Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-03-01 19:08:10 -0600, Conrad Sabatier wrote:

> By the way, is there a simple way to convert my existing folders
> to this format?

Just set mbox_type=maildir in mutt, go into an old folder, tag all
messages, and apply-save them to a new folder.  With the "-e"
option, you can even do this from the command line.


Re: Reading HTML Attachments

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-03-01 18:58:08 -0800, -kevin- wrote:

> Change to:

> text/html; netscape -remote 'openFile(%s)';copiousoutput

Bad idea.  You'd rather want this:

text/html; netscape -remote 'openFile('%s')'; copiousoutput

Note that the %s itself MUST NOT be enclosed by any form of quoting,
because otherwise strange file names would lead to really strange
effects, and essentially would break out of the quoting.


Re: Reading HTML Attachments

2000-03-01 Thread Mikko Hänninen

John P. Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 01 Mar 2000:
> Now, next project is to be able to
> "click" on imbeded hyperlinks.  The mutt manual (4.12) refers to an
> external urlview program.  I'm unclear what the manual means in
> referring to  macro indexetc.  Have you done this?

The urlview programs takes any text file and looks for URLs in it.
(Actually what it looks for can be configured, so you could make it
do any kind of things, but the default use is to look for URLs...)

The way this works is to set up urlview, and then create a macro in Mutt
that will send the contents of the current message to the urlview
program.  Then in urlview you see all the links and can select any one
of them.

Urlview is really rather simple, and I remember having no trouble at all
setting it up with the documentation that was provided, down to adding
the relevant macro (ctrl-b) into my .muttrc.

This isn't true "click on the links as I see them" type of feature.
That's not really possible with Mutt.  However it's possible with
xterms, I think there was a program called "dingus" that enabled this.
(I'm not sure, dingus may have been adapted into gnome-terminal, I
remember once reading something like that... But could mis-remember

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
The *REAL* Y2K is the year 2048.

Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Bennett Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 01 Mar 2000:
> So if you open an MH folder, tag all the messages with
>   T~A
> then save them all to a new folder with
>   ;snew-folder
> (that's a semicolon, it is the "tag prefix") that will convert the
> folder. However, since it's pretty darned interactive, it's not
> appealing for batch conversion of lots of old folders. For that you
> want something command-line.

Actually, it's not impossible to use Mutt from the command line for
that.  I'm not sure whether it's any *easier* than doing something else
(a specific script), but it's certainly possible to use the -e command
line switch to "push" all the necessary keystrokes into Mutt, eg.

mutt -f =folder-to-convert -e 'push T~A\n;snew-folder\nq'

The final q for quit may give you a prompt, which can be eliminated
by setting the right variable (I forget which right now).  The above
also assumes you have your $mbox_type variable set to the desired folder
format in your .muttrc.  And so, to convert a bunch of folders, you only
need a shell script wrapper around the above, calling Mutt each time
with the right old and new folder names.

Again, I'm not sure if this is any easier than using some real command
line tools, but I'm sure it can be made to work. :-)

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
Signature under construction, beware of falling letters!

Re: Reading HTML Attachments

2000-03-01 Thread John P. Verel


Thanks.  Worked like a charm!  Now, next project is to be able to
"click" on imbeded hyperlinks.  The mutt manual (4.12) refers to an
external urlview program.  I'm unclear what the manual means in
referring to  macro indexetc.  Have you done this?

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 06:58:08PM -0800, -kevin- wrote:
> John,
> On 00-03-01 20:46, John P. Verel wrote:
> > My mailcap entry looks like this:
> > 
> > text/html; netscape -remote openURL\(%s\)
> Change to:
> text/html; netscape -remote 'openFile(%s)';copiousoutput
> -- 
> -*   -kevin-*-
> -* sick with the good infection *-
> -*   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *-
> -* *-

Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-03-01-22:09:44 Doug Wellington:
> Bennett provided a lot of good code to move files around, but I wonder
> if it wouldn't just be easier to use nmh's "packf" command to batch
> convert each of your MH style directories into single mbox style files
> and then deal with them that way...

If packf converts the MH into mbox, then you could use an
mbox2maildir script to finish the job. I attach the one I use.

Or you could probably hackup something cool around procmail's
formail program, which does really brainy splitting of mbox folders,
knows about Content-Length and all that creepy stuff.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Sys::Hostname;
use IO::File;

$0 = basename $0;
my($syntax) = "syntax: $0 mbox maildir\n";
die $syntax if $#ARGV != 1;
my($mbox, $maildir) = @ARGV;

die "$0: $mbox is not a file\n" unless -f $mbox;
die "$0: can't read $mbox\n" unless -r $mbox;
die "$0: can't open $mbox\n" unless my($fi) = IO::File->new("<$mbox");

-d $maildir or mkdir $maildir,0777 or die "$0: can't create $maildir: $!\n";
die "$0: cannot chdir $maildir\n" unless chdir $maildir;

for (qw(tmp new cur)) {
-d $_ or mkdir $_,0700 or die "$0: can't create $maildir/$_: $!\n";

my($time) = time;
my($pid) = 10;
my($hostname) = hostname;
line: while ($_ = $fi->getline) {
if (/^From /) {
if (defined $msg and defined $fo) {
$fo->close or die;
if (-s  "tmp/$msg") {
rename "tmp/$msg", "new/$msg" or die;
} else {
unlink "tmp/$msg" or die;
$msg = join '.', $time, $pid++, $hostname;
die if -f "tmp/$msg";
$fo = IO::File->new(">tmp/$msg") or
die "$0: can't open $maildir/tmp/$msg: $!\n";
next line;
if (defined $msg and defined $fo) {
$fo->close or die;
if (-s  "tmp/$msg") {
rename "tmp/$msg", "new/$msg" or die;
} else {
unlink "tmp/$msg" or die;

 PGP signature

Re: Reading HTML Attachments

2000-03-01 Thread -kevin-


On 00-03-01 20:46, John P. Verel wrote:
> My mailcap entry looks like this:
> text/html; netscape -remote openURL\(%s\)

Change to:

text/html; netscape -remote 'openFile(%s)';copiousoutput

-*   -kevin-*-
-* sick with the good infection *-
-* *-

Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Doug Wellington

>> By the way, is there a simple way to convert my existing folders
>> to this format?

Bennett provided a lot of good code to move files around, but I wonder
if it wouldn't just be easier to use nmh's "packf" command to batch
convert each of your MH style directories into single mbox style files
and then deal with them that way...


Doug Wellington
System and Network Administrator
ARL, Division of Neural Systems, Memory and Aging
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

print_command (a2ps)

2000-03-01 Thread -kevin-

I like using a2ps to do my printing, but I would like to have it
use the date/author/subject for some of the footers and headers.

Has someone already done this?
If so, can you show me your 'print_command' setting?


-*   -kevin-*-
-* sick with the good infection *-
-* *-

Reading HTML Attachments

2000-03-01 Thread John P. Verel

Hi.  I've got mutt loaded with the default mime types and mailcap file
that came with the distro and am running under RH 6.1  When I attempt
to view attached HTML, I get the following message:

sh: syntax error near unexpected token `openURL(''
sh: -c: line 1: `netscape -remote openURL('/tmp/AP-Albrights-Future.html')'

My mailcap entry looks like this:

text/html; netscape -remote openURL\(%s\)

Please advise what I'm doing wrong!  Thanks.


Re: home/end/pageup/pagedown don´t work

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Ribbrock

On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 12:43:50AM +0200, Mikko Hänninen wrote:

> I've used  cat > /dev/null  followed by pressing the key, and seeing
> which characters get printed.  This may or may not work for you...

At least under tcsh (haven't tried it under any other shell), it's as easy
to simply type Ctrl-v, then the key you'd like to get the code of. Works
like in Vim.
Also, when editing the muttrc file to add those "weird" codes, be aware of
the fact that often there is an "Escape" in there. Example: In my rxvt under
Linux,  will produce "^[[8~". Now, the first ^[ is *not* the two
characters ^ and [ but a single "Escape" character. You can get it e.g. by
editing muttrc with vim and pressing Ctrl-v, then Esc.


  Thomas Ribbrock 15839919
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-03-01-20:08:10 Conrad Sabatier:
> I'm going to have to look into this "maildir" format, I think. :-)
> By the way, is there a simple way to convert my existing folders
> to this format?

Within mutt, if you go

:set mbox_type="Maildir"

(or put that in your .muttrc), mutt will create new folders in
Maildir format by default. So if you open an MH folder, tag all the
messages with


then save them all to a new folder with


(that's a semicolon, it is the "tag prefix") that will convert the
folder. However, since it's pretty darned interactive, it's not
appealing for batch conversion of lots of old folders. For that you
want something command-line.

I don't know what the files in MH format look like, but if their
contents look like RFC 822 messages (ideally without the leading
"From " line, although mutt doesn't care too much for most purposes)
you can just use "mv" to put them into foldername/new/. So if you
have a whole bunch of MH folders in ~/Mail/, then perhaps

cd ~/Mail
for d in *;do
mkdir $d/new
mv $d/* $d/new # ignore the error
mkdir $d/tmp $d/cur

The error to ignore will be something like

mv: cannot move `foo/new' to a subdirectory of itself, `foo/new/new'

If the files aren't exactly in RFC-822 message format, it might be
worth trying to fix them. And if the filenames are particularly
unlikely to be unique, it might be worth taking the trouble to
rename them. Perhaps

cd ~/Mail
for d in *;do (
cd $d
mkdir tmp new cur
for f in $files;do
mv $f cur/`date +%s`.$$_$n.`hostname`:2,S
n=`expr $n + 1`
) done

(untested). That version puts them in folders marked as already
read, rather than into new. Files in cur/ should have suitable

As I said, if the files don't exactly contain RFC 822 messages, it's
worth making them so. E.g. if they start with mbox-style "From "
lines, you could delete the from lines with

perl -pi -e 'print unless 1..1' *

Or you could turn the "From " line into a header line, if e.g. you
wanted to save the delivery info (some MTAs put envelope sender in
the "From " line), with something like

perl -pi -e 's/^From /X-From: / if 1..1' *

(as I mentioned before, untested).


 PGP signature

Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Conrad Sabatier

On 01-Mar-00 Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-03-01 07:15:28 -0600, Conrad Sabatier wrote:
>> Yes, I've noticed that mutt behaves in a rather unreliable
>> fashion when it comes to this, too.
> The mh code is far from perfect.  It should be fine for converting
> legacy mh-style folders to something else, but I wouldn't use it in
> production for incoming folders.  If there aren't any grave reasons
> why you have to stick with mh folders, I'd suggest you switch to
> maildir.

Well, I went with MH folders when I first setup mutt because my previous
mail client (XFMail) had been using them.  Thought it would be the
simplest way to make sure all of my existing folders and mail were brought
into mutt.

I'm going to have to look into this "maildir" format, I think.  :-)

By the way, is there a simple way to convert my existing folders to this

Conrad Sabatier
ICQ# 1147270

Re: Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Andrew W. Nosenko

Denis Chapligin wrote:
: How you maked this? How can i explain to mutt about cp1251?
For stable branch -- only in compile-time.
`charset-hook' and so on -- it's from unstable.

My recomendation -- switch to 1.1.x. Yes, this is unstable branch,
but wery stable in did. Charset handling in this branch implemented 
with using external charset files -- this allow add new charsets
without recompilation of Mutt, and charset aliases -- without
charset hooks.

Andrew W. Nosenko([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Introduction to Maildir (was Re: mutt and mh/procmail)

2000-03-01 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-03-01-13:46:36 Phil Staub:
> While I have some legacy MH folders that I would rather not
> re-format, I don't have enough knowledge of maildir to have known
> that one-file-per-message is possible with it. Looks like some
> further study is indicated.

Lemme try and give you a running start.>>

And a brief, informal overview.

A maildir folder is a directory structure. Given a folder named
"foo", there are three directories:


(in the order that messages flow through the dirs). To deliver a new
message to a maildir, you write it into tmp, close it, then rename
it into new. The file should be named to guarantee uniqueness; djb
recommends, or, if one process wants to write
multiple messages, time.pid_count.hostname. Once it's renamed into
new/, delivery is complete. MUAs pick up new messages from new/.
When they want to change the status of the message, they rename it
into cur/, and they can stash flags (e.g. "replied-to", "seen",
"marked-for-deletion", etc.) in the filename; djb has specific
recommendations on how to do that.

Here's a pretty safe maildir writer. Djb has some more rules for
further paranoia; but the real world is not likely to bite you if
you deliver messages like this. Written in Bourne Shell, but of
course it codes into very lean, tight code in most any language.

f=`date +%s`.$$.`hostname`
cd $maildir
cat >tmp/$f
mv tmp/$f new/


 PGP signature

Re: Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Denis Chapligin


On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 09:45:14PM +0200, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> > knows about a charset.
> >
> > My mutt does know about windows-1251. I'm using it for the body of
> > this message, I think.
> Mine doesn't.  Actually, it's not Mutt who doesn't know this charset,
> it's my /usr/share/i18n/charmaps/ colection.  However
> :charset-hook windows-1251 cp1251
> helps:
My mutt doesn't understands this command.


Denis Chapligin

Re: Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Denis Chapligin


On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 04:52:19PM +, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> > There is one of message that i can't read with mutt
> It's in "windows-1251". Presumably your mutt doesn't know about that
> charset.
How can i give such knowledge to mutt?
> I think you can tell whether mutt knows about a charset by going to
> the compose menu and doing ":exec change-charset" on any text part. If
> the charset you specify is not known to mutt, mutt gives an explicit
> error. I'm not sure if there's an easier way of asking mutt whether it
> knows about a charset.
My mutt doesn't understand this command:(
> My mutt does know about windows-1251. I'm using it for the body of
> this message, I think.
How you maked this? How can i explain to mutt about cp1251?
> Edmund
> (Ñàëóòîí! Êèåë âè ôàðòàñ?)

Denis Chapligin

Re: Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Marius Gedminas

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 04:52:19PM +, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> It's in "windows-1251". Presumably your mutt doesn't know about that
> charset.
> I think you can tell whether mutt knows about a charset by going to
> the compose menu and doing ":exec change-charset" on any text part. If
> the charset you specify is not known to mutt, mutt gives an explicit
> error. I'm not sure if there's an easier way of asking mutt whether it
> knows about a charset.
> My mutt does know about windows-1251. I'm using it for the body of
> this message, I think.

Mine doesn't.  Actually, it's not Mutt who doesn't know this charset,
it's my /usr/share/i18n/charmaps/ colection.  However
:charset-hook windows-1251 cp1251

> (Saluton! Kiel vi fartas?)

(I don't have a cyrillic font and ICONV (or whatever Mutt 1.1.x uses)
is smart enough to translate everything into ASCII).

Once again -- could `charset-hook' be renamed to `charset-alias' before
1.2 please?  It's not a hook.  Definetely.  Not a hook at all.  Not even
close to that.

Marius Gedminas
First rule of public speaking.
First, tell 'em what you're goin' to tell 'em;
then tell 'em;
then tell 'em what you've tole 'em.

Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Phil Staub

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 07:06:42PM +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-03-01 09:49:23 -0800, Phil Staub wrote:
> > I wouldn't call my reasons "grave", but I do have a certain
> > amount of preference for MH folders.
> Let me put my question like this: Is it a preference for MH-style
> folders, or is it a preference for the one-file-per-message folder
> model?  In the latter case, your needs are most probably perfectly
> served with maildir.

Now, *that* is an interesting question. While I have some legacy MH
folders that I would rather not re-format, I don't have enough
knowledge of maildir to have known that one-file-per-message is
possible with it. Looks like some further study is indicated.


Phil Staub  Dragonfly Software Consulting Company. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  8196 SW Hall Blvd, Suite 104
503-641-3440 x33Beaverton, OR 97008   
  "Unix: because reboots are for hardware upgrades!"

Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-03-01 09:49:23 -0800, Phil Staub wrote:

> I wouldn't call my reasons "grave", but I do have a certain
> amount of preference for MH folders.

Let me put my question like this: Is it a preference for MH-style
folders, or is it a preference for the one-file-per-message folder
model?  In the latter case, your needs are most probably perfectly
served with maildir.


Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Phil Staub

I wouldn't call my reasons "grave", but I do have a certain amount of preference for 
MH folders. However, given the benefits of mutt over raw MH, it wouldn't exactly be a 
show stopper if I couldn't use MH for incoming mail. 

Thanks for your comments.


On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 02:48:48PM +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-03-01 07:15:28 -0600, Conrad Sabatier wrote:
> > Yes, I've noticed that mutt behaves in a rather unreliable
> > fashion when it comes to this, too.
> The mh code is far from perfect.  It should be fine for converting
> legacy mh-style folders to something else, but I wouldn't use it in
> production for incoming folders.  If there aren't any grave reasons
> why you have to stick with mh folders, I'd suggest you switch to
> maildir.
> -- 

Phil Staub  Dragonfly Software Consulting Company. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  8196 SW Hall Blvd, Suite 104
503-641-3440 x33Beaverton, OR 97008   
  "Unix: because reboots are for hardware upgrades!"

Re: checking pop mail in the background

2000-03-01 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS

Bevan Broun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > fetchmail doesn't require that either (I'm not sure if you were implying
> > that it did, or not).  And it can also be configured to use an
> > ssh-tunnel for the pop-retrieval.
> Yes I did think fetchmail required a local smtp, glad Im wrong. I
> might give it another look as it seems to be what most people are
> using.

I'm using fetchmail to call procmail directly. It works. But I am
aware of several outstanding bugs in the way fetchmail handles UIDs.
If you're leaving messages on the server and your network goes down
while fetchmail is polling the server, expect nasty things to happen,
like the list of UIDs being lost and masses of old duplicate messages
being delivered. Maybe I'll get round to rewriting the UID code one
day ... or maybe I'll be persuaded to use an alternative to fetchmail.


Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread John Franklin

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 01:53:34PM +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-03-01 23:09:22 +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:
> > One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like
> > [colors]
> > [keybindings]
> > [mailboxes]
> > [lists]
> > [folder_hooks]
> You are completely free to create a set of configuration files, and
> then source them.  For instance, create a very simple ~/.muttrc
> looking like this:
[snip modular settings example]

Perhaps what would be more useful would be a terse generic muttrc
included with the distribution.  The current one is over 70k and nearly
3000 lines.  For newbies this can be a little intimidating, even if
it is well documented.

When I started using mutt back in the early 0.9x days I grabbed Michael's
.muttrc which was nicely set up and had inline comments for most of the
options.  For me, it was just what I needed.  If I needed to set an
option, there was not much to search through, and the more complicated
bits (like folder-hooks) had examples and short documentation sections
preceding them.

Again, the existing Muttrc is nice in that it has documentation 
explaining all of the options right there with the option, but 
I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to turn that into a documentation
file and make a smaller, modularized via comments, example Muttrc.  The
early header could refer to the larger file or to the manual page
on so that if more information was needed on a particular
setting it could be easily found.  Most settings could be explained
with a simple inline comment, and things like folder hooks could have
a couple of examples.

I'd even be tempted to make a directory of muttrc files, each with their
own names.  One named "generic" might be the one that has all the options
commented out and set to their defaults, "pinecone" could have the
key bindings set to mimic the Another Mail Client, and "tedturner"
would have lots of color options set.

Just a thought.

John Franklin
ICBM: N37 12'54", W80 27'14" Z+2100'

Re: Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS

Denis Chapligin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> There is one of message that i can't read with mutt

It's in "windows-1251". Presumably your mutt doesn't know about that

I think you can tell whether mutt knows about a charset by going to
the compose menu and doing ":exec change-charset" on any text part. If
the charset you specify is not known to mutt, mutt gives an explicit
error. I'm not sure if there's an easier way of asking mutt whether it
knows about a charset.

My mutt does know about windows-1251. I'm using it for the body of
this message, I think.


(Ñàëóòîí! Êèåë âè ôàðòàñ?)

Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Dave Pearson

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 11:09:22PM +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:

> One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like 
> [colors]
> [keybindings]
> [mailboxes]
> [lists]
> [folder_hooks]

This seems to work on the assumption that all ~/.muttrc files are one large
monolithic list of settings. This doesn't have to be the case. Mine isn't
and, if I could be bothered, I could make it even smaller with good use of
the `source' command.

That said, mine does contain sections as well. I find that the "#" character
is a great way of prefixing a section name.

> This would bring some structure to the file which it currently lacks..
> It's good to have some structure once every few years..

There already is structure if you decide to use structure.

Take a look in Hagbard's World: | mutt.octet.filter - autoview octet-streams | mutt.vcard.filter - autoview simple vcards | muttrc2html   - muttrc -> HTML utility
Free software, including| - Jed muttrc mode

Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-03-01 07:15:28 -0600, Conrad Sabatier wrote:

> Yes, I've noticed that mutt behaves in a rather unreliable
> fashion when it comes to this, too.

The mh code is far from perfect.  It should be fine for converting
legacy mh-style folders to something else, but I wouldn't use it in
production for incoming folders.  If there aren't any grave reasons
why you have to stick with mh folders, I'd suggest you switch to


Re: Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Denis Chapligin


On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 02:51:59PM +0200, Andrew W. Nosenko wrote:
> :
> : How can i make Mutt automaticly recode e-mails from one character set to another 
> I not have any problems with it.
> Is your `charset' variable set properly?
> What is your local encoding?
> What is encoding of recode-failed message (for example)?

There is one of message that i can't read with mutt

>From chollya Wed Mar  1 16:03:10 2000
Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delivery-date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:11:30 +0200
Received: from [] (helo=stan)
by with smtp (Exim 2.11 #1)
id 12Q9qc-7a-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:11:30 +0200
Message-ID: <000901bf8380$6c97bf40$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: =?windows-1251?B?0fLg7ejx6+DiIM7r7uL/4+jt?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: =?windows-1251?B?1+Dv6/vj6O0gxOXt6PE=?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Denis Chapligin

Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Chuck Dale

Wrote Eugene Lee on Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 04:50:09AM -0800:
> I don't know if this division of labor will work for all but the most
> simplest configurations.  An example would be a complex set of folder
> hooks where colors, key bindings, save hooks, and other settings.
> Now imagine you had different sets of settings for different folders!

Hmm yeah I'm beginning to think that this was not a particularly useful


Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Chuck Dale

Wrote Matthew Hawkins on Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 11:46:58PM +1100:
> On 2000-03-01 23:09:22 +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > The problem (as I see it) is that .muttrc goes against the principles
> > which Mutt is following. Particularly in modularisation. The .muttrc
> > contains absolutely everything configurable in the program - it defines
> > the interface (keys, column presentation, folder hooks, colours), mail transfer 
> > (sendmail settings, mailboxes which receive mail), personal settings
> > (real name, personal headers) and a few other random settings as well.
> > 
> > 
> Actually it doesn't have to have anything at all.  You can get by with
> no .muttrc.  In fact, sometimes I start mutt with "-F /dev/null" when I
> need to do something where I know stuff in my .muttrc is going to stop
> me, for example I want to use another IMAP server and have none of my
> hooks (which really are tied to my normal server) working.

Exactly right - .muttrc doesn't have to do anything at all. But it can also
define absolutely everything. This does not make it
modular or easy to understand. Big bloated programs like sendmail (ooh
is that a bad thing to say?) don't have to do anything at all. You can
just use sendmail as an MTA and not set it up as an MDA. This does not
make it a good structure. 

We are talking clearly defining purposes and keeping modules within
those purposes. So have a few config files for the various settings, or
put them into sections.

Mutt may be extremely powerful but you've got to take that power and
make it usable by users who aren't as smart as you.

This isn't about making mutt make more sense for the current, hardcore
users or those who want to put the effort required in to be a hardcore
user, this is about making mutt accessible to a few more people who
otherwise would never bother trying to understand Mutt and stick with
Pine or something.

And don't tell say "you can just use the default setup without a
.muttrc". Pine has much better new user defaults. So users use Pine.
They are disappointed by the lack of depth. They might try mutt but have
difficulty getting anywhere. Why not make mutt usable in the default
setup? And not just usable in terms of sending and receiving mail, but
usable in terms of intuitive ways of switching mailboxes and an
interface to change user options rather than editing .muttrc by hand.
Users who try mutt don't want the basic operations which they can get
anywhere, they want an easy way of using the powerful features that Mutt
is always said to have.

Mutt seems to have followed the Unix lie: that making interfaces simpler
to use for the novice is "dumbing down" the program and that a good
program is one that gives the advanced user as many options as possible.
The Unix lie says that advanced users are somehow smarter than less
experienced users. Of course not, they are just people who've had more
time to learn the interface. Make the interface simple for novices but
keep all the power and excellent features. These are not opposing
ideals. If something is useful and makes sense for advanced users then
include an option for it, don't put it near the default.

Maybe it would be good to take the useful part out of the Windows lie: that
the interface should be as simple as possible for the novice user but
have absolutely no depth in terms of customisability or usability for
advanced users. 

Simplicity + Depth

I'll just shut up now.


Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-03-01 23:09:22 +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:

> One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like

> [colors]
> [keybindings]
> [mailboxes]
> [lists]
> [folder_hooks]

You are completely free to create a set of configuration files, and
then source them.  For instance, create a very simple ~/.muttrc
looking like this:

source ~/.mutt/settings
source ~/.mutt/colors
source ~/.mutt/keybindings
source ~/.mutt/mailboxes
source ~/.mutt/lists
source ~/.mutt/hooks

source ~/.mutt/aliases
set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases

You can then modularize all your configuration with the aid of these
files.  Actually, I think there are even some samples of this
flowing around.

You are also free to provide _and_ _maintain_ reasonably documented
sample files fitting into this pattern.

> 1. Sectionalise the config file to make the options easier to
> find.

See above.

> 2. Provide a graphical tool for newusers in the vein of
> fetchmailconf. As Mikko suggested.

You are free to write one, as is everyone else.

> That's a bad argument. Of course you are never going to make it
> "dead easy". But you just keep trying until it is as easy as
> possible. And the current Mutt configuration requires way too
> much initial effort to understand.

I beg your pardon?  It's quite sufficient to know that the muttrc(5)
manual page exists (as of 1.1 ;), and to remember this fact.  You
can then easily search for key words and will, in most cases,
immediately find the option you are looking for.  The same thing is
true for the manual's reference section.

>> So you think it would be nice to learn things "little by
>> little"?  Sure, that's possible too, start with no .muttrc at
>> all.  Then when you run into something you'd like to change,
>> read the manual and add the relevant sections to your .muttrc.

> But it's very difficult to learn little by little with Mutt.

I beg your pardon?

> Because Mutt makes very little sense to do even basic mail stuff
> the first time you use it. Apart from sending and receiving mail
> that is.

Hey, that's what mutt is about!

You can then easily go to the web site, fetch other users' commented
configuration files, browse through them for interesting settings,
and start working with them.

> There are so many things that are non-intuitive: using folders,

What do you mean by "using folders"?  The hooks?  Or changing to
folders?  Defining mailboxes?

> the help (I don't consider three screens of tersely described
> shortcuts to be "help"), and more (I'll think of them later..).

Once again, you are free to create a context-sensitive help syste,
provided you promise to maintain it, and provided it doesn't bloat
the code without end.

> The counter to this is that the Mutt user will already have to
> know a fair bit about email to get anywhere at all with Mutt.
> i.e. have configured fetchmail to get their mail from a POP
> server, configured sendmail to send out mail correctly
> masqueraded etc.

Sorry, but these issues are just far outside of mutt's scope.  Mutt
is a rather traditional Unix mail user agent, just like elm, mailx,
mh, mush, and the like.  That is, it leaves jobs which can be done
by the underlying system to that system, and doesn't try to
duplicate functionality which is present at other places on the

Getting the mail system configured, getting fetchmail to work (BTW,
there is some basic POP support in Mutt), and the like are issues
which should be solved by system suppliers.


Re: mutt and mh/procmail

2000-03-01 Thread Conrad Sabatier

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 09:57:05PM -0800, Phil Staub wrote:
> My major questions relate to getting mutt to properly detect the fact
> that mail has been newly deposited into mh folders that I have
> designated in my .muttrc as mailboxes. I've been getting new mail
> reported in folders that are completely empty, as well as no report
> when new mail *is* in the folders.
> For the record, I am using rcvstore to insert the mail into the
> mailboxes, and I do not have either biff or xbiff running to watch for new
> mail.

Yes, I've noticed that mutt behaves in a rather unreliable fashion when it
comes to this, too.  I don't use mh's "rcvstore" in procmail, just the
simple "foldername/.", which works just fine at adding mail to a folder.
Rather than being advised of new mail in mutt, I see messages saying
"Mailbox was externally modified.  Flags may be wrong."

I also see folders marked as having new mail, even after I've just
finished reading them and I *know* there's no new mail in them.

I'd really like to know how to get new mail notification to work properly,
too.  Other than this, I think mutt is a fantastic mail client.

> I've also read most of the man pages on procmail, and scanned through
> the mutt manual. I'm aware of the warning in the procmail pages about
> file locking being unreliable for MH mailboxes.
> Finally, I only recently subscribed to the mailing list, and yet
> already I've seen other references to problems with new mail
> detection, even for those not using mh mailboxes. Perhaps 1.1.7 will
> resolve this? Haven't had time to download it yet, but it might be
> worth a try.

Same here.  I do intend to give it a try as soon as I have the time to set
it up.   :-)

Conrad Sabatier
ICQ# 1147270

Re: Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Andrew W. Nosenko

Denis Chapligin wrote:
: Hi
: How can i make Mutt automaticly recode e-mails from one character set to another one?

I not have any problems with it.
Is your `charset' variable set properly?
What is your local encoding?
What is encoding of recode-failed message (for example)?

Andrew W. Nosenko([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Eugene Lee

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 11:09:22PM +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:
:The problem (as I see it) is that .muttrc goes against the principles
:which Mutt is following. Particularly in modularisation. The .muttrc
:contains absolutely everything configurable in the program - it defines
:the interface (keys, column presentation, folder hooks, colours), mail transfer
:(sendmail settings, mailboxes which receive mail), personal settings
:(real name, personal headers) and a few other random settings as well.
:One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like 

I don't know if this division of labor will work for all but the most
simplest configurations.  An example would be a complex set of folder
hooks where colors, key bindings, save hooks, and other settings.
Now imagine you had different sets of settings for different folders!

Eugene Lee

Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Matthew Hawkins

On 2000-03-01 23:09:22 +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:
> The problem (as I see it) is that .muttrc goes against the principles
> which Mutt is following. Particularly in modularisation. The .muttrc
> contains absolutely everything configurable in the program - it defines
> the interface (keys, column presentation, folder hooks, colours), mail transfer 
> (sendmail settings, mailboxes which receive mail), personal settings
> (real name, personal headers) and a few other random settings as well.

Actually it doesn't have to have anything at all.  You can get by with
no .muttrc.  In fact, sometimes I start mutt with "-F /dev/null" when I
need to do something where I know stuff in my .muttrc is going to stop
me, for example I want to use another IMAP server and have none of my
hooks (which really are tied to my normal server) working.

> One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like 
> [colors]
> [keybindings]
> [mailboxes]
> [lists]
> [folder_hooks]

Nothing stops you from laying out your .muttrc file like this.  In fact,
this is the exact layout my own personal .muttrc file takes.

Having specifically-named sections as an object to parse is a pointless
waste of space and parsing time.  If it really bugs you, use a comment.
For example:

# colors

color index blue default ~F
color index red default ~N
color index magenta default ~T
color index yellow default ~D

# key bindings

bind index p previous-entry
bind index n next-entry

# mailboxes

set imap_user="fred"
set folder="{}INBOX."
set spoolfile="{}INBOX"

# lists


# hooks

folder-hook . unscore *
folder-hook . score '~A' +50
folder-hook . score '~F' +50
folder-hook . score '~E' -60
save-hook ~l +%B

Matt "...the only place for 63,000 bugs is a rain forest"

Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Chuck Dale

> They *are* settable within the interface.  Just type ":set "
> (and keep repeating pressing tab until you get to the setting you want
> to change). :-)  Of course it won't save the settings
> Anyway, all silliness aside, what's different from doing the changes
> "within the interface" as compared to editing a .muttrc file?  And you
> say that the example .muttrc's are too long and complain too many
> options -- that problem won't go away with having an interface?

It makes much more sense to be able to change something as you
use it rather than set options apart from the interface. This is
obviously much easier in a GUI where you can do things like change
column widths, move columns around, perform Gimp-style funky rebinding
of keys direct in the menus. And then have a preferences dialogue for
the more abstract settings.

The problem (as I see it) is that .muttrc goes against the principles
which Mutt is following. Particularly in modularisation. The .muttrc
contains absolutely everything configurable in the program - it defines
the interface (keys, column presentation, folder hooks, colours), mail transfer 
(sendmail settings, mailboxes which receive mail), personal settings
(real name, personal headers) and a few other random settings as well.

One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like 

This would bring some structure to the file which it currently lacks..
It's good to have some structure once every few years..

> There is not that much difference in having an interactive interface
> where you can change settings, than having a config file.  Both will
> contain the same settings if you use an example .muttrc, and if the
> example .muttrc has good comments then it's equal to having
> context-sensitive help.

You said the word - "Context". Interactive interfaces are much better
than a config file because you don't have to search through 280 options
in a config file, you can simply choose from the options available in
context. For example in the mailbox selection view it would be nice to
be able to add a new mailbox to read.

But again, this is all mostly much too hard in a text interface because
you have no room to drag in a new mailbox, have sliders etc. 

Actually I'm forgetting the entire context argument and interactive
interface thing. It's just not going to happen and would be stupid
anyway.. But can I make two recommendations?

1. Sectionalise the config file to make the options easier to find.

2. Provide a graphical tool for newusers in the vein of fetchmailconf.
As Mikko suggested.


> Mutt has a lot of configuration directives, that's part of the reason
> why it is so powerful.  No matter how hard you try, you can't make that
> "dead easy".  Sure good documentation helps, but even that won't get
> over the fact that the user does need to learn things in order to use
> the configuration effectively.

That's a bad argument. Of course you are never going to make it "dead
easy". But you just keep trying until it is as easy as possible. And the
current Mutt configuration requires way too much initial effort to

> So you think it would be nice to learn things "little by little"?  Sure,
> that's possible too, start with no .muttrc at all.  Then when you run
> into something you'd like to change, read the manual and add the
> relevant sections to your .muttrc.

But it's very difficult to learn little by little with Mutt. 
Because Mutt makes very little sense
to do even basic mail stuff the first time you use it. Apart from
sending and receiving mail that is. There are so many things that are
non-intuitive: using folders, the help (I don't consider three screens
of tersely described shortcuts to be "help"), and more (I'll think of
them later..).

The counter to this is that the Mutt user will already have to know a
fair bit about email to get anywhere at all with Mutt. i.e. have
configured fetchmail to get their mail from a POP server, configured
sendmail to send out mail correctly masqueraded etc.

(Sorry for the ranting nature of this message. These are my frank
 impressions of Mutt after all of two days usage.)

Thanks for listening,

[1.1.7] IMAP segfault

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

The attached patch fixes a segmentation fault which would occur when
the operates without a Context (this happens, for instance, when you
can't connect to an IMAP folder).


Index: imap/util.c
RCS file: /home/roessler/cvsroot/mutt/imap/util.c,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -p -u -r1.18 util.c
--- imap/util.c 2000/02/28 17:54:41 1.18
+++ imap/util.c 2000/03/01 11:56:53
@@ -375,12 +375,12 @@ int imap_wait_keepalive (pid_t pid)
 void imap_allow_reopen (CONTEXT *ctx)
-  if (ctx->magic == M_IMAP && CTX_DATA->selected_ctx == ctx)
+  if (ctx && ctx->magic == M_IMAP && CTX_DATA->selected_ctx == ctx)
 void imap_disallow_reopen (CONTEXT *ctx)
-  if (ctx->magic == M_IMAP && CTX_DATA->selected_ctx == ctx)
+  if (ctx && ctx->magic == M_IMAP && CTX_DATA->selected_ctx == ctx)

 PGP signature

Re: Threading Characters

2000-03-01 Thread Chuck Dale

Wrote Thomas Roessler on Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 12:05:34PM +0100:
> Funny.  Some of the stuff I'm seeing in "Clean" heavily reminds me
> of Atari's character set used with their STs, although other things
> definately looked different, for instance the shape of the "a".
> (Actually, there seems to be an Atari Logo hidden in that font.)
> Anyway, this font seems to have some more encoding issues than the
> one you mention: At least here, iso-8859-1 Umlauts (äöüß, ...)
> aren't displayed at all.  I'm not sure it's really the font you want
> to use.

It is a really nice font. It is the only monospaced font that I have
ever liked. Even if Netscape's proportional fonts look abysmal I'm
always happy I can have Clean to look nice for me.

The Lucida settings just don't do it for me.. But thanks for the set
ascii_chars tip, that made things much more readable.. 

Thanks for your help,


Re: Threading Characters

2000-03-01 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS


> Using my favourite terminal font, Clean (Schumacher), the threading
> arrows are all wrong and turn out as little musical notes etc. This font
> is installed with the XFree86-75dpi-fonts RPM on my RH6.0 system. 
> Is there any way to use different characters for the threading arrows 
> that would be more displayable by my font? Even if they were not as nice
> as the normal ones.

set ascii_chars=yes

Re: Threading Characters

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-03-01 21:45:57 +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:

> Is there any way to use different characters for the threading
> arrows that would be more displayable by my font? Even if they
> were not as nice as the normal ones.

PS: set ascii_chars.


Re: Threading Characters

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-03-01 21:45:57 +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:

> Using my favourite terminal font, Clean (Schumacher), the
> threading arrows are all wrong and turn out as little musical
> notes etc. This font is installed with the XFree86-75dpi-fonts
> RPM on my RH6.0 system.

Funny.  Some of the stuff I'm seeing in "Clean" heavily reminds me
of Atari's character set used with their STs, although other things
definately looked different, for instance the shape of the "a".
(Actually, there seems to be an Atari Logo hidden in that font.)

Anyway, this font seems to have some more encoding issues than the
one you mention: At least here, iso-8859-1 Umlauts (äöüß, ...)
aren't displayed at all.  I'm not sure it's really the font you want
to use.

However, at least in some sizes, "Lucida Typewriter" and "fixed"
look very similar to "Clean".  I'm using these settings with xterm
and quite like the resulting look:

>> .Xresources <<

XTerm*boldFont:  -*-fixed-bold-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm*font:  7x14

>> <<

Maybe, this looks sufficiently similar to what you like.


Threading Characters

2000-03-01 Thread Chuck Dale

Dear List.

Using my favourite terminal font, Clean (Schumacher), the threading
arrows are all wrong and turn out as little musical notes etc. This font
is installed with the XFree86-75dpi-fonts RPM on my RH6.0 system. 

Is there any way to use different characters for the threading arrows 
that would be more displayable by my font? Even if they were not as nice
as the normal ones.

Or any other options short of using a different font?


Re: Mutt colours in xterm

2000-03-01 Thread Matthew Hawkins

On 2000-03-01 10:12:00 +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> The trick should be using a TERM setting which supports color.  On
> my Debian system, I'm using TERM=xterm-xf86-v33, and it works nicely.

I think TERM=xterm-debian (the default in potato at least) gives colour
as well.  I usually use the one supplied by the author of the terminal
emulator I use, TERM=rxvt for Rxvt, etc.  Sometimes this involves using
tic to add the entry to the terminfo database.  I'm a strong believer in
the TE author's own terminal capabilities file being the most correct ;)

Matt  "...the only place for 63,000 bugs is a rain forest"

Re: Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS

Denis Chapligin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> How can i make Mutt automaticly recode e-mails from one character
> set to another one?

If it's installed properly, it should handle charsets correctly. Do
you have a specific problem?

I recommend upgrading to 1.0.1, by the way; the only differences
between 1.0pre and 1.0.1 are bug fixes.


Re: Mutt colours in xterm

2000-03-01 Thread Marius Gedminas

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 09:01:44AM +, Glyn Millington wrote:
> I spent a happy half-hour building mutt-1.7.1i last night,(with ncurses) fired
> it up in console mode - colours as usual - brilliant!
> Trying it this morning in an x-term I'm reduced to mono.  Not a big problem but
> I like the colours and they do make reading easier. Is there anything I need to 
>tweak either in the system Muttrc or in the building process that I am overlooking.

You need to check if your $TERM variable is set to something that
supports color (e.g. `xterm-color') or maybe set the $COLORTERM

> I'm running Mutt on Mandrake Linux 6.1 (beautiful) - and my Mutt-1.0.1 rpm
> supplied with that system does produce colours in an xterm, which suggests, on
> reflection, that the trick is in the compiling, but where?

AFAIR Mutt from Mandrake RPMs is compiled with slang, not ncurses.
Unfortunatelly, all versions of S-Lang that I've seen have problems with
Alt+ combinations (as witnessed in the Mutt's INSTALL file), so
I'd suggest trying `export TERM=xterm-color'.

Marius Gedminas
MSDOS didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten years of careful
development.  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mutt colours in xterm

2000-03-01 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-03-01 09:01:44 +, Glyn Millington wrote:

> Mail-Followup-To: Glyn Millington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Mutt Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Most probably, you want to read README.UPGRADE and change the
"lists" settings in your configuration file. ,-)

> Trying it this morning in an x-term I'm reduced to mono.  Not a
> big problem but I like the colours and they do make reading
> easier. Is there anything I need to tweak either in the system
> Muttrc or in the building process that I am overlooking.

The trick should be using a TERM setting which supports color.  On
my Debian system, I'm using TERM=xterm-xf86-v33, and it works nicely.

In order to get this nicely set, add the following lines to your
~/.Xresources file:

#ifdef COLOR
*customization: -color
XTerm*termName: xterm-xf86-v33


Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Telsa Gwynne

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 10:13:41AM +1100 or thereabouts, Chuck Dale wrote:
> Wrote Mikko Hänninen on Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 09:34:37PM +0200:
> > If you ask me, I wouldn't use sendmail as a newbie's MTA, the beast is
> > not for the faint at heart.
> And the ironic thing is that sendmail is pretty much the newbie's MTA.
> Think how many RedHat installs are running sendmail without the user
> knowing what it is..
> But that's no reason to not explain things better. If I read less
> "sendmail is extremely complex" and "it is very difficult to get a hold
> of" and more actual sendmail documentation I'm sure it wouldn't seem so
> complex.

I dunno. I leave mine well alone. But I have seen "simple"
files, and I have heard people who know what they're doing complain
about their more complicated ones. And they still reach for the gigantic
book when they change anything. By contrast, the exim config file is
a delight. I had to alter something very urgently once, and it was a
piece of cake (and worked). I agree that the FAQ or documentation
explaining clearly, "MTAs do this, this and this. Here are links to
common ones. MUAs do this, this and this. Mutt is an example. Neither
of them filter incoming email into folders. For that you need procmail,
maildrop (?) or (whatever): here are links" right at the start might
help. It's on the webpage, and very clear there. But in the mutt manual
as well might be a thought.
> > > There are way too many options in the sample config file.
> > > At least the standard ones which users might like to change should be
> > > put at the top of the file and the more esoteric below that.
> > 
> > There are some really good example .muttrc-files on the web (Telsa's
> > example comes to mind *grin*).

Aww. Sweetie :) 
> I did actually read a number of these (Telsa's was first), but they are
> very long files to try and fit into your head. I'd much prefer lots of
> those settings to also be settable within the interface where I actually
> want the change rather than reading a config file.

They're hugely long, yes. I know mine is. What I did want to do (in
my Copious Free Time) was to do something else, with a list of "what do 
you want to alter? Your headers. Folders. How you sort things" and put
little links in to the few headers you need, so that people who just
want to add pgp/gnupg don't have to wade through folder-hooks and people
who want folder-hooks don't have to read about getting mutt to get
your multiple addresses right. It's on my to-do list. But it's not going
to happen for a while; I know that much. :(


Russian charsets and automatic recoding

2000-03-01 Thread Denis Chapligin


How can i make Mutt automaticly recode e-mails from one character set to another one?


Denis Chapligin

Mutt colours in xterm

2000-03-01 Thread Glyn Millington

: The soul is greater than the hum of its parts


I spent a happy half-hour building mutt-1.7.1i last night,(with ncurses) fired
it up in console mode - colours as usual - brilliant!

Trying it this morning in an x-term I'm reduced to mono.  Not a big problem but
I like the colours and they do make reading easier. Is there anything I need to tweak 
either in the system Muttrc or in the building process that I am overlooking.

I'm running Mutt on Mandrake Linux 6.1 (beautiful) - and my Mutt-1.0.1 rpm
supplied with that system does produce colours in an xterm, which suggests, on
reflection, that the trick is in the compiling, but where?

Can anyone help brighten my e-mail?


Glyn M.

Re: Happy Little Vegemite

2000-03-01 Thread Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE

Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

> You can actually get by with *no* .muttrc, pretty much everything in
> Mutt has reasonable defaults.

When I was starting with mutt I just get Sven's config, edit hostname and
headers and run mutt. When I needed to change something I look into
documentation and change it.

> It would be nice if Mutt did have some sort of configuration tool like
> the Linux kernel "make menuconfig" -- but that shouldn't necessarily be
> part of the Mutt program itself, just an additional tool.  Even with
> that you wouldn't be able to (easily?) create hooks and such, at least
> no complex hooks, so at some point you will have to resort to config
> file editing if you'd want a really complex configuration.
I don't think so, becouse make menuconfig mess new unix users, becouse they
don't read documentation just try it and if is somethink wrong they wrote emails
to conferece.
I think configure is pretty nice. I remember time when you was manualy edit
Makefile for compiler options.

> In my opinion the best way to help newbies create their first .muttrc's
> would be a tool like the linux "make menuconfig" that could have
> different sections (basic settings, POP setup, IMAP setup, mailboxes,
> mailing lists, misc advanced settings, ...) and then have
> context-sensitive help for each setting, direct from the Mutt manual
> SGML file.  However, doing something like that is a fair bit of work,
> and I know I don't have the time to do it.

This is absolutly wrong way! Becouse if you give newbie tool to create simple
config file, they'll expect tool to create complex config file.

  don't worry about glory