Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting

2008-07-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


This RBL, even if is a bit extremist, is something used by a few of our 
customers's commercial spam filtering product.
I'd say they should stop using it. If somebody has a dog that bites 
everybody who wears black or green, the solution is not everybody 
wearing orange and blue, the solution is to train the dog to behave 
properly or stop visiting them at all. If somebody uses RBL that has a 
cowboy attitude of block first, think maybe later then they need as 
much education by their users as ISPs do - up to stopping using their 
services and saying they are just harmful.
During the years I've encountered my share of overzealous and 
irresponsible RBL maintainers, and sometimes the best way to deal with 
them is just not using them and saying others to not use them, period.

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Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting

2008-07-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


 This dog is not biting those who wear black or green. This dog is
 biting ISP's who let their users send spam.

I hate spam as much as the next guy - probably more, since I have to 
keep publicly available mailing addresses for my job. But at the end it 
comes to the point where people who have nothing to do with spam or all 
those arguments around how to handle spam - they get harmed. They get 
their mails lost and their business disrupted. And when this happens and 
RBL people take position of we'll just block whatever we want and until 
everybody complies with our demands we'll not move then it is time to 
remind them they are not kings of the world either. If they do more harm 
then good, then it's time to show them the door. Blocking whole 
countries is no solution for spam and whoever does this is just behaving 
childishly and irresponsibly. I do not believe anybody seriously thinks 
the users will be better off getting no email from any Israeli address 
at all.

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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

course), get travel directions and so on - have been solved problems  
by 1992 or so. It was just a matter of being able to work the  
They were solved in theory. In practice, AFAIK there were next to no 
applications - at least ones accessible to average user, don't know what 
happened in the military or other government business - that did it.
Neither the server nor the flash client are done by web programmers.  
I don't know how you define web programmer but client side was what I 
talked about. Including Flash/Flex, AJAX, soon-to-be Silverlight and others.
server. All of the interesting stuff is done in the server. Some semi- 
interesting things are done in the flash client (things HTML is  
incapable of - zoom, pan, vector graphics, texts drawn in angles or  
following a path...)
HTML is capable of  many of that, BTW - with some help from 
Javascript/CSS of course. And will be capable of more as future web 
standards get developed and supported (canvas, SVG, whole HTML 5 business).

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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-03 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

 you can build using the HTTP protocol that I'm sick of - web 
services, forms, buttons, integrity checks. Oh, and Javascript  is, in 
fact, my least favourite platform. I find it unreliable, with 
compatibility problems between platforms, and it's generally being 
used in order to force HTML to do things it is not supposed to do. 
Eventually you may have nice interfaces, but they are interfaces into 
nothing. If there is anything interesting to be done on the backend, it's
I would disagree here. I think what is happening in this area is the 
return of HTML to what it meant to be, only better. The applications are 
moving towards the old MVC paradigm, where HTML moves back towards the 
Model (though you can use other model data source, like JSON or XML 
sources), CSS takes over much of the View and Javascript makes 
Controller. There's still some uncleanness (especially that data and GUI 
are still mixed) and some growing pains but I think it's where the 
things are heading to, and it's a healthy direction. As a result, 
nowdays HTMLs become more clean - as CSS/JS begin to allow to do what 
they were meant to do from the start - provide presentation layer over 
the independent content layer.
The truth is that all web applications are just sugar coated 
information systems, and nowadays, with Ajax, they are really no 
different than the client-server applications people used to write 
back in the late '80s and early '90s.
Yes and no. Yes because it's not that there's new computer science being 
born or something :), no - because things are being done that weren't 
done before, because now it's easier for people to do them. As an 
example, let's look at one of the tons of google maps mashups - which 
*are* very useful if google maps covers the area you are interested in - 
too bad Israel isn't covered :( - and see how something like that was 
done in 80s. The answer is - it wasn't done. Such applications just 
didn't exist.

Of course, there's a ton of boring stuff and needless bells and whistles 
there too - can't be helped, that's Sturgeon's Second  Law at work. But 
there's some cool stuff too.
But then again, if you don't feel interested in it - definitely don't do 
it. There's always a ton of other things to do :)

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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-02 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Would like to learn MBA or marketing?
Languages will change one another, but economic will lasts forever.
It's not 6 monthes, however. Also, not having any marketing experience 
would mean

very base-level job for at least a number of years, I think.

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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-02 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I want to do something new. That's why I asked what the current market 
demands are. I have an opportunity to change. The choice what to 
change to depends on what's available, and out of what's available I'm 
hoping to select what will seem the most interesting to me, given the 
time and money constraints.
If you want to stay in web arena, but not deal much with LAMP anymore, 
you may try to go client-side - rich applications, AJAX, etc. These days 
I think it is becoming a real programming market. Not sure if there's 
easy to find such job without it being combined with design (which are 
two entirely different jobs, but not everybody understands it). It 
doesn't have to do much with Linux, though :)

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Re: Investment house

2007-04-19 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I'm sick and tired of the my bank (discount) support for firefox.
I'm looking for an Israeli investment house with a decent internet
portal that works well with firefox/linux.
I heard that all Israeli private investment companies use the same 
platform (I believe it's called ordernet or something like that) which 
is IE only and is not great even at that, so I wouldn't set hopes too 
high to find anything working in Firefox.

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Re: Firefox and any credit card services company

2007-04-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

 I know, that Isracard's website works if you use User Agent
 Switcher extension of Firefox.

 What is status of Mozilla/Firefox support of websites of other
 Israel-accessible credit cards? Share your experiences please!

For CAL site, it is possible to log in if you switch user agent.
Then you can see most of the things, but top menu works only
partially so it's hard to access some functions, and the design
is broken by silly news scroller.
Also, clicking on some links does not work but produces some
technical problems message, though the same function might
very well work if accessed differently (i.e. menu ws. link on the page).

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Re: Freedom of speech online

2006-09-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

me :-) Maybe they're more afraid from nonviolent terrorists than
from violent ones.  After all, I do admit to the most dangerous crime
of being a pacifist.  It's contagious!
Uri, I think I want to express my gratitude to you for the first-class 
entertainment you are providing on the list. Observing people to openly 
get in touch with their tinfoil-hat side is a refreshing addition to the 
routine boredom of distributions and configuration tweaks. Good job! 
Wish you luck in your struggle against the mighty Big SMTP Brother and 
his omnipresent IP-minions. Please keep us posted if you discover that 
Mossad had replaced our government with insectoid aliens.

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Re: PHP unexpectedly speaking Hebrew on me - explanation found

2006-09-09 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

It seems that an Israeli PHP programmer (probably working for Zend)
didn't know how to say double colon in English, so he coded the
token's name in transliterated Hebrew (Zend/zend_language_scanner.l,
Well, almost true, but not entirely. The Israeli programmer are 
actually Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, who are Israeli and who wrote 
the engine for PHP 3 and who later indeed created the Zend company. They 
know very well how to say double colon in English, but this token name 
was a kind of inside joke and it was left there for PHP 4 and 5 and will 
be there in PHP 6. This joke, as you imagine, is known to everybody in 
business and is listed in all online resources like Wikipedia for 
years. You can consider it a sort of easter egg (btw, there is at least 
one other easter egg in PHP :)

Now I'm wondering whether to submit a patch? In any case, google knows
You might do that, but chances of it being accepted are zero :) Google 
and Wikipedia rule, however.

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Re: OT: Wpedia nitpick was: PHP speaking Hebrew

2006-09-09 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

ARRGH!! this is why I have a speck of disrespect for Wikipedia. you
can't call yourself an encyclopedia and actually compare sizes with the
Britanica in terms of number of articles, when more than half of your
articles (or maybe over 90%?) are about in-jokes, TV series, TV series'
characters and episodes (see the simpsons and lost), movies, programs
Well, apparently there are different things for different purposes. If 
you want to know the biography of Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, then maybe 
Britannica would be better for you (though the wiki can do it too) but 
if you want PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM or Snoopy's character traits, nothing 
compares to the wikipedia :) Why not?

that's what Rob Makda'a Everything2 is for, isn't it?


That's like saying Linux is irrelevant since there's already FreeBSD ;)

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Re: Looking for another ISP (a bit off topic)

2006-04-23 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
GD Switching ISP might not solve the problem... It's just a matter of time
GD till all other ISPs follow suite.

That might depend on how many users would leave Netvision and tell them 
the reason they left is the bandwidth limitations. If there's enough the 
idea might seem less appealing to other ISPs.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   \/  There shall be counsels taken
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Re: Bank Leumi site lack of adherence to web standards

2006-04-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
MZ Installing wine and winetools on Fedora core is simple with apt, yum 
MZ or synaptic. Installing internet explorer is then just five button 
MZ clicks on winetools GUI.

I tried today to install IE on Wine on FC4. For starters, there are about 
5 ways to install it. I tried winetools way, and it didn't work. I tried 
various hacky ways which were described on the sites posted recently - it 
didn't work either. I tried ies4linux way - it worked, but IE didn't show 
hebrew in normal way (and since most of the sites that I need and are 
IE-only are Israeli sites this makes it close to useless for me) - it 
shows in reverse and in some weird fonts. I tried all ways of installing 
fonts I could find - copied them in .wine/c/windows/fonts, in 
/usr/share/wine/fonts and where not - nothing changed, hebrew broken. 
Anybody knows how to fix it? I tried looking up but none of the advices I 
found - like copying fonts, etc. - helped much. 
Anybody knows a fix for it?

MZ How much simpler can CXOffice be?

I didn't use it, but I tried installing wine, so I can say there's 
definitely some space for improvement. You know, like I install it and it 
works - some apps do that :)
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Re: please enlighten me

2006-03-25 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
OA Americans, specifically of the U.S. type (Canadians are OK and south 
OA americans I can deal with), are - generally - very stupid. (I'm talking 

That's the most idiotic remark I have read on the list in years. 
Congratulations on the achievement. 
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Re: [off topic] Wikipedia Jimmy Wales

2005-12-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
If we're so much offtopic...

NH dollars to pour into his defence, and another guy can literally get away
NH with murder in criminal court, and yet be found guilty in a civilian court.

That happens because the burden of proof in the civil court is lower than
in the criminal court. And that is because civil courts mostly deal with
matters of money and such and with conflicts between citizens, while
criminal courts can use incanceration and sometimes even death penalty and
represent the state against citizens. Since the state has superior power
and is the only entity that is entitled to use violence up to, in certain
circumstances, killing humans, it is considered reasonable that this
exercise of power is restricted by requiring high degree of certainity
that the actions are indeed correct and just. Sometimes it happens that
due to the circumstances or the incompetence of the state's agents this
degree can not be reached, and thus the power of the state can not be
exercised in these cases. It is, of course, regretful, but results of an
unrestricted exercise of the state power would be much more regretful.
Of course, those with more money can more successully exploit said 
circumstances and incompetence, because they are able to hire better 
professionals and more of them. That does not meanthe law is different for 
rich and poor, just that the rich has more chance to achieve proper 
execution of the law.
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Re: [off topic] Wikipedia Jimmy Wales

2005-12-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
UE happens in Wikipedia and it happens in the police, army or any system
UE where people have power.  But in Wikipedia there is nowhere to complain.
UE Nobody will do anything to people who abuse their power.  So
UE eventually, I think Wikipedia is corrupt.

You won't believe if I told you what happens in paper encyclopedia. These
evil pits of corruption are ruled by absolute dictators hiding under the
name of editors, and not only they are not obliged to accept input from
anybody - everybody is actually permanently banned from making any change
into their work even before it is published and remains banned forever!  
And there's no place you can complain except to the dictator editors  
themselves and even then there's absolutely no way to ensure that they
would accept your correction or at least note its existance in the proper
place in the next release of their so called encyclopedia.  I can not
believe something so corrupt is not only allowed to exist but actually is
referred to as an ultimate information source! Some people have no shame,

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   \/  There shall be counsels taken
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Re: My Anti-qmail Page

2005-11-05 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
iF I set up an anti-qmail page at:

I think that if you make some claims (like: qmail lags behind other MTA's 
in its feature-set), it is good to substantiate them, like say which 
features it lacks and how important are they. With that, it is 
worth to verify if patches exist for qmail that do that and state that 
too. The same for all other talking points. 
Then the page would look more like a credible resourse than a 
rant. Not that I have something against rants, everybody likes a good rant 
now and then, but opening a webpage just for that... I think they had 
invented blogs for that purpose ;)

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Re: Connecting from Linux to MSN Messenger?

2005-09-15 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
RR on RH9; it was quite a time ago ; I don't remember the 
RR exact details of configuration (it could be that I downloaded some plugin) 

I use GAIM to connect to MSN, AIM, ICQ and googletalk, and it works
perfectly. It can do more protocols, generally, I just have nobody to talk 
to with them :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   \/  There shall be counsels taken
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Re: PC-to-phone VoIP

2005-08-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
GSM That's not quite it. My argument is that someone richer than I am
GSM comes along and gives away free water until everyone else goes out
GSM of the bucket business and then starts charging.

Actually, in our case it's someone signs agreement with municipality
workers, so they probably start charging from the start, but municipality
is doing charging services for them so citizens think it's free since they
see it in their municipal tax bills and not billed separately. And
municipality workers are reelected because they provided a vital service 
for citizens for free and are so technologically advanced.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   \/  There shall be counsels taken
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Re: A new venture - preventing spam

2005-07-03 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
UE mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for example), which is desirable.  Right
UE now it's technically possible for anybody to send mail from
UE [EMAIL PROTECTED], although in some sense it's illegal. But spammers
UE don't care much about laws.

I think the problem is not technical here - I can think of a few methods
to implement sender verification with minimal adjustment to existing
protocols and with introducing entirely new ones. The problem here is that
until the significant part of the email-sending crowd does not use that
method, whatever it be, you can not reliably filter your email based on
this method. Meaning, corporate clients probably won't pay for
implementing such a method - or would not pay enough for this feature to
become necessary in every common software.  Which means, common software
won't have it or won't rely on it - back to square one.

Now, there are two obvious ways out of this vicious circle:
1. Widespread world-wide conspiracy of sysadmins and programmers to 
implement and install the protocol.
2. Adoption of the protocol by some company like Microsoft or IBM that can 
make anything an industry standard. As they say, nobody ever got fired for 
buying IBM, and I'd add - for following IBM (or Microsoft) advice either. 
So if they say it's a good way to fight spam/viruses/etc - whatever it 
be it probably would get widespread acceptance - enough to catch 
momentum. And more importantly - enough to make those who didn't 
implement it yet somewhat uncomfortable - like when users ask 
administrator why our clients complain that emails from our company come 
out as 'Unaunticated sender - probably spammer!' in Outlook - please fix 
it ASAP. Network effect is required for such things. 

UE OK, we can do without SSL certificates, but we can't do without
UE domain names and DNS.  Some things have to be centralized.  But I
UE agree that my proposed solution will have to deal with a lot of
UE beurocracy.

It is not easy to authenticate a person even in RL - identity theft 
and various scams are not unheard of, and it is much harder online when 
you can't see or touch a thing. 
However, most of the cases with email for the recipient it is enough to 
know that the sender of the email is authorized by the domain 
administrator to send it. At least, for detecting email forgery it would 
be enough - and mass-hosters of course would have to implement some 
internal mechanism to not allow users impersonate one another - but this 
would be outside of the email communication domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   \/  There shall be counsels taken
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Re: A new venture - preventing spam

2005-07-03 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
OA Microsoft has announced that starting this November (11/2005) Hotmail
OA will implement Sender ID(*) notifications to clients - when an email
OA is received w/o Sender ID verification the user will be displayed
OA with a warning bar. I'm assuming this is kind of adoption you were
OA thinking of ?

Yes, partially. Except that it would better be open standard (your (*)) 
and it should be implemented strategically - i.e. not only in Hotmail but 
in Exchange, Outlook, etc.

OA mainly as MS are known to do only things that promote their
OA proprietary protocols and not others.  IBM is probably not much

That is not entirely correct, at least for now - they are vigorously
promoting any protocols or standards they chose, but they do value
standartization and open protocols lately - e.g. most of their .net specs
are public. While there is no doubt that they have their own agenda and
would promote it, it would not necessary contradict with my needs or OSS
software developers' and users' needs.

Last but not least, I think I can tolerate protocol controlled by some 
Big Corporate Entity, provided the protocol itself is public and possible 
to implement independently and that it is actually used and accepted.
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Re: Acting against anti-file-swapping Lawsuits in Israel

2005-05-27 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
UB Your own argument was based on may more people see nothing wrong
UB with it - so many people are only relevant when they appear to
UB support your view?

No. The point was people actually are divided on that - and there aren't 
many things that are illegal and immoral (meaning by that that it is 
universally accepted it is immoral) and still many people do it 
and consider OK to do it. The very fact that many people do it and 
consider it OK to do it makes the immorality questionable - it does not 
automatically means it is OK, but it requires additional justification to 
show why it is immoral even though it is custom and accepted. 
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Re: Acting against anti-file-swapping Lawsuits in Israel

2005-05-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
GSM Yes. Your house of cards is built on the concept that copyrighted
GSM material is not intelectual property. In most countries it is. The

IP is a very peculiar concept - it's a property for the thing that is not
scarce. You have regular property right on, say, your car because cars are
scarce - you can't have them as much as you want without digging up metals
and oil and other resources and performing other costly operations on
_each_ car - i.e. you can not create a new car easily, so if someone took
your car and you would be deprived of the car, you would suffer. However,
thoughts are not scarce (at least I hope nobody in whose head they are
scarce would read this :) - you can repeat same thought without much
effort and if I took a thought from you, you would not suffer any loss -
you still had the same one.

Thus, concept of property on the thought (which is at base of the
most of the IP) is radically different from other kinds of property. Thus,
equating violating regular property rights and violating IP rights would
just add mess to the discussion - even if we wanted to discourage both,
they are different things.

GSM Just because someone else placed it out on the internet for you to
GSM steal does not make it right. In this case it would be ok for me to
GSM walk into your home and clean it out if someone else opened the
GSM door.

If you manage to clean it out and leave everything in place and in 
precisely the same condition at the same time - why not? If you manage to 
do so without violating my privacy - I see no problem with that.

GSM electricity, food, etc. Some people need to make a living and choose
GSM to do it by their creativity. Just because you don't dosen't give you
GSM the right to steal from them.

The fact that they want to earn their money by some way doesn't give them
by itself any right to demand money from anybody. It is true that the
state can force people to pay, but this does not _automatically_ means
this is just. If you want to prove the need of paying for copyrighted
works beyond the trivial point of it's the law, so shut up and obey or go
to jail - the argument along the lines of artists like to earn money
this way is no good - I'd like to have a law so that anybody I meet on
the street paid me a thousand dollars for encounter rights but you would
agree that such a law would not be just. Neither legality nor usefulness 
of a thing to somebody is a proof that this thing is a good thing. You 
need better proof.

GSM Do you get payed to program? Please give me the names of three companies
GSM that paid you to program for them so I can ask for copies of the code.
GSM After all, since they are not real property, I'm entitled to them.

No, you are not. Sunlight is owned by nobody, but that doesn't mean if you
want sunlight at night, you are entitled to get it. If you manage to get
it - good for you, if you don't - tough luck.

GSM Absolute ethics? Absolute bullsh*t. As I said at the begining it's
GSM against the law of the land just about everywhere. If you don't like

Law and ethics are different things. In ideal, law should be based on 
ethics, in practice, they sometimes happen to be the exact opposite...
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Re: Acting against anti-file-swapping Lawsuits in Israel

2005-05-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
GSM It's taking of something that you don't have permission to. If that
GSM is not stealing, what is?

I hereby deny you permission to breath the air. You are still breathing. 
Are you stealing, are you a thief?

GSM Note that without copyright laws the GPL would not exist.  It would be 

Actually, I don't see absolute value in GPL existance. With all due 
respect to RMS, his crusade against commercial software vendors doesn't 
seem very important to me. Creating free software does seem, but I'm not 
sure how much the restrictive nature of GPL had contributed to the free 
software growth. Actually, I experienced numerous cases and heard about 
even more cases that people had to rewrite certain pieces of code just to 
get around GPL restrictions - which seems to me the contrary to the 
purposes of the free software as I see them.
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Re: Acting against anti-file-swapping Lawsuits in Israel

2005-05-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
UB That's the everybody's doing it argument. There's a whole of a lot
UB of immoral and illegal stuff you can justify with that.

Actually, I have hard time thinking about anything illegal and immoral 
that a lot of people are doing and even more people see nothing bad in 
doing even if they don't do it themselves. Could you name, say, three such 
things, not related to IP laws? 
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Re: Acting against anti-file-swapping Lawsuits in Israel

2005-05-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
EE Many people are also avoiding taxes or not follow traffic rules. Do
EE you think we need to change our laws to fit what is comfortable to
EE most people?

Actually, what can be the nobler purpose for the law if not making life 
more comfortable to the most people? ;) 

EE is chosen by the majority, and if it decides on a law that says
EE a certain part of the land will be evacuated, then it *will*.

Law created by people can be abolished by people, though in this case it 
ineed seems unlikely. Also, civil disobedience practice has deeps roots in 
democratic societies and actually had brought change in laws and policies 
numerous times - though, again, I don't think this instance would succeed.
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RE: Acting against anti-file-swapping Lawsuits in Israel

2005-05-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
IZ Domino Effect? Music for example pays salaries of numerous of people,
IZ allowing them to be able to buy other products and services, and by that
IZ help other people receive a paycheck. Producing and trading copyrighted

If music industry ceased to exist, these people without any doubt would 
find for themselves other profitable activites. There are so much things 
to do in this world that it is not reasonable to believe anybody could 
work in music industry and no other place. It is true that some people 
(especially people earning obscene amount of money for doing things that 
seem like total c**p to me ;) would suffer some income loss - so, these 
things happen and that's the way of life. Each day of the stock market 
trade can bring example of people losing money, and each bankrupcy filing 
is full of such stories. I see nothing special in music industry that 
would entitle it to special protection. Moreover, I have no doubts that 
if copyright laws would tomorrow be abolished, music industry would find 
a way to make profits by other meeans - in a matter of weeks. Human genius 
has no limits, and there's absolutely no reason to suppose current state 
of things is the only possible or sustainable one. 
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RE: Acting against anti-file-swapping Lawsuits in Israel

2005-05-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
IZ You seem to forget that the music industry is only one of the MANY
IZ industries who rely on the copyrights laws. All these industries
IZ provide work and job places for many other industries and etc. etc.
IZ etc.

I do not forget this - I just considered it obvious that everything
applying to music industry can be in the same way applied to any other
industry of similiar nature. Now, industries providing job places is a
very misleading tem - job place is not a privilege distributed by
industries, it is an activity that is beneficial to the others 
(actually, so very beneficial that it allows not only the individual to 
profit from it but also helps other members of the industry to profit). 
Now, if it is not enough beneficial by itself so it needs laws to coerce 
citizens to pay for some activity they would not pay otherwise - then I am 
inclined to think that this activity is not as good and necessary to the 
society as they present it.

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Re: Acting against anti-file-swapping Lawsuits in Israel

2005-05-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
UB There are a lot of people who believe, as I do, that disrespecting IP is 
UB immoral. So your presentation of it is misleading, and your question is 
UB better unasked.

OK, they do believe so, so what? My point is entirely different - that
there are not many things that everybody does it but it is still
siscerely considered illegal and immoral (note that people also could
proclaim something immoral and privately consider it moral out of
conformism). In most cases, this points out that the issue is not as
clear-cut as the partisans from both sides would like others to believe.
UB Artist spend a lot of time and sometimes money, to bring their to
UB where you can enjoy them. You ask, no, you DEMAND, free and unlimited
UB access to their product. What right have you to demand that?

I do not demand anything. Why should I demand what I already have? This is 
him who demands from me to cease certain activities he dislikes or he 
would make the state use the violence against me. Now, if I had not such 
an access, we could argue if I could demand it from him - and I would 
agree I could not and had no reason to, and if I wanted one and he would 
not willingly give me one, I would have to find out one by myself. 
However, this hypotetical discussion is not to the point since I already 
have everything I need, so I don't have to demand anything.
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Re: How do you upgrade RH without booting from CD?

2005-05-18 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
SD too old to recognize newer larger drives.  Is it still possible (I
SD know it used to be on older distros of RH) to boot off a floppy and

I had sucessfully booted and run Linux on the machine with old BIOS and 
large HD - from the floppy. However, I didn't go through install since I 
have copied system from old smaller disk, but I don't think there should 
be a problem with install either - you probably can make a grub boot 
floppy and then tell grub to continue booting from the CD. 

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Re: Bank Leumi Web Access (again ;-( )

2005-04-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
GD Seems like a normal service-down problem. God knows it happens
GD *alot* to the Internet Explorer site too...

I once had these messages for a couple of days straight with IE. Then I 
called their support and they told me to enable various security settings 
for the bank hostname (put it in trust zone, etc.) and it worked 
instantly. Thus, I think this is not a normal service-down.

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New software for old RedHat systems (like 6.2)

2004-06-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Is there anybody out there who still uses system like RedHat 6.2?
If so, do you know if there's some good people out there who build new
software releases for it? I am mostly interested in Mozilla, but some
other new software would be good too.
Building it myself, before you ask, is not a good alternative, since I
have here some Pentium 200 machine (yes, it works perfectly well and I do
not want to uprade it just yet) which may make building Mozilla a very
long task...

On the other hand, did anyone have experience with running recent
distribution releases (such as Fedora or maybe Gentoo) on such machines
(Pentium 200, 128M)? I suspect they are too much graphics for my poor
old fellow, but I could be underestimating it... What do you think?
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Re: New software for old RedHat systems (like 6.2)

2004-06-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
TC That's because you use memory-hungry programs. You don't have
TC to.

I'm pretty happy using FVWM2 as window manager and xterm+pine for reading
mail and mozilla for browsing (it doesn't even use much of a swap).
Mozilla is a bit slow, but not to the point of being a problem. The only
reason why I actually want a new Mozilla is because the version I have
keeps crashing every couple of days (and in most cases, right in the
middle of lengthy posting I write to some forum or blog, so that it really
manages to piss me off).
So one doesn't have to use memory- and CPU-hungry programs, indeed. The
only problem is that most of new distributions are configured to use them
by default in many places (and it's generally right thing to do , just not
the right thing for me).
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Re: zk rootkit

2004-06-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
AVK that I, for some strange reason, can not delete. Whenever I
AVK try to change, delete, erase or do anything of the sort with
AVK them - I get the permission denied error. Even if I do that
AVK with my own removal code, writte from

try chattr -i filename. They may have immutable attribute set, which
prevents file from being deleted even by root. See man chattr. Of course,
before that, if we talking about contaminated machine, verify that chattr
is the original one :)
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Linux 2.2 and Intel e1000 cards

2004-06-05 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
I am trying to install an Intel Gigabit ethernet card (PRO/1000 MT model)
on the machine running 2.2 kernel. I use e1000 driver version 4.3.15 from
Intel - and it doesn't work. With 2.4 (on other machines) and 5.x version
of the same drive for 2.4 everything works good, and the card is working,
however I need to get it to work with 2.2 too, if possible - and Intel
doesn't have driver version 5 for 2.2. Did anybody had any expirience with
such kind of a problem? Is upgrade to 2.4 the only way to make it work?
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Re: Hebrew site not accessible from non-IE!

2004-04-15 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
IK Can you see a governmental body make a change just to please the citizen
IK (rather than to please the superiors)?

In such simple case as this (needs just removing silly blocking
javascript), it probably would be done if the email reaches the right
person in the GB. In more complicated cases, it depends. Usually such
change means they need to go to the site designers - which are usually
some external company, chosen somewhere is the past for reasons hardky
including Web standards compliance, unless the person in charge in the GB
is uncommonly enlightened. Now, the site designers had already received
their money, so they would either say it's impossible to make it better,
or would require some additional sum of money - probably a substantial
sum, why not, they do not have to compete anymore at this stage of the
game. Usually, the person in chage in GB does not possess the expertise to
know if the change is as complicated as design company claims or costs as
much as they ask. So either he would - on his own risk - convince his
superiors to allocate the additional budget - for improving the apparently
working site - in which case advocacy could help, or he would pressure the
design company into doing it with lower (or null) cost, arguing the web
standards support is so important that any site not providing it is in
fact malfunctioning.  And here advocacy is even more important, since
before convincing anybody about that would require the person in charge -
again, probably not a very technical person - to be convinced.
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Re: [OT]nesws regarding vigros chicks

2004-01-23 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
DI no ones buy merchandise which was promoted with spam mail. at
DI least most of us don't.

No one works with Windows. At least most of us don't. ;)
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Re: [OT]nesws regarding vigros chicks

2004-01-21 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
NH of 10,000,000 copies for $1000 and pays them. The spam provider
NH guarantees nothing beyond this - they do not guarantee any ROI.

Actually, from what I have read in Wired, some spamvertizers work for
sales percentage, and they make a good buck on it, from what they say.

NH Often, I believe, the spamvertiser will find that he is getting
NH mounds of hate mail, legal threats, and very little, if any,
NH ROI, but he has already paid his $1000. Having seen the

From the same Wired article, it turns out not to be exactly the case.
I.e., it might be, but there are examples of spamvertized businesses being
profitable. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people out there wishing to
elongate their reproductive organs with pills at $50 a bottle. Provided
these pills cost the producer about $5 a bottle and the spammer gets $10
per order - looks good for them both.
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Re: The Proliferation of Linux and its Effect on Programmers

2004-01-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
OG Most of the reports I've seen make an unattributed (editorial?)
OG statement that our Treasury is after Thai-style discounts on MSOffice
OG more than after FLOSS or open standards. Can anyone in the know
OG confirm or deny this?

I cannot do either, but, logically thinking, I would not be surprised if
it was true. After all, one of the duties of the Treasury - ideally - is
to make government services to do most with least possible budget. If they
can get this done by scaring Microsoft into large discounts - very good
(for them). It is not their direct duty to support open source movement.

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Re: Analysis of the Y1 authentication scheme (RE: An approach I made to 1st yashir bank)

2003-12-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
SS2e11 possibilities this field is now only the number of
SScities in Israel (less than 1000, I think), with some

Good luck guessing my city of birth this way :) But, in fact, your
concerns are very real - I, for instance, know these details for quite a
few people just out of generic conversations, etc.

SS anyone about it. I even worked out a scheme where I can do this
SS practically using only a cell-phone frequency scanner. I feel this

Aren't cellular conversations encrypted? I though they should be long

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Re: happy birthday!

2003-12-28 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
OK that's not surprising. heck, even i do not like Israel and I
OK live here.

A hell of a good audience you have chosen to proclaim urbi et orbi about
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Re: Fw: What's wrong with this code?

2003-11-12 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
BR Isn't that a demonstration of the *real* (no FUD) open source model
BR security break points?

Well, that looks like open source _strong_ point. If the same code was
closed, what chance someone - except, of course, for original programmer
and probably his associates - would notice that? If, say, Windows function
GetProcessSomeObscureAttribute would get you administrator
privilege for some combination of flags - what is a chance someone would
ever discover that?

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Re: ???: Re: ???: is unviewable in Mozilla {ID:36786727} (fwd)

2003-11-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
GF The orange site is payed for by your money (as a client) and as part of
GF the service you are entitled to.

What also surprises me is that in your face attitude of the webmaster.
Like: we like our site and if you don't, screw you. Though, most
isrraely companies did not grow out of the stage where they think of a
corporate webside as a cool toy and not as customer service tool. I wonder
would they, say, sell mobile phones that operate only in Hungarian and say
to the customers - we think Hungarian is a magnificent language and we
spent a lot of money to get such phones. I think somehow this line of
behaviour would not fit them. But for websites that's not only acceptable,
that's actually the code of behaviour for Israeli corporate web presense.
So sad.

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RE: AOL doesn't accept mail - free relaying of email

2003-10-21 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
AB And they should. They should suffer for choosing an ISP that
AB disrespects its own acceptable use policy, and gets itself into
AB some kind of blackhole or another. What the customer must do is

Oh come on. It is a common knowledge that at least some of these relays
are too quick to add whole netblocks and too slow to explain why they did
that or how to make this not happen again. And the ISP couldn't care less
what some freak out there thinks about its policies - its responcibility
is its own paying clients and not convinvcing some trigger-happy sysadmin
jumping out of his pants to be BOFH-like and blacklist whatever possible
without too much investigation.

It is impossible to prevent sending email from a customer of an ISP to any
address on the internet - be the mail contents UCE or not. It is not
possible for the ISP to know if the content of the message is UCE or not.
So what the hell you want them to do? Cut their own throats by terminating
contracts with paying customers just because some obsucre email address
claiming to be sysadmin demands that?

This all spam blocking fun have gotten by far out of proportion nowdays.
Every week, and later - almost every other day I hear from legitimate
users having their legitimate emails blocked because of some
spamblocking usually from third-party relay lists that answer along
the line of somebody from your country once sent spam, so we blocked the
whole class A - if you want to send email again, you better choose another
country to live or piss off.
Do you propose for these users to start hopping ISPs (on the way
convincing  all relatives and acquaintances to change their address books)
in hope they will find one that would satisfy the spamblockers? Do
you really think this is the solution for anything? For the spammer to
change ISP is a matter of one configuration setting in his spam machine.
For the legitimate Joe User is like moving to another city. So who do you
want to punish?

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Re: ADSL - What is the current recommendation?

2003-10-20 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Which doesn't work with Mozilla either - at least their price
calculator throws errors instead of working.
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Re: Israeli NTP server with support for Day Light Savings

2003-09-27 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
 But do other distributions keep the Israeli timezone up-to-date out
 of the box? I didn't know about the link above and didn't have to go

AFAIK that's impossible to keep Israeli timezone up-to-date out of the box
for a prolonged period of times - Israeli timezone is not fixed but set by
the Knesset on case-by-case basis. Unless I have missed something and
sanity made a small victory in this field.

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Re: OS-X rules, X sucks (Was: Forthcoming Blitz of Announcements)

2003-08-31 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
SF Actually, they said that no beginner needs a two button mouse.
SF And if you ever gave tech support to beginners (or
SF not-so-beginners) you will appreciate that. The OS supports out

Come on. I gave support to five year child (the real one, not proverbial)
and she was perfectly able to know to handle the mouse. It took about
couple of days to teach her what it is and what it means, but it is
certainly doable. After all, everybody of us three-buttons-and-wheel
geniuses was novice once. I don't by this people are idiots thing.
Most people aren't _that_ idiotic.

SF When the application is in the background, what would you need it's
SF menu for anyway? You still need to click on it to get it into focus

Guess what, I have more than one applications in foreground. Actually,
for me amost all of them are in foreground.
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Re: OS-X rules, X sucks (Was: Forthcoming Blitz of Announcements)

2003-08-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
HM go. No. What GNU/Linux (or BSD, or my mother) should learn is that to
HM design a good human interface, you need to research that topic and find

Actually I'm not sure that MACs nobody needs more than one button on
mouse, nobody wants two user menus on the screen or user menu attached
to the actual application it belongs to, let's invent a number of
modifier keys and call them with confusing icons instead of names user
interface ideas can be called good. There's a lot of very confusing UI
stuff in Mac, which is not seen to a Mac devotee, but is obvious to the
fresh eye.
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Re: OS-X rules, X sucks (Was: Forthcoming Blitz of Announcements)

2003-08-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
HM I never use multiple desktops and I don't understand why anyone would
HM need to. I do use multiple *monitors*, because sometimes it's very

Well, let me assure you there are some people that do understand that :)

HM with the nethack readme is the third one on the top row. That's
HM bad user interface. And multiple desktops would not change that.

Actually, this has nothing to do with multiple desktops. This has to do
with you having no adequate tools to manage them. I used desktop pager
that showed window contents in... let me remember... 1998? 1999? A years
ago, that is. I don't know if they are available now - I'm pretty sure
they are, I just don't need them enough to change my environment - but
they very well existed long before Apple invented them :) BTW, Mac's
idea we can fit any number of applications on a tiny toolbar - and we
mean *any* even if you have as much as four or five of them! doesn't
appear that appealing to me. But that must be just my bad taste :)

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Re: Israeli DMCA looming?

2003-07-03 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
EM Regarding the first one, I divide between patents that STOP
EM technological advances (like LZW) and patents that HELP
EM technological advances (like RSA). I don't agree that EVERYTHING

Hm. Only difference I see is that the owner of the RSA was less greedy
than owner of the LZW, but that difference does not lie in the field of
patents but of owners.

EM Maybe conflicts between patents and technology advances were caused
EM because of non-professional staff of the patent office?

Asking that, let's ask what kind of professionality is required from
them? Should they be an experts in software knowing to the least detail
every part of every program existing, for example? What would be
requirements to professional patent office worker? Note that patent office
is not exclusively software - they should also work on other things too.

EM Maybe a better computerization will help the patent office
EM reject patents that were prior arted by open technologies?

It is pretty hard to know this - for this, detailed analysis of the
functions of patented and potentially prior-art (meaning, just almost
every other in the field) applications required. I fear for a patent
office which is not really overbudgeted it is not actually feasible.
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Re: Israeli DMCA looming?

2003-07-03 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
BC Well, I see no reason why the person reviewing the software
BC patents shouldn't be an expert in programming (but not knowing
BC every existing program, of course).  He should be required to be
BC an expert, else how can we entrust him to grant patents in this
BC field?

OK. Then let's see - first of all, there is no such thing as expert in
programming - no more than expert in medicine - there are
specialisations. So either patent office should have a staff of an
university and more, or it should retain the services of external experts.
Which means patent application is going to cost _a real lot_ of money and
take a real lot of time to complete. Which is not exactly what the patents
are meant for. BTW, even with this scheme nobody really guarantees that
expert will do thorough work (after all, what means of control over him
does the office have?) or that he will not just be bribed by the patent

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Re: FS/OS in schools: why don't *they* tell us what they want?

2003-06-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
VV the best programming language?  Is it widely used?  Well, yes, it
VV is, but will it be widely used in five years?

I guess, yes. Last three times of five years nothing happened that made C
irrelevant. What is going to happen in next five years that will?
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Re: FS/OS in schools: why don't *they* tell us what they want?

2003-06-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
NH Anyway, if you consider C++ an extension of C, studying C first
NH is time well spent. Of course, if the teacher will emphasise

I think this is very wrong. C++ is not an extension of C, even though C++
syntax is an extension of C syntax. Teaching C++ as extension of C is a
very wrong path to follow. Using C++ right requires very different state
of thinking about programming tasks, and the similiarity of syntax does
not change this a bit. I hold the strong opinion that the mindset is what
makes the language and not the sequence of letters that allocates memory -
this does not need to be even taught, this can be looked up in the
reference guide in 5 minutes.

This does not say C and C++ should not be studied - but they are different
languages for different mindsets.
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Re: C flame (was: FS/OS in schools)

2003-06-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
HM Last time that I heard, in Ben-Gurion university, the first programming
HM language was Java. That's a swell idea in my opinion. Java is
HM feature-complete, you can't argue with that. It also means that students

I can. Too many times I have heard from Java guys working next door
phrases like This feature works starting with Java 1.x and saw This
feature is deprecated.
Also, Java is not exactly the most effective language (try doing integer
array sorting on C and proper Java) and also it's interfaces with other
languages are pretty arcane, especially for the beginner.

HM hackers, I think it is extremely important to teach beginners to
HM think object-oriented, even if all they'll ever use is an

I don't know why OO is the single concept that needs to be taught before
all. Imagine the guy is going to be a relational DBA - how OO is going to
help him there? OO is an important concept, but it is not the only concept
in existance.

HM The basic stuff you need to teach people is algorithms and data
HM structures.  You want to save them from all the clutter around

Hear, hear! And C is actually _better_ for teaching data structures,
because you can _feel_ how these data structures work. In Java, a lot of
things are masked by gc is going to make it for me and I don't need to
know how hashes are working - I have standard class for that and I
don't need to initialize - it will be null anyways. That's good sometimes
for work - but for teaching, that's not always good. The same way as they
make you to solve problems even though the answers are in the book - to
make you not only know to use it, but know to understand it.
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Re: C flame (was: FS/OS in schools)

2003-06-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
AM and many other universities teach Scheme in their introduction
AM to CS classes. Scheme has garbage collection, no pointer
AM arithmetics, unboundedly

Well, I personally never understood how anybody can use, let alone like, a
language that has '(' and ')' as it's only syntax and I personally think
it's an assembler for people with twisted minds - so I cannot
wholehertedly support or even reasonably evaluate the usefulness of
teaching Scheme to the beginners.

AM (is that a word?) big integers/fractions. Heck, even arrays in

No big deal. My second (the first was Basic, obviously) programming
language was one that could easily calculate 100! without resorting to any
special algorithms or libraries. :) Actually, with existance of GNU GMP,
any language can do this now ;)
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Re: C flame (was: FS/OS in schools)

2003-06-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
AM The main change since JDK1.1 was the clean and fairly complete
AM Collections framework in JDK 1.2, but that's of course not a
AM language change (although it's much more important than scrictfp
AM or assert).

It definitely is. Standard Java library is a part of Java language
package, as well as libc is a part of C and STL is now, AFAIK, part of
Imagine you write program using new collections and intend to ship it to a
client. What do you ask him? Do you have Java 1.1 or Java 1.2. That's
the trick.

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Re: FS/OS in schools: why don't *they* tell us what they want?

2003-06-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
 Seriously - the average person in the street isn't aware about the
 alternatives. The standard costs the tax payers a lot of money and
 locks out the competition. This is what brought us to the current

Government decision that all schools should use OpenOffice would also cost
the taxpayers (maybe less) and lock out the competition. The only visible
difference is that we win and they lose. That's OK, but speaking in
these terms and speaking about public benefit and freedom in the same time
doesn't sit well.

 Microsoft seems to DO have the us vs. them mentality, as you put it. They

They have to. Otherwise the shareholders would sue them :)

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Re: [OT] BEOS IS ALIVE!!!!1!

2003-06-03 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
GD with the RedHat 9), the Windows NT/2K/XP/2K3 has better security
GD and scheduling (Though performance is impressive)

Windows security is a funny thing. It is so good almost no one
understands/uses it :) I mean, certainly, using it like it was intended.

GD In short, the Win32API is impressive... but the OSs that use it
GD are *not*. (Again being polite and all)

I heard from someone once working in MS that it suffers from the same
problem you just have outlined - bloat (a lot of unneeded things,
duplication, etc.) and clumsyness. I, not being MS Internals pro, can not
confirm or deny that, but I tend to believe.
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Re: [Fwd: BSA Accuses OpenOffice ftp sites of piracy]

2003-03-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
EB Whatever I think about IP laws, I can't escape the bare fact
EB that KWord violates quite a few of them.

When _I_ think about IP laws, I can't help thinking it is basically wrong
to give people ownership of ideas. This concept have gone way too far. If
someone discovered the fact that humans like menues on top of the text and
not on the bottom - why he should own this fact? How at all one can own a
But leaving that aside - I do not believe Microsoft may make move as
stupid as to claim unique ownership on common windows look-n-feel. In the
meantime they always did exactly the opposite - promoted the common lf so
that as many applications as possible would look similiar on windows.
The reason, of course, is simple - to attract developers and users. Now,
it would be very weird if any law would allow anyone to have MS-like lf
as long as it runs on MS OS, but made the same code illegal as soon as it
uses any other OS to load. Do you know about such a law?

EB First and foremost, the fact that open source programmers see MS
EB applications as a model to imitate. This applies for many GUI
EB applications that we see lately: They smell MS without being MS.
EB (GNOME  KDE included)

Well, Windows XP smells KDE without being KDE. Not that I like wither
XP or KDE too much, but I can't help thinking of similiarity :)

EB Linux and GNU has the vast advantage, that it doesn't have to be
EB popular to survive, so we can do things the Right way. Why are

Yeah, yeah. I know one project that does OS the right way for how long?
Twenty years? Anybody used that OS? Anybody did something productive on
it? Can I use it as my home OS? My workplace OS?
Face the reality - to survive and prosper, the project *has* to have
strong backup by either money or public - and it better to be both.

EB And the other sad thing, is that Linux is risking its legitimate
EB status by offending laws of intellectual property. And for no
EB reason at all.

If anyone is stupid enough to link Linux 'legitimate status', whatever
this could be, to the fact that some program looks like some other
program - I really could not care less what this dude thinks about Linux -
or anything else, for that matter.
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Re: works

2003-03-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
NH Yes. Bank Leumi is the worst as far as I'm concerned.

What is funny - once it was the best. But it looks like some greedy
site-forge managers were in need of some cash so that they succeeded to
convince BL people that they need to break perfectly working system and
erect in its place another one that has exactly the same function with one
difference - it uses a lot of weird Javascript (which, of course, makes it
more expensive - if plain HTML page is $10, Javascript-enabled Web
solution can be already a $100 or $500...) and doesn't work in many
browsers. Win for the said site-forge, lose for us poor linuxers...

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Re: Browsers, compatility, and price

2003-03-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
NH I want every link in the page to be an HTML A HREF= What do you
NH think will happen? They'll increase their price? I seriously doubt that.
NH Their work will actually become easier!

No, but it'd have to become cheaper! You can't anymore charge for
sophisticated link direction system, only for plain HTML. And HTML is
cheap and not a buzzword anymore. That's why flash front pages are so
popular - you can charge for flash much more than for simple pictures with
HTML links!

NH are supposed to go out and see in the cinema), so if the people
NH in charge there asked for cute features like sophisticated
NH Javascripts - they completely didn't understand the job they
NH were asked to do.

Here you got to the root of the problem on the Israeli web design market.
When the person responicble for the design of the major government or
financial organisation says you the site is dull and suggests to add
more colors and a couple of animations - all you can do is either go
work in other business or think I'm going to have so much bad carma that
I would be lucky to be a worm in the next life and go and do it and to
hell with all freaks that would not like it. They don't pay your bills -
the bored site manager does.
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Re: [Fwd: BSA Accuses OpenOffice ftp sites of piracy]

2003-03-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
SF Mac OS9 is one of the best UI out there for your grandma. OSX does a

Maybe for grandma, I don't know, had no chance to ever teach my grandma
computers... But as for me, the mac OS appeared to me first very much
unusable. The concept of one application per system is rather confusing
- where are the others? What happened to them? Oh, I have to look at that
strange symbol on the screen to see them, thank you. The concept of
one-button mouse that has click, double click, triple click and long click
lacks only one brilliant idea - to remove the keyboard and replace it with
the Morse key. To avoid confusing users with a lot of buttons, of course.
And the magnificent modifier key with symbol on it that has no name and
impossible to describe without waving your hands and making faces and
saying phrases this thing that looks like whatever - you just will know
it's it because there's nothing else like this. That's so that the
imaginary grandma would have easier time - as we all know, grandmas are
illiterate and couldn't read if on the key there would be actually some
writing - so the designers decided to use the approach one sees in the
kindergartens - you, Mike, put your closes where there's an apple, and
you, Peter, put your closes where there's a dog. And to make life yet
easier, they invent own symbols so that nobody could effectively
communicate key sequences to strangers.

And so on, and so on - if you catch me in a good moment, I can go on for a
good hour on how the best GUI ever is only the best for one who was
trained to use it for years but is outright confusing and weird to anyone
looking from the outside.

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Re: Bork, Bork, Bork!

2003-02-17 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
IA Chillisoft attempted that (non-free), but the real answer comes from the
IA industry itself, statistics shown by the Zend guy at the IBM conference
IA (Doron whats-his-last-name) are that LAMP is much more popular on the

Doron Gerstel.
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Re: policy routing question

2003-02-17 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
gk and where is the definition of your 'adsl' routing table? there is no

If you mean for 'symbol' adsl - it's in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables.

gk 'adsl routing table' by default. perhaps you forgot to add 'adsl'
gk somewhere in the 'ip ro add' command? something like:
gk ip ro add default table adsl via PPP-host dev ppp0

Yes, that's what I did. I mean, I did not forget - this is the command I
used to set conditional default route. That's why packets went through
ppp0 and not through global default. The problem is that the packets
going in don't work as intended, only ones going out.

gk ofcourse it does - after all, your default route for the default routing
gk table is set to go via ppp0 - thus, _All_ your traffic will be going out

No, it is not. The global default route is through eth0. Sorry for
forgetting to mention it.

gk via that interface. this, while the incoming data is defined to go
gk according to routing table 'adsl', which was not defined.

It is defined. That's why the packets go out through ppp0 - otherwise
they would go out through eth0 - just as other ones which do not match
firewall mark rule. I wish it was as simple as that...

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policy routing question

2003-02-14 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
I have rather strange problem with routing on Linux. The host in question
is 2.2.19. It is connected to Frame Relay and ADSL (eth0 and ppp0
interfaces, accordingly). The intranet is on eth1, all connections outside
are masqueraded.

What I want to do is to make requests to port 80 go to ADSL and all other
things got to FR. Manual suggest following setup:

ipchains rule along the lines:
ipchains -A input -s 80 -i eth1 -m 1 and eth1 being the intranet addresses and interface, and then
iproute setup:

ip ru add fwmark 1 lookup adsl
ip ro add default via PPP-host dev ppp0

The problem is that the setup doesn't work, and in a very weird way. The
packet from inside gets out through ppp0, as intended, gets MASQed, is
sent out, the responce from the host comes in, goes through the input
firewall chain, is accepted - and _disappears_. It does not come to the
output chain. Somehow seems that the packet is not demasqueraded, though
the entry in the masquerade table for this port/host exists.
If I set up the unconditional route (i.e., not via the iproute2 table
rules, but as host route or default route) - everything works OK. Packets
travel through the firewall and masquerading without any problem. The
tcpdump and firewall report look exactly the same as in the above case -
but this time the return packet gets demasqueraded successfully and gets
output to the intranet interface. If I switch back to conditional rule -
return packets are disappearing again.

Does anyone has any idea what might be the problem here? Does anyone has
any experience with such setups (web connections go through one
interface, all other connections go through another) - maybe I just went
the wrong way?

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Re: Multiple instances

2003-01-31 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
MM 4. buy vmware
MMPros: extended hardware simulation(scsi,...), multiple instance.
MMCons: the host and guest distros are limited. ( I wanted to try
MM debian,slackware)

What's the problem to run Debian on Slack on vmware? I have run three
different debians on vmware and had no problems ever. Don't know about
slackware, but I see no problem either. If you need more than 3-4 OSes
and you have the budget (note that you will also need more powerful
machine if you intend to run X on guest machine) for VMware - I would
definitely recommend this solution.
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Re: OT: Net Loss of $100000000000 to AOL for 2002

2003-01-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
OG It was a loss in one trading day. If you were to buy (the whole of)
OG Intel in the morning and sell it in the evening you would have lost 91
OG billion dollars (wrong, of course - you would be a market maker for
OG Intel then). Think what you may of stock prices, they reflect what
OG the markets think of how much a company is worth, which is just about
OG the only half-reasonable notion of value there is. I did not quite
OG understand the they decided in what you wrote - they do not decide
OG what their stock is worth.

That is not what happened with AOL-TW. From my limited understanding of
accounting what happened is that AOL-TW owns a number of other companies,
like AOL per se, cable companies, etc., etc.  Each of these companies has
value (which in most cases to certains degree immaterial and given to
various valuations and disagreement, as true value is only known when the
thing is sold and that's only the value for that sale) that is represented
in 'assets' in their balance sheets. Now let's suppose one of the
companies lose its value, either because of stock fall or just because,
for example, research that was considered as promising (and thus listed in
'assets') was declared as failed (and thus has zero value and has to be
removed from 'assets'). The value of the 'assets' part of the balance
sheet is decreased. Accordingly, the other part of balance sheet shoud
decrease too, and the part where it decreases is 'revenue'. That's what
happened to AOL-TW - it has to subtract from their assets about $45 last
quarter and some serious sums on previous quarters, which even with
positive operating revenues can lead to serious losses in the bottom line.
That also means somewhere at the past some of these sums were probably
listed as 'huge profits' of 'new economy dreadnought' and some managers
once received fat bonuses for them :)

Bottom line - these losses are not directly connected to AOL-TW stock
prices, though in part may be consequences of price drops for various

P.S. IANAA(ccountant) ;)
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Re: OT: Net Loss of $100000000000 to AOL for 2002

2003-01-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
gk btw, in israel, there is an attempt now to pass a decision that
gk will force public copanies to value their holdings in other
gk companies based on the stock price (its called Teken 15 by the
gk people dealing with this) in order to avoid situations such as
gk when Kur wrote E.C.I's value in its books, as being about 4
gk times their value in the stock market, after the change was not
gk realy temporary.

As I understood from casually reading Maariv yesteday by chance, this
effort has mostly failed for now, but people interested in it do not
intend to give up.
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Re: spam mail filter

2003-01-25 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
DH  M!--lvPVVE--y n!--lvPVVE--am!--lvPVVE--e i!--lvPVVE--s Rimma,BR
DH  etc. etc.
DH A dumb question. Do you take any measures against the sender of such a spam
DH message like complaining to authorities ?

No. As I mentioned, I have about 50 (low spam day) to 100 (spammer carnage
day) spams per day. Complaining about each of them would take too much
time, especially that most of the complaints, by my experience, in the
best case would lead to closing spammer account - which is not a
punishment even if it was the paid account, since the account price is
anyway included in the spam distribution costs (and is about $10 anyway)
and the spammer knows beforehand that the account will be closed. For free
mail account, it doesn't even cost him a dime. Before you ask, no, I don't
know the solution, so I do what I can - I protect myself.

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Re: spam mail filter

2003-01-25 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
DV OTOH, what we could do, is that after we confirm it's spam (my
DV MUA simply files it automatically away. The folder is emptied
DV with the trash folder), the mail could be forwarded to some
DV central authority, for further use in making life hard for the
DV originating spammers.

Well, if there were such autority and it would be effective enough to be
of any use and selective enough to distinguish between someone who I
don't know sent me a spam and I subscribed to commercial mailing list
but forgot about this and now I think it's a spam - it would be nice. But
I personally doubt this is possible even in theory, let alone in practice.

And I let alone the question of trust, which would inevitable arise - look
at the spam blockers battles where whole networks landed in the
blackhole lists just because somebody's egos and personal views on how to
deal with spam clashed.
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Re: spam mail filter

2003-01-25 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
DH  Are you kidding? this would -
DH  Of course, the problem is someone would have to BE this
DH  central authority, and we'd have to trust it not to misuse all of our
DH  addresses...
DH What about spamcop:

I once tried to understand how they are filtering the mail and what
exactly are their procedures from both sides - i.e., what algorithms they
use to filter mail? How can I configure it? What they do on spam complain
(that one I know - they send mail something like 'someone reported your
mail as spam' to the apparent source - which works like charm to annoy
maintainers of legitimate commercial mailing lists and would not bother
any hardcore spammer since they forge their headers or use throw-away
accounts on ISPs with overloaded triple-automated abuse@ addresses)? How
do they resolve conflicts and what is their position on various
op-in/opt-out/double-opt-in issues? I could not find any information on
this. Probably I didn't look hard enough - or they didn't work hard enough
to make their info accessible. And without this info I don't see in them
any added value to my personal filter.

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Re: spam mail filter

2003-01-24 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
EL what about that new statistical spam filter(using bassian alg)
EL did anyone try it out?

If you mean bayesian filters like bogofilter, I'm using it (bogofilter) at
home and at work and so do a number of my colleaugues and the results are
rather satisfying. The downside of the filter is that it requires training
- it took me about a week to train it to level where I was satisfied,
though it started to give tolerable results immediately, because I had
large arvhives of both legitimate mail and spam (don't ask me why I was
archiving spam, I don't really know, but it came handy).
For now, it has no more than one-two false negatives per day (daily spam
amount is about 50 to 100 items, daily mail amount about 400-500 mails)
and usually not more than one false positive per day, which usually
is non-routine mail (i.e., not from lists or people you are
communicating with frequently) and something that 'looks like' spam (e.g.,
has a lot of HTML, 'spam' words, etc.). This means you still have to skim
over the spam folder about once a day or to employ some additional
mechanism. But I find the results of using bogofilter highly satisfying.

However, this kind of filter seems to be rather for personal use - because
if I would pass our sales/marketing communication through my database as
it is now, a lot of legitimate mails would end up in 'spam' bin, since
they talk exactly about the same things that many spams talk - prices,
sales, discounts, commercial opportunity of your lifes, etc. So
statistics of different person to what should be considered spam is very
different and this filter has to be personally tuned. This makes it not
very suitable to company-wide deployment, for example - though I see that
on the bogofilter list people are talking about this and may come to some
good solution.
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Re: spam mail filter

2003-01-24 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
DV you don't get non-spam html comments, eventually !-- and --! will be
DV considered strong indicators to spam, and that's it, they're filtered.
DV That the learning in the filter.

Here I have an example - a spam looking like:

M!--lvPVVE--y n!--lvPVVE--am!--lvPVVE--e i!--lvPVVE--s Rimma,BR
etc. etc.

just landed in my spam box today. My bogofilter spam filter killed it, I
even don't know what exactly it didn't like. Maybe it was server name or
HTML or from address or something else. The beauty of it is that I don't
care - it did its job.
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RE: Mila Tova on Bank Leumi site and linux/mozilla client

2002-12-27 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
BA Discriminators are users. Customer (Leumi in this case) looking
BA at Browser Statistics won't pay money on customization for
BA Netscape+Mozilla.  If you and all your friends will browse about

I'm already paying money as BLL client. Part of these money is website
budget. Just website users for some reason still do not account as
customers that require service... Sad.

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Re: mozilla 0.9.2

2001-07-06 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

IK See this bug for more info:

Well, I guess people that want it should vote for this bug...

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Re: mozilla 0.9.2

2001-07-05 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

EL Actualy we don't owe them anything mozilla might has been a nice project
EL but seriously.
EL konqurer and opera are doing much better job

Very debatable claim.

EL opera might not be complitly free but it's the best linux browser I saw so
EL far it doesn't crash at all it's VERY fast and it's not over massive work

Well, s/doesn't crash/didn't crash for me/. Because I saw it crash
many times. And Opera is by far not the best browser. It doesn't support
non-english languages in any sane manner, for instance. This one is enough
to rule out any serious use of it. Also, their DHTML support seems to be
lacking - a lot of scripts that worked with Mozilla, MSIE  Netscape do
not work with Opera. Yet another reason to drop it.

EL like konqurer (which comes as part of the basic kde, they really learn
EL everything from ms) ro mozilla which has more and more useless modules
EL while not even being able to handle simple web pages without crashing

*bzzt* FUD alert! Which simple web page Mozilla can't handle without
crashing? Could you quote Bugzilla bug number that you submitted for this
Also, s/useless/ones that I do not use/. Because, you know, there are some
people that do use them.

As for Konqueror, I tried it once. It misrendered so many pages I tried
and also didn't have sane charset handling too. And last time I tried SSL
wasn't working either. Maybe for browsing me and my pussy cat home pages
it's OK, but for serious browsing it is way below the cutoff line.
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Re: mozilla 0.9.2

2001-07-05 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

EL If asked I'm sure they would add that feature.

Yeah, somewhere in this millennium. Thanks a lot, by this time my
grandchildren will read it for me, so I would not care then.

EL how about instead of saying opera lacking some features get
EL people who would but it (yea paying it's not that evil you know)
EL if they would add certain features, you would be suprised how
EL fast it would happen and how bug free it would be

yeah, yeah. I want to see this happening. How much should I pay to add
normal charsets support (this is while I have perfect implementation in
Mozilla for free?)
Look how much of HTML 4 they do not support. Do you think nobody required
them to support it? They just decided well, let's make this
quick-n-dirty. That's their right, but claiming that they have best
product on the market is a bit of overstatement.

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Re: MS prohibits licensees using open source as development tools?

2001-06-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

MT the Windows MSIE used to suck bigtime as well. theyv'e got the corporate
MT funding and manpower to improve it. and they will.

I do not believe that. Solaris MSIE was proof of concept product. It had
played it's purpose, there's no slightest reason to spend on it any more -
it will never be as good as the real MSIE, since the real power of MSIE in
is OS integration, component export and immediate availability. Nothing of
this will work with Solaris MSIE.

MT Probably a part of their .Net strategy, a transition to service
MT providing.  And dominating the *NIX web browser market it a

Microsoft doesn't need Unix market to exist. The less products will work
on Unix, the stronger will be the urge to move it to Windows. So simple.
They just wanted to show that they can make it on Unix if they wanted. But
I do not believe they want this market to flourish and to support it.
And this has nothing to do with .net, .net is just DCOM-on-steroids, so if
they wanted .net on Solaris, they would port the .net infrastructure,
starting with Visual and bytecode tools, and not the browser.

MT definite goal, since the browser is a key element in feeding
MT people with the information of their choice. (i.e, the recently
MT popular smart tags)

Smart tags technology was available from various providers for years. I
really don't understand this hype about it. Most people will turn it off,
like infamous office paperclip, and those who will indeed find any use of
it, will use it.
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2001-06-29 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

EL Hi, Is there any alternative program for SSH-win? and a free
EL program?

There's SecureCRT (not free) and there's some plugins to TeraTerm (don't
remember if it's free). I saw once a free command-line client, but not a
GUI one.

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Re: Re: MS prohibits licensees using open source as developmenttools?

2001-06-28 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

 I remember I saw it one, somehere... it's not a linux specific but

There's a version of MSIE for Solaris - that's what they call MSIE for
UNIX. I have yet to see one person that saw it (MSIE for Solaris) and
doesn't think it sucks big time.
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Re: Vgames

2001-05-13 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

OA True. also - a lot of scripts (which of course don't check for
OA browser support other then document.all vs. document.layers) use
OA document.all and no other IE specific extensions which isn't in
OA the DOM.

Well, these scripts are antic and will die out, as soon as Netscape 4 dies
out. And, obvious, these scripts are outright broken since they ignore W3C
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Re: Vgames

2001-05-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

IK As to KHTML (used by Konq), it's much more forgiving than Mozilla.
IK Heck, it implements a 'document.all' object (for IE compatibility)!

If it implements full MSIE DOM (including all properties and methods ans
stuff) it's cool. But somehow I doubt it. But if it does not, this only
means they do a great disservice for the users, because now this browser
is detected by all scripts as MSIE (while if it didn't support MSIE but
did support W3C DOM, it would be detected as W3C DOM browser) and all
scripts that have different versions for MSIE and W3C DOM (a lot of them)
try now to use MSIE version and fail miserably. It's very bad to
masquerade as supporting something unless you do support it 100%.
Actually, if you support W3C DOM, you don't need any document.all's, since
the former is the accepted standard, all current major browsers support it
and all serious DHTML makers know about it and support it.

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

TC Actually the latest news is that the newest nightly builds of mozilla
TC /should/ contain bidi support compiled in (haven't tried it yet. just read
TC a message in a newgroup).

Does this mean there's a chance 0.9.[12] will have BiDi in? Can I
already order wine and candies to celebrate? :)

TC Netscape 4.x is indeed a problematic browser, with hebrew and with other
TC issues. It has been under-developed for a couple of years now...

Calling this pile of crap problematic browser is a great mercy to it. It
never was out of beta. It's stability would make Microsoft BSOD division
blush. It's standard compliance never existed. And it has blink tag.

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

MR Unfortunately their site is rendered wrong in konqueror, but I'm
MR not sure which side is buggy.

I fear it's Konq. I saw a number of sites rendered OK with Mozilla but bad
with Konq. Or Mozilla is very forgiving (which rises aquestion why Konq
isn't), or Konq is buggy.
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Re: Another Semaphore question.

2001-05-06 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

gk not terribly good portability, according to
gk /usr/src/linux/Documentatino/mandatory.txt , for mandatory locks?
gk advisory locks can be used, but then you only have a single such lock
gk available per file. if you need to use several locks, you need to keep

What? You sure should use advisory ones, for if you thought about
semaphores, you are surely writing cooperative application. But advisory
lock can be set one per each _byte_ of the file, not one per file. And
since you are not limited by the filesize, this gives you, IIRC, about 4G
of locks per file. Each lock, though, wastes certain amount of kernel
memory, so you should not use all of them ;)

gk several files open, and since there's a limit on file descriptors per
gk process, this is not scaleable.

Frankly, how many locks do you need? Thousands? Billions? Most probably
two or three, really.

gk well, i'm not sure that usage of locks performs any file I/O (after all,

No, it does not. As for speed - this is very OS-dependant. I remember
seeing some numbers in Stevens, but I don't remember what they told. IIRC,
for Linux it's pretty much the same.

gk and sometimes get traversed - thus, if you have many locks active on a
gk single file, that'll be less efficient then using semaphores.

Well, that's true - but really,, how many apps except databases (where
semaphores are irrelevant anyway, since you need to lock real files) have
more than ten locks?
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Re: Another Semaphore question.

2001-05-06 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

OA I don't think its an option I have for the current
OA implementation - it's file IO, and should be much slower, right
OA ?

Wrong. Record locking has nothing to do with file I/O - it is done
entirely in memory.

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Re: Another Semaphore question.

2001-05-06 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

OA I'll think about, but I don't think I'll change from semaphores just yet.
OA I don't like the idea of creating temp files for locks, and I can't lock

Actually, cleaning temp file is by far easier than cleaning semaphore.
Especially if your app can be killed any moment.

OA against an existing file, since I sometimes need to create several
OA different locks in the same application, and w/o creating files, this
OA mechanism would need to be way too complicated.

Why? Create one file and lock bytes 1, 2 and 3. BTW, semaphores are much
more scarce resource than files - they are system-wide and defaults are
pretty low on them.

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Re: virtual pc for pc

2001-05-05 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

ML cares ?) each in its own VEnv on top of ME or 2000. Although the
ML price on macs is 70 $ for a PC DOS version, VPC for PCs will
ML cost... 299 $. I suppose the price tag will fall by the day.

VMWare WS costs exactly $299. Coincidence? :)

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Re: Another Semaphore question.

2001-05-04 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

 This is not a PROBLEM but a FEATURE. All Sys-V IPC (semaphores,
 message queues, shared memory) outlive their creators.

Wrong. Shared memory can be pre-deleted, so that it is removed when last
process is detached. Just like files. Semaphores can not. In fact, there's
no good way to insure that application cleans up its semaphores on exit.
If you know one, you are more than welcome to share.

 However, semaphore aren't being used just for Mutual-Exclusion problems.
 A classical counter example is producer-consumer that aren't running

Well, in fact in most cases sempahores are used for mutual exclusion or
usage control (something like does anyone uses this resource or can I
mess with it?). From my experience, file locks work way better in this

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Re: Another Semaphore question.

2001-05-03 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

OA One more semaphore question if you please - if I create a semaphoer set,
OA and then leave it lying around and exit the process - will it stay in the
OA system when no current process uses it ?

Yes. This is one of the problems with semaphores. BTW, why not using file
locking instead of it? It has much cleaner and richer semantics and almost
none of the problems semaphores have.

OA If so - what does it take to clear it from the system : loging out ? going
OA to runlevel 1 ? rebooting ?

Or you do RMID operation on it (btw, you can RMID used semaphore too, so
you will need to check if it's in use manually), or reboot.
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Re: Public NTP servers in Israel

2001-04-29 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

OG Can anyone point me to a list of public NTP servers in Israel. A

There's, and there are,
and I guess more, most of them uses I'm not sure about others,
but is public.

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Re: Public NTP servers in Israel

2001-04-29 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

AB  || stratum 2 | public
AB| | stratum 0/1   | only stratum 2
AB   servers

Seems that still allows connection to everybody. But then it's
better to use

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Re: bezeqint customers should now be able to access

2001-04-28 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

ABThis thread is a bit moot. TAU's policy stands, and that is
AB what we require for the free service we provide.

That's what I thought it is, right? We do it because we can, not because
it has any reason behind it... Well, you in are your own right, and
nobody will sue you because he's denied your service - as you rightly
pointed out, it's free and no contractual relationship exists between
users and TAU. But why some people on the list try to convince me it's
done because of security reasons? I see no single security reason, I see
two reasons here: it's our policy, and we are not going to change it and
we can do it, so we do.
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Re: bezeqint customers should now be able to access

2001-04-27 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

YR   I believe you're missing a crucial point. I believe that
YR wu-ftpd does not only verify that a certain IP address has a PTR
YR record, but it also ensures that the PTR's respective A record
YR is identical to the original IP address. The previous statement

So? That's why I wrote If I also own, you will never know what
happens. If I control both PTR and A records, I can match them on
whatever values I want. And, contrary to IP, these values don't have to be
meaningful - they just have to end on registered domain name - which I
control, so all your complaints you will be sending to the same person
that is responsible for your problems.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
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Re: bezeqint customers should now be able to access

2001-04-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

SK 530-  It seems your IP address isn't properly registered in
SK 530-the DNS - You must allow reverse DNS lookups.

What I can't get in this story - what is the meaning of this restriction?
Like, what for do you need reverse DNS? What it gives to you? Just to show
that you are security-tough guy or has it any practical meaning? If so,
what meaning?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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Re: bezeqint customers should now be able to access

2001-04-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

YR It provides a better audit trail. It is trivial to setup PTR records, and

Just how better? Why PTR (which can be easily faked) is better than
IP, which determines uniquely the offending host?

As for triviality, many things are trivial to do and yet it is not the
reason to require people to do them.

YR DNS admins should be clued enough to know that their configuration must be
YR consistent. When all IP addresses have PTR records the admin can determine
YR more quickly the possibly offending ISP. Yes, I know, I could query RIPE,

That's bull. For a small pay I can talk my ISP into giving control of PTR
to my hands. Then I can setup my DNS to resolve all my IPs into and now go and determine my ISP from that. If I was
smart enough to register on myself, you will never know who I
am from DNS records. On the contrary, IP blocks are assigned to ISPs and
by IP you _can_ determine my ISP very fast and efficiently.

YR but registrant information may not always lead to the desired person.

It will at least _always_ lead to my ISP, and at ISP, if it's cooperative,
you will find out who has bought the IP. If ISP is incooperative, reverse
DNS won't help you a bit anyway. They could just make reverse DNS to be
copy of the IP (most dialup providers do that, so you get as reverse for and you are back to square

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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Re: Zope programmer STILL needed.

2001-04-21 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

NSC On one hand you're holding the flag of open source and free
NSC code. And on the other hand, you're saying that uithout 300
NSC shekels an hour, you're not gonna get off your ass. You sound
NSC alot more like a Microsoft developer than a Linux developer.

That's bull. If you ask somebody to participate in OSS initiative, that's
one thing. If you ask somebody to be a paid employee, that's another
thing. I can donate some of my valuable time to worthy cause, like writing
OSS software, on the terms that I can do it whenever I want and whatever I
want and leave any moment. But that in no way means I want to work (be
employed) for free or will work on the wage that I consider not enough
compensation for my efforts. When I'm employed, I enter contractual
relationship and take on myself some responsibilities. It has nothing to
do with the fact that my employer gives away the product. Microsoft gives
away MSIE too, so do you expect MSIE team to have their wages halved
because of that?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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Re: Where is Marc's differential SCSI cable? (was: Re: Counterproductive posts.)

2001-04-15 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

OZ There is a separate mailing list for newbie questions, and the regular
OZ Linux-IL subscribers' time is too precious for clueless newbie questions.

Franskly speaking, I'm freaking stunned such a topic is discussed on the
list at such length, and with such an arguments. First, is this Linux-IL
or il.linux.personal.attitudes.suck.suck.suck? Shoud there be talking
about Linux or about attitudes of list members? This applies to me too
(self-LART will be deployed), obviously, but sometimes one just can't help
doing the wrong thing...

Second, if you time is so precious, why you do read and answer the list,
especially those silly newbie questions?  If you have time to teach
clueless newbie his manners, your time is obviously not so scarce as you
try to make everybody believe. And if you have time to discuss such topics
on the list, you probably just wasting your time this very moment.

OZ clueless newbies and those who respect the oldtimers' time - must be
OZ re-fought.  :-(

Here I clearly refuse to respect anyone based solely on the time of the
subscribtion on the list, or time of the first knowledge about any
particular software or any particular matter at all. To earn respect, one
needs more valuable basis that having list-uptime of years.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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Re: php IDE.

2001-03-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

EB Just started to write PHP and I cant find an IDE which
EB will give me good debugging capabilities (step, break
EB points ).
EB Anybody can recommend one to me ?

Zend IDE, but it's not free.
There's also a free one, which claims to support debugging (nexus?), but I
don't know how good is it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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Re: SUSE 7.1

2001-02-24 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

NM It's wrong because that's not the idea of linux, it ment to be a free
NM software.

Let's get it straight. Let's compare - how many hours of work did you
invest in Linux (as OS, trademark, concept, etc.) and how many SuSE people
did? After you make the balance, think again if you have any right on the
Earth to ask anything for free from SuSE or tell them what to do. They are
not your slaves to work for you for free. If they give _anything_ to you
for free, you should say "thank you", if they do not, you should say "oh,
I have to earn more money and buy it". Or just download Linux kernel from for free and start there.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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