[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his
military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or
straining during Buddhist meditation.
   That's really an ugly personal attack.
  Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
  of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
  all on Nabby.
  Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
  Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.
 Judy, surely you elevate me!  Never would I figure that I 
 would rank such that you would spend some of the last few 
 sands in your hourglass on me.  
 I might have expected though, something a little more creative
 than your standard insult. But I guess I'm glad I can draw 
 some of your fire away from the usual targets.

I think you fail to realize what's going on, Steve.
You're one of the only people Judy *can* still lure 
into one of her I'm better than you and I can prove 
it eternal arguments, so she *treasures* you. 

She and her co-confrontation addicts have grown 
desperate in their attempts to get people to react
to their insults. Haven't you noticed how they have
all basically become Willytex clones, saying 
ANYTHING they can think of to get a reaction?

The way they see it, if you respond, THEY WIN. 
And even if you *don't* respond, they'll find a 
way to interpret you ignoring them as WE WIN.
Then they'll slap each other on the back and
congratulate each other for having gotten one
of their agreed-upon clique enemies. 

As long as it's still fun for you to push *her*
buttons from time to time by committing the 
Cardinal sin of disagreeing with her, I say go
for it. In fact, I consider it an act of compassion
on your part to do so. Try to imagine what would
happen if NONE of her established enemies on this
forum responded to her invitations to argue. 
She'd wind up having to attack other members of
her own clique, just to have someone with whom
to swing her dick at to establish dominance. 

Oh. Wait. That's already happened, several times.

Whatever. For those who NEED an argument to feel
alive, I guess that if the fact that most of their
designated victims don't even bother to respond 
any more doesn't matter to them and they can still
declare victory anyway, the details of who they're 
having these imaginary arguments with don't matter, 
either.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread navashok

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his
military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or
straining during Buddhist meditation.
   That's really an ugly personal attack.
  Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
  of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
  all on Nabby.
  Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
  Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.
 Judy, surely you elevate me!  Never would I figure that I would rank
 such that you would spend some of the last few sands in your hourglass
 on me.  I might have expected though, something a little more creative
 than your standard insult.   But I guess I'm glad I can draw some of
 your fire away from the usual targets.

Steve, you have to get some smarts here. 

1) If you say somebody is crazy, mentally retarded or otherwise lacking in 
mental capacity it is completely okay if you use it as a put-down, that is to 
say, you just say it to insult the other person, you actually don't mean it 
literally. But, if you say it about a person, when it is actually true, or even 
might be true, there is a chance that it is actually literally the case, if you 
actually mean it, not as an insult or put-down, even if you might have a sense 
of compassion toward this person, then it is an inexcusable sin, that cannot be 

2) It's okay to say anything  negative, derogatory, insulting, as long as it's 
about Barry, at least in the eyes of Judy and her gang. It's like that old Arab 
proverb, 'Beat your wife daily, if you don't know why, she knows it'. 
Substitute wife here with Barry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
  My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has some kind
 of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his military father might
 have hit him so hard as a boy that he never recovered, overly use of
 drugs at an early age or straining during Buddhist meditation.
 That's really an ugly personal attack.

If you had bothered to read the post where the Turq is hallucinating about my 
relation to Maharishi you might have seen why. My post is a relevant 
speculation to what can be the reason for his mad attacks.

  He is clearly hallucinating and making things up and now, being and
 older man, there is no longer anything that can be done about it except
 proper meditation, which will never happen.
  He, and unfortunately we on FFL, have to live with it, all we can do
 is pray for his soul.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The key to overcoming cult thinking

2013-02-27 Thread doctordumbass
Yep, like finding that tool, always shiny and ready in the toolbox. No muss, no 
fuss. The world is as you are, live unbounded awareness - MMY.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@ wrote:
   I like this excerpt from one of Deikman's book. Us and Them: Cult
  Thinking and the Terrorist Threat
   Part of the excerpt states:
   Some degree of cult behavior can be seen in all groups, so instead of
  asking Is this group a cult?, a more useful inquiry is: How much cult
  behavior is taking place here?
 Transcendental Meditation is vibrant and uncomplicated and unburdened by 
 T.M.'s more controversial past. It is no longer, as Brand often says, for 
 weird, old hippies. Nor is it only for committed devotees willing to spend 
 their lives meditating in rural Iowa.
  I would call this a breakthrough in the discussion.  Much more realistic
  than the black and white mindset.
  This question has special urgency as we face the reality of a
  present-day terrorism whose destructive possibilities have been
  fearfully magnified by modern technology. Although it is not hard to
  spot cult behavior in al Qaeda, we are not inclined to notice it in
  ourselves as we respond to the threat. Yet, we had better be able to do
  so, because the price of cult behavior is diminished realism. We cannot
  afford that now.
   To heighten our awareness, Them and Us identifies four basic cult
  behaviors that influence our thinking: 1) compliance with a group, 2)
  dependence on a leader, 3) avoiding dissent, and 4) devaluing the
  outsider. These forces operate in all aspects of society. The core
  process is devaluing the outsider, resulting in Them-versus-Us behavior.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread doctordumbass
Dear Navashok, the history of Barry's presence here on FFL is an interesting 
one. He started out as one of the gang, and pretty soon his creatively  
written, though logically inept, criticism of TM and Maharishi attracted some 
like minded souls. This went on for a few years. The salad days, for him.

Slowly, he has alienated all of those, except you and MJ, who used to back him 
at every turn. They recognized, as you may, that this group has a highly tuned 
BS meter, that pegs regularly at what Barry writes, in his often condescending 
and nasty way. Not worth the trouble.

So, yes, Barry now appears as a lone voice in his own wilderness, but it wasn't 
always so. Personally, I think he likes it. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
 My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
 some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his
 military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
 he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or
 straining during Buddhist meditation.
That's really an ugly personal attack.
   Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
   of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
   all on Nabby.
   Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
   Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.
  Judy, surely you elevate me!  Never would I figure that I would rank
  such that you would spend some of the last few sands in your hourglass
  on me.  I might have expected though, something a little more creative
  than your standard insult.   But I guess I'm glad I can draw some of
  your fire away from the usual targets.
 Steve, you have to get some smarts here. 
 1) If you say somebody is crazy, mentally retarded or otherwise lacking in 
 mental capacity it is completely okay if you use it as a put-down, that is to 
 say, you just say it to insult the other person, you actually don't mean it 
 literally. But, if you say it about a person, when it is actually true, or 
 even might be true, there is a chance that it is actually literally the case, 
 if you actually mean it, not as an insult or put-down, even if you might have 
 a sense of compassion toward this person, then it is an inexcusable sin, that 
 cannot be forgiven.
 2) It's okay to say anything  negative, derogatory, insulting, as long as 
 it's about Barry, at least in the eyes of Judy and her gang. It's like that 
 old Arab proverb, 'Beat your wife daily, if you don't know why, she knows 
 it'. Substitute wife here with Barry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
   My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq 
   has some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with 
   it, his military father might have hit him so hard as 
   a boy that he never recovered, overly use of drugs at 
   an early age or straining during Buddhist meditation.
  That's really an ugly personal attack.
 If you had bothered to read the post where the Turq 
 is hallucinating about my relation to Maharishi you 
 might have seen why. My post is a relevant speculation 
 to what can be the reason for his mad attacks.

Yeah, Steve, what is WRONG with you? Are you ques-
tioning his assertion that me suggesting that Nabby 
might be considered persona non grata in the TMO 
because of his 1) weird ideas and 2) his off the 
program activities is a mad attack. One that 
*requires* him to speculate about my Quaker father
being a child abuser?

If so, good for you.  :-)

The weird ideas -- such as believing in little green 
men who draw circles in fields and a savior who can 
speak every language in the world simultaneously, or
at least who will be able to as soon as he shows up,
only 40 years late -- speak for themselves. Hanging
off every word written by the guy the press once 
called the biggest spiritual charlatan in British
history, after Alasteir Crowley (Benjamin Creme)
wouldn't help his credibility much, either. Not to 
mention his history of not being able to tell 
hillbilly music from blues and film art from 
sadomasochistic pop pornography. :-)

As for the OTP activities, a quick search of the FFL
archives would reveal Nabby talking about quite a 
few saints and spiritual teachers he claims to have
met, and that *alone* would keep him out of the domes in
Fairfield. So I think my speculations about whether
he'd be welcome in real TM surroundings were warranted.

Personally, I think the thing that's pushed his buttons
the most is, as he says above, me questioning the nature
of his relation with Maharishi. Who, last I checked,
was DEAD, and thus not all that easy to have a relation
with, unless Nabby is as into necrophilia as he is 
conversing with the Space Brothers. :-)

The difference between us is that I laugh off his made-
up insults as the puny, reactive cultspeak they are, 
while *he* reacts like a crazy person, trying to salvage
what he imagines is his image here. 

Might I suggest to him that he *has* no image to 
salvage? I doubt very seriously if there is even a single
person on FFL who believes him ABOUT ANYTHING. He *has*
no credibility or image to be concerned about. 

Which IMO is why he's so pissed off. I suggested that if
there is anyone on this forum who is considered persona
non grata by the TM movement, it's probably *him*, for
reasons I reiterated above. If he disputes this, all he
has to do is to PROVE OTHERWISE. 

Hint: Just saying otherwise don't prove shit. *Especially*
when the person saying it believes in little green men and
saviors who do not and will never exist. The *only* thing
that would PROVE that Nabby is in good standing with the
TMO would be a scanned copy of a valid dome pass with a
current date on it, issued by MUM or by some TM facility
in Europe, like Vlodrop. If he cannot produce such a 
document, I don't see how he can expect anyone to believe
that the TM organization still considers anyone as crazy
as he is to roam free within its walls. 

All of this said, Nabby *is* a kind of treasure here, as
Curtis and others have said in the past, in that he offers
us an EXAMPLE of how the TB TM cultist thinks and acts. 
That's worth its weight in gold, and I hope that he keeps
it up. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Vedic Tradition?

2013-02-27 Thread navashok
Is the description from David Lynch's website more honest?

Where does the TM technique come from?

The Transcendental Meditation technique is thousands of years old—it
comes from an unbroken tradition of meditation instruction from ancient
India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first introduced the technique to the West
over 50 years ago. It was Maharishi's idea to subject the TM technique
to scientific scrutiny in order to establish its practical benefits to
daily life. Maharishi has trained tens of thousands of TM teachers who
are providing TM instruction in all parts of the world. In a recent
cover story on science and meditation, Time magazine recently credited
Maharishi for the revival of meditation and yoga in the U.S. and around
the globe.

http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/about-tm.html Where does the TM
technique come from?The Transcendental Meditation technique is
thousands of years old—it comes from an unbroken tradition of
meditation instruction from ancient India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first
introduced the technique to the West over 50 years ago. It was
Maharishi's idea to subject the TM technique to scientific scrutiny in
order to establish its practical benefits to daily life. Maharishi has
trained tens of thousands of TM teachers who are providing TM
instruction in all parts of the world. In a recent cover story on
science and meditation, Time magazine recently credited Maharishi for
the revival of meditation and yoga in the U.S. and around the globe. 

Also no picture of Maharishi on the whole website, but a watermark image
of David on every page.

Where did the TM technique come from?

The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic 
tradition of enlightenment in India. This knowledge has been handed down
by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years. 
About 50 years ago, Maharishi — the representative in our age of the
Vedic tradition — introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world,
restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness
at this critical time for humanity. When we teach the Transcendental 
Meditation technique today, we maintain the same procedures used by 
teachers thousands of years ago for maximum effectiveness.


Btw. the www.TM.org http://www.TM.org   website seems to have received
an overhaul.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition?

2013-02-27 Thread navashok
Sorry, wrong link I think, http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/about-tm.html

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@... wrote:

 Is the description from David Lynch's website more honest?
 Where does the TM technique come from?
 The Transcendental Meditation technique is thousands of years old—it
 comes from an unbroken tradition of meditation instruction from ancient
 India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first introduced the technique to the West
 over 50 years ago. It was Maharishi's idea to subject the TM technique
 to scientific scrutiny in order to establish its practical benefits to
 daily life. Maharishi has trained tens of thousands of TM teachers who
 are providing TM instruction in all parts of the world. In a recent
 cover story on science and meditation, Time magazine recently credited
 Maharishi for the revival of meditation and yoga in the U.S. and around
 the globe.
 http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/about-tm.html Where does the TM
 technique come from?The Transcendental Meditation technique is
 thousands of years old—it comes from an unbroken tradition of
 meditation instruction from ancient India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first
 introduced the technique to the West over 50 years ago. It was
 Maharishi's idea to subject the TM technique to scientific scrutiny in
 order to establish its practical benefits to daily life. Maharishi has
 trained tens of thousands of TM teachers who are providing TM
 instruction in all parts of the world. In a recent cover story on
 science and meditation, Time magazine recently credited Maharishi for
 the revival of meditation and yoga in the U.S. and around the globe. 
 Also no picture of Maharishi on the whole website, but a watermark image
 of David on every page.
 Where did the TM technique come from?
 The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic 
 tradition of enlightenment in India. This knowledge has been handed down
 by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years. 
 About 50 years ago, Maharishi — the representative in our age of the
 Vedic tradition — introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world,
 restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness
 at this critical time for humanity. When we teach the Transcendental 
 Meditation technique today, we maintain the same procedures used by 
 teachers thousands of years ago for maximum effectiveness.
 Btw. the www.TM.org http://www.TM.org   website seems to have received
 an overhaul.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread seventhray27

Sure you hit hard at people.  And many times it bothers me.  But let's
face it, insults are are about 50% of the fare here.   And I think it's
pretty obvious when a line is crossed.  I got called on it a few days
ago.  To suggest that one's parent was a child abuser, I think crosses
that line.

P.S. I read Diary of a Drug Fiend by Alasteir Crowley, and thought it
was pretty good.  At least he was a colorful charactor.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27
steve.sundur@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq
has some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with
it, his military father might have hit him so hard as
a boy that he never recovered, overly use of drugs at
an early age or straining during Buddhist meditation.
   That's really an ugly personal attack.
  If you had bothered to read the post where the Turq
  is hallucinating about my relation to Maharishi you
  might have seen why. My post is a relevant speculation
  to what can be the reason for his mad attacks.

 Yeah, Steve, what is WRONG with you? Are you ques-
 tioning his assertion that me suggesting that Nabby
 might be considered persona non grata in the TMO
 because of his 1) weird ideas and 2) his off the
 program activities is a mad attack. One that
 *requires* him to speculate about my Quaker father
 being a child abuser?

 If so, good for you. :-)

 The weird ideas -- such as believing in little green
 men who draw circles in fields and a savior who can
 speak every language in the world simultaneously, or
 at least who will be able to as soon as he shows up,
 only 40 years late -- speak for themselves. Hanging
 off every word written by the guy the press once
 called the biggest spiritual charlatan in British
 history, after Alasteir Crowley (Benjamin Creme)
 wouldn't help his credibility much, either. Not to
 mention his history of not being able to tell
 hillbilly music from blues and film art from
 sadomasochistic pop pornography. :-)

 As for the OTP activities, a quick search of the FFL
 archives would reveal Nabby talking about quite a
 few saints and spiritual teachers he claims to have
 met, and that *alone* would keep him out of the domes in
 Fairfield. So I think my speculations about whether
 he'd be welcome in real TM surroundings were warranted.

 Personally, I think the thing that's pushed his buttons
 the most is, as he says above, me questioning the nature
 of his relation with Maharishi. Who, last I checked,
 was DEAD, and thus not all that easy to have a relation
 with, unless Nabby is as into necrophilia as he is
 conversing with the Space Brothers. :-)

 The difference between us is that I laugh off his made-
 up insults as the puny, reactive cultspeak they are,
 while *he* reacts like a crazy person, trying to salvage
 what he imagines is his image here.

 Might I suggest to him that he *has* no image to
 salvage? I doubt very seriously if there is even a single
 person on FFL who believes him ABOUT ANYTHING. He *has*
 no credibility or image to be concerned about.

 Which IMO is why he's so pissed off. I suggested that if
 there is anyone on this forum who is considered persona
 non grata by the TM movement, it's probably *him*, for
 reasons I reiterated above. If he disputes this, all he
 has to do is to PROVE OTHERWISE.

 Hint: Just saying otherwise don't prove shit. *Especially*
 when the person saying it believes in little green men and
 saviors who do not and will never exist. The *only* thing
 that would PROVE that Nabby is in good standing with the
 TMO would be a scanned copy of a valid dome pass with a
 current date on it, issued by MUM or by some TM facility
 in Europe, like Vlodrop. If he cannot produce such a
 document, I don't see how he can expect anyone to believe
 that the TM organization still considers anyone as crazy
 as he is to roam free within its walls.

 All of this said, Nabby *is* a kind of treasure here, as
 Curtis and others have said in the past, in that he offers
 us an EXAMPLE of how the TB TM cultist thinks and acts.
 That's worth its weight in gold, and I hope that he keeps
 it up. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to get health care in America...go to prison

2013-02-27 Thread feste37
I assume you mean this as a general comment rather than a direct reply to me. 
If not, you misread me. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 

 I think the health care system in America is an anamoly.  I remember getting 
 into a conversation with someone on FFL about it and he was from Britain.  He 
 explained how his father paid a relatively small tax every month in order to 
 get universal health coverage, and his father was happy to pay for it.  Then 
 I pointed out 'That's The Problemhe was happy to pay for it!'.  Every 
 time Americans are provided with something and taxed for it, they complain 
 about the taxes.  But when it is privatized, they'll pay a lot more, albeit 
 they'll probably get better service.  But then only wealthy people can afford 
 To me, it's not just a health care issue, it's an attitude issue.  If you're 
 going to complain about high costs of health care AND complain about being 
 taxed if universal health care is provided, then you are simply impossible to 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  But your taxes are higher in Canada, I assume. They must be, if you have 
  virtually free health care. I have also lived in a country with a 
  socialized medical system. Living in the US, I used to think that what I 
  paid in US taxes + health insurance was about the same as my tax bill in 
  the socialist country, which also covered health care, but the insurance 
  premiums have gone up so fast in recent years I think that is no longer 
  true. Just last week I had a letter from the insurance company about a 
  rate change (now there's a euphemism for you) and I was so mad at them 
  that I haven't yet opened the envelope. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
I had cataract surgery in one eye a year ago, and it cost about 
$10,000. I couldn't figure out why it was so expensive. The surgery 
takes about 15 minutes, I think. I was in and out the hospital in about 
3 hours. I have a high-deductible insurance policy, so I ended up 
paying about $5,000m and the insurance paid the rest. I would like to 
see a Medicare-for-all system in the US. It is much more efficient than 
health care for profit. In surveys I have seen, people who live in 
countries that have socialized health care are far more satisfied with 
their health care than those who do not. 
   I must say, the health care 'system', what little I know about it, in the 
   US of A sounds terrifyingly expensive. My husband and I pay a grand total 
   of $108 per month  here in Canada and have virtually free access to most 
   health care. I also have some extended health coverage due to owning a 
   business and it costs me an extra $285 per month for my husband and I and 
   that covers chiropractic, optometry, counselling, travel, dental (and the 
   list goes on). We pay virtually nothing in Canada for health care as 
   individuals and I feel very fortunate to have access to that type of 
   system. Remember, that eye procedure I had recently in England which was 
   one and a half days of tests and finally an intense retinal tear laser 
   procedure was FREE! (Not to the British taxpayers however.) Imagine that 
   scenario in America. My eyeball could have probably fallen out and unless 
   I had proven I had insurance no doctor would have likely touched me with 
   a ten foot pole.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:

 The most recent issue of Time Magazine is devoted entirely to one 
 topic (first time ever an issue is about 1 topic) and one author: 
 Steven Brill on the cost of health care in the USA.  It is truly a 
 fascinating and mind blowing issue.  Brill spent 7 months researching 
 and writing the issue. The gist is that the pricing of health care 
 here is entirely unregulated, inconsistent and with markups of 10 and 
 20 and 50 times the real price of a service.  Medicare has the real 
 data and provides reasonable payment rates, but otherwise the markups 
 are humongous for the privately insured and especially for the 
 uninsured. Our 'non-profit hospitals rake in billions in profits and 
 their CEO's earn way more than the president of the university system 
 they represent. The profit margins in these hospitals are terrific.  
 So just as important as the question about who is to pay for what - 
 is the question of how much things should cost to begin with. Check 
 out the issue - it has a wealth of information and I think and hope 
 it is going to create a stir.  Brill wrote that these costs are 
 destroying our economy - along with other problems, of course.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Judy

2013-02-27 Thread seventhray27

Issues are what we all have.  Our past, present, and future relationship
with the TMO is the main fare here.  When people talk about issues in
a general sense I, (and I think  most others) know what is being
referred to.

Verdict: Scolding nullified.  Repeat first down.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...

 Have you ever asked yourself whether it might be a good
 idea not to suggest that someone you're disagreeing with
 has deeper issues without specifying what you thought
 the deeper issues were?

 If you ever did, I can see why you'd have decided against
 it. After all, deeper issues implies that the person is
 fucked up in some way, and if you leave it at that, you
 don't have to risk being wrong by proposing anything
 specific. You don't even have to have anything specific
 in mind; it's just an all-purpose putdown.

 But you *do* run the risk of folks thinking you were
 implying something really nasty, like, in this case,
 an accusation of racism.

 All things considered, I'd advise being straightforward
 and specific rather than vague and insinuating. It avoids
 misunderstandings and bad feelings.

 You didn't intend to create bad feelings, now, did you?

  From: authfriend authfriend@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:40 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
   Just yesterday Michael expressed the wish that Dr. Oz who
   seems pretty savvy to me, stop being deluded about TMO.
   This was in addition to saying that Dr. Oz is afraid to
   disagree with Oprah. This latter statement especially
   indicates to me that there's a deeper issue present. I've
   got my issues too so I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But
   I give less weight to what someone says if it seems to me
   that there are other deeper issues present.
  Hmmm, sounds like Share is insinuating that Michael is
  a racist.
   I doubt that Dr. Oz, who seems to me to have integrity,
   endorses TM only because he was asked to do so.
  As I've already pointed out, there are some serious
  questions about his integrity. Oz fans might want to read
  this profile in The New Yorker:

[FairfieldLife] Obama outfoxed the GOP

2013-02-27 Thread raunchydog
If true, this is a good storyline: As the Sequester approaches, and Republicans 
finally get to slash the federal budget, half of them are sane enough to 
realize they look like idiots and the other half are too stupid to know they 
*are* idiots. Meanwhile, Democrats appear as responsible adults telling the 
GOP, No, we are not going to fix your mess. This is Lawrence O'Donnell's take 
on the Sequester. 

I'm skeptical. Simpson-Boles awaits in the wings so I suspect one way or 
another we'er going down the path of austerity. Either way, according to 
Krugman, austerity will only make the economy worse. Now that Obama has the GOP 
on the Sequester ropes, bets on that we'll see another eleventh hour fiscal 
cliff drama play out so that Obama gets to be a hero striking the Grand 
Bargain (that he wanted all along) when he pulls the Simpson-Boles rabbit out 
of the hat. Smart politics, yes, but very dumb for the country. Here's the 
article and O'Donnell video:          

Obama has nothing to lose in the sequester negotiations. He gave the GOP 
everything they asked for, and have been asking for in their rhetoric for 
years. You ask an average Republican voter, they demand to slash government 
spending. The Sequester is just what they've been asking for, and now they are 
fighting it tooth and nail.


[FairfieldLife] Re: How to get health care in America...go to prison

2013-02-27 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 But your taxes are higher in Canada, I assume. 

Not that much different. But one big tax difference is that we do not get to 
write off the interest paid on a mortgage for example. That is a pretty big tax 
'perk' for those homeowners in the US who have mortgages.

They must be, if you have virtually free health care. I have also lived in a 
country with a socialized medical system. Living in the US, I used to think 
that what I paid in US taxes + health insurance was about the same as my tax 
bill in the socialist country, which also covered health care, but the 
insurance premiums have gone up so fast in recent years I think that is no 
longer true. Just last week I had a letter from the insurance company about a 
rate change (now there's a euphemism for you) and I was so mad at them that 
I haven't yet opened the envelope. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   I had cataract surgery in one eye a year ago, and it cost about $10,000. 
   I couldn't figure out why it was so expensive. The surgery takes about 15 
   minutes, I think. I was in and out the hospital in about 3 hours. I have 
   a high-deductible insurance policy, so I ended up paying about $5,000m 
   and the insurance paid the rest. I would like to see a Medicare-for-all 
   system in the US. It is much more efficient than health care for profit. 
   In surveys I have seen, people who live in countries that have socialized 
   health care are far more satisfied with their health care than those who 
   do not. 
  I must say, the health care 'system', what little I know about it, in the 
  US of A sounds terrifyingly expensive. My husband and I pay a grand total 
  of $108 per month  here in Canada and have virtually free access to most 
  health care. I also have some extended health coverage due to owning a 
  business and it costs me an extra $285 per month for my husband and I and 
  that covers chiropractic, optometry, counselling, travel, dental (and the 
  list goes on). We pay virtually nothing in Canada for health care as 
  individuals and I feel very fortunate to have access to that type of 
  system. Remember, that eye procedure I had recently in England which was 
  one and a half days of tests and finally an intense retinal tear laser 
  procedure was FREE! (Not to the British taxpayers however.) Imagine that 
  scenario in America. My eyeball could have probably fallen out and unless I 
  had proven I had insurance no doctor would have likely touched me with a 
  ten foot pole.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:

The most recent issue of Time Magazine is devoted entirely to one topic 
(first time ever an issue is about 1 topic) and one author: Steven 
Brill on the cost of health care in the USA.  It is truly a fascinating 
and mind blowing issue.  Brill spent 7 months researching and writing 
the issue. The gist is that the pricing of health care here is entirely 
unregulated, inconsistent and with markups of 10 and 20 and 50 times 
the real price of a service.  Medicare has the real data and provides 
reasonable payment rates, but otherwise the markups are humongous for 
the privately insured and especially for the uninsured. Our 
'non-profit hospitals rake in billions in profits and their CEO's earn 
way more than the president of the university system they represent. 
The profit margins in these hospitals are terrific.  So just as 
important as the question about who is to pay for what - is the 
question of how much things should cost to begin with. Check out the 
issue - it has a wealth of information and I think and hope it is going 
to create a stir.  Brill wrote that these costs are destroying our 
economy - along with other problems, of course.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:

 This is a sobering article by a physician that should give
 those idiots on FFL who claim that everyone in America has
 health care pause...but will not, because they're idiots. 
 What do you do when you need an operation to save your life, 
 but the only way to pay for it is to go to prison?


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  Er, Steve, you seem to be getting a tad defensive here and it seems it
 is because you have this need to run to somehow divert what you perceive
 as some sort of attack aimed at Share. I think you should give Share
 some respect/credibility and the chance to reply and figure out her own
 dynamics with Carol here. By jumping in like this it makes you look like
 you don't think Share is capable of a one on one dialogue with someone
 exploring possibilities of a subject. You have a very hair trigger
 protective mechanism. Check it out, what are you afraid of?
 I do feel slighted that I was not breast fed, and that my mother
 probably smoked  during her entire pregnancy with me, and likely my
 three sisters.  That's what coming to mind right now.

Slighted? Oh, you mean because your mother didn't protect you in the womb 
you are more likely to protect others now?! Did you feel like you craved a 
Marlborough when you emerged?
 As for Carol, I detect a selective bias on her part, and I am just
 voicing it.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have attempted to hi-light in
 a previous post.  Maybe I am wrong about it

I think you have an innate protective tendency towards those you feel might be 
being singled out and challenged. Not a terrible character flaw but in this 
case a grown woman like Share can probably handle whatever Carol is likely to 
bring up in conversation. I hardly see Carol as some malevolent, unreasonable 
poster here. Share will probably say otherwise, but I think you should have a 
little more confidence in her ability to respond/deal with interactions here, 
especially with someone as reasonable as Carol.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The key to overcoming cult thinking

2013-02-27 Thread Buck
I think it is wonderall what the Transcendendtal Meditation has done to bring 
meditation and spirituality in to the light of science in the world.  TM and 
the people in it is not all the cult that the haters would make it out to be 
but also is simple essential spiritual method in life.  Some of the TM-taliban 
inside TM  might yet be more powerful than others of goodwill but there are 
relatively few real cultists in the middle of TM.  Mostly the TM community is 
waiting for the real bad ones to die-off. So  I would hope the real haters 
could come to an effective place of quiet and join the larger group of 
meditators once again in our meditator group meditation.  The science clearly 
shows us that a group effectively meditating is good and good for everyone.  In 
spite of the worst behaviour of the old administration the larger movement has 
always moved with everyone.  The middle circle of TM is quite small.  I would 
hope the haters here could empathize with the larger whole again and continue 
to help us all with more love.  A transition is happening as boomers and old 
are demographicaly die-ing off .  This morning there is a great video of the 
old pope at his last audience. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-21597093
That is coming too with TM as people generally in TM wait for some to die off 
who are in the way.  There is a lot of fear around that.  But even the haters 
could help us all pointing the way from outside.  I feel they have a place in 
this too.   I should hope some of the real haters will come more to their 
senses and simply come back to us all.  We shall overcome.. together. 
-Buck in the Dome

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Yep, like finding that tool, always shiny and ready in the toolbox. No muss, 
 no fuss. The world is as you are, live unbounded awareness - MMY.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@ wrote:
I like this excerpt from one of Deikman's book. Us and Them: Cult
   Thinking and the Terrorist Threat
Part of the excerpt states:
Some degree of cult behavior can be seen in all groups, so instead of
   asking Is this group a cult?, a more useful inquiry is: How much cult
   behavior is taking place here?
  Transcendental Meditation is vibrant and uncomplicated and unburdened by 
  T.M.'s more controversial past. It is no longer, as Brand often says, for 
  weird, old hippies. Nor is it only for committed devotees willing to spend 
  their lives meditating in rural Iowa.
   I would call this a breakthrough in the discussion.  Much more realistic
   than the black and white mindset.
   This question has special urgency as we face the reality of a
   present-day terrorism whose destructive possibilities have been
   fearfully magnified by modern technology. Although it is not hard to
   spot cult behavior in al Qaeda, we are not inclined to notice it in
   ourselves as we respond to the threat. Yet, we had better be able to do
   so, because the price of cult behavior is diminished realism. We cannot
   afford that now.
To heighten our awareness, Them and Us identifies four basic cult
   behaviors that influence our thinking: 1) compliance with a group, 2)
   dependence on a leader, 3) avoiding dissent, and 4) devaluing the
   outsider. These forces operate in all aspects of society. The core
   process is devaluing the outsider, resulting in Them-versus-Us behavior.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
   My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
   some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his 
   military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
   he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or 
   straining during Buddhist meditation.
  That's really an ugly personal attack.
 Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
 of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
 all on Nabby.
 Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
 Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.

Yeah, Barry would never do that - post an ugly personal 
attack. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to get health care in America...go to prison

2013-02-27 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 But your taxes are higher in Canada, I assume. They must 
 be, if you have virtually free health care. 

I will chime in here, to point out that you are making
unwarranted assumptions. Re Canada, you are failing to
consider whether the actual *costs* of health care might
not be lower. Which they are. Same in France and Spain
and the Netherlands, all of which I have some experience
with. In France, for example, a one-hour doctor's visit
(assuming no insurance to pay for it, and *not* being a
French resident) costs 30 Euros. 

One of the reasons this is true is that these companies
have not gone down the road that America has for many
decades, allowing greedy hospitals, doctors, HMOs, 
insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies to
artificially escalate prices to outrageous levels that
are completely out of accord with what it costs them
to provide their services. No pharmaceutical company
in any of these countries could get away with charging
what American suppliers charge for drugs; the govern-
ments would just step in and refuse to do business
with them unless they lowered their prices. Same with
the doctors themselves, and what they charge.

In Canada (I know because I lived there for some years),
another factor that keeps their health care costs low
is, strangely enough, differences in the *legal system*. 
The Canadian legal system mirrors (or did when I lived
there) the English system, meaning that all services
provided by lawyers are fee-based. Lawyers get paid by
the hour or at a previously-agreed-upon rate for a 
common service. There is no such thing as a continency
fee, whereby lawyers take cases on a speculative basis,
knowing that they'll get 30% of any settlement amount.

As a result, there has (again, as of when I lived there)
a medical malpractice suit for a fee over a million 
dollars in Canada. (In the US, such suits are often for
tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, all fueled by
greedy lawyers hoping for their 30%.) This also tends
to keep costs lower, because doctors don't have to pay
as much for malpractice insurance. 

Finally, but not to be disregarded, having a medical
system in which *preventative* care is free or cheap
has an *immense* effect on reducing overall health care
costs. In the US, where a *huge* percentage of the 
population has no health insurance at all, their only
option is to go to an emergency room and hope that they
won't get thrown out. This means NO preventative care,
and thus that conditions that could have been easily
caught and treated inexpensively escalate into serious
diseases that cost a fortune to treat. 

So get over your belief that everyone who lives in a 
country with good medical care pays through the nose for
it in taxes. This simply isn't true. That's just what the
greedy bastards who are profiting from your ignorance
want you to believe. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
 My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
 some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his
 military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
 he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or
 straining during Buddhist meditation.
That's really an ugly personal attack.
   Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
   of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
   all on Nabby.
   Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
   Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.
  Judy, surely you elevate me!  Never would I figure that I 
  would rank such that you would spend some of the last few 
  sands in your hourglass on me.  
  I might have expected though, something a little more creative
  than your standard insult. But I guess I'm glad I can draw 
  some of your fire away from the usual targets.
 I think you fail to realize what's going on, Steve.
 You're one of the only people Judy *can* still lure 
 into one of her I'm better than you and I can prove 
 it eternal arguments, so she *treasures* you. 
 She and her co-confrontation addicts have grown 
 desperate in their attempts to get people to react
 to their insults. Haven't you noticed how they have
 all basically become Willytex clones, saying 
 ANYTHING they can think of to get a reaction?
 The way they see it, if you respond, THEY WIN. 
 And even if you *don't* respond, they'll find a 
 way to interpret you ignoring them as WE WIN.
 Then they'll slap each other on the back and
 congratulate each other for having gotten one
 of their agreed-upon clique enemies. 
 As long as it's still fun for you to push *her*
 buttons from time to time by committing the 
 Cardinal sin of disagreeing with her, I say go
 for it. In fact, I consider it an act of compassion
 on your part to do so. Try to imagine what would
 happen if NONE of her established enemies on this
 forum responded to her invitations to argue. 
 She'd wind up having to attack other members of
 her own clique, just to have someone with whom
 to swing her dick at to establish dominance. 
 Oh. Wait. That's already happened, several times.
 Whatever. For those who NEED an argument to feel
 alive, I guess that if the fact that most of their
 designated victims don't even bother to respond 
 any more doesn't matter to them and they can still
 declare victory anyway, the details of who they're 
 having these imaginary arguments with don't matter, 
 either.  :-)

Barry's addled mind has slipped into its alternate reality - conjuring up 
imaginary characters doing imaginary things. Real life must be so tedious, 
boring, mundane. The need to constantly create these scenarios of good guys, 
bad guys, plots and devious manipulations and far-reaching underhanded plans by 
others is his 'escape'. His creation is a colourful world filled with 
characters out of novels and spy stories. We will allow him this small escape, 
this chance to believe his world so much more interesting than it really is. 
Barry's scenarios read like cheap thrillers but as long as they get him through 
another long, dreary day then we should be happy to allow him this small 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The key to overcoming cult thinking

2013-02-27 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 I think it is wonderall what the Transcendendtal Meditation has done to bring 
 meditation and spirituality in to the light of science in the world.  TM and 
 the people in it is not all the cult that the haters would make it out to be 
 but also is simple essential spiritual method in life.  Some of the 
 TM-taliban inside TM  might yet be more powerful than others of goodwill but 
 there are relatively few real cultists in the middle of TM.  Mostly the TM 
 community is waiting for the real bad ones to die-off. So  I would hope the 
 real haters could come to an effective place of quiet and join the larger 
 group of meditators once again in our meditator group meditation.  The 
 science clearly shows us that a group effectively meditating is good and good 
 for everyone.  In spite of the worst behaviour of the old administration the 
 larger movement has always moved with everyone.  The middle circle of TM is 
 quite small.  I would hope the haters here could empathize with the larger 
 whole again and continue to help us all with more love.  A transition is 
 happening as boomers and old are demographicaly die-ing off .  This morning 
 there is a great video of the old pope at his last audience. 
 That is coming too with TM as people generally in TM wait for some to die off 
 who are in the way.  There is a lot of fear around that.  But even the haters 
 could help us all pointing the way from outside.  I feel they have a place in 
 this too.   I should hope some of the real haters will come more to their 
 senses and simply come back to us all.  We shall overcome.. together. 

Well, let's all give a big hand to DEATH, the great purifier of those annoying 
old-timers/despots/boomers/the old/the real bad ones. I see long years of 
Dome attendance has done wonders for your empathetic and humanly sensitive 
qualities there Bucko.

 -Buck in the Dome
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  Yep, like finding that tool, always shiny and ready in the toolbox. No 
  muss, no fuss. The world is as you are, live unbounded awareness - MMY.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@ wrote:
 I like this excerpt from one of Deikman's book. Us and Them: Cult
Thinking and the Terrorist Threat

 Part of the excerpt states:
 Some degree of cult behavior can be seen in all groups, so instead of
asking Is this group a cult?, a more useful inquiry is: How much cult
behavior is taking place here?
   Transcendental Meditation is vibrant and uncomplicated and unburdened by 
   T.M.'s more controversial past. It is no longer, as Brand often says, 
   for weird, old hippies. Nor is it only for committed devotees willing 
   to spend their lives meditating in rural Iowa.

I would call this a breakthrough in the discussion.  Much more realistic
than the black and white mindset.

This question has special urgency as we face the reality of a
present-day terrorism whose destructive possibilities have been
fearfully magnified by modern technology. Although it is not hard to
spot cult behavior in al Qaeda, we are not inclined to notice it in
ourselves as we respond to the threat. Yet, we had better be able to do
so, because the price of cult behavior is diminished realism. We cannot
afford that now.

 To heighten our awareness, Them and Us identifies four basic cult
behaviors that influence our thinking: 1) compliance with a group, 2)
dependence on a leader, 3) avoiding dissent, and 4) devaluing the
outsider. These forces operate in all aspects of society. The core
process is devaluing the outsider, resulting in Them-versus-Us behavior.

[FairfieldLife] MERU Programme Catalogue 2013 available

2013-02-27 Thread merlin


MERU Programme Catalogue 2013 available  

MERU Programme Catalogue 2013
Now available as a downloadable PDF or online flipbook 
Dear Members of Maharishi’s worldwide family,
It is a joy to offer you the MERU Programme Catalogue for 2013. The increasing 
numbers of participants in MERU programmes during the past year has been an 
inspiration to everyone. This year we added even more courses and assemblies 
and look forward to welcoming everyone.
Some of the additional courses are the 16-lesson courses developed by the 
Maharishi College of Perfect Health under Maharishi’s guidance.
These courses include:
* Maharishi Yoga Asanas; Self-Pulse Reading for Good Health; Diet, 
Digestion and Nutrition; and Good Health through Prevention.
* We have also included courses in Maharishi Gandharva Veda and 
Ayur-Vedic Cooking.
* We also look forward to hosting a ‘Conference for the Young 
Generation of Meditators and Sidha’.
* We will continue with our well-attended assemblies in the spring, the 
summer assembly at Guru Purnima time, and during autumn the Navaratri and 
Deepavali assemblies.
* We will also have our most successful courses such as the Training To 
Be an Expert in Bringing Consciousness-Based Education Programmes to Your 
Nation, the Maharishi Vastu Builder Seminar and the course on Maharishi Vedic 
Gardening and Agriculture.
* We are delighted to again have courses based on Maharaja Adhiraj 
Rajaraam's discovery of Veda and Vedic Literature in Human Physiology utilizing 
the electronic model of Vedic Physiology. 
* A new course that we think will interest all Governors working full 
time for the Movement is a course to be trained as a ‘Maharishi Ayur-Veda 
Health Coach’.
We look forward to seeing you here at MERU often in the coming year.
There is also a request form on the catalogue web page if you need printed 
Wishing you some inspiring things, with best regards from MERU Holland,
Jai Guru Dev
Your MERU TeamSee all courses and apply online at: www.merucourses.com 

Click here to visit the MERU catalogue page
(also available from ‘MERU Programme 2013’ menu on the merucourses.com web site)
or this icon on the top left of the page:

Online version

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to get health care in America...go to prison

2013-02-27 Thread feste37

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  But your taxes are higher in Canada, I assume. They must 
  be, if you have virtually free health care. 
 I will chime in here, to point out that you are making
 unwarranted assumptions. Re Canada, you are failing to
 consider whether the actual *costs* of health care might
 not be lower. Which they are. Same in France and Spain
 and the Netherlands, all of which I have some experience
 with. In France, for example, a one-hour doctor's visit
 (assuming no insurance to pay for it, and *not* being a
 French resident) costs 30 Euros. 
 One of the reasons this is true is that these companies
 have not gone down the road that America has for many
 decades, allowing greedy hospitals, doctors, HMOs, 
 insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies to
 artificially escalate prices to outrageous levels that
 are completely out of accord with what it costs them
 to provide their services. No pharmaceutical company
 in any of these countries could get away with charging
 what American suppliers charge for drugs; the govern-
 ments would just step in and refuse to do business
 with them unless they lowered their prices. Same with
 the doctors themselves, and what they charge.
 In Canada (I know because I lived there for some years),
 another factor that keeps their health care costs low
 is, strangely enough, differences in the *legal system*. 
 The Canadian legal system mirrors (or did when I lived
 there) the English system, meaning that all services
 provided by lawyers are fee-based. Lawyers get paid by
 the hour or at a previously-agreed-upon rate for a 
 common service. There is no such thing as a continency
 fee, whereby lawyers take cases on a speculative basis,
 knowing that they'll get 30% of any settlement amount.
 As a result, there has (again, as of when I lived there)
 a medical malpractice suit for a fee over a million 
 dollars in Canada. (In the US, such suits are often for
 tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, all fueled by
 greedy lawyers hoping for their 30%.) This also tends
 to keep costs lower, because doctors don't have to pay
 as much for malpractice insurance. 
 Finally, but not to be disregarded, having a medical
 system in which *preventative* care is free or cheap
 has an *immense* effect on reducing overall health care
 costs. In the US, where a *huge* percentage of the 
 population has no health insurance at all, their only
 option is to go to an emergency room and hope that they
 won't get thrown out. This means NO preventative care,
 and thus that conditions that could have been easily
 caught and treated inexpensively escalate into serious
 diseases that cost a fortune to treat. 
 So get over your belief that everyone who lives in a 
 country with good medical care pays through the nose for
 it in taxes. This simply isn't true. That's just what the
 greedy bastards who are profiting from your ignorance
 want you to believe.

That's not what I said at all. I don't know why you are responding in such an 
unpleasant tone to what was a nonconfrontational post on my part. What the fuck 
is your problem?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

 ...then it is an inexcusable sin, that cannot be 
Where is Dr. Pete when we need him? LoL!   

People who are in cults are 'trained'. The 'training' 
shows when they 'perform' [for the *truth*], as they 
think they do for MMY and the TM org. 

I know. I went through the 'training' - and was able 
to extract myself from it over a period of *years*. 
It's not easy to get out after such indoctrination.

I was sincere and was duped. The MMY betrayal was 
VERY deep for me. He betrayed a generation that looked 
to him - and to me - it is an evil that should be 

It is not much different, psychologically, for the 
'Mormons' and other cult orgs. - John Manning

 My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
 some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his
 military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
 he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or
 straining during Buddhist meditation.
That's really an ugly personal attack.
   Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
   of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
   all on Nabby.
   Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
   Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   Er, Steve, you seem to be getting a tad defensive here and it
seems it
  is because you have this need to run to somehow divert what you
  as some sort of attack aimed at Share. I think you should give Share
  some respect/credibility and the chance to reply and figure out her
  dynamics with Carol here. By jumping in like this it makes you look
  you don't think Share is capable of a one on one dialogue with
  exploring possibilities of a subject. You have a very hair trigger
  protective mechanism. Check it out, what are you afraid of?
  I do feel slighted that I was not breast fed, and that my mother
  probably smoked  during her entire pregnancy with me, and likely my
  three sisters.  That's what coming to mind right now.

 Slighted? Oh, you mean because your mother didn't protect you in
the womb you are more likely to protect others now?! Did you feel like
you craved a Marlborough when you emerged?
That would have been a Kent and vodka martini.
  As for Carol, I detect a selective bias on her part, and I am just
  voicing it.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have attempted to hi-light
  a previous post.  Maybe I am wrong about it

 I think you have an innate protective tendency towards those you feel
might be being singled out and challenged. Okay, I do get riled up when
I see something akin to bullying***  Not that we are seeing bullying
here, but as a tendency on my part, yes I acknowledge that.
*** 1970's definition in force here.Not a terrible character flaw but in
this case a grown woman like Share can probably handle whatever Carol is
likely to bring up in conversation.Uh, really has nothing to do with
Share fighting her own battles.  She doesn't need my help in that
regard.  I thought Share brought up a salient point that Carol chose not
to include in here reasons why the eminent Dr. Oz would choose to
embrace TM.
  I hardly see Carol as some malevolent, unreasonable poster here. Nor do
I.  But as I said, I thought she chose to selectively consider
possibilities, choosing not include  perhaps the most reasonable
explanation.  As these things go, I would call it a small infraction, 
but I chose to comment on it anyway.  And I accept that people might
feel I am full of sh*t about it.
Share will probably say otherwise, but I think you should have a little
more confidence in her ability to respond/deal with interactions here,
especially with someone as reasonable as Carol.
You will have to take that up with Share.  I think she weighs the
cost/reward ratio of who she interacts with.
Personally, I greatly enjoy your contributions here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Hint: Just saying otherwise don't prove shit. *Especially*
 when the person saying it believes in little green men and
 saviors who do not and will never exist. The *only* thing
 that would PROVE that Nabby is in good standing with the
 TMO would be a scanned copy of a valid dome pass with a
 current date on it, issued by MUM or by some TM facility
 in Europe, like Vlodrop. If he cannot produce such a 
 document, I don't see how he can expect anyone to believe
 that the TM organization still considers anyone as crazy
 as he is to roam free within its walls. 

This just shows how far into a paranoid and hallocigenic universe the Turq has 
slipped; he actually BELIEVES there are Domes all over Europe, especially in 
Vlodrop. This poor fellow is so paranoid that he imagines there must be 
HUNDREDS of Domes all over Europe ! Not only that but this aging hippie thinks 
that I would scan a European dome pass which doesn't excist, and paste it 

One wonders what the appropiate medicines for such a state of hallucination 
would be.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Share Long
I have to admit it is weird when I'm absent from FFL for some time and return 
to find a discussion about me going on.  Anyway, thank you to both Ann and 
Steve.  I find Carol very reasonable and also thought she missed a crucial 
point of mine.  Which seems like a long time ago and I can't even remember what 
it was (-:

Also want to say that when turq has been going at me the way he has been the 
last few days, I appreciate all the support that's offered by others.  Then 
when Steve comes along in his masculine and gentle way, it reminds me that it's 
ok to be feminine.  That means a lot to me.

BUT...I also really liked when Steve took up for turq.  Because his buddies 
generally take up for turq on the intellectual level, which is fine and good.  
But Steve took up for turq on an emotional level.  And I still believe that 
those with the toughest shells are also those with the softest insides.  
Honestly folks, the turq lives with 3 other adults and a child!  Could he do so 
and be the curmudgeon he often appears to be here?!    

 From: seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:23 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   Er, Steve, you seem to be getting a tad defensive here and it seems it
  is because you have this need to run to somehow divert what you perceive
  as some sort of attack aimed at Share. I think you should give Share
  some respect/credibility and the chance to reply and figure out her own
  dynamics with Carol here. By jumping in like this it makes you look like
  you don't think Share is capable of a one on one dialogue with someone
  exploring possibilities of a subject. You have a very hair trigger
  protective mechanism. Check it out, what are you afraid of?
  I do feel slighted that I was not breast fed, and that my mother
  probably smoked  during her entire pregnancy with me, and likely my
  three sisters.  That's what coming to mind right now.
 Slighted? Oh, you mean because your mother didn't protect you in the womb 
 you are more likely to protect others now?! Did you feel like you craved a 
 Marlborough when you emerged?
That would have been a Kent and vodka martini.
  As for Carol, I detect a selective bias on her part, and I am just
  voicing it.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have attempted to hi-light in
  a previous post.  Maybe I am wrong about it
 I think you have an innate protective tendency towards those you feel might 
 be being singled out and challenged. 
Okay, I do get riled up when I see something akin to bullying***  Not that we 
are seeing bullying here, but as a tendency on my part, yes I acknowledge that.

*** 1970's definition in force here.Not a terrible character flaw but in this 
case a grown woman like Share can probably handle whatever Carol is likely to 
bring up in conversation.
Uh, really has nothing to do with Share fighting her own battles.  She doesn't 
need my help in that regard.  I thought Share brought up a salient point that 
Carol chose not to include in here reasons why the eminent Dr. Oz would choose 
to embrace TM.

 I hardly see Carol as some malevolent, unreasonable poster here. 
Nor do I.  But as I said, I thought she chose to selectively consider 
possibilities, choosing not include  perhaps the most reasonable explanation.  
As these things go, I would call it a small infraction,  but I chose to comment 
on it anyway.  And I accept that people might feel I am full of sh*t about it.

Share will probably say otherwise, but I think you should have a little more 
confidence in her ability to respond/deal with interactions here, especially 
with someone as reasonable as Carol.
You will have to take that up with Share.  I think she weighs the cost/reward 
ratio of who she interacts with.  

Personally, I greatly enjoy your contributions here.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Barry's addled mind has slipped into its alternate reality - conjuring up 
 imaginary characters doing imaginary things. Real life must be so tedious, 
 boring, mundane. The need to constantly create these scenarios of good guys, 
 bad guys, plots and devious manipulations and far-reaching underhanded plans 
 by others is his 'escape'. His creation is a colourful world filled with 
 characters out of novels and spy stories. We will allow him this small 
 escape, this chance to believe his world so much more interesting than it 
 really is. Barry's scenarios read like cheap thrillers but as long as they 
 get him through another long, dreary day then we should be happy to allow him 
 this small indulgence.

HaHa :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

 My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
 some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his
 military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
 he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or
 straining during Buddhist meditation.

That's really an ugly personal attack.
   Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
   of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
   all on Nabby.
   Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
   Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.
  Judy, surely you elevate me!  Never would I figure that I 
  would rank such that you would spend some of the last few 
  sands in your hourglass on me.  
  I might have expected though, something a little more creative
  than your standard insult. But I guess I'm glad I can draw 
  some of your fire away from the usual targets.
 I think you fail to realize what's going on, Steve.
 You're one of the only people Judy *can* still lure 
 into one of her I'm better than you and I can prove 
 it eternal arguments, so she *treasures* you. 
 She and her co-confrontation addicts have grown 
 desperate in their attempts to get people to react
 to their insults. Haven't you noticed how they have
 all basically become Willytex clones, saying 
 ANYTHING they can think of to get a reaction?
So, it's all about 'Willytex'. I must have pushed a 
few of your buttons. LoL! So, why did you stalk me over
to FFL? You'd think that you would have had enough
of getting abused on Usenet. Go figure.

Uncle Tantra (UT) is suffering from acute Narcissism.  
Because he dropped-out of both TM and Rama's program he 
needs to rewrite history and trash religious groups 
that he once belonged to.  Yet at the same time he needs
to show-off to current followers and write spiritual 
essays of the same teachers he trashes in private.  By
engaging in this neurotic contradiction any personal 
failures are covered-up by UT's dual positions.  Uncle 
Tantra's ego can instead present to others the image he 
clings to: a great writer, an advanced spiritual seeker 
that has gone into Samadhi, and the hip 60's Jungian 
wise-old man persona that he so pathetically attempts 
to cultivate in his ramblings and even through his name 
Uncle Tantra. 

Read more:

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Subject: Trashing Rama - An analysis
From: Garuda
Date: Wed, May 7 2003 3:39 pm

 The way they see it, if you respond, THEY WIN. 
 And even if you *don't* respond, they'll find a 
 way to interpret you ignoring them as WE WIN.
 Then they'll slap each other on the back and
 congratulate each other for having gotten one
 of their agreed-upon clique enemies. 
 As long as it's still fun for you to push *her*
 buttons from time to time by committing the 
 Cardinal sin of disagreeing with her, I say go
 for it. In fact, I consider it an act of compassion
 on your part to do so. Try to imagine what would
 happen if NONE of her established enemies on this
 forum responded to her invitations to argue. 
 She'd wind up having to attack other members of
 her own clique, just to have someone with whom
 to swing her dick at to establish dominance. 
 Oh. Wait. That's already happened, several times.
 Whatever. For those who NEED an argument to feel
 alive, I guess that if the fact that most of their
 designated victims don't even bother to respond 
 any more doesn't matter to them and they can still
 declare victory anyway, the details of who they're 
 having these imaginary arguments with don't matter, 
 either.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition?

2013-02-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Where does the TM technique come from?

From India and the Vedas? LoL!

According to Mircea Eliade, only the rudiments of classic 
Yoga are to be found in the Vedas, and while shamanism and 
other techniques of ecstasy are documented among other 
Indo-European people, Yoga is to be found only in India 
and in cultures influenced by Indian spirituality (102).  

Work cited:

'Yoga : Immortality and Freedom'
by Mircea Eliade
Princeton University Press, 1970

Read more:

Subject: A decomposition of practice ertswhile abusers lore
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: February 6, 2005

Other titles of interst:

'Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy'
by Mircea Eliade
Princeton University Press; 2004

'The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature,
Philosophy and Practice'
by Georg Feuerstein and Ken Wilbur
Hohm Press, 2001 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama outfoxed the GOP

2013-02-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

 If true, this is a good storyline:

My extensive reporting for my book 'The Price of Politics'
shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by 
the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White 
House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably 
the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks 
of the federal government.
Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors 
to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry 
Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, 
according to interviews with two senior White House aides 
who were directly involved.

'Obama's sequester deal-changer'
Bob Woodward:

 As the Sequester approaches, and Republicans finally get to slash the federal 
 budget, half of them are sane enough to realize they look like idiots and the 
 other half are too stupid to know they *are* idiots. Meanwhile, Democrats 
 appear as responsible adults telling the GOP, No, we are not going to fix 
 your mess. This is Lawrence O'Donnell's take on the Sequester. 
 I'm skeptical. Simpson-Boles awaits in the wings so I suspect one way or 
 another we'er going down the path of austerity. Either way, according to 
 Krugman, austerity will only make the economy worse. Now that Obama has the 
 GOP on the Sequester ropes, bets on that we'll see another eleventh hour 
 fiscal cliff drama play out so that Obama gets to be a hero striking the 
 Grand Bargain (that he wanted all along) when he pulls the Simpson-Boles 
 rabbit out of the hat. Smart politics, yes, but very dumb for the country. 
 Here's the article and O'Donnell video:          
 Obama has nothing to lose in the sequester negotiations. He gave the GOP 
 everything they asked for, and have been asking for in their rhetoric for 
 years. You ask an average Republican voter, they demand to slash government 
 spending. The Sequester is just what they've been asking for, and now they 
 are fighting it tooth and nail.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back

2013-02-27 Thread Share Long
I thought Elephant Man was one of the most touching movies I've ever seen.  And 
The Straight Story was quirky, but in a midwestern, down home  kind of way.  I 
also liked it a lot.  I'm not familiar with Lynch's other works and am not 
drawn to explore.

Speaking as a former movie reviewer for the Fairfield Weekly Reader ha ha, I 
think a lot of movie critics get jaded by watching so many movies.  Maybe their 
neural pathways get overloaded so that only the most startling and hyper images 
even make a dent on their awareness. 

BTW, Bhairitu, I used vata
 pitta kapha to critique movies!  After I stopped, people came up to me and 
told me they missed my ayurvedic reviews (-:

It's not about what grabs our attention.  It's about what we choose to focus 
our attention on.

I admit I get a little thrill, as a previous high school English teacher, when 
I end a sentence with a preposition.  And then I remember Churchill's great 
quote about this rule:  Madam, this is the sort of nonsense up with which I 
will not put. 

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 2:35 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 he became a legend because a lot of people like sick twisted stuff

I disagree. David Lynch became famous because of film
critics who believe that if they can't understand a movie,
it's actually good. 

This has been a problem with the film industry since the
beginning of movies, and contributed to the fleeting fame
of people like Jean Luc Godard (who was always merely
flashy, never brilliant).

Some people actually like David Lynch, and even I will
admit that he did a pretty good job with the real, four-
hour version of Dune and with The Straight Story.
But IMO (and according to someone I used to know who
was his personal secretary) he's LAZY, and tends to 
fall back on being flashy and weird rather than being
actually creative, because he knows that among a certain
contingent of critics, that'll get him good reviews.

It's the same phenomenon in my opinion as those who fall
for flash (or occult pushing it out) and think it's
charisma. Lacking discrimination, they just glom onto
whatever flashes them out and grabs their attention, and
then *retroactively* try to make up reasons why it
grabbed their attention. The reasons are never real;
they're excuses for having no discrimination.

As for why Nabby likes him, I thought MJ (or Sal, whoever
said it) got it right. If there were a person on the street
selling little dolls made out of dogshit and someone told
Nabby that the person was a TMer, he'd call them an artist. :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: This is the Video Obama Does Not Want you to See

2013-02-27 Thread Share Long
Hi seekliberation, I think you're right and it's a topic I'm fascinated by.  I 
call it the tinted glasses phenomenon.  How once people make up their mind 
about someone, for good or bad, it's well nigh impossible to change their mind. 
 For example, I don't care how many children Angelina and Brad adopt, she will 
always be the hussy who broke up America's sweethearts.  

 From: seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 9:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: This is the Video Obama Does Not Want you to 

I think I saw the video he's talking about.  But even if everyone in America 
saw it, it wouldn't make any difference.  With all the footage on Obama that's 
out there suggesting his ties to anti-american ideology and domestic 
terrorists, it has had no affect on his popularity.  He is still over 50% 
regardless of his effectiveness or lack thereof.  There is no reason to try any 
harder to discredit him.  He's been put at rockstar status and we may as well 
get used to it. 

Keep in mind, with all the footage and archives of GWB's ignorance, he was 
re-elected as well.  Seems like once you get your foot in the door in American 
politics, it's like the mafia.  Once you're a made man, you can do no wrong.  
Just look at Bill Clinton.  Despite his affair with Lewinsky and a bold-faced 
lie straight to our faces, he still remains the most popular president in the 
last 40+ years. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:

 Thankfully, Yahoo doesn't want us to see it either.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Share Long
Hi Carol, that has got to be the most beautiful bug I have ever seen!  Thanks 
so much for including him (-:
My main point is that our issues can often cloud our current moment thinking 
and it's helpful to be aware of that.  Especially if we're wanting to 
communicate convincingly to others, which Michael has said is his goal.  

 From: Carol jchwe...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

Does Dr. Oz endorse TM specifically or does he endorse meditation in general? 

I have never watched Dr. Oz's show, but the other week I chanced upon him as I 
was channel surfing. He stated something to the effect that if anyone ever says 
he endorses a product, to please not believe that he endorses that said 
product. (The context was in regard to weight loss.) He stated he makes a point 
to not endorse products even though various products will claim he endorses 

So...I'm just wondering if he really does endorse TM, or rather does he endorse 
meditation (in any form) in general and that his choice of meditation (at this 
point in his life) is TM?

Share stated, [...] can all these smart and creative people be so deluded 
about the efficacy of TM? [...]

Apparently, TM works for them. That isn't a delusion; it is their reality. That 
said, they may be deluded (fooled or ignorant) or choose to be complacent 
regarding the TMO and its colored history; or maybe that just don't have the 
energy/time to learn about it. 

Smart and creative people tout other practices/beliefs/products too. I don't 
think they are deluded, but rather that they like said product/practice. That 
doesn't mean I or the next person will like said product/practice. I may even 
have a horrible experience with the said product/practice. Hopefully I am 
somewhat smart and creative. 

I am suspicious when anyone pushes anything as the one true technique to bring 
peace and resolution and absolute health to humanity. I'm not saying any 
celebrities push TM as such; I don't keep up with that sort of information. 

As far as Micheal and any of his issues, I think he is the authority on that 
and he can decide to share or not to share. I have no desire to scrutinize his 
(or anyone's) issues publicly or even privately. (I'm not saying you want to do 
that either.)I have enough on my issue plate already.

Thanks for the response!

Gekkos are cool. 

And so is this beetle dude/dudette...Chrysolina cerealis

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Hi Carol, my Mom loves the gekko too.  Of course the fact that Dr. Oz 
 practices TM doesn't negate MJ's bad experiences with it.  Just as Fr 
 Keating's Batgap interview does not negate my somewhat bad experiences with 
 the Catholic Church.  But again, I'm not continuing to speak against 
 Catholicism, etc.  Whereas Michael does continue to speak against TM, etc. 
 and seems to have quite a charge when he does so.  From my own experience 
 with charges, I'd say there's a deeper issue going on that just what appears 
 on the surface.  
 Just yesterday Michael expressed the wish that Dr. Oz who seems pretty savvy 
 to me, stop being deluded about TMO.  This was in addition to saying that 
 Dr. Oz is afraid to disagree with Oprah.  This latter statement especially 
 indicates to me that there's a deeper issue present.  I've got my issues too 
 so I'm not saying it's a bad thing.  But I give less weight to what someone 
 says if it seems to me that there are other deeper issues present.  And I 
 realize when people are overly positive, that too can indicate a deeper issue 
 present.  If someone's energy feels off in either direction, then I take 
 their opinions with a bigger grain of salt.
 So I have been asking:  can all these smart and creative people be so 
 deluded about the efficacy of TM?  Maybe they simply choose to use what's 
 useful about it and leave the rest.
 I doubt that Dr. Oz, who seems to me to have integrity, endorses TM only 
 because he was asked to do so.  If indeed that is how it happened.  Maybe 
 he approached them.  Maybe he had good experiences and liked what the 
 research said, etc. and decided he wanted to share something valuable with 
 others.  I think most people want to help others.  Then it's up to others 
 to figure out whose opinion can actually be helpful to them.
 Thanks for taking the time to reply.  
  From: Carol 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 9:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Michael and Carol
 Share stated: 
 Hi Carol, the crucial difference is that I don't continually have or express 
 negative opinions about Christianity, Christian churches or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: This is the Video Obama Does Not Want you to See

2013-02-27 Thread Alex Stanley
I never got sucked into the whole Obama = Messiah hysteria, and I am fully 
aware that he has plenty of flaws. My comment below was about Yahoo sparing us 
from the usual birther/teatard nonsense that WLeed3 habitually forwards to FFL, 
regardless of whether it actually contains factual content. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Hi seekliberation, I think you're right and it's a topic I'm fascinated by.  
 I call it the tinted glasses phenomenon.  How once people make up their mind 
 about someone, for good or bad, it's well nigh impossible to change their 
 mind.  For example, I don't care how many children Angelina and Brad adopt, 
 she will always be the hussy who broke up America's sweethearts.  
  From: seekliberation seekliberation@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 9:50 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: This is the Video Obama Does Not Want you 
 to See
 I think I saw the video he's talking about.  But even if everyone in America 
 saw it, it wouldn't make any difference.  With all the footage on Obama 
 that's out there suggesting his ties to anti-american ideology and domestic 
 terrorists, it has had no affect on his popularity.  He is still over 50% 
 regardless of his effectiveness or lack thereof.  There is no reason to try 
 any harder to discredit him.  He's been put at rockstar status and we may as 
 well get used to it. 
 Keep in mind, with all the footage and archives of GWB's ignorance, he was 
 re-elected as well.  Seems like once you get your foot in the door in 
 American politics, it's like the mafia.  Once you're a made man, you can do 
 no wrong.  Just look at Bill Clinton.  Despite his affair with Lewinsky and a 
 bold-faced lie straight to our faces, he still remains the most popular 
 president in the last 40+ years. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:
  Thankfully, Yahoo doesn't want us to see it either.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Tradition?

2013-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
On 02/27/2013 04:38 AM, navashok wrote:
 Is the description from David Lynch's website more honest?

 Where does the TM technique come from?

 The Transcendental Meditation technique is thousands of years old—it
 comes from an unbroken tradition of meditation instruction from ancient
 India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first introduced the technique to the West
 over 50 years ago. It was Maharishi's idea to subject the TM technique
 to scientific scrutiny in order to establish its practical benefits to
 daily life. Maharishi has trained tens of thousands of TM teachers who
 are providing TM instruction in all parts of the world. In a recent
 cover story on science and meditation, Time magazine recently credited
 Maharishi for the revival of meditation and yoga in the U.S. and around
 the globe.

 http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/about-tm.html Where does the TM
 technique come from?The Transcendental Meditation technique is
 thousands of years old—it comes from an unbroken tradition of
 meditation instruction from ancient India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first
 introduced the technique to the West over 50 years ago. It was
 Maharishi's idea to subject the TM technique to scientific scrutiny in
 order to establish its practical benefits to daily life. Maharishi has
 trained tens of thousands of TM teachers who are providing TM
 instruction in all parts of the world. In a recent cover story on
 science and meditation, Time magazine recently credited Maharishi for
 the revival of meditation and yoga in the U.S. and around the globe.

 Also no picture of Maharishi on the whole website, but a watermark image
 of David on every page.

 Where did the TM technique come from?

 The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic
 tradition of enlightenment in India. This knowledge has been handed down
 by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years.
 About 50 years ago, Maharishi — the representative in our age of the
 Vedic tradition — introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world,
 restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness
 at this critical time for humanity. When we teach the Transcendental
 Meditation technique today, we maintain the same procedures used by
 teachers thousands of years ago for maximum effectiveness.


 Btw. the www.TM.org http://www.TM.org   website seems to have received
 an overhaul.

There is nothing that unique about TM. If you learn some mantra shastra 
you can see that. Maharishi started out with a more conventional 
technique for the masses. The later set of mantras almost look like they 
were inspired by ayurveda. Perhaps Swami Lakshman Joo suggested the 
newer scheme to him.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How to get health care in America...go to prison

2013-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
And the irony is that it would cost far less to fund a single payer 
health care system than wars abroad for empire.

On 02/26/2013 10:40 PM, seekliberation wrote:
 I think the health care system in America is an anamoly.  I remember getting 
 into a conversation with someone on FFL about it and he was from Britain.  He 
 explained how his father paid a relatively small tax every month in order to 
 get universal health coverage, and his father was happy to pay for it.  Then 
 I pointed out 'That's The Problemhe was happy to pay for it!'.  Every 
 time Americans are provided with something and taxed for it, they complain 
 about the taxes.  But when it is privatized, they'll pay a lot more, albeit 
 they'll probably get better service.  But then only wealthy people can afford 

 To me, it's not just a health care issue, it's an attitude issue.  If you're 
 going to complain about high costs of health care AND complain about being 
 taxed if universal health care is provided, then you are simply impossible to 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Judy

2013-02-27 Thread Share Long
But I think at least once before, and maybe twice, MJ said that Dr. Oz didn't 
want to or was afraid to disagree with Oprah.  As for issues or traumas, I 
saying that if someone can't move on from some circumstance or event in their 
past, it means the trauma is still present in them and that will affect their 
communications.  It's not meant as a put down.  It's meant as an honest 
response to someone, trying to explain why I  might take what they say with a 
grain of salt.  

It's something I'm trying to learn too.  How to work around my issues and 
communicate in an effective way.  I didn't intend to upset Michael.  I think 
turq is the only person I consciously try to bother.  Mainly by bringing up 
jyotish on a regular basis.    

 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Judy

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Hey Judy, thanks for the article on Dr. Oz. Totally
fascinating. So much ambition for so much of his life. Ooo, I
would LOVE to see his jyotish chart. I would guess Sun either
in Aries or Leo. Very strong Sun. Big ego. It's always
fascinating to see ambition and idealism combined in one
person. It's like a balancing act. Which aspect will win on
any given day? He is definitely on a mission to help people.

Most importantly to help Dr. Oz.

 When I was talking about issues with reference to MJ, race
 was farthest from my mind. I tend to be very psychological
 in my outlook and those were the kind of issues I was
 referring to. Traumas from childhood, etc.

Traumas from childhood. Hmm. Michael said Oz was afraid to
go against Oprah because Michael had a childhood trauma?
What could that have been, do you think, and how would
that have led him to such a conclusion? I mean, the point
he actually made--that Oz owes Oprah for having given him
his own show--seemed entirely reasonable on its own terms.

Have you ever asked yourself whether it might be a good
idea not to suggest that someone you're disagreeing with
has deeper issues without specifying what you thought
the deeper issues were?

If you ever did, I can see why you'd have decided against
it. After all, deeper issues implies that the person is
fucked up in some way, and if you leave it at that, you
don't have to risk being wrong by proposing anything
specific. You don't even have to have anything specific
in mind; it's just an all-purpose putdown.

But you *do* run the risk of folks thinking you were
implying something really nasty, like, in this case, 
an accusation of racism.

All things considered, I'd advise being straightforward
and specific rather than vague and insinuating. It avoids
misunderstandings and bad feelings.

You didn't intend to create bad feelings, now, did you?

  From: authfriend 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  Just yesterday Michael expressed the wish that Dr. Oz who
  seems pretty savvy to me, stop being deluded about TMO.
  This was in addition to saying that Dr. Oz is afraid to
  disagree with Oprah. This latter statement especially
  indicates to me that there's a deeper issue present. I've
  got my issues too so I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But
  I give less weight to what someone says if it seems to me
  that there are other deeper issues present.
 Hmmm, sounds like Share is insinuating that Michael is
 a racist.
  I doubt that Dr. Oz, who seems to me to have integrity,
  endorses TM only because he was asked to do so.
 As I've already pointed out, there are some serious
 questions about his integrity. Oz fans might want to read
 this profile in The New Yorker:


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread doctordumbass

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 Barry's addled mind has slipped into its alternate reality - conjuring up 
 imaginary characters doing imaginary things. Real life must be so tedious, 
 boring, mundane. The need to constantly create these scenarios of good guys, 
 bad guys, plots and devious manipulations and far-reaching underhanded plans 
 by others is his 'escape'. His creation is a colourful world filled with 
 characters out of novels and spy stories. We will allow him this small 
 escape, this chance to believe his world so much more interesting than it 
 really is. Barry's scenarios read like cheap thrillers but as long as they 
 get him through another long, dreary day then we should be happy to allow him 
 this small indulgence.

Another grey Winter dawn. Its cold, and last night was no better than the last 
hundred, ...dumb bitches Yeah, yeah, yeah, yap you two little needy 
sausages - you'll get your food, oh fuck here comes the brat! Exit, door 
closed, lock secured. 

Ah...What, hon? I'm in the bathroom!!

Laptop up:
...For those who NEED an...

What?! I'll be out in a bit!!

...argument to feel alive, I guess that if the fact that most of their 
designated victims don't even bother...

YES! A little while longer!! Go see mommy!

...to respond any more doesn't matter to them...

...I know...I can hear *you* too sweetie...be out soon!!

...and they can still declare victory anyway, the details of who they're 
having these imaginary arguments with don't matter, either. Damn, no 

OK, OK, Unc is coming out now...

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Hint: Just saying otherwise don't prove shit. *Especially*
  when the person saying it believes in little green men and
  saviors who do not and will never exist. The *only* thing
  that would PROVE that Nabby is in good standing with the
  TMO would be a scanned copy of a valid dome pass with a
  current date on it, issued by MUM or by some TM facility
  in Europe, like Vlodrop. If he cannot produce such a 
  document, I don't see how he can expect anyone to believe
  that the TM organization still considers anyone as crazy
  as he is to roam free within its walls. 
 This just shows how far into a paranoid and hallocigenic universe the Turq 
 has slipped; he actually BELIEVES there are Domes all over Europe, especially 
 in Vlodrop. This poor fellow is so paranoid that he imagines there must be 
 HUNDREDS of Domes all over Europe ! Not only that but this aging hippie 
 thinks that I would scan a European dome pass which doesn't excist, and 
 paste it here.
 One wonders what the appropiate medicines for such a state of hallucination 
 would be.

Well, having a heart would be a good start.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 I have to admit it is weird when I'm absent from FFL for some time and return 
 to find a discussion about me going on.

You were only 'gone' for 14 hours. Your last post was yesterday at 
approximately 5pm West Coast time. I was thinking of you when writing the post 
but I was more interested in Steve's tendency to defend and protect. He is 
rather gallant that way.

  Anyway, thank you to both Ann and Steve.  I find Carol very reasonable and 
also thought she missed a crucial point of mine.  Which seems like a long time 
ago and I can't even remember what it was (-:
 Also want to say that when turq has been going at me the way he has been the 
 last few days, I appreciate all the support that's offered by others.  Then 
 when Steve comes along in his masculine and gentle way, it reminds me that 
 it's ok to be feminine.  That means a lot to me.

Masculine and gentle are okay in my book too. 
 BUT...I also really liked when Steve took up for turq.  Because his buddies 
 generally take up for turq on the intellectual level, which is fine and 
 good.  But Steve took up for turq on an emotional level.  And I still 
 believe that those with the toughest shells are also those with the softest 

I think we're all soft on the inside.

  Honestly folks, the turq lives with 3 other adults and a child!  Could he 
do so and be the curmudgeon he often appears to be here?!

2D vs 3D life. No difference in my evaluation. The angels see everything we do, 
no matter where we are!
  From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
Er, Steve, you seem to be getting a tad defensive here and it seems it
   is because you have this need to run to somehow divert what you perceive
   as some sort of attack aimed at Share. I think you should give Share
   some respect/credibility and the chance to reply and figure out her own
   dynamics with Carol here. By jumping in like this it makes you look like
   you don't think Share is capable of a one on one dialogue with someone
   exploring possibilities of a subject. You have a very hair trigger
   protective mechanism. Check it out, what are you afraid of?
   I do feel slighted that I was not breast fed, and that my mother
   probably smoked  during her entire pregnancy with me, and likely my
   three sisters.  That's what coming to mind right now.
  Slighted? Oh, you mean because your mother didn't protect you in the 
  womb you are more likely to protect others now?! Did you feel like you 
  craved a Marlborough when you emerged?
 That would have been a Kent and vodka martini.
   As for Carol, I detect a selective bias on her part, and I am just
   voicing it.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have attempted to hi-light in
   a previous post.  Maybe I am wrong about it
  I think you have an innate protective tendency towards those you feel might 
  be being singled out and challenged. 
 Okay, I do get riled up when I see something akin to bullying***  Not that 
 we are seeing bullying here, but as a tendency on my part, yes I acknowledge 
 *** 1970's definition in force here.Not a terrible character flaw but in this 
 case a grown woman like Share can probably handle whatever Carol is likely to 
 bring up in conversation.
 Uh, really has nothing to do with Share fighting her own battles.  She 
 doesn't need my help in that regard.  I thought Share brought up a salient 
 point that Carol chose not to include in here reasons why the eminent Dr. 
 Oz would choose to embrace TM.
  I hardly see Carol as some malevolent, unreasonable poster here. 
 Nor do I.  But as I said, I thought she chose to selectively consider 
 possibilities, choosing not include  perhaps the most reasonable 
 explanation.  As these things go, I would call it a small infraction,  but 
 I chose to comment on it anyway.  And I accept that people might feel I am 
 full of sh*t about it.
 Share will probably say otherwise, but I think you should have a little more 
 confidence in her ability to respond/deal with interactions here, especially 
 with someone as reasonable as Carol.
 You will have to take that up with Share.  I think she weighs the 
 cost/reward ratio of who she interacts with.  
 Personally, I greatly enjoy your contributions here.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama outfoxed the GOP

2013-02-27 Thread John
Believe it or not, there are some people who think that this sequestration idea 
was proposed by the White House.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 If true, this is a good storyline: As the Sequester approaches, and 
 Republicans finally get to slash the federal budget, half of them are sane 
 enough to realize they look like idiots and the other half are too stupid to 
 know they *are* idiots. Meanwhile, Democrats appear as responsible adults 
 telling the GOP, No, we are not going to fix your mess. This is Lawrence 
 O'Donnell's take on the Sequester. 
 I'm skeptical. Simpson-Boles awaits in the wings so I suspect one way or 
 another we'er going down the path of austerity. Either way, according to 
 Krugman, austerity will only make the economy worse. Now that Obama has the 
 GOP on the Sequester ropes, bets on that we'll see another eleventh hour 
 fiscal cliff drama play out so that Obama gets to be a hero striking the 
 Grand Bargain (that he wanted all along) when he pulls the Simpson-Boles 
 rabbit out of the hat. Smart politics, yes, but very dumb for the country. 
 Here's the article and O'Donnell video:          
 Obama has nothing to lose in the sequester negotiations. He gave the GOP 
 everything they asked for, and have been asking for in their rhetoric for 
 years. You ask an average Republican voter, they demand to slash government 
 spending. The Sequester is just what they've been asking for, and now they 
 are fighting it tooth and nail.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition?

2013-02-27 Thread navashok

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 02/27/2013 04:38 AM, navashok wrote:
  Is the description from David Lynch's website more honest?
  Where does the TM technique come from?
  The Transcendental Meditation technique is thousands of years old—it
  comes from an unbroken tradition of meditation instruction from ancient
  India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first introduced the technique to the West
  over 50 years ago. It was Maharishi's idea to subject the TM technique
  to scientific scrutiny in order to establish its practical benefits to
  daily life. Maharishi has trained tens of thousands of TM teachers who
  are providing TM instruction in all parts of the world. In a recent
  cover story on science and meditation, Time magazine recently credited
  Maharishi for the revival of meditation and yoga in the U.S. and around
  the globe.
  http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/about-tm.html Where does the TM
  technique come from?The Transcendental Meditation technique is
  thousands of years old—it comes from an unbroken tradition of
  meditation instruction from ancient India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first
  introduced the technique to the West over 50 years ago. It was
  Maharishi's idea to subject the TM technique to scientific scrutiny in
  order to establish its practical benefits to daily life. Maharishi has
  trained tens of thousands of TM teachers who are providing TM
  instruction in all parts of the world. In a recent cover story on
  science and meditation, Time magazine recently credited Maharishi for
  the revival of meditation and yoga in the U.S. and around the globe.
  Also no picture of Maharishi on the whole website, but a watermark image
  of David on every page.
  Where did the TM technique come from?
  The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic
  tradition of enlightenment in India. This knowledge has been handed down
  by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years.
  About 50 years ago, Maharishi — the representative in our age of the
  Vedic tradition — introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world,
  restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness
  at this critical time for humanity. When we teach the Transcendental
  Meditation technique today, we maintain the same procedures used by
  teachers thousands of years ago for maximum effectiveness.
  Btw. the www.TM.org http://www.TM.org   website seems to have received
  an overhaul.
 There is nothing that unique about TM. If you learn some mantra shastra 
 you can see that. Maharishi started out with a more conventional 
 technique for the masses. The later set of mantras almost look like they 
 were inspired by ayurveda. Perhaps Swami Lakshman Joo suggested the 
 newer scheme to him.

Interesting view. One thing: In India TM was always taught in a different way, 
according to the persons Ishta Devata. That means, right from the start, 
Maharishi gave more than just two mantras, like initially in the west. Only 
after the newspapers in Norway started to write about these two mantras did he 
switch to his new scheme.
So you can see two major shifts: From the Indian Ishta devata system to the 
western two mantra system, when he went to America, from the two mantra system 
to a multi-mantra system in Norway, towards the end of the 60ies. In India 
itself the teaching may never have changed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition?

2013-02-27 Thread navashok

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  Where does the TM technique come from?
 From India and the Vedas? LoL!
 According to Mircea Eliade, only the rudiments of classic 
 Yoga are to be found in the Vedas, and while shamanism and 
 other techniques of ecstasy are documented among other 
 Indo-European people, Yoga is to be found only in India 
 and in cultures influenced by Indian spirituality (102).  

I think there is only one truly Vedic mantra and that is OM. What Maharishi 
teaches as the Vedic tradition is actually the Tantric tradition appropriated 
by Brahmanism, through the teaching of Shri Vidhya. With Vedic literature, he 
means the Agamas.

 Work cited:
 'Yoga : Immortality and Freedom'
 by Mircea Eliade
 Princeton University Press, 1970
 Read more:
 Subject: A decomposition of practice ertswhile abusers lore
 Author: Willytex
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: February 6, 2005
 Other titles of interst:
 'Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy'
 by Mircea Eliade
 Princeton University Press; 2004
 'The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature,
 Philosophy and Practice'
 by Georg Feuerstein and Ken Wilbur
 Hohm Press, 2001

[FairfieldLife] David Lynch website mistake

2013-02-27 Thread navashok

Look at the caption under the photo. In my browser Firefox and Chrome, only 
Elephant Man, Wild at Heart, Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, Straight 
Story, Mulholland Drive, and INLAND EMPIRE.
is visible. The rest David Lynch, founder and chairman of the Board of 
Trustees of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and 
World Peace, is an award-winning director, writer, and producer. His work 
includes Eraserhead,.. is covered by the photo.

[FairfieldLife] Weepy Wednesday

2013-02-27 Thread Share Long
because this little story brought tears to my eyes


[FairfieldLife] Mind boggling!?

2013-02-27 Thread card



[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Carol
Steve stated: As for Carol, I detect a selective bias on her part, and I am 
just voicing it.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have attempted to hi-light in a 
previous post.  Maybe I am wrong about it.

I'll have to ponder it...regarding having a selective bias. I possibly  
(probably?) do have selective biases. But I think all humans have those; it's a 
matter of determining which ones they helpful or not helpful in any given 

Thanks again...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  Er, Steve, you seem to be getting a tad defensive here and it seems it
 is because you have this need to run to somehow divert what you perceive
 as some sort of attack aimed at Share. I think you should give Share
 some respect/credibility and the chance to reply and figure out her own
 dynamics with Carol here. By jumping in like this it makes you look like
 you don't think Share is capable of a one on one dialogue with someone
 exploring possibilities of a subject. You have a very hair trigger
 protective mechanism. Check it out, what are you afraid of?
 I do feel slighted that I was not breast fed, and that my mother
 probably smoked  during her entire pregnancy with me, and likely my
 three sisters.  That's what coming to mind right now.
 As for Carol, I detect a selective bias on her part, and I am just
 voicing it.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have attempted to hi-light in
 a previous post.  Maybe I am wrong about it

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

2013-02-27 Thread merudanda

ay ay ay ay ay  [:D]
Surrounded by my colours (cool blue and FFL threads)
  I was posting one day(frankly one night)
ay ay ay ay ay
Cecilia Bartoli sings high E flat - Riedi al soglio
BTWmy pure pitta(or pure and pitta) Share be please patient enough to
scroll down [;)] for more to come
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:


Surrounded by my cool blue colours
  I was painting one day
  when my Muse
  came to torment me.

  With sadness then I left
  my happy task
  of celebrating the charms
  of the fair FieldL.

  My Muse asked me to depict
  a more spiritual subject;
  but she asked in vain,
  for I could not do so.

With sadness then I left
  my happy task
  of celebrating the charms
  of the fair FieldL.

  An inconstant heart
  may know beauty,
  but its cruel destiny
  prevents it from singing.

  With sadness then I left
  my happy task
  of celebrating the charms
  of the fair FieldL.

  What a delightful piece which has been recorded numerous times over the
years is this En medio a mis colores or, more commonly called la
Canzonetta spagnuola!  Narratively speaking the song  about a slightly
depressed painter accounts his inability to paint a worthy picture of
fair Nice-of the fair FieldL(FFL).  is a bit of a contrast to the
extremely bouncy music style: Actually the torments of the hero are
presented in a very simple piece- basically a prolonged crescendo of
sound as the artist  becoming more and more agitated , consisting of
three strophes ending with the same couplet.
Of course you could take the whole thing to a whole new level by
following precisely the crescendo indications, by actually sped up with
each couplet, starting somewhere near a snail's stroll
finishing with a dangerously fast -tormenting- allegro.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Carol
Share stated: My main point is that our issues can often cloud our current 
moment thinking and it's helpful to be aware of that.  

I agree.

Thinking back, this discourse got started with me when I brought upthe subject 
of that because Oz endorses TM that must mean that TM is a good thing (when 
other equally intelligent people have other opinions) with the comparison of 
Collins as a scientist endorsing Christianity as a good thing (when other 
equally intelligent people have other opinions). That was all. 

And my communication is probably not the greatest. I'm not an academic or a 
debater, and never will be. And I don't excel at clever comebacks and such. I 
find it draining...and moreso after having carpal tunnel surgery on February 
18. Typing is still a bit laborious.

Yes..that bug is beautiful. :)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Hi Carol, that has got to be the most beautiful bug I have ever seen!  
 Thanks so much for including him (-:
 My main point is that our issues can often cloud our current moment thinking 
 and it's helpful to be aware of that.  Especially if we're wanting to 
 communicate convincingly to others, which Michael has said is his goal.  
  From: Carol jchwelch@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol
 Does Dr. Oz endorse TM specifically or does he endorse meditation in general? 
 I have never watched Dr. Oz's show, but the other week I chanced upon him as 
 I was channel surfing. He stated something to the effect that if anyone ever 
 says he endorses a product, to please not believe that he endorses that said 
 product. (The context was in regard to weight loss.) He stated he makes a 
 point to not endorse products even though various products will claim he 
 endorses them. 
 So...I'm just wondering if he really does endorse TM, or rather does he 
 endorse meditation (in any form) in general and that his choice of meditation 
 (at this point in his life) is TM?
 Share stated, [...] can all these smart and creative people be so deluded 
 about the efficacy of TM? [...]
 Apparently, TM works for them. That isn't a delusion; it is their reality. 
 That said, they may be deluded (fooled or ignorant) or choose to be 
 complacent regarding the TMO and its colored history; or maybe that just 
 don't have the energy/time to learn about it. 
 Smart and creative people tout other practices/beliefs/products too. I don't 
 think they are deluded, but rather that they like said product/practice. That 
 doesn't mean I or the next person will like said product/practice. I may even 
 have a horrible experience with the said product/practice. Hopefully I am 
 somewhat smart and creative. 
 I am suspicious when anyone pushes anything as the one true technique to 
 bring peace and resolution and absolute health to humanity. I'm not saying 
 any celebrities push TM as such; I don't keep up with that sort of 
 As far as Micheal and any of his issues, I think he is the authority on that 
 and he can decide to share or not to share. I have no desire to scrutinize 
 his (or anyone's) issues publicly or even privately. (I'm not saying you want 
 to do that either.)I have enough on my issue plate already.
 Thanks for the response!
 Gekkos are cool. 
 And so is this beetle dude/dudette...Chrysolina cerealis
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  Hi Carol, my Mom loves the gekko too.  Of course the fact that Dr. Oz 
  practices TM doesn't negate MJ's bad experiences with it.  Just as Fr 
  Keating's Batgap interview does not negate my somewhat bad experiences with 
  the Catholic Church.  But again, I'm not continuing to speak against 
  Catholicism, etc.  Whereas Michael does continue to speak against TM, 
  etc. and seems to have quite a charge when he does so.  From my own 
  experience with charges, I'd say there's a deeper issue going on that just 
  what appears on the surface.  
  Just yesterday Michael expressed the wish that Dr. Oz who seems pretty 
  savvy to me, stop being deluded about TMO.  This was in addition to 
  saying that Dr. Oz is afraid to disagree with Oprah.  This latter 
  statement especially indicates to me that there's a deeper issue 
  present.  I've got my issues too so I'm not saying it's a bad thing.  
  But I give less weight to what someone says if it seems to me that there 
  are other deeper issues present.  And I realize when people are overly 
  positive, that too can indicate a deeper issue present.  If someone's 
  energy feels off in either direction, then I take their opinions with a 
  bigger grain of salt.
  So I have been 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

2013-02-27 Thread Share Long
dearest I always wish the utmost happiness for you.  Including someone who 
inspires your heart to constancy and an ever present song runnning through your 

Rushing to Dome

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:25 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?


ay ay ay ay ay 
Surrounded by my colours (cool blue and FFL threads)
 I was posting one day(frankly one night)
ay ay ay ay ay 
Cecilia Bartoli sings high E flat - Riedi al soglio
BTWmy pure pitta(or pure and pitta) Share be please patient enough to scroll 
downfor more to come
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

Surrounded by my cool blue colours
 I was painting one day
 when my Muse 
 came to torment me. 
 With sadness then I left
 my happy task 
 of celebrating the charms
 of the fair FieldL.
 My Muse asked me to depict
 a more spiritual subject;
 but she asked in vain,
 for I could not do so.
With sadness then I left
 my happy task 
 of celebrating the charms
 of the fair FieldL.
 An inconstant heart
 may know beauty, 
 but its cruel destiny 
 prevents it from singing. 
 With sadness then I left
 my happy task 
 of celebrating the charms
 of the fair FieldL.

 What a delightful piece which has been recorded numerous times over the years 
is this En medio a mis colores or, more commonly called la Canzonetta 
spagnuola!  Narratively speaking the song  about a slightly depressed painter 
accounts his inability to paint a worthy picture of fair Nice-of the fair 
FieldL(FFL).  is a bit of a contrast to the extremely bouncy music style: 
Actually the torments of the hero are presented in a very simple piece- 
basically a prolonged crescendo of sound as the artist  becoming more and more 
agitated , consisting of three strophes ending with the same couplet. 
Of course you could take the whole thing to a whole new level by following 
precisely the crescendo indications, by actually sped up with each couplet, 
starting somewhere near a snail's stroll 

finishing with a dangerously fast -tormenting- allegro. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Carol
BTW...thanks for the kind words Ann. 

I miss some posts on here and sometimes catch up a bit later...and still will 
miss some posts.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
Er, Steve, you seem to be getting a tad defensive here and it
 seems it
   is because you have this need to run to somehow divert what you
   as some sort of attack aimed at Share. I think you should give Share
   some respect/credibility and the chance to reply and figure out her
   dynamics with Carol here. By jumping in like this it makes you look
   you don't think Share is capable of a one on one dialogue with
   exploring possibilities of a subject. You have a very hair trigger
   protective mechanism. Check it out, what are you afraid of?
   I do feel slighted that I was not breast fed, and that my mother
   probably smoked  during her entire pregnancy with me, and likely my
   three sisters.  That's what coming to mind right now.
  Slighted? Oh, you mean because your mother didn't protect you in
 the womb you are more likely to protect others now?! Did you feel like
 you craved a Marlborough when you emerged?
 That would have been a Kent and vodka martini.
   As for Carol, I detect a selective bias on her part, and I am just
   voicing it.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I have attempted to hi-light
   a previous post.  Maybe I am wrong about it
  I think you have an innate protective tendency towards those you feel
 might be being singled out and challenged. Okay, I do get riled up when
 I see something akin to bullying***  Not that we are seeing bullying
 here, but as a tendency on my part, yes I acknowledge that.
 *** 1970's definition in force here.Not a terrible character flaw but in
 this case a grown woman like Share can probably handle whatever Carol is
 likely to bring up in conversation.Uh, really has nothing to do with
 Share fighting her own battles.  She doesn't need my help in that
 regard.  I thought Share brought up a salient point that Carol chose not
 to include in here reasons why the eminent Dr. Oz would choose to
 embrace TM.
   I hardly see Carol as some malevolent, unreasonable poster here. Nor do
 I.  But as I said, I thought she chose to selectively consider
 possibilities, choosing not include  perhaps the most reasonable
 explanation.  As these things go, I would call it a small infraction, 
 but I chose to comment on it anyway.  And I accept that people might
 feel I am full of sh*t about it.
 Share will probably say otherwise, but I think you should have a little
 more confidence in her ability to respond/deal with interactions here,
 especially with someone as reasonable as Carol.
 You will have to take that up with Share.  I think she weighs the
 cost/reward ratio of who she interacts with.
 Personally, I greatly enjoy your contributions here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted - to Doc

2013-02-27 Thread doctordumbass
Eternity abides at all times in the silence within each of us; it is the 
nakedness of who we are and is continually reconciling all that exists.

*Beautifully* put!!! Thanks!

To get into technicalities, our thoughts serve the legitimate purpose of 
bringing our desires into being. However, in order to do this efficiently, we 
must attain a grace, or synchrony, with ourselves and our surroundings, so that 
the mind; the heart, and the discrimination, both, don't use up so much energy, 
just freely spinning, or getting lost in fantasies.

So, life, anchored in eternity, in silence, is actually a fuller life than that 
imposed by the ego, dancing from thought to thought. 

Thoughts are amazing and powerful impulses. When we are able to witness their 
rising from a native bed of silence, they fulfill life's purpose for each of 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@... wrote:

 I hope there are thoughts in eternity. Seems it'd be very boring otherwise. 
 But, I'm probably missing your point. Or maybe part of your point is there is 
 no point?
 (I vaguely recall that movie, The Point. )
 So, if I understand what you are saying... our thoughts protect us from 
 eternity (or rather work as a defense mechanism blocking ourselves to be able 
 to experience eternity).  Eternity abides at all times in the silence within 
 each of us; it is the nakedness of who we are and is continually reconciling 
 all that exists.
 Oddly enough, a scripture verse comes to mind, ...[God] hath planted 
 eternity in the hearts of [humankind]...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  I wonder if there is an eternity and if there will be a time when all is 
  naked and when all is somehow reconciled?
  Oddly, when there are no longer our thoughts protecting us from eternity, 
  the nakedness (to ourselves) continues, and the reconciliation of 
  everything continues also. 
  With silence, vs. thoughts, as a native mental state, eternity is naturally 
  present, because there are no marked boundaries in that state, no 
  limitations. How could there be?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@ wrote:
   Yah. (Carol smiles)
   What an incredible voyage O\or, as the Grateful Dead put it...what a 
   long, strange trip it's been...
   Except it's not all been; it continues on as an is. 
   I wonder if there is an eternity and if there will be a time when all is 
   naked and when all is somehow reconciled?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
The other thing that occurs to me about this process, is the self 
preservation that issues themselves take on, within us, within our 
awareness. Sort of the Alien scenario, without the exploding chest. 
Seriously, they form themselves such that they are protected from our 

The physical model I came up with was that of issues taking the form of 
small christmas ornament sized silver reflective balls, within our 
awareness, so as to provide no apparent means of entry, beyond the 
reflective illusion. They are enhanced in size by the reflection of our 
anxiety and fear, in facing them. 

Pretty weird Maya, until each is dealt with, and found to be far less 
intimidating, than they first appear. 

Perhaps closer to The Incredible Voyage, than Alien. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:

 Thank you - Yeah, its not an either/or for me, regarding expression 
 of the past. However we express and *integrate* it. The interesting 
 thing I have found is that once the past issues have been faced, they 
 don't go away. 
 Instead, they simply become part of the integrated memory landscape, 
 nothing left to overtly revel in, cringe from, or castigate. The 
 previous issue is still seen in its entirety, but without the sting 
 and magnification. As a result, all the intense focus falls away, and 
 we move on to other speed bumps. All the hard sledding eventually 
 results in a much greater sense of presence, individual freedom, 
 evenness, and confidence.
 How do you digest the Universe? One bite at a time. Chew thoroughly.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@ wrote:
  Great post Doc.
  I've asked myself many times over How long does *this* take? Why 
  the eff does it keep coming up to haunt me? I've often wished for 
  a don't-give-a-damn switch, in the sense of be able to 'get over' 
  Like other folks who've lived some life, I have techniques in my 
  tool box (one of those being mindfulness / meditation) that help 
  along that path. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

2013-02-27 Thread merudanda
  Agitated by two winds
trembling waves in the turbulent sea
and the frightened steersman
already awaits to be shipwrecked.
By duty and by love
this heart is assailed;
it cannot resist and seems to give up
and begins to despair.
Agitata da due venti  by Vivaldi
Originally written for a Castrato singer

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 dearest I always wish the utmost happiness for you.  Including
someone who inspires your heart to constancy and an ever present song
runnning through your body

 Rushing to Dome
...and me going to sleep [:D]
   (Stelle! e fia ver? ah! dopo tante pene
Un momento di pace a me sen viene!)
ah!  after so many pains
  A moment of peace in me doth come!

And with Cecilia  Bartoli we sing Riedi al soglio
Share60 o mio
..al soglio: irata stella
Se ne chiuse a te il sentiero,
Pura fede, amor sincero
Ti richiama al tuo splendor;
Non più affanni in me non sento,
Ah felice appieno io sono,
Se serbai la vita, il trono

  From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:25 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?


 ay ay ay ay ay
 Surrounded by my colours (cool blue and FFL threads)
 Â I was posting one day(frankly one night)
 ay ay ay ay ay
 Cecilia Bartoli sings high E flat - Riedi al soglio
 BTWmy pure pitta(or pure and pitta) Share be please patient enough to
scroll downfor more to come
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@ wrote:
 Surrounded by my cool blue colours
 Â I was painting one day
 Â when my Muse
 Â came to torment me.
 Â With sadness then I left
 Â my happy task
 Â of celebrating the charms
 Â of the fair FieldL.
 Â My Muse asked me to depict
 Â a more spiritual subject;
 Â but she asked in vain,
 Â for I could not do so.
 With sadness then I left
 Â my happy task
 Â of celebrating the charms
 Â of the fair FieldL.
 Â An inconstant heart
 Â may know beauty,
 Â but its cruel destiny
 Â prevents it from singing.
 Â With sadness then I left
 Â my happy task
 Â of celebrating the charms
 Â of the fair FieldL.

 Â What a delightful piece which has been recorded numerous times
over the years is this En medio a mis colores or, more commonly called
la Canzonetta spagnuola!  Narratively speaking the song  about a
slightly depressed painter accounts his inability to paint a worthy
picture of fair Nice-of the fair FieldL(FFL).  is a bit of a
contrast to the extremely bouncy music style: Actually the torments of
the hero are presented in a very simple piece- basically a prolonged
crescendo of sound as the artist  becoming more and more agitated ,
consisting of three strophes ending with the same couplet.
 Of course you could take the whole thing to a whole new level by
following precisely the crescendo indications, by actually sped up with
each couplet, starting somewhere near a snail's stroll
 finishing with a dangerously fast -tormenting- allegro.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

2013-02-27 Thread merudanda
  this is the
(w)right trembling waves in the turbulent FFL -sea- link
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

   Agitated by two winds
 trembling waves in the turbulent sea
 and the frightened steersman
 already awaits to be shipwrecked.
 By duty and by love
 this heart is assailed;
 it cannot resist and seems to give up
 and begins to despair.
 Agitata da due venti  by Vivaldi
 Originally written for a Castrato singer

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@
  dearest I always wish the utmost happiness for you.  Including
 someone who inspires your heart to constancy and an ever present song
 runnning through your body
  Rushing to Dome
 ...and me going to sleep [:D]
(Stelle! e fia ver? ah! dopo tante pene
 Un momento di pace a me sen viene!)
 ah!  after so many pains
   A moment of peace in me doth come!

 And with Cecilia  Bartoli we sing Riedi al soglio
 Share60 o mio
 ..al soglio: irata stella
 Se ne chiuse a te il sentiero,
 Pura fede, amor sincero
 Ti richiama al tuo splendor;
 Non più affanni in me non sento,
 Ah felice appieno io sono,
 Se serbai la vita, il trono
   From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:25 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?
  ay ay ay ay ay
  Surrounded by my colours (cool blue and FFL threads)
  Â I was posting one day(frankly one night)
  ay ay ay ay ay
  Cecilia Bartoli sings high E flat - Riedi al soglio
  BTWmy pure pitta(or pure and pitta) Share be please patient enough
 scroll downfor more to come
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@ wrote:
  Surrounded by my cool blue colours
  Â I was painting one day
  Â when my Muse
  Â came to torment me.
  Â With sadness then I left
  Â my happy task
  Â of celebrating the charms
  Â of the fair FieldL.
  Â My Muse asked me to depict
  Â a more spiritual subject;
  Â but she asked in vain,
  Â for I could not do so.
  With sadness then I left
  Â my happy task
  Â of celebrating the charms
  Â of the fair FieldL.
  Â An inconstant heart
  Â may know beauty,
  Â but its cruel destiny
  Â prevents it from singing.
  Â With sadness then I left
  Â my happy task
  Â of celebrating the charms
  Â of the fair FieldL.
  Â What a delightful piece which has been recorded numerous times
 over the years is this En medio a mis colores or, more commonly
 la Canzonetta spagnuola!  Narratively speaking the song  about
 slightly depressed painter accounts his inability to paint a worthy
 picture of fair Nice-of the fair FieldL(FFL).  is a bit of a
 contrast to the extremely bouncy music style: Actually the torments of
 the hero are presented in a very simple piece- basically a prolonged
 crescendo of sound as the artist  becoming more and more agitated
 consisting of three strophes ending with the same couplet.
  Of course you could take the whole thing to a whole new level by
 following precisely the crescendo indications, by actually sped up
 each couplet, starting somewhere near a snail's stroll
  finishing with a dangerously fast -tormenting- allegro.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Carol
Thanks for sharing that Judy. Interesting article. I have never watched Oz's 
show or really read much at all by or about him. Interesting that the one 
surgeon that knows Oz (I think it was a surgeon) would not recommend someone 
going to Oz for surgery.

I wonder where Dr. Oz  his wife will be 10 years from now?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Just yesterday Michael expressed the wish that Dr. Oz who
  seems pretty savvy to me, stop being deluded about TMO.
  This was in addition to saying that Dr. Oz is afraid to
  disagree with Oprah. This latter statement especially
  indicates to me that there's a deeper issue present. I've
  got my issues too so I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But
  I give less weight to what someone says if it seems to me
  that there are other deeper issues present.
 Hmmm, sounds like Share is insinuating that Michael is
 a racist.
  I doubt that Dr. Oz, who seems to me to have integrity,
  endorses TM only because he was asked to do so.
 As I've already pointed out, there are some serious
 questions about his integrity. Oz fans might want to read
 this profile in The New Yorker:

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread Carol
PS: If I were to base my opinion of Oz by what is in this article, I'd lean 
toward he is another snake in a suit. Not saying he is, but this article leaves 
me with that impression.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@... wrote:

 Thanks for sharing that Judy. Interesting article. I have never watched Oz's 
 show or really read much at all by or about him. Interesting that the one 
 surgeon that knows Oz (I think it was a surgeon) would not recommend someone 
 going to Oz for surgery.
 I wonder where Dr. Oz  his wife will be 10 years from now?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Just yesterday Michael expressed the wish that Dr. Oz who
   seems pretty savvy to me, stop being deluded about TMO.
   This was in addition to saying that Dr. Oz is afraid to
   disagree with Oprah. This latter statement especially
   indicates to me that there's a deeper issue present. I've
   got my issues too so I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But
   I give less weight to what someone says if it seems to me
   that there are other deeper issues present.
  Hmmm, sounds like Share is insinuating that Michael is
  a racist.
   I doubt that Dr. Oz, who seems to me to have integrity,
   endorses TM only because he was asked to do so.
  As I've already pointed out, there are some serious
  questions about his integrity. Oz fans might want to read
  this profile in The New Yorker:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Weepy Wednesday

2013-02-27 Thread David
yes  indeed tears!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 because this little story brought tears to my eyes

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 28-Feb-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-02-27 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 02/23/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/02/13 00:00:00
509 messages as of (UTC) 02/28/13 00:04:35

50 Michael Jackson 
49 authfriend 
39 doctordumbass
36 turquoiseb 
35 Ann 
33 Share Long 
30 nablusoss1008 
27 Carol 
23 seventhray27 
18 Richard J. Williams 
18 Emily Reyn 
16 salyavin808 
16 Buck 
15 Bhairitu 
14 navashok 
13 card 
12 Ravi Chivukula 
 9 seekliberation 
 7 Rick Archer 
 6 feste37 
 6 John 
 5 Alex Stanley 
 4 obbajeeba 
 3 raunchydog 
 3 merudanda 
 3 Yifu 
 2 wleed3 
 2 merlin 
 2 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 2 WLeed3
 2 Susan 
 2 Seraphita 
 1 laughinggull108 
 1 kidscanfly 
 1 emptybill 
 1 david allen 
 1 Mike Dixon 
 1 David 
 1 Anna N 
Posters: 39
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] TM is from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi alone

2013-02-27 Thread srijau
this week on the Maharishi channel there is a clip where an initiator presses 
Maharishi about the question, where does TM come from, Maharishi clearly 
indicates in a self-effacing way that it comes from him alone, he figured it 
out based only upon the effortlessly blissful experience that he had of just 
being in the presence of Brahmananda Saraswati. He also said the the 
understanding of the Gita came to the world only because there was people doing 
TM and taking teacher training, before that the commentary he made could not 
exist, likewise the Auparusheya Bhashya of the Veda. He also states that people 
who strictly follow ANY religion feel the same bliss. (though those that really 
do that is a very tiny number in the history of the whole Kaliyuga)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition?

2013-02-27 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@... wrote:

 I think there is only one truly Vedic mantra and that is OM.

Dear Nava,
Real TM tru-believers strongly hold that Maharishi's revival of Knowledge has 
saved India from `Om.  I have been lectured several times on this very point 
by extremely faithful TM people who seem quite convinced.  You'll notice that 
none of the TM versions of mantras on the TM-X website notice `Om' as any part 
of a TM mantra.  Though Shri Vidya and everyone else going back use Om to 
initiate or energized mantras.  Is TM missing something?  Maharishi uniquely 
seems a Vedic out-layer on this in the distribution of sages on mantras.
I like `Om' myself to spin the root and tune the heart and then go from there.  
But that is different from TM and should not be confused even though chakras 
well light up upon proper awareness and practice of the TM-sidhis.  But at that 
point it is independent of employing 'Om' or much of anything else.  
Best Regards from Fairfield,

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ wrote:
   Where does the TM technique come from?
  From India and the Vedas? LoL!
  According to Mircea Eliade, only the rudiments of classic 
  Yoga are to be found in the Vedas, and while shamanism and 
  other techniques of ecstasy are documented among other 
  Indo-European people, Yoga is to be found only in India 
  and in cultures influenced by Indian spirituality (102).  
 I think there is only one truly Vedic mantra and that is OM. What Maharishi 
 teaches as the Vedic tradition is actually the Tantric tradition appropriated 
 by Brahmanism, through the teaching of Shri Vidhya. With Vedic literature, he 
 means the Agamas.
  Work cited:
  'Yoga : Immortality and Freedom'
  by Mircea Eliade
  Princeton University Press, 1970
  Read more:
  Subject: A decomposition of practice ertswhile abusers lore
  Author: Willytex
  Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
  Date: February 6, 2005
  Other titles of interst:
  'Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy'
  by Mircea Eliade
  Princeton University Press; 2004
  'The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature,
  Philosophy and Practice'
  by Georg Feuerstein and Ken Wilbur
  Hohm Press, 2001

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Judy

2013-02-27 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

I didn't intend to upset Michael. I think turq is the only person I
consciously try to bother. Mainly by bringing up jyotish on a regular

Beautiful.  Prolonged smile!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Weepy Wednesday

2013-02-27 Thread seventhray27

Weepy Wednesday.  I love it!

And yes, the story filled the bill!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 because this little story brought tears to my eyes


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol

2013-02-27 Thread seventhray27

I am sorry to hear about your carpal tunnel.  It runs in my family and
my mom had it, as well as cousin.  I am not sure if one of my sisters
has it or not.  But it sure is persistent, and in my cousin's case there
doesn't seem to be anything he can do to alleviate, or correct it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@... wrote:

 Share stated: My main point is that our issues can often cloud our
current moment thinking and it's helpful to be aware of that. 

 I agree.

 Thinking back, this discourse got started with me when I brought upthe
subject of that because Oz endorses TM that must mean that TM is a good
thing (when other equally intelligent people have other opinions) with
the comparison of Collins as a scientist endorsing Christianity as a
good thing (when other equally intelligent people have other opinions).
That was all.

 And my communication is probably not the greatest. I'm not an academic
or a debater, and never will be. And I don't excel at clever comebacks
and such. I find it draining...and moreso after having carpal tunnel
surgery on February 18. Typing is still a bit laborious.

 Yes..that bug is beautiful. :)


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Hi Carol, that has got to be the most beautiful bug I have ever
seen!  Thanks so much for including him (-:
  My main point is that our issues can often cloud our current moment
thinking and it's helpful to be aware of that.  Especially if we're
wanting to communicate convincingly to others, which Michael has said is
his goal.Â
  From: Carol jchwelch@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:57 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Is Back to Carol
  Does Dr. Oz endorse TM specifically or does he endorse meditation in
  I have never watched Dr. Oz's show, but the other week I chanced
upon him as I was channel surfing. He stated something to the effect
that if anyone ever says he endorses a product, to please not believe
that he endorses that said product. (The context was in regard to weight
loss.) He stated he makes a point to not endorse products even though
various products will claim he endorses them.
  So...I'm just wondering if he really does endorse TM, or rather does
he endorse meditation (in any form) in general and that his choice of
meditation (at this point in his life) is TM?
  Share stated, [...] can all these smart and creative people be so
deluded about the efficacy of TM? [...]
  Apparently, TM works for them. That isn't a delusion; it is their
reality. That said, they may be deluded (fooled or ignorant) or choose
to be complacent regarding the TMO and its colored history; or maybe
that just don't have the energy/time to learn about it.
  Smart and creative people tout other practices/beliefs/products too.
I don't think they are deluded, but rather that they like said
product/practice. That doesn't mean I or the next person will like said
product/practice. I may even have a horrible experience with the said
product/practice. Hopefully I am somewhat smart and creative.
  I am suspicious when anyone pushes anything as the one true
technique to bring peace and resolution and absolute health to humanity.
I'm not saying any celebrities push TM as such; I don't keep up with
that sort of information.
  As far as Micheal and any of his issues, I think he is the authority
on that and he can decide to share or not to share. I have no desire to
scrutinize his (or anyone's) issues publicly or even privately. (I'm not
saying you want to do that either.)I have enough on my issue plate
  Thanks for the response!
  Gekkos are cool.
  And so is this beetle dude/dudette...Chrysolina cerealis
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
   Hi Carol, my Mom loves the gekko too.  Of course the fact
that Dr. Oz practices TM doesn't negate MJ's bad experiences with
it.  Just as Fr Keating's Batgap interview does not negate my
somewhat bad experiences with the Catholic Church.  But again,
I'm not continuing to speak against Catholicism, etc.  Whereas
Michael does continue to speak against TM, etc. and seems to have quite
a charge when he does so.  From my own experience with charges,
I'd say there's a deeper issue going on that just what appears on the
   Just yesterday Michael expressed the wish that Dr. Oz who seems
pretty savvy to me, stop being deluded about TMO.  This was in
addition to saying that Dr. Oz is afraid to disagree with Oprah. 
This latter statement especially indicates to me that there's a deeper
issue present.  I've got my issues too so I'm not saying it's a
bad thing.  But I give less weight to what someone says if it
seems to me that there are other 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Tradition?

2013-02-27 Thread srijau
the non-use of Om by householders is very well documented to have been 
emphasized by Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. There is so many famous mantras that 
do not use Om at all ...  Shree Rama Jaya Rama...etc the examples are very 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok no_reply@ wrote:
  I think there is only one truly Vedic mantra and that is OM.
 Dear Nava,
 Real TM tru-believers strongly hold that Maharishi's revival of Knowledge has 
 saved India from `Om.  I have been lectured several times on this very point 
 by extremely faithful TM people who seem quite convinced.  You'll notice that 
 none of the TM versions of mantras on the TM-X website notice `Om' as any 
 part of a TM mantra.  Though Shri Vidya and everyone else going back use Om 
 to initiate or energized mantras.  Is TM missing something?  Maharishi 
 uniquely seems a Vedic out-layer on this in the distribution of sages on 
 I like `Om' myself to spin the root and tune the heart and then go from 
 there.  But that is different from TM and should not be confused even though 
 chakras well light up upon proper awareness and practice of the TM-sidhis.  
 But at that point it is independent of employing 'Om' or much of anything 
 Best Regards from Fairfield,
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ 
Where does the TM technique come from?
   From India and the Vedas? LoL!
   According to Mircea Eliade, only the rudiments of classic 
   Yoga are to be found in the Vedas, and while shamanism and 
   other techniques of ecstasy are documented among other 
   Indo-European people, Yoga is to be found only in India 
   and in cultures influenced by Indian spirituality (102).  
  I think there is only one truly Vedic mantra and that is OM. What Maharishi 
  teaches as the Vedic tradition is actually the Tantric tradition 
  appropriated by Brahmanism, through the teaching of Shri Vidhya. With Vedic 
  literature, he means the Agamas.
   Work cited:
   'Yoga : Immortality and Freedom'
   by Mircea Eliade
   Princeton University Press, 1970
   Read more:
   Subject: A decomposition of practice ertswhile abusers lore
   Author: Willytex
   Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
   Date: February 6, 2005
   Other titles of interst:
   'Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy'
   by Mircea Eliade
   Princeton University Press; 2004
   'The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature,
   Philosophy and Practice'
   by Georg Feuerstein and Ken Wilbur
   Hohm Press, 2001

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  Barry's addled mind has slipped into its alternate reality -
conjuring up imaginary characters doing imaginary things. Real life must
be so tedious, boring, mundane. The need to constantly create these
scenarios of good guys, bad guys, plots and devious manipulations and
far-reaching underhanded plans by others is his 'escape'. His creation
is a colourful world filled with characters out of novels and spy
stories. We will allow him this small escape, this chance to believe his
world so much more interesting than it really is. Barry's scenarios read
like cheap thrillers but as long as they get him through another long,
dreary day then we should be happy to allow him this small indulgence.
 Another grey Winter dawn. Its cold, and last night was no better than
the last hundred, ...dumb bitches Yeah, yeah, yeah, yap you two
little needy sausages - you'll get your food, oh fuck here comes the
brat! Exit, door closed, lock secured.

 Ah...What, hon? I'm in the bathroom!!

 Laptop up:

 ...For those who NEED an...

 What?! I'll be out in a bit!!

 ...argument to feel alive, I guess that if the fact that most of
their designated victims don't even bother...

 YES! A little while longer!! Go see mommy!

 ...to respond any more doesn't matter to them...

 ...I know...I can hear *you* too sweetie...be out soon!!

 ...and they can still declare victory anyway, the details of who
they're having these imaginary arguments with don't matter, either.
Damn, no paper

 OK, OK, Unc is coming out now...

[FairfieldLife] Exorcising Demons from Second-Hand Clothes

2013-02-27 Thread John
Pat Robertson recommendss it.  This is somewhat similar to an idea in jyotish 
which states that one should not wear clothes used by others.  These clothes 
supposedly would be carrying the karma of those who had previously worn them.


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Critics on FFL - the blind leading the sighted

2013-02-27 Thread doctordumbass
Oh no!! The favorite cafe revealed! insert gratuitous joke regarding writing 
that stinks...

Always an inspiration, Ann!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   Barry's addled mind has slipped into its alternate reality -
 conjuring up imaginary characters doing imaginary things. Real life must
 be so tedious, boring, mundane. The need to constantly create these
 scenarios of good guys, bad guys, plots and devious manipulations and
 far-reaching underhanded plans by others is his 'escape'. His creation
 is a colourful world filled with characters out of novels and spy
 stories. We will allow him this small escape, this chance to believe his
 world so much more interesting than it really is. Barry's scenarios read
 like cheap thrillers but as long as they get him through another long,
 dreary day then we should be happy to allow him this small indulgence.
  Another grey Winter dawn. Its cold, and last night was no better than
 the last hundred, ...dumb bitches Yeah, yeah, yeah, yap you two
 little needy sausages - you'll get your food, oh fuck here comes the
 brat! Exit, door closed, lock secured.
  Ah...What, hon? I'm in the bathroom!!
  Laptop up:
  ...For those who NEED an...
  What?! I'll be out in a bit!!
  ...argument to feel alive, I guess that if the fact that most of
 their designated victims don't even bother...
  YES! A little while longer!! Go see mommy!
  ...to respond any more doesn't matter to them...
  ...I know...I can hear *you* too sweetie...be out soon!!
  ...and they can still declare victory anyway, the details of who
 they're having these imaginary arguments with don't matter, either.
 Damn, no paper
  OK, OK, Unc is coming out now...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Exorcising Demons from Second-Hand Clothes

2013-02-27 Thread doctordumbass
This is an amazing Karmic Koincidence!! I was just surfing the web, and check 
this out -  

This miracle product singularly exorcises demons from used clothing, while 
remaining faithful to the style of communication favored by Pat Robertson:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 Pat Robertson recommendss it.  This is somewhat similar to an idea in jyotish 
 which states that one should not wear clothes used by others.  These clothes 
 supposedly would be carrying the karma of those who had previously worn them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Exorcising Demons from Second-Hand Clothes

2013-02-27 Thread John
No commercials are allowed here.  Just a reminder.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 This is an amazing Karmic Koincidence!! I was just surfing the web, and check 
 this out -  
 This miracle product singularly exorcises demons from used clothing, while 
 remaining faithful to the style of communication favored by Pat Robertson:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Pat Robertson recommendss it.  This is somewhat similar to an idea in 
  jyotish which states that one should not wear clothes used by others.  
  These clothes supposedly would be carrying the karma of those who had 
  previously worn them.