[JPP-Devel] Concave hull extension and extension manager

2023-05-26 Thread Eric

Hi everyone,

A bit more than ten years ago, I developed a concave hull lib based on 
JTS, as well as the first version of the OJ extension (which is part of 
OJ PLUS). Since then, Michael has kindly updated this extension. Last 
year, Martin David released another concave hull algorithm, which is now 
part of JTS (see [1] and [2]). His main algorithm is based on the same 
paper than the one I used, and used a similar implementation, i.e. by 
generating an alternative way of storing the results of the Delaunay 
triangulation (to know about triangle adjacency and to be able to create 
a concave hull by erosion). On top of that, he added numerous 
improvements in order to help with the choice of the threshold, and 
developed as well other well-known algorithms such as the alpha shape 
one. Therefore, it would probably be a good idea to move from my 
previous implementation to the ones directly integrated into JTS, either 
by default in OJ or by creating a new extension. In both cases, I would 
be happy to do it. I just need to know, in the case it is integrated by 
default, where to add it: next to the Convex hull (Tools / Analysis / 
Convex hull) ? in Tools / Analysis / Geometry functions (if possible and 
compatible with the current parameter) ? both ? Just let me know what 
you think.

During the Git migration process, we discussed about the creation of a 
possible extension manager. I just did some tests and I managed to 
dynamically load a new extension with just a few lines of code based on 
the PlugInManager, and can be used straight away. The new installed 
extension will also automatically be loaded during any future launches. 
Extensions could be easily removed, installed from a centralised online 
repository (for example, from a github.io page) but also from any other 
compatible repository. The only problems that I can see would be:
- how to update an already installed extension, i.e. how to uninstall 
the current version then dynamically reinstalled an updated version of 
the same extension without the need to relaunch OJ (it is easy to 
physically delete the previous version but how to properly "unload" the 
associated Java classes? Is it easily possible?),
- to properly manage the versioning, i.e. how to properly synchronise 
local vs remote information about the extensions -- but it should be 
alright with a bit of work,
- the extensions that require one or several dependencies, in other 
words, how to avoid a local conflict if two different versions of the 
same dependency are installed?

Would you still be interested about such functionality? If yes, I would 
rather create a first implementation as an extension itself, in order to 
avoid interfering with OJ core. If it satisfies all requirements, it 
could then be integrated in OJ as an integrated plugin (like many 
functionalities are). Finally, would you prefer configuration / metadata 
files based on json or xml?

Just let me know your thoughts about both subjects.

All the best,

[1] https://lin-ear-th-inking.blogspot.com/2022/01/concave-hulls-in-jts.html

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] openjump on github

2021-01-20 Thread Eric


On 19/01/2021 13:13, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

On 1/19/2021 9:19, Michaud Michael wrote:

Hi Jumpers

Thanks to Eric's guide, I could initialize openjump project on gitub 
(openjump-gis/openjump) and convert it to jts 1.18.

It is not perfect (I could not convert 1.5 post_release 
 tag because of the whitespace in the name :-(), but all in all, I think it is OK.

tag '1.5 post_release' seems to be there with a %20, or am i missing something?

Please, have a look and let me know if you think so.

commit history seem to be identical to sf.net svn, though we're missing 2years 
because of an improper svn mov from /trunk/openjump to /trunk/core . just for 
completeness sake we should probably transfer this as into a history branch if 
someone wants to research changes to a specific source file.
Would you consider creating a specific repository for these 2 years 
rather than a branch? It would probably reduce the size of the main 
repository, which is already quite large (~750MB).
See these considerations: 

As the OJ repository will only come larger over time, it could slow the 
fetching process.

The creation of a specific repository could probably be considered as 
well to store the former SVN "branches", i.e. oj_stable_1_2 (updated 14 
years ago by Stefan Steiniger), 1.2 (updated 14 years ago by Stefan 
Steiniger), paustin (updated 14 years ago by Paul Austin), 1.3 (updated 
12 years ago by Stefan Steiniger), sstein@1863 (updated 11 years ago by 
Larry Becker) and stable%201.5 (updated 9 years ago by Michael Michaud). 
All the tags would stay, including the ones in link with the 1.2 and 1.3 
versions listed in branches (were these branches some pre-release tests?).

I could compile but I still have a problem to run maven.

I did not migrate plugins at all (not sure how we must proceed yet, some 
options must be discussed)

sure, one step after the other. no need to hurry things. generally i'd be in 
favour of one branch per plugin, but might be swayed otherwise.

Ede, do you mean one repository per plugin rather than one branch?

If in the future, the plan is to create/add a plugin manager, the option 
to create a repository per plugin could facilitate their maintenance, 
especially if the OJ distribution can be used as a Maven dependency for 
these plugins.

There are probably plenty of things to improve and fix before we start again to 
add new code.

I'll try to list some more precise points to discuss in a future mail.

ok, looking forward to it. ..ede


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP migration process

2021-01-20 Thread Eric

Hi Michael, Ed,

Sorry for this late answer, schools have been closed here this year and 
I'm just back at work.

On 06/01/2021 13:51, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

On 1/6/2021 14:08, Michaud Michael wrote:

Hi Eric, Ede,

I started reading the migration process from Eric (very well done !).



My first problem with the svn2git process was that it stopped on '(no author)'. 
I used Eric instructions to create the authors file again and saw that it lists 
a (no author) author. I added it in the repo.

Now, there is another problem with directories containing whitespace like 1.5 
post_release. Error is :

cat-file commit refs/remotes/svn/tags/1.5 post_release: command returned error: 

there shouldn't be any problems left that are not mentioned in Eric's 
documentation. if there are something is probably amiss.

During my attempt to migrate this white space has been automatically 
encoded using %20, so I didn't encounter any problems at this level.

Don't know how to solve it, but before digging further, did we dicide what must 
be migrate exactly beside history. Not sure the three branches from 2007, 2010 
and 2012 need to be migrated for example.

generally agreed. we need the trunk with tags and complete history. the old 
branches can be ignored, no one needs 'em anymore.

did Eric import those? if yes, how? if no, then just ignore them i'd say.. ede

I nearly imported everything, based on the previous discussions we had, 
including the equivalent of the SVN branches.
See imported branches here: 

How I did it is already written in the documentation.

The only change I would make is to use "main" rather than "master" as 
the main branch, following the default Github setup which has evolved in 
link with the BLM movement.

By the way, happy new year to everyone! I wish you all the best.

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] New project/new plugin

2020-12-02 Thread Eric
Congratulations for these great results and these ports Peppe! I really 
like the colours of your raster interpolations -- they are quite 
refreshing / juicy :)

I don't know if this would be of interest to you but I developed in the 
past a TPS (Thin Plate Spline) interpolation [1] in order to create 
contour lines (vector) from a layer of XYZ points/coordinates for 
example. I even developed a quick OJ plugin to visually test the results 
but I never released it. If you're interested to add this kind of 
interpolation, I could release the code in open source somewhere. It 
should be relatively straightforward to compute an image from it, as 
once the TPS parameters have been estimated, it's possible to compute 
any z value for a given (x, y), and therefore to attach this value to 
your GridExtent / Raster. Just let me know if are interested.


On 02/12/2020 13:14, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

Greetings OpenJUMPs
I started a new project to create an interpolation plugin for OpenJUMP
The plugin takes scattered points loaded in OpenJUMP which have a xyz 
coordinates and transform them into a raster grid, as Sextante raster.

OpenJUMP has already some interpolation plugins via Sextante toolbox 
(linear regression, Nearest Neighbor, IDW and some Krigings).

My plugin tries to extend this capability reusing external codes from 
other projects which recently are "starving" of development: 
AdbToolbox, a clone of OpenJUMP, and the good WhiteBox GAT from John 

Note that, among the others, the TIN interpolation algorithm is my 
first try to port an imageJ plugin to OpenJUMP with a with unexpected 
and fast results: it required few modification to port and it is the 
faster and less memory-eater among the others

You can find detail of my project and a link to download the plugin here:

The plugin uses MultiInputDialog from OpenJUMP which allows to use 
part of the dialog for user information where you can find info on how 
to use each algorithm of interpolation.

The project is an external plugin as it is still on developing and 
testing. The day that it will mature enough I plan to port it to OpenJUMP.

Best regards

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP migration documentation

2020-08-21 Thread Eric

Hi Peppe,

On 21/08/2020 13:05, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
Thanks Eric, next week I will take sometime to study the repository 
and all the page you sent.

Some questions, proposals.

A) Regarding plugins,
Do you think that grouping together  plugins iwith similar technical 
aspects into one source could help to simplify/speed the transition to 
For instance, I am considering to group together CAD toolbox, Advanced 
Measure and Color chooser plugins. Of coarse thus should be done 
before porting everything to Git.

This is a question of: migration practicality vs project 
re-structuration vs long term maintenance.

As far as I currently know, it would seem rather difficult to migrate 
all the plug-ins into a single repository because of their individual 
structures. Some of them have an internal standard layout (trunk, 
branches, tags), some others have a non standard one, some others have 
none. But this doesn't mean that if required (single repository), it 
should be avoided simply based on the migration complexity. The 
migration will be done once, but the maintenance will have to be on a 
"daily/weekly/monthly" basis after that.

This is the reason why I thought it would be a good time to introduce a 
plug-in manager. I started to look at different options. You probably 
already had discussions about it on this list but I didn't look at it yet.
A plug-in manager would allow to split all the plug-ins into individual 
repositories, or to group them, as you wrote, based on their technical 
aspects / dependencies. If the core of OpenJUMP is regularly exported in 
a Maven repository, then all plug-ins could be automatically tested 
against it for each change. On the other hand, if each plug-in has its 
own repository, will it be harder to manage them all? Another solution 
would consist in migration these plug-ins individually, then to 
restructure them and to move them inside one or several new 
repositories. They could be considered as modules, and could maybe 
depend on a common parent Maven configuration. This would probably help 
to maintain, deploy, and test them in an automated way (not for the code 
maintenance of course, but at a global configuration level).

The plug-in manager could also simplify the way the project is built at 
the moment as some plug-ins need to be shipped in during each release. 
With a plug-in manager, only the core could be provided then the 
plug-ins could be easily loaded afterwards.

I started writing a bit about some of these aspects, but nothing 
substantial for the moment. And as you know how OpenJUMP works far 
better than me, I am quite happy to see what you wait for your 
suggestions, rather than proposing something a bit in the dark. So 
please let me know what you think, especially if what I wrote above 
makes no sense to you.

B) WFS could be shipped as external plug-in. Anyhow.

You're right. But it would probably be easier to keep it internally to 
allow a centralised layer management.

C) good news from Sextante GIS planet.
https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/svn/sextante/ has also source code from 
Sextante vers. 1.0 which seems to be the one we shipped. I recompiled 
it with JTS 1.7 and used a OJ core adapted with JTS 1.7 to test 
various raster plugins with success.
I am considering to open a repository on Git to store the Sextante lib 
source and OJ binding.

Please do. It could help to test the automated builds.



Il ven 21 ago 2020, 12:37 Eric <mailto:eric.openj...@thefactory.io>> ha scritto:


On 20/08/2020 19:22, edgar.sol...@web.de
<mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de> wrote:
> On 20.08.2020 19:08, Michaud Michael wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Big thanks for this work Eric, seems to be very well documented.
> yup, impressively well documented!

Thanks. No problem.

>> I think we should take advantage of this work and proceed to a
more definitive
>> migration without waiting too much.
> true. but we should still put out a final "stable" because it'll
probably take some time to adapt all those missing extensions.

 From a technical point of view, the migration process is still
going to
work in a couple of months.

As written in my previous message, this article highlights what
needs to
be done before the final migration:

It is often advised to avoid adding binary files. I wrote a bit about
that in the OpenJUMP context:


The migration of the OpenJUMP core repository has been relatively
easy but:
- the WFS functionalities have been lost along the way. What to do?,
- some decisions need to be taken about the way(s) to migrate all the
plug-ins (individual repositories? a co

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP migration documentation

2020-08-21 Thread Eric


On 20/08/2020 19:22, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

On 20.08.2020 19:08, Michaud Michael wrote:


Big thanks for this work Eric, seems to be very well documented.

yup, impressively well documented!

Thanks. No problem.

I think we should take advantage of this work and proceed to a more definitive
migration without waiting too much.

true. but we should still put out a final "stable" because it'll probably take 
some time to adapt all those missing extensions.

From a technical point of view, the migration process is still going to 
work in a couple of months.

As written in my previous message, this article highlights what needs to 
be done before the final migration:


It is often advised to avoid adding binary files. I wrote a bit about 
that in the OpenJUMP context:


The migration of the OpenJUMP core repository has been relatively easy but:
- the WFS functionalities have been lost along the way. What to do?,
- some decisions need to be taken about the way(s) to migrate all the 
plug-ins (individual repositories? a couple of global ones -- core, 
plus, experimental, etc. --? a global one?). Their SVN structures 
differ, so it isn't going to be necessarily easy to deal with that,
- would it be easier to create the plug-in manager before the migration? 
Could it help answering the last questions?,
- there are all the questions about the different builds, especially for 
those which are related to the plug-ins,
- is there a better way to link SVN authors with Git authors, rather 
than using the SourceForge user addresses? (historical commits would 
thus refer to current Git accounts)

- etc.

After migration, the current size of the OpenJUMP core as a Git 
repository is around 540MB.

The 'docs' folder size alone is 70MB without the revision history, and 
108MB if considered. By externalising it into another Git repository 
(the revision history would be kept as well), this would reduce the 
global size of the main core repository by already 20%. Some other 
folders could be considered. In the long term, this would probably make 
the global project easier to manage.

I just did a quick test to create a private repository for the 'docs' 
folder. See (you need to be logged in to access it): 
I used a tool directly provided by GitHub to automate the migration 
(https://github.com/new/import). It is quite handy but it is relatively 
difficult to create a proper mapping between the SVN and the Git 

So what I would suggest is to create some wiki pages in the newly 
created openjump-migration-doc repository 
(https://github.com/openjump-gis/openjump-migration-doc) to write and 
discuss about the different options. A wiki is an easy way of 
communication, or issues could be created as well. Once 
discussed/closed, I could add some proper documentation to crystallise 
what has been decided.

This suggestion, even if first perceived as time consuming, could allow 
us to migrate most the OJ repositories/components, if not all, in an 
easier way, and to save some a lot of time in the future. This would 
also allow, if needed, to restructure some parts of the project now 
(probably not the code itself, such as the tests, etc., but such as 
previously described based on the 'docs' folder) rather than later, 
especially if one goal is to reduce the global size of the repository.

Once again, these are just suggestions, open to discussion.


What about listing the tickets or tasks we want to fix before migration (if
possible something we can achieve within a few weeks). Then we could make a new
release and concentrate on the migration.

agreed. we should at least prioritize. let me try to set up a milestone in the 
bug tracker.

sorry for spamming the list, but setting up the searchable milestone on sf.net 
was a bit bothersome.

we have 36 open bugs, which can now be assigned to a OJ_1.16 milestone now. 
when that's done we can search them on the left side via 'Open Tickets for OJ 
1.16' and fix em one by one.

hands up. who want's to tag'em?

Any other proposal somebody ?

not me :).. ede


envoyé : 20 août 2020 à 17:58
de : Eric 
à : jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
objet : Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP migration documentation

Just added the documentation to update JTS from 1.14 to 1.17.


On 20/08/2020 13:42, Eric wrote:


The first part of this documentation is now online:

It focuses only on the migration from SVN to Git.

Before migrating, the reading of this article could be useful as it
contains some good practice tips:



Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP migration documentation

2020-08-20 Thread Eric

Just added the documentation to update JTS from 1.14 to 1.17.


On 20/08/2020 13:42, Eric wrote:


The first part of this documentation is now online: 

It focuses only on the migration from SVN to Git.

Before migrating, the reading of this article could be useful as it 
contains some good practice tips:


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP migration documentation

2020-08-20 Thread Eric


The first part of this documentation is now online: 

It focuses only on the migration from SVN to Git.

Before migrating, the reading of this article could be useful as it 
contains some good practice tips:



Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] MakeValidOp

2020-08-18 Thread Eric
The migration, as previously discussed (SVN from Git + JTS 1.17), is now 
complete. See:


I'm going to try completing the documentation asap, and adding a 
automated build configuration. I'll let you know when it's ready.


On 18/08/2020 10:21, Eric wrote:

Hi Michaël,

The idea behind openjump-migration is initially to test the SVN to Git 
migration and the JTS update. If we start updating some specific code 
or creating a test part, it is going to become something else, and it 
will be probably difficult to reproduce all these steps when/if you 
decide to go on with this migration.

What I was simply suggested was the creation of a dedicated repository 
just to test this class (or more if needed), which would benefit from 
the JTS update (1.17), not its removal from the OJ core. Simply 
because it is the only case which doesn't seem to be easy to solve, 
and which requires JTS 1.15+ to be tested against (contrary to all the 
other current changes that can be directly committed into the SVN 
repository, as usual). Once a solution is found, we can integrate it 
into the final migration repository.

So just a simple 'divide and conquer' idea, without the need to 
restructure some parts of openjump-migration, at least not for now. 
Sorry if I've been unclear.


On 18/08/2020 09:18, Michaud Michael wrote:


Not sure I understand your proposition. There is now a function of 
OpenJUMP-core using this MakeValidOp. If we move it to another 
project, it will make the build a bit more difficult isn't it ?

About tests, you're completely right. I'm often lazy and just push a 
few tests in the main() of the class. I think it would be quite easy 
to put these tests in a dedicated test dierctory. Indeed, we already 
have one named jumptest, but it is not much used. Benjamin Gudehus, a 
former contributor tried to improve our habits about testing, but 
there is so much work to be done in this area that nobody followed 
him...Let's try to improve it a bit. I'll move MakeValidOp tests to 
the dedicated test area.


*envoyé :* 18 août 2020 à 09:55
*de :* Eric 
*à :* jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
*objet :* Re: [JPP-Devel] MakeValidOp

Hi Michaël,

Don't be sorry, it was quite good to understand how it works.

The changes I made seem to fix the part of makeValid which tests if 
the "geometry" dimension (based on CoordinateSequence, not the 
geometry dimension itself). If the dimension is 4, it calls 
restoreDim4 as expected. These shouldn't have an impact on the rest.

The other changes are related to the PackedCoordinateSequenceFactory 
instances, as there isn't any more a constructor which includes the 
dimension as a parameter.

As it purely JTS dependent, would you like to create another 
repository for that in openjump-gis or would you like me to do it? 
This way we could split the code and the tests, and it would be 
easier to manage than the full project (especially if the tests are 
written separately, as it isn't yet clearly done in OJ at the 
moment). Let me know what you think about it.


On 18/08/2020 07:41, Michaud Michael wrote:

Hi Eric,

Sorry to have let you with this problem.

I also checked on my side. Indeed, when I wrote this class, I gave 
up the idea of preserving the z/m ordinate during the computation 
because as you noticed, they are lost by some jts algo I need. 
Instead, I get z/m back at the end of the process.

I think that broken tests are not so important because they test 
intermediate steps (on CoordinateSequence). I suppose they are 
broken by the many changes done on jts side about z/m management. 
Trying to understand why these changes broke my test, I was not 
completely satisfied about how this is managed in jts and I issued 
2 tickets in locationtech/jts repo.

-> I have a version of the class which compiles and passed the 
(modified) tests. I can push it.

-> I'll review the code depending on how my issues on jts are 
answered. I also have to check it more extensively to take into 
account improvements on z/m management recently done in jts. But it 
can be done later.


*envoyé :* 18 août 2020 à 04:29
*de :* Eric  
*à :* jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net 

*objet :* Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration


No problem.

I didn't encounter any problems to complete the migration locally 
(removed WFS parts, updated related WFS classes, JTS 1.17 and 
related code updated, etc.)... except with the class 

I managed to modify/update this class and it compiles. But then I 
tried to test if it was working based on the tests already written 
in the main. Even if the tests can be run, it seems that there is 
a problem with the 'nodePolygon(Polygon polygon)' method, during 

Re: [JPP-Devel] MakeValidOp

2020-08-18 Thread Eric

Hi Michaël,

The idea behind openjump-migration is initially to test the SVN to Git 
migration and the JTS update. If we start updating some specific code or 
creating a test part, it is going to become something else, and it will 
be probably difficult to reproduce all these steps when/if you decide to 
go on with this migration.

What I was simply suggested was the creation of a dedicated repository 
just to test this class (or more if needed), which would benefit from 
the JTS update (1.17), not its removal from the OJ core. Simply because 
it is the only case which doesn't seem to be easy to solve, and which 
requires JTS 1.15+ to be tested  against (contrary to all the other 
current changes that can be directly committed into the SVN repository, 
as usual). Once a solution is found, we can integrate it into the final 
migration repository.

So just a simple 'divide and conquer' idea, without the need to 
restructure some parts of openjump-migration, at least not for now. 
Sorry if I've been unclear.


On 18/08/2020 09:18, Michaud Michael wrote:


Not sure I understand your proposition. There is now a function of 
OpenJUMP-core using this MakeValidOp. If we move it to another 
project, it will make the build a bit more difficult isn't it ?

About tests, you're completely right. I'm often lazy and just push a 
few tests in the main() of the class. I think it would be quite easy 
to put these tests in a dedicated test dierctory. Indeed, we already 
have one named jumptest, but it is not much used. Benjamin Gudehus, a 
former contributor tried to improve our habits about testing, but 
there is so much work to be done in this area that nobody followed 
him...Let's try to improve it a bit. I'll move MakeValidOp tests to 
the dedicated test area.


*envoyé :* 18 août 2020 à 09:55
*de :* Eric 
*à :* jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
*objet :* Re: [JPP-Devel] MakeValidOp

Hi Michaël,

Don't be sorry, it was quite good to understand how it works.

The changes I made seem to fix the part of makeValid which tests if 
the "geometry" dimension (based on CoordinateSequence, not the 
geometry dimension itself). If the dimension is 4, it calls 
restoreDim4 as expected. These shouldn't have an impact on the rest.

The other changes are related to the PackedCoordinateSequenceFactory 
instances, as there isn't any more a constructor which includes the 
dimension as a parameter.

As it purely JTS dependent, would you like to create another 
repository for that in openjump-gis or would you like me to do it? 
This way we could split the code and the tests, and it would be 
easier to manage than the full project (especially if the tests are 
written separately, as it isn't yet clearly done in OJ at the 
moment). Let me know what you think about it.


On 18/08/2020 07:41, Michaud Michael wrote:

Hi Eric,

Sorry to have let you with this problem.

I also checked on my side. Indeed, when I wrote this class, I gave 
up the idea of preserving the z/m ordinate during the computation 
because as you noticed, they are lost by some jts algo I need. 
Instead, I get z/m back at the end of the process.

I think that broken tests are not so important because they test 
intermediate steps (on CoordinateSequence). I suppose they are 
broken by the many changes done on jts side about z/m management. 
Trying to understand why these changes broke my test, I was not 
completely satisfied about how this is managed in jts and I issued 2 
tickets in locationtech/jts repo.

-> I have a version of the class which compiles and passed the 
(modified) tests. I can push it.

-> I'll review the code depending on how my issues on jts are 
answered. I also have to check it more extensively to take into 
account improvements on z/m management recently done in jts. But it 
can be done later.


*envoyé :* 18 août 2020 à 04:29
*de :* Eric  
*à :* jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net 

*objet :* Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration


No problem.

I didn't encounter any problems to complete the migration locally 
(removed WFS parts, updated related WFS classes, JTS 1.17 and 
related code updated, etc.)... except with the class 

I managed to modify/update this class and it compiles. But then I 
tried to test if it was working based on the tests already written 
in the main. Even if the tests can be run, it seems that there is a 
problem with the 'nodePolygon(Polygon polygon)' method, during the 
validation of 3D (but also 4D) geometries (i.e. XYZ and XYZM). It 
replaces the Z values by NaN, thus changing 3D coordinate sequences 
into 2D ones. And because the mapping of the measure (M) is based 
on a XYZ coordinate comparison, this measure is also lost for 4D 
geometries. I didn't test yet this method with the current OJ 
version, to see if it

Re: [JPP-Devel] MakeValidOp

2020-08-18 Thread Eric

Hi Michaël,

Don't be sorry, it was quite good to understand how it works.

The changes I made seem to fix the part of makeValid which tests if the 
"geometry" dimension (based on CoordinateSequence, not the geometry 
dimension itself). If the dimension is 4, it calls restoreDim4 as 
expected. These shouldn't have an impact on the rest.

The other changes are related to the PackedCoordinateSequenceFactory 
instances, as there isn't any more a constructor which includes the 
dimension as a parameter.

As it purely JTS dependent, would you like to create another repository 
for that in openjump-gis or would you like me to do it? This way we 
could split the code and the tests, and it would be easier to manage 
than the full project (especially if the tests are written separately, 
as it isn't yet clearly done in OJ at the moment). Let me know what you 
think about it.


On 18/08/2020 07:41, Michaud Michael wrote:

Hi Eric,

Sorry to have let you with this problem.

I also checked on my side. Indeed, when I wrote this class, I gave up 
the idea of preserving the z/m ordinate during the computation because 
as you noticed, they are lost by some jts algo I need. Instead, I get 
z/m back at the end of the process.

I think that broken tests are not so important because they test 
intermediate steps (on CoordinateSequence). I suppose they are broken 
by the many changes done on jts side about z/m management. Trying to 
understand why these changes broke my test, I was not completely 
satisfied about how this is managed in jts and I issued 2 tickets in 
locationtech/jts repo.

-> I have a version of the class which compiles and passed the 
(modified) tests. I can push it.

-> I'll review the code depending on how my issues on jts are 
answered. I also have to check it more extensively to take into 
account improvements on z/m management recently done in jts. But it 
can be done later.


*envoyé :* 18 août 2020 à 04:29
*de :* Eric 
*à :* jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
*objet :* Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration


No problem.

I didn't encounter any problems to complete the migration locally 
(removed WFS parts, updated related WFS classes, JTS 1.17 and related 
code updated, etc.)... except with the class 

I managed to modify/update this class and it compiles. But then I 
tried to test if it was working based on the tests already written in 
the main. Even if the tests can be run, it seems that there is a 
problem with the 'nodePolygon(Polygon polygon)' method, during the 
validation of 3D (but also 4D) geometries (i.e. XYZ and XYZM). It 
replaces the Z values by NaN, thus changing 3D coordinate sequences 
into 2D ones. And because the mapping of the measure (M) is based on 
a XYZ coordinate comparison, this measure is also lost for 4D 
geometries. I didn't test yet this method with the current OJ 
version, to see if it is linked to the JTS update or not.

I don't think that I can quickly solve it. So what I would suggest 
for now is to leave this problem aside. Then tomorrow / today, I'll 
remove the extra code I wrote to locate/fix this possible bug, and 
I'll push the changes I made locally. This way, you'll be able to 
access the OJ version (with JTS 1.17 but without WFS). If I have 
time, I'll also try to add a first script to automate the builds, 
probably using Travis.

Sorry to not have been able to push my local changes today / 
yesterday but I really tried to see what was happening with the 
MakeValidOp app.

For info, I also documented the changes I made during this second 
phase and how I made them (even if the results / diffs can be visible 
in the commits / logs). I'll add both documentation (svn to git 
migration and this one) as soon as it is ready.


On 15/08/2020 17:27, Michaud Michael wrote:

Thanks for you effort,

I pushed a small modification in the pom to test that I can access 
and compile the project. Could compile after that.

Was just a test, don't hesitate if you have to restart the process 
from scratch.


envoyé : 15 août 2020 à 12:36
de : Eric  
à : jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net 

objet : Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration

Hi Ede,

On 15/08/2020 11:19, edgar.sol...@web.de 
<mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de> wrote:

On 15.08.2020 12:07, Eric wrote:

>> Hi all,>>
>> After 5-6 hours, the result of the migration is finally 
complete: https://github.com/openjump-gis/openjump-migration

>> It includes the commit history from revision 859 to 6242.

just checked, we'll lose some commits to the source this way. did 
you check if you could svn2git from rev.1 ? did it err out?

I'll try it next time from revision 1 as it would be a bit long to 
do it

again just now (it needs to run at night), and unnecessary within the
context of the JT

Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration

2020-08-17 Thread Eric


No problem.

I didn't encounter any problems to complete the migration locally 
(removed WFS parts, updated related WFS classes, JTS 1.17 and related 
code updated, etc.)... except with the class 

I managed to modify/update this class and it compiles. But then I tried 
to test if it was working based on the tests already written in the 
main. Even if the tests can be run, it seems that there is a problem 
with the 'nodePolygon(Polygon polygon)' method, during the validation of 
3D (but also 4D) geometries (i.e. XYZ and XYZM). It replaces the Z 
values by NaN, thus changing 3D coordinate sequences into 2D ones. And 
because the mapping of the measure (M) is based on a XYZ coordinate 
comparison, this measure is also lost for 4D geometries. I didn't test 
yet this method with the current OJ version, to see if it is linked to 
the JTS update or not.

I don't think that I can quickly solve it. So what I would suggest for 
now is to leave this problem aside. Then tomorrow / today, I'll remove 
the extra code I wrote to locate/fix this possible bug, and I'll push 
the changes I made locally. This way, you'll be able to access the OJ 
version (with JTS 1.17 but without WFS). If I have time, I'll also try 
to add a first script to automate the builds, probably using Travis.

Sorry to not have been able to push my local changes today / yesterday 
but I really tried to see what was happening with the MakeValidOp app.

For info, I also documented the changes I made during this second phase 
and how I made them (even if the results / diffs can be visible in the 
commits / logs). I'll add both documentation (svn to git migration and 
this one) as soon as it is ready.


On 15/08/2020 17:27, Michaud Michael wrote:

Thanks for you effort,

I pushed a small modification in the pom to test that I can access and 
compile the project. Could compile after that.

Was just a test, don't hesitate if you have to restart the process 
from scratch.


envoyé : 15 août 2020 à 12:36
de : Eric 
à : jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
objet : Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration

Hi Ede,

On 15/08/2020 11:19, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

On 15.08.2020 12:07, Eric wrote:

>> Hi all,>>
>> After 5-6 hours, the result of the migration is finally complete: 

>> It includes the commit history from revision 859 to 6242.

just checked, we'll lose some commits to the source this way. did 
you check if you could svn2git from rev.1 ? did it err out?

I'll try it next time from revision 1 as it would be a bit long to do it
again just now (it needs to run at night), and unnecessary within the
context of the JTS update.

>> I reinitialised the repository 'openjump-migration' to make easier 
this initial import, i.e. I deleted it and recreated a new one with 
the same name, but empty this time.

>> I'm now going to add a couple of files (gitignore, licence, 
readme, etc.) then I'll delete the WFS part as discussed, update the 
Maven configuration, update JTS and all related classes.

sounds good. remember to write down the steps, so we can recreate it 
in case we want/need to.

Don't worry, it is well documented. It also explains the reasons behind
some of the choices.

I just added a first gitignore file and the licence. I'm writing a
readme right now, then I'll convert the documentation about the
migration from txt to md. One step at a time.


thanks ..ede

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Git migration

2020-08-15 Thread Eric

Hi Ede,

On 15/08/2020 11:19, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

On 15.08.2020 12:07, Eric wrote:

Hi all,

After 5-6 hours, the result of the migration is finally complete: 

It includes the commit history from revision 859 to 6242.

just checked, we'll lose some commits to the source this way. did you check if 
you could svn2git from rev.1 ? did it err out?

I'll try it next time from revision 1 as it would be a bit long to do it 
again just now (it needs to run at night), and unnecessary within the 
context of the JTS update.

I reinitialised the repository 'openjump-migration' to make easier this initial 
import, i.e. I deleted it and recreated a new one with the same name, but empty 
this time.

I'm now going to add a couple of files (gitignore, licence, readme, etc.) then 
I'll delete the WFS part as discussed, update the Maven configuration, update 
JTS and all related classes.

sounds good. remember to write down the steps, so we can recreate it in case we 
want/need to.

Don't worry, it is well documented. It also explains the reasons behind 
some of the choices.

I just added a first gitignore file and the licence. I'm writing a 
readme right now, then I'll convert the documentation about the 
migration from txt to md. One step at a time.


thanks ..ede

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] Git migration

2020-08-15 Thread Eric

Hi all,

After 5-6 hours, the result of the migration is finally complete: 

It includes the commit history from revision 859 to 6242.

I reinitialised the repository 'openjump-migration' to make easier this 
initial import, i.e. I deleted it and recreated a new one with the same 
name, but empty this time.

I'm now going to add a couple of files (gitignore, licence, readme, 
etc.) then I'll delete the WFS part as discussed, update the Maven 
configuration, update JTS and all related classes.


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-14 Thread Eric
The use of the ra_svn module rather than the ra_serf one seems to be a 
rather good approach.

The migration process worked well during the last 2 and a half hours. It 
already took into account all the branches, and partially the trunk and 
the tags from 1.2preC to 1.7.0.

I'll let you know about it tomorrow morning as it is probably going to 
take another 2 or 3 hours (at least).

Based on that, a full local migration of the core (starting with 
revision 1) would probably take around 5 or 6 hours, plus the time to 
push all of this into the newly created GitHub repository.


On 14/08/2020 21:07, Eric wrote:

See my inline answers below.

On 14/08/2020 20:38, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

some  more questions
1. did it ever run through completely?

During my first tests, I used a starting revision number closer to 
6242 to test the process and to save some time (as I knew it would 
take ages to go through a complete check out). It worked well. But 
apparently not with the full history.

2. why start at revision 859?

Because it is apparently the first revision of the core, according to 
the logs.

I just checked again, using the same command line, i.e.: svn log 
--stop-on-copy https://svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/core/

It is 858 and not 859. I don't know why I get this wrong.

It's obviously the number 1 if you consider the entire project: svn 
log --stop-on-copy https://svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/

3. did you try https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git#debugging ?

Not yet as it is already quite a verbose mode by default.

it'd probably more stable if you could work with a full local 
checkout.. ede

I just realised that svn is based on several modules depending on the 
access protocol:
- ra_svn : Module for accessing a repository using the svn network 
- ra_serf : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV protocol 
using serf.

I'm trying to see if a switch to ra_svn could improve the situation. 
The answer will come in at least an hour (as a complete checkout and a 
migration take time).

If not, I will use the third repository access module, the local one:
- ra_local : Module for accessing a repository on local disk.

One step at a time, starting with the easier one (or maybe not).


On 14.08.2020 21:26, Eric wrote:
The command is to migrate the complete project, including its 
history, from svn to git:
svn2git https://svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/core --exclude 
docs --revision 859:6242 --authors ../authors.txt

I first tried without excluding the docs folder. The revision 
parameters match the first and the 1.15 revisions.

So yes, it's a complete checkout of the core (except the 1.15+ 
commits), including trunk, tags and branches, and their 
reconstruction and migration to a local git project.


On 14/08/2020 20:02, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:
probably just sf.net's svn acting up. it sometimes throws weird 
errors that resolve itself after a time. i guess they get fixed on 
their servers. who knows.

anyway. what is it you are doing when it errs out? a complete 
checkout? what commands are you running? can you give some context?


On 14.08.2020 20:48, Eric wrote:


I'm encountering a problem during the local migration (ra_serf: 
The server sent a truncated HTTP response body) when I try to do 
it from revision 859 to revision 6242.

I tried to exclude the 'docs' folder to reduce the size of it, 
without much success (still the same error after an hour or two 
during the migration process).

Could one of you try these two commands (as indicated here: 

svn cleanup
svn up

Thanks in advance.

On 14/08/2020 11:12, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

openjump-gis ok for me too

2020-08-14 12:03 GMT+02:00, edgar.sol...@web.de 

or jump instead of oj

so many possibilieits ..ede:))

On 14.08.2020 11:53, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:


2020-08-14 11:50 GMT+02:00, Eric :


The GitHub support team answered me this morning, stating that 
ownership transfer of the 'openjump' username or organisation 
is not

possible at the moment:

While I'd love to help, I'm afraid we won't be able to 
release that
username for you today as it's not dormant (not all activity 
on GitHub
is public) or available for release under our name-squatting 

Sorry I don't have better news to share with you on this.

Though it may not apply here, it's worth mentioning that we 
have a
trademark policy that could allow you to obtain a username 

already been claimed. If the username you're interested in is a
trademark you hold, I'd recommend taking a look at that 
policy for

more information about potentially filing a violation report:


Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-14 Thread Eric

See my inline answers below.

On 14/08/2020 20:38, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

some  more questions
1. did it ever run through completely?

During my first tests, I used a starting revision number closer to 6242 
to test the process and to save some time (as I knew it would take ages 
to go through a complete check out). It worked well. But apparently not 
with the full history.

2. why start at revision 859?

Because it is apparently the first revision of the core, according to 
the logs.

I just checked again, using the same command line, i.e.: svn log 
--stop-on-copy https://svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/core/

It is 858 and not 859. I don't know why I get this wrong.

It's obviously the number 1 if you consider the entire project: svn log 
--stop-on-copy https://svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/

3. did you try https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git#debugging ?

Not yet as it is already quite a verbose mode by default.

it'd probably more stable if you could work with a full local checkout.. ede

I just realised that svn is based on several modules depending on the 
access protocol:

- ra_svn : Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol.
- ra_serf : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV protocol using 

I'm trying to see if a switch to ra_svn could improve the situation. The 
answer will come in at least an hour (as a complete checkout and a 
migration take time).

If not, I will use the third repository access module, the local one:
- ra_local : Module for accessing a repository on local disk.

One step at a time, starting with the easier one (or maybe not).


On 14.08.2020 21:26, Eric wrote:

The command is to migrate the complete project, including its history, from svn 
to git:
svn2git https://svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/core --exclude docs 
--revision 859:6242 --authors ../authors.txt

I first tried without excluding the docs folder. The revision parameters match 
the first and the 1.15 revisions.

So yes, it's a complete checkout of the core (except the 1.15+ commits), 
including trunk, tags and branches, and their reconstruction and migration to a 
local git project.


On 14/08/2020 20:02, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

probably just sf.net's svn acting up. it sometimes throws weird errors that 
resolve itself after a time. i guess they get fixed on their servers. who knows.

anyway. what is it you are doing when it errs out? a complete checkout? what 
commands are you running? can you give some context?


On 14.08.2020 20:48, Eric wrote:


I'm encountering a problem during the local migration (ra_serf: The server sent 
a truncated HTTP response body) when I try to do it from revision 859 to 
revision 6242.

I tried to exclude the 'docs' folder to reduce the size of it, without much 
success (still the same error after an hour or two during the migration 

Could one of you try these two commands (as indicated here: 
svn cleanup
svn up

Thanks in advance.

On 14/08/2020 11:12, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

openjump-gis ok for me too

2020-08-14 12:03 GMT+02:00, edgar.sol...@web.de :

or jump instead of oj

so many possibilieits ..ede:))

On 14.08.2020 11:53, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:


2020-08-14 11:50 GMT+02:00, Eric :


The GitHub support team answered me this morning, stating that the
ownership transfer of the 'openjump' username or organisation is not
possible at the moment:

While I'd love to help, I'm afraid we won't be able to release that
username for you today as it's not dormant (not all activity on GitHub
is public) or available for release under our name-squatting policy
Sorry I don't have better news to share with you on this.

Though it may not apply here, it's worth mentioning that we have a
trademark policy that could allow you to obtain a username that's
already been claimed. If the username you're interested in is a
trademark you hold, I'd recommend taking a look at that policy for
more information about potentially filing a violation report:


I just created an organisation named 'openjump-gis' for the time being
(hyphens are allowed), according to the title of the openjump.org index
page and as it gives an idea of what the project is about. The following
options are also available at the moment:
- open-jump,
- openjumpgis
- openjump-project / openjumpproject
- oj-gis / ojgis
- jump-pilot / jumppilot
- openjump-pilot / openjumppilot
- geopenjump

Note that openjump is available on GitLab for the moment, if you wish to
create a mirror repository there.

It's always possible to rename an organisation later on (see

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-14 Thread Eric
The command is to migrate the complete project, including its history, 
from svn to git:
svn2git https://svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/core --exclude docs 
--revision 859:6242 --authors ../authors.txt

I first tried without excluding the docs folder. The revision parameters 
match the first and the 1.15 revisions.

So yes, it's a complete checkout of the core (except the 1.15+ commits), 
including trunk, tags and branches, and their reconstruction and 
migration to a local git project.


On 14/08/2020 20:02, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

probably just sf.net's svn acting up. it sometimes throws weird errors that 
resolve itself after a time. i guess they get fixed on their servers. who knows.

anyway. what is it you are doing when it errs out? a complete checkout? what 
commands are you running? can you give some context?


On 14.08.2020 20:48, Eric wrote:


I'm encountering a problem during the local migration (ra_serf: The server sent 
a truncated HTTP response body) when I try to do it from revision 859 to 
revision 6242.

I tried to exclude the 'docs' folder to reduce the size of it, without much 
success (still the same error after an hour or two during the migration 

Could one of you try these two commands (as indicated here: 
svn cleanup
svn up

Thanks in advance.

On 14/08/2020 11:12, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

openjump-gis ok for me too

2020-08-14 12:03 GMT+02:00, edgar.sol...@web.de :

or jump instead of oj

so many possibilieits ..ede:))

On 14.08.2020 11:53, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:


2020-08-14 11:50 GMT+02:00, Eric :


The GitHub support team answered me this morning, stating that the
ownership transfer of the 'openjump' username or organisation is not
possible at the moment:

While I'd love to help, I'm afraid we won't be able to release that
username for you today as it's not dormant (not all activity on GitHub
is public) or available for release under our name-squatting policy
Sorry I don't have better news to share with you on this.

Though it may not apply here, it's worth mentioning that we have a
trademark policy that could allow you to obtain a username that's
already been claimed. If the username you're interested in is a
trademark you hold, I'd recommend taking a look at that policy for
more information about potentially filing a violation report:


I just created an organisation named 'openjump-gis' for the time being
(hyphens are allowed), according to the title of the openjump.org index
page and as it gives an idea of what the project is about. The following
options are also available at the moment:
- open-jump,
- openjumpgis
- openjump-project / openjumpproject
- oj-gis / ojgis
- jump-pilot / jumppilot
- openjump-pilot / openjumppilot
- geopenjump

Note that openjump is available on GitLab for the moment, if you wish to
create a mirror repository there.

It's always possible to rename an organisation later on (see
This process automatically updates everything from link redirection to
commit attribution.

I already added Ede (edeso) and Michaël (mukoki) as owners of this

I also just created an 'openjump-migration' repository as previously
discussed and I am now tuning the settings of both the organisation and
the repository.

Feel free to modify the content / info / settings about these.

I should be able to push a first working version for next Monday, maybe
before but as schools reopened on Wednesday here in Scotland (children
don't attend it on a daily basis during this first week), I can't
promise anything.


On 12/08/2020 13:38, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

no worries. i'm pretty sure we are not fixed on that name. for years we
have been known as /jump-pilot/ (anybody know why?) and it worked as
how about you work with a private repo in the mean time and we'll deal
with name and organisation when we are ready to branch which is not
to be tomorrow ;)


On 12.08.2020 13:19, Eric wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks to all of you.

According to your answers, I'm in the process of creating a GitHub
organisation named 'openjump', containing a public repository named
'openjump-migration'. The current problem is that someone created an
account or an organisation with this name last April
(https://github.com/openjump), but with no activity since then. I just
contacted the GitHub support team to see if it was possible to have a
transfer of ownership for this name -- so, of course, with the
of the current owner), as it isn't allowed to directly contact the
for obvious reasons

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-14 Thread Eric


I'm encountering a problem during the local migration (ra_serf: The 
server sent a truncated HTTP response body) when I try to do it from 
revision 859 to revision 6242.

I tried to exclude the 'docs' folder to reduce the size of it, without 
much success (still the same error after an hour or two during the 
migration process).

Could one of you try these two commands (as indicated here: 

svn cleanup
svn up

Thanks in advance.

On 14/08/2020 11:12, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

openjump-gis ok for me too

2020-08-14 12:03 GMT+02:00, edgar.sol...@web.de :

or jump instead of oj

so many possibilieits ..ede:))

On 14.08.2020 11:53, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:


2020-08-14 11:50 GMT+02:00, Eric :


The GitHub support team answered me this morning, stating that the
ownership transfer of the 'openjump' username or organisation is not
possible at the moment:

While I'd love to help, I'm afraid we won't be able to release that
username for you today as it's not dormant (not all activity on GitHub
is public) or available for release under our name-squatting policy
Sorry I don't have better news to share with you on this.

Though it may not apply here, it's worth mentioning that we have a
trademark policy that could allow you to obtain a username that's
already been claimed. If the username you're interested in is a
trademark you hold, I'd recommend taking a look at that policy for
more information about potentially filing a violation report:


I just created an organisation named 'openjump-gis' for the time being
(hyphens are allowed), according to the title of the openjump.org index
page and as it gives an idea of what the project is about. The following
options are also available at the moment:
- open-jump,
- openjumpgis
- openjump-project / openjumpproject
- oj-gis / ojgis
- jump-pilot / jumppilot
- openjump-pilot / openjumppilot
- geopenjump

Note that openjump is available on GitLab for the moment, if you wish to
create a mirror repository there.

It's always possible to rename an organisation later on (see
This process automatically updates everything from link redirection to
commit attribution.

I already added Ede (edeso) and Michaël (mukoki) as owners of this

I also just created an 'openjump-migration' repository as previously
discussed and I am now tuning the settings of both the organisation and
the repository.

Feel free to modify the content / info / settings about these.

I should be able to push a first working version for next Monday, maybe
before but as schools reopened on Wednesday here in Scotland (children
don't attend it on a daily basis during this first week), I can't
promise anything.


On 12/08/2020 13:38, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

no worries. i'm pretty sure we are not fixed on that name. for years we
have been known as /jump-pilot/ (anybody know why?) and it worked as
how about you work with a private repo in the mean time and we'll deal
with name and organisation when we are ready to branch which is not
to be tomorrow ;)


On 12.08.2020 13:19, Eric wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks to all of you.

According to your answers, I'm in the process of creating a GitHub
organisation named 'openjump', containing a public repository named
'openjump-migration'. The current problem is that someone created an
account or an organisation with this name last April
(https://github.com/openjump), but with no activity since then. I just
contacted the GitHub support team to see if it was possible to have a
transfer of ownership for this name -- so, of course, with the
of the current owner), as it isn't allowed to directly contact the
for obvious reasons.

Apart from that, everything is ready.


On 12/08/2020 10:06, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

yup indenting is clearly broken in this reply, maybe better not reply
inline with that client Mike ;).. ede

On 12.08.2020 09:17, Michaud Michael wrote:


    >>> On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:
    >>>> Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it
seems that
there is only deegree 2,
    >>>> without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.
    >>> which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is
branch out
a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility to all external
that's the bad news.
    >>> the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much
of them and
during this effort we might eventually come up with a working plugin
after all

Re: [JPP-Devel] You've been made an owner of the OpeenJUMP organization

2020-08-14 Thread Eric

No risk to be dehydrated in Scotland (at least for the time being).

16°C right now with an anticipated peak at 18°C at 5-6pm. Same kind of 
temperatures until the end of this month.


On 14/08/2020 11:50, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

just added minor clarification to the repo title. apart from that go ahead :) 
and don't forget to drink plenty if you are on this planets summer side ;)

On 14.08.2020 12:44, Eric wrote:

I saw that too. It has already been corrected. Logo and URL added as well.

And I don't know why you didn't have been granted the owner role straight away 
as I invited you as owner and not member. That's why I had to change your role 
to correct it.

Please let me know if you see anything else, or feel free to change it yourself.

On 14/08/2020 11:39, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

Eric, any idea where the 'OpeenJUMP' note the double e stems from? ..ede

On 14.08.2020 12:29, OpeenJUMP wrote:

You have been granted admin access to OpeenJUMP. Admins have full rights to the 
organization and have complete access to all repositories and teams.

View all OpeenJUMP admins: 

Read more about organization permissions at: 

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] You've been made an owner of the OpeenJUMP organization

2020-08-14 Thread Eric

I saw that too. It has already been corrected. Logo and URL added as well.

And I don't know why you didn't have been granted the owner role 
straight away as I invited you as owner and not member. That's why I had 
to change your role to correct it.

Please let me know if you see anything else, or feel free to change it 


On 14/08/2020 11:39, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

Eric, any idea where the 'OpeenJUMP' note the double e stems from? ..ede

On 14.08.2020 12:29, OpeenJUMP wrote:

You have been granted admin access to OpeenJUMP. Admins have full rights to the 
organization and have complete access to all repositories and teams.

View all OpeenJUMP admins: 

Read more about organization permissions at: 

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] [GitHub] @ericgrosso has invited you to join the @openjump-gis organization

2020-08-14 Thread Eric
As I previously wrote, I just created it for the time being based on the 
openjump.org website title (I have personally no preference). It was 
just to start working on it and it can be changed at any time.

Ede, as owner of this organisation, you can do it. Feel absolutely free 
to do so.


On 14/08/2020 11:10, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

well then

it is. i can live with that.. ede

On 14.08.2020 11:27, GitHub wrote:

Hi edeso,

@ericgrosso has invited you to join the @openjump-gis organization on GitHub. 
Head over to https://github.com/openjump-gis to check out @openjump-gis’s 

To join @openjump-gis, follow this link:


   This invitation will expire in 7 days.

Some helpful tips:

- If you get a 404 page, make sure you’re signed in as edeso.

- You can also accept the invitation by visiting the organization page directly 
at https://github.com/openjump-gis

If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email.

   If @ericgrosso is sending you too many emails, you can block them by 
visiting https://github.com/settings/blocked_users?block_user=ericgrosso or 
report them for abuse at 


The GitHub Team

To opt out of future invitations from @openjump-gis, follow this link:


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-14 Thread Eric


The GitHub support team answered me this morning, stating that the 
ownership transfer of the 'openjump' username or organisation is not 
possible at the moment:

While I'd love to help, I'm afraid we won't be able to release that 
username for you today as it's not dormant (not all activity on GitHub 
is public) or available for release under our name-squatting policy 
Sorry I don't have better news to share with you on this.

Though it may not apply here, it's worth mentioning that we have a 
trademark policy that could allow you to obtain a username that's 
already been claimed. If the username you're interested in is a 
trademark you hold, I'd recommend taking a look at that policy for 
more information about potentially filing a violation report:


I just created an organisation named 'openjump-gis' for the time being 
(hyphens are allowed), according to the title of the openjump.org index 
page and as it gives an idea of what the project is about. The following 
options are also available at the moment:

- open-jump,
- openjumpgis
- openjump-project / openjumpproject
- oj-gis / ojgis
- jump-pilot / jumppilot
- openjump-pilot / openjumppilot
- geopenjump

Note that openjump is available on GitLab for the moment, if you wish to 
create a mirror repository there.

It's always possible to rename an organisation later on (see 
This process automatically updates everything from link redirection to 
commit attribution.

I already added Ede (edeso) and Michaël (mukoki) as owners of this 

I also just created an 'openjump-migration' repository as previously 
discussed and I am now tuning the settings of both the organisation and 
the repository.

Feel free to modify the content / info / settings about these.

I should be able to push a first working version for next Monday, maybe 
before but as schools reopened on Wednesday here in Scotland (children 
don't attend it on a daily basis during this first week), I can't 
promise anything.


On 12/08/2020 13:38, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

no worries. i'm pretty sure we are not fixed on that name. for years we have 
been known as /jump-pilot/ (anybody know why?) and it worked as well. how about 
you work with a private repo in the mean time and we'll deal with name and 
organisation when we are ready to branch which is not going to be tomorrow ;)


On 12.08.2020 13:19, Eric wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks to all of you.

According to your answers, I'm in the process of creating a GitHub organisation 
named 'openjump', containing a public repository named 'openjump-migration'. 
The current problem is that someone created an account or an organisation with 
this name last April (https://github.com/openjump), but with no activity since 
then. I just contacted the GitHub support team to see if it was possible to 
have a transfer of ownership for this name -- so, of course, with the agreement 
of the current owner), as it isn't allowed to directly contact the owner for 
obvious reasons.

Apart from that, everything is ready.


On 12/08/2020 10:06, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

yup indenting is clearly broken in this reply, maybe better not reply inline 
with that client Mike ;).. ede

On 12.08.2020 09:17, Michaud Michael wrote:


   >>> On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:
   >>>> Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it seems that
there is only deegree 2,
   >>>> without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.
   >>> which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to branch 
a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility to all external plugins.
that's the bad news.
   >>> the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all of them 
during this effort we might eventually come up with a working plugin manager
after all.
   >> Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update all the
plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself on JTS. I'm going
to test it, to see if it's the case.
   >> I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to do it.

again. we don't have sources for all extensions in OJ Plus at hand or setup to
build at all. the challenge won't be the modding but the finding and setting up
plugin repos.

I wasn't aware of this situation. All of a sudden, it seems to be
another challenge to migrate all the plugins...

Could we decide to norrow openjump-plus to extensions hosted by the project
only, and revide the idea of a plugin manager (could be a student project ?).

there is a critical bug opening JMP project files which should be fixed before
we branch

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-12 Thread Eric

Hi all,

Thanks to all of you.

According to your answers, I'm in the process of creating a GitHub 
organisation named 'openjump', containing a public repository named 
'openjump-migration'. The current problem is that someone created an 
account or an organisation with this name last April 
(https://github.com/openjump), but with no activity since then. I just 
contacted the GitHub support team to see if it was possible to have a 
transfer of ownership for this name -- so, of course, with the agreement 
of the current owner), as it isn't allowed to directly contact the owner 
for obvious reasons.

Apart from that, everything is ready.


On 12/08/2020 10:06, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

yup indenting is clearly broken in this reply, maybe better not reply inline 
with that client Mike ;).. ede

On 12.08.2020 09:17, Michaud Michael wrote:


  >>> On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:
  >>>> Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it seems that
there is only deegree 2,
  >>>> without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.
  >>> which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to branch out
a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility to all external plugins.
that's the bad news.
  >>> the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all of them 
during this effort we might eventually come up with a working plugin manager
after all.
  >> Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update all the
plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself on JTS. I'm going
to test it, to see if it's the case.
  >> I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to do it.

again. we don't have sources for all extensions in OJ Plus at hand or setup to
build at all. the challenge won't be the modding but the finding and setting up
plugin repos.

I wasn't aware of this situation. All of a sudden, it seems to be
another challenge to migrate all the plugins...

Could we decide to norrow openjump-plus to extensions hosted by the project
only, and revide the idea of a plugin manager (could be a student project ?).

there is a critical bug opening JMP project files which should be fixed before
we branch

The idea here is to test the migration based on the OJ 1.15 release, to
know if it works and to see what could be improved during the final
migration. Nothing definitive.

We'll try to fix this bug before the definitive migration.

Any format preference for this document? MD (Markdown) or RST
(reStructuredText)? Both are easily and directly readable from GitHub /
GitLab. I would probably suggest Markdown as it's slightly more common
and because we don't need the specificities of RST at this stage.

I also suggest markdown for the same reasons

  >> - (Bonus) Upgrading the Log4j dependency to v2 and therefore removing the
current security issue in link with it.

the reason that this was not done before is that some extensions were compiled
against it. as we are doing a clean break anyway i am not opposed anymore. note:
we have our "own" com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.Logger which is supposed to
be the one stop solution for extension but internally uses Log4J again.

What I could do is, once JTS and the OJ code have been updated on the
master branch, to create another branch (based on the latter) to test a
Log4j update. What do you think?

It is good for me,

  >> Open discussion:
  >> - Preliminary remark: I don't want at any point of this process, acting as
if I was taking this project under my umbrella/name. As I wrote to Michaël,
you're the drivers/guardians of this project, I'm just a passenger. Therefore,
just let me know what you prefer, the way you want to do things, and I'll act
accordingly. Thanks,

thanks for contributing your time and effort!

It's the least I can do after having used OJ for years.

I this migration to github and jts 1.17 succeeds, it will be a major step in the
evolution of the project, thanks for your effort,

  >> - Would you prefer an open or a private repository? Why do I consider the
private option here? To avoid any confusion with the current OpenJUMP repository
on sourceforge and to avoid some possible premature forks,

we can easily add notes in the Readme pointing out the provisional status of the
OJ2 development. anyone wanting to fork still i have no objections. after all
it's not called open source for nothing ;)

I'm waiting some other answers (from Peppe, Michaël, etc.) on that. If
none, I'll create a public repository.

I would say let's be open from the start, but I like the following proposition
to have an openjump/openjump-test project first (or maybe
openjump/openjump-migration), the time to fix main problems before we create a
more official openjump/openjump (to avoid to send a bad image of a project with
plenty of inconsi

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-11 Thread Eric

Hi Ede,

Thanks. I let the licencing issue aside as it seems to be resolved. See 
my inline answers.

On 11/08/2020 12:01, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

tl;dr let's wait how the licensing issue (other email) turns out, apart from 
that my answers below.

On 10.08.2020 15:42, Eric wrote:

Hi Ede,

Thanks for your welcome and for your answers. See my inline replies for some of 
them (I deleted the other parts).

On 09/08/2020 16:40, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

hey Eric,

welcome to the team! see my answers below

On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:

Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it seems that there is 
only deegree 2,
without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.

which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to branch out a 
new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility to all external plugins. 
that's the bad news.
the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all of them and 
during this effort we might eventually come up with a working plugin manager 
after all.

Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update all the 
plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself on JTS. I'm going 
to test it, to see if it's the case.
I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to do it.

again. we don't have sources for all extensions in OJ Plus at hand or setup to 
build at all. the challenge won't be the modding but the finding and setting up 
plugin repos.

I wasn't aware of this situation. All of a sudden, it seems to be 
another challenge to migrate all the plugins...

This is quite a good news because
if the deegree dependency is updated to its latest version (3.x.x), which 
relies on JTS 1.15,
then, theoretically, only the import statements and a few other 
com.vividsolutions directly used in the code
need to be modified.

yeah, probably not. deegree2 is afaics used primarily or exclusively for the 
WFS extension and i remember checking out deegree3 as a drop in for deegree2 
but failing miserably. that's why i stuck with deegree2 happy to have at least 
a working WFS extension for the time being.

but again, we can remove WFS from core for OJ 2.x and come up with a working 
extension later (if at all).

It seems to be a good compromise for the time being as the migration from 
deegree-core 2 to deegree-core 3 isn't straightforward.


So I'll do that.

- the GeoJSON part (com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson) is problematic due to 
the jts-io
pom type only, but once imported, this part of the code will be functional 

how do you figure? com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson was written by myself 
from scratch utilizing google's json-simple . it holds no dependency apart from 
the jts geometry code. maybe myself placing it in this package has mislead you

Have a look at the GeoJsonReader class for example, and the method 
MapGeoJsonGeometryReader (see the comment), or the 
GeoJSONFeatureCollectionWrapper class. You will see that there is a dependency 
to JTS io.
It doesn't mean that there is a real dependency in the way it works, but JTS io 
(now jts-io-common which includes the GeoJSON code) is needed for the code to 

good catch ;). right for creating Geoms from Maps JTS is used. forgot about it.

depending on the size of the import we might just copy the code from the latest 
LGPL'd JTS or actually implement it ourselfs. ok, just checked
jts-io-common-1.17.0.jar is just 15kB big so let's just keep the JTS code.


- some classes have been deprecated, removed, or simply moved in the new JTS 
such as com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.DefaultCoordinateSequenceFactory. New 
have been created in JTS. It shouldn't be too complex to find a solution or a 


After the JTS upgrade, only two classes require some changes:
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.tools.ReducePointsISAPlugIn -- relatively easy to 
- another written by Michaël, com.vividsolutions.jump.geom.MakeValidOp. For 
this one, a few JTS constructors have evolved. The problem is linked to the 4th 
dimension, dimension that can't be retrieved any more with a simple getter. One 
temporary solution could consist in the creation of a class which extends the 
current JTS one with an additional getter / setter for the dimension.

sounds reasonable

I'll then use this temporary solution.

Once these problems of imports are solved, the JTS update should be relatively
straightforward, and some work will probably be needed to update the code
based on deegree. I tried to update one of my plugins, it took me seconds
to do it, and I know that it would be exactly the same for the others, just by
replacing com.vividsolutions.jts by org.locationtech.jts.

sure. problem is not the port but gathering all plugin sources, setting up 
build env, porting and releasing the new modification for each and everyone. on 
the other hand

Re: [JPP-Devel] Licensing GPL2'd OJ vs. EPL2'd locationtech JTS

2020-08-11 Thread Eric

Hi again,

"The Eclipse Distribution License is an OSI Approved Open Source License 
by means of the New BSD License 

Source: https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php

The New BSD License refers to a 3-Clause BSD License.
Source: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause

GPL and 3-Clause BSD License are compatible according to FSF:

So if the EDL is used, there is no incompatibility.

Jody, could you please confirm this.


On 11/08/2020 11:47, Eric wrote:


JTS is dual-licensed under:
- Eclipse Public License 2.0
- Eclipse Distribution License 1.0 (a BSD Style License)

This second licence, if BSD style, should normally be compatible with 
the GPL one.


On 11/08/2020 11:28, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

hey All,

just noticed that locationtech relicensed JTS to EPL2, which as far 
as i read it is incompatible to the GPL (any version). 
the mentioned "Exhibit A — Form of Secondary Licenses Notice" seems 
to be empty in JTS' version of the license

note we are not allowed to relicense JUMP code to something other 
than a later GPL version.

Geotools being LGPL'd seems to be compatible, so they didn't run into 
problems here


i'll CC Jody, maybe he can shed some light.


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Licensing GPL2'd OJ vs. EPL2'd locationtech JTS

2020-08-11 Thread Eric


JTS is dual-licensed under:
- Eclipse Public License 2.0
- Eclipse Distribution License 1.0 (a BSD Style License)

This second licence, if BSD style, should normally be compatible with 
the GPL one.


On 11/08/2020 11:28, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

hey All,

just noticed that locationtech relicensed JTS to EPL2, which as far as i read 
it is incompatible to the GPL (any version). 
the mentioned "Exhibit A — Form of Secondary Licenses Notice" seems to be empty 
in JTS' version of the license
note we are not allowed to relicense JUMP code to something other than a later 
GPL version.

Geotools being LGPL'd seems to be compatible, so they didn't run into problems 

i'll CC Jody, maybe he can shed some light.


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Git Repo ids Was:Re: OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-11 Thread Eric
The problem is that email addresses are required to be able to keep the 

A solution could be to use the email addresses for the active developers 
and to use another generic email address for all the others (this one 
could be one created for this sole purpose using gmail). This would 
technically work.


On 11/08/2020 10:29, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

working mail addresses will be difficult to get for everyine and generally 
unnecessary as well. just need to keep the history and committer ids to enable 
retracing changes in the future as well.


On 10.08.2020 15:52, Eric wrote:

Here is the list of all the SVN authors (and their number of contributions) 
according to the logs:
beckerl 197
bertazza 29
bgudehus 6
clark 6
edso 1305
elnico 54
eric.lemesre 4
infinityedge 2
jammerhund 47
javamap 10
jratike80 22
kdneufeld 2
lreeder 1
ma15569 602
mentaer 465
michaudm 1619
paul_d_austin 38
s-l-teichmann 1
stranger 87

If you want to keep track of them in the possible future Git repository, a 
conversion file needs to be created, for example (with one author per line):
michaudm = Michael Michaud 

We should maybe do this outside this mailing list to avoid creating a list of 
public email addresses.

For info, I easily managed to locally create a Git repository containing the 
1.15 release of OpenJUMP, using the 6242 revision. I'm waiting for your 
different answers to move to the next step.


On 10/08/2020 14:42, Eric wrote:

Hi Ede,

Thanks for your welcome and for your answers. See my inline replies for some of 
them (I deleted the other parts).

On 09/08/2020 16:40, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

hey Eric,

welcome to the team! see my answers below

On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:

Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it seems that there is 
only deegree 2,
without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.

which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to branch out a 
new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility to all external plugins. 
that's the bad news.
the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all of them and 
during this effort we might eventually come up with a working plugin manager 
after all.

Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update all the 
plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself on JTS. I'm going 
to test it, to see if it's the case.
I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to do it.

This is quite a good news because
if the deegree dependency is updated to its latest version (3.x.x), which 
relies on JTS 1.15,
then, theoretically, only the import statements and a few other 
com.vividsolutions directly used in the code
need to be modified.

yeah, probably not. deegree2 is afaics used primarily or exclusively for the 
WFS extension and i remember checking out deegree3 as a drop in for deegree2 
but failing miserably. that's why i stuck with deegree2 happy to have at least 
a working WFS extension for the time being.

but again, we can remove WFS from core for OJ 2.x and come up with a working 
extension later (if at all).

It seems to be a good compromise for the time being as the migration from 
deegree-core 2 to deegree-core 3 isn't straightforward.

- the GeoJSON part (com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson) is problematic due to 
the jts-io
pom type only, but once imported, this part of the code will be functional 

how do you figure? com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson was written by myself 
from scratch utilizing google's json-simple . it holds no dependency apart from 
the jts geometry code. maybe myself placing it in this package has mislead you

Have a look at the GeoJsonReader class for example, and the method 
MapGeoJsonGeometryReader (see the comment), or the 
GeoJSONFeatureCollectionWrapper class. You will see that there is a dependency 
to JTS io.
It doesn't mean that there is a real dependency in the way it works, but JTS io 
(now jts-io-common which includes the GeoJSON code) is needed for the code to 

- some classes have been deprecated, removed, or simply moved in the new JTS 
such as com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.DefaultCoordinateSequenceFactory. New 
have been created in JTS. It shouldn't be too complex to find a solution or a 


After the JTS upgrade, only two classes require some changes:
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.tools.ReducePointsISAPlugIn -- relatively easy to 
- another written by Michaël, com.vividsolutions.jump.geom.MakeValidOp. For 
this one, a few JTS constructors have evolved. The problem is linked to the 4th 
dimension, dimension that can't be retrieved any more with a simple getter. One 
temporary solution could consist in the creation of a class which extends the 
current JTS one with an additional getter / setter for the dimension.

Once these problems of imports are solved, the JTS update should be relatively

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-10 Thread Eric
I also found the sources for the 0.6 version here, directly exported 
from code.google.com/p/sextante: https://github.com/danieldupre/sextante

The OpenJUMP bindings are included.

Víctor Olaya could also be contacted to help if needed: 

Finally, I found a version 1.0 of Sextante in the 52°North project but 
only the compiled code is accessible (in their own Maven repository). It 
seems to be a Maven refactoring based on the 0.6 version:



On 10/08/2020 20:44, Eric wrote:


Is it different from this repository:
- https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/svn/sextante/soft/sextante_lib/
- (OpenJUMP bindings) 

I tried to find the source code of GvSig CE but I failed. Could you 
please send us a link to their SVN repository? Thanks.


On 10/08/2020 20:02, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
>>Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update 
all the plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself 
on JTS. I'm going to test it, to see if it's the case.

Possibly Sextante Will be a problem as we don't have the source code 
of the project (it is available on GvSig CE svn repository). And 
Sextante.jar, Sextante-gui.jar and Sextante-algorithms.jar partially 
rely on JTS.
I gave a look at the source code: the versione available on GvSig CE 
is a bit different from the one embedded into Openjump: there are 
some enhancements and few depencies to GvSig class: nothing serious 
as I tested their version with Openjump and it works fine. Right now 
my tested version of Openjump for raster analysis  uses GvSig CE 

My idea is to download Sextante source code from GvSig CE and try to 
recompile it with new JTS. And prepare some tests following Sextante 
documentation and user's notes (Openjump with all raster tools is 
used in a couple of courses at the University of Padua) .
I will also mail to GvSig CE folks. GVSIG CE (at least sextante) 
seems not have activity since a couple of years.


Il lun 10 ago 2020, 15:52 Eric <mailto:eric.openj...@thefactory.io>> ha scritto:

Here is the list of all the SVN authors (and their number of
contributions) according to the logs:
beckerl 197
bertazza 29
bgudehus 6
clark 6
edso 1305
elnico 54
eric.lemesre 4
infinityedge 2
jammerhund 47
javamap 10
jratike80 22
kdneufeld 2
lreeder 1
ma15569 602
mentaer 465
michaudm 1619
paul_d_austin 38
s-l-teichmann 1
stranger 87

If you want to keep track of them in the possible future Git
repository, a conversion file needs to be created, for example
(with one author per line):
michaudm = Michael Michaud  <mailto:em...@test.com>

We should maybe do this outside this mailing list to avoid
creating a list of public email addresses.

For info, I easily managed to locally create a Git repository
containing the 1.15 release of OpenJUMP, using the 6242 revision.
I'm waiting for your different answers to move to the next step.


On 10/08/2020 14:42, Eric wrote:

Hi Ede,

Thanks for your welcome and for your answers. See my inline
replies for some of them (I deleted the other parts).

On 09/08/2020 16:40, edgar.sol...@web.de
<mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de> wrote:

hey Eric,

welcome to the team! see my answers below

    On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:

Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it
seems that there is only deegree 2,
without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.

which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to
branch out a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility
to all external plugins. that's the bad news.
the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all
of them and during this effort we might eventually come up with
a working plugin manager after all.

Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to
update all the plugins which do not rely on a dependency which
relies itself on JTS. I'm going to test it, to see if it's the
I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to
do it.

This is quite a good news because
if the deegree dependency is updated to its latest version
(3.x.x), which relies on JTS 1.15,
then, theoretically, only the import statements and a few
other com.vividsolutions directly used in the code
need to be modified.

yeah, probably not. deegree2 is afaics used primarily or
exclusively for the WFS extension and i remember checking out
deegree3 as a drop in for deegree2 but failing miserably.
that's why i stuck with deegree2 happy to have at least a
working WFS extension for the time being.

but again, we can remove WFS fr

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-10 Thread Eric


Is it different from this repository:
- https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/svn/sextante/soft/sextante_lib/
- (OpenJUMP bindings) 

I tried to find the source code of GvSig CE but I failed. Could you 
please send us a link to their SVN repository? Thanks.


On 10/08/2020 20:02, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
>>Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update 
all the plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself 
on JTS. I'm going to test it, to see if it's the case.

Possibly Sextante Will be a problem as we don't have the source code 
of the project (it is available on GvSig CE svn repository). And 
Sextante.jar, Sextante-gui.jar and Sextante-algorithms.jar partially 
rely on JTS.
I gave a look at the source code: the versione available on GvSig CE 
is a bit different from the one embedded into Openjump: there are some 
enhancements and few depencies to GvSig class: nothing serious as I 
tested their version with Openjump and it works fine. Right now my 
tested version of Openjump for raster analysis  uses GvSig CE sextante.

My idea is to download Sextante source code from GvSig CE and try to 
recompile it with new JTS. And prepare some tests following Sextante 
documentation and user's notes (Openjump with all raster tools is used 
in a couple of courses at the University of Padua) .
I will also mail to GvSig CE folks. GVSIG CE (at least sextante) seems 
not have activity since a couple of years.


Il lun 10 ago 2020, 15:52 Eric <mailto:eric.openj...@thefactory.io>> ha scritto:

Here is the list of all the SVN authors (and their number of
contributions) according to the logs:
beckerl 197
bertazza 29
bgudehus 6
clark 6
edso 1305
elnico 54
eric.lemesre 4
infinityedge 2
jammerhund 47
javamap 10
jratike80 22
kdneufeld 2
lreeder 1
ma15569 602
mentaer 465
michaudm 1619
paul_d_austin 38
s-l-teichmann 1
stranger 87

If you want to keep track of them in the possible future Git
repository, a conversion file needs to be created, for example
(with one author per line):
michaudm = Michael Michaud  <mailto:em...@test.com>

We should maybe do this outside this mailing list to avoid
creating a list of public email addresses.

For info, I easily managed to locally create a Git repository
containing the 1.15 release of OpenJUMP, using the 6242 revision.
I'm waiting for your different answers to move to the next step.


On 10/08/2020 14:42, Eric wrote:

Hi Ede,

Thanks for your welcome and for your answers. See my inline
replies for some of them (I deleted the other parts).

On 09/08/2020 16:40, edgar.sol...@web.de
<mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de> wrote:

hey Eric,

welcome to the team! see my answers below

    On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:

Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it
seems that there is only deegree 2,
without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.

which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to
branch out a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility
to all external plugins. that's the bad news.
the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all
of them and during this effort we might eventually come up with
a working plugin manager after all.

Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to
update all the plugins which do not rely on a dependency which
relies itself on JTS. I'm going to test it, to see if it's the case.
I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to
do it.

This is quite a good news because
if the deegree dependency is updated to its latest version
(3.x.x), which relies on JTS 1.15,
then, theoretically, only the import statements and a few other
com.vividsolutions directly used in the code
need to be modified.

yeah, probably not. deegree2 is afaics used primarily or
exclusively for the WFS extension and i remember checking out
deegree3 as a drop in for deegree2 but failing miserably. that's
why i stuck with deegree2 happy to have at least a working WFS
extension for the time being.

but again, we can remove WFS from core for OJ 2.x and come up
with a working extension later (if at all).

It seems to be a good compromise for the time being as the
migration from deegree-core 2 to deegree-core 3 isn't

- the GeoJSON part (com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson) is
problematic due to the jts-io
pom type only, but once imported, this part of the code will be
functional again,

how do you figure? com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson was
written by myself from scratch utilizing google's json-simple .
it holds no dependency 

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-10 Thread Eric
Here is the list of all the SVN authors (and their number of 
contributions) according to the logs:

beckerl 197
bertazza 29
bgudehus 6
clark 6
edso 1305
elnico 54
eric.lemesre 4
infinityedge 2
jammerhund 47
javamap 10
jratike80 22
kdneufeld 2
lreeder 1
ma15569 602
mentaer 465
michaudm 1619
paul_d_austin 38
s-l-teichmann 1
stranger 87

If you want to keep track of them in the possible future Git repository, 
a conversion file needs to be created, for example (with one author per 

michaudm = Michael Michaud 

We should maybe do this outside this mailing list to avoid creating a 
list of public email addresses.

For info, I easily managed to locally create a Git repository containing 
the 1.15 release of OpenJUMP, using the 6242 revision. I'm waiting for 
your different answers to move to the next step.


On 10/08/2020 14:42, Eric wrote:

Hi Ede,

Thanks for your welcome and for your answers. See my inline replies 
for some of them (I deleted the other parts).

On 09/08/2020 16:40, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

hey Eric,

welcome to the team! see my answers below

On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:
Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it seems 
that there is only deegree 2,

without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.
which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to 
branch out a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility to 
all external plugins. that's the bad news.
the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all of 
them and during this effort we might eventually come up with a 
working plugin manager after all.

Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update all 
the plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself on 
JTS. I'm going to test it, to see if it's the case.

I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to do it.

This is quite a good news because
if the deegree dependency is updated to its latest version (3.x.x), 
which relies on JTS 1.15,
then, theoretically, only the import statements and a few other 
com.vividsolutions directly used in the code

need to be modified.
yeah, probably not. deegree2 is afaics used primarily or exclusively 
for the WFS extension and i remember checking out deegree3 as a drop 
in for deegree2 but failing miserably. that's why i stuck with 
deegree2 happy to have at least a working WFS extension for the time 

but again, we can remove WFS from core for OJ 2.x and come up with a 
working extension later (if at all).

It seems to be a good compromise for the time being as the migration 
from deegree-core 2 to deegree-core 3 isn't straightforward.

- the GeoJSON part (com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson) is 
problematic due to the jts-io
pom type only, but once imported, this part of the code will be 
functional again,
how do you figure? com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson was written by 
myself from scratch utilizing google's json-simple . it holds no 
dependency apart from the jts geometry code. maybe myself placing it 
in this package has mislead you

Have a look at the GeoJsonReader class for example, and the method 
MapGeoJsonGeometryReader (see the comment), or the 
GeoJSONFeatureCollectionWrapper class. You will see that there is a 
dependency to JTS io.
It doesn't mean that there is a real dependency in the way it works, 
but JTS io (now jts-io-common which includes the GeoJSON code) is 
needed for the code to compile.

- some classes have been deprecated, removed, or simply moved in the 
new JTS versions,
such as 
com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.DefaultCoordinateSequenceFactory. New 
have been created in JTS. It shouldn't be too complex to find a 
solution or a workaround,


After the JTS upgrade, only two classes require some changes:
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.tools.ReducePointsISAPlugIn -- 
relatively easy to solve,
- another written by Michaël, 
com.vividsolutions.jump.geom.MakeValidOp. For this one, a few JTS 
constructors have evolved. The problem is linked to the 4th dimension, 
dimension that can't be retrieved any more with a simple getter. One 
temporary solution could consist in the creation of a class which 
extends the current JTS one with an additional getter / setter for the 

Once these problems of imports are solved, the JTS update should be 
straightforward, and some work will probably be needed to update the 
based on deegree. I tried to update one of my plugins, it took me 
to do it, and I know that it would be exactly the same for the 
others, just by

replacing com.vividsolutions.jts by org.locationtech.jts.
sure. problem is not the port but gathering all plugin sources, 
setting up build env, porting and releasing the new modification for 
each and everyone. on the other hand, there is no alternative since 
locationtech forced our hand
I answer this point later in the discussion, including a possible 
migration to Git.


Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 2.x Was:Re: JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-10 Thread Eric

Hi Ede,

Thanks for your welcome and for your answers. See my inline replies for 
some of them (I deleted the other parts).

On 09/08/2020 16:40, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

hey Eric,

welcome to the team! see my answers below

On 07.08.2020 20:55, Eric wrote:
Then I checked which OJ lib dependencies rely on JTS and it seems 
that there is only deegree 2,

without considering here the plethora of extensions/plugins.
which is the main obstacle. the only clean solution i see is to branch 
out a new OJ 2.x that initially will break compatibility to all 
external plugins. that's the bad news.
the good news is that this forces us to retouch pretty much all of 
them and during this effort we might eventually come up with a working 
plugin manager after all.

Less than a day of work should be required (if not less) to update all 
the plugins which do not rely on a dependency which relies itself on 
JTS. I'm going to test it, to see if it's the case.

I tried with my plugins and I just needed a couple of seconds to do it.

This is quite a good news because
if the deegree dependency is updated to its latest version (3.x.x), 
which relies on JTS 1.15,
then, theoretically, only the import statements and a few other 
com.vividsolutions directly used in the code

need to be modified.
yeah, probably not. deegree2 is afaics used primarily or exclusively 
for the WFS extension and i remember checking out deegree3 as a drop 
in for deegree2 but failing miserably. that's why i stuck with 
deegree2 happy to have at least a working WFS extension for the time 

but again, we can remove WFS from core for OJ 2.x and come up with a 
working extension later (if at all).

It seems to be a good compromise for the time being as the migration 
from deegree-core 2 to deegree-core 3 isn't straightforward.

- the GeoJSON part (com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson) is 
problematic due to the jts-io
pom type only, but once imported, this part of the code will be 
functional again,
how do you figure? com.vividsolutions.jump.io.geojson was written by 
myself from scratch utilizing google's json-simple . it holds no 
dependency apart from the jts geometry code. maybe myself placing it 
in this package has mislead you

Have a look at the GeoJsonReader class for example, and the method 
MapGeoJsonGeometryReader (see the comment), or the 
GeoJSONFeatureCollectionWrapper class. You will see that there is a 
dependency to JTS io.
It doesn't mean that there is a real dependency in the way it works, but 
JTS io (now jts-io-common which includes the GeoJSON code) is needed for 
the code to compile.

- some classes have been deprecated, removed, or simply moved in the 
new JTS versions,
such as com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.DefaultCoordinateSequenceFactory. 
New interfaces
have been created in JTS. It shouldn't be too complex to find a 
solution or a workaround,


After the JTS upgrade, only two classes require some changes:
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.tools.ReducePointsISAPlugIn -- relatively 
easy to solve,
- another written by Michaël, com.vividsolutions.jump.geom.MakeValidOp. 
For this one, a few JTS constructors have evolved. The problem is linked 
to the 4th dimension, dimension that can't be retrieved any more with a 
simple getter. One temporary solution could consist in the creation of a 
class which extends the current JTS one with an additional getter / 
setter for the dimension.

Once these problems of imports are solved, the JTS update should be 
straightforward, and some work will probably be needed to update the 
based on deegree. I tried to update one of my plugins, it took me 
to do it, and I know that it would be exactly the same for the 
others, just by

replacing com.vividsolutions.jts by org.locationtech.jts.
sure. problem is not the port but gathering all plugin sources, 
setting up build env, porting and releasing the new modification for 
each and everyone. on the other hand, there is no alternative since 
locationtech forced our hand
I answer this point later in the discussion, including a possible 
migration to Git.

my maven-fu pretty much is compiled in the OJ pom. never needed it 
before or setting up the snapshot/release profiles. so you are on your 
own there. had to figure out some Ant for some finetuning but that's 
it. but it's pretty well documented, so we will get it into shape if 
something has to be changed.

OK. Thanks.

going forward i'd suggest you (Eric)
1. work with the stable OJ 1.15 check out
2. remove WFS, here is the adding commit from 2014
essentially it is the package 'de.latlon.deejump.wfs'
3. fixup a running port to JTS 1.15+

if that worked out you may holler and we can decide how to proceed. i 
could imagine

1. doing a "final" OJ 1.16 release only updated on critical issues
2. announcing and moving development focus over to OJ 2.x
3. branch OJ 2.x dev from the OJ 1.16 and apply the changes 

Re: [JPP-Devel] JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-07 Thread Eric

Hi again,

After another try, I managed to properly import the JTS io GeoJSON part. 
Here is the dependency to use:


And not:


This solves all the remaining problems with JTS and JTS imports, 
excluding the ones which are link with some code modifications between 
the two versions (1.14 and 1.17). I'll manage these ones later manually.

I also managed to solve the deegree-core 3 imports. Rather than using a 
pom type, the easiest solution is to import each individual module, such as:


Now it's just a game to see where the different classes and concepts 
have been moved, such as org.deegree.cs.* replacing 
org.deegree.model.crs.* with different paths. For example, 
org.deegree.model.crs.UnknownCRSException replaced 
org.deegree.commons.utils.StringUtils/ ArrayUtils replacing 
org.deegree.framework.util.StringTools, or 
org.deegree.commons.xml.CommonNamespaces replacing 
org.deegree.ogcbase.CommonNamespaces. Behind the scene, it's apparently 
the exact same code, which is a good news.

That's me for today. Hope it helps.

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] JTS update: first experiments

2020-08-07 Thread Eric
mons-io / commons-io (deegree 2.4 vs OJ 2.6),
- org.apache.commons / commons-lang3 (deegree 3.7 vs OJ 3.10),
- it.geosolutions.imageio-ext / imageio-ext-utilities (deegree 1.1.9 vs 
OJ 1.1.16),
- it.geosolutions.imageio-ext / imageio-ext-tiff (deegree 1.1.9 vs OJ 

Once these problems of imports are solved, the JTS update should be 

straightforward, and some work will probably be needed to update the code
based on deegree. I tried to update one of my plugins, it took me seconds
to do it, and I know that it would be exactly the same for the others, 
just by

replacing com.vividsolutions.jts by org.locationtech.jts.

It generally should be relatively simple to update all the 
extensions/plugins if they
don't rely on a dependency itself depending on JTS, like deegree for 

Finally, I share this link to an interesting deegree wiki page i found 
(Java 11 support):


That's all for now.

Ede, or anyone, if you know the solution to these pom type dependencies, 
thanks to

let me know.


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP new contributor

2020-08-07 Thread Eric

Hi everyone,

Note: I just changed the email address I'd like to use to contribute on 
this list.

Thank you Michael for your welcome on this list and your kind message.

As Michaël pointed out, I started updating some former OpenJUMP 
extensions that I created years ago, and I've recently been in touch 
with him to know a bit more about the evolution of OpenJUMP. We talked 
about the dependencies, including JTS and deegree, the best way to 
import the project, a possible move to Git (Gitlab, Github, etc.), etc.

So yes, I know OpenJUMP in a certain extent but I'm far from being an 
expert despite the fact that I developed these extensions. To be totally 
honest, I didn't code much in Java during the last 3 or 4 years, so I'm 
probably a bit rusty. For these reasons, I am quite happy to talk about 
what I experimented with during the recent days, including a possible 
update to a "new" version of JTS (com.vividsolutions renamed into 
org.locationtech), etc., but I don't feel confident, at least for now, 
to modify the Maven configuration and to commit these changes. Michaël 
said that Ede was really good at it, and I would prefer relying on his 
skills rather than my mine at the moment to push the commit 
button/command line. That said, I'm quite happy to discuss what could 
possibly be updated, and to update/commit some of the code, for example 
to improve all the generic types such as HashMap.

Rather than writing more about it in this introductory message, I'll 
write another message tonight about what I just did today.

Best wishes to all of you.
Take care,

On 07/08/2020 16:21, Michaud Michaël wrote:

Hi all,

I reconnected with Eric Grosso, a former colleague who is also an 
OpenJUMP expert as he wrote the MorphAl extension 
(https://alpage.huma-num.fr/extension-sig/), the concave hull 
extension (now incorporated in OJ-PLUS) and probably some other useful 

He already noticed several outdated repositories in the pom an we 
talked a little bit about the future of OpenJUMP (including some 
recurrent questions like migration to github, 
org.locationtech.jts...). I invited him to continue the discussion on 
this list and want to welcome him.


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Difficult data for concave hull

2016-07-04 Thread Eric Grosso
Hi Michaël, Jukka and Stefan,

Sorry for this late reply.

Michaël is right. At the moment, it creates a simple and single polygon as
described in Duckham et al.'s paper.

It'd be possible to extend the current algorithm to create, if needed,
several concave polygons as a result. Spatial clusters would be created
first, then for each of them, a concave hull would be computed. The
clustering could be created quite easily on top of the existing
triangulation but I can't see (at least for now) an easy way to create a
concave hull for each cluster without using the concave hull algorithm for
each of them separately.

Nevertheless, Jukka's case is a bit tricky (because of the polygon in the
middle) and I don't think the concave hull algorithm is well adapted in
this context, even if using a threshold of 116-117 (see attached jml file
-- I densified manually the number of vertices of the original polygons),
it gives an approximate result. To obtain the result proposed by Jukka
(which is what as users, we can expect "naturally"), there would be the
need to create another algorithm whose the aim would be to create a concave
hull (remark: many concave hulls can be defined, contrary to the convex
hull which is unique) with the smallest area using only their original
vertices (it would also be based on a triangulation). But I'm not sure this
is the kind of algorithm which would be used on a daily basis.

FYI, there is a very interesting report which deals with the concave hull
problem and how to compute it using some parallelisation:
The example given in page 29 shows the same kind of problem encountered in
Jukka's example.

FYI (bis), I'm aware of some minor problems with the current algorithm
which are relatively easy to fix (e.g. need to add the case where the input
geometry contains only 3 points and to return the related triangle or a
segment if the 3 points are aligned -- the other cases are very specific,
e.g. all the points are aligned, etc.). But all the feedbacks I received
about the implementation were all very positive (efficiency, running time,
etc.). I hope that I'll find some time next year to improve it and to
release a second version, including at least the possibility to create a
concave hull for each cluster, to allow visually the choice of the
threshold (it's possible as the time complexity is related to the
triangulation not to the concave hull algorithm).


On 28 June 2016 at 00:58, Stefan Steiniger <sst...@geo.uzh.ch> wrote:

> thanks for explaining Jukka! Makes sense. But how to implement that...
> phewww... not sure.
> On 6/27/16 17:54, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> Actually the issue was that without playing with densification and
> tolerance (which is documented) the result did contain all the vertices but
> not the whole area of the polygons.
> And it may be that some users would expect the result to be something like
> I guess that it is hard to define how the result should be as a basis for
> the algorithm. Perhaps “follow the shapes as closely as possible while
> keeping the perimeter of the linear ring below threshold [].
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> Stefan Steiniger wrote:
> Hi,
> actually the question is: What do you expect for a result, Jukka? The
> picture by Michaël seems reasonable to me and I wonder how it should look
> for you.
> cheers.,
> Stefan
> On 6/23/16 17:30, Michaël Michaud wrote:
> Hi Jukka,
> As far as I remember (I did not find confirmation in Eric's
> documentation), the algorithm produces a single polygon.
> In your case, there are several input polygons. If you densify their
> boundaries, you'll get something close to the original polygons, but with
> narrow corridors to rely them. I think this is a limitation of the
> algorithm rather than a bug. Here is what I get with a densification of 1m.
> Would be interesting to overcome this limitation though.
> Le 23/06/2016 à 14:50, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) a écrit :
> Hi,
> I was playing with the Concave hull plugin and got usually good results.
> However, the attached data gives odd results even if I followed the hint to
> densify the geometries. Sending to the list if some developers happens to
> be interested in having a look.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> --
> Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
> Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
> present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
> everyone, including ki

Re: [JPP-Devel] Default Type for bigint

2013-10-03 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi Michaël,

 Nice ! Would be interesting to know more about your use case.

Do statistics on spatial data of customer portfolio, sellers.
With a large interractivity. The data are in a PostgrSQL data base with the
Postgis extension. Some table ave geometry and others not. I provided the
queries joining the two types of tables for information a day.
In this case OpenJump is better than ArcGIS (with standalone database. no
We can simply join layer with data in CSF, Excel format.

Just say that casting a database bigint (64 bits) to a java int (32 bit)
 may change the value. Database id
 can be more than 2^32, and truncating the value is unsafe, especially for
 an identifier.

You're right.

Right, it would be possible to have different behaviours for bigint PK and
 for other bigint.
 As it is not a very simple solution, and not completely satisfying (still
 convert long to int),
 I wonder it it wouldn't be better to add Long type to Attribute.Type.

I'm totaly agree with you.

What do you think of an intermediate solution in the meantime to add the
Attribute.Type BOOLEAN and LONG?
Convert the bigint PK in Object and the other bigint in integer, with throw
an exception if their values exceeds a threshold (2^32).
Or from ResultSetMetadata if fields isNullable it is not PK !!

Hopefully, I will have a beta and a bit of documentation before the end of
 the month.
 Thanks for the proposition, I'll let you know.

As you want. as soon as possible. Do you have a svn Branch? a git
repository? I work in train and offline scm is better for me.

Working on OpenJUMP datatypes (adding Boolean or Long) is a recurrent topic.
 I think it is a big work because it has side effect on all I/O framework,
 but if you have ideas and time to work on the topic, you're welcome.

I have time. and I work on Linux OS (debian) and my client work with

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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] Default Type for bigint

2013-10-02 Thread Eric Lemesre

in com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.jdbc.ValueConverterFactory

Currently the bigint in database table is transcribed into a String object
But the default type of aggregation is also bigint.
for example:

SELECT code_departement, count (*) as nb
   FROM anyTable

nb has bigint!

I think we should change the type attribute has AttributType.Object to
What is your opinion on the subject?

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Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from 
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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Default Type for bigint

2013-10-02 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi Michaël

Yes i always uses OpenJump. And I tried to do accept as GIS tools by my
society (a big europeen insurance society).

If I resume the situation: handle identifier( sequence) by integers is not
sure ( I don't understand why, but I trust you ) but for others values is
preferable because requests are less long to write.

PostgreSQL jdbc implementation can't retrive key or primary key information
about table? Handle sequence with object and other bigint with integer.

An other subject can I help you on the new postgis driver? Do you have a
road map?

Kinds regards
Eric Lemesre (de mon Androïde)
Le 2 oct. 2013 22:24, Michaël Michaud michael.mich...@free.fr a écrit :

  Hi Eric,

 Nice to see you still use OpenJUMP ;-)
 Currently, I'm not in favour of this change and have a few reasons :

 I'm working on a new postgis driver where I need to manage database
 Often, database identifiers use bigint (from sequence). bigint are
 converted to java long and I choose to encapsulate it into an Object (it
 has been
 converted to a String until september 2013).

 Casting a bigint to an int does not seem safe enough to me. For a count
 operation, it is ok as we rarely manage more than 1M features in OJ, but
 identifiers, it would be really unsafe.

 Moreover, it is quite easy to cast count() to int explicitely with for
 SELECT code, count (*)::integer as nb FROM anyTable GROUP BY 1

 I have also tested to cast AttributeType.OBJECT to AttributeType.INTEGER
 afterwards in the schema editor, and it seems to work well.

 Other opinions ?



  in com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.jdbc.ValueConverterFactory

 Currently the bigint in database table is transcribed into a String object
 But the default type of aggregation is also bigint.
 for example:

 SELECT code_departement, count (*) as nb
FROM anyTable

 nb has bigint!

 I think we should change the type attribute has AttributType.Object to
 What is your opinion on the subject?


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Some possible improvements in the last OJ : svg export

2012-04-27 Thread Eric Grosso
Hi Michael,

Why don't remove this limit and using it in a OK/Cancel dialog which could
be displayed if there is an important certain number of objects such as
Due to the important number of objects, the generated SVG file will have
an important size and the process may be long (several minutes).
Do you want to continue?. It will allow users to choose what they want to
do and know about the time of the process.


2012/4/27 Michaël Michaud michael.mich...@free.fr

 Hi Eric
  Bug: the export in SVG works well for small datasets but doesn't work
  for important ones (creation of a kind of strange noisy image
  but not in a SVG format, except for the file extension). If it's just
  an extract of the important dataset, the export is done without
  any problem. I was able to reproduce this problem with more than one
 There is currently a hard-coded limitation to 1 features

 I tried with 100 000 features.
 It took 4 mn to export and produced a 50Mo file, but I could open it
 without problem in inkskape.

 I propose to change the limit to 1 000 000 features.
 I don't know why there is a max number of features parameter.
 I can also set it to the upper integer limit.
 What do you think ?


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Some possible improvements in the last OJ : svg export

2012-04-27 Thread Eric Grosso
I answered during you did it too. Sorry for this repetition :-)


On 27 April 2012 12:40, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:

 exactly my point ;) .. ede

 On 27.04.2012 12:31, Eric Grosso wrote:
  Hi Michael,
  Why don't remove this limit and using it in a OK/Cancel dialog which
 could be displayed if there is an important certain number of objects such
  Due to the important number of objects, the generated SVG file will
 have an important size and the process may be long (several minutes).
  Do you want to continue?. It will allow users to choose what they want
 to do and know about the time of the process.
  2012/4/27 Michaël Michaud michael.mich...@free.fr mailto:
  Hi Eric
   Bug: the export in SVG works well for small datasets but doesn't
   for important ones (creation of a kind of strange noisy image
   but not in a SVG format, except for the file extension). If it's
   an extract of the important dataset, the export is done without
   any problem. I was able to reproduce this problem with more than
  There is currently a hard-coded limitation to 1 features
  I tried with 100 000 features.
  It took 4 mn to export and produced a 50Mo file, but I could open it
  without problem in inkskape.
  I propose to change the limit to 1 000 000 features.
  I don't know why there is a max number of features parameter.
  I can also set it to the upper integer limit.
  What do you think ?
  Live Security Virtual Conference
  Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
  threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond.
  will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in
  threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
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  Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
  threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
  will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
  threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
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 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
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[JPP-Devel] Very few resource bundles are missing

2012-04-25 Thread Eric Grosso
Hi all,

During my update to the last OJ version (1.5.1-r2721 = release), it
appeared that some resource bundles are missing,
both for the jump.properties file and for the translated files (it
was probably already the case before this version
but I never realised it).

Here are the missing elements:
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.open.SelectFilesPanel.archived-files
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.open.ChooseProjectPanel
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.open.ChooseProjectPanel.instructions
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.open.SelectFileOptionsPanel.file-type
- org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.open.SelectProjectFilesPanel.all-files

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[JPP-Devel] Some possible improvements in the last OJ

2012-04-25 Thread Eric Grosso
 think about it? Could it do the trick for you?

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Resurrecting Java Conflation Suite (JCS)

2012-04-03 Thread Eric Grosso
Hi Michaël,

For information, the GeoTools team decided last year (January 2011) to stop
taking part in GeoAPI.
More information here:

You can find the 3 current GeoAPI implementations:

The GeoAPI is mainly (only?) developed by Martin Desruisseaux.
Therefore GeoToolKit is probably
the most compatible GeoAPI 3.0 implementation (GeoToolKit is
developed by Geomatys
and so by Martin Desruisseaux).


2012/3/23 Michaël Michaud michael.mich...@free.fr

 Hi Josh,

 Resurrecting JCS is a very interesting project, and the problem of
 choosing a feature model which is not bounded to a particular
 software a very interesting question.
 I have often considered this question for OpenJUMP as it would
 be a good way to share code with similar projects like geotools.
 If I had some times to explore this idea, my natural choice would
 be to try to implement the geoapi which is a set of interface
 definition guided by OGC standard (feature model of geoapi
 currently has a pending status).



 Both Geotools and GeoToolkit should have implementations of these
 That said, I have no idea of how much work it would be, how many
 dependencies it would add...
 I have never considered java bindings for GDAL/OGR as I did
 not know them and try to avoid bindings to non java code where
 I know that good java code already exist, but it may be an alternative.



  I've never developed OpenJUMP, but I'm starting to use the Java
  Conflation Suite (JCS) [0] which is dependent upon many JUMP classes,
  and was started by Martin Davis (originator of JUMP and JTS as well).
  JCS has not seen any (open) development since 2003, but it still
  provides much of the functionality I'll need, and I'd like any
  improvements I make to be usable for others. The application is a
  plugin for JOSM [1], an OpenStreetMap [2] data editor, with an initial
  goal to facilitate the conflating of POIs [3], such as upgrading the
  geometry of a business from a point to a polygon, and merging the
  JCS depends on quite a few JUMP (circa 2003) classes, such as for
  features and utility functions. I'd rather not have a dependency on
  JUMP, but I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this, other than
  pulling out all the required functionality and putting it in the JCS
  package, com.vividsolutions.jcs. However if there's any changes that
  should be made to the API, such as the Feature/FeatureCollection
  classes, to make JCS more usable by other applications, I'd like to do
  that now. Perhaps I should adopt some of the API from the Java
  bindings for GDAL/OGR [4].
  A while ago I put the two available versions of JCS in a Git
  repository [5], which is where I'll be publishing any changes. I
  posted a related query on the JTS list which is worth checking out for
  those interested [6].
  [0]: http://www.vividsolutions.com/jcs/
  [1]: http://josm.openstreetmap.de/c
  [2]: http://www.openstreetmap.org
  [3]: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/Conflation
  [4]: http://gdal.org/java/
  [5]: https://github.com/joshdoe/jcs/
  [6]: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=28969491
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Search tool for Attributes

2008-12-29 Thread Eric Jarvies
yes, it sounds searchtacular!


On Dec 29, 2008, at 5:56 PM, Stefan Steiniger wrote:

 me too! sounds spectacular :) .. now we need to find a fancy name.


 Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:
 I think that would be handy.


 On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Larry Becker becker.la...@gmail.com 

 You can use Simple Query to search Attribute fields for specific  
 values, but
 have you ever wanted to do a Google style search in a map?  In  
 other words,
 search all attributes in all layers for any occurrence of one or  
 more target
 words.  I have a tool that could be morphed into this capability  
 easily, or it could be added to Simple Query.

 Any comments?




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Re: [JPP-Devel] one way road

2008-09-24 Thread Eric Jarvies

On Sep 24, 2008, at 5:32 AM, Nacho Uve wrote:


Maybe you can use one Arrow Line Style for the line representation.  
I use Change Style - Decorations -End-Arrow-Open.


2008/9/24 Bing Ran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The requirement comes up and I need to display one way road on my  
map. My original map data does contain such information and I'm  
wondering how everyone else is dealing with this. Is it always a  
customized attribute and rendering or something (standard, style) is  
already there? Even more challenging is how to represent no left  
turn at a time range at road intersections.

each intersection should have a point at that position in the path/ 
road.  i tend to use columns in the dB, making a Direction field(N, S,  
E, W, N-S, E-W), wherein if it is only one-way, it would only have one  
compass direction(e.g.- N), and if it was a two-way road, it would  
have N-S.  Regarding your Left-turn scenario... is oncoming traffic  
not permitted to turn RIGHT on that same road?  if so, then that road  
only need be denoted with it's compass direction(e.g.- E). If oncoming  
traffic CAN turn RIGHT, then perhaps you use two paths, and the  
oncoming path has a point at that intersection, and the outbound path/ 
road does not.  There are  number of ways to go about doing this, many  
are likely better then what i've suggested.  the truth is, dealing  
with roads and intersections and points on the road, like Km. markers,  
or speed limit signs, is not addressed in OJ.  and so, i find myself  
creating point maps to go along with my path/road maps, so i can  
denote various points of interest along the road's path, like garbage  
cans, or lookout points, or mileage markers as mentioned previously.


eric jarvies

Any information is appreciated.


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Re: [JPP-Devel] JTIN update and question

2008-07-26 Thread Eric Jarvies


-stay at the resolution the data was gathered
-option to interpolate.

inline: ericsSignature.png

Eric Jarvies

On Jul 26, 2008, at 5:24:30:PM, Christopher wrote:

I have the contour line extraction plugin working. See attached .jpg  
for an example of contours created at 100m intervals over the  
Matterhorn tin. There is still a bit of cleaning up I need to do in  
order to not have any breaks in the contours. I should have that  
done and the code uploaded to the svn sometime today.

Now the question:

Josef Bezdek is doing a similar project for uDig’s SoC. In order to  
create a smoother contour, he is dividing up each TIN facet into a  
bunch of coplanar smaller triangles then running the contouring  
routine over those smaller triangles. For a visual example, see:


I, on the other hand, have been avoiding any interpolation of the  
TIN data to create a denser network. The reason being that we are  
working with real-world data that is collected at a certain  
resolution and any computational smoothing might or might not match  
the real world. I figured it would be important to GIS users that  
all interaction with data would be at the resolution it was  
collected. An analogy would be that in pure math, you can have as  
many decimal digits as you want, but in physics and chemistry, you  
can only have as many digits as you collected during the data  
gathering phase. Digits past the significant digits are dropped  
because including them implies that the answer is more accurate than  
it really is.

So what do the OpenJUMP GIS users want? Should I allow for  
interpolation or should I stay at the resolution that the data was  


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Re: [JPP-Devel] JTin Summer of Code Update:

2008-07-16 Thread Eric Jarvies


on os x, is there an 'easy' way to either copy(and paste) or save-as  
or export the coordinates of a raster image/geotiff?  if so, i would  
apeciate it if someone could enlighten me.  if i go into the Feature  
Info window, i of course can VIEW this information, and can highlight  
it, but it does not copy when i attempt to apple-C or right-click- 
copy(there is no right-click-copy).

i have a 1000 or so mrsid files i had converted sometime back to  
geotiff.  now i need to convert them to a handheld format, and the  
converter requires i enter left, right, top, and bottom  
coordinates(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).  and so, it would be wonderful if  
there was an EASY way to go about getting this info using oj on os x.   
i have not looked into any other utilities, perhaps they do or do not  
exist, not sure.  but if anyone here knows, again, i would much  
appreciate it.


inline: ericsSignature.png

Eric Jarvies

On Jul 15, 2008, at 4:47:17:AM, Stefan Steiniger wrote:


so did you look on the link I send a while ago on the swiss DEM data?
Everything is there in different or one file. If you need help I may
make a short description of that data in case they did not provide the
english translation but only the german or french description.


Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:


You wrote: 3D point data would be fine for now, but if you could get
3D point data + breaklines + boundaries, I would thrilled.

Would the breaklines and boundaries be provided as LineStrings with z
values in the LineString coordinates?

This might take me a little doing, as I'll have to write some  
to get the data out of CAD as WKT. I need some tools that will do  
anyways, but it'll take me a coupld of days. I might be able to get  

done by the end of the week?


P.S. - Any suggestions on the classes/class I should start my code  
review with?

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Christopher  

From: Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I finally backtracked to Subclipse 1.2 on my laptop, and I
was able to
download your source code for JTin. I'll try to get
that code review
squeezed in tonight or tomorrow.

That's fine, give me a call if you need anything explained. I just  
uploaded an updated set of files. The new thing is that triangle  
clipping is implemented and there is the ability to get a subset  
of the tin (unused as of now, but it will be useful in the  
future). Right now, I'm working on javadoc'n then hillshades.

I know that we talked a little about my providing some CAD
data that
you could use to test JTin. What type of simple features do
you want?
Do you want Point Features? Or do you want LineStrings

Let me know what you have in mind.

3D point data would be fine for now, but if you could get 3D point  
data + breaklines + boundaries, I would thrilled.


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Combine and Explode Layers

2008-07-10 Thread Eric Jarvies
On Jul 10, 2008, at 2:43:16:PM, Larry Becker wrote:Hi SS,On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Lary wrote: "Explode Layer would include the existing "Edit-Extract Layers by Geometry Type" functionality, and add the capability to explode a layer by attribute value. That is, it would create a new layer for each unique value of a given attribute."  This sounds pretty cool. You might want to pop up a warning if the user chooses an attribute that has a bunch of different values. I can see a user running the plug-in and inadvertently creating 3000 layers. :] Good point! You wrote: "Combine Selected Layers would allow you to combine LineString, Point, and Polygon shapefile layers into a single layer to save as GML or other multi-geometry tolerant format. Attributes would, of course, be preserved. Preservation of BasicStyle information is also possible with a kind of auto-theming."  How would you handle layers with different feature schemas? Merge the schemas with null values for missing attriubtes.better to allow user to keep old/keep new, keep both.  Can you explain more about how auto-theming would work? Copy layer's BasicStyle as a custom colour theme.regards,Larry  I'm just curious. Your idea sounds very useful.  Landon  On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 11:43 PM, Giuseppe Aruta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Very good Larry!   --- Mer 9/7/08, Nacho Uve [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:   Da: Nacho Uve [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] Combine and Explode Layers  A: "OpenJump develop and use" jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net  Data: Mercoledì 9 luglio 2008, 23:55  2008/7/9 Larry Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED]:and add the capability to explode a layer by attribute  value. Useful!-  Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE  NOW!  Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open  source project,  along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for  chronic lameness  and boredom. Vote Now at  http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08___  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list  Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net  https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel  Posta, news, sport, oroscopo: tutto in una sola pagina.  Crea l#39;home page che piace a te!  www.yahoo.it/latuapagina-  Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!  Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,  along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness  and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08  ___  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list  Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net  https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel   - Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW! Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project, along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08 ___ Jump-pilot-devel mailing list Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel -- http://amusingprogrammer.blogspot.com/ -Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lamenessand boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08___Jump-pilot-devel mailing listJump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.nethttps://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel Eric Jarvies -
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Re: [JPP-Devel] June OpenJUMP User Survey Results Released

2008-07-05 Thread Eric Jarvies
On Jul 5, 2008, at 7:49 AM, abhay menon wrote:Hello All,Just curious about the embedding Google Map or any other Web Map on OpenJump. Is there a possibility implement the same in the long shot using the OpenLayers API (web Api) and then introducing the same using this OpenLayers Interface as Implementation to the background layer. It would be really the best this thing to implement. As it would more over depend on the OpenLayers implementation than Google Map.this is how is see it too. google maps mixed in an openlayers mash-up is effectively running in a 'browser' and so why cannot openjump also be considered a 'browser' of sorts(safari, firefox, opera, etc.). users can run as localhost, applying for their google maps url api(localhost/ or whatever).  and of course, it is theresponsibilityof each user to dal with google maps in terms of 'commercial' licensing, should they so elect to do so. or am off base here?eric It just a suggestion... ;)Rgds.Abhay.On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 11:39 PM, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The problem with the following proposal is not a technical one, it is a legal one. Google and the other providers typically only allow access to their tile layer using their web sites and web APIs. This is in part because they license the data from other parties for a specific purpose.  Paul I like very much the feature proposal:"Use Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Mapquest, Open Street Maps map layer as background layer"   - Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW! Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project, along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08___ Jump-pilot-devel mailing list Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel  -Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lamenessand boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08___Jump-pilot-devel mailing listJump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.nethttps://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel Eric Jarvies -
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Re: [JPP-Devel] June OpenJUMP User Survey Results Released

2008-07-05 Thread Eric Jarvies
On Jul 5, 2008, at 5:24 PM, Larry Becker wrote:@Stefan, SkyJUMP has only implemented KML write, although read should be fairly easy to add. We use WGS84 UTM exclusively, so the (limited) reprojection support was easy to implement. This is the reason that there will (IMIHO) always be a niche for specialized JUMP variants like SkyJUMP that can provide powerful (although less general) features by knowing the exact needs of their user base. @Nacho, I have an experimental Google Maps plugin, but stopped work on it due to the licensing issues that Paul pointed out. It is a lot of fun, though.@Abhay, using OpenLayers would not change the license for the map data. It would still need to be hosted on a web page.i think the primary purpose/reason one would use google maps(or yahoo maps, openstreetmaps, et, al) as a background layer would be to prove/test their own maps/data during editing, thus making it easy andconvenient,without the user having to jump outside of oj to test with geo/map-server/openlayer each time. so, if it as running as localhost, users would be able to easily apply for their google api, using it in a devenvironmenton their local machine. or, users that have their gis server stack running on their dev computer, with their geo/map-server and opelayers configuration up and already running, then perhaps it would programatically be a question of having a google maps background load in udig as a webpage, one that is of course a background, with oj functionality that allows other layers to adapt the google maps projections for purposes of panning and zooming their foreground layers in the same manner as does google maps.with each month/year that passes, the google, yahoo, microsoft, penstreetmaps, et, al map sites will only grow, as will map maker's needs to conform their maps to be displayed atop the above-mentioned map sites via mash-up(openlayers, whatever). and so during the development/map making process, having the ability to switch between google, yahoo, etc., to display your maps atop, will serve greatly as an aid in preparing one's maps for use with these map sites via mash-up(openlayers, etc.). and, again, if one wishes to use it on a commercial level , then it is theresponsibilityof each user to contact google and negotiate terms for a commercial license. also, google has now introduced their new user-contributed map product that is currently being tested... so clearly they are moving in direction that essentially promotes the same type of use as does the feature we are discussing here.many existing desktop and handheld products use google maps(and google maps/map tiles) in a way that simply ALLOWS the user to add google mas to the mix, meaning placing the licensingresponsibilityin each own user's hands, where it rightly belongs imo.?regards,eric regards,LarryOn Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ok.. let me note another problem [which includes the nice kml proposal as well]:  We don't have a implementation of projections. So everything that relies on that is not doable before we get this implemented  Stefan  PS: @Larry, did you also implement KML write or only read for SkyJUMP?  Paul Austin wrote:  The problem with the following proposal is not a technical one, it is a  legal one. Google and the other providers typically only allow access to  their tile layer using their web sites and web APIs. This is in part  because they license the data from other parties for a specific purpose.   Paul   I like very much the feature proposal:"Use Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Mapquest, Open Street Maps map layeras background layer"   -  Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!  Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,  along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness  and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08   ___  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list  Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net  https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel  - Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW! Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project, along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08 ___ Jump-pilot-devel mailing list Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel -- http://amusingprogrammer.blogspot.com/ 

Re: [JPP-Devel] TaskFrame and WorkbenchContext source code files for review before commit.

2008-07-05 Thread Eric Jarvies
On Jul 5, 2008, at 6:07 PM, Larry Becker wrote:Hi Sunburned,As long as everyone else has to play by the same rules. If I'm gettingspecial treatment I should at least know the reason. (I'll gladlyaccept suggestions or recommendations that deal with technical issues in my source code.) As you know, I never mince words, so I would like to acknowledge that your programming skills have come a long way since you first started working on OJ (in 2005?). I haven't looked at your recent TaskFrame posts in detail, but they seem logical on the surface. It is not your changes that I object to, but the reason for them. For me, there are only a few reasons for changing code in a legacy project: to fix a bug, or to add needed functionality. On very rare occasions, it may be necessary to modify the core architecture such as was done with Threads, the rendering system, or Paul's recent Open dialog changes. Ideally, these changes should be done by a programmer with experience in this area. Even so, they almost always turn out to have unintended consequences. I guess I don't like the precedent of randomly modifying the core Classes just because they don't seem optimal. I could do that too, but I resist the temptation because I don't know where it would end. In fact I have made dozens of experimental modifications to core classes that I never proposed to OJ because I can't prove that they actually improve speed, reliability, or memory utilization, or that anyone would ever use them. So I don't like to support core Class changes, but exceptions should be made if someone feels strongly about them. So do you feel strongly that these changes will improve reliability and be worth the possible unintended side effects? If the answer is yes, then I think we owe it to you to support them.i agree. i think it's clear to most projects that when certain aspects of the project, like core issues, start showing their age/faults/shortcomings, and beneficial changes are identified, and can be made to improve the core overall by someone willing to invest their time to do so, then that is a good thing. itcertainlystimulatespositivechange, even if initially these changes are met with opposition, or impact the core negatively as a result of 'chain reaction'consequence.  but these consequences are the nature of the beast, and to be expected in any software development project. it seems ss has been investing a good portion of his time making oj a better application, for his own purposes, and for the benefit of others. providing os x friendly builds are made, i'll most certainly invest time testing an such changes, and reporting bugs accordingly.regards,eric best regards,LarryOn Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I must have forgot the attachments. They are at my computer at work. I'll resend them on Monday.  I must clarify that the changes I want to commit to the core have nothing to do with the Docking Window Framework or any other GUI changes. There just some clean-up and improvements of the TaskFrame class. I did things like organize all of the public, private, and protected methods together, and added Javadoc comments for all of the public methods.  Stefan wrote: "sorry, I have not found the time yet to read all your emails on that subject"  The only real "functional code changes" I made are the following four (4) changes:  - I removed the setTask method that was added by Paul. This seemed prudent because the only time to set a Task is during TaskFrame creation. Paul added the method so that he could use a plug-in to add Docking Windows support. I didn't think this would be necessary now that I have a task frame class that Paul can use with Docking Window support built in. I think the setTask method is a bad idea because it will throw an Exception if used and anytime other than during the creation of the TaskFrame. If we want to support custom TaskFrame creation we should use a true Factory Pattern.  - I allowed the CursorTool.cancelGesture method to be called when a TaskFrame is being closed. As I mentioned previously, not calling this method could lead to bugs/memory leaks in future CursorTool implementations.  - I added a member variable and an accessor method so that client code could determine if a TaskWindow was a clone of another TaskWindow.  - I implemented InternalFrameListener instead of having a hidden InternalFrameAdapter class definition. I did this because it makes the code easier to read and understand. It has no effect on the operation of the program.  Stefan wrote: "So commit rules will be more strict in terms of agreement and outlining the absolutely necessity of those changes and the expected problems with backwards compatibility [e.g plugins]. I may refer here to emails by Sascha Teichmann. Up to now there is still the wise saying: "never touch a running system." "  As long as everyone else has to play by the same rules. If I'm getting special tre

Re: [JPP-Devel] June OpenJUMP User Survey Results Released

2008-07-05 Thread Eric Jarvies
abhay, i too have a number of functionality and feature pre-visualizations that address the gui from a finished, end-user point of view. if you want to get a wiki page started regarding this, then i'd contribute the mock-ups and work-flows that would be associated with such a plug-in... and would be happy to modify them along the way as suggested features are proven undoable or not practical.regards,ericOn Jul 5, 2008, at 6:22 PM, abhay menon wrote:Hi Larry..If it is possible can you share the code to plugin of the google map plugin. I am actual writting one for a project of mine..Rgds.Abhay.On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 10:54 PM, Larry Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: @Stefan, SkyJUMP has only implemented KML write, although read should be fairly easy to add. We use WGS84 UTM exclusively, so the (limited) reprojection support was easy to implement. This is the reason that there will (IMIHO) always be a niche for specialized JUMP variants like SkyJUMP that can provide powerful (although less general) features by knowing the exact needs of their user base. @Nacho, I have an experimental Google Maps plugin, but stopped work on it due to the licensing issues that Paul pointed out. It is a lot of fun, though.@Abhay, using OpenLayers would not change the license for the map data. It would still need to be hosted on a web page. regards,LarryOn Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  ok.. let me note another problem [which includes the nice kml proposal as well]:  We don't have a implementation of projections. So everything that relies on that is not doable before we get this implemented  Stefan  PS: @Larry, did you also implement KML write or only read for SkyJUMP?  Paul Austin wrote:  The problem with the following proposal is not a technical one, it is a  legal one. Google and the other providers typically only allow access to  their tile layer using their web sites and web APIs. This is in part  because they license the data from other parties for a specific purpose.   Paul   I like very much the feature proposal:"Use Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Mapquest, Open Street Maps map layeras background layer"   -  Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!  Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,  along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness  and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08   ___  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list  Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net  https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel  - Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW! Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project, along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08 ___ Jump-pilot-devel mailing list Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel -- http://amusingprogrammer.blogspot.com/ - Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW! Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project, along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08___ Jump-pilot-devel mailing list Jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel  -Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lamenessand boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08___Jump-pilot-devel mailing listJump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.nethttps://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jump-pilot-devel Eric Jarvies -
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Re: [JPP-Devel] disable/deactivate menu with plugin?

2008-06-29 Thread Eric Jarvies
this is a great idea.  dumb it down when needing to distribute it to  
other others(non gis/software users) who merely need to perform some  
routine/instructed procedures.

also, on another subject... anyone play around with the wps plugin  
from 52north?


On Jun 29, 2008, at 9:55 AM, Larry Becker wrote:

Hi Carl,

  I can't think of a way without modifying OpenJumpConfiguration.   
If this is a popular requirement, we could add functionality via the  
editable workbench-properties.xml file instead of the  
OpenJumpConfiguration class (as SkyJUMP does).  This would make it  
possible for users to add or remove functionality at will.

Larry Becker

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Carl Grönniger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Is it possible to disable or deactivate several OJ functions or  
complete menues with a plugin? for example disable the tool-menu  
without editing the core?


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Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP as an OSGEO project - Assessing the Requirements

2008-06-17 Thread Eric Jarvies

i am of the opinion -1.  until such a time all outstanding issues are  
addressed and resolved, and all is consolidated and cleaned, and clear  
direction is sought out, reduced to mutual understanding(short-mid- 
long term) by those involved, in fully disclosed and understood  
pecking order, as well as worship order for those who drafted the  
plans, laid the foundation, and built the initial floors/walls.  full  
understanding of it's history, and full understanding and disclosure  
of it's present, by and between the current power's-that-be, and those  
who laid the pioneered oj, but have since retired themselves and their  
interest from the project.  understanding where it stands, and where  
it's participants would like to take it.  how it compares to the other  
cross-platform gis java apps currently in development, and on and on.   
many questions need to be realized and asked and answered, and then a  
collective plan of action needs to be decided, and then a considerable  
amount of clean-up and filtration need to occur, and then issues like  
osgeo can be entered into unencumbered and without any perplexities  
and uncertainties.



On Jun 17, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Michael Michaud wrote:

 Hi Stefan,

 I think joining OSGEO should be fine for OpenJUMP (more visibility,  
 developpers, more users...), but I'm not sure we have enough human
 resources to move on.
 As far as I'm concerned, I have'nt contributed for a while, but I'll
 keep helping when I can, whatever the decision is.

 Thank you so much for all the work you and Sunburned Surveyor do to  
 the project in good health.


 Stefan Steiniger a écrit :
 Dear OJ user/developer.

 I send this email to the devel list, as here rather the core people
 are listening and this is also a discussion list for us.

 Now, I have read all the docs required for an OSGEO incubation. I  
 attach a rather lenghtly file where I added comments to the different

 A couple of things will require some work and mentorship but I think
 it would be doable to join OSGEO, as the restrictions in terms of
 managements seem not to be so tight (i.e. we are require to document
 the managment processes, but it is actually not said what management
 rules we should implement)

 Here is a list of the major things that need to be done (see also the
 very end of the text file):

 Summary - Major Issues with respect to human resources
 . document (established) license policy
 . code contributors need to agree to project's license policy  
 . do a Code Provenance Review - check of licenses in the source code
 (Ohloh may help here) = problem: we probably can not GPL or LGPL
 (i.e. relicense) source code that has been inherited from other
 projects, without the author permission (such code needs to be
 externalized into a library).
 . found a Steering Comittee
 . establish documentation on project management procedures for PSC
 decisions, contributor guidelines, etc. (see Project Graduation
 Checklist point B3)
 . start documentation of project decisions
 . define release rules and process (not sure if that is a  
 . provide marketing material (handout, feature-matrix)

 . wiki + webpage transfer to OSGEO
 . introduce automated testing system (junit)
 . certification of standards?

 The only thing I am personally struggling is the definition of  
 rules and a development plan if that is required (as this would play
 against our I contribute when I like idea)

 I am awaiting your coments and a OJ-Joins-OSEGEO decision (+1: yes,  
 don't know, -1 too much work) from the regular contributors, i.e. at
 least an oppinion from:
 Larry, Michael, Peppe, Andreas, Paul, Landon, Martin.

 I also welcome oppinions from Jukka, Jon, Paolo, Eric, Geoff, Sascha,
 Lat/Lon, Intevation, Erwan, Arnd, Edgar, Ugo + Steve (if listening
 ;),... and who ever wants to

 my personal vote: 0 (influenced by the work that needs to be done,
 listed above)

 cheers from sunny Calgary

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Wikispaces

2008-04-22 Thread Eric Jarvies
making the ticket valued at $250usd, and meaning it needs only another  
$50 committed to it in order to make it viable for rfp/solicitation.
any of the oj programmers could of course tackle it and earn that  
money, or, the ticket could be submitted to guru.com, rentacoder.com,  
or any number of other resource sites that bring programmers together  
with customers.

i make mention of this because most of the users of oj, and other open  
source software projects, have a specific need they need served.  if/ 
when the software does not entirely serve that need, they would be  
inclined to spend some money to make it happen.  i happen to be one of  
those people.but in order for this to be productive, it needs to  
be organized, and right now, the oj project is spread and scattered  
about, and thus it is hard for a community of users to focus in on  
something, and instead right now it is only individuals that are able  
to focus, and only on their specific priority(s).  and so this is why  
i make mention of this, and offer to invest my time and money in  
helping centralize the project.

right now i have an osx install package for oj, that installs oj to  
the applications folder and simply uses the openjump.sh to execute the  
app.  but am working towards creating a real application using jar  
bundler, wherein all of the files are contained within the openjump  
app package.  but before i can venture into that territory, i need to  
better understand oj, and so that is what i am doing now.  of course,  
i have to seek advice from programmers, to explain to me things i am  
unfamiliar with.  and because oj does not have an organized  
repository(in the sense i've described above, from a non programmers  
point of view), this process is more painstaking, especially for non  
programmers like myself.

regarding svn/trac:

with both subversion and trac, anonymous user settings can easily be  
adjusted/set, thus confining spam to easily removable posts.   using  
ssh admin can easily create new user accounts for both svn and trac,  
again, adjusting settings accordingly per user.

i setup a sample at http://trac.ericjarvies.com (svn.ericjarvies.com)  
at my webfaction.com host.  you can logon using test/test.  if  
interested, i could spend a few days stylizing it for oj, and setting  
up an example flow of what i've described above, as it relates to  
bridging the gap between end users and programmers, as it relates to  
ticket filing and their association with the actual source code, as  
well as re-purposing tickets so they also serve the end user  
documentation.  also, the hosting i would donate would instead be at  
slicehost.net, so that the so admin could have full control over the  
slice/server, being able to soft/hard reboot as and wen is needed, as  
well being able to apt-get/install whatever software is needed.

if interested, i would donate the hosting 1 year at a time, and would  
agree to make sure to pre-pay for the hosting 3 months before it  
expires each year.  this way, if i go broke, lose interest, or die, oj  
users have 3 months to figure something out before the hosting  
expires.  i know that goole, and others offer some fairly

the trac wiki works fine, and there are plenty of 3rd party add-ons  
that extend it's functionality.

perhaps we could take this opportunity to setup the svn repo trunk  
with oj, as well as branches for os x pp, os x intel, linux, windows,  
etc.  i have personally indexed about 30 bugs oj has on os x ppc,  
along with dozens of features enhancements and requests, but have not  
bothered posting them to the sourceforge repo because that repo is not  
organized in such a way as mentioned above, nor does it seem to have  
much going on, or many paying attention to it.

openjump core

os x ppc
os x intel

also, centralizing oj on it's own slice would also allow all images  
and attachments to remain in the same place, so that if the site needs  
to be moved sometime down the road, all of it's elements are  
centralized and together in the same place.  also, this makes backing- 
up an easy process... and slicehost has nice backup routines and  
additional placs btw.

in addition, we could setup geoserver, mapserver, postgresql, mysql,   
php, and other server-side applications that could serve as a  
centralized means of testing/working with the openjump client  
software.  we could populate the map server(s) with plenty of  
examples(i have lots of vector and raster files i could personally  
donate for this purpose), and over time could build a nice repo of all  
things oj related... from the client to the server and everything in- 

let me know what you think.



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Re: [JPP-Devel] Eric's tests of Plugins

2008-04-03 Thread Eric Jarvies
thanks for pointing out and clarifying.  your BshEditor4Jump plugin  
does indeed work.  i had missed the scripting menu it had generated,  
and was looking for it's presence elsewhere in the menu/gui.



On Apr 3, 2008, at 1:03 AM, Michaël Michaud wrote:

Hi Eric,

Thanks for all the tests and documentation.

I'm the author of some of the plugins you tested (results on the wiki
page), and have some remarks/questions about those which do not work :

BshEditor4Jump-0.1.1-2006-04-20.zip : did you extract the jar from the
zip and put it in the ext folder. That is how it is supposed to  
work. It
is a useful plugin, and I would be pleased if it could work also on  

Jump-spim-0.1.0 : this is a gadget plugin related to scripting. I  
did it

before we integrated BeanTools in OpenJUMP distribution. Not very
important, just a curiosity.

mifmid-driver-0.4.0.jar : replaced by 0.4.1 that you tested  

(I have to remove 0.4.0 from my site)

mmpatch1.1.2 : not a plugin but a patch which modifies jump's core in
some ways. Not maintained. Only interesting if the community decided  

modify some of jump core features (it adds new attribute types like
boolean and decimal but has never been tested with all drivers).

plugin-oj-gcdriver and plugin-oj-mmdriver : it is just the zip
containing the plugins, the sources and the documentation. It should  

be used as a plugin. It appears that you tested the plugins themself
successfully ;-)

qa-0.1.jar : it is a recent plugin issued from Jump Conflation Suite  

I made it available on the sourceforge JPP site. I'm interested in
knowing more about what is wrong with it (nothing loaded or error
message happening at execution time ?)



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Re: [JPP-Devel] Eric's tests of Plugins

2008-04-03 Thread Eric Jarvies

Hello Peppe,

On Apr 3, 2008, at 5:44 AM, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

Hi Eric,
and congratulation for your detailed page. I saw that you plan to  
develop your page as a small tutorial for MacOX OpenJUMP user.

well, just trying to document some user experience with OJ, as it is a  
good tool, but very under-exposed... uDig and QGIS are getting all the  
spotlight.  I wish I had known about some of it's features way back  
when, and I would have started using it sooner.  But because it's  
obscure and seemed inactive(low activity), I simply never took the  
time to use and abuse/enjoy.  But all-in-all it's a great effort, and  
with some basic GUI clean-up and some bug-stomping, and some good  
download site postings/promotions, could easily get a few hundred  
active users in a short period of time.

I am interested in knowing what would be required to move this into  
Eclipse(like uDig)... any idea as it relates to man hours?

There are some part which probabily even Linix or Windows user would  
take some benefits.
I worked on   User Guide: http://openjump.org/wiki/show/Index or  
List of Function page
http://openjump.org/wiki/show/OpenJUMP+List+of+Functions together  
with SS untill last winter, but probabily they need some upgrade for  
the Up-to-come OpenJUMP 1.3

You are welcome to give your contribute adding/correcting these pages.

Great!  I'll take a look, and of course I'll edit/add as time/energy  

For instance,  the idea of videos (MOV) tutorials to explain tools  
is interesting, we could  add a link to your video at the Editing  
Toolbox page http://openjump.org/wiki/show/Editing+Toolbox

Is there any way these videos could be stored directly onto the  
OpenJump server?  Otherwise, over time, as domains get shuffled around  
from server to server, links get broken, etc.  Currently I have the  
photos up at flickr.com, and the movies up on my own domain/server,  
but they should be on the OJ server imo.

I have another 40 videos I  made yesterday and today, I just need to  
upload them and link them.  However, many of these videos show bugs  
and errors, instead of instruction/example.  I figured that would help  
the contributing programmers get an idea of the problems.

But first I am really interested in learning from the fathers of this  
project, where it's going.  I see uDig and QGIS with pretty clear  
plans of where they are going, but have not yet grasped that from  
OpenJump as of yet(hint).

Regarding the Plugin test. There are some plugin which probabily  
don't work even with Windows/Linux version of OpenJUMP (for instance  
the Jython plugin). Some of them probabily were already added in OJ  
during time, other probabily had a short life since there was no  
interest/no need to go on upgrading to newer versions of JUMP/ 

Also, I'd be willing to setup a subversion repository with a trac  
front end to manage plug-ins/versioning, so we can get that situation  
somewhat organized. or, just create a table that shows compatibility.

Again, I am very interested to know the current state of the core of  
OJ(lets say compared to uDig or QGIS, and how it could take advantage  
of geotools, geoserver, openlayers, etc.), and where everyone here  
thinks OJ is going, or where they want to take it.  As I've said  
before, it seems like such a diamond in the rough, and I wonder why It  
has just sort of lingered as it has(again, i am not familiar with all  
it's history, or all those involved).



A m onth ago I planned to do a similar job like yours for Windows.  
By the time I will have time I will do it so we can compare and see  
what's left behind!



Michaël Michaud [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
Hi Eric,

Thanks for all the tests and documentation.

I'm the author of some of the plugins you tested (results on the wiki
page), and have some remarks/questions about those which do not work :

BshEditor4Jump-0.1.1-2006-04-20.zip : did you extract the jar from the
zip and put it in the ext folder. That is how it is supposed to  
work. It
is a useful plugin, and I would be pleased if it could work also on  

Jump-spim-0.1.0 : this is a gadget plugin related to scripting. I  
did it

before we integrated BeanTools in OpenJUMP distribution. Not very
important, just a curiosity.

mifmid-driver-0.4.0.jar : replaced by 0.4.1 that you tested  

(I have to remove 0.4.0 from my site)

mmpatch1.1.2 : not a plugin but a patch which modifies jump's core in
some ways. Not maintained. Only interesting if the community decided  

modify some of jump core features (it adds new attribute types like
boolean and decimal but has never been tested with all drivers).

plugin-oj-gcdriver and plugin-oj-mmdriver : it is just the zip
containing the plugins, the sources and the documentation. It should  

be used as a plugin. It appears that you tested the plugins themself
successfully ;-)


Re: [JPP-Devel] Decoration Styles

2008-04-03 Thread Eric Jarvies


with OJ, is there a way to separate a vector object's geometry from  
it's appearance(easily)?  handling appearance by a class called  
OJDrawingStyle, which is a tree of graphical attributes and drawing  
behaviors that can be attached to the vector objects.  objects can  
share styles, so changing the style alters the appearance of all the  
objects sharing that style, for example.  alternatively, a 1:1  
relationship between objects and styles could also be adhered to(more  
conventional for a vector application).  however, it would be nice to  
take styles beyond fill of path and stroke, supporting any number of  
components.  making sure styles define what is drawn, and in what order.

it would be wonderful to select a 4 lane highway from the menu, or a  
dirt road, or a 2-lane with dirt frontage road on the left side(add  
long list of visually fun possibilities here), and apply that to an  
existing path/linestring.  or some yellow bricks(yellow brick road),  
or whatever.   so please consider this when considering decorations  
for roads, because at the present time, most all gis apps have really  
boring single-line, single-color decorations to apply to lines.


On Apr 3, 2008, at 9:51 AM, Paul Austin wrote:  supporting multiple  
strokes with different line, dash attributes, along with width and  


I'm wondering if there is a better way for users to select the  
decoration styles. What I was thinking is we can divide them into  
the following categories.

Vertex (also applies to Point)
Then each style implementation would implement say LineStartStyle  
interface to indicate the kind of style it is.

The UI would then have 4 sections where you select the style for  
each one. The decision there would be if that was a multiple  
selection or a single selection.

What do people think of this idea?

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Eric's tests of Plugins

2008-04-03 Thread Eric Jarvies

as usual, your responses are informative, as seems to be the case with  
openjump list members in general.

On Apr 3, 2008, at 9:07 AM, Sunburned Surveyor wrote:


 You ask a lot of questions that have some long answers. I only have a
 few minutes before I need to start work, but I will try to answer some
 of these questions.

 Eric wrote: I am interested in knowing what would be required to move
 this into Eclipse(like uDig)... any idea as it relates to man hours?

 This would be a pretty monumental task. There are two (2) reasons  
 for this:

 [1] Eclipse uses SWT and JFace for it's GUI, while OJ uses Swing. All
 of OJ's rendering code, which is very important, is based in Swing.

ok, i will read about this and try to make sense of it.

 [2] Eclipse uses a different (and more complex) plug-in model.
 Migrating to Eclipse would mean all plug-ins would have to be moved to
 the Eclipse plug-in model. (Many of the functionality that appear to
 be built-in to OpenJUMP in actuallu packaged as plug-ins distributed
 with the core.)

so how many of the 10.+- MBs of OJ is core and how many MBs are plugins?

 In summary, moving to Eclipse would be a monumental task. I think we
 could accomplish a lot of other great things by investing that time

understood :)  again, i will now read about swt, jface, and swing, and  
try to wrap my mind around it.

 Eric wrote: Is there any way these videos could be stored directly
 onto the OpenJump server?

 Our OpenJUMP server is actually a SourceForge server, and they have a
 size quota. Stefan has been successful in getting this increased so we
 can host the nightly build, but I don't know what they would say about
 a bunch of video's. It seems like YouTube might make more sense. If we
 want the video's on a dedicated server I could consider purchasing
 more space on my www.redefinedhorizons.com web site, but I'd need to
 know how much space we are talking about. There are other active
 programmers that might be able to host videos, like Larry and Paul.

i figured if the proggy had server/drive space, then great.  but no  
stress, i'll keep them all on my server.

 Eric wrote: Also, I'd be willing to setup a subversion repository
 with a trac front end to manage plug-ins/versioning, so we can get
 that situation somewhat organized. or, just create a table that shows

 We actually have a Subversion repository already, and I think plug-in
 source code is hosted there. I've always wanted to have a plug-in
 catalog or index. I think that would be helpful.


 Eric wrote: Again, I am very interested to know the current state of
 the core of OJ(lets say compared to uDig or QGIS, and how it could
 take advantage of geotools, geoserver, openlayers, etc.), and where
 everyone here thinks OJ is going, or where they want to take it.  As
 I've said before, it seems like such a diamond in the rough, and I
 wonder why It has just sort of lingered as it has(again, i am not
 familiar with all it's history, or all those involved).

 This is a very difficult question to answer. We don't talk a lot about
 the future of OpenJUMP. It just evolves as the individual programmers
 implement changes to scratch their own itches. I guess this makes
 OpenJUMP very organic. Perhaps this is a disadvantage? Or maybe it is
 the reason why you see a difference in it and the other programs. The
 evolution of OpenJUMP is very user-driven. There is no single entity
 or organization forcing OpenJUMP to adhere to a road map or plan.

ok, i understand now.  thank you.

 Having said that, I can tell you what I would like to see for OpenJUMP
 in the next couple of years. I put some long term goals for OpenJUMP



 There are also lots of other things I have in the hopper, and that I
 want to eventually implement using OpenJUMP. Let me start with what is
 currently in the works (at least in my Eclipse IDE) and in various
 stages of completion. You can see these items in the Sunburned
 Surveyor section of the following wiki page:


 I hope to have the top 4 of these items completed in the next month  
 or two.

 Then there is all sorts of other great stuff that I hope to one day
 add to OpenJUMP. This includes awesome DXF support, advanced
 cartographic labeling, precision drawing (CAD) tools, the ability to
 create and manage topology, support for spatial relationships,
 metadata support, TIN management and contour generation, route
 stationing support, parcel management...

 The Sunburned Surveyor



 On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 4:15 AM, Eric Jarvies [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Hello Peppe,

 On Apr 3, 2008, at 5:44 AM, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

 Hi Eric,
 and congratulation for your detailed page. I saw that you plan to  
 your page as a small tutorial for MacOX OpenJUMP user.

 well, just trying

Re: [JPP-Devel] Shapefile with overlapping shells

2008-04-03 Thread Eric Jarvies
i am having the exact same problem with some esri generated shapefiles  
from one of my sources.


On Apr 3, 2008, at 11:24 AM, Larry Becker wrote:

I've found a shapefile that has what JTS thinks is a topology error  
of overlapping shells.  In ESRI ArcMap it displays correctly as a  
shell polygon with a hole, but in JUMP, it displays as overlapping  
polygons.  It fails the QA Basic Topology test.  I have verified  
that the hole polygon is not CCW (counter clockwise) and this is  
being interpreted as a shell by the org.geotools.PolygonHandler.

It looks like another case where ESRI isn't following their own  
specifications.  Any suggestions?  I don't like to fix customer's  
data when it works fine in their ESRI system.

I'm considering modifying the PolygonHandler code to test all of the  
polygons in a multipolygon shape to determine if they are completely  
inside, and then reversing the point order to force CCW.  This might  
make shapefiles read slightly slower.


Larry Becker


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Missing delete all features from layer

2008-04-01 Thread Eric Jarvies
problems replying to this list... keeps bouncing my emails :(


On Apr 1, 2008, at 5:51 PM, Stefan Steiniger wrote:

 ok.. I will put it back. However this is kind of funny, because when
 removing it, I was already thinking that it is a typical developer
 function for testing. I can not imagine that there are many users out
 there using it. However, as Uwe was pointing it out already. OpenJUMP
 seems rather to be driven by development needs than by end user  
 needs ;)


 Martin Davis wrote:
 I use it a lot too.  Selecting all items is often a pain if there's a
 lot of them.

 Um - would it be a good idea to poll the community before removing  

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[JPP-Devel] testing list

2008-04-01 Thread Eric Jarvies
testing list with different email address.  please disregard this post.

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[JPP-Devel] point map decorations

2008-04-01 Thread Eric Jarvies
 be appreciated.  and to add to this subject, other  
software like udig has made the move to eclipse, whilst qgis is locked  
into qt.  is openjump going to do the same sometime soon?  and if so,  
will it go the route of eclipse?

thanks in advance for your comments/answers!


eric jarvies

On Apr 1, 2008, at 8:08 PM, Eric Jarvies wrote:

 testing list with different email address.  please disregard this  

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Re: [JPP-Devel] @Eric - PostGIS with OpenWizard (Italian translation)

2007-11-21 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi Peppe,

If you have feedback?
I Like it.


2007/11/20, Giuseppe Aruta [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Eric,
 I am looking forward to test your Postgis plugin

 --- Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

  Hi peppe,
  Thank you.
  I Commit this file this night. (i have'nt SVN acces
  in my work :-{ )
  2007/11/20, Giuseppe Aruta
   Hi Eric,
   I translate the jump_fr.properties file in
   It is a text file (jump_it.properties.txt) which I
   to this mail . Tell me if it is there
   L'email della prossima generazione? Puoi averla
  con la nuova Yahoo! Mail:
  = Server
  = Porta
  = Archivio
  = Tabella
  = Username
  = Password
  = dove
   Sovrascrivere la Tabella esistente {0} ?
  = OverWrite {0} ?
  = Creare
   la Tabella se non \u00E9 già definita, poi
  inserire nuove geometrie in essa.
   Inserire nuove righe o aggiornare le righe
  esistenti nella Tabella, basate
   sulla colonna unica specificata (chiave primaria).
  Devi specificare un unico
   nome-colonna esistente sia nello schema  elementi
  che nella Tabella del
  = Creare
   una nuova Tabella PostGIS senza CONSTRAINTS e
  salvare il livello.
   Sovrascrivere una Tabella PostGIS esistente  e
  conservare Regole della
   Seleziona metodo salvataggio\:
  = Nuova Tabella
  = Sovrascrivere
  = Inserire
  = Colonna
  = Driver PostGIS
  = Definire
   proprietà per i Dati  Postgis.
   This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
   Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio
   Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
  This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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 L'email della prossima generazione? Puoi averla con la nuova Yahoo! Mail:

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Re: [JPP-Devel] @Eric - PostGIS with OpenWizard (Italian translation)

2007-11-20 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi peppe,

Thank you.

I Commit this file this night. (i have'nt SVN acces in my work :-{ )


2007/11/20, Giuseppe Aruta [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Eric,
 I translate the jump_fr.properties file in Italian.
 It is a text file (jump_it.properties.txt) which I add
 to this mail . Tell me if it is there



 L'email della prossima generazione? Puoi averla con la nuova Yahoo! Mail:
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISCommonDriverPanel.server = Server
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISCommonDriverPanel.port = Porta
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISCommonDriverPanel.database = Archivio
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISCommonDriverPanel.table = Tabella
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISCommonDriverPanel.username = Username
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISCommonDriverPanel.password = Password
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISCommonDriverPanel.where = dove

 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISConnection.overwrite.existing =
 Sovrascrivere la Tabella esistente {0} ?
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISConnection.overwrite = OverWrite {0} ?

 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.INSERT_HELP_STRING = Creare
 la Tabella se non \u00E9 già definita, poi inserire nuove geometrie in essa.
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.UPDATE_HELP_STRING =
 Inserire nuove righe o aggiornare le righe esistenti nella Tabella, basate
 sulla colonna unica specificata (chiave primaria). Devi specificare un unico
 nome-colonna esistente sia nello schema  elementi che nella Tabella del
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.DELETE_HELP_STRING = Creare
 una nuova Tabella PostGIS senza CONSTRAINTS e salvare il livello.
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.OVERWRITE_HELP_STRING =
 Sovrascrivere una Tabella PostGIS esistente  e conservare Regole della
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.select-save-method =
 Seleziona metodo salvataggio\:
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.new-table = Nuova Tabella
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.overwrite = Sovrascrivere
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.insert = Inserire
 net.refractions.postgis.PostGISSaveDriverPanel.unique-Column = Colonna

 net.refractions.postgis.AddPostGISLayerWizardPanel = Driver PostGIS
 net.refractions.postgis.AddPostGISLayerWizardPanel.instructions = Definire
 proprietà per i Dati  Postgis.
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[JPP-Devel] PostGIS with OpenWizard

2007-11-19 Thread Eric Lemesre

The New version of PostGIS plugIn with OpenWizard is in repository.

Somme file will be added for translation in

I need somme help to translate in other language.

I dont understand one thing :
when i press finish or cancel the layer is created.

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Re: [JPP-Devel] PostGIS with OpenWizard

2007-11-19 Thread Eric Lemesre

I add one function in I18N.java :
  public static String getMessage(final String category, final String label,
final Object[] objects) {
I18N i18n = getInstance(category);
return i18n.getMessage(label,objects);
and a mistack with svn manipulation forget this change.

I commit this change


2007/11/19, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I can't compile it, there is the following error.

 The method getMessage(String, Object[]) in the type I18N is not
 applicable for the arguments (String, String, String[])
 line 391


 Eric Lemesre wrote:
  The New version of PostGIS plugIn with OpenWizard is in repository.
  Somme file will be added for translation in
  I need somme help to translate in other language.
  I dont understand one thing :
  when i press finish or cancel the layer is created.
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  Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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[JPP-Devel] Maven Build

2007-11-19 Thread Eric Lemesre

What do you think build src.jar and javadoc.jar in lifecycle?
and install this artifact with goal install ?

when you add to pom.xml this fragment :


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Re: [JPP-Devel] More than one datasource by layer?

2007-11-05 Thread Eric Lemesre
Of course all feature in layer share the same shema.

An exemple :
 * I have some polygone in shape file :

 * I have in datasource (DS1) lot of generic attributes for this polygone

 * in an other datasource (DS2) client attribute

i want to have in the same layer
 ID (INTEGER)  = from shapeFile and in
DS1 and DS2
 MENAGE (DOUBLE)   = from DS1

I want make some analyse (why not build an other field with computation from

and store TX_PENETRATION in an other datasource.

What is the better way to code this functionality with lesser intrusive
I want to keep compatibility with project xml file from OJ 1.2D (if it
possible ;-))


2007/11/4, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Layers are tied to a feature collection and all features must share the
 same schema.

 If you create custom Java code to load the date from each of those sources
 and populate the feature collection with that data then there is no reason
 why you couldn't do what you want. But there is nothing out of the box to do

 What is the use case behind getting the attributes from many places? If
 the geometry and attributes are in a shape file why not load these into one
 of the databases then you can create a view of the tables and load that into


 Eric Lemesre wrote:


 It possible to have more than one datasource by layer?

 1 for Geo datasource (a data source for the géometry)
 1..n data source for attributes
 Exemple :
  * shapeFile for the geometry
  * a flat CSV file for some attribute
  * MysQL database for some other
  * PostgreSQL database for some others.



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Re: [JPP-Devel] More than one datasource by layer?

2007-11-05 Thread Eric Lemesre
I can create a view only if i have some right in the database.
And it is not necessary the case.

It is dangerous in verry big compagny.
At this time i have only read rigth in some Database.


2007/11/4, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Layers are tied to a feature collection and all features must share the
 same schema.

 If you create custom Java code to load the date from each of those sources
 and populate the feature collection with that data then there is no reason
 why you couldn't do what you want. But there is nothing out of the box to do

 What is the use case behind getting the attributes from many places? If
 the geometry and attributes are in a shape file why not load these into one
 of the databases then you can create a view of the tables and load that into


 Eric Lemesre wrote:


 It possible to have more than one datasource by layer?

 1 for Geo datasource (a data source for the géometry)
 1..n data source for attributes
 Exemple :
  * shapeFile for the geometry
  * a flat CSV file for some attribute
  * MysQL database for some other
  * PostgreSQL database for some others.



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Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View

2007-11-03 Thread Eric Lemesre

Designe with GUI builder is easier way to build nice IHM.
I would try Mantis because the code seems clean.


2007/11/2, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Please try using regular Swing, I'd like to remove Buoy from Open JUMP as
 I see no real advantage over the functionality offered by swing. Sure it
 maybe slightly easier for developers who aren't used to swing. But it's just
 another API that people will have to learn.


 Eric Lemesre wrote:

 I would try it this week.


 2007/10/31, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  because it is easier to use for non GUI-experts?
  just a thought, and noted here:
  otherwise, why should michael have used it.
  but if somebody is able to remove the buoy code from OJ... i would not
  object ;)
  Paul Austin schrieb:
   We have to ask the question what does Buoy give us over using regular
   Stefan Steiniger wrote:
   but as I said,
   buoy: http://www.buoybuilder.com/ is already used ;)
   Eric Lemesre schrieb:
   Hi all,
   Thank for this precision.
   2007/10/30, Paul Austin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Have a look at the SpringLayout manager from Swing. This is a very
   flexible layout manager. There is a SwingUtilities class that will
   you to make a basic grid layout in the JUMP code base.
   Unless there is something needed in a 3rd party GUI library try and
   stick with standard Swing components. Otherwise we'll end up with
   a bloated download with all the 3rd party libraries.
   Stefan Steiniger wrote:
   There is no best-practice.
   actually you may have a look on buoy (widget) used already in OJ
   Simple Query.
   Eric Lemesre schrieb:
   Hi landon,
   I have no problem with GUI Builder.
   I want build a new GUI for PostGISPlugin.
   And i dont know what is the best practice about GUI in openjump.
   2007/10/29, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
   What problem where you having with the GUI builders?
   Perhaps I can walk you through some rough spots. Also, it is
  good to
   remember that most IDE's like Eclipse or Netbeans have a mialing
   or forum that you can post questions on.
   The Sunburned Surveyor
   On 10/26/07, Eric Lemesre  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi jon,
   Sorry for long time without response.
   what do you use for build GUI for openjump?
   I try VEP (Eclipse plugin for calisto - V3.2) -
   I try Jigloo GUI builder -
   NetBean with mantis but I don''t understand very well How
   2007/10/20, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Hi Eric - Interesting ideas! I was just going to leave it as a
   tool. I agree with you that Eclipse has a great diff view.
   can take what I've done and use it as the start of an Eclipse
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of Eric Lemesre
   Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 2:36 AM
   To: List for discussion of JPP development and use.
   Subject: Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View
   Hi jon,
   Nice tool.
   Do you have planed to add this tools as Eclipse plugin?
   And is it lot of work to add on a bar at left or rigth side to
   is a diff?
   2007/10/19, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
   Useful tool for Subversion:
   SVN Time-Lapse View
   Lets you examine the history of a file by dragging a slider.
   highlighted in blue. If you want to know who changed a line,
   what reason, this is useful.
   For example, try it with
   This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
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   Still grepping through

[JPP-Devel] More than one datasource by layer?

2007-11-03 Thread Eric Lemesre

It possible to have more than one datasource by layer?

1 for Geo datasource (a data source for the géometry)
1..n data source for attributes
Exemple :
 * shapeFile for the geometry
 * a flat CSV file for some attribute
 * MysQL database for some other
 * PostgreSQL database for some others.

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View

2007-11-02 Thread Eric Lemesre
I would try it this week.


2007/10/31, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 because it is easier to use for non GUI-experts?

 just a thought, and noted here:


 otherwise, why should michael have used it.
 but if somebody is able to remove the buoy code from OJ... i would not
 object ;)


 Paul Austin schrieb:
  We have to ask the question what does Buoy give us over using regular
  Stefan Steiniger wrote:
  but as I said,
  buoy: http://www.buoybuilder.com/ is already used ;)
  Eric Lemesre schrieb:
  Hi all,
  Thank for this precision.
  2007/10/30, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Have a look at the SpringLayout manager from Swing. This is a very
  flexible layout manager. There is a SwingUtilities class that will
  you to make a basic grid layout in the JUMP code base.
  Unless there is something needed in a 3rd party GUI library try and
  stick with standard Swing components. Otherwise we'll end up with
  a bloated download with all the 3rd party libraries.
  Stefan Steiniger wrote:
  There is no best-practice.
  actually you may have a look on buoy (widget) used already in OJ for
  Simple Query.
  Eric Lemesre schrieb:
  Hi landon,
  I have no problem with GUI Builder.
  I want build a new GUI for PostGISPlugin.
  And i dont know what is the best practice about GUI in openjump.
  2007/10/29, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  What problem where you having with the GUI builders?
  Perhaps I can walk you through some rough spots. Also, it is good
  remember that most IDE's like Eclipse or Netbeans have a mialing
  or forum that you can post questions on.
  The Sunburned Surveyor
  On 10/26/07, Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi jon,
  Sorry for long time without response.
  what do you use for build GUI for openjump?
  I try VEP (Eclipse plugin for calisto -V3.2) -
  I try Jigloo GUI builder -
  NetBean with mantis but I don''t understand very well How import
  2007/10/20, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hi Eric - Interesting ideas! I was just going to leave it as a
  tool. I agree with you that Eclipse has a great diff view.
  can take what I've done and use it as the start of an Eclipse
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Eric Lemesre
  Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 2:36 AM
  To: List for discussion of JPP development and use.
  Subject: Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View
  Hi jon,
  Nice tool.
  Do you have planed to add this tools as Eclipse plugin?
  And is it lot of work to add on a bar at left or rigth side to
  is a diff?
  2007/10/19, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Useful tool for Subversion:
  SVN Time-Lapse View
  Lets you examine the history of a file by dragging a slider.
  highlighted in blue. If you want to know who changed a line,
  what reason, this is useful.
  For example, try it with
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Re: [JPP-Devel] How to avoid drawing errors when new dialogs are activated from a new frame

2007-10-30 Thread Eric Lemesre

zip file is filtred by SF you can look all files in


2007/10/30, Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 BarChartPlugin is not in SIGLE repository i send the code in attachement.
 I have JFreeChart documentation. I purchase it for 40 Euro


 2007/10/30, Stefan Steiniger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hei Eric,
  i will have a look on that SIGLE plugin too.. should be somewhere on my
  desktop. Actually the problem with JFreeChart is that one needs a doc.
  @Sunburned: I did not use a JDialog yet - only a frame. But I am going
  to try the dialog next.*)
  I also recognized, that the screen-errors appear if I put OpenJUMP in
  background, i.e. Eclipse on top, and then again on top. The histo-plot
  is fine, but not OJ.
  *) I tried.. and it does not work as well whith a Dialog. Seems like
  there is no other way then looking in the sourcecode of jmathplot.
  Eric Lemesre schrieb:
   Hi Stefan,
   I am an for nothing ;-)
   I am working on plugin derivate from ChartPlugin intitaly writen by
   It build Histogram from a layer.And this plugin work with JFreeChart.
   this library is very nice for build, export and print charts.
   If you want i can post the code.
   2007/10/29, Sunburned Surveyor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   I am not a GUI expert either, but I may have some information that
   help. My SuperSelect program opens a JInternal frame for its
   configuration form. From this form I can sucessfully launch another
   JInternal frame for context sensitive help, as you can see in the
   attached screenshot.
   I have no problem with painting when I move either the help frame or
   the configuration frame.
   This makes me wonder if the problem is with launching a JDialog class
   from a JInternalFrame. Could you try switching your JDialog classes
   JInternal frames to see if this solves the problem?
   On 10/28/07, Larry Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Stefan,
 You have wandered into deep waters, and I have no life preserver
   to you except the advice that it might be easier if you could
   your Histogram functionality so that it doesn't have to launch
   your own frame.  Failing that, you may need to extend JInternalFrame
   than instantiating one.
   On 10/27/07, Stefan Steiniger  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hei Guys,
   as I am not firm at all with GUI programming it would be nice if
   somebody could help me with the new Histogram function.
   What do I do:
   1) created a threaded plugin
   2) obtain in execute some params (Attribute type and number of
   2) call inside run the following code that creates a Histogram
   (note: i use jmathplot library)
final Plot2DPanel plot = new Plot2DPanel();
plot.addHistogramPlot(this.selAttribute , data,
JInternalFrame frame = new JInternalFrame(Histogram);
frame.setLayout (new BorderLayout());
frame.add(plot, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.setVisible (true);
   the problem:
   The Plot-panel/Frame for the Histogram contains buttons that
   some other dialogs. For instance a FileChooser to save the plot as
   If I activate the button the new dialog is only partly visible and
   openjump GUI is not redrawn while moving the dialog. (see attached
   image). Interestingly the histogram plot panel seems to be redrawn
   not the histogram frame.
   I tried as well to make a new menu within the Histogram Frame with
   code below. But the problem persists, i.e. the FileChooser is only
   partly visible and causes graphical errors to the JUMP GUI.
   Any idea how avoid that the SaveDialog (or any other dialog called)
   causes graphical errors (i guess threading is the solution - but
   source-code for calling file dialog and saving the plot-image:
   JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
   JMenu mTools = new JMenu(Tools);
   mTools.add(new AbstractAction(Save Image as PNG File,
   IconLoader.icon(disk.png)) {
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
   java.io.File file =
   if (file != null){plot.toGraphicFile(file);}
   ===  using: =
   public static File selectFile(PlugInContext context){
 JFileChooser fc =
   File file = fc.getSelectedFile

Re: [JPP-Devel] How to avoid drawing errors when new dialogs are activated from a new frame

2007-10-30 Thread Eric Lemesre
Sorry I forgot :

I have a doc for JFreeChart.


2007/10/30, Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 zip file is filtred by SF you can look all files in


 2007/10/30, Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  BarChartPlugin is not in SIGLE repository i send the code in
  I have JFreeChart documentation. I purchase it for 40 Euro
  2007/10/30, Stefan Steiniger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Hei Eric,
   i will have a look on that SIGLE plugin too.. should be somewhere on
   desktop. Actually the problem with JFreeChart is that one needs a doc.
   @Sunburned: I did not use a JDialog yet - only a frame. But I am going
   to try the dialog next.*)
   I also recognized, that the screen-errors appear if I put OpenJUMP in
   background, i.e. Eclipse on top, and then again on top. The histo-plot
   is fine, but not OJ.
   *) I tried.. and it does not work as well whith a Dialog. Seems like
   there is no other way then looking in the sourcecode of jmathplot.
   Eric Lemesre schrieb:
Hi Stefan,
I am an for nothing ;-)
I am working on plugin derivate from ChartPlugin intitaly writen by
It build Histogram from a layer.And this plugin work with
this library is very nice for build, export and print charts.
If you want i can post the code.
2007/10/29, Sunburned Surveyor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I am not a GUI expert either, but I may have some information that
help. My SuperSelect program opens a JInternal frame for its
configuration form. From this form I can sucessfully launch another
JInternal frame for context sensitive help, as you can see in the
attached screenshot.
I have no problem with painting when I move either the help frame
the configuration frame.
This makes me wonder if the problem is with launching a JDialog
from a JInternalFrame. Could you try switching your JDialog classes
JInternal frames to see if this solves the problem?
On 10/28/07, Larry Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Hi Stefan,
  You have wandered into deep waters, and I have no life preserver
to you except the advice that it might be easier if you could
your Histogram functionality so that it doesn't have to launch
your own frame.  Failing that, you may need to extend
than instantiating one.
On 10/27/07, Stefan Steiniger  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hei Guys,
as I am not firm at all with GUI programming it would be nice if
somebody could help me with the new Histogram function.
What do I do:
1) created a threaded plugin
2) obtain in execute some params (Attribute type and number of
2) call inside run the following code that creates a Histogram
(note: i use jmathplot library)
 final Plot2DPanel plot = new Plot2DPanel();
 plot.addHistogramPlot(this.selAttribute , data,
 JInternalFrame frame = new JInternalFrame(Histogram);
 frame.setLayout (new BorderLayout());
 frame.add(plot, BorderLayout.CENTER);
 frame.setVisible (true);
the problem:

The Plot-panel/Frame for the Histogram contains buttons that
some other dialogs. For instance a FileChooser to save the plot
   as png
If I activate the button the new dialog is only partly visible
   and the
openjump GUI is not redrawn while moving the dialog. (see
image). Interestingly the histogram plot panel seems to be
   redrawn but
not the histogram frame.
I tried as well to make a new menu within the Histogram Frame
   with the
code below. But the problem persists, i.e. the FileChooser is
partly visible and causes graphical errors to the JUMP GUI.
Any idea how avoid that the SaveDialog (or any other dialog
causes graphical errors (i guess threading is the solution - but
source-code for calling file dialog and saving the plot-image:
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
JMenu mTools = new JMenu(Tools);
mTools.add(new AbstractAction(Save Image as PNG File,
IconLoader.icon(disk.png)) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent
java.io.File file =
if (file != null){plot.toGraphicFile(file

Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View

2007-10-29 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi landon,

I have no problem with GUI Builder.

I want build a new GUI for PostGISPlugin.
And i dont know what is the best practice about GUI in openjump.


2007/10/29, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 What problem where you having with the GUI builders?

 Perhaps I can walk you through some rough spots. Also, it is good to
 remember that most IDE's like Eclipse or Netbeans have a mialing list
 or forum that you can post questions on.

 The Sunburned Surveyor

 On 10/26/07, Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi jon,
  Sorry for long time without response.
  what do you use for build GUI for openjump?
  I try VEP (Eclipse plugin for calisto -V3.2) -
  I try Jigloo GUI builder -
  NetBean with mantis but I don''t understand very well How import eclipse
  2007/10/20, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Hi Eric - Interesting ideas! I was just going to leave it as a simple
  tool. I agree with you that Eclipse has a great diff view. Perhaps
  can take what I've done and use it as the start of an Eclipse plugin.
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Eric Lemesre
   Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 2:36 AM
   To: List for discussion of JPP development and use.
   Subject: Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View
   Hi jon,
   Nice tool.
   Do you have planed to add this tools as Eclipse plugin?
   And is it lot of work to add on a bar at left or rigth side to view
  is a diff?
   2007/10/19, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Useful tool for Subversion:
SVN Time-Lapse View
Lets you examine the history of a file by dragging a slider. Diffs
highlighted in blue. If you want to know who changed a line, when,
what reason, this is useful.
For example, try it with
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Re: [JPP-Devel] A little starter's help

2007-10-29 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi Daniel,

you can find some brazil free data  in :


2007/10/29, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I'm sorry that I haven't responded sooner. I am going to send your
 e-mail to our mailing list for OpenJUMP. Perhaps some OpenJUMP users
 from South America can help you with answers to your questions.

 You should consider subscribing to the mailing list if you will be
 using OpenJUMP regularly. You can do so here:


 The Sunburned Surveyor

 On 10/15/07, Daniel Tygel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Sunburned Surveyor,
 my name is daniel, from brazil. We work in the social movement of
  solidarity economy. I've just downloaded openjump, and would like to
  how to start: I mean, where can I get basic data from our country? Is
  a kind of data-server for that?
daniel tygel

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Re: [JPP-Devel] How to avoid drawing errors when new dialogs are activated from a new frame

2007-10-29 Thread Eric Lemesre
I am an EXPERT for nothing ;-)

2007/10/29, Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Stefan,

 I am an for nothing ;-)
 I am working on plugin derivate from ChartPlugin intitaly writen by Erwan.
 It build Histogram from a layer.And this plugin work with JFreeChart.
 this library is very nice for build, export and print charts.
 If you want i can post the code.


 2007/10/29, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I am not a GUI expert either, but I may have some information that can
  help. My SuperSelect program opens a JInternal frame for its
  configuration form. From this form I can sucessfully launch another
  JInternal frame for context sensitive help, as you can see in the
  attached screenshot.
  I have no problem with painting when I move either the help frame or
  the configuration frame.
  This makes me wonder if the problem is with launching a JDialog class
  from a JInternalFrame. Could you try switching your JDialog classes to
  JInternal frames to see if this solves the problem?
  On 10/28/07, Larry Becker  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Stefan,
 You have wandered into deep waters, and I have no life preserver to
   to you except the advice that it might be easier if you could
   your Histogram functionality so that it doesn't have to launch dialogs
   your own frame.  Failing that, you may need to extend JInternalFrame
   than instantiating one.
   On 10/27/07, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hei Guys,
as I am not firm at all with GUI programming it would be nice if
somebody could help me with the new Histogram function.
What do I do:
1) created a threaded plugin
2) obtain in execute some params (Attribute type and number of
2) call inside run the following code that creates a Histogram
(note: i use jmathplot library)
 final Plot2DPanel plot = new Plot2DPanel();
 plot.addHistogramPlot(this.selAttribute , data, this.ranges
 JInternalFrame frame = new JInternalFrame(Histogram);
 frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
 frame.add(plot, BorderLayout.CENTER);
 frame.setVisible (true);
the problem:

The Plot-panel/Frame for the Histogram contains buttons that
some other dialogs. For instance a FileChooser to save the plot as
If I activate the button the new dialog is only partly visible and
openjump GUI is not redrawn while moving the dialog. (see attached
image). Interestingly the histogram plot panel seems to be redrawn
not the histogram frame.
I tried as well to make a new menu within the Histogram Frame with
code below. But the problem persists, i.e. the FileChooser is only
partly visible and causes graphical errors to the JUMP GUI.
Any idea how avoid that the SaveDialog (or any other dialog called)
causes graphical errors (i guess threading is the solution - but
source-code for calling file dialog and saving the plot-image:
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
JMenu mTools = new JMenu(Tools);
mTools.add(new AbstractAction(Save Image as PNG File,
IconLoader.icon(disk.png)) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
java.io.File file =
if (file != null){plot.toGraphicFile(file);}
===  using: =
public static File selectFile(PlugInContext context){
  JFileChooser fc =
   GUIUtil.createJFileChooserWithOverwritePrompting (png);
File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
String name = file.getPath ();
name =
File newFile = new File(name);
return newFile;
catch(Exception e){
return null;
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View

2007-10-26 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi jon,

Sorry for long time without response.
what do you use for build GUI for openjump?
I try VEP (Eclipse plugin for calisto -V3.2) - http://www.eclipse.org/vep/
I try Jigloo GUI builder - http://www.cloudgarden.com/jigloo/
NetBean with mantis but I don''t understand very well How import eclipse


2007/10/20, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Hi Eric - Interesting ideas! I was just going to leave it as a simple
 tool. I agree with you that Eclipse has a great diff view. Perhaps someone
 can take what I've done and use it as the start of an Eclipse plugin.


 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Eric
 *Sent:* Friday, October 19, 2007 2:36 AM
 *To:* List for discussion of JPP development and use.
 *Subject:* Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View

 Hi jon,

 Nice tool.
 Do you have planed to add this tools as Eclipse plugin?

 And is it lot of work to add on a bar at left or rigth side to view where
 is a diff?


 2007/10/19, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Useful tool for Subversion:
  SVN Time-Lapse View
  Lets you examine the history of a file by dragging a slider. Diffs are
  highlighted in blue. If you want to know who changed a line, when, and
  what reason, this is useful.
  For example, try it with
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Maven Repository

2007-10-26 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi Paul,

It is good idea to build a maven-repository but why put it into subversion?
Juste a web space with ftp acces in source forge is sufficient. No?

And an other web space for site generated by maven.


2007/10/25, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I have added a repository for maven to our subversion repository. We can
 add any third part libraries not in the main maven repository and also
 build of our own core and plug-ins.

 The subversion module is


 and the maven repository URL is



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Re: [JPP-Devel] Maven Repository

2007-10-26 Thread Eric Lemesre



2007/10/26, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 This is correct by using subversion we don't have to manage our own ftp
 site, with all the sysadmin stuff such as creating user accounts etc.


 Andreas Schmitz wrote:
  Eric Lemesre wrote:
  It is good idea to build a maven-repository but why put it into
  Juste a web space with ftp acces in source forge is sufficient. No?
  And an other web space for site generated by maven.
  the advantage is that any developer can update the repository, not just
  admins who may have access to the web space.
  Best regards, Andreas
  l a t / l o n  GmbH
  Aennchenstrasse 19   53177 Bonn, Germany
  phone ++49 +228 18496-11 fax ++49 +228 1849629
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Subversion Time-Lapse View

2007-10-19 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi jon,

Nice tool.
Do you have planed to add this tools as Eclipse plugin?

And is it lot of work to add on a bar at left or rigth side to view where is
a diff?


2007/10/19, Jonathan Aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Useful tool for Subversion:

 SVN Time-Lapse View

 Lets you examine the history of a file by dragging a slider. Diffs are
 highlighted in blue. If you want to know who changed a line, when, and for
 what reason, this is useful.

 For example, try it with



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Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP Plug-In: Super Select Tool Release

2007-10-18 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi SS,

I try to run SuperSelect tool from revision 1168 and i have this error:


JUMP: Warning: Properties file does not exist:
Loading org.OpenJUMP.Graph.GraphExtension
Loading reso.jump.joinTable.JoinTableExtension
Loading net.refractions.postgis.PostGISConfiguration
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.Logger.error
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInManager.toClass(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInManager.classes(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInManager.init(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench.init(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench.main(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench.main(


2007/10/17, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The second release of the Super Select Tool is available on the
 SurveyOS SourceForge site.


 This release includes the following changes or additions:

 - Installation Instructions
 - Added Option To Turn Off Remove From Source Layers Warning
 - Modified SaveConfiguration Button Icon and Help Button Icon.
 - Moved the sos_utilities.jar file from /lib folder to
 /lib/ext/surveyos directory.

 Installation should be quite a bit easier with this release. The next
 release should offer internationalization and context-sensitive help
 in PDF.

 I appreciate any feedback or suggestions for improvement. (I still
 don't know if anyone else can run the tool on a nightly build.)

 The Sunburned Surveyor

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Postgis connection

2007-10-16 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi Uwe,

I just add a where clause to PostGISPlugin in the repository if you want to
teste it and made some remark?

i have to plan to add fonctionnality :
Update some fields in table with a given key.

Just a question : all properties in DataSourceQuery instance is DataSource
responsability ?
and when I build a PostGISDataSourceQuery with fully qualified
I can't get a PostGisconnection is it a normal beavior?

ie :
PostGISDataSource pgDS = new PostGISDataSource();
properties = new HashMap();
 ... set properties key

pgQuery = new PostGISDataSourceQuery(pgDS,query,layerName);

// don't work

What do you think about this modification in PostGISDataSourceQuery?

   * Returns the DataSource for the query.
  public DataSource getDataSource()
// FIXME:[eric.lemesre] maintain Porperties is DataSource
DataSource ds = super.getDataSource();

   * Property map for the query object. For defined keys see: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  public void setProperties(HashMap properties) {
// FIXME:[eric.lemesre] maintain Porperties is DataSource
//this.properties = (HashMap)properties.clone();

It work but is it best practice?

See U

2007/10/15, Uwe Dalluege [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Eric,

 the version number 6.11.6B means that I have changed thist
 PlugIn at 2006.11.6. B means beta. This notation is from me.
 I think 1.2.0 is from Stefan.



 Eric Lemesre schrieb:
  Hi Stefan,
  Ok but I think the better way is commit initial code
  (the 6.11.6B) and after commit modification.
  the code for OpenFile framework is in package :
  com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.datasource ?
  @Uwe : please can you give me more explanation about version number ?
  internal version is 6.11.6B and jar version is 1.2.0 ??
  2007/10/12, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:
  Hei Eric,
  I have created a new PostGisPlugin Folder on the SVN.
  Can you commit your modified Postgisplugin code to that folder
  (trunk/src)? If this is done we can then modify the postgisplugin
  sources to work with the new OpenFile framework
  Eric Lemesre schrieb:
Hi Stefan,
Thank for your intervention with Uwe,
I rebuild directory structure and commit in a new directory this
  plug in.
probebly befor this WE.
2007/10/8, Stefan Steiniger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hei Eric,
Uwe agrees to put the postgis plugin on the svn.
for the rest - because I never used maven - can you simple
  outline the
directory structure on the SVN. So I have a better image what
  you want
to do.

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Re: [JPP-Devel] ReplaceValuePlugIn

2007-10-13 Thread Eric Lemesre

Thanks for attachement !
It possible to build a conditionnal assembly?

some think like that :


and enablePlugIn.properties
# plugin to enable when is not empty

it is verry simple to enable/disable plugin without touch the assembly


2007/10/13, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 The current maven build is a non standard build as OJ doesn't have the
 correct directory structure. I'd like to get that changed at some point.

 For the main maven build for OJ i don't think we should split the api
 and workbench as for JUMP deliveries you need both. We can however
 create assemblies for them so that the are available if anyone else
 needs them.

 I also have another assembly descriptor that can be used in another
 project to build a custom OJ bundle with a bunch of plug-ins, basically
 make all you plug-ins maven plug-ins, add a dependency to OJ and the
 plug-ins from a wrapper project and it will bundle them into the lib/ext
 directory. Unfortunately due to some bugs in Maven you have to do some
 customization for it to work. See attached example.


 Eric Lemesre wrote:
  I commit the change and I complete my first commit (language and
  I like maven ;-) but my local repository is verry small.
  When i package openjump (mvn package) i have
   5 required artifacts are missing :
  * net.sf.buoy:buoy:jar:1.8
  * com.sun.media:jai_codec:jar:1.1.2_01
  * com.ermapper:ermapper:jar:UNKNOWN
  * javax.media:jai_core:jar:1.1.2_01
  *  org.jmat:jmat:jar:5.0
  It is probably the good time to build a maven2 repository for openjump?
  and put in
  and with the same version
  openjump-api and openjump-workbench
  and all necessary jar for build.
  2007/10/12, Paul Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sorry about that, it must have been something to do with the merge
  process. Have you been able to recover the old version?
  Eric Lemesre wrote:
   Hi paul,
   It is probebly a mistake, but your commit( rev 1141) erase my
   (rev 1132) on
   2007/10/3, Sunburned Surveyor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Thanks for filling us in on how you use OpenJUMP Eric, and
  thank you
   for making the effort to contribute.
   The Sunburned Surveyor
   On 10/1/07, Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi SS,
I am using OpenJUMP for visualisation state's vendor  :
   they work,
where they live and where is her cusmoters.
Other software like ERSI EMG3, is too expensive an less
I can get data from PostgreSQL, Degrees, and geoserver and
   it to
resposables (quikly ;-) ).
I hope my compagny always use OpenJUMP and give more
  developpers to
At this moment I am alone ;-{.
2007/9/28, Sunburned Surveyor 
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am getting to this e-mail a little bit late, but I see
 and Stefan have already given you a warm welcome.

 I just want to say thanks for your contribution and I
  hope we
   get to
 work together in the future.

 I'm curious, how are you using OpenJUMP?

 The Sunburned Surveyor

 On 9/28/07, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL

Re: [JPP-Devel] Postgis connection

2007-10-12 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi Stefan,

Ok but I think the better way is commit initial code
(the 6.11.6B) and after commit modification.

the code for OpenFile framework is in package :
com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.datasource ?

@Uwe : please can you give me more explanation about version number ?

internal version is 6.11.6B and jar version is 1.2.0 ??


2007/10/12, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hei Eric,

 I have created a new PostGisPlugin Folder on the SVN.
 Can you commit your modified Postgisplugin code to that folder
 (trunk/src)? If this is done we can then modify the postgisplugin
 sources to work with the new OpenFile framework


 Eric Lemesre schrieb:
  Hi Stefan,
  Thank for your intervention with Uwe,
  I rebuild directory structure and commit in a new directory this plug
  probebly befor this WE.
  2007/10/8, Stefan Steiniger  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:
  Hei Eric,
  Uwe agrees to put the postgis plugin on the svn.
  for the rest - because I never used maven - can you simple outline
  directory structure on the SVN. So I have a better image what you
  to do.

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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] ReplaceValuePlugIn

2007-10-12 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi paul,

It is probebly a mistake, but your commit( rev 1141) erase my commit (rev
1132) on


2007/10/3, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Thanks for filling us in on how you use OpenJUMP Eric, and thank you
 for making the effort to contribute.

 The Sunburned Surveyor

 On 10/1/07, Eric Lemesre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi SS,
  I am using OpenJUMP for visualisation state's vendor  : where they work,
  where they live and where is her cusmoters.
  Other software like ERSI EMG3, is too expensive an less modulate than
  I can get data from PostgreSQL, Degrees, and geoserver and give it to
  resposables (quikly ;-) ).
  I hope my compagny always use OpenJUMP and give more developpers to
  At this moment I am alone ;-{.
  2007/9/28, Sunburned Surveyor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   I am getting to this e-mail a little bit late, but I see that Michael
   and Stefan have already given you a warm welcome.
   I just want to say thanks for your contribution and I hope we get to
   work together in the future.
   I'm curious, how are you using OpenJUMP?
   The Sunburned Surveyor
   On 9/28/07, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hei again,
Eric Lemesre schrieb:
 Salut Stefan,

 I am totaly agree with this condition Of course.
 I prefer to get write acces by pass the second condition. I think
 the better way for all.
Btw. it depends how fast you are with your second extension. But if
does not take weeks, you can commit both tools together if you have
write access.

 For my second contribution i want to extends JoinTable plugin.
  * select fields to join
  * select datasource type
sounds very good :)
 Can i add Jlist  to MultiInputDialog?
yes.. i think so :)
If nobodoy else has a problem with.


 2007/9/26, Stefan Steiniger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Salut Eric,

 nice to have you on board :)
 We have setup some informal rules for contribution. You get
 to the svn in two ways:
 1) you get immediate access to the svn if you got a
 developer that is already well known by the project (or a
 2) we review the first two contributions. If both are ok you
 write access. As you passed the 1st code-review round already
 to Michael, I would like to ask you, to send to your second
 to the devel-list for a review (if you have finished that work

 I hope you understand this policy and I suppose the 2nd sample
 presenet will be a piece of cake for you? Alteratively you may
  tell us
 (or me and Michael personally) about your programming

 Anyway, as it seems to me you will qualify ;) i ask you to
 me your sourceforge account name (on my personal email), so i
 prepare anything for svn-write access.

 cheers, currently from Germany (Btw. I met some people from
 on the Intergeo fair)


 @ Michael: thank you for reviewing! If you want you can commit
 Otherwise I will do in the next days.

 Michaël Michaud schrieb:
   Hi Eric,
   Nice to see another french guy involved in OpenJUMP
   I reviewed your code and it's ok for me.
   Maybe you should explain the use case for setting an
   another attribute value.
   Anyway, this is just a new capability of an existing
   I can commit the code, or we have to ask Sunburned Surveyor
   Steiniger (I think Stefan is out of his office until next
 who are
   the administrators of the site and can give svn access to
   Eric Lemesre a écrit :
   Thank verry much for the good job in OpenJUMP.
   I make somme modifications in the plugIn
   org.openjump.sigle.plugin.replace ).
   This plugin replace a attribute with a constante. And now
   one attribute to an other one.
   I joint the code.
   How can i have acces to repository and what is rules to
   Or how to put this modifications in JPP?
   I have planed somme other works and want to give it to the

Re: [JPP-Devel] Postgis Connection

2007-10-08 Thread Eric Lemesre

The better way seem to be
 LayerManager.addLayer(Catagory, LayerName,

If we forget the datasourcequery nothing is saved in project file.


2007/10/8, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 have you tried to use the layer\add Datastore laye function?
 It uses the Framework developed lately by Vividsolutions

 As far as i know there is on the projet sigle website also an SQL Query

 as i am not familar with Databases, maybe someone else can help


 Eric Lemesre wrote:

  I build Postgis layers with BeanShell Script.
  What is the better way to build layer with java code?
  I try :
   - build pgSD with common properties (Host, database, user, password)
   - pgQuery = new  PostGISDataSourceQuery(new
   - Update pgSD properties (table, where condition, ...)
   - pgQuery.getDataSource().setProperties(pgDS.getProperties());
   - Build layer with wc.layerManager.addLayer(Fond de carte,
  layerName,pgQuery.getDataSource ().getConnection().executeQuery(query));
   - get Layer reference and put DataSourceQuery !! (
  curentLayer.setDataSourceQuery(pgQuery); )
  It work but it is a little complicate.
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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] ReplaceValuePlugIn

2007-09-28 Thread Eric Lemesre
Salut Stefan,

I am totaly agree with this condition Of course.
I prefer to get write acces by pass the second condition. I think it is the
better way for all.

For my second contribution i want to extends JoinTable plugin.
 * select fields to join
 * select datasource type

Can i add Jlist  to MultiInputDialog?


2007/9/26, Stefan Steiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Salut Eric,

 nice to have you on board :)
 We have setup some informal rules for contribution. You get write access
 to the svn in two ways:
 1) you get immediate access to the svn if you got a recommendation by
 developer that is already well known by the project (or a member); or
 2) we review the first two contributions. If both are ok you will grant
 write access. As you passed the 1st code-review round already according
 to Michael, I would like to ask you, to send to your second contribution
 to the devel-list for a review (if you have finished that work already)

 I hope you understand this policy and I suppose the 2nd sample you
 presenet will be a piece of cake for you? Alteratively you may tell us
 (or me and Michael personally) about your programming experience.

 Anyway, as it seems to me you will qualify ;) i ask you to already send
 me your sourceforge account name (on my personal email), so i can
 prepare anything for svn-write access.

 cheers, currently from Germany (Btw. I met some people from Intevation
 on the Intergeo fair)


 @ Michael: thank you for reviewing! If you want you can commit the code.
 Otherwise I will do in the next days.

 Michaël Michaud schrieb:
  Hi Eric,
  Nice to see another french guy involved in OpenJUMP development ;-)
  I reviewed your code and it's ok for me.
  Maybe you should explain the use case for setting an attribute with
  another attribute value.
  Anyway, this is just a new capability of an existing plugin.
  I can commit the code, or we have to ask Sunburned Surveyor or Stefan
  Steiniger (I think Stefan is out of his office until next week) who are
  the administrators of the site and can give svn access to new
  Eric Lemesre a écrit :
  Thank verry much for the good job in OpenJUMP.
  I make somme modifications in the plugIn ReplaceValuePlugIn (in
  This plugin replace a attribute with a constante. And now we can copy
  one attribute to an other one.
  I joint the code.
  How can i have acces to repository and what is rules to use?
  Or how to put this modifications in JPP?
  I have planed somme other works and want to give it to the community
  * The Unified Mapping Platform (JUMP) is an extensible, interactive GUI
  * for visualizing and manipulating spatial features with geometry and
  * Copyright (C) 2003 Vivid Solutions
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * GNU General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
 MA  02111-1307, USA.
  * For more information, contact:
  * Vivid Solutions
  * Suite #1A
  * 2328 Government Street
  * Victoria BC  V8T 5G5
  * Canada
  * (250)385-6040
  * www.vividsolutions.com
  package org.openjump.sigle.plugin.replace;
  import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
  import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
  import java.util.*;
  import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
  import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
  import javax.swing.JComboBox;
  import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
  import javax.swing.JTextField;
  import org.openjump.sigle.utilities.gui.DialogUtil;
  import com.vividsolutions.jump.I18N;
  import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.*;
  import com.vividsolutions.jump.task.*;
  import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.WorkbenchContext;
  import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.*;
  import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.*;
  import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.*;
  import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.images.IconLoader;
  * @author Erwan Bocher Laboratoire RESO UMR CNRS 6590
  * @url www.projet-sigle.org
  * @curentdate 25 juil. 06
  * @package name org.openjump.sigle.plugin.replace
  * @license Licence CeCILL http://www.cecill.info/
  * @todo TODO
  public class ReplaceValuePlugIn
 extends AbstractPlugIn
 implements ThreadedPlugIn

Re: [JPP-Devel] ReplaceValuePlugIn

2007-09-28 Thread Eric Lemesre
Hi Michaël,

Thanks for your review!
I expliain capability by description in dialog .
do you want the new code and localisations on personnal mail?


2007/9/25, Michaël Michaud [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Eric,

 Nice to see another french guy involved in OpenJUMP development ;-)
 I reviewed your code and it's ok for me.
 Maybe you should explain the use case for setting an attribute with
 another attribute value.
 Anyway, this is just a new capability of an existing plugin.
 I can commit the code, or we have to ask Sunburned Surveyor or Stefan
 Steiniger (I think Stefan is out of his office until next week) who are
 the administrators of the site and can give svn access to new developers.


 Eric Lemesre a écrit :

  Thank verry much for the good job in OpenJUMP.
  I make somme modifications in the plugIn ReplaceValuePlugIn (in
  This plugin replace a attribute with a constante. And now we can copy
  one attribute to an other one.
  I joint the code.
  How can i have acces to repository and what is rules to use?
  Or how to put this modifications in JPP?
  I have planed somme other works and want to give it to the community

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] ReplaceValuePlugIn

2007-09-24 Thread Eric Lemesre

Thank verry much for the good job in OpenJUMP.

I make somme modifications in the plugIn ReplaceValuePlugIn (in
This plugin replace a attribute with a constante. And now we can copy one
attribute to an other one.

I joint the code.

How can i have acces to repository and what is rules to use?
Or how to put this modifications in JPP?

I have planed somme other works and want to give it to the community


 * The Unified Mapping Platform (JUMP) is an extensible, interactive GUI
 * for visualizing and manipulating spatial features with geometry and attributes.
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Vivid Solutions
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * For more information, contact:
 * Vivid Solutions
 * Suite #1A
 * 2328 Government Street
 * Victoria BC  V8T 5G5
 * Canada
 * (250)385-6040
 * www.vividsolutions.com

package org.openjump.sigle.plugin.replace;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.*;

import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

import org.openjump.sigle.utilities.gui.DialogUtil;

import com.vividsolutions.jump.I18N;
import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.*;
import com.vividsolutions.jump.task.*;
import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.WorkbenchContext;
import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.*;
import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.*;
import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.*;
import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.images.IconLoader;

* @author Erwan Bocher Laboratoire RESO UMR CNRS 6590
* @url www.projet-sigle.org
* @curentdate 25 juil. 06
* @package name org.openjump.sigle.plugin.replace
* @license Licence CeCILL http://www.cecill.info/
* @todo TODO

public class ReplaceValuePlugIn
extends AbstractPlugIn
implements ThreadedPlugIn

  private MultiInputDialog dialog;
  //-- replace later with correct language
  private static String ATTRIBUTE = I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.Attribute);
  private static String VALUE = I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.New-value);
  private static String ATTRIBUTE_SRC = I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.Attribute-src);
  private static String BY_ATTRIBUTE = I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.New-value-by-copy);
  private static String TYPE = ;
  private static String SELECTED_ONLY = GenericNames.USE_SELECTED_FEATURES_ONLY;

  private Layer layer;
  private String attrName;
  private String attrNameSrc;
  private String value = ;
  private boolean useSelected = true;
  private boolean byAttribute = false;
  public static final ImageIcon ICON = IconLoader.icon(Wrench.gif);

  public ReplaceValuePlugIn()
  public void initialize(PlugInContext context) {
	  context.getFeatureInstaller().addMainMenuItem(this,new String[] { MenuNames.TOOLS, MenuNames.TOOLS_EDIT_ATTRIBUTES }, 
  			this.getName(), false, null, 

  public String getName(){
  	return I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.Replace-Attribute-Value);
  public boolean execute(PlugInContext context) throws Exception {
// lemesre: duplicate from private initialisation
	  ATTRIBUTE = I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.Attribute);
VALUE = I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.New-value);
	  ATTRIBUTE_SRC = I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.Attribute-src);
	  BY_ATTRIBUTE = I18N.get(org.openjump.sigle.plugin.ReplaceValuePlugIn.New-value-by-copy);
	dialog = new MultiInputDialog(
context.getWorkbenchFrame(), getName(), true);
setDialogValues(dialog, context);
if (layer.isEditable()){
if (! dialog.wasOKPressed()) { return false; }
return true;
	  else {
	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialog, I18N.get(ui.SchemaPanel.layer-must-be-editable));
	  return false;


  public void run(TaskMonitor monitor, PlugInContext