moving email address

2007-06-29 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
Am changing over to this email address... please take note of it.

** See what's free at

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Two very nice treeless saddles for sale

2007-06-26 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have two very nice..barely used treeless saddles for sale.
Both are  stored in the house on saddle stands in a smoke free home.
Both were used on my Fjord mare Dustenai when I owned her both fit her  well.
Can see info on them here.
This one includes extra pommel
This one inlcudes Extra seat to make a more narrow twist and the matching  
pure fleece bottom saddle pad.

** See what's free at

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Loss of confidence

2007-06-08 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 anyone out there willing to share about a big loss of confidence with
 horses, and their path back to comfortable horse using? It's the path
 back that I'm most hoping to hear about...

I think you know what I have gone through? To make it simple and short, I
came off a young horse back Dec 17th. Broke my lower back among other places.
My healing is not going well.
Is almost funny how people want to ignore you or not talk to you because of I will taint them or something. Sigh ~~

 The Blk mare I came off of is not mean...but because I was hurt so badly,, I
am deadly scared of her. Doesn't make any sense..just the way it is. Have had
her boarded at a trainers up north. She is just fine,,no baggage from the
accident. But I do not want her to come home. And sales for young green
horses,, no matter how good the conformation, how clear the gaits are and how
royal bred..are just not selling.
I had a lady that wants a young forward but sane goey horse and this mare is
She has a imported gelding that is just happy to stand there or walk. While I
need the money badly from the sale of said mare,, it is not going to happen
any time soon and I can't keep affording to board her.
A trade would be 2nd best..if he is as laid back, well older at 13
years,, mellow non spooky,,good horse for a gimp. Then I will do the trade. I
rather not have a reminder of that accident around.
He sounds like one I could try to ride again with.

So,, in my long winded way I understand what you are going through. I am
lucky,, that I am not scared..of my miniature horses, donkey or my wee grey
mare. But I am even more careful.

I sold my wonderful fjord mare to an excellent body could no longer
handle her rolling side to side walk.

If you want to try..and I know how impossible it is to get rid of this horse
disease we all share. Might take awhile..but you need what I call a," Grandma
horse". Gentle, kind, slow, honest soul so you can get your confidence back
on. They can be hard to find but well worth the wait. Unfortunately for me.. I
need a super smooth gaited/tolting horse now. No troting horse for me.

You also need to go your speed..don't listen to others unless they are willing
to support you. If you just want to go out and sit with that horse in pasture
that is fine..maybe brush him/her the next day.
When it is time for you to try riding..use a round pen and a good helmet and
safety vest. You will have your brave days an not so brave days. Go slow. If
you just want to sit,,just sit and then get off. There is no time table.

I have sat on my grey mare 3 times now..and I have favorite saddle
causes me no end of pain. But I am ok on a bareback pad if I only spend 5
minutes on her.
I have a very long and painful road ahead..and I know I will never be the same
as I was.

So yes it is possible to get over your it 6 months or 10
years. Slow and steady always works best. ;O)

If you need someone to talk with.. please feel free to email me.

Kind regards,

Ink & Brush Creations
AOL at

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

beswick fjord figure for sale

2007-05-24 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is not mine...and I wish I had the money because I so want it.
Am sure someone on here would love to have it and it is a rare bone china Fjord.


Ink & Brush Creations

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

pig eyes in fjords

2007-05-16 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have sadly seen some of them. When I was originally looking for a fjord, I 
ran across 4 fjords that all had pig eyes...tiny eyes. Not becoming at all to 
the Fjords. Their temperaments were not what one expects in Fjords. After a lot 
of looking..I had found Dustenai...even though she has found a new wonderful 
home now.. she, of all the many fjords I had looked at...had the conformation, 
head and beautiful big brown eyes that ones wants in a Fjord. She is a mare of 
breeding Quality.
Over the years I have been around pig eyed horses of different breeds..there 
has to be something with the rumor because all of them had issues..and it 
wasn't the owners with most of them.
>>I've heard of the term "pig eyes" in and of itself, but never heard it
applied to Fjords.  Seemed to me that Fjords are known for their large dark
expressive eyes.  As far as inferiority complexI don't know about that.
I think there might be something to impaired vision because of the reduced
eye size.

Ink & Brush Creations

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

minnesota horse expo

2007-05-08 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What wonderful pictures, looks like everyone had a good time. And that 4 wheel 
carriage turn out was very impressive, one of the best ones I have seen.
>>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i have a bunch of photos we took at the minnesota horse expo, nothing fancy, 
but some nice images of what we looked like. i am the one in the teal and 
orange western shirt. as i look at these i noticed that oz still looks like a 
fuzzy mammoth compared to everyone else. i guess we live farther north.

the foal was 10 days old, fathered by heike's stallion, thor, and mom is 
lillyhammer. cute shot of linda syverson-kerr with her son riding behind 
her.smiling gudkneckts, anne and deeann with loki lee, hannah boisen on 
the green saddle pad, anne lottie wearing blue on lena, kristin lee braiding 
yaeger's mane, the lustys with marlajust a great group :)

here's the URL:

laurie, and oz

Ink & Brush Creations

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Llamas and fjord

2007-04-20 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kay I just love your story!! Gave me a big smile!!
SE MI with temps in the high 50sF so my morning 
was dedicated to pony rides.  I fed at 7AM and was back in the barn, bridles 
and carrots in hand, at 9.  This way everybody has a nice breakfast and large 
parts of the rest of the world can be gone to work or school before I show up 
on the public roads.  After the usual "Pick me!  Pick me!" routine, Braveheart 
(the rocket pony) and I got dressed and did our 5.5 his usual 
enthusiastic 14.3 seconds which includes occasional stops to visit and the odd 
pause for flower appreciation. 
Following that, I flipped the saddle over onto Bogie (the inner tube 
pony) and we floated off down Ely Road to Tindall Road at a VERY deliberate 

to do our 2.4 mile stroll around the lake.  
There's a llama farm on this route and always has been but the llamas 
have never happened to be in the front field when B and I have passed.  But 
today, they were not only out front...they looked at Bogie as the single most 
exotic creature that had ever passed their gates.  En masse they all rushed the 
fence for a closer look-see.
Bogie was completely amazed by these puffy, long-necked things and was 
having MAJOR reservations about being closely inspected by them. So he drew 
himself up to his full (including shoes) height of 14 point nothing, arched his 
neck and did a prancing side-pass for the entire length of their fenceline.   
For those who don't know Bogie, let me assure you that NONE of the previously 
mentioned actions have ever been associated with him in the past.  He never 
tries to pass himself off as tall, his neck is NOT the kind that lends itself 

arching and "prance" would be that last word you'd expect to find on his 
personal list of verbs.  It all came as quite a surprise to me and was wildly 
interesting to the llamas.  
Once we made it safely by the threatening herd (flock? mob? clutch?), he 
deflated and returned to his usual raft-floating-down-the-lazy-river mode, but 
with an air of smugness.  After all...had he not bravely faced down and 
escaped a mass of evil, equatorial creatures who were probably planning to 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Utube and photos for pianting.

2007-04-19 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
Am glad you guys allowed this person to use some photos for that Utube. Am sure 
she has learned asking permisson first goes a long way in pulbic relations.
Would love to see the Farms and people put up some well done,,say 2 to 5 minute 
videos of Fjords doing the things Fjords love to do!
On another note... I have some photos of the fjord mare I sold and plan on 
doing paintings of her..but I would love to hear from anyone that might have 
some very clear action or side standing shots of their fjords, that would not 
mind giving me permission to paint them.
I am working on my last Icelandic picture now..and plan to do some Fjords next.
So if you have pictures and are willing to give me permission to paint them 
please email me at..
If you want to see some pictures of my work, check out my link below. This is 
something I am doing to keep myself busy as I heal.
Some day I hope to own a fjord again!!
Ink & Brush Creations

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Nice fjord horse figure

2007-02-10 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This is one of the nicer Fjord horse figures I have seen. So thought I would  
let you all know about it.

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tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Bitless bridle has sold

2007-02-07 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/7/2007 8:50:50 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

have a  really nice Dr Cook Bitless Bridle for sale!
Beta headstalls are made of a  synthetic material that combines the strength  
of nylon with the easy  care of vinyl.  Beta is particularly popular with  
trail and  endurance riders, since the material requires no maintenance and 
can  be  
subjected to virtually any conditions without being affected.
Has  been  used but in very good condition. Can see many pictures of Dusty on 
the web with  her wearing it.
Fits a Fjord's large head...has a  18" brown band.
My Fjord  loved this bitless bridle but she has  sold.
Asking $75.00 and will pay shipping in the lower 48 states.
Can  email me at..

Sorry everyone..this Bitless bridle has sold.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

StarTrekk Saddle good link

2007-02-05 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This link should work. Sorry the other did not.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Bitless Bridle for sale

2007-02-05 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a really nice Dr Cook Bitless Bridle for sale!
Beta headstalls are made of a synthetic material that combines the strength  
of nylon with the easy care of vinyl.  Beta is particularly popular with  
trail and endurance riders, since the material requires no maintenance and can  
subjected to virtually any conditions without being affected.
Has been  used but in very good condition. Can see many pictures of Dusty on 
the web with  her wearing it.
Fits a Fjord's large head...has a 18" brown band.
My Fjord  loved this bitless bridle but she has sold.
Asking $75.00 and will pay shipping in the lower 48 states.
Can email me at..
Have other things for sale at..

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

StarTrekk Saddle

2007-02-03 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The US Dealer for the StarTrekk Saddle is Abby, and I do not think she has a 
web site up yet.
Her email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I can dig up some Euro web sites though so you can see what it looks like. 
Because I am most likely not be riding any time soon.. I am thinking on selling 
mine...which as the #2  sized pommels. Dusty fit well in the #3. You can see 
my son riding on it on the web site and pictures I have shared of him riding 
her in that saddle.
Scroll down to the middle of the page and there is three web sits with 
StarTreKK saddle info.

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

StarTrekk Saddle

2007-02-03 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The US Dealer for the StarTrekk Saddle is Abby, and I do not think she has a 
web site up yet.
Her email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I can dig up some Euro web sites though so you can see what it looks like. 
Because I am most likely not be riding any time soon.. I am thinking on selling 
mine...which as the #2  sized pommels. Dusty fit well in the #3. You can see 
my son riding on it on the web site and pictures I have shared of him riding 
her in that saddle.
Scroll down to the middle of the page and there is three web sits with 
StarTreKK saddle info.

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Driving bit for sale

2007-02-02 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sprenger HO Swivel 3-Slot Liverpool
Stainless Steel Cheek, Aurigan Mouth – from  Germany
Out standing Quality bit... 6" mouth and perfect  for that driving Fjord.
Cost me $235.00 new... barely used...will sell  for $200.00 and will pay for
shipping in the lower 48 states.
Pretty good deal!

Have other odds in ends for sale. Covered EZ  Stirrups, 2 1/2" Stirrup
swivels, 21" long Skito pad and other  things.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

StarTrekk saddle

2007-02-02 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/31/2007 6:19:11 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

This  message is from: "Tom & Jerri Rounsville"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You got me to try the Star Trek and I  bought one. It fits the Fjord
great. I like the panel for the back. It is  also very comfortable.


Am glad you like the saddle Jerri!! It really is a nice one.;O)

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2007-02-02 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, Dusty is on her way to her new home. That was harder than expected.  
Dusty is going to do what Dusty loves, which is Drive. 
Kind'a sad...she kept looking towards Chris. Think she is one of those  
horses that need her person. Really think she will miss him for awhile.
It is  a load offbut not easy at the same time. She is one of those 
animals that  got under ones skin in a good wayand my pastures will look 
with out  her.
But she will be happy and that is what is most important. 
So I am now,  Officially Fjord less. Which strangely makes me feel naked. ;O)
I hope when I am healed enough to try to ride again...there will be a fjord  
out there waiting for me.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Harness mini's

2007-01-30 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/30/2007 5:57:39 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Does  anyone have a harness for driving a mini horse?  I have two  borrowed
minis now keeping Gunnar happy for awhile and the one is excellent  in the
cart. Maybe it is too late to try driving, especially having seen a  mini run
away with cart attached and owner on the ground here  yesterday.  But I have 
arena and could stay in there.  Gunnar  also was trained to cart some years 
but would be bored to tears in the  arena.  I can't see it is anymore 
than my new Corgi who  stays right at my feet and has already caused me to 
onto my elderly  knees!!!  Jean Gayle

I use the harnesses, I have but I can point you in the direction of some  
very nice harnesses.
Sounds like those minis need to start over and have a refresher course,  
starting with ground driving.
Camptown Harness has this wonderful "freedom Collar".. bought one for  Maggie 
before I got hurt. Haven't been able to try it out yet..but can say it is  
very nicely made.
If want more links.. I can send more..just ask.  ;O)
As for mini's driving depends on the Mini...just like their larger  
counter parts. I trust my Mini mare Maggie with my whole heart. 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Video and a new home for my mare

2007-01-29 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/29/2007 2:15:25 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Hello  all,

We've been playing with putting video up on YouTube. You can see  video 
of BDF Obelisk playing in the pasture if you click on this  link.  

Nice Boy,,thank you for sharing.
 Very shortly I will no longer be a Fjord owner. This is a very, very  hard 
decision for me. And I will miss her oh so much.
A wonderful person will be my mare's new owner soon. Since I was hurt quite  
badly not too long ago... I have come to the conclusion Dusty needs the right  
new owner. Someone that will take her to shows  both ridden and Driven.  
Something I am unable to do and will be unable to do for a very long time.
To show my mare off like she needs to be and I know she misses.
Will let her new owner to be, make the formal announce when all the  paper 
work is finalized.
It is for the best, no matter how painful it is.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2007-01-24 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh boydo I know about the saddle search. 30+ saddles later.
The Duett.. all I can say is, I have two horses here that hated 3 of the  
saddle types of Duett's  I tried.
Ended up with a Triple E Flex panel from El dorado saddlery, a StarTrekk  
comfort and Treefree. Last two are treeless.
Will all the wide ones I have here...I ended up with the saddles that are  
made to fit the wide ones well.
This is a neat web site for Treeless and part treed saddles.
El Dorado saddle.. you do however have to watch out for their quality  
_ ( 
I would love to find a Light weight, very well made and  super, super soft 
seated western saddle, short enough to fit my  horse(s).if I start riding 
again that is. 
In a message dated 1/24/2007 4:10:41 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

am  starting to get frustrated about finding a saddle that will work for my 5 
year  old Fjord and me. Although I like to do everything from dressage to low 
jumps,  to riding in the mountains, I am leaning towards a dressage or an 
endurance  saddle. I have ordered a treeless from England (that felt like 
to sit  on a cube) so that one is on its way back, I am eyeing the Wintec 
extra wide  saddles (dressage or endurance), I have tried a couple of different 
Duett  saddles and they slid all over her back
I would love to know what the  rest of you are riding your Fjords in. I was 
told that (at least in a Duett)  we need a 38 cm, 17 inch seat. I am not 
completely opposed to a western  style, aussie, other endurance types, I just 
need something that fits us  both.

Thanks for any feedback, oh, and if you reply, please let me know  the brand, 
style as well as any saddle measurements.  Thanks.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Dog carts

2007-01-16 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Graham Carriage Works in Grahma Oregon makes really nice dog carts.
 Does anyone know anything about dog carts. My friend has two Siberian  
huskies that she want to train to drive. She does not have good balance and  
some information on carts. I thought I would give the digest a try  because of 
all the people that drive horses. Just thought I would try.

Katherine  Kramer

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The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

bomb proof fjords

2007-01-16 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Main reason is, I have all mares here. And unless I can find a gelding that is 
truely not interested in mares at any timejust do not want the hassel or 
take a chances. I sometimes run my mini's with my riding ponies and would not 
want them hurt. Seen to many accidents with mixed heards.
The mares I have on this place do not show any kind of season at all, well 
except my Donkey.
None of them have any temperament issues or changes during that time.
I used to be one of those people that would not ride or own a mare because of 
the "mareish" behavior I used to run into.
Then a number of years ago..kept running into very nice mares, none of them 
every actting mareish. 
I will look at a gelding but he really, really has to act the gelding and show 
no interest in mares at all.

Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:34:22 -0800
This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Shari, sorry to hear of your accident. Why are you looking for a mare? I have 
always thought the possibility for a steady horse was the gelding? Mares have 
their days and may not be as consistent as a gelding> Jean Gayle 

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
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The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thinking on what to do and bomb proof mare

2007-01-15 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all,
After this accident on another breed other than a fjord. Have been mulling over 
wither or not I want to ever try to ride again. Riding has been a fever in my 
blood since I was born. However saying that... I was badly hurt and will not be 
healed until abouts summer time. I think I want to ride but it will take a 
very, very special Fjord mare to do it.
I have a nice Fjord Mare now...and my son will have a hard Choice this week on 
wither we sell her. She is super sweet but her walk as you all know is side to 
side and very bouncy. Something my body could not handle before and now that I 
am damaged more, think I would be in worse pain riding her.
What I will need to find is a Fjord mare that "walks in a Front to back 
movement" with very little bounce or side roll. Able to do a very slow jog that 
is super smooth. I know this is possible because I had a Fjord gelding way back 
when and he could do that. A Older mare with lots of Real current 
riding/undersaddle miles (and drvie miles would be a plus) Fjord mare with this 
way of going, that is steady, level headed, calm, can handle going out alone or 
with others, not get upset with cars , deer, dogs or other horses acting up 
basically I need a Grandma babysitter type Fjord. One that also has perfect 
manners on the ground and under saddle. I know no horse is totally bomb 
proof...but one can get close with breeding and training. Basically I need a 
saint of a Fjord mare to relearn to ride again...and help me loose my fear. 
Because my fear of getting this hurt again is very strong.
I am putting up my Royal bred and Sweet Blk Icelandic mare up for sale now. I 
know she did not mean to hurt me.But there is no way I could ever ride her 
again. Once she is sold, I will be shopping for a older mare Fjord. I think the 
Fjord would be the best breed for me to be able to ride again without being 
afraid. Fjord needs to be in the Pacific NW.
If anyone between now and the summer time knows of such a Fjord mare for 
sale...please keep me in mind.
I am not healed enough to ride or even think about riding at this point but I 
figure if I get the word out now I will have a leg up so to speak.
You can email me at.. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank you for all you help in advance.

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
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AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #302

2007-01-14 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ya well
That Fjord shirt was important darn it! 
Am re thinking things.
If I can get that Ice mare sold...she is a nice mare with royal blood lines. 
Just not good for now an even more gimpy/broken up person. She is sooo pretty 
with the prized double mane.
If I want to try riding again...will search for another Fjord. Dusty is pretty 
steady but her side to side roll at the walk hurts my back. Sure it would even 
hurt worse now that I am digged up even more.
If I could find an older Fjord mare that was very steady, level headed, lots of 
real trail miles, happy going out alone and happy just going at the walk and 
had a forward to back motion to her walk and very smoothand a good 
babysitter Fjord. Then I would buy her and learn to ride again. Right now as it 
is...will be summer before I can think of getting on another horse.
It would take a very special horse to teach me not to be scared and worried 
about getting hurt like this again.

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 18:37:10 -0800
From: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: are there any more fjord sweat shirts for sale

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Shari, very sorry to hear of your accident and could not help a laugh at 
your first priority is a Fjord shirt.  Hope you are to mend well and get 
back on a reliable Fjord!   Jean Gayle  In Aberdeen, WA where Jean Ernst has 
sent some (lots) of cold and snow.

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tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

are there any more fjord sweat shirts for sale

2007-01-10 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, after never been dumped off a horse in the 35 years of riding... a good 
three weeks ago my new Icelandic managed to dump me and break my lower back. 
(she is young and green and I am sure did not mean it) Needless to say the 
Perimedics had to cut my new Fjord sweat shirt off my body.
So, is there any more of those nice Fjord Sweat shirts for sale?

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjord raffle?

2007-01-04 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Was in the hospital during the Fjord raffle, so I messed it...and am wondering 
who the winners are?? Would love to know!

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tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Treeless saddles and weight

2006-12-16 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maybe some Treeless saddles have weight limits on them. But the StarTrekk  
was designed for any rider.
Might want to check it out at...
Abby is the only US Dealer and has a good Demo program on them.Her email  is  
 I have one and it fits my Fjord great.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

All kinds of horse stuff for sale

2006-12-11 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope this is OK to post this here...I honestly do not remember if we are  
allowed too or not?
Cleaning out my tack room of stuff I do not use. Because I would like
to  buy some stuff I will use. Couple of pictures are attached.
Toe stoppers...
Brown Western size 5. never used. $50.00
EZ riders Tapedero Stirrups
These leather tapedero-caged stirrups rate  the highest in comfort and
quality. They are 5 inches wide from side-to-side  and 4 inches deep
from toe- to- heel, allowing for the best possible weight  distribution
throughout the foot. The thick, closed-cell foam pad provides  comfort
for the knees and back and helps prevent overall fatigue. The  new
patent-pending, shock-absorbing top bar adds extra comfort with  out
the bounce!
Can be used with 1" to 2" stirrup leathers. Used  once...does have a
few minor scratches.
Down Under 2-1/2" Aussie Leathers in Blk. Never used. Can be used  on
many different types of saddles.
Star Trekk number 4 panels for the Comfort Shorty in dark brown.  Never
used. $120.00
Skito Dry back pad...only used twice in Purple,can be used for
treeless  or treed saddles, real fleece next to horse length is 21".
 Stirrup Swivel:[/B] At last you can give your knees and ankles  relief
from the painful stress of twisting. These are the absolute  best
stainless steel stirrup swivels money can buy. They can  be
free-floating or locked in place. size 2 1/2"  never used  $45.00
Myler hackamore with rings no curb strap never used. $65.00
Rubber nosed hackamore never used $20.00
Orican rain sheet size 66"...used twice slightly dirty (but will wash
is  someone buys) to big for Icelandic's.  $90.00
Have other stuff for salebut will post as I remember.
Price includes shipping within the lower 48 states. Email me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  for shipping costs  outside of 
this area 
or info on the items.
Pictures of some of the stuff...

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Stuff for sale

2006-12-07 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Toe stoppers 
Brown Western size 5. never used. $50.00
EZ riders Tapedero Stirrups.
These leather tapedero-caged stirrups rate  the highest in comfort and 
quality. They are 5 inches wide from side-to-side and  4 inches deep from toe- 
heel, allowing for the best possible weight  distribution throughout the foot. 
The thick, closed-cell foam pad provides  comfort for the knees and back and 
helps prevent overall fatigue. The new  patent-pending, shock-absorbing top bar 
adds extra comfort with out the  bounce!
Can be used with 1" to 2" stirrup leathers. Used once...does have a  few 
minor scratches.
Down Under 2-1/2" Aussie Leathers in Blk. Never used. Can be used on many  
different types of saddles.
Star Trekk number 4 panels for the Comfort Shorty in dark brown. Never  used. 
Skito Dry back pad...only used twice in Purple, real fleece next to horse  
length is 23".
Price includes shipping within the lower 48 states. Please email me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   for shipping costs  outside of 
this area.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Dusty and that cute looking double

2006-12-02 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/2/2006 8:10:13 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I think  Dusty gets pretty bored with parades.  He prefers faster action  
sports and wants a job to do. SO, to entertain himself, he has discovered  
his own 
reflection in store windows and is perpetually looking for that  GORGEOUS 
creature who appears on and off!  If it is a big window, he  gets all puffed 
up and 
screams - COME HITHER BEAUTIFUL!  He has a  pretty inflated ego!  What a HAM! 
He kept us in  stitches.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams

Oh my that is really cute! 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjord smells

2006-12-01 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
Well, I have to say... my Fjord doesn't smell any different than my  
Icelandic's or miniature horses. Only one that is different is my Donkeyshe 
really doesn't have a smell.
Also have never had another breed of horse afraid of my Fjord. I have  heard 
that said a lot by Icelandic owners too,... That other breeds of horses  are 
afraid of them.
So far, I have not found that to be the case. 
Last but not least.cantering. When I first got my Fjord she would not  
canter. But even her really fast trot could not keep up with a galloping or  
Pacing Icelandic in the main very large pasture. So she has been teaching  
herself to canter/gallop. 
She however,,,prefers to trot only for her fast speed, if she can help  it.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjord China figure

2006-11-25 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all,
If I had the money I would get this. 
But I remember hearing someone needed a Fjord figure for Christmas.
I ran across this one very nicely made.

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Horse illustrated and the whining

2006-11-24 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The complaints about the horse illustrated article on the Fjord horse is  
really disconcerting and a real put off.
Am really tired of the complaints, nit picking and whining I am seeing  from 
some of the Fjord breeders.
Do you think acting like this is going to endear anyone to the Fjord  breed?
Only thing I see happening is pushing away future Fjord owners.
Fjords come in all shapes and sizes, there are Draft fjords, western  
Pleasure fjords, reining fjords, jumping fjords, dressage fjords, teaching  
kids to 
ride name it they do it.
And the problem would be? What?
Just to let you know,, I have a donkey...very smart one and I do train my  
horses like I would be training a Donkey. You can't force them and you have to  
have and use respect, with them, other wise you will not get any where in  
their training. And they don't kick any more than a fjord does.
I would very much like to see the people that complain and whine as much as  
they grow up.
Have talked with Gayle Ware in the past,,,she has an adult quiet grace  about 
her, when she is talking about Fjords. I think many can learn from  her.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

different bits

2006-11-23 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I found with Dusty, she does well with the," Sprenger HO Swivel 3-Slot  
Liverpool bit".
But if the choice is between bit or no bit. She likes the no bit better and  
really likes the Dr Cook Bitless bridle. 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

break away halters

2006-11-22 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/22/2006 10:53:42 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

good  point. now all i have to do is find one big enough. he has a really 
head. i am riding him in a draft horse english  bridle.

Dovers Saddlery has some nice break away halters and in sizes that will fit  
I have the padded purple plaid one.
Shari  :O)

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Rain sheets for Fjords

2006-11-15 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/15/2006 11:30:11 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I really  need help with finding out what type of lightweight sheet or blanket
or  cooler most of you use just for drying off the fjords when wet during  the
inclement days that are coming.I can't seem to fit my guy no matter  what 

Any suggestions would be  appreciated

P.S.  Have been a lurker for years and this has  been full of information for


The only rain sheets that will fit my Fjord are the "Horse Hugs"  which you 
can buy at Dover saddlery. My mare wears a 72/74" depending on the  sheet.
And the Tuff Rider Stretch manager
No other brands of sheet would fit her.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Mountain horse trail event

2006-11-13 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/13/2006 9:18:38 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I will  keep you posted on the outcome after everything is over.  I sure 
encourage more of you to participate in this event.  It is certainly  a 
terrific venue to show off the Fjord disposition that we all  love.
Several months ago I contacted the people who run this.  I don't  want to 
compete (yet) but wanted to do the course anyway.  They told  me that after 
competitions, the course will be open for riding the  next week (or weekend?) 
may drive down with Juniper and Pandora  just for fun.  If it goes as well as 
think, we may compete next  year.


That is something I would love to do with Dusty and my blk Icey mare. Just  
wish I had a horse trailer! My DS has not quite learned how to trot on Dusty 
yet  but I bet he would find this fun.
Let us know how you like it if you go!

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2006-11-07 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/7/2006 2:12:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I  got a horse(fjord sad to say) in for training that has the STRANGEST  bad
habit, at least I think it's a bad habit. She SLOBBERS all the time. Or  more
so when stressed it seems. She was tested for ulcers, scoped and  x-rayed and
all kinds of tests done. Tests found nothing physically wrong  with her.
Owners brought her to a very good clinic for all the tests  too.

Personally , I think it's like cribbing, she found out how to make  slobber
it comforts her in same way. Anyone ever seen or heard of  this before???

Oh, and it's not from Red Clover, I"ve seen that and  that is much more
THIS IS THICK, plus no Red Clover at her place  or mine.

Patti Jo Walter

Just going to throw out a thought here. Heavy slobbering just isn't  normal.
I had a friend who had a couple of horses with this problem.  After much 
money spent with the Vet, she found out they had "guttural pouch  infections". 
>From what her Vet said it is very hard to diagnose and many Vet do  not know 
about it. But it does cause large amounts of slobbering.
If the above has been ruled out
Would also look at possible allergy with the horse's hay or  environment.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjords in Grass Valley CA?

2006-11-05 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HI all,
Question... I have a young niece that came up to visit. Before she came up  
here she was scared of horses.
That is until she got to ride on Dustenai. 
She keeps asking me Aunt Shari, to send her a yellow pony. I can't of  
But I would like to know if there are any Fjord breeders in the Grass  
Valley, CA area that might do laid back non stressful lessons on  yellow 

Can email me at...

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Treeless saddles

2006-09-28 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The difference is night and day. Bob Marshall is a quality safe saddle, the  
Hilason is a cheaply made and unsafe knock off.
There are also other treeless saddles. Check out this web site.
proud owner of 2 treeless saddles, Startrekk Comfort and a Treefree.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Has anyone had experience with the bob marshall treeless saddle  vs.  the 
Hilason treeless? There is a big difference in price and I  was  wondering if 
difference in price is because of the bob  marshall name,  or if there really 
a difference in quality? Thank  you,  Onna

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Betsy Lewis and Lovely Lida

2006-09-26 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/26/2006 10:43:36 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

could  see and hear just the top of the flag and the flapping noise it made
along  with thundering hoof beats. That first morning, it sounded like the
whole  aisle was in a fury horses kicking, screaming, running around
their  stallsand visitors scattering away from those stalls. Even our
Paso  Fino stablemate ran in circles. I looked at Lida as she lifted her head
an  inch and said "Ho Hum, what's the big deal?" She merely flicked her ears
in  the directions of the different noises. Other than that, she didn't move
a  foot.

I loved your write up about your Lida! Was very heart warming and cheerful.  
Thank you!!
Your mare sounds very much like my Fjord mare.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Libby and Johan

2006-09-14 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/14/2006 8:32:03 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

One of  THE HIGHLIGHTS for me was - caution - BRAG ALERT - my gray stallion,  
Johan, won the Aged Stallions class and went on to receive GRAND CHAMPION  
STALLION!  OH MY, I was absolutely thrilled and a bit NUMB as they  presented 
with that big, beautiful ribbon!

Whoohooo Gayle!  
Wish we could post pictures on this list, because I be you have lots of  good 
ones.  Is there a central place so everyone can share pictures?  Because I 
for one would love a chance to look at them. ;O)
Sounds like Libby was a blast.
 I hope to make it up there with Dustenai in a couple of years...would  be 


2006-09-10 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/10/2006 3:36:20 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Well,  the Herald has not darkened my mailbox in Virginia, either.  It's  
getting annoying when the official magazine of the organization can't be  
or mailed in a timely manner.  I hate sounding like a  cranky person (maybe 
the barn cleaning for the Virginia Fjord  Fjestival is taking its toll) but 
the deadline for ads, etc. was JUNE  1.

I got mine a couple of weeks ago. However having family in NE... I know the  
mail is running wonky.

gaits in fjords

2006-08-29 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/29/2006 6:37:38 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

At the show were 2 women who claimed to know all about fjords.  One was  
Swedish and said that she grew up riding fjords as all the riding schools have  
Fjords.  The other woman who was also European started to explain that  some 
Fjords were taught to tolt.  I said that I thought she was mixing up  Fjords 
Icelandics, and she insisted no, in Europe, Fjords are taught to  tolt.  

Anybody on this list ever hear of or  see a tolting Fjord?

Sarah in  Jamul

Hi Sarah,
Very few can do it. Most people have not heard of it. (And please folks no  
flames or PM's telling me I must be mistaken.)
But way in the past I had a purebred Registered gelding from a well  known 
breeder,,, that would do a tolt. Goodness.. it was a dream to ride.
If I could of found a Fjord with the temperament like my Dusty and tolted  
too.. would of bought it in a heart beat, instead of getting another  Icelandic.
But when folks get a gift like that...they don't sell them.

Spooky Fjord and forelocks

2006-08-27 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/27/2006 5:09:13 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

quick.  Out of 200 hours riding, I would guess 180 are  in the arena, 
little  exposure to trails.  I would like to take  him on trails rides, but  
with how spooky he can be of the  unexpected. I took him to a  Parelli 
desensitizing clinic last Saturday  with great success and  then Tuesday took 
him to a 
trainer that has been  using Parelli  techniques for 10 years and he has an 
excellent reputation.  He feels  the spooky is something that can be fixed. 
he has had him,  he  told me that he does much better if his forelock is 
braided, that he   feels it interferes with his vision. What do those of you 
that   have Fjords with a heavy forelock. Do you think it interferes with  
and as a result they become frightened of the unexpected,  more so that a  
Fjord without the long heavy forelock.  If you  agree, is there any  other 
ways of 
handling this without braids, and  I really don't want  to cut that beautiful 
forelock. Thanks,   Onna

HI Onna,
I know a few Icelandic's that have this problem for the first couple of  
years of training. 
Granted they are not a Fjord but same issue.
The New Icelandic mare I have will need her very heavy forelock put up for  
A braid works fineno need to cut his forelock. Could also try a  couple 
of those "cloth covered elastic scrunchie" things you can buy at  walmart for 
putting up little girls pony tails.
Sounds like you found a good trainer that knows what they are doing.

driving wee ones

2006-07-23 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/22/2006 10:26:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Lisa  Wiley:  this may sound like a stupid question, but is it safer and 
easier  to drive with the minis?  I would think so.  Used to see a lady  
them where I had horses a while back...cutest thing you ever  saw!  Maybe that 
would be a good starting point for the old and terrified  like me!

Am not Lisa, but I drive one mini who I trained and in the process of  
training her now 4 year old daughter to drive.
First off I want to say, driving is a dangerous sport all the way around.  
Being safe is the most important.
But saying that... it is a lot of fun.
Compared to a bigger horse, mini's can be easier to handle. Finding one  with 
a nice steady temperament is most important. Maggie is very steady and  shows 
no fear to anything. Or should say to date, she has not had any  spooks or 
such like that. Many mini's are quite different than larger horses in  that 
The B sized mini's are more suited to driving. More able to handle hills  
than the smaller ones.
 Their cart and harness are much lighter than the bigger counter  parts.
My Fjord mare is trained to drive and some day I will drive her  
againafter a refresher courseof course. ;O)
But right now driving the mini's are fine.


2006-07-12 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know not everyone can do this.
But my Fjord would not/could not canter when she first got here. She would  
trot her heart out but not be able to keep up with the other horses when they  
were running and playing. After about a month she learned to gallop and then 
to  canter. The horses get to go into the 10 acre field/woods to play and run.  
Watching her gallop and canter towards me is a very impressive sight to say 
the  least!!
This has helped her learn how to canter, and sure made it easier for  me.

Wee horses

2006-07-12 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/12/2006 12:19:54 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

But in a  number of the photos I looked at, poor riding position might 
have been an  issue too -- some of the riders were slumped over, looking 
down, sitting  in a "chair" seat, pushing their heels up,  etc.


Some are riding a fast tolt or flying pace. Having ridden both, on some of  
the horses there is no way to stay in a classic position. Not kidding, those  
animals are that fast!!

Wee horses and Icelandics

2006-07-11 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/11/2006 3:51:03 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I looked  at the icelandic site.  Wow those are big guys on small 
horses!   What surprised me was how far back on their backs the rider 
sits;  it  looks like they are behind the last rib where horses are 
usually  weaker.  Do the Icelandic's ribs go far back on their  backs?

You know, I have no idea? But I do know they have more muscling than most  
other breeds of horses. Icelandic's have been ridden like this since they  
started in Iceland in the 900/1000's, so that is a few hundreds of years, 
for sure. The Icelandic riders feel it is more important to stay of the horses  
Have been around Icelandic's for 15+years and only once have I seen one  with 
a sore back...but with that one, some how, was in an accident when young  and 
ended up with a Roached back. To me it shouldn't of been ridden in the first  
I know my 12.3 Icelandic mare has no problems carrying me, though I try not  
to sit as far back as in those pictures. Goodness,, those short back horses 
are  a royal pain to find a saddle for.

Small horses

2006-07-11 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/11/2006 3:51:03 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Shari, I  did not say "looks alone".  I mentioned condition etc.  Also, it is 
pretty hard to "ruffle" my feathers".  :))  Jean  Gayle

I know Jean, but I wanted to make sure, I ruffle no feathers.  
Know some that think size is the only equation and wanted to show height is  
not the only factor when choosing a nice small horse. ;O)

smaller horses

2006-07-10 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/10/2006 3:05:34 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

smaller  horses.  Muscle and good conditioning is very important. 
But small is  small and the appearance alone of a larger rider is sometimes  
disconcerting.  Jean

Now having ridden smaller horses most of my adult life, I have no problems  
with how I "Look" on a small horse. I ride mostly Icelandic's, ,my main one is  
12.3 and the other 13.2.
My Fjord is 13.3 all are stout and have no problems with 200 lbs on their  
back. All would let me know in a heart beat if that was too much.
This is not a Fjord site, but I feel it is important to take a look at for  
those who worry on looks alone.
_ ( 
Now Jean this is not aimed at you at any way.
But this is how I see it... "My Ego doesn't need a big horse".
Shari  :O)


2006-07-10 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/10/2006 3:05:34 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

wow, this really looks like something that would interest me. i am  hestitant 
to learn driving, since i am alone at home so much, but this  looks like it 
would be a great alternative. are they available in the  US?

laurie, who ride now is still a little walking  challenged

HI Laurie,
Yes you can get them in the USA.
"Cindy Downman, is handling the US end of  Saddlechariot distribution and 
manufacture. "
Contact the owner, he is really  nice.

Dr Cook

2006-06-27 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That is great to hear! My Fjord likes hers too. ;O)
In a message dated 6/27/2006 1:07:18 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

He  dosen't have a mean bone in his body but he was a pill to work and keep
in  his gate. I was sure it was the bitting and took him off the bit and  put
him in a rope halter and that was markedly better but still not what he  was
capable of. So when the comment of the Dr. Cooks BB cam up on the list  I
started research. Found one on ebay and this horse has been a pleasure  ever
He naturally pulls himself together with no effort from the  rider, keeps his
gates as long as you want, is smooth, fluid, and the rider  is much improved
as well. I am so excited about the changes in this  horse/rider!! He even
carries himself better when out in the  pasture.

We'll that's my fun for the week, now if they would just  accept them in the
show ring.

Happy in  MN


2006-06-15 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/14/2006 10:22:34 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I had a  conversation a couple of weeks ago with a woman who was recently the 
Washington State Veterinarian.  She said the NAIS program for horses  is dead 
in the water.  It was ill-planned and is going nowhere.   Whole story.  She 
should be a reliable source.


That is good to hear.
Has anyone heard about how Oregon stands?


2006-06-12 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
Any news on the Raffle? Is it over? Anyone won? Or?

rusty bits

2006-05-24 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

People in Icelandic make these likes of snaffles.
In a message dated 5/24/2006 1:22:13 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

is nice  and rusty. It is made by Mylar, about $135. I am trying to find a 
bit  maker, to make an iron snaffle. However the bit makers don't want to 
put  their name on a piece of rust. So, I might end up making my own. I find  
the Glory people unwilling to work with me. Oh, one other point, Mylar  bits 
off the wall, are made in China. If you want a custom, they will make  it 
for you, and it is American.
Jerry Friz,
Anderson,  Ca

bits, no bits or

2006-05-24 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HI all,
Wasn't sure if I was going to say anything but here it goes.
I have seen horses with holes punched through the roof of their mouths,  torn 
tongues and sides of mouths by people using snaffles. 
"Any bit or equipment, can cause damage if used in the wrong way or  heavy 
One of the Arabs I had way, way back when would only go in a very high port  
curb. We tried everything else, and this horse  would have fits. Was  perfect 
with this bit. In fact it is hanging on my wall right now. I barely had  to 
flick a pinkie, he was so light. Figured if that is what he liked,, why fight  
My Fjord mare I have now,, likes the H Sprenger HO solid mouth Liverpool  
much better over a snaffle. She works very well with what I ask of her in the  
solid mouth liverpool. I am light handed and she is well trained.  We are  not 
"Screwed" because we do not use a snaffle.
But her favorite,, and yes, horses can tell an owner what they like or not  
Anyway.. her Favorite bridle is... a Dr Cook bitless. Yup,, that is  correct. 
It is very gentle on her and she likes this over any kind of bit. She  walks, 
backs, side passes,, and whole nine yards, with no problems.
I even have a Bitless driving bridle. And yes, it works very well.
Every horse if different, and each will favor or work better  in different 
kinds of bits. Personally I feel, that I rather work with the  horse to find 
what the horse likes and works best in.
Than to listen to someone that tells me, only one type of bit is  better over 
another. And if we do not see that persons views,, that we are  "Screwed". To 
me, that just tells me, that person has stopped learning.
There you have it...MHO.
Who's horse all start out ground driving with a flat halter, and they  listen 
 > This message is from: "Karl Froelich"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  - any time technology is used to  compensate for what should be
>  trained, the result is a discipline  imposed onto the horse, rather
>  than emanating outward from the  horse. It will result in resentment,
and once you start fighting with  the horse, instead of teaming with
the horse, you're  screwed.

why do so many drivers feel more comfortable using a curb  bit?
Because driving the horse on a snaffle requires skilled and  patient

shortcuts will not pay off in the  long term.



Driving Borzois!

2006-05-01 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OMGthat is too neat!

What a  hoot!  That's me driving those Borzois!  I should have a sign that  
says my other driving critter is a Fjord!

These dogs belong to my  sister in Florida.  She and her husband raise 
Borzois and are  international dog show judges.  You can see more of them  at

Oh, BTW,  that cart comes from  Norway!



pushy yearling

2006-04-26 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/26/2006 1:25:21 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

My  yearling won't leave me alone.  He is in my face.  Helps muck.   
climbs in the wheelbarrow.  He gets his foot stuck and  then knocks it over.
He won't move out of my space even though I make it  known that he is too
close.  My mini babies don't do this.  I  also had an Arab baby and she did 
do this either.  Is this a Fjord  thing?   By the way I am working on it.
Lisa  Wiley

No,, isn't just a fjord thing. Can be a mini least with mine,, a  
donkey thing,, and Icelandic thing ;O)
Clinton Anderson has some of the most clear instructions I have seen for  
ground training.
If you get RFDTVcan see him for free. Or see if you can get his DVD's  at 
the library... or buy them of course. Would be well worth it.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #90

2006-04-25 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/25/2006 2:56:27 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I want  to try a Best Friends grazing muzzle on Boombah and would like advice
as to  size, Cob or Horse? I understand Gail Russell uses or has used  this
brand?  Help.  My girl hasn't seen grass in recent memory  but I don't want to
have to keep her contained all the time, thus the  muzzle.  Linda Taylor

I bought a Standard horse size for my Fjord Mare. Looks like it fits  

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #82

2006-04-18 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Deb,
I am getting my mare used to one too. She likes to wear it as I put a  hand 
full of grass in it when I first put it on her. But she is going to  take time 
to get used to it. Think it said to start them on short grass first to  learn.
Sorry I can't help more than that. Would love to hear from others that got  
theirs used to this muzzle.
In a message dated 4/18/2006 2:27:46 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

am in  Northwest Washington where pasture is lush, and have just started
with a  Best Friend grazing muzzle on my four year old gelding Henry. So far  
stands around looking unhappy, and paws in frustration, and nibbles a  little.
He is in his pen/stall area at night - no muzzle of course - and  gets a 
grain w vitamins, etc, plenty of hay.
So, feedback  about how long it takes to get used to the grazing muzzle, do
horses with  muzzles do ok if in with unmuzzled horses, and does this greatly
reduced  pasture intake need to be nutritionally balanced somehow that I'm  
thinking of - obviously the muzzle is a wonderful alternantive to being  kept
in, I just hope Henry gets it before he starves.
Deb Logan  in Bellingham, WA

Herm Sprenger bits

2006-04-11 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My Mare prefers the Herm Sprenger swivel liverpool HO Aurigan mouth driving  
bit,, even when ridden. She wears a 5 3/4" and the bit runs $225.00. The 
quality  is outstanding.
This bit is different, is solid,,has a bit of a arch and mullen to it,,  
works great with giving her tongue a place to go.
Anyone that tells you a Fjord is small,, doesn't know fjords!! Think she  was 
mixing them up with Icelandic's. 
I have both.
Shari ;O)
In a message dated 4/11/2006 7:17:28 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I too am  looking for bit advice.I am looking at buying a Herm Sprenger
bit.Right  now,we ride her in your regular egg butt snaffle.I rarely ride,but
my god  daughter rides and jumps her.I like driving her and use a Glory
butterfly.I  am looking at the KK Conrad Ultra B Ring Snaffle,the KK Ultra
Eggbutt and  the RS Dynamic.I have e-mailed the company three times since the
first of  March and tried a couple more e-mails to other Herm Sprenger
connections.I  have yet to get an answer to anyone.I finally went to a tack
shop that I  thought was good.They told me that I couldn't need a 5 3/4 bit
because  fjords are small.She also said that she didn't have a lot of
experience  bitting gaited horses.When I tried to tell her that my horse's
nose is  bigger than my waist and that they are not gaited,she said they are
because  she read it in a magazine.So much for shopping there.I would
appreciate any  thoughts on why I would want one of these over the  other.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #77 13.3 hands

2006-04-11 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My mare is 13.3 and that is more than plenty tall enough for me!!  
In a message dated 4/11/2006 7:17:28 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

As far  as the mare that is for sale and only 13-3

Do not dismiss the  smaller Fjord either - I love the 13-3 types.  Of course
I am not tall  myself, but there is allot of good things in those  smaller

Right now I have a little 13-3 mare in for  training and she is a doll! I
started her last fall in driving 

Myler bits

2006-04-06 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Claudia,
I use Myler bits with my miniature horses. The ones I have are  nicely made 
and well balanced.
My Fjord likes the HO H. Sprenger Driving bit best. Have no idea why  she is 
more happy with this bit, than any other,,,but what ever makes her happy.  ;O)
In a message dated 4/6/2006 6:47:51 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Do any  of you use Myler bits?  I would really like to hear fom anyone
who  does.they sound like a great idea , but I don't know anyone who
has  experience with them.
I actually drive more than ride, although we do  both.


Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #71

2006-04-05 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am very glad I am not the only one up in arms about this!  ! !  !
In a message dated 4/4/2006 8:17:26 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

all of  you who are not in Idaho - Montana and Wyoming - you should
be aware that  the public land that Serrie is talking about is yours too.
It is a  short sighted way to raise money for the governement.  This is
land  that can never ever be replaced and although you may not be in
Idaho now it  is part of your heritage as an American.  Sales of Timber,
Grazing and  mineral rights, wildlife habitat and watershed protection on
public land do  benefit even those of you who do not live next to it -
these are renewable  resources  and revenue supports some government
operationsgo. You can  use the land for recreation if you are ever here.
When it leaves public  protection, it will be developd and any future
benefit to  you or your  children will be gone. 

Unfriendly fjord people

2006-04-05 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Hope,
Not all are unfriendly. I own only 1 fjord.
Sorry you met such a person. I would never have a person with a temperament  
like that,, teach me or my horses anything. Nothing good would come of it.
What you are seeing in general,,,sadly happens with most breeds. The  
Icelandic's are just the same. There are "some" breeders and so called trainers 
really should not be doing either.
If you look around and ask enough folks,, sooner or later you will find the  
trainers with the kind heart that really know what they are doing. They will 
not  cause you to cry or tear you down. They will just quietly show you what 
needs to  be done, while making you feel on top of the world!. ;O)
Keep heart,,,
In a message dated 4/4/2006 8:17:26 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

don't  know what all of you think, but in general I find Fjord people 
pretty  unfriendly.  I'm not saying everybody, but alot.

Down the road  lives a lady w. Fjords, gives lessons, trains, shows.  I asked 
for  some driving lessons, this gal does nothing but rip up the equipment 
I've  got, my lack of knowledge, etc until I was in tears.  I felt she didn't 
want to help out a mildly disabled driver who has a horse she trained  
herself and is directly related to the horses she breeds.  Why I  don't know. 
It was one of the more freakish horse people experiences I've  had.

Then I go and volunteer at the Hub Club, for an eventing  show.  Same thing, 
thanks for your work and drop dead.  We think  you really belong in a club 
more like Dairyland.

So I went to the  Fingerlakes show.  No one hardly even says hello.  I didn't 
know  anyone but tried to be friendly.  I donated money for a class.

My  husband and I go up to Winona.  We leave without meeting a single new  

I'm not perfect, but this seems like an odd bunch.   The feuding on the list. 
The lack of sharing on the list meaningfull  information with new people.  We 
finally tacked up ourselves out of a  book, cross our fingers and hope it 
holds.  We've never driven with a  chest harness before.
Sorry but I grew up driving mules with a working type  collar.  I'm willing 
to learn, but just didn't know about the  different styles.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #65

2006-03-28 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Always find Fjords impressive when they trot. I can't ride it,, but is  
pretty to look at.
Also,, never talk with your Fjord down wind while brushing all that  fur out. 
Ended up with a mouth full of hair more than once.. 
In a message dated 3/28/2006 3:14:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

The  other afternoon, I went out to feed horses. Since our barn is to the 
east  of our house, the sun was behind my back. This particular day, my 
mare  Sissel was standing in the golden, late afternoon sunlight, as I  
approached with supper.

As she turned to trot back to the barn (and  her feeding place), the sun 
lighted up a HUGE cloud of hairs that were  billowing up in the air as 
Sissel trotted away. They glistened like gold  as they gently tumbled to 
the ground.

I wish I had had my camera --  it was a perfect image of my lovely, but 
very hairy  horse!


Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #57

2006-03-16 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HI Eileen,
If your mare is super wide,, they will not work for her. Call the Bob  
Marshall folks up and talk with them.
I did that and we both decided it would not a be a good fit for one of my  
I know of other treeless models that would most likely fit super wide  horses 
better,, email me if interested. ;O)
>>  I wish I could search the old digests, 'cause I think there  were some
>>postings on this...Anyway, I'm researching the Bob Marshall  sports
>>saddles. My mare is supersized wide, and I'm thinking that  I'll need
>>the endurance pommell. Also, I'm interested in any  differences between
>>the 'authentic' saddles and the ones produced by  Circle Y (I'm sure
>>that there's an interesting story there).   Any Bob Marhshall owners out

Eileen in sunny eastern  WA, where the snow flurries are coming from  the

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #38

2006-02-17 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have to disagree. A male llama would not make a good guard for sheep or 
Goats. Both these animals have a smell close to the female Llama,, and he will 
try to breed them. He will badly hurt or kill them if he can't get what he 
wants.  I know folks that learned the hard way.
Only use Gelded llama's that have been gelded at least 8 months... This I know 
from personal experience.
Female llama's are also good guarding animals.
However,,, saying that. Not all Llamas will guard. It is best to get one from a 
Farm that raises guard Llamas.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #38

2006-02-17 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Rita,
Some one I know rides in and sells Duett saddles. If you would like her contact 
info please let me know. I know they work really well with the really wide 
Have another friend that has one and loves it.
Back to the saddle question...has anyone used/ had any luck wit the Henri D.
Rivel wide saddle?  And does anyone use/heard of Duett Saddlery?

Northern VT.


2006-02-03 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think this can be a good thing for those who can't or don't travel  well.
I know my mare is older,, but I would like her to go through the  Evaluations 
However, I don't travel distance well anymore and would have to do such by  
Having the NFHA set up a "how to" video would help a lot of people do the  
Video's Evaluations correctly.
In a message dated 2/3/2006 12:24:31 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

"5  -  If the majority of Fjord owners are shut out of the Evaluations  by
distance, time & money, then there will be only a small group of  evaluated
horses.  The result of this will be a small, "elite" group  of evaluated
horses.  --  This could be very dangerous in regards  to the gene pool .  I

Saddles for short backed fjords

2006-01-31 Thread autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Laura,
I have the same problem with my Icelandic mare. 
What I have ended up doing is riding in Hybrid saddles. Much more to them than 
an English Saddle but shorter than a Western.
I do not like pure English saddles at all.
The most short western saddle I could find is one made by Big Horn,,is a Flexi 
tree western saddle. It is 23" long.
El Dorado makes a Endurance Flex panel saddle called the "Triple E". The panels 
are 22.5" long. However once you over lap the should up to 3" the saddle is 
more than short enough. I have one of these and they are nice.
Another option is Treeless saddles. The Star Trekk comfort Shorty saddle is 
only 20 1/2" long. It has more too it than most Treeless saddles and has a 
clearance over the spin. 
I did a long Demo with it. Both my horse and I liked it so much I have ordered 
one. This one is the best of the treeless saddles I have tried. They are well 
made and not too spendy. They also make a western Model.
If you are interested in checking it out,, let me know.
I have a few more ideas for you,, just let me know.
Shari  :O)
Subject: saddle

This message is from: "lhedelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I tried to get on this list a few months ago, and finally gave up.  Suddenly,
I began receiving lots of fun Fjord e-mails.  I'm so glad it finally worked!
I have a 6 year old gelding that we drive and ride.  I've had him since he was
a yearling, and love him to pieces.  He has truly stolen my heart.  My husband
refers to him as our big golden retriever.  He'd rather be with us than the
other horses.
I have a problem that I have been trying to solve for about 6 months.  Last
summer I noticed the tell tale signs of an ill fitting saddle on my boy,
(white hairs a ways back from his shoulders) and have been trying to find a
saddle that fits both him and me.  This is no easy task, as he has about a 22"
back to work with, he's obviously very wide and mutton withered, and I need a
western seat size 14 or 14 1/2".  I have found an english saddle that would
work (the Soltice, by the Arabian Saddle Co.) but I'd really like a western
saddle.  I do lots of trail riding, and would like to show him at our local
WSCA shows for fun, as well.  Does anyone have any ideas for me?  I have
learned so much about saddle fit in the last 6 months.  My poor guy.  He
didn't exhibit any signs of pain or discomfort that other horses might with an
ill fitting saddle.  He has a very high tolerance for pain.  ("What spurs?  I
don't feel anything.")  At this point I have no saddle for him, and summer is
fast approaching.  I hate to have to have a saddle custom made, ($$$)  but I
am getting concerned that I may not have any choice.
Any ideas?

Grazing muzzles

2006-01-25 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
Pretty soon the Grass will be growing in this area. I will have so much  
grass it isn't funny.
I will need to find a really well made Grazing Muzzle for my Fjord  mare.
Does anyone one know where I can buy one?


2005-12-28 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/28/2005 8:32:23 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

This  message is from: "Larry Goss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I need either a  used single driving harness or a new beta-thane driving
harness.  Does  anyone have an opinion (that is a funny statement on this
chat site) on  where to get it?  for a 14 hand, 1150 lb fjord.
Larry  Goss

I know a number of people that have gotten harness from these folks and  they 
come highly recommended.
I have a Zilco harness that I have had for years for the miniature horse I  
drive and it is holding up very well.
But the next harness I buy will be from the folks above.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #281

2005-12-22 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sadly Dustenai is for sale. Ended up with a problem with a disk in my back  
and it hurts to ride her. So no fault of her own. She is too good of a mare to  
just sit in my pasture.
Dustenai is a wonderful been there done that Fjord mare. She is gorgeous  and 
has the most beautiful head you'll ever find. She is broke to ride as well  
as drive. She has been shown at the International Fjord show and has won large  
halter classes as well as performance. She was featured on the Nordicfest 
poster  a couple of years ago. She has been driven in parades and has been 
in the  mountains, etc. She has a fast walk and a snappy trot. . She has 
excellent  manners, loves people and going places. UTD on all vaccine, worming. 
Hooves are  trimmed Every 8 weeks and teeth have just been done. 
If anyone is interested please email me at... [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or 503-556-4239.. please leave message and I will give you a call  back.

Driving carts

2005-11-03 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/3/2005 5:17:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Hello,this is Merrilee from WI.  I am trying to get some ideas  about what to 
buy for my mare to pull.  I've been looking at the easy  entry carts but I am 
just curious what works best for the Fjords.  I  am just learning to drive 
and just would like some pointers from more  experienced folks (with fjords). 
Do they usually require the horse  size?  My mare is 14.3 and slightly 
drafty.  Any advice would be  appricated...thanks!!

Having had Easy Entry carts...if your health is perfect and don't mind  
getting jarred around, they are a great knock around cart.
But if you are like me and your body can't handle that kind of ride you  
could look into the Country Road Carts... they are so comfy it is like riding 
in  a Rolls!!
Other good carts are..
_ ( 
You can also check out..

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #242

2005-10-31 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/31/2005 9:39:19 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

love my  Fjordies trots.  They have about as smooth a fast trot as you can  
It is a breed trait to be perpetuated by conscientious breeders.   However, if
you like a quick, ground-covering walk like my Morgan/QH cross,  Pepper, or my
friends Arab, and would be disappointed to get anything else,  you may have 
to do
a bit of shopping to find it in the Fjord.  They  can be pokey little ponies.
=)   Peppers trot is positively  jarring, so it is a trade-off.

Meredith Sessoms
Moulton  AL

Oh Goodness,, you should come ride my Fjord. She has a very fast extended  
walk, like nothing else I have ever ridden.  Have owned, ridden and trained  a 
lot of different breeds in the past.
Her trot is really fast too. But sadly no were near as smooth as that Fjord  
gelding I had all those years ago. Lets just say if I want to ride trot, I am  
going to learn to post again.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #234

2005-10-18 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/17/2005 7:27:13 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Speaking  of orange vests, there's a place near me that sells them for horses
Has  anyone used these (or bells) on the trails at this time of year? If I
get  them, what size do I get? Any other thoughts for fall riding in the
state  forest? Where would I get bells. How best should they be worn etc???
We've  got lots of hunters around here but gorgeous trails that I don't want
to  waste.


Hi Vanessa,
You can get bells at any craft store and put them on breast collars (I find  
they jingle best there), etc.. with shoe strings.
Here are some links to Orange stuff for horses.

_ ( 


PS.. who also just loves hearing all the stories about the wonderful rides  
and drives folks are having!!! 

Governess cart

2005-10-10 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
I remember awhile back someone was looking for a Governess cart.
There is a really nice one for sale here.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #219

2005-09-28 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/28/2005 10:09:43 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Hi   Do any of you know of a saddle/maker/rep/seller who  
would be willing to demo saddle fitting for a meeting in mid  
Washington State?
Do any of you have favorite  brands of saddles which fit 
your Fjords?
Sylvia  Riddle, Spokane WA

HI Sylvia,
The American Flex saddle seems to be working well for my Fjord mare. I  know  
it is a spendy saddle, but I think so far, well worth it.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #209

2005-09-15 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/15/2005 9:45:34 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

That all  depends on how much work I have in front of yours.  This time of 
year  is busy with new foal registrations coming it & I have the Fallbrook  
Evaluation to put together also.  I hope to get to yours sometime  next week 


Thank you  Mike!

Registry papers

2005-09-14 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HI All,
How long does it take to get Registry papers when you buy a new Fjord  horse?
Guess, I am just itching to get Dustenai's papers, and have the owner info  
changed over on the Pedigree web site area.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #208

2005-09-14 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/14/2005 8:34:36 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

The  Aussie stuffed panel is so  cushed, really don't need a thick pad at 
for Mack's back.  One of the  many things I like about the  Aussie saddles.   

So - what I'm  wondering about - is, will a synthetic  pad like this cause a 
problem  physically for him?  Like soreing because it  can't "breath" as  
cotton/wool can?  The ad *says* can be used by its self -  but  have any 
riders done 
this, and what has been your unbiased observation    ?

Thanks much!
Sher and Mack in  CO

HI Sher,
I do not know about this pad, but I have used a neoprene-like  
(synthetic)Tack Tack pad for years with no problems at all. All the Icelandic's 
 I have own 
have had no withers, and super round bodies, and I need all the help  I can 
get keep a saddle on them.
That Aussie pad looks like the same Material as a "Dixie Midnight"  saddle 
pad. And if it is, I know of a lot of Icelandic riders that use the Dixie  
Midnight pads and love them.
Just glad my Fjord mare has good withers so I do not have to worry about  

Bennington Fun Bug 4 wheel carriage

2005-08-28 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Does anyone own or have  driven in a Bennington Fun Bug? I like the
looks of it, but is it really  stable?
Because I will be shopping for a stable, with excellent  suspension, comfy 
off road cart for my Fjord mare by next  spring.



Miniature horses & Ulcers

2005-08-25 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/25/2005 4:14:14 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

When  they scoped him the next morning, they found ulcers.  I have the  
printout of the "picture", and poor guy, it looks pretty nasty.
He is a  15 year old gelding and he is just a pet with our other horses.
I guess  nobody knows what causes ulcers exactly, but stress is one
factor they  think.
I don't know what stress he would have here, as I feed all the  horses 
and then let them all out together during the  day.  At night the minis are 
He is on Ranitidine,  which is generic for Zantac and I have to give him two
tablets three times  daily.
Anybody have any experience with ulcers in their  horses?

So. Calif.

For some reason Ulcers in miniature horses are not all that unusual.  Know 
many people that have miniature horses with that problem.
Have you checked out this forum for miniature horses.. great place.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #190

2005-08-23 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/23/2005 9:56:57 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

traditional Norwegian harness.  They were really appreciated and  shows
there is much to be considered.  Here is a new link that shows  the actual
harness in action as I know some folks wanted pictures.  It  is just a very
short teaser but nice.  It really helped me see how it  moves with the
shoulders and stays off the top of the neck and does not  crush the mane.  If
you're interested you can view it at:
then click on Norwegian Harness link in  the paragraph for a short clip.
Clip is best viewed with broadband but  there are regular photos, too.  Sorry
the clip is not a Fjord but  there is a photo of a Fjord modeling the
harness, too.  I'm inquiring  to see if Olaf Nyby will make all the straps in
a synthetic, too.  I'd  never get any driving done if I had to clean that
much leather.   

Thank you for posting this...  I love this type of harness.. and would  be 
interested in getting one next spring.
Would also be very interested in a high Quality synthetic one too. 
Have a Traditional Leather  Collar & Hames work Harness, while it  is nicely 
made it is about 50lbs of harness. I can no longer get in on my horses  
So something sturdy, but much lighter would be wonderful!.
Please keep me in mind when you talk to Olaf.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #188

2005-08-21 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/21/2005 5:09:47 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

a little  aside, and Fjord related, I have been told that the Blue Earth
and Libby  shows are getting so big that the driving classes are becoming
hazardous  due to lack of facilities/space to allow for safe classes, and
safe  hitching and warm-up areas.  Just a caution..the Fjord shows  could
be headed for a disastrous accident that could maim or kill some of  US
(exhibitors and/or spectators)...all because the "business" grew a bit  too
fast and caution was not exercised in  time.


Hi Gail,
I have never been to a Blue Earth show. But I do drive cart. You are right,  
Safety can't be stressed enough. 
At some point in the future I was hoping to go. I hope by that time, they  
get things in order/organized so it will be a safe place for all.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #188

2005-08-21 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/21/2005 5:09:47 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

to  prevent thrombosis from all the inactivity.  

In the end, we  elected to leave "against medical advice."  The hotel
concierge found  me a medical equipment store down the street.  By this time
I had  managed to master the entire subway and tram system for the city  of
Viennaso purchased crutches near the hotel and shuttled them off to  the
hospital so we could make our getaway.  I then went back to Air  France
office near the opera house and spent 3 hours changing the air  reservations
and trying to get wheel chairs promised at the airport.   (Jim had also hurt
his hand and a shoulder, and could barely walk with the  crutches.)

Oh my *** Gail,, I am just so glad you and your husband are alright.. well  
at least for the most part. I hope your hubby is doing better now. 
 to you both for a speedy recovery.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #185

2005-08-17 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/17/2005 10:11:42 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I  currently have a mare that has not shed out this year. I am still looking  
answers.  The Vet though maybe thyroid, but she hasn't responded  to 
treatment. I
don't know what I will do next. It will good to hear how  you make out with 

Alison Bakken
in rainy  Alberta

Have your Vet check for Cushings.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #183

2005-08-14 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/14/2005 4:24:19 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

If you  want to adapt a norwegian harness for use with an english 
single-horse  vehicle, you will have to add traces and shaft loops to 
essentially convert 
 the harness into an english style harness. 

It can be done, but the  conversion is awkward and eliminates the advantages 
of the using the norwegian  harnessing system.

The other option is to modify the shafts of an  english vehicle so you can 
actually use the link (called the "ore" in  Norwegian) to properly connect the 
horse to the vehicle. The ore pins onto the  shafts about where the shaft loops 
on an english harness would normally  be.

The shafts also need to be sturdy enough to transmit the pull of  the horse 
to the vehicle.

I'm not saying it can't be done ... it's just  that there's more to the 
problem than just using a different type of  collar.


I would love to see pictures of it. Next year I plan to get a custom cart  
made for my mare. If I can or do get a Norwegian Harness I can make sure the  
cart is made for it.

Re:Traditional Norwegian Harness

2005-08-13 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/13/2005 2:17:05 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I have  been investigating the traditional Norwegian Harness such as Olaf
Nyby  sells.  It looks wonderful on Fjords and is purported to be  comfortable
and functional for them also.  I was wondering if anyone  on this list uses
this type of harness and if so how do you like it?   Any problems or concerns
would also be appreciated?  Also to what type  of carriage or conveyance
(i.e. marathon shafts, Norwegian shafts,  traditional shafts, forecart, etc.)
is it attached?  I understand that  they are very easy to move between
different size horses and quick to  hitch.  Plus I hate having my fjordies
manes get messed up with  regular harness. 
Any information would be appreciated.   Thanks,
Milli Ann
Magnolia, TX

Milli Ann, I would love to see pictures of a traditional Norwegian harness,  
as I would also be interested in it.
Is there any web site that I can see one?

Re:Blue eyes

2005-08-13 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/13/2005 2:17:05 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I am  trained as a ophthalmic technologist ( human ) I do know that blue eyes
are  subject to more light sensitivity than brown or green. Add contact
lenses  to that and it doubles your need for sunglasses. I know that it may
not  correlate to horses but it would make sense that blue eyed horses are
more  sensitive to light. From my experience a blue eye is a blue eye weather
it  be equine or human.


I am glad you brought this up. I have light blue eyes and I will tell you  
first hand, I can't deal with Sun light as well as people with brown eyes. I  
have to wear some sort of hat or sun glasses as it can get painful.
I have seen Walleye/Blue eye horses with the same problem.
Granted not scientific, but I think it can be the same in any  animal.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #179

2005-08-10 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First ride at Home!
Well, I had my first ride on Dustenai today. Went out and brushed her,  then 
my son brought out the saddle. Since I decided to ride in the round  pen, just 
rode in her halter and lead, making the lead like reins of course. We  just 
puttered around in the round pen, and quite enjoyed it.
Just walked, backed, a few other little things, she did every thing I  asked. 
She was patient as I did some stretches. While doing that, I found  out where 
her itchy spots are from the saddle, Dustenai really enjoyed  that. Quite 
rewarding when she sticks her neck out and does the funny  face! 
We are going to take it slow so we can both get used to each other, well  and 
I can try to get back into shape.  ;O)

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #178

2005-08-10 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/10/2005 8:37:11 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I'm  going to my first trail trials in a couple weeks, and it sounds like 
great  fun. All the obstacles seem pretty logical except the "drag." Can 
tell me exactly how this is done?

/ )_~
Brigid  Wasson

I do not know if this is the same thing or not. But when I did drag, long  
time ago, we would drag a little log or such on the end of the rope, when 
 on our horses. This would prove our horse would not spook when working.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #177

2005-08-10 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/9/2005 1:55:55 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

sport  fjords  HE IS NOT UNEVEN
BE.Again just another show  of true ignorance by someone on this list
with rude words for our breed and  breeders and people they don't even know.
My gelding is out of an  EXCELLENT, VERY BIG imported Mare and sired by an
EXCELLENT imported  stallion (Felix) who is known both here in North America
and in Norway for  having exceptional offspring and who is quite a big guy
himself.  My  guy is not of either of their statures and that doesn't make
him any less a  fjord...just because he doesn't have legs that look like tree
stumps, or  hooves that look like dinner plates and a body that resembles a
Sherman  Tank does not mean he is a poorly bred or an uneven tempered
fjordLast  time I checked with the billions of people on our planet very
few are  exactly alike (with the exception of identical twins).

Why would you shout?
When I was Fjord horse shopping. When I said," thin legs", the Fjord I was  
looking at, had legs as thin as any TB on a big body. Sorry but that does not  
look right, conformation wise he was going to have health issues.
Also did not say that "all" more refined Fjords where a bad thing. Though  in 
my Search, I saw a few of the taller more thin ones with very questionable  
temperaments. Not at all Fjord like, very hot and hard to handle.  Can only  
state what I have personally seen.
Knowing what the Fjord gelding I had all those years ago was like, how easy  
he was to train. Well, lets just say I found it disturbing to see Fjords with  
temperaments like that.
But I kept looking anyway.
Saw a few with Pig eyes, not at all straight legs (over the knee  badly) and 
conformation not so good, but they had good temperaments.
Saw ones that would kick at you if you tried to touch them in certain  areas, 
though I think most of that, was training or lack of it.
I wanted another Fjord because I clearly remembered what that gelding was  
like. And in this day and age, the way my body is, that is just what I  needed. 
I like the more heavier and mid build Fjords, and I am happy that  I am able 
to find what I was looking for. I know what I was searching for and  needed, 
in Temperament, training and conformation and yes, I was ver picky,  as I 
was searching for a life long friend.
Have been around horses a long time, a good conformation, is a good  
conformation no matter the type of build.
I think evaluations are a good thing, it gives people an idea or a starting  
point. If one wants to change what is going on, go to these things, with the  
Fjord that you think is the perfect type. Show them there are other types out  
there, explain why it is important to keep all types in person. You will find 
 many people will listen.
 I got back into Fjords mainly because of their tractable easy going  
temperament. And I hope in the future there will always be those types of 
Fjords  out 
Shari ;O)

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #175

2005-08-08 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/7/2005 9:33:39 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Another  key issue that you failed to recognize is the fact that we are the 
only  country in the world at this point in time, that is striving to 
the draft body type.  Yup, many of the European countries are,  indeed, 
the buck, breeding for what sells - lighter bone  structure, riding type - 
horses - if you will.  If you look  through our record book, you will find a 
number of drafty Fjords.   There is a large population, some very good ones, 
the Midwest section  of our country.  I agree with Brian and can foresee in 
future,  that European countries will be coming to us to replenish their 

Hi Gayle,
I really liked your information.
Did not know that the Old countries were doing the up sizing/refining  of 
this wonderful Breed too. Very sad state of affairs in my books.
The reason I bought a Fjord in the first place is they are smaller, stout,  
have very good bone and temperament. I do not want a up sized, narrowed bodied, 
 uneven tempered,  Homogenized horse.  Do not think  bigger/taller is better.
Have too many horse breeds in this country that lost their Original  Type, 
The beautiful Fjord mare I bought from Gayle, and I kid you not, after 5  
years of really searching was "The Best" mare I could find in the type of  
conformation & temperament & Training I wanted.
While I do not plan to breed, I still know what I like and what is a good  
horse. There is a lot of breeders who would do well to have their horses  go 
through the evaluation system. They would learn a lot and keep the  Fjord horse 
on the right path. 
I dislike seeing Pig eyes, thin legs,, among other things.
Would not want to see happen to the Fjord what is already happening  with the 
Icelandic horses, along with other breeds. Though reading Gayle's  
 I know this would not make a lot of Icelandic horse breeders happy  and sure 
to get me flamed big time, but there are a lot of poorly breed over  
sensitive Icelandic horses out there. Maybe if they had some way to educate  
there would not be so many problem horses. Watching and owning this  breed 
for 15 years, and seeing the drastic changes even in Iceland, with them up  
sizing and refining. they are not doing the breed any favors. My biggest  
problem is the more they refine these horses, I see in time that they will  
loose their weight carrying ability, among other things.
I think the evaluation system is a good thing for the  Fjord breed.
Getting OT so will get off my soap box now.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #172

2005-08-03 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/2/2005 9:22:15 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I went  to one of the big horse expos.The Mylers were there demoing  their
bits.Mr.Myler is quite a jerk.He decided not to show up for one of  the
demos,leaving people waiting in the stands.He decided not to tell them  he
wasn't going.For the other demo,I was selected to help.I had been  interested
in a comfort snaffle.He used my arm to show how comfortable the  bits were.At
the end of the demo,my arm was black and blue with pinched  torn skin.I did
not use a Myler on my fjord after that.   Ellen

I am really sorry to hear that. 
I do and have used a Myler for my miniature horse for years. They are the  
"Only" company that will make a custom bit for miniature horses in the correct  
mouth piece width. I know what my horses need, and most of the time it is  
impossible to find what I want.
All other bits, what there are of them for miniature horses, were much to  
thick and uncomfortable.
She is in a ported comfort snaffle, but this one has a lot less movement in  
the middle,does not collapse on the tongue. There is no pinch at all with it,  
believe me, she would let me know clearly!
We are lucky there are so many other brands of bits out there for the Big  
My Fjord mare will end up being ridden in my 5 1/2"Butterfly or Liverpool  
driving bits. I have a uexter Kimberwick but it is too small at 5".
Like any bit, it is only as gentle as the hands that use it.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #170

2005-08-01 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/1/2005 7:36:32 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Just watch her for a few days and she will probably give you  some ideas on a
good barn name but you will probably just call her names  like 'sweetie pie.'
I was really lucky when I got my Olaf since I use it as  his barn name as
well.maybe Dusty or Dear since they sound  similar.Good
Girl...Sweetums..Pretty Girl.I do call Olaf  the 'cookie moster'
because he can tell if I have his cookies from a long  distance.  I think
Fjords look at almost anything as food, Olaf even  looks forward to the
dewormer as a mid day treat.Congratulations on  your Dustenai.

I like the name "Cookie Monster" !!
Was sitting under one of the big fir trees, just watching her eat last  
night,  waiting for something to pop into my mind. Was thinking of calling  her 
Dusty, but wanted something more female, since she is such a pretty  mare.
Gayle let me know they called her Dusty, and will more likely use that. Is  
funny, because normally with any animal I get, a name just pops into my mind.  
Not so with Dusty. 
Thank you!!

New to List

2005-07-30 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
Am new to this list, so I thought I would introduce myself.
I just bought a wonderful Fjord mare, "Dustenai" from Gayle Ware of," Field  
of Dreams" Fjords. Went down twice to make doubly sure this mare was the one I 
 have been looking for, for many years. She is! Her training is outstanding 
and  she has such a sweet temperament.
Will be giving her a couple of weeks to settle in, then we get to go for  our 
first official ride!
She is already nickering when I bring her Vitamins, and a tiny hand full of  
oats to go with it.
Thank you Gayle for letting me buy Dustenai. 
Now I am searching for a Barn name for her, as I like to keep their Barn  
names one or two syllables. 
Right now I also have an Icelandic mare, who I hope to sell at some point  so 
I can buy another Fjord horse.
Two miniature horses, one of which I drive. And last but not least a 1 year  
old Jenny.
Shari  :O)