[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi: Speak Well of Others

2011-11-01 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 Maharishi: Speak Well of Others
 Question: Maharishi, in yourcommentary on the Bhagavad-Gita
 http://amzn.to/nHE2Ow  you write that not finding fault and not speaking
 ill of others is counted an essential prerequisite to achieve higher states
 of consciousness. You say that when a man speaks ill of others, he partakes
 of the sins of those of whom he speaks. How does speaking ill of others and
 finding fault slow down our progress and coarsen the nervous system? What
 are the mechanics involved?
  Maharishi: What comes out indicates what's been inside. So if the wrongs of
 some other people come out, that means the wrong was stored inside. It just
 tells the structure of the heart, what is contained inside. If someone never
 speaks ill of others, that means he has a pure heart, he doesn't have the
 wrong inside. If something wrong was done by some man, why should I bring
 that wrong, through thinking or remembering, and try to keep it in my heart?
 And if I speak it out, that means I had stored something of that. And if
 wrong is stored, then the heart is not pure. It just indicates what kind of
 storage is here, whether purity is stored or impurity is stored.
  Speaking ill of others means first transplant the wrong of his heart in our
 heart, transplant the wrong of his mind to our mind, and then let that plant
 grow into a tree until it comes out. Many-fold it comes out. The whole
 process is dragging to evolution. It drags us down.
 If you have not spoken out any wrong of anyone, that means you don't have
 any wrong in your heart. This is a measure. We never think ill of others,
 because if someone has done wrong, why should we bring it in our heart and
 make our heart impure? It's not necessary. But if our heart is already
 impure, it will be picking its like from here and there and strengthening
 its quality.
 There is that proverb: Birds of the same feather flock together. If there
 is filth deposited in the heart, then it will collect more filth from here.
 Birds of the same feather flock together. And then whatever has been flocked
 together, it will start to fly out.
 One can't say, Oh, how can that man behave like that, when he is a
 meditator? That means we don't know how much good has increased in him. We
 didn't see him three years ago. There is always an improvement.
  We never think anything negative of anyone, particularly because once we are
 meditating, our thought force is increasing very greatly. And if with this
 increased thought force we think low of someone, we are pushing him down to
 be that low.
 Never do we think any wrong thoughts of others, nor do we speak them out.
 It's not necessary to use our time and energy of thinking and speaking on
 something that does not improve our life, that does not help us to grow.
 It's not worthwhile.
 So spend your energy and get joy, happiness, evolution, more ability to
 enjoy, more ability to create. In this field we spend our energy and time.

RESPONSE: Moving, wise, inspired, and truthful. Maharishi at his very best. How 
he addresses this issue (speaking ill of others) comes out of a very delicate 
perception of reality. There is no one else in two thousand years who—if you 
remember the state of mind and heart you were in when Maharishi was at the very 
epicentre of the universe (I think he was based upon my own experience back 
there in the early seventies)—could so effectively and arrestingly capture 
one's attention as epitomized in this answer to the question that was posed to 

No, Maharishi here (if you can project yourself back in time and receive what 
he is saying  within the context of the universe as it existed then) is 
creating a sense of his brilliant and innocent authority. Simple and 
transparent as his meaning is, it nevertheless reaches to the sublime. It is 
the verbalization of the experience of TM transcendence. And those who listened 
to these words were silenced by their beauty and their import.

Maharishi was speaking a profound truth, and in the first half of his answer, 
just as perfectly in a sense as Christ spoke the very same truth.

So good to read this and then recollect the credibility Maharishi established 
in answering this question, for his answer  was at once 1. coming out of his 
own direct and personal experience; 2. representative of the attitude of the 
entire cosmos. 

No lover or teacher spoke words this sweet, this wise, this gentle, this 
precise, this true.

When Maharishi said these words, the universe appeared to like him. And we 
could feel in his answer the perfect fit between Maharishi and the whole of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Bob Price

From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:52:38 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

I always enjoy your comments Bob.  I am trying to sort things out.

***BP2: Steve, your participation is always appreciated. I think one of the 
things we might share is the joy in creating employment for others. One of my 
favorite threads was you explaining to the great unwashed why you stiffed that 
waiter! Having negotiated contracts in Abu Dhabi, I knew exactly what you were 
getting at.  

 Bullying is based on one party being weaker than another. 
 ***I know you're not so simple as to think this explains bullying. If you 
 used this explanation to explain bullying to a child, they might be forgiven 
 for concluding that bullying is done out of strength while resisting a bully 
 is form of weakness (I know you don't think that). We both know, if anything, 
 bullying demonstrates a type of inadequacy (weakness) in the bully.  
So what.  I think we're past the point of trying to modify behavior, or get to 
the root cause of our behaviors.  I mean, at the risk of sounding  arrogant, 
I'm not.  It's something I think about every day.  But for the purposes of FFL, 
I think we can go with Curtis' definition.

***BP2: I'm from the school of: Empty your hand gun into that shaking bush and 
if you get a few innocents that's just the cost of doing business.  That said, 
I think FFL is grown up enough to consider my definition of bullying as well as 
the dictionary definition. When I'm working on characterization, the last book 
i pick up is the dictionary, this could be a failing of mine.

 I don't see how that applies here.  What situation makes Robin weaker than 
 Barry in their power position on a public board, and therefor subject to 
 ***I didn't say Robin was the weaker party---quite the contrary, who would 
 you want watching your back on Safari?
I would have to disagree.   I would not remove Barry from the category of being 
a loyal friend.  I can't relate to the manner in which he goes after Robin, for 
example, but I understand the impulse.  I often have the same impulses, but I 
guess I put a greater value on trying to find common ground,  on trying to get 
along.  I know that is how people coexist in a more harmonious fashion.

***BP2: Its no put down on anyone; it's just when I go on Safari---I prefer 
someone with high emotional intelligence. I also like to get along; 
particularly with lions.

 Posting here has an emotional learning curve.  You learn who to hang with 
 and who to ignore. You are one of the good ones here.
What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away.  I suppose Barry 
might say, if you can't stand the heat  And of course that's 
true.  And as Curtis has pointed out, there are so many ways to make a  point 
without unleashing both barrels.  Like just remaining silent for example.  But 
maybe that's where the glitch is.  Feeling you need to blast, when there's no 
need to say anything.  You know, the live and let live thing. 

***BP2: I would always hope that no one is ever driven away because that 
increases the chances that someone will say something nice about me.


[FairfieldLife] Re: I defy anyone to say it more succinctly than this

2011-11-01 Thread Ravi Yogi
Dear Robin,
Had no clue how to respond - so I just waited a bit..
I lost the brilliant guy, the master of irony somewhere in the middle of
this response and ended up with a guy who seem to have lot of pains of
the MMY era and the false enlightenment of the vedic gods. Not sure if
you noticed it. So I didn't even have the heart to respond anymore, but
I couldn't leave the BS un-addressed.
The whole point of my posting here on FFL to show the need for
separating the outer from the inner. I have no involvements like you and
others here with worshiping Gurus, cults or treating them or myself or
anything outer as infallible. My whole life has been to reject anything
that didn't make any sense to my person ontology as you refer it to
as, reject it as BS, even if it came from my Guru, other Gurus or any
other authority figures.
So this is the big difference between Ravi and Robin - Ravi, always an
individual versus Robin, a cultist, now returning to his individual
roots? But perhaps still not ready to take personal responsibility for
his actions (damn them vedic gods).
I'm a sucker for women. I can't resist them - my whole adult life prior
to enlightenment was in trying to make my ex happy, upon being rejected
time and again with ferocity the love had nowhere to go but fall into
itself, the core - now I'm in a blissful orgasm with my beloved
So it was pure love that transformed me, I had no intellectual knowledge
of higher states of consciousness like you and other TM pimps here to
result in intellectually aroused enlightened states.
That's another big difference between Ravi and Robin - Ravi a lover
versus an Robin an intellectual now returning to being a lover?
My total focus is on myself, I correct myself constantly in order to
please the beloved and any women I interact because I know my inner
perfection doesn't translate to outer infallibility. The others may have
nothing to contribute to my inner growth but they do for my outer
I enjoy my inner silence so much that I don't have a need to run away
from others. In fact I love being around people since it provides such a
beautiful contrast.
I have a distaste for anything traditional, conservative - if its from
India or from Canada.
So keep your cultish, conservative bullshit to yourself. Sorry for being
so upfront, I still love you and your writings the same.
Love - Ravi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 Re: I defy anyone to say it more succinctly than this

 Dear Robin.

 RAVI: You are spot on !!! In this Kali Yoga or the age of swines as
you say, spirituality, love and higher values can it seem only be passed
this way - wrapped, hidden in irony, sarcasm and mockery, since if one
questions it there's always a way out to protect the love and the
beloved. Like I said before, not only do you have a brilliant intellect
but you are also have the ability to discern the hidden jewels, the
darshan, energy and grace veiled by the mocking, curses and sarcasm -
you are indeed one of the brilliant that I have interacted with -
wouldn't it be a great asset to have Robin on my side once I hit the
Guru market?

 RESPONSE: Count on it, Ravi. When you go public, I will be your
devoted disciple. You see (I am speaking to those *who do not know*) we
have this fool-proof protection for our cryptic dogma: because anyone
reading this—other than yourself—will think: Ah, there's Robin
again, playing his irony games—Meanwhile at the *level of the
actual* a pure and sublime surrender is going on, as I submit my whole
consciousness to thy indefectible self. And behind and underneath the
irony and sarcasm is your seraphic holiness, your gorgeous saintliness.
Christ died a horrible death on the Cross; you, however, are willing to
have your sincere and just intentions misunderstood by acting the part
of the mocking cobra-killing mongoose of goon mantras. That you would,
in this dark age, be willing to sacrifice your true modesty and divine
diffidence to act the part of the boisterous roaring desecrator of all
that is taboo and forbidden, well that seems to make of this crucifixion
of your own nature an act comparable—easily—to Christ's. After
all he did not disguise who he was in the least: he too was provocative
in the extreme. But all the while remaining who he was. You on the other
hand assume this disguise and utterly confound and outrage your future
devotees. Well, Ravi, as you know, I have seen through you. And I am the
beneficiary of this. As soon as you declare yourself a bona fide Guru,
know that you can count on me to make a holocaust of my first person
ontology [something you know by now I deem what is highest in me and in

  I know you experience the total sincerity of my soul even as—this
must be, must it not, Ravi?—all the readers on FFL assume I am just
doing a Ravi on you. I feel your love, Ravi, and I know you always knew
that my only response to you has been from the beginning, no matter how

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:


Dear Rick,

John Lennox is a distinguished professor of mathematics at Oxford. I have 
listened to him in conversation with Richard Dawkins. And his wit, his charm, 
his sincerity, and his intelligence (acting in the service of his idea of 
truth) seemed in my estimation at least to utterly defeat Dawkins, and turn 
Dawkins into a dogmatic robot. I don't say that Dawkins can't hold his own; it 
is just that in the presence of Professor Lennox, on this occasion, he was 
outdone in every sense. And reduced almost to babbling. This was not his formal 
debate with Dawkins; this was a quiet conversation recorded at Oxford. It is 
quite phenomenal.

As for his article here, it is simple elegant, and profound. Even if you 
disagree with every word of it. I hope some of the readers at FFL take a look 
at it. He covers most everything that is pertinent to answering Stephen Hawking.

I won't consider becoming an atheist until I find someone willing to 
contemplate the theistic argument in its strongest form. 

Reading what Lennox says here you get some clue I think what was behind those 
last words uttered by Steve Jobs. I think he saw all of creation as the 
expression of the loving intelligence of a Person.

But of course I would have to put that interpretation upon Steve Jobs, given 
what he is purported to have said. It does not sound as if he encountered The 

We are all in for a big surprise when this adventure and ordeal is over. But we 
will encounter the reality of death perfectly held inside our first person 
perspective. It will not be transcendent. It will be personal, intimate, and 
conclusive. For all time.

Two great posts, Rick: this one and the Maharishi transcript. Thanks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siri vs. Japanese

2011-11-01 Thread John
That goes to show the machine is stupid and can't recognize differences in 
accents of human beings.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Please don't listen to this!

2011-11-01 Thread cardemaister


The limpy beat might schtick to yer head...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away.  
 I suppose Barry might say, if you can't stand the heat..  

Actually, what Barry might say is, If someone has
told you in no uncertain terms that they don't find 
either you or the things you say interesting, accept 
that and walk away.

It seems to me that most of the noise on this forum 
is being made by people who can't do that. They react 
to being dismissed as uninteresting by acting even 
more needy and panicky -- and thus uninteresting -- 
than ever. It's a vicious samskaric circle.

Get over it. If you're that needy, find someone who 
does think you're interesting enough to talk to and 
talk with them. Not gonna happen with me.

This comment is directed towards Robin, Jim, Ravi, 
and Judy, and to no one else on this forum. Please
catch a clue from it and stop acting like such 
attention vampires, Ok? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread whynotnow7
Nothing panicky about us, Cherry.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away.  
  I suppose Barry might say, if you can't stand the heat..  
 Actually, what Barry might say is, If someone has
 told you in no uncertain terms that they don't find 
 either you or the things you say interesting, accept 
 that and walk away.
 It seems to me that most of the noise on this forum 
 is being made by people who can't do that. They react 
 to being dismissed as uninteresting by acting even 
 more needy and panicky -- and thus uninteresting -- 
 than ever. It's a vicious samskaric circle.
 Get over it. If you're that needy, find someone who 
 does think you're interesting enough to talk to and 
 talk with them. Not gonna happen with me.
 This comment is directed towards Robin, Jim, Ravi, 
 and Judy, and to no one else on this forum. Please
 catch a clue from it and stop acting like such 
 attention vampires, Ok?

[FairfieldLife] One statistic that explains all of America's problems

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
1 out of 12 residents of Washington, D.C. are lawyers.
D.C. Has Nation's Highest Concentration Of Lawyers  WASHINGTON
-- While it's no secret that the nation's capital is full  of lawyers, a
new study gives a better picture as to just how many  District of
Columbia residents are out there with JDs.
According to the Examiner
ixzz1cMrErT7M :
An astounding one in 12 District residents -- by far the  highest rate
nationwide -- is a lawyer, according to American Bar  Association and
census figures. Put another way: The nation's capital  accounts for just
one-fifth of 1 percent of the U.S. population but one  in every 25 of
its lawyers.
Still, while that number is high, there may not be as many employed
lawyers in the city as there once were. As Washington City Paper 
reported in June, D.C. Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi warned 
D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and D.C. Council Chairman Kwame Brown that fewer
employed lawyers meant less money for city coffers
anic-fewer-lawyers-in-d-c/ . In his letter, Gandhi wrote:
Another concern is there are fewer lawyers working in the  District in
April 2011 than last year and fewer than 3 years ago when  the recession
began. Law firms are key tenants in the commercial office  market that
is supporting the commercial property values and  contributing the most
to the increase in deed taxes. Unless this sector  rebounds, it is not
clear who will occupy new office space.
According to the ABA study, while 1 in 12 D.C. residents are lawyers,  1
in 259 Maryland residents are lawyers; in Virginia, 1 in 354  residents
are lawyers. The national average, the Examiner reports, is 1 in 260.

[FairfieldLife] Re: One statistic that explains all of America's problems

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
Seems to me there is meat for a good blues song in this, Curtis.
Or at the very least a great bit to add to your busking chatter.

Still, it's better than having to perform in Fairfield:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 1 out of 12 residents of Washington, D.C. are lawyers.

 D.C. Has Nation's Highest Concentration Of Lawyers
 -- While it's no secret that the nation's capital is full  of lawyers,
 new study gives a better picture as to just how many  District of
 Columbia residents are out there with JDs.
 According to the Examiner

 ixzz1cMrErT7M :
 An astounding one in 12 District residents -- by far the  highest rate
 nationwide -- is a lawyer, according to American Bar  Association and
 census figures. Put another way: The nation's capital  accounts for
 one-fifth of 1 percent of the U.S. population but one  in every 25 of
 its lawyers.
 Still, while that number is high, there may not be as many employed
 lawyers in the city as there once were. As Washington City Paper
 reported in June, D.C. Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi warned
 D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and D.C. Council Chairman Kwame Brown that
 employed lawyers meant less money for city coffers

 anic-fewer-lawyers-in-d-c/ . In his letter, Gandhi wrote:
 Another concern is there are fewer lawyers working in the  District in
 April 2011 than last year and fewer than 3 years ago when  the
 began. Law firms are key tenants in the commercial office  market that
 is supporting the commercial property values and  contributing the
 to the increase in deed taxes. Unless this sector  rebounds, it is not
 clear who will occupy new office space.
 According to the ABA study, while 1 in 12 D.C. residents are lawyers, 
 in 259 Maryland residents are lawyers; in Virginia, 1 in 354 
 are lawyers. The national average, the Examiner reports, is 1 in 260.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

  And don't think I haven't noted your own lack of intervening
  when the guns are pointed my way unfairly.
 Whose guns, Nabby's?

Is he still hurt because I called his music hillbilly ??

[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 shocking description :little beer-drowned consciousness of B by
 nablusoss1008#292730 and  related to #293725
 what  remains to be quoted (in thus context)?- :Frank Vincent Zappa'
 theory about beer
  A drug is neither moral nor immoral -- it's a chemical compound. The
 itself is not a menace to society until a human being treats it as if
 consumption bestowed a temporary license to act like an asshole.
 Zappa, Frank
 Frank Vincent Zappa' theory about beer: Consumption of it leads to
 pseudo-military behaviour. Think about it -- winos
 don't march. Whiskey guys don't march, either (sometimes they write
 which is often more
 horrible, though).
 Beer drinkers are into things that are sort of like marching -- like
 Maybe there's a chemical in beer that stimulates the [male] brain to do
 while moving in the same
 direction as other guys who smell like them [marching] -- We, as a
 group of
 MEN, will drink this
 refreshing liquid, after which we will get together and beat the snot
 out of
 that guy over there.
 Beer seems to produce behavioural results which are psycho-chemically
 from those produced by
 other alcoholic beverages.
 Alcohol (the part that 'gets you drunk') is only one ingredient. There
 are other
 things in beer, and those
 [herbal and/or biological] components could affect the [male] brain,
 this violent tendency.
 Go ahead and laugh. One day you're going to read about some scientist
 discovering that hops, in
 conjunction with certain strains of 'yeast creatures,' has a mysterious
 on some newly discovered
 region of the brain, making people want to kill -- but only in groups.
 whiskey, you might want to
 murder your girlfriend -- but beer makes you want to do it with your
 watching. It's a buddy
 beverage -- for buddy activities.)
 Max Weber, defined statehood as “the monopoly of the legitimate
 use of violence”.
 My favourite by FVZ:
  Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not
 Truth is not love. Love is not music. Music is the best. 
 favourite quote remains
 You can't be a Real Country unless you have a BEER and an airline -- it
 helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
 but at the very least you need a BEER.
 - FZ
 BTW His kind of fixation on the Bword
 F.V.Z. hilariousness in his scientificdescription **of how the
 Party works its Special Magic on the American electorate:
 There's no question in my mind -- the beer, the balloons and the
 bunting all
 start with B for some
 Cosmic Reason.
 Bullshit also starts with a B. If you took Beer, Balloons and Bunting,
 stirred in the Bullshit, you'd
 wind up with a scientific description of how the Republican Party works
 Special Magic on the
 American electorate. Oh -- let's add Bourbon, Blow Jobs and the Bohemian
 **(beside Titties  Beer because of the relative crudeness of the song
 still another kind of beer, Zappa’s concerts were made up, more
 and more, of
 adolescent and college-age men who wanted to hear songs with dirty words
 them. And in many ways, “Titties and Beer” seems to be a
 very sly comment on
 this sort of attitude.IMHO )
 hope the (turquoise)B are still in vino's

Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !



Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly reminds us of a 
certain fellow here.
According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go figure !

[FairfieldLife] Big Brother and the four fingers of the Space Brothers??

2011-11-01 Thread cardemaister

(Just killing time; not to be taken way to seriously!)

BB-Finland includes weekly tasks that really test
the patience and other psychic properties of the

This week's task has a subtask where the
contestants need to count to ten repeatedly (ten
spoonfuls of some white powder into small plastic

To alleviate the bordom, some of them started
counting in various languages (Swedish, English,
Russian, Spanish...)

During this morning's TM session I recalled that,
and somehow it lead to me pondering (vicaara?) on the etymology
of the Finnish 'ten', which is 'kymmenen' ('y' as
'u' in French excuse moi). I seem to recall
that's associated with the word 'kämmen' (cam men), which
means 'hand'. Buh..but, one hand has only five fingers!

So, could it be, that 'kymmenen' is an obsolete dual
number word, meaning something like (the number of fingers in)
two hands?? Of the Uralic languages, to which
Finnish belongs, dual number is preserved(?) at
least in Samic, spoken in the northernmost parts of
Norway, Sweden(?), Finland and Russia.

Oddly enough, in Sanskrit the word meaning 'eight'
(aSTa ~= ashta) is, if not a part of a compound,
a dual number word; for instance, its nominative singular
is 'aSTau' where 'u' indicates the inflection in the
dual number. The nominative dual form 'aSTau' appears
for instance in the yoga-suutra:

yamaniyamaasanapraaNaayaamadhaaraNaadhyaanasamaadhayo 'STaav 
(The end without sandhi: aSTau; an.gaani).

So, somewhat playfully, one might translate 'aSTau' as
'two aSTa_s', like 'hastau' would be 'two hasta_s'.

Now, as many of us might well know, one of the Sanskrit
words for 'hand' is 'hasta'. The resemblance to 'aSTa' 
might be quite striking!

So, two times four is eight (aSTau). Perhaps that's a proof
that the Space Brothers who created (inseminated?) Homo sapiens, had
only two times four fingers! LoL!

hasta   m. hand (also as a measure of length), trunk (of an elephant), paw (of 
a tiger) etc., N. of sev. men  a lunar mansion; a. --- holding in the hand 
(cf. {pANi3}); f. {ha3stA} hand.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Big Brother and the four fingers of the Space Brothers??

2011-11-01 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 (Just killing time; not to be taken way to seriously!)
 BB-Finland includes weekly tasks that really test
 the patience and other psychic properties of the
 This week's task has a subtask where the
 contestants need to count to ten repeatedly (ten
 spoonfuls of some white powder into small plastic
 To alleviate the bordom, some of them started
 counting in various languages (Swedish, English,
 Russian, Spanish...)
 During this morning's TM session I recalled that,
 and somehow it lead to me pondering (vicaara?) on the etymology
 of the Finnish 'ten', which is 'kymmenen' ('y' as
 'u' in French excuse moi). I seem to recall
 that's associated with the word 'kämmen' (cam men), which
 means 'hand'. Buh..but, one hand has only five fingers!
 So, could it be, that 'kymmenen' is an obsolete dual
 number word, meaning something like (the number of fingers in)
 two hands?? Of the Uralic languages, to which
 Finnish belongs, dual number is preserved(?) at
 least in Samic, spoken in the northernmost parts of
 Norway, Sweden(?), Finland and Russia.
 Oddly enough, in Sanskrit the word meaning 'eight'
 (aSTa ~= ashta) is, if not a part of a compound,
 a dual number word; for instance, its nominative singular
 is 'aSTau' where 'u' indicates the inflection in the
 dual number. The nominative dual form 'aSTau' appears
 for instance in the yoga-suutra:
 yamaniyamaasanapraaNaayaamadhaaraNaadhyaanasamaadhayo 'STaav 
 (The end without sandhi: aSTau; an.gaani).

OMG! Forgot 'pratyaahaara'!

 So, somewhat playfully, one might translate 'aSTau' as
 'two aSTa_s', like 'hastau' would be 'two hasta_s'.
 Now, as many of us might well know, one of the Sanskrit
 words for 'hand' is 'hasta'. The resemblance to 'aSTa' 
 might be quite striking!
 So, two times four is eight (aSTau). Perhaps that's a proof
 that the Space Brothers who created (inseminated?) Homo sapiens, had
 only two times four fingers! LoL!
 hasta m. hand (also as a measure of length), trunk (of an elephant), paw (of 
 a tiger) etc., N. of sev. men  a lunar mansion; a. --- holding in the hand 
 (cf. {pANi3}); f. {ha3stA} hand.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siri vs. Japanese

2011-11-01 Thread Vaj
Actually Siri only supports English, German , French at this time. What that 
means John is that it's very unlikely Siri will understand  Japanese people 
mispronouncing English words. If that were the case Apple would have said Siri 
supports English, German, French and Asians trying to speak English...

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 20, 2011, at 1:29 PM, John jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

 That goes to show the machine is stupid and can't recognize differences in 
 accents of human beings.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread Buck
14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 Friends of meditating, I'm afraid that if we don't whip this right now with 
 meditating in the domes and the dome numbers we just might lose the whole 
 thing.  I would personally be grateful to you if you would join us now, join 
 us meditating at the Domes in the parking lot if not inside.  This is not a 
 usual fight.  People often fight for money or land and things but we are 
 meditating for each other here.  Come join us in this rare fight.  Occupy the 
 Domes!  -Buck in FF
  Sync up.
   Take a moment,
7:30am and 5:00pm

 Be there now!
  The immediate urgent priority for world peace is to join the 
  Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers, rising to 2500, 
  in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring security to America 
  and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the world.
Om, the 'Occupy the Domes' enthusiasts may need some volunteers 
to be arrested, just like at 'Occupy Wallstreet'.  Outside the 
Fairfield Domes meditating.  Squatters trespassing willing to 
be arrested protesting the TM-Rajas handling of the dome 
numbers.  Tent meditators outside the Domes.   

   Turqb, could you volunteer for the high-risk arrest spots outside 
   the domes?  You don't seem to have many responsibilities in life. 
You know, not married, no children, no real livestock to chore, 
   nothing to care for.  Could you help us all out with this and 
   come back?  In the end this could be something you'd really feel 
   good about yourself with.  You'd be of great use.  The 'Occupy 
   the Domes' enthusiasts could use you right now outside the Domes.

 CurtisDb, would you please come back to meditation.  You 
 could be very helpful if you'd just come to meditation again. 
  These are serious times.  Come back.  You don't even have to 
 believe you'd do any good but the science shows good you 
 would.   It may be now or never.  Like read the fricking news 
 or read the science on global climate change.  Cast down the 
 blues and come change the course of things with us 
 Even if the TM-Rajas won't let you back in, come meditate in 
 the parking lot as part of  Occupy the Dome in Fairfield.  
 We could use your help with the numbers.
 -Buck in FF
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 
  whynotnow7@ wrote:
   Does my skin count, as a tent?
  Along the same lines, I sometimes pitch a tent in the 
  presence of bodacious domes.  Does that count?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck 
   dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:

Or, bring a tent to meditate in if you can't meditate 
in the domes.

 7:30am and 5pm
  It would be a very large help if people would come 
  and do their meditation in their cars in the 
  parking lots outside by the Domes if they are not 
  eligible any longer for getting in the domes.  
   Om, the Dome numbers must really be on the skids. 
They have not updated the tallies since 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck 
Live a life worth living together in all wealth 
and fulfillment and create a heavenly, affluent 
nation and world.  Come to meditation right now!
-Buck in FF

The impulse of Occupy the Fairfield 
 Domes is to support those laws
 of nature that will create comfort and 
 abundance for everyone in
 society, supporting and nourishing all.
 The deepest level of nourishment is in 
 establishing a base of massive
 spiritual coherence.  
With Massive support for Occupy Wall 
Street in many cities

[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!

Assuming that it takes you a few minutes to get there,
and that you aren't posting from your phone *during* 
your program, if we hear from you anytime in the next 
couple of hours, *you* are not doing the very thing 
you're urging others to do. You are, in fact, somewhere 
else, doing something else, posting to FFL instead of 
doing the thing you're telling others is so important
that they have to sacrifice to do it. 

Your call as to when to post next to FFL, and whether
any of those posts fall within the hours of 7:30-9:30 
AM or 5:30-7:30 PM, Fairfield time. If any of your 
future posts do, I think we get to assume that you're 
on the road, possibly posting from the country of 

Just sayin'...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  Friends of meditating, I'm afraid that if we don't whip this right now with 
  meditating in the domes and the dome numbers we just might lose the whole 
  thing.  I would personally be grateful to you if you would join us now, 
  join us meditating at the Domes in the parking lot if not inside.  This is 
  not a usual fight.  People often fight for money or land and things but we 
  are meditating for each other here.  Come join us in this rare fight.  
  Occupy the Domes!  -Buck in FF
   Sync up.

Take a moment,

 7:30am and 5:00pm
  Be there now!
   The immediate urgent priority for world peace is to join the 
   Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers, rising to 
   2500, in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring security to 
   America and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the 

 Om, the 'Occupy the Domes' enthusiasts may need some 
 volunteers to be arrested, just like at 'Occupy Wallstreet'.  
 Outside the Fairfield Domes meditating.  Squatters 
 trespassing willing to be arrested protesting the TM-Rajas 
 handling of the dome numbers.  Tent meditators outside the 
 Domes.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Domes 

Turqb, could you volunteer for the high-risk arrest spots 
outside the domes?  You don't seem to have many 
responsibilities in life.  You know, not married, no children, 
no real livestock to chore, nothing to care for.  Could you 
help us all out with this and come back?  In the end this could 
be something you'd really feel good about yourself with.  You'd 
be of great use.  The 'Occupy the Domes' enthusiasts could use 
you right now outside the Domes.
  CurtisDb, would you please come back to meditation.  You 
  could be very helpful if you'd just come to meditation 
  again.  These are serious times.  Come back.  You don't 
  even have to believe you'd do any good but the science 
  shows good you would.   It may be now or never.  Like read 
  the fricking news or read the science on global climate 
  change.  Cast down the blues and come change the course of 
  things with us spiritually.
  Even if the TM-Rajas won't let you back in, come meditate 
  in the parking lot as part of  Occupy the Dome in 
  Fairfield.  We could use your help with the numbers.
  -Buck in FF
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 
   whynotnow7@ wrote:
Does my skin count, as a tent?
   Along the same lines, I sometimes pitch a tent in the 
   presence of bodacious domes.  Does that count?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck 
dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:

 Or, bring a tent to meditate in if you can't meditate 
 in the domes.
  7:30am and 5pm
   It would be a very large help if people would 
   come and do their meditation in their cars in the 
   parking lots outside by the Domes if they are not 
   eligible any longer for getting in the domes.  
Om, the Dome numbers must really be on the 
skids.  They have not updated the tallies since 

--- In 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba
The big bang is only theory. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. A law of physics.
 There's a theory called Quantum Cosmology which states that the universe 
 started out as a quantum wave function.  MMY favored this theory when he was 
 alive.  The theory presupposes that there is an observer in the imaginary 
 world for the wave function to exist.
 This wave function then collapsed or manifested into the real world as the 
 Big Bang.  Thus, matter, time and space was created.
  But God can create or destroy matter.
 I agree with this.
  Steven Hawking's statement may have been the most profound thing he has 
  said in his career.
 IMO, it's very dumb, or that he just made it to sell his books.  In that 
 regard, he may be shrewd. 
  He should resign for having an opinion that is different than someone else??
 Yes, for the reasons given above.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   This article is insightful.  Hawking is past his prime.  He should resign 
   from his tenured position in Oxford or whatever university he is 
   associated with.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. A law of physics.
 There's a theory called Quantum Cosmology which states that the universe 
 started out as a quantum wave function.  MMY favored this theory when he was 
 alive.  The theory presupposes that there is an observer in the imaginary 
 world for the wave function to exist.
 This wave function then collapsed or manifested into the real world as the 
 Big Bang.  Thus, matter, time and space was created.
  But God can create or destroy matter.
 I agree with this.

Then again, matter cannot be created nor destroyed. A law of physics.

  Steven Hawking's statement may have been the most profound thing he has 
  said in his career.
 IMO, it's very dumb, or that he just made it to sell his books.  In that 
 regard, he may be shrewd. 
  He should resign for having an opinion that is different than someone else??
 Yes, for the reasons given above.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   This article is insightful.  Hawking is past his prime.  He should resign 
   from his tenured position in Oxford or whatever university he is 
   associated with.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!

 Assuming that it takes you a few minutes to get there,
 and that you aren't posting from your phone *during*
 your program, if we hear from you anytime in the next
 couple of hours, *you* are not doing the very thing
 you're urging others to do. You are, in fact, somewhere
 else, doing something else, posting to FFL instead of
 doing the thing you're telling others is so important
 that they have to sacrifice to do it.

 Your call as to when to post next to FFL, and whether
 any of those posts fall within the hours of 7:30-9:30
 AM or 5:30-7:30 PM, Fairfield time. If any of your
 future posts do, I think we get to assume that you're
 on the road, possibly posting from the country of

 Just sayin'...

On the other hand, if you're actually meditating in your car outside
the domes right now, and thus sticking the landing of your own
schtick, 1) I hope you'll post a report of how that was for you as
a subjective experience, 2) I'll apologize for any slight delivered
to your fictional Buck persona, and 3) I'll send you a copy of this
classic 60's bumper sticker so that you can put it on your car.

But I don't expect this to happen. As I've said many times before, if
you were really serious about addressing the issue of people being
kept out of the domes for spurious and almost certainly illegal
reasons, you'd have gone to the press (or Oprah) and made a
stink about it long before now.

The fact that neither you nor anyone else has done this indicates
to me that you're still completely guru-whipped, and all of this
faux outrage is just that -- faux.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   Friends of meditating, I'm afraid that if we don't whip this right
now with meditating in the domes and the dome numbers we just might lose
the whole thing.  I would personally be grateful to you if you would
join us now, join us meditating at the Domes in the parking lot if not
inside.  This is not a usual fight.  People often fight for money or
land and things but we are meditating for each other here.  Come join us
in this rare fight.  Occupy the Domes!  -Buck in FF
Sync up.

 Take a moment,

  7:30am and 5:00pm
   Be there now!
The immediate urgent priority for world peace is to join
the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers, rising to 2500,
in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring security to America and
defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the world.

  Om, the 'Occupy the Domes' enthusiasts may need some
volunteers to be arrested, just like at 'Occupy Wallstreet'.  Outside
the Fairfield Domes meditating.  Squatters trespassing willing to be
arrested protesting the TM-Rajas handling of the dome numbers.  Tent
meditators outside the Domes.  

 Turqb, could you volunteer for the high-risk arrest
spots outside the domes?  You don't seem to have many responsibilities
in life.  You know, not married, no children, no real livestock to
chore, nothing to care for.  Could you help us all out with this and
come back?  In the end this could be something you'd really feel good
about yourself with.  You'd be of great use.  The 'Occupy the Domes'
enthusiasts could use you right now outside the Domes.

   CurtisDb, would you please come back to
meditation.  You could be very helpful if you'd just come to meditation
again.  These are serious times.  Come back.  You don't even have to
believe you'd do any good but the science shows good you would.   It may
be now or never.  Like read the fricking news or read the science on
global climate change.  Cast down the blues and come change the course
of things with us spiritually.
   Even if the TM-Rajas won't let you back in, come
meditate in the parking lot as part of  Occupy the Dome in Fairfield. 
We could use your help with the numbers.
   -Buck in FF
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:

 Does my skin count, as a tent?
Along the same lines, I sometimes pitch a tent
in the presence of bodacious domes.  Does that count?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck
dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Or, bring a tent to meditate in if you 

[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
  shocking description :little beer-drowned consciousness of B by
  nablusoss1008#292730 and  related to #293725
  what  remains to be quoted (in thus context)?- :Frank Vincent Zappa'
  theory about beer
   A drug is neither moral nor immoral -- it's a chemical compound. The
  itself is not a menace to society until a human being treats it as if
  consumption bestowed a temporary license to act like an asshole.
  Zappa, Frank
  Frank Vincent Zappa' theory about beer: Consumption of it leads to
  pseudo-military behaviour. Think about it -- winos
  don't march. Whiskey guys don't march, either (sometimes they write
  which is often more
  horrible, though).
  Beer drinkers are into things that are sort of like marching -- like
  Maybe there's a chemical in beer that stimulates the [male] brain to do
  while moving in the same
  direction as other guys who smell like them [marching] -- We, as a
  group of
  MEN, will drink this
  refreshing liquid, after which we will get together and beat the snot
  out of
  that guy over there.
  Beer seems to produce behavioural results which are psycho-chemically
  from those produced by
  other alcoholic beverages.
  Alcohol (the part that 'gets you drunk') is only one ingredient. There
  are other
  things in beer, and those
  [herbal and/or biological] components could affect the [male] brain,
  this violent tendency.
  Go ahead and laugh. One day you're going to read about some scientist
  discovering that hops, in
  conjunction with certain strains of 'yeast creatures,' has a mysterious
  on some newly discovered
  region of the brain, making people want to kill -- but only in groups.
  whiskey, you might want to
  murder your girlfriend -- but beer makes you want to do it with your
  watching. It's a buddy
  beverage -- for buddy activities.)
  Max Weber, defined statehood as “the monopoly of the legitimate
  use of violence”.
  My favourite by FVZ:
   Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not
  Truth is not love. Love is not music. Music is the best. 
  favourite quote remains
  You can't be a Real Country unless you have a BEER and an airline -- it
  helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
  but at the very least you need a BEER.
  - FZ
  BTW His kind of fixation on the Bword
  F.V.Z. hilariousness in his scientificdescription **of how the
  Party works its Special Magic on the American electorate:
  There's no question in my mind -- the beer, the balloons and the
  bunting all
  start with B for some
  Cosmic Reason.
  Bullshit also starts with a B. If you took Beer, Balloons and Bunting,
  stirred in the Bullshit, you'd
  wind up with a scientific description of how the Republican Party works
  Special Magic on the
  American electorate. Oh -- let's add Bourbon, Blow Jobs and the Bohemian
  **(beside Titties  Beer because of the relative crudeness of the song
  still another kind of beer, Zappa’s concerts were made up, more
  and more, of
  adolescent and college-age men who wanted to hear songs with dirty words
  them. And in many ways, “Titties and Beer” seems to be a
  very sly comment on
  this sort of attitude.IMHO )
  hope the (turquoise)B are still in vino's
 Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !
 Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly reminds us of a 
 certain fellow here.
 According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go figure !

Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 
Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or groovy in more 
modern times, Nabby.) 

What is wrong with titties?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!
  Assuming that it takes you a few minutes to get there,
  and that you aren't posting from your phone *during*
  your program, if we hear from you anytime in the next
  couple of hours, *you* are not doing the very thing
  you're urging others to do. You are, in fact, somewhere
  else, doing something else, posting to FFL instead of
  doing the thing you're telling others is so important
  that they have to sacrifice to do it.
  Your call as to when to post next to FFL, and whether
  any of those posts fall within the hours of 7:30-9:30
  AM or 5:30-7:30 PM, Fairfield time. If any of your
  future posts do, I think we get to assume that you're
  on the road, possibly posting from the country of
  Just sayin'...
 On the other hand, if you're actually meditating in your car outside
 the domes right now, and thus sticking the landing of your own
 schtick, 1) I hope you'll post a report of how that was for you as
 a subjective experience, 2) I'll apologize for any slight delivered
 to your fictional Buck persona, and 3) I'll send you a copy of this
 classic 60's bumper sticker so that you can put it on your car.
 But I don't expect this to happen. As I've said many times before, if
 you were really serious about addressing the issue of people being
 kept out of the domes for spurious and almost certainly illegal
 reasons, you'd have gone to the press (or Oprah) and made a
 stink about it long before now.
 The fact that neither you nor anyone else has done this indicates
 to me that you're still completely guru-whipped, and all of this
 faux outrage is just that -- faux.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
Friends of meditating, I'm afraid that if we don't whip this right
 now with meditating in the domes and the dome numbers we just might lose
 the whole thing.  I would personally be grateful to you if you would
 join us now, join us meditating at the Domes in the parking lot if not
 inside.  This is not a usual fight.  People often fight for money or
 land and things but we are meditating for each other here.  Come join us
 in this rare fight.  Occupy the Domes!  -Buck in FF

 Sync up.

  Take a moment,
   7:30am and 5:00pm
Be there now!

 The immediate urgent priority for world peace is to join
 the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers, rising to 2500,
 in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring security to America and
 defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the world.

   Om, the 'Occupy the Domes' enthusiasts may need some
 volunteers to be arrested, just like at 'Occupy Wallstreet'.  Outside
 the Fairfield Domes meditating.  Squatters trespassing willing to be
 arrested protesting the TM-Rajas handling of the dome numbers.  Tent
 meditators outside the Domes.  
  Turqb, could you volunteer for the high-risk arrest
 spots outside the domes?  You don't seem to have many responsibilities
 in life.  You know, not married, no children, no real livestock to
 chore, nothing to care for.  Could you help us all out with this and
 come back?  In the end this could be something you'd really feel good
 about yourself with.  You'd be of great use.  The 'Occupy the Domes'
 enthusiasts could use you right now outside the Domes.
CurtisDb, would you please come back to
 meditation.  You could be very helpful if you'd just come to meditation
 again.  These are serious times.  Come back.  You don't even have to
 believe you'd do any good but the science shows good you would.   It may
 be now or never.  Like read the fricking news or read the science on
 global climate change.  Cast down the blues and come change the course
 of things with us spiritually.
Even if the TM-Rajas won't let you back in, come
 meditate in the parking lot as part of  Occupy the Dome in Fairfield. 
 We could use your help with the numbers.
-Buck in FF
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  Does my skin count, as a tent?

 Along the same lines, I sometimes pitch a tent
 in the presence of bodacious domes.  Does that count?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
I finally get it Barry.  Doug is anti-meditation and an atheist.  The Buck 
personna is the stinging satire on anyone who would believe that bouncing on 
their butts could influence the world.  Doug's message is clear.  We need to 
get off our butts, open our eyes, turn away from magical solutions to the 
world's real problems, and face reality.  It all clicked when he told me to 
leave the blues behind. That was his wink, letting me know that we are working 
the same angle but he is doing it from the inside.

So listen to the unambiguous message everyone.  Stop repeating magical names of 
Gods, uncross your legs  (especially the ladies) and join Doug and my mission 
to denounce all forms of superstitious rituals run by self-serving cult groups 
who are trying to drain your wallet after they have drained your cranium of 
independent thought.  Avoid the domes of oppression all ye in Fairfield, throw 
off your rudraksha bead chains and join the movement to overthrow all Rajas who 
keep the people down.  Chase all saints out of Fairfield or wherever they try 
to spread their poison message that assaults our American freedoms with 
promises of candylands in the sky.

Now that I am on board fully I can translate his message so that no one misses 
his true intent.  I had no idea how effective satire can be to enlighten (in 
the real way) the masses.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!
  Assuming that it takes you a few minutes to get there,
  and that you aren't posting from your phone *during*
  your program, if we hear from you anytime in the next
  couple of hours, *you* are not doing the very thing
  you're urging others to do. You are, in fact, somewhere
  else, doing something else, posting to FFL instead of
  doing the thing you're telling others is so important
  that they have to sacrifice to do it.
  Your call as to when to post next to FFL, and whether
  any of those posts fall within the hours of 7:30-9:30
  AM or 5:30-7:30 PM, Fairfield time. If any of your
  future posts do, I think we get to assume that you're
  on the road, possibly posting from the country of
  Just sayin'...
 On the other hand, if you're actually meditating in your car outside
 the domes right now, and thus sticking the landing of your own
 schtick, 1) I hope you'll post a report of how that was for you as
 a subjective experience, 2) I'll apologize for any slight delivered
 to your fictional Buck persona, and 3) I'll send you a copy of this
 classic 60's bumper sticker so that you can put it on your car.
 But I don't expect this to happen. As I've said many times before, if
 you were really serious about addressing the issue of people being
 kept out of the domes for spurious and almost certainly illegal
 reasons, you'd have gone to the press (or Oprah) and made a
 stink about it long before now.
 The fact that neither you nor anyone else has done this indicates
 to me that you're still completely guru-whipped, and all of this
 faux outrage is just that -- faux.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
Friends of meditating, I'm afraid that if we don't whip this right
 now with meditating in the domes and the dome numbers we just might lose
 the whole thing.  I would personally be grateful to you if you would
 join us now, join us meditating at the Domes in the parking lot if not
 inside.  This is not a usual fight.  People often fight for money or
 land and things but we are meditating for each other here.  Come join us
 in this rare fight.  Occupy the Domes!  -Buck in FF

 Sync up.

  Take a moment,
   7:30am and 5:00pm
Be there now!

 The immediate urgent priority for world peace is to join
 the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers, rising to 2500,
 in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring security to America and
 defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the world.

   Om, the 'Occupy the Domes' enthusiasts may need some
 volunteers to be arrested, just like at 'Occupy Wallstreet'.  Outside
 the Fairfield Domes meditating.  Squatters trespassing willing to be
 arrested protesting the TM-Rajas handling of the dome numbers.  Tent
 meditators outside the Domes.  
  Turqb, could you volunteer for the high-risk arrest
 spots outside the domes?  You don't seem to have many responsibilities
 in life.  You know, not married, no children, no real livestock to
 chore, nothing to care for.  Could you help us all out with this and

[FairfieldLife] The bookUnderstanding Women has arrived

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !
  Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly reminds us of a 
  certain fellow here.
  According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go figure !
 Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 

Ofcourse !

 Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or groovy in more 
 modern times, Nabby.) 

 What is wrong with titties?

Always loved them but not pathological like certain fellows :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

Today being, All Saints Day, your rant is well said and taken. 

Pardon my intervening, NOT THE RUDRAKSHAS! NO! I like banging them against a 
tree to relieve the negativity. I got mine for free! From Pandits! Or is that 
Pundits? Pandit or Pundit?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I finally get it Barry.  Doug is anti-meditation and an atheist.  The Buck 
 personna is the stinging satire on anyone who would believe that bouncing on 
 their butts could influence the world.  Doug's message is clear.  We need to 
 get off our butts, open our eyes, turn away from magical solutions to the 
 world's real problems, and face reality.  It all clicked when he told me to 
 leave the blues behind. That was his wink, letting me know that we are 
 working the same angle but he is doing it from the inside.
 So listen to the unambiguous message everyone.  Stop repeating magical names 
 of Gods, uncross your legs  (especially the ladies) and join Doug and my 
 mission to denounce all forms of superstitious rituals run by self-serving 
 cult groups who are trying to drain your wallet after they have drained your 
 cranium of independent thought.  Avoid the domes of oppression all ye in 
 Fairfield, throw off your rudraksha bead chains and join the movement to 
 overthrow all Rajas who keep the people down.  Chase all saints out of 
 Fairfield or wherever they try to spread their poison message that assaults 
 our American freedoms with promises of candylands in the sky.
 Now that I am on board fully I can translate his message so that no one 
 misses his true intent.  I had no idea how effective satire can be to 
 enlighten (in the real way) the masses.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!
   Assuming that it takes you a few minutes to get there,
   and that you aren't posting from your phone *during*
   your program, if we hear from you anytime in the next
   couple of hours, *you* are not doing the very thing
   you're urging others to do. You are, in fact, somewhere
   else, doing something else, posting to FFL instead of
   doing the thing you're telling others is so important
   that they have to sacrifice to do it.
   Your call as to when to post next to FFL, and whether
   any of those posts fall within the hours of 7:30-9:30
   AM or 5:30-7:30 PM, Fairfield time. If any of your
   future posts do, I think we get to assume that you're
   on the road, possibly posting from the country of
   Just sayin'...
  On the other hand, if you're actually meditating in your car outside
  the domes right now, and thus sticking the landing of your own
  schtick, 1) I hope you'll post a report of how that was for you as
  a subjective experience, 2) I'll apologize for any slight delivered
  to your fictional Buck persona, and 3) I'll send you a copy of this
  classic 60's bumper sticker so that you can put it on your car.
  But I don't expect this to happen. As I've said many times before, if
  you were really serious about addressing the issue of people being
  kept out of the domes for spurious and almost certainly illegal
  reasons, you'd have gone to the press (or Oprah) and made a
  stink about it long before now.
  The fact that neither you nor anyone else has done this indicates
  to me that you're still completely guru-whipped, and all of this
  faux outrage is just that -- faux.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 Friends of meditating, I'm afraid that if we don't whip this right
  now with meditating in the domes and the dome numbers we just might lose
  the whole thing.  I would personally be grateful to you if you would
  join us now, join us meditating at the Domes in the parking lot if not
  inside.  This is not a usual fight.  People often fight for money or
  land and things but we are meditating for each other here.  Come join us
  in this rare fight.  Occupy the Domes!  -Buck in FF

  Sync up.
   Take a moment,
7:30am and 5:00pm

 Be there now!

  The immediate urgent priority for world peace is to join
  the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers, rising to 2500,
  in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring security to America and
  defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the world.
Om, the 'Occupy the Domes' enthusiasts may need some
  volunteers to be arrested, just like at 'Occupy Wallstreet'.  Outside
  the Fairfield Domes meditating.  Squatters trespassing willing to be
  arrested protesting 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread maskedzebra
Barry, you ever seen an elephant dunk a basketball? 

You knew that Tony retired yesterday, right?

Advice: Think of Steve Jobs when you design your next post. Make sure it's 
beautiful even on the inside where no one can see it.

Mitt's special underwear lasted longer than poor Fred.

In Joplin they really know how to cry now.

I think it was those Kansas City fans who made Philip fumble, don't you?

You gotta live so you can say Wow too.

And what do you think Sylvia said to Ted at their invisible reunion?

The perfect book for you: Learning to Die in Miami by Carlos Eire.

Ayaan was very beautiful, and she wrote inside the first page.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away.  
  I suppose Barry might say, if you can't stand the heat..  
 Actually, what Barry might say is, If someone has
 told you in no uncertain terms that they don't find 
 either you or the things you say interesting, accept 
 that and walk away.
 It seems to me that most of the noise on this forum 
 is being made by people who can't do that. They react 
 to being dismissed as uninteresting by acting even 
 more needy and panicky -- and thus uninteresting -- 
 than ever. It's a vicious samskaric circle.
 Get over it. If you're that needy, find someone who 
 does think you're interesting enough to talk to and 
 talk with them. Not gonna happen with me.
 This comment is directed towards Robin, Jim, Ravi, 
 and Judy, and to no one else on this forum. Please
 catch a clue from it and stop acting like such 
 attention vampires, Ok?

[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !
   Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly reminds us of 
   a certain fellow here.
   According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go figure !
  Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 
 Ofcourse !

That is awesome. When did he learn?

  Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or groovy in 
  more modern times, Nabby.) 

Okay. : )

  What is wrong with titties?
 Always loved them but not pathological like certain fellows :-)

Past tense use, says a lot, Nabby. : )
From experience, I have found the men who talk about titties, usually are more 
respectful one on one with the ladies, and the ones who are quieter about 
titties, are the ones the ladies have to worry about.

[FairfieldLife] The Book Understanding Women has finally arrived

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008



[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !



Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly reminds us 
of a certain fellow here.
According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go figure 
   Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 
  Ofcourse !
 That is awesome. When did he learn?
   Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or groovy in 
   more modern times, Nabby.) 
 Okay. : )
   What is wrong with titties?
  Always loved them but not pathological like certain fellows :-)
 Past tense use, says a lot, Nabby. : )

Pardon my english, but isn't childhood something in the past, for most people ? 
Regarding the here and now I still love them.

 From experience, I have found the men who talk about titties, usually are 
 more respectful one on one with the ladies, and the ones who are quieter 
 about titties, are the ones the ladies have to worry about.

You seem to meet some strange men... :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Book Understanding Women has finally arrived

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba
I don't get it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Actually your comments on them, including in this
   post, demonstrate that you haven't read nearly
  ME: You actually wrote that with a straight face?  I have
  read more than enough, we just disagree on the perspective.
 I just pointed out some of the things you were missing.
 It isn't only perspective.

Perspective is gained by choosing what to pay attention to and what to ignore, 
how to weight different things.

I avoid them because they are kind of mean on both
   And here's an example: They're always mean on Barry's
   side. But not on mine.
   Moreover, many of his mean posts about me and others
   *are addressed to you*. If I say something negative
   to you about Barry, you usually defend him. If he
   says something negative to you about me, you almost
   always just ignore it.
  ME: Your score card might be right.  I try to pick my
  battles here like everyone else.  It wouldn't surprise me
  if I had bias.
 Thanks for admitting you have double standards.

Oh snap!  How wicked.  I have different standards for each poster here.  For 
example if I post to Ravi, I know I am going to get a rash of abuse that I 
would not tolerate unanswered from you for example.  When I interact with him, 
I now what I am dealing with and accept the limits of the interaction.  Your 
attempt to frame my honest response as if it is the simple bad double standard 
is one of the limits that I accept when I interact with you.  I know that many 
things I say will be twisted into something unflattering.  I accept that and 
move on.  But if say Steve tried that, I would give him a rash of shit back 
because I hold him to a higher standard of not pulling that crap with me.

 Just for one thing, if one were to read my posts that
 comment on Barry's, one would find that a significant
 number of them--I'd guess at least 50 percent--are not
 simply insults; quite a few are not insulting at all.
 Rather, they involve reasoned, noninflammatory analysis
 of points that Barry has made.

ME: And often in demeaning language that is pretty much
guarenteed to continue the ill will.
   And there's another example demonstrating that you
   haven't read enough to say. Heck, you didn't even
   read what *I* just said. Reasoned, noninflammatory
   analysis is the opposite of demeaning.
  ME: So you pick 50% as insulting.
 (Says Curtis, carefully ignoring my point about
 his mistake.)

I am rejecting your attempt to characterize your responses that way.  It is 
self serving claptrap.

 Those are mostly the ones responding to his insults
 to me.
  And as prolific as you are here, and as Barry focused,
  that 50% number is mindnumbingly high.
 Barry routinely lies about the percentage of my posts
 that are about him.

OK so give me the exact number I should subtract from mindnumbingly high to 
get to the right number.

   Barry's posts having to do with me are *always*
  ME: No need to argue with this, it sounds right.  I'll take
  your word that this is how you feel about all of them.
 No, you're saying it wrong. They're *objectively* 

Here is where we part company.  You don't seem to realize your own biases here. 
 I have seen you take grave offense over things which I don't view the way you 
do.  So sorry if I don't take your opinion as an objective gold standard on 
Barry. (You might be a teensy bit biased in that case.)

 There are other lopsided elements as well. I don't
 *make up* stuff about Barry, for instance.
   And this.
  ME:  He gets your goat by talking trash.  Gets a rise every
 So it's perfectly OK for him to lie about me (and others)
 if it gets a rise out of us?

Let's discuss the concept of OK because this is a key to understanding how our 
POVs differ here.  On a public board in a free country, it is OK for anyone to 
express any opinion, even one that is unflattering.  If you want to understand 
the meaning of freedom of speech rights, explore them with someone whose 
opinion you disagree with.  That same right allows you to counter that POV with 
your own.

If you are equating personal preference with OK then I would prefer that all 
of us would be truthful and loving at all times here.

But if you mean OK as in, it is horrible that he expresses something that I 
believe is untrue so that I have no choice but to dog him out over every 
perceived transgression...I say go for it girl, Have fun with that and don't 
try to portray it as some ethical duty revealing your virtue and that anyone 
who does not join your mission as having lower ethical standards.

 Boy, I'd like to see how you'd react if he were lying
 about you day 

[FairfieldLife] Re: GREAT ARTICLE

2011-11-01 Thread raunchydog
The following document is the result of the Salon staff's brainstorming, A New 
Declaration of Independence for Occupy Wall Street:

1. Debt relief
Total household debt in America is $13.3 trillion — 114 percent of after-tax 
income. That millions of working Americans owe every penny they make to hugely 
profitable financial institutions is absurd and grotesque. We demand immediate 
relief for the 99 Percent, particularly the poor and young students and college 

2. A substantial jobs program
A real, direct jobs program, done in the WPA style, would rebuild our cities 
and towns in addition to putting thousands of people back to work.

3. A healthcare public option
If a true single-payer system would be too disruptive, we can put the building 
blocks in place by giving people a public option. Expanding the pool of 
Medicare recipients to include healthy younger people paying into it would 
instantly improve the program's fiscal outlook.

4. Reregulate Wall Street
Bring back Glass-Steagall. Pass the Volcker rule, too. Ban banks from trading 
derivatives. Limit their behavior and tax their earnings.

5. End the Global War on Terror and rein in the defense budget.
Brown University estimates that our wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan have 
cost 236,000 lives and $4 trillion. 

Read more:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@... wrote:

 Occupy Wall Street: No Demand is Big Enough
 By Charles Eisenstein
 Created 10/06/2011 - 08:31
 Looking out upon the withered American Dream, many of us feel a deep sense of 
 betrayal. Unemployment, financial insecurity, and lifelong enslavement to 
 debt are just the tip of the iceberg. We don't want to merely fix the growth 
 machine and bring profit and product to every corner of the earth. We want to 
 fundamentally change the course of civilization. For the American Dream 
 betrayed even those who achieved it, lonely in their overtime careers and 
 their McMansions, narcotized to the ongoing ruination of nature and culture 
 but aching because of it, endlessly consuming and accumulating to quell the 
 insistent voice, I wasn't put here on earth to sell product. I wasn't put 
 here on earth to increase market share. I wasn't put here on earth to make 
 numbers grow.
 We protest not only at our exclusion from the American Dream; we protest at 
 its bleakness. If it cannot include everyone on earth, every ecosystem and 
 bioregion, every people and culture in its richness; if the wealth of one 
 must be the debt of another; if it entails sweatshops and underclasses and 
 fracking and all the rest of the ugliness our system has created, then we 
 want none of it.
 No one deserves to live in a world built upon the degradation of human 
 beings, forests, waters, and the rest of our living planet. Speaking to our 
 brethren on Wall Street, no one deserves to spend their lives playing with 
 numbers while the world burns. Ultimately, we are protesting not only on 
 behalf of the 99% left behind, but on behalf of the 1% as well. We have no 
 enemies. We want everyone to wake up to the beauty of what we can create.
 Occupy Wall Street has been criticized for its lack of clear demands, but how 
 do we issue demands, when what we really want is nothing less than the more 
 beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible? No demand is big enough. We 
 could make lists of demands for new public policies: tax the wealthy, raise 
 the minimum wage, protect the environment, end the wars, regulate the banks. 
 While we know these are positive steps, they aren't quite what motivated 
 people to occupy Wall Street. What needs attention is something deeper: the 
 power structures, ideologies, and institutions that prevented these steps 
 from being taken years ago; indeed, that made these steps even necessary. Our 
 leaders are beholden to impersonal forces, such as that of money, that compel 
 them to do what no sane human being would choose. Disconnected from the 
 actual effects of their policies, they live in a world of insincerity and 
 pretense. It is time to bring a countervailing force to bear, and not just a 
 force but a call. Our message is, Stop pretending. You know what to do. 
 Start doing it. Occupy Wall Street is about exposing the truth. We can trust 
 its power. When a policeman pepper sprays helpless women, we don't beat him 
 up and scare him into not doing it again; we show the world. Much worse than 
 pepper spray is being perpetrated on our planet in service of money. Let us 
 allow nothing happening on earth to be hidden.
 If politicians are disconnected from the real world of human suffering and 
 ecosystem collapse, all the more disconnected are the financial wizards of 
 Wall Street. Behind their computer screens, they occupy a world of pure 
 symbol, manipulating numbers and computer bits. Occupy Wall Street punctures 
 their bubble of 

[FairfieldLife] HUP in the Rgveda, part 1

2011-11-01 Thread cardemaister

(Hopefully, everybody even in Minnesota knows by now, 
what the heck the naasadiiya-suukta is...)

The last verse of the naasadiiya goes like this:

i\`yaM visR^i\'ShTi\`ryata\' Aba\`bhUva\` yadi\' vA da\`dhe yadi\' vA\` na |
yo a\`syAdhya\'kShaH para\`me vyo\'ma\`nso a\`~Nga ve\'da\` yadi\' vA\` na 
veda\' || 10\.129\.07

The same, accents (udaatta, anudaatta, svarita) not indicated:

iyaM visRSTiryata AbabhUva yadi vA dadhe yadi vA na |
yo asyAdhyakShaH parame vyomanso a~Nga veda yadi vA na veda || 10.129.07

Attempt at pada-paaTha (word reading):

iyam; visRSTiH; yataH; AbabhUva yadi vA dadhe yadi vA na |
yaH; asya+adhi'akShaH parame vi'oman [OMG!] saH; a~Nga veda yadi vA na veda || 

Ralph T.H. Griffith's translation (1896):

7 He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not 
form it,
Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps 
he knows not.

Macdonell's translation (1917):

Whence this creation has arisen; 
whether he founded it or did not:
he who in the highest heaven is its surveyor, 
he only knows, or else he knows not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  ME: There are examples.  Jim and I
 This isn't an example that relates to what I just wrote.
Barry can't stand any kind of criticism, he just goes
bat-shit crazy when you do that. Barry is also very 
prejudiced about people in general. As a spiritual
teacher Barry sucks, big time. Where I come from, when
others are silent, that usually indicates agreement.
But remember, the guilty always scream the loudest. LoL!

As some have noticed, I have a low tolerance threshold 
when it comes to idiots who show up on Internet forums I 
frequent and bring a hidden agenda with them.  I suspect 
everybody does, but it is more obvious in my case because 
I am often merciless about insulting these idiots and 
ripping them a new asshole verbally.  Here's why.

It saves time.

So my theory is that I just lay into them hard -- insult 
them, make fun of them, do everything I possibly can to 
push their buttons. And what happens?  Because they have 
an agenda, they always react angrily, and in that anger 
stop trying to *hide* their agenda. They start saying 
things and revealing things that otherwise might have 
taken weeks for everybody to figure out.

It's a neat technique.  I highly recommend it.  It saves 

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Agendananda 
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: February 16, 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   And don't think I haven't noted your own lack of intervening
   when the guns are pointed my way unfairly.
  Whose guns, Nabby's?
 Is he still hurt because I called his music hillbilly ??

You cut out the most insulting part where she said: Get real.

Apparently you have no guns according to Judy, Nabbie.

But back to my least favorite insult here.  You Euros and Brits so often get 
this wrong and it is maddening to a blues preservationist.  This is why we got 
that abomination of the Rolling Stones cover of Robert Johnson's Love in Vain 
in a white country style!

Hillbilly music was influenced by Irish and Scottish immigrants and their folk 
music.  African Americans invented the blues style.  

Hank Williams might be seen as an intersection of country and black blues and 
of course the early Elvis.  Then you have some early bluesmen like Tommy 
Johnson throwing in some yodeling into their blues mixing the styles a bit.  
But the music I perform comes from the black side of the tracks.  There is zero 
hillbilly influence.  

So tell me my music sucks or that I am an inept musician all you want.  Claim 
that my blues is terrible in every way that blues can be rated.  But calling it 
hillbilly music is like calling it disco.  It blurs the lines that my life is 
dedicated to maintaining.  The essence of the pure Delta non hillbilly blues

Gets me every time Nabby but thanks for another opportunity to rant about my 
favorite topic so I really can't get mad at you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: GREAT ARTICLE

2011-11-01 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams willytex@... 

  The god they serve, the financial system, 
  is a dying god...
 If inequality had really exploded during the 
 past 30 to 40 years, why did American politics 
 simultaneously move rightward toward a greater 
 embrace of free-market capitalism? 

Because propaganda works.

 Shouldn't just the opposite have happened as 
 beleaguered workers united and demanded a vastly 
 expanded social safety net and sharply higher 
 taxes on the rich? What happened to presidents 
 Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry? 

Propaganda works.

 Even Barack Obama ran for president as a market 
 friendly, third-way technocrat. 
 Nope, the story doesn't hold together because the 
 financial facts don't support it...

Nope, because the AEI lies about the financial facts and people like willytex 
believe their lies...because propaganda works.

 '5 reasons why income inequality is a myth — and 
 Occupy Wall Street is wrong'

Columbia Journalism Review has a takedown of a study from American 
Enterprise Institute purporting to show that inequality hasn't increased, after 
all. What's striking is the way AEI doesn't even resort to the usual practice 
of concocting misleading numbers; it just flat-out lies about what various 
other peoples' research, like Robert Gordon's work, actually says.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  Curtis to Judy: He gets your goat by talking trash...
 But the Barry thing will always strike a false note to 
 me. Well, maybe not a false note, but a song that seems 
 consciously off-key...

Whatever you do, do not ever question Barry's status as
the world's greatest spiritual teacher, because Barry has
'walked the walk', 'been there and done that'. Barry has 
read over 200 books on the Cathars!

Excerpts from my first dialogs with Barry:

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Re: Question for Delia -- Catharism
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2003-09-11 01:26:49 PST

Willy, Willy, Willy, you're such an idiot sometimes it 
actually inspires awe.  :-)

I'm not interested in cheap, cheezy shit you can find 
on the Net about the Cathars...

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Open Letter To Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2003-08-06 08:53:26 PST

Willy, since fucking prairie dogs or whatever you do 
with your time doesn't seem to fill enough of it lately, 
and you've been going out of your way to associate me 
with Rama and thus with a big, bad cult figure, I figure 
I should explain a couple of things...

[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !
 Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly reminds us 
 of a certain fellow here.
 According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go 
 figure !

Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 
   Ofcourse !
  That is awesome. When did he learn?
Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or groovy in 
more modern times, Nabby.) 
  Okay. : )

What is wrong with titties?
   Always loved them but not pathological like certain fellows :-)
  Past tense use, says a lot, Nabby. : )
 Pardon my english, but isn't childhood something in the past, for most people 
 ? Regarding the here and now I still love them.
Babies want them for need. What did you do in your childhood with titties?  Now 
that is strange. : )

  From experience, I have found the men who talk about titties, usually are 
  more respectful one on one with the ladies, and the ones who are quieter 
  about titties, are the ones the ladies have to worry about.
 You seem to meet some strange men... :-)

Abundance and strange go hand in hand.
For instance and hypothetically, Nabby, I would worry more about being stuck on 
a non moving train in a snow storm in the middle of the plains, with you, than 
the Turq. lol.  
Nabby would want to cuddle up to keep warm, yet his brain would say, Woman 
stay over there and I stay over here, because, ohhh, can't disrespect the 
titties, I mean woman. But I need to stay warm, what the hell, let's do it 
while we are at it too.
Turq would say, It is fuckin cold, we need to stay warm. Let us cuddle till we 
can figure out how to get help. Turq may offer his wandering hands, at least 
with the excuse  that massage will stimulate warmth. Then if it got even 
colder, and hypothermia starts to present itself, he would then lose his cool 
by warming by whatever means were necessary and be able to get his way at that 
Judy would keep warm, with male or female with practicality.
So would Denise. So would I.
Ravi would do a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQvBbzslJE
and then praise good karma to be stuck on a train in the snow with a woman. 
Raunchy would roll her eyes and do what is practical too.
Bob Price would say, Where is my wife? What would she do?
Curtisblues would say, Hell yeah!
Buck says, We should have been freezing in the domes, instead of on this 
stupid train.
Merudanda would explain the concept of what all the possibilities and allow the 
choices to be shared with the woman.
Yifu would post pictures from his Iphone and stare across the room waiting to 
get the nerve to cuddle to keep warm.
 If I forgot anyone, not intentional, go ahead and add to this list.
 : )

[FairfieldLife] Re: One statistic that explains all of America's problems

2011-11-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
Funny cartoon.  Of course it also pushes my buttons in reinforcing the 
stereotype that blues is bummer music for the down and out rather than the 
purest expression of the full range of human emotions!  Kings can't play blues, 
white boys can't play blues

Ignoring that the blues performers themselves had escaped the sharecropper 
oppression system and were partying their asses off.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Seems to me there is meat for a good blues song in this, Curtis.
 Or at the very least a great bit to add to your busking chatter.
 Still, it's better than having to perform in Fairfield:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  1 out of 12 residents of Washington, D.C. are lawyers.
  D.C. Has Nation's Highest Concentration Of Lawyers
  -- While it's no secret that the nation's capital is full  of lawyers,
  new study gives a better picture as to just how many  District of
  Columbia residents are out there with JDs.
  According to the Examiner
  ixzz1cMrErT7M :
  An astounding one in 12 District residents -- by far the  highest rate
  nationwide -- is a lawyer, according to American Bar  Association and
  census figures. Put another way: The nation's capital  accounts for
  one-fifth of 1 percent of the U.S. population but one  in every 25 of
  its lawyers.
  Still, while that number is high, there may not be as many employed
  lawyers in the city as there once were. As Washington City Paper
  reported in June, D.C. Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi warned
  D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and D.C. Council Chairman Kwame Brown that
  employed lawyers meant less money for city coffers
  anic-fewer-lawyers-in-d-c/ . In his letter, Gandhi wrote:
  Another concern is there are fewer lawyers working in the  District in
  April 2011 than last year and fewer than 3 years ago when  the
  began. Law firms are key tenants in the commercial office  market that
  is supporting the commercial property values and  contributing the
  to the increase in deed taxes. Unless this sector  rebounds, it is not
  clear who will occupy new office space.
  According to the ABA study, while 1 in 12 D.C. residents are lawyers, 
  in 259 Maryland residents are lawyers; in Virginia, 1 in 354 
  are lawyers. The national average, the Examiner reports, is 1 in 260.

[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !
  Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly reminds 
  us of a certain fellow here.
  According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go 
  figure !
 Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 

Ofcourse !
   That is awesome. When did he learn?

 Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or groovy 
 in more modern times, Nabby.) 

   Okay. : )
 What is wrong with titties?

Always loved them but not pathological like certain fellows :-)
   Past tense use, says a lot, Nabby. : )
  Pardon my english, but isn't childhood something in the past, for most 
  people ? Regarding the here and now I still love them.
 Babies want them for need. What did you do in your childhood with titties?  
 Now that is strange. : )
   From experience, I have found the men who talk about titties, usually are 
   more respectful one on one with the ladies, and the ones who are quieter 
   about titties, are the ones the ladies have to worry about.
  You seem to meet some strange men... :-)
 Abundance and strange go hand in hand.
 For instance and hypothetically, Nabby, I would worry more about being stuck 
 on a non moving train in a snow storm in the middle of the plains, with you, 
 than the Turq. lol.  
 Nabby would want to cuddle up to keep warm, yet his brain would say, Woman 
 stay over there and I stay over here, because, ohhh, can't disrespect the 
 titties, I mean woman. But I need to stay warm, what the hell, let's do it 
 while we are at it too.
 Turq would say, It is fuckin cold, we need to stay warm. Let us cuddle till 
 we can figure out how to get help. Turq may offer his wandering hands, at 
 least with the excuse  that massage will stimulate warmth. Then if it got 
 even colder, and hypothermia starts to present itself, he would then lose his 
 cool by warming by whatever means were necessary and be able to get his way 
 at that moment. 
 Judy would keep warm, with male or female with practicality.
 So would Denise. So would I.
 Ravi would do a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQvBbzslJE
 and then praise good karma to be stuck on a train in the snow with a woman. 
 Raunchy would roll her eyes and do what is practical too.
 Bob Price would say, Where is my wife? What would she do?
 Curtisblues would say, Hell yeah!
 Buck says, We should have been freezing in the domes, instead of on this 
 stupid train.
 Merudanda would explain the concept of what all the possibilities and allow 
 the choices to be shared with the woman.
 Yifu would post pictures from his Iphone and stare across the room waiting to 
 get the nerve to cuddle to keep warm.
  If I forgot anyone, not intentional, go ahead and add to this list.
  : )

Tip; Yellow pages; psyciatrist

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Vaj

On Nov 1, 2011, at 10:36 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@...  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   And don't think I haven't noted your own lack of intervening
   when the guns are pointed my way unfairly.
  Whose guns, Nabby's?

 Is he still hurt because I called his music hillbilly ??

You cut out the most insulting part where she said: Get real.

Apparently you have no guns according to Judy, Nabbie.

But back to my least favorite insult here. You Euros and Brits so  
often get this wrong and it is maddening to a blues  
preservationist. This is why we got that abomination of the Rolling  
Stones cover of Robert Johnson's Love in Vain in a white country  

Hillbilly music was influenced by Irish and Scottish immigrants and  
their folk music. African Americans invented the blues style.

Hank Williams might be seen as an intersection of country and black  
blues and of course the early Elvis. Then you have some early  
bluesmen like Tommy Johnson throwing in some yodeling into their  
blues mixing the styles a bit. But the music I perform comes from  
the black side of the tracks. There is zero hillbilly influence.

So tell me my music sucks or that I am an inept musician all you  
want. Claim that my blues is terrible in every way that blues can  
be rated. But calling it hillbilly music is like calling it disco.  
It blurs the lines that my life is dedicated to maintaining. The  
essence of the pure Delta non hillbilly blues

Gets me every time Nabby but thanks for another opportunity to rant  
about my favorite topic so I really can't get mad at you.

Howsabowt Deltabilly?

Two hillbillies walk into a bar. While having a shot of whisky, they  
talk about their moonshine operation.

Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins  
to cough. And, after a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is  
in real distress.

One of the hillbillies looks at her and says, Kin ya swallar?

The woman shakes her head no.

Then he asks, Kin ya breathe?

The woman begins to turn blue and shakes her head no.

The hillbilly walks over to the woman, lifts up her dress, yanks down  
her drawers and quickly gives her right butt cheek a lick with his  

The woman is so shocked that she has a violent spasm and the  
obstruction flies out of her mouth.


As she begins to breathe again, the Hillbilly walks slowly back to  
the bar.

His friend says, Ya know, I'd heerd of that there 'Hind Lick  
Maneuver' but I ain't niver seed nobody do it!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:


Hawking also thinks that the potential existence of other lifeforms in the 
universe undermines the traditional religious conviction that we are living on 
a unique, God-created planet. But there is no proof that other lifeforms are 
out there, and Hawking certainly does not present any.

ME:  Correct, it is a probability but there is not direct proof.  His 
establishing this as a critical criteria will be useful below.

It always amuses me that atheists often argue for the existence of 
extra-terrestrial intelligence beyond earth. Yet they are only too eager to 
denounce the possibility that we already have a vast, intelligent being out 
there: God.

ME: Deceptive presentation.  First of all I have only heard people say that it 
is likely or probably that this is not the only planet in the universe that 
could support life.  And that is a fact.  There is no reason that there are not 
many planets with conditions to support life in the universe.  But then he 
makes his error worse by comparing this to the God idea.  The big difference is 
that we already have proof that life exists.  And we know what conditions are 
needed for carbon based life.  So it is a small leap to assume that on one of 
the likely planets with similar conditions, other life forms have developed.  
We even understand the mechanism of how life developed here.  We just don't 
definitively now how it started.  

No one is saying that God is not possible. This is a typical staw man 
switchero.  Atheist say we lack evidence to support the belief now, which was 
coincidentally a criteria he was more than happy to apply to the lack of direct 
evidence for other life forms in the universe.

We have a mystery, how did life begin?  Religious people rename this mystery 
God, and add nothing to our understanding.  They offer us conflicting texts 
of God's communication with man, and actually kill each other over who has the 
right God instructions.  Renaming the mystery of life God is like renaming 
short people vertically challenged.  Maybe it makes a few people feel better, 
but they still aren't getting on the basketball team or pulling the hottest 
chicks. (Unless they balance their lack of height with wallet thickness or 
fame.  Yeah, I'm talking to you Tom short stack Cruise.)

Read more: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread whynotnow7
whynotnow was taking a taxi to the train, but inexplicably, the cab ran out of 
gas, and by the time the station was reached, he had missed the train.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !
  Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly reminds 
  us of a certain fellow here.
  According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go 
  figure !
 Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 

Ofcourse !
   That is awesome. When did he learn?

 Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or groovy 
 in more modern times, Nabby.) 

   Okay. : )
 What is wrong with titties?

Always loved them but not pathological like certain fellows :-)
   Past tense use, says a lot, Nabby. : )
  Pardon my english, but isn't childhood something in the past, for most 
  people ? Regarding the here and now I still love them.
 Babies want them for need. What did you do in your childhood with titties?  
 Now that is strange. : )
   From experience, I have found the men who talk about titties, usually are 
   more respectful one on one with the ladies, and the ones who are quieter 
   about titties, are the ones the ladies have to worry about.
  You seem to meet some strange men... :-)
 Abundance and strange go hand in hand.
 For instance and hypothetically, Nabby, I would worry more about being stuck 
 on a non moving train in a snow storm in the middle of the plains, with you, 
 than the Turq. lol.  
 Nabby would want to cuddle up to keep warm, yet his brain would say, Woman 
 stay over there and I stay over here, because, ohhh, can't disrespect the 
 titties, I mean woman. But I need to stay warm, what the hell, let's do it 
 while we are at it too.
 Turq would say, It is fuckin cold, we need to stay warm. Let us cuddle till 
 we can figure out how to get help. Turq may offer his wandering hands, at 
 least with the excuse  that massage will stimulate warmth. Then if it got 
 even colder, and hypothermia starts to present itself, he would then lose his 
 cool by warming by whatever means were necessary and be able to get his way 
 at that moment. 
 Judy would keep warm, with male or female with practicality.
 So would Denise. So would I.
 Ravi would do a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQvBbzslJE
 and then praise good karma to be stuck on a train in the snow with a woman. 
 Raunchy would roll her eyes and do what is practical too.
 Bob Price would say, Where is my wife? What would she do?
 Curtisblues would say, Hell yeah!
 Buck says, We should have been freezing in the domes, instead of on this 
 stupid train.
 Merudanda would explain the concept of what all the possibilities and allow 
 the choices to be shared with the woman.
 Yifu would post pictures from his Iphone and stare across the room waiting to 
 get the nerve to cuddle to keep warm.
  If I forgot anyone, not intentional, go ahead and add to this list.
  : )

[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 whynotnow was taking a taxi to the train, but inexplicably, the cab ran out 
 of gas, and by the time the station was reached, he had missed the train.:-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !
   Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly 
   reminds us of a certain fellow here.
   According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go 
   figure !
  Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 
 Ofcourse !

That is awesome. When did he learn?

  Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or 
  groovy in more modern times, Nabby.) 

Okay. : )

  What is wrong with titties?
 Always loved them but not pathological like certain fellows :-)

Past tense use, says a lot, Nabby. : )
   Pardon my english, but isn't childhood something in the past, for most 
   people ? Regarding the here and now I still love them.
  Babies want them for need. What did you do in your childhood with titties?  
  Now that is strange. : )
From experience, I have found the men who talk about titties, usually 
are more respectful one on one with the ladies, and the ones who are 
quieter about titties, are the ones the ladies have to worry about.
   You seem to meet some strange men... :-)
  Abundance and strange go hand in hand.
  For instance and hypothetically, Nabby, I would worry more about being 
  stuck on a non moving train in a snow storm in the middle of the plains, 
  with you, than the Turq. lol.  
  Nabby would want to cuddle up to keep warm, yet his brain would say, Woman 
  stay over there and I stay over here, because, ohhh, can't disrespect the 
  titties, I mean woman. But I need to stay warm, what the hell, let's do it 
  while we are at it too.
  Turq would say, It is fuckin cold, we need to stay warm. Let us cuddle 
  till we can figure out how to get help. Turq may offer his wandering 
  hands, at least with the excuse  that massage will stimulate warmth. Then 
  if it got even colder, and hypothermia starts to present itself, he would 
  then lose his cool by warming by whatever means were necessary and be able 
  to get his way at that moment. 
  Judy would keep warm, with male or female with practicality.
  So would Denise. So would I.
  Ravi would do a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQvBbzslJE
  and then praise good karma to be stuck on a train in the snow with a woman. 
  Raunchy would roll her eyes and do what is practical too.
  Bob Price would say, Where is my wife? What would she do?
  Curtisblues would say, Hell yeah!
  Buck says, We should have been freezing in the domes, instead of on this 
  stupid train.
  Merudanda would explain the concept of what all the possibilities and allow 
  the choices to be shared with the woman.
  Yifu would post pictures from his Iphone and stare across the room waiting 
  to get the nerve to cuddle to keep warm.
   If I forgot anyone, not intentional, go ahead and add to this list.
   : )

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi: Speak Well of Others

2011-11-01 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 2:00 AM, maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:
  Maharishi: Speak Well of Others

I'm responding to Rick's OP, which I did not receive.

Yup, I remember in Slaughter House Westheimer, the Houston TM center, above
the meat market there was a really gigantic poster of Maharishi saying
something like Ours is not to criticize but only to adore.   I found it
telling because Jane Hopson had the inner spirit of Sadam Hussein.  Evil,
hateful, spiteful, dictatorial, all covered over with a false smile.   She
ran off any governor who didn't fit in with her Hitlerian approach to
people.  I found it so very wry.  Just like showing up in Fort Worth for a
4th of July residence course with the air conditioners blown out from a
power surge, it being the hottest on record with rolling load sharing.   We
were once again reminded that TM makes us flexible.  No one was told about
the lack of AC in the 110 F degree weather 'til we checked in though it had
been known by the coordinators for days.   Maharishi had all of these sweet
sayings.   Did he follow them when not on tape?   Did he follow them when
on tape?   No.  Did the initiators use them to gloss over their screw ups?
You betcha!   More Maharishi sez but doesn't do.

[FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Frank Zappa was a great man and musician !
   Beer and titties and treating women in a low way certainly 
   reminds us of a certain fellow here.
   According to the him beer is the rule. As the americans says: Go 
   figure !
  Did Frank Zappa learn TM? 
 Ofcourse !

That is awesome. When did he learn?

  Yes, Frank Zappa is the shit and is sic!  (that means cool or 
  groovy in more modern times, Nabby.) 

Okay. : )

  What is wrong with titties?
 Always loved them but not pathological like certain fellows :-)

Past tense use, says a lot, Nabby. : )
   Pardon my english, but isn't childhood something in the past, for most 
   people ? Regarding the here and now I still love them.
  Babies want them for need. What did you do in your childhood with titties?  
  Now that is strange. : )
From experience, I have found the men who talk about titties, usually 
are more respectful one on one with the ladies, and the ones who are 
quieter about titties, are the ones the ladies have to worry about.
   You seem to meet some strange men... :-)
  Abundance and strange go hand in hand.
  For instance and hypothetically, Nabby, I would worry more about being 
  stuck on a non moving train in a snow storm in the middle of the plains, 
  with you, than the Turq. lol.  
  Nabby would want to cuddle up to keep warm, yet his brain would say, Woman 
  stay over there and I stay over here, because, ohhh, can't disrespect the 
  titties, I mean woman. But I need to stay warm, what the hell, let's do it 
  while we are at it too.
  Turq would say, It is fuckin cold, we need to stay warm. Let us cuddle 
  till we can figure out how to get help. Turq may offer his wandering 
  hands, at least with the excuse  that massage will stimulate warmth. Then 
  if it got even colder, and hypothermia starts to present itself, he would 
  then lose his cool by warming by whatever means were necessary and be able 
  to get his way at that moment. 
  Judy would keep warm, with male or female with practicality.
  So would Denise. So would I.
  Ravi would do a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQvBbzslJE
  and then praise good karma to be stuck on a train in the snow with a woman. 
  Raunchy would roll her eyes and do what is practical too.
  Bob Price would say, Where is my wife? What would she do?
  Curtisblues would say, Hell yeah!
  Buck says, We should have been freezing in the domes, instead of on this 
  stupid train.
  Merudanda would explain the concept of what all the possibilities and allow 
  the choices to be shared with the woman.
  Yifu would post pictures from his Iphone and stare across the room waiting 
  to get the nerve to cuddle to keep warm.
   If I forgot anyone, not intentional, go ahead and add to this list.
   : )
 Tip; Yellow pages; psyciatrist

Get back out in the cornfields with the 2-4 PVC SCH40 extensions, or a 
balancing rod retired from a high wire walker, you crop circular you. :) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away.  
  I suppose Barry might say, if you can't stand the heat..  
 Actually, what Barry might say is, If someone has
 told you in no uncertain terms that they don't find 
 either you or the things you say interesting, accept 
 that and walk away.

And if Barry were to say this, people might wonder:
If he doesn't find them and the things they say
interesting and counsels them to accept that and 
walk away, why is it that he can't seem to ignore
them or to stop himself from insulting them day
after day after day? He even boasts about 'pushing
their buttons' and declares that he does it to get
them to respond. Sounds very much as though he's
incapable of walking his own talk.

[FairfieldLife] disagreements, feuding, and all-out war at FFL

2011-11-01 Thread maskedzebra

Re: [FairfieldLife] One statistic that explains all of America's problems

2011-11-01 Thread Bhairitu
On 11/01/2011 01:41 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 1 out of 12 residents of Washington, D.C. are lawyers.
 D.C. Has Nation's Highest Concentration Of Lawyers  WASHINGTON
 -- While it's no secret that the nation's capital is full  of lawyers, a
 new study gives a better picture as to just how many  District of
 Columbia residents are out there with JDs.
 According to the Examiner
 ixzz1cMrErT7M  :
 An astounding one in 12 District residents -- by far the  highest rate
 nationwide -- is a lawyer, according to American Bar  Association and
 census figures. Put another way: The nation's capital  accounts for just
 one-fifth of 1 percent of the U.S. population but one  in every 25 of
 its lawyers.
 Still, while that number is high, there may not be as many employed
 lawyers in the city as there once were. As Washington City Paper
 reported in June, D.C. Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi warned
 D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and D.C. Council Chairman Kwame Brown that fewer
 employed lawyers meant less money for city coffers
 anic-fewer-lawyers-in-d-c/  . In his letter, Gandhi wrote:
 Another concern is there are fewer lawyers working in the  District in
 April 2011 than last year and fewer than 3 years ago when  the recession
 began. Law firms are key tenants in the commercial office  market that
 is supporting the commercial property values and  contributing the most
 to the increase in deed taxes. Unless this sector  rebounds, it is not
 clear who will occupy new office space.
 According to the ABA study, while 1 in 12 D.C. residents are lawyers,  1
 in 259 Maryland residents are lawyers; in Virginia, 1 in 354  residents
 are lawyers. The national average, the Examiner reports, is 1 in 260.

Lawyers have tied the country up in knots.  Ever tried to understand 
those terms and conditions you often have to accept in order to use 
some software or an online service.  And though many of those used to be 
innocuous and were basically don't blame us if something goes wrong 
using our software now they may stick you with things you don't really 
want.  Much of this authoritarian crap that we've seen since 9-11 has 
been lawyers saying better do this or you'll get sued.

It was once said by someone (and it is unsure if that person ever 
actually said it) that the country would legislate itself to death as 
democracies in history have done before.  And that is what we are seeing 
these days.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Movie review: In Time

2011-11-01 Thread Bhairitu
The film is a retelling of Robin Hood replete with Robin, Maid Marion, 
The King and the Sheriff of Nottingham with time being the riches.  I 
liked Niccol's other films but particularly Lord of War.  Interesting 
to see it set in a future Los Angeles but it alway seems there is only 
one bridge in LA as car chases keep going over that same damn bridge.  
Something to be said to taking some productions out of tinsel town.

I think the time being wealth device works really well because it is 
life threatening and engages the audience more than if it were just 
money.  This film will be a cult favorite as a film of the times which 
on my list includes The Company Men and Margin Call.

Being that Fox is the distributor hard to say when you'll see it on 
DVD/BD or even streaming.  It was my Halloween Escape movie.

On 10/30/2011 12:59 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 Still tripping on this movie somewhat, it strikes me that what is
 interesting about it is the very thing that I find interesting in other
 good science fiction. That is, the minutiae of everyday life that would
 be taken for granted if you suspend disbelief and assume that the
 assumptions in the film are true.

 What would be the *environment* created by a world in which you
 can live forever, if you can afford to?

 Niccol's film does IMO more justice to these minutiae than it does
 to important things like plot and good storytelling. For example, he
 just *nails* the insight that the first thing that would happen to the
 rich who realize that they can live forever would be paranoia about
 being killed or accidentally dying. The rich in this film really feel
 that they cannot go anywhere or do anything unless 1) it is in their
 own exclusive, protected neighborhood (time zone in the film),
 and 2) that they can't even do that unless accompanied by one or
 more bodyguards. That is SO what they'd do.

 Another detail is that they'd be bored shitless by their lives. Living
 a protective bubble is as dissatisfying in this fictional world as
 in Fairfield or any other pseudo-utopia is in the real one.

 I really liked the detail in the film of real do-gooders opening time
 shelters where those whose clocks are about to run out can come
 and get a handout of another day of life. That was real. People in
 such a world would do that. And they'd be the only ones worth
 knowing and hanging with.

 I also loved the detail of how the richest man in the world, the New
 Greenwich zillionaire whose net worth consists of literally millions
 of years of time, refuses to pay a ransom for his daughter, to save
 her life. I've known people in Greenwich CT who would do the
 same thing. Their responsibility to their shareholders overrides
 their responsibility to their family.

 And I liked the idea of a kind of time poker. Two people sit down
 at a table, link wrists so as to exchange time credits with each other,
 and play the game all in. That is, the first person to run out of
 credits dies...right there, on the spot. And I like the hero of the
 movie's insight into how to always win. That's really it, and the
 secret that the samurai knew. To be undefeatable in a battle to
 the death, you have to be comfortable with having already died.
 Those who are attached to life never are.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoisebno_reply@...  wrote:
 Pardon me, buddy, but can I bum four minutes for a cup of coffee?
 That's a line that you might hear in the time ghettos of the world
 portrayed in Andrew Niccol's In Time. As he demonstrated in The
 Truman Show and Gattaca and S1mone, Niccol has a different
 relationship with reality than most of us.

 In the world of In Time, humans have a genetically-engineered
 expiration date. As they turn 25, a digital readout on their arms
 counting down the year they've got left. When the clock runs out, they
 die. Except that this only happens to some of them. You can extend
 lifespan you see, by earning or borrowing or stealing time from
 else. If you're from the poor time zones, when your countdown clock
 starts approaching zero you work double shifts to keep the grim reaper
 away. If you're from New Greenwich, and come from time in the same
 that people in Greenwich CT come from money, your readout probably
 hundreds of years on it, and you can effectively live forever.

 One of the perks of this is that when you buy time after turning 25,
 you stop aging. This leads to a few WTF moments such as Olivia Wilde
 playing Justin Timberlake's mother :-), but is also funny when, after
 scoring a shitload of time, he attends a New Greenwich party and is
 introduced to the host's mother, wife, and daughter, all of whom
 to be the same age.

 All of this could make for an interesting movie, especially set
 the OWS rich-vs-poor dramas we see all around us these days. The
 concepts are certainly there to work with. Sadly, I'm not convinced
 Niccol did as much with them as he 

[FairfieldLife] Judge tells Tennessee to stop arresting Occupy protesters

2011-11-01 Thread Tom Pall

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Ravi Yogi
Vampire - No
Attention - yes, love it !!!
Interesting - Yes
Vicious Samskaric Cycles - No
Panicky - No
Needy - Tricky question  Sort of..needy of my beloved's love

Thank you.

On Nov 1, 2011, at 12:40 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
  What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away. 
  I suppose Barry might say, if you can't stand the heat.. 
 Actually, what Barry might say is, If someone has
 told you in no uncertain terms that they don't find 
 either you or the things you say interesting, accept 
 that and walk away.
 It seems to me that most of the noise on this forum 
 is being made by people who can't do that. They react 
 to being dismissed as uninteresting by acting even 
 more needy and panicky -- and thus uninteresting -- 
 than ever. It's a vicious samskaric circle.
 Get over it. If you're that needy, find someone who 
 does think you're interesting enough to talk to and 
 talk with them. Not gonna happen with me.
 This comment is directed towards Robin, Jim, Ravi, 
 and Judy, and to no one else on this forum. Please
 catch a clue from it and stop acting like such 
 attention vampires, Ok? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 The big bang is only theory.  The scientists are still puzzled why their 
 equations break down at the singularity point.  Another professor opined that 
 the Quantum Cosmology Theory eliminates the problems at the singularity 
 point.  So, there you have it.

This is true.  But it's the best theory around to describe the universe for now.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. A law of physics.
  There's a theory called Quantum Cosmology which states that the universe 
  started out as a quantum wave function.  MMY favored this theory when he 
  was alive.  The theory presupposes that there is an observer in the 
  imaginary world for the wave function to exist.
  This wave function then collapsed or manifested into the real world as the 
  Big Bang.  Thus, matter, time and space was created.
   But God can create or destroy matter.
  I agree with this.
   Steven Hawking's statement may have been the most profound thing he has 
   said in his career.
  IMO, it's very dumb, or that he just made it to sell his books.  In that 
  regard, he may be shrewd. 
   He should resign for having an opinion that is different than someone 
  Yes, for the reasons given above.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
This article is insightful.  Hawking is past his prime.  He should 
resign from his tenured position in Oxford or whatever university he is 
associated with.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:



[FairfieldLife] Late night political jokes

2011-11-01 Thread Tom Pall
In a new interview, Rick Perry said it was a mistake for him to
participate in the presidential debates. Perry said 'I'm not one of these
'word talkers.''' –Conan

Michele Bachmann said she wants her three daughters to learn to shoot a
gun. Mostly so they can put her campaign out of its misery. –Conan O'Brien*
Rick Perry is now behind in the polls and he's not taking it well. Today
he executed his pollster. –David

Hillary Clinton turns 64 years old today. Happy birthday. Today, Donald
Trump demanded to see her birth certificate. –David Letterman *

*A couple of days ago they found (Moammar Gadhafi) hiding in a storm
sewer, and they pulled him out and killed him. … In three years, he would
have been eligible for his pension! … Yep and he left his entire wardrobe
to Lady Gaga. –David Letterman *
In an interview last night, Rick Perry criticized Mitt Romney for
flip-flopping on the issues. Romney said that Perry has no idea what he's
talking about. Then he added, 'But he does know what he's talking
about.' –Jimmy
Fallon http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl-jimmy-fallon-jokes.htm
*Michele Bachmann told reporters that she will lead the nation in prayer
if she is elected president. You know if she is elected president, we all
better be praying. She doesn’t have to lead us. –Jay Leno*

*We had President Obama on the show last night. I think the president
enjoys visiting NBC because we're the only place that has lower numbers
than he does. –Jay

According to polls, Rick Perry has now fallen to fifth place. You know who
is in fourth place? Carrot Top. –Jay Leno

The McRib is back. You know, I wondered what they were going to do with
Gadhafi's body. –Jay

David Letterman's Top Ten Things Overheard At Moammar Gadhafi's Funeral
10. 'Honestly, how the heck did he spell his name?'
9. 'It's a shame he didn't live long enough to promote himself above
8. 'Is it too soon to hit on the Ukrainian nurse?'
7. 'After the services, come back to the house for cake'
6. 'Where's his hot daughter Kim?'
5. 'And now, a few words from Moammar's closest friend, Loni Anderson'
4. 'At least he died doing what he loved best — begging for mercy in a
storm drain'
3. 'Incoming!'
2. 'Nice of Leno to send flowers'
1. 'Let's bury this guy'

that next month they're going to take part in a Lincoln-Douglas style
debate. The only similarity to the actual Lincoln-Douglas debates is that
no one will watch them on television. –Conan

is in a lot of trouble. Five staffers quit her campaign, claiming
it was because she treated them like second-class citizens. However,
Bachmann said, 'That's not true. At no time did I treat them like gays or
Latinos.' –Conan O'Brien

They have buried Moammar
a secret undisclosed location. In other words, it's going to be the
season of 'The Amazing Race' yet. –Conan O'Brien

started out like a ball of fire from Texas and then he started to drop and
now he's retooling. He's adding advisers to his campaign team. This guy had
advisers? Really? –David

Rick Perry has now accused Mitt Romney of hiring illegal aliens to work on
his hair. –David Letterman

Moammar Gadhafi was found hiding in a storm sewer with a gold-plated gun.
That's me in retirement, ladies and gentlemen. –David Letterman

So the guy who shot Gadhafi was wearing a Yankees cap. Did you see that?
If he'd had a Boston Red Sox hat on he probably would have missed. –David

As you know, President
here in Los Angeles He's raising money for a huge disaster relief
project. It's called NBC. –Jay

It feels weird, because we're taping the show extra early tonight. It's
rare that we change what time we tape the show to accommodate a guest's
schedule. In fact, the only people we've ever done it for are the president
and Lindsay Lohan. –Jay Leno

A Libyan rebel has admitted to killing Moammar Gadhafi. He said he shot
Gadhafi twice in the temple, to which Michele Bachmann said, 'I didn't even
know the guy was Jewish.' –Jay Leno

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  The big bang is only theory.  The scientists are still puzzled why their 
  equations break down at the singularity point.  Another professor opined 
  that the Quantum Cosmology Theory eliminates the problems at the 
  singularity point.  So, there you have it.
 This is true.  But it's the best theory around to describe the universe for 

  If theory only exists, then how do we know if God or god created anything?  
The best theory, is still a theory. 

The definition of what God or god is, is still to be defined by what is actual. 
Presence, can have more influence of knowing what was, by what is.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. A law of physics.
   There's a theory called Quantum Cosmology which states that the universe 
   started out as a quantum wave function.  MMY favored this theory when he 
   was alive.  The theory presupposes that there is an observer in the 
   imaginary world for the wave function to exist.
   This wave function then collapsed or manifested into the real world as 
   the Big Bang.  Thus, matter, time and space was created.

But God can create or destroy matter.
   I agree with this.

Steven Hawking's statement may have been the most profound thing he has 
said in his career.
   IMO, it's very dumb, or that he just made it to sell his books.  In that 
   regard, he may be shrewd. 

He should resign for having an opinion that is different than someone 
   Yes, for the reasons given above.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:

 This article is insightful.  Hawking is past his prime.  He should 
 resign from his tenured position in Oxford or whatever university he 
 is associated with.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. A law of physics.
  There's a theory called Quantum Cosmology which states that the universe 
  started out as a quantum wave function.  MMY favored this theory when he 
  was alive.  The theory presupposes that there is an observer in the 
  imaginary world for the wave function to exist.
  This wave function then collapsed or manifested into the real world as the 
  Big Bang.  Thus, matter, time and space was created.
   But God can create or destroy matter.
  I agree with this.
 Then again, matter cannot be created nor destroyed. A law of physics.

The Big Bang Theory states that there was no time, space and matter before the 
universe began. That means these were created at the singularity of the Big 

The phenomenon of black holes suggests that matter gets destroyed at the 
singularity within the black hole.  We can only speculate as to what happens on 
the other side of the black hole.  Some scientists say that a small baby 
universe may be created.  But nobody can prove this idea to be a scientific 
fact at the present time.

   Steven Hawking's statement may have been the most profound thing he has 
   said in his career.
  IMO, it's very dumb, or that he just made it to sell his books.  In that 
  regard, he may be shrewd. 
   He should resign for having an opinion that is different than someone 
  Yes, for the reasons given above.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
This article is insightful.  Hawking is past his prime.  He should 
resign from his tenured position in Oxford or whatever university he is 
associated with.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:



[FairfieldLife] Republican [1 Attachment]

2011-11-01 Thread Tom Pall

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 You know the sad thing? It doesn't matter if the TM-Sidhi thing was
 when they went officially crazy (I too believe that was the major
 turning point). It doesn't matter if the research is bullshit. It'
 doesn't matter that Mahesh was never trained as a guru or shishya. It
 doesn't matter that he was making up it all along.

 What matters is that they've been able to keep up appearances. Their
 websites still look cool: esp. if you are wealthy or upper middle
 class person who gets lots of very nice catalogues. Their advertising
 looks on par with such high-end product lines, and thus geared to the
 Oprahs and the ladder climbers of this world. It speaks in their
 advert. language. And it doesn't matter if Mahesh was molesting his
 students: he maintained an impeccable stage persona, complete with
 make-up. etc. and that wonderful silk attire.

 And the most important part is that they have super-saturated the web
 with this air-brushed image and they've pushed themselves to the top
 of the search engines. If I search for anything remotely related to
 TM or TM org products - or just plain meditation - I'm very likely to
 have an advert. link to MUM.edu.

 They've played and paid the game of spiritual materialism better than
 anyone else. So that may be all it takes. People love their

Thanks for your reply, Vaj. I cannot disagree with your assessment. One
thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people can cling to beliefs
and work tirelessly to preserve the appearance that they are true, long
after other more reasonable people would have realized that they were

But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
individual ego.

And the more sense of self importance one has about one's spiritual
practices, the greater the tendency to cling to them. An *association*
has been created, linking the practices to the myth that YOU are one of
the most important people on earth. YOUR woo woo is just so much more
woo than other peoples'. They may meditate, but you perform the
*Sidhis*, and that's just so much better, doncha know...more woo. Once
you've bought into this -- being one of the most woo individuals on the
planet -- it's tough to let go of it. Especially if this  sense of self
importance is reinforced twice a day by being in a group of people who
believe that they are equally important, and equally woo.

So the clinging to appearances doesn't surprise me; that's just human
nature. The surprise, as you suggest, is that those doing the clinging
have been so successful for so long *at* preserving the appearance of
rationality, despite the reality of their daily lives. They still sell
the myth of 20 minutes twice a day while living a reality of several
hours twice a day, and only in a group of people as special as I am,
never noticing that they're being hypocrites by doing so. I think it's
the never noticing that makes the TMO PR engine so effective. The
people who write it really believe it. They believe it so thoroughly
that they don't even recognize that their own lives and lifestyles make
what they're writing a lie.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Actually your comments on them, including in this
post, demonstrate that you haven't read nearly
   ME: You actually wrote that with a straight face?  I have
   read more than enough, we just disagree on the perspective.
  I just pointed out some of the things you were missing.
  It isn't only perspective.
 Perspective is gained by choosing what to pay attention to
 and what to ignore, how to weight different things.

Then let's call it a *faulty* perspective created
by poor choices that ensure you miss significant data.

Moreover, many of his mean posts about me and others
*are addressed to you*. If I say something negative
to you about Barry, you usually defend him. If he
says something negative to you about me, you almost
always just ignore it.
   ME: Your score card might be right.  I try to pick my
   battles here like everyone else.  It wouldn't surprise me
   if I had bias.
  Thanks for admitting you have double standards.
 Oh snap!  How wicked.  I have different standards for each
 poster here.

Which, in the case of defending Barry but not Judy, you
acknowledge is bias.

 For example if I post to Ravi, I know I am going to get a
 rash of abuse that I would not tolerate unanswered from you
 for example.  When I interact with him, I now what I am
 dealing with and accept the limits of the interaction.

Different situation, not an example.

 Your attempt to frame my honest response as if it is the
 simple bad double standard is one of the limits that I
 accept when I interact with you.  I know that many things
 I say will be twisted into something unflattering.

Bias was your term, toots, not mine.

 I accept that and move on.  But if say Steve tried that,
 I would give him a rash of shit back because I hold him
 to a higher standard of not pulling that crap with me.

You mean, unlike the rash of shit you just gave me back?

  Just for one thing, if one were to read my posts that
  comment on Barry's, one would find that a significant
  number of them--I'd guess at least 50 percent--are not
  simply insults; quite a few are not insulting at all.
  Rather, they involve reasoned, noninflammatory analysis
  of points that Barry has made.
 ME: And often in demeaning language that is pretty much
 guarenteed to continue the ill will.

And there's another example demonstrating that you
haven't read enough to say. Heck, you didn't even
read what *I* just said. Reasoned, noninflammatory
analysis is the opposite of demeaning.
   ME: So you pick 50% as insulting.
  (Says Curtis, carefully ignoring my point about
  his mistake.)
 I am rejecting your attempt to characterize your responses
 that way.  It is self serving claptrap.

That rejection is a function of your having made poor
choices about what to ignore, thereby missing
significant data.

   And as prolific as you are here, and as Barry focused,
   that 50% number is mindnumbingly high.
  Barry routinely lies about the percentage of my posts
  that are about him.
 OK so give me the exact number I should subtract 
 from mindnumbingly high to get to the right number.

Depends on the week, of course. You'd have to do a
search for each week for posts of mine containing
Barry or turquoiseb, check to see how many
included one of those words in what I had written *de
novo* in that post, then calculate an average using
the adjusted figures.

When Barry does a search for a particular week, he
omits the second step, so he includes posts containing
quotes from other people or past posts of mine that
mention him but nothing about him from me *de novo*,
thus conveniently inflating the count.

I already pointed this out in response to his most
recent claim, but that was one of my posts you
apparently chose to ignore, so you missed that data.

Not to mention that some percentage of the posts that
*are* commenting on something he said are of the
reasoned analysis variety, not putdowns.

Every time I've double-checked one of his claims about
how many posts I've made that said something about
him, the claim has been way off. But you appear to
have missed the posts in which I pointed this out as

His average calculation over 16 years in that recent
post was up to 50 percent. That *would* be mind-
numbingly high, but of course it doesn't happen very
often, and up to is not an average in any case.

Barry's posts having to do with me are *always*
   ME: No need to argue with this, it sounds right.  I'll take
   your word that this is how you feel about all of them.
  No, you're saying it wrong. They're 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 BTW, I think, if volume of verbiage count for anything, 
 I deserve the award for the most ignored poster on FFL. 

Have you ever considered the possibility that
there's a reason for this? 

Try writing about something that doesn't sound
so much like an attempt to restart a soap opera 
that jumped the shark several seasons ago but 
that you're addicted to and don't want to see
go off the air and I, for one, might respond. 
Perpetuating the same old same old, not inter-
ested. No challenge in it.

Suggested topics and koans:

* Dexter and other lovable serial killers

* The best beer to serve at a bris

* If, as suggested in the recent film In Time,
money is really replaced by time, how do you 
decide things? Flip a minute?

* What is the sound of one obsessive being ignored?

* Will they someday invent bottled True Attention 
for attention vampires so they can come out of the

* If volume of verbiage counted for anything in terms
of how much attention you got here, would you write 
more, or less?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!
 Assuming that it takes you a few minutes to get there,
 and that you aren't posting from your phone *during* 
 your program, if we hear from you anytime in the next 
 couple of hours, *you* are not doing the very thing 
 you're urging others to do. You are, in fact, somewhere 
 else, doing something else, posting to FFL instead of 
 doing the thing you're telling others is so important
 that they have to sacrifice to do it. 
 Your call as to when to post next to FFL, and whether
 any of those posts fall within the hours of 7:30-9:30 
 AM or 5:30-7:30 PM, Fairfield time. If any of your 
 future posts do, I think we get to assume that you're 
 on the road, possibly posting from the country of 
 Just sayin'...

Yep, I've just finished the long morning meditation program up at the Domes.  
It was absolutely sublimely fabulous there in the parking lot of those Domes 
meditating.  It puts a whole 'nother meaning to that bumper sticker, If this 
van's a rocking, don't a coming knocking.  It is a completely cultivated 
spiritual place there.  You should be there too.  We all should be.  Wishing 
you the Best,  -Buck in FF

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   Friends of meditating, I'm afraid that if we don't whip this right now 
   with meditating in the domes and the dome numbers we just might lose the 
   whole thing.  I would personally be grateful to you if you would join us 
   now, join us meditating at the Domes in the parking lot if not inside.  
   This is not a usual fight.  People often fight for money or land and 
   things but we are meditating for each other here.  Come join us in this 
   rare fight.  Occupy the Domes!  -Buck in FF

Sync up.

 Take a moment,
  7:30am and 5:00pm
   Be there now!
The immediate urgent priority for world peace is to join the 
Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers, rising to 
2500, in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring security to 
America and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the 

  Om, the 'Occupy the Domes' enthusiasts may need some 
  volunteers to be arrested, just like at 'Occupy 
  Wallstreet'.  Outside the Fairfield Domes meditating.  
  Squatters trespassing willing to be arrested protesting the 
  TM-Rajas handling of the dome numbers.  Tent meditators 
  outside the Domes.   
 Turqb, could you volunteer for the high-risk arrest spots 
 outside the domes?  You don't seem to have many 
 responsibilities in life.  You know, not married, no 
 children, no real livestock to chore, nothing to care for.  
 Could you help us all out with this and come back?  In the 
 end this could be something you'd really feel good about 
 yourself with.  You'd be of great use.  The 'Occupy the 
 Domes' enthusiasts could use you right now outside the Domes.
   CurtisDb, would you please come back to meditation.  You 
   could be very helpful if you'd just come to meditation 
   again.  These are serious times.  Come back.  You don't 
   even have to believe you'd do any good but the science 
   shows good you would.   It may be now or never.  Like 
   read the fricking news or read the science on global 
   climate change.  Cast down the blues and come change the 
   course of things with us spiritually.
   Even if the TM-Rajas won't let you back in, come meditate 
   in the parking lot as part of  Occupy the Dome in 
   Fairfield.  We could use your help with the numbers.
   -Buck in FF
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 
whynotnow7@ wrote:

 Does my skin count, as a tent?

Along the same lines, I sometimes pitch a tent in the 
presence of bodacious domes.  Does that count?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck 
 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Or, bring a tent to meditate in if you can't 
  meditate in the domes.
   7:30am and 5pm

[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!
  Assuming that it takes you a few minutes to get there,
  and that you aren't posting from your phone *during* 
  your program, if we hear from you anytime in the next 
  couple of hours, *you* are not doing the very thing 
  you're urging others to do. You are, in fact, somewhere 
  else, doing something else, posting to FFL instead of 
  doing the thing you're telling others is so important
  that they have to sacrifice to do it. 
  Your call as to when to post next to FFL, and whether
  any of those posts fall within the hours of 7:30-9:30 
  AM or 5:30-7:30 PM, Fairfield time. If any of your 
  future posts do, I think we get to assume that you're 
  on the road, possibly posting from the country of 
  Just sayin'...
 Yep, I've just finished the long morning meditation program up at the Domes.  
 It was absolutely sublimely fabulous there in the parking lot of those Domes 
 meditating.  It puts a whole 'nother meaning to that bumper sticker, If this 
 van's a rocking, don't a coming knocking.  It is a completely cultivated 
 spiritual place there.  You should be there too.  We all should be.  Wishing 
 you the Best,  -Buck in FF

Hey Buck-How often do you fall asleep 'during' meditation? Either at home OR at 
the domesjust curious.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Bob Price

In reference to your reviews, have ever considered what Truman Capote meant 
when he described Kerouac's writing: That isn't writing at all, it's typing. 

From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 10:42:43 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 BTW, I think, if volume of verbiage count for anything, 
 I deserve the award for the most ignored poster on FFL. 

Have you ever considered the possibility that
there's a reason for this? 

Try writing about something that doesn't sound
so much like an attempt to restart a soap opera 
that jumped the shark several seasons ago but 
that you're addicted to and don't want to see
go off the air and I, for one, might respond. 
Perpetuating the same old same old, not inter-
ested. No challenge in it.

Suggested topics and koans:

* Dexter and other lovable serial killers

* The best beer to serve at a bris

* If, as suggested in the recent film In Time,
money is really replaced by time, how do you 
decide things? Flip a minute?

* What is the sound of one obsessive being ignored?

* Will they someday invent bottled True Attention 
for attention vampires so they can come out of the

* If volume of verbiage counted for anything in terms
of how much attention you got here, would you write 
more, or less?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread Tom Pall
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 1:01 PM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 Thanks for your reply, Vaj. I cannot disagree with your assessment. One
 thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people can cling to beliefs
 and work tirelessly to preserve the appearance that they are true, long
 after other more reasonable people would have realized that they were

 But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
 appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
 the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
 what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
 enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
 because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
 Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
 bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
 radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
 individual ego.

You've got the timing wrong.  I remember the first residence course I was
on which had a governess, one of the first back from Switzerland.   This
was when the sidhis were a rocket ship for TM, which had already been
described by Maharishi as the rocket ship to enlightenment.   This lady
acted like she didn't shit, let alone did it not stink.  All, initiators,
TMers, regarded her as though she was a body of light with flesh on top so
we could see her.   She never denied that she could fly, walk through
walls, hear our very thoughts.  She actually encouraged the awe about her.
So did the other governors who came back.It appears Maharishi had
really hyped the 6 month course participants up, not unlike the way
initiators had previously been hyped up as being so very special in the
scheme of manifest Creation.   The Vedic Atom, including Michael Moore,
came to our area next and they acted like they were God's gift.   I got to
see some tapes that were meant for initiators at a former ski chalet
outside of Quebec which usually just ran ATRs.  I guess they didn't have
mere meditator tapes so we watched ATR tapes.Maharishi was hyping the
initiators that they were God's gift and coaching them on how to act
special so that all would pick up on their being special.   I assume
Maharishi pumped up the participants of the first 6 month courses to entice
initiators to become governors and later TMers to take the arduous path of
8 weeks of preparatory courses in residence then 8 weeks of sidhi training
in residence, a tough thing for a householder being not nickled and dimed
by the local TM center, but pretty much fleeced of every penny they had.
Indeed this one initiator couple pinned me down and told me that as
initiators they were so much more deserving of taking CIC than I was, so I
just had to go to the bank with them to get a check for the $6,000 course
fee.   Ballsy, eh? I now know that the experiences we TMers were fed
were bogus, made up to get us to spring for the sidhis.  Once again, before
the woo-woo save the world thing started.

[FairfieldLife] something original---for Barry (was: Everyone here in my FFL mind)

2011-11-01 Thread Bob Price


A Place Called Envy

Once upon a time, there was a place called ENVY; it had no
land, no sunshine and certainty no sense of humor; there was no empathy, no 
and definitely no humans; (hu) man implied good and of course there was no
goodness---although (un) good was never in short supply. Envy did have voices,
and the voices could be anyone they wanted to be; there was also magic, 
there was no empathy, the magic was black, like a night sky---whose stars 
illumination, which never appeared. 

A boy named BUTCHIE lived in Envy, he had moved there to
hide from a northern LOON who showed up one day, unannounced, and asked the

I'm here, where are you? 


Other voices, where Butchie had previously lived, were so
charmed by the Loon, and his question, that they began to neglect Butchie, who
was used to being popular, and slowly his allure began fade---like those stars
behind a cloudy sky. When Butchie was not being a boy, or writing TV reviews or
manuals, he was a part-time travel agent, which made him even more envious of
the Loon; the Loon had traveled to miraculous places and his writing brought
the miracles to life; Butchie, on the other hand, could speak with great 
places, but knew nothing of miracles. Butchie stated: the miraculous is
hokum, and therefore, pushing buttons is the WAY---to a life well lived.
The down side of this approach was that the wisdom in Butchie's voice sounded
significantly younger than a person in their seventh decade.


One day Butchie, and one of his friends---not the drag
queen, the other one---Oboe; who loved to do impressions of the love child of a
bedbug and a pilot fish, decided to make fun of the Loon and his beautiful 
hoped to convince him life would be easier back on the lake. They thought and
thought and planned and planned, but couldn't come up with anything offensive
enough that might convince the Loon to head back to Ontario. Then Butchie came
up with what he thought was a brilliant idea; why not question the Loons sexual
orientation; granted, on odd choice, for someone over 10--- in the year of our
lord, 2011, but this was someone, who had gone on record, stating he preferred 
who kept their mouths shut and laugh at all his jokes; one assumes---even the
dumb one's, about sexual orientation.  What made the choice even more odd was 
that the Loon, also in
his seventh decade, didn't seem too concerned with the sexual orientation of
his fellow voices. Of course, being an eight year old, and not known for
thinking out of the box, Butchie thought since it would bother him, if someone
questioned his sexual orientation; so it followed---in Butchie's mind, it would
bother the Loon.

So Butchie and his friend waited; and waited; and waited; and
waited; and for a while---out of sheer boredom, they thought of making fun of
each other just to pass the time. But then, to Oboe's relief, the Loon called

I'm here; where are you? 

The sound was so full of ardor, that Butchie---who believed
all passion was lasciviousness, thought: 

I got him. 

So the voice of Butchie questioned the Loon's sexual
orientation; and waited; and waited; and waited; and waited some more, but all 
was heard was silence. 

Then the Loon spoke up, asking his question again; and, in a
deafening blast, the rest of the voices, in unison, answered the question:  

We're over here. 

This result surprised Butchie, he thought the other voices
had the same concerns he did---about same sex marriage, and when he inquired to
some of his friends they sent him the following links:




From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 10:42:43 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 BTW, I think, if volume of verbiage count for anything, 
 I deserve the award for the most ignored poster on FFL. 

Have you ever considered the possibility that
there's a reason for this? 

Try writing about something that doesn't sound
so much like an attempt to restart a soap opera 
that jumped the shark several seasons ago but 
that you're addicted to and don't want to see
go off the air and I, for one, might respond. 
Perpetuating the same old same old, not inter-
ested. No challenge in it.

Suggested topics and koans:

* Dexter and other lovable serial killers

* The best beer to serve at a bris

* If, as suggested in the recent film In Time,
money is really replaced by time, how do you 
decide things? Flip a minute?

* What is the sound of one obsessive 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 1:01 PM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:
  Thanks for your reply, Vaj. I cannot disagree with your assessment. One
  thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people can cling to beliefs
  and work tirelessly to preserve the appearance that they are true, long
  after other more reasonable people would have realized that they were
  But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
  appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
  the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
  what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
  enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
  because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
  Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
  bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
  radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
  individual ego.
 You've got the timing wrong.  I remember the first residence course I was
 on which had a governess, one of the first back from Switzerland.   This
 was when the sidhis were a rocket ship for TM, which had already been
 described by Maharishi as the rocket ship to enlightenment.   


The Siddhis program IS a Rocket ship to enlightenment, without it, it could 
take a million years, with it, a mere 7 lifetimes or so, come on! ;-) (The 
devil is in the details).

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread whynotnow7
The two FFL spiritual virgins posting to each other! Like two boys in puberty 
pretending to be men. Cute! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  You know the sad thing? It doesn't matter if the TM-Sidhi thing was
  when they went officially crazy (I too believe that was the major
  turning point). It doesn't matter if the research is bullshit. It'
  doesn't matter that Mahesh was never trained as a guru or shishya. It
  doesn't matter that he was making up it all along.
  What matters is that they've been able to keep up appearances. Their
  websites still look cool: esp. if you are wealthy or upper middle
  class person who gets lots of very nice catalogues. Their advertising
  looks on par with such high-end product lines, and thus geared to the
  Oprahs and the ladder climbers of this world. It speaks in their
  advert. language. And it doesn't matter if Mahesh was molesting his
  students: he maintained an impeccable stage persona, complete with
  make-up. etc. and that wonderful silk attire.
  And the most important part is that they have super-saturated the web
  with this air-brushed image and they've pushed themselves to the top
  of the search engines. If I search for anything remotely related to
  TM or TM org products - or just plain meditation - I'm very likely to
  have an advert. link to MUM.edu.
  They've played and paid the game of spiritual materialism better than
  anyone else. So that may be all it takes. People love their
 Thanks for your reply, Vaj. I cannot disagree with your assessment. One
 thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people can cling to beliefs
 and work tirelessly to preserve the appearance that they are true, long
 after other more reasonable people would have realized that they were
 But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
 appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
 the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
 what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
 enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
 because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
 Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
 bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
 radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
 individual ego.
 And the more sense of self importance one has about one's spiritual
 practices, the greater the tendency to cling to them. An *association*
 has been created, linking the practices to the myth that YOU are one of
 the most important people on earth. YOUR woo woo is just so much more
 woo than other peoples'. They may meditate, but you perform the
 *Sidhis*, and that's just so much better, doncha know...more woo. Once
 you've bought into this -- being one of the most woo individuals on the
 planet -- it's tough to let go of it. Especially if this  sense of self
 importance is reinforced twice a day by being in a group of people who
 believe that they are equally important, and equally woo.
 So the clinging to appearances doesn't surprise me; that's just human
 nature. The surprise, as you suggest, is that those doing the clinging
 have been so successful for so long *at* preserving the appearance of
 rationality, despite the reality of their daily lives. They still sell
 the myth of 20 minutes twice a day while living a reality of several
 hours twice a day, and only in a group of people as special as I am,
 never noticing that they're being hypocrites by doing so. I think it's
 the never noticing that makes the TMO PR engine so effective. The
 people who write it really believe it. They believe it so thoroughly
 that they don't even recognize that their own lives and lifestyles make
 what they're writing a lie.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 In reference to your reviews, have ever considered what 
 Truman Capote meant when he described Kerouac's writing: 
 That isn't writing at all, it's typing. 

No, but that's possibly because I don't recognize
one of the names in your question. I and most lovers 
of literature recognize the name Kerouac, but who 
is this Truman guy you speak of? Wasn't he that guy
who lived inside a big bubble that he thought was
the whole universe?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Bob Price

Manhattan will do that to ya, assumed you knew that. Do I have it right you 
feel superior to the guy that wrote half of: 'To Kill a Mockingbird (why do 
you think she only wrote one book) and all of In Cold Blood, and had two 
movies made about him---at the same time? Just a heads up; you might be showing 
just a bit too much leg on the homophobia front.  

From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 11:25:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 In reference to your reviews, have ever considered what 
 Truman Capote meant when he described Kerouac's writing: 
 That isn't writing at all, it's typing. 

No, but that's possibly because I don't recognize
one of the names in your question. I and most lovers 
of literature recognize the name Kerouac, but who 
is this Truman guy you speak of? Wasn't he that guy
who lived inside a big bubble that he thought was
the whole universe?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 1, 2011, at 1:25 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:
 In reference to your reviews, have ever considered what 
 Truman Capote meant when he described Kerouac's writing: 
 That isn't writing at all, it's typing. 
 No, but that's possibly because I don't recognize
 one of the names in your question. I and most lovers 
 of literature recognize the name Kerouac, but who 
 is this Truman guy you speak of? Wasn't he that guy
 who lived inside a big bubble that he thought was
 the whole universe?

Actually Barry the one thing of Capote's I think you 
might like a lot is his posthumous novel, Answered Prayers.
The main chapter is all about polite people~~the crème de la crème of NY 
society~~all saying really shitty
things about each other, with gusto :)  (They claimed they
didn't know he was going to include them, thinly disguised~~he claimed they 
should have since he was a writer.) That chapter
was published in the New Yorker, and Capote immediately found himself shunned, 
possibly hastening his death.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Daughter of Ravi Shankar

2011-11-01 Thread Denise Evans
Wow.  Thanks for posting this.

From: oye34vay msilver1...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 11:37 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Daughter of Ravi Shankar



[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u anitaoaks4u@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
14 minutes until morning meditation at the Domes!
   Assuming that it takes you a few minutes to get there,
   and that you aren't posting from your phone *during* 
   your program, if we hear from you anytime in the next 
   couple of hours, *you* are not doing the very thing 
   you're urging others to do. You are, in fact, somewhere 
   else, doing something else, posting to FFL instead of 
   doing the thing you're telling others is so important
   that they have to sacrifice to do it. 
   Your call as to when to post next to FFL, and whether
   any of those posts fall within the hours of 7:30-9:30 
   AM or 5:30-7:30 PM, Fairfield time. If any of your 
   future posts do, I think we get to assume that you're 
   on the road, possibly posting from the country of 
   Just sayin'...
  Yep, I've just finished the long morning meditation program up at the 
  Domes.  It was absolutely sublimely fabulous there in the parking lot of 
  those Domes meditating.  It puts a whole 'nother meaning to that bumper 
  sticker, If this van's a rocking, don't a coming knocking.  It is a 
  completely cultivated spiritual place there.  You should be there too.  We 
  all should be.  Wishing you the Best,  -Buck in FF
 Hey Buck-How often do you fall asleep 'during' meditation? Either at home OR 
 at the domesjust curious.

Wm, not at all.  I take my meditation seriously and sit up and do it.  I love 
it.  I wouldn't want to miss any of it.  Meditation is something you do.  Some 
of these lazy ill-disciplined people that go in just laying down ought to be 
slapped.  You know, I once heard the great saint Maharishi Mahesh Yogi say 
directly that we've slept enough and if you're having troubles sleeping in 
meditation to take some stimulants like coffee or tea.  That is the better 
attitude towards sleeping your meditations away.  Sit the heck up.  -Buck  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread John
   If theory only exists, then how do we know if God or god created anything?  
 The best theory, is still a theory. 
 The definition of what God or god is, is still to be defined by what is 
 Presence, can have more influence of knowing what was, by what is.

To answer the existence of God, one can use an ontological argument, like the 
Kalam Cosmological Argument, to determine the logical answer.  Also, one can 
derive the existence of a Creator by understanding the significance of natural 
laws.  These laws are consistent everywhere in the universe.  As such, there 
must be an Observer which makes these laws function the way they do.  
Otherwise, there would be no order, life forms or human beings in the universe. 
 For that matter, there would be no space, time and matter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

If theory only exists, then how do we know if God or god created 
  anything?  The best theory, is still a theory. 
  The definition of what God or god is, is still to be defined by what is 
  Presence, can have more influence of knowing what was, by what is.
 To answer the existence of God, one can use an ontological argument, like the 
 Kalam Cosmological Argument, to determine the logical answer.  Also, one can 
 derive the existence of a Creator by understanding the significance of 
 natural laws.  These laws are consistent everywhere in the universe.  As 
 such, there must be an Observer which makes these laws function the way they 
 do.  Otherwise, there would be no order, life forms or human beings in the 
 universe.  For that matter, there would be no space, time and matter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Nov 1, 2011, at 1:25 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   In reference to your reviews, have ever considered what 
   Truman Capote meant when he described Kerouac's writing: 
   That isn't writing at all, it's typing. 
  No, but that's possibly because I don't recognize
  one of the names in your question. I and most lovers 
  of literature recognize the name Kerouac, but who 
  is this Truman guy you speak of? Wasn't he that guy
  who lived inside a big bubble that he thought was
  the whole universe?
 Actually Barry the one thing of Capote's I think you 
 might like a lot is his posthumous novel, Answered Prayers.
 The main chapter is all about polite people~~the crème de 
 la crème of NY society~~all saying really shitty
 things about each other, with gusto :)  (They claimed they
 didn't know he was going to include them, thinly disguised~~
 he claimed they should have since he was a writer.) That 
 chapter was published in the New Yorker, and Capote 
 immediately found himself shunned, possibly hastening 
 his death.

I admit to never having read anything by him, other
than enough of a quick skim or two in a bookstore to
enable me to realize that I find both his style and 
his choice of subject matter pedestrian.

As for the article/book you mention, it doesn't sound
like my cuppa tea. I have high standards, since when it
comes to witty social barbs, my god is Oscar Wilde. 
He understood the distinction between being a queen
and being a drama queen.

Re: [FairfieldLife] fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread Denise Evans
Rum, brandy, and beer were included in troop rations for the American 
Revolution (1775-1783).

By the time of the Civil War (1861-1865), these alcoholic libations in rations 
were replaced by coffee.  

~Today's Seattle Times

From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:37 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned 
consciousness of B

shocking description :little beer-drowned consciousness of B by
nablusoss1008#292730 and  related to #293725
what  remains to be quoted (in thus context)?- :Frank Vincent Zappa' theory 
about beer

 A drug is neither moral nor immoral -- it's a chemical compound. The compound
itself is not a menace to society until a human being treats it as if
consumption bestowed a temporary license to act like an asshole. 
Zappa, Frank

Frank Vincent Zappa' theory about beer: Consumption of it leads to
pseudo-military behaviour. Think about it -- winos
don't march. Whiskey guys don't march, either (sometimes they write poetry,
which is often more
horrible, though).
Beer drinkers are into things that are sort of like marching -- like football.
Maybe there's a chemical in beer that stimulates the [male] brain to do violence
while moving in the same
direction as other guys who smell like them [marching] -- We, as a group of
MEN, will drink this
refreshing liquid, after which we will get together and beat the snot out of
that guy over there.
Beer seems to produce behavioural results which are psycho-chemically different
from those produced by
other alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol (the part that 'gets you drunk') is only one ingredient. There are other
things in beer, and those
[herbal and/or biological] components could affect the [male] brain, creating
this violent tendency.
Go ahead and laugh. One day you're going to read about some scientist
discovering that hops, in
conjunction with certain strains of 'yeast creatures,' has a mysterious effect
on some newly discovered
region of the brain, making people want to kill -- but only in groups. (With
whiskey, you might want to
murder your girlfriend -- but beer makes you want to do it with your buddies
watching. It's a buddy
beverage -- for buddy activities.)
Max Weber, defined statehood as “the monopoly of the legitimate use of 

My favourite by FVZ:
 Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not love. Love is not music. Music is the best. 

favourite quote remains 
You can't be a Real Country unless you have a BEER and an airline -- it helps 
if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the 
very least you need a BEER.
- FZ

BTW His kind of fixation on the Bword
F.V.Z. hilariousness in his scientificdescription **of how the Republican
Party works its Special Magic on the American electorate:
There's no question in my mind -- the beer, the balloons and the bunting all
start with B for some
Cosmic Reason.
Bullshit also starts with a B. If you took Beer, Balloons and Bunting, then
stirred in the Bullshit, you'd
wind up with a scientific description of how the Republican Party works its
Special Magic on the
American electorate. Oh -- let's add Bourbon, Blow Jobs and the Bohemian Grove.

**(beside Titties  Beer because of the relative crudeness of the song is
still another kind of beer, Zappa’s concerts were made up, more and more, of
adolescent and college-age men who wanted to hear songs with dirty words in
them. And in many ways, “Titties and Beer” seems to be a very sly comment on
this sort of attitude.IMHO )

hope the (turquoise)B are still in vino's


[FairfieldLife] Re: Late night political jokes

2011-11-01 Thread John
There should be more jokes soon about Caine's changing stories relating to the 
sexual harassment allegations against him.  This news story could make or break 
his candidacy, depending on how he handles it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 In a new interview, Rick Perry said it was a mistake for him to
 participate in the presidential debates. Perry said 'I'm not one of these
 'word talkers.''' –Conan
 Michele Bachmann said she wants her three daughters to learn to shoot a
 gun. Mostly so they can put her campaign out of its misery. –Conan O'Brien*
 Rick Perry is now behind in the polls and he's not taking it well. Today
 he executed his pollster. –David
 Hillary Clinton turns 64 years old today. Happy birthday. Today, Donald
 Trump demanded to see her birth certificate. –David Letterman *
 *A couple of days ago they found (Moammar Gadhafi) hiding in a storm
 sewer, and they pulled him out and killed him. … In three years, he would
 have been eligible for his pension! … Yep and he left his entire wardrobe
 to Lady Gaga. –David Letterman *
 In an interview last night, Rick Perry criticized Mitt Romney for
 flip-flopping on the issues. Romney said that Perry has no idea what he's
 talking about. Then he added, 'But he does know what he's talking
 about.' –Jimmy
 Fallon http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl-jimmy-fallon-jokes.htm
 *Michele Bachmann told reporters that she will lead the nation in prayer
 if she is elected president. You know if she is elected president, we all
 better be praying. She doesn't have to lead us. –Jay Leno*
 *We had President Obama on the show last night. I think the president
 enjoys visiting NBC because we're the only place that has lower numbers
 than he does. –Jay
 According to polls, Rick Perry has now fallen to fifth place. You know who
 is in fourth place? Carrot Top. –Jay Leno
 The McRib is back. You know, I wondered what they were going to do with
 Gadhafi's body. –Jay
 David Letterman's Top Ten Things Overheard At Moammar Gadhafi's Funeral
 10. 'Honestly, how the heck did he spell his name?'
 9. 'It's a shame he didn't live long enough to promote himself above
 8. 'Is it too soon to hit on the Ukrainian nurse?'
 7. 'After the services, come back to the house for cake'
 6. 'Where's his hot daughter Kim?'
 5. 'And now, a few words from Moammar's closest friend, Loni Anderson'
 4. 'At least he died doing what he loved best — begging for mercy in a
 storm drain'
 3. 'Incoming!'
 2. 'Nice of Leno to send flowers'
 1. 'Let's bury this guy'
 that next month they're going to take part in a Lincoln-Douglas style
 debate. The only similarity to the actual Lincoln-Douglas debates is that
 no one will watch them on television. –Conan
 is in a lot of trouble. Five staffers quit her campaign, claiming
 it was because she treated them like second-class citizens. However,
 Bachmann said, 'That's not true. At no time did I treat them like gays or
 Latinos.' –Conan O'Brien
 They have buried Moammar
 a secret undisclosed location. In other words, it's going to be the
 season of 'The Amazing Race' yet. –Conan O'Brien
 started out like a ball of fire from Texas and then he started to drop and
 now he's retooling. He's adding advisers to his campaign team. This guy had
 advisers? Really? –David
 Rick Perry has now accused Mitt Romney of hiring illegal aliens to work on
 his hair. –David Letterman
 Moammar Gadhafi was found hiding in a storm sewer with a gold-plated gun.
 That's me in retirement, ladies and gentlemen. –David Letterman
 So the guy who shot Gadhafi was wearing a Yankees cap. Did you see that?
 If he'd had a Boston Red Sox hat on he probably would have missed. –David
 As you know, President
 here in Los Angeles He's raising money for a huge disaster relief
 project. It's called NBC. –Jay
 It feels weird, because we're taping the show 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: fixation on the Bword:little beer-drowned consciousness of B

2011-11-01 Thread Ravi Yogi
Ravi would do a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQvBbzslJE
and then praise good karma to be stuck on a train in the snow with a woman

LOL..Dear Obba.. A good one..

On Nov 1, 2011, at 7:47 AM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Ravi would do a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQvBbzslJE
 and then praise good karma to be stuck on a train in the snow with a woman

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking is wrong. You can't explain the universe without God | Mail Online

2011-11-01 Thread Yifu
A refutation of the Ontological argument (first articulated by St. Anselm 
10-33-1109) will be offered through Dr. Rebecca Newberger Goldstein later today 
or tomorrow.
A refutation of the need for an Outside Observer will be presented through the 
help of New Scientist, 29 Oct 2011: Begone, quantum voyeur... in a nutshell 
stating The idea allows the wave function to collapse without needing to 
involve an observer. Article by editor David Shiga based on the work of 
physicist Daniel Bedingham.
Bedingham's theories have gained support from some other physicists: It would 
be the first modification to quantum mechanics since its conception in the 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

If theory only exists, then how do we know if God or god created 
  anything?  The best theory, is still a theory. 
  The definition of what God or god is, is still to be defined by what is 
  Presence, can have more influence of knowing what was, by what is.
 To answer the existence of God, one can use an ontological argument, like the 
 Kalam Cosmological Argument, to determine the logical answer.  Also, one can 
 derive the existence of a Creator by understanding the significance of 
 natural laws.  These laws are consistent everywhere in the universe.  As 
 such, there must be an Observer which makes these laws function the way they 
 do.  Otherwise, there would be no order, life forms or human beings in the 
 universe.  For that matter, there would be no space, time and matter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  You know the sad thing? It doesn't matter if the TM-Sidhi thing was
  when they went officially crazy (I too believe that was the major
  turning point). It doesn't matter if the research is bullshit. It'
  doesn't matter that Mahesh was never trained as a guru or shishya. It
  doesn't matter that he was making up it all along.
  What matters is that they've been able to keep up appearances. Their
  websites still look cool: esp. if you are wealthy or upper middle
  class person who gets lots of very nice catalogues. Their advertising
  looks on par with such high-end product lines, and thus geared to the
  Oprahs and the ladder climbers of this world. It speaks in their
  advert. language. And it doesn't matter if Mahesh was molesting his
  students: he maintained an impeccable stage persona, complete with
  make-up. etc. and that wonderful silk attire.
  And the most important part is that they have super-saturated the web
  with this air-brushed image and they've pushed themselves to the top
  of the search engines. If I search for anything remotely related to
  TM or TM org products - or just plain meditation - I'm very likely to
  have an advert. link to MUM.edu.
  They've played and paid the game of spiritual materialism better than
  anyone else. So that may be all it takes. People love their
 Thanks for your reply, Vaj. I cannot disagree with your assessment. One
 thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people can cling to beliefs
 and work tirelessly to preserve the appearance that they are true, long
 after other more reasonable people would have realized that they were
 But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
 appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
 the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
 what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
 enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
 because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
 Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
 bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
 radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
 individual ego.

Barry, I really think that you undermine your point by exaggerating the 
positions of TB's.  At least, I hope you are exaggerating it and that I am not 
wrong!  I don't think most people going to the Domes really think that they are 
all that important on the planet. They  may look down on other people and other 
meditation types, and probably belive that they are increasing sattva for the 
area and the world - so they do think they are on to something amazing. But, I 
still suspect that nearly everyone in the Domes is there mostly for working on 
their own Enlgihtenment, period. They want to get to CC or GC or just want to 
be good in the TMO eyes.  World Peace is a side benefit, but not the only 
reason they are there.   No, instead they want spiritual experiences, or a nap, 
or to be with other TB's.  Self-importance is not the main issue, imo.

Also, MMY was talking about World Peace as a result of doing TM from about 
1970, right?  Way before the siddhis.  He tied doing TM twice a day to release 
of stress, better behavior, imporved health and world peace - kind of covering 
all the bases for reasons to spend time doing this. And we are all important to 
our selves, are we not? Very important, in fact.  Nothing wrong with that.  
Maybe you mean that TB's get to be rigid and judgmental with an inflated sense 
of being at the Center of the best technique for evolution, which I think is 
different than self-important.

 And the more sense of self importance one has about one's spiritual
 practices, the greater the tendency to cling to them. An *association*
 has been created, linking the practices to the myth that YOU are one of
 the most important people on earth. YOUR woo woo is just so much more
 woo than other peoples'. They may meditate, but you perform the
 *Sidhis*, and that's just so much better, doncha know...more woo. Once
 you've bought into this -- being one of the most woo individuals on the
 planet -- it's tough to let go of it. Especially if this  sense of self
 importance is reinforced twice a day by being in a group of people who
 believe that they are equally important, and equally woo.
 So the clinging to appearances doesn't surprise me; that's just human
 nature. The surprise, as you suggest, is that those doing the clinging
 have been so successful for so long *at* preserving the appearance of
 rationality, despite the reality of their daily lives. They still sell
 the myth of 20 minutes twice a day while living a reality of several
 hours twice a day, and only in a group of people as special as I am,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
  On Nov 1, 2011, at 1:25 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:


In reference to your reviews, have ever considered what 
Truman Capote meant when he described Kerouac's writing: 
That isn't writing at all, it's typing. 
   No, but that's possibly because I don't recognize
   one of the names in your question. I and most lovers 
   of literature recognize the name Kerouac, but who 
   is this Truman guy you speak of? Wasn't he that guy
   who lived inside a big bubble that he thought was
   the whole universe?
  Actually Barry the one thing of Capote's I think you 
  might like a lot is his posthumous novel, Answered Prayers.
  The main chapter is all about polite people~~the crème de 
  la crème of NY society~~all saying really shitty
  things about each other, with gusto :)  (They claimed they
  didn't know he was going to include them, thinly disguised~~
  he claimed they should have since he was a writer.) That 
  chapter was published in the New Yorker, and Capote 
  immediately found himself shunned, possibly hastening 
  his death.
 I admit to never having read anything by him, other
 than enough of a quick skim or two in a bookstore to
 enable me to realize that I find both his style and 
 his choice of subject matter pedestrian.
 As for the article/book you mention, it doesn't sound
 like my cuppa tea. I have high standards, since when it
 comes to witty social barbs, my god is Oscar Wilde. 
 He understood the distinction between being a queen
 and being a drama queen.

Ah, Oscar Wilde.  Has anyone come close to his level?  If so, let me know, I 
will read him/her.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 1, 2011, at 2:03 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

 I admit to never having read anything by him, other
 than enough of a quick skim or two in a bookstore to
 enable me to realize that I find both his style and 
 his choice of subject matter pedestrian.
 As for the article/book you mention, it doesn't sound
 like my cuppa tea. I have high standards,

I don't. :)  I loved it.

 since when it
 comes to witty social barbs, my god is Oscar Wilde. 
 He understood the distinction between being a queen
 and being a drama queen.

Nothing terribly witty in Capote's book, IIRC.
It was really pure payback.  


[FairfieldLife] Starbucks goes OWS?

2011-11-01 Thread Bhairitu
This morning at the local Starbucks I found fliers for Create Jobs for 
USA.  Guess that Howard Schultz figures if people don't have jobs the 
first thing they cut is that morning latte at Starbucks.


Now how 'bout other corporations?  Will Comcast wake up to the fact that 
if people don't have jobs one of the first things they cut is cable?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 
 For example after I have stated my position with Judy I will
 drop the thread knowing that more discussion will not lead
 to more understanding.

Interesting. In my observation, you drop threads with me
when you've been reduced to making points and claims so
weak you know you're not going to be able to defend them
from challenge.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 1, 2011, at 2:37 PM, Susan wrote:

 But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
 appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
 the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
 what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
 enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
 because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
 Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
 bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
 radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
 individual ego.
 Barry, I really think that you undermine your point by exaggerating the 
 positions of TB's.  At least, I hope you are exaggerating it and that I am 
 not wrong!  I don't think most people going to the Domes really think that 
 they are all that important on the planet. They  may look down on other 
 people and other meditation types, and probably belive that they are 
 increasing sattva for the area and the world - so they do think they are on 
 to something amazing. But, I still suspect that nearly everyone in the Domes 
 is there mostly for working on their own Enlgihtenment, period. They want to 
 get to CC or GC or just want to be good in the TMO eyes.  World Peace is a 
 side benefit, but not the only reason they are there.   No, instead they want 
 spiritual experiences, or a nap, or to be with other TB's.  Self-importance 
 is not the main issue, imo.

That may be, Susan.  But if so, things have changed…
since bouncing on your rear end for whirled peas has
been presented, for quite a while now, as the main reason
to come to the Dooms, keep up the numbers, etc.  What you
get out of it personally is not important and hasn't 
been for quite some time.  Even personal comfort, health
or the care of your children takes a back seat to this
nonsense.  Has that changed?  How refreshing if it were

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Occupy the Domes!!

2011-11-01 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u anitaoaks4u@ wrote:

  Hey Buck-How often do you fall asleep 'during' meditation? Either at home 
  OR at the domesjust curious.

 Wm, not at all.  I take my meditation seriously and sit up and do it.  I love 
 it.  I wouldn't want to miss any of it.  Meditation is something you do.  
 Some of these lazy ill-disciplined people that go in just laying down ought 
 to be slapped.  You know, I once heard the great saint Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
 say directly that we've slept enough and if you're having troubles sleeping 
 in meditation to take some stimulants like coffee or tea.  That is the better 
 attitude towards sleeping your meditations away.  Sit the heck up.  -Buck

Perhaps you misunderstood the question; I wasn't suggesting people were lying 
down to sleep, I merely ask how often do you fall asleep 'during' meditation 
(while sitting).

That is not necessarily a negative, and in fact usually the rest is far deeper 
than regular sleep. MMY once said under such circumstances to be sure the head 
is supported and does not fall on the chest as this could cause serious neck 

The idea of using a stimulant such as tea or coffee would not be a good idea 
IMO, I doubt (or would be very surprised) MMY would ever suggest doing that *in 
order to stay awake during meditation*, (didn't say it didn't happen though), 
thanks for your response. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Nov 1, 2011, at 2:37 PM, Susan wrote:
  But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
  appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
  the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
  what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
  enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
  because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
  Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
  bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
  radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
  individual ego.
  Barry, I really think that you undermine your point by exaggerating the 
  positions of TB's.  At least, I hope you are exaggerating it and that I am 
  not wrong!  I don't think most people going to the Domes really think that 
  they are all that important on the planet. They  may look down on other 
  people and other meditation types, and probably belive that they are 
  increasing sattva for the area and the world - so they do think they are on 
  to something amazing. But, I still suspect that nearly everyone in the 
  Domes is there mostly for working on their own Enlgihtenment, period. They 
  want to get to CC or GC or just want to be good in the TMO eyes.  World 
  Peace is a side benefit, but not the only reason they are there.   No, 
  instead they want spiritual experiences, or a nap, or to be with other 
  TB's.  Self-importance is not the main issue, imo.
 That may be, Susan.  But if so, things have changed…
 since bouncing on your rear end for whirled peas has
 been presented, for quite a while now, as the main reason
 to come to the Dooms, keep up the numbers, etc.  What you
 get out of it personally is not important and hasn't 
 been for quite some time.  Even personal comfort, health
 or the care of your children takes a back seat to this

Well, if care of your kids and health take a back seat, then I can only say the 
parents are nuts. 
I do recall back in the late 70's knowing of a couple with a young baby.  They 
had returned a year earlier from a 6 month course and believed that doing their 
full siddhis program was more important than anything in the world - holding a 
job, eating with family, etc. So, twice a day they put the baby in a crib in a 
room, closed the door and went to another part of the house to do program for 
2 hours!!  I hit the roof when I heard that.  I always assumed that they had 
taken it all too literally. Who would treat their own newborn that way? 

In fact, I don't really know what type of people now head to the Domes each day 
out in FFld.  After all these years, if people still have such little common 
sense, then I have grossly overestimated the  mental health of the remaining 
TB's. I thought this type of thinking was long gone.

Has that changed?  How refreshing if it were

[FairfieldLife] UFO mainstream media coverage MASS SIGHTINGS taking place

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread whynotnow7

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Nov 1, 2011, at 2:37 PM, Susan wrote:
  But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
  appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
  the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
  what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
  enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
  because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
  Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
  bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
  radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
  individual ego.
  Barry, I really think that you undermine your point by exaggerating the 
  positions of TB's.  At least, I hope you are exaggerating it and that I am 
  not wrong!  I don't think most people going to the Domes really think that 
  they are all that important on the planet. They  may look down on other 
  people and other meditation types, and probably belive that they are 
  increasing sattva for the area and the world - so they do think they are on 
  to something amazing. But, I still suspect that nearly everyone in the 
  Domes is there mostly for working on their own Enlgihtenment, period. They 
  want to get to CC or GC or just want to be good in the TMO eyes.  World 
  Peace is a side benefit, but not the only reason they are there.   No, 
  instead they want spiritual experiences, or a nap, or to be with other 
  TB's.  Self-importance is not the main issue, imo.
 That may be, Susan.  But if so, things have changed…
 since bouncing on your rear end for whirled peas has
 been presented, for quite a while now, as the main reason
 to come to the Dooms, keep up the numbers, etc.  What you
 get out of it personally is not important and hasn't 
 been for quite some time.  Even personal comfort, health
 or the care of your children takes a back seat to this
 nonsense.  Has that changed?  How refreshing if it were

imo what Susan is saying is that the majority aren't zombies for world peace, 
that even though they neglect their lives sometimes to participate in the 
Domes, it isn't about world peace, though I remember that topic from my Intro 
lecture in 1975. The dome goers think its the best thing to do for their 
evolution. You don't think so personally. Me neither, though I am probably 
clueless about some things that they know way more about than I do - It all 
evens out. 

Why castigate them? Who knows what is best for others? As a coincidence, the 
crime rate in the US has been plummeting and no one can figure out why. I am 
not saying it is the domes, but it does coincidentally track to what Mr. Tee-Em 
said about growing social peace.

My take on it is I'm glad to have the reduction in crime and if it due to those 
folks in the Dome, that is great! And if it isn't, that's great too, as long as 
it keeps going down. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO mainstream media coverage MASS SIGHTINGS taking place

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:


Pls forget the hysterical voices and the obviously fake interview with someone 
from area51. Just enjoy the footage

[FairfieldLife] Alcoholism and God

2011-11-01 Thread russell sedman
With millions of members AA has shown a simple spiritual program of action, 
when applied, can relieve the obsession and compulsion to drink. The program of 
the 12 steps has been adopted by many other organisations such as Overeaters 
Anonymous, NA, Gamblers Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, Cocaine 
Anonymous...the list is endless.
The basic concept of the 12 steps is to first admit defeat and accept a 
personal inability to change on your own power. A inventory of resentments, 
fears and harms caused gives the basis for a list of amends to be made, prayer 
and meditation are encouraged and most importantly the need to get out of self 
and help others.

To be told that meditation alone can solve personal problems is, in my 
experience, not a workable solution. Helping others is without doubt the road 
to freedom from self.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alcoholism and God

2011-11-01 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:58 PM, russell sedman wrote:

 To be told that meditation alone can solve personal problems is, in my 
 experience, not a workable solution.

I agree, russell.  Did somebody here tell you that?


[FairfieldLife] Blues

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008
Dear curtis, I know what blues is. But hearing what you manage to shriek about 
MMM, the latest him being worse than Mao, your music simply SOUNDS like 
Hillbillymusic, in my ears.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Alcoholism and God

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, russell sedman russellca12@... wrote:

 With millions of members AA has shown a simple spiritual program of action, 
 when applied, can relieve the obsession and compulsion to drink. The program 
 of the 12 steps has been adopted by many other organisations such as 
 Overeaters Anonymous, NA, Gamblers Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, Cocaine 
 Anonymous...the list is endless.
 The basic concept of the 12 steps is to first admit defeat and accept a 
 personal inability to change on your own power. A inventory of resentments, 
 fears and harms caused gives the basis for a list of amends to be made, 
 prayer and meditation are encouraged and most importantly the need to get out 
 of self and help others.
 To be told that meditation alone can solve personal problems is, in my 
 experience, not a workable solution. Helping others is without doubt the road 
 to freedom from self.   

AA is indeed a spiritual programme which is directly inspired by the Master 
Jesus according to Mr. Benjamin Creme.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alcoholism and God

2011-11-01 Thread whynotnow7
I agree, terrible idea. I tried it - didn't work.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:58 PM, russell sedman wrote:
  To be told that meditation alone can solve personal problems is, in my 
  experience, not a workable solution.
 I agree, russell.  Did somebody here tell you that?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alcoholism and God

2011-11-01 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 I agree, terrible idea. I tried it - didn't work.

HeHe :-)

It's interesting to note that somewhere in the 12 steps, meditation is very 
much empathized but somewhere along the passing of time this thingy of helping 
others have gained more weight in the AA programme and it seems it is now their 
full focus. This is not a critisism of AA, just an observation. 

  On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:58 PM, russell sedman wrote:
   To be told that meditation alone can solve personal problems is, in my 
   experience, not a workable solution.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alcoholism and God

2011-11-01 Thread Yifu
re: the co-founder of AA: William G. Wilson. Found LSD and niacin to be of 
value; claimed a discarnate Spirit named Boniface helped him craft the 12 Steps 
From Wiki:
For Wilson, spiritualism was a life-long interest. One of his letters to 
adviser Father Dowling suggests that while Wilson was working on his book 
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, he felt that spirits were helping him, in 
particular a 15th century monk named Boniface.[34] Despite his conviction that 
he had evidence for the reality of the spirit world, Wilson chose not to share 
this with AA. However his practices still created controversy within the AA 
membership. Wilson and his wife continued with their unusual practices in spite 
of the misgivings of many AA members. In their house they had a spook room 
where they would invite guests to participate in seances using a Ouija 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  I agree, terrible idea. I tried it - didn't work.
 HeHe :-)
 It's interesting to note that somewhere in the 12 steps, meditation is very 
 much empathized but somewhere along the passing of time this thingy of 
 helping others have gained more weight in the AA programme and it seems it is 
 now their full focus. This is not a critisism of AA, just an observation. 
   On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:58 PM, russell sedman wrote:
To be told that meditation alone can solve personal problems is, in my 
experience, not a workable solution.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread P Duff
Tom Pall wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 1:01 PM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 Thanks for your reply, Vaj. I cannot disagree with your assessment. One
 thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people can cling to beliefs
 and work tirelessly to preserve the appearance that they are true, long
 after other more reasonable people would have realized that they were

 But for me the tipping point into this world of clinging to
 appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
 the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
 what the shift from You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
 enlightenment to You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
 because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
 Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
 bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment was. It was a
 radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
 individual ego.

 You've got the timing wrong.  I remember the first residence course I was
 on which had a governess, one of the first back from Switzerland.   This
 was when the sidhis were a rocket ship for TM, which had already been
 described by Maharishi as the rocket ship to enlightenment.   This lady
 acted like she didn't shit, let alone did it not stink.  All, initiators,
 TMers, regarded her as though she was a body of light with flesh on top so
 we could see her.   She never denied that she could fly, walk through
 walls, hear our very thoughts.  She actually encouraged the awe about her.
 So did the other governors who came back.It appears Maharishi had
 really hyped the 6 month course participants up, not unlike the way
 initiators had previously been hyped up as being so very special in the
 scheme of manifest Creation.   The Vedic Atom, including Michael Moore,
 came to our area next and they acted like they were God's gift.   I got to
 see some tapes that were meant for initiators at a former ski chalet
 outside of Quebec which usually just ran ATRs.  I guess they didn't have
 mere meditator tapes so we watched ATR tapes.Maharishi was hyping the
 initiators that they were God's gift and coaching them on how to act
 special so that all would pick up on their being special.   I assume
 Maharishi pumped up the participants of the first 6 month courses to entice
 initiators to become governors and later TMers to take the arduous path of
 8 weeks of preparatory courses in residence then 8 weeks of sidhi training
 in residence, a tough thing for a householder being not nickled and dimed
 by the local TM center, but pretty much fleeced of every penny they had.
 Indeed this one initiator couple pinned me down and told me that as
 initiators they were so much more deserving of taking CIC than I was, so I
 just had to go to the bank with them to get a check for the $6,000 course
 fee.   Ballsy, eh? I now know that the experiences we TMers were fed
 were bogus, made up to get us to spring for the sidhis.  Once again, before
 the woo-woo save the world thing started.
I thank God A'mighty that I was spared the special teacher tripe on my 
TTC.  It was just the quite reasonable, You came here to become 
teachers.  So, what's keeping you?  Go home and teach already.  In 
everything Maharishi said there was the notion of specialness; we were 
special, the food was special, the toilet was special.  If we had been 
infested w/ bedbugs, they no doubt would have been special as well.  For 
myself I'm down w/ being as special as a bedbug.  Unlike in other 
endeavors, in teaching TM the less one brings to the table the better. 
And bedbug status is just about the right level for effective teaching.

But I did have similar experience w/ the ballsy types.  Freshly minted 
governors rode into town, informing us mere initiators that they had 
been sent by Maharishi hisself to acquire magnificent architectural 
wonders that might serve as local Capitals for the Age of Whatever. 
When I pointed out to these jamokes that they had neither a pot to piss 
in nor a window to throw it out of they were not dismayed in the least. 
  Around purity, I was schooled, the means would collect themselves. 
Alas and alack, the real estate agents representing multi-million dollar 
houses, and clearly not living the fullness of life, didn't quite see it 
that way.  They wanted earnest money from two guys who would account 
themselves lucky to have a change of clothes.  Real estate, one.  Ritam, 
zip.  Our heroes conveniently divined from the home of all knowledge 
that they should haul ass and find a more deserving locale for a 
Capital.  For all I know they're still searching.  Perhaps they found 
honest work.

P Duff

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Day That TMers Became Officially Crazy

2011-11-01 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 The sense of near-desperation with which some on this forum are hoping
 that Oprah is the new Merv and that TM is finally on the upswing
 left me thinking about its past, and trying to pinpoint where it all
 went wrong.

Maybe I've read the posts too quickly, but the only note of desperation
I recall reading on this, was you, venting in many paragraphs, about how
Oprah's underlings did not properly vet her about all the stories on the
web which paint an unfavorable view of the TMO, and thereby allowed her
to lend credibility to this organization by participating in a group
meditation. Would you care to point out who is demonstrating the other
behavior you describe above?

Many have speculated on this forum about what that phase
 transition moment was, the point at which it all began to unravel and
 go downhill. For many (including luminaries like Charlie Lutes and
 Jarvis), that point was the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program. Me,
 have a different theory, and I'm going to rap about it in a little
 mini-essay today. Be warned...this may be a little long (although not
 the length of Robin's epics), and it may piss a few people off. But
 what I honestly believe.

 I cannot pinpoint the exact day or month or year in which TMers went
 officially bat shit crazy (some TM historian type here may be able to
 that for us), because I'd already left before it happened. But I can
 pinpoint its nature, and what was said -- and believed -- that caused
 everything after that point to be a loony bin. It's the day that
 Maharishi first tried to convince people that bouncing on their butts
 slabs of foam in a big room full of other butt-bouncers could end
 change the weather, and bring about world peace.

 This pronouncement almost certainly predated the term Maharishi
 Effect, which was invented later to glorify his pronouncement, and
 scientific data made up to make it seem true. But from my point of
 view the fact that ANYONE believed this spiel for even an instant
 signifies the phase transition point from relative sanity to total

 Try it yourself by performing your own scientific experiment. Go out
 onto the street and pick someone at random, and tell them several
 that you believe. First, tell them what you heard when you first
 TM -- that it was good for you, and that the deep rest enabled you to
 function more efficiently and with less stress. You will probably get
 general agreement with this. Then say that it is your belief, based on
 scriptures and reported historical instances and such, that some
 can develop special powers and abilities (the siddhis) that others
 not, and possibly even levitate. No one's likely to call you crazy for
 this, because it is after all a matter of belief, and is no weirder
 after all than believing in a heaven filled with angels playing harps
 that Christ walked on water.

 But now tell them that you believe that a number of people as special
 yourself generate so much Woo Woo by grunting and bouncing around on
 their butts on slabs of foam that THEY CAN CREATE WORLD PEACE, all by
 themselves, with no further action needed. My bet is that the
 you've selected for this experiment are going to start edging away
 you nervously, if not actually running down the street away from you.
 The very idea is absurd, and based on a level of self-importance that
 most people on the planet associate only with full-blown insanity.

 As I've said, I'd left the TMO before Maharishi ever started talking
 about this. If I'd still been there I would have laughed in his face
 walked out of the room, never to return. So I find it difficult to
 imagine people listening to it and being SO self-absorbed and
 self-important that they actually bought it.

 The TM-Sidhis were originally introduced as a means to an end, a way
 speed up the enlightenment process. There was not a WORD about what
 performing them might do for anyone else. That only came later, after
 number of people had actually learned the siddhis and (surprise!)
 neither siddhis nor enlightenment had appeared. The whole original
 selling point of getting people to pay thousands of dollars to learn
 them had been revealed to be false. So Maharishi had to do *something*
 to try to get people to keep doing them, and to entice new people to
 learn them.

 Voila. The group consciousness thang. What began as mere pragmatism
 (finding a room somewhere and chipping in to get a discount on slabs
 foam rather than each person buying some for their own home) was
 into an exercise in Woo Woo. Doing program in a group was presented
 being Good In Itself. You were off the program if you *didn't* do
 program in a group. Hierarchies were invented to make the
 higher and more important than mere meditators. Dogma was invented
 about how powerful the 

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