Re: Using INTEGER instead of VARCHAR/DATE - is this a way to faster access?

2014-11-03 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2014/11/02 13:19 +0100, Zbigniew 
So you guys (Jan and hsv) suggest, that switching from DATE to more
numeric data type may not be necessary, but using ENUM instead of
VARCHAR can be real performance gain, right?

But are you able to estimate, what boost can i notice? 5% - or 50%,
or maybe even 500%? 

_Maybe_! but I will not venture to measure it. I doubt that it would be big. I 
just looked ENUM up: it allows 65535 distinct values, which sounds like 16 
bits, usually two bytes, and numeric operators would be used.

 2014/11/02 11:19 -0800, Jan Steinman 
I would hope that the query optimizer converts '2014-11-02' to the three-bytes 
internal representation of DATE before doing the query, in which case, DATE 
should actually be a tiny bit faster than TIMESTAMP. 

That is doubtful. In the processors that I know, one built-in numeric operation 
is enough for either 2 bytes of ENUM or 4 bytes of TIMESTAMP, but three are 
needed for DATE. In any case, the C-overhead, since MySQL is implemented in C, 
overwhelms the cost of any single comparison. The equality comparison is at 
least simpler than an ordered comparison.

 2014/10/29 20:56 +0100, Zbigniew 
if instead of textual labels I'll use SMALLINT as simple integer code for 
each different label (and in my program a translation table)? 

This, in effect, is ENUM, and maybe is useful if the set of dates is well 
determined. If you use ENUM at least the overhead of translation is built in 
into MySQL, and, one hopes, costs less than doing it for oneself.

There is a design cost in using ENUM: If you find that your first set of dates 
is too small, later, with ALTER TABLE, you have to change the type. If you add 
the new string to the end, there is, maybe, no great cost to the adding, but if 
in the middle If every new date-string is added to the end, it will, maybe, 
be in random order. The same applys to your translation table.

I suggested TIMESTAMP because I suspect that one built-in comparison (after the 
optimizer is done with it) is enough, and it allows the appearance of real 
dates. (If the processor fetches 32 bits at a time (nowadays 64 or more is 
likly) then a 32-bit type is fetched as swiftly as any other. Both shorter and 
longer types take longer.) The more I debate this, the better I like TIMESTAMP 
for your problem.

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RE: Trouble with Average

2012-07-17 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/07/16 14:25 -0700, Rick James 
Here's a different way to smooth numbers.  It uses an exponential moving 
average instead of the last 5.

   @a := (9 * @a + Value) / 10  AS moving_avg
FROM tbl
JOIN ( SELECT @a := 0 ) AS x;

*  Make 10 larger or smaller, depending on how smooth you want it.
*  9=10-1
*  @a := 0 should be changed to some reasonable starting value, else the graph 
will be artificially low to start with.

Hunh, MySQL: to use the optimizer s order for an initial value never would have 
occurred to me.

The important thing in using decaying average (I so know it) is this:
@a := (B * @a + C * Value) / (B + C) and B, C  0. The bigger B is the more 
important the past; therefore, the change is smaller and the graph is smoother. 
The smaller B is the less important the initial value is.

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Re: Trouble with Average

2012-07-09 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/07/07 12:10 -0600, Albert Padley 
I have a log file that captures data from various sensors every minute that
we use to draws graphs on our website.

The table looks like this:

  `id` int(14) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `VarName` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `TimeString` datetime NOT NULL,
  `VarValue` decimal(25,6) NOT NULL,
  `Validity` int(1) NOT NULL,
  `Time_ms` decimal(25,6) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `timestamp` (`TimeString`),
  KEY `name` (`VarName`),
  KEY `nametimevalue` (`VarName`,`VarValue`)

My existing query which works just fine for our purposes:

SELECT CONCAT('[', ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(TimeString)+(.$tz_offset.*3600))) *
1000, ' ,', TRUNCATE(VarValue,0), ']') AS value FROM log WHERE VarName =
'04_Set21_SWOS\_085_1300CI' AND SUBSTR(TimeString,1,10) = CURDATE() ORDER
BY TimeString ASC

The only issue is that VarValue tends to vary every minute and create a
graph that is not as smooth as we would like. Therefore, instead of
retuning VarValue for each minute in the above query, we want to return the
average of the last 5 values for that VarName.

I have been searching around the web all morning and haven't hit on the
proper solution. Help would be much appreciated. 

(It would be neater to write DATE(TimeString) = CURDATE())

I suspect that there is good reason for that, and that that is better done 
afterwards, with TimeString and VarValue until then separated. In MySQL one 
could in a subquery find the five latest TimeStrings not greater than a given 
TimeString and key off that (if they are not unique this is hopeless), but 
the amount of repetition is enormous. One could do the smoothing within SQL 
with a procedure that reads a cursor, or in a script language on the output. 
(tz_offset would become an argument to the MySQL procedure.)

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2012-07-05 Thread Halsz Sndor
Here is something queer:

select ifnull(email, round(1 * rand(), 1)) as ux, count(*) from nam group 
by ux;
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '2514.0' for key 'group_key'

I have a name-list, with e-mail address or not. I wanted to fill the NULL 
e-mail addresses with something random, and, I hope, unique. (ROUND is there 
only to make that surprising error liklier.)

The field email is not UNIQUE, not a key, no intention of making it such.

Why this error? Is RAND called more than once for each record?

I tryed also UUID, but that came with its own shortcoming: if the UUID call 
were the whole field, it indeed was once called for every record, but if 
argument to IFNULL, only once for the whole query.

Version 5.5.8

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Re: group_key?

2012-07-05 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/07/05 21:01 +0200, Claudio Nanni 
you might have hit:


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2012-06-25 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/06/13 10:06 -0500, mos 
You may want to look into Handler. I've used it often when I needed to traverse 
very large MyISAM tables. Handler requires no physical sorting of the table 
because it traverses the table using an index. It also ignores any locks on the 
table (which you may or may not like), but the Handler will start traversing 
the table immediately. It will solve problems 1,3 ,4 but not #2 because 
traversing a large table with an index will be slower than if the table was 
already sorted. One nice thing about the Handler is it uses virtually no 
additional memory regardless of table size and very little disk activity 
because there is no sorting. You can run it any time and it won't degrade other 
MySQL processes. I don't think Handler will join tables together; I have used 
it only to traverse a single table.

I saw HANDLER written up, and from MySQL tryed it out, but cannot think of a 
real use for it. Is it for programs, PHP say, that call MySQL server and store 
its output in arrays, ?

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2012-06-21 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/06/20 14:32 -0700, Rick James 
   SELECT ruid1, ruid2, overlap FROM l4_link WHERE ruid1=xxx
   SELECT ruid1, ruid2, overlap FROM l4_link WHERE ruid2=xxx
) ORDER BY overlap DESC;

Make it UNION ALL or UNION DISTINCT depending on whether xxx can be in both 
fields of one row.  UNION DISTINCT makes a pass over the temp table to dedup.

The help example shows a UNION s each SELECT separatly round-bracketed,
(SELECT ruid1, ruid2, overlap FROM l4_link WHERE ruid1=xxx)
(SELECT ruid1, ruid2, overlap FROM l4_link WHERE ruid2=xxx)
  ORDER BY overlap DESC
but bracketing both is not mentioned. What is the difference?

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Re: Triggers and column names

2012-06-21 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/06/21 17:06 -0500, Gael Martinez 
I'm getting that done today thru a large static trigger script and I would
like something more dynamic...

For that it is needful to look up the table in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS, and, 
yes, you can look up the field names--but then what will you do with the 
character strings that are the field names? use PREPARE and EXECUTE for the 
comparisons, being ware of NULL?

In MySQL help it is written that for its own purposes MySQL actually tracks all 
the information that you crave, but it nowhere is written that a BEFORE-UPDATE 
trigger can make use of it. Maybe UDF, but I know naught about that.

Since BEFORE is called on every attempt, successful or not, maybe AFTER would 
be better.

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Re: Postal code searching

2012-04-25 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/04/25 10:14 +0100, Mark Goodge 
On 24/04/2012 17:24, Tompkins Neil wrote:
How about if I want to only return postal codes that are like W1U 8JE
not W13 0SU.

Because in this example I have W1 as the postal code and W13 is the other
postal code

No, you don't. In this example you have W1U as one outbound code and W13 as the 

W1U postcodes are not a subset of W1 postcodes, any more than IP27 postcodes 
are a subset of IP2 postcodes. The fact that in W1U the district segment is in 
the form of NA rather than NN doesn't change the fact that it's an indivisible 
two-character code.

So I think the first question has to be, why do you want to get W1 as a 
particular substring from the postcode W1U 8JE?

British postcodes have a structure which is easy for humans to understand, 
although (unfortunately) rather hard to parse automatically. Essentially, every 
full postcode contains four elements:

Area code: one or two alpha characters, either A or AA
District code: one or two alphanumeric characters the first of which is always 
numeric, either N, NN or NA
Sector code: single numeric character, always N
Walk code: two alpha characters, always AA

It's customary, but not part of the formal specification, to insert whitespace 
between the District and Sector codes.

So, given the postcode WC1H 8EJ, we have:

Area: WC
District: 1H
Sector: 8
Walk: EJ

Taken together, the first two sections form the outbound part of the 
postcode, and the second two form the inbound. (That is, the first two 
identify the destination sorting depot that the originating depot will send the 
post to, and the second two are used by the destination depot to make the 
actual delivery).

The reason for mentioning this is that postcodes, having a wide range of 
possible formats, are not easy to handle with simple substring searches if 
you're trying to extract outbound codes from a full postcode. It can be done 
with regular expressions, but you have to be wary of assuming that the space 
between District and Sector will always be present as, particularly if you're 
getting data from user input, it might not be.

In my own experience (which is quite extensive, as I've done a lot of work with 
systems, such as online retail, which use postcodes as a key part of the data), 
I've always found it simpler to pre-process the postcodes prior to inserting 
them into the database in order to ensure they have a consistent format (eg, 
inserting a space if none exists). That then makes it easy to select an 
outbound code, as you can use the space as a boundary. But if you want to be 
able to go further up the tree and select area codes (eg, distinguishing 
between EC, WC and W) then it's harder, as you have to account for the fact 
that some are two characters and some are only one. You can do it with a 
regular expression, taking everything prior to the first digit, but it's a lot 
easier in this case to extract the area code prior to inserting the data into 
the database and store the area code in a separate column.

It seems to me that sector  walk taken together always make up three 
characters; therefore, blanks aside, the outbound part from a good postcode is
, and with REPLACE it is trivial to drop all blanks. If Neil Tompkins wanted 
only to get the outbound part, that is enough. As for the area, if it is only 
one or twain characters long, to get that this is enough:
LEFT(pc, IF(SUBSTR(pc, 2, 1)  '9', 2, 1))
. Extremely crude coding, but if the postcode is right,  This much one can 
do within an SQL function with no regular-expression handling --and MySQL s 
regular-expression handling yields only 'yes' or 'no'-- , but, of course, if 
one wishes to verify that it is right, that is another matter. Are there any 
rules for that, or is the best recourse to get a file of good outbound codes 
from the post office?

As for the string-matching question, matching 'W1' and 'W13' against 'W13 0SU', 
one rule to consider is that the longest match is the right one. This problem 
or like is often given in SQL classes:

FROM pc JOIN shortpc ON LEFT(pc.c, CHAR_LENGTH(shortpc.c)) = shortpc.c
FROM pc AS a JOIN shortpc ON LEFT(a.c, CHAR_LENGTH(shortpc.c)) = 
WHERE a.c = pc.c) = LENGTH(shortpc.c)

I hope this is not a class problem.

And after this I ask, is any outbound code a leading part of any other outbound 
code? If not, this twist is not needed. I also consider it good design if not.

I was glad to see this lesson in British postcodes, something that I never 
pursued because I had no need of it. 

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show master status; show binary logs

2012-04-18 Thread Halsz Sndor
In the command show binary logs one may indifferently write binary or 
master, and it is so for some other commands associated with this 
function--but for the command show master status there is no such variant. 
Why? Is it considered obsolescent?

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Re: The most elegant/efficient way to pull this SQL query

2012-04-12 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/04/11 17:51 -0500, Peter Brawley 
select b.peopleID, concat('(',p.fname,,')'), b.stateID, concat('(',s.state,')')
from bridge b
join people p on b.peopleID=p.peopleID
join state s on b.stateID=s.stateID;

Since the names are the same in the tables, it works to use USING, too, and 
you are relieved of the burden of an alias:

from bridge
join people USING(peopleID)
join state USING(stateID)

If the fields peopleId and stateID are the only field names in common, 
NATURAL JOIN also works.

from bridge
NATURAL join people
NATURAL join state

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Re: The most elegant/efficient way to pull this SQL query

2012-04-12 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2012/04/12 11:56 -0700, Haluk Karamete 
My initial goal was to write a very convenient php function that display a 
table view based on arguments that are super simple to write - without 
requiring the developer to type-in ( or know ) the ins and outs of joins, 
natural joins etc.

Something like this 
function showtable($dbh,$table,$fields){
//get the $fields argument  parse it out to come up 
//with one of the SQL statements you guys are discussing.
SQL = BuildSQL($table,$fields)
//and then use this SQL to output the table

The magic would be happening in the $fields argument. 

What's the most straightforward way to achieve the following view with one SQL 



if the final table ( PeopleAndStates ) view I want were to be as follows;


Then I would have called the function like this;


But if I want to get, the following view instead;


I would like to be able to call my function as follows; 


To mean the following; 

When you are outputting the peopleID, provide the corresponding Fname field 
from the PeopleTable where peopleID there is equal to the peopleID you are 

What I was seeking from you guys was to find out to most simplistic SQL 
statement so that when I parse the area with (PeopleTable.PeopleID  FName), I 
can extract the pieces and place it in the final SQL.

I'm not sure if you all get the idea of how such a function make debugging 
super easy. 

Once you write the parser, you can deploy it over many different cases such as 

ShowRecord($dbh,$table,$fields,where peopleID5,limit 100) and so on.

So, the simpler the SQL, the easier the transition from the starting slate 
which is really no different than 

SELECT peopleID(PeopleTable.PeopleID  FName),stateID from PeopleAndStates

(note that in MySQL '' is only right-shift.)

I fear that for this function in the end you will need 

Peter Brawley already gave you a good answer for one of your examples (but I 
thus would write it):

select concat(peopleID, ' (',fname,')') AS peopleID, concat(stateID, ' 
(',state,')') AS stateID
from people
join PeopleAndStates USING(peopleID)
join state USING(stateID)

The middle example:

select peopleID, stateID from PeopleAndStates

The last:

select concat(peopleID, ' (',fname,')') AS peopleID, stateID
from people
join PeopleAndStates USING(peopleID)
join state USING(stateID)

I have assumed that you mean to join only on same-named fields with equality; 
if not, JOIN ... ON ... is needed. In any case, you have to keep track of it, 
whether in a result field the table name, too, is needed. If you use USING, for 
that field leave the table name out.

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Re: The most elegant/efficient way to pull this SQL query

2012-04-11 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2012/04/11 11:30 -0700, Haluk Karamete 
I've got this relational mySQL table that ties peopleIDs from the people
table to the states IDs


people table is like this;


and finally the state table goes like this;

___2___new york

What's the most straightforward way to achieve the following view with one
SQL statement?


Look at Stephen Tu s original post under the subject forcing mysql to use 
batched key access (BKA) optimization for joins. That his query solves a 
problem very much like yours--but use explicit JOINing, not implicit. He also 
uses an unhappy style of making every field name in the database unique. 
Joining is easier if the fields to be joined on have same names.

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Re: forcing mysql to use batched key access (BKA) optimization for joins

2012-04-10 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/04/10 15:58 -0400, Stephen Tu 
  sum(l_extendedprice * (100 - l_discount)) as revenue,
  c_custkey = o_custkey
  and l_orderkey = o_orderkey
  and o_orderdate = date '1994-08-01'
  and o_orderdate  date '1994-08-01' + interval '3' month
  and l_returnflag = 'R'   and c_nationkey = n_nationkey
group by   c_custkey,   c_name,   c_acctbal,   c_phone,   n_name,
c_address,   c_comment
order by   revenue desc limit 20

I understand that MySQL works better if inner joining explicitly is stated, not 
implicitly as you have it.

What are your keys, indices? Going by that which I have read  heard, you want 
every field named after this query s 'where' an index, if not key--and, of 
course, your every field named '...key' is a key, right?

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Re: create more tables in a single query

2012-04-05 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/04/04 19:56 +0200, joe j 
/*STEP 2. from the dos prompt?*/

for x in UK ZA IN CN;
do mysql  -ujoe -p -e INSERT INTO  `table_new`
SELECT var1, var2`, (case when (country='${x}') then 1 else 0 end) AS citizen
,'${x}' AS ctry
FROM `'${x}'_table`

For some reasons step2 is not working.

I assume step 2 must be run from DOS prompt (my mysql runs on a
server, and I am using PuTTY).  Any thoughts? 

I yet suggest that you write an SQL procedure with a constructed string passed 
to PREPARE. You need a table with all the countries, and a cursor in the 
procedure to scan the table--or you could use a string and step through two 
characters at a time. It would be more complicated than that bit of 
shell-programming, but independent of your OS.

A loop with a character string somewhat thus runs:


 SET i = i + 2;

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Re: Convert SQL Server Compact data to MySQL

2012-04-05 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/04/05 02:15 -0700, sam 
I have data file written in SQL Server Compact.I need to Convert it to  MySQL.

Does anyone know how to do that?

If it stores in CSV files, you can use that for the data, although to make 
MySQL read it, you hav to fiddle with it. The SQL, for tables  procedures, you 
have to do apart.

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Re: JOIN giving duplicate records

2012-04-04 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2012/04/03 18:18 +0100, Tompkins Neil 
Before sending the table definition, and queries etc, can anyone advise why
my query with four INNER JOIN might be give me back duplicate results  e.g


Basically the query the statement AND
(hotel_facilities.hotelfacilitytype_id = 47 OR
hotel_facilities.hotelfacilitytype_id = 7) and if I add additional IDs
like AND (hotel_facilities.hotelfacilitytype_id = 47 OR
hotel_facilities.hotelfacilitytype_id = 7 OR
hotel_facilities.hotelfacilitytype_id = 8), it would return three records
like below when I'm expecting one record.


However in my SELECT statement if I use SELECT DISTINCT (field_name), I
only get back one record.

It is in JOIN s nature to multiply output, but unless you show your whole 
query, noöne can comment on it. As for DISTINCT, its purpose is as you saw, to 
eliminate duplicates. Sometimes it is the best means for it--but you show too 
little for comment.

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Re: create multiple tables in a single query

2012-04-04 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/04/03 22:27 +0200, joe j 
So what I am trying to get is a script that runs through a list of
country names (US, UK, NL, etc) and create tables for each one of them
as above. Is this feasible in MySql?

There are PROCEDUREs, and there is PREPARE. Look them up.

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Re: big character constant

2012-03-28 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/03/27 12:33 +0200, Johan De Meersman 
MySQL does have a proper CSV engine; and it's mystifying why it isnt' 
accessible in any other way. I say engine, and you can take that literally: 
just like you have MyISAM and InnoDB engines, CSV is also an engine that is 
applicable to tables.

Yes, I looked into it, but NULL is a problem, and its being in the data 
directory another one. The latest version requires NOT NULL for all fields, and 
that is too much for me. I believ an earlier version allowed NULL, but that, 
too, escaped it with the word NULL, as happens if with INTO OUTFILE one also 
sets FIELDS ESCAPED BY ''. Furthermore, field names are needed for my use.

CSV reallie is useful, with its simple quoting mechanism. The one extension to 
allow for NULL I deem best is that there be nothing between separators for 
NULL, and a pair of double-quotes for an empty string.

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Re: big character constant

2012-03-28 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/03/27 11:20 -0700, Todd Lyons 
This seems backwards from what I expected:

mysql select convert(0xE29C94 using latin1), convert(0xE29C94 using utf8) \G
*** 1. row ***
convert(0xE29C94 using latin1): ✔
  convert(0xE29C94 using utf8): ?
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I expected the second one to print the check mark and the first one to
have the problem because there is no heavy check mark in latin1.  What
am I missing, why is it printing out the correct value using latin1
but not using utf8 ?

Correct value? It does not look correct in this message--but maybe you are 
using a display that understands UTF8.

The output of
convert(0xE29C94 using latin1)
through the client is three bytes long, sent in order from high to low, and if 
your display does UTF8 the check will show, and the ASCII box drawing, which 
with \G is not used, will not line up. Try it after both
charset latin1
charset utf8

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Re: big character constant

2012-03-27 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/03/27 00:22 +0200, Walter Tross 
it looks like it's as simple as this:
insert into mytable (mycolumn) values (0xE29C94), (0xE29C98)
In some contexts it might be necessary to force the character set like this, 
convert(0xE29C94 using utf8)

Yes! and with this I can use it for a constant in the middle of a query, which 
I really want:

IF(IFNULL(ReceivesFlyer, 1), CONVERT(X'E29C94' USING utf8), '')

. (I use the old PL1 constructs over the new C-constructs when they work alike.)

Thank you.

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Re: big character constant

2012-03-26 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2012/03/25 23:26 +0200, Walter Tross 
I guess what you mean is Unicode characters U+2714 'HEAVY CHECK MARK' and 
( and
Unicode has several encodings, of which the most used are UTF-8 and UTF-16.
The answer to your question depends on the encoding of your column and on your 
interface to the database.
As an example, IF your encoding is UTF-8 and you talk to the database using 
PHP, you need something like:
$qry = mysql_query(insert into mytable (mycolumn) values ('\xE2\x9C\x94'), 
Inside double quotes PHP replaces the hex escape sequences with the bytes that 
form the correct UTF-8 encoding of your characters (see the above web pages).

Yea, even so.

But I use only MySQL client, under Vista, no PHP here. I am afraid that if I 
use the C-escapes to MySQL client it gives me three distinct characters, not 
one character that takes three bytes in UTF8. I use also Navicat, and found 
that I can copy the character from Word to Navicat, and Navicat well stores it 
in a fitting character string. But I really want it in a view, for generating 
input for Word (yes, I have to work MySQL CSV-ish output into real CSV, 
ensuring that there are no escapes in it, nor 'NULL' either).

It would be splendid if there were a function that takes a U-number and turns 
it into a character string that safely concatenates with a field of type

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Re: Group_Concat help...

2012-03-19 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2012/03/19 12:06 -0400, Steven Staples 
SELECT `user_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `login_ip`) AS 'login_ips',
COUNT(`id`) AS 'connections'
FROM `mysql_test`
WHERE `login_datetime` BETWEEN '2012-03-19 00:00:00' AND '2012-03-19
GROUP BY `user_id`
LIMIT 0, 15;

user_id  login_ipsconnections  
---  ---  -
  1 (1), (3)  5

Is this possible to do with just 1 query?  If so, how would I go about doing

Yes, but with two levels: the inner level (a virtual table) groups by both 
user_id and login_ip, with COUNT; the outer as above, except from the inner 
level, not right from table mysql_test, and with not COUNT but SUM of the 
inner COUNTs.

By the way, I would do this:
WHERE DATE(`login_datetime`) = '2012-03-19'

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Re: date comparison query

2012-03-17 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/03/16 13:30 -0400, Simon Wilkinson 
My query for this is as follows: select * from table where table.date1 -
table.date2 between 28425600 and 29030400;

I would not count on that subtraction s yielding a meaningful number: the types 
are not Unix timestamps. I would use TIMESTAMPDIFF, with a good unit.

 From the downloaded help file:

Date arithmetic also can be performed using INTERVAL together with the 

date + INTERVAL expr unit
date - INTERVAL expr unit

but subtracting timestamp from timestamp hoping for a while (interval) is not 
If you want the subtraction to work, make them big integers and use 

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Re: preg_replace in update statement

2012-03-10 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/03/08 16:11 -0500, Hank 
I have a varchar field in the database, and I want to remove all text
between WordA and WordB, including WordA and WordB, leaving all text
before WordA and after WordB intact.

Possible with just SQL?  I know I can write a PHP program to do it,
but it's not that important to spend that much time on.  I'd like one
SQL statement to do it.

One statement is hard, but maybe you'll take an SQL function?

IF field REGEXP (WordA || '.*' || WordB) THEN
SET i = LOCATE(WordA, field),
SET answer = LEFT(field, i-1) || RIGHT(field, j-1);
ELSESET answer = field;

or something like that (ANSI mode).

It would be much nicer to get a location pair out of REGEXP (RLIKE) than only a 
yes/no (1/0). In this case, the most useful _one_ number from REGEXP would be 
the length of the match.

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Re: Multi select Query help...

2012-03-03 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/03/01 19:56 -0800, Don Wieland 
I do not get the same results. Am I missing something? Hopefully  
something simple ;-)

O, you are. You do not want GROUP_CONCAT in the subquery. It gives you the 
comma-separated string whereto you referred, which, as far as the IN goes, is 
only one string for comparing for equality. You want the IDs separate, not 
joined into one string.

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Re: How do I use a dynamic filename for an into outfile statement

2012-03-01 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/02/29 11:43 -0500, Ed Patterson 
The select concat() works from the command line
I can manually add the file name but would like to automate the process
Lastly, if it makes a difference, I don't use any graphical tools for DB stuff. 

Look up the command!

Aside from PREPARE, the OUTFILE-name does not automate.

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Re: Getting data from 2 tables if records have same date!

2012-02-29 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2012/02/29 15:29 -0600, Johnny Withers 
Sounds like you need to LEFT JOIN:


But that would only get customers created on 2/28 AND having a call on 2/28
OR not call at all on 2/28.

This would give you customers created on 2/28 with no calls AND customers
created on 2/28 with a call on 2/28:


Exactly; but I believe that this is the right thing:


If you have a hit --PHONE found in both tables--, you will get a record if 
either date matches, and I believe that you wanted that. If it is a miss 
--there is no CALLS-record for the PHONE-- CALLS.DATE will be NULL and not 
equal and only CUSTOMERS.DATE will match a date.

And if this works, surely it is clear where to put BETWEEN.

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Re: how to changing default '-' character in Datetime in MySQL?

2012-02-06 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/02/05 21:56 -0800, Peter Brawley 
On 2/5/2012 9:21 PM, Michael Dykman wrote:
You are right.  It seems to have fallen into disuse since I used it last.

AFAIK it has never been used.

One use occurred to me, and I was thinking of this, to set date_format in the 
configuration file, and pass it to function date_format:

mysql select date_format(now(),@@date_format), @@date_format;
| date_format(now(),@@date_format) | @@date_format |
| 2012/2/6 | %Y/%c/%e  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I have so set it in my configuration file, but have made no use of it other 
than this test. 

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Re: Delete from another table on update.

2012-02-06 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/02/06 11:33 -0400, Paul Halliday 
Is it possible to wrap a DELETE statement in an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE?

another_table WHERE host=b1) ?

No; see

Such things are done in triggers, also if you only on duplicate key want the 

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Re: how to changing default '-' character in Datetime in MySQL?

2012-02-05 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/02/04 19:13 -0800, Rajeev Prasad 
MySQL datetime field type keeps data as: -MM-DD HH:mm:SS is there a way to 
store this data as: /MM/DD HH:mm:SS or going much further (optionally) can 
we store as: MM/DD/ HH:mm:SS  ?   if not then whats the best way to 
reformat the cell value from -MM-DD to MM/DD/YYY 

That is MySQL s string format, and that is what you get. That said, there is a 
function DATE_FORMAT (look it up) that lets one change its look. Its format 
argument is quite ugly.

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Re: MySQL-kind CSV; Converting Microsoft SQL database to MySQL

2012-01-31 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2012/01/31 10:52 +0100, Johan De Meersman 
Not *entirely* accurate: MySQL does include a CSV engine that you can use in 
the same way you would use InnoDB or any other engine.

If you create a table a with engine=CSV and then go look at the data 
dictionary, you'll find the files a.frm and a.CSV there.

You can then swap a.CSV out for a properly formatted CSV file with the same 
structure as the table you've created; and if a select on the table then yields 
the data you were expecting, you can just do alter table a engine=InnoDB to 
magically transform it into a proper table.

The other way around works, too, btw - you can easily do create table export 
engine=CSV as select * from table and then copy the resulting export.CSV.

Given that that functionality is there, though, it baffles me why a proper CSV 
import/export mechanism has never been implemented. 

I have considered playing with engine=CSV, but never have. In the version  that 
I have, it says, in effect, that NULL is not supported: in new tables only 
NOT-NULL fields are allowed.

The escape NULL (or \N) is not a good extension.

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Re: Converting Microsoft SQL database to MySQL

2012-01-30 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/01/30 15:06 +0800, James 
I am involved in a project to migrate our entire database from Microsoft

I would appreciate the help if anyone could share what tools will you
recommend of converting SQL database to MySQL.

If it is SQL server, maybe dumping in character form (CSV) will work, noting 
that MySQL does not really support CSV: one can set all switches in LOAD DATA 
to real CSV except for NULL. If there are NULLs in your data you have to ensure 
that the word NULL, not quoted, appears between separators. (The natural 
convention that nothing between separators is NULL and empty string is a pair 
of quote-marks is not used.) On my machine there are the command-line programs 
bcp and sqlcmd.

There are also the table and view descriptions to be dumped; note that SQL 
Server quotes identifiers with square brackets, but MySQL in ANSI mode with 
double quotes, outside ANSI mode with the character that a follows (`). There 
are also type-differences: for one, MySQL has no type smalldatetime. In SQL 
Server type-names, too, are identifiers: [varchar], [smallint], [bit], 
[smalldatetime],  Setting QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF would help. To SQL SERVER 
NOT NULL is a named constraint, but to MySQL not. It goes on.

I do not know ODBC; maybe that is more helpful.

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Re: Script for cleaning data on a regular basis

2012-01-26 Thread Halsz Sndor
 20120126 10:34 AM +0200, a bv 
Database contains
tables (structures?) which gets montly data , and these tables are
named as

name1_name2_ yearmonth . I only want to have the whole database system
for last 2 years, and automaticly clean the data which became more
than 2 years old , so i need a script for this (shell, php etc) . Can
you please help me for this script ? and also which mysql command must
be used drop, trunk? 

You can, if you are careful, write an SQL procedure for dropping the 
appropriate tables. Since MySQL has no table variables, if you do this you will 

Therefore, it well may be easier to do it all in PHP, since therewith you can 
construct statements. The statement SHOW TABLES is also a reference to table 
statement in PHP; if not, try INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES for their names.

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the rest of Latin1 in a regular expression

2012-01-25 Thread Halsz Sndor
This is a decent approximation to matching one word in an email-address, 
separated by dots, and, of course, the commercial multiplication sign @


but I want to add the Latin1 graphics to it. Is this best done by concatenation,

'[-!#-''*+/-9=?A-Z^-~' || x'A0' || '-' || x'FF' || ']+'

or is there something neater?

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Re: UPDATE triggers with REPLACE statements

2012-01-23 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 20111219 03:42 PM -0800, Jim McNeely 
Not if you are using innoDB tables. For these, you use INSERT and UPDATE 

Jim McNeely
On Dec 19, 2011, at 11:58 AM, Halász Sándor wrote:

 2011/12/19 11:30 -0800, Jim McNeely 
 In the MySQL documentation, we find this tantalizing statement:
 It is possible that in the case of a duplicate-key error, a storage engine 
 may perform the REPLACE as an update rather than a delete plus insert, but 
 the semantics are the same. There are no user-visible effects other than a 
 possible difference in how the storage engine increments Handler_xxx status 
 Well, try it--but beware of these statements: the semantics are the same. 
 There are no user-visible effects other than a possible difference in how the 
 storage engine increments Handler_xxx status variables.
 If accurate, the triggers are those of DELETE  INSERT, not UPDATE.

In my experimenting I find (version 5.5.8) that DELETE  INSERT are triggered, 
not UPDATE. The statement There are no user-visible effects... is simply 
wrong. The SQL-programmer has to be ready for either outcome.

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Re: case insensitivity

2012-01-17 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/01/16 19:57 -0800, Haluk Karamete 
MSSQL can be configured to work in either mode. Isn't such a thing for mySQL?
For most of the time, I would not care about case-sensitivity. So I
won't mind configuring the entire mysql operation to be case
insensitive once and for all?

In MySQL some operations, say, LIKE, have case-folding, and others (REPLACE) do 
not. Text-comparison also has case-folding. But there is also the attribute 
BINARY: if a string is associated with that, there is no case-folding, 
whatever the operation. (One uses the function CONVERT to call a string binary, 
if that is needed.)

There is no mode associated with an instance of MySQL daemon, only with 
operations and character types.

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Re: help! mysqld cannot start!

2012-01-16 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/01/16 19:37 +0800, mantianyu 
but at last step I start the service by run

sudo bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql

I got following error message

cifer@Pig:/usr/local/mysql$ 120116 19:15:28 mysqld_safe Logging to 

Your means of starting does not show where the MySQL own files are. The flag 
-b (--basedir) is used for that. It works also to start mysqld in the 
directory where the default my.cnf was left. If that has everything that 
MySQL needs, it works also to start with --defaults-file=/my.cnf--the 
four dots stand for the rest of the full pathname.

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Re: why does basic MySQLdump on db table fail with Permission denied, or else it creates a zero KB file

2012-01-04 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2012/01/03 11:52 -0500, Govinda 
...which strikes me as odd (again, showing how new I am to driving from the 
CL), because I do NOT see any entry like this:

Is mysql a symbolic link?

..which I just (earlier this morning) changed to this:

You are missing a point, that the proper thing for PATH is directory (or 
effective directory), not runfile in directory. This, therefore, is more right:


After this, surely, you can run mysqldump or mysql or mysqlbinlog or 

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Re: ERROR 1307 (HY000) at line 31: Failed to CREATE PROCEDURE

2012-01-03 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2012/01/02 15:47 +0530, Adarsh Sharma 
ERROR 1307 (HY000) at line 31: Failed to CREATE PROCEDURE

line 31 of what? Likly it would be helpful to show it.

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Re: (off topic) why PATH

2012-01-01 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/12/29 19:35 +0100, Reindl Harald 
for the hadnful things on my linux-machines where such non-default
locations are existing i usually set symlinks unter /usr/local/bin/
to the binarys, so they are seperated and from the user point
of view in the PATh and all wroks fine

The weakness of PATH: it is all right in the original Unix case, many, many 
little programs in few directories. Quite a few programs come with MySQL; 
therefore, it pays to put the MySQL directory in PATH--but Lynx, and many 
text-processors, comes with one program and many supporting files. In these 
cases a mechanism other than PATH, something like VMS or C-shell or Korn-shell 
alias, implemented at the depth of PATH, would be much better.

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Re: errors running WHILE loop

2011-12-27 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/12/27 18:13 +, Mark Haney 
So, what the heck is going on here?  I'm at the end of my wits. 

I suspect that you have to make the block delimiter something other than 
semicolon, and set the block in a routine or trigger.

Semicolon terminates SQL routine statements, after PL1. If the block delimiter 
also is semicolon, parsing the block begins too early. In many examples of 
routine declaration it is changed to //, or another string not found in the 
block or routine. I often use question mark, but, of course, that is useless in 
case of PREPARE.

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Re: UPDATE triggers with REPLACE statements

2011-12-19 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/12/19 11:30 -0800, Jim McNeely 
In the MySQL documentation, we find this tantalizing statement:

It is possible that in the case of a duplicate-key error, a storage engine may 
perform the REPLACE as an update rather than a delete plus insert, but the 
semantics are the same. There are no user-visible effects other than a possible 
difference in how the storage engine increments Handler_xxx status variables. 

Well, try it--but beware of these statements: the semantics are the same. 
There are no user-visible effects other than a possible difference in how the 
storage engine increments Handler_xxx status variables.

If accurate, the triggers are those of DELETE  INSERT, not UPDATE.

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Re: UPDATE triggers with REPLACE statements

2011-12-19 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/12/19 13:55 -0800, Jim McNeely 
Anyway, I just thought I would share. BTW I experimented, and innoDB does 
updates and fires off update triggers for REPLACE statements, but MyISAM does 

Thank you. Which version?

Well, then the documentation is wrong: it is indeed visible to the user which 

And what would innoDB do in this case, UNIQUE index X1 and UNIQUE index X2, 
with a VARCHAR f, too,

X1 X2 f
 1  2 a
 2  3 b

and one REPLACEs with (2, 2, 'b')? (Earlier in the section such a situation is 
referred to.) Delete one and UPDATE the other?

User beware!

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Re: UPDATE triggers with REPLACE statements

2011-12-17 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/12/16 16:00 -0800, Jim McNeely 
I have a set of tables that get populated and changed a lot from lots of 
REPLACE statements. Now, I need an ON UPDATE trigger, but of course the trigger 
never gets triggered because REPLACES are all deletes and inserts.

The trigger is going to populate another table as a queue for a system to do 
something whenever a particular field changes.

SO, does anyone have some slick idea how to handle this little problem? I have 
an idea but I have a feeling there is something better out there.

Exactly what do you mean? You want the DELETE-trigger to talk to the 
INSERT-trigger for to learn whether the field changed? Try user-defined 

I do not like that, but the only other that comes to mind is no better, a tiny 
table that exists only for the DELETE-trigger to save the field value, and the 
INSERT-trigger to look at it.

Here is a trigger that inserts into a table PaimentLog after there is inserting 
into a table GiftAndShare:

SELECT NEW.MemberID, Surname, GivenName, NEW.Why, NEW.Amount, NEW.Date, 
NEW.Method, NEW.byWhom
FROM Nam WHERE MemberID = NEW.MemberID AND Rank = 0;

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2011-12-14 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/12/13 16:10 -0500, Shawn Green (MySQL) 
Many of you are missing the big picture. This flag (along with most of the 
others you can use to describe a stored procedure) are meant to indicate to the 
replication system whether it needs to log the CALL to this procedure and in 
which format.

Statements that only collect data (and don't even write to temporary tables) do 
not need to be written into the binary log. Any stored procedures that change a 
table, even if it's a temporary table, need to be marked as MODIFIES_SQL_DATA.

This answers my question! that the flags are for the replicator. I had the idea 
that they were for the optimizer. In spite of my sharp comments, I know that in 
general it is impossible to determine whether any program does anything, a 
reason for the compiler not to enforce the flags on any procedure.

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Annoying type-change

2011-12-12 Thread Halsz Sndor
I saw that in some complex query of mine where I expected date I saw 
varchar(29). The relevant part is that the first argument to ADDDATE is the 
LEAST of two DATEs.

Unhappilie, all the type changes are clearly documented--the most annoying is 

In all other cases, the arguments are compared as binary strings.

Timestamp types, too, are 'other cases'. It would be much better if LEAST 
(and GREATEST) returned values of the type of their arguments, if all types 
were alike, aside from length and width (number of digits, of fractional 
digits, in timestamp types the degree below day but of the same origin), 
returning a value of the longest and widest, as the boundary allows.

It is also counterintuitive that ADDDATE returns anything but a value of some 
timestamp type.


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Re: Writing Arabic Text to a DataBase with Perl

2011-12-12 Thread Halsz Sndor
What happens if your Perl script generates (UTF8) SQL output instead of sending 
the Perl Module it? Does it look right?

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2011-12-10 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/12/09 20:37 -0500, Singer X.J. Wang 
When the procedure is executed, each query in the procedure is obviously run 
through the query optimizer. But the flags are symbolic only for humans. 

Obviously? As I wrote, someone said that the optimizer does _not_ look into 

Symbolic is not right: do you mean meaningful? If meaningful, that is to 
say that the flags are completely useless.

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2011-12-09 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2011/12/08 10:21 -0500, Singer X.J. Wang 
But again one of the flags are binding in any way. There's nothing preventing 
me from declaring my procedure

* READS SQL DATA indicates that the routine contains statements that read 
data (for example,, 
but not statements that write data. 
And then have it write data.. 

Which is to say, it is not good for much, not for the optimizer, either? 
Someone else suggested that the optimizer does not look inside procedures, at 
most at the flags. Well, which is it? 

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2011-12-08 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/12/05 14:26 -0500, Singer X.J. Wang 
Note that all the flags are non binding.. YMMV... 

Yes, but what does it _mean_?

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Re: the best way compare String

2011-12-05 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2011/12/04 20:25 +0100, Rafael Valenzuela 
In one query,  I am comparing a string with a 'like=%patron%', but is very
slow and expensive .What is the best way to compare a string? like or
regular expression?
The data base is too big table 1TB, any idea? 

Any decent implementation of like '%patron%' is in the gross linear, and 
also, say, LOCATE('patron', ) in a setting where only 0 or not 0 is tested for. 
If all your LIKE-searches look like this one, a string to be matched from a 
value by putting it between '%'s, maybe by using LOCATE you can save 
time--unless the MySQL developers were clever enough to make a special case of 
this, and used the same algorithm for both. (One can always use the Boyer-Moore 
algorithm for LOCATE.)

In any case, if an in-the-gross-linear algorithm is used and that is too slow, 
indexing is the only help, and, as Shiva said, you have to know your problem.

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2011-12-05 Thread Halsz Sndor
A procedure MODIFIES SQL DATA if all the modifying involves a temporary table, 

Does it matter whether the temporary table is meant to outlast the 

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Re: Query query

2011-12-04 Thread Halsz Sndor
Well, of that which you showed you _need_ only this, not really different from 
that which you wrote:

COUNT(lib.Dewey) AS Have,
ddn.Dewey AS DDN,
FROM s_library_dewey ddn
LEFT OUTER JOIN s_library lib ON ddn.Dewey = FLOOR(lib.Dewey)
GROUP BY ddn.Dewey

As for FLOOR in an ON-clause, surely the general-builtin-function overhead 
completely overwhelms the operation s cost. Maybe index on Dewey would help.

(Which Dewey? with computer under math, c, or with computer under 000? Where 
can one get a 1000-element list for computer?)

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Re: help needed restoring crashed mysql

2011-11-30 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/11/29 23:19 +0100, Reindl Harald 
MY only luck is that i recognized this years ago after PLAYING
with innodb and so i started with innodb_file_per_table=1 from
the begin with the first production database

And are then the table-files in the directories with frm, or in the 
directory where ibdata1 is?

If the latter, one problem is exchanged for another.

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Corrupted TRG file

2011-11-25 Thread Halsz Sndor
The following always is the outcome of the command show create trigger:

mysql show create trigger memberchange;
ERROR 1602 (HY000): Corrupted TRG file for table `membership`.`address`

mysqld x86 5.5.8 under Vista

The trigger works, there is no problem with show triggers, and this error 
appears right after the trigger file was deleted (drop trigger until then) 
and anew made by installing a trigger--as if the code that handles show create 
trigger expects a format that no other does.

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Re: innodb space free decreasing by more then the amount of data we're adding

2011-11-24 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2011/11/22 12:44 -0800, Sean Sidelko 
We just moved a large amount of data off one of our db servers to another one 
(75gb of data). One thing I've noticed is that over the last couple days the 
free innodb space has been decreasing by over 2.5 gb a day while we've only 
been adding 400 mb of data a day to the db server.

I'm at a loss as to why the innodb free space would be decreasing like it has 
been. This is on a MySql 5.0 install.


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Re: Chinese characters not displaying in Workbench latest version

2011-11-21 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2011/11/20 20:27 +, Tompkins Neil 
Does anyone know why Chinese characters are not displaying correctly in a
replicated database on a slave machine ?  I'm just getting square boxes. 

What displays them? it sounds to me as if the display lacks something, not so 
much MySQL.

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Re: Cleaning up old files

2011-11-15 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/11/14 18:01 +, Rob Tanner 
So what are those files and can I delete all but the most recent? 

And if you look up replication, as others already have said, you will find that 
the command reset master will do just that--if, as Harald hinted, you really 
_want_ replication, or at least the output needed for it.

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Re: Cleaning up old files

2011-11-15 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/11/14 18:01 +, Rob Tanner 
So what are those files and can I delete all but the most recent? 

And if you look up replication, as others already have said, you will find that 
the command purge binary logs to 'mysql-bin.' will do just that--if, as 
Harald hinted, you really _want_ replication, or at least the output needed for 

I wrote reset master by mistake: that clears out _all_ the binary logs.

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Re: can I get around error 1451 in innodb

2011-11-05 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/11/06 13:56 +1000, Edward avanti 
#1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint
fails (`vmail`.`domain_admins`, CONSTRAINT `domain_admins_ibfk_1` FOREIGN
KEY (`domain_id`) REFERENCES `virtual_domains` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)

In table  domain_admins  there is the constraint that field  domain_id  refers 
to table  virtual_domains  s field  id . Therefore, to delete a record from  
virtual_domains it is needful first to delete from  domain_admins  the record 
with  domain_id  equal to  id . After that it will let one delete the record 
from  virtual_domains .

It will not only not delete but also not change  id  if in table  domain_admins 
 there is a record with  domain_id  equal to  id .

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string comparison for timestamp!

2011-10-30 Thread Halsz Sndor
I was using this query and getting queer results:

SELECT MemberID, Surname, Houshold, Houmuch, CASE WHEN Houmuch  
(SELECT sharePrice FROM Stock) THEN ADDDATE(ereStart, (Houmuch * (SELECT hwyl 
FROM Stock)) / (SELECT regularPayment FROM Stock)) ELSE TIMESTAMPADD(YEAR, 2, 
CURDATE()) END AS goodThrough, ...
FROM EachName NATURAL JOIN (SELECT MemberID, SUM(Amount) AS Houmuch
FROM GiftandShare
WHERE Why = 2 AND Date = '2011/11/13'
HAVING goodThrough = '2011/11/13'
ORDER BY Surname

I looked at the date-comparisons and wondered how they were done: when I 
changed the slashes to hyphens it properly worked!

I think it would be better if MySQL had real timestamp-constants--and then the 
separator would matter: colon (and semicolon?) for the sexagesimal part and 
anything else for the day part.

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Re: ERROR 1250 (42000): rejected view

2011-10-28 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2011/10/20 10:21 -0400, Shawn Green (MySQL) 
On 10/19/2011 17:50,  wrote:
I made this query a view, called MEMBERP, no problem:
Only GivenName is derived from GROUP_CONCAT and is also a lesser field for 
ordering by. Why is that a problem?

Perhaps it is the USING clause that is messing you up. The USING() clause needs 
to pick one source for MemberID and you appear to have two. Try converting to a 
more explicit ON clause instead.

However (ON, USING, NATURAL) I write joining the three tables on field 
MemberID, the outcome is the same, that error message.

 2011/10/20 10:21 -0400, Shawn Green (MySQL) 
Also you are mixing LEFT and RIGHT joins in the same query. While technically 
not wrong, it's also not 'good form'. I suggest you alter the sequence of your 
table definitions to use either all LEFT or all RIGHT like this:

FROM Address
  ON ...
  ON ...

That seems strange to me.

Here, for clarity to my original intent, I write it with NATURAL:


. To me it looks good, because it emphasizes Address, wherin MemberID 
originates (It is also in the order that I wish the fields to appear, although 
I know MySQL handles almost everything LEFT). There is also no problem with 
associativity, because it comes out the same whichever one is first taken. 

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RE: Within-group aggregate query help please - customers and latest subscription row

2011-10-25 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/10/24 16:31 -0700, Daevid Vincent 
  WHERE cs.customer_id = 7
GROUP BY customer_id

Well, the latter line is now redundant.

How will you make the '7' into a parameter?

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Re: How to select the id of 2+ records for given user?

2011-10-20 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2011/10/19 17:06 -0500, Basil Daoust 
For me given the sample data the following worked.
The inner select says find all first messages, the outer says give me all
messages that are thus not first messages.

select * from table1 where messageID NOT IN (
select messageID from table1
group by userID

Well done--but

Although, it seems, it is everyone s experience that the desired order is the 
order that MySQL yields, all guarantee of that is explicitly deny'd (look up 
'GROUP BY'). It is better to be safe and to use MIN:

select * from table1 where messageID NOT IN (
select MIN(messageID) from table1
group by userID

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Re: What is wrong with this outer join?

2011-10-19 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2011/10/19 17:00 +0200, Dotan Cohen 
mysql select * from beers b outer join colours c on (b.colour = c.ID);
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near 'outer join colours c on (b.colour = c.ID)' at line

MySQL does not have real outer join, only left  right join. One means of 
getting outer join is the union of left join and right join. (The words INNER 
and OUTER have no real meaning in MySQL.)

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ERROR 1250 (42000): rejected view

2011-10-19 Thread Halsz Sndor
I made this query a view, called MEMBERP, no problem:

SELECT MemberID, ereStart, DateModified, MembershipExpires, MemberSince, 
Category, Boardster, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Salutation ORDER BY Rank) AS 
Salutation, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT GivenName ORDER BY Rank) AS GivenName, 
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Surname ORDER BY Rank) AS Surname, Street, City, State, 
Zip, HomePhone, Comments, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT WorkPhone ORDER BY Rank) AS 
WorkPhone, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CellPhone ORDER BY Rank) AS CellPhone, 
Volunteer, MAX(ReceivesFlyer) AS ReceivesFlyer, Houmuch, Wherat
ORDER BY Surname, GivenName

There are tables Nam and Address, and Paid is a view.

But when I try to use it for a table, there is trouble:

mysql select * from memberp;
ERROR 1250 (42000): Table 'nam' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in field 

If I leave this, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT GivenName ORDER BY Rank) AS, out, 
there is no trouble. If I leave out any of the other like phrases, there is yet 
trouble. If I leave the ORDER BY ... out, there is no trouble.

Only GivenName is derived from GROUP_CONCAT and is also a lesser field for 
ordering by. Why is that a problem?

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Re: Additional Software to Download and Install

2011-10-15 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/10/14 11:12 -0700, AndrewMcHorney 
I just downloaded the MySql server software. I am now looking for software that 
is gui based and will allow me to easily define a database, create tables and 
to do updates of records within the tables. It would be fantastic if the 
software had report generating capabilities and also would allow me to create 
and execute sql commands and to write stored procedures to process the data. 
The tables are going to be fairly simple.

Navicat is good for the database work, but not for pretty reports.

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Re: Null Output Problem

2011-10-11 Thread Halsz Sndor
Generally when one has this problem one joins this query with something from 
which one can get the whole list, something like this:

SELECT identifier, IFNULL(c, 0) AS Good, 
(query with COUNT) AS P RIGHT JOIN table-of-identifiers ON P.identifier = 

The c is the name given COUNT(*) in the query with COUNT(*).

This yields at least one row for every one in table-of-identifiers, whether 
there is a match in query with COUNT or not; if not, c is NULL, and with 
IFNULL that NULL is made 0.

You write test-taker, but for a field that could be the foregoing 
identifier your query contains only subject_identifier, which does not look 
like a test-taker.

 2011/10/11 12:26 -0600, Jon Forsyth 
I have a problem with the following query:

SELECT subject_identifier, COUNT(*) FROM asr_sentence_score WHERE
total_words = correct_words GROUP BY subject_identifier;


| subject_identifier | COUNT(*) |
|   222 |2 |
|   111 |2 |
|   333 |1 |
|   444 |   11 |
|   888 |6 |
|   666 |   25 |
|   777 |2 |
|   555 |   20 |
|   999 |4 |
|   000 |3 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The asr_sentence_score table is a list of test results where each row is a
single item(sentence) on the test.  The subject_identifier is unique to the
test taker, and is repeated for each test item.  I was using this query to
compute a count of how many items each test taker scored perfectly (total_words
= correct_words), but I realized that this excludes a test taker who did not
score perfect for any item.  I want to output a '0' for those that did not
score any item perfectly. 

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Vista crashes

2011-10-11 Thread Halsz Sndor
I find that, when under Vista the MySQL daemon has been shut down, by giving 
the command
start mysqld -b%CD%
in the root directory where MySQL 5.5.8 (the version running on this computer) 
has been stored from an instance of command prompt with administrator authority 
issued by a user that lacks it (like an ordinary user s doing bare su in 
Unix) I make Vista crash with the blue-screen message process or task critical 
to system operation has been terminated or exited.

The start is needed, also the administrator authority and the user that 
ordinarily lacks it.

Of course, there is a Vista-bug here, but, also, surely a MySQL-bug. Where is 
there a list of known bugs?

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Re: Weird UPDATE Problem

2011-10-10 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/10/10 09:19 -0400, Brandon Phelps 
If this column(s) is/are a character type now, then you would need to have the 
values in quotes. 

Note that because of implicit conversion if they had numberic values no error 
would be reported, but maybe the equality would not be exact.

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optimizer in function

2011-10-08 Thread Halsz Sndor
Does the optimizer look into function called from query?

In my queries the expression (SELECT hwyl FROM Stock) / (SELECT regularPayment 
FROM Stock), where Stock is a one-record table, often is repeated. The 
optimizer sees that, and makes the ratio a constant, and I can afford to be 
clear. If that expression were within a function called from the same spot, 
would the optimizer look into the function and see the same effectiv constant? 
or is it better to make it an argument to the function?

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Re: NULL-safe (in)equality =; overloaded NULL

2011-10-04 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/10/02 15:01 +0200, Jigal van Hemert 
You are not using NULL as the original concept of it was. NULL means that the 
value is undefined or unknown.

That is quite true, especially in a table. But, almost from the beginning, NULL 
was overloaded:

set @m = (select sins from emailinglist where email = '');

This is allowed if the query yields at most one row. If it yields no row @m 
is made NULL--and if field sins may be NULL (not in my case), the outcome is 

With the aggregate functions MAX and MIN there is a subtler problem: over an 
empty set they yield NULL, even as over a set where every matched value is 
NULL. It is, maybe, more natural if MAX over an empty set yields bottom, and 
MIN over an empty set yields top (likewise for BIT_OR and BIT_AND).

I once worked on a programming language with symbols for no data, bad result, 
indeterminate result,  One can go too far.

But I originally said that the symbol = looks more like inequality than 

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Re: Quantity of time from difference of two Datetime values?

2011-10-01 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/09/30 20:08 -0700, Jan Steinman 
Okay, I've reviewed the online man page for date and time functions, and I've 
played with several likely candidates, and I am still having trouble 
subtracting two arbitrary Datetimes to get something that is useful. A simple 
subtraction yields the least useful thing possible: a modulo-100 difference of 
modulo-60 quantities. Other functions yield the proper answer, but not for a 
quantity of time that rolls over midnight, etc.

You mean timestamps that are less than a full day apart?

TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, ...) does not work for you? There is also TO_SECONDS.

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NULL-safe (in)equality =

2011-10-01 Thread Halsz Sndor
It is, of course, generally considered more natural to make equality primary, 
not inequality, but that symbol that MySQL uses for NULL-safe equality, =, 
looks much more like inequality than equality. Furthermore, I find that in my 
code I am far oftener interested in NULL-safe _in_equality than equality. If I 
then if one is NULL and the other not, and the code is such that never are both 
NULL, well, for my purpose they are not equal: so good. But if I write
often I want it NULL-safe, for if one is NULL and the other not, I want that 
true--and MySQL s symbol for NULL-safe equality looks just right for inequality.


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The rarest

2011-10-01 Thread Halsz Sndor
Which of these statements for picking one of the rarest Boardsters do best 

SELECT Boardster
FROM (SELECT count(*) as N
FROM memberaddress GROUP BY Boardster order by N limit 1) aS P join 
(SELECT count(*) AS N, boardster
FROM memberaddress GROUP BY Boardster) as Q USING (N) limit 1;

SELECT Boardster
FROM (SELECT count(*) AS N, boardster
FROM memberaddress
GROUP BY Boardster) AS P
FROM (SELECT count(*) as N FROM
memberaddress GROUP BY Boardster) AS Q) LIMIT 1;

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Re: query efficiency

2011-09-27 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/09/27 05:32 -0700, supr_star 
Here's a simple query: select name,status,min(dt), max(dt),count(*) from 
mytable group by name I need an efficient way to get this data, along with the 
status of the row with the max(dt).  'status' is not in the group by, so I get 
apparently random statuses.  Is there any way to do this without a table join?  
Or I guess the real question is:  What is the most efficient way of 
accomplishing this?

I cannot answer the real question, but there is this:

select name,(SELECT status
FROM mytable AS x
WHERE = AND x.dt = max(mytable.dt)) AS status,
min(dt), max(dt),count(*) from mytable group by name

I will not vouch that this is more efficient than joining.

(Surely there are enough of this that this is entitled to a special SQL 

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Re: Slower performance with LOCK TABLES

2011-09-23 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/09/23 12:56 +0200, Johan De Meersman 
What it says, is If you are going to run many operations. You are updating 
many rows, but you are only doing ONE operation: a single update statement. 

For what it's worth, the downloading HTML help claims this only for MyISAM 
tables, because between LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES there is no key-cache 
flushing. InnoDB is not mentioned.

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RE: Community Support better than Official Support? (was: Can I Develop using Community Edition and Deploy onto Enterprise Edition??)

2011-09-22 Thread Halsz Sndor
; 2011/09/22 13:08 -0400, Jerry Schwartz 
The user forum: it has many experienced users, some beta testers, and 
(because the product is used world-wide) a response time measured in hours. 
What it doesn't have is any presence from the company. 

Is n't that what companies nowadays want? Computers are now often used to get 
workers and patrons to pay for that which formerly the company paid: forms, 
instruction books,  With online banking the bank pays fewer tellers. The 
company s only bizness is to sell something, and after the sale vanish if may 

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Re: select ... into local outfile ... ???

2011-09-03 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/09/03 03:40 +0800, Dennis 
But it seems that there is no select ... into LOCAL file statement. Any 
suggestion is appreciated. 

Indeed: you can use only standard output.

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Re: Arrays

2011-09-02 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/09/02 06:09 -0700, javad bakhshi 
Hi, None of the above. :) .This is just an academic research on a benchmark. I 
just want to access my database with this function and return 4 Integer values. 
I separated the numbers with comma to process on it later as an string and 
split the result using string functions which did work. I was just wondering if 
its possible with mysql to return a sequence of numbers or not. I think to 
solve my problem among the ways mentioned before I will create a table with 
Engine=Memory to speed up things. I don't think any other way is possible. 

The string takes less time than table (you have not shown your table code) only 
because of the problem s size. If you had thousands of numbers the string at 
first would be only slower, but with enough it would not work at all, because 
you would reach MySQL s string-size limit.

A benchmark of repeatedly only 4 integers is not much of one.

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Re: Arrays

2011-08-29 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/28 09:36 +0200, Johan De Meersman 
No: when you use /create temporary table/, the table is local to your 
connection. You can perfectly open a dozen connections and have them all create 
a temporary table called intermediate_results, they'll not interfere with one 
another. Temporary tables also get automatically dropped when the connection 
closes - although it's of course best practice to do it yourself as soon as you 
don't need it any longer :-)

No, I meant that in MySQL there is no means of passing a table-name to a 
routine, nor returning one; therefore, the only means of handling a table 
within a routine and without is with a global name; that is, one used but not 
declared within the routine--and CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE never declares a 
variable local to a routine. As for the returned array, if there were one, that 
would be stored in a variable that is lost with the connection.

I wrote an edit-distance function, and two procedures, that use temporary table 
for array. The procedures s outcome was in the temporary tables. In routines 
there are table-use restrictions, more in functions than procedures, and I so 
wrote my function because of them.

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Re: Arrays

2011-08-27 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/26 13:58 -0700, javad bakhshi 
 Thanks guys for the help. but my problem seems to stand unsolved.

Right, no arrays. Nothing is left but table. I used a temporary table, but note 
that MySQL also does not let table be returned, or passed in. The table-name 
will be *sigh* global.

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Re: Wrong conversion to timestamp from character string

2011-08-26 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/18 18:30 +0300, Marius Feraru 
Thanks for your time reading my message, but I don't understand what
is the result context that you are talking about. Could you please

Well, if an expression is an argument to, say, CONCAT, the expression s 
result is character string. An argument to, say, POW is number. But the 
second and third arguments to IF have the same type, the type of the IF s 
context, and an expression that is an operand to SELECT may have any type: 
the result context does not require anything.

Now, your expression IF( DATE(d) = some-date, TIME(d), d ) is an operand to 
SELECT, and no type is required of it--but the types are not the same, 
wherefore there is at least one conversion, surely that the bare d is made 
character string. But it seems that instead TIME(d), a character string, is 
converted to some timestamp, a date. I wrote that I believe this an optimizer 
error because the least characterward tweak to this is enough to make it that 
which you seek: either concatenating empty string to TIME(d), thereby 
overriding any tendency the optimizer has to consider it other than a character 
string, or by concatenating empty string to the whole expression, thereby 
making the IF s result context character string, not any type.

Consider this:

-- 1) create test table containing a single DATETIME column
-- 2) insert two test records
INSERT INTO dt VALUES (2011-08-07 10:11:12),(1234-05-06 07:08:09);

SELECT d, ADDTIME(IF( DATE(d)='2011-08-07', TIME(d), d), '1 1:1:1.02') as x 
FROM dt;

The outcome is really screwy:

| d   | x  |
| 2011-08-07 10:11:12 | 2035-12-13 02:00:00|
| 1234-05-06 07:08:09 | 1234-05-07 08:09:10.02 |

Surely there is a noteworthy bug here.

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Re: Arrays

2011-08-26 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/24 02:05 -0700, javad bakhshi 
Hi, I would like to create a function in Mysql that returns an Array of 
Numbers. I am trying to run a big amount of stream of data on Mysql and I can't 
afford the time to store the data into a table and retrieve it later. 
Are there any arrays at all in MySQL?

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Re: hand replication

2011-08-15 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/10 08:16 +0200, Johan De Meersman 
Yes, the MySQL binary log can be read (and thus, re-executed) by the 
mysqlbinlog utility.

Yes, but what is the best means of picking up the changes from the instance 
where there were changes to the instance that is a copy? Is it best to copy the 
log and that so use msqlbinlog? Or is it better so to use msqlbinlog that 
it makes SQL statements that I copy to the other instance?

No TCP/IP here, only a flash drive.

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Re: hand replication

2011-08-15 Thread Halsz Sndor
Thank you for the advice, and I read about mysqlbinlog

 2011/08/15 10:22 -0400, Shawn Green (MySQL) 
1) extract the statements from the binary log.
2) get the master to sent you the statements just as if you were a slave.

mysqlbinlog will do either - (again, read the manual on how to use the tool)

Once you have collected the statements you need the slave to apply (and put 
them on your flash drive), now it's your turn to replay those statements on the 
slave. The easiest tool for that will probably be the mysql client (a 
command-line tool). This is where you become the SLAVE SQL thread.

Beyond that, all you really need to keep up with is the binary log position you 
replicated last (again, pretending to be the SLAVE IO thread).

Best of luck! what you are doing is definitely labor intensive.

I do not understand 1) or 2). Playing with mysqlbinlog I see that I can get 
earlier or later bunches of SQL commands if not all of them, but it seems to me 
that it is not safe to use part of its output unless carefully done, for, say, 
I use ANSI mode and its output uses the character ere the small a for 
enclosing variable names, and local sql_mode is changed. I also started 
mysqld with the log-bin argument something convenient for me to read.

I suppose you mean that for finishing the replication I make the mysqlbinlog 
output mysql s standard input.

I find a later starting point by noting the greatest Xid value?

In this case it is not very labor-intenstive, for the transaction rate on these 
databases is most readily noted in inverse weeks, or maybe inverse longer 

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Re: Extraneous warning 1292 (Incorrect datetime value)

2011-08-12 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/07 18:20 +0300, Marius Feraru 
Would someone please shed some light on what's wrong with calls like
IF( DATE(d) = some-date, TIME(d), d )
on DATETIME columns?
Thank you.

I run some tests on mysql 5.0, 5.1 and 5.5: got the same wierd results
everywhere, so I guess I'm missing something, but what is it?
It looks like the engine is trying to use the result of TIME(d) as d
in the DATE(d) test, but I can't understand why.

Function TIME yields a string, not any timestamp type, but d is of some such 
type. Unhappily, the HTML help that I downloaded is of no help in this case, 
when the result context has no type, unless it is supposed that one stops at 
the first that matches:
 ExpressionReturn Value
expr2 or expr3 returns a stringstring
expr2 or expr3 returns a floating-point value  floating-point
expr2 or expr3 returns an integer  integer
but it looks as if the string is coerced to d s type. But since if empty 
string is concatenated to the TIME-result it is as you wish, and the value of 
TIME(d) = DATE_FORMAT(d, '%T') is 1, it seems to me an optimizer error.

As for the warning, your arguments to DATE_FORMAT are backwards, and 
corrected that yields the outcome that you seek.

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Re: Import from Quicken 2004 Mac?

2011-08-12 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/11 14:14 -0700, Jan Steinman 
QB 2010 Mac appears to only export .IIF format, which appears to be a variant 
of the older .QIF format, and Google didn't turn up really anything for 
getting IIF/QIF files into MySQL. The best I could find would be importing them 
into Excel first, then CSV out of Excel into MySQL, which sounds like a lot of 
bother and not readily scriptable for routine use. I find it hard to believe 
I'm the first one to ever attempt this!

I found this:
If I can believe it, there is no reason for you to attempt any conversion, 
because, if, as it seems, HT is the separator, you can directly use LOAD DATA 
with optional double-quote, ignoring (*sigh*) leading lines.

I saw references to convertors for IIF, CSV, and QIF.

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RE: Hungarian Notation [Was Re: Too many aliases]

2011-08-09 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/08 10:25 -0400, Jerry Schwartz 
I was a reluctant convert, and still don't use Hungarian notation consistently; 
but in something like MS Access, where you might want to associate a label with 
a field, things like lblCompany and txtCompany make a lot of sense. 

I forgot this--my VB teacher consistently recommended it.

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Re: Hungarian Notation [Was Re: Too many aliases]

2011-08-08 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/08 00:13 -0600, Mike Diehl 
Well, I can see this being useful in assembly language, or strongly-typed, 
non-OO languages.  But I was asking specifically about SQL!

We know from context that customers is a table and it makes no sense at all to 
prefix a type to it in order to make the obvious more clear.

I suspect it makes the most sense in weakly typed languages, and, therefore, 
quite useless in table names. TAble names are not found in the same context as 
field names, and the same name may be used for both table and field in the 
table--field names, on the other hand, 

In the PL1 (and scripting-language) tradition, although in the table definition 
there is fairly narrow description of the type, much implicit conversion is 
allowed. It is also in the PL1 tradition that operators yield values of some 
vague type ('+' yields number, '||' yields character: no general operator 
overloading), but with all the conversion it seldom is clear to the user what a 
generated field s exact type is: even which numeric type, even which character 
type, with what length. Then there is room for tacking type descriptions onto 

 2011/08/08 00:13 -0600, Mike Diehl 
My personal convention is that table names are plural.  Foreign indexes have 
the table name as a prefix. 

To me a table is like an array, and therefore I make it singular: invoice, 
say, is an array of invoices, and invoice [ 5 ] is invoice 5. My plurals are 
for counts of things; if invoice is a table, then
  select count(*) as invoices from invoice

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hand replication

2011-08-08 Thread Halsz Sndor
I made two copies of one not too big database, wherof the transaction rate is 
conveniently noted in inverse weeks. I have been using textfile-differencing to 
copy changes, but would like something more automatic for this by-hand 
replication, but real automatic replication is out of the question: there will 
be no such communication channel. I use flash drive.

Is there a log from which I can get SQL statements that record changes from 
some time, copy that to flash drive, and mark the time when I did that, by 
truncating the log or starting a new one or ...?

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Re: Too many aliases

2011-08-06 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/04 10:21 -0500, Johnny Withers

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Mike Diehl wrote
 Well, while we're on the subject of SQL style, can anyone tell me why I'm
 always seeing people prefixing the name of a table with something like

Yeah, but why perpetuate such a thing in a language that has type (at least 
'table' is distinct)? BCPL had at all no type.

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Re: Too many aliases

2011-08-04 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/03 12:46 +0200, Rik Wasmus 
But the 
main thing is it helps to distinguish tables  in joins having the same table 
more then once (and of course results from subqueries etc.):

SELECT first.* 
FROM tablename first
LEFT JOIN   tablename second
   ONfirst.some_id = second.some_id
   AND !=

Well, yes, here it is needful. But it seems to me from most of the examples 
that people here post, that they have the idea that it is the style always to 
use one-letter aliases, whether it is helpful or not.

Now I do not do this, but I often see examples where a field for one purpose 
has in one table one name, and in another table another, slightly different, 
name, and then, too, I see alias used, although, in this case, no table name at 
all is needed. (I like to use the same field name in all tables where it has 
the same function.)

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Re: results from a total of always amount to a multiple of 3

2011-08-02 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/01 09:48 +0700, HaidarPesebe 
Exactly what you are saying Mr. Sándor. I tried adding a recordamount of debt 
then becomes a multiple of 4. Well I'm really confused. Are there any who can 
help? how to call the databaseby entering on the right?

What do you want from the joint? That is not clear. It is clear only that it 
allows too many combinations.

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Too many aliases

2011-08-02 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/08/02 12:11 +0530, Adarsh Sharma 
select p.* from table A p, B q where


select p.* from table B q , A p where

Why do people constantly change table names for queries, although, as here, it 
gain them nothing? It often makes for less clarity (for which table is this an 
alias???). This I would write

select A.* from A JOIN B USING (id)

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Re: results from a total of always amount to a multiple of 3

2011-07-29 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/07/29 10:48 +0700, HaidarPesebe 
but results from a total of always amount to a multiple of 3.
should total qty (USD) pay = 8 but the result would be 24. so also for the Debt.

What do you mean total of, and total qty (USD) pay? It is better exactly to 
repeat your code instead of paraphrasing it.

In any case, I get multiples of not three but four, 
 id | periodsmester | qtyone | qtytwo
  1 | 2010-2011-1   | 16 | 44
not surprizing since, with these data, all names and semesters and periods the 
same, it is the same as the sum of an cross join; see how it looks with all 
grouping  aggregating operations dropped:
 id | periodsmester | qty  | bqty
  1 | 2010-2011-1   |2 |7
  1 | 2010-2011-1   |2 |4
  2 | 2010-2011-1   |1 |7
  2 | 2010-2011-1   |1 |4
  3 | 2010-2011-1   |3 |7
  3 | 2010-2011-1   |3 |4
  4 | 2010-2011-1   |2 |7
  4 | 2010-2011-1   |2 |4
every pay record is paired with every debt record. If I delete the pay record 
with id = 4 then I get multiples of three, for the same reason, but with fewer 
records. Are you sure you got multiples of three with four pay records?

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Re: How to Shuffle data

2011-07-14 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/07/13 19:28 +0530, Adarsh Sharma 
I think a procedure can do it easily , If I know the proper function for that.

Well, here is a procedure that copies from one table, strips off the leading 
slash-separated part and reverses it by dots, and inserts the original, the 
reversed, and the trailing into a temporary table:

(   A VARCHAR(199) COMMENT 'original leading part'
,   B VARCHAR(199) COMMENT 'dot-reversed leading part'
,   C VARCHAR(199) COMMENT 'trailing part'

SET G = 1, F = LOCATE('.', T), R = NULL;
SET G = F+1;
SET F = LOCATE('.', T, G);

It seemed to me that in your examples you only reversed the domain name around 
its dot-separated words, and that this does.

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Re: How to Shuffle data

2011-07-13 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/07/13 16:10 +0530, Adarsh Sharma

I want to take the output in a tsv file the sites url in the below forms :

I need to shuffle the . words . Is there any in built function in mysql to 
achieve this.

Well, this will give you the domain name: SUBSTRING_INDEX(url, '/', 1). After 
that, you reallie want a version of FIND_IN_SET that takes a number and 
yields a string, but I have not seen such in MySQL. That leaves you with 
LOCATE to find each dot, one by one, and SUBSTRING to pick each word 
out--or nested cases of SUBSTRING_INDEX:
--and SUBSTRING_INDEX is very obliging, the only way, using only it, to 
determine that one has reached the limit of separators is that
SUBSTRING_INDEX(dom, ',', i) = SUBSTRING_INDEX(dom, '.', i+1)
. And yes, this is a loop within an SQL procedure or function.

Are you, aside from '', only reversing the words? That is much 
easier than randomly picking them for the outcome--and guaranteed to be 
different from the original, relevant because most domain names are so short 
that a random permutation of their words is quite likly to be the same as the 
original: with only three, the probability is one sixth, with only twain, one 

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Re: dumb question?

2011-07-07 Thread Halsz Sndor
 2011/07/06 23:56 -0700, XL Cordemans 
Goede morgen, and thank you for your suggestion. I am actually wondering if the 
difference between lasso 8.1 and 8.6 is so big that traditional lasso code can 
not be used when connecting w/ MySQL ? You mentioned ... This can be done in 
the server configuration, so no alterations are necessary  

This mode is set in my.cnf (under Windows my.ini), found in one of a 
variety of standard places, in the variable sql-mode, say


. The mode in question is ANSI. There is always a copy of this file in the 
directory into which the program MySQL was installed, but that is not the first 
place where it is sought. Under Linux, say, /etc/my.cnf takes precedence.

Quote from help:

On Windows, MySQL programs read startup options from the following files, in 
the specified order (top items are used first). 

File NamePurpose
WINDIR\my.ini, WINDIR\my.cnf Global options
C:\my.ini, C:\my.cnf Global options
INSTALLDIR\my.ini, INSTALLDIR\my.cnf Global options

On Unix, Linux and Mac OS X, MySQL programs read startup options from the 
following files, in the specified order (top items are used first). 

File NamePurpose
/etc/my.cnf  Global options
/etc/mysql/my.cnfGlobal options
SYSCONFDIR/my.cnfGlobal options
$MYSQL_HOME/my.cnf   Server-specific options
defaults-extra-file  The file specified with 
--defaults-extra-file=path, if any
~/.my.cnfUser-specific options

~ represents the current user's home directory (the value of $HOME). 

SYSCONFDIR represents the directory specified with the SYSCONFDIR option to 
CMake when MySQL was built. By default, this is the etc directory located under 
the compiled-in installation directory. 

MYSQL_HOME is an environment variable containing the path to the directory in 
which the server-specific my.cnf file resides. If MYSQL_HOME is not set and you 
start the server using the mysqld_safe program, mysqld_safe attempts to set 
MYSQL_HOME as follows: 

Let BASEDIR and DATADIR represent the path names of the MySQL base directory 
and data directory, respectively. 

If there is a my.cnf file in DATADIR but not in BASEDIR, mysqld_safe sets 

Otherwise, if MYSQL_HOME is not set and there is no my.cnf file in DATADIR, 
mysqld_safe sets MYSQL_HOME to BASEDIR. 

In MySQL 5.5, use of DATADIR as the location for my.cnf is deprecated. 

Typically, DATADIR is /usr/local/mysql/data for a binary installation or 
/usr/local/var for a source installation. Note that this is the data directory 
location that was specified at configuration time, not the one specified with 
the --datadir option when mysqld starts. Use of --datadir at runtime has no 
effect on where the server looks for option files, because it looks for them 
before processing any options. 

MySQL looks for option files in the order just described and reads any that 
exist. If an option file that you want to use does not exist, create it with a 
plain text editor.

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