[google-appengine] This webpage has a redirect loop

2011-05-06 Thread Bill

I'm new to GAE. And somewhat old with web development.

I was trying to do a redirect - to a jsp page - from my servlet class
but keep getting the error message "The webpage at 
has resulted in too many redirects".

My servlet method simply calls resp.sendRedirect("/my_clock.jsp"). And
the jsp file is saved directly under the war/ directory. Spitting out
html using PrintWriter's out.println() method however works fine.

Please what am I doing wrong?

My web.xml looks like this:

http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"; version="2.5">



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[google-appengine] Re: how to develop blog in the site using python

2008-08-27 Thread Bill

Bloog is MIT license and cpedialog is open source as well.  You can
check out all the open source software for App Engine over here:
I didn't incorporate a forum or rating into Bloog, but it has Tags
with a memcached, sharded counter.
Have fun,

> Hi Brian,
> I really appreciate your time and help.I will take your advice and
> look for the Bloog and/or cpedialog.But do i need to pay anything for
> using the mentioned services in my site or I can use it as it
> is.Thanks in advance for your suggestion
> On Aug 27, 2:15 am, Brian Clapper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 8/26/08 1:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I have a requirement of developing blog in my site that includes
> > > tagging,discussion forum,rating and voting.Has anybody done something
> > > like this using python and google app engine.Thanks in advance for the
> > > help
> > See Bloog and/or cpedialog, both of which run on App Engine.
> >    http://bloog.billkatz.com/
> >    http://code.google.com/p/cpedialog/
> > Also, I run my blog on GAE, using custom software I wrote myself; I've
> > written several articles on how to write blogging software for GAE. See:
> >    http://brizzled.clapper.org/id/77
> >    http://brizzled.clapper.org/id/78
> >    http://brizzled.clapper.org/id/80
> > I've posted the software I use in those articles on my web site. See the
> > articles for links. My software doesn't support voting, rating or comments
> > (since I don't want those things right now), but you could certainly add
> > them.
> > In your shoes, I'd probably start with Bloog or cpedialog. (I'm partial to
> > Bloog's approach, myself. YMMV.)
> > Brian Clapper,http://www.clapper.org/bmc/
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[google-appengine] Accessing a datastore across apps (was "cross app queries")

2008-08-27 Thread Bill

Being able to access any app datastore from other apps (with some sort
of authentication/authorization in place) would be a very powerful
feature.  It's currently an advantage of Amazon SimpleDB and non-
siloed datastores.

This would be particularly useful when different languages are
supported and a component in one language needs access to an app's
datastore.  Technically, it seems doable because keys have app and key
name components, and all App Engine datastores are in one bigtable

Please star the feature request if you'd like to see this:

This is a continuation of the thread:
(Apparently this thread is closed and only allows replies to authors.)

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[google-appengine] Re: Having doubts about AppEngine

2008-08-27 Thread Bill

I understand and also worry a little about the long-term roadmap for
App Engine as a significant Google offering.  AWS has a much larger
community and with the addition of persistent storage and sorting of
Query results, Amazon is rapidly shoring up their deficiencies. That
said, the two services target different audiences since you still have
to do a lot of infrastructure management to get something like App
Engine on top of AWS.  (Or you can pay RightScale or others to do it.)

Also, App Engine is significantly younger than AWS.  Forum traffic and
articles on Amazon EC2 was light at the beginning as well.  IMHO, I
think a lot of programmers are waiting for pay-as-you-go and possibly
https.  Beta AWS services start with pricing and charging at launch.
EC2/SimpleDB programmers will be more self-selected than Google App
Engine developers because you have to know the full stack (from OS on
AMI on up).  I can also see a lot of small development shops going the
App Engine route because (1) free resources up to a certain point and
(2) little infrastructure issues.

I've been impressed with the Google App Engine team but also wonder
how much support they can draw from Google.  Jeff Bezos attends AWS
events and provides a clear signal that they view AWS as a core
offering.  I think Yahoo management will do the same if Yahoo launches
their version of App Engine.  Having stars like GvR on the App Engine
team sends a signal as well, but it's different than having top
executives talk up the service.

On Aug 27, 3:09 pm, javaDinosaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am starting to have doubts about continuing to develop my
> applications for GAE. My concerns are not technical although I have a
> some anxieties about transaction data propagation performance.
> My concerns center around Google’s commitment to the App Engine
> project. Compared to Amazon’s Web Service forums this place feels like
> a technical backwater. Developers hosting on Amazon AWS post
> interesting questions and get deep-dive replies promptly from Amazon
> staff. Amazon is releasing new Cloud development services monthly yet
> all we get is minor patches.
> Here on the GAE forum elementary questions about how GAE ticks go
> unanswered for months. Basic roadmap type info such as will we get SSL
> or scheduled tasks is missing.
> I just feel that the GAE Team is not building up any development
> stream in what should be the last 4 month run up to the year-end
> release. Communication with the developer community here is abysmal
> compared to the investment in developer relations made by companies
> such as Microsoft, Redhat or Amazon.
> What’s happened to the early buzz Google? Has the top bass pinched
> half the team to firefight problems on another project?
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[google-appengine] Queries on polymorphic relationships

2008-08-27 Thread Bill

App Engine handles what Rails calls "polymorphic association".  An

class Rating(db.Model):
rating = db.RatingProperty()
rated_obj = db.ReferenceProperty(required=True)

Since I didn't specify a particular model for the ReferenceProperty, I
can use any kind of model.  App Engine uses keys.  In Rails this would
be done by two fields:

rated_obj_id --> integer
rated_obj_type --> string describing the type or class so Rails
knows which table to use

In some of my App Engine models, I find myself adding a "type" string
property whenever I have a general reference property.  I think this
is needed to do queries on just certain kinds of references.

So I would do this:

class Rating(db.Model):
rating = db.RatingProperty()
rated_obj = db.ReferenceProperty(required=True)
rated_obj_kind = db.StringProperty()

Now I can easily query for all ratings on a particular kind of class
by using a filter("rated_obj_kind =", "Foo").  It seems a bit wasteful
since the kind information is already in the reference key.  Am I
missing a query to get at kind from the keys?  Or should I just auto-
initialize rated_obj_kind when rated_obj is set?
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[google-appengine] Re: Having doubts about AppEngine

2008-08-28 Thread Bill

> Instead of comparing their free preview service to S3, try
> comparing it to any other free hosting service out there.

While that's a reasonable comparison for hobbyists, there's a lot of
us using App Engine with grander aspirations.  We want to build easily
scaled web applications (real businesses) on top of App Engine.  I
wouldn't have spent much time with App Engine if it were going to
remain just a free hosting service with quotas.  If you look at the
front page of App Engine, it's clear that Google wants to handle real
businesses as well.

So for developers looking to build scalable apps that could
potentially grow "to millions of users," the best comparison right now
is to Amazon's cloud computing effort and the App Engine-like
businesses that are being built on it (RightScale, Heroku, AppJet,

As a preview user, it's useful to voice your concerns and issues in a
reasonable manner.  Part of it is through the issue tracker, but this
board is a valuable sounding board for developers.  I *want* Google to
succeed since I'm putting my time and ventures into it.  The more
effectively they address these concerns, the better they'll look
compared to AWS, and that fosters a strong developer community.
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[google-appengine] Re: Full Feeds for App Engine Cookbook

2008-08-29 Thread Bill

The cookbook is a great idea.

A suggestion: Let users rate an item without entering a comment.

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[google-appengine] Re: Unable to make comments on http://appengine-cookbook.appspot.com

2008-08-30 Thread Bill

It's a bit ironic since the cause of that error might be mitigated by
one of the submitted recipes:
"Might" because using numeric IDs only work if you didn't store the
entities using a key name.

On Aug 30, 3:22 pm, "noah.gift" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/
> __init__.py", line 501, in __call__
>     handler.post(*groups)
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/appengine-cookbook/2.4/cookbook.py", line
> 373, in post
>     template_values = memcache.get(key)
>   File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/memcache/
> __init__.py", line 384, in get
>     request.add_key(_key_string(key))
>   File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/memcache/
> __init__.py", line 115, in _key_string
>     'received %d bytes' % (MAX_KEY_SIZE, len(server_key)))
> ValueError: Keys may not be more than 250 bytes in length, received
> 282 bytes
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[google-appengine] Re: Having doubts about AppEngine

2008-09-01 Thread Bill

> If I was a member of the marketing staff, I would have pursued a
> strategy that ensured that defaults for appengine didn't lock you into
> an ultra orthodox view of web development like Django Templates take.
> By ultra orthodox I mean handcuffing the templates so you cannot
> insert Python code in them.

While I agree that claims shouldn't be made for not fully working
frameworks, I'd rather the core AppEngine team implement features the
rest of the community would have great difficulty implementing.  I
don't consider templates a difficult piece of the pie.  I'm a relative
python newbie and if I had a little more time and motivation, I'd
create a version of Haml (template system out of Ruby world that uses
pythonic indentation for clarity) that allows embedded python.  As far
as I can tell, there's nothing preventing any of us from creating such
a framework because evals aren't sandboxed.

I haven't created that template system (yet) because I find Django's
templates sufficient.  Yes, I run into the python embedding issue
sometimes, but there are ways to work around it and Django does
provide a nice number of filters and a tailorable template system.

There's a difference between things the community can build on the
existing framework and things Google probably has to do themselves,
like https support, cross-app datastore access, and relaxing the
sandbox or securing important packages like full PIL support.  Stuff
we can't do as a community should take priority.
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[google-appengine] Re: Having doubts about AppEngine

2008-09-01 Thread Bill

> > ... if I had a little more time and motivation, I'd
> > create a version of Haml (template system out of Ruby world that uses
> > pythonic indentation for clarity) that allows embedded python.
> Hmm, the docs look interesting.  I would give it a try if you ported
> it to Python.  It looks pretty cool, plus it is used as the default by
> Merb, which seems to be stealing a bit of the Rails thunder I hear.

Didn't realize it was the Merb default.  There's already a python port
genshi/) you can try out on App Engine.  It requires Genshi.  If
Django bothers me enough, I might try it out.  Still, it feels like
it's a port and not fully exploiting the natural fit with the python
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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore write performance question

2008-09-04 Thread Bill

The small amount of benchmarks I've run show puts to be very
expensive, so minimizing them in general will help.  Your question,
though, is a bit more complex.  First, you are increasing the size of
your puts.  I've not done any benchmarks checking that tradeoff (# of
puts vs size of puts).  If you increase the size of your models,
depending no your application, you might also increase the chance of
requiring transactions, which are much more expensive than vanilla

I would suggest running a benchmark experiment in the cloud.  Use two
app versions, one with chunky models, the other with properties
distributed.  Then time the puts.  That would give you a more
definitive answer.  If I get the time, I might test it out myself.

On Sep 4, 7:46 am, "I.K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nobody?
> Can somebody point me to any relevant blog entries/ posts / documents,
> so I can figure it out myself
> On Sep 1, 1:46 pm, "I.K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > In the belief that I will improve systems performance, I have been
> > reducing the number of Datastore writes by creating a few  larger
> > models with lots of data in therm, rather than a larger number of
> > smaller models.  Am I correct in my assumption?
> > This obviously affects my design and code, so I just want to be sure
> > I'm  making extra work for myself.
> > Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: Parsing clean URLs?

2008-09-07 Thread Bill

You'll need to handle the regex in main() to route the URL and also
the proper parameters of the regex results in your handler.  This is
exactly how I handle tags in Bloog where URLs are http://.../tag/someTag.
Here's the code that pertains to your question:

1) The regex for URL routing:
Line 54 on http://github.com/DocSavage/bloog/tree/master/main.py

2) Handling the matched tag name in your handler:
Line 477 on http://github.com/DocSavage/bloog/tree/master/handlers/bloog/blog.py
Note in TagHandler's get() method how there's the second parameter
that captures whatever matched the ...tag/(.*) regex.  For every
captured group (parenthesized expression) in your regex, you'll need
another parameter in your handler methods.


On Sep 6, 7:24 pm, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I thought this would be easy but am having a bit of difficulty.
> I'm trying to do a site where users will have profiles. So I have my
> app.yaml pointing to a profile.py like so:
> handlers:
>  - url: /profiles
>    script: profiles.py
> The way I want to have the URL for profiles look is as follows:
> http://www.my-app.com/profiles/username
> All I can get to work iswww.my-app.com/profiles
> In profiles.py I have the following code:
> def main():
>   application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
>   [
>           ('/profile', ProfileHandler),
>   ],
>                                        debug=True)
>   wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application)
> I've tried changing /profile to /profile(.*) but that doesn't work.
> Can anyone help me out? I would prefer not to use POST data for this.
> Thanks!!
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[google-appengine] Content-type can alter output?

2008-09-07 Thread Bill

Just noticed this and wondered if it's a security feature.
If you do:

self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/javascript'

On my machine you get:


This caused a snafu when passing json back and forth between my client
and App Engine.  Anyone know if this is standard behavior, maybe in
the underlying python framework?  Did a simple search on the appengine
code and didn't find anything where a  gets injected.

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[google-appengine] Re: Content-type can alter output?

2008-09-08 Thread Bill

Thanks.  Looks like a workaround for one browser issue requires
another :/

I should've used curl to test the raw output from App Engine.

On Sep 8, 9:21 am, Ross Ridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bill wrote:
> > self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/javascript'
> > self.response.out.write("foo")
> > On my machine you get:
> > foo
> It could just be a transformation your browser is doing to display the
> JavaScript code.
>                          Ross Ridge
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[google-appengine] Future: App Engine datacenters in the ocean?

2008-09-08 Thread Bill

This is a fairly cool Google idea:

Personally, I think my apps would like to be hosted just offshore of
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[google-appengine] Re: A Very Specific AJAX RPC App Engine Question

2008-09-08 Thread Bill

I've been building some AJAX clients that call App Engine backends.
I'm not sure what documentation your citing, but App Engine is just
like any server out there.  The standard webapp framework nicely
handles GET, POST, and other HTTP actions/verbs.  You can set the
content header in your handler by doing this:

self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/javascript'   # or
'application/json' if you think IE won't choke on it
self.response.out.write(...some json...)

That's it.  The hard part on the backend is the code that autoconverts
datastore structures into json.  In particular, you have to convert
datetime and recurse down into lists and dictionaries and convert them
to simple json types.

On Sep 8, 8:42 pm, Downtown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am attempting to write a GAE application using AJAX.  It states:
> "In its most generic sense, an AJAX Request will have a function name
> followed by any optional parameters, the last of which, if it is a
> function, is an optional OnSuccess callback. So, lets write a function
> that handles this:
> .
> (resulting in ..)
> GEThttp://localhost:8080/rpc?action=Add&arg0=%221%22&arg1=%222%22&time=1...
> "
> Where is the "OnSuccess" callback??  It is missing from the GET URL.
> Can I assume the following is correct:
> GEThttp://localhost:8080/rpc?action=Add&arg0=%221%22&arg1=%222%22&time=1...
> Also, can I assume on the server side:
> self.response.out.write(simplejson.dumps(result))...will send the
> response to myjavascriptfunction??
> If I am missing something fundamental, please explain.  If not, please
> update the example to include better documentation on the callback
> function.
> P.S.  If you help me fine tune your example I will post a Dojo
> equivalent that would substantially reduce coding the AJAX GET.  In
> Dojo it would be as simple as:
>  dojo.io.script.get({
>                         url: "http://localhost:8080/rpc?";,
>                         content: {
>                             action: "Add",
>                             arg0: "1",
>                             arg2: "2",
>                            time: Date(),
>                            OnSuccess: "myjavascriptfunction"
>                         },
>                         handleAs: "text/json",
>                         preventCache: true,
>                         error: function(text){
>                             alert("An error has occurred - " + text);
>                             return text;
>                         }
>                     });
>                 }
> Thanks!
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[google-appengine] Compilation of unanswered datastore questions

2008-09-11 Thread Bill

There are some unanswered questions about datastore that I still have
and occasionally crop up on the message board.  This thread is an
attempt to brain dump and outline areas we could use more info.  If
you've run into questions about datastore and don't see it on this
list, please add to the thread.  Please don't put questions on this
thread that are easily answered by the docs.  Instead we want
questions that only Google can answer or that we, as a community, can
step up and answer ourselves (like benchmarking).

Here's my initial brain dump:

1) Will timeout issues on put/transactions be removed when we go pay-
as-you-go or should we develop production apps with these limits in
mind?  Exact # of puts or transactions you can reasonably expect to
work within one request before quota issue.

2) Best practices for robustly handling datastore exceptions due to
App Engine maintenance/issues with least impact on users, e.g.
DeadlineExceededError (increased latency) and CapabilityDisabledError
(maintenance shut down of certain datastore functions).

3) Best practices for (de)normalization and entity sizes.  A gut
reaction some developers might take when approaching datastore is to
denormalize and put stuff in fewer tables.  What are the costs of
keeping many small entities and using reference properties instead?
For example, in a many-to-many relationship, we could have 3 Kinds: A,
B, and join(A,B).  This is just like a traditional relational DB with
a join model.  What are the costs of traversing implicit collection
sets defined by the reference properties in the join Kind?  If you
have a limited relationship between two entities, when does using a
ListProperty (of keys, for example) make sense, especially in light of
the cap on indexed properties per entity?

4) Benchmarks!  I've been meaning to run tests on costs for different
datastore operations:
- Direct get using key or id
- Direct get using list of key/id
- Fetches using filters
- Iterative get from a query
- How the above 3 (direct w/ key, bulk fetch, iterative get) scale
with request size.
- Delete/Put
- The big hit using transactions

Is it a big win to come up with a good key naming scheme or does that
bite you in other ways?

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[google-appengine] Re: Missing Entities in Admin Console Data Viewer

2008-09-11 Thread Bill

Custom key name shouldn't matter.  Does the missing Kind have any
entities stored in it?  I believe empty Kinds, even if they are
defined in index.yaml, won't show up in the console until there are
stored entities.

On Sep 11, 12:56 pm, Tony Arkles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Right now my app has 4 different Entity kinds that get stored in the
> Datastore.  In the Admin Console Data Viewer, I can see 3 of them, but
> not the 4th.  The only thing that's different (other than the fact
> that they have different fields) is that the missing one uses a custom
> key_name.
> If that's "expected behaviour", is there any easy way to get at that
> data without writing code to do it?
> Cheers
> Tony
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[google-appengine] Re: Missing Entities in Admin Console Data Viewer

2008-09-11 Thread Bill

Is this locally or the admin console up in App Engine?  I would check
your index.yaml and make sure the missing Kind is listed.  If local,
I'd restart the server.

On Sep 11, 1:07 pm, Tony Arkles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It definitely has Entities in it.  If I do a Feed.all(), I get a bunch
> of objects back. (I can dump the content back and get what I expect).
> It's just a bit concerning that it's missing from the Admin Console.
> On Sep 11, 2:01 pm, Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Custom key name shouldn't matter.  Does the missing Kind have any
> > entities stored in it?  I believe empty Kinds, even if they are
> > defined in index.yaml, won't show up in the console until there are
> > stored entities.
> > On Sep 11, 12:56 pm, Tony Arkles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi!
> > > Right now my app has 4 different Entity kinds that get stored in the
> > > Datastore.  In the Admin Console Data Viewer, I can see 3 of them, but
> > > not the 4th.  The only thing that's different (other than the fact
> > > that they have different fields) is that the missing one uses a custom
> > > key_name.
> > > If that's "expected behaviour", is there any easy way to get at that
> > > data without writing code to do it?
> > > Cheers
> > > Tony
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[google-appengine] Re: Compilation of unanswered datastore questions

2008-09-11 Thread Bill

> I do not know how this compares to the live version of appengine, but
> on the development sdk it was huge.

It would probably be magnified on the local SDK which seems to use an
inefficient storage scheme.  If you load up your local datastore with
data, you'll notice your puts get longer and longer.  Obviously, the
live datastore doesn't have this characteristic.  And as bad as puts()
are, local transactions are killer.  Try doing your 122 puts under
transactions :)

Enough is enough.  I've decided to make and release via open-source a
benchmark app.  Will start working on it after a late lunch.
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[google-appengine] Re: A Very Specific AJAX RPC App Engine Question

2008-09-12 Thread Bill

You might want to use Crockford's JSON utility instead of the naked
eval of the response. See the section "A word of caution against using
eval" on the YUI JSON page:

The original non-YUI version can be used as well:

On Sep 12, 6:36 am, Downtown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for all the posts. I have GET working very well.  I had one
> additional issue converting string to JSON object which was solved as
> follows:
>                              dojo.xhrGet({
>                                 url: myurl,
>                                         handleAs: "json",
>                                         load: function(response, ioArgs){
>                                         var myObject = eval('(' + response + 
> ')');
>                                         myjsfunction(myObject);
>                                     },
>                                     error: function(response, ioArgs){
>                                            alert("An error occurred 
> retrieving the current feed from the
> server cache.");
>                                       //dojo.byId("toBeReplaced").innerHTML = 
> "An error occurred,
> with response: " + response;
>                                      return response;
>                                     }
>                                   });
> On Sep 10, 12:52 am, "Peter Svensson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That's a good example of how jsonp can look like. Also, I wrote the last
> > post with my head screwed on backwards, I think :) To get jsonp, you can
> > just use response.out.write('/*'+foo+'*/')  where foo is the json string.
> > Cheers,
> > PS
> > On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Davide Rognoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > > JSON-P example:
> > > 
> > > function foo(json) {
> > >    alert( json["responseData"]["translatedText"] );
> > > }
> > > 
> > > 

[google-appengine] Re: Question on search.SearchableModel

2008-09-17 Thread Bill

You could use my modified version of SearchableModel.  I blogged about
it here:
It allows you to declare a class variable unsearchable_properties.

On Sep 17, 7:28 am, Arun Shanker Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have a search.SearchableModel, all the String properties are indexed
> and can be queried using .search(). Is there any way to make a
> particular property in the model not to be searched or indexed. I need
> to hide a particular property when the user performs a search on it.
> Thanks,
> Arun Shanker Prasad.
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[google-appengine] Re: High Amount CPU Quota should be removed

2008-09-23 Thread Bill

> Imagine the potential consequences if any app could consume as much
> resources as it sees fit at any time from that daily quota it has.
> Peak load could (and would) go up unpredictably, and that would
> potentially cause problems even to apps that are more optimized than
> the CPU hogs. Remeber that this is a shared system, so these barriers
> are necessary.

A main point of App Engine is to let any app potentially consume as
much resources as it needs at any time whether it's from a
slashdotting or a lower volume of high CPU requests.  I look at the
High Amount CPU quota warnings as an information service to help tune
your app.  After pay-as-you-go is released, these warnings should be
purely informational IMHO.  High CPU requests will cause slow
responses, which is a reason to tune those requests, but you shouldn't
get an error.

I'm hitting the High Amount CPU warnings on a site that's not even
close to daily quotas.  It's been helpful to see the flags for
specific URLs so I can tune them.  For example, I've got an AJAX
client that loads in JSON data for a specific "workshop" model.  My
current model can produce, in one request, the JSON for all
submissions in all meetings for that workshop, so it goes three models
deep in queries.  Now that I see the bottleneck, I'm making the data
transfer less chunky.  So my AJAX client will issue separate GETs for
the models, which is one way around High CPU requests -- make the
transactions more granular and use AJAX on the client-side to piece
together the supplied data.

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[google-appengine] Re: Compilation of unanswered datastore questions

2008-09-30 Thread Bill

Here's another question:
  What's the best practice for handling timeout (and other) db errors?

This is partly prompted by ryan's recent comment that "regardless of
how your data is shaped, you'll at least see a
small timeout rate. .01% is in the ballpark."  [http://

I admit to not checking for timeouts for a single small put.  It means
that there should be some thought behind all uses of datastore with
respect to db.Error.  I looked at rietveld source code for some error
handling examples but didn't find any interesting patterns.  There are
some general db.Error catches but no Timeout or CapabilityDisabled
exception handling.   (By the way, a couple of the last exceptions in
datastore_errors.py aren't documented at
Should documentation issues be logged in the SDK area?)

If you receive a timeout, do you need to launch another request from
the client because your time is already used up for the current
request?  I assume that many errors should re-initiate a request (or
ask user to resubmit) because the time quota on each request.  Is this
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[google-appengine] Re: multiple or single trips to the data store (speed and cpu cycles)

2008-09-30 Thread Bill

Try using fetch instead of treating the GqlQuery object as an
iterable.  If you had included a LIMIT or OFFSET clause, it would
automatically be retrieved by fetch.
So it would be something like:

users = db.GqlQuery(toquery).fetch(limit=1000)

See http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/datastore/queryclass.html

You can also cache the query like rietveld.
See http://code.google.com/p/rietveld/source/browse/trunk/codereview/models.py
and look at the gql method.

On Sep 30, 7:17 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my app is producing significantly high mcycles used results. i have
> debugged it and determined that the problem is in my for loop. So I
> tried two versions and both are too slow.
> Version 1:
> somestuff = ['cat', 'dog', 'cow'];
> toquery = "SELECT * FROM Animals Where id IN (" + somestuff + ")"
> users = db.GqlQuery(toquery)
> now i get a list of users that match that key and I do a for loop like
> this:
> for user in users:
>    self.response.out.write(user.id)
> Gives me a lot of mcycles with a red hazard warning. If I remove the
> for loop the hazard goes away. The datastore query takes less then a
> second.
> somestuff = ['cat', 'dog', 'cow'];
> for animal in somestuff:
>    toquery = "SELECT * FROM Moodster Where id = '" + animal + '\''
>    for user in users:
>        self.response.out.write(user.id)
> in the latter version I am doing many queries (in this case 3) but
> because there is only one user in users for each query (i make sure of
> this), it takes less mcycles and gets a faster response
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[google-appengine] Re: Any Site in Production Use ?

2008-09-30 Thread Bill

I know buddypoke.com is using AppEngine.  It's a fairly successful app
under heavy load.  (I want to say hundreds of requests per second but
can't say my memory is correct there.)

On Sep 30, 2:21 am, "Feris Thia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I understand that GAE is still in preview used only, but I just wonder if
> anyone has used it in any semi or full production ? And with how many page
> hits / visitors per day ?
> --
> Thanks & Best Regards,
> Feris Thia
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[google-appengine] Re: Any Site in Production Use ?

2008-10-01 Thread Bill

You're talking about wordle.net, right?  Those are pretty successful

A lot of the issues people have been having are on datastore timeouts,
particularly on puts.  It looks like the main processing for Wordle is
handled by a downloaded Java applet, and the datastore really gets
used when storing a wordle or returning a gallery page.  Do you run
into any timeouts or elevated CPU for wordle puts?  I'm using Google
Chrome and didn't have the Java plugin, so I noticed even your images
are created via the java applet so you're not storing image blobs (?).

On Oct 1, 5:33 pm, Jonathan Feinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 30, 5:21 am, "Feris Thia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I understand that GAE is still in preview used only, but I just wonder if
> > anyone has used it in any semi or full production ? And with how many page
> > hits / visitors per day ?
> Yesterday was a good day; my app got 89,537 pageviews, according to
> Google Analytics. I typically hum along at 10-13 requests per second
> during the work day, according to the dashboard.
> The great thing about GAE is that I don't have to worry about being
> "slashdotted". If you do what you're supposed to do, App Engine just
> shrugs off a few hours of 50 requests per second. It has been a joy.
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[google-appengine] Re: Any Site in Production Use ?

2008-10-01 Thread Bill

Feris, Wordle.net is Jonathan's site so I don't have any info other
than looking at the web pages.  It looks the image thumbnails are
image blobs stored in datastore and the java applet displays graphics
on individual gallery pages.  So he'd have at least one intensive
request when doing the thumbnail processing and image put.  There's no
tagging or join models from what I can see, so his gallery page GET
should be reasonably fast.

I wonder what the most datastore-intensive and successful app out
there might be?  "Compare the Candidates" (http://
comparecandidates.appspot.com) looks reasonably complex with the
ability to select issues, source, etc, but I think that page might be
broken up into many requests via AJAX and the pieces reassembled.
Using a rich client (AJAX, Flex, etc.) that can handle server errors/
timeouts and multiple requests per page might be a good way to use App

On Oct 1, 9:26 pm, "Feris Thia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Thanks for the sharing, for the puts I have tested myself using single
> thread and it get cpu over quota easily. So I think it is not ready for
> production yet.
> Indeed, wordle is very popular (page rank 7). I'd take a look at how they
> handle datastore, or do you have any further info for that ?
> Regards,
> Feris
> On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You're talking about wordle.net, right?  Those are pretty successful
> > metrics.
> > A lot of the issues people have been having are on datastore timeouts,
> > particularly on puts.  It looks like the main processing for Wordle is
> > handled by a downloaded Java applet, and the datastore really gets
> > used when storing a wordle or returning a gallery page.  Do you run
> > into any timeouts or elevated CPU for wordle puts?  I'm using Google
> > Chrome and didn't have the Java plugin, so I noticed even your images
> > are created via the java applet so you're not storing image blobs (?).
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[google-appengine] Re: Any Site in Production Use ?

2008-10-02 Thread Bill

> I get on the order of 100 bogus high CPU warnings per day in my error
> log. They tend to come in clusters of 4 or 5 within a few seconds, so
> it's clearly some issue on Google's end (these are simple datastore
> GETs by key, and they timeout after 10,000 megacycles or so). They've
> never been a threat to my quota, so I don't worry about them.

How do you handle the datastore get failures?  I'm concerned about
the .01% failure rate mentioned in another thread, because I'm
thinking this is behavior that's not just preview mode but something
that should be expected for datastore access.  If so, can we issue
temporary redirects back to the same URL in the case of failure for
idempotent actions?  Or are folks just assuming some very small
percentage of requests fail?  (I'm thinking of handling it on the
client side with AJAX or Flash, where the client either informs the
user or reissues a request.)
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[google-appengine] Re: Long key_name design question?

2008-10-02 Thread Bill

>        Then I think your only solution is to do it yourself (the
> "tinyurl" service), assuring uniqueness. Basically, you "only" need to
> mix datastore simple Gets with hashtable behaviour (taking care and
> assuming that two different urls, despite rare, can result in the same
> hash key). You need to query by hash key and then, among the results,
> look for the matching url. Most of the time (depending on the url->key
> algorithm) you should get few results, so overhead won't be a problem.

The above assumes that there'll be collisions when you map from urls
to the key name.  I might naively assume that with a large enough key
space (500 characters), you should be able to find a hashing function
that'll pretty much guarantee unique keys to be generated.

My first question, though, would be if the urls that are greater than
500 characters can be truncated or simply not permitted.  When I've
seen really long urls on previous apps, they've been attacks by bots
or urls with all kinds of state information.  You could impose a
restriction on submitted URLs and I think a very small % of URLs would
trip it.  Anyone know stats of valid URLs by length?

Since I also plan on implementing a Digg-like function on one of my
websites, I'm interested in good hashing functions that let you
produce a reasonably sized hash (less than 500 char) efficiently.
Seems like the SHA hashes are overkill.
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[google-appengine] Re: Any Site in Production Use ?

2008-10-02 Thread Bill

> nope ... it seems is using AWS now!

I met BuddyPoke's creator a week or so ago.  He was very happy with
App Engine and said how great it was to handle his significant load.
If you are seeing AWS, it's probably static flash files being served
off Amazon S3.  Let me know if that's incorrect.
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[google-appengine] Re: Why Google App Engine is broken and what Google must do to fix it.

2008-10-03 Thread Bill

Aral, your blog entry clearly outlines some major issues, so thanks
for posting it.

Here are my thoughts on the issues:

1) 1 MB limit
It's a problem if python variables also have this limit.  I was not
aware of that.  I have been using external resources (Scribd and
Amazon S3) to store larger items like documents.  This is similar to
the way Amazon wants you to use their SimpleDB but at least App Engine
datastore has more headroom.

2) The 1000 limit offset
I typically have created_at and updated_at time fields for each
entity.  Couldn't you page through all your items by sorting on the
created_at property, fetching the first n+1 records, then fetching
additional records using >= the timestamp for the n+1th record?  Of
course, you'd have to put in some code to check for duplicates or use
a secondary property as part of the sort.

3) Short-term high CPU quotas
Yeah, I'm not sure how these are computed or what might trip it.
Hopefully this gets resolved and/or clarified.

4) Quotas in general.
I generally agree but think we should cut Google some slack.  This is
a preview mode.  You're a pioneer and you're taking some arrows with
your app :)  When pay-as-you-go gets initiated, hopefully soon, the
major quotas go away with your credit card.  As a counter-point, you
can read Dave's commentary on how he's scaled BuddyPoke (http://

5) Long-running processes.
I agree and the App Engine developers know this is a need.  I believe
they are working on it.

6) 25% ready for primetime
Depends on your app and need for processing across a large number of

I absolutely, completely, emphatically agree with you that shoring up
the deficiencies should be prioritized over adding new languages.
Hopefully the development team agrees and isn't swayed by the relative
number of stars in the App Engine issues.  (Can I remove my star from
the Ruby request?)
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[google-appengine] Deploy app into two environments: Staging and Production.

2021-01-07 Thread Bill

I have a Laravel app with app.yaml and cloud_build.yaml files. I need to 
deploy the master branch to production and dev branch to staging. Such that 
each environment has its own URL.

Do I need a separate Cloud Project for each environment? Or I can use the 
same App Engine to host both the Production and Staging?

If I need two separate projects, how can I have two app.yaml and two 
cloud_build.yaml files?

Bilal Haidar

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[google-appengine] Environment Variables inside cloud_build.yaml + PHP

2021-01-07 Thread Bill
The environment variables set inside the cloud_build.yaml file, are they 
read by PHP? I mean, are they treated as system environment variables?

I am considering using environment variables inside the cloud_build.yaml 
file (via substitution) this way I can drop the use of app.yaml and not 
expose my environment variables inside a file on source control.


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[google-appengine] "The import com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy cannot be resolved"

2009-12-27 Thread bill
I followed the instructions here:


and added appengine-api-stubs.jar and appengine-local-runtime.jar to
my classpath.  Eclipse was able to resolve these imports fine:

import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.dev.LocalDatastoreService;
import com.google.appengine.tools.development.ApiProxyLocalImpl;

It is not able to resolve this import:

import com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy;

Is there another JAR file I need to add to my classpath?

- Bill


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[google-appengine] Re: ListProperty substring matching and filtering

2009-07-04 Thread Bill

I think the answer is in the documentation for ListProperty:

In particular: "list_property < value tests if any of the members of
the list are less than the given value,..."

So your inequality filters will succeed for that entity because one
member of the list will be >= searchWord and another member of the
list will be < searchWord.

As to your question on doing both substring matching + ordering, I'll
think about it and post if I come up with something.

On Jul 3, 12:43 pm, cerea  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to app engine & coding in general, so any help or advice would
> be greatly appreciated.
> Background:
> I am making a blog and each page has a list of keywords stored in a
> db.StringListProperty. Those keywords will be used when someone
> searches the site. I also want each keyword to have an integer
> associated with it which hold the number of occurrences of that
> keyword in the page.
> My Attempt:
> I have code which populates a StringListProperty named 'keywords' when
> a page is created. It looks like this: ["books_20", "lotto_100",
> "wallet_2"], where "books" is the keyword and "20" is the number of
> occurrences. My goal was to be able to perform a query to filter out
> all pages that starts with a certain keyword, then order it by the
> number of occurrences. Here is an example of my query:
> query = BlogPage.all()
> # my attempt at substring matching
> # based on the tip 
> here:http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/queriesandinde...
> query = query.filter('keywords >= ', searchWord)
> query = query.filter('keywords < ', searchWord + u"\ufffd")
> query.order('keywords')
> Problem:
> The query doesn't work correctly. If I search for the word "cat" even
> though it's not in the list, the blog page containing ["books_20",
> "lotto_100", "wallet_2"] still gets returned. I'm sure there is a
> logic behind the query and what is returned, but I don't understand.
> Questions:
> Is there a way to perform substring matching on a StringListProperty
> and also have it ordered? And Is there a better approach to what I'm
> trying to accomplish?
> Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post.
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[google-appengine] Re: ListProperty substring matching and filtering

2009-07-04 Thread Bill

You could use your approach if each keyword were in a separate child
entity where the parent is BlogPage.  The child entity would be like
the Relation index described by Slatkin in his Google I/O talk, but in
your case, you'd have a single StringProperty instead of a
StringListProperty so you could do a prefix matching.

class BlogKeyword:
# Parent is some BlogPage
keyword = StringProperty()

Your proposed query would be modified to return keys then the parents:

query = BlogKeyword.all(keys_only=True) \
  .filter('keyword >= ', searchWord) \
  .filter('keyword < ', searchWord + u"\ufffd") \
ordered_post_keys = [key.parent() for key in query.fetch(100)]

I don't think the way you've appended the counts to the keywords will
work, because ordering will be via string comparison and '3' will
evaluate as larger than '20'.  So you should pad the counts based on
max # of digits for your counts, e.g., book_00020 not book_20.

Having a separate entity per keyword seems wasteful, so I'll think
about it more.

On Jul 4, 12:50 am, Bill  wrote:
> I think the answer is in the documentation for 
> ListProperty:http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/typesandproper...
> In particular: "list_property < value tests if any of the members of
> the list are less than the given value,..."
> So your inequality filters will succeed for that entity because one
> member of the list will be >= searchWord and another member of the
> list will be < searchWord.
> As to your question on doing both substring matching + ordering, I'll
> think about it and post if I come up with something.
> -Bill
> On Jul 3, 12:43 pm, cerea  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm new to app engine & coding in general, so any help or advice would
> > be greatly appreciated.
> > Background:
> > I am making a blog and each page has a list of keywords stored in a
> > db.StringListProperty. Those keywords will be used when someone
> > searches the site. I also want each keyword to have an integer
> > associated with it which hold the number of occurrences of that
> > keyword in the page.
> > My Attempt:
> > I have code which populates a StringListProperty named 'keywords' when
> > a page is created. It looks like this: ["books_20", "lotto_100",
> > "wallet_2"], where "books" is the keyword and "20" is the number of
> > occurrences. My goal was to be able to perform a query to filter out
> > all pages that starts with a certain keyword, then order it by the
> > number of occurrences. Here is an example of my query:
> > query = BlogPage.all()
> > # my attempt at substring matching
> > # based on the tip 
> > here:http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/queriesandinde...
> > query = query.filter('keywords >= ', searchWord)
> > query = query.filter('keywords < ', searchWord + u"\ufffd")
> > query.order('keywords')
> > Problem:
> > The query doesn't work correctly. If I search for the word "cat" even
> > though it's not in the list, the blog page containing ["books_20",
> > "lotto_100", "wallet_2"] still gets returned. I'm sure there is a
> > logic behind the query and what is returned, but I don't understand.
> > Questions:
> > Is there a way to perform substring matching on a StringListProperty
> > and also have it ordered? And Is there a better approach to what I'm
> > trying to accomplish?
> > Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post.
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[google-appengine] Re: Transactions and sharded counter example code

2009-07-13 Thread Bill

The reason sharding works to reduce contention is that the each shard
is in a separate entity group.  Within the transaction, one
GeneralCounterShard entity is either retrieved or written.  Each shard
forms its own entity group, which is what you want so there's no
contention on writes.

On Jul 13, 4:36 pm, Nathan Gray  wrote:
> I'm confused.  I thought that you could only get/put entities from one
> entity group in a transaction, but the example code for sharded
> counters doesn't put its shards into a common entity group:
> def increment(name):
>   """Increment the value for a given sharded counter.
>   Parameters:
>     name - The name of the counter
>   """
>   config = GeneralCounterShardConfig.get_or_insert(name, name=name)
>   def txn():
>     index = random.randint(0, config.num_shards - 1)
>     shard_name = name + str(index)
>     counter = GeneralCounterShard.get_by_key_name(shard_name)
>     if counter is None:
>       counter = GeneralCounterShard(key_name=shard_name, name=name)
>     counter.count += 1
>     counter.put()
>   db.run_in_transaction(txn)
>   memcache.incr(name)
> Note that the GeneralCounterShard(...) constructor call doesn't set
> the entity's parent.
> What's up with that?
> Thanks,
> -n8
> --http://n8gray.org
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[google-appengine] Non-default app versions: Are they first-class apps?

2009-08-01 Thread Bill

It's been suggested that a website could use different app versions to
support multiple languages or partitioning functions while still
getting access to a single datastore.  For example, see the last
paragraph here (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1085898/choosing-

I was told, though, that non-default app versions could have some
throttling or other limitations in place.  If so, what are the
limitations and is the App Engine team thinking of lifting those
limits so all app versions are first-class apps?

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[google-appengine] Re: Text Search within data store

2009-08-03 Thread Bill

There are also posts in the language-specific Google groups for App
Engine.  The search that Barry suggested only covers the posts from
the general App Engine group.  (This is one problem of segregating all
App Engine discussion across multiple language groups.)

I've released an open source full text search module:

There's also a system that's under dual-licensing (free/commercial):

I think both have improved the situation since SearchableModel was the
only alternative.

On Aug 3, 1:18 pm, Barry Hunter  wrote:
> Try searching the 
> archiveshttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine/search?q=text+search&;...
> there have been a number of implementations released in recent months,
> but all are quite limited much like SearchableModel. But if your
> requiremens are basic may work for you.
> On 02/08/2009, Filosof  wrote:
> >  I have made an overview of datastore api and have not found the way
> >  how to perform usual textual search likewww.google.comdoes.. Is it
> >  possible/planned? Or is there any workaround how to perform quick
> >  search for entities on the datastore level?
> >  Real use case for example.
> >  Somebody implemented messaging or notification or notes service and
> >  wants to provide a simple textual search in history..
> >  So I think it would be great feature to mark some property for simple
> >  text-search..
> --
> Barry
> -www.nearby.org.uk-www.geograph.org.uk-
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[google-appengine] Re: Why Google App Engine is broken and what Google must do to fix it.

2008-10-05 Thread Bill

I just revisited this thread and noticed someone (probably one
individual) gave "1" ratings to every person responding in the
thread.  Is there a way within Google groups to remove these kinds of
individuals?  A HackerNews thread discussed destructive people, but
this is my first obvious exposure to how it can corrupt the ratings
system for a community.  Aral does not deserve to have a low rating
with the information he's provided so I've counterbalanced with a
"5".  Something to remember when implementing a rating system for your

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[google-appengine] Re: Any Site in Production Use ?

2008-10-06 Thread Bill

> def test():
>   for i in range(1, 1000):
>     ferisrecord = Feris(pengarang = "Feris Thia" + str(i), content="Great
> app" + str(i))
>     ferisrecord.put()

Try batching your puts.  Right now you are doing serial put() on 1000
instances.  I'd try batching those puts and see how much faster group
puts can be:

def test:
batch = 100
num = 1000 / batch
for i in xrange(0, num):
ferisrecords = []
for j in xrange(0, batch):
ferisrecords.append(new_ferisrecord(i, j))

This discussion should probably be on a separate thread rather than
take-over the original intent.
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[google-appengine] Re: Model.put() Best Practice

2008-10-07 Thread Bill

> If you check the SDK, I think there is no real difference between
> put(entity) or put(entities).
> I don't think put(entities) will be a lot faster.
> Maybe in production, it is different

I think in production it is different. See the comment by ryan (google
datastore lead) on using multiple entity puts here:

I also just discovered this excellent post after a quick search of the
It shows benchmarks for batching gets and provides code that you could
modify to test puts in the same way.
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[google-appengine] A fault-tolerant open source counter

2008-10-07 Thread Bill

I've extended my implementation of a sharded, memcached counter to
allow more graceful handling of failed shard puts because of timeout,
capability disabling, etc.  The idea is to use memcache as a buffer
for failed put data, which gets re-added to the next successful put.

Longer writeup here: 

Code is here: http://github.com/DocSavage/sharded_counter/tree/master/counter.py

Let me know if you see holes in this approach.  There might be a way
to generalize this method to provide a more fault-tolerant datastore
layer for more sophisticated models.
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[google-appengine] Re: Linking directly to the Google Accounts "new account" page + feature request and UX complaint!

2008-10-09 Thread Bill

> As far as the UI concerns, what do you think about the "new account"
> button for the sign-in page onhttp://moderator.appspot.com/?We are
> experimenting there, and could make that the default for all
> applications.

It would be great if Google provided a customizable sign-in page like
moderator.appspot.com.  Right now, I have a two step process with
graphics trying to explain what to do on the standard Google login

You could put the disclaimer "Google is not affiliated with the
contents of Writertopia or its owners. If you sign in..." over on the
right by the login boxes if we could tailor content on the left part
of the sign-in page.

I've piggybacked onto an existing feature request for better Google
Account login information:
Star it if you'd like to see this feature.
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[google-appengine] Re: datastore transaction question

2008-10-09 Thread Bill

If there aren't a huge number of Things for each User, then your
approach sounds workable.  A User would have a ListProperty of keys to
Things.  Your transaction on the User would add the key to a
previously created (before the txn) Thing and adjust the money
property.  You could garbage collect unreferenced Things at a later
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[google-appengine] Re: datastore transaction question

2008-10-09 Thread Bill

> Have you seen: "Entity Groups, Ancestors and Paths" 
> ?http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/datastore/keysandentitygroups.html

Good point. If a Thing will never be used for another User (e.g., it's
not a product), you could make the Thing part of a User's entity group.
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[google-appengine] Re: webapp template inheritance problem

2008-10-10 Thread Bill

I copied the template code from google.appengine.ext.webapp and
modified it to allow a template directory hierarchy under render() and
load().  So my template.py has something like this:

def render(template_path, template_dict, debug=False,
  """Renders the template at the given path with the given dict of

  Example usage:
render("templates/index.html", {"name": "Bret", "values": [1, 2,

template_path: path to a Django template
template_dict: dictionary of values to apply to the template
  t = load(template_path, debug, template_dirs)
  return t.render(Context(template_dict))

template_cache = {}
def load(path, debug=False, template_dirs=()):
  """Loads the Django template from the given path.

  It is better to use this function than to construct a Template using
  class below because Django requires you to load the template with a
  if you want imports and extends to work in the template.
  abspath = os.path.abspath(path)

  if not debug:
template = template_cache.get(abspath, None)
template = None

  if not template:
directory, file_name = os.path.split(abspath)
new_settings = {
'TEMPLATE_DIRS': (directory,) + template_dirs,
'DEBUG': debug,
old_settings = _swap_settings(new_settings)
  template = django.template.loader.get_template(file_name)

if not debug:
  template_cache[abspath] = template

def wrap_render(context, orig_render=template.render):
  URLNode = django.template.defaulttags.URLNode
  save_urlnode_render = URLNode.render
  old_settings = _swap_settings(new_settings)
URLNode.render = _urlnode_render_replacement
return orig_render(context)
URLNode.render = save_urlnode_render

template.render = wrap_render

  return template

I have a view.py that constructs a template_dirs tuple so I can have a
base.html at a root directory and more specific templates for modules
in subdirectories.

Hope that helps,
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[google-appengine] Re: datastore exception handling examples

2008-10-10 Thread Bill

> Are there any articles or sample code, showing how to robustly handle
> datastore exceptions, for production standard code?


I recently modified my memcached, sharded counter system to handle
various datastore exceptions:
You can look at or copy the open source code referenced in that

It also depends on your app requirements.  The above counter shouldn't
be used for banking, for example, because if there are simultaneous
memcache and datastore errors, you lose pending increments.  But if
you want something that minimizes the impact of exceptions for things
like votes, it's a reasonable approach.

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[google-appengine] Re: Wordpress is supported on the Google App Engine?

2008-10-21 Thread Bill

No.  Wordpress requires PHP, which is not currently supported on App
Engine.  If you want to use blog software on App Engine, you can
checkout a few python alternatives over here:
None of them will be as full-featured or mature as Wordpress.

On Oct 20, 9:36 pm, Gampesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI,
> does Wordpress is supported on the Google App Engine? if so then
> please guide me how to do that.
> Thanks
> Gampesh
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[google-appengine] Re: "shell" security?

2008-10-22 Thread Bill

I believe the admin shell is still susceptible to cross-site
scripting.  (If you are logged in as admin, you could stumble across a
hacker-placed script that calls the statement handler.)  One way to
defeat that would be some kind of token transmitted with a statement
request, like a hash of the command salted with a unique site key.

On Oct 22, 8:54 am, "Marzia Niccolai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you use shell on your site, you should always restrict it to admin only.
> The app has arbitrary access to your application's data.  It basically
> access as a Python command line interface to your app.
> -Marzia
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 2:21 AM, jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > the shell app @http://shell.appspot.com/ - are there any security
> > implications besides allowing users to use arbitrary quota resources
> > (the url fetch in particular comes to mind)?
> > for example, could someone use the shell to retrieve someone else's
> > session id? i'm looking at the code and it seems like the
> > encapsulation of new.module is the extent of the separation between
> > sessions. but i'm not sure to what extent new.module's encapsulation
> > is hermetic.
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[google-appengine] Re: Google App Engine Roadmap - Now Published

2008-10-23 Thread Bill

> * Support for a new runtime language

Would you be able to say how different languages will be partitioned?
Could you access a single datastore with more than one language or
have different languages running on the same VM?

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[google-appengine] Re: Implement AJAX in App Engine

2008-10-24 Thread Bill

There are at least two things you'd want to do in your case:

1) Figure out the necessary javascript to periodically issue AJAX
calls.  This will be dependent on the javascript framework (if any)
you chose.

2) Setup a Django template helper to insert that javascript when the
App Engine server parses your template file.  See this cookbook

A lengthy intro to template helpers is here:

And I recently discovered these rails helpers but haven't used them


On Oct 12, 1:06 am, Shay Ben Dov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wonder is there a way to implement AJAX in an application like the
> easy way it is done in Rails:
> you write 1 line in the header to include  Javascript, defaults and
> other
> then you issue a simple command in your HTML body like:
>         <%= periodically_call_remote(:update    => 'alerts',
>                                 :url       => { :controller => :alerts,
>                                 :action => :listen_for_requests },
>                                 :frequency => 10 )%>
> to issue a call to the server in the background.
> Enabling this kind of capabilities will make life easier and speed-up
> development
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[google-appengine] Re: Google App Engine Roadmap - Now Published

2008-10-24 Thread Bill

> Lastly, concerning Bill's comment, I'm not entirely sure what you have in
> mind when you ask if they will be running on the same 'VM', immediate plans
> for new language support would most likely follow the same general theme as
> python support.  Meaning, you would upload your application to App Engine,
> and the system manages all of serving infrastructure.

Not knowing how apps really run in the cloud, I wondered if current
python (and possibly future languages) got compiled to some App Engine
VM which might allow cross-language calls (like using JVM for JRuby or
the .NET CLR).  It sounds like this is not the case but can different
language files coexist within a single app and access the same
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[google-appengine] Re: Microsoft Azure

2008-10-27 Thread Bill

I like Azure's blobs/tables/queue, like AWS, to handle different sized

It looks like you can access different datastores from an app.

When you get a data service timeout, you get partially completed data
and a token to resume the operation.  I think that's a good idea.

No pricing or free version mentioned in low end for now.

On Oct 27, 12:03 pm, jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm only skimming the description but i think the more familiar
> relational sql storage will appeal to many people.
> On Oct 27, 11:16 am, "Andrew Badera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So, what's the GAE take on the MS Azure announcement at PDC today?
> > Is it going to be competitive, or not even in the same ballpark?
> > Will it force the GAE team to spend extra effort on a .NET implementation
> > for GAE?
> > Thanks-
> > - Andy Badera
> > - (518) 641-1280
> > -http://higherefficiency.net/
> > -http://changeroundup.com/
> > -http://flipbitsnotburgers.blogspot.com/
> > -http://andrew.badera.us/
> > - Google me:http://www.google.com/search?q=andrew+badera
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[google-appengine] Re: counter use pattern

2008-11-01 Thread Bill

> With the new code, we have a python object rather than a model I can
> get_or_insert

My modified counter uses a simple python object (rather than a model)
at the level above the shards.  Shard models are still used so when
you change a counter, you'll invoke a get_or_insert style transaction
at the shard level.   If you look at the other counter
implementations, you'll see that a high-level Counter model stores
data like counter name and number of shards.  Since I handle counter
names and # of shards at the program level, hardwired to particular
tasks, my version simply bypasses those Counter entities as not

Stat-like tasks like your use case are a good fit for the approach
I've taken because counter accuracy (although very likely) is not
guaranteed.  For example, if you have a string of datastore timeouts
and your memcache goes away, the counter will be inaccurate.  In cases
where it's essential for accurate counts or knowledge that it's
failed, simply returning errors and handling it on the client side
seems better.

But unless I'm misunderstanding your question, you should be able to
just always instantiate the Counter object and use it.
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[google-appengine] Re: counter use pattern

2008-11-01 Thread Bill

> As I see it, any code that uses your new counter object will need to
> deal with instantiating it somewhere
> others might have a
> similar question when wondering how best to actually implement it and
> ensure the variable name they wish to use for the counter is not
> taken, and that they're not unnecessarily instantiating multiple
> Counter objects for no reason.

The way I'm using counters, they are hardwired into the code right at
the time counter info is needed to be retrieved or set.  I do the
instantiation right at that point.  For my app, I guarantee variable
names are OK just via code review and making each group of counters
has a special prefix name so there can't be conflict across groups of

I'm still relatively new to python web apps, so I can use educating
here as well, but my understanding was a request created a limited
lifecycle for the request handler and instantiated models, unless you
put it in the global space.  So if you really want to be efficient,
you could create the counters globally so they are kept across
requests some times.  But even if you are dynamically creating
multiple instances of Counter objects, there shouldn't be much of a
performance penalty or access issue because these objects are so
lightweight and the very nature of a web app where the whole response
gets recreated each request.

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[google-appengine] Re: Changing overriding the method(HTTP verb) of the request by extending RequestHandler

2008-11-03 Thread Bill

I made a decorator that checks for _method query strings or POST
arguments and redirects to the appropriate request verb.  Check out
the methods_via_query_allowed decorator here:


It's use would be like so:

import restful
def post(self):

If the current request has a _method with an overriding http verb,
it'll re-route to the appropriate handler.


On Oct 31, 2:32 pm, airportyh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to changed the request verb of a request in the case a
> parameter _method is provided, for example if a POST request comes in
> with a parameter _method=PUT, I need to change the request to call the
> put method of the handler. This is to cope with the way prototype.js
> works with verbs like PUT and DELETE(workaround for IE). Here is my
> first attempt:
> class MyRequestHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
>     def initialize(self, request, response):
>         m = request.get('_method')
>         if m:
>             request.method = m.upper()
>         webapp.RequestHandler.initialize(self, request, response)
> The problem is, for some reason whenever the redirect is done, the
> self.request.params are emptied by the time the handling method(put or
> delete) is called, even though they were populated when initialize is
> called. Anyone have a clue why this is? As a workaround I thought I
> could clone the params at initialize() time, but .copy() did not work,
> and I haven't found a way to do that either.
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[google-appengine] Google Account disabling and potential impact on App Engine apps

2008-11-05 Thread Bill

I had heard about some legitimate accounts getting disabled by Google
because of AdWords or login issues.  Today, there's this blog entry
that's very troubling:

Aside from the obvious issues that might come up if we use Google
accounts as our primary login system, could account disabling also
bring down a Google App Engine app?

For example, lets say I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my primary account to
handle AdWords and be owner for an App Engine app.  If there are
issues with AdWords (or something else) and my [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets
disabled, does that also bring down the associated App Engine app?  Or
would best practice here be to use another (non-gmail) account to also
be administrator for the app so access to and running the app is
preserved even if the primary account gets disabled?

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[google-appengine] Re: Google App Engine bloggers?

2008-11-07 Thread Bill

Jens has a good blog:

These blogs aren't really updated anymore:

The cookbook and articles at the main App Engine site, though, are the
best resources IMHO.
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[google-appengine] Re: counter use pattern

2008-11-11 Thread Bill

I probably should've piped up on the thread earlier.  I'm currently
looking at yejun's fork and will merge pending some questions I have
on his optimizations.

Here's one:
My old code stored the counter name in each shard so I could get all
shards with a single fetch.  If you have 20 shards, you could have any
number of actually created shards.  In a very high transaction system,
probably all 20 shards exist.
In yejun's optimization, he's iterating through each shard using
get_by_key_name and checking if it exists.  Which is likely to be

A nice optimization by yejun is making count a TextProperty.  This
will prevent indexing and would probably save some cycles.

Josh, you said "lines 144-145 should be under the try: on line 137.
That way, the delayed counter count won't get reset to zero even in
the case of a failed transaction."

I thought any datastore errors are handled via the db.Error exception
which forces a return before the delayed counter count is reset.
(db.Error is defined in appengine/api/datastore_errors.py)

On Josh's memcached buffering scheme, I can definitely see the utility
if you're willing to sacrifice some reliability (we're down to one
point of failure -- memcache) for possibly a lot of speed.  Using
memcache buffers for counters makes sense because it's easy to
accumulate requests while for other model puts, like comments or other
text input, the amount of memcache buffer could grow pretty large

Does it make sense to use a sharded backend to a memcache buffer?
Depends on the frequency of the final datastore writes, as mentioned
above.  (I'm not as concerned with complexity as yejun because I think
this buffering is reasonably simple for counters.)   So I think this
would be a good thing to add onto the sharded counter code through a
fork.  Then people who want that kind of speed can opt for it.


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[google-appengine] Re: SproutCore app on AppEngine, authentication concerns

2008-11-13 Thread Bill

Why do you need need two dev servers?  From what I understand of
SproutCore, you generate a bunch of static files that will be served
up by either your local App Engine server (during development) or your
production App Engine server in the cloud.  Since the REST calls and
static SC files are served from the same server, there's no problem
with authentication cookies.  So I'm not sure why your SC dev server !
= the App Engine server with REST services.

On Nov 13, 2:00 am, "Devraj Mukherjee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Our app engine application is going to use SproutCore as its
> JavaScript framework. As SproutCore or JavaScript sits quite
> independently of App Engine or any server side technology we are
> assuming that this should work 
> (actuallyhttp://sproutcore-demo.appspot.com/confirms that it should not be a
> problem).
> Authentication should be quite simple as well, as long as both our
> HTML/JS deliver and REST services use Google authentication its should
> all work fine.
> The question is while developing the SproutCore application we need to
> run two dev servers, so if our rest services required authentication
> and we deliver our SproutCore app from the SC dev server how can we
> test that everything works? Although the two dev servers are running
> at different ports do they still honour the cookies set by the domain
> (localhost)?
> Our application is user centric so we will require the user to login.
> Any SproutCore / App Engine developers out there that could give me a
> few pointers?
> Thanks for your time.
> --
> "I never look back darling, it distracts from the now", Edna Mode (The
> Incredibles)
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[google-appengine] Re: ReferenceProperty could avoid unnecesary resolve

2008-11-13 Thread Bill

I've added the solution to the Cookbook and the FAQ:

On a previous thread, someone came up with a metaclass solution as

On Nov 13, 10:01 am, "Chris Marasti-Georg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Wooble, that's incorrect.  The solution is 
> here:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/141973/how-do-i-get-the-key-value-...
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Wooble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How would that be more efficient?  The entity isn't fetched until you
> > try to use it as an instance anyway.
> > On Nov 13, 10:42 am, tigrillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > For the sake of efficient, it will be nice if ReferenceProperty let's
> > > us return the Key optionally instead of the Entity.
> > > Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: GAE will hurt Linux unless...

2008-12-07 Thread Bill

On Dec 3, 12:23 pm, Amir  Michail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The solution of course is for Google to release a user-friendly and
> slick Google OS built on top of Linux that makes the web the main
> source of apps.

Strange you should mention that.  A recent article wonders if there's
an internal Google OS:

About a third of the Google employees were using systems that
specifically blocked detection of their browser's OS.   Still a big
leap to their conclusion, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

And I agree with a couple of the other posters that GAE won't hurt
Linux use among web developers.  A strong GAE platform is very
friendly to a variety of web dev OSes, and Windows loses much of its
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[google-appengine] Re: Problem adding my own domain , without right to change Cname record

2008-12-08 Thread Bill

I've used dnsmadeeasy.com for a while and like the service.  It's not
free, but at $15/year (almost $1/mo), it's very cheap and lets you
manage all the DNS settings you mention.  There's also some valuable
add-ons for a little extra, like mail backup in case your mail port
goes down, and failovers.

There are some free DNS managers:
FreeDNS and see http://hostingfu.com/free-dns

I don't use them so can't comment, but google around for reviews.

After you get a DNS service, point the domain name server record at
your domain name registrar to your new DNS servers.  Then modify CNAME
like in the Google Apps docs.

Good luck,

On Dec 8, 12:21 am, Possum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, guys,
> maybe it's not the right place to ask this, but I think there must be
> someone have the same problem with me :
> I register a domain name with an Australia company due to the cheap Au
> $, but late find that I can't change any DNS info like CNAME by
> myself . and it seems a must that if I want to map my app engine
> application to my domain name . now what can I do ?
> now the only thing I can change is that under a "domain manager" I can
> change the domain name server . it shows a Primary name server and a
> secondary  name server 's name and it's IP address . this company does
> have a DNShosting serivce but compare to the price of domain
> name ,it's price is rediculous. I kind of think this is a con. for I
> know most domain register give us full access to manage the dns info
> of the name .
> I am new to domain name (this might be the second domain name for me).
> I just wondering ,is it possible that I use some "free dns service"
> that can ensure me to have full acess to all my dns info like cname?
> so that I can do the veryfication work for google app engine? and
> after I verified it , I change it back (if that free service is not
> reliable) to my name register. and everything will keep all right ?
> is there any service like this? and do you think there are problems to
> do this?or what do you guys suggest?
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[google-appengine] Re: A newbie's site

2008-12-08 Thread Bill

Nice.  I'd give more room to the Google Friend login area because most
of it is cut off.  Maybe use CSS and float it to right.

On Dec 8, 12:04 am, lookon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've built a google app engine site based on the simpleviewer example
> and FriendFeed Share Bookmarklet. The url ishttp://images.kangye.org/
> It's a website to let people share images they saw on the Internet and
> wish people can give the image a suitable caption. It has a
> bookmarklet and in the detail page, people can click the caption to
> edit.
> I'm new to GAE and python, and the site need to be improved a
> lot...wish you can give me some  suggeston~
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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore Class db.Model Relationships

2008-12-08 Thread Bill

Passing the "many" objects through a single db.put is probably the
fastest way you can store separate entities.  I believe there's still
a relatively linear cost for putting some number of entities, so it's
slower than doing a single entity put.

The performance will depend on how many is "many" objects.  If there
are just a few, I wouldn't worry about it.  If there are many, but the
entities are small (like your example or a few strings), you might
consider pickling your data if you don't need to get them
individually.  (There's a 1MB limit on entity sizes.)

class One(db.Model):
entitydata = db.BlobProperty()

import pickle
the_one = One()
the_one.entitydata = pickle.dumps(some_python_list_or_dict)

On Dec 7, 4:43 pm, lawnman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps if I create the one-to-many relationships using reference
> properties and put all of the models of the "many" objects using a
> single db.put then performance may not be an issue.
> Is this a good assumption?
> On Dec 6, 8:58 am, kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > maybe this helps:http://gaesql.appspot.com/
> > On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 9:54 PM, lawnman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Is it possible to have a class based on db.Model that contains a list
> > > of other classes also based on db.Model but where the second classes
> > > are not stored in the Datastore separately but rather are stored with
> > > the first class. In other words I want a one-to-many relationship but
> > > do not want to store the "many's" as separate transactions for
> > > performance reasons nor do I want use entity groups because I do not
> > > have a need to reference the "many's" outside of referencing the
> > > "one".
> > > for example:
> > > class entity(db.Model):
> > >     name = db.StringProperty()
> > > class one(db.Model):
> > >         entitylist = db.??? where ??? defines a list of entity.
> > > Thanks,
> > --
> > Stay hungry,Stay foolish.
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[google-appengine] Re: A newbie's site

2008-12-08 Thread Bill

On Dec 8, 1:15 am, kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've noticed this problem...and will adjust it..
> Do you think the FriendConnect should be placed in the right?

I'd place it on the right, particularly if it's optional and visitors
can drill-down on images without logging in.
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[google-appengine] Re: marshal.load()

2008-12-08 Thread Bill

If this is some fixed data that needs to be searched almost every
request, how about breaking it into a lot of chunks (e.g., if it's
words, you could have 26 dicts, one for each starting letter) and hard-
coding it as a python variable declarations in static files -- one
dict per file.  That would help you around the 1MB limits on variable
and file size, right?

When you read in each file as a module, the variable declarations
would be automatically cached between requests, which would really
decrease the load.

On Dec 7, 10:10 am, adrian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My app needs some fixed data that I need to search during almost every
> request to my app.  It's over 1 MB as a dict in a python file so I
> can't do that.
> So I've been reading a binary picked file but this is taking almost 2
> CPU seconds and 900k function calls according to profile.   I get a
> CPU usage warning on every request.
> I tried replacing pickle with marshal and it reduced the function
> calls to 15k for the same data, and was much faster on the dev
> server.   So I uploaded it to the production server, but it dies
> saying that marshal has no load method.  It appears that marshal.load
> () is not supported on AppEngine, but if so, why is it available on
> the dev server?
> I realize that marshal may change with python version updates, so this
> is not an optimal solution, so I'm open for other solutions to try.
> Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: Seemingly undoable to build a simple app

2008-12-08 Thread Bill

There's a definite need for a full-text search API (particularly
substring matches) that just works for the datastore.

For public-facing information like your products, you might consider
outsourcing the search to something like Google Custom Search:
(There's an add-free option if you want to cough up some money.)

Nick Johnson recently added Google CSE support to a branch of the
Bloog project (http://github.com/Arachnid/bloog/commits/breaking), so
you can see how he did it.  The CSE approach can be tested over on his
blog: http://blog.notdot.net/


On Dec 7, 1:37 pm, Koen Bok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First off, I _really_ like the idea of AppEngine. We're hosting most
> of our sites (versionsapp.com, checkoutapp.com) on it and it works
> great for that purpose. Impressed as we were, I started trying to
> build our first serious webapp on AppEngine; a small webstore. What I
> basically wanted to do is building a page where you could browse 50
> products at a time, optionally limited by a search or tag, based on
> Django. All went well until I wanted to implement search...
> I grabbed a few example datasets from users of our Mac POS app, they
> mostly have around a 1000 products with a name, brand and description.
> I knew substring search was hard to implement, so I skipped that and
> used the undocumented ext.search models with my own set of search
> words, mostly around 40 per product. Because some searches took quite
> long I decided to slice the results by 50 at a time, not impressive
> but good enough. And because product descriptions don't change often I
> could use memcache to cache each result 'slice'.
> To do so, I figured I needed to at least order by name, so the slicing
> would make sense. Therefore I had to create an index on name,
> searchIndex (set of searchable words). Worked great, until I tried to
> type two words. I told me I had to create another index: name,
> searchIndex, searchIndex. Seemed logical, but then people may want to
> type more then 2 words at the same time so I added 5 indexes to get up
> to five words.
> From that moment inserting products started to take more then a
> second, which I guess was due to the indexing, but even worse, I
> started to get errors like BadRequestError: Too many indexed
> properties for entity: app. I found out the max indexes for an entity
> is capped at 5000, and calculated that if I were to use max 3 words
> for a search I could only add 17 searchable words in an items' index
> (17*17*17=4913). I'm still not sure that math is 100% correct, but at
> least I was able to insert most of my products again, but searching is
> just horribly slow.
> So now I'm stuck with a _lot_ of limitations for a simple app: only 3
> search terms, no substring searching, 50 results at a time and in my
> opinion pretty bad performance, especially when inserting. Maybe I'm
> doing something horribly wrong, and I don't consider myself the best
> db programmer out there but this just seems silly.
> Again, this is not to bash AppEngine because I really see the
> potential and like the idea. But as it stands now it's just unusable
> for us (a small indie dev company that wants their products to scale),
> and it's hard for me to imagine that anyone else can live with these
> limitations. I guess what I'm saying is: I love this thing to work for
> us! We want to use it and pay for it! Seriously, please fix the
> searching... you're Google for god sake :-)
> Kindest regards,
> Koen Bok - madebysofa.com
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[google-appengine] Re: non-users need easy url

2008-12-13 Thread Bill


Take a look at this recipe for creating id-based urls:

Note that the put() returns a key, not the id as your line 93 would

You should also look at some of the open source projects to see how
others are doing their apps:

Good luck,

On Dec 13, 2:51 pm, thebrianschott  wrote:
> Because no one has replied, perhaps I need to say more.
> There are two main pages in this application:
> 1        add_place.html which is directed toward the group "organizers" who
> contribute mostly to the "class Group(db.Model)" , and
> 2        map.html which is used later by "individuals" who contribute
> mostly to the "class Pins(db.Model)".
> Then, maps.py is the python program which does the magic by taking the
> information from add_place.html and creates the information needed by
> map.html.
> Currently on line 93 of maps.py you will find the "group.put()" which
> is based on a default key ID, not on a key_name, but I think a
> key_name is required -- check me on this, please -- in order to create
> a simpler url that will direct the ultimate "individual" users to
> their own map. I am having no luck implementing the key_name idea and
> am looking for help doing that or for help doing this another way.
> 93        id=group.put()
> 94        self.redirect("/?place=%s" % id)
> I have experimented with the following lines leading up to line 93,
> but then errors occur near line 42 which baffle me. For example, do I
> need to add key_name to the Model for group, and how?
>         obj = Group.get_by_key_name(str(group.place))
>         if not obj:
>             group = Group(key_name=str(group.place))
>         id = group.put
> ()                                                   #notice this is
> line 93 above
>         self.redirect("/?place=%s" % str(group.place))
> On Dec 13, 10:21 am, thebrianschott  wrote:
> > Carpoolfinder.appspot.com has two levels of users: "organizers" who
> > must have a google account because they create ridesharing maps, and
> > "individuals" who are *not* google account holders and who use one or
> > more of the existing ridesharing maps after being informed of an
> > existing map by an organizer. To route the individuals to their
> > correct map, the organizer must provide his/her users with a distinct
> > (unique) url that is easy to type in, so using the map's huge key is
> > impractical  (but that is as far as we have gotten).
> > How can we make each map easy to use for these individuals? I want the
> > distinguishing feature of the url to be very similar to the
> > group.place value of the map. Also, I need pretty detailed
> > instructions because I am a very new web programmer.
> >http://code.google.com/p/carpoolfinder/
> > Thanks,
> > Brian in Atlanta
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[google-appengine] Re: non-users need easy url

2008-12-14 Thread Bill


That's quite an info dump :)  Suggestion -- work your way through the
documentation since it's pretty good and give yourself a few hours to
test out ideas on the local app server.  I think you'll learn a lot by
using a Console (http://con.appspot.com/console/help/about).  If you
have these kind of questions, just interactively use the console.

I don't really have the time for a complete analysis, but I think you
may be confusing key_name with a key.

Another page in the documentation not to be missed:

It says:
"A key has several components: a path describing a parent-child
relationship between the entity and another entity, the kind of the
entity, and either a name assigned to the entity by the application or
a numeric ID assigned by the datastore."

The key_name is just one part of a Key object.  When you get a string-
encoded key, it's the mapping of the Key object data into URL-friendly

On Dec 13, 10:48 pm, thebrianschott  wrote:
> Looking at the rest of that last example, maybe they are saying not
> that "susan5" is the key, but that using Key.from_path(,"susan5") can
> get the key?
> m = Employee(name="Susan", key_name="susan5")
> m.put()
> e = Employee(name="Bob", manager=m.key())
> e.put()
> m_key = Key.from_path("Employee", "susan5")    #did I miss the
> importance of this?
> e = Employee(name="Jennifer", manager=m_key)
> Oh, and I see a typo below where I meant key_name, I typed key_word.
> Brian
> On Dec 14, 1:02 am, thebrianschott  wrote:
> > I know I am going in circles here, but it sure seems like my earlier
> > solution using key_word should have worked and I am worried there is
> > some bug. Consider the example at this link which uses the reserved
> > word key_word.
> >http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/datastore/typesandpropertyclass...
> > m = Employee(name="Susan", key_name="susan5")
> > m.put()
> > What is going on?
> > Brian
> > On Dec 14, 12:22 am, thebrianschott  wrote:
> > > Wait, I see a flaw: key_name is a reserved word only allowed in the
> > > model class.
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[google-appengine] Re: 1 application, multiple datastores

2008-12-19 Thread Bill

It's currently not possible to address multiple datastores.  Just
looking at the API, it looks like addressing datastores should be
possible because the keys include an app name, etc, but the App Engine
team has said this feature is not coming any time soon.  Cross-app
datastore queries complicate the business model when you offer free
apps.  I think, though, that this is an important feature and should
be supported under the pay-as-you-go option, i.e., if you want your
datastore to be available cross-app, you elect to forfeit your free

Feel free to star this enhancement request:


On Dec 19, 10:05 am, GTako  wrote:
> Hi, is it possible to maintain under 1 application, multiple
> datastores that each datastore will be as if it is different app
> engine account?
> for example: i have a web application that should serve 2 companies, A
> and B. I would want to open a google app engine account for the web
> application files. the datastores for A and B could be 2 different
> deployments under the same app engine account or under seperate
> accounts. now assume i have N companies. what should i do?
> the reason for seperation is that i dont want the datastores will be
> dependent and under same account in case soemthing happens. please
> advise.
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[google-appengine] Re: Running multiple Dev Web Servers on same machine

2009-01-08 Thread Bill


I've had no problem running 2 dev web servers on my MacBook Pro
(Leopard OS X).  What OS are you using and are you launching
dev_appserver.py with the port options?  You have to give more
detailed information.


On Jan 8, 2:39 pm, Alex Popescu 
> I am trying to run 2 dev web servers on my local machine in order to
> test some fetch functionality. Anyways, even if both apps are
> configured to use different ports and they are running in 2 different
> Python processes, this doesn't seem to work. Is this a known
> limitation? Is there any workaround?
> tia,
> ./alex
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[google-appengine] Re: How to determine top 10 scoring users from last 24 hours?

2009-01-09 Thread Bill


This is one of those cases that's tough because App Engine's datastore
has no on-the-fly SUM ability.  You'd have to write an updating
process that makes periodic calls to your server app to process recent
results and update the entities used for your 24-hour scoring table.

Here's how I'd do it:
- Record each event affecting scoring in an entity (call the model
ScoreEvent) with a timestamp.  The key_name of each ScoreEvent would
be the timestamp + user info.  On write of this entity, update a 24-hr
score entity (call the model Score24) for this particular user.
- Periodically do maintenance calls to your server to update the
Score24 entities.  Each maintenance call would sort ScoreEvents on the
key and then fetch all ScoreEvents since the last Score24 maintenance
call (use a key to mark your place in the ScoreEvents stream).
Querying on keys was added to datastore in Nov:
So for each Score24 maintenance call, you'd fetch some # of ScoreEvent
entities, make a first pass so you combine all events into user
deltas, then update the associated user Score24 entities.  Then save
the last ScoreEvent key that you processed in this maintenance call.
On the next maintenance call, use that "last ScoreEvent key" in the
query just as if you were paging:

query = ScoreEvent.gql('WHERE __key__ > :1 ORDER BY __key__',

So your Score24 entities will reflect each user's score over the last
24 hours with some error due to the frequency of your maintenance

Now getting the top X scoring users over the last 24 hours is a query
on Score24 entities where you sort on score and fetch the top X


Amir Michail wrote:
> Hi,
> How can this be done efficiently with the current version of the GAE?
> I suppose you could keep track of all events affecting scoring for the
> last 24 hours.  Whenever you handle a request -- even one that does
> not affect scoring -- you could prune out events older than 24 hours
> and add a new one if the player has received more points as a result
> of the current request.
> As you take out old events and add in new ones, you also update the
> top 10 ranking for the last 24 hours accordingly.
> The problem here is that taking out all the old events can be quite
> expensive.  As an extreme example, if you don't get any requests for
> over 24 hours, then on the next request, you will need to clear out at
> a day's worth of scoring events.
> Amir
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[google-appengine] Re: Creating a short unique URL for an entity

2009-01-11 Thread Bill

Why worry about risk of collision when you can generate relatively
short urls using the Kind string and the id of the entity?  Here's one
of the first recipes in the cookbook:

On Jan 11, 5:21 pm, Mahmoud  wrote:
> Just create a random n-character string for each document. Do that in
> put() before the entity is saved for the first time. Choose n based on
> what risk of collision (two documents having the same randomly
> generated slug) is practical. I say n=6 is pretty good.
> On Jan 10, 10:24 am, Jesse Grosjean  wrote:
> > I'm relatively new to web programming, so don't feel back about
> > telling me the obvious :)
> > I have a simple model consisting of Account entities that can own many
> > document entities. I'd like to create a short as possible, globally
> > unique URL scheme that I can use to access any document. For testing
> > right now I'm just using the documents .key() in the URL. So for
> > example my urls look something like this:
> > /documents/
> > ag13cml0ZXJvb20tY29tchwLEgdBY2NvdW50GH4MCxIIRG9jdW1lbnQYiQEM
> > But that's really long. I'm now trying to figure out the easiest way
> > to make it shorter. One option that I'm considering is to just put the
> > account id and document id in the URL separated by a dash like this:
> > /documents/126-137
> > And then I can reconstruct the Key like this:
> > db.Key.from_path('Account', account_key, 'Document', document_key)
> > I haven't actually tried this yet... but I think it should work?
> > My goal is a unique, short, permanent URL for every document in the
> > system. If I'm going about this the wrong way or doing something dumb
> > please let me know.
> > Thanks,
> > Jesse
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[google-appengine] Silicon Valley App Engine Developer meetup next Tuesday, Jan 20

2009-01-13 Thread Bill

The Silicon Valley App Engine Developer meetup is starting off the new
year reinvigorated with a nice venue provided by TIPS Group in Palo

Topic: Hacking App Engine (or how to dig into lower level APIs and
customize them to your needs)

Speaker: Jens Scheffler (author of App Engine Fan blog),
Also Pete Koomen, Product Manager of App Engine, will talk about new
features and provide an update on the platform progress.

Location: TIPS Group, 1000 Elwell Ct, Palo Alto, CA 94303 (NOTE

Time: 7 pm, Tuesday, Jan 20, 2009

- Update on Google App Engine
- Main Talk on Hacking App Engine
- Lightning Talks

We'll have some time for prearranged lightning talks, so if you have a
demo of something running on App Engine, drop me a line.

For more details and to RSVP, visit:
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[google-appengine] Re: Entities question

2009-01-16 Thread Bill

You could do an entity that has 50 genre counters.

Some thoughts:

1) It seems like you can make genre part of a list property in a CD
since each CD will only be a small number of genres.

2) I wouldn't use a Reference List for a User entity, because a User
might have thousands of CDs.  See Rafe Kaplan's article on modeling
entity relationships (http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/
modeling.html).I'd model the User <-> CD relationship with a
separate Ownership entity that has key references to a CD and User
entity.  You could add additional info into this relationship model,
like whether the Owned CD has been lent to another User.

3) Are genres fixed or user-configurable (like a "tag" instead of a
universal genre)?  If they are like tags and user-configurable, you
could but the genre list in each Ownership entity.  Then if User X
wants to know how many "1980s Top Hits" he owns, you could query the
Ownership entities.  You could then memcache the (User, Genre, #CDs
for genre) tuple instead of keeping 50 counters in User and just query
again if needed.


On Jan 15, 2:23 am, Chen Harel  wrote:
> Hi, In case I want to represent a music album datastore,
> I wish the user can add a cd that he likes (no need for information
> other than cd name and genres)
> Now, at first I looked at it as a RDBMS even in BigTable, meaning I
> had
> User entity
> CD entity
> Genre entity
> With list of refrences keys...
> Now after playing with it, I realized (at least I think so) that I am
> killing my application,
> Since I need to be able to supply the aggregations on "how many R&B
> cd's user XXX has"
> this query can't be optimized (at least with my current knowledge) on
> BigTable,
> So I need to start putting up counters... but I am questioning you
> about the number of properties allowed (or make sense)
> If I support 50 genres, can I simply do an entity that has:
> User:
>   id
>   name
>   cds (list of refrences)
>   total_cd_counter
>   trance_cd_counter
>   house_cd_counter
>   rnb_cd_counter
>   .. (47 more counters)
> And when I add / remove a cd for a user, I shall update the
> appropriate counter ...
> This will make query for the favorite genre (which is the main goal :)
> - Sorry I got to it only here) of the application...
> Please tell me if this will work, and will have sufficient
> performance / scaling capabilities...
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[google-appengine] Re: WYSIWYG Editor for App Engine

2009-01-16 Thread Bill

I would agree with Alexander that solid HTML/CSS knowledge is
important, particularly if you are using another person's template and
trying to add your own elements.  CSSEdit has some good reviews for
Mac HTML/CSS tweaking.  I mostly use TextMate and Firefox.

Adobe Dreamweaver does WYSIWYG HTML design and I believe there are
some server-side plugins, but probably not for anything App Engine

On Jan 15, 1:30 am, Alexander Kojevnikov 
> The thing is, there's no substitute for a solid html/css knowledge. No
> visual html editor, and there are lots of them floating around, will
> produce a consistently valid and cross-browser compatible mark-up.
> Your best bet is to learn the basics, or to hire someone else to do
> the job.
> On Jan 15, 6:05 pm, Ashu  wrote:
> > Ok, so I am writing my application in
> > 1) Python
> > 2) Using the Default WebApp Framework (app engine).
> > 3) Initially used Notepad++ (also configured Eclipse IDE) as the
> > Editor
> > I also downloaded a free html template from the web and currently
> > using that to display my data/content. However, I also need to
> > customize some of the pages to take user input(aka add HTML Form
> > elements). I did add them up, but it kind of screws up the look and
> > feel of the page. I am still trying to work with CSS/HTML. So, I was
> > wondering if there was a Visual Tool/plugin that I could use to design
> > my pages by drag/drop and then connect it with my Python code.
> > On Jan 13, 3:54 am, Roberto Saccon  wrote:
> > > there are tools and plugins for everything available on the Internet.
> > > Make your question more precise. Is the editor for natural language or
> > > programming language (which one) ? If the later is the case, I
> > > recommend CodeMirror, it has pluggable parsers, is framework
> > > independent and if you look at the source code, it is one of the most
> > > amazing pieces of JavaScript I have seen in the last years (and it is
> > > also used at Google, but I forgot which project)
> > > regards
> > > Roberto
> > > On Jan 13, 7:21 am, Ashu  wrote:
> > > > I have coded up the necessary logic, but now I am stuck trying to come
> > > > with a descent looking Form to take input from the user. Are there any
> > > > plugins or tools available to get the HTML part coded with ease.
> > > > Thanks.
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[google-appengine] Re: Entities question

2009-01-16 Thread Bill

> I'm not sure I've followed you with whole Ownership model..
> Isn't that a RDBMS approach to the data and not BigTable's?

The two approaches aren't mutually exclusive.  In the case of User <->
CD, a User can have thousands or more CDs and a CD could be purchased
by millions.  Under those circumstances, storing the ownership
relationship in a list of references under either User or CD entities
will really impact performance.

In Rafe Kaplan's article he says:
"Another more important one is that you want to avoid storing overly
large lists of keys in a ListProperty."

The straightforward alternative is a separate Ownership model and now
there's a separate issue of constructing a transaction that handles
updating your genre counter upon a successful Ownership change.

It'll be interesting if someone comes up with another approach, maybe
using multiple User entities (under one entity group) that all map to
a single user, with each User entity holding a subset of all the CDs
and genre counters.

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[google-appengine] Re: Entities question

2009-01-17 Thread Bill


Some differences between using an Ownership model and using a list of
references to CDs in a User entity:

1) You can store info associated with Ownership as mentioned in my
previous message.  So if you want to print all the CD titles owned by
a user, you could denormalize CD titles and duplicate that information
in Ownership entities.  Then, you do a query on Ownership entities
filtering for a specific User and the titles would be fetched.  In the
list of references, you'd have to actually retrieve each CD title or
store titles in the single User entity, which leads us to #2...

2) There's a cap on number of indexed properties.  See

I haven't tested this yet, but the cap on indexed properties will
really hamper your ability to have huge reference lists within a User
entity.  However, you could pickle/serialize your CD data into a blob
or text property which aren't indexed.

If you start storing the CD lists as blobs, though, you lose the
ability to do queries like "Show me all users that own CD X"

On Jan 16, 11:05 pm, Chen Harel  wrote:
> Bill if I use an ownership model,
> How do you fetch all the cds of a user?
> you select on Ownership, then get the tuples with user id / cd id
> Now you need to fetch many cd id from the CD entity..
> So what's the difference?
> If you store them as a list of IDs in the User, you still have to go
> over the CD and fetch for every ID,
> This still doesn't allow you to properly index your data, does it?
> On Jan 16, 8:14 pm, Bill  wrote:
> > > I'm not sure I've followed you with whole Ownership model..
> > > Isn't that a RDBMS approach to the data and not BigTable's?
> > The two approaches aren't mutually exclusive.  In the case of User <->
> > CD, a User can have thousands or more CDs and a CD could be purchased
> > by millions.  Under those circumstances, storing the ownership
> > relationship in a list of references under either User or CD entities
> > will really impact performance.
> > In Rafe Kaplan's article he says:
> > "Another more important one is that you want to avoid storing overly
> > large lists of keys in a ListProperty."
> > The straightforward alternative is a separate Ownership model and now
> > there's a separate issue of constructing a transaction that handles
> > updating your genre counter upon a successful Ownership change.
> > It'll be interesting if someone comes up with another approach, maybe
> > using multiple User entities (under one entity group) that all map to
> > a single user, with each User entity holding a subset of all the CDs
> > and genre counters.
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[google-appengine] Re: index.yaml not being updated

2009-01-18 Thread Bill

Just to make sure, you have forced the local dev server to execute a
number of queries that require indices, right?

On Jan 18, 6:50 am, Dave  wrote:
> Hi, In chasing a query issue, i've noticed my index.yaml file is not
> being updated at all. I've tried to delete it and restart server ($
> python manage.py runserver) and all that happens is a new index.yaml
> is created as below. Note there is nothing about indexes in it? I have
> a previous app where the index.yaml file was updated and I could see
> all the autogenerated index info. Any ideas? btw, on mac 10.4.11. Also
> I've search all over for a 're-index' command for manage.py but so far
> have not found a thing.
> thx...
> indexes:
> # This index.yaml is automatically updated whenever the dev_appserver
> # detects that a new type of query is run.  If you want to manage the
> # index.yaml file manually, remove the above marker line (the line
> # saying "# AUTOGENERATED").  If you want to manage some indexes
> # manually, move them above the marker line.  The index.yaml file is
> # automatically uploaded to the admin console when you next deploy
> # your application using appcfg.py.
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[google-appengine] Re: index.yaml not being updated

2009-01-18 Thread Bill

Yes, that was what I was getting at.  Dave, take a look at Ryan's
article on index building:

Your index.yaml won't be updated unless your queries require developer-
defined or composite indexes.  When you do have more complex queries,
you can manually insert the required indexes or make sure you execute
them on your dev server.

On Jan 18, 2:14 pm, djidjadji  wrote:
> These simple queries don't need entries in the index.yaml file.
> For single attribute queries there are implicit indices constructed.
> Even is you filter multiple times for equality you don't need an
> index.yaml entry, and maybe then only when you want a DESC sorting.
> If the production server gives the correct result without raising a
> NeedIndexError you use some implicit index.
> 2009/1/18 Dave :
> > request.user.invites_in.filter('invited_person =',request.user)
> > request.user.invites_out.filter('person_inviting =',request.user)
> > user.connections.filter('user =',request.user)
> > Dave
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[google-appengine] Re: Entities question

2009-01-18 Thread Bill

By denormalize, I mean storing the CD titles in the Ownership entities
as well.  Yep, there'll be duplication to avoid the join, but you'll
be able to get the CD titles from the fetched Ownership entities in
one query.

I'm still trying to figure out best practices myself with the
datastore.  When joins are expensive or impossible, you can turn to
denormalization but just how you do it depends on the queries you
expect to run (and optimize for).

Here's an interesting article that has some relevant links:

You can see your initial User entity with all the counters was an
intuitive use of denormalization.  The only problem is the added
constraint of indexed properties caps.

On Jan 18, 12:07 pm, Chen Harel  wrote:
> Ok, If I go with number 1, I'm not sure how can I denormalize it to
> print the CD titles...
> If I can't "join" on the CD titles them selves... How can I fetch the
> names of the CDs if the select is
> SELECT * FROM Ownership WHERE user_id =  ?
> Bill, 10x a lot for your help...
> On Jan 17, 10:13 am, Bill  wrote:
> > Chen,
> > Some differences between using an Ownership model and using a list of
> > references to CDs in a User entity:
> > 1) You can store info associated with Ownership as mentioned in my
> > previous message.  So if you want to print all the CD titles owned by
> > a user, you could denormalize CD titles and duplicate that information
> > in Ownership entities.  Then, you do a query on Ownership entities
> > filtering for a specific User and the titles would be fetched.  In the
> > list of references, you'd have to actually retrieve each CD title or
> > store titles in the single User entity, which leads us to #2...
> > 2) There's a cap on number of indexed properties.  
> > Seehttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine/browse_thread/thread/...
> > I haven't tested this yet, but the cap on indexed properties will
> > really hamper your ability to have huge reference lists within a User
> > entity.  However, you could pickle/serialize your CD data into a blob
> > or text property which aren't indexed.
> > If you start storing the CD lists as blobs, though, you lose the
> > ability to do queries like "Show me all users that own CD X"
> > On Jan 16, 11:05 pm, Chen Harel  wrote:
> > > Bill if I use an ownership model,
> > > How do you fetch all the cds of a user?
> > > you select on Ownership, then get the tuples with user id / cd id
> > > Now you need to fetch many cd id from the CD entity..
> > > So what's the difference?
> > > If you store them as a list of IDs in the User, you still have to go
> > > over the CD and fetch for every ID,
> > > This still doesn't allow you to properly index your data, does it?
> > > On Jan 16, 8:14 pm, Bill  wrote:
> > > > > I'm not sure I've followed you with whole Ownership model..
> > > > > Isn't that a RDBMS approach to the data and not BigTable's?
> > > > The two approaches aren't mutually exclusive.  In the case of User <->
> > > > CD, a User can have thousands or more CDs and a CD could be purchased
> > > > by millions.  Under those circumstances, storing the ownership
> > > > relationship in a list of references under either User or CD entities
> > > > will really impact performance.
> > > > In Rafe Kaplan's article he says:
> > > > "Another more important one is that you want to avoid storing overly
> > > > large lists of keys in a ListProperty."
> > > > The straightforward alternative is a separate Ownership model and now
> > > > there's a separate issue of constructing a transaction that handles
> > > > updating your genre counter upon a successful Ownership change.
> > > > It'll be interesting if someone comes up with another approach, maybe
> > > > using multiple User entities (under one entity group) that all map to
> > > > a single user, with each User entity holding a subset of all the CDs
> > > > and genre counters.
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[google-appengine] Silicon Valley App Engine meetup *tonight*

2009-01-20 Thread Bill

Topic: Hacking App Engine (or how to dig into lower level APIs and
customize them to your needs)

Speaker: Jens Scheffler (author of App Engine Fan blog),
Also Pete Koomen, Product Manager of App Engine, will talk about new
features and provide an update on the platform progress.

RSVP here: http://web.meetup.com/116/calendar/9332524/

Location: TIPS Group, 1000 Elwell Ct, Palo Alto, CA 94303 (NOTE

Time: 7 pm, Tuesday, Jan 20.

- Update on Google App Engine
- Main Talk on Hacking App Engine
- Lightning Talks (at least 3 good ones are slated)
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[google-appengine] Re: Model.put() Override?

2009-01-20 Thread Bill

The most recent SDK (1.1.8) now allows hooks, and that seems to be the
best way to hack datastore puts.  Jens (http://blog.appenginefan.com/)
has started to blog about use of the hook feature and gave two
examples at our local App Engine meetup tonight.  Stay tuned to his
blog for a good explanation.

In the meantime, look at appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map.py and you'll
see some hook methods.  You can register methods to run pre- or post-

If you supply a hook at this level of the API, you can use your hack
even when bypassing the Model API.

On Jan 17, 11:15 am, James Ashley  wrote:
> The "simple" answer seems to be "override the db class."  That's
> totally off the top of my head, and it may be completely unrealistic.
> Something like (totally untested and almost definitely wrong. Consider
> it pseudo-code):
> class my_db(google.ext.db):
>   def put(self, *objects, **kwargs):
>     for o in objects:
>       o.pre_put()
>     super(google.ext.db, self).put(*objects, **kwargs)
> Then the models that were overriding put() could put that override
> code in pre_put() instead (and change put() to just call that before
> calling super().put()...).
> You'd have to juggle the nuances of things like post_put(), and any
> side-effects.  But it seems like a reasonable compromise.
> On Jan 14, 2:22 pm, boson  wrote:
> > That is a curious situation.  I would like to know also if there is a
> > way to inject code into the put-stream regardless of method called, as
> > I have various put() overrides as well.
> > On Jan 13, 9:45 pm, Devel63  wrote:
> > > I overrode the put method on a class derived from Model, primarily
> > > because I wanted to do some accounting work when a new object was
> > > saved (in the simplest case, just keeping track of a counter).  It
> > > does its work, then calls super.
> > > It works fine.
> > > Until I use db.put([ob1,obj2,obj3]) to save a bunch of these, and then
> > > of course the individual object.put() functions are never called.
> > > Is there a best practice for this?  I really liked having it in the
> > > "put", because then no caller needed to know about it, and it just
> > > took care of itself.  Is the best thing to precede every "put" call
> > > with an explicit "put_prep" call?
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[google-appengine] Site map placement

2009-01-22 Thread Bill

Does anyone know how to place a site map or robots.txt so that it is
visible on your site's "root" directory in GAE?

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[google-appengine] Re: Site map placement

2009-01-22 Thread Bill

Thanks Barry, the second link had the syntax I needed!

On Jan 22, 1:10 pm, Barry Hunter  wrote:
> Seehttp://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/gettingstarted/staticfil...
> andhttp://code.google.com/appengine/kb/general.html#erroruris
> for an example
> 2009/1/22 Bill :
> > Does anyone know how to place a site map or robots.txt so that it is
> > visible on your site's "root" directory in GAE?
> --
> Barry
> -www.nearby.org.uk-www.geograph.org.uk-
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[google-appengine] Re: Google's Source Control Vision

2009-01-23 Thread Bill

I use git for controlling my App Engine source code.  ( For example, I
released my early attempt at a blog over at http://github.com/DocSavage/bloog

When you deploy on App Engine, you can set the version ID of your
code.  I've created a shell script which automatically generates the
git version hash and puts it in the app.yaml "version" key/value.  App
Engine will let you use any alphanumeric string for versions, so git
hashes are OK.

So your team can use whatever source control system for the code (git
is great for distributed teams), and when you deploy, you have
multiple versions of your app in the cloud ready to run. Each
version's ID tells you the exact repository state.  The App Engine
server console lets you easily switch the app version used for your
main url, and it even lets you test each version separately through
longer urls at appspot.com.  The system is pretty nice.


On Jan 22, 5:33 pm, GenghisOne  wrote:
> Does the current version of Google's App Engine vision address
> distributed software development and source control?
> Or put more practically, how can a couple of distributed software
> developers collaborate on a Google App? For instance, how can I pull
> down the latest source and update it?
> Thx.
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[google-appengine] Re: hiding private key

2009-01-23 Thread Bill


If you plan on storing the key in a file, I would suggest using the
svn:ignore feature:

You can tell svn to not check in any file that matches your private
filename.  Just let your collaborators know they're supposed to add
their version of the private file after svn checkout.


On Jan 23, 8:21 pm, thebrianschott  wrote:
> Dave,
> Thank you for clarifying that. I guess I would have to put the key
> into the datastore, but that may not be practical for me either. I
> have not decided yet how much access to the datastore I will give
> users of my app, yet. I don't think they need any, but I cannot be
> sure now.
> In any case, thanks again for sticking with this discussion.
> On Jan 23, 6:51 pm, David Symonds  wrote:
> > On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 7:41 AM, thebrianschott  
> > wrote:
> > > I think I can save my secretkeyin a static file that is not "add"ed
> > > to the svn and I was told by David that everything (source, etc) is
> > > secreat that is committed to the appspot. So as long as the static
> > > file is not "add"ed to the svn, it's secure, isn't it?
> > If it's in a static place (i.e. you use static_files or static_dir
> > directives in app.yaml), it'll be accessible by any web user. Nothing
> > else is directly accessible, though, so you'd be fine.
> > Dave.
> Brian in Atlanta
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[google-appengine] Re: hiding private key

2009-01-24 Thread Bill

I'm not sure what you mean, so I'll simply restate what I believe is
the situation and how I would handle it.

You need to put some "private" info into a .py file that will be part
of your App Engine app, similar to a config.py.  When your app runs,
it will need access to the private code in this .py file, which can be
done by a simple python import.

The problem: You also want to make the source files for your app
available in a public svn repository.

The solution: On your local machine, you put the private key into some
file, call it private.py.  Your main.py or some other publicly-
released code will import private.py.  You want this private.py to be
on your local machine and in the App Engine cloud, but NOT in the
public svn repository.  So, all you have to do is set the svn:ignore
property to ignore private.py.  This means private.py is not under
revision control and won't be committed to the public svn repository.
The private.py file will be on your local machine and when you
"appcfg.py update", the script will see private.py and put it in the
cloud as well.

Just make sure you keep a backup of the code separate from the svn
repository (or keep private.py a one-liner), because if your local
machine's disk crashes, you won't have a backup in the public svn repo
for private.py.


On Jan 24, 6:25 am, thebrianschott  wrote:
> Bill,
> So, you are not suggesting that Dave's recommendation to NOT put my
> secret file in the material committed to the appspot, because it would
> be available to anyone on the web, right? But you are saying that if I
> learn to write a "little script" that pulls my secret key  [see
> the quote from Dave, below], then the ignore feature would work nicely
> for the little script and the tiny.py file Dave mentions. And I agree
> that the ignore would be dandy and I appreciate your jumping in here.
> I sure wish such a little script and tiny .py file example existed for
> me to adapt, because I'm very shaky on python programming, especially
> creating (,linking) and editing existing editable source files.
> [Below is a quote from Dave's earlier message in the thread]
> Okay, I see where you're coming from. Your best bet is probably to
> auto-generate or manually edit a tiny .py file that you don't check
> in
> to SVN (or maybe check in a secret-key.py.template with the key
> replaced with "InsertKeyHere"). Then you could write a little script
> that pulls your real secret key from a file on your own computer
> before uploading your app.
> [Above is a quote from Dave's earlier message in the thread]
> On Jan 24, 1:35 am, Bill  wrote:
> > Brian,
> > If you plan on storing thekeyin a file, I would suggest using the
> > svn:ignore 
> > feature:http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn-book.html#svn.advanced.props.s...
> > You can tell svn to not check in any file that matches yourprivate
> > filename.  Just let your collaborators know they're supposed to add
> > their version of theprivatefile after svn checkout.
> > -Bill
> > On Jan 23, 8:21 pm, thebrianschott  wrote:
> > > Dave,
> > > Thank you for clarifying that. I guess I would have to put thekey
> > > into the datastore, but that may not be practical for me either. I
> > > have not decided yet how much access to the datastore I will give
> > > users of my app, yet. I don't think they need any, but I cannot be
> > > sure now.
> > > In any case, thanks again for sticking with this discussion.
> Brian in Atlanta
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[google-appengine] Re: Dynamically Choosing Which Properties to Write to the Datastore

2009-01-24 Thread Bill

Hi David,

On Jan 24, 8:39 am, David Kamenetz  wrote:
> However, if the user only enters/changes, say, the txt field on the
> form I only POST the txt field to the server. I don't send all the
> fields. My POST only has data for txt. If I use the code above on an
> existing entity, it will erase the title property (formitem.title).
> Is there an elegant way to write only the txt element to the txt
> property?

As far as I know, you can't write only one property when replacing an
existing entity, but maybe there's something that can be done at the
lowest levels just before going to the protocol buffer. (See
datastore.py and datastore_pb.py in the SDK where entity dicts are
being passed.)

I use POSTs to create new entities and PUTs to modify existing ones or
store a new entity in a known url.  With the PUTs, if there's an
existing entity, you need to read it in and then selectively modify
key/values depending on what's been passed from your form.

So creating new entities through POST is simple.  Just set whatever
property you want to set on model initialization, and all others are
not stored.

You can automate the whole process by creating a Model you'll inherit
from (I call mine SerializableModel), and create a method that
iterates through all model properties, calls request.get() on them,
and if the get isn't None (i.e., there's a value passed in from your
form), you add that key/value to your entity dict.  You later pass the
entity dict as an initializer into your Model constructor.

For example:

def get_entity_dict(model_class, get_func):
entity_dict = {}
for prop_name, prop_class in model_class.properties().iteritems():
value = get_func(prop_name)
if value:
  entity_dict[prop_name] = model_class.deserialize
(prop_class, value)
return entity_dict

So in the above, get_func is set to:

get_func = lambda x : some_handler.request.get(x, default_value=None)

We only set key/value pairs in entity_dict for properties that are set
in form.

The model_class.deserialize() is a routine that takes strings from the
form and converts them into appropriate datastore objects.

So in your handler you'd have something like this in simplified form:

def post(self):
get_func = lambda x : some_handler.request.get(x,
props = get_entity_dict(MyModel, get_func)
obj = MyModel(**props)

For the PUT case, you read the entity first, set the entity_dict to
the current entity values, and then do the above.

I might open source the model system I've created that does all this


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[google-appengine] Re: Unable to access my admin console, Yes i have read the Docs and FAQ ;)

2009-02-02 Thread Bill

If you go to http://appengine.google.com/start after logging in as the
administrator of your app, you should see a "My Applications" page
with a list of your apps.  Each app name should have a link.  Clicking
on the link will bring up the admin console for your app.

The direct link to the console looks something like this:

On Feb 2, 1:44 am, V1  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have successfully deployed my first app Enginehttp://spry-it.appspot.com/.
> When I go to:http://appengine.google.com/it automatically redirects
> me tohttp://appengine.google.com/startand all i see is that i can
> create a app Engine.. I already done that ;)
> I also checkedhttp://appengine.google.com/a/your-domain.com
> because I registered with an email address that is linked to my google
> apps. But that just redirects to a dead page. :)
> Am I doing something wrong here?
> Also pushing on the GoogleAppEngine SDK dashboard button redirects me
> to the start page where i can only create apps, not view.
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[google-appengine] Re: SearchableModel problems

2009-02-06 Thread Bill

The exception is doing a good job explaining what SearchableEntity
wants.  For each number of keywords you'll accept during a search,
you'll have to have an index with that many "name:

And you could easily start hitting the maximum indexed properties
limit of 5000:

See here for exploding indexes:

So full-text search is not very good right now with SearchableEntity.
I think Google Custom Search API is a better way to go if you can.

On Feb 6, 4:41 pm, Ilia Lobsanov  wrote:
> I have entities (model name is Contract) in the datastore created
> using search.SearchableEntity.
> This is how I'm searching these entities:
>   query = Contract.all().search(keyword)
>   query.order("-contract_date").fetch(10)
> When the keyword variable is one word, no exception is raised. If I
> use two words for the keyword, the following exception is raised. If I
> use three words, the exception will talk about wanting three indexes
> on __searchable_text_index
> Exception in request:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/govtenders/123.331195053078948310/common/
> zip-packages/django.zip/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 86, in
> get_response
>     response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/govtenders/123.331195053078948310/goat/
> views.py", line 72, in search_by_keyword
>     more_template_params = _process_query(request, query)
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/govtenders/123.331195053078948310/goat/
> views.py", line 139, in _process_query
>     results = query.order("-contract_date").fetch(PAGESIZE+1);
>   File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/db/
> __init__.py", line 1390, in fetch
>     raw = self._get_query().Get(limit, offset)
>   File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/
> datastore.py", line 942, in Get
>     return self._Run(limit, offset)._Next(limit)
>   File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/
> datastore.py", line 891, in _Run
>     str(exc) + '\nThis query needs this index:\n' + yaml)
> NeedIndexError: no matching index found.
> This query needs this index:
> - kind: Contract
>   properties:
>   - name: __searchable_text_index
>   - name: __searchable_text_index
>   - name: contract_date
>     direction: desc
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[google-appengine] Re: SDK version 1.1.9 Released

2009-02-09 Thread Bill

Buried in the change log is an innocuous line about the remote API.
>From the module:
"This allows easy remote access to the App Engine datastore, and
potentially any
of the other App Engine APIs, using the same interface you use when
the service locally."

On Feb 9, 6:12 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> Today we released version 1.1.9 of our SDK. Here's what's new in this
> release:
>       * You can now use the Python standard libraries urllib, urllib2
> or httplib to make HTTP requests. This has been a frequent request on
> our issue tracker.
>       * We've been working on a set of tools that will make the
> process of uploading and downloading data from App Engine applications
> easier. Today we're excited to announce an early release of our new
> bulk uploading client. You can try it out here. Let us know what you
> think in our Google Group!
>       * Several updates to our datastore, including the automatic
> generation of single property indexes and the addition of IN and !=
> operators to db.Query. See the Datastore API docs for more details.
>       * A bunch of additional bugfixes and enhancements, listed in our
> Release Notes.
> See the blog 
> post:http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/02/sdk-version-119-released
> and the downloads are available 
> here:http://code.google.com/appengine/downloads.html
> Happy coding,
> Jeff
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[google-appengine] Re: How do I "select * from entity where 'foreignkey' = blah"

2009-02-09 Thread Bill

I don't understand why you are modeling it that way.  Why have the
ReferenceProperty in Location?

Given your case of wanting all people with a given birthplace, it
seems like this makes sense:

class Person(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
birthplace = db.ReferenceProperty(Location, default="unknown",

class Location(db.Model):
place = db.StringProperty()

Since a person is likely only born in one place, you put the reference
with the Person.
Now you can do:
  birthplace = my_person.birthplace# gets Location
  some_location.born_here   # list of Person born here

On Feb 9, 9:27 pm, adelevie  wrote:
> I know the datastore is not relational but this should still be
> simple.
> I have two models:
> class Person(db.Model):
>      name = db.StringProperty()
> class Location(db.Model):
>      birthplace = db.StringProperty()
>      name = db.ReferenceProperty()
> So I want to be able to select all People given a birthplace. I tried
> messing with keys, but to no avail.
> thanks,
> Alan
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[google-appengine] Re: How to use remote_api?

2009-02-14 Thread Bill

I've written a blog entry describing how I've gotten the remote_api to
work for me:

Hope it helps,

On Feb 13, 3:24 am, lookon  wrote:
> I am under Windows. Anyone can tell me how to use remote_api? Thanks.
> p.s. I met the problem that the appengine module cannot be easily
> imported.
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[google-appengine] Re: Grouping and counting in GAE... advice needed

2009-02-24 Thread Bill

This is a brain dump (LONG) as I work through this problem.  Hope it
helps others or others can help me by correcting mistakes or
suggesting alternatives.

First, look at this article on Digg-like functionality:

That article suggests this formula for a decaying vote ranking in

rank = quote.created * DAY_SCALE + quote.votesum

Each new vote causes this rank to be recalculated.  The keys to this
approach are (1) you only compute on write and (2) the passage of time
increases rank values so all untouched (i.e., not recently voted on)
articles don't have to be updated.  In the example, DAY_SCALE = 4 and
quote.created is # of days, so an article a day older would need 4
votes more than a new article to rank the same.

In your case, you want an "ordered list of URLs with most votes in the
last hour."This means a new vote is worth infinitely more than a
vote more than an hour ago.  (And you want a step function -- all
votes within an hour are treated equally.)  Any solution, to be
manageable, should not require periodic updates to all articles, even
untouched ones.

First, put a property last_vote_time for the most recent vote in the
model.  So we can simply ignore every link that has last_vote_time
more than an hour ago.

Now we're left with all links that received a vote in the last hour,
but rank scores will contain stale votes.  This is where I run into
trouble figuring out how to adapt the previous method to this
problem.  So I'm going to have to think of another approach.

Let's start with a simpler problem where we only use non-overlapping
hour windows, i.e., the rankings get reset every hour on the hour.
In this case, the first vote after an hour boundary gets crossed
resets the rank score.  Rank is just votesum for this hour window.

Now what happens if we use more of these hour windows, but stagger
them across an hour:

votesum_0_min = db.IntegerProperty()
votesum_5_min = ...
votesum_10_min = ...
votesum_55_min = ...

In the above, votesum_5_min covers the future hour span that starts 5
minutes into the hour, e.g. 6:05 to 7:05.

On new vote, we look at the current time and the last_vote_time, then
clear every votesum that straddles its boundary.
Example:  Last vote time was 8:16, current time of new vote is 8:33.
We clear votesum_20_min, votesum_25_min, votesum_30_min, and set all
of them to 1 vote for this new vote.  All other votesums += 1.

Let's say we it's now 8:38 pm and we want to see all the links with
most votes for the last hour.  Call our model URLModel.

q = URLModel.gql('ORDER by votesum_40_min DESC')
urls = q.fetch(...)

We order on the window that has been active the longest for the
current time.

Looking at the query above, you notice that we have to remove all
URLModel entities with last_vote_time more than an hour ago, but we
want to order on votesum_40_min.  We could do:

q = URLModel.gql('WHERE last_vote_time > :hour_ago ORDER BY
last_vote_time, votesum_40_min DESC')

but we'll have to do the real votesum_40_min ordering after the fetch.

We could use an equality filter that pretty much removes all entities
with last_vote_time more than an hour ago.  One solution would be to
add a StringListProperty, call it last_vote_hours, that contains
strings corresponding to the last vote's hour in 00-23 format and its
hour + 1.  So a vote at 7:45 pm would store ['19', '20] in

Back to our query at 8:38 pm:

q = URLModel.gql('WHERE last_vote_hours = '20' ORDER by votesum_40_min
urls = q.fetch(...)

Then just remove any urls with last_vote_hours more than an hour ago.
I think that may be the most efficient way to do it but look forward
to hearing from others if they've actually read this far :)


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[google-appengine] Re: Grouping and counting in GAE... advice needed

2009-02-24 Thread Bill

On Feb 24, 2:29 am, Bill  wrote:
> This is a brain dump (LONG) as I work through this problem.  Hope it
> > We could use an equality filter that pretty much removes all entities
> with last_vote_time more than an hour ago.  One solution would be to
> add a StringListProperty, call it last_vote_hours, that contains
> strings corresponding to the last vote's hour in 00-23 format and its
> hour + 1.  So a vote at 7:45 pm would store ['19', '20] in
> last_vote_hours.
> Back to our query at 8:38 pm:
> q = URLModel.gql('WHERE last_vote_hours = '20' ORDER by votesum_40_min
> DESC')
> urls = q.fetch(...)

To avoid past days from getting into results, the last_vote_hours
would have a full date stamp + the hour, something like "2009-02-23
19" and "2009-02-23 20."

Any alternatives or questions?
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[google-appengine] Clarification of storage pricing requested

2009-02-24 Thread Bill

There seems to be an inconsistency in the cited storage pricing. The
blog post says $0.15/GB/mo, but the docs and my app dashboard say
$0.005/GB/mo, which is a huge drop in pricing if correct.

Which one is correct?

And congratulations to the entire App Engine team for rolling out this
much requested feature.

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