Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

> So I'm trying to show that mod_perl doesn't suck, and that it is, in fact,
> a reasonable choice.  Though within these limits it is still reasonable to
> point out the development cycle, emotionally it is the least compelling
> form of argument, because the investor has a hard time removing from
> consideration that given our particular situation, there was a very fast
> solution in using his C-based routines.

Well, that is the primary reason for using Perl over C, and you really have
to count maintenance and the relative likelihood of C-ish bugs like buffer
overflows as part of it.

Well-coded C should be faster than Perl, but Perl is fast enough for nearly
any web-based application.  If this guy saw CPU spikes, he probably had
something else wrong, like running out of memory.

You might find this article aboout C and Perl performance useful:

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread wsheldah

"... years ago ..."   Are you even sure he evaluated mod_perl and not Perl CGI
scripts?? Launching the interpreter and compiling every time might spike the
CPU.  Like others have said, you would really have to benchmark the mod_perl and
Apache that you're using now; both have improved considerably over the years.
You can point to the success stories others have mentioned to show that it
really is one of the standard industry solutions that works well in many
high-traffic situations. He's clearly arguing from outdated data and emotion.

Also, if you delivered what you said you would deliver, that ought to be the end
of it. If the site is performing according to expectations and promises, then he
doesn't have any real basis to complain. If it would truly deliver tangible
advantages to the client to rewrite it in C, or incorporate some of his C code
in your work (Perl and C can get along sometimes), then you might consider
giving him a quote to rewrite it. Ask him to put up or shut up. A gentler
approach might be, "Given we did what we did (and it works), what do you really
want us to do now? What should happen from this point forward?" If there isn't a
constructive answer to that, then all you're dealing with is a temper tantrum.

---Wes Sheldahl
( father of four young'uns )

Jeff Yoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/14/2001 03:58:51 PM

To:   Thomas Eibner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Wesley
Subject:  Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules


So he's upset.  Everyone acknowledges that given our particular
circumstances, it would have been better to build upon what we already had,
but because of his previous experience he feels that mod_perl wasn't even a
responsible choice even within the limits of our lack of knowledge of his
software and its availability.



Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Jeff Yoak


 I wasn't sure what volume of response to expect when I originally 
wrote.  Thank you all for the comments that you all are making.  They are 
helping.  Given that the response is fairly high, I'm waiting for stuff to 
roll in rather than replying to each of you.  Don't think it is falling on 
unappreciating ears.  :-)
 To respond to a few recurring comments / questions:

Me?  I've spent most of the last four years working on mod_perl-based stuff 
and most of the last eight working with Perl.  Actually I've worked with 
folks who were involved with some of the projects you've mentioned, having 
been at idealab!, a parent of eToys and CitySearch.  One of the original 
(THE original?) developer at CitySearch was probably the most helpful 
mentor / teacher I've ever worked with.  I programmed in C a lot early in 
my career, but at this point I couldn't write anything substantial without 
brushing up, and frankly wouldn't care to.  It just isn't as fun to work 
with C.  But then, the argument, "But if you used C, you wouldn't get to 
work with ME!" may not convince some of these people with their values all 
screwed up...  ;-)

The project?  What I consider to be standard web junk.  About 30% ecommerce 
combined with lots of database-driven, interactive content, some 
authentication foo and things like that.  The thing is that it is in the 
adult industry and the investor in question turns on the hose... well... 
there will be lots of traffic.

Mistakes and misunderstandings?  Sure.  And yes, as some of you have 
pointed out publicly or privately, not my fault.  I was kept very insulated 
from the people who were familiar with the alternatives.  My involvement at 
this point is to try to smooth things over and keep the project 
functional.  These immediate problems aside, the people involved are great 
to work with and if everyone feels better about the situation and things 
move forward in the best possible way from here, there will be a lot of 
valuable work for me.  So I'm trying to help.

More than you cared to hear about and terribly off-topic for the 
list?  Sure.  But you did sorta ask, and somehow it seemed rude to not 
reply.  Forgive me and thanks for providing all of your commentary.


Jeff Yoak   626-705-6996

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Toni Andjelkovic

Dave Hodgkinson wrote on Fri, Dec 14 2001 (20:54:22 +):
> "Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > According to something I once read by David Filo, Yahoo also had to tweak
> > the FreeBSD code because they had trouble scaling *TCP/IP*!  I would say
> > their experience is not typical.
> Increasing the number of file handles, I'd wager. That was an issue on

you really don't have to tweak any FreeBSD code
for that, just do

sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=10

and the file table will grow up to the new limit.

> 2.x linux kernels too.

that was an issue with 2.0.x, since 2.2.x
you can do it with

echo 10 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

Toni Andjelkovic

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Dave Hodgkinson

Toni Andjelkovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > 2.x linux kernels too.
> that was an issue with 2.0.x, since 2.2.x
> you can do it with

That was what I meant...decimal point in the wrong place... :-)

David Hodgkinson, Wizard for Hire
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star
Deep Purple Family Tree news
   Interim Technical Director, Web Architecture Consultant for hire

RE: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread brian moseley

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Thomas Moore wrote:

> I spoke to the technical lead at Yahoo who said mod_perl
> will not scale as well as c++ when you get to their
> level of traffic, but for a large ecommerce site
> mod_perl is fine.

the old "memory is cheap" rationalization doesn't go over
very well at that scale either, eh.

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread lembark

-- Jeff Yoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/14/01 12:58:51 -0800

> This is something different.  The investor is in a related business, and has
> developed substantially similar software for years.  And it is really good.
> What's worse is that my normal, biggest argument isn't compelling in this
> case, that by the time this would be done in C, I'd be doing contract work on
> Mars.  The investor claims to have evaluated Perl vs. C years ago, to have
> witnessed that every single hit on the webserver under mod_perl causes a CPU
> usage spike that isn't seen with C, and that under heavy load mod_perl
> completely falls apart where C doesn't.  (This code is, of course, LONG gone
> so I can't evaluate it for whether the C was good and the Perl was screwy.)
> At any rate, because of this, he's spent years having good stuff written in
> C.  Unbeknownst to either me or my client, both this software and its
> developer were available to us, so in this case it would have been faster,
> cheaper and honestly even better, by which I mean more fully-featured.

Constructing the $r object in perl-space is an overhead
that mod_perl causes. This overhead has been managed more
effectively in recent versions of perl/mod_perl. A study
done "a few years ago" probably involved machines with 
significantly less core and CPU horsepower than the average
kiddie-games PC does today. Net result is that any overhead
caused by mod_perl in the previous study may well have been
either mitigated with better code or obviated by faster
hardware [how's that for a sentence?].

Net result is that the objection is probably based on once-
valid but now out of date analysis. 

Steven Lembark  2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing  Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 800 762 1582

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Tim Gardner

>So I'm trying to show that mod_perl doesn't suck, and that it is, in
>fact, a reasonable choice.

I think one of the selling points for mod_perl is its extensibility: 
modules can be written in C.  Depending on the C code you have access 
to, a good solution might be to try to wrap it into mod_perl modules.


Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread C. Jon Larsen

The original poster talked about C++ CGI programs. I have been using
mod_perl since 0.7x days and I can tell you there is no way a fork+exec
CGI program no matter what language its written in will come anywhere
close to a perl handler written against the mod_perl Apache API in
execution speed (when they are doing equivalnet types of work). Using C++
to build web applications is something developers who grew up in the
heyday of client server would think is a good idea. In the internet web
applications business by the time you get a C++ program debugged and ready
to roll the market has evolved and your software is out of date.  C++ is a
good language for systems programming, databases, etc., but web apps need
shorter life cycles.

I had an investor question similar to the one we are talking about 3 years
ago. I was questioned as to why we used Apache, mod_perl, and mysql
instead of C++ and Oracle's DB and Web Devel kit. Needless to say our
mod_perl systems have thrived while most of the investor's other
investments have had their expensive hardware auctioned off on Ebay

The essence of mod_perl is that it allows to to take an idea and build a
working prototype very quickly. When you prove that the prototype works
you don't need to rewrite - mod_perl scales up better than any other web
application technology available - period.


On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -- Jeff Yoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/14/01 12:58:51 -0800
> > This is something different.  The investor is in a related business, and has
> > developed substantially similar software for years.  And it is really good.
> > What's worse is that my normal, biggest argument isn't compelling in this
> > case, that by the time this would be done in C, I'd be doing contract work on
> > Mars.  The investor claims to have evaluated Perl vs. C years ago, to have
> > witnessed that every single hit on the webserver under mod_perl causes a CPU
> > usage spike that isn't seen with C, and that under heavy load mod_perl
> > completely falls apart where C doesn't.  (This code is, of course, LONG gone
> > so I can't evaluate it for whether the C was good and the Perl was screwy.)
> > At any rate, because of this, he's spent years having good stuff written in
> > C.  Unbeknownst to either me or my client, both this software and its
> > developer were available to us, so in this case it would have been faster,
> > cheaper and honestly even better, by which I mean more fully-featured.
> Constructing the $r object in perl-space is an overhead
> that mod_perl causes. This overhead has been managed more
> effectively in recent versions of perl/mod_perl. A study
> done "a few years ago" probably involved machines with
> significantly less core and CPU horsepower than the average
> kiddie-games PC does today. Net result is that any overhead
> caused by mod_perl in the previous study may well have been
> either mitigated with better code or obviated by faster
> hardware [how's that for a sentence?].
> Net result is that the objection is probably based on once-
> valid but now out of date analysis.
> --
> Steven Lembark  2930 W. Palmer
> Workhorse Computing  Chicago, IL 60647
>+1 800 762 1582


C. Jon Larsen Chief Technology Officer, (804.307.6939)
Designing Open Source Internet Business Solutions since 1995
Building Safe, Secure, Reliable Cisco-Powered Networks since 1995

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Jimi Thompson

For some really high performance sites, compiled C is the way to go.  It's
faster and as long as you remove all compilers from the machines in
question, it's also more secure.

Having said that, I will also add that the downside is that in order to keep
pace with your competitors who are writing code in Perl, PHP, and Python, it
is going to cost you some serious dollars.  You have to have deep pockets
and in house coders to make it worth looking at, which normally limits this
kind of thing to the Fortune 100.

For the entire rest of the planet, perl is a perfectly good solution.


- Original Message -
From: "Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Thomas Eibner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jeff Yoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

> > So I'm trying to show that mod_perl doesn't suck, and that it is, in
> > a reasonable choice.  Though within these limits it is still reasonable
> > point out the development cycle, emotionally it is the least compelling
> > form of argument, because the investor has a hard time removing from
> > consideration that given our particular situation, there was a very fast
> > solution in using his C-based routines.
> Well, that is the primary reason for using Perl over C, and you really
> to count maintenance and the relative likelihood of C-ish bugs like buffer
> overflows as part of it.
> Well-coded C should be faster than Perl, but Perl is fast enough for
> any web-based application.  If this guy saw CPU spikes, he probably had
> something else wrong, like running out of memory.
> You might find this article aboout C and Perl performance useful:
> - Perrin

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-15 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Jeff Yoak wrote:

> All,
>  I wasn't sure what volume of response to expect when I originally
> wrote.  Thank you all for the comments that you all are making.  They are
> helping.  Given that the response is fairly high, I'm waiting for stuff to
> roll in rather than replying to each of you.  Don't think it is falling on
> unappreciating ears.  :-)
>  To respond to a few recurring comments / questions:
> Me?  I've spent most of the last four years working on mod_perl-based stuff
> and most of the last eight working with Perl.  Actually I've worked with
> folks who were involved with some of the projects you've mentioned, having
> been at idealab!, a parent of eToys and CitySearch.  One of the original
> (THE original?) developer at CitySearch was probably the most helpful
> mentor / teacher I've ever worked with.  I programmed in C a lot early in
> my career, but at this point I couldn't write anything substantial without
> brushing up, and frankly wouldn't care to.  It just isn't as fun to work
> with C.  But then, the argument, "But if you used C, you wouldn't get to
> work with ME!" may not convince some of these people with their values all
> screwed up...  ;-)

Actually that would be my argument. When you're getting investors in, the
primary thing they should be looking to buy into is the quality of the
people there, not necessarily the code, because only one out of those two
can be fixed easily (even in our current times, totally replacing a
programming team is a difficult thing to do).

I write C. I write Perl. And I combine them both to good effect. But, I
wouldn't even consider writing anything but time critical routines in C -
I do as much as possible in Perl for the following reasons:

 - It's fast enough.
 - It's safer.
 - It has a built in test harness (Test::Harness).
 - It's more fun.
 - It's faster to develop in.
 - It's OO, and that saves me time and effort.
 - It has an infinitely better community than C.

The last point is probably my favourite, though probably means bugger all
to an investor.


<:->Get a smart net

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-15 Thread Stas Bekman

While this advocacy thread is hot, please remember my request to send me 
your success stories so we have more material others can use to prove 
their point to their investors, bosses, girlfriends, moms :)

I've received only three new stories since my request (I didn't put them 
online yet, they will go into the new site).

If you do send them to me (or list), please use a plain text and follow 
this format:

Contact Person:
Traffic: (hits/day/month/whatever)
Success Story:

and anything else you wish to tell.

Check if your story is already online and send an update if there is 
something to change. See and


Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-15 Thread Marc Spitzer

I know this sounds kind of simple minded but why not bench test the site,
set everything up in the office get a good switch plug the site into 1 port
and 5-10 client boxes with some load testing software and plug it in to the
same switch and beat the crap out of it.  After you do this for a while and
find all the hot spots show it to the customer and go here it works.


- Original Message -
From: "Matt Sergeant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jeff Yoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

> On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Jeff Yoak wrote:
> > All,
> >
> >  I wasn't sure what volume of response to expect when I
> > wrote.  Thank you all for the comments that you all are making.  They
> > helping.  Given that the response is fairly high, I'm waiting for stuff
> > roll in rather than replying to each of you.  Don't think it is falling
> > unappreciating ears.  :-)
> >  To respond to a few recurring comments / questions:
> >
> > Me?  I've spent most of the last four years working on mod_perl-based
> > and most of the last eight working with Perl.  Actually I've worked with
> > folks who were involved with some of the projects you've mentioned,
> > been at idealab!, a parent of eToys and CitySearch.  One of the original
> > (THE original?) developer at CitySearch was probably the most helpful
> > mentor / teacher I've ever worked with.  I programmed in C a lot early
> > my career, but at this point I couldn't write anything substantial
> > brushing up, and frankly wouldn't care to.  It just isn't as fun to work
> > with C.  But then, the argument, "But if you used C, you wouldn't get to
> > work with ME!" may not convince some of these people with their values
> > screwed up...  ;-)
> Actually that would be my argument. When you're getting investors in, the
> primary thing they should be looking to buy into is the quality of the
> people there, not necessarily the code, because only one out of those two
> can be fixed easily (even in our current times, totally replacing a
> programming team is a difficult thing to do).
> I write C. I write Perl. And I combine them both to good effect. But, I
> wouldn't even consider writing anything but time critical routines in C -
> I do as much as possible in Perl for the following reasons:
>  - It's fast enough.
>  - It's safer.
>  - It has a built in test harness (Test::Harness).
>  - It's more fun.
>  - It's faster to develop in.
>  - It's OO, and that saves me time and effort.
>  - It has an infinitely better community than C.
> The last point is probably my favourite, though probably means bugger all
> to an investor.
> --
> <:->Get a smart net

RE: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-17 Thread Matthew Kennedy

On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 14:27, Thomas Moore wrote:
> I spoke to the technical lead at Yahoo who said mod_perl will not scale as
> well as c++ when you get to their level of traffic, but for a large

Isn't that coming from a company using Python?

I see that most of their URLs include a tell-tale ".py". Of course,
whether that's really Python or not


Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-17 Thread Paul Lindner

On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 10:32:58AM -0600, Matthew Kennedy wrote:
> On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 14:27, Thomas Moore wrote:
> > I spoke to the technical lead at Yahoo who said mod_perl will not scale as
> > well as c++ when you get to their level of traffic, but for a large
> Isn't that coming from a company using Python?
> I see that most of their URLs include a tell-tale ".py". Of course,
> whether that's really Python or not

searching I notice 12 job descriptions contain the word
perl, and only 2 that contain the word python..

FWIW, the only place I notice the .py extension is

Paul Lindner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

mod_perl Developer's Cookbook
 Human Rights Declaration

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-19 Thread raptor

> work on Mars.  The investor claims to have evaluated Perl vs. C years ago, 
> to have witnessed that every single hit on the webserver under mod_perl 
> causes a CPU usage spike that isn't seen with C, and that under heavy load 
]- this seems to me like non-compiled script, module or eventually
running under Apache::PerlRun :"))

Re: How to show mem usage of all modules?

2002-04-09 Thread Joao Pedro Goncalves

Check Apache::Status, it gives you several info.

On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 15:53, pawelp wrote:
> Hi
> Is there an easy way to show mem usage of all loaded modules ?
> Thanks
> Pawel Piecuch
João Pedro Gonçalves
'I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.'
- Mark Twain

[2.x] Windows interpreter-wide locking due to modules?

2002-05-16 Thread James Luberda

I have installed Randy Kobes' 5-10-2002 Apache-2/modperl-2 Win32
binaries on a Win2k Professional P3 uniprocessor development machine. I
have left all of the script as is. Everything works
great--however, with some scripts I seem to still suffer from 1.3-style
locks on the perl interpeter that prevent some other scripts from being
served until a given dynamic request completes. I've poked around a bit
and found that simple scripts (ones not using modules) will still be
executed while another long-running process is executing (thus
multithreading properly)--so I'm figuring it's probably a module issue
(or I'm simply confused). The two modules I'm running predominantly are
DBI 1.14 (with DBD::DB2 .74) and CGI 2.74, and I have verified that two
scripts running simultaneously with these two modules will result in one
blocking until the other completes.

Any/all ideas most welcome--and my sincerest thanks to Randy for his 1.3
and 2.0 binaries and other incredibly helpful docs/builds/info/etc.


Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-12 Thread Eric Frazier


I am glad to see the list traffic has been picking up lately. It makes me
have higher hope about posting this. 

First some background info.

I have a fairly large CGI::Application module about 30 run modes that pretty
much follows the example mailform module. I am also using HTML::Template
within the module. I am running on, FreeBSD 4.6 1G mem mysql 4.02 with
Innodb tables.

A typical run mode looks like this.

sub doug_holds {

my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->query();
my $holdtype = $q->param('holdstate');

my $holdsearch = new holds();
$holdsearch->HoldType($holdtype); # set hold type for the query

my $header = parse_header($self);
return $header . $holdsearch->getAllHolds();


Of course many of other subs look like this 

sub customer_name_search {

my $self = shift;

my $index_page = $self->param('CUSTOMER_NAME_SEARCH_TMPL');

my $output='';

my $tmpl_obj = $self->load_tmpl($index_page, 
 die_on_bad_params => 0,
 cache => 1,
 stack_debug =>$debug
) or confess("could not create template");
  $tmpl_obj->param(base => $self->param('base'));
  $tmpl_obj->param(RUNMODE => 'customer_display');  
  $tmpl_obj->param(USER  =>  $selected_user);
  my $header = parse_header($self);
  return $header . $tmpl_obj->output;

But that isn't relavent to my problem. 

In the first sub, I create a new holds instance. Each of these modules like
holds work like this 

package Holds;

use strict;
use Carp;
use warnings;
use QueryPrint;
use vars qw($dbh $processed_hnd $status_hnd);
use gentimeid; # generate time id based

sub new { 
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self  = { @_ };
bless ($self, $class);
$dbh = db_connect(); 
#die "$self->{OrdNum}, $self->{HoldReason}";
return $self;

sub OrdNum {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{OrdNum} = shift }
  return $self->{OrdNum};

sub GetProcessed {

my $self = shift;

 This has a bug, somtimes the cached query doesn't stick around.

$processed_hnd->execute($self->{OrdNum}) or confess ("can't execute

my ($isprocessed) = $processed_hnd->fetchrow_array;

if ($isprocessed){  
$self->{ProcessStatus} = 1; 
return "#4EEE94";
$self->{ProcessStatus} = 0; 
return "FF";



sub db_connect {

require DBI;

my $dbname = 'CS';
my ($dbuser, $dbpasswd) = ('myuser', 'mypass');

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpasswd)
   or die "can't connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
   # we need these waiting for queries, so we are going to prepare them ahead of
 time, and yes
   # horror of horror they will be global. Sorry Mom I tried :( 
   $processed_hnd = $dbh->prepare_cached("select ord_tpak_processed from orders
where ord_num=?") or confess("can't get tpak processed");
   $status_hnd = $dbh->prepare_cached("select is_hold_set,holdstate from
holds where ord_num=?") or confess("can't get hold status");
   return $dbh; 


Most of the modules just have simple subs called db_connect that don't have
prepared statments sitting like this. I did this because I have to check the
status of a LOT of rows and return the display fast. This seemed to work
well at the time. It was defiantly faster that preparing the statement over
and over. 

I am running under mod perl 1.x Apache 1.3x, and loading my CGI::App module
and other modules from a
I am using Apache::DBI and connect_on_init. So I have these problems, they
all seem to be related, but how?? 

1. Connections are getting lost. I get errors in the log about fetch without
an execute which indicate this. Either the user sees an internal server
error, or else I believe DBI will try to reconnect and the query will then
succeed. But that slows things down when it happens. All I have to do to
these kinds of errors is reload a page very quickly. click, click, click fast.. 

2. Every once in a while I get an out of memory error. 

3. My main search result page is getting cached, the closure type of
problem. ***Sometimes*** All I have read says that because I am using oop
modules and use strict along with use vars that should not happen. I have
not gotten a

[mp2.0] How do I port modules using Apache::SIG?

2002-12-03 Thread Clare, Bruce W
I'm attempting to run Scoop 0.9 ( under Apache2/mod_perl
2.0 running on Windows 2000, but the application was written for Apache/mp
1.x, so it uses Apache::SIG (and possibly other) modules that are no longer
in mod_perl.  

The mod_perl developer documentation for porting from 1.x to 2.x doesn't
really cover the missing modules, other than to say you can use
Apache::compat to allow use of deprecated methods. This doesn't do the job
here, which makes sense because the SIG module isn't even installed on my
system. Is there any resource that discusses the changes between mod_perl
1.x and 2.x in more detail than the current developer document? The key
point here is what has been deprecated/removed/rearchitected in mod_perl
2.x? and how do I replace it?

[mp2] Having to reload apache when perl modules change

2002-12-17 Thread Richard Curtis
Hi again group.
   A quick question (but this might not be the right place).
If this is the wrong place to ask, please point me in the direction of the
right place.

I have a web app written using mod_perl2 and apache::ASP.
When I change the code in a perl module, I have to restart apache to make
the changes appear to all children.
Is there a way of avoiding this - maybe with an apache directive - so that
all modules are re-read by all children without a restart ?


modperl 2.0 problems with Apache::Cookie and related modules.

2002-12-19 Thread b. ash

I am trying to configure a working apache2/modperl2 setup, unfortunately 
I can not seemt to get a critical module Apache::Cookie to install,  I 
keep getting this error.

Can't locate Apache/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) 
at Makefile.PL line 27.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 27.

any ideas what might be going on here.



introducing a set of modules to create dynamic websites

2003-01-17 Thread Marcel Greter

I'm from switzerland and I'm quite new to this list; greetings to all 
(mod)perl mongers ;-) I always were interested to write some stuff to 
produce dynamic websites easily. Therefore I firstly began to write perl 
 (mod_cgi) stuff to do this. But about a year a go I learned about 
mod_perl and fell in love ;-)

The last project I did was quite interesting and is still going on. It 
required a lot of work, so I decided to build it on top of a flexible 
framset. This work has evolved into a IMO fairly solid and good 
framework to produce dynamic websites and I would like to share these 
modules with the public.

I know there are allready some modules that provides ways to do simliar 
things, but (hopefully) my modules work a bit different. Basically I 
would like to know if there is some interest for these modules. It would 
be too much to write all features down here, but I want to give you a 
short overview :

Basically we have users, groups, session and repositories. Repositories 
are used to store files with user permissions. I first have to load/init 
those things within the handler and can then begin to generate the 
output. I use _one_ "taglib" method-call to do this. Basically it's 
quite the same like struts tags from java. That means you can do loops, 
ifs and more within your templates. This way you easily can implement 
logics within your templates. There are also ways to display dates, 
format input fields, display input arguments, etc. I also includes 
(my)sql support (with DBI) which can be "accessed" through special tags 
within your templates. Xapian is also included as the search backend. If 
you know html you should be able to "configure" the templates and the 
taglib calls and if you know perl you also can easily extend the taglibs 
to provide other/new features.

There are also methods to localize things (ie. date output) and a 
configuration "API" (you can easily "map" methods/variables to 
configuration options). I wrote many abstraction layers to get a 
flexible way to replace a certain way of ie storing data. With the 
config package you just need to load a config file rather then calling 
all config methods from all loaded packages yourself.

Also included is a wysiwyg editor to create html content. This also 
easily can be "personalized" by editing simple text files. It's not 
really a realtime wysiwig editor, but you fairly can estimate how your 
results will be; and if your flexlib files are ok, the content will be 
valid html :-) I was also able to do a flextag that lets you choose from 
adresses from a sql databse. This way you can configure a powerfull set 
of html fragmets your editors can use. This way you are also in control 
of the look of all fragments (ie. links or lists etc). But you can also 
limit you editors if you explicit define the input fields they can edit 
(this can be image, text or any other flextag).

There are a lot more features which would be worth to mention, but it 
seems to be too much. I allready wrote about 50 pages of documentation 
and if there is some interest I also would setup a website for this.

Maybe some interesting facts:
- one http process takes about 5MB at start and can grow up to 10-20MB 
(just for these modules, apache normally will take 3-5MB for himself).
- I use caching as often as possible. You can tell taglibs that they 
should use caching. Caching actually is implemented on file-system. I 
use /dev/shm/ so it's still within ram and doesn't need seeks.
- I have a page with ~4 sql statements and one "complicated" content 
file and ~50kb template code and ~100 tags. On a PII 300 celeron it 
takes 0.60 seconds to generate the first hit and after everything is 
cached 0.15seconds. I even do cache most sql statements and cache is 
also invalidated on updates :-)
- It is designed for mod_perl 1.x; don't know how much work it would be 
to port it to.
- there are actually 42 package files with a size of 631KB

You should know that some edges may not scale that well (yet?). 
Basically the user implementation seems not to scale that well (I use 
simple files on filesystem). Fetching memberlist seems to be really 
inefficient that way (do not know how well the OS can cache these 
things). The data for content (and other) files are designed to be xml 
files, but I switched to my own format which stores the same information 
as xml can (or at least as far as I need xml), but it's faster to read, 
maybe datadumper modules are even faster, dind't try that out yet. The 
whole thing still can be run under mod_cgi, and that maybe is why some 
things do not scale that well.

I know, the whole mail is quite confused as I mixed quite a lot of info 
into it. But basically I really just would like to know if there is an 
interest in such a thing. Maybe you even like to know some more details, 
so please ask :-)

I also can g

Re: gaining access to config directives of other modules

2003-03-29 Thread Geoffrey Young

dorian wrote:
i know Apache::Module can get at all the installed modules and their
directives, and even the spec of those directives, but what about the
actual values of those directives? i notice Apache::Module is old, but
i don't see anything else out there that looks like it will come close
to doing the job.
insight is welcome.
Apache::Module is really cool, old or not, but probably isn't really 
production material based on the underlying wizardry.  this thread 
offers a few different solutions, in increasing level of segfault 
probability :)



Re: Apache modules and mod_perl threads in same process?

2003-06-06 Thread Stas Bekman
Marc M. Adkins wrote:
For Apache 2.0.46 / mod_perl 1.99.10-dev:

If I have an Apache module configured in httpd.conf, will the module code be
executing in the same process as the mod_perl code?  If there are multiple
Apache processes (on W2K I always see 2) will the module code exist in all
I'm assuming that you are talking about threaded mpms (winnt in your case?)

Then the answer is yes.

Whenever the perchild mpm will be completed, it'll be possible to do grouping. 
However I'm not sure how applicable that would be to winFU platforms.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: Apache modules and mod_perl threads in same process?

2003-06-07 Thread Dale Lancaster
Yes, should be the same code.  You could, of course, do wierd things in your
perl code to pick up different libraries, but I can't imagine you would do
that purposefully.

- Original Message - 
From: "Marc M. Adkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 1:21 AM
Subject: Apache modules and mod_perl threads in same process?

> For Apache 2.0.46 / mod_perl 1.99.10-dev:
> If I have an Apache module configured in httpd.conf, will the module code
> executing in the same process as the mod_perl code?  If there are multiple
> Apache processes (on W2K I always see 2) will the module code exist in all
> processes?
> mma

Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 12:12, Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:
> PS Am having problems with the compile time loading of modules depending 
> on the existence of either modperl1 or 2...  "use" dies and "require" is 
> not importing the symbols correctly at runtime...

If you read the docs for "use" (perldoc -f use), you will see that "use"
is just like:

BEGIN { require Module; import Module LIST; }

If you want to import things correctly when using require, you have to
call import yourself.

- Perrin

Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-09 Thread Shannon Eric Peevey
Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 12:12, Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:

PS Am having problems with the compile time loading of modules depending 
on the existence of either modperl1 or 2...  "use" dies and "require" is 
not importing the symbols correctly at runtime...

If you read the docs for "use" (perldoc -f use), you will see that "use"
is just like:
BEGIN { require Module; import Module LIST; }

If you want to import things correctly when using require, you have to
call import yourself.
- Perrin

Yeah, I've been messing with that, but it seems to me that I need 
something similar to a preprocessor directive, where I can load the 
appropriate "use MODULE" lines into the module bases upon which version 
of modperl they have installed.  Is it possible to use the BEGIN {} 
subroutine as this?


Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 13:57, Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:
> Yeah, I've been messing with that, but it seems to me that I need 
> something similar to a preprocessor directive, where I can load the 
> appropriate "use MODULE" lines into the module bases upon which version 
> of modperl they have installed.  Is it possible to use the BEGIN {} 
> subroutine as this?

You don't need a preprocessor.  You can call require inside an if/else
conditional, unlike use() statements which run at compile time and skip
the conditional logic.

For example:

if ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99) {
  require Apache2::Module;
  import Apache2::Module;
} else {
  require Apache1::Module;
  import Apache1::Module;

You can put that whole construct in a BEGIN block if you want to.  That
will make it run before the rest of the code in the current package.

- Perrin

Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-09 Thread Shannon Eric Peevey
Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 13:57, Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:

Yeah, I've been messing with that, but it seems to me that I need 
something similar to a preprocessor directive, where I can load the 
appropriate "use MODULE" lines into the module bases upon which version 
of modperl they have installed.  Is it possible to use the BEGIN {} 
subroutine as this?

You don't need a preprocessor.  You can call require inside an if/else
conditional, unlike use() statements which run at compile time and skip
the conditional logic.
For example:

if ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99) {
 require Apache2::Module;
 import Apache2::Module;
} else {
 require Apache1::Module;
 import Apache1::Module;
You can put that whole construct in a BEGIN block if you want to.  That
will make it run before the rest of the code in the current package.
- Perrin

Ok, I'm back... :(  Here is the code, modified to use "require":

use mod_perl;

# setting the constants to help identify which version of mod_perl
# is installed
use constant MP2 => ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99);
# test for the version of mod_perl, and use the appropriate libraries
# if (!MP2) { use Apache::Constants qw(:common); }
if (MP2) {
   require Apache::Const;
   import Apache::Access;
   require Apache::Access;
   import Apache::Access;
   require Apache::Connection;
   import Apache::Connection;
   require Apache::Log;
   import Apache::Log;
   require Apache::RequestRec;
   import Apache::RequestRec;
   require Apache::RequestUtil;
   import Apache::RequestUtil;
Here is the code that is coughing up the error:

 102   #Look for user based on UIDAttr
   104my $attrs = ['dn'];
   105   $mesg = $ldap->search(
   106   base => $basedn,
   107   scope => 'sub',
   108   filter => "($uidattr=$user)",
   109   attrs => $attrs
   110  );
   112 if (my $error = $mesg->code())
   114 $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
   115 MP2 ? $r->log_error("user $user: LDAP Connection Failed: 
$error",$r->uri) : $r->log_reason("us
er $user: LDAP Connection Failed: $error",$r->uri);
   116 MP2 ? return Apache::Log->HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED : return 
   119unless ($mesg->count())
   121 $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
   122 MP2 ? $r->log_error("user $user: user entry not found 
for filter: $uidattr=$user",$r->uri) : $
r->log_reason("user $user: user entry not found for filter: 
   123 MP2 ? return Apache::Log->HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED : return 

And, here is the error that I am getting in the Apache2 logs, (using 
mod_perl 1.99_09)

[Mon Jun 09 13:45:30 2003] [error] user asdf: user entry not found for 
filter: uid=asdf/
[Mon Jun 09 13:45:30 2003] [error] [client] Can't locate 
object method "HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED" via package "Apache::Log" (perhaps you 
forgot to load "Apache::Log"?) at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 123.

As you can see, it is running everything up to the HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED 

If you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it. :)

PS.  As a matter of fact, I get the same error when using "use" 
instead...  (Possibly a screwed perl or mod_perl installation?  I'm 
running debian woody, apache 2.0.46, perl 5.6.1, mod_perl 1.99_09.)

Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-09 Thread Stas Bekman
Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:
Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 13:57, Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:
To answer your original question, Apache::Peek on CPAN now works with both 
mod_perl versions. And while it uses separate implementations for each 
version, the test suite uses the same code to test both.

Yeah, I've been messing with that, but it seems to me that I need 
something similar to a preprocessor directive, where I can load the 
appropriate "use MODULE" lines into the module bases upon which 
version of modperl they have installed.  Is it possible to use the 
BEGIN {} subroutine as this?

You don't need a preprocessor.  You can call require inside an if/else
conditional, unlike use() statements which run at compile time and skip
the conditional logic.
For example:

if ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99) {
 require Apache2::Module;
 import Apache2::Module;
} else {
 require Apache1::Module;
 import Apache1::Module;
You can put that whole construct in a BEGIN block if you want to.  That
will make it run before the rest of the code in the current package.
- Perrin

Ok, I'm back... :(  Here is the code, modified to use "require":

use mod_perl;

# setting the constants to help identify which version of mod_perl
# is installed
use constant MP2 => ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99);
# test for the version of mod_perl, and use the appropriate libraries
# if (!MP2) { use Apache::Constants qw(:common); }
if (MP2) {
   require Apache::Const;
   import Apache::Access;
   require Apache::Access;
   import Apache::Access;
   require Apache::Connection;
   import Apache::Connection;
   require Apache::Log;
   import Apache::Log;
   require Apache::RequestRec;
   import Apache::RequestRec;
   require Apache::RequestUtil;
   import Apache::RequestUtil;
You don't need to import anything, since none of these modules import 
anything. Just require will do.

Here is the code that is coughing up the error:

 102   #Look for user based on UIDAttr
   104my $attrs = ['dn'];
   105   $mesg = $ldap->search(
   106   base => $basedn,
   107   scope => 'sub',
   108   filter => "($uidattr=$user)",
   109   attrs => $attrs
   110  );
   112 if (my $error = $mesg->code())
   114 $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
   115 MP2 ? $r->log_error("user $user: LDAP Connection Failed: 
$error",$r->uri) : $r->log_reason("us
er $user: LDAP Connection Failed: $error",$r->uri);
   116 MP2 ? return Apache::Log->HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED : return 
this should be:

return MP2 ? Apache::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED : Apache::Constants::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;

and before the handler (at the top of your module) you need to add:

if (MP2) {
require Apache::Const;
Apache::Const->import(-compile => 'HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED');
else {
require Apache::Constants;
   119unless ($mesg->count())
   121 $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
   122 MP2 ? $r->log_error("user $user: user entry not found for 
filter: $uidattr=$user",$r->uri) : $
r->log_reason("user $user: user entry not found for filter: 
   123 MP2 ? return Apache::Log->HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED : return 

And, here is the error that I am getting in the Apache2 logs, (using 
mod_perl 1.99_09)

[Mon Jun 09 13:45:30 2003] [error] user asdf: user entry not found for 
filter: uid=asdf/
[Mon Jun 09 13:45:30 2003] [error] [client] Can't locate 
object method "HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED" via package "Apache::Log" (perhaps you 
forgot to load "Apache::Log"?) at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 123.

As you can see, it is running everything up to the HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED 

If you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it. :)

PS.  As a matter of fact, I get the same error when using "use" 
instead...  (Possibly a screwed perl or mod_perl installation?  I'm 
running debian woody, apache 2.0.46, perl 5.6.1, mod_perl 1.99_09.)


Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-09 Thread speeves
Stas Bekman wrote:

Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:

Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 13:57, Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:

To answer your original question, Apache::Peek on CPAN now works with 
both mod_perl versions. And while it uses separate implementations for 
each version, the test suite uses the same code to test both.

Yeah, I've been messing with that, but it seems to me that I need 
something similar to a preprocessor directive, where I can load the 
appropriate "use MODULE" lines into the module bases upon which 
version of modperl they have installed.  Is it possible to use the 
BEGIN {} subroutine as this?

You don't need a preprocessor.  You can call require inside an if/else
conditional, unlike use() statements which run at compile time and skip
the conditional logic.
For example:

if ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99) {
 require Apache2::Module;
 import Apache2::Module;
} else {
 require Apache1::Module;
 import Apache1::Module;
You can put that whole construct in a BEGIN block if you want to.  That
will make it run before the rest of the code in the current package.
- Perrin

Ok, I'm back... :(  Here is the code, modified to use "require":

use mod_perl;

# setting the constants to help identify which version of mod_perl
# is installed
use constant MP2 => ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99);
# test for the version of mod_perl, and use the appropriate libraries
# if (!MP2) { use Apache::Constants qw(:common); }
if (MP2) {
   require Apache::Const;
   import Apache::Access;
   require Apache::Access;
   import Apache::Access;
   require Apache::Connection;
   import Apache::Connection;
   require Apache::Log;
   import Apache::Log;
   require Apache::RequestRec;
   import Apache::RequestRec;
   require Apache::RequestUtil;
   import Apache::RequestUtil;

You don't need to import anything, since none of these modules import 
anything. Just require will do.

Here is the code that is coughing up the error:

 102   #Look for user based on UIDAttr
   104my $attrs = ['dn'];
   105   $mesg = $ldap->search(
   106   base => $basedn,
   107   scope => 'sub',
   108   filter => "($uidattr=$user)",
   109   attrs => $attrs
   110  );
   112 if (my $error = $mesg->code())
   114 $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
   115 MP2 ? $r->log_error("user $user: LDAP Connection 
Failed: $error",$r->uri) : $r->log_reason("us
er $user: LDAP Connection Failed: $error",$r->uri);
   116 MP2 ? return Apache::Log->HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED : return 

this should be:

return MP2 ? Apache::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED : 

and before the handler (at the top of your module) you need to add:

if (MP2) {
require Apache::Const;
Apache::Const->import(-compile => 'HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED');
else {
require Apache::Constants;

   119unless ($mesg->count())
   121 $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
   122 MP2 ? $r->log_error("user $user: user entry not found 
for filter: $uidattr=$user",$r->uri) : $
r->log_reason("user $user: user entry not found for filter: 
   123 MP2 ? return Apache::Log->HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED : return 

And, here is the error that I am getting in the Apache2 logs, (using 
mod_perl 1.99_09)

[Mon Jun 09 13:45:30 2003] [error] user asdf: user entry not found 
for filter: uid=asdf/
[Mon Jun 09 13:45:30 2003] [error] [client] Can't locate 
object method "HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED" via package "Apache::Log" (perhaps 
you forgot to load "Apache::Log"?) at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 123.

As you can see, it is running everything up to the HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED 

If you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it. :)

PS.  As a matter of fact, I get the same error when using "use" 
instead...  (Possibly a screwed perl or mod_perl installation?  I'm 
running debian woody, apache 2.0.46, perl 5.6.1, mod_perl 1.99_09.)


That did it!!!  Thank you so much for your patience and help with all 
that I am working on here.  After I test these changes on modperl 1 
tomorrow, I should be able to upload it to CPAN, and it will be ready 
for prime-time...  (fingers crossed ;) )

Most humbly yours,

Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-09 Thread Stas Bekman
speeves wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

That did it!!!  Thank you so much for your patience and help with all 
that I am working on here.  After I test these changes on modperl 1 
tomorrow, I should be able to upload it to CPAN, and it will be ready 
for prime-time...  (fingers crossed ;) )
Based on your porting experience if you have additions/corrections to these 
two documents:
please submit those here.

BTW, I have updated the info on the constants:
Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-10 Thread Shannon Eric Peevey
Stas Bekman wrote:

speeves wrote:

Stas Bekman wrote:

This source code was the saving grace for me.  If we could add the link 

into the documentation, that would be great.

hat did it!!!  Thank you so much for your patience and help with all 
that I am working on here.  After I test these changes on modperl 1 
tomorrow, I should be able to upload it to CPAN, and it will be ready 
for prime-time...  (fingers crossed ;) )

Based on your porting experience if you have additions/corrections to 
these two documents:
please submit those here.

BTW, I have updated the info on the constants: 

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->
Also, it would probably be nice to have a link from: 


that would help the "porter" to understand the overall picture of what 
needs to be done to allow the single code-base to work with both 

Finally, I found that the PAUSE server did not recognize the $VERSION 
number, (returned as undef), until I placed it above the BEGIN {} block 
as following:

package Apache::AuthNetLDAP;

use strict;
use Net::LDAP;
use mod_perl;
require Exporter;

@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT = qw(
$VERSION = '0.21';
# setting the constants to help identify which version of mod_perl
# is installed
use constant MP2 => ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99);
# test for the version of mod_perl, and use the appropriate libraries
   if (MP2) {
   require Apache::Const;
   require Apache::Access;
   require Apache::Connection;
   require Apache::Log;
   require Apache::RequestRec;
   require Apache::RequestUtil;
   Apache::Const->import(-compile => 'HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED','OK');
   } else {
   require Apache::Constants;
# Preloaded methods go here.

#handles Apache requests
sub handler {
Thanks again for all of your help!  If you know of any modules that need 
porting in a like manner, feel free to contact me and I would be happy 
to help out.


Re: modules that work with both modperl1 and 2

2003-06-10 Thread Stas Bekman
Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

This source code was the saving grace for me.  If we could add the link 

into the documentation, that would be great.
No need to, I've already merged it into the docs:
Also, it would probably be nice to have a link from: 


that would help the "porter" to understand the overall picture of what 
needs to be done to allow the single code-base to work with both 
done, thanks for the suggestion.

Finally, I found that the PAUSE server did not recognize the $VERSION 
number, (returned as undef), until I placed it above the BEGIN {} block 
as following:
Yes, not before the BEGIN block, but before any other occurence of the string 
VERSION. Some claim that this is a bug, others that it's a feature. Depends on 
who you ask.

BTW, to verify your module that its version is parsable correctly by PAUSE, 
you don't need to submit it to pause, but use:

perl -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -le 'print MM->parse_version(shift)' 'file'

as explained at:
I've added a note about this to the porting docs.

package Apache::AuthNetLDAP;
$VERSION = '0.21';

# setting the constants to help identify which version of mod_perl
# is installed
use constant MP2 => ($mod_perl::VERSION >= 1.99);
Thanks again for all of your help!  If you know of any modules that need 
porting in a like manner, feel free to contact me and I would be happy 
to help out.
I think there are quite a few modules that need porting. Just go to CPAN pick 
one and go with it. Probably first contact the author so you don't step on 
their toes.

I'm planning on adding more docs as I doing porting myself, and if others find 
new tricks and useful additions to the existing docs don't hesitate to post 
them here, just like Shannon did. Which is *very* helpful! Thank you Shannon!

I'm also thinking about creating several modules to ease the porting, I'll 
post more on this when I'll get around writing some first prototypes.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris 2.5.1

1999-10-26 Thread Dan Rench

I'm having problems with modules that use DynaLoader (Data::Dumper and
Storable, specifically) under mod_perl on Solaris machines.

These modules work fine in standalone scripts, or when run under mod_cgi
or mod_fastcgi, but as soon as I put a "use Storable" in a mod_perl handler,
I get this in my error log:

[Tue Oct 26 11:21:33 1999] [error] Can't load 
'/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/auto/Storable/' for 
module Storable: ./httpd: fatal: relocation error: file 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/auto/Storable/ symbol 
main: referenced symbol not found at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/ line 169.

BTW I get an identical message if I put a "use Storable" inside a 
section in my httpd.conf.

After searching the mailing list archive, I see that this sort of thing can
happen if mod_perl was compiled against the "wrong" version of perl on the
system.  So just to make sure, I removed all remnants of an older 5.004
install, remade mod_perl, and I'm still getting the errors.

My setup:

Solaris 2.5.1 (Sparc)
gcc 2.95
perl 5.005_03 (compiled with above gcc, as were the below)
apache 1.3.9 (with all modules compiled statically)
mod_perl 1.21 (EVERYTHING=1)
mod_fastcgi 2.2.2

I'm not having this problem with an otherwise nearly identical setup under
Redhat Linux 5.x (the differences being OS, of course, and gcc

Any help appreciated.

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-10-27 Thread Dan Rench

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Francesc Guasch wrote:

> what's the ld version you use ?, make sure you compiled perl using the
> solaris hints you can find in the perl sources.

I've got GNU ld 2.9.1, but the perl Configure said GNU ld won't build
perl, so it used /usr/ccs/bin/ld (version 3.0).  I compiled perl using
all the "solaris_2" hints except I chose NOT to use perl's malloc.

Just to restate this, everything works wonderfully otherwise with this
version of perl.  It's only a problem when I do something like
"use Data::Dumper;" inside a mod_perl handler.

Update: I downgraded to perl 5.004_05, and suddenly everything works.

I'd like to use 5.005_03 though.  Any clues?

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-11-01 Thread Dan Rench

I did some experimenting with my Solaris2.5.1/mod_perl/Data::Dumper/Storable
problem that I wrote about last week.  A grid:

 | mod_perl 1.21 | 1.21-dev (19991101174047)
perl5.004_05 | works fine| didn't try
perl5.005_03 | doesn't work  | doesn't work
perl5.005_62 | won't compile | works fine!

All versions of perl compiled with all solaris hints.

So is this a 5.005_03-specific bug?  Any word on 5.005_04?

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-12-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

are you still stuck on this?  did you link mod_perl static or dso?  if
dso, try static.  you can also try configuring Perl with -Dusemymalloc=n,
but that comes with a large performance hit.
I've never had a problem with solaris and any combo of mod_perl/Perl

On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Dan Rench wrote:

> I did some experimenting with my Solaris2.5.1/mod_perl/Data::Dumper/Storable
> problem that I wrote about last week.  A grid:
>  | mod_perl 1.21 | 1.21-dev (19991101174047)
> -+---+--
> perl5.004_05 | works fine| didn't try
> perl5.005_03 | doesn't work  | doesn't work
> perl5.005_62 | won't compile | works fine!
> All versions of perl compiled with all solaris hints.
> So is this a 5.005_03-specific bug?  Any word on 5.005_04?

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-12-16 Thread Dan Rench

On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Doug MacEachern wrote:

> are you still stuck on this?

Yes.  To reiterate:

Solaris 2.5.1 sparc, gcc 2.95, perl 5.005_03 (configured with Solaris hints),
mod_perl 1.21, apache 1.3.9, mod_fastcgi 2.2.2.

Everything works fine EXCEPT when I try to "use" a dynamically loaded module
(Data::Dumper or Storable, for example) inside a mod_perl handler.  I have no
trouble using these modules in regular perl scripts, mod_cgi scripts, or
mod_fastcgi scripts.

> did you link mod_perl static or dso?  if dso, try static.

All of my Apache modules are compiled statically.

> you can also try configuring Perl with -Dusemymalloc=n,
> but that comes with a large performance hit.

I've tried it both ways, using perl's malloc or Solaris', and both
give me the same result in my error logs:

[Tue Dec 14 08:36:01 1999] [error] Can't load 
'/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/auto/Data/Dumper/' for module 
Data::Dumper: /usr/local/web/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: symbol not 
found: main: referenced in 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/auto/Data/Dumper/ at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/ line 169.

All I need to do is add "use Data::Dumper;" in a handler to trigger this.

And as I mentioned in my previous messages, this same setup works fine under
Linux and FreeBSD.  I can also get the problem to go away on Solaris by
downgrading perl to 5.004_05 or upgrading it to 5.005_62.

A co-worker who understands Perl internals better than I do seems to have
tracked it down to a problem with Dynaloader's dlopen() call, though looking
at ext/Dynaloader/dl_dlopen.xs in the various Perl sources there have
apparently been no changes to it since 1994(?!).  So maybe the problem lies
elsewhere.  Perl has caused my C skills to atrophy so we're getting into
territory I don't really understand.  Would something like gdb help diagnose
the problem?

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-12-16 Thread Eugene Miretskiy

Recently I experienced similar problems on Solaris.

I had to rebuild perl as shared Perl library for mod_perl
to work -- see perl intall manpages.

Dan Rench wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Doug MacEachern wrote:
> > are you still stuck on this?
> Yes.  To reiterate:
> Solaris 2.5.1 sparc, gcc 2.95, perl 5.005_03 (configured with Solaris hints),
> mod_perl 1.21, apache 1.3.9, mod_fastcgi 2.2.2.
> Everything works fine EXCEPT when I try to "use" a dynamically loaded module
> (Data::Dumper or Storable, for example) inside a mod_perl handler.  I have no
> trouble using these modules in regular perl scripts, mod_cgi scripts, or
> mod_fastcgi scripts.
> > did you link mod_perl static or dso?  if dso, try static.
> All of my Apache modules are compiled statically.
> > you can also try configuring Perl with -Dusemymalloc=n,
> > but that comes with a large performance hit.
> I've tried it both ways, using perl's malloc or Solaris', and both
> give me the same result in my error logs:
> [Tue Dec 14 08:36:01 1999] [error] Can't load 
>'/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/auto/Data/Dumper/' for module 
>Data::Dumper: /usr/local/web/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: symbol not 
>found: main: referenced in 
>/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/auto/Data/Dumper/ at 
>/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/ line 169.
> All I need to do is add "use Data::Dumper;" in a handler to trigger this.
> And as I mentioned in my previous messages, this same setup works fine under
> Linux and FreeBSD.  I can also get the problem to go away on Solaris by
> downgrading perl to 5.004_05 or upgrading it to 5.005_62.
> A co-worker who understands Perl internals better than I do seems to have
> tracked it down to a problem with Dynaloader's dlopen() call, though looking
> at ext/Dynaloader/dl_dlopen.xs in the various Perl sources there have
> apparently been no changes to it since 1994(?!).  So maybe the problem lies
> elsewhere.  Perl has caused my C skills to atrophy so we're getting into
> territory I don't really understand.  Would something like gdb help diagnose
> the problem?

  Eugene Miretskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  InVision, INC.  (516) 543-1000x219

(Fwd) Template-Plugin-DBI 0.09 (DBI and HTML modules)

1999-12-20 Thread Andy Wardley

Here's a message from SAM explaining where to find the module.


--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Template-Plugin-DBI 0.09
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:21:23 -

I have release an updated version of Template-Plugin-DBI which fixes quite a
few previous problems.  Things that now work correctly:

Nested Queries.
Queries without a record set (insert, delete etc).
Prepare and Execute as separate stages

I have added a lot of extra tests to ensure that going forward all of this
continues to work as expected.  In fixing some of the above problems the
method for sub-classing this module has changed, but this should be for the
last time.  See t/subclass.t for an example of how it now works.

Thanks to Andy for the latest set of changes to Template Toolkit which have
made much of the test harness for the plugin much easier.  Also for beating
me up to release the version that he has been testing for a while.

I have uploaded it to CPAN under authors/id/S/SA/SAM

However until it reaches all mirrors you can find it here:



---End of forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andy Wardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   For a good time:

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-12-20 Thread Dan Rench

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Eugene Miretskiy wrote:

> Recently I experienced similar problems on Solaris.
> I had to rebuild perl as shared Perl library for mod_perl
> to work -- see perl intall manpages.

Thanks!  This appears to have fixed my problem (though it may have broken -- it keeps saying "Package comes without Makefile.PL" even though
it does -- but this is off-topic -- forget I even mentioned it).

"Compile statically" is like a mantra* on this list (at least when it
comes to apache modules), so it never occurred to me that building perl
itself like this would work better than the static build.

* another mantra of course being "don't use Redhat's prebuilt RPMs"

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-12-21 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Dan Rench wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Doug MacEachern wrote:
> > are you still stuck on this?
> Yes.  To reiterate:
> Solaris 2.5.1 sparc, gcc 2.95, perl 5.005_03 (configured with Solaris hints),
> mod_perl 1.21, apache 1.3.9, mod_fastcgi 2.2.2.
> Everything works fine EXCEPT when I try to "use" a dynamically loaded module
> (Data::Dumper or Storable, for example) inside a mod_perl handler.  I have no
> trouble using these modules in regular perl scripts, mod_cgi scripts, or
> mod_fastcgi scripts.

this sounds an awful lot like the common solaris linker vs. gnu linker
problem.  what does 'perl -V:ld' say your linker is?  make sure it's gnu
(gcc) and that Apache is using the same.

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-12-22 Thread Dan Rench

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Doug MacEachern wrote:

> this sounds an awful lot like the common solaris linker vs. gnu linker
> problem.  what does 'perl -V:ld' say your linker is?  make sure it's gnu
> (gcc) and that Apache is using the same.

$ perl -V:ld

What I don't understand is that when I "./Configure" perl it always says:

NOTE: You are using GNU ld(1).  GNU ld(1) will not build Perl.
I'm arranging to use /usr/ccs/bin/ld by including -B/usr/ccs/bin/
in your gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/ command.  (Note that the trailing "/" is required.) it tells me that it can't use GNU ld, and then does it anyway,

Perl's Configure script also warns me that my GNU make has its set-GID bit
set and I should remove it.  So I "chmod 755 make".  Then I get:

*** WHOA THERE!!! ***
Your C compiler "gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/ -B/usr/ccs/bin/" doesn't seem to be working!
You'd better start hunting for one and let me know about it.

This topic is veering away from mod_perl (though the problem only manifests
itself under mod_perl for me), so I'm going back to the solution
suggested earlier since that seems to work.  Whatever the problem is, it
appears to be fixed in the development version of Perl at least.

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris2.5.1

1999-12-22 Thread Eugene Miretskiy

Dan Rench wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Doug MacEachern wrote:
> > this sounds an awful lot like the common solaris linker vs. gnu linker
> > problem.  what does 'perl -V:ld' say your linker is?  make sure it's gnu
> > (gcc) and that Apache is using the same.
> $ perl -V:ld
> ld='gcc';
> What I don't understand is that when I "./Configure" perl it always says:
> NOTE: You are using GNU ld(1).  GNU ld(1) will not build Perl.
> I'm arranging to use /usr/ccs/bin/ld by including -B/usr/ccs/bin/
> in your gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/ command.  (Note that the trailing "/" is required.)

This is exactly the same problem I experienced before I got solution
to work.

> it tells me that it can't use GNU ld, and then does it anyway,
> apparently.
> Perl's Configure script also warns me that my GNU make has its set-GID bit
> set and I should remove it.  So I "chmod 755 make".  Then I get:
> *** WHOA THERE!!! ***
> Your C compiler "gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/ -B/usr/ccs/bin/" doesn't seem to be working!
> You'd better start hunting for one and let me know about it.
> This topic is veering away from mod_perl (though the problem only manifests
> itself under mod_perl for me), so I'm going back to the solution
> suggested earlier since that seems to work.  Whatever the problem is, it
> appears to be fixed in the development version of Perl at least.

  Eugene Miretskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  InVision, INC.  (516) 543-1000x219

Problems with custom config directives in user written modules

2000-01-30 Thread Dave Hayes

I cannot seem to get custom configuration directives to work in 
apache (1.3.11) modperl (1.21). I would presume the examples in the
book do not work either. I found someone having similar problems
in the list archives, to which Doug provided a workaround which also
does not work.

Any advice about this issue is helpful. Please reply to me directly as

In Makefile.PL:
  my @directives = (
{   name=>  'Directive4',
errmsg  =>  'Anything',
args_how=>  'RAW_ARGS',
req_override=>  'OR_ALL',

In the httpd.conf file:

  require Apache::TestDirective;
  delete $INC{'Apache/'};
  #PerlModule Apache::TestDirective

  Directive4 foo

What comes back:

 Invalid command 'Directive4', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
 module not included in the server configuration

Other details are...Modperl built with:

  perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=/usr/local/webadmin/${APACHE} DO_HTTPD=1

and Apache built with:

 ./configure \
  "--with-layout=Apache" \
  "--prefix=/usr/local/www" \
  "--enable-module=most" \
  "--enable-shared=max" \
  "--activate-module=src/modules/extra/mod_macro.c" \
  "--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a" \

$ bin/httpd -V
Server version: Apache/1.3.11 (Unix)
Server built:   Jan 30 2000 17:23:31
Server's Module Magic Number: 19990320:6
Server compiled with
 -D HTTPD_ROOT="/usr/local/webadmin"
 -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/local/webadmin/bin/suexec"
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/httpd.scoreboard"
 -D DEFAULT_LOCKFILE="logs/httpd.lock"
 -D DEFAULT_XFERLOG="logs/access_log"
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"
 -D TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="conf/mime.types"
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"
 -D ACCESS_CONFIG_FILE="conf/access.conf"
 -D RESOURCE_CONFIG_FILE="conf/srm.conf"

$ bin/httpd -l
Compiled-in modules:

$ perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=freebsd, osvers=3.3-release, archname=i386-freebsd
uname='freebsd 3.3-release freebsd 3.3-release #0: sun nov 21 
22:33:17 pst 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:usrsrcsyscompilekern i386 '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O', gccversion=
cppflags='-I/usr/local/include -DPERL_EMERGENCY_SBRK -DDEBUGGING_MSTATS 
ccflags ='-I/usr/local/include -DPERL_EMERGENCY_SBRK -DDEBUGGING_MSTATS 
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=undef, usevfork=true
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags ='-Wl,-E  -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/lib /usr/local/lib
libs=-ldb -lm -lc -lcrypt
libc=/usr/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags='-DPIC -fpic', lddlflags='-shared  -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Built under freebsd
  Compiled at Nov 22 1999 16:25:57
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> The opinions expressed above are entirely my own <<<

True freedom requires taking responsibility for your own life.  That
frightens the hell out of too many people.   They prefer to have Big
Brother holding a safety net  for them,   and they'll sell their own
birthright and their children's as well to keep it. --F. Paul Wilson

HELP: modules/ssi...FAILED before any test output arrived

2000-04-28 Thread James Olsen


I'm trying to compile Apache 1.3.12 and mod_perl 1.23 against perl 5.005_02

I'm using this to build mod_perl/Apache:

perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 \

And make test returns the following error (and surrounding lines)

modules/ssi.FAILED before any test output arrived
modules/stage...skipping test on this platform

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this problem.

Any suggestions? I've kept the entire output from, make, and 
make test if you want to view any information from them.


IGNORE: modules/ssi...FAILED before any test output arrived

2000-04-28 Thread James Olsen


Sorry, I missed the line in the output stating DSO and PERLSSI don't play 
nice together.

I should have paid more attention. My apologies.


Re: [RFC: performance] Preloading Perl Modules at Server Startup

2000-06-05 Thread Vivek Khera

> "SB" == Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SB> But an even better approach is to create a separate startup file
SB> (where you code in plain perl) and put there things like:

SB>   use DBI;
SB>   use Carp;

SB> Then you C this startup file in I with the
SB> C directive, placing it before the rest of the mod_perl
SB> configuration directives:

SB>   PerlRequire /path/to/

You should recommend

use DBI ();
use Carp ();

so that no symbols are imported into the name space of the
script as it is unlikely to be needed there.

Also, I'd recommend using libapreq's Apache::Request if you don't need
the content generating parts of which leads to an
enhancement I'd like to see Doug add to libapreq's functionality:

Currently, you need to do a call like this if you're using
Apache::Request inside a Registry script:

 my $ar = Apache::Request->new(Apache->request()) or die "Whoa Nelly!";

I'd like to see the Apache::Request->new() method automatically call
Apache->request() if no parameters are passed to it.  Inside a
Apache->handler, it is easy since you already have a Apache->request
object passed to you, but in Registry, it is a lot of extra typing.

RE: [RFC: performance] Preloading Perl Modules at Server Startup

2000-06-05 Thread Geoffrey Young

> -Original Message-
> From: Vivek Khera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:09 AM
> To: mod_perl list
> Subject: Re: [RFC: performance] Preloading Perl Modules at Server
> Startup
> >>>>> "SB" == Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> SB> But an even better approach is to create a separate startup file
> SB> (where you code in plain perl) and put there things like:
> SB>   use DBI;
> SB>   use Carp;
> SB> Then you C this startup file in I with the
> SB> C directive, placing it before the rest of 
> the mod_perl
> SB> configuration directives:
> SB>   PerlRequire /path/to/
> You should recommend
> use DBI ();
> use Carp ();
> so that no symbols are imported into the name space of the
> script as it is unlikely to be needed there.
> Also, I'd recommend using libapreq's Apache::Request if you don't need
> the content generating parts of which leads to an
> enhancement I'd like to see Doug add to libapreq's functionality:
> Currently, you need to do a call like this if you're using
> Apache::Request inside a Registry script:
>  my $ar = Apache::Request->new(Apache->request()) or die 
> "Whoa Nelly!";

my $apr = Apache::Request->new(shift);

requires less typing and still has the desired effect in Regitry scripts or


> I'd like to see the Apache::Request->new() method automatically call
> Apache->request() if no parameters are passed to it.  Inside a
> Apache->handler, it is easy since you already have a Apache->request
> object passed to you, but in Registry, it is a lot of extra typing.

RE: [RFC: performance] Preloading Perl Modules at Server Startup

2000-06-05 Thread Geoffrey Young

> > 
> > Also, I'd recommend using libapreq's Apache::Request if you 
> don't need
> > the content generating parts of which leads to an
> > enhancement I'd like to see Doug add to libapreq's functionality:
> > 
> > Currently, you need to do a call like this if you're using
> > Apache::Request inside a Registry script:
> > 
> >  my $ar = Apache::Request->new(Apache->request()) or die 
> > "Whoa Nelly!";
> my $apr = Apache::Request->new(shift);

did I really just say that?

I guess that doesn't work for Registry scripts after all... sorry for the
FUD :)


> requires less typing and still has the desired effect in 
> Regitry scripts or
> handlers...
> --Geoff
> > 
> > I'd like to see the Apache::Request->new() method automatically call
> > Apache->request() if no parameters are passed to it.  Inside a
> > Apache->handler, it is easy since you already have a Apache->request
> > object passed to you, but in Registry, it is a lot of extra typing.
> > 

RE: [RFC: performance] Preloading Perl Modules at Server Startup

2000-06-05 Thread Geoffrey Young

> -Original Message-
> From: Geoffrey Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:30 AM
> To: 'Vivek Khera'; mod_perl list
> Subject: RE: [RFC: performance] Preloading Perl Modules at Server
> Startup
> [snip]
> > > 
> > > Also, I'd recommend using libapreq's Apache::Request if you 
> > don't need
> > > the content generating parts of which leads to an
> > > enhancement I'd like to see Doug add to libapreq's functionality:
> > > 
> > > Currently, you need to do a call like this if you're using
> > > Apache::Request inside a Registry script:
> > > 
> > >  my $ar = Apache::Request->new(Apache->request()) or die 
> > > "Whoa Nelly!";
> > 
> > my $apr = Apache::Request->new(shift);
> did I really just say that?
> I guess that doesn't work for Registry scripts after all... 
> sorry for the
> FUD :)

ok, it does work... I'll stop posting now...

> --Geoff
> > 
> > requires less typing and still has the desired effect in 
> > Regitry scripts or
> > handlers...
> > 
> > --Geoff
> > 
> > > 
> > > I'd like to see the Apache::Request->new() method 
> automatically call
> > > Apache->request() if no parameters are passed to it.  Inside a
> > > Apache->handler, it is easy since you already have a 
> Apache->request
> > > object passed to you, but in Registry, it is a lot of 
> extra typing.
> > > 
> > 

Re: [RFC: performance] Preloading Perl Modules at Server Startup

2000-06-05 Thread Stas Bekman

On Mon, 5 Jun 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:

> > "SB" == Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> SB> But an even better approach is to create a separate startup file
> SB> (where you code in plain perl) and put there things like:
> SB>   use DBI;
> SB>   use Carp;
> SB> Then you C this startup file in I with the
> SB> C directive, placing it before the rest of the mod_perl
> SB> configuration directives:
> SB>   PerlRequire /path/to/
> You should recommend
> use DBI ();
> use Carp ();
> so that no symbols are imported into the name space of the
> script as it is unlikely to be needed there.

that's right.

> Also, I'd recommend using libapreq's Apache::Request if you don't need
> the content generating parts of which leads to an
> enhancement 

That's a topic of another section.

> I'd like to see Doug add to libapreq's functionality:
> Currently, you need to do a call like this if you're using
> Apache::Request inside a Registry script:
>  my $ar = Apache::Request->new(Apache->request()) or die "Whoa Nelly!";
> I'd like to see the Apache::Request->new() method automatically call
> Apache->request() if no parameters are passed to it.  Inside a
> Apache->handler, it is easy since you already have a Apache->request
> object passed to you, but in Registry, it is a lot of extra typing.

As Geoff has mentioned it works already with shift() ... seems ok to me.

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide 

Re: Patch for easy testing of Apache::* modules (resend)

2000-07-18 Thread Ken Williams

Hi all,

Here's a resend of the Apache::test patch that I sent yesterday, this time
sent as type text/plain from a Unix mailer.  Rick Myers noted that the
version I sent before was encoded with Macintosh BinHex, which is probably
not the most appropriate choice for this list. ;-)


RCS file: /home/cvspublic/modperl/lib/Apache/,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -r1.16
--- 2000/03/06 20:38:22 1.16
+++ 2000/07/17 05:18:12
@@ -44,6 +44,156 @@
 *Apache::Constants::bootstrap = sub {};
+sub write_httpd_conf {
+my $pkg = shift;
+my %args = (conf_file => 't/httpd.conf', @_);
+my $DIR = `pwd`; chomp $DIR;
+local *CONF;
+open CONF, ">$args{conf_file}" or die "Can't create $args{conf_file}: $!";
+print CONF <);
+   $response ||= $default;
+} until (!$mustfind || (-e $response || !print("$response not found\n")));
+return $response;
+sub get_test_params {
+my $pkg = shift;
+print("\nFor testing purposes, please give the full path to an httpd\n",
+ "with mod_perl enabled.  The path defaults to \$ENV{APACHE}, if present.");
+my %conf;
+my $httpd = $ENV{'APACHE'} || which('apache') || which('httpd') || 
+$httpd = _ask("\n", $httpd, 1);
+system "$Config{lns} $httpd t/httpd";
+if (lc _ask("Search existing config file for dynamic module dependencies?", 'n') 
+eq 'y') {
+   my %compiled;
+   for (`t/httpd -V`) {
+   if (/([\w]+)="(.*)"/) {
+   $compiled{$1} = $2;
+   }
+   }
+   $compiled{SERVER_CONFIG_FILE} =~ s,^,$compiled{HTTPD_ROOT}/,
+   unless $compiled{SERVER_CONFIG_FILE} =~ m,^/,;
+   my $file = _ask("  Config file", $compiled{SERVER_CONFIG_FILE}, 1);
+   $conf{modules} = $pkg->_read_existing_conf($file);
+# Get default user (apache doesn't like to run as root, special-case it)
+my $defuser = ($< && getpwuid $<) || 'nobody';
+$conf{user} = _ask("User to run tests under", $defuser);
+my $defgroup = ($defuser eq 'nobody' ? 'nobody' : getgrgid((getpwnam 
+$conf{group} = _ask("Group to run tests under", $defgroup);
+$conf{port} = _ask("Port to run tests under", 8228);
+return %conf;
+sub _read_existing_conf {
+# Returns some config text 
+my ($server_conf) = @_;
+open SERVER_CONF, $server_conf or die "Couldn't open $server_conf: $!";
+my @lines = grep {!m/^\s*#/} ;
+my @modules   =   grep /^\s*(Add|Load)Module/, @lines;
+my ($server_root) = (map /^\s*ServerRoot\s*(\S+)/, @lines);
+# Rewrite all modules to load from an absolute path.
+foreach (@modules) {
+   s!(\s)([^/\s]\S+/)!$1$server_root/$2!;
+# Directories where apache DSOs live.
+my (@module_dirs) = map {m,(/\S*/),} @modules;
+# Have to make sure that dir, autoindex and perl are loaded.
+my @required  = qw(dir autoindex perl);
+my @l = `t/httpd -l`;
+my @compiled_in = map /^\s*(\S+)/, @l[1..@l-2];
+my @load;
+foreach my $module (@required) {
+   if (!grep /$module/i, @compiled_in, @modules) {
+   push @load, $module;
+   }
+# Finally compute the directives to load modules that need to be loaded.
+foreach my $module (@load) {
+   foreach my $module_dir (@module_dirs) {
+   if (-e "$module_dir/mod_$") {
+   push @modules, "LoadModule ${module}_module 
+$module_dir/mod_$\n"; next MODULE;
+   } elsif (-e "$module_dir/lib$") {
+   push @modules, "LoadModule ${module}_module 
+$module_dir/lib$\n"; next MODULE;
+   } elsif (-e "$module_dir/ApacheModule\u$module.dll") {
+   push @modules, "LoadModule ${module}_module 
+$module_dir/ApacheModule\u$module.dll\n"; next MODULE;
+   }
+   }
+print "found the following modules: \n@modules";
+return join '', @modules;
+# Find an executable in the PATH.
+sub which {
+foreach (map { "$_/$_[0]" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH}) {
+   next unless m,^/,;
+   return $_ if -x;
 sub test { 
 my $s = $_[1] ? "ok $_[0]\n" : "not ok $_[0]\n";

Re: Patch for easy testing of Apache::* modules (resend)

2000-09-28 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Ken Williams wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here's a resend of the Apache::test patch that I sent yesterday, this time
> sent as type text/plain from a Unix mailer.  Rick Myers noted that the
> version I sent before was encoded with Macintosh BinHex, which is probably
> not the most appropriate choice for this list. ;-)

looks great ken, applied, thanks!
btw, when i first skimmed the patch, i thought it modified the
mod_perl Makefile.PL test foo, which is why i was holding off.

Re: Patch for easy testing of Apache::* modules (resend)

2000-10-01 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug MacEachern) wrote:
>On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Ken Williams wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Here's a resend of the Apache::test patch that I sent yesterday, this time
>> sent as type text/plain from a Unix mailer.  Rick Myers noted that the
>> version I sent before was encoded with Macintosh BinHex, which is probably
>> not the most appropriate choice for this list. ;-)
>looks great ken, applied, thanks!
>btw, when i first skimmed the patch, i thought it modified the
>mod_perl Makefile.PL test foo, which is why i was holding off.

Awesome, it looks like you've applied my two biggest patches.  Now I'll
go off and make sure they work =).

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: Patch for easy testing of Apache::* modules (resend)

2000-10-01 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug MacEachern) wrote:
>On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Ken Williams wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Here's a resend of the Apache::test patch that I sent yesterday, this
>> time sent as type text/plain from a Unix mailer.  Rick Myers noted
>> that the version I sent before was encoded with Macintosh BinHex,
>> which is probably not the most appropriate choice for this list. ;-)
>looks great ken, applied, thanks!
>btw, when i first skimmed the patch, i thought it modified the
>mod_perl Makefile.PL test foo, which is why i was holding off.

In looking over the changes, I found that I've done a little more work
since the last patch I sent.  I didn't send it on because I wasn't sure
whether the first patch would be accepted or not.  Anyway, I beefed up
the fetch() method and documented it.  It's fully backward compatible,
so no changes are necessary to existing code that calls fetch(). I also
added/fixed tiny pieces in my previous work here and there.  

RCS file: /home/cvspublic/modperl/lib/Apache/,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17
--- lib/Apache/  2000/09/28 21:16:13 1.17
+++ lib/Apache/  2000/10/02 05:38:43
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 User $args{user}
 Group $args{group}
 ServerName localhost
-DocumentRoot $DIR/t/eg
+DocumentRoot $DIR/t
@@ -73,7 +73,10 @@
 AddType text/html .html
 # Look in ./blib/lib
-PerlModule ExtUtils::testlib
+#PerlModule ExtUtils::testlib
+ use lib "$DIR/blib/lib", "$DIR/t/lib";
@@ -82,6 +85,7 @@
 sub _ask {
+# Just a function for asking the user questions
 my ($prompt, $default, $mustfind) = @_;
 my $response;
@@ -193,8 +197,8 @@
 sub test { 
+shift() if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__);
 my $s = $_[1] ? "ok $_[0]\n" : "not ok $_[0]\n";
 if($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
@@ -205,21 +209,26 @@
 sub fetch {
-my($ua, $url);
-if(@_ == 1) {
-   $url = shift;
-   $ua = $UA;
-else {
-   ($ua, $url) = @_;
-unless ($url =~ /^http/) {
-   $url = "http://$net::httpserver${url}";
+# Old code calls fetch() as a function, new code as a method
+shift() if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__);
+my ($ua, $url) = (@_ == 1 ? ($UA, shift()) : @_);
+my $request = ref $url ? $url : {uri=>$url};
+# Set some defaults
+$ENV{PORT} ||= 8529;  # For mod_perl's own tests
+$request->{method} ||= 'GET';
+$request->{content} = '' unless exists $request->{content};
+$request->{uri} = "http://localhost:$ENV{PORT}$request->{uri}"
+   unless $request->{uri} =~ /^http/;
+$request->{headers}{Content_Type} = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+   if (!$request->{headers} and $request->{method} eq 'POST');  # Is this 
+# Create & send the request
+$request->{headers} = new HTTP::Headers(%{$request->{headers}||{}});
+my $req = new HTTP::Request(@{$request}{'method','uri','headers','content'});
+my $response = $ua->request($req);
-my $request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $url);
-my $response = $ua->request($request, undef, undef);
+return wantarray ? ($response->content, $response) : $response->content;
 sub simple_fetch {
@@ -340,6 +349,7 @@
 sub MM_test {
+# Writes the test section for the Makefile
 shift();  # Don't need package name
 my %conf = @_;
@@ -569,9 +579,58 @@
   *MY::test = sub { Apache::test->MM_test(%params) };
+=head2 fetch
+  Apache::test->fetch($request);
+  Apache::test->fetch($user_agent, $request);
+Call this method in a test script in order to fetch a page from the
+running web server.  If you pass two arguments, the first should be an
+LWP::UserAgent object, and the second should specify the request to
+make of the server.  If you only pass one argument, it specifies the
+request to make.
+The request can be specified either by a simple string indicating the
+URI to fetch, or by a hash reference, which gives you more control
+over the request.  The following keys are recognized in the hash:
+=over 4
+=item * uri
+The URI to fetch from the server.  If the URI does not begin with
+"http", we prepend "http://localhost:$PORT" so that we make requests
+of the test server.
+=item * method
+The request method to use.  Default is 'GET'.
+=item * content
+The request content body.  Typically used to simulate HTML fill-out
+form submission for POST requests.  Default is null.
+=item * headers
+A hash of headers you want s

Re: Patch for easy testing of Apache::* modules (resend)

2000-10-02 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, Ken Williams wrote:
> In looking over the changes, I found that I've done a little more work
> since the last patch I sent.  I didn't send it on because I wasn't sure
> whether the first patch would be accepted or not.  Anyway, I beefed up
> the fetch() method and documented it.  It's fully backward compatible,
> so no changes are necessary to existing code that calls fetch(). I also
> added/fixed tiny pieces in my previous work here and there.  

thanks ken, i applied this patch, but it broke modules/cgi 3-4,7, because
it calls fetch() in an array context.  i applied the bandaid below to get
by for now.  maybe it would be better for your more robust version of
fetch() to be called get(), and the old fetch() becomes a wrapper around

Index: lib/Apache/
RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl/lib/Apache/,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18
--- lib/Apache/  2000/10/02 20:25:13 1.18
+++ lib/Apache/  2000/10/02 21:05:29
@@ -210,7 +210,8 @@
 sub fetch {
 # Old code calls fetch() as a function, new code as a method
-shift() if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__);
+my $want_response;
+$want_response = shift() if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__);
 my ($ua, $url) = (@_ == 1 ? ($UA, shift()) : @_);
 my $request = ref $url ? $url : {uri=>$url};
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@
 my $req = new HTTP::Request(@{$request}{'method','uri','headers','content'});
 my $response = $ua->request($req);
-return wantarray ? ($response->content, $response) : $response->content;
+return $want_response ? $response : $response->content;
 sub simple_fetch {

Re: Patch for easy testing of Apache::* modules (resend)

2000-10-02 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, Ken Williams wrote:

ken, i have a feature request too :)  i would like to be able to test if
mod_include is linked static with httpd, otherwise Makefile.PL will
disable PERL_SSI.  a hash of parsed `httpd -l`, something like:

my $static_modules = Apache::test->http_static_modules;

if ($static_modules->{mod_include}) {


Re: Patch for easy testing of Apache::* modules (resend)

2000-10-09 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug MacEachern) wrote:
>ken, i have a feature request too :)  i would like to be able to test if
>mod_include is linked static with httpd, otherwise Makefile.PL will
>disable PERL_SSI.  a hash of parsed `httpd -l`, something like:
>my $static_modules = Apache::test->http_static_modules;
>if ($static_modules->{mod_include}) {

Okey dokey Doug, here's a patch.  I cleaned up _read_existing_conf()
too because it was pretty hard to understand.

RCS file: /home/cvspublic/modperl/lib/Apache/,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19
--- 2000/10/02 21:06:19 1.19
+++ 2000/10/10 06:47:00
@@ -138,13 +138,12 @@
 sub _read_existing_conf {
-# Returns some config text 
-my ($server_conf) = @_;
+# Returns some "(Add|Load)Module" config lines, generated from the
+# existing config file and a few must-have modules.
+my ($self, $server_conf) = @_;
 open SERVER_CONF, $server_conf or die "Couldn't open $server_conf: $!";
-my @lines = grep {!m/^\s*#/} ;
+my @lines = grep {!m/^\s*\#/} ;
 my @modules   =   grep /^\s*(Add|Load)Module/, @lines;
@@ -154,41 +153,47 @@
 foreach (@modules) {
-# Directories where apache DSOs live.
-my (@module_dirs) = map {m,(/\S*/),} @modules;
-# Have to make sure that dir, autoindex and perl are loaded.
-my @required  = qw(dir autoindex perl);
-my @l = `t/httpd -l`;
-my @compiled_in = map /^\s*(\S+)/, @l[1..@l-2];
+my $static_mods = $self->static_modules('t/httpd');
 my @load;
-foreach my $module (@required) {
-   if (!grep /$module/i, @compiled_in, @modules) {
+# Have to make sure that dir, autoindex and perl are loaded.
+foreach my $module (qw(dir autoindex perl)) {
+   unless ($static_mods->{"mod_$module"} or grep /$module/i, @modules) {
+   warn "Will attempt to load mod_$module dynamically.\n";
push @load, $module;
+# Directories where apache DSOs live.
+    my @module_dirs = map {m,(/\S*/),} @modules;
 # Finally compute the directives to load modules that need to be loaded.
 foreach my $module (@load) {
foreach my $module_dir (@module_dirs) {
-   if (-e "$module_dir/mod_$") {
-   push @modules, "LoadModule ${module}_module 
$module_dir/mod_$\n"; next MODULE;
-   } elsif (-e "$module_dir/lib$") {
-   push @modules, "LoadModule ${module}_module 
$module_dir/lib$\n"; next MODULE;
-   } elsif (-e "$module_dir/ApacheModule\u$module.dll") {
-   push @modules, "LoadModule ${module}_module 
$module_dir/ApacheModule\u$module.dll\n"; next
+   foreach my $filename ("mod_$", "lib$", 
+"ApacheModule\u$module.dll") {
+   if (-e "$module_dir/$filename") {
+   push @modules, "LoadModule ${module}_module 
+$module_dir/$filename\n"; next MODULE;
+   }
+   warn "Warning: couldn't find anything to load for 'mod_$module'.\n";
-    print "found the following modules: \n@modules";
+print "Adding the following dynamic config lines: \n@modules";
 return join '', @modules;
+sub static_modules {
+# Returns a hashref whose keys are each of the modules compiled
+# statically into the given httpd binary.
+my ($self, $httpd) = @_;
+my @l = `$httpd -l`;
+return {map {lc($_) => 1} map /(\S+)\.c/, @l};
 # Find an executable in the PATH.
 sub which {
 foreach (map { "$_/$_[0]" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH}) {
@@ -628,6 +633,14 @@
 response.  In a list context, fetch() returns the content and the
 HTTP::Response object itself.  This can be handy if you need to check
 the response headers, or the HTTP return code, or whatever.
+=head2 static_modules
+ Example: $mods = Apache::test->static_modules('/path/to/httpd');
+This method returns a hashref whose keys are all the modules
+statically compiled into the given httpd binary.  The corresponding
+values are all 1.
 =head1 EXAMPLES

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: Patch for easy testing of Apache::* modules (resend)

2000-10-13 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Ken Williams wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug MacEachern) wrote:
> >ken, i have a feature request too :)  i would like to be able to test if
> >mod_include is linked static with httpd, otherwise Makefile.PL will
> >disable PERL_SSI.  a hash of parsed `httpd -l`, something like:
> >
> >my $static_modules = Apache::test->http_static_modules;
> >
> >if ($static_modules->{mod_include}) {
> >...
> >}
> Okey dokey Doug, here's a patch.  I cleaned up _read_existing_conf()
> too because it was pretty hard to understand.

applied, thanks ken!

Probably [OT] Are there any Simple Generic Server modules

2000-11-20 Thread Greg Cope

Dear All

This is a little OT - but bear with me.

I am looking for a simple generic server (prefably OO) that I can use
for my NON OO stuff.

I have writen my own, but I am after ideas 

One project I've got involves getting HTML (template)files via LWP, and
uploads them into an IPC cache for HTML::Template.  It needs to accept
signals so that Apache can HUP it to go get new templates.

Using a generic server class can enable me to get the code out of

Any clues welcome.



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Re: make problem - mod_perl.h not found by Apache::modules

2001-01-31 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Lynn Winebarger wrote:

>Hi.  I'm having problems getting mod_perl (1.24<_01>) to compile.
> I'm using perl 5.6.0, apache 1.3.14, RH Linux 6.2/Intel (with upgrades).
> This is odd since I've previously built mod_perl successfully as a DSO
> (and the problem appears to be in the configure - I don't get far enough
> in the make to be worried about run-time incompatibilies with 1.3.14).
> Of course, I don't have the options used in the previous mod_perl build.
> WITH_APXS=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs


skip the DYNAMIC=1 option, i don't think it works in combonation with

(beginner) Win32 installation / "Writing Apache Modules in Perl & C"

2001-02-18 Thread Garry Heaton

Ref: using Win 98 / Apache 1.3.14 on c:\program files\apache group\apache  /
Perl 5.6 on c:\perl

I'm trying to get a working Win32 installation of mod_perl using "Writing
Apache Modules with Perl and C" but, as with most O'Reilly Perl books, it's
written for a Unix audience. Apache site doesn't seem to have  any Win32
installation notes either. I have ApacheModulePerl.dll located in
Apache/modules but the book refers to other modules (Apache::Registry) which
come with "the mod_perl distribution". I only found the .dll with the Win32
distribution so do I have to locate these other parts of the distribution

The book also refers to perl.conf on several occasions but I can't find any
explanation as to where this is located and what relation this bears to
httpd.conf which is where I thought all the configuration takes place.

Finally, on p.27 the authors say I have to " ... copy the contents of the
subdirectory into your Perl library tree." Which lib subdirectory and which
Perl library tree? What do I copy from and to where? There
isn't a lib directory in Apache root.



Any way to make StatINC work for imported modules?

2001-05-16 Thread Thomas K. Burkholder


I'm using mod_perl without the registry, because it seems a bit faster
and, well, more elegant.  This means, in essence, that the configuration

PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /home/burkhold/perl/local/share/perl/5.6.0

 SetHandler 'perl-script'
 PerlHandler 'Foo::Foo'

Now,, containing Foo::Foo is found at the PERL5LIB location
specified.  If I add:

use Bar::Bar to (in the path specified by PERL5LIB above),
although is properly reloaded, I get an error that Bar::Bar is
not found.

It looks like StatINC only attempts to reload files referenced in the
initial configuration and files referenced by the initial configuration;
anyone know how to make it load new files without restarting the
server?  Is it a bug?  (It seems like a bug).

Thanks for any help,

Thomas K. Burkholder

Modules `use`d by PerlModule vanishing after startup? (resend)

2001-08-24 Thread Stephen Clouse

Hash: SHA1

I didn't get a single response to this the first time around, so I'm resending 
it.  This remains an issue for me.

I have recently been working on a framework for moving our applications to 
mod_perl but I've run into a very odd problem.

I load our program's main Apache handler, with:

PerlModule IQGroup::IQCoordinator

And then set it up as a PerlHandler for a virtual host.  But when I attempt to 
load the program, it fails and throws this into the error log:

[Thu Aug  9 14:29:05 2001] [error] Can't locate object method 
"GetCurrentRequest" via package "IQGroup::Core::ApacheRequest" (perhaps 
you forgot to load "IQGroup::Core::ApacheRequest"?) at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/IQGroup/ line 60.

Except it IS being loaded, it's the first module `use`d by our PerlHandler.  A 
trace on the Apache process even shows the module being read at startup.

When I insert Apache::Status and take a look at the symbol table, it shows the 
IQGroup::Core::ApacheRequest namespace, but with no symbols in it!  Even more 
odd, the modules that it in turn uses DO show up, all symbols intact.

Now, if I load the handler in the startup file:

use IQGroup::IQCoordinator;

then everything loads properly, although I get a slew of "subroutine blah 
redefined" messages in the error log when it hits the PerlModule directive.

This doesn't seem like intended behavior (nothing I read suggests it's supposed 
to work like this) what's eating my module's symbol table?

- -- 
Stephen Clouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Programmer, IQ Coordinator Project Lead
The IQ Group, Inc. <>

Version: PGP 6.5.8


Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-21 Thread Sören Stuckenbrock

Hello again,

first, thank you for the support. Your suggestions helped alot and reading
the documentation you pointed me to, caused me to read further at
 covers exactly the problem I have.

(By the way: there's a typo at line 1 of the script:
I think
use Apache:
should be
use Apache;

But following that guideline resulted in the next problem, I could not yet
solve on my own:

PerlSetVar seems not to work for me! The part of interest in my httpd.conf
looks like this:

Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlTaintCheck On

   PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
   Options ExecCGI
   PerlSendHeader Off
   allow from all

The script looks like this:

use Apache;
my $s = Apache->server;
print $s->server_hostname || "Error";
print $s->dir_config('BlaTest') || "Error";

Now what happens at server startup is that the hostname gets printed
correctly, but instead of the value of BlaTest (should be BlaVal) "Error" is

I use Apache 1.3.20 with mod_perl 1.26 under SuSE-Linux 7.3 with kernel
Any idea what could cause this behavior?

Again: thanks alot

> Per Stas Bekman wrote:
>> At 21:12 19.04.2002, Sören Stuckenbrock wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> mod_perl-newbie needs help!
>>> I have a nasty problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl.
>>> I've developed a CGI-Application, that retrieves its configuration
>>> values from a module that gets included (with "use") in every Script
>>> of the application.
>>> So far no problem.
>>> But when I try to set up more than one instance of the application on
>>> the same (virtual) server under different paths, with different
>>> configuration values in the config-module (which I must do) mod_perl
>>> mixes up the different configuration-modules. Every httpd-child only
>>> loads the configuraion module of the applications instance that it
>>> first served a request for.
>>> If the same process serves a request for a different instance later,
>>> it always uses the config-module of the instance it first served a
>>> request for,
>>> because it thinks it already has loaded the right module.
>> This is because once you use a module (say My::Config), it won't be
>> reloaded as that package name has already been loaded. If your
>> configuration files are different, and in different locations, you
>> should be giving them different names: say My::App1::Config,
>> My::App2::Config, etc. THen you won't have that problem.
> For more explanations see this item:
> And Per Einar's suggestion too, but the problem you are having is
> actually explained in the above item. The one below talks about
> different problems, which you want to read as well.
>> See
  for more information.
> --
> __ Stas
> BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
> mod_perl Guide --->

netendance GmbH
Sören Stuckenbrock
Fränkische Straße 38
30455 Hannover

Telefon: 49 (0) 511/4733773
Fax: 49 (0) 511/4733776
Mobil  : 49 (0) 173/6000319

RE: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

>(By the way: there's a typo at line 1 of the 
>script: I think use Apache: should be use Apache;

Good catch!  :-)

>But following that guideline resulted in the next problem, I 
>could not yet solve on my own:
>PerlSetVar seems not to work for me! The part of interest in 
>my httpd.conf looks like this:
>Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
>PerlModule Apache::Registry
>PerlModule Apache::DBI
>PerlTaintCheck On
>   PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>   PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
>   Options ExecCGI
>   PerlSendHeader Off
>   allow from all

Try putting "PerlSetVar" AFTER "PerlHandler".

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator

West Yorkshire Perl User Group

Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-21 Thread Geoffrey Young

> PerlSetVar seems not to work for me! The part of interest in my httpd.conf
> looks like this:
> Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
> PerlModule Apache::Registry
> PerlModule Apache::DBI
> PerlTaintCheck On
>PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>SetHandler perl-script
>PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
>Options ExecCGI
>PerlSendHeader Off
>allow from all
> The script looks like this:
> use Apache;
> my $s = Apache->server;
> print $s->server_hostname || "Error";
> print $s->dir_config('BlaTest') || "Error";
> Now what happens at server startup is that the hostname gets printed
> correctly, but instead of the value of BlaTest (should be BlaVal) "Error" is
> printed.

you can't use $s (the server record) to capture PerlSetVar that exist on a 
per-directory basis (within a  or  block).  try 


instead.  you should use $s->dir_config() for items set on a per-server basis 
only, not per-directory.


RE: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-21 Thread Sören Stuckenbrock

>>PerlSetVar seems not to work for me! The part of interest in
>>my httpd.conf looks like this:
>>Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
>>PerlModule Apache::Registry
>>PerlModule Apache::DBI
>>PerlTaintCheck On
>>   PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>>   SetHandler perl-script
>>   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>>   PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
>>   Options ExecCGI
>>   PerlSendHeader Off
>>   allow from all
> Try putting "PerlSetVar" AFTER "PerlHandler".

Nope, using:

Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlTaintCheck On

   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
   PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
   Options ExecCGI
   PerlSendHeader Off
   allow from all

doesn't work any better...


netendance GmbH
Sören Stuckenbrock
Fränkische Straße 38
30455 Hannover

Telefon: 49 (0) 511/4733773
Fax: 49 (0) 511/4733776
Mobil  : 49 (0) 173/6000319

Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-21 Thread Sören Stuckenbrock

Hello Stas,

I have a question regarding your mod_perl documentation.

The method you described under:
Should this work to differentiate between the Config-Modules of two projects
on the same (virtual) server under different s or does this only
work for eg. two virtual servers?
Using it for different s does not work for me :(

Sorry for permanently bugging you

netendance GmbH
Sören Stuckenbrock
Fränkische Straße 38
30455 Hannover

Telefon: 49 (0) 511/4733773
Fax: 49 (0) 511/4733776
Mobil  : 49 (0) 173/6000319

Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-21 Thread Stas Bekman

Sören Stuckenbrock wrote:
> Hello Stas,
> I have a question regarding your mod_perl documentation.
> The method you described under:
> Should this work to differentiate between the Config-Modules of two projects
> on the same (virtual) server under different s or does this only
> work for eg. two virtual servers?
> Using it for different s does not work for me :(

That's correct, 

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-21 Thread Stas Bekman

Sören Stuckenbrock wrote:
>>>PerlSetVar seems not to work for me! The part of interest in
>>>my httpd.conf looks like this:
>>>   Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
>>>   PerlModule Apache::Registry
>>>   PerlModule Apache::DBI
>>>   PerlTaintCheck On
>>>  PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>>>  SetHandler perl-script
>>>  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>>>  PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
>>>  Options ExecCGI
>>>  PerlSendHeader Off
>>>  allow from all
>>Try putting "PerlSetVar" AFTER "PerlHandler".
> Nope, using:
> Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
> PerlModule Apache::Registry
> PerlModule Apache::DBI
> PerlTaintCheck On
>SetHandler perl-script
>PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
>Options ExecCGI
>PerlSendHeader Off
>allow from all
> doesn't work any better...

As the folks said you need to use $r->dir_config if you want to pull the 
Location specific value.


Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-22 Thread Sören Stuckenbrock

>> Nope, using:
>> Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
>> PerlModule Apache::Registry
>> PerlModule Apache::DBI
>> PerlTaintCheck On
>>SetHandler perl-script
>>PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>>PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>>PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
>>Options ExecCGI
>>PerlSendHeader Off
>>allow from all
>> doesn't work any better...
> As the folks said you need to use $r->dir_config if you want to pull
> the  Location specific value.

Does this mean I have to add this to my scripts directly and can't do it at
Server-Startup in my

netendance GmbH
Sören Stuckenbrock
Fränkische Straße 38
30455 Hannover

Telefon: 49 (0) 511/4733773
Fax: 49 (0) 511/4733776
Mobil  : 49 (0) 173/6000319

Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-22 Thread Stas Bekman

Sören Stuckenbrock wrote:
>>>Nope, using:
>>>Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
>>>PerlModule Apache::Registry
>>>PerlModule Apache::DBI
>>>PerlTaintCheck On
>>>   SetHandler perl-script
>>>   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>>>   PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>>>   PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
>>>   Options ExecCGI
>>>   PerlSendHeader Off
>>>   allow from all
>>>doesn't work any better...
>>As the folks said you need to use $r->dir_config if you want to pull
>>the  Location specific value.
> Does this mean I have to add this to my scripts directly and can't do it at
> Server-Startup in my

Those set in the Location aren't accessible via $s. A simple reason is 
in the following example:

 PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaValA
 PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaValB
how $s is supposed to know which one do you want?

So if you need to access dir_config at the server startup, you must 
define PerlSetVar at the top level (or vhost) and access with 

If you define within Location, you can only get to these at the request 

Another possible workaround is to use Perl to create the configuration 
and in this case you can do whatever you want with the configuration 
hash that you have created, as you can store and reuse that data at the 
startup or during the requests, see the configuration chapter in the guide.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-22 Thread Per Einar Ellefsen

At 12:52 22.04.2002, Sören Stuckenbrock wrote:
> >> Nope, using:
> >>
> >> Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
> >> PerlModule Apache::Registry
> >> PerlModule Apache::DBI
> >> PerlTaintCheck On
> >> 
> >>SetHandler perl-script
> >>PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> >>PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
> >>PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
> >>Options ExecCGI
> >>PerlSendHeader Off
> >>allow from all
> >> 
> >>
> >> doesn't work any better...
> >
> > As the folks said you need to use $r->dir_config if you want to pull
> > the  Location specific value.
>Does this mean I have to add this to my scripts directly and can't do it at
>Server-Startup in my

Here's what Geoffrey Young said, you seem to have missed it:

 > you can't use $s (the server record) to capture PerlSetVar that exist on 
a per-directory basis (within a  or  block).  try
 > Apache->request->dir_config('BlaTest');
 > instead.  you should use $s->dir_config() for items set on a per-server 
basis only, not per-directory.

As far as I understand him, you can use Apache->request inside the script (try it!)

Per Einar Ellefsen

Re: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-22 Thread Geoffrey Young

> Here's what Geoffrey Young said, you seem to have missed it:
>  > you can't use $s (the server record) to capture PerlSetVar that exist 
> on a per-directory basis (within a  or  block).  try
>  > Apache->request->dir_config('BlaTest');
>  >
>  > instead.  you should use $s->dir_config() for items set on a 
> per-server basis only, not per-directory.
> As far as I understand him, you can use Apache->request inside the 
> script (try it!)

no, you can't use Apache->request from a script - I must have 
missed the requirement in the original post.

but the rest is true, though, and Stas provided more details in a later 
post as well.  additionally, recipe 17.1 in the cookbook talks about 
this exact issue.



Re: [2.x] Windows interpreter-wide locking due to modules?

2002-05-17 Thread Randy Kobes

On Thu, 16 May 2002, James Luberda wrote:

> I have installed Randy Kobes' 5-10-2002 Apache-2/modperl-2 Win32
> binaries on a Win2k Professional P3 uniprocessor development machine. I
> have left all of the script as is. Everything works
> great--however, with some scripts I seem to still suffer from 1.3-style
> locks on the perl interpeter that prevent some other scripts from being
> served until a given dynamic request completes. I've poked around a bit
> and found that simple scripts (ones not using modules) will still be
> executed while another long-running process is executing (thus
> multithreading properly)--so I'm figuring it's probably a module issue
> (or I'm simply confused). The two modules I'm running predominantly are
> DBI 1.14 (with DBD::DB2 .74) and CGI 2.74, and I have verified that two
> scripts running simultaneously with these two modules will result in one
> blocking until the other completes.
> Any/all ideas most welcome--and my sincerest thanks to Randy for his 1.3
> and 2.0 binaries and other incredibly helpful docs/builds/info/etc.

Thanks :) ... Is this a registry script you're finding the
blocking with, or within your own custom handler? I just tried
the following script (Win2000, ActivePerl 631):
use strict;
use DBI;
use CGI qw(:all);
print header, start_html, h3('TEST'), '';
my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:what', 'user', 'passwd',
  {RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1});
my $query = "SELECT x FROM y WHERE z LIKE 'ABC%'";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $name = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
   print "$name\n";
print "", end_html;
under ModPerl::Registry, with the following directives:

   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
   Options +ExecCGI
   PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
   PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

and didn't see any blocking ... Does an equivalent of the above
work for you?

If not, you might try the most recent Apache2 stuff (May 13) -
Doug made a whole bunch of enhancements to the Win32 side of
mod_perl-2 recently, and perhaps one of those is related to this.

Are you using Apache::DBI? If so, try disabling it and seeing
if that helps.

best regards,

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-12 Thread Perrin Harkins

I'm just going to point out a few problems.  These are not all related 
to your questions.

>package Holds;

The case of "Holds" doesn't match the example sub you posted above.  I'm 
assuming that was a typo.

>use strict;
>use Carp;
>use warnings;
>use QueryPrint;
>use vars qw($dbh $processed_hnd $status_hnd);
>use gentimeid; # generate time id based
>sub new { 
>my $invocant = shift;
>my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;

That looks like voodoo code copied from a man page.  If you call this as 
Holds->new(), you don't need that junk about ref.  (And most people 
recommend against the "new Holds" syntax.)

>my $self  = { @_ };
>bless ($self, $class);
>$dbh = db_connect();

You don't seem to need this.  You aren't using the database handle for 
anything in this sub and you aren't gaining anything by calling it here.

>sub GetProcessed {
>my $self = shift;
> This has a bug, somtimes the cached query doesn't stick around.

If you lose your database connection, Apache::DBI will reconnect.  Any 
prepared queries will be lost.  You *must* prepare every time, but see 

>sub db_connect {
>require DBI;

You don't need that.  You should have already loaded it in

>my $dbname = 'CS';
>my ($dbuser, $dbpasswd) = ('myuser', 'mypass');

Probably should be in a config file, rather than buried in here.

>my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpasswd)
>   or die "can't connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
>   # we need these waiting for queries, so we are going to prepare them ahead of
> time, and yes
>   # horror of horror they will be global. Sorry Mom I tried :( 
>   $processed_hnd = $dbh->prepare_cached("select ord_tpak_processed from orders
>where ord_num=?") or confess("can't get tpak processed");
>   $status_hnd = $dbh->prepare_cached("select is_hold_set,holdstate from
>holds where ord_num=?") or confess("can't get hold status");
>   #DBI->trace(2,"/usr/local/apache/htdocs/out.log");
>   return $dbh;

Don't put those in globals.  The prepare_cached call already stores them 
for the life of your database connection.  Apache::DBI will keep that 
connection alive (in a global hash) as long as it can and reconnect if 
the connection is lost.  If the connection does get lost, the statement 
handles in these globals will stop working.  You do recreate them every 
time since you call this sub every time, but you could lose the 
connection between the time this sub is called and the time you use 
these handles.

> 2. Every once in a while I get an out of memory error.

You can control process growth over time in a number of ways.  They are 
documented in the mod_perl guide.

>3. My main search result page is getting cached, the closure type of

Are you using any modules that have subs with sub ref prototypes, like  That can do it.

>All I have read says that because I am using oop
>modules and use strict along with use vars that should not happen.

It's actually really easy to create closures.  Here is a closure:

my $holdtype = $q->param('holdstate');

sub display_holdtype {
print "holdtype: $holdtype in process $$\n";

This will always print whatever the value was the first time, no matter 
what you change it to later.  (The first time for that process, that 
is.)  Watch out for things like that.  You should always pass params 

>4. I know the way I have done these db connects is sloppy. But I can't seem
>to find a better way. Could I make one db_connect sub,and inherite it all
>though my modules? 

Make one sub that returns a database handle and use it from everywhere. 
 Doesn't need to be inherited, you can just stick it in a module that 
all the other modules call.

Hope some of that was helpful,

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-12 Thread Eric Frazier


I am going to read over this closely, thanks for all of the advice! 

What frustrats me about the search getting cached/closure thing is that I
just don't have any global variables that have anything to do at all with
the search results. I have read over and over examples with closures,
recognize the example you included as one, but I still can't seem to find it
in my own code. I guess I need to take a fresh look again. I did -X httpd
and it is happening every time. I think part of what is getting me is I have
used mod_perl for smaller things, but now it is a pretty big system. I don't
seem to  be able to get away with as much :) Also, I am really trying to
bring my code level up a notch, but as you pointed out, there are some
things I am doing that  I don't really understand well enough yet. 


(250) 655 - 9513 (PST Time Zone)

"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." -- Will Durant 

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-13 Thread Eric Frazier


Here is the kind of thing that is driving me nuts. Please see:

If what this says is true, then either I don't have a closure type problem,
or else what is says isn't true. It says that 
if I have this situation, I will get a warning. I am not getting any
warnings, but I am getting this behaviour with my search queries "getting stuck"

The only thing I do is again, copied from the perltoot 

package Searches;

use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw($dbh);
use gentimeid; # generate time id based
use Calc_Price; # get totals  
use warnings;
# use DBIx::XHTML_Table;  # maybe later
use QueryPrint;

#use Data::Dumper;

# These searches are restricted to user level searches, there will be a
admin level search for 
# managment reports 

$dbh = db_connect();

# requires a $q query object to be init.

sub new {
my $self  = {};
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
$self->{queryobject}   = undef;
$self->{isDomestic} = undef;
$self->{isInternational} = undef;
$self->{isShippingSame} = undef;
$self->{CustIsInserted} = undef;
$self->{OrderIsInserted} = undef;
$self->{CustNum} = undef;
$self->{OrderNum} = undef;
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;

sub queryobject {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{queryobject} = shift }
  return $self->{queryobject};

 Other stuff not used yet

sub LookupOrder {

my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->{queryobject};
my $output = '';
my $hasparameter = 0;

... Build a query from vars passed in though queryobject


$order_name_qu .= " ORDER BY $orderby "; # the query string is here

if ($hasparameter == 1) {  # if something was filled in the search form

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($order_name_qu) or confess("Main search
failed $order_name_qu");
$sth->execute() or confess("Main search failed $order_name_qu");  

my $headers = $sth->{'NAME'};   

my @rows= $sth->fetchall_arrayref();

my $resulthtml = new QueryPrint(ResultSet => @rows,
Action => 'customer',
ColumnList => $headers);

my $html = $resulthtml->SetAction();  # sets a template type in the
QueryPrint module
$output = $resulthtml->QueryPrint();  
#warn "QUERY - $order_name_qu";
undef @rows;
undef $resulthtml;
undef $order_name_qu;
return $output;

} else {

return "no query to do";


Then this is all called from my CGI::Application module

sub customer_display{

my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->query();

my $customersearch = new Searches();
$customersearch->queryobject($q); # set the query

my $header = parse_header($self);
return $header . $customersearch->LookupCustName(); 


So going nuts now, where is the problem?  My QueryPrint module is pretty
much the same, so if this is ok, it should be as well. 



>Are you using any modules that have subs with sub ref prototypes, like 
>  That can do it.
>>All I have read says that because I am using oop
>>modules and use strict along with use vars that should not happen.
>It's actually really easy to create closures.  Here is a closure:
>my $holdtype = $q->param('holdstate');
>sub display_holdtype {
>print "holdtype: $holdtype in process $$\n";
>This will always print whatever the value was the first time, no matter 
>what you change it to later.  (The first time for that process, that 
>is.)  Watch out for things like that.  You should always pass params 
>>4. I know the way I have done these db connects is sloppy. But I can't seem
>>to find a better way. Could I make one db_connect sub,and inherite it all
>>though my modules? 
>Make one sub that returns a database handle and use it from everywhere. 
> Doesn't need to be inherited, you can just stick it in a module that 
>all the other modules call.
>Hope some of that was helpful,

(250) 655 - 9513 (PST Time Zone)

"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." -- Will Durant 

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

Eric Frazier wrote:
> Here is the kind of thing that is driving me nuts. Please see: 
> ies_for_Inner_Subroutines
> If what this says is true, then either I don't have a closure type problem,
> or else what is says isn't true.

That documentation refers to one particular problem involving nested 
subs.  You don't need to have nested subs to have closures, and closures 
may not even be the problem.

You need to do some debugging.  Narrow things down by verifying your 
assumptions one by one.  Is really giving you the values you 
expect?  (Some people have experienced issues with params not being 
reset when using in certain ways.)  Is your SQL query being built 
correctly each time?  Is the data that you're passing to the template 
correct?  Throw in some warn statements.  Run it in the debugger if you 
need to.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-14 Thread Eric Frazier

At 11:58 AM 10/14/02 -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>Eric Frazier wrote:
>> Here is the kind of thing that is driving me nuts. Please see: 
>> ies_for_Inner_Subroutines
>> If what this says is true, then either I don't have a closure type problem,
>> or else what is says isn't true.
>That documentation refers to one particular problem involving nested 
>subs.  You don't need to have nested subs to have closures, and closures 
>may not even be the problem.
>You need to do some debugging.  Narrow things down by verifying your 
>assumptions one by one.  Is really giving you the values you 
>expect?  (Some people have experienced issues with params not being 
>reset when using in certain ways.)  Is your SQL query being built 
>correctly each time?

I have checked the above, and I have lots of warns spaced around so I can
watch things in the error log. 

  Is the data that you're passing to the template 

That I am not so sure of. I will do some more investigation. It seems like
the only variables that could be causing this are the result set from the
query and the scalar which holds the html template.  I feel like I know
absolutly nothing now :(   I installed Apache::DB but don't yet know what to
make of it. 

Thanks again,


  Throw in some warn statements.  Run it in the debugger if you 
>need to.
>- Perrin

(250) 655 - 9513 (PST Time Zone)

"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." -- Will Durant 

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-14 Thread Eric Frazier


I am starting to feel guilty about bugging you so much, but you are the only
person to have responded, and I watch the list enough to value your advice
quite a bit. 

>>sub new { 
>>my $invocant = shift;
>>my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
>That looks like voodoo code copied from a man page.  If you call this as 
>Holds->new(), you don't need that junk about ref.  (And most people 
>recommend against the "new Holds" syntax.)
>>my $self  = { @_ };
>>bless ($self, $class);
>>$dbh = db_connect();
>You don't seem to need this.  You aren't using the database handle for 
>anything in this sub and you aren't gaining anything by calling it here.

I wanted the DBH to be global since just about every sub in Holds does a
query of some sort. I guess it doesn't matter either way if I do the connect
in the new() vs  up top outside of a sub. 

What is the problem with the my $holdcheck = new Holds() type of syntax?
I never read anything about that either way. 

>>sub GetProcessed {
>>my $self = shift;
>> This has a bug, somtimes the cached query doesn't stick around.
>If you lose your database connection, Apache::DBI will reconnect.  Any 
>prepared queries will be lost.  You *must* prepare every time, but see 
>>sub db_connect {
>>require DBI;
>You don't need that.  You should have already loaded it in
>>my $dbname = 'CS';
>>my ($dbuser, $dbpasswd) = ('myuser', 'mypass');
>Probably should be in a config file, rather than buried in here.
>>my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpasswd)
>>   or die "can't connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
>>   # we need these waiting for queries, so we are going to prepare them
ahead of
>> time, and yes
>>   # horror of horror they will be global. Sorry Mom I tried :( 
>>   $processed_hnd = $dbh->prepare_cached("select ord_tpak_processed from
>>where ord_num=?") or confess("can't get tpak processed");
>>   $status_hnd = $dbh->prepare_cached("select is_hold_set,holdstate from
>>holds where ord_num=?") or confess("can't get hold status");
>>   #DBI->trace(2,"/usr/local/apache/htdocs/out.log");
>>   return $dbh;
>Don't put those in globals.  The prepare_cached call already stores them 
>for the life of your database connection.  Apache::DBI will keep that 
>connection alive (in a global hash) as long as it can and reconnect if 
>the connection is lost.  If the connection does get lost, the statement 
>handles in these globals will stop working.  You do recreate them every 
>time since you call this sub every time, but you could lose the 
>connection between the time this sub is called and the time you use 
>these handles.

I did this, I was a little scared about calling $dbh->finish() but I did
what you said, and yes life is good I don't notice a speed difference. 

>>4. I know the way I have done these db connects is sloppy. But I can't seem
>>to find a better way. Could I make one db_connect sub,and inherite it all
>>though my modules? 
>Make one sub that returns a database handle and use it from everywhere. 
> Doesn't need to be inherited, you can just stick it in a module that 
>all the other modules call.

I have no idea why I put off doing that for so long. But that is done now as

>Hope some of that was helpful,

(250) 655 - 9513 (PST Time Zone)

"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." -- Will Durant 

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

Eric Frazier wrote:
> I wanted the DBH to be global since just about every sub in Holds does a
> query of some sort.

Three options:
1) Pass it to every sub
2) Make a utility sub that returns a dbh and call it from each sub. 
(Sounds like you already made one of these.)
3) Stuff it in $r->pnotes(), where it will get cleaned up after each 

> What is the problem with the my $holdcheck = new Holds() type of syntax?
> I never read anything about that either way.

It's been discussed quite a bit in various places.  It is now documented 
in the perlobj man page:

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-14 Thread Rafiq Ismail

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Eric Frazier wrote:
> >That looks like voodoo code copied from a man page.  If you call this as
> >Holds->new(), you don't need that junk about ref.  (And most people
> >recommend against the "new Holds" syntax.)
> I wanted the DBH to be global since just about every sub in Holds does a
> query of some sort. I guess it doesn't matter either way if I do the connect
> in the new() vs  up top outside of a sub.

Boredom break:

As for your dbh, stick it whereever its scope applies, however I don't
like declaring globals, so I've found that if I make the dbh accessible
via an object, usually together with Apache::DBI in the background, I can
often do clean up stuff, such as closing the handle (incase Apache::DBI
isn't in place with a particular invokation of the package), last system
logging updates/inserts, or whatever the job requires in a DESTROY method.

> What is the problem with the my $holdcheck = new Holds() type of syntax?
> I never read anything about that either way.
It's in the book which I think should be called, 'the guy in the silly hat
book,' ie. Damien's OO book, pretty much saying that,

"The indirect object syntax does, however, suffer from the same type of
ambiguity problems that sometime befuddles print 

my $cd3 = new get_classname() (@data) #Compilation Error


Assuming you have $cd="MyPackage" and:
get_name $cd;

This is usually equivalent to:

However, let's say that you have a method in the invoking script
named 'get_name', then:

get_name $cd;

Gets interpreted as:


Which is not what you're after.

" - from the guy in the silly hat book

Senior Programmer
Budget hosting on my 10Mbit/backbone::[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-14 Thread Jesse Erlbaum

Hey Eric --

> I wanted the DBH to be global since just about every sub in Holds does a
> query of some sort. I guess it doesn't matter either way if I do
> the connect
> in the new() vs  up top outside of a sub.

CGI::Application has a facility which is intended to solve exactly this type
of problem -- the param() method.  The param() method allows you to stash a
property (such as a $dbh) in your CGI::Application-based object which can be
retrieved anywhere.  I typically connect to the database in my setup()
method and stash my $dbh for use later:

  package My::WebApp;
  use strict;
  use base qw/CGI::Application/;

  sub setup {
my $self = shift;

  'start' => 'run_mode_method'

my $dbh = $self->connect_to_database();
$self->param('DBH', $dbh);

  sub run_mode_method {
my $self = shift;

# Get database handle
my $dbh = $self->param('DBH');

my $output = '';

# ...etc

return $output;

Furthermore, in order to disconnect, the teardown() method may be used:

  sub teardown {
my $self = shift;

# Get database handle
my $dbh = $self->param('DBH');


Refer to the CGI::Application POD for details on teardown() and param().

Regarding connecting to the database, I also urge you to encapsulate your
connection code.  On my projects I always get things started by creating a
Perl module which I use whenever I need a database connection:

  package My::DatabaseCreds;
  use DBI;
  sub new_dbh {
my $dbh = DBI->connect()
die ("Can't connect: ".$DBI::errstr) unless ($dbh);
return $dbh;

(This isn't exactly the code I use -- I actually have a module which I
sub-class, but you get the idea.)

The benefit of creating a module is that (1) all your Perl code can use this
module so that (2) should it ever have to change you can change it in one

> What is the problem with the my $holdcheck = new Holds() type of syntax?
> I never read anything about that either way.

My guess is that Perrin was referring to your use of the "indirect"
notation, as opposed to the "arrow" notation:


  my $holdcheck = new Holds()


  my $holdcheck = Holds->new()

Many people (myself included) prefer the arrow notation.  In general, the
arrow notation tends to be less ambiguous, particularly when it comes to
combining method calls with arguments.




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: Apache::DBI and CGI::Application with lots of modules.

2002-10-15 Thread Eric Frazier


I had to read that over a few times to get it. And now I see that I do
indeed have that situation, there are a number of times when I call
my $holdstatus = new Holds(); from within a module that also has a new
method. What I don't understand is how does my code work at all? 



At 07:13 PM 10/14/02 +0200, Rafiq Ismail wrote:
>On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Eric Frazier wrote:
>> >That looks like voodoo code copied from a man page.  If you call this as
>> >Holds->new(), you don't need that junk about ref.  (And most people
>> >recommend against the "new Holds" syntax.)
>> I wanted the DBH to be global since just about every sub in Holds does a
>> query of some sort. I guess it doesn't matter either way if I do the connect
>> in the new() vs  up top outside of a sub.
>Boredom break:
>As for your dbh, stick it whereever its scope applies, however I don't
>like declaring globals, so I've found that if I make the dbh accessible
>via an object, usually together with Apache::DBI in the background, I can
>often do clean up stuff, such as closing the handle (incase Apache::DBI
>isn't in place with a particular invokation of the package), last system
>logging updates/inserts, or whatever the job requires in a DESTROY method.
>> What is the problem with the my $holdcheck = new Holds() type of syntax?
>> I never read anything about that either way.
>It's in the book which I think should be called, 'the guy in the silly hat
>book,' ie. Damien's OO book, pretty much saying that,
>"The indirect object syntax does, however, suffer from the same type of
>ambiguity problems that sometime befuddles print 
>   my $cd3 = new get_classname() (@data) #Compilation Error
>   Assuming you have $cd="MyPackage" and:
>   get_name $cd;
>   This is usually equivalent to:
>   $cd->get_name;
>   However, let's say that you have a method in the invoking script
>named 'get_name', then:
>   get_name $cd;
>   Gets interpreted as:
>   get_name("MyPackage")
>   Which is not what you're after.
>" - from the guy in the silly hat book
>Senior Programmer
>Budget hosting on my 10Mbit/backbone::[EMAIL PROTECTED]

(250) 655 - 9513 (PST Time Zone)

"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." -- Will Durant 

Handler Access to vars created by other modules. (modperl 2.0)

2002-10-21 Thread Erich Oliphant

I am creating a handler that logs key (request) 
variables passed from our client application.  I need to tie the entries I 
create to entries in the apache request log.  I was thinking that I could 
use the UNIQUE_ID created by mod_unique_id (i.e. stick it in access_log and 
the log generated by my handler and use the UNIQUE_ID's to correlate the 
log entries).  I am having difficulty accessing this variable (via the ENV 
hash).  I decided to make it a PerlLogHandler and register it REALLY_LAST, 
thinking that mod_unique_id would've exported UNIQUE_ID prior to that.  
However, that does not seem to be the case :) 
Any suggestions?
Thanks In Advance,

Re: [mp2.0] How do I port modules using Apache::SIG?

2002-12-03 Thread Stas Bekman
Clare, Bruce W wrote:

I'm attempting to run Scoop 0.9 ( under Apache2/mod_perl
2.0 running on Windows 2000, but the application was written for Apache/mp
1.x, so it uses Apache::SIG (and possibly other) modules that are no longer
in mod_perl.  

The mod_perl developer documentation for porting from 1.x to 2.x doesn't
really cover the missing modules, other than to say you can use
Apache::compat to allow use of deprecated methods. This doesn't do the job
here, which makes sense because the SIG module isn't even installed on my
system. Is there any resource that discusses the changes between mod_perl
1.x and 2.x in more detail than the current developer document? The key
point here is what has been deprecated/removed/rearchitected in mod_perl
2.x? and how do I replace it?

The changes are documented here:

I haven't put it into the developer's guide, but the user's guide. 
Because the user's guide is for all people who write mod_perl code. The 
developer's guide is for those who tinker with the core. I'll put an 
xref to the above doc to avoid this problem in the fuure.

Apache::compat is certainly incomplete, as you have just figured out, 
and that doc is synced with Apache::compat. But we are getting there. 
Please keep reporting those missing things.

I'm not sure if mod_perl 2.0 will ever need this module (especially with 
perl 5.8.0 which has safe signals). So here is a stub that let's your 
1.0 code run as is. It'll be in CVS soonish.

Index: lib/Apache/
RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/lib/Apache/,v
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -u -r1.71
--- lib/Apache/compat.pm23 Nov 2002 22:35:06 -  1.71
+++ lib/Apache/compat.pm4 Dec 2002 02:23:01 -
@@ -509,5 +509,14 @@
 APR::Table::make($r->pool, $nelts);

+package Apache::SIG;
+use Apache::Const -compile => 'DECLINED';
+sub handler {
+# don't set the SIGPIPE
+return Apache::DECLINED;

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: [mp2.0] How do I port modules using Apache::SIG?

2002-12-03 Thread Stas Bekman
The changes are documented here:

I haven't put it into the developer's guide, but the user's guide. 
Because the user's guide is for all people who write mod_perl code. The 
developer's guide is for those who tinker with the core. I'll put an 
xref to the above doc to avoid this problem in the fuure.

While adding the xrefs I've realized that what I've said is not strictly 
correct, as
includes useful notes for code writers as well. In any case I've added 
xrefs to each other, so there shouldn't be a problem to find all the 
relevant info now. The online docs will be updated by the cron within 6 

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: [mp2] Having to reload apache when perl modules change

2002-12-17 Thread Geoffrey Young

Richard Curtis wrote:

Hi again group.
   A quick question (but this might not be the right place).
If this is the wrong place to ask, please point me in the direction of the
right place.

you're in the right place, don't worry :)

I have a web app written using mod_perl2 and apache::ASP.
When I change the code in a perl module, I have to restart apache to make
the changes appear to all children.
Is there a way of avoiding this - maybe with an apache directive - so that
all modules are re-read by all children without a restart ?

Apache::Reload ships standard with mod_perl 2.0 and is pretty much the same as with 1.0. 
See that manpage or docs/api/mod_perl-2.0/Apache/Reload.pod for more details.



Re: [mp2] Having to reload apache when perl modules change

2002-12-17 Thread Josh Chamas
Geoffrey Young wrote:

Richard Curtis wrote:

Hi again group.
   A quick question (but this might not be the right place).
If this is the wrong place to ask, please point me in the direction of 
right place.

you're in the right place, don't worry :)

I have a web app written using mod_perl2 and apache::ASP.
When I change the code in a perl module, I have to restart apache to make
the changes appear to all children.
Is there a way of avoiding this - maybe with an apache directive - so 
all modules are re-read by all children without a restart ?

Also note the native Apache::ASP configs StatINC and StatINCMatch
work too.  These can be good as they handle reloading ASP
compiled packages smoothly without undefining ASP related symbols.

Note that these settings should only be used in development
and for reloading code in production a full stop/start should
be done.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: modperl 2.0 problems with Apache::Cookie and related modules.

2002-12-19 Thread Randy Kobes
On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, b. ash wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to configure a working apache2/modperl2 setup, unfortunately 
> I can not seemt to get a critical module Apache::Cookie to install,  I 
> keep getting this error.
> Can't locate Apache/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i686-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) 
> at Makefile.PL line 27.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 27.
> any ideas what might be going on here.

Apache::Cookie (and Apache::Request) haven't been ported to
mod_perl-2 yet. Until that happens, you can use the mod_perl-2
compatibility mode to do form data, and for cookies, you can use
a CPAN module (eg,

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: modperl 2.0 problems with Apache::Cookie and related modules.

2002-12-19 Thread Beau E. Cox
Hi -

You may want to check out my experiences w/ap2-mp2 shown in:

It shows how I intalled these packages.

Aloha => Beau.

-Original Message-
From: b. ash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 10:40 AM
Subject: modperl 2.0 problems with Apache::Cookie and related modules.


I am trying to configure a working apache2/modperl2 setup, unfortunately 
I can not seemt to get a critical module Apache::Cookie to install,  I 
keep getting this error.

Can't locate Apache/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) 
at Makefile.PL line 27.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 27.

any ideas what might be going on here.



Re: modperl 2.0 problems with Apache::Cookie and related modules.

2002-12-19 Thread Stas Bekman
b. ash wrote:


I am trying to configure a working apache2/modperl2 setup, unfortunately 
I can not seemt to get a critical module Apache::Cookie to install,  I 
keep getting this error.

Can't locate Apache/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) 
at Makefile.PL line 27.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 27.

any ideas what might be going on here.

A backcompat version of Apache::MyConfig is now available via 
Apache::compat in the mod_perl cvs. Though it won't solve the 
Apache::Cookie lib as reported by others.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

performance difference between apache/perl modules and registry scripts question

1999-10-06 Thread Greg Cope

Dear All

I have been asked to code several apache / perl modules.

these module accept a "post" consisting of a long string - do a few database
things and return a long string to the browser.

What are the advantages of using apache / mod_perl modules vs using a
registry / mod_perl style CGI script.

General memory use / efficiency are an issue and that is why I am being
asked to do modules as registry / is seen as"too slow".

I would prefer registry / as this is easier to code! (being

Any thoughts / experiences would be appreciated


Greg Cope

Re: Problems with dynamically-loaded perl modules under Solaris 2.5.1

1999-10-27 Thread Francesc Guasch

Dan Rench wrote:
> I'm having problems with modules that use DynaLoader (Data::Dumper and
> Storable, specifically) under mod_perl on Solaris machines.
> These modules work fine in standalone scripts, or when run under mod_cgi
> or mod_fastcgi, but as soon as I put a "use Storable" in a mod_perl handler,
> I get this in my error log:
> [Tue Oct 26 11:21:33 1999] [error] Can't load 
>'/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/auto/Storable/' for 
>module Storable: ./httpd: fatal: relocation error: file 
>/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/auto/Storable/ symbol 
>main: referenced symbol not found at 
>/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/ line 169.
> BTW I get an identical message if I put a "use Storable" inside a 
> section in my httpd.conf.
> After searching the mailing list archive, I see that this sort of thing can
> happen if mod_perl was compiled against the "wrong" version of perl on the
> system.  So just to make sure, I removed all remnants of an older 5.004
> install, remade mod_perl, and I'm still getting the errors.
> My setup:
> Solaris 2.5.1 (Sparc)
> gcc 2.95
> perl 5.005_03 (compiled with above gcc, as were the below)
> apache 1.3.9 (with all modules compiled statically)
> mod_perl 1.21 (EVERYTHING=1)
> mod_fastcgi 2.2.2
what's the ld version you use ?, make sure you compiled perl using the
solaris hints you can find in the perl sources.

 ^-^,-. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 o o   )
  Y (_ (___(

Preloading Modules with mod_perl as a shared object doesn't work!

2000-01-06 Thread Brian Powell

Okay, I have finally tracked down the source of the problem I am having and
would appreciate your suggestions and work-arounds.

First, I am using mod_perl; however, like the docs say, I wanted to preload
modules, so, I have in my httpd.conf:

PerlRequire /

For a I have:

use DBI;
use Carp;

Okay, now I have compiled the Apache 1.3.9 tarball and mod_perl 1.2.1
tarball.  If I compile mod_perl as a shared object, and put:

 LoadModule libexec/

the web server will NOT run.  If I comment out the line:

# use DBI;

it runs perfectly fine.  If I compile mod_perl statically into Apache,
everything works as advertised.  The reason I ran into all of this is
because doing:

use Apache::DBI;

gives the exact same behavior:  apachectl tells me that I have successfully
launched; however, no processes exist.  This is the problem that many have
complained about before, and NO!, it is not because the web server is
trying to open a db connection.  There is nothing at all with opening a db
connection yet.  Once the web server works, I'll worry about trying to open
a db connection.

So, how can I preload DBI (or use Apache::DBI for that matter) without
having to statically link the into the httpd executable?  The
reason that I cannot link them is that I must use a module with the RedHat
secure server I am using.

I am running on i386, RH 6.1.  I have compiled apache and mod_perl from
their respective sources (not using RPM's).



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