Re: getting started with mysql

2006-03-26 Thread Michael Stassen

Michael Friendly wrote:
I've just started trying to use mysql (debian/linux 
4.0.24_Debian-10sarge1-log), which I'm finding quite frustrating.

I have a bunch of .csv files to try to import. They all have a first
line containing field names.

 When I try load data ...
I get errors no matter what I try

Don't just try things in hopes of success.  Look up the correct syntax in the 
manual and use it.  It's usually quicker and less frustrating that way.

mysql> use milestone;
Database changed
mmysql> load data local infile 'categories/milecodes.csv' into table 

-> fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' ignore 1 lines
-> columns (key,year,where,content,form,itemform,itemcontent)
-> ;
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'columns (key,year,where,content,form,itemform,itemcontent)'

You have a syntax error, as the message is telling you.  The word "columns" is 
not part of the correct syntax, so you should leave it out.  See the manual for 
details .

You also have a problem with your first column name, which I describe below.

mysql> load data local infile 'categories/milecodes.csv' into table 

-> fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' ignore 1 lines
-> ;
ERROR 1146: Table 'milestone.milecodes' doesn't exist

Does it?

mysql> drop table if exists milecodes;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table milecodes
-> (keyprimary key,
-> yearint,
-> where   enum('Eur', 'NAmer', 'Other'),
-> content char,
-> formchar,
-> itemformchar,
-> itemcontent char
-> );
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'primary key,

You shouldn't use "key" as a column name, as it's a reserved word.  It's 
possible (if you quote it with backticks *every* time), but not a good idea. 
Also, every column needs a type, including the primary key.  Typically, you use 
an unsigned, auto_increment INT column for the primary key.  You probably need 
something like

  CREATE TABLE milecodes
year INT,

The manual gives the complete CREATE TABLE syntax 
 and full details on 
column types .

I get no more joy from mysqlimport.  What is wrong?

 % mysqlimport --force --local --ignore-lines=1 --fields-terminated-by 
',' --fields-enclosed-by '"' 

mysqlimport  Ver 3.4 Distrib 4.0.24, for pc-linux-gnu (i386)
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Loads tables from text files in various formats.  The base name of the
text file must be the name of the table that should be used.
If one uses sockets to connect to the MySQL server, the server will open 

read the text file directly. In other cases the client will open the text
file. The SQL command 'LOAD DATA INFILE' is used to import the rows.

Usage: mysqlimport [OPTIONS] database textfile...

Well, there's the syntax.  Your command line, quoted above, has

  mysqlimport [OPTIONS]

It appears that you specified neither the database nor the textfile.


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getting started with mysql

2006-03-26 Thread Michael Friendly
I've just started trying to use mysql (debian/linux 
4.0.24_Debian-10sarge1-log), which I'm finding quite frustrating.

I have a bunch of .csv files to try to import. They all have a first
line containing field names.

 When I try load data ...
I get errors no matter what I try

mysql> use milestone;
Database changed
mmysql> load data local infile 'categories/milecodes.csv' into table 

-> fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' ignore 1 lines
-> columns (key,year,where,content,form,itemform,itemcontent)
-> ;
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'columns (key,year,where,content,form,itemform,itemcontent)' at

mysql> load data local infile 'categories/milecodes.csv' into table 

-> fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' ignore 1 lines
-> ;
ERROR 1146: Table 'milestone.milecodes' doesn't exist

mysql> drop table if exists milecodes;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table milecodes
-> (keyprimary key,
-> yearint,
-> where   enum('Eur', 'NAmer', 'Other'),
-> content char,
-> formchar,
-> itemformchar,
-> itemcontent char
-> );
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'primary key,

where   enum('Eur', 'NAmer',

I get no more joy from mysqlimport.  What is wrong?

 % mysqlimport --force --local --ignore-lines=1 --fields-terminated-by 
',' --fields-enclosed-by '"' 

mysqlimport  Ver 3.4 Distrib 4.0.24, for pc-linux-gnu (i386)
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Loads tables from text files in various formats.  The base name of the
text file must be the name of the table that should be used.
If one uses sockets to connect to the MySQL server, the server will open and
read the text file directly. In other cases the client will open the text
file. The SQL command 'LOAD DATA INFILE' is used to import the rows.

Usage: mysqlimport [OPTIONS] database textfile...
Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/mysql/my.cnf /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf
The following groups are read: mysqlimport client
The following options may be given as the first argument:
--print-defaultsPrint the program argument list and exit
--no-defaults   Don't read default options from any options file
--defaults-file=#   Only read default options from the given file #
--defaults-extra-file=# Read this file after the global files are read
  Directory where character sets are
  Set the default character set.
  -c, --columns=name  Use only these columns to import the data to. 
Give the
  column names in a comma separated list. This is 
same as

  giving columns to LOAD DATA INFILE.
  -C, --compress  Use compression in server/client protocol.
  -#, --debug[=name]  Output debug log. Often this is 'd:t:o,filename'
  -d, --deleteFirst delete all rows from table.
  Fields in the textfile are terminated by ...
  Fields in the importfile are enclosed by ...
  Fields in the i.file are opt. enclosed by ...
  Fields in the i.file are escaped by ...
  -f, --force Continue even if we get an sql-error.
  -?, --help  Displays this help and exits.
  -h, --host=name Connect to host.
  -i, --ignoreIf duplicate unique key was found, keep old row.
  --ignore-lines=#Ignore first n lines of data infile.
  Lines in the i.file are terminated by ...
  -L, --local Read all files through the client
  -l, --lock-tables   Lock all tables for write.
  --low-priority  Use LOW_PRIORITY when updating the table
  -p, --password[=name]
  Password to use when connecting to server. If 
password is

  not given it's asked from the tty.
  -P, --port=#Port number to use for connection.
  -r, --replace   If duplicate unique key was found, replace old row.
  -s, --silentBe more silent.
  -S, --socket=name   Socket file to use for connection.
  -u, --user=name User for login if not current user.
  -v, --verbose   Print info about the various stages.
  -V, --version   Output version information and exit.

Variables (--variabl

Re: password? getting started

2006-02-01 Thread hawat . thufir

Ok, I logged on to the GUI Administrator as:


from my linux user account.  Tad confusing, as to which "root" is being 
referred to.  If I, for instance, restart they system I'll need to 
manually restart the database?  Or, if for some other reason the database 
is "stopped" it must be restarted?  Hmm.  And there are different levels 
of users for the database, apparently.  Bit of adjustment required!


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Re: password? getting started

2006-02-01 Thread hawat . thufir

Got it started:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# service mysqld start
Initializing MySQL database:  Installing all prepared tables
Fill help tables
ERROR: 1064  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds 
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

060201  3:46:14 [ERROR] Aborting

060201  3:46:14 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete

The "HELP" command might not work properly

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.server
to the right place for your system

To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost.localdomain password 'new-password'
See the manual for more instructions.

You can start the MySQL daemon with:
cd /usr ; /usr/bin/mysqld_safe &

You can test the MySQL daemon with the benchmarks in the 'sql-bench' directory:
cd sql-bench ; perl run-all-tests

Please report any problems with the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at
   [  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]
Wed Feb  1 03:46:44 EST 2006
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# nano sql.2.txt
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'password'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 4.1.16

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> quit
Wed Feb  1 03:48:43 EST 2006

heh.  Now I just have to figure out how to do stuff!  :)


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password? getting started

2006-02-01 Thread hawat . thufir

from linux Fedora, FC4:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum -y groupinstall 'MySQL Database'
Setting up Group Process
Setting up repositories
base  100% |=| 1.1 kB00:00
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Passing package list to Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Nothing to do
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# whoami
Wed Feb  1 03:31:09 EST 2006

Now, I've read reference indicating that first the password must be set. 
This isn't the password for the root account, nor for a user account on 
the local system, but a password for the database, yes?

RTFM, I know, I'm going to the library first chance I can.


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Re: getting started with mysql:

2005-08-24 Thread Roger Baklund

Sérgio Júnior wrote:
> I’ve never worked with mysql db’s and I would like to start a new
> Project at work creating a new mysql db. I start read but I got lost
> so many times that I am seeking guidance help, someon to tell me
> first start with this and after do that. Is anyone available to give
> some guidance at that level? Some starting point and a following line
> of learning.

You are a bit vague about what your requirements and problems are.

Do you need to install a server? >

If you still have problems with this, tell us what OS you are using, 
what you have tried and what error messages you got.

Do you have a problem creating the database? The syntax is straight 
forward: CREATE DATABASE dbname; >

If it does not work, the user account you use with mysql does not have 
the right privileges, or the server is setup wrong (file system 
permission problems), or you are not entering the command into the 
client. Again, tell us what OS you are using, what you tried and what 
error message you got.

Maybe you allready have access to the database, but you don't know where 
to go from here? There are many books on mysql in a good bookstore, but 
the online tutorial should be your first stop: >

I use the online reference manual a lot. The main TOC is here: >

Some essential chapters: > > >

Finally, as a general note, I suggest you define your project properly. 
Only after you know what problem you want to solve, you can start 
solving it. Even if you are doing this just for fun, or for learning, 
you should come up with a specification or at least a description of 
what you want your database-enabled information system to do.


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Re: getting started with mysql:

2005-08-24 Thread SGreen
Sérgio Júnior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/24/2005 05:43:33 

> Hello,
> I’ve never worked with mysql db’s and I would like to start a new 
Project at
> work creating a new mysql db. I start read but I got lost so many times 
> I am seeking guidance help, someon to tell me first start with this and
> after do that. Is anyone available to give some guidance at that level? 
> starting point and a following line of learning.
> Sérgio Júnior
What is your native language? What languages are you comfortable with? 
There are tutorials and quick start guides available in nearly every major 
language group. We just need to know where to send you for a bit of basic 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

getting started with mysql:

2005-08-24 Thread Sérgio Júnior


I’ve never worked with mysql db’s and I would like to start a new Project at
work creating a new mysql db. I start read but I got lost so many times that
I am seeking guidance help, someon to tell me first start with this and
after do that. Is anyone available to give some guidance at that level? Some
starting point and a following line of learning.



Sérgio Júnior


Getting Started with MySQL

2005-04-10 Thread Peter Smeaton
Help, please, for a beginner to mysql, but with a (long time ago) background 
in 'C'.

1. I can install and get running version 4.1.11-nt of mysql. I cannot ugrade 
this to version 5 - it simply will not install properly depite doing all the 
things it says in the documentation. I hope to use the feature of stored 
procedures, so this means I'm stuck.
2. I would also like to use the C API. However the version 4 is supposed to 
contain the C API, but all I can find is a .dll
Th .h files and a load of library files are in the version 5 (unzipped) but 
not in the version 4.

Please, can anyone offer some pointers, to get me going on this?
Peter Smeaton
Cheshire, UK
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Re: Getting started (using a mac)

2005-01-14 Thread Brent Baisley
Yes, you can deliver commands from the "terminal", kind of. But you 
have to be in the mysql command line client program.

PHP works through Apache and has commands to access MySQL and many 
other databases. You need to enable the PHP module in the Apache 
configuration file. But you should get at least a little comfortable 
with MySQL itself first. Be able to start/stop it, change the root 
password for MySQL, etc., since it needs to be running and you need to 
know a name and password to access it through PHP.

I got started with SAMS "PHP and MySQL Web Development". But for MySQL, 
I found New Riders "MySQL" by Paul DuBois extremely well written and 
helpful. You'll even see Paul chime in on this list from time to time.

On Jan 14, 2005, at 11:21 AM, Peter O'Brien wrote:
Hi I'm just getting started with PHP and MySQL.
I'm confused about from where I can deliver commands etc.  I'm working 
from a
mac OS X, can I do it from the 'Terminal' utility? Or do I need to 
something else, like PuTTY?

I've a fair idea on how to use PHP but it's combination with MySQL I'm 
it hard to find a definitive guide. I'd really appreciate if anyone 
recommend a really good book/source from which to learn?

Many thanks,

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Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search & Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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Re: Getting started (using a mac)

2005-01-14 Thread Scott Franks
Google is your friend...there are TONS of great sites and code snippets 
out there.

I bought several books and found that the web and google always had 
better info/articles/etc.

Scott Franks
On Jan 14, 2005, at 11:21 AM, Peter O'Brien wrote:
Hi I'm just getting started with PHP and MySQL.
I'm confused about from where I can deliver commands etc.  I'm working 
from a
mac OS X, can I do it from the 'Terminal' utility? Or do I need to 
something else, like PuTTY?

I've a fair idea on how to use PHP but it's combination with MySQL I'm 
it hard to find a definitive guide. I'd really appreciate if anyone 
recommend a really good book/source from which to learn?

Many thanks,

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Re: Getting started (using a mac)

2005-01-14 Thread Peter O'Brien
Hi I'm just getting started with PHP and MySQL.

I'm confused about from where I can deliver commands etc.  I'm working from a
mac OS X, can I do it from the 'Terminal' utility? Or do I need to install
something else, like PuTTY?

I've a fair idea on how to use PHP but it's combination with MySQL I'm finding
it hard to find a definitive guide. I'd really appreciate if anyone could
recommend a really good book/source from which to learn?

Many thanks,


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help getting started

2004-05-08 Thread sbraun
I have a number of databases, and associated web page files written for
the SmithMicro product WebDNA.
Basically it is a shopping cart program, but I am using it for database
driven dynamically produced web pages.
I need to convert my files to MySQL and use php web pages as the front
end for page display, adding & editing database content.
I have textbooks and various internet resources to help me with the
language and syntax of these two products,  but I need to have an
example of some working files that I can begin with.
Can anyone send me a db and associated files so that I can begin to see
how it all works?
Thank you very much for any assistance,
Steve Braun
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Re: Getting Started: Dreamweaver vs Passwords

2004-01-22 Thread David Blomstrom
(Note: I've been having trouble with Eudora; I can receive mail, but I 
often can't send e-mails. So I resubscribed to the MySQL list from my other 
e-mail address, 
but I haven't received any mail from the list here. Anyway, I haven't been 
able to get this message out, but here's another try!)

At 12:17 PM 1/22/2004, Patrick Shoaf wrote:

Once you've added a root passsword you'll need to add
this to the (assuming you're running
phpMyAdmin with conf option; the default behaviour)
then reconnect to phpMyAdmin
* * * * * * * * * *
OK, I found the file, along with a
tutorial at 

It's an installation tutorial, but it looks like it
can be applied to changing passwords, too.
So it looks like I need to do the following:

1. Access the phpMyAdmin program configuration file.
Are you referring to the page I get when I click
Privileges, which lists all users, then I click "Edit"
after Root/Local? It has a function named "Change
Password," but since I don't have a root password, I
would go to "Change Login Information," right?
If so, which of the four choices should I choose under
"Create a new user with the same privileges"? (I put a
screen shot online at; 
it's the
last picture on the page.)

2. Follow the following instructions

Change Login Information / Copy User

2) when changing the password for root, make sure you
have access to the phpMyAdmin program configuration
file.  You will need to set the new root password
there, or configure phpMyAdmin to ask for the
a. Create a password for User (Root), Host
(localhost). I'm using "holiday" as an example for my
b. Then open the file and change these
two lines...
$cfgServers[$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfgServers[$i]['password'] =''

$cfgServers[$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfgServers[$i]['password'] =''holiday
* * * * * * * * * *

However, there's apparently an alternative method,
that may be better. Would you recommend Plan 2
(above), or one of the following (http or cookie)?
Again, I'm the only administrator and user of MySQL on
my computer, but I'll be publishing websites to the
http or cookie authentication methods - These methods
are more secure, as your username and password are not
stored on the server in your configuration file.
To use either of these methods, find the first
occurrence of the following two lines in the file:
$cfgServers[$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfgServers[$i]['password'] =''
And change them to:

$cfgServers[$i]['user'] = '';
$cfgServers[$i]['password'] =''
Providing neither your password nor your username.
Next, locate the first occurrence of the following
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';

And change it to either

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';

3. Reload the Privileges. (This is sort of like
refreshing a page, and, if I'm not sure whether it
needs to be done, I can do it anyway, as many times as
I want, right?)
4. Do I need to restart my computer before the changes
will take effect?

Password are a very funny issue.  When adding users &
allowing access to databases & table, you have to be
very careful, as you found out, you can break things
Here are a few items to help you...
1) after adding a new user, on the privileges page,
try issuing a reload (very last line on the page has a
link).  You need to reload, flush, the users table to
make users visible to the world.
2) when changing the password for root, make sure you
have access to the phpMyAdmin program configuration
file.  You will need to set the new root password
there, or configure phpMyAdmin to ask for the
3) DreamWeaver will access the mySQL using root with
no password, but that is frowned on by all.  Anyone
would have full access to mySQL and be able to create
havoc for you.
4) If an ISP is hosting you MySQL data, then you will
be issued usernames/passwords to access MySQL, most
ISP's do not provide you a dedicated MySQL Server with
root access.

Re: Getting Started: Dreamweaver vs Passwords

2004-01-22 Thread Patrick Shoaf
At 02:57 PM 1/22/2004, David Blomstrom wrote:
I recently installed a preconfigured package with Apache, PHP and MySQL 
from "Apache Friends" (XAMPP). It seems to be a pretty slick package, and 
I got all three programs up and running without too much trouble. Now I'm 
beginning to learn about MySQL.

I finally got MySQL connected to Dreamweaver, but it was hardly a star effort.

I read a tutorial at, 
but it's really confusing. Another problem is that this tutorial requires 
you to create a password for the root user. I did that twice - once from 
the Windows Command Prompt, then through phpMyAdmin. Each time, it knocked 
out phpMyAdmin, and I had to reinstall everything from scratch. So I'm 
finished with the root password.
Password are a very funny issue.  When adding users & allowing access to 
databases & table, you have to be very careful, as you found out, you can 
break things quickly.

Here are a few items to help you...
1) after adding a new user, on the privileges page, try issuing a reload 
(very last line on the page has a link).  You need to reload, flush, the 
users table to make users visible to the world.
2) when changing the password for root, make sure you have access to the 
phpMyAdmin program configuration file.  You will need to set the new root 
password there, or configure phpMyAdmin to ask for the username/password.
3) DreamWeaver will access the mySQL using root with no password, but that 
is frowned on by all.  Anyone would have full access to mySQL and be able 
to create havoc for you.
4) If an ISP is hosting you MySQL data, then you will be issued 
usernames/passwords to access MySQL, most ISP's do not provide you a 
dedicated MySQL Server with root access.

Hope this helps some...

In fact, I've been unable to create a password for any existing user. 
Every time I try to connect as any existing user, I get the error message 
Access Denied - Using a Password (No); or Using a Password (Yes), 
depending on whether I type in a fictitious password.

I couldn't create a password until I created a new user, which I was 
finally able to connect to Dreamweaver. But if the "root" user controls 
everything, then will I eventually have to connect it to Dreamweaver? If 
so, is there a way to connect it without a password?

I'm not administering MySQL for other people. At the moment, I'm just 
using it on my computer. My websites are hosted by an ISP. I don't yet 
understand how MySQL works online, but it sounds like ISP's have a sort of 
master account, which any accounts I create will operate within, right? So 
if I create three new users named One, Two and Three, and publish them 
online, the Root user will be whatever the ISP set up?

My MySQL program is installed in the following folder: C:/xampp/mysql/

I put some screenshots from phpMyAdmin online at and

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Patrick J. Shoaf, Systems Engineer
Midmon Internet Services, LLC
100 Third Street
Charleroi, PA 15022
Phone: 724-483-2400 ext. 105
Fax:   724-489-4386

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Re: Getting Started: Dreamweaver vs Passwords

2004-01-22 Thread Steve Davies

Prompt, then through phpMyAdmin. Each time, it knocked out phpMyAdmin, 
and I had to reinstall everything from scratch. So I'm finished with 
the root password.

Once you've added a root passsword you'll need to add this to the (assuming you're running phpMyAdmin with conf option; the 
default behaviour) then reconnect to phpMyAdmin


Steve Davies

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Getting Started: Dreamweaver vs Passwords

2004-01-22 Thread David Blomstrom
I recently installed a preconfigured package with Apache, PHP and MySQL 
from "Apache Friends" (XAMPP). It seems to be a pretty slick package, and I 
got all three programs up and running without too much trouble. Now I'm 
beginning to learn about MySQL.

I finally got MySQL connected to Dreamweaver, but it was hardly a star effort.

I read a tutorial at, 
but it's really confusing. Another problem is that this tutorial requires 
you to create a password for the root user. I did that twice - once from 
the Windows Command Prompt, then through phpMyAdmin. Each time, it knocked 
out phpMyAdmin, and I had to reinstall everything from scratch. So I'm 
finished with the root password.

In fact, I've been unable to create a password for any existing user. Every 
time I try to connect as any existing user, I get the error message Access 
Denied - Using a Password (No); or Using a Password (Yes), depending on 
whether I type in a fictitious password.

I couldn't create a password until I created a new user, which I was 
finally able to connect to Dreamweaver. But if the "root" user controls 
everything, then will I eventually have to connect it to Dreamweaver? If 
so, is there a way to connect it without a password?

I'm not administering MySQL for other people. At the moment, I'm just using 
it on my computer. My websites are hosted by an ISP. I don't yet understand 
how MySQL works online, but it sounds like ISP's have a sort of master 
account, which any accounts I create will operate within, right? So if I 
create three new users named One, Two and Three, and publish them online, 
the Root user will be whatever the ISP set up?

My MySQL program is installed in the following folder: C:/xampp/mysql/

I put some screenshots from phpMyAdmin online at and

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getting started on a SQL project

2003-09-07 Thread Will Johnston
Hello, I'm new to SQL and trying to start out with a relatively simple
project. I'm hoping someone can give me a few tips on how to accomplish my

I want to have a table for registered users  reg_user (username, userID,
password, email, status)
I also want to have a table associated with each user for storing their
playing_cards (userID, cards)

I want to have a link between the reg_user and the playing_cards tables and
also have 'cards' be a dynamic array of playing cards which is updated and
retrieved regularly.

Can someone give me a simple outline of how I should get started with this?


Will Johnston

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Getting started (again)

2003-07-05 Thread David Wilson
Hi.  I'm a relative MySQL newbie.

A few weeks ago, I installed MySQL 4.0.13 on my WinXP Home box.
After some use, the system began to run very slowly, e.g, the login
box, start menu, and other apps were taking a few seconds to respond
to my mouse.  Rebooting did not solve the problem.

By trial and error, I pinpointed the problem to the MySQL daemon, so I
shut down the daemon and uninstalled MySQL so that my system would
respond after reboot, and this worked.

I would like to work through these issues, so I have reinstalled MySQL
4.0.13.  But I am back at square one, trying to set up the server.  I see
the mysqld-nt.exe daemon running, but I cannot connect.  When I try
"mysql -u root" or "mysql -u root -p" with my previous password, I get

ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

I guess I need some hand-holding again, I can't seem to get past this.

Thanks for your help.

new user needs help getting started

2003-04-03 Thread Thomas Mouser
I have two machines that I have installed red hat 8.0 on and with it
the mysql v 3.23.52. I have used admin and query tools to communicate
with both from a local machine using both localhost via unix socket and
via host name via tcp. When trying to communicate over the net from
a different machine using an account that is defined with a host of %
I get the same error on both everytime.
for example
mysqladmin: connect to server at 'prodwebsvr' failed
error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query'
the log shows the following in each example
Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 5625 - killed
030403 11:40:19  mysqld restarted
the same is true when I do a query
I'm sure there is a simple explanation but I have not found it.
I would appreciate any help.
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Getting Started

2003-03-20 Thread Tres Melton
Hello All,

My name is Tres and I'm an experienced programmer in C/C++ and trying
to learn to program some other languages better: currently Perl and the
Tk extension set for Perl.  I'm also new to relational databases.  I
have usually gotten frustrated with the complexity of them and written
my own into whatever program that needed one.  This has always worked
out for me in the past but I am now looking at creating a data set that
will be used and accessed by many programs.  If I were to write my own I
would have to have access methods for it in many languages and any
tweaks would require a special program to change the database and then a
rebuild of every program that accessed it.  The obvious solution is to
use a relational database.  Seeing as this is going to be a complex
learning experience I'm preparing myself for the task of writing many
programs with the usefulness of "hello world" in an attempt to figure
this all out.

My question to the group is:  what resources are available on the web
for learning relational database programming using MySQL and Perl or C? 
I'm looking for something heavy on code examples, preferably that can be
cut and pasted into an editor and then tweaked to learn.  I've already
gotten past the problem of creating a table and filling it with data. 
Now what I want to do is search some of the non-key fields for
duplicates.  I'm not asking for code snippets as I like to do my own
work.  What I'm asking for is tutorials and simple programs.  An address
book program would be a good start especially if it came with different
versions that had additional functionality.  Filtering out everybody
except those from Colorado.  Do you even need a key field in a
database?  How would you handle a key field in a database that may have
multiple phone numbers (it is the only field that is guaranteed to be
unique).  Some people may not give you there home phone numbers. 
Multiple employees of the same company might have the same phone number
that differs only by extension.  One of the things that I'm very
interested in is handling duplicates.  Mr. Robert Smith and your friend
Bob may in fact be the same person, to verify that the other fields
should be checked.  If they contain almost the same data then they are
probably the same person and should be combined.

I'm actually trying to write a program that sorts through images
looking for duplicates based on their MD5's first and then a byte for
byte compare to confirm that they are indeed duplicates.  We have a
digital camera and it seems that we have many file duplicates on the
system.  Although they are uniquely named when they come off of the
camera they tend to get renamed and put in different directories. 
Copies then end up on the web server, they get emailed back and forth,
and all kinds of things happen to create multiple copies of the files. 
A SUID program takes them from the camera and places them in a directory
that is accessible to the entire family but they don't have delete
privileges on the directory.  Many users might make a copy of the image
in their directories and I'm trying to find the duplicates.  I can't use
the filenames because they always seem to be different.  My program
recursively scans a directory and adds the files to a table.  It adds
the file names, the directory, the time and date stamps, and the MD5's
of the files.  It can be run against the various home directories of my
users, the root of the camera's picture directory,  and the www server's
root document directory.  All of that works now.  What I need to do is
figure out how to look through the table of data for matching MD5's and
then compare the files to see if they are truly identical.  Then I need
to replace many of the duplicate files with links.  I can't have links
pointing into a users home directory as file permissions would prevent
others from accessing the images.  It seems logical that everybody have
links in their directory to the images in the camera directory until you
think about the web server which can't follow links outside of the
document tree.  I can figure out all of that logic; what I need to learn
how to do is search for the duplicate files in the database.  Then in
the future I need to check the new files as they are added to see if
they are duplicates.  This actually seems easier than teaching everybody
how to use symbolic links and which direction that they can go.

This whole program is an exercise in learning MySQL more than it is
removing a few hundred MB from a 120GB hard drive.  Any links, example
programs, and help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time,


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Re: trouble getting started under OS X 10.2.3

2003-01-17 Thread Scott Haneda
on 01/17/2003 9:25 AM, gerald_clark at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> I tried installing mySql on OS X 10.2.3, following the instructions at
>> .  I wanted to set a
>> password for the MySQL root user , so I typed:

There apparently is a problem with the entropy installer where MySql will
break under 10.2.3 and Mark who makes the installer will not be back from
somewhere for a few months, I would suggest the binary from the MySql site,
it is not that hard, the instructions seem pretty clear to me.

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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Re: trouble getting started under OS X 10.2.3

2003-01-17 Thread gerald_clark

Jeff Spivack wrote:


I tried installing mySql on OS X 10.2.3, following the instructions at .  I wanted to set a 
password for the MySQL root user , so I typed:

./bin/mysqladmin -u root  password 'new-password' (with, of course, a 
password in place of 'new password'

I got the following error:

./bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' 

I figured the daemon wasn't yet running, so I tried to start it up with

\localhost:/usr/local/mysql] jspivack% cd . ; ./bin/safe_mysqld & 

Why would you cd to the current directory?

and I got the following error messages:

[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] jspivack% touch: 
/usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied
chown: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: No such file or directory
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
./bin/safe_mysqld: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied
./bin/safe_mysqld: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied
tee: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied
030117 16:19:58  mysqld ended
tee: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied

I also tried

sudo ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &

that gave me a password prompt, but when i enter my administrator 
password, I get a "command not found" error.

any idea what I'm doing wrong here???  thanks for the help... 

sudo is asking for the system root password, not administrator password.





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iBook 700, OS X 10.2.3
System: Darwin localhost 6.3 Darwin Kernel Version 6.3: Sat Dec 14 
03:11:25 PST\
 2002; root:xnu/xnu-344.23.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh powerpc

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl

Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-DHAVE_BROKEN_REALPATH -lncurses' 

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  15 Dec 20 15:35 /usr/lib/libc.dylib -> 
Configure command: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql 
ocal/mysql/data --libdir=/usr/local/mysql/lib 
lude --with-named-z-libs=/usr/local/libz.a --with-innodb 
--with-server-suffix=-\ --with-comment= 
ysqld-user=mysql --enable-assembler 'CFLAGS=-DHAVE_BROKEN_REALPATH 
-lncurses' '\

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trouble getting started under OS X 10.2.3

2003-01-17 Thread Jeff Spivack

I tried installing mySql on OS X 10.2.3, following the instructions 
at .  I wanted to set a 
password for the MySQL root user , so I typed:

./bin/mysqladmin -u root  password 'new-password' (with, of course, a 
password in place of 'new password'

I got the following error:

./bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' exists!

I figured the daemon wasn't yet running, so I tried to start it up with

\localhost:/usr/local/mysql] jspivack% cd . ; ./bin/safe_mysqld &

and I got the following error messages:

[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] jspivack% touch: 
/usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied
chown: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: No such file or directory
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
./bin/safe_mysqld: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied
./bin/safe_mysqld: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied
tee: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied
030117 16:19:58  mysqld ended
tee: /usr/local/mysql/data/localhost.err: Permission denied

I also tried

sudo ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &

that gave me a password prompt, but when i enter my administrator 
password, I get a "command not found" error.

any idea what I'm doing wrong here???  thanks for the help...





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Class: support


iBook 700, OS X 10.2.3
System: Darwin localhost 6.3 Darwin Kernel Version 6.3: Sat Dec 14 
03:11:25 PST\
 2002; root:xnu/xnu-344.23.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh powerpc

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl

Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-DHAVE_BROKEN_REALPATH -lncurses' 

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  15 Dec 20 15:35 /usr/lib/libc.dylib -> 
Configure command: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql 
ocal/mysql/data --libdir=/usr/local/mysql/lib 
lude --with-named-z-libs=/usr/local/libz.a --with-innodb 
--with-comment= --with-m\
ysqld-user=mysql --enable-assembler 'CFLAGS=-DHAVE_BROKEN_REALPATH 
-lncurses' '\

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Re: MYSQL + ASP Getting Started

2003-01-04 Thread Bill Lovett
If you're asking what I think you're asking, no. You can't store your 
MySQL queries the way you can with Access or SQLServer (views/stored 
procedures). Your ASP scripts have to build the queries they need by 


John Berman wrote:

I have on line access databases and I query them using ASP - I often
create the initial in the access dbase and then use asp on the query and
again this method works well.

I have recently upgrade the database format to mysql but am still using
ASP which I assume is ok ?

Can I create queries within the MYSQL dbase and then use ASP to query
them (hope this makes sense)

Im using mySQL Front to interface with the dbase (is this the best
graphical interface) and I can create queries on the fly but cant save
them  - well only locally in text files I had hoped to save them in a
similar way to views in SQL


John B

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RE: MYSQL + ASP Getting Started

2003-01-04 Thread John Berman

I have on line access databases and I query them using ASP - I often
create the initial in the access dbase and then use asp on the query and
again this method works well.

I have recently upgrade the database format to mysql but am still using
ASP which I assume is ok ?

Can I create queries within the MYSQL dbase and then use ASP to query
them (hope this makes sense)

Im using mySQL Front to interface with the dbase (is this the best
graphical interface) and I can create queries on the fly but cant save
them  - well only locally in text files I had hoped to save them in a
similar way to views in SQL


John B

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RE: RE: Getting started - mysql.sock error

2002-10-15 Thread George Pitcher


> Run
>ps ax | grep mysqld
> to see if mysqld is already running.

This returns '11276 pts/1S  0:00 grep mysql'

I have checked and cannot find mysql.sock anywhere.



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re: RE: Getting started - mysql.sock error

2002-10-15 Thread Egor Egorov

Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 5:09:47 PM, you wrote:

GP> Its slightly difficult doing it exactly as my email is on my W2K laptop -
GP> but here goes:

GP> error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
GP> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)'
GP> Check that mysqld is running and that the socket:
GP> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' exists!

GP> If I run mysqld, I get an error:

GP> Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
GP> Do you already have another mysqld server running on socket:
GP> /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ?


   ps ax | grep mysqld

to see if mysqld is already running.

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RE: Getting started - mysql.sock error

2002-10-15 Thread George Pitcher


Its slightly difficult doing it exactly as my email is on my W2K laptop -
but here goes:

error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket:
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' exists!

If I run mysqld, I get an error:

Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
Do you already have another mysqld server running on socket:
/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ?

Please un-stump me.



> -Original Message-
> From: Ed Carp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 15 October 2002 1:31 pm
> To: George Pitcher; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Getting started - mysql.sock error
> > When I try to do anything I get an error saying that the
> 'mysql.sock' could
> > not be found.
> Actually, you probably got a more detailed error message than
> this.  Try posting the entire error message - I promise you that would
> be more useful ;)
> > I remember that this has been a regular chestnut but can't find any
> > solutions in the archive or elsewhere.
> Look harder, grasshopper ;)
> > If I download and install the v4 RPMs will that cure it?
> How would that help?  Think about it logically.
> The quick answer to your question is create a soft link from
> where the mysql.sock file is to where it expects it to be.  Since you
> didn't post the entire error message, it's not possible to be
> more specific, but you might try looking in /tmp and /var/lib/mysql.

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re: Getting started - mysql.sock error

2002-10-15 Thread Egor Egorov

Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 2:55:14 PM, you wrote:

GP> Iam back on this list after being diverted by job change - moving house etc.

GP> I've just set up one of my machines with Mandrake 9.0 and went for the
GP> included MySQL install (3.23).

GP> When I try to do anything I get an error saying that the 'mysql.sock' could
GP> not be found.

Is MySQL server running?

GP> I remember that this has been a regular chestnut but can't find any
GP> solutions in the archive or elsewhere.

GP> Any clues?

GP> If I download and install the v4 RPMs will that cure it?

For technical support contracts, goto
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 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Getting started - mysql.sock error

2002-10-15 Thread George Pitcher


Iam back on this list after being diverted by job change - moving house etc.

I've just set up one of my machines with Mandrake 9.0 and went for the
included MySQL install (3.23).

When I try to do anything I get an error saying that the 'mysql.sock' could
not be found.

I remember that this has been a regular chestnut but can't find any
solutions in the archive or elsewhere.

Any clues?

If I download and install the v4 RPMs will that cure it?

So far I haven't touched MySQL on this Linux box so no seeting should be



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RE: getting started ....

2002-08-19 Thread Tam, Michael

Try the sun site -
I believe there are tutorials for JDBC.


-Original Message-
From: john greene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 10:28 AM
Subject: getting started 

i need help with getting started with mysql

i am a java programmer but have not done any database
stuff. i assume that mysql can be a good db to start
with java database programming ie jdbc stuff.

would you also say that mysql would be a good db to
start and learn with jdbc ? can some one let me know
some getting started java applications (with source
code) that i could learn from, tweak them etc etc..

any other info, links etc would be greatly


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getting started ....

2002-08-19 Thread john greene

i need help with getting started with mysql

i am a java programmer but have not done any database
stuff. i assume that mysql can be a good db to start
with java database programming ie jdbc stuff.

would you also say that mysql would be a good db to
start and learn with jdbc ? can some one let me know
some getting started java applications (with source
code) that i could learn from, tweak them etc etc..

any other info, links etc would be greatly


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FW: trouble getting started

2002-08-03 Thread glyn


Installed Mysql (from to c:\mysql on my pc
(running Windows XP Professional)

Started Apache (1.3.20) that I got with mod_perl  . runs ok (can do perl
scripts on it ok)

Tried to execute c:\mysql\bin>mysqld
(as in the manual)
after about 5 seconds, comes back with normal prompt i.e.

but any mysql command entered, i.e. mysql test is responded with:
ERROR 2003:Can’t connect to MySQL  server on ‘localhost’ (10061)

I’ve obviously missed something basic, please help

Thanks in advance


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2002-03-15 Thread Georg Richter

On Friday, 15. March 2002 09:32, Sammy Lau wrote:

> > 2. How to check if mysql server is up ?
> [Sammy] trying to connect the mysqlserver is the best way to do the job.

Try: ps -ax | grep mysqld
or mysqladmin ping



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2002-03-15 Thread Sammy Lau

"Suresh R. Soni" wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have good Sybase experience and I have installed
> MySQL in a Linux box. Can u please answer my following
> queries:
[Sammy] I like Sybase very much as well. =)

> 1. When I run safe_mysqld I get "Starting mysqld
> daemon with database from /var/lib/mysql 020314
> 17:00:01 mysqld ended" do this   mean   a successfull
> start or failure ?
[Sammy] it is a failed startup. for a succesful startup, you should see:
020117 08:05:22  mysqld started
/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

> 2. How to check if mysql server is up ?
[Sammy] trying to connect the mysqlserver is the best way to do the job.

> 3. Is there any startup log-file generated (Sybase
> generates one ).
[Sammy] yes. the path is specified in /etc/my.cnf


> 4. Is there any default user created when the mysql is
> installed ( in saybase it sa with null password)
[Sammy] AFAIK, only 'root' is there.

I hope this will help.

Sammy Lau
- Tell me what you want and I'll tell you how you can live without it.

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2002-03-14 Thread Suresh R. Soni

Hi All,
I have good Sybase experience and I have installed
MySQL in a Linux box. Can u please answer my following
1. When I run safe_mysqld I get "Starting mysqld
daemon with database from /var/lib/mysql 020314
17:00:01 mysqld ended" do this   mean   a successfull
start or failure ?
2. How to check if mysql server is up ? 
3. Is there any startup log-file generated (Sybase
generates one ).
4. Is there any default user created when the mysql is
installed ( in saybase it sa with null password)

I choose to ask you because I found a lot of mail from
you so I think you are already using it !!

Suuresh R. Soni

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Re: AW: MySQL 3.23.47 on MacOSX 10.1.2: Could someone help me getting started

2002-01-31 Thread Helmuth Lutz


my Server is up and running! It was at least the "&" at the line's end.

Many thanks to you, Egor and Michael and all who helped. It was nice 
working with you.


PS.: -> stop the server (control-Z) did not work, but killing within 
another terminal window did.
Am Mittwoch den, 30. Januar 2002, um 17:19, schrieb Paul DuBois:

> At 9:57 +0100 1/30/02, Lutz, Helmuth wrote:
>> Paul,
>>> Okay, then try adding the --user=mysql option to the command.
>> I killed the server (kill -9) and brought it back up with -Sg 
>> --user=mysql:
>> The result:
>> [localhost:/usr/local/mysql] root# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld -Sg
>> --user=mysql
> Okay, here I forgot something. You need a & on the end of the command
> to start the server in the background.
> To solve your problem below, open a new window and run mysql to connect
> to the server *or* stop the server (control-Z) and resume it in the 
> background
> (Use "bg"), then run mysql to connect.
> The UPDATE statement that you pasted in is being ignored.  You should 
> issue
> it from within the mysql program.
>> ---> Here came some hints
>> Cannot initialize InnoDB as 'innidb_data_file_path' is not set.
>> If you do not want to use transactional InnoDB tables, add a line
>> skip-innodb
>> to the [mysqld] section of init parameters in your my.conf
>> or my.ini. If you want to use InnoDB tables, add for example,
>> innodb_data_file_path = /mysql/data/ibdata1:20M
>> But to get good performance 
>> --->end hint and this line
>> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections
>> This looks nice I think
>> but then I made this mistake:
>> I copy and pasted 2 lines to the terminal (instead of writing them)
>> and had the cursor in the 3rd line. I tried to escape without success.
>> ---> My page looks like this:
>> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections
>> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new-password')
>> WHERE User='root' AND Host='localhost';
>> exit
>> exit;
>> quit;
>> stop;
>> mysqld test;
>>   <-- here is the cursor
>> ---> end of my page
>> 1)How can I escape?
>> 2) would it have been ok if I had used following line at this point?
>> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('myNewPassword') WHERE User='root' 
>> AND
>> Host='localhost';
>>> Thanks, Helmuth
>> -
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AW: MySQL 3.23.47 on MacOSX 10.1.2: Could someone help me getting started

2002-01-30 Thread Lutz, Helmuth


>Okay, then try adding the --user=mysql option to the command.

I killed the server (kill -9) and brought it back up with -Sg --user=mysql:

The result:
[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] root# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld -Sg
---> Here came some hints
Cannot initialize InnoDB as 'innidb_data_file_path' is not set.
If you do not want to use transactional InnoDB tables, add a line
to the [mysqld] section of init parameters in your my.conf
or my.ini. If you want to use InnoDB tables, add for example,
innodb_data_file_path = /mysql/data/ibdata1:20M
But to get good performance  
--->end hint and this line
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections

This looks nice I think

but then I made this mistake:
I copy and pasted 2 lines to the terminal (instead of writing them)
and had the cursor in the 3rd line. I tried to escape without success.

---> My page looks like this:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections
UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new-password') 
WHERE User='root' AND Host='localhost';

mysqld test;
  <-- here is the cursor

---> end of my page

1)How can I escape? 
2) would it have been ok if I had used following line at this point?
UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('myNewPassword') WHERE User='root' AND

>Thanks, Helmuth

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AW: MySQL 3.23.47 on MacOSX 10.1.2: Could someone help me getting started

2002-01-29 Thread Lutz, Helmuth

I do not know why, but it did not work. Please see yourself:
This lines I could not copy and paste because the results are on a not
connected Mac and this is a windows machine. So I had to write it by hand
(- but looked 2 times at the text)

Your example:
>% ps ax | grep mysql
>   251  ??  S  0:00.08 sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld
>   287  ??  S  0:01.65 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
>Figure out where mysqld is installed (for me, that's
>/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld) and invoke it like this (either as
>root or as the login account used to run the server):
>% /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld -Sg

---> mysqld is listed in /usr/local/mysql/bin.

My results:
[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] hlutz% ps ax | grep mysql
   255  ??  S  0:00.17 sh ./bin/safe_mysqld
   298  ??  S  0:01.09 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld
   358  ??  S+ 0:00.01 grep mysql
---> I ran it a second time to explore:
[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] hlutz% ps ax | grep mysql
   255  ??  S  0:00.17 sh ./bin/safe_mysqld
   298  ??  S  0:01.09 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld
   358  ??  R+ 0:00.00 grep mysql
[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] hlutz% su root
[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] root# kill -9 255 298
[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] root# cd
> I do not know why I changed the directory 
> but I think it should not be the problem
[localhost:~] root# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld -Sg
Fatal error: Please read "security" section of the manual to find out how
to run mysqld as root!
020129 18:45:15  Aborting

020129 18:45:15  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

> I changed the user and ran it a second time to explore:
[localhost:~] root# su hlutz
[localhost:~] hlutz% cd /usr/local/mysql
[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] hlutz% /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld -Sg
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Can't change dir to
'/usr/local/mysql-3.23.46/data/' (Errcode: 13)
> I think it was wrong when I spoke of 3.23.47 in the mail-reference
020129 18:47:31  Aborting

020129 18:47:31  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

[localhost:/usr/local/mysql] hlutz%
> stopped here because it seems not to work properly.

Can there be anything with the user "mysql" and the group "mysql" which I
created with the NetInfo Manager? I can not login within the terminal as
user mysql (% su mysql). A password is wanted, but I did not set one on OSX

Can there be anything with accessrights because all files in
/usr/local/mysql belong to the group mysql and user mysql and not partly to
root (and wheel before - whatever user wheel is). 

Thanks, Helmuth

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Re: MySQL 3.23.47 on MacOSX 10.1.2: Could someone help me getting started

2002-01-29 Thread Paul DuBois

At 16:25 +0100 1/29/02, Lutz, Helmuth wrote:
>thanks for answering. Because of my job I have to succeed this
>correspondence from within another location and machine.
>Could you please give some more explaination to a bloody guy to Unix and
>the terminal like me:
>>Kill the server (kill -9), bring it back up with -S (skip grant tables)
>>so that you can reset the root password:
>This is Unix I understand. Should the line look like this:
>[hlutz:/usr/local/mysql] hlutz% kill -9

Not quite.  You must specify a process id (PID).  Use ps and grep to find
the MySQL processes.  For example:

% ps ax | grep mysql
   251  ??  S  0:00.08 sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld
   287  ??  S  0:01.65 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld

This tells me that I need to kill processes 251 and 287.  (If you only
kill mysqld, safe_mysqld will probably just start up a new one.)  So the
kill command looks like this, for the PIDs shown above:

% kill -9 251 287

You'll need to run this command either as root (who can kill anything) or
else as the login account used to run the server.

>How to "bring it back with -S (skip grant tables)" ???

Figure out where mysqld is installed (for me, that's
/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld) and invoke it like this (either as
root or as the login account used to run the server):

% /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld -Sg

(As someone else pointed out, the option is -Sg, not just -S.)

>>UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new-password')
>>WHERE User='root' AND Host='localhost';
>Is this MySQL. Are this 3 lines 2 commands (because every MySQL command
>ends with a ";")

Yes, two SQL statements.  Connect to the server (you don't need any
user name or password at this point) to use the mysql database:

% mysql mysql

>Should the lines look like this:
>[hlutz:/usr/local/mysql] hlutz% UPDATE user SET
>Password=PASSWORD('new-password') WHERE User='root' AND Host='localhost';
>...MySQL message comes here
>[hlutz:/usr/local/mysql] hlutz% FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
>...MySQL message comes here

Run those statements from mysql.

Then quit mysql and shut down the server:

% mysqladmin -p -u root shutdown
Enter password:   <- enter your new password here

Then restart the server however you normally start it.

>Thanks, Helmuth

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Re: Getting Started

2001-11-20 Thread Arjen G. Lentz

Hi Dan,

- Original Message -
From: "Dan Buckner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am trying to get MySQL 3.22 (off a CD from a manual) running on Windows
> 98.  I have installed it on my C drive and am trying to run the following
> command from DOS:
> c:\mysql\bin>mysqld --standalone
> I can get to the mysql\bin directory, but when I type the
> mysqld --standalone, I get a Bad Command or file name error.
> Any suggestions on how I resolve this problem and continue??

Well the bin directory should contain a mysqld.exe, but you don't report
whether you've verified this.

Anyway, if you're only just starting out, I would suggest you grab the latest
3.23 or 4.0 version via and start with that. Follow the
instructions of the manual included with that version, or online at
No sense in starting out with such an old version


MySQL Training Worldwide,
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Arjen G. Lentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Getting Started

2001-11-20 Thread Dan Buckner

I am trying to get MySQL 3.22 (off a CD from a manual) running on Windows
98.  I have installed it on my C drive and am trying to run the following
command from DOS:

c:\mysql\bin>mysqld --standalone

I can get to the mysql\bin directory, but when I type the
mysqld --standalone, I get a Bad Command or file name error.  Any
suggestions on how I resolve this problem and continue??


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Re: getting started...the hardest part

2001-04-19 Thread Brendan Pratt

Hi Matthew,

- Original Message -
From: "Matthew P. Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You've got a long way to go. "tar" is short for tape archive. It is an
> ancient unix utility that takes directory and file data and builds it into
> contiguous data base file. This is for portability and manageability. You
> have to get past "gzip" before you get to "tar". gzip is a gnu compression
> utility. The mysql tarball is tar'd and gzip'd so one normally has to;
> gzip -d mysql.tar.gz
> tar -xvf mysql.tar

What's wrong with doing :-

tar -zxvf mysql.tar.gz


Just about all the later tar's work fine like this, and it save doing the
two step. ;)

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Re: getting started...the hardest part

2001-04-18 Thread Duncan Watson


Take a look at  Go to their Downloading/Installation
section (left panel) and grab the pkg-get script.  Use pkgadd to install
it.  (as root: pkgadd -d  BOLTpget.pkg ).  Then add /usr/local/bin to your
path. (PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin; export PATH)  

Use pkg-get to get all sorts of good utilities:
pkg-get update #lots of instructions to follow
pkg-get install gcc # needed to compile anything
pkg-get install tar # absolutely necessary
pkg-get install autoconf # useful
pkg-get install bash #for sanity
pkg-get install flex # if tools you are building require it
pkg-get install bison # needed if you are building apache
pkg-get install make # absolutely necessary
pkg-get install less # helpful
pkg-get install perl # most likely
pkg-get install zlib # necessary if you want openssl
pkg-get install bzip2 # good tool to have

Now you will have to tools to build apache, mod-ssl, openssl and I just
used the binary of mysql.


On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 02:25:15PM -0400, Matthew P. Marino wrote:
> You've got a long way to go. "tar" is short for tape archive. It is
> an ancient unix utility that takes directory and file data and builds it
> into a contiguous data base file. This is for portability and
> manageability. You should have to get past "gzip" before you get to
> "tar". gzip is a gnu compression utility. The mysql tarball is tar'd and
> gzip'd so one normally has to;
> gzip -d mysql.tar.gz tar -xvf mysql.tar
> That leaves you with a directory you need to enter and "make install".
> Read the INSTALL and README files. They'll get you through it OK. The
> reason for GNU TAR is that the Solaris "tar" has a 128 charachter path
> limit to filenames. I think MySQL exceeds that with the windows32 stuff.
> Warning! Solaris has a number of other problems out of the box. The
> "cc" compiler is bad, as is the "ld" or linker libraries. If your serious
> about using open source software you'd be best to go to and
> get;
> gzip bin utilities make tar gcc
> Your best off to compile and install them so they are custom to your
> current solaris' environment. It goes something like;
> gzip -d whatever.tar.gz tar -xvf whatever.tar cd whatever ./configure
> make make install 
> Compile and install all of these, add /usr/local/bin to your path;
> PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/lib export PATH
> You are then "in the ball park". It's a tough haul. The solaris 2.8 CD
> has a lot of these gnu utilities pre-compiled for Solaris. These can help
> but the practice of compiling and installing the minor support libs can
> set you up better for the big installs. If solaris wasn't such a rock
> solid OS on rock solid hardware I'd recommend setting up FreeBSD on an
> old intel box. It's easier but not as robust as freeBSD's development
> environment is "GNU/BSD" centric as are most open source efforts.
> Simon Chan wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Everybody!
> > 
> > Just starting to teach myself MySql and databases.  I have the O'Reilly
> > books on Perl DBI and Mysql, msql.
> > 
> > My question is this:
> > 
> > I am trying to install mysql on sparc sun solaris 2.7 machine.  I found
> > a binary version in the downloads page of (is is called Sun
> > Solaris (Sparc)[sun-soalris2.7-sparc] )
> > 
> > what exactly is the "GNU Tar" command?  How do I install mysql with it?
> > 
> > Any help would be much appreciated.  Many thanks everybody!
> > 
> > Sincerely, Simon Chan

Duncan Watson Application Engineer
[For best reading adjust your window width to the length of this line -djw]

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Re: getting started...the hardest part

2001-04-18 Thread Matthew P. Marino

You've got a long way to go. "tar" is short for tape archive. It is an
ancient unix utility that takes directory and file data and builds it into a
contiguous data base file. This is for portability and manageability. You should
have to get past "gzip" before you get to "tar". gzip is a gnu compression
utility. The mysql tarball is tar'd and gzip'd so one normally has to;

gzip -d mysql.tar.gz
tar -xvf mysql.tar

That leaves you with a directory you need to enter and "make install". Read the
INSTALL and README files. They'll get you through it OK. The reason for GNU TAR
is that the Solaris "tar" has a 128 charachter path limit to filenames. I think
MySQL exceeds that with the windows32 stuff. Warning! Solaris has a number
of other problems out of the box. The "cc" compiler is bad, as is the "ld" or
linker libraries. If your serious about using open source software you'd be best
to go to and get;

bin utilities

Your best off to compile and install them so they are custom to your current
solaris' environment. It goes something like;

gzip -d whatever.tar.gz
tar -xvf whatever.tar
cd whatever
make install 

Compile and install all of these, add /usr/local/bin to your path;

export PATH

You are then "in the ball park". It's a tough haul. The solaris 2.8 CD has a lot
of these gnu utilities pre-compiled for Solaris. These can help but the practice
of compiling and installing the minor support libs can set you up better for the
big installs. If solaris wasn't such a rock solid OS on rock solid hardware I'd
recommend setting up FreeBSD on an old intel box. It's easier but not as robust
as freeBSD's development environment is "GNU/BSD" centric as are most open
source efforts.

Simon Chan wrote:
> Hi Everybody!
> Just starting to teach myself MySql and databases.
> I have the O'Reilly books on Perl DBI and Mysql, msql.
> My question is this:
> I am trying to install mysql on sparc sun solaris 2.7
> machine.  I found a binary version in the downloads
> page of (is is called Sun Solaris
> (Sparc)[sun-soalris2.7-sparc] )
> what exactly is the "GNU Tar" command?  How do I
> install mysql with it?
> Any help would be much appreciated.  Many thanks
> everybody!
> Sincerely,
> Simon Chan
> __
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RE: getting started...the hardest part

2001-04-18 Thread Ravi Raman


"GNU `tar' saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and
can restore individual files from the archive."

gnu tar differs from the sun version of tar that comes with solaris.
type tar --help to see which tar you have.
if you need the gnu version, you can get it from


-Original Message-
From: Simon Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 12:48 PM
Subject: getting started...the hardest part

Hi Everybody!

Just starting to teach myself MySql and databases.
I have the O'Reilly books on Perl DBI and Mysql, msql.

My question is this:

I am trying to install mysql on sparc sun solaris 2.7
machine.  I found a binary version in the downloads
page of (is is called Sun Solaris
(Sparc)[sun-soalris2.7-sparc] )

what exactly is the "GNU Tar" command?  How do I
install mysql with it?

Any help would be much appreciated.  Many thanks

Simon Chan

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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getting started...the hardest part

2001-04-18 Thread Simon Chan

Hi Everybody!

Just starting to teach myself MySql and databases.
I have the O'Reilly books on Perl DBI and Mysql, msql.

My question is this:

I am trying to install mysql on sparc sun solaris 2.7
machine.  I found a binary version in the downloads
page of (is is called Sun Solaris
(Sparc)[sun-soalris2.7-sparc] )

what exactly is the "GNU Tar" command?  How do I
install mysql with it?

Any help would be much appreciated.  Many thanks

Simon Chan

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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Re: Getting started

2001-04-04 Thread Sinisa Milivojevic

Dillon, John writes:
 > Statically Compiled MySQLGUI 1.7.4 
 > I need to know whether I have to compile or do anything else with the above other 
 >than download and unzip it.  When I do that (into c:\mysql\ directory) the file 
 >mysqlgui is not an application file so
 > I don't know how to get started.  (Operating systemt is Windows NT)
 > John


Please download windows and not Linux version, unzip it  and follow
instructions that you will find in the accompanying README file.



    __ _   _  ___ ==  MySQL AB
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Getting started

2001-04-04 Thread Dillon, John

Statically Compiled MySQLGUI 1.7.4 

I need to know whether I have to compile or do anything else with the above other than 
download and unzip it.  When I do that (into c:\mysql\ directory) the file mysqlgui is 
not an application file so
I don't know how to get started.  (Operating systemt is Windows NT)


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