RE: conf file precedence

1999-12-02 Thread Gerald Richter

 I have the following in my conf file:

 # Framed applications
 ProxyPass /frames
 ProxyPassReverse /frames

 # Begin Apache::ProxyStuff stuff
 PerlModule Apache::ProxyStuff

 Location /
 SetHandler  perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::ProxyStuff
 PerlSetVar  HeaderFile  /includes/home_top_table.html
 PerlSetVar  FooterFile  /includes/footer.html
 PerlSetVar  ProxyPrefix

 (Apache::ProxyStuff is similar to Apache::Sandwich but it gets files from
 remote servers and allows you to mess with the content. Once we
 put it into
 production and I get approval from the higher ups I'm going to make it
 available on CPAN.)

 The problem I've run into is even though I've set up ProxyPass rules for
 /frames it's getting handled by Apache::ProxyStuff. I though
 apache would apply
 the most specific rule (in this case /frames over /) but that
 doesn't seem to
 be happening. I tried moving the ProxyPass stuff to the end of the file in
 hopes it would take the last rule that applied but that didn't
 work either.

Also I not tried it out with ProxyPass, adding

Location /frames
SetHandler  none

after the


has solved a similar problem for me.


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Embperl static link problem

1999-12-02 Thread Feargal Finnegan


I am currently trying to statically link the embperl
module into my perl executable. The platform that I'm on
is Solaris 2.6. From reading the instructions it
says that I sould first configure the makefiles
with perl Makefile.PL. This goes ok. Then to statically
link the embedperl I should do "make perl" from the
embed perl directory. I do this but get the following 
error message.

Writing perlmain.c
cd .  gcc -c  -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/CORE
-I/usr/local/include -O \
   -DVERSION=\"1.2.0\" \
-DXS_VERSION=\"1.2.0\" -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/CORE
perlmain.c:67: parse error before `.'
perlmain.c: In function `xs_init':
perlmain.c:82: request for member `a' in something not a structure or union
make: *** [perlmain.o] Error 1
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `perl'

Am I doing this the correct way or have I missed something?

The line in perl main that generates the error is:
newXS("Embperl.a::bootstrap", boot_Embperl.a, file);



RE: conf file precedence

1999-12-02 Thread Eric Cholet

 I have the following in my conf file:
 # Framed applications
 ProxyPass /frames
 ProxyPassReverse /frames
 # Begin Apache::ProxyStuff stuff
 PerlModule Apache::ProxyStuff
 Location /
 SetHandler  perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::ProxyStuff
 PerlSetVar  HeaderFile  /includes/home_top_table.html
 PerlSetVar  FooterFile  /includes/footer.html
 PerlSetVar  ProxyPrefix


 The problem I've run into is even though I've set up ProxyPass rules for
 /frames it's getting handled by Apache::ProxyStuff. I though apache would apply
 the most specific rule (in this case /frames over /) but that doesn't seem to
 be happening. I tried moving the ProxyPass stuff to the end of the file in
 hopes it would take the last rule that applied but that didn't work either.

This recent change to Apache _may_ explain it (I'm not sure, haven't tried it):

  +  *) Fix problem with proxy configuration where globally set configuration
  + options were overridden inside virtual hosts.
  + [Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Before that change mod_proxy didn't merge per-directory configuration at request
time. Could you try a CVS snapshot of Apache and see if that fixes your problem?


Query/Parse/Format/Display ?

1999-12-02 Thread raptor


I want to make the following :
1. Query a site ?
2. Get the results of the query in my script (we are still in Apache)
3. Exctract the information I need ?
4. Fomat it and send to the browser ?

Does someone made something similar. Example ?
Thanx in advance


new Apache::Album uploaded to CPAN...

1999-12-02 Thread Jim Woodgate

I just uploaded it so it may take a little while to get to all the
mirrors, but the new version is 0.92
Seems everyone has a digital camera these days (and their own Album
module as well!), and my friends were bugging me to add some new
features, so I did...
You can see a sample album at:
(I realize the background picture is a bit much, it's mainly to show
how it's done... :)

The new module will allow picture uploads (if it's enabled), so
Apache::Request is now a prereq (Image::Magick is also still a prereq)

Here's the top of the Changes file:

Revision history for mod_perl module Apache::Album.
0.92  Wed Dec  1 23:16:00 1999
- Added Sm Med Lg tags if AllowFinalResize is set, this creates smaller
  versions of the pictures, for people with small screens and/or small
- Added ReverseDirs/ReversePics which if set reverses the sort order
  of directories/pictures
- Added EditMode which if set allows the end user to create new albums
  and upload pictures

And here's the top of the README

Apache::Album - Simple mod_perl Photo Album

Add to httpd.conf

 Location /albums
 É   PerlHandler Apache::Album
#   PerlSetVar  AlbumDir/albums_loc
#   PerlSetVar  ThumbNailUseWidth
#   PerlSetVar  ThumbNailWidth  100
#   PerlSetVar  ThumbNailAspect 2/11
#   PerlSetVar  ThumbSubDir thumbs
#   PerlSetVar  DefaultBrowserWidth 640
#   PerlSetVar  OutsideTableBorder  0
#   PerlSetVar  InsideTablesBorder  0
#   PerlSetVar  BodyArgsBGCOLOR=white
#   PerlSetVar  Footer  "EMOptional Footer Here/EM"
#   PerlSetVar  EditMode0
#   PerlSetVar  AllowFinalResize0
#   PerlSetVar  FinalResizeDir  thumbs
#   PerlSetVar  ReverseDirs 0
#   PerlSetVar  ReversePics 0
This is a simple photo album. You simply copy some gif's/jpeg's to
a directory, create an optional text block (in a file called
caption.txt) to go at the top, and the module does the rest. It does
however require that PerlMagick be installed.  Default settings in the
httpd.conf file may be overridden by creating a .htaccess file in the
same directory as the image files and the caption.txt file.



RE: Query/Parse/Format/Display ?

1999-12-02 Thread ricarDo oliveiRa


You can use the get() method of LWP:Simple or the LWP:UserAgent,
HTTP:Request and HTTP:Response methods. Both ways of doing it are described
on recipe 20.1 of O'Reilly's "Perl Cookbook" (Tom Christiansen and Nathan

good luck
./ricarDo oliveiRa

--Original Message--
From: raptor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 2, 1999 8:47:35 PM GMT
Subject: Query/Parse/Format/Display ?


I want to make the following :
1. Query a site ?
2. Get the results of the query in my script (we are still in Apache)
3. Exctract the information I need ?
4. Fomat it and send to the browser ?

Does someone made something similar. Example ?
Thanx in advance


FREE Email for ALL! Sign up at

Re: user registration/login system

1999-12-02 Thread James G Smith

"Arnel Estanislao" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I sent this email out yesterday, but it didn't seem to reach the list. My 
apologies if you get this twice.

Is there a "best way" to accomplish the following user registration/login 

- User attempts to visit a password-protected section of the site.
- If user is not yet authenticated (using DBI/DBD::Pg), user is redirected 
to a login/registration page.  (We are NOT using Basic authentication).
- User logs in or registers.
- User is given a session key and is taken to the URL they were originally 
trying to visit.
- Session expires after X amount of time.

We're thinking about using "Authen::Ticket" or "Apache::AuthCookie", but 
wanted to get some real-world validation of our approach, or find out about 
other modules that have been used to successfully implement the above.

Please be aware that Authen::Ticket is still considered in development.
The documented API is subject to minor changes in upcoming releases, 
which means if you upgrade the module, check the Changes file.
However, it does provide for easy session expirations and can do all
the other things in the bulleted list.
James Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED], 409-862-3725
Texas AM CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

mod_perl SourceGarden is looking for a new home

1999-12-02 Thread Stas Bekman


Lately, ScreamDesign has changed its policy regarding OSS and because of
that mod_perl SourceGarden is looking for a new home. We would like to
thank ScreamDesign for hosting our project for the last half a year,
especially Pat and Philip who provided all the setup and required

Can someone help us? We are almost ready for a beta release of the
project, but if there will be no site there will be no project :(

What we are looking for is a company/individual to host the site and
provide the project bandwidth and basic local sysadmin help. It would be
nice to have linux runing on it, and for it to be a dedicated box, since
there will be lots of mod_perl stuff running there. 

Thank you!

For those who hear about mod_perl SourceGarden for the first time, here is
the link:

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  ==  ||
single o- + single o-+ = singlesheaven

Embperl and printing...

1999-12-02 Thread Arnel Estanislao

I have a binary string that I would like to print, but it includes the EOF 
character ("\0").

Embperl seems to cut off the string at the first terminator, whether I do:
[+ $string +]
or  [- print OUT $string -]

However, if I print the string to a regular file, the whole string prints 
without any problems.

Am I doing something wrong?  How do I print the whole string and nothing but 
the string?  :)



Get Your Private, Free Email at

RE: mod_perl SourceGarden is looking for a new home

1999-12-02 Thread Baiju Thakkar

 Talk to SourceForge which is sponsored by VA Linux Systems.
 I don't think they currently support mod_perl, but I bet they can be
 convinced if you ask nice.

Also, The sourceexchange might be something to look at.

I see they are affiliated with o'rielly.

Baiju Thakkar

Just use Perl;

An Embperl input function for protecting perl code (plus vimEmbperl mode)

1999-12-02 Thread Kee Hinckley

Hash: SHA1
Precedence: bulk

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Although Embperl supports both Raw and Non-Raw processing of input, 
that doesn't handle situations where designers use both WYSIWYG and 
non-WYSIWYG editors (e.g. DreamWeaver and BBEdit).  That's how I 
typically do my work (or in vi/vim), and I'd rather not program in 
DreamWeaver-encoded Perl.

To manage this, you can wrap some tags in something that causes the 
browser ignore the contents.  The most obvious one is % ... %, 
which most editors will take as referring to ASP code.  This works 
great in DreamWeaver.  However you can really only wrap it around 
Embperl tags that don't do any output.  To get around that problem I 
wrote an Embperl input method that strips all % and % tags from the 
input prior to sending it for processing by Embperl. This allows 
Embperl commands to be embedded within ASP-style tags so that WYSIWYG 
editors won't touch them.

If you're interested, you can download it from  It's pretty tiny, the docs are 
larger than the code.

P.S. Also on that page, although perhaps someone has already done 
this, are the diffs for vim's html.vim module.  This version will 
switch to Perl mode whenever it's in an Embperl tag.

Kee HinckleySomewhere Consulting Group - Consultants without the cubes(tm)

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.2 for non-commercial use


RE: Embperl and printing...

1999-12-02 Thread Gerald Richter

 I have a binary string that I would like to print, but it
 includes the EOF
 character ("\0").

 Embperl seems to cut off the string at the first terminator, whether I do:
 [+ $string +]
 or  [- print OUT $string -]

 However, if I print the string to a regular file, the whole string prints
 without any problems.

 Am I doing something wrong?  How do I print the whole string and
 nothing but
 the string?  :)

This maybe true, I never tried this, because the \0 is the normal string
terminating charater in C.

The only solution I see, to set the optEarlyHttpHeader option in your
httpd.conf, then you can use the normal Perl print, which should work with
binary data as well.


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Embperl with DSO

1999-12-02 Thread Aaron Johnson

I went ahead and compiled my own Apache and mod_perl for Red Hat, but
was curious if there is a solution for using Embperl with DSO and
allowing for the modules to be loaded one time.

I thought I had the above working with the default Red Hat 6.0
Apache/mod_perl, but it was not "permanently" loading the modules. When
I removed refernece to HTML::Embperl from my file I got:
Undefined subroutine HTML::Embperl::handler called

Mine is working now, just curious if there is something I could have
done to keep from compiling my own. (one less step in new server setup
and testing)

Aaron Johnson

Re: Content management system

1999-12-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Wed, 01 Dec 1999, Andy Wardley wrote:
 Are there any freeware content management systems kinda Zope or simpler on
 Perl ?
 There are two in development that I know about, Iaijutsu and Istore:
 We've been having some discussion on the templates list about how best to
 combine the various efforts into one coherent application server suite.
 There's quite some way to go until we have a "finished product", but the ball
 is rolling and things are looking encouraging so far.

It's interesting to see such projects going on (especially since I was/am
working on one myself too). I'm currently working with a
product called "Mediasurface" - some people may have heard of it.
Unfortunately it just does some things all wrong, so I'm kinda working on
something like that - but doing everything right :)

Anyone think choice is a bad thing and I should work with the other


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Re: Content management system

1999-12-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, Chuck O'Donnell wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 04:05:06PM +0400, BeerBong wrote:
  Hello all!
  Are there any freeware content management systems kinda Zope or simpler on
  Perl ?
  What do you can recommend ?
  Where I can search for its ?
 Mason has one

Mason is (IIRC) a component based development system - not a content
management system. Think of a system that automatically takes care of
object management, versioning, a test and live server, an admin front end
(be it web based or not) and you've got a content management system. Throw
in something like mason for developing components and you've got something
really interesting for non-hardcore developers. They're not for everyone,
but in certain cases they can make life easier.


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Re: Content management system

1999-12-02 Thread Jason Bodnar

I attended the session on WebDav and Apache at the OpenSource conference. At
the time the versioning stuff wasn't done but the concept seemed really
promising. It probably be worth a look if you want to do content management.

On 02-Dec-99 Matt Sergeant wrote:
 On Wed, 01 Dec 1999, Andy Wardley wrote:
 Are there any freeware content management systems kinda Zope or simpler on
 Perl ?
 There are two in development that I know about, Iaijutsu and Istore:
 We've been having some discussion on the templates list about how best to
 combine the various efforts into one coherent application server suite.
 There's quite some way to go until we have a "finished product", but the
 is rolling and things are looking encouraging so far.
 It's interesting to see such projects going on (especially since I was/am
 working on one myself too). I'm currently working with a
 product called "Mediasurface" - some people may have heard of it.
 Unfortunately it just does some things all wrong, so I'm kinda working on
 something like that - but doing everything right :)
 Anyone think choice is a bad thing and I should work with the other
 Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
 Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
 Web Sites:
 Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

In Jail Rock house Rock, he was everything Rockabilly's about.
No, I mean he is Rockabilly. Mean, Surly, Nasty, Brute.
I mean in that movie he couldn't give a  about nothin'.
Just rockin' and rollin', livin' fast, dying young, leavin' a good lookin'

--Clarence Worley, True Romance

Re: Content management system

1999-12-02 Thread Pouneh Mortazavi

 It's interesting to see such projects going on (especially since I was/am
 working on one myself too). I'm currently working with a
 product called "Mediasurface" - some people may have heard of it.
 Unfortunately it just does some things all wrong, so I'm kinda working on
 something like that - but doing everything right :)

is mediasurface a UK java-based content management system? my best friend
wrote that if so


 Anyone think choice is a bad thing and I should work with the other
 Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
 Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
 Web Sites:
 Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Re: Content management system

1999-12-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, Pouneh Mortazavi wrote:
  It's interesting to see such projects going on (especially since I was/am
  working on one myself too). I'm currently working with a
  product called "Mediasurface" - some people may have heard of it.
  Unfortunately it just does some things all wrong, so I'm kinda working on
  something like that - but doing everything right :)
 is mediasurface a UK java-based content management system? my best friend
 wrote that if so

OK, err.. no comment :)


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Re: Content management system

1999-12-02 Thread Barry Robison

On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 09:08:19PM +, Matt Sergeant wrote:
 On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, Chuck O'Donnell wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 04:05:06PM +0400, BeerBong wrote:
   Hello all!
   Are there any freeware content management systems kinda Zope or simpler on
   Perl ?
   What do you can recommend ?
   Where I can search for its ?
  Mason has one
 Mason is (IIRC) a component based development system - not a content
 management system. Think of a system that automatically takes care of
 object management, versioning, a test and live server, an admin front end
 (be it web based or not) and you've got a content management system. Throw
 in something like mason for developing components and you've got something
 really interesting for non-hardcore developers. They're not for everyone,
 but in certain cases they can make life easier.

Mason itself is a component based development system, however there is a CM system 
developed with it.


Mason Content Management, Release 0.3b

We are proud to announce the initial public release of the Mason Content Management 
system. Content Management makes it easy to navigate the content of a website and 
manage the workflow of information as it moves from staging to the live, production 
web site.
Content Management features:
* Easily navigate multiple filesystems: create, copy, rename and edit files and 
* Search for files based on file name or contents
* Trigger (copy) files between staging and production sites
* Track changes between staging and production, save versions (via Rcs)
* Edit files on staging, with an integrated, HTML-friendly spell-checker
* File locking protects multiple users from editing the same file
* Control access to directories on a per-user basis

We'll be putting up a demo of Content Management soon here on MasonHQ, but in the 
meantime, download a copy and let me know what you think. You can also have a look at 
the user manual.

Mark Schmick

Barry Robison - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The attraction of knowledge would be small if one did not have to overcome so
much shame on the way.

Re: Content management system

1999-12-02 Thread Chuck O'Donnell

On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 09:08:19PM +, Matt Sergeant wrote:
 On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, Chuck O'Donnell wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 04:05:06PM +0400, BeerBong wrote:
   Hello all!
   Are there any freeware content management systems kinda Zope or simpler on
   Perl ?
   What do you can recommend ?
   Where I can search for its ?
  Mason has one
 Mason is (IIRC) a component based development system - not a content
 management system. Think of a system that automatically takes care of
 object management, versioning, a test and live server, an admin front end
 (be it web based or not) and you've got a content management system. Throw
 in something like mason for developing components and you've got something
 really interesting for non-hardcore developers. They're not for everyone,
 but in certain cases they can make life easier.

I guess I should have been more specific... I think the Mason guys
have created a fairly nice content management system built on top of
the Mason component framework. The following is taken from the Mason
site (


  We are proud to announce the initial public release of the Mason
  Content Management system. Content Management makes it easy to
  navigate the content of a website and manage the workflow of
  information as it moves from staging to the live, production web
  Content Management features: 
  * Easily navigate multiple filesystems: create, copy, rename and edit
files and directories
  * Search for files based on file name or contents 
  * Trigger (copy) files between staging and production sites
  * Track changes between staging and production, save versions (via
  * Edit files on staging, with an integrated, HTML-friendly
  * File locking protects multiple users from editing the same file
  * Control access to directories on a per-user basis
  We'll be putting up a demo of Content Management soon here on
  MasonHQ, but in the meantime, download a copy and let me know what
  you think. You can also have a look at the user manual.


I haven't used the content management system, but we've been using
Mason for quite a while, and find it to be a very stable and usable
application framework.



$r-args missing data

1999-12-02 Thread Christian Gilmore

We just updgraded from apache-1.3.3/mod_perl-1.16 to
apache-1.3.9/mod_perl-1.21 on solaris-2.5.1. $r-args does not contain any
data for us now when it did before during the URI translation phase.

We're running a minimal system, so many modules have been stripped from the
build (included is one home-grown module mod_pushweb which does no
modification whatsoever of request_rec). We put in some extra debug lines into
both apache's httpd_main.c and mod_perl's mod_perl.c.

It appears that both apache and mod_perl internally have r-args correct, yet
it doesn't make it up to the TransTest module. This same TransHandler code
worked just fine in the previous 1.3.3/1.21 build. Can anyone see the problem?

Included below are:

 * build commands we used
 * httpd.conf snippets relating to mod_perl
 * the TransTest module which demonstrates the problem
 * the error_log

The build commands for mod_perl:
 (answer 'y' to the first question, 'n' to the second)
 make all
 make install

The build commands for apache:

--disable-module=actions \
--disable-module=alias --disable-module=asis \
--disable-module=auth --disable-module=autoindex \
--disable-module=cgi --disable-module=dir \
--disable-module=env --disable-module=imap \
--disable-module=include --disable-module=mime \
--disable-module=negotiation --disable-module=setenvif \
--disable-module=status --disable-module=userdir \
--activate-module=src/modules/mod_pushweb/libmod_pushweb.a \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \

From httpd.conf:

 PerlRequire /weblab/services/pushweb/lib/
 PerlTransHandler TransTest

The module:

 package TransTest;
 use lib qw(/weblab/services/pushweb/lib);
 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants ':common';
 use Apache::Log;

 sub handler {
   my($r) = @_;
   $r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = \transtest_handler);
   return OK;

 sub transtest_handler {
   my($r) = @_;
   my $log = $r-server-log;

   $log-debug("TransTest Handler entry");

   $log-debug("The Entire Request: " . $r-as_string);
   $log-debug("The Request Line: " . $r-the_request);
   $log-debug("The Path Information: " . $r-uri);
   $log-debug("The Args: " . $r-args);

   my $response = "htmlbodyTransTest ";
   $response .= "response/body/html\n";

   # Apache's no-caching (as of 1.3.0) is broken.
   # It just modifies stamp
   $r-header_out('Pragma', 'no-cache');
   $r-header_out('Cache-control', 'no-cache');
   $r-header_out('Content-Length', length($response));

   $log-debug("TransTest Handler exit");



From the error_log:

[Thu Dec  2 17:07:08 1999] [notice] Apache/1.3.9 Ben-SSL/1.37 (Unix)
mod_perl/1.21 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:08 1999] [info] Server built: Dec  1 1999 19:11:25
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug] apache_ssl.c(1718): CIPHER is RC4-MD5
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug] buff.c(263): read returned 310 rwstate=3
state=3 rstate=240 cren=0 aren=0 accept=1
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [error] [client] before ap_parse_uri
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [error] [client] after ap_parse_uri
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug] mod_perl.c(884): before callup to
perltranshandler, args=foo=bar
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug] mod_perl.c(887): after callup to
perltranshandler, args=foo=bar
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/ TransTest Handler entry
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/ The Entire Request: GET
/login=cgilmore/?foo=bar HTTP/1.0
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; U; SunOS 5.7 sun4u)

HTTP/1.0 (null)

[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/ The Request Line: GET
/login=cgilmore/?foo=bar HTTP/1.0
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/ The Path Information:
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/ The Args:
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/ TransTest Handler exit


Christian Gilmore
Senior Technical Staff Member
ATT Labs IP Technology, Florham Park

Re: $r-args missing data

1999-12-02 Thread Ken Y. Clark

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Christian Gilmore wrote:

 We just updgraded from apache-1.3.3/mod_perl-1.16 to
 apache-1.3.9/mod_perl-1.21 on solaris-2.5.1. $r-args does not contain any
 data for us now when it did before during the URI translation phase.

[ snip ]

 The module:
  package TransTest;
  use lib qw(/weblab/services/pushweb/lib);
  use strict;
  use Apache::Constants ':common';
  use Apache::Log;
  sub handler {
my($r) = @_;
$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = \transtest_handler);
return OK;
  sub transtest_handler {
my($r) = @_;
my $log = $r-server-log;
$log-debug("TransTest Handler entry");
$log-debug("The Entire Request: " . $r-as_string);
$log-debug("The Request Line: " . $r-the_request);
$log-debug("The Path Information: " . $r-uri);
$log-debug("The Args: " . $r-args);
my $response = "htmlbodyTransTest ";
$response .= "response/body/html\n";
# Apache's no-caching (as of 1.3.0) is broken.
# It just modifies stamp
$r-header_out('Pragma', 'no-cache');
$r-header_out('Cache-control', 'no-cache');
$r-header_out('Content-Length', length($response));
$log-debug("TransTest Handler exit");

you might try referencing $r-main-args because you are passing $r to
your trastest_handler.  this has been a consistent thorn in my side for
many applications.  sometimes $r-main-args has it, sometimes $r-args,
and sometimes i can successfully use a CGI query object and get it from



Re: Can't load /..../

1999-12-02 Thread Bruce Johnson

Installing 1.19 doesn't seem to work, either.  I have obviously
mucked something up, but I'm confounded as to what.  I've done a
complete rebuild of Apache per the "flexible way" instructions in
INSTALL.apaci, and whether I do it with 1.19 or 1.20, the same
problem occurs.

One problem I find during the "make test" of mod_perl is that it
fails because the httpd binary doesn't exist yet.  I don't know
if that's an error in the installation instructions or whether
some other prerequisite hasn't been met.  I dimly recall having
seen that problem when I did my original build in May.
Bruce A. JohnsonPictureVision, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer   250-A Exchange Pl.
(703)925-4075   Herndon, VA 20170

"Bruce A. Johnson" wrote:
 I just rebuilt my Apache server (1.3.6) last week.  I enabled the
 cern_meta module, the usertrack module, and the expires module,
 and I upgraded mod_perl from 1.19 to 1.21.  I did a clean build
 from the distribution tar-balls.
 My "tricky" applications seemed to work okay, so I put it into
 production.  Now I find that one of my other apps is broken:
  Software error:
  Can't load '/opt/perl/lib/5.00502/sun4-solaris/auto/Fcntl/' for module
  Fcntl: /opt/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
  /opt/perl/lib/5.00502/sun4-solaris/auto/Fcntl/ symbol main: referenced
  symbol not found at /opt/perl/lib/5.00502/sun4-solaris/ line 168. at
  (eval 168) line 3
 I don't know whether I've stumbled across a problem in mod_perl
 1.21 or whether I inadvertently mucked something up.  I'm
 starting a rebuild with 1.19 to see if the problem can be
 reproduced; however, if anyone has some advice for a dumb
 so-and-so, I'll gladly accept it.
 Bruce A. JohnsonPictureVision, Inc.
 Sr. Software Engineer   250-A Exchange Pl.
 (703)925-4075   Herndon, VA 20170

OT: (stupid) question

1999-12-02 Thread Martin A. Langhoff

hi all,

sorry for posting off-topic. Really. Shouldn't. Couldn't.

I'm having a stupid problem with an 'upload file' CGI I
wrote based on the documentation.

The code that is failing is at the end. The file is opened
succesfully for writing (I did try and write a string in it). The CGI
parameter is 'seen' by my script but the *magic* that makes it work both
as a string and as a filehandle is somehow broken.

Weird enough, I have a standard file-upload that does work on the
same directories and files and from the same browsers. The script is
from , written by [EMAIL PROTECTED]



use CGI;
$| =1 ;

$query= new CGI;
print $query-header();

# Copy a binary file to somewhere safe
open (OUTFILE,"/net/projects/")
or print $!;
  $filename = $query-param('uploaded_file');
while ($bytesread=read($filename,$buffer,1024)) {
   print OUTFILE $buffer;
 $totalbytes += $bytesread;
  close OUTFILE ;

print "$filename\n";
print $totalbytes;

   - Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
-  | God is real until  -
- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

Re: PerlFreshRestart and %INC

1999-12-02 Thread Tim Bunce

On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 06:59:26PM +, Michael Smith wrote:
 I'm experiencing difficulties when using PerlFreshRestart modules that
 depend on %INC.  In my particular case I'm trying to use persistent
 connections in DBI through Apache-DBI, and Apache/DBI is not in %INC
 when PerlFreshRestart causes DBI to be loaded a second time.
 In more detail, I've cut down my config file to little more than
 PerlModule Apache::DBI
 And I've altered to Dump out %INC to STDERR just before it checks
 it to see if it contains Apache/DBI.  With PerlFreshRestart not set I
 get this dumped out in my session.

 $VAR21 = 'Apache/';

 With PerlFreshRestart on, I get two dumps, one in my session window, and
 one in the error log; firstly:

 $VAR21 = 'Apache/';

 (just as above) and then in the error log.

 [...similar list but without Apache/]

 Why does PerlFreshRestart behave like this?  I don't understand why the
 module is loaded twice, and more particularly why %INC is different the
 second time.  Oh, I suppose I should mention that this is with
 perl5.00404, apache/1.3.6 and mod_perl/1.19

And just to fill-in from the DBI perspective... near the top of
it says:

 # check if user wants a persistent database connection ( Apache + mod_perl )
 if ($INC{'Apache/'}  substr($ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE}||'',0,8) eq 'CGI-Perl') {
 $connect_via = "Apache::DBI::connect";
 DBI-trace_msg("DBI connect via $INC{'Apache/'}\n");

So the problem seems to be that when the DBI gets re-loaded by
PerlFreshRestart, %INC doesn't contain 'Apache/'. Presumably
because Apache::DBI hasn't been loaded (yet?).

So, as Mike says, any ideas why PerlFreshRestart behaves like this?


Re: OT: (stupid) question -Solution

1999-12-02 Thread Martin A. Langhoff

Thanks to the great Alex Krohn the problem is solved: I had forgotten to
write ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data' in the FORM tag. whoa.

Sorry again for posting OT

   - Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
-  | God is real until  -
- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

Re: Hooking onto the core

1999-12-02 Thread Eustace, Glen

After trying alot of thing, the following is what I ended up with.  It
allows all of the ENV REDIRECT_* variables to be accessed by the cgi script
and all in all did exactly what I wanted.

Because I didn't get a lot of help from either of my earlier postings, I
assummed that either others had not already done this. My ProxyError.cgi
returns a icely formated page with some useful info to the client.  The cgi
is on the Proxy server and it is the same for every virtual site.

   ServerAlias planning

   Alias /Error /usr/local/massey/
   ErrorDocument 501 /Error/ProxyError.cgi
   ErrorDocument 502 /Error/ProxyError.cgi

   ProxyPass /
   ProxyPassReverse /

Glen Eustace, Systems Engineer - Networking, Computing Services,
Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, N.Z.
Ph: +64 6 350 5161, Fax: +64 6 350 5607, Mobile +64 25 500 321
Pvt Ph: +64 6 356 2562

[JOB] mod_perl programmer wanted in LA

1999-12-02 Thread John Jensen

TriVida corporation has an opening for a mod_perl programmer with
some database experience. 

We need your help to build a Personalization Service for the web. 
If we succeed we will be one of the highest volume sites on the web,
so you need to have some understanding of what it takes to handle
massive loads while maintaining low response times.

We're located in Culver City, 15 minutes from LAX. We're about 30 
people, but growing rapidly. We pay well, have a casual work environment,
and haven't IPO'd yet.

Requirements: Intimate knowledge of Perl 5/mod_perl/apache, 
BS from a good school, a couple of years commercial experience, 
some exposure to databases (Oracle or Sybase).

If you're interested send your resume to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John B. Jensen
TriVida Corporation

RE: An Embperl input function for protecting perl code (plus vimEmbperl mode)

1999-12-02 Thread Gerald Richter

 If you're interested, you can download it from  It's pretty tiny, the docs are 
 larger than the code.
 P.S. Also on that page, although perhaps someone has already done 
 this, are the diffs for vim's html.vim module.  This version will 
 switch to Perl mode whenever it's in an Embperl tag.

Great! I will put the url in the Embperl distribution.


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

RE: Embperl with DSO

1999-12-02 Thread Gerald Richter

 I went ahead and compiled my own Apache and mod_perl for Red Hat, but
 was curious if there is a solution for using Embperl with DSO and
 allowing for the modules to be loaded one time.

 I thought I had the above working with the default Red Hat 6.0
 Apache/mod_perl, but it was not "permanently" loading the modules. When
 I removed refernece to HTML::Embperl from my file I got:
 Undefined subroutine HTML::Embperl::handler called

 Mine is working now, just curious if there is something I could have
 done to keep from compiling my own. (one less step in new server setup
 and testing)

Using Perl module with XS code in a DSO mod_perl, still causes weired
results (see my other mail about DBI). The reason (in short) is that Apache
loads mod_perl, unloads it and loads it a second time, but the dynamic
libraries that are loaded for the XS code, don't get unloaded after the
first load. That causes strange results and could be only avoided if the XS
code libraries _not_ loaded at server startup time. If have created a
workaround (compile mod_perl with PERL_STARTUP_DONE_CHECK=1), this works at
least on NT, but seems not to work in all cases on Unix. Hopefully sometime
I will have some more time to debug this and create a real solution.


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Happy Birthday mod_perl Guide

1999-12-02 Thread Robin Berjon

Hi all,

according to the mailing list archives, the Guide was first announced on
03/12/1998 so it makes a year now ! Many kudos to Stas and to all that have
participated (the list is *long*), as well as many thanks.

Wonder how big it'll be in a year...

"What I like about deadlines is the lovely whooshing sound they make as
they rush past." --Douglas Adams

RE: problem with JOINs using DBIx::Recordset under apache

1999-12-02 Thread Gerald Richter


 We have a problem in using DBIx::Recordset module.

 Whenever we run the following script through Apache, the first
 invocation works fine. The second invocation causes Oracle
 to dump core. The script joins two tables (ie., destination
 and atomic_destination) and prints a column
 named DESTINATION_NAME from the first table. There is no problem,
 if I remove the join condition and Select and print the same
 column from the first table only.

 Another interesting observation is that this problem does
 not happen if we run the just the perl part of the script
 at command line, any number of times. Moreover, the
 problem does not occur if we disable caching of connections
 by apache. (i.e., by commenting out "PerlModule Apache::DBI" line
 in httpd.conf).

 The script is:

The script look ok. DBIx::Recordset is pure Perl, so it should never cuase a
core dump and if we watch the error message actually Oracle is core
dumping... I guess your mod_perl is compiled as dynamic module (with
USE_DSO) and _not_ linked staticly into Apache? I have seen weired behaviour
as soon as XS Code (like in DBI/DBD::Orcale) is involed in the past, when
this XS code is loaded at server startup time (PerlModule APache::DBI
actually does this). The best solution I see, build a staticly linked
mod_perl. If you really need a dynamic one, try to compile mod_perl with
PERL_STARTUP_DONE_CHECK=1, this helps at least NT for the same problem.

 The versions of the dependant modules are:

 DBI: 1.11
 DBIx::Recordset: 0.18-beta

If you using Oracle I suggest, upgrading to the newest version, which could
be found at

Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152