Something strange here...

2017-06-13 Thread Chris Knipe
Hi all,

Can someone explain to me why this is happening please:

mysql> SELECT * FROM CustomerDetails WHERE Username=’blah’\G
*** 1. row ***
 EntryID: F83D4109-DCA8-426F-98B1-00B4AF117ACB
Username: blah
   AccountVolume: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> UPDATE CustomerDetails SET 
AccountVolume=GREATEST(CAST(AccountVolume-2865 AS SIGNED), CAST(0 AS SIGNED)) 
WHERE Username='blah';
ERROR 1690 (22003): BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in 
'(`test`.`CustomerDetails`.`AccountVolume` - 2865)'

Using GREATEST, shouldn’t it be irrelevant whether AccountVolume-INT is 
signed or unsigned?

How would I go about doing this?  I have played quite a bit with CAST here, but 
I am not having much luck.


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Re: need help from the list admin

2016-03-19 Thread Chris Knipe
On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Lentes, Bernd <> wrote:

> i need your help. I'm trying to write an e-Mail to the list for already
> one week. I always get it back because it's classified as spam.

Ditto.  I've pretty much given up on this list...

Re: need help from the list admin

2016-03-19 Thread Chris Knipe
Ok :-)

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Reindl Harald <>

> Am 18.03.2016 um 15:25 schrieb Lentes, Bernd:
>> - Am 18. Mrz 2016 um 14:52 schrieb Johan De Meersman
>> and yet, both of those messages made it through :-p
>>> Stick your domain in to see if there's any
>>> problems that
>>> might be worth solving. If the mailserver classifies you as spam, that's
>>> usually caused by something on your side :-)
>>> - Original Message -
>>>> From: "Chris Knipe" <>
>>>> To: "Lentes, Bernd" <>
>>>> Cc: "MySql" <>
>>>> Sent: Friday, 18 March, 2016 14:46:26
>>>> Subject: Re: need help from the list admin
>>> Ditto.  I've pretty much given up on this list...
>> Neither our outgoing mailserver (
>> nor our domain
>> (
>> is listed there.
>> I checked that before i wrote the e-Mail. If you could help me to point
>> out what's wrong on our side i could ask our mail admin to correct it.
>> Currently i don't have any idea
> as i already told you offlist
> this *is* a bad reputation
> and more worse: you did not manage to get your server on any DNSWL
> [harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ nslookup
> Server:
> Address:
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name:
> Address:
> _
> compare with (our outgoing server) which has there the best
> possible reputation (treated as whitelist) and is at the same time on the "
>" and "hostkarma.junkemailfilter" while one of both would
> possibly neutralize the BL listing in a scoring system
> [harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ nslookup
> Server:
> Address:
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name:
> Address:


Chris Knipe

Re: need help from the list admin

2016-03-18 Thread Chris Knipe
Blah blah blah...

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

Technical details of permanent failure:
Your message was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].

The error that the other server returned was:
550 Currently Sending Spam See:

Show me one site, where that IP is, or WAS ever blacklisted?


On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Johan De Meersman <>

> and yet, both of those messages made it through :-p
> Stick your domain in to see if there's any problems
> that might be worth solving. If the mailserver classifies you as spam,
> that's usually caused by something on your side :-)
> - Original Message -
> > From: "Chris Knipe" <>
> > To: "Lentes, Bernd" <>
> > Cc: "MySql" <>
> > Sent: Friday, 18 March, 2016 14:46:26
> > Subject: Re: need help from the list admin
> > Ditto.  I've pretty much given up on this list...
> --
> Unhappiness is discouraged and will be corrected with kitten pictures.


Chris Knipe

Indexes strangeness

2016-02-24 Thread Chris Knipe
Hi All,

Can someone please fill me in as what I am seeing here... I have two
identical tables, with identical indexes, having different records.  Both
tables have +- 15m records in it...

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT ArticleID, DateObtained, DateAccessed, TimesAccessed
| id | select_type | table| type  | possible_keys | key |
key_len | ref  | rows   | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | IDXa | index | NULL  | idxDateAccessed | 5
  | NULL | 10 | NULL  |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT ArticleID, DateObtained, DateAccessed, TimesAccessed
| id | select_type | table| type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref
 | rows | Extra  |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | IDXb | ALL  | NULL  | NULL | NULL| NULL |
15004858 | Using filesort |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)


*** 1. row ***
   Table: IDXa
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `IDXa` (
  `ArticleID` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `DateObtained` datetime NOT NULL,
  `DateAccessed` datetime NOT NULL,
  `TimesAccessed` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`ArticleID`),
  KEY `idxDateAccessed` (`DateAccessed`)
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

| Table| Non_unique | Key_name| Seq_in_index | Column_name  |
Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
Index_comment |
| IDXa |  0 | PRIMARY |1 | ArticleID| A
|14086444 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IDXa |  1 | idxDateAccessed |1 | DateAccessed | A
| 1408644 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
2 rows in set (0,00 sec)

*** 1. row ***
   Table: IDXb
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `IDXb` (
  `ArticleID` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `DateObtained` datetime NOT NULL,
  `DateAccessed` datetime NOT NULL,
  `TimesAccessed` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`ArticleID`),
  KEY `idxDateAccessed` (`DateAccessed`)
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

| Table| Non_unique | Key_name| Seq_in_index | Column_name  |
Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
Index_comment |
| IDXb |  0 | PRIMARY |1 | ArticleID| A
|15007345 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IDXb |  1 | idxDateAccessed |1 | DateAccessed | A
| 1250612 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
2 rows in set (0,00 sec)



Chris Knipe

Query Statistics...

2016-02-04 Thread Chris Knipe
Hi All,

Perhaps a bit of a trivial question, but in terms of query statistics (i.e.
how many SELECT / INSERT / DELETE / etc. queries has been ran against the

When you take an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ...

Under the two conditions (i.e. either INSERT, or UPDATE if the record
already exist),  how is this query logged in the statistics?

When the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE runs (i.e. it's updating a record), is it
still logged as a INSERT query, or is it logged as a UPDATE query?



Chris Knipe

ORDER BY not using index?

2015-07-18 Thread Chris Knipe

Can someone perhaps assist with the below...  I'm not sure at all why my
index aren't being used for the ORDER BY.  Currently some 443K records in
the table, but this will grow to a good few million.  I simply cannot,
afford a filesort.

mysql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable;
| COUNT(*) |
|   443808 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM myTable ORDER BY DateAccessed;
| id | select_type | table| type | possible_keys | key  | key_len |
ref  | rows   | Extra  |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | myTable | ALL  | NULL  | NULL | NULL| NULL
| 443808 | Using filesort |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM myTable FORCE INDEX (idx_DateAccessed) ORDER
BY DateAccessed;
| id | select_type | table| type  | possible_keys | key
 | key_len | ref  | rows   | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | myTable | index | NULL  | idx_DateAccessed | 4
  | NULL | 443808 |   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE myTable;
| Table| Create Table

| myTable | CREATE TABLE `myTable` (
  `ArticleID` char(32) NOT NULL,
  `DateObtained` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `DateAccessed` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `TimesAccessed` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`ArticleID`),
  KEY `idx_DateAccessed` (`DateAccessed`) USING BTREE
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SHOW INDEX FROM myTable;
| Table| Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name
 | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type |
Comment | Index_comment |
| myTable |  0 | PRIMARY  |1 | ArticleID| A
|  443808 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| myTable |  1 | idx_DateAccessed |1 | DateAccessed | A
|  147936 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Chris Knipe

Re: mysql strangeness...

2014-12-08 Thread Chris Knipe
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Wagner Bianchi wrote:
 Hello Chris,

 Can pls you share the below command output...

 SELECT @@thread_cache_size, @@net_buffer_length, @@max_allowed_packet;

mysql SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Threads_cached| 422   |
| Threads_connected | 92|
| Threads_created   | 514   |
| Threads_running   | 1 |
4 rows in set (0.43 sec)

mysql SELECT @@thread_cache_size, @@net_buffer_length, @@max_allowed_packet;
| @@thread_cache_size | @@net_buffer_length | @@max_allowed_packet |
|1024 |   16384 | 16777216 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


The server is very not busy at all right now however.  The issues
seems to start happening once we've reach the 250 to 300 concurrent
connection mark.  I'm tempted to just through another 64GB of memory
to the box and up the max connections, but 1st price of course would
be to identify and resolve the problem, rather than just throwing
hardware at the problem :-)

 What about the limits.conf config on operating system level?

They have been dealt with.  mySQL has 4096 file descriptors available.
Through all of this, not one single error is logged to the errorlog

mysql soft nofile 4096
mysql hard nofile 4096

I'm personally actually leading more towards that this is a OS issue
rather than a mysql issue, but I have no idea to where to even start
looking to debug this :-(


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RE: mysql strangeness...

2014-12-07 Thread Chris Knipe
FYI - just an example...

ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
Connection id:203720459
Current database: NNTP

| VERSION()   |
| 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.12.04.1-log |
1 row in set (33.94 sec)

| VERSION()   |
| 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.12.04.1-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This is from the mysql client running on the same host as the mysql server,
connected to localhost via TCP.  Current connections to the DB was at about
200 out of 500


-Original Message-
From: Chris Knipe [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2014 11:34 PM
To: ''
Subject: mysql strangeness...


I have a not so busy MySQL server (+- 150 Selects/sec, 180 Deletes/Sec,
320 Updates/Sec, 90 Inserts/Sec and 200 Replace/Sec), max 512 concurrent

The server is running on a Dell R720 with 64GB Ram, Xeon E5-2620.  Data is
on a 4 x 3TB (RAID10) SATA3 array, and binlogs on a  4 x 600GB (RAID10) SSD
array. MySQL 5.5.38

Up to a while ago (few days / week), everything was running absolutely fine.
Lately however, I have noticed more and more times that I am hitting my max
connection limits.  Standard tools like mysql-tuner (which took more than an
hour to run because of slow connections to MySQL), tuning-primer, innotop,
etc. all shows that the configured variables are within normal parameters,
and MySQL is also not under *any* IO load what so ever.  I'd say 99% of all
tables are InnoDB, and even the one single Memory table that I have, seems
to be running slow queries :-(  I'm also seeing a lot of connection reset
by peer network related errors.

What I am seeing, is that even when there are only like 300 or so
connections established to the server, even the mysql (command utility)
running on the localhost, takes MINUTES to establish a connection to the
mysql server - however, once the connection IS established, queries execute
absolutely fine and within seconds.  It's just the initial establishment of
the connection to mysql which is taking forever.  The process list shows 99%
of all the active connections in a READING FROM NET state (unauthenticated
users).  Skip-name-resolve and all those things are disabled, and tcpdumps
also confirmed that mysql is in fact NOT doing DNS lookups.

The server IMHO is under no significant load at all (dedicated mysql
system), and there's only +- 5Mbps of traffic on the 1Gbps interface in the
server.   All in all, graphs indicate 750/800 QPS with about 30% reads, and
70% writes.

Can anyone perhaps suggest some things to look into here?  I'm pretty sure
that the problem is with the initial establishment of the TCP connection to
mysql, rather than it being a mysql issue related to queries and what not.
Telneting to the mysql socket, I do get the initial greeting from the server
virtually instantaneous like it should be. So the only thing that I can
think of is that something is whacked in terms of authenticating users?

Box is firewalled, only authorised hosts are permitted to connect, all users
are authenticating by password and IP (%)


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Avoiding table scans...

2014-07-24 Thread Chris Knipe
Hi All,

I have a couple of *huge* tables, they're still busy populating, but once
done I suspect it will hold well over 3 billion records (and that's more
than likely the start of the problem).

The mysql server is a highly optimized, powerful server with some 128GB ram,
data + binlogs on RAID10 SSDs and is performing incredibly well with some 3K
inserts/second whilst still doing random selects/updates in between.

How can I go about not having the following:

mysql SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber  '2118806';
| ArtNumber | MessageID
|   2118807 | part26of79.GfYzwhqz$ORUpNi3tjsW@camelsystem-powerpost.local
1 row in set (22.78 sec)

mysql EXPLAIN SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber  '2118806';
| id | select_type | table| type  |
possible_keys | key | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e | range | PRIMARY
| PRIMARY | 8   | NULL | 31515172 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.19 sec)

mysql explain SELECT MAX(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber  '2118809';
| id | select_type | table| type  |
possible_keys | key | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e | range | PRIMARY
| PRIMARY | 8   | NULL |3 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.17 sec)

mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e;

| Table| Create Table

| 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e | CREATE TABLE
`78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e` (
  `ArtNumber` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `MessageID` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `Date` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `Bytes` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `Lines` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `From` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `Subject` tinytext NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`ArtNumber`)

1 row in set (0.70 sec)

I realise that this is an enormous amount of data - especially once fully
populated and we reach the over 3 billion records in the table.  Is the only
course of action here to re-look at how the data is stored?  I suppose it
can't get any better than querying directly against the PRIMARY key, can it?

Many thanks,

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Avoiding table scans...

2014-07-24 Thread Chris Knipe
On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Johan De Meersman wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Knipe
 Sent: Thursday, 24 July, 2014 11:17:50 AM
 Subject: Avoiding table scans...

 mysql SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber  '2118806';

 You're putting quotes around ArtNumber in your where clause, where it really 
 is a bigint. Thus, you're forcing implicity conversion in the parser, instead 
 of simply doing an index lookup.

mysql SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber  2118806;
| ArtNumber | MessageID |
|   2118807 | part26of79.GfYzwhqz$ORUpNi3tjsW@camelsystem-powerpost.local |
1 row in set (19.37 sec)

mysql SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber  '2118806';
| ArtNumber | MessageID |
|   2118807 | part26of79.GfYzwhqz$ORUpNi3tjsW@camelsystem-powerpost.local |
1 row in set (19.43 sec)

mysql EXPLAIN SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) AS ArtNumber, MessageID FROM
78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE ArtNumber  2118806;
| id | select_type | table| type  |
possible_keys | key | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e | range |
PRIMARY   | PRIMARY | 8   | NULL | 31868953 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.18 sec)

Partitioning should help from what I am reading currently... Just not
sure about a few things just yet.


Chris Knipe

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Avoiding table scans...

2014-07-24 Thread Chris Knipe

 Try this

 SELECT ArtNumber, MessageID FROM 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e WHERE
 ArtNumber=(SELECT MIN(ArtNumber) FROM 78168ea0a9b3b513a1f2d39b559b406e
 WHERE ArtNumber2118806)

| ArtNumber | MessageID
|   2118807 | part26of79.GfYzwhqz$ORUpNi3tjsW@camelsystem-powerpost.local
1 row in set (0.81 sec)

If this wasn't a public mailing list I would have said something very
strange now containing the word love!

Can you perhaps just elaborate a bit as to *why* this is working so much
better?  The reason I ask is that I've only given one query as a example.
 There's quite a few slightly different queries like this, and I would just
like to understand the mythology behind in order to be able to change the
other queries as well...

MANY thanks for the assistance :-)


Re: hypothetical question about data storage

2013-07-26 Thread Chris Knipe
Hi All,

Thanks for the responces, and I do concur.  I was taking a stab in the
dark so to speak.

We are working with our hosting providers currently and will be
introducing a multitude of small iSCSI SANs to split the storage
structure over a multitude of disks...   This is something that needs
to be addressed from a systems perspective rather than an
architectural one.

SSD (or Fusion and the like) are unfortunately still way to expensive
for the capacity that we require (good couple of TBs) - so mechanical
disks it would need to be.  However, with the use of SANs as we hope,
we should be able to go up from 4 to over 64 spindles whilst still
being able to share the storage and have redundancy.

Many thanks for the inputs and feedbacks...


On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Johan De Meersman wrote:
 Hey Chris,

 I'm afraid that this is not what databases are for, and the first thing 
 you'll likely run into is amount of concurrent connections.

 This is typically something you should really tackle from a systems 
 perspective. Seek times are dramatically improved on SSD or similar storage - 
 think FusionIO cards, but there's also a couple of vendors (Violin comes to 
 mind) who provide full-blown SSD SANs.

 If you prefer staying with spinning disks, you could still improve the seeks 
 by focusing on the inner cylinders and potentially by using variable sector 
 formatting. Again, there's SANs that do this for you.

 Another minor trick is to turn off access timestamp updates when you mount 
 the filesystem (noatime).

 Also benchmark different filesystems, there's major differences between them. 
 I've heard XFS being recommended, but I've never needed to benchmark for seek 
 times myself. We're using IBM's commercial GPFS here, which is good with 
 enormous amounts of huge files (media farm here), not sure how it'd fare with 
 smaller files.

 Hope that helps,

 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Knipe
 Sent: Thursday, 25 July, 2013 11:53:53 PM
 Subject: hypothetical question about data storage

 Hi all,

 We run an VERY io intensive file application service.  Currently, our
 problem is that our disk spindles are being completely killed due to
 insufficient SEEK time on the hard drives (NOT physical read/write

 We have an directory structure where the files are stored based on
 the MD5
 checksum of the file name, i.e.
 The majority of these files, are between 256K and 800K with the ODD
 exception (say less than 15%) being more than 1M but no more than 5M
 size.  The content of the files are pure text (MIME Encoded).

 We believe that storing these files into an InnoDB table, may
 actually give
 us better performance:
 - There is one large file that is being read/written, instead of
 small files
 - We can split the structure so that each directory (4096 in total)
 sit's on
 their own database
 - We can move the databases as load increases, which means that we
 potentially run 2 physical database servers, each with 2048 databases
 - It's easy to move / migrate the data due to mysql and replication -
 can be said for redundancy of the data

 We are more than likely looking at BLOB columns of course, and we
 need to
 read/write from the DB in excess of 100mbit/s

 Would the experts consider something like this as being feasible?  Is
 worth it to go down this avenue, or are we just going to run into
 problems?  If we are facing different problems, what can we possibly
 to go wrong here?

 Many thanks, and I look forward to any input.

 Unhappiness is discouraged and will be corrected with kitten pictures.


Chris Knipe

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: hypothetical question about data storage

2013-07-26 Thread Chris Knipe
 that the next level of the BTree won't be fully
cacheable.  Now 300ms/30ms.

I think it is likely that the small number of disk hits for InnoDB is
better than the many disk hits for traversing a directory tree (with
large directories) in the filesystem.  I vote for InnoDB over the
directory tree.

Yes, you will have seeks.

No, adding more RAM won't help much.  Here's an argument:
Suppose your data is 20 times as big as the buffer pool and you are
doing random fetches (MD5, etc).  Then 1/20 of fetches are cached; 95%
cache miss.  Estimated time: 0.95 * 100ms = 95ms.
Now you double your RAM.  1/10 cached - 90% cache miss - 90ms average
- Not much improvement over 95.

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Chris Knipe
 Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 12:30 AM
 To: Johan De Meersman
 Cc: mysql
 Subject: Re: hypothetical question about data storage

 Hi All,

 Thanks for the responces, and I do concur.  I was taking a stab in
 dark so to speak.

 We are working with our hosting providers currently and will be
 introducing a multitude of small iSCSI SANs to split the storage
 structure over a multitude of disks...   This is something that needs
 to be addressed from a systems perspective rather than an

 SSD (or Fusion and the like) are unfortunately still way to expensive
 the capacity that we require (good couple of TBs) - so mechanical
disks it
 would need to be.  However, with the use of SANs as we hope, we
should be
 able to go up from 4 to over 64 spindles whilst still being able to
 the storage and have redundancy.

 Many thanks for the inputs and feedbacks...


 On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Johan De Meersman
  Hey Chris,
  I'm afraid that this is not what databases are for, and the first
 you'll likely run into is amount of concurrent connections.
  This is typically something you should really tackle from a systems
 perspective. Seek times are dramatically improved on SSD or similar
 storage - think FusionIO cards, but there's also a couple of vendors
 (Violin comes to mind) who provide full-blown SSD SANs.
  If you prefer staying with spinning disks, you could still improve
 seeks by focusing on the inner cylinders and potentially by using
 sector formatting. Again, there's SANs that do this for you.
  Another minor trick is to turn off access timestamp updates when
 mount the filesystem (noatime).
  Also benchmark different filesystems, there's major differences
 them. I've heard XFS being recommended, but I've never needed to
 for seek times myself. We're using IBM's commercial GPFS here, which
 good with enormous amounts of huge files (media farm here), not sure
 it'd fare with smaller files.
  Hope that helps,
  - Original Message -
  From: Chris Knipe
  Sent: Thursday, 25 July, 2013 11:53:53 PM
  Subject: hypothetical question about data storage
  Hi all,
  We run an VERY io intensive file application service.  Currently,
  problem is that our disk spindles are being completely killed due
  insufficient SEEK time on the hard drives (NOT physical read/write
  We have an directory structure where the files are stored based on
  the MD5 checksum of the file name, i.e.
  The majority of these files, are between 256K and 800K with the
  exception (say less than 15%) being more than 1M but no more than
  in size.  The content of the files are pure text (MIME Encoded).
  We believe that storing these files into an InnoDB table, may
  actually give us better performance:
  - There is one large file that is being read/written, instead of
  BILLIONS of small files
  - We can split the structure so that each directory (4096 in
  sit's on their own database
  - We can move the databases as load increases, which means that we
  can potentially run 2 physical database servers, each with 2048
  - It's easy to move / migrate the data due to mysql and
replication -
  same can be said for redundancy of the data
  We are more than likely looking at BLOB columns of course, and we
  need to read/write from the DB in excess of 100mbit/s
  Would the experts consider something like this as being feasible?
  it worth it to go down this avenue, or are we just going to run
  different problems?  If we are facing different problems, what can
  possibly expect to go wrong here?
  Many thanks, and I look forward to any input.
  Unhappiness is discouraged and will be corrected with kitten


 Chris Knipe

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:

 Sent from Kaiten Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


Chris Knipe


hypothetical question about data storage

2013-07-25 Thread Chris Knipe
Hi all,

We run an VERY io intensive file application service.  Currently, our
problem is that our disk spindles are being completely killed due to
insufficient SEEK time on the hard drives (NOT physical read/write speeds).

We have an directory structure where the files are stored based on the MD5
checksum of the file name, i.e. /0/00/000/44533779fce5cf3497f87de1d060
The majority of these files, are between 256K and 800K with the ODD
exception (say less than 15%) being more than 1M but no more than 5M in
size.  The content of the files are pure text (MIME Encoded).

We believe that storing these files into an InnoDB table, may actually give
us better performance:
- There is one large file that is being read/written, instead of BILLIONS of
small files
- We can split the structure so that each directory (4096 in total) sit's on
their own database
- We can move the databases as load increases, which means that we can
potentially run 2 physical database servers, each with 2048 databases each)
- It's easy to move / migrate the data due to mysql and replication - same
can be said for redundancy of the data

We are more than likely looking at BLOB columns of course, and we need to
read/write from the DB in excess of 100mbit/s

Would the experts consider something like this as being feasible?  Is it
worth it to go down this avenue, or are we just going to run into different
problems?  If we are facing different problems, what can we possibly expect
to go wrong here?

Many thanks, and I look forward to any input.


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Re: Possible causes of table crashing

2010-11-30 Thread Chris Knipe
No idea on the cause, but sitting with the exact same issue on 1 specific
MyISAM table on mysql-5.1.50

Since the table was created it never had any change in data structure, the
table is almost exclusively INSERTs and it is quite big in my instance
however.  Table crashes on average every 2 to 3 days for no apparent reason
what so ever, and everytime it repairs successfully...


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Mark Goodge wrote:


 I have a very strange problem whereby one particular table in our database
 is repeatedly (on average, every couple of days) generating errors stating
 that the table is crashed and needs to be repaired. Running a repair fixes

 What makes it strange (and something that I've never encountered before) is
 the following:

 1. There is one particular table which it happens to a lot, and a few other
 tables where it happens occasionally. Everything else is fine.

 2. None of the tables where it happens are among the most heavily used or
 commonly updated.

 3. There is no shortage of disk space.

 4. The disk system reports no errors.

 5. We have multiple databases with an identical structure but different
 content (we are an online retailer and each database is a separate
 storefront), but the problem occurs in all the databases - but the same
 tables in each database. It doesn't always happen to each database at the
 same time - it seems to be random.

 6. (This is the really strange one) We have two separate servers with
 identical copies of the databases, one for production use and one for
 development use, and it happens independently on both of them - but still
 the same tables (and, specifically, the same table that it happens to more
 often than any other).

 7. And, of course, the obvious statement: we haven't changed the structure
 of this database recently (it hasn't changed for months, if not years).

 We are running MySQL 5.0.77 on Centos. All the databases use MyISAM

 Given the above, can anyone suggest any possible causes?



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Chris Knipe

Where to index - over 15m records and growing

2010-05-07 Thread Chris Knipe
') | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedDepTime|
time | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedActDepTime |
time | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedEnroute|
time | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedFuel   |
time | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedAltAirport |
varchar(5)   | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedRemarks|
tinytext | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedRoute  |
text | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| TimeConnected |
char(14) | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| ClientSoftwareName|
varchar(10)  | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| ClientSoftwareVersion |
varchar(10)  | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedAltAirport2|
varchar(5)   | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedTypeOfFlight   |
enum('','G','M','N','S','X') | NO   | |
NULL|   |
| PlannedPOB| smallint(3)
unsigned | NO   | | NULL|
| TrueHeading   | smallint(3) unsigned
zerofill| NO   | | NULL|   |
| OnGround  |
enum('0','1')| NO   | |
NULL|   |
36 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| Table| Non_unique | Key_name| Seq_in_index | Column_name|
Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| IVAOData |  0 | PRIMARY |1 | EntryID|
A |13130556 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IVAOData |  1 | ixFlightID  |1 | FlightID   |
A |  179870 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IVAOData |  1 | ixProcessed |1 | isProcessed|
A |   2 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IVAOData |  1 | ixProcessed |2 | TrackerTime|
A | 1193686 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IVAOData |  1 | ixTracker   |1 | VID|
A |   15744 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IVAOData |  1 | ixTracker   |2 | PlannedDepAirport  |
A |  136776 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IVAOData |  1 | ixTracker   |3 | PlannedDestAirport |
A |  177439 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| IVAOData |  1 | ixTime  |1 | TrackerTime|
A |  875370 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT COUNT(FlightID) FROM FlightRoutes;  ## Grows by a few houndred
records per day.
| COUNT(FlightID) |
|  106216 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT COUNT(EntryID) FROM IVAOData; ## Grows by a few thousand
records per day.
| COUNT(EntryID) |
|   13130747 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Chris Knipe

Re: Where to index - over 15m records and growing

2010-05-07 Thread Chris Knipe
My appologies for leaving that bit out...

mysql EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(FlightRoutes.FlightID) AS Count,
FlightRoutes.Dep AS Dep, FlightRoutes.Des AS Des FROM FlightRoutes LEFT JOIN
IVAOData ON FlightRoutes.FlightID=IVAOData.FlightID WHERE
IVAOData.TrackerTime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-01 00:00:00') AND
IVAOData.TrackerTime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-30 23:59:50') GROUP BY
FlightRoutes.Dep, FlightRoutes.Des ORDER BY COUNT(FlightRoutes.FlightID)
| id | select_type | table| type  | possible_keys | key|
key_len | ref   | rows   |
Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | FlightRoutes | index | PRIMARY   | ixAirports |
14  | NULL  | 106216 | Using temporary; Using
filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | IVAOData | ref   | ixFlightID,ixTime | ixFlightID |
36  | tracker.FlightRoutes.FlightID | 73 | Using
where |
2 rows in set (0.33 sec)

Table / Index Sizes:
r...@netsonic:/var/lib/mysql/tracker# ls -lah IVAOData.* FlightRoutes.*
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 8.5K 2010-04-30 08:57 FlightRoutes.frm
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 9.7M 2010-05-07 01:13 FlightRoutes.MYD
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 6.1M 2010-05-07 01:39 FlightRoutes.MYI
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql  11K 2010-05-06 11:23 IVAOData.frm
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 3.9G 2010-05-07 09:19 IVAOData.MYD
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 1.4G 2010-05-07 09:19 IVAOData.MYI

I expect the IVAOData table to roughly tripple in size.  Currently it holds
2 months worth of data, the ideal situation would be to keep 6 months worth
of data in the table...

RAM Size on the machine is 8GB...


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Anirudh Sundar sundar.anir...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hey Chris,

 Please send the explain plan for this query, the estimated table sizes (in
 MB or GB) and the RAM capacity.

 These are also the requisites for helping optimizing your query if


 Anirudh Sundar

 On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Chris Knipe wrote:

 Hi All,

 I have a huge issue with a query - it copies the entire table to a tmp
 when executing the query - and it's a big ass table Any help and/or
 pointers please?

 The query:
 SELECT COUNT(FlightRoutes.FlightID) AS Count, FlightRoutes.Dep AS Dep,
 FlightRoutes.Des AS Des FROM FlightRoutes LEFT JOIN IVAOData ON
 FlightRoutes.FlightID=IVAOData.FlightID WHERE IVAOData.TrackerTime =
 UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-01 00:00:00') AND IVAOData.TrackerTime =
 UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-30 23:59:50') GROUP BY FlightRoutes.Dep,
 FlightRoutes.Des ORDER BY COUNT(FlightRoutes.FlightID) LIMIT 20;

 mysql DESCRIBE FlightRoutes;
 | Field| Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | FlightID | char(36)   | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
 | Dep  | varchar(5) | NO   | MUL | NULL|   |
 | Des  | varchar(5) | NO   | | NULL|   |
 | Route| text   | NO   | | NULL|   |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql SHOW INDEX IN FlightRoutes;

 | Table| Non_unique | Key_name   | Seq_in_index | Column_name |
 Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment

 | FlightRoutes |  0 | PRIMARY|1 | FlightID|
 A |  106216 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  |
 | FlightRoutes |  1 | ixAirports |1 | Dep |
 A |3124 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  |
 | FlightRoutes |  1 | ixAirports |2 | Des |
 A |   26554 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  |

 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 | Field |

Re: Where to index - over 15m records and growing

2010-05-07 Thread Chris Knipe
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Rob Wultsch wrote:

 Second thing:
 How selective is
 WHERE IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-01 00:00:00')
AND IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-30 23:59:50') 

 Test by running
 WHERE IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-01 00:00:00')
AND IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-30 23:59:50')

 If this is a large proportion of the row count then you are probably
 in store for pain. It sounds like you are matching half the table. Big
 (intermediate) result sets often end in pain.

At this stage, you are correct.  We have roughly 2 months worth of data in
the table and are selecting about half (one months worth), thus about 50%.
With 6 months worth of data in the table and selecting one months worth of
data, that's roughly 16% of the data - but it will still be a bulk large
result... Hmmm, something tells me I need to rethink this yes.

 Third thing:
 My (rather sleepy) gut thinks your best bet is a a composite index on
 the table IVAOData on the columns TrackerTime and FlightID. This will
 make all access to the table in this query hit a covering index.

Took over 12 hours to create the index on TrackerTime, and you're right - I
should have seen and realised this.  I will drop the index on TrackerTime
and re-create it using both colums as I should have done in the first place.

 Fourth thing:
 What do you intend to ask the database with this query. This query
 smells overly broad

The idea is to get a count of the number of entries from Dep to Des during
the last month.  I.E.  How many records are there where Dep and Des are the
same during the last month.  With some changes to the application that
captures the data in the first place, I should be able to drop the need for
this query completely.  You have made me think a bit here and you're right.
This is not the way to do it.

I'll rethink this a bit more and come up with something better.

PS - Started the query before my first email was even posted, it's still
running... 3948 Seconds the last time I checked...


Chris Knipe

Small issue with FULLTEXT searches

2010-04-29 Thread Chris Knipe
Hi List,

Table structure:
mysql DESCRIBE FlightRoutes;
| Field   | Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| EntryID | char(36)   | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
| Dep | varchar(5) | NO   | MUL | NULL|   |
| Des | varchar(5) | NO   | | NULL|   |
| Route   | text   | NO   | | NULL|   |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql SHOW INDEXES FROM FlightRoutes;
| Table| Non_unique | Key_name   | Seq_in_index | Column_name |
Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| FlightRoutes |  0 | PRIMARY|1 | EntryID |
A |   21375 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| FlightRoutes |  1 | ixAirports |1 | Dep |
A |1943 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| FlightRoutes |  1 | ixAirports |2 | Des |
A |7125 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| FlightRoutes |  1 | ixRoutes   |1 | Dep |
NULL  |   1 | NULL | NULL   |  | FULLTEXT   | |
| FlightRoutes |  1 | ixRoutes   |2 | Des |
NULL  |   1 | NULL | NULL   |  | FULLTEXT   | |
| FlightRoutes |  1 | ixRoutes   |3 | Route   |
NULL  |   1 | NULL | NULL   |  | FULLTEXT   | |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT Dep, Des, Route, MATCH(Dep, Des) AGAINST('FACT,OMDB') AS
Relevance FROM FlightRoutes;
ERROR 1191 (HY000): Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list

I don't get that.

What I have is a bunch of records:
Point A, Point B, Route 1
Point A, Point B, Route 2
Point A, Point B, Route 2
Point A, Point B, Route 3

What I want to achive, is to select the Route from Point A to Point B that
has the most relavence Naturally, I'm just starting to play with this
now, but I fail to see how I can possibly play with FULL TEXT indexes when
mySQL doesn't see / use the FULL TEXT that has already been created.

Thanks for the assistance.


Chris Knipe

Re: Update Doesn't Update!

2009-12-11 Thread Chris Knipe


Of course you can have ID=0.

Definately agree

mysql DESCRIBE test;
| Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| autoinc | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| value   | varchar(10) | NO   | | NULL||
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM test;
| autoinc | value  |
|   0 | 1234567890 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql UPDATE test SET value='a' WHERE autoinc='0';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT * FROM test;
| autoinc | value |
|   0 | a |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

However, what I believe the problem is:
mysql UPDATE test set value='12345678901' WHERE autoinc='0';
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 1

mysql SELECT * FROM test;
| autoinc | value  |
|   0 | 1234567890 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

the value of value is too long for the varchar(10) in the table.  It  
thus generates the warning, and truncate the field.

The poster's table needs to be updated therefor to accept longer  
variables in the sizes column.



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Re: Server-Crash - What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Chris Knipe

PS: I already tried with myisamchk -r -o *.MY*, but then all datasets
are gone and the table is empty. :-(

man myisamchk

I tried myisamchk already. But after running the above rescue attempt, the
tables are empty.

Then I hope you made backups You, do keep backups right?


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Re: Server-Crash - What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Chris Knipe
On filesystem level I made all rescue trials. My problem is, that only the 

file is still available. I tried reconstructing it with myisamchk -r -o
table_name.MYD, but as I said without the wanted result.

MYD is your data, MYI is your indexes (Indexes are easy to rebuild, you 
should not worry about that).

If myisamchk can't read the MYD, then I don't know what else there is.  My 
guess would be that the data file is damage beyond repair :-(

If you have a complete and working set of binary logs (incase you used 
replication which I doubt), you should also be able to get your data back 
out of that... But otherwise, I'd say you're out of luck.


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IP Address Function?

2006-08-26 Thread Chris Knipe


I need to make *allot* of queries from a application dealing with IP 
Addresses.  At the moment, I'm storing IP addresses as a VARCHAR(16).  I 
would *like* to store them as Integers by converting the IP to it's 
numerical equivalent.  I believe this would also save a enormous amount of 
table space.

The problem is, I *must* do the conversion as part of my SQL Query.  Either 
during the SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT, or via a Procedure... And I must obviously 
also be able to convert the Integer back into a IP address during 

Is this at all possible???

It's all explained very nicely at  But how to do this as 
part of a query... *frown*

Any help appreciated...


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Re: IP Address Function?

2006-08-26 Thread Chris Knipe

RTFM! Let that be a good lesson for me now :)

INET_ATON() and INET_NTOA()  Brilliant!!!


- Original Message - 
From: Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 9:03 PM
Subject: IP Address Function?


I need to make *allot* of queries from a application dealing with IP 
Addresses.  At the moment, I'm storing IP addresses as a VARCHAR(16).  I 
would *like* to store them as Integers by converting the IP to it's 
numerical equivalent.  I believe this would also save a enormous amount of 
table space.

The problem is, I *must* do the conversion as part of my SQL Query. 
Either during the SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT, or via a Procedure... And I must 
obviously also be able to convert the Integer back into a IP address 
during queries

Is this at all possible???

It's all explained very nicely at  But how to do this as 
part of a query... *frown*

Any help appreciated...


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Re: MySQL NOW() function producing 0000-00-00 00:00:00

2006-08-25 Thread Chris Knipe

We are using an NOW() function in our database and occasionally it
produces odd results. There are entries where it states: -00-00
00:00:00 instead of the current time. Is this a bug, or are we using the
function incorrectly?

After patiently injecting at about 400 queries per seconds, a couple of 
hours later, I had about 5 million records in a table.  Not a single one of 
them experienced the above

I'm pretty sure your -00-00 does not come from NOW()


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Re: Testing Email

2006-08-25 Thread Chris Knipe



- Original Message - 
From: Renato Golin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Nicholas Vettese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Testing Email

Nicholas Vettese wrote:

I have been having problems with my email, and I wanted to test to this

Will let you know when I receive it...


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Re: MySQL NOW() function producing 0000-00-00 00:00:00

2006-08-25 Thread Chris Knipe

Doh.. Wrong email ;)



- Original Message - 
From: Renato Golin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL NOW() function producing -00-00 00:00:00

Chris Knipe wrote:
After patiently injecting at about 400 queries per seconds, a couple of 
hours later, I had about 5 million records in a table.  Not a single one 
of them experienced the above

It's one every 5 million and 1 entries... try again ;)

Also, maybe (very improbable) it can be the way you are using NOW() within 
the query. Can you show us the query ?


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What to index?

2006-08-22 Thread Chris Knipe


I got 4 relatively big (for me at least) queries.  At the moment, the data 
in the tables are merely test data, but once the system goes into 
production, I'm expecting millions of records in most of the tables.  I'm 
trying very hard thus to optimise my queries and tables to ensure I get a 
reasonably good throughput once these tables start filling up, as altering 
the tables for indexes once populated is obviously something I want to try 
and avoid.

Having looked at one of the four queries (they're very similar), EXPLAIN 
jeilds the following:

mysql EXPLAIN SELECT `UserChecks`.EntryID,
   -   FROM `UserChecks`
   -   LEFT JOIN `User` ON `UserChecks`.UserID=`User`.EntryID
   -   LEFT JOIN `Group` ON `User`.GroupID=`Group`.EntryID
   -   LEFT JOIN `GroupTimes` ON `GroupTimes`.GroupID=`Group`.EntryID
   -   LEFT JOIN `Realm` ON `Group`.RealmID=`Realm`.EntryID
   -   LEFT JOIN `Client` ON `Realm`.ClientID=`Client`.EntryID
   -  WHERE `User`.isActive='y' AND
   -`Group`.isActive='y' AND
   -`Realm`.isActive='y' AND
   -`Client`.isActive='y' AND
   -`GroupTimes`.DOW=DAYOFWEEK(DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', INTERVAL 
   -`GroupTimes`.StartTime  DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', 
   -`GroupTimes`.StopTime  DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', 
   -`User`.Username=LEFT(TRIM(LOWER('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')), 

   -  GROUP BY `UserChecks`.Attribute
   -  ORDER BY `UserChecks`.Attribute;
| id | select_type | table  | type   | possible_keys | key  | key_len | 
ref  | rows | Extra   |

|  1 | SIMPLE  | User   | system | PRIMARY   | NULL | NULL| 
NULL |1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | Group  | system | PRIMARY   | NULL | NULL| 
NULL |1 | |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | Realm  | system | PRIMARY   | NULL | NULL| 
NULL |1 | |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | Client | system | PRIMARY   | NULL | NULL| 
NULL |1 | |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | UserChecks | ALL| NULL  | NULL | NULL| 
NULL |3 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | GroupTimes | ALL| NULL  | NULL | NULL| 
NULL |5 | Using where |

6 rows in set (0.02 sec)

There are two items in my WHERE clause that does not use indexes.  One on 
the UserCheck table, and another on the GroupTimes table.

On the GroupTimes, I have DOW as a ENUM([1..7]) - I can more than likely add 
a index, but with a cardinality of 7, I doubt it will be worth it. 
StartTime and StopTime is a TIME field, I can add indexes on those.  I'm 
thus pretty sorted on the GroupTimes table (I think).

I have NO idea where in the WHERE clause I am referencing the UserChecks 
tables (except for the GROUP BY and ORDER BY).  I've added an index on the 
Attribute column (VARCHAR(32))  but the EXPLAIN still shows that it is not 
using the index

Is the above optimised?  What can be done here to improve things

Thanks allot,

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Re: MySQL 4.0.27-client and MySQL-4.1.21 server

2006-08-22 Thread Chris Knipe


- Original Message - 
From: Odhiambo Washington [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:38 PM
Subject: MySQL 4.0.27-client and MySQL-4.1.21 server


Why is it that I cannot connect to mysql-4.1 server using mysql-4.0.27

ERROR 1251: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
server; consider upgrading MySQL client

Where is the RTFM on this? I just want to read it.



   |\  _,,,---,,_ | Odhiambo Washington[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_ | Wananchi Online Ltd.
  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'| Tel: +254 20 313985-9  +254 20 313922
 '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) | GSM: +254 722 743223   +254 733 744121

Any fool can paint a picture, but it takes a wise person to be able to
sell it.

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Re: Audit trail

2006-08-21 Thread Chris Knipe
Well MySQL will see all the changes coming from a single user (the user who 
the web site connects to the database as).  You'll have to add your own 
routines to log that info to a table or something...

Unless ofcourse, I'm missing something, which I doubt :)


- Original Message - 

To: MYSQL General List
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 9:02 PM
Subject: Audit trail

I would like to create an audit trail for one table in my DB.  Users will 
login to my web site and be able to enter and edit information, I want to 
keep a record of what changes are made by what user.  These users will be 
web site users and not actual MySQL users.  Is there an easy method in 
MySQL to do this, or do I just need to write code to track any changes as 
they are entered?

Chris W

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2005-08-17 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo everyone,

Small issue.. MySQL 4.1.12... 


Absolutely nothing happens 

PURGE MASTER LOGS TO 'blah-bin.00030';

Logs are cleared immediately.

Any reason why LOGS BEFORE is not working??? 


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database problems.

2005-07-20 Thread Chris Knipe

Hi all,

The moral of the story, is don't run out of disk space, but it's a bit to
late for that now.

A quick scenario One master server, two backups replicating from the
master. Our data and bin logs are on two different partitions, and the
partition holding the bin logs, ran out of disk space.  We saw allot of
errors in the mysql log on the master, stating that DELETE queries failed
because it was unable to write this to the bin log.

Question... Why would only DELETE fail?  If it cannot write to the bin log
because it is out of disk space, shouldn't INSERT / UPDATE also fail?

Now, our slaves are going completely crazy right now.  The data is beyond
inconsistent, and we're desperately trying to figure out a way to restore
the replication, without having to manually execute a good couple of million
of DELETE queries on two seperate slaves, OR to take new snapshots from the
master and redo the replication setup.  It would SEEM to us that the bin log
has gotten corrupted some time during the lack of disk space.

Thus, I want to know now...
- Generally, our slaves are missing ALLOT of DELETE queries, and the slave
is now failing because it is getting duplicate records.
- Running the slave with skip-errors untill it is up to date, is not a
option.  We NEED the DELETE queries to execute, because certain rows are
DELETED and then RE-INSERTED with new values.  Yes, I know we should use
update, I'm just a administrator, not a programmer / developer.  This is
something that the developers needs to take up.
- *IF* push comes to pull and we need to re-setup the slaves and
replication, is there a way to take a snapshot from the master, WITHOUT
having to shut down the database, OR lock the tables for long periods of
time (We are talking about a DB that executes a good 20 queries per second
on a slow day).
- Can replication be 're-started' from the CURRENT bin-log position on the
master, and if that has been done, can the 'missing' gaps in the two bin log
positions (place of failure and place of current position) be manually /
semi automatically replicated?

I hope there is someone with some wise ideas I can use allot of them
right now.


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Re: random rows selection

2005-07-20 Thread Chris Knipe
Put a index on col3 and it will be faster.  That's the only way as far as I 


- Original Message - 
From: Michael Monashev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 3:04 PM
Subject: random rows selection


How to select 5 random rows from big table with WHERE clause?

This query very slow on 1 mln rows:
SELECT col1, col2 FROM table WHERE col3=123 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5

Have you a faster one?


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urgent 4.1.11 / 4.1.12 upgrade

2005-06-09 Thread Chris Knipe


We've just upgraded (via FreeBSD Ports) our one database from 4.1.11 to 
4.1.12, and we are being hit by - 
only on certain queries, using rather large temp tables.

Now, from what I understand, there is a 4.1.12-1 available?  Where is the 
source?  It seems there is only a source RPM available on, the 
source tar ball will be good though.


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memory errors / crashes

2005-05-09 Thread Chris Knipe
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help 
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely 
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 
516080 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Righty.  Now, the system has 4 x 3.2GHz Intel processors... It has 4GB of 
ram... systat shows that all 4 processors are definately used... NO swap 
space is used at all (4GB allocated), and yes, it uses the entire 4GB of ram 
under heavy load... I am aware of the POSSIBILITY of the 2GB limit... 
However, I highly doubt that this is related as the system has no problem to 
use the 4GB of RAM (According to top in any case).

1) Why does the system not swap, and
2) Why is Mysql complaining that it needs at least 512MB ram, whilst there 
are 4GB available to it??

I've been battling for over 3 weeks to get this right, I have made multiple 
posts on the list about this... can someone please just give me some 

We're running FBSD 5.4-STABLE.

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Re: Migrating Database

2005-05-08 Thread Chris Knipe
Temporary replication comes to mind fs hot copy as well (maybe)
I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they 
fly by... - Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

- Original Message - 
From: Brian Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 10:47 PM
Subject: Migrating Database

Greetings all,
We are migrating our web site from one server to another and are
having some issues with transferring our MySQL database. Here's the
process we're currently using:
1) run mysqldump for each table in our database (i.e. one file for each 
2) compress each file using gzip
3) transfer the files to our new server
4) decompress
5) import each table using:
mysql [dbname]  [filename]

Here's the problem: several of our tables have over 20 million rows,
and this import process is taking well over 6 hours. Obviously, our
site cannot go live until the database is fully imported, and this is
much too long for us to be down.
The two possible solutions I've researched are:
1) Copy data files directly. This concerns me because of possible
version incompatibilities.
2) Using LOAD DATA commands. I'm not familiar with these at all, and
frankly, not real sure how they work.
Can anyone offer us some advice as to the easiest way we can
accomplish this, whether it's one of the above solutions, or another
one completely?
Thanks in advance!
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where and dates

2005-05-05 Thread Chris Knipe
I dont think it's needed to go into to much details here but the query:
 SELECT CONCAT(Airports.IATA, ' - ', Airports.Name) AS ArrivingFrom,
AS ArrvTime,
CONCAT(FlightData.Network, ' - ', FlightData.PilotCallSign) AS 
   FROM FlightData
   LEFT JOIN Airports ON FlightData.AirportDep=Airports.ICAO
  WHERE FlightData.AirportDes='KJFK'
GROUP BY FlightData.PilotCallSign
ORDER BY ArrvTime;

| ArrivingFrom  | ArrvTime| FlightNum |
| YYZ - Toronto/Pearson Intl| 2005-05-04 22:22:00 | V - ACA114|
| LHR - Heathrow| 2005-05-04 22:42:00 | V - BAW115|
|  - Norman Manley Intl | 2005-05-04 22:45:00 | V - AAL645|
| BOS - Logan Intl  | 2005-05-04 22:50:00 | V - AE729 |
| NULL  | 2005-05-05 00:00:00 | V - N6340D|
| JFK - Kennedy Intl| 2005-05-05 00:00:00 | V - AFA5290   |
| MCO - Orlando Intl| 2005-05-05 00:05:00 | V - FEDEX1472 |
| MCO - Orlando Intl| 2005-05-05 00:25:00 | V - FEDEX1563 |
| BOS - Logan Intl  | 2005-05-05 01:23:00 | V - AAL328|
| YYZ - Toronto/Pearson Intl| 2005-05-05 01:40:00 | V - ACA221|
| TPA - Tampa Intl  | 2005-05-05 02:10:00 | V - N171E |
| BOS - Logan Intl  | 2005-05-05 02:10:00 | V - N37TJ |
| MIA - Miami Intl  | 2005-05-05 02:40:00 | V - JAL5837   |
|  - Eduardo Gomes Intl | 2005-05-05 02:42:00 | V - PST9864   |
| CVG - Cincinnati/Northern Ky Intl | 2005-05-05 03:15:00 | V - MTN219|
| YYZ - Toronto/Pearson Intl| 2005-05-05 03:45:00 | V - UAL392|
| BOS - Logan Intl  | 2005-05-05 03:50:00 | V - DVA2314   |
| JFK - Kennedy Intl| 2005-05-05 05:30:00 | V - WSM-9950  |
| YWG - Winnipeg Intl   | 2005-05-05 05:40:00 | V - ML853 |
| ZRH - Zurich  | 2005-05-05 05:50:00 | V - AAL213|
| ATL - The Hartsfield Atlanta Intl | 2005-05-05 06:05:00 | V - AAL209|
| SJU - Luis Munoz Marin Intl   | 2005-05-05 06:17:00 | V - AAL117|
| LHR - Heathrow| 2005-05-05 08:40:00 | V - BAW01 |
| ZRH - Zurich  | 2005-05-05 13:00:00 | V - LH3733|
| PRG - Ruzyne  | 2005-05-05 13:10:00 | V - CSA255|
| MAN - Manchester  | 2005-05-05 15:30:00 | V - BAW1503   |
| VIE - Schwechat   | 2005-05-05 17:20:00 | V - AUA85Y|
Problem... Well, the date clause on the WHERE part of the query is not doing 
what I am hoping it would.  I need to get all records where ArrvTime is 
bigger than (i.e. in the future) of NOW() + 2Hrs.  All my dates in the 
database are stored in GMT, so I only need to use NOW()-2H (which is the 

Can anyone help perhaps?
I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they 
fly by... - Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' 

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Re: where and dates

2005-05-05 Thread Chris Knipe
Found my problem...
Thanks anyways :)
I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they 
fly by... - Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 4:09 PM
Subject: where and dates

I dont think it's needed to go into to much details here but the 

 SELECT CONCAT(Airports.IATA, ' - ', Airports.Name) AS ArrivingFrom,
AS ArrvTime,
CONCAT(FlightData.Network, ' - ', FlightData.PilotCallSign) AS 
   FROM FlightData
   LEFT JOIN Airports ON FlightData.AirportDep=Airports.ICAO
  WHERE FlightData.AirportDes='KJFK'
GROUP BY FlightData.PilotCallSign
ORDER BY ArrvTime;

| ArrivingFrom  | ArrvTime| FlightNum 
| YYZ - Toronto/Pearson Intl| 2005-05-04 22:22:00 | V - ACA114 
| LHR - Heathrow| 2005-05-04 22:42:00 | V - BAW115 
|  - Norman Manley Intl | 2005-05-04 22:45:00 | V - AAL645 
| BOS - Logan Intl  | 2005-05-04 22:50:00 | V - AE729 
| NULL  | 2005-05-05 00:00:00 | V - N6340D 
| JFK - Kennedy Intl| 2005-05-05 00:00:00 | V - AFA5290 
| MCO - Orlando Intl| 2005-05-05 00:05:00 | V - FEDEX1472 
| MCO - Orlando Intl| 2005-05-05 00:25:00 | V - FEDEX1563 
| BOS - Logan Intl  | 2005-05-05 01:23:00 | V - AAL328 
| YYZ - Toronto/Pearson Intl| 2005-05-05 01:40:00 | V - ACA221 
| TPA - Tampa Intl  | 2005-05-05 02:10:00 | V - N171E 
| BOS - Logan Intl  | 2005-05-05 02:10:00 | V - N37TJ 
| MIA - Miami Intl  | 2005-05-05 02:40:00 | V - JAL5837 
|  - Eduardo Gomes Intl | 2005-05-05 02:42:00 | V - PST9864 
| CVG - Cincinnati/Northern Ky Intl | 2005-05-05 03:15:00 | V - MTN219 
| YYZ - Toronto/Pearson Intl| 2005-05-05 03:45:00 | V - UAL392 
| BOS - Logan Intl  | 2005-05-05 03:50:00 | V - DVA2314 
| JFK - Kennedy Intl| 2005-05-05 05:30:00 | V - WSM-9950 
| YWG - Winnipeg Intl   | 2005-05-05 05:40:00 | V - ML853 
| ZRH - Zurich  | 2005-05-05 05:50:00 | V - AAL213 
| ATL - The Hartsfield Atlanta Intl | 2005-05-05 06:05:00 | V - AAL209 
| SJU - Luis Munoz Marin Intl   | 2005-05-05 06:17:00 | V - AAL117 
| LHR - Heathrow| 2005-05-05 08:40:00 | V - BAW01 
| ZRH - Zurich  | 2005-05-05 13:00:00 | V - LH3733 
| PRG - Ruzyne  | 2005-05-05 13:10:00 | V - CSA255 
| MAN - Manchester  | 2005-05-05 15:30:00 | V - BAW1503 
| VIE - Schwechat   | 2005-05-05 17:20:00 | V - AUA85Y 

Problem... Well, the date clause on the WHERE part of the query is not 
doing what I am hoping it would.  I need to get all records where ArrvTime 
is bigger than (i.e. in the future) of NOW() + 2Hrs.  All my dates in the 
database are stored in GMT, so I only need to use NOW()-2H (which is the 

Can anyone help perhaps?
I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they 
fly by... - Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

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High Load testing

2005-05-04 Thread Chris Knipe
I used sql-bench, but that is testing things we already know.  We want to 
establish how many concurrent connections / queries our database server can 
handle before it starts getting into trouble (no, a different one from the 
email of last night).  This system is a dual proc with 4GB ram and over 
500GB on a RAID 5 setup

I found super-smack (which tests 100% what I want), but the problem now is 
that it does not compile on FreeBSD, and the few (literally not even 3) 
linux boxes we have cannot handle the load to stress our DB server to the 
max. This I know because iostat on the FreeBSD DB Server shows that the 
entire box is virtually idle (the load averages confirms) while the tests on 
super-smack run.  The worse I got was a load of 0.5 on the DB server with 
close to 800 threads running

Any ideas please???

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mysql mem usage

2005-05-03 Thread Chris Knipe
I have a P4 system with 1GB Ram and 512MB Swap (a little low I know).
I'm running a multi threaded MySQL installation on it.  With a bit of shock, 
I realised today that I ran completely out of swap space!!!  Each MySQL 
thread is consuming about 160MB of ram, and I had close to 40 threads 
running.  All my databases currently are approximately 1.5GB as far as file 
size goes, so it's not *that* much really.  The biggest table is MyISAM (for 
delayed inserts), holding approximately 2million records currently.

Is there a way to limit the amount of threads that MySQL can start, and to 
manage the pool of threads?  I.E. min servers, max servers, idle servers, 

And, can someone point me to a good side regarding getting optimum values 
for my.cnf?  I'm running MySQL 4.1.11

port   = 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
key_buffer_size= 8M
max_allowed_packet = 4M
bind-address   = x.x.x.x.122
server-id  = 100
set-variable   = back_log=10
set-variable   = connect_timeout=10
set-variable   = interactive_timeout=28800
set-variable   = interactive_timeout=20
set-variable   = join_buffer=256000
set-variable   = key_buffer_size=64M
set-variable   = max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable   = max_connect_errors=512
set-variable   = max_connections=64
set-variable   = max_user_connections=64
set-variable   = myisam_sort_buffer_size=16M
set-variable   = net_buffer_length=32K
set-variable   = net_read_timeout=30
set-variable   = net_retry_count=1
set-variable   = net_write_timeout=60
set-variable   = query_cache_size=16M
set-variable   = query_cache_limit=1M
set-variable   = query_cache_type=1
set-variable   = read_buffer_size=2M
set-variable   = sort_buffer=2M
set-variable   = table_cache=64
set-variable   = thread_stack=64k
set-variable   = thread_cache=16
set-variable   = thread_concurrency=2
set-variable   = tmp_table_size=20
set-variable   = wait_timeout=28800
set-variable   = delayed_insert_limit=2000
set-variable   = delayed_insert_timeout=1800
set-variable   = delayed_queue_size=8000
set-variable   = max_delayed_threads=32
I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they 
fly by... - Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' 

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Re: mysql mem usage

2005-05-03 Thread Chris Knipe
last pid: 56803;  load averages:  0.29,  0.31,  0.14 
up 5+11:10:10  20:09:05
174 processes: 1 running, 169 sleeping, 4 zombie
CPU states:  0.0% user,  2.3% nice,  1.2% system,  0.0% interrupt, 96.5% 
Mem: 422M Active, 237M Inact, 217M Wired, 43M Cache, 111M Buf, 73M Free
Swap: 512M Total, 297M Used, 215M Free, 58% Inuse, 16K In

55651 mysql  8   12   138M 33524K nanslp   0:21  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55649 mysql 20   14   138M 33524K pause0:21  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55866 mysql  4   14   138M 33524K sbwait   0:12  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55912 mysql  8   12   138M 33524K nanslp   0:04  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55697 mysql  4   14   138M 33524K sbwait   0:03  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55612 mysql110   14   138M 33524K select   0:01  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55613 mysql110   14   138M 33524K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55652 mysql  8   12   138M 33524K nanslp   0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55606 mysql107   11   138M 33524K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55607 mysql107   11   138M 33524K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
56390 mysql 20   14   138M 33524K pause0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55653 mysql  4   14   138M 33524K sbwait   0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55614 mysql 20   14   138M 33524K pause0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55610 mysql 20   14   138M 33524K pause0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55615 mysql 20   11   138M 33524K pause0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55609 mysql 20   14   138M 33524K pause0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55611 mysql 20   14   138M 33524K pause0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55608 mysql 20   14   138M 33524K pause0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55616 mysql 20   12   138M 33524K pause0:00  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
76746 squid 960 90756K 38016K select   4:16  0.00%  0.00% squid
56725 pmx4  960 36524K 34908K select   0:01  0.00%  0.00% perl
56724 pmx4  960 36172K 34560K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% perl
FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE, linuxthreads
I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they 
fly by... - Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: mysql mem usage

In the last episode (May 03), Chris Knipe said:
I have a P4 system with 1GB Ram and 512MB Swap (a little low I know).
I'm running a multi threaded MySQL installation on it.  With a bit of
shock, I realised today that I ran completely out of swap space!!!
Each MySQL thread is consuming about 160MB of ram, and I had close to
40 threads running.  All my databases currently are approximately
1.5GB as far as file size goes, so it's not *that* much really.  The
biggest table is MyISAM (for delayed inserts), holding approximately
2million records currently.
Threads don't have their own memory.  The process as a whole does.  I
can only assume you're running a Linux 2.4 kernel that displays threads
with separate pids in top, which causes all sorts of confusion.  They
all share the same address space though so it's only using 160MB.  If
you're swapping, chances are it's something else at fault.
Dan Nelson

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Re: mysql mem usage

2005-05-03 Thread Chris Knipe
55651 mysql  8   12   138M 33524K nanslp   0:21  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55649 mysql 20   14   138M 33524K pause0:21  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
55866 mysql  4   14   138M 33524K sbwait   0:12  0.00%  0.00% mysqld
Ya, since you're using linuxthreads, these are all really one process
with one single 138MB address space; note that SIZE and RES are
identical all the way down.
76746 squid 960 90756K 38016K select   4:16  0.00%  0.00% squid
56725 pmx4  960 36524K 34908K select   0:01  0.00%  0.00% perl
56724 pmx4  960 36172K 34560K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% perl
Try running ps axlm, which will show all the processes sorted by
memory usage.  If there are more of those perl scripts running, they
may be a contributing factor.  Apache with script modules (perl/php
etc) can also suck up lots of memory if you get lots of hits at once.
You learn something new every day.  It seems the culprit actually was our 
anti-spam engines + apache/mod_fastcgi.

We're down to 100MB Swap used and 100MB free MEM - big difference.  We'll 
need to get a upgrade though, we must be able to carry the load...

Thanks for the help
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Re: LEFT JOINS same data twice?

2005-04-15 Thread Chris Knipe
SELECT tlb1.DepartureLocation AS Departure, tbl1.DepartureLocation AS 
Destination LEFT JOIN DepartureLocation ON 
tlb2.DepartureID=tlb1.LocationID LEFT JOIN DepartureLocation ON 
tbl2.ArrivalID=tbl1.LocationID ORDER BY tbl2.Time etc etc etc

I get
ERROR 1066 (42000): Not unique table/alias: 'tbl1'
The statement above looks a bit strange, there is no FROM clause, and 
there seems to be 4 tables involved, named tbl1, tlb1, tbl2 and tlb2? 
According to your table description above, there is no column named 
DepartureLocation? According to the query, it seems like a table has 
that name?
Sorry, was trying to keep things simple and made a couple of typos (yes, 
silly of me, I know).

I'll pretend you have two tables named tbl1 and tbl2, containing the 
columns you described above:

tbl1: LocationID, Location
tbl2: DepartureID, ArrivalID, Time
Then try something like this:
SELECT Departure.Location, Arrival.Location AS Destination, Time
  FROM tbl2
  LEFT JOIN tbl1 AS Departure ON
Departure.LocationID = DepartureID
  LEFT JOIN tbl1 AS Arrival ON
Arrival.LocationID = ArrivalID
Note that there are two different uses of alias in this statementtable 
alias and column alias: the table tbl1 is aliased twice, to Departure 
and Arrival. Aliasing a table is necessary to be able to join the same 
table multiple times. The Arrival.Location column is aliased to 
Destination. This is necessary to avoid two columns from having the same 
name, in this case both columns would have been named Location.
YAY :) Ok, that does explain allot, and it does work yes.  Thank you VERY 

mysql SELECT FlightData.PilotCallSign AS FLNum,
   -FlightLogs.Tracker AS Tracker,
   -FlightLogs.TimeStart AS TimeDep,
   -Departure.IATA AS AirpDep,
   -Arrival.IATA AS AirpDes,
   -FlightLogs.Plane AS Plane
   -   FROM FlightLogs
   -   LEFT JOIN Airports AS Departure ON 
   -   LEFT JOIN Airports AS Arrival ON FlightLogs.AirpDes=Arrival.ICAO
   -   LEFT JOIN FlightData ON FlightLogs.Tracker=FlightData.Tracker
   -  GROUP BY FlightData.Tracker
   -  ORDER BY FlightLogs.TimeStart
   -  LIMIT 30;
| FLNum   | Tracker  | TimeDep | 
AirpDep | AirpDes | Plane|
30 rows in set (15.52 sec)

My next question now, would be where to INDEX.  Size is a MAJOR issue here. 
Two days worth of data, and I am already sitting with a DB over 60MB.  The 
above query is simply for debug / testing purposes.  There will be a WHERE 
clause, i.e. WHERE FlightLogs.CCID='blah'  I will more than likely also only 
query BETWEEN certain dates, based on the FlightLogs.StartTime - thus, also 

Airports have INDEX on Name, CountryID, ICAO as well as IATA.
FlightData have INDEX on PilotCID, PillotCallSign, and Tracker.
FlightLogs have INDEX on Tracker(Unique), CCID, AirpDes, AirpDep, and 

Thus, all columns used for the JOINs, have indexes already?  All GROUP BYs 
have indexes already?  Why is this taking so long?  FlightData has just 
over 130.5K records, Airports just over 23K records.  Airports won't grow 
much anymore, FlightData will grow to a ENOURMOUSE size, FlightLogs will be 
exponentially smaller than FlightData - but also quite big over time...

Hope you can be of assistance again :)
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Re: LEFT JOINS same data twice?

2005-04-15 Thread Chris Knipe
I eliminated your GROUP BY clause because you weren't actually GROUPing
anything. You weren't looking for a MIN(), a MAX(), an AVG(), or anything
else that GROUP BY was intended to be used for. That method of
de-duplicating results will return potentially misleading information as
it will randomly pick just one record from all of the records that fit
within that group. This way, by using DISTINCT, you can see if things
change mid-flight or not (which is either an indication of bad data or
some other troubles).
Ok, again I should have explained this.  The reason why FlightData is so 
huge and growing so rapidly, is because we take a snapshot every minute of 
every single flight we monitor.  I therefore group by a time stamp and/or 
FlightTracker (Depending what data I need), so that I can only get the data 
returned each time the data (plane's position) actually changed.  A quick 

mysql SELECT * FROM FlightData LIMIT 2\G
*** 1. row ***
 EntryID: 3471
 Network: V
   TimeStamp: 2005-04-14 07:27:42
 Tracker: df0363ea-fe06-1027-b1dd-00e01884a424
PilotCallSign: xxx
PilotCID: xxx
PilotRealName: Abdul Henderson KDFW
  CurHeading: 124
  CurAlt: 34887
   CurGS: 469
   Plane: H/DC10/W
 Transponder: 7207
   QNHHg: 29.80
   QNHMb: 1009.14
 Enroute: 06:00:00
Feul: 10:00:00
  AirportDep: KLAX
  AirportDes: MMMX
 PositionCur: 32.06073/-114.70269
 PositionDep: 33.942536/-118.408075
 PositionDes: 19.435278/-099.07
PLGS: 480
   PLAlt: 35000
   PLDepTime: 640
PLFlightType: I
*** 2. row ***
 EntryID: 3472
 Network: V
   TimeStamp: 2005-04-14 07:37:42
 Tracker: df0363ea-fe06-1027-b1dd-00e01884a424
PilotCallSign: xxx
PilotCID: xxx
PilotRealName: xxx
  CurHeading: 255
  CurAlt: 35707
   CurGS: 470
   Plane: B738
 Transponder: 7207
   QNHHg: 29.96
   QNHMb: 1014.56
 Enroute: 02:12:00
Feul: 05:30:00
  AirportDep: KPDX
  AirportDes: KLAX
 PositionCur: 33.94045/-118.40567
 PositionDep: 45.588722/-122.597500
 PositionDes: 33.942536/-118.408075
PLGS: 350
   PLAlt: 34000
   PLDepTime: 220
PLFlightType: I
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
FlightTracker therefore appears in the database a couple of hundred times 
for each flight.  It is inserted each and every time we poll the flight, 
whether the data has changed or not.  If I do not group therefore, my 
original query would return the Deparutre / Arrival for each and every 
occurance for FlightTracker.  I do however understand what you are saying, 
and I was not aware that it would Group the GROUP / JOIN the entire table 
before adding the exceptions.  This is obviously my problem as well.

Mainly, I use the TimeStamp to determine WHEN last the position of a flight 
was changed (and thus I know when and what change was made in the flight), 
whilst FlightTracker is used to group all the occurances of the changes in 
the flight.

 This command would fit between the CREATE...SELECT... and the second
SELECT... Even though the docs say that only 1 index is ever used per
query, I believe that each JOIN can also make use of an index if it exists
(this belief is based on the results of the EXPLAIN(s) of queries
containing JOINed tables. However, I could be completely wrong in this
I was seriously hoping to be able to do this effeciently with one query. 
But what you are saying does make sense however - especially when the 
database gets bigger and we're sitting with 1GB of flight data for example. 
One question though, if we sit with (for example) with 1,000,000 records 
instead of the odd 350K records in the database now.  Will it not take just 
as long to populate the temp table?

I do not think this technique is faster if you eliminate the WHERE clause
from the first query. But if you do have a WHERE, it should return much
faster than if you simply added a WHERE to your original query.
Ok.  That is something that I was not sure about either yes.  WHERE would 
obviously make the JOINs / GROUP BY smaller in regards to the amount of data 
examined and processed.  I thought perhaps LIMIT would do the same, in that 
it would use only the 30 records specified in my example query.  Obviously 
it JOIN / GROUP the entire table first, and only then return the first 30 
records - which is indeed a big difference.

mysql SELECT FlightData.PilotCallSign AS FLNum, FlightLogs.Tracker 
AS Tracker, FlightLogs.TimeStart AS TimeDep, Departure.IATA 
AS AirpDep, Arrival.IATA AS AirpDes, FlightLogs.Plane AS 
PlaneFROM FlightLogsLEFT JOIN Airports AS Departure ON 
FlightLogs.AirpDep=Departure.ICAOLEFT JOIN Airports AS Arrival ON 
FlightLogs.AirpDes=Arrival.ICAOLEFT JOIN FlightData ON 
FlightLogs.Tracker=FlightData.Tracker   GROUP BY FlightData.Tracker   ORDER 
BY FlightLogs.TimeStart   LIMIT 30;

very complicated queries (for me at least).

2005-04-14 Thread Chris Knipe
It's official.  I need help ;)
Let's do the table structures quickly.
mysql DESCRIBE FlightData;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default 
| Extra  |
| EntryID   | int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL 
| auto_increment |
| Network   | enum('I','V')|  | | V 
| TimeStamp | timestamp| YES  | | -00-00 
00:00:00 ||
| Tracker   | varchar(38)  | YES  | | NULL 
| PilotCallSign | varchar(20)  |  | MUL | 
| PilotCID  | mediumint(6) unsigned|  | MUL | 0 
| PilotRealName | varchar(50)  |  | | 
| CurHeading| tinyint(3) unsigned zerofill |  | | 000 
| CurAlt| smallint(5) unsigned |  | | 0 
| CurGS | smallint(4) unsigned |  | | 0 
| Plane | varchar(20)  |  | | 
| Transponder   | smallint(4) unsigned |  | | 0 
| QNHHg | varchar(5)   |  | | 
| QNHMb | varchar(8)   |  | | 
| Enroute   | time |  | | 00:00:00 
| Feul  | time |  | | 00:00:00 
| AirportDep| varchar(4)   |  | | 
| AirportDes| varchar(4)   |  | | 
| AirportAlt| varchar(4)   |  | | 
| PositionCur   | varchar(22)  |  | | 
| PositionDep   | varchar(22)  |  | | 
| PositionDes   | varchar(22)  |  | | 
| PLGS  | smallint(4) unsigned |  | | 0 
| PLAlt | varchar(10)  |  | | 
| PLDepTime | varchar(4)   | YES  | |  
| PLFlightType  | enum('','I','S','V') |  | | 
| FlightPlan| text |  | | 
| Remarks   | varchar(150) |  | | 
| ActDepTime| time |  | | 00:00:00 
| Logon | time |  | | 00:00:00 

mysql DESCRIBE Airports;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| EntryID   | smallint(5) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| CountryID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   ||
| Name  | varchar(50)  |  | MUL | ||
| IATA  | char(3)  |  | MUL | ||
| ICAO  | varchar(4)   |  | MUL | ||
| Long  | varchar(50)  |  | | ||
| Lat   | varchar(50)  |  | | ||
| Alt   | int(11)  |  | | 0   ||
| City  | varchar(200) |  | | ||
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Sample data.
mysql SELECT * FROM FlightData LIMIT 1\G
*** 1. row ***
 EntryID: 3471
 Network: V
   TimeStamp: 2005-04-14 07:27:42
 Tracker: df0363ea-fe06-1027-b1dd-00e01884a424
PilotCallSign: AAL133
PilotRealName: x
  CurHeading: 124
  CurAlt: 34887
   CurGS: 469
   Plane: H/DC10/W
 Transponder: 7207
   QNHHg: 29.80
   QNHMb: 1009.14
 Enroute: 06:00:00
Feul: 10:00:00
  AirportDep: KLAX
  AirportDes: MMMX
 PositionCur: 32.06073/-114.70269
 PositionDep: 33.942536/-118.408075
 PositionDes: 19.435278/-099.07
PLGS: 480
   PLAlt: 35000
   PLDepTime: 640
PLFlightType: I
 Remarks: SEL/CJ-AG  /V/
  ActDepTime: 06:40:00
   Logon: 06:32:49
mysql SELECT * FROM Airports LIMIT 1\G

Re: update ... where col is null problem.

2005-04-14 Thread Chris Knipe
I use = 0.  It works for me.
I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they 
fly by... - Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

- Original Message - 
From: Emil Wilmanski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 11:19 AM
Subject: update ... where col is null problem.

I have problem with update query. Select query with the same where is
mysql select AcctStartTime,AcctSessionTime from radacct where
AcctStopTime is null;
| AcctStartTime   | AcctSessionTime |
| 2005-04-11 12:16:19 |  191154 |
| 2005-04-13 06:51:59 |   37984 |
| 2005-04-13 16:28:51 |3617 |
| 2005-04-13 17:36:57 |   16279 |
| 2005-04-13 17:37:01 |   16280 |
| 2005-04-13 17:37:03 |   16279 |
| 2005-04-13 22:15:41 |   0 |
| 2005-04-13 22:15:56 |   0 |
| 2005-04-13 22:23:55 |   44018 |
| 2005-04-14 10:34:14 |   0 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
but update:
mysql update radacct set AcctStopTime=null where AcctStopTime is null;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
I know that this update query is stupid byt it is only to show problem.
this is more/less my table:
mysql desc radacct;
| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default |
Extra  |
| RadAcctId  | bigint(21)  |  | PRI | NULL|
auto_increment |
| AcctStartTime  | datetime|  | MUL | -00-00 00:00:00 |
| AcctStopTime   | datetime|  | MUL | -00-00 00:00:00 |
| AcctSessionTime| int(12) | YES  | | NULL|
my sql system/version:
debian/mysql 4.1.11
Emil Wilmanski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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LEFT JOINS same data twice?

2005-04-12 Thread Chris Knipe
Is it possible to left join the same data twice?
Location, varchar(100)
SELECT tlb1.DepartureLocation AS Departure, tbl1.DepartureLocation AS 
Destination LEFT JOIN DepartureLocation ON tlb2.DepartureID=tlb1.LocationID 
LEFT JOIN DepartureLocation ON tbl2.ArrivalID=tbl1.LocationID ORDER BY 
tbl2.Time etc etc etc

I get
ERROR 1066 (42000): Not unique table/alias: 'tbl1'

I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they 
fly by... - Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' 

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Re: Ms Sql unique identifier field

2005-03-18 Thread Chris Knipe
AUTO_INCREMENT is not the same as newid().
Frankly, something like newid() would be very useful in MySQL.
- Original Message - 
From: Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Ms Sql unique identifier field


You should think about AUTO_INCREMENT. See:


i have a question:
FiledName: uiAutID
DataType: unique identifier
DefaultValue: newid()
 how i can describe the some column in MySQL?
 if isn't possible, how can i solve my problem?
  P.S.: is necessary for us, use unique identifier data type because

  the datas must be exchanged with others companies and we need garantee

  unique identification of all the informations.

   Maurizio, Sponda


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replication errors

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Knipe
Lo again,
Master and Slave server, both running 5.0.2-LOG (Exactly the same versions).
On the master, everything is working fine.  Data that gets inserted / 
updated / deleted etc goes into the bin log, and gets replicated to the 

On the slave, I am getting syntax errors from the queries received from the 
master?!?!?!?! HOW can I query NOT be correct when it gets to the slave, but 
yet on the master, the query was issued successfully???

The latest example:
*** 1. row ***
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
   Master_User: replicator
   Master_Port: 3306
 Connect_Retry: 60
   Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.01
   Read_Master_Log_Pos: 8916111
Relay_Log_File: netsphere-relay-bin.09
 Relay_Log_Pos: 956043
 Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.01
  Slave_IO_Running: Yes
 Slave_SQL_Running: No
Last_Errno: 1064
Last_Error: Error 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; 
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near ''64.7.0/B' at line 1' on query. Default database: 'DB'. 
Query: 'INSERT INTO GlobalCountryPrefix (CountryID, Network, Prefix) VALUES 
('230', '64.7.0/B'
  Skip_Counter: 0
   Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 5911231
   Relay_Log_Space: 3963045
   Until_Condition: None
 Until_Log_Pos: 0
Master_SSL_Allowed: No
 Seconds_Behind_Master: 79761
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Sure, there is a syntax error in the query - yes.  But why does the master 
not put the complete query in the bin log?  This is the second time 
in 3 days that it has happened now.  Whilst we are on this, how do I tell 
the slave to skip the query and proceed with the rest of the binlog... 
Thanks to this now, we already have a MASSIVE backlog that needs to be 


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Re: replication errors

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Knipe
Chris Knipe wrote:
Sure, there is a syntax error in the query - yes.  But why does the 
master not put the complete query in the bin log?  This is the 
second time in 3 days that it has happened now.  Whilst we are on this, 
how do I tell the slave to skip the query and proceed with the rest of 
the binlog... Thanks to this now, we already have a MASSIVE backlog that 
needs to be processed.
I do not know if it is a best solution but that's shure that it's an 
easiest. Just add

slave-skip-errors = all
to the config... or just with errors that you want to skip, refer to the 
manual for an extensive description.
Ok, that's fair enough, and it seems to be working again for now.
But just how realiable is MySQL's replication to begin with?  Skipping the 
errors does not resolve my problem.  Skiping the errors mearly means that my 
slave server will not have a accurate representation of the data on the 
master.  Surely, there must be a reason why the Master server is not logging 
queries properly into the binary log??? Either it's not being logged right, 
or the Slave is not reading it correctly.  If it was different versions of 
MySQL, I could have perhaps let this fly with a incompatibility of sorts, 
but they are exactly the same versions??

And this is not the first time it's happening either...  It really makes me 
doubt whether MySQL is the right approach to take to this whole replication 
vs data redundancy scenario.


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Re: replication errors

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Knipe
Chris Knipe wrote:
Sure, there is a syntax error in the query - yes.  But why does the 
master not put the complete query in the bin log?  This is the 
second time in 3 days that it has happened now.  Whilst we are on this, 
how do I tell the slave to skip the query and proceed with the rest of 
the binlog... Thanks to this now, we already have a MASSIVE backlog that 
needs to be processed.
I do not know if it is a best solution but that's shure that it's an 
easiest. Just add

slave-skip-errors = all
to the config... or just with errors that you want to skip, refer to the 
manual for an extensive description.
Ok, that's fair enough, and it seems to be working again for now.
But just how realiable is MySQL's replication to begin with?  Skipping the 
errors does not resolve my problem.  Skiping the errors mearly means that 
my slave server will not have a accurate representation of the data on the 
master.  Surely, there must be a reason why the Master server is not 
logging queries properly into the binary log??? Either it's not being 
logged right, or the Slave is not reading it correctly.  If it was 
different versions of MySQL, I could have perhaps let this fly with a 
incompatibility of sorts, but they are exactly the same versions??

And this is not the first time it's happening either...  It really makes 
me doubt whether MySQL is the right approach to take to this whole 
replication vs data redundancy scenario.

Now, I've been running for not even 1 hour with the skip-errors enabled 
A quick check, on ONE table...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mysql --host=mysqldb01 --database=DB -p
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
elcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 159 to server version: 5.0.2-alpha-log
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql SELECT COUNT(RadAcctId) FROM RadiusAccounting;
| COUNT(RadAcctId) |
|1144320 |
1 row in set (1.69 sec)
mysql quit
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mysql --host=mysqldb02 --database=DB -p
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 105 to server version: 5.0.2-alpha-log
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql SELECT COUNT(RadAcctId) FROM RadiusAccounting;
| COUNT(RadAcctId) |
|1144218 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)
So there's already data missing on the slave *shrugs*
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Re: replication errors

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Knipe
- Original Message - 
From: Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: replication errors

mysql SELECT COUNT(RadAcctId) FROM RadiusAccounting;
| COUNT(RadAcctId) |
|1144320 |
1 row in set (1.69 sec)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mysql --host=mysqldb02 --database=DB -p
mysql SELECT COUNT(RadAcctId) FROM RadiusAccounting;
| COUNT(RadAcctId) |
|1144218 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)
So there's already data missing on the slave *shrugs*
Or there is data still pending in the binlog between master and slave.
Replication is not instantaneous.
If you shut down the Master and wait, does all the data make it to the 

I'm not promising it's not broken:  I'm just promising that your analysis
is too brief and incomplete to be conclusive. :-)

I thought someone would bring this up.  I should have mentioned in my 
original post, I did check, the slave was up to date...

Quick test on the slave:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mysql --host=mysqldb02 --database=DB -p
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1806 to server version: 5.0.2-alpha-log
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
*** 1. row ***
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
   Master_User: replicator
   Master_Port: 3306
 Connect_Retry: 60
   Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.06
   Read_Master_Log_Pos: 7634
Relay_Log_File: netsphere-relay-bin.29
 Relay_Log_Pos: 7768
 Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.06
  Slave_IO_Running: Yes
 Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Last_Errno: 0
  Skip_Counter: 0
   Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 7634
   Relay_Log_Space: 7768
   Until_Condition: None
 Until_Log_Pos: 0
Master_SSL_Allowed: No
 Seconds_Behind_Master: 9
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql SELECT COUNT(RadAcctID) FROM RadiusAccounting;
| COUNT(RadAcctID) |
|1144374 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)
On the master...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mysql --host=mysqldb01 --database=DB -p
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 225 to server version: 5.0.2-alpha-log
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
| File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
| mysql-bin.06 | 7634 |  |  |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)
mysql SELECT COUNT(RadAcctID) FROM RadiusAccounting;
| COUNT(RadAcctID) |
|1144475 |
1 row in set (0.12 sec)
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Re: replication errors

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Knipe
So there's already data missing on the slave *shrugs*
Yep, you told it to SKIP ERRORS.  That means that if any query generates
an error, for any reason, it's just going to skip over it and move on. So 
data was missing on your slave the moment you restarted replication -- it 
skipped the UPDATE it had a problem with.  From that moment on, your 
replication was out of sync.
Correct yes.  As I said, my problem is not the data that is missing, my 
problem is the fact that a update / insery query executes successfully on 
the master, but generates a error on the slave because the bin logs aren't 
read / written properly... That's the problem here, not the missing data... 
For that I have backups.

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safe way of replication?

2005-03-09 Thread Chris Knipe
Lo all,
Just wondering... Would the below be considered a safe way to do 

MasterBD:  One Database (most Critical)
SlaveDB: Replicating all databases from MasterBD as well as hosting allot of 
other 3rd party, or customer DBs.

Basically, the MasterBD holds a single critical database for our company 
(i.e. main database).  The slave DB then becomes a slave for the MasterDB 
(one way replication), but also hosts allot of other not so critical 

So far, this seems to be working, but I am getting a couple of errors or 
problems in regards to the mysql table for user authentication...  My guess 
is that I more than likely just don't need to replicate that DB from the 

Would this be considered safe??  Or should I look at a third database server 
for deployment?


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Re: safe way of replication?

2005-03-09 Thread Chris Knipe
Hmm,  We'll we just won't give them access to the replicated database to 
begin with... It's used internally, and the few people in the company that 
do need to write to the database are all skilled administrators / 
programmers who know what to do :)  Dont think we'll be having those 

I'll stop replicating mysql tables then... Thanks ;)

- Original Message - 
From: Gary Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: safe way of replication?

I would probably not replica the mysql database in your case.
We run a similar setup. One problem we have is people connecting to
the wrong database server and applying updates (for example, they
think they are in the master, but it's really the slave and they
perform an update or an insert). As you can guess, it causes problems
with data integrity. In order to get around this, we remove
insert,update,delete from our users on the slave..
On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 17:49:10 +0200, Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Lo all,
Just wondering... Would the below be considered a safe way to do
MasterBD:  One Database (most Critical)
SlaveDB: Replicating all databases from MasterBD as well as hosting allot 
other 3rd party, or customer DBs.

Basically, the MasterBD holds a single critical database for our company
(i.e. main database).  The slave DB then becomes a slave for the MasterDB
(one way replication), but also hosts allot of other not so critical
So far, this seems to be working, but I am getting a couple of errors or
problems in regards to the mysql table for user authentication...  My 
is that I more than likely just don't need to replicate that DB from the

Would this be considered safe??  Or should I look at a third database 
for deployment?

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two-way replication

2005-02-28 Thread Chris Knipe
Is two-way replication possible with MySQL 5.x?  Any good sites / docs 
describing this type of setup?


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Re: two-way replication

2005-02-28 Thread Chris Knipe
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: two-way replication

Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/28/2005 11:53:14 AM:
Is two-way replication possible with MySQL 5.x?  Any good sites / docs
describing this type of setup?

By two-way replication, do you mean changes to either database are
synchronized to the other? This is a dual-master situation and not yet
supported by MySQL.  The problem is with cross-server locking. Right now
(even with v5.0) MySQL does not know to lock a record on your other
server to prevent someone over there from changing that record while you
are editing it on this server. Same goes for inserts (auto_increment
values are not coordinated) and deletes.
Now, I have been monitoring the development lists on the MySQL Cluster and
MySQL Federated lines and both are working on inter-server coordination
but I have no idea if either of those products will fit your need.
As of today, MySQL does support 1-way, and chained replication. There is
no rule that prevents you from creating circular replication by making
each server the child of the other. The danger with circular replication
is that you need to ensure (by application-level logic, data partitioning,
or any of other techniques) that insert collisions do not occur (no two
new records get the same primary key from different servers) and that you
can gracefully handle simultaneous updates (as they are not prevented at
the server level).
Search this list's and the other lists' archives (
for some pretty clever workarounds to help stabilize circular replication.
During your searches, you will find links to several books that are
online, I highly recommend you read ALL of those links.

Thanks Shawn,
I will look into it as well as clustering.  I think clustering may solve my 
problems, I am not sure myself to be honest.

We basically operate a large WAN, and due to time critical queries on the 
databases (such as Radius AAA), I want to find a way to roll out multiple 
databases at strategic locations on the network.  The problem comes in that 
all these databases MUST handle INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE 
propperly, and migrate any changes through all the databases servers on the 
network (for now, it will just be 2, but I'm sure this will become more 

I have to admit, I haven't been following the MySQL developments too much 
since 4.x came out, so yes, I do have some reading to do.

Thanks again for your input.
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first day of week/month

2004-10-18 Thread Chris Knipe
I know this might be a little silly, but can anyone give me a example on how 
to get the date of the first day of a week and month?

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*very* strange...

2004-03-19 Thread Chris Knipe
Lo everyone,

I'm *baffled* completely I've never seen something like this before.
:  I tried this exact query from PHP, Perl, as well as the MySQL
thingy... They ALL give the same result - it must therefore be my table

| VERSION()  |
| 4.0.14-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SHOW TABLES LIKE 'Accounts';
| Tables_in_SAV001 (DSLAccounts) |
| Accounts   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'Accounts';
| Name| Type   | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | Data_length |
Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time
| Update_time | Check_time | Create_options | Comment   |
| Accounts| MyISAM | Dynamic|   42 | 44 |1888 |
4294967295 | 7168 | 0 | 49 | 2004-03-20 08:53:01
| 2004-03-20 08:54:42 | NULL   || Accounts |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SHOW KEYS FROM `Accounts`;
| Table   | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name |
Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| Accounts|  0 | PRIMARY  |1 | EntryID | A
|  42 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| Accounts|  0 | Username |1 | Username| A
|  42 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| Accounts|  1 | isActive |1 | isActive| A
|NULL | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| Accounts|  1 | isCapped |1 | isCapped| A
|NULL | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `Accounts`;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
Privileges  |
| EntryID  | smallint(6) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
select,insert,update,references |
| Username | varchar(150) |  | UNI | ||
select,insert,update,references |
| Password | varchar(150) |  | | ||
select,insert,update,references |
| isActive | enum('y','n')|  | MUL | y   ||
select,insert,update,references |
| isCapped | enum('y','n')|  | MUL | n   ||
select,insert,update,references |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SHOW FIELDS FROM `Accounts` FROM `SAV001`;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| EntryID  | smallint(6) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| Username | varchar(150) |  | UNI | ||
| Password | varchar(150) |  | | ||
| isActive | enum('y','n')|  | MUL | y   ||
| isCapped | enum('y','n')|  | MUL | n   ||
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO Accounts (Username, Password) VALUES
(Username='[EMAIL PROTECTED]', Password='password');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Username='[EMAIL 

Re: *very* strange...

2004-03-19 Thread Chris Knipe
 insert into table (username, password) values ('username', 'password')

 Skip out the username= and password= part.  What you are ending up
 doing here is that the values portion of the insert statement, these two

You may kick my ass... Royally.

Sorry, I feel like a phrick to say the least... That's what copy and pasting
code to save time does for you


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sub query format...

2003-12-03 Thread Chris Knipe
Lo all,

What's the format for a sub query in MySQL??

I've tried the below with a few variants but I can't seem to get it

SELECT songlist.ID AS ID,
   songlist.duration AS Duration,
   songlist.artist AS Artist,
   songlist.title AS Title,
   songlist.filename AS FileName
  FROM songlist
  LEFT JOIN categorylist ON songlist.ID=categorylist.songID
 WHERE categorylist.categoryID=(SELECT category.ID FROM category WHERE
category.parentID='4' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1)
 ORDER BY songlist.filename;

This is a InnoDB Table, running on 4.0.14...


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Re: How to pass syslog data to a MySql Database?

2003-12-03 Thread Chris Knipe
Have a  look on sourceforge.

I think it's called mylogd or something similar. It's syslogd with sql support in it.

Alternatively, a simple perl script will be able to parse the data and insert it 
manually into a db.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 1:42 AM
  Subject: How to pass syslog data to a MySql Database?

  Dear list: 

  I`m running a syslogd into my Linux box for logging all event send from our Cisco 
routers, these event are logged in text format, for instance: 

  Dec  3 15:01:36 sin-trj 8351: Dec  3 15:01:35.322 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:38 sin-trj 8352: Dec  3 15:01:37.318 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:40 sin-trj 8353: Dec  3 15:01:39.318 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:42 sin-tnd 8286: Dec  3 15:01:41.328 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:42 nas-cbb-gisuq 10124: Dec  3 15:01:41.818 BO:%PQUICC-1-LOSTCARR: Unit 
0, lost carrier. Transceiver problem? 
  Dec  3 15:01:44 sin-tnd 8287: Dec  3 15:01:43.324 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:46 sin-tnd 8288: Dec  3 15:01:45.324 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:48 sin-tnd 8289: Dec  3 15:01:47.324 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:50 sin-tnd 8290: Dec  3 15:01:49.320 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:52 8234: Dec  3 15:01:51.601 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:54 8235: Dec  3 15:01:53.597 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:56 8236: Dec  3 15:01:55.589 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:01:58 8237: Dec  3 15:01:57.597 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 
  Dec  3 15:02:00 8238: Dec  3 15:01:59.589 BO: 
%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL:Authentication failure for SNMP req from host 

  I`d like to get some suggestion over how can I to load these text file to a MySql 
database automatically. 
  Thank you for your help. 

  DATACOM - Instalaciones
  Phone. 591-2-2123978
  Movil: 591-715-29967
  Fax: 591-2-2123975  


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Re: What is a good benchmark?

2003-07-23 Thread Chris Knipe
| BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye)) |
|0 |
1 row in set (1.91 sec)

PIII 850, with 1GB Ram.

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Dickenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: What is a good benchmark?

 On my 1Ghz Mac PowerBook with 1GB RAM using version 4.0.13 with OS 10.2.6

 mysql SELECT BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye));
 | BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye)) |
 |0 |
 1 row in set (1.07 sec)

 Jim Dickenson

 Computers for Marketing Corporation

  From: Hubbard, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 08:39:01 -0700
  Subject: RE: What is a good benchmark?
  On my 2 * 2.8Ghz 2GB RAM, Redhat 8:
  mysql SELECT BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye));
  | BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye)) |
  |0 |
  1 row in set (0.66 sec)
  -Original Message-
  From: John Griffin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:02 AM
  To: Bryan Koenig; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: What is a good benchmark?
  On my 1.8GHz p4 with 512Gig of RAM I get:
  mysql SELECT BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye));
  | BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye)) |
  |0 |
  1 row in set (0.91 sec)
  -Original Message-
  From: Bryan Koenig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:46 AM
  Subject: RE: What is a good benchmark?
  On my p4 2gig
  mysql SELECT BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye));
  | BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye)) |
  |0 |
  1 row in set (0.86 sec)
  -Original Message-
  From: Jake Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:34 AM
  To: Mysql
  Subject: What is a good benchmark?
  I ran this benchmark on my pIII 500 and was wondering what everyone else
  was getting?
  mysql SELECT BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye));
  | BENCHMARK(100,ENCODE(hello,goodbye)) |
  |0 |
  1 row in set (2.59 sec)
  Jake Johnson
  Plutoid - - Shop Plutoid for the best prices on
  Rims, Car Audio, and Performance Parts.
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Re: MySQL 4.0.12 proftpd 1.2.8

2003-06-02 Thread Chris Knipe
 Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: message: 'Unknown column 'password' in
 'field list''

 mysql SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = test
 - ;

 | userid | uid | gid  | passwd   | description | disabled | shell

It should be obvious.

Fix your spelling mistake.


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unique select between two tables...

2003-01-12 Thread Chris Knipe
lo everyone,

I have two tables Both have a DebtCode VARCHAR(6) in them, and both has
UNIQUE Indexes on them.  How can I select DebtCode as being unique in both

DebtCode in both tables, will be three alphabetical characters, followed by
three numbers, like ABC001 ... ABC999, etc etc etc.  Now, let's say I want
to see the next available *UNIQUE* DebtCode I can assign, provided that I
have ABC002 in table1 already.

mysql SELECT COUNT(table1.DebtCode) + COUNT(table2.DebtCode) + 1 AS DebtID
FROM table1, table1 WHERE table1.DebtCode LIKE 'ABC%' OR table2.DebtCode
| DebtID |
|245 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Which, is the total number of ROWS on Table1 + Table2 + 1. Alas, not what I
was expecting... I'm sure this should be possible, it's obviously my query
that is lacking... If there's any one with ideas / a quick fix, please let
me know!!



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Re: unique select between two tables...

2003-01-12 Thread Chris Knipe
OK, this just doesn't make sense to me

table2.DebtCode) AS table2 FROM table1, table2 WHERE (table1.DebtCode LIKE
'CHR%' OR table2.DebtCode LIKE 'CHRI%');
| table1 | table2 |
|  3 | 79 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

mysql SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT DebtCode) AS table2 FROM table2 WHERE DebtCode
| table2 |
|0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


- Original Message -
From: Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 5:19 PM
Subject: unique select between two tables...

 lo everyone,

 I have two tables Both have a DebtCode VARCHAR(6) in them, and both
 UNIQUE Indexes on them.  How can I select DebtCode as being unique in both

 DebtCode in both tables, will be three alphabetical characters, followed
 three numbers, like ABC001 ... ABC999, etc etc etc.  Now, let's say I want
 to see the next available *UNIQUE* DebtCode I can assign, provided that I
 have ABC002 in table1 already.

 mysql SELECT COUNT(table1.DebtCode) + COUNT(table2.DebtCode) + 1 AS
 FROM table1, table1 WHERE table1.DebtCode LIKE 'ABC%' OR table2.DebtCode
 | DebtID |
 |245 |
 1 row in set (0.01 sec)

 Which, is the total number of ROWS on Table1 + Table2 + 1. Alas, not what
 was expecting... I'm sure this should be possible, it's obviously my query
 that is lacking... If there's any one with ideas / a quick fix, please let
 me know!!



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Re: request

2002-12-21 Thread Chris Knipe
LOOL! This *IS* a joke right? ;)

- Original Message -
From: lateef ayinla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 2:13 AM
Subject: request

 Dear  sir,
 i  come  across   yourmanual  [mySQL  Reference]  when  browsing
through  the  internet,  i  read it
 but  i  didn't   understand  it.  i   like to develop  software  of  my
own   through  writing   software
 programs   but  don't   know  how  to do it,  i would  like you  to  teach
me   how  to  write  software
 programme.  i want  to   use  it  to  find  people's   data  and
information  on the  internet.
 this isbecause  i've  lost  contact  with  most  of  my  friends  in
usa.  i want to use the  software
 programme   i'm  asking   you   to  teach me to find  their  whereabout.
i'm   a   beginner  in   internet
 browsingi want  you  to teach  me  exclusively  how  to  software use
 to   find  people  information.  iwill   expecting  your  repy  soon.
thanks  for   anticipaion

 biola  rufai

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table upgrades

2002-12-06 Thread Chris Knipe
Lo all,

If I have a database with various tables, and I want to upgrade the tables
and the data in the tables, will it screw up the permissions assigned to
users if I use DROP TABLE / CREATE TABLE (to recreate the changed tables),
and then just populate them with the data again?

I'm doing it this way because it's easier for us to dump the data from our
development databases and reload them onto our production systems, but I'm
worring now that I am going to loose my permissions (there is a TON of users
/ permissions in place)...

Any feedback appreciated.



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Re: this is WEAK!

2002-11-27 Thread Chris Knipe
where member='me ' is not the same as where member='me' ('me ' != 'me')

I've noticed this as well with just about any mysql version, on any

The tables / columns really isn't important here IMHO... From what I can
see, trailing spaces are always droped, which shouldn't be.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: this is WEAK!

 At 15:06 -0600 11/27/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 member varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (member),

 Huh.  That is weird, then.  What does LENGTH(contact) return?

 On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 03:28:15PM -0600, Paul DuBois wrote:
   At 14:48 -0600 11/27/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Why? (Note the extra space after me in the second select)
   Hardly enough information to go on.  Apparently you're using a
   column type like BLOB or TEXT for which trailing spaces are not
   Your MySQL connection id is 6021 to server version: 3.23.41-log
   mysql select contact from options where member='me';
   | contact |
   | me  |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)
   mysql select contact from options where member='me ';
   | contact |
   | me  |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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Re: Is it possible to export data from access to MySQL?

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Knipe
MySQL-Front is quite good for this...

- Original Message -
From: Steve Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: MySQL General Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 4:37 PM
Subject: Is it possible to export data from access to MySQL?

 Is it possible to export data from MS Access into MySQL?
 If so how?
 I have a huge amount of data that will take weeks to input and I've
 convinced my boss to use MySQL rather than any other DB because of it's
 compatibility with PHP. However I (probably hastily) *assumed* that
 there would be a way to export the data.
 Any ideas?

 Steve Jackson
 Web Developer
 Viola Systems Ltd.
 Mobile +358 50 343 5159

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Two queries, can I make it one?

2002-10-16 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo everyone,

I have a bit of a dilemma.  I use MySQL for all my authentication (user
accounts etc, via ftp / mail / radius / http / etc), and currently am using
PureFTPD as my FTPD to allow my clients to upload web sites.

I use the following to authenticate users for their personal web space...

SELECT Password FROM UserAccounts RIGHT JOIN DNSZones ON
UserAccounts.ZoneID=DNSZones.ZoneID WHERE UserAccounts.Username=LEFT('\L',
(LOCATE('@', '\L') -1)) AND UserAccounts.StatusID  10 AND
DNSZones.ZoneName='' LIMIT 1;

\L is replaced by the username, where the usernames looks at

Now, this is all very nice and simple, but it is limited in the sense that I
can only allow that query on the one web site.  In other words, I'll need to
run at least two different FTP servers (one for user web sites, and one for
other web sites).

In the other web sites, I'll be using something like this:

WebAuth.ZoneID=DNSZones.ZoneID WHERE WebAuth.UserName=LEFT('\L',
(LOCATE('@', '\L') -1)) AND WebAuth.StatusID  10 LIMIT 1;

In this instance, the user account will be something like

Now, is there a way that I can do both those queries in one go?  Basically,
I want to provide PureFTP with one SQL query, that will either return the
account details on the user account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), OR, for a
virtual web site ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

If I can write this quick of what I have in mind, I'm looking for something

  the user is authenticating for their personal web space
} else {
  the user is authenticating for a dedicated virtual host

Is this possible??? :/



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Re: Lost connections on Freebsd

2002-08-18 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo Michael,

I digged a bit more, and while running under debug mode, MySQL doesnt crash,
it does complain about a bad file descriptor on /etc/hosts.allow.

If this is the cause of the failure, there might be a possibly bug in the
code, because I really think it's arb that the entire MySQL needs to bail
because it can't open a file...  Here's the relavent messages from syslog,

Aug 18 16:03:29 netsonic mysqld[15158]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 23:
can't get client address: Bad file descriptor
Aug 18 16:03:30 netsonic mysqld[15158]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 23:
can't get client address: Bad file descriptor

When I run without debug, I think this is what *may* be causing the crash,
whilst when running under debug mode, MySQL obviously has some sort of
protection so that it sends out only a warning instead of crashing

 Chris I've recompiled the master about three times now, and it still
 Chris Eventually, it came to such a extend that the moment I open port
3306 MySQL
 Chris would crash.  I can just use telnet ip 3306, or open a netcat on
 Chris 3306, and MySQL would die.

 Can you try to configure MYSQL with CFLAGS=-g and run the server under

 If we could get a full back trace where it fails, it could help us
 find out what's wrong.

I tried.  Now, when I recompiled it again without debug support, it doesn't
crash for some reason.  At least not for now  The below log is issued to
syslog at every connection however.
  Aug 18 17:03:53 netsonic mysqld[47947]: warning: can't get client address:
Bad file descriptor

I'll keep my eyes on it like a hawk.  First crash I get, it's back to gdb we
go... It looks to me as if it may be tcpwrappers that's busted however...

 Chris So far, the only way I found to keep the FreeBSD Port up, was to
 Chris it with debug support.  I so far have 90 minutes uptime on the
Master with
 Chris debug support compiled in, but it's needless to say not really the
 Chris result.

 How did you configure MySQL in this case ?

Altered the Makefile in the ports, compiled / installed, and did a cvsup to
sync the ports again... MySQL compiles per default with CFLAGS=-g from the
ports, I just need had to recompile it again now, so that I could remove the
debug support and let MySQL actually crash again :P


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Re: Lost connections on Freebsd

2002-08-18 Thread Chris Knipe

 ...or you have too many open files in the system.You reach the max. number
 of files which can be opened by the OS.Try to increase file-max from

Highly doubtful.  It's a brand new server installation, exactly the same as
all my others, and it's not doing half as much as the others are

The box runs mysql, apache, and exim...  With less than 50 processes running
at any given time...

It's FreeBSD as well btw, /proc/fs/ doesn't exist :P

 The fstat utility identifies open files.  A file is considered open by
 process if it was explicitly opened, is the working directory, root
 directory, active executable text, or kernel trace file for that
 If no options are specified, fstat reports on all open files in the

749 open files reported... Far less than the maximum.


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Re: Lost connections on Freebsd

2002-08-18 Thread Chris Knipe

Fair enough,

But then why is MySQL the *only* thing I am having problems with?  MySQL's
not the only application running on the box, it's not the only application
opening / closing tcp sockets, its not the only thing opening / closing file

*shrugs*... Maybe I should just rm -rf / and reinstall.

- Original Message -
From: Gelu Gogancea [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: Lost connections on Freebsd

 For sure Bad file descriptor error occur because your kernel it's not
 able to create handler for the new open file(don't forget...socket it's
 a file ) which must be open.


 Permanent e-mail address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 8:14 PM
 Subject: Re: Lost connections on Freebsd

   ...or you have too many open files in the system.You reach the max.
   of files which can be opened by the OS.Try to increase file-max from
  Highly doubtful.  It's a brand new server installation, exactly the same
  all my others, and it's not doing half as much as the others are
  The box runs mysql, apache, and exim...  With less than 50 processes
  at any given time...
  It's FreeBSD as well btw, /proc/fs/ doesn't exist :P
   The fstat utility identifies open files.  A file is considered open
   process if it was explicitly opened, is the working directory, root
   directory, active executable text, or kernel trace file for that
   If no options are specified, fstat reports on all open files in the
  749 open files reported... Far less than the maximum.
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Re: Another one on lost connections( using web interface)

2002-08-18 Thread Chris Knipe

PHP's more than likely just loosing persistent connections to the DB.

It's a coding thing I think... You need to call mysql_connect() on every
page where you need to use the database, even if you use mysql_pconnect().

If there's a mysql specific error, I think MySQL would most definitely write
something to the error log...

Tweaking your my.cnf and php.ini may also help you cause here...


- Original Message -
From: Defryn, Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 11:25 PM
Subject: Another one on lost connections( using web interface)

 I also have a problem with lost connections.
 I have small mysql database (version 3.23.49 on FreeBSD 4.5)

 I have created a website interface to enter and retrieve data.
 I used ASP to do this. Sometimes when I go to the website
 I get the error can't connect or lost connection to server.

 The mysql install has been done with default settings and
 There are never more than 2 people using the database at the same time.

 I also created a PHP interface to the database and I received the same

 The error does not occur all the time and when it occurs it goes away by
refreshing the web browser.

 I never have any problems when working on the mysql server from the
command line.

 Any ideas?

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Re: Lost connections on Freebsd

2002-08-18 Thread Chris Knipe

Seems to be getting more critical now as well.

Aug 19 01:54:27 netsonic mysqld[48323]: warning: can't get client address:
Bad file descriptor
Aug 19 01:54:59 netsonic last message repeated 13 times
Aug 19 01:54:59 netsonic last message repeated 2 times

From what I can see, it's spitting out the errors now on every single query.
Running under gdb also doesn't return anything (or I'm debugging it

MySQL's error log is empty - nothing logged


- Original Message -
From: Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Victoria Reznichenko
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Lost connections on Freebsd

 Lo Michael,

 I digged a bit more, and while running under debug mode, MySQL doesnt
 it does complain about a bad file descriptor on /etc/hosts.allow.

 If this is the cause of the failure, there might be a possibly bug in the
 code, because I really think it's arb that the entire MySQL needs to bail
 because it can't open a file...  Here's the relavent messages from syslog,

 Aug 18 16:03:29 netsonic mysqld[15158]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line
 can't get client address: Bad file descriptor
 Aug 18 16:03:30 netsonic mysqld[15158]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line
 can't get client address: Bad file descriptor

 When I run without debug, I think this is what *may* be causing the crash,
 whilst when running under debug mode, MySQL obviously has some sort of
 protection so that it sends out only a warning instead of crashing

  Chris I've recompiled the master about three times now, and it still
  Chris Eventually, it came to such a extend that the moment I open port
 3306 MySQL
  Chris would crash.  I can just use telnet ip 3306, or open a netcat
  Chris 3306, and MySQL would die.
  Can you try to configure MYSQL with CFLAGS=-g and run the server under
  If we could get a full back trace where it fails, it could help us
  find out what's wrong.

 I tried.  Now, when I recompiled it again without debug support, it
 crash for some reason.  At least not for now  The below log is issued
 syslog at every connection however.
   Aug 18 17:03:53 netsonic mysqld[47947]: warning: can't get client
 Bad file descriptor

 I'll keep my eyes on it like a hawk.  First crash I get, it's back to gdb
 go... It looks to me as if it may be tcpwrappers that's busted however...

  Chris So far, the only way I found to keep the FreeBSD Port up, was to
  Chris it with debug support.  I so far have 90 minutes uptime on the
 Master with
  Chris debug support compiled in, but it's needless to say not really
  Chris result.
  How did you configure MySQL in this case ?

 Altered the Makefile in the ports, compiled / installed, and did a cvsup
 sync the ports again... MySQL compiles per default with CFLAGS=-g from the
 ports, I just need had to recompile it again now, so that I could remove
 debug support and let MySQL actually crash again :P


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Re: Urgent: lost connections,

2002-08-17 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo Victoria

FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE (Master), MySQL 3.23.51
Windows 2000 Professional (Slave):, MySQL 3.23.49-nt

I've recompiled the master about three times now, and it still crashed.
Eventually, it came to such a extend that the moment I open port 3306 MySQL
would crash.  I can just use telnet ip 3306, or open a netcat on port
3306, and MySQL would die.

So far, the only way I found to keep the FreeBSD Port up, was to recompile
it with debug support.  I so far have 90 minutes uptime on the Master with
debug support compiled in, but it's needless to say not really the desired

I also don't think it's got anything to do with the replication.  In my
attempts to debug this, I've disabled (shut down), the slave mysql server,
and the master would still crash the moment I open a tcp socket...  It also
doesn't seem to be a generic system library or something as the error log
states, because I have *nothing* else on my box that is giving me any
problems... If it where to be a shared lib used by many applications, surely
more than just MySQL would have been dying because of the faulty / corrupted


- Original Message -
From: Victoria Reznichenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: Urgent: lost connections,

 Saturday, August 17, 2002, 2:04:40 AM, you wrote:

 CK Lo everyone,

 CK I've implemented replication on my MySQL Server...  The master is
mysql 3.23
 CK (FreeBSD Ports), and my one and only slave is mysql 3.23 (Win32).  I
 CK the slave so that I can have a hardcopy / backup database in the event
 CK I have a data loss on the master.

 3.23 says almost nothing about MySQL server. What exact version do you
 at master and slave?

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Re: I want to add up in a select Statement

2002-08-17 Thread Chris Knipe

 sqlst = update sfproducts set projectdonations = projectdonations +
 testvalue WHERE prodID = '  sProdID  '

$sqlst = update sfproducts set projectdonations = projectdomains +  .
$testvalue . WHERE prodID = ' . $sProdID . ';

$sqlstr then looks like this:
update sfproducts set projectdonations = projectdomains + 1 WHERE prodID =

if $testvalue and $sProdID had the value of 1 for example.


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where clause structures

2002-08-17 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo everyone,

I seem to be having a problem with the structuring of my query - more
specifically, with the WHERE clause...

mysql SELECT ZoneName
-   FROM CompanyDNSZones
-   LEFT JOIN CompanyDetails ON
-   WHERE CompanyDetails.CompanySuspended='0' AND
- CompanyDNSZones.ZoneName='' AND
- CompanyDNSZones.ZoneServices LIKE '%HasMail%' OR
- CompanyDNSZones.ZoneServices LIKE '%HasMailingList%';
| ZoneName|
|   |
| |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

How do I get it to only return the item specified in the WHERE clause?

I explictly tell MySQL in my where clause to only return results where
CompanyDNSZones.ZoneName='', so where does it fall out
returning as well?


PS: Just for interest takes, can LEFT / RIGHT / a combination of LEFT 
RIGHT joins be used to cross-reference three or more tables, or is it
limited to 2 tables only?

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Re: where clause structures

2002-08-17 Thread Chris Knipe


Tables structures :P

mysql describe CompanyDetails;
| Field | Type  | Null | Key | Default |
Extra  |
| CompanyID | tinyint(4) unsigned   |  | PRI | NULL|
auto_increment |
| CompanyActive | enum('1','0') |  | MUL | 0   |
| CompanySuspended  | enum('0','1','2','3','4','5') |  | MUL | 0   |

mysql describe CompanyDNSZones;
| Field| Type
| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| ZoneID   | int(11)
|  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| CompanyID| smallint(6)
|  | MUL | 0   ||
| ZoneName | varchar(250)
|  | UNI | ||
| ZoneServices |
set('HasMail','HasMailingList','HasBackupMail','IsMegaDNS','IsSecondary') |
| MUL | ||

- Original Message -
From: Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 11:44 PM
Subject: where clause structures

 Lo everyone,

 I seem to be having a problem with the structuring of my query - more
 specifically, with the WHERE clause...

 mysql SELECT ZoneName
 -   FROM CompanyDNSZones
 -   LEFT JOIN CompanyDetails ON
 -   WHERE CompanyDetails.CompanySuspended='0' AND
 - CompanyDNSZones.ZoneName='' AND
 - CompanyDNSZones.ZoneServices LIKE '%HasMail%' OR
 - CompanyDNSZones.ZoneServices LIKE '%HasMailingList%';
 | ZoneName|
 |   |
 | |
 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

 How do I get it to only return the item specified in the WHERE clause?

 I explictly tell MySQL in my where clause to only return results where
 CompanyDNSZones.ZoneName='', so where does it fall out
 returning as well?


 PS: Just for interest takes, can LEFT / RIGHT / a combination of LEFT 
 RIGHT joins be used to cross-reference three or more tables, or is it
 limited to 2 tables only?

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Urgent: lost connections,

2002-08-16 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo everyone,

I've implemented replication on my MySQL Server...  The master is mysql 3.23
(FreeBSD Ports), and my one and only slave is mysql 3.23 (Win32).  I added
the slave so that I can have a hardcopy / backup database in the event that
I have a data loss on the master.

This is all very well, and working like a charm.

However, mysql client, php, apache, anything that connects to the master
database now all of a sudden randomly and intermittently loses their
connection to the master MySQL Server, and the master server also crashes
quite often.  Taken from the error log:

/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked agaist is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely
and this may fail

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (record_buffer + sort_buffer)*max_connections = 115211 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok, if not, decrease some variables in the equation

And the browser reports a standard PHP error: Lost connection to MySQL
server during query

Any advice would be gladly appreciated.


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Re: can't use the table. What happen, please!!!!!!!!!!

2002-08-09 Thread Chris Knipe

THe PHP's prob still on the test database.

You can try mysql_select_db(databasename); before you're query.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: can't use the table. What happen, please!!

 That is a problem with a php script you are running, it is not passing the
 expected data as an argument.

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 4:41 PM
 Subject: can't use the table. What happen, please!!

  Hi all,
  I am getting the error when trying to connect server from my client:
  Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
  resource in .
  I had my tables in test database, but created a new database and passed
  tables to there. Since then I receive that message when I execute my
  I used GRANT to assing the user privileges.
  any answer?
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2002-07-15 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo all,

Can MySQL bind to two or more IP addresses?

i.e. --bind-address --bind-address x.x.x.x --bind-address y.y.y.y




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Don't even know where to start on this one!!!

2002-06-18 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo all,

I don't know if this can be reproduced, whether it's just general coding
errors, or whether it's simply a Windows thing But I do my development
on a NT 4.0 system, and I've been starting to notice rather weird things

I use various languages (Perl, PHP, Delphi, C, etc), all of which access a
single database (various tables) on my MySQL server (3.23.49-max).  The
database currently holds about 60 odd tables, with a total of over 2 million
records. A additional table I use for testing, has one table with over 23
million records in it (255x255x255x255 records).

My PHP code also use persistent connections, and I don't think this is the
problem, but basically, how more queries I throw at MySQL how more my PC
crawls down to a halt - even after the application with the queries
disconnected from the database.  I can understand that my system may take
some sever stress when I work with a table with 23 million odd records in
it, but why would my system still remain in a state of slowness?  At any
time, I normally don't have more than 15 concurrent connections to MySQL,
and most of them are normally in a idle state in any case.

I am 100% sure it is MySQL that is slowing my system down.  When things
start to become really irritating (i.e. I wait like over 5 seconds for my
start menu to show up), I simply stop and restart the MySQL server, and all
of a sudden, my system is fine again.  I'll need to track the cause of this
before I can use all my sites and data in any live environment first... But
I don't have a *clue* where to start looking

Can anyone perhaps give me some insight or advice on this rather weird


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Don't even know where to start on this one

2002-06-18 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo all,

I don't know if this can be reproduced, whether it's just general coding
errors, or whether it's simply a Windows thing But I do my development
on a NT 4.0 system, and I've been starting to notice rather weird things

I use various languages (Perl, PHP, Delphi, C, etc), all of which access a
single database (various tables) on my MySQL server (3.23.49-max).  The
database currently holds about 60 odd tables, with a total of over 2 million
records. A additional table I use for testing, has one table with over 23
million records in it (255x255x255x255 records).

My PHP code also use persistent connections, and I don't think this is the
problem, but basically, how more queries I throw at MySQL how more my PC
crawls down to a halt - even after the application with the queries
disconnected from the database.  I can understand that my system may take
some sever stress when I work with a table with 23 million odd records in
it, but why would my system still remain in a state of slowness?  At any
time, I normally don't have more than 15 concurrent connections to MySQL,
and most of them are normally in a idle state in any case.

I am 100% sure it is MySQL that is slowing my system down.  When things
start to become really irritating (i.e. I wait like over 5 seconds for my
start menu to show up), I simply stop and restart the MySQL server, and all
of a sudden, my system is fine again.  I'll need to track the cause of this
before I can use all my sites and data in any live environment first... But
I don't have a *clue* where to start looking

Can anyone perhaps give me some insight or advice on this rather weird


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Re: Don't even know where to start on this one

2002-06-18 Thread Chris Knipe

  My PHP code also use persistent connections, and I don't think this is
  problem, but basically, how more queries I throw at MySQL how more my PC
  crawls down to a halt - even after the application with the queries
  disconnected from the database.  I can understand that my system may

 Are you swapping?


The development box is only a 166MMX with 64MB ram unfortunately :-(  NT's
virtual memory is on average 220MB / 230MB with a peak load currently at
250MB... Perhaps it is just NT being funny with me...  Hopefully I'll have
the DBs on a decent FreeBSD box soon

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LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a design flaw rather than a query one....

2002-06-16 Thread Chris Knipe

Hiya again,

Ok, based on all the info, feedback and help I got the last time, I was able
to construct the following query:

mysql SELECT weather_data.Temp,
-   FROM weather_data
-   LEFT JOIN weather_data ON
- weather_locations.MetarCode = weather_data.Site
-   WHERE weather_locations.MetarCode IS NULL;
ERROR 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'weather_data'

The tables look as follows:
mysql DESCRIBE weather_data;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra
| EntryID   | bigint(20)   |  | PRI | NULL|
auto_increment |
| RawData   | varchar(250) |  | MUL | |   |
| Date  | datetime |  | MUL | -00-00 00:00:00 |   |
| Site  | varchar(4)   |  | MUL | |   |
| WindSpeed | tinyint(4)   | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
| WindDirection | varchar(250) | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
| Temp  | tinyint(4)   | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
| DewPoint  | tinyint(4)   | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
8 rows in set (0.29 sec)

mysql DESCRIBE weather_locations;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| LocationID | tinyint(4)   |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| MetarCode  | varchar(4)   |  | UNI | ||
| Name   | varchar(250) |  | UNI | ||
| Province   | varchar(250) | YES  | MUL | NULL||
4 rows in set (0.03 sec)

The basic background  It's used to compile a history of weather
information on approximately 75 locations in my country (ala .za).  The
weather_locations table, holds unique rows describing the various locations
of the weather stations.  In this table, MetarCode is a 4 character key
identifing the weather station, while Name represents the physical location
(such as the Town or airport).

In my weather_data table, I save the actual weather data.  I cannot use
UNIQUE keys in this table, because I need to build up a history of the
weather changes.  In this table, Site represents the same weather station
identifier as MetarCode in the weather_locations table.  So, I'm trying to
accomplish my JOIN on weather_locations.MetarCode and weather_data.Site.

Basically, the data that I want to have returned:
SELECT weather_locations.Name, weather_data.Temp FROM weather_data WHERE

Yes, this is a broken query, but I think it would give a good idea of what I
want I want the weather site's name from the weather_locations table,
plus whatever column I want from the weather_data table (such as temprature,
WindSpeeds, WindDirection, etc).


While typing this and playing arround some more, I got it working

SELECT weather_data.Temp AS Temp,
   weather_locations.Name AS Name
  FROM weather_locations
  LEFT JOIN weather_data ON
weather_locations.MetarCode = weather_data.Site
  WHERE weather_data.Site='FACT' OR weather_data.Site='FADN' OR

Thanks anyways :-)

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Re: LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a design flaw rather than a query one....

2002-06-16 Thread Chris Knipe


It seems I spoke to soon here...

SELECT weather_data.Temp AS Temp, weather_locations.Name AS Name
  FROM weather_locations
  LEFT JOIN weather_data ON weather_locations.MetarCode = weather_data.Site
  WHERE weather_data.Site='FACT' OR weather_data.Site='FADN' OR

That, does what I want... However, there's a catch now, that I became aware
of after the duplicated data started filling the weather_data table.

mysql SELECT * FROM weather_data WHERE Site='FACT';
| EntryID | RawData| Date |
Site | WindSpeed | WindDirection | Temp | DewPoint |
|   5 | FACT 161200Z 31008KT  FEW030 17/11 Q1021 NOSIG | 2002-06-16
12:00:00 | FACT |19 | Northwest |   17 |   11 |
|  36 | FACT 161300Z 31009KT  FEW030 16/10 Q1021 NOSIG | 2002-06-16
13:00:00 | FACT |21 | Northwest |   16 |   10 |
|  64 | FACT 161400Z 30007KT  FEW030 16/11 Q1020 NOSIG | 2002-06-16
14:00:00 | FACT |16 | Northwest |   16 |   11 |
|  73 | FACT 161500Z 30007KT  FEW030 15/11 Q1020 NOSIG | 2002-06-16
15:00:00 | FACT |16 | Northwest |   15 |   11 |
4 rows in set (0.13 sec)

The problem now, is that the above query will return all four records for
the FACT site as specified in my WHERE clause.  Is there a way that I can
add to that query, the funcionailty to:

-- Order by reverse Date, and show only 1 record for every site specified by
the WHERE Clause (i.e., only get the newest data for each site I specified).
-- Use a SELECT DISTINCT so that I can have distinct SITE values in the JOIN


- Original Message -
From: Peter Normann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 5:44 PM
Subject: RE: LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a design
flaw rather than a query one

 Sorry, I didn't read the mail through before replying... :-/

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Knipe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 16. juni 2002 15:43
 Subject: LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a design
 flaw rather than a query one

 Hiya again,

 Ok, based on all the info, feedback and help I got the last time, I was
 able to construct the following query:

 mysql SELECT weather_data.Temp,
 -   FROM weather_data
 -   LEFT JOIN weather_data ON
 - weather_locations.MetarCode = weather_data.Site
 -   WHERE weather_locations.MetarCode IS NULL;
 ERROR 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'weather_data'

 The tables look as follows:
 mysql DESCRIBE weather_data;
 | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default |
 | EntryID   | bigint(20)   |  | PRI | NULL|
 auto_increment |
 | RawData   | varchar(250) |  | MUL | |   |
 | Date  | datetime |  | MUL | -00-00 00:00:00 |   |
 | Site  | varchar(4)   |  | MUL | |   |
 | WindSpeed | tinyint(4)   | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
 | WindDirection | varchar(250) | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
 | Temp  | tinyint(4)   | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
 | DewPoint  | tinyint(4)   | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
 8 rows in set (0.29 sec)

 mysql DESCRIBE weather_locations;
 | Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
 | LocationID | tinyint(4)   |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
 | MetarCode  | varchar(4)   |  | UNI | ||
 | Name   | varchar(250) |  | UNI | ||
 | Province   | varchar(250) | YES  | MUL | NULL||
 4 rows in set (0.03 sec)

 The basic background  It's used to compile a history

Re: LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a design flaw rather than a query one....

2002-06-16 Thread Chris Knipe

mysql SELECT weather_data.Site, weather_data.Temp, MAX(weather_data.Date)
- Temp, weather_locations.Name AS Name
-   FROM weather_locations
-   LEFT JOIN weather_data ON weather_locations.MetarCode =
- weather_data.Site
-   WHERE weather_data.Site='FACT' OR weather_data.Site='FADN' OR
- weather_data.Site='FAJS';
ERROR 1140: Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) with no GROUP
ns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause

Hmmm,  I wonder what the manual can tell me about group by...  I'll have a
look and see what I can come up with.  If you know what's missing, I wont
mind finding out :-)

Kind Regards,

Chris Knipe
MegaLAN Corporate Networking Services
Tel: +27 21 854 7064
Cell: +27 72 434 7582

- Original Message -
From: Peter Normann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 7:34 PM
Subject: RE: LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a design
flaw rather than a query one


 SELECT weather_data.Site, weather_data.Temp, MAX(weather_data.Date) AS
 Temp, weather_locations.Name AS Name
   FROM weather_locations
   LEFT JOIN weather_data ON weather_locations.MetarCode =
   WHERE weather_data.Site='FACT' OR weather_data.Site='FADN' OR


 You can add LIMIT 1 to the query...

 Peter Normann

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Knipe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 16. juni 2002 19:00
 Subject: Re: LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a
 design flaw rather than a query one


 It seems I spoke to soon here...

 SELECT weather_data.Temp AS Temp, weather_locations.Name AS Name
   FROM weather_locations
   LEFT JOIN weather_data ON weather_locations.MetarCode =
   WHERE weather_data.Site='FACT' OR weather_data.Site='FADN' OR

 That, does what I want... However, there's a catch now, that I became
 of after the duplicated data started filling the weather_data table.

 mysql SELECT * FROM weather_data WHERE Site='FACT';
 | EntryID | RawData| Date
 Site | WindSpeed | WindDirection | Temp | DewPoint |
 |   5 | FACT 161200Z 31008KT  FEW030 17/11 Q1021 NOSIG |
 12:00:00 | FACT |19 | Northwest |   17 |   11 |
 |  36 | FACT 161300Z 31009KT  FEW030 16/10 Q1021 NOSIG |
 13:00:00 | FACT |21 | Northwest |   16 |   10 |
 |  64 | FACT 161400Z 30007KT  FEW030 16/11 Q1020 NOSIG |
 14:00:00 | FACT |16 | Northwest |   16 |   11 |
 |  73 | FACT 161500Z 30007KT  FEW030 15/11 Q1020 NOSIG |
 15:00:00 | FACT |16 | Northwest |   15 |   11 |
 4 rows in set (0.13 sec)

 The problem now, is that the above query will return all four records
 the FACT site as specified in my WHERE clause.  Is there a way that I
 add to that query, the funcionailty to:

 -- Order by reverse Date, and show only 1 record for every site
 specified by
 the WHERE Clause (i.e., only get the newest data for each site I
 -- Use a SELECT DISTINCT so that I can have distinct SITE values in the


 - Original Message -
 From: Peter Normann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 5:44 PM
 Subject: RE: LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a
 flaw rather than a query one

  Sorry, I didn't read the mail through before replying... :-/
  -Original Message-
  From: Chris Knipe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 16. juni 2002 15:43
  Subject: LEFT JOIN again... Although, this time I think it's a design
  flaw rather than a query one
  Hiya again,
  Ok, based on all the info, feedback and help I got the last time, I
  able to construct the following query:
  mysql SELECT weather_data.Temp,
  -   FROM weather_data
  -   LEFT JOIN weather_data ON
  - weather_locations.MetarCode = weather_data.Site
  -   WHERE weather_locations.MetarCode IS NULL;
  ERROR 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'weather_data'
  The tables look as follows:
  mysql DESCRIBE weather_data

Re: table is read only when DB copied from Win to UNIX

2002-06-12 Thread Chris Knipe

Don't copy the physical files.  Use mysqldump and mysqlimport instead.

Kind Regards,

Chris Knipe
MegaLAN Corporate Networking Services
Tel: +27 21 854 7064
Cell: +27 72 434 7582

- Original Message -
From: Francisco Reinaldo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: table is read only when DB copied from Win to UNIX

 Thanks for the tip but I have added to the table db in
 mysql database full permission for everybody to that
 database. I don't think that is a permission thing
 because when I add a new table, I can insert data into
 that new table. Besides it does not happen when I copy
 the database from UNIX to Windows.

 I'll keep trying though but if somebody already knows
 the solution, please let me know.

 --- Tonu Samuel
  On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Francisco Reinaldo wrote:
   Fine, I can see the database, show tables works,
   selects works. The whole nine yards? Nope! I
   insert any values in that database. I get the
   following error: Table xxx is read only. I have
   checked the OS permission for that directory and I
   have given full persmission (write, read and
   Also I have checked MySQL permissions, adding full
   permission for all users to that database but
   It looks like the problem is at the table level
   because when I manually add a new table to the
   UNIX, the inserts work.
  The only reason this can happen is wring permission
  bits no tables.
  Internally there is no way to make MyISAM (I assume
  you use them)
  read-only. Look as which user mysqld runs and make
  tables writable to that
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Re: 45 seconds

2002-06-10 Thread Chris Knipe

I have multiple tables on a 166MMX with 64MB ram, all containing more than
250,000 records each Mine takes less than 5 seconds

I think there's something wrong at your side :-)

Kind Regards,

Chris Knipe
MegaLAN Corporate Networking Services
Tel: +27 21 854 7064
Cell: +27 72 434 7582

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 4:10 PM
Subject: 45 seconds

 i have a table and 51000 records in it.
 it has got an index on HOST_NAME field.
 next query lasts 45 seconds to execute...
 is it normal ? server is PIII 500 double cpu

 SELECT b.ip as ip, , b.hostname  , a.HOST_NAME as host,
COUNT(a.HOST_NAME) as number
 FROM new_raw_log as a, dns as b
 WHERE (a.HOST_NAME regexp rtrim(b.ip)+'%') AND a.GID=44 AND a.SID=12
 LIMIT 0,20

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Storing PGP keys

2002-06-08 Thread Chris Knipe

What would be the best way to store PGP keys for optimal queries in MySQL
(using search / indexes on the columns)

text / blob??

Also, for a PHP  Perl based series of applications, would it be better to
store / validate / compare these values in a database, or should it be
better managing them via the pgp binaries?

I'm intending to use PGP keys to establish authentication (trusts) from
incoming email messages to register items in a database...

Kind Regards,

Chris Knipe
MegaLAN Corporate Networking Services
Tel: +27 21 854 7064
Cell: +27 72 434 7582

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Unique Indexes across multiple columns

2002-06-08 Thread Chris Knipe

Hi again,

Not to long ago, I had a query regarding the best way to store IP addresses
in a DB, and make sure that they are unique.

It was pointed out to me that I could use four smallint columns instead of a
varchar to store these numbers, and just implement a UNIQUE index across all
four columns to make sure the combination of the four columns, would never
be in duplicate.

It seems, the UNIQUE index however still insist on having unique values for
all of the four columns...

The DB looks like this (the four smallint columns):
NS1_IP1 smallint(5)
NS1_IP2 smallint(5)
NS1_IP3 smallint(5)
NS1_IP4 smallint(5)

SQL-query :
ALTER TABLE `domains` ADD UNIQUE `NS1_Unique`

MySQL said:
Duplicate entry '127-30-127-1' for key 2

Which, tells me that I can have the following:
a, b, c, d - works
b, c, d, e - works
a, b, c, d - fails
a, a, b, b - fails -- This should however not fail... (the combination is

Any idea on how I can get this working??


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Re: newbie

2002-06-07 Thread Chris Knipe

INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES ('path');

I'd recommend you goto and download the manual - then read it.

Kind Regards,

Chris Knipe
MegaLAN Corporate Networking Services
Tel: +27 21 854 7064
Cell: +27 72 434 7582

- Original Message -
From: Silmara Cristina Basso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 9:44 PM
Subject: newbie

 I'm newbie MySql
 I have one field path-char-250.

 How can i insert the following value ('c:\temp\calc.exe')?

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Re: Re: insert

2002-06-07 Thread Chris Knipe

 Escape the \
 like so:
 It's all in the manuals.
 Kind Regards,
 Chris Knipe
 MegaLAN Corporate Networking Services
 Tel: +27 21 854 7064
 Cell: +27 72 434 7582
 - Original Message - 
 From: Silmara Cristina Basso 
 Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:19 PM
 Subject: insert
 I think you don't undestand...
 My problem is when i run the select the result is the folling
 c:temcalc.exe); not c:\temp\calc.exe

query, sql

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Re: I KNOW one of you LISTers has experienced this

2002-06-06 Thread Chris Knipe

Only users of the Administrators group on NT can start system services by

Have a look in your user manager for domains, policies, user rights

Kind Regards,

Chris Knipe
MegaLAN Corporate Networking Services
Tel: +27 21 854 7064
Cell: +27 72 434 7582

- Original Message -
From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: RE: I KNOW one of you LISTers has experienced this

 I've asked this question once before with no response (and have asked on
 lists), I'll give it one more try before giving in to semi-Gates
 last holdout is the Apache server I'm running):

 Upon installing MySQL as a service, why will it not start for all users?
 my admin account allows the MySQL service to start.  I cannot start the
 manually or automatically from any regular (power user) account.

 MySQL was installed as a service using

  mysqld-nt --install

 with no problems.  I've come across a vague reference in the manual for a
 manual installation of MySQL as a service if problems occur, but have no
 if that is the course of action to take since I don't really know why
 a problem.  Putting MySQL in the startup items makes no difference.  HELP!


 Are you starting MySQL on individual platforms? Are you starting it on a
 server and then attempting to connect to it from another user's computer?
 the latter is the case you do not need to start MySQL, you just need to
 connect to it on the server it resides on.

 I think the lack of answer is due to the vaguery of the question. Maybe we
 can get going the right direction here.


 mysql, query, sql

 It's hip to snip!

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Re: Problems starting MySQL as a Service for all users

2002-06-06 Thread Chris Knipe

 C:\netstat -a -p tcp
   TCPdynamic:3306   dynamic:0  LISTENING

 C:\netstat -a -p tcp

   TCPdynamic:3306   dynamic:0  LISTENING

The port is available under both accounts - the server is running.

 I was under the impression that once something is installed as a
 service, it is available to the system for all users.  This is not the
 case here.  In fact, once I log off admin and onto the other accounts

I just proove you wrong...

 Again, when I was on my admin account I installed the MySQL service from
 the command prompt using:

 mysqld-nt --install

 and the result was service has been installed (paraphrasing).  I have
 uninstalled MySQL completely and reinstalled only to run into the same
 problem. I'm using the 3.23.49 binary package.

In your service manager (in the control panel), is the service listed there,
and is it started?  I personally, don't use the GUI mysqladmin utility.
mysql-nt --install installs the service, then I use service manager just
like I would for any other service (like IIS) on NT to be started.

When you're as a default non admin user account, did you ever try mysql to
connect to the server, or even better, telnet to port 3306 ?  If so, what
errors did you receive back from mysql or the telnet?  If you didn't maybe
it's time that you do.  I doubt this is a service related problem, but I may
be wrong... Using the right usernames / passwords / host addresses will also
help your cause when you have trouble connecting to the mysql server.

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles Quesenberry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 11:25 AM
 To: Kirk Brannan Babb
 Subject: Re: Problems starting MySQL as a Service for all users


 I am somewhat confused by your question.

 I must misunderstand what it is that you are trying to ask, because what
 appears that you are asking makes no sense.  Once MySQL was installed as
 service, why does it matter which account starts it?  Are you not the
 on the box?  Are you trying to start multiple instances of the MySQL

 Logging off of the admin account will not stop a service on a Windows
 box.  Even though you log off the admin account, MySQL should still be


 Or, when you say started do you mean connect to the running server?

 What is the output of the following command on the server running MySQL?
 netstat -a -p tcp

 Charles Q.

 At 08:23 PM 6/5/2002 -0500, you wrote:
 I've installed MySQL as a service using
   mysqld-nt --install
 on W2K. No problem there, says service successfully installed. BUT,
 when I try to log off the admin account and on to the regular power
 user account MySQL will not start automagically and cannot be started
 manually. Pop back over to the admin account and MySQL acts like
 nothing was ever wrong.
 Is this an issue that can be overcome by manually installing MySQL as a
 instead of using the above? And how do you accomplish that? If you know
 have heard of this before please help me out; I'd really like to have
 running for all users (that would enable the Apache-based site I'm
 running on
 the same box to access the database at all times).
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2002-06-06 Thread Chris Knipe

Lo all,

are sub-queries supported on mysql-max 3.23.49 ??

If they are, what's wrong with the following statement?

SELECT monitorhosts.HostID
FROM monitorhosts
   WHERE monitorhosts.HostID NOT IN
FROM monitorhostgroupdetails
   WHERE monitorhostgroupdetails.HostGroupID='1');

mysql complains about a syntax error right at the begining of the second

ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SELECT HostID
FROM monitorhostgroupdetails
   WHERE monitorh' at line 4


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Re: sub-queries

2002-06-06 Thread Chris Knipe

Fair enough (and also what I thought)

Does anyone have any idea how I can implement the below in a similar
fashion then?

I have a list of items, and a list of groups.  I want to retrieve all the
items from a table that is not in a specific group...

- Original Message -
From: Kiss Dániel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: sub-queries

 I'm sorry to disappoint you, but subqueries are NOT supported int any
 version, yet.
 You can read the MySQL manual about it. You can find there when and how it
 will be implemented.


 At 21:39 2002.06.06. +0200, you wrote:
 Lo all,
 are sub-queries supported on mysql-max 3.23.49 ??
 If they are, what's wrong with the following statement?
 SELECT monitorhosts.HostID
  FROM monitorhosts
 WHERE monitorhosts.HostID NOT IN
  FROM monitorhostgroupdetails
 WHERE monitorhostgroupdetails.HostGroupID='1');
 mysql complains about a syntax error right at the begining of the second
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SELECT HostID
  FROM monitorhostgroupdetails
 WHERE monitorh' at line 4
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