Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?

2004-06-04 Thread Martin Kunze
Dear wireworkers

The problem I have is that I want to use a watch-dog on a
digital logic MPC 40. This watch-dog is a ISA device
connected via a PCI bridge.
The main problem I have is to finde the base address of the
Digital logic told me that they can not tell me a abs. address
for this device and they dont have a device driver for it.

That brings up some questions:

How can I find out the base address of a ISA device connected via a PCI bridge from LV?

How can I talk to the device from LV? Is it possible to use InPort an OutPort from LV?

Does anybody have a device driver for things like that in connection with Win XP?

With kind regards

Martin Kunze


Detective work on built executables

2004-06-04 Thread Harden Chris
Hi Will,

You have probably already tried the obvious, but in case you haven't, try a
detailed analysis of the OS timestamps assigned to each file.

Although the two are not always related, it may just be that the executable
was created immediately following an update to the top level vi.

If you are using llb's the problem should be simple but it sounds as though
your predecessor used dynamic vi calling and therefore timestamp of the
files may be an important clue - look for the most recently updated vi,
prior to the .exe's being created.

Chris Harden
Test System Design Engineer.
FR HiTemp Ltd,
Brook Road,
Dorset.  UK. BH21 3RD.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Will Keogh
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 3:44 PM
To: Info-Labview
Subject: Detective work on built executables

Dear built-executable gurus,
I have an ugly labview problem. I have inherited a suite of labview
programs, consisting of built executables that are known to work, and a
vast, disorganised pile of vis. The challenge is to reconstruct working
versions of the source code corresponding to each executable. What makes it
hard is that there are 1/2 doz different versions of each vi, and no obvious
way to tell which are the 'good' ones. I am hoping that it may be possible
to dig into the exes and find out what vis went in to them (I understand
that I certainly can't get the original source code out of the exes, but any
clues would be helpful). Does anyone have any ideas?


Will Keogh
Borehole Research Group
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
61 Route 9W, Palisades NY 10964, USA
Ph: 845-365-8673
Fax: 845-365-3182

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Re: [All] Signal Translation (Severely OT, with apologies)

2004-06-04 Thread Uwe Frenz
you asked on Thu, 3 Jun 2004 08:49:54 -0400
I have a peculiar request - I want to take a 4-20 ma level transmitter
signal and adjust it slightly by a non-linear equation based on another 4-20
ma signal.  I can envisage several ways to do this involving custom
hardware, some including a processor for the function, but I was wondering
if anyone knows of a commercial product which would be capable of this
Assuming you know the type of the non-linear adjustment function, it would 
be possibel to use the 2nd signal data to get the best fit coefficients and 
to use these to adjust the first signal data.

At least in LV7.1 theres a 'curve fit' Express VI 
(VIs/Analyze/Mathematics/Curve Fitting/) that can be configured to use any 
(at least really many types of) transfer function(s). It can deliver the 
calculated function coefficients and can even use limited iterations for 
that calculation. Use a formula node or similar structures to create the 
adjustment and to apply it to your data.

So if I got you right, there's no need for external HW, LV can do it alone.
Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz
Dr. Uwe Frenz
getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG
Oderstr. 59
D-14513 Teltow
Tel.  +49 3328 39 42 0
Fax   +49 3328 39 42 99

RE: Detective work on built executables

2004-06-04 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter

>Interesting problem. I just tried to use VI Server, but I get Error 15,
>resource not found for most VIs in the exe. It looks like only VIs that had
>their front panel built into the executable retained their version info. You
>can, however, get a list of all VIs in the executable which is better than

Another way. Find out the top level VI(s) in there. This includes possible
dynamic VIs. Create an empty VI and drop all top level VIs on its diagram.
Now you can go to the hierarchy and actually get an overview of the project.
That is about the best you can do from an executable.

>Also, you don't need to change the name. I left the file as .exe and LV
>listed the VIs just fine.

With VI server indeed. But if you want to open VIs throught the File Dialog Box
the llb extension in necessary for Windows.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijkhttp://www.citengineering.com
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [OT] NI Internal Programs

2004-06-04 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
Subject: [OT] NI Internal Programs
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 15:24:42 -0400 

>I've always wondered what NI uses internally to write LabVIEW. To be more
>specific, the LabVIEW core (not RT, PDA, etc.) on Windows.
>What is the language breakout? (%C, %C++, %Assembler, %LV, etc.)

I would assume no assembler at all. Maybe that was different in the old
days with Windows 3.1 which had a lot of complicated things to deal with
as LabVIEW was 32bit which might be impossible otherwise, but nowadays
every line of assembly means a lot of additional effort for a system
targeted to so many different platforms.

Traditionally LabVIEW was programmed in C but they changed the compiler
to use C++ around version 6.0. Neverthless most of the old code is still
C I assume. The error messages show now all .cpp files but the code inside
can still be the old code (and from some debugging sessions I had in the
past looks like generated from standard C for large parts) with some small
adaptions. And so it probably is for a lot of things because rewriting
everything from scratch would take several years for sure not to mention
the possibility of countless compatibility problems on the lowest binary
level of everything. New functionality since LabVIEW 6.0 is most probably
however clean C++.

Since LabVIEW 7 there are also some tools written in LabVIEW itself such
as the Property Dialog the Zoom utility, etc. 

Also the extensive and automated Test Framework each LabVIEW version has
to go through is of course written in LabVIEW.

>Which development environment? (MS Visual Studio, Borland, GNU??)

I think they still use Visual C on Windows (all flavors including PDA).
Probably CodeWarrior for the Mac OS Classic version and GNU for the rest.

>Any third party tools? (compilers, editors, debuggers, etc.)

Not sure about compilers. Maybe Yacc/Flex for the script node interpreter
compiler. Debuggers, you can live with Visual C for a large part.
Editors probably as much as there are developers. There is simply no editor
which suits every programmer. There are people who like to use Emacs for
programming. The only Editor I don't expect to be seen used by a programmer
is probably Notepad ;-) and MS Word :-))

>Bug Tracking tools? (Bugzilla, etc.)

No idea, they used to have their own bug database built on Oracle.

>SCC? (SourceSafe, CVS, etc.)

I think there were mentionings of Perforce here in Info-LabVIEW.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijkhttp://www.citengineering.com
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?

2004-06-04 Thread robert . erfling

Return Receipt
Your  Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?  
was   Robert Erfling/HRL/COMP/PHILIPS  
at:   04/06/2004 11:37:47  

Q: [W] Problem wave form graph dynamic cusor lables

2004-06-04 Thread Martin Kunze
Dear wirewokers.

I have a VI with two graphs. The program sets all graph names = cursor names
and does the best positioning of the cursor dynamicly.
So far so well
The program displays the cursor names of the 1st graph correctly.
The onloy problem is that all the cusor names in the 2nd graph are invisilbe while
the cusor legend tells me that they are visible. The the cursor colour is black and the
graph background colour is white.
The algorithm to do the settings is two times the same and the output ist the same
but ohne graph does the correct cursor mane display and one not.
I am using LV 7.1 with Win XP.

With kind regards

Martin Kunze

KDI Digital Instrumentation
Kardinal von Galen Str. 21
26133 Oldenburg
Tel: +49 (0)441 9490852
FAX: +49 (0)441 9490853

run time daqmx task editing

2004-06-04 Thread eng_tr
I have created a daqmx task using MAX. I want to use it in Labview ,
in such a way that user will be able to modify this task setting
through my application while the application is running.

monitor memory consumption of Teststand and Labview

2004-06-04 Thread LVFan
We use Teststand2.0.1 and Labview 6.1 on our test equipment
Sometimes these teststations run out of virtual memory.
Is it possible to programatical get a snapshot of the memory
consumption of Labview and Teststand. (Similar to the Windows Task
Manager or the VI-Profiler-Tool).
Then I could insert trace-steps into the stationmodel and log
informations like time, location and memory consumption to a file.

Maybe, this is possible by using a window function, but I don't know

dio-96, how to do the pass at "1"of 80 switch at the same time

2004-06-04 Thread michenaud
In English:
I use a card DIO 96 with lab-view 7
at present, I arrive the start of VI but has to make past 16 switches
for the state " 1 "(=3D>5V) that I add 8 switches it does not work any
more, we pass has 0V then in 5V so in succession

en francais:

j'utilise une carte DIO 96 avec lab-view 7
actuellement, j'arrive =E0 faire passer 16 interrupteurs =E0 l'etat "1"
d=E8s le lancement du VI mais des que je rajoute 8 interrupteurs cela ne
fonctionne plus, on passe =E0 0V puis =E0 5V ainsi de suite pour certain
bite mais pour d'autre j'obtiens 0V.


How to lock the controls in front panel of LabVIEW?

2004-06-04 Thread Haider Abbas
How to lock the controls on the front panel so that any one cannot
move from their place.and another thing that how to avoid from editing
of block diagram in labview so that one cannot change code?

Re: Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-04 Thread pawel
Hello Rolf

I have tried it on two kind: jet4 and ODBC - SQL Server. They are all
dependent on local setting. But I agree it must be caused by the


Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-04 Thread sumitrishi
Thanks Rolf that was pretty informative.Furthering my efforts I was
looking at the property node for connection interface I have a feeling
that if anything has to be done it should be done at the point when
the connection is made . There is this particular property called
'mode' and one of the constant settings for it is 'adModeRecursive' .
Could that be the place for me to look at ? Somehow for me setting it
has been generating error .Can you please tell me what actually is
'mode'. I am appreciative of all your help.  -Fellow ex NI ( I was
with India Branch, although I spent most of my time working with CW++)

Re: creating and scrolling multiple histograms

2004-06-04 Thread Stijn
Thanks for your reply, I like the idea of using a ring control, I'll
see if it is usefull..
The histograms can be drawn quite small however, I can easily have 10
histograms showing at one screen.

Re: Is neccesary to initialize an array of indicators to be able to show my results?

2004-06-04 Thread Bichillo
Thank you!!

It works properly!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-04 Thread sumitrishi
I think database locking and all does not come into picture till the
time you are just reading the data. As a matter of fact in my handler
I try to run a stored procedure which has data insertion but it
happens only in oracle global temporary table. These tables are used
for parallel run and insertion can happen simultaneously in different
sessions, in fact each session gets it own copy of global temporary
tables. If I try running my stored procedures from two different
instances of TOAD(interactive utility to work with oracle) the stored
procedures run parallely independent of each other.

I just tried running TOAD and my program together and they did run
without problem. Indication oracle for ODBC driver also is capable of

However I am not so sure about the way 'oracle ODBC driver' and
labVIEW interacts?

Re: Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-04 Thread pawel
The connectivity toolbox has a special treatment for the date/time
column data type. It has a vi, which encapsulate a formated date&time
with something like #date/time#.

Anyways, I chanked the format of the string passed to the insert.vi
and it is a correct one, like I want -MM-dd. The problem is that
this date apears in database depending on the local setting (in
international options in windows).
That is very annoying, since every user has different local setting
and it causes a mess, since I can read a date/time column from
database only as a string, without prior knowledge, where is year,
month and day. That couses a lot of troubles.

I can try to tell the db connectivity toolbox, that the column, which
I am writing to is the string type not a date/time, but I am not sure
if I do not get an error. I shall try that.


Re: Is neccesary to initialize an array of indicators to be able to show my results?

2004-06-04 Thread Bichillo

The example that I have sent is an example that other person sent and
I modified to show my problem .
Thanks for your help!

RE: Bird's Eye View 1.5.0 Available

2004-06-04 Thread Ross, Michael
Bird's-eye viewers were a fixture in CAD programming long before there
was ever an application to video games. I think I was using AutoCAD
REL10 when I first encountered it.  That would be 13 or 14 years ago.  I
am not sure what other graphical computing would have needed a BE viewer
before that.  I never got to use other high end CAD back then - perhaps
CATIA had a similar function although they were not know for ease of

FWIW (I've not fired up 7.1 yet) the abilty to center the main window by
a double click in the bird is the best use for a bird.  Although in
AutoCAD you could drag out a window in the bird and the main view would
zoom to that extent.  Since the BD and FP don't zoom in LV there is no
application for that function.


-Original Message-
From: Greg McKaskle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 10:45 PM
Subject: Re: Bird's Eye View 1.5.0 Available

> It is part of LabVIEW 7.1, one of the few nice features you get with 
> that versions. Although it can be sometimes discouraging to spend all 
> the time to develop something like this, to just see NI to crank out 
> the same, in a better or worse way, in the next version, it is 
> definitely a very effective way to get new features into LabVIEW. Some

> sort of uber-suggestion reporting. Proofing to them it can be done, 
> triggers some of their developers very effectively ;-)
> I had the same with my LLB viewer utility to show the contents of 
> LabVIEW libraries in Windows Explorer ;-)

Inspiration comes in many forms, and in the case of the birds eye or 
Navigation Window, it is basically the map view in many video games.  It

was developed during LV7 development, but wasn't ready for primetime.  
It took a few additional notifications before it was really ready to go,

so the first anyone saw of it was the beta for 7.1, which was I believe 
a few weeks after the OpenG version was posted.

So if it wins a Nobel or similar, I guess it will be a shared honor.  
Anyway, it is interesting how many times this sort of thing seems to 

Like I said, enjoy.
Greg McKaskle

Open Independent Mulitple sessions with oracle in a LabVIEW exe

2004-06-04 Thread sumitrishi
Is it possible to maintain different sessions to same database from
within a labVIEW exe. I need to have a server to which multiple
clients connect. Server starts handler for each client and each
handler needs to connect to the database and transact on its own and
get some data for the client. This is basically to achieve
concurrency. But the operations are happening only sequentially.
Please help.

Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?

2004-06-04 Thread rolf . ostvik

Return Receipt
Your  Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?  
was   Rolf Ostvik/AxxessIT 
at:   04.06.2004 13:47:31  

Re: Main VI and sub-vi's control

2004-06-04 Thread Paul F. Sullivan
You wrote:
...  In my Main VI, I use get control value
method to set the blinking property of the Main VI's continue button.
This button blinks fine, but when it blinks, I cannot click on it to
change its value, does anyone know why or know of a better way to do
Irene responded:
I think the problem is your subvi hasn't finished running, that's why the
main vi is still waiting it to finish which blocks the user actions.
What you can do is you need to use vi server to run your subvi without
waiting it to finish...
I haven't tried it, but I think another approach would be to use 
parallel while loops, one calling your subVI and one checking the 
main VI's continue button. The second loop should continue to run 
while the first is stalled waiting for the subVI to finish.

Which approach is better depends on the details (including thread 
blocking?) and your comfort level with understanding and following 
the different architectures.

Paul F. Sullivan

SULLutions  (781)769-6869
"when a single discipline is not enough"
visit http://www.SULLutions.com

Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?

2004-06-04 Thread Paul Brown

Return Receipt
Your  Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?  
was   Paul Brown/fs-elliott
at:   06/04/2004 08:02:43 AM   

Comment sur chaque pts d'un graphe superposer un curseur

2004-06-04 Thread pepito
Je souhaite selectionner les pts d'un graphe en fontion des choix des
utilisateurs.Pour cela j'ai mis un curseur de couleur sur les pts du
graphe et la s=E9lection consiste =E0 valider avec La proproi=E9t=E9 Curseu=
Visible le curseur a partir d'un noeud de propri=E9t=E9s ref=E9renc=E9 au

Mon pb est d'ajouter ces curseurs sur le graphe (qui change) car dans
mes =E9ssais j'ai mis "manuellement" les curseurs sur le graphe

Comment =E9crire, certainement =E0 partir d'un noeud de propri=E9t=E9s du
graphe, un curseur de couleur Rouge( par ex) sur chaque pts du

Merci d'avance.

Re: How open a .txt file using notepad ?

2004-06-04 Thread sumitrishi
You can use sys Exec.vi located under communication Vi panel with
following string.

notepad [filepath+filename]

Re: How to call LabVIEW from TestDirector

2004-06-04 Thread ThomasD
in this case you have to contact Mercury for more informations. There
are no experiences in this way from the LV side.

Thomas D.
NI Germany
(SRQ 204139)

Re: How to lock the controls in front panel of LabVIEW?

2004-06-04 Thread Satans Little Helper
Simple, select the controls / indicators on the front panel you want
to lock, press the reorder button on the labview toolbar (furthest
button on the right) and select Lock from the list of options that
To lock the entire front panel and block diagram, go to File >> VI
Properties and select the Security category. From there you can select
one of three options to protect your program.

Q: [W] Problem wave form graph dynamic cusor lables

2004-06-04 Thread Paul Brown

Return Receipt
Your  Q: [W] Problem wave form graph dynamic cusor lables  
was   Paul Brown/fs-elliott
at:   06/04/2004 08:05:45 AM   

state diagram toolkit chrashes LabVIEW

2004-06-04 Thread cs42

we just received out quarterly NI Developer Suite Prof. Control Ed.
CDs. And we were very happy to see the state diagram toolkit

But now I want to test and LV (7.0, German) crashes realy
often. The editing of the state diagram works fine but when
doing any other thing you're in great risk to crash LabVIEW, though!

It happens whenplacing new controls on front
panel,editing controls,doing a right mouse click on
front panel or block diagram,saving a vi,it just can
happen anytime.

Theses action don't lead to a crash always, but so often that
you can't work anymore! Right now I'm just testing very simple
things, nothing advanced yet.

Does anyone have a hint? I didn't see any complains like that in the


Re: Format and precision and rounding?

2004-06-04 Thread DMerchen
Thanks for the assist on this.  It didn't click to use greater than or
equal.  Stared at it too long I guess.  In your second comment, I
understand what you are saying.  The difficulty comes in the other
layer configurations.  For example, the x+y isn't going to happen
exactly like it does in this one.  In this example x is multiplied by
2.  In the three layer x is going to be added to the first layer, and
the last layer.  It makes it a bit mor difficult.  It is taking the
total fiber length and taking it backwards basically which doesn't
sound difficult, but it makes it interesting.  I will try to post an
example if I can.  Thanks again for the help.

Re: Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-04 Thread Ben

You never fail to entertain!

Who says we Enthusiasts do not have a sense of humor.


Re: monitor memory consumption of Teststand and Labview

2004-06-04 Thread Ben
There are two VI's you may want to experiment with.

they are;



..\vi.lib\utility\sysinfo.llb\Get Memory statistics.vi

These may or may not help. One of them maybe for RT only.

Please let me know if these helped.


RE: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread Dominic Lavoie

Could someone explain in a simple way what are the advantages of making a function 
recursive instead of just making the data recursive(arrays or strings) and building 
one function to play with that data(while loops)?

-Message d'origine-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la part de Irene He
Envoyé : June 3, 2004 7:35 PM
À : Michael C. Ashe; George Gatling (Contractor)
Cc : Info-LabVIEW
Objet : Re: Recursive Code Challenge

> George Gatling wrote:
> >... I am truly amazed that a thread about commercial vs.
> >free software and unsolicited advertising has morphed
> >into a coding challenge to eliminate LabVIEW's recursion
> >exception.  Kinda reminds me of the whisper game we
> >played in kindergarten!
> The whisper game was based on unintentional morphing, thats not the case
> here...

Can't we just get over that commercial vs free software thing, not
mentioning it anymore?:-$
I don't really have anything to contribute to recursive thing, so this
e-mail is probably valueless again. I only did it once for a job because I
had to...but I think people who can think recursively are real genius.
Sorry, maybe OT again.

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RE: Programming approach

2004-06-04 Thread Dominic Lavoie
"The mechanical engineer (ME) however decided that simply walking was
sufficient" and ignored the first rule of the game!!! :o)

-Message d'origine-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la part de Ross, Michael
Envoyé : June 3, 2004 8:27 AM
À : William Rance; Info LabVIEW Mailing List
Objet : RE: Programming approach

The mechanical engineer (ME) however decided that simply walking was
sufficient to obtain the snack and much more easily  executed than the
first 10 foot jump.  The same principal led this engineer to take up LV
wiring and forego coding altogether.


-Original Message-
From: William Rance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 11:37 PM
To: Info LabVIEW Mailing List
Subject: Programming approach

Here's one which received some interesting solutions in python and c,
wonder if someone would like to do it in Labview.

A Pure Mathematician(PM) and an Applied Mathematician(AM) were put in
separate rooms and located 20ft from an Apple.They were informed that to
reach the apple they had to jump 10ft, followed by another jump of half
the distance (5ft) followed by subsequent jumps each of which would be
half the distance of preceding jump. The PM quickly calculated that no
matter how may jumps he made he could never land at the apple,
consequently he did not attempt the jumps. The AM however immediately
started jumping, as he calculated that  after 5 to 6 jumps he would land
close enough to grab the apple.  Happy coding to all.  Bill

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Re: serial communication with Labview

2004-06-04 Thread carmen
great! it works with both solutions: yours and Pawel's.
thank you very much!!!
Bye Carmen

Re: How to lock the controls in front panel of LabVIEW?

2004-06-04 Thread Ed Dickens
If you use the "Save with Options" and remove the diagrams, make sure
and do it to a COPY of your VIs as there is no way to get the
diagrams back. They are actually deleted from the VI, not just hidden.

Always keep a complete copy of your source code in a different
location so you can always get back into it for changes and


Re: formatting of a chart works on a vi in labview but not with the same program as a .exe

2004-06-04 Thread tcmahone
I was able to enable the menu but the problem still persists.  Do you
know of any other reason why this could happen?  The number of columns
shown in the table is always the number needed for the data that is
selected when the text file is opened.  It is just unable to change
once a new selection is made in the menu ring for the table.  I guess
that means that the subvi that I showed you is working correctly now
because the formatting is there, but the program itself seems to be
defaulting to the formatting of the selected data in the menu and is
unable to change.  Do you have any idea why this could happen.  I also
have a graphing program that is called through my main program.  It is
supposed to analyze the data of the text file that is open at the
time, but it seems to only do this for the first text file, and every
time I open another and click on the graphing program, it is still
showing that it is graphing the data of the first file.  However, I do
not have this problem when the program is run in LabVIEW.

Re: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet

You are right. Formally, recursion can always be emulated with a data stack and a 
while loop.
Using a recursive call, the data stack is managed automatically as data space is 
created for each recursion level. The cost in
LabVIEW is efficiency.

A recursive call makes the code more simple to design. The recursive nature of the 
code is explicit which is not the case with a
while loop.

Other than that, there are no clear advantage for the recusive call.

Jean-Pierre Drolet

- Original Message - 
From: "Dominic Lavoie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:15 AM
Subject: RE: Recursive Code Challenge


Could someone explain in a simple way what are the advantages of making a function 
recursive instead of just making the data
recursive(arrays or strings) and building one function to play with that data(while 

Etat ligne numérique (suite)

2004-06-04 Thread paleyrat
Je cherche =E0 faire changer l'=E9tat d'une ligne num=E9rique sans faire de
J'utilise une carte 4351 avec un module TBX-68T, le logiciel
LabVIEW6.1 avec les NI-DAQ693 et windows XP pro.

Re: Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-04 Thread Ben
Sarcasism = Humour

in my book.


Re: How would you recommend that I schedule a file-creation...

2004-06-04 Thread jcrooke
This sounds like a good approach.  I think I will give it a try in my
next update.

Re: zoom in/out of block diagram

2004-06-04 Thread Enrique
Just download and play with the tool. The tool detects the VIs
currently in memory, and you can select the one you want to see in the
control that reads "VIs in Mem". Because you have access to the source
code, you can review it to learn the nuts and bolts on how it works!

The author, http://exchange.ni.com/servlet/ProcessRequest?RHIVEID=101&RPAGEID=261&HRedirected=True&HUserId=101_54000&RFORMNUMBER=6";>PJM
LabVIEW, has put a lot of effort in this excellent tool and I am
sure he will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have
(and even add new features you request, of course, if they are
valuable and can be implemented)

maths problem

2004-06-04 Thread Ian Lloyd
Dear all

I would appreciate some help with a maths equation problem I have.

I am writing some software to test our IRcels, these are infra red gas detection 
sensors used to detect CO2 or hydrocarbons eg pentane.

For the test I have to calculate the standard fractional absorbance(X) of the test gas 
from the following equation.


For a gas bottle  of 2%CO2 I have been given a value of 0.19144 for X so far so good. 
Plug a value of 0.19144 into the equation and you will get a solution of 1.9

In reality the gas concentration would not be 2.00 it would probably be 2.05 for 
example therefore I have to use the equation in an iterative manner, modifying the 
value of X each time until the solution = 2.05

I have tried changing the value of X by the percentage difference the solution is away 
from the required solution but this results in under shooting then overshooting the 
required solution in larger and larger jumps.

Can anybody recommend any of the maths functions in labview or just point me in the 
right direction as maths was never my strongest subject.

I am using LV 7.1 on windows 2000

Thanks for any help

Ian Lloyd
Extn 304
Direct number 023 92288140

This message is intended solely for the use of the individual or organisation to whom 
it is addressed.  It may contain privileged or confidential information.  If you have 
received this message in error, please delete accordingly.  If you are not the 
intended recipient, you should not use, copy, alter, or disclose the contents of this 
message.  All information or opinions expressed in this message and/or any attachments 
are those of the author and are not necessarily those of City Technology Ltd.

City Technology Ltd accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage arising from its 
use, including damage from virus.
This message has been checked for all known viruses by UUNET delivered 
through the MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit 

RE: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread Dominic Lavoie
Couldn't you just allocate a big enough stack to begin with, or allocate chunks of it 
as you go on(initialize and resize array) and get an efficient behavior?

It seems to me that recursion is needed when you you didn't think you would have 
needed it in the first place!!!(design phase)

-Message d'origine-
De : Jean-Pierre Drolet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : June 4, 2004 9:51 AM
À : Dominic Lavoie; Info-LabVIEW
Objet : Re: Recursive Code Challenge


You are right. Formally, recursion can always be emulated with a data stack and a 
while loop.
Using a recursive call, the data stack is managed automatically as data space is 
created for each recursion level. The cost in
LabVIEW is efficiency.

A recursive call makes the code more simple to design. The recursive nature of the 
code is explicit which is not the case with a
while loop.

Other than that, there are no clear advantage for the recusive call.

Jean-Pierre Drolet

- Original Message - 
From: "Dominic Lavoie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:15 AM
Subject: RE: Recursive Code Challenge


Could someone explain in a simple way what are the advantages of making a function 
recursive instead of just making the data
recursive(arrays or strings) and building one function to play with that data(while 

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courriel et supprimer ce message et tout document joint de votre système. Merci.

RE: Detective work on built executables

2004-06-04 Thread Lewis Drake
My recommendations:
1) use the working executables to develop a new functional specification for
the system performance.
2) retrieve an use all functionalities that are easily available in existing
3) recode the system to the newly defined functional spec.

You can waste too much time trying to reassemble someone else's software.
Chances are that the new system will evolve to be better than the older one.

==original note
I have an ugly labview problem. I have inherited a suite of labview
programs, consisting of built executables that are known to work, and a
vast, disorganised pile of vis. The challenge is to reconstruct working
versions of the source code corresponding to each executable. What makes it
hard is that there are 1/2 doz different versions of each vi, and no obvious
way to tell which are the 'good' ones. I am hoping that it may be possible
to dig into the exes and find out what vis went in to them (I understand
that I certainly can't get the original source code out of the exes, but any
clues would be helpful). Does anyone have any ideas?

Re: maths problem

2004-06-04 Thread PJ M

If I understand properly you know %co2 and you want to
know x right ?
Therefore you just have to solve the equation. It's a
pure math problem, no a LV one.
Let's rename your equation
%CO2=(((3.10933*(X*X))+(.5602*X)))/(0.30204-X) like so
<=> y(c-x)=(ax*x+bx) <=> ax*x+(b+y)x-yc=0 
Then assuming than D=(b+y)*(b+y)+4yac is positif you
have the following:

Note: double check that result as I have not solve
such equation in a long time


--- Ian Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all
> I would appreciate some help with a maths equation
> problem I have.
> I am writing some software to test our IRcels, these
> are infra red gas detection sensors used to detect
> CO2 or hydrocarbons eg pentane.
> For the test I have to calculate the standard
> fractional absorbance(X) of the test gas from the
> following equation.
> %CO2=(((3.10933*(X*X))+(.5602*X)))/(0.30204-X)
> For a gas bottle  of 2%CO2 I have been given a value
> of 0.19144 for X so far so good. Plug a value of
> 0.19144 into the equation and you will get a
> solution of 1.9
> In reality the gas concentration would not be 2.00
> it would probably be 2.05 for example therefore I
> have to use the equation in an iterative manner,
> modifying the value of X each time until the
> solution = 2.05
> I have tried changing the value of X by the
> percentage difference the solution is away from the
> required solution but this results in under shooting
> then overshooting the required solution in larger
> and larger jumps.
> Can anybody recommend any of the maths functions in
> labview or just point me in the right direction as
> maths was never my strongest subject.
> I am using LV 7.1 on windows 2000
> Thanks for any help
> Ian Lloyd
> Extn 304
> Direct number 023 92288140
> This message is intended solely for the use of the
> individual or organisation to whom it is addressed. 
> It may contain privileged or confidential
> information.  If you have received this message in
> error, please delete accordingly.  If you are not
> the intended recipient, you should not use, copy,
> alter, or disclose the contents of this message. 
> All information or opinions expressed in this
> message and/or any attachments are those of the
> author and are not necessarily those of City
> Technology Ltd.
> City Technology Ltd accepts no responsibility for
> the loss or damage arising from its use, including
> damage from virus.
> This message has been checked for all known viruses
> by UUNET delivered 
> through the MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For
> further information visit
> http://www.uk.uu.net/products/security/virus/

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread David Wisti
Recursive call allows you to generate reusable code.  For example,  one 
vi function can return all the individual control references of a 
cluster no matter the levels of nested clusters within.

Dominic Lavoie wrote:
Could someone explain in a simple way what are the advantages of making a function 
recursive instead of just making the data recursive(arrays or strings) and building 
one function to play with that data(while loops)?
-Message d'origine-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la part de Irene He
Envoyé : June 3, 2004 7:35 PM
À : Michael C. Ashe; George Gatling (Contractor)
Cc : Info-LabVIEW
Objet : Re: Recursive Code Challenge


George Gatling wrote:

... I am truly amazed that a thread about commercial vs.
free software and unsolicited advertising has morphed
into a coding challenge to eliminate LabVIEW's recursion
exception.  Kinda reminds me of the whisper game we
played in kindergarten!

The whisper game was based on unintentional morphing, thats not the case

Can't we just get over that commercial vs free software thing, not
mentioning it anymore?:-$
I don't really have anything to contribute to recursive thing, so this
e-mail is probably valueless again. I only did it once for a job because I
had to...but I think people who can think recursively are real genius.
Sorry, maybe OT again.

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this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended 
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Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?

2004-06-04 Thread rewing

Return Receipt
Your  Q: [W] Is it Possible to use InPort / OutPort with PCI?  
was   Richard Ewing/CSD/AAG/PARKER 
at:   06/04/2004 08:32:05 PDT  

"PLEASE NOTE: The preceding information may be confidential or privileged. It only 
should be used or disseminated for the purpose of conducting business with Parker. If 
you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this 
message and then delete the information from your system. Thank you for your 

BREATHING TRAINER stimuli program to maintain constant etco2?

2004-06-04 Thread psk
I am trying to make stimuli program so that subject can follow pattern
of wave (sine wave) on computer monitor to maintain certain breating

eg..maintiang constant end tidal co2

any help will appreciate

Re: run time daqmx task editing

2004-06-04 Thread DBryant

Modifing a task at run-time is doable, but requires programming. There
is not a way launch the DAQ Assistant to configure a task from LV when
an application is running. But you can use the DAQmx property nodes to
change your task configuration. If there are a handful of properties
that you want to allow the user to change, write a GUI that presents
these options to your user and then use DAQmx property nodes to modify
the task configuration. It is recommended that you make these changes
when the task is not running (i.e. before DAQmx Start Task). If the
task is already running, stop the task (using DAQmx Stop Task), make
the changes, and restart it (using DAQmx Start Task). Very few
properties can be changed while a task is running. If you need to make
the change while the task is running, you can experiment with making
the change to see if your need-to-change property is one that can be
changed when a task is running. The DAQmx property node will return an
error if that property cannot be changed at that time.

Hope this helps.

Re: Speech recognition using Labview 7.0 on winXP??

2004-06-04 Thread Les Hammer
> Are you trying to recognize ANY voice (someone said "hello")
> I think you would have better luck with calling a commercial

Especially when it comes to accents - the extreme being when "hello"
is pronounced "howdy"  :-)


Q: [W] Problem wave form graph dynamic cusor lables

2004-06-04 Thread rewing

Return Receipt
Your  Q: [W] Problem wave form graph dynamic cusor lables  
was   Richard Ewing/CSD/AAG/PARKER 
at:   06/04/2004 08:32:33 PDT  

"PLEASE NOTE: The preceding information may be confidential or privileged. It only 
should be used or disseminated for the purpose of conducting business with Parker. If 
you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this 
message and then delete the information from your system. Thank you for your 

RE: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread George Gatling (Contractor)
Well, in my own case, I find recursive code to be somewhat more readable... 
something to go through and list all of the files in a directory and all of 
its sub directories is pretty trivial with recursion, but gets much more 
messy if implemented with ordinary iteration.  But that's just my own 
personal take... I am sure there are people out there that find the 
iterative approach more readable.  Also, with regard to memory management, 
in the recursive case you throw the burden of efficiency onto NI while in 
the iterative case you assume much more of that burden yourself.

In either case if is very infrequent that I use recursion in LabVIEW... so 
I don't lose too much sleep over it either way.

At 10:13 AM 6/4/2004, you wrote:
Couldn't you just allocate a big enough stack to begin with, or allocate 
chunks of it as you go on(initialize and resize array) and get an 
efficient behavior?

It seems to me that recursion is needed when you you didn't think you 
would have needed it in the first place!!!(design phase)

-Message d'origine-
De : Jean-Pierre Drolet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : June 4, 2004 9:51 AM
À : Dominic Lavoie; Info-LabVIEW
Objet : Re: Recursive Code Challenge
You are right. Formally, recursion can always be emulated with a data 
stack and a while loop.
Using a recursive call, the data stack is managed automatically as data 
space is created for each recursion level. The cost in
LabVIEW is efficiency.

A recursive call makes the code more simple to design. The recursive 
nature of the code is explicit which is not the case with a
while loop.

Other than that, there are no clear advantage for the recusive call.
Jean-Pierre Drolet

- Original Message -
From: "Dominic Lavoie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:15 AM
Subject: RE: Recursive Code Challenge
Could someone explain in a simple way what are the advantages of making a 
function recursive instead of just making the data
recursive(arrays or strings) and building one function to play with that 
data(while loops)?

Confidentiality Warning: This message and any attachments are intended 
only for the use of the intended recipient(s), are confidential, and may 
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attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, and delete this 
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distribution ou autre utilisation de ce message et de tout fichier qui y 
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prévu, veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par retour de 
courriel et supprimer ce message et tout document joint de votre système. 
George Gatling
Applied Technology Division, SFA Inc.
Space Physics Simulation Chamber
US Naval Research Laboratory
202-404-5405 (phone)
202-767-3553 (fax)
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?
We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.  --Jack Handy  

How to replace multiple items at once?

2004-06-04 Thread Hiker
I'm in a situation where I have a vi that is already coded but need to
change the strict type def control that many constants and controls
connect to.  It is very time consuming to replace them one by one.  Is
there a way to replace multiple instances of an item at once?  Thanks
in advance.

Application builder-Office report generation toolkit

2004-06-04 Thread Eki
I remember there was a trick to get the executable work with different
versions of Microsoft office but I cannot find it now. The problem it to get
the exe work with some other office version that it was made. I use LabVIEW
7.0 - 7.1 and Report generation toolkit 1.01 for Microsoft office. Was that

Thanks Eki

Re: Initial DAQPad-6020E outputs

2004-06-04 Thread Jeremy C
By default, the power-up states of the digital lines on E Series
devices is a high-impedance input state.  Below is a knowledge base
that discusses how to pull these lines low initially using some pull
down resistors.  I hope this helps.

the Default State of Digital Lines on E Series DAQ Boards

Re: Does anyone have drivers for the HP 16510 logic? analyzer

2004-06-04 Thread Jason Hobbs
I believe that the 16500 driver should support various plug-in
modules, including the 16510.  Have you tried using this driver with
that module?  I can't find any information on Agilent's site regarding
the command set of this module but my guess it that it should be
handled by the driver for the mainframe.

Jason Hobbs
National Instruments

Re: Speech recognition using Labview 7.0 on winXP??

2004-06-04 Thread LabVIEWer
I am a bit unsure of what you are trying to accomplish. Are you trying
to recognize ANY voice (someone said "hello") or are you trying to
differentiate between voices (Mary is the person talking)?  If it is
the first, I think you would have better luck with calling a
commercial package.

If it is the differentiation, you can have a message for them to say
and then compare the waveforms that are spoken.  I think you would
want to compare the envelopes of the waveforms in some way.  Maybe
using spectral measurements to determine the main frequency components
of the entered waveform.

Re: zoom in/out of block diagram

2004-06-04 Thread PJM_Labview
> I am sure he will be more than happy to answer any questions you may
have (and even add new features you request, of course, if they are
valuable and can be implemented)

I certainly would do that :)

Re: Programme written in 6.1 is not writing to file in 7.0

2004-06-04 Thread ryank
If you look at the models supported by that driver the 8720C is in the
list.  If that's not the driver you are using then you must be using
one developed by Agilent or in house, you might want to figure out who
developed the driver and then ask them about it.

Ryan K.

Re: Programme written in 6.1 is not writing to file in 7.0

2004-06-04 Thread ryank
Well, I'm not sure what driver you are using, but you should certainly
just be able to get the data back in a waveform or an array and then
write it to file using Write Spreadsheet File or the Waveform File I/O

Re: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet
When I said efficiency, I was refering to the fact that recursive calls are reputed 
inefficient in LabVIEW. I guess It is less
efficient to instanciate the VI space than to pre/reallocate an array for next data 
Often it is not possible to figure how is "big enough" without first digging in the 
recursion tree.

>It seems to me that recursion is needed when you you didn't think you would have 
>needed it in the first place!!!
>(design phase)

It is the nature of the task that requires recursion, not the designer to decide! But 
the programmer can implement it with recursive
calls or while loops.

Jean-Pierre Drolet

- Message d'origine - 
De : "Dominic Lavoie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À : "Jean-Pierre Drolet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Info-LabVIEW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyé : 4 juin, 2004 10:13
Objet : RE: Recursive Code Challenge

Couldn't you just allocate a big enough stack to begin with, or allocate chunks of it 
as you go on(initialize and resize array) and
get an efficient behavior?

It seems to me that recursion is needed when you you didn't think you would have 
needed it in the first place!!!(design phase)

error "too many interfaces open"

2004-06-04 Thread stellagirl
My app grabs a series of images from a camera. Each time I run the app
shuts down after about six or seven images and gives the error "too
many interfaces open" I'm not entirely sure how to fix this, and
suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Looking for Application Builder 6.1

2004-06-04 Thread Zvezdana S.
Since the launch of LabVIEW 7.1, we are not selling the App Builder
6.1 any more. We don't keep the old version CDs in stock.
It is best to contact your regional sales rep to see what options
there are. If you absolutely have to use this older version, you could
maybe purchase the App Builder 7.1 and the sales rep could also send
you the older copy.
You can contact the sales department at
Tel: (888) 280-7645
Fax: 512-683-8411

Zvezdana S.
National Instruments

Re: Speech recognition using Labview 7.0 on winXP??

2004-06-04 Thread JuanCarlos

In windows platforms you can use Microsoft's Speech Software
Development Kit (SDK). This is basically a library to convert text to
speech and speech recognition. Creating your ouw speech recognition
ruotines in LabVIEW is possible, however you will need advanced DSP
knowledge, and a lot of time.

You can find more info on the Speech SDK at

I hope this helps.


Juan Carlos

Re: Application Builder for labVIEW 7 Doesn't support any report generation function

2004-06-04 Thread Dr. Imad
Your example suggests you are using the report generation tool kit.

Then you have to add
_Word Dynamic Vis.vi from _wordrdsub.llb and
_Excel Dynamic VIs.vi from _exclsub.llb

as dynamic VIs on the source files Tab when you build the application

You find these on Labview directory\vi.lib\addons|_office\

RE: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread Junginger, Johann

This is going to be a naïve question after this thread has been going on for
so long, but can anyone send me (or point me to) a LV7 (or earlier) example
of recursion? It sounds very interesting but I am having trouble wrapping my
head around this concept.


Johann Junginger.

-Original Message-
From: Jean-Pierre Drolet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 12:31
To: Dominic Lavoie; Info-LabVIEW
Subject: Re: Recursive Code Challenge

When I said efficiency, I was refering to the fact that recursive calls are
reputed inefficient in LabVIEW. I guess It is less efficient to instanciate
the VI space than to pre/reallocate an array for next data level.
Often it is not possible to figure how is "big enough" without first digging
in the recursion tree.

>It seems to me that recursion is needed when you you didn't think you would
have needed it in the first place!!!
>(design phase)

It is the nature of the task that requires recursion, not the designer to
decide! But the programmer can implement it with recursive calls or while

Jean-Pierre Drolet

- Message d'origine -
De : "Dominic Lavoie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> À : "Jean-Pierre Drolet"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Envoyé : 4 juin, 2004 10:13 Objet : RE:
Recursive Code Challenge

Couldn't you just allocate a big enough stack to begin with, or allocate
chunks of it as you go on(initialize and resize array) and
get an efficient behavior?

It seems to me that recursion is needed when you you didn't think you would
have needed it in the first place!!!(design phase)

Re: Serial Read Different from Hyperterminal

2004-06-04 Thread Asif
The problem is fixed now, although I still don't know what was wrong.

I updated the VISA version, but that did not solve the problem
immediately.  It seemed that just adding indicators changed the
behavior somehow.

For example, when I was trying to read 13 bytes, it would read all the
bytes at the port, until I wired an indicator to "return count" of the
VISA Read vi.  Once that was wired, it started enforcing the value on
the "byte count" terminal.

Shrug, well it works now.  Thanks!

Re: Dispose Report closes all Excel spreadsheets

2004-06-04 Thread Zvezdana S.
This is the expected behavior. The Dispose Report VI calls
Excel_Quit.vi. This subVI calls _Application.Quit Excel method. You
can modify this subVI to not call this method, or to call it if you
press a boolean button.
Excel_Quit.vi is located in

Zvezdana S.
National Instruments

DLL and global variables

2004-06-04 Thread Reorem
I have programmed a DLL (with Microsoft Visual C/C++) that performs a
pure delay of a digital signal (z-delay), y[n] = x[n-D].

The DLL creates a global buffer of the same size as the needed delay,
to save the previous samples.

Labview calls the DLL using a VI. When using this VI in the labview
application the DLL performs correctly.

But when I use or call several times the same VI, that contains the
DLL, in the same
 labview application, the DLL works incorrectly mixing the data from
the different calls (it seems the global buffer is shared between the
different VIcalls that contain the DLL).

Is possible to use the same DLL (with internal global variables)  in
the same application without sharing the same global variable to
different call? Diferenciatig the global scope to each VI call.

 Thanks in advance.

Class Hierarchy

2004-06-04 Thread dgw
I am working on a LabVIEW 7.1 application where I have Charts, Graphs,
XY Graphs, and Waveform Graphs on one front panel using a tab control.
I want to be able to change the background color of all of these
charts and graphs from one place.  One way is to create individual
references and set properties, but this takes up too much space and is
too confusing.

I am trying to make it work using references and properties.  I can
get a reference to the vi, then to the front panel, then to
controls[], but the ClassName for the controls[] do not sem to get
specific enough to tell what is what on the front panel.  It returns
names such as numeric, digital, string, ... but no chart or graph.

What is the best way to set properties on these charts and graphs??

Step function generator

2004-06-04 Thread frenchy

I need to create a step function generator (exponential functions,
sine function, etc...) to send functions to a high speed length
controller (via a DAQ board, of course) which will treat my signal to
control a motor...

Actually I really don't know how to do this program, so if someone
could help me...

Thank you !

how to avoid loading trim whitespace.vi and general error handler.vi from c:\

2004-06-04 Thread mbuttman
I saved a llb with vi.lib VIs and then converted the llb to a
directory. I do this since I am dynamically loading VIs and I need the
vi.lib VIs in the same directory. The probelm I have now is when I
open a VI that calls Trim Whitespace.vi or General Error Handler.vi LV
7.1 loads it from from C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
7.1\vi.lib\Utility\error.llb\ and C:\Program Files\National
Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\vi.lib\Utility\error.llb\ even though these
VIs are in the same directory as their callers.

ActiveX Remote access

2004-06-04 Thread Norman Kirchner
Is it possible to open an automation reference to an activeX control in
a VI running on another computer on the local network, and how?

On the Automation Open function there is a machine name option which
allows me to reference the other computer. I've selected the intended
class that I will be accesing, but I need that next step/configuration
on the remote machine that will complete the circuit.

 And they're off

Norman J. Kirchner Jr.
Automation Software Engineer
Engineering Specialists, Inc.
(262)783-8001 Fax

DIO problems

2004-06-04 Thread Roy Kesmodel
Title: DIO problems

Don't know what the original thread was...

First, the smaller resistor should work.

As to the floating lines,  When we had a problem with this on a previous project we set up the physical circuitry with an enable line that had to be of opposite value to the line in question.  The chances of one line floating high while another floats low are small.


Re: ActiveX Remote access

2004-06-04 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet
Look here:

Jean-Pierre Drolet

- Message d'origine - 
De : "Norman Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyé : 4 juin, 2004 14:05
Objet : ActiveX Remote access

Is it possible to open an automation reference to an activeX control in
a VI running on another computer on the local network, and how?

On the Automation Open function there is a machine name option which
allows me to reference the other computer. I've selected the intended
class that I will be accesing, but I need that next step/configuration
on the remote machine that will complete the circuit.

 And they're off

Norman J. Kirchner Jr.
Automation Software Engineer
Engineering Specialists, Inc.
(262)783-8001 Fax

Re: ActiveX Remote access

2004-06-04 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet
Sorry, it is there:

Jean-Pierre Drolet

- Message d'origine - 
De : "Norman Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyé : 4 juin, 2004 14:05
Objet : ActiveX Remote access

Is it possible to open an automation reference to an activeX control in
a VI running on another computer on the local network, and how?

On the Automation Open function there is a machine name option which
allows me to reference the other computer. I've selected the intended
class that I will be accesing, but I need that next step/configuration
on the remote machine that will complete the circuit.

 And they're off

Norman J. Kirchner Jr.
Automation Software Engineer
Engineering Specialists, Inc.
(262)783-8001 Fax

Converting LabView code into C code

2004-06-04 Thread atanas_petkov
Is there a program or some way to convert LabView code into C code? If
not is there some way to make the two languages "talk" to each other
-- like some common set of files that they can both recognize. Thank
you in advance.

Re: Class Hierarchy

2004-06-04 Thread PJM_Labview
Use the ClassID property. Every Class has a different one. For a list
of Class ID check out this topic:
can i find the classID list for Labview 7.0

Note: This list is for LV7.0, but it will most likely work for LV7.1.
I will compile a new list sometime in the near future.

Re: how to avoid loading trim whitespace.vi and general error handler.vi from c:\

2004-06-04 Thread PJM_Labview

In general to relink VI you have to load the hierarchy from the bottom
up. LV first check if the called VIs are in memory, therfore load
first Trim Whitespace.vi and General Error Handler.vi in memory then
load the VI that are calling them, save everything. That should do it


Re: Unlink x-axis marker values from graph scale

2004-06-04 Thread lesher
I've tried this with all graph types. I want the points to be evenly
spaced on the x-axis. I want the marker labels on the x-axis to be
arbitrary. e.g.: plotting gain error (y-axis: generally {-1%..1%})
versus gain setting (x-axis: generally {48, 24, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5,

It seems this is not what the graphs were meant to do. Perhaps there
is a workaround.

Re: Dispose Report closes all Excel spreadsheets

2004-06-04 Thread Kennon Cotton

As Zvezdana mentioned the 1.0 version of the Report Generation Toolkit
does work this way.  Since that behavior isn't very desirable it has
been changed in the 1.1 version of the toolkit which released in
March.  The new version only closes the report for the particular
reference being disposed.  You also have the option of not closing the
report when you dispose the reference.


RE: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread Scott Hannahs
At 12:24 -0400 6/4/04, Junginger, Johann wrote:
>This is going to be a naïve question after this thread has been going on for
>so long, but can anyone send me (or point me to) a LV7 (or earlier) example
>of recursion? It sounds very interesting but I am having trouble wrapping my
>head around this concept.

Near the bottom of the page is a recursive calculation of the factorial function.  
Versions in LV 6 and 6.1.  The factorial is a classic example of recursion since it is 
a trivial definition recursively.

N! = N * (N-1)! ; N>1
N! = 1 ; N=1


Re: maths problem

2004-06-04 Thread Scott Hannahs
At 8:07 -0700 6/4/04, PJ M wrote:
>If I understand properly you know %co2 and you want to
>know x right ?
>Therefore you just have to solve the equation. It's a
>pure math problem, no a LV one.
>Let's rename your equation
>%CO2=(((3.10933*(X*X))+(.5602*X)))/(0.30204-X) like so
><=> y(c-x)=(ax*x+bx) <=> ax*x+(b+y)x-yc=0
>Then assuming than D=(b+y)*(b+y)+4yac is positif you
>have the following:

Note!   Sqr(D) is really Sqrt(D) the square ROOT of D not the square.  But this right, 
you DO want to use the exact quadratic solution.

Also I think D= (b+y)^2-4yac

Also for for future reference, equations greater than 4th order that do not have exact 
solutions like this, you can use the "root finding" routines built into LV.


Asyncrhonous Serial VISA

2004-06-04 Thread Jason Dunham
Title: Asyncrhonous Serial VISA

Is anyone having success at running asynchronous VISA calls for serial port reads and writes?

I made a simple test VI to read one byte from COM1, and write a continuous stream of bytes out of the same port in a parallel while loop.

The write loop stalls until the read command times out.  I even tried moving the read to a subvi and changing it’s execution system, but to no avail.

If I read and write from different ports it the read and write are independent, even if the VISA nodes are set to run synchronously.

I’m just not getting the whole asynchronous concept, I guess.  I have yet to create a VI which behaves different with sync or async VISA calls.

I’m using LV 7.1, VISA 3.1 and Windows XP.

Jason Dunham

SF Industrial Software, Inc.

Re: driver problem

2004-06-04 Thread Sylvia V

What version of NI-VISA do you have installed in your computer?
If you do not have http://digital.ni.com/softlib.nsf/webcategories/85256410006C055586256BBB002C0E91?opendocument&node=132060_US";>version
3.1, download it and see if that helps.

Sylvia Vences
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Parallel access of database

2004-06-04 Thread ryank
You'd need to implement something similar in TestStand, I'm not a
TestStand expert, but I think there is a database sequence that you
could modify to do something similar to what we did in LV.  Just toss
a label into it, check the result of whichever step actually connects
to the DB and then loop back to the label until it works.

Also, one other thing which it might be neccessary to thing about...
I'm not sure how Access implements locking, presumably if it allows
multiple users it must do it by record, thus it's possible you'd need
to do the same process (retry until the error goes away) for other DB
operations than just the open.

Not sure what difference the OS might make, perhaps different versions
of the drivers between LV and the database.

RE: Recursive Code Challenge

Quoting Scott Hannahs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> At 12:24 -0400 6/4/04, Junginger, Johann wrote:
> >This is going to be a naïve question after this thread has been going on
> for
> >so long, but can anyone send me (or point me to) a LV7 (or earlier)
> example
> >of recursion? It sounds very interesting but I am having trouble
> wrapping my
> >head around this concept.
> Near the bottom of the page is a recursive calculation of the factorial
> function.  Versions in LV 6 and 6.1.  The factorial is a classic example
> of recursion since it is a trivial definition recursively.

Recursion has always struck me as an interesting concept without any real
use because of performance issues. In addition, recursive code is typically
hard to read.

It reminds me of these weird guys that run a marathon backwards with their
shoe laces tied together. It makes an interesting story but is not the best
way to approach the problem.

'glad you brought up your recursive demo. I compared it with my entry in the
recent LabVIEW Zone Coding challenge for factorials.

( http://www.ni.com/devzone/lvzone/codechallenge6_results.htm )

For "12!" it is 3000x slower (5 ms vs. 2 microseconds) while mine does more
because it formats the output to a string. Even weirder, if you take your
VI and put a simple FOR loop around the code (no indexing) and set the loop
counter to 2 so the core code executes twice, the VI takes 17 whole(!!)
seconds (425x slower/loop). Somebody better explain to me what's going
on here. (This is converted to LabVIEW 7.1 and saved before running).


Error 6 again.. causation factor?

2004-06-04 Thread Kura
I got another Error 6 problem popping up at odd spots in my vi.

Error 6 occurred at GPIB Write in E4418BEPMPowerMeter.vi

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW:  Generic file I/O error.
NI-488:  I/O operation aborted.

Is it possible that this error keeps occuring to me because I'm using
an inferior PCI GPIB Card that I got from Measurement Computing?

time normalize

2004-06-04 Thread sujani
I already posted a question,but never tried the solutions suggested
until recently.I am looking for a way to normalize the time on my
different sets of data.(The "align waveform timestamps" doesn't work
for my case.)
Each of my sets of data start and end at different times.I need a way
to normalize the start and end times(so that everything has the same
start and end times).Any suggestions?

Re: Comment sur chaque pts d'un graphe superposer un curseur

2004-06-04 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet
Utilise la propri=E9t=E9 "Cursor List" (ou l'=E9quivalent fran=E7ais). C'es=
un array de propri=E9t=E9s de tous les curseurs. Le nombre d'=E9l=E9ments d=
l'array d=E9termine le nombre de curseurs que tu auras.


2004-06-04 Thread LabVIEWer
The t0 of your waveform needs to be the present time.  The example
that you are using does not do anything to the timestamp except to
convert it to a date-time string.  You can either configure what ever
you are getting the data from to return the t0 as the accureate
present time, or you can get the waveform component of t0, change it,
and then build the waveform back together again.  This should get you
what you are looking for.

RE: Recursive Code Challenge

> Even weirder, if you take
> your
> VI and put a simple FOR loop around the code (no indexing) and set the
> loop
> counter to 2 so the core code executes twice, the VI takes 17 whole(!!)
> seconds (425x slower/loop).

Sorry, my mistake! Of course since the call is recursive, the loop should
not be inside it or it gets escalated in the recursive calls. :-)

the rest of my comment is fine.


Re: Wanted: Any version of LV Full + app builder....

2004-06-04 Thread Zvezdana S.
You may also want to contact your regional NI sales rep or alliance
members to see if they have older versions or know where would be a
good place to get them.
Zvezdana S.

Re: Is ther a patch to allow using Vision Builder 6.1 with LabView 7.1?

2004-06-04 Thread Doug K
In order to use Vision with LabVIEW 7.1 you will need the Vision
Development Module 7.0.  The upgrade to Vision Builder 6.1 is Vision
Assistant 7.0.  Vision Assistant 7.0 is included with NI Vision
Development Module 7.0.  Your Internal Sales Representative or your
Field Sales Engineer should be able to assist you in upgrading.


Doug K.
Application Engineering
National Instruments

Re: time normalize

2004-06-04 Thread Dennis Knutson
What doesn't work about the function? The function does make every
waveform have the same start time. If your waveforms have different
stop times that's because they don't have the same number of samples
or the sample intervals are different. You can use the Get Waveform
Components to view dt and the Y array to determine where the
difference is. Once that's known, the Build Waveform can be used to
modify either one - just like Align Wavform Timestamps does to t0.

how to chnage width of window??

2004-06-04 Thread sattu
Please any one tell me how to change the base width of Hamming window?
Its urgent:(
Thanks in advance.

Re: Display the indicator bigger when the user clicks on it

2004-06-04 Thread Coop


Re: VI hangs while attempting to save

2004-06-04 Thread FerozP
Hi Altenbach,

The 555 arbitrary limit was removed for later versions of LabVIEW
after LV 6.1.  So, the answer is there is no limit, however in reality
it is probably a very very large number.

I hope this helps.


RE: Recursive Code Challenge

2004-06-04 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
Here is an example listing a directory structure.

Michael Aivaliotis 

> This is going to be a naïve question after this thread has 
> been going on for so long, but can anyone send me (or point 
> me to) a LV7 (or earlier) example of recursion? It sounds 
> very interesting but I am having trouble wrapping my head 
> around this concept.
> Thanks,
> Johann Junginger.

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