2013-04-23 Thread sparaig
I resemble that remark

L (Saijanai Kuhn in Second Life)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 Interesting a certain  saijanai Guest's comment on April 22, 2013 5:41
 Teenagers  with autism so severe that they didn't talk for more then a
 decade when  they were little, have managed to learn TM, for example.I
 suspect that  Murdoch is trying to learn from a book for from someone's
 description of  TM, rather than going directly to a trained TM teacher.

[FairfieldLife] Flowers for Algernon?

2013-04-23 Thread salyavin808
Stem Cell Transplant Restores Memory, Learning in Mice
Apr. 21, 2013 — For the first time, human embryonic stem cells have
been transformed into nerve cells that helped mice regain the ability to
learn and remember.

A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is the first to show that
human stem cells can successfully implant themselves in the brain and
then heal neurological deficits, says senior author Su-Chun Zhang, a
professor of neuroscience and neurology.

Once inside the mouse brain, the implanted stem cells formed two common,
vital types of neurons, which communicate with the chemicals GABA or
acetylcholine. These two neuron types are involved in many kinds of
human behavior, emotions, learning, memory, addiction and many other
psychiatric issues, says Zhang.

The human embryonic stem cells were cultured in the lab, using chemicals
that are known to promote development into nerve cells -- a field that
Zhang has helped pioneer for 15 years. The mice were a special strain
that do not reject transplants from other species.

After the transplant, the mice scored significantly better on common
tests of learning and memory in mice. For example, they were more adept
in the water maze test, which challenged them to remember the location
of a hidden platform in a pool.

The study began with deliberate damage to a part of the brain that is
involved in learning and memory.

Three measures were critical to success, says Zhang: location, timing
and purity. Developing brain cells get their signals from the tissue
that they reside in, and the location in the brain we chose directed
these cells to form both GABA and cholinergic neurons.

The initial destruction was in an area called the medial septum, which
connects to the hippocampus by GABA and cholinergic neurons. This
circuitry is fundamental to our ability to learn and remember, says

The transplanted cells, however, were placed in the hippocampus -- a
vital memory center -- at the other end of those memory circuits. After
the transferred cells were implanted, in response to chemical directions
from the brain, they started to specialize and connect to the
appropriate cells in the hippocampus.

The process is akin to removing a section of telephone cable, Zhang
says. If you can find the correct route, you could wire the replacement
from either end.

For the study, published in the current issue of Nature Biotechnology,
Zhang and first author Yan Liu, a postdoctoral associate at the Waisman
Center on campus, chemically directed the human embryonic stem cells to
begin differentiation into neural cells, and then injected those
intermediate cells. Ushering the cells through partial specialization
prevented the formation of unwanted cell types in the mice.

Ensuring that nearly all of the transplanted cells became neural cells
was critical, Zhang says. That means you are able to predict what the
progeny will be, and for any future use in therapy, you reduce the
chance of injecting stem cells that could form tumors. In many other
transplant experiments, injecting early progenitor cells resulted in
masses of cells -- tumors. This didn't happen in our case because the
transplanted cells are pure and committed to a particular fate so that
they do not generate anything else. We need to be sure we do not inject
the seeds of cancer.

Brain repair through cell replacement is a Holy Grail of stem cell
transplant, and the two cell types are both critical to brain function,
Zhang says. Cholinergic neurons are involved in Alzheimer's and Down
syndrome, but GABA neurons are involved in many additional disorders,
including schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression and addiction.

Though tantalizing, stem-cell therapy is unlikely to be the immediate
benefit. Zhang notes that for many psychiatric disorders, you don't
know which part of the brain has gone wrong. The new study, he says, is
more likely to see immediate application in creating models for drug
screening and discovery.


[FairfieldLife] A New Earth?

2013-04-23 Thread salyavin808
Two 'super-Earths' targeted in hunt for alien lifeA star system
containing two potentially habitable Earth-like planets is being
targeted by scientists searching for extra-terrestrial intelligence. [An
artist's impression of the Kepler-62 star system as seen from the
Earth-like planet ] An artist's impression of the Kepler-62 star system
as seen from the Earth-like planet f, which scientists believe could
support life.  Photo: SETI/PA

In the coming months, astronomers will turn an array of space
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/  telescope dishes towards
Kepler-62, a star smaller and dimmer than the Sun about 1,000 light
years away in the constellation Lyra.

A pair of so-called super-Earths have been detected within the
habitable zone of the star, the orbital region where temperatures are
just warm enough to allow bodies of surface water such as oceans and

Although no-one knows what the planets are made of, they are believed to
be rocky. One, Kepler-62f, is thought to have a radius about 1.4 times
greater than the Earth's. The other, Kepler-62e, is estimated to be 1.6
times larger.

The planets' parent star is around two billion years older than the Sun,
raising the possibility of intelligent life more advanced than it is on

Both will be priority targets in a new Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence (Seti) programme focusing on habitable zone worlds.

They were discovered by Nasa's Kepler space telescope, which has so far
detected almost 3,000 candidate planets outside the Solar System. A
fifth of these are believed to be super-Earths between 1.25 and twice
the size of the Earth.

Scientists at the Centre for Seti Research in the US are listening in
for radio signals from the stars that display signs of technology and
intelligence. The search is being conducted from the Allen Telescope
Array, a collection of small six-metre wide dishes in the Cascade
Mountains of northern California.

Kepler, launched in 2007 with 42 dishes, will ultimately comprise 350
receivers operating round the clock.

Our surveys improve on previous, generally narrow band Seti by covering
the radio frequency range where Earth's atmosphere is most transparent,
including many frequencies never before observed, said Dr Gerry Harp,
director of the Centre for Seti Research.

We expect to complete a meaningful survey of these stars in less than
one year. Be sure to check back soon.

Kepler is designed to detect planets by looking for the minute dimming
of starlight as they pass in front of or transit their parent stars.
By studying the effect and the length of the transit, scientists can
work out a planet's size and probable orbit.

Dr Jon Jenkins, a member of the Seti Institute team based at Nasa's Ames
Research Centre in California, whose Kepler-62 data is reported in the
journal Science, said: These discoveries move us farther down the road
to discovering planets similar to Earth.

While we don't know if Kepler-62e and f are rocky or whether they have
liquid water pooling on their surfaces, their existence shows that the
incidence of small worlds in the habitable zone of Sun-like stars is

Thus we can look forward to the discovery and detailed characterisation
of Earth's cousins in the years and decades to come by future missions
and telescopes.

The research suggests that both planets are solid and likely to have
mostly dry rocky surfaces or be ocean-covered water worlds.

Three other planets close to the size of the Earth are also thought to
be orbiting Kepler-62, but not in the habitable zone.

Edited at Telegraph.co.uk by Richard Holt

[FairfieldLife] For us f-ing tropicalists: Chiron return!

2013-04-23 Thread card


The Chiron Return poses the question:
What am I going to do with this last part of my life? 
- Astrologer Melanie Reinhart

After the Saturn Return at 30, and the midlife crisis at 40, one of the lesser 
known, but most significant rites of passage, at 50, is the formidable Chiron 
Return. It is, perhaps, due to the relatively new discovery of Chiron, in 
November 1977, that so little is known about this profound period of 
transformation, that reveals so much about the secrets of the human psyche.

Neither planet nor asteroid, Chiron has been determined to be a comet or 
planetoid (minor planet). Found between the orbit of Saturn (representing 
tradition) and Uranus (representing progress), Chiron forms a bridge between 
the old and the new; historical origins and individual expression. Chiron 
mediates between the conscious awareness and reality-basis of the practical 
personal and social planets (Sun through Saturn) and the multi-dimensional 
cosmic consciousness of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). It 
provides a gateway forward or back, whichever is deemed essential for growth, 
forming our own link between the natural and the supernatural; the physical and 
the metaphysical.

[FairfieldLife] The Essential Anandamayi Ma

2013-04-23 Thread martin.quickman
Her sayings were profound, Her presence was magic, Her life was her message. 
Read more here:


[FairfieldLife] Selected Poems from Rabindranath Tagore

2013-04-23 Thread martin.quickman
This poem may appeal to you as he reminds us that life is eternal :-}


Re: [FairfieldLife] For us f-ing tropicalists: Chiron return!

2013-04-23 Thread Share Long
Pssst, carde, don't tell any of the other FFL jyotishis, but I consider Chiron 
very important as well as all the outer planets such as Uranus (-:
hugs, but with some nice absorbent towel, along with our clothing, betwixt our 
nether regions


 From: card cardemais...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:12 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] For us f-ing tropicalists: Chiron return!



The Chiron Return poses the question:
What am I going to do with this last part of my life? 
- Astrologer Melanie Reinhart

After the Saturn Return at 30, and the midlife crisis at 40, one of the lesser 
known, but most significant rites of passage, at 50, is the formidable Chiron 
Return. It is, perhaps, due to the relatively new discovery of Chiron, in 
November 1977, that so little is known about this profound period of 
transformation, that reveals so much about the secrets of the human psyche.

Neither planet nor asteroid, Chiron has been determined to be a comet or 
planetoid (minor planet). Found between the orbit of Saturn (representing 
tradition) and Uranus (representing progress), Chiron forms a bridge between 
the old and the new; historical origins and individual expression. Chiron 
mediates between the conscious awareness and reality-basis of the practical 
personal and social planets (Sun through Saturn) and the multi-dimensional 
cosmic consciousness of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). It 
provides a gateway forward or back, whichever is deemed essential for growth, 
forming our own link between the natural and the supernatural; the physical and 
the metaphysical.


[FairfieldLife] Re: It's a conspiracy!

2013-04-23 Thread Alex Stanley
Oh, you poor poor deluded little sheople, believing everything the lamestream 
media programs into your mushy little head. It's really quite obvious what 
happened: the government used HAARP, chemtrails, and suppressed Tesla 
technology like a giant 3D printer to photoshop reality into what only looks 
like the Tsarnaev brothers are guilty.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 If they were innocent, why were they shooting it out with the police?  They 
 also had bombs and ammunition with them.  At this time and from what we know 
 from the media, there are lots of evidence against the suspected bombers.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  Proof - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Back-Pack was photo-shopped out 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Share Long
dear my turqish delight and Ann who was looking forward to this reply.  BTW 
Ann, I have another in the queue 4 u.  Anyway, turq, thank you because my 
feelings were hurt when you gave all those kudos to Curtis and Steve yesterday. 
 But I think I've learned a thing or two here at the Funny Farm Lounge so I 
simply enjoyed myself, hopefully not being mean spirited in the process and 
Bob's your uncle!  Here we are!  

If you're saying that I shouldn't let them matter to me in an unhealthy way, 
then I totally agree with you.  But turq, I gotta let them matter to me, you 
know, in a healthy way, even if I don't like how they're acting.  I think it 
might be my biggest life lesson, whatever the heck that is!  In this project, 
FFL is a great classroom, wicked grin.  Hope your project is on schedule, going 
well, being fun, etc.

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:37 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Earth Day is ending, the lawn
 of my lady-parts is still not green.
 Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?

Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)

What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
so much SMARTER than you are. 

ALL of her fantasies (as expressed on this forum, anyway...
who knows what she fantasizes about privately) revolve 
around *ruining someone's day*, and making them feel bad 
because she's proved them wrong or made them appear to
look stupid or devastated them with her oh-so-barbed 
tongue. And NONE Of that has been working on you. 

You've been doing to her what Curtis did to Robin and what
I've done to Judy for some time -- LAUGHING AT HER. And 
this drives her stark raving bonkers. She really can't 
COMPREHEND how anyone can sit back and *not* react to her 
ongoing taunts and insults, so you've essentially confounded 
her and rendered her powerless and sputtering in a language
she (clearly) doesn't even know. 

Read my lips...if this keeps up, and you continue to just
laugh at her taunts and those of her groupies trying to
get you to react, they'll eventually move on to some other
victim. Possibly (and more entertainingly) they'll start
to turn on each other. The important thing from their 
point of view is that they HAVE a victim, and that they 
are AFFECTING that victim, making them feel bad, being the 
chronic abusers they are against co-dependent victims who 
play along by agreeing to feel abused.

If we just LAUGH at them (while pitying them a little for
the emptiness of a life that renders this their only form
of entertainment or fulfillment) and go on living our
lives AS IF THEY SIMPLY DIDN'T MATTER, sooner or later 
one or more of them might catch a clue and realize that

  From: azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
 Dear Share, 
 Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
 the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
 I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
 on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
 operation of your lady-parts. 
 Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
 He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Share, are you familiar with the expression Blow it
  out your ass?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
   delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
   inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
to dishonesty.
*hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is
likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness
is neither present nor likely,
   Says the person who has to her discredit an *astounding*
   number of examples of the most flagrant dishonesty--most
   recently her combined smear of raunchy and Robin today--
   including rewriting history as documented by *her own 
   posts*, and who has been unable 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass
I think Judy and Ann drive you nuts, because they are women. 

Remember what I posted about your mom never finding fault with you, and your 
dad always doing so? It seems pretty clear that when a woman exposes your 
lameness, you then feel as if both sexes have given up on you, and you write 
compensatory garbage, designed to *kill* the messages of inadequacy that you 
just can't get out of your mind, after all these years.

Sick puppy.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Earth Day is ending, the lawn
  of my lady-parts is still not green.
  Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
 Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
 you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
 soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
 green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
 ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)
 What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
 her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
 bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
 that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
 so much SMARTER than you are. 
 ALL of her fantasies (as expressed on this forum, anyway...
 who knows what she fantasizes about privately) revolve 
 around *ruining someone's day*, and making them feel bad 
 because she's proved them wrong or made them appear to
 look stupid or devastated them with her oh-so-barbed 
 tongue. And NONE Of that has been working on you. 
 You've been doing to her what Curtis did to Robin and what
 I've done to Judy for some time -- LAUGHING AT HER. And 
 this drives her stark raving bonkers. She really can't 
 COMPREHEND how anyone can sit back and *not* react to her 
 ongoing taunts and insults, so you've essentially confounded 
 her and rendered her powerless and sputtering in a language
 she (clearly) doesn't even know. 
 Read my lips...if this keeps up, and you continue to just
 laugh at her taunts and those of her groupies trying to
 get you to react, they'll eventually move on to some other
 victim. Possibly (and more entertainingly) they'll start
 to turn on each other. The important thing from their 
 point of view is that they HAVE a victim, and that they 
 are AFFECTING that victim, making them feel bad, being the 
 chronic abusers they are against co-dependent victims who 
 play along by agreeing to feel abused.
 If we just LAUGH at them (while pitying them a little for
 the emptiness of a life that renders this their only form
 of entertainment or fulfillment) and go on living our
 lives AS IF THEY SIMPLY DIDN'T MATTER, sooner or later 
 one or more of them might catch a clue and realize that
   From: azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
  Dear Share, 
  Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
  the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
  I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
  on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
  operation of your lady-parts. 
  Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
  He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   Share, are you familiar with the expression Blow it
   out your ass?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
 from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
 to dishonesty.
 *hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is
 likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness
 is neither present nor likely,

Says the person who has to her discredit an *astounding*
number of examples of the most flagrant dishonesty--most
recently her combined smear of raunchy and Robin today--
including rewriting history as documented by *her own 
posts*, and who has been unable either to explain away
the dishonesty or acknowledge it.

(And by the way, the symptoms of allergy *are* the illness.)


2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass
Thing is about Rupert Mudrock is that if you switch from cable, to over the air 
TV, he loses all his power. 

I like getting my news from all the local channels, and PBS, Russia Today, Al 
Jazeera, BBC World, Deutsche Welle, CCTV (China), and NHK (Japan). Much clearer 
picture of the world, vs. the carefully constructed stories on Fox, CNN, and 
other cable news shows.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 Not to forget to add
 Rupert Murdoch.CEO of the News Corp. , which will be renamed 21st
 Century Fox [:D]   later this year, famous for his ruthless media
 conglomerate and  hard-nosed fights with adversaries, is trying to
 learn Transcendental  Meditation,too
 On recent trips to Asia,in search of his inner hippie , he tweeted often
 about seeking tranquility
 Pursuing Self-Interest in Harmony With the Laws of the Universe and
 Contributing to Evolution Is Universally Rewarded
 Murdoch (7:03 PM - 21 Apr 2013)wrote not that easy to get started, but
 said to improve everything!
 Love  that not that easy to get startedpart. Has someone been giving
 Rupert  a meditation manual and assuring him he must learn the contents,
 as one  learns the Highway Code?
 Interesting a certain  saijanai Guest's comment on April 22, 2013 5:41
 Teenagers  with autism so severe that they didn't talk for more then a
 decade when  they were little, have managed to learn TM, for example.I
 suspect that  Murdoch is trying to learn from a book for from someone's
 description of  TM, rather than going directly to a trained TM teacher.
 What is the prize tag in Australia? May be should learned it during  his
 Asia stay
 h other option  phone hacking -so my dear dear  TM  Teacher all
 over -everywhere
 beware--no phone...
 His  resilience, particularly following the phone-hacking scandal that 
 threatened to undo the whole company, is the subject of a new 
 Businessweek cover story.
 But we should be happy and gay...for him, aren't we?
 How was the quote  but said to improve everything!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merlin  wrote:
  + DR. OZ,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-23 Thread Buck
Social media like Reddit and FFL spreading negativity:

Reddit sponsoring witch hunts like FFL sponsors anti-meditation rants:

Though started with noble intentions, some of the activity on Reddit fuelled 
online witch hunts and dangerous speculation which spiralled into very negative 
consequences for innocent parties. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 by Knot Sosure, 2013:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
  by Nicholas Roerich, 1914:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Essential Anandamayi Ma

2013-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, martin.quickman martin.quickman@... 

 Her sayings were profound, Her presence was magic, Her life was her message. 
 Read more here:

Beautiful, thanks for posting !

[FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008

Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light of God 
inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste your life. 
Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope for 
yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope for your 
nation and for your world—because inside you are lively in that which is 
omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What more you want? 
What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever expect, all that you 
can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] field of all possibilities 
lively within yourself. 

---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: For us f-ing tropicalists: Chiron return!

2013-04-23 Thread feste37

I consider the Chiron return the most significant of astrological events. At 
least it was for me. It was unmistakeable and totally positive in its effects, 
both in work and relationships. The Chiron return sets the pattern for the 
future, I believe, and my life took on the shape it has now during that Chiron 
return. The only other thing I can think of that had remotely comparable 
effects, for me, was the first Saturn return.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Pssst, carde, don't tell any of the other FFL jyotishis, but I consider 
 Chiron very important as well as all the outer planets such as Uranus (-:
 hugs, but with some nice absorbent towel, along with our clothing, betwixt 
 our nether regions
  From: card cardemaister@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:12 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] For us f-ing tropicalists: Chiron return!
 The Chiron Return poses the question:
 What am I going to do with this last part of my life? 
 - Astrologer Melanie Reinhart
 After the Saturn Return at 30, and the midlife crisis at 40, one of the 
 lesser known, but most significant rites of passage, at 50, is the formidable 
 Chiron Return. It is, perhaps, due to the relatively new discovery of Chiron, 
 in November 1977, that so little is known about this profound period of 
 transformation, that reveals so much about the secrets of the human psyche.
 Neither planet nor asteroid, Chiron has been determined to be a comet or 
 planetoid (minor planet). Found between the orbit of Saturn (representing 
 tradition) and Uranus (representing progress), Chiron forms a bridge between 
 the old and the new; historical origins and individual expression. Chiron 
 mediates between the conscious awareness and reality-basis of the practical 
 personal and social planets (Sun through Saturn) and the multi-dimensional 
 cosmic consciousness of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). It 
 provides a gateway forward or back, whichever is deemed essential for growth, 
 forming our own link between the natural and the supernatural; the physical 
 and the metaphysical.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread Michael Jackson
This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to say 
Don't waste you time on TM.

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time


Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light of God 
inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste your life. 
Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope for 
yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope for your 
nation and for your world—because inside you are lively in that which is 
omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What more you want? 
What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever expect, all that you 
can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] field of all possibilities 
lively within yourself. 

---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003


[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008

Michael Jackson: Don't waste your time 

 mjackson74@... wrote:

 This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to say 
 Don't waste you time on TM.

  From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
 Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light of 
 God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste your 
 life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope for 
 yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope for 
 your nation and for your worldâ€because inside you are lively in that which 
 is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What more you 
 want? What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever expect, all 
 that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] field of all 
 possibilities lively within yourself. 
 ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon for those who call everyone liars...

2013-04-23 Thread authfriend
Lakhn zol er mit yashtherkes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 ...and who claim to know things about their real motivations. Yeah,

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 I think Judy and Ann drive you nuts, because they are women. 
 Remember what I posted about your mom never finding fault with you, and your 
 dad always doing so? It seems pretty clear that when a woman exposes your 
 lameness, you then feel as if both sexes have given up on you, and you write 
 compensatory garbage, designed to *kill* the messages of inadequacy that you 
 just can't get out of your mind, after all these years.
 Sick puppy.

Jim, I think you are one of the more sophisticated posters here and not because 
I agree with much of what you say or because you apparently 'like' me. Although 
your observations  and viewpoints can be hard hitting at times you don't appear 
to ever come from a place of malice or with the intent to stir up shit between 
anyone. You just say it like you see it, and unlike the post of Barry's below, 
your posts stand on their own as having no real agenda to incite dissension 
between different people. You are smart and I believe you to be brave on this 

Barry accuses others of piling on in an attempt to 'get' people. He accuses 
them of all sorts of malevolent intentions below. We also all know that in 
'real life' Barry wouldn't give Share the time of day (sorry Share, but you 
know it's true also). Barry has an agenda to 'use' Share for his own ends as 
evidenced by the post below. He is much worse than the people he berates. He is 
worse because he doesn't actually care about Share or how many people 'gang' up 
on her, not really. He is using her to promote his own agenda of hate. Barry is 
never interested in arresting the progress of hurt or misunderstanding in his 
posts. At best he points out how terrible or wrong someone is for 'going after' 
another person at worst that impulse is always motivated by a kind of blood 
lust. Barry thrives on discord and he does a lot here to see that things are 
not resolved but negativity perpetuated. His 'solutions' for those he pretends 
he cares about, because they are being persecuted by another, are never 
'solutions' that involve feeling or understanding or empathy or compromise or 
willingness to grow or learn from a situation. 

I know you see this very clearly, Jim but some others do not or will not admit 
that they do. I think really exposing these tactics to the light of day is 
necessary to illustrate how ugly they are. Those who are unhappy rarely seem to 
want to encourage happiness in others. For Barry it seems to be all about 
encouraging others to do the exact opposite of what could result in peaceful 
resolution. Luckily, Share appeared to respond to Barry very well. I want to 
write a post to her about that and will.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Earth Day is ending, the lawn
   of my lady-parts is still not green.
   Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
  Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
  you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
  soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
  green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
  ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)
  What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
  her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
  bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
  that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
  so much SMARTER than you are. 
  ALL of her fantasies (as expressed on this forum, anyway...
  who knows what she fantasizes about privately) revolve 
  around *ruining someone's day*, and making them feel bad 
  because she's proved them wrong or made them appear to
  look stupid or devastated them with her oh-so-barbed 
  tongue. And NONE Of that has been working on you. 
  You've been doing to her what Curtis did to Robin and what
  I've done to Judy for some time -- LAUGHING AT HER. And 
  this drives her stark raving bonkers. She really can't 
  COMPREHEND how anyone can sit back and *not* react to her 
  ongoing taunts and insults, so you've essentially confounded 
  her and rendered her powerless and sputtering in a language
  she (clearly) doesn't even know. 
  Read my lips...if this keeps up, and you continue to just
  laugh at her taunts and those of her groupies trying to
  get you to react, they'll eventually move on to some other
  victim. Possibly (and more entertainingly) they'll start
  to turn on each other. The important thing from their 
  point of view is that they HAVE a victim, and that they 
  are AFFECTING that victim, making them feel bad, being the 
  chronic abusers they are against co-dependent victims who 
  play along by agreeing to feel abused.
  If we just LAUGH at them (while pitying them a little for
  the emptiness of a life that renders this their only form

[FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon for those who call everyone liars...

2013-04-23 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend  wrote:

 Lakhn zol er mit yashtherkes.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  ...and who claim to know things about their real motivations.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon for those who call everyone liars...

2013-04-23 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend  wrote:

 Lakhn zol er mit yashtherkes

  [Yiddish: He should laugh with lizards.]


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  ...and who claim to know things about their real motivations.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Today! Our Conscious Future

2013-04-23 Thread Buck
Father Gabriel Mejia he was quite good, I'll be glad to read the transcript of 
Father Gabriel Mejia  giving that talk if they don't edit the life out of it.  
Was the message of a totally cool spiritual elder who seems to have his act 
well in hand.  He's a fighter in the battle for human dignity and spirituality 
in the best tradition of Maharishi.  

 One of the several really good presentations I thought most interesting for 
 our purposes was Father Gabriel Mejia with his language -ing of Latin branded 
 New Age Liberation Theology.  We could use a direct dose of that love in the 
 TM movement up North here.  He even gives darshan by hugging.  This guy is 
 true revolutionary transcendentalist armed with Latin American New Age 
 Liberation Theology.  He is activist and now an activist saint in his own 
 times by virtue of his life.  The guy is activated, lit and blasting off.  
 Mainline.  That was an honor and a real pleasure to see and hear him live.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   I have hopes that it will eventually make it to youtube. I was put off by 
   the apparent registration fee for the online version, although in other 
   places it said that the online version was free.
  They had a guy giving a presentation on chaos theory and epistemology that 
  I feel Curtis actually would have appreciated a lot.  I bet Curtis even 
  could have been motivated toward re-application for the Dome meditation 
  after that Conscious Future presentation.  Was really cutting edge and 
  interesting and in Curtis epistemology language.  This way to come back to 
  the  group meditation:   http://invincibleamerica.org/applications.html 
  Best of Hope,
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
# Our conscious future and a post-charismatic TM without Maharishi:  
You weren't there?
It was very nicely produced,
.  Successes today.  The evident need for broad societal change.  
Transcendentalism, [radicalism] change comes from within, love and 
culture today, transforming culture today,  the modern science of 
spirituality, eugenics and neuroplasticity.  Responsibility.  The need 
for scientific public policy.  Transformation.  These are really good 
people doing good work on the fore-front of science and societal 
values.  Come along in to the future, we evidently need many to be in 
meditation to transform the future.  Join in with the good work being 

 Our Conscious Future, today's conference beginning at 1 pm, features 
 TED-style talks from leading thinkers, including Dr. Pamela Peeke of 
 Discover Health TV. In a talk entitled Your Brain's Reward Center: 
 Hacked By a Cupcake, she will speak about food addiction. Check the 
 website and register online for the Free Online Streaming Option.
 Now available: Our Conscious Future -- Schedule of Presentations.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A cartoon for those who call everyone liars...

2013-04-23 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend  wrote:
  Lakhn zol er mit yashtherkes
   [Yiddish: He should laugh with lizards.]

Despite a NY Jew knocking up some shiksa, my G2c haplogroup genetics are no 
help at all in understanding these Yiddish expressions.

[FairfieldLife] Bored? Need a change of scene?

2013-04-23 Thread salyavin808


You can't come back though, so start liking it

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Share Long
Ann, I am in awe!  How do you find these gems?!  Anyway, about the other 
cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse?  I think it's kind of a sweet 
blessing, may he laugh with lizards.  I mean, if a person could laugh with 
lizards, they could pretty much laugh about all of it.  IMHO.  

BTW, my little poem did not follow from Judy's behavioral modification 
suggestion to me.  Nor even from carde's private perspiration situation.  It 
followed from azgrey's funny musings on what Judy's Yiddish curse might mean 
and from the fact that it was Earth Day.  But yes, it can get confusing when 
there is so much er material floating around.  And I agree, poor Buck.  I'm 
sure he no longer waves at me from Patanjali.   

All in all I think FFL had a very and appropriately earthy Earth Day!
PS  I'm still working on a reply to your post from yesterday.  I know we're all 
agog for that to appear (-:

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Earth Day is ending, the lawn
 of my lady-parts is still not green.
 Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?

What am I missing here? First we have Carde's sweaty ball syndrome. Now, 
somehow, we are talking about Share's pubic hair turning green or not turning 
green. Just how does that follow from blowing something out your ass? (Dear 
God, Buck will be have apoplexy by now.) Someone, please help me. The best I 
can come up with is the little anecdotal something I found on the internet:

  From: azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
 Dear Share, 
 Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
 the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
 I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
 on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
 operation of your lady-parts. 
 Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
 He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Share, are you familiar with the expression Blow it
  out your ass?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
   Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
   delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
   inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
to dishonesty.
*hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is
likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness
is neither present nor likely,
   Says the person who has to her discredit an *astounding*
   number of examples of the most flagrant dishonesty--most
   recently her combined smear of raunchy and Robin today--
   including rewriting history as documented by *her own 
   posts*, and who has been unable either to explain away
   the dishonesty or acknowledge it.
   (And by the way, the symptoms of allergy *are* the illness.)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-23 Thread Buck

About The FFL anti-meditation terrorism,

(FAIRFIELD)-- The former meditators come from broken families of meditation, 
and the remaining elder meditator speaking resplendent in meditative light and 
spiritual triumph having survived many years of organizational tumult along the 
way said ..these former meditators brought shame to the meditating family. 
The  former meditators were last seen meditating with the group in December 
2005 and 1978 respectively.
You put a shame on our entire family -- the meditating family -- and you put a 
shame on the entire meditating community, The community meditation Elder said.
When asked what provoked the anti-meditation suspects, the elder meditator 
stated: Being losers, hatred to those who were able to settle themselves -- 
these are the only reasons I can imagine.

 Social media like Reddit and FFL spreading negativity:
 Reddit sponsoring witch hunts like FFL sponsors anti-meditation rants:
 Though started with noble intentions, some of the activity on Reddit fuelled 
 online witch hunts and dangerous speculation which spiralled into very 
 negative consequences for innocent parties. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  by Knot Sosure, 2013:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
   by Nicholas Roerich, 1914:

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, I am in awe!  How do you find these gems?!  Anyway, about the other 
 cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse?  I think it's kind of a sweet 
 blessing, may he laugh with lizards.  I mean, if a person could laugh with 
 lizards, they could pretty much laugh about all of it.  IMHO.  

I don't think anything that has been posted in Yiddish in the past day or so 
has been as serious as a curse. The laughing with lizards one I read on one 
site to mean laughing on the outside, crying on the inside but I am sure 
there are other meanings as well. I loved the graphic of all those lizards 
though. I would like to think lizards are not as evil as they appear in that 
drawing but if they are then you are correct in your last sentence above.
 BTW, my little poem did not follow from Judy's behavioral modification 
 suggestion to me.  Nor even from carde's private perspiration situation.  
 It followed from azgrey's funny musings on what Judy's Yiddish curse might 
 mean and from the fact that it was Earth Day.

Oh, I got lost there. But I like the idea of using Earth Day to get into the 
subject of woman, and fertility and grass-covered 'nether regions' as you say. 
Personally, I believe the Brazilian to be over-rated.

  But yes, it can get confusing when there is so much er material floating 
around.  And I agree, poor Buck.  I'm sure he no longer waves at me from 
 All in all I think FFL had a very and appropriately earthy Earth Day!
 PS  I'm still working on a reply to your post from yesterday.  I know we're 
 all agog for that to appear (-:

Well, I want to say that I thought your response to Barry, in its core message, 
was right on. You appeared to be holding yourself to yourself in your 
unwillingness to be drawn into his attempt to make your angrier or to get 
'behind' his push for negative feelings between posters. And I believe your 
outlook with regard to FFL as a learning/teaching environment is a healthy way 
to look at it. So, thanks for your 'stand' on that in the face of a temptation 
to support further negativity.
  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 10:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  Earth Day is ending, the lawn
  of my lady-parts is still not green.
  Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
 What am I missing here? First we have Carde's sweaty ball syndrome. Now, 
 somehow, we are talking about Share's pubic hair turning green or not turning 
 green. Just how does that follow from blowing something out your ass? (Dear 
 God, Buck will be have apoplexy by now.) Someone, please help me. The best I 
 can come up with is the little anecdotal something I found on the internet:
   From: azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
  Dear Share, 
  Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
  the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
  I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
  on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
  operation of your lady-parts. 
  Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
  He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   Share, are you familiar with the expression Blow it
   out your ass?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
 from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
 to dishonesty.
 *hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is
 likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness
 is neither present nor likely,

Says the person who has to her discredit an *astounding*
number of examples of the most flagrant dishonesty--most
recently her combined smear of raunchy and Robin today--
including rewriting history as documented by *her own 
posts*, and who has been unable either to explain away
the dishonesty or acknowledge it.

(And by the way, the symptoms of allergy *are* the illness.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Bhairitu
John Muir's 175th birthday was celebrated over the weekend at his 
mansion a couple blocks from here.  My visitors and I drove by but 
decided it was too crowded and they had visited the park before.

On 04/22/2013 06:05 PM, Share Long wrote:
 Earth Day is ending, the lawn
 of my lady-parts is still not green.
 Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-23 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 About The FFL anti-meditation terrorism,

Buck, nobody on FFL is stopping anyone on this forum from meditation who wants 
to meditate. There are those that feel that prospective meditators would be 
better served by having a larger range of facts (and in some cases fantasies) 
to chose from when making a decision. There are some who do not understand what 
meditation can do, and some who overstate what meditation can do. It is a tool 
for a particular task. The task is to experience reality unvarnished as is 
possible. As reality is all there is, this would seem to be a very peculiar 
task, trying to find what is in fact the only thing that is. Because most have 
a bee in their bonnet, there is a distractive element in our lives that 
meditation is an aid for ameliorating.
 (FAIRFIELD)-- The former meditators come from broken families of meditation, 

Well the TMO and Fairfield are in certain ways broken communities now. As 
people mature they find the simplistic ideal society model of life slightly 
inaccurate when applied to living. In their awareness everything may be ideal 
society, but the average joe on the street would find the concept as applied to 
say the city of Fairfield, IA to be appallingly short of the mark, if all 
details be made known.

...and the remaining elder meditator speaking resplendent in meditative light 
and spiritual triumph having survived many years of organizational tumult along 
the way...

Sounds as if this guy is up on a pedestal, a top down manager, who probably has 
no idea what the average meditator is going through.

...said ..these former meditators brought shame to the meditating family. The 
 former meditators were last seen meditating with the group in December 2005 
and 1978 respectively.

Shame is the emotion experienced by an ego with low self-esteem; if this elder 
is experiencing this, or attempting to get others to experience life this way, 
he/she has no business being an elder, or being any kind of an instructor for 
the benefit of life. The elder would serve best by guiding people strong, 
independent, and wise

 You put a shame on our entire family -- the meditating family -- and you put 
 a shame on the entire meditating community, The community meditation Elder 

As I said, this elder is clueless, trying to berate people instead of lifting 
them up.

 When asked what provoked the anti-meditation suspects, the elder meditator 
 stated: Being losers, hatred to those who were able to settle themselves -- 
 these are the only reasons I can imagine. 

Weak imagination too. Whoever this elder is, the elder should be sacked.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's a conspiracy!

2013-04-23 Thread Bhairitu
In the meantime the powers at be will convince the sheeple that they 
must pay more in taxes so that rich old white men can make billions 
selling gear to your local police departments and to the military 
industrial complex all to make you safe.  Can we say scam?

We need a telethon to cure billionairism.

On 04/23/2013 04:04 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:
 Oh, you poor poor deluded little sheople, believing everything the lamestream 
 media programs into your mushy little head. It's really quite obvious what 
 happened: the government used HAARP, chemtrails, and suppressed Tesla 
 technology like a giant 3D printer to photoshop reality into what only 
 looks like the Tsarnaev brothers are guilty.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 If they were innocent, why were they shooting it out with the police?  They 
 also had bombs and ammunition with them.  At this time and from what we know 
 from the media, there are lots of evidence against the suspected bombers.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
 Proof - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Back-Pack was photo-shopped out


[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ann, I am in awe! How do you find these gems?! Anyway, about
  the other cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse? I
  think it's kind of a sweet blessing, may he laugh with
  lizards. I mean, if a person could laugh with lizards, they
  could pretty much laugh about all of it. IMHO.
 I don't think anything that has been posted in Yiddish in
 the past day or so has been as serious as a curse.

Judaism forbids cursing, as it happens. Yiddish *insults*,
however, are a high art. They're typically witty and
creative, but they can get pretty nasty. The ones I used
(none was a blessing) are among the very mildest. I mean,
if one feels one has been cursed by Thank you very much
in your bellybutton, one is in a bad way.

Here's a little essay on the Yiddish curse:


[FairfieldLife] Re: It's a conspiracy!

2013-04-23 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 Oh, you poor poor deluded little sheople, believing everything the lamestream 
 media programs into your mushy little head. It's really quite obvious what 
 happened: the government used HAARP, chemtrails, and suppressed Tesla 
 technology like a giant 3D printer to photoshop reality into what only 
 looks like the Tsarnaev brothers are guilty.


You can make unsupported allegations as long as you want.  But the fact remains 
that the FBI has filed a criminal complaint against the suspected bomber as 
shown below:


Based on this complaint, it would hard to maintain a presumption of innocence 
in this particular case.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  If they were innocent, why were they shooting it out with the police?  They 
  also had bombs and ammunition with them.  At this time and from what we 
  know from the media, there are lots of evidence against the suspected 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   Proof - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Back-Pack was photo-shopped out 

[FairfieldLife] Rich old white guy doesn't like the Constitution

2013-04-23 Thread Bhairitu
Michael Bloomberg wants to change the Constitution probably so he can 
make even more billions selling stuff to police and military to keep the 
sheeple safe.

Rich people are crazy.  They think they rule the world. Billionairism is 
a mental disorder and Bloomberg needs immediate care along with the Koch 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's a conspiracy!

2013-04-23 Thread Alex Stanley
Truly, a Law of Nature:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  Oh, you poor poor deluded little sheople, believing everything the 
  lamestream media programs into your mushy little head. It's really quite 
  obvious what happened: the government used HAARP, chemtrails, and 
  suppressed Tesla technology like a giant 3D printer to photoshop reality 
  into what only looks like the Tsarnaev brothers are guilty.
 You can make unsupported allegations as long as you want.  But the fact 
 remains that the FBI has filed a criminal complaint against the suspected 
 bomber as shown below:
 Based on this complaint, it would hard to maintain a presumption of innocence 
 in this particular case.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   If they were innocent, why were they shooting it out with the police?  
   They also had bombs and ammunition with them.  At this time and from what 
   we know from the media, there are lots of evidence against the suspected 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
Proof - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Back-Pack was photo-shopped out 


[FairfieldLife] Tony Nader's talk on Ramayana and Human Physiology

2013-04-23 Thread sparaig
Very kool, IMHO:



[FairfieldLife] Re: It's a conspiracy!

2013-04-23 Thread sparaig
A presumption of innocence concerns how the accused is treated and how the 
details of the trial are handled. It doesn't matter if the entire world except 
the jury saw them do it on TV.

It would be rather difficult to conduct a fair trial if all prospective jury 
members were also material witnesses, I'll admit...


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  Oh, you poor poor deluded little sheople, believing everything the 
  lamestream media programs into your mushy little head. It's really quite 
  obvious what happened: the government used HAARP, chemtrails, and 
  suppressed Tesla technology like a giant 3D printer to photoshop reality 
  into what only looks like the Tsarnaev brothers are guilty.
 You can make unsupported allegations as long as you want.  But the fact 
 remains that the FBI has filed a criminal complaint against the suspected 
 bomber as shown below:
 Based on this complaint, it would hard to maintain a presumption of innocence 
 in this particular case.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   If they were innocent, why were they shooting it out with the police?  
   They also had bombs and ammunition with them.  At this time and from what 
   we know from the media, there are lots of evidence against the suspected 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
Proof - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Back-Pack was photo-shopped out 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Share Long
Ok, Judy I'm busted!  That's what I get for being such a scaredy cat and not 
translating the Yiddish bellybutton sutra til just now.  Anyway, I was 
scratching my head, wondering why you mentioned bellybutton in a later post.  
Mystery solved!  

OTOH I think it was all part of life's mischievous way of plotting to get me to 
write that little ditty about lawns and lady parts which was fun for me to 
compose and hopefully for others to read.  And
 I've expanded it!  Stay tuned Funny Farm Lounge lizards ha ha! 

May you marry a doctor.  Which is the only other Yiddish saying I know.  I hope 
it's not an insult?  Jeez, how can a half Irish shiksha like me keep up?!  

 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:29 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ann, I am in awe! How do you find these gems?! Anyway, about
  the other cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse? I
  think it's kind of a sweet blessing, may he laugh with
  lizards. I mean, if a person could laugh with lizards, they
  could pretty much laugh about all of it. IMHO.
 I don't think anything that has been posted in Yiddish in
 the past day or so has been as serious as a curse.

Judaism forbids cursing, as it happens. Yiddish *insults*,
however, are a high art. They're typically witty and
creative, but they can get pretty nasty. The ones I used
(none was a blessing) are among the very mildest. I mean,
if one feels one has been cursed by Thank you very much
in your bellybutton, one is in a bad way.

Here's a little essay on the Yiddish curse:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Share Long
Ann, thank you for kind words but but but...I'm chuckling here because for me 
there was NO temptation to support further negativity when I read turq's post.  
Ergo no, as you say, holding myself to myself or taking a stand or avoiding 
getting angrier or resisting temptation, etc.  Anyway, I read recently that 
most men don't like a Brazilian netherly situation.  As far as I'm concerned 
that right there is reason enough to hug a man whether he's laughing with 
lizards or not  (-:   

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:49 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, I am in awe!  How do you find these gems?!  Anyway, about the other 
 cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse?  I think it's kind of a sweet 
 blessing, may he laugh with lizards.  I mean, if a person could laugh with 
 lizards, they could pretty much laugh about all of it.  IMHO.  

I don't think anything that has been posted in Yiddish in the past day or so 
has been as serious as a curse. The laughing with lizards one I read on one 
site to mean laughing on the outside, crying on the inside but I am sure 
there are other meanings as well. I loved the graphic of all those lizards 
though. I would like to think lizards are not as evil as they appear in that 
drawing but if they are then you are correct in your last sentence above.
 BTW, my little poem did not follow from Judy's behavioral modification 
 suggestion to me.  Nor even from carde's private perspiration situation.  
 It followed from azgrey's funny musings on what Judy's Yiddish curse might 
 mean and from the fact that it was Earth Day.

Oh, I got lost there. But I like the idea of using Earth Day to get into the 
subject of woman, and fertility and grass-covered 'nether regions' as you say. 
Personally, I believe the Brazilian to be over-rated.

  But yes, it can get confusing when there is so much er material floating 
around.  And I agree, poor Buck.  I'm sure he no longer waves at me from 
 All in all I think FFL had a very and appropriately earthy Earth Day!
 PS  I'm still working on a reply to your post from yesterday.  I know we're 
 all agog for that to appear (-:

Well, I want to say that I thought your response to Barry, in its core message, 
was right on. You appeared to be holding yourself to yourself in your 
unwillingness to be drawn into his attempt to make your angrier or to get 
'behind' his push for negative feelings between posters. And I believe your 
outlook with regard to FFL as a learning/teaching environment is a healthy way 
to look at it. So, thanks for your 'stand' on that in the face of a temptation 
to support further negativity.
  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 10:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  Earth Day is ending, the lawn
  of my lady-parts is still not green.
  Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
 What am I missing here? First we have Carde's sweaty ball syndrome. Now, 
 somehow, we are talking about Share's pubic hair turning green or not turning 
 green. Just how does that follow from blowing something out your ass? (Dear 
 God, Buck will be have apoplexy by now.) Someone, please help me. The best I 
 can come up with is the little anecdotal something I found on the internet:
   From: azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
  Dear Share, 
  Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
  the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
  I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
  on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
  operation of your lady-parts. 
  Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
  He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   Share, are you familiar with the expression Blow it
   out your ass?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
 from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
 to dishonesty.
 *hypochondria n. The persistent conviction 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 dear my turqish delight and Ann who was looking forward 
 to this reply. BTW Ann, I have another in the queue 4 u. 
 Anyway, turq, thank you because my feelings were hurt 
 when you gave all those kudos to Curtis and Steve yesterday. 

That's called 'ego,' otherwise known as 'self-importance.' 
You'll get over it. Either that, or you won't. :-)

 But I think I've learned a thing or two here at the Funny 
 Farm Lounge so I simply enjoyed myself, hopefully not being 
 mean spirited in the process and Bob's your uncle! Here we are!
 If you're saying that I shouldn't let them matter to me in 
 an unhealthy way, then I totally agree with you. But turq, 
 I gotta let them matter to me, you know, in a healthy way, 
 even if I don't like how they're acting. 

If you feel that you have so much time remaining in your
life that you feel OK spending it interacting with people
who are only trying to set you up for the next time they
can vent their own unhappiness on you and yell at you, so
be it. You *know* in advance that this is what is going to
happen. So if you continue to interact with them, some part
of you *enjoys* being yelled at. Cool, I guess. Some people
enjoy being tied up and whipped, or engaging in orgies with
dwarves and small rodents. It's an odd planet, and there
is room for pretty much any kind of kinkiness. :-)

 I think it might be my biggest life lesson, whatever the 
 heck that is! In this project, FFL is a great classroom, 
 wicked grin. 

As I said, whatever floats yer boat. Better you wasting
your time with these people than me.

 Hope your project is on schedule, going well, being fun, etc.

All of the above. Paris has been an utter delight, both at
work and away from it. The contrast it provides to FFL and
the normal conversations here makes me feel less and less 
like being here. To be perfectly honest, the grittiest 
banlieus (urban slums) of Paris are often more high-vibe. 

I'm not knocking your decision to keep interacting with 
people who you *know* intend you ill, and are only feign-
ing civility in between yelling at you, hoping that *either*
of these tactics will tempt you into continuing to interact 
with them. From my point of view, you're fortunate that one 
of them isn't (at the current time) Robin, because then -- 
like Curtis -- you'd have them writing serial short-story 
length diatribes at you and actually expecting you to read
them. The current crop of pissants don't have the attention 
span to do that, so you get off relatively easy. :-)

Whatever floats yer boat...

  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:37 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Earth Day is ending, the lawn
  of my lady-parts is still not green.
  Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
 Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
 you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
 soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
 green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
 ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)
 What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
 her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
 bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
 that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
 so much SMARTER than you are. 
 ALL of her fantasies (as expressed on this forum, anyway...
 who knows what she fantasizes about privately) revolve 
 around *ruining someone's day*, and making them feel bad 
 because she's proved them wrong or made them appear to
 look stupid or devastated them with her oh-so-barbed 
 tongue. And NONE Of that has been working on you. 
 You've been doing to her what Curtis did to Robin and what
 I've done to Judy for some time -- LAUGHING AT HER. And 
 this drives her stark raving bonkers. She really can't 
 COMPREHEND how anyone can sit back and *not* react to her 
 ongoing taunts and insults, so you've essentially confounded 
 her and rendered her powerless and sputtering in a language
 she (clearly) doesn't even know. 
 Read my lips...if this keeps up, and you continue to just
 laugh at her taunts and those of her groupies trying to
 get you to react, they'll eventually move on to some other
 victim. Possibly (and more entertainingly) they'll start
 to turn on each other. The important thing from their 
 point of view is that they HAVE a victim, and that they 
 are AFFECTING that victim, making them feel bad, being the 
 chronic abusers they are against co-dependent victims who 
 play along by agreeing to feel abused.
 If we just LAUGH at them (while pitying them a little for
 the emptiness of a life that renders this their only form
 of entertainment or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass
Thanks Ann, yeah, it just sort of dribbles out, somehow, and I enjoy the 

As far as Barry, I don't really see the shit he does, for much more than his 
burrowing deeper under the covers. He has put himself under a tremendous 
stress, now that his story is no longer working for him, in general.

Our body, all that goop, knows the truth about us. After all, it has lived 
through it, heard every thought, and felt every feeling. So, when we try to 
bullshit ourselves, which may involve flinging same on others, its gonna 
eventually cause problems. 

We have an expectation as we grow older, things get better, easier, more in 
tune with what makes us happy. But if life goes the other way, and we find 
ourselves more frustrated with age, and basically with everyone, and 
everything, time for some retrospection, challenging of basic assumptions, and 
basically getting out of the way as much as possible. 

Unfortunately for some, the conflict between the once nourishing story of 
themselves, and its current parched reality, cannot be faced, so they continue 
to double down on emptiness, and continue to end up with nothing.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  I think Judy and Ann drive you nuts, because they are women. 
  Remember what I posted about your mom never finding fault with you, and 
  your dad always doing so? It seems pretty clear that when a woman exposes 
  your lameness, you then feel as if both sexes have given up on you, and you 
  write compensatory garbage, designed to *kill* the messages of inadequacy 
  that you just can't get out of your mind, after all these years.
  Sick puppy.
 Jim, I think you are one of the more sophisticated posters here and not 
 because I agree with much of what you say or because you apparently 'like' 
 me. Although your observations  and viewpoints can be hard hitting at times 
 you don't appear to ever come from a place of malice or with the intent to 
 stir up shit between anyone. You just say it like you see it, and unlike the 
 post of Barry's below, your posts stand on their own as having no real agenda 
 to incite dissension between different people. You are smart and I believe 
 you to be brave on this forum.
 Barry accuses others of piling on in an attempt to 'get' people. He accuses 
 them of all sorts of malevolent intentions below. We also all know that in 
 'real life' Barry wouldn't give Share the time of day (sorry Share, but you 
 know it's true also). Barry has an agenda to 'use' Share for his own ends as 
 evidenced by the post below. He is much worse than the people he berates. He 
 is worse because he doesn't actually care about Share or how many people 
 'gang' up on her, not really. He is using her to promote his own agenda of 
 hate. Barry is never interested in arresting the progress of hurt or 
 misunderstanding in his posts. At best he points out how terrible or wrong 
 someone is for 'going after' another person at worst that impulse is always 
 motivated by a kind of blood lust. Barry thrives on discord and he does a lot 
 here to see that things are not resolved but negativity perpetuated. His 
 'solutions' for those he pretends he cares about, because they are being 
 persecuted by another, are never 'solutions' that involve feeling or 
 understanding or empathy or compromise or willingness to grow or learn from a 
 I know you see this very clearly, Jim but some others do not or will not 
 admit that they do. I think really exposing these tactics to the light of day 
 is necessary to illustrate how ugly they are. Those who are unhappy rarely 
 seem to want to encourage happiness in others. For Barry it seems to be all 
 about encouraging others to do the exact opposite of what could result in 
 peaceful resolution. Luckily, Share appeared to respond to Barry very well. I 
 want to write a post to her about that and will.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Earth Day is ending, the lawn
of my lady-parts is still not green.
Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
   Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
   you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
   soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
   green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
   ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)
   What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
   her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
   bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
   that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
   so much SMARTER than you are. 
   ALL of her fantasies (as expressed on this forum, anyway...
   who knows what she fantasizes about privately) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread feste37
Don't believe everything you read, Share. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, thank you for kind words but but but...I'm chuckling here because for me 
 there was NO temptation to support further negativity when I read turq's 
 post.  Ergo no, as you say, holding myself to myself or taking a stand or 
 avoiding getting angrier or resisting temptation, etc.  Anyway, I read 
 recently that most men don't like a Brazilian netherly situation.  As far as 
 I'm concerned that right there is reason enough to hug a man whether he's 
 laughing with lizards or not  (-:   
  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:49 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ann, I am in awe!  How do you find these gems?!  Anyway, about the 
  other cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse?  I think it's kind 
  of a sweet blessing, may he laugh with lizards.  I mean, if a person 
  could laugh with lizards, they could pretty much laugh about all of it.  
 I don't think anything that has been posted in Yiddish in the past day or so 
 has been as serious as a curse. The laughing with lizards one I read on one 
 site to mean laughing on the outside, crying on the inside but I am sure 
 there are other meanings as well. I loved the graphic of all those lizards 
 though. I would like to think lizards are not as evil as they appear in that 
 drawing but if they are then you are correct in your last sentence above.
  BTW, my little poem did not follow from Judy's behavioral modification 
  suggestion to me.  Nor even from carde's private perspiration 
  situation.  It followed from azgrey's funny musings on what Judy's 
  Yiddish curse might mean and from the fact that it was Earth Day.
 Oh, I got lost there. But I like the idea of using Earth Day to get into the 
 subject of woman, and fertility and grass-covered 'nether regions' as you 
 say. Personally, I believe the Brazilian to be over-rated.
   But yes, it can get confusing when there is so much er material floating 
 around.  And I agree, poor Buck.  I'm sure he no longer waves at me 
 from Patanjali.   
  All in all I think FFL had a very and appropriately earthy Earth Day!
  PS  I'm still working on a reply to your post from yesterday.  I know 
  we're all agog for that to appear (-:
 Well, I want to say that I thought your response to Barry, in its core 
 message, was right on. You appeared to be holding yourself to yourself in 
 your unwillingness to be drawn into his attempt to make your angrier or to 
 get 'behind' his push for negative feelings between posters. And I believe 
 your outlook with regard to FFL as a learning/teaching environment is a 
 healthy way to look at it. So, thanks for your 'stand' on that in the face of 
 a temptation to support further negativity.
   From: Ann awoelflebater@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 10:27 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
   Earth Day is ending, the lawn
   of my lady-parts is still not green.
   Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
  What am I missing here? First we have Carde's sweaty ball syndrome. Now, 
  somehow, we are talking about Share's pubic hair turning green or not 
  turning green. Just how does that follow from blowing something out your 
  ass? (Dear God, Buck will be have apoplexy by now.) Someone, please help 
  me. The best I can come up with is the little anecdotal something I found 
  on the internet:
From: azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
   Dear Share, 
   Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
   the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
   I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
   on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
   operation of your lady-parts. 
   Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
   He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
Share, are you familiar with the expression Blow it
out your ass?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
 delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
 inability to see 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's a conspiracy!

2013-04-23 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 Truly, a Law of Nature:

I was going to suggest that he remove the stick from 
his butt to improve his reading abilities, but your
response is subtler. He won't get *it*, either. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   Oh, you poor poor deluded little sheople, believing everything the 
   lamestream media programs into your mushy little head. It's really quite 
   obvious what happened: the government used HAARP, chemtrails, and 
   suppressed Tesla technology like a giant 3D printer to photoshop 
   reality into what only looks like the Tsarnaev brothers are guilty.
  You can make unsupported allegations as long as you want.  But the fact 
  remains that the FBI has filed a criminal complaint against the suspected 
  bomber as shown below:
  Based on this complaint, it would hard to maintain a presumption of 
  innocence in this particular case.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:

If they were innocent, why were they shooting it out with the police?  
They also had bombs and ammunition with them.  At this time and from 
what we know from the media, there are lots of evidence against the 
suspected bombers.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:

 Proof - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Back-Pack was photo-shopped out 


[FairfieldLife] A new TV show for those who believe they see reality

2013-04-23 Thread turquoiseb


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Share Long
FESTE!  Oy vey, which everything I read shouldn't I believe?!  Anyway, I also 
wanted to tell you that my Chiron return wonderful as was yours.  But now it 
seems like a really long time ago (-:
And I wanted to thank you for being so supportive yesterday, and concise and 
clear and funny too.  

 From: feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

Don't believe everything you read, Share. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, thank you for kind words but but but...I'm chuckling here because for me 
 there was NO temptation to support further negativity when I read turq's 
 post.  Ergo no, as you say, holding myself to myself or taking a stand or 
 avoiding getting angrier or resisting temptation, etc.  Anyway, I read 
 recently that most men don't like a Brazilian netherly situation.  As far as 
 I'm concerned that right there is reason enough to hug a man whether he's 
 laughing with lizards or not  (-:   
  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:49 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ann, I am in awe!  How do you find these gems?!  Anyway, about the 
  other cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse?  I think it's kind 
  of a sweet blessing, may he laugh with lizards.  I mean, if a person 
  could laugh with lizards, they could pretty much laugh about all of it.  
 I don't think anything that has been posted in Yiddish in the past day or so 
 has been as serious as a curse. The laughing with lizards one I read on one 
 site to mean laughing on the outside, crying on the inside but I am sure 
 there are other meanings as well. I loved the graphic of all those lizards 
 though. I would like to think lizards are not as evil as they appear in that 
 drawing but if they are then you are correct in your last sentence above.
  BTW, my little poem did not follow from Judy's behavioral modification 
  suggestion to me.  Nor even from carde's private perspiration 
  situation.  It followed from azgrey's funny musings on what Judy's 
  Yiddish curse might mean and from the fact that it was Earth Day.
 Oh, I got lost there. But I like the idea of using Earth Day to get into the 
 subject of woman, and fertility and grass-covered 'nether regions' as you 
 say. Personally, I believe the Brazilian to be over-rated.
   But yes, it can get confusing when there is so much er material floating 
 around.  And I agree, poor Buck.  I'm sure he no longer waves at me 
 from Patanjali.   
  All in all I think FFL had a very and appropriately earthy Earth Day!
  PS  I'm still working on a reply to your post from yesterday.  I know 
  we're all agog for that to appear (-:
 Well, I want to say that I thought your response to Barry, in its core 
 message, was right on. You appeared to be holding yourself to yourself in 
 your unwillingness to be drawn into his attempt to make your angrier or to 
 get 'behind' his push for negative feelings between posters. And I believe 
 your outlook with regard to FFL as a learning/teaching environment is a 
 healthy way to look at it. So, thanks for your 'stand' on that in the face of 
 a temptation to support further negativity.
   From: Ann awoelflebater@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 10:27 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
   Earth Day is ending, the lawn
   of my lady-parts is still not green.
   Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
  What am I missing here? First we have Carde's sweaty ball syndrome. Now, 
  somehow, we are talking about Share's pubic hair turning green or not 
  turning green. Just how does that follow from blowing something out your 
  ass? (Dear God, Buck will be have apoplexy by now.) Someone, please help 
  me. The best I can come up with is the little anecdotal something I found 
  on the internet:
From: azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
   Dear Share, 
   Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
   the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
   I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
   on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
   operation of your lady-parts. 
   Alex might be able to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass
If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right now, you're 
not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to say 
 Don't waste you time on TM.
  From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
 Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light of 
 God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste your 
 life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope for 
 yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope for 
 your nation and for your worldâ€because inside you are lively in that which 
 is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What more you 
 want? What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever expect, all 
 that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] field of all 
 possibilities lively within yourself. 
 ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread Share Long
well turq I would miss you if you stopped posting here but OMMV and obviously 
you must do whatever floats yer boat (-:

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:40 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 dear my turqish delight and Ann who was looking forward 
 to this reply. BTW Ann, I have another in the queue 4 u. 
 Anyway, turq, thank you because my feelings were hurt 
 when you gave all those kudos to Curtis and Steve yesterday. 

That's called 'ego,' otherwise known as 'self-importance.' 
You'll get over it. Either that, or you won't. :-)

 But I think I've learned a thing or two here at the Funny 
 Farm Lounge so I simply enjoyed myself, hopefully not being 
 mean spirited in the process and Bob's your uncle! Here we are!
 If you're saying that I shouldn't let them matter to me in 
 an unhealthy way, then I totally agree with you. But turq, 
 I gotta let them matter to me, you know, in a healthy way, 
 even if I don't like how they're acting. 

If you feel that you have so much time remaining in your
life that you feel OK spending it interacting with people
who are only trying to set you up for the next time they
can vent their own unhappiness on you and yell at you, so
be it. You *know* in advance that this is what is going to
happen. So if you continue to interact with them, some part
of you *enjoys* being yelled at. Cool, I guess. Some people
enjoy being tied up and whipped, or engaging in orgies with
dwarves and small rodents. It's an odd planet, and there
is room for pretty much any kind of kinkiness. :-)

 I think it might be my biggest life lesson, whatever the 
 heck that is! In this project, FFL is a great classroom, 
 wicked grin. 

As I said, whatever floats yer boat. Better you wasting
your time with these people than me.

 Hope your project is on schedule, going well, being fun, etc.

All of the above. Paris has been an utter delight, both at
work and away from it. The contrast it provides to FFL and
the normal conversations here makes me feel less and less 
like being here. To be perfectly honest, the grittiest 
banlieus (urban slums) of Paris are often more high-vibe. 

I'm not knocking your decision to keep interacting with 
people who you *know* intend you ill, and are only feign-
ing civility in between yelling at you, hoping that *either*
of these tactics will tempt you into continuing to interact 
with them. From my point of view, you're fortunate that one 
of them isn't (at the current time) Robin, because then -- 
like Curtis -- you'd have them writing serial short-story 
length diatribes at you and actually expecting you to read
them. The current crop of pissants don't have the attention 
span to do that, so you get off relatively easy. :-)

Whatever floats yer boat...

  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:37 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Earth Day is ending, the lawn
  of my lady-parts is still not green.
  Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
 Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
 you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
 soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
 green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
 ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)
 What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
 her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
 bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
 that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
 so much SMARTER than you are. 
 ALL of her fantasies (as expressed on this forum, anyway...
 who knows what she fantasizes about privately) revolve 
 around *ruining someone's day*, and making them feel bad 
 because she's proved them wrong or made them appear to
 look stupid or devastated them with her oh-so-barbed 
 tongue. And NONE Of that has been working on you. 
 You've been doing to her what Curtis did to Robin and what
 I've done to Judy for some time -- LAUGHING AT HER. And 
 this drives her stark raving bonkers. She really can't 
 COMPREHEND how anyone can sit back and *not* react to her 
 ongoing taunts and insults, so you've essentially confounded 
 her and rendered her powerless and sputtering in a language
 she (clearly) doesn't even know. 
 Read my lips...if this keeps up, and you continue to just
 laugh at her taunts and those of her groupies trying to
 get you to react, they'll eventually move on to some other
 victim. Possibly (and more entertainingly) they'll start
 to turn on each other. The important thing from their 
 point of view is that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread Michael Jackson
Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more ignorant nature than 
those you have put forth in the past, you go and surprise me. 

Since we are all part of the Light of God, your assertion that I am not shows 
your ignorance, but don't worry, keep doing TM and one day you too will be 
enlightened and know what Xeno already knows about reality.

 From: doctordumb...@rocketmail.com doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:01 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right now, you're 
not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to say 
 Don't waste you time on TM.
  From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
 Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light of 
 God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste your 
 life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope for 
 yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope for 
 your nation and for your worldâ€because inside you are lively in that which 
 is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What more you 
 want? What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever expect, all 
 that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] field of all 
 possibilities lively within yourself. 
 ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003


[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ann, thank you for kind words but but but...I'm chuckling here because for me 
 there was NO temptation to support further negativity when I read turq's 
 post.  Ergo no, as you say, holding myself to myself or taking a stand or 
 avoiding getting angrier or resisting temptation, etc.  Anyway, I read 
 recently that most men don't like a Brazilian netherly situation.''

Hmmm men who do (like the full version), *might* well be closet 
pedophiles?? :o

[FairfieldLife] Free Man In Paris, v2.13

2013-04-23 Thread turquoiseb
Tonight I'm going to rap about Yet Another Trivial Uncle Tantra Day in
Paris. Be warned. This one even has a soundtrack, Bruce Cockburn's My
Beat. Listen along if you want to:


You see, even though I love being in Paris, I've been experiencing a bit
of a Jones for something I had grown used to in Leiden. Riding my bike.

So today there was a big Employees Only meeting at my place of work, so
since they neither invited me nor needed me around (because all of my
subject matter experts would be in the meeting), I decided to go out and
take advantage of one of the things that's new in Paris since I last
lived here -- the Velib system.

Velib was one of the initiatives strongly supported by Paris' very gay,
very Green mayor back when I lived here, and it's wonderful to see it
come to fruition. There are racks of bicycles all over Paris, every few
blocks in many areas, that are essentially Free For The Riding.

You pay a paltry 19 Euros per year for a pass. Then you walk up to a
Velib bike rack, swipe your card, take the bike, and ride it. If you
ride for less than half an hour, when you check it in at the next Velib
site there is no charge. If you ride that particular bike for longer,
there is a very reasonable charge.

So I went out bike riding in Paris. I got to ride through the incredibly
picturesque village-within-a-large-city of Butte aux Cailles, and then
up a little to rue Mouffetard, and then back to work again. Such a deal.
Don't feel that I stiffed the company I work for in any way; I am
scrupulously honest with my billing, and worked an hour later than usual
this evening to make up for my hour on the bike.

But man! was it worth it. I'd forgotten how wonderful it feels to have
the wind in your face as you zoom along city streets. I may rent another
one tomorrow morning and ride to work on it rather than take the Metro
or a bus.

 Ancient and always
 The wheel's ever whirling
 Today I'm riding
 Tomorrow I walk
 Step through forever
 into this very moment
 The heart is pumping
 and the heart rocks

 It's my beat
 In my new town

Re: [FairfieldLife] Free Man In Paris, v2.13

2013-04-23 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/23/2013 01:18 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 Tonight I'm going to rap about Yet Another Trivial Uncle Tantra Day in
 Paris. Be warned. This one even has a soundtrack, Bruce Cockburn's My
 Beat. Listen along if you want to:


 You see, even though I love being in Paris, I've been experiencing a bit
 of a Jones for something I had grown used to in Leiden. Riding my bike.

 So today there was a big Employees Only meeting at my place of work, so
 since they neither invited me nor needed me around (because all of my
 subject matter experts would be in the meeting), I decided to go out and
 take advantage of one of the things that's new in Paris since I last
 lived here -- the Velib system.

 Velib was one of the initiatives strongly supported by Paris' very gay,
 very Green mayor back when I lived here, and it's wonderful to see it
 come to fruition. There are racks of bicycles all over Paris, every few
 blocks in many areas, that are essentially Free For The Riding.

 You pay a paltry 19 Euros per year for a pass. Then you walk up to a
 Velib bike rack, swipe your card, take the bike, and ride it. If you
 ride for less than half an hour, when you check it in at the next Velib
 site there is no charge. If you ride that particular bike for longer,
 there is a very reasonable charge.

 So I went out bike riding in Paris. I got to ride through the incredibly
 picturesque village-within-a-large-city of Butte aux Cailles, and then
 up a little to rue Mouffetard, and then back to work again. Such a deal.
 Don't feel that I stiffed the company I work for in any way; I am
 scrupulously honest with my billing, and worked an hour later than usual
 this evening to make up for my hour on the bike.

 But man! was it worth it. I'd forgotten how wonderful it feels to have
 the wind in your face as you zoom along city streets. I may rent another
 one tomorrow morning and ride to work on it rather than take the Metro
 or a bus.

   Ancient and always
   The wheel's ever whirling
   Today I'm riding
   Tomorrow I walk
   Step through forever
   into this very moment
   The heart is pumping
   and the heart rocks

   It's my beat
   In my new town

Sounds like a great idea but never work in the hilly Bay Area though I 
think San Francisco has or had a similar program.  The dorks around here 
would think it too socialist (ya gotta buy a car!)  Also probably need 
bikeways but they never figured out how to fund those so there are just 
bike lanes instead.  In fact we probably need truckways too (remember 
truck routes).   Of course the US probably needs to build  high rise 
apartments on transit lines but that's way too socialist or downright 
communist!  The former USSR was able to survive an economic collapse 
because it was set up that whereas the US wouldn't survive so well.

Heard some interesting things about Oblivion so am planning to head 
off to see it in an hour.  Wouldn't be a bad walk if it weren't mostly 

[FairfieldLife] Request Your Wallet Sized Boycott Guide!

2013-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008

Fill out this form to receive 5 boycott guides in the mail. That's 1
guide for you, and 4 to share with your friends and family!
Help us continue to distribute these guides, please make your
tax-deductible contribution here.

For 8.5 x 11 boycott posters or if you'd like more than 5 boycott
guides, please send an email to campai...@organicconsumers.org

The OCA is calling on all consumers to boycott these 5 organic and
natural traitor brands:

• PepsiCo (Donated $2.5M): Naked Juice, Tostito's Organic, Tropicana
• Kraft (Donated $2M): Boca Burgers and Back to Nature
• Safeway (Member of Grocery Manufacturers Association, which
donated $2M):O Organics
• Coca-Cola (Donated $1.7M): Honest Tea, Odwalla
• General Mills (Donated $1.2M): Muir Glen, Cascadian Farm, Larabar
• Con-Agra (Donated $1.2M): Orville Redenbacher's Organic, Hunt's
Organic, Lightlife, Alexia
• Kellogg's (Donated $791k): Kashi, Bear Naked, Morningstar Farms,
• Smuckers (Donated $555k): R.W. Knudsen, Santa Cruz Organic
• Unilever (Donated $467k): Ben  Jerry's
• Dean Foods (Donated $254k): Horizon, Silk, White Wave Tell these
companies that if they want your loyalty - and your grocery dollars -
they must do two things:

1. Speak out publicly in favor of the pending GMO Labeling Ballot
Initiative (I-522) in Washington State in 2013, as well as the pending
GMO labeling bills coming up in Vermont and other states.

2. Contribute as much or more money to the Yes on I-522 Campaign in
Washington than their parent corporations spent to defeat Prop 37.

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full address, and do not abbreviate (for example, spell out SAINT PAUL
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[FairfieldLife] Free Man In Paris, v2.14

2013-04-23 Thread turquoiseb
This rap is more of a rant. Be warned.

It really doesn't have to do with Paris per se, except that on Facebook
today, as I sat reading it in a Paris cafe, a gay friend of mine from
the Netherlands wrote about how it uplifted his heart to see that France
transcended the petty demonstrations of homophobes and that its
parliament sanctioned gay marriage in France. It lifts my heart, too.

After all, although being boringly straight, I have lived in 40% gay
Sitges, Spain for a couple of years, and thus experienced what tolerance
can be. I have also lived in the Netherlands, and thus experienced what
one of the first (if not *the* first) country in the world to allow
same-sex marriage *feels* like.

So the question that puzzles me is: What Can These Protesters Have Been
Fuckin' Thinking About? What century do they live in?

As far as I can tell, many of the anti-same-sex-marriage protestors in
France were religion-droids, protesting because the Church or churches
they belonged to told them to. That's what triggered this particular
rant, and why it, too has a Bruce Cockburn soundtrack:


To understand this song fully, you have to understand that Bruce is a
Christian. But one of the Good Ones, the ones who actually walk the walk
of their talk. He is more offended than us non-Christians by the ways
that some people act in the name of Christ.

What gives these people the RIGHT to tell other people who they can love
-- and marry -- and who they cannot? Some moldy book that they believe
has magical Woo Woo powers because God wrote it? Give me a break.

It simply doesn't matter what homophobes call themselves, or the excuses
they present for why they are homophobes -- they're still homophobes.
May they rot in the Hell they believe in, but I do not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass
Share, He trots this little drama out from time to time, when he becomes 
overwrought by his inability to interact gracefully on FFL. No need to fret, I 
assure you. He needs this place like a Turquoise Bee needs honey.

However on second read, your reply does sound a bit like, sorry to see you go, 
but don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 well turq I would miss you if you stopped posting here but OMMV and obviously 
 you must do whatever floats yer boat (-:
  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:40 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  dear my turqish delight and Ann who was looking forward 
  to this reply. BTW Ann, I have another in the queue 4 u. 
  Anyway, turq, thank you because my feelings were hurt 
  when you gave all those kudos to Curtis and Steve yesterday. 
 That's called 'ego,' otherwise known as 'self-importance.' 
 You'll get over it. Either that, or you won't. :-)
  But I think I've learned a thing or two here at the Funny 
  Farm Lounge so I simply enjoyed myself, hopefully not being 
  mean spirited in the process and Bob's your uncle! Here we are!
  If you're saying that I shouldn't let them matter to me in 
  an unhealthy way, then I totally agree with you. But turq, 
  I gotta let them matter to me, you know, in a healthy way, 
  even if I don't like how they're acting. 
 If you feel that you have so much time remaining in your
 life that you feel OK spending it interacting with people
 who are only trying to set you up for the next time they
 can vent their own unhappiness on you and yell at you, so
 be it. You *know* in advance that this is what is going to
 happen. So if you continue to interact with them, some part
 of you *enjoys* being yelled at. Cool, I guess. Some people
 enjoy being tied up and whipped, or engaging in orgies with
 dwarves and small rodents. It's an odd planet, and there
 is room for pretty much any kind of kinkiness. :-)
  I think it might be my biggest life lesson, whatever the 
  heck that is! In this project, FFL is a great classroom, 
  wicked grin. 
 As I said, whatever floats yer boat. Better you wasting
 your time with these people than me.
  Hope your project is on schedule, going well, being fun, etc.
 All of the above. Paris has been an utter delight, both at
 work and away from it. The contrast it provides to FFL and
 the normal conversations here makes me feel less and less 
 like being here. To be perfectly honest, the grittiest 
 banlieus (urban slums) of Paris are often more high-vibe. 
 I'm not knocking your decision to keep interacting with 
 people who you *know* intend you ill, and are only feign-
 ing civility in between yelling at you, hoping that *either*
 of these tactics will tempt you into continuing to interact 
 with them. From my point of view, you're fortunate that one 
 of them isn't (at the current time) Robin, because then -- 
 like Curtis -- you'd have them writing serial short-story 
 length diatribes at you and actually expecting you to read
 them. The current crop of pissants don't have the attention 
 span to do that, so you get off relatively easy. :-)
 Whatever floats yer boat...
   From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:37 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Earth Day is ending, the lawn
   of my lady-parts is still not green.
   Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
  Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
  you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
  soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
  green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
  ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)
  What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
  her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
  bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
  that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
  so much SMARTER than you are. 
  ALL of her fantasies (as expressed on this forum, anyway...
  who knows what she fantasizes about privately) revolve 
  around *ruining someone's day*, and making them feel bad 
  because she's proved them wrong or made them appear to
  look stupid or devastated them with her oh-so-barbed 
  tongue. And NONE Of that has been working on you. 
  You've been doing to her what Curtis did to Robin and what
  I've done to Judy for some time -- LAUGHING AT HER. And 
  this drives her stark raving bonkers. She 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more ignorant nature 
 than those you have put forth in the past, you go and surprise me. 

Excellent! I wanted to get your attention.
 Since we are all part of the Light of God, your assertion that I am not shows 
 your ignorance, but don't worry, keep doing TM and one day you too will be 
 enlightened and know what Xeno already knows about reality.
Yeah...I know, just wanted to make the now not so subtle point that you aren't 
exactly showing us your 'Light of God' side, and may need some help, from 

Once you get the hang of it, you probably aren't going to be so worked up about 
all things TM, since the success, and goodness and happiness in your life, will 
make the distinctions you find so energizing now, trivial.

Or, put another way, perhaps all the revelations about all things TM stick 
around, for you. You don't have to deny them - Go make a life for yourself, and 
those values formed now, will become part of the fabric of your life, instead 
of a constant chafe; silk, instead of burlap.
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time
 If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right now, 
 you're not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to 
  say Don't waste you time on TM.
   From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
  Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light of 
  God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste your 
  life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope 
  for yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope 
  for your nation and for your worldâ€because inside you are lively in 
  that which is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What 
  more you want? What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever 
  expect, all that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] 
  field of all possibilities lively within yourself. 
  ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more 
  ignorant nature than those you have put forth in the past, 
  you go and surprise me. 
 Excellent! I wanted to get your attention.

Excellent. The entire sad story of modern-day Fairfield
Life in seven words. 

When are people going to stop falling for these attention
seekers and their sad attempts to gain on the Internet
what they cannot in real life?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass
And thank you for your attention as well. I assure you, I did not suck it out 
of you, or MJ, for that matter. It was freely given, by you, to me, and I 
accept it. What else ya got, toots?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more 
   ignorant nature than those you have put forth in the past, 
   you go and surprise me. 
  Excellent! I wanted to get your attention.
 Excellent. The entire sad story of modern-day Fairfield
 Life in seven words. 
 When are people going to stop falling for these attention
 seekers and their sad attempts to gain on the Internet
 what they cannot in real life?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:

 When are people going to stop falling for these attention
 seekers and their sad attempts to gain on the Internet
 what they cannot in real life?

Like most here I've more or less stopped responding to MJ. But thanks for the 
reminder :-)

[FairfieldLife] Another Bruce Cockburn-inspired rap

2013-04-23 Thread turquoiseb
This one Speechless, the title of the album on which it
appears. Live, solo, in performance. There are things 
that one cannot express in words:


Sorry for the interruption. Carry on with your petty

[FairfieldLife] Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among CEOs

2013-04-23 Thread merlin
Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among CEOs

Murdoch joins a long list of business leaders who have taken up transcendental 
meditation. Among them:
* Ray Dalio, CEO of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge 
fund, is a 
longtime practitioner and says, “TM is the single most important reason 
for whatever success I’ve had” (pdf). He offers Bridgewater employees free 
meditation training.
* Rick Goings, chairman and CEO of Tupperware, says he learned 
meditation directly from the Maharishi, who died in 2008. “It’s a 
practice that not only burns off stress but gives me fresh eyes to 
clarify what’s really going on and what really matters,” says Goings (paywall).
* Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam, the hip-hop record label, 
says transcendental mediation “has changed my experiences in meditation and 
therefore my experiences in life.”
* Vidal Sassoon, founder of Sassoon, who died last year, called 
transcendental meditation the “simple key” to self-awareness.




[FairfieldLife] American Heart Association report on meditation, blood pressure: TM winner-ish

2013-04-23 Thread sparaig

The writing group conferred to TM a Class IIB, Level of Evidence B 
recommendation in regard to BP-lowering efficacy. TM may be considered in 
clinical practice to lower BP. Because of many negative studies or mixed 
results and a paucity of available trials, all other meditation techniques 
(including MBSR) received a Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C 
recommendation Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in 
clinical practice to lower BP at this time.

As usual, more research needed, but it's a change from the no consistent 
effect found for any form of meditation that has been the result of the last 
few mainstream meta-analyses of the topic.

Once head-to-head studies between meditation techniques become more common, I'm 
sure another report will be forthcoming, and with this new report, every 
proponent-researcher of MBSR will be scrambling to include TM in future 
research just so they can prove that their form of meditation really is better.

Stay tuned.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among CEOs

2013-04-23 Thread sparaig
But is he really?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merlin vedamerlin@... wrote:

 Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among 
 Murdoch joins a long list of business leaders who have taken up 
 transcendental meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Heart Association report on meditation, blood pressure: TM winner-ish

2013-04-23 Thread sparaig
Original study that the quote is from:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 The writing group conferred to TM a Class IIB, Level of Evidence B 
 recommendation in regard to BP-lowering efficacy. TM may be considered in 
 clinical practice to lower BP. Because of many negative studies or mixed 
 results and a paucity of available trials, all other meditation techniques 
 (including MBSR) received a Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C 
 recommendation Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in 
 clinical practice to lower BP at this time.
 As usual, more research needed, but it's a change from the no consistent 
 effect found for any form of meditation that has been the result of the last 
 few mainstream meta-analyses of the topic.
 Once head-to-head studies between meditation techniques become more common, 
 I'm sure another report will be forthcoming, and with this new report, every 
 proponent-researcher of MBSR will be scrambling to include TM in future 
 research just so they can prove that their form of meditation really is 
 Stay tuned.

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Heart Association report on meditation, blood pressure: TM winner-ish

2013-04-23 Thread sparaig

While the study isn't about TM specifically, the fact that TM is given a seat 
at the table as a clinical treatment for high blood pressure in this journal 
is HUGE.

From the thomas-reuters journal ranking site:

Impact Factor/Ranking: The journal ranks #1 among all hypertension journals and 
#4 among 67 journals in the Peripheral Vascular Disease category (Journal 
Citation Reports® 2011, Thomson Reuters, 2012).


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 24-Apr-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-04-23 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/20/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/27/13 00:00:00
492 messages as of (UTC) 04/24/13 00:01:46

42 Richard J. Williams 
39 authfriend 
35 Michael Jackson 
32 doctordumbass
31 Ann 
28 card 
27 Share Long 
26 turquoiseb 
26 sparaig 
26 Bhairitu 
20 curtisdeltablues 
18 seventhray27 
18 nablusoss1008 
16 Buck 
12 feste37 
12 Ravi Chivukula 
12 Alex Stanley 
10 merudanda 
 9 John 
 7 salyavin808 
 7 Mike Dixon 
 6 laughinggull108 
 5 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 4 Yifu 
 3 wleed3 
 3 srijau
 3 raunchydog 
 3 merlin 
 2 martin.quickman 
 2 Goddess Ninmah 
 1 obbajeeba 
 1 martyboi 
 1 hermandan0 
 1 emptybill 
 1 david allen 
 1 azgrey 
 1 WLeed3
 1 Dick Mays 
Posters: 38
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread Alex Stanley
Wow, you're getting really worked up over this stuff. Sounds to me like you 
could use a little something soothing and relaxing:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more ignorant nature 
 than those you have put forth in the past, you go and surprise me. 
 Since we are all part of the Light of God, your assertion that I am not shows 
 your ignorance, but don't worry, keep doing TM and one day you too will be 
 enlightened and know what Xeno already knows about reality.
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time
 If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right now, 
 you're not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to 
  say Don't waste you time on TM.
   From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
  Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light of 
  God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste your 
  life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope 
  for yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope 
  for your nation and for your worldâ€because inside you are lively in 
  that which is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What 
  more you want? What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever 
  expect, all that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] 
  field of all possibilities lively within yourself. 
  ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread Michael Jackson
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! What an arrogant load of bull crap! In fact to call 
this diatribe bull crap dignifies it, since you can use bull manure to 
fertilize crops, and this crap is like using dog manure to fertilize your 

I am not showing my Light of God because I don't agree with your love for TM, 
yet its ok for you to lambast, revile and generally judge me an others for 
being so-called anti-TM. It is this kind of arrogant hypocrisy that is so 
typical of long term TM'ers (at least those who are uppers in the Movement) 
that made me quit in the first place.

And an extra bit of really ignorant arrogance to assume I have no life. Your 
email cognomen is truly apropos.

And for the record I am not anti-TM. I am anti hypocrisy, anti liar, anti 
huckster, anti arrogant asses, anti perpetrators of fraud, anti con artist and 
anti gimme money for bullshit that doesn't work like vastu veda a la Marshy.  

 From: doctordumb...@rocketmail.com doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more ignorant nature 
 than those you have put forth in the past, you go and surprise me. 

Excellent! I wanted to get your attention.
 Since we are all part of the Light of God, your assertion that I am not shows 
 your ignorance, but don't worry, keep doing TM and one day you too will be 
 enlightened and know what Xeno already knows about reality.
Yeah...I know, just wanted to make the now not so subtle point that you aren't 
exactly showing us your 'Light of God' side, and may need some help, from 

Once you get the hang of it, you probably aren't going to be so worked up about 
all things TM, since the success, and goodness and happiness in your life, will 
make the distinctions you find so energizing now, trivial.

Or, put another way, perhaps all the revelations about all things TM stick 
around, for you. You don't have to deny them - Go make a life for yourself, and 
those values formed now, will become part of the fabric of your life, instead 
of a constant chafe; silk, instead of burlap.
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time
 If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right now, 
 you're not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to 
  say Don't waste you time on TM.
   From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
  Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light of 
  God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste your 
  life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only hope 
  for yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the only hope 
  for your nation and for your worldâ€because inside you are lively in 
  that which is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more you want? What 
  more you want? What more you can expect of life? All that you can ever 
  expect, all that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] 
  field of all possibilities lively within yourself. 
  ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003


[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! What an arrogant load of bull crap! In fact to 
 call this diatribe bull crap dignifies it, since you can use bull manure to 
 fertilize crops, and this crap is like using dog manure to fertilize your 
 I am not showing my Light of God because I don't agree with your love for 
 TM, yet its ok for you to lambast, revile and generally judge me an others 
 for being so-called anti-TM. It is this kind of arrogant hypocrisy that is so 
 typical of long term TM'ers (at least those who are uppers in the Movement) 
 that made me quit in the first place.
 And an extra bit of really ignorant arrogance to assume I have no life. Your 
 email cognomen is truly apropos.
 And for the record I am not anti-TM. I am anti hypocrisy, anti liar, anti 
 huckster, anti arrogant asses, anti perpetrators of fraud, anti con artist 
 and anti gimme money for bullshit that doesn't work like vastu veda a la 
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more ignorant nature 
  than those you have put forth in the past, you go and surprise me. 
 Excellent! I wanted to get your attention.
  Since we are all part of the Light of God, your assertion that I am not 
  shows your ignorance, but don't worry, keep doing TM and one day you too 
  will be enlightened and know what Xeno already knows about reality.
 Yeah...I know, just wanted to make the now not so subtle point that you 
 aren't exactly showing us your 'Light of God' side, and may need some help, 
 from wherever. 
 Once you get the hang of it, you probably aren't going to be so worked up 
 about all things TM, since the success, and goodness and happiness in your 
 life, will make the distinctions you find so energizing now, trivial.
 Or, put another way, perhaps all the revelations about all things TM stick 
 around, for you. You don't have to deny them - Go make a life for yourself, 
 and those values formed now, will become part of the fabric of your life, 
 instead of a constant chafe; silk, instead of burlap.
   From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:01 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time
  If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right now, 
  you're not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to 
   say Don't waste you time on TM.
From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
   Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light 
   of God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste 
   your life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only 
   hope for yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the 
   only hope for your nation and for your worldâ€because inside 
   you are lively in that which is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What 
   more you want? What more you want? What more you can expect of life? All 
   that you can ever expect, all that you can ever demand, all you can ever 
   seek is [in the] field of all possibilities lively within yourself. 
   ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread doctordumbass
As a last resort, there's always this guy:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 Wow, you're getting really worked up over this stuff. Sounds to me like you 
 could use a little something soothing and relaxing:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more ignorant nature 
  than those you have put forth in the past, you go and surprise me. 
  Since we are all part of the Light of God, your assertion that I am not 
  shows your ignorance, but don't worry, keep doing TM and one day you too 
  will be enlightened and know what Xeno already knows about reality.
   From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:01 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time
  If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right now, 
  you're not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to 
   say Don't waste you time on TM.
From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
   Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light 
   of God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste 
   your life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only 
   hope for yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the 
   only hope for your nation and for your worldâ€because inside you are 
   lively in that which is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more 
   you want? What more you want? What more you can expect of life? All that 
   you can ever expect, all that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek 
   is [in the] field of all possibilities lively within yourself. 
   ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:

 Wow, you're getting really worked up over this stuff. Sounds to me
like you could use a little something soothing and relaxing:

Oh My God Alex!! That is the funniest thing I think I have ever seen.
I'm not sure about relaxing but the comic relief produced by
eunich/helium inhaled-like singing, cheesy graphics complete with
twinkly stars and over-saturated colour made it worth a second viewing -
almost. Are there any other commercials out there like this one? It was
worth twice the price of admission.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more ignorant
nature than those you have put forth in the past, you go and surprise
  Since we are all part of the Light of God, your assertion that I am
not shows your ignorance, but don't worry, keep doing TM and one day you
too will be enlightened and know what Xeno already knows about reality.
   From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:01 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time
  If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right
now, you're not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
   This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only
neglected to say Don't waste you time on TM.
From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Don’t waste your time
   Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the
Light of God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't
waste your life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You
are only hope for yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you
are the only hope for your nation and for your worldâ€because
inside you are lively in that which is omnipresent, omnipotent,
omniscient. What more you want? What more you want? What more you can
expect of life? All that you can ever expect, all that you can ever
demand, all you can ever seek is [in the] field of all possibilities
lively within yourself.
   ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003

[FairfieldLife] Here come the fascists

2013-04-23 Thread Bhairitu
Better hope these right wing whack jobs don't get any traction or you 
will indeed live under tyranny:

We DO NOT need to militarize the US.

BTW, Oblivion was much better than I expected.  The subtext was 
especially interesting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don’t waste your time

2013-04-23 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:
  Wow, you're getting really worked up over this stuff. Sounds to me
 like you could use a little something soothing and relaxing:
 Oh My God Alex!! That is the funniest thing I think I have ever seen.
 I'm not sure about relaxing but the comic relief produced by
 eunich/helium inhaled-like singing, cheesy graphics complete with
 twinkly stars and over-saturated colour made it worth a second viewing -
 almost. Are there any other commercials out there like this one? It was
 worth twice the price of admission.


[FairfieldLife] LB Shriver to Speak at Revelations Weds. 7:30pm

2013-04-23 Thread Buck
(The Fairfield Weekly Reader)
LB Shriver to Speak at Revelations :  Survival in Paradise -The Final Issue- 
will be the subject of live talk at Revelations, Weds., April 24.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Today! Our Conscious Future

2013-04-23 Thread Buck

Prudence Farrow beyond initial reminiscing about the Beatles in a Conscious 
Future she was 'speak truth to power'; she had a message for the TM movement 
about Tm-speak: speak in the language people can hear Not your own language.  
Her's was a call to the field to work, to teach meditation by her long 
experience in it.  Forthrightly by rights like David Lynch or Father Mehia she 
can say out loud what others have been saying for years since the TM movement 
abdicated the field before.   It was a good call from an activist elder who is 
still out there and can speak her mind from experience..  It was refreshing 
with perspective.

 Father Gabriel Mejia he was quite good, I'll be glad to read the transcript 
 of Father Gabriel Mejia  giving that talk if they don't edit the life out of 
 it.  Was the message of a totally cool spiritual elder who seems to have his 
 act well in hand.  He's a fighter in the battle for human dignity and 
 spirituality in the best tradition of Maharishi.  
  One of the several really good presentations I thought most interesting for 
  our purposes was Father Gabriel Mejia with his language -ing of Latin 
  branded New Age Liberation Theology.  We could use a direct dose of that 
  love in the TM movement up North here.  He even gives darshan by hugging.  
  This guy is true revolutionary transcendentalist armed with Latin American 
  New Age Liberation Theology.  He is activist and now an activist saint in 
  his own times by virtue of his life.  The guy is activated, lit and 
  blasting off.  Mainline.  That was an honor and a real pleasure to see and 
  hear him live.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
I have hopes that it will eventually make it to youtube. I was put off 
by the apparent registration fee for the online version, although in 
other places it said that the online version was free.

   They had a guy giving a presentation on chaos theory and epistemology 
   that I feel Curtis actually would have appreciated a lot.  I bet Curtis 
   even could have been motivated toward re-application for the Dome 
   meditation after that Conscious Future presentation.  Was really cutting 
   edge and interesting and in Curtis epistemology language.  This way to 
   come back to the  group meditation:   
   Best of Hope,

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 # Our conscious future and a post-charismatic TM without Maharishi:  
 You weren't there?
 It was very nicely produced,
 .  Successes today.  The evident need for broad societal change.  
 Transcendentalism, [radicalism] change comes from within, love and 
 culture today, transforming culture today,  the modern science of 
 spirituality, eugenics and neuroplasticity.  Responsibility.  The 
 need for scientific public policy.  Transformation.  These are really 
 good people doing good work on the fore-front of science and societal 
 values.  Come along in to the future, we evidently need many to be in 
 meditation to transform the future.  Join in with the good work being 
  Our Conscious Future, today's conference beginning at 1 pm, 
  features TED-style talks from leading thinkers, including Dr. 
  Pamela Peeke of Discover Health TV. In a talk entitled Your 
  Brain's Reward Center: Hacked By a Cupcake, she will speak about 
  food addiction. Check the website and register online for the Free 
  Online Streaming Option.
  Now available: Our Conscious Future -- Schedule of Presentations.


[FairfieldLife] Re: LB Shriver to Speak at Revelations Weds. 7:30pm

2013-04-23 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 (The Fairfield Weekly Reader)
 LB Shriver to Speak at Revelations :  Survival in Paradise -The Final Issue- 
 will be the subject of live talk at Revelations, Weds., April 24.

Thanks, Buck! That event was so buried in all the tiny print of the page that I 
would have totally missed it. I'm like totally there, dude!

[FairfieldLife] Re: LB Shriver to Speak at Revelations Weds. 7:30pm

2013-04-23 Thread Buck
Yep according to The Fairfield Weekly Reader, Mr. Shriver hopes to bring his 
notorious publication to a satisfactory state of completion and closure, 
beginning at 7:30pm.  All are welcome.   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  (The Fairfield Weekly Reader)
  LB Shriver to Speak at Revelations :  Survival in Paradise -The Final 
  Issue- will be the subject of live talk at Revelations, Weds., April 24.
 Thanks, Buck! That event was so buried in all the tiny print of the page that 
 I would have totally missed it. I'm like totally there, dude!

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ok, Judy I'm busted! That's what I get for being such a
 scaredy cat and not translating the Yiddish bellybutton
 sutra til just now. Anyway, I was scratching my head,
 wondering why you mentioned bellybutton in a later post.
 Mystery solved!

Yes, well, you learned a little something about yourself, about me, and maybe 
even about your purported supporters, who apparently managed to convince you of 
something they knew wasn't true--that I had melted down and been reduced to 
sputtering Yiddish insults because I was jealous of you (??) and furious that 
you refused to interact with me (???).

As with your friend who made up a story about my friendship with Robin being 
based on despising Barry, you might want to think twice before trusting in 
these well wishers again.

Bottom line, there are people on FFL you can trust, and those you can't. The 
former include (but are not necessarily limited to) Alex, sparaig, 
doctordumbass, Bhairitu, salyavin, laughinggull, Xeno, Ann, Emily, raunchy, and 
me. Some of us may give you a hard time now and then, and sometimes we make 
inadvertent mistakes, but we'll never lie to you or try to mislead you. (And if 
we use irony, it isn't intended to confuse you; we expect you to get it.)

Just for the record, BTW, there's no such thing as a bad transliteration of 
Yiddish in anything but a formal context (as Barry knows). Many Yiddish words 
can be and are spelled multiple ways (e.g., tukas, tukus, tucas, tucus, tochis, 
toches, tochas, tochus, tuchas, tuches, tuchis). Often a particular spelling 
reflects a regional pronunciation. Sometimes a word has come to be spelled a 
particular way by custom, and it's spelled like that in formal contexts even 
though it doesn't follow the approved scholarly transliteration system. 
Another reason there are so many variant spellings in Yiddish is that while the 
language is primarily a combination of Hebrew and medieval German, it also has 
lots of loan words from many different languages, and those words are usually 
spelled phonetically.

 OTOH I think it was all part of life's mischievous way of plotting to get me 
 to write that little ditty about lawns and lady parts which was fun for me to 
 compose and hopefully for others to read.  And
  I've expanded it!  Stay tuned Funny Farm Lounge lizards ha ha! 
 May you marry a doctor.  Which is the only other Yiddish saying I know.  I 
 hope it's not an insult?  Jeez, how can a half Irish shiksha like me keep 
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:29 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Ann, I am in awe! How do you find these gems?! Anyway, about
   the other cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse? I
   think it's kind of a sweet blessing, may he laugh with
   lizards. I mean, if a person could laugh with lizards, they
   could pretty much laugh about all of it. IMHO.
  I don't think anything that has been posted in Yiddish in
  the past day or so has been as serious as a curse.
 Judaism forbids cursing, as it happens. Yiddish *insults*,
 however, are a high art. They're typically witty and
 creative, but they can get pretty nasty. The ones I used
 (none was a blessing) are among the very mildest. I mean,
 if one feels one has been cursed by Thank you very much
 in your bellybutton, one is in a bad way.
 Here's a little essay on the Yiddish curse:

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-23 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Barry accuses others of piling on in an attempt to 'get'
 people. He accuses them of all sorts of malevolent intentions

The interesting thing about Barry is that in many if not
most cases, his critical descriptions of the people he
doesn't like are actually descriptions of what he himself
does (e.g., pile on in an attempt to get people). It's
as if he thought he could exonerate himself of his
terrible behavior by projecting it on us.

Next time he posts one of his rants, try reading it as
criticism of him written by someone else. You'll find
it rings much more true than when it's purportedly
about us.

It just cracks me up when he pleads with others not to
interact with us, to ignore us, given that so many
of his posts are *about* us. Does he write those posts
in his sleep and forget he's written them when he wakes