Re: [mailop] Article Describing Mail Policy Changes

2024-02-08 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Feb 8, 2024, at 7:33 AM, Mike Hammett via mailop  wrote:
> I'm seeing more and more people (not commercial mailers, but ISPs, individual 
> businesses, etc.) asking in groups about delivery issues to the major mail 
> companies. Most likely (though not guaranteed) that it's related to the 
> changes in SPF, DKIM, and DMARC requirements.
> Have you seen any good, neutral articles describing the changes? Half of the 
> articles I've found when Googling were junk, the other half were pretty 
> helpful, but also included a liberal amount of, "Buy our XYZ service to take 
> care of this for you."
> I'd like to share good information to the communities I touch.

With respect to what has become affectionately known as the "Yahoogle" 
requirements, I can offer this:


Get the Good Sender Seal of Approval!  Our Good Senders List™ email 
certification is respected around the world so that the email you send goes to 
the inbox, not the junk folder.  Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Creator of the term 'deliverability' and founder of the deliverability industry
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Looking for feedback on the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA)

2024-02-06 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Feb 6, 2024, at 12:59 PM, Al Iverson via mailop  wrote:
> I have worked with people from the CSA over the past few years, mostly
> on webinar training sessions, and they seem kind and seem to care
> about email. I also observed them ejecting a company from their
> organization for not following their rules. I can't really go into
> specifics on that one. I don't have hard data regarding CSA
> participation improving your deliverability results, but I do like
> them as people and I believe them to be legitimate.

Agree 100% with Al here; in fact spoke very recently with someone in management 
over there and I have nothing but respect for what they are doing and what they 
are about.


Get the Good Sender Seal of Approval!  Our Good Senders List™ email 
certification is respected around the world so that the email you send goes to 
the inbox, not the junk folder.  Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Creator of the term 'deliverability' and founder of the deliverability industry
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] DKIM signed with parent domain

2024-01-25 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Jan 25, 2024, at 3:24 PM, Byron Lunz via mailop  wrote:
> Or, you can use - not affiliated, just a pleased user.

Yes, absolutely, rocks!  And, is offered by a very trusted source!


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Spamhaus contact?

2024-01-19 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

>> Small pedantic point: DNSBLs, not RBLs.
> As an erstwhile MAPS employee, the persistence of this pedantry warms my 
> heart...

me too (on both counts)

> Also, to author[-1], I think it is a bit of a misimpression that DNSBL 
> operators share data. In some cases they may have overlapping sources, and 
> obviously they can query each others' lists, but there's legal peril in DNSBL 
> operators working together and using each others' non-public data. You can be 
> fairly sure that if Spamhaus and SORBS (Proofpoint) and Barracuda are all 
> listing an IP, they each have their own trustworthy data to back it up.

And this is really why I responded - because yes, so much this about the legal 

>> Graeme (wearing massive floppy felt pedant hat with huge gold tassels 
>> attached to make the point) :)

Hang on, let me don my professorial mortarboard and hood (and just *why* is it 
called a hood, anyways?)


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Creator of the term 'deliverability' and founder of the deliverability industry
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Email deliverability issues to Outlook

2023-12-06 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Dec 5, 2023, at 11:49 PM, Grant Gordon via mailop  
> wrote:
> A friend brought to my attention the following blog post which seems to have 
> started around the same time we started experiencing issues and seems to be 
> the same issue, though it's light on details.

We've also had senders with identical issues, and also seen others posting 
about having the same issues.  Something is deeply foobar at MS.

(Note: We have been told by one of our MS contacts to tell one of these senders 
"to change their DMARC policy from p=none to either of =reject or =quarantine.")

Get the Good Sender Seal of Approval!  Our Good Senders List™ email 
certification is respected around the world so that the email you send goes to 
the inbox, not the junk folder.  Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Creator of the term 'deliverability' and founder of the deliverability industry
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Yahoo Feedback Loop

2023-11-27 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Nov 27, 2023, at 10:13 AM, Mike Hammett via mailop  
> wrote:
> But on a mailman list with thousands of subscribers, I don't necessarily know 
> who did it.

Actually the report includes the email address of the reporter; I just received 
it too, and I can tell you who it is if you want to hit me up offlist (sending 
this part to the list so folks know to look at the report).


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Creator of the term 'deliverability' and founder of the deliverability industry
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Does anyone have *any* contact at Centurylink?

2023-11-18 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
If anybody has *any* contact, no matter how tenuous, at Centurylink, can you 
please connect with me (ideally offlist so as to not clutter up the list).  
It's quite urgent.

Thank you!


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Creator of the term 'deliverability' and founder of the deliverability industry
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Amazon SES using SAME sender Domain for multiple customer?

2023-09-25 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> There is a company which is sending a lot of misdirected/unwanted email
> via Amazon SES and has failed to react to my attempts to contact them
> by email and phone in the last 14 days or so to try to solve the issue.

Benoit, if you are saying this is spam, please connect with me off-list, and 
we'll make sure this gets to the right folks at SES.


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Creator of the term 'deliverability' and founder of the deliverability industry
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] The info on Validity's charging for FBL access (Was Re: New Validity policy for paid FBL (ARF))

2023-09-12 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Sep 12, 2023, at 2:30 PM, Mark Fletcher  wrote:
>> We just wrote up everything that we know about this, including  how much it 
>> will cost, what it actually means, what's still free, etc. It's too long to 
>> quote here (and it contains quotes from Validity) but here it is in case you 
>> want all of that info:
> Thank you for writing this up, it's been confusing. We only receive 
> individual reports and not the aggregated data (or if we do it's not sent to 
> us). We received a slightly different email from Validity. It includes the 
> 'login method update' but it makes no mention of upgrading our account; 
> instead this was included:
> Product Enhancement: You will now have access to aggregated data insights 
> within the application, enabling you to gain a broader understanding of 
> overall trends, patterns, and customer sentiments.
> You will receive an additional reminder one week before the launch with 
> additional information to ensure that you are well-prepared for the 
> transition and have all the information you need to securely log in to your 
> account.
> So maybe we won't be subject to the new fees? Like I said, it's been 
> confusing.

From what I read into this, it likely means you are already on a paid package, 
and that package includes the individual reports, and also that now they are 
offering aggregated reports and you will be able to get thosealso  with your 
paid package (because hey, that's now the free tier anyways).

BUT, I didn't hear that directly from anyone at Validity, it's just the most 
common sense reading of the email that you guys got, knowing what I know about 
the rest of it.


Our Good Senders List™ email certification is honored by inbox providers and 
spam filters around the world so that the email you send goes to the inbox, not 
the spam folder.  Always free to query.
Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Was Re: New Validity policy for paid FBL (ARF)

2023-09-12 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

We just wrote up everything that we know about this, including  how much it 
will cost, what it actually means, what's still free, etc. It's too long to 
quote here (and it contains quotes from Validity) but here it is in case you 
want all of that info:

Anne P. Mitchell
Attorney at Law
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

[mailop] RNC v. Google Dispositioin

2023-08-26 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned this here, because it was a big win for 
Gmail plus has language which is applicable to any ISP. 

In the order (in which the RNC complaint was dismissed) the court basically not 
only smacked down the RNC, but made clear that the Communications Decency Act 
(i.e. Federal Law) was developed in part to:

"encourage the development of technologies which maximize user control over 
what information is received by individuals, families, and schools who use the 
Internet and other interactive computer services"

..and the court goes on to say that "Permitting suits to go forward against a 
service provider based on the over-filtering of mass marketing emails would 
discourage providers from offering spam filters or significantly decrease the 
number of emails segregated. It would also place courts in the business of 
micromanaging content providers filtering systems in contravention of Congresss 
directive that it be the provider or user that determines what is 

There's a lot more, it's a great opinion (full text of the court order is 
included in our article):


Anne P. Mitchell
Attorney at Law
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Legit-looking mail to the wrong address with no unsubscribe

2023-08-24 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Aug 24, 2023, at 6:12 AM, Chris Adams via mailop  wrote:
> What do you do when legitimate mail (lately, DoorDash order info and
> Delta Airlines tickets) is sent to the wrong address?  These types of
> messages rarely have an unsubscribe method.  I get a ton of crap to a
> Gmail address that I really only use for Google-related stuff (not as a
> general email box), so I know instantly that this is not to me.
> Why do vendors think they don't need an unsubscribe in this type of
> mail?  Just because their customers are dumb and don't know their own
> email address doesn't mean they should continue sending personal
> information about them to other people.
> -- 

Well, and also *confirming* the email address to start with.  Because not doing 
so, (oh gosh *especially* for delivery services!) can lead to very bad 
outcomes, and even liability for the sender!  Here are two real examples 
(pasting them in but link at bottom to full article):

Mary and WeedWhackers
Mary placed an order with her local dispensary, we’ll call them WeedWhackers. 
When the order was ready, the online order tracking and notification service 
that WeedWhackers uses, GetNoticed, sent an email notification to Mary that her 
order at the dispensary was ready for pickup. Only that notification didn’t go 
to Mary. It went to someone else, a total stranger named John, because Mary had 
mistyped her email address, and neither WeedWhackers nor GetNoticed had 
bothered to confirm Mary’s email address. Within 5 minutes of receiving one of 
the misdirected emails, using just the information available in that 
notification, John knew where Mary lived, her date of birth, that she ran away 
from home at 17, where she gets her taxes done, where she works, what her 
position is at her job, and that she’s a pot smoker.

Mary’s position at her job is one where she is responsible for interacting with 
customers, and handling a lot of cash. John also knew the frequency with which 
Mary was picking up pot from WeedWhackers. In any situation where John does 
something bad to Mary with this information, whether it’s going to her place of 
work and harassing her, attempting to blackmail her with the information he 
has, or possibly even assaulting her, both WeedWhackers and GetNoticed would be 
named as defendants in any lawsuit that Mary brought, as their actions were 
directly responsible for that information falling into John’s hands. Because 
the generally accepted best practice in email handling is to confirm an email 
address, Mary would have a good chance of prevailing in her lawsuit against 
both WeedWhackers and GetNoticed.

Amber and QVC
Amber orders a lot of stuff from QVC. We mean a lot of stuff. Amber gets 3 to 4 
orders a week from QVC. And QVC emails Amber confirmation notices of each of 
her orders. And QVC’s delivery carrier, Hermes, emails Amber notices of 
upcoming deliveries, and also notices of completed deliveries.

The only problem is that Amber is not receiving these email notices, because 
she mistyped her email address; in fact Jason is receiving these notices. These 
notices include her full address, and even the description and value of the 
items that Amber has ordered from QVC. Because Amber orders a lot of makeup and 
skin care items, Jason infers that she is a youngish, single woman. And because 
he has her full name and address, he finds her Facebook profile, which confirms 
it. When Jason goes to Amber’s house to break in and rob her (not to mention 
possibly to do physical harm to Amber) he knows exactly what high-value items 
to look for.

Amber should readily win a lawsuit against both QVC and Hermes, especially 
because, in the actual situation, both QVC and Hermes were repeatedly put on 
notice that they were sending the emails to the wrong person, and yet Amber’s 
misdirected emails continued to flow to Jason.


Full article at


Anne P. Mitchell
Attorney at Law
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

[mailop] ANY OVH Contact?

2023-08-08 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
Does anyone have *any* contact at OVH?  Reports to abuse@, and through the 
abuse page, have yielded nothing for this very unrepentant spammer. :-(

Thanks in advance for any assistance here.


Anne P. Mitchell
Attorney at Law
Email Law & Policy Attorney
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] missing data in SNDS + IPs blocked on Apr 06

2023-04-15 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
> On Apr 15, 2023, at 4:12 PM, Mark Dale via mailop  wrote:
> Did you make any headway this issue? We've been having the same issues since 
> April 6.
> Regards,
> Mark
> On 2023-04-13 15:25, Fernando MM via mailop wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Apr 06 we detected that 28 IPs were blocked in, all with the 
>> following error:
>>550 5.7.1 Unfortunately, messages from [] weren't sent. 
>> Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is 
>> on our block list (S3150).

Question for each of you: Who is your service provider - i.e. from whom did you 
get the IP addresses?


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Email Law & Policy Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] I received a scam letter from Paypal

2022-12-28 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> What I'm saying here, is what the hell? How a scam can come from Paypal like 
> this?

Simple, it uses Paypal's own invoicing system:


We provide the Good Senders email sender reputation certification list to inbox 
around the world. Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Recommendations on ESP

2022-12-02 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> Who would you recommend has a good feature set but also and critically keeps
> spammers off so that I would not be negatively impacted on deliverability
> for actions outside of my control?

Mark, here is a list of ESPs that we recommend:

There are some that we will intentionally *not* recommend, however for what I 
imagine are obvious reasons we don't publish such a list.


We provide the Good Senders email sender reputation certification list to inbox 
around the world. Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)
mailop mailing list

[mailop] Google Gives Gmail Mass Email Services the Boot

2022-11-18 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
It's about time, and to the extent that you were involved (if at all), Brandon, 
*thank you*!

"Users of mass email services such as Gmass, Woodpecker, Lemlist and others 
that have been using Gmail’s API to send bulk email that tricked recipients 
into thinking that they were receiving personal one-to-one emails have been put 
on notice today by Google: “Applications that use multiple accounts to abuse 
Google policies, bypass Gmail account limitation, circumvent filters and spam, 
or otherwise subvert restrictions are prohibited from accessing Gmail API 


We provide the Good Senders email sender reputation certification list to inbox 
around the world. Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)
mailop mailing list

[mailop] Level3 / CenturyLink?

2022-10-10 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
Who is our current Level3 / CenturyLink contact?

Thanks for any pointers!


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Unexpected SPF rejections from Gmail et al

2022-09-28 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> We're getting rejects from Gmail (mostly) claiming an SPF failure, but I 
> can't see any problem.
> Here's an example of the rejection notice:
> Last error: 5.0.0 5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 550-'5.7.26
> This message does not pass authentication checks
> (SPF and DKIM both\n5.7.26 do not pass). SPF check
> for [] does not pass with ip:\n5.7.26
> [].To best protect our users from
> spam, the message\n5.7.26 has been blocked.
> Pleas... (190 bytes suppressed)
> But here's the SPF record for
> v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ~all

If you want to trigger a test email from the same sending system with which you 
are having issues to, and then send a second email to, telling us the 'from' address and subject of the 
test email, our team will take a look at it (no charge :~) ).


We provide the Good Senders email sender reputation certification list to inbox 
around the world. Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Blocked on

2022-09-19 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
Is this for a domain through which Adobe is sending email on behalf of Adobe or 
an Adobe subsidieary, or is it for a customer of Adobe for whom you are acting 
as an ESP?

We provide the Good Senders email sender reputation certification list to inbox 
around the world. Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

> On Sep 19, 2022, at 11:31 AM, Lionel Thevenin via mailop  
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a deliverability issue on All emails are rejected with 
> the text bounce : “550 5.7.1 Sender rejected - ELNK001_306 - 
> I contacted Vadesecure but they told me : 
> “Thanks to the provided information, I've got confirmation that the mail 
> address contact@ was blacklisted by Earthlink.
> I suggest that you reach them if this address should not be blocked.”
> (I hide the address on purpose)
> I tried to contact earthlink on and 
>  but I am not getting a response.
> Does anyone know another way to contact them ?
> Tel :  +6  
> Remote, Paris, FRANCE
> Have a look at the Adobe Campaign Deliverability Best Practice Guide for 
> tried and true tactics to keep your email in the inbox.
> Please note upcoming days out of office & Adobe holidays: March 8, April 2, 
> May 3, May 28-June 1, June 18, July 5-9
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Gmail Pilot Program for Political Campaigns Opens for Business

2022-09-15 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
"Google’s Gmail Verified Sender Pilot Program for political campaigns is up and 
running, and political campaigns can now apply to be part of Google’s program 
which allows political campaign email to bypass the spam filter and be 
delivered directly to Gmail users’ inboxes, but only once unless the user 
doesn’t click on the big red “I don’t want this” message that will accompany it.

Last month we told you about an effort by some members of Congress to introduce 
a law that would require email inbox providers such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, 
and all the others, to deliver political campaign email directly to your inbox, 
and that would actually forbid political campaign email to be run through a 
spam filter first. That law, if passed, would be called the Political BIAS 
Emails Act of 2022 (BIAS being short for Bias In Algorithm Sorting). The Email 
Bias act as introduced is known as HR 8160 and SB 4409.

Why a Pilot Program for Political Email Campaigns?
At the same time, and perhaps in response to the introduction of the law (in 
fact likely in response to it, although we’ll never know), Google wrote a 
letter to the FEC (Federal Election Commission) asking whether a pilot program 
contemplated by Google would be acceptable to the FEC, or would it run afoul of 
election law and FEC guidelines? The gist of the proposed pilot program was 
that certain vetted, verified, registered political campaigns could apply to be 
part of a program which would allow them to bypass the spam filtering 
algorithms at Gmail and instead be placed directly in the inbox, with the 
express proviso that the first time their email was placed in the inbox there 
would be a big pop-up that asked the user whether they had signed up for the 
campaign’s mailing list, and did they want to unsubscribe, and did they want to 
report it as spam?"

(Full article at

Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] The oligopoly has won.

2022-09-15 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Sep 15, 2022, at 7:37 AM, Gellner, Oliver via mailop  
> wrote:
> To get back to the original topic: In my opinion many of the claims made in 
> this blog post are factually wrong. Instead of countering each of them I 
> rather point to the ecosystem around us:
> We communicate with tens of thousands of different MTAs and most of them are 
> not run by members if the mentioned oligopoly. If it was impossible to run 
> your own email server, those MTAs wouldn‘t exist. But they do exist.
> What is true is that a lot of knowledge is necessary to run a MTA, as well as 
> the total amount of MTAs is decreasing. But this has more to do with the 
> general trend towards outsourcing and moving services to SaaS providers, than 
> with an alleged discrimination by an oligopoly.

I offer as exhibit A to support this the fact that the OP said that, and I 
quote, "I got 10/10 on"

I suspect that while he *thinks* he has everything set up correctly he, in 
fact, does not.  I can't imagine that any one of us here would rely ons a 
public free tool such as mail-tester which, while cute, what with its little 
boat rowing across the screen as it crunches your stats, very, very often 
yields false positives (meaning "your email set up is great! 10 out of 10!" 
when it is not).  Both with customers who come to us and say "but..but.." and 
in our own testing, it became very clear that these sorts of services 
(mail-tester being but one, so not to pick on them) test, for example, for the 
*existence* of an SPF record, but not the *content* of an SPF record.  We've 
even had people come to us with "10/10" scores who had *multiple* SPF records, 
and other issues with various DNS records.  This makes sense, because these 
services, which are free, are not putting human eyes on those records, only 
counting the very existence of them as proof of adequacy in set up.


We provide the Good Senders email sender reputation certification list to inbox 
around the world. Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] The oligopoly has won.

2022-09-15 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> I am not a lawyer and it's difficult to discuss laws in a different language, 
> but according to the definitions of the Telecommunications Act, anyone who 
> provides e-mail services to others is obliged to maintain the secrecy of 
> telecommunications. For this reason, they may not evaluate or disclose the 
> data and, according to newer laws, may not suppress it either after they have 
> accepted responsibility for delivery.

That is interesting, and makes sense given, also, that you are in the EU. I am 
a lawyer, however here in the U.S., and one of the very few things that our 
very lax email laws got right, in my opinion (in fact in the very law of which 
I wrote part) is that it gives complete control of delivery decisions to the 
ISPs, period, with what has been interpreted as broad immunity for those 


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] The oligopoly has won.

2022-09-14 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> If I have to check a spamfolder for false positives every day, I can just 
> have them delivered to my inbox. The spamfolder does not have an advantage 
> then.

I think what is being lost here is that for any inbox that is being provisioned 
by a webmail provider (and maybe others), it is an advantage for the *webmail 
provider* to have each user have a spam folder.  These providers take into 
account the aggregate numbers/percentages of how much of a sender's email is 
left in (not rescued from) the spam folders across their system, which helps to 
inform future delivery dispositions for email sent by a given sender.

Now one can agree or disagree with that use, but it is an advantage for some of 
those systems.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] The oligopoly has won.

2022-09-13 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
Hey Al!

>  it's been great to add more granular filtering directly and watch mail 
> bounce.

We run our own server and I do this's pretty gratifying, almost zen... 
but what I really wanted to say was:

> and it dawns on me that I'm already running all the pieces of a mailbox 
> provider, so I ought to just pull the trigger and make my own full one. 

If you are talking about as a business, *please* let us know if/when you pull 
that trigger because we'd love to refer people to you, it would be awesome to 
have a mailbox provider to whom we can refer with complete trust.  Our sender 
certification customers often ask us from where they can/should be sending out 
their transactional email - so many of them are using $BIGMAILBOXPROVIDER 
because they don't know any other way.


We provide the Good Senders email sender reputation certification list to inbox 
around the world. Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] HR 8160 and SB 4409: The "You're not allowed to run political campaign email through your spam filter" act

2022-08-01 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

On 2022-07-30 21:07, Jarland Donnell via mailop wrote:
> I think in this case we all know what they're doing and you've hit it dead 
> on. They're targeting Gmail and they're not really interested in anyone else.

Which is one reason the bill may not go any further, because now that Google 
has caved and asked the FEC for an opinion letter on Google's "pilot program" 
to let political campaign email bypass spam filtering, that stick may have 
already done its job (there was no carrot).


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] HR 8160 and SB 4409: The "You're not allowed to run political campaign email through your spam filter" act

2022-08-01 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Jul 31, 2022, at 1:29 PM, Laura Atkins via mailop  
> wrote:
> The research paper seems reasonably well done and I encourage people to 
> actually read it and their conclusions rather than paying attention to the 
> popular press takes on it. 

Totally agreed and, in fact, my understanding is that the authors are not 
pleased by the ..(how can I be circumspect here? "bill's authors and 
their ilk" miscasting and misrepresenting it in order to fuel this effort.

Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

mailop mailing list

[mailop] HR 8160 and SB 4409: The "You're not allowed to run political campaign email through your spam filter" act

2022-07-29 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
I want to be sure that everyone here is aware of a piece of pending legislation 
in the U.S. that is in committee in both the House and the Senate right now. 
It's called the Political BIAS Emails Act of 2022 (BIAS is short for “Bias In 
Algorithm Sorting”), and it requires that, and I quote: 

“It shall be unlawful for an operator of an email service to use a filtering 
algorithm to apply a label to an email sent to an email account from a 
political campaign unless the owner or user of the account took action to apply 
such a label.”

It is getting relatively very little press, and of course the chances of it 
passing are greater if nobody knows to oppose it.

We've written an article about it, which includes what to do, whom to contact 
and how, etc., and which includes all relevant links, here:

Feel free to share - in fact please do, if this thing passes it's the camel's 
nose under the tent.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] So, Sendgrid / Zoom, planning on actually doing anything about webinar spams?

2022-07-21 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Sun, 9 Jan 2022, Atro Tossavainen via mailop wrote:
> The basic problem is allowing an ESP customer to import a list that
> existed before the customer became a customer of this ESP. I can't
> think of an ESP that would not allow that.

Many of the ESPs that we certify will require senders with certain types of 
lists (size, industry, etc.) to reconfirm a percentage of their list upon 
upload.  And make no mistake, good ESPs scan uploaded lists for the same things 
as do"list hygiene" services.


We provide the Good Senders email sender reputation certification list to inbox 
around the world. Learn more at

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Google's Request to the FEC about Allowing Political Email to Bypass Spam Filtering

2022-07-10 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Jul 9, 2022, at 8:15 PM, Brett Schenker via mailop  
> wrote:
> Just put it all in quarantine. It only requires reporting on how much is 
> going to spam. Reporting 0 would technically be correct since quarantine is 
> different.

Or a 'Political' tab, just like the 'Promotions' tab.


Outsource your email deliverability headaches to us, and get to the inbox, 

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Google's Request to the FEC about Allowing Political Email to Bypass Spam Filtering

2022-07-09 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Jul 9, 2022, at 4:19 PM, Jarland Donnell via mailop  
> wrote:
> Is it normal to request such an opinion? As someone who doesn't follow 
> business of the FEC but obviously takes interest in the topic, it seems odd 
> to me though that may be due to the formerly mentioned thing.

It is quite common to ask for a 'letter opinion' from a governing agency, and 
in many contexts it makes sense to get that opinion rather than to just go 
forward and then get into trouble.

For context:

If you can't get to that because of the paywall, there's this:

(but the WP is the better, more comprehensive and less "short attention span 
theatre" in my opinion).

Bottom line, the GOP is claiming political bias on the part of Google's spam 
filtering algorithms.  And have introduced legislation that would require "It 
shall be unlawful for an operator of an email service to use a filtering 
algorithm to apply a label to an email sent to an email account from a 
political campaign unless the owner or user of the account took action to apply 
such a label."

Text of the bill:


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Google's Request to the FEC about Allowing Political Email to Bypass Spam Filtering

2022-07-09 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
> An interesting and useful project would be to identify political senders in a 
> way that would allow Google's users and the broader public of mail handlers 
> to shun them selectively. I can still dream...

Someone else suggested a new 'Political' tab, go go along with the 'Promotions' 


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Google's Request to the FEC about Allowing Political Email to Bypass Spam Filtering

2022-07-09 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
To those of you who aren't already aware of it, Google has asked the Federal 
Election Commission for an opinion about Google's 'pilot project' to allow 
political candidates and campaigns to bypass Google's spam filters.

This was just published by the FEC to the public yesterday, because Friday is 
when they publish their "what happened this week" notice to the public.  Here 
is the info:

You can mail your comments to the FEC at

The window for comments closes this Monday, July 11.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Contact at GoDaddy?

2022-07-07 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
Sigh, Ben (RIP) used to be our main contact for both security and spam issues.

Does anybody have a contact anywhere within GoDaddy to whom they could 
introduce me?


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Anyone have any contacts at Intuit?

2022-06-23 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> A small (abuse) matter appears to have arisen.

I may have a contact at Intuit, they are in the legal department (if they are 
still there), but it's a start. I've sent of an email and will let you know if 
I can make an intro asap.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Contact at NameCheap?

2022-06-15 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Jun 15, 2022, at 12:17 PM, Luis E. Muñoz via mailop  
> wrote:
> On 15 Jun 2022, at 12:37, Anne Mitchell via mailop wrote:
>> Does anyone have a technical contact or an abuse contact at NameCheap?
> The contact information they publish in their WHOIS (for domains they 
> sponsor) is accurate. It might not yield the result you wish for though.

Indeed, have tried that multiple times in the past few months.  Unfortunately 
the result we wished for was not "deafening silence".


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Contact at NameCheap?

2022-06-15 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
Hey guys,

Does anyone have a technical contact or an abuse contact at NameCheap?  

Thank you in advance!


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, eMail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS)
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Talking DOXING of spammers on this mailing list..

2022-06-02 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Jun 2, 2022, at 1:19 PM, Bernardo Reino via mailop  
> wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Jun 2022, Anne Mitchell via mailop wrote:
>> I *really* want to see the original email to which MDR is replying, however, 
>> ironically, our default install of rspamd rejected it (which is saying a lot 
>> because to be rejected by the default install you have to amass 15 points or 
>> more...). :-\
>> I see that the top points were for:
>> DBL_SPAM (6.5)
>> DCC_REJECT (2) [bulk Body=many Fuz1=16 Fuz2=many rep=71% ]
>> ABUSE_SURBL (1.5)
>> case that helps the original poster.
>> There a bunch of domains in common for the first two, but I won't paste them 
>> in here as it will likely trip lots of spam filters.
>> Anne
> The general recommendation to relax the filters for e-mails coming from 
>, due to the very nature of the content posted here.
> In my /etc/rspamd/local.d/settings I have this:
> --<<--
> # no spam filtering for
> mailop {
>priority = medium;
>from = "";
>apply {
>symbols_enabled = [ ];
> }
> -->>--

I appreciate that!  I'm not the one who maintains or has access to that part of 
our system; I do have access to the UI (the front end web interface of rspamd) 
however have not yet figured out how to create exceptions or rules through the 
front end. If anyone knows of a tutorial for that please let me know! So far 
all I've found has been for the back end.

Thank you!

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Talking DOXING of spammers on this mailing list..

2022-06-01 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
I *really* want to see the original email to which MDR is replying, however, 
ironically, our default install of rspamd rejected it (which is saying a lot 
because to be rejected by the default install you have to amass 15 points or 
more...). :-\  

I see that the top points were for:

DBL_SPAM (6.5) 
DCC_REJECT (2) [bulk Body=many Fuz1=16 Fuz2=many rep=71% ]
ABUSE_SURBL (1.5) case that helps the original poster.

There a bunch of domains in common for the first two, but I won't paste them in 
here as it will likely trip lots of spam filters.


> On Jun 1, 2022, at 5:17 PM, Michael Rathbun via mailop  
> wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Jun 2022 15:52:35 -0700, Michael Peddemors via mailop
>  wrote:
>> The goal is not only to DOX this actor, but list EVERY IP Range they are 
>> using in their spam operations..
>> Does this sound like fun for this mailing list, or is this too off topic 
>> or noisy?
> I think it would be a bit oblique to the purposes of the list as I understand
> them.  It would be good to have a forum dedicated to that activity.  
> I have a minor pile of information to contribute.  I doubt it would be
> something to do here.
> mdr
> -- 
>   "There will be more spam."
>  -- Paul Vixie
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Any reason to NOT block the entire .cam domain?

2022-05-27 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
We've started getting a fair amount of spam from .cam domains; in fact they all 
look the same, using the same HTML template with the same body format, but from 
different .cam domain for different 'businesses', so I suspect that one 
operation is selling "email marketing" packages to clients and setting it up 
for them, especially as they all are sending through their own domains, and, 
let's face it, these sorts of spammers usually don't know how to set up their 
own MX, etc.. rather than spamming through Google or Outlook.

They are all coming from:

they share:

mnt-routes: ashitt
mnt-by: ashitt

A few sample domains are:

I have a body of about 20 now (I'm sure I deleted many more) that are all 
clearly set up by the same entity, for/from different "businesses" using their 
own domains, so it's clearly a spam factory (they are almost certainly 
including a mailing list with the setup). Full samples available upon request.

Anyways, can anyone think of a single reason to *not* block all of .cam?  

Or, hey, to not get these IPs listed? ;-)

P.S.  Aaah, a TLD that can be, in quick-glance, mistaken for .com; good 


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (now the anti-spam arm of 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Calling out Mailjet and

2022-05-25 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
As a follow-up, Nick did indeed reach out to me, and the issue is resolved. 
Apparently my email to them was going to the spam folder, but he saw my post 
here on Mailop.


> On May 25, 2022, at 3:39 PM, Nick Schafer  wrote:
> Hi Anne,
> Apologies for the inconvenience. I'm reaching out to you directly to get this 
> resolved.
> Best,
> Nick Schafer | Manager of Deliverability & Compliance
> This message and all attachments are for the exclusive use of the recipients 
> and are confidential. If you receive this message in error, please destroy it 
> and notify the sender immediately.
> From: mailop  on behalf of Anne Mitchell via 
> mailop 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 4:25 PM
> To: Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop 
> Subject: [mailop] Calling out Mailjet and
> I am at my wit's end (I realize some may think that not a far distance);  
> has been spamming us for *2 years* Sometime at the end of 2020 
> they jumped from to Mailjet,  and they have been spamming through 
> through Mailjet since January of *2021*.  We have reported them to Mailjet 
> repeatedly (there used to be good people at Mailjet, however).
> Apparently Mailjet no longer even makes a pretense of caring about hosting 
> spammers - does anyone here even accept email from them any more? Anybody see 
> legitimate email coming through Mailjet, or shall we just blacklist the 
> entirety of their IP space at this point?
> Anne
> --
> Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
> CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
> Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
> Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
> Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
> Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
> Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
> Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
> Counsel Emeritus: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (now the anti-spam arm 
> of TrendMicro)
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Calling out Mailjet and

2022-05-25 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
I am at my wit's end (I realize some may think that not a far distance); has been spamming us for *2 years* Sometime at the end of 2020 they 
jumped from to Mailjet,  and they have been spamming through through 
Mailjet since January of *2021*.  We have reported them to Mailjet repeatedly 
(there used to be good people at Mailjet, however).

Apparently Mailjet no longer even makes a pretense of caring about hosting 
spammers - does anyone here even accept email from them any more? Anybody see 
legitimate email coming through Mailjet, or shall we just blacklist the 
entirety of their IP space at this point?


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (now the anti-spam arm of 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] FTC Report on Feasibility of Creating a 'Do Not Email' List

2022-05-19 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On May 19, 2022, at 8:11 AM, Dave Crocker via mailop  
> wrote:
> As noted earlier in the thread, there are some actors who are not criminally 
> inclined.  Ignorant and/or aggressive, but willing to follow the rules, or at 
> least mostly.  So, for example, they properly identify themselves.  And given 
> a sufficiently forceful requirement, they will grudgingly conform.

A notable and well-known (in some circles at least) example being Harris 
Interactive (the Harris Poll), who, when listed on the RBL, after initially 
saber-rattling and even filing a lawsuit, withdrew the lawsuit and reached out 
to us (this is when I was in-house at MAPS) asking us/me to guide them in 
changing their ways, and doing it right.  They became the poster child for 
'going straight'.  (We did press on this, so this is all public knowledge.)

To this day I think of them in terms of how an otherwise 'legitimate' 
organization can be doing it horribly wrong, but then actually turn it around. 
(Contrast that to a certain well-known coffee purveyor with an affiliate 
program, of whom I also think to this day, but for very different reasons (they 
were actually who I had in mind when we wrote the vendor liability amendment to 

Hrrm...a  'Remember them?' notable spammers/reformed spammers thread could be 
fun, but probably too much bandwidth-munching for what is intended to be a 
useful list. :-)

To put it back on track, I'd say that perhaps as many as 50% of companies that 
apply to ISIPP SuretyMail for certification and inclusion on the IADB Good 
Senders List are doing it wrong, but are also prepared to change their 
practices and follow the rules and do it right, but of course this is in part 
because they *know* they are having deliverability problems, which is why they 
came to us in the first place.  (I'd also say that perhaps 10-15% of 
applications we get are doing it wrong, and *not* prepared to change once that 
is pointed out to them).  There are those who don't know but care, those who 
don't know and don't care, and those who know and don't care.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (now the anti-spam arm of 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] FTC Report on Feasibility of Creating a 'Do Not Email' List

2022-05-18 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On May 17, 2022, at 8:10 PM, Paul Vixie via mailop  wrote:
> that was vernon schryver, and the list is still online, and vernon still adds 
> to it from time to time. rather than post the url itself, i'll post the 
> KARKIVE link from where it was first announced. 19 
> years ago, yikes.

Heh, I'll bet that you don't miss *at all*  the 'good' old days when I'd pester 
you when the nntp server went down, eh? ;-)


mailop mailing list

[mailop] FTC Report on Feasibility of Creating a 'Do Not Email' List

2022-05-17 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
For those who didn't know, you may find this infuria...interesting.  Did you 
know that CAN-SPAM mandated that the FTC look at creating a Do Not Email list 
and report their findings within 6 months of CAN-SPAM being enacted? That 
report was created and delivered, and it is 60 pages of "why we can't do that", 
culminating in "the Commission concludes that, under present conditions, a 
National Do Not Email Registry in any form would not have any beneficial impact 
on the spam problem. It is clear, based on spammers’ abilities to exploit the 
structure of the email system, that the development of a practical and 
effective means of authentication is a necessary tool to fight spam. Therefore, 
the Commission encourages the private market to develop an authentication 
standard. Authentication is not only required to make a Registry effective, but 
may even substantially address the underlying problem that prompted Congress to 
consider the establishment of a Registry."

You can read all 60 pages here:

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] is down?

2022-04-27 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Apr 27, 2022, at 10:00 AM, Al Iverson via mailop  wrote:
> Try

That's awesome! Even better than the original (because, explanations)!


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] is down?

2022-04-27 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
> i need this page from time to time. 

I know it's not as succinct as ;~), but until 
that site is back up feel free to use:


Outsource your email deliverability headaches to us, and get to the inbox, 

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, MAPS: Mail Abuse Prevention System (now the anti-spam 
division of TrendMicro)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] WTaF? I just got spammed BY Active Campaign

2022-04-26 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Apr 26, 2022, at 4:50 PM, Matt Vernhout via mailop  
> wrote:
> Sure but Active Campaign sent this not Shopify. 
> One rogue sales person sending cold email doesn’t mean the whole company is 
> bad either. 

Did I mention that they put me on a mailing list, from which I could opt out if 
I didn't want to hear from them any more?

I dunno, Matt, I usually give a company some latitude, but when an ESP, for 
crying out loud, does the very same thing for which we hold them to task when 
their customers do it...kinda hard to excuse it.


Outsource your email deliverability headaches to us, and get to the inbox, 

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, MAPS: Mail Abuse Prevention System (now the anti-spam 
division of TrendMicro)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] WTaF? I just got spammed BY Active Campaign

2022-04-26 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Apr 26, 2022, at 3:59 PM, Michael Rathbun via mailop  
> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Apr 2022 15:30:28 -0600, Anne Mitchell via mailop
>  wrote:
>> WTaF?? 
> I presume they are encouraging you to spam your legal services through them,
> rather than on the cover and spine of the local Yellow Pages™?

It's worse than that, the spam is for *no* sort of business even remotely 
related to anything I do - it's for "my" Shopify store!  I've never had an 
ecomm store in my life, let alone a Shopify store.

And, it went to my normal ISIPP address, I mean, you'd think they'd know...


Outsource your email deliverability headaches to us, and get to the inbox, 

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, MAPS: Mail Abuse Prevention System (now the anti-spam 
division of TrendMicro)

mailop mailing list

[mailop] WTaF? I just got spammed BY Active Campaign

2022-04-26 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
WTaF?? (Excuse the unladylike acronym.) I just got spammed BY Active Campaign. 
Not _through_ Active Campaign, *by* Active Campaign.  For their services.

Anyone else?

So far as I'm concerned, when an ESP transits spam, well, it doesn't 
necessarily mean "block on sight" because it depends on how they deal with hit.

But when an ESP *themselves* is spamming, that's a whole other kettle of hurt.

Here's the spam:


Hi Anne,

Your products and Shopify store look great. But great products and a nice 
looking website aren’t all that’s required to drive customer loyalty; you need 
to deliver a great customer experience.

ActiveCampaign’s industry leading customer experience automation (CXA) platform 
is used by over 130,000 businesses around the globe to: 
• Ensure customers that visit your website get the same consistent 
experience across all channels including; email, social media, SMS and live 
• Automatically turn Shopify data into personalized communications that 
drive impactful results in a few clicks.
If you’d like to learn more about how companies like The Skin Research 
Institute have integrated ActiveCampaign with Shopify to achieve a 330% 
increase in sales in just five months, I’d love to chat further. 



Alex Esquivel
ActiveCampaign / Business Development Representative
Schedule Your Call Here
(773) 657-9214
1 North Dearborn St, 5th Floor, Chicago IL, 60602, USA

If you'd like me to stop sending you emails, please click here
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Interesting passage from the new EU Digital Services Act

2022-04-23 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> How can we be possibly become aware of such possible threats without SPYING 
> -read it all- the email passing by our mail servers ??? only a jackass wana 
> be terrst will put dangerous/alarm trigger stuff in the Subject of his 
> emails. so do the EU wants us to play as NSA for free ? and pursue us if we 
> don't...

I'm not sure about the EU (although I'm guessing it's the same) there is often 
a "knew or should have known" standard (in fact that's the standard in the 
section of CAN-SPAM that I wrote).  So if that is the same in the EU, then 
people reporting to the provider about the threat would trigger it...remember 
I'm saying *IF* because I don't know.  That said, there are full swaths of text 
in the DSA that talk about complaints lodged with providers.

For anyone wanting the full text, you can find it down at the bottom of the 


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (now the anti-spam arm of 

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Interesting passage from the new EU Digital Services Act

2022-04-23 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
"Where an online platform becomes aware of any information giving rise to a 
suspicion that a serious criminal offence involving a threat to the life or 
safety of persons has taken place, is taking place or is likely to take place, 
it shall promptly inform the law enforcement or judicial authorities of the 
Member State or Member States concerned of its suspicion and provide all 
relevant information available."

Hrrrm... I wonder whether the online platforms of which we are ware who know 
full well that phishing is happening on their platform have promptly informed 
law enforcement.

Note that the DSA explicitly states that it applies to entities outside of the 
EU as well as within the EU.

(Our write-up of our first impressions of how we see the DSA being applied to 
email is here, and includes the full text of the DSA:


Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, MAPS: Mail Abuse Prevention System (now the anti-spam 
division of TrendMicro)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [E] $GOOG

2022-04-22 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Apr 22, 2022, at 11:05 AM, Luis E. Muñoz via mailop  
> wrote:
> On 21 Apr 2022, at 11:45, Anne Mitchell via mailop wrote:
>> Until Google manages to shut down outfits like MailShake and Woodpecker and 
>> Gmass, instead of turning a blind eye to it, Google will never get a handle 
>> on the abuse that goes through the Gmail API, in fact it feels as if they 
>> are tacitly approving it. (I suppose "shut down" s/b "care about". I know 
>> that my inquiries about it, and offers to assist, have fallen on 
>> unresponsive ears.)
> The idea behind Mailshake is not bad in itself. Many CRMs also use their 
> customer's mail servers. There are some things that these outfits should do 
> better though:
>   • Verify with the domain operator that they (the ESP, via the user that 
> signed up for the service) are indeed authorized to use the ESP's services. 
> I've found a number of instances where an end user with an email account on a 
> given domain, signed up to a certain CRM using this MO and started to email 
> "prospects" from their (ahem) "lead database". Hilarity tends to ensue 
> shortly after.
>   • Do a (much!) better job at vetting customers, including real rate 
> limiting.
>   • Take ownership of the responsibility to stop mail to whomever 
> unsubscribed/complained/bounced from their mailings. And then, keep track of 
> ratios and take their clients to task when thresholds are exceeded.

Well, yes, except basically they were either created to, or now do and don't 
care that they, enable people to do "cold email" by scraping email addresses, 
adding them to a list, and then sending them through the spammer's Gmail 
account so that it *looks* one to one, thereby having a bunch of 
spammer-friendly benefits including a) making it look one-to-one, and b) 
violating Federal law about an unsub link but cloaking it in it looking 
one-to-one (see "a)"). 

Woodpecker, at least, is somewhat up front about the fact that what they are 
doing is enabling their senders to violate Google's policies:

"If you exceed the sending limits (eg. 100 emails for free Gmail accounts when 
using automated tools, like Woodpecker) or send emails containing spam words 
your email provider will send us a server notification that your mailbox was 
suspended (usually for 24 hours). In such a case, Woodpecker will show an error 
on the campaign list." (


> After rereading the above, I realize how delusional it sounds :-(

I dunno about delusional, but much more willing to give the benefit of the 
doubt than am I.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (now the anti-spam arm of 

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Anyone have a contact?

2022-04-21 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
I know that this is a heck of a time to ask for a contact, but... does 
anybody have one?


Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, MAPS: Mail Abuse Prevention System (now the anti-spam 
division of TrendMicro)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [E] $GOOG

2022-04-21 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
>> .. I'd suggest anything that shows in the header be 
>> rejected -- at least until Google can get a handle on the abuse.

Until Google manages to shut down outfits like MailShake and Woodpecker and 
Gmass, instead of turning a blind eye to it, Google will never get a handle on 
the abuse that goes through the Gmail API, in fact it feels as if they are 
tacitly approving it.  (I suppose "shut down" s/b "care about".  I know that my 
inquiries about it, and offers to assist, have fallen on unresponsive ears.)


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, MAPS: Mail Abuse Prevention System (now the anti-spam 
division of TrendMicro)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Best mailbox provider for personal domain?

2022-04-08 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop
Hey Tara! :-)

Does your domain registrar not offer email hosting included with your domain?  
Most do, although of course some do it better than others.


> On Apr 8, 2022, at 7:40 AM, Tara Natanson via mailop  
> wrote:
> A while back there was a thread about the best place to host small biz domain 
> email but I'm looking for something even smaller. 
> I've got my personal domain hosted on gmail.  It's been there for more than 
> 10 years and was grandfathered into their free hosting tier.  In June GMAIL 
> is doing away with this plan and going to charge 5$/address per domain per 
> month.  I've got dozens of addresses setup so this really isn't a 
> good/affordable option anymore. 
> Where would you recommend hosting your domain so that you can pop/imap, use 
> "+" addressing, isn't spammer friendly, and basically works similar to gmail? 
> I no longer have a website setup, so mail is the only thing I care about. I'm 
> fine with a solution that has me setting up a new gmail account and just 
> popping the mail to there, but what are folks using these days?  (assuming I 
> have no desire to run my own server) 
> Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
> Tara Natanson
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Our experience on Gmail blacklisting our IPs range

2022-04-05 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> at MAPS we got sued a lot, but we always answered requests for removal from 
> the RBL. 

Which is one of the reasons that to this day MAPS is seen as the most ethical 
of RBLs (not to mention the first ;-)) ever.  Even by some spammers. ;-)

> what google is doing is an active harm which discredits the whole field of 
> distributed reputation. there should never be deliberate operational impact 
> without transparency and accountability.

Amen.  Good thing their motto is "don't be evil", can you imagine what they'd 
be doing otherwise?

Anne (former in-house counsel for MAPS, one of the positions of which I am most 
proud, we did good work there!)

Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [External] Re: IP Reputation Services

2022-04-05 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

>> FWIW - spamassassin checks the ISIPP by default since 3.10 and reduces
>> the score if your address is found there.
> Unfortunately, too expensive for a little guy.

Scott, it is free to query, I guess we need to make that clearer, the pricing 
you found is for senders wanting to be certified by us.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO ISIPP SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (now the anti-spam arm of 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] IP Reputation Services

2022-04-04 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

>> More general information about the IADB is here:
> FWIW - spamassassin checks the ISIPP by default since 3.10 and reduces
> the score if your address is found there.

True, and that is because when we came up with the idea for data response 
codes, we were specifically thinking of how we could be more useful to spam 
filters in general, and spamassassin in particular. :-) In fact for that reason 
we had someone who had worked on the original architecture of spamassassin help 
us to create the data response code system.  We also knew that others would 
copy our model and chose to let them, rather than to try to patent it or 
anything like that, because, again, at the end of the day it's about the email 
ecosystem and anything we can do to help receivers distinguish the wheat from 
the chaff is good for the entire email system.


Outsource your email deliverability headaches to us, and get to the inbox, 

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, MAPS: Mail Abuse Prevention System (now the anti-spam 
division of TrendMicro)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] IP Reputation Services

2022-04-04 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> I've found a few of them out there, but they seem to be priced as if I'm a 
> hosting company or an ESP, not an end-user-focused ISP.

As I mentioned in response to this query on the other list, but thought I'd do 
so here as well in case others were wanting this information, there are only 
two IP-based reputation services that are truly widely used, world-wide, ours 
and Validity's (nee ReturnPath).  

Our have *always* been free for receivers to query, and always will be, as our 
primary reason for having been in business for going on 20 years is to provide 
a way for *receivers* to determine the ham from the spam (making it easier for 
them to reject spam).  I'm surprised to hear that *any* of the others are 
charging for access for querying - shocked in fact.

You can always query our IADB (ISIPP Accreditation Database, now known to 
consumers as the Good Senders List, or GSL) here:

More general information about the IADB is here:

You can read more about our granular query responses, which we call Data 
Response Codes (we were the first to develop this method of responding to 
IP-based queries, nearly 20 years ago):

If you have any questions, any at all, please feel free to reach out to me 

Kind regards,


Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Counsel Emeritus, MAPS: Mail Abuse Prevention System (now the anti-spam 
division of TrendMicro)
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Who Do You Recommend for Small Business Regular (Non-Bulk) Email?

2022-03-04 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Mar 4, 2022, at 8:19 AM, Mike via mailop  wrote:
> On 3/3/2022 12:45 PM, Grant Taylor via mailop wrote:
>> He is using Google Domains as his registrar and has recently found out 
>> that he can forward up to 100 email addresses as part of that service.
>> [snip]
> registrar has a similar service when you register a domain
> with them: 2 mailboxes, plus forwarding and aliases

I'm very partial to Gandi, and in fact have a few domains registered myself 
there.  Unfortunately, the small businesses asking us "where do we go for 
sending business email" already have domains, and very VERY little clue about 

(Think 'grandma', who has already registered with 
NameCheap, has the site hosted at Wix, has set up for bulk email with MailChimp 
or Constant Contact, and has been sending regular one-to-one business email as because they didn't know what else to do, but now 
realizes she should send business email as and so 
want to get that set up. :-X)

I've received some great suggestions, thank you all! (And please keep them 
coming if you have more!)


Outsource your email deliverability headaches to us, and get to the inbox, 

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
In-house Counsel: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (Closed in 2004)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Who Do You Recommend for Small Business Regular (Non-Bulk) Email?

2022-03-03 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> On Mar 3, 2022, at 9:39 AM, Miles Fidelman via mailop  
> wrote:
> I highly recommend GoDaddy.  I use them for a couple of domains that I 
> haven't gotten around to setting up on our own servers.
> As reminded yesterday, after I fat-fingered a whole slew of mail into the 
> trash, their customer service is first rate.  They answer the phone quickly, 
> the first person who answers the phone almost always has a clue - and can 
> deal with problems directly.  Or they can get them dealt with quickly, 
> without having to shunt you from person to person.  (E.g., they were able to 
> restore all the mail I destroyed, with a phone call - they put my on hold at 
> one point, very briefly, to call their operations folk, then told me the mail 
> would be back in under 90 minutes - and it was.)  Their customer support for 
> other things - e.g., hosted servers & apps - is just as responsive.
> Mind you, I'm a "preferred customer" (I buy lots of domains from them), so I 
> get bumped to the head of the queue, to a better grade of support reps; and 
> they also offer some extra-cost support (e.g., for maintaining wordpress 
> installs) - so I don't know what their support is like for the great unwashed.
> Best customer service I've found from anyone - so, for a no-muss, no-fuss 
> recommendation, that's where I'd point them.

Miles, I have to say that this surprises me, and I'm glad to hear that GoDaddy 
has upped their game, as there was a period of time when this was not the case. 
 Do you happen to know if they offer hosted email if the domain is not 
registered/hosted through them?

Thank you!


Outsource your email deliverability headaches to us, and get to the inbox, 

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
In-house Counsel: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (Closed in 2004)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Who Do You Recommend for Small Business Regular (Non-Bulk) Email?

2022-03-02 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

> Fastmail looks good.

I agree! I had completely forgotten about them!


mailop mailing list

[mailop] Who Do You Recommend for Small Business Regular (Non-Bulk) Email?

2022-03-02 Thread Anne Mitchell via mailop

For some reason we have recently had a spate of small businesses coming to us 
asking us for our recommendations for a service to host their regular 
one-to-one business communications.  Google and MS seem to have the business 
email hosting thing locked up tight, but surely there must be email providers 
out there that are friendlier, easier to set up, and maybe even with some 
decent support (or is that a pipe dream?)

If a small business (say less than 10 people, hosts their website at their 
registrar's free hosting service, or Square or Wix) were to come to you and ask 
you from where they should send their one-to-one regular business 
correspondence email, who would you recommend?


Outsource your email deliverability headaches to us, and get to the inbox, 

Anne P. Mitchell,  Esq.
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
In-house Counsel: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (Closed in 2004)

mailop mailing list

[mailop] NCR?

2016-10-04 Thread Anne Mitchell
Does anybody here have any clued contacts at NCR?  One of their customers is 
spamming me personally, through their retailapps/radiantretailapps service, and 
NCR's response is "didn't the unsub link work"?


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification and Inbox Delivery Assistance

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose

Attorney at Law / Legislative Consultant
Available for consultations by special arrangement. | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Anyone from AOL on this list?

2016-10-04 Thread Anne Mitchell
Hi Frank, Rok and Josh,

> I just started seeing this:
>   Site ( said after data sent: 421 4.2.1 Dragnet 
> Timeout
>   Site ( said after data sent: 421 4.2.1 "Service 
> unavailable. Please try again later."

May I share your info with our AOL contact, to see if they can provide some 
meaningful information? (Josh, if so, I need to know what your questions are.)


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. 
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification and Inbox Delivery Assistance

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose

Attorney at Law / Legislative Consultant
Available for consultations by special arrangement. | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] How many more RBL's do we really need?

2016-08-29 Thread Anne Mitchell

> using Barracuda's RBL for high scoring, and not for outright blocking.

I think that in this day and age, this is true for *any* list - black-, white-, 
reputation- (yes, even ours).  Whitelists can also have false positives - even 
pay for play ones, because while full-on spammers may not pay to be on a 
whitelist, or for reputation certification, etc,  organizations that are 
whitehat can experience personnel changes in their email and marketing 
departments, and an organization can go from blindingly white to a shade of 
grey overnight. 

Plus, even more now than ever, what one receiving system may think of as 'spam' 
another may think of as 'legitimate email our users just didn't know they 
wanted'.  In fact, that's why we take pains to make a point that our lists are 
*not* whitelists - they are lists where receivers can get information about the 
specific practices of the senders - so, like Rob said - use them for scoring, 
not for outright blocking (well, accepting, in our case).


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
Legislative Consultant
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification and Inbox Delivery Assistance

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Committee
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] / prodigy mail admin?

2016-08-26 Thread Anne Mitchell
Aaron, please contact me offlist with details including your client's IP 
address(es), and we can help.


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
Legislative Consultant
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification and Inbox Delivery Assistance

Available for consultations by special arrangement.

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Committee
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

> I have a client (a law firm) that is unable to e-mail one of their clients at 
> We consistently get the following error:
> Failed to deliver to ''
> SMTP module(domain reports:
> return-path address <> rejected by 
> 553 5.3.0 flph385 DNSBL:ATTRBL 521< 
> >_is_blocked.__For_information_see_
> I have gone to and filled out the form three times over 
> the last ~1 month and have never received a response.
> We have outbound SMTP blocked on their router for everything except their 
> mail server.
> Can anyone at provide assistance?
> Thanks,
> -A
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] domain research tools?

2016-07-28 Thread Anne Mitchell

> … I just call `whois` from BASH and pipe the results into `less`.

I do this too, except I use 'more'.  Is there a quantifiable difference between 
'less' and 'more'? Or, perhaps, less is more? ;-)


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification and Inbox Delivery Assistance

Available for consultations by special arrangement.

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Committee
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mailchimp / Mandrill App: European VS US Privacy Laws

2016-06-10 Thread Anne Mitchell

> International law?  There's no international spam law.  I know people
> who spend full time trying to piece together spam cases using whatever
> law applies in whatever places bits of the spamming happens.
> As others have noted, US companies are not subject to Swiss law, just
> as Swiss companies are not subject to US law.

Of course there isn't *universal* law - by "international" law I meant "not US" 


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
CEO/President, Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Member, Cal. Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cyber Committee
Member, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Committee
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Mailchimp / Mandrill App: European VS US Privacy Laws

2016-06-10 Thread Anne Mitchell

> Venturing an opinion on how much jurisdiction a law enforcement or regulatory 
> Organization is prepared to assert in a cross border scenario isn't going to 
> fly too far 
> Did you try to identify the spammer with a dummy purchase If he is doing 
> something illegal?
> --srs
>> On 10-Jun-2016, at 9:09 PM, Anne Mitchell <> wrote:
>> I agree.  But that doesn't mean he can't get a satisfactory answer about the 
>> international law aspect.  And by satisfactory I mean one that makes sense, 
>> not necessarily one that he is going to like. ;-)

Ok, just to be clear, I'm not the one with the spammer (I was just offering to 
try to get info for Benoit from MC).


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation and Inbox Deliverability Certification Program

"Email marketing is the one place where it's better to ask permission than 
forgiveness." - Me

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Committee
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] I trust my candor is appreciated...?

2016-06-09 Thread Anne Mitchell

> If the traffic is Transactional, by all means open a ticket and push it. It 
> is always the best plan to keep Transactional traffic strictly separate from 
> all other traffic, and if there are issues, point the nature of said traffic 
> out in follow-up emails, as once validated, it will factor in the mitigation 
> decision.

Absolutely.  In fact, not only do we encourage (strongly) our email 
reputation/deliverability customers to segregate their transactional email out 
from their marketing/bulk email, but we actually have a special code in our 
zones to designate "this IP address sends only transactional emails" so that 
receivers and spam filters can take note of that (in fact I believe we still 
have a special rule in Spam Assassin for this very thing and reason).


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
SuretyMail Email Reputation and Inbox Deliverability Assistance

Don't have your own dedicated IP addresses?  
Check out SuretyMail Lite! 
Email Reputation and Deliverability for Everyone

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] signup form abuse

2016-05-27 Thread Anne Mitchell

> I personally think that ESP's should make an effort to carefully separate 
> their confirmed double opt-in mailings, from single opt-in mailers..

We have a lot of ESPs as customers of our email reputation certification 
service, and we *always* urge them to segregate their IPs by opt-in level (and 
also to assign customers their own IPs, whenever possible).  The bigger ESPs 
get this, and many of them do - others do a sort of graduated "new customers 
start in the low end, and then move up over time as they prove themselves" 
thing, but all of them do something to make sure their customers who are 
adhering to best practices are on IPs with good reputations.

(And, thank you for referencing our white paper! :~) )


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation and Inbox Deliverability Certification Program

"Email marketing is the one place where it's better to ask permission than 
forgiveness." - Me

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Committee
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] signup form abuse

2016-05-27 Thread Anne Mitchell

> But I agree with you completely on the, "loose definition" issue, and have a 
> rather nasty story about that.
> Always get the person who asserts their doing it to tell you exactly what 
> that term means to them.

These are the definitions that we use, and that we use in working with our 
customers - and yes, lots of senders have..interesting..definitions, 
particularly of "opt-in".


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation and Inbox Deliverability Certification Program

"Email marketing is the one place where it's better to ask permission than 
forgiveness." - Me

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Committee
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] What in the name of all that is evil is this new spam technique?

2016-05-13 Thread Anne Mitchell

> Apparently my search-fu was bad.  I hadn't marked it as spam, but I lost it 
> in the Master In Pile.
> It's a rather long message, so I stuck it here:

I've passed this on to them too...and they say, first of all, thank you and 
they really appreciate it you bringing it to their attention, and that it was 
in fact a glitch and has been addressed.

They also say if anyone sees other instances like this, to please let them 
know.  "Our abuse and postmaster addresses function, but get deluged as 
everyone knows with spam, so please use for such reports."


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] What in the name of all that is evil is this new spam technique?

2016-05-09 Thread Anne Mitchell

> It came in to my GMail account, and I figured I'd mark it as spam.  It's gone 
> now.  Sorry.

Ok if I forward over the image, with your info obscured?


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] What in the name of all that is evil is this new spam technique?

2016-05-09 Thread Anne Mitchell

> Which actor do you see potentially abusing the service, w.r.t. to it being 
> ripe for abuse?
> I only see the sending domain, the recipients domain and involved 
> in the transaction.

Well, clearly not the recipient's domain ;-)

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] What in the name of all that is evil is this new spam technique?

2016-05-09 Thread Anne Mitchell
I'm actually surprised it's taken this long for them to appear on the radar - 
they've been around since late 2014, which leads me to wonder if there's been a 
change in something there.


> On 9/5/2016 22:20, Jay Hennigan wrote:
>> Their FAQ at ( redirects there) claims that 
>> they're just trying to send more human-readable bounce messages but need 
>> advertising to pay for it. They also claim that one can opt out of the 
>> advertisements but only on a domain-by-domain (or typo-by-typo) basis. 
> I'd much rather have the gobbledygook bounces we have now that have them go 
> to the spam bin. If users completely lose confidence in the bounce message as 
> a concept it will be a support nightmare. Seems like they're just another 
> outfit trying to cram advertising into another "delivery medium".
> --GM
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] What in the name of all that is evil is this new spam technique?

2016-05-09 Thread Anne Mitchell
Yep, I don't disagree with *anything* you've said.  But examples from 'not me' 
are likely to be more compelling than 'just me telling them why it's a bad 


> On 5/9/16 11:20 AM, Anne Mitchell wrote:
>> Without commenting on what I think of the 'service' personally, I know the 
>> founders over at, and with permission, I'd like to send this over 
>> to them - while the service may be ripe for abuse, the people involved are 
>> pretty white hat in their views, so I think they'd want to hear about this.
> Ripe for abuse? It *IS* abuse.
> Sender A sends to recipient B. Mail to B isn't deliverable for some reason. 
> Third-party, with permission of (and possible payment to?) B's ISP, 
> intercepts the non-delivery notice and sends advertisements to sender A 
> without permission. How can this possibly be construed as white-hat?
> It's backscatter on steroids.
> Their FAQ at ( redirects there) claims that 
> they're just trying to send more human-readable bounce messages but need 
> advertising to pay for it. They also claim that one can opt out of the 
> advertisements but only on a domain-by-domain (or typo-by-typo) basis.
> In fact, the bounce messages, while perhaps more human-readable, are far less 
> likely to ever be read by a human as the spam within them will result in 
> almost universal filtering once anti-spam vendors get savvy to it.
> --
> Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering -
> Impulse Internet Service  -
> Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Looking for someone to set up DKIM on a Windows server

2016-03-29 Thread Anne Mitchell
Does anybody here have experience with setting up DKIM on a Windows server? We 
have someone needing that done, and our regular contractor that we use is 
unavailable right now. 



Anne P. Mitchell,
Attorney at Law

"Email marketing is the one place where it's better to ask permission than 
forgiveness." - Me

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Committee
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Anybody here familiar with setting up authentication on Windows (particularly Exchange Server)?

2016-02-11 Thread Anne Mitchell
Is anybody here familiar with setting up authentication (particularly DKIM) on 
Windows products (particularly Exchange Server)?

If so, please contact me offlist at



Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification
Is Email You Send Being Junked? Get to the Inbox Using Your Own Mail System!

"Email marketing is the one place where it's better to ask permission than 
forgiveness." - Me

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Spurious 'Client host [xyz] blocked using' replies

2016-01-21 Thread Anne Mitchell

>> On Jan 21, 2016, at 11:35 AM, Michael Wise  
>> wrote:
>> Back In The Day, there was a BCP for shutting down a DNSBL that included 
>> running a daily check of the IP (which should never hit), IIRC, as 
>> well as (which should always return a hit); and if my memory 
>> serves, if either criteria was different (both listed or neither listed), 
>> the DNSBL should be flagged as not to be trusted.
>> This is from memory, I remember a discussion … a decade or so ago?
> It's an obviously sensible thing to do, simple, cheap and doesn't require any 
> cooperation from the DNSBL operator more than all (but three) DNSBLs I know 
> of already do. 
> IIRC it's explicitly called out as something you can do in Chris and Matt's 
> I don't know of anyone who implemented it.

Heh..Steve, IIRC, are you the one who has a great story about listing the 
entire net on a DNSBL?  ;~)

I love that story. :~)


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification
Is Email You Send Being Junked? Get to the Inbox Using Your Own Mail System!

"Email marketing is the one place where it's better to ask permission than 
forgiveness." - Me

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] New method of blocking spam

2016-01-21 Thread Anne Mitchell

> Here is a list of 5505874 words and phrases used in the subject line of HAM 
> and never seen in the subject line of SPAM

Well, until the spammers spider the site, get the list, and incorporate the 
subject lines.

What's to stop spammers from simply adding (as an example) 'let's get dinner' 
to their subject line, and then how does the filter address that?


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification
Is Email You Send Being Junked? Get to the Inbox Using Your Own Mail System!

"Email marketing is the one place where it's better to ask permission than 
forgiveness." - Me

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] contact at

2016-01-01 Thread Anne Mitchell
Neil...drop me a line offlist.


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification
Is Email You Send Being Junked? Get to the Inbox Using Your Own Mail System!

"Email marketing is the one place where it's better to ask permission than 
forgiveness." - Me

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

> Hi
> I’m looking for a contact at - as much as i like the steady stream 
> of 419 from compromised accounts, I think it should probably come to an end, 
> or at least be properly reported (spamcop has them commented out).
> I spoke to a friend in the region, she had had some success with Lem, their 
> ARIN contact, but he has apparently moved to sunnier climes, or at least, is 
> working for a registrar these days, so i am at  a loss.
> nic-hdl: LEM1-ARIN
> person:  Luis E. Munoz
> e-mail:
> address: CANTV Servicios, C.A.
> address: Av. Fco. de Miranda Centro Lido Torre B Piso 7 Ofic 71-B El Rosal
> address: Caracas., Distrito Federal. 1060
> country: VE
> phone:   +582 9013683
> source:  ARIN-HISTORIC
> --
> Neil Schwartzman
> Executive Director
> Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
> Tel : (303) 800-6345
> Twitter : @cauce
> ___
> mailop mailing list

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Anybody from CheetahMail around?

2015-10-18 Thread Anne Mitchell
Need to talk with someone at Cheetah - anybody from there around?


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
ISIPP SuretyMail Email Reputation, Accreditation & Certification
Your mail system + SuretyMail accreditation = delivered to their inbox!

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Need samples (was Re: Hotmail/Microsoft/Outlook - getting their attention)

2015-09-04 Thread Anne Mitchell
So, we have someone within MS who wants to look into this, and who "may know 
what's going on but needs some headers to diagnose" for anyone who is 
having the problem that may be related to DMARC, forwarding, etc... send me 
what you have, and we'll pass it on.


Anne P. Mitchell,
Attorney at Law
ISIPP SuretyMail Email Reputation, Accreditation & Certification
Are you an ESP?  Ask us about our Email Academy for YOUR Users!

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Hotmail/Microsoft/Outlook - getting their attention

2015-09-03 Thread Anne Mitchell
If someone can send me actual error messages, along with the IP address from 
which you are sending, we'll see what we can do.


Anne P. Mitchell,
Attorney at Law
ISIPP SuretyMail Email Reputation, Accreditation & Certification
Your mail system + SuretyMail accreditation = delivered to their inbox!
Figure Out if It's Worth It:

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Hotmail/Microsoft Contact Available?

2015-09-03 Thread Anne Mitchell

> And as someone who's job it is to stop spam, do you really want a lawsuit to 
> find that a mail service has to accept mail from someone else?

Not to mention that Federal law specifically exempts ISPs from any liability 
for acceptance/delivery decisions they make.  Federal law specifically states 
that ISPs can refuse your email for any reason, or no reason at all.


Anne P. Mitchell,
Attorney at Law
ISIPP SuretyMail Email Reputation, Accreditation & Certification
Your mail system + SuretyMail accreditation = delivered to their inbox!
Figure Out if It's Worth It:

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] ATT Delist issues.

2015-07-09 Thread Anne Mitchell

Please contact me offlist and I'll see what we can do.


Anne P. Mitchell,
Attorney at Law
ISIPP SuretyMail Email Reputation, Accreditation  Certification
Your mail system + SuretyMail accreditation = delivered to their inbox!
Figure Out if It's Worth It:

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

 For some time now our customers have not been able to send emails to users ( The bounces refers to I have tried posting delisting request 
 trough the forms on this site several times over the years but have yet to 
 receive any reply or seeing the delisting happening.
 Does anyone know if this site and the forms on it, is being managed or 
 Can anyone maybe put me in contact with the att abuse team?
 A little more info:
 We are an ISP that offer our customers free email accounts with their 
 We have had some issues in the past with misused email accounts but have 
 since gotten new and upgraded spam solutions. Our mail servers has since had 
 a very good score with the different reputation vendors and few/no 
 Jarle Skogstrand
 NextGenTel Abuse Response Team
 mailop mailing list
mailop mailing list

[mailop] T-mobile contact?

2015-06-08 Thread Anne Mitchell
Is there anyone from T-mobile here, or does anybody have a T-mobile contact 
with whom they can put me in touch?


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
ISIPP SuretyMail Email Reputation, Accreditation  Certification

Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
303-731-2121 | | @AnnePMitchell | Facebook/AnnePMitchell 

mailop mailing list