimeball poopy-pants 
batshit-crazy tar-baby Maharishi-loving crypto-Buddhist 
fundamentalist-Christian CIA-serving fascist secessionist dualist nondualist 
Trinitarian Unitarian Aditarian Enneadist neo-Advaita paleo-Advaita liberal 
femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow bi-now-gay-later commie capitalist idealist 
materialist expansionist reductionist mean-spirited arrogant irrelevant 
wanna-be charlatan motormouth is what it's all about, and don't forget to thank 
everyone for the wonderful ride.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The 9/11 Anniversary As A Metaphor For Attachment

2011-09-12 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 While I understand the strong emotions involved in 
 wanting to replay all of the events of 9/11...

Maybe now would be a good time for the TurquoiseB
to keep his big pie-hole shut about 9/11.

Barry Wright's finest hour:

3000 people.  Big fuckin' deal. 

Subject: OT: There was no intelligence failure
Author: Richard Williams
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: July 12, 2004

[FairfieldLife] Re: The 9/11 Anniversary As A Metaphor For Attachment

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 While I understand the strong emotions involved in wanting to replay
 all of the events of 9/11, I think it's important for at least one voice
 on this forum to point out that in spiritual terms what we're talking
 about is classic attachment to a set of afflictive emotions, and a
 conscious attempt to *stay* attached.

No, it's an attempt to work through and exorcise the
emotions, rather than repress them as Barry has done
(if he ever allowed himself to feel any emotions about
9/11 in the first place, which is doubtful).

 Starting to feel as if there is more to life than fear, anger, outrage,
 and the desire for revenge? That's UnAmerican. Watch these videos, and
 you'll be politically correct again, wallowing in the same afflictive
 emotions you've been wallowing in for the last ten years. GOTTA
 perpetuate the fear. GOTTA perpetuate the anger. GOTTA perpetuate the
 outrage. GOTTA perpetuate the desire for revenge. Just GOTTA. It's the
 American way.

Since Barry carefully refrained from watching any of
the coverage he rails about, he's stupidly unaware that
it focused just about exclusively on the anguish of
loss and the heroism of those who did their utmost to
help others, in many cases losing their lives or their
health in the attempt. There was no talk of revenge or
outrage or anger that I heard, only of gratitude and
resilience and healing.

 The Spanish got over having one of their bullet trains bombed by
 terrorists in a month, without descending into the maelstrom of hate and
 lashing out that America did. The British public did mostly the same
 thing w.r.t. the bombings in the London Underground (mostly...its
 government went the other direction, and tried to emulate the American
 way of indulgence in these afflictive emotions). Americans? They just
 seem to want more of the same.

Total bullshit. The UK and Spanish bombings were 
horrible, but they weren't anywhere near as traumatic
as 9/11. Not only was the scale of the events here far
greater, but the UK and Spain have not been immune
from foreign terrorism on their soil historically as
the U.S. has been, so it was much more of a shock

 I would suspect that this media indulgence in the past probably got the
 highest ratings of any TV shows in years. And I also suspect that as a
 result many in yesterday's audience are as established in wallowing in
 the same afflictive emotions today as they were on 9/12/2001. THAT, in
 my opinion, was the whole point.

Sometimes one wonders if Barry is actually human.
He seems to lack any sense of humanity.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tat Wale Baba/Discourse on Self-Realization

2011-09-12 Thread curtisdeltablues
No he diii ent!  Curtis didn't try to pick apart the holy wisdom of the Tater 
Tat and reduce it to his own limited and shrieklingly unenlightened 
perspective, as if he and Tat were sharing a stage with Maury Povich. And he 
starts it all off with the classic line you don't know me, you don't know 
me...  Oh no he diii ent!

Till he did.

--- In, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 What is the aim of all the beings? It is the attainment of infinite
 happiness. A life free from suffering, and the attainment of eternal
 happiness is what we want.

No, no and no.  This is the dream of an idiot or a young person who has not 
lived enough to know how to get the most out of life.   Infinite happiness is 
as stupid as a goal as having infinite sunshine. I dig the sun.  I really do.  
But it was the setting of the sun that allowed me to watch the moon rise 
tonight.  I like all sorts of things that at an infinite level would destroy my 
creative life.  Infinite happiness is one of them.  Don't want it, don't need 
it, and frankly think it is an unreliable claim since I have seen even guys 
like Maharishi more pissed of than I ever get, more unhappy, and radiating it 
out of his king baby persona.  It is not only unattainable, it would be a 
disaster if it was.  It is dilaudid to a creative live which thrives on 
contrast.  And most of my growth is preceded by me at first uttering the line 
oh shit!.  That is cuz we resist the very challenges that make us grow 

 Now, we should discriminate and analyze if there
 is anything in the world which can give us permanent, eternal happiness.

No we really shouldn't. This assumptive idea is so thin.  It is flawed from 
inception.  It is not the way to get the most out of life.  It is a junkie's 
dream of a great life.

 From the ant up to the giant of the Creator, all are in the field of change,
 that is, relative values. Infinite happiness can only come from something
 which could be immortal, non-changing, eternal. This which is the goal of
 everything, this infinite, is our own Self. And in order to experience that
 Self which is the basis of all, we don't have to seek, we don't have to
 search, we don't have to make efforts. It's there, present everywhere.
 Wherever you are, in whatever reign of time or place, that Self is there -
 wherever we are in whatever time. Only, we have to take our awareness to
 that level and that is it. Having forgotten that level of life, we are
 seeking for that
 eternal happiness. That Self is. It is being and it is blissful. Having
 forgotten that, we now are seeking for it. We have forgotten what we
 ourselves are and we're trying to find that in the world. As long as we
 don't enter into that area which is infinite happiness, free from suffering,
 so long we will not be free from suffering and we will not get into that
 eternal happiness. There is no happiness of significant nature in the world;
 the child is gone, and the youth is gone, and the man is old, and even then
 he is not fulfilled in the world. When he gets established in the Self, then
 automatically freedom from suffering and attainment of bliss will be there.

There are so many assumptive concepts here.  Know your self is not a simple 
instruction.  It presupposes so many perspectives of what our self means.  I 
no longer share the view proposed my Maharishi's Hinduism.  Any description of 
my self that does not lead with my personal relative qualities is not me.  
The silent part of my mind is not the interesting part, to me or to others.  

 That which is omnipresent doesn't have to be sought. It's there already.
 Start to be. That which is omnipresent is not to be sought; only our
 awareness has to be brought to that level and that bliss is there. You don't
 have to seek it. Understand? Unless we get into that omnipresent bliss,
 satisfaction is not going to come. If it were to come, it would have come by
 now through so many avenues in the world. But, it has not.

Another annoying assumption along the lines of you are not saved.  His only 
creative passion seems to be himself.  If he had an artistic creative focus, or 
any other number of things that people devote their lives to like research, he 
might find that badmouthing 
avenues in the world was misplaced.

There are plenty of people who do not jump out of bed in the morning with the 
excitement of what they can engage in that day to further their goals and 
dreams.  Some of them never leave their caves and just imagine how the rest of 
us live, uncharitably.  I would love for him to join me in my day.  He might 
find out that it ain't so bad out here and that his internal mind state is 
really NOT the most fascinating thing in the universe.

 Therefore, that
 which is the Self is your own being. You don't have to look in the outside.

Are we still giving out you are profound stickers for this lame-o rap?

 And, it is irrespective of any religious faiths or beliefs; 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pull it! Fire has *never* destroyed a steel building?

2011-09-12 Thread richardwillytexwilliams


 Fire has *never* destroyed a steel building?

According to Popular Mechanics magazine: Jet fuel 
burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt 
steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the 
towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need 
to melt, they just had to lose some of their 
structural strength--and that required exposure to 
much less heat...

Debunking the 9/11 Myths:

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote that
 allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page and do
 a word count on it, without having to read it.
 Sal's post:  33 words
 MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
 My original comment, posted 10 minutes before MZ's:
  The two worst offenders on this forum are classic examples
  of this. Someone says something in 20 words that offends
  them because it runs counter to their world view, and they
  feel compelled to reply in 200 words, sometimes more,
  taunting the original poster into getting into it with them,
  and defending his or her offending statement.
 What I love about total narcissists is that they are so self-absorbed
 that they don't realize that their own egoscreeds *demonstrate*
 the very things their critics have said about them.

Barry's response to Xeno: 590 words

MZ's response to Barry: 11 words

Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, demonstrating he
is so self-absorbed that he doesn't realize he engages in
the very behavior for which he denounces his critics.

And we really need to put a stake through Barry's self-
serving suck into an argument myth. This is, as whynotnow
noted, a forum where people comment on other people's posts.
Barry spends more time here than anybody else trying to 
provoke reactions by badmouthing people. He simply is not
entitled to then characterize the reactions as trying to
suck him into an argument, especially when he avoids
reading the reactions, and when he's made it clear he's too
cowardly to defend his own perspective.

The same, of course, applies to Stupid Sal, who models her
behavior on Barry's.

This whole line of thinking from Barry is, once again, an
attempt to intimidate his critics into silence. Malignant
narcissist that he is, he believes he should be able to say
anything he pleases, true or not, about anybody, and not
only never be accountable for it, but to be completely
immune from criticism.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Bob Price
Who you calling a:

liberal femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow

-Luke 9:58

From: RoryGoff
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 8:35:13 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 

--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Motoring with a motormouth.
 I'm sure we've all had the pleasure of motoring with a motormouth. I'm 
 wondering what techniques my fellow posters on FFL might employ to defend 
 their sincerity in this situation. Hope the top 10 format works for everyone:
 10. Run over a pedestrian.

9. Put my hands over my ears and sing La La La I can't HEAR you!

8. Put my hands over my eyes and drive up my own backside, Uroborically 

7. Tell everyone who I think is worth listening to and who isn't, who I think 
is enlightened and who isn't, and who I think is right and who isn't.

6. Yell, I'm NOT a poopy-pants! YOU are!

5. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all bozos on this bus.

4. Remind everyone over and over again that we are all motormouths on this bus.

3. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all already Awake on this bus.

2. Remind everyone over and over again that there is no we, there is no Awake, 
and there is no bus.

1. Remind myself over and over again that reminding myself over and over again 
that we have always and ever been an ordinary lying slimeball poopy-pants 
batshit-crazy tar-baby Maharishi-loving crypto-Buddhist 
fundamentalist-Christian CIA-serving fascist secessionist dualist nondualist 
Trinitarian Unitarian Aditarian Enneadist neo-Advaita paleo-Advaita liberal 
femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow bi-now-gay-later commie capitalist idealist 
materialist expansionist reductionist mean-spirited arrogant irrelevant 
wanna-be charlatan motormouth is what it's all about, and don't forget to thank 
everyone for the wonderful ride.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Mistress of the Spices

2011-09-12 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 I suspect some folks here read the book which was 
 a best seller and authored by a Bay Area author.  
 I suspect few if any ever saw the movie however...

Aishwarya in Sanskrit means prosperity. Aishwarya 
Rai speaks five languages; Hindi, English, French, 
Urdu, Thulu  Kannada!

Other titles of interest:

'Bride and Prejudice'
Martin Henderson, Aishwarya Rai, Gurinder Chadha
Miramax Home Entertainment DVD

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote
  that allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page
  and do a word count on it, without having to read it.
  Sal's post:  33 words
  MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
 Another boring day in the life of the Turqo; counting words. 

I'm curious to know whether anyone here has ever
encountered a word-counting utility that requires
one to read the words it counts. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff
* * Being nothing, I give birth to all.

--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Who you calling a:
 liberal femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow
 -Luke 9:58
 From: RoryGoff rorygoff@...
 Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 8:35:13 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 
 --- In, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Motoring with a motormouth.
  I'm sure we've all had the pleasure of motoring with a motormouth. I'm 
  wondering what techniques my fellow posters on FFL might employ to defend 
  their sincerity in this situation. Hope the top 10 format works for 
  10. Run over a pedestrian.
 9. Put my hands over my ears and sing La La La I can't HEAR you!
 8. Put my hands over my eyes and drive up my own backside, Uroborically 
 7. Tell everyone who I think is worth listening to and who isn't, who I think 
 is enlightened and who isn't, and who I think is right and who isn't.
 6. Yell, I'm NOT a poopy-pants! YOU are!
 5. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all bozos on this bus.
 4. Remind everyone over and over again that we are all motormouths on this 
 3. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all already Awake on this 
 2. Remind everyone over and over again that there is no we, there is no 
 Awake, and there is no bus.
 1. Remind myself over and over again that reminding myself over and over 
 again that we have always and ever been an ordinary lying slimeball 
 poopy-pants batshit-crazy tar-baby Maharishi-loving crypto-Buddhist 
 fundamentalist-Christian CIA-serving fascist secessionist dualist nondualist 
 Trinitarian Unitarian Aditarian Enneadist neo-Advaita paleo-Advaita liberal 
 femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow bi-now-gay-later commie capitalist 
 idealist materialist expansionist reductionist mean-spirited arrogant 
 irrelevant wanna-be charlatan motormouth is what it's all about, and don't 
 forget to thank everyone for the wonderful ride.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Bob Price
In, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:


Bob, WTF?? You fucking retard your
strength is not dealing with others directly

Lament for the death of my second wife (Herr Edelstein).


Mere words could never express how moved I was to hear from
you after all this time. I sincerely hope you didn't feel forgotten, or---for
that matter, forsaken. That could never happen. For me you're like a fine Super
Tuscan that needs aeration after its been corked.  And as with all men of the 
renaissance you're best saved for

You must be asking: WTF Bubaji, I'm nobody's second
fiddle and I couldn't agree more, but please let me explain. In Anglo Saxon
culture the second place is one of honor. Its been said, that's the reason
Shakespeare left his long suffering wife his second bedthe first being for
visitors. And of course---in Niel Gow's life affirming piece, the fiddle is the
second wife his lament refers to.

On the other (second) hand, my lament is for the
reality we must now embrace, as painful as it is, and---if not bury the hatchet,
bury Herr Edelstein; because as true as the day follows night you are no one's
second fiddle. And of course I must take full responsibility for this mistake
in thinking you would be prefect to open for Robin when we hit the road. This
all became too apparent with your previous last post when you wished me God
speed. I realized then that as my relationship with Robin grew in depth and
intimacy you felt jilted making your collaboration with our tour virtually
impossible. So that is my lament, but to quote my favorite Palestinian client:
Business is business.

I have a number of things I hope to get your advice about, as
you know I've recently found myself in that brand new state of original 
you and your teammates are so familiar with. I had planned to seek Robins
advice (he, IMO, being the granddaddy of the whole (ness) shebang), but I'm a
little concerned about the over all stability of his recent re-cognition and it
might be advisable to wait till it settles a bit---his being a little more like
an early Californian that could be considered a touch fruity if corked too
early. In addition---despite his recent return to Unity--- he seems pre-occupied
with a new movie (Working title THE FIXER UPPER) in the bowels of the FFL
archives with our one and only truth commissioner. He wants me to get involved
but frankly I'm not sure it has legs (please don't tell him that because unlike
some others on FFL he has feelings).

In preparation for this exchange, I went back over some of
your recent posts, figuringfor someone I'm seriously considering as a
disciple, I should at least be prepared. In the process of reviewing these
recent posts I was disturbed to come across a thread called Moving to LA”.
Don’t get me wrong, your move itself was not disturbing---as much as we hate to
lose you from the Bay Area, LA needs all the enlightened help it can get. 

No, what disturbed me---on a thread with such a high post
count, was that no one had the intestinal fortitude to approach the pink
elephant in the room. So as your #1 admirer, and possible dispeller of
darkness, I have to bring it up no matter how much easier it would be to
pretend it's not an issue. 

So here goes. What about your therapist, is he planning to
move with you? I have to say finding an effective therapist is not as easy as
Hollywood would have us believe, and my God your therapist has helped you make
some strides. I mean he's helped you virtually eliminate the depressing half of
your manic depression. The transformation has been so complete I've wanted to
ask you his contact details. Granted, he hasn't been nearly as effective with
your tourette's, but I'm guessing he has a whole strategy for that, and now
you're pulling up stakes and heading south. I just want to make sure; you're

That said, I have to confirm how much I've been enjoying
your management of your tourette's. I think blending profanity with the scared
is a brilliant strategy.  For some
reason it reminds me of the time I met OSHO at the Hyatt in New Delhi,---I
believe you met him also---right after they threw him out of Oregon. I was
there negotiating a contract for Abu Dhabi with Engineers India LTD. (now those
guys knew how to drink). As I'm sure you know, at that time, the sixth floor of
the Hyatt was a hotel within a hotel with a lounge for business types that
served free drinks 24 hours a day.  OSHO arrived the second night of my 
stay---he was on his way to Pune, and
took half of the sixth floor. That would have been impressive enough, but what
really impressed me was that he dropped by the lounge late one night (everyone
but him being three sheets to wind) and basically shot the s**t while he
polished off some juice. A lovely man, not afraid of an off color joke, and I'm
sure a very 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Bob Price

you can say that again.

From: RoryGoff
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 9:11:23 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 

* * Being nothing, I give birth to all.

--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Who you calling a:
 liberal femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow
 -Luke 9:58
 From: RoryGoff rorygoff@...
 Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 8:35:13 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 
 --- In, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Motoring with a motormouth.
  I'm sure we've all had the pleasure of motoring with a motormouth. I'm 
  wondering what techniques my fellow posters on FFL might employ to defend 
  their sincerity in this situation. Hope the top 10 format works for 
  10. Run over a pedestrian.
 9. Put my hands over my ears and sing La La La I can't HEAR you!
 8. Put my hands over my eyes and drive up my own backside, Uroborically 
 7. Tell everyone who I think is worth listening to and who isn't, who I think 
 is enlightened and who isn't, and who I think is right and who isn't.
 6. Yell, I'm NOT a poopy-pants! YOU are!
 5. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all bozos on this bus.
 4. Remind everyone over and over again that we are all motormouths on this 
 3. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all already Awake on this 
 2. Remind everyone over and over again that there is no we, there is no 
 Awake, and there is no bus.
 1. Remind myself over and over again that reminding myself over and over 
 again that we have always and ever been an ordinary lying slimeball 
 poopy-pants batshit-crazy tar-baby Maharishi-loving crypto-Buddhist 
 fundamentalist-Christian CIA-serving fascist secessionist dualist nondualist 
 Trinitarian Unitarian Aditarian Enneadist neo-Advaita paleo-Advaita liberal 
 femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow bi-now-gay-later commie capitalist 
 idealist materialist expansionist reductionist mean-spirited arrogant 
 irrelevant wanna-be charlatan motormouth is what it's all about, and don't 
 forget to thank everyone for the wonderful ride.


[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff
* * Thanks.

--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 you can say that again.
 From: RoryGoff rorygoff@...
 Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 9:11:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 
 * * Being nothing, I give birth to all.
 --- In, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  Who you calling a:
  liberal femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow
  -Luke 9:58
  From: RoryGoff rorygoff@
  Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 8:35:13 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy 
  vs. Happy]
  --- In, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Motoring with a motormouth.
   I'm sure we've all had the pleasure of motoring with a motormouth. I'm 
   wondering what techniques my fellow posters on FFL might employ to defend 
   their sincerity in this situation. Hope the top 10 format works for 
   10. Run over a pedestrian.
  9. Put my hands over my ears and sing La La La I can't HEAR you!
  8. Put my hands over my eyes and drive up my own backside, Uroborically 
  7. Tell everyone who I think is worth listening to and who isn't, who I 
  think is enlightened and who isn't, and who I think is right and who isn't.
  6. Yell, I'm NOT a poopy-pants! YOU are!
  5. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all bozos on this bus.
  4. Remind everyone over and over again that we are all motormouths on this 
  3. Remind everyone over and over again that we're all already Awake on this 
  2. Remind everyone over and over again that there is no we, there is no 
  Awake, and there is no bus.
  1. Remind myself over and over again that reminding myself over and over 
  again that we have always and ever been an ordinary lying slimeball 
  poopy-pants batshit-crazy tar-baby Maharishi-loving crypto-Buddhist 
  fundamentalist-Christian CIA-serving fascist secessionist dualist 
  nondualist Trinitarian Unitarian Aditarian Enneadist neo-Advaita 
  paleo-Advaita liberal femiNazi chauvinist straight-arrow bi-now-gay-later 
  commie capitalist idealist materialist expansionist reductionist 
  mean-spirited arrogant irrelevant wanna-be charlatan motormouth is what 
  it's all about, and don't forget to thank everyone for the wonderful ride.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The 9/11 Anniversary As A Metaphor For Attachment

2011-09-12 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/12/2011 01:17 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 While I understand the strong emotions involved in wanting to replay
 all of the events of 9/11, I think it's important for at least one voice
 on this forum to point out that in spiritual terms what we're talking
 about is classic attachment to a set of afflictive emotions, and a
 conscious attempt to *stay* attached.

 9/11 inspired for Americans a very real and palpable sense of several
 afflictive emotions -- fear, anger, outrage, and the desire for revenge.
 ALL of these emotions have basically defined the national character of
 the United States Of America in the ten years since the event. Indulging
 in these afflictive emotions has cost the country its stature, its
 credibility, its civil liberties, trillions of dollars, thousands of
 lost lives, the bankruptcy of its economy, and more.

 So what does the country -- aided by the same media that supported its
 unconscionable post-9/11 wars and loss of its own liberties -- DO when
 confronted by the ten-year anniversary of 9/11? They stage an
 over-the-top media frenzy, the very *idea* of which is to get viewers to
 wallow in the afflictive emotions of the original event as much as
 humanly possible, to bring them to the top of everyone's emotional
 processing stack, and activate them again.

 Starting to feel as if there is more to life than fear, anger, outrage,
 and the desire for revenge? That's UnAmerican. Watch these videos, and
 you'll be politically correct again, wallowing in the same afflictive
 emotions you've been wallowing in for the last ten years. GOTTA
 perpetuate the fear. GOTTA perpetuate the anger. GOTTA perpetuate the
 outrage. GOTTA perpetuate the desire for revenge. Just GOTTA. It's the
 American way.

 The Spanish got over having one of their bullet trains bombed by
 terrorists in a month, without descending into the maelstrom of hate and
 lashing out that America did. The British public did mostly the same
 thing w.r.t. the bombings in the London Underground (mostly...its
 government went the other direction, and tried to emulate the American
 way of indulgence in these afflictive emotions). Americans? They just
 seem to want more of the same.

 I would suspect that this media indulgence in the past probably got the
 highest ratings of any TV shows in years. And I also suspect that as a
 result many in yesterday's audience are as established in wallowing in
 the same afflictive emotions today as they were on 9/12/2001. THAT, in
 my opinion, was the whole point.

Blame the media.  Actually yesterday the football game had a lot  of 
viewers as people preferred that over wallowing in the maya on 9/11.   
A lot of people in this country have moved on from the emotional 
aspect of 9/11 and some of us just insist that the real story be told 
and the true criminals be brought to justice.  Never should such a crime 
go unpunished.

I only listened to only one wallowing show and that was comedian Brian 
Copeland's Sunday morning show on KGO.  I just tuned in as I do every 
Sunday to see what he was talking about.  Brian is someone however that 
turns into Data from STNG when 9/11 conspiracies are brought up and he 
has a Mr. Everyman persona so had to wallow.

The other 9/11 shows I listened to were on Friday night Gene Burns when 
I checked to see what he was going to talk about said he was going to do 
a show on 9/11 conspiracies.  He was unprepared to say the least.  He 
had some great calls including one from a professor at Berkeley who 
explained to him thermite, it's chemical composition and how it could 
have been painted on beams in the towers prior to 9/11.   Burns, 
infected with the Data does not compute disease had some pretty 
ludicrous improvised replies to some callers.  And most callers turned 
out to be very grounded with a lot of facts at their disposal.

The other two shows were Thom Hartmann's special show yesterday 
afternoon which was an intelligent discussion and of course I had to 
listen to what Alex Jones would be up to for the day.  Neither were 
wallowing shows.

People may like to call me a conspiracy theorist if they want but it's 
all line on water to me.  Frankly sometimes it just damn fun to post 
the stuff and watch the reactions. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread obbajeeba

--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Motoring with a motormouth.
 I'm sure we've all had the pleasure of motoring with a motormouth. I'm 
 wondering what techniques my fellow posters on FFL might employ to defend 
 their sincerity in this situation. Hope the top 10 format works for everyone:
 10. Run over a pedestrian.
 From: turquoiseb
 Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 12:21:33 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 
 More good meat to bounce off of,'re on a roll.
 --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  As far as I can see, Barry conserves his energy for what 
  he likes to do. If he does not engage in an argument, 
  perhaps he knows this, perhaps not, but he is saving 
  himself a lot of work by not engaging. It is really 
  amazing how much energy is required to maintain the 
  world of our thought intact against an outer world 
  that does not quite ever seem to fit in with them.
 And wouldn't give a shit if we managed TO maintain
 the world of our thought. NOTHING in the universe
 cares if our self wins an argument but that self.
  ...I think you spend a much greater amount of energy 
  maintaining your world view than Barry does, and 
  whatever else he may be or does, in regard to the 
  forum, he has the advantage of conserving his energy 
  because he doesn't care. He seems to be able to take 
  and leave a point of view. 
  You seem to care, and that means you have to maintain 
  a point of view. 
 One of the things that Xeno didn't really touch on 
 but that I will, springboarding off of his foundation,
 is not just the amount of energy that the compulsive
 defender of a world view requires to defend her POV,
 but the amount of energy she expects the people she
 is arguing with to expend. 
 It's downright RUDE to be constantly trying to lure 
 people into tarbaby arguments that you then don't allow
 them to leave. The two worst offenders on this forum are
 classic examples of this. Someone says something in 20 
 words that offends them because it runs counter to their 
 world view, and they feel compelled to reply in 200 words, 
 sometimes more, taunting the original poster into getting 
 into it with them, and defending his or her offending 
 statement. If the original poster is foolish enough TO 
 get into it with either of these motormouths, that's 
 just the start of it; both of these compulsive arguers
 will try to keep the argument going for as long as 
 humanly possible, and will go so far as to insult the 
 victim if he or she tries to escape. Classic tarbaby 
 scenario; Uncle Remus would be proud.
 OK, it's obvious that this behavior indicates that the
 people who provoke such arguments have no clue about
 how much energy it takes for *them* to do it. My point
 is that they don't even for a moment consider the amount
 of energy it requires of their *victims* to participate 
 in it. Their whole world view seems to be, OF COURSE 
 it's worth your time and energy to argue with me; I'm 
 worth it, because...uh...because I'm ME! It's totally 
 ego-based, with no care whatsoever for whether the 
 other person considers the point being argued about 
 important or considers the person trying to lure them 
 into an argument important. The only important thing 
 for these two compulsive motormouths -- as far as I 
 can tell, from my POV -- is that people focus on them, 
 read every word they write, and are willing to be 
 sucked into long arguments about the things they write.
 Bzzzt. Can you say NOT WORTH MY TIME? I think 
 you can. Think of the energy saved by just realizing
 what these people are up to, what their game is, and
 then refusing to play. I never have to expend any of
 my energy even reading the stuff they write, much
 less arguing about it. 
 I can instead spend whatever energy I wish to devote
 to this forum bouncing off of ideas like the ones you
 brought up in this series of posts and having fun with
 them. As you say, I don't have to argue about my 
 having fun posts, or defend anything I say in them,
 I can just write them for fun. Thanks for writing --
 and acting -- in such a way as to make that possible,
 Xeno. It's the polar opposite of what both Judy and
 Robin do.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 PS: WTF does shibboleth mean?

That's Robin Williams at the end of the comedy
routine you posted, stoned, trying to pronounce
Shit for brains.

Either that or a guy with a lisp trying to 
express the opposite of shibbomore.

[FairfieldLife] High medical costs decrease 28% after 5 years of TM

2011-09-12 Thread Dick Mays

From: Ken Chawkin

Public Release: 12-Sep-2011
  American Journal of Health Promotion 
medical costs decrease 28 percent after 5 years of transcendental 
meditation practice
According to a study published this week in the September/October 
2011 issue of the American Journal of Health Promotion (Vol. 26, No. 
1, pp. 56-60), people with consistently high health care costs 
experienced a 28 percent cumulative decrease in physician fees after 
an average of five years practicing the stress-reducing 
Transcendental Meditation technique compared with their baseline. 
Both between and within group comparisons were statistically 
significant. This study has major policy implications.

Contact: Ken Chawkin
Roth Media

[FairfieldLife] Re: The 9/11 Anniversary As A Metaphor For Attachment

2011-09-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 09/12/2011 01:17 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  I would suspect that this media indulgence in the past 
  probably got the highest ratings of any TV shows in years. 
 Blame the media. Actually yesterday the football game had a 
 lot of viewers as people preferred that over wallowing in 
 the maya on 9/11.   

If anyone in America still watches TV shows in real time,
I would imagine that the season finale of True Blood
must have drawn away a few viewers as well. That and a
good episode of Breaking Bad, in which Jesse grows
a pair. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Sep 12, 2011, at 2:31 AM, maskedzebra wrote:

 You refer  to my childishness, my insulting him amongst themselves, and 
 that this is mean-spirited and desperate. That it is sad, really.
 Although I have enjoyed a somewhat cheerful exchange of posts in the past 
 with you, I am going to hold you accountable for the absurdity of every one 
 of these charges and characterizations of my posts regarding your friend.

I know Barry the same way most others do here.

 First of all, there is not one word you have used to describe what I did that 
 comes from your experience. In order to make believable such a judgment as 
 you have made, you have to demonstrate that you have made contact with an 
 experience out of which these words arise. You haven't done this. You have 
 instead, decided to construe my posts within a point of view which is 
 predetermined and non-interactive with the reality of what those posts are.

WTF??  This is my *opinion,* Robin~~
of course it isn't set in stone.
I could care less if it's believable
for anyone else or not.  If you think
I'm raving and making stuff up out of
whole cloth, that is certainly your right.

 I challenge you to tell demonstrate anything in what I wrote about your 
 friend which in any way whatsoever warrants any of the words you have applied 
 to my posts (about him).

Many of your posts do Robin, in which you,
over and over, refer to him in the third
person and engage in other not-so-nice
tactics.  That is my *opinion.*

 This is a serious moral and existential failure on your part to do justice to 
 the spirit within which I wrote those posts about your friend.

I'll live.

 I deny categorically that anything you say here is true, and if there is the 
 slightest truth in what you say, then you should experience, in reading this 
 post, the false relationship that exists between my implicit justification of 
 those posts (the honourability of my intention, as well as the substance of 
 what I wrote) and those posts as they registered inside of you when you read 
 them. Just because you object to what someone has said about someone you like,

It has nothing to do with objecting to what someone
has said about Barry or anyone else.  It's just
basic fairness vs. tactics that are *not.*  Methinks
if you got over your need to twist what I wrote 
every which way and just looked at your take on 
Barry the way someone not privy to your every thought-process
might, that maybe you'd understand better where
I was coming from.  Or not.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff
* * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands anything.

--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:

 which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand anything
 2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@...
  --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:
   *but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**
  * * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some of Us ever
  resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever resonate with
  the sonava beej.
  Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava remains
  somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and Italian
  sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:
 It has nothing to do with objecting to what someone
 has said about Barry or anyone else.  It's just
 basic fairness vs. tactics that are *not.*

It's just mind-boggling. Barry, of course, *more than
anyone else on FFL*, uses tactics that Sal here
characterizes as not fair when anyone but Barry uses
them--specifically, piling on and putting people 
down indirectly, both of which he's used several times
now on Robin. Moreover, those very same tactics were
used *by Sal herself* in the post that started this
discussion, as well as many times in the past.

 if you got over your need to twist what I wrote 
 every which way and just looked at your take on 
 Barry the way someone not privy to your every thought-process
 might, that maybe you'd understand better where
 I was coming from.  Or not.  

Stupid Sal, it isn't possible to understand where you're
coming from, because what you say makes no sense.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 9/11 Anniversary As A Metaphor For Attachment

2011-09-12 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/12/2011 09:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 09/12/2011 01:17 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 I would suspect that this media indulgence in the past
 probably got the highest ratings of any TV shows in years.
 Blame the media. Actually yesterday the football game had a
 lot of viewers as people preferred that over wallowing in
 the maya on 9/11.
 If anyone in America still watches TV shows in real time,
 I would imagine that the season finale of True Blood
 must have drawn away a few viewers as well. That and a
 good episode of Breaking Bad, in which Jesse grows
 a pair.

Yup, saw both but not in real time.  Breaking Bad has commercials is 
on at 8 PM so I often get around to watching the recording in progress 
on the DVR around 8:20 and skip commercials.  That means I also start 
watching True Blood, on at 9 PM, on delay too.   What is cool about 
the DVR is you can back up with the 15-second replay (even watching 
realtime) if you want to listen again to what someone said or did.  
That's so cool that it along with the 30-second forward skip I would 
like to see implemented on Bluray players because so many of us have 
become used them and rewind and fast forward buttons aren't quite the 
same thing.

HBO is now promoting Enlightened which begins October 10th.  In the 
promo, Laura Dern, who plays a woman who believes she is enlightened at 
one point get told she's crazy by a coworker.  This should be a fun show 
for FFLers.

This week some new series and season begin.  Sarah Gellar has a new one 
called Ringer on the CW.  Another season of Fringe starts up too.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

 Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote that
 allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page and do
 a word count on it, without having to read it.
 Sal's post:  33 words
 MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words

It's sort of unbelievable, really.
I did my best to provide comments
with *out* getting totally sucked 
in.  You have to wonder how much
time someone has on their hands
if they can expend so much of it
on this crap.


[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote that
  allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page and do
  a word count on it, without having to read it.
  Sal's post:  33 words
  MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
 It's sort of unbelievable, really.
 I did my best to provide comments
 with *out* getting totally sucked 
 in.  You have to wonder how much
 time someone has on their hands
 if they can expend so much of it
 on this crap.

What's sort of unbelievable, really, is that what
Sal was indignantly responding to was Robin's
complaint about the post of Sal's in which she
accuses him and others of having to go at [Barry]
indirectly, insulting him amongst themselves.
Mean-spirited and desperate. Sad, really.

IOW, exactly what Stupid Sal herself does above to
Robin. *And it never occurs to her that there's
anything wrong with it*. It never occurs to her
(or Barry) that she (and Barry) should be subject
to the same rules of conduct that she criticizes
others for not observing.

What on earth could be the source of this striking
psychopathology? Is it a biological malfunction in
the brain? Or malignant narcissism? Sad, really.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote that
  allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page and do
  a word count on it, without having to read it.
  Sal's post:  33 words
  MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
 It's sort of unbelievable, really.
 I did my best to provide comments
 with *out* getting totally sucked 
 in.  You have to wonder how much
 time someone has on their hands
 if they can expend so much of it
 on this crap.

I honestly suspect that a few of these folks (you know
who we're talking about) honestly *can't conceive* of
anyone not reading every word of their posts.

After all, they read every word of every post of the
people *they're* obsessed with. They assume that others
are equally obsessed with them, because...uh...well,
because they're just so special and all. :-)

What I love are the ones who imagine that they're
having a dialogue with people who stopped reading their
posts (except for the first few words you can't avoid 
in the time it takes to hit the Next key) in months.
It reminds me of the Sarah McLachlan story of the 
obsessed fan who was stalking her whose claim was
that every song on every album she released was written 
directly to and about him. She finally did write a song 
about him (called Possession) and reported him to the
police. He did time. 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote
   that allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page
   and do a word count on it, without having to read it.
   Sal's post:  33 words
   MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
  Another boring day in the life of the Turqo; counting words. 
 I'm curious to know whether anyone here has ever
 encountered a word-counting utility that requires
 one to read the words it counts. ;-)

RESPONSE: pure inspiration. 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread John

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote
   that allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page
   and do a word count on it, without having to read it.
   Sal's post:  33 words
   MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
  Another boring day in the life of the Turqo; counting words. 
 I'm curious to know whether anyone here has ever
 encountered a word-counting utility that requires
 one to read the words it counts. ;-)


That means he's got nothing else better to do than count words posted by 
others, as Nabs brilliantly deduced.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread PaliGap

--- In, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:
 I am currently watching the Rugby World Cup from New Zealand, where the All 
 Blacks (New Zealand) are the heavy favourites.

You and me both, O Great Zebra.

 I use to play rugby. I came to the game late, so I never really developed the 
 skill set that I did in a few other sports. But I came to love the game, and 
 eventually to recognize that it transcended every other sport.
 Now why am I bringing up the topic of rugby here?
 Because reading this post of yours three times put me in the mind (and body) 
 of someone who had been perfectly tackled by an All Black blind-side flanker 
 (that's the position I used to play). 

Ah so - you're really more of a lion than a zebra?

In my youth I was a winger, an unmasked zebra - one
of the 'girls' out on the wing. I used to try to run like the
wind to escape the crunching clutches of the likes of you.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra

--- In, PaliGap compost1uk@... wrote:

 --- In, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  I am currently watching the Rugby World Cup from New Zealand, where the All 
  Blacks (New Zealand) are the heavy favourites.
 You and me both, O Great Zebra.
  I use to play rugby. I came to the game late, so I never really developed 
  the skill set that I did in a few other sports. But I came to love the 
  game, and eventually to recognize that it transcended every other sport.
  Now why am I bringing up the topic of rugby here?
  Because reading this post of yours three times put me in the mind (and 
  body) of someone who had been perfectly tackled by an All Black blind-side 
  flanker (that's the position I used to play). 
 Ah so - you're really more of a lion than a zebra?
 In my youth I was a winger, an unmasked zebra - one
 of the 'girls' out on the wing. I used to try to run like the
 wind to escape the crunching clutches of the likes of you.

RESPONSE: Go figure. The happiest FFL post experience I have had.

[FairfieldLife] Vedic Engineering

2011-09-12 Thread John
MMY explains how the galaxy can enjoy.

[FairfieldLife] 30 gifts to 30 strangers in Sydney

2011-09-12 Thread do.rflex

For a smile...

Watch here:

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, John jr_esq@... wrote:
 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I wrote
that allows me to highlight a block of text on any Web page
and do a word count on it, without having to read it.

Sal's post:  33 words

MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
   Another boring day in the life of the Turqo; counting words. 
  I'm curious to know whether anyone here has ever
  encountered a word-counting utility that requires
  one to read the words it counts. ;-)
 That means he's got nothing else better to do than count
 words posted by others, as Nabs brilliantly deduced.

Er, right. I think the point of my question may have been
too subtle. I was amused that Barry felt the need to 
*explain* to us that his word-counting utility allowed
him to count words without reading them, as if there were
word-counting utilities that *did* require one to read the

For that matter, it was funny enough that he had to 
announce he had used a word-counting utility at all, as if
he feared we might think he had done it manually.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A little treat for Curtis

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Loved it, thanks.  Backacha!
 Jesus and Vishnu on Christmas eve.
 RESPONSE: Somebody secretly is fighting off doubts about evolution here. Too 
 worked up metabolically. Serenity, irony, quiet confidence, respecting what 
 makes it hard for some people to take the idea of macroevolution as proven: 
 much better. If someone was holding out for flat earth theory, how would be 
 treat that person? Not like this. Brilliant as it is. Some people want 
 macroevolution to be true so much they become much too aggressive and abusive 
 in their denunciation of the persons (like John Lennon) who balked at the 
 sweeping claims of Darwin. This is evidence of metaphysical anxiety: You mean 
 macroevolution might not be true? I don't think it has been proven beyond the 
 right to ask question about it. Although microevolution is a no-brainer.

As for the Christmas boast of Christ, I think Jesus prevails here. He has all 
the cards. However facetiously presented, his arguments against Krishna win out 
for me. It's a bloody good argument. Besides where does your irresistible love 
of Christmas come from, Curtis?

Me: I say it comes from the fact that it is true. God became a tiny infant.

If only he was around somewhere now.

I'd like to hear his response to Rick's post. Smugness—about anything—it is a 
dangerous thing. Sounds a little like an Oral Roberts prayer tent with the 
ritual denunciation of the evils of atheism—although Oral never got that good 
of course. And didn't know the first thing about irony. Or beauty. Jesus, you 


But we still celebrate your birthday. Krishna, you could have done a lot 
better. What happened?

Hey, Curtis. I like that you like Christmas. 

No neurobiological explanation there.


 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread Marcelo rosa
ok then .. explain please i would like understand  *_*

2011/9/12 RoryGoff


 * * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands anything.

 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:
  which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand anything
  2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@...

   --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:
*but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**
   * * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some of Us ever
   resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever resonate
   the sonava beej.
   Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava remains
   somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and Italian
   sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 9/11 in under 5 minutes

2011-09-12 Thread Bhairitu
On 09/11/2011 08:08 PM, seekliberation wrote:
 I saw the video, and have seen a lot of 9/11 conspiracy theory videos.  I 
 used to watch them obsessively.  However, this video is an example of how 
 conspiracy theorists lose credibility.  One of his comments are how easy it 
 would've been to get F-18's up in the air to take down a commercial airplane 
 within 1 hour.  The person who made the video apparently doesn't understand 
 what a 'strip alert' is, nor the difficulty of communicating between all 
 agencies (pilot, air traffic control, and pentagon).  Even if a target is 
 stationary, and the ground controller and pilot are both on the same sheet of 
 music, it can still take a long time for a pilot to lock on to his target.  
 Therefore, the theory that F-18's could've gone in the sky and shot down the 
 747's in a matter of seconds/minutes is only a theory by someone who is 
 neither a pilot or an experienced ground controller.

The airliners weren't 747s.  And what is the basis of your theory?  I 
have not heard such from fighter pilots interviewed.

 The destruction of official records was intriguing and very suspect in my 
 opinion.  But then he states how easy it should've been to track Bin Laden 
 down with what he seems to consider an 'omipotent' intelligence network.  So 
 in addition to not talking to pilots or combat air traffic controllers, he 
 also failed to talk to anyone trained in military surveillance operations in 
 order to determine how easy or difficult it is to track down a terrorist in a 
 country like Pakistan.  Finding a specific man in a country full of radical 
 muslims who will ambush and kill us is not an easy task.  We've been after 
 Mullah Omar for even longer than Bin Laden, and we still can't find him.

And they may not want to because keeping a bogeyman around is handy to 
keep the sheeple in fear.  And I do assume you know that supposedly 
Osama was killed in Tora Bora in early 2002 but there were not enough 
remains for the US to claim the kill.  Having outlived his bogeyman 
usefulness they concocted the recent raid.  After all, the crying wolf 
over faked videos of Bin Laden this late in the day wasn't working out.

 He also goes into some theory that Seal Team 6 who killed bin laden was 
 killed later in a helo crash, hinting that our government wanted Bin Laden's 
 killers killed.  Again, failure to look into things, there are about 200 
 operators in Seal Team 6.  The same guys who killed bin laden weren't 
 necessarily the same guys in that helo, and it is very unlikely that they 
 were.  The time tables don't work out for deployment schedules for them to be 
 the same team.  Bin Laden was killed in May.  That team is no longer 
 deployed.  The team that was killed a couple weeks ago has to be a different 
 team.  Also, there were Rangers, Afghan forces, and other spec ops units 
 involved in the operation where Seal team 6 personell were killed.  They all 
 would've had to be a part of getting seal team 6 killed if there is a 
 conspiracy with their death.  Rangers and special forces killing members of 
 Seal Team 6???  These guys are like brothers to each other, they're not going 
 to kill their own guys!

Again that's your theory  In the military there's orders.  You do know 
there is a story that the team died in the helicopter crash leaving the 
Pakistan raid.   So they used a later crash as a coverup.  You might 
want to read this article by journalist Russ Baker who has issues with 
the way the story kept changing:

 I can tell by this video that public perception is that we have an extremely 
 powerful and competent military that is capable of doing and accomplishing 
 anything it sets its mind to.  That is a false perception; there is a mass 
 incompetence in the military, and solid reasons why Bill Clinton and George 
 Bush failed on numerous occasions to kill Bin Laden.

Or they were given stand down orders.  Bogeymen are handy.
 I know there are reasons to believe in the 9/11 conspiracy, but people need 
 to do more research and only present facts that can be backed up by people 
 who actually know something about the subject being criticized or used as 
 information to back up a theory.  Otherwise you risk having your valid points 
 being mistrusted due to other blatantly false theories being presented.

What about WTC 7?  That was very definitely a demolition and obviously 
prepped well before the day.  Some think that Flight 93 was supposed to 
crash into.  How convenient that a lot of fraud investigations were 
destroyed in the process.  Some even think that WTC 7 was the true 
target and the towers a diversion tactic.  WTC 7 is the smoking gun 
because fires wouldn't have destroyed or made it collapse... on its own 
footprint.  We know firemen were advised the building was going to be 

The main power of the video is to get people looking into the 
ridiculousness of the official story. 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
-- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
  On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
   Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I
   wrote that allows me to highlight a block of text on any
   Web page and do a word count on it, without having to
   read it.
   Sal's post:  33 words
   MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
  It's sort of unbelievable, really.
  I did my best to provide comments
  with *out* getting totally sucked 
  in.  You have to wonder how much
  time someone has on their hands
  if they can expend so much of it
  on this crap.
 I honestly suspect that a few of these folks (you know
 who we're talking about) honestly *can't conceive* of
 anyone not reading every word of their posts.

And I honestly suspect Barry knows better.

 What I love are the ones who imagine that they're
 having a dialogue with people who stopped reading their
 posts (except for the first few words you can't avoid 
 in the time it takes to hit the Next key) in months.

Another of Barry's fond fantasies. Note that it sets
up a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't double
bind: If we write the post as if addressing him
directly, it's because we're delusional. If we don't,
we're going at him indirectly, which Stupid Sal
has so eloquently characterized, utterly oblivious
to the double standard, as unfair.

Me, I write 'em as the mood strikes me, directly or
indirectly. Sometimes a post seems to call for
direct address, other times indirect works better.
Sometimes I'll switch from one to the other in a
single post.

Either way, I find it amusing that Barry either has
no idea what I'm saying about him, or hasn't been 
able to resist reading a post and has had to bite
his fingers to keep from responding. One way or the
other, the arrangement suits me just fine: he's made
it impossible for himself to deliver a rebuttal.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A little treat for Curtis

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:
  RESPONSE: Somebody secretly is fighting off doubts about
  evolution here.

Don't know about that, but the guy gets it wrong about
the Bible never saying Jesus turned into a chicken. At
least, the Bible says Jesus *wished* he could turn into
a chicken:

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets,
and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often
would I have gathered thy children together, even as a
hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would
not!--Matt. 23:37

[FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff
* * It was just an attempt at humor; pranava beej is the primordial AUM; 
sonova beej was a play on the phrase son of a bitch.

--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:

 ok then .. explain please i would like understand  *_*
 2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@...
  * * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands anything.
  --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:
   which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand anything
   2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@
--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:

 *but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**
* * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some of Us ever
resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever resonate
the sonava beej.
Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava remains
somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and Italian
sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...

[FairfieldLife] Re: A little treat for Curtis

2011-09-12 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Loved it, thanks.  Backacha!
  Jesus and Vishnu on Christmas eve.
  RESPONSE: Somebody secretly is fighting off doubts about evolution here. 
  Too worked up metabolically. Serenity, irony, quiet confidence, respecting 
  what makes it hard for some people to take the idea of macroevolution as 
  proven: much better.

Agreed.  It needed a final edit and cooler delivery to be more effective 
communication.  But that said, I know plenty of guys like this and it doesn't 
really mean anything about the content of what he is saying.  It is our 
emotional reaction to to a person being too self indulgent that makes it poor 
communication.  He went to far into the dickish lane for me too.  

 If someone was holding out for flat earth theory, how would be treat that 
person? Not like this. Brilliant as it is. Some people want macroevolution to 
be true so much they become much too aggressive and abusive in their 
denunciation of the persons (like John Lennon) who balked at the sweeping 
claims of Darwin. This is evidence of metaphysical anxiety: You mean 
macroevolution might not be true? I don't think it has been proven beyond the 
right to ask question about it. Although microevolution is a no-brainer.

There are questions within the thoery that are still being discussed.  And the 
understanding has advanced far beyond Darwin's initial formulation due to the 
spirit of questioning.  In this year's election this is gunna be a lowest bar 
litmus test for me.  If you understand science, you understand how the theory 
of evolution is the basis for our whole understanding of biology.  It is is 
more than key.

 As for the Christmas boast of Christ, I think Jesus prevails here. He has all 
 the cards. However facetiously presented, his arguments against Krishna win 
 out for me. It's a bloody good argument. Besides where does your irresistible 
 love of Christmas come from, Curtis?

Well we have to be realistic that most of what I love about Christmas is not 
Christan but Druid and Mithra worship.  My neurons got bribed into it pretty 
early.  But I still enjoy the nativity myth perhaps even more so now that I 
know some of the sources it was cannibalized from historically.  These are 
archetypes to be enjoyed.

 Me: I say it comes from the fact that it is true. God became a tiny infant.

I would go with: God becomes every tiny infant.  Jesus was really not so unique 
in his time.  There were other messianic guys whose philosophies were less able 
to be turned into an empire builder for Constantine, but who in their time were 
as popular as Jesus during his life.

 If only he was around somewhere now.
 I'd like to hear his response to Rick's post. Smugness—about anything—it is a 
 dangerous thing. Sounds a little like an Oral Roberts prayer tent with the 
 ritual denunciation of the evils of atheism—although Oral never got that good 
 of course. And didn't know the first thing about irony. Or beauty. Jesus, you 
 But we still celebrate your birthday. Krishna, you could have done a lot 
 better. What happened?
 Hey, Curtis. I like that you like Christmas. 
 No neurobiological explanation there.

Neuron bribing pure and simple!  My folks took the Santa thing seriously and we 
were very spoiled at Christmas.

A purer form of Christmas spirit is the feeling I get when I hear, walking 
along crunching on new snow, in my Pocono mountain hometown, the clear song of 
a Chickadee through the pine trees. It is my version of a Christmas carol and 
always means Joy to the World to me.

Oh yeah, and German Lebkuchen Christmas cookies washed down with a little 
Balvenie doublewood single malt. (the fist aging is in oak bourbon casks, the 
second in port wine casks)  Now THAT is the body and blood of Christ!

  --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread Marcelo rosa
*hei Rory i read you bio ... very good...Are you enlightened?*

2011/9/12 RoryGoff


 * * It was just an attempt at humor; pranava beej is the primordial AUM;
 sonova beej was a play on the phrase son of a bitch.

 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:
  ok then .. explain please i would like understand *_*
  2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@...

   * * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands
   --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:
which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand anything
2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@

 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@
  *but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**

 * * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some of Us
 resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever
 the sonava beej.

 Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava
 somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and
 sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...



[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 -- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
   On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I
wrote that allows me to highlight a block of text on any
Web page and do a word count on it, without having to
read it.

Sal's post:  33 words

MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
   It's sort of unbelievable, really.
   I did my best to provide comments
   with *out* getting totally sucked 
   in.  You have to wonder how much
   time someone has on their hands
   if they can expend so much of it
   on this crap.
  I honestly suspect that a few of these folks (you know
  who we're talking about) honestly *can't conceive* of
  anyone not reading every word of their posts.
 And I honestly suspect Barry knows better.
  What I love are the ones who imagine that they're
  having a dialogue with people who stopped reading their
  posts (except for the first few words you can't avoid 
  in the time it takes to hit the Next key) in months.
 Another of Barry's fond fantasies. Note that it sets
 up a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't double
 bind: If we write the post as if addressing him
 directly, it's because we're delusional. If we don't,
 we're going at him indirectly, which Stupid Sal
 has so eloquently characterized, utterly oblivious
 to the double standard, as unfair.
 Me, I write 'em as the mood strikes me, directly or
 indirectly. Sometimes a post seems to call for
 direct address, other times indirect works better.
 Sometimes I'll switch from one to the other in a
 single post.
 Either way, I find it amusing that Barry either has
 no idea what I'm saying about him, or hasn't been 
 able to resist reading a post and has had to bite
 his fingers to keep from responding. One way or the
 other, the arrangement suits me just fine: he's made
 it impossible for himself to deliver a rebuttal.

RESPONSE: Dear FFL Readers:

Judy has attacked the logic, the coherence, the sincerity, the truth of 
everything that Barry has said. If you are an honest person (and you have any 
regard for Barry) I consider you all cowards and phoneys if you don't stick up 
for Barry by taking Judy on.

Judy has gone to the extreme—but it my mind at least, it is where the truth has 
led her.

Where is the outrage, the honour, the justice felt by those who, since they 
believe Judy's criticisms unwarranted, would defend and vindicate the good name 
of their friend?

If no one dares to answer Judy, I will assume that she is right. Because if she 
were not right, I can't imagine, if I were a friend of Barry's, allowing her to 
do what she has done with pefect impunity.

Judy speaks, and she relentlessly goes at her target. But she seems eminently 
reasonable in all this. She is simply holding Barry accountable for his 
actions. It is a very strange kind of martyrdom to (if you are Barry or one of 
his friends) that allows that martyrdom to be proclaimed by this sullen silence.

I say Judy is just teaching the moral alphabet. She is so vehement and precise 
in her challenge to Barry; if she were even slightly off, she would look 
ridiculous, and her inner hatred and envy would be obvious. And yet it is not.

Conclusion (you there, Sal?): Until someone refutes her, I will have to assume 
she has hit her mark. And hit her mark again and again and again.

So far, she has not missed.

It seems also that she is trying to do Barry a favour.

What say you FFL readers: why has not someone come to the defence of Barry by 
turning on Judy?

I am beginning to doubt the American spirit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff
* * Glad you liked it, Marcelo. 

I am exactly as you see me; I will happily support any story you like ... up to 
a point :-)

--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:

 *hei Rory i read you bio ... very good...Are you enlightened?*
 2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@...
  * * It was just an attempt at humor; pranava beej is the primordial AUM;
  sonova beej was a play on the phrase son of a bitch.
  --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:
   ok then .. explain please i would like understand *_*
   2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@
* * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands
--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:

 which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand anything

 2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@

  --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@
   *but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**
  * * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some of Us
  resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever
  the sonava beej.
  Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava
  somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and
  sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...


[FairfieldLife] Re: A little treat for Curtis

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Loved it, thanks.  Backacha!
   Jesus and Vishnu on Christmas eve.
   RESPONSE: Somebody secretly is fighting off doubts about evolution here. 
   Too worked up metabolically. Serenity, irony, quiet confidence, 
   respecting what makes it hard for some people to take the idea of 
   macroevolution as proven: much better.
 Agreed.  It needed a final edit and cooler delivery to be more effective 
 communication.  But that said, I know plenty of guys like this and it doesn't 
 really mean anything about the content of what he is saying.  It is our 
 emotional reaction to to a person being too self indulgent that makes it poor 
 communication.  He went to far into the dickish lane for me too.  
  If someone was holding out for flat earth theory, how would be treat that 
 person? Not like this. Brilliant as it is. Some people want macroevolution to 
 be true so much they become much too aggressive and abusive in their 
 denunciation of the persons (like John Lennon) who balked at the sweeping 
 claims of Darwin. This is evidence of metaphysical anxiety: You mean 
 macroevolution might not be true? I don't think it has been proven beyond the 
 right to ask question about it. Although microevolution is a no-brainer.
 There are questions within the thoery that are still being discussed.  And 
 the understanding has advanced far beyond Darwin's initial formulation due to 
 the spirit of questioning.  In this year's election this is gunna be a lowest 
 bar litmus test for me.  If you understand science, you understand how the 
 theory of evolution is the basis for our whole understanding of biology.  It 
 is is more than key.
  As for the Christmas boast of Christ, I think Jesus prevails here. He has 
  all the cards. However facetiously presented, his arguments against Krishna 
  win out for me. It's a bloody good argument. Besides where does your 
  irresistible love of Christmas come from, Curtis?
 Well we have to be realistic that most of what I love about Christmas is not 
 Christan but Druid and Mithra worship.  My neurons got bribed into it pretty 
 early.  But I still enjoy the nativity myth perhaps even more so now that I 
 know some of the sources it was cannibalized from historically.  These are 
 archetypes to be enjoyed.
  Me: I say it comes from the fact that it is true. God became a tiny infant.
 I would go with: God becomes every tiny infant.  Jesus was really not so 
 unique in his time.  There were other messianic guys whose philosophies were 
 less able to be turned into an empire builder for Constantine, but who in 
 their time were as popular as Jesus during his life.
  If only he was around somewhere now.
  I'd like to hear his response to Rick's post. Smugness—about anything—it is 
  a dangerous thing. Sounds a little like an Oral Roberts prayer tent with 
  the ritual denunciation of the evils of atheism—although Oral never got 
  that good of course. And didn't know the first thing about irony. Or 
  beauty. Jesus, you there?
  But we still celebrate your birthday. Krishna, you could have done a lot 
  better. What happened?
  Hey, Curtis. I like that you like Christmas. 
  No neurobiological explanation there.
 Neuron bribing pure and simple!  My folks took the Santa thing seriously and 
 we were very spoiled at Christmas.
 A purer form of Christmas spirit is the feeling I get when I hear, walking 
 along crunching on new snow, in my Pocono mountain hometown, the clear song 
 of a Chickadee through the pine trees. It is my version of a Christmas carol 
 and always means Joy to the World to me.
 Oh yeah, and German Lebkuchen Christmas cookies washed down with a little 
 Balvenie doublewood single malt. (the fist aging is in oak bourbon casks, the 
 second in port wine casks)  Now THAT is the body and blood of Christ!
RESPONSE: Ah that All Black tackling machine: CurtisDeltaBlues. I deny life is 
the way you apprehend it, Curtis—and therefore your arguments, while marvellous 
and hard-hitting—and charming beyond all conceiving— are wrong. I have to 
tackle you once in a while. Because you, you don't go down, no matter how hard 
you are hit.

That gentle, loving, merciful heart I have felt in the past, sometimes it 
contracts. Please let yourself be (contingently) proven wrong by life, as I 
will always be willing to be proven wrong by life.

I feel it is an honour to know you, Curtis. But you, in the end, have had the 
effect on me of stiffening my sinews and summoning up my blood.

Still, I can't think of anyone in the world (yeah, that's right) whose 
perception of something I would rather hear about than your own.

But don't 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread Marcelo rosa
I really liked her story .. I read many sites about you  however you are
 enlightened? you can do or say something to me .. ? give me some
direction because
I need it ...

you has msn id? or yahoo id?

2011/9/12 RoryGoff


 * * Glad you liked it, Marcelo.

 I am exactly as you see me; I will happily support any story you like ...
 up to a point :-)

 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:
  *hei Rory i read you bio ... very good...Are you enlightened?*
  2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@...

   * * It was just an attempt at humor; pranava beej is the primordial
   sonova beej was a play on the phrase son of a bitch.
   --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:
ok then .. explain please i would like understand *_*
2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@

 * * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands

 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@
  which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand
  2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@

   --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@
*but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**
   * * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some of
   resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever
   the sonava beej.
   Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava
   somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and
   sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread Marcelo rosa
materializes things you?

2011/9/12 Marcelo rosa

 I really liked her story .. I read many sites about you  however you
 are enlightened? you can do or say something to me .. ? give me some
 direction because I need it ...

 you has msn id? or yahoo id?

 2011/9/12 RoryGoff


 * * Glad you liked it, Marcelo.

 I am exactly as you see me; I will happily support any story you like ...
 up to a point :-)

 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:
  *hei Rory i read you bio ... very good...Are you enlightened?*
  2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@...

   * * It was just an attempt at humor; pranava beej is the primordial
   sonova beej was a play on the phrase son of a bitch.
   --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:
ok then .. explain please i would like understand *_*
2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@

 * * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands

 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@
  which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand
  2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@

   --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@
*but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**
   * * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some
 of Us
   resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever
   the sonava beej.
   Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava
   somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and
   sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...



[FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 * * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands anything.

HaHa, post of the week ! :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Engineering

2011-09-12 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 MMY explains how the galaxy can enjoy.

Brilliant ! Thanks for posting this 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
And I thought I was going to have a few days off from this place.
[comments in text]

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  [Comments in text]
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   I find it fascinating that you focus on my purported
   emotional projections onto Barry, while completely
   ignoring Barry's own tendency to project.
  I was posting via a post you had written, and to give what
  I wanted to say some kind of point of view, that seemed to
  me to be the point of view to take. Barry obviously does
  mention others in his posts and makes comments about them.
  Don't feel like you have been picked out for persecution.
  If 10 vehicles are going 75 in a 50 miles per hour zone
  and one gets ticketed out of the group for speeding and
  the other get off free, it might just be the fall of the
 Ah, I see, you claim to be a cop qualified to discern
 who is guilty of infractions and hand out tickets. But
 you seem to be carrying around a loaded pair of dice,
 because this is hardly the only time you've singled me

First of all I was responding to a post you had written. I was questioning some 
of the things you said in the post. I am not a cop. The traffic ticket example 
was an analogy; I was not handing out tickets. If ten drivers are speeding over 
the limit, a policeman normally can only catch one of them as they pass by, and 
one is unlucky and the others get off scott free. Like a lion and gazelles, one 
in the herd gets it, and the others are untouched; the unlucky one just 
happened to be closest to the edge of the heard that day. You are standing in a 
crowd of ten people, and the one mosquito in the area bites you and not the 
others. Another day, something else happens, or maybe nothing happens. There 
was nothing personal except that it was your post I responded to.
 Look, Xeno, I could not possibly be less interested in
 taking enlightenment lessons from you.

You do not have to take anything from me. You can ignore me. I happen to like 
to talk about enlightenment. Fairfield Life seems to be a forum where people 
talk about enlightenment. You can ignore with the same indifference as Barry. 
Since my name is attached to the posts I make, you can use that as an 
identifier and not look at posts with that name.

 If you want to
 engage me in the realm of duality, you will (a) come 
 down from the mountain; 

I am not on a mountain. I am just an ordinary person. I am almost on ground 
level; there seems to bit a bit of wood and concrete just below me though. Why 
is it you have fashioned this as a command?

(b) observe duality's rules of fair play;

I was not aware that duality had rules of fair play. If our modern ideas about 
the universe are correct, it all averages out in the end, but the universe is 
not entirely uniform, it is lumpy; there are statistical anomalies, meaning 
there are events on the far ends of the bell curve. So sometimes evil triumphs 
and good is trampled underfoot and the innocent are imprisoned and executed 
while the guilty get off, and live lives of plenty. Duality is what I presume 
(correctly presume I hope) is what we are trying to get away from on this 
forum. We are hoping to experience the world as a unity, not as a collection of 
Lego blocks stacked together in some incomprehensible fashion.

 and (c) not retreat back up the mountain to
 avoid dealing with the issues you've raised. Otherwise,
 I don't recognize your authority to hand out tickets.

As I said, I did not hand out any tickets. You have not been cited.

 Have I made myself perfectly clear?

Typically you are clear.

  So, do you feel you project your inner feelings and musings
  and ideas onto others as you discuss them, or do you feel
  you do not do this?
 Not anywhere near as much as you imagine.

I am not sure how much I imagine about this because I do not have any yardstick 
to measure. I am making a presumption that you do this which does not specify 
the quantity of the article under consideration so a relative measure is not 
possible. The question above was not how much you do this, but whether *you* 
feel you do this or do not do this. I think I was asking for a self analysis, 
and if I had specified it more precisely, I would have asked how much you 
yourself feel emotion intrudes into your arguments, and perhaps under what 
circumstances that proportion might increase.

 I might point out that some of us here have had much
 longer experience with Barry than you have. He can be
 very impressive at first blush because of his skill
 with words, but ultimately that skill fails to hide a
 barrenness and lack of authenticity, as well as a
 profoundly malicious hostility toward most other people.

Yes, Barry is skilful, and I have experienced what I would call hostility from 
him, but I do not regard 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A little treat for Curtis

2011-09-12 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
   RESPONSE: Somebody secretly is fighting off doubts about
   evolution here.
 Don't know about that, but the guy gets it wrong about
 the Bible never saying Jesus turned into a chicken. At
 least, the Bible says Jesus *wished* he could turn into
 a chicken:
 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets,
 and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often
 would I have gathered thy children together, even as a
 hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would
 not!--Matt. 23:37

Nairobi will be the new Jerusalem
- Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:

 I really liked her story .. I read many sites about you  however you are
  enlightened? you can do or say something to me .. ? give me some
 direction because
 I need it ...

My advice to you is: Get a checking of your meditation from a teacher of 
Transcendental Meditation Marcelo.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread Marcelo rosa
ahh good my TM pratice is  ok  , all rigjt ...  no problem ... thankyou for
u advice

2011/9/12 nablusoss1008


 --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:
  I really liked her story .. I read many sites about you  however you
  enlightened? you can do or say something to me .. ? give me some
  direction because
  I need it ...

 My advice to you is: Get a checking of your meditation from a teacher of
 Transcendental Meditation Marcelo.


[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread J F
Some history: Turq-troll used to be quite popular here. Sadly all of those who 
thought he was the shnizzit have left or changed their minds, so the only 
response has to come from Barry himself, and all we hear is crickets.:-) 

--- In, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  -- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

 Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I
 wrote that allows me to highlight a block of text on any
 Web page and do a word count on it, without having to
 read it.
 Sal's post:  33 words
 MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words

It's sort of unbelievable, really.
I did my best to provide comments
with *out* getting totally sucked 
in.  You have to wonder how much
time someone has on their hands
if they can expend so much of it
on this crap.
   I honestly suspect that a few of these folks (you know
   who we're talking about) honestly *can't conceive* of
   anyone not reading every word of their posts.
  And I honestly suspect Barry knows better.
   What I love are the ones who imagine that they're
   having a dialogue with people who stopped reading their
   posts (except for the first few words you can't avoid 
   in the time it takes to hit the Next key) in months.
  Another of Barry's fond fantasies. Note that it sets
  up a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't double
  bind: If we write the post as if addressing him
  directly, it's because we're delusional. If we don't,
  we're going at him indirectly, which Stupid Sal
  has so eloquently characterized, utterly oblivious
  to the double standard, as unfair.
  Me, I write 'em as the mood strikes me, directly or
  indirectly. Sometimes a post seems to call for
  direct address, other times indirect works better.
  Sometimes I'll switch from one to the other in a
  single post.
  Either way, I find it amusing that Barry either has
  no idea what I'm saying about him, or hasn't been 
  able to resist reading a post and has had to bite
  his fingers to keep from responding. One way or the
  other, the arrangement suits me just fine: he's made
  it impossible for himself to deliver a rebuttal.
 RESPONSE: Dear FFL Readers:
 Judy has attacked the logic, the coherence, the sincerity, the truth of 
 everything that Barry has said. If you are an honest person (and you have any 
 regard for Barry) I consider you all cowards and phoneys if you don't stick 
 up for Barry by taking Judy on.
 Judy has gone to the extreme—but it my mind at least, it is where the truth 
 has led her.
 Where is the outrage, the honour, the justice felt by those who, since they 
 believe Judy's criticisms unwarranted, would defend and vindicate the good 
 name of their friend?
 If no one dares to answer Judy, I will assume that she is right. Because if 
 she were not right, I can't imagine, if I were a friend of Barry's, allowing 
 her to do what she has done with pefect impunity.
 Judy speaks, and she relentlessly goes at her target. But she seems eminently 
 reasonable in all this. She is simply holding Barry accountable for his 
 actions. It is a very strange kind of martyrdom to (if you are Barry or one 
 of his friends) that allows that martyrdom to be proclaimed by this sullen 
 I say Judy is just teaching the moral alphabet. She is so vehement and 
 precise in her challenge to Barry; if she were even slightly off, she would 
 look ridiculous, and her inner hatred and envy would be obvious. And yet it 
 is not.
 Conclusion (you there, Sal?): Until someone refutes her, I will have to 
 assume she has hit her mark. And hit her mark again and again and again.
 So far, she has not missed.
 It seems also that she is trying to do Barry a favour.
 What say you FFL readers: why has not someone come to the defence of Barry by 
 turning on Judy?
 I am beginning to doubt the American spirit.

[FairfieldLife] Ear-light?

2011-09-12 Thread cardemaister

Why this might work:

Perhaps because of this

Department of Biology, University of Oulu, PO Box 3000, 90014 Oulu, Finland
OPN3 (aka. panopsin or enkephalopsin) belongs to the families of extraretinal 
opsins having
putative role of CNS tissue photosensitivity. OPN3 mRNA has earlier been 
localized in rodent
brain and in mRNA expression level in Human brain, but actual protein and itO˜ 
s location has
not been clarified. In this study, we aimed to define OPN3 protein localization 
and abundance
in human brain and the site of cellular locality.The distribution and 
localization of OPN3 protein
in human brain and peripheral tissues was assessed by immunohistochemical 
staining using
polyclonal antibody against OPN3. OPN3 protein content was measured using 
western blotting
and SDS-PAGE. The samples from altogether nine cadavers were assessed during 
forensic examination
and their tissues prepared. Samples were cut into sections and fluerescent dye 
antibody was used to stain before confocal laser scanning microscopy. The 
specificity of labeling
and immununoreaction was secured by primary antibody omitting and immunizing 
blocking experiment. Results: We found OPN3 protein abundant in Human brain, 
but not in
periphery or in negative controls. Neuronal OPN3 was present in granular 
pattern intracellularly
altogether in fifteen out of eighteen examined sites, including numerous 
cerebral cortical areas,
cerebellar cortex and several nuclei in phylogenetically old regions. 
Immunoreaction took place
mostly in neuronal soma, but not in nuclei. Conclusion: Previously in 
mRNA-level assessed
OPN3 encoding is actually resulting abundant presence of OPN3 protein in 
neurons of human
brain, but not in non-neuronal peripheral tissues.
8.1.51 Panja D et al. Translation initiation during Arc-dependent ... P51 [4145]
Translation initiation during Arc-dependent LTP consolidation is controlled by 
TrkB activation coupled to ERK-MNK signalling and inhibition of the translation 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A little treat for Curtis

2011-09-12 Thread maskedzebra
Curtis, here is what one the greatest philosophers in the world says about 
evolution—he a determined and committed atheist:

My own situation is that of an atheist who, in spite of being an avid consumer 
of popular science, has for a long time been skeptical of the claims of 
traditional evolutionary theory to be the whole story about the history of 
life. The theory does not claim to explain the origin of life, which remains a 
complete scientific mystery at this point. Opponents of ID, however, normally 
assume that that too must have a purely chemical explanation. The idea is that 
life arose and evolved to its present form solely because of the laws of 
chemistry, and ultimately of particle physics. In the prevailing naturalistic 
worldview, evolutionary theory plays the crucial role in showing how physics 
can be the theory of everything.
Sophisticated members of the contemporary culture have been so thoroughly 
indoctrinated that they easily lose sight of the fact that evolutionary 
reductionism defies common sense. 

A theory that defies common sense can be true, but doubts about its truth 
should be sup- pressed only in the face of exceptionally strong evidence.

I do not regard divine intervention as a possibility, even though I have no 
other candidates. Yet I recognize that this is because of an aspect of my 
overall worldview that does not rest on empirical grounds or any other kind of 
rational grounds. I do not think the existence of God can be disproved. So 
someone who can offer serious scientific reasons to doubt the adequacy of the 
theory of evolution, and who believes in God, in the same immediate way that I 
believe there is no god, can quite reasonably conclude that the hypothesis of 
design should be taken seriously. If reasons to doubt the adequacy of 
evolutionary theory can be legitimately admitted to the curriculum, it is hard 
to see why they cannot legitimately be described as reasons in support of 
design, for those who believe in God, and reasons to believe that some as yet 
undiscovered, purely naturalistic theory must account for the evidence, for 
those who do not. That, after all, is the real epistemological situation.

Thomas Nagel

P.S. I have urged him to run for office in Alexandria.

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Loved it, thanks.  Backacha!
   Jesus and Vishnu on Christmas eve.
   RESPONSE: Somebody secretly is fighting off doubts about evolution here. 
   Too worked up metabolically. Serenity, irony, quiet confidence, 
   respecting what makes it hard for some people to take the idea of 
   macroevolution as proven: much better.
 Agreed.  It needed a final edit and cooler delivery to be more effective 
 communication.  But that said, I know plenty of guys like this and it doesn't 
 really mean anything about the content of what he is saying.  It is our 
 emotional reaction to to a person being too self indulgent that makes it poor 
 communication.  He went to far into the dickish lane for me too.  
  If someone was holding out for flat earth theory, how would be treat that 
 person? Not like this. Brilliant as it is. Some people want macroevolution to 
 be true so much they become much too aggressive and abusive in their 
 denunciation of the persons (like John Lennon) who balked at the sweeping 
 claims of Darwin. This is evidence of metaphysical anxiety: You mean 
 macroevolution might not be true? I don't think it has been proven beyond the 
 right to ask question about it. Although microevolution is a no-brainer.
 There are questions within the thoery that are still being discussed.  And 
 the understanding has advanced far beyond Darwin's initial formulation due to 
 the spirit of questioning.  In this year's election this is gunna be a lowest 
 bar litmus test for me.  If you understand science, you understand how the 
 theory of evolution is the basis for our whole understanding of biology.  It 
 is is more than key.
  As for the Christmas boast of Christ, I think Jesus prevails here. He has 
  all the cards. However facetiously presented, his arguments against Krishna 
  win out for me. It's a bloody good argument. Besides where does your 
  irresistible love of Christmas come from, Curtis?
 Well we have to be realistic that most of what I love about Christmas is not 
 Christan but Druid and Mithra worship.  My neurons got bribed into it pretty 
 early.  But I still enjoy the nativity myth perhaps even more so now that I 
 know some of the sources it was cannibalized from historically.  These are 
 archetypes to be enjoyed.
  Me: I say it comes from the fact that it is true. God became a tiny infant.
 I would go with: God becomes every tiny infant.  Jesus was 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 9/11 in under 5 minutes

2011-09-12 Thread seekliberation

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 The airliners weren't 747s.  And what is the basis of your theory?  I 
 have not heard such from fighter pilots interviewed.

I'm in the military, and one of my jobs used to be as a ground controller for 
pilots.  I'm aware of what pilots have to do to get out of thier 'ready room' 
where they're watching tv and eating donuts and proceed to the aircraft and 
recieve clearance for takeoff.  I'm also aware of the difficulties in 
communication between ground control and pilots, especially when you're dealing 
with a team that has never worked or rehearsed together.  Also, one interview I 
saw was one of the pilots near D.C. that is on 24/7 standby for such 
contingencies, and they all thought that the first aircraft was just an 
accident.  It wasn't until the 2nd plane that they were even aware that they 
might have to get up in the air.

As for the 747's mistake, sorry, I usually don't distinguish between 737, 747, 
767...etc, I just use 747 as a universal term for 'big plane carrying 

 And they may not want to because keeping a bogeyman around is handy to 
 keep the sheeple in fear.  

No, I've been working in surveillance as well for quite some time.  Mullah Omar 
is somewhere in Pakistan and doing well not because we're letting him live, but 
because their tribes and fighters won't let us get to him.  We have a very hard 
time sending people in that country.  It's like sending the LAPD swat team into 
certain neighborhoods in L.A.  LAPD swat might be the best trained swat team in 
the USA, and might have all the weapons and armored vehicles, but they still 
get fd up bad in certain areas.  No matter how elite you are, you can't 
compete with certain cultures and certain mindsets.  If you think Mullah Omar 
is around because we're in total control and are letting him live, you have no 
idea how powerful some of these islamic tribes really are.  Don't you remember 
the 1980's??  RememberAfghanistan defeated the Soviet military?  Not only 
is our military and government living in a fantasy world that we are so much 
better at war than everyone else, but civilians are so naive about how powerful 
our military really is.  We are nowhere near being in enough control over this 
war to just let someone stay alive.  In fact, if we were in that much control, 
GWB would have confirmed Bin Laden dead in the last year of his term as Pres.  
But now Obama gets all the credit.  

And I do assume you know that supposedly 
 Osama was killed in Tora Bora in early 2002 but there were not enough 
 remains for the US to claim the kill.  Having outlived his bogeyman 
 usefulness they concocted the recent raid.  After all, the crying wolf 
 over faked videos of Bin Laden this late in the day wasn't working out.

I haven't looked into the fake videos theory much.  However, I do know that it 
was Delta Force that was on the hunt for Bin Laden in late 2001/early 2002.  
They were within 1 mile of him, according to sources.  However, the Mujahadeen 
soldiers that guided Delta to Osama started to behave very suspicious once they 
came close.  Supposedly, the white house/pentagon had to make a call.  Either 
push the mission, and risk getting all these Delta operators killed, or live to 
hunt another day.  They chose to abort.  A lot of criticism was given to Bush 
for that decision, just like Clinton recieved a lot of criticism for not 
pursuing UBL after a failed attempt in the 90's. 

I, personally, don't buy the boogyman theory.  If so, Bush and his whole 
administration intentionally went down as the most incompetent administration 
since perhaps Buchanan.  So either Bush is a political kamikaze, or he's just a 
plain idiot.  I think the latter. 

 Again that's your theory  In the military there's orders.  

There is no way in hell anyone in the military is going to follow orders to 
kill their own, especially in a special operations unit where 'independant 
thinkers' are the predominant personality type.  There might be an occasional 
'psycho' out there capable of doing it.  But orders or not, guys in spec ops 
units are a lot more loyal to each other than they are to psychotic orders as 
suggested by some conspiracy theorists.  

 What about WTC 7?  That was very definitely a demolition and obviously 
 prepped well before the day.  Some think that Flight 93 was supposed to 
 crash into.  How convenient that a lot of fraud investigations were 
 destroyed in the process.  Some even think that WTC 7 was the true 
 target and the towers a diversion tactic.  WTC 7 is the smoking gun 
 because fires wouldn't have destroyed or made it collapse... on its own 
 footprint.  We know firemen were advised the building was going to be 

I'm with you on WTC 7, and i'd like some answers.  However, the part that 
confuses me is the fact that it blew up means that it was a timed detonation, 
as opposed to a controlled detonation.  

[FairfieldLife] Hidden Reality

2011-09-12 Thread John
Brian Green discusses the current thoughts in cosmology.

[FairfieldLife] Honoring Flight 93

2011-09-12 Thread Robert

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 And I thought I was going to have a few days off from this place.
 [comments in text]
 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   [Comments in text]
   --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
I find it fascinating that you focus on my purported
emotional projections onto Barry, while completely
ignoring Barry's own tendency to project.
   I was posting via a post you had written, and to give what
   I wanted to say some kind of point of view, that seemed to
   me to be the point of view to take. Barry obviously does
   mention others in his posts and makes comments about them.
   Don't feel like you have been picked out for persecution.
   If 10 vehicles are going 75 in a 50 miles per hour zone
   and one gets ticketed out of the group for speeding and
   the other get off free, it might just be the fall of the
  Ah, I see, you claim to be a cop qualified to discern
  who is guilty of infractions and hand out tickets. But
  you seem to be carrying around a loaded pair of dice,
  because this is hardly the only time you've singled me
 First of all I was responding to a post you had written.
 I was questioning some of the things you said in the post.

As you've done before several times.

 I am not a cop.

You were and are and have been playing that role. You
did not choose that analogy by accident, although the
intention may have been subconscious.

  Look, Xeno, I could not possibly be less interested in
  taking enlightenment lessons from you.
 You do not have to take anything from me. You can ignore me.

I have been ignoring your attempts to give me enlightenment
lessons. I'm a little surprised you haven't noticed.

  If you want to
  engage me in the realm of duality, you will (a) come 
  down from the mountain; 
 I am not on a mountain. I am just an ordinary person.

You give a very good impression of being on a mountain.
You write as if you were on a mountain.

 am almost on ground level; there seems to bit a bit of
 wood and concrete just below me though. Why is it you
 have fashioned this as a command?

You seem to have overlooked the phrase that began my

 (b) observe duality's rules of fair play;
 I was not aware that duality had rules of fair play.

It does, by general consensus. They've even been
formalized to some extent.

 Duality is what I presume (correctly presume I hope) is what
 we are trying to get away from on this forum.

I believe you presume incorrectly.

  and (c) not retreat back up the mountain to
  avoid dealing with the issues you've raised. Otherwise,
  I don't recognize your authority to hand out tickets.
 As I said, I did not hand out any tickets. You have not
 been cited.

Yes, you did, and I have been. More than once.

   So, do you feel you project your inner feelings and musings
   and ideas onto others as you discuss them, or do you feel
   you do not do this?
  Not anywhere near as much as you imagine.
 I am not sure how much I imagine about this

You imagine enough about it to have spoken up.

  I might point out that some of us here have had much
  longer experience with Barry than you have. He can be
  very impressive at first blush because of his skill
  with words, but ultimately that skill fails to hide a
  barrenness and lack of authenticity, as well as a
  profoundly malicious hostility toward most other people.
 Yes, Barry is skilful, and I have experienced what I would
 call hostility from him, but I do not regard him as malignant.
 There are things in this world that we call malignant, cancer
 for example, but all these things are natural occurrences that
 have their range and course of action.

Says Xeno, scampering hastily back up the mountain.

   As far as I can see, Barry conserves his energy for what
   he likes to do.
  Which is, mostly, putting down other people.
 There are many passages in his writing that I would call ad
 hominem attacks. He points out that others are making ad
 hominem attacks.

Or not. I repeat that most of what he writes involves
putting down other people. If he's conserving his energy
for what he likes to do, that's what he uses it for.

 Now in my own estimation, my own projection of my inner world,
 Barry has said some very unkind things to people on this
 forum in the past. I may be mistaken in the following, but is
 there a trend in which he is becoming less specific in his 
 criticisms? He is not naming specific people, but leaving
 blanks, so to speak, in which one can fill in a name or two.

Yes, that's by design. Two main reasons: First, it allows
him to put people down with apparently nonspecific
criticisms that are designed to refer recognizably to
individuals without having 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A little treat for Curtis

2011-09-12 Thread Denise Evans
Loved it...used my favorite word these days with great 
favorite...ri-fuckin-diculous!.  He probably had to sit in church too many 
Sundays and attend Bible class too many Wednesdays.

--- On Sun, 9/11/11, Rick Archer wrote:

From: Rick Archer
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A little treat for Curtis
Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011, 7:57 PM






[FairfieldLife] Re: 9/11 in under 5 minutes

2011-09-12 Thread authfriend
--- In, seekliberation seekliberation@... 
 I'm with you on WTC 7, and i'd like some answers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: construction Beej mantras

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff
* * Dear Marcelo, I don't know if or how much I can help you; the truth is 
simply I AM, and any adjective added to that -- enlightened, unenlightened, 
etc. -- is but a story and will always at best be only partially true. In a 
sense we are bigger than any of our stories, because we contain them and 
everything else besides. I have neither msn id nor yahoo id; I am on Facebook 
-- feel free to friend me there -- and my email address is;, if you're not on Facebook and would like to write me.

--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:

 I really liked her story .. I read many sites about you  however you are
  enlightened? you can do or say something to me .. ? give me some
 direction because
 I need it ...
 you has msn id? or yahoo id?
 2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@...
  * * Glad you liked it, Marcelo.
  I am exactly as you see me; I will happily support any story you like ...
  up to a point :-)
  --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:
   *hei Rory i read you bio ... very good...Are you enlightened?*
   2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@
* * It was just an attempt at humor; pranava beej is the primordial
sonova beej was a play on the phrase son of a bitch.
--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@ wrote:

 ok then .. explain please i would like understand *_*

 2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@

  * * Not to worry, Marcelo. Nobody, and only nobody, understands
  --- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@
   which the relationship with OM in TM? I do not understand
   2011/9/12 RoryGoff rorygoff@
--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@

 *but no OM im TM , i no use OM in Tm MMY no **advises**
* * From the Book of Dzyan (Astral Edition): Doubtless some of
resonate with the pranava beej, while others of Us may ever
the sonava beej.
Editor's note: The precise meaning and etymology of Sonava
somewhat obscure, but is perhaps cognate with the Catalan and
sonava meaning he (or she or it) sounded, made a noise ...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Denise Evans
Seriously Bobyou could publishall you need is a title...
A series of essays on __ by .
I don't know enough about whatever to think of a good title.  Your creative and 
loyal friends must have some good ideas.  Give up on the novel...too much for 
an addled brain to comprehend.  You must know someone in the publishing field :)
P.S.  Do I get a commission?

--- On Mon, 9/12/11, Bob Price wrote:

From: Bob Price
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy 
vs. Happy]
Date: Monday, September 12, 2011, 9:12 AM



  In, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:


Bob, WTF?? You fucking retard your

strength is not dealing with others directly

Lament for the death of my second wife (Herr Edelstein).


Mere words could never express how moved I was to hear from

you after all this time. I sincerely hope you didn't feel forgotten, or---for

that matter, forsaken. That could never happen. For me you're like a fine Super

Tuscan that needs aeration after its been corked.  And as with all men of the 
renaissance you're best saved for


You must be asking: WTF Bubaji, I'm nobody's second

fiddle and I couldn't agree more, but please let me explain. In Anglo Saxon

culture the second place is one of honor. Its been said, that's the reason

Shakespeare left his long suffering wife his second bedthe first being for

visitors. And of course---in Niel Gow's life affirming piece, the fiddle is the

second wife his lament refers to.

On the other (second) hand, my lament is for the

reality we must now embrace, as painful as it is, and---if not bury the hatchet,

bury Herr Edelstein; because as true as the day follows night you are no one's

second fiddle. And of course I must take full responsibility for this mistake

in thinking you would be prefect to open for Robin when we hit the road. This

all became too apparent with your previous last post when you wished me God

speed. I realized then that as my relationship with Robin grew in depth and

intimacy you felt jilted making your collaboration with our tour virtually

impossible. So that is my lament, but to quote my favorite Palestinian client:

Business is business.

I have a number of things I hope to get your advice about, as

you know I've recently found myself in that brand new state of original 

you and your teammates are so familiar with. I had planned to seek Robins

advice (he, IMO, being the granddaddy of the whole (ness) shebang), but I'm a

little concerned about the over all stability of his recent re-cognition and it

might be advisable to wait till it settles a bit---his being a little more like

an early Californian that could be considered a touch fruity if corked too

early. In addition---despite his recent return to Unity--- he seems pre-occupied

with a new movie (Working title THE FIXER UPPER) in the bowels of the FFL

archives with our one and only truth commissioner. He wants me to get involved

but frankly I'm not sure it has legs (please don't tell him that because unlike

some others on FFL he has feelings).

In preparation for this exchange, I went back over some of

your recent posts, figuringfor someone I'm seriously considering as a

disciple, I should at least be prepared. In the process of reviewing these

recent posts I was disturbed to come across a thread called Moving to LA”.

Don’t get me wrong, your move itself was not disturbing---as much as we hate to

lose you from the Bay Area, LA needs all the enlightened help it can get. 

No, what disturbed me---on a thread with such a high post

count, was that no one had the intestinal fortitude to approach the pink

elephant in the room. So as your #1 admirer, and possible dispeller of

darkness, I have to bring it up no matter how much easier it would be to

pretend it's not an issue. 

So here goes. What about your therapist, is he planning to

move with you? I have to say finding an effective therapist is not as easy as

Hollywood would have us believe, and my God your therapist has helped you make

some strides. I mean he's helped you virtually eliminate the depressing half of

your manic depression. The transformation has been so complete I've wanted to

ask you his contact details. Granted, he hasn't been nearly as effective with

your tourette's, but I'm guessing he has a whole strategy for that, and now

you're pulling up stakes and heading south. I just want to make sure; you're


That said, I have to confirm how much I've been enjoying

your management of your tourette's. I think blending profanity with the scared

is a brilliant strategy.  For some

reason it reminds me of 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-09-12 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 10 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 17 00:00:00 2011
261 messages as of (UTC) Tue Sep 13 00:08:26 2011

31 Yifu
22 authfriend
17 RoryGoff
16 turquoiseb
16 maskedzebra
14 Marcelo rosa
12 Bob Price
 9 whynotnow7
 9 obbajeeba
 9 Xenophaneros Anartaxius
 8 seventhray1
 8 cardemaister
 8 Buck
 7 emptybill
 7 Denise Evans
 7 Bhairitu
 6 nablusoss1008
 6 Ravi Yogi
 6 J F
 5 merudanda
 5 John
 4 richardwillytexwilliams
 4 curtisdeltablues
 4 Rick Archer
 3 Dick Mays
 2 seekliberation
 2 raunchydog
 2 Sal Sunshine
 2 PaliGap
 1 sparaig
 1 jpgillam
 1 johnt
 1 Robert
 1 Paulo Barbosa
 1 Marcio
 1 J
 1 Alex Stanley
 1 do.rflex

Posters: 39
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread J F
It would be pretty funny if some of us on FFL who didn't much care to have 
Barry around decided to devise ways to get him to post less, working within his 
own tendencies. Kind of an Aikido move. Can you imagine? Nah, no one would do 
that...would they? :-)

--- In, J F whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Some history: Turq-troll used to be quite popular here. Sadly all of those 
 who thought he was the shnizzit have left or changed their minds, so the only 
 response has to come from Barry himself, and all we hear is crickets.:-) 
 --- In, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   -- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
--- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:

 On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  Can't resist, so I have to take advantage of a utility I
  wrote that allows me to highlight a block of text on any
  Web page and do a word count on it, without having to
  read it.
  Sal's post:  33 words
  MZ's reply, trying to suck her into an argument: 967 words
 It's sort of unbelievable, really.
 I did my best to provide comments
 with *out* getting totally sucked 
 in.  You have to wonder how much
 time someone has on their hands
 if they can expend so much of it
 on this crap.

I honestly suspect that a few of these folks (you know
who we're talking about) honestly *can't conceive* of
anyone not reading every word of their posts.
   And I honestly suspect Barry knows better.
What I love are the ones who imagine that they're
having a dialogue with people who stopped reading their
posts (except for the first few words you can't avoid 
in the time it takes to hit the Next key) in months.
   Another of Barry's fond fantasies. Note that it sets
   up a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't double
   bind: If we write the post as if addressing him
   directly, it's because we're delusional. If we don't,
   we're going at him indirectly, which Stupid Sal
   has so eloquently characterized, utterly oblivious
   to the double standard, as unfair.
   Me, I write 'em as the mood strikes me, directly or
   indirectly. Sometimes a post seems to call for
   direct address, other times indirect works better.
   Sometimes I'll switch from one to the other in a
   single post.
   Either way, I find it amusing that Barry either has
   no idea what I'm saying about him, or hasn't been 
   able to resist reading a post and has had to bite
   his fingers to keep from responding. One way or the
   other, the arrangement suits me just fine: he's made
   it impossible for himself to deliver a rebuttal.
  RESPONSE: Dear FFL Readers:
  Judy has attacked the logic, the coherence, the sincerity, the truth of 
  everything that Barry has said. If you are an honest person (and you have 
  any regard for Barry) I consider you all cowards and phoneys if you don't 
  stick up for Barry by taking Judy on.
  Judy has gone to the extreme—but it my mind at least, it is where the truth 
  has led her.
  Where is the outrage, the honour, the justice felt by those who, since they 
  believe Judy's criticisms unwarranted, would defend and vindicate the good 
  name of their friend?
  If no one dares to answer Judy, I will assume that she is right. Because if 
  she were not right, I can't imagine, if I were a friend of Barry's, 
  allowing her to do what she has done with pefect impunity.
  Judy speaks, and she relentlessly goes at her target. But she seems 
  eminently reasonable in all this. She is simply holding Barry accountable 
  for his actions. It is a very strange kind of martyrdom to (if you are 
  Barry or one of his friends) that allows that martyrdom to be proclaimed by 
  this sullen silence.
  I say Judy is just teaching the moral alphabet. She is so vehement and 
  precise in her challenge to Barry; if she were even slightly off, she would 
  look ridiculous, and her inner hatred and envy would be obvious. And yet it 
  is not.
  Conclusion (you there, Sal?): Until someone refutes her, I will have to 
  assume she has hit her mark. And hit her mark again and again and again.
  So far, she has not missed.
  It seems also that she is trying to do Barry a favour.
  What say you FFL readers: why has not someone come to the defence of Barry 
  by turning on Judy?
  I am beginning to doubt the American spirit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: everything's got to... including Krishnamurti

2011-09-12 Thread emptybill

Message #289139

 there is a place where the 'known',
 and verbal inquiry, and practices,
 can Not ever enter ...

That place beyond the known is in the vaginas of all the
married women Krishnamurti  screwed when he rested his dick in them
beyond the known of their husbands.

 and then you can 'kill all the Buddhas
 including the shrinks and the therapists and the
 new mini gurusih coaches...
 and one's favorite quotes as well

Who wants the real truth when you can seem so insightful with
mere metaphor?

 but to say more about that 'place'... would be to
 grossly trivialize and cheapen it...

O gosh … adultery is just so trivial.

 but for the entering...

 every-single-thing has got to go...

Yeh he entered them and then went to court to try to prevent the truth
from being known. Apparently the known is only worthy of being
beyond the known.

What a boldface liar he was.

--- In, J JB789@... wrote:

 ...there is a place where the 'known',
 and verbal inquiry, and practices,
 canNot ever enter, and if it does
 it is corroded, evaporated

 and with it, the root
 of suffering is being burned away...
 and all this,
 most and absolutely effortlessly,
 and thereby _truly_ not having to do
 a single thing...

 the possibility for being one's own light
 is then blatantly obvious...
 and then you can 'kill all the Buddhas'
 including the shrinks and the therapist and the
 new mini gurusih coaches...
 and one's favourite
 quotes as well...

 ...but, If one keeps on sticking to one's
 -addiction- to verbal inquiry,,,
 as some hobby or crutch or promissing pass-time...
 I doubt one can ever enter that
 place of Life, and bliss without
 a cause...

 ,but to say more about that 'place'... would be to
 grossly trivialize and cheapen it...

 ,,, but for the entering...
 every-single-thing-, has got
 to go...

 ,and... do you -really-,
 _want_ that?


[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Details Mag: Meditation Nation

2011-09-12 Thread Dick Mays

Original From: Steve Guich

a pretty good recent article on TM:

Power brokers no longer motivate or medicate-they meditate. How 
Transcendental Meditation returned as the new status symbol.

 Steven M. Guich, Ph.D
 Renaissance Capital Partners

[FairfieldLife] Re: why MMY not use kleem beeja mantra? (kleem or Kleeng ?)

2011-09-12 Thread shukra69
well at least you didn't fall in love with the wrong gal, Kil-ling yourself 
or keel-ling back on yourself over and over again.
--- In, Marcelo rosa tmer1306@... wrote:

 *REPORT meditate on mantra kleem in TM
 I meditated for 7 days twice daily with mantra kleem, I did not feelwell,
 I felt bad headache, I did not feel natural, so I'm meditating
   today with the official tM beej mantra, and recommended in the list of
 *MMY gave the teachers of TM **...
 *kleem on TM technique is no good to me .. :) *
 2011/9/9 shukra69 shukra69@...
  by associated in mean if UL falls in leo then it is Sunday , in Capricorn
  or Aquarius the Saturday etc
  --- In, shukra69 shukra69@ wrote:
   also if you want more love in your life try to do some kind of fast on
  the weekday associated with the planet of your Upapada Lagna. Download
  Jagannatha Hora (free) and look for the sign where UL appears in your
  birth chart.
   Kleem kaamadevaya vidmahe
   pushpabanaya dhimahi
   tanno nangah prachodyat.
   --- In, shukra69 shukra69@ wrote:
I think Maharishi would say it beautiful, its very very beautiful
  this idea of using silently this mantra. You want to give up developing some
  knowledge or wealth or power quality for just love, worldly or divine? it is
  a great idea. you might need to give a two-syllable feel to Maharishiize
  that mantra, (which would not necesarily work for english speakers)but
  you are already on the advanced techniques so thats not such a concern
  necessarily. This is unfortunately not necessarily a good place to ask such
  a question. You already know the answer in your heart.
Trailokya Sanmohan Tantra: Na catra satrava dosha narnasvadi
  vicharana, Rksha rasi vicharo va na kartavyo manau priye
--- In, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:

 is not a joke, I'm serious about meditation and mantras, TM mantras
  etc. .. kleem is different from kreem, kreem is kali mantra ,,, and kleem
  mantra for lord krishna, Cupid, indra ... I've looked at some sites on the
  net say 'Kamadeva is one of the names of Krishna 

 --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:22 PM, Marcelo rosa wrote:
   i think no
   kreem is no variant of kleem , no , no
  Brill Cream, by any chance?
  Does anyone else get the feeling Marcelo
  is playing a joke? This is just too
  silly to be anything else.


[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread seventhray1

--- In, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

 Thank You, Steve, but the sobriety you seek is entirely in your own
mind's eye.

 While perhaps appearing from time to time as sober as a Judge -- say,
Clarence (Anita Drink) Thomas -- in reality I'm always weaving across
all eight lanes of this veepish super-highway -- but is it eight, or is
it sixteen?

 In all fairness, though I know not whether I come or go, in my defense
the gentle rain keeps washing all dividing lines away. (And someone left
the yellowcake in the rain

But at least you are able to take it, even if it took you so long to
bake it.  But don't fret, I have the recipe.

so there goes the nuclear family values, but I will return as you -- and
you -- and you -- and you were there. But you couldn't have been, could
you? It wasn't just a dream, or a binding resolution anyway, noway,
nohow, nowhere, nobody.)

 In truth, I am Absolutly drunk as Ravi, as Robin, as you -- and you --
and you -- and you -- and every One of Us when I belly up to the Phat
Phuc bar to inhale this day my daily Red with oodles of buddha-noodles,
and this is my brain on Love is my body and Love is my blood.
Okay, I'll give you Robin, but Ravi, I don't think so.  He's got a real 
problem with the divine vodka.  I think what Bob has been trying to do
is entice Ravi to join a 12 step program, but Ravi seems to be having
none of it.

 --- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  Damn Rory, when you choose to stay in one lane, or should I say one
  plane, you can make a darn funny post. Fun stuff.
  --- In, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
   Very laudable indeed, Sir! Your most economical choice of only
  nails, albeit almost certainly less comfortable, would represent a
  savings of XXV per centum to the Empire. Since you so clearly uphold
  greater good, you could not possibly be the selfish, narcissistic
  insurrectionist your detractors have claimed you to be. Enough
  Pontificating -- I wash my hands of the entire affair, and declare
  now and forever a Free Man.
   --- In, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
Three works, and right side up please!
--- In, RoryGoff rorygoff@

 * * Don't mind if I do, Jim!

 Which would you prefer -- three nails or four? :-)

 --- In, whynotnow7
  Damn Rory - Nail me to a cross! :-)
  --- In, RoryGoff rorygoff@
   --- In, Denise Evans
  dmevans365@ wrote:
Ravi, not to worryI am well-aware that I do not have
  IQ or creative skill-set needed to maintain a heady riff with the
  experts on this site..I disassociate when necessary.
This should be fairly evident by now. Â I jump in
  and there when my neurons connect in a moment of spontaneous thought
  not original thought, just spontaneous.Â
Mostly, the posts on this forum (those that I actually
  fathom on any level) entertain and inform me greatly - and for this
I am
  grateful, as I see myself as a bit of an energy vampire at this
  in my life, and I know that I really don't belong here amongst the
  shining stars of enlightened diction.
   * * Well said, Denise; being without the three gunas, we
  really don't belong anywhere. The foxes have holes, and the birds
  the sky have nests, but the [Daughter] of [Wo]Man has no place to
  [Her] head.
   For the heartbreaking beauty of it all is this: when the
  is yanked out from beneath our feet once and for all, we hang in
  freefall forever here and now, suspended alone, all-one, forever
  the ever-singing stars.
   And so in apparently belonging nowhere, we really belong
  here, and now here belongs heartfully to us, for we are not of them,
  they are of us.
   And those galaxies of ever-murmuring shining stars are
  but our childish thoughts, who nourished by our soma-milk, feed
  vampire-like upon our love, and hang a-tremble on our softest breath
  the beauty of our body and our blood.


[FairfieldLife] Aikido

2011-09-12 Thread J F
Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of 
his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often 
translated as the Way of unifying (with) life energy or as the Way of 
harmonious spirit. Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners 
could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury.

Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting 
the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This requires very 
little physical strength, as the aikid#333;ka (aikido practitioner) leads 
the attacker's momentum using entering and turning movements. The techniques 
are completed with various throws or joint locks.

Aikido derives mainly from the martial art of Dait#333;-ry#363; 
Aiki-j#363;jutsu, but began to diverge from it in the late 1920s, partly due 
to Ueshiba's involvement with the #332;moto-ky#333; religion. Ueshiba's early 
students' documents bear the term aiki-j#363;jutsu.

Ueshiba's senior students have different approaches to aikido, depending on 
when they studied with him. Today aikido is found all over the world in a 
number of styles, with broad ranges of interpretation and emphasis. However, 
they all share techniques learned from Ueshiba and most have concern for the 
well-being of the attacker.

[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread RoryGoff

--- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Okay, I'll give you Robin, but Ravi, I don't think so.  He's got a real 
 problem with the divine vodka.  I think what Bob has been trying to do
 is entice Ravi to join a 12 step program, but Ravi seems to be having
 none of it.
* * Ravi is Absolutly OK; he is in very good spirits, and vice versa!


[FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]

2011-09-12 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
Well Judge Judy has convicted me for being a cop and handing out tickets, 
though I am not sure what the ticket I seem to have issued was for.

What is my sentence Judge?

As for the last question you asked here, I simply do not think Barry devotes 
much energy to what he writes. This is what I think. It is an hypothesis, 
because I have no way to measure what he does. But because I think this, and 
that is all there is to it, it is an opinion. It is not a fact. Opinions are 
not knowledge. So why must I justify and manufacture an answer for that thought 
to satisfy you?

I probably expend a huge amount of energy compared to him. How much do you 
expend? You definitely try to check facts, scan old posts for inconsistencies. 
Barry doesn't bother much if what he says is correct, and what you say is 
correct. I do not really spend much time looking at older posts, I just do not 
have the time or energy, and I am rather slow at writing.

As for the question about why you are here. It was just a question: Why are you 
here? I came here to discuss enlightenment with others. What was your reason, 
if there was one? Are you still here for the same reason? I am still here for 
the same reason, though I seem to get embroiled in other activities that 
seemingly have little to do with deepening knowledge of experience.

It's my bedtime. I hope you have a fine day tomorrow. And I hope Barry has a 
fine day tomorrow. I hope Ravi has a fine day tomorrow. I hope whynotnow7 has a 
fine day tomorrow, and all the others here have a fine day tomorrow. I even 
hope I have a fine day tomorrow.

Nature does have surprises though.

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  And I thought I was going to have a few days off from this place.
  [comments in text]
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
   anartaxius@ wrote:
[Comments in text]

--- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
 I find it fascinating that you focus on my purported
 emotional projections onto Barry, while completely
 ignoring Barry's own tendency to project.

I was posting via a post you had written, and to give what
I wanted to say some kind of point of view, that seemed to
me to be the point of view to take. Barry obviously does
mention others in his posts and makes comments about them.
Don't feel like you have been picked out for persecution.
If 10 vehicles are going 75 in a 50 miles per hour zone
and one gets ticketed out of the group for speeding and
the other get off free, it might just be the fall of the
   Ah, I see, you claim to be a cop qualified to discern
   who is guilty of infractions and hand out tickets. But
   you seem to be carrying around a loaded pair of dice,
   because this is hardly the only time you've singled me
  First of all I was responding to a post you had written.
  I was questioning some of the things you said in the post.
 As you've done before several times.
  I am not a cop.
 You were and are and have been playing that role. You
 did not choose that analogy by accident, although the
 intention may have been subconscious.
   Look, Xeno, I could not possibly be less interested in
   taking enlightenment lessons from you.
  You do not have to take anything from me. You can ignore me.
 I have been ignoring your attempts to give me enlightenment
 lessons. I'm a little surprised you haven't noticed.
   If you want to
   engage me in the realm of duality, you will (a) come 
   down from the mountain; 
  I am not on a mountain. I am just an ordinary person.
 You give a very good impression of being on a mountain.
 You write as if you were on a mountain.
  am almost on ground level; there seems to bit a bit of
  wood and concrete just below me though. Why is it you
  have fashioned this as a command?
 You seem to have overlooked the phrase that began my
  (b) observe duality's rules of fair play;
  I was not aware that duality had rules of fair play.
 It does, by general consensus. They've even been
 formalized to some extent.
  Duality is what I presume (correctly presume I hope) is what
  we are trying to get away from on this forum.
 I believe you presume incorrectly.
   and (c) not retreat back up the mountain to
   avoid dealing with the issues you've raised. Otherwise,
   I don't recognize your authority to hand out tickets.
  As I said, I did not hand out any tickets. You have not
  been cited.
 Yes, you did, and I have been. More than once.
So, do you feel you project your inner feelings and musings
and ideas onto others as you discuss them, or do you feel
you do not do this?
   Not anywhere near as 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Aikido

2011-09-12 Thread John
Interesting technique.  I found this video with Steven Seagal demonstrating the 

--- In, J F whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis 
 of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often 
 translated as the Way of unifying (with) life energy or as the Way of 
 harmonious spirit. Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners 
 could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from 
 Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and 
 redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This 
 requires very little physical strength, as the aikid#333;ka (aikido 
 practitioner) leads the attacker's momentum using entering and turning 
 movements. The techniques are completed with various throws or joint locks.
 Aikido derives mainly from the martial art of Dait#333;-ry#363; 
 Aiki-j#363;jutsu, but began to diverge from it in the late 1920s, partly due 
 to Ueshiba's involvement with the #332;moto-ky#333; religion. Ueshiba's 
 early students' documents bear the term aiki-j#363;jutsu.
 Ueshiba's senior students have different approaches to aikido, depending on 
 when they studied with him. Today aikido is found all over the world in a 
 number of styles, with broad ranges of interpretation and emphasis. However, 
 they all share techniques learned from Ueshiba and most have concern for the 
 well-being of the attacker.

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