Re: libexec/mysqld: unknown option '--skip-bdb'

2010-05-14 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Kris wrote:


I am trying to produce an automated, reliable, and repeatable way of
testing mysql releases, and I am finding an error that makes this
impossible to accomplish.

I am trying to compile mysql and install it in a non-standard directory.
I do notwant mysql installed in /usr or /usr/local. For example, I am
trying to install it in /tmp/msource with the configure line:


Do not install software in /tmp in Linux.
/tmp is not guaranteed to survive a reboot.

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Re: Why can't I kill the query cache?

2009-05-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Little, Timothy wrote:

Also titled, I want this to run slow ALL the time...

I have a group of dreadful queries that I have to optimize.  

Some take 20-30 seconds each -- the first time that I run them.  But
then they never seem to take that long after the first time (taking less
than a second then).  If I change the keywords searched for in the
where clauses, then they take a long time again... so it's the
query-cache or something just like it.

BUT, I am doing this each time :
flush tables;
reset query cache;
set global query_cache_size=0;
SELECT   SQL_NO_CACHE DISTINCT ca.conceptid AS headingid,

And still it's not avoiding the cache.

Is there a cache I'm missing?


Disk cache, but I don't know how to clear it.

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Re: selecting the 'best' match

2009-05-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

blackwater dev wrote:

I have a hold car data such as color, model, make, year, etc.  I want to
allow the user to answer some questions and I'll present them with the car
that 'best' matches their criteria.  How do I do this?  I still want to
return ones that don't match exactly but want the closer matches ordered at
the top:


columns: car_id, make, model, year, color, condition

So if the user enterrs:

model: Toyota
year: 1998
color: blue

I would show them a blue 1998 good conditioned camry first but farther down
in the list might still have a blue good condition 98 Honda.


SELECT * FROM cars order by model!='Toyota',model;

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Re: mysql problem

2009-04-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

AZZOPARDI Konrad wrote:

Hello people,
I do not know if this the right listI am migrating a very basic application from an older mysql version 4.1.9-standard to a new mysql version 5.0.45  {RedHat default package}. I have migrated DB data from one to the other and all data seems to be there including the structureMy problem is that I run a query like this :
SELECT x.application_name, y.role_name  FROM application x, role y  JOIN logical_app_role_link l  ON x.application_id = l.application_id AND y.role_id = l.role_id  WHERE l.logical_id = 15;

It works for the old mysql version but for the new mysql version I receive the 
following error :
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'x.application_id' in 'on clause'

and I am sure that application_id exists in table application.



Don't mix implicit and explicit joins.

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Re: Can't create table

2009-03-16 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Octavian Râºniþã wrote:


I've tried to create these 4 test tables, but when I try to create the last 
one, MySQL gives the following error:

ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line 20: Can't create table '.\z\favorite_link.frm' 

: 150)

It seems that the foreign keys are not created well in the fourth table, and 
I don't know why.

Does anyone have any idea?

Here are the SQL statements for creating these tables:

create table if not exists user(
id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key
) engine=InnoDB;

create table if not exists favorite(
id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
user int unsigned not null,
foreign key(user) references user(id) on update cascade on delete cascade
) engine=InnoDB;

create table if not exists link(
id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
user int unsigned not null,
foreign key(user) references user(id) on update cascade on delete cascade
) engine=InnoDB;

create table if not exists favorite_link(
favorite bigint unsigned not null,
link int unsigned not null,
primary key pri(favorite, link),
foreign key(favorite) references favorite(id) on update cascade on delete 

foreign key(link) references link(id) on update cascade on delete cascade
) engine=InnoDB;

Thank you very much.

link int unsigned not null,
id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key

These are not the same type.

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Re: failed-mysql-bugreport

2008-11-05 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Bob wrote:

mysql.sock doesn't exist on the hard drive.

Start the server.
Gerald L. Clark
Sr. V.P. Development
Supplier Systems Corporation
Unix  since 1982
Linux since 1992

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Re: Basic information: MySQL Table crash?

2008-10-31 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Roman Eberle wrote:


someone else had a similar question, but didn't get any useful reply
here on the list - I'll give it another try. :-)

I need some basic understanding of MySQL table crashes. Maybe you can
help me, I think it's so basic, no one ever wrote about it. (Until
now! ;)) The mysql manual just says 'if you have a crashed table you can
repair it.' Well...

1. What IS a table crash? What file/relation/... gets corrupted? And how
does table recovery basically work?

2. If you had a crashed table: Where would you start looking for the
reason? And where would you look next?

3. What precautions can one take to avoid a table crash? Are there any
symptoms that show up when a table crash is about to happen? (like: out
of swap memory, disk full, too much system load, ...?)

Any comments/hints/links appreciated,
thanks in advance,

#1 reason is powering off the computer without a proper shutdown.
Get a UPS.

Gerald L. Clark
Sr. V.P. Development
Supplier Systems Corporation
Unix  since 1982
Linux since 1992

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Re: Join question

2008-10-16 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Chris W wrote:
I have two tables, one is a list of users and the other is a list of 
events for each user.  It is a one to many relationship.  The event 
table is pretty simple just an event type and a the date and time of the 
event in a datetime field.
I need a query that shows all events of a certain type for each user, 
very simple so far.  In fact the query I use now is simply,

SELECT u.FName, u.LName, e.EventType, DATE(e.DateTime)
FROM user u
JOIN event e USING(UserID)
ORDER BY u.LName, u.FName, e.EventType, e.DateTime

The twist comes in that there can be several records for a given user 
and event type all on the same day, in a case like that, I only want the 
query to show one record.  So I need one record per user per event type 
per day.  The query will strip the time part off of the date time field 
and only display the date.  We don't really care if that event happened 
1 or 10 times in one day just that it happened at least once on that day 
for a user.

Chris W


Gerald L. Clark
Sr. V.P. Development
Supplier Systems Corporation
Unix  since 1982
Linux since 1992

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Re: Finding gaps

2008-10-08 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Jerry Schwartz wrote:

I'm finally getting back to this issue, and I've read the bits on
artfulsoftware. The example

SELECT AS 'Missing From',
  MIN( - 1 AS 'To'
FROM tbl AS a, tbl AS b

SELECT AS `Missing_From`,
   MIN( - 1 AS `To`
FROM tbl AS a, tbl AS b
Gerald L. Clark
Sr. V.P. Development
Supplier Systems Corporation
Unix  since 1982
Linux since 1992

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Re: Totaling from several tables away

2008-09-05 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Brian Dunning wrote:

How do I query How many calories did Brian eat on 2009-09-04?

+ Person_ID + Name  |
| 5 | Brian |

| Meal_ID | Person_ID | Meal_Name | Date   |
| 3   | 5 | Breakfast | 2009-09-04 |
| 4   | 5 | Lunch | 2009-09-04 |

| MealItem_ID | Meal_ID | Item_Name | Calories |
| 16  | 3   | Banana| 100  |
| 17  | 3   | Milk  | 150  |
| 18  | 4   | Cookie| 200  |

SELECT sum(calories) from People
INNER JOIN Meals ON People.Name=Meals.Name
INNER JOIN Meal_Items on Meals.Meal_ID=Meal_Items.Meal_ID
WHERE Name='Brian' AND Date='2009-09-04';

Gerald L. Clark
Sr. V.P. Development
Supplier Systems Corporation
Unix  since 1982
Linux since 1992

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Re: MySQL won't start with external bind-adress in my.cnf

2008-07-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Skip Evans wrote:

Hey all,

I'm trying to get my MySQL server configured so outside connections can 
access it with 2.4.

My server is running on FreeBSD 6.0 and the my.cnf file looks like this 

user = mysql
pid-file = /usr/local/mysql/
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
port = 3306
basedir = /usr
datadir = /usr/local/mysql
tmpdir = /tmp
language = /usr/local/share/mysql/english/
bind-address =
log = /var/log/mysql.log
# skip-networking

My server has two nics, one for internal access at the 
address, and another for external access at

It is this second IP, the external one, I would like to implement so 
that the database server is accessible externally to people through 2.4. To accomplish this I changed the file to:

user = mysql
pid-file = /usr/local/mysql/
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
port = 3306
basedir = /usr
datadir = /usr/local/mysql
tmpdir = /tmp
language = /usr/local/share/mysql/english/
bind-address =
log = /var/log/mysql.log
# skip-networking

But configured in this way, the MySQL server will not restart.

I attempt a

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ restart

But the server does not start until I change the address back to the LAN 

Any help would be appreciated. I have not found via Google anyone else 
having this issue.

Does that IP address resolve to your hostname?
Gerald L. Clark
Sr. V.P. Development
Supplier Systems Corporation
Unix  since 1982
Linux since 1992

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Re: Filesort on query

2008-06-09 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Phil wrote:

I have a table as follows containing approx 1.5M rows. I pull data from it
based on the CPID and insert into an 'overall' table. After breaking down
the statement somewhat, an explain still gives a filesort. Is there any way
to avoid a filesort for this query ?

mysql explain select a.cpid ,sum(a.metric1)
from boinc_user a group by a.cpid order by a.cpid;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  |
rows| Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | a | ALL  | NULL  | NULL | NULL| NULL |
1443130 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

CREATE TABLE `boinc_user` (
  `proj` char(6) NOT NULL,
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `stat_date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `nick` varchar(50) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL
default '',
  `country` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `cpid` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `url` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `create_date` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `create_time` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `has_profile` char(1) NOT NULL,
  `team0` int(11) default NULL,
  `team1` int(11) default NULL,
  `metric1` double NOT NULL default '0',
  `metric2` double NOT NULL default '0',
  `metric3` double NOT NULL default '0',
  `metric4` double default NULL,
  `today` double default '0'
  PRIMARY KEY  (`proj`,`id`),
  KEY `trank` (`proj`,`team0`,`metric1`,`id`),
  KEY `forstats` (`proj`,`metric1`,`id`),
  KEY `name` (`proj`,`id`),
  KEY `racrank` (`proj`,`metric2`,`id`),
  KEY `cpid` (`cpid`,`proj`),
  KEY `today` (`proj`,`today`,`id`),
  KEY `prank` (`proj`,`projrank0`,`id`)



With no where clause, and aggregate functions, it is faster to do a full 
table read, and the sort the aggregated results.

Gerald L. Clark
Sr. V.P. Development
Supplier Systems Corporation
Unix  since 1982
Linux since 1992

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Re: why are tmp tables being created on disk?

2007-07-18 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Ofer Inbar wrote:

I've been running this for a few hours and it consistently shows lots
of writes but no reads at all on sdb1, the partition where I have my
binary logs and tmpdir.  Is MySQL writing lots of tmp files and not
reading them?  Or, how else can I interpret this?

  -- Cos

Perhaps the data is still in cache, so no read is actually made from the 

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: mysqld works but not mysqld_safe

2007-07-18 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Chris Africa wrote:

070717 22:44:12  mysqld started
070717 22:44:12 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because  file 
system for /usr/local/mysql/data/ is case insensitive
070717 22:44:12 [Warning] No argument was provided to --log-bin, and  
--log-bin-index was not used; so replication may break when this  MySQL 
server acts as a master and has his hostname changed!! Please  use 
'--log-bin=/usr/local/mysql/data/me-web2-bin' to avoid this problem.

070717 22:44:12  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 335107
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: File '/usr/local/mysql-5.0.41-osx10.4- 
i686/data/me-web2-bin.27' not found (Errcode: 13)
070717 22:44:12 [ERROR] Failed to open log (file '/usr/local/ 
mysql-5.0.41-osx10.4-i686/data/me-web2-bin.27', errno 13)

070717 22:44:12 [ERROR] Could not open log file
070717 22:44:12 [ERROR] Can't init tc log
070717 22:44:12 [ERROR] Aborting
070717 22:44:12  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
070717 22:44:14  InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0  335107
070717 22:44:14 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
070717 22:44:15  mysqld ended

I'm not using replication, but I am using mirrored drives, and this  is 
the first time I've ever done that. Still, it didn't seem to be a  
problem until I screwed up the passwords.

I'm just setting up a new server, so the tables and data are not dear  
to me. Right now, I just want MySQL to work -- with logging!!

Chris Africa
Web Project Manager
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan
Fridays: 734-355-6577
AIM/iChat/Skype ID: baiewola

mysql does not have write privilege in 

Is this owned by root too?

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: mysqld works but not mysqld_safe

2007-07-18 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Chris Africa wrote:

Hi Gerald.

Actually, mysql should have access, as it owns the entire directory.
drwxr-xr-x   19 mysql  wheel   646 May 30 09:41 
mysql-5.0.41-osx10.4- i686

and nested inside that is
drwxr-x---   27 mysql  wheel918 Jul 18 12:53 data


Error 13 is a permissions error. Check all directories from / to the 
data directory.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: error in login

2007-07-09 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Héctor S. Mendoza O. wrote:

Hello all… I’ve scratched my head for a while on this one, so if someone
could shed some Light on it I would  appreciate it very much


I have an account setup, and know about the password settings regarding
hosts. The account is named web19_u1, and has listed ‘%’ and ‘localhost’ as
posible hosts to be able to log in


On remote machines I do a “mysql -u web19_u1 -p -h10.10.10.2 –p web19_db1”
and have no problems on querying the tables


On the local host (where the mysqld resides) I do the same command and get a
“ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'web19_u1'@'db1.intranet' (using
password: YES)”. If I change this to –hlocalhost I can login correctly.


My problem is that the application (php based) resides both on local
intranet and in internet (two different servers), remote machine is in
intranet and needs ip to access database, and local host (mysqld
resides in) can only use localhost. Development and testing of application
is done in intranet so basically I need two different configuration files
depending on where the application is running to access the database.


I’ve tried removing the ‘localhost’ from the user and only leaving ‘%’ with
no difference at all. I’ve also tried the –protocol=TCP option with no luck


Any pointers?




Hector S. Mendoza O


PS. mysqld Ver 5.0.27



Use a my.cnf file in the user's home directory.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: peformance help: preventing 'using temporary; using filesort'

2007-06-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Rich Brant wrote:

Hello all.  I'm looking for help with the query below. Is there anyway
to prevent the temporary and filesort? I've tried about as many
combinations as I could think of, but can't seem to prevent it.  I'm
sure that's the reason, when run on a table of around 750k records, it
takes in excess of 20 seconds. There are indexes on sourceID in both
tables as well as the date field in the first table.

Thanks for any ideas.

t1.sourceID as sourceID,
count(t1.sourceID) as clicks,
sum(t1.converted) as conversions,
(sum(t1.converted)/count(t1.sourceID)) * 100 as conv_rate,
count(t1.sourceID) * t2.cost as cost,
sum(t1.revenue) as revenue,
(sum(t1.revenue)) - (count(t1.sourceID) * ifnull(t2.cost,0)) as margin,
( ((sum(t1.revenue)) - (count(t1.sourceID) * t2.cost)) /
sum(t1.revenue) ) * 100 as gm,
(count(t1.sourceID) * t2.cost) / sum(t1.converted) as cpl,
(sum(t1.revenue)) / sum(t1.converted) as rpl,
t2.cost as cpc

FROM source_site_quality as t1
LEFT JOIN rpt_cpc as t2 ON (t1.sourceID = t2.sourceID)
WHERE = '2007-06-26' AND = '2007-06-28' GROUP BY
sourceID ORDER BY clicks desc, conversions desc;

When using EXPLAIN:


| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key  |
key_len | ref  | rows | Extra|

|  1 | SIMPLE  | t1| range | idx_date  | idx_date |
3 | NULL | 4612 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | t2| ALL   | NULL  | NULL |
NULL | NULL | 1351 |  |

-- rich

rpt_cpc needs an index on sourceID.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: index question

2007-06-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

John Mancuso wrote:

If I have 2 large tables A and B and I need to join them:
select * from A,B where A.col1=B.col1
If A.col1 is an index and B.col1 is not, if I create an index on B.col1

will this index be used? In other words how are indexes used on table
John Mancuso

Linux Administrator/MySQL DBA
IT Infrastructure
American Home Mortgage
w: 631-622-6382
c: 516-652-2475

Use explain, and find out.
MySQL may reverse the two and join A to B inorder to use A's index.
Since there is no WHERE clause, only one of the tables needs an index.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Upgrading databases?

2007-06-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Seth Seeger wrote:


I'm having trouble copying a database from MySQL 4.1.22 to 5.1.19- 
beta.  Both are FreeBSD i386-based machines.  I have run the  following 

mysqlcheck --check-upgrade --all-databases --auto-repair

Both executed with no problems.  (mysqlcheck reported OK for all  
tables.)  When I try to access any of the tables, I get this:

mysql select * from users;
ERROR 1034 (HY000): Incorrect key file for table 'users'; try to  repair it

So I tried to repair it:

mysql repair table users;
| Table  | Op | Msg_type |  
Msg_text   |
| seth_icsx_mands_live.users | repair | error| Incorrect key file  
for table 'users'; try to repair it |

1 row in set, 1 warning (0.10 sec)

Running repair table users doesn't seem to have any effect on it  
because the problem persists.  I have tried to run mysql_upgrade,  with 
no success:

# mysql_upgrade --basedir=/usr/local --datadir=/var/db --verbose
Looking for 'mysql' in: mysql
FATAL ERROR: Can't find 'mysql'

I have tried it with all different combinations for the two directory  
options with no luck.  All tables are MyISAM.

Can anyone shed some light on what I'm supposed to do?


Shut the server down and run myisamchk on users.MYI

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: master status is null

2007-06-20 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Ananda Kumar wrote:

Hi All,
We have setup replication. Mysql version 5.0.40. On master db, if i execute
the below command it showing

show master status\G;

Empty set (0.01 sec)

You do not have replication setup.

No query specified

Use \G or ; but not both.

what could be the reason, and how do i fix it. Please help



Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: zabbix mysql problem

2007-06-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

sizo nsibande wrote:

I am trying to install zabbix, and at the third step I get this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# mysql -u zabbix -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 6 to server version: 5.0.27

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql create database zabbix;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 


I am reading the mysql in 21 days book and hope to become more
knowledgeable on this subject, please point me in the right direction?

You are not looged in to mysql as a user with create privileges.
You might need to backup a few chapters.
Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: MySql Host through Heartbeat

2007-06-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Ben Clewett wrote:

Dear MySQL,

I'm running 5.0.26 through Heartbeat.  Which seems to work well, even as 
a replication slave and Heartbeat continously stopping and starting the 

The Heartbeat moves MySQL around from server to server when a failure 
occures.  I am trying to find a way for MySQL to report the server host 
name on which it's currently sitting.  Without any luck.

Would any kind members know of a way of getting this information from 

Many thanks,


Heartbeat moves the IP address around as well as the services.
Your hostname should not change.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: MySql Host through Heartbeat

2007-06-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Baron Schwartz wrote:

Gerald L. Clark wrote:

Ben Clewett wrote:

Dear MySQL,

I'm running 5.0.26 through Heartbeat.  Which seems to work well, even 
as a replication slave and Heartbeat continously stopping and 
starting the server.

The Heartbeat moves MySQL around from server to server when a failure 
occures.  I am trying to find a way for MySQL to report the server 
host name on which it's currently sitting.  Without any luck.

Would any kind members know of a way of getting this information from 

Many thanks,


Heartbeat moves the IP address around as well as the services.
Your hostname should not change.

DNS won't change, but the server's /etc/hostname will, right?

Disclaimer: I'm no expert on this... I didn't even know the IP address 
moved too.  I should read about Heartbeat.


Do you actually have /etc/hostname?
RHEL and Centos do not.
They do have an entry in /etc/sysconfig/network

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread Gerald L. Clark

untz wrote:


Thank you for responding!

I just tried this and got the following:

mysql grant super *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the  
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right  
syntax to use near '*.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by password' at  
line 1

Can anyone please help me?

I am not a DBA

Kindest regards,


On Jun 11, 2007, at 4:36 AM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

Is this a user untz going to do even the create procedure, if  yes 

you need to grant super previliege to this user.

grant super on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


On 6/11/07, untz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Baron  Prathima,

Thank for the information!

What happened is that I hadn't used MySQL for a long time and looked
up on the Internet on how to change my root and individual users'

The last command the URL had me type was flush privileges; and once
I did that, I think it created a problem for everything else.

Here's what I got when I ran SHOW GRANTS:

mysql show GRANTS;

| Grants for

| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `depot_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_development`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_test`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `music_production`.* TO 'untz'@'localhost'

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I supposed to do? I can not run queries or even create  

I also tried using a MySQL client (CocoaMySQL) and it displayed the
same error as in the previous e-mail (see below).

Am really stuck on this so any help, suggestions, etc. would be
greatly appreciated!

Sincerely yours,


On Jun 10, 2007, at 5:44 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

 Hi untz,

 untz wrote:
 Hello there,
 I am using MySQL 5 on OS X Tiger...
 After starting the server, I tried to create a sample database and
 this is what what happened:
 $ mysql -u untz -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.16-standard
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 mysql create database people_development;
 ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' to
 database 'people_development'

 Try running SHOW GRANTS while logged in, and see what privileges
 you have.  You probably need to grant your user some additional


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The show grants you ran shows you the proper syntax.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Access Denied When Trying to Create Database

2007-06-11 Thread Gerald L. Clark

untz wrote:


I tried this and still got an error!

mysql grant all privileges on *.* to 'untz'@'localhost' identified  by 
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'untz'@'localhost' (using  
password: YES)


Can anyone please help me?  I am unable to use MySQL at all, at this  


You have to be logged-in to mysql as a privileged user to grant 
permissions to others.

Logout, and login as root.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Lock Tables Question

2007-06-04 Thread Gerald L. Clark

David T. Ashley wrote:

I decided to go with a simple paradigm for my web-based database.  Rather
than transactions, each process locks the entire database while it is
changing something, then unlocks it.  This just serializes access (all 

processes will block until the one modifying the database has finished).

The method I was using is something like:

LOCK TABLE thistable, thattable, theothertable, 

Do whatever is needed;

I probably botched the syntax above.

Rather than enumerate every table in the database (which could get to be a
long list), I wondered if it is possible to just lock one table, with the
gentleman's agreement that in order to modify the database, every process
must first lock that particular table.

You could use a string lock for this.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Lock Tables Question

2007-06-04 Thread Gerald L. Clark

David T. Ashley wrote:

On 6/4/07, Jerry Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Whatever you do, make sure that every bit of code that locks multiple
resources locks them in the same order. That's the only way to avoid

Hi Jerry,

I really appreciate the good advice.

However, my original question is still unanswered.  My original question is
whether I can lock one table (as a gentleman's rule followed by all
processes) to serialize access to the database consisting of many tables.

Manipulate many tables, perhaps not even including table x;

My question is really whether MySQL might do some strange optimizations ...
or somehow buffer the middle query so that it completes after the UNLOCK.

Thanks, Dave.

Once you issue a LOCK TABLES command, you may not access any tables not 
in the LOCK statement. You must lock *ALL* tables you will use, perform

your updates, and then UNLOCK TABLES.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Frequently MyISAM TABLE corruption.....Pls help

2007-05-09 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Nilnandan wrote:

Hello all,

I have one server which has mysql 5.0.27 installed. There is one table named
that table has 122000 records..It has 114 fields and 22 indexes.

Now this table always been corrupt. I have try to found the solution but i
Pls help me ASAP. I have used CHECK and REPAIR option I have given here the


070509  4:06:17 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table 'table1' is marked as
crashed and should be repaired
070509  4:06:17 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Sort aborted

How big is the index file? the data file?
Has either reached the file size limit of your filesystem,
or the default maximum MyISAM size?

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Bin logs...

2007-05-03 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

   Probably a silly question, but if I have my logs set to binary, how 
can I read them and check on a query that's failing?  I don't 
necessarily want to switch to text logs because we'll want to do 
replication soon here, so I want to keep it as a binary log.  My problem 
is I have a query that's failing and I can't figure it, I can't read the 
log file.

   Suggestions anyone?

Use the mysqlbinlog command.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: IS NULL Question

2007-05-01 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Kevin Hunter wrote:

At 9:06p -0400 on 30 Apr 2007 John Kebbel wrote:

I'm having problems understanding NULL. I grasp what a NULL value is,

A NULL value is rather an oxymoron.  It'd be more accurate to say  that 
NULL means absence of a value.

but I can't get NULL to perform correctly. For instance, if I do a
Select statement, I see that I have columns with a NULL value.

select first, last, suffix  from persons LIMIT 5;
| first | last | suffix |
| Benjamin  | Page | NULL   |
| Jonathan  | Watson   | NULL   |
| Jose  | Thorson  | NULL   |
| Alejandro | Nickels  | NULL   |
| Griselda  | Richards | NULL   |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Logically, it seems that a Select statement should find these five  plus
any other NULL values in the suffix column. However, such a select
statment returns an empty set.

mysql select first, last, suffix  from persons where suffix IS NULL;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? (Thanks in advance for any  help.)

Caveat emptor: I haven't tested this in about a year.

Are you perchance using a table type of MyISAM?  I seem to recall  that 
MyISAM has a hard time actually representing NULL internally.   [ ... 
Thinks for a minute ... ]  I remember something about spaces,  like, I 
think I did

INSERT ( val1, val2, NULL ) INTO myTable;

and was only able to get the tuples back when I did

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE col3 = ' ';  -- a space character

If this is the case, you might consider using a different table type,  
such as InnoDB.



MyISAM has no problem representing NULL.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Should the db be shutdown before backing up?

2007-04-30 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Mathieu Bruneau wrote:

murthy gandikota a écrit :

 I did a hot backup a while ago. When I had to restore from backup there were several error messages. So I ran mysqlcheck for every table with --auto-repair option. Is this the best way? 



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Yes you should shutdown the database before doing a mysqlhotcopy.
However you could use the flush tables with read lock so that your
tables are consistent (and will still allow for select to go through the db)

Best luck

mysqlhotcopy does not require a database shutdown. If it did, it
would not be a hot copy.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Permissions and Into Outfile

2007-04-27 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Kebbel, John wrote:
	I was trying to write the output of a select statement to a tab-delimited text file. I  could not write the file to a folder inside /var/www or to my home file because of permission problems. After a moment's reflection, I realized /tmp had stuff written to it all the time, so its permissions must be wide open. I tried writing the file to /tmp and it worked fine. Since you cannot write to an existing file, you cannot create the file in advance and set its permissions. What is the trick to getting the file to write successfully anywhere you want it to be written? 

This is the query I was using...

mysql select, firstName, lastName, grade, race, gender, dob, 
school, phone, program, hsMath, hsEnglish, hsScience, major, 9YBand, 9YChorus, 
9YGifted, 9YTV, 9YROTC, 9YSpanishI, 9YSpanish2, 9YFrenchI, 9SAerobics, 9SArt, 
9SBasketball, 9SDrama, 9SDriverEd1, 9SDriverEd2, 9SRecreation, 9STeamSports1, 
9STeamSports2, 9SWeights
			into outfile '/tmp/srhs9.txt' 

from sched_students, SCHED_COURSES where ( = 
and (grade = 8) order by lastname, firstname;

The user 'mysql' must have write permission in the target directory.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Permissions and Into Outfile

2007-04-27 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Kebbel, John wrote:

cat /etc/passwd on my Macintosh 10.3 at work (I'm using Linux at home) shows me 
this for mysql ...

mysql:*:74:74:MySQL Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
The home directory for mysql is /var/empty, which does exist. Should I write 
~into  file~ output to this folder or should I change the mysql home directory 
to some other folder?

Just make sure that mysql has permission to write in the directory you 
want to contain the output file.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: what kind of indices to set up

2007-04-26 Thread Gerald L. Clark

James Tu wrote:

I was a little to quick with the send button.

Can you do a query like this:

(I know that the * syntax is not correct, but is there something  
equivalent to it?

SELECT from cars
make=5 AND
model=* AND
body_color=7 AND
tire_type = * AND
hub_caps_type = 1

If you could perform a query like the one above, would MySQL still  use 
the multi-column index that I set up?


Select * from cars
make=5 AND
model LIKE '%' AND
body_color=7 AND
tyre_type LIKE '%' AND
hub_caps_type = 1

If your multi-column index starts with model or tyre_type, then no.
The index can be used down to, but not including the first column that 
is compared against '%'.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Stopping Replication

2007-04-24 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Jesse wrote:
I'm trying to stop replication between two servers that I've got here.  
I set it up originally, to play with it and see how it works.  However, 
I now want to use these two servers separately.

I have edited the my.ini file on both the server and slave machines, and 
removed the server-id from them.  I have also executed a stop slave on 
the slave server.  However, it appears that when I stop and re-start the 
server that was the slave, it tries to re-start replication again, 
because I get the error, Failed to create slave threads in the event log.

What else do I need to do to stop the replication process?


You have to remove the master information from the slave's my.ini file.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Trying to open a big sql script

2007-04-20 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Joerg Bruehe wrote:


Duncan Hill wrote:

On Thursday 19 April 2007 15:53:54 molemenacer wrote:

I am trying to change all the names of the database from mthosp to 

name, is this possible?

Assuming you mean tables, not database (as mysqldump doesn't store the 
database name in the dump file [or at least never has for me]):

sed -e 's/mthosp/another_name/'  source.sql  dest.sql

1) This is risky, because it will also change (for example)
   govmthospital to govanother_nameital which may be a bit more than
   is intended.

   Sure, you can add conditions that prevent some such issues, but it
   will get complicated.
   The regular expressions the sed can handle are somewhat limited,
   when you compare them to what Perl can do.
   (Sorry, I won't give a Perl command - this is still too risky.)

mysql rename table mthosp_1 to another_name_1, mthosp_2 to 

(Check the manual for syntax)

2) If you want multiple changes in a line, add the g modifier at the
   command end:
  sed -e 's/mthosp/another_name/g'  source.sql  dest.sql

3) Most likely, you should first run a grep on the file, to check where
   the string occurs and which effects your commands have.

4) *If* you decide to use sed, then a cheap way to see just the changes
   is this:
  sed -n -e 's/mthosp/another_name/gp'  source.sql  verify.sql

   This will output *only* the changed lines, not the unchanged ones.
   However, it will not show the context - if you want to get that as
   well, then you will need a more complicated sed command or (easier,
   IMHO) a pipe of grep (providing the context, see the -A and -B
   options) and sed (above).


That reminds me of the story of the mailing list maintainer who decided
to replace 'and' with ''.

He ended up sending mail to Sy Serson.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Suddenly : mysqld: Can't create/write to file PID

2007-04-18 Thread Gerald L. Clark
Dave Shariff Yadallee - System Administrator a.k.a. The Root of the 
Problem wrote:

I am suddenly seeing this in my error log:

070418 08:43:57  mysqld started
070418  8:43:57 [ERROR] /usr/contrib/libexec/mysqld: Can't create/write to file
'/usr/contrib/var/' (Errcode: 13)
070418  8:43:57 [ERROR] Can't start server: can't create PID file: Undefined 
error: 0
070418 08:43:57  mysqld ended 

HOw is this fixed?

The mysql user must have execute and write privilege on /usr/contrib/var 
and all subdirectories.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Does casing of Table names matter on Linux

2007-03-05 Thread Gerald L. Clark

abhishek jain wrote:

On 3/5/07, abhishek jain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 3/1/07, abhishek jain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2/28/07, Ow Mun Heng [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 15:05 +0530, abhishek jain wrote:
   Hi Friends,
   I have been developing one application over Windows and now i want
   move/port that into linux, i want to know will the casing of the
  table name
   matter on linux ie if i have table name as tab1 and i execute query
   select * from TAb1 ,will it make an effect.
   I have found that this is not a problem on windows but it is on
  linux, i
   want a sol. for that a i can not change all the table names as in
   places it is in small case and in other places it is in capital
  Yes.. There is a difference. Casing Matters in *nix.
  However there is an option for turning if off.
  lower_case_table_names  = 1
  Hi Friends,
 Thanks for the mails.
 Now i have made a mistake.In mine code i have somwhere capital case and
 in other place the small case for the table names.
 I cannot change the case in mine code and cannot resist the change to
 the Linux .
 What is the remedy now i mean can something be done now to make 
linux be

 case insensitive,
 Pl. help me,
 Abhishek jain

So friends ,
If anyone know abt the sol. pl. let me know
Abhishek jain

The solution is in the link given above!

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Mysql and FOREIGN KEY

2007-02-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Micol lupen wrote:

Hi to all,
I am a student, i am studing Mysql FOREIGN KEY for to
do a little progect, but i have this problem:
i create this table:
CREATE TABLE Cliente( codcliente VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,
nome VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,cognome VARCHAR(20) NOT
NULL, citta VARCHAR(10), indirizzo VARCHAR(20), tel

CREATE TABLE villaggio (idvillaggio INT
KEY(idvillaggio)) ENGINE=INNODB;

but when i create this table:
CREATE TABLE offerta(idofferta INT
KEY(of_idvillaggio),REFERENCES villaggio(idvillaggio)

i have this error: REFERENCES error control manual 
p.s. table villaggio is father and table offerta is

i see the manual but i don't see error, help me !!!

excuse me for my bad english
Best Regads

L'email della prossima generazione? Puoi averla con la nuova Yahoo! Mail:

of_idvillaggio INT NOT NULL
idvillaggio INT

These are not the same type.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: row count inconsistency

2007-02-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Marty Landman wrote:

The table was created and then loaded and not modified in any way I'm aware
of afterwards. It's on a local, only accessible by me server.

Really weird thing about it is that I wrote/ran a program specifically to
find any gaps in the id sequence - because of the size of the table it took
days to run but the result was


IOW it confirms the max id that Mysql gave, but also indicates that there
are no gaps in the row id's all the way through. This doesn't make sense to
me in light of Mysql reporting the count as posted previously i.e.

mysql select count(*) from fidcid;
| count(*)  |
| 100480507 |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)

If this table is InnoDB, then count(*) is
just an approximation.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: mysqldump on Freebsd 5 -- out of memory error

2007-02-13 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Graham Dunn wrote:

The error:

/usr/local/bin/mysqldump: Error 5: Out of memory (Needed 14154840 bytes)
when dumping table `Attachments` at row: 24285

Platform details:


mysqldump  Ver 10.9 Distrib 4.1.12, for portbld-freebsd5.3 (i386)

# /usr/local/bin/mysqldump -u dba -h seisei -p rt3
--set-variable=max_allowed_packet=256M Attachments  Attachments.sql

Try adding the -q option.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Safe DB Distribution

2007-01-30 Thread Gerald L. Clark


Something like distributing files with encrypted data in most columns
can be done, with the encryption key being a combination
of some hardware-related stuff such as MAC address that the user will
provide to you, and the key you generate and provide to the user.
Of course it creates a problem when the target computer crashes.
Everything else is probably either hackable or would be based
on the assumption that you'll be in the business forever
but anyway there must be specialists out there in some security related
groups that know how to make it hard to hack.

On the surface of it if you provide this sort of protection you'll be 
able to distribute

it as open source since you are protecting data and not the code but
I'm sure bigger lycensing minds will easily prove me wrong and explain
that there is such a thing as a GPL for data and copyrighting data is bad,
which would mean that copyrighting anything is bad, or that copyrighting
data is OK but the essence of your application is data so if you charge
for it you can't distribute mysql with it under GPL etc.
Actually it would be interesting to hear the opinion of mysql legal 
department on this.



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Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and 
industry-leading spam and email virus protection.

You will not be able to search on encrypted fields.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Date format question

2007-01-15 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Olaf Stein wrote:


My issue is not storage, it is confidentiality.
I am not allowed to store the day of birth as it is considered identifying
information (in medical records).
I do not even have the day, I want to pass a date in format (-MM) to a
date field if possible.

Pass the date in format (-MM-00).

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: [OT} How to pronounce GIF

2007-01-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Brian Dunning wrote:

On Jan 7, 2007, at 4:23 PM, TK wrote:

In short, the original inventors of the GIF format (CompuServe,  1987) 
have always defined the pronunciation to be like JIF.  So,  that has 
always been the correct pronunciation.

Sure, so I'll start pronouncing graphics as jraphics.

How do you pronounce giraffe?

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Instalation issues

2006-12-04 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Agarwal, Abhishek wrote:

Hello All,

I am trying to install the mysql server 5.1 on fedora 4. please find below
the output

[EMAIL PROTECTED] downloads]# rpm -i MySQL-server-5.1.12-0.glibc23.i386.rpm 

To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h fedora password 'new-password'
See the manual for more instructions.

NOTE:  If you are upgrading from a MySQL = 3.22.10 you should run
the /usr/bin/mysql_fix_privilege_tables. Otherwise you will not be
able to use the new GRANT command!

Please report any problems with the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at
Starting MySQLCouldn't find MySQL manager or server[FAILED]

Please advice how I can debug this error.


What error?

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: +1MB query gets Out of memory

2006-11-30 Thread Gerald L. Clark

nocturnal wrote:


A client used to get Out of memory when trying to send a query that was 
a bit more than 1MB. The problem was solved when i increased query_cache 
to 2MB but now the problem is back and this time the line reported by 
the Out of memory error has a query that is just a bit over 1MB again. 
The only other value i could find that was 1MB was packet_size but that 
didn't help.

What could i do to run this query?
You have to change the maximum packet size on both the server and the 

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: mysql on a NAS

2006-11-28 Thread Gerald L. Clark



We recently moved to a new cluster plattform, setup by one external IT

at present (early stage):
2 XEON computers with a fibre channel link to a Network Storage. The mysql
directories are located on the Network storage and mounted into
/var/lib/mysql on each machine. So, every machine running an own mysql
server, but sharing the directory. The used file system is OCFS (Oracle
Cluster File System)

You cannot do this.

When I played with the two servers yesterday (we are not really happy
with the performance) I noticed, that the stats of each mysql server are
the same. Even if I restart one server, the stats are not amended in any
way - if I restart both servers the stats were reset.

Now my questions:
1) is this installtion a common practise to share a mysql db with
several servers (we might increase the number of servers)


2) is there a better, more performant way, to install mysql in a cluster ?

See 'MySQL Clustering'
BY Alex Davies and Harrison Fisk
MySQL Press

3) Just your general idea about this setup.

Stefan Stonki Onken

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Backing up large dbs with tar

2006-11-13 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Van wrote:


I have a 600M data file that never gets backed up.  The following error 
occurs in the cron job:

tar: /data/mysql/my_db_name/my_large_table_name.MYI: file changed as 
we read it

Is there a way I can set this one table to read-only prior to the backup 
without affecting other db writes during this operation?


Look at mysqlhotcopy.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Can't create database

2006-11-02 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Mário Gamito wrote:


I've installed MySQL 5.0.27, but can't create databases.
I get ERROR 1006 (HY000): Can't create database 'contineo' (errno: 28)

In the log file i have this:
InnoDB: Error: auto-extending data file ./ibdata1 is of a different size
InnoDB: 0 pages (rounded down to MB) than specified in the .cnf file:
InnoDB: initial 640 pages, max 0 (relevant if non-zero) pages!
InnoDB: Could not open or create data files.
InnoDB: If you tried to add new data files, and it failed here,
InnoDB: you should now edit innodb_data_file_path in my.cnf back
InnoDB: to what it was, and remove the new ibdata files InnoDB created
InnoDB: in this failed attempt. InnoDB only wrote those files full of
InnoDB: zeros, but did not yet use them in any way. But be careful: do not
InnoDB: remove old data files which contain your precious data!

Any ideas on how to solve this issue ?

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Regards,

perror 28
 Error code  28:  No space left on device

You need more disk space.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Manually Inserted Data

2006-11-01 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Keith Spiller wrote:

Hi Rolando,

Thanks for your help.

I have reduced the query to the bare essensials to try to test the 
concept, but

it still fails...

( SELECT ID, Start, End

( SELECT ID, Start, End as z

FROM site_calendar_v2 as c
WHERE Global='1' )
( SELECT '9', '2006-11-01', '-00-00' as z )
ORDER BY z, Start ASC, Status DESC, Time ASC  a

Does anyone see my mistake?


Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Mysql -e Select Fields Enclosed By and NULL values

2006-10-27 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Ow Mun Heng wrote:


I'm trying to load some data from a primary MySQL DB into a VMware image
for RD purposes.
Instead of doing a mysqldump of nearly 10G of data, I would like to just
select a subset of it and load it into the VMware image.

man mysqldump
You will find it supports a where clause.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: £ (Great Britain Pound) breaks MySQL insert and update - disastrous overwrit e

2006-10-19 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Paul Warner wrote:

Ok, here is an update.  I have now switched everything to UTF-8, database, 
application, jsp page.  I have added a tomcat filter that sets the request and 
response encoding to UTF-8  presumably before anything else sees the request 
(it seems to write to the log 10 times for each request).  I added the 
following code that processes all the fields before submitting to the database 
for update or insert.

Charset utfCharset = Charset.forName(UTF-8);
CharsetDecoder decoder = utfCharset.newDecoder();
CharsetEncoder encoder = utfCharset.newEncoder();
try {
  ByteBuffer bbuf = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(advertArr[i]));
  CharBuffer cbuf = decoder.decode(bbuf);
   advertArr[i] = cbuf.toString();
   // after conversion:  + advertArr[i]);
} catch ( CharacterCodingException cce ) { coding exception:  + cce.getMessage());

I tested as I added each of these elements.  The problem persists.  Same 
errors.  Same massive, horrific overwrite of the table on every update.  AND 
the data displayed in the browser has a garbage character in front of the £ 
sign.  Why  All the books and internet pages I've looked at say this stuff 
should work.

By fiddling with the encoding settings I did achieve something.  Before 
switching everything to UTF-8, I explicitly set everything to ISO-8859-1 (since 
the £ sign is definitely included in ISO-8859-1), and for a while the update 
refused to do any rows at all, rather than overwriting them all.

Again, the update and insert statements work when pasted into the mysql command 
line utility.  A perl script brings up the data nicely, and does an update 
including a £ sign to just one row without a problem.

So, has anyone ever encountered this??  I'm going mad.

Turn on the querylog, and see what query mysql is actually getting.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

MySQL General Mailing List
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2006-10-16 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Scott Hamm wrote:

I'm trying to create a table as follows:


How do I make ID to start out as '0001' for UPC barcode assignment?

UPC barcodes are not sequential numbers.
They are composed of a casecode prefix, a manufacturers id, a 
partnumber, and a check digit.

You cannot use an autoincrement number as a UPC.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: updating table but afterwards there are duplicate entries that violate a key..

2006-09-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Peter Van Dijck wrote:

Hi all,
I have a table like this


There is a primary key on (tagid, taggerid, objectid).

First I remove that key, then I am changing the object id (because
I've changed my objects), but what happens now is that I suddenly have
duplicate (tagid, taggerid, objectid) rows.

Is there a way to remove duplicate rows like this?

Thanks for any pointers!!


and put the key back.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Quick way to determine existence of an index?

2006-09-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Mark wrote:

Dear MySQL-ers,

Using MySQL 5.0.24a, is there a quick way to determine which columns on a
table don't have an index?

I want to do sort of s recursive loop, and add indices for all columns
which don't have an index yet (and that over many databases).


- Mark

Sounds like an extremely bad idea to me.
You don't want to have any indicies you don't actually need.
They will slow down all inserts and updates.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Running a Staging and Development DB on the same server?

2006-09-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Jay Paulson wrote:

I'm setting up our one server for staging and development.  I am need to set
up MySQL to have 2 copies of the same database on the same server.  Could
anyone direct me to some documentation or tell me how to do this?


What's wrong with having a test and production database?
Just connect to the proper database when you start your application.

mysqladmin create testdata
mysqldump production | mysql testdata

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Conditional copy of values

2006-09-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Ravi Kumar. wrote:

Dear All,
I have 2 tables Table1 and Table2. In Table1 rowid is primary key and in

Table2 rowid is primary key as well as foreign key (referring to rowid in
There are several other columns in Table1, but Table2 has only one col -


Then what is the reason for table2 ?
I see no value for a single element table unless it is used to hold 
valid entries for another table.

You are populating it from Table1, so it now has no reason to exist.
Use Table1 instead.

I want to insert rowid into Table2 conditionally:
insert into Table2 (rowid) select T1.rowid from Table1 T1, Table2 T2
where T1.somecolumn = 'some condition' 

What is T2 doing in this select ? This is not a join, but a Cartesian 

But I want to insert only those rowid values which do not exist in T2.

Use insert ignore. You already have a primary key on rowid, so you 
cannot add a rowid that already exists.

Please help.
I am using MySQL version 4.1.14-standard-log. Hence subqueries are not a



Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: What happened to left join under version 5?

2006-09-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Mailing List Receiver wrote:

Worked under version 4.  Does not work under version 5.

$Qstr = select distinct replace(reftraffic.refurl,'http://',''),\
from reftraffic,site\
left join links\
= links.url\
where links.url is null\
and reftraffic.web = site.siteurl\
and site.vend_addr = \$Vendor\\
group by replace(reftraffic.refurl,'http://','');

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'reftraffic.refurl' in 'on 
clause' at /home/common/proj/bin/ line 59.

Use  from reftraffic inner join site on . instead
of an implicit join. The precedence of joins has been corrected
in version 5.

This has been asked and answered about a hunderd times.
For more details, you may search the archives

mysql describe reftraffic;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| web| varchar(40)  | NO   | | NULL|   | 
| datim  | datetime | NO   | | -00-00 00:00:00 |   | 
| refurl | varchar(255) | NO   | | NULL|   | 
| target | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL|   | 

mysql describe links;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| url  | varchar(100) | NO   | MUL | NULL|| 
| linktype | varchar(16)  | YES  | | NULL|| 
| rank | double(10,0) | YES  | | NULL|| 
| email| varchar(40)  | YES  | | NULL|| 
| dateadd  | date | YES  | | NULL|| 
| verified | enum('N','Y')| YES  | | N   || 
| vendor   | varchar(8)   | NO   | | GWA || 
| deleted  | enum('Y','N')| YES  | | N   || 
| info | text | YES  | | NULL|| 
| image| varchar(100) | YES  | | NULL|| 
| username | varchar(32)  | YES  | | NULL|| 
| password | varchar(32)  | YES  | | NULL|| 
| city | varchar(40)  | YES  | | NULL|| 
| state| varchar(40)  | YES  | | NULL|| 
| country  | varchar(40)  | YES  | | NULL|| 
| rowid| int(11) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment | 

Server version  5.0.22

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: MySQL operators

2006-09-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

molemenacer wrote:

I have a query that searches on a number of criteria and would like help on
the last line

I have included my code below:

	jobs.statusid in (6) and 
	ifnull(jobs.currworkerid,'') like '%' and 
	jobs.dictatorid like '%' and

jobs.custcode like '%' and
jobs.deptcode like '%' and
jobs.specialitycode like '%' and
ifnull(jobs.prevworkerid,'') like '%' and
jobs.jobid like '%' and
	jobs.supplierid like '%' and 
	Approveddate between '2006-09-14' and '2006-09-21' or Approveddate Is Null 

This retrurns all jobs whether they are status 6 or not, i need to have a
comparison on approveddate, it is either between the two dates or null, but
is status 6.
( Approveddate between '2006-09-14' and '2006-09-21' or Approveddate Is 
Null )

Your query returned all rows where approveddate is NULL.
Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: 2 versions of mysql on Unix: problem with the socket

2006-09-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Duhaime Johanne wrote:

I am running mysql 4.1.7 on solaris 9. I want to install 2 versions (versions 
4.1.7 and  5) on the server. I am reconfiguring my scripts in that perspective.
I have a script that start the mysql v4 so that I finally have:
7002 pts/4S  0:00 /bin/sh /seqweb/mysql4/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/seqweb/mysqldata/my.cnf --port=3306 --socket=/tmp/mysql4.sock --pid-file=/seqweb/mysqldata/ --user=mysql --datadir=/seqweb/mysqldata

  7023 pts/4S  0:13 /seqweb/mysql-4.1.7/libexec/mysqld 
--defaults-file=/seqweb/mysqldata/my.cnf --basedir=/seqweb/mysql-4.1.7 
--datadir=/seqweb/mysqldata --pid-file=/seqweb/mysqldata/ --port=3306 
The problem is that I always have to give the --socket to all the clients, the port number is not  enough. Ex:

put a .my.cnf file in the client's home directory that specifies the socket.

Gerald L. Clark
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Re: Decimal versus Float Point Type

2006-09-07 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Renato Golin wrote:

Jerry Schwartz wrote:

The difference is that, for example, .01 can be represented exactly
in decimal; but float types are binary, so .01 cannot be represented
exactly. This can lead to all kinds of trouble when doing arithmetic,
the errors accumulate.

Yes! but that can also lead to some other problems... ;) Check this 

myslq create table numbers (a decimal(10,2), b float);
myslq insert into numbers values (100, 100);
mysql select @a := (a/3), @b := (b/3), @a * 3, @b * 3 from numbers \G
*** 1. row ***
 @a := (a/3): 33.3
 @b := (b/3): 33.
@a + @a + @a: 99.90
@b + @b + @b: 100

The decimal did exactly what's supposed to do on this cases, it
truncated the rest, thus loosing the 1/3 part.

So for sums the decimal is better, but for divisions the float is
better, up to some point, of course. I mean, using DECIMAL will not give
you a fail proof arithmetic in any means.

It's one reason why most people write their loops with  x + 1 
rather than = x. That gets past the problem, but if you are adding 
together many values the final answer may be wrong.

I'd rather use a better algorithm instead of a work around in those 
cases... ;)


How do you expect to split a dollar 3 ways?
It is not the math you do that determins whether you use float or 
decimal, it is what you are modeling that is important.
Dollars are decimal, and dollar calculations must be rounded to the 
nearest cent, or mill.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: 1 to many relationships

2006-08-16 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Brian E Boothe wrote:

hey guys ;
   it's not Customers Per issue it's the other way around issues per 
i enter in Customer 1 and then down the road i wanna add a issue 
associated with that customer, so goto that customer and Click Add issue
the a form Comes up and i add the issue and Click Add issue, i need that 
issue to associate with that customer, every Customer Refrences the same 
issue table

Then it is many to many.
Many customers are associated with many issues.

i have Customers   /Issues as tables,

Gerald L. Clark
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Re: Load Data Infile and newlines

2006-08-08 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Mark Nienberg wrote:
I'm trying to use LOAD DATA INFILE to read a csv formatted file into a 
mysql 5.0.22 table.  Some of the fields contain text that has newline 
characters in it.  After reading the manual to learn how special 
characters are treated, I altered the csv file so newlines are 
represented by '\\n', that is two backslashes followed by a lowercase n.

After loading the file, I find that the text fields do indeed contain 
'\n' as I hoped (one of the backslashes was stripped during import).  
But for some reason these newlines aren't treated as such by mysql or 
php.  For example, the php function nl2br does not recognize and 
substitute them.

I have other similar tables in the same database that I successfully 
constructed using the same method, but that was with a previous version 
of mysql (4.something). Something is different now.

The command I used was:

mysql load data infile '/share/store/library.csv' into table library
fields terminated by ','
enclosed by ''
lines terminated by '\r\n';

Any help appreciated.

You need to quote the actual linefeed character, not a backslash n.

Gerald L. Clark
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Re: Tricky query

2006-08-04 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Morten wrote:


Given the table keyval(key int(11), val int(11)), I would like to be 
able to retrieve the keys for which a row exist for given X values.


key  value

Given values 8, 9, 10 the query should thus return 1 and 4. The possible 
number of values is variable.

Can this be expressed somewhat more elegantly than multiple EXISTS 

SELECT DISTINCT key FROM keyval outer
WHERE outer.key   = inner.key
AND inner.val = 8)
AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM keyval inner
WHERE outer.key   = inner.key
AND inner.val = 9)



How about:
FROM `table` WHERE `value` in (8,9,10)

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Tricky query

2006-08-04 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Morten wrote:


Given the table keyval(key int(11), val int(11)), I would like to be 
able to retrieve the keys for which a row exist for given X values.


key  value

Given values 8, 9, 10 the query should thus return 1 and 4. The possible 
number of values is variable.

Can this be expressed somewhat more elegantly than multiple EXISTS 

SELECT DISTINCT key FROM keyval outer
WHERE outer.key   = inner.key
AND inner.val = 8)
AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM keyval inner
WHERE outer.key   = inner.key
AND inner.val = 9)



I forgot the GROUP BY

How about:
FROM `table` WHERE `value` in (8,9,10)
GROUP BY `key`

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Check out this Free software I found to document your IT infrastruct

2006-08-03 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Will L wrote:

Rob Munsch,

I am a member of the Nabble project. This is regarding a bad post by user

Just want to explain a few things. Nabble is a free mailing list
archive/gateway that works like Gmane.  Users can browse, search, and post
via Nabble's web interface and the post will be forwarded to the mailing
list as an email. A user will need to register with Nabble first, then he
will need to subscribe to the mailing list to become a subscriber, only then
can he post to that mailing list.

You seem to be holding Nabble responsible for this bad post. Is it fair? Is
it fair to blacklist Gmail just because a bad user sent a spam? A mailing
list usually has a moderation mechanism to deal with bad posts. If you are a
mailing list owner, you can simply ban that user.

Nabble hates spam as much as you do. We are currently monitoring this user
and we will take necessary action just like a mailing list owner will do.
Feel free to send me a private email if you have more concerns.

Will L

Well, he also spammed the Centos Forums.
Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: [5.0] Left Join Problem

2006-07-21 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Stephen P. Fracek, Jr. wrote:

I'm trying to upgrade from MySQL 4.1 to MySQL 5.0.

A query that works in MySQL 4.1 does not work in MySQL 5.0 and I'm at a loss
as to how to proceed.

SELECT tab_a.item1, tab_b.item2, tab_c.item3, tab_d.item4, tab_e.item5,
tab_f.item6 FROM db.tab_a, db.tab_e, db.tab_f LEFT JOIN db.tab_b ON
= LEFT JOIN db.tab_c ON = LEFT JOIN db.tab_d ON = WHERE = 'value' AND tab_a.id2 = tab_e.id2 AND
tab_e.id3 = tab_f.id3 LIMIT 1;

The above query now generates this error:  Unknown column ' in 'on
clause'.  Placing parentheses around the ON clause, LEFT JOIN db.tab_b ON
( = does not work.

However, splitting the original query apart and grouping the Left Joins in
one query and the regular joins in another query does NOT generates any

SELECT tab_a.item1, tab_b.item2, tab_c.item3, tab_d.item4 FROM db.tab_a LEFT
JOIN db.tab_b ON = LEFT JOIN db.tab_c ON = LEFT JOIN db.tab_d ON = WHERE = 'value'
LIMIT 1; - this is ok


SELECT tab_a.item1, tab_e.item5, tab_f.item6 FROM db.tab_a, db.tab_e,
db.tab_f WHERE = 'value' AND tab_a.id2 = tab_e.id2 AND tab_e.id3 =
tab_f.id3 LIMIT 1; - this is ok

Why doesn't the original query work in MySQL 5.0?  What do I need to do to
make it work?


Stephen P. Fracek, Jr.

It is a join precedence issue. Use INNER Join instead of a comma.

SELECT tab_a.item1, tab_b.item2, tab_c.item3, tab_d.item4, tab_e.item5, 

FROM db.tab_a
INNER JOIN db.tab_e ON tab_a.id2 = tab_e.id2
INNER JOIN db.tab_f ON tab_e.id3 = tab_f.id3
LEFT  JOIN db.tab_b ON  =
LEFT  JOIN db.tab_c ON =
LEFT  JOIN db.tab_d ON =
WHERE = 'value'
Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Distinct problem

2006-07-18 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Tanner Postert wrote:

I actually solved my own problem...

SELECT t1.item_id, t1.dt, t1.text ,t3.*
FROM table AS t1, table3 as t3
LEFT JOIN table AS t2 ON t1.item_id = t2.item_id AND t1.dt  t2.dt
WHERE t2.item_id IS NULL;


SELECT t1.item_id, t1.dt, t1.text
FROM (table AS t1, table3 as t3)
LEFT JOIN table AS t2 ON t1.item_id = t2.item_id AND t1.dt  t2.dt
WHERE t2.item_id IS NULL;

amazing what a little set of parenthesis will do. thanks anyways.

t3 is not joined at all.

Re-write this using inner joins to see your problem.

SELECT t1.item_id, t1.dt, t1.text
FROM table AS t1 INNER JOIN table3 AS t3 ON ???
LEFT JOIN table AS t2 ON t1.item_id = t2.item_id AND t1.dt  t2.dt
WHERE t2.item_id IS NULL;

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: mysql hangs on connection attempt

2006-07-18 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Steve Strong wrote:

we are using php to connect to our mysql database and when we call the
php function with this line:

$dbh = mysql_connect(localhost, george_full, passwd)  or die

george_full has full priveleges on localhost with his password.
localhost resolves to using the host command
pinging localhost returns packets as expected

localhost is for a socket connection.
If you want than use

the execution of the script terminates.  from the command line i've done
the following:
1. connected to the database with the same credentials as above
2. selected a database
3. querried the database with appropriate results.

i work for a school district and the central office people have just
built a new LAN that involved changing the addresses of our dns servers.
 the servers are behind a NAT, and only their external addresses changed.

this is a really tough bug, so any help would be GREATLY appreciated.



Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: datetime issue on MySQL 4.x

2006-07-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Willy wrote:

I have a MyISAM table:

  `msisdn` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `source` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `operator_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `sms_message` longtext NOT NULL,
  `smsc_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `sms_id` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
  `dlr_smsc` text NOT NULL,
  `dlr` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `date_time` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00'

I have a case here, on July 7 I imported some data into the table with this 

INSERT INTO dlr (source, msisdn, operator_id, sms_message, smsc_id, sms_id, dlr_smsc, dlr, date_time) 
('366508', '1234', 4, '', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 'RE:', '2', NOW()),

('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:0943381383 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:, 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:0943381383 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:1226442088 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:1226442088 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:Silahkan tawar: XDA ', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:1861980498 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:1861980498 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, '', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 'RE:', '2', NOW())...

And when I try to fetch the data using PHP with this query:

SELECT operator_id, DATE_FORMAT(date_time,'%d-%m-%Y') AS tanggal, COUNT(*) AS 
TOTAL FROM dlr WHERE 1=1 AND dlr = 8 AND MONTH(date_time) = MONTH(NOW()) GROUP 
BY tanggal, operator_id ORDER BY date_time

The weird thing happened. Why does all the rows are shown or treated as July 
7th data? If we see the imported data, there should be June 28, June 
29.until July 7. Please help and many thanks for any reply.



Because you specified only for the month of July.
AND MONTH(date_time) = MONTH(NOW())

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Trying to understand why Select running out of memory if table not used

2006-07-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Gabriel PREDA wrote:

The JOIN criteria was there: 'event.cid=data.cid'

It was not there in the upper example he gave where he stated the problem.

It was there in the later query he said he also tried.

His query was fine: Select event.cid, event.timestamp  from event, data
Where ( event.timestamp between '2006-05-01' AND '2006-05-15' ) and

It may be rewritten into:
SELECT event.cid, event.timestamp
FROM event JOIN data ON event.cid=data.cid
WHERE event.timestamp BETWEEN '2006-05-01' AND '2006-05-15';

... Or ...

SELECT event.cid, event.timestamp
FROM event JOIN data USING(cid)
WHERE event.timestamp BETWEEN '2006-05-01' AND '2006-05-15;

Although that was not the issue...

Maybe you ran out of memory into one of:

Try enlarging those values... on the server also...

But first try to run with '--compress' maybe this will fix...

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Allow user to create databases, but limit all privileges to other databases

2006-07-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Isaac Davis-King wrote:

I would like to create a user that has the ability to create databases. I
would also like the user to be able to have all privileges including grant
over the databases they create. However, I do not want them to have any
access to other databases on the server.  I've been digging through the
documentation for a while and have not been able to figure out a solution,
even though it seems like this would be a pretty standard requirement in
shared hosting environments. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

PS.  On the Databse Administration support forum there is a post regarding
this exact same issue, and I was originally going to add a 'me too!'
response to that post, but the registration system for the forums seems to
be broken and I was never able to successfully log in to post.

You asked the same question 2 hours ago.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Multiple joins

2006-06-30 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Steffan A. Cline wrote:

What am I missing here?

select m.*, d.discussion, d.discussion_id, u.user_id, t.topic_id
from forums_messages
left join forums_members m, forums_discussions d, users u, forums_topics t
on m.topic_id = t.topic_id, t.discussion_id = d.discussion_id
where m.topic_id = 1;

Is it legal to do multiple joins like this?



forum_messages does not take part in any selection or any where clause.
You have 5 tables listed, with only 4 of them appearing in 2 disjointed, 
and improperly formed joins.

From the comma separated table list after a LEFT JOIN, I am not sure
whether you intend them to be LEFT JOINs or INNER JOINs.

SELECT fields
FROM file1
LEFT JOIN file2 ON something
INNER JOIN file3 ON something
INNER JOIN file4 ON something
INNER JOIN file5 ON something
WHERE somecondition

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Recommended backup scripts for mysql databases

2006-06-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Tim Lucia wrote:

I am in the process of designing the backup procedures for a soon-to-be
production DB.  I have gone back and forth on mysqldump and mysqlhotcopy.
As I see it (for MyISAM tables), the hot copy backs up faster, restores
faster, but does not allow for selective restores (Hello, Support?  I
accidentally deleted student Tim Lucia... can you get him back).  Mysqldump
is slower to back up, slower to restore, but allows for selective restores.

Yes it does.
Copy the table you want to a separate database ( directory ).
INSERT INTO active.student SELECT * from backup.student WHERE name='Tim 

Are those the only things to consider?  I know that piping mysqldump into
gzip resultThis on condition does not include the table being joined.s in disk 
space savings of the dump file, whereas mysqlhotcopy
requires n * 2 free bytes on your system.  But at least you know in advance
exactly how much space it will take...


Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: why didn't I insert small number into table?

2006-06-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Xiaobo Chen wrote:

Hi, all

I have a table like this:

| Field| Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id_freq  | int(11) |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| id_theta | int(11) |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| es   | double  |  | | 0   |   |

the values for 'es' is very small, like 10^-8. When I checked the result
after running my code, the column for 'es' are still '0's.

Could anybody give a hint why this occured and how to avoid this?

Thanks in advance.


Double defaults to double(16,4) and you have more than 4 decimal places.
Try double(16,10).

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: error loading data from file ERROR 1329 (02000): No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed

2006-06-23 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Ferindo Middleton wrote:
I'm trying to load data into a table from a file but I get an error 

ERROR 1329 (02000): No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed

This error message isn't very specific as to what is going wrong and I have
no idea what it is about the data file that is wrong. Of course, I know 

there is in fact data in the file and that it is proper data types matching
the table structure so I don't know why this error message is occuring or
what it is about the file that's stopping it from being loaded.

Since you did not show us the data, nor the command you used to load the 
data, we can't tell you what is wrong.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Left Join Help

2006-06-23 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Paul Nowosielski wrote:

Dear All,

I've been hashing out this query for awhile with no luck as of yet.
Basically the query works if I put a limit of 500 or so but when I do the full 
query it takes up so many resource that the database engine is useless.

Here is the query:

SELECT DISTINCT (td.td_id)  ,td.venue_id as ven_id, td.td_date as td_date, 
art.NAME as art_name,art.WEB as art_url, artd.artist_id as art_id, tv.ID, 
tv.NAME as ven_name, tv.ADDR1 ven_add0, tv.ADDR2 as ven_add1,tv.CITY 
ven_city,tv.STATE ven_state, tv.ZIPCODE ven_zip,tv.COUNTRY ,tv.WEBSITE as 
ven_url,tvc.SIZE as capacity,

tvage.TYPE as age,tv.TICKETAGNCY1 as tix0, tv.TICKETAGNCY2 as tix1

FROM tourdates td, tbl_ARTST as art, artist_tourdate artd , tbl_VENUES tv, 
,tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF tvax, tbl_VENUE_AGES tvage

These 5 tables are not joined on anything.





td_date  NOW() AND (td.td_id = artd.td_id AND artd.artist_id = art.PKEY AND 
td.venue_id=tv.ID) LIMIT 500

Here is a description of the query:
| table  | type   | possible_keys | key | key_len | 
ref| rows  | Extra|

| td | range  | PRIMARY,idx01,dateidx | dateidx |   4 | 
NULL   | 43943 | Using where; Using temporary |
| artd   | ref| idx01,idx02   | idx01   |   4 | 
td.td_id   | 1 |  |
| art| eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx02 | PRIMARY |   4 | 
artd.artist_id | 1 | Using where  |
| tv | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx04 | PRIMARY |   4 | 
td.venue_id| 1 | Using where  |
| tvage  | ALL| NULL  | NULL|NULL | 
NULL   | 4 |  |
| tvc| ALL| NULL  | NULL|NULL | 
NULL   | 10261 |  |
| tbl_VENUE_CAPACITY | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   5 | 
NULL   | 10261 | Using index; Distinct|
| tvax   | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   8 | 
NULL   | 11616 | Using index; Distinct|
| tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   8 | 
NULL   | 11616 | Using index; Distinct|
| tbl_VENUE_AGES | index  | NULL  | PRIMARY |   4 | 
NULL   | 4 | Using index; Distinct|


I need to be able to run the full query on a daily basis without killing the 
DB engine. 

The query needs to pull in about 50,000 results.

Does anyone see a way to optimize this query or rewrite it so it doesn't cause 
a huge system load?

Thank you,

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Left Join Help

2006-06-23 Thread Gerald L. Clark

I ammend my previous post.

Paul Nowosielski wrote:

Dear All,

I've been hashing out this query for awhile with no luck as of yet.
Basically the query works if I put a limit of 500 or so but when I do the full 
query it takes up so many resource that the database engine is useless.

Here is the query:

SELECT DISTINCT (td.td_id)  ,td.venue_id as ven_id, td.td_date as td_date, 
art.NAME as art_name,art.WEB as art_url, artd.artist_id as art_id, tv.ID, 
tv.NAME as ven_name, tv.ADDR1 ven_add0, tv.ADDR2 as ven_add1,tv.CITY 
ven_city,tv.STATE ven_state, tv.ZIPCODE ven_zip,tv.COUNTRY ,tv.WEBSITE as 
ven_url,tvc.SIZE as capacity,

tvage.TYPE as age,tv.TICKETAGNCY1 as tix0, tv.TICKETAGNCY2 as tix1

FROM tourdates td, tbl_ARTST as art, artist_tourdate artd , tbl_VENUES tv, 
,tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF tvax, tbl_VENUE_AGES tvage

Use INNER_JOIN and use ON clauses. tvc, tvax, and tvage are not joined 
at all, producing Cartesian Products.


This on condition does not include the table being joined.


This on condition does not include the table being joined.


This on condition does not include the table being joined.


td_date  NOW() AND (td.td_id = artd.td_id AND artd.artist_id = art.PKEY AND 
td.venue_id=tv.ID) LIMIT 500

Here is a description of the query:
| table  | type   | possible_keys | key | key_len | 
ref| rows  | Extra|

| td | range  | PRIMARY,idx01,dateidx | dateidx |   4 | 
NULL   | 43943 | Using where; Using temporary |
| artd   | ref| idx01,idx02   | idx01   |   4 | 
td.td_id   | 1 |  |
| art| eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx02 | PRIMARY |   4 | 
artd.artist_id | 1 | Using where  |
| tv | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx04 | PRIMARY |   4 | 
td.venue_id| 1 | Using where  |
| tvage  | ALL| NULL  | NULL|NULL | 
NULL   | 4 |  |
| tvc| ALL| NULL  | NULL|NULL | 
NULL   | 10261 |  |
| tbl_VENUE_CAPACITY | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   5 | 
NULL   | 10261 | Using index; Distinct|
| tvax   | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   8 | 
NULL   | 11616 | Using index; Distinct|
| tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   8 | 
NULL   | 11616 | Using index; Distinct|
| tbl_VENUE_AGES | index  | NULL  | PRIMARY |   4 | 
NULL   | 4 | Using index; Distinct|


I need to be able to run the full query on a daily basis without killing the 
DB engine. 

The query needs to pull in about 50,000 results.

Does anyone see a way to optimize this query or rewrite it so it doesn't cause 
a huge system load?

Thank you,

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: MySQL 4 Kernel Panic-ing

2006-06-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

John May wrote:
I've got an xserve running 10.3.9 and MySQL 4.0.27-max that is 
restarting itself every 2-3 days.  It appears that it is due to a kernel 
panic, though I don't have direct access to the machine (colocated) to 
verify when it occurs.

There are no crash.logs from MySQL, and watchdog and system.logs show 
nothing.  I have culled the following panic.log - can anyone tell if 
MySQL is the cause of such?

Has anyone seen MySQL 4 crash on an Xserve (G4 specifically)?  I have 
tried two totally different servers, and the problems continue.

- John


Mon Jun 12 06:53:02 2006

Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access 
DAR=0xFF864A5C PC=0x00056218

Latest crash info for cpu 0:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  PC=0x00056218; MSR=0x9030; DAR=0xFF864A5C; DSISR=0x4000; 
LR=0x00053AB4; R1=0x1C17BC70; XCP=0x000C (0x300 - Data access)

 0x 0x00055DC8 0x0002F750 0x00033710 0x00032028 0x00031FE4
Proceeding back via exception chain:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  previously dumped as Latest state. skipping...
   Exception state (sv=0x0091F280)
  PC=0x; MSR=0xD030; DAR=0x; DSISR=0x; 
LR=0x; R1=0x; XCP=0x (Unknown)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC

panic(cpu 0): copyin/out has no recovery point
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
 0x00083498 0x0008397C 0x0001EDA4 0x00090C38 0x0009402C
Proceeding back via exception chain:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  PC=0x00056218; MSR=0x9030; DAR=0xFF864A5C; DSISR=0x4000; 
LR=0x00053AB4; R1=0x1C17BC70; XCP=0x000C (0x300 - Data access)

 0x 0x00055DC8 0x0002F750 0x00033710 0x00032028 0x00031FE4
   Exception state (sv=0x0091F280)
  PC=0x; MSR=0xD030; DAR=0x; DSISR=0x; 
LR=0x; R1=0x; XCP=0x (Unknown)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC

How could a user space program like mysqld possibly cause a kernel panic?
Sounds like bad kernel or bad hardware.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Question on full text search scores, different content same score

2006-06-09 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Mark Steudel wrote:

I was doing a full text search and had a question on why two different
entries got the same score:

Here is my select statement

MATCH ( title ) AGAINST ( 'Nursing home federal requirements, guidelines to

surveyors, and survey protocols (MLM)' ) AS score,
FROM tblbook 
WHERE MATCH ( title ) AGAINST ( 'Nursing home federal requirements,

guidelines to surveyors, and survey protocols (MLM)' )

Here are the two results that come back:

title: Nursing home federal requirements, guidelines to surveyors, and
survey protocols
score: 15.230528838754

title: Nursing home federal requirements, guidelines to surveyors, and
survey protocols (MLM)
score: 15.230528838754

I'm sure its work as expected, but I was hoping some could enlighten me as
to why these scores are the same. There are 35 entries in the database and
these are the only two titles that are similar. I also tried IN BOOLEAN MODE
as well.

Thanks, Mark

Perhaps because '(' and ')' are ignored, and 'MLM' is a three letter 
word, and not indexed.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: correct syntax

2006-06-08 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Mike Blezien wrote:


we need to query one of database tables that sore usernames, and many of 
them have spaces in them that need to be removed. what would be the 
correct function to identify each username column value that has a 
space(s) in them?



How about
LIKE % %

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Connect fails but only from this one file WHY

2005-10-31 Thread Gerald Taylor

i am developing a php app.  in the beginning of every file there is
a require_once(./setup.php);  that does the housekeeping, fetches the
connection credentials and connects to the database.  All that worked 
fine until this morning I made a new file.

Now I get a connection failure when I try to connect  but ONLY from this
one php file.  I can connect to the server fine manually, the server is 
not unduly loaded, all the other apps that use this db server are fine
and even the other files in THIS app using THIS particular db seem to be 
connecting fine.  Well actually I should say that one of the other files 
*did* get this error once but on a subsequent call it corrected itself. 
 I should also say that the bad file did connect fine the first time 
I ran it but I haven't been able to make it do it since.  Is it possible 
that the bad new file is doing something bad that boggles subsequent 
connections?   If so what?

It is using exactly the same include file that works in all the other 
files.I'm  stumped  Thank you...

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How to get a count from this query

2005-10-13 Thread Gerald Taylor

 SELECT avg(abs(pmd.value) - (mypmd.value))) as diff, pm.mname, pmd.uid
 FROM pmdata pmd, mnames pm, pmdata mypmd
WHERE mypmd.uid= ?
AND pmd.pmid=pm.pmid AND mypmd.pmid=pm.pmid
AND pmd.uid != mypmd.uid GROUP BY pmd.pmid, pmd.uid ORDER BY pmd.uid

What I would like also to return in this query is a COUNT of the number 
of pmd.uid of each different value  so I know how many values I got from 
uid#1, uid#2 etc.

I tried putting COUNT(pmd.uid) as numdelta but it just gave me a 1 in 
every row.   The problem is I am not doing a straight GROUP BY pmd.uid

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Re: Suppress table header when using ODBC

2005-10-11 Thread Gerald Taylor

Gleb Paharenko wrote:


I am using a desktop program that imports data from a mysql

What program?

Printbench Pro

for one  little glitch:  it adds one extra row at the beginning of
the dataset with the names of the columns in it.   I need for that

Does you program show column names in the numeric fields?

In a manner of speaking, Yes.  When you DO the query it shows all the 
data in spreadsheet fashion.  The columns all have headers and you can't 
edit it.  THen when you go to layout, all the field headers are used as 
placeholders and may be drug around and formatted in the layout.

I have also contacted Elkriver tech support about this, but I thought
it might be an issue I could solve with a mysql solution.

The problem is I want to bar encode one of the fields, and the bar
encoding I want to use is numeric only.  So it craps out the whole
column just because the first row has a non numeric field header.  and 
that is why I need it to go away.

Gerald Taylor wrote:


I am using a desktop program that imports data from a mysql
database using the ODBC mysql driver and everything works fine except
for one  little glitch:  it adds one extra row at the beginning of
the dataset with the names of the columns in it.   I need for that
column name row to NOT be there.  Do I do something to the query to
suppress is or is it some setting I set up?  I've googled and nothing.
MySQL 4.1 if it matters.  I know I remember reading somewhere how
to suppress this.   Thanks

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Suppress table header when using ODBC

2005-10-10 Thread Gerald Taylor


I am using a desktop program that imports data from a mysql
database using the ODBC mysql driver and everything works fine except 
for one  little glitch:  it adds one extra row at the beginning of

the dataset with the names of the columns in it.   I need for that
column name row to NOT be there.  Do I do something to the query to
suppress is or is it some setting I set up?  I've googled and nothing.
MySQL 4.1 if it matters.  I know I remember reading somewhere how
to suppress this.   Thanks

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Can't connect to mysql server from another windows box

2005-09-20 Thread Gerald Williams
MySQL 5.0.12, P2P Microsoft network

I cannot get the manual's instructions ( to work for connecting from a 
mysql client on a windows machine to a mysql server running on another windows 
machine (xp and w2kpro repsectively)

The client machine can ping the server machine by name or IP address.
One each machine, a local client successfully connects to the local mysql 
server as localhost.
In mysql server on the w2k box, a client row in mysql.user has been created 
   user=the exact value used in the ODBC Admin dialog
   password=the exact value used in the ODBC Admin dialog
   Host=name of the machine being used as a client 
'skip-networking' is not set on either machine.

But when ODBCAdmin (3.51) is used to create a DSN on the winxp machine for 
connecting to the mysql server on the w2k machine, clicking 'Test Data Source' 
yields this error:

   Host 'XPBOX' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server'.

(Oddly, the mysql server capitalizes the name of the winxp box. Why does it do 

Issuing the command
   telnet w2kbox 3306
on the xpbox also produced this same error message.

This ought to be simple. What's the secret?

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Re: Can't connect to mysql server from another windows box

2005-09-20 Thread Gerald Williams
Note that if you set the password by directly editing (UPDATE) the 
mysql.user table like this, you will have to run


Thank you. That solved the problem connecting from the mysql client.

It changed the problem connecting via the 'Test' button from the ODBC 
Administrator, to an 'authentication protocol' message. Apparently 
Connector/ODBC 3.51 uses the old protocol.

Gerald Williams 

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Re: Can't connect to mysql server from another windows box

2005-09-20 Thread Gerald Williams
it sounds like you need to look at, and potentially cleanup (or make
your mysql access entries match) what's in the inverse-map record for
the IPnumbers of your machines.

when you connect mysql takes the IPnumber on the inbound connection,
looks it up in DNS and then checks the result against the access
table(s). so, if you've put in the access table but
the lookup on the inbound IPnumber only returns xpbox (which is
technically an invalid entry anyway) things will fail.

so, do lookups on the IPnumbers of the client machines and see what's
returned. that's what you want in the mysql access tables.

Flushing privileges permitted a connection from the mysql client. To get the 
Admin 'Test Data Source' button to work, I had to create a user table entry 
with a
password hashed by Old_Password(). 

Is ipconfig /all what you mean by lookup on the IPnumbers? That gives the name 
of the client box without In any event, the 'technically incorrect' 
did work, and adding the part of the name to the user record did not 

Gerald Williams

Host=name of the machine being used as a client 
 'skip-networking' is not set on either machine.
 But when ODBCAdmin (3.51) is used to create a DSN on the winxp machine
 for connecting to the mysql server on the w2k machine, clicking 'Test
 Data Source' yields this error:
Host 'XPBOX' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server'.
 (Oddly, the mysql server capitalizes the name of the winxp box. Why
 does it do that?)
 Issuing the command
telnet w2kbox 3306
 on the xpbox also produced this same error message.
 This ought to be simple. What's the secret?
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-- End Original Message --

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best practices for finding duplicate chunks

2005-08-14 Thread Gerald Taylor
I just revived a database that was in a version 3.23 server and moved it 
to a 4.1   There are big fields of TEXT based data.  They have a way of 
compressing the amount of TEXT data by identifying common subchunks and 
putting them in a subchunk table and replacing them with a marker 
inside the main text that will pull in that subchunk whenever the parent 
chunk is requested.  This subchunking seems to have been done kind of
ad hoc, because I've noticed the database still has quite a bit of 
duplicated chunks from one record to another.  The client does not want 
to buy another drive to store data (even tho he really should for
other reasons anyway but who cares what I think) , so he wants it 
compressed, and oh well I look on it as an opportunity for some 
housecleaning.  Now that we have 4.1 what is the best practice for 
automated looking for common subchunks, factoring them out, and then 
replacing the original parent text with itself with the chunk cut out
and a marker inserted.  The hard part is finding them, ovbiously.  The 
rest is easy.

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Re: best practices for finding duplicate chunks

2005-08-14 Thread Gerald Taylor

Thanks for your answer.  It would certainly work provided having
enough disk space to do that.  I thought something like
that but was hoping I can leverage fulltext  and just
record the fulltext result between a each record
and each other record. Then I can group all records that
highly correlate and maybe do a much smaller scale version of
the brute force indexing thing that you are proposing, i.e. only
do it on a group of records that we already know  have a high
correlation, ie a high probability of sharing a chunk in common
  Then when done I can throw away that data
and do another group.  What do you think?   Processing cycles I have
but easy disk space I don't.

Alexey Polyakov wrote:

There's no easy way to do it I think. But if spending a few hours
(days?) programming is ok with you I'd suggest something like this:
1) create a table (let's call it hashes) with three columns: hash,
doc_id, pos_id (doc_id is an identifier for records from table with
big text chunks)
2) retrieve a record from big table. Calculate hash value for
concatenated first 20 words from text. Insert this value into
hash/doc_id table, and 1 as value of pos_id. Calculate hash for
concatenated 20 words starting from 2-nd word of this text, and also
insert it into hash/doc_id table (2 as value of pos_id). Repeat until
you reach the end of this text.
3) Repeat 2) for all records of big table
4) Now you have all data needed for identifying those duplicate chunks.
select count(doc_id) as c from hashes group by hash where c1;
will return all hashes for 20-word chunks that are found in 2 or more documents
select doc_id from hashes where hash=some_value; 
will return documents that contain this chunk.

select h1.pos_id, h2.pos_id from hashes h1, hashes h2 where
h1.doc_id=doc1 and h2.doc_id=doc2 and h1.hash=h2.hash order by
will return word positions for duplicate text in two documents.
For example last query returns:
156 587
157 588
193 624
It means that you can take words 156-213 from doc1, insert it into
subchunks table, and replace words 156-212 at doc1 and words 587-643
at doc2 with a marker.

Yeah it looks ugly, and will take a lot of space for temporary data.
But in the end you'll have all 20+ words duplicate chunks properly

On 8/14/05, Gerald Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just revived a database that was in a version 3.23 server and moved it
to a 4.1   There are big fields of TEXT based data.  They have a way of
compressing the amount of TEXT data by identifying common subchunks and
putting them in a subchunk table and replacing them with a marker
inside the main text that will pull in that subchunk whenever the parent
chunk is requested.  This subchunking seems to have been done kind of
ad hoc, because I've noticed the database still has quite a bit of
duplicated chunks from one record to another.  The client does not want
to buy another drive to store data (even tho he really should for
other reasons anyway but who cares what I think) , so he wants it
compressed, and oh well I look on it as an opportunity for some
housecleaning.  Now that we have 4.1 what is the best practice for
automated looking for common subchunks, factoring them out, and then
replacing the original parent text with itself with the chunk cut out
and a marker inserted.  The hard part is finding them, ovbiously.  The
rest is easy.

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innodb hot backup (ibbackup) error

2005-03-30 Thread Cunningham, Gerald
Hi all,
I'm getting the following error when attempting to run a hot backup of a
4.0.18 MySQL database using ibbackup:
ibbackup: We wait 10 seconds before starting copying the data files...
050330 14:26:33  ibbackup: Copying /mysqldata/mysqld1/ibdata1
ibbackup: Error: log scan was only able to reach to 0 561225562,
ibbackup: but a copied database page was modified at 0 575415967

Any idea what this means? Thanks for any help.

insert was working

2005-03-17 Thread Gerald Preston


I was able to insert data with the following:


sub insert_sql {


  my ( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax, $total,
$DEBUG ) = @_;



  ( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax, $total ) =
clean_sql( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax,
$total, $DEBUG );

  print \ninsert_sql -
*$group_name*$me*$daily*$item*$unit*$qty*$amount*$tax*$total*\n if $DEBUG;

  my $dbh = DBI-connect( DBI:mysql:club,gjwpp88,password ) || die

  my $sql = insert into wolfies( group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty,
amount, tax, total )

  values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,   ?,
?,   ? );

  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) || die $dbh-errstr;

  $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
$tax, $total ) || die Cannot execute insert_sql!!\n$DBI::errstr;



I am no longer able to insert any data at all.  No errors, nothing.  It acts
like it works. But I am able to select existing data with the following:


sub select_sql {


  my ( $me, $daily, $DEBUG ) = @_;

  my %data = ();



  $me =~ s/\s+//;

  $daily  =~ s/\s+//;

  my $dbh = DBI-connect( DBI:mysql:club,gjwpp88,password ) or die

  my $sql = select group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty, amount, tax,

 from   wolfies 

 where  me= '$me' 

 anddaily = '$daily'


  print sql *$sql*\n if $DEBUG; 

  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) || die $DBI::errstr\n; 

  my $rv  = $sth-execute() || die Cannot execute

  while( my ( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax,
$total ) = $sth-fetchrow() ) {

print \nselect_sql $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty,
$amount, $tax, $total*\n if $DEBUG;

push @{ $data{ $group_name }}, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax,


  return \%data;



I have done the following setup options:


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON club.* TO 'gjwpp88'@'localhost';


SET PASSWORD FOR 'gjwpp88'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('password');


UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('password')

WHERE Host = 'localhost' AND User = 'gjwpp88';


SET PASSWORD FOR 'gjwpp88'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('password');


SELECT 'localhost', 'gjwpp88', Password FROM mysql.user

WHERE LENGTH('password')  16;






Any ideas?





RE: insert was working

2005-03-17 Thread Gerald Preston

Explain auto_increment field please.



-Original Message-
From: Richard Whitney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:31 AM
To: Gerald Preston
Subject: Re: insert was working


Do you have an auto_increment field?
If so, what's it set as?


Quoting Gerald Preston [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I was able to insert data with the following:

 sub insert_sql {

   my ( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax,
 $DEBUG ) = @_;


   ( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax, $total )
 clean_sql( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax,
 $total, $DEBUG );

   print \ninsert_sql -
 *$group_name*$me*$daily*$item*$unit*$qty*$amount*$tax*$total*\n if

   my $dbh = DBI-connect( DBI:mysql:club,gjwpp88,password ) || die

   my $sql = insert into wolfies( group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty,
 amount, tax, total )

   values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,
 ?,   ? );

   my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) || die $dbh-errstr;

   $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
 $tax, $total ) || die Cannot execute insert_sql!!\n$DBI::errstr;


 I am no longer able to insert any data at all.  No errors, nothing.  It
 like it works. But I am able to select existing data with the following:

 sub select_sql {

   my ( $me, $daily, $DEBUG ) = @_;

   my %data = ();


   $me =~ s/\s+//;

   $daily  =~ s/\s+//;

   my $dbh = DBI-connect( DBI:mysql:club,gjwpp88,password ) or die

   my $sql = select group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty, amount, tax,

  from   wolfies

  where  me= '$me'

  anddaily = '$daily'


   print sql *$sql*\n if $DEBUG;

   my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) || die $DBI::errstr\n;

   my $rv  = $sth-execute() || die Cannot execute

   while( my ( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax,
 $total ) = $sth-fetchrow() ) {

 print \nselect_sql $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty,
 $amount, $tax, $total*\n if $DEBUG;

 push @{ $data{ $group_name }}, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount, $tax,


   return \%data;


 I have done the following setup options:

 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON club.* TO 'gjwpp88'@'localhost';

 SET PASSWORD FOR 'gjwpp88'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('password');

 UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('password')

 WHERE Host = 'localhost' AND User = 'gjwpp88';

 SET PASSWORD FOR 'gjwpp88'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('password');

 SELECT 'localhost', 'gjwpp88', Password FROM mysql.user

 WHERE LENGTH('password')  16;


 Any ideas?



R. Whitney
Transcend Development
Producing the next phase of your internet presence
Premium Quality Web Hosting
rw AT
Net Binder

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migrate from one machine to another

2005-03-10 Thread Cunningham, Gerald
Hi there.
I'm an Oracle DBA who know very little about MySQL. I need to migrate
MySQL from one box to another. Can anybody point me to some
The platform is Solaris 8, MySQL 4.0. 
Thanks for any pointers, it's greatly appreciated!

RE: insert data

2005-03-05 Thread Gerald Preston
Michael, John, ALL;

Thank you! Thanks you! My errors of local_host and if $dbh-err fix it.
I am able to insert and select data.

Thank you ALL,


-Original Message-
From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 5:41 PM
To: John Trammell
Cc:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gerald Preston
Subject: Re: insert data

Right.  First, I think the logic is flawed.  We should successfully 
prepare() or die.  Period.  If the call to prepare() failed ($sth is undef),

we should not making dying conditional on yet another value.

More to the point, this line is actually the cause of the problem.  (Sorry I

didn't see it earlier.)  You've run into the precedence rules:

   my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;

is read as

   (my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr) if $dbh-err;

That is, it is equivalent to

   if ($dbh-err)
 $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr;

Since the connect succeeded, $dbh-err is undef, so we never even call 
prepare!  Hence, $sth is undef when we get to execute, and you get the error

message.  I expect this is what Joe (John Doe) was trying to tell us

The simplest solution would be to drop the if $dbh-err.  That is, change

   my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr;

John's suggestion (below) is better still, as it adds helpful detail to the 
error message when there is one (though I don't see the need to make it a 
separate line of code).


John Trammell wrote:

 Gerald Preston wrote:
my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;
 Regardless of other problems you may be having, I think you're not
 doing what you want to do here.  How about instead:
 my $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql);
 $sth || die Error preparing sth from '$sql': , $dbh-errstr;

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RE: insert data

2005-03-04 Thread Gerald Preston

I read them and installed 4.1.10 and I am back to square one:

I used the following code:

use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;
#use DBD-mysql;

  my $group_name = beer;
  my $me = E;
  my $daily  = 03032005;
  my $item   = Bacardi;
  my $unit   = 2;
  my $qty= 3;
  my $amount = 6;
  my $tax= 0.41;
  my $total  = 6.41;

  my $dbh=DBI-connect( 'dbi:mysql:club', 'gjwpp88', 'x' ) or die

  my $sql = insert into wolfies( group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty,
amount, tax, total )
  values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,   ?,
?,   ? ) ;
  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;

  $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
$tax, $total ) or warn Cannot execute FIRST Statement!!\n$DBI::errstr;

I get DBI connect'club','gjwpp88',.. failed; Client does not support
authentication protocol requested by server

I have done the following with no errors!

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON club.* TO 'gjwpp88'@'local_host';

SET PASSWORD FOR 'gjwpp88'@'local_host' = PASSWORD('x');

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('x')
WHERE Host = 'local_host' AND User = 'gjwpp88';

SET PASSWORD FOR 'gjwpp88'@'local_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('x');

SELECT 'local_host', 'gjwpp88', Password FROM mysql.user
WHERE LENGTH('x')  16;


I am still getting the same error I listed above.


-Original Message-
From: Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 6:10 PM
To: Gerald Preston;
Subject: RE: insert data

Hi Gerald,

There are some good tutorials on the web for DBI access via perl to

and also

You should be able to find several examples of exactly what you are
trying to achieve in one of these. The first one has an almost identical
query to that you are trying to achieve. If you can't select from the
table, then you are unlikely to be able to insert. I would follow the
tutorials, even if they are selects, and make sure they work and then
all you have to do is to change the SELECT to an INSERT statement and
away you go.

These have a very thorough examination of the setting up of the dsn etc.

I would also suggest

This gives a good explanation of how the GRANT/REVOKE/privileges system
works with MySQL. It is slightly different than Oracle and would be well
worth a read.


David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
148 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

+61 8 8408 4273 - Work
+61 417 268 665 - Mobile
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Preston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 10:10 AM
To: 'William R. Mussatto';
Subject: RE: insert data


I tried  GRANT ALL ON *.*  and got error  1064 4200: You have an
in your SQL syntax  ??


-Original Message-
From: William R. Mussatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: insert data

Gerald Preston said:

 This is the actual code except for the :

   my $dbh = DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=club', '', '', {
 PrintError = 0 } ) or die $DBI::errstr;
   my $sql = insert into wolfies( group_name, me, daily, item, unit,
 amount, tax, total )
   values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,
 ?,   ? ) ;
   my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;

   $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty,
 $tax, $total ) or warn Cannot execute FIRST

 Question?  When I created the database club, is there anything I
 to do concerning permissions or anything?

 I am lost here.  I have been writing code on a SUN Oracle systems for
 over five years.


Did you 'grant' user  access to all the tables in database club?

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 9:29 AM
 To: Gerald Preston
 Subject: Re: insert data

  From perldoc DBD::mysql

use DBI;

$dsn = DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port;

$dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $user, $password);

 So it's not a syntax problem.  Even if it were, we should detect the
 error  long before calling prepare or execute.

 Perl is quite clearly telling you what is wrong.  Originally, you got

Can't call method prepare on an undefined value.

 for the line

my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );

 which means that $dbh is undefined at the time of the call to prepare

RE: insert data

2005-02-28 Thread Gerald Preston

This is the actual code except for the :

  my $dbh = DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=club', '', '', {
PrintError = 0 } ) or die $DBI::errstr;
  my $sql = insert into wolfies( group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty,
amount, tax, total )
  values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,   ?,
?,   ? ) ;
  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;

  $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
$tax, $total ) or warn Cannot execute FIRST Statement!!\n$DBI::errstr;

Question?  When I created the database club, is there anything I needed to
do concerning permissions or anything?

I am lost here.  I have been writing code on a SUN Oracle systems for over
five years.



-Original Message-
From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 9:29 AM
To: Gerald Preston
Subject: Re: insert data

 From perldoc DBD::mysql

   use DBI;

   $dsn = DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port;

   $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $user, $password);

So it's not a syntax problem.  Even if it were, we should detect the error 
long before calling prepare or execute.

Perl is quite clearly telling you what is wrong.  Originally, you got

   Can't call method prepare on an undefined value.

for the line

   my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );

which means that $dbh is undefined at the time of the call to prepare.

Now, you are getting

   Can't call method execute on an un undefined value

for the line

   $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
 $tax, $total ) or warn Cannot execute FIRST

which means that $sth is undefined at the time of the call to execute.

Are you showing us select lines of your code, rather than the actual code? 
My best guess right now is that you haven't taken into account that my is 
a scoping operator in perl, and in the lines you haven't showed us, the 
variables in question ($dbh or $sth) go out of scope.


John Doe wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 27. Februar 2005 22.19 schrieb Gerald Preston:
 Hi Gerald
The object used:

  my $dbh=DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=club', 'xxx, 'x', {
PrintError = 0} ) or die $DBI::errstr;
 I didn't see this part in your first post :-)
 Hmm... I've never seen a '=' in the first argument passed to
 Here's an functional example I'm using:
 my $db ='database';
 my $host ='hostname';
 my $port ='1234';
 or die $0: $DBI::errstr; }
 So, try using club instead of database=club, and a hostname too.
 greetings joe
 [nothing new below]
-Original Message-
From: John Doe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: insert data

Hi Gerald

I am trying to insert data for the first time using MySQL.  In Oracle I
used the following:

#  my $sql = insert into bar( group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty,
amount, tax, total )

#  values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,   ?,
?,   ? ) ;
  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );
  die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;
  $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
$tax, $total ) || die Cannot execute FIRST Statement!!\n$DBI::errstr;

I keep getting Can't call method prepare on an un undefined value. 
All the name listed are correct by looking at MySQLAdmin1.3\4.

Apart from David Logan's answer:

You have to create the $dbh object first (man DBI); the undefined value

the error message refers to that.



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RE: insert data

2005-02-28 Thread Gerald Preston

I tried  GRANT ALL ON *.*  and got error  1064 4200: You have an error
in your SQL syntax  ??


-Original Message-
From: William R. Mussatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: insert data

Gerald Preston said:

 This is the actual code except for the :

   my $dbh = DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=club', '', '', {
 PrintError = 0 } ) or die $DBI::errstr;
   my $sql = insert into wolfies( group_name, me, daily, item, unit,
 amount, tax, total )
   values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,
 ?,   ? ) ;
   my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql ) or die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;

   $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
 $tax, $total ) or warn Cannot execute FIRST Statement!!\n$DBI::errstr;

 Question?  When I created the database club, is there anything I needed
 to do concerning permissions or anything?

 I am lost here.  I have been writing code on a SUN Oracle systems for
 over five years.


Did you 'grant' user  access to all the tables in database club?

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 9:29 AM
 To: Gerald Preston
 Subject: Re: insert data

  From perldoc DBD::mysql

use DBI;

$dsn = DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port;

$dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $user, $password);

 So it's not a syntax problem.  Even if it were, we should detect the
 error  long before calling prepare or execute.

 Perl is quite clearly telling you what is wrong.  Originally, you got

Can't call method prepare on an undefined value.

 for the line

my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );

 which means that $dbh is undefined at the time of the call to prepare.

 Now, you are getting

Can't call method execute on an un undefined value

 for the line

$sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
  $tax, $total ) or warn Cannot execute FIRST

 which means that $sth is undefined at the time of the call to execute.

 Are you showing us select lines of your code, rather than the actual
 code?  My best guess right now is that you haven't taken into account
 that my is  a scoping operator in perl, and in the lines you haven't
 showed us, the  variables in question ($dbh or $sth) go out of scope.


 John Doe wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 27. Februar 2005 22.19 schrieb Gerald Preston:

 Hi Gerald

The object used:

  my $dbh=DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=club', 'xxx, 'x', {
PrintError = 0} ) or die $DBI::errstr;

 I didn't see this part in your first post :-)

 Hmm... I've never seen a '=' in the first argument passed to

 Here's an functional example I'm using:

 my $db ='database';
 my $host ='hostname';
 my $port ='1234';
 or die $0: $DBI::errstr; }

 So, try using club instead of database=club, and a hostname too.

 greetings joe

 [nothing new below]

-Original Message-
From: John Doe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: insert data

Hi Gerald

I am trying to insert data for the first time using MySQL.  In Oracle
 I used the following:

#  my $sql = insert into bar( group_name, me, daily, item, unit,
 qty, amount, tax, total )

#  values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,
  ?, ?,   ? ) ;
  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );
  die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;
  $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty,
$tax, $total ) || die Cannot execute FIRST

I keep getting Can't call method prepare on an un undefined value.
  All the name listed are correct by looking at MySQLAdmin1.3\4.

Apart from David Logan's answer:

You have to create the $dbh object first (man DBI); the undefined
 value in

the error message refers to that.



William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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insert data

2005-02-27 Thread Gerald Preston


I am trying to insert data for the first time using MySQL.  In Oracle I used
the following:


#  my $sql = insert into bar( group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty,
amount, tax, total )

#  values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,   ?,
?,   ? ) ;

  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );

  die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;


  $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
$tax, $total ) || die Cannot execute FIRST Statement!!\n$DBI::errstr;


I keep getting Can't call method prepare on an un undefined value.  All
the name listed are correct by looking at MySQLAdmin1.3\4.


Any ideas?





RE: insert data

2005-02-27 Thread Gerald Preston

The actual code is uncommented:

my $sql = insert into bar( group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty, amount,
tax, total )
values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,   ?,  ?,   ? ) ;


-Original Message-
From: Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 5:09 AM
To: Gerald Preston; mysql users
Subject: RE: insert data 

Hi Gerald,

If  this is copied out of your perl code then you haven't put anything
into the $sql variable. Try uncommenting the 2 lines above.


David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
148 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

+61 8 8408 4273 - Work
+61 417 268 665 - Mobile
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Preston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 27 February 2005 9:33 PM
To: mysql users
Subject: insert data 



I am trying to insert data for the first time using MySQL.  In Oracle I
the following:


#  my $sql = insert into bar( group_name, me, daily, item, unit, qty,
amount, tax, total )

#  values( ?,  ?,  ?, ?,?,?,
?,   ? ) ;

  my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );

  die $dbh-errstr if $dbh-err;


  $sth-execute( $group_name, $me, $daily, $item, $unit, $qty, $amount,
$tax, $total ) || die Cannot execute FIRST Statement!!\n$DBI::errstr;


I keep getting Can't call method prepare on an un undefined value.
the name listed are correct by looking at MySQLAdmin1.3\4.


Any ideas?





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