[parablenet] Letter To Death Row Inmate

2004-04-02 Thread Jason :)
A letter written to a person on death row by the father of the man whom the
person on death row had killed:

"You are probably surprised that I, of all people, am writing a letter to you,
but I ask you to read it in its entirety and consider its request seriously.
As the father of the man whom you took part in murdering, I have something
very important to say to you. I forgive you. With all my heart, I forgive you.
I realize it may be hard for you to believe, but I really do. At your trial,
when you confessed to your part in the events that cost my son his life and
asked for my forgiveness, I immediately granted you that forgiving love from
my heart.

I can only hope you believe me and will accept my forgiveness. But this is not
all I have to say to you. I want to make you an offer: I want you to become my
adopted child. You see, my son who died was my only child, and I now want to
share my life with you and leave my riches to you.

This may not make sense to you or anyone else, but I believe you are worth the

I have arranged matters so that if you will receive my offer of
forgiveness,not only will you be pardoned for your crime, but you also will be
set free from your imprisonment, and your sentence of death will be dismissed.
At that point, you will become my adopted child and heir to all my riches.

I realize this is a risky offer for me to make to you -- you might be tempted
to reject my offer completely -- but I make it to you without reservation.
Also, I realize it may seem foolish to make such an offer to one who cost my
son his life, but I have a great love and an unchangeable forgiveness in my
heart for you.

Finally, you may be concerned that once you accept my offer you may do
something to cause you to be denied your rights as an heir to my wealth.
Nothing could be further from the truth. If I can forgive you for your part
in my son's death, I can forgive you for anything. I know you never will be
perfect, but you do not have to be perfect to receive my offer.

Besides, I believe that once you have accepted my offer and begin to
experience the riches that will come to you from me, that your primary (though
not always) response will be gratitude and loyalty. Some would call me foolish
for my offer to you, but I wish for you to call me your father.


Author Unknown

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[parablenet] Something to Keep u Smiling

2004-03-31 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

Just felt like adding some smiles today ... so here goes


An old preacher was dying. He sent a message for his banker and his lawyer,
both church members, to come to his home.

When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the
room, the preacher held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each
side of the bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled,
and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything.

Both the banker and lawyer were touched and flattered that the preacher would
ask them to be with him during his final moments. They were also puzzled; the
preacher had never given them any indication that he particularly liked either
of them. They both remembered his many long, uncomfortable sermons about
greed, covetousness, and avaricious behavior
that made them squirm in their seats.

Finally, the banker said, "Preacher, why did you ask us to come?"

The old preacher mustered up his strength and then said weakly, "Jesus died
between two thieves, and that's how I want to go."


Father O'Malley, the parish priest, was giving a sermon about charity. He
said, "In our world today, some people have so much while others have so
little. We must give of ourselves and our worldly goods to help the less

He said, using Tommy O'Toole, who was seated down front as an example, "If you
had ten thousand pounds, wouldn't you give half of it to the poor?"

Tommy nodded his head in agreement, "I would that, Father."

The priest continued, "And Tommy, if you had a great wealth of jewelry,
wouldn't you sell it and give half to the poor?"

O'Toole replied, "Indeed I would, Father."

The priest said, "And Tommy, if you had two pigs, wouldn't you give one of
them to your neighbor next door?"

Tommy said, "No. no, no, no." shaking his head in emphasis."

The priest said, "And why not, my son?"

To which O'Toole replied, "Now Father, you know I have two pigs."


God is like...

COKE He's the real thing.

BAYER ASPIRIN He works miracles.

FORD He's got a better idea.

HALLMARK CARDS He cares enough to send His very best.

TIDE He gets the stains out that others leave behind.

GENERAL ELECTRIC He brings good things to life.

SEARS He has everything.

ALKA-SELTZER Try him, you'll like Him.

SCOTCH TAPE You can't see him, but you know He's there.

DELTA He's ready when you are.

ALLSTATE You're in good hands with Him.

VO-5 Hair Spray He holds through all kinds of weather.

DIAL SOAP Aren't you glad you have Him? Don't you wish everybody did?

U.S. POST OFFICE Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice will keep Him from
performing his rounds.


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[JOYnet] The Necklace

2003-04-03 Thread Jason :)
The Necklace

The cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five.  Waiting
with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them, a circle of glistening
white pearls in a pink foil box. Oh mommy please, Mommy. Can I have them?
Please, Mommy, please?"
Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked
back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face. "A dollar
ninety-five. That's almost $2.00. If you really want them, I'll think of some
extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for
yourself.  Your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp
dollar bill from Grandma."

As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17
pennies. After dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she went to
the neighbor and asked Mrs. McJames if she could pick dandelions for ten
cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill and at
last she had enough money to buy the necklace.
Jenny loved her pearls. They made her feel dressed up and grown up.  She wore
them everywhere, Sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. The only time she
took them off was when she went swimming or had a bubble bath.  Mother said if
they got wet, they might turn her neck green.

Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he
would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story.

One night as he finished the story, he asked Jenny, "Do you love me?" "Oh yes,
daddy. You know that I love you." "Then give me your pearls." "Oh, daddy, not
my pearls. But you can have Princess, the white horse from my collection, the
one with the pink tail. Remember, daddy? The one you gave me. She's my very
"That's okay, Honey, daddy loves you. Good night." And he brushed her cheek
with a kiss.

About a week later, after the story time, Jenny's daddy asked again, "Do you
love me?" "Daddy, you know I love you."  "Then give me your pearls." "Oh
Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my baby doll. The brand new one I got
for my birthday. She is beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that
matches her sleeper." "That's okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one.
Daddy loves you." And as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.

A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with
her legs crossed Indian style. As he came close, he noticed her chin was
trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek. "What is it, Jenny?
What's the matter?" Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to
her daddy. And when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace.
With a little quiver, she finally said, "Here, daddy, this is for you."

With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny's daddy reached out with one hand
to take the dime store necklace, and with the other hand he reached into his
pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of genuine pearls and
gave them to Jenny. He had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to
give up the dime-store stuff so he could give her the genuine treasure.

So it is, with our Heavenly Father. He is waiting for us to give up the cheap
things in our lives so that he can give us beautiful treasures. Isn't God
good? Are you holding onto things that God wants you to let go of?  Are you
holding on to harmful or unnecessary partners, relationships, habits and
activities that you have come so attached to that it seems impossible to let
go? Sometimes it is so hard to see what is in the other hand but do believe
this one thing 
God will never take away something without giving you something better in its

Hinei ma tov uma na'im shevet achim gam yachad [Psalm 133 : 1]

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[JOYnet] Faith and Obedience

2003-04-02 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

Yesterday being a Gudi Padwa holiday; i was sitting at home idling myself with
one of my worst past times - Watching TV. Apparently my music system conked
off and well I was left without my praise & worship songs.

Anyways afterlong I switched on the religious channel and there was an amazing
sharing on God's word. There was this sharing on Faith and Obedience. As I
reflected on it, It made me realise that we basically live in a world where:

1. People have No or Less Faith and No or Less Obedience towards God and his
word. This is our stage of ignorance. Refusing to accept signs in our life
where God calls us to be with him and dwell with him. During this stage as
well we tend to do things that go against what is proper in the eyes of God.
Hence our Trials seem weary and the path narrow.

2. People have Faith but no or less obedience. Now we wouldnt like to point
fingers here. But I am sure that if you look around we do tend to come across
people who have faith but lack to carry on the Will of God. Maybe we ourselves
are that way. That is why many a times it is easy for us to wander of into our
sinful past or into our sins again. Normally its the depth of our Faith that
helps us to bring us back on the correct path again.

3. People have Obedience but no or less Faith. Now this bunch is an unusual
lot. They exist no doubt. But they are obedient not because it is God's will
or his word. But because either they are supposed to do it morally or they
have been asked to do it or coerced into doing it. Some do not even wish to
blv that somewhere it was God's will for them to do it.

4. People have Faith and Obedience. Now this is the blessed lot. And we are
called to attain and strive to have both Faith and Obedience. As the Speaker
wisely mentioned : "The Other side of Faith and Obedience is the answer to
your prayer which you have been asking for so long."  Satisfaction is the key
benefits from having both Faith and Obedience and in fact if you have noticed
that we owe all our succesful Retreats and Prayer Meetings due to our dual
practice of Faith and Obedience.

Lastly let us remember that Faith and Obedience is that wonderful Gift of God.
Let us always ask God to give us both these Graces that we may follow his
will. Today the world would have been a better place if people had both Faith
and Obedience in God's Word and his Will. Hence let us ask God for this Grace
not only for us but for our bretheren especially those whom we wish to reach
out to.

urs in faith


Hinei ma tov uma na'im shevet achim gam yachad [Psalm 133 : 1]

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[JOYnet] Little Surprised

2003-03-28 Thread Jason :)
Hi JYs

>From Today I have just resumed my work. I thank you all for praying for me for
my exams.

I am a little surprised. Its already the 28th of the Month. We knows what
happening in the World and I agree some of us are already in the period of
fasting as it is lent. However this time it seems no one is inclined for a
Joynet Prayer Day for next month.

Any suggestions 

urs in faith


Hinei ma tov uma na'im shevet achim gam yachad [Psalm 133 : 1]

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[JOYnet] God's Wierd Sense of Humour

2003-03-04 Thread Jason :)
Okies this Mail has been a Ravi prompted mail since he has been after me so
long to share this across. Sorry if its a wee bit long :)

Around four years ago when I didnt feel I was in need of a job the lord
presented to me this job which I am currently working for. I never knew why I
had to work. I was just in college completing my B.Sc. Then after I joined
this small place of work my father who was on his way recovering from Cancer,
his health started deteriorating. We started entering into a phase of
Financial Debt and if I didnt have this job which I am working for at present
I dont know what I or my family would have done.

After my Dad expired the job which I had was all that I had to cling onto for
stability for myself, my education and my home. Not to forget the huge loans
which we had incurred on account of Dad's sickness. My job in the meanwhile
started getting more demanding and I started getting more exposure. We
basically deal with Company Law as my boss is a reputed CS. As my boss also
had his own financial company I was asked to handle all the accounts of the
Company and its branch in Calcutta. [I wasnt an Accounts student then].
However, the cliche was when last year my boss asked me to handle all
correspondence work for an Organisation known as Bharat Vikas Parishad which
is affiliated to the R.S.S. [u know dem anti-who rite ???].

Let me tell you that the computer [the lord's blessing to me] in my office has
been my only medium for me being on Joynet and also has been the main source
in enabling me to be there for many of my new found spiritual friends. Since I
handle three types of work, my salary comes in three parts. So as Ravi always
tells me (infact keeps telling everyone.)
"Here is Jason... who does the work of Christ and gets paid by those who are
against Christ. The very resources provided by those who are against Christ is
being used to spread the word of Christ" ;)

God really works in funny ways. This January I was facing a tough task of
leaving my job. I prayed ... and prayed, I felt as though I had to leave..
there was one part of me that was telling me to quit and another telling me to
stay. While on the outside I wanted to leave on the inside I wanted to stay.
So oneday after dedicating the day to the lord for his will I told my
boss that I decided to quit as my B.Com exams are near. My boss not only
granted me paid leave for my exams, but now he also decided to raise my
salary. Praise the Lord.

Anyways I got my exams on the 20th of this month. So do pray for me. I wont be
able to catch up for Joynet for over a month.

Take care

urs in faith

Mumbai, India.

Each of us can change the world
ONE person at a time

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[JOYnet] Songs for the Week

2003-02-28 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

Check out these 10 songs this week especially & preferably if they are
avaiable at your Local Christian Music Store. My Favourite is Song No. 3 & 5

1. Billy Maxwell - Light the Fire in my Heart Again.

2. Big Tent Revival - Choose Life

3. Paul Baloche - Above All
(Silent Worship)

4. Vineyards - As the Deer Pants
(Famous among all Christian Music Lovers)

5. Micheal John - You are my All in All

6. Micheal W. Smith - Let it Rain
(Praise & Worship)

7. Maranatha Singers - He has made me glad.

8. Matt Redman - Heart of Worship
(Techno version)

9. Hillsongs - Jesus Generation

10. Delerious - God you are my God

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Each of us can change the world
ONE person at a time

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Re: III on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah! - Please Remember

2003-02-25 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs...

Let us first keep in mind that in Joynet in any discussion you are supposed
to address the Topic rather than carrying out any scathing attack on the
writer of such topic. We are all free to base our views here however
contradictory they may be. If u feel that such views are not in what u term
as your best regard then u are always free to mail your views. However if u
want to address the person personally u can do so at his personal mailing
address. u've got that freedom as well.

Another thing is think twice before you quote scriptures regarding any
context. Scriptures were written for a purpose. If every1 deciphers it
according to his own whims it can lead to a lot of confusion.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Discussion is an Exchange of Knowledge
Arguments is an Exchange of Ignorance
- Original Message -
From: Wilson Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: III on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

> Ravi,
> You have not fully understood what Dexon wrote. He is thinking the moral
> side from the society and you about your own desire. This is very clear
> you wrote:
> > What we are saying here is that whether u r falling in love or doing
> anything..
> > do it with Christ as the centre of ur relationship..
> Are you sure??
> Can you give this same advice to your son, daughter, sister, wife or  ..?
> It is like saying if Church sell "Arrack", drinking is not a sin.
> This is an immature advice (may be immoral advice) to JoyNet!
> Jesus Youth are youths listening to Jesus not the worldly advice. Jesus
> "For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But
> he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."
> Hei, Jesus Youth, listen to Jesus, not the world! "So be careful, or your
> hearts will be loaded down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this
> life, and that day will come on you suddenly." (Luke 21:34)
> A simple question!
> What is adultery? Why adultery a sin?
> Is it is because you are paying for it, or because it is illegal?
> If it is illegal, then what is legal? What is illegal?
> Love is divine. Sex and passion are gifts from God. "Live joyfully with
> wife whom you love all the days of your life of vanity, which he has given
> you under the sun, all your days of vanity: for that is your portion in
> life, and in your labor in which you labor under the sun" (Ecc 9/9)
> Here is a good advice for youth in Bible: (Ecc 11/9-10)
> "Rejoice, young man, in your youth,
> And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth,
> And walk in the ways of your heart,
> And in the sight of your eyes;
> But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.
> Therefore remove sorrow from your heart,
> And put away evil from your flesh;
> For youth and the dawn of life are vanity."
> JY, let us not reap sin from the flesh, but eternal life from the Spirit.
> Wilson Thomas
> Singapore
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ravi Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:01 PM
> Subject: my comments-II on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!
> > Dear Joynetters,
> > Firstly.. Jesus has never said " falling in love is wrong.".. at least
> is not mentioned anywhere I know..
> > So please refrain from attributing too many things to jesus..
> > Poor jesus..HE has become everybodies favourite Bakra.( sacrificial
> ( pun intended) There are so many peopel who do their own stuff and then
> when things go wrong.. they say.." It was Gods Will.."
> > We are then abusing God's name..
> > What we are saying here is that whether u r falling in love or doing
> anything..do it with christ as the centre of ur relationship..
> > U cannot say that we should not fall in love.. it is sinful.. etc.
> > Loving another person is a totally human emotion.. if we dont have it..
> we pretend not to have it..we are negating our humanness and thus
> the god who made us so and gave us these emotions..
> > That is a sin..
> > Another point is that our focus should not be sin or satan...
> > Our focus should be christ...
> > Many christians are so caught up with the whole concept of sin and
> that they fail to look beyond it..to jesus who saves us from sin..
> > For them everything is either sin or not sin...

[JOYnet] Cupid Gonna knock ya

2003-02-22 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

We had some real amazing mails out here on Valentines Day. Infact as the name
would suggest Valentine's day is named after St. Valentine. So a Christian
Feast. No wonder Mr. Bal Thackerey in Mumbai doesnt want us to celebrate
Valentine's day. ;)

I remember last year i had posted a mail on Joynet where I had pointed out how
VD - Valentine Day had simply become CLD - Commercial Love Day. This year a
friend - a Loner - was telling me. "I hope Cupid works over time, I got to
find a guy by Valentine's day." I was like. "Cupid" what hes gotta do with
that. She was like... nooo. u dont know Cupid. His arrows... blah blah.

Phew ever since I heard of Valentine's day the next person who i heard of
was Cupid. Good Grief. Some say he is an Angel. I never read of Angel Cupid in
the Bible so where did this guy turn up. I took my bible cd and came up with 4
angels + 1 ex-angel. But Cupid. I was perplexed. So I asked my wise chacha.
This Cupid who re. and what he is gotta do with St. Valentine. Y do people
commemorate Valentine Day by praying to this Cupid Guy as well. Is he some
love agent as people tell me he is. My wise chacha could only tell me : Cupid
was the Roman God of Love, son of Venus and Mercury; and in Greek mythology he
was Eros (Lust), son of Aphrodite and Hermes. Good Grief. I was dealing with

I decided to prod further and I came to know this. Cupid took as his wife the
beautiful MORTAL maiden Psyche [so cupid was immortal as he was god] who he
was supposed to kill...on the condition that he would join her only at night
so she never saw his face. Their dark nights together were full of love and
passion [immortal + mortal ]; though Psyche had a fear that her loving
husband might also be an ugly monster!

At the urging of her sisters (and her own fears) she hid a knife and candle by
their bed one evening before he came. After Cupid fell asleep Psyche silently
stole out of bed and lit the candle. As she held the light up to his face she
saw not an evil ugly beast... but a most handsome young man with wings!

In her surprise she spilled some candle wax on his sleeping face. The hot wax
woke Cupid, and he flew away as he cried, "O foolish Psyche! Is it thus you
repay my love? But go; return to your sisters whose advice you seem to think
preferable to mine! I inflict no punishment on you other than to leave you

Whoa what a heart breaking story. Later it seems she made up, Psyche and Cupid
Got married and ultimately Psyche was made a Goddess. so there is a happy
ending. Woof.. Greek Mythology ... as though the mythology in my own country
is not driving me mad, now we are attaching Greek Mythology to this Christian
Saint Day. Is there a competition ??? i wonder.

Mythology further goes to state that "Psyche" is a Greek word for "Soul". Wow
so the wise greeks actually tried to make together a story about the love and
soul entwining together.

Guys, do we need such myths to teach us about love and what it means to the
soul. We live in such a world where people are searching for love. People are
waiting for imaginary arrows from Cupid to strike them. Many of us have placed
faith on Mr. Cupid and his "lovely" arrows to bring us love. What difference
does this make me from my fellow bretheren who know not what i follow.

We Christian are so blessed that we have been given a wonderful example and
expression of love which is truth itself. Jesus on the Cross crying out in
dying words. "Father Forgive them for they do not know what they have done."
The Creater becoming a Created and then going to the extent of dying for his
Creation so as to save their souls. What more example of Love do we need in
relation to our souls. I know many of us have learnt this verse by heart -
John 3 : 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Eternal life.. where... no where but in him.

We try to fathom with our hearts , our heads and if that is not enough we
apply our body as well. Today we are so burdened with sorrows, rejections,
pains that we forget our Lord calling out to us ... offering continuously his
love. [Mathew 11:28 - COME unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest]. So important is that COMING to the Lord and
receiving his love in return.

Dont waste time on Cupid Stupid... hehe. Dont worry he is not cannonized so he
is not gonna interceed ur prayers. Infact he may seek ur prayers ... he
already got burnt with Wax. With a wife like that god knows what she may drop
next on him ;)

Ill end with another common sentence which has touched many of us and still
does whenever we read it:

"How much do you love me?" I asked Jesus and Jesus said, "This much"
then he stretched out his arms and died"

urs in faith

Mumbai, India


[JOYnet] Songs for the Week

2003-02-18 Thread Jason :)
I am sorry i wasnt able to mail this ... this Saturday ... Here are the 10
songs for this week.

Eden's Bridge - Shout for joy

Glad - We Gather together

Crystal Lewis - Id rather have Jesus

Darlene Zschech (Hillsongs) - Jesus what a beautiful name

Robin Mark - Revive US

Nitro Praise - How Great Thou Art (Absolute Techno)

Jars of Clay - Unforgetful (Rock - Grammy winning song)

Imperials - Because he lives

Petra Praise - I will call upon the Lord (Rock-live)

Holland Davis - Let it Rise

urs in faith


Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds,
runs out, and will tell. - Franklin P. Jones

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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[JOYnet] Valentine's Day With Jesus

2003-02-14 Thread Jason :)
Valentine's Day With Jesus

Jesus does not send perfume
To linger in the air Instead
He sends salvation sweet
To show how much He cares.

He doesn't bring me candy hearts
In boxes of delight
Instead He always lets me know
I'm precious in His sight.

He doesn't send out pretty cards
Trimmed in shades of red
Instead He gave His life for me
His precious blood was shed.

He doesn't hand out fancy gifts
Like we would send to mother
Instead He sends a message clear
To always love each other.

He doesn't give me teddy bears
That whimper, please be mine
Instead He gave His heart to me
I wear it all the time.

He doesn't give me roses, pink
For all the world to see
Instead He gave eternal life
That's good enough for me!

~ Marilyn Ferguson ~

Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds,
runs out, and will tell. - Franklin P. Jones

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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[JOYnet] Theme of the 1/2 Month : The Magic Word : 3 days to Go

2003-02-12 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs... I am quoting the mails received so far that remind us on the Topic
of this 1/2 Month : Thankfulness

Priya : We all know that the Bible Calendar dedicated half of this month for -

Annie Berly : Dear Thankful netters ... ...  Where are your 'thank you"
notes going?

Mathew Joseph : Now.. shall we move on to discussion and sharings on the topic

Reshma : From today JY bible calendar theme is "THANKFULNESS"

Jennifer : I am sharing this with you all because for me it was another
experience of Christ's love and I want to thank God for loving me so much

and a few more.

Joynetters. We are over 800 in number. And yet the people who ever thought of
being Thankful do not even cross. TEN. That means for the over 800 Joynetters
only 10 thought of being Thankful. That means using my wierd maths calculation
for every 10 Joynetters only 0.125. I think then the Lepers were much better
off than us. Because out of 10 Lepers 1 came back. (... i know ... i know 
surely 0.5 or 0.125 could not come back... but still u get my point. Our ratio
of thanks on Joynet couldnt even beat that number).

Come on Guys u gotta be Thanful for something. Have you thought about this
 Every time u crossed the Road and you didnt meet with an Accident... have
u thanked the Lord for that. Every time u climbed ur steps, walked on floor
and u didnt trip and fall have u thanked the Lord for that. Every time u
put on the switch and u didnt meet with an electric shock ... have u thanked
the Lord for that. Everytime the ones close to you smile when they see you...
have u thanked the Lord for that or have all have become small that we
wait and thank the Lord for bigger... things ??

urs in faith

Mumbai, India.

"Where are the other nine?  Has none but this foreigner returned to give
thanks to God?"

Luke 17:11-19

The Magic Word

It matters not my state or my sinfulness. Nothing is beyond the loving mercy
of Jesus. The lepers, outcasts of society, were hidden in their shame and

As Jesus passed by, they dared to appear and plead for healing. Jesus told
them to go to the priests which meant they had to pass through a crowd who
scorned them in their abhorrent state. On the way the miraculous happened, a
healing touch from the compassionate hand of Jesus.

So excited were nine cured lepers, in total disbelief they rushed excitedly to
show everyone.

Only one remembered that magic word - thank you. It is a heart-warming word
that draws us closely to the giver of all.

Gratitude is often neglected. We are so spoilt with the blessings of life,
friendship and good health, our lives are so rich we cannot visualise what it
is like to be an outcast, to be socially stigmatised.

A big thank you right now for all we have received from our loving Father.

Source : cinbv

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[JOYnet] 10 Songs for the Week

2003-02-08 Thread Jason :)
There are many JYs who are interest in spiritual music. As a result for their
benefit, this week I am submitting 10 song worth checking out which you can
check out preferable from their Christian music store or any source which they
know. I hope to do this exercise every week.

1. Christ Tomlin - Wonderful Cross (rock)

2. Carmen - Awesome God.

3. Bob Fitts - I will bow to you

4. Jars of Clay - He (Acoustic Version)

5. John Micheal Tablot - Taste and See

6. Hillsongs - My Best Friend (rock)

7. Mark Lowry - Mary did you know

8. Gospel Gangstas - Ill be Good (Techno-rap)

9. John Berry - Blessed Assurance

10. FFH - Greater is He. (ACapella version)

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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2003-02-07 Thread Jason :)
First of all let me say this. No offence but my name is Jason. Not
Janson. hehe..

Yep its good to finally put a Full Stop to all such mails. We should be
really sharing more spiritual matters rather than wasting time on this. If
ever you have a doubt on sharing any mail with Joynet u can always mail any
of the Core Team Member up before putting on Joynet. In case we dont know
who they are, kindly note as below:

1. Giju George (Chennai, India - Administrator)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
2. Mathew Joseph (Bangalore, India- Co-ordinator)
3. Joseph Lonth (Dubai)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
4. Kurien Nillikunnel (USA)[i dont have at present]
5. Priya Joseph (Kochi, India)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
6. Josun Jose (Abudabi)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
7. Suresh Kumar (Colombo)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
8. Annie John (Kochi, India)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
10. Ravi Vaz (Bombay)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
11. Mathews KG (Abudabi)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
12. Abraham(Fujirah)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
13. Anitha D'souza (Kuwait)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
14. Manoj Jons Davis (Kochi, India)[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
15. Bejoy (USA),[i dont have at present]

As per Reshama's mail the Theme for this month from the 1st to the 15th is
Thankfullness. Let us be Thankful to our Lord for giving us Joynet where we
get a chance to witness his love. Let us be thankful to people like Giju and
Mathew Joseph for doing such a wonderful job out here. Let us be thankful to
the rest of the Core Team, the Priests on Joynet, the Ex-officio members and
the members of the JY Team who work the on and behind the scenes of Joynet.

And Lastly leaving you with a thought that was shared with me by my brother
and which i shared with many of my friends this month.

Where there is a Will  There is ... [those who thought
way Wrong]
Where there is a Will  There is Jesus. Because Jesus said "I am the Way"
[John 14:6]

take care.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds,
runs out, and will tell. - Franklin P. Jones
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 12:00 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] LET US STOP

> Dear Loving Friends,
>  Nice to see that all are very active in many of the discussions. I am
to put forward a suggestion about the 'discussion' on the posting of job
vacancies. All the ideas and suggestions put forth were really with good
intentions in one way or other. So let us "not judge" anybody. But
everything has to come to a reasonable conclusion. I think it is time now.
> 1. Let us be aware that ours is a family of loving, caring bros & sis.
If one in our family is wandering without a job, would we not try our best
to help him/her? If not what bro/sis are we?? So let us not outrightly
resist the postings.
>2. An advice to those who post: definitely you are doing it with all
good intentions. Please try to make sure, to the best of your ability, that
those are genuine and helpful, so that our bros/sis may not be cheated. So
also try to make it as short as possible; those who are interested will
definitely take the rest step to get more information. It would be highly
advisable that you give your id too so that those who are interested can
contact you for details. Definitely this is a great service.
> 3. "ONLY A CLICK".  Should we not be little more considerate? It is
for all of us to preach, share many good ideas; but when it comes to the
reality, in practice it is very difficult. True that increasing the no. of
mails is a problem for many. But I think there are many ways to deal with
it. You who are experts in comp. can suggest ways like, filtering your own
mails, or putting them in inbox and opening them when you have time or such.
But the bottom line is that we only have to take a little pain/ have a
little more patience to just "click" close / delete. In Christian charity
let us take that pain for our bros/sis.
> 4. Those who post it, if could give a title like 'job vacancies', it
would be easy for the recipients even at the first site to either open or
>LASTLY, I recall a sharing we had in Canada during the last WYD, by
Fr. S.Areekat, where,  while he was giving an idea about what JY is, he
mentioned clearly the fact that it is a forum where we try to help one
another in various ways to help our young bros/sis to find jobs also. And I
do truly believe that it is an important ministry. So please, in good spirit
let us stop the discussion, with the understanding that we will help our
bros/sis, even when it is painful for us in some way. God bless you all.
Sorry for being long, but could not avoi

Re: [JOYnet] should we fear it??

2003-02-07 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs and more specially Wijo

Yeah we need to pray. But lets us remember Two Things :

1. To Fear is to concede.
So if u fear the Lord u acknowledge his greatness. if you fear the evil one
u acknowledge his greatness. u chose whom to fear now. u can neither serve
two masters. neither can u not serve no masters.

2. Dogs Bark.
Whether Black / White / dalmation / dober hound whatever. They bark.
You feed it, it remains quite. But after sometime somewhatever reason, it
will bark again. Some of them even bite. The thing is are you afraid of
being bitten 
The Hindus will bark against Christians, Even the Muslims, Even the Atheists
whoever. They raise 10,000 points , you will give them 10,000 reasons. And
even after all this they will find Point No. 10,001 and so on

Remember, you havent become a Christian on your own accord. Christ has
chosen you. Christ has chosen them too to remind you that you are a
Christian. In his time they will realise. Who knows you may be his vehicle
for them to travel to their faith in Christ. But till then hold firm to your
faith and Pray that whatever his will let it be done. Let not such outburst
overwhelm you. There are still many more to come and many more to continue.

However if u do feel that such matters are affecting u or stunting ur faith
then to every point raised seek advise from a Priest or any word minister
[[EMAIL PROTECTED] :)] or maybe Joynet out here. It is good to have some
discussion out here periodically.

Wijo, If you notice from your own mail. The Hindu + Muslims are not telling
Christians against Christ. They are more telling their own flock about why
they should not become Christians. More than you afraid of what they could
do to you they are more afraid of people leaving and following the one true

Take Care

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds,
runs out, and will tell. - Franklin P. Jones
- Original Message -
From: wijo peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 5:12 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] should we fear it??

> Dear friends,
> This is regarding a program telecasted yesterday 4-2-03 on a reputed
> channel at about 8pm. It was a report on the Hindu Sangamam at
> The person was talking about making India a Hindu nation. He was making a
> comparision study about the vedic books, Quran and the Bible. He was
> unrelevent comparisions and statements telling that Hinduisum is the only
> religion which has scientific base, from his talks we can understand that
> is not at all aware of the teachings of the Holy Bible or Quran. He
> states that India should become a Hindu country. He is worried about our
> institutions, publications and all these type of movements. Still I wonder
> this type of programs are telecasted in prime time.
> Yet another news is from the madrassas (muslim study centers) here nearby,
> they are taking classes to muslim youth. they are not at all worried about
> hindus but they really are afraid of christians, they teach that
> was not God created but was a creation of the mastermind of Saint Paul.
> was first killing all christians but afterwards found a scope of becomming
> leader of a big group he managed to make a 'story' of his encounter with
> and later he became the first pope.
> They have many more arguements and these type of stories. (still they fear
> say a bad word about Jesus and mother Mary.)
> some of my friends (muslims) comes to clarify these types of stories.
> why should they do such things , to make bad remarks of christianity to
> up their religion.  won't this be a threat to us later on??.
> should'nt we pray for this too?
> with prayers and love
> wijo

> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
> For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
> To subscribe to the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact


This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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Re: [JOYnet] Joynet monthly prayer day

2003-02-05 Thread Jason :)
Making a Prayer Day Special - Adding meaning to the term "Joynet Monthly
Prayer Day"

How do you make a Prayer Day SpecialSimple  by having a Prayerful
Heart and more specially by actually Remembering it.

It is nice to have uniformity of Prayer where the Joynetters all over the
world take time out at a particular time and Pray. But i do feel that there
are many who no matter how much they try are not able to commit to that
particular time. Hence I do feel that it is better to keep Joynet Monthly
Prayer Day for the full day rather than restricting it to only 1 hour or so.

Topic of Prayer Day : Some suggested "World Peace". Sounds wonderful. But I
prefer also dedicating it to all the Prayer Requests posted on Joynet &
Prayernet every month. Sure Some of thier purpose may have seemed over, some
of them answered. But there are still others which the Lord has to still
work in, we may never know. Wouldnt it be nice to dedicate this day where we
can lift up all these Prayer Requests together especially since most of them
seem to be from our own fellow Joynetters.

We can specially attended Mass(es) on the Prayer Day in our respective
Churches in Order that the Lord may hear all our Prayers in unision for
those Prayer Requests. I am sure that there will be testimonies to follow.
If I am not asking more you can also request your Parish Priest or your
Prayer Group to offer a General Intention for all the Prayers requested here
on Joynet and Prayernet for the month. I know of one Joynetter here who
sometimes takes out Printouts of the Prayer Requests and gives it to her
Prayer Group as well as her Priest Friend that they may be prayed over. Isnt
such dedication wonderful.

Prayers : It would be wonderful if there was some uniformity of prayers
said. However those who wish can offer the Rosary or the Divine Mercy or any
Prayers of their own alongwith fasting can please do so. But do keep some
time for a personal interaction with the Lord talking to him and telling him
how much it means to you that these Prayers dedicated by you and Joynet are
heard. This brings about sincerity and a reflection from the Heart rather
than making it something routine. After that do spend some time in
reflection as well.

And lastly something innovative :) Praying Online: I have seen some online
Prayer Groups doing this. I know of many Joynetters who havent met yet
correspond through each other via mails or through Messenger. To those
Joynetters who do remain online on Messengers with each other. If they can
spend atleast 5 minutes in Praying together on their IMs it would really add
a wonderful touch to the Prayer day.

Anyways these are just my views. Welcoming any comments contrary or
otherwise or any additional views on a Meaningful Prayer Day on Joynet.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds,
runs out, and will tell. - Franklin P. Jones
- Original Message -
From: Primeson James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: [JOYnet] Joynet monthly prayer day

> Dear Sis. & Bros.
> As suggested by Kurianancle and now reminded by Sindhu chechy, I request
> everyone, please come up with your opinion or suggestions for our monthly
> prayer day, because two days only left for us to First Friday of the
> with love
> primeson/dubai
> -Original Message-
> From: sindhu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:23 PM
> To: joynet
> Subject: [JOYnet] Joynet monthly prayer day
> Hello Family,
> Since  we got only one reply regarding topic for our monthly prayer ,let's
> stick by that.
> Kurien Uncle (again!!) suggested the theme to be World Peace.
> Actually ,i was also thinking the same,ever since i am hearing daily about
> USA's  war plans
> And above all our dear Mother Mary,Lady of Good councel, Seat of Wisdom,is
> also asking us to pray and bear witness to peace.
> Message of January 25, 2003 ,From Our Lady of Medjugorje
> "Dear children! With this message I call you anew to pray for peace.
> Particularly now when peace is in crisis, you be those who pray and bear
> witness to peace. Little children, be peace in this peaceless world. Thank
> you
> for having responded to my call."
> Let us respond to Our Mother's call.And pray for World peace on the first
> friday ,february 7th ,at 6.00 pm IST.
> And any volunteers to prepare a prayer as we did before ,when we prayed
> an
> end to Terrorism ?
> Web team can you upload this intention in our web site too?
> Let us pray for this prayer time also daily that all will remember to pray
> ,not only once a month but thru out the month.
> In 

[JOYnet] Fire !

2003-02-03 Thread Jason :)

by Nancy Merical, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The chicken house was on fire! A gusting wind drove the flames against the
little nearby farmhouse. A young man stood in the front yard of his home, two
empty buckets hanging from his limp hands. His shoulders sagged and sweat
soaked his clothing, dripped from his black hair, and rolled down his face.
Exhausted, his breathing ragged, he gasped, "It's no use, Louise. I can't
fight it."

His wife, barely out of her teens, stood near him, two small children crying
and clutching the hem of her skirt. She stood protecting her babies while
watching her husband rush back and forth from the dug well to their endangered
home... useless trips . . . fighting a battle he couldn't win. The water
thrown on the front of the blistering house hissed into steam before it hardly
left the buckets. "You'd better get the baby," the discouraged man said. "The
house is going to burn."

Disengaging herself from the toddlers' grip, the frightened woman tore out
around the house toward the back door. How could she forget the baby? Fear
over the fire must have addled her. The temperature inside the house, an
inferno, shocked her. Her newborn child lay on its face in the crib, wails
covered by the roar of the wind and the raging fire.

Snatching up the infant, the woman rushed back outside to her husband and her
little ones. Her heart ached with despair. What would they do without their
home? These were depression years. There was no money, nowhere to go, except
to crowd in with her parents who still had four children at home in a two
bedroom house. This house they now lived in belonged to her husband's widowed

"If only the wind would stop," her husband said. "Maybe, then I'd have a
chance." But the wind wasn't letting up. It's force drove the flames
horizontally and mercilessly against the front of their little home. Paint
oozed from the singed siding.

"Stop the wind, God!" Frank heard his wife yell. He looked up, startled. She
stood, the baby tucked under one arm and the arms of the two little ones
wrapped around her knees. Her other arm pointed straight toward the burning
chicken house. Strong and erect, she placed her confidence in a God who had
never failed them yet. Hadn't He brought their little family through these
destitute years?

"Do we really serve a God who can do that?" Frank wondered. He didn't wonder
long. No sooner had the words left his wife's lips than the wind ceased,
changed directions and blew the opposite way, the force strong enough to shoot
the flames horizontally across the ground, never veering right nor left.

The wind didn't let up until the chicken house was in ashes. During that time,
not once again did it blow toward the farm house, but kept its reversed
direction, sweeping the hazardous flames away from the humble little home.

I was that baby tucked under my mother's arms while she called on a God who
had already proved himself. He didn't fail her, nor has he ever failed me. I
don't always stand erect and certain, like my mother stood that long ago day.
Sometimes I fall on my face in fear as the searing heat of affliction
surrounds me, crying as I did when an infant in my crib. God does not forget
me. As my mother ran to my aid, He hears and runs to rescue me from the fiery
heat of tribulation. In the fourth chapter of Saint Mark, the fearful
disciples during the storm at sea called on the Master. He heard them. At His
command, the wind ceased. God sees beyond our fears and honors our infant cry
of faith.

I am not always secure in my prayers, as my mother that day. A few years ago,
I experienced the most severe trial of my life. Mistakenly thinking God had
failed me, flames of doubt blew my way, threatening to incinerate my faith.
But I kept praying. I cried and clutched the hem of my Father's garment as the
woman with the issue of blood in Mark Four. He heard, picked me up, held me
close, comforted and healed.

Sometimes, like my father, I fail while trying to douse fires of affliction on
my own. Sometimes, like him, when the solution comes, I ask amazed, "Do we
really serve a God who can do that?" And the answer is always yes. He can, He
will, and He does. In spite of numerous trials in the sixty years of my life,
my spiritual house stands, unbeaten by flames of adversity, merciless tongues
of destruction doused by prayer . . . prayer offered up from a deep well of
trust inherited from my praying mother.

God's Word assures, in Jeremiah 33:3 KJV, "Call unto me, and I will answer
thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Like my
mother, I have called. Like His Word promises, God has answered. And like my
father, I stand amazed.

Nancy Merical, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  mother of four and grandmother of ten,
lives with her husband Jack in Ripley, West Virginia. A HOLY GHOSTwriter,
Nancy has written inspirational materials for multiple markets for over twelve
years. Lillenas markets her children's drama book, Just for Kids. Her

[JOYnet] Job Vacancy - do not delete

2003-02-01 Thread Jason :)
Hurry Multiple Openings

Staff Urgently needed. Huge Benefits. You will reap handsomely for attending
work and you will enjoy huge bonuses and dividends as well for exemplary work

~Kingdom of God.

Sigh. I wish this was the only job Vacancy that was ever taken so
seriously and which was posted continuosuly on joynet as a reminder that we
are labourers establishing God's kingdom.

However I have noted in the last few months the number of mails on Job Vacany
so much on an increase. I can imagine a Joynetter whose only concern is his
spiritual growth deleting such mail just on the mere sight of the topic [like
me]. I am sure that the people who do post such mails mean well. [atleast i
hope that]. But taking into consideration many out here who access the net
once or twice a week such mails [equivalent of spam] cause them so much
trouble either because such mails add to their accounts becoming full or that
they have to take trouble in deleting it [;)].

I know some may say that just because some here have stable jobs doesnt mean
that they should get annoyed with such mails. I agree. Also there is nothing
like helping out your own bretheren. Especially like you if he is in Christ
and if he is in need. But as Mathew said there can be a place for that. I do
feel that people join Joynet not for jobs. Lets not blv Joynet to be a happy
hunting ground.

I was chatting with Ravi today evening and we thought about something like
Jobnet [hahaha] or maybe some online message board on JY.org for jobs or even
a consolidated job vacancy mail every week. I know it may seem far fetch or
heck a lot of trouble but still it could be just one step to reducing the
number of mails here.

Also on another humurous note. If people from Joynet could register with
Findafriend.com or something like that we can even reduce the lost and found
mails that come here on Joynet.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

P.S I hope nobody felt bad ... if u didnt  then ok no
problem if u did... still ok no problem ;)

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[JOYnet] How Can I Put this to use today - Story of the Daffodils

2003-02-01 Thread Jason :)
Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come see
the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour
drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. "I will come next Tuesday, "I promised, a
little reluctantly, on her third call.

Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I drove
there. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house and hugged and greeted my
grandchildren, I said, "Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible
in the clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these
children that I want to see bad enough to drive another inch!" My daughter
smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, Mother."

"Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, and then I'm heading
for home!" I assured her. "I was hoping you'd take me over to the garage to
pick up my car." "How far will we have to drive?" "Just a few blocks," Carolyn
said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this."

After several minutes, I had to ask, "Where are we going? This isn't the way
to the garage!" "We're going to my garage the long way," Carolyn smiled, "by
way of the daffodils." "Carolyn, I said sternly, "Please turn around." "It's
all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this

After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a
small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand lettered sign that
read, "Daffodil Garden."

We got out of the car and each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn
down the path. Then, we turned a corner of the path, and I looked up and
gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight. It looked as though someone had
taken a great vat of gold and poured it down over the mountain peak and
slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns great ribbons
and swaths of deep orange, white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, saffron, and
butter yellow. Each different colored variety was planted as a group so that
it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue.

There were five acres of flowers. "But who has done this?" I asked Carolyn.
"It's just one woman, "Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's
her home." Carolyn pointed to a well kept "A" frame house that looked small
and modest in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house. On the
patio, we saw a poster.

"Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking" was the headline.

The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read.

The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and
very little brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958."

There it was, The Daffodil Principle. For me, that moment was a life changing
experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than forty
years before, had begun one bulb at a time-to bring her vision of beauty and
joy to an obscure mountain top. Still, just planting one bulb at a time, year
after year, had changed the world.

This unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. She had
created something of ineffable (indescribable) magnificence, beauty, and
inspiration. The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest
principles of celebration. That is, learning to move toward our goals and
desires one step at a time often just one baby step at a time-and learning to
love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply
tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we
can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world.

"It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Carolyn. "What might I have
accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five or forty years
ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years.
Just think what I might have been able to achieve!"

My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. "Start
tomorrow," she said. It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of
yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson of celebration instead of a
cause for regret is to only ask, "How can I put this to use today?"

Author Unknown

Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors

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[JOYnet] Prolife : Topic Abortion

2003-01-29 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

This newsletter received by me is really really long. But I am posted it on
behalf of those who are into Pro-life or interested in Pro-life concerning
Abortion. First of all the newsletter comes at a moment where on Wed., Jan.
22, marks the 30th anniverary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized
abortion on demand in America.

I found the article really useful in certain aspects of information.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India



"Please allow me to tell you my story. I'd love to get it into the hands
of those on the forefront. I was 13 years old and pregnant. I went to
the counseling room to discuss my options ...abortion being at the top of
the list - of the counselor, as she looked at my young age. I pushed to
hear about adoption through Christians. After I was given the rundown on
all, I chose abortion. I went in as scheduled. As I waited for my turn
to get it done in a little room, spaced out on pain meds., I changed my
mind. My turn was up, so I told the doctor I changed my mind, that I
didn't want to go through with it. I wanted to give it up for adoption. I
was told I had no choice, that I had to go through with it because of
meds. He insisted that I get up on the table sternly. I was 13 he was an
adult ...my parents were never informed. I also believe that I was over 3
months pregnant. (I'm not certain, but pretty sure.) I was so young and
unknowledgeable. SO MUCH FOR CHOICE!" - Dawn Lowery, now 34.
(edited slightly, for clarity)


From: http://www.family.org/docstudy/newsletters/a0024012.html

[The numbers in the text are references to footnotes, which can be
accessed by clicking the link above.]



January 2003

Dear Friends:

A New Year has begun, and with it comes a national anniversary marked by
shame. Thirty years ago, on January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court
handed down two rulings that would change our country forever. The Roe vs.
Wade and Doe vs. Bolton decisions ushered in the age of legalized
abortion, which would result in the deaths of more than 42 million preborn
babies.1 Fully 28% of the younger generation - which might be called the
"Roe vs. Wade Generation" - have been killed.2 In response, Focus on the
Family and other pro-life organizations have designated January as
Sanctity of Human Life month. That observance takes on a particularly
somber tone in 2003 as we reflect on three full decades of abortion in the
United States.

How does one express in a simple letter the full significance of this sad
era? The act of abortion has undermined our respect for life at every
stage of existence, from the cradle to the grave, and has opened the door
to cloning, infanticide, euthanasia and child abuse.

Promoters of abortion continue to couch the issue primarily in political
terms, rather than acknowledging the profound moral and ethical questions
involved. Far too many pastors and laymen also hide behind that
subterfuge. They tell us that a woman's right to choose is the only
consideration. Yet in reality, research reveals that an alarming number of
women are coerced to have abortions by their husbands, boyfriends, parents
and most notably, by abortion clinic "counselors."3 That should come as no
surprise in light of revelations from former abortion clinic workers who
have told us that the industry is driven entirely by a profit motive.
Carol Everett, who owned and operated several Dallas area abortion centers
in the late 70s and early 80s before joining the pro-life cause, has said
that money - and not "women's rights" - is the governing force behind the
abortion movement. In an interview on the "Physicians for Life" Web site,
Mrs. Everett said, "I was getting a commission of $25 for every abortion I
'sold.' In 1983, the year I got out [of the abortion industry], I would
have pocketed approximately $250,000." Projections for the following year
suggested that she would net $1 million.4

Regardless of facts such as these, pro-abortion groups have suggested that
unlimited access to abortion saves the lives of women who would otherwise
be endangered by illegal, "back alley" abortion procedures. Many
pro-abortion activists claim that between 5,000 and 10,000 women died each
year as a result of back-alley abortions in the "dark ages" before the
procedure became legal.5 This is a lie told for 30 years by abortion
supporters. In 1972,

[JOYnet] The Unusual Prayer Request

2003-01-27 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs today i got this rather unusual but very touching Prayer Request from
EP from a person called : Girl. Her email id is : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From her email I could understand what she is going through. So please do pray
for her and all the people who go through similar phases. there are many youth
who after coming into the renewal reach that phase known as "Ok we are in the
renewal. now what?" Many are confused and many leave. So do pray that they
understand that God is still continuously working in their lives. That they
have patience and they can recognise his will for them.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Prayer Request: This is the pattern my life has been taking the last several
years. Girl has tragedy, girl cries out to God for help, God steps in and
makes things better. Girl asks God to stay and help keep her life on track.
Girl is seeking much and learning along the way. Girl prays and repents often.
Girl tries to go to church but finds much negative, one church bashing the
other and the girls own limited knowledge about where God wants her to go.
Girl gets confused and doesn't go to any church. Then the down side starts to
happen. Girl gets lonely, girl wants some kind of life. Girl goes out with
friends to a bar, girl gets lots of attention. Girl gets drunk and then gets
sick. Girl did not go home with any boy nor did she take any boy home with
her. Girl had several offers but deep inside knew that getting drunk was bad
enough and was not going to go any further into the pit. Girl felt bad and
knew she shouldn't be here doing this, but the alternative was girl sitting
home alone  again and again. Girl wakes up with headache and regret. Girl
asks God for forgiveness but girl is disgusted with self and isn't sure God is
listening anymore. Girl just wants to find mate, go to church, have some sort
of a life before death comes.

Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors

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Re: [JOYnet] Sex before marriage is permissable? is it Sin?

2003-01-25 Thread Jason :)
My Dear JYs and more especially PJ

I think after the plethora of mails we received from Josun, Ravi, Abby, Sibi,
Jennifer and many others we would all agree that yeah Sex before marriage is
not permissiable and yeah it is a Sin. A rather one sided debate. I am sure
that if any1 was to even contradict, this forum is the last place where he is
gonna do that ;)

But I want to ask one question to PJ who initially posted this question out
here whether Sex before marriage is
permissable. I want to know Permissable to whom???. To ur parents, society,
pre-life partner, God or to urself. I am sure he must have meant God. For his
next question is - is it a Sin ??. Tricky. For that i would like ask is can
anything which is permissible by God be a Sin??? also if something is not
permissible by God is it a Sin???. Wow I can actually feel the dilemma of PJ.

Had PJ been only asked if sex before marraige is permissible i guess his
obvious reply would have been no. But then his Hindu Friend said that the
Bible say it is Permissible and so he was surprised. I guess he was stumped so
well his next line of defence - "I said as per the church and christian values
it is not permissable and it is sin".

I remember this incident which was told me by my friend. He had this debate
with his Hindu Friend once. I am sending it forth in his own words.

"-I told him give me the instance which shows in my bible that Premarital
Sex is permissible. He laughed at me. And opened the first pages of my bible.
Adam and Eve. I laughed at him. I said show me where it is permissible. He
again showed me Adam and Eve. I said again show me where it is written that it
is permissible. Now he understood. He looked at me blankly."

That is the difference guys. There is a vast difference between something
being mentioned and between something being permissible. The very act of it
being permissible by God constitutes the Sacrament of Marraige. Remember I
said permissible BY God and not TO God. Or else we have those great elope
kahanis. I wed u. U wed me. I put garland on u. U put garland on me and we are
married :).. Tomorrow i preserve ur Garland for some1 else ;)

As Ravi wisely mentioned in his mail. "Just because it is written in the bible
doesnt mean it is acceptable."

I guess the mails from Ravi and Jennifer have already thaught us what is Sin.

speaking of Christmas Cake with relevance to this topic I would like to
conclude with no one eats their OWN wedding cake either before their marraige.

PJ i hope this list is able to satisfy ur query.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India.

PJ u can ask ur hindu friend this. It seems Bharata from which the name
"Bharat" our own India has derived its name from was born out of a premarital
relationship between Shakuntala, a maiden, daughter of sage Kanva, and
Dushyanta a King. These guys even go to the extent where in the Mahabharata,
Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, begets a son (Karna) from the Sun before
her marriage to Pandu. This is what is mentioned in ur Friend's religion. Does
it mean that Premarital Sex is permissable in their religion. Looking at an
average hindu view to such a topic is enough to gauge his response.

Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors
  - Original Message -
  From: philipose joseph
  Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:27 PM
  Subject: [JOYnet] Sex before marriage is permissable? is it Sin?


  One of my Hindu friends asked, Sex before marriage is
  permissable? is it Sin? if they decided to get marry
  later. "He quote as per bible it is permissable" I

  I said as per the church and christian values it is
  not permissable and it is sin. Sex is only permitted
  in the sacrament of marriage.

  Please put you comments on joynet so that everyone can





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In case of an

Re: [JOYnet] Sex before marriage is permissable? is it Sin?

2003-01-25 Thread Jason :)
My Dear JYs and more especially PJ

I think after the plethora of mails we received from Josun, Ravi, Abby, Sibi,
Jennifer and many others we would all agree that yeah Sex before marriage is
not permissiable and yeah it is a Sin. A rather one sided debate. I am sure
that if any1 was to even contradict, this forum is the last place where he is
gonna do that ;)

But I want to ask one question to PJ who initially posted this question out
here whether Sex before marriage is
permissable. I want to know Permissable to whom???. To ur parents, society,
pre-life partner, God or to urself. I am sure he must have meant God. For his
next question is - is it a Sin ??. Tricky. For that i would like ask is can
anything which is permissible by God be a Sin??? also if something is not
permissible by God is it a Sin???. Wow I can actually feel the dilemma of PJ.

Had PJ been only asked if sex before marraige is permissible i guess his
obvious reply would have been no. But then his Hindu Friend said that the
Bible say it is Permissible and so he was surprised. I guess he was stumped so
well his next line of defence - "I said as per the church and christian values
it is not permissable and it is sin".

I remember this incident which was told me by my friend. He had this debate
with his Hindu Friend once. I am sending it forth in his own words.

"-I told him give me the instance which shows in my bible that Premarital
Sex is permissible. He laughed at me. And opened the first pages of my bible.
Adam and Eve. I laughed at him. I said show me where it is permissible. He
again showed me Adam and Eve. I said again show me where it is written that it
is permissible. Now he understood. He looked at me blankly."

That is the difference guys. There is a vast difference between something
being mentioned and between something being permissible. The very act of it
being permissible by God constitutes the Sacrament of Marraige. Remember I
said permissible BY God and not TO God. Or else we have those great elope
kahanis. I wed u. U wed me. I put garland on u. U put garland on me and we are
married :).. Tomorrow i preserve ur Garland for some1 else ;)

As Ravi wisely mentioned in his mail. "Just because it is written in the bible
doesnt mean it is acceptable."

I guess the mails from Ravi and Jennifer have already thaught us what is Sin.

speaking of Christmas Cake with relevance to this topic I would like to
conclude with no one eats their OWN wedding cake either before their marraige.

PJ i hope this list is able to satisfy ur query.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India.

PJ u can ask ur hindu friend this. It seems Bharata from which the name
"Bharat" our own India has derived its name from was born out of a premarital
relationship between Shakuntala, a maiden, daughter of sage Kanva, and
Dushyanta a King. These guys even go to the extent where in the Mahabharata,
Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, begets a son (Karna) from the Sun before
her marriage to Pandu. This is what is mentioned in ur Friend's religion. Does
it mean that Premarital Sex is permissable in their religion. Looking at an
average hindu view to such a topic is enough to gauge his response.

Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors
  - Original Message -
  From: philipose joseph
  Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:27 PM
  Subject: [JOYnet] Sex before marriage is permissable? is it Sin?


  One of my Hindu friends asked, Sex before marriage is
  permissable? is it Sin? if they decided to get marry
  later. "He quote as per bible it is permissable" I

  I said as per the church and christian values it is
  not permissable and it is sin. Sex is only permitted
  in the sacrament of marriage.

  Please put you comments on joynet so that everyone can





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Re: [JOYnet] Zeal for the Kingdom of God

2003-01-24 Thread Jason :)
I thank Mathew Joseph for highlighting us on the Zeal for God especially
amongst our Joynet Members. But modest as he is he has not highlighted his
personal efforts. JYs. If Mathew Joseph did not have Zeal for the Kingdom of
God today we wouldnt be having Joynet. :)

Meanwhile I wish to make aware to many of the new Members that there exist
another parallel list called Parablenet where Uncle Lonth daily sends the
Daily Bread which is like a reflection on the Word of God and there are many
others who share God's word there. I urge those concerned with Parablenet to
mention here on Joynet the purpose of Parablenet. Those interested can
subscribe at the following address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

- Original Message -
  From: Mathew Joseph
  To: JOYnet
  Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 2:20 PM
  Subject: [JOYnet] Zeal for the Kingdom of God

  Dear JOYful friends,

  I was reading that mail from Priya
  about Zeal for the Kingdom of God.

  But I was thinking...
  What is this 'Zeal for the Kingdom of God'???
  I know of Kingdom of God...  But hey, what is this zeal?
  Is it something available in the local market?  I donnoo!!
  I heard of m-seal which is available in the shops here..
  May be, this is also something manufactured by the same company!!

  OK.. Letme check up in the thesaurus..
  It throws me some more words similar to that..
  Passion, enthusiasm, keenness, eagerness... etc..
  Poor me...  I am more confused!!!

  Hey, that is when I stumbled upon a news item on yesterday's newspaper.
  Pope is going to start sending SMS messages to people on a daily basis!!!
  At this age... between his hectic schedules..
  Considering his poor health...  This is amazing...
  Yes... I am clear now..
  this is nothing but Zeal for the kingdom of God!!!

  Now.. let me look around..
  The other day I saw one mail from Shaji Chacko...
  He is eager to promote the magazines like Jeevajwala and Kairose..
  He is keeping that fire alive in him even after more than 15 years in Jesus
  Yes... that is Zeal for the Kingdom of God!!

  Now I remember the inspiring sharings from Josun,
  Annie John, Priya, Annie Berly, Anitha and Cuckoo which used to inspire
  all of us in JOYnet...
  Then.. the sharings from Fr.Rafi and Fr.Thomas Tharayil...
  Yes... That is Zeal for the Kingdom of God!!

  And here is Lovely playing the role of a host..
  Welcoming our new JOYnet members...
  Dr.Sindhu and Kurian Uncle initiating the Monthly  JOYnet prayer..
  Jose achayan helping us with those prayer requests..
  Joseph Lonth uncle..  He is wishing all of us on our Birthdays..
  Then I see Vipin Roldand using all the theatrical talents for God.
  Yes  That is Zeal for the Kingdom of God!!

  Then, How can we forget Giju who is doing all the technical
  support behind the scene...  Working late nights...
  Fine tuning all the mailing lists...
  Making our life comfortable in JOYnet...
  Yes...   That is Zeal for the Kingdom of God!!

  Ravi Vaz who writes clarifications on different doubts..
  He gives very good explanations on different subjects.
  He is happily sharing all that he learned in his Bible course.
  Yes... That is Zeal for the Kingdom of God!!

  Hey..  But does this throw any challenges to you and me???
  We have many of us here in JOYnet who have undergone
  different formations and trainings in Jesus Youth
  (and other movements)
  Do we have the responsibility to share what we learned?
  Do we have the responsibility to  share that beautiful
  Jesus Youth culture in JOYnet??

  I leave the answer to all of you...

  Mathew Joseph
  Bombay, India.



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[JOYnet] Daily Scripute With Meditation

2003-01-22 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I remember that recently a link was posted to the National Ameican Bible site
or something like that which gave the daily mass reading. I am giving one more
link which is also seems useful as it also includes meditation.


or simply


However the Meditation are only for the readings and not for the Gospel. In
this regard i urge the Word Ministers on this group to kindly validate the
authenticity of the site.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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2003-01-20 Thread Jason :)
Sorry guys.. I was supposed to send this mail to RAvi for verification and
I send this to Joynet by mistake.. pls. ignore

urs in faith


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2003-01-20 Thread Jason :)



Nov 4, 2002



Throughout much of the world's history, people thought that the world was
flat. Yet thousands of years ago, the Bible showed it was round. The Bible was
right, people were wrong.

In former times, people did not understand that the earth "hung" in space. Yet
thousands of years ago, the Bible showed it did. The Bible was right, people
were wrong.

In the past, science did not fully comprehend that the moon and stars had
orbits, or established rules or ordinances. Yet thousands of years ago, the
Bible showed that they did. The Bible was right, science was wrong.
Jere 31:35-THE ORDINANCES (or decrees, or fixed order) OF THE MOON AND OF THE

The Bible further told, thousands of years ago, that planets existed.

In recent history, people have been misled by "science, falsely so called,"
into believing that evolution is how mankind came into being. Shortly, once
again, people will be proven wrong, and the Bible shown to be true.
It is written, to this age in which we are now living, Rev 3:14-AND UNTO THE
God's Word is true. People would do well to take heed to what is written-to
believe it and obey it.

(God's established order)

It has recently been learned that the eagle could see very small objects from
great distances. Yet thousands of years ago, the Bible told of this.

Throughout much of the world's history, people did not understand that even
the wind has weight. Science is now aware that this is true. The Bible told of
this thousands of years ago.
Job 28:25-TO MAKE (or establish, or imparted) THE WEIGHT FOR (or of, or to)

Throughout much of the world's history, people did not understand that inside
the earth is as it were fire. The Bible told of this thousands of years ago.

Throughout much of the world's history, people did not understand the
evaporation process-how the rivers empty into the sea; the waters evaporate
and are bound up in thick clouds, but the clouds are not ripped. Then, they
are poured as rain upon the face of the earth again. The Bible told of this
thousands of years ago.

Throughout much of the world's history, people did not understand the wind
currents and how they whirl about in circuits all over the earth. The Bible
told of this thousands of years ago. The Bible was right, people didn't

There are many peoples and nations throughout the world. The Bible explains
how this came about: God has made all men from one blood. The Bible told of
this thousands of years ago.


Throughout much of the world's history, people did not understand the universe
is expanding and stretching out into empty space. Science, in recent years,
has confirmed that this is true. The Bible told about this thousands of years
ago. The Bible was right, people didn't understand.
Ps 1

[JOYnet] Please Pray for this Wife.

2003-01-19 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

Normally I wouldnt be sending a Prayer Request on Joynet. However today
morning I had received this Prayer Request from ePrayer and it really touched
my heart. The Lady hasnt disclosed her name which is common at times. However
her plea really touched my heart. Please do pray for her.

Lord, I am feeling very alone and depressed right now. My husband is seeking
visitation of my three kids. He left us for another woman and is living with
her, they fixed up a room for the kids and a crib and I refuse to let go, my
kids are my life and I never have to give them up for anyone, my kids have
always been with me and I cant let them go. Pray for a favorable decision
where the court is concerned that he gets visitation on Sundays only. My kids
get go through anymore turmoil. Please continue to work on my husband and his
heart, bing him home to us and back in our lives, I love him and miss him and
want my famil back.. Open his eyes up and help him to see God and change his
ways, please bless me with miracle, financially, spiritually and emotionally.
Help me to deal with all of this and move on. Place a barried of protection
around us, remove the other woman and the evil influences and get my husband
help. Open his eyes and his heart and change him, mold him and help us to
reconnect and be more in love than evber before. Bless me with a finacial
miracle. Help me to control my tongue,help me to change too, resist my
temptations..Proect my kids and me, bless this marriage, what God has
joined let no man divide, keep this marriage together, no weapon formed
against me shall prosper, see the errors of his ways and remove the other
woman, help her to realize he needs me and my family.Fill him with the Holy
Spirit and help him to find God, protect my kids through this,. Bless all the
others on this site, help my family, help Mary and her family, Philip of
Oklahoma was shot and killed, pray for Mary and their family to accept and get
through this rough time.Pray for all others on this site that they seek
all they desire. Amen

Hence PAls in Christ do keep her in your prayer. At present we do not have her
email id. But do pray that everything works out as per the Will of God and
that her family be restored.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

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[JOYnet] Today is Welchy's Birthday

2003-01-14 Thread Jason :)
When I see Lovely sending in those welcome note it reminds me of an
Ex-Joynetter, Welchy Fernandes. Many of us who have been a part of Joynet for
over a year have surely heard of her. Today is Welchy's Birthday and her email

Since our own Mathew Joseph and Ron (who is a part of JY Coimbatore and a
friend of our own Joynetter Shobith) were in town, we all needed an excuse to
meet. Ever since I met Welchy I have come across real wonderful ppl like Ravi
Vaz, Jennifer etc.

Welchy had decided her birthday would be a lovely timing for us to meet. For
convenience sake, her birthday was celebrated this Sunday the 12th at my
place. Since my Mother's birthday was on the 9th of this month, both the
birthdays were celebrated together. Since Ravi, Jennifer, Welchy, my brother
and myself are all resident of Mumbai we had already met each other before on
quite a few occassions. But this time Meeting Mathew Joseph and Ron was an
added excitement.

It was really an evening of excitement. The evening started off with Welchy
arriving the earliest of all followed by Ron and then Ravi, Jennifer and
Mathew Joseph together. Let me tell you guys there is never a dull moment with
Ravi around and it was purely evident. Since Ravi being a Word Minister has
studied the Word of God in detail and still does he is so full of revelation
on the Word of God that all listeners have their jaws dropped in silence.

So the evening kicked off with Ravi exploring various texts on Word of God
with us. Ron then gave his heart rendering testimony on how he entered into
the Jesus Youth and gave us an insight on wonderman Shobith. Jennifer, Welchy
and myself were able to share on how much Joynet means to us and how much it
helped us.

After one and half hours of sharing we decided to involve ourselves in Prayer.
Mathew Joseph first lead the proceeding followed by RAvi. It was simply
wonderful. It lasted for about 45 mins and yet I yearned for more. After that
we had Welchy and my Mom cutting the cake and with us all singing.

We again continued sharing part and parcels of our lives. It was then that we
got to know something so valuable. MATHEW JOSEPH is the FOUNDER OF JOYNET. We
just couldnt believe that a person so handsome yet so humble who changed so
many lives including ours was actually sitting amongst the 7 of us Joynetters.
It was real blissful for us that he was present alongwith us. It was like we
owed the evening to him as well because if he had taken the initiative years
ago we wouldnt have had Joynet. And if there was no Joynet there would be no
meeting on this Sunday the 12th.

The evening ended with Dinner and then a walk to the nearby station as they
all went to their abode.

On the way back home my brother and myself kept thanking the Lord for such a
wonderful evening. Even though there were only 7 of us from Joynet yet it
meant so much.

Anyways guys do Wish Welchy on her birthday. May God Bless her. May God bless
us all.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Lord, I do not know what to ask of You.
You know what I need.
You love me better than I know how to love myself.
O Heavenly Father, give to me what I know not how to ask or dare not ask.
I open my heart to You.
Take my needs and do according to Your mercy.
Do with me what You will.
I will be silent. I offer myself to You.
I accept Your will. Lord, teach me how to pray. Amen.

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Re: [JOYnet] Praying for others.

2003-01-10 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs
and more especially Smiju who invoked my reply on any one of my experience
connected to the prayer "Lord not mine but thy will be done".

I would like to make this reply as short as possible because its really
difficult to pull out any special moment in my life where the use of this
phrase has really impacted my life largely. Because whenever I have applied
this Prayer to my life the Results have always been wonderful, special and
heart rendering. Take for example just two days ago my brother (who is also a
joynetter) was working for a shoddy organisation. He was supposed to give an
interview. We all sought's God's will and prayed. Yesterday he went for the
interview. He cleared in flying colours and will be joining most probably on
the 23rd.

However, I would like to mention one which has always been dear to me. It was
the period before my Daddy could expire. When our family entered into the
renewal my daddy thoroughly refused to be a part of it. He had his excuses
including his drinks and his ciggy. It was then in a Prayer Meeting which we
attended did we hear a preaching on God's Will. It was then my mum and me
decided to submit Daddy and all his bad habits to the Will of God.

In the meantime My father was admitted for a Prostrate Gland Operation.
However during examination in the hospital the Doctors found out that my dad
had Cancer in the advance Stages and wouldnt be able to last for the week. I
hadnt even attended a single retreat then. Yet I remember standing outside
that operation theatre with my mother as we prayed the Rosary repeatedly and
uttering the words "Lord everything will happen as you want it to happen, we
trust you."

Daddy surived the operation but his bladder was removed. Instead of living for
one week went on to live for two years beating all the doctors expectation. In
the meantime our whole family including Daddy got to know more about the
wonderful Lord. After the operation Daddy refused drinks and smoking. And
within one month of the operation started joining our family (we three
brothers + mum) in regular Praise and Worship at home. Those moments will
always be special to us.

For two years Daddy suffered yet in those suffering he would always Praise and
Thank God. After two years Daddy starting slowing down. He started getting
body aches and starting getting tired regularly. When we finally did a check
up again we found that Cancer resurfaced. In the meantime we did a checkup and
found out that this time again Doctors had given up hope. We again now as
family along with Daddy starting praying fervently that God's will be
manifested. However, Daddy's condition kept on detoriating.

We had this sinking feeling that Daddy was soon going to be no more. We wanted
God to keep him alive. Yet on the other hand we couldnt bear to see Daddy
suffer. In the end that one Line "Lord not mine by thy will be done." was our
only ultimate prayer.

On May 16, 2000 one day after my Parents 23rd Wedding Anniversary, Daddy
expired at 3.00 am just when my mom was saying the Divine Mercy. When I look
at those days when the doctors had given Daddy only 1 week to live and yet
Daddy lived for 2 years, accepted the Jesus as his lord and saviour somethig
which he never did for 56 years - It really cemented my belief in "THE WILL OF

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Lord, I do not know what to ask of You.
You know what I need.
You love me better than I know how to love myself.
O Heavenly Father, give to me what I know not how to ask or dare not ask.
I open my heart to You.
Take my needs and do according to Your mercy.
Do with me what You will.
I will be silent. I offer myself to You.
I accept Your will. Lord, teach me how to pray. Amen.
  - Original Message -
  From: Smiju Joseph
  Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 2:34 AM
  Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Praying for others.

  I was reading Jason's mail.
  It is realy good. Isn't it my friends?
  And the one line prayer touched me (Lord not mine but thy will be done.)

  Ok now let us ask Jason about this.
  Ok, Jason. can you please share to Joynet one of your experience connected
to this prayer.

  with love and prayer
  smiju joseph, auh

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[JOYnet] Praying for others.

2003-01-07 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

It will be highly appreciated if those who do want to receive Prayer Requests
if they can give me their Email Ids I will be glad to post the same to them as
and when I do get any Prayer Request. Also if anyone does have any email ids
of any group that takes Prayer Requests such as Jeevan Jal, Prayertoweronline,
I will be highly obliged if you could send it across to me.

It is nice to know that some of the Members out here take time out to
specially Pray for the Prayer Requests posted out here. May the Lord bless you
all abundantly in this regard.

A Honest confession
I was once associated with different ePrayer sites and we used to receive
Prayer Request for different intentions. However we noticed that in due time
the volume of Prayer Requests more than doubled. Also Satan started working
overtime and quite a few of us including myself from being the one Praying for
others actually landed up being the one seeking Prayers.

Many of us had felt this conviction that being the one fallen in Sin we had no
rights to Prayer for others as we were not worthy. Some even felt that even an
Our Father , Hail Mary or Glory be would not work because we had now become
victims of our sins. This is an absolute lie from the Satan. We later found
out that actually being down in Sin when we prayed for others we actually
found hidden strength to face upto our troubles and our problems.

I wouldnt like to contradict anyone but I remember when praying for others I
used to receive mails from people saying whether I knew the "Format" of
praying for others. I was stunned. What was even more surprising each one of
those mails prescribed their own format and well their own copyrights. I didnt
know that Prayers to God had to be in any particular format. If there exist
one I knew only one. That it should come from the Heart and that is what we
followed. I am not saying that saying daily Prayers are bad. Its just that
when we restrict our **dialogue with the Lord in the boundaries of those
Prayers that is when I feel that conversation with our lord is incomplete. I
personally advocate that in addition to Prayers a time of simple sharing and
listening is necessary with the Lord.

Remember Guilt comes from Satan. So sometimes when u Prayer and if u are
reminded of any sins always surrender it to the Lord knowing that he is ready
to accept them and ready to forgive them through the sacrament of confession.
Sometimes people are guilty because they didnt get time to Pray or they forgot
to Pray. That is just a conviction from Satan telling us how forgetful we are.
Instead use that same Guilt into an urgency to seek time to Pray with the Lord
and ur guilt will be washed away.

I think we all know how important Praise and Worship is before the Lord. The
word of God does tell us that the Lord dwells in the praises of his people.
Hence never forget to praise God in any situation or for any situation even
when ur praying for others even if it was for just 1 or 2 minutes.

The Best Prayer.
Sometimes people ask which is the best Prayer to pray before the Lord. I
simply believe it to be one line. Lord not mine but thy will be done. This
important line is also found in the Our Father which is such an important

Anyways I do feel that after reading this those who didnt think themselve
capable or worthy enough should change their mind. So do take time out and
include others in your Prayers.

These are my personal observations so if u do feel any contradiction do mail
it across so that we may Learn :)

urs in faith

Mumbai, India.

**dialogue : Please note that I used the Word dialogue which means
conversation between two people because if it was only a one sided
conversation it would be called monologue.

I apologise if this mail is long enough.

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[JOYnet] Living in Faith

2003-01-05 Thread Jason :)
"The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of
God." - Galatians 2:20

When the Lord in mercy passed by and saw us in our blood, he first of all
said, "Live"; and this he did first, because life is one of the absolutely
essential things in spiritual matters, and until it be bestowed we are
incapable of partaking in the things of the kingdom. Now the life which grace
confers upon the saints at the moment of their quickening is none other than
the life of Christ, which, like the sap from the stem, runs into us, the
branches, and establishes a living connection between our souls and Jesus.
Faith is the grace which perceives this union, having proceeded from it as its
firstfruit. It is the neck which joins the body of the Church to its
all-glorious Head.

"Oh Faith! thou bond of union with the Lord,
Is not this office thine? and thy fit name,
In the economy of gospel types,
And symbols apposite-the Church's neck;
Identifying her in will and work
With him ascended?"

Faith lays hold upon the Lord Jesus with a firm and determined grasp. She
knows his excellence and worth, and no temptation can induce her to repose her
trust elsewhere; and Christ Jesus is so delighted with this heavenly grace,
that he never ceases to strengthen and sustain her by the loving embrace and
all-sufficient support of his eternal arms. Here, then, is established a
living, sensible, and delightful union which casts forth streams of love,
confidence, sympathy, complacency, and joy, whereof both the bride and
bridegroom love to drink.

When the soul can evidently perceive this oneness between itself and Christ,
the pulse may be felt as beating for both, and the one blood as flowing
through the veins of each. Then is the heart as near heaven as it can be on
earth, and is prepared for the enjoyment of the most sublime and spiritual
kind of fellowship.

Source: Crosswalk

urs in faith

Mumbai, India


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[JOYnet] Facing the Truth

2003-01-03 Thread Jason :)
Let's Face the Truth

'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know
the truth, and the truth will set you free.' John 8: 31,32

When Jesus said 'you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free',
he was also talking about one accepting the truth of his state before God. The
mighty life-changing truth, which is God's word cannot help us until we are
willing to bow humbly before Him, and accept the truth of where we are.

If the truth that sets free is head-knowledge then the Pharisees would have
been the most liberated people in their time. You know they were the best
theologians around. Yet because the refused to face up with the truth of the
state of their heart, the truth could not help them.

In John 8:33, listen to what these Jews said when they were told this glorious
truth that the truth will set them free. 'We are Abraham's descendants and
have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?'

But tell me, were they free? Even in the physical realm they were under
political slavery to Rome, yet they said they were free. When we refuse to let
God be true and every man a liar, we can never benefit from his grace.

Some of us are unwilling to strip ourselves naked before God and allow the
light of his truth search us out and expose us for what we are. That is why we
remain the same year-after-year inspite of our multiplied religious
activities. It is not enough to faithfully do bible studies, we must be
willing to let the Word show us who we are.

We need not fear about letting the Word expose us, because every lack that is
brought to light will find abundant provision. When the truth shows us we are
blind and we acknowledge it, we will find that we recieve sight.

Source: Chims Write

urs in faith

Mumbai, India


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[JOYnet] Nothing beats love

2003-01-02 Thread Jason :)
Daddy Bruce Randolph
By Pat Mendoza

"Daddy" Bruce Randolph was a chain smoker who used a white filter on his
Winstons.  It was his only vice.  Mostly, the dapper man - around
five-feet-eight and slight built, who would never be seen in public without
his hat, vest and coat - fed people.

At age sixty-one, he opened Daddy Bruce's Barbecue Restaurant in the "Five
Points" area, a poor section of Denver.

There is debate about whether his ribs were the best in town but no debate on
the man himself.  He was a gentle man, and he started a tradition that died
with him, some thirty years after he opened his restaurant.  He fed people -
not just his customers, but the poor and the homeless.

Every Thanksgiving, Daddy and his son began cooking for the multitudes of
homeless.  He wanted them to have a great dinner on the one day this country
 celebrates its bounty.

About a week before, Daddy began making all the "fixin's."  In the early years
of his project, he paid for everything out of pocket.  But as time went by,
the costs skyrocketed as the crowds grew.  That's when Daddy's admirers
stepped in to help.

They donated tons of turkeys, potatoes, yams and ribs. And they donated their
time to stand behind and beside the old man.  Professional athletes,
politicians, cops, nuns and clergy, as well as others volunteered to cook and
serve.  It was a rare moment to witness a Denver Bronco serving food to a man
who lived in a cardboard box underneath a viaduct.

It seems there was an endless supply of food to feed the multitudes.  No one
ever walked away hungry from Daddy Bruce.  It was Daddy who started the whole
thing and supervised it until a few years ago when he edged toward ninety.  He
had become too old to work any more.

He was one of the few people who lived to see a city street named in his
honor.  In 1991, Mayor Frederico Pena renamed East Twenty-third Avenue "Bruce
Randolph Boulevard."  A couple of years later, Daddy Bruce died.  He lived
modestly but well.

When asked why he volunteered to feed the thousands of poor and hungry people
for over twenty-five years, his reply was simple.  "You can't beat love.
Nothing beats love.  If you give just one thing, you get three things back.
That's why I do it."  And he did it well

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[JOYnet] Our Greatest Need

2002-12-16 Thread Jason :)
"If our greatest need was for information,
 God would have sent an educator."

"If our greatest need was for technology,
 God would have sent a scientist."

"If our greatest need was for pleasure,
 God would have sent an entertainer."

"If our greatest need was for money
 God would have sent an economist."


- Author unknown

Hope u are all Alive in the Spirit of Christmas

yours in faith


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[JOYnet] The History of Christmas Celebrations

2002-12-16 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I received a very interesting sharing on Christmas which I am putting across.
Incase ur view differ do let me know.


The Tradition of Christmas
By Denis Mueller

During this holiday season you may stop to wonder if Christmas was always like
this? Was it always filled with such crude commercialism? The answer is no.
Then how did our traditions come about? What are its roots? How did we get

After the death of Jesus, Christianity was spread throughout the Roman Empire.
To do this the Christians had to challenge the culture of Caesar. So the
Christians began to use versions of Roman holidays. One of the biggest of the
Roman celebrations was winter solstice. They also sought to compete with
Caesar's image as the savior of the world.

This celebration occurred during the time that we now call Christmas. There is
no biblical basis for Christmas but the Christians were competing with the
Romans for the souls of the empire's subjects. This holiday became a good way
to conquer by culture what they could never do militarily. The move allowed
the Christians to take over a pagan holiday ritual and transform it into a
holiday of their own.

It became a huge celebration and by the time of the 17th century it was filled
with excess and carnival behavior. The celebration became an attack on
established power. All authority was challenged. The Puritans feared it so
much that Christmas was banned from 1659 to 1681. The atmosphere of aggressive
begging and the robbing of wealthy were a direct attacks on the structured
society that most people saw themselves a part of.

As the United States became more urbanized the rowdiness of Christmas only
increased. Now, the emerging middle classes sought to create their own myths
about Christmas. They sought to displace this class-based version of Christmas
and replace
it with a more domestically orientated Christmas. They sought to change it
from a public, politically-based meaning to a spiritualized celebration. To do
this it became a more family oriented affair.

Gifts were now exchanged between families and when things were given to the
poor it took on a whole new meaning. The act of giving came now to be seen as
an act of charity. This was aided with the invention of Santa Claus. The
invention of Mr. Claus created a consumer feast. Now the season became a
capitalist dream and the whole temper of Christmas was changed forever. No
longer was it seen as a challenge to authority but now authority was held up
within the context of hierarchy and wealth.

But history forces us to look at what was Christmas at first. It was the birth
of a poor child to a poor mother. For Mary there is no room at the inn. She is
outside of society. But her child has a profound impact on history and his
message of justice and peace causes the political hierarchy to kill him. Jesus
was a victim of capital punishment. I hope next Christmas we remember this

Sources: Michael Eric Dyson, DePaul University.

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[JOYnet] The Christ of Christmas

2002-12-15 Thread Jason :)
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas,
Sounds so good this time of year
Happy faces in shopping places,
Christmas time is finally here

Joy To The World and Peace On Earth,
Hearts all warm with Christmas Spirit,
Sleigh Bells ringing, children singing,
People happy, Can't you hear it ?

Trees with lights, and tinsel shinning,
Candy Canes and Wreaths of Holly,
Santa Clause and all his Reindeer,
Tis the Season to be jolly

Every child with expectation,
Believing Santa will come this night,
Bringing toys and lots of gifts,
To make their Christmas a true delight

O' Santa, How wonderful you are,
Thank you for the joy this night,
Thank you Santa,, You're my Hero,
O' Santa, You're my hearts delight

Standing in the background watching,
Is this Man, eyes filled with tears,
Reaching out to all that pass by,
No one listens, No one hears

He cries, My Name is JESUS CHRIST
Christmas celebrates my birth,
It tells the story of Gods' Son,
And why HE came to earth

But the worlds to blind to see,
No Santa died to save your souls,
It was JESUS at Calvary

So make your choice this Christmas,
Give your life a brand new start,
Ask JESUS, The CHRIST of Christmas,
To come into your heart



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[JOYnet] Thank You God for Coming in Human Form

2002-12-14 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs
This article is amazing.

A beautiful reflection

There was once a man who didn't believe in God, and he didn't hesitate to let
others know how he felt about religion and religious holidays, like Christmas.
His wife, however, did believe, and she raised their children to also have
faith in God and Jesus, despite his disparaging comments.

One snowy Christmas Eve, his wife was taking their children to a Christmas Eve
service in the farm community in which they lived.
She asked him to come, but he refused.

"That story is nonsense!" he said.  "Why would God lower Himself to come to
Earth as a man?  That's ridiculous!" So she and the
children left, and he stayed home.

A while later, the winds grew stronger and the snow turned into a blizzard.
As the man looked out the window, all he saw was a
blinding snowstorm.  He sat down to relax before the fire for the evening.

Then he heard a loud thump. Something had hit the window.  Then another thump.
He looked out, but couldn't see more than a few
feet.  When the snow let up a little, he ventured outside to see what could
have been beating on his window.  In the field near
his house he saw a flock of wild geese.  Apparently they had been flying south
for the winter when they got caught in the snowstorm and couldn't go on. They
were lost and stranded on his farm, with no food or shelter.  They just
flapped their wings and flew around the field in low circles, blindly and
aimlessly.  A couple of them had flown into his window.

The man felt sorry for the geese and wanted to help them.  The barn would be a
great place for them to stay, he thought.  It's
warm and safe; surely they could spend the night and wait out the storm.  So
he walked over to the barn and opened the doors wide,then watched and waited,
hoping they would notice the open barn and go inside.  But the geese just
fluttered around aimlessly and didn't seem to notice the barn or realize what
it could mean for them.  The man tried to get their attention, but that just
seemed to scare them and they moved further away.  He went into the house and
came with some bread, broke it up, and made a breadcrumbs trail leading to the
barn.  They still didn't catch on.

Now he was getting frustrated.  He got behind them and tried to shoo them
toward the barn, but they only got more scared and
scattered in every direction except toward the barn.  Nothing he did could get
them to go into the barn where they would be warm
and safe.  "Why don't they follow me?" he exclaimed.

"Can't they see this is the only place where they can survive the storm?"

He thought for a moment and realized that they just wouldn't follow a human.
"If only I were a goose, then I could save
them," he said out loud.

Then he had an idea.  He went into barn, got one of his own geese, and carried
it in his arms as he circled around behind the
flock of wild geese.  He then released it.  His goose flew through the flock
and straight into the barn - and one by one the
other geese followed it to safety.

He stood silently for a moment as the words he had spoken a few minutes
earlier replayed in his mind: "If only I were a goose,
then I could save them!" Then he thought about what he had said to his wife

"Why would God want to be like us?  That's ridiculous!"

Suddenly it all made sense.  That is what God had done.  We were like the
geese - blind, lost, perishing.  God had His Son become like us so He could
show us the way and save us.  That was the meaning of Christmas, he realized.

As the winds and blinding snow died down, his soul became quiet and pondered
this wonderful thought.  Suddenly he understood what Christmas was all about,
why Christ had come.  Years of doubt and disbelief vanished like the passing
storm.  He fell to his knees in the snow, and prayed his first prayer:

"Thank You, God, for coming in human form to get me out of the storm!"

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[JOYnet] Can u feel it ? ?

2002-12-14 Thread Jason :)
H.. 10 days. 10 days to go after which is Christmas. And
hardly any Christmas sharings. No Christmas Forwards. No Christmas Experience.
I think last Christmas on JOYnet was more fun. I expected with 1000 Members it
would be more fun. I am sure many are busy. but still.

10 days after which what St. John spoke in his Gospel [John 1 : 1] will be
fuliflled. Where the word will be made flesh.

We in Mumbai have already got our Christmas gift, even though its too early to
speak about. Due to an Order last year all public gatherings, events regarding
loudspeakers were permitted only till 10.00pm. Hence can u guys imagine
midnight masses ending at 10.00 ??? This year due to an additional clause,
today the Churches have been given permission to say masses in the open till
12.00 midnight. So finally we mumbaikars can actually say we are attending
midnight mass... hehe

So well come on Guys let Jesus be born in all your hearts this year as well as
we prepare to receive him. Let this season of sharing and caring bring good
tidings of Joy to all those around u. And may u all spread the love of the
christ. After all can u feel his comming. can u all feel the excitement in
heaven when the Glory of God was made known to man.

Can u feel it ?

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder ????

2002-12-09 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

Beauty can be described as something wonderful in the eyes of the beholder or
so the saying goes. Not so when in the month of November 2002 towns like Abuja
and Kaduna were rocked by Riots. And the target of the riots : Christians just
like us. I wonder how come none of us (me included) ever mentioned about this
in our Prayer Requests out here.

I didnt realise the gravity of the situation till the Saturday issue of
Zenit.org really caught my eye. The writing was there. More than 200 people,
mostly Christians, were killed; several others were maimed. As well, 15
churches were burned and pulled down, and more than 30,000 people have been

What was that spark that ignited the lives of over 30,000 Christian. A Beauty
Paegent - The ever famous Miss World.

Yep. the same Miss World that is supposed to showcase 80 of the World's most
beautiful women every year. Yep that same Miss World that added India to the
Glamour world. Yep that same Miss World that gave the ever drooling India its
Aishwarya Rais, its Lara Duttas etc. That same Miss World that had millions of
viewers (including Christians) this Saturday glued to their Television Set.
And yet as on today that same Miss World whcih was supposed to "declare" some
fortunate woman as the most beautiful woman of the world has actually dug 200
graves for Christians and have blown the roof tops for over 30,000.

That anytime trouble would be errupt was evident from the reaction from
different Muslim circles months before the Paegant could commence in Nigeria.
What actually fanned the flames was after a Kaduna newspaper, ThisDay,
published an article alleging that the prophet Mohammed would have approved of
the Miss World beauty pageant.

According to Archbishop John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan of Abuja, the surprising
thing was that Christians were singled out for attacks by Muslims enraged by
the Miss World event, given that the beauty pageant was a "purely a secular
project." Just like our Gujarat it is believed that the reason for inciting
violence seems political as elections are scheduled to be held next year.

None of those christians affected might have ever expected on that faithful
day to find their lives suddenly uprooted. None of them must have ever
expected that they were chosen to be one with Christ in experiencing
sufferings and rejection. Like us they too were followers of Christ leading
normal 'daily lives'. I wondered how many of them during those faithful hours
must have questioned their faith. Sure like St, Peter there were some
Christians who retaliated and attacked their Perpetrators.

The report in Zenit.org further goes on to say that according to Archbishop
Onaiyekan, Christians right now are terrified in the wake of the riots, and
many are ready to flee their homes at the slightest sign of further violence.

So dear JYs let us not forget to pray for our bretheren whom we cannot reach
out to but who depend our Prayers as they face one more night of uncertainity.
May the Lord give us all strength in the time of our trials. May the might of
his strength be witnessed in the power  he gives us to not only forgive but to
love our enemies and may his peace be always with us.

urs in faith


This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
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Re: [JOYnet] JOYnet gatherings....

2002-12-05 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I think Mathew has hit on an amazing idea. An all Joynet Meeting in the
respective cities. Why not all India Joynet Meet for atleast a day or
something. I think it would be real cool if someone was to come up with such
a thing and organise something like that.

Personally in Mumbai I have actually met atleast 10 Joynetters and atleast 3
ex-Joynetters and the experience was really tremendous. I think it would be
real wonderful to have such a Meeting wherein all the Joynetters not only
from a particular city from all over India and if possible outside India
meet together atleast once a year in Fellowship in Christ

urs in faith


- Original Message -
From: Mathew Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 3:06 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] JOYnet gatherings...

> Hello Friends,
> Nice to hear that the UAE JOYnet gathering is happening
> on 06-Dec.  Wishing you all a JOYful time!
> I think this is a very good initiative which others also can
> follow.  If we can have similar gatherings in other places also,
> then it will be great...
> We had a couple of JOYnet gatherings here in Bangalore.
> We had lot of fun and suspense in meeting the JOYnet
> friends for the first time.  We knew them for so long..
> But meeting the first time and guessing the face was
> real fun   We had people like our Colombo suresh and
> Giju and Joby from Chennai with us..
> hey, when are we going to hear about JOYnet gatherings in USA,
> UK, Singapore, Delhi, Gujarat, Bombay, Chennai, Cochin etc.. etc..???
> It is high time we start reaching out from the virtual world... right??
> The first step towards global evangelisation which is the JOYnet goal...
> what do you all say
> Mathew Joseph
> Bangalore, India.
> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
> For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
> To subscribe to the list visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join
> To get a standard help message on the list services send a mail to
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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To get a standard help message on the list services send a mail to
In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact

[JOYnet] Kerala Village puts Lawyers out of Job.

2002-11-28 Thread Jason :)
This Article appeared today in Rediff.com. Just an example of one of the
marvellous ways how the spirit is moving and how the lord is working.

Malathy and Parukutty had not spoken to each other for years, though the
sisters lived barely a stone's throw from each other in Thichur village,
Thrissur district, central Kerala. The two married sisters had a dispute over
land bequeathed by their father.

The sisters were on the verge of hiring separate lawyers to fight for their
slice of parental real estate when Jananeethi (People's Initiative), a social
service organisation, stepped in. It changed the lives of Malathy and
Parukutty. It also transformed the entire Thichur village.

Thichur, once wracked by innumerable court cases, is today probably India's
first and only litigation free village. So much so that the Atal Bihari
Vajpayee government, on coming to hear about this village, asked Jananeethi
activists to help model similar programmes across the country's rural areas so
that litigation among the people might at least decrease if not disappear.

"We thank Jananeethi for helping us unite," says Malathy, whose feud with
sister Parukutty is now resolved.

"We realized that our quarrel was not indeed over this piece of property but
over our individual unwillingness to look after our ageing mother," Parukutty

Families like Malathy and Parukutty have been united, foes have become friends
and lawyers have become jobless in Thichur, thanks to the innovative legal
scheme that Jananeethi, headed by Catholic priest Father George Pulikuthiyil,
has been implementing in the last couple of years.

Father Pulikuthiyil, a practising lawyer, says he is happy to see the village
that was once mired in a plethora of court cases transformed. "Earlier, raging
fights and scuffles used to be an everyday affair here. Now it is a peaceful
village. People have realized that they can live in harmony if they do not
have legal cases to fight on," the priest points out.

The people in Thichur, an obscure village some 130 kilometres north of Kochi,
are generally poor. P K Saudamini, a local politician who joined hands with
the priest to launch the litigation-free campaign, says the village has some
520 households.

"But legal fights over properties used to be a daily affair in our village.
There are families that went into economic ruins because they hired expensive
lawyers to fight property cases. Now people have stopped going after lawyers
and spending their time and money in courts cases," she says.

When Father Pulikuthiyil confronted Malathy and Parukutty about the futility
of hiring lawyers, he says they were initially hesitant. But the priest says
that the idea of launching a legal campaign to end litigation in the village
came to him that day.

"I knew homes where brothers and sisters lived together but never spoke with
each other because of property disputes. I knew fathers and sons fighting over
worthless lands. I wanted to change the social system because here, the court
cases came up due to poverty," explains the priest.

The landholdings in Thichur are small. Most men are engaged in agricultural
labour. The womenfolk earn their living from agricultural work or working as
domestic maids with the rich families in the neighbouring villages. The men
spend a considerable part of their income on alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. In
fact, in most of these families, the poor illiterate women are the
breadwinners who look after themselves and their children.

Father Pulikuthiyil and a team of law students who assisted him identified
that legal cases in Thichur had a bearing on their poverty. "A large number of
complaints were related to the colonies being denied water, electricity,
sanitation facilities, etc. The court cases were also related to the payment
of dowry, money lending and property disputes," said the priest.

At the end of their survey, the priest found that the 520 Thichur families in
the village were fighting 264 court cases that included criminal and civil
cases, family disputes, and litigation against various government offices like
the Kerala State Electricity Board and the state Water Authority.

Soon, Father Pulikuthiyil met with government officers, legal professionals,
and the local politicians and people and convinced them of his litigation-free
village idea. He set up a Harmony Committee that consisted of legal experts
and social activists to listen to various cases.

Says Jasmin Joseph, a lawyer and one of the committee members, "Our effort was
to change the mindset of the people that fighting their cases in courts is a
waste of their time, energy and money." The committee members met every week
in a clove-cigarette warehouse to use patience and pressure on the litigants.

"Our argument to the local villagers was that they should give up court cases
and settle them in the committee. When we investigated deep into some cases,
we were wonder-stuck that people were fighting 

[JOYnet] All About Prayer .

2002-11-27 Thread Jason :)
All About Prayer

Perhaps one reson God delays His answers to our prayers is because He knows we
need to be with Him far more than we need the things we ask of Him.
Ben Patterson

When God entrusts you with a special prayer burden,accept it with joy and be
faithful to it. It is a special commission from the Lord.
Wesley L. Duewel

Keep praying, but be thankful that God's answers are wiser than your prayers.
William Culbertson

God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.
Mother Teresa

Many a fellow is praying for rain with his tub the wrong side up.
Sam Jones

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge
even where there is no river. - Nikita Khrushchev

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
To subscribe to the list visit
To get a standard help message on the list services send a mail to
In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact

Re: [JOYnet] NASA proves the bible is true!

2002-11-18 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I would like to mention something regarding this mail. First of all I would
like to apologise to my dear Friend Sheril in case I do offend her with this
mail. However since this mail has appeared a number of times on JY I would
like to state that the whole NASA incident is an absolute HOAX.

True our Lord is the Lord of Science and whatever is discovered is actually
his revelation to us. However sometimes as a matter of overzeal for the Lord
people do tend to fabricate matter intending to lead others to him.
Sometimes it works. However in many cases when they do find out that it was
all a bunch of baloney in the very first place then their faith does get
deflated like air from a baloon. I think before people should aware of Such
Instances before creating such Rumours.

Our Lord is the Lord of truth and he doesnt needs lies so that others may
follow him. This can be further confirmed in Romans 3:7

for further clarification on this story visit:

urs in faith


[Romans 3 : 7 - But what if my untruth serves God's glory by making his
truth stand out more clearly? Why should I still be condemned as a sinner?
8 - Why not say the then, "Let us do evil so that good may come"?]

- Original Message -
From: sheril daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 5:56 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] NASA proves the bible is true!

> Hi dear friends!
> For all of you who think its not possible to be a scientist and a
christian at the same time, heres' something really interesting! and it just
shows that science leads to God and not that science is a different path.
everything should and will lead to God. and i just feel that being a
scientist, or having a scientific incline to the way one thinks, is also
advantageous because God shows us and explains much through that. we can
glorify Him through science and prove alot to the world we live in. That God
is no myth, and the bible is the WORD. by the way, what i'm saying has
nothing to do with vasthshastra (the current hot topic!!!). and i am so
inspired by joseph uncle's mail about his personal experience and how he has
depended solely on his faith and has not let any superstitions or "cultural
beliefs" affect him in anyway.
> with love in Jesus
> sheril
> Subject:(Fwd) (Fwd) NASA Proves the Bible is true
> Priority:   normal
> Date forwarded: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:18:46 +0200
> Subject:(Fwd) NASA Proves the Bible is true
> For all you scientists out there and for all the students who have a
> hard time
> convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's
> something that
> shows God's awesome creation and shows that He's still in control.
> Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been
> called "myth" in the Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill. President of the
> Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore Maryland and a consultant in
> the space program relates the following development:
> >   > >
> >   > >I think one of the most amazing things that God has for us
> today
> >   > >happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at
> Green
> >   > >Belt, Maryland.
> >   > >
> >   > >They were checking the position of the sun, moon, and
> planets out
> >   in
> >   > >space where they would be 100 years and 1000 years from now.
> We
> >   have
> >   > >to know this so we won't send a satellite up, and have it
> bump
> >   into
> >   > >something later on its orbits. We have to lay out the orbits
> in
> >   terms of>
> >   >the
> >   > >life of the satellite, and where the planets will be so the
> whole
> >   thing>
> >   >will
> >   > >not bog down.
> >   > >
> >   > >They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the
> >   centuries
> >   > >and it came to a halt. The computer stopped and put up a red
> >   signal, which
> >   > >meant that there was something wrong either with the
> information
> >   fed
> >   > >into it or with the results as compared to the standards.
> >   > >
> >   > >They called in the service department to check it out and
> they
> >   said.
> >   > >What's wrong?" Well, they found there is a day missing in
> space
> in
> >   > >elapsed time. They scratched their heads and tore their
> hair.
> >   There

Re: [JOYnet] NASA proves the bible is true!

2002-11-18 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I would like to mention something regarding this mail. First of all I would
like to apologise to my dear Friend Sheril in case I do offend her with this
mail. However since this mail has appeared a number of times on JY I would
like to state that the whole NASA incident is an absolute HOAX.

True our Lord is the Lord of Science and whatever is discovered is actually
his revelation to us. However sometimes as a matter of overzeal for the Lord
people do tend to fabricate matter intending to lead others to him.
Sometimes it works. However in many cases when they do find out that it was
all a bunch of baloney in the very first place then their faith does get
deflated like air from a baloon. It is such instances that we should be
aware of before people crop up something so unnaturally untrue. Our Lord is
the Lord of truth and he doesnt needs lies so that others may follow him.
This can be further confirmed in Romans 3:7

for further clarification on this story visit:

urs in faith


[Romans 3 : 7 - But what if my untruth serves God's glory by making his
truth stand out more clearly? Why should I still be condemned as a sinner?
8 - Why not say the then, "Let us do evil so that good may come"?]

The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE ~ Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE ~ Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE ~ That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE ~ Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 YEARS OF AGE ~ Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wonder what Mom would have thought about  it?
65 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wish I could talk it over with Mom
- Original Message -
From: sheril daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 5:56 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] NASA proves the bible is true!

> Hi dear friends!
> For all of you who think its not possible to be a scientist and a
christian at the same time, heres' something really interesting! and it just
shows that science leads to God and not that science is a different path.
everything should and will lead to God. and i just feel that being a
scientist, or having a scientific incline to the way one thinks, is also
advantageous because God shows us and explains much through that. we can
glorify Him through science and prove alot to the world we live in. That God
is no myth, and the bible is the WORD. by the way, what i'm saying has
nothing to do with vasthshastra (the current hot topic!!!). and i am so
inspired by joseph uncle's mail about his personal experience and how he has
depended solely on his faith and has not let any superstitions or "cultural
beliefs" affect him in anyway.
> with love in Jesus
> sheril
> Subject:(Fwd) (Fwd) NASA Proves the Bible is true
> Priority:   normal
> Date forwarded: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:18:46 +0200
> Subject:(Fwd) NASA Proves the Bible is true
> For all you scientists out there and for all the students who have a
> hard time
> convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's
> something that
> shows God's awesome creation and shows that He's still in control.
> Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been
> called "myth" in the Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill. President of the
> Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore Maryland and a consultant in
> the space program relates the following development:
> >   > >
> >   > >I think one of the most amazing things that God has for us
> today
> >   > >happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at
> Green
> >   > >Belt, Maryland.
> >   > >
> >   > >They were checking the position of the sun, moon, and
> planets out
> >   in
> >   > >space where they would be 100 years and 1000 years from now.
> We
> >   have
> >   > >to know this so we won't send a satellite up, and have it
> bump
> >   into
> >   > >something later on its orbits. We have to lay out the orbits
> in
> >   terms of>
> >   >the
> >   > >life of the satellite, and where the planets will be so the
> whole
> >   thing>
> >   >will
> >   > >not bog down.
> >   > >
> >   > >They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the
> >  

Re: [JOYnet] NASA proves the bible is true!

2002-11-18 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I would like to mention something regarding this mail. First of all I would
like to apologise to my dear Friend Sheril in case I do offend her with this
mail. However since this mail has appeared a number of times on JY I would
like to state that the whole NASA incident is an absolute HOAX.

True our Lord is the Lord of Science and whatever is discovered is actually
his revelation to us. However sometimes as a matter of overzeal for the Lord
people do tend to fabricate matter intending to lead others to him.
Sometimes it works. However in many cases when they do find out that it was
all a bunch of baloney in the very first place then their faith does get
deflated like air from a baloon. It is such instances that we should be
aware of before people crop up something so unnaturally untrue. Our Lord is
the Lord of truth and he doesnt needs lies so that others may follow him.
This can be further confirmed in Romans 3:7

for further clarification on this story visit:

urs in faith


[Romans 3 : 7 - But what if my untruth serves God's glory by making his
truth stand out more clearly? Why should I still be condemned as a sinner?
8 - Why not say the then, "Let us do evil so that good may come"?]

The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE ~ Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE ~ Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE ~ That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE ~ Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 YEARS OF AGE ~ Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wonder what Mom would have thought about  it?
65 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wish I could talk it over with Mom
- Original Message -
From: sheril daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 5:56 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] NASA proves the bible is true!

> Hi dear friends!
> For all of you who think its not possible to be a scientist and a
christian at the same time, heres' something really interesting! and it just
shows that science leads to God and not that science is a different path.
everything should and will lead to God. and i just feel that being a
scientist, or having a scientific incline to the way one thinks, is also
advantageous because God shows us and explains much through that. we can
glorify Him through science and prove alot to the world we live in. That God
is no myth, and the bible is the WORD. by the way, what i'm saying has
nothing to do with vasthshastra (the current hot topic!!!). and i am so
inspired by joseph uncle's mail about his personal experience and how he has
depended solely on his faith and has not let any superstitions or "cultural
beliefs" affect him in anyway.
> with love in Jesus
> sheril
> Subject:(Fwd) (Fwd) NASA Proves the Bible is true
> Priority:   normal
> Date forwarded: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:18:46 +0200
> Subject:(Fwd) NASA Proves the Bible is true
> For all you scientists out there and for all the students who have a
> hard time
> convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's
> something that
> shows God's awesome creation and shows that He's still in control.
> Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been
> called "myth" in the Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill. President of the
> Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore Maryland and a consultant in
> the space program relates the following development:
> >   > >
> >   > >I think one of the most amazing things that God has for us
> today
> >   > >happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at
> Green
> >   > >Belt, Maryland.
> >   > >
> >   > >They were checking the position of the sun, moon, and
> planets out
> >   in
> >   > >space where they would be 100 years and 1000 years from now.
> We
> >   have
> >   > >to know this so we won't send a satellite up, and have it
> bump
> >   into
> >   > >something later on its orbits. We have to lay out the orbits
> in
> >   terms of>
> >   >the
> >   > >life of the satellite, and where the planets will be so the
> whole
> >   thing>
> >   >will
> >   > >not bog down.
> >   > >
> >   > >They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the
> >  

[JOYnet] 2 Prayer Requests

2002-11-16 Thread Jason :)
These are the 2 Prayer Requests I received for this week. Kindly keep them in
ur Prayers


Dear Praying Friends,
Requesting you all to pray for my brother Austin.  I had requested prayers for
him because he was an alchoholic.  By God's grace he was able to go through
the rehab programme of AA.  Since the last six months he is away from alcohol.
Last week there was an ad. in the newspaper for a company. He got through the
interview and is selected for the job.  But his medicals reports are not upto
the mark.  The blood report is showing hepatitis c. and the count is .238 and
the doctors say it is negligible.  It will take 2-3
months for the blood count to be normal.  After seeing the report he is
depressed because he might lose this job opportunity.  Please pray that God
may strengthen him and that he feels better soon and able to take up a job and
support himself and his family. God has been kind to him.  When I look back I
know His hand was upon him and protected him from so many incidents inspite of
all the disobedience.  He has accepted Christ and attempting to walk in the
light and truth of our Lord Jesus.
Sincerely,  Diana [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lord please help my friend see that you are not a God of punishment but of

The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE ~ Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE ~ Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE ~ That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE ~ Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 YEARS OF AGE ~ Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wonder what Mom would have thought about  it?
65 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wish I could talk it over with Mom

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
To subscribe to the list visit
To get a standard help message on the list services send a mail to
In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact

Re: [JOYnet] Re: Vasthu shastra - Culture and Belief

2002-11-16 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

Amid simmering discussion and all I guess we all are missing the point here.
We are all Scientific Youth. The very fact that we are mailing out here on
JY shows that we are a part of being a Scientific Youth... hehe... or else
we would be writing letters and posting it with saliva applied stamps
(winks). Its when u place more faith in Science than in God that the problem
actually arises. More like have strong belief in the Creation rather than
the Creator.

Now again let me tell you about Vastu Shastra. Vastu Shastra sure seems to
be the Science of Architecture. But there is a purpose for applying this
Science. Our Churches may have applied some architectural grace to their
structures. I do know from my old elders that they believed that since the
Lord Jesus Christ was born in the East it is good to have ur house facing
the East. So that early morning u get up and greet the Sun / Son. Maybe that
is why some Churches do face the East. But let me tell you that this has
nothing to do with Vastu Shastra. Because according to Vastu Shastra this is
what is required of a Place of Worship.

1. Room for prayer and meditation [Chapel / Altar] is recommended to be in
the north-east corner of the house.
2. Deity or image of god [Statutes] should not face the south direction.
Ideal positions are such that you face east or west while praying

Now if as some of you say that earlier Churches were 'only' built using
Vastu Shastra please check in those churches or ur own church where your
Room for prayer is located, where the statues are facing. Can u now say that
Vastu Shastra were applied to them.

Since my Boss is a member of pro hindu fundamental group I was able to get
some further knowledge on Vastu Shastra. You'll be shocked. Because this was
also present in a Website.

Vastu, as the legend in Matsya Purana goes, was born out of the sweat of
Lord Shiva while fighting and killing a giant called 'Andhakasur' meaning
dark giant. The Vastu purush (personified) is lying down on the entire Earth
with his head towards the North-East and feet at the South-West points of
the Earth. Brahma, the creator of the universe and other Devas, granted him
a boon to satisfy his immense hunger that whosoever constructs buildings on
Earth shall offer Pooja (worship) to him and make offerings if they want to
enjoy health, wealth and prosperity in their new buildings. This is how
Vastu Pooja came to be performed before starting the construction of any new

Vastu is the science of architecture of ancient India. Vastu, in Sanskrit
means nature, a surroundings or environment. The word Vaastu came from
Vastu, denoting anything existing such as a house, shelter, building etc.
Shastra in Sanskrit means a system.
Vastu is applied to dwelling sites and Vaastu to proper dwellings. They are
nearly synonymous.

Now I ask you again. Can u now say that our Churches have used Vastu
Shastra. Can u now say that as Christ followers we can induce this in our
Culture where we trust ourselves and not God that since our establishment is
VASTU COMPLIANT we r gonna lead a nice peaceful and harmonous life. As
Christians do you still believe that we can apply so called GOOD ASPECTS of
Vastu Shastra that speaks of peace and prosperity through our dwellings
[materialistic] rather than through God.

As a honest confession, I can only say that Vastu Shastra helped me at one
time. (surprised ). I had a friend who kept his bed in the north - south
direction and always slept with his head facing the East [He told me it was
VS but later I heard even Feung Shui has somewhat the same practices]. So
whenever I visited him I knew which direction the Sun was gonna rise...
hehehe besides that as a lover of Christ I have never had any use for
this Shastra. do u ???

urs in faith


- Original Message -
From: george kuriakose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 10:25 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Re: Vasthu shastra - Culture and Belief

> Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ,
> As Mary said in her E-mail, we should clearly
> distinguish between our Beleif and our Culture.
> In India we Christians do a lot of things as part
> of culture and not as part of our beleif.
> For example we light crackers during Diwali Not
> because we beleive in Hinduism.
> Indian Christians have always fought to preserve thier
> culture.The Pope himself have accepted the Prayers and
> culture of the Malankara Catholics.What does that say?
> Jesus himself followed the Jewish culture because
> he was born in that place.I have never read anywhere
> that Jesus put on a suit of clothes or Pyjamas or
> Dhoti.He wore the same dress as Jews and did what the
> Jews did and opposed the wrong things that the Jews
> did at that time
> I don't think Jesus has a problem in we doing the same
> in any country B

Re: [JOYnet] Holy Piracy !!

2002-11-15 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I agree with Sindhu and Abby Abraham that piracy is really detrimental to
the artists whose lives depends on the sales of their hard earned effort.
However in terms of spirituality I have a query. I have with me over 1800
spiritual songs in the form of MP3s. Most of the collection I have are not
available in any Cassette shop or any CD Shop. If they were avaiable I would
have certainly gone all out and bought it. But they arent. Sometimes as a
method of evangelisation I do covert these songs into Audio format and then
make around 4-5 tapes and then circulate them among my non charismatic
catholic friends so that they know what praise music is all about. Sometimes
when I pray I feel inspired to record and arrange some songs in a particular
Order. I basically do this only for English songs and foreign artistes.

As discussed it does look like piracy. Should I stop it. I am certainly
blessed with a wonderful collection. If it is a sin then I certainly will
stop what I am doing. Please advise.

urs in faith


- Original Message -
From: sindhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: joynet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Holy Piracy !!

> hello family,
> I once heard Vinay Kamat from B'lore saying millions of money is stolen
> every year by copying spiritual cassettes,Cds videos books etc. which he
> called Christian piracy..That was the first time i heard of of it. Seems
> be done with good intention ,even then  its nothing but piracy.
> In Joyful communion,
>  Sindhu,
> Chicago,USA.
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Re: [JOYnet] vasthu Shastra

2002-11-14 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs.

In my hurry to type an immediate reply I made some grammertical errors
please read them as follows.

Para 1: No Change

Para 2:  No Change

Para 3: No Change

Para 4: No change

Para 5:  If Vaastu was something Good then we would have found various
example of its use in our Holy Book since Vastu is  believed to be present
since ages. [cancel "it" after "is"]

Para 6: No Change

Para 7: Ill conclude with on this note which I personally feel. [cancel "a"
before "on"]

Israel first removed the Lord from their sight. ["his" is replaced by

urs in faith


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Re: [JOYnet] vasthu Shastra

2002-11-14 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

This is really an interesting discussion that has cropped up on Vasthu
Shastra. In normal case I was planning to avoid this discussion if it wasnt
brought to my notice that one of the comments posted today by one of the
Joynetters really touched a wrong chord here. Generally some Indians in
recent times in the US are termed as ABCD - American Born Confused Desi. I
would like to term some of us as ABCD's too. through Almighty Born Confused
Disciples ... hehe. I am sorry I know I have no right to comments on others
but some of the comments made today were really detrimental 2 the Christian

Speaking of Vasthu Shastra I would like to affirm the replies of people like
Ravi Sir and Jerry Sir. It is an unacceptable part of our Christian faith.
Like J did comment about adopting some of the Good aspects about it. Frankly
speaking I wonder what are the good aspects about it. To have it affirmed by
a Bible Scholar would mean that actually it has got to do with some
appeasable facts and nothing to do with Vastu Shastra at all. I cannot
figure how can one preach the Bible and Vastu Shastra at the same time. Its
like serving two masters. And Jesus did warn us about that right.

I was just going through some related matter on Vastu Shastra. There was a
question asked "Why should we follow Vastu?". The answer was simple "For an
orderly, useful, peaceful, beautiful life, planning is required". Hence
Vastu seeks relief in mattters regarding life life which is on earth. In
6:19 Jesus tells us not to store up riches for ourselves here on earth
because it is temperoray. Instead to store up riches for ourselves in heaven
for our hearts will always be where our riches are. Hence this goes against
the prececpts of Vastu which speaks about a rich life in different forms on
earth. Also St. Paul in 1 Timothy 2:2 gives an example that for a quiet and
peaceful life, Petitions, Prayers, Requests & Thanksgiving are to be offered
to God for All people. Not any form of Vastu Shastra.

The next query put was "What is the need of Vastu"? The Answer was
astonishing. Accordingly there is a need for Vastu because One sometimes
feels that, inspite of having all the required resources for acheiving
success in the world field, one is not getting the desired and the deserved
results. Again here Vastu speaks of controlling ur own life; piloting ur own
ship; taking matters in ur own hands something which goes against our
belief. One of the basic rudders in our Christian faith is that we arent the
authors of our life. According to Romans 3:25 the Lord offered his life for
us & by his death HE should be the means by which peoples sins are forgiven
through their FAITH in him. So our life is based on his Will.

If Vaastu was something Good then we would have found various example of its
use in our Holy Book since Vastu is it believed to be present since ages.
Take for example when St. Paul was facing persucution according to Acts
20:23 then he would have done some sort of Vastu. slept in some funny
position and everything would be alright. However even till his death St.
Paul exhorted every 1 to only one belief and that was to Turn away from Sins
Believe in Lord in Jesus [Acts. 20:21]

Today when people talk about Vastu Shastra they give example about how much
it has helped. However no one has ever spoke about how much it has not
helped about how much a failure it can be. My own Grandfather practices
Vastu Shastra and believe me I can certainly tell you about the so called
Great impact it has on his life.

Ill conclude with a on this note which I personally feel.
For everything there is a price. For our sins Jesus paid the price.
In 2 Kings 17 : 13 the Lord through the prophets
asked the people of Israel to turn away from their sins and keep his
commandments and statutes for in v12 we read that they served Idols which
the Lord forbad them to do. Yet in v15 we read that they rejected the Lord
and finally in v18 we see the Lord removing Israel from his sight. Israel
first removed the Lord from his sight. By going after things such as Vastu
Shastru, Horoscopes etc. we remove our sight from the Lord. Anything in
which we put our trust in besides the Lord is an Idol. for an Idol could be
our way of saying.

I D O L  - - > I Do not Observe Lord.

urs in faith


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2002-11-13 Thread Jason :)
When I was in the sixth grade, I wrote a love note to Joyce Louise Gentry.
She's now my bride and my beloved. Do you know she still has that note? From
that time on she began to take an interest in me. Do you know why she loves
me? Because I first loved her. Do you know what the Bible is? It is God's love
letter to you. It is God saying to you, "I have set my eye upon you. I love
you!" You're not saved by doing good works. You're not saved by joining a
church. You are saved by the grace of God that said, "I love you" first.

1 John 4:19 "We love Him, because He first loved us."


Adrain Rogers

The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE ~ Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE ~ Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE ~ That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE ~ Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 YEARS OF AGE ~ Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wonder what Mom would have thought about  it?
65 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wish I could talk it over with Mom

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[JOYnet] God bless you all is my prayer today

2002-11-08 Thread Jason :)




Dear God,
I'm writing to say I'm sorry
For being angry yesterday
When you seemed to ignore my prayer
And things didn't go my way

First, my car broke down
I was very late for work
But I missed that awful accident
Was that your handiwork?

I found a house I loved
But others got there first
I was angry, then relieved
When I heard the pipes had burst!

Yesterday, I found the perfect dress
But the color was too pale
Today, I found the dress in red
Would you believe, it was on sale!

I know you're watching over me
And I'm feeling truly blest
For no matter what I pray for
You always know what's best!

I have this circle of E-mail friends,
Who mean the world to me;
Some days I "send" and "send",
At other times, I let them be.

When I see each name download,
And view the message they've sent;
I know they've thought of me! that day,
And "well wishes" were their intent.

I am so blessed to have these friends,
With whom I've grown so close;
So this little poem I dedicate to them,
Because to me they are the "Most"!

So to you, my friends, I would like to say,
Thank you for being a part;
Of all my daily contacts,
This comes right from my heart.

God bless you all is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until we write again.

God Bless You,

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[JOYnet] Reason : Copyright

2002-11-07 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I am a bit confused about something which has been worrying me for quite some
time and this is regarding Copyrights.

Why are Spiritual Songs Copyrighted if it is meant to help us to grow
spiritually and closer to the Lord.

Why are even preachings and teachings of renowned spiritualists and writers
copyrighted. Arent they meant to help us in matter of faith formation.

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] God - U and I - Dance

2002-11-06 Thread Jason :)
This is excellent reflection but author is unknown to me.



When I meditated on the word guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of
the word.  I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.
When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.  The movement doesn't
flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to
flow with the music.  One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the
back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.  It's as if two
become one body, moving beautifully.  The dance takes surrender,
willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and
skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word guidance.  When I saw "G," I thought of God,
followed by "u" and "i."

"God, "u" and "i" dance."  God, you, and I dance.  This statement is what
guidance means to me.

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance
about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies be upon you
and your family on this day and everyday.  May you  abide in Him as He
abides in you.  Dance together with God, trusting Him to lead and to guide
you through each season of your life.

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[JOYnet] Query : God or Parents ??

2002-10-29 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I have a very intereting Query which was asked to me recently.

If Following God's Will meant disobeying our Parents which should we choose.

Obeying his will and disobeying our Parents.


Ignoring his will and obeying our Parents.

urs in faith


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Re: [JOYnet] Ecuador - Garapatas

2002-10-28 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs I was going through this message. The Prayer submitted by Ravi is
wonderful. However I think a word of caution is needed here. It can be said
when you are not able to go for Mass. Not when u dont want to go for Mass :)

urs in faith


---Original Message---

From: Ravi Vaz
Date: Monday, October 28, 2002 05:08:50 PM
To: dr.jomon; joynet; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: sindhu
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Ecuador - Garapatas

Hi joynetters,
Here is a Small prayer the saints of the church have used down the
generations when they couldnt recieve the eucharist physically, I say it
whenever i cannot go for mass, which is most of the time actually.
It is called "the spiritual communion".
It goes thus.." Dear Lord Jesus, I cannot recieve you physically today, but
right now i recieve you spiritually as my lord and saviour, come into my
heart with your body, your blood ,your soul and your divinity. Amen."
Use it urself and then teach this to ur non christian friends who will bless
u for it.
Love and prayers
"dr.jomon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:praying for all of you

while reading this ido remember some instants how the non baptised

worry during the Holy Mass, they attend The Holy Mass whole heartedly

and do weep during Eucarist distribution.two of my prayer group members are
like this

1.abhanya, 3rd year B.Sc,Nursing student,L.F.Hospital Angamaly,

2.Radhika, 3rd year M.C.A.STUDENT, De Paul college Angamaly

I do remember that our Sinthai used to receive Jesus shake hands

from her prayer mates after they receive Jesus. the theory behind it is that

each and every cell will be filled with the power of our Lord when one

Him. It can be perceived or shared with a simple shake hand, isn't it

---Original Message---

From: rafi kootumkal
Date: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:07:43 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Ecuador - Garapatas

Dear Friends in Jesus!
I am Fr. Rafi Kootumkal, again from the mission of
All our people here convey their prayers and best
regards to each one of you on the Joy Net.
I send this mail to you so that you, the previlaged
youth of Jesus, may pray for a young girl, Miriam, who
has a great desire to recieve Jesus as the Lord of her
I met her yesterday in a mission village. We had to
walk for a long time throgh the jungle to reach that
place. When we reached the village all of us started
scratching our body with our nails , because our dress
and body was full of a tiny insect called Garapata. It
is too small that we can very hardly see it. But it
will bite us like anything that we can't help
scratching and scratchingBecause of this insect we
had to delay the Holy Mass 
But after some time,we started the Mass joyfully.All
were praying and singing very well. But after the
communion I noticed a young girl who was crying.After
the Mass I asked her why she was crying. First, she
did not answer me. But when I insisted, with shyness
she said: " Father, I have not yet recieved First
Communion. And when I saw people recieving Jesus, I
felt very sad that I could not recieve Him...That's
why I cried...Father, I want to recieve Communion"
I promised her to prepare her for the First Communion.
When I came back from there I was thinking : Many of
our youth have all the oppertuny to recieve Jesus in
the Communion..still, don't have the desire to recieve
Him..This girl, even though lives inside the jungles
of Ecuador, how much longs for the Lord!!
Please pray for the youth of South America, especially
for those who don't get a chance to experience Jusus.
Well, now I have to boil all my clothes and everything
to kill all the Garapatas...
See you all
God bless you
Fr. Rafi

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[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of

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[JOYnet] Magical 4

2002-10-22 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

Its really hard to believe that Joynet has completed around 4 years. Its
really wonderful to get two good news in such a short span of time. One of
Joynet crossing over 1000 Members just two weeks ago and now Joynet completing
4 years.

Reminds me of the time I had joined Joynet by pure accident. It was around
March last year. I was browsing through the net because I was searching for
Rex Band Tapes. Someone referred jesusyouth.org site. I saw there was a
mailing list column and I just put my id expecting spiritual newsletters. What
happened next is something unexplainable. From not only getting wonderful
mails and sharings I was even able to actually meet some wonderful joynetters.

I am sure many of you have your stories to share regarding how much being a
part of Joynet means to ya all or how ya first joined joynet etc. It would be
really wonderful if u could share them across.

urs in faith


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Re: [JOYnet] "Corpus Christi": A US film

2002-10-21 Thread Jason :)
Sad very Sad. regarding this.

Sad... not regarding the film or play. But sad because I see a list
of 484 people who got April Fool by October 2002 itself. I think among all
the discussion we had here on JY this Corpus Christi is the one of the most
which is regularly discussed as the most common of hoaxes.

The Truth is out there as the says goes. So if u search sites like
www.truthorfiction.com or many more u will come across more hoaxes. However
regarding this issue I would like you all to know that there exist no such
play. But a gay pornographic film depicting the same ideal has already been
released some time ago. Not only that, as confirmatory proof there are
various such films depicting people in clergy clothing in real bad taste.

Recently I was shocked myself when one night on Zee MGM , a popular movie
channel in India esp here in Mumbai, had showed a movie involving people in
clergy clothing in flirtatous state and in real bad state. Since we dont
have any strong Pro-life groups out here i guess the movie just passed
unnoticed without any objections.

Well I am sure many of you have decided to pray over this matter as a matter
of total surrender to our Lord. However, preferable if some1 is inspired to
do something about it all may the Lord's hand be with u always to guide u.

Be blessed,

urs in faith


Kindly Note I am always supportive of an open discussion
So if any of u can add anything to the above do share them across.

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school
for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made
a note, and posted on the apple tray, "Take only one. God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a
large pile of chocolate chip cookies. One child whispered to another,
"Take all you want. God is watching the apples."
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] "Corpus Christi": A US film

> shibu joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 19/10/2002 01:53:25 PM
> cc:
> Subject:  [JOYnet] "Corpus Christi": A US film
> Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:06:43 +0530
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
> To: "Jesus Youth Joynet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Loving all,
> Pl. read the mail below..Does anybody know abt. this? Anyway, let's
> pray and ask
> for Lord's blessing on those who try to do this.
> luv n prayers
> george
> --
> >
> > Hello ALL,
> >
> >   A disgusting film set to appear in America later this year depicts
> Jesus
> > and  his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been
> in
> theatres for  a while. It's called "Corpus Christi" which means "The
> Christ
> Body." It's a  revolting mockery of our Lord. But we can make a
> difference.
> That's why I am  sending this e-mail to you. Will you please add your
> name to
> the bottom of the  list at the end of this e-mail? If you do,  then
> together we
> may be able to  prevent this film from showing in America.
> >
> >   Hey, it's worth a shot! Apparently, some regions in Europe have
> already
> > banned the film. All we need is a lot of signatures! Remember, Jesus
> said
> > "Deny  me on earth and I'll deny you before of my Father". Please
> copy this
> message  "Ctrl C" (ie. Please don't just forward it!!!) Paste the text
> in a new
> e-mail "Ctrl V", then add your name to the list and send it to all your
> friends.
> >
> >   When the list you sign reaches 500 names, please send it to:
> >
> >
> >
> >   der=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=brief>
> >
> >   1. Kipi Kaakimaka
> >   2. Noa Kaakimaka
> >   3. Louise M. Bush
> >   4. Darnell "Kookie" Pa
> >   5. Raymond Rivera
> >   6. Ever A. Cruz
> >   7. Barbara Nahinu
> >   8. Sonia Keliikipi
> >   9. Barbara T. UIagalelei
> >   10. Zilpher L.(Selepa) Tenari
> >   1

[JOYnet] God of Small Things - by OS Hilman

2002-10-18 Thread Jason :)
God of Small Things - O.S. Hilman

Who despises the day of small things?
- (Zechariah 4:10)

Life is filled with a series of small things that can amount to something big.
Have you ever considered why the God of the universe came to earth and spent
33 years identifying with mankind through work? Jesus grew up as a carpenter's
son and, no doubt, learned the trade from His daily routine of helping His
father. For 30 years He worked. When it was time for Him to begin to fulfill
His purpose for mankind, He told countless stories of people and their work.
He told stories of landowners, farmers, fishermen, tax collectors, and so on.
He related to the everyday man because He Himself was one. This is why it was
important for Him to have some personal work experience.

Life is filled with daily routines. Every now and then, God takes us to the
mountaintop to experience His presence in a dramatic way. This is not the
norm. It was not the norm for those in the Bible either. Moses spent 40 years
in preparation. Paul spent a great deal of his life working toward the wrong
purpose until a dramatic event changed his life. Jacob spent 20 years working
for Laban.

God uses work to develop character qualities that He plans to use at the
appropriate time. In the small things we develop trustworthiness with God. The
day-in and day-out grind of working life molds us and makes us into what God
desires. God may still be preparing you for something far greater. For now,
however, you are learning the daily lessons of small things. Pray that you
will be faithful.

Dear JYs, the above is a reproduction of a sharing by OS Hilman.
Should any facts be disputable according 2 u kindly share it across.
urs in faith

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school
for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made
a note, and posted on the apple tray, "Take only one. God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a
large pile of chocolate chip cookies. One child whispered to another,
"Take all you want. God is watching the apples."

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[JOYnet] Re: Musical Reckoning ?

2002-10-16 Thread Jason :)

Dear JYs

I remeber asking you wonderful ppl about which Christian Music do u really
love listening to. I had got a very minimal response. But whatever response I
have received I am posting it out here for the benefit of others who also are
interested in listening to Spiritual Music. In case any of you do know some
more Christian Artiste who sing Spritual Music can u please share it out here.

Seena George -
Don Moen, Hosanna Music Ministries

Sindhu, Chicago,USA.
Carman,Michael Card,John Michael Talbot,Amy Grant,Twila Paris, Rebecca
St.James,Petra,Steven Curtis Chapman,Bob Carlisle,Michael .w.smith,
Rich Mullins,Bryan Duncan,Sandi Patty,Ray Boltz,Phil Kaeggy...
Then  cassetes of Maranatha music inc,celebrant singers,Hosanna music etc

Abby Abraham
Micheal W Smith, Cheri Keaggy or  Don Moen

Meena Mathew-
Darlene Zschech, Don Moen is also very good

Hector Lewis -
John Michel Talbert & Ron Kenoly of the Hosana musics

Manoj Jose Nellary:
don moen, bob

Lisa Jose suggested the following online radio sites where Christian Music can
be listened to:
> If you have online radio, check out
> http://www.klove.com
> http://www.air1radio.com
> http://www.worldwideworship.com

there are many more i am sure,

urs in faith


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

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[JOYnet] Re: Urgent Prayer Request : Ravi Vaz

2002-10-08 Thread Jason :)

Kindly note with regards to this Prayer Request sent this morning, Ravi's
friend[Jose]'s Father expired somewhere around Mid-day today. Ravi would like
to thank all of you for taking time out to Pray.

urs in faith


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
  - Original Message -
  From: Jason :)
  Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:04 AM
  Subject: Urgent Prayer Request : Ravi Vaz

  Dear JYs

  Please pray for my Friends Father who is very serious at present.


  Ravi Vaz

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[JOYnet] Urgent Prayer Request : Ravi Vaz

2002-10-07 Thread Jason :)

Dear JYs

Please pray for my Friends Father who is very serious at present.


Ravi Vaz

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[JOYnet] Hello - Teachers' prayer group - From Joseph Sebastian

2002-10-07 Thread Jason :)

> hai dear pals on the JOYNET,
> Great to be connected to yu all. Well life has been bussy at Satara . Now
at Kottayam its doubly bussy. And tell you what I am really enjoying it. We
had the teachers gathering on the 2nd of October. Though many ideas came in
it was decided that we should have a prayer meeting for the teachers and
then go on as OUR LORD WILL LEAD US. The prayer meeting is schedule to BE
INAUGURATED MY OUR LORD tomorrow at 5.30 IST at Kottayam BCM college chapel.
Do pray for as we all know only those that is build my OUR FATHER will last.
> Another request is that those of you who have any experienc in teachers
minstry please get in touch with yur valuable experiences and suggestions.
> Yours in christ
> Joseph/Kottayam.

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[JOYnet] Need Some Info...

2002-10-03 Thread Jason :)

Dear JYs

I need some Info about the following:

1. The Campus Convention in Cochin this month.

2. Youth Retreat Meeting to be held in Chennai on the 12th.

Can anyone enlighten me on the above two.

urs in faith


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

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[JOYnet] Prolife : Nepal okays law legalising abortion

2002-09-28 Thread Jason :)

Please pray for this. Todays News : Source Mid-day

Kathmandu: A groundbreaking law approved by King Gyanendra legalises most
abortions in Nepal, where women who terminated their pregnancies formerly
could have faced a prison term.

The law also makes paedophilia a crime and allows women to inherit property
from their parents. Previously, there was no law against sexual abuse of
children in Nepal; the new statute makes paedophilia punishable by up to 16
years in prison.

Hundreds of Nepalese women die each year from complications arising from
unsafe abortions, and women's rights activists hope the new law will reduce
the maternal mortality rate

Use your talents.
The world would be silent if only the birds that sing the best would sing.

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[JOYnet] Musical Reckoning ?

2002-09-25 Thread Jason :)

Dear JYs

My question is simple.

Which Singer (of Spiritual Songs) do you love listening too?

Or simply

Which Gospel Singer do u dig

Or simply

Which Spiritual artist whether Indian or Foreign impresses you the most.

I want to enhance my Music Collection. So far names like Steve Kuban, Bob
Fitts seem common to me. But for the benefit of me and others out here can u
please share.

urs in faith


Use your talents.
The world would be silent if only the birds that sing the best would sing.

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[JOYnet] The Value of His Blood - an illustration

2002-09-24 Thread Jason :)

Hope this touches you today as it touched me.We must remember what Christ did
for us.  Sure hits homeplease read on

It's a Wednesday night and you are at a church prayer meeting when somebody
runs in from the parking lot and says, "Turn on a
radio, turn on a radio."

And while the church listens to a little transistor radio with a microphone
stuck up to it, the announcement is made: "Two women
are lying in a Long Island hospital dying from the mystery flu." Within hours
it seems, this thing just sweeps across the country.
People are working around the clock trying to find an antidote.

Nothing is working.  California, Oregon, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts.
It's as though it's just sweeping in from the borders.
And then, all of a sudden the news comes out.  The code has been broken. A
cure can be found.  A vaccine can be made.  It's going to take the blood of
somebody who hasn't been infected, and so, sure enough, all through the
Midwest, through all those channels of emergency broadcasting, everyone is
asked to do one simple thing: Go to your downtown hospital and have your blood
type taken.  That's all we ask of you.  When you hear the sirens go off in
your neighborhood, please make your way quickly, quietly, and safely to the
hospitals.  Sure enough, when you and your family get down there late on that
Friday night, there is a long line, and they've got nurses and doctors coming
out and pricking fingers and taking blood and putting labels on it.

Your wife and your kids are out there, and they take your blood type and they
say,   "Wait here in the parking lot and if we call your name, you can be
dismissed and go home."

You stand around, scared, with your neighbors, wondering what in the world is
going on and if this is the end of the world.

Suddenly a young man comes running out of the hospital screaming.He's yelling
a name and waving a clipboard.

What?  He yells it again!  And your son tugs on your jacket and says, "Daddy,
that's me." Before you know it, they have grabbed your boy.

Wait a minute. Hold on!

And they say, "It's okay, his blood is clean.  His blood is pure. We want to
make sure he doesn't have the disease.  We think he has got the  right type."

Five tense minutes later, out come the doctors and nurses, crying and hugging
one another-some are even laughing.  It's the first time you have seen anybody
laugh in a week, and an old doctor walks up to you and says, "Thank you, sir.
Your son's blood type is perfect.  It's clean, it is pure, and we can make the
vaccine." As the word begins to spread all across that parking lot full of
folks, people are screaming and praying and laughing and crying.

But then the gray-haired doctor pulls you and you wife aside and says,  "May
we see you for moment?  We didn't realize that the donor would be a minor and
we need ...  we need you to sign a consent form."

You begin to sign and then you see that the number of pints of blood to be
taken is empty.  "H-how many pints?"

And that is when the old doctor's smile fades and he says,"We had no idea it
would be little child.  We weren't prepared.  We need it all."

"But-but...You don't understand."

"We are talking about the world here.   Please sign.  We need it all!"

"But can't you give him a transfusion?"

"If we had clean blood we would.  Can you sign?  Would you sign?" In numb
silence, you do.

Then they say, "Would you like to have a moment with him before we begin?"

Can you walk back?  Can you walk back to that room where he sits on a table
saying, "Daddy?  Mommy?  What's going on?" Can you take his hands  and say,
"Son, your mommy and I love you, and we would never ever let anything happen
to you that didn't just have to be.  Do you understand that?"

And when that old doctor comes back in and says, "I'm sorry, we've-got  to get
started.  People all over the world are dying.

Can you leave?  Can you walk out while he is saying, "Dad?  Mom? Dad?  "Why,
why have you forsaken me?"

And then next week, when they have the ceremony to honor your son, and some
folks sleep through it, and some folks don't even come because they go to the
lake, and some folks come with a pretentious smile and just pretend to care.

Would you want to jump up and say, "MY SON DIED FOR YOU! DON'T YOU CARE?"

Is that what GOD wants to say?  "MY SON DIED FOR YOU.  DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH

Father God, seeing it from your eyes breaks our hearts.  Maybe now we can
begin to comprehend the great Love you have for us."


urs in faith



[JOYnet] The Lord Is My Programmer - This one is Good

2002-09-19 Thread Jason :)

The Lord is my Programmer
I shall not crash..

He installed His software on the hard disk of my

All of His commands are user friendly..

His Directory guides me
to the right choices for His name's sake..

Even though I scroll through the problems of life,
I will fear no bugs, for He is my backup..

His password protects me..

He prepares a menu before me
in the presence of my enemies..

His help in is only a keystroke away..

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me, all the days
of my life..

And my file will be merged with His and SAVED FOREVER!

God loves to decorate. God HAS to decorate. Let him live long enough in a
heart, & that heart will begin to change. Portraits of hurt will be replaced
by landscapes of grace. Walls of anger will be demolished & shaky foundations
restored. God can no more leave a life unchanged than a mother can leave a
child's tear untouched. ~ Max Lucado from "Just Like Jesus"

urs in faith


Use your talents.
The world would be silent if only the birds that sing the best would sing.

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[JOYnet] A Trip to Manor

2002-09-02 Thread Jason :)

Dear JYs

Ever since I have received a new lease of life, courtesy our great lord, he
has made me so much aware of his wonders that my heart can never stop

Last week my brother was invited by a Father from St. Xaviers College to visit
a remote village in Manor, Maharashtra. The father was in charge of the Aicuf
unit [a catholic youth body of the college, pr.]. On further prodding from my
brother the Priest agreed to let me come along. We were to supposed to spend
some time with the Advasis [Tribal] Children.

So Yesterday morning at 7.00 we all met at Santacruz Station. There were
around 30 of us. At around 7.30 the bus arrived. We almost left one of the
Priest out thanx to my brother who saw him just in time and we managed to halt
to bus. Praise God or else we would have been one Priest less.

In two hours we reached a place called The Shanti Seva Mandal which were run
by two Jesuit Preists. We all were amazed when we reached here because
basically both the Priest are lawyers. They were shouldering the
responsibility for fighting for the rights of the tribals. They had released
books for the tribals where tribals were educated on law matters. They had
also started a boarding and they were giving free education to the Boarders as
well as working children who were minor laborers. The one hour we spent there
was amazing as they share their joy and experience working for the
disadvantage and the threats they received to their life. Infact they even
told us of their working experience with Mrs. Navin who was stabbed recently
19 times to death because she was fighting for the tribals.

After that we had gone to Manor Village. Now the place we had gone was a hut
owned by Mr. Fernandes, a devout christian. Around 25 years in the prime of
his youth he had given up all the pleasures of life and shifted into this
remote village where he dedicated his life to service of the tribals. Mr.
Fernandes runs a boarding for 100 children. Since the children belong to the
poor tribals they werent able to afford education. Also they were always faced
scarcity of food. So Mr. Fernandes also gave them food, education material,
clothings etc.

As we neared the village there were many small children who were waiting to
greet us and ran alongside the bus. It really touched the hearts of all of us.
When we reached here the very first thing Mr. F'des made us all do was visit
the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and spend a short time in prayer. After that we
were made to mingle with the young children. It was so wonderful. We played
games with them. After 1 hour of game they joined us all in celebrating the
Eucharist. Though 3/4 of the Mass was in Marathi it really felt wonderful
sharing the moment with them. We then ate our food which was prepared by some
of young children themsevles. After that in the afternoon we had gone for a
swim where we joined by some of the local boys. I can never forget the moment
where as I was returning back from the pool and one of the small boys with
whom I spoke earlier with just came up with me and caught my hand as I walked
back. He seemed so happy just to catch my hand and I just felt like cuddling
him. After that we all assembled to give thanks to Mr. Fernandes. We all dug
in our pockets to make in a contribution and we managed to contribute around
Rs. 4000/- which was amazing considering that most of us were just college
going students. Some of us had even donated clothes, stationary etc.

In the end as I travelled back in the bus. I couldnt help praising and
thanking the Lord for this opportunity. Its was so wonderful. God's love is so
wonderful after all. and he cares for all of us.

urs in faith


Content makes poor men rich
Discontent makes rich men poor

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request on behalf of Joseph Sebastian

2002-08-26 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs

Just got a phone call from Joseph Sebastian all the way from Satara. He has
asked prayer for the following:

1. For his Aunty has been detected with Cancer. She may be operated this

2. For his Sister's only Sister - In - Law, she was operated last week. Its
not certain whether she has a tumor or a cancer. So do pray for total healing.

3. Himself as he is supposed to leave Satara for good for his new job in
Kerala. However, the place where he currently works has not found a suitable
replacement and seems reluctant to find one at present. As it is there are
less than a month for him to leave Satara.

urs in faith


Content makes poor men rich
Discontent makes rich men poor

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[JOYnet] Query : Repentance vs Salvation

2002-08-21 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs

I have a Query. Recently my friend asked me this "What comes first Repentance
or Salvation ?"

I naturally replied 'Repentance'. Cause in normal course I beleive once u
repent for ur sins then u receive salvation from the Lord. Also according to
Mathew 9 : 13 Jesus says "for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners
to repentance". Hence Repentance brings us Salvation.

However my friend pointed out to me that Jesus said no one could come to him
unless he (or she) is drawn by the Holy SPirit you wouldnt realize your
lost state, and the need for repentance, unless the Spirit of God awakened
that realization in you...This itself is an act of Salvation from God. Hence
Salvation comes first and it brings us into Repentance.

I am still confused. So I ask you

 "What comes first Repentance or Salvation ?"

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] With Thanx

2002-08-19 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs

Its been almost 10 days since my near death encounter. I clearly remember that
even when I mailed my encounter out here on JY I was still in a shaken up
state. This weekend my lord provided me with a business trip which was more
like a free vacation to get my mind away from things. During this trip the
Lord's presence was so much visible. I will share the details of it with u all
soon. I promise.

I really must thank all of you who have replied and have given me courage. I
am sorry for not being able to thank you all personally as there are so many
of you who mailed. I do hope to take time and reply to do so. To many who did
give me a scolding, I promise not to run after moving trains and even not
moving ones... hehe. ;)

One thing which I find very intriguing. Ever since I escaped my brush with
death, I am now actually more aware of the Lord's presence in my life and I am
sure that if I was to spend my entire 24 hours daily thanking him for that it
still wouldnt be enough. I still cant understand why it took a near death
experience for me to be more aware of the Lord's presence in my life. I guess
as the word of the Lord says there are some things which are mere human brains
cannot fathom.

So well Lord ur the best. Amen

urs in faith


Content makes poor men rich
Discontent makes rich men poor

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[JOYnet] A Dead Man Writes

2002-08-12 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs

This would seem to be a very unusual title if it wasnt for the fact that
yesterday I would have been a dead man myself. Yesterday evening for the first
time Sojan [Mumbai JY co-ord] had come to my house. We had a real nice Meeting
even though I felt it was short.

After that my mum and my two bros left for my relatives place by train. When
we reached the station we found that the trains were running a little behind
schedule. We saw a slow train that was leaving for Andheri and since our
destination was a stop before Andheri we decided to catch this train. So I
pushed my mom and my kid brother into the ladies compartment and I myself ran
towards the Gents compartment which was a bogey away. My brother Jeff [who is
also a joynet member] was following behind with 2 glasses of fanta in his
hand. My sudden decision to catch the train had taken him by surprise and he
was not intending to catch the train.

So here I was running to jump into the compartment and thats when it happened.
My one hand was on the handle of the door and the other hand was almost going
to catch the middle bar and all of a sudden "that middle bar seem to
disappear". I clutched at thin air and I lost my balance.

Now I was dragged by the train which started gaining speed. I was dragged all
along the platform. As if by a miracle my other hand just left the bar and I
was again miracally pushed away from the train. I somesaulted once and came to
a stop. I just got up as though nothing had happened. Just felt a small
scratch on my left hand - another miracle. My clothes were dirty. During that
phase I clearly remember that when I missed the middle bar totally all of a
sudden a voice started guiding me every split second about what would happen
to me next. Hence when I stood up after the whole thing I was not in a
surprised state. Just as though everything clicked off and now I am back to my

My brother who came behind me dropped the fanta. When I stood up it seems the
first sentence that I had ever said was "Wow! that was good. Must do it
again." and then I started scolding him for dropping the fanta.. hehe. Its
when I realised that I was on the platform and the train was not there that I
realise something went wrong. I asked my brother who was now very badly shaken
up after seeing the whole thing what happened. He told me something which I
will never forget for the rest of my life. I was dragged in a gap between the
train's floor and floor of the platform. I was inches from falling on the
tracks and getting run over. How I was pushed onto the platform and rolled
away from the train ... God only knows.

In the meantime my mom had seen the whole incident. normally she enters the
compartment and sits down. But this time she was not comfortable till she saw
me enter and when she saw me dragged she just starting calling onto the lord
automatically and immediately.

As we sat in the next train and returned back in a wholly shaken up state
knowing that i almost had a date with death I tried to recall what happened. I
tried to figure out at which point of time did the Lord intervene. And i
realised that every point of time the Lord was there. I praise God for that.

There is so much more in this incident I can relate upon. But the most
important thing is that I am here writing this to you. Somebody once asked me
how do you know that the Lord has still not fulfilled his will or purpose in
your life.
The answer : Your alive that is enough proof that the Lord still has to
complete his purpose in ur life.
I believe that now.

urs in faith


My mind is a garden.
My thoughts are the seeds.
My harvest will be either flower or weeds.

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[JOYnet] Seek Ur Prayers

2002-08-09 Thread JASON

Dear JYs

By the time u guys have read this mail I must have already left for my one day
visit to Gulbarga - Karnataka which is 3 stops away from Solhapur maharashtra.
My Company is sending me to recover some shares from an old Client.

The problem is first of all I dont know the place. The first time I heard the
name of the place was when it was told to me. The address is just one line so
i gotta really search this whole town / village whatever. To make matter even
worse no one knows if the owner will be co-operative. I know by the time I
will check ur replies it will only be if I have returned so I do seek ur
prayers in the meantime for everything to go as per God's will.

urs in faith


My mind is a garden.
My thoughts are the seeds.
My harvest will be either flower or weeds.

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[JOYnet] Investigation for the week - Egypt: miraculous light leaves tracks

2002-08-08 Thread JASON

Dear JYs

As Christians we are asked to proclaim the word of God and spread the Good
news of the Lord. However at times there are some who do tend to cross the
limit. They invoke methods such as chain mails, letters and other ways where
by creating such a deceitful euphoria that all Christian gets tagged of being
alike in such methodism.

This week I present to you an incident which is reported to occur in Egypt
that is doing the rounds. It will be highly obliged if any of you could shed
light on the truth of this matter:

Egypt: miraculous light leaves tracks
The nightly lights on the St. Mark's church in Assiut drew hundreds of
thousands of pilgrims and was reported around the world. The BBC and CNN sent
correspondents to report on the events. "Months after the miraculous lights
disappeared in November 2001, the impact can still be felt," says pastor
Andrea Xandry from Zurich, who himself witnessed the appearances. "The impact
is due
not only to the many 'silent healings', but also to the many Christian
families who housed pilgrims despite their already cramped houses." A
non-Christian, angered by the supposed fake miracle, travelled to Assiut to
investigate. He was so convinced by the peaceful appearances that he brought
his entire family, telling them "This is a wonderful message from God." Many
considered the light to be a sign of Jesus, the Light of the World. Every
night, thousands hugged, danced and sang for joy in the streets around the
church, and discussed the appearances. Despite the large crowds, the police
never had to intervene.
Source: Andrea Xandry, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So if any of u do know anything on this matter worth sharing do send it
across, so that others can be saved from being deceited into a wrong belief.
Our lord doesnt want it this way.

urs in faith


My mind is a garden.
My thoughts are the seeds.
My harvest will be either flower or weeds.

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[JOYnet] On Abortion Again

2002-08-02 Thread JASON

Dear JYs

I remember a month ago I had posted some materials on Abortion. Well due to
lax in response and my own schedule I was unable to continue. However I am
unable to remain and well do feel an urge to post more because Prayers are
needed. But instead of posting them daily I will post them weekly.

Recently from one of the Pro-life sites I had got the following texts. Since I
was advised strongly not to send any disturbing photos (which in any case
through JY we cant), I am just sending the text as below:

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I
set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world." Jerehmiah 1:5

Every year in the United States one and a half million babies are given a
death sentence before they are born. I am christian and of course pro-life.
This is an issue that for the life of me I can never understand. Why would a
woman choose to end the life of her baby when she can give the baby up for
adoption? Where is that mother's instinct for the care and survival of their
babies. Each child is a precious gift from God and if we choose to ignore that
fact may God have mercy on our souls.

I think an agenda is being pushed at our society by those who use these
aborted fetuses for fetal tissue research. What has happened to our values?
This type of research is wrong. Babies body parts are being harvested and sold
for big money. Stem cells are more useful for this research if the babies are
aborted within a longer term of pregnancy. Is this why so many are choosing
partial birth abortions? It is horrible to think about the fact that a baby is
born all except the head and then a doctor who takes an oath to preserve life,
then inserts an instrument into the baby's brain stem and kills that child
before the head is delivered. This way they can skirt the issue and say it was
not born. This is murder in my book.

3 Million little hands that will never
make a hand print for Mother's Day

3 Million little feet that will never
Take those first magical steps

3 Million eyes that will never gaze
into Daddy's loving face

One and a half million tiny mouths
That will never say Mommy or Daddy

One and a half million little hearts
that have stopped beating forever.

Children are a gift from God!
Abortion is murder of the unborn.
May God forgive those who harm his
precious children whom he formed
in the womb. He knew them before
They were born. He gave them life.

No socks, no shoes,
Shall ever be worn.
>From your mother's womb,
You were selfishly torn.

By: ~*~ Connie Reed ~*~


Dear heavenly Father
Please forgive those who
choose to take the precious
lives of your sweet babies.
Father help us find a way to
let them see life is the answer.
Give us strength to carry on
the cause and speak out for those
who cannot speak for themselves.
Most of all Father we give thanks
to you for all the children that
you have given us to raise and love
In Jesus name we pray for
guidance and wisdom from you.

My mind is a garden.
My thoughts are the seeds.
My harvest will be either flower or weeds.

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Re: [JOYnet] yes we should do something for www.jesus.com

2002-07-30 Thread JASON:)

Dear JYs something about Jesus.com

Jennifer is right. Only Prayers can do wonders. I have been following
Jesus.com for over two years now. Since I have always been interested in the
site. When the site was first bought, it wasnt developed and it had a front
page of only the photo of Agony of Jesus in the Garden. It seems then the
site was again bought over. The person in charge of the site apparently
expected some millions in dollars for the site after the succesful sale of
business.com. But due to the Software crash no Venture were willing to
invest in the site. Also what business could one do in the name of Jesus.
rite. So this guy seems stuck. Throughout these years Jesus.com has recieved
many offers from different community and groups. But none of them seems
close to the amount which this guy has in mind.

So now what you see is actually a step taken by this guy to actually make
people somewhat agreeable to the amount which he has in mind. In his greed
to do so however, he has tarnished the name of our Lord. The registration
for the site expires within 2 - 3 months. However it wont be surprising if
it will be renewed before hand. The site is presently on Sale on
Afternic.com. The minimum bid is 200$. However to bid on Afternic you have
to pay some 24$-30$ and register with them which is another stumbling block.

so dear JYs what we have to pray for is a total renewal of this guy's heart
or whoever is behind it and if possible by Lord's will that the site be
bought over by a spiritual grp or person who can use this site as a mean of
evangelisation for spreading the Glory of God.

urs in faith


If you feel "dog tired" at night, maybe it's because you growled all day!
- Original Message -
From: Jennifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Giju George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:08 AM
Subject: [ParableNet] Re: [JOYnet] yes we should do something for

> Hiee,
> I guess Giju & Calvin are right.  Infact way long back Jason had mentioned
> this site.  I think we shud start a prayer chain..Prayer is our
> weapon..a weapon which can move mountains.if Prayers are
> powerful..lets start praying.
> Lets start praying 1 decade of Rosary for the shutdown of sites like
> theseI am sure with our Mother's intercession and the prayers
of JYs
> spread across we wud definitely combat this evil.  So lets join in praying
> leave the reat in the hands of God for whom nothing is impossible.
> Love & Prayers
> Jennifer
> Giju George wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > The best we can do about such sites 
> >
> > 1. Pray for the persons who maintain such sites.
> >
> > 2. Please DO NOT VISIT those sites out of any curiosity.
> >
> > In this case it so much is talked about and so it is tempting to visit
> > site.
> > But if we visit that site, we are indirectly helping the evil out
> > by incrementing the sitation count (number of hits), which is
> > a direct measure of the popularity of the site.
> > The more popular we make the site, the more encouraged he will be
> > in maintaining that site.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Giju
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > Behalf Of calvinjohnson
> > Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 3:12 PM
> > Subject: [JOYnet] yes we should do something for www.jesus.com
> >
> > Dear friends,
> >
> > We have to do something for this site. Letz begin with prayers.
> >
> > Love
> >
> > Calvin Johnson
> >
> > "Rosemary Thomas" wrote:
> >
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I dont know how many of you have tried out the site www.jesus.com I just
> > tried it out and I wasnt too pleased. This is a site of some person who
> > calls himself Jesus. It says "Jesus seeks loving woman". I didnt go into

> > details becos I didnt like it at all. One of the headings says "Bathe
> > Jesus" I dont know what it is about. I dont think this is right at all.
> > we as joynet or as jesusyouth do something about this? I dont know if we
> > but I think we should. Senior ppl in Joynet, pls advice isnt this
> > something we should be worrying about? Or not? What do all of you think?
> > Reply back.
> > God bless.
> >
> > Love, Rosemary (Goa)
> > Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better
> >
> > 
> > Thi

Re: [JOYnet] Questions

2002-07-24 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs,

Recently on BBC when Nick Griffin was asked to comment on Role played by
Jews in Media, he had this comment.

"Even when the mass media consisted mainly of newspapers, and only a small
minority read those newspapers, this power was considerable. Today, when it
embraces mass-circulation newspapers and television, it is colossal beyond

And we must not forget another fact about the media. Their political
influence extends far beyond newspaper reports and articles, and television
programmes, of a direct political nature - connected, that is, with current
affairs that bear upon politics. In a much more subtle way, they can
influence people's thought patterns by other means: newspaper stories, pages
dealing with entertainment and popular culture, movies, TV 'soaps',
'educational' programmes, popular music: all these types of fare help form
human values, concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, sense and nonsense
and what is 'fashionable' and 'unfashionable.' These human value systems, in
turn, shape people's attitude to political issues, influence how they vote
and therefore determine who holds political power."

Even though Nick Griffin refers to political power, what Idea he generally
did put across was that Media in whatever form can affect people's attitude
and decision making of an individual and at times can even be motivational.
I think Rosemary this summarises the impact that any adverse music can have
on us. Intentionally u may not be listening to it, but still u are grooving
to its mere presence.

urs in faith


If you feel "dog tired" at night, maybe it's because you growled all day!

- Original Message -
From: Rosemary Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 10:40 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Questions

> Hi everyone...
> I know I've been rather quiet, (not that I'm otherwise noisy ) but I have
a question which I hope will be answered. I have been trying to figure it
out but cant quite.
> First, we had a discussion on rock music and how it was bad and how it was
used by satan worshippers and all that. I did go thru that. Now I have a
problem. We sometimes have parties here on Saturday nights, just to enjoy
ourselves and let off all the stress that builds up...(and believe me..
there is alot of work pressure). So we go there and dance basically. I enjoy
dancing and enjoy the parties. But at some pt, they tend to put rock music.
Since I dont listen to rock, I dont know the songs well and I dont know what
they are saying ie the lyrics... but maybe they are bad. Wld it be wrong to
dance to those songs and enjoy myself? Or shd I not when those songs are
playing? Pls give advice.
> Guess that's all now... otherwise.. I must say Joynet is going strong and
giving me lots of input... thanks to everyone for that. Take care all of you
and God bless.
> Love, Rosemary (Goa).
> Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better
> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To subscribe to this mailing list, visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact

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Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

2002-07-17 Thread JASON:)

Dear Alfred Samji and Dear JYs

Reading Alfred's mail to my query was really inspiring. However I find some
of these points relatively new to me. Maybe cause I have never come across
any teaching on them. Take for example Alfred quoting 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6
stated that God preaches to those who are already dead so that they might
live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In short they are given
another chance to be in God's fold. This is really new to me. Also quoting
Mt:12:32 There is a reference to a World to Come. Now I do know that some
denom like the Jehovahs really quote this part fluently. So what is this
Comin World that Jesus Speaks about.

Now when I had queried about Suicide in another list, these are some of the
replies I got.

1. Suicide is murder and since your dead when you commit the sin you can't
ask for forgiveness...

2. Suicide is a question that must be left to God to judge.  Medical
scientists tell us that the brain lives for perhaps four or five
minutes after the body dies; you can do a LOT of praying in that time.
However, only God will judge anyone anyway.  We can 'settle the question'
for ourselves by believing in Jesus, but it is presumptious to attempt to
condemn OR excuse anyone else.  God alone knows their heart.

3. The question ask about suicide is a very good one.  Some time ago I was
called to the psyco ward at a local hospital.
A young man had attempted to take his own life.I ask him if he had ever
given his life to God, and he said he had.I told him that he would have had
to take his life back from God's hands in order to destroy it. A few days
later his mother came to see me at the church. She thanked me, and She told
me that because of what I had said to her son, he would never again attempt
suicide.  Sometime later he died in an automobile accident.

urs in faith


If you don't want the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard.
- Original Message -
From: Alfred Samji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

> Hi friends,
> Just wanted to put up my comments on this subject. We all know that
> is a sin. Killing whether it be of self or of another person of course is
> condemned in the 10 commandments. The point now is whether praying for a
> dead sinner makes any difference to the salvation of that person. In Matt
> 12:32 Jesus Himself tells of an afterlife where sins will be forgiven. He
> talks of two worlds where sins will be forgiven i.e. 'in this world' and
> 'the world to come'.
>   [M't:12:32: And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it
> be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall
> be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.]
> This clearly depicts of another world after the death of a person, where
> sins can be forgiven i.e 'the world to come'.
> We also have proof in 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6 where Peter from 3:18 goes on to
> 4:6 and tells of how Christ after being killed on the cross visited the
> 'spirits in prison' i.e the spirits of those who were disobedient in the
> days of Noah. It is said that Christ went to them and preached the gospel
> them so that in their life as spirits they might 'live according to God in
> the spirit'.
>   [1Pe:3:18: For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the
> unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh,
> quickened by the Spirit:19: By which also he went and preached unto the
> spirits in prison;20: Which sometime were disobedient, when once the
> longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a
> preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
> 1Pe:4:6: For for this cause was the gospel preached
> to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the
> flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.]
> This again depicts a world where God preaches to those who are already
> so that they might live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In
> short they are given another chance to be in God's fold.
> We read in Genesis of how big the sins of those people spoken of here
> In the context of the Rich man who came to Jesus we see Jesus first
> of how difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom and later goes on
> to say 'With men this is impossible; but with God all things are
> (M't:19:23 to 26). Our God is a loving God. His likeness is that of love.
> is full of mercy and compassion and it is solely because that He l

Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query

2002-07-17 Thread JASON:)

Dear Alfred Samji and Dear JYs

Reading Alfred's mail to my query was really inspiring. However I find some
of these points relatively new to me. Maybe cause I have never come across
any teaching on them. Take for example Alfred quoting 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6
stated that God preaches to those who are already dead so that they might
live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In short they are given
another chance to be in God's fold. This is really new to me. Also quoting
Mt:12:32 There is a reference to a World to Come. Now I do know that some
denom like the Jehovahs really quote this part fluently. So what is this
Comin World that Jesus Speaks about.

Now when I had queried about Suicide in another list, these are some of the
replies I got.

1. Suicide is murder and since your dead when you commit the sin you can't
ask for forgiveness...

2. Suicide is a question that must be left to God to judge.  Medical
scientists tell us that the brain lives for perhaps four or five
minutes after the body dies; you can do a LOT of praying in that time.
However, only God will judge anyone anyway.  We can 'settle the question'
for ourselves by believing in Jesus, but it is presumptious to attempt to
condemn OR excuse anyone else.  God alone knows their heart.

3. The question ask about suicide is a very good one.  Some time ago I was
called to the psyco ward at a local hospital.
A young man had attempted to take his own life.I ask him if he had ever
given his life to God, and he said he had.I told him that he would have had
to take his life back from God's hands in order to destroy it. A few days
later his mother came to see me at the church. She thanked me, and She told
me that because of what I had said to her son, he would never again attempt
suicide.  Sometime later he died in an automobile accident.

urs in faith


If you don't want the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard.
- Original Message -
From: Alfred Samji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

> Hi friends,
> Just wanted to put up my comments on this subject. We all know that
> is a sin. Killing whether it be of self or of another person of course is
> condemned in the 10 commandments. The point now is whether praying for a
> dead sinner makes any difference to the salvation of that person. In Matt
> 12:32 Jesus Himself tells of an afterlife where sins will be forgiven. He
> talks of two worlds where sins will be forgiven i.e. 'in this world' and
> 'the world to come'.
>   [M't:12:32: And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it
> be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall
> be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.]
> This clearly depicts of another world after the death of a person, where
> sins can be forgiven i.e 'the world to come'.
> We also have proof in 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6 where Peter from 3:18 goes on to
> 4:6 and tells of how Christ after being killed on the cross visited the
> 'spirits in prison' i.e the spirits of those who were disobedient in the
> days of Noah. It is said that Christ went to them and preached the gospel
> them so that in their life as spirits they might 'live according to God in
> the spirit'.
>   [1Pe:3:18: For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the
> unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh,
> quickened by the Spirit:19: By which also he went and preached unto the
> spirits in prison;20: Which sometime were disobedient, when once the
> longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a
> preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
> 1Pe:4:6: For for this cause was the gospel preached
> to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the
> flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.]
> This again depicts a world where God preaches to those who are already
> so that they might live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In
> short they are given another chance to be in God's fold.
> We read in Genesis of how big the sins of those people spoken of here
> In the context of the Rich man who came to Jesus we see Jesus first
> of how difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom and later goes on
> to say 'With men this is impossible; but with God all things are
> (M't:19:23 to 26). Our God is a loving God. His likeness is that of love.
> is full of mercy and compassion and it is solely because that He l

[JOYnet] Praise God for Science

2002-07-12 Thread JASON:)

Tiny Miracle:  Unborn Child Receives Rare Blood Transfusion

Sacramento, CA -- Isaac James Melendez is so young he doesn't even have an
age yet; he won't be born until July 21 or so.

According to the ultrasound pictures, he's a strapping little fellow. And
listen to his wonderfully strong and regular heartbeat as picked up and
amplified by ultrasound equipment: "VROOM VROOM VROOM VROOM VROOM."

Robust as he is, he was on the ultrasound screen at Kaiser Sacramento
Medical Center the other day for an emergency procedure to save his life.

Isaac's mother, Audrey Melendez, has Rh-negative blood and Isaac is
Rh-positive. Antibodies in her blood against the Rh factor are killing off
Isaac's red blood cells. He was anemic and getting more so by the day.

That's where Dr. Colleen Hendershott came in.

Using steady hands and a needle the length of a bicycle spoke, she pricked
a vein in the umbilical cord and drew off some of the baby's blood to
replace it with donated Rh-negative blood that will not be affected by the

Melendez, 35, was lying sedated but awake on her back, covered, except for
her abdomen, in green surgical drapes. At her left hand stood her husband,
Anthony, 39.

And by her left hip stood Hendershott. At her right hip was the ultrasound
technician and the ultrasound machine.

The doctor and the technician pushed and massaged the mother's soft tummy
as they watched the ultrasound image on the monitor, rotating Isaac until
he was in just the right position.

"Is the blood here yet?" someone asked, and as if on cue a gowned worker
entered with a little plastic bag of specially prepared blood that was
promptly hung from a hook above Melendez's right foot.

Then Hendershott went to work with her needle straight into the mother's
abdomen, making tiny movements with her gloved right hand to push the
probe ever deeper.

All the while she peered into the screen of the ultrasound monitor, where
the image was magnified greatly as a ghostly line intersecting the ghostly
cord like a grainy underwater video shot.

Then, with everything connected, the blood was pumped in, several samples
were collected and all the piping and machinery was unhooked with great
economy of motion.

Hendershott, 39, said afterward that she learned the procedure during her
fellowship at the Los Angeles County-University of Southern California
Medical Center, where such cases are not uncommon

"I'll do maybe two of these a year now for all the Kaiser hospitals in
Northern California," she said. "But there, where there were always women
who'd had no prenatal care, the procedure was much more common," she said.

The condition can occur with women in their second and later pregnancies,
after an Rh-positive baby triggers the immune response, she said. Medicine
is used to prevent the reactions, but occasional cases such as Melendez's
occur despite the best of care, Hendershott added.

As for performing the intrauterine transfusion, she has an operating room
team of five who know their many jobs cold, and the whole hospital snaps
to attention when one of the procedures is done.

"But the blood center people are the key, of course, and they know their
stuff," she said.

In Isaac's case, Hendershott needed about a half-pint of O-negative blood,
but it had to meet a host of other rigid standards as well, said Dr. Chris
Gresens, associate medical director at BloodSource, formerly the
Sacramento Blood Center.

"Most important is the donor, and we have several donors who can give
blood for fetal transplants," he said. Donors cannot have been infected
ever with CMV -- cytomegalovirus -- a common disease that can prove fatal
to the very young.

Even though blood can be kept for up to 42 days and still be used, fetal
transplant blood must be no more than 5 days old, Gresens said.

"And then we have hands-on work by 10 to 12 different people -- everything
from filtering the white cells from the unit to screening for sickle-cell
trait," Gresens said.

Being the donor in such a case shouldn't make much difference, but it
does, said Kendra Kelly, 27, a donor since her days in high school in the
Glenn County farm town of Corning and now an employee of BloodSource.

Identities of donors are not revealed, and the donor in Isaac's case will
remain a secret, but Kelly said she has O-negative and CMV-negative blood,
so her blood is sought for such infant and fetal transfusions.

"And it makes you feel kind of good to know they're depending on you.
You'll hear other donors who are CMV-negative who'll mention they're 'baby
donors' when they come in," she said.

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[JOYnet] Let It Go

2002-07-12 Thread JASON:)

When the darkest night is over
And you've done all you can do
Turn your fears into believing
A new beginning is there for you

For every heartache you have weathered
Has added courage to your soul
And we can't find any answers
Until we give up all control

Keep this moment in your vision
Don't look behind or look ahead
For every failure and misfortune
Can be a starting point instead

Let go of all you cannot carry
Because you need new wings to fly
And there are smiles and even laughter
To dry up all those tears you've cried

Keep hope alive within this moment
It's really in your power to do
And God is still there in His Heaven
Providing love to see you through

If your dreams lie there in pieces
Don't let regret just overflow
Your heart needs a bit of mending
Just walk away and let it go

Karen Shaw Matteson ©2002

Let it GO

Ask ur self this
 Has it Gone...
 Has it Gone...
 Has it Gone...



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[JOYnet] Judge Gently

2002-07-11 Thread JASON:)

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual,
restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself,
lest thou also be tempted.  Galatians 6:1
   "Judge Gently"

Pray, don't find fault with the man that limps
Or stumbles along the road.
Unless you have worn the shoes he wears
Or struggled beneath his load.

There may be tacks in his shoes that hurt
Though hidden away from view.
Or the burden he bears placed on your back
Might cause you to stumble too.

Dont sneer at the man who's down today
Unless you have felt the blow
That caused his fall or felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong but still the blows
That was his if dealt to you
In the selfsame way, at the selfsame time
Might cause you to stagger too.

Dont be too harsh with the man that sins
Or pelt him with word or stone
Unless you are sure - yea, doubly sure -
That you have no sins of your own.

For you know, perhaps,
If the tempter's voice should whisper as soft to you
As it did to him when he went astray
It might cause you to falter too.
--Author Unknown

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[JOYnet] Keep in Touch

2002-07-10 Thread JASON:)

A Very Intriguing Thought

Jake, the rancher, went one day to fix a distant fence.
 The wind was cold and gusty and the clouds rolled gray and dense.

As he pounded the last staples in and gathered tools to go,
 The temperature had fallen, the wind and snow began to blow.

When he finally reached his pickup, he felt a heavy heart.
 From the sound of that ignition, he knew it wouldn't start.

So Jake did what most of us would do if we had been there.
 He humbly bowed his balding head and sent aloft a prayer.

As he turned the key for the last time, he softly cursed his luck.
They found him three days later, frozen stiff in that old truck.

Now Jake had been around in life and done his share of roaming.
But when he saw Heaven, he was shocked -- it looked just like Wyoming!

Of all the saints in Heaven, his favorite was St. Peter.
(Now, this line ain! 't needed but it helps with rhyme and meter)

So they sat and talked a minute or two, or maybe it was three.
Nobody was keepin' score -- in Heaven time is free.

"I've always heard," Jake said to Pete, "that God will answer prayer,
But one time I asked for help, well, he just plain wasn't there."

"Does God answer prayers of some, and ignore the prayers of others?
That don't seem exactly square -- I know all men are brothers."

"Or does he randomly reply, without good rhyme or reason?
Maybe, it's the time of day, the weather or the season."

"Now I ain't trying to act smart, it's just the way I feel.
And I was wondering', could you tell me -- what the heck's the deal?!"

Peter listened very patiently and when Jake was done,
There were smiles of recognition, and he said, "So, you're the one!!"

"That day your truck, it wouldn't start, and you sent your prayer a flying,
You gave us all a real bad time, with hundreds of us trying."

"A thousand angels rushed, to check the status of your file,
But you know, Jake, we hadn't heard from you in quite a while."

"And though all prayers are answered, and God ain't got no quota,
He didn't recognize your voice, and started a truck in Minnesota."


If you don't want the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard.

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[JOYnet] Suicide : A Query

2002-07-06 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear JYs

We have recently read the 2 Part mails of Father Thomas on whether Sucide is 
a Sin or not. It was really a wonderful sharing. I had recently been for a 
Retreat. There the Priest had mentioned that a Person committing Suicide is 
as good as Handing over ur Soul to the Satan.

My Question is : Considering that a person commits Suicide and knowing that 
his Soul is as good as lost. Is then fruitful then praying for his Soul or 
would it be waste to do so

Please note i am not saying that it is waste to pray for any1. But 
considering in this case of suicide or like euthanasia whatever the case may 
be would it be fruitful then to pray for that soul.

I would really love ur views on this.

urs in faith


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2002-07-04 Thread JASON :)

In continuing with the World Cup Fever on JY. Here is the Amazing and a must
read testimony of the Goalkeep Taffarel on the 1994 win. I know its too old
for that now but this is real amazing.

"Taffarel That's how it all ended!

Baggio on the one side, Taffarel on the other. In between them, only the
soccer ball. Watching closely was a multitude of a few billion people all over
the world! That last kick in the final game of the 1994 world cup was the to
moment of the games. Brazil was the favorite to win the cup, and both Romario
and Bebeto should have scored in the last game. But things did not go as
smoothly as expected. Brazil and Italy came to a draw with no goals. Not even
the extra thirty minutes helped untie the knot--the score remained 0 x 0. The
players on both sides were near exhaustion and the watching crowd looked
expectantly, ready to shout the cry of victory on behalf of the winning

Would he be able to guarantee for Brazil that which not even Romario, our
greatest hero, could not do? Well, let's pass the microphone on to Taffarel
himself. What went on his mind at the end of that nervous finale of the 1994
World Cup at the Rose Bowl? Listen to him:

-- I woke up that morning with a feeling of calm and confidence. I felt secure
in God. It felt like I was going to play a friendly game, not the final game
of a World Cup against the powerful Italian squad! Something different was
happening inside me. We went to the stadium with an enormous confidence. When
we finally went through the tunnel that leads to the soccer field itself, I
noticed that the Italian players were unsure of themselves and kept their
heads down. Our team looked just the opposite--we were confident and we were
shouting: "Come on, you guys! Let's do it. Let's win this world cup!"

At the end of the score-less game, we went to the penalty area as each team
alternated in scoring as many goals as possible. Whichever scored more goals
would be hailed as the new world champions. Would we be the ones?

I remembered then the text we had studied together that week: "We wait in hope
for the Lord; he is our help and our shield (defense). In him our hearts
rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us,
O Lord, even as we put our hope in you" (Psalm 33.20-22).

Since I invited Jesus Christ into my heart, I have felt the strength, the love
and the power of God in the most important moments of my life. Surely, not
everything goes smoothly all the time; just like any other Christian, I too go
through trials and temptations. But all the same, at the hour of truth, when
coaches, officials and fans shout against me when I fail as a goalie, God is
always there for me.

The day I lost my father and the day I saw my wife struggling between life and
death at the emergency room of a hospital in our home town, and also whenever
I had to defend a decisive penalty kick in a decisive game--that's when I came
to know that it is really important not to be alone, all by myself in this

God has never failed me. At the final game in the 1994 World Cup it was no
different. In the middle of the penalty dispute I looked at the score--2 x 2.
And I thought: "Now is my time to do something for my team and for my country.
Lord, help me to catch this penalty kick!" And He heard me.

When Italian player Massaro kicked the ball, I felt like God had pushed me to
my left corner and I was able to make a beautiful defense. Dunga, our captain,
went on to score his penalty, and suddenly all depended on Baggio's feet. That
was the final scene of the world cup.

The world cup had staged 52 games, with three million tickets sold, four years
of preparation and one whole month of much speculation in the media all over
the world,. But the final moment was decided between two people: Baggio and I
. . . I noticed he kept his head down and looked insecure. I grew more
confident. At that moment I knew for sure that either I was going to defend
that kick or he would shoot it out. And that's how it ended. When I saw that
ball flying well above the poles, all I wished to do was to kneel and glorify
God for I knew that the victory was his. He alone deserved all the glory.

After all, neither did Baggio score a goal nor did I make any defense at that
last moment of the 1994 world cup. From that experience I learned that it is
really important to trust in somebody who is greater than we are. Someone who
loves us, and understands us, and helps us and is concerned about every detail
of our lives. His name is Jesus, the only way to God. He is the truth in a
world so full of lies and deceit. And above all, he is life itself.

If you want to find the Way that leads to God and eternal life, read John

Goalkeeper for the Brazilian Winning Team, 1994

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing li

[JOYnet] The World Cup Finals - heartening

2002-07-04 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs...

I wasnt able to catch the finals because I had gone for a retreat. But
during the Retreat, Father Mathew who is the Director of Tabor Divine
Retreat Centre himself came and announced the details of the match on the
podium. Something which was pretty unusual. When I reached home my brother
informed me about how Brazil broke out praying in open arms after they won
and I was blessed to see the replay of that yesterday itself. It felt so
proud to be a Christian.

As I was going through the various sports sites and news sites I was
disappointed to find that many of them didnt even bother to write a line
about the Brazilian team breaking out into prayers till i came across
this peace of information.

"Lucio, Edmilson and a couple of others knelt to pray in a close circle,
holding hands; after about five minutes, they rose again, wearing Jesus
loves you T-shirts. After some time, the entire squad-team, reserves,
trainers, coaches, hangers-on-went to the centre circle and knelt in prayer
for a few moments. They knew this was special; a team doubted for so long by
so many had shone through. But this match, this tournament, was about the
resurrection of Ronaldo, who a few months ago was not sure if he'd ever play
again. ''God rewarded me,'' he said, while dedicating the win to, among
others, his physiotherapist, draped in a flag, arms outstretched and

urs in faith


Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
- Original Message -
From: Sanju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 12:05 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] The World Cup Final - The Brazilian Samba with Jesus..

> Dear friends,
> The last world cup finals between Brazil and Germany was a delightful
> treat to watch. Not bcos Brazil won it; but bcos they dedicated their
> to Jesus.
> Last Sunday all of us friends met at a place to pray. And after that a
> group of friends met together at a house for the football match. Since all
> us were christians and catholics we cried out in loud praise when we saw a
> player praying or making the sign of the cross(Ronaldinho).  All of us
> thrilled to see Brazil win the world cup and then were delighted to see
> all Pray together and exalting the name of Jesus. What a poweful way of
> EVANGELIZATION before millions of eyes over the TV   As some one
> told our lives might be the only Gospel the world will read...
> Towards this I am forwarding a mail which I received who also thought
> similar lines ...(like most of us).
> Take good care and God Bless You!!!
> Love in Christ
> Sanju
> - Original Message -
> From: Jose Baby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:29 AM
> Subject: [Fwd: [indianchristianyouth] 100% JESUS]
> >
> >
> - Message from Unknown on Unknown -
> Dear friends,
> It was the eve of the FIFA World Cup. After our family prayer, my husband
> (Benji) and I were discussing about the BIG GAME to be played between
> BRAZIL and GERMANY the next day. We were discussing that millions all over
> the world would be watching this great event and how GREAT it would be if
> only someone shares a short gospel. We went ahead discussing that would we
> do any such thing if we get a chance. Forget about the football stadium
> in our respective work place or college???
> I personally am not too much into sports but my husband being an ardent
> sportsman made me watch some of these matches and together we were
> the finals eagerly wanting Brazil to win but at the same time not wanting
> our dear neighbors to loose. Yes, Brazil did take the World Cup for the
> fifth time but what surprised and made us spell bound was the way the
> Brazilian team members reacted to their victory. We saw that immediately
> after the match, 3 of them knelt in the middle of the ground and prayed.
> One stood in a corner with his hands stretched out wide and prayed. Much
> more, the entire team knelt down holding hands forming a chain and were
> PRAYING. Not just that, one had put on a t-shirt which said JESUS LOVES U,
> another I BELONG TO JESUS, yet another one had written on his t-shirt 100%
> WOW! what a witness. At times we need not have to speak out the word of
> but God gives us the wisdom to be a testimony to others, if we are in HIM.
> YES, the Brazilians did the same, witnessed to the whole world...millions
> all over the globe would have seen it. We cannot separate our faith in
> JESUS from our daily li

[JOYnet] The World Cup Finals - heartening

2002-07-04 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs...

I wasnt able to catch the finals because I had gone for a retreat. But
during the Retreat, Father Mathew who is the Director of Tabor Divine
Retreat Centre himself came and announced the details of the match on the
podium. Something which was pretty unusual. When I reached home my brother
informed me about how Brazil broke out praying in open arms after they won
and I was blessed to see the replay of that yesterday itself. It felt so
proud to be a Christian.

As I was going through the various sports sites and news sites I was
disappointed to find that many of them didnt even bother to write a line
about the Brazilian team breaking out into prayers till i came across
this peace of information.

"Lucio, Edmilson and a couple of others knelt to pray in a close circle,
holding hands; after about five minutes, they rose again, wearing Jesus
loves you T-shirts. After some time, the entire squad-team, reserves,
trainers, coaches, hangers-on-went to the centre circle and knelt in prayer
for a few moments. They knew this was special; a team doubted for so long by
so many had shone through. But this match, this tournament, was about the
resurrection of Ronaldo, who a few months ago was not sure if he'd ever play
again. ''God rewarded me,'' he said, while dedicating the win to, among
others, his physiotherapist, draped in a flag, arms outstretched and

urs in faith


Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
- Original Message -
From: Sanju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 12:05 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] The World Cup Final - The Brazilian Samba with Jesus..

> Dear friends,
> The last world cup finals between Brazil and Germany was a delightful
> treat to watch. Not bcos Brazil won it; but bcos they dedicated their
> to Jesus.
> Last Sunday all of us friends met at a place to pray. And after that a
> group of friends met together at a house for the football match. Since all
> us were christians and catholics we cried out in loud praise when we saw a
> player praying or making the sign of the cross(Ronaldinho).  All of us
> thrilled to see Brazil win the world cup and then were delighted to see
> all Pray together and exalting the name of Jesus. What a poweful way of
> EVANGELIZATION before millions of eyes over the TV   As some one
> told our lives might be the only Gospel the world will read...
> Towards this I am forwarding a mail which I received who also thought
> similar lines ...(like most of us).
> Take good care and God Bless You!!!
> Love in Christ
> Sanju
> - Original Message -
> From: Jose Baby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:29 AM
> Subject: [Fwd: [indianchristianyouth] 100% JESUS]
> >
> >
> - Message from Unknown on Unknown -
> Dear friends,
> It was the eve of the FIFA World Cup. After our family prayer, my husband
> (Benji) and I were discussing about the BIG GAME to be played between
> BRAZIL and GERMANY the next day. We were discussing that millions all over
> the world would be watching this great event and how GREAT it would be if
> only someone shares a short gospel. We went ahead discussing that would we
> do any such thing if we get a chance. Forget about the football stadium
> in our respective work place or college???
> I personally am not too much into sports but my husband being an ardent
> sportsman made me watch some of these matches and together we were
> the finals eagerly wanting Brazil to win but at the same time not wanting
> our dear neighbors to loose. Yes, Brazil did take the World Cup for the
> fifth time but what surprised and made us spell bound was the way the
> Brazilian team members reacted to their victory. We saw that immediately
> after the match, 3 of them knelt in the middle of the ground and prayed.
> One stood in a corner with his hands stretched out wide and prayed. Much
> more, the entire team knelt down holding hands forming a chain and were
> PRAYING. Not just that, one had put on a t-shirt which said JESUS LOVES U,
> another I BELONG TO JESUS, yet another one had written on his t-shirt 100%
> WOW! what a witness. At times we need not have to speak out the word of
> but God gives us the wisdom to be a testimony to others, if we are in HIM.
> YES, the Brazilians did the same, witnessed to the whole world...millions
> all over the globe would have seen it. We cannot separate our faith in
> JESUS from our daily li

[JOYnet] The World Cup Finals - heartening

2002-07-04 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs...

I wasnt able to catch the finals because I had gone for a retreat. But
during the Retreat, Father Mathew who is the Director of Tabor Divine
Retreat Centre himself came and announced the details of the match on the
podium. Something which was pretty unusual. When I reached home my brother
informed me about how Brazil broke out praying in open arms after they won
and I was blessed to see the replay of that yesterday itself. It felt so
proud to be a Christian.

As I was going through the various sports sites and news sites I was
disappointed to find that many of them didnt even bother to write a line
about the Brazilian team breaking out into prayers till i came across
this peace of information.

"Lucio, Edmilson and a couple of others knelt to pray in a close circle,
holding hands; after about five minutes, they rose again, wearing Jesus
loves you T-shirts. After some time, the entire squad-team, reserves,
trainers, coaches, hangers-on-went to the centre circle and knelt in prayer
for a few moments. They knew this was special; a team doubted for so long by
so many had shone through. But this match, this tournament, was about the
resurrection of Ronaldo, who a few months ago was not sure if he'd ever play
again. ''God rewarded me,'' he said, while dedicating the win to, among
others, his physiotherapist, draped in a flag, arms outstretched and

urs in faith


Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
- Original Message -
From: Sanju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 12:05 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] The World Cup Final - The Brazilian Samba with Jesus..

> Dear friends,
> The last world cup finals between Brazil and Germany was a delightful
> treat to watch. Not bcos Brazil won it; but bcos they dedicated their
> to Jesus.
> Last Sunday all of us friends met at a place to pray. And after that a
> group of friends met together at a house for the football match. Since all
> us were christians and catholics we cried out in loud praise when we saw a
> player praying or making the sign of the cross(Ronaldinho).  All of us
> thrilled to see Brazil win the world cup and then were delighted to see
> all Pray together and exalting the name of Jesus. What a poweful way of
> EVANGELIZATION before millions of eyes over the TV   As some one
> told our lives might be the only Gospel the world will read...
> Towards this I am forwarding a mail which I received who also thought
> similar lines ...(like most of us).
> Take good care and God Bless You!!!
> Love in Christ
> Sanju
> - Original Message -
> From: Jose Baby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:29 AM
> Subject: [Fwd: [indianchristianyouth] 100% JESUS]
> >
> >
> - Message from Unknown on Unknown -
> Dear friends,
> It was the eve of the FIFA World Cup. After our family prayer, my husband
> (Benji) and I were discussing about the BIG GAME to be played between
> BRAZIL and GERMANY the next day. We were discussing that millions all over
> the world would be watching this great event and how GREAT it would be if
> only someone shares a short gospel. We went ahead discussing that would we
> do any such thing if we get a chance. Forget about the football stadium
> in our respective work place or college???
> I personally am not too much into sports but my husband being an ardent
> sportsman made me watch some of these matches and together we were
> the finals eagerly wanting Brazil to win but at the same time not wanting
> our dear neighbors to loose. Yes, Brazil did take the World Cup for the
> fifth time but what surprised and made us spell bound was the way the
> Brazilian team members reacted to their victory. We saw that immediately
> after the match, 3 of them knelt in the middle of the ground and prayed.
> One stood in a corner with his hands stretched out wide and prayed. Much
> more, the entire team knelt down holding hands forming a chain and were
> PRAYING. Not just that, one had put on a t-shirt which said JESUS LOVES U,
> another I BELONG TO JESUS, yet another one had written on his t-shirt 100%
> WOW! what a witness. At times we need not have to speak out the word of
> but God gives us the wisdom to be a testimony to others, if we are in HIM.
> YES, the Brazilians did the same, witnessed to the whole world...millions
> all over the globe would have seen it. We cannot separate our faith in
> JESUS from our daily li

Re: [JOYnet] Fw: Gujarat Massacre

2002-07-04 Thread JASON :)

I remember this article as it was forwarded to me by another JY. We do know
about the ethnic cleansing that is presently going on in Gujarat and I do
hope we do guys are praying for the current situation out there. I was
reading the accounts of Jowher, a corporate banker, visiting lecturer at the
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and secretary of the Indian
Institute of Public Administration. I was touched when I read this para in
his interview:

After Jowher plunged into relief work, he felt, "I've lost my self-respect,
my dignity; I can't walk the roads for which I pay taxes. But I've earned
abiding and meaningful friendships. So, though I started reluctantly, I have
continued by choice; just to play with the orphaned children, to embrace a
raped woman, has brought me satisfaction.''

In Mumbai last week to raise funds and refocus attention on Gujarat, Jowher
asked for tin/cement sheets to protect the refugees from the monsoons,
undergarments (''so essential but never talked about''), and  for volunteers
to go to camps and show victims they belong.

"A Sikh boy from Mumbai met an old man in a camp. He silently hugged him,
the hug turned into a long embrace. The old man wept. So did the boy. The
old man declared, 'I won't commit suicide.' All his family had been killed.
The hug gave him reason to live. The victims need compassion. They need to
feel they matter to you.''

- Original Message -
From: Mercy Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 12:17 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Fw:

> Reflections on the Gujarat massacre
> By Harsh Mander
> Numbed with disgust and horror, I return from Gujarat ten days
> after the terror and massacre that convulsed the state. My heart
> is sickened, my soul wearied, my shoulders aching with the burdens
> of guilt and shame. As you walk through the camps of riot
> survivors in Ahmadabad, in which an estimated 53,000 women, men,
> and children are huddled in 29 temporary settlements, displays of
> overt grief are unusual. People clutch small bundles of relief
> materials, all that they now own in the world, with dry and glassy
> eyes. Some talk in low voices, others busy themselves with the
> tasks of everyday living in these most basic of shelters,
> looking
> for food and milk for children, tending the wounds of the injured.
> But once you sit anywhere in these camps, people begin to speak
> and their words are like masses of pus released by slitting large
> festering wounds. The horrors that they speak of are so macabre,
> that my pen falters in the writing. The pitiless brutality
> against
> women and small children by organised bands of armed young men is
> more savage than anything witnessed in the riots that have shamed
> this nation from time to time during the past century.
> I force myself to write a small fraction of all that I heard and
> saw, because it is important that we all know. Or maybe also
> because I need to share my own burdens.
> What can you say about a woman eight months pregnant who begged to
> be spared. Her assailants instead slit open her stomach, pulled
> out her foetus and slaughtered it before her eyes. What can you
> say about a family of nineteen being killed by flooding their
> house with water and then electrocuting them with high-tension
> electricity.
> What can you say? A small boy of six in Juhapara camp described
> how his mother and six brothers and sisters were battered to death
> before his eyes. He survived only because he fell unconscious, and
> was taken for dead. A family escaping from Naroda-Patiya, one of
> the worst-hit settlements in Ahmedabad, spoke of losing a young
> woman and her three month old son, because a police constable
> directed her to `safety' and she found herself instead surrounded
> by a mob which doused her with kerosene and set her and her baby
> on fire. I have never known a riot which has used the sexual
> subjugation of women so widely as an instrument of violence in
> the
> recent mass barbarity in Gujarat. There are reports every where of
> gang-rape, of young girls and women, often in the presence of
> members of their families, followed by their murder by burning
> alive, or by bludgeoning with a hammer and in one case with a
> screw driver.
> Women in the Aman Chowk shelter told appalling stories about how
> armed men disrobed themselves in front of a group of terrified
> women to cower them down further. In Ahmedabad, most people I met
> - social workers, journalists, survivors - agree that what
> Gujarat
> witnessed was not a riot, but a terrorist attack followed by a
> systematic, planned massacre, a pogrom. Everyone spoke of the
> pillage and plunder, being organised like a military operation
> against an external armed enemy. An initial truck would arrive
> broadcasting inflammatory slogans, soon followed by more trucks
> which disgorged young men, mostly in khaki shorts and saf

Re: [JOYnet] Why Me ???!!!!

2002-06-28 Thread JASON :)

That was a Wonderful Poem by Hari here is one more one the same

urs in faith



Thank You God

Thank you God from above.
For all this wonderful love.
The love you give me each and every day.
Even though there were times I'd felt you'd gone away.
I thank you God for the people you put in my life.
To take away all my bitterness and strife.

I thank you God for all the many splendid things.
I hope God that I am able to pull out all the strings.
God I just want to be the one for you.
The one that makes the skies blue.
The skies blue for those that read these words so true.
And do your great work of healing hearts each and every day.
By taking from so many their lives of disarray.

God thank you for the many talents you've given me, this I can't ignore.
Even though so many days it feels like such a chore.
I often wonder, why me Lord.
But still you continue to keep things in one accord.
So as I sit here and pen these words, I want you to know.
I thank you God, for you're the main reason I glow.

God I thank you for waking in bed each day.
I thank you for the beautiful blue skies and the suns rays.
I thank you for the peace in my heart.
And for all the fears that continue to part.

I thank you for being you.
For making me feel great, even when I'm blue.
I thank you for the depths of understanding you've given me.
For the many opportunities to grow like a fine tree.
Growing in leaps and bounds, like never before.
I thank you God for opening so many doors.

God you've made so many changes in me throughout the years.
So many times, I've had to fight back the tears.
But God you've always been there, and I thank you once again.
For each and every day because of you I can hold this wonderful grin

Daniel J. Brincefield Sr11/2001

Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
- Original Message -
From: hari krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 4:11 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Why Me ???

> Hi  All !!
> My friends see how loving God is!!! This little poem goes really true with
> Bless You
> Hari
> Dubai
> When I hated you, you loved me.
> When I did you wrong, you did good unto me.
> When I gave up, you came along and picked me up.
> Now all I can say is thank you.
> Now all I can wonder is why me?
> When I drank to much, you put me in a treatment center.
> When I was promiscuous, you protected me from disease.
> When I judged others, you showed me my need for forgiveness.
> Now all I can say is thank you.
> Now all I can wonder is why me?
> In my sins I spit on you and mocked you,
> In my rage I nailed you to a tree
> In your pure love you didn't spit back,
> You just looked up and prayed for me.
> Now all I can say is thank you.
> Now all I can wonder is why me?
> The answer is as simple as your beloved name
> Jesus, the Lord, who saves me from my shame.
> Abba, the one who makes it rain on me again.
> Holy Spirit, the one who heals me and makes amends.
> Why me? because i'm bad, and I need you.
> Why me? because I failed, and couldn't save myself.
> Why me? because YOU WANTED TO,  and that's good enough for me.
> Sign-up for Video Highlights of 2002 FIFA World Cup
> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To subscribe to this mailing list, visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To subscribe to this mailing list, visit
For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact

[JOYnet] Would it kill u to ask

2002-06-24 Thread JASON :)

Stephanie Slater was in graduate school when her mother passed away. "Mom had
always pushed her children toward higher education," Stephanie says. "Among
the seven of us, there are five bachelor's degrees and five masters'-one of my
sisters has two masters." Stephanie's mom was a brisk, assertive person too,
who hated to stand by and do nothing, when a response was indicated. At least
people could try, she felt. "Would it kill you to ASK?" she had told Stephanie
more than once-most recently when Stephanie hesitated to apply for college
financial aid in the belief that she would be turned down. She had taken her
mother's advice---and received a student loan. Now, despite being devastated
over the loss, Stephanie decided to continue her courses. It was what her mom
would have wanted her to do.

One evening a few weeks after the funeral, Stephanie was driving home from a
study group meeting in Tampa. It hadn't gone well. An important participant
hadn't attended, and Stephanie was upset about it. In fact, she was
uncharacteristically irritated over a lot of things lately. Her father had
just had a stroke, she was carrying a heavy load of work and school, "even the
fact that it was late and dark bothered me," she says. "I continued to stew as
I sat at a red light at a busy intersection."

 Then-suddenly---a little boy walked in front of her headlights. Stephanie was
startled. "He was so out of place, and too young to be alone-probably only
seven or eight years old," she says. "It was dark, and there were no sidewalks
on the side of this road." The child looked dirty and bedraggled too, as he
continued past her. What was he doing here? She should get involved, but..what
if her intention was misjudged? Or what if she called to him, and he responded
rudely? After the day's hassle, she was just not in the mood, and the light
was about to change.

 Then Stephanie heard a strong inner voice: "Well, would it KILL you to ASK?"
It was her mother! Stephanie recognized not only the phrase but the
attitude--why stand by if something could be done? Immediately, Stephanie
rolled down her window and called to the child. "Honey, are you lost?" Another
few feet and he would have been gone. But now he stopped, and looked towards
her car. "Yes," he said, his lower lip trembling.

 The light changed. "Stay where you are!" Stephanie pulled around the corner
up to the boy, reached out of the window and handed him her cell phone. He was
obviously scared, but he punched in some numbers. As Stephanie watched him,
she had a sense of unexpected peace and power. This was how the situation was
supposed to work out, wasn't it? Her daily cares somehow floated away. Now
Stephanie heard the joyful shriek of a woman on the other end of the phone.
The boy handed it to her. "I'm so glad you found Michael!" the woman was
crying and laughing at the same time. "The police have been looking for him
for four hours!"

Stephanie and the mom agreed to meet at a nearby video store, and Michael took
the phone again to receive permission to get in the car. He had wandered five
miles from home, Stephanie discovered as they drove and talked. And he was
twelve, far older than she had thought. "What happened?" she asked. "Did you
just walk too far?" Michael paused. "I have Tourette's Syndrome," he told her.
"Sometimes I stutter. My friends were playing and they started making fun of
me, so I got mad, and started walking. All of a sudden, I didn't know where I
was. "Stephanie thought her heart would break. Who would make fun of such a
precious little boy?

Just a few moments after they reached the store, Michael's mother arrived. She
wept and hugged him, and hugged Stephanie too. How terrified she must have
been, Stephanie thought, as she tried to put herself in the woman's place. And
now, how joyous! Maybe God feels that way about us too, loving us just the way
we are, rejoicing when we return to Him. She hadn't ever thought of that. It
added to the inexplicable serenity she had been experiencing ever since she
met Michael. Then he turned to her. "Are you an angel?" he asked.

 "No, Michael," Stephanie answered, her own eyes filling with tears. "But I
think an angel put you in my path tonight."

 Stephanie is more open to situations now. She often finds herself asking,
"Was I put here to help in some way?" She has also learned that in the midst
of grief, there can be joy. "I think this event was my mother's way of
relieving my stress, and letting me know that she's still watching over me,"
says Stephanie. "That's my message to others who have lost a loved one: the
truth is, they never really leave you." And the work in God's earthly kingdom
continues, aided most by those WHO ARE WILLING TO ASK !

by Joan Wester Anderson


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[JOYnet] He moulded me instead

2002-06-11 Thread Jason Herbert

He moulded me instead - by Sue Henly

I just had my 25th wedding anniversary. What an accomplishment. I've only 
contemplated divorce about 1 million times over the last 25 years, so you 
can imagine my surprise over reaching this milestone.

I have been complaining about this man for about 9,125 daysgive or take 
a few days. My life is not how I envisioned it. Every major fight we've ever 
had has been over money. How you fight about something you don't have is 
beyond me. There was also the big fight over the candle light dinner I 
fixed...it seems he wants to see what he eats! He has seldom paid me a 
compliment. He rarely buys me presents. He won't learn how to massage my 
back. He won't wear shorts or swim trunks. We have only been on one family 
vacation in 25 years. He has never disciplined our girls, thus leaving me as 
the repeated bad guy! He refuses to go grocery shopping and continues to 
sneak and smoke after a bilateral carotid endartectomy. AND he spends way 
too much time in his recliner!

This same man wouldn't miss a day of work unless he was half dead and he 
hands over his check every payday. He would drive day and night to pick up 
either of our girls if they needed him. He loves my mom and Granny almost as 
much as I do. If you called him and said, "I'm Sue's friend, we've never met 
and my car won't start".he would be out of the door in a flash to 
help you out. What an incredible father he has been. I know he loves our 
girls as much as I do! He has never complained about how much I've spent on 
either childno matter how out of budget I went. Since he knows how I 
hate to cookhe hasn't complained (much) about the 20,000 fast food meals 
we've consumed. He almost drowned as a childwhich is why he doesn't 
swim...and maybe if we didn't make fun of his ultra white legs.he'd 
wear shorts. He doesn't drink alcohol and is forbidden to use the words that 
are unacceptable to children's ears (and mine). He hates to leave our sleepy 
little town.but, encourages me to go where I want to and he always seems 
happy to see me as I make it back up the driveway.

I cannot begin to tell you the number of conversations I've had with God 
about him.

"Lord, I'm so UNhappy. Life is too short and I know you don't want me to be 
UNhappy!" He'd whisper."Make yourself happy with him, Sue" "I can't live 
with him another minute, Lord. You're up there watching the whole vast 
universe and I don't think you see me down here, miserable!"

"Oh, I see you. I'm here, always and forever. Speak to me."

"I am speaking to you! I want to have some peace in my life, you know, 
Lordbut I don't want you mad at me! He's driving me crazy!"

"And he's doing what?"

"First of allhe's breathing my air!"


I spent so many years praying for God to change him. God doesn't play fair 
sometimes. It seems that all along God was changing me. I had to come face 
to face with the fact that 'submissiveness' just isn't my best quality. (Not 
even close!) But, I spend a small part of each day working on it. I was so 
busy with my girls and my life that I didn't realize how little of myself I 
gave to him. I concentrated on the fact that we were polar opposites and he 
would never be able to fill that part of me that needed filled. I didn't 
realize I wasn't playing fair either because I hadn't reached into myself to 
give him the part of me that needed nurturing. The poor man was walking in 
the dark. He didn't have a clue. I think we both wondered if love was 

We were at a family reunion and someone asked where he was. I gleefully told 
them he was working overtime! Someone said, "Poor Leonard." It's become a 
family joke to say "Poor Leonard" because it grates on my last nerve! My own 
mother looked at me and said, "Do you notice no one ever says, "Poor Sue"? 
It felt like ice water had been dumped on my head. It was SO very true! That 
day my eyes started to open.

So, at the ripe old age of 47, I've learned that happiness is a state of 
mind. You can be hopelessly in love and decide you don't want to be happy. 
He still does things that drive me totally over the edge. But, I am 
receiving the nuturing that I have so long desired. I made up my mind that's 
he's not responsible for my happiness with him.I am. I can hold grudges 
over what he's not done or done badlyor I embrace all the fine things he 
does so well. So this morning, and hopefully every morning for the next 50 
years, I choose to keep my family whole, to love with all my heart and 
please God and myself.


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Re: [JOYnet] the copy cat

2002-06-10 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear Lina & Other JYs

It is really humurous to know that Josun copied Leena's dog name and he 
becomes a Copy Cat. He should be a Copy Dog. hehehe  For me I guess the 
only good reason I can think of Lina trying to sue for Violation is that 
because after 5 years of LL.B. she is now compatible to be an Advocate. 
Hence you can proudly see that Adv. in front of her name. So all those 
seeking to file litigations can always refer her.

The sharing of Josun as usual was good. There are so many of us who take 
such moments for granted and then with such sharings we do have to remember 
that every moments of Joy and happiness in our family do count with praise 
to our Lord. I love the part when he used all the Surf Ariel to clean the 
puppy. Reminds me of the Advertisement of Surf Excel (not Ariel) they show 
on our TVs. I think many of us have seen it. But for those who havent. It 
basically shows how clean clothes become so dirty that it would be 
unimaginable for the owner to wash them. Till someone comes and says the 
most important caption of the Ad "Ghar par Surf Excel hain na".[You have 
Surf Excel at home rite].  which would mean that as long as u have Surf 
Excel at home, then why worry about how much your clothes can get dirty. It 
reminds us that as long Jesus is there within our heart then no matter which 
way we are rubbed or how much dirt in life is thrown on us after all "Dil 
mean Jesus hain na".

And then lets remember from this great episode of Josun and his Mom. "A 
Little Massaging gives a good Messaging." hehe so go pamper the Lord it is 
surely gonna pay u dividends .

urs in faith


Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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[JOYnet] 2 New Faces on JoyNet

2002-06-07 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear JYs

First of all I would like to wish you all a Happy Sacred Heart Feast. Yep 
today is the Big F - of our beloved Sacred Heartof Jesus. Its so unusual, no 
mails so far wishing us all abt the Feast.

Anyways I take this opportunity to introduce two new faces on Joynet. Both 
are from Mumbai.

1) Jennifer D'souza ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - I guess you all must have got 
her email by now titled "Birthday Wishes - Thanx".  We are blessed to have 
two Jennifer's from Mumbai now out here on Joynet. So as usual there were 
some of us who did get confused in replying to her. Jennifer is a good 
friend and former office colleague of our own Welchy and after hearing so 
much about us wonderful people :) she has joined us.  At present she is in 
the prayer grp of her parish. I had an opportunity of meeing her recently 
and is a wonderful person to know.

2) Jefferson Herbert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Yeah my own brother.  
Actually more my funee half... :) After finally filling his head for over a 
year with the wonderful moments experienced by me with u wonderful ppl., he 
has finally joined us. My brother has just given his TY exams and is 
awaiting his results patiently which are due any moment so do keep him in ur 

Anwyays hoping to find more ppl signing up and more wonderful sharings out 
here on JY.

with best wishes in faith


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[JOYnet] The Difference of One

2002-06-06 Thread Jason Herbert

Can one dime make a difference? Here is a woman who turned a dime into 
millions of dollars.

Her name was Martha Berry. This clever woman founded the Berry School in 
Rome, Georgia. She scraped together funds from every source possible. One 
day she approached Henry Ford, of Ford automobile fame, and asked for a 
contribution. Patronizingly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a 

Rather than be insulted or discouraged by the "gift," Miss Berry bought a 
package of seed peanuts with it. The seeds were planted and tended, and they 
eventually yielded a large crop, which she later sold.

Again she called on Mr. Ford. "Here's the dime you gave me last year," she 
said, handing him a coin. Then she told him of the return she had realized 
from his token investment.

Ford was so impressed that, in the years to come, he gave millions of 
dollars to the school.

Can one dime make a difference? Yes, if we invest it well.

How about one hour of your time? Can it make a difference? Or how about the 
life of one person? Can a life like yours or mine really make a difference? 
The answer to each of these questions is the same: Yes, if we invest it 

Now...how are your investments doing?

>From Steve Goodier's TOUCHING MOMENTS .

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[JOYnet] Lord Jesus Let Me Know Myself

2002-05-26 Thread Jason Herbert

Lord Jesus Let Me Know Myself

by St. Augustine of Hippo

Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know You,
And desire nothing save only You.
Let me hate myself and love You.
Let me do everything for the sake of You.
Let me humble myself and exalt You.
Let me think of nothing except You.
Let me die to myself and live in You.
Let me accept whatever happens as from You.
Let me banish self and follow You,
And ever desire to follow You.
Let me fly from myself and take refuge in You,
That I may deserve to be defended by You.
Let me fear for myself, let me fear You,
And let me be among those who are chosen by You.
Let me distrust myself and put my trust in You.
Let me be willing to obey for the sake of You.
Let me cling to nothing save only to You,
And let me be poor because of You.
Look upon me, that I may love You.
Call me that I may see You,
And for ever enjoy You. Amen.

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] May this Bring a smile on ye faces

2002-05-23 Thread Jason Herbert

Hoping that this catches you all in the best of humour:

A businessman who needed a hundred thousand dollars to clinch
an important deal went to church to pray for the money. By chance he knelt 
next to a man who was praying for $100 to pay an urgent debt.  The 
businessman took out his wallet and pressed $100 into the other man's hand. 
Overjoyed, the man got up and left the church. The businessman then closed 
his eyes and prayed, "And now, Lord, that I have your undivided 


Timmy was a little five year old boy that his Mom loved very much and, being 
a worrier, she was concerned about him walking to school when he started 
Kindergarten. She walked him to school the couple of days but when he came 
home one day, he told his mother that he did not want her walking him to 
school everyday. He wanted to be like the
"big boys." He protested loudly, so she finally got an idea of how to handle 

She asked a neighbor, Mrs. Goodnest, if she would surreptitiously follow her 
  son to school, at a distance behind him that he would not likely notice, 
but  close enough to keep a watch on him. Mrs. Goodnest said that since she 
was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get 
  some exercise as well so she agreed. The next school day, Mrs. Goodnest 
and her little girl, Marcy, set out following behind Timmy as he walked to 
school with another neighbor boy he knew. She did this for the whole week.

As the boys walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, the little friend 
of Timmy noticed that this same lady was following them as she seemed to do 
every day all week. Finally, he said to Timmy, "Have you noticed that  lady 
following us all week? Do you know her?"  Timmy nonchalantly replied, "Yea, 
I know who she is."
The little friend said, "Well who is she?"
"That's just Shirley Goodnest" Timmy said.
"Shirley Goodnest? Who the heck is she and why is she following us?"
  "Well," Timmy explained, "every night my Mom makes me say the 23rd  Psalm 
with my prayers 'cuz she worries about me so much. And in it, the prayer 
psalm says, "Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my 
life." so I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

Psalm 23:6.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my 
life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Just A Little Something To Make You Laugh

The Dentist's Hymn:.Crown Him with Many Crowns
The Weatherman's Hymn:There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
The Contractor's Hymn:...The Church's One Foundation
The Tailor's Hymn:..Holy, Holy, Holy
The Golfer's Hymn:..There's a Green Hill Far Away
The Politician's Hymn:Standing on the Promises
The Optometrist's Hymn:.Open My Eyes That I Might See
The IRS Agent's Hymn:...I Surrender All
The Gossip's Hymn:..Pass It On
The Electrician's Hymn:.Send The Light
The Shopper's Hymn:Sweet By and By
The Realtor's Hymn:.I've Got a Mansion, Just Over The
The Massage Therapists Hymn...He Touched Me
The Doctor's Hymn:..The Great Physician

For those who speed on the highway - a few hymns:

45mphGod Will Take Care of You
55mphGuide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
65mphNearer My God To Thee
75mphNearer Still Nearer
85mphThis World Is Not My Home
95mphLord, I'm Coming Home
100mph.Precious Memories

Give me a sense of humor, Lord,
Give me the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life
And pass it on to other folk.

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Uncle Joseph Lonth in India

2002-05-18 Thread Jason Herbert

Dear JYs

Welchy has asked me to inform you wonderful people that the Dear Uncle of 
Joynet, Joseph Lonth will be in Mumbai shortly.

Apparently Uncle Joseph Lonth will be in Mumbai on June 21 night and u can 
call him early on June 22 at (022) 6121086.

urs in faith


P.S. Welchy was unable to send this mail as rite now she is grooving at 
Priya's Wedding... hehe... so dont forget to catch up with her as well at 
Priya's Wedding.

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