re: replication newbie questions

2013-08-29 Thread Michael Widenius


 Ed == Ed L writes:

Ed Mysql newbie here, looking for some help configuring 5.0.45 master-slave 
Ed replication.  Here's my scenario...

Ed We have a heavily loaded 30gb 5.0.45 DB we need to replicate via 
Ed master-slave configuration to a new, beefier server running same mysql 
Ed 5.0.45, and then cutover to the new server.  Due to extreme SAN 
Ed congestion and a grossly overloaded master server, our DB dumps take 5.5 
Ed hours.  But we cannot afford that much downtime or locking during the 
Ed replication transition; we can manage 10-15 minutes, but more is very 
Ed problematic.

Ed I understand that FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK will lock the tables for 
Ed the duration of the 5.5 hour dump.  Is this true?


Ed If so, we'd like to dump/initialize/sync slave WITHOUT any locking 
Ed anything the master for more than a few seconds if at all possible.  
Ed Will this give us the dump we need?

Ed  mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data --all-databases

You can do a dump without locking by using the xtrabackup tool.
This however assumes you are using InnoDB as the storage engine.

The other option is to use file system snapshots, if your file system
supports that.  In this case you only have to do the FLUSH TABLES
... for the duration of the snapshot.


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Re: InnoDB vs. other storage engines

2012-09-22 Thread Michael Widenius


 Manuel == Manuel Arostegui writes:

Manuel 2012/9/19 Mark Haney
 I hope this doesn't end in some kind of flame war.  I'm looking to
 optimize my tables (and performance in general) of the DB my web app is
 using.  I'm tweaking things a little at a time, but I'm curious as to what
 the rest of the MySQL list thinks about changing my storage engine from
 InnoDB to something else so I can optimize the tables on a regular basis.
 Is it worth the effort?  Any caveats?

Manuel Hi Mark,

Manuel I would depend on what your workload would be. Mostly writes, mostly 
Manuel how many writes/reads do you expect etc.
Manuel The best approach, from my point of view, would be, firstly, tune your
Manuel MySQL server (if you've not done it yet) before getting into 
Manuel optimizations which can be more complicated.

InnoDB is a great engine, but not suitable for everything.
Depending on your usage, moving some tables to another engine may

Here is some suggestions (in no particular order):

- If you want to have small footprint but don't need commit, foreign
  keys or explicite rollback then ARIA is an option.
- Duplicating some data in the MEMORY engine may also be beneficially.
- If your problem is a lot of write, then you should take a look at
  Tokutek. It's an engine that is optimized for a lot of inserts.
- If you want to utilize a lot of computers to analyze BIG data then
  ScaleDB ( or InfiniDB (
  may be an option.
Good luck and please post/blog about your experiences!

Creator of MySQL and MariaDB

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re: ignore-db-dir

2012-09-10 Thread Michael Widenius


 Noel == Noel Butler writes:

Noel Shaun,
Noel Is this option planned for backport into 5.5.x ?

Another option is to provide a patch and suggest to have it included
in MariaDB 5.5.

You can of course also consider to sponsor this so that we can do this
for you...

Creator of MySQL and MariaDB

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Re: Exporting to CSV. Error Code: 2013. Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2012-07-31 Thread Michael Widenius


 Fred == Fred G Fred writes:

Fred Thanks Dhaval.  Putting the join condition before INTO outfile doesn't 
Fred to work, either.

Fred When I try to use the same outfile name 'test123.csv' I get Error Code:
Fred 1086 File 'test123.csv' already exists.  But then when I try to find the
Fred csv file on my computer, there is a folder with that name, but weird files
Fred in it, none of which are a csv-- and certainly not in the location that I
Fred thought it would be (the same directory that the .sql query is in).

It's the mysqld server that is writing the .csv file. This means that
the path is related to the mysql data directory and not to where your
.sql file is.

When using select into outfile it's always best to give a full path!

Fred  Additionally, when I try to identify a different path, such as 'C:\\' 
Fred I get an error.  This error is: Error Code: 1. Can't create/write to file
Fred C:\test123.csv(Errocde: 2).

This probably means that you don't have write access to C:\

Fred I tried running the query outputting to a different named .csv file, but 
Fred is still just running... and seems like it was like yesterday where 
Fred 10 minutes I will get the Error that the MySQL connection was lost.

The reason that your connection is lost are ether:
- There is timeout in the client you are using
  (The server never gives a timeout for running queries).
- The mysqld server died (not likely but possible).
- Some process in your system is killing quries that runs too long.

One way to quickly check that things are working are by adding LIMIT 1
to the query.

Fred Does anyone have an idea of what is going on?

 The query without exporting the file works fine, in about 12 sec/77 sec.
 read online how to export MySQL queries into csv's, and I'm not sure what
 am doing wrong.  I keep getting the error:
 Error Code: 2013.  Lost connection to MySQL server during query, where the
 duration/fetch values are 600.547 sec (~10 minutes).

What is the exact error message?
Which client are you using to do the query?

It's strange that the query works fine when you are not using select
into outfile.

What MySQL version are you using

Creator of MySQL and MariaDB

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re: mysqlcheck 5.5 -a -o

2011-01-17 Thread Michael Widenius


 Noel == Noel Butler writes:

Noel In all previous versions we were able to run -Aao --auto-repair

Noel Anyone know WHY, in 5.5,   -a   and   -o  , must be run separately, this
Noel is kind of silly I think, requiring two passes now.

I checked the 5.0 code and even there you could not run 'a' and 'o'
separately.  mysqlcheck always used the later option.

However as optimize for most engines that supports it does an
automatic analyze, you can solve your problem by just removing the
'a' option above.


PS: Have you tried out MariaDB yet?

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re: 5.1.x review

2010-08-20 Thread Michael Widenius


 Elim == Elim PDT writes:

Elim There are so many versions of 5.1, Is there some review or
Elim recommendations for a stable one? thanks

Just download the latest MySQL 5.1 or MariaDB 5.1 release for your
platform.  Both should be stable enough for your usage.


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Help keep the Internet free

2009-12-29 Thread Michael Widenius


We have just launched a worldwide, multilingual petition at to get signatures to show the regulators in the
EU and other places that it's important that MySQL continues to be
available and developed as a strong Open Source product for all
database needs.

If you care about the future of MySQL as an Open Source product,
please go and sign the petition and tell others about it!

We are also searching for volunteers that can help us with gathering
names for the petition.  If you have a bit a spare time and think that
MySQL is worth saving, please join us on the #helpmysql IRC channel on
Freenode and help us with spreading the world and gather names!

You can make a real difference, wherever you are in the world! The
more names we are able to get, the higher the chance is that we can
keep MySQL free and available for all!

Don't be fooled by the empty promises Oracle have given about the
future of MySQL.  I examined them in my previous blog post at
and showed that Oracle is not really promising anything; Not even that
the Open Source version of MySQL will be developed further.

Thanks to everyone that helped us with the previous campaign. It was
of great help, but probably not enough, which is why we had to start
this new campaign to gather even more names.

This time we will be able to use the names to influence decisions
worldwide (not just in the EU) and we will get more public
attention. This will be far more powerful.

During the previous campaign there was a lot of discussions in
different medias about my incentives for driving it.

I have tried to answer most of these concerns in my latest blogpost:

Help us keep the Infrastructure of the Internet free!

Creator of MySQL

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Re: Help saving MySQL

2009-12-15 Thread Michael Widenius


 Facundo == Facundo Garat writes:

Facundo i don't really thinks this is about open source or not.

Agree, this has to do about competition and that Oracle, the leader in
revenue for databases are trying to buy MySQL, the leader in users
just to kill it off.

Facundo MySQL became more closed when Sun bought it and while i think that 
Facundo Oracle will try to get this even more closed IMO it's time to fork it 
Facundo a really open source project. Monty could lead this. The are a lot of 
Facundo forks around that make MySQL even better that it is from SUN.

I have already done a fork, MariaDB. This was done to engage the
community that MySQL AB and Sun has been neglecting into MySQL

The problem with a fork of an infrastructure program like GPL is that
it can only survive if the owner of the copyright has good intentions,
like Sun has.

With Oracle as a copyright owner, there is very little chance for a
fork to survice. I have written an analyse of this at:

The promises that Oracle has done regarding MySQL are not enough to
protect MySQL from being killed as an Open Source project; When you
analyse them, they are actually promising very little now and nothing
after 5 years!

It's still not too late to save MySQL and everyone that is using MySQL
can help making a real difference.
Please visit
and write a message to EC!


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Help saving MySQL

2009-12-12 Thread Michael Widenius
  not implemented/released until after Oracle announced it was acquiring Sun.
- Oracle started working on InnoDB+, a better 'closed source' version of InnoDB
- In the end Sun had to fork InnoDB, just to be able to improve performance.

It's true that development did continue, but this was more to be able
to continue using InnoDB as a pressure on MySQL Ab.

Note that Oracle's development on the Linux kernel is not comparable
with MySQL, because:
- Oracle is using Linux as the main platform for their primary database
  product (and thus a better Linux makes Oracles platform better)
- The GPL code in the kernel is not affecting what is running on top on it
  (because of an exception in Linux).

Because we don't have access to a database of MySQL customers and
users the only way we can get the word out is to use the MySQL and
Open Source community. I would never have resorted to this if Oracle
would not have broken the well established rules in anticompetitive
merger cases and try to influence the EC by actively mobilising the

This is very critical to this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as EC, depending on
what Oracle is doing, needs to make a decision either on Monday
(2009-12-14) or within two weeks. Becasue of the strict deadline,
every email counts!

What I want to ask you to do (until 2009-12-19):

- Forward this email to everyone that you know is using MySQL or Open
  Source/free software and to all email list where you know there are
  people present that use or care about MySQL and open source (please check
  first that this email hasn't been sent there before)
- Alternatively send emails with information about this and tell them to read
- Add links on your web site to with the text We 
are using MySQL, help save it, for the
  duration of the next two week.
- Blog about this (feel free to include this text or just link to my blog)
- Call by phone (don't contact by email, this is urgent) your boss or VP
  and ask him to read this email and send a letter to the EC commission ASAP!
- If you don't have anyone to contact above, send an email to the EC!

As we want the EC to get a correct picture of the situation, we want
you to first fill in the upper part and then choose one of the
proposed texts belove that best matches your view of the
situation. Feel free to supply your own text and additional
information if you think this will help the EC to reach a better
understanding of how MySQL is used.

Send this to:

If you have extra time to help, fill in the following, if not, just skip
to the main text.

Size of company:
How many MySQL installations:
Total data stored in MySQL (megabyte):
For what type of applications is MySQL used:
Should this email be kept confidential by EC:  Yes/No

Copy or use one of the below texts as a base for your answer:

I don't trust that Oracle will take good care of MySQL and MySQL
should be divested to another company or foundation that have
everything to gain by developing and promoting MySQL. One should also
in the future be able to combine MySQL with closed source application
(either by exceptions, a more permissive license or be able to dual
license MySQL under favourable terms)


I think that Oracle could be a good steward of MySQL, but I would need
EC to have legally binding guarantees from Oracle that:
- All of MySQL will continue to be fully Open Source/free software in
  the future (no closed source modules)
- That development will be done in community friendly way.
- The manual should be released under a permissive license (so that one
  can fork it, the same way one can fork the server)
- That MySQL should be released under a more permissive license to
  ensure that forks can truly compete with Oracle if Oracle is not a
  good steward after all.
- One should be able to always buy low priced commercial licenses for MySQL.

There should also be mechanism so that if Oracle is not doing
what is expected of it, forks should be able to compete with Oracle

I trust Oracle and I suggest that EC will approve the deal unconditionally.

Let us prove to Oracle and EC that the Open Source community is a true
force and we take good care of our citizens and we prefer to work with
companies that does the same!

The future of MySQL is in your hands!

Thanks for the help!
Michael Widenius
Creator of MySQL

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re: Question!

2009-04-02 Thread Michael Widenius


 Jarikre == Jarikre Efemena writes:

Jarikre Dear sir,
Jarikre I am young web developer using PHP Script in designing interactive 
website. I desire to include Mysql database on my websites. 
Jarikre Please, how do I import, upload/export Mysql database to a website 
server after creating a Mysql user account and a particular database on my 
local machine?
Jarikre I will be very grateful if comprehensive response is granted to my 

Just copy the files in your data directory or use 'mysqldump'.


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Re: WL#946 and Changing time literal format

2009-02-03 Thread Michael Widenius


 Konstantin == Konstantin Osipov writes:

Konstantin * Michael Widenius [09/01/30 14:53]:
 Its more important that we don't break things for current users than
 try to be concerned about possible wrong usage that no one seams to do
 or find important enough to complain about.

Konstantin Monty, I disagree with this statement. Our current users use the
Konstantin current versions of the server. It's a separate question of what
Konstantin support we're willing to give them and for how long.
Konstantin In the new versions we should hold high the expectations of new
Konstantin users, and they are about standard compliance, and also about ease
Konstantin of migration.

Sorry, but the above is not true.  We have asked user over and over
again what they think about the standard and they have said it's not
critical or even important to them.; What is important that we don't
break their old applications!

When going forward, we must prioritize old user to new ones!
The old ones are our current or customers in the near future. If we
make them unhappy we don't have a business anymore.

The new users will mainly listen to old user if they should use MySQL
or not. If we make the old ones angry, we don't get new users.

Konstantin sql_modes are not a solution since they make the server code a
Konstantin mess, and won't let us make everyone happy anyway. 

I disagree that it makes the code messy. The code depends on how you
implement them. sql_modes are there to help people easier switch to a
newer server and gives them time to upgrade their old applications
over time.  When you have an application with million of code, it will
take time to find and fix all issues.  Seeing able to resolve things
when things are found to break by simply using a sql_mode may save the
day for them.

It's important that you see the usage of MySQL from theu user point of
view;  Saying that something is complex and we will not do it, will
not satisfy a user that needs it.

Konstantin MySQL server needs a vision. Sticking to expectations of existing
Konstantin users is looking back into (not-so) glorious past.

Our existing users is the second biggest user base for any database.
We reached this level as MySQL has worked to their expectations.
Trying to do things differently, like other companies have tried, will
just lead to failures.

Konstanting Trying to make everybody happy is infeasible.

Konstantin Our only option is to move forward 
Konstantin to meet expectations of our modern adopters, and they are largely
Konstantin more intelligent, with past database experience, so the standard
Konstantin compliance is high on their list.

On what do you base your observation ?  It's not what our users have
been telling us on MySQL conferences.

People are using MySQL because it's different and can satisfy their
needs. Standards are useful, but not important for our current or
future users.  Getting the job done and not having downtime, even when
upgrading, that is important!

Konstantin What's worse, is that while we're fighting internally when to make
Konstantin an incompatible change and when not, our change management process
Konstantin is a mess. 

That's another issue, but it's not any reason to abound features that
some of our users may depend on.

Konstantin We introduce incompatible changes in every major release, so
Konstantin people are forced to migrate their applications manually again and
Konstantin again. And yet we can't plan our changes in a way that a bulk
Konstantin incompatible changes in a certain area are done at once, forcing
Konstantin people to look into the problem once only, rather than on every
Konstantin upgrade.

That is a problem with our development processes, has nothing to do
with sql modes.

Konstantin It's a pity we can't shift our focus and mental efforts from
Konstantin developing a shared understanding what incompatible changes are
Konstantin right and called for, to developing the best way of making
Konstantin changes.

Just focusing on one area doesn't solve any problems.
What is needed is to have a good understanding of all aspect of the

I agree that we need to change things.  I disagree that doing
incompatible changes without planning and carefull thinking about how
this will affect our user base is the right way to go.


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Re: WL#946 and Changing time literal format

2009-01-30 Thread Michael Widenius


 Roy == Roy Lyseng writes:


 The question here is how PostgreSQL and ANSI does this and also what
 is the logical interpretation of the number.

Roy ISO 9075 (ANSI SQL) is very strict about this. It only allows TIME 
Roy literals with 3 or 4 digit groups, and it only allows the ':' separator 
Roy (except after the seconds part). There is no possibility for ambiguity, 
Roy as the first number is always interpreted as an hour field.

Roy This is a literal format that is seen only by the SQL programmer, so 
Roy there is no need for extensions. Date values provided by end users need 
Roy to go through localization features, so that could be a different story.

What is more important than ANSI is how our users are using TIME now
and how they want to use it in the future.

There is nothing wrong in making things easier for the end user by
using a relaxed way to read in time constants.

We don't want to break working applications that are already used to
use our relaxed time format to read data.


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Re: WL#946 and Changing time literal format

2009-01-30 Thread Michael Widenius


 Bernt == Bernt M Johnsen writes:

 Michael Widenius wrote (2009-01-24 02:07:54):
 As Dmitri pointed out, we shouldn't deprecate '.' as substitute for
 Another things is that we should stop making decisions about
 incompatible changes without listening to the MySQL users.  They know
 more than we how MySQL is used and they are directly affected of any
 incompatible change we force upon them.

Bernt Ok. And what is the users' verdict? Do they want a helpful best
Bernt effort interpretation of time and dates or do they want a well-defined
Bernt standardized portable scheme which reduces the possibilities of bugs?

Normally they don't want their existing applications to break.

Bernt And what does this helpfullness lead to? In Norway it is common to
Bernt write dates as DD.MM.YY. So a buggy program that accepts 01.02.03 (for
Bernt the date 2003-02-01) whould be able to insert it into MySQL without
Bernt errors, but when retrieved the value is 2001-02-03. I don't think the
Bernt user/programmer is happy with that.

They will quickly notice this and fix their time order.

In reality we haven't got many complains from Norway about this, so
I assume they are smart enough in Norway to not run into this problem.

Its more important that we don't break things for current users than
try to be concerned about possible wrong usage that no one seams to do
or find important enough to complain about.

Bernt We have a Norwgeian word for this helpfullness: bjørnetjeneste, but
Bernt I'm not sure what the english idiom would be.


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Re: MySQL Server 5.1.30 has been released

2008-12-07 Thread Michael Widenius


 Daevid == Daevid Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Daevid Monty Widenius (MySQL co-founder who recently left Sun), on the other
Daevid hand, doesn't cast a very favorable light on 5.1 for production use.
Daevid Good read:

Daevid If you plan to use any of the new features of MySQL 5.1, regard
Daevid these as if they would be of beta quality.

To make things clear:

I think that MySQL 5.1 is (much) better version of 5.0.  It's
*labeling* 5.1 as GA that I am not agreeing with.

If you use any of the new features, you should use them with a bit of
caution.  They work for a lot of people but, as can be seen in the bug
reports, there are still some rough edges that shouldn't be in a GA
releases.  When you have 10+ millions of users, it's not good enough
to be 99 % good.


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Re: MySQL Server 5.1.30 has been released

2008-12-07 Thread Michael Widenius


 David == David Giragosian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David On 12/1/08, Daevid Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Monty Widenius (MySQL co-founder who recently left Sun)...

David What's the news on this?

I haven't left Sun.  When MySQL was acquired by Sun, I did move out
from the MySQL development organization to Sun's CTO lab where I am
still today.

I am still working on MySQL related stuff, like the Maria Storage
Engine. Being part of another organization gives me a bit more freedom
to do things I couldn't do before and also to speak my mind about the
MySQL product and the MySQL development organization.


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Re: Monty left sun...

2008-12-07 Thread Michael Widenius


 David == David Giragosian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David Thanks. Just finished the blog, and I think I'm getting the drift.

Don't belive everything you read :)

I am still fully committed to work on MySQL AND the Maria engine.

It's true that I haven't been as happy at Sun as I could be, but this
is related to the MySQL organization, not to Sun itself.  The main
complaint I have about Sun is that they have not been moving fast
enough to fix things that are obviously faulty, like our GA release
criteria as can bee seen with the latest GA labeling.


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MySQL 5.1 declared GA

2008-11-29 Thread Michael Widenius


If you want to know what to expect from MySQL 5.1 GA and when to start
using it, please check my blog at:

Creator of MySQL

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Re[4]: SELECT DISTINCT with ORDER BY implementation

2008-09-30 Thread Michael Widenius


 Andrew == Andrew Aksyonoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andrew Hello Sergey,
Andrew Monday, September 15, 2008, 10:41:31 PM, you wrote:
 in MySQL but in general case it can't assume any order and will have
 to re-sort the sub-select result by outer GROUP BY instead of inner
 ORDER BY. If that sorting is stable, this should work, but can we rely
SP Yes. This is documented behavior:
SP :
SP If you use GROUP BY, output rows are sorted according to the GROUP BY
SP columns as if you had an ORDER BY for the same columns. To avoid the
SP overhead of sorting that GROUP BY produces, add ORDER BY NULL:

Andrew Well, this snippet documents how the *grouped* rows will be ordered,
Andrew but the question is about the properties of specific sorting algorithm
Andrew that is internally used to implement GROUP BY.

Andrew I'm not sure if I'm clear enough so let me provide an example. Assume
Andrew that the inner SELECT produces the following:

Andrew id=1, sortkey=123, groupkey=33
Andrew id=2, sortkey=124, groupkey=33
Andrew id=3, sortkey=125, groupkey=11
Andrew id=4, sortkey=126, groupkey=11
Andrew id=5, sortkey=127, groupkey=22
Andrew id=6, sortkey=128, groupkey=22

Andrew I suppose that 'GROUP BY groupkey' will have to sort the incoming
Andrew rows by groupkey, then go over it sequentially, keeping only the
Andrew first encountered row for every given groupkey. 

That is one algoritm, but MySQL has others.

Andrew However if the specific sorting algorithm is not stable it *might*
Andrew change the order and produce something like that for temporary
Andrew sorted set:

It's not stable; MySQL is using several different technics to
calculate GROUP BY and may thus return the rows in any order within
the group by.

Andrew id=4, sortkey=126, groupkey=11
Andrew id=3, sortkey=125, groupkey=11
Andrew id=6, sortkey=128, groupkey=22
Andrew id=5, sortkey=127, groupkey=22
Andrew id=1, sortkey=123, groupkey=33
Andrew id=2, sortkey=124, groupkey=33

Andrew And put id=4 instead of id=3 into the result set.

Andrew So the question is a bit more subtle :) It's whether the algorithm
Andrew that GROUP BY (and possibly everything else) uses stable or not.
Andrew I'd bet a quarter that it is but just want to make sure :)

In general with SQL:  Don't assume any order of rows if you don't
explicitely specify a sort order.

You can send the quarter to 'the well being of dolphin fund'.


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Re: Help requested to provide bug reports for 5.1

2008-07-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 Mark == Mark Callaghan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mark Can MySQL share the results of performance testing that has been done to
Mark compare 5.1 with 5.0?

I would really like to see them too :)

I will ask around and see if I can find what was done and what the
results where.


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Help requested to provide bug reports for 5.1

2008-07-16 Thread Michael Widenius


This is a request to all MySQL users to help mysql developers, by
providing information, so that we can help you, by providing a more
stable MySQL server for your needs.

As you may know, MySQL 5.1 has been in state of release candidate (RC)
for some time. The last RC was announced as the last RC and is
supposed to be followed by a GA release.  The GA release is planned to
be the exact same code as the last GA, only with the label changed.

The question we, who are developing and supporting the MYSQL server
have been asking ourselves is, Are really now in shape to do a proper
GA release?.

We would like you as a MySQL User to help us out with deciding this.

We don't want to repeat the mistake we did with MySQL 5.0 GA and then
again with MySQL 5.1 RC, by releasing a MySQL 5.1 GA too early.

Our external criteria for General Availability (GA) or Production
release can be found here:

What you may not know is that we have as part of our internal GA
criteria, a requirement that we should not have any serious bugs,
crashing or wrong result bugs, that affects a notable amount of
users. The criteria states that it is ok to postpone fixes for bugs
that have a low impact (ie affects few users).

This has the following implications:

- Bugs for which we don't have many user/customer reports for are not
  likely to get fixed. (In the worst case not even in 6.0 !)

- It's ok to go out with bugs in new feature in the GA as long as we
  don't have many users/customers that have reported problems with these

In other words, if you have an issue with a serious bug that exists in
5.1 that you *really* would like to have fixed soon now is your chance
to influence our development!

Note that it's ok, and we want, you to also report bugs after we
release the MySQL 5.1 as GA. The more users/customers commenting on a
bug the more chance it will be fixed!
What I would like for people to do:

- Report every single bug that you encounter or know about in 5.1 into
  our bugs system.

- If the bug is already reported, please add a comment to the bug
  report that it affects you too.

- If you are a MySQL support customer, add either a note to the bug
  report that you are a customer and the bug affects you or send a
   request as a customer directly to the MySQL support personal (they are
   happy to take your reports!)

- If you have reported a bug a long time ago that has not been fixed
  and this is still important for you to get fixed, please reopen the
  bug/add a note in the bugs database that the bug is still relevant for

Note that you should also do this for bugs that you know of in MySQL
5.0 that are still open for MySQL 5.1 (or any bugs that are labelled
to be fixed in a future release).  Bugs that are in earlier version
are also very likely to also be in 5.1 if the bugs database doesn't
say otherwise.

Lets make the MySQL server bugs life's harder by giving us more
information about which bugs are really important for us to fix.  More
information will help us make better decisions about how and when a
bug should be fixed.

You can find the above text also at:

Founder of MySQL

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Re: Urgent problem

2006-05-24 Thread Michael Widenius


 Peter == Peter Lauri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Peter Best group member,
Peter My computer stopped working. And I was able to install Windows on another
Peter partition and now I face one problem. I was running Windows with MySQL 

Peter I have all C: working, and can access all files.

Peter The first question: Can I recover that data from MySQL?

Peter The second question: How can I do that? (All attempts to repair Windows 
Peter failed, so that option is gone)

Peter I have gone thru the manual but all information there seems to be 
related to
Peter if the database crashes. And some options are there when you do make
Peter backups, but I do not have the backups.

Peter A desperate soul...

In principle you can just copy the tables from one partition/computer to
another and start using them. (The MySQL version doesn't have to
exactly the same, as long as the new one is newer than the old one).

To fix this:

- Install MySQL on your new partition (computer)
- Copy all files in the MySQL data directory (normally C:\mysql\data)
  to your new partition. If the path is different, you may have to
  create a my.cnf file that includes the --basedir and --datadir
  options to your new path.
- Restart MySQL.
- Check/repair your tables by using from the command line:
  C:\mysql\bin\mysqlcheck --all-databases --auto-repair 


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Help us at MySQL user conference

2004-03-25 Thread Michael Widenius


I assume most of you know that we will have our annual MySQL User
conference at April 14-15 in Orlando.

During the conference we will give a lot of information about new
MYSQL features that are already implemented in MySQL 4.1 and 5.0 and
also about the new features we plan to implement in future MySQL

On the conference there will be a lot of MySQL developers around with
intimate knowledge of all MySQL server code. I would like you to talk
with them and tell us what features of MySQL are important to you.
By knowing your needs, we will be able to better satisfy them!

For example:

- What features you find important and why.
- What features you would like us to implement in the near / far
- Talk with MySQL developers about the problems you have faced with
- Ideas of how to we could do things better.
- How to solve some specific problem you are facing with MySQL or some
  other database.
- What you would need from MySQL to be able to move your current
  application to MySQL
- Cool ideas / functions that you would like to see implemented.
- New table handlers that you would like to implement / use.

If you have a tough problem, put it on your laptop or on a CD/DVD and
ask some of the MySQL developers to help you with it during the

If you can't come to the conference, please ensure that someone else
you know comes and talks with our developers so that we can get your
feedback/ideas to improve MySQL.

The MySQL developers that will attend the conference, hold talks and
be available for questions during the whole conference (and beer/vodka
during the evenings) are:

- Brian Aker, Director of Architecture  (Slashdot Database Architect)
  UDF, Storage Engines, Apache, replication, Perl, using MySQL
  under high load. 
- Sergei Golubchik, Sr Software Engineer
  MyISAM, Merge Tables, Full Text Search
- Lars Thalmann, Software Engineer
  MySQL Cluster, Replication
- Mikael Ronstrom, Sr Software Architect
  MySQL Cluster, NDB API
- Konstantin Osipov, Software Engineer
  Cursors, Prepared Statements
- Peter Gulutzan, Software Architect
  SQL Standards, Stored Procedures
- Alexander Byelkin, Software Engineer
  Sub-queries, Query Cache, Views
- Mark Matthews, Software Dev Manager
  Connector/J, JDBC, Java
- Jim Winstead, Lead Web Developer
  PHP, Apache, webmaster
- Alfredo Kojima, Software Engineer
  MySQL Adminstrator, Windowmaker,  other MySQL GUI tools
- Mike Zinner, Software Engineer
  MySQL Adminstrator, Workbench,  other MySQL GUI tools
- Peter Zaitsev, Benchmarks Specialist
  Optimizations, Benchmarks
- Alexey Holyfoot Botchkov, Software Developer
  Embedded Library, GIS Support
- Heikki Tuuri, Innodb Author
  Innodb Storage Engine 
- David Axmark, Co-Founder 
  MySQL Community
- Carsten Pedersen, MySQL certification
- Monty Widenius, Founder and CTO
  Main author of MySQL; Knows most things that are worth knowing about
  MySQL, MyODBC and some more.

You can find more information on our conference including a complete
list of sessions, labs, workshops and speakers at:

Hope to see a lot of you there!


PS: The conference is not only for developers. It's perfectly ok to
bring your boss with you to get him convinced that MySQL is a safe

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Urgent: Prepared Statements C API hangup the Server - Help Urgent....

2004-02-21 Thread Michael Widenius


 A == Arunachalam  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A Hai MySQLians!!!
A I have established the Successful Connection to MySQL from COBOL.

A Now from COBOL I can able to query the MySQL and get back the
A result sets using C APIs under MySQL 4.0.17-max both in windows
A and Linux. Note that my Client is in Windows platform...

A Its not enough for my application, I'm in need to use Prepared statements
A for further SQL processing...

A As per my searching I have found the right C API in libmysql.lib from
A MySQL 5.0.0, (i have doubt: Is any eariler version 4.0.xx provides this???)
A C API routines are: mysql_prepare(), mysql_bind_param(), mysql_execute(), 
A mysql_stmt_affected_rows(), mysql_fetch(), mysql_stmt_close()...

You should probablty use MySQL 4.1 instead of MySQL 5.0 for testing
this as we make more often releases for 4.1 than for 5.0 (until 4.1 is
production ready).

A I have installed MySQL 5.0.0-alpha for Windows and I have properly linked 
A thelibmysql.lib into my COBOL compiler... To verify the Parameter Passing 
A mechanism to the API routines i have taken the sample C code from MySQL 
A manual (URL: * * )

A When I compiled this sample coding using VC++, it ask for *typelib.h* header 
A file, it is not given with insatllation pack, under the Mysql folder 
A (C:/MySQL/Include), I have searched on the net and include it accordingly.

Thanks for notifying us about this. typelib.h should be included in
the MySQL folder and we will do that for next MySQL windows release.

A After that i have made changes in some variable names becaz of it follows 
A other header files variable name as such.

What changes did you have to make ?
Including typelib.h should be enough.

I will ask our windows team to verify that the example works ok with

A Upon all the changes I can able to execute succcessfully the coding and it 
A does the function properly on the MySQL server database.

A The PROBLEM I met is, Once this sample code executed and inserted data to 
A the Database the server get's hanged - why???

This shouldn't happen.
Can you please describe exactly what you mean with a 'hang' ?

- Does the connection in your test program stop respoding ?
- Can you connect to mysqld with other clients ?
- Does the MySQL server take all cpu

In the tests directory of the MySQL source tree there is a test
program 'client_test' that shows in detail how to use prepared
statements with MySQL.

A (Note that If I didn't run this coding or my COBOL coding the Server remain 
A function properly)

A Kindly suggest me the solution or quote me the things i forgot to do...

In the released 5.0 server there is some known bugs in the prepared
statement handling for some specific prepared statements.  We have
fixed these bugs in 4.1.2 which should be available quite soon (we are
just now closing the last open bugs in 4.1 to be able to make a new
release ASAP).

To get any problems you have fixed, you could try to make a standalone
test case in C that we could try to repeate.

Another option is to follow the instructions in the MySQL manual of
how to debug MySQL and give us a stack trace of where mysqld is

Another option is to use the debug version of mysqld and start it with
--debug.  The trace file that is written (in C:\ or /tmp) should give
us a good idea of where the bug could be.

Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Helsinki, Finland

Are you MySQL certified?

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MySQL 5.0.0 has been released

2003-12-24 Thread Michael Widenius


MySQL 5.0.0, a new version of the popular Open Source/Free Software
Database Management System, has been released. It is now available in
source and binary form for a number of platforms from our download pages
at and mirror sites.

Do to an unfortunate build error in the last minute we can't provide
-max binaries for 5.0.0 at this time. Sorry about that.

Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time -
if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or
choose another download site.

This is the first Alpha development release of the 5.0 tree, adding many
new features (see below). As this code is currently labeled Alpha, we
do not recommend that this version be used in production environments yet!
It does however pass our test suite on all our build platforms and all
old features should be resonable stable.

However, we encourage you to test and evaluate it and, more importantly,
report any bugs or observations to our bug tracking database at Please note, that for us to resolve a bug report,
a reproducible test is required. See How to report a bug at for more details before filing a
bug report. We appreciate your support!

The most prominent new feature of MySQL 5.0 is probably Basic support
for stored procedures (SQL-99 style). However, there are several
additional enhancements, which are planned to be implemented before
MySQL 5.0 reaches beta status.

Our development plan is to continue to add new features to 5.0 at
least until 4.1 reaches 'gamma' status after which we will move new
development to 5.1.  Our man goal is to have more major releases with
shorter time intervals to get out new stable features faster.

THe MySQL 4.1 branch seams to be relatively stable and we will, if we
don't find any new unexpected hard bugs that will require a new design
decisions, make a beta release of 4.1 in January followed by a gamma
release ASAP.

Merry Christmas,
  Lenz Grimmer  Michael Widenius
- -- 
 Senior Production Engineer
 MySQL GmbH,
 Hamburg, Germany

 Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Helsinki, Finland

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MySQL Testing Problems

2003-12-20 Thread Michael Widenius


 Chris == Chris Man [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chris Hi,
Chris We have just installed MySQL 3.23.53 on Solaris 9. We were going through the 
Chris testing stages and it had produced an error.

Chris Pasted below is the error that we received and also attached are the logs. 

Chris Installing Test Databases
Chris Removing Stale Files
Chris Installing Master Databases
Chris Installing Slave Databases
Chris Starting MySQL daemon
Chris Loading Standard Test Databases
Chris Starting Tests


Chris --- r/rpl15.reject   Tue Dec 16 18:46:27 2003
Chris ***
Chris *** 1,7 
Chris   File   PositionBinlog_do_dbBinlog_ignore_db
Chris   master-bin.001 73  
Chris   Master_HostMaster_User Master_Port Connect_retry   Log_File   
Chris Pos  Slave_Running   Replicate_do_db Replicate_ignore_db 
Chris Last_errno   Last_error  Skip_counter
Chris !0   0   0   No  0  
Chris  0
Chris   Master_HostMaster_User Master_Port Connect_retry   Log_File   
Chris Pos  Slave_Running   Replicate_do_db Replicate_ignore_db 
Chris Last_errno   Last_error  Skip_counter
Chris  test999860  4   No 
Chris 00
Chris   Master_HostMaster_User Master_Port Connect_retry   Log_File   
Chris Pos  Slave_Running   Replicate_do_db Replicate_ignore_db 
Chris Last_errno   Last_error  Skip_counter
Chris --- 1,7 
Chris   File   PositionBinlog_do_dbBinlog_ignore_db
Chris   master-bin.001 73  
Chris   Master_HostMaster_User Master_Port Connect_retry   Log_File   
Chris Pos  Slave_Running   Replicate_do_db Replicate_ignore_db 
Chris Last_errno   Last_error  Skip_counter
Chris !  root93061   4   No 
Chris 00
Chris   Master_HostMaster_User Master_Port Connect_retry   Log_File   
Chris Pos  Slave_Running   Replicate_do_db Replicate_ignore_db 
Chris Last_errno   Last_error  Skip_counter
Chris  test999860  4   No 
Chris 00
Chris   Master_HostMaster_User Master_Port Connect_retry   Log_File   
Chris Pos  Slave_Running   Replicate_do_db Replicate_ignore_db 
Chris Last_errno   Last_error  Skip_counter

The above is a timing error that only influences the test suite.
you can safely skip this.

In MySQL 4.0, we have done some changes to the test suite to avoid the
above problem.


Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Helsinki, Finland

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Re: printing reports

2003-10-15 Thread Michael Widenius


 Haydies == Haydies  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Haydies Access is not a Database, its a kiddies toy.
Haydies You can just as easlily make your reports using crystal reports or any thing
Haydies else like that if you really want to, or PHP/ASP

Haydies Now, please, for suggesting there is any use what so ever in the world for
Haydies access, please take your self out back and shoot your self before the
Haydies problem gets any worse

Sorry for the late reply, but I had to jump in after noticing this

The MySQL email lists is NOT a list where we flame other people for
either the tools or databases they use!  Instead we should try to be
helpful to everyone and concentrate to solving problems! If a
suggestion is not in your liking, then you should reply with a
solution that you think would suite the original email better.

If you want to compare products, then you should do it with
verifiable facts, not with believes!  If you say something is
'unusable for everything', then you have to accept that you are wrong
if there is a single user that is happy with the product!

About Access I can only say that it's very useful tool for a lot of
people and there is a lot of places where it makes perfect sense to
use Access.  I don't claim it's a perfect reporting tool for all kind
of reports, but depending on the requirements it may be the right tool
for a specific problem/user combination.  (I will not go into details
as this is not important for this discussion; I am sure anyone with a
little goodwill can come up with a scenario where Access would be a
reasonable solution).

I don't claim that Access is the right tool for the original poster
(probably not as he is in this list).  I just want that everyone that is
trying to be helpful on this list should get the treatment and respect
that he/she deserves.


Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Helsinki, Finland

Are you MySQL certified?

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add this to a wish list please.

2003-09-28 Thread Michael Widenius


 Dathan == Dathan Vance Pattishall [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dathan Sometimes I get this error on a slave... for unknown reasons
Dathan Error 'Incorrect key file for table: 'hasit'. Try to repair it' on query
Dathan 'REPLACE INTO hasit
Dathan If there is a wish list could the error report 'db.table'? 
Good idea,  I will try to fix this in 4.0 ASAP

Dathan Also why doesn't mysql automatically fix the error itself when the error
Dathan has been encountered?
It will, if you start mysqld with --myisam-recover[=option-list]

(There is many ways to recover and we didn't want to do an automatic
recover that may loose some records, without the user explicitely ask
for it.

Dathan And if anyone can let me know why these errors occur even when the table
Dathan has been repaired within a month and the server has not ever been forced
Dathan down that would help a DBA OUT!
To be able to answer that, we would need some way to repeat the
problem.  Please refer to the MySQL manual of how to make a
repeatable test case by using the binary log.

Note that we found and fixed one bug that could cause table corruption
in MySQL 4.0.15 for dynamic size tables (with BLOB or varchars) under
some conditions.

Without more information, the only thing I can recommend you is to try
out 4.0.15 (or newer).


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mysql-standard-4.1.0-alpha-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz changed since April 12 2003?

2003-08-26 Thread Michael Widenius


 terence == terence  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

terence Dear All,
terence Has the alpha release mysql-standard-4.1.0-alpha-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz
terence changed since April 12 2003? Just want to save myself a few hours
terence downloading...

terence I am putting it into production shortly, and was wondering too if there's
terence any news on the stable release of the same?

terence Thanks
terence Terence

We are just now working on getting 4.0.15 out, which should happen any
day now.

After this is done, we will start doing release testing of 4.1.1,
which can take anywhere between 2-6 weeks.  (Just now things looks
good, but one never knows what is going to show up)

Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Helsinki, Finland

Are you MySQL certified?

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do long delete/update and view progress?

2003-08-03 Thread Michael Widenius


 Bennett == Bennett Haselton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bennett Is there any way to do a long update/delete on a table such that you can 
Bennett view the progress as the command runs, so that long before it's over, you 
Bennett have some idea of what the total running time will be?

Bennett The way I did it was to write a perl script that takes the total range of 
Bennett values for the primary key field in the table, divides that range into 
Bennett chunks, and then runs the update/delete command on each chunk at a time, 
Bennett printing out when it's done that chunk.  But that's a bit of a kludge.  Is 
Bennett there a built-in way?

For the moment this is not possible.

We do have plans to add in MySQL 5.x a way for the server to give the
client progress notifications for slow commands which could be used
for progess bars etc, but this is still at least 3-5 months in the

Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Helsinki, Finland

Are you MySQL certified?

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URGENT: Problems compiling mysql 3 and 4 on IRIX indy 6.5 IP22 mips

2003-06-05 Thread Michael Widenius


 Jason == Jason Buchanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jason hi,

Jason I'm having a hard time getting mysql 4 and mysql 3 to compile on IRIX 6.5...

Jason Does anyone have a solution to this?

Jason Below is an example of compiling mysql 4.0.13 (looks practically 
Jason identical for mysql 3.23.56):


Jason g++ -DUNDEF_THREADS_HACK -I. -I. -I.. -I./../include -I../include -I./.. 
Jason -I.. -I.. -O -DDBUG_OFF -D_BOOL -c -o mysql.o `test -f || 
Jason echo './'`
Jason In file included from 
Jason /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/mips-sgi-irix6.5/2.95.3/include/curses.h:5,
Jason  from
Jason /usr/include/curses.h:112: syntax error before `,'
Jason /usr/include/curses.h:143: syntax error before `;'


This problem is covered in the Irix section of the MySQL online
manual.  Please check it for details how to solve it.

Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Helsinki, Finland

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All Tables MyISAM and still InnoDB Datafiles?

2003-03-28 Thread Michael Widenius


 Stephan == Stephan Amann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Stephan Hi all!
Stephan I've downloaded the binary distribution 
Stephan mysql-standard-4.0.9-gamma-sun-solaris2.9-sparc-64bit.tar.gz from 

Stephan I have a couple of databases on this installation, with all tables of 
Stephan type MyISAM. However, on first start of mysqld the error log contains:

Stephan 030226 12:39:48  mysqld started
Stephan InnoDB: The first specified data file ./ibdata1 did not exist:
Stephan InnoDB: a new database to be created!

Stephan The InnoDB files are created in the standard data directory; I did not 
Stephan configure any InnoDB Option, since we are not currently using InnoDB.

Stephan What's wrong? Why do I get InnoDB datafiles (ib_arch_log_00, 
Stephan ib_logfile0,  ib_logfile1, ibdata1) with only MyISAM Tables?

In MySQL 4.0 InnoDB is included as standard.  As MySQL can't by
default know if you are going to use Innodb tables or not it creates
on startup the necessary files so that you can use Innodb tables.

These files will not be used if you aren't using InnoDB tables.

If you are only using MyISAM tables and don't wont to have the above
files (and save a bit of memory), you can start mysqld with the
--skip-innodb option or put this into your my.cnf file.


MySQL 2003 Users Conference -
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Helsinki, Finland

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building MySQL on Alpha-Dec-OSF4 with gcc

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Widenius


 Ralf == Ralf Hupfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ralf Hi,
Ralf I do face problems building MySQL 3.22.32 with gcc 3.2.2 on an Alpha-
Ralf DEC-OSF4 workstation.

MySQL 3.22 ?

Ralf CC=cc -pthread CXX=cxx -pthread -O ./configure  --with-named-t
Ralf hread-libs=-lpthread -lmach -lexc -lc --with-low-memory

Ralf Everything run's smoothly, till mysqld is to be build. The linker produces:

Ralf __cxa_pure_virtual
Ralf operator delete[](void*)
Ralf operator new[](unsigned long)
Ralf operator delete(void*)
Ralf operator new(unsigned long)
Ralf collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Ralf gnumake[3]: *** [mysqld] Error 1

The above happens becasue gcc 3.2.x has the code for the operators new
and delete in a external library that is not included by the linker if
you link c++ code with gcc.


- Use cxx to link mysqld.
- Use MySQL 4.0 or 3.23, both of which has a fix to enable you to link
  c++ code with 'gcc'.
  (This is done by declaring our own delete and new operators when you
  are compiling c++ code with gcc).

The advantage of compiling c++ code with gcc instead of cxx are:

- Smaller executable as there are no c++ libraries included.
- No chance of getting exception handling into the c++ code, which
  usually doesn't work with threads.

I saw a later email from you that you had not got 3.23 to compile.
Please try 4.0 instead; MySQL 4.0 is know to compile without any
problems on a lot of platforms and I am think that I have myself
compiled MySQL 4.0 on DEC-OSF4 not that long ago.


MySQL 2003 Users Conference -
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Helsinki, Finland

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MyISAM rebuilding questions

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Widenius


 Wynne == Wynne Crisman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wynne I am trying to determine what would cause my needing to rebuild an
Wynne MyISAM table in MySQL 4.0.x?

You should not have to rebuild any tables just to upgrade to MySQL 4.0
from 3.23.  The MyISAM format has not changed in any way between

Wynne I also would like to know how I can minimize the time necessary to get
Wynne the MyISAM table up and running under MySQL 4.0.x?

zero time for tables without fulltext.
Some time for tables with fulltext indexes.

Wynne I have read the
Wynne document which states that tables with lots of data can be difficult to
Wynne rebuild and would be better served using InnoDB, but InnoDB does not
Wynne support fulltext searches.

I don't know of any problems in rebuilding an MyISAM table:

Just do:

OPTIMIZE TABLE table_name;


ALTER TABLE table_name type=myisam;

It's true that MySQL 4.0 has better fulltext capabilities and to get
these activated for a table you need to rebuild the tables that has
fulltext support.

The old tables will however work as before even if you don't rebuild
them (but in this case you will probably not be able to use boolan
search on them until you have rebuilt them).

Note that fulltext rebuilds are MUCH faster in 4.0 so it should not
take long to do the rebuilds.

Wynne Thank you for any assistence,

Wynne Wynne Crisman
Wynne patternWare Systems, Inc.


MySQL 2003 Users Conference -
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Helsinki, Finland

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comment with foreign key text causes innodb CREATE TABLE failure

2003-03-16 Thread Michael Widenius


 Brandon == Brandon Bird [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Brandon Subject: comment with foreign key text causes innodb CREATE TABLE
Brandon failure

Brandon Description:   
Brandon If an innodb table is created with a comment with the words foreign
Brandon key, the table creation fails. 


Just a short note about this.

Currently the InnoDB table handler scans the CREATE statement and
handles the foreign key definition infernally in InnoDB.

In 4.1 MySQL will handle the parsing of the foreign key definition and
will store the foreign key definitions in the normal table definition
file.  This will fix these kind of problems once and for all.


MySQL 2003 Users Conference -
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Helsinki, Finland

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High list latency?

2003-01-27 Thread Michael Widenius


 Jeremy == Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jeremy Is anyone else seeing it take 4-8 hours for mail to get thru this list
Jeremy recently?

Normally emails should be delivered quickly;  We do however have a
problem in that if there is some problems with the Internet line for
some hours then emails will 'pile up' and it will take many hours for
them to be sorted out.

We are looking into getting more bandwith for our email machine in the
near future.


MySQL 2003 Users Conference -
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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MySQL 4.0.8 is released

2003-01-07 Thread Michael Widenius


MySQL 4.0.8, a new version of the world's most popular Open Source Database,
has been released. It is now available in source and binary form for a number
of platforms from our download pages at and
mirror sites.

Note that all mirrors may not be up to date;  If you can't find this
version on some mirror, please retry later or try another mirror.

This is a new gamma release, fixing some recently discovered bugs.
If this release doesn't have any major problems, we will release 4.0.9
as a stable release.

From the ChangeLog:

Functionality added or changed:
   * Default `max_packet_length' for libmysqld.c is now 1024*1024*1024.

   * One can now specify `max_allowed_packet' in a file ready by
 `mysql_options(MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE)'.  for clients.

   * When sending a too big packet to the server with the not compressed
 protocol, the client now gets an error message instead of a lost

   * We now send big queries/result rows in bigger hunks, which should
 give a small speed improvement.

   * Fixed some bugs with the compressed protocol for rows  16M.

Bugs fixed:
   * Fixed bug in `ALTER TABLE' with BDB tables.

   * Fixed core dump bug in `QUOTE()' function.

   * Fixed a bug in handling communication packets bigger than 16M.
 Unfortunately this required a protocol change; If you upgrade the
 server to 4.0.8 and above and have clients that uses packets =
 255*255*255 bytes (=16581375) you must also upgrade your clients
 to at least 4.0.8.  If you don't upgrade, the clients will hang
 when sending a big packet.

   * Fixed bug when sending blobs longer than 16M to client.

   * Fixed bug in `GROUP BY' when used on BLOB column with `NULL'

   * Fixed a bug in handling `NULL's in `CASE' ... WHEN ...

InnoDB changes:

   * InnoDB now supports also FOREIGN KEY (...) REFERENCES ...(...)

   * Tables and indexes now reserve 4 % less space in the tablespace.
 Also existing tables reserve less space. By upgrading to 4.0.8 you
 will see more free space in InnoDB free in SHOW TABLE STATUS.

   * Fixed bugs: updating the PRIMARY KEY of a row would generate a
 foreign key error on all FOREIGN KEYs which referenced secondary
 keys of the row to be updated. Also, if a referencing FOREIGN KEY
 constraint only referenced the first columns in an index, and
 there were more columns in that index, updating the additional
 columns generated a foreign key error.

   * Fixed a bug: if an index contains some column twice, and that
 column is updated, the table will become corrupt. From now on
 InnoDB prevents creation of such indexes.

   * Fixed a bug: removed superfluous error 149 and 150 printouts from
 the .err log when a locking SELECT caused a deadlock or a lock
 wait timeout.


MySQL 2003 Users Conference -
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
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What does this mean? : Warning: thr_alarm queue is full

2002-12-31 Thread Michael Widenius


 Chung == Chung Ha-nyung [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chung query.
Chung   I happened to find out that the lots of following error messages are
Chung stored
Chung error log file:
Chung  Warning: thr_alarm queue is full

Chung  What's this? Is it serious problem?

The above is a very strange error;  Basicly something that should
never happen.

It means that somehow you have more threads wanting to request for a
alarm (used to timeout connections) than was registered when mysqld

This should be impossible as we init the alarms with the following
code in


In other words, we reserve as many alarms as we can have connections +
insert delay threads; As a thread can only have one alarm and and no
other threads than a connection or insert delay thread uses alarms
I can't understand how you can get this error.

Note that even if the alarm call fails, mysqld will work normally with
the exception that a long lived connection will not time out.

If you cando a new bug report, preferably with the 'mysqlbug' script,
that includes the following information, I could try to dig deeper
into this problem.

Synopsis:   synopsis of the problem (one line)
Severity:   [ non-critical | serious | critical ] (one line)
Priority:   [ low | medium | high ] (one line)
Class:  [ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)
Operating system:


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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
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MySQL Security Flaw - Dropped Databases

2002-12-19 Thread Michael Widenius


Mark Hi,

Gary  I'd like to add to the security flaw thread with my own experience.
Gary I have been hosting MySQL databases for over 2 years and on a few occasions
Gary have had user databases disappear.

Gary  Last month one of my admin databases was dropped.  The only user 
Gary who has
Gary access to that database is root (me) and even after double checking all my
Gary scripts/code and database/table permissions I was unable to determine how it
Gary was done.  I was able to track down the culprit and asked him how he did it.
Gary He replied:

GaryWhen use MySQL-Front(version 2.5) as client to connect to 4.x version
Gary MySQL server,any users(even without any granted rights) can drop any
Gary databases. I guess there is a horrible security hole exist in MySQL 4.x
Gary version.

Gary I don't really understand this client side exploit, nevertheless, the
Gary database WAS dropped and that is how he told me he did it.  Is this a red
Gary herring (false lead)?   If it is true, is this exploit being addressed?

I checked this up and notice that your user is right.

In MySQL we have two different ways to drop a database:

With 'DROP DATABASE database_name'.
Through the depricated client function 'mysql_drop_db()'.

The first case works correct but in the second case the grant check
is not done.  I tracked this down to a merge I did between the 4.0 and
4.1 code in September last year :(

The reson you could not repeat this is that MySQLFront() uses the old
mysql_drop_db() call while you probably tested this with some client
which uses the new way to drop a database.

I will fix this at once for next 4.0 release. Thanks for reporting this!


MySQL 2003 Users Conference -
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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MySQL AB has reached a settlement with NuSphere Corporation

2002-11-07 Thread Michael Widenius


MySQL AB is pleased to announce that it has settled its lawsuit with 
Progress Software Corporation and NuSphere Corporation.  For more 
information, see the joint press release at


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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
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What if binary log's suffix number exceeds 999?

2002-11-03 Thread Michael Widenius


 Chung == Chung Ha-nyung [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chung  Dear, 

Chung  By default, binary log file uses 3-digit number suffix as its counter.
Chung  Then, without reseting master logs suffix number may reach 999. If so,
Chung  what happens?
Chung  next suffix number is 1000 or 001? Otherwise error occurres?

Next used suffix is 1000 and there should not be any problems when
going from .999 to .1000


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RE: What is relay-bin log?

2002-10-21 Thread Michael Widenius


 Chung == Chung Ha-nyung [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chung  It is seems that RESET SLAVE query sholud not be done while 
Chung replication is working. Slave forget its replication position and cannot
Chung continue replication since it tries to do the queries already executed.
Chung  Do I need to do SLAVE STOP before RESET SLAVE? Or any
Chung other means to delete replication logs during replication?

Which log files is it that you want to delete ?
(Please give an example for this)

If you have a problem that old relay logs are not deleted, try to
upgrade to MySQL 4.0.4 ;  We recently fixed a bug in this code.

If you want to delete all old binary log files, then the command is


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RE: What is relay-bin log?

2002-10-21 Thread Michael Widenius


 Chung == Chung Ha-nyung [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chung  If all works correctly, can I delete replication logs by RESET SLAVE
Chung safely?
Chung  I'd like to configure two servers with two-master scheme, each is the
Chung master of
Chung  another.

relay logs should automaticly be deleted and you should never have to
do RESET SLAVE to delete them.

RESET SLAVE should only be used when you want the slave to not be a
part of the replication anymore.


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Where's safe_mysqld?

2002-10-16 Thread Michael Widenius


 Chung == Chung Ha-nyung [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chung  Dear,

Chung  I installed MySQL 4.0.4 from source tarball and I found that
Chung safe_mysqld is
Chung  mentioned here and there in the manual but I can't where it,
Chung safe_mysqld, is
Chung  located. All that I found with `find . -name *safe*' command is
Chung mysqld_safe
Chung  script.

If you read the 'Upgrading from 3.23' section in the MySQL manual, you
will find that we renamed safe_mysqld to mysqld_safe in 4.0

The reason for this was that it's easier for the MySQL users if all
MySQL commands starts with my...


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Retrieving Table Schema

2002-10-01 Thread Michael Widenius


 Michael == Michael J Fuhrman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael Hello All,
Michael Suggestions Feedback Requested:

Michael I'm looking for a solution that will not lock a table, yet allow me to
Michael retrieve the:
Michaelfield name, field type as integer, field size, and other attributes
Michaelof each column from a table.

The ways to do this are:

- SELECT * from table_name where 0;
- SHOW COLUMNS from table_name;
- SHOW CREATE TABLE from table_name.

Michael The Issue:

Michael An important part of the test is to be able to retrieve the table's schema.
Michael I can't explain why without releasing proprietary corporate information, all
Michael I can say is that it's needed.  What I can tell you is that when I retrieve
Michael it with a mixed case table name, it prevents me from deleting the table.

We just fixed a bug in MySQL when using mixed table names.  This is
fixed in the upcoming 3.23.53 and 4.0.4 MySQL versions.


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Retrieving Table Schema

2002-10-01 Thread Michael Widenius


 Michael == Michael J Fuhrman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael Hello All,
Michael Suggestions Feedback Requested:

Michael I'm looking for a solution that will not lock a table, yet allow me to
Michael retrieve the:
Michaelfield name, field type as integer, field size, and other attributes
Michaelof each column from a table.

The ways to do this are:

- SELECT * from table_name where 0;
- SHOW COLUMNS from table_name;
- SHOW CREATE TABLE from table_name.

Michael The Issue:

Michael An important part of the test is to be able to retrieve the table's schema.
Michael I can't explain why without releasing proprietary corporate information, all
Michael I can say is that it's needed.  What I can tell you is that when I retrieve
Michael it with a mixed case table name, it prevents me from deleting the table.

We just fixed a bug in MySQL when using mixed table names.  This is
fixed in the upcoming 3.23.53 and 4.0.4 MySQL versions.


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optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql/innodb

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 r == rafarife  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


rAnd now, the explain selects:

r   1) Slow query
r   explain Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes 
r  Where (Nom = 'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' And Cod'061642') 
r Or Nom'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

r   tabletype   possible keys  keykey_len  refrowsExtra  
r   -   -  ------  ----
r   Clientes index  PRIMARY,Nombre Nombre   464039where used

The above explains what happens.  For some strange reason MySQL uses a
full index scan above instead of a 'range' query.

This really looks like a bug in the optimiser.

To solve this we would however need a copy of your tables to be able
to repeat this.

Can you please ftp them to so
that we can try to fix ASAP ?


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Re: optimizer bug in selecting fields that dont belong to the index used by mysql/innodb

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 Heikki == Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Heikki Rafa,
Heikki OR's are generally difficult to optimize.

Heikki, this is true if you are using OR on different keys.
MySQL can fully optimise the query when using OR on different key parts of the
same key (which is the case for the used query:)

Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' 
And Cod'061642') Or Nom'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

In this case MySQL should start scanning the table from the key

[(GARCIA MANCILLA),(061642)[

and continue until it has found 50 rows.


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AES_DECRYPT(garabage, key) problem (4.0.4 bk snapshot)

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 Sergey == Sergey S Kostyliov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sergey Server hang when trying to test field=AES_DECRYPT(filed, key)
Sergey in case when filed contain garbage.

Sergey CREATE TABLE  atest(
Sergey id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
Sergey tmp text NOT NULL,
Sergey KEY id (id)
Sergey ) TYPE=MyISAM;

Sergey INSERT INTO atest VALUES (1, 'a545f661efdd1fb66fdee3aab79945bf');

Sergey SELECT * FROM atest WHERE  tmp=AES_DECRYPT(tmp,password);

Thanks for the test case.  This is now fixed in the upcoming 4.0.4


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BUG: 'strend' function in libmysql needs to be private

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 Ben == Ben Goodwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ben There are probably other functions that need to be made private, too.. but
Ben this one's directly affecting me.
Ben I'm writing a shared library that loads libmysqlclient; When Solaris 'csh'
Ben uses said library, there's a clash between csh (and/or one of the libs it
Ben uses) and MySQL's 'strend' function.  'strend' will not return proper values
Ben under these circumstances, preventing me from even connecting to the server
Ben on intel, and, worse, core-dumping under sparc.  Can you take a peek at
Ben this?  I'll provide more info if necessary.

strend() is a function we use a lot in the MySQL client code and is
thus included in the libmysqlclient library.

I can't see how csh could affect this in any way as csh doesn't have
anything directly to do with shared libraries.  (Except of course if
you are trying to load a shared library inside csh).using a patched csh

Which public library is it that has a conflicting function ?
(I have used Solaris a lot and never seen this problem before)

What is it that core dumps;  csh or your application ?
Does your application work if you are running 'sh' ?

Ben FWIW I renamed the function to _strend, recompiled/installed, and my
Ben problems went away...


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optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 rafarife == rafarife  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

rafarife  Description:
rafarife  Hello,

rafarife  I am working with mysqld-max-nt under windows 2000 and unsing InnoDb
rafarife  tables.

rafarife  I have the following table:


rafarifeI don´t understand why this select:

rafarifeSelect Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'GARCIA 
MANCILLA,S.L' And Cod'061642') 
rafarife Or Nom'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;
rafarife(Mysql uses the unique index: Nombre)

What is the output from EXPLAIN for this query ?
Do you get a similar problem with MyISAM tables ?


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optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql/innodb

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 rafarife == rafarife  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

rafarife  Description:
rafarife Hi Heikki,

rafarife I'm Lourdes and I work with Rafa in the MySQL project.

rafarife We have done what you have told us. We have run SHOW STATUS before
rafarife the query and we have obtained the next result:

Handler_read_next = 0

rafarife Handler_read_next = 1929

The above shows that MySQL had to read 1929 rows to satsify the query.

rafarife After doing this, we decided to create a new table like in your example with
rafarife the same records. Then, we execute the query:


rafarife The table definition is:

rafarife CREATE TABLE `clientes` (


In cases like this that are data dependent, it's not enough for us to
have the create table definition, we also need the data itself.

rafarife How-To-Repeat:
rafarifeSelect Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'GARCIA 
MANCILLA,S.L' And Cod'061642') 
rafarife Or Nom'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

To be able to find and fix the problem, we would need a copy the
tables involved used by your query. Can you please do the following:

- Make a mysqldump of your tables and make a README file of the above.
- Tar and gzip or zip the files.
- ftp the file to
- Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] that you have uploaded a test

If you can do the above, we will try to fix the problem for next MySQL


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Re: MySQL and Service Pack 3

2002-09-03 Thread Michael Widenius


 Miguel == Miguel Angel Solórzano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a very strange problem with all of the Windows versions of MySQL.
 I upgraded to Service Pack 3 for Windows 2000 Server and now MySQL will
 not work period. Has anyone ran into this problem and or know of a fix?

Miguel Some users had reported before this issue, for someone the remove and
Miguel re-install the MySQL service had resolved the issue.

If the above doesn't help, can you please run the mysqld-debug binary
from a command window with the options:

mysqld --debug --standalone

in a separate windows.  (Note that this will not run in the background)

You can now try to connect to MySQL from another command window with

If the above crashes or hangs, the file:


should contain information of where it hangs.

If this happens, please ftp this log and a readme file describing the
problem to and we will take a
look at this.


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Re: LOAD DATA, \N, and auto_increment

2002-08-20 Thread Michael Widenius


 Benjamin == Benjamin Pflugmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Benjamin How-to-repeat:

shell cat /tmp/in EOF
Benjamin 1
Benjamin 2
Benjamin \N
Benjamin \N
Benjamin 10
Benjamin \N
Benjamin EOF
shell chmod a+r /tmp/in

mysql LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/in' INTO TABLE ntest2;
Benjamin Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Benjamin Records: 6  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 3
mysql SELECT * FROM ntest2;
Benjamin ++
Benjamin | a  |
Benjamin ++
Benjamin |  1 |
Benjamin |  2 |
Benjamin |  3 |
Benjamin |  4 |
Benjamin | 10 |
Benjamin | 11 |
Benjamin ++
Benjamin 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Benjamin As said above, the shown output differs from the expected in the
Benjamin Warnings: 3 message. There should be 0 warnings.

Here is a patch for this (will be in 4.0.3)

((/my/mysql-4.0)) bk diffs -c sql/
= sql/ 1.36 vs edited =
*** /tmp/ Tue Jul 23 18:31:17 2002
--- edited/sql/  Tue Aug 20 11:50:37 2002
*** 430,436 
  if (field-type() == FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP)
((Field_timestamp*) field)-set_time();
! else
--- 430,436 
  if (field-type() == FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP)
((Field_timestamp*) field)-set_time();
! else if (field != table-next_number_field)


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Re: Lost connections on Freebsd

2002-08-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 Chris == Chris Knipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chris Lo Victoria
Chris FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE (Master), MySQL 3.23.51
Chris Windows 2000 Professional (Slave):, MySQL 3.23.49-nt

Chris I've recompiled the master about three times now, and it still crashed.
Chris Eventually, it came to such a extend that the moment I open port 3306 MySQL
Chris would crash.  I can just use telnet ip 3306, or open a netcat on port
Chris 3306, and MySQL would die.

Can you try to configure MYSQL with CFLAGS=-g and run the server under

If we could get a full back trace where it fails, it could help us
find out what's wrong.

Chris So far, the only way I found to keep the FreeBSD Port up, was to recompile
Chris it with debug support.  I so far have 90 minutes uptime on the Master with
Chris debug support compiled in, but it's needless to say not really the desired
Chris result.

How did you configure MySQL in this case ?


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Feature Request: --log-update to add 'drop table' after 'create temporarytable'

2002-08-17 Thread Michael Widenius


 Daniel == Daniel Kasak [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Daniel Would it be possible to add a 'drop table' command when a connection 
Daniel which has made a temporary table has been dropped, to make the logs 
Daniel match up with what actually happens? Thanks!

The later MySQL 3.23 and 4.0.3 version already logs drop table into
the MySQL binary log.


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2002-08-17 Thread Michael Widenius


 duo == duo fu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

duo Hi friends:
duo I try to grant privileges to a user named 'glen' but not succeed. Here is 
duo the script:

mysql select * from user where User='glen';

duo | localhost | glen |...

mysql grant all privileges on test.* to 'glen'@'localhost' identified by 
duo 'tidbs1';
duo ERROR 1133: Can't find any matching row in the user table

I agree that the above is very strange.

The above error means that MySQL could not find an entry with
hostname=localhost and user='glen' in the privilege cache.

Which MySQL version are you using ?

Could you please check if the above command works after 'flush

If not, could you upload the mysql privilege tables (or a copy of the
tables that shows this problem) to:

and we will try to repeat this.


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Problem in deleting multi table

2002-07-24 Thread Michael Widenius


 Minjie == Minjie Qiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Minjie Hello,
Minjie I'm working on a purge utility to purge 3 tables: call_record, 
Minjie modem_call_rec and makrup. Those 3 tables are related with foreign key 
Minjie recid, so I used the following sql to purge data that is older than 30 days:

Minjie delete call_record, modem_call_rec, markup from call_record, 
Minjie modem_call_rec, markup where to_days(now())-to_days(call_record.setup)=30, 
Minjie and call_record.recid=modem_call_rec.recid and call_record.recid=markup.recid;

Minjie The result is, it works well with limited number of records. But when the 
Minjie number of records increases, for example to 500 records per table, 
Minjie call_record table is purged correctly, but the other two tables 
Minjie (modem_call_rec and markup) are not purged at all.

Minjie The mysql manual mentioned that delete may not work when deleting tables 
Minjie with correlated columns. Is that the reason why the above query does not work?

No, this should not be the case here.  I don't see any reason for why
the above should not work.

Can you produce a test case for this so that we can look into it?
If yes, send it to ftp::// and we
will try to fix this.



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ERROR 1030: Got error 22 from table handler

2002-07-14 Thread Michael Widenius


 grant == grant  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

grant  when running a insert data infile command on a 500MB text file, I
grant  get the error ERROR 1030: Got error 22 from table handler from 
grant  mysql.  I did a listing of the database files and it looks like this:

grant -rw-rw   1 root root 2147397632 Jul  3 09:46 finddata.MYD
grant -rw-rw   1 root root 266409984 Jul  3 10:01 finddata.MYI
grant -rw-rw   1 root root8866 Jul  3 08:45 finddata.frm

grant I thought that Solaris 2.6 didn't have a problem with files over 2GB.

grant  Generate a large database, up to the 2GB limit.  It should blow up on you.
grant  unknown

On Solaris 2.6 it depends on how you create the file system and how
MySQL is compiled if you can create files bigger than 2G.

You can verify the max file limit supported internally by MySQL by
creating a file with MAX_ROWS=1 and then do a SHOW TABLE
STATUS on the table.  If the max data file length  2G then the limit
is on the file system, in which case you probably have to do re-format
your disk to get it to support larger files.


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compiling 4.0.2

2002-07-14 Thread Michael Widenius


 Marko == Marko Djukic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Marko Anyone know what this syntax error is about? trying to compile the 4.0.2 on a 
freebsd server...

Marko Making all in sql
Marko gmake[2]: Entering directory `/usr/home/oblo/xfer/mysql-4.0.2/sql'
Marko byacc  -d sql_yacc.yy  mv
Marko byacc: e - line 75 of sql_yacc.yy, syntax error
Marko %pure_parser/* We have threads */
Marko ^

The reason for the above is that you are using byacc instead of


Execute in the MySQL directory:

cd sql
bison  -d sql_yacc.yy  mv
cd ..
make all


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RE: Load problems with 3.23.51

2002-06-29 Thread Michael Widenius


 Steven == Steven Roussey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Steven I tried the skip-name-resolve and it had no effect. So there goes my
Steven hypothesis. 

Steven Here are the results from test:

Steven Benchmark DBD suite: 2.14
Steven Date of test:2002-06-24 11:19:19
Steven Running tests on:Linux 2.4.16-0.13smp i686
Steven Arguments:
Steven Comments:
Steven Limits from:
Steven Server version:  MySQL 3.23.51 log


Steven TOTALS  2098.00  436.22  126.65  562.87

The above looks quite ok.

On a Intel Xeon 2M cache, 4x700 Mhz, 2G, key_buffer=16M, gcc 3.1
machine I get:

TOTALS  3399.00  664.19  179.00  843.19

(This is a newer benchmark version with some new tests, but still

So at least there is nothing strange with the basic MySQL queries on
the machine.

Now there are two different possible problems:

- A problem with the thread library that causes a problem when using
  many threads.
- Some query / specific feature that you use that is slower like
  before. (For example a query that doesn't use indexes anymore).

Could you by any change check by using the slow query log if there is
some specific query that is causing problems ?

Another option is to run the 3.23.51 server for a while and when you
get a load problem do 'mysqladmin proc ext'.  This command should show
us if MySQL is using more table scans than usual.


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[sql_big_tables option changes results when set for some queries]

2002-06-28 Thread Michael Widenius


 rhuddleston == rhuddleston  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

rhuddlestonThe following query results in a different # of rows if the 
sql_big_tables is set to 1:

rhuddleston   select count(incidents.ref_no) from incidents, labels where 
incidents.ref_no like '020531%' group by labels.label, incidents.ref_no;

rhuddleston The query seems unusual because it was a lot more complicated but I broke 
it down for better readability.

rhuddleston incidents.refno is [varchar(15) binary] eg '020531-31'
rhuddleston labels.label is [blob] eg 'Pricing' 

rhuddleston Note: The results are only different if there is a large # of results 
from the query 


rhuddleston   create two tables with the above attributes and of large size. Then run 
the query with sql_big_tables set to 1 and when it's not set.

Sorry, but the above description is not good enough for us to be able
to repeat the problem :(

In general things like this is very data dependent and it's very hard
to repeat bugs without a repeatable test case.

Could out make a repeatable test case base on of our benchmark
programs in the sql-bench directory ?  (test-insert should be a good
candidate for this).

If you can do a test case, we will do our best to fix this in next
MySQL release (if it's not already fixed).


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Argh! I am still getting the error...

2002-06-26 Thread Michael Widenius


 Michael == Michael Jessop [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1114, The table '#sql700_2_0' is full)
Michael ...I reinstalled MySQL with the Innodb backend, and configured it (per the 
nice example at to fit on my 10GB disk with 128 mb ram, I start the server 
with the --big-tables option and *I* still get this message.  I can't believe it is 
true.  The query performs a union of one small table (700 records) to the left join of 
the same small table to a large table of 700,000 records (to eliminate certain 
records).  Criminy, Microsoft Access can handle this, so I have to believe the error 
lies somewhere other than MySQL itself.  But can anyone please point me in the right 
direction?!  This is a bit frustrating.

Michael insert into merged_works
Michael   select works.*
Michael   from works 
Michael union all
Michael   select worksets.*
Michael   from worksets 
Michael left join works
Michael   on worksets.wrk_inst = works.wrk_inst
Michael   where works.wrk_inst is null;


The problem here is that UNION's doesn't use to the --big-tables
option but assumes all result sets should fit into the in-memory
temporary table. (This is fixed in the 4.0.2 source tree).

Simple fix:

Use 2 commands to do the insert.

insert into merged_works
  select works.*
  from works;
insert into merged_works
  select worksets.*
  from worksets 
left join works
  on worksets.wrk_inst = works.wrk_inst
  where works.wrk_inst is null;

Another option is to enlarge the value 'tmp_table_size' to be big
enough to hold the temporary set.


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Re: MySQL dump/recovery probable bug

2002-06-24 Thread Michael Widenius


 Georg == Georg Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Georg On Friday, 21. June 2002 15:43, Stefano Incontri wrote:
Georg Hi,
 I found the following problem, which I consider a bug, but maybe I'm
 missing something to make it work correctly.

Georg This is not a bug. Why do you use a reserved word (LOAD) for an index name?!
Georg Rename it and everything should be ok.

Georg See also:

Another option is to use the mysqld option --quote-names.


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Re: Load problems with 3.23.51

2002-06-24 Thread Michael Widenius


 Jeremy == Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jeremy On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 05:25:59PM -0700, Steven Roussey wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have MySQL 3.23.47 running on our sever. I skipped 48 through 50 and
 tried 51. No dice. It does not handle load, CPU and the load average go
 through the roof. I'm using Red Hat Linux 7.2 and the official mysql
 binaries. It appears to be slow to connect, causing 0.5 to 1.0 second
 delay on connection. Using persistent connections from PHP does not make
 much of a difference. I thought it might be the hostname lookup changes
 so I chose skip-grant-tables. This doesn't actually skip the hostname
 lookup though and had no effect.
 Most queries are shorter than 1 second so this problem causes
 catastrophic problems by making queries last a multiple times longer,
 which make the number of concurrent queries jump exponentially. This is
 a bad thing. And sadly makes 3.23.51 unusable.
 Does anyone else note these types of issues?

Jeremy As another data point for you, I've got 3.23.51 running on our master
Jeremy quite well.  The difference is that I built it from source (to get a
Jeremy critical InnoDB patch).  I don't recall which compiler the MySQL folks
Jeremy used (and which glibc), but my source build used Debian Woody's gcc
Jeremy 2.95.4.

We are using gcc 2.95.3 and a patched glibc, the later one that we
used in many builds before.

This is the first email I got that 3.23.51 would be slow.

Steven, could you try to run the MySQL benchmark suite on your machine
and post me the results ?

cd sql-bench
perl run-all-tests --log

The file I am interested in is the summary file named 'output/RUN-*'


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Re: Re[2]: counting rows ...

2002-06-19 Thread Michael Widenius


 Sinisa == Sinisa Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sinisa Victoria Reznichenko writes:
SM Are you using our binaries ??
SM If yes, send me a dump of the table and exact queries ...
 It's a strange...
 Seems, troubles occur when there is a fulltext index and the text
 column is NOT NULL. Besides, when I do CREATE .. SELECT, new table works fine ...
 The number of rows that appear in SELECT 8 FROM table_name doesn't
 depend on number of rows in the table, i.e. I have 2 table with 3 rows
 in each table:


Sinisa Thank you for your bug report, which helped us fix a bug.

Sinisa Here is a patch :


The above patch works in this case but has some unwanted side effects
in some special (not normal) cases.

I have now fixed that MySQL 4.0.2 will have a better fix for this


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Spams on MySQL mailing lists

2002-06-13 Thread Michael Widenius


I was going through some of the old emails on the MySQL mailing list
and noticed the many threads that discussed spams.
(There seemed to be more emails discussing spams than true spams, but
this is a separate issue).

We here at MySQL AB do a lot of work to avoid spam and we are working
on new better methods to do this.

Previously Sasha was in charge of tuning the spam filters for the
email list, but as he has lately been working full time on new
replication features he has not had time to actively work on improving
the current filter and keeping it up to date.

We hope however to soon have a new person working on this to improve
the quality of the MySQL public mailing lists.

We have several times considering making the email lists subscribers
only, but as I have posted previously, we believe this is not a good
solution as it will make it much harder for new MySQL users to get
help for their problems.  (According from previous experience, a big
part of the new MySQL users are not going to subscribe to a mailing
list just to post a problem).

My personal opinion is to go with the solution where a new, not
subscribed poster would have to confirm his email the first time
would be a good enough solution for us at this point. (Like on the PHP


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Re: Fwd: A column of the SELECT-part of a query returns allways NULL in some cases.

2002-06-09 Thread Michael Widenius


 Sinisa == Sinisa Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sinisa Victoria Reznichenko writes:

 Sinisa, i tested the following example on 4.0.1 and got the same
 result. If I don't use ORDER BY in the SELECT statement all worked


mysql SELECT u.gender AS gender, count(DISTINCT AS dist_count, (count(DISTINCT*100) AS percentage from users_table u, log_table l where l.user_id = 
GROUP BY u.gender order by percentage;
 | gender | dist_count | percentage |
 | NULL   |  1 |  20.00 |
 | NULL   |  3 |  60.00 |
 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Sinisa Thank you for your bug report which helped us fix a bug. A fix will
Sinisa appear  in 4.0.2.

Sinisa This is a temporary fix patch :


And here is the final one (I will push this in the 4.0 tree later today):

= sql/ 1.170 vs edited =
*** /tmp/   Sat Jun  8 20:02:47 2002
--- edited/sql/sql_select.ccSun Jun  9 15:13:44 2002
*** 3676,3682 
if (blob_count == 0)
  /* We need to ensure that first byte is not 0 for the delete link */
! if (hidden_null_count)
--- 3676,3682 
if (blob_count == 0)
  /* We need to ensure that first byte is not 0 for the delete link */
! if (param-hidden_field_count)


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Grant Tables Creation

2002-05-27 Thread Michael Widenius


 Glenn == Glenn Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Glenn I also have  had trouble with the script that creates my user access tables.
Glenn I am assuming those tables should get created in the ./var/mysql folder.
Glenn Its my fault but I removed those tables just to see if they had anything to
Glenn do with me not being able to use the mysql database server.  I figured it
Glenn was ok because I thought they had been created by the script but now they
Glenn are no longer their and subsequent runs of the script are not creating them.
Glenn Am I missing something?

Yes, mysql_install_db should recreate everything.

Please check that your MySQL server is down before running the script.

If things still don't work, please check the hostname.err file in the
data directory for the reson why things didn't work.


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Re: Re: MySQL 3.23.44 not using indexes

2002-05-27 Thread Michael Widenius


 Luciano == Luciano Barcaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Luciano Hi Monty,

Luciano Michael Widenius wrote:


Jeremy Is that supposed to happen in 4.0.x?  I don't recall having seen a
Jeremy commit that affected the key cache yet.

 Sanja has been trying to do improvements to the key cache code, but we
 are still not satisfied with this.  He just went back to the sub
 select code, so we can't just now give a definite answer when we have
 a new key cache.
 (I am myself totally concentrating on getting 4.0.2-beta out;  When
 this is done I hope to have time to take a look a the key cache problem)

Luciano 4.0.2 will be labelled beta ?

Yes;  4.0.1 has in practiced work very well for a lot of users.
With 4.0.2-beta we are shifting  new development (except bug fixes) to
the 4.1 tree to ensure that 4.0 will stabilize quickly.


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Re: InnoDB, possible bug?

2002-05-22 Thread Michael Widenius


 Heikki == Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Heikki Andrei,
Heikki this is probably not a bug in InnoDB. In theory, 4000 random disk seeks
Heikki would use more time than scanning the whole table of 700 000 rows.

Heikki The optimizer was tuned .48 (not yet in 4.0.1) to favor index searches over
Heikki table scans. That may solve the problem here.

Heikki On the other hand, the fact that MySQL refuses to use the index specified in
Heikki the USE INDEX clause may be a bug. I have forwarded this email to MySQL
Heikki developers.

USE INDEX ... only tells MySQL that it should only consider using one
of the named index to resolve the query.  MySQL is however still free
to use a table scan if finds the given index not suitable for
resolving the query.

Heikki Best regards,

Heikki Heikki Tuuri
Heikki Innobase Oy
Heikki ---
Heikki Order technical MySQL/InnoDB support at
Heikki See for the online manual and latest news on InnoDB

Heikki - Original Message -
Heikki From: Andrei Cojocaru [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heikki To: Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mysql List
Heikki Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 3:16 AM
Heikki Subject: Re: InnoDB, possible bug?

 I am using mysql 4.0.1-alpha on Linux 2.4.18, the info you requested is:
 select count(*) from newsentries10 where playerid=28575 and type=2;
 | count(*) |
 | 4218 |
 1 row in set (13.81 sec)
mysql select count(*) from newsentries10 where playerid=28575 and type=2;
 | count(*) |
 | 3705 |

Do you know why the result differs in this case ?

mysql explain select straight_join
Heikki from
 newsentries10 ne, pnews pn where ne.playerid=28575 and ne.type=2 and

Heikki +---++---+-+-+---+--
 | table | type   | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref   |
 rows   | Extra  |
Heikki +---++---+-+-+---+--
 | ne| ALL| list_news,delete_news | NULL|NULL | NULL  |
 774878 | where used |
 | pn| eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY |   4 | ne.newsid |
 1 ||
Heikki +---++---+-+-+---+--

 show index from newsentries10;


   | newsentries10 |  1 | list_news   |1 | playerid
   |   0 | NULL | NULL   | |
   | newsentries10 |  1 | list_news   |2 | type


Heikki, something is a bit strange here.
In this case MySQL will ask the InnoDB table handler of how many rows
matches the key range (ne.playerid,ne.type) 

[28575, 2]

In this case, InnoDB should return about 4000 rows, but it appears
that it returns 77 rows.

Andrei, could you upload a copy of the tables to

so that Heikki could test this ?


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Re: Re: Bug in fulltext search in latest mysql-4.0.2 source

2002-05-21 Thread Michael Widenius


 Vadim == Vadim P [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Vadim Sergei Golubchik wrote:
 rebuild your indexes (the proper way to do it is to issue
 REPAIR table_name USE_FRM

Vadim Sergei, would ALTER TABLE.. DROP INDEX.. ADD FULLTEXT... do the same trick?

Yes, this would do the same thing as REPAIR, but a bit slower.


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db name alias proxy

2002-05-21 Thread Michael Widenius


 Grigory == Grigory Kolesov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Grigory 1) Endiannes. I figured out that  the size of packet is stored at the
Grigory beginning of packet as little endian unsigned int. 

Grigory Is it so in all cases, or it just happens because both client and server
Grigory run on little endian machines?

The packets are always sent as little endians, independent of the
architecture of the server/client.

Grigory 2) Currently I rewrite only packets which contain:
Grigory  size uint+\x02+dbname
Grigory  size uint+something+\x00+dbname (connection init)
Grigory  size uint+\x03+\s*use\s*+dbname. 
Grigory  I am not sure whether it is always correct.

The above command will take care of the 'USE database' commands, but
not be able to handle SQL commands where you directly refer to the

Grigory 3) Does anyone need such tool, should I post it on web somewhere?

You could always add it to the MySQL portal section at:


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Possible Bug in UPdATE in MySQL 4.0.1 alpha

2002-05-21 Thread Michael Widenius


 Michael == Michael B Venezia [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MichaelPossible Bug in UPDATE in MySQL 4.0.1


Michael Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
Michael where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
Michael terribly wrong...
Michael Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
Michael 0x807db7f
Michael 0x823d64a
Michael 0x8204447
Michael 0x821bbd6
Michael 0x820bb41
Michael 0x80d082f
Michael 0x80b0479
Michael 0x8086de7
Michael 0x808a262
Michael 0x8084e57
Michael 0x808a694
Michael 0x8084296
Michael Stack trace seems successful - bottom reached
Michael Please read and follow
Michael instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
Michael stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do
Michael resolve it

Michael, could you please read the above instructions and try to
resolve the backtrace for us?


MichaelDid this query on a database called 'medical' below text

MichaelUPDATE `Physical Examination Report` SET `History of Present
Michael Illness`='moo\r\nfoo\r\nboo.' WHERE `ID Code of Appointment`=27

Any chance you could ftp a copy of the 'Physical Examination Report'
table to
so that we could try to repeat the problem ?

Just having the table definition formats is not enough to repeat a
problem like this!



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Re: MySQL 3.23.44 not using indexes

2002-05-21 Thread Michael Widenius


 Jeremy == Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jeremy On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 11:41:49AM +0300, Michael Widenius wrote:
Jeremy [snip]


Jeremy That reminds me.  A while back (9 months, maybe), I seem to remember
Jeremy you discussion a re-write of the key cache so that it would use a more
Jeremy locking strategy.

Jeremy Is that supposed to happen in 4.0.x?  I don't recall having seen a
Jeremy commit that affected the key cache yet.

Sanja has been trying to do improvements to the key cache code, but we
are still not satisfied with this.  He just went back to the sub
select code, so we can't just now give a definite answer when we have
a new key cache.

(I am myself totally concentrating on getting 4.0.2-beta out;  When
this is done I hope to have time to take a look a the key cache problem)


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Re: MySQL 3.23.44 not using indexes

2002-05-17 Thread Michael Widenius


 Myk == Myk Melez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Myk Michael Widenius wrote:
 You can check if the index are ok with CHECK TABLE;  If this says the
 index is ok, they are not corrupted.
Myk Apparently this doesn't work in all cases.  CHECK TABLE told me 
Myk everything was fine, but dumping the data to a dump file via mysqldump 
Myk and then re-importing it into a new database fixed the problem, so there 
Myk must have been some undetected corruption in the database.

The only thing that a dump is that he index file gets distributed in a
different manner.  This make affect the range optimizer in some range

Any chance you could give us access to the original 'not working' table
so that we can check this?  CHECK TABLE should be able to find all
possible problems with the table;  If not, I would like to know why it

 The above shows that MySQL could use the index but decides to not use
 this because it concludes that a table scan will be faster.
 To verify this can you send us the result for the following queries:
 SELECT count(*) FROM bugs WHERE bug_status IN ('NEW', 'ASSIGNED', 'REOPENED');
 SELECT count(*) FROM bugs;

Myk The results were about 25,000 and 131,000, respectively.

In a case like this (where so many rows are covered by the index) it's
not self evident that a table scan is not faster than an index scan.

Especially with many users using the key cache at the same time, a
table scan is likely to use less resources from the system.

What was the time difference in executing the query when MySQL used
the index and when it did the table scan ?


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Re: problem with

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Widenius


 Sinisa == Sinisa Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am not agree. I take _another program_ which work fine during ~2 year
 with previouse mysql version (mysql-3.23.44 for example).
 And I send dump from this program.
 Why I interested libmysqlclient_r?
 I have a program, which try to connect to mysql twice.
 But the second connection freeze in mysql_real_connect.
 I use (mysql-3.23.42  FreeBSD-4.4RC)
 I try to upgrade to mysql-3.23.49 and use mysqlclient_r on test
 computer and have many problems (I write about their before).
 But now I attach to working process which freese and see:
 (gdb) bt
 #0  0x18237970 in _thread_kern_sched () from /usr/lib/
 #1  0x182382d2 in _thread_kern_sched_state () from /usr/lib/
 #2  0x1823b791 in _thread_fd_lock_debug () from /usr/lib/
 #3  0x1826df86 in _close () from /usr/lib/
 #4  0x1823eb72 in _res_close () from /usr/lib/
 #5  0x1823dc49 in res_send () from /usr/lib/
 #6  0x182418ad in res_query () from /usr/lib/
 #7  0x18241d88 in res_querydomain () from /usr/lib/
 #8  0x18241aca in res_search () from /usr/lib/
 #9  0x1824d692 in _gethostbydnsname () from /usr/lib/
 #10 0x1824c14c in gethostbyname2 () from /usr/lib/
 #11 0x1824c0c9 in gethostbyname () from /usr/lib/


 Under FreeBSD gethostbyname is not thread-safe
 And there is no thread-safe gethostbyname_r
 (function exist but not thread-safe)
 Are mysql know about this!!!

Just a note about this problem:

We will add a wrapper for gethostbyname() in 3.23.51 and the 4.0.2
that will fix things for OS where gethostbyname is not threadsafe.


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Re: problem with

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Widenius


 Michael == Michael Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For example, have you called mysql_thread_init() before calling
 mysql_real_connect() in all your threads ?

Michael However, to my understanding, mysql_thread_init() is not needed if
Michael only one database connection is used, and that database connection
Michael is established when the program starts, before any threads have been
Michael created.

Sorry, but this in not true.

You have to call mysql_thread_init() for each thread that is not
calling mysql_real_connect()

This is needed to setup some thread local variables MySQL needs to
make things threadsafe.

Michael  That is, if you call mysql_real_connect() at the top
Michael of main(), for example, and you let the connection persist for the
Michael lifetime of the program, then mysql_thread_init() is not necessary,

It is necessary

Michael and the only thing that you must worry about is to make sure that
Michael critical sections (like between mysql_real_query() and 
Michael mysql_store_result()) are sandwiched in-between a mutex lock.

Michael If the above is incorrect, please let me know.

Please read the manual section about how to make a thread safe
client. This explains in detail what you have to do!


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Re: problem with

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Widenius


 Andrey == Andrey Kotrekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andrey -L .-A
Andrey Are mysql know about this!!!
 Sorry but if your OS doesn't support gethostbyname_r(), then
 mysql_real_connect() is not thread safe (I have just updated our
 documentation about this)

Andrey Thank you.

I have now also patched the 3.23.51 source to ensure that
gethostbyname() is called in a thread-safe manner.


 For example, have you called mysql_thread_init() before calling
 mysql_real_connect() in all your threads ?

Andrey Hmm... I use mysql_init() in each thread but:

Try calling 'my_thread_init()' instead.

Andrey my_thread_init()
Andrey .
Andrey This is automatically called by my_init() and mysql_connect().
Andrey ~

The above should work if you all your threads calls the above
functions.  If you have a thread that calls mysql_xxx_query()
directly, this will die if you don't call my_thread_init() first.

Andrey And in manual:
Andrey To get a threaded client where you can interrupt the client from other
Andrey threads and set timeouts when talking with the MySQL server, you should
Andrey use the -lmysys, -lstring, and -ldbug libraries...
Andrey -lstring - where can I find it?
Andrey Is it -lmystrings ?

Yes;  I have now updated the manual with this.


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Re: Solved (Re: 4.0.2 Replication still buggy...)

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Widenius


 Sasha == Sasha Pachev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sasha On Wednesday 01 May 2002 11:34 pm, Jeremy Zawodny wrote:
 After even more tracking stuff down, I managed to isolate it to a
 change made in MySQL 4.0.1. ?The query in question was doing:
 rather than
 MySQL 3.23.xx lets the first sneak by without errors even if there are
 duplicates. ?4.0.2 does not. ?It stops. ?Since our master is 3.23 and
 this particular slave is 4.0.2, the two didn't agree.

Sasha That would be a bug in 4.0.2. Can you provide a test case for it?

Actually, this is not a bug.

If you issue an INSERT INTO ... SELECT on 4.0.2,  it should stop on
errors.  It was a bug that it didn't do this before.


Always use INSERT IGNORE ...  on the 3.23 master that you want to


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Re: Slave crashes with SEGV on master shutdown

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Widenius


Going through my email backlog...

Just a short update on this.

 Sasha == Sasha Pachev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sasha On Monday 29 April 2002 04:39 am, David Harper wrote:

 I'm running the pre-compiled Compaq Alpha (OSF1) version of MySQL 3.23.49
 with master/slave replication.


 I built mysqld from the source code with the --with-debug option specified
 to the configure script. Then I duplicated the slave server crash and found
 that the problem is in the code which tried to re-connect to the master.
 Specifically, the SEGV fault occurs within call to gethostbyname_r. Here is
 the debugger traceback:

 #8  0x1202953e0 in __gethostbyname_r(0x2000199, 0x2f3b418, 
Sasha 0x2f3b318, 0x2f3b418, 0x0, 0x1) in 

Sasha At this point, I have two theories:

Sasha a) There is something wrong with your gethostbyname_r function


We have been able to verify that this is the case and we will have a
workaround for this in 3.23.51 and MYSQL 4.0.2


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Re: checksum errors

2002-05-15 Thread Michael Widenius


 Melvyn == Melvyn Sopacua [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Melvyn I don't get the checksum errors anymore - after I changed the table def.
Melvyn However - myisamchk is not doing a good job with the large keys (restored
Melvyn them by LOAD TABLE hardware FROM MASTER which produced the correct size),
Melvyn plus keys become corrupted when a replication packet is not received correctly,
Melvyn plus:
Melvyn Empty set (0.07 sec)

Can you create an example that shows that you how get a corrupted table
when a replication packet fails ?

This is something that should not be possible to happen.  If failed
packet doesn't have anything to do with a crashed table.

On the other hand, you may got a crashed table on the slave and the
replication stops because of this;   This is however another issue.

Melvyn The myisamchck is certainly reproducable, as is the missing ft_ variables,
Melvyn resulting in no way to set ft_min_word_len.

myisamchk in 4.0 supports the ft_min_word_len variable.

If you change ft_min_word_len, you are probably better of with using
REPAIR TABLE than myisamchk to repair a table.

Melvyn Should I re-report those bugs, so they are easier to process for you?

Yes, if you can produce a full test case.

Melvyn Today I think I found something interesting:
Melvyn Some tables kept crashing, with incorrect keyfiles.
Melvyn Verifying the CREATE TABLE statement, there's was 1 correlation:
Melvyn The tables all had a second index on the primary key (for what reason? I don't
Melvyn know - legacy probably - I think the primary key, was dual-fielded at some 
Melvyn point).

I don't think this is the problem; There is no requirements inside
MySQL to have the primary index as the first index.

Melvyn Combining that with the other table that kept crashing there seems to be a 
Melvyn problem,
Melvyn with the situation, where one field is indexed more than one time.

I would be really interested in having a test case that shows how to
crash MySQL.  Without a test case, I can't really give you any good
advises of what could be the problem.


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Re: MySQL 3.23.44 not using indexes

2002-05-15 Thread Michael Widenius


 Myk == Myk Melez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Myk Steven Roussey wrote:
 Are the tables defined the same on both servers? 
Myk Yes, the tables are defined exactly the same.

 Is the data the same?
Myk Just about.  The data on the working server is a copy of the database on 
Myk the broken server.  For previous tests I used a several-weeks-old copy 
Myk of the data, but for today's tests I re-copied the data over, so it 
Myk represents almost the same exact data set.

 Is the query the same? Are both analyzed?
Myk Yes, I analyzed the tables on both databases before running the explain 
Myk queries, and the explain queries are exactly the same.  The only 
Myk difference I can come up with is that the database on the working server 
Myk was dumped from the broken server via mysqldump and then imported into 
Myk the working server, while the database on the broken server was created 
Myk via table creation statements years ago and has since been updated from 
Myk the ISAM to the MyISAM table type and the database server from version 
Myk 3.22.30 to 3.23.44.

Myk Is it possible that indexes were somehow corrupted in the process and 
Myk need to be rebuilt from scratch?  Does it make sense to dump the data on 
Myk the broken server and re-import it into a different database on that server?

You can check if the index are ok with CHECK TABLE;  If this says the
index is ok, they are not corrupted.

You can optimize the index layout by using OPTIMIZE TABLE.

But back to the original problem:

mysql EXPLAIN SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE bug_status IN ('NEW', 
| table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows   | 
Extra  |
| bugs  | ALL  | bug_status| NULL |NULL | NULL | 139425 | where 
used |

The above shows that MySQL could use the index but decides to not use
this because it concludes that a table scan will be faster.

To verify this can you send us the result for the following queries:

SELECT count(*) FROM bugs WHERE bug_status IN ('NEW', 'ASSIGNED', 'REOPENED');
SELECT count(*) FROM bugs;

If the first query returns more than 30 % of the second, then MySQL
works as expected in this case.


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Re: Pre-release of MySQL 3.23.50

2002-05-15 Thread Michael Widenius


Trying to catch up with some old emails...

 Ireneusz == Ireneusz Piasecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ireneusz Hi. I'm running on linux box 6.2 with glibc 2.1 and i compiled from src.rpm
Ireneusz mysql.
Ireneusz The compiler is gcc  2.95.2.

Ireneusz So, the new version of mysql 3.23.50 can i complie with it (2.95.2) or i
Ireneusz must upgrade to gcc 3.0.4 ???

You can use either gcc 2.95.x or gcc 3.0.x to compile MySQL.

We are just trying out gcc 3.0.4 ourselves as we have to switch
compiler from egcs 2.91.66 on our build machine because we want to use
a newer glibc library.


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BDB wrapped transaction id's

2002-05-14 Thread Michael Widenius


 Robert == Robert Cross [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Robert Anyone seen a message like:

Robert 020509  0:05:30  bdb:  txn_begin: transaction ID wrapped.  Exit the database 
Robert and restart the application as if application failure had occurred

Robert Now for the important followup question - what does this mean, and how do I 
stop it
Robert happening again?

This means something went awfully wrong inside the bdb handler.

Unfortunately the only way to get this fixed is if you can do a
repeatable case where this happens on a clean database :(


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RE: mysqlimpor and fixed length files.

2002-05-02 Thread Michael Widenius


 Ramon == Ramon Arias [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Ramon I haven't done the big file yet... I did a smaller one that was 50 gigs, and
Ramon it loaded fine after a few hours. (about 3) in a pc with tons of ram and
Ramon scsi stripped drives. However each index take about 3-5 hours to create. For
Ramon some reason it seems faster to add the indexes after importing the data. I
Ramon don't understand why MySQL wants to copy the entire database over every time
Ramon I add an index... It seems to me that it spends most of the time and
Ramon resources coping the file over and relatively little processing time
Ramon creating the actual index. Hmmm... I wonder whether there is a to streamline
Ramon this process.

The ALTER TABLE in MySQL is very flexible as it has a lot of
non-standard but useful options.  One drawback is that currently it's
always doing a total reconstructions of the data and index. We plan to
fix this in 4.1 (Maybe earlier if someone would like to sponsor this

In other words, if you plan to create a lot of INDEX, you should do
this with a single ALTER TABLE command.

If you do a LOAD DATA INFILE into an empty file, MySQL will delay
not unique index creation until all data is loaded.

To get more speed for index creation, you can set the
myisam_sort_buffer_size variable to a high value.


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Re: mysql_real_query and escaping a semicolon

2002-04-30 Thread Michael Widenius


 Anna == Anna Fowles-Winkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Anna I removed the semicolon from the end of the query string, and I still get the
Anna same syntax error:

Anna You have an error in your SQL syntax near ''.1' at line 10

Anna This is what the query looks like:
Anna INSERT INTO micromodels
Anna  (name, revision, dynamic, m_class, novars, equation, min_0, min_1,
Anna  min_2, min_3, min_4, min_5, min_6, min_7, min_8, max_0, max_1,
Anna  max_2, max_3, max_4, max_5, max_6, max_7, max_8, except_0,
Anna  except_1, except_2, except_3, except_4, except_5, except_6,
Anna  except_7, except_8, prompt_0, prompt_1, prompt_2, prompt_3, prompt_4,
Anna  prompt_5, prompt_6, prompt_7, prompt_8, allow_0, allow_1, allow_2,
Anna  allow_3, allow_4, allow_5, allow_6)
AnnaVALUES ('Eye Movement

The MySQL server should not have any problems with the above query.
The ';' is something that is parsed by the command line client 'mysql'
and not something that the server really cares about.

Exactly how did you try to submit the above line ?
Can you show us the exact code where you stored the above query in a
string and sent it to the server ?

Please check with a debugger or by starting mysqld with --log and
examining the log file, that the server really got the above query!


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How to make the Win target from source?

2002-04-29 Thread Michael Widenius


 Dennis == Dennis George [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dennis I downloaded
Dennis There are various files missing (e.g. Makefile) that would enable compiling 
with gcc. 

Dennis Has anyone out there made mysql from source on Win platform
Dennis with gcc?  I had been trying to compile my own client but was getting
Dennis a lot of undefines at link time  - the instructions said that mysql
Dennis should be remade from source to solve this problem.  I am stuck trying
Dennis to do that.

If you want to use cygwin and gcc you should download the standard
MySQL source distribution instead of the windows source distribution.

You should however be aware of that the end result will not be as fast
os as reliable as if you would use VC++, because MySQL is heavily
dependent of a good thread implementation.


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Re: How does DISTINCT really work ?

2002-04-27 Thread Michael Widenius


 Fournier == Fournier Jocelyn [Presence-PC] [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Fournier Hi,
Fournier So I assume in this case the only way to have distinct results is to use
Fournier GROUP BY topic clause ?

If you do this, you can't still use 'ORDER BY date' as 'date' is not
part of the GROUP BY columns.


  forum.searchmainpresencepc4,forum.searchjoinpresencepc4 WHERE
  searchmainpresencepc4.numreponse=searchjoinpresencepc4.numreponse AND
  (mot='les') ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,40;

The main problem is what you try to do is not legal in SQL.

What you probably want to do is the following:

SELECT DISTINCT topic,max(date) as d FROM
forum.searchmainpresencepc4,forum.searchjoinpresencepc4 WHERE
searchmainpresencepc4.numreponse=searchjoinpresencepc4.numreponse AND
(mot='les') group by topic ORDER BY d DESC LIMIT 0,40;

And just ignore the d column from the result


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Re: problem with

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Widenius


 Andrey == Andrey Kotrekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Andrey #12 0x180e7cdc in mysql_real_connect ()
Andreyfrom /usr/local/mysql/lib/
Andrey #13 0x1812f93c in MysqlConnection::real_connect (this=0x80c9c18,
Andrey db=0x80fe8b0 zzz, host=0x80fb040,
Andrey user=0x80fe910 xxx, passwd=0x80c26aa , port=3306, compress=1,
Andrey connect_timeout=60, socket_name=0x80c26be , client_flag=0)
Andrey at
Andrey #14 0x808384f in QueueModule::Run (this=0x80c9c00) at
Andrey #15 0x8068a8b in start_Module (ptr=0x80c9c00) at
Andrey #16 0x181fce73 in _thread_start () from /usr/lib/
Andrey #17 0x0 in ?? ()

Andrey Under FreeBSD gethostbyname is not thread-safe
Andrey And there is no thread-safe gethostbyname_r
Andrey (function exist but not thread-safe)

Andrey Are mysql know about this!!!

Sorry but if your OS doesn't support gethostbyname_r(), then
mysql_real_connect() is not thread safe (I have just updated our
documentation about this)

Another issue is that if your client dies in the dbug_ code, this
means that you have probably not followed the instructions in the
manual section:

'How to Make a Threaded Client'

For example, have you called mysql_thread_init() before calling
mysql_real_connect() in all your threads ?


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RE: memory leaks in libmysqlclient.

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Widenius


 domi == domi  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

domi Hi !
domi Thank You for the response !

domi so I don't think it's solaris-problem. 
domi Ofcource it can still be my code but I have not found 
domi the problem...
domi So I took a chance and passed this question to list.
domi Maybe somebody else have had the same problem??
domi Maybe libmysqlclient is not designed to be used in a
domi daemon process??
domi It definitely is something wrong somewhere. 
domi 40 - 50 MB in a week is not normal, or what You think ??

domi I'will test hoard library asap, lets see what happens !

The MySQL client library has been tested under purify and we have not
found any memory problems with it.

One thing you can do is to recompile MySQL with --with-debug=full

In this case the client library will include the safe_malloc library,
which you can ask to report all memory used by the client library
which has not been freed.  (Just call the TERMINATE() function in your
library from time to time).


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SQL Bugs/Missing INFO

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Widenius


 Trent == Trent Creekmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Trent In the MySQL manual, the error codes are not available. This is a serious 
problem. I have an error that keeps coming up and no way to solve it.
Trent The error code is 1064. I believe for the syntax, but a THOROUGH check 
indicated there is NO error in syntax, so it must be a bug in the MySQL server.

THis is not stricly needed as you can always get the full error text
by using the mysql_error() call.

The errors are defined in:


1064 is the error given for syntax errors and ind I am not aware of
any bugs that would cause this error.

Are you 100 % sure that you don't have an syntax error or are using
some feature that MySQL doesn't support in your SQL command ?


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column restrict:fraction 10 ???

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Widenius


 ydbxmhc == ydbxmhc  Paul writes:

ydbxmhc Good day, everyone, and thank you for your time!
ydbxmhc I am not a member of the mailing list (I had to swear them off as
ydbxmhc addictive =o) but am posting this question in the hope that some
ydbxmhc generous soul will assist me anyway.


ydbxmhc Is there a way to 
mysql create table xmp (
- this real(5,4)
- );
ydbxmhc   Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
ydbxmhc so that 
mysql desc xmp;
ydbxmhc doesn't come back with
ydbxmhc   +---+-+
ydbxmhc   | this  | double(6,4) |
ydbxmhc   +---+-+

There was a bug in MySQL where it accidently converted double(X+1,X)
t double(X+2,X) because MySQL thought that the first version was an
illegal type (as it was in MySQL 3.23)
(For example double(3,3) is an illegal type and is converted to

Here is a patch that fixes this (This will be in 3.23.51 and 4.0.2)

((/my/mysql-3.23)) bk diffs -c sql/ 
= sql/ 1.143 vs edited =
*** /tmp/ Tue Apr 16 16:29:04 2002
--- edited/sql/ Fri Apr 26 13:44:05 2002
*** 2432,2440 
uint sign_len=type_modifier  UNSIGNED_FLAG ? 0 : 1;
if (new_field-length  new_field-decimals 
!   new_field-length  new_field-decimals+2 
new_field-decimals != NOT_FIXED_DEC)
! new_field-length=new_field-decimals+2; /* purecov: inspected */
switch (type) {
--- 2432,2440 
uint sign_len=type_modifier  UNSIGNED_FLAG ? 0 : 1;
if (new_field-length  new_field-decimals 
!   new_field-length  new_field-decimals+1 
new_field-decimals != NOT_FIXED_DEC)
! new_field-length=new_field-decimals+1; /* purecov: inspected */
switch (type) {


PS: In MySQL 4.1 MySQL will also remember that you used real() instead
of reporting double()

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RE: table lock - which connection id own's it

2002-04-24 Thread Michael Widenius


 Lopez == Lopez David E-r9374c [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Lopez If no row is returned, then the following happens:
Lopez   1) lock table ...
Lopez   2) select ...
Lopez   3) if no row is returned, 
Lopez   4)insert ...
Lopez   5)use LAST_INSERT_ID() to get the value of the key
Lopez   6) else get the key-value pair
Lopez   7) unlock table
Lopez   8) put key-value pair in RAM hash
Lopez   9) insert row in main table (using new key-value pair)

Why not instead do as follows:
(This assumes you have an unique index on the thing you are selecting

select ...
if no row is returned, 
   insert ...
   if insert works without a duplicate key error:
 use LAST_INSERT_ID() to get the value of the key
 select to find the row some other thread inserted
put key-value pair in RAM hash
insert row in main table (using new key-value pair)


Lopez Hope that clears the insertion process on the hash tables. I'm
Lopez glad that if a connection is lost in steps 2-6, mysql would
Lopez automatically unlock the tables. That will satisfy the db
Lopez specification nicely. The architecture for our db came
Lopez from the optimization chapter in the manual. Thanks!

If the connection dies on the client side, the server will notice it
as once. The thing you will not notice if a client goes into an
endless loop and will not release the connection to the MySQL server.

I will add to our TODO to add to SHOW OPEN TABLES a list of threads
that has locks on the table (or maybe a SHOW LOCKS command) to better
cover this case in the future.


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Fw: user problem

2002-04-24 Thread Michael Widenius


 kennonward == kennonward  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

kennonward I have mysql installed on a linux platform.  I have no problem running 
every thing as root.  When  I try to run mysql as a user other than root, I entered 
command use mysql. I get error  1044:access denied for user:@localhost to database 

kennonward is there a file that I need to change the permissions on or change the 
group in a var or usr subdirectory.

This is described in detail in the 'Access denied' section in the
MySQL manual.

You have to do a GRANT command to tell MySQL which other users you
want to give access to the MySQL database.


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Pre-release of MySQL 3.23.50

2002-04-23 Thread Michael Widenius


3.23.50 is basicly just a bug fix release compare do 3.23.49a

There is however two things one should be aware of regarding 3.23.50
(both only affecting our Linux x86 binaries (normal and RPM's):

- We have switched to a new updated glib library, because we found a
  critical memory corruption bug (introduced by us) in the old glibc
  library that we used to compile 3.23.49.
  (older MySQL binaries are not affected by this problem)
- We have changed compiler to gcc 3.0.4 (because the old gcc compiler
  we used couldn't compile with an alternative glibc library).

As 3.23 is a stable release version, we don't want to release 3.23.50
to the general public right away, as we want to be sure that the new
gcc version works in practice as good as it has worked on our
internal machines.

You can now find 3.23.50 at the following link:

If we don't get any fatal bug reports by the end of the week for this
version, we will then move it to our standard download page.

If you find anything wrong/strange with this release compared to
older 3.23 releases, please send a full bug report to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will fix it ASAP!

Changes in release 3.23.50

   * Fixed problem with `crash-me' and gcc 3.0.4.

   * Fixed that `@@unknown_variable' doesn't hang server.

   * Added `@@VERSION' as a synonym for `VERSION()'.

   * `SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'xxx'' is now case insensitive.

   * Fixed timeout for `GET_LOCK()' on HPUX with DCE threads.

   * Fixed memory allocation bug in the glibc library used to build
 Linux binaries, which caused mysqld to die in 'free()'.

   * Fixed `SIGINT' and `SIGQUIT' problems in `mysql'.

   * Fixed bug in character table converts when used with big (  64K)

   * `InnoDB' now retains foreign key constraints through `ALTER TABLE'

   * `InnoDB' now allows foreign key constraints to be added through the
 `ALTER TABLE' syntax.

   * `InnoDB' tables can now be set to automatically grow in size
   * Fixed some buffer overflow problems when reading startup

   * Because of problems on shutdown we have now disabled named pipes on
 windows by default.  One can enable named pipes by starting mysqld
 with `--enable-named-pipe'.

   * Fixed bug when using `WHERE key_column = 'J' or key_column='j''.

   * Fixed core-dump bug when using `--log-bin' with `LOAD DATA INFILE'
 without an active database.

   * Fixed bug in `RENAME TABLE' when used with
 `lower_case_table_names=1' (default on Windows).

   * Fixed unlikely core-dump bug when using `DROP TABLE' on a table
 that was in use by a thread that also used queries on only
 temporary tables.

   * Fixed problem with `SHOW CREATE TABLE' and `PRIMARY KEY' when using
 32 indexes.

   * Fixed that one can use `SET PASSWORD' for the anonymous user.

   * Fixed core-dump bug when reading client groups from option files
 using `mysql_options()'.

   * Memory leak (16 bytes per every *corrupted* table) closed.

   * Fixed binary builds to use `--enable-local-infile'.

   * Update source to work with new `bison' version.

   * Updated shell scripts to new agree with new POSIX standard.

   * Fixed bug where `DATE_FORMAT()' returned empty string when used
 with `GROUP BY'.


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table lock - which connection id own's it

2002-04-23 Thread Michael Widenius


 Lopez == Lopez David E-r9374c [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lopez AntiSpam - mysql, sql, query
Lopez Version: 3.23.49a, MyISAM, NT, Solaris

Lopez My app is 150 daemons writing logs to mysql. The main 
Lopez table is of fixed size but depends on four other tables
Lopez for foreign keys (hash tables). These tables are uploaded
Lopez once to the daemon at start-up. Occasionally, a new entry 
Lopez must be written into these hash tables. The procedure is
Lopez to lock the table, insert entry, get the key (auto-increment
Lopez field) and release the lock.

A better solution is to use LAST_INSERT_ID() and not use any locks at all.

Lopez But what if the connection dies during the update process.
Lopez If this happens, how can I tell which connection id has the 
Lopez lock so I can kill it? 

If a connection dies, the server will automaticly delete all temporary
tables and all table locks.


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Re: Syntax error with merge tables

2002-04-22 Thread Michael Widenius


 Eric == Eric Thelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Eric On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I always get a syntax error when using INSERT_METHOD in creating merge
 tables.  If I leave off the INSERT_METHOD part it works fine.  I have
 tried this on many versions in the past and now on 3.23.49a.  I am
 running on Mandrake Linux 8.1 but have seen this same error on other
 linux distros.  It is my understanding from reading the manual that the
 following should work but it doesn't.
 CREATE TABLE mytable (
 ) TYPE=MERGE UNION=(mytable0, mytable1, mytable2) INSERT_METHOD=LAST;
 Since the .MRG files are plain text could someone send me what the
 INSERT_METHOD part is supposed to look like so I can do it manually if
 needed.  Thanks.

The problem is that INSERT_METHOD only works in MySQL 4.0, not in 3.23

If you need this feature, then you should download the MySQL 4.0.1
distribution and try this out.  The MySQL 4.0 series has been out a
while now and has in practice proven to be be quite stable..


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How to speed up mods to large table?

2002-04-22 Thread Michael Widenius


 Nick == Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Nick I haven't been able to dig up any specific information about how to get
Nick maximum performance when making changes to large tables.  I have a table
Nick that's close to 4 GB, which I'm altering to come up with the best trade-off
Nick between performance and speed.  Dropping a column or an index seems
Nick exceedingly slow and I'm wondering what parameters matter for this.  I'm
Nick already using the highest-performance drive I can lay my hands on.  What
Nick else matters?

MySQL currently almost always recreates the full index and data
tables when you do an alter table (to be fixed in 4.1).

To speed this up for MyISAM tables, you can set up the
myisam_sort_buffer_size to a much larger value.


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Re: MySQL 3.23.49 and HP-UX 10.20 Install

2002-04-19 Thread Michael Widenius


 Michael == Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael This has come up before.  In fact, I had the exact same problem.  You can
Michael see the the thread Coredump when running scripts/mysql_install_db  at


Michael The conclusion is in Problem with setrlimit on HPUX 10.20 at


Michael In short, HP-UX 10.20 has a bug in dce/cma_ux.h which breaks setrlimit
Michael when largefiles is enabled.  If I understood him correctly, Monty (Michael
Michael Widenius) acknowledged that his copy of HP-UX 10.20 has this flaw, but he
Michael says his copy of the official binary works there, though I honestly cannot
Michael see how.


This problem should have been fixed in 3.23.49

I added in include/global.h the following defines:

#if defined(HPUX)  defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE)  defined(THREAD)
/* Fix bug in setrlimit */
#undef setrlimit
#define setrlimit cma_setrlimit64

Which should have fixed this problem.

Clarence, any change you could compile MySQL with --with-debug and try to
find out why it fails for you?


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Re: How does DISTINCT really work ?

2002-04-15 Thread Michael Widenius


 Heikki == Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Heikki From: SDiZ (UHome) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I think every thing are documented.
 a.. The optimiser may handle DISTINCT differently if you are using
 'hidden' columns in a join or not.

Heikki Ok, thank you for noting this!

Heikki We should update the manual so that it mentions this exception to the rule
Heikki on the proper page

I think nothing this in the bugs section should be clear enough.
It's very hard to keep the manual up to date if you duplicate
everything at all places.

Heikki And maybe also change the processing of DISTINCT so that there is no such
Heikki exception to the rule.

This should already be fixed in MySQL 4.0.


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