Re: [IceHorses] Night turnout - not

2008-07-17 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 7:36 AM, Nancy  Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's a poor image quality photo of why we stopped turning the horses out
 after dark.  I confess we have slipped back into thinking they're safe, but
 it hasn't been all that long since Sammie was killed.

One of the reasons we bring our equines in at night.  The other is just that it
is so much easier to feed, etc. when they are inside.  Actually they each have
a 12 X 12 stall with a 12 X 24 run attached, so they can move around a bit.
I just feel safer having them close enough so I could hopefully hear if there
was a scuffle or something at night...
Ferne Fedeli
No. California
PS  Most of the fires right around us are completely contained, if not out!
Nice clear air for a change!

Re: [IceHorses] Sacking out Carmen

2008-07-17 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd say that Carmen is just about de-sensitized.  BTW, Carmen is the cat who

What a cutie!  Looks something like my cat, Phantom.

Re: [IceHorses] Bit Sizer

2008-07-16 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 What's wrong with a pencil or a lead rope?

When I was going thru the bit traumas, I tried things like a little stick etc., 
but then couldn't remember
exactly where it started etc. and nearly went nuts.  I was so happy
when a friend offered to loan me some
bits in different sizes to try!  Then I could say, a 6 is too big, etc. etc..

Probably I'm just bit retarded!!!  Ha!

Re: [IceHorses] Magic, Cushings and IR

2008-07-13 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A tribute to Magic:

At first glance at the Heading, I thought it was my Magic and thought how could
this be, he has EPM, not Cushings...  Then I read the article.  A sad
story for sure.
Hopefully, my guy will recover and get on with his life soon.

Re: [IceHorses] Mr. T's jewels...and look at that face!

2008-07-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 Any news on Magic?

Yes, his test came out positive for EPM (well, UC Davis said that there
was a 95% chance he had it, so I should start treatment!), so I have to
start Marquis as soon as I receive it from Valley Vet.  There is another
Icelandic owner in Sonoma that my trainer works with whose horse also
had EPM and went through the Marquis treatment.  I've emailed her for
info on her experiences, etc.  According to Susanna (my trainer) this
other horse recovered beautifully and is Kellie's favorite riding horse
now...  I will hope for the best!  Thanks for asking!

Re: [IceHorses] Magic

2008-07-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 12:59 PM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I hope Magic recovers fully and quickly.  Tell him that his sister 
 niece (Princess Buttercup) and nephew (Isak) want him to get well quickly!

I will tell him.  I'm sure it will make him feel better!?!  The other woman I 
who has gone thru the EPM treatment with her mare called me and told me all
that she could remember about her horses treatment.  She said that her mare
has a little weakness on the bad side, but otherwise seems really good.  She
gave the Marquis treatment for 2 months.  I guess if that's what it
takes, I will
have to do that too.  Argh!!!

Re: [IceHorses] Mr. T's jewels...and look at that face!

2008-07-04 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Teev got a new sidepull made just for him by Moss Rock Endurance.   She's
 been doing bling on her biothane tack for a while, but this was the first
 time she did turquoise stones.   Karen Thomas, NC

 Glad to hear Tivar is doing so well.  That sidepull is gorgeous.  Looks like 
has jewelry on it!!!  I love Turquoise anyway!

Re: [IceHorses] My Gusti

2008-06-29 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Wanda Lauscher
 I had to put my Gusti to sleep yesterday.

Wanda,  I'm so sorry to hear about Gusti.  That worries me still more because 
I'm waiting
to hear on the results of Magic's EPM test.  I thought I'd hear by
Friday, but am now
hoping for Monday.  I know it will be hard for awhile for you to go on
dealing with the other
horses, thinking about him and worrying about what might happen to
another horse.  It is
good that he wasn't in pain at the end though, just think of that.
You have my deepest
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] My Mother's Paradise

2008-06-26 Thread Ferne Fedeli

On 6/25/08, Janice McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if i looked up the word serene in the dictionary I would not be
 surprised to see this picture!  Your mom is so beautiful.  

...and I think her daughter took after her!!!

Re: [IceHorses] Fires in No CA

2008-06-25 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 11:01 PM, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bernadette had to be evacuated due to the fires in No CA, but hopefully they
 will be able to return within the next few days.

 Good thoughts to Faxi and Riddari, as well as Bern and her husband.

Is she still in the Gilroy area?  We are having some big fires in the hills to 
east of us.  They called me earlier this afternoon from the Disaster
Group to ask if I would be willing to accept evacuated horses if it was needed.
She told me to be sure to get the owners to sign a release, so I would have no
problems later.  Oh my, I guess you always have to expect the worst--well,
I can hope for the best.  Maybe there will no need.
Ferne Fedeli
Mendocino County

Re: [IceHorses] mounting block

2008-06-21 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 The mounting block was a hit.  Dagur is checking it out and decides he
 likes it enough to send Solon on his way.

Looks great, Wanda!  Someone can be mounting on every side at once!!!

Re: [IceHorses] Horse records

2008-06-20 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Laree Shulman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do all of you keep your horse records? - Shots, worming, training?
  Do any of you use a specific software?

I just made a sheet with columns in MS Word that I use for each horse that 
gives the date,
Who (vet, farrier, etc.) and what.  It is very simple and works for
everything I've
needed.  I have a 3-ring binder for each horse and always keep the
notation sheets on
top and file the copies of vet bill or whatever underneath.  I have a
8.5 X 11 pic
of the horse on the front of the binder.  Been doing that way for years and it
works for me!  I was at first fascinated by the different software programs, but
decided that it was a little silly for 4 horses to go to that expense
and trouble.
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Collins Twins Buy Two New Horses

2008-06-17 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Judy!  I always like to read about the adventures of the Collins twins.

Re: [IceHorses] Another Pink Item / Bathing

2008-06-17 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 7:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I maybe only bathe (with soap) maybe once a year.

 I rarely ever bathe


 Could this be why the other Icelandic riders don't care for us?

Now why didn't I think of that!!!  LOL

Re: [IceHorses] Ariat Dumas

2008-06-16 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I bought a pair of these on ebay a few weeks ago for a real bargain price.
 I was disappointed they were very narrow relative to the Ariat's I've had in
 the past 
 Karen Thomas, NC

I found out a few years after buying many Ariats and having them be marginally
uncomfortable, that they are know for being a tad narrow!  The Terrain's are the
only Ariats that I have that are truly comfortable and I usually wear
them. They
do have some with mesh over the top, but I thought they looked a
little different
than these...

Re: [IceHorses] Tranquil Teev in The Turquoise Torsion Tack

2008-06-14 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A good color for Tivar?   Blue must have a calmatose effect on horses...

That is great color!  Of course, purple and turquoise are my favorite colors.  
All of
us volunteers at the library are making our librarian a quilt for her
future baby and I
chose the horse (of course).  Mine is purple with turquoise mane and
tail!?!  They
are Chinese calendar figures and Gene says mine looks more like a Basset
Hound than a horse!?!

Re: [IceHorses] Derby (was Tosca in purple)

2008-06-09 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Renee Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It will be interesting if they can come up with an answer to  what  went
 wrong with Big Brown today.

  Never again will I tune in.

I immediately thought that his hoof must have been bothering him more than they
thought (or cared about--as you say, Renee)...  I still think that
racing these horses
so young is really crazy, but with all the money involved, it will
probably never change.
The horses ought to start a union!!!

Re: [IceHorses] What Teev thinks of people who give horses baths...

2008-06-09 Thread Ferne Fedeli
Perfect pic, Karen!

Re: [IceHorses] Fwd: EPM?

2008-06-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Janice McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have ridden with a horse that survived EPM.  One cheek was way sunk
 in.  The owner said the oly time it affected him was he had trouble
 going up or down steep hills, I cant remember which, that he had to
 take it real slow on hills.

Janice,  Magic has the left hind area sunk in.  As far as riding him, he seems
just fine so far.  I was supposed to trailer him up 40 minles north of
me to meet
the vet and have her draw the blood for the EPM test today, but last night I had
a message on my phone that she would have to cancel because of a death in
the family and wouldn't be available until next week...  I'll be glad
to get over
the wondering and waiting...

Re: [IceHorses] OT - Tick Removal

2008-06-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli

  This is great, because it works in those places where it's some times

 difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head

 full of dark hair, etc.  

Laree, you mean you don't have a tick removal tool?  I get them from my
small animal vet.  They only cost about $3 I think and they have sort of a
V that you slide between the tick and the skin and then just lift up.  We
have a couple of them.  They work better than tweezers for me.
Ferne Fedeli
PS  We have ticks in the winter here, when it is wet.  Soon as the rains
are gone, so are the ticks.

Re: [IceHorses] Re:OT-my diet - Raven????

2008-06-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Raven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Speaking of weight loss - Raven you need to join this conversation. How much 
have you lost?

 35 lbs. got 10-15 left to lose.

 That is great, Raven!  I've lost 20 on the Weight Watchers Core plan since the 
first of
the year and just love it.  I figure it is more a way of eating than a
diet and it is something
that has finally worked for me.  No counting stuff or fooling around.
You just eat foods
from a list and I more often than not eat things I shouldn't sometime
during the week,
but as long as I get back the next day, it's fine.  Of course, I've
slowed down a bit now--
must be down to the cement part!?!  LOL
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Fwd: EPM?

2008-06-02 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 6:47 AM, Robyn Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Not Robyn, but -

 Thanks for posting Joyce Harmon's website for Ferne, Laree - I am in the
 middle of a companion animal training here and haven't had time to find it.


Thanks everyone for all the help.  I will check the website soon as I turn the
horses out and then I'll call my vet and talk over this stuff with her...

Re: [IceHorses] Fwd: EPM?

2008-06-01 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 10:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Ferne
 I checked on AAEP site but I don't belong so have limited access. The
 places I could go weren't very helpful - except that muscle wasting of
 the the large muscles of the hip(s) can be a symptom.  I don't know
 enough about it to be helpful - but all tests have some false
 negs/false positives - and generally are still worth running under the
 right circumstances.  Sounds like Magic needs a thorough neuro exam,
 poor dude.

Hi Penny,
Well, the main place I looked was at The Horse, which is an AAEP site.  In fact
my vet told me that was a good place to look.  I've subscribed for
years and their
info is often quite useful.  I suppose I should go ahead and have the
test or tests
as the alternative is not too promising.  One article said that they
can have it for
years with very few symptoms and then suddenly get much worse.  I'm still
riding him, although lightly.  I keep worrying that he will suddenly
collapse and
I'll get hurt yet again!?!

Re: [IceHorses] EPM?

2008-06-01 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 Could it be EPSM?

Hi Judy,
Thanks for the additional info.  I hadn't heard of EPSM.  The only symptom of
either that he seems to have is the muscle wasting on his left hind.  He still
seems as full of energy as usual and I haven't looked at the diet yet, but the
only grain-type thing he gets is one cup of LMF Low Carb Stage I at night
with a scoop of Platinum Performance and a cup of Oat-Alfalfa pellets.

Re: [IceHorses] Fwd: EPM?

2008-06-01 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 well as an allopathic approach?  Dr. Joyce Harman likely has some
 suggestions and someone recently posted her website about vaccinations?  She
 does a lot of work with EPM horses.  I also think that ABC Products has some
 supportive products.  We also have a protocol to do once he is treated -
 should it be confirmed - that help with the repatterning of the nervous

Hi Robyn,
Thanks for the suggestions.  I sort of doubt if we have a vet that
uses any alternative
approaches around here.  Do you have the address of Dr. Joyce Harman's site, or
should I just Google her?  I was just talking to Barbara Chasteen
about the ABC
products, but hadn't bought any yet.  Have you had any experience with EPSM? I
noticed that it said don't use Oat Hay and we did just change to Oat
Hay this winter,
because a local farmer we know had some at a great price...  We mix some Oat
with some grass hay, but Magic loves the Oat and hasn't been eating
all his grass
hay half the time.  There are always so many confusing things to think about!!!

Re: [IceHorses] What we are going to do....

2008-05-31 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 9:04 PM, pennyndrifa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Next week is the Western States Horse Expo in Sacramento.  Drifa and I
 are going to be in Davis Lichman's demo me and say hi.


Does this mean you are going to be one of those insufferable celebrities!?!  
PS  Unfortunately, I'm not going to the Horse Expo this year.  Going to the
Husch Wine Club picnic with my sis instead...

Re: [IceHorses] Jacki has sent you an article from

2008-05-31 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 Vet Calls Theodore O'Connor Euthanasia 'The Right Thing to Do' *

I know.  I felt so bad when I read that.
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Vaccinations / Spreading Them Out

2008-05-31 Thread Ferne Fedeli

  At that
 time, we suggested that the vaccinations be spread out.

I do agree that it would be better to spread the shots out, but since my vet is
2 1/2 hours away and charges me $95 for a farm call now, I had them done all
at once.  She did some on one side and the others on the other side, hoping
that might help for any soreness--of course, it wouldn't help with overloading
their system.

[IceHorses] EPM?

2008-05-31 Thread Ferne Fedeli
Has anyone had any experiences with EPM?  Magic has had this muscle
wasting on his left hind for awhile and I thought either one of the
other horses kicked him or he ran into a post or something.  He's had
a couple of sessions with Barbara Chasteen, who does bodywork and she
thought the same thing.  When the vet was here for the horses shots a
couple of weeks ago, she said it also could possibly be EPM, as muscle
wasting is one of the signs.  She called me back yesterday about my
old Arab, who has Ringbone (another story) and asked if I had thought
about testing Magic for EPM.  I read up on it on The Horse and also
saw there were lots of pros and cons on the tests for it, such as
false positives and false negatives, so don't quite know what to do at
this point.  Anybody got any good ideas?
Ferne Fedeli

[IceHorses] Fwd: EPM?

2008-05-31 Thread Ferne Fedeli
For some reason, this didn't make it to the list the first time...

-- Forwarded message --
From: Ferne Fedeli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, May 31, 2008 at 11:44 AM
Subject: EPM?

Has anyone had any experiences with EPM?  Magic has had this muscle
wasting on his left hind for awhile and I thought either one of the
other horses kicked him or he ran into a post or something.  He's had
a couple of sessions with Barbara Chasteen, who does bodywork and she
thought the same thing.  When the vet was here for the horses shots a
couple of weeks ago, she said it also could possibly be EPM, as muscle
wasting is one of the signs.  She called me back yesterday about my
old Arab, who has Ringbone (another story) and asked if I had thought
about testing Magic for EPM.  I read up on it on The Horse and also
saw there were lots of pros and cons on the tests for it, such as
false positives and false negatives, so don't quite know what to do at
this point.  Anybody got any good ideas?
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Vaccinations

2008-05-28 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A good question on the gaitedhorse list:

 What vaccinations do you give and how often?

My vet was just here for everyone's shots and I said something about seeing her
in 6 months for WNV and she said she felt that the new WNV vaccine was now safe
and she would be using it and that they only need it once a year.
Sounds good to
me.  Other than that, we give the 4 or 5-way with the E  W  Tetanus and also
Rabies...  So guess we will only need yearly shots now...

Re: [IceHorses] Vaccinations

2008-05-28 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Laree Shulman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I only give a flu/rhino if the horses are going to be traveling a lot
 or would have to go to the vet school or some other equine hospital
 for some reason.

Oh, I forgot.  The vet gave the Appy and Magic Flu/Rhino because we do travel 
them a bit.  Well, Magic goes down to Ann's twice a month and then it is better-
weather timecnow, so we will be trailering out and riding
more--occasionally where
there are other horses...

Re: [IceHorses] 67 yr old equestrian to compete in Olympics

2008-05-24 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 6:58 AM, Laree Shulman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Laree in NC

There's hope yet for all of us older riders!?!
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] icelandic wanted

2008-05-09 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 9:00 AM, Dana Johnsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi  all
 I am beginning (slowly) my search for an icelandic horse.
 Please send details and pics to email on or

Gee, Dana, you--of all people--should know that Robyn and Phil have the best
selection, best trained, etc. etc. Icelandics around!
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Whiskeytown

2008-04-25 Thread Ferne Fedeli

  Did this seem like an odd comment to you?

 At the time, it didn't, but  you're quite right.  I also ride my Icelandic
 mare  with several other breeds, mainly Arab endurance horses.  She keeps up
 very well most of the time, 

Magic and I went to a class on obstacles for Trail Trials a few years
back and the
trainer asked if we would like to go on a trail ride following the
class.  Someone
asked if Magic could keep up with the rest of them and I said I didn't see a
problem...  Near the end of the ride when we were far ahead and had to stop
and wait for some of the other horses, the same person said My goodness,
I didn't realize those little horses would do so well on the trail!
I just smiled!
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] sick horses

2008-04-15 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:20 PM, Robyn Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Weird day – fed in the morning and our neighbour called to say that there
 was a horse lying down in the pasture so we went out and brought in one and
 noticed another horse lying down – just quietly but not eating.
 am not really feeling good about
 this horse so your thoughts for both of them would be appreciated.

 Robyn Hood

I wish the best for both of them.  That really does sound pretty
frightening!  I'm
always happy when each day goes by and the animals are all okay...

Re: [IceHorses] iceponies looking for homes

2008-03-28 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Robyn Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Karen,
 Of course, I just knew that I didn't have very many from Flekkur - can't
 think of who else besides Reddi but there could have been a couple.

I don't think they were ones from Flekkur.  There were several that said
  fra Icelandic Horse Farm and I thought they were yours... Maybe not...

Re: [IceHorses] iceponies looking for homes

2008-03-27 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 Yes, BW mare 17 years old.   SC Flekur (?) x Sc Feline.  Do you know
 her?  If so, can you fill us in on part of her story?

 She came without any papers  -- lost in the rescue??  I am going to
 try to get new papers issued, does any one have any experience with

 I thought SC Flekkur sounded familiar and so checked my registration
papers.  He   is the Dam's Sire of my horse, SC Frami, otherwise known as 
   Robyn should know about all those that sound like they are from her
   Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Re: Totally OT - Vista Excel??

2008-03-27 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Robyn Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just got home from England and got a new computer - some corruption in
 other one.  It came with Vista but I promptly had it changed back to XP.

I got a new computer last fall with Vista and have had very few problems

   it.  It is much like XP with a few additional bells and whistles.  I had
a bit of
   trouble getting on to how to burn CD's at first, but when they told me
what to
   do, it was fine.  I was just used to the XP way...

Re: [IceHorses] I won!!!

2008-03-22 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 7:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I won a round pen in a raffle at our local fed store.   doin' the
 happy dance


 ...And I missed Penny doing the happy dance!!   Congratulations
 though!  What a treat!


Re: [IceHorses] grooming tool

2008-03-22 Thread Ferne Fedeli
 have to let you know that I think this is the best shedding tool I
 have ever seen and it's cheap!

I got two of these--medium and large--on Ann's recommendation.  They are
 really great.


Re: [IceHorses] Manure Spreader

2008-03-02 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Ferne Fedeli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Ann Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 4:54 PM, pippa258 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Does anyone have a recommendation for a manure spreader that can be
pulled behind an ATV?  These look nice but don't know the first thing
about features to look for:
  Ferne has one and she can give details. I think she is very pleased with
  Yes, I just love the Newer Spreader.  I've probably had it about 5 years
  and pull it
behind either our ATV or the Garden tractor.  It has about the same
 capacity or more
as our big Rubbermaid cart that we used to use or more.  Susan Young of
 Saddle Up
Tack in Florida bought one soon after I got mine, so you could always
 check with
her too.

  Ooops.  Sort of goofed up that middle sentence...  I use to clean the
stalls and pens
  of 3 horses and a donkey.  They are in at night and out in pasture or
paddocks during
  the day.  Just to give you an idea of the capacity.  It wouldn't work
for a large number
  of horses--or you would have to make multiple trips.

Re: [IceHorses] Manure Spreader

2008-03-02 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Ann Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 4:54 PM, pippa258 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone have a recommendation for a manure spreader that can be
   pulled behind an ATV?  These look nice but don't know the first thing
   about features to look for:
 Ferne has one and she can give details. I think she is very pleased with


Yes, I just love the Newer Spreader.  I've probably had it about 5 years and 
pull it
   behind either our ATV or the Garden tractor.  It has about the same
capacity or more
   as our big Rubbermaid cart that we used to use or more.  Susan Young of
Saddle Up
   Tack in Florida bought one soon after I got mine, so you could always
check with
   her too.

Re: [IceHorses] breakaway halters

2008-02-25 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Ann Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a friend that asked me where I got my breakaway halters. I have
 two older ones but bought one last year and I think I heard about the
 seller from this list. Can anyone help me?

 Ann Cassidy
 Bodega, CA

 The one that Magic uses is a BMB from Valley Vet and has brass buckles.

   The old ones I had for Magic and T were brass plated and the buckles soon
   got all corroded and yucky.  I'll bring both Thursday to show you the
   Maybe you wouldn't have quite as big a problem with the corrosion as I

Re: [IceHorses] Great deal on helmet

2008-02-22 Thread Ferne Fedeli
 On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Laree Shulman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you're one of those people that a Tipperary helmet fits you, then
 Tack of the Day has a fantastic deal on them today for $39.50 - I
 haven't seen them cheaper than $60 before. I think the people that
 have round heads find they don't fit them as well but I love mine.

So my head is too round for the Tipperary.  I have a couple of friends that
just swear by them.
I tried one on and I think it was a  large, which would seem to be the right
size and it hurt.  I
couldn't wait to get it off.  Troxel's Dakota has been my most comfortable
helmet ever.  I'm
probably due for a new one as my is pretty old...
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Appreciation

2008-02-17 Thread Ferne Fedeli
 Thanks so much for the beautiful video, Judy.  It brought tears to my eyes.
 I know I sometimes forget to thank people and will try to be better about
it in the future!

Re: [IceHorses] Two Canadians Opt Out of Equestrian Olympics

2008-01-18 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Jan 17, 2008 1:25 PM, Nancy  Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How refreshing - kind - humane - generous.


And I would add courageous to this list!
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] bragur

2008-01-18 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Jan 18, 2008 9:50 AM, Robyn Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Nancy
 Barbara is very happy,  the next step will probably be to drive him.  He has
 been very tractable to anything asked of him.

He is quite a handsome fellow too!

Re: [IceHorses] Sleeping husband/large puppy

2008-01-16 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Jan 14, 2008 8:03 AM, Janice McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
thing I ever did was buy a doggie door for our slider in the bedroom.

 do any critters ever come in??  My husband says with doggie doors you
 can get snakes and even raccoons.

--I think that could be true, but we've never had a problem (yet!?!)  The doggie
door opens onto our sunroom and then they go out through that slider to the
backyard (otherwise known as the dog yard) that has a 6 foot nonclimb horse
fencing around it and about 6 inches of cement in the ground under it all the
way around.  The cement was originally because of a dog we had that liked
to dig out of my other yard, so I had Gene put a trench around this one and
then pour cement in it.  Works quite well...

We did have a raccoon get in the yard once when we were in Alaska and the
house sitter came home to this huge commotion and when she walked around
to the back, there was a raccoon up at the top of the fence and 4 dogs barking
fiercely underneath it.  She ran over and yelled at the raccoon and it
jumped into
the horse pasture and ran off.  I figure any raccoon that goes into a yard with
4 dogs needs to be removed from the gene pool!?!  Of course, maybe it climbed
into the yard and then the dogs came racing out later...

Re: [IceHorses] Re: comfortable boots

2008-01-13 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Jan 11, 2008 6:21 PM, Kaaren Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ariat makes a really comfy wider toe box boot called the Iceberg (I
 It's lined with Thinsulate  waterproof with a good non-slip tread for ice
 /mud.   It's on sale in Dover Catalogue for $79.95.

 I'll have to check that out.  I do like my Terrains.  They are the only
 Ariats I've found

   that are comfortable for me.  They others always seemed too narrow.  I
don't know why
   I kept buying them--must have a half dozen pair!?!  Duh!
   Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] The Ravishing Redheaded Runa

2008-01-13 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Jan 13, 2008 11:00 AM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Anyway, I thought the pictures showed her red color nicely,

 Well, duh, except that her color didn't show up so well in the photo after
 compressed it for e-mail...nivver mind

 Karen Thomas, NC

 I think that the color looks quite nice, even if you think it isn't

   of her true gorgeousness!?!  (I think I made up a couple of words... Ha)

Re: [IceHorses] Correct Use

2008-01-10 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Jan 6, 2008 6:28 AM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Goodness, Karen, I don't know why on earth you never say what you

 Yeah, I do need to work on saying what I really mean, and not just beating
 around the bush, don't you think?   :)

 I had to laugh at you.  It was a good thing you didn't say that on the
 USIHC list!!!

   I  used to be fairly active on that list and someone said that the trail
riders never
   took lessons or learned the correct way of doing things like the show
   That really set me off (I was MUCH milder than you were!?!) and I said
that most
   of the trail riders I knew attended clinics and took lessons fairly often
and shouldn't
   be looked down on by the show riders.  Well, Andrea Barbour told me that
my post
   was uncalled for and I should show more judgement in the future.  I
haven't been
   back to that list since...
   Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] OT - Cesar's Way

2008-01-07 Thread Ferne Fedeli
 Have you watched him?  While lots of what he says is not too bad, his
 application is chocolate covered abuse in my opinion.  The American Humane
 society considers that he has put back dog training 20 years.

I should send your post to my daughter-in-law!!!  Ha!  She thinks the sun rises 
and sets on Cesar Millan.
   Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] A card from Raven Flores

2007-12-31 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 Raven Flores ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent you a Jacquie Lawson
 electronic greeting card.

Very Cute!  Thanks Raven.

 Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] more winter photos

2007-12-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 I love the way the light snow sits in the trees.

 Hopefully tomorrow will be like this and we will ride.

Looks just beautiful.  Almost makes me want to be there!?!
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 Vernon is in British Columbia about 5 hours east of Vancouver (the west
 coast) and 2 1/2 hours north of the US border - about 6 hours drive from
 Spokane.  Probably a little far for you but you could ride one of our

 Ha, Robyn, I have heard that story. I remember it took me over seven hours
 to get to your house from Vancouver. Or have they now straightened the road?

 Ann Cassidy and I drove up to Vernon from California pulling a horse
 trailer with our horses and had a grand time of it.  We crossed the border
 further east than Vancouver though.  We took 3 days for the trip, but spent
 most of the last day taking the horses to the vet for new Health
 Certificates and dealing with the Canadian and US Authorities.  Be sure to
 ask us about the complexities of the Health Certificates, if you plan to
 bring your own horses...

Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] merry christmas

2007-12-19 Thread Ferne Fedeli
 On Dec 18, 2007 12:42 PM, Mic Rushen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  from us here in Wales!


 Such a nice card, Mic!
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] I've heard most if not all of these at one time or another

2007-12-19 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Dec 19, 2007 12:17 PM, Laree Shulman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Riding isn't a sport, the horse does all the work.

 I'm sure most of us have heard more of these than we care to mention!?!

Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] crocs

2007-12-08 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Dec 5, 2007 1:25 PM, Wanda Lauscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 05/12/2007, Ann Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Do you have the kind that look like Crocs or the ones that look like clogs?

 Both kinds, and I have a cute pair that looks like a pair of strappy 


 I want the ones called Mammoth that have synthetic sheepskin inside.  My 
beach ones are purple.

Re: [IceHorses] Did I enjoy Aftrica

2007-12-04 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 30, 2007 3:14 PM, Ann Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kissing a giraffe is pretty much fun!


The middle pic is exactly as you described and my favorite!!!

Re: [IceHorses] I did enjoy Africa!

2007-12-04 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 30, 2007 3:19 PM, Ann Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I rode the donkeys about 1/2 hour a day which helped. We went to
 one village where I was on a donkey and these Maasai ladies ran up to
 us all excited, my donkey went toward one and she ran away screaming
 and I thought she was afraid of the donkey. Turns out they had never seen
 white people before and it was me that  terrified her. 

You didn't tell me you had frightened the natives!?!  The donkeys look about
the same size as Jack...

Re: [IceHorses] They're HERE!

2007-11-26 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 24, 2007 1:40 PM, IceDog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is Cilia with the first born.

 Can I sleep now? It's been a Lng 60 hours!  :o)

What a darling!  I do think you can deserve to sleep now!

Re: [IceHorses] Award / Renee

2007-11-24 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 19, 2007 8:36 PM, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 An award for Renee for showing nosebandless!

Nice certificate!  Kudos to Renee!!!

Re: [IceHorses] Pics of my trip to Hawaii-Founder myths

2007-11-23 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 18, 2007 12:02 PM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, that's not right.  That's not what current research points to. Yes,
 feeding is a big part of the management of a horse at risk for laminitis,
 but the root cause of laminitis seems to be an internal cause. 

 He had Cushing's  and laminitis is a very common symptom of Cushing's, 
 possibly one of the
 most common causes per the research I've read.  Just how would you blame an
 owner for giving his/her horse Cushing's disease?  You can't.

  Let's not just blame the owners, and keep people ashamed to talk about
 problems they didn't cause.  That sort of thinking is not in the horses'
 best interest.

 Karen Thomas

 My old Arab is Insulin Resistant and the vet says he may have Cushings too.  
 She said to watch
him very carefully and check his hooves in the mornings before I turn
him out.  She said he could get
Laminitis very easily and it would not be anything I'm doing as I have
him on a pretty low carb diet
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Pics of my trip to Hawaii (RETRY)

2007-11-17 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 15, 2007 5:50 PM, kim shumaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'll see if this works.

 Here is a pic of some of Skye and Sally's horses.

Looks like they would founder for sure with all that green!

Re: [IceHorses] Bolting

2007-11-14 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 14, 2007 9:11 AM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It's taken a while, but he has learned that there's a time and a place
 for everything, as my mother used to tell us.


 Our Arab seemed crazy, flighty and all sorts of the typical Arab-y
 descriptions when we first got him. 
 The worst case I envision within Icelandic's is when someone takes one of
 these really quiet, slow horses and MAKES them goey out of fear and

Yes, Arabs can be flighty and are more excitable than Icelandics--or
at least they show
more excitement...  My main problem with my Arab was always that he
wanted to go faster
than I did most of the time.  Other than that, he was always very obedient.

My Icelandic, on the other hand, is quite stubborn at times and can be
very frustrating in that
he wants to go in a different direction from what I want on occasion,
or go back to the barn, etc.
and Peggy Cummings taught me to just stop him and sit there for 30
seconds or so and then
try the turn or whatever again--which usually works.

For me, much as I love him, I would say my Icelandic is more difficult
to ride than my Arab ever
was.  It could be a difference in beginning training or something, of
course, but he is not always
easy to ride...  I know I'll probably get a lot of slaps up the side
of the head for saying this, but
for me it is true.  That is why I still take lessons a couple of times
a month.  We are constantly
working on better communication...

Re: [IceHorses] Coverall

2007-11-10 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 9, 2007 8:10 AM, Robyn Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Virginia
 Does anyone have a Coverall riding arena and/or barn?  They look like
 they'd be a nice, bright building for indoor riding.  Just wondering
 about the cost, how people like them, etc.

 I didn't see anyone answer this but we have had one for 7 or 8 years.

The one Robyn and Phil have is just great for riding, clinics, etc.  I
really enjoyed it when
I was up there.
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Question to The Horse magazine

2007-11-07 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On Nov 6, 2007 11:58 AM, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure why this struck me so funny - maybe the last line of the
 postscript, where the owner responded to the vet's answer. 
 Karen Thomas
 Wingate, NC

Better her horse than one of mine!?!  Ha

Re: [IceHorses] Was Should I Mow? Now Horse Wire Fence

2007-11-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli

 Trish - look at - they have some pics there and I
 have attached a picture someone sent in to one of the lists that shows
 this type of fencing.

Was so surprised to see the picture of my place!!!  It is from a ways
back because Charlie (the bay Quarterhorse was put down summer of
2006.)  My wire is Red Brand NonClimb horse wire, 2 X 4 mesh.  At
the time, it cost about $100 a roll (5' x 100' rolls).
Ferne Fedeli
Mendocino County, No. CA

Re: [IceHorses] Horse wire

2007-11-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 11/1/07, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This section of our horse wire fence is almost 20 years old, and still going
 strong - with the original posts and sight boards.

2 pastures and around the barn dates from 1998 and the other 2
pastures are a year or so newer.  I live right near the ocean and so
have some rust, but not too bad so far.

Re: [IceHorses] horse wire

2007-11-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 11/1/07, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's one of those stupid pictures I should have deleted long ago, but it
 shows the detail of the horse wire. 
 Karen Thomas, NC

This looks just like my wire.  This is great for keeping out the dogs
too, which would be a problem at my place!

Re: [IceHorses] blanketing an Icelandic

2007-11-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli
 I blanket mine in the winter after riding when they are still  wet.  I mostly
 use sheets but also really like the Baker blankets.  I  do a full body clip
 on mine the end of Sept or first of Oct.


The only time I blanket is in the winter when it is cold outside, but
Magic is sweaty from riding, taking a lesson, etc.  I use one of those
crochet-looking cooling sheets that I originally bought for my Arab.
It is a little big on Magic, but does the job.
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Was Should I Mow? Now Horse Wire Fence

2007-11-05 Thread Ferne Fedeli

  Was so surprised to see the picture of my place!!!  It is from a ways
  back because Charlie (the bay Quarterhorse was put down summer of

 Ferne - I saved it because I thought it was a great example of that
 type of wire fence

Well, yes, I sent it in response to some prior fencing discussion.

Re: [IceHorses] summer activities

2007-10-26 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 10/26/07, Penelope Hodge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For something to alleviate the distress of the news from S Ca, I thought it 
 would be fun to send photos of places where Drifa and I have gone lately.  
 Here we are in Point Reyes, California.   Penny

Nice pic.  I've ridden all over the place at Point Reyes, but not at
the beach!  Of course I can ride on the beach near home, so no biggy.

Re: [IceHorses] Manure

2007-10-17 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 9/28/07, IceDog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Get a Newer Spreader and put it back on your pastures.
  Oh, that looks good--I'll have to read the whole site.  Do you have one?

 I don't have one. But it's near the top of my want list!

 My friend had one and they're handy, easy to use and well made. She loved
 hers. I've can't think of anyone that has had anything but good things to
 say about them.


I have had one for years and really like it.  Susan Young of Saddleup
Tack has one too.
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Sundowner Trailer - One of a Kind

2007-10-07 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 10/7/07, Raven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: of a kind Sundowner Trailer

 Lucy  Molly, the Girl Doggies
 Huginn  Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies

Looks like some kind of clone of a Brenderup!

Re: [IceHorses] Huginn Update 9/25

2007-09-24 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 9/24/07, Raven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just a short update on Huginn. There are days...that I think he is
 100% back to himself and then there are days that I see a few
 problems. For the most part he is doing so much better, but he is
 still having some issues swallowing.

So great to hear, Raven.  Gene and I went horse camping last week at a
place in Magalia (Sierra Foothills) called Doon Grade Ranch.  Had a
really great time.  Only 7 miles from town, so I didn't have to

Re: [IceHorses] Foxes/Coyotes

2007-09-11 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 9/10/07, Nancy Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was hiking up on our mountain once and looked down on the flat farm land
 below us  There were two coyotes pouncing and playing chasing some kind of
 rodent and two deer grazing calmly quite near them.  I know coyotes kill
 fawns, but the adult deer were not worried at all.


 Our neighborhood coyotes were having some sort of celebration last night.
 They were singing or calling or yipping back and forth most of the night.
 Haven't heard so many of them in a long time.  We're leaving for a horse
 camping trip tomorrow.  I wonder if there will be coyotes up there in the
 Sierra foothills?

Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Newbie Owners

2007-09-09 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 9/3/07, Wanda Lauscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I had a pony as a kid, who taught me nothing except how to stay on

 I think I'll always be a newbieand I am beginning to not mind it.
 There is always something new that I'm interested in knowing about.


I feel like you.  The great fun with horses is always learning something
new.  When my son said something about why was I always taking lessons
because I already knew how to ride, my granddaughter said that now I was
learning the subtle stuff and I thought that was a great comment!  Anyway,
now I'm having fun teaching little basic things to my donkey.  I never had a
young equid that wasn't even halter broke before and am finding it fun to
teach him stuff.  ( We haven't gotten even close to subtle stuff yet!)  He
thinks the halter is fine and thought a fly mask was fine too, UNTIL I went
to take it off!  That Velcro ripping noise scared him to death.

Re: [IceHorses] Random note on hay bale weights, etc.

2007-09-09 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 9/7/07, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That sure was a leap of faith for us - we'd never ordered a
 load of hay before, sight unseen.

I think hay is a problem almost everywhere this year.  I don't have a lot of 
space to store hay in my barn.  Probably about 4 ton would be the max in my 
hayroom and then it would be hard to get at, so I usually order 20 bales at a 
time from a fairly local feed store (1 hour north of here) and paid $15.50 a 
bale for the last load of Orchard Grass!!!  As it happened, Gene had just 
bought some Oat hay from a local guy and said I should try some for the horses. 
 They just loved it, so I called my vet and said was it okay with her to mix 
Oat with the grass for my guys and she said fine ( my old guy has Thyroid and 
insulin probs...).  Anyway the $15.50 a bale stuff is about 140 lb bales and 
the Oat for $5 a bale is less than half that weight, but guess it all evens 
out.  You guys pay a lot less, but have smaller bales...  (The farmer we bought 
the Oat from said he has lots stored in him barn and just come get more when we 
need it.  Yippee!)

Re: [IceHorses] The Icelandic Horse's Image

2007-09-03 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 9/3/07, Robyn Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We carry a stick when we ride, doesn't mean we whip them but giving a tap
 the shoulder is better than excessive use of leg or wearing spurs
 IMO.  What
 is the problem with carrying a stick, crop, whip???

I have to laugh about the whole whip issue.  Our horses and donkey, for
 that matter, just know that if I come out of the barn with a whip in my hand
 they had better get going out to the pasture, back to their runs, or
 whatever.  I rarely carry one when riding, although I did for years with my
 Arab.  As long as I carried it, he knew he had to keep moving, etc. even
 though I never ever did more than a tap...


Re: [IceHorses] Oat Hay

2007-07-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli

  Maybe you got really green oat
 hay before the grain heads came in? You should still see some seed heads
 the yellow oat hay, otherwise you are just paying for straw.

It was years ago I got some green Oat Hay.  It was one of those times that I
got a delivery when I wasn't home  and when I called the supplier, he said
it should be just fine, but it wasn't...  A moot point, since we can't seem
to get Oat hay anymore anyway...

Re: [IceHorses] Zimba

2007-07-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli

On 7/30/07, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's a video of Elisabeth and Zimba.  I thought some of the listees who
 have offspring from Zimba might enjoy seeing this video.  It's at the
 of the page:

When were these taken?  I tried to look at them to see how Elisabeth looked,
since I haven't seen her for several years now.  Since I have dialup, I
don't get very far with the videos.  Where were these taken?  E looks nice
and tan.

Re: [IceHorses] Oat Hay

2007-07-25 Thread Ferne Fedeli
I just happened to think of something else.  Unlike grass hay, that you want
to be green, you do not want Oat hay to be green.  It means that it isn't
seasoned yet and the horses won't eat it.  It should be a nice yellow color.
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Oat Hay

2007-07-25 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 7/23/07, Laree Shulman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know anything about oat hay?  Has anyone ever fed it?  I
 was told it was higher fiber hay - is that a bunch of bull?


 I always used Oat Hay for many, many years (No. California), but then as
 more and more people started using grass hay, it seems to have sort of
 disappeared.  My hay guy said that everyone is planting grass now because it
 is so much in demend for the horse world.  Oat hay used to grow well over
 here at the coast where I live, but none of the local guys are planting it
 any more.  Our horses always liked it.  I suppose it is probably a little
 higher in carbs than grass, but quite a bit less than Alfalfa.  I haven't
 used it for 2 or 3 years now...

Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Equine Motor Coach

2007-06-25 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 6/14/07, Raven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 WOW!   I have always wondered why no one ever came up with this idea
 and now...someone has. I would love one.


Somehow I imagine they are priced beyond my budget!?!
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] A New Treatment for Cribbers

2007-06-06 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 5/28/07, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Many a day I have sat on a bale of hay and wonder why in the world my
 horse would just stand there and crib. Why do cribbers crib? Crib or scar,
 you decide.

Interesting!  Gene's Appy started cribbing when I took my Icelandic (his
pasturemate) to Canada for a month.  We use a cribbing collar at times,
 which works well, but we don't do it consistently.  I would hate to have
 surgery for what seems like such a trivial thing.  I guess it can cause a
lot of problems down the line though.


Re: [IceHorses] Helmets again--Tipperary

2007-06-06 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 6/4/07, Nancy Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes - my head is egg-shaped and a little flatter on one side.  The
 Tipperary is the first helmet I've ever been comfortable in.

 I must be the lone dissenter!  I've tried Tipperary helmets on several
 times and they just felt uncomfortable to me.  Maybe it is the shape of my
 head.  I'm a Troxel Dakota fan myself.

Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Busy Horse Feed Bag

2007-05-25 Thread Ferne Fedeli

On 5/25/07, Ferne Fedeli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/17/07, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's Cookie, with her new feed bag which helps stretch out her meal.


 Oops.  I'm using my friend's laptop and am rather klutzy!  That looks
 like a neat feeder.  Where did you get it and what brand is it?

Re: [IceHorses] Luke and the Kids

2007-05-11 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 5/10/07, Sue McKenney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I finally uploaded something to YouTube.  Now onto the horses.


Hm.  Guess it doesn't work with dialup or something.  I did see
Luke on the ground with the goat on him--guess that's the first

Re: [IceHorses] Long shank snaffle

2007-05-11 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 5/10/07, Nancy  Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a long shank snaffle for sale on e-Bay Item #  170110318813

I always thought if it had a shank, it wasn't a snaffle.
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Bill and Ben

2007-05-11 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 5/11/07, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Supposedly the world's oldest horse twins, still alive:

Where are they located?

Re: [IceHorses] icelandic naming

2007-05-04 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 4/25/07, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Do you have to have an icelandic name?

 As I understand it, you have to have an icelandic name; and that if you
 tried to register Elvis from Florida, it would be rejected, as not an
 Icelandic name.


I just consider the registered name as an official requirement that
had nothing to do with what I called my horse.  So S.C. Frami became
Magic and has remained so.  For the first couple of years I had him,
I sometimes had to stop and think about what his registered name was
when someone asked!?!
PS  Many registered horses of other breeds are called by their barn
names, so I see no reason why we can't do the same with Icelandics.
Remington is a good example of a well-known Icelandic called by his
barn name.

Re: [IceHorses] Wear Your Helmet

2007-05-04 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 5/2/07, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I second that!  It's the best helmet, comfortable, and doesn't make you
 look like a bubblehead!

 I could buy about 15-20 Troxels for

I'm a Troxel fan too.  They are way more comfortable for me than the
Tipperary.  Maybe our head are shaped differently.  (All those

Re: [IceHorses] Western Saddles

2007-04-07 Thread Ferne Fedeli
 You might want to try Dave Genedek's site  He has
 cordura saddles available and an excellent saddle fit video.


Does Dave have some saddles that will fit Icelandics now?  A few years
back he told me that he didn't have anything short enough for an
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Breaking News - PET FOOD RECALL

2007-03-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 3/30/07, ToltallyICE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Melamine has been found in effected dogs. ABC News is apparently now saying
 the numbers thought to be 1000 or more are now believed to possibly be 10
 times that. 

It just goes on and on.  I use Wysong, AvoDerm and Royal Canin and haven't seen
their brand mentioned anywhere as yet.  Hope we're safe.!

Re: [IceHorses] They will need a treeless saddle for this one!

2007-03-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 3/26/07, Sue McKenney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Baby born three days ago at the farm down the street from me!


How darling!  We have a new calf here that we are bottle feeding (the
mother died) and all the horses (and the donkey) and just fascinated!

[IceHorses] Susanna featured in USIHC Quarterly!

2007-03-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli
Our very own trainer, Susanna Widrig, is featured in the new issue of
the USIHC Quarterly magazine!  It is a nice article.  Pretty exciting
for those of us that think she is so great!  Evidently the wider world
had heard of her too.
Ferne Fedeli
No. California

Re: [IceHorses] Cotton roping reins on ebay - in colors!

2007-03-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli
 I have a pair of driving reains made out of this and I love them but
 is there a way to attach the reins to the bit without the metal clips
 - I don't like to use them because I think a lot of horses don't like
 the vibration of the metal on metal.


I bought some leather bit keepers from Saddleuptack and had my shoe repair guy
rivet them together around my bit rings and I fasten the reins to
them.  Works just great!
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Cookie in the Arena

2007-03-26 Thread Ferne Fedeli
On 3/25/07, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's a picture of Cookie in the arena today.


Nice pic of Cookie!

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