[M100] Message Database

2024-03-09 Thread Hiraghm
I just noticed that in Thunderbird mailer, I have mailing list entries 
dating back to 2013.

I was thinking of going through them, and making a database of topics 
that people could search for past conversations.

What does everyone think of that? Or has someone already done it?

[M100] Apology

2024-02-26 Thread Hiraghm

sorry, I replied and forgot to change the subject line again :(

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 158, Issue 16

2024-02-26 Thread Hiraghm

Thanks! I've been trying to compile v 1.7 . I'll give this version a go.

I looked in /usr/lib and couldn't find libjpeg8 or libjpeg9.

Message: 6
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 12:27:21 -0800
From: Joshua O'Keefe 
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] virtualt on Linux problem
Message-ID: <4c2a0a55-968a-4605-a60d-9c001c483...@nachomountain.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On Feb 24, 2024, at 7:04?PM, Hiraghm  wrote:

Can anyone advise me how to get virtualt working on Linux?

I've consolidated the various forks and branches of virtualt that are floating 
around into a single fork:
< https://github.com/majick/virtualt-code >

On this fork I have combined:
* Fixes to make it compile successfully on Debian with a modern compiler
* Fixes to make it compile properly on macOS / Darwin
* The fix to make the "shifted" keys work on macOS
* Backporting of some of the cosmetic fixes from "virtualt-devterm"

You might have better luck building this version rather than whichever more 
outdated version you were trying to build.

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[M100] virtualt on Linux problem

2024-02-24 Thread Hiraghm
trying to run virtualt on Linux Mint Debian Edition, I get this error 
immediately: libjpeg.so.9 no such file or directory

I do have libjpeg on my system, and I can't find libjpeg.so.9 anywhere; 
on my machine or online.

Can anyone advise me how to get virtualt working on Linux?

[M100] Pi Model T?

2024-01-20 Thread Hiraghm
While posting a message about my cut-wire problem, I had a thought occur 
to me...

If it turns out I can't make the motherboard work, I wonder if there's a 
way I could connect the LCD and keyboard to a Raspberry Pi 3B+, or a Pi 
Zero/W, and make a frankenputer out of it?

I suppose I could maybe use an arduino to connect to the LCD/keyboard, 
then connect that to the pi via USB.

It would make an interesting computer for which I have no idea what use 
to make.

[M100] Halp! Cut wire at connector in M100

2024-01-20 Thread Hiraghm
Awhile back I'd taken on the task of recapping my two M100s. On one it 
worked great; on the other, it was "dead" afterwards.

I suspected either a cap I didn't get properly soldered, or just flux I 
didn't clean off the board sufficiently.

So today I opened it up again to take the motherboard out and see if I 
could get it working.

I needed to disconnect a two-wire connector that sits just above the 
"CN8" silkscreening, and connects to the LCD circuit board...

While trying to pull it out, my needlenose pliers slipped, and I 
accidentally cut the red wire right at where it goes into the two-wire 
connector. It's cut flush with the connector.

I don't even know what this kind of connector is called.

Can anyone tell me what it's called and where I might be able to order a 
new one?

If nothing else, can someone suggest how I can pull the bit of wire out 
of the connector?

If push comes to shove I can just solder the remaining wire to the pin 
w/o the connector. But I *really* don't want to do that.

[M100] Model T VGA Display, or VT100 Terminal

2023-12-20 Thread Hiraghm
I came across a video today of the TTL VGA32 dev board, which is a 
pretty interesting toy.

Diving down the rabbit hole, I came across another video about the same 
board... using it as a VGA *terminal*, demonstrated with an IMSAI 8080.


It should also allow you to connect a PS/2 mouse, and better audio than 
the native Model T. Of course it would take some custom programming to 
take advantage of the extra capabilities, but I don't think anything 
beyond what people can program for it now.

It's been awhile since I've read up on the barcode mod for the M100, so 
forgive me if this is Old News or I have my facts wrong, but this looks 
like a great solution for RexCPM with a console display on a VGA 
monitor. VGA to HDMI converters aren't that expensive, either. You could 
even, I think, rig a USB powerbank for portable power, and connect a 5 
or 7 inch VGA/HDMI display, to retain somewhat portability (in that 
event you might want to 3D print an adapter to "clamp" it onto your 
Model T when using it).

I continued diving, and came across *this* video of someone using the 
same chip series to make a VGA card...


It seems to me theoretically possible to connect this VGA adapter to the 
modified barcode port and give the Model-T, with some custom 
programming, actual VGA output. I'm even trying to think of a way I 
could use this to give my Amiga custom RTG video output.

While on his Tindie site looking at this board (the link in the 
description of the video is wrong; here's a link to his Tindie page: 
https://www.tindie.com/stores/bitluni/ ), I came across his other 
projects, including the Pico VGA, a tiny VGA adapter for esp32 
development board... which, again, seems to me could work with the 
barcode adapter to give the Model 100 VGA output.

If you use the "PICO-VGA" with his "TinyPICO" esp32 module, talking to 
it via the M100, you should even be able to have 3D acceleration, based 
on what I've read. But even just connecting the $15 Pico-VGA to the 
Model T should give you some vga output capabilities.

I could be wrong in all of this or in some particulars, but I thought 
I'd share the links so that the experts here could possibly make 
something of it, or at least explain why I'm completely off-base with 
this idea.

[M100] PBBS in BASIC - for Model T

2023-10-31 Thread Hiraghm
I was just visiting a website of BBS links by platform, when I was 
shocked to come across an entry for PBBS... for the Model 100... in BASIC.

here's a link to the site's entry on the M100 PBBS:


it is not surprisingly very limited.. but it's written in BASIC...

There's also a CP/M version of PBBS, but it appears to be written in 
assembler, not BASIC:


I thought some on here might be interested in toying with it. Maybe 
customizing it to work with the REX or TDDP drive to expand its 

I'm just boggled that someone wrote a BBS for the Model 100.

[M100] Dang it! Thunderbird!

2023-02-02 Thread Hiraghm

I'm sorry for my last message to the list, regarding backlighting an M200;

I keep forgetting that when I "reply list", Thunderbird uses the title 
of the entire email rather than the title of the message to which I'm 
replying, and I forget to change it.

Sorry if it left anyone confused. :(

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 146, Issue 2

2023-02-02 Thread Hiraghm
You might consider a book light as a solution. It's not as elegant, but 
it should be effective.


On 2/2/2023 3:03 PM, m100-requ...@lists.bitchin100.com wrote:

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 13:43:19 -0800
From: Daniel L 
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] Backlight
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Even if it's a LED strip attached to its own battery I'd go with it, but
would such a thing work? I am not experienced with any modding unless
you cound replacing capacitors.

I have a hard time reading the display when using it in places other
than my house, outside. I use my 200 alot.

[M100] Terminfo for UR2 Model 100

2023-01-06 Thread Hiraghm

I got my M100 telnetting onto my Linux box via serial; hooray!

I used the terminfo linked in the mailing list and it works great.


I was wondering how difficult it would be to set up a terminfo to 
accommodate the 60/80 columns of the Ultimate ROM 2?

It would make life easier for me using wordgrinder.

(ooh... I need to try playing ncurses Tetris via my M100...)

[M100] Flash classic REX, installing REXCPM

2023-01-06 Thread Hiraghm
So I have 2 model 100s, one I got as a backup that has a small scratch 
on the screen.

The backup I tried recapping last weekend... and thought I'd killed it.

I just got it working again (pulled the mb and scrubbed the back with 
isopropyl alcohol using a toothbrush).

So I had had a classic REX in my main M100, and I pulled it to install 
in my backup.

iirc, I had v 4.8 (.48?) , and I believe 4.9 is the latest. Can anyone 
share how to flash the new version to the rom?

If I successfully recap the main M100, I intend installing the REXCP/M 
in it. Would I flash the lastest firmware the same way? If now, how 
should I go about doing that?

Also, is it possible to replace the main rom with a rom image on the 
REX, fixing the Y2K? I'd like to have Ultimate ROM 2, and someday I'd 
like to create a custom ROM to replace the BASIC interpreter with 
Small-C or maybe a primitive Python-alike; or maybe just an assembler, 
if nothing else. That way I could write compilable (or assemble-able) 
programs for it, on it.

Also also, what's the other rom socket for? I've forgotten :(

(I've been fafiated from playing with my Model 100s for awhile now; hope 
to start using them as terminals and for writing, soon)

[M100] I mortally wounded my Model T

2022-12-25 Thread Hiraghm

So I decided to try recapping one of my two Model 100s.

The ones I replaced all looked okay, no sign of leakage; I replaced the 
batter which did have some corrosion on it.

I used a Model 100 recap kit, but as the voltages didn't match on some 
of the caps, I decided not to replace those.

Like a dummy, I forgot to fire it up and test it before recapping it; it 
had been working when I put it in the closet... over  a year ago.

I made sure all the polar caps were oriented correctly.

I put it back together, turned it on... nothing.

I flipped the memory switch on the back to "on"... turned the machine on 
and still nothing. Tried the contrast knob, no good. Tried reseating and 
wiggling the batteries (I don't have a power adapter)... nothing. But 
when I turned it off with the memory switch to on... the batt low light 
flashes briefly.

So I killed my backup M100 :(

I'm not very experienced with a multimeter, but can anyone offer an 
suggestions for troubleshooting how I killed it? What may be likely 
causes for its current dead condition? Where to start looking?

[M100] Apologies

2022-12-20 Thread Hiraghm
I apologize for not changing my message's title to suit the topic. I 
simply forgot to change the subject.

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 144, Issue 18

2022-12-20 Thread Hiraghm

Would that backpack also work with older DOS laptop computers, such as 
the Tandy 1400LT or Tandy 1100FD?

Original Message

Message: 9
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 09:17:01 -0600
Subject: [M100] Backpack drives are back!
Message-ID: <01c001d913bc$f27c92d0$d775b870$@soigeneris.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi all,


A lot of folks have been asking when more Backpack drives will be available.
As you know the chip shortage has made some parts impossible to obtain,
including the microcontroller used in the original Backpack. My friend that
designed the original Backpack found a newly released AVR processor that was
actually available and designed the Backpack Drive Plus, or BPD+ if you
prefer. It looks the same and works the same with a slightly lower current
draw from the battery. He also made a number of adapters to use the Backpack
with computers like the WP2, Sinclair Z88, Epson HX-20, Epson PX-8. The
Epson's have a separate firmware to simulate the original Epson disk drives.


We had a waiting list of folks who had asked for one and have worked through
that list so now ordering is open to the public. We are still 3D printing
cases and finishing the units up. If the stock level shows zero, try again
in a few days. When we run out, I will note that on the webpage.




Jeff Birt

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[M100] Pinenut Wifi / BLE

2022-12-17 Thread Hiraghm

I came across this tiny little board on the Pine64 site, and I wonder...

PineNut Wifi/BLE board 

this thing is about 1" by 2/3" (25 x 14mm), and as I understand it 
provides wifi and bluetooth, via serial (TTL or UART, I think).

I think it could be mounted internally to the M100 (dunno about M102). 
Maybe a 200, too.

IF one could connect it to the modem serial connection, one could then 
theoretically use it to connect via wifi/bluetooth, and switch to the 
external rs232 port, keeping its functionality, with a minimum of 
"destruction" to the M100.

Or maybe, connect it to the barcode scanner, which, if possible for 
regular comms with the module, would leave you able to use the rs232 and 
the wifi at the same time.

I'm interested in any opinions on this, because imo it could massively 
improve the functionality of the M100 (yes, I know the same essential 
thing is possible with some of the wifi-capable arduino boards, but all 
I've seen of them are much larger than this).

[M100] 8n2

2022-12-17 Thread Hiraghm
I couldn't really follow the discussion awhile back regarding serial 
comms on the M100.

But one of the issues seemed to be with the speed at which the M100 
could deal with incoming data.

While watching This video  
about the Nabu computer, I came across the following comment:

"8N2 is often used by systems that are too slow at processing incoming 
data. They use the extra bit to get their things in order between bytes 
:)Wish I had followed this thread live, might have saved you some time 
:pSome can even go past the 2 stop bits, adding 1-256 of em just for the 
utility of it. Mostly in software controlled implementations :)"

I don't know if this would be of any help, but thought I'd throw it out 

I wonder if using 8N2 would help in using the barcode mod for serial comms?

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 144, Issue 1

2022-12-02 Thread Hiraghm
I hope to use my Gorilla Banana printer with my M100; it's only 7 pin, I 

On 12/1/2022 3:03 PM, m100-requ...@lists.bitchin100.com wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2022 11:26:44 -0800
From: Gregory McGill 
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] Retroprinter settings

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

likely the epson 9pin.. that will handle straight ascii and you can use the
codes for anything else

On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 3:17 PM Will Senn  wrote:

Anyone using the Retroprinter? Please share your configuration:


Also, which of these sound reasonable for use with my Model 100:
HP Printers
Epson ESC/P 9 pin Printers
Epson ESC/P2 24 Pin / 48 Pin printers
Postscript Printers
IBM ProPrinter Printers
Plain Text Printer
Printronix Printers

I'm thinking Epson ESC/P 9 pin and Plain Text, but given how ignorant I am
of printing with the M10, I figured I'd ask y'all first.



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Subject: Digest Footer

M100 mailing list


End of M100 Digest, Vol 144, Issue 1

[M100] Club100 Model 200 LCDs available?

2022-09-22 Thread Hiraghm

I've been looking on ebay for the possibility of getting a model 200.

It seems that almost every one available on ebay has some kind of screen 
issue or other.

So I was wondering if the replacement LCDs are still available on Club100?

It would be worth the cost if I could get an M200, and make it usable again.

Re: [M100] M100 Linux keyboard via inputattach?

2022-09-19 Thread Hiraghm

Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2022 17:07:38 -0700
From: B 9
Subject: Re: [M100] M100 Linux keyboard via inputattach?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 5:43 AM Hiraghm  wrote:

This is probably a dumb question, maybe even one that was asked/answered
long ago, but...

would it be possible to use a model 100/102/200 as a keyboard for a
Linux workstation via "inputattach"?

Yes, inputattach would work fine, but this seems like a peculiar request
and has me curious what you are doing. Is this to work with an emulator on
the Linux workstation?  Do you have a Model 100 with no screen? Are you so
used to the Model 100 keyboard layout that switching to this new-fangled
IBM keyboard layout doesn't seem worth it?

Actually, now that I think on it, that last point is not such a bad idea. I
have a DEC VT-340 serial terminal which uses the LK-201 keyboard that
inspired IBM's AT keyboard layout. I cannot stand the placement of the CTRL
key and it doesn't even have a proper Esc key. However, if I had a Model
100 I could plug it directly into the VT-340's keyboard port (which I
believe speaks 600 baud RS-232) and it'd make a dandy keyboard. And, a
Model 100 would fit better on my desk tha DEC's huge, honkin' keyboard with
all sorts of wacky "application editing" keys. Now, I just need to find a
Model 100/102 with a defunct screen!


1) I would like to use it as a keyboard with my PinePhone, which runs 
Mobian Linux.

2) I'd also like to still be able to telnet onto the phone from the 
keyboard and run some shell commands (mostly for fun)

3) I was thinking of maybe attaching a PI-Zero to it, then I remember 
that I have a 5" touchscreen I can use with it, too. So maybe I'd 
usually use the M100, shelling onto the pi for storage, internet access, 
or running shell programs (like w3m or wordgrinder), and when I needed 
to, attach the screen and use the keyboard for input.

4) I also planned on 3d printing a pi-zero attachment case, to support 
the pi connection, and so maybe also print a version with support for 
the 5" display.

5) I even had the thought to make the case distend below the M100 so as 
to act as a support (like the leg pegs), which might provide room for 
additional batteries, as well.

[M100] M100 Linux keyboard via inputattach?

2022-09-07 Thread Hiraghm
This is probably a dumb question, maybe even one that was asked/answered 
long ago, but...

would it be possible to use a model 100/102/200 as a keyboard for a 
Linux workstation via "inputattach"?

As I understand it, inputattach connects a serial device to the input 
stream of a Linux system.

Rather than modifying the keyboard to an M100/102/200, this would leave 
the M100/102/200 intact, and one could still telnet onto the Linux box 
from the M100/102/200 sometimes.

I wonder if this could be done with a WP-2, as well?

[M100] REXCPM for Model 200?

2022-05-15 Thread Hiraghm

Is there an equivalent to the Model 100 REXCPM rom for the Model 200?

Re: [M100] Happy Earth Day from my M100

2021-04-26 Thread Hiraghm

No, it's a leftist cause. It is the left who have promoted the nonsense that 
the Earth is in danger... from Man. Specifically, from western civilization. 
For political purposes.

Oh, and Soylent Green ISN'T a thing, either.

(I originally typed this on my Model 100, then copied it into my Windows email 
client by reading the M100's screen and typing it into the Windows computer. So 
it's on-topic and relevant)

Message: 9
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2021 22:17:08 -0700
From: Peter Vollan
Subject: Re: [M100] Happy Earth Day from my M100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

"saving the Earth" is a liberal cause. Hey, wait a minute.

Re: [M100] Happy Earth Day from my M100

2021-04-24 Thread Hiraghm
Excuse me, but I thought we weren't allowed to bring up politics in the 

Maybe I'm mistaken.

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 122, Issue 23

2021-02-28 Thread Hiraghm

I also have the UBPorts version.

Strangely , sometimes, when I connect it to my Linux desktop, the 
desktop recognizes it.

But I'm not concerned, because my plan is to hopefully connect them via 
bluetooth. I have a serial-to-BT adapter I've gotten working with my 
M100 and my old Android phone. I also have a serial-to-Wifi adapter, 
too, but I don't imagine I could connect to mcomm that way?


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 18:32:50 -0600
From: Bert Put
Subject: Re: [M100] mcomm on the Pinephone
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

It should work if you can get the dongle to work.  My pinephone is the
UBPorts edition with the old main board that will not activate the USB-C


On 2/26/21 6:23 PM, Hiraghm wrote:

Where can I find the python version of mcomm?

I'd like to give it a try on my Pinephone running Mobian Linux.

[M100] mcomm on the Pinephone

2021-02-26 Thread Hiraghm

Where can I find the python version of mcomm?

I'd like to give it a try on my Pinephone running Mobian Linux.

Re: [M100] vga monitor solutions

2021-01-20 Thread Hiraghm
I've been reading part of the thread about connecting the Model T to a 
tablet to get VGA with a MVT100 (not exactly sure what that is but I 
guess it's kind of like the DVI).

Has anybody thought of getting a display from Adafruit? They have 
displays everywhere from 2" to 7" that have HDMI input. They sell cases 
for their 7" screens, too, I think, but you could 3D print one with a 
stand and/or clip-on to your Model T.

I've a 5" 800 x 480 display I'm not using for anything else I might 
consider connecting... if I can figure out what a MVT100 is and/or how 
to build/acquire one.

[M100] M100 restoration and RexCPM

2021-01-20 Thread Hiraghm
So I have two M100s. Both were working when last I checked (one of them 
I have out to play with, the other I keep in the closet as a backup).

I decided to get 2 recap kits and 2 batteries for them, as well as a 
RexCPM (I have an original Rex in the one I play with).
Since I was going to install a RexCPM in one, I figured now would be a 
good time to do the recap.

Never done a recap before.

I've replaced a couple batteries with mixed results. One in my Toshiba 
T5200 laptop, and one in my Amiga 3K. On the Amiga, I couldn't get the 
pins of the old battery entirely out, and so the replacement button 
battery doesn't sit low enough.

I got myself a vacuum soldering iron, because I've had very little luck 
with solder braid, and the mechanical vacuum pumps just weren't getting 
the job done, imo. Haven't tried it out yet, though.

I've got the youtube video for recapping my M100, and I plan on watching 
it a few times before making the attempt on one of my machines, but I 
thought I'd ask here if anyone could/wanted to share their experience / 
gotchas at recapping their Model T, first.

Also, the RexCPM is not like the Rex I have. It has two circuit boards 
and some wires and I have no idea how I'm supposed to install it. I 
assume Steve's put up instructions on his site, but I haven't had a 
chance to look yet.

[M100] Joystick for the M100

2021-01-10 Thread Hiraghm

I have two Gravis Stinger joypads, (which are still available new on Amazon).

The thing about the Stinger is that it was designed to connect to the serial 
port, not the game port. Its purpose was to give laptop owners the ability to 
play games with joysticks on laptops with no gameport. They're very small, but 
they work okay.
At one time I wanted to write joystick drives for them for Irix to use with my 
O2; alas, I failed and no longer have my beloved O2.

I do, however, have example source code for a driver under linux... if I can 
find it.
It should work as a basis for writing a "driver" for the M100. At least info on 
how to talk to them.

Just checked; there's some info on gravis stinger joystick drivers for linux on 
the internet, too.
Again, I think they can be adapted for the M100

 Here's also an article on using an arduino to convert a regular joystick to a 
serial joystick, in linux.

I don't know if it can be adapted to work with the M100 or not.

I'd be equally interested in a way to adapt a serial mouse or preferably 
trackball or trackpad to work with the M100.

Would it be possible to adapt an Atari style joystick to the barcode port? 
Sounds to me like the method suggested for the parallel port would work for the 
barcode port. Or maybe a PC style joystick could be adapted to work with the 
cassette port? :D

On 1/4/2021 3:47 PM, m100-requ...@lists.bitchin100.com wrote:

Message: 28
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2021 12:33:14 -0500
From: Scott McDonnell
Subject: [M100] Joystick for the M100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

If I ever find one of these for a decent price again, I am thinking it might be 
neat to hack one of these on to the M100. Probably need to tap into the 
keyboard matrix. Anyone else do something similar to get a more intuitive use 
of the arrow keys?



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Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 121, Issue 4

2021-01-04 Thread Hiraghm

On 1/4/2021 3:47 PM, m100-requ...@lists.bitchin100.com wrote:

From: M100  On Behalf Of Scott McDonnell
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 11:33 AM
Subject: [M100] Joystick for the M100


If I ever find one of these for a decent price again, I am thinking it might be 
neat to hack one of these on to the M100. Probably need to tap into the 
keyboard matrix. Anyone else do something similar to get a more intuitive use 
of the arrow keys?





I have one of those joysticks in my closet somewhere. I loved using it with my 
Amiga for games.

I also have two Gravis Stinger joypads, which are still available new on Amazon.
Gravis Stinger joypad on Amazon  

The thing about the Stinger is that it was designed to connect to the serial 
port, not the game port. Its purpose was to give laptop owners the ability to 
play games with joysticks on laptops with no gameport. They're very small, but 
they work okay.
At one time I wanted to write joystick drives for them for Irix to use with my 
O2; alas, I failed and no longer have my beloved O2.

I do, however, have example source code for a driver under linux... if I can 
find it.

Just checked; there's some info on gravis stinger joystick drivers for linux on 
the internet.

Here's also an article on using an arduino to convert a regular joystick to a 
serial joystick, in linux.
Arduino Gameport to Serial Adapter  

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 121, Issue 4

2021-01-04 Thread Hiraghm

On 1/4/2021 3:47 PM, m100-requ...@lists.bitchin100.com wrote:

Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2021 21:34:13 -0500
From: Scott McDonnell
Subject: Re: [M100] Retrobrighting. To do or not to do?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Yeah, the saran wrap has helped a lot. It keeps it from getting dry.

I think heat has a much bigger part in the process than UV light. I will 
sometimes go out periodically and use a hair dryer to help speed up the process.

If you think about it, the developer is used on hair and they use heat, not UV 
to make the bleach process happen.

When I was stripping/waxing floors at Walmart, we had a heckuva time 
getting the stripper to work.
The scrubbers liked to use hot water in their scrubbing machines, and 
kept leaving the water faucet at max hot. The wax crew would just use 
whatever the faucet was set to to mix the stripper with water to make 
the final compound.

After a conversation with a vet nurse friend, where she explained a 
little bit of chemistry to me, I got my wax crew to start using room 
temperature water when mixing the stripper, and the difference was 
immediate and extreme.

So I learned that temperature is a significant factor in chemical reactions.

[M100] Fast graphics?

2020-12-29 Thread Hiraghm
Awhile back, someone in the list was talking about fast display routines 
for the Model T.

I know the LCD is slow in displaying graphics, but I was wondering if 
anyone could share some assembly language examples of fast display 
writes. The Model T doesn't have a bitmap mode, and even if it did, 
screen writes would still be slow.

I was watching this video by the 8-bit guy concerning his new "Attack of 
the PETSCII Robots" game, where he explained redefining characters to 
make the graphics for the PET, Vic-20 and C64.

Attack of the PETSCII Robots part 2 

I'm pretty sure you can't do that with the Model T unless you have a 
REX, and maybe not even then.
Now, the Model T does have graphics characters, but to move a "sprite" 
on the screen smoothly would involve, I believe, a lot of calculation as 
to what graphics characters to use and when.

I've limited my game ambitions thus far to text or strategy (Oregon 
Trail rewritten to "Organ Trail"; a port of a C64 Master of Orion type 
game, "Reach for the Stars", which used * for stars). Still working on 

But that game of his makes me want to do more graphical games without 
substituting ascii characters a la rogue.
Even a 4 character sprite rather than the 9 characters he uses would be 
good if it could be written fast enough.

Being able to create a condense font as view80 does would also be very 

So I'm hoping someone out there has learned some tricks for quick graphics?

I'm reading the Hidden Powers book, but am still scratching my head a 
bit about writing to the display.

Thanks for any info or advice.

[M100] DMP-100 printer with M100

2020-11-21 Thread Hiraghm

A few months back I bought myself a DMP-100 printer.

It's basically the same as my old CBM 1525 printer, and I wanted to use 
it with my M100 for nostalgia sake.

A few weeks later I managed to get ribbons for it.

But in researching the printer, I came across info that older Tandy 
Printers can fry non-Tandy computers.

One article suggested removing pin 18 from the cable to solve the problem.

Does anyone know if the M100 is compatible with the DMP-100 printer? I 
really don't want to fry my M100.

Is the DMP-100 one of the printers I need even worry about?
I thought maybe it would be safe to try with my Tandy 1000hx... but I 
don't have a printer cable for it.
So if anyone could enlighten me on using this printer safely with my 
M100, I would be grateful.

PS - I still don't know whether I should submit to "m...@bitchin100.com" 
or "m100@lists.bitchin100.com".

[M100] Ordering RexCPM?

2020-11-05 Thread Hiraghm

Is it still possible to order a RexCPM?

Re: [M100] No politics, no kiddin' / Discord Audio?

2020-09-17 Thread Hiraghm

THIS here is why I'm concerned about joining to a venue that brags about censorship. This 
message right here. And it has nothing to do with "politics". It has to do with 
being able to choose my words for myself to describe what I want to say... *on topic* 
without constantly sweating about keeping those with power happy.

No, it wasn't okay to bring up that specific concern about Discord, because 
that specific concern made it political. An assertion that Discord censors 
would have been enough. And I'm so tired of people assuming their particular 
pet opinions are popular, and for that reason are therefore factual; regardless 
of the topic. Such as an argument to which I was exposed awhile back over 

Another concern I have with Discord is an assertion someone else made:
"I would be happy to use IRC if we could get a 3k wide audio stream out of it - That 
would be an interesting client to write.."

Audio chat? No thank you. the lack of 3k wide audio stream is a point in IRC's favor in 
my opinion. Audio chat seems almost contrary to a "retro" mindset, to begin 
with. I've been irritated more than many times by players of MMOs (such as EverQuest and 
WoW) requiring Discord participation to join on raids et al. IMO it absolutely destroys 

Aside from the fact that I don't want to hear people's voices, while I'm in chat I do 
other things. Right now I'm on and IRC channel dedicated to the pinephone; I'm also 
typing this email and listening to Cinemasins sin "Chicken Little". Later I may 
have some music on while I work on several other things... while in IRC. I don't need to 
hear voices while I multitask.

Message: 9
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 00:31:10 -0700
From: "John R. Hogerhuis"
Subject: [M100] No politics, no kiddin'

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

OK gentle warning all,

No political discussion on the list.

Mentioning the concern about white supremacists and Discord was fine if it
ended there.

This is not complicated, and I won't ask again before I start flipping
moderation bits on folks.

-- John.

[M100] A vote for IRC

2020-09-15 Thread Hiraghm

When I saw mention of a Discord server or IRC channel, I became interested.

I keep hearing about Discord in other contexts and venues, but never had 
an interest, until now.

I have been on IRC, off-and-on, since the 1990s.

Then I read, here, that Discord bragged about shutting down "white 
supremacist" servers, and realized that it's run by left-wing 
extremists. So I would be even more censored there than I am here, and 
just as arbitrarily.

I'm wondering how many communist servers they've shut down? If so, why 
haven't they bragged about that? I would also think servers facilitating 
Antifa organizing its terrorist activities would be a greater "problem" 
than a few white supremacists trying to find a place where they can 
discuss their odious opinions. Especially today, when "white 
supremacist" has been made synonymous with "doesn't wholeheartedly 
endorse left-wing extremist ideology".

But that's politics, and I don't come here to discuss politics. Suffice 
to say, any social media that concerns itself with social engineering 
turns me off. Discord is a publisher, it appears, not a platform.

That said, I'm of the opinion that IRC would be a more appropriate venue 
for Model-T chat. Like the Model-T, it's a vintage technology. 
Theoretically an IRC client could be written for the Model-T, 
especially, I would think, under RexCPM. I don't believe a Discord 
client would be as easy, if even possible.

And I do think most of us would welcome the opportunity to encourage 
increased use of Model-Ts in the Model-T community.

Semi-off-topic, does anyone know of an active Model-T oriented or 
related BBS?

[M100] With apologies; battery issue

2020-08-09 Thread Hiraghm
Naturally after entering lurk mode I would develop an issue with my M100 
with which I need advice.

I just replaced the 4 double-A Duracells in my M100, and when I turned 
it back on, it was completely reset... hterm was missing, rexmanager was 
missing, the date was back to 1900 00:00:00...

This suggests to me that my internal battery is dead.

Does anyone know where I can find a replacement?

Can anyone suggest a simple walk-through of the replacement procedure?

I've read on here where others have replaced their batteries, but I 
didn't pay it much attention until now, since I'm reluctant to crack 
open my M100.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

[M100] With apologies; battery question

2020-08-09 Thread Hiraghm
Naturally after entering lurk mode I would develop an issue with my M100 
with which I need advice.

I just replaced the 4 double-A Duracells in my M100, and when I turned 
it back on, it was completely reset... hterm was missing, rexmanager was 
missing, the date was back to 1900 00:00:00...

This suggests to me that my internal battery is dead.

Does anyone know where I can find a replacement?

Can anyone suggest a simple walk-through of the replacement procedure?

I've read on here where others have replaced their batteries, but I 
didn't pay it much attention until now, since I'm reluctant to crack 
open my M100.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

[M100] Problem solved.

2020-07-23 Thread Hiraghm
It wasn't my intent to stir up a controversy. I apologize for having 
done so.

I have found a solution to the problem; not-posting.
I am not going to spend my time hopping from one foot to the other 
guessing what other people might find offensive.
I have never used what *I* consider foul language on here, and I have 
archives going back to vol 29.

With no list to reference, that is all I or anyone else has to go by.
The word I used is already a euphemism used around children as a 
substitute for the intended vulgarity.

And the only reason I remain to lurk is my hope to one day order a 
RexCPM... assuming Steve will sell to someone as foul-mouthed as myself. 
And, again, I apologize if "foul-mouthed" is a swear word unbeknownst to me.


Message: 12
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 00:07:25 -0500
From: Hiraghm 
To: m100@lists.bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 115, Issue 24

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Well, if that word is too strong for the list, then I'll just lurk in
future and not participate.

Message: 3 Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 22:12:04 -0700 From: "John R.
Hogerhuis"  To: m...@bitchin100.com Subject: Re:
[M100] M100 Still active? Message-ID:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 9:25
PM Hiraghm  wrote:

C**p, I am SO sorry I forgot to change the subject of my post

And the no-swearing rule.


-- John.

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 115, Issue 24

2020-07-22 Thread Hiraghm
Well, if that word is too strong for the list, then I'll just lurk in 
future and not participate.

Message: 3 Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 22:12:04 -0700 From: "John R. 
Hogerhuis"  To: m...@bitchin100.com Subject: Re: 
[M100] M100 Still active? Message-ID: 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 9:25 
PM Hiraghm  wrote:

C**p, I am SO sorry I forgot to change the subject of my post

And the no-swearing rule.


-- John.

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Re: [M100] M100 Still active?

2020-07-21 Thread Hiraghm

Crap, I am SO sorry I forgot to change the subject of my post :(

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:23:20 -0500
From: Hiraghm 
To: m100@lists.bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 115, Issue 22

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Orr... an RS232 to bluetooth adapter and a PC with bluetooth running
Orr... an RS232 bluetooth adapter and a Pinephone running Desklink?

Which brings me to my big question...

Is the source to the Linux Desklink software available? I'd like to
recompile it targeting Aarch64 so I can run it on my phone. For that
matter, I'd like to take a crack at porting Virtual T to Aarch64.

I suppose you could configure something with an RS232 to wifi adapter
and transfer files over your local network... maybe set up a bbs or
something on the PC.

On 7/20/2020 3:46 PM, m100-requ...@lists.bitchin100.com wrote:

Message: 4
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:13:16 +0100
From: James Zeun 
To: M100 Mailing List 
Subject: Re: [M100] Still active?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

A null modem cable and a pc with a serial terminal.


Mcomm + an android phone + null modem cable and an RS-232 to USB adapter.

On Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 2:46 pm John Deitz,  wrote:

Excellent point about forcing discipline. I would like to try. How do i
get the text out of the machine to post?

John C Deitz

On Jul 20, 2020, at 5:36 AM, James  wrote:

?On Sun, 19 Aug 2018 22:03:56 -0700
"John R. Hogerhuis"  wrote:

Mostly communication about new projects and questions / answers for
support issues.

-- John.

On Sun, Aug 19, 2018, 6:41 PM Adam Murray 

Hello.  Just wondering what kind of activity this group sees these

While I can't claim fame for designing some of the cracking hardware /
software some of the guys do.

I mostly use my M100 for writing articles for my blog and also writing
posts for my online play by email Star trek game. It's a great
distraction free environment, forces me to get on with work and not
mess around.

This group is a great place for asking questions and chatting in
general about these awesome little computers.


-- next part --
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Subject: Digest Footer

M100 mailing list


End of M100 Digest, Vol 115, Issue 22

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 115, Issue 22

2020-07-20 Thread Hiraghm
Orr... an RS232 to bluetooth adapter and a PC with bluetooth running 

Orr... an RS232 bluetooth adapter and a Pinephone running Desklink?

Which brings me to my big question...

Is the source to the Linux Desklink software available? I'd like to 
recompile it targeting Aarch64 so I can run it on my phone. For that 
matter, I'd like to take a crack at porting Virtual T to Aarch64.

I suppose you could configure something with an RS232 to wifi adapter 
and transfer files over your local network... maybe set up a bbs or 
something on the PC.

On 7/20/2020 3:46 PM, m100-requ...@lists.bitchin100.com wrote:

Message: 4
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:13:16 +0100
From: James Zeun 
To: M100 Mailing List 
Subject: Re: [M100] Still active?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

A null modem cable and a pc with a serial terminal.


Mcomm + an android phone + null modem cable and an RS-232 to USB adapter.

On Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 2:46 pm John Deitz,  wrote:

Excellent point about forcing discipline. I would like to try. How do i
get the text out of the machine to post?

John C Deitz

On Jul 20, 2020, at 5:36 AM, James  wrote:

?On Sun, 19 Aug 2018 22:03:56 -0700
"John R. Hogerhuis"  wrote:

Mostly communication about new projects and questions / answers for
support issues.

-- John.

On Sun, Aug 19, 2018, 6:41 PM Adam Murray 

Hello.  Just wondering what kind of activity this group sees these

While I can't claim fame for designing some of the cracking hardware /
software some of the guys do.

I mostly use my M100 for writing articles for my blog and also writing
posts for my online play by email Star trek game. It's a great
distraction free environment, forces me to get on with work and not
mess around.

This group is a great place for asking questions and chatting in
general about these awesome little computers.


-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...


Subject: Digest Footer

M100 mailing list


End of M100 Digest, Vol 115, Issue 22

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

[M100] What is Rex#?

2020-06-11 Thread Hiraghm
I'm sorry if this has already been answered, but I can't find 
information on it on the website or here, though I'm certain it's been 
mentioned before...

What's the Rex# compared to the RexCPM and original Rex?

I want to decide if I want to wait for a Rex# or get a RexCPM... I'm not 
very into CPM, so I'd be mostly interested in its capabilities in M100 
mode. Which may mean I'd prefer a Rex#?

[M100] Upgrading REX

2020-04-04 Thread Hiraghm

I'm still using version 4.8 of REX.

How would I go about, and should I go about, upgrading to the latest 

Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 08:20:04 -0400
From: Stephen Adolph
Subject: Re: [M100] REX problem with .DO files

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Peter, thanks for finding this bug. It's been in the code for a long time!
Found the issue.  Injection point for a new .DO file was off by 1 byte.
Release 258 should fix this.

It is posted at the REX wiki.

Would appreciate people to go and give 258 a try.  It should be the same as
254, which was the prior posted release, with this bug fix added.

I will say that I have not tested every model with every possible
configuration.  So any bug reports would be useful.


[M100] Rex(CP/M) documentation?

2020-03-23 Thread Hiraghm
I just realized, that after all this time of having a Rex in my M100, I 
don't really know how to use it (was reading a mailing list entry on 
copying a 48 byte file from one ram bank to another... wait, you can do 
that?). Heck, I'm still using version 4.8...

Rexcpm is going to be much more complex, I'm sure.

I don't suppose anyone is up for or has considered writing up some 
documentation on how to use the Rex, or Rexcpm, with practical examples?

I plan on getting a RexCPM when it comes out but in the meantime, IF the 
opportunity presents, I'm going to need to learn how to properly use my Rex.

[M100] Microsoft BASIC for TRS-80 Model 100 - Best OS... ever?

2020-03-10 Thread Hiraghm
Bryan Lunduke just put out a video covering the TRS-80 Model 100 from an 
OS perspective.

Here's a link to it on YouTube:


Just started watching it as I am posting this email...

Re: [M100] MIDI with the Model T

2020-03-10 Thread Hiraghm

Thanks for all the info!

My PMA-5 does have the serial connector, but it's a mini-din and I have 
no clue what its pinouts are.

But even though I'd like to use the M100 with the PMA-5 portably, I'd 
still like to be able to talk to my MT-32 from the M100.

I have a couple of Max232 TTL/9 pin adapters I got for Rasberry Pi 
projects, so I guess I could adapt one of those.

Pardon my Arduino ignorance, but could this connection be made using an 
Adafruit Teensy? I've seen projects for connecting keyboards, such as 
the M100's which use the Teensy.

[M100] MIDI with the Model T

2020-03-07 Thread Hiraghm
I vaguely recall a few months back someone talking about some kind of 
MIDI with their M100.

I've got a Roland MT-32 and a couple PMA-5s, and I got to wondering how 
I could interface them to my M100, then maybe write some MIDI 
player/editor software.

Just saw a video tutorial on YouTube where Bisqwit wrote a MIDI player 
program for DOS in GW-BASIC.

A serial port interface, assuming one could be built, would be fast 
enough; iirc MIDI communicates at the same speed as HTerm.

A parallel port interface might be more convenient, if possible...

I've been reading recent threads about someone using the cassette 
interface as a secondary display interface. I suppose maybe that could 
be used, instead, too...

Now I'm wondering if a MIDI keyboard could be interfaced via the bar 
code reader port?

If so... PMA-5 connected via serial, parallel or cassette port, MIDI 
keyboard connected via barcode port, custom software... portable MIDI DAW...

So is this idea crazy? Impossible? Waste of time?

Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 110, Issue 19

2020-02-20 Thread Hiraghm

Would this work with a TFT display?

I have several displays I picked up from work (they were advertising video displays they 
were going to throw in the compactor, and range in size from about 4" to 10"), 
and there are also some on Adafruit.
The idea being to maintain portability with the higher resolution. Maybe print 
a case that would hold a battery/charger and plug in to the cassette port and 
clamp or stick onto the M100 when being used.

Message: 18
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:07:15 -0500
From: Stephen Adolph
Subject: Re: [M100] REXCPM/REX status and questions

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

What we have available to us is a recent change I've proposed to re-use the
cassette port as a high speed serial link for external display.
Requires only a single wire be added to bypass the Tx filter on the
cassette port, and bridge the fast TTL signal onto pin 8 which is unused.

This does what you want - keeps RS-232 port free.

There is a VT100 emulator board which does the trick nicely of converting
TTL characters to VGA.

I've got one, works great.80x 36 I believe.

[M100] Using GetBlue

2016-06-30 Thread Hiraghm
I just purchased the GetBlue app to connect my Model 100 to my Note 5 
Android phone.
I downloaded mcomm for android... is that enough by itself to use my 
phone as storage for my M100?

Is there a guide somewhere on how to set up GetBlue / mcomm ?

[M100] OS9 for M100?

2016-05-01 Thread Hiraghm

I know awhile back folks were talking about a CP/M port for the Model T.
Earlier today I was watching some Youtube videos on CP/M, which reminded 
me of OS/9, and that got me wondering.

OS9 is re-entrant and position independent, multi-user and multi-tasking.
The original OS9 was designed to operate in 64k of ram.

I understand that the 8085 doesn't have relative addressing? I think 
that could be worked around, however. Maybe.
But I was wondering if maybe a custom subset of OS9 could be developed 
for a rom image, taking over the Model T, and be designed to work with 
the Rex, Rex 2 and Quad add-ons?
An OS that could "flatten" the memory banks of the Quad would be 
fantastic, and working with the Rex 2's built-in storage would, imo, 
make the Model T much more useful & powerful.

I don't know enough to know whether or not such a thing is feasible.

[M100] OpenSSL Web Access and Small-C

2016-04-09 Thread Hiraghm
I've wanted to use my M100 as a twitter client for a long time. Twitter, 
facebook, wikipedia, lots of places on the web require SSL. I've also 
wanted to make my DOS desktop computer my main desktop computer for 
day-to-day stuff.
So, in my search for SSL for Arachne I came across Lynx for DOS, which 
used OpenSSL. OpenSLL is written in Posix complaint C (so it says).

I imagine it'd be very hard to port to 8085 assembler; but then I've 
been wanting to port Small-C to the M100 for a long time, too. I've got 
the source code and everything, I just need to find the time.

The question is... would an M100 be powerful enough to implement SSL in 
a timely enough fashion to make the machine useful as a twitter client? 
I suppose if OpenSSL can be ported to the M100, a Lynx client could be 
written for it, as well as an email client. Maybe an Arachne-like 
multi-app web client?

If I were to get Small-C ported to the M100, does anyone feel they would 
be more encouraged to develop stuff for the M100? Is anyone other than 
me even interested in trying to make it so they could access things like 
twitter from their M100?

[M100] Customized Model 102 on ebay

2016-04-03 Thread Hiraghm
I have never seen a machine like this before. I thought it was an MSDOS 
machine, maybe a workslate...

Then I got a look at the screen closeup... it's a 102 in a custom case!

I'm sharing the link; I can't justify the cost, but maybe someone else 


[M100] mcomm & bluetooth?

2016-01-31 Thread Hiraghm
Will it be possible to get mcomm working with a bluetooth, rather than 
usb connection?
Cause that's what I've been wanting for a long time. The ability to 
leave my phone in my pocket and use it as storage for my M100.

[M100] Quad and Rex 2 info?

2015-12-05 Thread Hiraghm


Is the Quad currently available? if so, how much is it?

I'm very interested in a Rex 2, with the 4mb w/storage, combined with Quad.
have you a vague ballpark price for a Rex2? I figure I'll hold off on 
the Quad and get it and the Rex2 at the same time; pop my current Rex 
into my backup M100, and install Quad & Rex2 at same time (I don't want 
to mess with my machine hardware-wise any more often than I have to...)

The big question is how long I have to save up to get them both. :)

[M100] Modern M100 display?

2015-12-05 Thread Hiraghm

I've wanted to build a modern M100 for a long time.
The big obstacle I always ran into was that there were no displays even 
close in dimensions to the M100's.
Well... I just found a display on newegg. It's built into a sun visor, 
The overall dimensions are given as 14" x 5 3/4"... but that's for the 
visor. The displays (there are two) are claimed to be 10.2". That means 
probably about 9.34" wide x 4.5 - 5" high; maybe as little as 4" high. 
This is a lot bigger than the original M100, but the M100 had its bezel 
around it. A custom-built case (maybe 3d printed) would only have to be 
a bit larger vertically to accommodate such a display. But it could be a 
lot thinner, or carry one huge battery pack.
The display's resolution is 640 x 480, meaning a distorted aspect ratio. 
But, it's 640 x 480; 80 x 25 text easily. It's refresh will be faster 
than the original M100's.

So I'm thinking, cannibalize the M100's keyboard, build custom case, use 
raspberry pi as replacement motherboard, maybe add an SSD. And a custom 
UI based on the M100's shouldn't be too hard to cobble together for 
Linux's text mode  The most important things to me are the M100's slab 
form factor, and fantastic keyboard.

Anyway, here's  a link to the ad on Newegg. Maybe some of you hardware 
gurus can take a look at the ad and share your opinions of such a project?
Car Sun Visor Monitors 

Thanks for any knowledge you care to share!

[M100] HTerm local echo, pairing M100

2015-11-29 Thread Hiraghm
I'm slowly getting my M100 to connect to my Android phone (w/o 
programming, so far).

GetBlue gets it connected, but I don't want to use GetBlue.
Logically, I should be able to get it to connect as a keyboard.
I can get it to connect as a modem or other device.
As a keyboard, my phone pops up a window asking for the PIN when I try 
pairing... and the window disappears almost instantly and the pairing 
fails (because the RN-42 automatically sends the PIN, which I don't know 
until my phone asks for it, and as soon as it receives the wrong one 
from the keyboard, closes the window and fails).

However, what I'm asking about here is if there's any documentation for 
I'd like to set local echo so I can see on the M100's screen what I'm 

Also, does anyone know if there's a way to get HTerm to work with view80 
from Ultimate Rom II?

I found, btw, I can't write a system-wide keyboard driver for the M100, 
because Android does not allow one application to inject input events 
into other applications (unless rooted).

For a very brief moment I thought of pairing the M100 as a storage 
device, thinking maybe I could use Android file explorer apps to share 
files with it from Android (with custom software on the M100).  I think 
writing a TPDD emulator would be more productive, however.

Re: [M100] Is it possible to use a USB flash drive with a Model 100

2015-11-26 Thread Hiraghm
I'm still working on getting my Android devices to talk to my M100 via 
the BlueM module.
They talk, but I'm working on creating a service and a broadcaster which 
would allow one to use the M100 as a keyboard for the Android device.

I want to learn to implement the TPDD protocol, but it doesn't look 
easy. Once I do that, my ambition is still to be able to connect to your 
phone via the BlueM and use it for storage w/o even taking the phone out 
of your pocket (a variation on "cloud" computing...)

I'm also hoping to allow Android devices to "share" their internet 
connection with the M100 as a kind of filtering proxy.
I'd love to use my M100 for twitter messages (which are limited to 140 
chars, anyway). An idea I thought would be cool would be if, when 
viewing a tweet with an attached image, the text would appear on the 
M100s screen, and the image on the Android device's screen. Or a link 
would take you to a website on the Android device while still 
reading/writing tweets on the M100.

I've also got SMAUG MUD sitting on my desktop. I've been toying with the 
idea of running a SMAUG-based MUD, maybe writing a custom mud client for 
the M100, and maybe a graphical mud client for DOS/Win/Android/etc
Dunno if possible, but it'd be nice to be able to flow seamlessly from 
using one device to using another.

The M100 client could even be semi-graphical, I think.

I still wonder what could be done with the M100 via the expansion port. 
I read somewhere recently that the expansion port allows for direct 
access to memory. It made me wonder if someone clever could come up with 
a memory management device (small, of course) plugged into the expansion 
port, allowing it to semi-automatically bank-switch the memory in a 
Quad, effectively expanding the "ram" of the M100 to 128k. Or, 
theoretically, using a swap file system like DOS, have virtual ram as 
large as your storage allows. I confess I've almost no technical 
expertise, so this could be a laughable idea. To be backwards 
compatible, it'd have to be able to, on the fly, change the absolute 
addressing into some kind of relative addressing and back again. Of 
course, then, with DMA, it could serve not just as a MMU, but 
math-coprocessor, GPU, etc, since almost any such device would be 
faster/more powerful than the M100's 8085...

It's interesting, I always thought the slow screen refresh would be the 
most frustrating limitation on my M100, but I'm finding that it's the 
limited RAM that's more frustrating.

[M100] QUAD and SuperRex

2015-09-18 Thread Hiraghm

So the Quad is available now? (how much is it?)
Is the SuperRex out yet?
Cause I'd like to get both for my main M100 and put my Rex in my backup 

[M100] Micro USB to RS232 DB9 adapter

2015-08-09 Thread Hiraghm
For those, like me, interested in interfacing their M100 with their 
Android devices, here's what appears to be an RS232 serial port adapter 
designed to be used with Android cell phones and tablets.


A bit pricey, but I might get one to act as an intermediary step to 
using my M100 via blueM with my phone.

[M100] VIM via BlueM

2015-08-02 Thread Hiraghm
I like using my M100 for word processing, but the 32k ram limit, even 
with my Rex, is a bit of a pain. Keeping the versions of files I have on 
my PC in sync with my M100 is an additional pain.

So it occurred to me to look for a text editor / word processor for 
Windows that could be accessed from my M100 via terminal emulation.

My research pointed me at vi (of which I'm not terribly fond) and emacs 
(which I've used and liked) as possible text editors useable via 
console. Curiously, I typed "vi" in a command prompt on my PC, and vi 
fired up (but the help files appear to be missing/unreachable).

Then it occurred to me that I could plug in a bluetooth module to my PC, 
and maybe connect to vi using my BlueM. Haven't tried that yet.
Then I thought about accessing my Windows box over the internet via my 
Phone, since I know I can tie into my phone via my BlueM and GetBlue.
I was getting ready to try this (downloading vim for Windows) When I 
came across VIM Touch on Google Play. But, I don't know if it's terminal 


So, I'm going to try accessing both vi on my Windows box and VIM Touch 
on my phone from my M100. if I can get them to run, it's almost as good 
as if I got TPDD support going on my phone. In some ways better, as the 
files would be using the ram/storage of my pc/phone and leave my M100s 
ram space free for other apps and documents.

If / when I have time, I hope someday to do the research to create a set 
of apps to run on Android or Windows specifically designed to be 
controlled from the Model T. Word processor, email, twitter, irc, maybe 
even a google proxy and/or an SMS proxy.  I don't expect them to be of 
much practical use, but it would still amuse me.

[M100] AdaFruit FONA with Model T?

2015-07-18 Thread Hiraghm

I was watching a Ben Heck video on Youtube wherein he builds a basic phone.
He uses the Adafruit FONA, a Raspberry PI module, to provide the cell 
The drawback with this thing is that it's only 2g... but with the Model 
T... that's still plenty fast...?

What made me think of it was when he talked about having to use AT 
serial commands with the module.
So I wondered if there might be a way to wire it in place of the Model 
T's internal modem. You could then flip the switch, and theoretically 
connect your Model T to the internet...

You'd give up the internal modem, but, personally, I wouldn't miss it.

What do you hardware experts think? Impossible? or just dumb?

[M100] ITX M100 Advice

2015-07-04 Thread Hiraghm
While I'm not ready to start the project, I've finally decided to build 
myself my own, custom, more-modern M100.
I've found some 6.5 inch LCDs on ebay, 800 x 480, that should serve for 
the display. I can put speakers on either side.

What I plan/require:

very close to M100 overall dimensions.
intel-compatible processor... I want the option to be able to run MSDOS 
or Windows (even if only Win98) w/o emulation.
A nice, full-stroke, clicky keyboard; doesn't have to be full size, but 
no chiclets or laptop keyboards

Minimum of 800 x 480 display (giving me a comfortable 80-column text mode)
1ghz preferable (assuming it can run Windows)
1gb RAM preferable
internal storage
RS232, and parallel ports if possible.
wifi, if possible
cellular capability if possible (I saw Ben Heckendorn make a cell phone 
out of a raspberry pi or some such...)

touchscreen if possible

I'll build the case myself, from scratch. I have my own ideas.

An MSDOS machine would offer sufficient software base, and I could make 
an M100-like GUI for it.
Does anyone know of an ITX or similar motherboard that would fit roughly 
within the form-factor of an M100?
Likewise, does anyone know of a good, full-stroke 3/4 size keyboard, 
with large keys?

Does anyone know of a cellular module that would work with an ITX 

Also, I'm going to need a decent power supply in a small form factor. 
I'd love to be able to run it on double-As, but that's not practical. So 
it'll need rechargeable batteries. If I can find a thin enough 
motherboard, I can make a back plate filled with rechargeable batteries, 
adding weight but giving it a long life.

Any suggestions or advice are very welcome! I'll post progress here as I 
make it.

[M100] Silent List

2015-06-27 Thread Hiraghm
Just checking to see if it's really been 9 days since there's been any 
activity on the mailing list, or if somehow my mail client's filtering 
it out...

[M100] More BlueM Woes

2015-06-14 Thread Hiraghm

Okay I can sometimes get my BlueM and Android devices to pair.
When I do get them paired, I still can't get them to connect.
the light keeps flashing once a second.
And I noticed that the M100 is paired as a bluetooth headset... at least 
the icon next to FireFly-DF5A looks like a headset...

This is really frustrating, especially since I don't know if my BlueM is 
defective or I'm just too ignorant to make it work.
I did get it to connect to the bluetooth dongle I put on my old Toshiba 
convertible. As the Toshiba's as big as the M100, not a lot gained by 
doing it that way.

[M100] BlueM S~ commands and Mapping M10x keyboard

2015-06-14 Thread Hiraghm

I'm trying to get my BlueM configured to talk to my android device again.
One of the commands listed for the RN42 is the "S~" command...
As my M100 has no ~ key, how do I send this in hterm?
For that matter, is it possible to map keys that aren't on the M100 
keyboard to key combinations? like "{" to "ctrl-[" or "grph-["?

Re: [M100] Hardware Mods

2015-06-11 Thread Hiraghm
Just got to thinking about that Covox Speech Thing. It would be very... 
very cool to be able to compose/edit mods, in addition to listening to 
them, on my M100!

[M100] Hardware Mods

2015-06-11 Thread Hiraghm

Taking off from the TDock discussion...
As opposed to a new version of the M10x, Ken got me thinking about what 
hardware mods I'd like for my M100...

As I am video game-oriented, my number 1 with a bullet would be a faster 
screen refresh, and some form of page-flipping capability.

Number 2 would be a way to expand the RAM and/or onboard storage. The 
QUAD & SuperREX seem the solution to this (I'll order them someday... 
when $$ permits).

Number 3 would be:
"...the idea of having an internal / wireless solution to connect to 
I would be more than willing to swap out the barcode port to replace it 
with either USB (if possible) or bluetooth. Preferably bluetooth. I'd 
also be willing to replace the Modem/cassette port(s) with bluetooth or 
wifi or both.
Imagine being able to plug a thumb drive directly into the barcode port 
just like a modern laptop or tablet...

I'd prefer replacing the barcode, but any of the three would do.

Number 4 would be the equivalent of the Covox Speech Thing; a parallel 
port plug-in audio device.

(might even be possible to add a couple of phone-speaker-sized speakers 
on either side of the monitor, but not sure I want to cut/drill holes in 
the case).

Number 5 would be an internal backlight/frontlight for the M10x screen, 
that could be turned off and on.

I guess number 6, if even possible, would be a co-processor of some 
kind, with access to all the RAM and able to offload some of the 
computing tasks, like a math co-processor or graphics processor (I 
remember how some C64 users used to offload computing tasks to the 6502 
in their 1541 disk drives...)

[M100] Barcode Booklight

2015-06-10 Thread Hiraghm
So awhile back I asked about a front-light for my M100, and some people 
pointed me at using existing laptop/booklight solutions.

None of the clips on the booklights I've found seem thick enough to 
clamp onto an M100.

All of the laptop lights I've seen draw power from USB.

I was thinking of getting a female db9 assembly, and in the shell 
soldering a female USB plug to the appropriate pins of the db9  to 
connect to the barcode reader(ground and power; maybe by cannibalizing a 
USB cable), plugging the lamp's USB into the female USB, and then 
closing the shell around it.
This would provide me with the advantages of a commercial lighting 
solution, without having to velcro or tape anything kludgey looking onto 
my M100. The question on my mind is, how badly will this drain my 
batteries? Most of the book lights that weren't USB used CR2032 
batteries, so I'm guessing they don't draw a lot of power?

(and of course, I've got to figure out which pins to connect to which...)

Another possibility is to connect the USB cable of the light directly to 
a CR2032 battery and just use the db9 to hold it attached to the M100...

Any opinions, advice, observations?

Re: [M100] Bluetooth Fristration

2015-06-05 Thread Hiraghm
Yesterday I tried sending a file via bluetooth to a friend's phone, from 
my phone. Had a heck of a time connecting. His phone thought we were 
connected, but mine didn't. Paired, yes. Connected, no.
Eventually we got it to work, but I'm more convinced now that the 
connection problem lies in my Android devices rather than the BlueM.

[M100] Model T Twitter Client

2015-06-02 Thread Hiraghm
Okay, here's the 3rd (4th?) project I want to work on for my M100; 
sadly, I don't know squat about twitter... yet.

But, with my M100, BlueM and the GetBlue software, hypothetically I 
could access twitter with my M100.

I mean, in 2009, they had a twitter client for the C64!
And I've seen twitter access scripts for emacs, and vim, and a perl TTY 
twitter client (hypothetically, I could set this one up on my PC, shell 
in to my PC from my M100, then access twitter that way... but I'd like 
to be able to carry my M100 into a McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts and chat 
on twitter with it, just to be cool and make people stare :D

[M100] Model T Navigator?

2015-06-02 Thread Hiraghm
In Issue December 1990 of Portable 100, there's an article on page 14 
about using your Model T as a Trip Navigator. It's based on waypoints 
you designate your rate of travel and fuel consumption, and it makes a 
straight line graph to measure your progress (I can't help thinking of 
The Oregon Trail and The Organ Trail video games...)

I have an old Streets and Trips 2008, that came with a GPS receiver, 
with a USB plug on the end. So, typically, I wonder to myself if there 
would be some way to connect the USB to my serial port, and then use my 
Model 100 as a *real* navigator. Primitive, yes. Slow, almost certainly. 
But, very very very retro-cool.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that idea out there along with the 
others. I only bring this stuff up in case it inspires others on the 
mailing list in developing their current or new projects. If someone 
finds it annoying, let me know and I'll shut up.

[M100] Upgrade via System Bus ?

2015-06-02 Thread Hiraghm
Okay, so the system bus is used to connect to the DVI drive/video 
expansion, but what are its total capabilities?
In an earlier message I wished for a cpu/ram upgrade for the M100. On 
reading about the extRAM in Portable 100 issue November 1990 (page 17), 
I began to wonder if one of you hardware types could build a very small 
cpu/ram upgrade board that "takes over" for the CPU over the system bus.

Maybe this is how QUAD adds the banks of RAM, I don't know. That's why 
I'm asking, because I don't know.

Not only would such a hardware upgrade speed up and expand the 
capability of the M100 (would probably require a customized ROM via 
REX), but it would make CP/M or even a custom FreeDOS (except FreeDOS is 
32 bit :(  ) possible.

[M100] Mouse with Model T

2015-06-02 Thread Hiraghm
February issue of Portable 100 has an article (page 8) on using a serial 
mouse with  your M10x/200.
It requires a special cable to draw power from the barcode port (part of 
me would love to rewire the barcode port to the modem to make a 2nd 
serial port)...

But, it occurred to me... could a BlueM connect to a bluetooth mouse? 
Most bluetooth mice, being intended to be used with Android and other 
portable devices, are smaller than regular mice. Not sure how much use a 
mouse would be... but there you go.

[M100] Accelerators

2015-06-01 Thread Hiraghm
I was just watching a review video of the old Apple IIGS, where he 
talked about getting a processor accelerator. I Remember the 
accelerators for the Amiga, even one for the C64.

I wish there were a "turbo" board one could drop in on an M100, 
replacing the 80c85 with an 8088 (or low-power equivalent) at 4.77mhz 
and accompanying expansion ram.  (imagining an M100 with 640k contiguous 
ram and relative addressing, and drooling...)

[M100] BlueM Fristration

2015-05-31 Thread Hiraghm
I haven't used my BlueM in awhile, and decided today to get it to 
connect my M100 to my phone.

I could get my M100 to pair with my HTC One phone, with my Nexus 7 
tablet, and my laptop with a usb bluetooth device.

No matter what I did, however, I couldn't actually connect to either 
Android device. I *eventually* managed to connect to my laptop and 
talked with Hyperterminal.

I just downloaded the demo version of GetBlue, we'll see how it does.

Came across Bill Redirect while I was researching this problem. It 
appears to be a "wedge" that would let one use an M100 as a Windows 

Also came across an article where someone adapted his M100's keyboard to 
USB for use with a Raspberry PI.

[M100] Browsing Portable 100

2015-05-30 Thread Hiraghm
While browsing through the Portable 100 magazines on the Club100 page, 
in the April 1986 issue I came across the following statement which I 
found *hilarious*:
"For all its wonderful features, the Model 100 has one terrible fault - 
it gobbles batteries like made. I get about *one week* out of a set of 
new alkalines."
(Article: "A do-it-yourself battery pack that doubles as a protective 
cover for your portable", page 17)

Most folks I know feel lucky if they can get an 8-hour day out of their 

Are there any rechargeable AA batteries that put out 1.5v per battery, 
like disposables?

I'm glad I started searching for an article on lighting your M10x 
screen; I've found many interesting and potentially useful articles, and 
certainly several amusing ones, among the Portable 100 archives.

[M100] Cloud Storage... in the 1980s...

2015-05-24 Thread Hiraghm
I started going through the Portable 100 archives on Club100, looking 
for that article on front-lighting, and in the first issue, on page 22, 
there was an article, "Increase your Model 100's Storage with 128k from 

I used to belong to Compuserve; it was pre-internet (sort-of).

"Compuserve provides every subscriber with 128,000 characters of 
disk space.
"He or she can use the space to send or retrieve electronic mail, 
store notes, and

"even archive Model 100 BASIC programs."

Sounds like cloud computing to me!

[M100] RS232 to USB + BlueM?

2015-05-24 Thread Hiraghm
The problem is, I start reading the M10x mailing list, and then I start 
getting ideas, get excited, and have to say something about them (no 
matter how silly) before I can go back to work...

I've got a lovely BlueM for my M100.
What I'm wondering is... would the case of the BlueM be big enough to 
have an RS232 to USB adapter added?
Since the BlueM sticks out of the M100 anyway, I thought adding a USB 
(female?) socket out the end might add connectivity for people, if it 
could be done without making the device stick even farther out from the 
For example, the only machines I have that have built-in bluetooth are 
my Nexus 7 Android tablet and my HTC One Android phone. I have an old 
bluetooth adapter (I really should get a new one) but it eats power like 
crazy and sticks out of whatever machine it's plugged into.
I suppose a 9-pin RS232 socket would make more sense. But USB would be 
smaller. Especially microUSB...
But, you could turn off the BlueM, and connect to the USB port of your 
PC, if your PC doesn't have bluetooth or RS232, and without having to 
unplug the BlueM and plug it back in.

Or you could connect it to your phone and charge it from your M10x's 
batteries... lol

I don't know if this is feasible or not, but I thought I'd throw it out 
there for the hardware experts to discuss.

[M100] Portable 100 searchable database?

2015-05-24 Thread Hiraghm
I vaguely recall reading somewhere a How-To on adding a front light to 
your Model 100.

I thought it was probably in Portable 100 magazine.

Is there a database of the magazine articles somewhere, searchable by topic?

I was thinking that if I could add front lighting to my M100, I could 
use it over my lunch hour, which I usually spend in my car (I work nights).

Gosh, there are so many things I want to get / make for my M100. That 
internet software, the SuperRex, the Quad, a frontlight, probably TDock 
if/when it becomes a reality :D, I still want to make a c-compiler for 
it (I've got the source to small-C for cross-compiling to CP/M under 
DOS, not sure if I can port it to work with the M10x or not), still 
working on a game idea I had... what, over a year ago?, still working on 
getting my phone to act as a file server, creating a MUD client and 
setting up a MUD... sigh.
That's in addition to the 101 non-M10x-related projects I have on my 
plate :(

Re: [M100] $9 computer

2015-05-18 Thread Hiraghm

This bit doesn't deal with the M100, but...
this board looks small enough to fit inside an old-fashioned (big) 
pocket watch case. If one could put a decent display on it, and maybe a 
very thin membrane keyboard in the watch's lid, it would make a very 
cool steampunk pocket computer.

I can't recall if it has bluetooth or wifi (I think it has wifi?), but 
with  wireless, it could remain in your pocket while acting as storage 
for the M100.

Re: [M100] Model M200 Battery Cover

2015-05-18 Thread Hiraghm
A shame parts like this battery cover couldn't be made on somebody's 3D 

I just need the price to come down a bit more before I can afford a 
low-end one 

[M100] BBS, MUD

2015-05-14 Thread Hiraghm

I was reading the bitchin100 site, about the BlueM and the software that 
let's you access the internet.

I downloaded some BBS source, not sure how much use it would be, if any.

I think a BBS, or network of BBSes on the internet, dedicated to 8/16 
bit machines (not just the M10x) would be great.

I've got SMAUG M.U.D. sitting on my HD, including, I think, sourcecode.

I think I'd like to run a multiplayer online text adventure game 
(MMOTAG?) like Smaug, with customizations for the M10x... and a MUD 
client for the M10x/M200. Don't know if I could have the time to 
dedicate to it, or not.  I doubt most M10x enthusiasts would be very 
interested in playing it, but there might be enough if it also supports 
other 8/16 bit machines, and support for their different capabilities 
(whereas the M10x would be text-only, a C64 or Atari 800 might include 
still images of monster encounters, or maps... kind of like Bard's Tale...)

But, I think a dedicated MUD client would almost certainly have to take 
advantage of the REX, possibly SuperREX.  Maybe have it be a 
comprehensive MUD/BBS client?

(How does View80 work? Being able to cut down to half screen with 30 
char lines on the left and some kind of dungeon map and/or inventory 
control on the right would be very nice.)

Anyway, daydreaming again...

Re: [M100] Model 1000+1

2015-05-14 Thread Hiraghm
I was thinking of calling it the Model 110. (I suppose it could be 
called the "M150", being halfway between the 100 & 200...)

My desired specs I've been working toward for a decade...

Same basic dimensions overall as the M100 or M102.

Full-stroke, clicky keyboard, same size as the M100's. NO TRACKPAD OR 
(one thing I hate about modern laptops is that space below the keyboard 
that holds my hands up)

Wide-aspect display, as close to same dimensions of 100's LCD as 
possible. As high resolution as possible.  I'd settle for 480 x 128 
would be okay, because it could give me 80 columns; 720 x 192 would be 
fine, 960 x 256 would be great.  1350 x 360 or 1920 x 512 would be even 
better. Black and white or grayscale would be okay, though I wouldn't 
want E-ink. E-ink is tempting, but the refresh is way too slow, even 
worse than the M100. I want animation :)

Capacitive touch screen, and/or a trackpad/trackball above keyboard.

128k ram or up. At least 1gb if the OS is a variation of Linux and/or 
the video ram is shared with main ram.

2D/3D acceleration, even if only as powerful as the late-90s; OpenGL 

SD for storage; 2 x USB 3.0 for connecting; RS232 for backward 
compatibility; bluetooth 4.0, 802.11b/g/n wifi for communication

Support for SSD (SATA or IDE)

ROM booting

OS = customized FreeDOS variant, Linux distro, or WinXP. Possibly 
Symbian. No Android.

Intel or ARM processor.

Able to run on AA batteries or rechargeable.

Stereo audio (out jack, if not speakers, too).

AC97 or Soundblaster compatible audio.

Tiny Camera above screen for video conferencing.

Possibly slight wedge shape to improve typing angle... maybe.
Built-in lapdesk (padded bottom with cloth or faux leather, detachable).

About all I can think of.

With the dimensions of the M100, there might even be room to squeeze a 
thermal printer in there.

[M100] $9 Computer

2015-05-12 Thread Hiraghm

I suppose it would help if I included a link to the article:

[M100] $9 Computer

2015-05-12 Thread Hiraghm

ZDnet had this article on this tiny successor (cousin?) to the Raspberry PI.
I couldn't help but wonder how it could be interfaced to the M100 to 
enhance the M100s capabilities. Even if the M10x/200 ended up only being 
a terminal into the device. I picture a small (3d printed?) plastic box 
the width of the M10x either along the back side of the bottom, or just 
along the back side, plugged into the M10x's ports, (especially if along 
the back side), and possibly with a slide-out/flip-up (or 
slide-out-then-flip-up?) 4.5" screen.

Control would still be through the M10x, but you'd have access to the 
capabilities of the little computer.

(this does make me once again wish I could find a source for a modern 
screen with dimensions close to the M10x's. )

[M100] Laddie Alpha / Laddie Con / Desklink source?

2015-05-03 Thread Hiraghm
IF i get some spare time to spend with my M100 (not likely, but I can 
dream), I'd like to work on my project to use my Android phone as 
storage for my M100 via BlueM. Is the TPDD emulation part of the Laddie 
Alpha / Laddie Con / Desklink source code available somewhere? It'd be a 
lot easier, faster, and likelier to succeed if I can just port existing 
code to Android's flavor of Java...

(Reminds me that I wanted to work on a C cross-compiler for the M100, 

[M100] Rex 4.9, SuperRex & Quad

2015-05-03 Thread Hiraghm

Glad to hear about the Rex update coming, but I confess that the idea 
updating my Rex scares me. I wouldn't want to brick it.

Eventually I want to get a SuperRex and a Quad. The SuperRex (I think) 
better fits the way I want to do things. I want to be able to have a 
custom rom, like the ultimate rom I'm using now, but I'd like an 
on-board storage that doesn't stick out the back (or interfere with my 
BlueM) . I know I can save entire 32k ram banks, but it's not quite the 
Flipping between rams with Quad will just feel like pre-emptive 
multitasking, I hope.

I have a spare M100 I put in the closet; if I get a SuperRex, I'll 
probably pop my Rex into that, and use it as a backup. Maybe take it to 
work with me for writing up supply orders, keeping my SuperRex M100 safe 
at home :)

(hmm... I might could put the supply data base into a spreadsheet and 
save it to a rom bank, then access it to fill out the order list...)

[M100] Character ROM

2015-05-03 Thread Hiraghm
I was looking on Bitchin100 at the developer's info, trying to find 
where the character data was stored in the M100.

I vaguely remember back in the ancient days, I could copy the rom 
character map to the overlaid ram, change the characters to make custom 
fonts, and either point at the new location, or just leave the rom off.

I was hoping this kind of thing was possible on the M100 for game 
design. Then I could use custom characters as sprites.

Does anyone know if this is doable? Worthwhile? If so... where's the 
character data? :)

[M100] Brainstorming ports

2015-05-03 Thread Hiraghm
please don't laugh at my ignorance, but I've been "brainstorming" about 
the M100s ports, and came up with some probably ridiculous 
questions/ideas. Maybe someone more capable will get a spark of 
inspiration from them.

So, awhile back I lamented the uni-directional nature of the parallel 
port. Someone asked why I would care, what I'd use it for, and I had no 

On ebay I've been following a Tandy 1100FD (I'd prefer the HD, but those 
are rarer; wonder if I could stick an HD in the FD?). I was trying to 
find out if its screen was sunlight readable, as I've been wanting one 
for years, thinking it would be useful as a multi-environment machine. 
Then I realized that, as floppies are aging and getting hard to find, 
that would limit its usefulness. What if I replaced the floppy with a 
Zip drive? Wait... it has a parallel port... I could get an external zip 

And then I remembered my M100 and parallel port lament. So, if the 
parallel port weren't strictly output, and therefore printer-only, I 
could attach a Zip drive to it. But, if it were that simple, lots of 
people would have done it already.

Then, for some reason I thought of the BCR port, which is input only, 
AND trips an interrupt. Could one of the clever hardware types come up 
up with a cable/device that plugs into both parallel and BCR, and adapts 
the two of them into some kind of communication port? Maybe to connect a 
zip drive, maybe as an alternate form of BlueM...?

Another thought came; could one of the clever guys convert the modem 
into a "null-modem" device? Or maybe convert it into a second serial 
port? (Then I remembered that the rs232/modem are either/or).
What about the cassette port? I pictured a device the size of a 
cigarette pack or smaller that plugs into the cassette port, and takes 
an SD card, or microSD, and emulates a cassette tape player (I've got a 
converter in my car that lets me use the car's stereo with my 
phone/music player).  It would be a storage device like NADSBox, but 
leaves the serial port free. (and if the cassette port could be accessed 
internally w/o permanently changing the m100, it'd be even more portable).

Anyway, I hope all that verbiage inspires someone else's ideas for 
hardware for the M100...

[M100] BlueM with DOS, serial ethernet adapter with M100

2015-04-18 Thread Hiraghm
I was wondering if the BlueM I use with my M100 could be adapted to work 
with an old DOS laptop? I might get a second one if that's the case... 
would be nice if it had a 9 pin instead of 25 pin, though, to save 
adapters sticking out.

In my closet I've got this old serial port to ethernet BNC adapter 
(10mbit... it's ancient). It immediately got me to wondering if the 
thing could be adapted to work with my M100. Not that I need it, with my 
BlueM. But my brain works that way.

I really need to get back to work on getting my BlueM-M100 talking to my 
Android devices; I just don't have the time. I need to study the Virtual 
T source, I guess, to figure out how to emulate a TPDD device... in this 
case under Android.
My perfect solution is to use my phone as both a storage medium and 
internet proxy, with additional capability of using my M100 as a 
bluetooth keyboard.

Does anybody know if any of the DOSBox for Android apps can emulate PC 
serial ports via bluetooth? Because then we could run Desklink in DOSBox 
on an Android phone.
Another question; could an M100 be connected via RS232 to a USB port on 
a PC or Android device (via serial-to-usb cable, and in Android's case, 
OTG adapter, I guess) and communicate? In some instances this might be 
convenient, like when using the M100 as a keyboard for my Android tablet.

I wish the printer port was bi-directional... but I'm rambling now...

[M100] RS232 Wifi adapter at Newegg

2015-04-17 Thread Hiraghm
Came across this while looking for a desktop PCI-e wireless network 
adapter for my PC.


Expensive as... heck. But amazing. I was thinking of getting an old 
Toshiba T5200/100 luggable laptop the other day (sucker for the plasma 
screen) and was thinking of putting an ISA ethernet card in it. But, 
with this I could lug the thing into McDonald's (hey, it runs Win3.1...) 
or I could take my M100 into McDonald's... but it's way too expensive 
for me to even consider buying.