Re: MySQL 4.1.8 InnoDB: data unavailability among different connections

2005-01-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
simple answer is transactions. until you issue a commit, or otherwise 
specify extra settings in your SQL syntax, other connections do not see 
your data.

Jose Antonio wrote:
I am experiencing something weird using MySQL 4.1.8 with InnoDB tables.
I have an application, let's call it A, that is monitoring the data that 
is available in the database. The data is inserted in the database by a 
different application, let's call it B. The problem is the following:
A starts a connection with MySQL and all the data inserted until the 
connection time is available; however, the data that is inserted by B 
while A is running is not visible to A. If A is re-started all the data 
that was inserted by B is now available.

A is a plotting program and B is a data importer process.
Any clue on what may be going wrong?
Thank you in advance.

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: actual size of a innodb tablespace

2005-01-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
if you issue a show table status command from the mysql prompt, you'll 
get an estimate of how much free space exists in the files.

Duhaime Johanne wrote:
Context: innodb per table.
Is it possible to know the actual size of my innodb file?  What part of
the initial size (10M: autoextend)  is actually used? I would like to
have an idea of the data space progression? Per database (I have 3).
Thank you in advance
Johanne Duhaime

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: insert

2005-01-07 Thread Jeff Mathis
insert/select has a different syntax than what you are trying to use.
insert into table_name (place, address, number) select stuff, 
stuff2, this from that where one=two

i may yet have the syntax wrong, but its close.
kalin mintchev wrote:
hi all...
i need some help. can somebody explain why is this insert/select not working?
insert into the_db (place,address,number) values(stuff,stuff2,select
this from that where one=two);
i tried ()s around the 'select' too but it didn't work.

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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migration of InnoDB 4.1.3 to 4.1.6

2004-10-20 Thread Jeff Mathis
I see from the release notes that tables with timestamp column will need 
to be rebuilt. will the server automatically do this upon startup?

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: simple but frustrating query

2004-10-15 Thread Jeff Mathis
i don't think i missed any points raised by anyone in this discussion. 
email is often a difficult medium for technical issues.

for most of our purposes, we run multiple queries in order to make sure 
we are actually getting the data we want. it makes the code simpler, 
easier to understand and less error prone. this was one example where 
conceptually we thought it should be able to be done -- and it can, if 
you use a nested select.

thanks again to all for helped. we're on to bigger and better things...
Michael Stassen wrote:
Jeff Mathis wrote:
well, obviously some, if not all, of what you are saying is true. your 

I don't believe I said anything untrue.  Did you have something in mind?
table example below though is not the same as mine. My table stores 
time series data. for every symbol, there are a series of rows all 
with different dates. there is a unique constraint on the combination 
of symbol and close_date. so, for every symbol, there is one and only 
one maximum date. ...

You've missed my point.  My example table wasn't meant to be equivalent 
to yours.  Rather, it was a simple example to illustrate the idea that 
the MAX() function does not look for the row with the largest value.  
Instead, it tells you what the largest value is with no reference to 
row.  That is, it is an aggregate function for use with GROUP BY.  In 
other words, it is a summary statistic, not a data point.

Now, you may know that in your particular situation there will be only 
one row for each group's max date, but the MAX() function doesn't know 
that. Even if it did (because your dates are unique), it still wouldn't 
make sense for MAX() to think in terms of finding a row, because it is 
perfectly reasonable to ask for the MIN() in the same query.

Look at my example again.  I asked for the max, the min, and the 
average. Even if we change that to use your table rather than mine, 
which row should be pulled?  The one with the max date, the one with the 
min date, or the one with the average date (which probably doesn't even 

... i want that row and the name field it contains.

Right, I got that.
your example using the subquery works. when we used the subquery 
approach, we forgot to include the equivalent of t1.symbol = t2.symbol.

I'm glad it worked.  I was confident that it would.
if we use:
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD
where symbol in (quoted char string) group by symbol,
name order by symbol;
we end up getting multiple rows for each symbol if the names change 
over time. but that's ok for now -- we can parse the query output 
within our application and get the one row with the most recent date.

Right.  Adding name to the GROUP BY makes it legitimate to have name in 
the list of columns to select, but this query doesn't do what you want.  
It gives the maximum close_date for each symbol-name combination.  As 
you say, you can parse the results to find the max close_date for each 
symbol subsection, but why would you do that when you already have a 
query which gives exactly the result you want?

what we want to get is conceptually simple, but perhaps not so in 
terms of SQL.

It's easy to say, but describe how to do it:  For a given symbol, you 
have to look at all the close_date values to find the max, then you have 
to find the row with that value; or sort by close_date, then take the 
row at the high end of the sorted list; or compare the rows two at a 
time, storing the rest of the row for the winner of each comparison.  
They all amount to the same thing: a 2 step process.  Those two steps 
are accomplished by the 2 queries in the temp table method, or by the 
query + subquery.

Doing this in SQL, however, is tricky enough that yours is a frequently 
asked question.


Michael Stassen wrote:
No, Shawn's answer is correct.  You are starting from a false 
assumption. You are expecting that MAX(closedate) corresponds to a 
row.  It does not. Consider the table

  sym val  note
  --- ---  
  AAA   2   one
  AAA   2   two
  AAA   4   three
  AAA   6   four
  AAA  12   five
  AAA   7   six
  AAA  12   seven
  BBB   1   eight
  BBB   2   nine
  BBB   3   ten
Now consider the query
  SELECT sym, note, MAX(val), MIN(val), AVG(val)
  FROM stuff
  GROUP BY sym;
Which row should be returned for sym='AAA'?  Do you see the problem?  
It is clear that, for sym=AAA, MIN(val) is 2, MAX(val) is 12, and 
AVG(val) is about 6.43.  Which row is that?  The answer is that it's 
not a row.  MAX(), MIN(), and AVG() are aggregate functions.  They do 
not return rows, they return summary stats about a set of rows.

Many dbs wouldn't even allow a query like that, because we are asking 
for a column not included in the GROUP BY.  Mysql allows that, but 
the manual warns that it is pointless to do so if the extra column 
does not have a unique value per group

Finding the notes which correspond to the maximum val

simple but frustrating query

2004-10-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
hello query gurus.
we have a table TD with the following columns:
close_date is just a date field
there is a unique constraint on the combination of close_date and symbol.
what we want is the value for the name field corresponding to the row 
with the most recent close_date.

something like this:
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD where symbol in (list of 
characters) group by symbol;

this returns the max close_date value, but the name that is returned is 
garbage and seems to point to the earliest row in the table.

any suggestions?
ps we're using mysql 4.1.3 with the innodb engine
Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: simple but frustrating query

2004-10-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
Ed Lazor wrote:
-Original Message-
what we want is the value for the name field corresponding to the row 
with the most recent close_date.

Based on that comment, I'd
select name from TD order by close_date DESC limit 1
except, we run into problems when there is a list of values for symbol 
in the query.

for example
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD where symbol in
in fact this is the real problem. for a single value of symbol, we can 
do this query. but we want to feed in a list of values for symbol

something like this:
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD where symbol in 
(list of 
characters) group by symbol;

this returns the max close_date value, but the name that is 
returned is 
garbage and seems to point to the earliest row in the table.

any suggestions?

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: simple but frustrating query

2004-10-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
I'll be more explicit:
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD
where symbol in ('aa','bb','cc') group by symbol, name order by symbol;
| max(close_date) | symbol | name|
| 2004-10-05  | aa | cmptrhw |
| 2004-10-05  | bb | biotech |
| 2002-05-03  | bb | drugs   |
| 2002-02-05  | bb | medprovr|
| 2004-10-05  | cc | biotech |
| 2002-05-03  | cc | drugs   |
| 2002-02-05  | cc | infosvcs|
now, leaving off name from the group by clause
(select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD
where symbol in ('aa','bb','cc') group by symbol;)
| max(close_date) | symbol | name|
| 2004-10-05  | aa | cmptrhw |
| 2004-10-05  | bb | drugs   |
| 2004-10-05  | cc | infosvcs|
which is wrong. what we want is
| max(close_date) | symbol | name|
| 2004-10-05  | aa | cmptrhw |
| 2004-10-05  | bb | biotech |
| 2004-10-05  | cc | biotech |
but we can't seem to fomrulate the query.

Jeff Mathis wrote:
Ed Lazor wrote:
-Original Message-
what we want is the value for the name field corresponding to the row 
with the most recent close_date.

Based on that comment, I'd
select name from TD order by close_date DESC limit 1

except, we run into problems when there is a list of values for symbol 
in the query.

for example
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD where symbol in
in fact this is the real problem. for a single value of symbol, we can 
do this query. but we want to feed in a list of values for symbol

something like this:
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD where symbol in (list 
of characters) group by symbol;

this returns the max close_date value, but the name that is returned 
is garbage and seems to point to the earliest row in the table.

any suggestions?

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: simple but frustrating query

2004-10-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
we really don't want to issue two queries. this should be able to be 
done in one, and without using temp tables, but maybe not.

thanks for the help though
It takes two steps: first determine the max(closedate) for each symbol, 
then use those results to get the name field. You could do this with a 
subquery (both steps in the one statement) because you are using a version 
of MySQL  4.0.0 but here is a temp table implementation that will work 
with just about anyone.

SELECT symbol, max(close_date) as last_date
X-Mozilla-Status: 8000
WHERE symbol in (list of symbols)
GROUP BY symbol;
SELECT ts.symbol, ts.last_date,
FROM tmpSymbols ts
X-Mozilla-Status: 8000
ON TD.symbol = ts.symbol
AND TD.close_date = ts.last_date;
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Jeff Mathis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/14/2004 02:22:32 PM:

hello query gurus.
we have a table TD with the following columns:
close_date is just a date field
there is a unique constraint on the combination of close_date and 
what we want is the value for the name field corresponding to the row 
with the most recent close_date.

something like this:
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD where symbol in (list of 
characters) group by symbol;

this returns the max close_date value, but the name that is returned is 
garbage and seems to point to the earliest row in the table.

any suggestions?
ps we're using mysql 4.1.3 with the innodb engine
Jeff Mathis, Ph.D. 505-955-1434
Prediction Company [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Delete data from more than one table

2004-10-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
if your schema can be set up to use pk/fk constraints, you can add an on 
delete cascade statement.

if not, then its maybe safer to delete table by table anyway.

Jerry Swanson wrote:
I can delete data for one table with no problem:
delete from table;
I need to delete data for more than one table.
I tried to run this query: 

delete from account, survey;
//But the query crashes.
Any ideas how to delete data for more than one query.

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: simple but frustrating query

2004-10-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
4.1.3 and the innodb engine on solaris 5.8
Brad Eacker wrote:
Jeff Mathis writes:
now, leaving off name from the group by clause
(select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD
where symbol in ('aa','bb','cc') group by symbol;)
| max(close_date) | symbol | name|
| 2004-10-05  | aa | cmptrhw |
| 2004-10-05  | bb | drugs   |
| 2004-10-05  | cc | infosvcs|

 What version of MySQL are you using?  I ran your query on
4.0.18 and got a different answer...
mysql select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD
- where symbol in ('aa','bb','cc') group by symbol;
| max(close_date) | symbol | name|
| 2004-10-05  | aa | cmptrhw |
| 2004-10-05  | bb | biotech |
| 2004-10-05  | cc | biotech |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: simple but frustrating query

2004-10-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
well, obviously some, if not all, of what you are saying is true. your 
table example below though is not the same as mine. My table stores time 
series data. for every symbol, there are a series of rows all with 
different dates. there is a unique constraint on the combination of 
symbol and close_date. so, for every symbol, there is one and only one 
maximum date. i want that row and the name field it contains.

your example using the subsquery works. when we used the subquery 
approach, we forgot to include the equivalent of t1.symbol = t2.symbol.

if we use:
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD
where symbol in (quoted char string) group by symbol,
name order by symbol;
we end up getting multiple rows for each symbol if the names change over 
time. but thats ok for now -- we can parse the query output within our 
application and get the one row with the most recent date.

what we want to get is conceptually simple, but perhaps not so in terms 
of SQL.

Michael Stassen wrote:
No, Shawn's answer is correct.  You are starting from a false 
assumption. You are expecting that MAX(closedate) corresponds to a row.  
It does not. Consider the table

  sym val  note
  --- ---  
  AAA   2   one
  AAA   2   two
  AAA   4   three
  AAA   6   four
  AAA  12   five
  AAA   7   six
  AAA  12   seven
  BBB   1   eight
  BBB   2   nine
  BBB   3   ten
Now consider the query
  SELECT sym, note, MAX(val), MIN(val), AVG(val)
  FROM stuff
  GROUP BY sym;
Which row should be returned for sym='AAA'?  Do you see the problem?  It 
is clear that, for sym=AAA, MIN(val) is 2, MAX(val) is 12, and AVG(val) 
is about 6.43.  Which row is that?  The answer is that it's not a row.  
MAX(), MIN(), and AVG() are aggregate functions.  They do not return 
rows, they return summary stats about a set of rows.

Many dbs wouldn't even allow a query like that, because we are asking 
for a column not included in the GROUP BY.  Mysql allows that, but the 
manual warns that it is pointless to do so if the extra column does not 
have a unique value per group

Finding the notes which correspond to the maximum val is fundamentally a 
2 step process.  First you must find the maximum val, then you must find 
the rows(s) which have that val.  This is what Shawn was telling you.

The manual suggests 3 ways to solve this problem 
The most efficient solution, and the one that works in all versions of 
mysql, is to use a temporary table, as Shawn described.  As you have 
mysql 4.1, you could accomplish the same thing with a subquery.  In your 
case, that would be

  SELECT close_date, symbol, name
  FROM TD t1
  WHERE close_date = (SELECT MAX(t2.close_date)
  FROM TD t2
  WHERE t1.symbol = t2.symbol)
  AND symbol IN (list of characters);
Note that this is still really a 2 step process.  The subquery handles 
the first step, finding the max close_date, while the parent query 
handles step 2, finding the matching rows.

There is a third way, the MAX-CONCAT trick.  It does it in one query 
without subqueries, and is very inefficient.  See the manual for the 

In other words, this wasn't such a simple query, after all.
Jeff Mathis wrote:
we really don't want to issue two queries. this should be able to be 
done in one, and without using temp tables, but maybe not.

thanks for the help though
It takes two steps: first determine the max(closedate) for each 
symbol, then use those results to get the name field. You could do 
this with a subquery (both steps in the one statement) because you 
are using a version of MySQL  4.0.0 but here is a temp table 
implementation that will work with just about anyone.

SELECT symbol, max(close_date) as last_date
WHERE symbol in (list of symbols)
GROUP BY symbol;
SELECT ts.symbol, ts.last_date,
FROM tmpSymbols ts
ON TD.symbol = ts.symbol
AND TD.close_date = ts.last_date;
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Jeff Mathis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/14/2004 02:22:32 PM:

hello query gurus.
we have a table TD with the following columns:
close_date is just a date field
there is a unique constraint on the combination of close_date and 

what we want is the value for the name field corresponding to the 
row with the most recent close_date.

something like this:
select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD where symbol in (list 
of characters) group by symbol;

this returns the max close_date value, but the name that is returned 
is garbage and seems to point to the earliest row in the table.

any suggestions?
ps we're using mysql 4.1.3 with the innodb engine
Jeff Mathis, Ph.D. 505-955-1434
Prediction Company [EMAIL

Re: ResultSet NotUpdatabelProblem

2004-10-07 Thread Jeff Mathis
Its my impression that prepared statements are buggy with innodb tables. 
i've recently filed a bug, at heikki's request, where some buffer on the 
mysql server periodically flushes itself or otherwise is erased, with 
the result that the sql executed by a prepared statement is not what you 
think it is.

i'm eagerly waiting fixes for this myself.
Mark Matthews wrote:
Hash: SHA1
I have recently posted the message attached at the bottom of 
this one to the mailing list.  Since then, I have continued to 
work the sporadic and troublesome errors that are described in 
that attached message on otherwise perfectly working and proven 
code.  I now have some insights that I would like to share with 
the group and solicit their thoughts and ideas as to what the 
root cause(s) may be.
Would you mind filing a bug report with a testcase at ? This issue would get the proper attention it
needs if you use that 'channel'.
- --
Mr. Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager, J2EE and Windows Platforms
Office: +1 708 332 0507
MySQL Guide to Lower TCO
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: increasing mysql/table performance..

2004-09-28 Thread Jeff Mathis
one suggestion would be to get the latest mysql performance tuning book 
from o'reilly. its pretty good.
bruce wrote:
i've got a basic question (with probably many answers)
i'm creating a php/web app that uses mysql tbls. i have a number of pages
that do various selects using 'left joins'/'right joins'/etc...
i'm getting to the point where most of the basic logic works. now i want to
start figuring out how to speed up the app/table interactions...
i've read/seen information regarding indexes within a table. i'm curious as
to what i can do to speed up the response time/tbl interactions for the
ps. if need to, i could provide sample sql statements/table defs...

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Simple DB design question

2004-09-03 Thread Jeff Mathis
I've got a history table that performs a similar function. except in my 
case I can have more than 1 active row. I put in an is_active column 
and defined the type as a bool. an enum is actually a String in mysql, 
which i didn't want to deal with. This table has only a few thousand 
rows, so performance is not impacted at all.

sean c peters wrote:
I have some data that is stored by the year it is related to. So I have one 
table that stores the Year the data is related to, among other things. At any 
given time, 1 year is considered the 'active year', and the rest are 
considered inactive. 

The table is something like:
So my question is how do i best store which year is active. 2 designs come to 
1) add a column such as:
	Status	ENUM('Active', 'Inactive')
and adjust accordingly as the active year changes.

2) have a separate table:
CREATE TABLE Active_Data (
Key (Data_Info_ID),
FOREIGN KEY (Data_ID) References Data_Info(Data_Info_ID)
With design 1, i need to make sure that only 1 record is ever set as 'Active'.
With design 2, there will only ever be 1 record in the Active_Data table.
Neither idea seems very good to me.
Any suggestions?
thanks much
sean peters
mysql, query

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: time zone leap seconds

2004-08-05 Thread Jeff Mathis
i seemed to have gotten around it by manually sourcing the script to 
update the password field, which had the create table statements in it, 
and then loading time zones based on our system time zone files. the 
manual section on upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1 did explain this -- i just 
had to dig a little bit to find it.

a frustrating issue is that all of my timestamp columns got monged 
(we're using innodb tables). all years got set to the year 2036. in 
poking around on the java list group I got the impression this is a 
known issue with innodb tables when migrating from 4.0.x to 4.1.x  :(

oh well. its not that mission critical, and I executed a database wide 
update to set all timestamp columns to current_timestamp(). at least 
i'll know when we did the upgrade.

Victor Pendleton wrote:
There is are five new time_% tables. You could install 4.1.3 in a clean
area, export the tables and import the tables into the upgraded environment.
You could also export your 4.0.x data and import this data into the newly
created 4.1.3 environment. 

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Mathis
To: mysql
Sent: 8/4/04 11:14 AM
Subject: time zone leap seconds
we just upgraded from 4.0.4 to 4.1.3, and are getting this warning. is 
there a script somewhere we can run to create the alleged missing time 
zone table?

040804 10:09:49  Warning: Can't open time zone table: Table 
'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them


Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

problem with 4.1.3

2004-08-05 Thread Jeff Mathis
after upgrading from 4.0.4 to 4.1.3, we noticed that some of our 
float(11,9) columns refused to store anything other than the numer -100 
or the number 100, even though the insert or update sql clearly 
specifies other numbers. We've tried dropping the table and reloading 
the data -- same problem. we're using Connector/J to load the data.

is this a know issue?
Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: problem with 4.1.3

2004-08-05 Thread Jeff Mathis
after lokking at this, it appears that our float(11,9) columns cannot 
store an number larger than 100 or smaller than -100. the database is 
rounding the number! If we insert numbers -100  x  100, then its fine.

is there a configuration setting somewhere, or is this a known bug?
Jeff Mathis wrote:
after upgrading from 4.0.4 to 4.1.3, we noticed that some of our 
float(11,9) columns refused to store anything other than the numer -100 
or the number 100, even though the insert or update sql clearly 
specifies other numbers. We've tried dropping the table and reloading 
the data -- same problem. we're using Connector/J to load the data.

is this a know issue?

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
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Re: problem with 4.1.3

2004-08-05 Thread Jeff Mathis
well, it appears that you are quite correct. changing the column 
definition to float(11,3) for example now does the correct thing.

sean c peters wrote:
This is not a bug, its behaving exactly as it should. When you specify a 
float(11,9) - you're saying an 11 digit number where 9 are after the decimal, 
so only 2 digits are allowed before the decimal.

sean peters

On Thursday 05 August 2004 15:47, Jeff Mathis wrote:
after lokking at this, it appears that our float(11,9) columns cannot
store an number larger than 100 or smaller than -100. the database is
rounding the number! If we insert numbers -100  x  100, then its fine.
is there a configuration setting somewhere, or is this a known bug?
Jeff Mathis wrote:
after upgrading from 4.0.4 to 4.1.3, we noticed that some of our
float(11,9) columns refused to store anything other than the numer -100
or the number 100, even though the insert or update sql clearly
specifies other numbers. We've tried dropping the table and reloading
the data -- same problem. we're using Connector/J to load the data.
is this a know issue?
Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: problem with 4.1.3

2004-08-05 Thread Jeff Mathis
yes indeed. I will have to change my column definitions.
However, this behavior was not the case with 4.0.4. What seemed to be 
going on with that branch was I could have an 11 digit number, with a 
maximum of 9 digits behind the decimal. so numbers like 100493.43 were 
fine. I'm assuming that this was a bug that was then fixed, and I just 
happened to get nipped by it.

Dan Nelson wrote:
In the last episode (Aug 05), Jeff Mathis said:
after lokking at this, it appears that our float(11,9) columns cannot 
store an number larger than 100 or smaller than -100. the database is 
rounding the number! If we insert numbers -100  x  100, then its fine.

is there a configuration setting somewhere, or is this a known bug?

It's doing exactly what you asked for.
  `M' is the display width and `D' is the number of decimals.
You asked for a field 11 digits wide, with 9 of them being to the right
of the decimal point.  11-9 = 2, so you really should only be able to
store -99 through 99, since 100 is 3 digits and puts you over the edge. 
So you did find a mysql bug, but not the one you thought you had :)

mysql create table test ( f1 float(11,9) );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)
mysql insert into test values (1.1234567890123),(100.1234567890123),(200.123456789);
Query OK, 3 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.09 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 2
mysql show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message   |
| Warning | 1264 | Data truncated; out of range for column 'f1' at row 2 |
| Warning | 1264 | Data truncated; out of range for column 'f1' at row 3 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql select * from test;
| f1|
|   1.123456836 |
| 100.0 |
| 100.0 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
This odd rounding is due to the low precision of a 'float' type
(usually around 6 decimal digits).

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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time zone leap seconds

2004-08-04 Thread Jeff Mathis
we just upgraded from 4.0.4 to 4.1.3, and are getting this warning. is 
there a script somewhere we can run to create the alleged missing time 
zone table?

040804 10:09:49  Warning: Can't open time zone table: Table 
'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: InnoDB TableSpace Question

2004-08-03 Thread Jeff Mathis
my understanding is that the datafiles are created when the server 
initializes, and this this is the designed and expected behavior. Most 
other database products use a similar model. Your scenario cannot 
happen. You specify how many innodb data files and how large in your 
config file. when the server starts, it allocates all the space you 
requested. if the server cannot find the space at startup, you get an 
error. if during an import the file size is exceeded, you get an error 
and the import stops. you cannot overrun your disk.

I agree with David.  If there is no present way to recover unused InnoDB 
tablespace, then we (as a community) seriously need to create a tool to do 
just that. How have we gone so long without it? I always assumed it was 
possible (I guess I have been just lucky enough to not need to do it 

What if, during the course of a major data import, I try something that 
creates a working table that expands my datafile to fill my available disk 
space. I might have made a logical error or not. Regardless of why it 
filled up, without the ability to reclaim that room, an entire server 
could be royally scr***d (assuming a server that supports a mix of InnoDB 
and other table types).

Please tell me there is something other than a dump-delete-import that can 
be used to shrink InnoDB tablespaces. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
David Seltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/03/2004 12:42:03 PM:

Thanks Marc,
Is there really no way to reclaim unused space in an InnoDB table space? 
not, why is this not considered a tremendous limitation?
-Dave Seltzer
-Original Message-
From: Marc Slemko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 12:31 PM
To: David Seltzer
Subject: Re: InnoDB TableSpace Question

On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 10:07:25 -0400 , David Seltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,
I've been searching the archives  mysql documentation for a while and 
can't seem to find an answer to my question -
Is there a way to force InnoDB to shrink its filesize? I just dropped 
table, but it hasn't freed up the disk space and I need it back. From 
I've been reading, a restart will cause this to happen, but I'm in a
production environment, and I'm afraid that InnoDB will take its sweet
while my users are holding their breath.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
No, a restart will not shrink it.
Currently the only option I can think of is to do a dump and restore,
using mysqldump (since innodb hot backup just copies the data file, it
won't be of any use in shrinking it).
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Querying serveral databases (Views?)

2004-03-04 Thread Jeff Mathis
in case someone hasn't answered you yet..

do you know that you can specify a database.tablename.column syntax in 
your queries to go across multiple databases?

Daniel Ek wrote:
Dear list,

I wish to know if anyone have any experience in querying several 
databases at the same time.  Today the company that I work for have 
about three different databases and I really feel that's fine because of 
the logic around it. We have one Customer database with customerData 
table, CustomerProducts table and so on, and two other Productspecific 

I feel the information logic in having multiple databases are obvious 
but are there any way to use like pgsql views over several databases in 
Mysql? If not, can anyone please advice me to either when such a 
function will be implemented, or other solutions to the problem? And 
with that I don't mean the make more connections fix, since I don't 
feel it's a neat way to solve it.

Thanks in advance


Daniel Ek

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
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Re: hot innodb backup options

2004-03-01 Thread Jeff Mathis
this is just my $0.02, but I would think $500/yr is certainly worth it. 
you'll get a fully supported product, and the money goes to a good cause.

Kevin Williams wrote:

I have a database where the tables are InnoDB.  I am working on the
backup procedure, and would like to implement a process where the
database is backed up without having to shut it down (live, or hot
backup).  Reading the documentation, it appears the only option I have
is to purchase a solution from InnoDB ($500/yr).  Is there a free option
out there to do this?
Thank you,

Kevin Williams

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
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Re: INSERT returning ID

2004-02-24 Thread Jeff Mathis
but there are ways to get this value. The Java API handles this case 
just fine, and I'd be willing to bet other API's do it as well.

here's some simple code to do with the Java API:

String sql = some insert sql statement;
Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
setId(rs.getInt(1)); -- this is the auto_generated row id
Paul DuBois wrote:
At 17:02 + 2/24/04, David Scott wrote:

Hi list peeps
In many of my projects I have the need to insert a new record into a 
table and then later on in the script update this record, Right now I 
am doing this by doing the insert, then immediately doing a Select to 
return the latest id (unique id) which I store later for my update.

Is there any way I can do an insert and have it return the unique 
auto-assigned id?

If you mean, can you have the insert statement itself return the ID,
no.  Insert statements don't return records.

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: bigint support in MySql 4

2004-02-20 Thread Jeff Mathis
sorry, I don't know that one. Never have used any version of mysql lower 
than 4.04. a suggestion might be to call your 4.0 column an unsigned 
bigint, or if possible an unsigned int if the numbers can fit in 32 
bits. unsigned means its always positive.


ps. you may want top reply all so the rest of the group can comment. 
you sent it to me directly.

 Thanks for your quick reply. I had another question. I have some tables
with columns of tyoe bigint running on MySql 3.23. When i copied these
tables on to MySql 4.0 the values of these columns are displayed
negative. When I copy them back the values are correctly displayed. Could
you tell me as to how I can handle this situation ?
 yes it does. we use a bigint(20) for example.


I would like to know whether MySql 4.0 supports bigint. If not what
is the corresponding data type that I ccould use if I am imoprting
tables from MySql 3.2 to MySql 4.0

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: bigint support in MySql 4

2004-02-18 Thread Jeff Mathis
yes it does. we use a bigint(20) for example.
 I would like to know whether MySql 4.0 supports bigint. If not what
is the corresponding data type that I ccould use if I am imoprting
tables from MySql 3.2 to MySql 4.0

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Newbie Question

2004-02-16 Thread Jeff Mathis
its possible it was never installed for some reason. did you install the 
mysql binary? you may simply be running on defaults. at any rate, i'm 
willing to bet the farm that when you get your system configured right, 
it will behave as you expect.

is there a permission problem that is not allowing you to see the file? 
what user runs mysqld?

there must be an example of a my.cnf file somewhere on the mysql 
website. grab it, set up innodb data files, and if you want, log files.

good luck


Rhino wrote:
I tried adding that space after the closing parenthesis in both Create Table
statements; it made no difference at all.
You're probably right about the InnoDB support not being turned on. I read
the article about configuring my.cnf and wanted to try playing with the
settings but I'm darned if I can find the my.cnf file!
a) I have no file called /etc/my.cnf.
b) I think MySQL was installed from an RPM as a binary but I don't recall
for sure. I'm not sure though so I checked /usr/local/mysql/data: I have a
/usr/local but no mysql directory in /usr/local. I also checked
/usr/local/var: I have no var directory in /usr/local.
c) I have no idea what was specified with --defaults-extra-file= and have no
idea how to find out.
d) I have no file called .my.cnf in my home directory (/home/rhino).
Any idea where I can find my my.cnf file? (For what it's worth, I tried find
/ -name 'my.cnf' but got the message Permission denied. I'm not sure why
permission is denied; I don't use Linux very often and haven't used it much
in several months but I know the 'find' command worked last time I tried
Anyway, if anyone could tell me how to find my.cnf and verify that InnoDB is
set up correctly, I'd appreciate it.

- Original Message - 
From: Jeff Mathis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie Question

might be as simple as putting a space after your closing parenthesis on
the create table statement.
either that, or your mysql install somehow doesn't have innodb table
support. have you edited your my.cnf file and enabled the innodb
parameters, specifically log and data files?
Rhino wrote:

I'm new to MySQL but I have extensive experience with DB2 so I'm getting
quite confused about how MySQL is supposed to work.
I am using MySQL 4.0.11 on a Linux server running RedHat 9.2. I am
trying to create a pair of InnoDB tables that are related to one another
via a foreign key. I created the tables successfully but when I try to
insert a row into the child table that violates the foreign key,  MySQL
loads the bad row, even though the foreign key doesn't exist!
Here is the script I used to create and populate the tables:
use Sample;
drop table if exists dept;
create table dept(
deptno char(3) not null,
deptname varchar(36) not null,
mgrno char(6),
primary key(deptno)
drop table if exists emp;
create table emp(
empno char(6) not null,
firstnme char(12) not null,
midinit char(1),
lastname char(15) not null,
workdept char(3) not null,
salary dec(9,2) not null,
primary key(empno),
foreign key(workdept) references dept(deptno) on delete restrict
insert into dept values
('A00', 'Administration', '10'),
('D11', 'Manufacturing', '20'),
('E21', 'Education', '30');
insert into emp values
('10', 'Christine', 'I', 'Haas','A00',5.00),
('20', 'Cliff', ' ', 'Jones', 'D11', 3.00),
('30', 'FK', ' ', 'Mistake', 'X99', 12345.67),
('40', 'Brad', ' ', 'Dean', 'E21', 35000.00);
I got a very big clue when I ran this command:
show table status from Sample;
It showed that my two tables were type MyISAM, *not* InnoDB. If my
tables really are MyISAM, then I'm not surprised that the foreign key
constraint doesn't work since MyISAM doesn't support foreign keys, at
least as I understand the manual.
However, this doesn't answer the big question: *Why* aren't my tables
InnoDB since I explicitly defined them that way??
Can any MySQL veterans clear up this mystery for me?

rhino1 AT sympatico DOT ca
If you want the best seat in the house, you'll have to move the cat.

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D. 505-955-1434
The Prediction Company [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie Question

2004-02-16 Thread Jeff Mathis
well, somewhere the documentation for mysql indicates that you need 
mysql-max in order to get InnoDB support. we made a special point of 
making sure we got the mysql-max binary specifically because of InnoDB.

as far as upgrades on your platform, thats now out of my league. I don't 
think I'm qualified to give you an answer.

also, you may want to reply all -- you seem to be sending mail to me 
specifically. no doubt the rest of the list may want to comment.

Rhino wrote:
By it (in your first sentence), I assume you mean InnoDB as opposed to
MySQL. We've been using MySQL without difficulty for several months.
I just checked with the system admin and he says that he installed the
binary from an RPM. We are running Mandrake 9.1 - I thought we were using
RedHat 9.2 but I was mistaken - and he says that he used the MySQL
distribution that is available from Mandrake.
However, it turns out that we *didn't* install the MySQL-Max RPM, only the
Common RPM. [I can't find any mention of a Common RPM in the MySQL
manual but Clive says it is probably Mandrake's re-bundling of one or more
of the RPMs available from the MySQL download page.] On reading the RPM
documentation, he found that the MySQL-Max RPM contains the InnoDB support.
[That's something I did NOT find in the MySQL manual! All it says is that
MySQL-Max offers additional capabilities without saying what those are.
Aside to the people doing the documentation for MySQL: PLEASE indicate
somewhere in the InnoDB and/or Installing chapters that the MySQL-Max RPM
needs to be installed in order to get InnoDB support!!!]
As further confirmation, we did searches on the server and could not find
any file named 'my.cnf' or 'my.ini' anywhere on the server.
So that must be the problem: if we simply install the MySQL-Max RPM, we
should get our InnoDB support. Right?
Now, some followup questions.

1. Can we simply install the MySQL-Max RPM without any further preparation
or should we do database backups first? If we need to do backups, which
approach should we use and why? The backups chapter lists several different
approaches without discussing the pros and cons of each approach in any way.
We don't have enough MySQL experience to know if we should be doing BACKUP
TABLE, mysqldump, or mysqlhotcopy. Can someone clue us in?
2. Does the MySQL-Max RPM need to be at the same level as the other MySQL
RPM - 4.0.11 - or can the MySQL-Max RPM be later, like 4.0.15?
3. I was advised in another post to upgrade to something newer than 4.0.11
as this is obsolete. Would we be okay to go to 4.0.15 or should we go with
4.0.17? Clive strongly prefers to use the Mandrake RPMs over the MySQL RPMs.
According to the Mandrake docs, the Mandrake version of 4.0.15 seems is the
latest stable version they have while the Mandrake version of 4.0.17 is a
cooker, which appears to be a synonym for an alpha or beta. I'd rather
stay with something stable than mess with alpha or beta code but if 4.0.15
is not significantly better than 4.0.11, I'd rather stay with 4.0.11 because
it works fine and is less work than upgrading to a newer version.

- Original Message - 
From: Jeff Mathis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: Newbie Question

its possible it was never installed for some reason. did you install the
mysql binary? you may simply be running on defaults. at any rate, i'm
willing to bet the farm that when you get your system configured right,
it will behave as you expect.
is there a permission problem that is not allowing you to see the file?
what user runs mysqld?
there must be an example of a my.cnf file somewhere on the mysql
website. grab it, set up innodb data files, and if you want, log files.
good luck


Rhino wrote:

I tried adding that space after the closing parenthesis in both Create

statements; it made no difference at all.

You're probably right about the InnoDB support not being turned on. I

the article about configuring my.cnf and wanted to try playing with the
settings but I'm darned if I can find the my.cnf file!
a) I have no file called /etc/my.cnf.
b) I think MySQL was installed from an RPM as a binary but I don't

for sure. I'm not sure though so I checked /usr/local/mysql/data: I have

/usr/local but no mysql directory in /usr/local. I also checked
/usr/local/var: I have no var directory in /usr/local.
c) I have no idea what was specified with --defaults-extra-file= and
have no

idea how to find out.
d) I have no file called .my.cnf in my home directory (/home/rhino).
Any idea where I can find my my.cnf file? (For what it's worth, I tried

/ -name 'my.cnf' but got the message Permission denied. I'm not sure

permission is denied; I don't use Linux very often and haven't used it

in several months but I know the 'find' command worked last time I tried
Anyway, if anyone could tell me how to find my.cnf and verify

Re: Newbie Question

2004-02-16 Thread Jeff Mathis
here it is:

its also all over the mysql reference manual, especially in the InnoDB 
tables section.

Rhino wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: Jeff Mathis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie Question

well, somewhere the documentation for mysql indicates that you need
mysql-max in order to get InnoDB support. we made a special point of
making sure we got the mysql-max binary specifically because of InnoDB.
Really? Could you point it out? In the installing chapter, it only says
mysql-max gives additional capabilites without enumerating them. I didn't
see anything the InnoDB section saying that mysql-max was necessary but I
didn't read every single word so I could have missed it

as far as upgrades on your platform, thats now out of my league. I don't
think I'm qualified to give you an answer.
Fair enough.

also, you may want to reply all -- you seem to be sending mail to me
specifically. no doubt the rest of the list may want to comment.

Sorry! I'm still getting used to doing Reply All instead of Reply. I'll
get it eventually

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie Question

2004-02-13 Thread Jeff Mathis
might be as simple as putting a space after your closing parenthesis on 
the create table statement.

either that, or your mysql install somehow doesn't have innodb table 
support. have you edited your my.cnf file and enabled the innodb 
parameters, specifically log and data files?

Rhino wrote:
I'm new to MySQL but I have extensive experience with DB2 so I'm getting 
quite confused about how MySQL is supposed to work.
I am using MySQL 4.0.11 on a Linux server running RedHat 9.2. I am 
trying to create a pair of InnoDB tables that are related to one another 
via a foreign key. I created the tables successfully but when I try to 
insert a row into the child table that violates the foreign key,  MySQL 
loads the bad row, even though the foreign key doesn't exist!
Here is the script I used to create and populate the tables:
use Sample;
drop table if exists dept;
create table dept(
deptno char(3) not null,
deptname varchar(36) not null,
mgrno char(6),
primary key(deptno)
drop table if exists emp;
create table emp(
empno char(6) not null,
firstnme char(12) not null,
midinit char(1),
lastname char(15) not null,
workdept char(3) not null,
salary dec(9,2) not null,
primary key(empno),
foreign key(workdept) references dept(deptno) on delete restrict
insert into dept values
('A00', 'Administration', '10'),
('D11', 'Manufacturing', '20'),
('E21', 'Education', '30');

insert into emp values
('10', 'Christine', 'I', 'Haas','A00',5.00),
('20', 'Cliff', ' ', 'Jones', 'D11', 3.00),
('30', 'FK', ' ', 'Mistake', 'X99', 12345.67),
('40', 'Brad', ' ', 'Dean', 'E21', 35000.00);
I got a very big clue when I ran this command:
show table status from Sample;
It showed that my two tables were type MyISAM, *not* InnoDB. If my 
tables really are MyISAM, then I'm not surprised that the foreign key 
constraint doesn't work since MyISAM doesn't support foreign keys, at 
least as I understand the manual.
However, this doesn't answer the big question: *Why* aren't my tables 
InnoDB since I explicitly defined them that way??
Can any MySQL veterans clear up this mystery for me?

rhino1 AT sympatico DOT ca
If you want the best seat in the house, you'll have to move the cat.

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unique IDs

2004-02-12 Thread Jeff Mathis
as everyone has pointed out, using timestamps as a unique id was a 
design flaw. you should fix the problem using an auto-increment field.

that said, can you change the column type you are currently using as a 
timestamp to be an auto-increment int field? the return type in both 
cases is technically an integer for mysql versions  4.1, but your API 
call may need to be changed nevertheless.

my experience has always been to fix the problem right rather than do a 
hork, even if it means down time.

Craig Jackson wrote:
On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 11:47, Keith C. Ivey wrote:

Craig Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a very large web app that uses timestamp for unique IDs.
Everything was rolling fine until we started getting many users per
second, causing some of the unique IDs to not be unique -- users were
being assigned the same timestamp. Since the web app is so large we
don't want to change the method of assigning IDs as it would create a
major project.
I don't understand.  If you're getting many users per second, and 
your timestamps have 1-second resolution, how could you possibly 
solve the problem without changing the method of assigning IDs?
Are the many users per second periods just short bursts, and you're 
really only getting several hundred users per day?  If so, I guess 
you could keep waiting a second and trying the insert again, but that 
could lead to indefinite delays if traffic gets high.  I think you've 
got to bite the bullet and change the unique ID to something that's 
actually unique -- even an AUTO_INCREMENT would work.

Thanks for the speedy reply and I have already recommended
auto_increment for the solution. We do need that quick fix until the
problem is fixed. How would I go about making Mysql wait one second
between inserts. We only get about 1000 hits per day, but they tend to
be concentrated in short time intervals.

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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
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Re: Shrinking innodb datafiles?

2004-01-29 Thread Jeff Mathis
someone will no doubt echo what I'm about to say.
InnoDB files are created at startup. the files use all the disk you 
allocate to them in your my.cnf startup file.

If you want smaller InnoDB files, specify a smaller file size in your 
my.cnf file, but I have a feeling thats not what you want to do...

Lawrence Smith wrote:
I have recently dropped a database with a big innodb
table in it - but the data file (ibdata1) failed to
get smaller. It's pretty big (nearly 2GB) and I'd like
reduce it if possible. Is there any way to do this?

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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
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2003-11-24 Thread Jeff Mathis
maybe one more particle of information is that enums are actually
strings, not numbers, so you may have to do a conversion somewhere. this
is a pain for us, so we use tiny ints.

Mike [tmw] wrote:
 I always gone with ENUMs b/c TINYINT(1) still allows you to insert a '2'
 into the field and the last idiot at my current job actually used '0'
 for 'true' in a some fields in some tables.
 I believe both would use 1 byte.
 Paul Fine wrote:
 Normally for a column with 2 possible values, I would use TINYINT(1) and
 programmatically assign a value (ie. Yes/No) to 0/1. I assume that this is
 the correct: way?
 Now how about using ENUM instead? Is there any difference in overhead?
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
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525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
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Re: Running without logfiles

2003-11-19 Thread Jeff Mathis
i run the same configuration .

I have the following settings in my /etc/my.cnf file

#log-update = /export/disk1/mysql/logs/snow

once you have the first set to 0, the other 2 may not matter.

Arnoldus Th.J. Koeleman wrote:
 I am using Innodb Tables but I Like to run this database without
 creating any logfiles.
 Is there a way that Mysql doesn't create any logfiles at all . I can
 recover from a master system so this database can or is allowed to loose
 the data

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: Need help comparing MySQL to MS SQL Server

2003-11-07 Thread Jeff Mathis

i tend to think the consultant really just read something that microsoft
sent him. it doesn't sound like he's qualified to suggest one database
or another.

We've been usinf mysql for a year now. We use InnoDB tables, which give
us primary key/foreign key constraints and transactions. We've gotten
around the lack of stored procedures by putting the necessary logic and
checks into the application that inserts/updates the database. We have
several tables with  8 million rows, and growing every day. updating
rows on the big tables still shows approximately constant time
performance. In general, we are extremely satisfied with the product,
and have purchased a license (about $400 -- mainly so we can contribute
to the cause). When 4.1 becomes stable, we will upgrade in order to get
the sub-select capability. 

I came from an Oracle/Sybase background. Those products have features
that mysql does not have, in particular DBA-specific tables, views, and
triggers, but you may not need these features. 

happy to give you more information if you need it.


 Nestor, thanks for your question.
 The platform will actually be dictated by the SQL engine, not the
 other way around, which is more typically the case. If we go with
 MS SQL Server, we'll build a separate host, NT I would guess, to
 host it. I'm only responsible for Unix and Linux boxes here, so it'll be the
 responsibility of another group. If we go with MySQL or PostgreSQL
 (the only databases I have any familiarity with), I'll probably be
 responsible for setting up and configuring a new Linux (Debian) host,
 and maintaining it. The in-house database administer would be the
 administrator, and I would just offer any help that I could, which might
 not be much.
 Thanks, again, for writing.
  Nestor Florez [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/07/03 01:18PM 
 I have not work with it but postgres is supposed to work great in
 /BSD/Linux/Unix/solaris environment
 Which platform are you using?
 Nestor A. Florez
  Martijn Tonies [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/7/2003 10:08:53 AM 
 Hi Kevin,
  Martijn, thank you very much for your analysis.
 I hope others will continue to join in.
 So do I :-)
  With regard to your point quoted below, are you referring to
 and would that be a
  stronger competitor to MS SQL Server 2000 than either the current
 of MySQL or
  MySQL 5?
 I have no experience with PostgreSQL - although, from what I've heard
 it's quite capable - but not easy to get going on Windows.
 One other open source RDBMS would be Firebird - see
 Especially the newer release (1.5). Don't get fooled by that version
 number -
 it's a fork of the Borland InterBase code, which has been around for
 years now.
 I'm looking forward to MySQL5 to see what's new and how it's
 As for what engine would be the best for you - it all depends on what
 going to do. For example, I frequently use triggers and check
 constraints in
 my database applications, with MySQL, I can't do this.
 With regards,
 Martijn Tonies
 Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird  MS SQL
 Upscene Productions
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: practical MySQL database size limits

2003-11-06 Thread Jeff Mathis
our database is about 20 Gb and growing daily. so far, I still see
nearly constant time query performance on tables with ~10M rows. I don't
think mysql is limited by file size per se.

Ari Davidow wrote:
 We're talking about storing binary files (images) inside a MySQL database
 to take advantage of the granularity and control we get over file access
 that way.
 But we already have 1.5GB, and that could lead to a very large database
 very quickly.
 What are people's experiences with large MySQL databases? What are the
 practical limits under Solaris 2.8?
 Ari Davidow
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: innodb and fragmentation

2003-09-19 Thread Jeff Mathis
this looks great. will this work with version 4.04 on solaris?

as a side comment, anyone know when 4.1 will get out of the alpha stage?
very much looking forward to upgrading, but only when its relatively


Per Andreas Buer wrote:
 Hello Heikki,
 Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I think a 'null' alter table operation:
  does the defragmentation with just one build of the table. And I think it
  also preserves FOREIGN KEY constraints.
  Please test it!
 It did the job just fine. Thanks.
 Per Andreas Buer
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: innodb and fragmentation

2003-09-19 Thread Jeff Mathis
Paul DuBois wrote:
 At 12:40 PM -0600 9/19/03, Jeff Mathis wrote:
 this looks great. will this work with version 4.04 on solaris?
 as a side comment, anyone know when 4.1 will get out of the alpha stage?
 very much looking forward to upgrading, but only when its relatively
 4.0 went beta in 4.0.3, gamma in 4.0.6, stable in 4.0.12.
 3.23 went beta in 3.23.20, gamma in 3.23.28, and stable in 3.23.31.
 3.22: 3.22.4 / 3.22.14 / 3.22.17
 So, it varies.
 It'll happen faster if people try the alphas and pound hard on them. :-)

I wish we had the luxury. But, I may try and force the issue anyway. set
up another instance.


Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: Storing Java Objects

2003-08-29 Thread Jeff Mathis
I wonder if you could serialize your object, and then store it in a blob
I'd be interested to know ...

Dennis Knol wrote:
 Is it possible to store Java objects in the mysql database?
 Kind regards,
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: innodb and fragmentation

2003-08-22 Thread Jeff Mathis
does shutting down the database server and restarting it have the same

Heikki Tuuri wrote:
  I think a 'null' alter table operation:
 does the defragmentation with just one build of the table. And I think it
 also preserves FOREIGN KEY constraints.
 Please test it!
 Best regards,
 Innobase Oy
 InnoDB - transactions, foreign keys, and a hot backup tool for MySQL
 Subject: innodb and fragmentation
 From: Per Andreas Buer
 Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 09:39:58 +0200
 We have an InnoDB database which is get quite fragmented. We defragment
 it about once a month, converting the table from innodb to myisam and
 back. After a defragmentation our database performance is more or less
 doubled. IO-strain is reduced with 50%.
 Would it be possible to have alter table foo no-op og alter table foo
 reindex or similar - so we could do this with only one conversion - not
 Are there any plans to implement index clustering or similar technology
 to battle this? (Would clustering help?)
 Per Andreas Buer
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: innodb on delete cascade

2003-08-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
I'm using mysql-max 4.04. This works.

drop table if exists Parent;
create table Parent (
id int not null auto_increment primary key
) type = InnoDB;

drop table if exists Child;
create table Child (
id int not null auto_increment primary key,
parent_id int not null
) type = InnoDB;
alter table Child add index(parent_id);
alter table Child add constraint foreign key(parent_id) references
Parent(id) on delete cascade;

mysql insert into Parent values(1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql insert into Parent values(2);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql insert into Parent values(3);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

mysql select * from Parent;
| id |
|  1 |
|  2 |
|  3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql insert into Child (parent_id) values (1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql insert into Child (parent_id) values (2);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql insert into Child (parent_id) values (3);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.11 sec)

mysql select * from Child;
| id | parent_id |
|  2 | 1 |
|  3 | 2 |
|  4 | 3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql delete from Parent where id = 1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql select * from Child;
| id | parent_id |
|  3 | 2 |
|  4 | 3 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

you see the cascade. the only thing I can suggest is have a look at your
msql version, or use the syntax I have above...

good luck

R.Dobson wrote:
 mmm, i've just tried the example within the mysql docs:
 CREATE TABLE child(id INT, parent_id INT, INDEX par_ind (parent_id),
  FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id)
  ON DELETE cascade
 Now, insert a couple of lies of data:
 mysql insert into parent values(1);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql insert into parent values(2);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql insert into parent values(3);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql insert into child values(1,1);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
 mysql insert into child values(2,2);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql insert into child values(3,3);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql select * from child;
 | id   | parent_id |
 |1 | 1 |
 |2 | 2 |
 |3 | 3 |
 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql select * from parent;
 | id |
 |  1 |
 |  2 |
 |  3 |
 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 When I come to try to delete some data from the parent table i'm getting
 errors as in:
 mysql delete from parent where id=1;
 ERROR 1217: Cannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
 any thoughts?
 Jeff Mathis wrote:
 I just looked at your table syntax. you've got two auto_increment pk
 columns. do you always have a 1:1 correspondence between the name and
 gene tables? would it not be better to have a gene_id column in name,
 put an index on it, and then issue:
 alter table name add foreign key(gene_id) references gene(id) on delete
 In fact, I'm not sure you can actually create the constraint as you
 currently describe it 
 R.Dobson wrote:
   Hi, yes, I should have included in the first mail. They are:
 mysql show table status like 'gene%';
 | Name | Type   | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | Data_length |
 Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment |
 Create_time | Update_time | Check_time | Create_options |
 Comment   |
 | gene | InnoDB | Dynamic|0 |  0 |   16384
 |NULL |0 | 0 |  1 |
 NULL| NULL| NULL   || InnoDB free:
 55296 kB |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql show table status like 'name%';
 | Name | Type   | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | Data_length

Re: innodb on delete cascade

2003-08-14 Thread Jeff Mathis
 | id | other_name | other_symbol | refseq_ID | GO   | locus_link | 
 other_species_index |
 |  9 | hi | human| i | i| i  | i   
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql delete from gene where id=9;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql select * from name;
 | id | other_name | other_symbol | refseq_ID | GO   | locus_link | 
 other_species_index |
 |  9 | hi | human| i | i| i  | i   
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql select * from gene;
 Empty set (0.00 sec)
 The entry from name should be deleted as well?
 Check if table types are InnoDB with SHOW CREATE TABLE or SHOW TABLE STATUS 

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: innodb on delete cascade

2003-08-12 Thread Jeff Mathis
 |  9 | hi   | human   |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql select * from name;
 | id | other_name | other_symbol | refseq_ID | GO   | locus_link | 
 other_species_index |
 |  9 | hi | human| i | i| i  | i   
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql delete from gene where id=9;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql select * from name;
 | id | other_name | other_symbol | refseq_ID | GO   | locus_link | 
 other_species_index |
 |  9 | hi | human| i | i| i  | i   
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql select * from gene;
 Empty set (0.00 sec)
 The entry from name should be deleted as well?
 Check if table types are InnoDB with SHOW CREATE TABLE or SHOW TABLE STATUS 

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: reindexing

2003-08-07 Thread Jeff Mathis
what is the command to update InnoDB table indexes?


Brent Baisley wrote:
 You are referring to fragmentation. In this case I'm pretty sure it's
 just  a matter of updating the indexes so that MySQL makes the correct
 assumptions about the distribution of data. MySQL assumes data values
 have an equal distribution in a database, updating the indexes will
 force MySQL to update it's assumptions and thus do a better job of
 optimizing searches.
 On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 12:17 PM, Jeff Mathis wrote:
  I was under the impression that InnoDB tables took care of this for
  You only need to be concerned if you add/delete repeatedly from
  but the end rows of the table.
  I'd like to know if I'm wrong about this.
  Adam Nelson wrote:
  I just did a major insert of new data and now all my selects have
  down.  The table is innodb.  Is there a way to reindex everything
  without having to drop anything.  Otherwise, I suppose I will have to
  drop the indexes and remake them.
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  Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.505-955-1434
  The Prediction Company[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
  Santa Fe, NM 87505
  MySQL General Mailing List
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 Brent Baisley
 Systems Architect
 Landover Associates, Inc.
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 p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: reindexing

2003-08-06 Thread Jeff Mathis
I was under the impression that InnoDB tables took care of this for you.
You only need to be concerned if you add/delete repeatedly from anywhere
but the end rows of the table.

I'd like to know if I'm wrong about this.

Adam Nelson wrote:
 I just did a major insert of new data and now all my selects have slowed
 down.  The table is innodb.  Is there a way to reindex everything
 without having to drop anything.  Otherwise, I suppose I will have to
 drop the indexes and remake them.
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: Update Table By ID Ranges

2003-07-31 Thread Jeff Mathis
how about

UPDATE testTable set testField='' WHERE
test_id = 100 and test_id = 1000;

Mike Doanh Tran wrote:
 How do i use the UPDATE statement to update a range of Primary Key id
 numbers. (let say 100 through 1000).
 UPDATE testTable set testField='' WHERE
 test_id in (100:1000);
 Thanks in advance for any comments,
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: Triggers

2003-06-17 Thread Jeff Mathis
the main reason I might suggest NOT to do this is a data integrity one.
As long as someone can go in through a mysql prompt and touch data, PHP
or ASP will do you no good. 

Data integrity checks should, in so far as possible, always be put into
the schema, and not in an API. 

just my two cents 

Primaria Falticeni wrote:
 Why don't you use PHP or ASP functions on the server-side in Web page code.
 They act like a trigger and you don't need MySQL 5.0 for them. Remember that
 you can benefit from the both servers: MySQL and Web server.
 - Original Message -
 From: Kerry Colligan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:10 PM
 Subject: Triggers
  I see that 5.x will support triggers. Does anyone have any advice for
  implementation of triggers on the DB? I will need to be able to utilize
  from web applications AND from command-line type interface. Any
  welcome at this point. (RH 7.3, MySQL 3.23.56 presently)
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
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525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
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Re: need help

2003-06-11 Thread Jeff Mathis
I have no idea. sorry.

Sibananda Sahoo wrote:
 Thanks for your reply. Could you please tell me is it
 possible to achieve foreign key constraint in MySQL
 --- Jeff Mathis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i'm not an expert by any means :)
  but, you do need indexes on both the primary key and
  the foreign key.
  you've got one on foo_id, but you also need on on
  check the lists for more information. there's been
  plenty of discussion
  lately ...
  good luck
  Sibananda Sahoo wrote:
   Dear Sir
   I am using MySQL 3.23.56. I want to achieve
   key constraints. But not able to achieve.
   Right now status of table is : MyISAM. So I tried
   convert it to InnoDB in the following way but not
   to convert.
   1. ALTER TABLE mytableName Type=InnoDB;
   Then I tried to create a table
   create table foo (
  foo_idint unsigned auto_increment,
  foo_value int,
  primary key(foo_id)
) type=innodb;
   For the above table it also shows the status as
   Could you pls suggest how can I change and to
   foreign key constraints.
   Do you Yahoo!?
   Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync
  to Outlook(TM).
  Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.505-955-1434
  The Prediction Company[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
  Santa Fe, NM 87505
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: need help

2003-06-09 Thread Jeff Mathis
i'm not an expert by any means :)

but, you do need indexes on both the primary key and the foreign key.
you've got one on foo_id, but you also need on on foo_value.

check the lists for more information. there's been plenty of discussion
lately ...

good luck
Sibananda Sahoo wrote:
 Dear Sir
 I am using MySQL 3.23.56. I want to achieve foreign
 key constraints. But not able to achieve.
 Right now status of table is : MyISAM. So I tried to
 convert it to InnoDB in the following way but not able
 to convert.
 1. ALTER TABLE mytableName Type=InnoDB;
 Then I tried to create a table
 create table foo (
foo_idint unsigned auto_increment,
foo_value int,
primary key(foo_id)
  ) type=innodb;
 For the above table it also shows the status as
 Could you pls suggest how can I change and to achieve
 foreign key constraints.
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: help creating foreign keys

2003-06-04 Thread Jeff Mathis
the syntax for foreign key creation is different than what you have. You
need an alter table statement.

create table bar (
   bar_idint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
   foo_idint unsigned,
   bar_value int,
 ) type=innodb; 
alter table bar add constraint foreign key (foo_id) references
foo(foo_id) on delete cascade;

Justin Scheiber wrote:
 Hello, I want to create the following tables - where a foriegn key
 references an auto_incremented primary key of another table.  In my
 simple logic, it seem like such a thing should be possible -- after all,
 i just need the value of the referenced primary key.  I know you can't
 have 2 auto_increment columns in a table,  and I have read up on the
 errno: 150 but it still seems like this should be possible.Do I need
 to rethink the table structure?  Or do I just not understand something here?
 create table foo (
   foo_idint unsigned auto_increment,
   foo_value int,
   primary key(foo_id)
 ) type=innodb;
 create table bar (
   bar_idint unsigned auto_increment,
   foo_idint unsigned,
   bar_value int,
   primary key (bar_id),
   foreign key(foo_id) references foo(foo_id),
 ) type=innodb;
 ERROR 1005: Can't create table './test/bar.frm' (errno: 150)
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: help creating foreign keys

2003-06-04 Thread Jeff Mathis
yes, quite right. thanks for pointing that out.


Kevin Fries wrote:
 In InnoDB you *must* put an index on foreign keys.  It doesn't do this
 for you automatically.
 You can do it in one statement:
 create table bar (
bar_idint unsigned auto_increment,
foo_idint unsigned,
bar_value int,
constraint bar_pk primary key (bar_id),
index (foo_id),
foreign key (foo_id) references foo (foo_id)
  ) type=innodb;
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Mathis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 10:09 AM
 To: Justin Scheiber
 Subject: Re: help creating foreign keys
 the syntax for foreign key creation is different than what you have. You
 need an alter table statement.
 create table bar (
bar_idint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
foo_idint unsigned,
bar_value int,
  ) type=innodb;
 alter table bar add constraint foreign key (foo_id) references
 foo(foo_id) on delete cascade;
 Justin Scheiber wrote:
  Hello, I want to create the following tables - where a foriegn key
  references an auto_incremented primary key of another table.  In my
  simple logic, it seem like such a thing should be possible -- after
  all, i just need the value of the referenced primary key.  I know you
  can't have 2 auto_increment columns in a table,  and I have read up on
  errno: 150 but it still seems like this should be possible.Do I
  to rethink the table structure?  Or do I just not understand something
  create table foo (
foo_idint unsigned auto_increment,
foo_value int,
primary key(foo_id)
  ) type=innodb;
  create table bar (
bar_idint unsigned auto_increment,
foo_idint unsigned,
bar_value int,
primary key (bar_id),
foreign key(foo_id) references foo(foo_id),
  ) type=innodb;
  ERROR 1005: Can't create table './test/bar.frm' (errno: 150)
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 Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
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 Santa Fe, NM 87505
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Re: primary key/foreign key constraints with InnoDB

2003-04-02 Thread Jeff Mathis
but I think the lik you provided won't help. I know how to create pk/fk
contraints, and do in our schema, when the foreign key is completely
specified. for example, if my original table was instead:

create table Example (
   id int not null auto_increment primary key,
   fk_id int not null
) type = InnoDB;

then I create an index in fk_id, and issue the alter table statement:
alter table Example add constraint foreign key (fk_id) references

for an InnoDB table called Fk.

What I need to do is somehow put an if statement in there. If
table_name = 'TabA', then verify that exists. If table_name =
'TabB', then verify that exists. TabA and TabB, for the present
purposes, could simply be

create table TabA {
id int not null auto_increment primary key
) type = InnoDB;

create table TabB {
id int not null auto_increment primary key
) type = InnoDB;

Its as though I could do the following:

create table Example (
id int not null auto_increment primary key,
table_name enum('TabA','TabB') not null,
table_id int not null
) type = InnoDB;
alter table Example add index (table_id);
alter table Example add constraint foreign key (table_id) references 
(if table_name = 'TabA' then TabA(id) else TabB(id);

but I don't think this works.


Stefan Hinz wrote:
  I'm wondering if its somehow possible to create a pk/fk constraint for
  the table below
  create table Example (
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  table_name enum('TabA','TabB') not null,
  table_id int not null
  ) type = InnoDB;
  if table_name is 'TabA', then I want to make sure the row exists in
  TabA. Likewise if table_name is 'TabB'
 You can find the syntax for MySQL / InnoDB and a good example here:
 To avoid trouble, consider this sentence from that page:
 Both tables have to be InnoDB type and there must be an index where
 the foreign key and the referenced key are listed as the FIRST
 columns. InnoDB does not auto-create indexes on foreign keys or
 referenced keys: you have to create them explicitly.
 The example on that page, however, shows exactly how you'd do that.
   Stefan Hinz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   iConnect GmbH
   Heesestr. 6, 12169 Berlin (Germany)
   Telefon: +49 30 7970948-0  Fax: +49 30 7970948-3
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Re: primary key/foreign key constraints with InnoDB

2003-04-02 Thread Jeff Mathis
thanks for the advice Stephen. I'll admit though I am somewhat loathe to
adding an artifical row in the other tables, but it may not be a bad way
to go. In the past, I've written triggers to do this kind of check, but
mysql doesn't yet support triggers.

what I ended up doing is carefully rethinking the schema. It turns out
we came up with a better design that does not require the table_name,
table_id linking mechanism. We just link into one table, which of course
presents no problems in creating a foreign key constraint. 


Stephen Giese wrote:
 We faced a similar challenge in an application: Each child record must have
 a parent in one of two tables, TabA or TabB, but not both.  We solved it
 by adding a foreign-key field for each possible parent in the child
 table.  Each column can have the FK constraint.  We were using Sybase, but
 I translate the DDL to MySQL below.
 create table Example (
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  tableA_id  int not null,
  tableB_id  int not null
 ) type = InnoDB;
 alter table Example add index (tableA_id);
 alter table Example add index (tableB_id);
 alter table Example add constraint foreign key (tableA_id) references TabA(id);
 alter table Example add constraint foreign key (tableB_id) references TabB(id);
 However, you will notice that each child record now must have a parent
 record in BOTH parent tables.  We used our front end to enforce a rule that
 the one of the two foreign key fields is always -1 (or some other default
 value).  Then we insert a record into each parent with a key value that
 matches our default (-1).
 This method is not as easily extensible as your model, but perhaps that's
 OK.  In SQL to join the parent and child you must decide which parent to
 join based on which FK column has the non-default value.
 You might be able to come up with a DB rule to ensure that exactly one of
 the FK values is non-default.
 At 09:26 AM 4/2/2003 -0700, Jeff Mathis wrote:
 but I think the lik you provided won't help. I know how to create pk/fk
 contraints, and do in our schema, when the foreign key is completely
 specified. for example, if my original table was instead:
 create table Example (
 id int not null auto_increment primary key,
 fk_id int not null
 ) type = InnoDB;
 then I create an index in fk_id, and issue the alter table statement:
 alter table Example add constraint foreign key (fk_id) references
 for an InnoDB table called Fk.
 What I need to do is somehow put an if statement in there. If
 table_name = 'TabA', then verify that exists. If table_name =
 'TabB', then verify that exists. TabA and TabB, for the present
 purposes, could simply be
 create table TabA {
  id int not null auto_increment primary key
 ) type = InnoDB;
 create table TabB {
  id int not null auto_increment primary key
 ) type = InnoDB;
 Its as though I could do the following:
 create table Example (
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  table_name enum('TabA','TabB') not null,
  table_id int not null
 ) type = InnoDB;
 alter table Example add index (table_id);
 alter table Example add constraint foreign key (table_id) references
  (if table_name = 'TabA' then TabA(id) else TabB(id);
 but I don't think this works.

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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host-bin files

2003-03-21 Thread Jeff Mathis
we're using mysql-max4.04 on solaris 2.8. all tables are InnoDB tables.

I see in the data directory a series of host-bin files. I'm assuming
these are the index files. Is this correct? the sum total size of these
files are larger than the files I've allocated for data. How can I
manage these files? What happens if I delete them How can I tell if any
of them are stale?


Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: host-bin files

2003-03-21 Thread Jeff Mathis
great. the files are exactly as you describe.

we are doing transactions when we load. auto commit is off, and the
loader commits rows after a certain number has hit the database.
however, if I understand you correctly, once a load is complete and
everything has been committed, we are free to delete these files if we
want. database backup and recovery is a separate issue?

thanks for your response


Jeff Kilpatrick wrote:
 Actually, thsee sound like the binary log files used primarily for
 replication.  If you're on host doctorpants, they'll be
 and so forth.  If you don't want a write query log and aren't doing
 transactions, remove the binlog option from my.cnf and do a
 to remove the files.  They contain none of your data, just what it took
 to get there.  You can use mysqlbinlog to translate them to SQL files.
 On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 12:52, Jeff Mathis wrote:
  we're using mysql-max4.04 on solaris 2.8. all tables are InnoDB tables.
  I see in the data directory a series of host-bin files. I'm assuming
  these are the index files. Is this correct? the sum total size of these
  files are larger than the files I've allocated for data. How can I
  manage these files? What happens if I delete them How can I tell if any
  of them are stale?
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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matlab interface

2003-02-14 Thread Jeff Mathis

does anyone know of a good mysql-matlab release 13 interface? the
standard database connection capability within matlab is a really poor
implementation based on JDBC. JDBC is fine, but not how the matlab
people use it.



Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-995-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Mysql Innodb performance slow

2002-10-25 Thread Jeff Mathis
I'll agree to this somewhat:

(1) always bind your variables. whatever code you are using to do your
inserts, the fewer prepared statements you can make the better.

for example:
insert into TableName (col1, col2, col2, col4) values (?,?,?,?)

then, once you have a prepared statment, do a loop and insert.

(2) drop all indexes on your table(s). rebuild them after loading (this
alone can give orders of magnitude improvement)

(3) commit every 10,000 records or so.

I can load several million rows into our InnoDB tables in a few minutes.

good luck


Richard Clarke wrote:
 Two things are likely to make this umpteen times faster.
 a) Commit the insert transaction every.. say 1000 records?
 b) use mysql's extended insert statement,
 insert into mytable values
 (row1_field1,row1_field2),(row2_field1,row2_field2),(?,?),(?,?) etc etc
 - Original Message -
 From: Jeroen Geusebroek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 12:11 PM
 Subject: Mysql Innodb performance slow
 Hi There,
 We have currently an Interbase Database with millions and millions of
 rows which I would like
 to migrate to MySQL if possible to increase the speed.
 Transaction support is necessary, so I am using innoDB.
 When inserting 160K rows in the database (in an innoDB table) it takes
 about 700! seconds
 while the amount of same rows when inserted in a myisam table take about
 100 seconds.
 Now probably this can be fine tuned (I hope), and would like to ask for
 some suggestions.
 Is anybody using innodb with this amount of rows?  I'm curious of what
 the performance is.
 Is there something I should keep in mind when migrating?
 Kind regards,
 Jeroen Geusebroek
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Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-995-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Santa Fe, NM 87505

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Re: Mysql Innodb performance slow

2002-10-25 Thread Jeff Mathis
forgive me.

i was initially using the perl DBI methods to load. I am not intimately
familiar with the inner workings of DBI, but obviously it must be doing
something if you say mysql does not support binding variables
(i am using 4.0.4). This is significantly faster than creating a new
prepared statement for every insert.

I'm now using JDBC, and havne't explored this yet. I'm coming from the
Oracle camp, and have only been using mysql for less than a month. so
far, i find it very snappy. I do miss the ability to have stored
procedures, triggers and views however.

Dan Nelson wrote:
 In the last episode (Oct 25), Jeff Mathis said:
  I'll agree to this somewhat:
  (1) always bind your variables. whatever code you are using to do your
  inserts, the fewer prepared statements you can make the better.
  for example:
  insert into TableName (col1, col2, col2, col4) values (?,?,?,?)
  then, once you have a prepared statment, do a loop and insert.
 Note that mysql does not support bind variables.  If you think you're
 using them, whatever API you are using is filling them in before
 sending the statement to mysql.  Bind variables do solve quoting
 problems, though, so if you use them, know why you're using them :)
 Dan Nelson

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-995-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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show version problem

2002-10-23 Thread Jeff Mathis

I'm running version 4.0.3-beta-max-log on SunOS 5.8 (Generic_108528-15
sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R)

output from mysqlshow -V:
mysqlshow  Ver 9.4 Distrib 4.0.3-beta, for sun-solaris2.8 (sparc)

I'm finding that executing either 'show variables' from a mysql session
or 'mysqladmin -variables' from a shell prompt crashes the database. the
database then restarts. this appears to be 100% repeatable on my

Also, I cannot execute 'show table status from [tablename]'. All of my
tables happen to be InnoDB tables.
However, executing only 'show table status' or 'mysqlshow --status'
works fine.

any help you all can give wold be appreciated.


jeff mathis

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-995-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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error executing 'show variables' and 'show table status from [table]'

2002-10-15 Thread Jeff Mathis


I'm running version 4.0.3-beta-max-log on SunOS 5.8 (Generic_108528-15
sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R)

output from mysqlshow -V:
mysqlshow  Ver 9.4 Distrib 4.0.3-beta, for sun-solaris2.8 (sparc)

I'm finding that executing either 'show variables' from a mysql session
or 'mysqladmin -variables' from a shell prompt crashes the database. the
database then restarts. this appears to be 100% repeatable on my

Also, I cannot execute 'show table status from [tablename]'. All of my
tables happen to be InnoDB tables.
However, executing only 'show table status' or 'mysqlshow --status'
works fine.

any help you all can give wold be appreciated.


jeff mathis

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-995-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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