Re: Bibtex bibliography

2008-03-31 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Julio Rojas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bob, Babel matters because the person asking the question seems to be
  french. Or at least he speaks french.
  Julio Rojas

Good to know. Thanks. Would be nice if the people posting would
clarify their needs. Also, if they would contribute once they post a
question to let us know if a solution worked or if they are having
further trouble. Since the poster hasn't responded to anything in this


Re: short title

2008-04-01 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 8:15 AM, zulu74 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  How can I activate short title in my menu? I cannot select it.

By inserting something into the document that would use the short
title. For instance a 'Figure Float' that has a caption but you would
like a shorter caption in the List of Figures.


Re: MiKTeX Problem Report: Permission denied

2008-04-01 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 7:34 AM, Ed Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  i'm new to LyX and am hoping someone can assist on a problem I'm having.
  On a fairly regular basis when I select the dvi button or the div update
  button Yap crashes and gives the message:
  MiKTeX Problem Report:
  Permission denied: C:\TEMP\lyx_tmpdir280a01160\lyx_tmpbuf1\my_file.dvi

  I recently updated MikTeX and am running the latest version of LyX on
  Windows XP Professional.

  Any suggestions are deeply appreciated 

  Thanks so much,

  Ed Sykes
  Sheridan College,

I'm sure one of the developers or more informed users will give a
reason why this is happening. It seems to me that you don't have
permissions to the folder or something similar.

You can change this temp folder under
Tools-Preferences-Paths-Temporary directory. Maybe to a folder you
*know* you have permissions to. For instance mine by default is set

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\

Windows seems to show strange behavior sometimes for no apparent reason.


Re: layout file for .tex files

2008-04-02 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Charlse Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed LyX via MacPorts and now have a newbie question for you

  I get following error message:

  ``The layout file requested by this document, article.layout, is not
 usable. This is probably because a LaTeX class or style file required by it
 is not available. See the Customization documentation for more information.
 LyX will not be able to produce output.''

  when I try to open a .tex file. What's going on and what are we talking

  $ uname -a
  Darwin Mac.loc 8.11.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.0: Wed Oct 10 18:26:00 PDT
 2007; root:xnu-792.24.17~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc

Sounds like you haven't installed a TeX distribution. The distribution
will contain article.cls which article.layout needs.

I don't know much about Mac stuff, but I thought MacTeX was a popular
option. I'm sure there are other ways. Actually, I just looked at
MacPorts and they have TeXLive (this is the prefered distribution for
Linux). You need to install TeXLive which is a TeX distribution.


Re: layout file for .tex files

2008-04-03 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 4:13 AM, Charlse Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It seems that I have textlive already installed.

  $ port installed | grep texlive
   texlive_base @2007_1 (active)
   texlive_texmf-minimal @2007_0 (active)

Before we try anything else. Open a shell as root and run 'texhash'
this should refresh the LaTeX package database. Then open LyX and run
Tools-Reconfigure and restart LyX, maybe run Reconfigure twice and
restart LyX. Do you still receive the error message?


Re: how to center chapter title?

2008-04-03 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Maksi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  snvv wrote:
   I'd like to center the chapter and bibliography titles of document class
   (memoir) or book in general.

  In Memoir, you can do this by writing your own chapter style or choosing a
  chapter style that fits your needs. Check this part of the LyX-wiki for more


This can also be done with the sectsty package (check out the
documentation). However, it is not compatible with memoir.



Re: MiKTeX Problem Report: Permission denied

2008-04-03 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Ed Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Bob,

  I appreciate you taking time for your suggestion.
  I've tried it but with no luck.
  I was wondering if someone could point me where to try to find the answer:
  is it a Windows thing?  is it MiKTeX thing or is it a LyX thing?

  Ed Sykes

I think this is a MiKTeX/Windows thing. The problem is this is strange
behavior for a fresh install. Did you have an internet connection open
when installing MiKTeX? Are you installing with an administrative
account? Installing just for you or everyone?

The first thing I would do is open an internet connection and 'update'
MiKTeX. If there are no updates then I would go to the MiKTeX
settings-General and 'Refresh FNDB' and 'Update Formats'. If you have
an 'always on' internet connection I would set the 'Package
installation' to 'Yes' install packages on-the-fly.

If none of this works, I would uninstall MiKTeX and LyX and reinstall
with LyX-1.5.4-1-Installer.exe (always helps to reboot Windows between
uninstall and reinstall). Be sure you have an open internet connection
and just accept the defaults for the installation of MiKTeX, the
settings can be changed after install.


Re: layout file for .tex files

2008-04-03 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Charlse Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Apr 3, 2008, at 8:40 AM, Bob Lounsbury wrote:

  On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 4:13 AM, Charlse Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   It seems that I have textlive already installed.
   $ port installed | grep texlive
   texlive_base @2007_1 (active)
   texlive_texmf-minimal @2007_0 (active)

  Before we try anything else. Open a shell as root and run 'texhash'
  this should refresh the LaTeX package database.

  $ sudo texhash
  texhash: Updating /opt/local/share/texmf/ls-R...
  texhash: Updating /opt/local/share/texmf-dist/ls-R...
  texhash: Updating /opt/local/share/texmf-var/ls-R...
  texhash: Done.

  Then open LyX and run
  Tools-Reconfigure and restart LyX, maybe run Reconfigure twice and
  restart LyX. Do you still receive the error message?


  I have Tools-TeX Information here and then `LaTex classes' `Latex styles'
 `BibTex styles'. I Rescan them all (twice).
  And also LyX-Reconfigure which I did and then it asked me to restart the

  Same error message pops-up!

  Here is the file that I am trying to open:

In LyX Document-Settings-Document Class does 'article' show as
'Unavailable: article'? If so then either you don't have 'article.cls'
installed on your computer through the texlive packages or LyX is not
recognizing the path to texmf* folders.

If you have article.cls installed in one of the
/opt/local/share/texmf* directories then the path needs to be added to
Tools-Preferences-Paths-PATH prefix so that LyX will recognize the
files installed there. You should just need to add /opt/local/share to
the list of paths separated by a semi-colon and then reconfigure LyX.


Re: layout file for .tex files

2008-04-03 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Charlse Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In Lyx-Preference-Paths-PATH prefix I have

That's the problem then. You need to add the path to your paths :-}.
So that LyX knows where all your LaTeX stuff is.

This is what the LyX wiki says,

To use other implementations of teTeX which do not install the
binaries in /usr/texbin,
/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current, /sw/bin,
/opt/local/teTeX/bin, or /usr/local/bin, either link the teTeX
binaries to one of those directories, or add the PATH of your teTeX
binaries to the PATH prefix field in LyX - Preferences - Paths.

I'm not exactly positive what path you need to add which would
correspond to the teTeX binaries. I would just do a trial and error.
First, just add /opt/local/share and then Reconfigure LyX and see if
Document-Settings-Document Class has changed to available. Bennett
is the Mac expert but he hasn't responded yet. I'm sure he would have
a more sophisticated approach.


Re: Best approach to using lyx with a university provided style file?

2008-04-03 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:58 AM, B. Bogart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm happy that I've been able to get something to work at all, but how
  can I use the proper style in LyX directly without having to manually
  edit the tex file after exporting?

  Why does the \maketitle command get added when I import the tex?

  Why does output bail on the \qualification{} commands?

  Why does the output of the document using the layout that uses the
  thesis style file not generate output that resembles the sample file?

  Thanks for your time,
  B. Bogart

Well, I looked at your bbtest.tex file and the first thing I noticed
is that it calls for report.cls. So you should create a
sfuthesis.layout based on report not article.

Anyways, when you insert a title or author field in LyX it
automatically inserts a '\maketitle' command but your bbtest.tex does
not do this.

Long story short. Inserting '\renewcommand\maketitle{}' in the
preamble of bbtest.tex eliminated the errors in the file and produced
good output.


Re: layout file for .tex files

2008-04-04 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Bennett Helm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 6:30 AM, Charlse Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  $ which latex
  no latex in ~/WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts /usr/local/bin
 ~/Documents/scripts/ /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin
 /sbin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin
  $ port info lyx
  Library Dependencies: qt4-mac, texlive, ImageMagick, python25
  Am I missing latex? And if so, where do I get it from?

 It certainly looks as though you're missing it. (My guess is that if you
 installed it via macports, it would be in /opt/local somewhere. It used to
 be in /opt/local/teTeX/bin, but maybe with a switch to TeXlive, that's
 changed to -- guessing here -- /opt/local/texlive/bin. If so, it looks as
 though macports failed to set up your paths properly.)

 If you really don't have a TeX installation, I'd recommend getting MacTeX


Isn't there a way to add a PATH to the 'which latex' variable? I'm
pretty sure that Charlse has TeX through the macports TeXlive packages
because of this (that he posted):

$ sudo texhash
texhash: Updating /opt/local/share/texmf/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /opt/local/share/texmf-dist/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /opt/local/share/texmf-var/ls-R...
texhash: Done.

And this (now there is a macports texlive_full package if you have space):

$ port installed | grep texlive
 texlive_base @2007_1 (active)
 texlive_texmf-minimal @2007_0 (active)

And this (so I think the needed LaTeX packages are available):


It just seems to me that TeXlive has changed their paths and that
hasn't affected the system properly (I'm a little oblivious to path
stuff :-}).

Does running 'latex' on a '.tex' file work in a shell? Even if it
doesn't I think TeX is installed and Charlse only needs to add
/opt/local/share to his LyX paths and LyX will work even if straight
latex doesn't. Which brings me back to my first question isn't there
a way to add /opt/local/share to the 'which latex' PATH? Since I think
his TeX distribution is fine.


Re: figure-number in list of figures

2008-04-04 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann
  how can I increase the distance between the figure-number and the figure
  legend in the list of figures?

  9.9 legend 1 is ok
  9.10 legend  is ok
  10.10legend 2 here I would like a space


The tocloft package will do this. I'm sure there are other ways.


Re: layout file for .tex files

2008-04-04 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Charlse Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  $ port info lyx | grep Dep

  Library Dependencies: qt4-mac, texlive, ImageMagick, python25

Since texlive is listed here, I would 'assume' that you need to
install the macports texlive package to complete the TeX install.


Re: Creating a personalised report template for furture use in Lyx

2008-04-04 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Stephen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Everybody,
Im a newbie to the Lyx.I had heard about
  Latex previously but hadnt been able to use one of
  that kind software before.I liked lyx and its mode of
  working.I decided to make my undergraduate project
  report in the same..But i faced a problem..

  In the default report template with lyx i want to make
  some changes,becoz our staff likes a different
  template itself.
  The main changes required are

  1.Every page should have header and footer
  a) Header: Project Name on top-left corner
   Page Number on top-right corner
  b) Footer: Name of Institution on bottom-left corner

Read Section 3.3 of Help-Extended Features.

  And some problems i face since I create the entire
  report in one document

  1.After i create the content page,i need the sections
  to restart their numbering what should i do?

After the Section heading where you want to restart the page numbering
enter in ERT:


where style can be:
* {arabic} Arabic numerals
* {roman} Lowercase roman numerals
* {Roman} Uppercase roman numerals
* {alph} Lowercase letters
* {Alph} Uppercase letters

  2.The chapter name should be written in a single
  page,then after that chapter name should also repeat
  at the top the comming page.

Insert a page break to have the chapter name on it's own page. For the
header stuff:

Read Section 3.3 of Help-Extended Features.

  3.I need to save these changes and create a template
  of my own so that i can distribute it to myfriends for
  their documents.How can i do that??

It's probably just easiest to create a minimal .lyx file to distribute.



Re: Best approach to using lyx with a university provided style file?

2008-04-04 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 5:51 PM, B. Bogart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Bob!

  Indeed I've got my thesis formatting fine now just after a little more
  tweaking and adding flags from the latex file into LyX. I suppose these
  could be removed by making a template for the various parts?

  So this fix just redefined maketitle to do nothing, correct?

This is my impression. When you generate a pdf/dvi it 'redefines' thus
eliminating the maketitle call in the file.

  Maybe a flag to change this could be nice in the future (in properties
  of a title perhaps?)

This would be a question for the developers. I just searched the LyX
mail archive and found that renew maketitle command, but there were
other people with similar issues so I agree it would be nice if there
were a 'switch' in the document settings to not use the \maketitle

This may be harder to implement than we know.

  Thanks for your help and getting me moving.

  B. Bogart


Re: Strange segfault of dvipost when compiling lyx file

2008-04-06 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 5:57 PM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  i'm getting strange segfault when compiling one particular lyx document.
  after some time i came to quite small attached example which display the 

  for compilation one needs elsevier article classes

  the log says:

  pplatex: Process input file a.dvi
  sh: line 1: 12668 Segmentation fault  pplatex 'a.tex'  /dev/null
  This is dvips(k) 5.95b Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software 
  ' TeX output 2008.04.07:0138' - cmmi8.pfbcmr12.pfbcmmib10.pfbcmmi12.pfb
  cmr8.pfbcmr10.pfb[1] [2]

  this seqfault happens in dvipost and when i run it manually with debug it
  ends with :
  Font 74: ecti1200---loaded at size 786432 DVI units
  1743: fntdef1 74: ecti1200
  1767: fnt1
  1769: setchar48 Segmentation fault

  can anybody confirm on some other tex install that attached dvi fails too?
  i dont have any idea what went wrong.


Here's my output from lyx while generating a .dvi of your example:

dvipng warning: at (-1,-1) ignored header \special{!userdict
begin/bop-hook{/isls false def/vsize 792 def/hsize 612 def}def end}.


Re: Strange segfault of dvipost when compiling lyx file

2008-04-07 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 3:29 AM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here's my output from lyx while generating a .dvi of your example:

  i guess you must generate postscript.

  what happens if you run: dvipost a.dvi ?

Sorry, I mis-read your post. I don't have dvipost installed and I
tried installing but it failed to build.

   dvipng warning: at (-1,-1) ignored header \special{!userdict
   begin/bop-hook{/isls false def/vsize 792 def/hsize 612 def}def end}.

  you have installed elsevier class, right? (without it the problem won't 

Yes, I have elsevier.


Re: multiplatform vector drawing program to use

2008-04-07 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 8:54 AM, Oscar Lopez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear lyxers

  I am starting a document project with a colleague using lyx. The goal is to
  obtain a big document of a technical course. My colleague uses the windows
  version of lyx and I use the linux version. At this initial stage we can 
  share simple documents.  Now we are concerned with the use of a common vector
  drawing program that can be used at both platforms. The main feature that we
  require is that the vector drawing program can annotate drawings with latex 
  formulae. I am quite satisfied with the current support of xfig at lyx using
  external material. However, as far as I know, xfig only runs at linux 
  therefore we are looking for an alternative program. Could anybody care to 
  us some recommendation? Any advice related to other aspects of such a project
  are also welcome.

  Thank you very much for all your help
  Best regards

It seems xfig can be installed under cygwin:

I also thought Inkscape was a popular vector graphics program that
runs on linux, mac, and windows (from what I've read it supports latex
math but I haven't used the program):


Re: Numbering of floats in appendices

2008-04-07 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 1:29 PM, David Hewitt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  How do you change the numbering of table and figure floats to include the
  appendix letter. E.g.,

  In Appendix A, I would like Table A1 rather than a continuous numbering
  system from the main text. I looked around at the appendix package and in
  the LyX Docs and came up empty.

  David Hewitt
  Research Fishery Biologist, USGS Klamath Falls Field Station (Oregon, USA)
  Student, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

If you enable the AMS math option in the document settings and then put:


in your appendix it puts the figures in an A.# format, but it doesn't
restart the numbering. If you put this in the preamble it would number
all figures per section but I'm assuming this is not what you're
looking for. Maybe someone else knows how to reset the numbering of


Re: installing memoir on lyx on vista/windows

2008-04-10 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Filippo Zangheri
   Sorry that was a poorly asked questions
   I read the some mail here and saw a suggesting to use the Mitek package 
   to install the memori package, but it says it is already installed.
   So When I go under  Document -- settings --Document Class
   and choose Unavailable:Book (memoir)
   it then says
   The layout file requested by this document, memoir,layout is no usable. 
 This is
   probably because a LaTeX class or style files  required by it is not 
   See Customization documentation for more information. Lyx will not be able 
   produce output.
   At this point, I truly get lost.
   Any help appreciated.

Go to Start-All Programs-MiKTeX version-Browse Packages and search
for memoir in the Name field. Click on memoir and click the + sign to
install. Then do a Tools-Reconfigure in LyX and all should be well.
Memoir should be 'available'.


Re: installing memoir on lyx on vista/windows

2008-04-10 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Bob Lounsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Filippo Zangheri
 Sorry that was a poorly asked questions
 I read the some mail here and saw a suggesting to use the Mitek package 
 to install the memori package, but it says it is already installed.
 So When I go under  Document -- settings --Document Class
 and choose Unavailable:Book (memoir)
 it then says

 The layout file requested by this document, memoir,layout is no 
 usable. This is
 probably because a LaTeX class or style files  required by it is not 
 See Customization documentation for more information. Lyx will not be 
 able to
 produce output.

 At this point, I truly get lost.

 Any help appreciated.

  Go to Start-All Programs-MiKTeX version-Browse Packages and search
  for memoir in the Name field. Click on memoir and click the + sign to
  install. Then do a Tools-Reconfigure in LyX and all should be well.
  Memoir should be 'available'.


Sorry, didn't fully read your last post. You said you already
installed memoir through the MiKTeX package manager.

Then you just need to do Tool-Reconfigure within LyX so that it
recognizes this newly installed package.


Re: installing memoir on lyx on vista/windows

2008-04-10 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 3:53 PM, gerardo arnaez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bob Lounsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Go to Start-All Programs-MiKTeX version-Browse Packages and search
 for memoir in the Name field. Click on memoir and click the + sign to
 install. Then do a Tools-Reconfigure in LyX and all should be well.
 Memoir should be 'available'.

  Then you just need to do Tool-Reconfigure within LyX so that it
   recognizes this newly installed package.

  That's strange. I was going to tell you that when i do a lyx reconfigure it 
  hangs there forever until I have to close the program, but when i just 
  it now seems available. strange.
  would this be a bug to report on vista?

No, I don't believe it's a bug. Sometimes (especially the first time)
you reconfigure LyX it can take quite awhile (you probably just
weren't quite patient enough :-}). I've had to wait upwards of 5min or
more. Sometimes restarting helps Windoze.


Re: Drawing graphs in lyx

2008-04-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 7:24 AM, Les Denham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 11 April 2008, Ola Vestad wrote:
   I'm preparing a presentation in lyx and want to draw a couple of (simple)
   graphs. I'm not a very advanced computer user so right now I'm making the
   presentation in lyx and drawing the graphs in Microsoft Word (!), and I
   plan to add them to the presentation as images afterwards.
   Is there a simpler way to do this? More specifically; is it possible to
   draw graphs directly in lyx?

  LyX does not have built-in graphing, but there are a number of easy-to-use
  tools out there which LyX supports very nicely.  Personally, I use Grace

  Unfortunately, it appears that installing Grace on Windows (which I assume is
  your OS) does not appear to be trivial.  I haven't tried it.

  However, the way you are doing it can work quite well, or at least as well as
  anything using MS Word (wouldn't Excel be better?).  If you can save the
  graph in a vector format that LyX can read (such as PDF or Postscript) the
  results will be better than saving it as a raster file.

  Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

There was an extensive discussion of vector drawing programs recently. See:


Re: delete label from equation

2008-04-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Neal Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to delete a label from an ams align.  It was somehow applied to
  the first equation of the set instead of the entire set.

  I can't seem to figure out any way to select the label to delete it.

  If I ever do, how can I make sure the label is attached to the whole set of
  (align) eqs, not just to one equation?

Edit-Math, Number this Line  Number whole Formula.


Re: Numbering paragraphs

2008-04-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Micha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to write a research proposal for my uni and the instructions say
  that the paragraphs should be numbered where the first number is the section

  Any way to do it in lyx/latex?


I'm confused?


Re: Numbering of floats in appendices

2008-04-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 3:42 PM, David Hewitt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How do you change the numbering of table and figure floats to include
appendix letter. E.g.,
In Appendix A, I would like Table A1 rather than a continuous numbering
system from the main text. I looked around at the appendix package and
the LyX Docs and came up empty.

  If you enable the AMS math option in the document settings and then put:
   in your appendix it puts the figures in an A.# format, but it doesn't
   restart the numbering. If you put this in the preamble it would number
   all figures per section but I'm assuming this is not what you're
   looking for. Maybe someone else knows how to reset the numbering of

  Paul Rubin knows. He provided the following solution, which worked like a
  charm. I also added it to the Wiki here:

  Insert the following in ERT somewhere inside the appendix before any floats
  (but in a standard paragraph, not in the Appendix section title):


  To do the same for Tables, just change the string figure to table in all
  three places.

  This changes the entries in the TOC correctly as well.

  David Hewitt
  Research Fishery Biologist, USGS Klamath Falls Field Station (Oregon, USA)
  Student, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
  View this message in context:

 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

I figured there was a way to restart the numbering. I just didn't take
the time to research it. It's great to have knowledgeable people like
Paul to answer these questions. They can save hours of research and
trial  error.

Incorporating Paul's approach with mine is another valid solution.


While enabling AMS math from Document-Settings-Math Options.


Re: LyX Make dynamic TOC on LyX using pdf

2008-04-16 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 7:47 AM, jucas_lo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, I'm a newbie on LyX and also a little bit newbie on LateX, just one
  question when making pdfs with it:

  How do you make the Table of Contents dinamic with LyX, with dynamic I just
  mean that you can click over an item and you will be automagically linked to
  the corresponding section on the document, and obviously the bar that you
  get at the left side in Adobe Reader where you have a shortcut to every
  chapter or section of your document

  I think that should be easy to solve but since I don't know very well how is
  this kind of TOC is called, I've not been able to find it on the docs
  provided by LyX or in the wiki.

  THanks in advance,

  have a good day
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

It's done with the hyperref package.


Re: toc numbers bleed into numbers

2008-04-18 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Chris Mahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my toc, the section and subsection numbers bleed into the text. Is there
  some easy fix somewhere?

  Chris Mahan
  cell 818.943.1850

Could you post a minimal example? I'm not quite following what the
problem is. I've attached a picture example of section down to
subsubsection numbering and I don't see any bleeding into the text.

attachment: Noname.jpg

Re: toc numbers bleed into numbers

2008-04-18 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Chris Mahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Uwe Stöhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Chris Mahan schrieb:
   In my toc, the section and subsection numbers bleed into the text. Is
   some easy fix somewhere?
  Add this to your document preamble:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@dottedtocline{2}{1.5em}{2.8em}}
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@dottedtocline{3}{4.3em}{3.6em}}
  It moved things around, but didn't fix.

 See the attached png.

 I'll look around at

 Chris Mahan
 cell 818.943.1850

Did Uwe's solution not work for you? If not, then yes the tocloft
package will work. Something like this (just adjust the 6em to
whatever works for you). Put this in the preamble.



Re: No indent in LOF, LOT and tables

2008-04-24 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 11:43 AM, NicoWinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm writing a thesis with scrartcl and want to clear the indent of LOF and
  LOT. I already read, that this is possible by setting the option listsleft
  of koma-script. But how can I set this option in LyX?

Document-Settings-Document Class-Options.

  The second Point is: I changed the LOF with following Command

  %Fügt Abbildung  vor die Nummern in der LOF





  \addcontentsline{\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  {\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  \csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] #3}\par \endgroup}


  (I know that it would have been easier using the tocloft-package, but
  anyway...) so that the LOF looks like:

  Abbildung 1
  Testabbildung..  2

  Abbildung 2  asödkfö  öalkdfj aölskdf...

  Does somebody know, how to insert : after the numberation?

You're right using the tocloft package would be easier and it's simple
to insert : with this package. I would just use tocloft.

  And last but not least: The tables I inserted do also hab a little indent.
  Is it possible to change that?

Setting listsleft modifies the lot also. Is this your question?

  Thanks for help!



Re: Table caption label customization

2008-04-25 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 8:38 AM, D. Zorig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

  I've read KOMA Script manual.  But I couldn't figure out how to customize
  table caption.
  Now I understand table caption consists of following four parts.
  1. Caption label
  2. Caption number
  3. Caption delimiter
  4. Caption text

  I want to leave figure captions as they are and change table captions to
  have right aligned Caption label with number but without delimiter and page
  break then centered caption text.
  \setcapindent*{xindent} produces page break and indentation.
  \renewcommand*{\captionformat}{~} gets rid of delimiter which was colon.
  \setcapwidth[justification]{width} is used to change caption text alignment.
  But I think it changes figure and table and I have set width each time.

  Please help me on this.
  Thank you in advance.

  Zorigtkhuu Davaanyam

Maybe someone else will have an answer on a way to alter figure and
table captions separately, but I'm unaware of any way to do this with
default koma-script options except as you're already doing by
specifying the options per table.

I would just use the caption package as it allows for separate options
for figures and tables. Read the caption package documentation for
koma-script related stuff. For me it turned out to be easier to just
use the default article/report/book classes and then use packages to
format things the way I wanted. Since, additional packages don't
conflict with the default classes.


Re: Again table caption issue

2008-04-28 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 9:29 PM, D. Zorig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

  I'm sorry to keep bothering with same issue.
  With help of Bob Lounsbury and Uwe Stoher, I have right aligned caption
  label and centered caption text in the next line with following code.




  But I couldn't change fonts of caption label to bold and caption text to
  slanted as it supposed to.
  I tried KOMA Script book class' own


  but couldn't get it change.
  It doesn't give any error just doesn't change font.
  I tried using regular book class but it didn't help.
  What could cause caption font being so stubborn?

  Thank you in advance
  Zorigtkhuu Davaanyam

Just use the caption package options. Add 'labelfont=bf' to:



Re: Author information in article class

2008-04-28 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 9:10 AM, econkramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  dear all,

  I would put specific author informations in a document class article, which
  by default does not have tools for some of this information.

  In particular, I would have in the author information the following:
  address, email, institution, keywords,url, and one newcommand called JEL.

  I have tried in inserting in the preamble some package of the amsart class
  and doing \address{} in the text, but I have returned the error undefined
  control sequence.

  Might you tell me how to insert the above information? I would use only the
  article class (no ams or other class)

  View this message in context:
  Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

I 'think' most on the list would agree that it's easier to manually
set-up this preliminary page rather than trying to use specific latex


Re: Author information in article class

2008-04-28 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Richard Heck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 econkramer wrote:

  but more important...what if i do not what - for instance - the ams
  but i want its environments, like address, email, and so forth? How might
  do? How might I type the commands?
  If you want these environments, then you have to use a document class that
 provides them, or else define them yourself using LaTeX and write a layout
 file for the new class or package. You might want to check out some of the
 other article classes, such as the koma-script article class, or the paper
 class, which do things a bit differently. And if you want to change aspects
 of the layout, you can use packages like titlesec to do so. Everything can
 be tweaked, but the tweaking usually involves LaTeX.


You can generally set these up just by entering the text and placing
the text with vertical or horizontal spacing. Vertical spacing can be
entered with Insert-Formatting-Vertical Space. Horizontal spacing
can be entered with Insert-Formatting-Horizontal Fill, which will
right align items (or evenly space them) or if you want a specific
amount of space use, in ERT, \hspace{1cm}. Just adjust everything to
your needs.

If I remember correctly the upcoming LyX 1.6.0 will allow for use of
other layout options with 'modules', but otherwise as Richard pointed
out this not easily accomplished or takes some work to accomplish.


Re: Thesis template in Lyx

2008-04-30 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I want to use Lyx to write my dissertation.  However, our university already
 provides a LaTex template (cls file) that has to be followed exactly.  What
 is the easiest way to use Lyx to write my dissertation?

If you want to use LyX it could get quite involved, but you can always
start slow and build up to see if it will work.

 (1)Should I try to create a layout file to use the latex cls file?  I
 have never created a Lyx layout file before so I don't know how difficult
 this is.  Any help on this or a if a tutorial exists on how to create a
 layout file for a cls file would be greatly appreciated.  I have attached
 the cls file.

The layout file is really just for LyX representation. I looked at
your .cls file and they use the report.cls so I just copied:

C:\Program Files\LyX15\Resources\layouts\report.layout
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\lyx15\layouts\report.layout

I then renamed report.layout to ufthesis.layout and changed the first line from:


And done. You now have a layout file for your ufthesis.cls file.

Next, you need to place the ufthesis.cls in your local texmf
directory. For me on XP with MiKTeX 2.6 this is located at:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.6\tex\latex

Then refresh the MiKTeX FNDB. In Start-All Programs-MiKTeX
2.6-Settings-General. After that you should start LyX and
Tools-Reconfigure (Important step). Then restart LyX and under
Document-Settings-Document Class you should see ufthesis and now
when you insert the toc, chapters, etc they should match the
formatting of the thesis when you export to pdf or dvi.

 (2)Should I try to import a sample Tex file the university provides into
 Lyx?  I tried to import it into Lyx but it failed.  Not sure what is going
 on.  I have attached the sample Tex file as well.

I was able to import the .tex with this new ufthesis.layout, but it
looks like it could be complicated. So, like I said you'll probably
want to start with a blank document and just modify it to match the
thesis requirements.

 I am not an advanced Lyx user so thank you very much in advance for the



Re: Thesis template in Lyx

2008-05-01 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you for your response.  When you say:

  So, like I said you'll probably want to start with a blank document and
 just modify it to match the thesis requirements.

 Do you mean that I should use the approach of creating the layout file like
 you suggested or just working with a blank report document.  If it is the
 latter approach, my only worry is that they have redefined so many of the
 latex settings (section, subsection, itemized list) that I would have to
 place ERT all over the document to get it to conform to their
 specifications.  Or am I misunderstanding this?  Thanks.



I just meant that I would not use the example.tex they gave. Yes, I
would use the layout file that I have described. I would just start a
blank document with the ufthesis.layout and begin.


Re: Error: Document class not available

2008-05-01 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Alberto Sánchez

  I have just installed the LyX (version 1.5.4) bundle for Windows XP.  
  installed successfully.  But now I cannot get LyX to produce any output at 
   I cannot even execute the first step of the tutorial, where you are asked to
  view a simple typed line in dvi.  When I press on the dvi button I get 
  following error message:

  LyX: Couldn't export file.  No information for exporting the format DVI.

  The same message appears when I attempt PDF or PS.  And when I try opening up
  any other file or template I get a variant of the following message:

  LyX: Document class not available.  The layout file requested by this 
  article.layout, is not usable.  This is probably because a LaTeX class or 
  file required by it is not available.  See the Customization documentation 
  more information.  LyX will not be able to produce output.

  I have scrolled through the Customization documentation but since I am new 
  all of this, I cannot find anything that seems to address my problem.

  Can anyone help me?


It sounds like MiKTeX was not properly installed. Did you have an open
internet connection during installation?

If it were me I would open an internet connection and try to update
MiKTeX. After it updates do a Tools-Reconfigure within LyX.


Re: slow typing in lyx-1.5.3

2008-05-06 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 8:33 AM, jos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Typing has become painfully slow after I upgraded from lyx-1.4.4 to lyx-1.5.3
  on a machine with fedora core 6: there's a very annoying delay between a
  keystroke and the appearance of the corresponding symbol on the screen.

  Because a rpm of lyx-1.5.4 is not available for fedora 6, I tried to create
  my own rpm from the lyx-1.5.4 sources (as described, a bit chaotically,
  However, I can't seem to get configure to understand where my qt4 libraries
  adding --with-qt4-dir=/usr/lib/qt4 to the configure command in the spec
  file, or setting the environment variables QTLIB or QT4LIB to /usr/lib/qt4
  doesn't help.

  Does anyone have an idea how to:
  - either get rid of the annoying typing delay in lyx-1.5.3
  - or what is wrong with my qt4
  ($ rpm -q qt4

  View this message in context:
  Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

I also experienced this 'slowness' on an old iBook with both Ubuntu
and Fedora. Two things help me.

1) LyX 1.5.3, this was much better than the other LyX 1.5* series
(doesn't seem to help you much, although Fedora in general was
extremely slow on my iBook (Debian, Gentoo, and Arch are much better))

2) My xorg was initially set to 24bit color with Ubuntu and Fedora and
changing it to 16bit helped immensely.


Re: Bogus responses to my posts

2008-05-06 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Les Denham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 06 May 2008, Steve Litt wrote:
   Since May 1, 2008, every time I post to, I get what
   looks like an autoresponder email from [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   telling me to check their FAQ and then if that doesn't help to submit a
   trouble ticket. Could someone please unsubscribe
   If worst comes to worst I can pipe everything from
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] to /dev/null, but I imagine this is a
   problem for more people than just me.
   I just emailed their sales department asking them to get rid of the
   autoresponder on mail from the LyX list.

  You too?  I thought it was just me getting them.  I'd suggest removing every
  address in the domain from the lyx-users list . . .


  Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

I'll second that! I'm tired of those messages.

Although they do only seem to come when replying to certain people not
necessarily just the LyX list.


Re: Bogus responses to my posts

2008-05-06 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Steve Litt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Or maybe we all set up our own autoresponders returning those messages to


Done :-}. Good idea.


Re: natbib.sty

2008-05-08 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Hassan Khater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Uwe for your kind advice.
 Now the problem is solved partially as the natbib package was successfully 
 installed but in the pdf output of my thesis,  references appear like that 
 [?] and are numbered at the Bibliography section.
 The natbib does not yet appear in the style list in the BibTex Bibliography.

Did you tell LyX to use natbib? Document-Settings-Bibliography,
Natbib and select your style either Author-year or Numerical.

There is no natbib bibliography style. There are styles like plainnat,
unsrtnat, and abbrvnat.


Re: Lyx in Windows - Trouble with the dictionary

2008-05-09 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Adman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all

 A friend of mine is trying to install LyX in windows, and asked me to post
 asking for instructions on where to download and how to install  configure
 the dictionary.  Can someone please point him in the correct direction?


 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Although, when installing LyX, Aspell should have been installed by
default and your friend should have been asked if he wanted to
download any dictionaries. Hence, it should all be working already.


Re: section title centered

2008-05-12 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 4:46 AM, Robert Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 stupid question, but I couldn't figure it out using the manual, I allways get

  I'm using titlesec and I just want my section*-title centered instead of the
  default left alignment.

  I use Lyx 1.37 with the document-class article.
  thanks Robert

I had trouble with the titlesec package also. I would just use the
sectsty package.


You can check the documentation for more options like:


So that the longer titles aren't indented.


Re: Lyx 1.5.3 not showing references from Jabref 2.3.1

2008-05-28 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 5:48 AM, vu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm using Lyx 1.5.3 and Jabref 2.3.1 on Ubuntu 8.04.

 I have been using Lyx for about 2 years now (since Ubuntu 6.04) and have
 very successfully written dozens of documents using Lyx, along with
 Pybliogapher and Jabref.

 However, since upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04 (fresh installation from CD), Lyx
 has not functioned properly. I can insert a bibliography, and I can insert
 references from that bib file. However, when I view PDF (or PS or DVI), the
 references show up as [?], and there is no bibliography.

 All of my settings are correct, and I've tried it with multiple
 combinations of document settings and bibliography settings.

 As I mentioned earlier, I've written many documents with Lyx, so I'm
 relatively familiar with the it. I love it, I can't live without it.

 Can anyone help? What's going on? I have a big essay due soon, so it's
 really bad timing!

 Thanks in advance.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

This sounds like it's going to be hard to diagnose and a little more
information would be helpful. Have you tried multiple .bib files? Are
you using the default bibliography manager or natbib or jurabib or
something else? What .bst file are you trying to use? Maybe you could
send a minimal example to the list for verification or diagnoses?


Re: Footnote without numbering (new)

2008-05-28 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 6:23 AM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Is there a way to enter footnote without the automatic numbering?  I think I 
 saw something in the archives but it was for Lyx version 1.1.6 and the 
 explanation was a little confusing.  Thank you.


 Change the world with e-mail. Join the i'm Initiative from Microsoft.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? You don't want automatic
numbering, but what do you want? There is an option for the footmisc
package that allows symbols rather than numbers. Is that sufficient?
See the attached .pdf.


Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: Lyx 1.5.3 not showing references from Jabref 2.3.1

2008-05-30 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 8:45 PM, vu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 rgheck wrote:

 Export the document to LaTeX and try compiling it manually. Report the
 error messages. It sounds to me as if either LyX or LaTeX isn't finding
 the .bib file, and there are various reasons this can happen.

 I did this, and the output in the terminal was as follows:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ bibtex CONS6017-Essay
 This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.5.6)
 The top-level auxiliary file: CONS6017-Essay.aux
 I couldn't open style file authordate1.bst
 ---line 3 of file CONS6017-Essay.aux
  : \bibstyle{authordate1
  :  }
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 I found no style file---while reading file CONS6017-Essay.aux
 (There were 2 error messages)

 I was using the .bst file authordate1, but I have tried using other .bst
 files (naturemag, authordate2) with the same result.

 Because the message said it was missing a style file, I tried using a
 different style file, one that was not part of the default Lyx installation
 (the same .bst files, authordate1, harvard, agsm). DOING THIS SOLVED THE

 I explored the /usr/share/texmf-texlive/bibtex/bst folder, which is where I
 assume the .bst files are located upon installation. I noticed many were
 missing (the ones I had a problem with initially).

 However, I'm perplexed as to why the .bst files included in the Lyx
 installation have disappeared. How to I return it back to its original
 state? Can I put the bst files I've downloaded from CTAN and elsewhere into
 the usr/.../bst folder, and if so, under which subdirectory (ams, babelbib,
 base, index, natbib)? Why have the Lyx bst files disappeared?
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

LyX doesn't install .bst or .cls or anything TeX related. It is solely
a frontend for TeX. In your case it is texlive that is installing
these files.

When you upgraded Ubuntu it more than likely overwrote your /usr/share
folder deleting all the files and putting the more 'up-to-date' files,
back into:


I'm pretty sure this is a system folder, hence it will be upgraded
when the system packages are upgraded. You should not be putting
your personal .bst files in a 'system' folder. They should be put in a
'local' folder such as /usr/local/ or wherever Ubuntu stores the local
texmf folder. There should also be a ~/.texmf-var folder, which is
where I put my custom  .bst and .cls files. I know my home folder will
not be touched during upgrades or reinstalls, etc. Especially since I
have /home on a separate partition :-}.


Re: Lyx-users mail server error

2008-05-30 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 12:03 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 29 May 2008, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

 I am trying to attach a example lyx file to ask a question.  But my
 messages keep getting rejected with the error below.  The example file is
 only 98K. Thanks.

 Please consider making a way smaller example.

 I agree. Please make the example much smaller. In fact, make it so small
 that it only contains precisely what you need to illustrate your problem.


 Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Why all the confusion? The original error message says:

Sorry, I don't accept messages larger than 6 bytes

If my math is correct (and I think it is :-}), 98K is greater than
60K. Your file needs to be less than 60K.


Re: Lyx-users mail server error

2008-05-30 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Guess my real question should have been: why such a small limit on the file
 size?  I suppose since it's a large distribution list that things would get
 problematic with very large files.  Just figured that 98K wasn't that

Correct. This is a distribution list which is archived so you could
begin to imagine the space requirements needed if multiple people sent
large files to the list. Hence, the size limitation. Even given the
decrease in storage prices :-}. You also have to remember that the LyX
software and mailing lists are free services (for the end users; us)
so I have no problem with these limitations. Actually, I am extremely
great full for them.


Re: Adding extra word to table of contents, in a particular spot

2008-05-30 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to add the word 'CHAPTER' the TOC of my thesis.  It should come after
 List of Tables, List of Figures and the Abstract listing before all my
 chapters.  I add the following line ERT after including the TOC, List of
 Tables, and List of Figures in Lyx:


 After this I have my Abstract.  The TOC now looks like this:

 List of Tables ...xx
 List of Figures...xx
 1 Chapter 1 Title ..xx

 However I want the word 'CHAPTER' to come after the 'Abstract' entry.  How
 can I force this to occur?  I have tried to put the ERT line after the
 Abstract but this moves the word CHAPTER after my first chapter title.
 Thank you.




after the abstract.


Re: Adding extra word to table of contents, in a particular spot

2008-05-30 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 6:33 PM, Bob Lounsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to add the word 'CHAPTER' the TOC of my thesis.  It should come after
 List of Tables, List of Figures and the Abstract listing before all my
 chapters.  I add the following line ERT after including the TOC, List of
 Tables, and List of Figures in Lyx:


 After this I have my Abstract.  The TOC now looks like this:

 List of Tables ...xx
 List of Figures...xx
 1 Chapter 1 Title ..xx

 However I want the word 'CHAPTER' to come after the 'Abstract' entry.  How
 can I force this to occur?  I have tried to put the ERT line after the
 Abstract but this moves the word CHAPTER after my first chapter title.
 Thank you.




 after the abstract.


I just realized that you probably didn't want the CHAPTER item to be
numbered. One way to fix that is to use the tocloft package. In the
Preamble insert:


Then edit the \addcontentsline to read:



Re: Adding extra word to table of contents, in a particular spot

2008-05-31 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Bob,

 Thank you very much for your help.  Sorry to bug everyone with these
 questions.  I only have a few more weeks to finish my thesis and I am
 determined to use Lyx to get it done :).  Not being a Lyx/Latex expert, the
 help I'm getting from this user group is invaluable.  If I can get all these
 issues fixed, I am will turn over a golden Lyx template to the university
 so lots of other students can benefit.

 I have another TOC question.  For some reason, the words 'Abstract', 'List
 of Tables' and 'List of Figures' are not in all-caps in the TOC.  Is there a
 way to force them to be in caps?  All the other first level titles are in
 caps as required.  I looked at the Lyx TOC setup and it only lets me choose
 the depth being displayed not the formatting.  Thank you again.


Just as an aside, this is a bottom posting mail list :-}.

I'm not sure if there is a way to 'force' these names to be in caps by
default, but there is a way to call them anything you like with
commands like:

\renewcommand\contentsname{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
\renewcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
\renewcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}

Although this puts the items in caps within the document and the toc.
Not sure if that's what you want. I'm also not sure what you're doing
to insert the lot, lof, and abstract into the toc in the first place,
which would play a role in all of this too.


Re: Adding extra word to table of contents, in a particular spot

2008-05-31 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Bob Lounsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Bob,

 Thank you very much for your help.  Sorry to bug everyone with these
 questions.  I only have a few more weeks to finish my thesis and I am
 determined to use Lyx to get it done :).  Not being a Lyx/Latex expert, the
 help I'm getting from this user group is invaluable.  If I can get all these
 issues fixed, I am will turn over a golden Lyx template to the university
 so lots of other students can benefit.

 I have another TOC question.  For some reason, the words 'Abstract', 'List
 of Tables' and 'List of Figures' are not in all-caps in the TOC.  Is there a
 way to force them to be in caps?  All the other first level titles are in
 caps as required.  I looked at the Lyx TOC setup and it only lets me choose
 the depth being displayed not the formatting.  Thank you again.


 Just as an aside, this is a bottom posting mail list :-}.

 I'm not sure if there is a way to 'force' these names to be in caps by
 default, but there is a way to call them anything you like with
 commands like:

 \renewcommand\contentsname{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
 \renewcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
 \renewcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}

 Although this puts the items in caps within the document and the toc.
 Not sure if that's what you want. I'm also not sure what you're doing
 to insert the lot, lof, and abstract into the toc in the first place,
 which would play a role in all of this too.


Oops, forgot to mention that you put these command within the body of
the document not in the preamble.


Re: Adding extra word to table of contents, in a particular spot

2008-05-31 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Bob Lounsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi Bob,
  Thank you very much for your help.  Sorry to bug everyone with these
  questions.  I only have a few more weeks to finish my thesis and I am
  determined to use Lyx to get it done :).  Not being a Lyx/Latex expert,
  help I'm getting from this user group is invaluable.  If I can get all
  issues fixed, I am will turn over a golden Lyx template to the
  so lots of other students can benefit.
  I have another TOC question.  For some reason, the words 'Abstract',
  of Tables' and 'List of Figures' are not in all-caps in the TOC.  Is
  there a
  way to force them to be in caps?  All the other first level titles are
  caps as required.  I looked at the Lyx TOC setup and it only lets me
  the depth being displayed not the formatting.  Thank you again.

 Just as an aside, this is a bottom posting mail list :-}.

 I'm not sure if there is a way to 'force' these names to be in caps by
 default, but there is a way to call them anything you like with
 commands like:

 \renewcommand\contentsname{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
 \renewcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
 \renewcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}

 Although this puts the items in caps within the document and the toc.
 Not sure if that's what you want. I'm also not sure what you're doing
 to insert the lot, lof, and abstract into the toc in the first place,
 which would play a role in all of this too.


 I have no idea why the abstract, lot, lof are in the TOC.  Our graduate
 school has all kinds of crazy formatting requirements and peculiarities :)!
 Everything as to be exactly matching to their specifications; otherwise,
 your thesis does not get accepted.

Yeah, I know all about trying to match universities theses formatting
requirements. I just finished my thesis last August :-}. It always
amazes me that all of these universities have these strict formatting
requirements and hundreds of students have created templates in one
way or another to follow the requirements, but most universities don't
provide students with templates. It just doesn't make any sense, if
they require it, they should provide templates. Instead thousands of
students fight and fight to format their theses. ???

Even though I experienced a fairly steep learning curve with LyX it
was still much much nicer to work with than M$ Word, which is what my
advisor wanted me to use. I said no :-}.


Re: Problems setting up LyX

2008-06-01 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 2:20 AM, RyanC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having a lot of general problems getting LyX set up Mepis 7 (binary
 compatible with Etch).

 I installed a 1.4 version via Synaptic, to resolve as many dependencies as
 possible. Then I uninstalled this version and installed 1.5.3 with Kpackage.

 I'm finding that I have lots of missing classes and layout files, no PDF or
 DVI functionality, problems with output, etc. I had tetex installed but then
 changed to texlive. I don't have it all installed but quite a lot (still on
 dial up at the moment).

 I search Synaptic for relevant PDF and DVI packages (no pdflatex) but
 there's not much that's intuitive.

 I'm sure I'm doing everything wrong. Any suggestions?

 Kind regards,

Once you have texlive fully installed. Run Tools-Reconfigure in LyX a
couple of times to see if it picks up the texlive installation.


Re: Subfigure caption spacing

2008-06-01 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am getting some weird spacing issues in my subfigure captions.  The
 spacing after the identifiers (a), (b), (c), etc. all seem to vary.  I have
 attached an example of the output as a pdf.   How can I fix this issue?
 Thank you.



You've been having a lot of different issues with what seems like an
LyX problem. Are you using a University provided .cls or .sty file?
This does not seem like the behavior from a standard LaTeX document
class. Generally, the subfigure captions would be justified and
hyphenated, but your subcaptions are not. ??


Re: How to stop Figure location broken when I open file in different computer?

2008-06-05 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 7:06 AM, Erez Yerushalmi

 Dear all,

 I don't seem to find the answer in the help file or in the forum, so I hope
 you can help me.

 I'm using LyX 1.5.5 on XP.
 I'm slowly building a larger and larger file and adding more and more

 Assume my figure is located in:

 C:/PHD/Notes on Dynamic GE/Diagrams/risk aversion.jpg

 LyX converts it to an EPS and dumps it in the same folder location as the
 original figure.
 Then LyX uses it, and everything is fine.

 The PROBLEM arrises when i take my file to a different computer, and the
 links obviously gets broken.
 I have been trying to keep the figure and the lyx file close together say:

 C:/PHD/Notes on Dynamic GE/Files/Notes v1.lyx

 I am looking for a way in which all I do is copy my work on a disk-on-key
 and open it in another computer, and the lyx file will know where to find
 the figure.

 Can anyone give me advice about this.

 Thanks a lot, Erez

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

I think the problem is that the lyx file and pictures need to be in
the same directory or the pictures in a subdirectory. This way LyX
will use relative paths otherwise how do expect the program to follow
your logic of where you are storing the files. Hence, LyX stores the
absolute path. To clarify, here's an example

Put your LyX files in:
C:/PHD/Notes on Dynamic GE/Files/Notes v1.lyx

Put your pictures in either:
C:/PHD/Notes on Dynamic GE/Files/risk aversion.jpg
C:/PHD/Notes on Dynamic GE/Files/Diagrams/risk aversion.jpg

The point is the pictures need to be at the same level or below the
LyX file for LyX to use a relative path.


Re: How to stop Figure location broken when I open file in different computer?

2008-06-05 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Erez Yerushalmi
 Hi bob,

 Thanks for this answer.

 But how do I write a relative path?

You don't. When you properly set up the file hierarchy as I described,
LyX does it for you. All you have to do is insert a picture and you'll
notice that the path is relative.

The problem is when you go outside of the hierarchy that contains your
LyX file, then LyX puts in an absolute path for you because that's its
only way to locate it. However, if you stay within the directory or
below the directory of the LyX file then LyX puts in a relative path
because it knows where the picture is relative to the lyx file. Hope
that made sense.

 I think that below you wrote in absolute.  Right?

No. That was just an example of how to set up the document paths (or
hierarchy) on your hard drive. It had nothing to do with LyX.


Re: floating text-wrap figures

2008-06-09 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:50 AM, James Sutherland
 I have noticed in LyX1.6.0 there is support for floating a text-wrap figure.
  However, given the bugs in the current release (see, I am still using 1.5.5.

 Does anyone know if there is a way to float a text-wrap figure in 1.5.5?



Does Insert-Float-Text Wrap Float not work? You can also look at
Help-Embedded Objects-Section 3.2.2 for more info, looks like you
would need to use the wrapfig package.


Re: floating text-wrap figures

2008-06-09 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:44 AM, James Sutherland
 Does Insert-Float-Text Wrap Float not work? You can also look at
 Help-Embedded Objects-Section 3.2.2 for more info, looks like you
 would need to use the wrapfig package.


 I have inserted the figure, but it doesn't float too well.  It seems to be
 pinned to the point of insertion.  See attached image.  In this case, a
 footnote runs through the figure.  Perhaps this is a problem/limitation with


Have you followed the advise in Help-Embedded Objects-Section 3.2.2?
I've copied the advise below:

Note: Text wrap float floats are fragile! E. g. having a figure too
close to the bottom of the page can mess things up in the way that the
float doesn't appear in the output or that it is placed over some
other text.

In general:

• Wrap floats should not be placed in paragraphs that run over a page
break. That means that wrap floats should better be inserted to the
exact place when the document is nearly finished and you are able to
estimate where page breaks will appear.

• Wrap floats should either be placed in an own paragraph before the
paragraph where they should wrap into or within a paragraph.

• Wrap floats in consecutive paragraphs may cause troubles, so assure
that there is a text paragraph between them as separator.

• Wrap floats are not allowed in section headings or tables.

It seems you may want to wait until your document is finished and then
adjust as necessary,


Re: Kudos for the website layout!

2008-06-09 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Andrés Becerra Sandoval

 As a regular LyX user I am delighted with the web site layout and the
 screencasts in the visual tour. This is great for the expansion of the
 LyX user base!

 kudos for all the contributors !


I'd like to second that!! I love sending prospective users to the
website now. It has been designed and written very well.

Thank you.


Re: Line spacing in author

2008-06-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:37 AM, Rune Schjellerup Philosof

 I'm trying to change the line spacing in the author environment (in a
 Lyx shows the change perfectly, but when I view it in pdf or dvi the line
 spacing setting is ignored.
 Even when I try to insert vertical spaces they are partly ignored.
 Actually the size of first vertical space in author is used for the second
 one, and no space is shown where the first one is.

 Also, try making the first one a VFill and the document won't compile.


From what I found on the internet, Authors should be added with the,
\and, command with the command being put in ERT. Also, using ERT line
breaks, \\, rather than the LyX ctrl-enter seems to work better for
me. I've attached an example.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Line spacing in author

2008-06-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Rune Schjellerup Philosof
 Bob Lounsbury skrev:

 On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:37 AM, Rune Schjellerup Philosof


 I'm trying to change the line spacing in the author environment (in a
 Lyx shows the change perfectly, but when I view it in pdf or dvi the line
 spacing setting is ignored.
 Even when I try to insert vertical spaces they are partly ignored.
 Actually the size of first vertical space in author is used for the
 one, and no space is shown where the first one is.

 Also, try making the first one a VFill and the document won't compile.

 From what I found on the internet, Authors should be added with the,
 \and, command with the command being put in ERT. Also, using ERT line
 breaks, \\, rather than the LyX ctrl-enter seems to work better for
 me. I've attached an example.

 I did not know that about \and.
 But that wasn't really what I was having trouble with.
 Also in your example, the spacing between the lines of the author name, and
 the university name is not double, as the paragraph has been set.


Ok. Then try this.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Line spacing in author

2008-06-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Rune Schjellerup Philosof
 Bob Lounsbury skrev:

 On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Rune Schjellerup Philosof

 Bob Lounsbury skrev:

 On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:37 AM, Rune Schjellerup Philosof

 I'm trying to change the line spacing in the author environment (in a
 Lyx shows the change perfectly, but when I view it in pdf or dvi the
 spacing setting is ignored.
 Even when I try to insert vertical spaces they are partly ignored.
 Actually the size of first vertical space in author is used for the
 one, and no space is shown where the first one is.

 Also, try making the first one a VFill and the document won't compile.

 From what I found on the internet, Authors should be added with the,
 \and, command with the command being put in ERT. Also, using ERT line
 breaks, \\, rather than the LyX ctrl-enter seems to work better for
 me. I've attached an example.

 I did not know that about \and.
 But that wasn't really what I was having trouble with.
 Also in your example, the spacing between the lines of the author name,
 the university name is not double, as the paragraph has been set.

 Ok. Then try this.

 Well, I forgot to tell, I actually don't want double spacing, but 1.5 or
 I guess I should report it as a bug.

Ok, now you're just being picky :-}. I don't think this is a bug, what
you are trying to do is not standard LaTeX formatting within an author

Anyways, I seem to have fixed the bug by using ctrl-enter at the
start of the next author rather than the end of the author.

See the attached example.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Line spacing in author

2008-06-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Rune Schjellerup Philosof
 Nice, the workaround seems to work.
 Anoying when LaTeX is so much worse at producing the desired result than
 And no errormessages, even though they probably wouldn't have made much
 sense, they rarely do.


I'm confused? It wasn't a workaround and neither LaTeX nor LyX is
annoying. Also, there were no error messages because it wasn't an
error, other than maybe user error.

What we learned was the proper way of formatting the entries in LyX
and hence LaTeX. LyX is nothing more than a gui frontend for LaTeX.
Both LaTeX and LyX produce the exact same result.

I've attached the example using ERT LaTeX commands to produce the
exact same result as what we've done with native LyX commands, which
are nothing more than a frontend to LaTeX commands. As you can see LyX
and LaTeX output are identical.

When you insert ctrl-enter in LyX you are actually inserting \\ in
the document. You can see this by using View-View Source that shows
you how your document is being formatted as you enter things in the
LyX WYSIWYG interface to LaTeX.

Hope that helps explain things. You have to insert the proper syntax
to get the proper output.


Re: Line spacing in author

2008-06-11 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Bob Lounsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Rune Schjellerup Philosof
 Nice, the workaround seems to work.
 Anoying when LaTeX is so much worse at producing the desired result than
 And no errormessages, even though they probably wouldn't have made much
 sense, they rarely do.


 I'm confused? It wasn't a workaround and neither LaTeX nor LyX is
 annoying. Also, there were no error messages because it wasn't an
 error, other than maybe user error.

 What we learned was the proper way of formatting the entries in LyX
 and hence LaTeX. LyX is nothing more than a gui frontend for LaTeX.
 Both LaTeX and LyX produce the exact same result.

 I've attached the example using ERT LaTeX commands to produce the
 exact same result as what we've done with native LyX commands, which
 are nothing more than a frontend to LaTeX commands. As you can see LyX
 and LaTeX output are identical.

 When you insert ctrl-enter in LyX you are actually inserting \\ in
 the document. You can see this by using View-View Source that shows
 you how your document is being formatted as you enter things in the
 LyX WYSIWYG interface to LaTeX.

 Hope that helps explain things. You have to insert the proper syntax
 to get the proper output.


Sorry, forgot the attachment.

Description: application/lyx

Re: printing letter size

2008-06-15 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am having some minor problems with my margin settings.  In the preamble I
 have the following line to make my document 1in margins throughout for
 letter size paper:

 However, when I export to PDF using dvipdfm I get pages that are closer to
 A4.  I read online that it may be necessary to pass the option -p letter
 to dvipdfm.  Is there a way to do this from Lyx or is there another work
 around?  Thank you.


The Document Settings default uses the geometry package (no need to
use the Preamble). Have you tried using the document settings?

1) Document-Settings-Page Layout-Paper Size-US letter.

2) Document-Settings-Page Margins-(Set as desired)


Re: Latex commands in math mode

2008-06-16 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 2:17 AM, Friedrich Hagedorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 how can I add real latex commands in the math mode? I use Lyx 1.5.1 for

 E.g. I want to insert a

  \intertext{blah blah}

 before a equation, or add


 after a euqation. I tried Ctrl-l and '\' but this didnt work.



A quick google search revealed that \intertext is used in the AMS math
environment. So you need to enable:

Document-Settings-Math Options-Use AMS math package

Then you should be able to use \intertext in at least the AMS 'align'
environment. You should probably research how and where this command
is used. AMS align is found under Insert-Math.

I've attached a few screenshots showing the use of \intertext. I'm not
sure why you would need to use \\[2em] in a math environment. I show
the use of it outside of the math environment.

attachment: Test1.jpgattachment: Test2.jpgattachment: Test3.jpg

Re: Latex commands in math mode

2008-06-16 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Friedrich Hagedorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 08:17:50AM -0600, Bob Lounsbury wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 2:17 AM, Friedrich Hagedorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  how can I add real latex commands in the math mode? I use Lyx 1.5.1 for
  E.g. I want to insert a
   \intertext{blah blah}
  before a equation, or add
  after a euqation. I tried Ctrl-l and '\' but this didnt work.

 A quick google search revealed that \intertext is used in the AMS math
 environment. So you need to enable:

 Document-Settings-Math Options-Use AMS math package

 Then you should be able to use \intertext in at least the AMS 'align'
 environment. You should probably research how and where this command
 is used. AMS align is found under Insert-Math.

 I've attached a few screenshots showing the use of \intertext.

 Oh, thanks. Is the and in the second screenshot typed with the \intertext
 command or are theire two seperate math mode environments?

This was using the \intertext command, not two seperate math mode environments.

 I'm not sure why you would need to use \\[2em] in a math environment.
 I show the use of it outside of the math environment.

 I know that. And i want to have the same possibility in the math mode.
 The \\[2em] was just an example (I need it some times ago in an array
 environment to correct the vertical spacing).

 I want to insert _arbitrary_ latex commands in the math mode. Otherwise
 I must type my equations in a latex-ERT box.

 Here is an other example.



  f(z)  :=z^{2}\\
  \intertext{with the substitution $z=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$}  =x^2+y^2
 is important.


 How would you input the \intertext command with lyx? I started with

  \{with and now I am out of the brackets.

It seems this \intertext command is not properly handled in LyX. I had
the same problem, when you press 'space' it jumps you out of the
command. You may want to file this as a bug or feature enhancement.
I'm not sure which it would be.

You may be stuck to ERT for this true AMS functionality.


Minipage not aligning to margin

2008-06-17 Thread Bob Lounsbury
Hi all,

Shouldn't using 100% textwidth in a minipage align the minipage box
with the page margins? A simple LyX Note/framed aligns properly to the
page margins or am I doing something wrong.

I've attached a simple example, along with a picture showing the
minipage box extending into the margin.


Description: application/lyx
attachment: Box-test.jpg

Re: Minipage not aligning to margin

2008-06-18 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 3:40 AM, Helge Hafting
 Bob Lounsbury wrote:

 Hi all,

 Shouldn't using 100% textwidth in a minipage align the minipage box
 with the page margins? A simple LyX Note/framed aligns properly to the
 page margins or am I doing something wrong.

 I've attached a simple example, along with a picture showing the
 minipage box extending into the margin.

 The minipage inside the frame has exactly the same width as the
 room between margins. You can verify that by putting

 A---horizontal fill---B
 inside the minipage.

 Put the same construct outside the minipage too, and see how
 the distance between A and B is the same in both cases.

 The problem is that the frame needs space too, some space for
 the lines and some space between line and contents so the
 lines doesn't touch the edges of the text. (The framing has
 internal margins)

 All this extra spacing is added outside the minipage, so the resulting
 framed box is then slightly wider than the minipage. And too big, if the
 is 100% of the space between margins.

 * Use a narrower box, and center the paragraph containing it so the box
  centers between the margins.
 * Use the framed note which seems to do what you want - except that
  it doesn't have that double border.
 * Figure out exactly how much widt the framing needs, and set the box width
  to whatever text widt minus framing spacing is. Cumbersome, especially
  you later change the type of framing.
 * Ask around in latex forums - perhaps a better solution exists. You may
  to use ERT to use them though.

 Helge Hafting


Thanks for the excellent description of how the minipage functions. It
shouldn't be a problem for me to just adjust the textwidth (framed
box) to fit the page margins as I am following some document
guidelines requiring a double border (so it shouldn't change in the


Re: How to update LyX 1.5.3 to 1.5.5 or higher

2008-06-18 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Waluyo Adi Siswanto
 I am using LyX 1.5.3 under Ubuntu(ME).
 How can I update to version 1.5.5 or higher, I could not find the update
 in Synaptic package manager. Is there any command that do the update
 directly to the LyX site.

 Could anyone help me..

Programs available under Synaptic are pre-compiled binaries by the
package maintainers for Ubuntu. The only way you'll get a higher
version is if the maintainers update the package version or provide an
updated package through the backports.

However, it's extremely easy to compile LyX yourself from source. Just
install (from Synaptic):

Then get the LyX 1.5.5 source and:
make install


If you want to maintain LyX 1.5.3 (and have two different versions of
LyX) then you would:
./configure --with-version-suffix=-1.5.5
make install


Re: How to update LyX 1.5.3 to 1.5.5 or higher

2008-06-19 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:29 PM, John McCabe-Dansted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Waluyo Adi Siswanto
 I have installed the packages you mentioned, except
 as I could not find it (from synaptic)

 It is probably easier just to do
   apt-get build-dep lyx
 on the terminal command line. This will get all packages Ubuntu needs
 to build lyx-1.5.3, which will almost certainly be the same as
 lyx-1.5.5. (and if not you can always get those individual packages
 the way Bob suggested.)

When compiling LyX from source, additional packages are needed to
obtain full functionality. The default binary installation
(Synaptic/apt-get) will not install these additional packages because
they are not required nor suggested.

Just wanted to clarify.


Re: Subfigure captions without parenthesis

2008-06-19 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 6:25 PM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to have subfigures labeled with a captial letter without
 parenthesis, i.e. 'A' instead of '(a)'.  Is there a way to insert some ERT
 that would accomplish this?  I tried to change the subfigure.sty by removing
 the '()' around the following two commands:


 But this has no effect when I designate a figure as subfigure in the Lyx
 dialog.  Thank you in advance for your help.


I don't think you need to modify subfigure.sty. I just put your:


in a document using article and book classes and it worked (changed
subfigure labels from (a) to A).


Re: Problems with LyX 1.5.5 after MAC OS X update

2008-06-20 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 1:56 PM, James Sutherland

 On Jun 20, 2008, at 12:37 PM, Antipas wrote:


 yeah I get the same problem as the other persons above. Gui stops loading
 and looks the same as on the screenshot by Nicola Focci. I´ve also trief
 added version by Bennett. It does not work.
 Lyx 1.5.4 is running fine, version 1.5.5 fails and also the 1.6 beta3 is
 working at all.

 I doubt it is an error introduced by MacOS 10.5.3 as I´m still using
 Therefore I think it´s obviously something wrong with lyx and the error is
 due to chances made in the step from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

 I don't see this on OSX 10.5.3.  I have LyX running on two Macs: a MacBook
 Pro and a MacBook.  Both were upgraded from LyX 1.5.4 without problems.


I no longer have OSX installed on my old iBook (OSX got bumped for
Ubuntu). Since some people are having problems and some are not. Could
there be an underlying issue with someones TeX installation? Maybe
some missing/corrupted fonts needed by LyX? I know when I was using
OSX there seemed to be at least three different ways to install a TeX
distribution and unlike Linux the packages needed by LyX were not
automatically installed.

Just trying to help troubleshoot. Wish I had solutions instead.


Re: Lyx crashes in Hardy Heron

2008-06-23 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 1:04 PM, elswood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have installed lyX 1.53 from the Ubuntu 8.4 repositories.  But it
 frequently crashes when accessing lyx document files on my computer.  Is
 this a bug that is fixed with lyX 1.55?  And how do I install it?  (It
 isn't in the repositories.)  If someone could let me know how to proceed
 I would be grateful.


I've just recently installed 8.04 so I cannot confirm or deny. I know
there were issues with newer qt4 packages and LyX. You could search
the archive for this info, if I remember correctly the fix was to
either downgrade qt4 or upgrade LyX.

To install LyX from source please reference this very recent post:


Re: Footnote without numbering (new)

2008-06-24 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 6:23 AM, Adrian Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Is there a way to enter footnote without the automatic numbering?  I think I 
 saw something in the archives but it was for Lyx version 1.1.6 and the 
 explanation was a little confusing.  Thank you.


 Change the world with e-mail. Join the i'm Initiative from Microsoft.

Just wanted to add that I found another way to eliminate the footnote
numbering. Taken from:

It does eliminate all footnote numbering so if you need some footnotes
numbered and some not it may take a fair amount of tweaking.

Just put (in the Preamble):



Re: LyX website displays incorrectly w/ Safari

2008-07-28 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Christian Ridderström
 On Mon, 28 Jul 2008, Jens Noeckel wrote:

  The correct URI should be

 I don't know how your server is set up, but relative addresses should
 always be fine, and even your intended approach should be doable:
 Everything should work fine if you leave out the domain, provided you
 _also_ leave out the http:/ (this would have been incorrect syntax in any
 case because of the missing second backslash). Then either make the path
 relative to the current page, or start with /farm/... to specify an
 absolute address from the server root.


 I've added a hack to the code, prepending the base domain. Please confirm
 that it now looks ok in Safari (The HTML seems fine to me).

 Just out of curiosity, and in case I want to replace the hack with something
 that works better, is this how the relative URI should appear:


 Best regards,

 Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Confirmed here. Thanks.


Re: Holy Moly!

2008-07-30 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 4:02 AM, Rudi van der Linde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey, @sshole?  You still breathing?!

 Have you seen my original posts and attempts at un-subscibing?  If
 yes, then you must be a moron b/c it's clear that my actions were in
 alignment with the directions.  If you haven't, then, well, you're a
 moron for speaking out of turn.

 Its nice to see such _mature_ conversation on the list.  Please keep in mind
 that many people read this list and most of them are not able to do anything
 about your problem.  The instructions are quite clear and people will assist
 you if you but ask politely.

 I was wondering - do you realise that you have a read request on the
 emails you send to the list?  Do you know that your mailbox will be flooded
 with read confirmation messages because you will receive one from each
 person that reads your abusive messages?

 I think not.  Else this simple problem would have sorted itself out a long
 time ago without you having to resort to profanity. Please keep in mind that
 the whole world does not revolve around you and neither does it get dark
 when you sit down.

 I am pleased to hear that you have been removed from the list.   I was just
 wondering why you would still continue your abuse after the fact.  Please
 leave this community alone and enjoy your existence somewhere else.



 This message (and attachments) is subject to restrictions and a disclaimer.
 Please refer to or [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
 full details.

I say we just treat [EMAIL PROTECTED] as spam and block his
email from all LyX mailing lists. Obviously, the emailer is a robot,
not capable of reading or following instructions or providing
intelligent feedback if something is wrong.


Re: problems with class and/or layout?

2008-07-31 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 3:49 AM, alexxx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I used LyX up to now for basic tasks, but now I have to use the Elsevier
 class, and I'm discovering a lot of new problems.
 I chosed LyX right to avoid all the complexities of the Tex/LaTeX world, and
 I'd be very sorry if to simply switch classes this was not sufficient!

 By choosing New-From template-elsart.lyx, even the standard template is
 unable to be compiled, giving the errors:

 1) undefined control sequence on  \title{Insert your Title Here}
 2) Missing number, treated as zero , always on \title
 3) improper 'at' size (0.0pt), replaced by 10pt, always on \title
 4) Missing = inserted for \ifnum on \author{Author's name}
 5) Missing number, treated as zero, always on \author

 Yet, I have:
 /usr/share/lyx/templates/elsart.lyx and /usr/share/lyx/layouts/elsart.layout
 (both by lyx-1.5.5-1.fc8)
 and the directory /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/elsart containing elsart.cls,
 elsart5.cls (and yes, after installing it I did texhash on
 /usr/share/texmf, followed by reconfigure on lyx)

 what's happening? I'm completely lost - and the article deadline is nearer
 and nearer!

 local system: Linux Fedora fc8

 thank you for any help!


 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Well, that's strange it works fine for me. So, first things first.
After you installed elsart and did a texhash and reconfigure on LyX.
Did you check to make sure that it was actually recognized by LyX?

Meaning 'article (Elsevier)' is actually listed in
Document-Settings-Document Class or Help-LaTeX Configuration
Section 4.11 says elsart is found.


Re: Labelling equations

2008-07-31 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:02 AM, Christopher Stowasser

 I have a problem with labelling equations. If I want to label an equation I
 put the cursor in the pink box surrounding the equation. Then I go to
 insert and to label. The function label is written in grey letters
 now, i.e. inactive. If the cursor is outside the pink box the function
 label works, but I cannot label the equation.

 Thanks in advance!

I'm a little confused you may have to explain further. What do you
mean the label works, but I cannot label the equation? How do you
want to label it? What you have done should work. When you create a
pdf of you file the equation should be numbered for instance (1) in
article class because you entered Insert-Label.


Re: Labelling equations

2008-08-01 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 2:10 AM, Christopher Stowasser
 I admit, that my last sentence is very confusing. Just forget about it. What
 I meant was: If I put the cursor before or behind the math box, i.e in the
 normal text, I can use the label function. As soon as I put the cursor in
 the math box  the label function is inactive.  Therefore I cannot label the
 equation in the math box.  As long as I cannot asign a label to the equation
 it makes no sense to look at the pdf I guess.

It sounds as if you have a problem with the installation of LyX. This
is obviously not normal behavior. I would trying reinstalling LyX. It
may help developer's to know what platform you are using and what
version of LyX. You may also need to file a bug report if reinstalling
doesn't help.


Re: Labelling equations

2008-08-02 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 4:43 AM, Christopher Stowasser
 I sorry, but I don't understand your answer completely. I want to give my
 equations numbers, i.e. from (1.1), (1.2),.to (3.3.) f. ex.. Is that the
 purpose of the label function? If not, what function doe that?

 To the first part of your answer. The equations I want to label are centered
 and stand alone in their row. I centered them after writing them by using
 the paragraph settings.

 To your answer Bob: I am using a mac book with Mach OS X  version 10.5.3.
 The version of LyX I am using is LyX/Mac 1.5.5.

 Thank you again very much for your help.


Ok. I understand now. You're just not using the program correctly :-}.

Math equations are not adjusted with 'paragraph settings'. There are
two types of equations in LyX: Inline and Display. Inline is an
equation that is inline with text and Display is an equation centered
on its own line.

To access the two types use: Insert-Math-Inline Formula or Display
Formula. Alternatively, you can use Command-M for Inline formula and
Command+shift-M for Display formula on MacOSX.

You may also want to take some time to read through some of the
documentation available in the Help menu. For instance: Help-User's
Guide Chapter 5 or Help-Math. These issues are explained there.


Re: Labelling equations

2008-08-02 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Bob Lounsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 4:43 AM, Christopher Stowasser
 I sorry, but I don't understand your answer completely. I want to give my
 equations numbers, i.e. from (1.1), (1.2),.to (3.3.) f. ex.. Is that the
 purpose of the label function? If not, what function doe that?

 To the first part of your answer. The equations I want to label are centered
 and stand alone in their row. I centered them after writing them by using
 the paragraph settings.

 To your answer Bob: I am using a mac book with Mach OS X  version 10.5.3.
 The version of LyX I am using is LyX/Mac 1.5.5.

 Thank you again very much for your help.


 Ok. I understand now. You're just not using the program correctly :-}.

 Math equations are not adjusted with 'paragraph settings'. There are
 two types of equations in LyX: Inline and Display. Inline is an
 equation that is inline with text and Display is an equation centered
 on its own line.

 To access the two types use: Insert-Math-Inline Formula or Display
 Formula. Alternatively, you can use Command-M for Inline formula and
 Command+shift-M for Display formula on MacOSX.

 You may also want to take some time to read through some of the
 documentation available in the Help menu. For instance: Help-User's
 Guide Chapter 5 or Help-Math. These issues are explained there.


Oops, I forgot to add that Inline formula cannot be labeled whereas
Display formula can. This is why the Label button is grayed out
because you've inserted Inline formula not Display formula.


Re: citations

2008-08-15 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 2:45 PM, Hesham Kamel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am having difficulty getting references to show as author/year.
 I have attached the files.
 This is what I get:
 (author?) [1]
 [1] T. Abbott, M. Easton, and R. Schmidt. Magnesium for crashworthy compo-
 nents. In Magnesium Technology 2003 Symposium, 2-6 March 2003, Mag-
 nesium Technology 2003 Symposium, pages 227{30, San Diego, CA, USA,
 / 2003. Sch. of Phys.  Mater. Eng., Monash Univ., Melbourne, Vic., Aus-
 tralia, TMS.
 Please advise,
 Thank you

When you use Natbib you must use a Natbib compatible bibliography
style, like: plainnat, unsrtnat, or abbrvnat.


Re: Unavaible layouts

2008-08-20 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 4:43 AM, wangyq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed the new release of lyx-1.6 and I am having problems with the 
 When I load an existing *.lyx document it gives me a message:
 The layout file requested by this document article.layout is not usable. 
 This is probably because a LaTeX class or style file required by it is not 
 available. LyX will not be able to produce output.

 When I look into - Documents  Settings  Document Class it shows that all 
 classes including the standard ones (article, report, etc) are unavailable.

 My OS is winxp. I don't know how to fix it.



Run 'texhash' in a command prompt and then Tools-Reconfigure in LyX
and report back.


Re: Re: Unavaible layouts

2008-08-20 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 7:46 AM, wangyq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you for  your information. But the solution you suggested doesn't work
 on my computer.  The reconfiguration step failed. All layouts are still
 shown as Unavailabel.


 1. STEP 1.  Texhash. It works. See the following information.

 C:\Program Files\LyX 1.5.6texhash
 Creating the file name database...
 Deleting C:\CTeX\localtexmf\miktex\config\texmf0.fndb...

 ][tex][ttf2tfm][ty] done
 Deleting C:\CTeX\localtexmf\miktex\config\texmf1.fndb...


 2. STEP 2. Tools--reconfigure. It failed.  See the following information.

 The system reconfiguration has failed.e
 Default textclass is usedbut Lyx may not able to work properly.
 Please reconfigure again if needed.

Delete or rename (if you have custom stuff) the following folder and
restart LyX.

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\lyx15


Re: Harvard Style References

2008-08-20 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:09 AM, Curtis Simon
 Hello there!

 I use the Windows version of Lyx 1.5.6.  I cannot understand the
 existing instructions for how to use different reference styles.
 Believe me, I have tried, but the answers are simply not comprehensible
 to people like me, who while not computer illiterate, are not intimately
 familiar with the structure of Lyx.

 I want to produce author (year) or author [year] style references in the
 text.  Checking natbib under Documents/Settings/Bibliography does not
 seem to do this despite author-year appearing in the natbib style box.
 When I go to Insert/Citation, the Formatting dialog box is grayed out.

 I have downloaded a number of .bst files, for example, qje.bst, but Lyx
 bombs when running Latex to produce printed output.  I am willing to
 install whatever style files I need, but I don't have any way of
 figuring out what I need.  Any help out there?

 Thanks in advance,

 Curtis Simon

The formatting box is grayed out until you actually Add an Available
Citation to the Selected Citations area. Have you done this?

Also, when using Natbib you must use a Natbib compatible .bst style
file like plainnat, abbrvnat, or unsrtnat.


Re: Harvard Style References

2008-08-20 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:45 AM, Curtis Simon

 Wow, that was quick! Thanks!

 I am using plainnat and have set the style to author-year.  Indeed, when
 I insert a reference in the document, the dialog box (no longer grayed
 out) shows the citation style as Allen (1981), which is the way I'd
 like it to appear.  However, the converted Lyx document shows the
 reference as Allen [1].  What am I doing wrong?

 I attach the documents in question.

 Thanks again,


There is a compatibility issue between Natbib and REVTeX, you will
need to read through section 15.1 of the REVTeX documentation if you
need to use this class:

Adding the 'round' option to Document-Settings-Options fixes the
problem with the default article class and Natbib.


Re: Re: Re: Unavaible layouts

2008-08-20 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 6:42 PM, wangyq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. My lyx version is 1.5.6. Sorry for typesetting mistakes.
 2. I tried your approach. But it still failed to reconfigure. I deleted the
 lyx directory from Application Data Directory and ran Texhash. A Dos window
 appeared and some commands are executed automatically in the window. But
 after it finished. nothing was produced in the Application Data directory.

 The system reconfiguration has failed.
  Default textclass is usedbut Lyx may not able to work properly.
 Please reconfigure again if needed.

 3. I alto tried the approach suggested by Paul A. Rubin.
 This approach also failed.

 4. When I open any lyx document, a prompt window shows:
 The layout file required by this document, *.layout, is not usable.

There is a problem with your TeX installation. I'm assuming you have
MiKTeX installed. If it were installed correctly there wouldn't be
problem in LyX. I remember at times on this list there was a problem
with MiKTeX if you selected anything but the default options during
the install also if you didn't have an open internet connection.

The only thing I can suggest at this point is to ensure you have an
open internet connection and update or re-install MiKTeX.


Re: Natbib sort option

2008-08-26 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Guillaume Larocque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I would like to use the natbib package for my citations in Lyx
 with the [sort] option so that multiple citations are ordered into the
 sequence in which they appear in the list of references. However,


 in the preamble of my document produces an error when compiling to
 pdf. It says the package has already been called. Is there any other
 way of doing this in Lyx?


Put the options in:

Document-Settings-Document Class-Options

and don't specify anything in the preamble.


Re: Natbib sort option

2008-08-26 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 8:05 AM, Guillaume Larocque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Put the options in:

 Document-Settings-Document Class-Options

 and don't specify anything in the preamble.


 You mean simply  adding 'sort' to the other options? As in:

 chapterprefix, sort


 I tried that and it doesn't change the order of the citations. I forgot to
 mention this is a Book(Koma-script) document and I am using a elsart-harv
 style file for the bibiography.

Strange. It works on my end with Koma and elsart-harv. I did assume
that you have Document-Settings-Bibliography set to
Natbib-Numerical, which is why you received an error saying Natbib
has already been called.

Could you send a small example file demonstrating the problem?


Re: Natbib sort option

2008-08-26 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Guillaume Larocque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Strange. It works on my end with Koma and elsart-harv. I did assume
 that you have Document-Settings-Bibliography set to
 Natbib-Numerical, which is why you received an error saying Natbib
 has already been called.

 Could you send a small example file demonstrating the problem?


 My bibliography settings are Natbib author-year, and this is what I want.
 The command I actually tried in the preamble is this one




Like I said, it works just fine for me. Without an example of how it's
not working for we could probably talk until we're blue in the face
without a resolution. Maybe I just don't understand the problem. So,
I've attached a small example showing how Natbib is 'sort'ing the
bibliography. As you can see in the example the first citation is
Smith  Weston in LyX, but in the pdf output from LyX it is the last
citation in the text because it is the last citation in the
Bibliography. Hence, Natbib is 'sort'ing the citations in the output
text according to the bibliography order.

Isn't this what you wanted?


Description: application/lyx

Re: Nomenclature sorting

2008-08-26 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 9:55 AM, newnoise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everybody!

 Someone can tell me how can i do to sort the nomenclature in this way: first
 all the english word in alphabetical order and than the greek symbol??
 Thanx a lot!
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

I created two additional sections, Greek and Subscript with this code:


This created two additional sections with titles Greek and Subscripts
in the nomenclature page.

Then when you insert a nomenclature item, in the 'Sort as:' box you
could put either a, g, s for alphabetic, greek, or subscript and then
you could put the alphabetical order afterwords. For example, to sort
the greek letter beta I would put 'gb' in the sort as box. This would
sort beta as greek and then alphabetically by 'b'.


Re: Please help a newbie with APA citation style in LyX

2008-08-27 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:12 AM, squidy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello I am very new to this ...

 I'm using LyX 1.5.5 in Windows XP.
 I'm using JabRef 2.3.1 to manage my bibliography.
 I'm using the document class 'article' and have bibliography set to Natbib

 Here's my problem,
 I have written my Master's Thesis in the document class article but I am
 required to format my references according to APA manual, 5th edition. I
 have tried the packages called apalike and apalike2, these work but they get
 it almost but not quite right, (volume numbers aren't emphasised and inbook
 references are incorrectly formatted).

 I saw in this forum that there is a package called apacite, I have installed
 this in MikTeX, however I can't get it to work. When I compile the document
 I get an error message which says LyX LaTeX error - Undefined control
 sequence, repeated many times! This also happens on my computer at home
 where I'm running v. 1.5.3 in Ubuntu HH.

 Can anyone help with this? I don't want to go back to using MS Word :(
 Thank you

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

There is a package conflict between apacite and Natbib. Please read
through the apacite documentation and specifically the Natbib section:

It seems that apacite needs to be loaded before Natbib, but because of
the LyX document settings Natbib will be loaded first. So, the real
question to post to the list is how do you load apacite before Natbib?
Which I don't know.


Re: Please help a newbie with APA citation style in LyX

2008-08-27 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 10:54 AM, quiddity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you to Zan and Bob for very quick replies! They haven't shown up
 directly on the forum - is this usual?

 I have managed to solve the captalisation problem with curly brackets in
 Jabref, so thanks for that tip! I guess I might get away with the lack of
 emphasis for the volume no., as it's such a small detail.

 I shall make another request for help to see if anyone knows a way around
 the natbib/apacite incompatibility problem.

 Thanks again

An ugly workaround, IF, you only need to use the \cite command would
be to change the bibliography setting back to Default (numerical) from
Natbib. Then put (in your preamble):


Otherwise, if you need to use something other than \cite, you'd have
to use ERT rather than the LyX dialog to insert bibliography
citations. But, if you just need to do this for one paper it may not
be a bad way to go. It does work, it's just not pretty.


Re: Installing 1.6 RC1 keeps failing.

2008-08-28 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 12:29 PM, rgheck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Soe Naung wrote:

 Hi! all

 I have been unable to install the 1.6 RC1 on my Ubuntu Hardy box. Actually
 can ./configure and make but make install keeps failing with the

 make  install-data-hook
 make[4]: Entering directory `/home/pan/My
 chmod 755 /usr/local/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx
 chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx': No
 such file or directory
 make[4]: *** [install-data-hook] Error 1
 make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/pan/My
 make[3]: *** [install-data-am] Error 2
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/pan/My
 make[2]: *** [install-am] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/pan/My
 make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/pan/My Downloads/lyx-1.6.0rc1/lib'
 make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

 Is it a bug of the LyX itself? I have been suspicious of my qt4 libraries,
 so I have taken their Debian versions and tried
 again but am still failing.

 This doesn't have to do with qt4. For some reason, the lyx2lyx program is
 apparently not being copied to its installed location. I'd have a look at
 /usr/local/share/lyx and see what you have there. Is something preventing
 the copy?

 The other thing that strikes me is the fact that you have a space in the
 path to the sources My Downloads. It's possible that make is choking on
 that. Try moving the tree somewhere else, with no spaces.


This may be a stupid comment, but I'll make it anyway.

You are running 'make install' as root right? Or in Ubuntu, I guess
that would be 'sudo make install'.


Re: problem with Limits

2008-08-29 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 3:52 AM, newnoise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everybody!

 When I try to put a limit with lyx within my report what I get is

 as you can easily imagine i would to have the t to infinite under the limit
 and not as subscript

 someone know how to fix it??


 View this message in context:
 Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Can't you just use an 'underset' as in the attached photo? It's a
subset of the 'Frame Decorations' button on the math panel.

attachment: lim.jpg

Re: Dots

2008-09-03 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Yago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi to all.

 I need a code to represent the number two square root in a continued
 fraction like the attached jpg file, and I have problems fot that. My last
 aproximation to the final moved dots is the code bellow, that's print the
 last 2 with the raised dots at right, but I'm not capable to insert this
 code in LyX math mode.

 Thanks for your help.




If you're in math mode and you type '\ddots' and the hit the 'space'
bar you should see the forward slash dots as in your picture.


Re: Problem installing package in Lyx (newbie)

2008-09-05 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 8:33 AM, bar tomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using Lyx 1.5.5 windows version.
 I'd like to use apalike style for bibliographic references.
 So I downloaded apalike.sty and dropped it into the Resources/Tex
 subdirectory of the Lyx application directory.
 Then I saved apalike.bst in the Resources/doc/biblio subdirectory.
 In my lyx document I added
 to the preamble. But I get the following error:
 LaTeX Error: File `apalike.sty' not found.

 Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
 Thank you very much.

 Tomas Bar

You should have MiKTeX installed and this is what it's for. Install
apalike using MiKTeX.


Re: Test

2008-09-08 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 4:34 PM, npierre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If this reaches the Lyx usergroup please let me know.

  Norbert Pierre


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