Re: How to create mysql user?

2003-12-16 Thread Nitin
dear buddy,

when u specify permissions on a particular database, you need to give that
database name to connect to db.

user created fine, while connecting, try this:

mysql -u abc -p abc

where last abc is ur database name.


- Original Message - 
From: ads mysql [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: How to create mysql user?

 O K.
 I accessed to mysql as root user and tried to created user 'abc' as folows

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 61 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

 I have created database 'abc' .

 mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 I want to give all permission to user abc to handle database 'abc'.

 Then I tried to connect as user 'abc' to mysql as follows :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Some problem.

 Help appreciated.

 Nitin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 right now, u r trying to connect t omyql with uer abc, not creating it.

 to create user abc
 on dbname.tablename to 'abc' identified by 'abc';

 you can view the list of privileges available on myql website at


 - Original Message - 
 From: ads mysql
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:09 AM
 Subject: How to create mysql user?

  I have installed mysql. As per documentation with user as 'root'.
  I can create Database, table. I can enter data into table.
  I have created user 'abc' with passowrd 'abc' on my Linux 8.0 server.
  by using command :
  adduser abc -p 'abc'
  Now I want to create mysql database user 'abc' with command :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
  Enter password: (entered abc)
  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
  Is it granting permission to abc. I refered documentation but could not
 get it clearly Neet sample code.
  Then I connected mysql as 'root' user. and tried.
  mysql mysql -u abc -p;
  ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
 corresonds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
 'mysql -u ab -p' at line 1.
  Syntax I got from Documentation for GRANT as follows:
  4.4.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax
  GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
  ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
  TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
  [, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] ...]
  Please guide me how to create users for mysql with password.
  Thanks for support.
  Do you Yahoo!?
  New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

 Do you Yahoo!?
 New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

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Re: Can I really have no_wait row-locks in MySQL+InnoDB?

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
mos wrote:

At 04:22 AM 12/15/2003, you wrote:

To elaborate on Dr Frank's thing if you're interested, here's a 
classic deadlock example:

1. Transaction A obtains an exclusive lock on a set of rows which we 
will call R1.
2. Transaction B obtains an exclusive lock on another set of rows 
which we will call R2.
3. Transaction A requests (but obviously doesn't acquire) an 
exclusive lock on R2.
4. Transaction B requests (but obviously doesn't acquire) an 
exclusive lock on R1.
5. Classic deadlock!

There are various ways of dealing with this (with timeouts and graph 
traversal seemingly popular). As you can see, neither transaction can 
go forward. Thus, the almighty InnoDB will think for a moment, decide 
which transaction it has something personal against, laugh at it and 
force it to ROLLBACK.

That transaction can then try again if it doesn't feel totally small 
and humiliated.

Hope this helps!



When my MySQL database gets into a deadlock situation like 
that, I just shutdown the server, power off the machine and go home. 
Works every time.vbg

(Sorry, it's been a late night) 

No no no!!! You've got it all wrong!

You go and find the user who had the least involvement in causing the 
deadlock and scapegoat them!

Either that, or you use it as an excuse for doing one of the following 

1. Getting the purchase of more hardware approved.
2. Getting the purchase of MySQL Pro and InnoDB Hot Backup approved
3. Getting a MySQL support contract purchase approved
4. Getting a raise for resolving the situation with poise, grace and 
subtlety (Eg: Shutting it down, blaming users, blaming SCO...)



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Re: How to create mysql user?

2003-12-16 Thread ads mysql
O K. I have tried following as advised.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p abc
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
Then once again I accessed mysql as root user and Granted permission as follows :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 69 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql USE abc
Database changed
mysql exit

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p abc
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

Don't know what is wrong.
Thanks for support.
Nitin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
dear buddy,

when u specify permissions on a particular database, you need to give that
database name to connect to db.

user created fine, while connecting, try this:

mysql -u abc -p abc

where last abc is ur database name.


- Original Message - 
From: ads mysql 
To: Nitin ; 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: How to create mysql user?

 O K.
 I accessed to mysql as root user and tried to created user 'abc' as folows

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 61 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

 I have created database 'abc' .

 mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 I want to give all permission to user abc to handle database 'abc'.

 Then I tried to connect as user 'abc' to mysql as follows :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Some problem.

 Help appreciated.

 Nitin wrote:
 right now, u r trying to connect t omyql with uer abc, not creating it.

 to create user abc
 on dbname.tablename to 'abc' identified by 'abc';

 you can view the list of privileges available on myql website at


 - Original Message - 
 From: ads mysql
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:09 AM
 Subject: How to create mysql user?

  I have installed mysql. As per documentation with user as 'root'.
  I can create Database, table. I can enter data into table.
  I have created user 'abc' with passowrd 'abc' on my Linux 8.0 server.
  by using command :
  adduser abc -p 'abc'
  Now I want to create mysql database user 'abc' with command :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
  Enter password: (entered abc)
  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
  Is it granting permission to abc. I refered documentation but could not
 get it clearly Neet sample code.
  Then I connected mysql as 'root' user. and tried.
  mysql mysql -u abc -p;
  ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
 corresonds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
 'mysql -u ab -p' at line 1.
  Syntax I got from Documentation for GRANT as follows:
  4.4.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax
  GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
  ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
  TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
  [, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] ...]
  Please guide me how to create users for mysql with password.
  Thanks for support.
  Do you Yahoo!?
  New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

 Do you Yahoo!?
 New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

ERROR 2026: SSL connection error ... what's happening?

2003-12-16 Thread Wouter de Jong

I'm running MySQL 4.0.16 (source compiled) on FreeBSD 5.1, 
and I have a big problem with SSL...

It runs perfectly for a few hours, but then suddenly I can't connect any
longer via an SSL-connection...

ERROR 2026: SSL connection error

That's the error that suddenly appears when using mysql-client, and it
also happens with other apllications that use SSL-connection to MySQL

Any idea what this could be?


ldd /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: = /usr/lib/ (0x282bb000) = /usr/lib/ (0x282ec000) = /usr/lib/ (0x283f7000) = /usr/lib/ (0x28405000) = /usr/lib/ (0x2841e000) = /usr/lib/ (0x284d3000) = /usr/lib/ (0x284f) = /usr/lib/ (0x28513000)

OpenSSL in /usr is OpenSSL 0.9.7a Feb 19 2003 from the base system.

Wouter de Jong  System-Administrator
Tel +31 (0)23 5698070   Fax +31 (0)23 5698099
Bijlmermeerstraat 62,   2131 HG  HOOFDDORP, NL

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Getting Records where date is LESS THAN today, AND...

2003-12-16 Thread Martijn Tonies
Hi Richard,

 Okay, that sounds good and all, but how does that help me, since the date
 from the javascript calander in this format: mm/dd/

 So then, when I'm selecting a date of at least todays value, or less in
 how would I do it, since it's in mm/dd/?

I don't know if you're in the position to change it, but if I
were you, I'd change whatever goes into the database into
a real DATE value as it's much easier to handle.

If it comes in 3 values from the Javascript, combine them into
a date.

  Is there a BETTER way to do this?
  Yes, store a DATE instead of seperate day/month/year values.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Martijn Tonies

 Looking at the facts, the number of files used to store your data is of
 very little consequence at the end of the day. Looking
 at the following:

 * MS SQL Server stores database data in a single file and logs in another.
 * Oracle and FoxPro both have a pretty large number of files, for very
 different reasons
 * MySQL stores MyISAM each table in a few files:  FRM for the schema,
 MYD for data and MYI for the index
 * FileMaker Pro stores each table along with a bunch of interface stuff
 in a single file
 * SQLBase (popular in the contract / closed market segment) has a
 single file unless you tell it to partition the database. This
 single file stores tables, stored procedures, views, triggers, indexes
 and all transaction logs
 * MySQL requires 3 types of file for InnoDB storage in 3.23.x and 4.x -
 ibdata*, ib_arch_log_* and iblogfile*, in 4.1.1 and higher
 you can go to 4 files with individual table spaces

 The last point is particularly worthy of note. The new option in 4.1.1
 and higher has implications for performance - you can have your
 InnoDB data dictionary (ibdata*), logs and individual table/index spaces
 on physically seperate devices. Backing things up becomes
 more complicated though.

 To be honest, the vast majority of database installations experience
 problems in performance caused by poor query and schema design,
 bad application logic or grossly underspecified hardware. A change in
 the number of files used to store the data is extremely unlikely
 to resolve these problems given all other variables in the environment
 remain fixed.

 What does everyone else think?

I fully agree with the part about performance and the number of
files. :-)

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: How to create mysql user?

2003-12-16 Thread Nitin
did u do a
flush privilege

- Original Message - 
From: ads mysql [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: How to create mysql user?

 O K. I have tried following as advised.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p abc
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Then once again I accessed mysql as root user and Granted permission as
follows :

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 69 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
 mysql USE abc
 Database changed
 mysql exit

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p abc
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Don't know what is wrong.
 Thanks for support.

 Nitin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 dear buddy,

 when u specify permissions on a particular database, you need to give that
 database name to connect to db.

 user created fine, while connecting, try this:

 mysql -u abc -p abc

 where last abc is ur database name.


 - Original Message - 
 From: ads mysql
 To: Nitin ;
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:51 AM
 Subject: Re: How to create mysql user?

  O K.
  I accessed to mysql as root user and tried to created user 'abc' as
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 61 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
  Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
  I have created database 'abc' .
  mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  I want to give all permission to user abc to handle database 'abc'.
  Then I tried to connect as user 'abc' to mysql as follows :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
  Enter password:
  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
  Some problem.
  Help appreciated.
  Nitin wrote:
  right now, u r trying to connect t omyql with uer abc, not creating it.
  to create user abc
  on dbname.tablename to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
  you can view the list of privileges available on myql website at
  - Original Message - 
  From: ads mysql
  Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:09 AM
  Subject: How to create mysql user?
   I have installed mysql. As per documentation with user as 'root'.
   I can create Database, table. I can enter data into table.
   I have created user 'abc' with passowrd 'abc' on my Linux 8.0 server.
   by using command :
   adduser abc -p 'abc'
   Now I want to create mysql database user 'abc' with command :
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
   Enter password: (entered abc)
   ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
   Is it granting permission to abc. I refered documentation but could
  get it clearly Neet sample code.
   Then I connected mysql as 'root' user. and tried.
   mysql mysql -u abc -p;
   ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual
  corresonds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
  'mysql -u ab -p' at line 1.
   Syntax I got from Documentation for GRANT as follows:
   4.4.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax
   GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
   ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
   TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
   [, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] ...]
   Please guide me how to create users for mysql with password.
   Thanks for support.
   Do you Yahoo!?
   New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing
  Do you Yahoo!?
  New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

 Do you Yahoo!?
 New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: How to create mysql user?

2003-12-16 Thread ads mysql
As advised I tried following :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 71 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql grant ALL on abc.* to 'abc'@'localhost' identified by 'abc';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql exit

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u abc -p abc
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
No luck.
Help appreciated.

Duke, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
try this:
grant ALL on abc.* to 'abc'@'localhost' identified by 'abc';

I have created database 'abc' .

mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: ads mysql [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: How to create mysql user? 

O K.
I accessed to mysql as root user and tried to created user 'abc' as folows :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 61 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

I have created database 'abc' .

mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

I want to give all permission to user abc to handle database 'abc'.

Then I tried to connect as user 'abc' to mysql as follows :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

Some problem.

Help appreciated.

Nitin wrote:
right now, u r trying to connect t omyql with uer abc, not creating it.

to create user abc
on dbname.tablename to 'abc' identified by 'abc';

you can view the list of privileges available on myql website at


- Original Message - 
From: ads mysql 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: How to create mysql user?

 I have installed mysql. As per documentation with user as 'root'.

 I can create Database, table. I can enter data into table.

 I have created user 'abc' with passowrd 'abc' on my Linux 8.0 server.
 by using command :
 adduser abc -p 'abc'

 Now I want to create mysql database user 'abc' with command :

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
 Enter password: (entered abc)
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Is it granting permission to abc. I refered documentation but could not
get it clearly Neet sample code.

 Then I connected mysql as 'root' user. and tried.

 mysql mysql -u abc -p;
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
corresonds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'mysql -u ab -p' at line 1.

 Syntax I got from Documentation for GRANT as follows:

 4.4.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax

 GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
 ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
 TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
 [, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] ...]


 Please guide me how to create users for mysql with password.

 Thanks for support.

 Do you Yahoo!?
 New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

'Sum' syntax

2003-12-16 Thread Noamn
I'm using v3.23.51 on Linux.

Can anyone explain why a simple 'sum' select won't work?? Here is the

mysql select sum (id), pet from visits group by pet;
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '(id), pet from visits
group by pet' at line 1

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Fw: How to create mysql user?

2003-12-16 Thread Nitin

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: How to create mysql user?

 did u do a
 flush privilege

 - Original Message - 
 From: ads mysql [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:00 PM
 Subject: Re: How to create mysql user?

  O K. I have tried following as advised.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p abc
  Enter password:
  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
  Then once again I accessed mysql as root user and Granted permission as
 follows :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 69 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
  Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
  mysql USE abc
  Database changed
  mysql exit
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p abc
  Enter password:
  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
  Don't know what is wrong.
  Thanks for support.
  Nitin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  dear buddy,
  when u specify permissions on a particular database, you need to give
  database name to connect to db.
  user created fine, while connecting, try this:
  mysql -u abc -p abc
  where last abc is ur database name.
  - Original Message - 
  From: ads mysql
  To: Nitin ;
  Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:51 AM
  Subject: Re: How to create mysql user?
   O K.
   I accessed to mysql as root user and tried to created user 'abc' as
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
   Enter password:
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 61 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
   Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
   I have created database 'abc' .
   mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
   Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
   I want to give all permission to user abc to handle database 'abc'.
   Then I tried to connect as user 'abc' to mysql as follows :
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
   Enter password:
   ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
   Some problem.
   Help appreciated.
   Nitin wrote:
   right now, u r trying to connect t omyql with uer abc, not creating
   to create user abc
   on dbname.tablename to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
   you can view the list of privileges available on myql website at
   - Original Message - 
   From: ads mysql
   Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:09 AM
   Subject: How to create mysql user?
I have installed mysql. As per documentation with user as 'root'.
I can create Database, table. I can enter data into table.
I have created user 'abc' with passowrd 'abc' on my Linux 8.0
by using command :
adduser abc -p 'abc'
Now I want to create mysql database user 'abc' with command :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
Enter password: (entered abc)
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
Is it granting permission to abc. I refered documentation but could
   get it clearly Neet sample code.
Then I connected mysql as 'root' user. and tried.
mysql mysql -u abc -p;
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual
   corresonds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
   'mysql -u ab -p' at line 1.
Syntax I got from Documentation for GRANT as follows:
4.4.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax
GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
[, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] ...]
Please guide me how to create users for mysql with password.
Thanks for support.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing
   Do you Yahoo!?
   New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing
  Do you Yahoo!?
  New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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Re: foreign keys.

2003-12-16 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Mofeed Shahin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Still doesn't work But thanks for trying.

Worked fine for me:

mysql CREATE TABLE Blah (
- Fname VARCHAR (50),
- Lname VARCHAR (50),
- UNIQUE (Fname, Lname)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

mysql CREATE TABLE foo (
- note VARCHAR(50),
-  Fname VARCHAR(50),
- Lname VARCHAR(50),
- INDEX(Fname, Lname),
- FOREIGN KEY (Fname, Lname) REFERENCES Blah (Fname, Lname)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)

 On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:40 am, Aftab Jahan Subedar wrote:
 If you have foreign key then add a key for each,
 so the

  note VARCHAR(50),
  Fname VARCHAR(50),
  Lname VARCHAR(50),

KEY(Fname,Lname), #here this one--if it does not work,its not me

  FOREIGN KEY (Fname, Lname) REFERENCES Blah (Fname, Lname)

For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Victoria Reznichenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB /

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Re: 'Sum' syntax

2003-12-16 Thread Duncan Hill
On Tuesday 16 December 2003 09:22, Noamn wrote:
 I'm using v3.23.51 on Linux.
 Can anyone explain why a simple 'sum' select won't work?? Here is the
 mysql select sum (id), pet from visits group by pet;
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '(id), pet from
 group by pet' at line 1

Nuke the space after 'sum' and before (id).

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Re: UTF-8 support

2003-12-16 Thread Adam Hardy
On 12/16/2003 01:35 AMnbsp;Ligaya Turmelle wrote:
Can anyone tell me what the current support for the UTF8 character set is?
How strong is it?  Do I have to do anything special to save the characters?
I will be getting the characters from a webpage form and inserting the
characters with PHP.
It depends if you are prepared to go with the 4.1.1 alpha version or 
not, which has complete UTF-8 support.

Production version 4.0.x lacks some of the UTF-8 facilities but I 
believe many people are using it with work-arounds where necessary.


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RE: Zeos, MySQL problem

2003-12-16 Thread MDaheim
Hi David,

for Zeos questions check:


Michael Daheim

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RE: How to create mysql user?

2003-12-16 Thread ads mysql
Yes, It worked with folllowing :
I have created new user 'abc1' with password 'abc1' for database 'abc'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 83 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql USE mysql
Database changed
mysql INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password) 
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql INSERT INTO db (Host,Db,User,Select_priv,Insert_priv,Update_priv,Delete_priv, 
Create_priv,Drop_priv) VALUES ('localhost','abc','abc1','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql exit
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc1 -p abc
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 84 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
Thanks for great support.

ads mysql [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As advised I tried following :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 71 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql grant ALL on abc.* to 'abc'@'localhost' identified by 'abc';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql exit

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u abc -p abc
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

No luck.

Help appreciated.

Duke, Brian 
try this:
grant ALL on abc.* to 'abc'@'localhost' identified by 'abc';

I have created database 'abc' .

mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: ads mysql [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: How to create mysql user? 

O K.
I accessed to mysql as root user and tried to created user 'abc' as folows :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 61 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

I have created database 'abc' .

mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

I want to give all permission to user abc to handle database 'abc'.

Then I tried to connect as user 'abc' to mysql as follows :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

Some problem.

Help appreciated.

Nitin wrote:
right now, u r trying to connect t omyql with uer abc, not creating it.

to create user abc
on dbname.tablename to 'abc' identified by 'abc';

you can view the list of privileges available on myql website at


- Original Message - 
From: ads mysql 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: How to create mysql user?

 I have installed mysql. As per documentation with user as 'root'.

 I can create Database, table. I can enter data into table.

 I have created user 'abc' with passowrd 'abc' on my Linux 8.0 server.
 by using command :
 adduser abc -p 'abc'

 Now I want to create mysql database user 'abc' with command :

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
 Enter password: (entered abc)
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Is it granting permission to abc. I refered documentation but could not
get it clearly Neet sample code.

 Then I connected mysql as 'root' user. and tried.

 mysql mysql -u abc -p;
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
corresonds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'mysql -u ab -p' at line 1.

 Syntax I got from Documentation for GRANT as follows:

 4.4.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax

 GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
 ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
 TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
 [, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] ...]


 Please guide me how to create users for mysql with password.

 Thanks for support.

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Re: How to create mysql user?

2003-12-16 Thread Binay
try restarting mysql service ..

- Original Message -
From: ads mysql [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Duke, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Nitin
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: RE: How to create mysql user?

 As advised I tried following :

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 71 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 mysql grant ALL on abc.* to 'abc'@'localhost' identified by 'abc';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql exit

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u abc -p abc
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 No luck.

 Help appreciated.

 Duke, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 try this:
 grant ALL on abc.* to 'abc'@'localhost' identified by 'abc';

 I have created database 'abc' .

 mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 -Original Message-
 From: ads mysql [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 11:21 PM
 Subject: Re: How to create mysql user?

 O K.
 I accessed to mysql as root user and tried to created user 'abc' as folows

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 61 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

 I have created database 'abc' .

 mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 I want to give all permission to user abc to handle database 'abc'.

 Then I tried to connect as user 'abc' to mysql as follows :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Some problem.

 Help appreciated.

 Nitin wrote:
 right now, u r trying to connect t omyql with uer abc, not creating it.

 to create user abc
 on dbname.tablename to 'abc' identified by 'abc';

 you can view the list of privileges available on myql website at


 - Original Message -
 From: ads mysql
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:09 AM
 Subject: How to create mysql user?

  I have installed mysql. As per documentation with user as 'root'.
  I can create Database, table. I can enter data into table.
  I have created user 'abc' with passowrd 'abc' on my Linux 8.0 server.
  by using command :
  adduser abc -p 'abc'
  Now I want to create mysql database user 'abc' with command :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
  Enter password: (entered abc)
  ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
  Is it granting permission to abc. I refered documentation but could not
 get it clearly Neet sample code.
  Then I connected mysql as 'root' user. and tried.
  mysql mysql -u abc -p;
  ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
 corresonds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
 'mysql -u ab -p' at line 1.
  Syntax I got from Documentation for GRANT as follows:
  4.4.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax
  GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
  ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
  TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
  [, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] ...]
  Please guide me how to create users for mysql with password.
  Thanks for support.
  Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: 'Sum' syntax

2003-12-16 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Noamn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using v3.23.51 on Linux.
 Can anyone explain why a simple 'sum' select won't work?? Here is the
 mysql select sum (id), pet from visits group by pet;
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '(id), pet from visits
 group by pet' at line 1

Remove space between 'sum' and bracket.

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Have you use emmbedded mysql in C++Builder?i met a problem,i hope you can help m

2003-12-16 Thread xian ting

I am trying to get access to the MySQL embedded server using the library 
libmysql.dll through c++builder. The loading of the library goes well, 
but when calls are made to start the server, the application crashes.when i 
run the program ,the program crashed in mysql_server_end
my program as follows 
#include vcl.h
#include basetsd.h
#include winsock.h
#include mysql.h
#include stdarg.h
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h

#pragma hdrstop
USEFORM(Unit1.cpp, Form1);
USELIB(D:\program file\CBuilder5\Bin\libmysqd.lib);
// Application-CreateForm(__classid(TForm1), Form1);
int result;
result = mysql_server_init(0, NULL, NULL);
catch (Exception exception)
return 0;

my.ini as follows:
#This File was made using the WinMySQLAdmin 1.4 Tool
#2003-12-5 14:42:02
#Uncomment or Add only the keys that you know how works.
#Read the MySQL Manual for instructions
#language=c:/mysql/share/your language directory
#slow query log#=

i don't know what's wrong ?can you help me? i look foward to your ans

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help me!!!when i compile libmysqd of mysql src ,i always met a problem !

2003-12-16 Thread xian ting
Creating library ../lib_debug/libmysqld.lib and object 
set_var.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _resize_thr_alarm
../lib_debug/libmysqld.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

but i have link mysys.lib ,how to solve it?thanks!
vision: vc6+sp5 mysql4.0.16
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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Dr. Frank Ullrich

 To be honest, the vast majority of database installations experience
 problems in performance caused by poor query and schema design,
 bad application logic or grossly underspecified hardware. A change in
 the number of files used to store the data is extremely unlikely
 to resolve these problems given all other variables in the environment
 remain fixed.
 What does everyone else think?


You're so right. 
Almost every day I find myself hammering on database developers that
'there should be an index' , 'that index should not be used', 'the join
order is wrong', 'the app designer should be punished', 'don't use a
function around an indexed column (unless you use Oracle and have
function-based indexes)', 'know your data to be able to write the right
queries and to be able to help the poor optimizer to do a good job',
'test concurrency, test scalability, test realistically' and so on ...
But that's the funny thing: when everything is done and deployed and
__slow__ then 'the database is so slow, do something (immediately!)'.


Dr. Frank Ullrich, DBA Netzwerkadministration 
Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH  Co KG, Helstorfer Str. 7, D-30625
Phone: +49 511 5352 587; FAX: +49 511 5352 538

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RE: 'Sum' syntax

2003-12-16 Thread Jimmy
Is there any reason that you need to sum the id? I'm assuming that
you're trying to count. Ya?

-Original Message-
From: Noamn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 5:22 PM
Subject: 'Sum' syntax

I'm using v3.23.51 on Linux.

Can anyone explain why a simple 'sum' select won't work?? Here is the

mysql select sum (id), pet from visits group by pet;
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '(id), pet from
visits group by pet' at line 1

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help me!!!when i compile libmysqd of mysql src ,i always met a problem

2003-12-16 Thread xian ting
Creating library ../lib_debug/libmysqld.lib and object 
set_var.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _resize_thr_alarm
../lib_debug/libmysqld.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

but i have link mysys.lib ,how to solve it?thanks!
my environment:vc6+sp5 mysql4.0.16
 MSN Hotmail  

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System load - 0.5 on Linux, 75 on Solaris!

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Allen
I have a MySQL replication slave running 3.23.52 on a 
2.4.18 linux box with 1.2GHz P3 and 512MB of memory.

The box serves three web servers and runs at about 70 
queries per second most of the time, with system load
at about 0.5 

MySQL is the precompiled RPM from

Recently I tried to replace this box with a Sun Netra T1
with a 500MHz Ultrasparc, 2GB of RAM running Solaris 8
Once again I used the precompiled binaries from

The system load under this setup was 50-75!!

I realise Solaris is likely to be slower than Linux,
but loading of this level seems excessive.

Can anybody suggest what might be the problem?

Many thanks,

Chris Allen.

Linux my.cnf:

server-id   = 2
set-variable= max_connections=400
set-variable= back_log=20
set-variable= key_buffer=150M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_cache=16
set-variable= long_query_time=4
master-host = 
master-user = 
master-password = 

Solaris my.cnf:

server-id   = 4
set-variable= net_buffer_length=8K
set-variable= max_connections=400
set-variable= back_log=50
set-variable= key_buffer=640M
set-variable= table_cache=128
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_cache=24
set-variable= long_query_time=4
master-host = 
master-user = 
master-password = 

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Performance problems using 1GB Linux server and trying to avoid swapping

2003-12-16 Thread Markus Fischer

I'm investigating a performance problem with mysql server set up.
The server is running linux with 1GB ram. I'ld like to tune the
configuration of the server to use as much RAM as possible without
swapping to the disc because of the big slow down.

The current configuration is as follows (I've just pasted the
relevant pieces):

set-variable= key_buffer=16M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=200M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
port= 3306
set-variable = query_cache_type=1
set-variable = query_cache_size=64M
set-variable = tmp_table_size=50M

The main purpose of the database is a heavily modified forum
application based on vBulletin.

One of the biggest table is the 'post' table with consumes about
617M currently; this table is often used in queries for index pages
which are the most frequent visited pages; indexes for the relevant
column in the WHERE statement are all created. The next tables in
size are using 22M and most of them much less.

I'm also having problems in determining accurately how much memory
MySQL uses when running on the system; the information provided by
ps doesn't seem relieable due the many processes/threads. Getting
the currently used memory and whether MySQL needed to swap would be
very valueable in chasing down this issue.

I'm also not sure whether the database is swapping temporary tables
to the disc or not; is there a way to verify if this is happening?

Other beneficial things would be to know how much memory certain
queries need (mostly the queries on index pages).

Besides more physical memory, are the other ways to better tune the
server for the 1GB ram? What performance analyses tool are
recommended for use with MySQL?

thanks for any advice,

- Markus

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Re: Fw: Bug in 4.1.1 Internationalization on Windows2000 ?

2003-12-16 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Juri Shimon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What does 'SHOW CREATE DATABASE database_name;' show for this database?

 I've found it...

 1. F:\Projects\has\sqlmysql -u root -e create database t; show create
 database t; drop database t

 | Database | Create Database

 | t| CREATE DATABASE `t` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET cp1251 */


 2. F:\Projects\has\sqlmysql -u root -e use_mysql; create database t;
 create database t; drop database t

 | Database | Create Database

 | t| CREATE DATABASE `t` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */


 F:\Projects\has\sqlmysql -u root -e show create database mysql

 | Database | Create Database

 | mysql| CREATE DATABASE `mysql` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1
 */ |


 Seems, there is dependence on current database charset and, IMHO, it's a

It's not a bug.
character_set_database indicates the current database character set.

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Re: Haw to get specific result?

2003-12-16 Thread Pawel Filutowski
I think over other problem.
In the table (shown below) there is another column defined as timestamp(6).
Do you think is it possible to get result grupped by month period: form
january  to december ??

Best regards,


id | product | dat
0 | switch   | 030702
1 | switch   | 031214
2 | hub   | 031215
3 | hub   | 031217
4 | hub   | 031218

- Original Message - 
From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: Haw to get specific result?

id | product

0 | switch
1 | switch
2 | hub
3 | hub
4 | hub
5 | wire
6 | wire
7 | wire
8 | wire
9 | wire
I`m looking for query which give me result as array:
0 -  count of 'switch'
1 -  count of 'hub'
2 -  count of 'wire'

SELECT COUNT(product), product FROM table GROUP BY product;

Now, this doesn't give you an array, but you can use this query to
populate an array in the programming language that you are using, such
as PHP...

$sql = SELECT COUNT(`product`), `product` FROM `table` GROUP BY
`product` ;
if(!($result = mysql_query($sql, $connection_string))){
   echo MySQL Error:  . mysql_error() . \n;
$sqlArray = mysql_fetch_array($result); // returns a one row array, just
loop through to access all rows

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Re: reg C API from MySQL

2003-12-16 Thread P Arunachalam
Hello Patrick!

I am trying to connect COBOL to the MySQL Database. I
have used the C API to establish the conection to
MySQL. You have quoted that library file
mysqlclient.lib is enough.

But when I try to test the Connecton using VC++ editor
by writing a simpe C Program, the linking of
libmysql.lib only produce successdul connection.
i.e., mysqlclient.lib not required here.

But When I try to Link those two files into the Linker
for my COBOL application it wouldn't recognize the
methods inside the Libraray file (i.e, mysql_init,
mysql_real_connect, mysql_error...) and shows linker
errors. Is there any other Library files required

the platform I have used is
Windows 2k
CA REALIA II Workbench 3.0.55
CA REALIA COBOL Compiler 6.0.45
Microsoft 32 Bit incremental compiler 6.00.8168

can you please suggest me... Is there any other
library files need to be inluded...


 --- Patrick Sherrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Statically linking using C API only you will need 
 For odbc interface you'll need to make odbc calls in
 your code and use
 myodbc.dll (Install myodbc on the client).
 You can mix calls, but why would you.  I have found
 the C API to be the best
 solution for us.  We statically link for dll
 avoidance. You can get the
 source or pre-built client libraries from the MySQL
 web site.
 I hope this helps.
 CocoNet Corporation
 SW Florida's First ISP
 825 SE 47th Terrace
 Cape Coral, FL 33904
 - Original Message - 
 From: P Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 4:31 AM
 Subject: reg C API from MySQL

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Re: reg C API from MySQL

2003-12-16 Thread P Arunachalam
Hello Patrick!

I am trying to connect COBOL to the MySQL Database. I
have used the C API to establish the conection to
MySQL. You have quoted that library file
mysqlclient.lib is enough.

But when I try to test the Connecton using VC++ editor
by writing a simpe C Program, the linking of
libmysql.lib only produce successdul connection.
i.e., mysqlclient.lib not required here.

But When I try to Link those two files into the Linker
for my COBOL application it wouldn't recognize the
methods inside the Libraray file (i.e, mysql_init,
mysql_real_connect, mysql_error...) and shows linker
errors. Is there any other Library files required

the platform I have used is
Windows 2k
CA REALIA II Workbench 3.0.55
CA REALIA COBOL Compiler 6.0.45
Microsoft 32 Bit incremental compiler 6.00.8168

can you please suggest me... Is there any other
library files need to be inluded...


 --- Patrick Sherrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Statically linking using C API only you will need 
 For odbc interface you'll need to make odbc calls in
 your code and use
 myodbc.dll (Install myodbc on the client).
 You can mix calls, but why would you.  I have found
 the C API to be the best
 solution for us.  We statically link for dll
 avoidance. You can get the
 source or pre-built client libraries from the MySQL
 web site.
 I hope this helps.
 CocoNet Corporation
 SW Florida's First ISP
 825 SE 47th Terrace
 Cape Coral, FL 33904
 - Original Message - 
 From: P Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 4:31 AM
 Subject: reg C API from MySQL

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Re: Haw to get specific result?

2003-12-16 Thread Pawel Filutowski
I tried to insert this query:

BY DATE_FORMAT(dat,'%M') order by  dat

but I`m not sure of proper result.


- Original Message - 
From: Pawel Filutowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: Haw to get specific result?

 I think over other problem.
 In the table (shown below) there is another column defined as
 Do you think is it possible to get result grupped by month period: form
 january  to december ??

 Best regards,


 id | product | dat
 0 | switch   | 030702
 1 | switch   | 031214
 2 | hub   | 031215
 3 | hub   | 031217
 4 | hub   | 031218

 - Original Message - 
 From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 1:53 PM
 Subject: RE: Haw to get specific result?

 id | product
 0 | switch
 1 | switch
 2 | hub
 3 | hub
 4 | hub
 5 | wire
 6 | wire
 7 | wire
 8 | wire
 9 | wire
 I`m looking for query which give me result as array:
 0 -  count of 'switch'
 1 -  count of 'hub'
 2 -  count of 'wire'

 SELECT COUNT(product), product FROM table GROUP BY product;

 Now, this doesn't give you an array, but you can use this query to
 populate an array in the programming language that you are using, such
 as PHP...

 $sql = SELECT COUNT(`product`), `product` FROM `table` GROUP BY
 `product` ;
 if(!($result = mysql_query($sql, $connection_string))){
echo MySQL Error:  . mysql_error() . \n;
 $sqlArray = mysql_fetch_array($result); // returns a one row array, just
 loop through to access all rows

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Re: System load - 0.5 on Linux, 75 on Solaris!

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
There are a few things that could be happening:

1. Solaris 8 uses many-to-many threads in Solaris threading mode and 
1:1 in
POSIX threading mode. I'm not sure which functionality the MySQL 
binaries exercise,
but 1:1 seems to be less intensive. Regardless, Solaris thread creation 
tends to be slower than
process creation on Linux (on the same hardware) and that is slower than 
thread creation
on Linux (for the most part). Are you using persistant connections from 
your web servers, as
each new connection will spawn a thread (for now - There are apparently 
plans to offer
an alternative helper-thread connection and query handler model).

2. Which FS are you using? The native Solaris FS needs a bit of tuning 
to get decent DB performance

3. What sort of disk subsystem does the new box have? As the load is so 
high, it seems that
either MySQL is waiting on disk I/O or network I/O

4. What table type(s) are you using on each box?

Please write back! Let's fix this! :-)



Chris Allen wrote:

I have a MySQL replication slave running 3.23.52 on a 
2.4.18 linux box with 1.2GHz P3 and 512MB of memory.

The box serves three web servers and runs at about 70 
queries per second most of the time, with system load
at about 0.5 

MySQL is the precompiled RPM from

Recently I tried to replace this box with a Sun Netra T1
with a 500MHz Ultrasparc, 2GB of RAM running Solaris 8
Once again I used the precompiled binaries from
The system load under this setup was 50-75!!

I realise Solaris is likely to be slower than Linux,
but loading of this level seems excessive.
Can anybody suggest what might be the problem?

Many thanks,

Chris Allen.

Linux my.cnf:

server-id   = 2
set-variable= max_connections=400
set-variable= back_log=20
set-variable= key_buffer=150M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_cache=16
set-variable= long_query_time=4
master-host = 
master-user = 
master-password = 

Solaris my.cnf:

server-id   = 4
set-variable= net_buffer_length=8K
set-variable= max_connections=400
set-variable= back_log=50
set-variable= key_buffer=640M
set-variable= table_cache=128
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_cache=24
set-variable= long_query_time=4
master-host = 
master-user = 
master-password = 


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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
Dr. Frank Ullrich wrote:



To be honest, the vast majority of database installations experience
problems in performance caused by poor query and schema design,
bad application logic or grossly underspecified hardware. A change in
the number of files used to store the data is extremely unlikely
to resolve these problems given all other variables in the environment
remain fixed.
What does everyone else think?


You're so right. 
Almost every day I find myself hammering on database developers that
'there should be an index' , 'that index should not be used', 'the join
order is wrong', 'the app designer should be punished', 'don't use a
function around an indexed column (unless you use Oracle and have
function-based indexes)', 'know your data to be able to write the right
queries and to be able to help the poor optimizer to do a good job',
'test concurrency, test scalability, test realistically' and so on ...
But that's the funny thing: when everything is done and deployed and
__slow__ then 'the database is so slow, do something (immediately!)'.


The part about helping out the optimizer rings especially true for me. 
One one box I take care of:

SELECT message FROM syslog WHERE date1  '2003-12-01' AND message LIKE 
Execution time: 20.85 seconds

SELECT message FROM syslog FORCE INDEX(date1, message) WHERE date1  
'2003-12-01' AND message
LIKE 'sshd%username';
Execution time: 0.25 seconds

On that topic, how have all the veteran MySQL users found the optimizer 
compared to the other offerings out there?
I remember various interviews with Monty asking questions along the 
lines of What's the most interesting thing to do
in DB development and similar have almost always been answered with 
Getting an optimizer to actually optimize queries
really well.



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Re: Performance problems using 1GB Linux server and trying to avoid swapping

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan

How heavy is your usage of TEMPORARY TABLES? I don't use them much 
myself, but
I'm sure that the others on the list will have something to say in that 

To get a better look at MySQL's usage of memory, you could try looking 
at the output of



Markus Fischer wrote:


   I'm investigating a performance problem with mysql server set up.
   The server is running linux with 1GB ram. I'ld like to tune the
   configuration of the server to use as much RAM as possible without
   swapping to the disc because of the big slow down.
   The current configuration is as follows (I've just pasted the
   relevant pieces):
set-variable= key_buffer=16M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=200M
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
port= 3306
set-variable = query_cache_type=1
set-variable = query_cache_size=64M
set-variable = tmp_table_size=50M
   The main purpose of the database is a heavily modified forum
   application based on vBulletin.
   One of the biggest table is the 'post' table with consumes about
   617M currently; this table is often used in queries for index pages
   which are the most frequent visited pages; indexes for the relevant
   column in the WHERE statement are all created. The next tables in
   size are using 22M and most of them much less.
   I'm also having problems in determining accurately how much memory
   MySQL uses when running on the system; the information provided by
   ps doesn't seem relieable due the many processes/threads. Getting
   the currently used memory and whether MySQL needed to swap would be
   very valueable in chasing down this issue.
   I'm also not sure whether the database is swapping temporary tables
   to the disc or not; is there a way to verify if this is happening?
   Other beneficial things would be to know how much memory certain
   queries need (mostly the queries on index pages).
   Besides more physical memory, are the other ways to better tune the
   server for the 1GB ram? What performance analyses tool are
   recommended for use with MySQL?
   thanks for any advice,

   - Markus


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Bug in mysql.h header file

2003-12-16 Thread P Arunachalam
I was trying to establish connection to MySQL through
a simple C program using it's C API mysqL_init(),
mysql_reak_connect(), ... in VC++ Editor. It shows
Errors ;

c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(116) : error C2061:
syntax error : identifier 'SOCKET'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(135) : error C2059:
syntax error : '}'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(167) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(167) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(167) : error C2371: 'Vio'
: redefinition; different basic types
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(108) : see
declaration of 'Vio'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(167) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ';' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(167) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(168) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(168) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(168) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(169) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(169) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(169) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(170) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(170) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(170) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(171) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(171) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(171) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(172) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(172) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(172) : error C2059:
syntax error : 'type'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(172) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(173) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(173) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(173) : error C2059:
syntax error : 'type'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(174) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(175) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(175) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(175) : error C2059:
syntax error : 'type'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(175) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(176) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(176) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(176) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(180) : error C2146:
syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 's'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(180) : error C2061:
syntax error : identifier 's'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(180) : error C2059:
syntax error : ';'
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(180) : error C2059:
syntax error : ','
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(181) : error C2059:
syntax error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(165) : error C2061: syntax
error : identifier 'NET'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(202) : error C2059: syntax
error : '}'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(211) : error C2061: syntax
error : identifier 'MYSQL'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(217) : error C2059: syntax
error : '}'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(232) : error C2061: syntax
error : identifier 'NET'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(238) : warning C4142: benign
redefinition of type
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(241) : error C2369:
'last_error' : redefinition; different subscripts
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(121) : see
declaration of 'last_error'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(242) : error C2059: syntax
error : '}'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(266) : error C2143: syntax
error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(266) : error C2143: syntax
error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(266) : error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(267) : error C2143: syntax
error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(267) : error C2143: syntax
error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(267) : error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(268) : error C2143: syntax
error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(268) : error C2143: syntax
error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(268) : error C2059: syntax
error : ')'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(269) : error C2143: syntax
error : missing ')' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(269) : error C2143: syntax
error : missing '{' before '*'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(270) : error C2059: syntax
error : 'type'
c:\mysql\include\mysql.h(270) : error C2059: 

Re: Using MySQL in LGPL library

2003-12-16 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 02:09, Jeremy Zawodny wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 10:50:43PM +0100, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
  We have been supporting MySQL in the GNOME-DB project
  ( since the beginning almost (1998). GNOME-DB
  provides several liraries, and one of those is a plugin-based generic
  data access library (libgda) which allows access to several DBMS, by
  dlopen'ing the plugins. Each of those plugins provide access to a
  specific RDBMS.
  The library (libgda) is LGPL, so it seems we are not able to have it
  link against the GPL version of MySQL.
  So, we have been thinking about what to do, and so far we only see 3
  * force libgda to link against the LGPL MySQL libraries, but I suppose
  there won't be any 4.x LGPL libraries, right?
  * have the MySQL plugin communicate with the library via local
  sockets/message queues/whatever so that we don't link to it directly.
  * completely remove support for MySQL, which, for obvious reasons, we'd
  prefer to avoid.
  So far, we have disabled MySQL access in the CVS version until we know
  what to do.
 I *thought* that MySQL AB was coming up with some sort of exception
 for GPL'd free software but I don't remember if that got resolved.

oh, that's nice for them

 Perhaps more pressure is needed?
yes, I guess if we all have to disable mysql support in our projects,
that's going to be some kind of pressure. As I said, we don't want to do
that, but if there's no solution, we'll be forced to.

Do you know any other projects in the same situation?

 I'll check with a few folks and see if I can turn up something...
ok, thanks. Please keep us informed.


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Comparing date fields

2003-12-16 Thread Noamn
I'm in the process of converting an application from Paradox to mySQL which
is why I have these syntax questions.

mySQL doesn't like a query with this syntax:
from projects p, ...
where p.closeddate = :fd 
and p.closeddate = :td

where fd (from date) and td (till date) are parameters. Can one use
greater than/less than operators, or is there some other way of filtering
only those records with closeddates in the range that I specify?

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php installation with mysql support.

2003-12-16 Thread ads mysql
I am trying to install and configure php with mysql support.
I have installed mysql and it works perfectly on the server. On the same server I 
tried to install php with following configuration :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-4.3.4]# ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs 
It gives error configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /var/lib/mysql
what should I put in  --with-mysql=/var/lib/mysql
Help appreciated.

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Re: php installation with mysql support.

2003-12-16 Thread Duncan Hill
On Tuesday 16 December 2003 13:43, ads mysql wrote:

 php-4.3.4]# ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-
 It gives error configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under
 what should I put in  --with-mysql=/var/lib/mysql

On the assumption this is an RPM install of MySQL, I'd suggest trying 

Btw, it's a generally accepted thing that PHP + Apache2 don't always play 

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RE: Comparing date fields

2003-12-16 Thread Jay Blanchard
I'm in the process of converting an application from Paradox to mySQL
is why I have these syntax questions.

mySQL doesn't like a query with this syntax:
from projects p, ...
where p.closeddate = :fd 
and p.closeddate = :td

where fd (from date) and td (till date) are parameters. Can one use
greater than/less than operators, or is there some other way of
only those records with closeddates in the range that I specify?

You can use BETWEEN (which is inclusive of the dates specified)

from projects p, ...
where p.closeddate BETWEEN date AND date

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RE: Comparing date fields

2003-12-16 Thread Noamn
I started with between, but when this didn't work, I switched to the
comparison operators.

mysql select from projects
- where projects.closeddate between :fd and :td;
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ':fd and :td' at line

-Original Message-
From: Jay Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 4:04 PM
Subject: RE: Comparing date fields

I'm in the process of converting an application from Paradox to mySQL
is why I have these syntax questions.

mySQL doesn't like a query with this syntax:
from projects p, ...
where p.closeddate = :fd 
and p.closeddate = :td

where fd (from date) and td (till date) are parameters. Can one use
greater than/less than operators, or is there some other way of
only those records with closeddates in the range that I specify?

You can use BETWEEN (which is inclusive of the dates specified)

from projects p, ...
where p.closeddate BETWEEN date AND date

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RE: Comparing date fields

2003-12-16 Thread Jay Blanchard
I started with between, but when this didn't work, I switched to the
comparison operators.

mysql select from projects
- where projects.closeddate between :fd and :td;
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ':fd and :td' at

What are those colons?

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Re: Bug in mysql.h header file

2003-12-16 Thread info
This is not a bug, you need to set your project/programming environment in
VC++ to include support for sockets.  I haven't written any non socket
programs in several years, so it's part of my standard set-up.

MySQL is client/server and uses sockets. You do need to link with a socket
library. In the case of VC++ this is Winsock (wsock32.lib).  I normally
include support for sockets in my stdfx.h (#include afxsock.h  // MFC
socket extensions). This is included with your VC++ installation and not
part of mysql source.  Then, add wsock32.lib, mysqlclient.lib and any other
external library you need to link with in your 'Project Settings'(Alt-F7').
These are added  under the 'Link' tab in the 'Input' category. Libraries are
added in the 'Object/library module' field separated by spaces (e.g.
'wsock32.lib mysqlclient.lib'). Don't forget to add the path to the
mysqlclient library in the 'Additional library path:' field.


- Original Message - 
From: P Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Patrick Sherrill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 6:36 AM
Subject: Bug in mysql.h header file

 I was trying to establish connection to MySQL through
 a simple C program using it's C API mysqL_init(),
 mysql_reak_connect(), ... in VC++ Editor. It shows
 Errors ;

 c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(116) : error C2061:
 syntax error : identifier 'SOCKET'
 MYSQL.OBJ - 102 error(s), 1 warning(s)

 I have corrected this errors by including winsock.h
 header file into my program. After including winsock.h
 my program work fine and produce my expected results.

 Herewith I have included the Sample C Program too for
 your reference...

 Incase it is a bug you please produce the correct
 version of mysql.h header file to me.



  --- Patrick Sherrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Statically linking using C API only you will need
  For odbc interface you'll need to make odbc calls in
  your code and use
  myodbc.dll (Install myodbc on the client).
  You can mix calls, but why would you.  I have found
  the C API to be the best
  solution for us.  We statically link for dll
  avoidance. You can get the
  source or pre-built client libraries from the MySQL
  web site.
  I hope this helps.
  CocoNet Corporation
  SW Florida's First ISP
  825 SE 47th Terrace
  Cape Coral, FL 33904
  - Original Message - 
  From: P Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 4:31 AM
  Subject: reg C API from MySQL

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Adding native functions question

2003-12-16 Thread Devin Eyre
How do you get the string value of an argument to a function?
For integer, there's val_int(), for real, there's val().
I tried using val_str(), but that didn't work.

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Re[2]: Comparing date fields

2003-12-16 Thread DeBug
mysql select from projects
JB - where projects.closeddate between :fd and :td;
JB ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ':fd and :td' at
JB line
JB 2
JB What are those colons?

He probably uses Delphi or C++Builder to connect to mysql via TQuery
component. TQuery has a property SQL where sql statement is stored.
The colon ':' means that fd is a parameter whose value should be
inserted into TQuery.SQL statement just before executing the query.

The solution is to substitute :fd with a real value directly by accessing TQuery.SQL
Query.SQL.Add('select ...');
Query.SQL.Add('where projects.closeddate between 01/01/01 and 01/01/02');

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Re: Re[2]: Comparing date fields

2003-12-16 Thread Martijn Tonies

 mysql select from projects
 JB - where projects.closeddate between :fd and :td;
 JB ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ':fd and :td' at
 JB line
 JB 2
 JB What are those colons?

 He probably uses Delphi or C++Builder to connect to mysql via TQuery
 component. TQuery has a property SQL where sql statement is stored.
 The colon ':' means that fd is a parameter whose value should be
 inserted into TQuery.SQL statement just before executing the query.

 The solution is to substitute :fd with a real value directly by accessing
 Query.SQL.Add('select ...');
 Query.SQL.Add('where projects.closeddate between 01/01/01 and 01/01/02');

I very much doubt this works:

01 divided by 01 :-)

I guess you wanted to write:


With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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RE: Re[2]: Comparing date fields

2003-12-16 Thread Noamn
I assume that I will have to write 01/01/02

Thanks for the help. Let's hope that there aren't any more questions of this
ilk and I can continue to port my application.


-Original Message-
From: Martijn Tonies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Comparing date fields

 mysql select from projects
 JB - where projects.closeddate between :fd and :td;
 JB ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ':fd and :td' at
 JB line
 JB 2
 JB What are those colons?

 He probably uses Delphi or C++Builder to connect to mysql via TQuery
 component. TQuery has a property SQL where sql statement is stored.
 The colon ':' means that fd is a parameter whose value should be
 inserted into TQuery.SQL statement just before executing the query.

 The solution is to substitute :fd with a real value directly by accessing
 Query.SQL.Add('select ...');
 Query.SQL.Add('where projects.closeddate between 01/01/01 and 01/01/02');

I very much doubt this works:

01 divided by 01 :-)

I guess you wanted to write:


With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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Re: Bug in mysql.h header file

2003-12-16 Thread P Arunachalam

I have made all the changes suggested by you in VC++
6.0 i.e., I have inluded the Library file wsock32.lib
into the existing library list in 'Project
Settings'(Alt-F7') and checked the path setting of
mysql header file and library file in Tools -- Options
menu's Directory tab.

but still it need the inclusion of header file
winsock.H into my C program... otherise it shows the
list of errors. name of my C program file is 'mysql.c'

Error executing cl.exe.
MYSQL.OBJ - 102 error(s), 1 warning(s)

So pls verify and give me details...


 --- info [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  This is not a
bug, you need to set your
 project/programming environment in
 VC++ to include support for sockets.  I haven't
 written any non socket
 programs in several years, so it's part of my
 standard set-up.
 MySQL is client/server and uses sockets. You do need
 to link with a socket
 library. In the case of VC++ this is Winsock
 (wsock32.lib).  I normally
 include support for sockets in my stdfx.h (#include
 afxsock.h  // MFC
 socket extensions). This is included with your VC++
 installation and not
 part of mysql source.  Then, add wsock32.lib,
 mysqlclient.lib and any other
 external library you need to link with in your
 'Project Settings'(Alt-F7').
 These are added  under the 'Link' tab in the 'Input'
 category. Libraries are
 added in the 'Object/library module' field separated
 by spaces (e.g.
 'wsock32.lib mysqlclient.lib'). Don't forget to add
 the path to the
 mysqlclient library in the 'Additional library
 path:' field.
 - Original Message - 
 From: P Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Patrick Sherrill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 6:36 AM
 Subject: Bug in mysql.h header file
  I was trying to establish connection to MySQL
  a simple C program using it's C API mysqL_init(),
  mysql_reak_connect(), ... in VC++ Editor. It shows
  Errors ;
  c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(116) : error C2061:
  syntax error : identifier 'SOCKET'
  MYSQL.OBJ - 102 error(s), 1 warning(s)
  I have corrected this errors by including
  header file into my program. After including
  my program work fine and produce my expected
  Herewith I have included the Sample C Program too
  your reference...
  Incase it is a bug you please produce the correct
  version of mysql.h header file to me.
   --- Patrick Sherrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Statically linking using C API only you will need
   For odbc interface you'll need to make odbc
 calls in
   your code and use
   myodbc.dll (Install myodbc on the client).
   You can mix calls, but why would you.  I have
   the C API to be the best
   solution for us.  We statically link for dll
   avoidance. You can get the
   source or pre-built client libraries from the
   web site.
   I hope this helps.
   CocoNet Corporation
   SW Florida's First ISP
   825 SE 47th Terrace
   Cape Coral, FL 33904
   - Original Message - 
   From: P Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 4:31 AM
   Subject: reg C API from MySQL

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RE: Speed difference between boolean full-text searches and full-text searches

2003-12-16 Thread Uros Kotnik

OK I tried this,  '+music +mix +2001' instead of this 'music mix 2001'
IN BOOLEAN MODE and the SQL time is the same ~21 sec.

select , cds.title, tracks.title from artists, tracks, cds 
MATCH (cds.title) AGAINST ('+music +mix +2001' IN BOOLEAN MODE) and
artists.artistid = cds.artistid AND artists.artistid = tracks.artistid
AND cds.cdid = tracks.cdid

Do you have some explanation, why is this so much slower than this :

SELECT, cds.title, tracks.title
FROM artists, cds, tracks
WHERE artists.artistid = cds.artistid AND artists.artistid =
tracks.artistid AND cds.cdid = tracks.cdid AND 
MATCH ( ) AGAINST (  'madonna' ) AND 
MATCH ( cds.title ) AGAINST (  'music' ) AND 
MATCH ( cds.title ) AGAINST (  'mix' ) AND 
MATCH ( cds.title ) AGAINST (  '2001' )


-Original Message-
From: Chuck Gadd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 21:50 
To: Uros Kotnik; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Speed difference between boolean full-text searches and
full-text searches

Uros Kotnik wrote:

 It makes sense, but Sergei G. said : 
 And are you sure the numbers are correct, the first query - the one
 without IN BOOLEAN MODE - is faster ? I would expect the opposite.
 I guess that for my DB I can't expect satisfied in boolena mode
 But also when searching without in boolean mode and include search
 criteria from TRACKS table, 13,841,930 rows , like AND MATCH (
 tracks.title) AGAINST ('remix') 
 I get ~10 sec. times.
 Am I doing something wrong or this results are correct for this amount
 of data, I would be satisfied with  0.5 - 1 sec. times

If I'm not mistaken, IN BOOLEAN MODE simply changes the parser
logic.  It tells MySql to process the special characters, like
+-*.   I don't think it's the IN BOOLEAN MODE that is causing
the slow query, but the fact that you are looking for the phrase.

If you were to do

SELECT, cds.title, tracks.title FROM artists, cds, tracks
WHERE artists.artistid = cds.artistid AND artists.artistid =
tracks.artistid AND cds.cdid = tracks.cdid AND MATCH (
MATCH (cds.title) AGAINST ('+music +mix +2001'IN BOOLEAN MODE)

Then you'd probably still get the fast search time, since the query
simply requires all three words.   MySql can resolve this just using
the index.

In your example, the BOOLEAN MODE for


isn't doing anything special, since you aren't using any
special chars to modify the search expression.

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Re: php installation with mysql support.

2003-12-16 Thread ads mysql
I tried with option ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs 
--with-mysql as suggested that php might find mysql libraries on it's own.
It has not given any error.
Let me check whether I can connect to mysql using php.
Thanks for support.

Duncan Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tuesday 16 December 2003 13:43, ads mysql wrote:

 php-4.3.4]# ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-
 It gives error configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under
 what should I put in --with-mysql=/var/lib/mysql

On the assumption this is an RPM install of MySQL, I'd suggest trying 

Btw, it's a generally accepted thing that PHP + Apache2 don't always play 

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Replication slave gets fatal error 1236 on an almost daily basis.

2003-12-16 Thread Andy DePue
I have a simple MySQL replication system setup with a single master and 
a single slave.  The slave is running 4.0.16-standard and the master is 
running 4.0.16-standard-log.

On an (almost) daily basis, I get this error on my slave:

031216  9:55:44  Error reading packet from server: log event entry 
exceeded max_allowed_packet; Increase max_allowed_packet on master 
031216  9:55:44  Got fatal error 1236: 'log event entry exceeded 
max_allowed_packet; Increase max_allowed_packet on master' from master 
when reading data from binary log
031216  9:55:44  Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log 'el-bin.001', 
position 589631188

Note, this does not happen at the same time during the day and it does 
not happen every day.
I know this is not a problem with max_allowed_packet because I have set 
both the master and slave to a max_allowed_packet that exceeds the size 
of the binary log file!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  At this point replication is 
unreliable enough that it doesn't do us any good.

 Andy DePue
 Software Developer
 Software Services, Inc.
 (864) 271-8053 x104
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Re: Can I really have no_wait row-locks in MySQL+InnoDB?

2003-12-16 Thread mos
At 01:14 AM 12/16/2003, you wrote:
mos wrote:

At 04:22 AM 12/15/2003, you wrote:

To elaborate on Dr Frank's thing if you're interested, here's a classic 
deadlock example:

1. Transaction A obtains an exclusive lock on a set of rows which we 
will call R1.
2. Transaction B obtains an exclusive lock on another set of rows which 
we will call R2.
3. Transaction A requests (but obviously doesn't acquire) an exclusive 
lock on R2.
4. Transaction B requests (but obviously doesn't acquire) an exclusive 
lock on R1.
5. Classic deadlock!

There are various ways of dealing with this (with timeouts and graph 
traversal seemingly popular). As you can see, neither transaction can go 
forward. Thus, the almighty InnoDB will think for a moment, decide which 
transaction it has something personal against, laugh at it and force it 

That transaction can then try again if it doesn't feel totally small and 

Hope this helps!



When my MySQL database gets into a deadlock situation like that, 
I just shutdown the server, power off the machine and go home. Works 
every time.vbg

(Sorry, it's been a late night)
No no no!!! You've got it all wrong!

You go and find the user who had the least involvement in causing the 
deadlock and scapegoat them!

Either that, or you use it as an excuse for doing one of the following things:

1. Getting the purchase of more hardware approved.
2. Getting the purchase of MySQL Pro and InnoDB Hot Backup approved
3. Getting a MySQL support contract purchase approved
4. Getting a raise for resolving the situation with poise, grace and 
subtlety (Eg: Shutting it down, blaming users, blaming SCO...)



Hot Dang you're good! :-)
I didn't see this in any of this in Paul Dubois's books. Maybe it 
could be added in a future version??? Call the section The Blame Game and 
put it into the Appendix called MySQL Survivor Game..Be the last one to be 
voted off the island..   bg


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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
Jeremy Zawodny wrote:

On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 12:01:55PM +0700, David Garamond wrote:

Sven K?hler wrote:

I was very disappointed by Interbase/Firebird. It seemed to me like a 
MS-Access: a database-engine that works on regular files

Firebird seems simple, but it doesn't mean it's inferior or 
[intentionally] crippled like MS-Access. SQL server also works on 
regular files (db is stored as single files) and I believe FB is 
comparable to SQL server.

In fact, I personally hate the fact that InnoDB can't work on regular 
files (db is not stored on single files or single directories).

That's already fixed in 4.1.1.

Looking at the facts, the number of files used to store your data is of 
very little consequence at the end of the day. Looking
at the following:

* MS SQL Server stores database data in a single file and logs in another.
* Oracle and FoxPro both have a pretty large number of files, for very 
different reasons
* MySQL stores MyISAM each table in a few files:  FRM for the schema, 
MYD for data and MYI for the index
* FileMaker Pro stores each table along with a bunch of interface stuff 
in a single file
* SQLBase (popular in the contract / closed market segment) has a 
single file unless you tell it to partition the database. This
single file stores tables, stored procedures, views, triggers, indexes 
and all transaction logs
* MySQL requires 3 types of file for InnoDB storage in 3.23.x and 4.x - 
ibdata*, ib_arch_log_* and iblogfile*, in 4.1.1 and higher
you can go to 4 files with individual table spaces

The last point is particularly worthy of note. The new option in 4.1.1 
and higher has implications for performance - you can have your
InnoDB data dictionary (ibdata*), logs and individual table/index spaces 
on physically seperate devices. Backing things up becomes
more complicated though.

To be honest, the vast majority of database installations experience 
problems in performance caused by poor query and schema design,
bad application logic or grossly underspecified hardware. A change in 
the number of files used to store the data is extremely unlikely
to resolve these problems given all other variables in the environment 
remain fixed.

What does everyone else think?



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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Matthew Stanfield
Chris Nolan wrote:
Regarding mysqldump, it handles binary data through escaping the 
required characters. pg_dump is similar if memory serves me correctly.
Thanks Chris.

So dumping binary data / large objects using myslqdump is fine. I looked up 
if this is ok with pg_dump as well and it is but you must use a non-text 
output option Eg. a tar file.



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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Matthew Stanfield
Usually, i'll use enum('0','1') in place of a boolean type.


For JDBC stuff, I've found that if you really want to call this a 
shortcoming, then that's about as far as you can take it
- the MySQL JDBC driver makes the BIT field act just like a single-bit 



Sure -- but I did say it was only 'slightly annoying'.

TINYINT(1) which works  fine but is slightly annoying because 
 of the extra type conversion needed every time you use it.

It just means with an ODBC programming library that, say, a method 
GetBoolean does not work and you need to do say...

int i = odbcReader.GetInt(index);
bool b = i  0 ? true : false;
every time instead of:

bool b = odbcReader.GetBoolean(index);

It's just tedious, that's all.



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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
Matthew Stanfield wrote:

Usually, i'll use enum('0','1') in place of a boolean type.


For JDBC stuff, I've found that if you really want to call this a 
shortcoming, then that's about as far as you can take it
- the MySQL JDBC driver makes the BIT field act just like a 
single-bit field.



Sure -- but I did say it was only 'slightly annoying'.

TINYINT(1) which works  fine but is slightly annoying because 
 of the extra type conversion needed every time you use it.

It just means with an ODBC programming library that, say, a method 
GetBoolean does not work and you need to do say...

int i = odbcReader.GetInt(index);
bool b = i  0 ? true : false;
every time instead of:

bool b = odbcReader.GetBoolean(index);

It's just tedious, that's all.



True, but this isn't too massive an issue either if you think about it - 
ODBC is closely tied to everyone's favourite programming language, 
I mean Haskell...errr...I mean LISP. :-) Of course, I actually mean C. C 
has very few primitive types, so delegating true boolean fields to a 
low priority
makes a little bit of sense.

As you have said, only slightly annoying but perhaps much less annoying 
than my posts! :-)



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Re: Can I really have no_wait row-locks in MySQL+InnoDB?

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
mos wrote:

At 01:14 AM 12/16/2003, you wrote:

mos wrote:

At 04:22 AM 12/15/2003, you wrote:

To elaborate on Dr Frank's thing if you're interested, here's a 
classic deadlock example:

1. Transaction A obtains an exclusive lock on a set of rows which 
we will call R1.
2. Transaction B obtains an exclusive lock on another set of rows 
which we will call R2.
3. Transaction A requests (but obviously doesn't acquire) an 
exclusive lock on R2.
4. Transaction B requests (but obviously doesn't acquire) an 
exclusive lock on R1.
5. Classic deadlock!

There are various ways of dealing with this (with timeouts and 
graph traversal seemingly popular). As you can see, neither 
transaction can go forward. Thus, the almighty InnoDB will think 
for a moment, decide which transaction it has something personal 
against, laugh at it and force it to ROLLBACK.

That transaction can then try again if it doesn't feel totally 
small and humiliated.

Hope this helps!



When my MySQL database gets into a deadlock situation like 
that, I just shutdown the server, power off the machine and go home. 
Works every time.vbg

(Sorry, it's been a late night)
No no no!!! You've got it all wrong!

You go and find the user who had the least involvement in causing the 
deadlock and scapegoat them!

Either that, or you use it as an excuse for doing one of the 
following things:

1. Getting the purchase of more hardware approved.
2. Getting the purchase of MySQL Pro and InnoDB Hot Backup approved
3. Getting a MySQL support contract purchase approved
4. Getting a raise for resolving the situation with poise, grace and 
subtlety (Eg: Shutting it down, blaming users, blaming SCO...)



Hot Dang you're good! :-)
I didn't see this in any of this in Paul Dubois's books. Maybe 
it could be added in a future version??? Call the section The Blame 
Game and put it into the Appendix called MySQL Survivor Game..Be the 
last one to be voted off the island..   bg


I think it would be better to base it on the prophetic vision of how 
reality television is set to evolve: Series 7.



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Re: System load - 0.5 on Linux, 75 on Solaris!

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Allen
On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 10:13:39PM +1100, Chris Nolan wrote:
 There are a few things that could be happening:
 Are you using persistant connections from your web servers, 

Yes - with Apache::DBI under mod_perl

 2. Which FS are you using? The native Solaris FS needs a bit of tuning 
 to get decent DB performance apparently.

The DB is on a vanilla UFS partition. Do you have any references about
this? I couldn't find anything on the MySQL site...

 3. What sort of disk subsystem does the new box have? As the load is so 
 high, it seems that either MySQL is waiting on disk I/O or network I/O

The database is on a single 120GB SCSI disk internal to the main
unit. Nothing else is on that disk. If you have any suggestions for
tests I could switch the machine into the system again and capture
what is happening...

MySQL runs in a single process of 720MB with the settings I
gave it.

 4. What table type(s) are you using on each box?

Our database has 53 tables, all are MyISAM. The entire
database takes up 1.9GB on disk. Almost all queries are
lightweight ones of the form:

select * from sometable where id=12345;

where id is the primary key or,

select id from sometable where customer=12345

where customer is indexed.

 Please write back! Let's fix this! :-)

Many thanks for your help!

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread David Griffiths
  To be honest, the vast majority of database installations experience
  problems in performance caused by poor query and schema design,
  bad application logic or grossly underspecified hardware. A change in
  the number of files used to store the data is extremely unlikely
  to resolve these problems given all other variables in the environment
  remain fixed.
  What does everyone else think?

 I fully agree with the part about performance and the number of
 files. :-)

High-end database systems perfer more files, as they can be spread across
multiple (usually fast SCSI) disks. Most databases recommend logs be kept on
seperate disks than database files.

Changes in the number of files can resolve problems if the problems are the
result of low disk IO and you have money to throw at the problem.


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Re: Performance problems using 1GB Linux server and trying to avoid swapping

2003-12-16 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Dec 16), Markus Fischer said:
 I'm investigating a performance problem with mysql server set up. The
 server is running linux with 1GB ram. I'ld like to tune the
 configuration of the server to use as much RAM as possible without
 swapping to the disc because of the big slow down.
 set-variable= key_buffer=16M

Way too low; this says only cache 16MB of index data.  Try 256MB.

 set-variable= max_allowed_packet=200M

Probably way too high, but doesn't hurt since it won't actually
allocate that much memory unless you have a 200MB field someplace.

 I'm also not sure whether the database is swapping temporary tables
 to the disc or not; is there a way to verify if this is happening?

show status like 'created_tmp%';

Raising sort_buffer_size and join_buffer_size may also help if your
queries pull a lot of records.

Dan Nelson

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
David Griffiths wrote:

To be honest, the vast majority of database installations experience
problems in performance caused by poor query and schema design,
bad application logic or grossly underspecified hardware. A change in
the number of files used to store the data is extremely unlikely
to resolve these problems given all other variables in the environment
remain fixed.
What does everyone else think?

I fully agree with the part about performance and the number of
files. :-)

High-end database systems perfer more files, as they can be spread across
multiple (usually fast SCSI) disks. Most databases recommend logs be kept on
seperate disks than database files.
Changes in the number of files can resolve problems if the problems are the
result of low disk IO and you have money to throw at the problem.


True, but this isn't always the case.

Let's look at the almighty InnoDB for instance. It happily uses multiple 
files for the data dictionary (ibdata*) if
you tell it but, as far as I know, treats them like one big space, not 
doing striping or anything fancy.

Additionally, if you have money to throw at the problem, you'd throw 
money at RAID and LVM. To prove my point,
I pose the following question:

* Would all those that enjoy extending database files as needed due to 
upgrading disks etc please raise their hands?
Please? Come on! I promise that I won't tell SCO where you live

With RAID you get performance and additional reliability if you want it. 
With LVM you get online growth of your
storage if you are geeky and/or rich enough.

Regarding logs being kept seperately, you will get no argument from me! 
In fact, if you can keep your logs on a
HA cluster of NAS boxes, in a safe, covered in concrete, connected by 
multiply-redundant fibre-channel links,
guarded by half the population of Wagga Wagga and plastered with images 
from random links from the awful,
awful bowels of the internet I still reckon that you'd probably be able 
to find a way to go one better with
log protection.

Look at SQLBase - Zero Administration they reckon. Log files do not 
exist seperately, they exist inside the
same file that holds everything else! Not good! You need to do a 
reorganise every few weeks or things start
to...well..err...suck! Give me MySQL any day!



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Re: System load - 0.5 on Linux, 75 on Solaris!

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
Chris Allen wrote:

On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 10:13:39PM +1100, Chris Nolan wrote:

There are a few things that could be happening:

Are you using persistant connections from your web servers, 

Yes - with Apache::DBI under mod_perl


Well, that's one option out of the way,,,

2. Which FS are you using? The native Solaris FS needs a bit of tuning 
to get decent DB performance apparently.

The DB is on a vanilla UFS partition. Do you have any references about
this? I couldn't find anything on the MySQL site...

There's nothing on the MySQL site but I do remember reading a comparison 
between Solaris x86 and
Linux that showed that UFS gained quite a massive speedup for DB-style 
operations by turning on something
similar to (or perhaps the very same thing as) soft updates.


3. What sort of disk subsystem does the new box have? As the load is so 
high, it seems that either MySQL is waiting on disk I/O or network I/O

The database is on a single 120GB SCSI disk internal to the main
unit. Nothing else is on that disk. If you have any suggestions for
tests I could switch the machine into the system again and capture
what is happening...
MySQL runs in a single process of 720MB with the settings I
gave it.

Is the disk subsystem in the original box similar?


4. What table type(s) are you using on each box?

Our database has 53 tables, all are MyISAM. The entire
database takes up 1.9GB on disk. Almost all queries are
lightweight ones of the form:
select * from sometable where id=12345;

where id is the primary key or,

select id from sometable where customer=12345

where customer is indexed.


Hmmmit's very, very unlikely, but have you checked to ensure that 
MySQL is
using the indexes on the Solaris box (with EXPLAIN SELECT...) ? 
what's your approximate balance of SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE
operations? The fact that there's such a huge difference here is odd...


Please write back! Let's fix this! :-)

Many thanks for your help!


You're welcome! A few other questions have come to mind:

1. Are you using MySQL 3.23.52 on the Solaris box as well?
2. Have you tried facing Stockholm and begging for salvation?


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Change the size of an InnoDB table field

2003-12-16 Thread Félix Beltrán
I'm trying to change the size of an InnoDB table field from CHAR(20) 
to CHAR(30) using MySQLCC, but i'm getting this error message

ERROR 1091: Can't DROP '0_87'. Check that column/key exists

This is the create query:

CREATE TABLE `presentacion` (
  `cl_Presentacion` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
  `cl_Embase` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
  `cl_Tamano` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
  `cl_Variedad` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
  `de_Presentacion` char(20) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`cl_Presentacion`),
  KEY `presentacion_FKIndex1` (`cl_Variedad`),
  KEY `presentacion_FKIndex2` (`cl_Tamano`),
  KEY `presentacion_FKIndex3` (`cl_Embase`),
  CONSTRAINT `0_85` FOREIGN KEY (`cl_Variedad`) REFERENCES `variedad` 
  CONSTRAINT `0_86` FOREIGN KEY (`cl_Tamano`) REFERENCES `tamano` 
  CONSTRAINT `0_87` FOREIGN KEY (`cl_Embase`) REFERENCES `embase` 
) TYPE=InnoDB; 

Any clues about this??

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread David Griffiths

 High-end database systems perfer more files, as they can be spread across
 multiple (usually fast SCSI) disks. Most databases recommend logs be kept
 seperate disks than database files.
 Changes in the number of files can resolve problems if the problems are
 result of low disk IO and you have money to throw at the problem.
 True, but this isn't always the case.

 Let's look at the almighty InnoDB for instance. It happily uses multiple
 files for the data dictionary (ibdata*) if
 you tell it but, as far as I know, treats them like one big space, not
 doing striping or anything fancy.

It fills up the data-files sequentially (not writing a bit here, a bit
there), but that could change.

Of course, if you have all the data files spread across 5 disks, and you
needed 10 non-sequential
blocks (that aren't in memory), you will probably utilize more than one
disk, which is a good thing.

There is also a size issue. Each of our databases is about 25 gig of data. I
don't want to cram that into one file.
Some of our tables are in the 4-6 gig range. I don't want to be bumping up
against 32-bit file-size limits.

On Oracle, we have 9 tablespaces just for data (and each tablespace is 3
datafiles). Indexes have
their own tablespaces. We have three mirrored disks, so each datafile goes
on one mirrored-set.

Our new server will be hot-swappable a RAID SCSI setup. The more drives you
can get working
at one time, the faster your database server will be (if you end up going to
disk a fair bit).

Backups in Oracle are not done by saving the datafiles. And if you use the
InnoDB hot-backup
tool (which we will have to), the same will apply to MySQL/InnoDB. So the #
of files is not a hinderance
to backups in that case.

Finally, you can cram all your data into one InnoDB datafile if you so
desire. It's one extra file to backup.

In fact, with Oracle, you can just have one big data file. No FRM files or

 Regarding logs being kept seperately, you will get no argument from me!
 In fact, if you can keep your logs on a
 HA cluster of NAS boxes, in a safe, covered in concrete, connected by
 multiply-redundant fibre-channel links,
 guarded by half the population of Wagga Wagga and plastered with images
 from random links from the awful,
 awful bowels of the internet I still reckon that you'd probably be able
 to find a way to go one better with
 log protection.

Time to cut back on the coffee, my friend :)

Seriously, log files are kept on different disks not for security, but for
performance.Writing a 20-meg file to
disk is a big performance hit; if you are trying to read and write database
data from that disk at the same
time, you'll notice it.

 Look at SQLBase - Zero Administration they reckon. Log files do not
 exist seperately, they exist inside the
 same file that holds everything else! Not good! You need to do a
 reorganise every few weeks or things start
 to...well..err...suck! Give me MySQL any day!

That's brain-dead.

The best database allows dba's and users to be as flexible as they want/need
to be.


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Re: System load - 0.5 on Linux, 75 on Solaris!

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Allen
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 03:53:04AM +1100, Chris Nolan wrote:
 The DB is on a vanilla UFS partition. Do you have any references about
 this? I couldn't find anything on the MySQL site...
 There's nothing on the MySQL site but I do remember reading a comparison 
 between Solaris x86 and
 Linux that showed that UFS gained quite a massive speedup for DB-style 
 operations by turning on something
 similar to (or perhaps the very same thing as) soft updates.

Thanks. I'll look it up.

 The database is on a single 120GB SCSI disk internal to the main
 unit. Nothing else is on that disk. If you have any suggestions for
 tests I could switch the machine into the system again and capture
 what is happening...
 Is the disk subsystem in the original box similar?

No, the Linux box has a single, internal EIDE drive with nearly
everything on a single 40GB partition.

 Hmmmit's very, very unlikely, but have you checked to ensure that 
 MySQL is using the indexes on the Solaris box (with EXPLAIN SELECT...) ? 

It's definitely running indexed.

 what's your approximate balance of SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE
 operations? The fact that there's such a huge difference here is odd...

From our working slave server:

Sel: 85%
Ins: 03%
Upd: 09%
Del: 01%

Key reads: 303184
Key read requests: 846809596
Open tables: 133

 You're welcome! A few other questions have come to mind:
 1. Are you using MySQL 3.23.52 on the Solaris box as well?

Version 3.23.58 on the Solaris box. Is this likely to be 
a problem?

 2. Have you tried facing Stockholm and begging for salvation?

Worth a try I guess :-)

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MySQL Testing Problems

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Man


We have just installed MySQL 3.23.53 on Solaris 9. We were going through the 
testing stages and it had produced an error.

Pasted below is the error that we received and also attached are the logs. 

Installing Test Databases
Removing Stale Files
Installing Master Databases
Installing Slave Databases
Starting MySQL daemon
Loading Standard Test Databases
Starting Tests


   [ fail ]

Below are the diffs between actual and expected results:
*** r/rpl15.resultFri Nov 1 12:04:39 2002
--- r/rpl15.rejectTue Dec 16 18:46:27 2003
*** 1,7 
! 000No00
--- 1,7 
Please follow the instructions outlined at
to find the reason to this problem and how to report this.

Aborting. To continue, re-run with '--force'.

Ending Tests
Shutting-down MySQL daemon

Master shutdown finished
Slave shutdown finished

Please could you shed some light on what has gone wrong.

Many Thanks

Chris Man
Business Systems International 
BSI House,
59 Markham Street,
London SW3 3NR 
Tel: 020 7352 7007 
Fax: 020 7352 7423

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Invalid ENUM values after upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1

2003-12-16 Thread Noor Dawod

I'm facing a problem with the new 4.1 branch.
I've built MySQL from sources with default-language=hebrew and
I've also used default-collation=hebrew_general_ci.

After installing, this is what I get for few of the variables:

mysql show variables like '%char%';
| Variable_name| Value  |
| character_set_server | hebrew |
| character_set_system | utf8   |
| character_set_database   | hebrew |
| character_set_client | hebrew |
| character_set_connection | hebrew |
| character-sets-dir   | /usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/charsets/ |
| character_set_results| hebrew |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql show variables like '%coll%';
| Variable_name| Value |
| collation_connection | hebrew_general_ci |
| collation_database   | hebrew_general_ci |
| collation_server | hebrew_general_ci |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Sounds great, right?

But when I try to work with databases, and their tables, that were upgraded
from 4.0 with the new 4.1 server, I see question marks (???) for values in
ENUM() field type. By the way, I noticed that default values for such fields
(when having ``NOT NULL``) display perfectly in Hebrew. Explanation?

Is there any specific ``upgrade procedure`` I should do to overcome this

Thanks in advance.


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missing something obvious w/grant statement length?

2003-12-16 Thread Ari Davidow
I seem to have run into a problem with a host name that incorporates a hyphen:

ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 
'  IDENTIFIED BY foo' at line 1
ERROR 1145: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long

I must be missing something very obvious--how to incorporate a hostname 
with a hyphen, for instance. Can someone help?


Ari Davidow
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Installation Question - RedHat 9.0

2003-12-16 Thread Ryan Sinnwell
I am trying to setup Jabberd2 as a test for our IT users and have run into a few 
issues.  Here is a link to the instructions I'm following:

I know there are things missing because after I complete the make install in step 
A.4.6, it goes right on to have me change the root password, but mysqld isn't even 
running at this point.

Could someone that has installed mySQL many times give these a look and see what steps 
they have left out that I will need for RedHat 9.0?  One other step that doesn't 
appear to be correct is A.4.9 because /usr/local/var/mysql/ does not even exist after 
the install as they describe it.

Also, if I want mysqld to start every time the computer is booted, and use the mysql 
user that I created per these instructions, is this what I would add to rc.local:

/usr/local/libexec/mysqld --user=mysql 

Is rc.local the correct file to put this in or is there a better place?  Any help that 
is provided will be much appreciated.  Thanks!

Ryan Sinnwell
Regional IT Engineer
The Weitz Company
515-229-5517 (Cell)

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Re: missing something obvious w/grant statement length?

2003-12-16 Thread Paul DuBois
At 13:12 -0500 12/16/03, Ari Davidow wrote:
I seem to have run into a problem with a host name that incorporates a hyphen:

ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' 
IDENTIFIED BY foo' at line 1
ERROR 1145: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long

I must be missing something very obvious--how to incorporate a 
hostname with a hyphen, for instance. Can someone help?
Quote it.  Better yet, always quote usernames *and* hostnames to avoid
the problem entirely: 'me'@''
Note that the username and hostname are quoted separately.

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Are you MySQL certified?

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RE: missing something obvious w/grant statement length?

2003-12-16 Thread Mike Johnson
From: Ari Davidow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I seem to have run into a problem with a host name that 
 incorporates a hyphen:
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 
 '  IDENTIFIED BY foo' at line 1
 BY foo;
 ERROR 1145: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long
 I must be missing something very obvious--how to incorporate 
 a hostname with a hyphen, for instance. Can someone help?

The syntax is a bit weird for GRANT statements; either side of [EMAIL PROTECTED] are 
two separate args to be stored in two separate columns.

This should work...

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'me'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'foo';

Mike Johnson
Web Developer/Systems Asst.
Smarter Living, Inc.
phone (617) 497-2500 x226

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Re: Installation Question - RedHat 9.0

2003-12-16 Thread Nicolas Ross
For RedHat, just download the rpms and install it, it's far much simpler...


- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Sinnwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:21 PM
Subject: Installation Question - RedHat 9.0

I am trying to setup Jabberd2 as a test for our IT users and have run into a
few issues.  Here is a link to the instructions I'm following:

I know there are things missing because after I complete the make install
in step A.4.6, it goes right on to have me change the root password, but
mysqld isn't even running at this point.

Could someone that has installed mySQL many times give these a look and see
what steps they have left out that I will need for RedHat 9.0?  One other
step that doesn't appear to be correct is A.4.9 because
/usr/local/var/mysql/ does not even exist after the install as they describe

Also, if I want mysqld to start every time the computer is booted, and use
the mysql user that I created per these instructions, is this what I would
add to rc.local:

/usr/local/libexec/mysqld --user=mysql 

Is rc.local the correct file to put this in or is there a better place?  Any
help that is provided will be much appreciated.  Thanks!

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RE: missing something obvious w/grant statement length?

2003-12-16 Thread Paul DuBois
At 13:29 -0500 12/16/03, Mike Johnson wrote:
From: Ari Davidow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I seem to have run into a problem with a host name that
 incorporates a hyphen:
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near
 '  IDENTIFIED BY foo' at line 1
 BY foo;
 ERROR 1145: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long
 I must be missing something very obvious--how to incorporate
 a hostname with a hyphen, for instance. Can someone help?

The syntax is a bit weird for GRANT statements; either side of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] are two separate args to be stored in two separate columns.
Why is it weird?  What if you wanted to include a '@' character in
your username? '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'-style quoting wouldn't allow that. :-)

This should work...

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'me'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'foo';

Mike Johnson
Web Developer/Systems Asst.
Smarter Living, Inc.
phone (617) 497-2500 x226

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Are you MySQL certified?

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RE: missing something obvious w/grant statement length?

2003-12-16 Thread Mike Johnson
From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 At 13:29 -0500 12/16/03, Mike Johnson wrote:
 From: Ari Davidow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I seem to have run into a problem with a host name that
   incorporates a hyphen:
   ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near
   '  IDENTIFIED BY foo' at line 1
   BY foo;
   ERROR 1145: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long
   I must be missing something very obvious--how to incorporate
   a hostname with a hyphen, for instance. Can someone help?
 The syntax is a bit weird for GRANT statements; either side of 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] are two separate args to be stored in two separate columns.
 Why is it weird?  What if you wanted to include a '@' character in
 your username? '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'-style quoting wouldn't 
 allow that. :-)

Heh, OK, weird has bad connotations. What I meant was that the syntax for a GRANT 
statement replaces a series of INSERT/UPDATE statements on the mysql db, and as such, 
while succinct, it's not always entirely intuitive.

Another example of that is the IDENTIFIED BY 'password' clause. It took me a few times 
to remember that it automatically called PASSWORD() on 'password' -- then again, I 
came into GRANT statements from first doing the INSERT/UPDATE calls manually.   :)

Mike Johnson
Web Developer/Systems Asst.
Smarter Living, Inc.
phone (617) 497-2500 x226

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2003-12-16 Thread Igor Zinkovsky
I can't find in MySQL 4.1.1 documentation anything about 'character_set_system' 
It is setted up to 'utf8'. How can I change it to be able to use russian KOI8-R in 
mysql client?

Linux Mandrake 9.2 MySQL 4.1.1 RPM

With best regards,
Igor Zinkovsky

Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Unable to insert String constants through my function

2003-12-16 Thread shiva shankar


void InsertValues(const string tableName, const
string values)
 char ValuesToStore[255];
  long datasize;
  char *EncodedData;
  char *query;

  strcpy(ValuesToStore, values.c_str());
  EncodedData = new char[strlen(ValuesToStore)*2 + 1];
  datasize = mysql_real_escape_string(conn,
EncodedData, ValuesToStore, strlen(ValuesToStore));
  query = new char[datasize+255];
  sprintf(query, INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s, 
(lookup[tableName.c_str()]).c_str(), EncodedData); 
  mysql_real_query(conn, query, strlen(query)+255);

  // if the insertion involves an auto-incremented
  //   the following line displays the value of that
  cout  tableName   ID inserted =  
mysql_insert_id(conn)  endl;
  delete [] EncodedData;
  delete [] query;


  InsertValues(comm_protos, (AwaterKent, 56));
  InsertValues(sensor, (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0));
  InsertValues(map_sensor_platform, (1, 1));

Only the first InsertValues doesnt work,  It is unable
to understand the string constant 'AwaterKent'

When I print out the query in InsertValues it reads as

INSERT INTO comm_protos (name, datarate) VALUES
(AtwaterKent, 56)Values inserted into 'comm_protos'

I changed to this and none of these works as well:

InsertValues(comm_protos, ('AtwaterKent', 56));
The query prints out as

INSERT INTO comm_protos (name, datarate) VALUES
(\'AtwaterKent\', 56)Values inserted into

When I tried this,

InsertValues(comm_protos, (\'AtwaterKent\', 56));

The query printed as:
INSERT INTO comm_protos (name, datarate) VALUES
(\'AtwaterKent\', 56)Values inserted into



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Re: UTF-8 support

2003-12-16 Thread Yves Goergen
On Tuesday, December 16, 2003 10:29 AM CET, Adam Hardy wrote:
 On 12/16/2003 01:35 AMnbsp;Ligaya Turmelle wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what the current support for the UTF8 character
 set is? How strong is it?  Do I have to do anything special to save
 the characters? I will be getting the characters from a webpage form
 and inserting the characters with PHP.

 It depends if you are prepared to go with the 4.1.1 alpha version or
 not, which has complete UTF-8 support.

 Production version 4.0.x lacks some of the UTF-8 facilities but I
 believe many people are using it with work-arounds where necessary.

As I do.
But I don't know what 'work-arounds' should be necessary with that? I only
need to write my own string manipulation functions for PHP to respect the
multibyte nature of UTF-8 but I don't process the data in any way before I
put it into my table or get it out again. I just use the MySQL database as
if it was simple ANSI data. Sure, I'll get some problems with long user
input that contains many multibyte characters, but in the worst case it will
be cut down. Nothing _really_ dramatic.

Yves Goergen
Please don't CC me (causes double mails)

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2 Fulltext index's are better than 1? No

2003-12-16 Thread



I recently ugraded to 4-14-Max from 4.13-Max to take advantage
of the optimizer fulltext bug fix.  However a certain query using the
fulltext indexies is MUCH SLOWER then using no idex.  Here is the query




select distinct p.USER_CREATED, p.ID, p.DATE_CREATED, p.LAST_CLICK, p.ZIP
from PERSON p 

 join INTEREST i on p.ID=i.PERSON_ID  

join INTEREST i0 on p.ID=i0.PERSON_ID  

join INTEREST_TYPE it0 on i0.INTEREST_ID=it0.ID 

where p.FIRST_NAME!='Unsubscribed' and match(i.COMMENT) against('+games ' in
boolean mode)  and (it0.NAME='occupation' and match(i0.COMMENT)
against('+software ' in boolean mode));



the explain on 4.0.13-Max



| table | type   | possible_keys
| key   | key_len | ref | rows   | Extra


| it0   | ALL| PRIMARY
| NULL  |NULL | NULL| 30 | Using where; Using temporary

| i | ALL|
PERSON_ID,interest_person_id_idx,interest_person_id_two_idx | NULL  |
NULL | NULL| 550709 | Using where  |

| p | eq_ref | PRIMARY,person_id_base_idx
| PRIMARY   |  40 | i.PERSON_ID |  1 | Using where

| i0| eq_ref |
PERSON_ID,interest_person_id_idx,interest_person_id_two_idx | PERSON_ID |
80 | p.ID,it0.ID |  1 | Using where; Distinct|


Query time: 15 seconds

Notice that it does not use the fulltext index (COMMENT) in the interest
tables I,i0


The explain on 4-14-Max



| table | type | possible_keys
| key | key_len | ref| rows | Extra|


| i | fulltext |
PERSON_ID,interest_person_id_idx,interest_person_id_two_idx,COMMENT |
COMMENT |   0 ||1 | Using where; Using temporary |

| p | eq_ref   | PRIMARY,person_id_base_idx
| PRIMARY |  40 | i.PERSON_ID|1 | Using where  |

| i0| fulltext |
PERSON_ID,interest_person_id_idx,interest_person_id_two_idx,COMMENT |
COMMENT |   0 ||1 | Using where; Distinct|

| it0   | eq_ref   | PRIMARY
| PRIMARY |  40 | i0.INTEREST_ID |1 | Using where; Distinct|


Query time : 146 seconds, ( slow querylog lists rows examined as 3.6 million

Notice the different join order and use of the fulltext indexies


With a single join of the INTEREST table the index is used correctly and the
query is quick.  If anyone has any idea why USING a fulltext index is slower
please share your knowledge.  Below is the show create table output.







  `ID` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',

  `PERSON_ID` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',

  `COMMENT` mediumtext,

  `DATE_CREATED` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,

  `INTEREST_ID` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',



  KEY `interest_person_id_idx` (`PERSON_ID`),

  KEY `interest_person_id_two_idx` (`PERSON_ID`,`COMMENT`(200)),





  `ID` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',

  `NAME` varchar(100) default NULL,

  `NICE_NAME` varchar(100) default NULL,

  `TYPE` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',

  `DESCRIPTION` mediumtext,

  `DATE_CREATED` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,





  `ID` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

  `PHOTO_ID` char(40) default NULL,

  `EMAIL` char(100) NOT NULL default '',

  `LAST_CLICK` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,

  `FIRST_NAME` char(40) default NULL,

  `LAST_NAME` char(40) default NULL,

  `ZIP` char(15) NOT NULL default '',

  `COUNTRY` char(40) default NULL,

  `BIRTHDAY` datetime default NULL,

  `GENDER` char(1) default NULL,

  `STATUS` char(1) default NULL,

  `SEND_EMAIL` tinyint(1) default NULL,

  `IS_DELETED` char(1) NOT NULL default '',

  `USER_CREATED` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

  `DATE_CREATED` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,

  `USER_MODIFIED` int(11) default NULL,

  `DATE_MODIFIED` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,

  `HIDE_AGE` tinyint(1) default NULL,

  `HIDE_GENDER` tinyint(1) default NULL,

  `HIDE_LOCATION` tinyint(1) default NULL,

  `HIDE_ONLINE` tinyint(1) default NULL,

  `GENERATION` int(11) default '0',

  `ALLOW_EMAIL_DEGREE` int(11) default '0',

  `HAS_FILTER` tinyint(1) default '0',


Hello, why you didnt call ?

2003-12-16 Thread Laura McDonald

Re: utf8

2003-12-16 Thread Sergei Golubchik

On Dec 16, Igor Zinkovsky wrote:
 I can't find in MySQL 4.1.1 documentation anything about
 'character_set_system' variable.  It is setted up to 'utf8'. How can I
 change it to be able to use russian KOI8-R in mysql client?

You cannot change it.
But you don't need to either.

It is character set for system usage - usernames, table, column names

To use KOI8-R in MySQL client you need to

1. Be sure you can actually type and see koi8-r characters - you need to
   setup you terminal program/console properly for this
2. Issue SET NAMES koi8r; from mysql command line client or start it
   with --default-character-set=koi8r (or put
   default-character-set=koi8r in ~/.my.cnf) - to inform the server that
   you send queries and want to receive results in koi8r charset.

That's all!


   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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Help needed with mysql

2003-12-16 Thread Paul Godard

I am using LOAD DATA INFILE to populate a mysql 
db.  I prepare the file in Excell and save it as 
csv format.  Every works fine... except that the 
file contains special characters with accent or 
symbols.  Is there a way to import such text 
field directly or do I need to escape all these 
special characters before?

i.e the german word for piece Stück is inserted as Stck in mysql table.

Do I have to insert a backslash before each 
special char St\ück in the excell file?


Kind regards, Paul.

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How to make a reminder ?

2003-12-16 Thread Pierre DELGOVE
Hello everybody ! 

Pierre DELGOVE from Rennes, FRANCE.

I am studying a model of database adapted to the management of a veterinary 
clinic (in order to design perhaps a software that I could use on my own on a 
GPL license).

I meet this practical problem : how could I get a reminder (i.e. after having 
injected a vaccine for example, I need to recall the client for the next 
time, for example a year after or six months after) ?

The solution I thought about is to store in a field a date which is converted 
in days (using the TO-DAYS function) then 365 days will be added (if I want a 
one-year reminder). that will give an other value which will be converted in 
date by the FROM-DAYS function.

Does anybody has an other idea to solve this problem ?

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INNODB as default table type

2003-12-16 Thread Harald Falkenberg

is it possible to use as a default INNODB instead of ISAM in a mysql
server, so that every table, database (at least the complete server) is
based on a INNODB tablespace? Is this a practical and good way to use
mysql in that setup, if possible?


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Re: INNODB as default table type

2003-12-16 Thread Egor Egorov
Harald Falkenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is it possible to use as a default INNODB instead of ISAM in a mysql
 server, so that every table, database (at least the complete server) is
 based on a INNODB tablespace? Is this a practical and good way to use
 mysql in that setup, if possible?

Take a look at --default-table-type option of mysqld:

For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Egor Egorov
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB /

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Re: Bug in mysql.h header file

2003-12-16 Thread Aftab Jahan Subedar
Hi P Arunachalam ,

Add this to your program . Make sure header files exist ( its there anyway).

#ifdef WIN32
  #include windows.h
  #include winsock2.h
  #pragma warning (disable: 4514 4786)
  #pragma warning( push, 3 )
#define VERSION 4.1

P Arunachalam wrote:


I have made all the changes suggested by you in VC++
6.0 i.e., I have inluded the Library file wsock32.lib
into the existing library list in 'Project
Settings'(Alt-F7') and checked the path setting of
mysql header file and library file in Tools -- Options
menu's Directory tab.
but still it need the inclusion of header file
winsock.H into my C program... otherise it shows the
list of errors. name of my C program file is 'mysql.c'
Error executing cl.exe.
MYSQL.OBJ - 102 error(s), 1 warning(s)
So pls verify and give me details...


 --- info [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  This is not a
bug, you need to set your
project/programming environment in
VC++ to include support for sockets.  I haven't
written any non socket
programs in several years, so it's part of my
standard set-up.
MySQL is client/server and uses sockets. You do need
to link with a socket
library. In the case of VC++ this is Winsock
(wsock32.lib).  I normally
include support for sockets in my stdfx.h (#include
afxsock.h  // MFC
socket extensions). This is included with your VC++
installation and not
part of mysql source.  Then, add wsock32.lib,
mysqlclient.lib and any other
external library you need to link with in your
'Project Settings'(Alt-F7').
These are added  under the 'Link' tab in the 'Input'
category. Libraries are
added in the 'Object/library module' field separated
by spaces (e.g.
'wsock32.lib mysqlclient.lib'). Don't forget to add
the path to the
mysqlclient library in the 'Additional library
path:' field.

- Original Message - 
From: P Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Patrick Sherrill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 6:36 AM
Subject: Bug in mysql.h header file

I was trying to establish connection to MySQL

a simple C program using it's C API mysqL_init(),
mysql_reak_connect(), ... in VC++ Editor. It shows
Errors ;
c:\mysql\include\mysql_com.h(116) : error C2061:
syntax error : identifier 'SOCKET'
MYSQL.OBJ - 102 error(s), 1 warning(s)
I have corrected this errors by including

header file into my program. After including

my program work fine and produce my expected

Herewith I have included the Sample C Program too

your reference...

Incase it is a bug you please produce the correct
version of mysql.h header file to me.

--- Patrick Sherrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Statically linking using C API only you will need


For odbc interface you'll need to make odbc
calls in

your code and use
myodbc.dll (Install myodbc on the client).
You can mix calls, but why would you.  I have

the C API to be the best
solution for us.  We statically link for dll
avoidance. You can get the
source or pre-built client libraries from the

web site.

I hope this helps.


CocoNet Corporation
SW Florida's First ISP
825 SE 47th Terrace
Cape Coral, FL 33904

- Original Message - 
From: P Arunachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 4:31 AM
Subject: reg C API from MySQL

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Aftab Jahan Subedar
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Re: INNODB as default table type

2003-12-16 Thread Paul DuBois
At 22:06 +0100 12/16/03, Harald Falkenberg wrote:

is it possible to use as a default INNODB instead of ISAM in a mysql
server, so that every table, database (at least the complete server) is
based on a INNODB tablespace? Is this a practical and good way to use
mysql in that setup, if possible?
No, at least not unless you disable the grant tables in the mysql
database.  Those tables must be MyISAM tables.
You can set the default table type for new table using the
--default-table-type, as Egor has already mentioned.
Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread mos
At 01:59 PM 12/14/2003, you wrote:

I have been tasked with evaluating open source databases for a large
upcoming project:  e-commerce, B2B, high availability.
The O/S is most likely to be Linux, although FreeBSD could possibly be used
(lower probability).
So far, it seems that MySQL, MaxDB, PostgreSQL, and Interbase/Firebird are
possible candidates.
Does anyone know why we should or should not use any of these?  Does anyone
know of other possibilities?
I'd very much appreciate hearing your comments and recommendations.

I have only recently started these evaluations.  BTW, my own background is
from the Oracle DBA world.
MySQL is certainly popular and seems to have very good performance, but I am
concerned that the lack of Triggers, Stored Procedures, User-Defined
Functions, and Views (to a lesser degree ) will be a disadvantage.
MaxDB appears to be more feature-rich and possibly more
industrial-strength.  How does its performance and stability compare to the
Many Thanks.
Jerry Apfelbaum
Interbase/Firebird looks good on paper. But there are a couple of 
things to watch out for.

1) Check the Borland Interbase newsgroups for corruption to see if it is 
still an issue. I know from reading their newsgroups a few years back , 
there were quite a few postings. It could of been due to inadequate 
hardware or some external source like a misconfigured server or power 
failure. There are many sites that use IB without such problems but it is 
worth checking it out (especially how to successfully repair a damaged 
IB/FB database because all the tables are stored in one file).

2) Speed problems. I don't know how much data your tables will have, but 
IB/FB has a habit of slowing down as more rows are added/deleted. They have 
an automated Sweep process that cleans out the updated/deleted rows 
(deleted  updated rows still take up space until the database is swept). 
Even so a large db will still slow down. I suspect the problem is due to 
unbalanced indexes. The only way to fix it is to unload all your data and 
reload it back in. Some people do it once a week.

3) The server CPU load will increase rapidly after the first 5 or 6 users. 
In other words IB/FB requires a much faster CPU than the same number of 
users for MySQL. It is a very CPU intensive DB server. There was an earlier 
problem with IB Super Server not running well on multiple processors (it 
actually slowed things down). I believe this has been fixed in IB version 
6.5. I don't know if this was fixed in FB because FB may be running IB 
Classic (single processor) version.


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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Martijn Tonies

 Many Thanks.
 Jerry Apfelbaum

  Interbase/Firebird looks good on paper. But there are a couple of
 things to watch out for.

 1) Check the Borland Interbase newsgroups for corruption to see if it is
 still an issue. I know from reading their newsgroups a few years back ,
 there were quite a few postings. It could of been due to inadequate
 hardware or some external source like a misconfigured server or power
 failure. There are many sites that use IB without such problems but it is
 worth checking it out (especially how to successfully repair a damaged
 IB/FB database because all the tables are stored in one file).

Most of these problems have been fixed in Firebird.

 2) Speed problems. I don't know how much data your tables will have, but
 IB/FB has a habit of slowing down as more rows are added/deleted.

Really? Howcome there are many people using Firebird without speed

They have
 an automated Sweep process that cleans out the updated/deleted rows
 (deleted  updated rows still take up space until the database is swept).
 Even so a large db will still slow down. I suspect the problem is due to
 unbalanced indexes. The only way to fix it is to unload all your data and
 reload it back in. Some people do it once a week.

That's not true. The sweep process doesn't kick in until there's actually
a problem with long running transactions and new transactions.

 3) The server CPU load will increase rapidly after the first 5 or 6 users.
 In other words IB/FB requires a much faster CPU than the same number of
 users for MySQL. It is a very CPU intensive DB server.

Most CPU problems are related to the above mentioned problems.
This isn't usually the case. IB/Fb is actually more of a disk-intensive
database engine, because of the ability to use very little memory.
However, Firebird has some new stuff (and IB does too) that allows
it to use more memory when available (and allowed) making it even

There was an earlier
 problem with IB Super Server not running well on multiple processors (it
 actually slowed things down). I believe this has been fixed in IB version
 6.5. I don't know if this was fixed in FB because FB may be running IB
 Classic (single processor) version.

Classic is not the single processor version, it runs much better
on multiple CPUs than the SuperServer architecture.

SS still has these problems on multiple CPU machines, Classic does

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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Null-safe equal help, please

2003-12-16 Thread Knepley, Jim
I've got a WHERE clause:
WHERE possibly_null_value IS NULL
That works fine. This null-safe equal doesn't do what I expect:
WHERE possibly_null_value = NULL
The manual, and my testing, shows that NULL = NULL evaluates to 1, so
my now-fevered mind sees no reason the two above statements are not
What I _really_ want to do is this:
WHERE  possibly_null_value = INET_ATON(IP) that if no IP is specificied it'll return those
possibly_null_value columns that are, in fact, NULL.
(Just as a test I've also tried possibly_null_value = NULLIF(
ISNULL(INET_ATON(IP)), 1 ), which is wrong for my app, but still
MySQL 4.0.15-standard
Any insight would be much appreciated.

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Re: foreign keys.

2003-12-16 Thread Mofeed Shahin

mysql CREATE TABLE foo ( 
-  note VARCHAR(50), 
-  First_Name VARCHAR(50), 
-  Last_Name VARCHAR(50), 
-  INDEX(First_Name, Last_Name), 
-  FOREIGN KEY (First_Name, Last_Name) REFERENCES Blah 
(First_Name, Last_Name)
ERROR 1005: Can't create table './moftest/foo.frm' (errno: 150)


On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 07:54 pm, Victoria Reznichenko wrote:
 Mofeed Shahin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Still doesn't work But thanks for trying.

 Worked fine for me:

 mysql CREATE TABLE Blah (
 - Fname VARCHAR (50),
 - Lname VARCHAR (50),
 - UNIQUE (Fname, Lname)
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

 mysql CREATE TABLE foo (
 - note VARCHAR(50),
 -  Fname VARCHAR(50),
 - Lname VARCHAR(50),
 - INDEX(Fname, Lname),
 - FOREIGN KEY (Fname, Lname) REFERENCES Blah (Fname, Lname)
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)

  On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:40 am, Aftab Jahan Subedar wrote:
  If you have foreign key then add a key for each,
  so the
   note VARCHAR(50),
   Fname VARCHAR(50),
   Lname VARCHAR(50),
 KEY(Fname,Lname), #here this one--if it does not work,its not me
   FOREIGN KEY (Fname, Lname) REFERENCES Blah (Fname, Lname)

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Re: Using MySQL in LGPL library

2003-12-16 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 01:22:15PM +0100, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
  I *thought* that MySQL AB was coming up with some sort of exception
  for GPL'd free software but I don't remember if that got resolved.
 oh, that's nice for them

I checked into it.  They're still working on it.  I guess the lawyers
aren't quite done yet.

  Perhaps more pressure is needed?
 yes, I guess if we all have to disable mysql support in our projects,
 that's going to be some kind of pressure. As I said, we don't want to do
 that, but if there's no solution, we'll be forced to.
 Do you know any other projects in the same situation?
  I'll check with a few folks and see if I can turn up something...
 ok, thanks. Please keep us informed.

I've suggested that they at least put up a notice on the web site (and
this mailing list) which explains their intentions so that you and
other GPL'd projects don't needlessly waste time disabling MySQL
support and then re-enabling it later.

Hopefully something like that will happen soon.

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

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Spatial Extension in MySQL 4.1.1-alpha

2003-12-16 Thread Matt Lynch

I am trying out the new GIS capabilities in MySQL 4.1.1-alpha (windows)
and I am trying to follow some of the examples from chapter 10 in the

Here is a snap shot of my run

mysql create table geom(g geometry);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql insert into geom values(GeomFromText('POINT(1,1)'));
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from geom;
| g|
| NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select AsText(g) from geom;
| AsText(g) |
| NULL  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



Notice that the select statement at the end gives me NULL for the value
of g.
I was expecting the following:

mysql select AsText(g) from geom;
| AsText(g) |
| Point(1 1)|
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Does anyone know what I am missing?



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Re: Spatial Extension in MySQL 4.1.1-alpha

2003-12-16 Thread Steven Roussey
You did an insert this way:

  mysql insert into geom values(GeomFromText('POINT(1,1)'));

and expected results this way:

  mysql select AsText(g) from geom;
  | AsText(g) |
  | Point(1 1)|
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The formatting of the POINT coordinates are different. I think you should be
inserting POINT (1 1) not POINT(1,1). It is the comma.


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Re: Null-safe equal help, please

2003-12-16 Thread Paul DuBois
At 15:22 -0700 12/16/03, Knepley, Jim wrote:
I've got a WHERE clause:
WHERE possibly_null_value IS NULL
That works fine. This null-safe equal doesn't do what I expect:
WHERE possibly_null_value = NULL
The manual, and my testing, shows that NULL = NULL evaluates to 1, so
Are you saying that this is not what you expect?  Why not?

my now-fevered mind sees no reason the two above statements are not
IS NULL can be used only to test whether or not something is NULL.
= can be used to test NULL or any other value.
col_name1 IS NULL is true only if col_name1 is NULL.
col_name1 = col_name2 is true if col_name1 is the same as col_name2,
even when they're both NULL
col_name1 = col_name2 is true if col_name1 is the same as col_name2,
but only if both are *not* null.
What I _really_ want to do is this:
WHERE  possibly_null_value = INET_ATON(IP) that if no IP is specificied it'll return those
possibly_null_value columns that are, in fact, NULL.
Your requirements are unclear.  I can see two ways to interpret that
1) You want only possibly_null_value values that are NULL.
2) You can possibly_null_value values that are NULL *and*, if IP is specified,
possbly_null_value values that are equal to INET_ATON(IP).
Those are not the same thing.  (In other words, it's clear what you
want only for the case that IP is NULL.  It's not clear what you want
when IP isn't NULL.)  Can you clarify?
(Just as a test I've also tried possibly_null_value = NULLIF(
ISNULL(INET_ATON(IP)), 1 ), which is wrong for my app, but still
MySQL 4.0.15-standard

Any insight would be much appreciated.

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: Spatial Extension in MySQL 4.1.1-alpha

2003-12-16 Thread Paul DuBois
At 16:03 -0800 12/16/03, Steven Roussey wrote:
You did an insert this way:

  mysql insert into geom values(GeomFromText('POINT(1,1)'));

and expected results this way:

  mysql select AsText(g) from geom;
  | AsText(g) |
  | Point(1 1)|
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The formatting of the POINT coordinates are different. I think you should be
inserting POINT (1 1) not POINT(1,1). It is the comma.
That's exactly right.

Was there an example like this in the manual that incorrectly
included the comma?
Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Are you MySQL certified?

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Unexpected restarts

2003-12-16 Thread Joshua Thomas
My mySQL server unexpectedly restarts itself from time to time. I am able to
verify this as the server uptime resets. I caught it 'in the act' today, but
can't tell what the problem is. Does anyone know what causes this behavior?


Joshua Thomas
Network Operations Engineer
PowerOne Media, Inc.
tel: 518-687-6143

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice
there is. 
- Yogi Berra 


2003-12-16 Thread Dan V
Hello all this is my first post to the mysql mailing list. I installed
mysql on rh9 as an rpm. I setup the root password using this mysql - u
password foo

When I check the status it says

How do I change that to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The box I am using does have a host name.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread Chris Nolan
32-bit filesystem limits?

Looking at any modern Linux FS, your file size limits are not hindered 
by 32-bit anything or even
the FS itself. On kernel 2.4, internal kernel structures limit the 
maximum size of block devices to around 1 TB.
As a result, you can only have files of about that size (even though 
ReiserFS and XFS support hideously
bigger files). As far as I know, almost every OS aimed at doing anything 
non-trivial (so everything other than DOS 2.11),
has no problem with files of any size up to some rather massive limit 
like the one above.

Additionally, you could just point InnoDB at a raw partition sitting on 
an LVM set on top of a RAID and
be happy. Or you could do what my friend tried once, and see if you can 
hot-swap a bog-standard IDE drive

Regarding SQLBase, it is indeed a joke. The latest version includes 
sorting methods that are up to 250% faster!
If that's the case, which idiot coded the first set? Almost every other 
DB vendor has figured out how to sort quite
well for ages now...

David Griffiths wrote:

High-end database systems perfer more files, as they can be spread across
multiple (usually fast SCSI) disks. Most databases recommend logs be kept


seperate disks than database files.

Changes in the number of files can resolve problems if the problems are


result of low disk IO and you have money to throw at the problem.



True, but this isn't always the case.

Let's look at the almighty InnoDB for instance. It happily uses multiple
files for the data dictionary (ibdata*) if
you tell it but, as far as I know, treats them like one big space, not
doing striping or anything fancy.

It fills up the data-files sequentially (not writing a bit here, a bit
there), but that could change.
Of course, if you have all the data files spread across 5 disks, and you
needed 10 non-sequential
blocks (that aren't in memory), you will probably utilize more than one
disk, which is a good thing.
There is also a size issue. Each of our databases is about 25 gig of data. I
don't want to cram that into one file.
Some of our tables are in the 4-6 gig range. I don't want to be bumping up
against 32-bit file-size limits.
On Oracle, we have 9 tablespaces just for data (and each tablespace is 3
datafiles). Indexes have
their own tablespaces. We have three mirrored disks, so each datafile goes
on one mirrored-set.
Our new server will be hot-swappable a RAID SCSI setup. The more drives you
can get working
at one time, the faster your database server will be (if you end up going to
disk a fair bit).
Backups in Oracle are not done by saving the datafiles. And if you use the
InnoDB hot-backup
tool (which we will have to), the same will apply to MySQL/InnoDB. So the #
of files is not a hinderance
to backups in that case.
Finally, you can cram all your data into one InnoDB datafile if you so
desire. It's one extra file to backup.
In fact, with Oracle, you can just have one big data file. No FRM files or

Regarding logs being kept seperately, you will get no argument from me!
In fact, if you can keep your logs on a
HA cluster of NAS boxes, in a safe, covered in concrete, connected by
multiply-redundant fibre-channel links,
guarded by half the population of Wagga Wagga and plastered with images
from random links from the awful,
awful bowels of the internet I still reckon that you'd probably be able
to find a way to go one better with
log protection.

Time to cut back on the coffee, my friend :)

Seriously, log files are kept on different disks not for security, but for
performance.Writing a 20-meg file to
disk is a big performance hit; if you are trying to read and write database
data from that disk at the same
time, you'll notice it.

Look at SQLBase - Zero Administration they reckon. Log files do not
exist seperately, they exist inside the
same file that holds everything else! Not good! You need to do a
reorganise every few weeks or things start
to...well..err...suck! Give me MySQL any day!

That's brain-dead.

The best database allows dba's and users to be as flexible as they want/need
to be.


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query over several tables

2003-12-16 Thread Philippe Rousselot

I have three linked tables : store, catalogue, and sales

store : ID_store, store, date
catalogue : ID_product, product
sales : ID_sales, ID_store, ID_product, product, quantity

I would like a view giving me ALL the products in catalogue with the
quantity per store if the store has this product, and zero or null (or
anything) if the store does not have it


ID_store 1  2
storenew york   paris
date2003-10-10  2003-10-11

ID_product   12 3
product  tablechair lamp

ID_sales 1   2   3
ID_store 1   1   2 
ID_product   1   2   3
product  table   chair   lamp
quantity 3   2   4

look for product and quantity in store new york
product  table chair lamp
quantity 3 2  0

look for product and quantity in store Paris
product  table chair lamp
quantity 0 0  4

thanks in advance


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Re: REvoke select rights.

2003-12-16 Thread Sohail Hasan
Egor Egorov wrote:

Sohail Hasan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have created a database and created a user with select rights to that 
database, there  is a table name  xyz in that database that I don't want 
that user to  view, that's why i want to revoke that select rights from 
only that table, can anyone tell me what syntax of revoke would be used 

You can't revoke SELECT privilege from the table if you grant privileges on the 
You can grant SELECT privilege on each table that you want to be visible to user 


I tried to GRANT only SELECT rights by using the below mentioned syntax 
but it is giving error:

GRANT SELECT ON product cmstemp.* TO autobot1 IDENTIFIED BY 'autobot1';

Where product is the tablename and cmstemp is the DB name.


Multiple Outer Joins

2003-12-16 Thread Randy Chrismon
This isn't going to be a very good question because I don't really 
understand what I'm being asked... I have an invoicing database with two 
tables: An invoice header table; and a line items table. The line items 
table includes a column for the foreign key to the invoice header, a 
column for the services provided code, then unit cost, extended cost, 
description, etc., like so:

create table invoice_master (
   ClientInfo ...
create table line_items (
   PK_item   varchar(10),
   LineItemInfo ...
My report-writer person has to render a report that aggregates invoices 
based on various combinations of line item codes. For example, for a 
given client, how many invoices included a line item for premium 
processing (one of the line item codes is premium processing) of an H1 
visa (processing an H1 visa is another line item code); how many 
invoices for an H1 without premium processing; how many H1 extensions, 
with and without premium processing, etc. My report writer says (and I 
believe her because I don't know any better) that she must perform 
multiple outer self joins on the line_item table in order to create this 
report. She also says that while one can do a single outer join with 
MySQL, one cannot do multiple outer joins. Unfortunately, I don't know 
enough SQL, or MySQL, to argue the point with her. I do know enough 
about RDBMS design, however, to object strongly to her proposed 
solution, which is to add 10 columns to the invoice header table (there 
can only be 10 line items on any given invoice -- most, however, only 
have two or three line items). (BTW, is an outer join the same thing 
as a left join?) So, the question: is Ms. Report Writer right or wrong? 
Or, maybe the better question is, how can this be done?

Any and all help appreciated.


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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-16 Thread mos
At 04:07 PM 12/16/2003, you wrote:

 Many Thanks.
 Jerry Apfelbaum

  Interbase/Firebird looks good on paper. But there are a couple of
 things to watch out for.

 1) Check the Borland Interbase newsgroups for corruption to see if it is
 still an issue. I know from reading their newsgroups a few years back ,
 there were quite a few postings. It could of been due to inadequate
 hardware or some external source like a misconfigured server or power
 failure. There are many sites that use IB without such problems but it is
 worth checking it out (especially how to successfully repair a damaged
 IB/FB database because all the tables are stored in one file).
Most of these problems have been fixed in Firebird.

 2) Speed problems. I don't know how much data your tables will have, but
 IB/FB has a habit of slowing down as more rows are added/deleted.
Really? Howcome there are many people using Firebird without speed
It depends on the size of the tables. WIth 50k rows you're not going to 
notice it. With 50 million rows the slow down becomes apparent.

They have
 an automated Sweep process that cleans out the updated/deleted rows
 (deleted  updated rows still take up space until the database is swept).
 Even so a large db will still slow down. I suspect the problem is due to
 unbalanced indexes. The only way to fix it is to unload all your data and
 reload it back in. Some people do it once a week.
That's not true. The sweep process doesn't kick in until there's actually
a problem with long running transactions and new transactions.
Updated and deleted rows will remain in the table until a sweep is done. If 
100,000 rows are updated, then the old rows will remain in the table and 
the sweep cleans them out. A heavily updated table will need to be swept 
often. When sweeps fail to speed up the table, the data  has to be unloaded 
and reloaded. That's not something you want to do very often if  you want 
to have a 24/7 installation especially with millions of rows.

 3) The server CPU load will increase rapidly after the first 5 or 6 users.
 In other words IB/FB requires a much faster CPU than the same number of
 users for MySQL. It is a very CPU intensive DB server.
Most CPU problems are related to the above mentioned problems.
This isn't usually the case. IB/Fb is actually more of a disk-intensive
database engine, because of the ability to use very little memory.
However, Firebird has some new stuff (and IB does too) that allows
it to use more memory when available (and allowed) making it even
IB eats up a lot of memory on large queries, something that should be 
avoided if at all possible. All queries are fetched into memory, and when 
physical memory is exhausted, IB will use the page file (in Windows) and 
swaps the physical memory out to disk. This can be *very* disk intensive. 
I've had IB 6 leave as little as 5MB of physical memory and Windows was 
pretty much dead in the water until the query was closed. (Large queries 
are necessary for report or when summarizing data.) If this has been 
improved in the latest IB/FB version, then this memory problem should be a 
non-issue. The more memory you can throw at IB, the better.

There was an earlier
 problem with IB Super Server not running well on multiple processors (it
 actually slowed things down). I believe this has been fixed in IB version
 6.5. I don't know if this was fixed in FB because FB may be running IB
 Classic (single processor) version.
Classic is not the single processor version, it runs much better
on multiple CPUs than the SuperServer architecture.
SS still has these problems on multiple CPU machines, Classic does
I was under the impression that Classic version could have only 1 thread 
running at one time (each connection is a separate process), it would block 
other threads if they referenced the same table(s). The SuperServer was was 
suppose to solve that with a separate thread for each connection, but had 
some speed issues on SMP machines (ran slower).

IB requires a lot more work in tweaking than say MySQL because it is a much 
more sophisticated  database. Properly configured it can work well, but is 
a higher maintenance database than MySQL and requires more memory and CPU. 
If the programmer needs all those bells and whistles, then IB may be the 
solution they're looking for.


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