Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread Emily Reyn
Here are a few of our toys.

I just wonder who of our candidates has any ability whatsoever to manage this 
on the foreign front.  I always come back to who I see as our only choice, 
flawed or not, and that would be our current president/administration.

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

On 12/28/2011 05:39 PM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:

 Here we go again.  Who will back
 down to avoid another war?
 Conventional wisdom would say that
 Iran should tow the line.  But then
 again who knows what they'll do.

 The militerrorists want to play with
 the new toys they got for Christmas.

 The Iranian 'militerrorists' probably
 don't celebrate Christmas by giving
 each other toys like you do.

I wasn't speaking about Iranian militerrorists, Mr. Numbnuts.


[FairfieldLife] [youtube] Golden loves guitar!!

2011-12-29 Thread cardemaister

[FairfieldLife] Al Jazeera video - Strait of Hormuz

2011-12-29 Thread Emily Reyn

Re: [FairfieldLife] [youtube] Golden loves guitar!!

2011-12-29 Thread Emily Reyn
This is so sweet and the best advertisement ever for Bud Light.

 From: cardemaister
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 12:01 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] [youtube] Golden loves guitar!!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Susan,

I know you are a very busy person with dogs to walk, kids to care, friends, 
movies but I have the following list of the bottom of the can, low-vibe, 
slimeball, idiotic retards on this list who continue to be enthralled, enticed 
and entertained by the troika of the King Baby Barry, the mediocre reviewer, 
Vaj, the liar and HH Curtis, the messiah of the intellectual dishonesty.

Steve, Rick, Barry 2, Susan, Sal..

Please help me keep this list updated and I apologize again if I missed any 
other obvious idiots.

Thanks for you support 


On Dec 29, 2011, at 10:32 AM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 Dear Susan,
 Thank you so much. Yes I agree it's not enough that we only have cream if the 
 top, the intelligent, creative, emotionally healthy people like the Judy's, 
 the Jim's, the Bob's, the Robin's, the Rory's, the Denise's, the Obba's.
 We also need the mediocre, the dumb, the retarded who time and again show 
 their strong commitment to their lives in cocoons. I'm glad you have taken a 
 strong moral stand and your unconditional support so the troika of the King 
 Baby Barry, the mediocre reviewer, Vaj, the liar and HH Curtis, the messiah 
 of the intellectual dishonesty continue to entertain, enthrall and entice the 
 bottom of the can, the low vibe, slime ball, idiotic, retarded of this list.
 I apologize for not mentioning you in this list.
 On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:21 AM, Susan wrote:
 Lately, I skip about 99 percent of the posts on FFL. I get that a few people 
 are delighted to have an audience, anyone who will engage. I avoid them 
 entirely. But for me the even bigger question is: why does anyone want to be 
 that audience? Maybe I missed something along the way since I don't read 
 these attention-seekers at all - not since reading their first few posts. 
 Don't they and all the people who keep replying to them and stirring the pot 
 have work to do, books to read, walks to take, dogs to walk, movies to see, 
 friends and/or family to spend time with, dishes to wash, food to cook, 
 meals to eat, even meditation and yoga to practice? You can analyze it well, 
 but I mean, seriously, who cares for these people, and their audience? Who 
 does the daily living stuff for them? How do they earn a living, live and 
 then spend all this time posting about, about mind-jumbling uninteresting 
 concepts. Just saying I noticed the same things as you did here and it is 
 interesting to hear that FFL is not the only place seeing the same Wonder 
 what the next stage will be
 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
  I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a part
  of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of the
  proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
  I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
  in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
  attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
  automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
  gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.
  If no one replies or gives them the attention they seek, the attention
  sluts tend to practice one or more of three primary strategies. The
  first is to talk about themselves, pretty much non-stop, as if telling
  everyone how great they are will make these people think they're great.
  This tactic tends not to work on spiritual forums, because it's rightly
  interpreted as runaway ego, and who wants to talk with a runaway ego?
  The second tactic is to praise other posters, or love bomb them,
  hoping that they too are insecure enough and in need of attention enough
  to reply to the flattery. The idea seems to be that if the attention
  slut can get a person to focus on them by flattering them, maybe they'll
  *keep* focusing on them. In my experience, this tactic only tends to
  work on other attention sluts, and tends to result in the formation of
  cliques, in which groups of attention sluts chat mainly with each other.
  The third tactic, when the above two have failed, is to try to insult or
  badger or abuse other people into replying. After all, the only thing
  that's important to an attention slut is the *attention*. It doesn't
  matter what form that attention takes. Again, this tends to work only on
  those who are so ungrounded in their own self as to feel the need to
  defend that self when it's insulted.
  The thing I see lately on multiple forums lately is that attention
  slut-itis is rampant, almost epidemic. I blame this on the emergence of
  social media like Twitter and Facebook, in which the entire game is
  about how much attention you can attract. How many followers do you

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 Spying against our perceived enemies can be justified.  The US can monitor 
 the military actitivities going on in Iran to determine what would be their 
 next move.  The information gathered is necessary for the president of the US 
 to decide the best course of action.

Like when the americans justified the invasion of Iraq by falsely claiming they 
had weapons of mass destruction ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 This excellent quote really strikes at the heart of Maharishi's intellectual 
 arrogance and fantasy.

Maharishi is quoted in several newspapers and interviews as having warned of an 
attac on the financial centre of NY. This is well known to most except you. 
I suppose that's the price you have to pay for spending so much time playing 
HillBilly music.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread Emily Reyn
Well, I think I'm at 47 posts with this one, so clearly I'll be quieter today.  
Something's gotta rein me in :)  A schedule is coming soon enough, though and I 
need to walk my cat today and hit the gym.

Humiliation is only a quality of the relative not of the essence. 

Quality of the relative versus quality of the absolute - from the internet...If 
one assumes the criteria for the quality of object x is something 
unquantifiable, then likely the it's relative phrase would be thrown around 
to describe its intrinsic dependence upon the observer as to the level of 
quality. I put level in quotes the time prior to this one, in order to 
emphasize the questionable relevance of the concept under this scenario.

In that, it's all subjective, which I largely agree with.  For example, I have 
a choice in how I interpret you, what you say, etc.  

After thinking on humiliation last night, the word that popped into my head 
this morning was humility.  Now, I can't have a philosophical discussion on 
either of those words, so I'll leave it there.

And then, there are the labels.  For me, I ultimately don't see the point in 
applying them to the degree that it dismisses the individual from 
consideration.  To the extent that I've been labeled in my life, it has 
served only to render part of me disabled, where I cease to exist to myself on 
some level and start to self-destruct behind said label.  Rejecting the label 
as something that neatly defines me has been critical to my survival.  What I 
have loved about this forum, is really (and I've said this before) the room 
that it gives to exist...and much of that room is granted by those that 
practice or have practiced TM - in seeming direct opposition to the  control 
the organization might wield.  It does seem to follow the concept of separating 
the message from the messenger, for me.  The room that exists here has helped 
and healed me in so many ways, it is unbelievable, and unexplainable.  I had a 
therapist tell me it would cost me
 thousands of dollars and years of therapy to recover from my life's wounds, 
so to speak. That was my last appointment with her, of course, as I'd already 
been through years of talk therapy.  That kind of therapy has very limited 
applicability, in my view.  I don't have the answers to much, but I want to be 
somewhere where there is the room to exist (at least in my fantasy).

Ravi, please don't leave without saying until we meet again.  

 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 11:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 

No worries, words are always limiting and it only causes more questions. Trust 
me when I say this, my own intellect constantly challenges its own statements 
and opinions. So whatever I say can never be the truth or the final truth. You 
don't have to respond till you make sense of it or have more questions. 
Remember you are at 43 posts now :-).

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 WaitI've had all I can take...I need to think about this statement below 
 in the context of what you are saying.  
 Humiliation is only a quality of the relative not of the essence. 
 I'm not sure about this statement below either.  I'm not sure you will be 
 the first person to do this...soothingly...I don't know that that was 
 actually your first response when confronted...someone on this forum might 
 beat you to it :) 
 And I will be the first person, if needed to soothe, love, apply medicine 
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 10:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to 
 Ravi Chivukula
 And I will be the first person, if needed to soothe, love, apply medicine 
 Denise. You are a mother, you will easily understand this - the fact that 
 you can hurt your child and then unconditionally love, soothe them a little 
 That's why I always used to laugh at liberals, the ones who were single 
 childless, their fascination for projecting non-violence, peace, 
 non-violent communication on to others. Their furious, feverish efforts to 
 numb themselves, insulate themselves from pain by trying to control the 
 whole world used to be so hilarious and fascinating to me.
 On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:55 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
 Thanks Denise. Well because if the other throws his shit at me I sometimes 
 double down and throw it back at them.
 Again humiliation from their perspective. Humiliation is only a quality of 
 the relative not of the essence. I'm not that egotistic to think I can 
 ever taint, or humiliate the truth. Well the truth is essentially 
 untouched like I say.
 I feel I only attack 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/29/2011 05:37 AM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:

 Here we go again.  Who will back
 down to avoid another war?
 Conventional wisdom would say that
 Iran should tow the line.  But then
 again who knows what they'll do.

 The militerrorists want to play with
 the new toys they got for Christmas.

 The Iranian 'militerrorists' probably
 don't celebrate Christmas by giving
 each other toys like you do.

 I wasn't speaking about Iranian militerrorists,
 Mr. Numbnuts.

 So, you're thinking that the U.S. is the
 militerrorist by wanting to keep the Straight
 open? If so, then you're more mixed up than I
 originally thought!

 It's the Iranian militerrorists that are
 threatening to close the straight, Mr. Numbnuts.

 You sound like you'd like to be paying $10.00 a
 gallon for your gasoline! Go figure. How far do
 you think you can walk with a pack of groceries
 on your back?

 The U.S. Fifth Fleet said on Wednesday it would
 not allow any disruption of traffic in the Strait
 of Hormuz, after Iran threatened to stop ships
 moving through the world's most important oil

 'U.S. Fifth Fleet says won't allow Hormuz disruption'
 Reuters, December 28, 2011

So these wars of empire are about pirating the resources of others?  
Thought so.  So warmongers like Willy must be wearing an eyepatch.

Maybe if we didn't run around trying to steal other people's property 
then they wouldn't be mad at us and engage in trade to sell us those 
resources.  Sorta like what happened with Viet Nam after we stopped 
interfering in their country.  They are now one of our trade partners.  
Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

  I've been wondering about this lately, because 
  so many forums I'm a part of have been invaded 
  by hordes of what I tend to call (for want of 
  the proper Sanskrit term :-)
  pravidhA-raNDa: attention slut
Whatever you do, Barry, DO NOT pay attention to any
forum parlor talk!!! Just don't go there anymore.

 pravidhA-raNDa-Ananda: the bliss of being an attention 

Speaking of 'attention sluts', you're what, at message 
number 32 for the week, while posting the least amount 
of usefull information on the mechanics of consciousness. 


It is ignorance, propelled by the force of Karma, which 
is misery, in an endless cycle called Samsara.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread Susan
Lately, I skip about 99 percent of the posts on FFL.  I get that a few people 
are delighted to have an audience, anyone who will engage. I avoid them 
entirely.  But for me the even bigger question is: why does anyone want to be 
that audience? Maybe I missed something along the way since I don't read these 
attention-seekers at all - not since reading their first few posts.   Don't 
they and all the people who keep replying to them and stirring the pot have 
work to do, books to read, walks to take, dogs to walk, movies to see, friends 
and/or family to spend time with, dishes to wash, food to cook, meals to eat, 
even meditation and yoga to practice?  You can analyze it well, but I mean, 
seriously, who cares for these people, and their audience?  Who does the daily 
living stuff for them?  How do they earn a living, live and then spend all this 
time posting about, about mind-jumbling uninteresting concepts. Just saying I 
noticed the same things as you did here and it is interesting to hear that FFL 
is not the only place seeing the same  Wonder what the next stage will 

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a part
 of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of the
 proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
 I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
 in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
 attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
 automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
 gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.
 If no one replies or gives them the attention they seek, the attention
 sluts tend to practice one or more of three primary strategies. The
 first is to talk about themselves, pretty much non-stop, as if telling
 everyone how great they are will make these people think they're great.
 This tactic tends not to work on spiritual forums, because it's rightly
 interpreted as runaway ego, and who wants to talk with a runaway ego?
 The second tactic is to praise other posters, or love bomb them,
 hoping that they too are insecure enough and in need of attention enough
 to reply to the flattery. The idea seems to be that if the attention
 slut can get a person to focus on them by flattering them, maybe they'll
 *keep* focusing on them. In my experience, this tactic only tends to
 work on other attention sluts, and tends to result in the formation of
 cliques, in which groups of attention sluts chat mainly with each other.
 The third tactic, when the above two have failed, is to try to insult or
 badger or abuse other people into replying. After all, the only thing
 that's important to an attention slut is the *attention*. It doesn't
 matter what form that attention takes. Again, this tends to work only on
 those who are so ungrounded in their own self as to feel the need to
 defend that self when it's insulted.
 The thing I see lately on multiple forums lately is that attention
 slut-itis is rampant, almost epidemic. I blame this on the emergence of
 social media like Twitter and Facebook, in which the entire game is
 about how much attention you can attract. How many followers do you
 But if you think about it, aren't compulsive attempts to get other
 people to focus their attention on you kinda...uh...un-spiritual in the
 first place? On pretty much all of the forums in question, those voices
 that are most universally appreciated and held in some regard belong to
 people who don't utilize any of the three strategies above. Instead,
 they tend to talk only when they have something to say, and reply only
 to people who have actually said something interesting. And they stay
 out of protracted arguments and generally skip the small shit. Because
 it IS, after all, small shit.
 Call me crazy, but these folks seem to figured out something valuable
 about the nature of chat forums that the oh-so-needy Chatty Cathys
 haven't. Maybe they just spend more time in meditation and immersed in
 the Self than the attention sluts, and thus have no need to try to pump
 up the self by sucking attention from other people. Or maybe they're
 just grownups...I don't know. All I know is who I avoid and who I want
 to engage in conversation with.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread Vaj

On Dec 29, 2011, at 12:02 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Zoroastrianism! DAMN I didn't see that one coming! They don't even  
have a crystal cathedral or a presence on basic cable or a hot  
celeb spokesperson or anything. WTF!

Well, not since Freddie Mercury died.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Susan,

Thank you so much. Yes I agree it's not enough that we only have cream if the 
top, the intelligent, creative, emotionally healthy people like the Judy's, the 
Jim's, the Bob's, the Robin's, the Rory's, the Denise's, the Obba's.

We also need the mediocre, the dumb, the retarded who time and again show their 
strong commitment to their lives in cocoons. I'm glad you have taken a strong 
moral stand and your unconditional support so the troika of the King Baby 
Barry, the mediocre reviewer, Vaj, the liar and HH Curtis, the messiah of the 
intellectual dishonesty continue to entertain, enthrall and entice the bottom 
of the can, the low vibe, slime ball, idiotic, retarded of this list.

I apologize for not mentioning you in this list.


On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:21 AM, Susan wrote:

 Lately, I skip about 99 percent of the posts on FFL. I get that a few people 
 are delighted to have an audience, anyone who will engage. I avoid them 
 entirely. But for me the even bigger question is: why does anyone want to be 
 that audience? Maybe I missed something along the way since I don't read 
 these attention-seekers at all - not since reading their first few posts. 
 Don't they and all the people who keep replying to them and stirring the pot 
 have work to do, books to read, walks to take, dogs to walk, movies to see, 
 friends and/or family to spend time with, dishes to wash, food to cook, meals 
 to eat, even meditation and yoga to practice? You can analyze it well, but I 
 mean, seriously, who cares for these people, and their audience? Who does the 
 daily living stuff for them? How do they earn a living, live and then spend 
 all this time posting about, about mind-jumbling uninteresting concepts. Just 
 saying I noticed the same things as you did here and it is interesting to 
 hear that FFL is not the only place seeing the same Wonder what the next 
 stage will be
 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
  I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a part
  of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of the
  proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
  I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
  in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
  attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
  automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
  gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.
  If no one replies or gives them the attention they seek, the attention
  sluts tend to practice one or more of three primary strategies. The
  first is to talk about themselves, pretty much non-stop, as if telling
  everyone how great they are will make these people think they're great.
  This tactic tends not to work on spiritual forums, because it's rightly
  interpreted as runaway ego, and who wants to talk with a runaway ego?
  The second tactic is to praise other posters, or love bomb them,
  hoping that they too are insecure enough and in need of attention enough
  to reply to the flattery. The idea seems to be that if the attention
  slut can get a person to focus on them by flattering them, maybe they'll
  *keep* focusing on them. In my experience, this tactic only tends to
  work on other attention sluts, and tends to result in the formation of
  cliques, in which groups of attention sluts chat mainly with each other.
  The third tactic, when the above two have failed, is to try to insult or
  badger or abuse other people into replying. After all, the only thing
  that's important to an attention slut is the *attention*. It doesn't
  matter what form that attention takes. Again, this tends to work only on
  those who are so ungrounded in their own self as to feel the need to
  defend that self when it's insulted.
  The thing I see lately on multiple forums lately is that attention
  slut-itis is rampant, almost epidemic. I blame this on the emergence of
  social media like Twitter and Facebook, in which the entire game is
  about how much attention you can attract. How many followers do you
  But if you think about it, aren't compulsive attempts to get other
  people to focus their attention on you kinda...uh...un-spiritual in the
  first place? On pretty much all of the forums in question, those voices
  that are most universally appreciated and held in some regard belong to
  people who don't utilize any of the three strategies above. Instead,
  they tend to talk only when they have something to say, and reply only
  to people who have actually said something interesting. And they stay
  out of protracted arguments and generally skip the 

[FairfieldLife] Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread turquoiseb
I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a part
of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of the
proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.

If no one replies or gives them the attention they seek, the attention
sluts tend to practice one or more of three primary strategies. The
first is to talk about themselves, pretty much non-stop, as if telling
everyone how great they are will make these people think they're great.
This tactic tends not to work on spiritual forums, because it's rightly
interpreted as runaway ego, and who wants to talk with a runaway ego?

The second tactic is to praise other posters, or love bomb them,
hoping that they too are insecure enough and in need of attention enough
to reply to the flattery. The idea seems to be that if the attention
slut can get a person to focus on them by flattering them, maybe they'll
*keep* focusing on them. In my experience, this tactic only tends to
work on other attention sluts, and tends to result in the formation of
cliques, in which groups of attention sluts chat mainly with each other.

The third tactic, when the above two have failed, is to try to insult or
badger or abuse other people into replying. After all, the only thing
that's important to an attention slut is the *attention*. It doesn't
matter what form that attention takes. Again, this tends to work only on
those who are so ungrounded in their own self as to feel the need to
defend that self when it's insulted.

The thing I see lately on multiple forums lately is that attention
slut-itis is rampant, almost epidemic. I blame this on the emergence of
social media like Twitter and Facebook, in which the entire game is
about how much attention you can attract. How many followers do you
But if you think about it, aren't compulsive attempts to get other
people to focus their attention on you kinda...uh...un-spiritual in the
first place? On pretty much all of the forums in question, those voices
that are most universally appreciated and held in some regard belong to
people who don't utilize any of the three strategies above. Instead,
they tend to talk only when they have something to say, and reply only
to people who have actually said something interesting. And they stay
out of protracted arguments and generally skip the small shit. Because
it IS, after all, small shit.

Call me crazy, but these folks seem to figured out something valuable
about the nature of chat forums that the oh-so-needy Chatty Cathys
haven't. Maybe they just spend more time in meditation and immersed in
the Self than the attention sluts, and thus have no need to try to pump
up the self by sucking attention from other people. Or maybe they're
just grownups...I don't know. All I know is who I avoid and who I want
to engage in conversation with.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

Ravi Chivukula:
 And then remember Indians made great progress 
 in to the Science of the inner, of these 
 mysterious, unknown energies...

It's not just the inner aspect that the ancient
Indians made great progress in.

Don't forget that the ancient Indians had 
discovered the ratio of pi, the circumference to 
diameter ratio from paridhi vyas anupati, over 
a thousand years before Pythagoras.

Science historians have long agreed that the 
international numeral system (1, 2, 3,), based 
on the concepts of decimal placement and zero 
were invented by the ancient Indians, as well as 
the decimal system itself. 

Now, it has been discovered that the ancient 
Indus Civilization inhabitants may have invented 
the alphabet! 

A short review: 

Science historians have long agreed that the 
international numeral system (1, 2, 3,), based 
on the concepts of decimal placement and zero 
were invented by the ancient Indians. 

Nevertheless, many Western publications continue 
to call the everyday numerals Arabic, even 
though Arab historians themselves have always 
acknowledged the numerals' South Asian origins. 

An even more fundamental contribution to human 
knowledge -- the origin of alphabetic writing -- 
should now be credited to the ancient Indians.

This claim arises from the successful 
deciphering of the ancient Indus script recently 
accomplished by Professor Natwar Jha. 

In his new book, 'Vedic lossary on Indus Seals', 
Jha explains his methodology and presents 
readings of more than 100 seals. Dr. Jha spent 
20 years on the Indus script project. 

He has deciphered more than 3500 seals and 
established that the script is old Brahmi, a 
thousand years older than the Phoenician script, 
the currently believed origin of all alphabetic 

In detailed charts, Jha shows stage-by-stage 
derived forms from old-Brahmi that include 
Phoenician, Aramaic of Taxila, Sabien Hemyaretic, 
Greek, and even Finnish!

Work cited:

'Vedic Glossary on Indus Seals'
by Natwar Jha
Varanasi, 1996 : Ganga-Kaveri Publishing 
60 pages; Reviewed by C. J. S. Wallia

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread Vaj

On Dec 28, 2011, at 8:13 PM, azgrey wrote:

 Speaking of mad as a March hare.
 Just sayin'.

Yeah, I know. I haven't been in the CIA for years, I've been so busy with 
Indiana Jones trying to find Q.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So called yogic siddhis/sanyamas and aaloka of prajñaa? Part 3

2011-12-29 Thread cardemaister

--- In, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

  So, the depth(?) of samaadhi/samaapatti associated with
 saMyama/siddhi-s seems to be able to be anything from
 nirvitarka/nirvitarkaa down to at least saasmitaa (sa + asmitaa:with
 asmitaa): smRtiparisuddhau svaruupashuunyevaarthamaatranirbhaasaa
 nirvitarkaa. (I 43) etayaiva savicaaraa [samaapatti/samaadhi -- card]
 nirvicaaraa ca shuukSmavishayaavyaakhyaataa. (I 44)
 III 5 goes like this:
 tajjayaat prajñaalokaH; (tat-jayaat prajñaalokaH).
 Sucker Taimni translates it like this:
 By mastering it (saMyama) the light of the higher consciousness.
 Just for fun, let's study the compound word prajñaalokaH.  How many
 interpretationsare possible? Let's suppose, that the first part is
 either prajña or prajñaa.
 Tasmin sati, we get the following possible combinations:
 prajña + alokaH
prajña + aalokaH
prajñaa + lokaH
prajñaa + alokaH
prajñaa + aalokaH.

Vyaasa's comment on that suutra (III 5) begins like this
(transliterating from devanaagarii):

tasya saMyamasya jayaat samaadhi-prajñaayaa bhavatyaalokaH (bhavati+

Judging by that, the correct components of 'prajnaalokaH' above
seem to be

prajñaa + aalokaH.

So, in that case sucker Taimni's translation for 'prajñaalokaH'
(the light of the higher consciousness) might be acceptable.

We seem to recall Maharishi once said something like:

The acid test of full enlightenment is the ability to perform
siddhi-s at will.

Or something to that effect.

In YS III 5, Patañjali seems to corroborate that: from the
mastery of saMyama [follows] the light of consciousness; or stuff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread John

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 12/28/2011 10:08 AM, John wrote:
  Here we go again.  Who will back down to avoid another war?  Conventional 
  wisdom would say that Iran should tow the line.  But then again who knows 
  what they'll do.
 The militerrorists want to play with the new toys they got for Christmas.

It appears that the Iranians are literally testing out the waters to see how 
far they can go with their power expansion.  If they are successful, they could 
eventually play a larger role in Iraqi politics.  Also, they are rattling their 
sabers for capturing the US stealth drone that was spying on their air space.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread John
Spying against our perceived enemies can be justified.  The US can monitor the 
military actitivities going on in Iran to determine what would be their next 
move.  The information gathered is necessary for the president of the US to 
decide the best course of action.

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Here are a few of our toys.
 I just wonder who of our candidates has any ability whatsoever to manage this 
 on the foreign front.  I always come back to who I see as our only choice, 
 flawed or not, and that would be our current president/administration.
  From: Bhairitu noozguru@...
 Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 7:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat
 On 12/28/2011 05:39 PM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:
  Here we go again.  Who will back
  down to avoid another war?
  Conventional wisdom would say that
  Iran should tow the line.  But then
  again who knows what they'll do.
  The militerrorists want to play with
  the new toys they got for Christmas.
  The Iranian 'militerrorists' probably
  don't celebrate Christmas by giving
  each other toys like you do.
 I wasn't speaking about Iranian militerrorists, Mr. Numbnuts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread Vaj

On Dec 29, 2011, at 10:33 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

This excellent quote really strikes at the heart of Maharishi's  
intellectual arrogance and fantasy.

It illustrates a fascinating quality of our brains to misjudge the  
value of hindsight. Looking forward you can't predict 9-11, but  
once it has happened it all looks so obvious how it got there, that  
it seems ridiculous that we missed the signs. But its surety is  
an illusion that we are vulnerable to. We forget how complex the  
data is looking forward and how impossible it is to predict in a  
advance in the deluge of date.

Turning back to our Vedic predictors, we have a metaphorical  
language and once we know the scientific principles, may give more  
of an illusion than is warranted that they knew about what we know  

This is not to demean the tremendous contributions to science and  
culture, which may have included facts like the true planetary  
relationships ahead of these discoveries in the West. The point  
that in the West we have a triumphalist attitude and a lack of  
understanding of the true contributions of the East is well taken.

But lets not get carried away with how much detail they actually  
had nailed down. We actually have learned a few things since Vedic  
times, and our application of the scientific method, where  
appropriate, had advanced our clarity of understanding our world  
tremendously. It is one thing to say Surya carries the sun across  
the sky in a chariot, it is another to make a solar panel to power  
a TV that can play the Jersey Shore. (Oh is Snooky drunk AGAIN!)

Well such freethinking is un-Vedic!

Manusmriti, described as the pivotal text of the dominant form of  
Hinduism (Doniger and Smith 1991, xvii) declared free thinking one  
of the cardinal sins to be punished by ex-communication: The Veda  
[shruti] should be known as revealed canon, and the teachings of  
religion [smriti] as the tradition. These two are indisputable in all  
matters, for religion arose out of the two of them. Any twice-born  
man who disregards these two roots of religion, because he relies on  
the teachings of logic, should be excommunicated by virtuous people  
as an atheist and a reviler of the Veda (Manusmriti, chapter 2,  
verse 10 - 11, emphasis added, see Doniger and Smith 1991). 

Not exactly a ringing endorsement of scientific temper! (For even  
more radical proscriptions against questioning the Vedas, as laid out  
in some of the most revered texts, see Chattopadhyaya 1976, 191 - 194,)

The law book of Manu and the ethos it prescribed had already become  
an established source of authority by the early centuries of the  
Common Era. Theories were rejected or accepted depending upon their  
agreement with tradition. The heterodox schools which did not accept  
the authority of the Vedas were either reduced to a caricature  
(especially the materialist schools of Charvaka and Lokayata), or  
absorbed into the Vedic tradition (as with the originally  
materialistic school of Sankhya which was assimilated into the  
Upanishadic teachings in the Bhagavad Gita, and as with the  
Brahminization of the teachings of Buddha). Those who sing praises of  
Hindu hospitability to reason and innovation turn a blind eye to the  
contrary historical evidence described famously by Alberuni (973 —  
1048 CE, the renowned Islamic mathematician, astronomer, and  
political philosopher who has left behind a vivid record of his  
sojourn in India in the early years of the eleventh century. Alberuni  
describes how the most eminent Indian astronomers like Varahamihira  
(sixth century CE) and Brahmagupta (seventh or eighth century CE),  
knowing fully well the cause of lunar and solar eclipses, bowed to  
tradition and accepted the myth of a demon's head swallowing the sun  
or the moon.

These are well-known facts of Indian intellectual history. The myth  
of critical thinking in the dominant Hindu tradition can only be  
maintained by ignoring these facts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread Vaj

On Dec 29, 2011, at 9:46 AM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:

Ravi Chivukula:
 And then remember Indians made great progress
 in to the Science of the inner, of these
 mysterious, unknown energies...

It's not just the inner aspect that the ancient
Indians made great progress in.

Don't forget that the ancient Indians had
discovered the ratio of pi, the circumference to
diameter ratio from paridhi vyas anupati, over
a thousand years before Pythagoras.

Science historians have long agreed that the
international numeral system (1, 2, 3,), based
on the concepts of decimal placement and zero
were invented by the ancient Indians, as well as
the decimal system itself.

Now, it has been discovered that the ancient
Indus Civilization inhabitants may have invented
the alphabet!

Here is a partial, and somewhat dated list of Hindutva claims for  
priority in scientific discoveries taken from D. B. Thengadi's much- 
cited 1983 lecture, Modernization without Westernization: 

1. The well-known theorem of Pythagoras who was described by King  
Clement of Alexandria as pupil of a Brahmin.
2. The atomic theory of the West which was anticipated thousands of  
years ago by pramanuvad of Kanaad. 
3. Dialecticism of Hegel and Marx, which was first envisaged and  
systematized by Kapil Muni.
4. The fact that it is the earth that moves around the sun... which  
was proved by Copernicus, and more than a thousand years before  
Copernicus by Arya Bhatta, 
5. Materialism of Democratus (sic), of which the first ever sutra was  
written by Brushaspati centuries back...
6. Scientific concepts of space and time explained by Einstein and  
enunciated first by Vedanta philosophers.
7. The scientific definition of matter given for the first time to  
modern science by Heisenberg and to Hindus by Patanjali. 
8. The relativity of space and time, the unity of the universe, a  
space-time con- tinuum, established in ancient times by Vedantic  
thinkers and proved in this century by Einstein. 
9. The process of scientific philosophical thinking initiated by  
Parmesthi Prajapitha of nassdeeya suktha and climaxed by Einstein.  
(Thengadi 1983, 5)

In addition, just about every miracle like the Ganesha idols  
drinking milk, every age-old ritual (fire sacrifices, or yagna),  
and Sanskrit chant (e.g., the Gayatri mantra) and every superstition  
like fire ceremonies for rains and vastu shastra (architecture that  
tries to align built structures with cosmic energy, the Indian equiv-  
alent of the Chinese Feng Shui) has been declared to be  
scientific.' Just about every verse of the Vedas, which has  
anything even remotely to do with elements of nature, whether  
literally or metaphorically, has been declared to contain  
scientific facts, including the speed of light, the distance of the  
sun from the earth, and other such cosmological constants —  
corresponding to the last decimal point! — to the values obtained by  
modern physics. It has been claimed, for example, that the Rig Veda  
had discovered the Newtonian laws of gravity as well as Einstein's  
theory of relativity and calculated the velocity of light, discovered  
cosmic rays, so on and so forth. Nearly all important discoveries of  
biological sciences are right there in the sacred books as well, from  
the discovery of photosynthesis, the knowledge of molecular receptors  
of Ayurvedic medicines, microscopy, even test-tube babies, etc, If  
the apologists are to be believed, the Vedas were actually  
engineering manuals, describing precisely those technological  
advances that have already taken place in the West, from airplanes to  
submarines, running on everything from solar power to nuclear energy.  
Everything of value that Western science and technology has produced,  
even if the value lies in warfare and destruction, is claimed to be  
presaged by Hindu holy men of a bygone era.

The examples in the above paragraph are taken from the recent output  
of only two think-tanks — the Dharam Hinduja Foundation with centers  
in India as well as in Columbia and Cambridge universities, and  
Prajna Bharati, a national forum for thinkers with a nationalist  
orientation.' There are many academics, with degrees in sciences,  
many of them working in the United States and Canada — notably,  
Subhash Kak, David Frawley, N. S. Rajaram (now in India), Ram Mohan  
Roy, the 'Vedic creationists associated with the Hare Krishna  
movement and the Ramakrishna Mission, the unified field  
physicists associated with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and the monks of  
Ramakrishna Mission's Vedanta centers around the world — who are  
publishing books claiming that Vedic literature is actually a record  
of scientific discoveries. Needless to say, all the discoveries are  
invariably exactly those that modern science made later on!

-Prophets Looking Backwards
Meera Nanda

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
This excellent quote really strikes at the heart of Maharishi's intellectual 
arrogance and fantasy.

It illustrates a fascinating quality of our brains to misjudge the value of 
hindsight.  Looking forward you can't predict 9-11, but once it has happened it 
all looks so obvious how it got there, that it seems ridiculous that we missed 
the signs. But its surety is an illusion that we are vulnerable to.  We 
forget how complex the data is looking forward and how impossible it is to 
predict in a advance in the deluge of date.

Turning back to our Vedic predictors, we have a metaphorical language and once 
we know the scientific principles, may give more of an illusion than is 
warranted that they knew about what we know today. 

This is not to demean the tremendous contributions to science and culture, 
which may have included facts like the true planetary relationships ahead of 
these discoveries in the West. The point that in the West we have a 
triumphalist attitude and a lack of understanding of the true contributions of 
the East is well taken.

But lets not get carried away with how much detail they actually had nailed 
down.  We actually have learned a few things since Vedic times, and our 
application of the scientific method, where appropriate, had advanced our 
clarity of understanding our world tremendously. It is one thing to say Surya 
carries the sun across the sky in a chariot, it is another to make a solar 
panel to power a TV that can play the Jersey Shore. (Oh is Snooky drunk AGAIN!)

--- In, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Dec 29, 2011, at 9:46 AM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:
  Ravi Chivukula:
   And then remember Indians made great progress
   in to the Science of the inner, of these
   mysterious, unknown energies...
  It's not just the inner aspect that the ancient
  Indians made great progress in.
  Don't forget that the ancient Indians had
  discovered the ratio of pi, the circumference to
  diameter ratio from paridhi vyas anupati, over
  a thousand years before Pythagoras.
  Science historians have long agreed that the
  international numeral system (1, 2, 3,), based
  on the concepts of decimal placement and zero
  were invented by the ancient Indians, as well as
  the decimal system itself.
  Now, it has been discovered that the ancient
  Indus Civilization inhabitants may have invented
  the alphabet!
 Here is a partial, and somewhat dated list of Hindutva claims for  
 priority in scientific discoveries taken from D. B. Thengadi's much- 
 cited 1983 lecture, Modernization without Westernization: 
 1. The well-known theorem of Pythagoras who was described by King  
 Clement of Alexandria as pupil of a Brahmin.
 2. The atomic theory of the West which was anticipated thousands of  
 years ago by pramanuvad of Kanaad. 
 3. Dialecticism of Hegel and Marx, which was first envisaged and  
 systematized by Kapil Muni.
 4. The fact that it is the earth that moves around the sun... which  
 was proved by Copernicus, and more than a thousand years before  
 Copernicus by Arya Bhatta, 
 5. Materialism of Democratus (sic), of which the first ever sutra was  
 written by Brushaspati centuries back...
 6. Scientific concepts of space and time explained by Einstein and  
 enunciated first by Vedanta philosophers.
 7. The scientific definition of matter given for the first time to  
 modern science by Heisenberg and to Hindus by Patanjali. 
 8. The relativity of space and time, the unity of the universe, a  
 space-time con- tinuum, established in ancient times by Vedantic  
 thinkers and proved in this century by Einstein. 
 9. The process of scientific philosophical thinking initiated by  
 Parmesthi Prajapitha of nassdeeya suktha and climaxed by Einstein.  
 (Thengadi 1983, 5)
 In addition, just about every miracle like the Ganesha idols  
 drinking milk, every age-old ritual (fire sacrifices, or yagna),  
 and Sanskrit chant (e.g., the Gayatri mantra) and every superstition  
 like fire ceremonies for rains and vastu shastra (architecture that  
 tries to align built structures with cosmic energy, the Indian equiv-  
 alent of the Chinese Feng Shui) has been declared to be  
 scientific.' Just about every verse of the Vedas, which has  
 anything even remotely to do with elements of nature, whether  
 literally or metaphorically, has been declared to contain  
 scientific facts, including the speed of light, the distance of the  
 sun from the earth, and other such cosmological constants —  
 corresponding to the last decimal point! — to the values obtained by  
 modern physics. It has been claimed, for example, that the Rig Veda  
 had discovered the Newtonian laws of gravity as well as Einstein's  
 theory of relativity and calculated the velocity of light, discovered  
 cosmic rays, so on and so forth. Nearly all important discoveries of  
 biological sciences are right there in the sacred books as well, from  

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread John

--- In, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@... 

  We just paid taxes of over $4,000.00 on our 
  house in our metropolitan are.  Our home is 
  nothing fantastic, but is reasonably nice.
  If  tea party people are objecting to what I 
  consider to be these excesses, then I am 
  sympathetic to their cause.
 Property taxes should be abolished. It is an 
 unfair system. If I were elected, I would author
 a bill that would replace all school district 
 property taxes and wipe out  the taxing ability 
 of local school boards. 
 It's just outrageous, these property taxes! I
 don't even have any children attending public
 In my government package, I would propose to 
 elimnate all public schools and the federal 
 department of education. The government has no 
 business running schools. The current system 
 of federal-run schools is a failure and is 
 costing voters and homeowners a bundle!

You're criticizing a long tradition of public education in the USA.  There have 
been many outstanding leaders and presidents who were educated from the public 
school system.  Abandoning the system would deprive young people with talent 
but with no financial support to get a better education, which is the 
foundation of the democratic government in the USA.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

 ...why does anyone want to be that audience? 

It's simple, Susan: 

Most people just feel better when they have 
someone to talk to. Especially so, if you're 
an expatriot or someone living out in the 
back of beyond on the street called erewhon.

 Don't they and all the people who keep 
 replying to them and stirring the pot have 
 work to do... 

Obviously some informants are connected 24x7 
and on their computers all the time, getting 
FFL posts through their email. That's what 
they do. It's just natural for them, I suppose, 
and that's their work. 

For example, I'm on Craig's List and on eBay - 
so everytime I hear a computer sound, it's 
like $$$ in the bank. 

Thanks for responding. We need more balanced 
people like you on this forum!

This great post from Barry:

Life as an expatriate is interesting. You 
live in a foreign country, among people whose 
language, if you are as lazy as I am, you do 
not speak well enough to express even a 
fraction of the things that are on your mind.  

You live among people whose customs are all 
different from those you grew up with.  They 
eat different foods, have different forms of 
social interaction, hold different — sometimes 
*very* different — things sacred than you do.  

And, as an American living in their country, 
you try to learn from these people you meet, 
try to add to the sum of your knowledge and 
expand your own view of planet Earth to
encompass theirs.

But sometimes — I'll be honest — it gets to 

Read more:

Subject: Mr. Natural Is Alive and Well and Living in France
Author: Uncle Tantra
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: October 28, 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread merudanda
that would be then.uhh ...attention smoker?? [:D]  [:)]

When (according to Urban dictionary)this persons group of friends is
used to them smoking they will claim they are quitting to gain attention
again when actually they are not addicted in the first place so have no
problem 'quitting' [:D] 
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a
 of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of
 proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
 I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
 in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
 attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
 automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
 gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.

 If no one replies or gives them the attention they seek, the attention
 sluts tend to practice one or more of three primary strategies. The
 first is to talk about themselves, pretty much non-stop, as if telling
 everyone how great they are will make these people think they're
 This tactic tends not to work on spiritual forums, because it's
 interpreted as runaway ego, and who wants to talk with a runaway ego?

 The second tactic is to praise other posters, or love bomb them,
 hoping that they too are insecure enough and in need of attention
 to reply to the flattery. The idea seems to be that if the attention
 slut can get a person to focus on them by flattering them, maybe
 *keep* focusing on them. In my experience, this tactic only tends to
 work on other attention sluts, and tends to result in the formation of
 cliques, in which groups of attention sluts chat mainly with each

 The third tactic, when the above two have failed, is to try to insult
 badger or abuse other people into replying. After all, the only thing
 that's important to an attention slut is the *attention*. It doesn't
 matter what form that attention takes. Again, this tends to work only
 those who are so ungrounded in their own self as to feel the need to
 defend that self when it's insulted.

 The thing I see lately on multiple forums lately is that attention
 slut-itis is rampant, almost epidemic. I blame this on the emergence
 social media like Twitter and Facebook, in which the entire game is
 about how much attention you can attract. How many followers do you
 But if you think about it, aren't compulsive attempts to get other
 people to focus their attention on you kinda...uh...un-spiritual in
 first place? On pretty much all of the forums in question, those
 that are most universally appreciated and held in some regard belong
 people who don't utilize any of the three strategies above. Instead,
 they tend to talk only when they have something to say, and reply only
 to people who have actually said something interesting. And they stay
 out of protracted arguments and generally skip the small shit. Because
 it IS, after all, small shit.

 Call me crazy, but these folks seem to figured out something valuable
 about the nature of chat forums that the oh-so-needy Chatty Cathys
 haven't. Maybe they just spend more time in meditation and immersed in
 the Self than the attention sluts, and thus have no need to try to
 up the self by sucking attention from other people. Or maybe they're
 just grownups...I don't know. All I know is who I avoid and who I want
 to engage in conversation with.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread Vaj

On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:46 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a  
part of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for  
want of the proper Sanskrit term :-)

pravidhA-raNDa: attention slut

pravidhA-raNDa-Ananda: the bliss of being an attention slut.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prometheus trailer

2011-12-29 Thread seventhray1

Sounds like the field is being plowed.  Pre-emergent pesticide being
applied.  And the first seeds are  being planted.  T-minus 2 days and

--- In, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Bob,
 This next one is for Robin and Ravi; without you two, this place just
 isn't the same. 
 What can I say - FFL has been long dominated by the troika of Barry,
 mediocre reviewer, Vaj, the liar and Curtis, the messiah of
 dishonesty posing as great writers, great minds on this list - they
 always been able to entice, enthrall and entertain the retards of this
 list such as Steve, Barry2, Rick and the likes..LOL..that is until you
 came on board. Your posts are always so creative, so full of love,
 hitting these torch bearers of mediocrity pretty hard. Coupled with
 genuine love, humility, and understanding of spirituality - that is
 indeed a very rare combination.
 I might not be able to comment on every single post of yours, but then
 our relationship is such and I'm in awe of your talents :-)

 --- In, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  From: turquoiseb
  Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 8:03:12 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Prometheus trailer
  Ridley Scott is a sometimes great filmmaker, but he
  got his start in advertising, so he is a genius at
  trailers. Here's his first trailer for the upcoming
  prequel to Alien, which manages to entice without
  giving away any of the plot:
  Turn it up to 720p and go full screen. The trailer
  is so good, there is actually a trailer for the
  Check out the credits. Noomi Rapace (the original
  Girl With A Dragon Tattoo), Charlize Theron, Michael
  Fassbender, Guy Pearce, and Idris Elba. One to look
  forward to.
  Happy New Year Bro, hope that *hot* date didn't disappoint. I
  apologize for my neglect over the holidays, but I'm back and
  ready to follow you where no poster has gone before.
  I trust you know how much some of us are rooting for you to
  make it as a film reviewer. I think its completely understandable
 you to be
  practicing to be a film reviewer on a forum about spirituality, that
 is named
  for a town, where many people practice a technique you stopped
  nearly *40* years ago. I also believe the voice you employ, which
 seems to
  assume there are no televisions in America, may have legs. For this
 reason I
  think it's important, whenever we can, that we lend you a hand with
 the reviews:
  The forum that reviews together, stays together, sort of thing.
  For starters, mentioning that Ridley Scott got his start in
  advertising might be considered one of those duh
  moments since most current Hollywood directors have made television
  at one time or another during their careers. Your readers might find
 it more
  interesting if you mentioned RS actually got his start as a
  designer* in the early 60's, a good ten years before his television
  period, and that the quality of the *production design*, in his
 is what
  sets his work apart from many of his peers.
  You could also mention that this was more than demonstrated
  in Blade Runner (many production designers consider this an
  immersion course in production design) and Alien, where Scott's
  artistic sense as a *production designer* lead to his brilliant
 decision to attach
  Swiss graphic artist HR GIGER to the Alien project, whose work, in
 many ways,
  made the film so visually exceptional. You might also point out that
 prior to
  Giger's work, on Alien, most people had never considered the fusion
  and organic materials with industrial machinery, and technology;
 today, because
  of Alien, and the many movies that copied it's pioneering work, the
 public take
  this sort of visual fantasy for granted.Â
  You could also point out that Scott has been quoted as
  saying Texas Chainsaw Massacre, not Star Wars was the
  antecedent he referenced in making Alien. It might also be of
  to mention the script was kicked around Hollywood for nearly ten
 years, and almost
  everything from the original story changed except for the chest
 bursting scene
  which kept the Producers trying to green light it. .
  Scott was a British unknown when he was invited to Hollywood
  and offered the project with a $2 million budget, which obviously
 (good to
  throw in a few of these in your style of review) in 1978, was not
  budget it is today. After reading the script it took Scott a week to
 produce a
  storyboard (again the production design thang) that convinced the
 producers to
  increase the budget from 2M to 11M. One of the reasons 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
That sounds like something right out of a high school civics book! :-D

One might consider that the drone shot down may have been a rigged one 
that the military intended to be shot down with false electronics and 
gear to throw the Iranians off.  Oh wait, I forgot, our military isn't 
that brilliant.

On 12/29/2011 10:20 AM, John wrote:
 Spying against our perceived enemies can be justified.  The US can monitor 
 the military actitivities going on in Iran to determine what would be their 
 next move.  The information gathered is necessary for the president of the US 
 to decide the best course of action.

 --- In, Emily Reynemilymae.reyn@...  wrote:
 Here are a few of our toys.

 I just wonder who of our candidates has any ability whatsoever to manage 
 this on the foreign front. Â I always come back to who I see as our only 
 choice, flawed or not, and that would be our current 

 From: Bhairitunoozguru@...
 Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 7:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

 On 12/28/2011 05:39 PM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:
 Here we go again.  Who will back
 down to avoid another war?
 Conventional wisdom would say that
 Iran should tow the line.  But then
 again who knows what they'll do.

 The militerrorists want to play with
 the new toys they got for Christmas.

 The Iranian 'militerrorists' probably
 don't celebrate Christmas by giving
 each other toys like you do.
 I wasn't speaking about Iranian militerrorists, Mr. Numbnuts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

 I just wonder who of our candidates has any ability 
 whatsoever to manage this on the foreign front. I 
 always come back to who I see as our only choice, 
 flawed or not, and that would be our current 

So, we are agreed. I believe in giving credit where
credit is due: Obama approved the surge in Afghanistan;
Obama killed Osama bin Laden and that Anwar al-Awlaki 
terrorist; Obama helped free Libya from Ghadaffi; and 
Obama can now say mission accomplished in Iraq.

So, I'm pretty sure Obama could defeat Iran's blocking
of the Straight of Hormuz in a week or two. Obama has
so many military toys at his disposal that Iran could
be made defenseless in a matter of hours, or if needed,
Gawd Forbid!!!, reduced to an ant hill in a matter of 

None of the candidates, except the incumbent, has a 
proven track record in foreign policy, so none probably
have any ability whatsoever to manage the foreign 
front, (even if they were even remotely electable).

So, in my advice to you would be to vote for an the 
administration that can keep the Straight of Hormuz 
open - the Barak/Hillary ticket. That's the one! Get
out and vote!

Both Obama and Clinton have promised to keep America
safe and to defend U.S. interests world-wide, with any 
means necessary, up to and including military force.

'Aircraft Carrier USS John C Stennis'

The overarching goal is to slow, if not reverse, 
Iran's apparent progress toward developing a nuclear 
bomb – something international diplomacy and a 
series of economic sanctions have not been able to 

'The Christian Science Monitor'
December 28, 2011

[FairfieldLife] Re: [youtube] Golden loves guitar!!

2011-12-29 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 This is so sweet and the best advertisement ever for Bud Light.

Fantastic video, but not even that dog could get me to buy anything made by a 
big American brewery. I don't drink, but beer is a great braising liquid, and 
for that purpose, I favor dark German beer. Right now, though, my fave braising 
liquid is a hard cider made right here in Iowa:

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
Great stuff!  And I think I may have found the quote for my tombstone:

an atheist and a reviler of the Veda!

I figure this hedges my bet a bit.  If it turns out that the Christians are 
right, then I will get some brownie points for bashing the Vedas enough to get 
myself into purgatory.

Then once I am on the inside, I will use my philosophical Macgyver skills to 
hack my way into heaven using a liberal dose of ass kissing duct taped together 
with a piece of wire I unwrapped from a broom to form an epistemological prison 
shank. (Gotta figure the Christan afterlife is chock full of cleaning supplies!)

As soon as I get into heaven I will start love bombing Jesus to get close,(he 
eats that up, just go to any church service). At the same time I'll be dripping 
poison into the ears of Big Daddy himself about how Jesus seems to be resting 
on his laurels lately and hasn't done a thing to promote the cause since his 
resurrection except influence a few football games which only helps bookies.  
It won't be long till Mr. Unmoved Mover is asking ME for advice on how to deal 
with the infidels.

That's when the real fun begins, me with the infinite power of the creator 
himself wrapped around my little finger.

I won't tip my hand by describing what we are going to do (popping the domes 
like bubble wrap just for the sound) but certain posters around here might want 
to start doing a bit of love bombing in advance of my future Godly ungodly 
powers.  And there is nothing that can thwart my plan unless I get to heaven 
and it turns to be:

Zoroastrianism! DAMN I didn't see that one coming!  They don't even have a 
crystal cathedral or a presence on basic cable or a hot celeb spokesperson or 
anything.  WTF!

God is such a douchebag, NO ONE saw that coming.  He could have at least 
given us a hint down here.  You know a tortured martyred spokesperson would 
have been nice, or a tradition of chanting mind numbing phrases in a dead 
language about cartoon characters at least?

Sonovabitch!  Even Madonna was wrong with her red string bracelets and even 
Brittney Spears was into that Kabbalah show for around a minute before she 
shaved off all her hair for us. It would have been a nice heads-up if under her 
golden locks was a freak'n birthmark tattoo that said: ZOROASTRIANISM is the 
right answer, use it or lose it. Would that have really been so hard God?  
With a cranium that size you could have tattooed a whole scripture. And we were 
ALL watching!

Or how about a blimp drive-by over the Super Bowl... was that out of your 
budget Mr. 

But noo, it had to be those freaks that wear know...they are 
always...well you see them...uh...

Damn, I don't even know anything about them, that's the point!

Curses, foiled again.  But just you wait God, I'm working a deal right now with 
somebody from the extreme Southern direction who has floated a few interesting 
proposals my way. I don't want to drop any names, but I think you'll recognize 
him even though he has gotten considerably tanner since you saw him last. And 
although you may be the lord of the afterlife he is the prince of this world.

I am speaking, of course, about Melania's husband...

--- In, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Dec 29, 2011, at 10:33 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  This excellent quote really strikes at the heart of Maharishi's  
  intellectual arrogance and fantasy.
  It illustrates a fascinating quality of our brains to misjudge the  
  value of hindsight. Looking forward you can't predict 9-11, but  
  once it has happened it all looks so obvious how it got there, that  
  it seems ridiculous that we missed the signs. But its surety is  
  an illusion that we are vulnerable to. We forget how complex the  
  data is looking forward and how impossible it is to predict in a  
  advance in the deluge of date.
  Turning back to our Vedic predictors, we have a metaphorical  
  language and once we know the scientific principles, may give more  
  of an illusion than is warranted that they knew about what we know  
  This is not to demean the tremendous contributions to science and  
  culture, which may have included facts like the true planetary  
  relationships ahead of these discoveries in the West. The point  
  that in the West we have a triumphalist attitude and a lack of  
  understanding of the true contributions of the East is well taken.
  But lets not get carried away with how much detail they actually  
  had nailed down. We actually have learned a few things since Vedic  
  times, and our application of the scientific method, where  
  appropriate, had advanced our clarity of understanding our world  
  tremendously. It is one thing to say Surya carries the sun across  
  the sky in a chariot, it is another to make a solar panel to power  
  a TV that can play 

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread seventhray1

Denise, you are one awesome lady.  Always working to bring balance to
situation.  This is why I am such a fan of the female energy.  Really,
you leave me kind of speechless. (-:

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 Thank god, DEFCON 1 has never been called for.

  From: seventhray1 steve.sundur@...
 Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to
Ravi Chivukula
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  Thanks Denise. Well because if the other throws his shit at me I
sometimes double down and throw it back at them.
  Again humiliation from their perspective. Humiliation is only a
quality of the relative not of the essence. I'm not that egotistic to
think I can ever taint, or humiliate the truth. Well the truth is
essentially untouched like I say.
  I feel I only attack their beliefs, their personality, together
with socially, morally inappropriate curse words thrown to complete the
shock treatment but for the other it's a humiliation because they are so
identified with it.
  On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:43 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   AlrightI might buy most of this.I am taken in by have pushed me and I appreciate that. But, while I do
understand the concept that you might feel the other persons pain after
humiliating themwhy choose that tactic? It's not clear to me how
humiliation really serves anyone except yourself possibly.
   P.S. I might be close on my posts. When the post count goes
out...what is do I translate that to Pacific Time?
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:37 PM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance]
Letter to Ravi Chivukula
   And Denise, yes Winner from the perspective of the one who wanted
to challenge me. Now having humiliated this person, I feel that person's
emotions - hurt, pain, anger, because they are another part of me, how
can I not feel hurt?
   But I am able to quickly internalize and transform these
emotions, both mine and the other. I feel joy and blissful very quickly.
   On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:19 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Hm..the winner huh. Your statement here is a bit
convoluted. If you have no agenda, then why do you have to win. You
make some assumptions here about the person who approaches you...
   Ravi - Approaches with an agenda that is, as in to confront me.
Winner only from their perspective. I don't care either way, but the
choice to play or withdraw with my playful humor or entice them with my
love is entirely up to my intuition.
   Yesif you so desire you can use whatever tactics please remain untouched. This is your reality then? 
   Yes. Since I'm ever alert I just adapt seamlessly, a bit
unruffled at first on a completely new situation but never throws me off
balance. It's work in progress anyway, I will only get better.
   On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:10 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Anyway my 99 cents on this. The only way anyone can approach
me, understand me, conquer me is through love.
   I know this Ravi. This is true for all humans, in the end. This
is why I sent you that painting - it really is a beautiful piece (IMHO).
I think Bob understood what I was saying as he was the only one to
respond, except for your initial response. It was not at all about my
fixation with the male sex organ (and I do not have a fixation btw).
Robin thought someone should meet you where you were at...that was my
attempt :)
   If someone approaches me with an agenda to one up me, with a
belief, through the intellect I will always be the winner because I
myself have no agenda, no beliefs so this person who approaches me thus
is completely vulnerable to my attacks. If I so desire I will use my
toxic tongue and caustic sarcasm to humiliate them or may be like Barry
says rip them a new asshole or I may just my playful detached humor to
escape or use my unconditional love to spoil them with attention, love,
humility and kindness. Either way I remain untouched, untainted,
untarnished by anything outside of me.
   Hm..the winner huh. Your statement here is a bit
convoluted. If you have no agenda, then why do you have to win. You
make some assumptions here about the person who approaches you.
Yesif you so desire you can use whatever tactics please remain untouched. This is your reality then?

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Christmas Letter to Barry Wright from Masked Zebra

2011-12-29 Thread Vaj

On Dec 28, 2011, at 2:31 PM, Emily Reyn wrote:

While Axis II persons may not kill you, others often feel like dying  
being in their (even digital) presence.

Dear Vajradhatu, what does this mean to you?  Are you talking about  
a scenario where an NPD, for example, has so consumed another  
person, that said person cannot exist without the NPD?

No, I'm merely pointing out the fact that many clinicians who work  
with Personality Disordered patients will tell you that these are  
often not people who would do harm to themselves or to others but  
they've gotten to the point where the strength of their personality  
disorder spills over into relationships and causes considerable  
discomfort for those around them. One of the most widely acknowledged  
unbearable PD's is Borderline Personality Disorder (Borderlines),  
which can be so bad that some therapists simply cannot handle them  
and it's hard to find people who specialize in this disorder. When  
you'd meet such a person in real life, you'd simply avoid them or  
stop associating with them, if you could. But in internet life, esp.  
on unmoderated lists, such persons can really wreak havoc. And  
they're usually clever enough to tiptoe around the edges of rules.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

 We just paid taxes of over $4,000.00 on our 
 house in our metropolitan are.  Our home is 
 nothing fantastic, but is reasonably nice.

 If  tea party people are objecting to what I 
 consider to be these excesses, then I am 
 sympathetic to their cause.

Property taxes should be abolished. It is an 
unfair system. If I were elected, I would author
a bill that would replace all school district 
property taxes and wipe out  the taxing ability 
of local school boards. 

It's just outrageous, these property taxes! I
don't even have any children attending public

In my government package, I would propose to 
elimnate all public schools and the federal 
department of education. The government has no 
business running schools. The current system 
of federal-run schools is a failure and is 
costing voters and homeowners a bundle!

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

Here we go again.  Who will back
down to avoid another war?
Conventional wisdom would say that
Iran should tow the line.  But then
again who knows what they'll do.
   The militerrorists want to play with
   the new toys they got for Christmas.
  The Iranian 'militerrorists' probably
  don't celebrate Christmas by giving
  each other toys like you do.
 I wasn't speaking about Iranian militerrorists, 
 Mr. Numbnuts.

So, you're thinking that the U.S. is the 
militerrorist by wanting to keep the Straight 
open? If so, then you're more mixed up than I 
originally thought!

It's the Iranian militerrorists that are
threatening to close the straight, Mr. Numbnuts.

You sound like you'd like to be paying $10.00 a
gallon for your gasoline! Go figure. How far do
you think you can walk with a pack of groceries
on your back?

The U.S. Fifth Fleet said on Wednesday it would 
not allow any disruption of traffic in the Strait 
of Hormuz, after Iran threatened to stop ships 
moving through the world's most important oil 

'U.S. Fifth Fleet says won't allow Hormuz disruption'
Reuters, December 28, 2011

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/28/2011 07:42 PM, seventhray1 wrote:
 Not really related.  But I'm thinking about my sister in law who was a
 puplic school teacher for 5 years, and was on disability for two of
 those years.  As of the first of the year, she will collect $550.00 for
 the rest of her life.  She is 65.  Somewhat a hypochondriac she had
 multiple procedures during those five years.

 I'm thinking about a lady I knew who was in sales for a plastics
 company.  She went on disability for stress about 25 years ago and
 collects a monthly check in excess of $2,000.00.  She also owns rental
 property and has a  primary residence.

Given there is only enough work for populace to work 1/3 of the year 
some adjustments need to be made.  The problem is the establishment 
wants it in their terms not ours.  Fuck 'em I say and so did Bucky 
Fuller over 50 years ago.

 And we are not like Greece?

Greece tried to be like us and our banksters sold them toxic assets.

 We just paid taxes of over $4,000.00 on our house in our metropolitan
 are.  Our home is nothing fantastic, but is reasonably nice.

That's what I pay in taxes but then I live in the Bay Area.  The county 
does offer to re-assess though.  I also live in what was once John 
Muir's orchard and have crickets chirping summer evenings.

 If  tea party people are objecting to what I consider to be these
 excesses, then I am sympathetic to their cause.

The Tea Party people are one dimensional.  They only see part of the 
problem and foolishly believe that the Republicans can solve it for 
them.  Sure things are out of balance but that is the chaos that our 
beloved capitalism creates.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 12/28/2011 05:39 PM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:
 Here we go again. Who will back
 down to avoid another war?
 Conventional wisdom would say that
 Iran should tow the line. But then
 again who knows what they'll do.

 The militerrorists want to play with
 the new toys they got for Christmas.

 The Iranian 'militerrorists' probably
 don't celebrate Christmas by giving
 each other toys like you do.
 I wasn't speaking about Iranian militerrorists, Mr. Numbnuts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 Lately, I skip about 99 percent of the posts on FFL.  I get 
 that a few people are delighted to have an audience, anyone 
 who will engage. I avoid them entirely.  But for me the even 
 bigger question is: why does anyone want to be that audience? 
 Maybe I missed something along the way since I don't read 
 these attention-seekers at all - not since reading their first 
 few posts.   Don't they and all the people who keep replying 
 to them and stirring the pot have work to do, books to read, 
 walks to take, dogs to walk, movies to see, friends and/or 
 family to spend time with, dishes to wash, food to cook, meals 
 to eat, even meditation and yoga to practice?  You can analyze 
 it well, but I mean, seriously, who cares for these people, and 
 their audience?  Who does the daily living stuff for them?  How 
 do they earn a living, live and then spend all this time posting 
 about, about mind-jumbling uninteresting concepts. Just saying I 
 noticed the same things as you did here and it is interesting to 
 hear that FFL is not the only place seeing the same  Wonder what 
 the next stage will be

It's definitely not just FFL. My little rant was occasioned
by an attention slut outbreak on two other forums, not by
anything in particular here, although we've certainly seen
the same trend here. On those other two forums for the last
week 80% of the posts have been made by 2 to 4 people, all 
of them fitting into the attention slut description I posted 
earlier. And to make things worse, there are no posting 
limits on these forums, so it's like FFL in the Bad Old Days 
before Rick wisely implemented the weekly limit of 50 posts. 
Try to imagine what FFL would be like if those who tend to 
make 20 to 30 posts in one day were able to continue doing 
so all week -- that's what these other forums have become. :-(

I completely agree with your approach, and tend to base mine
these days on time. It's the one thing I can't get back, and
I tend not to want to waste it on reading or participating
in conversations that in retrospect are going to turn out to
be a waste of time for all concerned. 

 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a part
  of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of the
  proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
  I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
  in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
  attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
  automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
  gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.
  If no one replies or gives them the attention they seek, the attention
  sluts tend to practice one or more of three primary strategies. The
  first is to talk about themselves, pretty much non-stop, as if telling
  everyone how great they are will make these people think they're great.
  This tactic tends not to work on spiritual forums, because it's rightly
  interpreted as runaway ego, and who wants to talk with a runaway ego?
  The second tactic is to praise other posters, or love bomb them,
  hoping that they too are insecure enough and in need of attention enough
  to reply to the flattery. The idea seems to be that if the attention
  slut can get a person to focus on them by flattering them, maybe they'll
  *keep* focusing on them. In my experience, this tactic only tends to
  work on other attention sluts, and tends to result in the formation of
  cliques, in which groups of attention sluts chat mainly with each other.
  The third tactic, when the above two have failed, is to try to insult or
  badger or abuse other people into replying. After all, the only thing
  that's important to an attention slut is the *attention*. It doesn't
  matter what form that attention takes. Again, this tends to work only on
  those who are so ungrounded in their own self as to feel the need to
  defend that self when it's insulted.
  The thing I see lately on multiple forums lately is that attention
  slut-itis is rampant, almost epidemic. I blame this on the emergence of
  social media like Twitter and Facebook, in which the entire game is
  about how much attention you can attract. How many followers do you
  But if you think about it, aren't compulsive attempts to get other
  people to focus their attention on you kinda...uh...un-spiritual in the
  first place? On pretty much all of the forums in question, those voices
  that are most universally appreciated and held in some regard belong to
  people who don't 

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread John

--- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Spying against our perceived enemies can be justified.  The US can monitor 
  the military actitivities going on in Iran to determine what would be their 
  next move.  The information gathered is necessary for the president of the 
  US to decide the best course of action.
 Like when the americans justified the invasion of Iraq by falsely claiming 
 they had weapons of mass destruction ?


That's a good question.  I personally believe that someone from the CIA or the 
National Security Agency made an egregious blunder in advising President Bush 
that Iraq had WMD.  But there is also the possibility that Bush and his 
advisors had already made a decision to attack Saddam based on political 
reasons.  Bush didn't really care what the CIA found.

Looking back at the events, the CIA may have advised Bush that there were NO 
weapons of mass destruction.  This was probably the reason why he gave Tenet, 
the past CIA director, a medal of honor for his role in the Iraq war.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
Well you see that is exactly the problem of the illusions created by hindsight, 
as well as our highly selective choice of remembering things Maharishi 
predicted. (rumor has it a few didn't come through.)  Maharishi was an emphatic 
prediction kind of guy both in the negative and positive, depending on his 
mood. One minute nature herself couldn't stop the movement (actual quote) and 
the next we were all bound for hell in a handbasket (imagined quote but 
accurate in tone)

And as much as I have ties with the events of 9-11 living close enough to the 
Pentagon to pass by the gaping hole days after, it was not the biggest event 
for mankind to warn us about if one had magic powers was it?  I mean we are 
just finding out the value of using AIDS treatment as a prevention for 
spreading the disease, and if this was promoted by a prediction enabled 
Maharishi it would have saved millions of lives.

Maharishi spouted out all manors of predictions and we select the convenient 
few.  And it isn't even a conscious process is it?  It is how we are wired and 
our ineptitude regarding this illusion of 20/20 hindsight.  I mean Condie Rice 
had a paper titled Bin Laden to Strike Inside the US and that didn't help us a 
bit did it?  Why?  Because we had many, many threats and only in retrospect 
does it look obvious that this was the ONE that nailed us.

But getting back to the warning.  Do you have the exact words?  I would be very 
interested in evaluating if Maharishi actually had prior knowledge in the 
specific, or if this was another vague you are all doomed message meant to 
drive more people into the domes.  It would be interested to see how closely 
his thinking process matched the terrorists.

So let's have the quote Nabbie, and we'll see how much of a magical 
prognosticator your marketing mad master really was.  And in a world of 
terrorism with the US being an obvious target, it needs to be more specific 
than one of them is gunna get you all someday.  That much we knew.

Oh yeah, and I don't pay any price for playing music, the money runs in my 
direction, which is also coincidentally the best way to tell who the guru is in 
any group like TM.

--- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  This excellent quote really strikes at the heart of Maharishi's 
  intellectual arrogance and fantasy.
 Maharishi is quoted in several newspapers and interviews as having warned of 
 an attac on the financial centre of NY. This is well known to most except 
 I suppose that's the price you have to pay for spending so much time playing 
 HillBilly music.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prometheus trailer

2011-12-29 Thread seventhray1

--- In, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
I'm just going to avoid lot of posters a
 technique straight out of King Baby Barry's manual of childish
 interactions, just like Steve who has been obsessing over me today - I
 will just ignore him, because I have said enough, I have humiliated
 enough. But he seems to be a perverse masochist, then again that kind
 attachment to a simple yogi like me can never be a bad thing.
 So I will let him bark at elephants, chase cars, run around in circles
 chasing his tail, be like the attention seeking child that he wants to
 be. It's actually a good thing !!!

That's what I would recommend Ravi.  Just ignore me, if you can.  After
a while I may go away, at least as far as you are concerned.  But
unfortunately we have seen you reboot like this before, and it's usually
just a matter of time, before all the old habits come to the fore. 
Existence is like that you know.  In the meantime, wishing you the best
of luck.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
This is what we get when the best and brightest don't run for public 
office nor take military careers.  Some go into business but many bright 
people are perfectly happy to earn a modest income and enjoy life.  So 
we get crooks and idiots running government and the military.  That's a 
scenario likely to lead to the extinction of humanity unless we call a 
time out to fix things.  But that means the establishment has to give up 
control and they won't allow that.

On 12/29/2011 12:00 AM, Emily Reyn wrote:
 Here are a few of our toys.

 I just wonder who of our candidates has any ability whatsoever to manage this 
 on the foreign front.  I always come back to who I see as our only choice, 
 flawed or not, and that would be our current president/administration.

 Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 7:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

 On 12/28/2011 05:39 PM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:
 Here we go again.  Who will back
 down to avoid another war?
 Conventional wisdom would say that
 Iran should tow the line.  But then
 again who knows what they'll do.

 The militerrorists want to play with
 the new toys they got for Christmas.

 The Iranian 'militerrorists' probably
 don't celebrate Christmas by giving
 each other toys like you do.
 I wasn't speaking about Iranian militerrorists, Mr. Numbnuts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
You both have hit on the troubling thing here.  It is basically a strategy of 
of a closed system to any learning or feedback.  Combined with pugnaciousness, 
and an belief that when he wins it is only from the perspective of the person 
he has humiliated (does anyone here think this has ever happened?) and that 
he feels their pain so it is all OK, and finally that it is coming from the 
level of the creator of the universe, we have a perfect anti-social storm. 

This belief system is not serving you Ravi.  It is a thin excuse for loutish 
behavior. No one is buying it but you.

Ravi raving:
Curtis, the messiah of intellectual dishonesty 

This is unfair.  I challenge you to provide a single thing I have written that 
is dishonest, you know, intellectually.

Ravi, the spiritual perspective you are seeing yourself through is not serving 
you.  It is misleading you as you mislead yourself.  I don't doubt that you 
have special talents and a creative enough mind to accomplish all sorts of 
things in your life.  But the idea that you are in a special state of mind that 
gives you insight into the mind of the creator of the universe, giving you 
special dispensation to act like a dick to people is dangerously delusional.  
It will cause you much unhappiness in your life and will serve as an impediment 
to your having successful relationships.

If your so called friends here really cared about your welfare, they would be 
sending you this message form someone you might have a chance of hearing it 


--- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Denise, you are one awesome lady.  Always working to bring balance to
 situation.  This is why I am such a fan of the female energy.  Really,
 you leave me kind of speechless. (-:
 --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@
  Thank god, DEFCON 1 has never been called for.
   From: seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:58 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to
 Ravi Chivukula
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Thanks Denise. Well because if the other throws his shit at me I
 sometimes double down and throw it back at them.
   Again humiliation from their perspective. Humiliation is only a
 quality of the relative not of the essence. I'm not that egotistic to
 think I can ever taint, or humiliate the truth. Well the truth is
 essentially untouched like I say.
   I feel I only attack their beliefs, their personality, together
 with socially, morally inappropriate curse words thrown to complete the
 shock treatment but for the other it's a humiliation because they are so
 identified with it.
   On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:43 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
AlrightI might buy most of this.I am taken in by have pushed me and I appreciate that. But, while I do
 understand the concept that you might feel the other persons pain after
 humiliating themwhy choose that tactic? It's not clear to me how
 humiliation really serves anyone except yourself possibly.

P.S. I might be close on my posts. When the post count goes
 out...what is do I translate that to Pacific Time?
From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance]
 Letter to Ravi Chivukula
And Denise, yes Winner from the perspective of the one who wanted
 to challenge me. Now having humiliated this person, I feel that person's
 emotions - hurt, pain, anger, because they are another part of me, how
 can I not feel hurt?
But I am able to quickly internalize and transform these
 emotions, both mine and the other. I feel joy and blissful very quickly.
On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:19 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@

Hm..the winner huh. Your statement here is a bit
 convoluted. If you have no agenda, then why do you have to win. You
 make some assumptions here about the person who approaches you...
Ravi - Approaches with an agenda that is, as in to confront me.
 Winner only from their perspective. I don't care either way, but the
 choice to play or withdraw with my playful humor or entice them with my
 love is entirely up to my intuition.
Yesif you so desire you can use whatever tactics please remain untouched. This is your reality then? 
Yes. Since I'm ever alert I just adapt seamlessly, a bit
 unruffled at first on a completely new situation but never throws me off
 balance. It's work in progress anyway, I will only get better.
On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:10 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/28/2011 09:43 PM, Emily Reyn wrote:
 AlrightI might buy most of this.I am taken in by have 
 pushed me and I appreciate that.  But, while I do understand the concept that 
 you might feel the other persons pain after humiliating themwhy choose 
 that tactic?  It's not clear to me how humiliation really serves anyone 
 except yourself possibly.
 P.S.  I might be close on my posts.  When the post count goes out...what is do I translate that to Pacific Time?

There is a list of UT to time zones at the bottom of the Post Count.  
For Pacific Time 0 hours UT is 4 PM.   UT is Universal Time and a 
replacement for GMT or Greenwich Mean Time which becomes BST or British 
Summer Time (DST) in the spring and summer.  UT never changes and 
probably because we've shrunk the world to the size of a pin head with 
the Internet what we should all be using instead of local time zones 
(did I hear a big hooray from the astrologers here).  That way you'd 
always know when to call your friends in Mumbango.

[FairfieldLife] How to deal with telemarketers

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
Tom Mabe likes to pull all kinds of pranks and is famous for the one he 
plays on telemarketers.  Here's a good one:

What are your favorite methods for dealing with telemarketers?

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread John
This drone story is still going on.  We don't how this event is going to play 
out.  From the news, we know that Obama asked for the drone back.  But Iran 
refused to do so.

We would to give the Iran military the benefit of the doubt.  It appears that 
they have some sophisticated electronics capability to capture a stealth drone. 
 In that case, the US should factor this fact into their planning in dealing 
with the new world order in the Middle East.

Using common sense, it would not be wise for Obama to start another war with 
Iran in particular.  Let's face it, the US don't have anymore money to waste in 
this endeavor.

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 That sounds like something right out of a high school civics book! :-D
 One might consider that the drone shot down may have been a rigged one 
 that the military intended to be shot down with false electronics and 
 gear to throw the Iranians off.  Oh wait, I forgot, our military isn't 
 that brilliant.
 On 12/29/2011 10:20 AM, John wrote:
  Spying against our perceived enemies can be justified.  The US can monitor 
  the military actitivities going on in Iran to determine what would be their 
  next move.  The information gathered is necessary for the president of the 
  US to decide the best course of action.
  --- In, Emily Reynemilymae.reyn@  wrote:
  Here are a few of our toys.
  I just wonder who of our candidates has any ability whatsoever to manage 
  this on the foreign front. Â I always come back to who I see as our only 
  choice, flawed or not, and that would be our current 
  From: Bhairitunoozguru@
  Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 7:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat
  On 12/28/2011 05:39 PM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:
  Here we go again.  Who will back
  down to avoid another war?
  Conventional wisdom would say that
  Iran should tow the line.  But then
  again who knows what they'll do.
  The militerrorists want to play with
  the new toys they got for Christmas.
  The Iranian 'militerrorists' probably
  don't celebrate Christmas by giving
  each other toys like you do.
  I wasn't speaking about Iranian militerrorists, Mr. Numbnuts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread Vaj

On Dec 29, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

That sounds like something right out of a high school civics book! :-D

One might consider that the drone shot down may have been a rigged one
that the military intended to be shot down with false electronics and
gear to throw the Iranians off. Oh wait, I forgot, our military isn't
that brilliant.

It always looked like a fake to me. 

[FairfieldLife] Apollo 18

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
The movie Apollo 18 came out on BD and DVD this week.  It was in my 
Netflix disc queue and it christened my new Bluray player last night.  
The premise of the movie is that though the Apollo moon missions ended 
with Apollo 17 there was a secret Apollo 18 mission.  The film is 
supposedly derived from a set of films and video from the Apollo 18 
mission.  IOW, a  cheap way to make a movie consisting mainly of 3 
actors.  Not a bad film but entertaining but not great either but 
probably of interest to UFO and crop circle folks here.

And that's right I have yet another Bluray player.   Almost two years 
ago after Hollywood Video closed I decided to restore my Netflix account 
and watch movies online.  My first generation Sony Bluray player wasn't 
up to that and took forever to boot up anyway.  So I bought a Samsung 
C5500 which was a very popular low priced player that support online 
video.   Not my first online video player BTW, but that's another 
story.   Anyway Samsung kept promising Amazon Instant Video but it never 
happened.  And I was unimpressed with Samsung technology.  It took them 
several months to fix an aspect ratio bug in the Netflix app plus they 
never fixed a bug where if you played a BD or DVD you had to either 
restart the player or play a video clip with AAC to get a Netflix movie 
to play with sound.

So I decided a week back to cash in my reward points and get the Sony 
BDP-S480 which my points covered including tax and shipping.  When I 
cashed in and ordered it the message was that it would take 2 to 4 weeks 
to deliver.  Okay, I was in no rush.  They also said that they would 
send an email when it shipped.  Well yesterday returning home after my 
morning walk I noticed something at my front door (I go in and out via 
garage not the front door).  Sure enough, Fedex had delivered the 
player.  I might have been damn lucky if they delivered it the day 
before.  And there was no shipping notice email.

This player not only has the online services I use like Netflix (the 
remote even has a Netflix button), Vudu and of course Amazon but a bunch 
more including some free video sources.  It also has a browser so you 
can visit any website.   The player runs so much better than the Samsung 
and picture is definitely better.  The only service it is missing from 
my Samsung is Canon's Vimeo but figures that Sony would not want their 
camera competitor's app on their player.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 --- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   Spying against our perceived enemies can be justified.  The US can 
   monitor the military actitivities going on in Iran to determine what 
   would be their next move.  The information gathered is necessary for the 
   president of the US to decide the best course of action.
  Like when the americans justified the invasion of Iraq by falsely claiming 
  they had weapons of mass destruction ?
 That's a good question.  I personally believe that someone from the CIA or 
 the National Security Agency made an egregious blunder in advising President 
 Bush that Iraq had WMD.  But there is also the possibility that Bush and his 
 advisors had already made a decision to attack Saddam based on political 
 reasons.  Bush didn't really care what the CIA found.

Could be he, as a very young soul, simply wanted revenge because Saddam once 
insulted his dad.

 Looking back at the events, the CIA may have advised Bush that there were NO 
 weapons of mass destruction.  This was probably the reason why he gave Tenet, 
 the past CIA director, a medal of honor for his role in the Iraq war.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Well you see that is exactly the problem of the illusions created by 
 hindsight, as well as our highly selective choice of remembering things 
 Maharishi predicted. (rumor has it a few didn't come through.)  Maharishi was 
 an emphatic prediction kind of guy both in the negative and positive, 
 depending on his mood. One minute nature herself couldn't stop the movement 
 (actual quote) and the next we were all bound for hell in a handbasket 
 (imagined quote but accurate in tone)
 And as much as I have ties with the events of 9-11 living close enough to the 
 Pentagon to pass by the gaping hole days after, it was not the biggest event 
 for mankind to warn us about if one had magic powers was it?  I mean we are 
 just finding out the value of using AIDS treatment as a prevention for 
 spreading the disease, and if this was promoted by a prediction enabled 
 Maharishi it would have saved millions of lives.
 Maharishi spouted out all manors of predictions and we select the convenient 
 few.  And it isn't even a conscious process is it?  It is how we are wired 
 and our ineptitude regarding this illusion of 20/20 hindsight.  I mean Condie 
 Rice had a paper titled Bin Laden to Strike Inside the US and that didn't 
 help us a bit did it?  Why?  Because we had many, many threats and only in 
 retrospect does it look obvious that this was the ONE that nailed us.
 But getting back to the warning.  Do you have the exact words?  I would be 
 very interested in evaluating if Maharishi actually had prior knowledge in 
 the specific, or if this was another vague you are all doomed message meant 
 to drive more people into the domes.  It would be interested to see how 
 closely his thinking process matched the terrorists.
 So let's have the quote Nabbie, and we'll see how much of a magical 
 prognosticator your marketing mad master really was.  And in a world of 
 terrorism with the US being an obvious target, it needs to be more specific 
 than one of them is gunna get you all someday.  That much we knew.
 Oh yeah, and I don't pay any price for playing music, the money runs in my 
 direction, which is also coincidentally the best way to tell who the guru is 
 in any group like TM.

No, you can do the Googling yourself. Will keep you off that horrible music for 
He warned specifically the US of an attac on it's financial centre months 
before it happenned.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Well you see that is exactly the problem of the illusions created by 
  hindsight, as well as our highly selective choice of remembering things 
  Maharishi predicted. (rumor has it a few didn't come through.)  Maharishi 
  was an emphatic prediction kind of guy both in the negative and positive, 
  depending on his mood. One minute nature herself couldn't stop the movement 
  (actual quote) and the next we were all bound for hell in a handbasket 
  (imagined quote but accurate in tone)
  And as much as I have ties with the events of 9-11 living close enough to 
  the Pentagon to pass by the gaping hole days after, it was not the biggest 
  event for mankind to warn us about if one had magic powers was it?  I mean 
  we are just finding out the value of using AIDS treatment as a prevention 
  for spreading the disease, and if this was promoted by a prediction enabled 
  Maharishi it would have saved millions of lives.
  Maharishi spouted out all manors of predictions and we select the 
  convenient few.  And it isn't even a conscious process is it?  It is how we 
  are wired and our ineptitude regarding this illusion of 20/20 hindsight.  I 
  mean Condie Rice had a paper titled Bin Laden to Strike Inside the US and 
  that didn't help us a bit did it?  Why?  Because we had many, many threats 
  and only in retrospect does it look obvious that this was the ONE that 
  nailed us.
  But getting back to the warning.  Do you have the exact words?  I would be 
  very interested in evaluating if Maharishi actually had prior knowledge in 
  the specific, or if this was another vague you are all doomed message 
  meant to drive more people into the domes.  It would be interested to see 
  how closely his thinking process matched the terrorists.
  So let's have the quote Nabbie, and we'll see how much of a magical 
  prognosticator your marketing mad master really was.  And in a world of 
  terrorism with the US being an obvious target, it needs to be more specific 
  than one of them is gunna get you all someday.  That much we knew.
  Oh yeah, and I don't pay any price for playing music, the money runs in my 
  direction, which is also coincidentally the best way to tell who the guru 
  is in any group like TM.
 No, you can do the Googling yourself. Will keep you off that horrible music 
 for awhile.
 He warned specifically the US of an attac on it's financial centre months 
 before it happenned.

A few weeks actually

[FairfieldLife] Roger Ebert on movie revenues dropping

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
Roger gives his reasons why movie revenues are dropping (2011 the worst 
since 1995).

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 No, you can do the Googling yourself. Will keep you off that horrible music 
 for awhile.
 He warned specifically the US of an attac on it's financial centre months 
 before it happenned.

Yes, as usual it is up to me to disprove the claim rather then you standing up 
and making it clearly enough to be discussed.  Better to live in vague innuendo 
when slinging the magical hash.

Here is an article written by a mediator about this below.

Along with the prediction that a terrorist strike would be bad for the US if 
it was in Washington or New York's financial district, which seems great in 
retrospect, we have the curious scheduling of the Vedic shield defense theory 
in DC at 10 o'clock. Notice the slippery shaping of the mediator who claims it 
was 15 minutes before the attacks which started at 8:46.

He claims that these people who arrived an hour and a quarterf for a TM 

I learned later that quite a lot of people attended this event, including 
senior US military figures

Pure movement spin, no names, and the improbable idea that they would arrive 
for a presentation so early and wait around till 10, or that they would attend 
such an event at all.  What do you bet they had one sidha who worked at the 
Pentagon there?

The time of the event is listed here: 

So lets review this prediction.  Years AFTER Al-Quaeda tried to bomb the World 
Trade center Maharishi says it would be terrible if they bombed it again and 
also Washington.

Under his direction a conference was scheduled for after the events of 9-11 
actually took place.

So if you ask me, his general prediction seems good AFTER the fact as they all 
do, and he really screwed up if he did have predictive power in scheduling the 
solution to arrive AFTER the problem. Even if it was 15 minutes before what 
good would that do?  And if his message was so vital why let it get eclipsed by 
these events if he knew so much?

In other words we have two choices here. Maharishi was either:

1. A guy who made so many predictions some of them came true. (Especially ones 
that we already feared for good reasons from previous attacks.)

2. He was an incompetent bungler who, blessed with magical predictive ability 
to save lives, got it all just enough wrong in the timing so that even if 
people took this fundraising effort seriously, it would do no good.

So now we have the 20/20 hindsight on his bungling negligence now also don't we?

I still am kinda fond of the guy so I am going with number 1.

Here is the link for the whole mediator's article with the relevant excerpt and 
here is the link:

Snipped from his article

Rather buried, well down in this large full-page ad was the startling question:

Can you imagine if bombs began to fall on Washington D.C., and to destroy 
the high-rises of the money markets of New York? Will NATO be able to prevent 
this? When this happens it will be beyond the power even of the wealthy to save 
the situation.

Frankly, I couldn't imagine this at all, and imagined instead that Maharishi 
was somehow losing his grip. It's only with hindsight that one can see this 
wasn't conjecture but a forecast, and how uncannily accurate it was. And of 
course, a year and a half later on September 11 2001, I remembered this 
advert—and radically revised my opinion about Maharishi—and started writing my 
article about Peace.
Maharishi even knew the right date...

While writing this article I received an email invitation to a press conference 
in Washington on this exact topic, uncannily timed for 15 minutes after the 
attack on the Pentagon. Titled Army Generals offer President Bush alternative 
to Missile Defence Shield -- Top-Ranking Military Leader from India Proposes 
'Vedic Defence Shield' for Prevention of War. This contrasts American and 
Indian technologies for preventing war.

Is this timing an uncanny coincidence, or is it further proof Maharishi knew 
not just what was going to happen, but when as well?...

I learned later that quite a lot of people attended this event, including 
senior US military figures. But of course a while before the Press Conference 
was due to start, their cellphones started ringing as the 9/11 attacks began, 
and one by one they left the room... 

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Well you see that is exactly the problem of the illusions created by 
  hindsight, as well as our highly selective choice of remembering things 
  Maharishi predicted. (rumor has it a few didn't come through.)  Maharishi 
  was an emphatic prediction kind of guy both in the negative and positive, 
  depending on his mood. One minute nature herself couldn't stop the movement 
  (actual quote) and the next we were all bound for hell in a handbasket 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's Youtube

2011-12-29 Thread Ravi Chivukula

Another video of mine from my pain-filled, bliss-filled mundane extraordinary 

For my lovers..

OK, OK, fine, that elephant chasing, car chasing, tail fascinated obsessed kid 
of mine can watch it too 

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 RaviI missed you and thank you for your words and the lovely video.  
 P.S. Robin's post was entirely awesome, I stands on its own 
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:22 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's Youtube
 I updated the description a little bit.
 Ravi, the sufi, the lover is full of love for his beloved. He feels pain, 
 intense separation, as he longs for her, blissful as he loses himself in her.
 Ravi doesn't hide or numb his pain using alcohol, drugs generously sponsored 
 by pharma or project it into fascination for pacifism, socialism, poverty 
 worshipping, life-abnegating messiahs such as Gandhi and Teresa, social 
 utopia, myriad pain numbing therapies, non-violent communication, religion 
 or Gurus.
 He channels his pain and bliss into music, dance, drama, arts. Totally 
 accepting the puzzling, baffling, bewildering contradictions of life and 
 celebrating it.
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  *Title:* Ravi Chivukula - Celebrating Life
  Ravi, the sufi, the lover is full of love for his beloved. He feels pain as
  he longs for her, blissful as he loses himself in her.
  Ravi doesn't hide his pain into fascination for pacifism, socialism,
  poverty worshipping, life-abnegating messiahs such as Gandhi and Teresa,
  social utopia, myriad pain numbing therapies, non-violent communication,
  religion or Guru.
  He channels his pain and bliss into music, dance, drama, arts. Totally
  accepting the puzzling, baffling, bewildering contradictions of life and
  celebrating it.
  Thank you,

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... New Year

2011-12-29 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... New Year

But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that
giveth thee power to... (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Praise God all days in new year . even though  problems  and
difficulties, He will give you strength to win. Think  about

Happy New Year!

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread seventhray1

Thanks for your reply, but.

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 That's what I pay in taxes but then I live in the Bay Area. The county
 does offer to re-assess though. I also live in what was once John
 Muir's orchard and have crickets chirping summer evenings.

stop right there.  That is awesome.  I have been waiting for someone to
ask me which Americans I admire most.  No one has ever asked me, but my
answer is Thomas Jefferson and John Muir.  There was a period when I was
absorbed in the life story of John Muir.  That interest was sparked by a
visit to Yosemite.  I liked Yosemite a lot, but I have to say that I
felt that Muir Woods, north of S.F. was absolutely magical.  It left a
deeper impression on me than did Yosemite.

And I remember reading in Muir's life about when he did get married and
had an orchard and did other farming IIRC.  That is really cool.  Thanks
for sharing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Here is the link for the whole mediator's article with the relevant excerpt 
 and here is the link:
 Snipped from his article
 Rather buried, well down in this large full-page ad was the startling 
 Can you imagine if bombs began to fall on Washington D.C., and to 
 destroy the high-rises of the money markets of New York? Will NATO be able to 
 prevent this? When this happens it will be beyond the power even of the 
 wealthy to save the situation.
 Frankly, I couldn't imagine this at all, and imagined instead that Maharishi 
 was somehow losing his grip. It's only with hindsight that one can see this 
 wasn't conjecture but a forecast, and how uncannily accurate it was. And of 
 course, a year and a half later on September 11 2001, I remembered this 
 advert—and radically revised my opinion about Maharishi—and started writing 
 my article about Peace.
 Maharishi even knew the right date...
 While writing this article I received an email invitation to a press 
 conference in Washington on this exact topic, uncannily timed for 15 minutes 
 after the attack on the Pentagon. Titled Army Generals offer President Bush 
 alternative to Missile Defence Shield -- Top-Ranking Military Leader from 
 India Proposes 'Vedic Defence Shield' for Prevention of War. This contrasts 
 American and Indian technologies for preventing war.
 Is this timing an uncanny coincidence, or is it further proof Maharishi knew 
 not just what was going to happen, but when as well?...
 I learned later that quite a lot of people attended this event, including 
 senior US military figures. But of course a while before the Press Conference 
 was due to start, their cellphones started ringing as the 9/11 attacks began, 
 and one by one they left the room... 

Good find, I guess I was refferring to an ad in Washington Post. Maharishi was 
swamped with calls from the press after 9/11 to nail him down as a claivoiant. 
And IF the americans had brought the big groups together at that time this 
crime would not have happened.

[FairfieldLife] Nityananda

2011-12-29 Thread Yifu

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-12-29 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Dec 24 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Dec 31 00:00:00 2011
512 messages as of (UTC) Fri Dec 30 00:13:12 2011

49 authfriend
48 Yifu
48 Emily Reyn
39 Vaj
34 seventhray1
29 zarzari_786
27 turquoiseb
25 richardatrwilliamsdotus
24 nablusoss1008
24 Ravi Chivukula
21 Bhairitu
19 obbajeeba
15 John
13 Bob Price
12 shukra69
12 merudanda
12 curtisdeltablues
12 cardemaister
 9 Buck
 8 maskedzebra
 5 raunchydog
 3 merlin
 3 Alex Stanley
 2 whynotnow7
 2 feste37
 2 Susan
 2 Rick Archer
 1 shainm307
 1 profildaniam
 1 azgrey
 1 Robert
 1 Paulo Barbosa
 1 Mike Dixon
 1 Jean
 1 Jason
 1 Frank
 1 Duveyoung
 1 Dick Mays

Posters: 39
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread seventhray1

Got nailed with this winner concept, didn't you Ravi.  Having to twist
this one around to make it more kosher.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 And Denise, yes Winner from the perspective of the one who wanted to
challenge me. Now having humiliated this person, I feel that person's
emotions - hurt, pain, anger, because they are another part of me, how
can I not feel hurt?

 But I am able to quickly internalize and transform these emotions,
both mine and the other. I feel joy and blissful very quickly.

 On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:19 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

  Hm..the winner huh. Your statement here is a bit
convoluted. If you have no agenda, then why do you have to win. You
make some assumptions here about the person who approaches you...
  Ravi - Approaches with an agenda that is, as in to confront me.
Winner only from their perspective. I don't care either way, but the
choice to play or withdraw with my playful humor or entice them with my
love is entirely up to my intuition.
  Yesif you so desire you can use whatever tactics please remain untouched. This is your reality then? 
  Yes. Since I'm ever alert I just adapt seamlessly, a bit unruffled
at first on a completely new situation but never throws me off balance.
It's work in progress anyway, I will only get better.
  On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:10 PM, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:
  Anyway my 99 cents on this. The only way anyone can approach me,
understand me, conquer me is through love.
  I know this Ravi. This is true for all humans, in the end. This is
why I sent you that painting - it really is a beautiful piece (IMHO). I
think Bob understood what I was saying as he was the only one to
respond, except for your initial response. It was not at all about my
fixation with the male sex organ (and I do not have a fixation btw).
Robin thought someone should meet you where you were at...that was my
attempt :)
  If someone approaches me with an agenda to one up me, with a
belief, through the intellect I will always be the winner because I
myself have no agenda, no beliefs so this person who approaches me thus
is completely vulnerable to my attacks. If I so desire I will use my
toxic tongue and caustic sarcasm to humiliate them or may be like Barry
says rip them a new asshole or I may just my playful detached humor to
escape or use my unconditional love to spoil them with attention, love,
humility and kindness. Either way I remain untouched, untainted,
untarnished by anything outside of me.
  Hm..the winner huh. Your statement here is a bit
convoluted. If you have no agenda, then why do you have to win. You
make some assumptions here about the person who approaches you.
Yesif you so desire you can use whatever tactics please remain untouched. This is your reality then?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/29/2011 02:53 PM, seventhray1 wrote:
 Thanks for your reply, but.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:

 That's what I pay in taxes but then I live in the Bay Area. The county
 does offer to re-assess though. I also live in what was once John
 Muir's orchard and have crickets chirping summer evenings.

 stop right there.  That is awesome.  I have been waiting for someone to
 ask me which Americans I admire most.  No one has ever asked me, but my
 answer is Thomas Jefferson and John Muir.  There was a period when I was
 absorbed in the life story of John Muir.  That interest was sparked by a
 visit to Yosemite.  I liked Yosemite a lot, but I have to say that I
 felt that Muir Woods, north of S.F. was absolutely magical.  It left a
 deeper impression on me than did Yosemite.

 And I remember reading in Muir's life about when he did get married and
 had an orchard and did other farming IIRC.  That is really cool.  Thanks
 for sharing.

Muir's mansion is a couple blocks from here.  Never been to it as I was 
saving it for when friends visit but we never seem to get to it.  Muir 
was instrumental in getting the capitalist exploiters booted out of 
Yosemite.  They wanted to turn it into an amusement park.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/29/2011 09:53 AM, John wrote:

 --- In, richardatrwilliamsdotusrichard@...  

 We just paid taxes of over $4,000.00 on our
 house in our metropolitan are.  Our home is
 nothing fantastic, but is reasonably nice.

 If  tea party people are objecting to what I
 consider to be these excesses, then I am
 sympathetic to their cause.

 Property taxes should be abolished. It is an
 unfair system. If I were elected, I would author
 a bill that would replace all school district
 property taxes and wipe out  the taxing ability
 of local school boards.

 It's just outrageous, these property taxes! I
 don't even have any children attending public

 In my government package, I would propose to
 elimnate all public schools and the federal
 department of education. The government has no
 business running schools. The current system
 of federal-run schools is a failure and is
 costing voters and homeowners a bundle!

 You're criticizing a long tradition of public education in the USA.  There 
 have been many outstanding leaders and presidents who were educated from the 
 public school system.  Abandoning the system would deprive young people with 
 talent but with no financial support to get a better education, which is the 
 foundation of the democratic government in the USA.

Willy wants kids dumb and uneducated.  They make better serfs and sex 
slaves that way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread obbajeeba
Ravi, a kiss to your cheek. You are back to feeling quite well! Give that life 
energy to this Earth for us to grow, O' Ravi, the one called the Sun in the 
English language!
May I add a few more busy people's activities? Okay, thanks, I will.
Soccer and/or Tennis moms, 9-5 workers, retired folks, Cable TV watchers of 
regular soap shows and weather channel addicts, hair salon and nail parlor 
frequenters, waxing, botox, Football, Football and beer..

ATTENTION WHORES?  Muwah? Now I am included! Hey skip or read this post, I do 
not care, one does not know if I am in underwear!

Here are some interesting FFL Forum posts, to replace those not worthy of 

LOST: Kitten who answers to Muffy. Grey tab with pink paws on the front, tail 
slightly short from railroad car oppsie. 

WANTED: Job to babysit your kids, while you play at the gym or go out with the 
ladies for Gulab Jamin.

NOTICE: The men's (men only, please) barbershop quartet meets once a week at 
St. Michael's Baptist Church on Tuesdays. Must have a good voice and pass the 
audition. Those wishing to keep their dome badges, may have to pass by this 
magnificent opportunity, for Saint Michael, shh, don't ask, don't tell.

REAL ESTATE: For Sale, Beautiful house with east facing entrance, 4BR 4B, 

SINGLE: HWC, Looking for the same. 


--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Susan,
 I know you are a very busy person with dogs to walk, kids to care, friends, 
 movies but I have the following list of the bottom of the can, low-vibe, 
 slimeball, idiotic retards on this list who continue to be enthralled, 
 enticed and entertained by the troika of the King Baby Barry, the mediocre 
 reviewer, Vaj, the liar and HH Curtis, the messiah of the intellectual 
 Steve, Rick, Barry 2, Susan, Sal..
 Please help me keep this list updated and I apologize again if I missed any 
 other obvious idiots.
 Thanks for you support 
 On Dec 29, 2011, at 10:32 AM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
  Dear Susan,
  Thank you so much. Yes I agree it's not enough that we only have cream if 
  the top, the intelligent, creative, emotionally healthy people like the 
  Judy's, the Jim's, the Bob's, the Robin's, the Rory's, the Denise's, the 
  We also need the mediocre, the dumb, the retarded who time and again show 
  their strong commitment to their lives in cocoons. I'm glad you have taken 
  a strong moral stand and your unconditional support so the troika of the 
  King Baby Barry, the mediocre reviewer, Vaj, the liar and HH Curtis, the 
  messiah of the intellectual dishonesty continue to entertain, enthrall and 
  entice the bottom of the can, the low vibe, slime ball, idiotic, retarded 
  of this list.
  I apologize for not mentioning you in this list.
  On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:21 AM, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
  Lately, I skip about 99 percent of the posts on FFL. I get that a few 
  people are delighted to have an audience, anyone who will engage. I avoid 
  them entirely. But for me the even bigger question is: why does anyone 
  want to be that audience? Maybe I missed something along the way since I 
  don't read these attention-seekers at all - not since reading their first 
  few posts. Don't they and all the people who keep replying to them and 
  stirring the pot have work to do, books to read, walks to take, dogs to 
  walk, movies to see, friends and/or family to spend time with, dishes to 
  wash, food to cook, meals to eat, even meditation and yoga to practice? 
  You can analyze it well, but I mean, seriously, who cares for these 
  people, and their audience? Who does the daily living stuff for them? How 
  do they earn a living, live and then spend all this time posting about, 
  about mind-jumbling uninteresting concepts. Just saying I noticed the same 
  things as you did here and it is interesting to hear that FFL is not the 
  only place seeing the same Wonder what the next stage will be
  --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a part
   of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of the
   proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
   I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
   in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
   attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
   automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
   gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.
   If no one replies or gives them the attention they seek, the attention
   sluts tend to practice one or more of three primary strategies. The
   first is to talk about themselves, pretty much non-stop, as if telling
   everyone how great they are will make these people think they're great.
   This tactic 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's Youtube

2011-12-29 Thread obbajeeba
@2:43, the kid in the backseat of the car next to you, points and opens  his 
mouth wide as if to say, WTF?

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 

 Another video of mine from my pain-filled, bliss-filled mundane extraordinary 
 For my lovers..
 OK, OK, fine, that elephant chasing, car chasing, tail fascinated obsessed 
 kid of mine can watch it too 
 --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  RaviI missed you and thank you for your words and the lovely video.  
  P.S. Robin's post was entirely awesome, I stands on its own 
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:22 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's Youtube
  I updated the description a little bit.
  Ravi, the sufi, the lover is full of love for his beloved. He feels pain, 
  intense separation, as he longs for her, blissful as he loses himself in 
  Ravi doesn't hide or numb his pain using alcohol, drugs generously 
  sponsored by pharma or project it into fascination for pacifism, 
  socialism, poverty worshipping, life-abnegating messiahs such as Gandhi 
  and Teresa, social utopia, myriad pain numbing therapies, non-violent 
  communication, religion or Gurus.
  He channels his pain and bliss into music, dance, drama, arts. Totally 
  accepting the puzzling, baffling, bewildering contradictions of life and 
  celebrating it.
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   *Title:* Ravi Chivukula - Celebrating Life
   Ravi, the sufi, the lover is full of love for his beloved. He feels pain 
   he longs for her, blissful as he loses himself in her.
   Ravi doesn't hide his pain into fascination for pacifism, socialism,
   poverty worshipping, life-abnegating messiahs such as Gandhi and Teresa,
   social utopia, myriad pain numbing therapies, non-violent communication,
   religion or Guru.
   He channels his pain and bliss into music, dance, drama, arts. Totally
   accepting the puzzling, baffling, bewildering contradictions of life and
   celebrating it.
   Thank you,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's Youtube

2011-12-29 Thread Ravi Chivukula
I didn't notice it. I'll go back and check.

Anyway I attract a range of emotions from people who watch me, people who feel 
happy to people who watch as if I'm crazy. LOL.. But that is the only time when 
I can sing to my heart's content without disturbing others, relatively speaking.

On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:01 PM, obbajeeba wrote:

 @2:43, the kid in the backseat of the car next to you, points and opens his 
 mouth wide as if to say, WTF?
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Another video of mine from my pain-filled, bliss-filled mundane 
  extraordinary life.
  For my lovers..
  OK, OK, fine, that elephant chasing, car chasing, tail fascinated obsessed 
  kid of mine can watch it too 
  --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   RaviI missed you and thank you for your words and the lovely video. Â 
   P.S. Robin's post was entirely awesome, I stands on its own 
   perfectly. Â 
From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:22 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's Youtube

   I updated the description a little bit.
   Ravi, the sufi, the lover is full of love for his beloved. He feels 
   pain, intense separation, as he longs for her, blissful as he loses 
   himself in her.
   Ravi doesn't hide or numb his pain using alcohol, drugs generously 
   sponsored by pharma or project it into fascination for pacifism, 
   socialism, poverty worshipping, life-abnegating messiahs such as Gandhi 
   and Teresa, social utopia, myriad pain numbing therapies, non-violent 
   communication, religion or Gurus.
   He channels his pain and bliss into music, dance, drama, arts. Totally 
   accepting the puzzling, baffling, bewildering contradictions of life and 
   celebrating it.
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 

*Title:* Ravi Chivukula - Celebrating Life


Ravi, the sufi, the lover is full of love for his beloved. He feels 
pain as
he longs for her, blissful as he loses himself in her.

Ravi doesn't hide his pain into fascination for pacifism, socialism,
poverty worshipping, life-abnegating messiahs such as Gandhi and 
social utopia, myriad pain numbing therapies, non-violent 
religion or Guru.

He channels his pain and bliss into music, dance, drama, arts. Totally
accepting the puzzling, baffling, bewildering contradictions of life 
celebrating it.

Thank you,


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is the Internet mindset antithetical to spiritual life?

2011-12-29 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Thank you dear Obba..XOXO

I have, surprise, surprise another post pending to Susan Waybackward. And one 
to King Baby.

On Dec 29, 2011, at 4:45 PM, obbajeeba wrote:

 Ravi, a kiss to your cheek. You are back to feeling quite well! Give that 
 life energy to this Earth for us to grow, O' Ravi, the one called the Sun in 
 the English language!
 May I add a few more busy people's activities? Okay, thanks, I will.
 Soccer and/or Tennis moms, 9-5 workers, retired folks, Cable TV watchers of 
 regular soap shows and weather channel addicts, hair salon and nail parlor 
 frequenters, waxing, botox, Football, Football and beer..
 ATTENTION WHORES? Muwah? Now I am included! Hey skip or read this post, I do 
 not care, one does not know if I am in underwear!
 Here are some interesting FFL Forum posts, to replace those not worthy of 
 LOST: Kitten who answers to Muffy. Grey tab with pink paws on the front, tail 
 slightly short from railroad car oppsie. 
 WANTED: Job to babysit your kids, while you play at the gym or go out with 
 the ladies for Gulab Jamin.
 NOTICE: The men's (men only, please) barbershop quartet meets once a week at 
 St. Michael's Baptist Church on Tuesdays. Must have a good voice and pass the 
 audition. Those wishing to keep their dome badges, may have to pass by this 
 magnificent opportunity, for Saint Michael, shh, don't ask, don't tell.
 REAL ESTATE: For Sale, Beautiful house with east facing entrance, 4BR 4B, 
 SINGLE: HWC, Looking for the same. 
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Dear Susan,
  I know you are a very busy person with dogs to walk, kids to care, friends, 
  movies but I have the following list of the bottom of the can, low-vibe, 
  slimeball, idiotic retards on this list who continue to be enthralled, 
  enticed and entertained by the troika of the King Baby Barry, the mediocre 
  reviewer, Vaj, the liar and HH Curtis, the messiah of the intellectual 
  Steve, Rick, Barry 2, Susan, Sal..
  Please help me keep this list updated and I apologize again if I missed any 
  other obvious idiots.
  Thanks for you support 
  On Dec 29, 2011, at 10:32 AM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
   Dear Susan,
   Thank you so much. Yes I agree it's not enough that we only have cream if 
   the top, the intelligent, creative, emotionally healthy people like the 
   Judy's, the Jim's, the Bob's, the Robin's, the Rory's, the Denise's, the 
   We also need the mediocre, the dumb, the retarded who time and again show 
   their strong commitment to their lives in cocoons. I'm glad you have 
   taken a strong moral stand and your unconditional support so the troika 
   of the King Baby Barry, the mediocre reviewer, Vaj, the liar and HH 
   Curtis, the messiah of the intellectual dishonesty continue to entertain, 
   enthrall and entice the bottom of the can, the low vibe, slime ball, 
   idiotic, retarded of this list.
   I apologize for not mentioning you in this list.
   On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:21 AM, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
   Lately, I skip about 99 percent of the posts on FFL. I get that a few 
   people are delighted to have an audience, anyone who will engage. I 
   avoid them entirely. But for me the even bigger question is: why does 
   anyone want to be that audience? Maybe I missed something along the way 
   since I don't read these attention-seekers at all - not since reading 
   their first few posts. Don't they and all the people who keep replying 
   to them and stirring the pot have work to do, books to read, walks to 
   take, dogs to walk, movies to see, friends and/or family to spend time 
   with, dishes to wash, food to cook, meals to eat, even meditation and 
   yoga to practice? You can analyze it well, but I mean, seriously, who 
   cares for these people, and their audience? Who does the daily living 
   stuff for them? How do they earn a living, live and then spend all this 
   time posting about, about mind-jumbling uninteresting concepts. Just 
   saying I noticed the same things as you did here and it is interesting 
   to hear that FFL is not the only place seeing the same Wonder what the 
   next stage will be
   --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a 
of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of the
proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.

If no 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-29 Thread curtisdeltablues
I got one claim wrong, he was claiming it was 15 minutes after the crashes not 
before.  There were a few crashes.  He might mean 15 mintues before the one 
that hit the Pentagon but people wouldn't have been sticking around till then, 
it was mayday from 9 on.  Here are the times;

American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767-223, wide-body aircraft crashed into 
the north side of the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) at 8:46:30 
a.m. local time (which was Eastern Daylight Time, or 12:46:30 UTC).

United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767-222, crashed into the South Tower at 
9:02:59 a.m. local time (13:02:59 UTC)

American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-223, crashed into the Pentagon at 
9:37:46 a.m. local time (13:37:46 UTC).

United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757-222, crashed in a field in southwest 
Pennsylvania just outside of Shanksville, about 150 miles (240 km) northwest of 
Washington, D.C., at 10:03:11 a.m. local time (14:03:11 UTC)

Anyway, I've made my point about the prediction that wasn't.…

--- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Here is the link for the whole mediator's article with the relevant excerpt 
  and here is the link:
  Snipped from his article
  Rather buried, well down in this large full-page ad was the startling 
  Can you imagine if bombs began to fall on Washington D.C., and to 
  destroy the high-rises of the money markets of New York? Will NATO be able 
  to prevent this? When this happens it will be beyond the power even of the 
  wealthy to save the situation.
  Frankly, I couldn't imagine this at all, and imagined instead that 
  Maharishi was somehow losing his grip. It's only with hindsight that one 
  can see this wasn't conjecture but a forecast, and how uncannily accurate 
  it was. And of course, a year and a half later on September 11 2001, I 
  remembered this advert—and radically revised my opinion about Maharishi—and 
  started writing my article about Peace.
  Maharishi even knew the right date...
  While writing this article I received an email invitation to a press 
  conference in Washington on this exact topic, uncannily timed for 15 
  minutes after the attack on the Pentagon. Titled Army Generals offer 
  President Bush alternative to Missile Defence Shield -- Top-Ranking 
  Military Leader from India Proposes 'Vedic Defence Shield' for Prevention 
  of War. This contrasts American and Indian technologies for preventing war.
  Is this timing an uncanny coincidence, or is it further proof Maharishi 
  knew not just what was going to happen, but when as well?...
  I learned later that quite a lot of people attended this event, including 
  senior US military figures. But of course a while before the Press 
  Conference was due to start, their cellphones started ringing as the 9/11 
  attacks began, and one by one they left the room... 
 Good find, I guess I was refferring to an ad in Washington Post. Maharishi 
 was swamped with calls from the press after 9/11 to nail him down as a 
 And IF the americans had brought the big groups together at that time this 
 crime would not have happened.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's Youtube

2011-12-29 Thread authfriend
Ravi!! SO glad to see you back. Kiss-kiss.

Very cool video, this one. If I may ask, how the heck did
you get the car to bounce in time with the music??

That's 50, and I'm out till the weekend. You better still
be here, you hear?

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 

 Another video of mine from my pain-filled, bliss-filled mundane extraordinary 
 For my lovers..
 OK, OK, fine, that elephant chasing, car chasing, tail fascinated obsessed 
 kid of mine can watch it too 
 --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  RaviI missed you and thank you for your words and the lovely video.  
  P.S. Robin's post was entirely awesome, I stands on its own 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's Youtube

2011-12-29 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Judy - thanks for the warm welcome.

I have been meaning to record my singing in the car for a long time because the 
states of intense pain and ecstasy I hit cannot be replicated elsewhere. Of 
course just because of the fact that I record in itself rules out hitting those 
states, but it's better than no glimpse into my states at all.

Well the bouncing is easy to explain. I had my iPhone hanging on my rear view 
mirror and so it's my iPhone swinging rather than the car..LOL..anyway this is 
what makes the video fun. I tried figuring out different ways to record myself 
but this was the best :-).

I will be here.


On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:26 PM, authfriend wrote:

 Ravi!! SO glad to see you back. Kiss-kiss.
 Very cool video, this one. If I may ask, how the heck did
 you get the car to bounce in time with the music??
 That's 50, and I'm out till the weekend. You better still
 be here, you hear?
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Another video of mine from my pain-filled, bliss-filled mundane 
  extraordinary life.
  For my lovers..
  OK, OK, fine, that elephant chasing, car chasing, tail fascinated obsessed 
  kid of mine can watch it too 
  --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   RaviI missed you and thank you for your words and the lovely video. Â 
   P.S. Robin's post was entirely awesome, I stands on its own 
   perfectly. Â 

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Responds to Iran Threat

2011-12-29 Thread seventhray1

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Muir's mansion is a couple blocks from here. Never been to it as I was
 saving it for when friends visit but we never seem to get to it. Muir
 was instrumental in getting the capitalist exploiters booted out of
 Yosemite. They wanted to turn it into an amusement park.

He lost the battle to preserve Hetch Hetchy which he considered to be a
miniature Yosemite, but which was considered to  be an essential water
supply for SF.  Luckily he found Teddy Roosevelt to be an ally in his
other efforts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So called yogic siddhis/sanyamas and aaloka of prajñaa? Part 3

2011-12-29 Thread shukra69
thank you for another enlightening post

--- In, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
   So, the depth(?) of samaadhi/samaapatti associated with
  saMyama/siddhi-s seems to be able to be anything from
  nirvitarka/nirvitarkaa down to at least saasmitaa (sa + asmitaa:with
  asmitaa): smRtiparisuddhau svaruupashuunyevaarthamaatranirbhaasaa
  nirvitarkaa. (I 43) etayaiva savicaaraa [samaapatti/samaadhi -- card]
  nirvicaaraa ca shuukSmavishayaavyaakhyaataa. (I 44)
  III 5 goes like this:
  tajjayaat prajñaalokaH; (tat-jayaat prajñaalokaH).
  Sucker Taimni translates it like this:
  By mastering it (saMyama) the light of the higher consciousness.
  Just for fun, let's study the compound word prajñaalokaH.  How many
  interpretationsare possible? Let's suppose, that the first part is
  either prajña or prajñaa.
  Tasmin sati, we get the following possible combinations:
  prajña + alokaH
 prajña + aalokaH
 prajñaa + lokaH
 prajñaa + alokaH
 prajñaa + aalokaH.
 Vyaasa's comment on that suutra (III 5) begins like this
 (transliterating from devanaagarii):
 tasya saMyamasya jayaat samaadhi-prajñaayaa bhavatyaalokaH (bhavati+
 Judging by that, the correct components of 'prajnaalokaH' above
 seem to be
 prajñaa + aalokaH.
 So, in that case sucker Taimni's translation for 'prajñaalokaH'
 (the light of the higher consciousness) might be acceptable.
 We seem to recall Maharishi once said something like:
 The acid test of full enlightenment is the ability to perform
 siddhi-s at will.
 Or something to that effect.
 In YS III 5, Patañjali seems to corroborate that: from the
 mastery of saMyama [follows] the light of consciousness; or stuff.

[FairfieldLife] Yogic Flying is the proof.’

2011-12-29 Thread shukra69
`Habit bound we are saying that in every generation this knowledge of Art and 
Music has to be in the student's life, and when he is still student age, he 
should know how to live the way a leaf lives. How does a leaf live? The leaf 
blossoms into a colorful flower. The colorful flower blossoms into many tastes 
of fruits. So one blossoms into many, increasing the magnitude of bliss, 
increasing the magnitude of bliss. Self-referral is the key. Transcendental 
Meditation is the key. Advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation are the 
keys. Yogic Flying is the proof.'
9 March 2006, MERU, Holland 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apollo 18

2011-12-29 Thread ultrarishi
Thanks for the review of the film.  Not exactly Capricorn One, but close.

About the Blu Ray player.  Can you watch, for example, Daily Show episodes 
using the browser feature?

Happy Holidays!

[FairfieldLife] The MUM Annual Fund

2011-12-29 Thread Buck
Your generosity to the Annual Fund helps us to provide a world-class 
educational system for our future world leaders. Each tax-deductible donation 
fuels MUM's efforts to grow Consciousness-BasedSM education and develop an 
environment where students' inner development brings maximum outer success.